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Las diagrammas suivants iiiuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHARGES TO BE DELIVEREID AT THE INITIATION OF MEMBERS TO THE or THE ITffgal Grange ^f^samtim : TO WHICH A,KS ADDED SER-^TIOES rOR THE BURIAL OF ORANGEMEN, TME AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. ■■ ' '■' ''i ■•■•»■"-•£ . •••'■■■'.. TORONTO : BRO. J. CLELAND. PRmTER. 62 TONAl gTREKT< 1856. p* ^(p-m^ f'-'l ** ^ ^*^^1.>^ •fey ; t .*i»r> oRAisraii oiii:>i£:R. A CHABOE * 1 To he Delivered to the Brethren after the Ceremonies and Pass-words are given in the Orange, Brothxr, The Mysteries and Secrets connected with the Orange [nstitution have now been communicated to you, an(| if you will observe them, and conform to the Obligation yoi^ have freely and voluntarily assumed, we shall have cause t(x rejoice in the steps we have taken to Initiate you ; but shoulc^ you fail to observe them/then will our sorrow be great ; firstly^ on account of your fall, and secondly, on account of the injury that will thereby be done to our Institution. I entreat you, let your Obligation be your guide I Should the perpetration of crime ever enter your mind, reflect upoq what you have now sworn — and let it be a check to every evil thought that human weakness may suggest. I have further to admonish you against the snares* that may belaid for you by our enemies, and to impress upon your mind the great value of oautson— so that you weigh well every expression you may use in connection with the Order. Be ever watchful when the Order is at work, so that yoxx may gain wisdom by listening to the advice and opinion of your senioift j and when you have heard, may you be wise te reflect, and speak not — and that you treasure up the lessons in your heart, to the end that you may prove your great fiith. There are two cardinal virtues which bind the Brotherhood of our Order— they are Union and Truth* By the honorable n exercise of the latter, in all your intercourse with the world, and eBpecially with the Brotherhood, you will find that the former is to be and will be maintained. Regard them then as the apple of your eye, only to be parted with in death. I trust what 1 have snid to you in the name of the Lodge will have itti duo weight; and now, allow me to introduce you to those; whom you are hereafter to regard as Brethren. My Brethren, receive this Brother to your friendship and love. [If more than one Candidate be introduced the Charge is to be reserved until all are initiated.] I>XJBI>LE ORDER A CHAB6E To U Delivered to the Btethren after the Ceremomea and Pass-words are given in the Royal Purple. Brother, You have now received the Second Degree of our Order — and you may regard it as an addition to your char- acter and standing, for none are advanced but the faithful ^ none pass the fiery ordeal of the burning furnace, but such'as have well and faithfully served in the probationary degree, I therefore congratulate you upon your avancement. We have not judged you from appearance — ^but we have narrowly vatched your conduct, and the result is, you have been held worthy of the degree now conferred. The Order itself will afford you ample scope for considera- tion and reflection ; it will also materially assist your under- standing, and render you a more efficient and worthy member. Or a former occasion yeu were told what were your duties, and what the Brethren would expect from you; those duties are now the more binding, us y-^u stand higher in the Order. You must at all times see, that the Rules and Regulations of the Order, and the mandates and Decrees of the Grand Lodge are strictly obeyed and enlorced. You aro not to conceal the faults of a Biolher from the Brotherhood— but you are, as far as possible, to screen him from the censure of the world, and to do ail that is in yom power for his reformation. You are at all times to treat his foibles with candour, and to admonish in friendship. Having thus secured to yourself this advancement, it is hoped that by your continued practice of all that is good and commendable, and your avoidance of all that is bad and cen- surable, you will not give us cause to regret the step we have taken in advancing you as we have now done. BLUE ORDEK. A CHAEGE To he Delivered lo the Brethren after the Ctremonies and Pass-words are given in the . nfal Blue. Brotu£r, I congratulate you upon your admission to this Degree, because it is the first which calls upon you for the exercise of greater activity and a nobler zeal. It is to prove to you a beacon of light ; it is to exhibit to you a lesson for curbing your most anxious desires, and to keep your passions and prejudices under proper subjection. The bearing of this Degree is to bring your mind to the consideration of eternity. It is to prove to you, by the Star in the East, that arrested its course over Bethlehem, how small begmnings can, by the decree of an all-wise Provi- dence, have great and glorious terminations. It is to teach VOll the dutv of bftinnr s^tisHf^'l •vyi your lot, when >t)u iC 6 member your Saviour's nativity and hi« high destination* Reflect thaty however humble your position, by a constant life of virtue and faith, you may arrive at as near a state of perfection as sinful man can expect to attain. It now becomes your duty, narrowly to watch your Bre- thren of the inferior Degrees. You are mildly to correct their errors, and to remonstrate with them upon their approach to any evilaction.and thusprove tothem the worth and value of your exalted station. You must at all times exert yourself to keep our glorious Institution from harm, and not allow the precincts of the Star to be desecrated. By your submission to your seniors, you will convince your interiors of their duty to do likewise. Although you are particularly to see the suf- ferings and the wants of your Brethren relieved, yet by virtue of that brilliant guide, which you have this day pursued, you must feel that your benevolence should be universal. And lastly, you are to observe, with scrupulous exactitude, the secrecy of the degree just conferred ; and you are to absent yourself from any Lodge that does not faithfully carry out the principles we teach. By doing which you will prove that our confidence in you has not been misplaced. ROYAL AUCH ORDER. CHARGE To he delivered after the Initiation in the Royal Arch. Brotheii, You have been now admitted, after strict trial, to this exalted Degree. It must have proved to you many facts, which, if duly thought of, may tend to inform your mind, and to render less obdurate the propensity inherent in man, to sin. Reflect, and you vvrill see, that man is not regarded by Orange- men on account of his worldly wealth ; it i« the wealth of the Boul that we prize, not that which, when we perish can avail nothinsf. Reflect, and you will have good cause to remember how much it has become your duty to render assistance to a Brother in distress. Reflect, and you will find that much of your duty is enforced upon you by implication, which a clear mind, seeking for justice, will at once discover. Remember, then, your duty and your obligations ; and also how fatal and dark will be your plunge, from this to eternal death, should you neglect them. Remember, also, that it is only by obedience to the Great Father in Heaven, you can expect to pass from the darkness of this world to the light of everlasting life, and that prayer, and the practice of all that is good, together with a strong reliance upon your Saviour, can alone lead to this. Remember, too, that you prayed a« being under the canopy of Heaven, therefore lake heed and recall to your mind the solemn hour of death, the awful ont of judgment, and, lastly, eternity. A lesson has been taught you, how these may be overcome • and if you hope to gain eternal life, I warn you that it is* essential that you have faith ; for no one can, in his weak- ness and sinfulness, expect to be perfect. If therefore, you hope for the charitable aid and inteixsession of o*ir Saviour do you extend Charity to others. * In ever}' way you aie teught to avoid sin. Even when least expecte-^ the serpent may be in your path. I there- fore entreat y. a, as you hope for salvation hereafter, that you do not omit any occasion, in which you may find opportunitioa ^o fulfil the vows you have now made. 8 ROYAL SCAULET ORDER, CHARGE To be Delivered to a Royal Scarlet Companion. Companion, . _ . Having passed through the var.ous Degrees ol the Brotherhood, you have at last been admitted to Compan- ionship in this Illustrious Chapter. You will have observed, through every grade that the Word of God is the Brilliant Star which is to be your guide through life. It is expected of you that you will not treat life lightly ; and that you are to hold it as in trusi from your Heavenly Father, to be em- ployed in acts of faith and charity ; and we trust that when- ever you shall be called upon, you will draw and wield your sword in defence of our glorious Institution and the Protestant faith. After the obligation you have taken, it will only be requisite to remind you, that you will at all times be called upon to conform to the ceremonies, rules, and regulations of the Chapter. Prove yourself, imy friend and Companion, my Brother and fellow-labourer, to be a child of humility, charity, and hospitality, and we shall never regret the promotion wo have now given you. For remember, my Brother and Com- panion, that this Order of Royal Scarlet, is to be regarded by all as the safeguard of our Institution, and can never be vio- lated; for its doors will ever bo closed against those who have, in the remotest manner possible, brought corruption into any order that preceded it. As a Companion of the Royal Scarlet, you, with those who have preceded you in this Cnap- ter, are bound to give alms to the poor and weary pilgrim, travelling from afar, to succour the needy, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and bind up the wounds of the afflicted. We are to be lovers of peace ; but we are bound to war against the enemies of innocence, destitute widows, helpless orphans, and the Protestant faith; and may the Almighty, strong put their trust in him, be your support and your salvation. FUNERALJERVICE. " Bury the dead" is the first of charitable duties, and if this mandate ia compulsory, generally speaking, how much more ought it to be observed in particular, by Um members of a Protestant Association. It is an occasion on which we are allowed to forget past errors, and to think only of the good which our friend or brother has done. Wo are allowed to review, on such occasions, the relations between the living and the dead, and to draw iVoni the past admonitions for the future. In as much as we are a Protestant body, and as the servico which is here laid down may not suit the desires or wishci* of all, it should bo well remembered, that neither these nor any other formalities should be used by the Brotherhood, un- less by the special request of the deceased, while living ; which desire should at all times be communicated to the senior officer of the Lodge to which he belonged. Takinc: it for granted that these preliminaries have been complied with, the following is the order to be observed :— The Lodge must? be summouud. If more than the mem- bers of the Lodge of which deceased died a member attend, no seniority of office, save that of a Grand Olllcer, shall be claimed. The senior Officer present of the Lodge of which the deceased died a member shall preside ; but in case the Brother deceased was member of a distant Lodge, then the Master of the senior Lodge present shall preside. The Lodge is then opened in due form. / The Roll is called, and when the name of the deceabed Brother is announced — Deputy Master. — Worshipful Master and Brethren, it hath pleased Almighty God to terminate the existence of our Brother on earth. Is it meet and proper that we mourn for him? Master. — It is meet and proper that we should mourn for our departed Brother, and that we accompany his mortal 10 remains lo its last home. (Here tiie Master afTixe;^ a crapei tied around on his left arm, and the brethren do likewise.) Master.— Brother Secretary, what Degrees did our deceased ferother fenjoy ? [Secretary.— -Here announces the Degrees.] Master. — Let each Brother be furnished with a Rosette, to be used as required. [The Rozettee to be made of Orange and the highest Degree obtained.] This bting done, the Master shall appoint Bearers. The Lodge shall then form in Procession, and proceed to the house where the dead Brother lies. Nothing is then done, except accompanying the corpse to the grave. The burial service having taken place, the Master at the head of the grave^ the Secretary by his side with the Roll, the following shall be the service, which is to he con- sidered additional, and not as superceding any portion of the strvlces established, and performed by Ministers of the Cos- fel. Master. — Brethren — In the dsdth of this our departed Brother, we have another record of the uncertainty of life, and the vanity of human labour and pursuits, if sought merely fbr our own glory. He knoweth no more our love ; yet while We mourn for the absence of our Brother, while we pray and hope that his immortal soul may be in Elysium, let us not forget our oWn mortality and weakness ; but let us reflect, that as this our departed Brother now is, so shall we soon be. Death is of frequent occurrence ; and yet, my Brethren, we do not find thai our thoughts are more given to it. But one moment's reflection, and we remember that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. We know that he hath given us life ; and we know that this gift must, and will ter- minate. From day to day, we proceed, thinking only of the end of our projects, but never reflecting that death may come upon us like the thief in the night, to end our career before our projects are fulfilled. Let death come upon us when it • 1 1 ] ■• ll Let as remember^ my Brethren,, that we now look up6A the giave of ^ friend— that instead of his body, we behold even now before us, the narrow habitation in whioh we have delivered dust to dust, and that all aire levelled by it ; let us then make ourselves useful Whil6 life r^niains ; let us as Brethren of a great Brotherhodd, inipliciUy follow the Chris- tian doctrines of our drder, atid thiis be prepared as &r as possible to do our work cf faith ; let us not only by ourwords* but let our practice show it forth in our lives. In this man« ner> my friends and Brethren, we may meet our God and our Redeemer with hope. As it is no portion of our duty to our late Brother to eulogise him beyond his < artSj so shall it be our duty to draw a veil over his foibles, and to bury them with him. We know, that ' however good and righteoiis a man maybe, there is not that being upon earth who doeth good, and smnethnot ; and while we deplore the weakness of our nature, let us at the sam« time with unswerving integrity fioUo^ out and inculcate the doctrines of our Order. Mastbr.— (The right hand elevated.) Brethren, our Brother is dead ! Brsthren. — Not to lis. Master. — ^Brethren, his nanie has {Massed from us. Brkthrch.— We will inscribe it m our memories, and out works ehaHjet ethibit it. Master. — Let Israel hope itl the Lord, from hent^eforth and for ever. PRAYER. Lord God of Righteousness, depending on thy mercy, and on thy power and on thy promises deolared unto mankind, we now hurnbly bereech Thee hear our prayers which we offer at the Throne of thy Eternal Kingdom : Save this Brother- hood from the pains of eternal death, and bring them to ever- lasting life. Direct us in bur last hours, and bring us safely to thy glory, there to reunite, for the sake of our Lord and iSaviour. Hefs in sot?mn siUnc^ tk^ MasttTj tkfi% all tks Brttkfrnt 12 drof tht RpHttts into tfiz groDt, and the Brethren atqnding , inmedUtely ar^ks. TheTyle returns to the door. tTue special Pass of the Day is given to the Deputy Master, to whom, ttiose wishing to obtain it must apply.] Then the Members of the Orange Order, each diecorated with an Orange Sash, preceded by their own Tyler, to be appointed for the occasion, having been announced, and having obtained permission from the Master to enter, shall 13 eater, ivro and two, and take their seats, the Tyler with a Wand of the Order, standing, saying to the Master, — « Worshipful, the Brethren of the Orange are present." Then the announcement shall be made to the Master in the words following. Tyler at the Door within, — Worshipful, the Brethren of the Royal Purple are in attendance. Master. — Admit the Royal Purple Brethren* Then the PurplemeQx ^U decorated with the order, pre- ceded by their Tylefr shall enter, and being conducted to their Station, ihev Tyler shall say: ** Worshipfiil, the Brethren of the Royal Purple are pre- sent." He remains standing. Then the following announcement from The Inward Tyler.—-** The Brethren of the Royal Blue attend." Master. — Admit the Brethren of the Royal Blue. Then the Brethren of the Blue, all decorated with the Order, preceded by their Tyler, shall enter,^ and being in their seats, the Tyler shall say : " iVoTshipful, the Brethren of the Royal Blue are present.*' Then the following announcement shall be made, the Tyler advancing three steps to the Master: « Worshipful, the Brethren of the Royal Arch attend." Master. — Tylers, to your Stations. Then the Tylers of the three Orders pesent, together with the inner Tyler,. shall iorm an Arch with their staves wide enough for the Royal Arch Brethren to pass under, two abreast. Master. — Admit our Brethren of the Royal Arch Purple Mark. As soon as this announcenrant is made, the Members of the three Orders present shall rise, and remain standing until the Brethren of he Eoyal Arch are seated. The Brethren of the Royal Arch are not accompanyed by a Tyler, their Tyler is at the door within. An announcement is now made by the sound of a trumpet without. Matter. — Tyler of the Eojral Arch, go to the Portico, and see who is g:t the gate of our temple. ^* '•*' 14 TyUr making his obeisance^ retires. Matter.— Tyler, of the I >yal Arch, what Report T Tyler,— 'A Herald, announcing the approach of Illustrious Knight's Companions, Brethren come to grace and honour our ceremonies. Master Uwing-.— Brethren and friends, we will receire these Illustrious Companions. Brethren of the Arch, Breth- ren of the Blue, Brethren of the Purple, and Brethren of the Oran;:;e, send forth two of your Senior Members. The Senior Members then come forth and stand in froitt of the Masten » Master. — Brethren, proceed to the audience Chamber, there receive the Illustrious Knights, and conduct them hither. The Senior Brethren then retire. Master. — ^Tyler of the Royal Arch, admit the Illusfriou» Companions of the Scarlet, when they approach without further oetemony. A Pause. The blast of a Trumpet. Enter. Two and two The Orangemen,— the Purplemen, The Blue, — ^ihe Royal Arch^ Herald of the day^ Companions of the Scarlet, two and twd. A Companion with a Cushion suspended in fron-t of him, upon which is A Bible open, A Crowr, A Sword. the Sovereign, or Representative and Chaplain, Herald. Being all in the Room, a halt is rrtade, the Companions and Brethren, all but the Brother who bears the Bible, divide in open column, the Brother bearing the Bible then advances, and takes his seat on the left of the Master ; the Sovereign, or his Representative and Chaplain then advance. The Master shall then conduct th« Grand Officer present to his seat, the Chaplain going to the seat on the right of the I 1 )ur re h- htt of if »U9 rat ido es, gn, ent the throne, and the Maaler, taken the place assigned to him io, the Ceremonies. AH being seated, the Master of the Lodge, riting, shall tajf .-^ " Right Worshipful, it is the wish of the brethren of thin Lodge, number , of Loyal Orangemen, to have this their Edifice, dedicated to the Almighty and the cause of Protest- antism." O. M. — Let their wishes and good intentious be consum- mated. Let us now commence our exercises Brethren, let us sing. Thzn shall be sung PSALM XXIX, Ye princes *hat in might excel. Your grateful sacrifice prepare, God's glorious actions loudly tell. His wondrous pow'r to all declare. To Hia great name fresh altars raise. Devoutly, due respect afford ; Him in Hia holy temple praise. Where He's with solemn state adored. * When God in thunder loudly speaks. And scattered flames of lightning sends^ The forest nods, the desert quakes^ And stubborn Kadish lowly bends. God rules the angry floods on high. His boundless sway shall nerer cease, His sain'.s with strength he will supply, And bless hia own with constant peace. Grand C^ap/ain.— Brethren, let us pray. To Thee, O God, the worker of all signs, to whom all praise is due, we now bend in humble supplication. Thy name, O Lord, will we exalt, and our hearts shall confess thine excellence and holiness. Thee, Lord, do we thank, in that thou hast vouchsafed unto us strength and wisdom to erect and dedicate this Edifice to the glory of Thy revealed will, through our Lord and Saviour. Teach us, Lord, on this day of rejoicing, to invoke thy glory, and send down upon this our humble sanctuary, the power and splendour of thine all-graisious protection. For thine unbounded kindness to us and to our cause, O Thou, our living God, — for thy great and all-sufficient aid, in bringing thy Church and people m 16 through their fiery ordeals, receive our humble thanks. We praise Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast redeemed thy people from the thraldom of Popery, and we magnify thy name, that Thou hast given them strength to withstand the assaults of the enemy. Lord, hear oui: prayers, now and evermore, for Christ's sake ! Araen. The Brethren me, and while standing the G. Master shall •ay: " In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost." The Master of the Lodge shall then light one of the Lodge CandleSf and place it in front of the Ark, «I now solemnly dedicate this Hall to the Almighty Father in Heaven, and to the Protestant cause." The Deputy Master shall noio light another of the Lodge CandleSi and plojce it also near the Ark. ** Now and for evermore !" — Amen. The Senior Committee-man shall now light the third candle and place it also mar the Ark. Then the Master^ Deputy Master f and Senior Committee-man, shall each take one of the lightSt and arrange them in their places. The Ark shall then be taken by them, and preceded by the Officers of the , Lodge, shall be earned three times round the room, the G. C* saying, ** And they departed from the mount of the Lord, three days' journey ; and the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord went before them in three days' journey, to search out a resting place for them. And the Cloud of the Lord was be- fore them by day, when they went out of the Camp. And it came to pass, when the Aik set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered, and let them that hate thee flee before Thee." {Here set the Ark down in the centre of the Room,} **And when it rested, he said. Return Lord, unto the many thousands of l8rael."-~-NuMB£Rs x. 33, 34> 35, & 36. All being seated, the Grand Master shall say : « Blessed and extolled be the Lord our God; whose gra- cious providence has been so kindly extended to the Pro- 17 teslant Church. He is the helper of those who seek Him, and the comforter of those who trust in Him. Blessed at all times be Ills Iluly name. In the DoJication of this Edifice to the Almighty, we but offec up a faint expression of our hopes and desires- Far from us ho the thought of exalting ourselves by this act of humility ; but may we ever, with the same eagerness and devotedness, offer up our lives and our fortunes, to pre- serve and maintain the principles of this glorious Institu- tion. Let us supplicate our Almighty Father, through the mediation of his beloved Son, that he will never fail us in our distress. Let us supplicate for His merciful aid, to avert all danger from the Throne of our Protestant Sovereign. Let us pray that the principles which led our fathers to the great and glorious revolution to put down Popery, may never abate, but that they may be perpetuated with never-fading -'^^ glory to the end of time. Grand Chaplain.— Now, Lord, we beseech thee that thou wilt bless us as thou hast promised, When we gather together in thy name. Bless this our undeitaking, and grant that we may prosper in our New Edifice. Endue us, Lord, with understanding, to comprehend and fulfil thy word and will. We beseech Thee by the dream of Jacob, — we implore thee by the meekness of Moses, comfort us, as thou didst Joshua, when from morning till eventide, he fought against the enemies of thy people. Let the morning Star be to us, as the bright harbinger that led the way for the wise men of the East, and arrested their progress, when thou alone wert present. All being seated, the Grand Master shall say : Brother Worshipful, bring forth the word of God. The Master shall then take the Bible, and bearing it open, shall toalk round the Lodge and the Ark, the Grand Master saying: And it came to pass when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this Law in a Book, until they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites which bare 18 the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, saying, take this Book of the Law, and put it in Uie side of the Ark of the Covenant of the hotd your God, that it may be for a witnois ^gaiaet ve iHm ihe BihU is depotiUd.) NOW LET US SING. ;' .floand ihe lend timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea ; Jehovah has triumphed, his p%aiple are free. Bing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken ; His chariots,^ his horsemen* all splendid and brsTe ; How vain was their boasting, the Lord hath bat opokem And chariots and horsemen are iaiunk in the wava ; Sound the lond timbrel o'er Egypt'a dark sea ; Jehovah has triumphed, his people are free. Praise to the Conqueror; praise to the Lord ; His word was our arrow, his breath was our sword. Who shall return to tell Egypt the story Of tho.« she eent fwrth in the liour of ^r pride 1 The Lord hath looked out from his pillar of glory. And all her brare thousands are dash'd in the tide. Prsise to the Con<|ueror ; praise to the Lord ; His word was our arrow, his breath was our aword. (Hwe the Addpeases if any.) lOrand Chapiain 9haU read the following iserMeJ) 19. Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant and to bis supplication, Lord my God, to hearken unto the cry and the pray€sr which thy servant prayelh before thee : 20. That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wottldest put thy name there ; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place. 21. Hearken therefore unto the supplications of thy ser* vant, and of thy people Israel, which they shall make toward this place ; hear thou from thy dwelling place, tven from heaven ; and when thou hearest, forgive. 34. If thy people go out to war against their enemies by the way that thou ahalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chasen> and the house which 1 have built for thy name $ 3& Then hear thou from the heavens their pmyet.and theii supplication, and maintain their cause* 19 > If it id >a Mr Then sing <'God Save the Queen," God late our graoiottt Qumd, Long live our noble Queen, God Mve the Queen ! Send her viotorious, Happy and glorious. Long to reign over us, God save the Queen ! O Lord our God ! arise. Scatter her enemies, And make them fall ! • Confound their politics. Frustrate their popish tricks, On her our hearts we fix,— God save ns all ! The Grand Chaplain shall then close with the Lord's Prayer :-^ i:^E LORD'S PRAYER, « Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it ia in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. r* td m >y se id 20 FOKM OF INSTAUiTION OF 0FFICM8. The Lodge shall be opened as usual. The Master Elect, to take his Seat on the left of the Secretary, and before pro- ceeding with any other business put the test to know if all have the annual. AFTER THE LODGE IS OPENED. D. M. — Brother past Secretary upon whom has the choice of this Worshipful Lodge fallen, to be the Master for tho current year. Bro. Sec^y. — Having confidence in the Worshipful Brother — — , and having had frequent proofs of his ability and desire to advance the cause of our glorious Institution, we have selected him for our Master and now require his instal- lation. I now present to you Brother ■ . X>. M. or Chaplain. — Let us pray, (all kneel) Master and Creator of the World, disposer of lite and death, we entreat thee look down upon us with mercy and bless our undertak- ing ! We humbly crave, that thou wilt at all times give us wisdom to govern our actions and judgment to guide and govern the actions of those under our care ; endue us with a desire to conduct all our undertakings, in peace, brotherly love and kindness. Permit the Master of this Lodge to enjoy the grace, aud give him the light of Wisdom, so that he may impart it to those, whose conduct he may be called upon to scrutinize. May Faith, Hope and Charity, Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Fortitude, ever be his guide and the guide of us all, for Christ's sake. Lodge. — Amen. D. M.— Brother before you are sworn into office, let'me ask of you, if you are prepared to act under the Con- stitution and laws of the Loyal Orange Institution ? M. — I am. D. M. — By your consent you take upon yourself variou* I dulieii, nul only will you be required to follow thorn yourself, which from tho fact, of your being chosen to the station you are to occupy, is proof you will, but you assume the office of Guardian and Adviser to the Members of your Lodge. You will rebuke them for a violation of any portion of their obli- gations, a3 a fluporiof Brother should rebuke an inferior. You are required to warn thorn, that it is their duty to live peace- ably with, and act honourably towards all men, and espe- cially towards a brother ; and that they are bound strictly to guard against all unworthy excesses. You will teach them to denounce an impoftor, and to cherish the faithful amongst our Brethren. Master Elect.—l acknowledge these obligations to be ray duty, and will endeavour, with the help of God, to discharge them. (Then administer the Oath, Members all standing.) OBLIGATION OF A MASTER AND DEPUTY MASTER. I, A. B., swear, that I do not undertake the office of Mas- ter for any private or personal emolument or advantage ; that I will use the authority with which I may be invested as Master, to keep proper behavior and sobriety in the Lodge, over which I am to preside, and to cause a due observance of the rules and regulations of the Society, by all the Mem- bers of my Lodge; and lastly, I swear, that I will not certify for any person, without having first proved him, and being satisfied in my conscience, that he is a person of good char- acter. OBLIGATION OF A SECRETARY. I, A. B., do swear, that I will faithfully preserve the books, papers and all other documents of the Lodge, that may be committed to my charge ; that I will not myself sign, or seal, or cause to be signed, or sealed, nor part with the Lodge seal, so that it may be affixed to any forged paper, or irre- gular Orangeman's Certificate ; and lastly, that I will deliver up all the property of the Lodge when requested by the Master or other competent authorities so to do. 22 OBLIGATION OF A TREASURER. I, A. B., u swear, that I will faithfully preienre ill the» mooiesor other propert/, that I may receive for the use of ir» y Lodge, and that I wu fairly account for the same, when requested so to do by the Master and officers of the Lodge. OBLIGATION OF A COMMITTEE-MAN. I, A- B., do solemnly swear, that I will exercise the privi- leges, functions, and duties of a Committee-man, faithfully, conscientiously, and impartially ; that I will use whatever influence I may possess for the oenefit of my Lodge particu- larly J and generally for the interest of the Order, to the best of my skill, knowledge, and cunning. {The Master then takes his Seat, and the other officers are obligated.) Deputy Master. Treasurer. Secretary. , .^ ^ Senior Committee-man, and the Members of the Commit- tee. The Master saying to each as he swears them in. Jfiater.— You have heard the duties which I have assumed, for the sake of this Lodge. The like duties' must you assume before you can be duly installed. Do you consent, as I have dime, that these Virtues and Obligations shall be your guide. Dkputy Matter. — I do. (Then administer the Oath.) (Repeat the same form for the other officers.^ (The Committee may be all sworu f^l'ier.) CAapfain.— Father of mercies, look d jv.a np*:^ us, wiih gMMw^ and unite us still closer in the bond of union, by which v»e j»e united as one fiunily, give us wisdom to know thy vft^'Ai and'8thea*t to love one another, for our Saviour's sake. ' \>,hoVli Iww good ^^^ **ow pleasant it is for brethren to tl»c I ^ether in unity I It is like the precious ointment ■^jwii lie' beard, ^aven Aaron's beard ; that went down to the skirts of his gaftnent ; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion 5 for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."— Psalmt 133. -/ n