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Seed. \'(>>;ctiil)lrs. und ('luiicoiii. *(iyi)simi. |)(>i' ton SO.IN IH^i- 1.1)1 iS().()"/.\ in hiincl:;. pin- 1)1)1 SO.Oii ( Jioiiiul I'liiistcr, jut 1.1)1 . ().()4.i Cinxriirs. and l,iil^'l'^''l'''l ; "•<)!»" ('oals. Mineral, per tun.. (..:ill (W Sand." and" '(havell ( ilass. and ( 'rc.ckerywaic. ( 'oke. per ton 0.1.") ,|. ^^^^^ ^ 18 • •^^••'•''' •'■•'" Qnart/. per ton ().:{(l ( h-indstone, per' ton' .'!'.. ! ()/,>4 Dry (loods. and Cutlery. Hardwood. |nrC'ord.... ().:i(i S,.ft W..od. i.or Cord. . . . ().;}(» I"''- '»'•• '•*'!' "■■'>'^- ■'"•' •"•tlnvo...l. per Wiiarf Lo-s. in .scow.s . . . 0.24 Su-ar. and Molasses, per C.rd 0.42 Manures, and Marsh Mud O.IS Hofi;sliead 0.;{0 Ship Timber, per ton ().:{() i,!,,^. stone 0.1« ('ordaf;e and Oakum, jier Spurs, and Timber, per ton (>.;50 ton 0.:{H Wliaif l,t)<'s. in ifal'ts . . . 0,;!0 Hardware, per bbl O.Oit Posts. Sleepeis. and Wood Chains, and pi r Kails, each ()():! t(.n 0.:iO Lumber (.fall kinds. ... ().:!() Machinery 0.;i(i Scrap iron. Bar. Pijj; Iron. Powder, per 100 Hs 0.12 per ton 0.;i(i Hides, and Sides Leather. Shini>-Us. |)er bundle 0.0;} each 0.; Salt, per hhd 0.12 Inenunu'rated Articles. Lime, per hhd 0.21 bbl 0.0!) <1" l)i'r bbl O.Ob I'ish. in barrels 0.0!) liarrel Hoops, per M 0.21 Dry Pisii, and iieef. aiul lioosjirad iU.oi.s. per M. 0,:{0 i'ork, in bids each O.Oil Barrel Staves, per M 0.:J0 Fish Cask Staves, per M. O.4.") Hoi,'shea(l Sta\es. ])er M. O.ilO * A .liuwlm.k i.f lo percent tu bo allowiil to ;it two (hird.s. Sr.crioN. No. ;{. — From Halifax llarb:)i- tt. the termination of the coinpanv's wt.rks. .whole charjic. .\nd vici' \('rsa from lia-in , Si:i tion No. 1 . to i'letcher's L;ike. of Minas to Halifiv •• •• 2. to Lake Charles, "arbor. ', •• •• :}. to Halifax Harb .r. Char;;!' for passini; throuy:h a draw or Lift nrid