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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtra repro'^uit en un seul clichi, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en pranant le nombre d'images n^cassaire. diagrammes suivants illustrent ia m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •'r* iji 11 1^ i^i^^'x,^'^ o^X^^/Z/\ ff./^/^ ^0<^O(^ ■Mi / * / vn \ 1 w iirds 2 Londo POl PART Elec }|3 8G Arc 41 Aitc 91 Arc 72 Ada 44 Bro 116 Bra 93 Cra\ 97 Oo> % 16 17 19 48 58 13 116 Con Con Con Out] Cad Crai Che / VOTERS' LIST. 1888. / .>o^cK. MUNICIPALITY OP THE VILLAGE OP WARDSVILLE. Schedule of Post Offices. 1 Wardsville 2 London 3 Kewbury 4 Gleiiiioe 6 Chatham 6 Morrisburg 7 Windsor 8 Wallixceburij POLLING DIVISION'"The whole of the Village of Wardsville. PART 1.— Persons entitled to vote at botin Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. ' c — >' 03 t~\ Owner, — i^ Name. s Lot. Ccmcession or Street, occup'nt, O "-i &o. P- 8G Archer, Robert 122 to 124 west Hagarty owner 1 4i Aitchison, Ebenezer J 3,4,5 and other east Queen premises owner 1 91 Archer, Henry R. 17 west Hagarcy owner 3 Vli Adair, Joseph pt 17 and 19 and other east Hagarty [.remisea owner 1 44 Brown, Siumiel j e hf 15 north Main owner 1 lio Brake, John 31 and 32 north Hannah owner 1 93 Crawford, Alex. 51 and 52 west Hagarty owner 1 9/ Ooj^ne, John j 20, 21 and 22 e Hag'y & s Main owner 5 lb Cornell, George w I'f of 2 north Main owner 1 17 and other premises Cornell, Ben. 34 north Main owner 1 and other premises 19 Corneil, William 1 and 2 / y- and otlM" 12 and 13 f south Church premises owner 1 48 Outhber*:, Alex. south Main occupant \ b8 Cady, Jolm H. .1 16 south Main owner 1 13 Crandell. Hiram t)f, .if 1, 2 and 3. north M!riir^ occn n jiTi h 1 116 Cheney, George #* 31 and 32 * north Hannah occupant 1 2 . o _ 34 15 3 6 7 11 77 121 46 63 54 104 36 81 8 9 *96 118 12 25 101 VOTERS* LIST, 1888~VILLAGE OF WAKDSVILLE. Name. Dufton, E. T. Depew, Peter Dykes, WilUam Davis, Elijah Davis, Frank Depew, J. D. Lot English, Thoma» Everingham, Jas. Concession or Street. Frickelton, Jas. E. Frickelton, W. D. Francis, Daniel Fair, Alexander Glendenning, Lome Gordon, George Gibb, Singleton Gunn, D. G. Glendenning, John Glendenniu'/, Oscar Gardener, Howard Govdon, Tho8. S. Green, George 73 103 108 109 110 78 71 56 43 30 33 111 83 .99 Howes, R. K. Henderson, William Henderson, Henry Henderson, Edev E. Henderson, John C. Henderson, Walter Hamreond, Chas. Hall, Thos. Harrington, J. T. Heath, John Heath, Thos. Henderson, Frank Jell, Horatio Jackson, Jas. Bptll pt3 pt 15 16 15 1 r n, s pt a h£ 15 ptlO 62 and 53 north Main north Main south Main '>uth Main south Main north Main east Hagarty north Amy 17 4 and 5 4 and 5 39,40 and other and other north Main premises east O'Mara eaat O'Mai t west Hagarty prumiseii whfoflSand 19 w hf of 8 hf of 1 5 w hf of 8 hf of 15 29 and pt 30 36, 37 aid 38 15,16 and other 8 and 9 1, 2 and 3 east Queen north Main north Main north Main east Davis north Hannah south Main premises north Church north Main 18 I and other 41, pt 40 and other .1 and other 17 17 17 1,2 and other pt 18 and 19 I, 2 and 3 13 ar.d 14 Hnd other 8, 9 and 10 ptlO 12 to 16 south Main premises west Hagarty premises south Main premises south Main south Main north Amy premises south Main east O'Mara south Church premises north Main south Main north Main 8 and 9 35 and other Owner, occup'nt, &c. east Hagarty north Hannah premises owner owner owner owner tenant tenant O 1 I 1 I 1 1 owner occupant owner owner occupant owner owner owne:' owner I oc on pant owner ocijupaut owner tenant occupant ov, iier occupant owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant X 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 occupant owner a . 40 Jol 97 Jac 21 Jol 22 Jol VOTERS* LIST, 1888— VILLAGE OP WARD8VILLE, 8 a . e Concession or Street. Owner, — Namo. 2 9 Lot. occup'nt, <&c. d a; 40 Johnson, Duncau B,K,B, 2, 3 and 4 west Queen occupant 1 97 Jackson, W. B, } pt 20, 21 and 22 west Hagarty occupant 1 21 Johns," Samuel 14 south Main owner 1 22 Johns, Edinund 14 aonth Main owner 1 65 Keys, Georijo ptl5 east O'Mara occupant 1 120 Lilley, Edward * J 55,56 and other west Hagarty premises owner 1 88 Lewis, WilUam e pt of 6 and other north Main premises occupant 1 126 McPhail, James j e hf 18 & w hf 17 north Main occupant 1 14 McDonald, George n e cor of 16 sout^h Main owner 1 28 Mclntyie, Alex. 2, 3 and 4 south Grant owner 1 47 McRae, Alex. 12, 13 and other south Main premises owner 2 49 Munroe, M. G. J 14 and other north Main premises owner 6 45 Mimna, William j w pt of 15 north Main owner 1 CO Mills, Sydney whf 13 north Main owner 1 75 Mulligan, Thos. A. j pt 18 and 19 souih Main owner 1 131 Mitchel, Richard ptlO east Hagarty occupant 1 Mugan, Austin 4, 5, 6 and 7 west Wellington occupant 1 100 Munroe, A. A. j 10,11 and other north Main prem ises owner 1 1 Morrison, Robert, sr. j 4, 5, 6, and other east Hagarty premises owner 1 74 Newson, William j whf 17 south Main owner 1 114 Neil, William 24, 25 and other south Main premises owner 1 05 Neil, W. C. ptl5 east O'Mara owner 2 39 O'Donnell, David B,K,B, 2, 3 and 4 west Queen owner 7 94 Pennel, William 90 and 91 west Hagarty owner 1 36 Piper, William 1 east Queen owner 1 132 Potts, Henry j 14 and other north Main premises ocoupanij 1 87 R^illy, Francis B. 8,9 and other west Wellington premises owner 1 VOTERS' LIST, 1888~VILLAGE OF WARDSVLLE. PART 2. — Persons entitled to vota at Municipal Elections only. No. on Roll. Name. a Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, oecup'nt, &c. 18 Cornell, Mrs. Adam e pt 5 and other north Main premises owner i 86 Caiupboll, Mrs. A. 1 iind other east Hau^arty premises owner 1 32 Dawson, Mrs. 15 south Main occupant 1 102 Eastman, Emma 1, 2 and 3 north Main occnpiint 1 02 Eastman, Mary 12 and pt 13 east Queen owner 1 24 Gordon, Mn. 23 to 25 west King owner 1 I OS 84 Li 11 50 Mc 89 Ne C3 N« G4 O'l 92 Rii PAR No. on Roll. 5 Hn 20 Jol 86 Lin 2 Mo 4 O'P 69 Po> 50 Ste C8 VVi Number nor,- p'l.t, d iC. ^ IT I er I er I er 1 lilt 1 er 1 or 1 er 1 er 1 ev- 1 er 1 er 1 cr 4 pant 1 er 1 er 1 er 1 er 1 ctioi 1 IS ner, — ip'nt, o ic. O' 1 1 I I VOTERS' LIST, 1888-VILLAGE OF WARDSVILLE. n . OS Name. 84 Lin foot, Mra. 60 McCowan, Jennie 89 Ntsil, Jane C3 Neil, Mrs. U. C4 O'Hara, Kate 92 Rutherford, Marjiaret 51 3 9 Lot. ehf 16 192 to 194 and other 5, 6 and other 8 54 to 56 Concession or Street. north Church north Main west Hagarty premises east Wellington premises south Hannah west Hagarty Owner, . . ocfiup'nt, O owner 1 owner owner owner owner owner 1 2 8 1 PART 3.— Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. No. on Roll. Name. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, occup'nt, See. d 5 Humphrey, William 1 r n, pt x5 nov ,h Main owner 20 Johns, Wesley pt7 north Main owner ] 85 Linfoot, John 10 and 11 east Hagarty owner 2 Morrison, Robert, jr. 7 and 8 east Hagarty owner 4 O'Furrel, Michael w hf of 5 north Main owner 69 Powley, Edward 36 north Hannah occupant 50 Stevely, William e hf of 13 north Main owner 2 68 Willson, Henry 36 north Hannah owner 1 Number of persons qualified to act as Jurors 41 I, D. Johnson, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Wardsviile, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certifj- that PartR One and Three of the within List constitute a correct List ior the year 1888,of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at. Elec- tions for members to the Legislative Assembly, and that Parts One and Two constitute a correct List i ,r the said year of all persons appearing by said Roll to be entitled t) vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality, and I. hereby call upon all Electors to examine said List, and if any omissions or other ernirs are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors cor- rected according to law. Dated this 14th day of August, 1888. D. JOHNSON. Clerk of the Municioalitv of Wardsviile,