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 keprinted Stories 
 r ■■ 
 ^■'jiuii'igwwijwjK ' j ii wat] 
 For the Young. 
 . ' Moalreal. JOHN DOOGALL & SON, '^Witness"' OITiCe. 
 / . 
 • ♦ 
 • • 
 '"M^m miimm^mmm'immfi^mfmi'mgi 

 Beprinted jStories 
 ^ .H 
 r;;i-l(''' ;>/ JOY ^HT >f()'l 

 Chriitie'i Chrutmai 1 
 A burae that counU. 3 
 Monkey pockeU. 10 
 Soldier anil thiitle 10 
 A apider'a wob. 12 
 The might of the pracioui lead U 
 Anoc<lt)te8 of nwallowa. 16 
 The gn«t ant-eater. 18 
 Binl'a neat aoup. 20 
 How buya' piarblcs are made 2B 
 Tlie water waifa 26 
 Picture leaaona 27 
 The rulea of Eliiabeth Fry. 29 
 How to become happy 33 
 llefore pena. 36 
 A remarkable neat 35 
 " Nobleaau oblige " 40 
 How gun harrela are made. 41 
 Two waya of looking at it 41 
 A noble dog and canary 43 
 The thimble 43 
 Wealth in the aea. 43 
 Little Ja pa neae 46 
 Boya read and heed thia 46 
 Tlie forceps crab. 46 
 Preaencc of mind. 46 
 Buttons. 47 
 "Didn't I, Dant". 47 
 The ten commandmenta. 47 
 Making a queen 47 
 A cliRractcriatic of self-made men 47 
 Bod Dane 48 
 Fre<ldie Wray'a accident. 64 
 Boy inventoraL 65 
 Jeasio'a goo<l day 66 
 Drawing lesson 66 
 Which is worse 66 
 One bit*- of a cherry 66 
 May-haves and must-haves. 56 
 A doll's work 66 
 Changing babies. 67 
 Concerning prayer. 67 
 Watch crystals. 68 
 Shadow pictures and silhouettes. 69 
 The fate of a herd of buSaloes. 69 
 About poison-ivy 60 
 A true history of two boys. 61 
 Metamorphosis of the deer's antlers. 62 
 The tin savings-bank 63 
 Another talk with Uncle Philip 64 
 Yema. 66 
 An old-faahioned animal 66 
 About spiders 67 
 How the Qospel came to Ono 68 
 The coachman's prayer. 69 
 Doing things welL 69 
 Emperor and prisoner. 70 
 Frank's security 71 
 Something about ducks. 72 
 William Wilberforce 73 
 Willy's haM place 73 
 Dogs in Oerman regiments 73 
 Aurora Borealia ...."' 73 
 The Chipmonk 74 
 Faithfulness 74 
 Father's kneeling-placo 74 
 A shocking eel 74 
 Flying without wings 76 
 The great royal KamtachaUca R.R 76 
 The boy that drew the baby's picture 77 
 The parrot's memory 77 
 How to love God 77 
 One step at a time 77 
 A Christian's choice 77 
 A mother's love 78 
 Bail bargains 78 
 Judge Payne'e short sermon 78 
 A dog stops a runaway horse 76 
 A kind horae i 78 
 The gymnast of the aea. 79 
 The last strand of the rope 80 
 A sailor's story 80 
 Honesty in a child 80 
 Circumventing the wolves 81 
 A strange library 81 
 Converted by a telegram 81 
 Paradise flycatcher 82 
 John Welch and the friar 82 
 The Master said so 82 
 The mantis. 83 
 An asphalt lake 83 
 A little behind 83 
 Carnarvon Castle 84 
 True politeness 84 
 How a birtl outwitto<l the monkeys 85 
 How a little girl suggested the invention of the 
 telescope 86 
 How plants come from seeds 86 
 The fox, the monkey, and the pig 86 
 He lost hia head 87 
 Helen'a diflSonlty 87 
 The horafaUl 88 
 A cataract that rushes np the river 88 
 The yak 89 
 A shark story 89 
 How love removed a mountain 90 
 Anecdote of Baron Rothschild 90 
 To boys, on habits of study 90 
 The Khedive of Egypt and his wife 91 
 A true story 91 
 The magic dance 92 
 A birthday gift 92 
 Nellie's verse 92 
 The dead raven 92 
 The feunec, or Sahara fox 93 
 An idol tried and found wanting 93 
 Chinese children 94 
 " Until seventy times seven " 94 
 Hammer-lieadfd shark 96 
 New year'a day in Jhftn 96 
 A bible baked in a loaf of bread 95 
 How Benny aent notea to hia mamma 96 
 A guo<l word for the Engliah aparrow 96 
 Blackboa^l temperance lesson 97 
 The time for revenge 97 
 A wise mother 97 
 Let me go 97 
 A useful gander 97 
 Suckers, and aome who uae them 98 
 The true standard 99 
 Prayer barrels 99 
 The intelligent cormorant 100 
 An ancient village of the Onondagas. 100 
 Auka' eggs 100 
 The lady and the burglars. 101 
 Cancelled and nailed up 101 
 The atory of Sin Chin 102 
 Getting a situation 102 
 Murillo'a mulatto 103 
 Locust calcm 1 03 
 Tlio edible mussel 104 
 " I know a thing or two" 101 
 Tlie sinner's pleo 1 04 
 An old click's advice 104 
 Queer conveyancea 105 
 Chinineya : their history 105 
 The awearer reproved by a child 105 
 Tim restored teeth 105 
 From a [wstor'a note-book 1 06 
 Home-made telephones 106 
 The thimble IOC 
 The lotus 107 
 Truth 107 
 "Forme" 107 
 The Kiant heron lOK 
 A feathered ahepheni lOH 
 Trimming tlic elephant's feet lOK 
 Kanavniona 109 
 Molly's white Rose 109 
 The giant snapping turtle 110 
 Tommy learns almut toads 110 
 A plan in life HO 
 " I'll do it ; " or the broken jar Ill 
 Without strength Ill 
 The gray head by the hearth Ill 
 Grebes and their nests 112 
 Sir John Lubbock and his ants 112 
 Ye did it not 112 
 Fine feathers 113 
 Silent influence 113 
 Casting all your cares U)>on him 113 
 A shattered Testament 113 
 Ways to do good 113 
 Engraved eggs 114 
 Drowning the stjuirrel 114 
 The Cape buffalo 114 
 How pins are mode ....115 
 M.ikiiiM gluhv* I lA 
 lln..v» lift 
 Tl.. kitcli..|i K'"I n.n 
 A |'iii<'.ii|i|i|c lirlil III IhrniiiiU I Itl 
 I iillllli;; till' iM'liiilli 117 
 Till' \ irtiii' of II rliiM-rdil fare 117 
 A |ilui'ky Imui iniMtrii tor 117 
 A l>inl llint liul|M itwK t<i ojrilen IIH 
 lliiu wiuhIi'Ii aliiMM »tr miuin 1 1** 
 llaliicK III Siiiliililliivjil I |H 
 IV rum.. ..r lliinllwi: list 
 A «n iniiilli' II'' M.iinlfrful timii tlif tclivnipli \M 
 .l..lin \V..»lr.v« i'«.-«lK. 120 
 \V..iiM iii't il.i (.>r a luii-ii miiiiufiii'turor 120'*K'"l'l«lu»l 120 
 Till' liiliui'l iinwownry 121 
 Til.' arlill.rv fi'iii 121 
 M-rn Clirislnm», nmniiiia 122 
 Tililf uuiiiiiirK 122 
 A (ainily niiMicumn- sucioty 122 
 lli.w I iiilly li-ariii'il her leiwm 12.1 
 Kailli . 123 
 Willie's luniiT-iiigecm 124 
 Instant in iH>a»>n 1 24 
 A prayiT 124 
 I'ray, ami ImnK on 124 
 Sli.lU 12.') 
 ( "liarliti'ii prpxent 12.% 
 Till' Imikfii window 12.'5 
 Till' •liM'.nery of tho niunimoth 126 
 Tlir..' Iil.i.k raU 126 
 !.fj;fn.l of lliu ilfphant 127 
 Wliat i> the use of snakes. 127 
 ( fruit of an oak 128 
 The wisliiii); stone, ami liow it was loat 12H 
 lVe]i sea wonilers 129 
 Kurs useit for ladies' clo&ka 129 
 Olluloid 129 
 Thn ele|iliRiit and lliv a|ii- 139 
 Cnxiil nianner* 129 
 How to Kel rich ISO 
 It ni.iy Ih. fun for lh« d<i((» . I no 
 Chrisliaii Hynii>«lhy 1:1" 
 A lly's nioutU 1.10 
 A llohle reply l;lO 
 Kindly loiideseBniion 1.10 
 l>aiiKerelitr. 131 
 If not, why iiotl 131 
 Seeing the (liMi|M'l 131 
 The swean'r lUred 131 
 Another don story 132 
 I>niwiiiK li'HHon 132 
 (.'areli'ss Toiniiiy 132 
 Captain lloxall's suxxeation 133 
 How iharai'ter (,'rowii 133 
 Haniel WehstiT 133 
 Wroim-doiiiK 133 
 Twol.lue pencils 131 
 No weiwhts 134 
 How I.] 1.0 ^oihI and happy 131 
 True iKiliteneiw 1 3.% 
 The lailor-hird 135 
 A horse whieh made a aciiaation LI.") 
 IntelliKent hona 13.1 
 Over the (alls 13r, 
 A tliorou)<h job 136 
 (ilailstone's heart 136 
 llil.le pmyers and aniwem 136 
 A newspaper scrap 136 
 The musir-lioy miiwion 137 
 Kind treatment of horsen 137 
 How Santa Claus cured Ilattia 13M 
 Tlie new year's niessage 139 
 Work for Isiys and girU 139 
 For the little ones 139 
 Tho hints' Cliristmag tree 139 
 Salt mackerel 139 
 Till' loiigi'st day ill the year 1 10 
 hrii ting lewoli 140 
 The lanih and the (Kiny 1 tO 
 I'he fanner's friend 141 
 A little . hild's inlliienep 141 
 The King ul Siain 142 
 I*«l«r 113 
 Wliat's the rwnon 1 113 
 Kailway .lack 1)4 
 A monkey to ap|i«ar n« a witnem 144 
 How to succeed 141 
 The liianl's gloven .144 
 t'olois of the nky Ill 
 Tlin'c great physicians 144 
 The Kittlelield 14ft 
 S| from the heathen I6S 
 What isamU'rl l.'\8 
 The I,onrsl».x 1.18 
 CliiM ..fa King 10 
 I >lmll he satisfiwl 37 
 I Ihwanl, Christian aoldiere 99 
 If you have a pleasant thought 137 
 The prodigal son 12 
 The friend at midnight 22 
 Lines (jii giving 73 
 The rats ami the meal 90 
 I'lKir, sad humanity 92 
 Itriice anil the spider 106 
 C.randpa, you do look sweet 123 
 llo it now 130 
 The SulUn of the l-j«t 131 
 Rest follows lalxir 131 
 The Mind Iwy 1.1.1 
 Tw.> and one H4 
 in »[ 
 Willi f 

 . 1 1-.' 
 . 1 »;i 
 I i.'i 
 I .IN 
 . 10 
 . 37 
 . 12 
 . 73 
 . «0 
 . 92 
 f I 
 Beprinted Stories. 
 Mr. niid Mth. Ldvi-kin luul 
 nuich Iroulilc Willi llu'ir noii 'rmn. 
 Tom l^ovi'kiii Imd lifcii rcctiirni/.t'tl 
 Iroin IiIm fiiriy youth iin ilio Icadrr 
 in ull iiiiHi'hiovoiiH (lectin in liin 
 villuKi'. Wiw tliiTc iin orrliiml 
 rol)l)cd ill u i)i'<iiliiirly lioid ()r 
 iiiKciiidiiN iiiitiiiii'i', Tom l.,ovi'Kiii 
 Willi 8Urf to 1)1' Hf( down an llic 
 culprit; did uiiicloii piilcli loNi'^its 
 liioHt i>ri/.cd Hidii-rcs during the 
 nijrht, Tom Lovckin, it would he 
 mud, paid it a visit ; wan ihvrt' a 
 pitchi'd hattlu on tlio wtri'i't he- 
 cniiNOorhiN hi'iiin <liK('ov<'r«d. Uii 
 (iliK occaMion thi! tlfprfdiitioiin ul 
 Tom Lovt'i.iit' NkirmiNlii'N in u 
 raid on Sijuiu' Itii-h b onhurd 
 wrrc »« >{rt'al that thi! whoU- 
 villaKi- wan in arinit. The lioyN 
 t'liKa^cd in the loray to do thfir 
 licMt could not cat ull they hud 
 Htiilcn, uiid huviiig no iiicuiin ol' 
 hiding it, Tom L«vckin'» recep- 
 tacle under thu lied wum thought 
 or and utilized lor the occasion. 
 >Sliortly ulter the udveiituro 
 Scjuire liich Hcoidcntly culled on 
 Mr. l.i(ivekin to examine Kome 
 pluim thul thu luttcr hud been 
 propoMud to carry a car through j 
 the uir ul the rate ol u mile a 
 minute, — " more or Ichn," ho used 
 to add when Npeakiiig on tliiN 
 Nuliject. "Voii cannot meusure the 
 Kpeed and power ol ihene in- 
 veiitionti in the head, Mr, iiki- 
 thoNc which huve long lieeli j 
 worked out. The Nlight advan-l 
 tage which might lie gained liy 
 lexhening u crunk or eiilurging the 
 circumlerence ol u wheel might 
 luuke u dillereiice ol thirty iiiiIcn 
 an hour. The air in nut like the 
 ruilroud, sir; we huve no hills to 
 decreuNU our Hiieed, no ruili* to 
 "dp in^my r<ium, lather; I wun 
 trying to practiite on it ho that yon 
 could I'XhiliU It at the next 
 Ashliurn lair." 
 "What u good lioy ihiN ia ol 
 mine, ^S4uiru Kich ! it ull the 
 lioyN ol (ireeiidale were like him 
 llirre would lie no troulile ; no 
 rolilimu ol orchards, no lights or 
 such tilings then, iSijuire Kich. 
 "(io up stairs, loin, and lirilig it 
 (low n. ' 
 "Let tin go up with liiin" xuid 
 the ^>l(llIre, with u sly chuckle to 
 hiniscll, "and then we cull tiee 
 how he pructmcs Hying." 
 Iween the boys of the rival schools, 
 Tom Lovekiii's strategical inove- 
 ments were discussed lor weeks 
 nlterwards by the pence-loving 
 neighbors, who could not under- 
 stand what had got into the lioys 
 since they were young, preventing 
 them from meeting and parting 
 in good friends. And although 
 when Tom Lovekin was question- 
 ed on such subjects his face bore 
 every sign of innocence and sur- 
 prise, it might be remarked that 
 after nearly every loray under- 
 neath Tom's bed there was to be 
 found the most luscious melon, 
 the roundest, reddest cheeked 
 apple, the finest pears, or perhaps 
 he carried home the blackest eye 
 in all the country side. These ull 
 were trophies of which Tom was 
 not a little proud. But his great 
 success in these forays were the 
 ^ — 
 i \ 
 working on lor some time to dis- 
 cover perpetual motion, lor Tom's 
 lather's attention was so taken up 
 with his machines and inventions 
 that Tom's home education and 
 training was coniined to his 
 mother. But his mother had 
 enough to do with her manifold 
 duties, for more fell to her share 
 than should have done, through 
 her husband's vagaries, and lor 
 the most part Tom's home training 
 wus left to himself, and us we 
 have seen the elfects were not the 
 most satisfactory. 
 But to continue our story, when 
 Mr. Kich had examined the diller- 
 eut attempts to get a wheel, or a 
 lever, or a bull, or a magnet, to 
 move forever, he was not ullowed 
 to depart. Mr. Lovekin had many 
 years before endeavoured to make 
 a flying machine, by which he 
 break and shake a man ull to bits, 
 ill the uir, no bridges to iro over 
 slowly, re(jiiire no brakesnu'ii to 
 slacken 81 eed or nothing of that 
 sort; we have only currents in 
 the air to contend willi, and this 
 I propose to overcome by mak- 
 ing ;" let this dusli represent 
 the rest of the learned disquisition 
 on wheels, and crunks, uiid wings, 
 and tails, by which the currents 
 of the uir were to lie overcome. 
 Of course Mr. Kich could not be 
 allowed to go away w itliout seeing 
 the wonderliil machine, and Mr. 
 Lovekin unlocked the box in 
 which it wus packed, but no 
 muchiiie was to be seen. 
 " Tom ! Tom ! ! Tom ! ! ! " 
 " Ye-e-s, Sir-r-r", from a distance. 
 Tom arrives. 
 "Tom where is my flying 
 machine ?" 
 "It's MO dillercnce." said Tom, 
 who saw the old man's schciiie ; 
 "1 call lly here Just as well " 
 "lint it would be too much 
 trouble to liiiiiir it down ; but 
 neviT mind, h.we it your own 
 ! way." 
 j 'I'om went up rejoicing, not 
 iiiiiigiiiing that the f^quire and his 
 father were lnjlow ilig at his heels. 
 Ills surprise can be imagined 
 wlu'ii just as he was dragiringthe 
 iiiuchiiie Iroiii his never-l'uiliiig 
 receptacle under the bed the old 
 men entered the room. 
 "Dear me ! what u 
 perfuiiii" you have here, 
 "I'ears, 1 declare!' 
 "I'iuins and apples, apricots 
 too, ' said M r. Rich. " U hat a rich 
 boy you must be to have all of 
 these I Come give us one, Tom."«j 
 said liis 
 'I'nin'ii fnrt" i?rov¥ red, •nil nil 
 hiHut'ir-poiiHfBHiim lofl liiiii. "Tom! 
 'roiii '" mini 111* JHlhtT, "wlieri-'n 
 lhi> iiiiir|iiiii''ii liiil ^' 
 "I know," hiikI ihi< iH|nir«',")ron 
 rnn liinl it linii'/niir on my null. 
 I wontliTi'il how iinvboily I'oiiM 
 )^i>t ovt-r win-n I liiiil it newly 
 itpiki'il II iiiontli iku'o Let iix »ff 
 your tifii»iiri'N, Tom " 
 Tom proiiiiri'il tlicm, anil out 
 thi'v rojli'il in uri'ui iiriihiiiion 
 \Vliiil wii.s lohi-iloni' Willi liim f 
 " Miiki> It Hiiilor of liiiii." Kiinl 
 tin- Si|uiri' ; "I'll iri-t liini i lirrtli 
 on till- ' \ iiriliint.' IIi-'ll I'omo 
 Itiii'k II lii'lliT lioy;"iinil lui uiriMnxl 
 IiIk mollii'r'x proti xiiitionx unil 
 ti'iirH 111- wiiM di-nt to siTVi- ao a 
 Nciiiiiiin in Hit Mai<'>ty'it Nnvy. 
 Many vi'iirN lia.s ln' Ih'i'Ii iiwiiy, 
 unil 111- hiiM provi'il u i;>>o<l niiiii. 
 IliN nioiluT iinil I'litlirr liiiv<> 
 );rown olil ill till' iii<-iiiiiim<' ; ili>-ir 
 only romrort in an iiiloptcil cliilil 
 who hi'iriii" lo rriiiiml ihi-Mi of 
 Tom ami wciirs hi« name. Tom 
 is all Ihi' talk ilav aiiil niuhl. The 
 thai I li-ll Very ilitairoiiN to h«i> 
 liovv It waa <'oiii|iirti-i| in Ihiit 
 lamily For in all my viniiN I hml 
 oliHi-rvi-il II rrniarkahly kiiiil ili-- 
 iiiinnor lifiwi'i-n th« varioUN 
 iiK-iiilti-rx, ami wiim <liNpoNi>il to 
 lh>-ik till' Itihli-li-MNoiiii wi-ri' 
 Miiilioil with Hoiiii' ifooil ri'KiillN. 
 Thi> i-v-'iiini; iiii'al lii'lnu- nvir. 
 all wild coulil mill took a llilili'. 
 wliili- Ida, Mi'atliiu' liiTNi'lr at the 
 im-loi|iMin. roiiiin<'iiri'>l a liyniii, ill 
 the NiiiifinK III wliii'li all jiiitn-il. 
 It WHS alioiil thi> I'liihl .'^Jiiniii'l, 
 anil that wat tlii> niiIiJitI of tlii> 
 IrMMiii Till' fathi-r ri'iiil lln- piia- 
 Mitfi' Irom tin- llibh', nIowIv iiml in 
 an inipri-KHivi' nuiniiiT. Ili' llii>n 
 naiil, ■ Now Irl i-arli om- ;fivi' 
 Noim'lliiiiK wliirh lhi>y liavn 
 li'ariii'il V.I rri;aiil to tlio Ii-hhoii or 
 ri'pi-at a text." 
 Ilol tlii'ii saiil lii>r viTNi', in haliy 
 ai'r-niN, " till' I'hiUl (lid miniHtt>r 
 unto ilii> Lord." 
 " What in minititiT, my littli^ 
 one ! " aaki-il hi-r falhi-r. 
 Doinir thill's for mamniii, and 
 fatluT has ifivn up bin search for papa, too, I doss." Thon dimhiiig 
 pi-rpetual motion and hiRtinkeriiitr into hor mother's lap and neatlin^ 
 at the llyinir marhine, and inatead , her ourly head in her hosom she 
 devotes his spare time to makinir ! added, " And for the dood Popa 
 ship models and other nautical 
 Now he is reading Ihe news- 
 paper a few "lavs old, and his eve 
 coines arross the notice, " The 
 ' \ iifilaul' isonlereil home and is 
 expected ni'Xt week." 
 "Then we may expect Toin in 
 a few ilav.s," says the mother. 
 " I Wonder liow he looks .' He 
 must lie twi'nty-six now. Ten 
 years is a lonir, long time to 
 lie away." 
 " Is'l'oin I oiiiiir home, mamma ? 
 Then vou won't talk so much 
 aliout iiim will you ?" said Tom 
 The door opens and a broad. 
 in heaven." 
 " The child has cautrht the 
 spirit of the text," said Mr. W , | 
 " Now, Archie." | 
 Aichie, the live-year old boy, ■ 
 snid, "There was another little 
 boy who w.^nt into the tetiiple, 
 who never wannauffhly too. But 
 he did not live there like Samuel. 
 .And he \v. IS always ifood.Just as ^ 
 Ifooil an can be It was .lesus." 
 "Oh, please, (lapa. that was | 
 mine," said little Dora. " Hut 
 never mind, Archie dear, you did I 
 s.iy that so nice. I'll say two j 
 verses: ' And Samuel ifrew and 
 the Lord WII.S with him, and did 
 let none of his words fall to the ' 
 bronzed, smiliiiL' face, the index of j irround.' ' And Jesus increased in I 
 a stroiiir, lieariv frame, peeps in. | wisdom and stature and in favor 
 It is fallowed l.y the body itself, j with (jod and man.'" ] 
 and Iheie is in the room a sailor. "Very well8aid,liltledauj^hter," , 
 The lather look.s lip from hi-, paper , remarked Mr. W . To which 
 with nil astonished look, but the ' Dora replied, " Oh ! but, papa, I 
 mother's eye ha.s rerocrnized her 
 son and he is clasped in her arms 
 once airain. 
 IIY M\U\ v. ll.VI.E. 
 '■ It is lesson-iiii;lit ilon't trotill 
 alter ten," said a little frienii, with 
 whose parents I liail recently 
 become aci(uaiiited, and on whose 
 mother I wa.s inakin<; a call. 
 " Lesson-niirht ! And what do 
 you do, Dora ? " I asked. 
 " ( Ih, we have little stories and 
 Bible text.s 
 thiiiirs ; and 
 lid not lind them myself. Mamma 
 found them ; but when we talked 
 over the li sson with her, I wanted 
 to tell that which Archie just said." 
 After some remarks by Mr. 
 W , an older boy alluded to 
 the fact that Samuel rose immedi- 
 ately upon beinir called, each time, 
 sbowin!; his rendiness (o obey. 
 He added, " I should think tin- 
 sons of lili would have felt 
 reproved bv Samuers attention to 
 their father." 
 Mr \V made some reply, 
 and pa explains and then Ida irave a brief state- 
 it's so nice. But we ment of the duties of the liiirh 
 all brinij somethin!r. and Ida — ' priest, and in what manner Samuel 
 that's my older sister— calls it n probably aided him. And as a 
 lesson-picnic Kven Dot, the dar- further help, Mrs. W .showed 
 lintr, says a little verse. Dostay," i a picture of the sacred furniture 
 urired Dora. in the holy place, callinir to mind 
 And biHntr cordially solicited by some things which had been 
 Mrs. W , my youns friend's ; learned in previous lessons. 
 mother, I remained. Indeed, a It^asan unconstrained, familiar 
 Sunday-school lesson, studied at i exercise, the father takini; notice 
 home by parents and children, is ' of each child's part by some litting 
 W) so rare a thing in these busy days ; response or question. And when 
 tiach one had spoken, all roiitinued 
 to talk or ask iiuestions upon the 
 stlbjeclN of the lesson A brief 
 appropriate story was usually told 
 for the beiielil of the youilirer ones 
 " Nothinir helps better to fa- 
 iiiiliarixe our minds with Scripture 
 truth in my opinion," said .Mr. 
 \V , " than this slmlyinu' the 
 lesson to^rrther And we think 
 It has a t{ood inllueiiie upon the 
 daily life ol bolli parents and 
 children." — S. S. Time: 
 That was what Harry Day 
 always said when he was told of 
 any of bis bad liabils : " 1 can't 
 help it;" which really meant, "I 
 don't Irish to help it;" because 
 We know Well enoiittli that we 
 can every one of us " liel|i"doinif 
 wroiiif if we try in the riulit way. 
 Once Harry came u|Min an old 
 story in a worn, soiled book which 
 he routed out of a chest in the 
 lumber-closet, and this story set 
 him thinkinir, as it may, perhaps, 
 set some other youiuf folks think- 
 illi( about the reason why it is 
 necessary lo resist what is bad in 
 its earliest beij^iiininir. 
 " Long ago there lived an old 
 hermit who had left the busy 
 world for a cell in the desert, and 
 who was reputed to be learned 
 and wise. 
 "Many people used lo visit the 
 loiieiy man that they miirhl receive 
 his advice, and once a youth came 
 lo him who begired to stay with 
 him for a time as Ins pupil. 
 " The hermit consented, and the 
 iirst day hi> led his young com- 
 panion into a small wood near 
 to their humble dwelling. Look- 
 ing round, he pointed to a very 
 young oak tree Just hhooting fiom 
 the ground. 
 " ' I'ull up that sapling from the 
 root,' said he to his pupil, who 
 obeyed without any difficulty. 
 They went on a little farther, and 
 the old man pointed to another 
 tree but also a young one whose 
 roots struck deeper. This was 
 not so easy to pull upas the Iirst 
 had been ; but with several ell'orts 
 it was accomplished. 
 " The third had grown quite tall 
 and strong, so that the youth was 
 a long lime before he could tear 
 it up; but when his master pointed 
 to a fourth, which was still larger 
 and stronger, he found that, try iih 
 he might, it was impossible to 
 move it. 
 " ' Now, remember and lake 
 heed to what you have seen,' said 
 the hermit. ' The bad habits and 
 passiona of men are just like these 
 trees of the wood. When young 
 and tender they may bo easily 
 overcome, but let them once gain 
 lirm root in your soul, and no 
 human strength is sufficient to get 
 rid of them. Watch over your 
 heart, and do not wait till your 
 faults and passions have grown 
 strong before you try to uproot 
 That was the end of the story ; 
 I can t 
 lips he 
 So he 
 but, as I have said, it set 
 Day thinking, and when " 
 help it " was rising (o Ins 
 was ashamed lo utter it. 
 set himself to the Work of master- 
 iiig his lein|ier, his idleness, and 
 all that I'onsrieiiee told him was 
 amiss Tlioiiirh this Is a work 
 that IN not done in an hour or a 
 day, or even a year, it will be 
 eU'eeted al last (perliaps alter many 
 failures! by prayer and perse- 
 veranee ; nay, it must be done 
 unless we \\iNli lo I ome the 
 servants and the slaves of bIii. — 
 ^f. Y. Ohntrver. 
 - ..-♦■ 
 Hell was a sweet child of three 
 or four years. She was briifht 
 pleasant by day, but having 
 been once friglilened by a nurse 
 about " the dark " she would cry, 
 if she woke in the nii;hl, to be 
 taken into her inolliei's bed. 
 But her mother said, ' No, |{e||, 
 you must lie still in your little 
 crib ; but you may hold my hand 
 whenever you wake up." 
 So very often t' '' -l" r mother 
 would be wakened by the touch 
 of a Nilken hand. She would 
 clasp it I . • erown. and very soon 
 the dear baby would be oil' again 
 lo the land of dreams 
 Bell had never been separated 
 from her mother a single nielli 
 But the lady took heron her knee 
 one day and told her that dear 
 grandma was very ill and was 
 goinu: lo die, and that she must iro 
 away for a few days to be with 
 her. " Are you willing I should 
 go and comrort her ' " she asked 
 Te.irs lilled the blue eyes of 
 little Bell, and she choked so that 
 she could scarcely speak : " Yes, 
 y es, mamma; I want you to go 
 and comfort grandma, but — but— 
 who'll hold my little hand when 
 I'm afraid of the dark ? Papa don't 
 wake up as you do ! " 
 " My dear baby," said the kind 
 mother, " il is Jesus and not I, 
 who keeps you from harm by day 
 and night He is always beside 
 that little bed, and if you wake 
 and miss me, He will take your 
 "Then you may go, juamma;'' 
 said Bell, smiling through her tears. 
 That night when Bell's lather 
 went to his room, he turned up 
 the gas a little, that he might see 
 I the dear baby face in Ihe crib. 
 There was a smile oyer the rosy 
 lips, and the little hand was 
 stretched out as if foi the grasp of 
 some protecting hand. 
 Perhaps in her dreams she was 
 reaching out her hand to Jesus. 
 He who said " Of such is tin 
 kingdom of her yen," has all the 
 dear little ones in His keeping 
 day and night ; and they are salVi 
 with Ilim." — Watrhman. 
 Thk Seeds of Gun Punishment 
 are sown when we commit sin ; 
 j the punishment itself is sure to 
 I come, sooner or later, as the inevita- 
 ' ble haryestof our sowing. — Hesiod. 
 I, it net Hurry 
 wlliMl " I run t 
 let llIN li|IN llll 
 lli-r II. So li«< 
 'iirk (if iiiiiNltir- 
 i lllll'llrNN, IIMll 
 llllll llilll WIIN 
 iIh In ji work 
 I Jill lioiir or n 
 iir, it will 1)11 
 ii|ii itlicr iiiiiiiy 
 T llllll (HTNIt- 
 lUnt lie tloilf 
 I Imtoiiii' the 
 lnvt'ii of liii. — 
 chilli III' lliri'c 
 II' wiiH liriirht 
 ly. lint linviiii^ 
 I'll liy Ik iiiirmi 
 sill' woiilil rry, 
 ■ iiiiihl, to Ik; 
 Iii'i'n Iti'd. 
 .iii.l, ■ No, Hi'll, 
 ill voiir Hull' 
 liolil my hiiiiil 
 I' U|>." 
 ' '1" r mother 
 i liy I he toilrh 
 I. She woiil'l 
 , mill very hodii 
 III III' oll'iii^iiiii 
 lieeii Ni'|>nriili'il 
 II Niiiule iiiulil 
 ler on her knee 
 her thai deiir 
 y ill mill WIIH 
 ml nIii' iiiUKt IT" 
 VN to tie with 
 lliiii; I nHoiiIiI 
 ! " mIu' nskeil 
 1)1 lie eyeN of 
 :hokeil HO tliiit 
 Hpeiik : " Yen, 
 vunt yon to fjit 
 nil, liut — hut — 
 tie hiiiul when 
 k? Pupa don't 
 I " 
 ' said tho kind 
 UN and not I, 
 in hiirin hy day 
 lilwayB henide 
 1 if you wake 
 will lake your 
 go, mamma ;'' 
 rouijhher tears. 
 n Uell'H lather 
 he turned up 
 t he might tiee 
 CO in Iho crib. 
 over tho rosy 
 tie hand was 
 i'oi the grasp of 
 Ireains she was 
 and to Jesus. 
 Of suoh is tho 
 n," has all tho 
 n His keeping 
 d tlioy aru safe 
 re commit sin ; 
 tself is sure to 
 )wing. — Hesiiid. 
 It b<i,fan, likn moat Cliri*tiii«a 
 day*, a long whilo iM-lnrelitiid. 
 That In, the gpitinir realy lor ii 
 beuaii The Irnlli i<, It witn one 
 Very wiinn day in AiiirUHl that ihe 
 plan* lor ( liimiies (>hriiitiiiii« 
 wero funned. They were all out 
 under llie i;real elm-tree in the 
 hack yard, .it work trying to keep 
 cool , an Karl laid, who had hm 
 torn HliMW hat I'ur a Ian, and waa 
 lyiiii; at lull length under the 
 tree. ('liriHiie waa aewiiig, tak- 
 OllUlSllli WAH 8KWINII. 
 inir ({iiick little businesg-like 
 gtiti'hPH on a long seain, the haliy 
 was pulling lirst at her work, and 
 then at Karl's hat ; Nettie was 
 under tlie tree, loo, hut fast anleep, 
 one chuhliy hand supporting her 
 red cheek. Tho mother nf all 
 these little Tuckers was there.too, 
 ■ewing another long seam. There 
 was ever so much to do in the 
 Tucker family, and when any of 
 them sat down to rest, there was 
 sure to ho long seams to sew, 
 patches to set, or holes to darn. 
 ■' Knrl," tho mother said, " keep 
 the flies off Nettie, can't you V 
 they are eating her up." 
 " I must go," said Karl, but he 
 arose on t<;ie elbow and began 
 lazily to tan away the flies ; " I 
 guess my half-hour is up ; father 
 said I was to rest for half an hour, 
 because my cheeks got so red be 
 was afraid 1 would be sun-struck ; 
 it is awful hot out in the Held. 
 I'll tell you where I wish I was 
 this minute ; I'd like to be in uncle 
 ilaniel's ice-house. What a thing 
 it must be to have ice-houses and 
 everything you want." 
 " We can have an ice-house just 
 as well AS not, by Christmas 
 time," said Christie, biting otf her 
 thread; " If I had a chance to be 
 at uncle Daniel's a little while, I'd 
 take care to see something difiier- 
 ^ ent from ice-houses — something 
 j I that we can't ever hare." As she 
 apok», she drew a long breath, 
 like one whoan heart was full ol 
 thliiua that she inlvht say, if she 
 would. Karl wnlehod tier onri- 
 ounly rroiii Im'Iii'hI hm hat 
 "What ihiiig* are there at 
 uiK'U Uaniel'ii that yiui never ex- 
 pert !o hariiy he aHked at laat. 
 " LutHof thein.earpelii, and nice 
 furniture, and inetiireN. ami hooka, 
 and a piano, oh my !" She caught 
 her liruatli auain. and aeenu'd to 
 think it lieHt to Hlop, lent alie 
 ahould aay too inueli. 
 " 1 wouliln't earo a lig lor Ihe 
 rariiels and luriilture, but I'd like 
 well enough to have some of the 
 books. A history or two, 
 maybe, and, like enoiiiiih, a 
 jihyHieai ^reo'.rraphy : but 
 ihoHi' lliinuH I iiii'an to have 
 touio day, willioiit ijoiiig 
 to UIH'le Dalllel'ii Wliiit 
 good would It do to look 
 at thinva, if you didn't 
 own tliein I" 
 " I think it would be 
 nice ' hiive Olio goo. I look 
 V ;hem all ; you eouxl 
 iliiiik out liow other lolks 
 live a great deal eaiier 
 alter that. ' 
 " Well." xaid Karl, after 
 a tlimiglillul pauHe, " may- 
 be you will have a clinU'e 
 Rome day ; it ihu'I ho awlul 
 far '> uncle Daniel's, now 
 that liie ' il- iy is done. 
 How do you know nut you 
 will go and make them n 
 viiil V' 
 Over this nild BUguoS' 
 lion, Christie laughed, and 
 broke her thiead in her 
 nervoiiBiies.'* ; but the 
 mother looked up with a 
 Hignilicaiil nod of her heai? " I 
 mean you shall, child," she said 
 deeideilly ; " 1 ineant it for n sur- 
 piise, but mayho you will like 
 thinking it over, and planning for 
 it, better than the surprise. Your 
 father and I miide up our minds 
 that wii would have you go and 
 Bpeiid a whole day at your uncle 
 Daniel's, and see all the things 
 J hat you want to see so much ; 
 they've invited us often enough 
 and we mean to do it" 
 Karl sal upright, and his cheeks 
 were nearly as red as Christie's 
 and both the children »aiil 
 '•When?" ill KUch lou<l. eay:er 
 tones, that th ' liiiby imiiiiMlialely 
 said it alter them, an<l then 
 sat down on the grass and 
 l.iughed immoderately at her 
 own smartne.'is. As she had 
 never said this word before, 
 Christie, even in her excitement, 
 had to bund down and kiss the 
 baby's mouth. 
 •Well," said Mrs. Tucker, 
 speaking slowly and impressively, 
 " if nothing more than we know 
 of now, happens, we have decided 
 that you shall spend the whole of 
 Christinas day at your uncle's. 
 Ton are to go up on the train that 
 passes at bevon in the morning, 
 and back on the six o'clock, 
 and that will give yon nine whole 
 hours at your uncle Daniel's. I'm 
 sure that will give you time to 
 see a good many thinga. I don't tlicn they oujlit In have mittena. 
 know what your father will nay too.or Homelhiiiir.hut I don't know 
 to iiiv telling you of it, bill you do »» we rmilil in itia«i' about ao 
 like io dreiiin out things BO well, I i'mh'i \ irn , dear im' ' there ia a 
 thoiiifhl you might liki to dream great , nl to do, and only a liltio 
 over llial." till! ■ to do it III , Hot i|uile four 
 ■till my : " aald Cliriatie ; herluonlha, I deilare ' Mow time 
 woilv lell at bar fett ilia heap, doea go. to be Niin 
 aiiil li.ib^ aeued it and rolleil 
 o\er on It, and ehuekled. Then 
 CliriKiie Haul 'Oh my!" agjiiii, 
 tills time at baby, and added. 
 •" Ymi will noraleh yourself mi 
 thai needle," and Hlnoped and 
 gathered up her work The 
 mother \^ent on wilh her wonder- 
 ful story 
 '"We've liceii thinking about it 
 for a ){ood while, your father and 
 I, hut it waHoiilv hiNi iiiKht that 
 Then did Clirittie and Karl look 
 nt eiu II olhi'i , ulai a full of 
 elirioiH aNtoiiiHliiiHlit Nothing 
 Hi'eined to them to move no hIoW 
 ly natline It aeemi'd lo CliriBtlS 
 tiiiil ChriNlinaN il.iy would n^'VPr 
 come, never in the world ' 
 Hut It did. And it found the 
 Tucker laiiiily up very eai'v in 
 the iiio" iiiif. A KeroNi'ii'' lamp 
 was biiilii i\{ III I'i'ery riMnii in the 
 lower part ol the liiMl«e. by lour 
 wu mad" our iniii'l^ up H<|Uarely irrloik l'°or wasii I Ihe siutioii a 
 that \.iii»h"iild go, il we could < mile away, and waxiit Chriaiie to 
 brill- II ttb lilt, and 1 guess we lake her tirnl ride on llie cars that 
 can. I winli il was bo that you niorning / How pretty she look- 
 and Kail could go together, but 1 ,.,l |„ |„.|- trim new huii ' New? 
 we don't know how to manage [ Wdl, yes, new lo her Who wr.S 
 that iiiiw, that'sa Tail ;iii'd t'hiisl- (joing to kimw, unless Nhe told 
 mas (l.iy iH ChrislirN birihdiiy, | ihein. that llie brown travelling 
 yoii know Karl, aii'l iM.Nides she , dress, sack and all, was made 
 IK two yens older than you. ller (r„in an old water-proof I'loak that 
 'auni l.i<iniKa had lell th<>re one 
 llllll oiiirlit to come lirst 
 " Coiu.'e,"" said Karl sturdily, 
 but he Hhaded IiIn fare entirely 
 wilh hiH hat, and let the Hies bite 
 Nettie in pence lor about a 
 inimile. What a tliiiii.' it vonjil 
 bo to take a ride on the steam 
 ears' No, he hid never been on 
 them ill lii.^ life. Neither had 
 Chrisiio but then sli" wiio a '.;irl ; 
 he wondered if il could bo so 
 hard lor girls as for IiOvh. 
 '•lint, inolhor," said ChiiHtie 
 timidly, "it costs an awi'nl lot of 
 monev to tide on the cars." 
 " 1 l<now it does Kii,'hty-five 
 cents til 10, and eighty-livo cents 
 back; that's a dollar and seventy 
 cents! It sooins a good deal to 
 spend ; but it is your birthday, and 
 il is ChriNtnios il .y, and you've 
 worked hard, and father and Karl 
 and 1 think you ought logo; don't 
 we, Karl !" 
 •• Yes'm," said Karl, and if his 
 voice trembled a little, his mother 
 pretended not to no- 
 tice it. 
 ■' Yes, " she said 
 cheerily, 'that's what 
 we do, and we are 
 going to work for it; 
 there is a great deal 
 to be done between 
 now and then ; there's 
 some yeast cakes 1 
 will want to send to 
 your aunt Louisa; and 
 some mittens for tho 
 baby, and if I can 
 bring it about, Vm go- 
 ing lo tie a comfort 
 lor his little bed ; your 
 aunt Louisa said they 
 were nice things, the 
 last time she was here, 
 and your father thinks 
 thare will bo a bag of 
 choice apples that we 
 can put in for them ; 
 and I thought maybe 
 Karl and you would 
 want to gather a few 
 nuts for your cousins ; 
 leraiise |l reallv was not 
 worth boiheriiig lo ifii it into the 
 trunk I Aunt Louisa lierself 
 would not K.we recoirni/.od it 
 luw. It 11.. ' Ue'u tutlied, and 
 Npiiiiiri'd and presseil .iliil nit and 
 liu<'d and Irimiiieil, with rows 
 upon '.'OWN of in.i. 'llllll' niititliing 
 ol tho Very nealent sort. How 
 many little liii;,'i'rH had helped to 
 gel Christie ready for her lirst 
 going out into the great woi-ld! 
 There was Susan Itritrirs the tai- 
 loress. home on a few days' visit 
 lo her mother, their next neigh- 
 bor, and one evening when she 
 ran in to seo tlie I'ucke-"* she h»d 
 said: "Why, you wo l tjave 
 enough of that for some ol those 
 cunning little cut-away jackets 
 that they wear so much ! iivi me 
 look at it : I do bolievo I could 
 f[ot one out. Why, dear mo! it 
 las a large cape too ; yes, I know 
 I could. Shall I cut it out for yon, 
 MrH Tuckur? Oli, iionsonse ! I 
 wuald just as Boon do it, as to sit 
 here with my hands folded. 
 Hand me the shears, ( 'hristie ! I've 
 got my pattern in my pocket ; I 
 lent it to Jane Aiine Wh" '.or, audi 
 met her coming to bring it home, 
 just as I turned the cornor to- 
 night. Wasn't that foriniiato ? 
 I'll tell you v'hai it is, Christie 
 Tucker, we'll have a nice little 
 cut-away jackot for you before 
 you knov? it. What are you go- 
 ing to trim the dress with?" 
 " Oh dear me ! " said Mrs. 
 Tucker, "don't talk to us about 
 trimming; it has been just as 
 much as we could do to pucker 
 the necessary things foifcther to 
 make the dress. You see, Susan, 
 a journey makes so much ex- 
 penses ; she had to have a new 
 pair of gloves, and a pair of shoes, 
 and altogether it counts up; she 
 will have to go without trim- 
 Then did Susan sit in quiet, her 
 busy shears snipping the cloth 
 most skilfully, her busy brain 
 considering the while ; at last she 
 spoke her thoughts. 
 " I'll tell you what it is, Mrs. 
 Tucker, thin goods would look 
 beautifully stitched on the ma- 
 chine ; suppose we change works ! 
 if you will do some buttonholes 
 for me, I'll take this home and 
 give it throe rows on mother's ma- 
 chine ; you do make buttonholes 
 clegaiktly, and I'd rather stitch, 
 any day, than to make them." 
 And the gratified mother who 
 would not tiave accepted charity 
 to get trimming for her daughter, 
 was nevertheless willing to get it 
 by changing work ; so the three 
 rows of stitching were added, and 
 very prettythey looked. Then,one 
 evening, came Mr8.Briggs,Su8an'8 
 mother, to sit awhile with her 
 knitting, and tucked away in her 
 pocket was a pretty little ruffle of 
 finest cambric, hemmed with the 
 smallest of stitches, gathered in 
 infinitesimal puckers, and care- 
 fully fluted by Mrs. Briggs' own 
 skilful hands. 
 "There!" she B<\id, bringing it 
 out, " I was making ruffles for my 
 girls, and there was a little speck 
 over — I promised them three 
 Hpiece, you know, and this was 
 left over — and, thinks I to myself, 
 that will just make Christie a 
 ruflle to wear when she goes her 
 first journey ; so I made it for a 
 little Christmas present for you, 
 child ; and you must pay me by 
 telling me about all the wonder- 
 ful things you saw on the way." 
 How pretty the little white 
 ruffle was ! And how pleased was 
 Christie, and how more than 
 pleased was her mother. It was 
 80 nice for people to lake an in- 
 terest in Christie 
 At last everything was ready. 
 The basket, ol choice apples was 
 paclied, the bag of yeast cakes 
 was slowed away in the old- 
 fiishioued, flowered carpet satchel 
 that had gone on journey by 
 water, and journey by stage, a 
 lung time ago, but bad never in 
 its life taken a ride by steam. 
 There were other choice things 
 in the satchel— mittens and wrist 
 warmers, and the cay patch-work 
 comfort for the baby's bed; and 
 there was another basket for the 
 nuts that had been gathered at 
 just the right time to be at their 
 " I don't know how yon will 
 ever get out of the cars loaded 
 down so," father Tucker said, 
 looking a little anxious, " But I 
 guess the conductor will help 
 you ; I'll speak to him about it." 
 " And do be careful, Christie," 
 said mother Tucker ; " it seems to 
 me as though the cars must be 
 dangerous things, going so fast. 
 I'm most sorry I gave my consent 
 to having you go ofi alone ; it is a 
 pretty risky thing for a young 
 girl like you." 
 " O mother," said Karl, "nothing 
 will hurt her. I wouldn't be 
 afraid to go to New York all 
 " Yes, I know," said the wise 
 little mother, regarding him with 
 boy only three or four years older 
 than himself, was there with his 
 sleigh and pony to see his sister 
 otf to school. Karl, after his milk 
 can was diijposed of, on the hand 
 freight car, had leisuie to watch 
 Wells Burton. How he took his 
 sister's satchel of booKs, and her 
 shawl strap, and walked beside 
 her to the steps of the car and 
 helped her up, and sprang gayly 
 in after her ; then Karl could see 
 him through the windows.walking 
 down the aisle of the car,sometimes 
 turning a seat, then settling the 
 books and the shawl strap on 
 some shelf or hook that seemed to 
 be overhead ; Karl had never 
 been near enough to investigate 
 how it was fixed, for his strict 
 orders were on no account to step 
 on the cars. But ho had watched 
 Wells Burton all through the fall ; 
 ho knew just how to do it, and 
 ho was burning with an eager 
 desire to do it for Christie. Great, 
 then, was his disappointment 
 when his father appeared in his 
 best boots, atid v> .h his great 
 coat and heavy mittens. 
 " You will have two passen- 
 f. ers, my boy, this morning," he 
 said cheerily ; "oh, yes, I'm going. 
 I couldn't let my girl start out in 
 world alone." 
 "Now, do be careful," said 
 mother, following her treasure 
 out of the door, and down the 
 snowy path to the great wood 
 sleigh, where the can of milk 
 wos already tucked in among 
 bags and blankets; "don't open 
 the window to look at anything, 
 and mind you don't put your 
 head out ; I've heard 
 that it is dangerous ; 
 and remember all I 
 told you to tell 
 Louisa iind the rest ; 
 and mind and wrap 
 the big shawl around 
 you well, when you 
 ride to the station. 
 .\iid don't you let 
 them coax you to 
 stay all night for 
 anything in the 
 world. I shouldn't 
 sleep a wink if you 
 did, and I guess may- 
 be I'd start on fooc 
 to see what was the 
 TUB BAiiv SAT DOWNONTiiK Between these sen- 
 (IRASS AND LAUaiiED. tences, Christie was 
 kind motherly eyes ; " but then, 
 you are a boy, and buys are ex- 
 pected to take care of themselves, 
 and look after t'ae girls besides." 
 Karl's dark cheeks flushed over 
 this, and he answered cheerily, 
 " Well, I'll take good care of her ; 
 I'll go on the cars and pick her 
 out a seat, and settle all her bas- 
 kets and bundles. 
 If the whole truth were told, 
 Karl Tucker looked forward to 
 this performance almost as eager- 
 ly as Christie did to the journey, 
 livery morning he drove to the 
 depot and sent a can of milk into 
 the city by the early train. And 
 every morning Wells Burton, a 
 being kissed and 
 hugged, until what with the 
 bundling up, and the frosty air, 
 and a feelitig as though she was 
 going away off into a great cold 
 world, and might never see any 
 of the dear people in the little old 
 farmhouse any more, she felt as 
 though she should choke, or may- 
 be cry ; and that would be almost 
 worse ! 
 At last they were off! The 
 mother came in and held the baby 
 up at the window to watch the 
 sleigh as it turned the corner,and 
 slipped out of sight, and then she 
 " How Mrs. Burton stands it to 
 let her little girl go to the city 
 every day to school, I don't see! 
 Seems to me I should fly away 
 with anxiety ; but there is nothing 
 like getting used to things Dear 
 me ! It doesn't seem right to have 
 the child go off on Christmas day ; 
 but then it was her birthday, and 
 all ; and she'll be back to supper 
 and be hungry enough, I'll war- 
 rant ; thnre'll be so many dishes, 
 and silver, and things at Daniel's, 
 that she can't do much eating. 
 I'll have stewed chicken, and bis- 
 cm s smothered in cream gravy, 
 and hot apple sauce, to surprise 
 her ; see if I don't ! Come, Nettie 
 dear, you're the only little girl 
 mother has to help her to-day, 
 and we must fly around. What 
 should I do if I hadn't Christie to 
 help every day, is more than I 
 can think.' And, thank the Lord, 
 I haven't got it to think. 
 But she wiped away the tears 
 as she hurried to her work, for 
 Christie had never been away 
 from home before a whole day in 
 her life. What, not even to 
 school ? No, not even to school. 
 (To be continued.) 
 A certain horse in Sayreville for 
 twenty years has been a cart- 
 horse in a brick-yard, and the ha- 
 bit of going through a certain 
 round of duties day after day for 
 eight months in the year has en- 
 abled him to do things which 
 seem to itidicate possession of 
 mental faculties similar to some of 
 those possessed by the human 
 race. It is an old saying among 
 the farmers that crows cannot 
 count more than three, but this 
 horse has the ability to count 
 sixty-five. His routine of Ijibor is 
 to cart sixty-five loads of clay 
 from the pit to the spot where 
 the clay is mixed or ground and 
 then go for a load of coal dust; and 
 now, without atiy thing being said 
 or done to indicate the fact to him, 
 when he has deposited his sixty- 
 fifth load, he turns away from the 
 clay pit and goes to the dock for 
 a load of dust. This is not the 
 only peculiarity, for when he goes 
 to the pit, he backs the cart up to 
 the right place, atid will take 
 only what ho conceives to be his 
 proper load. If more is put on, 
 he backs and kicks and rattles the 
 cart about until the load is re- 
 duced to what he considers a pro- 
 per quantity. Having such an 
 intellectual capacity, it is not sur- 
 prising to learn that he will not 
 be driven. As soon as the reins 
 are touched he becomes fractious 
 and uiimana^ -able, but a gentle 
 explanation of what is required 
 usually has the desired eUect. — 
 Children's Friend. 
 Good Men have the fewest 
 fears. He has but one who fears 
 to do wrong. He has a thousand 
 who has overcome that one. 
 Hk 18 NOT "nly idle who does 
 nothing, but ho is idle who might 
 be better employed. 
1, I doii't see! 
 3uld fly away 
 tere is uothing 
 things Dear 
 i right to hare 
 'hristmas day ; 
 birthday, and 
 tack to supper 
 ough, I'M war- 
 many dishes, 
 gs at Daniel's, 
 much eating, 
 icken, and bis- 
 cream gravy, 
 :c, to surprise 
 Come, Nettie 
 nly little girl 
 p her to-day, 
 round. What 
 In't Christie to 
 I more than I 
 lank the Lord, 
 way the tears 
 her work, for 
 r been away 
 I whole day in 
 not even to 
 iven to school. 
 I Sayreville tor 
 been a cart- 
 d, and the ha- 
 igh a certain 
 y after day for 
 year has en- 
 things which 
 possession of 
 lilar tosorae of 
 y the human 
 saying among 
 crows cannot 
 hree, but this 
 ility to count 
 itinu of Ijibor is 
 loads of clay 
 le spot where 
 •r ground and 
 1' coal dust; and 
 ling being said 
 the fact to him, 
 iited hi.s sixty- 
 away from the 
 .0 the dock for 
 his is not the 
 • when he goes 
 the cart up to 
 ind will take 
 eivcs to be his 
 ore is put on, 
 and rattles the 
 tie load is re- 
 >nBider8 a pro- 
 ving such an 
 r, it is not sur- 
 al he will not 
 II as the reins 
 omes fractious 
 , but a gentle 
 it is required 
 sired ellect. — 
 ^e the fewest 
 one who fears 
 las a thousand 
 that one. 
 idle who does 
 lie who might 
 CHAPTER I.-Con/inw'. 
 It is time I told you a little 
 more about the Tucker family. 
 They lived away "out West. " 
 That is, if you live in New York, 
 or Brooklyn, or Maine, or ISoston, 
 or New Haven, or even in Cleve- 
 land or Cincinnati, you might call 
 it away "out West," for it was 
 in Kansas. 
 lived an entirely different life 
 from the Tuckers. He was Mrs. 
 Tucker's youngest brottjer, was a 
 merchant, and had one of the 
 finest stores in the fine little city, 
 and was what the Western peo- 
 ple called a rich man. The 
 Tuckers saw very little of them, 
 for the reason that twenty miles 
 in a country where there are no 
 railways, are not easily gotten 
 over, especially by busy people ; 
 and it was not yet quite a year 
 since the branch railway 
 came within a mile of the 
 Tucker's farm. Since then, 
 the country around had 
 begun to hold up its head. 
 A good school had been 
 started, a neat little church 
 had been built, and to the 
 church the Tuckers tramp- 
 ed every Sabbath day. But 
 the school they had not 
 suceeded in getting time 
 to attend. 
 "By next year," Mr- 
 Tucker had said, " we 
 must try hard for it." 
 He said it again that 
 very morning, on the road 
 to the depot. 
 Chapter II. 
 It was very pleasant rid- 
 ing to the depot in the 
 early light of the win'er 
 morning. A ride of any 
 KAUi, swi'NH OFF A.M0NO THE BOUGHS. soTt was a treat to Christie. 
 There was always so much 
 to do in the little home in the 
 morning, and when evening was 
 closing in, that she conid rarely 
 be spared to ride to the station 
 with Karl ; so that, really, for the 
 third time in her life, did she ex- 
 pect to gaze on the cars ! 
 " It isn't your first ride after 
 the iron horse, by any means," 
 her father said to her. " 'lore 
 than a thousand miles yon rode, 
 and y 'U stood it well, too ; were 
 just as gO"d as you could be, and 
 gave mother and me no trouble 
 at all ; in fact you seemed to be 
 anxious to amuse Karl, and help 
 him to have a good time. But 
 you were such a little dot I don't 
 suppose you remember anything 
 about it." 
 " Why, father," said Karl, " she 
 wasn't three years old then! How 
 could she remember it?" 
 "Well, I don't know ; seems to 
 me I remember my mother, and 
 I wasn't quite three years old 
 when she died ; but then folks 
 remember mothers, I s'pose, longer 
 than they do anything else. They 
 ought to. Well, Christie, my girl, 
 keep your eyeo open to-day, and 
 , see what you can learn. My 
 New England home, had been : father used to tell me— your old 
 the best reader and speller in the | grandfather, you know, who died 
 whole school, had tanght them in j before you were born— he used 
 both these branches very care- 1 to say to me, ' Learn all you can, 
 fully And so, though they had John, about anything and every- 
 not many books to read, what thine ; there is no telling when a 
 they had were very carefully j chance may pop up for you to use 
 read, and very well understood, what you thought you never 
 Uncle Daniel lived in the hand- would use.' It's a good rule. I 
 some city that had sprung up practised on it once when I saw 
 twenty miles further east, and he I a man making a waggon ; I 
 The Tuckers wont there from 
 New England when Karl was a 
 baby, and had been working 
 away on th'eir bit of a farm ever 
 since. A city had grown up 
 about twenty miles from them, 
 but it had not grown where Mr. 
 Tucker thought it would, when 
 he bought his little farm, and 
 not even a school had come with- 
 in five miles of them until lately. 
 I am not so very sure that it 
 would have done the Tucker 
 children muoh good if there had ; 
 the truth ' ..s, there was such 
 hard work, .nd so much of it, to 
 feed all Ih', mouths, and clothe 
 the stout little bodies, that both 
 Christie and Karl had had to 
 work hard all day long. You 
 need not suppose that on this ac- 
 count they did not know any- 
 thing. I fancy they were almost 
 as good scholars as some who go 
 to school year after year. Mr. 
 Tucker had taught them, in the 
 long winter evenings, to cipher, 
 and had studied geography with 
 them on a big old map of the 
 United State8,thathe had brought 
 with him from New England. 
 And Mrs. Tucker, who, in her 
 watchad just how he fixed the 
 wheel and the holes for the nails, 
 and everything, and I said, right 
 out loud, ' It isn't any ways likely 
 that I shall ever make a waggon, 
 but then I might as well know 
 how you do it.' And it wasn't a 
 week after that we broke down 
 going across the prairie, your 
 mother and me and two children; 
 and if I hadn't known just how 
 to fix that wheel we would have 
 frozen to death likely enough be- 
 fore we could get anywhere." 
 "Well," Christie said, laughing 
 a little, "I don't suppose 1 shall 
 ever make o train of cars, but I'll 
 learn how if 1 can." 
 " There's no telling," her father 
 isaid, 'what will come of one day ; 
 'they are curious things, days are; 
 !like enough you may see some- 
 I thing to-day that will help you 
 I along all your life; and for the 
 matter of that, yoxi might see 
 'plenty of things to hinder you all 
 [your life; that's what makes such 
 : solemn business of living. Only 
 there's one comfort ; you can shut 
 your eyes to the evil things, and 
 say : I won't remember one of 
 them; I'll have nothing to do 
 with them. And the good things 
 yon can mark and lay away in 
 your mind for future use. Well, 
 here we are, I declare. Old Sam 
 has trotted along pretty fast this 
 morning. Now, my man,you may 
 help Christie out, and get her 
 ticket, and put her on the train 
 all right, and I'll stay here and 
 take care of Sam." 
 Then did Karl's face glow ! 
 But he made a pretence of objec- 
 tion: "Why, father, I can take 
 care of Sam if you want to go." 
 " No, no, my boy, I can trust 
 yon to look after Christie ; you'll 
 have plenty of time ; they've got 
 a lot of freight to load this morn- 
 ing, and yon can go in and find 
 her a seat, and do it all up like a 
 man. Sam and I will tend to 
 each other out here. 
 I'll just set the satchel 
 on the steps there, so 
 yon can reach it easy, 
 and then I'll drive 
 around to the shed." 
 Good, thoughtful 
 father ! Putting quiet- 
 ly away his own de- 
 sire to see his little gir 
 safely launched for her 
 first journey; putting 
 back with resolute 
 hand the vague foarthat 
 Karl might not help 
 her properly, or might 
 not get off the train in 
 time, and so harm 
 might come to one or 
 both of them. Well he 
 knew that a vchole 
 array of "mights" and 
 " might nots" lay all 
 along life's journey 
 with which to make 
 himself miserable, and 
 there was nothing for 
 it but to seize the 
 doubts with resolute 
 hand and hold them 
 back 80 that thi y need 
 not cripple the youii!.^ lives under 
 his care. Ho remembered how, 
 when Karl climbed the tree and 
 swung off in a daring way 
 among the slender-looking 
 boughs, he had to shut his eyes 
 and ask <iod to take care of the 
 boy, and keep the father from cry- 
 ing out, and so help to make his 
 son a coward. He felt a little bit 
 like that this morning. Only the 
 memory of the apple-tree helped; 
 there were no trees now that 
 Karl couldn't climb. They 
 moved away briskly, that little 
 man and woman ; Christie run- 
 ning hack once to give father one 
 more kiss, and to assure him that 
 she woulil certainly be in time for 
 the evening train. And once he 
 called after her, and ran forward 
 to tell her to say to uncle Daniel 
 thot he could have a cow in the 
 spring, like the one he wanted 
 last fall. And then he went back 
 to his horse, and the boy and girl 
 entered the depot together. Karl 
 went forward, business written 
 on every line of his manly face as 
 he called for and paid for a ticket, 
 and stood by protectingly while 
 Christie pinned it in the corner of 
 her handkerchief into her pocket. 
 Then he made a little heap of the 
 basket of apples, and the basket 
 of nuts, and the flowered satchel 
 and the shawl, making business- 
 like comments the while. 
 " You must have the conductor 
 lift off" these baskets for yon, 
 Christie ; they always do that for 
 folks travelling alone. You don't 
 have to give up your ticket, yon 
 know ; the conductor makes a little 
 hole in it, and then gives it back ; 
 he won't take it until you are al- 
 most at the city. And Christie, 
 mother said I was to remind you 
 the last thing, not to get ofi° the 
 cars until you saw uncle Daniel, 
 and knocked on the window for 
 him to come for you ; mother wor- 
 ried about your getting off alone." 
 "And what," said Christie, 
 "should I do if uncle Daniel 
 didn't get there in lime, and I 
 had to get otF?" She moved 
 closely to Karl as she spoke, and 
 felt as though thoir ages wore re- 
 versod.and she was ton and he was 
 twelve, and wished with all her 
 timid little heart that he was go- 
 ing along to lake care of her. He 
 had seen the cars so often. 
 "Oh, well," her protector said 
 reassuringly, " he will be there, 
 of course ; he knows just how 
 mother feels. But then if he 
 shouldn't, you needn't bo one 
 mite atraid;itis just as easy to 
 step olf. I shouldn't mind it at all. 
 I've seen Wells lUirlon swing 
 himself off with his hands iu his 
 pockets; he does it Just as easy as 
 you step down from the back 
 stoop. There he is now ! Look, 
 Christie, the boy just turning the 
 corner !" 
 lie came leisurely down the 
 snowy walk, whistling a merry 
 tune ; a tall, liandtomo boy, dress- 
 ed in a well-iitting suit of Knest 
 quality and of city make. He 
 nodded his head good-humoredly 
 to a man who stood leaning 
 against the post, and lilted his cap 
 politely to a ludy who was ap- 
 proaching from the other end. 
 " I wonder what he is going in 
 for to-day?" murmured Karl, 
 watching him with fascinated 
 gaze. " There isn't any school for 
 a week; i heard him tell Mr. 
 Lewis so yesterday. Du you sup- 
 pose he can be going just lor the 
 fun of it?" 
 There was a touch of awe in 
 Karl's voice. It seemed such a 
 wondei'I'ul thinij for a boy hut a 
 "Oh, no, (hey were not fright- 
 ened. I telegraphed of course as 
 M soon as I found out how it was. 
 I thoughtmamma might be a trifle 
 " No, ma'am, I walked down 
 this morning, it is such a bore to 
 be always riding. Since there 
 was nobody but myuolf I thonght 
 I would have the fun of a walk in 
 the snow." 
 What wonderful talk was this ! 
 KnrI, looking and listening, forgot 
 for a moment his own importance 
 that morning, and actually gave 
 a sigh. To hear a boy so little 
 older than himself talk so com- 
 posedly about going into town 
 and out of town, and spend- 
 ing the night alone, and tele- 
 graphing, and dismissing the 
 handsome sleigh and ponies for 
 the fun of a walk, it was almost 
 loo much ! He looked over at 
 the handsome, well dressed fel- 
 low with a strange wjstfulness ; 
 and the gray pateho.s on his knees 
 looked larger and coarser than 
 ever before, and the red tippet 
 around his neck seemed almost 
 to choke him. What a ditlerence 
 there was in their lives,to be sure ! 
 "Talk about houses," he said 
 to Christie, speaking some of his 
 thoughts aloud, " you ought to see 
 the inside of their house ! I 
 gueos uncle Daniel's is nothing 
 to it. Nick 
 Barton has 
 been there 
 with freight; 
 been up- 
 stairs in 
 three or four 
 o I their 
 rooms, carry, 
 ing heavy 
 things, you 
 know, and 
 says it is per- 
 fectly splen- 
 did, the fur- 
 niture and 
 He was tell- 
 ing me about it last night ; he says 
 they've got hvo pianos.ortwo great 
 big music things in different 
 rooms, and Iwoks ! Nick says 
 there are books enough to till the 
 church, he should think." 
 "I'd liki- to see the outside of 
 their house," Christie said wist- 
 fully " I don't ever expect to see 
 the inside. Hut Karl, in the sum- 
 ing from wistfniness to piiv. flew |>:ist them! Everything 
 " Yes, there is ; he can't walk, i seemed to be afraid of them, and 
 only on crutches, and looks pale hurrying to get out of their way. 
 lew years older than himself to boiraer, mother said you and 1 would 
 possibly ruling around on the 
 cars fur the fun of it, as he some- 
 times rode a horse to water ! As 
 if in explanation of his wonder- 
 ment. Wells Burton spoke to the 
 lady who had addressed him. 
 " No, ma'am, our people are all 
 walk over that way and see all 
 around it. Do you suppose 
 they will be there in the sum- 
 mer ?" 
 "Of course," said Karl, "they built 
 the new house lor the summer. 
 They didn't tneati (o stay hero in 
 in town; went in yesterday to! the winter at all. Nick told me 
 fip<Mid Christinas at my grand- : last night ; h>' says they jtist came 
 lather's. 1 was to have none there down to settle it, and see to 
 last evening but 1 didn't get my things ; and the sick young man 
 j)»p.i'H message in Itino, and so took a fancy to stay ; so they all 
 came home as usual and had to stayed 
 slay here all night. 
 Well, no, not alone, exactly 
 Nu'k said he 
 The servants are all at home, you 
 knov/ ; but it seemed rather 
 think it would last long, but he 
 iriu'^si'il maybe they would stay 
 all winter." 
 " Is there a sick young man'?" 
 Christie's voice was chang- 
 and weak ; and when he goes in 
 to the city, Nick says some great 
 strong man takes him right in his 
 arms and lifts him into the cars ; 
 and he is twenty years old." 
 " Poor young man ! " said 
 And she envied the Burton 
 familr no more. 
 "There's the train I" said Karl, 
 his voice full of suppressed ex- 
 citement. " Now, Christie, don't 
 you touch one of those bundles. 
 I'll tend to them all; and, Chris- 
 tie," — this in a lower tone — "if 
 anything should happen that 
 uncle Daniel shouldn't be there, 
 and you shouldn't see the con- 
 ductor, this boy would help you 
 olf if you should just ask him,and 
 he could tell you just where to 
 go to wait; he knows all about 
 the city, you see." 
 "Oh," said Christie, shrinking 
 back, and clinging to Karl's tip- 
 pet, " I couldn't speak to him, 
 Karl; I couldn't indeed. I'd 
 rather get off alone a great deal ; 
 and I'm most sure uncle Daniel 
 will be there." 
 "So am I. Don't worry I Now 
 come !" 
 And the great moment had 
 arrived. Karl shouldered the 
 bundles with 
 the air of one 
 used to carry- 
 ing many 
 things, set 
 them skill- 
 fully on the 
 steps of the 
 p) a tfo rm, 
 then came 
 down again 
 for Chris- 
 tie, piloted 
 her safely 
 through the 
 car, found a 
 seat for her, 
 d i s covered 
 that there was a convenient little 
 wire house above the seat where 
 shawls and parcels were placed, 
 arranged hers for her, and in fact 
 did everything that an experi- 
 enced traveller could have done 
 for her comfort. He had not used 
 his eyes for nothing. Hut now a 
 brakesman was snouting " All 
 iiboard !" and he must leave her 
 to herself. He bent down for 
 one last word just as Wells Bur- 
 ton sauntered iu with the air of 
 an old traveller who had lingered 
 outside until the latest moment : 
 "Remember, Christie, if any- 
 thing should happen — which 
 there won't, it isn't likely — I 
 shouldn't be afraid to ask that 
 What a queer noise the cars 
 made ! And they shook so r As 
 though they were angry, Christie 
 thought. She and Karl had of- 
 ten tried to imagine what riding 
 on the cars felt like, but they cer- 
 tainly had never succeeded. By 
 degrees, as she became accustom- 
 ed to the strange motion, our lit- 
 tle traveller gained courage to 
 look about her. She had a greaiL 
 desire to act like other people, 
 and in order to do this, it would 
 be necessary to find out how 
 other people acted. Opposite her 
 sat a man with fray hair, and gold 
 spectacles, and a very large gold 
 watch. I liri.'-tie liked to look at 
 " He is good," she said to her- 
 self '• I know ho is. I wonder 
 if he's somebody's grandpa going 
 homo for Christmas. I suppose 
 he doesn't look like my grandpa 
 out in New York, but 1 wish he 
 did. 1 suppose he is taking his 
 grandchildren some nice pre- 
 ents ; books, maybe. I wish he 
 would come over here and sit, and 
 tell me about them." 
 This thought made her look di- 
 rectly in front of her, to see who 
 had the seat which she wanted 
 for her old gentleman. It was a 
 young man with a pale, dis- 
 contented face. He seemed to 
 be in a great hurry, for he looked 
 at his watch three times during 
 the few minutes that Christie 
 watched him ; yet when a lady 
 who sat in front of him suddenly 
 turned and asked hijn to please 
 tell her what time it was, he 
 started as though he were not 
 used to being spoken to, and said : 
 " What ? I bog your pardon. 
 Oh, the time ! I really do not 
 know, but I'll see." And out 
 came the watch again. 
 How could Christie help gig- 
 ling ? It did seem so funny to 
 her. She did not mean he should 
 hear her, but ho did, for he dart- 
 ed at her a quick, annoyed look, 
 which, however, softened when 
 he saw what a shy, ashamed little 
 thing it was. 
 Now Christie was not used to 
 strangers, and felt almost afraid 
 to speak ; but she had been 
 brought up to be careful of other 
 people's feelings, and she was 
 afraid she had hurt this young 
 man. She slipped forward on 
 her seat and touched his arm. 
 Her voice trembled a little : 
 •'If you please, sir," she said, 
 " I hope you will forgive me for 
 laughing. I couldn't help it; it 
 seemed so funny to look at such a 
 lovely Watch as that without 
 boy about things ; ho looks good- ' knowing what it said. But I did 
 natured. And, Christie, mind and 
 come home to-night, even if you ' 
 have to walk." i 
 There was a sudden clanging 
 of the bell, a final howl from the 
 locomotive, a jerk which almost 
 threw Christie from her seat, and 
 they were really off. How swift- 
 ly the trees and barns and fences, manneni. — Swift 
 not mean to bo rude. Mother 
 would be ashamed of me." 
 {To be rinUinned.) 
 A Man is known by his com- 
 pany, and his company by his 
 of thorn, and 
 of their way. 
 liso the cars 
 hook BO r As 
 iiSfry, Christie 
 Karl had of- 
 what riding 
 , but they cer- 
 coeeded. By 
 imo accustom- 
 lotion, our lit- 
 L courage to 
 10 had a greaik 
 other people, 
 his, it would 
 lid out how 
 Opposite hor 
 tiair, uiul gold 
 ■ry larjre gold 
 I'll to look at 
 a said to her- 
 is. I wonder 
 nindpa e:oiiig 
 s. I suppose 
 J my grandpa 
 ut 1 wish ho 
 is taking his 
 e nice pre- 
 I wish ho 
 •0 and sit, and 
 .6 her look di- 
 r, to see who 
 \ she wanted 
 in. It was a 
 a pale, dis- 
 u seemed to 
 for he looked 
 times during 
 that Christie 
 when a lady 
 aim suddenly 
 Un to please 
 it was, he 
 were not 
 to, and said : 
 our pardon. 
 ally do not 
 And out 
 help gig- 
 funny to 
 ■iui he should 
 for he dart- 
 noyed look, 
 ftened when 
 hamed little 
 not used to 
 I most afraid 
 had been 
 till of other 
 d she was 
 this young 
 forward on 
 1 his arm. 
 " she said, 
 give me for 
 help it; it 
 ok at such a 
 at without 
 But I did 
 >y his com- 
 iny by his 
 CHAPTEK II.— CoiKtniKd. 
 If the young man had been be- 
 wildered when the lady spoke to 
 him, he was too much astonished 
 now to say a word. He just 
 stared for a minute at the burning 
 cheeks, as though he felt like say- 
 " What in the world can you 
 be talking about ?" At last he 
 " There is no harm done, my 
 little friend. I had already for- 
 gotten that you laughed. My 
 thoughts were too busy about 
 other things, and too sad to pay 
 much attention to watches, or to 
 think of anything but getting 
 over the ground as fast as pos- 
 " Wo go very fast," said Chris- 
 tie earnestly. 
 She wanted to comfort the 
 young man, his voice sounded so 
 sad. He smiled faintly. 
 "Do you think soV It seems 
 to me that we almost creep." 
 Christie caught her breath to 
 keep from expressing too great 
 surprise. It seemed to her that 
 they almost flow. 
 He saw the astonishment on 
 her face, and explained : 
 " A hundred miles from here I 
 have a very sick friend. If I 
 could get to her in time, I think 
 I might help her. Do you won- 
 der that the train seems to me to 
 move very slowly ?" 
 "No, Sir;" said Christie, with 
 great sympathetic eyes. "If 
 mother were sick, I should want 
 to fly." 
 She sat back after tliat, and the 
 young man took a telegram from 
 his pocket, and seemed to study 
 it. Then he took a newspaper, 
 and seemed to others to be read- 
 ing it ; but Christie saw that part 
 of the time it was upside down. 
 She felt very sorry for him, and 
 could not help glancing at him 
 occasionally with a tender smile 
 on her face; especially as he 
 smiled back, and seemed to like 
 her sympathy. 
 Chapter III. 
 Christie had other travelling 
 companions who interested her 
 very much. At the first stopping- 
 place a lady with a little fellow 
 hardly out of babyhood came and 
 took the seat just behind her. 
 She had to twist herself around 
 to get a view of the baby ns he 
 sat in a corner of the seat ; but 
 he was so pretty that she could 
 hardly keep her oyos away from 
 him. He had wonderful large 
 blue eyes, and a laughing face, 
 and he kept bobbing up and 
 down, and making pretty little 
 sounds out of his rosebud mouth, 
 and once he smiled on her as 
 though he hadn't the least objec- 
 tion in the world to being better 
 acquainted. But Christie ilid not 
 dare to go near him. for he was 
 beatttifully dressed, and his mam- 
 ma looked as though she might 
 be very parti- 
 cular about his 
 friends. So the 
 little girl who 
 had left a baby 
 at home, looked 
 the other way 
 and trii'd to for- 
 get how much 
 she wantt'd to 
 kiss the baby 
 behind her. 
 The cars 
 were quite full, 
 but Christie 
 thought that 
 most of the peo- 
 ple looked as 
 though they 
 had been 
 obliged to get 
 up too early, 
 and had not 
 had a good 
 " They feel 
 cross," she said 
 to herself, "or 
 else they feel afraid. I wonder 
 if there is anything to be afraid 
 Thinking which, she looked 
 over at Wells Burton, the boy 
 who went on the train every 
 morning to the city. He surely 
 ought to know by this time 
 whether there was any cause for 
 fear. He had his hands iu his 
 pockets, and was looking oat of 
 the window and whistling. He 
 did not look in the least afraid, 
 neither did he look cross. 
 What a thing it would be to 
 know him, 
 have him 
 about all 
 he saw in 
 city every day ! 
 He had been 
 to the State 
 House, she had 
 beard, and 
 Kari said the 
 stag e-d river 
 said that the 
 Governor was 
 a great friend 
 of Mr. Burton, 
 and had been 
 out to see 
 How much 
 Christie would 
 like to hear 
 about the tJov 
 eriior from one 
 who had 
 actually heard 
 him talk. She 
 knew quite a good denl concern- 
 in;; this Governor. Her father 
 admired him very much, and said 
 ho was one of the grandest tem- 
 perance men in the State. And 
 once when he went to the ciij' to 
 see about selling his corn, he had 
 a story to tell about having seen 
 the Governor standing in the door 
 of his home, and a fine-looking 
 man hor father said he was. 
 Christie had a burning desire 
 to see a real governor ; or, failing 
 |iu that — as of course she expect- 
 ed — to hear things about him : 
 ALL 8WUNU TlIKll! ll.\TH A.M) (liKEHED. 
 how he acted, and what h" sniu, 
 and all those nice pleasant ihings 
 which she believed she could tell 
 about people if she ever had any 
 But she must not grumble on 
 this morning, of all others in her 
 life, she told herself, letting the 
 sober look go out of her face, and 
 bringing back the happy one. 
 Here were plenty of cliances 
 What a long story she could toll 
 Karl about these people on the 
 cars. And there was that baby 
 cooing and jumping, and — why, 
 yes, the darling was actually 
 throwing kissoK at her. 
 The train stopped again. It 
 was a voryaccommodaling train; it 
 si'cmeil tostop every fi'W minutes 
 to pick up piissengiTs along the 
 road when there was no station 
 in sight. Some junction was 
 yelled out, but tlie brakesman 
 talked in Choctaw, and of course 
 Christie did not uiulerstuiid him. 
 A gentleman caino in, glanced 
 up and down the well-filled car, 
 then dropped into the scat beside 
 " I suppose you will let me sit 
 with you ?" he said, and his 
 voice was very plea.saiit, and his 
 face was bright with smiles. 
 She made hasto to say, " Yes, sir." 
 Thon he began to talk vi-ith hor, 
 or rather to hor. for Christie said 
 very little. He pointed out a log 
 cabin as they flew i>ast it, and 
 told her the queerest little history 
 about its being built there by a 
 boy less than sixteen years old, 
 for his mother. And how he 
 worked day and night, and earn- 
 ed money enough to send away 
 to Maine for her, and how he 
 supported her. And how they 
 lived in a nine pleasant house, and 
 had cows and horsi's, and the 
 mother made butter, and sold it 
 at the highest price in market, 
 and how she said " It can't help 
 but be good butter, I have such a 
 dear srood boy." 
 Christie listened and exclaimed 
 and enjoyed. What a thing to 
 tell lather and mother and Karl! 
 She lelt that she was piling up 
 stories to last all the rest of the 
 winter evenings. 
 She was very sorry when her 
 pleasant friend arose at the very 
 Jext station only a mile away, 
 and bade her good-niorniug as 
 politely as though she had been a 
 grown-up liidy. She wished so 
 much tliat she knew his name. 
 It would be awkward to be al- 
 ways calling him " thcgi'iitlcman 
 with bright eyes that looked right 
 through you. ' That seemed to 
 be the only way she could de- 
 scribe him. 
 She noticed that he stopped at 
 Wells Burton's seat and shook 
 hands with him. It was quite 
 likely that Wells knew who he 
 "Now, if I only knew Wells 
 Burton," she told herself, " I 
 might ask him ; Imt then I don't, 
 and it isn't likelv that I ever 
 The pretty baby hud gone to 
 ■leep ; she conid not amusn her- 
 ■elf with him, and su she turned 
 to the window again jnst as they 
 were passing a country road 
 down which was flying a sleigh 
 filled with a merry party, who, 
 realizing that the train was beat- 
 ing them, all swung their hats 
 and cheered them on. That was 
 fnn for a little time, and then as 
 they whizzed along, she espied a 
 comical sight that entertained her 
 still more. But as the on-flying 
 train left all these interesting 
 scenes in the rear, Christie at last 
 thought of her father's advice, and 
 she began to see if she could 
 learn to make a car. 
 She twisted her head about,and 
 looked up and down and around 
 her in so many ways that at last 
 the sad-faced younsr man began 
 to watch her. She was studying 
 the long rope that ran through 
 the top of the oar, wondering 
 v/hat it was for, when he spoke 
 to her. 
 "That rope is to be pulled to 
 atop the train. If you should 
 chance to want it stopped for any 
 reason, all you would have to do 
 would be to give that a violent 
 pull ; but I earnestly hope you 
 won't do it, for it seems to me 
 that we stop quite often enough." 
 " I am sure I won't," Christie 
 ■aid laughing a little, though 
 really she felt somewhat startled 
 over the bare idea of her stopping 
 a train. 
 Not ten minutes after that it 
 ■topped again. What for ? Nobody 
 seemed to know. There was no 
 station, not even so much as a 
 ■bed ; there was nobody to get on 
 or oiT; yet there that ridiculous 
 train stood, as though it had 
 reached the end of its journey 
 and did not care how soon the 
 passengers hopped out in the 
 snow. Then you should have 
 heard the people grumble. Chris- 
 tie was astonished ; she did not 
 know that grown people were 
 ever so cross. It made her laugh 
 to see the watches bob out, while 
 the faces which looked at them 
 seemed to grow crosser every 
 " What in the world are we 
 stopping here for?" asked the 
 pale-faced young man with such 
 anxiety in his face that Christie 
 felt very sorry for him. " What 
 is the matter, sir?" This ques- 
 tion he asked of a gentleman who 
 had been on the platform looking 
 about him. 
 "Don't know sir; can't find 
 out. If the ofricials know they 
 mean to keep it to themselves. 
 Still, 1 guess we are going on 
 soon , I saw signs of moving." 
 However, tliey did not move. 
 The next person who thought it j 
 WHS his duty to attend to matters, 
 was Wells Uurton. How he hap- 1 
 peuod to sit still so long, I'm sure 
 I don't know. He sauntered out ' 
 and looked about him. Christie | 
 turned herself in her seat to get a^ 
 view from the door. What a long 
 level stretch of road lay behind : 
 them! How queerly the track | 
 looked ! Two long black snakes 
 surrounded on every side by 
 snow. She wished she could get 
 a nearer view. She had been 
 charged not to step off the train, 
 and on no account to put her 
 head out of the window. But 
 what was to hinder her stepping 
 down to that closed door, and get- 
 ting a nearer view of the snakes? 
 She slipped quietly from her 
 seat and went It looked fully as 
 queer as she thought it would. 
 Wells Burton stood on the lower 
 step of the car, also gazing about 
 him ; not at the track, but at the 
 train-men, who seemed to be 
 trying to decide whether it was 
 worth while to go on. Suddenly 
 they concluded that they would. 
 The engine gave a snort to ex- 
 press its approval of the plan, 
 several passengers who had been 
 standing on the track jumped 
 back again on the car, and came 
 in to see about their seats. Then 
 ground and (he train was scud- 
 ding on. and nobody but she, 
 Christie Tucker, knew anything 
 about it. She had just once 
 thought in her mind — What if it 
 were Karl ? She gave one little 
 squeal, which the engine swal- 
 lowed, so that nobody heard, and 
 the next second she did what 
 made all the people in the car 
 think that the quiet-faced well- 
 behaved little girl had suddenly 
 gone erazy She gave a quick 
 little hop, very much as she had 
 done many a time to reach the 
 lowest boagh of the apple-tree, 
 and caught that rope whose use 
 she had just learned, and never 
 surely was harder pull given to it 
 than her stout little body man- 
 aged at that moment. In an in- 
 stant the car was full of excite- 
 ment. " What — what — what does 
 that mean ?" asked the fat man 
 who had been the last to enter the 
 train. The handsome old gentle- 
 the wheels began to turn around. 
 Still Wells Burton stood on that 
 lowest step with his hands in his 
 pockets. Christie looked at him, 
 and a little shiver ran through 
 her while she thought if that 
 were Karl she should curely be 
 tempted to reach out and pull at 
 his coat. How could the boy be 
 so foolish ? Why did not his 
 mother make him promise not to 
 do so ? 
 He was cominginnow;andit was 
 quite time, for the train was well 
 underway. How did it happen? 
 Nobody know. Wells Burton 
 least of all ; and Christie, who 
 stood looking on all the while 
 could never give a clear account 
 of that part of it. She only knew 
 that the boy she was watching 
 with such anxiety, turned care- 
 lessly on his heel, hands still in 
 his pockets, and the next instant 
 was lying a dreadful heap on the 
 mni) looked at her gravely 
 through his gold spectacles, and 
 the pale-faced man who had 
 taught her about the rope said 
 hastily : " Why, my child, you 
 ought not to have done that. 
 What in the world do you 
 All this happened, of course, in 
 a few seconds ; and before Chris- 
 tie could catch her frightened 
 breath to explain, in came the 
 conductor, looking like a summer 
 thunder cloud. " What does all 
 this mean ?" he asked grulfly. 
 " Who pulled that rope ?" 
 Christie took time to be glad 
 that the train was actually stop- 
 ping, before she explained in a 
 quick, frightened voice, " Oh, sir, 
 he fell off just as he was stepping 
 on the train again, and he lies in 
 the road. Do you think it killed 
 him ?" 
 " Who fell ? What are you 
 talking about ?" said the conduc- 
 tor, his quick eye roving over the 
 car in search of missing passen- 
 gers. " AVas it the boy who sat 
 in that seat?" But before Chris- 
 tie could think of stimmering out 
 a " Yes, sir," he had turned from 
 her and rushed out of the car, and 
 the train which had almost stop- 
 ped, began to move slowly 
 backward. I'm sure you can 
 imagine better than I cair tell you 
 how they all acted then. How 
 they crowded around that end 
 door, and all tried to see out from 
 a space that would accommodate 
 only two; and there was nothing 
 to see ! How they crowded 
 arottnd Christie, and asked ques- 
 tions! "How did it happei- ?" 
 Christie did not know; she was 
 still trembling over the thought 
 that it had happened. " What 
 was he out there for?" Christie 
 did not know. In her heart she 
 believed it was because he was a 
 very foolish boy ; bntthat she did 
 not like to say. " Was he hurt 
 much?" Christie did not know; 
 she wished very much that she 
 did. " Is he your brother, my 
 child ?' This the handsome-faced 
 old gentleman asked her. 
 "No sir," said Christie; she 
 knew so much, at least. Then 
 she told who he was. " Ah, in- 
 deed !" the gentleman said. " A 
 son of Warren H. Burton," he 
 supposed. He had heard of him. 
 Then there was a sudden bustle, 
 and a scurrying to get out of the 
 way,and a turning over of car seats 
 to make a bed; for they were bring- 
 ing the poor fellow in. Christie 
 was relieved to find, as they passed 
 her seat, that his eyes were wide 
 open, and that though he looked 
 very pale, he gazed about him 
 like one who was curious to see 
 what the people thought of all 
 this, and seemed just a little vex- 
 ed over their curiosity. 
 "Oh, no; he isn't badly hurt," 
 the conductor said, as having fix- 
 ed the boy into a seat, and made 
 him as comfortable as . possible, he 
 came down the aisle on his way 
 out. " He has a sprained ankle 
 that will shut him up for a few 
 weeks, and a bruia.) or two; 
 nothing serious, I think. How 
 he escaped so easily is more than 
 I can imagine. I thought of course 
 he was killed. It is a bad habit, 
 this standing on the car steps; I 
 wonder his father doesn't forbid 
 (To be conlinued.) 
 Animals show a deal of in- 
 stinct in caring for themselves and 
 for each other when ill. A dog 
 that has lost his appetite eats 
 grass known as dog's grass. 
 Sheep and cows seek out certain 
 herbs, and cats hunt for catnip. 
 An animid with rheumatism will 
 always keep in the sun as much 
 as possible. — CongregalvmaliU. 
 Without economy none can be 
 rich, and with it few can be poor. 
 — Dr. Johnson. 
laid the condao- * 
 roving ovi>r the 
 missing piissen- 
 10 boy who sat 
 at before Chris- 
 stnmmering out 
 lind tnrned from 
 nt of the car, and 
 had almost stop- 
 more slowly 
 sure yon can 
 an I can tell yon 
 ted then. How 
 round that end 
 I to see out from 
 Id accommodate 
 ero was nothing 
 they crowded 
 and asked ques- 
 id it happei-?" 
 know; she was 
 ver the thought 
 Dpened. " What 
 for?" Christie 
 in her heart she 
 ecause he was a 
 but that she did 
 " Was he hurt 
 ie did not know ; 
 mnch that she 
 ur brother, ray 
 I handsome-faced 
 ked her. 
 id Christie; she 
 at least. Then 
 3 was. " Ah, in- 
 eman said. " A 
 H. Barton," he 
 lad heard of him. 
 a sudden bustle, 
 to get out of the 
 g over of car seats 
 they were bring- 
 ow in. Christie 
 id,a8 they passed 
 eyes were wide 
 kough he looked 
 ikzed about him 
 >8 curious to see 
 thought of all 
 just a little vex- 
 in't badly hurt," 
 id, as having fix- 
 seat, and made 
 as possible, he 
 sla on his way 
 sprained ankle 
 m up for a few 
 bruis.j or two; 
 I think. How 
 ;ily is more than 
 thought of course 
 t is a bad habit, 
 the car steps; I 
 r doesn't forbid 
 \ a deal of in- 
 r thcmselvt'sand 
 hen ill. A dog 
 IS appetite eats 
 IS doit's grass, 
 seek out certain 
 hunt for catnip, 
 rheumatism will 
 the bUii as much 
 >my none can be 
 few can be poor. 
 CHAPTER III.— C<mhnu»i. 
 "That is just what I wonder," 
 thought Christie ; and she ven- 
 tured to glance in the direction 
 of the tnrned seat. Wells Bur- 
 ton was looking right at her.and — 
 why ! was it possible that he was 
 motioning to her ? Her cheeks 
 began to grow pink. What if she 
 should walk over there to him, 
 and he should stare at her 
 and say, " What do you want, little 
 girl ?" and it should turn 
 out that he had not 
 thought of such a thing 
 as motioning to her. If 
 anything of this kind 
 should liappen, Christie 
 felt that she must certain- 
 ly sink through the floor. 
 Bat he kept looking at 
 her, and she felt almost 
 sure that he was nodding 
 his head at her. Poor 
 Christie ! It had not be- 
 gun to take so much 
 courage to pull that bell 
 rope, as it did to think of 
 walking down the aisle 
 and stopping to see if 
 that boy possibly wanted 
 her. In fact, she had 
 palled the bell without 
 thinking about it at all ; 
 but this was difl'erent ; 
 and her cheeks began to 
 grow very hot, and she 
 wondered whether 
 mother would be ashamed 
 of her for going, or for 
 not going. What would 
 all the passengers think 
 of her for marching down 
 there to talk to a boy 
 whom she had told them 
 she never spoke to in her 
 life? "I won't go," she 
 told herself; " not a step. 
 Why should he be motion- 
 ing to me i Of course he 
 And having settled this 
 to her satisfaction, what 
 did Christie do in the 
 course of the next two 
 minutes, but walk meekly 
 down that aisle, and stand 
 before the turned seats. 
 " I thought you motion- 
 ed to me," she said gent- 
 ly. " Is there anything I 
 can do to help you ?" 
 " I should say you had 
 done considerable in that 
 line already," he an- 
 swered heartily. "How 
 came you to think of any- 
 thing so sensible as stop- 
 ping the train ? Most any cirl I 
 know would have yelled like a 
 screech-owl, and danced up and 
 down a few times, and then 
 finished up by fainting dead away, 
 before anybody had found out 
 what was the matter. How came 
 yon to act so differently from the 
 usual style?" 
 " I didn't know that was the 
 way to do," Christie said, a little 
 glimmer of a laugh in her gray 
 eyes. " Are you much hart ? ' ' 
 " Not to very. My ankle is 
 sprained, they sav, and I feel 
 somewhat as though I was a hun- 
 dred and fifty years old, and had 
 enjoyed the rheumatism for about 
 half a century. Sit down here 
 and let us talk about it." So 
 Christie sat down on the extreme 
 edge of the farther seal. 
 " I wish I could do something 
 to help the pain," she said. " If 
 your ankle is broken, it ought to 
 be set, and I almost think that 
 the man who sits in the seat right 
 before mine is a doclo.'." 
 "Well, I'll tell you what I 
 think . I think it was about as 
 plucky a thing to do as I ever 
 heard of in my life. Halloo, we 
 are stopping again ! This train 
 has got so usecl to stopping that 
 it can't go more than a mile with- 
 out trying it. Can this be the 
 junction? Just take a lookout, 
 will you, and report ?" 
 " There are four rows of tracks 
 instead of two," said Christie, 
 " and they go criss-cross." 
 "Then it is the switch!" Wells 
 exclaimed, and there was such a 
 ife u ^«l»€ jo -mar ri ^ of>, 
 " The ankle will keep until we 
 get to the city. We are half-way 
 there by this time, though wo 
 seem to have plenty of hinderances 
 this morning. I say, how many 
 trains of cars have you stopped in 
 your life?" 
 " I never did such a thing be- 
 fore," Christie said, her eyes 
 dancing now, "and I had just 
 promised that I wouldn't stop this 
 one ; but you see there wasn't 
 anything else to do." 
 peculiar sound to hit voice, tha* 
 Christie turned from the window 
 to look at him. 
 "The switch!" she repeated, 
 " what does that mean ?" 
 " It means that the express 
 train passes ua here, and that just 
 about now she is rushing over 
 those rails where I lay a few min- 
 utes ago. Here she comes !" 
 Chapter IV. 
 A roar of machinery, • succes- 
 sion of diiszymg flashes past the 
 window, then sudden relief from 
 the deafening noise, and the ex- 
 press train had gone on its way. 
 Christie looked at Wells Bar- 
 ton. His face was very grave, 
 and she thought it a trifle paler 
 than before. 
 " Did you know that? he ask- 
 ed, nodding his head in the direc- 
 tion of the departed train. 
 " Did I know what ?'' 
 " That the express train was al- 
 most due, and would come thun- 
 dering over me so soon?" 
 Christie shivered. "I 
 did not know anything 
 about the express train," 
 she said. 
 " Well, you could not 
 have done any quicker 
 work if you had known. 
 It is queer I didn't think 
 of it. I thought of al- 
 most everything else 
 while I lay there ; it was 
 the queerest thing that 
 ever happened to me. I 
 can't think how it hap- 
 pened. I've stood on 
 that very step filty times 
 this winter, and never 
 thouirht of such a thing 
 as slipping. I suppose 
 there was ice on my 
 boots. Nice-looking boot, 
 isn't it?" he said, glanc- 
 ing down at it. "The 
 conductor made short 
 work of getting it otI,with 
 that sharp knife of his. 
 Look here, I don't know 
 why I keep talking about 
 boots and things, instead 
 of trying to thank you, 
 and show my gratitude in 
 some way. Boys don't 
 know how to do that sort 
 of thing, anyhow You 
 ought to see my mamma, 
 or, she ought to see you. 
 Mothers know how to 
 say what they feel." 
 " I don't want to be 
 thanked," said Christie, 
 her cheeks flushing, " I 
 didn't do anything." 
 " No, only saved my 
 life, and showed more 
 pluck and common sense 
 and quick wit than any 
 fourteen girls put to- 
 gether ever had before. 
 You see, if you had wast- 
 ed twenty-five seconds, 
 this train couldn't have 
 run back to pick me up, 
 without running into the 
 express ; and I should 
 just have had to lie there 
 and be crushed. I 
 couldn't move, any more than if 
 I had been dead ; in fact, \^ 
 was dead when they picked 
 me up ; fainted, you know. 
 But before 1 fainted, I knew just 
 what had happened, and where I 
 was, and what was likely to hap- 
 pen next. I didn't think of this 
 express that has just rushed by, 
 but I thought of the up-train,due 
 in half an hour, and I knew there 
 wasn't a house nor a shed within 
 a mile. Did you ever come to a 
 plaee where yen thought yon 
 conld ice protty plainly thnt \on 
 were not goin^r to live but a lew 
 minutes more?" 
 "Once I was very sick indeed," 
 Chrislio said, "and the doctor 
 fave me up, and mother Ihoufi^ht 
 was dying; and they told mc 
 that I couldn't live but a few 
 " And what did yon do ?" 
 The blood rolled in waves over 
 Christie's face and nock. It was 
 rather hard to talk to a strange 
 boy who mii^ht laugh at her, 
 about one ot the most 
 solemn experimces other 
 life. She was not used 
 to talking with boys, only 
 Karl, and hn never asked 
 such straiirht-out ques- 
 tions about thin^, and 
 waited for answers. 
 Somethin!» must bi> said; 
 and what should Ix) said 
 but the truth? Was she 
 ashamed of it ? Christie 
 She dropped hor fray 
 eyes, and her Vdne was 
 low but clear as bhu said : 
 "I prayed." 
 There was no sound of 
 a laugh or a sneer in an- 
 swer. " Yon," he said, 
 nodding hia head ns 
 though ho understood, 
 "so did I. 1 wonder if 
 they all do when they get 
 into downright trouble? 
 I have heard that people 
 did ; had men, you know, 
 and ail sorts of people. It 
 seems sort of mean, nn'I — 
 well, I don't BuppoRo 
 girls use sueli words, but 
 what we boys would call 
 sneaking. Don't you 
 think so?" 
 But ChristiL-, in her 
 coniusion, did not under- 
 stand 111 in. Did he mean 
 that hoys would call it 
 "sneaking" to pray? 
 "What is?" 
 " Why, living alon!» all 
 your life without thinking 
 of such a thing as pray- 
 ing ; until just when you 
 get into trouble, and then 
 praying with all your 
 might, and getting helped 
 out, and going on Just the 
 same as you did before." 
 " Oh," said Christie, re- 
 lieved, " why, yes, I think 
 that would be mean ; but 
 then real honest people 
 don't do it." 
 "They don't? What 
 do they dothen? Weren't 
 ■youlionest ?" 
 " Yes," said Christie gravely, "I 
 was, but I didn't go on just as 1 
 did before ; everything was just 
 as different as could be." 
 "What do you mean? What 
 was different?" 
 " Why, I myself. I didn't feel 
 the same, nor do the same. I 
 don't think I can explain what I 
 " Didn't you pray to get well ?" 
 " A little ; and 1 prayed to be 
 made ready to die if I was to die, 
 and to^not to be afraid, you 
 " And pretty soon the feeling 
 afraid all went away, and 1 didn't 
 think it made much difference 
 whether I got well or not ; and 
 for days and days nobody thought 
 I would." 
 "But you did get well ?" 
 " Oh, yes, I did, of course, or 
 else I should not be here now." 
 And at this point Christie could 
 not help giving a little lauj^h. 
 so of coarse things were difl'ur- 
 "You got it!" 
 " Why, yes. All in a minute 
 everything seemed changed. I 
 (MUi't tell yon how; bnt then 1 
 know it was so." 
 " When was that?" 
 " That I was sick ? It was a 
 year ago last December, just a 
 little bit before Christmas," 
 " And the difference lasts?" 
 " Oh, yes ; it lasts," said Chris- 
 tie, with a curious little smile. 
 " Every day when I'm working 
 wonld come along that lonesome 
 road on Christmas day in time to 
 save mo, mul I meant to be hon- 
 est; but I didn't think of such a 
 thing as it's lasting if I got out of 
 the scrape." 
 Chrislio looked puzzled. 
 " How could it last to take yon 
 to Heaven, if it wouldn't last any 
 when you were not to go to 
 Heaven yet ?" she asked. 
 And then Wells llurton laughed, 
 though the pain in his ankle im- 
 mediately made heavy wrinkles 
 come back into his face. 
 " It looks like playing ,i 
 very poor game, I'll 
 own," ho said ; "but 1 
 thought I meant it." 
 "But if you really did 
 mean it, you gave your- 
 self away to Ilim, and, if 
 you are honest, how can 
 you take yourself back ? " 
 To this ho made no an- 
 swer for iseconds, 
 and, indeed, wliat he said 
 next can hardly bo called 
 an answer : 
 " Then you are a Chris- 
 tian ! " 
 The red came back in 
 swift waves to i hrislie'.s 
 cheeks. She had been 
 so interested as to hardly 
 remember that the talk 
 was partly about herself; 
 but this plain question 
 which was also an ex- 
 claiiialion, brouifht back 
 her embarrassment. 
 " f think I am," she 
 sai<l ho.silatiimly.and then 
 asliamed of sucii witness- 
 ing, added boldly ; " Yes, 
 I know I am." 
 " And I know that 1 
 am not," he said, with a 
 littlo laugh. 
 (To he continued.) 
 kopi Iruttia — 
 i^e;; ego, o)> y*v 
 CKarlle eKclalTnsf"Now Meve'f a oof 
 i'Mcl Jeot- tittle iel/cfo^J^oJiloJil 
 CAT • 
 Wells did not laugh at all. He 
 looked grave and perplexed. 
 "That is just what I said," he 
 repeated. " You prayed to bo 
 gotten out of trouble, and you got 
 out, and then things went on as 
 " But things didn't go on sis be- 
 fore," persisted Christie. "I asked 
 not to bo afraid to die ; to have a 
 heart given to me that could trust 
 Jesus anyhow, whether he wanted ; see any other 
 me to live or die. And I got it ; seem probable 
 it all comes back, yon know, in a 
 quick littlo think." 
 She began to think that this 
 was the strangest boy to talk she 
 had ever heard of He was even 
 stranger than some of the boys in 
 story books. 
 " Well, " he said, after .■\ few 
 moments of silence, " I prayed to 
 be made ready to die too ; for 
 when this train rattled off! didn't 
 way. It didn't 
 that anybody 
 Did you ever think why 
 we call the cat " puss?" 
 A great many years ago, 
 the people of Egypt wor- 
 shipped the cat. They 
 thought the cat was like 
 the moon, because she was 
 more active at night, and 
 because her eyes change, 
 just as the moon changes, 
 which is sometimes lull, 
 and sometimes only a 
 bright little crescent, or 
 half moon as wo say. Did 
 you ever notice pussy's 
 eyes, to see how they 
 change ? So these people made 
 an idol with a cat's head, and 
 named it Pasht, tho .same nam ; 
 they give to the moon ; lor the 
 word means the face of tho moon. 
 That word has been changed to 
 pas or puss, the name which al- 
 most every one gives to tho cat. 
 Puss and pussy cat are pet names 
 for kitty everywhere But few 
 know that it was given to 
 her thousands of years ago. — 
 Horper'i Young Pno/ile. 
 H that lonosonin 
 s (liiy in tiiim to 
 i"aiU to l)i> hon- 
 think »l' Htioh it 
 ig if I gut out of 
 last to take you 
 v'ouUlu'l last uny 
 not to go to 
 I! asked. 
 Burton lauirhod, 
 in his iinkli^ im- 
 hi-avy wrinkK's 
 is lace. 
 ksliku playiii<r a 
 )or gamo, I'll 
 ! said ; " hut 1 
 ; meant it." 
 if you really did 
 you Rave your- 
 f to Iliin, and, if 
 honost, how can 
 yourself back 7" 
 I he made no an- 
 several secon<l!i, 
 ed, wiiat he said 
 hardly be called 
 r : 
 you are a Chris- 
 'd came hack in 
 ives to I hristie's 
 She had been 
 ited as to hardly 
 ir tlint the talk 
 ly about herself ; 
 plain que.stiou 
 I'as also an ex- 
 1, brouLjht back 
 ink 1 am," she 
 atini;ly,and then 
 of such wilness- 
 d boldly : " Yes, 
 I know that 1 
 he said, with a 
 le continued.) 
 LI ever think why 
 ;he cat " puss?" 
 nnany years ago, 
 of Egypt wor- 
 the cat. They 
 the cat was like 
 because she was 
 ve at night, and 
 ler eyes change, 
 moon changes, 
 sometimes lull, 
 etimes only a 
 tie crescent, or 
 as we say. Did 
 notice pussy's 
 see how they 
 !So people made 
 cat's head, and 
 the .same namj 
 moon ; for the 
 "ace of the moon. 
 »oen changed to 
 name which al- 
 ;ivHS to the cat. 
 at are pot names 
 hers But few 
 was given to 
 if years ago. — 
 II n 
 ■T njm. 
 CHAPTER IT.-Conliniud. 
 After a few minutes of ailence, 
 during which Ohriatie was won- 
 dering whether the proper thing 
 to do now would be to go back 
 to her seat, he spoke again . 
 " Isn't it time we were intro- 
 duced? I know you very well 
 indeed. Ton are Christie Tucker, 
 aren't you ? And the boy whom 
 I meet at the depot almost every 
 morning, who will not look at me 
 nor give me a chance to speak to 
 him, is your brother Karl. I 
 asked the stage-driver all about 
 him. What is the use in his not 
 speaking to me ?" 
 "He is only ten," said Christie 
 in apology. 
 " And I am only fourteen, or 
 half-way between that and fifteen. 
 What difference does four or live 
 vears make? When I get to be 
 forty it won't hinder our being 
 good friends because he is only 
 thirty-five or so. There are not 
 so many people to be friendly 
 with up there where we live that 
 we can aiTord to waste any of 
 them. I looked over at your 
 class that day I stayed to Sunday- 
 school, and thought you were 
 having a nice time." 
 " We were," said Christie with 
 animation. " Mr. Keith is splen- 
 Wells made a gesture of dis- 
 "I don't like ministers as a 
 rule," he said; "they ulw.iv- 
 pitch into a fellow so." 
 " I don't know what that is,' 
 said Christie simply ; " but every 
 one likes Mr. Keith— that is, every 
 one but bad men ; of course they 
 don't like him because he mnke.s 
 them remember that they are bad. 
 and they want to forget it." 
 " Do yon suppose that is the 
 reason why I don't like him?" 
 Wells asked with a comical little 
 look. And then, his face growing 
 grave, ''I'll tell you a queer thing, 
 though. Back there, while I lay 
 across those rails and thought I 
 was done with things, I didn't 
 even think of mamma in the sense 
 that I wanted her there that 
 minute, the only one that 1 
 thought of was this Mr. Keith. I 
 wished for him, not to pull me off 
 of the track, you know, which 
 would have been ihc reasonable 
 thing to do if he had been there, 
 but to pray for me ; and I never 
 saw him but twice in my life. I'll 
 tell you what made me think of 
 that though. Do you remember 
 a^unday when they thought that 
 Olin boy was going to die ? \\'ell, 
 I was in church that Sunday, and 
 Mr. Keith prated for him ; and I 
 thought then if I were going to 
 die I should like to have Mr. 
 Keith pray for me. Aren't we go- 
 ing most uncommonly slow ? By 
 the way my foot twinges I should 
 say we had been about seventeen 
 hours BO far reaching the city, and 
 we most be twelve or fourteen 
 miles away yet I declare, if we 
 are not stopping again ! What 
 for, I'd like to know? There ic 
 no statiop. here." 
 What for, indeed ? That ques- 
 tion seemed to be on the faces of 
 all the passengers. Christie 
 looked out of the window , so did 
 everybody else except Wells Bur. 
 ton who could not lift himself up 
 to do so. 
 "Where is it?" he asked. 
 " It is nowhere," answered 
 Christie with a little laugh " We 
 seem to be just in the road. There 
 isn't a house to be seen, and there 
 is snow everywhere where there 
 isn't mud. No, I don't think 
 there is any station ; at least, I 
 don't see any depot." 
 " I know there isn't a station 
 nor a depot," said Wells confi- 
 dently, " unless it has been built 
 since last night." 
 "What's the matter, sir T' This 
 last to a man who had been out 
 to hear the news. 
 " Track washed away," said the 
 man using aa few words as pos- 
 J'm afraid I shall wish for a sur- 
 geon to cut off mj foot." 
 " Does it pain yon very much ?" 
 asked Christie, sympathetically. 
 " Well, I've had things that' felt 
 pleasanter. These heavy rains 
 an'l then the thaw have played 
 the mischief with the railway 
 track ; father said he was afraid 
 there would be trouble. But I 
 just wish they had waited until 
 after Christmas. I'm afraid yon 
 and I will be late to our Christmas 
 " I'm sorry for that poor man," 
 said Christie, twisting herself to 
 get a glimpse of the sad-faced 
 young man who had his watch in 
 his hand at this moment. " There 
 is a sick friend whom he thinks 
 he could help if he could only set 
 there in time; see how troubled 
 he looks." 
 "Poor fellow!" said Wells 
 But the next moment Christie's 
 attention was turned elsewhere. 
 She turned herself completely 
 around and gazed up and .down 
 tible. and looking gloomy. 
 " Washed away ! Why, how 
 much of it?" 
 " More than I know ; some say 
 half a mile, and some say five 
 miles ; enough of it to keep us 
 standing here longer than we 
 want to, I guess." 
 " Where is ' here ?' Are we 
 near the station?" 
 " No, twc^miles out." 
 " And is it right here that the 
 track has washed away ?" 
 " No, half a mile or so up the 
 track ; they sent signals down to 
 "Thank you sir," said Wells, 
 and the man moved on. 
 " Here's a go !" the boy said 
 gravely. " Or no, it isn't, it's a 
 standstill ; and that's slang, I sup- 
 pose. My mother hates slang, 
 and so does yours, I presume; 
 mothers all do ; I beg your pardon 
 for using it ; hut I do wonder 
 how long we are to be stopped 
 here ! If it is going to be long. 
 the car ; finally she stood np on 
 tiptoe for a moment. 
 "What's the trouble?" asked 
 Wells. " Lost something ?" 
 But by way of answer she 
 turned toward him, her face full 
 of anxiety, and asked : " Where 
 is that baby's mother?" 
 " What baby ? The lady with 
 a baby who got off at the last sta- 
 " Why, no, she didn't ; I see the 
 baby as plain as can be, lying on 
 the little bed she made for him; 
 he is fast asleep, but I don't see 
 her anywhere." 
 " I tell yon she got off,'.' said 
 Wells, growing earnest. " I hap- 
 pened to be looking right at her ; 
 I noticed her particularly because 
 she had a shawl like mamma's, 
 and I wondered if she looked like 
 mamma, and I stared at her a 
 good deal to find out. Oh, yes, 
 she stepped off the cars and 
 stepped into a mad puddle and 
 got her feet wet, and looked cross. 
 I raised myself up to see her do 
 it and hurt my foot by the means, 
 and then I looked cross." 
 "Then," said Christie, her face 
 full of anxiety, not to say terror, 
 " then she has left her baby !" 
 Unlikely as it sounds, this ap- 
 peared to be the case. In the 
 course ofa few minutes somebody 
 else began to be interested in the 
 same thought ; that was no other 
 person than the baby himself; he 
 began to rub his eyes, and yawn, 
 ana twist about on his narrow 
 bed in a very dangerous way. At 
 last he was only held on by the 
 cane of a gentleman who built a 
 fe'nce before baby by holding up 
 the cane, then he looked aoout 
 him in a savage manner, and 
 asked, "Where is this child's 
 Where indeed ! That was just 
 what baby wanted to know, and 
 he began to give warning little 
 whimpers which said : "I'll cry 
 in away to astonish you, if some- 
 body doesn't come and attend to 
 me very soon." 
 What was to be done? Chris- 
 tie looked about her very much 
 startled, and discovered that there 
 I was but one lady in the car; she 
 was young and pretty, dressed 
 in velvet, and looked as though 
 she thought babies were a mistake 
 and a nuisance. 
 "Madam," said the man with 
 the cane.glowering at her, "do you 
 know anything about the child's 
 mother ?" 
 "How should I?" answered 
 the velvet-dressed lady, and she 
 immediately went back to her 
 " Seaside Library"' book. 
 Then the baby gave a warning 
 yell. Christie started up. " That 
 baby is afraid," she said to Wells. 
 "The next thing he will cry so 
 hard that nobody can stop him ; 
 I'm going over there." 
 "Do you know him ?" asked 
 Wells, looking at the baby as 
 though he would much rather 
 un'dertake to pacify a cross dog. 
 "Oh, no; I don't know who he 
 is at all ; but he begins to cry as 
 though he was afraid, and if it 
 was our baby at home, I don't 
 know what I should do." 
 With this rather mixed up sen- 
 tence she hurried away, and in 
 another moment was bending 
 over the baby who had not fully 
 decided whether to be angry or 
 grieved over the strange treat- 
 ment he was receiving. He had 
 his lips in a dreadful pucker, and 
 the squeal he was prepared to 
 give, would, I think, have aston- 
 ished all the people, but he 
 changed his mind when he saw 
 Christie, and gave her an aston- 
 ished stare, and made no objection 
 when she raised him with cooing 
 words, and cuddled his face to 
 "Is he your brother?" in- 
 quired the gentleman with the 
 cane. " You shouldn't leave him 
 alone in thafrway ; it is very care- 
 less ; he might have rolled off and 
 knocked his brains out. oa 
 " Oh, no, sir," said Christie, who S 
 hj this time could not help tmiU the can," replied that gentleman 
 ing to think how man^ people 
 ■he waa expected to claim aa re- 
 lativaa. "I don't know who he 
 ia, poor baby ! and I oaii't think 
 what haa become of hia mother " 
 Then ahe kiaaed him. 
 That ia just what baby did not 
 know and in apite oT the kiis, he 
 made np hia mind to cry It waa 
 very diatreasing Christie walked 
 up and down in the bit of a space, 
 and cuddled the poor follow, and 
 whispered loving words to him, 
 and cooed a lullaby into his ear, 
 but he would have none oi them ; 
 he wanted just one thing, and 
 that was his mother's face 
 The gentlemen began to inter- 
 est themselves in the matter, 
 though the velvet-dressed young 
 lady waa still deep in her "Sea- 
 side Library," only lakinn time to 
 dart a frown at baby for Deingso 
 noisy. Une and another asked 
 who had been with the child, and 
 what bad become of her, and 
 Wella told his story about seeing 
 her leave the car at the laat 
 " A case of desertion, said one 
 man, looking aeverely at Christie, 
 as though she might be the 
 cause ; but she looked back at him 
 out of very cross eyes, and •"as 
 glad that tliu did. The idea of 
 any mother deserting her baby ' 
 Presently came the conductor, 
 and two or three people tried to 
 talk to him at once. 
 " I noticed the lady leave the 
 car," he said. " She asked me 
 how much time there would be , 
 ahe has got herself left, I presume 
 women are always doing it , she 
 atayed to tie her bonnet in another 
 kind of a knot, or something 
 equally important, and she is pro- 
 bably fuming away at the station 
 at this moment, calling the cara 
 all sorts of names, as Ihongb th^y 
 were to blame for her silliness ' 
 " And when can ahe get the 
 baby, sir?" 
 It was Christie's eager, aorrow- 
 ful voice that asked the question ; 
 ahe knew now which ahe pitied 
 the most, and that was baby'a 
 The conductor turned and 
 looked at her. " More than I 
 know," ha said ahortly. " Do you 
 belong to her? Are you the 
 child's nurse ?" 
 " Oh no, sir," said Christie, and 
 this time ahe had much ado to 
 keep from smiling outright. '* I 
 never saw him before ; ' but she 
 cuddled him to her as she spoke, 
 and he put one fat arm around 
 her neck, and gazed about him 
 ''Well," said the conductor, 
 " hi- seems to take to you, and 
 that is fortunate; there's no toll- 
 ing when wo will get out of this ; 
 it is a bad mess " 
 Then up spoke Wells Burton. 
 ' But conductor, the lady can get 
 back to her baby, uin't she, on 
 the nine o'clock accommodation?" 
 " When the nine o'clock accom- 
 modation comes along, I dure say 
 in a very aignifioant tone ; " but 
 there's no telling when that will 
 " Why ? Oan't it come up be- 
 fore we leave here ? Will it have 
 to wait at the last atation until we 
 Two gentlemen aaked these 
 two questions, and Christie wait- 
 ed eagerly for their anawer, while 
 baby, the most interested party, 
 gave all hia attention to the blue 
 ribbon on her hair, and tried to 
 poke it in hia mouth and mm it ; 
 ungrateful fellow that ho waa ! 
 " If it doesn't have to wait any 
 there ian't any particular danger 
 of our being run over from either 
 direction, so far as I can see." 
 " And when can we hope to get 
 It was the pale-faced young 
 man, with his watch in his hand, 
 who asked this Question. Chris- 
 tie thought his faco grew paler 
 yet aa he listened to the answer, 
 "Well, sir, that 'a telling, per- 
 hapa in half an hour, perhaps not 
 under two hours . we don't really 
 know the extent of damage yet ; 
 ' our men have gone forward to 
 I discover, and they will send 
 workmen from the city aa soon 
 longer than until we go on, it may aa they can ; but everything ia 
 be thankful," said the conductor, out of gear this morning ; there 
 " The rumor is that the bridge haa been trouble iu all directions, 
 "Lrt ikt ckiUrtm ^ Zt0m fc>j/a/ tm UUir kimg."—T%. 144 1 •, 
 HA-mi t, ButLL. an. Ri*. John R. Suhmaium. 
 1 Mt TathBrt own Son, who mitoo m from un. 
 On w wandered on urth M tbo pooraat of men i 
 But now Ho !• reigning forerer on high. 
 And wlU giro ma a homa with Himaell hy^naBJ. 
 S I onoo waa an ontcaat atraneer on earth, 
 A ainner bj choico. an " alian" by birth ; 
 But Ito been " adopted," mj name'a wnttaB flow*. 
 An heir to a manaion, a robo and a oiowa. 0»». 
 4 A tent or a eottage. why ahould I 0M«1 
 Thoy're building a palace for me over than; 
 Though exiled from homo, yet my heart atlll may aingi 
 All gPory to Qod, I'm tha ahUd of • King. Oha. 
 ami^M, iMi. *T "W^ a "•• 
 • Fim Qua OUB lioaawa, by poralaaloa tt Bmlaw * Ham.* 
 went down just after we crossed 
 it; if that is so, we don't know 
 when another train will get 
 Then you should have heard 
 the exclamations of dismay. 
 " Wiiat ! the h'^h bri<lge ! Went 
 down, did you say ? Why, it isn't 
 twenty minutes since we passed 
 over ! I thought you moved over 
 very slowly — as if things were 
 " Can't you get a telegram, con- 
 ductor, and learn the truth of the 
 report ?" 
 "Not very well, air, while we 
 lie here. If we ever reach 
 another station, we shall have a 
 telegram, I presume; meantime 
 and the railway hands can't be 
 everywhere at once ; there's no 
 telling what the dele^ will be ; ol 
 course we hope we can hurry 
 things np." 
 (7b be contiHusd.) 
 suppose you did not know 
 that monkeys had any pockets, 
 save those in the little green coats 
 organ-men compel them to wear. 
 But that is a mistake ; their real 
 pockets are in their cheeks. The 
 other evening, coming back from 
 the sea by train, I travelled in the 
 next compartment to a little be- 
 coated monkey and his master. 
 "The little creature's day's work 
 waa over, and, perched up on tha 
 ■ill of the carriage window, he 
 produced his supper from those 
 ■tow-away pockets of his, and 
 commenced to munch it with 
 great enjoyment. Several times 
 the platform hnd to be cleared of 
 the girla and boya who had come 
 to aee the little frit>nd, who had 
 beenamuaing them all day, off on 
 his journey. At length a porter, 
 whose heart evidently was warm 
 toward little folks, allowed them 
 to slip in and remain. 
 All the otEcials felt the attrac- 
 tion of that window , and the 
 stoker.with smiles upon his grimy 
 lace, openly addressed the little 
 monkoy as "mate." Even the 
 slation-mastei as he paased, I 
 noticed, cast a sly glance toward 
 the monkey, although he could 
 not, of course, be seen to join tha 
 crowd of admirers. A cheer was 
 raised when the train was sot in 
 motion, and the monkey glided 
 slowly away from big and little 
 I heard the other day of a pet 
 monkey called Hag, a creature no 
 larger than a guinea-pig whoae 
 master once found in bis cheek 
 pockets a stool thimble, his own 
 gold ring, a pair of sloevo-links, a 
 farthing, a button, » shilling and 
 a bit of candy Monkeys, 1 am 
 sorry to say, are given to stealing, 
 and they use these pockets to 
 hide the articles which they have 
 stolen. — Harper's Young People. 
 Little Minnie, in her eagerness 
 after flowers, had wounded her 
 hand on the sharp prickly thistle. 
 This made her cry with pain at 
 first, and pout with vexation 
 " I do wish there was no such 
 thing as a thistle in the world," 
 she said pettishly. 
 "And yet the Scottish nation 
 think so much of it they engrave 
 it on the national arms," said her 
 "It is the last flower that I 
 should pick out," said Minnio. 
 " I am sure they might have 
 found a great many nicer ones, 
 even among the weeds." 
 " But the thistle did them snch 
 good service once," said her 
 mother, " they learned to esteem 
 it very highly. One time the 
 Danes invaded Scotland, and they 
 prepared to make a night attack 
 on a sleeping garrison. So they 
 crept along barefooted, as still as 
 possible, until they were almost 
 on the spot. Just at that moment 
 a barefooted soldier stepped on a 
 great thistle, and the hurt made 
 him utter a sharp, shrill cry of 
 pain. The sound awoke the 
 sleepers, and each man sprang to 
 his arms. They fought with 
 great bravery and the invaders 
 were driven back with much loss." 
 " Well, I never suspected that 
 so small a thing could save a na- 
 tion," said Minnie, thoughtfully 
 tlura's day'a work W W 
 perched up on tha 
 n»g« window, he 
 upper from those 
 :kcts of hii, and 
 I munch it with 
 it. Several timea 
 d to be cleared of 
 9ys who had come 
 i friend, who had 
 hem all day, off on 
 ,t lenfjth a porter, 
 idently wan warm 
 >lks, allowed them 
 aU felt the attrac- 
 rindow , and the 
 los upon hi* grimj 
 Idressod the little 
 nato." Even the 
 as he paosed, I 
 sly glance toward 
 Ithough he could 
 be seen to join the 
 rers. A cheer was 
 10 train was sot in 
 he monkey glided 
 from big and little 
 other day of a pet 
 Hag, a creature no 
 guinea-pig whose 
 >und in his cheek 
 I thimble, his own 
 ir of sleove-links, a 
 tton, II shilling and 
 Monkeys, 1 am 
 given to stealing, 
 these pockets to 
 » which they have 
 r's Young People. 
 e, in her eagerness 
 had wounded her 
 arp prickly thistle, 
 cry with pain at 
 It with vexation 
 there was no such 
 tlo in the world," 
 e Scottish nation 
 of it they engrave 
 fial arms," said her 
 ast flower that I 
 out," said Minnie, 
 thoy might have 
 many nicer ones, 
 e weeds." 
 stle did them snch 
 once," said her 
 learned to esteem 
 One time the 
 Scotland, and thev 
 ike a night attack 
 rarrison. So they 
 refooted, as still as 
 they were almost 
 ust at that moment 
 >ldier stepped on a 
 nd the hurt made 
 arp, shrill cry of 
 :)nnd awoke the 
 kch man sprang to 
 hey fought with 
 and the invaders 
 :k with much loss." 
 ret suspected that 
 could save a na- 
 inie, thonghtfnlly 
 V. n 
 ar TANiiT. 
 CHAPTKH V.-Conlinuid. 
 Dear! di>nr! what a state of 
 things Diiiht'artoning as it all 
 was, ilhristio could lint hp|p b<>- 
 ing astonished to soo how cross 
 the pi'ople were. 
 " Thoy set exactly ss though 
 thoy thonorht the ronds and the 
 hridf;)<8 had dono it on purpose 
 just to vex them," she told Wells 
 ns Hho obeyed the motion of his 
 hand nnd hrnusht thn baliy to the 
 turned seat in front of him. "Do 
 you suppose they really know of 
 somebody who is to blame !" 
 " Why, no," said Wells thought- 
 fully, "I presume not; they just 
 fret and say 'it is a pretty busi- 
 ness!' and all that sort of thing, 
 because that is the natural way to 
 act when folks are disappointed. 
 Isn't that the way you do when 
 things don't go to suit you ? ' 
 Christie's heod drooped a little 
 and the pretty pink flush began 
 to come on her cheek. "Oncol 
 used to do it to thinirs," she said 
 sluwly, with a marked emphasis 
 on the word " things." " I would 
 slam the door when I was cross 
 Wells said good-natun dly, but 
 the tone said that ho wi\8 very 
 much interested, and should really 
 like to understand Greek if he 
 could, "What possible harm 
 could thero be in slamming a 
 ahoutBomething,ttndI wouldscold'door,or growling at a fire, so long 
 the kitchen fire for not burning, 
 and I would put the wood down 
 on the hearth with a great bang ; 
 as nobody heard ^'ou? I should 
 say it was a saiu and comfortable 
 way of working ofT ill-humor ; 
 but onco I lost a penny under the , I m sure I wish some of the pep- 
 pery folks I know would try that 
 fashion. What made you think 
 there was anything bad about 
 " I didn't find it out myself," 
 Christie said, her eyes drooping 
 again. " You see I got into 
 trouble. I wanted some things 
 that I couldn't have, and I wanted 
 to do some things that I couldn't 
 do, and I thought about them un- 
 til they made me feel cross half 
 the time. I slammed all the 
 doors I could, and thu fire needed 
 scolding every time I went near 
 it, and 1" — here there was a little 
 hesitation and the cheeks grew 
 carpet and I scolded about that 
 but that was when I was alone. 
 The minute Mrs. Briggs came in 
 to see mother, or even the mar- 
 ket man stopped to see if wo 
 wanted anything, I would shut 
 the door gently, and lay the wood 
 on the hearth just as soltly as I 
 could, and I worked half an hour 
 once helping Susan Briggs open 
 her desk, and never thought of 
 being cross, because 1 was 
 ashamed, you know, to havo them 
 see me do any other way. Now 
 shouldn't you think these people 
 would feel kind of ashamed to 
 grumble before one another?" 
 But the only answer that Wells 
 seemed to havo ready for this was 
 an absent-minded laugh ; ho was 
 thinking of one part of Christie's 
 sentence that he wanted to have 
 " Look here," he said, " you 
 say you used to be cross at things. 
 Do you mean that you've given 
 even that up?" 
 Christie gravely bowed her 
 head. " I'm most cured of it," 
 she said soltly. " I think it is 
 only once in a long while now 
 that I forget. I was so in the 
 habit ol it that it was dreadfully 
 hard work. You seo this was 
 after I had beguti to try to do 
 right ; and I thought if I kept 
 pleasant before people, thero 
 wouldn't bo anything wrong in 
 slamming doors a little — when 
 nobody was there to see — and in 
 scolding the fire because it 
 couldn't hove its feelings hurt, 
 you know ; but when I found 
 out that it was almost worse to do 
 that than to be cross to people I 
 tried hard to give it up." 
 "Tou are talking Greek to me,'' 
 pinker — " I even got to scolding 
 at the baby when she was most 
 A ■imploton. Nevortheleaa 
 meant to tell just tho truth. 
 " Yus, I did," she said steadily. 
 ' One day ho came to see us, and 
 mother wasn't at home. The 
 baby at Hriggs had burnt himself 
 and they sent for mother, and 
 father had ifono to the mill, and 
 there wasn't anybody at home, 
 only just baby and me, and I had 
 been real cross to her; I shook 
 her a little speck, not to hurt, you 
 know, but then it was horrid ; I 
 felt so ashain< d of myself that I 
 cried ; and justthtMi fho minister 
 came. Ho asked me right away 
 what was the matter, and that 
 mado me cry again, and then, you 
 know, I almost hod to tell him. 
 It was something ho said that has 
 helped mo ever since." 
 " Do you mind telling mo what 
 it was?" Wells Bnrton's voice was 
 so gentle, that she gave up the 
 fancy that he was making fun of 
 " Why, it was something that I 
 knew all the time, and I've often 
 asleep and 'couldn't hear me; real wondered that I did not think ol 
 hateful things I said to her, about!'"'"'" mvse"- • '"'J hira that I 
 being the hardest baby to get to had no trouble in being pleasant 
 sleep that ever was born and about | before people^ becauso I would be 
 taking all my time so that I 
 couldn't study, nor knit, nor any- 
 thing. I never would have said 
 it to her if she had been awake, 
 and I used to kiss her as soon as 
 I had tucked her in the crib, but 
 for all that, I grumbled at her a 
 great deal. At last it got so bad 
 that I knew I was getting to be 
 cross all the time, and I couldn't 
 seem to stop it ; and one day 
 told the minister about it." 
 "You did!" Wells Burtons 
 exclamation had a good deal of 
 admiration in it ; the truth was, he 
 began to think that Christie must 
 be a very brave girl. He told him- 
 self that ho would rather stop 
 twenty trains of cars than to go 
 to the minister and have a talk 
 about his faults ! But Christie 
 believed he thought she was 
 so ashamed to havo them see mo 
 looking cross. And that I kept 
 my words pretty near right, but I 
 couldn't manago my thoughts. 
 And he asked mo how I thought 
 I should act if .Tesus should come 
 to our house, as ho used to, at 
 Mary and Martha's. I told him 
 that I knew then I should aet 
 just as well as I could ; then he 
 asked me if I did not remember 
 that .Tesus had come to our house, 
 and was staying thero all the 
 time, and heard all my thoughts, 
 as well as my words? You don't 
 know how it mado me feel for a 
 moment; I just felt scared. It 
 seemed to mo that I could re- 
 member all the times that I had 
 banged tho door, and rattled the 
 wood, and Jesus looking at me ! 
 What made mo most ashamed, 
 was, that I had tried to behave 
 myself before Mrs. Briggs, and 
 tho other neighbors, and never 
 minded how I behaved before 
 Jesus. Just as though I thought 
 more of them than I did of 
 him !" 
 " Humph I" said Wells. " I 
 don't pretend to understand. I 
 don't see how that helped yon a 
 bit. Of course if a fellow could 
 realize that Jesus was listening to 
 what he said, it would make a big 
 difference all tho time. There are 
 fiity thousand things a fellow says 
 and does that he wouldn't do for 
 the would ! But the trouble is 
 you can't realize it. A person 
 that you can see and hear is very 
 dili'erent from one that you can't 
 see and hear ; now that's the truth, 
 and I don't seu how anybody can 
 say it isn't. Do you mean to have 
 me understand that you are as 
 sure of Jesus being near you as 
 you are that I sit on this seat talk- 
 ing to you?" 
 " I'm'' just as sure of it," Chris- 
 tie said with a quiet positiveness 
 that went a great way toward 
 proTinf the trnth of her word*; any to me do yon think? I might 
 but iken it ia » difieroiit fMlinir, take him for • walk np and dttwa 
 of ronra*. I can't eipiain it to 
 you; I don't know how. I anp- 
 poae if you were to talk with onr 
 miniater he would make it all 
 plain. But [ know thia : the more 
 5 on pray, the aurer you get that 
 eana alaya right b«aide you, and 
 liaicnatoallyoa *ay. I'm a good 
 deal aiirorof it than I naed to be, 
 and it keepa growing aurer all the 
 Meantime.yon are wonderins 
 what that baby waa about, and 
 why heendur)>d ao long a con* 
 Teraation that he did not under- 
 atand. The truth ia, that in tell* 
 ing yon about the converHstion, 
 I nave left out the number of- 
 timea that Chriatie lilted him 
 from one ahoulder to the other, 
 and the aweet cooing wordaahe 
 continually put in, between her 
 anawera, and the number ot 
 times Wella snapped bis lingers 
 for Kaby's benefit, and how he 
 took his watch from its chain, 
 and gave it to to hold, 
 8o that the baby could aeu it 
 but at laat baby's palienoe waa 
 entirely gone. Ho wonid have 
 nothing more to do with the 
 watch, and he pushed Christie's 
 hand away '..vagely, when she 
 tried to pal his cheek. He had 
 occasionally given aome very' 
 loud yells, aa specimens of what 
 ht> could do, and now he went 
 at it in earut'st. 
 In vain Christie tossed, and 
 cooed, and patted. He yelled 
 the louder. The lady with the 
 " Seaside" story was very much 
 annoyed. She shot angry 
 glances over at the perplexed 
 little maid, and at last she said, 
 " I should think if you cannot 
 keep that child quiet, it would 
 be well for you to let him 
 " Perhaps the lady will take 
 him for a while.your arms must 
 be very tired." 
 This was Wells' suggestion, 
 and he enjoyed the look of dis- 
 gust on her face, as she said : " I 
 know nothing about babies ; 
 bat 1 think it is an imposition 
 on the travelling public to have 
 one screaming in this fashion." 
 "Then," said Wells, "would 
 you in this case recommend chok- 
 ing, or what would you advise us 
 to do?" 
 " You are a very impudent 
 boy ! " the lady said, and she went 
 back to her book, with red 
 Christie could not help laugh- 
 ing a little, though she was not 
 sure but the lady was correct. 
 And the baby yelled! Not 
 another ladv among the passen- 
 gers. The last one had left the 
 car at that unfortunate station 
 where the poor mother stopped. 
 "The pale-faced young man came 
 forward neit; he did not look 
 cross, only sorry. " Poor fellow !" 
 he said to the baby, " yon think 
 yon are having a hard timie, I sup- 
 pose, but there are worse trials in 
 Ul'e than yours. What would he 
 the car and rest your arma." 
 But the perrerae baby yelled 
 like a lunatio the moment the 
 thing waa attempted, and utterly 
 refused to leave his small proteo* 
 tor's aide, 
 Then the nice old gentleman 
 decided to show his akill. " What 
 would he aay to a augar-plum, do 
 Tou suppose? ' he asked, bending 
 kindly overChristio, aiidahowing 
 a round, white candy. 
 " He'll be aure to approve of 
 that," Wells said, but Chriatie 
 He shows good taste," said hesitated, and a lovely color 
 the pale young man with a wan glowed on her cheeks. " If you 
 smile; ** he probably sees that I please sir," she anid timidly, "I 
 know very little about babiea." don't know whether his mother 
 Whoae name endotiM thii iweat stoTy, 
 And sukranteM thin picture true t 
 Ah, louk, it is th« Lord' of Olor j. 
 Who spwiu thau woidi to jrou. 
 We liaten, end are loat in wander, 
 li man su vile, is Qod lo kind t 
 We look again, and written under, 
 >Tii"JeeU8Chriat," we and. 
 Mo ain aecsped Hia aearchina TUon, 
 Uia eyei men'a inuuoat tboughta eonld 
 Uie langoage nerer lacked preoiiion — 
 " Ue knew what waa in man." 
 He came to ihow Hia Father'a feeling. 
 And breathe it o'er the earth abroai 
 Qod'i lore by word and sign revaalifig— 
 He knew wliat waa in Ood. 
 Ah, Lord, we make a tn» confeaion ; 
 Aa in a glaaa aaraelTea we view ; 
 In every action and expieaioa 
 The prodigal ia traik 
 But trom thia piotoM may w* gather 
 An imaue aure of God above t 
 la he that fond forgiving Father, 
 And ia hia heart all iove I 
 Tea, though ooi feet lo far have wan- 
 In baae delight* and miry waya, 
 And though Hii auluunce we have 
 And wasted our beat days ; 
 Until by Ood and man forsaken. 
 Our pleasures gone, our wishes cioat, 
 By sudden angauh overtaken, 
 We feel that aUU loat; 
 TUen in that hour of darkaet aonow 
 The Spirit calls us from ahr. 
 And from the thought of Ood we borrow 
 A brightness like a star. 
 And we arise, and lo ! He meets us 
 With loving look and hutening feet ; 
 We fall Itafore Him, but he greets ua 
 With lienediction sweet. 
 He feels. He shows, a Father's yearning. 
 He lavishes a Father'a lov«. 
 And celebrates a son's tetanung 
 'Mid angel hosts above. 
 O Father, send us Thr good Spirit, 
 Since Jeeua deigned loi ns to die, 
 Draw us, and fit us to iabarit 
 Thy glorious Home on High 1 
 RicaaBD WiLTOH, H.A. 
 would like it ; they don't let some 
 babies have candy at all ; mother 
 thinka it bad for them. " 
 ■' Ah * yea," he said, " I ought 
 to know it by thia time; I'm al- 
 ways getting into distj^raoo with 
 my daughters by bringing the 
 stuff to their babiea; they don't 
 allow it at all, and yon are a wise 
 little woman to think ot it." 
 (7b be eoHlinueJ.) 
 ' m 
 The Kpider'a thread is made 
 npoi iiinumerabla small threads 
 or fibres, one ot these threads 
 being estimated to be one two- 
 millionth of a hair in thickness. 
 Three kinds of thread are 
 spun : One of great strength for 
 the radiating or spoke lines of 
 the web. The cross lines, or 
 what a sailor might call the rat- 
 lines, are finer and are tena- 
 cious,, that is, thoy have upon 
 them little specks or globules of 
 a very sticky gum. These 
 specks are put on with even in- 
 terspaces. They are set quite 
 thickly along the line, and are 
 what, in the first instance, cntch 
 and hold the legs or wings ot 
 the fly. Once caught in this 
 fashion the prcy is held secure 
 by threads flung over it some- 
 what in the manner of a lasso. 
 The third kind oi silk is that 
 which the spider throws out in 
 a mass or tiood, by which it 
 suddenly envelops any i)rey of 
 which it is afraid, as, fur ex- 
 ample, a wasp, A scientiiic ex- 
 perimenter once drew out from 
 the body of a single spider 3,- 
 480 yards of thread or spider 
 silk — a length a little short of 
 three miles. Silk may be 
 woven of spiders' thread, and it 
 is more glossy and brilliant than 
 that of the silk worm, being of 
 a golden color. An enthusiastic 
 entomologist secured enough of 
 it for the weaving of a suit ot 
 clothes for Louis XIV. — Prof. 
 A Little Uirl who has 
 noticed the absence of seeds in 
 bananas, wishes to know how 
 the fruit is grown. From cut- 
 tings or shoots which first send 
 up two leaves rolled tightly to- 
 gether until the green roll is two 
 or three ieet high, when the 
 blades unfold. At the end of the 
 nine months a purple bud ap- 
 pears in the centre, followed by 
 yellow blossoms which mature to 
 fruit, growing in bunches of seve- 
 ral hundred. The plant dies 
 down as soon as the fruit is 
 formed, but the rootstock soon be- 
 gins to send up new leaves again. 
 Bananas are found in all tropical 
 countries ; a piece of ground of a 
 size to grow enough wheat to 
 feed one man will, il planted with 
 bananas, raise fruit enough lor 
 twenty-five. — Ex. 
 If You cast away one cross 
 you will doubtless imd another, 
 and perhaps a heaviei one.— 
 Thomas li Kempit. 
 y don't lat MUie 
 y at all ; mother 
 for them. " 
 aaiil, " I ought 
 ii* titnu; I'm •!• 
 diai^raoo wilh 
 Y briiii^ing th« 
 >iea; (huy don't 
 i yoa are a wiie 
 link ol it." 
 R'8 WEB. 
 thrf ad is mad« 
 hluamall threads 
 >i th»ae throada 
 1 to bu one two- 
 lair in thicltnesB. 
 of thread are 
 reat strength for 
 r spoke linea of 
 croaa lines, or 
 ight call the rat- 
 and are tena- 
 they have npou 
 ks or globules of 
 gnm. Tliese 
 on with even in- 
 y are set quite 
 he line, and are 
 it instance, catch 
 egs or wings of 
 caught in this 
 y is held secure 
 ig over it Bomo- 
 inner of a Iasho. 
 I ot silk is that 
 or throws out in 
 d, by which it 
 ops any prey of 
 raid, as, I'ur ex- 
 A scientiiicex- 
 drew out from 
 single spider 3,- 
 tread or spider 
 a little short of 
 Silk may bu 
 rs' thread, and it 
 nd brilliant than 
 worm, being of 
 An enthusiastic 
 cured enough of 
 iug of a suit of 
 lis XIV.— Pro/. 
 iiRi. who has 
 ence of seeds in 
 to know how 
 n. From cut- 
 hich first send 
 lied tightly to- 
 reen roll is two 
 gh, when the 
 t the end of the 
 urplo bud ap- 
 re, followed by 
 hich mature to 
 mnches of seve- 
 he plant dies 
 9 the fruit is 
 tstock soon be- 
 w leaves again. 
 1 in all tropical 
 ot ground of a 
 mgh wheat to 
 it planted with 
 lit enough tor 
 way one cross 
 IS iiud another, 
 heaviei oue. — 
 ST rmiT. 
 Von have no idea what a life 
 that baby led them, unless you 
 have a little brother or sister at 
 home, I suppose yon have but 
 little idea how a baby nan cry, 
 who is very tired, and hungry, 
 and a good deal frightened ; for by 
 this time he began to think it the 
 strangest thing in life that his 
 mother did not come and attend 
 to him. Christie took a hint from 
 the pale young man, and began 
 to walk up and down the car, 
 with baby in her arms ; but he 
 was much heavier than the baby 
 at home, and it took very little of 
 this exercise to make her young 
 back ache. Wells looked on 
 sympathetically, as well as a little 
 indignantly, fjnablo to take a 
 step, or even to twist himself 
 about, so that he could take the 
 baby in bis arms, he told himself 
 that if ho were that young man 
 he would see if ho could not carry 
 that baby a while, and not let o 
 little girl tug with it all the time. 
 Suppose ho did yell, what of it ? 
 That was no more than ho was 
 doing now.every time he thought 
 of it. Ho should like to see him- 
 self scared away by the crying of 
 a baby ! As for the literary young 
 lady, words could not express his 
 contempt for her ; he showed it by 
 curling his lip most expressively 
 whenever ho looked in her direc- 
 tion. But she, having onco more 
 buried herself in her Dook, lost all 
 " I know what the poor little 
 fellow wants," said Christie, re- 
 turning to Wells, during a lull. 
 "He is so hungry that he can't 
 help crying. Ho keeps stuffing 
 both his little hands into his 
 mouth ; they are always hungry 
 when they do that. His mother 
 had some milk in a bottle for him, 
 in that little satchel she carried in 
 her hand. I saw her otfer him 
 some once, but he wasn't hungry 
 just then, and pushed it away. I 
 just wish she had left the bag 
 when she went away ; but she 
 carried it on her arm." 
 ' Probably it had her pocket- 
 book in it as well as a bottle of 
 milk," Wells said ; and then : " I'm 
 sorry for the poor little chap, if 
 he is hungry ; we all stand n fair 
 chance to be in the same fix if we 
 stay here long " 
 " I have cookies, and thiuffs," 
 said Christie thoughtfully ; " l>ut 
 they won't do for babies, you 
 know " 
 " I don't know a thing about 
 it," declared Wells. "But I 
 should think that folks would 
 rather have them eat cookies than 
 There was no denying this, so 
 Christie only laughed; but aa yet 
 she did not resort to cookies. She 
 thought of the rows of milk pans 
 ranged on the shelves at home ; if 
 she only had one of theai ! She 
 thought ot the milk can that had 
 started from home with them ; 
 what a pity that itaalopping-place I shoulder and take a nice little 
 had been one station bark. Away I nap 1 Then perhaps the train 
 over in the fields, no other house I wonld go on in a few minules,and 
 near H, stood what looked like a bit I maybe the bridge isn't down at 
 ofafarmhnuse. ('hrislin wondered all; nnd innybe the nine o'clork 
 whether they ha<l milk there, and train will come in all right, and 
 whether somebody couldn't go bring your mamma, and she will 
 (here and try to get some. Shu have a bottle l\ill of nice milk for 
 mentioned the wonder to Wells. 
 " It's a forlorn little place," he 
 said, trying to raisu himself on 
 one elbow to see it, frowning 
 deeply with pain as he did so. 
 •' I don't believe they have any 
 milk there that is fit to drink. 
 Besides, how could a body get (o 
 it? They would get up to their 
 ears in mud. 1 hose fields look 
 as though they ha«l no bottom to 
 them. My ! how quick I would 
 skip over there it I had tho use of 
 my feet!" 
 Christie could not help smiling 
 again, at tho apparent contradic- 
 tions in his words ; but she kept 
 looking out at the little house, be- 
 tween her soothings of the baby. 
 "I most believe I will try it," 
 see said at lost. " Something has 
 got to be done ; this babjc is al- 
 most starved ; I suppose that ho 
 was so busy gazing about him this morn 
 ing, that he could not eat his breakfast." 
 " You ! ' said Wells, regarding her 
 with surprise, mingled with respect. 
 " Why, yon would stick fast in the mud. 
 I don't believe your mother would 
 like such doings at 
 Christie looked down 
 at her shoes ; she so 
 seldom had a new pair 
 that these were treas- 
 ures; alittle nicer they 
 were.than any sheever 
 had before; she remem- 
 bered, too, her 
 mother's oft-ropeatcd 
 charge, on no account 
 to step ofi* the train 
 until they reached the 
 city ; yet she said re- 
 solutely : "My mother 
 always likes me to do 
 things that ought to 
 be done. I think I 
 am going to try it. I 
 don't see another per- 
 son who would be 
 likely to go." 
 " Suppose you try the young 
 lady in the velvet gown?" said 
 Wells ; " she has almost finished 
 her story." 
 Then he and Christie both 
 laughed. Her face sobered at 
 once, and she began to take 
 anxious looks through the cars 
 The old gentleman was not to be 
 thought of for a moment ; his hair 
 was too white to think of his tak- 
 ing a tramp like that. There was 
 the pai^faced maii,but she looked 
 regretfully at his ahining boots 
 and beautiful pantaloons. The 
 mud would certainly ruin them ; 
 and what a plight he would be in 
 when they reached the city ! She 
 almost thought he would go, if 
 she were to ask him, but it did 
 seem too bad to do so 
 '* O baby, baby !" she said in a 
 soft cooing tone, "couldn't you 
 possibly lay your head on my 
 But tho baby was utterly dis- 
 gusted with this suggestion. He 
 put no faith in any ol it ; he 
 angrily bobbed up nis head as 
 often as Christie tried to ruddle 
 it in her neck. Ho snatched at 
 her hair, and tried to pull the 
 very braids out by the roots ; ho 
 scratched at her face, and in vari- 
 ous other ways conducted himself 
 like a tiger Wells, meanwhile, 
 seeing ChriRlio glance toward the 
 house ill tho fields, with a resolu- 
 tion of some sort growing on her 
 face, made asui^goMtion : 
 "Thero is ono thing you want 
 to think of, whoever tramps oil' 
 there, runs tho risk of having thiN 
 train skip off and leavo them. I 
 dare say wo may go in a littli; 
 while; trains are hardly ever de- 
 tained aa lung as they think they 
 are going to be. Once, when we 
 were east, there was something 
 the matter with the track, and the 
 conductor didn't think we could 
 go on under three hours, and 
 father let my sister Estelle and I 
 go and take a walk; and in just 
 half an hour that train went on, 
 and Estelle and I had no end of a 
 time getting with our folks 
 again !' concluded Wells, very 
 This story, like many other 
 things in this world, had an 
 exactly opposite effect from what 
 was intended. 
 " I shall go myself," said Chris- 
 tie positively. To herself she 
 said : " I shall never ask that 
 poor young man to go and run 
 the risk of missing the train,when 
 he is in such a hurry ; and the 
 rest of these people look as 
 though they wouldn't do it for 
 anything, and a« though I wonld 
 rather go three times than to itsk 
 " What will you do if the train 
 takes a notion to go on?" said 
 Welln, dismayed for her, 
 "Why."sHid Christie, "Ifthia 
 train can go on, another can come, 
 or go, some time, you know ; and 
 I could wait for it and take it. 
 Would they take my ticket on 
 another train ? " Tho startled 
 tone in which she asked this 
 question, made Wells understand 
 tnat her ticket was a matter of 
 importance to her. He set her 
 mind at rest about, and then 
 cnme to the front with a new 
 idea : 
 "Have yon a return ticket? 
 When were you coming back, 
 anyhow / " 
 "To-night;" said Christie 
 laughing in spite of all the troubles 
 of tho way. " Do you suppose I 
 Hliall get there in lime to come 
 hack ? What did you say about 
 u return ticket ? Ought I to 
 havo one ?" 
 " Whv, that is tho way they 
 generally do," this old traveller 
 explained; "buy a round trip 
 ticket, you know, it saves ton or 
 fifteen cents; but it is of no conse- 
 qnenoe, yon can just as well buy 
 ono at the city station if you ever 
 get thero." 
 Christie looked down at her 
 ticket with a perplexed and 
 sorrowful nir ; it Wiis not round 
 certainly. If it nu!,'ht to havo 
 been, and if anything that she 
 could hn^^e done about it would 
 have saved her lilteen cents, sho 
 was very sorry, lor money was of 
 great consequence to her. " 1 did 
 not know about it," she said 
 meekly ; and felt that sho did not 
 yet know, and that, by and by, 
 when things were qnieter, she 
 would ask Wells why it was that 
 round tickets were cheaper, and 
 why they did not give her one. 
 Meantime the poor discouraged 
 baby had settled into a restless 
 slumber ; Christie had been 
 watching his eyes clo8e,while she 
 walked slowly back and forth in 
 tho cor. She did not believe ho 
 would sleep long, he was too 
 hungry for that. And now her 
 resolution was formed. " I'm go- 
 ing over there to try to get some 
 milk," sho said firmly "If some- 
 body would make a nice little 
 pillow of my shawl, I could lay 
 the poor baby down. Do yon 
 suppose the old gentleman with 
 the gold glasses would see that 
 he did not roll off the seat ?" 
 "Why do you pick him out?" 
 asked Wells, amused over the 
 whole tWng, and much disgusted 
 that he could not help " Give 
 me the shawl; I can roll it up. I 
 haven't sprained my hands, at 
 least. Now lay the young scamp 
 down, and go and cive tho old 
 gentleman our compliments, and 
 say that ho is appointed special 
 guard, with orders not to fall 
 asleep at his post, under pain of 
 being scratched." 
 Christie's eyes were brim full of 
 oould do to drag thorn trom ono 
 bo( to the other ; for the rood 
 ■oemod to ba made ap oi • raocen* 
 •ion of boge. Once the oeme to • 
 little pool of muddy water ; came 
 to it before ihu mw it ; apiuhed 
 right in, and aoaked her feet 
 awar above the aiiklei, and apat- 
 iered the prntty dr«M. Doar ! 
 dear! If mother conid aeo her 
 now ! What a t>iin|( it waa to go 
 offon a Chriat' •'*» ride ! 
 It waa a lont^ walk, much longer 
 than it had auemod Irom tho car 
 window. With every atup the 
 diffinnlty of getting on increaaed, 
 and once ahn had really to lean 
 againat a friendly poat that aeemed 
 aet up to mark the lot, and try to 
 dig the mud from her ahoea How 
 ■urely they wore ruined ; and they 
 were to have been her Sunday 
 beat for a year I 
 foB, but aba want orar to tho old 
 MBtlaman, with a gravely gentJ* 
 faoe.and made known her petition 
 " Eh, what t" he aaid, coming 
 back from aomo day-dream with a 
 aigh. Oh, yea, certainly he would 
 keep the poor little follow from 
 rolling otr. " But if ho criea," he 
 aaid anxionaly, " I ahall not know 
 what to do; 1 never could do 
 anything with babiea when they 
 Chriitie could only hope that 
 thia one would not cry ; and hav- 
 ing catabliahed tho guard where 
 ahe wanted him, ahe prepared to 
 aet otf. 
 By thia time Wella had another 
 idea. He had been fumbling in 
 hia pocket, and now drew out his 
 handsome Rusaia leather pocket- 
 " Just let me furniah the fnnda 
 for the youngater, wont yon ? 
 aiuce I can't help in any other 
 way " 
 " Will I need money ? " Chriatie 
 aaked, stopping with a startled 
 air, to lock into hia face. Her 
 mother lived in a little houae back 
 in the tielda, but she would never 
 think of taking money in return 
 for a little milk to be given to a 
 hungry baby. 
 " Why, of course," said Wella. 
 " That is, if yon get any milk, 
 which I doubt ; the house doesn't 
 look like it from here, liut yon 
 will have to buy a pitcher, or 
 something to put it in ; they won't 
 trust you, they'll think you are a 
 tramp, you know. Offer to pay 
 them well, and the Utile chap 
 will fare a good deal better than 
 he will if you ask a favor." 
 As he spoke he held out a crisp 
 bank note Christie took it slow- 
 ly, with a bright glow on her 
 cheeks. It was a five dollar hill. 
 She had never had so much money 
 in her hands before ; and to tell 
 the truth, she did not quite like 
 to have this in her hands. She 
 had to remind herself that the 
 milk was not for her, and that she 
 certainly had not money enough 
 of her own to pay for it, and get 
 hack home with Just then — 
 wise little woman that she waa — 
 came into play some of the good 
 sense which her guod mother had 
 tried so hard to teach her. She 
 handed back the crisp new note. 
 "U-ive roe something smaller, 
 please," she said pleasantly,"! 
 don't like to carry so much, nor 
 to offer it; they would think I 
 was a very suspicions tramp ! 
 Milk is only ten cents a quart, | 
 and a pitcher or a tin pail does 
 not cost much." 
 It was Wells' turn to blush 
 now ; he plainly saw that she had falling as they rushed into her 
 been the more business-like of the j eyes. But she shut them back re- 
 two, aud crumpling the bill in , solutely and said aloud " I know 
 his hand, he produced some shin- j I am doinir right That baby will 
 iug silver pieces in its place, aud get sick if he don't have his miik ; 
 Christie wont. j and a baby is worth raore than 
 Oh, but that mud was deep ! , ten pairs of shooh and a new dress 
 How quickly were the trim new besides " 
 shoes oesmeared all over with a Now she waa fairly at the gate 
 thick yellow plaster? Worse than j of the little ugly-looking houae. 
 that, they were getting too heavy In a minute more ahe would be 
 to carry ; it waa aa much as she | inside. 
 Mo, ak* wouldn't Bow, wow ! 
 wow I Hare wu a fallow who 
 diapatud tho way with har, and 
 came aiiddnnly bowing at hor, a* 
 if the least that he should think 
 of doing waa to awallow har at 
 Now it hifl>pened that Ohriatie, 
 unusually brave about moat 
 thinga, was droadAiHy afraid of a 
 She gave a pitiful little ahriak, 
 and tho next thing ahe know, she 
 waa picking herself out of the 
 meanest-looking mud hole ahe 
 had seen in her trip. The dog 
 had retired to a safe distance, and 
 with hia head hung down, aud 
 his silly little tail between his 
 legs, waa receiving a lecture from 
 a woman with a froway head.and 
 sleeves rolled up ai the elbow, 
 who appeared in tbo door of the 
 There was another sad thought little house. ' 
 connected with all this : What a of yourself * 
 plight she would be in by the 
 time she reached uncle Daniel's. 
 And mother had taken such pride 
 in having her so neatly dressed, 
 with a new-fashioned jacket and 
 all ! What with the mud, and the 
 weariness, and the anxiety, she 
 could hardly ktop the tears from 
 Aren't you ashamed 
 she said, shaking 
 hor head ; " a decent dog you are 
 to be cutting up such tricks ! 
 Come along, child what do you 
 want ? There'a no kind of need 
 of yonr being afraid of that there 
 dog; there ain't a bigger coward 
 in all Kansas than he is. Mercy 
 on me! What a fix yon are in ! 
 I guess your ma, whoever ahe is, 
 will give you something to make 
 yon remember Bose. You've jnat 
 ruined your dress. Where did 
 you come from, anyway ?" 
 (To be continued.) 
 A Life grandly holy is only the 
 adding together of minutes scrn- 
 pnlonsly holy. 
 Clous SEED. 
 Near Mary atreet, in llanorer, 
 which ia becoming a flourishing 
 mercantile centre of Northern 
 Uerm;»iiv,is the old Qarden grave- 
 yard. Once in the oulikirti, now 
 the ruah of tralHo and rattle of 
 street cars disturb the quiet of 
 the old oometery. For many a 
 vear ita rusty galea have never 
 been swung bacK to receive any 
 new tenants. Tho gravea are 
 overshadowed by large treea ind 
 overgrown by weeds, and ne- 
 gleet marks the spot everywhere. 
 Quite near the entrance, in the 
 shadow of tho old church, lie the 
 remains of a lady who belonged 
 to tho old nobility and who waa 
 buried here during the middle of 
 tho last century. Her grave ia 
 covered by two maaaive blocks of 
 sandatono on which lies another 
 double their aine. The latter ia 
 ornamented in relief by an ex- 
 tinguished torch, the ayir 1 of 
 The immense blocks are .list- 
 ened together by heavy iron- 
 clamps, showing the intention of 
 the owner not to have the place 
 diaturbed This is atill more em- 
 phatically pronounced by the in- 
 scription which ia hewn in large 
 lettera opposite to the name of the 
 occupant and tho date of her 
 death. On one of the lower 
 atonea, " This grave, bought for 
 all time, must never be opened." 
 But what is man's will in a uni- 
 verse ruled by an Almighty 
 Creator ? Where the two stones 
 are joined together, a passing 
 wind, not long after the monu- 
 ment waa erected, carried a tiny 
 seed. No one observed it but 
 the eye of God. 
 But there it took, and aa sum- 
 mer showers and winter storms 
 followed the course of the sea- 
 sons it grew, ita roota finding 
 nourishment in the soil beneath, 
 till now an immense birch-tree 
 spreads out its silvery and grace- 
 ful branchea over the moaa- 
 covered stones, and the sparrows 
 build their nests iu it. But in 
 getting its present growth and 
 expansion its great roots have 
 gone clear through the grave, 
 and the dust of the dead baa 
 nourished them, while its mas- 
 sive trunk has lifted the ponder- 
 ous stones out of their places, 
 turning them on edge and rend- 
 ing the iron clamps that held them 
 together. And there the leafy 
 branches, high in the air, nod to 
 the sculptured legend below, as 
 if in quiet mockery of the man's 
 vain command, "This grave, 
 <>ought for all time, must never 
 be opened." It is the triumph of 
 life over death. — Selected. 
 A Great Step ia gaiued when 
 a child has learned that there is 
 no necessary connection between 
 liking a thing and doing it. — 
 Guetnesat Truth. 
 God's Almanac has but one 
 day , that is to-day. 
 9 HEBi), 
 treni, in lUnorer, 
 ttiitf • llourivhlng 
 tru of Northern 
 Iho ouUkirli, now 
 iflo tml ratllu ot 
 urb the quint of 
 rjr. For manf a 
 laiea haru novnr 
 K to fKceivo any 
 The graves aro 
 y large troea ind 
 weetla, and ne- 
 •pot ovorywhore. 
 entrance, in the 
 d church, lie the 
 y who belonged 
 ty and who waa 
 ng the middle of 
 Her grave ia 
 maaaive blocka of 
 hich Ilea another 
 n. The latter ia 
 relief by an ex- 
 , the ayip 1 of 
 blocka are >aat- 
 by heavy iron- 
 the intention of 
 > hare the place 
 ia atill more em- 
 inced by the in> 
 ia hewn in large 
 ) the name of the 
 lie date of her 
 > of the lower 
 ive, bought for 
 iver be opened." 
 »'b will in a nni- 
 an Almighty 
 9 the two stonea 
 her, a paaaing 
 ifter the monn- 
 carriod a tiny 
 ibserved it but 
 ik, and oa anm* 
 winter storma 
 rae of the aea- 
 roota finding 
 >e aoil beneath, 
 enao birch-tree 
 ery and grace- 
 'er the moaa- 
 id the sparrows 
 in it. But in 
 t growth and 
 lat roots have 
 rh the grave, 
 the dead has 
 while its mas- 
 ed theponder- 
 their places, 
 dge and rend- 
 that held them 
 lere the leafy 
 the air, nod to 
 end below, as 
 ot the man's 
 This grave, 
 must never 
 he triumph of 
 gained when 
 that there is 
 !tion between 
 doing it. — 
 ' BT rA«if. 
 Poor Christie, her face in a 
 deeper glow than had boen on it 
 during thia eventful morning, 
 limping a little in one foot, and 
 wondering whether this was 
 another aprain, made her way 
 aoroas the stretch of mud that atill 
 lay between her and the honae, 
 and began her atnry. 
 The open door gave her a view 
 of quite a good-aised kitchen in 
 which all aorta of houaehold work 
 aeemed to bn going on at once. A 
 amell of cabbage came from the 
 big pot on the atove ; a amoU of 
 Singurbread came from the open 
 oor of the oven, where 
 a young woman knelt to 
 examine it, a pan of ap- 
 plea partly pared aat on 
 the table, and quite cloao 
 to them tied into a chair, 
 aata yellow-headed baby, 
 in a pink calicodreaa, and 
 wearing a pug noae, 
 waihod-out blue eyea, 
 and a soiled face. 
 He looked utterly un- 
 like the baby in the cars, 
 and did not once sugg>>st 
 the baby at home. Yet 
 Christie was glad to see 
 him. Probably thoy had 
 milk, and they would 
 have tender hearts for 
 other babies. 
 "If you please,'' she 
 began in a iientle explana- 
 tory tone, tlie woman still 
 standing in the door, 
 holding it partly open, 
 "I came from the cars 
 over here: the train is 
 stopped by some trouble, 
 and there is a poor baby 
 whoso mother ' ' — here 
 she gave a little squeal 
 and sprang past the 
 woman in the door, quite 
 into the kitchen. 
 "For the land's sake! I 
 believe she's craay !" 
 Thus much the woman 
 said, before she saw what 
 was the matter; and 
 really by the time she 
 saw there was nothing 
 the matter the danger 
 was over. It was just 
 one of those things that 
 happen in a second, or 
 else they do not happen 
 at all. There was a girl 
 about the size of Christie whose 
 business it evidently was to at- 
 tend to the restless, tied-up baby, 
 and who had been so occupied in 
 staring at Christie that she hi>.d 
 entirely forgotten her duty. 
 Baby thus left to employ his wits, 
 discovered that by a sudden 
 tilting motion hecould tiphischair 
 backwards, and give himself a 
 was exactly behind it' In reality 
 the baby's head did not touch the 
 stove at all, tMteauae he held it up 
 and yelled. At leaat that waa 
 one reaaon ; the other waa that in 
 leaa than aquarturof aaeoundthe 
 chair waa righted by Chriatie 
 heraelf; for juat one apring 
 brought her from the door to the 
 chair. But, dear m*'! you ahonld 
 have aeen the excitement which 
 prevailed in Iho lilllu log houae 
 then. That baby was just as 
 important as any other buby in 
 the world. His mother untied 
 with nervous fingers the string 
 that bound him, and hunted, and 
 kissed, and crii^d over him, and 
 praised Christie, and scolded 
 sobs came deeply drawn, as aha 
 vaniahod by the woo.Ubed door. 
 I'hratia felt aorry for her, and 
 indignant with her mother. 
 There waa a very great tlilFerenue 
 in mothera, certainly, ureater than 
 ahe had ever aupposea. 
 The indignation gave her cour- 
 age to tell lier atory rapidly and 
 well. There were a great many 
 exolamaliohH over it, a great many 
 queilioiiN aNki-d and answered, 
 and Chriatiu had to kiaa the baby 
 could u d'led when ahe reached 
 llie train, and concluded to be 
 meek; eap«ciaMy sinrn they did 
 not know her stall. Mow could 
 they be sure ,'. \tshe did not 
 want to run away with Josiah's 
 boots f 
 On her arm ahn hiul a pail nf milk 
 which looked rich and <!ri'aiiiy,and 
 ahe had bought a lillle liny cup 
 V hich the wnmnii aaid they got 
 for Jimmy only yenlerduy. For 
 the cup ahe paid eight roiils, and 
 which ahe would nothave minded pur t lie pail twentyfivi-, hut Iboy 
 at all if hia face had been clean. 
 8ho had a chance to wash the 
 mud from her face and handa, and 
 the woman herself carefully 
 bruahed mud from Iho pretty suit. 
 (Outline Druwiiiff Lesson.) 
 Sarah Ann, all in one breath. 
 "Just to think !" shosaid. " If 
 you hadn't a-seen him just that 
 minute and sprung like a deer, he 
 might a-been burnei to a crisp ! 
 Mother's precious darling Jimmy ! 
 Sarah Ann, you good-for-nothing 
 young one you, don't stand there 
 whimpering; if you had been 
 attending to your business instead 
 of staring, this wouldn't have 
 happened. Go out into the wood- 
 Moreover, [fancy, ho argued shed, do; you make mo sick." 
 that this process might in time! This advice was accompanied 
 loosen the chains that bound him by a box on the ear; not a hard 
 to the chair ; so he tried it. Just slap, in fact, I doubt whether 
 as Christie looked that way he had Sarah Ann felt it at all ; but that 
 tried it for the fourth time with she felt the tongue, and was pain- 
 such effect that the chair lost its fully ashamed, was evident: her 
 balance, and the glowing store face Damed a deep red, and her 
 bewailing the stains, and finding 
 one place with a zigzag tear. It 
 all took time, and Christie was 
 conscious of libtening painfully 
 for the whistle of the departing 
 train. But at last she was started 
 un her way ; her shoes exchanged 
 for a pair of ugly-looking boots, 
 which the woman told ner she 
 miffht leave in the bog by the 
 railway track, and she had the 
 comfort of hearing it said in a loud 
 whisper, that they were so awful 
 worn out and good for nothing, 
 that Josiah wouldn't care much 
 if she did make off with them. 
 After that Christie had a mind not 
 to take them, but she lookeddown 
 at the shoes hung over hat arm 
 which had been cleaned, and 
 would lake nothiiig for the milk, 
 and there waa a good (|uart, 
 Chriatie calculntfil. 
 On the whole, her trip buck to 
 the train whs mui'h pletinanter 
 thiin the jc)uriii>y out had 
 been. 8he discovered 
 that day why boyi wore 
 boolit, a thinif tlnil ahe 
 had never uiulurslnod be- 
 fore. They certainly 
 made their way tbrougn 
 the mud much better 
 than shoes. 
 There stood the train, 
 without apparently hav- 
 ing had u thought of 
 going. I way to leave her. 
 She set down her pail, 
 and carefully oulleil off 
 the boots and laid them 
 in a Nort of gully ai the 
 side of the track, then 
 slipped into her own wet 
 ones, and climbed 
 the train. None too soon, 
 for bi'by was shrieking 
 wildly. The old 
 gentleman looked reliev- 
 ed when he saw her. 
 " Well, little woman,'' 
 he said, "our hopes all 
 rest on you. If you can 
 quiet thibslorm, we shall 
 owe you a debt of 
 " We've been having a 
 first-class circus here," 
 said Wells, "ever since 
 you went. You hudn't 
 jumped the first mud 
 puddle wh(;n he opened 
 his eyes and looked 
 around him and begaii. 
 That Seaside Library 
 woman over there is 
 going to have him sent 
 to the house of correction 
 as soon as ever we reach 
 the city. I see it in her 
 "Poor fellow !" said Christie ; 
 but she did not mean the old 
 gentleman in spectacles, nor yet 
 Wells Burton. 
 Do yon imagine that the train 
 soon started ? Nothing seemed 
 farther from its thoughts. 
 The baby eagerly drank his 
 milk from the bright tin cup, 
 much occupied, it is true, as soon 
 as his first hunger was appeased, 
 with gazing at the queer shapes 
 in its sides, bntneverrecognizing, 
 apparently, his own beautiful 
 face ; but after each gaze, he 
 would seize the cup and take 
 another long draught. 

 " I tell you he was hungry and snre I don't know. The next 
 thirsty both, I shonld think!' 
 Wells said, watching him with 
 interest; "his mother onght to 
 give you a great many thanks for 
 "Poor mother !" said Christie 
 with a sigh, and she drew the 
 baby closer, He settled back in 
 her arms at last, satisfied and 
 smiling. "Tamed," Wells called 
 it, and he and the old gentleman 
 who had returned to his own seat 
 exchanged smiles ol admiration, as' 
 Christie "mothered" the baby, 
 cooing him presently into quiet, 
 restful slumber. 
 The shawl did duty again as a 
 pillow, and this time, 
 genuine sleeping was done. nine o'clock now, 
 and no train either came or 
 went. The officials seemed 
 all to have departed, and 
 someof the passengers. The 
 old gentleman kept his seat, 
 so did the pale-iaced man, so 
 did the disgusted young lady 
 who had iinished her book, 
 and had now no other 
 occupation to indn.lge in but 
 " How far are we from the 
 city'?" Christie questioned. 
 " Why, not more than a 
 dozen miles." 
 " I should think some of 
 the men who are in a hurry 
 would try to hire a waggon to 
 take them in." 
 Wells shook his head. " I 
 shoull like to see a waggon 
 that could get through this 
 mud !" he explained. " You 
 see there is no waggon road ; 
 the old roadstrikos otf atthat 
 junction down below, and 
 winds around, I don't know 
 how many miles. I don't 
 suppose it would be possible 
 to drive direot from here to 
 the city, and (he regular road 
 is used so little out this way 
 now, that it must be horrid 
 after these rains." 
 " Well, shouldn't you think 
 that man over there, who is 
 so anxious, would try to 
 walk ! 1 think 1 could walk 
 twelve miles if mother or the 
 baby was sick." 
 " Not in this mud, I 
 venture. I doubt if you ever 
 took many long walks in such 
 mud. Why, in some places 
 it is knee deep ! Besides, 
 don't you see he would stand 
 a chance of seeing this train 
 whisk by him when he was 
 aljout half way. No ; his best 
 plan is to sit still and be patient." 
 '' He doesn't look patient," said 
 Christie. " I never saw any- 
 body's face look less patient than 
 his ; and I am so sorry for him I 
 don't know what to do. I keep 
 thinking I wish I could do some- 
 thing to help him. I wonder if 
 it is his mother who is sick." 
 Wells studied him for a few 
 minutes, and then gave it as his 
 opinion that it was .he lady 
 whom he meant to »»<arry: 
 though why he thoughi so, I am 
 thing that claimed attention was 
 the sprained ankle. 
 I'll tell yoix what it is," said 
 Wells, " there's something going 
 on down there in my foot that I 
 don't like. It gives the most 
 horrid little tweaks of pain every 
 few minutes that you ever heard 
 of, and it is swelling so that I 
 don't believe 1 shall ever be able 
 to wear .-^ boot again." 
 It ought to be bathed," said 
 Christie, " and bandaged ; that is 
 what mother did when father 
 sprained his foot once. She took 
 cold water and bathed and bathed 
 it, oh, a long time ! then she made 
 thought we should have, of 
 course I Now I thought I should 
 always be where I could get a 
 basin or a bowl to put water in. 
 " If the baby had drank all the 
 milk I could use the pail. But I 
 dare not throw it away, because 
 he might need it before nis uother 
 gets to hyn." 
 "I should think not !" said 
 AVells, meaning about the milk. 
 ' It cost too much to throw 
 "Yes;" said Christie gravely. 
 ■' But then they did not charge 
 me any more than other people 
 charge for a quart of milk." 
 Wells' eyes danced over this ; 
 a great long bandage, and hound 
 it up, and it got well after awhile, 
 I think I ousjht to bathe your foot." 
 " You !" said Wells in dismay, 
 and looking more astonished than 
 he had at anything yet. " As i f I 
 should allow you to do such a 
 thiim- !" 
 " Why not ! 1 should think 
 you would be very foolish not to 
 let me. I know how; I've done 
 it for father, by the hour. You 
 see it soothes the pain, and makes 
 the swelling go down. But I 
 don't know what I could put 
 water in. How queer it is that 
 we can get to places where we 
 miss all the little thnigs that wo 
 ho had not meant the cost in 
 money ; but he said nothing. 
 Meantime Christie looked up 
 and dowu the car, her face 
 thoughtful and anxious. She was 
 studying ways for bathing the 
 sick foot. Wells was secretly 
 gbid that there seemed no chance 
 for it. He would have liked his 
 mother to do it, but he could not 
 bear to think of having his foot 
 bathed by this trim little girl. 
 ( Tu be continued.) 
 Hatred stirreth up strifes ; but 
 love coverethall sins. — Proverbs x. 
 The Rev. Gilbert White, of 
 Selborne, records the choosing of 
 two odd situations for swallows' 
 nests — one of them on the handles 
 of a pair of shears which were 
 placed against the wall of an out 
 house Mr. Jesse, too, ;n his 
 " Q-leanmgs in Natural History," 
 mentions one which he saw built 
 on the knocker of the hall-door of 
 the rectory-house of the Rev. 
 Egerton Bagot, at Pipe Hapes, 
 Warwickshire. He further ob- 
 serves: — "The confidence which 
 these birds place in the human 
 race is not a little extraordinary. 
 They not only jiut themselves, 
 but their offspring, in the 
 power of man. I have seen 
 their nests in situations 
 where they were in reach of 
 one's hand, nnd where they 
 might have been destroyed in 
 an instant. I have observed 
 them under a doorway ; the 
 eaves of a low cottage ; 
 against the wall of a tool- 
 shed ; on the knocker of a 
 door, and the rafter of a 
 much frequented hay-loft." 
 BishopStanley mentions one 
 which was built in a bracket 
 for holding a lampinacorner 
 of an open passage, close to 
 the kitchen-door, in a noble- 
 man's house in Scotland ; and 
 though the lamp was taken 
 down to be trimmed every 
 day and lighted every even- 
 ing, there a swallow — and it 
 is believed the same swallow 
 — built her nest for three or 
 four years, quite regardless of 
 the removal or light of the 
 lamp, and the constant pass- 
 ing and repassing of the 
 servants. His lordship adds 
 that on the opposite side of the 
 same open court the great 
 house-bell was hung, under a 
 wooden cover fastened to the 
 north wall of the hoi.?.!. It 
 was a large bell, ai d wns 
 rung several times a day to 
 call the servants to their 
 meals. Under the wooden 
 cover of this bell the same 
 swallow, it is believed, which 
 had formerly built on the 
 bracket of the lamp, built a 
 nest for several years, and 
 never seemed in the least 
 disturbed l)y the ringing of 
 the bell or the rattling of the 
 rope. A ligufe is given of 
 the nest, in the form of a 
 cornucopia — both ends alhxed to 
 the roof of the cin-er. — From 
 Murrii's " Ilinlori/ of British Birds." 
 To FORiiEAR is to refrain from 
 doing or saying something wh;eli 
 impulse had prompted us to do or 
 say ; it is the conquest of wiser 
 second thought over first desires ; 
 it is the curbing of anger or in- 
 dignation, the stern oelf-diBcipline 
 that represses the hasty judg- 
 ment, the unkind criticicm, the 
 uncharitable interpretation, Ihn 
 cutting reply. 

 ailbert White, of 
 'ds the choosing of 
 ions for swallows' 
 lom oil thti handles 
 hears which were 
 the wall ot an oat 
 [esse, too, in his 
 Natural History," 
 which he saw built 
 f of the hall-door of 
 )U8e of the Rev. 
 t, at Pipe Rapes, 
 He further ob- 
 contidence which 
 ace in the human 
 ttle extraordinary. 
 y put themselves, 
 oti'spring, in the 
 man. I have seen 
 ts in situations 
 y were in reach of 
 d, nnd where they 
 e been destroyed in 
 I have observed 
 er a doorway ; the 
 a low cottage ; 
 e wall of a tool- 
 the knocker of a 
 d the rafter of a 
 quented hay-loft." 
 tanley mentions one 
 s built in a bracket 
 g a lampiiiacorner 
 II passage, close to 
 n-door, in a noble- 
 ise in Scotland ; and 
 te lamp was taken 
 be trimmed every 
 ghted every even- 
 a swallow — and it 
 [ the same swallow 
 r nest for three or 
 , quite regardless of 
 al or light of the 
 the constant pass- 
 repassing of the 
 His lordship adds 
 opposite side of the 
 n court the great 
 was hung, under a 
 )ver fastened to the 
 of the hoi.?.?. It 
 ge bell, a! d wns 
 al times a day to 
 servants to their 
 nder the wooden 
 his bell the same 
 is believed, which 
 rly built on the 
 the lamp, built a 
 overal yoars, and 
 ined in the least 
 by the ringing of 
 lie rattling of the 
 gate is given of 
 the form ol a 
 th ends allixed to 
 he cm'er. — From 
 rij of British Birds. " 
 is to refrain from 
 something wh:ch 
 mpted us to do or 
 onquest of wiser 
 over first desires ; 
 g of anger or in- 
 tern ■"elf-discipline 
 the hasty judg- 
 nd ctiticicm, the 
 iterpretation, Ihn 
 n II 
 Bt I'ANSY. 
 CHAPTEU VI-Coii/iniKii. 
 " Oh, thank you !" said Christie. 
 ' I will bo very careful of it." 
 And jho tripped away with a 
 relieved face. 
 Suddenly Christie hopped up, The old gentleman was watch- 
 her face bright, and yet doubt- ing. When the milk was care- 
 ful, if you can imagine the two fully poured into the china 
 on the same face. She saw away pitcher, what did he do but offer 
 to do it, if only the "Seaside to take care of it ! 
 Librury" woman would be good 
 and help. It was very un- 
 pleasant ' o have to ask a lavor of 
 her, but Christie was not one to 
 stop at unpleasant things, when order to keep 
 they looked as though they ought 
 to hi done. 
 The lady's satchel layopen at. 
 Very grateful wns Christie, for 
 while she poured, she had 
 wondered what she should do 
 ankle washy this time very unwill- 
 ing to be touched — and the bath- 
 ing began. At first Wells' face had 
 a flush on it that was not all 
 caused by pain. It was such a 
 queer thing to have a little girl, 
 and she a stranger to him, bathing 
 his foot. But the cold water felt 
 so pleasant, and the touch of the 
 small hand was to gentle and 
 skilful, that gradunlly a feeling of 
 relief and satislaction began to 
 # bei 
 with the frail china thing, in | steal over him. 
 it from bumping j " I did not kuuw there was so 
 against the car. To be sure there j much good in water,'" he eniil, 
 was no motion now, but there j watching her as she ^teadily 
 ] was always the hope that the cars passed her coo! cloth up and down 
 her side on the seat. ' She was | would start, [the foot, 
 fumbling discontentedly 
 through it, looking for some- 
 thing that she did not seem 
 to find. But the thing that 
 Christie saw, wns a small 
 white pitcher, lying snugly 
 among the napkins, empty, 
 and waiting, apparently, lor 
 work to do. 
 She went over to her in 
 haste. It would not do to 
 take much time to think 
 about this thing which wa'j 
 so disagreeable. 
 " Would you bo so kind as 
 to lend me the pitcher fo' u 
 little while to keep baby'i 
 milk in ? I want to fill the 
 pail with water lo bathe the 
 lame foot. It is beginning to 
 swell very much, and I think 
 that v/ill help it. Mother 
 thought it helped father." 
 A long speech for Christie. 
 The lady looked so very 
 disagreeable that the chilu 
 felt a nervous desire to keep 
 on talking, and not give her 
 a chiince to make a dis- 
 agreeable answer. But she 
 came to the end of her long 
 sentence at last, and waited. 
 Wells was laughing. He 
 was almost willing to have 
 his ankle bathed, if it would 
 in any way add to the 'is- 
 comfort of the lady. 
 For what seatned to poor 
 Christie several long 
 minutes, she stared at her as 
 though she were some un- 
 pleasant curiosity that had 
 not been seen before, then 
 said ; " I suppose so. What 
 a set 1 have got among ! 
 The insolent boy doesn't 
 deserve to have his anklo 
 bathed ! If he had been sit- 
 ting in the cars as he ought 
 the accident would not have hap' 
 poned. Why can't you throw 
 that slop of milk away, if you 
 want the pail >." 
 Christie meekly explained her 
 fears the baby might fancy him- 
 self hungry when he awoke ; and 
 at fast, with a disgusted sigh, the 
 lady took the doliciU china 
 pitcher from iti nest and p'>.ssed 
 it into Christie's koepic^. 
 "Hei-'j," she said, "Yen will 
 brcik it, I presume, the next 
 thing ; and it belongs to a set. I 
 was a simpleton to bring it, but 
 how was I >-■: 'now there would 
 be such a nuieanca of a time ?" 
 Next the pail must be washed. 
 For the first time in her life, 
 Christie made her way to the 
 water cooler, which stood in a 
 corner of the car, and managed to 
 learn how to make the water 
 flow. Washing the pail was an 
 easy matter. It was a relief to 
 come to something that she knew 
 Just how to do, and had often 
 done before. 
 She was soon at her work, a 
 nc-\t handkerchief doing duty as a 
 bathing cloth. The sock was 
 caTefulIy, tenderly drawn from 
 the poor swollen loot — not with- 
 out help from Wells' knife, for the 
 Water Is real w -"uderful," said 
 Christie. " Mother says that half 
 the people in the world don't 
 know what a splendid doctor it 
 is. Sometimes she us- s it real 
 hot, and it will stop a pain in a 
 few minutes. Hot water would 
 be good for your foot if we could 
 get some. I wish we could, for I 
 am most sure that it would make 
 this swelling go down faster." 
 " Wo might split some pieces 
 ofT the side of the car, and 
 start a fire. I could whittle fome 
 ofT, maybe, or the old gentleman ' 
 would. No, he can't leave his 
 pitcher of milk. But the young 
 man hasn't anything to do; we 
 might try him. 1 have some 
 n.>atches in my pocket." 
 By this time he had to stop 
 and laugh over the bewildered 
 j look on the little nurse's face. 
 I "I beg your pardon,' he said, 
 ] seeing the flushed cheeks. " I'm 
 afraid it sounds like making fun 
 of you, nnd that is the last thing 
 i I am thinking of, I can tell \ou. 
 , I wa.s only thinking thi t you had 
 i done so many things to-day that 
 sesmed impossible, perhaps you 
 would manage a fire, to heat 
 water. You can't think how 
 I iiiee the cold water feels. I 
 I hate to have you down there 
 muscling over me. You are 
 getting drops of water over 
 your pretty dress, I'm afraid 
 among u? we shall manage 
 to spoil all your clothes. 
 But my foot feels fifty per- 
 cent better. I can tell you 
 somebody who will be very 
 much obliged to you for this 
 morning's work, and that's 
 my mamma." 
 r^aid Christie, " Isn't it 
 nice that the baby sleeps all 
 this while ? If he should 
 waken before I get your foot 
 bandi:ged, 1 don't know 
 what I should do !" 
 The distressed tone of 
 inotheily anxiety in which 
 she said ttiis, set Weils off 
 into another laugh. He 
 thouubt her the strangest 
 little girl he had ever seen in 
 his hie. The truth was, that 
 he was not acquainted with 
 any liltl.' girls who knew 
 how to do things which are 
 supposed to belong to 
 women. But Christie had 
 been her mother's oldest 
 daughter, and her only 
 helper in the home foi so 
 many years, that she had 
 learned many things, and 
 had a tashionof planning be- 
 forehand, very much as her 
 mother did. 
 " Bandaged !" repeated 
 Wells when his lauirh was 
 over. " Why what will you 
 bandage it with I I should 
 say that was about as hard to 
 m;inage as a lire." 
 "Oh, no ! I didn't know 
 what you meant about mak- 
 ing a lire. I'm sure there is 
 fire enough in th« stove ; if 
 I could make a place on the 
 stove to set this pail I could 
 nave hot water ; but I really can't 
 do that. ,\. bandage, though, from 
 somewhere we must have. You 
 see the foot must be banaged now 
 that it has been v,-et ; mother 
 thinks they swell more after wet- 
 ting, unless they are bound up 
 pretty I rht. I have one other 
 handkerchief, but it is small ; 
 still it would make a beginning, 
 and I suppose you have one, and 
 the old gentleman maybe has two, 
 men often have ; I think wu can 
 get enough to make quite a nice 
 ■' Are vou really going through 
 the car to take up a collection of 
 handkerchiefs for my benefit !" 
 Wells was so amused thitt he 
 could hardly speak the words, 
 bnt Christie looked x)0'''*)(^t'y 
 "Why HOt?' she said. "Any- 
 body who had one would give it 
 for such a thing, yon know. And 
 it is really necessary. Mother 
 was very particular about it when 
 father had a sprain." 
 " 'Well ! I suppose you will 
 do it. I think you would do 
 anything that it happened to 
 come into your head ought to be 
 done ; but I beg you to ask each 
 of the contributors for their ad- 
 drebses, for I shall want to ex- 
 press a few handkerchiefs to them, 
 if this train ever does reach the 
 In due course of time Christie 
 did just that thing. She went 
 timidly over to the old gentle- 
 man and told him her plan. She 
 did not like to do it, but it seemed 
 the next thing to be done, and as 
 ■he walked along, she remember- 
 ed that she had not liked to do 
 one oi the things that had come 
 to her since she stopped the 
 train ; yet they had all turned out 
 well, so far. Even the china 
 pitcher was doing its duty as 
 nicely as though its owner had 
 been willing to lend it. 
 The old gentleman was delight- 
 ful. Ho shook out two of the 
 largest and finest cambric hand- 
 kerchiefs that Christie had ever 
 seen. It did seem a pity to tear 
 them, bnt he gave them up as 
 though it was a pleasure to him to 
 think of their being torn in bits. 
 The young man was equally 
 ready, and more able, for he open- 
 ed his case, and produced three 
 or four, which Christie saw with 
 joy, for she need not go to the 
 owner of the pitcher. 
 " How are yon going to fasten 
 the pieces ?" he asked as he 
 spread out the handkerchiefs and 
 prepared to help tear them. " Pins 
 will scratch, and besides wili not 
 make a smooth bandage. Take 
 care, you are getting that one too 
 wide ; bandages are nuisances 
 unless they fit nicely. What shall 
 we do about the sewing? I sup- 
 pose you haven't a workbox with 
 yon? ' 
 " Not quite," said Christie, 
 laughing, amd feeling as though 
 she were acquainted with him, 
 '- but I hare something that will 
 do to sew bandages. I had a 
 necktio to hem for father, and I 
 took it along for work to-day at 
 my uncle's. The only trouble is 
 it is black silk, and I ought to 
 have white thread, but it will 
 " Of course it will do," her new 
 friend said heartily. Did you ever 
 read fairy stories ? There is one 
 about a little woman who had in 
 her pocket, or in her month, or 
 her shoes, somewhere about her, 
 just the thing that wad wanted 
 next. I didn't know that fairies 
 travelled on the cars, but I 
 8 believe you mnst be her coasin at 
 " I wonder if yon should like does, for instance ; but suppose 
 some help in putting this bandage 
 on ? 1 have done such things 
 before now, and I think perhaps 
 my hands are a little 
 than yours." 
 you knew that her sister was very 
 sick, and that she was anxious to 
 get to her; if you could wouldn't 
 stronger , you make this train go on as fast 
 IIS possible, so as to give her a 
 " Oh !" said Christie, relieved, ohance to get to the city ? 
 and smiling, " I am so glad. I " Yes, sir," said Christie un- 
 didn't know how it would get on, hesitatingly, "I would of 
 I tried once to bandage father's 
 foot, and I did not do it well at 
 all ; but I thought I must do the 
 best I could this time, and maybe 
 it would last until he got to the 
 city. Are you a doctor, sir ?" 
 " Not quite ; I am only study- 
 ing, with the hope of being one 
 sometime. You did not know 
 yon were a teacher as well as a 
 fairy, did you ?" 
 I ?" said Christie, looking 
 greatly astonished, 
 " Then you are better than 
 God ? You see he doesn't do it." 
 Christie considered this for a 
 moment, then said : 
 " But I might make a dreadful 
 mistake. Perhaps two trains 
 would run into each other, or it 
 might be all wrong in some way. 
 Yon see, God knows how to do 
 things, audi don't." 
 " Ah, bnt if you knew how to 
 « T I. L _ i. I.- do things, yon could plan so that 
 You. Ihave_been watchmg jt would be best. This is what 
 you all the morning, and I con 
 eluded just now, that it was time 
 I Toosed myself and began to 
 think of something besides my 
 own great disappointment I sup- 
 pose I shall reach the city just as 
 soon if I help to bandage that foot 
 as though I sat here and looked at 
 my watch, and longed for the train 
 to start." 
 The sentence ended with a little 
 sigh, and the anxious look came 
 back to his pale face as he skil- 
 fully rolled the bandage into a 
 hard little ball. 
 " I am very sorry for yon," said 
 Christie gently ; " I do hupe you 
 will get to the city in time ! and I 
 can't help thinking that you 
 There was such a confident 
 little note in her voice that he 
 glanced at her curiously 
 " Do yonr fairy jiowers reach in 
 that direction ?'' he asked, smil- 
 ing just a little "Conid ^on 
 wave yonr wand, do you think, 
 and make this train start on its 
 way ?" 
 She shook her head, smiling, 
 yet with a serious mouth 
 " Nobody ever thought of such 
 a thing as calling me a fairy ; I'm 
 only Christie Tucker ; but I prsy. 
 ed to God to let yon get fo the city 
 as quick as he could, and to let 
 yonr friend get well. And I can- 
 not help thinking that he will do 
 it. I know he will if it is best," 
 " How did you find that out ?" 
 " Why," said Christie, puzzled 
 how to answer this, yet feeling 
 that it ought to be answered, " of 
 course He will. He said so, you 
 know. Or, well, he said so about 
 some people. Are not you one 
 of them, sir ?" 
 " One of whom?'' 
 " One of the people who love 
 God V Ho said he would make 
 everything come just right to the 
 people who love him. And he 
 never breaks a promise, you 
 " Look here, little woman that 
 lady over there who is tearing a 
 letter into bits, has not been very 
 polite to you I have noticed, and I 
 suppose she doesn't love you 
 nearly as well as your mother 
 you say God does for those who 
 love Him, and I am showing you 
 that you would do it for those 
 who don't love yon, and are 
 therefore making yourself out to 
 be better than God. Don't yon 
 Christie looked distressed. 
 What she saw, was, that this man 
 needed to have somebody explain 
 things to him. He did not disturb 
 her faith, but how was she going 
 to show him that God was good to 
 She thought it over in silence, 
 while he still rolled at the band- 
 age, which showed a perverse 
 desire to twist, and needed care 
 from her watchful fingers all the 
 At last she said timidly, " I 
 know there is a way to explain, 
 but 1 don't know how to do it. If 
 you knew our minister, he could 
 tell you. Don't you think, 
 though, that some people won't let 
 God do the best for them ? He 
 wants them to choose to love 
 him, and then he can take care 
 of them and see that everjrthing 
 comes out all right. Oar mmister 
 told me about it. There was a 
 little boy living at Mr. Briggs', 
 that came all the way from the 
 Home for LittleWahderersinNew 
 York. Mr. Briggs tooV him to 
 work on the farm. His name is 
 Johnnie, and our minister said : 
 'What if Jo'nnnie should run 
 away, and refuse to live with Mr. 
 Briggs, conld he be taken care of 
 as he would have been if he had 
 stayed with the man who had 
 promised him a home ?' He said 
 a great deal more, and made it 
 real plain. Ifyon could talk with 
 him, I know he conld make you 
 understand ; bnt I am only a 
 little girl." 
 " You are a very good little 
 girl," he said gently, " and 
 whether I understand things as 
 you do or not, I thank you for 
 praying for me. That will not 
 do me any harm, I am snre. 
 Now we will go and see about 
 fitting the bandage to that sick 
 (7b be continued.) 
 Whatever else we may say for 
 the Great Ant-eater, wo certainly 
 cannot c.ill him handsome. The 
 long snuut, and those prominent 
 claws, art! dccidely ugly ; but ho 
 would be sorry to part with them, 
 for they help him to secure his 
 food. Let us take n peep at him, 
 not as he is at the Zoo, — as shown 
 in our picture, — but in his native 
 land. Far away in Brazil and in 
 the swampy savannahs of Souih 
 America the ant-eater is at home. 
 What are these little mounds 
 on the ground ? These are the 
 lumuli eta the nouses of the white 
 ants are called. Very well built 
 and substantial residences they 
 are. But that does not secure 
 them from destruction by one 
 scratch of the ant-eater's formida- 
 ble claw. Then as the ants lun 
 hithiTiind thither in dismay, they 
 are quickly caught on the long 
 tongue of their foe, and gobbled 
 down, multitudes of them being 
 eaten at one meal. Well, they 
 can be easily spared, for they are 
 most destructive little things. 
 A gentleman once tamed a 
 young female ant-eater, and 
 taught it to eat meat and fish, 
 which had to be chopped up very 
 small, as ant-eaters have no teeth. 
 It was an affectionate pet, and 
 would run about after its master, 
 or any one to whom she had taken 
 a fancy, with its long nose close 
 to the ground, so as to find them 
 by the scent, for its sense of smell 
 was remarkably strong, though 
 the eyesight was weak. The poor 
 little creature did not live to grow 
 up. It always seemed bitterly 
 cold, though it was kept wrapped 
 np in a blanket; and at length it 
 pined away and died. 
 The Prater may be short, 
 bnt if it come hot from the heart 
 oi one in the thick of the battle; 
 will it not reach the ear to which 
 it is sent ? A few words — 
 Lord save us ! we perish — roused 
 up the Redeemer to save his dis- 
 ciples from the devouring sea. 
 Ah ! these prayers of men that 
 struggle are dear to Him that 
 hear them ; they consecrate a life, 
 they make a man's heart a very 
 church or temple in which wor- 
 ship is continually offered. These 
 are not days when the more use- 
 ful minds can find leisure for 
 much retirement and self-com- 
 muning. But to carry the praying 
 heart about with us into all that 
 our hands find to do is the special 
 need of our time. — Archbishop of 
 To Delioht in giving nnto the 
 Lord is as mnch to be cultivated 
 as to delight in prayer or in speak- 
 ing for Jesus in a season of 
 revival, or in knowledge of the 
 precions promise and truths of 
 God or to be fervent in spirit, 
 serving the Lord, — North Carolina 

 le we may say for 
 jater, wo certainly 
 I handsome. The 
 d those prominent 
 ilely ugly ; but ho 
 to part with them, 
 [lim to secure his 
 iko n peep at him, 
 he Zoo, — as shown 
 —but in his native 
 ly in Brazil and in 
 ivannahs of South 
 iit-eater is at home, 
 iicso little mounds 
 ? These are the 
 ouses of the white 
 Very well built 
 al residences they 
 t does not secure 
 ^struction by one 
 ant-eater's formida- 
 m as the ants run 
 her in dismay, they 
 lught on the long 
 r foe, and gobbled 
 ides of them being 
 meal. Well, they 
 spared, for they are 
 re little things, 
 an once tamed a 
 B ant-eater, and 
 eat meat and fish, 
 )e chopped up very 
 aters have no teeth. 
 Hectionate pet, and 
 »nt after its master, 
 whom she had taken 
 its long nose close 
 , so as to find them 
 for its sense of smell 
 bly strong, though 
 as weak. The poor 
 did not live to grow 
 ys seemed bitterly 
 t was kept wrapped 
 et; and at length it 
 ad died. 
 IR may be short, 
 hot from the hear t 
 thick of the battle; 
 ,ch tke ear k> which 
 A few words — 
 we perish — roused 
 mor to save his dis- 
 the devouring sea. 
 ■avers of men that 
 dear to Him that 
 ley consecrate a life, 
 man's heart a very 
 iple in which wor- 
 ually offered. These 
 when the more use- 
 lu Hud leisure for 
 nent and self-com- 
 to carry the praying 
 ith us into all that 
 to do is the special 
 time. — Archbiihop of 
 T in giving unto the 
 oh to be cultivated 
 n prayer or in speak- 
 iB in a season of 
 knowledge of the 
 mise and truths of 
 le fervent in spirit, 
 ord. — North Carolina 
 19 T 
 CHAPTER Vn-Cmlinutd. 
 Skilful fingers soon had the 
 foot moro comlortable than it had 
 been since the accident. Weils 
 submitted to the new helper 
 meekly, though he made a wry 
 face at Christie behind the piece 
 of handkerchief that was left 
 from the bandage. 
 " I don't know about liking that 
 man," he said to Christie when 
 the foot was nicely done up and 
 resting on the cushions of the 
 turned seat. " Ho might have 
 walked up before and helped you 
 IT 18 S.\RAH ANN !" 
 with that baby. He must have 
 seen that it was a tug for you." 
 " Men don't know about 
 babies," Christie answered 
 gravely, " but I am ghid that he 
 knows aboui-. handajjos. How 
 nicely ho did that ! It looks just 
 ns though a doctor had been here, 
 Well, he is a doctor." 
 " The mischief, he is ' Then I 
 oui^ht to have offered to pay 
 " Oh, no!" said Christie, dis- 
 tressed, " I don't believe he would 
 have liked that. Ho did it lor 
 kiudnrss, not lor pay. He is very 
 pleasant, but just as sad! He 
 gives very long sighs, right in the 
 midst of his talk. I am sorry for 
 him ; sorrier than before he helped 
 " Why ?" 
 " Because I am afraid he 
 doesn't believe in God. He is 
 not one of Hod's people, I'm most 
 sure : because thi^y never talk in 
 that way, and it makes things a 
 gri'at deal harder to bear." 
 "Talk in what way ? How do 
 yon tell people of that kind?" 
 " Why, he almost iound fault 
 with Ood ! Talk.'d as though he 
 did not buliuvo that God woald 
 do the best for everybody. And 
 you know his children never say 
 such things." 
 " Don't they ? I'm sure I did 
 not know it. I guess I am not 
 acquainted with many of them. 
 I'll tell you what it is, Christie, I 
 have a brother whom I would 
 like to have yon make understand 
 things if you could. Ho is sick 
 and lame, and will never beany 
 better ; and he got so by helping 
 somebody else : doing his duty, 
 you know. It would be hard 
 work for you to make him believe 
 that things are just right in this 
 world. He thinks it is awful that 
 he doesn't get well. And I must 
 say it seems most too bad. 
 Ho was a splendid 
 scholar, you see, led his 
 class in college and was 
 going to make a great 
 man, people thought; 
 now it is all spoiled, and 
 he suffe.s all the time, 
 and will have to, as long 
 as he lives.'' 
 " What hurt him ?" 
 asked Christie, her eyes 
 full of sympathy and sor- 
 '" Why, a house wos 
 burning, and he climbed 
 a ladder when nobody 
 else would, and went in- 
 side and saved a little 
 babv: and part of the 
 wall fell on him and 
 hurt his back. The 
 doctor says he will never 
 beany better." 
 Christie's tears came 
 outright now. 
 "I'm so sorry for him!" 
 she said ; " but if he only 
 knew God, it would be a 
 great deal easier to bear. 
 What a long, long, 
 morning it was! The 
 baby had his nap out, 
 and awoke and fretted a good deal, 
 and cried outright for his mamma, 
 and drank some more milk, and 
 played with the old gentioman's 
 gold headed cane, and went over 
 to the pale-faced young man and 
 was entertained for a while, and 
 cried some more, and was given 
 a cookie, and t>t last fell asleep 
 again. And there that train stood 
 immovable. It began to be 
 certain now, and there was serious 
 trouble. Word came, through 
 railway men, that the track was 
 injured a long distance ahead, and 
 lor that reason no train could get 
 from the city to relieve them. 
 To add to the dreariness, it 
 began to rai«i; a iii>rci», driving 
 storm, and ofcourso tiie mud grew 
 deeper every moment. 
 "Dear, dear !'' said Christie "I 
 hope they don't know about it at 
 home. Mother will be so worried 
 that she won't know what to do." 
 " It's most a wonder that your 
 people let you start out," said 
 Wells. " I suppose the morning 
 papers gave an account of the 
 mischief done by the rain in the 
 night : but our Iblks are all away, 
 and I, like an idiot, never looked 
 at a paper." 
 Then Christie, her cheeks some- 
 what red, explained that they did 
 not take a daily paper, that father 
 couldn't quite afford it yet, and so 
 they had known nothing about 
 trouble on the railway. 
 " There is always some trouble 
 with this road, "said Wells, feeling 
 cross. " First it is a freshet, and 
 then a landslide, or a washout, 
 or the engine gives out, I don't 
 know how many times we have 
 been detained, but never so long 
 as this. I should like to know 
 what we are to do for some 
 dinner ? I know I am as hungry 
 as a wolf. I didn't eat much 
 breakfast this morning ; it was so 
 sort of stupid to be silting in that 
 groat dining-room ail alone." 
 It was after twelve o'clock 
 when this remark was made. 
 The patience of everybody in 
 the car was exhausted, and Chris- 
 tie was beginning to look anxious- 
 ly at the dribble of milk left in the 
 pitcher. What should she do if 
 the train did not start soon, or the 
 mother come ? 
 " That doctor of yours will have 
 to plunge through the mud and 
 get us some more milk, or some- 
 thing," said Wells at last, trying 
 to raise himself on his elbow to 
 get a view of the rainy world. 
 "What object is that!" he said 
 as he drew back his head. 
 " Look, Christie, there are two of 
 them, and they are dragging n 
 basket between them that must 
 be decidedly heavy. How are 
 they ever going to get I'uioughthat 
 puddle of water ? And where are 
 they bound for, do you suppose?" 
 Said Christie, "It is Sarah 
 Ann !" 
 Sure enough ! there she came, 
 ploughing through the mud 
 which had grown much deeper 
 since morning. 
 The large basket that she car- 
 ried seemed to weigh her down, 
 and she made slow progress. 
 "Deal, dear!" baid Christie. 
 " One of them ought to have had 
 .Tosiah's hoots. Idon't know how 
 they will ever manage to get 
 through the puddles. Look, ftM 
 baby ! If you were a man, yl/if 
 you would go right out an^ 
 try to help them, wouldn't 
 Nobody took this hint, and 
 the two floundered along, and 
 climbed the high step of the 
 car platform ; then Sarah 
 Ann set down her basket, 
 and looked curiously in at the 
 "What do you want?" 
 asked a brakesman who ap- 
 peared just then, sticking his 
 head out of the door. 
 Surah Ann spoko up 
 boldly : 
 " We want the girl with the 
 baby, who saved .Timmy 
 from getting burned to death; 
 mother sent her dinner, and 
 some things for the rest, if 
 she's a mind to give 'em to 
 This was bewildering news 
 to the brakesman. He looked from 
 the girl to the woman, with a 
 puzzled face. He understood the 
 word "dinner," and there was 
 certainly a baby on the train ; but 
 who was Jimmy, and when was 
 he saved from burning to death ? 
 However, Wells Burton under- 
 stood, and came to the rescue : 
 " It is all right, brakesman, sev- 
 erol things have happened since 
 you went for a walk. The party to 
 whom that dinner belongs is here, 
 and I'm inclined to think that a 
 good many people who feel the 
 pangs cf hunger, wish they were 
 i'ribnds of hers." 
 Such fun as it was to unpack 
 that basket ! 
 Christie did not know before 
 that so many things could be 
 crowded into a basket. Bread 
 and butter, piles of it, a soup 
 plate piled high with slices of 
 ham, thin, and done to a crisp, 
 and smelling, oh, so appetizing ! 
 sheets of gingerbread, great 
 squaresofcheese, a bowl of dough- 
 nuts, another bowl of quince 
 sauce, and a pail full of milk. 
 "Mother said you could give 
 some to anybody you pleased," 
 explained Sarah Ann, who seemed 
 to have recovered her spirits ; 
 " she said father wouldn't grudge 
 anything to the girl who saved 
 Jimmy from gettinsj hurt. My ! 
 but I was scared!" she added 
 confidentially. " Whoso baby is 
 that ? Isn't he your little brother? 
 What makes him so good with 
 you if he don't belong? Jimmy 
 would yell awful if a strange girl 
 took him. My sakes! I hope his 
 mother will find him. Do you 
 mean to keep him always if she 
 doesn't, and bring him up for 
 yours?" Wouldn't that bo funny, 
 lor a little girl like you to adopt a 
 baby ! Oh, wouldn't it ? " 
 What a tongue Sarah Ann had ! 
 Wells was laughing im- 
 moderately, and [>retending that 
 it was a violent cough, to save 
 Sarah Ann's feelings, and no 
 peony was ever so brilliant as 
 Christie's cheeks. She tried 
!? 20 
 ' to thank the girl for her kind' 
 neBs, but no words seemed to 
 oome at her call. However, Sarah 
 Ann was toomach interested in ail 
 that she saw around her, to mind 
 whether she was thanked or not. 
 She next gave attention to Wells. 
 " Is that your brother ?" and 
 then without waiting for an 
 answer, " why didn't he come 
 after the milk ? oh, my ! a sprain 
 is a real mean thing, sometimes. 
 Jed Barker sprained his foot, last 
 summer, and he had to have it cut 
 After this cheering 
 bit o( news, the girl 
 who had had her head 
 in the oven when 
 Christie was there, and 
 who had been standing 
 at one side of the door, 
 peeping in in an abash- 
 ed way, now found 
 voice : 
 " Sarah Ann, you'd 
 ontrht to be ashamed ! 
 Your ma toid you not 
 to let your tongue get 
 to running. Come out 
 here, and lot her eat 
 her dinner, and then 
 you can get the dishes." 
 "I ain't said noth- 
 ing," declared Sarah 
 Ann, looking aggriev- 
 However, she turned 
 quickly and went out 
 to the platform. 
 " There's a rare 
 specimen of a girl for 
 you !" said Wells. 
 'She's a genius, I 
 should say. DoeH 
 Jimmy look like her? 
 If he does, I don't 
 wonder that you saved 
 his life." 
 "I don't think she 
 means to do anything 
 wrong," said Christie, 
 hesitatingly, " It is 
 just because she doesn't 
 know any better. It 
 must have been very 
 hard work to carry this 
 basket througli the 
 "Wrong !" exclaimed 
 Wells, " I should say 
 not ! On the contrary 
 she is the only one of 
 this crowd, yourself 
 excepted, who has done 
 anything right since we 
 started. Does your 
 mother enjoy having 
 you say, 'this crowd, 
 when you mean half a 
 dozen people ? Mine considers 
 it slang, and I never say it any 
 more, except on special occasions." 
 " I never say it at all," answer- 
 ed Christie lau-rliing. 
 Daring this time she had been 
 engaged in unpacking the basket, 
 and now had the contents arrang- 
 ed neatly on a large clean towel 
 whicU she brought out of the 
 ilowered carpet sack. How nice 
 it was that mother had wrapped 
 the cookies first in a towel! 
 What would she think ifsheknew 
 it was doing duty as a tablecloth, 
 and that her Christie was serving 
 dinner for half a dozen hungry 
 strangers ! 
 I don't suppose that bread and 
 butter and ham ever tasted better. 
 The old gentleman declared that 
 he was sure there never was any 
 so good before, and the pale 
 young man ate quite a large piece 
 of bread, and smiled in gratitude ; 
 and beveral men, who with 
 gloomy faces, and hands in their 
 pockets, strayed in from the 
 person aa she never eats anything 
 more solid than a bit of ice-cream, 
 and a little pound cake, you may 
 be sure." 
 But Christie did not laugh. In- 
 stead, she looked troubled, and af- 
 ter a while thoughtfully laid aside 
 a delicate bit of ham, and a thin 
 slice of bread and butter. Diving 
 down into her satchel again, she 
 brought ojit a piece of an old 
 tablecloth, beautifully clean and 
 white ; the seed cakes for uncle 
 Daniel's baby had been wrapped 
 different cars, accepted Christie's 
 off'er of a ham sandwich with sur- 
 prise and thanks. 
 " Would you oiler some to the 
 lady V Christie asked in a 
 whisper of Wells, glancing doubt- 
 fully in her direction. 
 " What ! the Seiuide Library 
 in it. On this white cloth she 
 laid the bread and butter, two of 
 the seed cakes, a delicate piece of 
 gingerbread, and a fragment of 
 "I'm going to carry these to 
 her," she said to Wells, inclining 
 her head as she spoke in the 
 creitture ? I beg that you will direction of the lady, 
 not misuse language so badly as 
 to call her a lady. I should say 
 that 1 wouldn't do any such thing. 
 You would probably get refused 
 for your pains. Such a delicate 
 Rhe won't take them." 
 "I can't help it. I shall feel 
 ashamed of myself if I don't offer 
 them, and I don't like to feel 
 ashamed of myself," 
 '* There is something in that," 
 Wella said, laughing, yet with a 
 look in his eyes, that said he was 
 proud of Christie. " Go ahead ; 
 I'll keep watch and be ready to dpe- 
 fend yon,if she is inclined to bite." 
 (To be ennUnued.) 
 Every one has heard of the 
 famous bird's nest soup, which is 
 known to be such a luxury among 
 the Chinese. We give here a 
 very clear picture of 
 the birds which build 
 the nests and the nests 
 themselves. The birds, 
 you will see, are species 
 of swallow. They in- 
 habit the coast of China 
 and neighboring coun- 
 tries and build their 
 nests on the walls of 
 the caves along the 
 shore, sticking them 
 against the fiat wall in 
 precisely the same way 
 as our chimney swal- 
 lows do. The nests 
 are about the size of a 
 goose egg and resem- 
 ble isinglass. For a long 
 time people did not 
 know how these were 
 built. One theory was 
 that the bird made 
 them from a kind of 
 seaweed upon which it 
 fed. Butthey feed upon 
 insects just as other 
 birds do. They have 
 however, a set of 
 glands corresponding 
 to the salivary glands 
 at the side of the 
 mouth, and these 
 secrete the gelatinous 
 material used by the 
 birds in building their 
 The nests when 
 brought to market are 
 of three qualities. The 
 new nests, in which no 
 young ones have been 
 reared, looking clear 
 like pure gelatine and 
 almost white, the 
 second quality of a 
 dincy, brown color and 
 looking generally dirty, 
 and the third those in 
 which little ones have 
 been reared and 
 all stuck over with 
 feathers and covered 
 with filth of all sorts. 
 The soup in which the 
 nests are used has 
 a gelatinous look and feeling, 
 somewhat like diluted jelly, and 
 is considered by the Chinese a 
 very great dainty. Of coiirso the 
 best soup is made from the nests 
 of the hrst quality, but we Ifiir 
 that in this, as in other thincfs, the 
 second and third qualities are not 
 entirely ignored. 
 The Lord is the strength of my 
 life ; of whom shall I be afraid ? — 
 Psa. 27: 1. 

 thing in that," 
 ig, yet with a 
 at said he was 
 "Qo ahead ; 
 be ready to de- 
 clined to bite." 
 heard of the 
 ionp, which is 
 .Inzary amon^ 
 I givo hero a 
 ar picture of 
 B which build 
 and the nests 
 ■es. The birds, 
 see, are ppecies 
 iw. They in- 
 ! coast of China 
 hboring couu- 
 d build their 
 the walls of 
 !8 along the 
 iticking them 
 be flat wall in 
 ' the same wa; 
 :himney swi 
 >. The nests 
 t the size of a 
 fg and resem- 
 lass. For a long 
 ople did not 
 )W these were 
 )ne theory was 
 e bird made 
 om a kind of 
 upon which it 
 ;they feed upon 
 just as other 
 3. They have 
 ', a set of 
 alirary glands 
 side of the 
 and these 
 the gelatinous 
 used by the 
 building their 
 nests when 
 to market are 
 {ualitius. The 
 , in which no 
 nes have been 
 looking clear 
 gelatine and 
 white, the 
 quality of a 
 own color and 
 eneraily dirty, 
 bird those in 
 ttle ones have 
 reared and 
 over with 
 and covered 
 h of all sorts. 
 in which the 
 used has 
 and feeling, 
 itcd jolly, and 
 10 Chiiit'se a 
 Of courso the 
 rom the lu'sts 
 but Wd li'ar 
 ler ihinirs, the 
 lalities are not 
 itrengthof my 
 I be airaid ? — 
 CHAPTER Vlll-Continufd. 
 And Christie went. She had 
 done her best, t :id the food 
 certainly did not look uninviting, 
 but the lady had worked herself 
 by this time ip' such a state of 
 disgust, that ink it would 
 have been ver. rd for her to be 
 She gave one disdainful glance 
 at the ragged edges of the piece 
 of table cloth, then shook her 
 head : " No, thank you. I am 
 not reduced to that state yet." 
 Then, seeing the flaming color 
 in Christie's* cheeks, she seemed 
 to struggle to make herself be- 
 have better. 
 " I'm not afraid of you, child," 
 she said, "yoit-look noat, I am 
 sure ; bat alter seeing the hands 
 and hair of the girl who brought 
 the basket, I could not eat a 
 Not a word said Christie. She 
 carried her bit of tablecloth back, 
 and laid it on the seal, covering 
 the food irora the dust ; her eyes, 
 meantime, swimming with tears. 
 " How long does it take people 
 to starve?" Wells asked fiercely 
 of the old gentleman who was in 
 the act of oiting a huge piece of 
 Evidently he understood Wells' 
 meaning, and smiled. But Chris- 
 tie could not smile. 
 Baby, meantime, was in rol- 
 licking humor. Apparently he 
 had resolved that his mother was 
 not worthy of any more tears, or 
 frettings, and he kept one pretty 
 arm around Christie's neck, and 
 ate seed cakes, and drank milk, 
 with delight 
 On the whole, it was a very 
 nice dinner, and the different 
 people who came from the other 
 car, and shared it, all agreed that 
 ■'Sarah Ann" ought to have a 
 vote of thanks. 
 " I'll tell you what will be better 
 than that," said the old gentle- 
 man, pnting his hand into his 
 iwcket; "at least we can add it 
 to the thanks, and make her 
 happy. Let us take up a nice 
 little collection for her to get her- 
 self a pair of rubber boots to climb 
 through the mud in," and he 
 dropped a shining gold bit into 
 Christie's hand. 
 " And a comb to comb her hair 
 with," added Wells as he laid aj 
 silver dollar beside the gold 
 piece; "you advise her to l>ny 
 one, Christie, that's a good girl." 
 The rough-looking men seemed 
 equally pleased with the idea, and 
 dropped their fifty cent pieces 
 into the eager little hand, and 
 the pale young man actually 
 added another gold piece. 
 I wish you could have seen 
 Christie's eyes, as her hand began 
 to grow full ! It seemed to her 
 that she was never so hap^>y in 
 her life. It was so splendid to 
 ;iye people things ; she had never 
 lad that pleasure before. 
 " I haven't any money," she 
 said softly to Wells, " but I am so 
 glad that the rest of you have ; 
 and it is so nice in you to let me 
 give it to her. Just think what a 
 lot of nice things it will buy her ! 
 I know they are poor by the looks 
 of the kitchen. I think it was 
 real good in them to send us 
 " So it was ; and it was real 
 good of the woman to be such an 
 excellent cook. I haven't had a 
 better dinner in a long time ; hut 
 I say, Christie, what are you 
 saving that choice bit in the cloth 
 for? You don't mean to relent 
 and let the baby have it after 
 " No ;" said Christie laughing, 
 " baby must be content with seed 
 cakes, and milk ; I know his 
 mamma does not let him eat ham, 
 and I am not going to ran the 
 risk ; but I thought I would keep 
 that, for a little while." 
 The remainder of the milk had 
 been carefully poured into what 
 Wells called " the company 
 pitcher," to be kept for baby ; 
 and Christie went with basket 
 and money out to Sarah Ann on 
 the platform. 
 Just as she came back with her 
 eyes full of the story of the girl's 
 dumb surprise, a lady was open- 
 ing the opposite door and coming 
 down the aisle. A middle-aged 
 lady, elegantly dressed, and with 
 a placid smile on her face. 
 " I thought I must come and 
 look after the little fairy who so 
 kindly famished us with a 
 dinner," she said brightly. " Is 
 this the one ? My child, you did 
 not know I had some of your 
 dinner, did you ? but that patient 
 brakesman out there, shared his 
 slice of bread and ham with me, 
 and told me the whole story. I 
 want to see the baby. If I had 
 heard of him before, I should 
 have come and tried to help. 
 Yes ; I have been sitting in that 
 Doxt ear all the time ; but I was 
 t!0 stupid as to go to sleep and lose 
 most of the excitements. Why, 
 Wells Burton! I wonder if you 
 are hero ?" 
 " Yos'm ;" said .Wells briskly, 
 I'm hero, Mrs. Havihiud ; but I 
 did not know that you were." 
 Did you go to sleep before the 
 accident and the stopping of the 
 train ?" 
 "No, indi'cd ! I stayed awake 
 for that excitement, and heard all 
 about it, and the forethought 
 of this little woman, but you see 
 I did not know it was you, and 
 there seemed to be so many 
 crowding in, and nothing to do 
 but stare, that I thought I 
 wouldn't join them. And so it 
 was you who were hurt? My 
 dear boy, how distressed your 
 mother must be !" exclaimed Mrs. 
 Haviland, bending over him 
 pityingly. " Where is she, and 
 all the rest of them, and how is it 
 that you are spending Christmas 
 day on the cars ?" 
 'There seemed no end to the 
 questions that the handsome lady 
 had to ask Christie meantime, 
 was engaged in watching the 
 " Seaside library woman," as I 
 am afraid that the lady will have 
 to be called for the rest of the 
 story. The moment (hat the 
 stranger had ezclamed: 
 "Why. Wells Burton !" the lady 
 had given a sudden surprised 
 start, and her lace had flashed 
 deeply. At least she knew the 
 name, if she did not the 
 boy, and for some reason, the 
 knowledge seemed to disturb her. 
 Just than the stranger turned 
 in her direction, and bowed 
 slightly as some people do when 
 they know persons a little bit, 
 and do not care to know them 
 any better. 
 Wells noticed the bow, and 
 was ready with questions. 
 " Mrs. Haviland, I wonder if 
 you are acquainted with that 
 creature. Who is she ?" 
 " My dear boy, have yon been 
 travelling with her all day, with- 
 out knowing who she is ? Did 
 you ever hear of a person by the 
 name of Henrietta Westville ?" 
 " I should think I had ! You 
 don't say that she is the one ! 
 " That is her name, my boy." 
 " Well ! I wonder that I had 
 not thought of it for myself. 
 The name fits her character pre- 
 cisely, of all the cantankerous, 
 disgusting creatures that I ever 
 saw, she" — 
 " Softly, softly, my dear Wells, 
 what would ' moiJier' say to such 
 language as that ?" 
 " I don't care," declared Wells, 
 " the language doesn't begin with 
 the subject. Mamma is rea- 
 sonable. She knows that a fellow 
 has to boil over once in a while. 
 Why, Mrs. Haviland, you never 
 heard the like of the way in which 
 she has conducted herself to-day." 
 And then Wells launched out 
 in a description of the conduct of 
 the "Seaside library creature," and 
 Christie took the sleeply baby to a 
 seat on the other side of the car 
 to coo him to sleep, and to 
 wonder who this lady was, and 
 why Wells cared because the 
 young woman was named 
 Henrietta Westville, and what he 
 was telling the stranger about 
 herself, for at this moment she 
 overheard her own name. 
 The baby went to sleep, and 
 the strange lady continued talk- 
 ing with Wells. So Christie, feel- 
 ing a little lonely after so much 
 excitement, looked about her for 
 amusement, and discovered that 
 the nice old gentlemam was 
 motioning to her. 
 "Come and take care of me 
 a while, little woman," he said, 
 making room for her. " Between 
 us we can catch the baby before 
 he makes up his mind to roll 
 away. You must be tired look- 
 ing after him. I wish his mother 
 knew what good care he had." 
 " I am used to it," exclaimed 
 Christie. " I take a great deal of 
 care of our baby ; but I am sorry 
 for his mother r 
 Christie meant the mother of 
 the baby on the i-ars, not the baby 
 at home. 
 The old gentleman understood 
 "It is a bad busineso, he said 
 cheerly ; " but not so bad but it 
 might have been worse. Suppose, 
 for instance, you had not been on 
 the cars, what would baby have 
 done then ? Forthat matter,whaf 
 would any of us have done with- 
 out oar dinner ? That was an 
 excellent dinner you got up for us. 
 ow have you enjoyed the day, 
 on the whole ?" 
 " Why," said Christie laughing, 
 " I haven't had time to think. It 
 isn't a bit such a day as I had 
 " I imagine not. Mine isn't, I ' 
 know. Let us hear what you had 
 planned, and see if your ex- 
 pectations were any like mine." 
 "Oh, no!" said Christie; 
 "they couldn't be! Why, in the 
 first place, I was to take my first 
 ride on the cars. Well, I have 
 done that, though we didn't ride 
 very far before We stopped." 
 " Just so ; and we seem to find 
 it hard work to get on again. I 
 wonder if this is your first ride ! 
 Well, well ! you will not be likely 
 to forget it, will you? And 
 where were you going?" 
 " Why, I expected to spend all 
 this day at my uncle Daniel's in 
 the city! I have never been 
 there, you know, and he lives in 
 a nice house, and has a great 
 many things that I wanted to 
 " Do you mind telling me the 
 thing that you wanted to see the 
 most ?" 
 A shy little blush came into 
 Christie's face, and she droope'd 
 her head. 
 " It was very silly, I suppose, 
 but I wanted to see the carpet in 
 the parlor. It is what they call 
 Brussels, and has ferns all oyer it, 
 so natural that mother says you 
 could most pick them ; and some 
 berries like what mother lised to 
 gather in the woods where she 
 lived, away off East. I never saw 
 such a carpet, rmd I can't think 
 what it would be like. It doesn't 
 seem to me that they could make 
 natural-looking ferns out of 
 threads of v/ool ; and I wanted to 
 see if I should think so. Then ' 
 she has pretty furniture in her 
 room, all painted in flowers — 
 roses, you know — and pansies, 
 and oh ! a great many flowers and 
 vines, just lovely ! I never saw 
 anything like that, either; and I- 
 couldn't think how they would 
 The old gentleman got out his 
 only remaining handkerchief,' 
 and drew it across his mouth, to 
 hide hiu smile that he did hot 
 want Christie to see; and then 
 drew it across his eyes, for sc>me- 
 thing in her voice seemed to 
 make the tears start. 
 " I understand," he said, his 
 voice full of kindly sympathy ; 
 " and so these were the things 
 that you most wanted to see ?" 
 " No, «ir," said Christie ; " not 
 quite. I thought a good deal 
 about them; but there was one 
 thing that I thought I should look 
 at more than anything else, and 
 mav be touch." 
 There was a curious little note 
 of awe in her voice as she said 
 these last words that made her 
 listener bend his head curiously, 
 and question iu tones of deepest 
 interest : 
 " What was that ?" 
 " A piano." 
 She spoke the words almost 
 under her breath. 
 " My dear child ! did you 
 never see a piano?" 
 "Oh, no, sir. My mother 
 has, often. She used to play 
 on one when she was a girl, 
 and she has told mo about 
 it often and often. 1 think I 
 know just how it looks. I 
 can shut my eyes and see it; 
 and I on think a little how 
 it sounds ; at least, it suems 
 as though I could. It isn't 
 like the carpet. I can't im- 
 gine that; but the music is 
 easier. Father has a flute. We 
 have a carpet, oi course." she 
 added, drawing herself up 
 with a bit of womanly 
 dignity, *' but it is made of 
 rags, and looks very diii'ereut 
 from lirussels, mother says. 
 And I can't imagine a very 
 great difTerence in carpets; 
 but I can imagme things 
 about music, you know." 
 " I know," nodde I the old 
 gentlcm in ; and he thought 
 to himself that lie knew 
 several things which she 
 After a little ho sai I : 
 " And so you are missing 
 all these wonders ; but a 
 good many interesting 
 things have happened, I 
 should think ?" 
 Then did Christie's eyes 
 " I should think there 
 had!" she said. "I was 
 thinking just a little while 
 ago that I should have 
 enough to tell mother and 
 father and Karl all the rest 
 of the winter. Wo have 
 only a few books and wo 
 have to tell things to each 
 other, instead of reading. 
 Father said I was to keep my 
 eyes open to-day, and I guess he 
 will think I have." 
 This last she said with a happy 
 little laugh. 
 " I gui.'ss ho will," declared the 
 old gentleman, "Mid I hope he 
 will understand to what (rood 
 purpose you have done it. What 
 (lid you expect to see in the city 
 that would interest you? ' 
 "Oh, I didn't know. A very 
 great many things. I suppose ; 
 but I coulf'n t imagine them. 
 Only one : Ono day father, when 
 he was ill (ho city, saw (he 
 Oovcrnor of (ho Stale ; you know 
 ho lives there. And to go tu 
 uncle Daniel's, wo ride past his 
 house ; and I thought, may be, he 
 might be in the door, as he was 
 when father went by, and I 
 would see him. Father says he 
 is a splendid-looking man, and he 
 is a grand temperance man, you 
 know, and I wanted just to have 
 a glimpse of him ; but I don't 
 suppose I shall." 
 Then the old gentleman took 
 out his handkerchief and used it 
 vigorously on nose, and eyes and 
 even mouth. 
 "He isn't at home to-day," he 
 said at last. 
 " Isn't he ?" 
 There was real disappointment 
 in Christie's voice. It was 
 evident that she had not quite 
 given up her glimpse of the 
 "No; but you needn't care 
 now, after having had such a nice 
 chance to look at him, and even 
 talk with him." 
 You should have seen Christie's 
 face then. For a moment she 
 was quite pale with bewilder- 
 " 1 don't understand you." she 
 said timidly, and iu her heart she 
 wondered whether the nice old 
 gentleman was a little crazy. 
 (Luke xi. 0-13 ) 
 At midnight to Ilia sleeping friend 
 Hu tiirttp, ami knoclcinL; at the door, 
 Iluhcgg aij<l )>ra)8 that ho will lend 
 Threa luave« to liim from out his store. 
 ■' For at my gate e'en now there stands 
 A friend of mine, nil travel-worn 
 And unexpected, who demands 
 Comfort and food hefoie the mom." 
 Llis lialf-waked friend, within, replies 
 "Trouhlo nie not, my door U barr'd, 
 lly children pleip, I cannot rise." 
 Buvh his refusal cold and hard. 
 But he, without, quits not the door : 
 Mt)rui*lronply prPKsiny hin riMjuest, 
 He knocks still louder tlian Itefure, 
 And gives his churlish friend no reet ; 
 Till, through the window, from iihovo. 
 The liiaveii are granted to his pUa, 
 Orf iKingly ttranted — not (or love, 
 But fur hi« importunity. 
 We have a Friend, who slumbers not. 
 To all our needs and cares awake ; 
 At midnight dark, or noonday hot, 
 To Him our sorrows we may take. 
 Whene'er wo humbly aik He hears. 
 Or earnest seek, lie marks our cry. 
 And when wo knock witli sobs and tears, 
 He opens to us instantly. 
 The bar of sin, which closed the door, 
 Himself has taken clean away ; 
 The gate flies open ever more 
 To all who trust iu Him and pray. 
 In every pressino wan or woe, 
 Which weighs on us, or those we love, 
 To our true Friend, O let us go, 
 And Ue will help us from above. 
 lie is not troubled with our prayer, 
 Or weary of our urgent plea : 
 He bids us cast on him our care. 
 Ue loves our importunity I 
 Richard Wiltok. 
 " Why, my dear child, it is a 
 good while since morning, I 
 know, but my memory is good, 
 and I distinctly remember seeing 
 you sit up straight in that seat 
 over there beside the Governor 
 of the State, and heard him talk- 
 ing to you in what seemed to be a 
 very interesting way," 
 Christie sat up straight now, her 
 eyes glowing like two stars, her 
 small hands clasped together, and 
 her voice with such a ring of 
 wondering delight in it that Wells 
 stopped in the middle ^f his 
 sentence to look over at her, 
 " Really ond truly ?" 
 That was all she said, 
 " Really and truly, I saw 
 it with my own eyes. And 
 a grand man he is; worth 
 N'lt another word scid 
 Christie for the space of two 
 minutes. Then slie drew a 
 long, fluttering sigh of 
 delight, and murmured : 
 " What a thing to tell father 
 and mother and Karl." 
 " You like to see people of 
 importance, do you ?" tho 
 old gentleman asked, after 
 watching her face in amused 
 silence for a few minutes. 
 " Oh, 60 very much ! 
 People who are grand, and 
 splendid, a id worth know- 
 Then I suppose you would 
 have been interested in one 
 of the Governor's children, 
 for instance, even if you did 
 not know the boy ; just lor 
 the sake of his father ?" 
 "Yes. indeed, I should. 
 Bui he didn't have any boy 
 with him this morning." 
 "No; I was thinking of 
 myself, and of my father, and 
 wondering whether yon 
 would not bo interested iu 
 me for his sake." 
 Christie thought to herself 
 that she was interested in 
 him fur his own sake, but 
 she did not like to say this, 
 so she waited expectantly 
 for what would come next. 
 "Tho truth is, I belong to 
 a very noble family : old and 
 grand iu every wcy. It 
 would bo impossible to get 
 any higher in rank than my 
 brother is." 
 Christie heard this with 
 wondering awe, and looked 
 timidly into the pleasant face 
 beaming on her. She saidtoher- 
 selfthrtt she had thought all tho 
 time there was something per- 
 fectly splendid about him. but it 
 had not occured to her that ho 
 belonged to such very grand 
 {To be cnnlinued.) 
 GoDT,iNi!ss consists not in a 
 heart to intend to do the will of 
 God. but iu a heart to do it. — 
 Junalhun Edwards, 
 Live in (ho present, (hat you 
 may be ready for the future. 
 Charles Kings/ey 
 dear child, it is a 
 siiico morning, I 
 y memory is good, 
 \y remember seeing 
 traight in that seat 
 esido the Governor 
 ind heard him talk- 
 what seemed to bo a 
 ng way." 
 up straight now, her 
 like two stars, her 
 lasped together, and 
 ith such a ring of 
 Jightia it that Wells 
 the middle 6i his 
 lok over at her. 
 ly and truly ?" 
 vas all &ho said, 
 ly and truly. I saw 
 ny own eyes. And 
 man he is; worth 
 [mother word enid 
 lor the space of two 
 . Then she drew a 
 (luttering sigh ol 
 and mnrumred : 
 \ thing to tell father 
 her and Karl."' 
 like to soe people of 
 lice, do you ?" the 
 tleman asked, after 
 g her face in amused 
 lor a few minutes. 
 60 very much ! 
 who are grand, and 
 I, a id worth know- 
 I suppose you would 
 !en interested in one 
 Ltovernor's children, 
 mce, even if you did 
 5W the boy ; just lor 
 I of his father '?" 
 , indeed, I should, 
 didn't have any boy 
 m this morning." 
 I was thinking of 
 ind of my father, and 
 nir whether you 
 not be interested in 
 lis sake." 
 tie thought to herself 
 was interested in 
 his own sake, but 
 not like to say thiB, 
 waited expectantly 
 t would como next. 
 truth is, I belong to 
 oble family : old and 
 in every wcy. It 
 >o impossible to get 
 her in rank than my 
 heard this with 
 awe, and looked 
 the pleasant face 
 ler. She said to her- 
 had thought all the 
 was something per- 
 id about him, but it 
 red to her that ho 
 such very grand 
 >e cnnlinued.) 
 consists not in a 
 nd to do the will of 
 n heart to do it. — 
 10 present, that yon 
 ly for the future.— 
 CHAPTER IX-CoiKinwd. 
 " My brother is a king," he said, 
 Btill smiling. Then Christie's 
 heart began to beat loud and fast. 
 A king ! What a wonderful ex- 
 perience was this ! She, Christie 
 Tucker, talking with the brother 
 of a king! In wnat country, she 
 wondered ? And oh, what 
 wonderful stories he could tell 
 her if she only dared ask ! Why 
 didn't ho wear something that 
 would show his rank ? She 
 thought they always did. She was 
 burning with eagerness to have 
 him go on, yet dared not question. 
 " Are you surprised ?" ne asked 
 her, and then the next thing he 
 said almost took away her 
 "Do you know I believe yon 
 are a relation of mine ? I have 
 been watching you all day, and I 
 see a strong likeness to 
 onr family. There are 
 certain thmgs about ns 
 which are very much 
 alike, and as we are 
 scattered all over the 
 world I often find 
 relatives. I believe you 
 are one. In iiict, anless 
 I am very much mis- 
 taken, you are a little 
 sister of the King. Do 
 yon know what I mean; 
 and isn't it so?" 
 Down went Christie's 
 head, drooping lower 
 and lower, until her 
 face was buried in her 
 two hands and she was 
 wiping away the tears. 
 Wells stopped again, 
 and looked over some- 
 what fiercely at her 
 companion, but the face 
 that was raised in a 
 moment was bright 
 with smiles. Christie 
 understood. ' • 
 "I didn't, at first," 
 she said ; " but now 
 I do. Oh, you mean King 
 Jesos! Yes, sir, I belong. 
 I thought yon truly meant that 
 you had a brother who was a 
 "And I certainly truly mean 
 it, and glory in it, as I could not 
 in anything else. Yon cannot 
 think how pleased I have been to 
 find a new little sister, and to see 
 that she was copying my elder 
 brother so faithfully, that she be- 
 gan to look like Him. It is all 
 very well to be a governor, and I 
 am proud ot our ^od one ; but 
 after all, what is he compared 
 to the King whose subjects we 
 are ? Did you ever think, my 
 dear, how many relatives we have 
 whom we have never met? What 
 a wonderful getting acquainted 
 there will be when we all meet 
 in the palace !" 
 ' I never thought of it in that 
 way,'" said Christie; "It is 
 " Then there is another thing : 
 the family resemblance issostrik- 
 ingthatil you watch lonir enough, 
 you are almost sure to loam who 
 belong to it. Do you think that 
 pale young man is a member of 
 our family?" 
 Christie looked over at him 
 thoughtfully, then shook her 
 "No, sir, I don't think he i.s. 
 Why, from some things he has 
 said, 1 know he isn't." 
 " Poor man ! Do you suppose 
 he has been invited to join us ?" 
 " Why, yes, sir, I suppose so a 
 good many times." 
 " And has refused ! That is 
 strange, isn't it ? Look here, he 
 will accept somebody's invitation, 
 won't he, if he ever gets home to 
 the King's palace ? What if it 
 should be yours ? That would be 
 a thing to tell the King, some day, 
 wouldn't it?" 
 Christie's face glowed, but she 
 made no answer. 
 " Then there is that handsome 
 failed of ever making His ac- 
 Whereupon the baby awoke, 
 and Christie went with haste to 
 save his precious head from the 
 bumping thathe seemed determin- 
 ed to give it; but she could not 
 get away from the words of her 
 old new friend. 
 What if she ought to invite the 
 pale young man, and the dis- 
 agreeable young lady, to join the 
 family circle ? She did not mind 
 talking with Well8,now, but these 
 others were different. 
 By and by Mrs. Haviland bade 
 Wells good-by, and went back to 
 her car, and he motioned Christie 
 to his side. 
 " I've discovered something 
 about my fine lady," he said, a 
 fierce look in hiseyes; "I'll tell you 
 about it, and you will see that it 
 is not strange that she is so hate- 
 ful ; it belongs to her nature. You 
 know I was telling you of my sick 
 brother? Well, before he was 
 23 Y 
 —ap*^. ^ ,. -.Ki^ 
 r. -S«H"fc'iT:>- 
 ^»_, .73, v-^ , ., 
 very cross and ugly, and they 
 can t seem to help it. One time 
 when Karl was sick, and I was 
 afraid he was going to die, I felt 
 cross all the time. Maybe she 
 likes your brother very much, and 
 feels eo sorry for what she has 
 done, that she cannot be good and 
 " She may be as good as she 
 likes," Wells siid, sourly, "but I 
 am sure she deserves never to be 
 happy again." 
 "She must be very hungry," 
 said Christie thought luUy. " By 
 and by I mean to otfer her a seed 
 cake. The dirty-faced little girl 
 had nothing to do with that, mid 
 I know it is clean ; maybe she can 
 eat it." 
 "You're a queer party," Wells 
 said. "Ifl had been treated once as 
 you have, 1 think I should dislike 
 her enough to keep my distance." 
 " Oh, it isn't that ! I suppose I 
 dislike her — well, a good deal. 
 But I want to get over it, and 
 what you told me helps 
 me to. I want to feel 
 sorry for her, and ask 
 her to be a Christian. 
 You see she isn't a 
 Christian, and that 
 makes all the trouble. 
 If she would get right 
 about that, it would 
 make everything else 
 straight. Anyway, I 
 onght to invito rher, be- 
 cause Jesus told me to, 
 Tou know ; andif >give 
 her a seed cake, maybe 
 I can do if better." 
 " Humph !" said 
 Wells, twisting liim- 
 self around until he 
 hurt his foot, and made 
 deep frowns come on 
 his forehead. 
 He really did not 
 know what to think of 
 boy. I have been thinking about 
 him. I am not sure, but am al- 
 most afraid that be does not belong, 
 " No, sir," said Christie, " he 
 " There is certainly a great deal 
 for you and me to do right in this 
 car," the old gentleman said, and 
 added, "what about the young 
 lady ; is she acquainted with Him, 
 do you think?" 
 " No, indeed," said Christie, a 
 touch of scorn in her voice. " It 
 is easy enough to see that. I think 
 she shows it all the time." 
 " Ah, I don't know ! Hare yon 
 never disguised yourself for a 
 whole day so that nobody would 
 have imagined that yon were a 
 member of the royal family ?" 
 " Yes, sir," said Christie 
 irnmbly, "I have." 
 " Still, I am afraid, as you sar, 
 that she does not know Him. It 
 would be dreadful if, through any 
 neglect of yours or mine she. 
 injured, he was engaged to that 
 very hateful young woman over 
 there. Isn't that horrid ? After 
 the fire, and it was found that he 
 would be a cripple all his life, 
 what did she do but write that she 
 was sorry for him, but she never 
 could think of marrying a crip- 
 ple. " Yes," he said in an answer 
 to Christie's look of horror, " she 
 did just that Why my brother 
 cared, is more than 1 can imagine ; 
 but he did: it made him sick 
 again, and he has never been so 
 well, and . never will be. 
 I never saw her before, 
 and don't want to agrin, I have 
 heard enough abont her, and I 
 am sure her actions all match." 
 But this story had a very 
 different effect on Christie from 
 what Wells had supposed. 
 " I am sorry for her now," she 
 said. " I think, maybe, she feels 
 unhappy all the time, and that 
 makes her cross. When things 
 goal) wrong, it makes some people 
 Little by little that 
 weary afternoon wore 
 away. The rain fell 
 steadily, and the mud grew deep- 
 er every minute ; and the 
 grumblings of some of Ibe people 
 grew louder, thongh all the while 
 their courage was kept up by 
 having an official appear 
 occasionally, to say that he 
 " guessed they would get on now, 
 pretty soon."" Baby waked, and 
 frolicked, and fretted, and drank 
 milk, and was trotted, and carried, 
 and petted, as well as Christie and 
 the old gentleman could manage 
 it ; and Ihe swollen foot was 
 bathed, and all the seed cakes 
 wereeaten, and the the paleyoung 
 man walked miles, just going up 
 and down the car, " like a caged 
 lion," Wells said. 
 Christie pitied him so much, 
 that she went over to him at last 
 as he stood by the further door o'' 
 the car, and said timidly : " 1 
 think, sir, if yon would make up 
 your mind to pray to God, you 
 would feel so much better ! He 
 can make it all come out right, j, 
* » Ton 
 yon now, even now. Why won't 
 yon aak him ">" 
 The young mBU turned toward 
 her a (feapairing face "If your 
 inother chould die to-day, while 
 you are sitting hero in a mud hole, 
 waiting to get out, would it be 
 all right?" he asked. 
 " I nave asked him to take care 
 of her," said Christie, with quiver- 
 ing lip, " and I mean to trust 
 him; I know he can do it. and I 
 know he will, if it is the best 
 thing Perhaps the lady that you 
 want to get to, ib better now." 
 "Perhaps my staying here in the 
 inud all day helped to make her 
 He said this with a very 
 sarcastic tone, but Christie who 
 was busy wiping her eyes, did 
 hot look at him just then, and 
 answered himgravtily; "Yes, sir, 
 perhaps so. Uo<l could make 
 even that help, and I cannot keep 
 from thinking that he has made it 
 all right. I have prayed about it 
 i good deal, and I feel just as I 
 dlways do, when things come 
 right. I wish you would pray, 
 di'ur sir." 
 In spite of himself, a tender 
 smile stole ever the sad face, and 
 he looked down on her. *' How 
 could my staying here possibly 
 help anybody?" he asked, but his 
 voice was more gentle. 
 "'Oh, I don't know how," said 
 Christie. "God does not tell his 
 ".hows," you know ; ho just does 
 " Well," he said, after another 
 thoughtful pause, " I'll toll you 
 one. thing, little woman, I am very 
 much obliged to you for trying to 
 help and comfort me. I shall not 
 (orget it. I want you to give me 
 your address, and if things have 
 all come out right, as you say, I 
 will write you a letter ; and if our 
 sticking in the mud for a dozen 
 hours can be found to have help- 
 ed any thing along, I will be sure 
 to tell you." 
 ^/' Thank you, sir," said Christie. 
 "And will you pray about it ?" 
 " All, that I don't know. " 
 So after all, the " little woman" 
 turned avray sorrowfully. She 
 wanted to givo the invitation, but 
 she was not sure that she had. 
 While the old gentleman was 
 entertaining baby with his gold- 
 headed cane, she took out the two 
 seedcakes which she had carefully 
 wrapped by themselves in the bit 
 of towel and went over to the 
 young lady, who had her face 
 turned to the window, and had 
 not looked around for more than 
 an hour. 
 " Won't you please to eat 
 these ?" said Christie ; " you must 
 be very hungry. Mother made 
 them, and she is very neat and 
 The lady turned suddenly and, 
 behold, her eyes were wet with 
 tears ! " Tou are a good little 
 thing," she said hesitatingly. "I 
 don't think I am hungry. Tou 
 v^ould better eat them yourself" 
 "Oh, no," Christie answered 
 earnestly. " I ate bread and but- 
 ter. It wasn't much ?nr. I 
 would like to ha>re you know 
 Jeius Christ and go to heaven. 
 He can make you very happy." 
 It sounded almost rude to poor 
 Christie, now that she had said it, 
 but she did not know how else to 
 put the thought. Ever since her 
 talk with the old gentleman, she 
 had felt that she ought to invite 
 this lady ; and she had prayed 
 about her until she felt very sorry 
 for her. 
 " You are a strange child," said 
 the lady ; but her voice was not 
 hard any more, and she murmur- 
 ed under her breath, that she was 
 sure she needed happiness if any- 
 body did. 
 Christie slipped softly away 
 ^/oaf of hrom bnad. 
 Tfm looXs lik^.h mt. , 
 /I bandit end sj9ou.i 
 maks ajioljor our ita. . 
 n lint or hoo in ort. 
 JhakiS ourftafiot look 
 loid /itlps fts To finish. 
 Our nui- f racking ^unnu' 
 anythintr, It came un very slowly, 
 and finally made a dead stop just 
 below them. The passengers 
 could be seen, getting out in the 
 mud and rain, and making all 
 haste to the train which was a few 
 .eet ahead of thom. 
 " Then the bridge wasn't 
 down?" said n passenger to a 
 " No, there was a broken rail 
 just this side of it, and the begin- 
 ning of a washout, that has kept 
 them back." 
 Just then the car door opened 
 with a sudden jerk. A shrill 
 voice was heard to say in tones 
 divided between a scream and a 
 groan, " Where is he?" and then. 
 " Oh, my darling, my darling !" 
 after that ; but the two seed cakes and Christie, who was standing 
 were eaten, every crumb. I with her back to the door, with 
 And now there began to be a the baby in her arms, felt herself 
 bustling of train men through the j almost tipped over, in the dash 
 cars ; ropes were pulled, and bells which a richly-dressed lady made 
 were rung, and a general air of 
 something about to tiappen stole 
 over things. 
 " Some train is coming or 
 going," said Wells. " I hear the 
 rumble in the distance." 
 Sure enough it drew nearer. . 
 " It's coming up behind us," 
 said Wells. "Now I wonder if 
 the next thing on the programme 
 is to be smashed into by the after- 
 noon express ?" 
 And. said Christie : 
 " Oh, I wonder if baby's mother 
 can be on that train ?" 
 It was not trying to smash into 
 to get baby 
 No sooner did he have a glimpse 
 of her than the ungrateful fellow 
 set up shouts of delight, and was 
 in such a hurry to get away that 
 he scrambled wildly over Chris- 
 tie's shoulder, taking a pieceofher 
 delicate ruffle in his eager hand. 
 Oh dear me! such a time as 
 there was! I couldn't think of 
 trying io describe it to you. That 
 mother behaved herself in such a 
 manner as to nearly drive the 
 lookers-on frantic. She laughed, 
 and she cried, almost both at once 
 She hugged the baby until he 
 rebelled and scratched her for it. 
 She kissed him until ho cried. 
 Then she hugged Christie, and 
 kissed her, until her face was too 
 red to grow any redder. And all 
 the time she tried to teJl her wild 
 story, and to ask a dozen 
 I thought there would be a 
 despatch waiting for me at that 
 office, and I went to see ; and that 
 dreadful telegraph clerk kept me 
 waiting, and the first thing I knew 
 the train was gone! Oh, I thought I 
 should die ! I screamed and shout- 
 ed ; it seemed to me that the very 
 engine would be sorry for me and 
 stop ! Mamma's poor darling ! 
 Did he cry dreadfully ? I saw 
 you, little girl, this morning, and 
 saw you look at baby with a 
 pleasant face, and I wondered if 
 you would try to take care of him. 
 O baby, baby! I'll never let you 
 ontof my armsagain fora minute!" 
 such a day as tnis has been ! 
 Whereupon, baby at that 
 moment, as if to prove to his 
 mother how false and foolish was 
 her promise, gave a sudden 
 delighted spring and landed in 
 Christie's arms again, hiding his 
 pretty roguish head on her 
 So eager were the people over 
 all this, and such long stories had 
 they to tell the questioning 
 mother,that they forgot to take note 
 of the bustle going on in the train. 
 Suddenly Wells waked up to it. 
 "I really believe we are going 
 on again '" he said, as he watched 
 the rapid movementsof the brakes- 
 man. " Halloo, Brewster ! Do 
 you mean to take us into the city 
 in time for bed, alter all ?" 
 " Looks like it," said the brakes- 
 man, smiling good-naturedly. 
 " We had to wait for the mother, 
 you know ; now we've got her, 
 we think of going on as soon as 
 the up-traiu passes." 
 "The up-train ;<"' said Wells. 
 " Is it time for that ? When does 
 it come ?" 
 " It will be along in five 
 minutes ; we are going to switch 
 for her to pass, then on we go." 
 " The up-train !" echoed Chris- 
 tie, a sudden new dismayed 
 thought in her heart. Why, isn't 
 that the six o'clock at our 
 " The very same. This interest- 
 ing day is about done." 
 "Well, but— that's the train I 
 am to come home on, and father 
 will be at the depot to meet me. 
 " Why I've got to go home !" 
 "Oh, no I They will never 
 expect you to do such a thing as 
 that! Less than an hour now 
 will take us into the city. We'll 
 go kiting, when we do start. Of 
 course your people will expect 
 you to go on and make your visit. 
 Have the conductor trlegraph 
 your father that you are a .1 right ; 
 I'll see to it for you ; and if your 
 uncle is not at the depot I'll take 
 a carriage and go there with yon. 
 1 wouldn't give up my Christ- 
 mas in this fashion." 
 (7b be cnntinued.) 

 ked her for it. 
 til ho cried. 
 Christie, and 
 face was too 
 ler. And all 
 tell her wild 
 Ic a doaen 
 wonld be a 
 ' me at that 
 see; and that 
 lerkkept me 
 thins I knew 
 )h,I thought I 
 ed and shout- 
 that the very 
 ;y for me and 
 )or darling ! 
 illy ? I saw 
 Horning, and 
 taby with a 
 wondered if 
 e care of him. 
 ever let you 
 fora minute!" 
 las been ! 
 >y at that 
 i>rove to his 
 1 foolish was 
 I a sudden 
 id landed in 
 n, hiding his 
 !ad on her 
 people over 
 ig stories had 
 otto take note 
 I ill the train, 
 aked up to it. 
 we are going 
 18 he watched 
 oi the brakes- 
 ewster ! Do 
 into the city 
 d the brakes- 
 the mother, 
 vo got her, 
 n as soon as 
 said Wells. 
 When does 
 ing in five 
 ig to switch 
 )n we go." 
 hoed Chris- 
 Why, isn't 
 ck at our 
 ?his interest- 
 the train I 
 , and father 
 to meet me. 
 will never 
 1 a thing as 
 hour now 
 city. We'll 
 io start. Of 
 will expect 
 e your visit, 
 ■re a 1 right ; 
 and if your 
 pot I'll take 
 •e with you. 
 my Christ' 
 BT PAtlllT. 
 OHAPTEn X-Omtinvd. 
 Christie thought a moment, a 
 the mud, a strong hand springing 
 her to the plaiform of imoiher 
 train, a kind voice saving, " Gouil- 
 by, liltio womikii ; I'll not forget !" 
 And Christie hud parted from nil 
 her friends and ncquaiiitnnct's 
 world of pprpii'xiiy on her face, ' whom she spcmt'd to have known 
 then presently h it face cleared: so long and well, and was in a 
 "No, I thuiik you, I must go strange car, surrounded by 
 ' stninge and ralht>r 
 cross-looking pi'o- 
 pie, anl IVlt grown- 
 up and loiu'iy. 
 " Why, is it pos- 
 sible that she has 
 home ; mother said, *- be sure to 
 come back to-night." S>he didn't 
 say a word about what I was to 
 do if I didn't jret to uncle Daniel 'a 
 at all. She .just said : 
 " And, Christie, you be sure 
 and come home to-night, what- 
 ever happens. Don't you let them 
 coax you to stay ; tell them 
 mother expects you. So, you see, 
 I must go back on that very 
 " Of course she must," said the 
 old gentleman, who had been 
 listening attentively. " &ho is 
 not the sort of n woman to keep 
 her mothor waiting and vvalchiiig, 
 while she goes and makes a 
 "Well, I declare!" grninbled 
 Wells, not coiiviiiceJ, and much 
 disgufted at the thought of part- 
 ing with his nurse, " that is the 
 queerest way toinuko a Christmas 
 visit that I fverh'Mirdof! Here's 
 the tram! You'll have to hurry, 
 if you're really going to be so 
 foolish 08 to <:o. That train 
 doesn't stop at places long enough 
 for a (l'IIow to wink." 
 "I'll help her oil," said ino pale 
 young nan, and be had his 
 nmbrelU raised bei'ureshe reached 
 the platform ;ber flowered satchel 
 waaou his arm,aiid there was noth- 
 ing for Christie to do but to smile 
 her good-bye to her friends in the 
 car, and step down into the night 
 and the darkness. A few steps in 
 the mother of the 
 baby, takinirin the 
 chunv'o of plan just 
 as the cur-doi>r 
 closed after Chris- 
 tie. " I thought 
 she was going to 
 the city. Whv, I 
 wanted to talk with 
 her, and take care 
 of her. Whatshull 
 I do? I must hit ve 
 the child's add less 
 who knows her?" 
 Then up started 
 the old gentleman : 
 "Bless my heart ' 
 I have let her slip 
 away after all, with- 
 out getting her 
 address. That is 
 too bad." 
 " I can help you 
 about that," said 
 Wells, waking out 
 of his ill-humor to 
 be interested. "Her 
 name is Christie 
 Karl stayed at home to do the 
 clinres. Don't talk any now, my 
 girl, only wrap up close, and duck 
 yuur head down outof the driving 
 ruin, and we'll get home in no 
 time. Supper's waiting. A 
 regular Christmas 8uppi>r, too: 
 though it ain't much like your 
 dinner I s'pose," 
 A silvery little laugh rang out 
 to him from liehind thi^ oldsh.iwl, 
 and u mutlk'd voice said she didn't 
 believe it was. 
 And they drove home with all 
 speed, the raiii coming thicker and 
 How the tea-kettli> sang on the 
 brijlit stove, and what a supper 
 that was! Stewed chicken, and 
 potatoes stewed in cream, ond hot 
 apple sauce are not bad to eat at 
 any time, if one is hungry. But 
 when one has bad only a small 
 slice ot "Sarah Ann's" bread for 
 dinner, niid has given away every 
 one uf her seed-cakes, I cannot be- 
 gin to tell von hnw good it tastes. 
 Then think oi the story that 
 there was to tell. 
 " I don't believe I can finish it 
 before next Christmas," declared 
 Christii>, laughing, and kissing 
 the baby for the tenth time. 
 " \ou see I have only told you 
 the liiudR of chapters, just as Karl 
 always reails the index of his 
 book ; but when I begin to put in 
 the little bits, it will takcdaysand 
 days. (>, father, what do you 
 think ! I saw the governor, and sat 
 with him. and talked with him!" 
 '• Well," said father,alter having 
 heard dashes at that wonderful 
 part of that wonderful story, " I 
 Tncker, and her | guess you saw lots of things to 
 father is Mr. Jonas Tucker, a day, and it's my opinion some 
 farmer who lives about two miles 'other folks saw some things too. 
 from Pi 'rpoint station, where 8t»e It is a great day, I think. •Im 
 took the train this morning. She iplad she was there to take care of 
 is a friend of mine," he added: that boy," — ond hero he put his 
 proudly. |arm around Karl, —" and that 
 I suppose Karl Tucker would baby, eh, mother ? ' and here he 
 have been very much amazed, kissed the baby, 
 could he have heard that. The I " And you never went to uncle 
 world had moved much laster that Daiiiel's at all!" said Mrs. Tucker, 
 day than Karl Tucker dreamed |\viih her elbow on the table, and 
 of Or Karl Tucker's father, (orj 
 the matter of that. He waited in: 
 the rain and the darkness, for his 
 little girl. He had spent a bu.xy 
 day about the tarm, and had heard 
 no news. The two men whom 
 he had met and talked wiih, a lew 
 minutes on hie way to the cars, 
 neither knew, nor kiiowing.would I 
 have cared, thiit there had been 
 confusion <>ii the rhilway all day. 
 So Mr. Tneker, us lie waited 
 anxiously on the inilk-|ilaiforin 
 lor the coining of the uptruin, 
 only knew that it was daik and 
 rainy, and that railway cars wiTe 
 "f-kiitish" things, and hoped that 
 "Daniel had put his little girl in 
 a ^ood seat, uud that she wasn't 
 "Htt!" he said \viih a relieved 
 siiih, as at last h" folded lier in 
 his arms and kissed her, "I'athoi's 
 got you again. It's l>een u long 
 day lor Chli^tlna8. Come in here 
 and let ine wrap you up. We'll 
 hurry, for ii's goiiisr to lain hard, 
 and yuur mother will be anxious. 
 her hand on the teapot handle. 
 "Well, I am tical !" 
 And so, iit last, Christie's Christ 
 mas was ended. 
 Almost all the " marbles " 
 with which boys everywhere 
 amuse themselves in season and 
 nut of sea.soii,oii pavement and on 
 shady spots, are made at Ober- 
 stein, Germany. There are lar'.^e 
 agute quarries and mills in the 
 neigh))orhood, ami the refuse is 
 lurned to good account in |,rovid- 
 iiiu: the small stone ba Is for ex- 
 perls to "knuckle" with. The 
 stone is broken into small cubes 
 by blows • of a lisiht hammer. 
 These small blocks of stone are 
 thrown by the shovelful into tho 
 hopper of u small mill, formed of 
 a bedstone, having its eurlace 
 grooved with concentrated fur- 
 rows; above this is the "runner," 
 which is of some hard wood, hav- 
 ing a level lace on its lower sur- 
 face. The upper block is made 
 to revolve Ta,iidly, water being 
 delivered upon the grooves of tho 
 bedstones where the marbles are 
 being rounded. It takes about 
 fifteen minutes to finish half a 
 bushel of good marbles, ready for 
 the boys' knuckles. One mill will 
 turn out lOK.iiiiU marbles per 
 week. The very hardest " crack- 
 ers," as the boys call them, aro 
 made by a slower process, some- 
 what analogous, however, to the 
 other, — Children's Friend. 
 The story of ".Tack the Giant- 
 Killer" was first printed in 1711, 
 but the children in Kngland and 
 Germany had heard it then for 
 hundreds of years. No one knows 
 how old it is, or where or how it 
 started. ".Tack and the Bean- 
 stalk" was first told in Iceland, 
 where it was believed to be true. 
 Ions, long ago. 
o 1 
 A Story of Canal Barge 
 AuOur of " KlUrilU Hoim," tit. 
 Chaptkr I.— Bau'b Home. 
 " You'll be kind to her, Molly, 
 when I'm gone, and take care 
 o'poor Bab, won't yer ?" and (ho 
 glaring eyes of the dyin^ woman 
 were lifted anxiously to the girl 
 atanding beside her. 
 " Yea, yes, I'Ji look arter her," 
 ■aid tha girl, hastily brushing a 
 tear away, and glanoinG: at hor lit- 
 tle sister, who lay curled up at the 
 foot of her bed. 
 " Sho ain't like no other 
 boater I erer seed," said the 
 poor woman, fondly ; *' she 
 picks up things and talks 
 about 'em better nor a par- 
 son She's brought to my 
 mind thini^s as I'd learned 
 when I was a gal and hadn't 
 set eyes on a boat — l)out 
 Jesus and the poor woman 
 what was a sinner. Sho 
 warn't so bad as me, for she 
 warn't a boater; but little 
 Bab there, she's told me as 
 now J^sns'll forgive all sin, 
 and BO I ain't afraid toventure 
 it bad as 1 is, and if I could 
 take Bab wi' me, I dnnno as 
 I wouldn't be glad to go; 
 but Pm feard for the child, 
 Moll, for she'll never be no 
 ?fOod lor a boater, and yer 
 ather knows that, and it jest 
 makes him mad and he'd like 
 to leave her behind at some 
 wharf; so yer'U have to look 
 sharp arter her when the 
 boat's a-leaving that wharf, 
 " AH right ; don't yer be 
 afeard, mother I '11 see she 
 ain't left behind.and I'll keep 
 her pretty hair clean." 
 This promise seemed to 
 comfort the poor woman. She 
 closed her eyes, aud a look of 
 rest and peace stole over her 
 hard, careworn face. Molly, 
 thinking her mother wanted 
 to sleep, turned from the bed 
 and let down the little cup- 
 board door which serves for 
 a table in all barge cabins, 
 and began to get the tea 
 In a minute or two a rongh, 
 bnrly-looking man put his 
 head in at the door, and ask- 
 ed, with an oath, how much 
 longer she was going to be 
 getting tea ready. 
 *' Don't make such a row ; can't 
 yer see mother's asleep ?' ' said the 
 girl, in a suriy tone 
 " Well, she's got all the day to 
 sleep as well as the night, ain't 
 she?" said the man. "Give us the 
 tea;" and he took the basin from the 
 girl's hand and went out again, 
 grumbling as he went. 
 "Is mother asleep?" asked a 
 sweet voice in a gentle whisper, as 
 the man disappeared. 
 " Yes, Eab, she's fast asleep so 
 come and get your tea;" and 
 Molly lifted her sister from the 
 bed to a box where she could 
 reach the table. 
 " If a stranger had been there 
 he would have been surprised, 
 perhaps, to see Bab lifted so care- 
 fullv by her sister, for she was 
 evidently about seven or eight 
 years old, and sitting, on the bed, 
 looked as well able to help her- 
 self as other children of her ago; 
 but now, as she was placed on the 
 box, it was evident that sho was 
 hopelessly lame — one leg looked 
 so small and shrunken that it 
 could scarcely have grown since 
 she was a baby. 
 I " Bah, I'll brush yer hair arter 
 i tea," said her sister. " Yer 
 can't ; but never mind, Bab, I've 
 promised I'll take care on yer, and 
 I will. I'll begin arter tea, and 
 let mother see. I'll wash yer face 
 and do yer hair, Bab." 
 Poor Bab had not had her face 
 and hands washed for two or three 
 days— not since her mother had 
 been obliged to lie in bed all 
 day ; for Molly rarely noticed 
 her little sister, unless it was to 
 beoanse of this ; and so it is not 
 surprising that she rather shrank 
 from being washed by Molly now. 
 " I can wait till mother gets bet- 
 ter," she said, trying to creep bad; 
 to her place at the foot of thi' 
 " No yer can't ; I want mother 
 to see as how I nan wash yer n . 
 well as she can." 
 " Oh, Molly, don't," whimpereil 
 *' V her bi 
 needn't be afraid, I ain't a-going 
 to cut it off, as I said I would, 
 though what good such hair is to 
 a poor little boater, I dnnno. If 
 yer was a lady, now, yer pink and 
 white face and shiny yaller hair, 
 all twisting and curling like it 
 does, 'ud bejust the thing ; but it 
 ain't no good to us boaters." 
 Bab pushed back her wealth of 
 golden curls and sighed. " I wish 
 I'd got hair like yours, Molly," she 
 said ; " then, maybe, my legs 'nd 
 be like yours too, and I could run 
 on the towing-path like you and 
 Jack." " Ah ! it's a pity yer 
 utter some cruel or jealous words ; the child, as her sister pulled he 
 and 80 the child was almost as back. But it was of little us<' 
 alarmed as she was surprised resisting. Molly had made n;' 
 when Molly proposed to wash her her mind to wash her face ami 
 face, for washing was a luxury | comb out the tangled, curly hair, 
 not often indulged in among the and she scooped up some water 
 boaters. It was considered a I from the canal, and was rubbin^r 
 away at the dirty little hands 
 before Bab had time to say 
 any more. 
 The child cried a little 
 nnderthe combing operation, 
 for Molly was not very gentle, 
 and quite unused to such a 
 task. She combed her own 
 hair about once or twice n 
 week, but she had never 
 done Bab's before, and gentle- 
 ness was something quite be- 
 yond Molly's comprehension 
 at present. She rather look- 
 ed down upon it as a weak- 
 ness, especially in boater 
 girls, who had to hold their 
 own oji the towing-path and 
 at the wharfiUnless they were 
 ready to be put upon by 
 everybody else, like \iQot lit- 
 tle Bab was. 
 Bab winced, and the tears 
 silently ran down hercheekr 
 after one of Molly's vigorous 
 pulls at her hair ; but she 
 would not cry out, for fear ol 
 disturbing her mother who 
 still seemed to bo in a pro- 
 found sleep. 
 When the washing and 
 combing wore done, Molly 
 lifted the child on the bed 
 again, where she could look 
 out of the tiny window on to 
 the black canal or the towing- 
 pnth, and having done what 
 sho could to make the dirty, 
 stuiTy little cabin tidy, slie 
 went outside to see when 
 they were likely to tie up for 
 the night. This would give 
 her aud Jack the only chance 
 they ever had of " a little 
 fun,'' as they called it. Very 
 often, however, they were so 
 tired with their long day's 
 tramp on the towing-path, 
 that they only cared to lie 
 down and go to sleep. But 
 for a wonder, they were not so 
 tired to-day, and so, when their 
 father had gone, as he usually did, 
 to spend his evening at one of the 
 low beer-shops near the bank, 
 Molly and Jack, with two or three 
 other girls and boys from 
 neighboring barges, made up their 
 minds to have some fun before 
 going to bed. It was a bright 
 moonlight night. What with 
 play ing.quarrelling,' and fighting, 
 the time passed quickly enough, 
 and Molly never thought of either 
 Bab or her mother, until, hearing 
 a clock strike ten, sho called to 
 waste of time, as children always 
 made themselves dirty again. 
 Molly had often heard this remark 
 from her mother, until Bab came 
 with her sweet, fair face and love- 
 ly, golden hair, which seemed to 
 awaken her mother's love for 
 cleanliness and a passion of 
 jealousy in Molly. "Why should 
 this helpless little sister," she ask- 
 ed, " be washed and combed, and 
 kept clean, and made altogether 
 so nnlike her filthy surround- 
 Many a sly slap and pinch had 
 Bab received from her elder sister 
 1 to it is not 
 rather «hrani< 
 )y Molly now. 
 her gota but- 
 to croop bad; 
 I foot of the 
 want mother 
 I vvaah yor a . 
 ," whirapert'il 
 er pnllcd ho- 
 of little uii< 
 ad made u;> 
 ler face an<I 
 d, cnrly hair. 
 ■ Bomo water 
 was rubbing.' 
 ty little hand:, 
 time to say 
 ried a little 
 ng operation, 
 »t very gentle, 
 id to such a 
 jed her own 
 ) or twice a 
 ) had never 
 •e, and gentle- 
 ling quite be- 
 B rather look- 
 t as a weak- 
 Y in boater 
 to hold their 
 rini;-path and 
 ess they were 
 lut upon by 
 like iKtor lit- 
 and the tears 
 tn hercheekr 
 lly's vigorous 
 air ; but she 
 it, for fear ol 
 mother who 
 be in a pro- 
 ashing and 
 done, Molly 
 on the bed 
 could look 
 vindow on to 
 r the towing- 
 gdone what 
 ke the dirty, 
 in tidy, she 
 ) see when 
 to tie up for 
 would give 
 only chance 
 of " a little 
 ed it. Very 
 they were so 
 long day's 
 cared to lie 
 sleep. But 
 were not so 
 when their 
 usually did, 
 at one of the 
 ' the bank, 
 two or three 
 boys from 
 lade up their 
 inn before 
 a bright 
 What with 
 ind fightinff, 
 kly enough, 
 ght of either 
 ntil, hearing 
 10 called to 
 I' her b 
 brother, saying she was going 
 in now, ami he had bettor do the 
 same; and then she jumped on 
 board the barge, and ran into the 
 little cabin to get a light before 
 her father came home. 
 In a minute or two she was at 
 the side of the barge again, calling 
 " .Tack ! Jack I" in a tone of snp- 
 pressed terror. When her brother 
 came, she clutched him by the 
 shoulder, and almost dragged him 
 to the cabin-door. 
 " What's the row now ?" asked 
 the boy, trying to shake off his 
 sister's hand. 
 " I want yer to come and look 
 at mother. Jack," whispered 
 Molly, with a shiver of 
 " What's the good ? I can't 
 do nothing," said the boy ; 
 and he shook himself free of 
 Molly's detaining hold, and 
 sat down on the steps, while 
 Molly peered fearfully into 
 the cabin. 
 " I do b'lieve she's dead, 
 Jack," she said, in a whisper ; 
 " and there's Bab laying there 
 holding her hand as though 
 she was asleep." 
 The child seemed to awake 
 at this moment, and seeing 
 her sister at the door, she 
 said, " Oh, Molly, do come 
 and make mother warm : she 
 is so cold." 
 " Get away from her, Bab, 
 get away ; don't yer know 
 she's dead ?" said Molly, but 
 without venturing to go near 
 the bed herself. 
 But instead of moving 
 away, poor little Bab threw 
 herself, with a passionate 
 cr V, on to her mother's breast, 
 sobbing, " She ain't dead, I 
 know she ain't ; she spoke to 
 mo 'fore she went to sleep ; 
 she telled me God 'ud take 
 care on me somehow, 
 und not let me be a boater 
 " Oh dear, Jack, what shall 
 we do y Qo and tiad father, 
 or letch somebody here," said 
 Molly, in still greater terror, 
 as she saw poor little Bab 
 throw her arms round her 
 mother's neck. 
 .Tack was only too glad to 
 make his escape, and soon ran 
 to one of the other barges, 
 and brought back a woman, 
 who went in and lifted poor 
 Bab from the bed, and 
 put her on the steps near 
 " Don't cry, little 'an," she said, 
 in a rough but kindly voice ; "yer 
 liime, I see, but somebody' ull take 
 care on yer, never fear." 
 " I ain't afeard ; I only want 
 moth^c," sobbed the poor child. 
 " Why, don't yer know she's 
 dead?" suappedMolly,impatiently. 
 6he was crying, too, but not with 
 such iiitterness of grief as her lit- 
 tle lame sister. 
 " Ter jest take her aboard our 
 boat for to-night, and go and fetch 
 yer father, for I dunno what to 
 do. Did yer mother have a 
 see her 7" asked the 
 doctor to 
 Molly opened her eyes at the 
 question. " Oh no," she said ; 
 " I used to fetch her stnlf for her 
 couirh sometimes, when father 
 could spare the money, I got 
 some ycHterday, and she ain't 
 took morn'n half on it ; so 'tain't 
 for want of physic she died." 
 "Well, yer'd better fetch yer 
 father, for a doctor'U have to be 
 got now," said the woman ; and 
 Jack ran olFto the beer-shop at 
 In a few minutes the man came 
 lounging down to the boat. 
 " What's this yer saying 'bout a 
 — «- 
 poor thing." " Yss, yes , I kno>* 
 shti's gone to God, ami f\w'n tell- 
 ing Him about me, niid how I 
 ain'tiitto be a boater, and lie's 
 going to takecaru o'me as well as 
 " Bless the little 'un, how she 
 do talk !" said the woman, glanc- 
 ing at Molly. " Eh, sliu's a rum 
 'un — she alius was, ' said Molly, 
 " But yur can't go in there now, 
 yer know, Bab," she added. 
 " But I must, I muHt ; God is 
 a-going to take ore o'me as well 
 as mother, and I must be there 
 ready, don't yer know. ' 
 " Be where ?" asked Molly, 
 " In there, on mother's bed ; 
 she ha' said she was a going to 
 die, and not make all this bother 
 about it ? " 
 He forgot that he had scarcely 
 done more than put his head into 
 the cabin to ask for his meals since 
 the poor woman had been taken 
 worse, for fear she should make 
 any complaint, or ask for a doctor; 
 but his neighbor seemed to under- 
 stund all about it as well as though 
 she had lived with them, and told 
 him so in no very choice lan- 
 It came to high words between 
 them at last, and might have 
 resulted in a fight, despite the 
 presence of the dead, had not one 
 she's telling God about me 
 now, I know, and He'll, may- 
 be, send for me to-night, nnd 
 if I ain't there ready, mother 
 wouldn't like it." 
 Molly and the woman look- 
 ed at each other, and then 
 at Bab. " Ifou are strange," 
 said Molly. " I don't think 
 I shall ever undor- 
 stand you, Bab." 
 " I'd lot her go and sit on 
 the bed, if she likes," said the 
 woman ; " it can't hurt, yer 
 know ; it's jett consumption 
 the poor thing had, I should 
 say, and that ain't like fever 
 — 'tain't ketching." 
 " Will yer go then, Bab ?" 
 asked Molly. 
 " Oh yes, yes ; do take me 
 to mother. I won't cry and 
 make a noise if yer'll let nie 
 sit aside o' mother, " sobbed 
 the child. 
 " I'd let her go, thnuirh 
 she'd bo a deal better lust 
 asleep with my young 
 " Oh no ; I mustn't go to 
 sleep," said Bab. " ! must 
 keep awake till mother's 
 talked to God, and he sends 
 forme ;" and once more the 
 begged her sister to tuke her 
 into the cubin. 
 " Oh, I can't go in there," 
 said Molly. 
 " Here, I'll take her in," 
 said the woman ; and she 
 carried Bab into the cabin 
 and seated her on the bod, 
 whore she could hold her 
 mother's hand and see her 
 face, for this was what she 
 {To be continued.) 
 he asked the woman, 
 stood near the cabin- 
 doctor ?" 
 who still 
 " Why, yer ought ter had a 
 doctor to the poor thing afore she 
 died," said the woman. 
 " Who was to know she was 
 a-going to die ?" said the man, 
 glancing at the bed, and speaking 
 iji an injured tone. 
 " Well, yer'll have to go and get 
 one now, for there's the baryin' to 
 be thought about." 
 The man scratched his head, 
 " It's jest like her," he said, in a 
 grumbling tone ; " why couldn't 
 of the woman's children run up 
 to tell her mother that Bab was 
 crying so much they could do 
 nothing with her. 
 " Go and fetdi her here, Moll, 
 while 1 go and look tor a doctor, ' 
 said the man, glad of the interrup- 
 tion to get away. Molly went and 
 fetched her little ^sister, and sat 
 down on the cabin steps with her 
 in her arms. 
 But this did not satisfy Bab. 
 " Take me in to mother," sne sob- 
 bed; "she wants me. I know." 
 " No, n«, little 'un ; yer mother! instruction he frequently recnm- 
 don't wanfyer now ; she's dead, | mended to parents. 
 " I have heard Dr. Doddrige 
 relate," says Mr. Job Or*on, his 
 biographer, " that his mother 
 taught him the history of the Old 
 and New Testaments by the 
 assistance of some Dutch tiles in 
 the chimney in the room where 
 they commonly sat ; and her 
 wise and pious remarks upon 
 the means, by God's blessing, of 
 making many good impressions 
 npon his heart which never wore 
 out, and therefore this method of 
 » — 
 A Story of Canal Barge Life. 
 AuUxw »/ " KlUnlU llmm," tU. 
 ClurTBR l—Cimltnutft. 
 What thonhild oxppctvd wonld 
 tako plaro, thev di<l not aak, and 
 if they had Bab conld nnt have 
 told them ; bat aha waa 
 >ako care of Rah, and havhiff done 
 thia, ihn had dontt all that waa 
 ri>(|iiired nf hor, ahn thoiiKht, and 
 a<t llnh waa left to indulge ht<r 
 8hi« would nit for hoiira oii tho bed 
 at iho lilllH ('iihiii window, lookinff 
 out at the ala^firiah black wiiterof 
 Ihecanal wilhont iip<*akiii|^ a word 
 to aak God to take care on rae, and 
 conran He would lond that niffht, 
 and I oui^ht tor kept awake to ho 
 ready ; but I wtMit to ileep, anil 
 CO I'vti milled my rhanco;" and 
 |ioor liiib'i temra brokii out afreih 
 aa ahu cunnludt-d. 
 " Well, your'ro a mm 'un, Bab. 
 la thia what yor'vo bocii a-fri-ttincf 
 ovt-n when Molly wjb in th.< cabin, ^nd atowiajf about all Ihia limo Y" 
 rmikinif or waahin^ up the tin said Molly, in a tono o( wondor. 
 poll and baaina that formed their I Rab turned h»>r tfurful blue 
 content, now iho waa near her 
 mother Bifain; and Hnilinjf that 'only tea lervice. leyea full npou her iiiiler. "I've 
 ihe had left otr crying, Molly woi But one day, abouC a month after' been a-waiting," ihe laid i "I 
 latiifled. 'her molher'a death, Hab laid! Ihoufrhl miiybu He'd leiid agin 
 8he waa itill keeping her lilent, I* Did I 'leep very long that night 'if I joat itopped here and wait- 
 •olitary watch, when her father .mother died, Moll y" 
 returned with tho doctor. She 
 would have hidden heraelf 
 ander the bedclothea ifahe 
 could when ihe heard them 
 coming, for ahe waa afraid 
 her father would drag her 
 away, aa ho would have 
 done but for the appealing 
 gnzDwith which Bah looked 
 at tho doctor, and the 
 agonising tone in which she 
 •aid, " Do let mo itay aaide 
 o* mother a bit longer 
 Ood'i a-going to take care 
 o' mo as well as mother, 
 •nd Ho won't be long 
 " Poor little girl, you 
 •hall stay beiido mother if 
 Ton like," said tho kind- 
 nearted doctor, looking 
 tenderly at Bab's tear-stain- 
 ed face and swollen blue 
 eyes. •' Were yon here 
 with mother when she 
 died?" he asked ; for one 
 glanco at the ashy-grey face 
 on the bed told him plainly 
 enough that the woman had 
 been dead some hours, al- 
 though the man, on his way 
 to the boat, had assured him 
 that she was " only just took 
 But Bab seemed to know 
 nothing of when her mother 
 had died ; sho only knew 
 that she had gone to ask 
 God to take care of her, be- 
 cause she was no good for 
 a boater. And so after a 
 few minutes her father and 
 the doctor went away, and 
 Bub was left to watch until 
 sleep overcame the tired 
 blue eyes, and sho slipped 
 down across her mother's 
 feet and slept until the 
 Chaptkb II.— Molly. 
 Tho poor boatwoman's funeral 
 was soon over, and the barge went 
 on its way as usual. Molly took 
 her mother's place as well as she 
 was able and the poor woman 
 was soon forgotten by all but poor 
 little Bab,and for her time seemed 
 to brmg no consolation, but as the 
 days and weeks went on her grief 
 seemed to increase. Atfirst Molly 
 took little notice of the child 
 beyond washing her face onco a 
 day, and combing and curling her 
 hair occasionally. This was what 
 she htMl understood her mother to 
 ' mean when she asked her to 
 Why, yer slept till themorin,' 
 Molly scratched her tangled 
 and letrh her away. Soineh'tw 
 •he conld not nller the roiii;!) 
 wordi, " Don't he a fool. Bah, 
 although they were upon net 
 lips; she only said,' Never iniml, 
 Bab ; I'll take earxoii yer for a bit, 
 and maybe 11 wehaslontayn!! }<un 
 day at the wharf, I'll liiko yer 
 ashore to hear some preaeliingand 
 singing, liko mother did some- 
 Bab's eyes brightened at lienr- 
 inir this, and she reailily ngrei'd 
 to let Molly set her onlnitle on the 
 cabin steps. But tho light of her 
 father's Hcowlinuf lace as he sat 
 smoking close to the tiller, made 
 poor Bab shiver with undelined 
 fear, and she cluic^h- 
 ed Molly's hand and 
 whispered, " Yer'll take 
 care on ino, Moll, tlionuh I 
 ain't no good lor a boater V" 
 " Yes, yes ; don't yer be 
 afeard ; I'll lake good cure 
 on yer,"said Molly, uttering 
 an oath to make her promise 
 more assuring. 
 But BttI) whispered, 
 ' Don't swear, Molly ; God 
 don't liko us to swear, the 
 man says, and I told mother 
 I wouldn't." 
 Molly lauffhed. " What 
 next, I wonuer !" sho said; 
 " Why I shouldn't bo much 
 of a boater if I didn't swear 
 as good as father hissell." 
 said her sister, in- 
 I s'pose," 
 Bab sighed. " I didn't mean 
 to go to sleep that night, Molly," 
 she said. 
 " Why, it wor tho best thing 
 ver could do," said practical 
 But the child shook her head. 
 " No it warn't," she said ; " I jest 
 missed my ch nee that night, and 
 it won't come again, maybe." 
 " Missed yer chance '{ What 
 do yer mean ?' asked hor sister. 
 " Don't yer know what I told 
 yer, Moll 1 Mother was a-going 
 head in perplexity. Ignorant as 
 she was in snch matters, she was 
 sure that Bab had made a mistake 
 in supposing that God was going 
 to send a messenger to carry her 
 off bodily ; but she knew so little 
 abontreligion — so rarely heard the 
 name of God even, except when 
 her father was swearing — that she 
 knew not how to tell Bab sho was 
 in error ; yet her heart was touch- 
 ed with pity for the poor helpless 
 child, who sat in the misorable 
 cabin day after day patiently 
 waiting without a murmur for 
 some nnknown messenger to come 
 'But Hod don't liko 
 h He 
 Bab, in a 
 > yer 
 to swear, thoug:h He likes 
 boaters," said 
 serious lone. 
 "Oh, boaters ain't got no 
 time to think about C?od or 
 what Ho likes ; why, they 
 ain't got time to tie up of a 
 Sunday, 'ceptwhen they're 
 loading up and can't cret 
 away from tho wharf. No, 
 Bab, them thini;s ain't for 
 boaters," conclu<led Molly. 
 " But tho man said they 
 was, Moll — the man at tho 
 wharf, yer know, 
 they talked about .leHUs and 
 the woman that was a 
 sinner, wot mother liked to 
 hear about. She said ns 
 she knowed it war true, 
 'cos she'd heerd about it, 
 when she wor a gal, and she 
 often talked to me itbont it, 
 and I told her all I could 
 'member o' what I'd heerd 
 about .Tesus loving poor 
 koaters, and how He wanted 
 'em to do the right square 
 things, and not swear, nor 
 drink, nor kick the donkeys." 
 ■'Oh, bother tho don 
 keys," said Molly ; " they can look 
 arter themselves ; they're 
 agrawatin' enough. Yer don't 
 mean to tell me as God looks arter 
 donkeys ?" 
 But Bab could only shako her 
 head. " I dunno", she said, " I 
 want to know a bit more; tho man 
 said God 'ud take care on us, and 
 He's took care o' mother, but why 
 won't Ho ha' me ? I ain't no good 
 for a boater." 
 " Yer right enough there ; yer 
 ain't no good for nuffin', as I can 
 ■ee, ' ini 
 and look 
 iHH)r litl 
 lotk lit 
 close di 
 wiiy, Ml 
 lit all II 
 put he 
 kii'iiv nu 
 •I I" can 
 " 1 km: 
 a boater,' 
 the Booni 
 aboard tl: 
 " Oil, 
 let 'em m 
 drew thi 
 oioser to 
 ' It's 
 that 'ere 
 can't afl'ii 
 less mou 
 help woi 
 " Whni 
 go /" dt'u 
 " Aiiyv 
 o' places, 
 where sh 
 much wl 
 her up I 
 hair and ' 
 some fin' f 
 How I 
 having tl 
 that made 
 other boat 
 " No I 
 angrily, ai 
 wont on, ' 
 this boat G 
 me to lool^ 
 Yer can't I 
 I likes Bal 
 us long as 
 mako no r 
 saying th 
 into the ce 
 the bed in 
 near tho ' 
 felt, and d 
 protect he 
 it would b 
 of sight as 
 sight of t 
 hud alway 
 and often ] 
 and it won 
 his anger, 
 in one of t 
 of temper, 
 board. H 
 it often em 
 Bab, yer ai 
 o' father, t 
 bit; yer shi 
 and I'll loo 
 shall have 
 keep the c 
 I've got m 
 I often geti 
 of her asse 
 tie bottle 
 and poure 
 pot, and gi 
y. Somehow 
 ir tlio roiii/ii 
 ik tool, lUh, 
 upon her 
 Nt'VtT miriil, 
 1 ynr for iiltit, 
 ontayall Muii 
 I'll lako yt<r 
 ir dill iioinit- 
 :anp(l At liiMir- 
 *n<lily nj^n'rd 
 >lllKi<l)t oil lll(> 
 « »iH;lit of li(>r 
 L'o UK ho snt 
 I tillor, in»(li> 
 til un(l<>lliu>(l 
 Hho cluli'h- 
 hikiid luid 
 YiT'll take 
 nil, tlionifh I 
 lor rtboiiti'ry" 
 don't yiT l)i> 
 iko ffood ciirt' 
 lolly, utttTJiifif 
 lior promiio 
 , Molly ; Ood 
 to Bwenr, th« 
 1 told mother 
 ied. " What 
 T !" nho Bdid; 
 Idn'tho much 
 ' didn't swonr 
 Iher hisstdl." 
 lon't like yer 
 ngh Ho likes 
 I Bab, in a 
 s ain't sot no 
 dbont clod or 
 s ; why, they 
 to tie up of a 
 hen they're 
 d can't nret 
 wharf. No, 
 us ain't for 
 uded Molly. 
 an faid they 
 innn nt the 
 k n o w, 
 JiU .leHUsand 
 hat waH a 
 her liked to 
 i!^hc snid as 
 t war true, 
 rd about it, 
 gal, and she 
 ine iibout it, 
 all I could 
 at I'd heerd 
 oving poor 
 IV He wanted 
 right square 
 t swear, nor 
 the don 
 hey can look 
 ; they're 
 Yer don't 
 d looks arter 
 shako her 
 he said, " I 
 ore; the man 
 B on us, and 
 ler, but why 
 in't no good 
 there ; yer 
 in', as I can 
 see," inid a ron^fh, surly voicn ; 
 and loukinif round, Molly saw h«r 
 liilhttr Hlandiu:^ dose by. liut 
 iMHir litllit Hub WHH frii(hliined to 
 [o.)k at her lather ; she cowered 
 close down to he(. sister, and 
 whispered, " 'I'aki) me out o' the 
 way, Moll." Hut Molly was not 
 at all al'niid ol her lather, and 
 resolved lo let him see it She 
 put her arms round lt,ih 
 1>i'>M>ctinirly. undsaid, " Yer don't 
 .ii'>iv nuliin' about Uuh and what 
 sli" (.an do. 
 " i know she ain't no ijood for 
 a boater," growled the man, " anil 
 ihi) sooner she takes lierHelfoli'the 
 butter, for no body wants her 
 aboard this barge now." 
 " Oil, don't they though ; I'd 
 let 'etn Keo if anybody comes any 
 noiiHense wi' Hab ;" and Molly 
 drew the poor frightened child 
 closer to her as she spoke. 
 " It's no good coming any o' 
 that 'ere nonsense wi' me, 'cos I 
 can't ali'ord it. I can't fill use- 
 less months; and them an can't 
 help work this boat has got to 
 " Whore do yer wan't her to 
 go i'" demanded Molly. 
 " Anywhere ; she's got a pick 
 o' places, and she can go ashore 
 where she likes ; it don't matter 
 much where ; somebody'll pick 
 her up afore long, Her yaller 
 hair and white face ought to do 
 someKn' for her," he added con- 
 How Bab hated herself fur 
 having this bright golden hair, 
 that made hor look so unlike all 
 other boaters • " Cut it off," she 
 whispered, clutching at her curls, 
 " No I won't," said Molly 
 angrily, and turiMnp: a defiant face 
 toiler father. "Now look here," she 
 wont on, " as long as I'm aboard 
 this boat Bab'll stop. Mother told 
 mo to look arter her, and I will. 
 Yer can't do without mo now, and 
 I likes Bab.andshe'll stop hero jest 
 as long as I do, so yer needn't 
 make no more row about it, and 
 saying this, Molly carried her 
 into the cabin, and seated her on 
 the bod in her accustomed place 
 near the window. Brave as she 
 felt, and determined as she was to 
 protect her little sister, she knew 
 it would be best to keep her out 
 of sight as far as she could, for the 
 sight of this " useless mouth" 
 had always annoyed her father, 
 and often put him into a passion ; 
 and it would be best not to rouse 
 his anger, she knew, for he might, 
 in one of these violent outbursts 
 of temper, throw the child over- 
 board. He had threatened to do 
 it often enough. " Now look here, 
 Bab, ver ain't no call to be afraid 
 o' father, though he may swear a 
 bit; yer shall jest keep outo' sight, 
 and I'll look arter the rest, and yer 
 shall have a drop o' something to 
 keep the damp off yer stomach. 
 I've got mother's bottle now, and 
 I often gets a drop ;" and, in proof 
 of her assertion, Molly took a lit- 
 tle bottle from its hiding-place, 
 and poured some gin into a tin 
 pot, and gave it to Bab. 
 But the rhild shook her head. 
 " No, no, Molly, I ean't ; mother 
 told me mil Id toueh the drink 
 agin, 'cos thiit 'ud made her wus 
 than the woman whit was a sin- 
 ner, and she said, Moll, I wor to yer ashore, if yor like, to hear the 
 ax ver to give it up too." preaching, if there it any." 
 liut Molly looked half offended ' " Uh, Molly, will yer really!" 
 " Who could live in this place exclaimed liai) ; and a faint color 
 without a drop o' something to stole into her pallid cheeks at the 
 keep the damp out 'o yer sto- thought of hearing more about 
 maoh ?" ^hl• sitiil, irlancing at the ,Ichuh, the friend of boaters and the 
 rei'kiiig floor of the cabin, where woman who was a sinner, 
 the black mud came oozing Having hettled her sister on her 
 Ihrouirh lliK crai'ks and joints; ami grassy seal, Molly went olf in 
 she drank olf the gin herself, and . seaiuh of a little amusement on 
 liid the liollle agiiiii. Molly was j her own account; but she kept her 
 why, yer like a hit of another 
 world to me, and I want yer to 
 talk to me like yer did lo mother 
 Jack says we're sure lo tie up at 
 the wharf a Sunday, and I'lluke 
 Molly, will 
 Hal) ; and a 
 only thirteen, but she felt herself 
 a woman now. She had been 
 used to stealing sip:< from hi>r 
 mother'sbottlo aslong as she could 
 remember, mi that it was not sur- 
 prising that she should take po.s- 
 session of the bottle, and get it 
 replenished whenever sht> could 
 eye on Itab.tosee that the boys and 
 girls from the other barges did not 
 lease hur, for, as shu whispered to 
 herself again, Bab wot not like 
 other boaters. 
 Ui'ten and often she had used 
 these words as u reproach or dis- 
 paragement, but now Ihey were 
 abstract a few pence from the beginninglonieansomethingquite 
 money entrusted to her to buy 
 bread and groceiies with. 
 Bab had seen her sister more 
 than onco overcome by hor 
 frequent sips of gin, but she had 
 felt afraid to say a word about it 
 now ; and glancing at her sister's 
 angry face as she put the bottle 
 away, she was shivering with fear 
 lest Molly should go and tell her 
 father ho might do ns he liked 
 about putting her ashore. 
 In this, however, she did her 
 sister injustice. Molly was certain- 
 ly offended, but she would have 
 protected her little sister against 
 anybody now, and was resolved 
 to do what she conld to make her 
 life pleasant, although she had 
 refused many a boater's great 
 luxury and only consolation — a 
 drop of gin. 
 That evening, after the barge 
 was tied up for the night, and her 
 father had gonu to the public- 
 house, Molly came to the cabin, 
 and said, •' Now, Bab, I'll take yer 
 out a bit. Father's gone, and 
 Jack too, and there's a nice piece 
 o' grass near the towing-path, and 
 yer can sit there and look about 
 yer for a time." 
 Of coarse Bab was willing to 
 go. She had not been further 
 than the cabin steps for weeks 
 now, and to sit on the gross was 
 a treat indeed. As Molly carried 
 her on shore, the child put her 
 arms round her sister's neck, and 
 whispered, "Won't yer let me love 
 yer, Molly ?" 
 " 'Deed Bab, you are a rum 
 'un," said Molly, kissing her little 
 sister as though she was half 
 ashamed of doing it; "you ain't 
 no boater, sure enough," she 
 added, with a short laugh. 
 " But yer'Il love me, Molly, 
 won't yer, though I ain't no 
 boater ?" whispered Bab. 
 " Why, yer makes me, Bab ; I 
 can't help it ; and somehow I'm 
 glad now yer ain't like other 
 ' No, I ain't no good," sighed 
 poor Bab,glancingatherBhranken 
 little legs. 
 " Oh, but yer are, though, Bab ; 
 different to Molly. Babwa-<come- 
 thing more choice and |.' i'ms 
 than an ordinary bo.itergir hI 
 be. Molly did not undc ' 
 her, but she was growing ,i. 
 dear to her, and her g>~' I- 
 patient, lovwif^ words and 
 were conquering thejealouny and 
 dislike that Molly had so long felt 
 towards her little sister. She was 
 ready to do battle for her now 
 against anybody and everybody, 
 and when she saw some of the 
 children from the other barges pull- 
 ing Bab's curls and teasing her,she 
 swooped down upon them in a 
 manner they were not likely to 
 forget for some time, 
 " Well, she ain't no boater," said 
 one who had pulled at Bab's 
 " No ; she's a deal better nor 
 any of you boaters," said Molly ; 
 " and if I ketch yer anigh her 
 agin, I'll pitch yer all inter the 
 cut ;" saying which, Molly drove 
 her sister's tormentors to a dis- 
 tance, and Bab felt no small pride 
 in her protector's prowess. Of 
 course Molly did not really mean 
 that she iris better than a boater, 
 thought liih : she had only said 
 that to tease the other girls ; but 
 still it pleased Bab to think that 
 her sister cared so much for her. 
 Molly privately determined that 
 Sunday should oe spent at the 
 wharf if she conld possibly manage 
 it, and she talked to Jack about 
 this, promising to get a " jolly 
 dinner," for Sunday if he would 
 hurry ttfe donkeys along, so that 
 they reached the wharf on Satur- 
 day night. Jack readily promised 
 to dothis,for a whole day to lounge 
 about the other wharf, or play 
 pitch and toss with the other boys, 
 was always pleasant io him ; and 
 so, by cruelly using the stick a 
 little more frequently to the over- 
 worked donkeys the journey was 
 accomplished in tima and they 
 tied up at the wharf on Saturday 
 night, to Bab's great delight. 
 " Now yer can go and near the 
 S reaching and singing to-morrer, 
 ab," said Molly. "I'll get up 
 20 T 
 yer hair and lake yer ashore all 
 day, ami iiiavb>t tlicre'llbe two lota 
 o' singing for yer" 
 " Oh, ain't It nice !' laid Dab. 
 " Yer'Il come too, won't yer, 
 Moll 7" 
 " Well, I dunno bout that. 
 Preaching ami Miiigiiig ain't much 
 ill my way , but yoii likes it, and 
 yor shall have it if yer can gel it, 
 and yer ctii tell mo bout it after- 
 warils, like yer did mother. I 
 hope it's a-uoing to lie fine," added 
 Molly, looking anxiously out at 
 the evening sky, where the clouds 
 seemed to be gathering 
 But Sun<lay nioriiing dawned 
 bright ami warm, although it was 
 late in the autumn, and before the 
 bells ill the dislant clinri^hes be- 
 gan to ring for innriiiiig service, 
 Molly had witshed and dressed 
 her sister and carried her ashore 
 " There ain't nobody come yet ; 
 but you slop hero a bit, and I'll 
 comeback presently and take yer 
 to the preaching place if it ain't 
 here, though there can't bo a bet- 
 ter place nor this," said Molly, as 
 she seated her sinter in n comt'ort- 
 ablo corner between two logs. 
 " Oh, they're most sure to come 
 here," said Bab looking at the pile 
 of logs ; " there couldn't be no bet- 
 tor place nor this for tho boaters 
 to sit down." 
 " Yes they're most sure to come 
 here," said Molly, looking round 
 There wore a few children at 
 Clay on a heap of rubbish clos* 
 y, and she was wondering 
 whether they would interfere 
 with her sinter ns soon as she had 
 gone. " Look here, Bab," she said, 
 picking up n stick that lay near 
 and handing ii to her sister, "if 
 any o' them come anigh yer, you 
 jest hit out right and lett ns hard 
 as ever yer can. Never mind who 
 you hurt, or how. much yer hurts 
 (To be cimlinuetl.) 
 The Rules ok Elizabeth 
 Fry.— The iollowiiig rules for the 
 guidance of life are by the cele- 
 brated Mrs. Fry: 1. Kover lose 
 any time. I do not think that lost 
 which is spent in amu'^emant or 
 recreation every day, but always 
 be in the habit of being employ- 
 ed. 2. Never err the least in 
 truth. 3. Never say on ill thing 
 of a person when thou canst say 
 a good *hing of him. Not only 
 speak charitably, but feel so. 4. 
 Never be irritable or unkind to 
 anybody. 5. Never indulge thy- 
 self in luxuries that are not neces- 
 sary. 6. Do all things with con- 
 sideration, and when thy path to 
 act right is most dilHcult, put con- 
 fidence in that power alone which 
 is able to assist theci; and exert 
 thine own powers to far as they 
 We should be as careful of onr 
 words as of onr actions, and as far 
 from speaking ill as from doing 
 ill — Cicero. 
 A Passionate reproof is like a 
 medicine given scalding hot ; the 
 early and wash yer face and comb patient cannot take U. 
 A Story 
 of Canal Barge Life. 
 Aulkor of " £«<rilu Hmm," tc. 
 Chapter III. 
 suxdaY at thk whark. 
 Bab looked up at her sitter for 
 a minute, and then at the stick. 
 At last she said, " But, ulolly, yer 
 forgets IVe come to hear 'bont 
 Jesus, and the man said afore as 
 Jesus didn't like to see the don- 
 keys beat." 
 "Nobody asked ver to bent the 
 donkeys," said Molly impatiently. 
 "No; but little boaters 
 is better nor donkeys," said 
 Bab. "Jeans lores boat- 
 ers, and p'r'aps they won't 
 touch me;" and she put 
 the stick aside. 
 Molly looked at her for 
 a minute, half-puzzled,half- 
 displeased. "'Tis easy to 
 see yer no boater," she said 
 as she walked away. 
 Molly went back to 
 the barge, thinking of 
 what Bah said, and 
 wondering more than ever 
 where and how the child 
 could have learned such 
 strange things, and hoping 
 very much that her desire 
 to hear more would be 
 gratified,for it might 
 be weeks before they tied 
 up on Sunday again. Molly 
 even half resolved to go 
 her8(*lfand hearsomething 
 of what was said if there 
 was service in the after- 
 noon. But she could not 
 leave Bab long without 
 going back to see if the 
 preaching had begun, and 
 whether her sister was in 
 a good place to hear and 
 see all that was going on, 
 or that the other children 
 from the neighboring 
 barges were not molesting 
 She found Bab sitting 
 where she had left her, 
 quite alone, watching the 
 other children at play ; but 
 no one had come to preach 
 or sing yet. 
 "Never mind, Bab; 
 they'll come presently," 
 snid Molly, cheerfully; "I 
 s'pose they're sure to come, 
 ain't they ?" she added. 
 " I dunno. They did 
 mind to try and please them, that 
 she might take care of Bab with- 
 out interference. 
 When dinner wau nearly ready, 
 she went to fetch her little sister, 
 that she might install her in her 
 usual corner out of sight, so that 
 her father might not be too for- 
 cibly reminded oi this " useless 
 mouth " at dinner-time, when he 
 and Jack would enjoy theiri> on 
 the cabin steps. 
 But when she reached Bab this 
 lime, she saw that the child had 
 been crying. " What's a matter. 
 Bah ?" she asked, quickly. " Are 
 thorn boaters been at yer?" and 
 Molly seized the stick that lay 
 was carried back to her cosy seat 
 on the logs ; and Molly herself sat 
 down to watch and wait for 
 somebody to come and teach Bab 
 something about God. and 
 whether He would tak>> care of 
 her as she supposed. But the 
 afternoon passed, and no one came 
 except the men and women from 
 the boats, and they sat or lounged 
 upon the logs smoking, gossiping, 
 or quarrelling, until at last Molly 
 carried Bab tack, feeling as dis- 
 appointed as the child herself. 
 It ivas evening now, and her 
 father would want his tea; so 
 MoUv got it as quickly as she 
 could, promising to run ashore 
 and quarrel, and to hurl oaths at 
 each otner 
 that time, /er know, but this 
 ain't the same wharf. Ain't there 
 a lot o" bargaa here, Moll, and a 
 lot o' froung 'uns too?" added 
 " Tea, it's a big wharf, and I've 
 heerd there's often forty or Kfty 
 lie up here, loading or unloading. 
 Oh yes, Bab, there's sure tu be 
 preaching here; so mind yer pick 
 up a bit to tell me, 'cos I'm going 
 to cook the dinner now;" ana 
 Mollv ran back to the barge ; for 
 she knew her father and Jack 
 would eipeot a good dinner to- 
 day, and she hod made up her 
 come I near, and prepai'ed to make a de- 
 scene upon the groups of dirty, 
 hall-naked children play close by. 
 " No, no, Molly, they ain't done 
 nothingto hurtrae: they only says 
 there ain't no singing nor nothing 
 here ; and it miide mo cry a bit." 
 " Well, yer shouldn't cry, then," 
 said Molly, taking her up in her 
 arms and turning towards the 
 barge; "they dunno nothing 'bout 
 such things, how should they ? 
 I'll bring yer back this arternoon, 
 and yer'll see if the man don't 
 Molly was as good as her word 
 as soon as it was over, and see if 
 there was anybody there likely to 
 help Bab. Molly herself fi>lt 
 angry against some one, although 
 she could not tell who was to 
 blame; but surely somebody who 
 knew about these things might 
 come and speak a few words to 
 poor boaters who hao no other 
 means of learning but what they 
 could pick up on a Sunday when 
 they happened to tie up at a 
 wharf She then looked round 
 at the noisy groups of men, women, 
 and childfnn, who found nothing 
 else to do this fine Sunday even 
 As soon as dinner was over, Bab ing but to smoke and gossip,iight 
 Itdid notshock Molly ,she was too 
 much accustomed to such scencH, 
 but she was vexed that Bab should 
 be so disappointed, and in her dis- 
 content she wandered away from 
 the groups of noisy people to the 
 other end of the wharf, where a 
 high, open fence only separated it 
 from the street. Peering through 
 these railings, Molly saw a few 
 people go into a building nearly 
 opposite, and as the door opened 
 she could distinctly hear the 
 sound of singing, and the next 
 minute a daring thought had en- 
 tered her head. She would 
 take Bab to hear it too, and 
 she began to look round 
 for a gate at once. It was 
 some time, however, be- 
 fore she could find one, 
 and when it was found 
 she was practically no 
 nearer her object for the 
 gate was looked. Then, 
 glancing at the respect- 
 ably-dressed people who 
 were passing along the 
 street, Molly remembered 
 that neither she nor Bab 
 could mix with these ; for 
 they had neither shoes 
 nor stockings, and their 
 clothes were little better 
 than a bundle of dirty 
 rags. So she slowly 
 sauntered back to the 
 barge, feeling very dis- 
 appointed and very bitter 
 against everybody. She 
 could not say much now 
 even to comfort Bab. 
 " Ain't nobody coming 
 to sing to-day, Molly?" 
 asked the little girl, as 
 MoUy went into the dull, 
 dreary little cabin. 
 " I s'pose not," said 
 Molly ; " they likes singing 
 for themselves best. Look 
 here, Bab, I never did 
 think much o' what yer 
 told mo, and now ii 6 
 pr«tty certain it ain't for 
 boaters at all, or else why 
 don't somebody come and 
 tell us about it?" 
 " But the man on the 
 other wharf said as how 
 God did care for poor 
 boaters ; he said Jesus 
 loved 'em like He did the 
 woman wot was a sinner," 
 protested Bab. 
 Bat Molly shook her 
 head. "No, no; gin is the only 
 comfort boaters as got. I've 
 heerd mother say it lots o' times, 
 and I b'lieve it too." 
 "But mother told me gin'ud just 
 been her ruin," said Bab quickl) 
 " She told me so afore she died, 
 and I b'lieve that." 
 " I don't," said Molly ; " we c&n 
 get the gin, but yer know now 
 we can't get the preaching and 
 singing, even if we wanted it, and 
 I'm not sure a3we do. As I said 
 afore, it ain't for boaters, and 
 don t suit boaters, 'cos why — 
 'cos boaters ain't like other 
 to hurl oaths at $ 1 
 .olly.she was too 
 to snch sconps, 
 that Bab should 
 , and in her dis- 
 ired away from 
 f people to the 
 wharf, where a 
 nly separated it 
 'eering through 
 •liy saw a few 
 uilding nearly 
 he door opened 
 :tly hear the 
 and the next 
 hought had en- 
 She would 
 hear it too, and 
 to look round 
 : once. It was 
 however, be- 
 9uld find one, 
 it wai> found 
 practically no 
 object for the 
 looked. Then, 
 ; the respect- 
 1 people who 
 ng along the 
 y remembered 
 r she nor Bab 
 with these ; for 
 neither shoes 
 igs, and their 
 re little better 
 ndle of dirty 
 she slowly 
 back to the 
 ing very dis- 
 ind very bitter 
 srybody. She 
 ay much now 
 ifort Bab. 
 obody coming 
 day, Molly V" 
 little girl, as 
 into the dull, 
 not," said 
 y likes singing 
 OS best. Look 
 I never did 
 o' what yer 
 tnd now ii i 
 it ain't for 
 or else why 
 dy come and 
 man on the 
 said as how 
 are for poor 
 said Jesus 
 ko He did the 
 was a sinner," 
 shook her 
 in is the only 
 as got. I've 
 t lofs o' time*, 
 mogin'ud just 
 Bab quickl} 
 ore she died, 
 illy ; " we cwi 
 er know now 
 reaching and 
 wanted it, and 
 lo. As I said 
 boaters, and 
 'cos why — 
 like other 
 This argument appeared to be 
 unanswerable under present cir- 
 cumstances, and Bab turned her 
 sad little face to the window, 
 while Molly took out her bottle, 
 aa she had so often seen her 
 mother do when some disappoint- 
 ment or misfortune had befallen 
 them. Molly half hoped, half 
 dreaded, that they would have to 
 spend another Sunday at the 
 wharf, for there was no cargo 
 ready for them when the barge 
 npon what she had then heard. 
 8he had little else to think of, sit- 
 ting there in the dreary cabin all 
 day ; and in spite of her dis- 
 appointment, she secretly in- 
 dulged the hope as the days went 
 on that another Sunday would be 
 spent at the wharf. But she was 
 not destined to spend another 
 Sunday of suspense and hope de- 
 ferred, for by midday on Satur- 
 day the cargo was nil stowed on 
 toe barge, and they set off at once 
 was unloaded, and several days on their journey. Sunday was 
 were wasted waiting for a fresh i like any other day when they 
 cargo. This always put her father i were travelling. They heard the 
 out of temper, for delays like this church t<ells ring in the distance, 
 were a loss to him, and so it was and if they passed through a town 
 more than ever necessary to keep and caught glimpses of the shops, 
 poor Bab ont of his sight. It was they saw that most of the shutters 
 a dull time for the poor little lame ' were closed ; but these signs and 
 girl, seated in her corner of the tokens of a day of rest having 
 dreary cabin, and it was 
 strange that she looked pale and 
 sickly, and lost her appetite ; for 
 the foul smell of the close little 
 cabin — which was scarcply larger 
 thin a good-sized bedstead, and 
 yet served as bedroom, kitchen, 
 and Bab had heard such 
 sometimes about the perils 
 and horrors of legging through a 
 tunnel that she almost held her 
 breath now with fright and ter- 
 ror when they were thus travel- 
 ling ; for Jack in his ill temper 
 had often told her that his father 
 could afford to pay for the steam 
 tug to tow them through if he 
 had not her useless month to fill. 
 So Bab felt herself guilty of being 
 the cause of Jack's danger, and if 
 anything happened to him it 
 would of course be her fault. 
 When this thought recurred to 
 her now, she blamed herself 
 more bitterly than ever for going 
 to sleep the night her mother 
 died, and " losing her chance," , 
 as she called it. If she had only i 
 " Are yor sure it's rfeal singing, 
 Molly ?" asked the little girl, as 
 her sister seized her in her arms. 
 "Ah, that it was; I could hear 
 'em as plain as if I was in there. 
 I heard 'em sing, 'Jesus loves 
 even me!' Ain't that the sing- 
 ing yer've been a- wanting to hear 
 this ever so long? Look over there; 
 yer can see Ine lights. Hark ! 
 yer can hear 'em singing," and 
 as Molly spoke, the words of the 
 chorus sounded plainly — " Jesus 
 loves even me !" and as Bab heard 
 the words, shu bowed her head 
 on her sister's shoulder and burst 
 into tears. 
 " Why, what's the matter,- Bab ? 
 don't yer like it?" asked Molly, 
 in astonishment. 
 ' Yes, yes. Make haste, Molly, 
 kept awake, she would have been I and let us hear some more. It's 
 not .once more dawned for the weary ready to go with whomever God i true, ain't it, what I told yer?" she 
 workers of the world, meant 
 nothing to the hundreds and 
 thousands of our canal population 
 who were journeying along the 
 water-ways of our land. 
 Bab had heard the bells ring 
 and parlor for the whole family— dozens of times, but the message 
 was enough to make inyboay ill;' they conveyed had so little to do 
 and the poor barge .vomen ' had with boaters that she did not even 
 some excuse for their drinking connect their sweet music with 
 habits, believing as they did that 
 gin alone would keep them from 
 being ill. 
 Molly could not endure the 
 stifling little den, and went to 
 play on the wharf or towing-path 
 whenever she got the . opportu- 
 nity. Bab noticed too that she 
 mtnaged to keep her bottle well 
 snpplied, and whenever she came 
 into the cabin the bottle was 
 brought into use. 
 " Molly, don't yer b'lieve wot 
 mother said 'bout that drinking ?" 
 said Bab, one day, in a tone of ex- 
 Molly "•i)r:;ied. "Yes, I do," 
 she 3ai(i, ' a^ how boaters never 
 I.- J ii wi'put taking a drop; 
 ind I'lT ture iihe was right, for 
 t MnijB (jre that aggrawatin', let 
 <'.>n'.> the smell and the rats that 
 'un about this "ere cabin. There's 
 'ather alius gnimbling about 
 omething, os though it wor my 
 I lult he could get no cargo. " 
 "Shall M'e b? here another Sun- 
 day ?" Bab ventured to ask. 
 '• Well, maybe we shall, and 
 maybe we sha'n't ; but wot'e the 
 good if we are? I tell you it'« 
 all a mistake about yer thinking o' 
 that singing and preaching being 
 lor boaters. If it wor, why o' 
 course there 'd be 8om<{bodv con e 
 to tell us, such a hi-', nuart At> this 
 IS, wi' fifty and p.»y be sixty bariif" 
 tying up. No, lio ; ai' I saic* ...ore, 
 these things ain'i .v^r 'is loalers, 
 tiut for them as hus *.' u govins 
 and bonnets and b> ' tn'iigs. 
 borget all about >t, TJa',. uni' uav 
 a drop o' gin now in' n\en. V\. 
 give yer a drop when I (.. i spare 
 it— that's the thing foi' boatert, 
 yer know." 
 But Bab shook h<?r head. She 
 couid not forget tha.' one Sunday 
 at the wharf and the many secret 
 ccnf'orence* that had buen held 
 botwMu he; mother ^wd herself 
 the longing desire she felt to 
 learn more about G-od, and 
 whether He really did think of 
 poor boaters, and would take care 
 of her and Molly. 
 Molly was included in this soli- 
 citude now, for she could not but 
 notice her sister's growing love 
 for her mother's discarded old 
 bottle, and "drink meant ruin," 
 her mother had told her. So she 
 was anxious that her sister should 
 give up the habit, and if she 
 could only be sure herself and 
 convince Molly that Qod really 
 cared for them and desired her 
 to give up drinking gin, she 
 would do it at once. 
 She was thinking of this all 
 day on Sunday, while the donkeys 
 tramped along the towing-path. 
 It was pleasanter for Bab to be on 
 thu move ]ik>> 'his, for sometimes 
 they caugk c glimpses of corn- 
 lieldt an'' ^ees, with their yel- 
 lowing '' ., and little patches 
 of grass near the towing-path ; 
 and it v/as vt.easanter to look at 
 these things than the black slug- 
 gish waer of ihecanal.that always 
 remind' .'d her of the tinnelswben 
 sue locked at it long, although 
 they It ight be mii.-^s away from 
 Bab always bad a creeping, 
 si'.koning dread of tunnels, for if 
 'iiei father was cross he would 
 make Jack help him leg tlirough ; 
 and there was always thj dread- 
 ful thought that Jack or herfather 
 might slip and be drowned before 
 the other end was reached. This 
 "'^...ult and dangerous task is 
 performed by two men or boys 
 lying flat m their backs upon 
 btafis p'.aced near the head of 
 the barge, something like wings, 
 and pressing their- bare feet 
 against the sides of the tunnel, 
 thus propelling the barge. Hun- 
 dreds hud been drowned in tbts 
 sent io her, and Jack would not i asked, in a triumphant whisper ; 
 have to leg through the tunnels | "they said plain enough as Jesus 
 now, because there would be no 'loves us, didn't they?" 
 useless mouth to fill. | •• Ah, but we dunno whether 
 So the autumn passed away, 'it means boaters though," said 
 and the dull, cold days of winter j Molly, as she hurried panting 
 came, when Jack and her father along the towing-path io where 
 were always cross and out of the light came streaming from the 
 temper ; for tramping along the 
 sloppy towing-path in the frost 
 and sleet, with scarcely a bit of 
 shoe to the foot, and only a rag 
 of a jacket, that was wet through 
 in five minutes, was very trying, 
 especially for a boy who worked 
 as hard as any man on the towing- 
 path. Jack often grumbled about 
 this, and when Bab heard it she 
 always felt he was complaining 
 of her. 
 During these dreary weeks and 
 months there had been several 
 Sundays spent at various 
 wharves; but the weather was 
 too cold now for open-air services, 
 so Bab had never gone to the logs 
 since to watch and wait for some- 
 body to tell her that God cared 
 for poor boaters. But one Sun- 
 day evening towards the close of 
 the winter they tied up near a 
 lock where some dozen other 
 barges were fastened, and going 
 to the towing-path to look round 
 after her father and Jack had left 
 the boat, Molly saw lights in a 
 little building close by, and in- 
 stantly ran to peep in at the win- 
 dow and see what was going on. 
 But she not reached the place 
 before some one inside opened the 
 door and looked out, and with the 
 opfinitig of the door came a Hood 
 of light and the sound of voices 
 singing. Molly stood spell-bound 
 for a minute, listening as the 
 \ oices rang out, "Jesus loves me ! 
 Jesus loves even me!" Molly 
 did not wait to hear any more ; 
 she darted back to the boat, call- 
 ing " Bab ! Bab !" as she picked 
 her way along the cargo to the 
 cabin stairs. 
 " Bab, there's preaching and 
 singing here," she said, as she 
 rushed into the little cabin. 
 "Come on; I'm going to put 
 mother's shawl on yer, and take 
 yer right in there ; I don't care 
 for any on 'em, or their fine bon- 
 nets eith6r. 
 windows of the little building. 
 When she reached the door, 
 Molly opened it, and stagyored 
 in with Bab ; and seeing a vacant 
 seat near, she sat her little sister 
 down, and then turned to look 
 round. The singing was over, 
 and a man at the other end of the 
 room was speaking ; but Molly 
 did not pay mnch attention to 
 what he said, she was so amazed 
 to find that the little congregation 
 were almost all boaters. Some ol 
 them were as poorly clothed as 
 she and Bab, but they were 
 listening with the greatest atten- 
 tion to what the man was saying. 
 Molly was too much occupied in 
 looking round at the bright, 
 cheery, little mission-room to 
 listen at first, but at last her ear 
 was caught by the words — "Yes, 
 my friends, Jesus wants to be 
 your Friend, if you will only let 
 Him. He was the Friend of 
 fishermeif when He was on this 
 earth, so that He knows all about 
 the trials and temptations of boat 
 people, boys and girls, men and 
 women ; and it is because He 
 loves you that He asks you to give 
 up drinking and swearing and 
 Bab looked at Molly and 
 nodded. The sad little face was 
 almost glorified with its look of 
 gladness. •' It's true, it's true," 
 she whispered. " Yer won't 
 drink any more gin now, will ver, 
 (To U Oonlinuid.) 
 Ihe grass withcreth, the 
 flower fa6eth, but the 
 ^ wot6 of our i5o6 shall 
 ^ staitb foreuer. 
 IsA. 40 : S. 
^ r -At 
 she had heard, and theru would 
 be an end of this ; for she had 
 often Baid that boaters drank gin 
 becaosa there was no other com- 
 fort for them, and nobody cared 
 whether they drank or not; but 
 ing forthem,8he would ihrowthe 
 bottle away. Molly, indeed, real- 
 ly promised to do this by-and-by. 
 " But can't yer do it now, 
 Molly," whispered Dab, in acoaz- 
 iii(^ (one. 
 •* Why, what's the hurry ? the 
 bottle won't bite yer," said her 
 sister. '■ I won't forget what 
 we're heard, and I'll ask Jack not 
 A Story of Canal Barge Life. 
 {AvUur cf " KiUnlu Houu," tU.) 
 Chapter IV. 
 After that Sunday evening 
 little Bab seemed to blossom into 
 a new life. She would ^it and sinjf 
 sottly toherselt as she sat in her 
 corner by the cabin window, 
 " JosuB loves me, Jetus loves me. " 
 She knew no more ihan this, but 
 it was enough for Dub. Her 
 problem was solved, and she was 
 content. While Molly was 
 looking about her, taking 
 slock of the room and (bote 
 who were there, Bub wns 
 listening' with all (he 
 urtgeniessol a hungry soul, 
 and whut she heard seem- 
 ed like a me.-^aue sent 
 direct irom God to her. 
 " Perhaps, my friends," 
 Bai') the misMonary, " yon 
 may have thought that if 
 Qod hated sin so much He 
 would surely take us from 
 a world where sin altounds. 
 It woulil be easy lur Him 
 to send a inesi-enger for 
 each one ol us to-night, and 
 carry us lis^ht out of (his 
 (roublevoine world, lint 
 Gud does not take care of 
 his people in thai way. He 
 wishes ihem tu stay hero 
 that they may teach olhi-rs 
 what they iheinselvetihave 
 learued. The poorest and 
 youngest may do some- 
 thiiiir it (hey aie willing. 
 Each can (ell a sister or a 
 brother of the love of God, 
 and help ihem lo over- 
 come some sin. If one sees 
 aiiothrr giviiisr way to 
 temper, or atroiig drink, or 
 crunlty lo (he poor hoises 
 or donkeys, a kind, gentle 
 word will olteii prove a 
 check, and so God's work 
 will he done, for it is in 
 (his wny that lie desires 
 us to v.i;k lor Ilim." 
 Molly hi'ard nothing of 
 this, fur rhe was sluiiiig in 
 oj'eii-cyed wi^nder at the 
 tr'ciipture prints and text 
 hung ruumi the room ; but 
 Hal) heard evi'ry word, nu<f, 
 like Mary oloM, she " kept 
 all these sayinirH jn |i,.r 
 heart." Shf loigut \\v glomiiy 'to whnck (hem doiik"ys8o much 
 liille cabin, will) itsniud betfriined he do beat 'cm nwliil somi'tiines.' 
 ' Oh yes, I'll take care o' little 
 Bab for yer, but I can't bring her 
 here just yet, 'cos she s got to 
 'member things for Jack and 
 Molly, and tell 'em if they forget.' 
 That 'b what I've got to stop here 
 now that there was no longer any { for, Moll," added the child, in a 
 doubt about God loving and car- tone of infinite content. 
 " Oh, Bab, you are a rum 'un ; 
 I alius Baid vou was," exclaimed 
 But Bab went on talking, 
 partly to herself and partly to 
 Molly, without noticing her 
 sister's remark. " To think as 
 God 'nil have a poor little 'un, 
 what ain't good enough fof a 
 boater to do work for Mim ! 
 flnor, f< r lier lieart was lull ol lh<* 
 Ihoughi that God loved hor, and 
 wanti'd h'-r lo be Ills xervant 
 and do soim'lhmg [«r lli«. f^hi- 
 was at no Idss to dfcide what this 
 somelliing was. forbad not Mnllv 
 grown so fond oi h'-r mothi-r's 
 oM bodl' la'ely. that scire Iv a 
 day p.i'Si'd now hut she had several 
 si|i8 at it, iili'l ofti'ii hail (o lie 
 down oiiJhi! Ilo'ir and goto sleep 
 .'or some hours in the middle of the 
 dav V 
 Njw D.ib thought sho would 
 Ain't that jist Ihi' queerest sort of 
 (liing? Hut ain't it nice lor n 
 '■ Yer'll tell him to bo l<iiid,' liiile 'uu like ine, what ain't good 
 won't yer, Molly, and ax father! for nnyihing else '/" 
 not to swi-nr 
 speaks to yer?" 
 every time he 
 13ut, Bab, how yer talk ; sure 
 wi'out yer, Bab, now. Why, yer 
 aint hke no other boater gal— 'coa 
 why — 'cos yer jist so quiet and 
 never makes no rows and grum- 
 blings, that yer like a little bit o' 
 another world wot boaters never 
 sees ; and I wouldn't part wi' yer 
 for anything now," said Molly, 
 tenderly smoothing down Bab's 
 fair hair. 
 It was wonderful toseethelittle 
 tender, loving ways Molly had 
 fallen into with her sister lately. 
 To the rest of the world she was 
 the rough, rude boater girl, ready 
 to quarrel and hght with anybody 
 who ventured to dispute her right 
 to clear the towing-path, or have 
 her own way in everything 
 she chose. But to Dab she 
 was gentle and kind ">.d 
 tender, combing and curl- 
 ing her hair as gently as her 
 mother did, and taKIng al- 
 most 08 much pride and 
 pleasure in doing it. Any- 
 thing she could do to please 
 Bab was done without a 
 murmur, so that it was not 
 strange that the little girl 
 fancied her victory over the 
 bottle would be an easy 
 one ; and for a little while 
 sho thought it had been 
 gained, for she saw no- 
 thing of it, and hoped that 
 Molly haa kept herpromise 
 and thrown it into (he 
 canal. But as the spring 
 advanced, and that Sunday 
 evening at the mission- 
 room seemed to grow iuto 
 a dim memory, Bab saw 
 with surprise and ais- 
 appointmen'. that the bot- 
 tle was brought out of its 
 h'ding' place once more ; 
 and ' areful as her sister 
 we- tocc, 1 the fact from 
 ber, i'lab 1- " w that she had 
 recomp'' the dreadful 
 habit of drinking. 
 Ball .--poke Ouco niorc, 
 veiy yii.i )y and coaxingly, 
 but Molly tun jd cross and 
 denied it. Agnia the little 
 sister begged and implored 
 her to throw away the bot- 
 tle, untilatlast Molly grew 
 soansrry thatshethreatened 
 to leave her behind 
 on the towing path or 
 wharf, a.sherrather wanted, 
 ir she said anything about 
 the bottle again. She did 
 not mean to carry out this 
 thnat, but it vexed her 
 that B.I) should be sharp 
 enouLii to f what sho thought 
 was hidiien from everybody, and 
 she resolved tu indulge herself 
 only when Bal) was safely ploy- 
 ■ Lor. it ain't no good telling boater, bni maybi« yer'd be good 
 NOMioni: rise if yer only 
 father 'bout thit; boaters can't | for 
 do wi'out swoniiiiLr." slid Molly ; know. d .^ot it wor.' 
 " but III try and leave off, if it'll 
 pl'-ase yon and I'll spe.ik lo Jnck 
 about the d nkev-, if ver like." 
 •• Oh yes. ilo, M >lly." snid Bib, 
 " 'cos yer know (hat's why God 
 didn't send for me when mother 
 nx.'d Him that iiiuht. I know she 
 ^ only have to rcaiind Moliy of \vhat| did ax Him, and I .s'poso He said, 
 often cirried her now. 
 One inorniiiir in May, Molly 
 came rnnniiig into (ho cabin, cx- 
 clniminn. •• Here's n lark, Bab, (he 
 steam-tug can't take us through 
 the boat, and that wor me he 
 meent. I'm glad I'm good for 
 somelin'," concluded uab. 
 " Why, course yer good for 
 somelin'. I dunno wot I'd do 
 stop hero all doy, Jack says." 
 " Won't they " leg through ?" 
 asked Bah. 
 " The lock tender says they 
 can't ; they're certain sure to gut 
 onuf yer ain't no good lor a j ing on the towing i)alh, where she 
 Ye.'i, the man said the poorest 
 little 'mis could help work for 
 God if they couldn't help work the tunnel, and we shall have to \ 
 w. Why, yor 
 later gal— 'ccw 
 so quiet and 
 iws and grum- 
 a little bit o' 
 boaters never 
 I't part wi' yer 
 " said Molly, 
 t down Bab's 
 ys Molly had 
 r sister lately, 
 world she was 
 iter girl, ready 
 with anybody 
 sputo her right 
 •path, or have 
 nn everything 
 But to Bab she 
 and kind "\d 
 bing and curl- 
 as gentlyasher 
 and tilling al- 
 ach pride and 
 loiug it. Any- 
 ald do to please 
 one without a 
 that it was not 
 the little girl 
 victory over the 
 id be an easy 
 >r a little while 
 it it had been 
 ■ she saw no- 
 and hoped that 
 :ept herpromiso 
 n it into the 
 : as the spring 
 md that Sunday 
 ; the mission- 
 id to grow into 
 nory, Bab saw 
 rise und ois- 
 '. chat the l.ot- 
 mght out of its 
 once more ; 
 as her sister 
 1 the fact from 
 w that she had 
 et' the dreadful 
 ^e Oi.ce more, 
 and coaxingly, 
 an id cross and 
 Agniii the little 
 -d and implored 
 V away the bot- 
 ast Molly grew 
 ?. hor behind 
 wing path or 
 Iher wanted, 
 iiiylhin? about 
 ;iiin. She did 
 carry out this 
 it vexed hor 
 bo sharp 
 it she thought 
 verybody, nnd 
 dulpfH herself 
 js siifely ploy- 
 lath, whore she 
 Mny, Molly 
 the cabin, ex- 
 a lark. Cab, the 
 ;e us through 
 shall have to 
 Jack says." 
 g through ?" 
 Jer says they 
 in sure to gut 
 drowndod if they tries, and so 
 Jack says he won't try — he'll run 
 away fust; so we're a-going to tie 
 up, and I'm a-going to take yer 
 to a lovely field jest t'other side 
 o' towing path, where there's but- 
 tercups a-growing, and yer can 
 pick 'em, too, if yer like." 
 Bab cla{>ped her hands with 
 delight at the thought of picking 
 "real flowers," and was dressed 
 in her mother's old cotton sun- 
 bonnet, and carried to the towing 
 path. A high fence protected the 
 field tiom the marauding little 
 boaters in a general way, and 
 when Bab saw it she said, ' ' But I 
 can't get in there, Molly." 
 " Not by yourself, but yer can 
 go if I puts yer in ; and that's 
 what I mean to do," said Molly, 
 So saying, she seated Bab on the 
 towing-path while she went to 
 look lor a gap or a loose rail that 
 she could pull away and slip Bab 
 through. But the side next the 
 towing-path was firm and com- 
 pact everywhere, and it was not 
 until she had walked some 
 distance up the lane skirtin? 
 another side that Molly discovered 
 a weak place. Here a rail could 
 be easily pushed aside, leaving 
 ample room for a little mite like 
 Bab to slip through. Molly saw 
 this, and ran back instantly for her 
 little sister. 
 " Now, Bab, yer'll have a jolly 
 time," she said, as she carried her 
 up the lane ; " there's nothing 
 but grass and flowers, and yer can 
 crawl about or sit still and pick 
 the daisies, or lay down and go to 
 sleep. I'll bring yer dinner by- 
 and-by, and I'll fetch yer as soon 
 as the tug comes." 
 " Yer won't forget me, Moll, 
 will yer?" said Bab, a little 
 apprehensively, as she looked 
 back and saw how far they were 
 from the canal. 
 " Forget yer ? do I ever forget 
 yer when I brings yer out 'o the 
 boat for a bit ?" said Moll v. in an 
 injured tone. 
 Bab kissed her sister, and 
 stroked the coarse tow-like hair. 
 " Yer werry kind to me, Moll," 
 she said ; " I wish mother could 
 see how kind yer is. No, yer won't 
 forg'et me, I know, and yer won't 
 let father go away wi'out me." 
 "Rightyerare, Bab. Don't I ali- 
 us sticK up for yer ?" said Molly. 
 " That yer do, Moll, and yer 
 won't forget me now, will yer ?" 
 repeated the child. 
 " Course I won't — 'cos why — 
 'cos, I couldn't stop aboard the 
 boat wi'out yer now, Bab ;" and 
 she kissed the little pale face in a 
 way that quite assured poor 
 little Bab. " Look, here we are. 
 I can push this bit o' wood out o' 
 the way, and then yer can slip 
 through as easy as anything." 
 " I wish yer could com too, 
 Moll," said the little girl, t uer 
 sister gently pushed hor th; h 
 the broken fence. 
 " I will if I can, by-and-by, but 
 I must go and look arter the din- 
 ner fust. There now, yer can pick 
 the flowers and roll in the grass, 
 and do what you like," said 
 Molly, putting her head in .to 
 look round. " It is a fine field," 
 she added ; " good-by, Bab !" she 
 called, as she turned away. 
 " Good-bye," answered Bab ; 
 " come back soon ;" and in antici- 
 pation of that coming, she began 
 to pink the golden buttercups. 
 " I'll get a big bunch for Molly," 
 she said half aloud — " a big bunch 
 o' the very best in the field ;" and 
 the little girl carefully selected 
 the finest flowers that grew with- 
 in her reach. But very soon she 
 saw, or fancied she saw, that those 
 a short distance ofl" were much 
 better than those close at hand, 
 and so she shiiffled herself along 
 in a sitting posture — her only 
 mode of locomotion — and soon 
 began picking these. But near 
 the middle of the field she saw 
 some beautiful red-tipped daisies, 
 and the golden buttercups were 
 forgotten in her eagerness to 
 reach these choicedaisics. White 
 ones she had seen before grow- 
 ing sometimes on the edge of the 
 towing-path, but never such 
 large pink-tipped beauties as these. 
 Bab was in raptures of delight. 
 She sat and looked at them ; then 
 stooped and kissed them ; and 
 when at last she began to pluck 
 them, she diditmost carefully ana 
 gently, for fear of spoiling the lit- 
 tle fringe of delicate pink and 
 white leaves. 
 But after gathering a bunch of 
 these, the unwonted exertion and 
 fresh air made Bab feel so drowsy, 
 she was glad to lie down on the 
 grass, and before she had time to 
 do more than place hor flowers 
 carelully beside her, &ho was fust 
 How long she slept she did not 
 know ; she was too much 
 astonished when she first 
 woke to think of anything 
 but her strange surroundings, 
 until it slowly dawned upon her 
 that Molly had said she would 
 bringher dinner,and she suddenly 
 became aware that she was very 
 hungry. Then she picked up her 
 flowers, and was surprised to sec 
 how they hung down their heads. 
 Had she only known it, this would 
 have been sufficient to tell her she 
 had been asleep several hours ; 
 but she did not understand why 
 they had withered. She did 
 wisli, however, that Molly would 
 bring her dinner, and at la.%t 
 gathered up her flowers, ant^ 
 began to shuffle towards the fence 
 again, that she might put her head 
 through the gap, and look down 
 the lane for her sister. But it 
 was not easy to find the place 
 where she had got into the field. 
 The rail had slipped back into its 
 place, and one looked exactly like 
 another, so that the poor child 
 soon grew quite bewildered in 
 her eflbrts to find the loose rail as 
 she scudled up and down the side 
 of the field, pushing first one and 
 then another, and trying to 
 squeeze hor head between the 
 bars to get a peep down the lane. 
 At last she grew so utterly 
 weary of her fruitless effor's that ' 
 she burst into tears, crying, j 
 " Molly ! Molly ! why don't yer | 
 come?" Then she looked all' 
 round, growing more frightened] 
 every minute.nntil she remember- [ 
 ed that through the rails at the 
 bottom she could see the canal 
 and boat, and this gave her fresh 
 courage ; she would make her 
 way to the bottom of the field, 
 and call Molly, and if she could 
 not make her sister hoar, some- 
 body else would be on the tow- 
 ing-path, and go to the barge and 
 tell her. So drying her eyes, and 
 gathering up her flowers once 
 more, she set off" on hor weary 
 scuffle to the other end of the 
 field, pausing mar.y times to rest 
 on her way, and wondering all the 
 time why Molly had not come to 
 bring her dinner, and fetch her 
 back to the boat. 
 At last, after a journey that 
 seemed very long indeed to poor 
 Bab, unaccustomed as she was to 
 moving about by herself, the fence 
 ac the bottom of the field was 
 reached, and dragging horself up 
 on her knees, she looked eagerly 
 through at the canal ; but to 
 hor dismay, there was not a barge 
 to be seen, and the towing-path 
 was quite deserted. Poor Bab 
 dropped back on the grass, too 
 terror-stricken to cry at first. 
 What she had lived in dread of for 
 so long — what Molly had so often 
 promised to protect her from —had 
 happened at last : her fathei had 
 left her behind ; the boat had 
 gone away without her. She 
 looked around the wide green 
 field in helpless bewilderment ; 
 then peeped through the fence 
 once more, unable to believe as 
 yet that Molly— her Molly, who 
 had been so kind to her— had 
 really forsaken her. 
 But there was no room left for 
 doubt as she gazed once more at 
 the black sluggish water of the 
 canal, for there was neither barge 
 nor steam-tug to be seen ; and at 
 last, wildly crying, "Molly! 
 Molly ! Molly ! " poor Bab sank 
 down upon the grass again, and 
 burst into agonizing tears. She 
 cried for some time, now and then 
 calling, " Molly ! Molly !" but she 
 grew quiet at last, except for an 
 occasional seb, until she fell asleep 
 from weariness and exhaustion. 
 She slept for some time, and, when 
 ehe woke she knew by the look of 
 the sun that nighi. was drawing 
 near ; yet she no longer felt so terri- 
 bly afraid of being alone; astrange 
 sweet peace came over her. All 
 she had heard at the mission-room 
 that Sunday evening came back 
 to her mind with renewed fresh- 
 ness, and she sang softly to her- 
 sell, " Jesus loves me, Jesus loves 
 me." And then some words she 
 had heard that night, but which 
 she had scarcely thought of since 
 until now, arose in her memory. 
 The missionary had said if any 
 one was in trouble, and wanted 
 God to help then. He would al- 
 ways be willing to do it if they 
 would only ask Him ; and then he 
 had explained in a few simple 
 words what prayer was. Bab 
 remembered it all now, and sitting 
 there on the grass, she put her lit- 
 tle hands together, and added, 
 " Please .lesus take care on me 
 and let Molly come back soon 
 Mother axed God to look arter mo 
 the night she died, but He 
 couldn't then, 'cos He wanted 
 me to 'member things for Molly 
 and Jack ; and I want ter be 
 God's gal, and do His work for 
 Molly and Jack and the donkeys, 
 though I ain't good enuf for a 
 boater, 'cos o' iny legs. Please, 
 Jesus, take care on me somehow, 
 for I'm hungry, and it's getting 
 dark, and I don't like being out 
 in the dark ; so please let Molly 
 come soon, and take me back to 
 the boat." Bab did not know 
 what more to say, so she sat 
 quietly looking round the field, as 
 if expecting to see Molly at once. 
 She was used to sitting still, and 
 she sat and waited for half an 
 hour without moving. Then, with 
 a little sigh, she loolfed once more 
 at the canal, saying softly to her- 
 self, " The boat's gone, but 
 Molly'll come back for me ; so 
 I'll go and find the place, and be 
 all ready for her when she 
 There was no doubt in her 
 mind about her sister coming back 
 now. She had done wha^ siie 
 had been told to do — she had ask- 
 ed God to take care of her — and of 
 course Molly would come and tell 
 her how it was the boat had gone 
 without her. The daisies had shut 
 up their sleepy eyes by this time, 
 and Bab had no heart to keep 
 what she had gathorod ; so she 
 loft them behind as she started 
 off once more in search ut the 
 loose rail where she had got into 
 the field. 
 (To b4 Cjntinued.) 
 Many young persons are ever 
 thinking over some new way of 
 adding to their pleasures. Ihey 
 always look for chances for more 
 " fun," more joy. 
 Once there was a wealthy and 
 powerful king, full of care and 
 very unhappy. Ho heard of a 
 man famed for his wisdom and 
 piety, and found him in a cave on 
 the borders of a wilderness. 
 " Holy man," said the king, " I 
 come to learn how I may become 
 Without making a reply, the 
 wise man led the king over a 
 a rough path until he brought him 
 to a high rock, on the top of which 
 an eagle had built her nost. 
 " Why has the eagle built hor 
 nest yonder ?" 
 " Doubtless," answered the 
 king, " That it may be out of 
 " Then imitate the bird," said 
 the wise man. " Build thy home 
 in heaven, and thon thou shalt 
 have peace and happiness." 

 A Story of Canal Barge Life. 
 (AmUut of " EUt>$Ut ifbuM," etc.) 
 Chapter V, 
 new friends. 
 The slanting rays of the setting 
 snn were shining into a pleasant 
 little room where a lady sat with 
 her hands folded and her eyes 
 resting on a pair of soiled faded 
 blue shoes — baby shoes, that no 
 little feet wore now. The tears 
 fell silently from the lady's oyes 
 as she gazed at them, murmuring, 
 " My darling would have 
 been seven years old to- 
 day if she had lived. Five 
 years has she been with 
 Ot d now, and no little feet 
 will make music in o'- 
 home again ;" and the lad^« 
 covered her face with he: 
 hands, and her tears fell 
 faster than ever. 
 She did nof hear the door 
 open, but the next minute 
 a voice said — " My wife 
 will not grudge giving up 
 her sweet flower when she 
 knows it is but transplant- 
 ed to God's garden above." 
 " I am afraid I do, I am 
 afraid I do," sobbed the 
 lady. "There are so many 
 children in the world that 
 could be better spared 
 than ours — our only one." 
 " Hush, hush, my dear, 
 we know not yet why 
 God has taken our darling 
 from us, but we may rest 
 assured that it was done 
 in tenderest love — love to 
 her and love to us. But, 
 come now, my dear, I want 
 you to put on your bonnet 
 and go with me for a drive 
 this evening. I have a 
 putient at the other end of 
 the town I must see again 
 to-night, and as it is such a 
 pleasant evening, the drive 
 will do you good." 
 The lady looked once 
 more at the little shoes be- 
 fore she folded them in the 
 silver paper to put away ; 
 then, having carefully 
 locked them up, she went 
 and put on her bonnet. 
 The gig stood at the door 
 when she came down, and 
 her husband was waiting 
 to help her in, and soon they 
 were driving through the town, 
 and out by the canal, which was 
 a mile or two beyond. 
 " How beautiful that field of 
 buttercups looks," said the lady. 
 " Yea, that ' canal held' always 
 makes a good show," remarked 
 the doctor, as he gazed across at 
 it. " Why, there's a child there!" 
 he suddenly exclaimed, " How 
 can she have got in ?" 
 " I don't see any child," said 
 Mrs. Ellis. 
 " Whoa, ' Jennie,' " said the 
 doctor, drawing the reins. " Look 
 1 1 there, my dear, down by the fence, 
 at the cido, there's a child lying 
 on the grass " 
 " Suppose we go and see abcut 
 it, then," said :ae lady ; "perhaps 
 the poor little thing cannot get 
 So Jennie's head was turned 
 towards the lane, and when they 
 were near the spot where poor 
 iSab was lying, the doctor got 
 down and went close to the 
 " What are yon doing there, 
 my child ?" he asked, in a gentle 
 .ja started, and sat up, her 
 ct bl '■yes filling with tears 
 as sho said—" God ain't sent 
 field and left you here ?" asked 
 tly doctor. 
 Bab nodded. " She went to 
 get my dinner and she'll come 
 soon now." 
 "Poor child, poor child," said 
 the gentleman, stepping back to 
 speak to his wife, who still sat in 
 .he chaise. 
 "My dear, the poor child is 
 deserted, I feel certain. She 
 belongs to some of those barge 
 people, and they have put her in- 
 to the field and gone off and left 
 " Oh, how dreadful !" exclaimed 
 the lady. " What will become of 
 her ? She cannot stay there all 
 Molly yet." " Who is Molly ?" 
 asked the doctor. 
 " She's Molly, and she's gone 
 away in the boat , but I's axed 
 Uod to take care on me, and so 
 Molly'U come soon," said Bab. 
 " Is Molly your mother ?" ask- 
 ed the gentleman. 
 Bab opened her eyes at the 
 question. " Mother's gone to ax 
 God to take care on me," she 
 " But Molly is a boater, ( sup- 
 pose ?" 
 " Yes, she's a loat-raie boater," 
 said Bab. 
 " And she brought yon to this 
 night." " No, certainly not. My 
 dear, I wish you would iret down 
 and speak to her," said the gentle- 
 Mrs. Ellis soon made her way 
 to the fence, and put her hand 
 through, thinking the child would 
 come to meet her. But Bab only 
 opened her large blue eyes a little 
 wider at the unwonted spectacle, 
 for sho had never seen a lady be- 
 fore, and Mrs. Ellis' gloves and 
 pretty spring bonnet were things 
 almost incomprehensible to Bab. 
 " Sund up and come to me," 
 said Mrs. Bllis, still holding out 
 her hand. 
 But Bab shook her head. "My 
 legs ain't no good," she said. " I 
 ain't no good neither, only to help 
 " What does the child mean ?" 
 said Mrs. Ellis, turning to her 
 " Are you lame, little one ? 
 Can't yon walk ?" asked the 
 Bab again shook her head. 
 " Molly carried me here," she 
 " And we must get you out 
 somehow, that's certain," said the 
 doctor, speaking partly to himself 
 and partly to his wife. " Do you 
 know where the gate is?" he ask- 
 ed Bab. 
 She shook her head. 
 " There ain't no gate ; 
 Molly found a hole — one 
 o' these things moves, " said 
 " There is a rail loose, 
 she means," said the 
 doctor. " Do you know 
 where the hole is V he 
 Bab shuffled along for a 
 little distance, with her 
 eyes fixed upon the fence, 
 the gentleman keeping 
 pace with her on the other 
 side. " I was going to see 
 if there was another barge 
 come, but I found the hole 
 fust," said Bab ; and in a 
 minute or two she spied 
 the loose rail again, and 
 exclaimed, " There it is, 
 there it is !'' 
 Mr. Ellis pushed it aside, 
 and said — " Now we will 
 soon have you out. Come 
 along, 'little one ; I'll lift 
 you over." 
 But Bab drew back as 
 the doctor held out his 
 arms. " Molly'll come 
 presently," she said — " I'm 
 a-waiting for Molly." 
 The doctor shook his 
 head. "Poor child," he 
 said, " I'm afraid you 
 won't see Molly any more, 
 for she's gone away in the 
 barge and left yon." 
 " But the man said as 
 God 'ud take care on me, 
 if I axed Him," said Bab; 
 " and I did, an' I'm wait- 
 ing for Molly now." 
 " But suppose God has 
 sent me to take care of you 
 instead of Molly ?" said 
 the doctor, glancing at his 
 wife, who stood close by his side. 
 " God has sent us to you, dear 
 child," said the lady, hastily wip- 
 ing away the tears that had 
 gathered in her eyes ; and gently 
 pushing aside her hus'band, she 
 stooped down and held out her 
 arms through the gap in the fence. 
 " Come to me dear," she said ; 
 " Qod. has xent me to you, I am 
 " But why didn't He send 
 Molly ? I axed Him to send 
 Molly," said Bab, beginning to 
 " God does not always send as x 
 the very thing we ask for, but He j | 
-«HB| jH9 
 ir head. "My 
 she said. " I 
 r, only to help 
 child mean ?" 
 ning to her 
 , little one? 
 ' asked the 
 k her head, 
 e hete," she 
 get yon out 
 tain," said the 
 rtly to himself 
 fe. *' Do you 
 teis?" heask- 
 k her head. 
 I't no gate ; 
 . a hole — one 
 « moves," said 
 a rail loose, 
 ," said the 
 )o you know 
 hole is 1" he 
 ed along for a 
 ce, with her 
 )on the fence, 
 lan keeping 
 !r on the other 
 u going to see 
 another barge 
 found the hole 
 lab ; and in a 
 wo she spied 
 il again, and 
 " There it is, 
 ushed it aside. 
 Now we will 
 I'll lift 
 >u out. 
 one ; 
 Irew back as 
 beld out his 
 olly'll come 
 e said — " I'm 
 shook his 
 child," he 
 afraid yon 
 5lly any more, 
 e away in the 
 't you." 
 man said as 
 care on me, 
 said Bab ; 
 an' I'm wait- 
 )ose God has 
 ie care of you 
 lolly ?" said 
 ancing at his 
 by his side. 
 to you, dear 
 hastily wip- 
 s that had 
 ; and gently 
 usband, she 
 leld out her 
 in the fence. 
 " she said ; 
 to you, I am 
 t He send 
 im to send 
 eginning to 
 /ays send us 
 for, but He 
 often gi\'eg us somethip<; better, 
 though we may not think 80 at the 
 tim«. Ton are disappclnted, dear 
 child, that Molly has not come to 
 you ; but you will come to us, and 
 let UB take care of you instead ?" 
 " Did Qod really send you ?" 
 asked Bab. 
 " Yes, dear, I feel sure He did ; 
 and you will come with us, won't 
 you r 
 Bab nodded. "Till Molly 
 comes," she said; andsheshuflSed 
 forward to the gap, and allowed 
 herself to be lifted through with- 
 out any further demur. 
 " We must take her home with 
 us," said the lady, turning to her 
 husband, and speaking quite 
 decidedly. " I feel as though God 
 had spoken with an audible voice, 
 and said, 'Take this child and 
 nurse it for Me.' " 
 " Then we will take her home 
 at once, dear," said the doctor ; 
 and helping his wife into the 
 chaise.-he wrapped his light over- 
 coat round Bab, and lifted her up 
 Poor Bab was too tired and 
 hungry to wonder much about all 
 this. She lay still in Mrs. Ellis's 
 arms occasionally opening her 
 eyes and looking up at her new 
 friend's gentle face ; but she 
 scarcely moved until the town was 
 reached and she caught sight of a 
 baker's shop. Mrs. Ellis, who was 
 watching her little pale face, saw 
 the look that came into her eyes at 
 the sight of the bread, she whis- 
 pered, " Are you hungry, dear." 
 ' Not much ; I can wait," said 
 Bab patiently. 
 "To be sure the child is 
 hungry," said Mr. Ellis, stopping 
 the horse. " I remember she told 
 me this Molly was to bring her 
 some dinner, so of course she ha9 
 had nothing to eat all day." 
 " What shall I get for her, my 
 dear ?" 
 " Some light biscuits and milk 
 will be best. If she eats a little 
 now we may give her a proper 
 meal before she goes to bed." 
 So the biscuits and milk were 
 bought, and poor Bab would have 
 eaten them much faster than was 
 good for her, for she was very 
 hungry ; but when Mrs. Ellis told 
 her she must eat them slowly at 
 first, just a little bit at a time, 
 she did exactly as she was told, 
 although she >vould have liked to 
 have put the biscuits into her 
 mouth one after the other as fast 
 as she could, she was so hungry. 
 Before they reached home Bab 
 had finished her meal, and was 
 fast asleep, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis 
 were discussing what they had 
 better do with the child 
 Tho first thing to be provided 
 was clothes ; for the lady had 
 noticed that those Bab had on 
 were very dirty, as well as ragged, 
 and she had made up her mind 
 to burn them at once ; but the 
 doctor said, " No, no, my dear, the 
 clothes must not be destroyed. 
 Her friends mav come in search 
 of her, and the clothes might prove 
 useful in identifying her." 
 " Do you really think they will 
 to take her away from us?" 
 the lady, anxiously. " She 
 has beer to wofully neglected, 
 you see."' 
 " No, I don't think her friends 
 will ever trouble themselves about 
 her again. Her mother is dead, 
 you see, and the child being lame 
 would always be a burden upon 
 the father. I am almost certain I 
 have seen the child's face before 
 somewhere. Her pathetic blue 
 eyes struck me as familiar the 
 moment I saw them, but I cannot 
 recall where I have seen her. 
 No, dear, we had better keep her 
 old clothes ; but what will you do 
 about getting new ones ?" 
 " I think I will go and speak to 
 Mrs. Wilson as soon as I get 
 home. She may be able to lend 
 me a few of Lena's old things, 
 until she is claimed or I can buy 
 her new ones. Oh, I do hope no 
 one will want to take her from us 
 again, for I have learned to love 
 her already ; she is such a sweet 
 little thing." 
 " Very unlike most boaters' 
 children, certainlj," said Mr. Ellis, 
 " and I don't think she is likely 
 to be claimed ; but still, we must 
 leave that in God's hands, and do 
 what we can for her while we 
 have her. I wonder where she 
 has learned that God would take 
 care of her ; for these barge people 
 are such a dreadful set, and so 
 ignorant that they have seemed 
 Myond hope of reclaiming." 
 "Well, somebody has taught 
 this poor little mite to believe that 
 God loves her, and will take care 
 of her, and I am glad of it ; and 
 it maybe the rest are not so hope- 
 lessly bad as they seem. Here we 
 are at home !" exclaimed Mrs. 
 Ellis, as Jennie stopped at the 
 doctor's gate. He jumped down 
 and took the child from his wife's 
 arms, and then helped her to 
 " I'll walk on to Mrs. Wilson's 
 at once, if you will take her in and 
 put her on the sofa, I won't be 
 fone long, and when I come back 
 will give her a bath before I put 
 her in clean clothes." 
 Mrs. Ellis would not ask her 
 servants to do this for Bab at first, 
 for they might not like it, and 
 moreover, she w'anted the child to 
 feel that she had taken a mother's 
 place towards her. She soon came 
 back from her friend's with the 
 requisite change of clothes, and 
 Bab was undressed, Mrs. Ellis ex- 
 pecting to find her very dirtv ; 
 but to her surprise she found she 
 had been well cared for in this 
 respect, dirty and ragged as her 
 clothes were, and that there would 
 be no need to cut off her hair. 
 Molly had washed her and comb- 
 ed and brushed her hair she 
 heard, and she was more puzzled 
 than ever, seeing this evidence of 
 Molly's care, to account for her 
 being left in the field. 
 Bab was puzzled, too, that Mollv 
 did not come; but she was so much 
 occunied in looking at all the 
 strange things around ker, she 
 had not much time to think about 
 Molly now. After her bath she 
 was arrayed in a pretty white- 
 frilled nightdress that to Bab was 
 such a marvel of beauty that she 
 did not like to go to bed in it, for 
 fear of spoiling it. Then the house 
 itself seemed a wilderness of 
 rooms, and each room so much 
 beyond anything Bab had seen be- 
 fore, that the whole was like 
 what a palace in fabled fairyland 
 would be to an ordinary child. 
 When she was ready for bed a 
 servant brought a basin of bread 
 and milk for her ; but Bab could 
 scarcely eat it for looking at the 
 wonderful things around her, all 
 so unlike the dirty little cabin that 
 had always been her home. 
 Mrs. Ellis certainly expected 
 to see her kneel down, or put her 
 hands together in prayer, before 
 going to bed; but the child 
 evidently knew nothing about 
 this, and looked up in her friend's 
 face in wondering amazement 
 when she said, " Won't you say 
 your prayers, my dear ?" 
 "What are prayers?" asked 
 " My dear, you know quite well, 
 for you told me yon nad been 
 praying to Gh>d to take care of 
 you when you were in the field." 
 But Bab shook her head. "I 
 don't know what prayers is,'' she 
 said. , 
 "But, my dear, you told me 
 you had been asking Gtod to take 
 care of you when you were in the 
 field," said Mrs. Ellis. 
 " Oh yes ; the man said as Jesus 
 loved us and 'ud take care on us, 
 if we only axed him ; and I did, 
 and then He told you to come 
 and get me out." 
 " Well, my dear, asking God 
 for anything is praying," said Mrs. 
 Ellis ; " And God likes us to ask 
 Him every day for what we 
 " But I ain't in the field now, 
 and I don't want nothing, only 
 Molly," argued Bab. 
 •' Well, dear, but wouldn't you 
 like to thank God for taking care 
 of you, and bringing you here ?" 
 " I dunno yet ; but I want 
 Gt>d to take care o' Mollv and 
 Jack.and the donkeys. God loves 
 donkeys as well as bioaters," added 
 " Then you should ask God to 
 take care of these friends;" and 
 Mrs. Ellis taught the little girl 
 how to kneel and put her hands 
 together, but let her use her own 
 words of prayer, for she felt they 
 would be more real to her than any 
 form of words that she could teach, 
 at least for the present. 
 (To bt Gontmued.) 
 35 T 
 The chisel vraa employed for 
 inscribing on stone, wood, and 
 metal. It was so sharpened as to 
 suit the material operated on, and 
 was dexterously handled by all 
 early artists. "The style, a sharp- 
 pointed instrument ofmetol, ivory, 
 or bone, was used for writing on 
 wax tablets. The style was un- 
 suitable for holding a Unid,hence a 
 species of reed was employed for 
 writing on parchment. These 
 styles and reeds were carefully 
 kept in cases, and the writer* had 
 a sponge, knife and pumice stone, 
 compasses for measuring, scissors 
 for cutting, a puncheon to point 
 out the beginning and the end of 
 each lino intc columns,a glass con- 
 taining Ban*d, and another with 
 writing fluid. These were the 
 chief implements used for 
 centuries to register facts and 
 events. Reeds continued to be 
 used till the eighth century ,though 
 quills were known in the middle 
 of the seventh. The earliest 
 author who uses the word penna 
 for a writing pen is Isadorus, who 
 lived in that century ; and toward 
 thn end of it a Latin sonnet, " To a 
 Pen," was written by an Anglo- 
 Saxon. But though quills were 
 known at this period, they came 
 into general use very slowly ; for 
 in 1433 a present of a bundle of 
 quills was sent from Venice by a 
 monk with a letter in which he 
 says : " Show this bundle to 
 Brother Nicolas, that he may 
 choose a quill." The only other 
 material to which we would refer 
 is ink, the composition and colors 
 of which werevarious. The black 
 was made of burnt ivory and the 
 liquor of the cuttle fish. We are 
 not prepared to say what other 
 ingredient was used, or how it 
 was manufactured, but these 
 ancient manuscripts prove that 
 the ink was of a superior descrip- 
 tion. Red, purple, silver, and 
 gold inks were used. The red 
 was made from vermilion and 
 carmine, the purple from the 
 murex, and the manufacture of 
 these, especially the gold and 
 silver varieties, was an extensive 
 andlucrative business. — Chambers' 
 The cow-bunting of New 
 England never builds a nest. The 
 female lays her eggs in the nests of 
 those birds whose young feed like 
 her own on insects and worms, 
 taking care to deposit but one egg 
 in a nest. A cow-bunting deposit- 
 ed an egg in the nost of a spar- 
 row, in whigh was one egg of the 
 latter. On the sparrow's return 
 what was to be done ? She could 
 not get out tho egg which belong- 
 ed to her, neither did she wish to 
 desert her nest, so nicely prepared 
 for her own young. What did 
 she do ? After consultation with 
 her husband, they fixed on their 
 mode of procedure. They built a 
 bridge of straw and hair directly 
 overthe two eggs, making a second 
 story in the home, thus leaving 
 the two eggs below out of tho 
 reach of the warmth of her body. 
 In the upper apartment she laid 
 four eggs, and reared her four 
 children. In the museum at 
 Salem, Mass., may be seen this 
 nest, with two eggs imprisoned 
 below. — Evangelist. 
 A Story of Canal Barge Life 
 " To 
 sing ?" " To the towing-path, 
 my dear !" exclaimed the lady. 
 " Wh«t do vou mean ?" 
 " Why, there's lots of boaters 
 that want to learn hymn8,only they 
 can't," said Bab ; nnd then she 
 told Mrs Ellis of that Sunday she 
 spent at the wharf waitint^ and 
 watching for some one to come 
 nnd teach her a hymn, or tell her 
 that God would take care of her, 
 The tears rose to the lady's eyes 
 as she listened to Bab's account 
 ot how Molly had coaxed Jack 
 Knives and forks, to hurry.the donkeys on, that they 
 saucers, spoons and might spend the Sunday at the 
 " But, my dear," said Mrs. Ellis, 
 " you can learn to sing hymns 
 here, and we are going to take you 
 to church with us next Sunday. 
 I was talking to the doctor about 
 it only yesterday, and he thinks 
 you may go with us now." 
 " But I want to go to the tow- 
 ing-path as well," said Bab, '■ 'cos 
 Molly is going to be there." 
 The lady looked at tlie child, 
 wondering whether she could 
 have seen or heard from her sister 
 lately, but judging that such a 
 thing was quite impossible she 
 said — " My dear, your sister is not 
 {Author of " ElUnlic Hmm," tic.) 
 Chapter VI. 
 My readers may perhaps expect 
 to hear that Bab was wonderfully 
 happy in her new home, but it 
 was not so. She felt lost and be- 
 wildered by her strange sur 
 cups and 
 plates, were a burden to poor Bab, I wharf, and how bitter the disap-j likely to come to this neighbor 
 who had been used to make hcrlpointmentwas when noonocamt hood — come near here, I mean." 
 own fingers do duty for 
 all these. So also were 
 the chairs and couches, for 
 •he had been used to 
 crouch in the corner by the 
 cabin-window, and keep 
 her unfortunate little legs 
 out of sight as much as 
 possible ; but now she was 
 told she must not double 
 her legs under her, bni 1 
 flat on her back as mr<' 
 as possible, for the doctor 
 hoped that with care she 
 might outgrow tlie \"eak- 
 ness that had caused T 'i 
 lameness, as there was n. 
 malformation of the limbs. 
 Then Bab's different 
 clothes were anything but 
 an unmitigated pleasure 
 to her, not that she delight- 
 ed in dirt.bnt the few loose 
 rags she had always worn 
 were to her far more com- 
 fortable than the pretty, 
 neat little frocks, that fitted 
 her so closely, and which 
 she was in constant fear of 
 spoiling. But, by degrees, 
 this uncomfortable sense of 
 having clothes on, began 
 to wear off, and then the 
 doctor and Mrs. Ellis were 
 so kind that Bab at length 
 commenced to enjoy some 
 things in her new life. 
 She liked learning to read 
 and to sew, but her 
 especial delight was to lie 
 on the couch, listening to 
 Mrs. Ellis when she play- 
 ed the piano, and sang 
 some simple hymns. Bab 
 was very quick at learn- 
 ing these, too. She had 
 soon learned all the words 
 of " Jesiis loves me," and 
 several others, and would 
 join Mrs. Ellis in singing them to sing or preach. "Oh dear, 
 whenever they were by them- how shocking ! I will talk to the 
 selves, for she had soon lost all doctor about it as soon as he comes 
 fear of the gentle lady, who was home," said the lady, 
 so kind and loving to her,although 
 she was still rather shy of the 
 In this way some weeks nossed. 
 Nothing was heard of Molly, and 
 Bab so seldom mentioned her 
 now, that her friends began to 
 But couldn't we go now ?" 
 said Bab ; " there's sure to be a 
 lot of boats tied up, and it's sing- 
 ing boaters like best." 
 " I'll tiilk to the doctor," replied 
 Mrs. Ellis, " when he comes home, 
 and I fi.'el sure he will go himself 
 hope she was gradually forgetting .or get sombody to go next Sunday 
 her old life, until one evening, | and have a service for the 
 when they had been singing as. boaters." 
 usual, Bab started up all at once, "And you'll ask him to take 
 and exclaimed—" Couldn't we go me, won't you ?" said Bab, coax- 
 down to the towing-path and'ingly. 
 "Oh, yes, she will !" said Bab, 
 confidently. " You told me to 
 pray to God about Molly, and I 
 have, and He's sure to send her 
 to mo soon ; so I must go to the 
 towing-path, and be ready for 
 Mrs. Ellis looked a little disap- 
 pointed OS Bab said this. 
 "My dear Barbara, are you not 
 happy here ?" she asked, anxious- 
 ly. " Would you like to go away 
 and leave me now ?" 
 This view of the matter was 
 apparently a new one to Bab. 
 She had never thought that to 
 go with Molly she must leave her 
 new friend. She raised herself 
 from the couch where she had 
 been lying, and held out her arms 
 towards Mrs. Ellis ; and when 
 the lady seated herself beside her, 
 she flung her arms round her neck 
 and burst into tears. " I can't — I 
 can't go away from you, "she said; 
 " and maybe father wouldn't let 
 me go on the boat now, 'cos he 
 always was wanting to lose me. 
 But I must see Molly— oh, I must 
 see Molly ?" 
 " My dear, you shall see her if 
 we can find her," said Mrs. Ellii^, 
 scarcely knowing what she said, 
 in her anxiety to comfort the poor 
 " You'll take me to the 
 towing-path, or else to the 
 field, won't you? 'cos. Molly 
 is sure to come and look 
 for me there." 
 " Who is that wants to 
 go back to the held again 
 — not my little Barbara, 
 surely ?" said the cheerful 
 voice of the doctor, who 
 had entered the room in 
 time to hear Bab's last 
 " I want Molly, please ; 
 I want you to take 
 me to Moll y," said 
 the little girl, in an im- 
 ploring tone, but still 
 clinging fast to Mrs. Ellis. 
 "Why, what is this ? we 
 have not heard anything 
 about Molly for a long 
 time," said the gentleman, 
 seating himself on the sofa 
 beside his wife. 
 " I've been asking God 
 all the time to bring Molly 
 back, and I know she'll 
 come spon, if we go and 
 sing on the towing-path, 
 'cos she likes singing, Molly 
 does, and she wanted to 
 hear the man at the wharf, 
 like I did." 
 Then Mrs. Ellis told her 
 husband what she had 
 heard from Bab about her 
 and Molly waiting all day 
 for some one to hold a 
 mission service at the 
 wharf, and how they had 
 watched and waited in 
 vain. 'Poor little Bab! If I 
 had only known it, I would 
 have come myself and talk- 
 ed to you, and sang to you," 
 said the doctor.kissiug her. 
 " There's a lot more 
 boaters left," said the 
 " Not many like you, my little 
 Barbara, I think." 
 " I ain't no good for a boater ; 
 but there's lots that ain't heard 
 about Jesus loving them. Won't 
 you go and singtnem that hymn 
 what tells 'em about it ?" asked 
 Bab, anxiously. 
 "She wanted me to go tonight 
 and sing to these poor children," 
 said Mrs. Ellis, smiling. 
 " Well, we can hardly go to- 
 night, my little Barbara, but I will 
 certainly see if anything can be 
 done for these poor barge children, 
 and without delay, too. I think I 
 ink I \\\ 
 raised herself 
 rhere she had 
 d out her arms 
 8 ; and when 
 self beside her, 
 round herneck 
 I. " I can't— I 
 yea, "she said; 
 r wouldn't let 
 ; now, 'cos he 
 ig to lose me. 
 ly — oh, I must 
 shall see her if 
 laid Mrs. Ellis 
 vbat she said, 
 imfort the poor 
 ake me to the 
 , or else to the 
 OH? 'cos, Molly 
 ime and look 
 that wants to 
 he field again 
 little Barbara, 
 d the cheerful 
 ( doctor, who 
 1 the room in 
 ar Bab's last 
 Molly, please ; 
 'ou to take 
 oil y," said 
 irl, in an im- 
 le, but still 
 to Mrs. Ellis, 
 tiat is this ? we 
 eard anything 
 Y for a long 
 he gentleman, 
 elf on the sofa 
 in asking God 
 .0 bring Molly 
 know she'll 
 f we go and 
 singing, Molly 
 ) wanted to 
 at Ihe wharf, 
 Ellis told her 
 lat she had 
 lab about her 
 aiting all day 
 le to hold a 
 vice at the 
 ow they had 
 waited in 
 ittleBab! If I 
 Kn it, 1 would 
 self and talk- 
 sang to you," 
 ir.kissing her. 
 lot more 
 said the 
 ou, my little 
 for a boater ; 
 ain't heard 
 hem. Won't 
 n that hymn 
 it ?" asked 
 ogo to night 
 lor children," 
 ardly go to- 
 ra, but I will 
 hing can be 
 rge children, 
 |>o. I think I 
 have heard that a good muuv 
 boats stop here on Sunday. I will 
 make inquiries, and if so, I will 
 certainly try a little Sunday- 
 school or mitwion service down 
 there. Good-night, mv darling," 
 said the doctor, as the servant 
 came to carr>y Bab to bed. " We 
 will have a Sunday-school for the 
 little boat-children very soon." 
 And long after Bab was asleep, the 
 doctor and his wife sat talking of 
 this, and the little water waif that 
 bad been so strangely brought 
 under their care. 
 Mrs. Elli?' greatest dread was 
 that Bab should be claimed, and 
 the child's passionate longing for 
 Molly disturbed her a good deal ; 
 and when tile plans for beginning 
 a Sunday-school on the canal bank 
 had been discussed for some time, 
 she came back to this trouble 
 once more. " I should like to 
 know what sort of a girl this 
 Molly is," said the lady. 
 " We have not heard anything 
 our Barbara had forgotten all her 
 relations," said the doctor. 
 " She has thought about the an, 
 I fancy, although she has not talk- 
 ed of them," said Mrs. E'.lis. 
 " But now about this girl— this 
 Molly. I'am afraid the child will 
 never be happy until she h'.ars of 
 " But, my dear, I thoug it your 
 greatest fear was lest our little 
 waif should be claimed." said Mr. 
 " Well, yes, it is; and somehow 
 I feel sure this Molly did not leave 
 her in the field, intending to 
 desert her. She loved the child, 
 I am certain, and I should like 
 her to know she is safe and well 
 cared for." 
 " That she might come and take 
 her away from us— she would 
 have the right, you know, my 
 dear," said the doctor. 
 " Yes, I do know, and I am 
 afraid she would want the little 
 darling back," said Mrs. Ellis ; 
 " but still I have been thinking of 
 it all, and — and I do think 
 we ought to try and find her. 
 She loved our little Barbara be- 
 fore we did, and she will grieve 
 for her loss, perhaps as much as I 
 should, and I think she ought to 
 know where she is. Perhaps she 
 would let her stay with us, for 
 Bab says her father wanted to 
 lose her, she knows." 
 Mr. Ellis sat thinking for a few 
 minutes, and at last he said, " I 
 believe yon are right, my dear, 
 and I will make inquiries abont 
 this Uolly. Perhaps we ought to 
 have done so before." 
 " I think we ought ; I am sure 
 it is right we should do so now, 
 although it is hard to think we 
 have to give up the child to go 
 back to such a life ;" and the lady 
 sighed as she thought how much 
 Bab had improved already in 
 looks and speech, and how doubly 
 painful the dirt and misery of her 
 former lot would be to her now, 
 if she should have to go back and 
 live on the barge. "This is the 
 hardest thing I ever had to do, I 
 think," tfce said, after a minute's 
 silence ; " It seems like pushing 
 her back into misery, with my 
 own hands ; and yet it is right, I 
 feel sure it is right." 
 " And being so, our duty is 
 plain, and we muse trust in God 
 for the rest," said the doctor, yet 
 scarcely able to repress a sigh him- 
 self, as he thought of poor Bab ; 
 for if this Molly really loved the 
 child, she would certainly wani to 
 take her from them. 
 " What will you do ? where 
 will you make inquiries?" asked 
 Mrs Ellis, after a pause. 
 " I will try and ses the mon 
 who has charge of the lock to 
 morrow, and ask him if he has 
 heard anything of a chilit being 
 lost — ifa girl has 'uc^n rjakingin- 
 qniries for one." 
 " And you will tell him where 
 we found our little darling ?" 
 asked Mrs. Ellis. 
 " Certainly, my dear ; I must 
 tell him the whole affair, and 
 where the child may be found, if 
 any of tier friends should come 
 and inquire for her. We must do 
 that ; it ought to have been done 
 before ; and then, whatever the 
 result may be, we must believe it 
 will be for the best — the best for 
 Barbara as well as ourselves," said 
 the doctor. 
 He did not think much of poor 
 Mollv in the affair, as to what 
 would be best /or her ; but Bab 
 thought little of anybody else 
 except Moll^, and prayed for her 
 night and morning, that God 
 would take care of her and bring 
 her back soon. 
 She did not know of the in- 
 quiries that wore being made by 
 the doctor, until one day, when 
 she was sitting on Mrs. Ellis' 
 knee, the lady said, " Barbara, 
 my dear, we have heard some- 
 thing about Molly." 
 " Oh, where, where is she?' 
 asked Bab, tossing her curls back, 
 and looking round towards the 
 door, expecting to see Molly there. 
 " We have not seen her, my 
 dear, but we havb heard about 
 her," said the lad/, tenderly 
 smoothing back the long fair 
 curls, and kissing the little eager, 
 upturned face. " She came 
 back to. look for you in the SpUI, 
 and " 
 " I knew she would, I knew 
 she would." interrupted Bab, 
 eagerly. " I knew Molly would 
 come. Where is she now ?" she 
 suddenly asked. 
 " She went back to the barge, 
 we think. She asked the lock- 
 keeper if he had seen a litiio girl 
 —her little Bab she called you, so 
 that we know it must be Molly." 
 37 V 
 i m\ ht ^mmi 
 •• I ttakll iMMtUflad, whaa I awmlM, with Ukj lUunMa."-Pii. IT ; U 
 El. Nathah. Jambs McORAnAHAS. 
 1. Bool of mine, in carth-Iy tem-ple, Wliy not here con - tent •• bidef 
 2. Soul of mine, my heart is cling-ing To the earth's fair pomp and pride; 
 3. Soul of mine, ninst 1 sur • ren-der, See my-self aa em - ci - fied ; 
 4. Sonl of mine,con- tin-lie pleadine;Sin re-bnl(e, and fol - ly chide: 
 , , -r' r- r- rr -r^ ■ ■*■ ^ -r U r'. -r t r . t r-jgy . 
 Why art thou for • er - cr pleading? Why art thou not sat ■ is - fled? 
 Ah, why dost then thus re-prove me? Why art thou not sat - is - fied? 
 Tnmfromall of earth's am - bi-tion, That thou may'et be sat - is-fled? 
 I ac-ceptthe cross of Je • sns, That thou may 'st be sat - is - fled. 
 I Bhsll be sat-is fled, I shall be aatiified, 
 I shall be Bal-is-fled, I shall be aliiM, I shall be satisfied, < 
 When I a-wake in his likeness, I shall be sat-isfied, 
 I shall be sat-iBfied, 
 I shall be satis-ficd, When I awake in his like 
 I shall be satis-fled. I shall be satis-fled, 
 • Tba suthor hsn rsatorss this ekonii la in eriUBal Isna, wbloa ha racatds ss much Iwtlss. 
 " When did shs f^me ?" asked 
 the child. 
 " We think it must have bien 
 ihe day after we found you," said 
 Ihe lady. 
 " And I wasn't there— oh, why 
 wasn't I there, why didn't Molly 
 come here ?" and poor Bab burst 
 into tears at the bitter thoi.;jht ol 
 having missed her sister when 
 she came to search for her. 
 " Don't cry, my darling ; you 
 will see Molly some day soon, for 
 the lock-keeper has promised to 
 toll all the barge-people that a lit- 
 tle girl named Bab was found 
 here, and then when Molly hears 
 of it, she will come and ask him 
 again where you are, and he will 
 tell her where to find you." 
 Bab smiled through her tears. 
 " God will takecar« ; '''>"y, and 
 bring her to .-ne, . /'iv ' she 
 said ; " a'ld I'll o, > ,at a 
 dear mama you Hi" iien, 
 IE another thought 0'.'»i ' '■ sr, 
 she threw her arrp; i . • .. t ts. 
 Ellis' neck, and ex dauei » • ' I 
 can't go away with' t ^ -i t 
 Molly takes me, you';! cOia .ic 
 won't you ?" 
 Mrs. Ellis smiled as shv i '. t^e 
 I the eager little face. lU dea . 
 you forget I never ivt- on j 
 barge," she said. 
 "And you wo d i.-^i >t /i., !> 
 no, you woulun't lil .^ v,' • ( 
 , Bab, all .at once riimeni^ ••.■..g 
 something of the miisery of that 
 almost forgotten time. 
 "And you would not li! i it now, 
 my darling, I think,' said the 
 Itidy, a little anxiously. 
 Bab shook her head. She was 
 beginning to apprecin te the com- 
 forts and refinementfi of her new 
 home, and the thoug.'it of the dirty, 
 close little cabin made her shud- 
 der, as she thought of going back 
 to it. " What shall I do V" she 
 said. " Molly will want me to 
 go back, I know." 
 "We will ask God about it,dear, 
 and he will tell us what we 
 ought to do. We must do what 
 is right, you know, not what will 
 please us best." 
 Bab nodded, and then, after a 
 pause she said, " I wish Molly 
 wasn't a boater, and then she 
 could stay here ; but she's a first 
 rate boater, you know, and so she 
 wouldn't like it." 
 Bab eviiiently thought the 
 occupation of a boater superior 
 to till others, and Mrs. Ellis did 
 not attempt to correct this notion, 
 for she bad no idea of taking 
 Molly into her heart and home, as 
 she had taken this helpless little 
 waif and she could not raise 
 hopes of this, even to pacify Bab, 
 so she said " Now, my dear, we 
 will ask God to take care of us, and 
 manage this difficult business as 
 He sees to be best. Only I thought 
 you would like to know that 
 Molly had not forgotten you, as 
 we feared." 
 "I knew Molly hadn't forgot- 
 ten me. Molly won't forget poor 
 little Bab," said the chud, con- 
 ITo h* Oontinvtd.) 
 A Story of Canal Barge Life. 
 ^Aulhor of " EUarilit Hoim," 4U.) 
 Chapter YIL— holly's re- 
 Early in the aatamn a boat- 
 man's misaion-room waa opened 
 near the lock, for Dr. Ellis had 
 very soon interested some friends 
 in the neglected condition of the 
 poor boatera, and an effort was at 
 once made to do something to 
 remedy this ; and it was arranged 
 that the doctor and a few other 
 friends should in turn con- 
 duct a Sunday evening 
 service, tw well as an oc- 
 casional service during the 
 week, at the mission-room. 
 There was to be a Sunday- 
 school also for the children, 
 which Mrs. Ellis readily 
 agreed to manage, and she 
 promised that Bab should 
 go with her sometimes, to 
 help her with the singing ; 
 for the little girl was al- 
 most wild about this, and 
 could talk of little else now 
 than singing to the boat- 
 ers in the new school- 
 Bab was so happy and 
 so excited that she could 
 scarcely keep herself 
 from ringing aiond, "Jesus 
 loves me," as they drove 
 alon<^ the road ; and she 
 scarcely saw anything 
 they passed, in her 
 eagerness to reach the 
 new school-room and 
 witness the delight of the 
 boat children at her dear 
 mamma's singing ; for 
 Bab always called Mrs. 
 Ellis mamma now, and no 
 one seeing them together 
 would ever imagine they 
 could be anything else. 
 Bab was now so oc- 
 cupied in looking up into 
 her dear friend's gentle, 
 loving face, and forward 
 at the road along which 
 they were going, that she 
 never glanced aside at 
 the field where she had 
 last parted from Molly ; 
 or else she must have 
 seen the crouching figure 
 of a girl, dirty, unkempt, 
 and miserable-lookinii, 
 close to the fence where 
 Molly had found the broken 
 rail. Bnt the ragged heap 
 by the fence saw the chaise ap- 
 proaching, the bright, sunny-hair- 
 ed little girl between the lady and 
 gentleman, and a pair of shining, 
 eager eyes, looked out from the 
 tangles of unkempt hair, and fixed 
 their gaze upon the happy little 
 " It cant be, it can't be her," 
 muttered the girl, yet still keeping 
 her eyes fixed upon the child ; and 
 when the chaise passed she got up 
 and went after it as fast as she 
 [ was able. She did not try to run 
 up with it, but managed to keep 
 it in sight, until it stopped at the 
 raiasion-room, and she uw the 
 little girl carried in ; and then the 
 gentleman drove away again, the 
 ragged girl atill following, until 
 the atreets of the town were reach- 
 ed, and she aaw a poor man touch 
 hia hat t(Tthe doctor as the chaise 
 stopped. She followed the man 
 then down a side street for a few 
 yards, and touching him on the 
 shoulder, she said, " Do you know 
 that man in the little cart ?" She 
 spoke in an eager, anxious 
 whisper, and the man thought she 
 must he ill, and said so. 
 " Bnt that's the doctor, anre 
 only nodded her head and hurried 
 up the street and back b#the way 
 she had come, until she' reached 
 the miaaion-room. As she drew 
 near she could hear them singing 
 inside, and stopped to listen for a 
 minute ; then went on again, un- 
 til she reached one corner where 
 a window waa open, and here ahe 
 placed herself where she could 
 see and hear all that was goinv on 
 without herself being seen. How 
 bright and eager her eyes grew as 
 ahe peered cautiously into the 
 room, until at length her whole 
 face seemed to change with ita 
 glad look of wondering aurprise 
 and joy as she clasped her hands, 
 enough, and a kinder man never 
 lived than Dr. Ellis ; so yer need 
 not be afraid of speaking to him," 
 added the man, in a kind manner. 
 " Where does he live ?" asked 
 the girl eagerly. 
 " Yer going to see him at his 
 house, I s'pose? Well, yer go 
 right straight through the town 
 to Spring Road, and then yer'U 
 see his name on a brass plate on 
 the gate. ' Dr. Ellis, surgeon. ' Yer 
 can't mistake it," said the man. 
 The girl did not tell him that 
 she could not read, and there- 
 fore the doctor's brass plate would 
 be of little service to her ; she 
 murmuring — " Yea, it ia Bab ; it 
 is my Bab !" and completely 
 overcome by the joyful recogni- 
 tion, Molly sank down upon the 
 ground and burst into tears. 
 " I don't care for nothing 
 now," she murmured half aloud, 
 looking up when the singing 
 began again, and listening for 
 BaVs sweet little voice ; they've 
 took her and made a lady of her, 
 and that's just all poor Bab was 
 fit lor ; and ^ow I know she's 
 safe, why, V'! go away and 
 look arter somefin' for myself." 
 But Molly did not go away. 
 She seemed, however, to become 
 suddenly aware of her deplorable 
 appearance, and after watching 
 Mrs. EUia and Bab drive away in 
 the gig, ahe went down to the 
 canal bank, and contrived to waah 
 her face and smooth her hair, and 
 ahake a little of the dust out )f 
 her clothes ; ao that when the 
 evening service began ahe alip- 
 ped into the miaaion-room with 
 the other boatera without exciting 
 any attention. 
 The doctor conducted the 
 simple aervice, bnt of course ho 
 knew nothinff of Molly, and took 
 no notice of her ; bnt Molly was 
 greatly disappointed that Mrs. 
 Ellis and Bab did not come, 
 she had promised her- 
 self the pleasure of 
 having one last \ona look 
 at her little sister liefore 
 she went away, and she 
 could not pay much at- 
 tention either to the 
 prayers or singing for 
 thinking of this. 
 When the service was 
 over she crept out, and 
 the next morning started 
 on her travels ; but the day- 
 following she was back 
 again, and before the end 
 of the week Mr. Ellis 
 heard from the lock- 
 keeper that Molly waa 
 about the neighbourhood 
 " Then send her to me," 
 said the gentleman. 
 But, to the doctor's sur- 
 prise, another week pass- 
 ed, and he had heard no- 
 thing of Molly. 
 T n e weather had 
 changed during the last 
 few days, and was now so 
 cold and wet that no one 
 ventured out of doors, un- 
 less they were compelled 
 to go ; and when Dr. Ellis 
 entered his gate about 
 dusk one evening, and 
 saw a crouching figure 
 close to the drawing-room 
 window, he thought some 
 thief was taking advantage 
 of the darkness and the 
 weather to make himself 
 acquainted with his do- 
 mestic arrangement pre- 
 paratory to breaking into 
 the house. It was there- 
 fore with no light hand 
 that he seized upon the 
 intruder, but saw to 
 his astonishment, as he 
 dragged her from the shelter of 
 the shrubs to the gravel path, 
 that it was only a poor half- 
 drenched girl, instead of a man, as 
 he had supposed. 
 She was evidently astonished 
 at being dragged from her hiding- 
 place, and with an oath she 
 wrenched herself from his hold, 
 demanding who hs was, and 
 raising her hand in a threatening 
 attitude, as if to strike him. 
 Seeing her wretched, woe-begone 
 condition Mr. Ellis' heart was in- 
 stantly filled with pity, and he 
 said in a gentle tone, " What are 
 you doing at my windows such a 
 her deplorable '^ 
 kfter WKtching 
 drive away in 
 down to the 
 Ltrived to wash 
 1 her hair, and 
 le dust out >f 
 hat when the 
 9gan she Blip* 
 ion-room with 
 ithout exciting 
 ondncted the 
 t of course ho 
 ^olly, and took 
 t>nt Molly was 
 3d that Mrs. 
 d not cume, 
 >romi8ed her- 
 pleasnre of 
 last lonff look 
 e sister liefore 
 iway, and she 
 pay much at- 
 Iher to the 
 singing for 
 e service was 
 :rept out, and 
 lorning started 
 ils ; but the day 
 she was back 
 before the end 
 »ek Mr. Ellis 
 n the lock- 
 nt Molly was 
 snd her to me," 
 le doctor's sur- 
 ter week pass- 
 tiad heard no- 
 eather had 
 uring the last 
 nd was now so 
 et that no one 
 It of doors, nn- 
 ere compelled 
 when Dr. £llis 
 gate about 
 evening, and 
 ucbing figure 
 thought some 
 ;ing advantage 
 cness and the 
 make himself 
 with his do- 
 ngement pre- 
 breaking into 
 It was there- 
 to light hand 
 ed upon the 
 lut saw to 
 ment, as he 
 he shelter of 
 gravel path, 
 poor half- 
 id of a man, as 
 ly astonished 
 m her hiding- 
 in oath she 
 rom his hold, 
 i» was, and 
 a threatening 
 strike him. 
 , woe-begone 
 heart was in- 
 pity, and he 
 " What are 
 idows such a 
 night as this? Do yon want 
 <• Are you Dr. Ellis ?" asked 
 the girl, her hand suddenly drop- 
 ping at her side. 
 " Yes ; yon had better come in- 
 side, and tell me what you want," 
 said the doctor taking the key 
 from his pocket, and leading the 
 way to a side door. 
 But the girl did not follow. " I 
 don't want nothing," she said ; " I 
 only wanted to have a look at the 
 little gal inside there." And she 
 was moving towards the ^ate, but 
 " When did your mother die ? 
 Was it about a year ago in this 
 neighborhood ?" 
 " It warn't far from this lock," 
 said Molly. 
 " Then I had seen little Barbara 
 before. She cried to sit beside 
 her mothev when I came." 
 " YfS, that she did. She'd took 
 n notion thnt Uod was going to 
 send a messenger for her that 
 night, and thought she'd lost her 
 chance 'cos she went to sleep and 
 didn't see him." 
 " Poor little mite ; I am afraid 
 " Bab thought that Qod wanted 
 her to do some work for Him 
 fast," said Molly ; " and if it was 
 worth His while to look after a 
 poor boater gal like me, why I 
 think He did.^' 
 " Why should you speak of 
 yourself like that?" asked the doC' 
 the doctor's hand was laid upon 'jt was the messenger's fault, for I 
 her shoulder | might have seen that night that 
 " Do you know the little girl in ghe needed some one to befriend 
 there ?' he asked, guessing at i—- ■< 
 once that this was Molly come in 
 search of her sister. " Have you 
 seen her ?" 
 The girl nodded. " Yes, I've 
 seen her afore to-day," she said ; 
 " but I'll never come no more if 
 y er'll promise to take good care o' 
 Bab always." 
 " Then you are Molly, that our 
 little Barbara is so often talking 
 about. Yon must come in and 
 see her now, and let her know 
 you are safe." 
 But Molly only tried to drag 
 herself away. " No, no, I've 
 seen her," she said ; " and 
 I'll go away now, and never come 
 back any more." 
 " But why should you do that 
 my girl ?" said the gentleman. 
 " 'Cos Bab is happy, and I 
 couldn't do nothing for her like 
 you can, and so I don't want her 
 to know about boaters and me any 
 '' But Bab is very anxious to 
 know about you, and now you are 
 here you must come in and see 
 her. I am glad you do not want 
 to take her away from us." 
 " Take her away — take Bab 
 away when she's so happy, and 
 yer so good to her?" Molly spoke 
 almost with a sob, but she allow- 
 ed herself to be led into the house, 
 and followed the doctor into the 
 little surgery. 
 " Now, my girl, I should like 
 you to tell mo whether any one 
 else is likely to claim our little 
 using God's precious gift to you 
 as He would have you use it." 
 " Why, what can I do i" said 
 Molly. " Only tell me, yer'll see 
 whether I won't do it, just for 
 the chance o' seeing Bab some- 
 times, so as she won't be ashamed 
 on me." 
 " Very well, then, I will see 
 what can be done for you. And 
 now yon shall come and see Bab ; 
 or, stay, I will ask Mrs. Ellis to 
 Hnd you some dry clothes first, and 
 then I will bring Bab to yon '' 
 And Mr. Ellis went and called 
 his wife, and explained to her as 
 shortly as he could who was in 
 the surgery, and how she came 
 " And she does not want to take 
 the 'child Irom us !" exclaimed 
 the lady, in a tone of relief. "Oh, 
 I do hope Wo shall be able to help 
 the poor girl herself, if only for 
 " We must certainly do some- 
 thing for her, for she has the mak- 
 tor. " Boaters are as dear to God ! '»« "^ " ^of^ "J"^ »»*''« TT"""" "J 
 as any one else. The Lord Jesus ! !>"• »" «P''« "^ »J" roughness and 
 Christ died for you, as much as \ Jffno"nce. But now go and hnd 
 He died for me or any other per- ^" «»"»« «l°t''«»- "Py ^«"' 2"*^ 
 And now tell me about vour- 
 self How can I help you ?" 
 " Help me !" exclaimed Molly. 
 " Why, I'm a boater ; I ain't like 
 " You are not 
 certainly ; but still 
 take her to the kitchen fire, 
 while I go and tell Bab who is 
 A change of clothes was soon 
 found for Molly, and a meal was 
 spread for her in the kitchen ; but 
 before she had sat down Bab came 
 so helpless, in, and the sisters were left to 
 if you have themselves for the next hour. 
 le t your father s barge, and are ; gab's first words, after her tear- 
 all alone in the world, you must U^, greeting, sounded a little 
 need some help. I am sure, for ''^^^ful, for she said "Oh, 
 you are a young girl 
 " But I ain't fit for Bab, and I 
 never was, and the only thing I 
 can do is jist to go right away, and 
 let Bab forget mo ; and then yer 
 can make a lady on her, withiout 
 any fear of the folks talking about 
 her being a boater." 
 " But God did not give Bab to 
 you and to us for that. He sent 
 her here among ns to help us." 
 Yes, that's what she says, and 
 Molly , why did you go away with- 
 out me that day, and leave me in 
 the field?" 
 " 1 never meant to, Bab. Yer 
 know I never meant to, don't 
 yer ?" said Molly, imploringly. 
 " I know yer didn't leave me 
 there on purpose. But how was 
 it, Molly ?" 
 " Well, I'm most ashamed to 
 tell yer, 'specially now ; but I tell 
 yer this, Bab, I' ain't never touch' 
 she has helped me. You can tell j ed it since, and I ain't a-going to, 
 her I never touches the bottle i for it was all through mother's old 
 now," said Molly. 
 " You shall tell 
 her yourself, 
 Barbara. Does your father know ! Molly. You know she is 
 where she is ?' 
 " Not a bit of it, and he don't 
 care ; he'll never trouble hisself 
 to ask about her now he's got 
 rid of her, for that was all he 
 " And you have not told him 
 where she is ?" 
 " It ain't likely, for yer don't 
 want ter have a lot o' boaters 
 bothering yer ; and I've left 
 father now, for he don't want me, 
 'cos I grumbled and kicked up a 
 row at the way he'd served me 
 and Bab, locking me in the cabin, 
 and going off leaving Bab in that 
 " That is how she came to be 
 left behind then ?" said the doc- 
 " Yes, father he was always 
 looking out for the chance o' doing 
 it. Mother told me that afore she 
 sister, and will always be 
 For a moment there was a gleam 
 of joyful triumph shining in 
 Molly's eyes, but the next moment 
 they filled with tears, and she 
 said, almost angrily, " Yer know 
 I ain't fit to be Bab's sister ; I 
 can only go away and not let her 
 see me no more !" 
 "My girl, that is not what God 
 intended when He gave you such 
 a sweet little sister. Now listen 
 to me. You are not fit to be Bab's 
 sister just now, perhaps, and I 
 should scarcely like you to come 
 and sec her often as you are." 
 " Didn't I know it-didn't I tell 
 you so ?" 
 " Hear what I have to say, my 
 firl. You know this yourself, but 
 believe — I am sure — that by 
 God's help yon can make yourself 
 fit, and in this way yon will be 
 bottle yer got left behind.' 
 " Tell me about it," said Bab, 
 '* didn't the boat stop all day ?" 
 " Why, it didn't stop an hour. 
 Jack fold me. I went back, arter 
 putting you in the field, and had a 
 bigger sip than usual,wotmade me 
 sleepy, I s'pose, for I went to 
 sleep, and when I woke the cabin 
 door was shut and locked, and we 
 was going as fast as we could go. 
 I hammered and screamed, but it 
 worn't no good, they wouldn't let 
 me out till night, and then we 
 was miles away from here. But I 
 started and walked back to look 
 for yer next day, but nobody 
 hadn't seen yer in the field or seen 
 yer took out, and at last I went 
 back and found the boat agin ; 
 but father wotddn't let me go 
 aboard then, so I come off agin 
 and helped one and another with 
 the boats when I could and 
 begged when I couldn't till I 
 got here agin, and seed yer go to 
 that boaters' school one Monday, 
 and I've seed yer a gowl many 
 timi'B since." 
 " And what are you going to 
 do now ?" asked Bab " Yer a 
 fust-rate boater, Molly." 
 " Yes, but that ain't no good 
 now, and so I'm going to do 
 something that I can come and sue 
 yon sometimes." 
 Bab clapped her hands at this 
 announcement. " I am so glad." 
 she said, " 'cos I didn't want to go 
 back to the boat, Molly." 
 " I should think not," said 
 Molly. " Why, Bab, I never 
 thought that God could do such 
 things for boaters as He's done 
 for me and you, for yer see the 
 doctor's a-going to help me be 
 something decent now." 
 Of course Bab, and Molly too, 
 had unlimited trust in the doctor's 
 pov er to do " something" for 
 Molly, but the gentleman him- 
 self was puzzled to know how to 
 help this second water wait he 
 had undertaken to provide for, 
 and many anxious consnltutions 
 were held before anything suit- 
 able could be decided upon. 
 At last it was arranged that 
 Molly should go to the institution 
 for training servants, that she 
 might learn to do housework and 
 cooking, and to fit herself to take 
 a respectable situation by-and-by. 
 Mrs. Ellis told her before she went 
 that she would probably find the 
 confinement to indoor work rather 
 trying at first, and also the con- 
 forming to rules and regulations 
 somewhat irksome ; but Molly 
 declared she was willing to do or 
 bear anything for the sake of see- 
 ing Bab ; and she was as good as 
 her word. Mr. Ellis received an 
 excellent report of her conduct 
 after she had been there a few 
 months, the matron saying she 
 was willing to learn, truthful, 
 and obliging, and no one but her- 
 self knew what a hard battle she 
 had to fight to keep the rules of 
 the house, and always do as she 
 was told. But the battle was 
 fought and the victory won, i'or 
 Molly could believe now that God 
 cared for her, poor as she was, and 
 she constantly sought grace and 
 help from Him to do her duty. 
 The greatest joys of her life 
 were in the visits she paid to little 
 Bab. To go and see her sister 
 neatly dressed wasa pleasure look- 
 ed forward to by Molly through 
 all the working days of service ; 
 and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis had the 
 satisfaction of seeing their most 
 sanguine hopes fulfilled in the 
 after life of these water waifs. 
 I Expect to pass through this 
 world but once, any good thing 
 therefore that I can do, or any 
 kindness that I can show to a 
 human being, or any word that I 
 can speak for the good of others 
 — let me do it now. Let me not 
 neglect it, for I shall not pass this 
 way again. — R. H. McDonald. 
 (ChatlmlHM ) 
 " Tli oniT noblt to !«• uoo'^-' —Tfiinumn," 
 That was yuuiiir Robin Dot- 
 orenx'a favourite motlo, and it was 
 often on his lips, beinir, as he 
 thou}(ht, specially suited to him- 
 Robin was very proud of his 
 birth and descent ir'om a ^oodold 
 family, but his little sister Lily 
 (who was two years younger) 
 sometimes thou(fhtit 
 a doubtful benefit to 
 be born a llovcreux, 
 seeing that Iho name 
 seemed to entail so 
 much upon its 
 Poor Colonel l)ev- 
 ereux could leave his 
 children no inheri- 
 tance except an in- 
 convenient stock of 
 lamily pride, and at 
 his death they might 
 have fared badly but 
 for the kindness of 
 their father's brother- 
 in-law. Mr. Thorpe, 
 a wealthy corn-factor, 
 who generously took 
 in the poor orphans 
 and brought them up 
 with his own chil- 
 dren. This nrrang"- 
 ment was not entirely 
 t(i Robin's ta«te, al- 
 I houi;h his new home 
 was as ha|.py a one 
 HH liis uncle and 
 aunt's loving care, 
 and the merry com- 
 panionship of a host 
 ol young cousins, 
 rould make it. He 
 chiilVd and fretted at 
 what h« called his 
 humdrum life in 
 Laiiestniry. How 
 lould his uncle bear 
 i!'? What a prospect 
 ior himself and his 
 eldest cousin Charles! 
 Lessons from morn- 
 ing till night now ; 
 and when that was 
 .loiio with, drui;dery 
 oi It svorso kind iu his 
 nil cl u's connting 
 house ! 
 " Stick to your 
 books, Robin," Mr. 
 Thtirpe would say 
 clieer>ily, " and some day we 
 sUhII find a seat in the coiintiiig- 
 house. for you. I don't mean to 
 iiittke any difference between you 
 1111(1 my own boys, and who knows 
 but that Hume day it may be 
 Thorpe and Dovoroux over the 
 ofTice-door ?' 
 "Thorpe, and Uevereux, corn- 
 lactors'" liobiii hated the 
 Charles Thorpe, however, who 
 took things in a matter-of-fact 
 \'. :iy, wished for nothing better 
 that to repeat his father's busy, 
 uprigiit life, and could not under- 
 stand his cousin's dreams for the 
 future. But then hu was a Thorpe 
 and knew no better, thouitht 
 Robin disdainfully, and he con- 
 fided to Lily his ambitious plans 
 of doing some grand work in the 
 world worthy of the name of Dov- 
 His views as to the best way of 
 attaining this object varied from ' and 
 day to day, somewhat confusing 
 poor Lily. Now he was to be a 
 soldier, like his father, and carve 
 his way to fortune ; now he would 
 bo a second Warren Hastings, and 
 buy back the alienated familv 
 ready manner, betrayed his yeo- 
 man origin; but Itobin, tall, lithe, 
 and active, with Hashing eyes, was 
 a Uevereux all over. The cousins, 
 who were now both about fo:tr- 
 teeii, went every day to a neiarh 
 estates ; now ho was to go into 
 Parliament and become nothing 
 less than prime minister. ''Noblesse 
 oblige ! you know, Lily," he al- 
 ways euaedup. 
 But meantime, in all their 
 studies, Charles Thorpe wasslovv- 
 ly but surely getting ahead of his 
 more brilliant cousin, whose quick I by common rules, 
 wits could not make up for his S^i it seemed, for shortly after- 
 idleness and inattention. The ] wards Robin was found guilty ot 
 two boys were unlike as in ap- such a flagrant act of disobedience 
 pearance as in disposition. ' that his tutor not only gave him a 
 Charles, in his lumbering figure, severe imposition, but also made a 
 plain though kindly face and un- formal complaint to his uncle. 
 Mr. Thorpe, justly angry, con- 
 demned Robin lo stay in his own 
 room except during suhool-hours, 
 and bade him consider hiinselfin 
 disgrace until further notiue. 
 , ^ Tj - This imprisonment was a great 
 boring village about two miles hardship to the active boy, but I 
 distant, where they read with the ' 'on't think he felt it half so much 
 Vicar's son, who acted as their 'as Lily, who wandered about the 
 tittor. But ]{obin's love of play passage outside his door and was 
 high spirits were always thoroughly miserable. At first 
 lirinflring him into some scrape ; Robin worked hard at his task, 
 .tnd iilthough the good-natured but then he grew tired and rest- 
 Charles did his best to shield him, less, and began to cast about in his 
 nothing eould keep his cousin ! mind for some way out of his dis- 
 from frequent disgrace. In vain i grace. On the third day an idea 
 his aunt looked grave, and Lily joccured to him, which seemed so 
 very tempting that 
 ho carried it out the 
 next morning. 
 He rose early and 
 packed his school- 
 satchel with a few 
 necessaries in the 
 way of wearing- 
 apparel, adding a 
 lunch ofbread, which 
 he spared from his 
 breakfast. He count- 
 ed up his little stock 
 of money — eighteen 
 pence exactly — and 
 stored it safely in his 
 pocket. Then he 
 got pen and paper, 
 and, after the fashion 
 of intending run- 
 aways, he wrote a 
 few lines : — 
 'Dearest Lilt. 
 " I can't aland thii 
 any longer, and mean to fio 
 out iutu the world and 
 make uijr fortune like a 
 gentleman and a Uevereux. 
 Keep your apirite untilysu 
 aeo uie again. 
 " Your loving Uobin. ' 
 By way of best 
 attracting notice, he 
 pinned this letter 
 with an old knife on 
 to his dressing-table. 
 As he did so his heart 
 sank. No thought of 
 the ingratitude with 
 which ho Was repay- 
 ing his uncle and 
 aunt's kindness dis- 
 turbed him. His 
 tenderness was all 
 for Lily. 'What 
 would she do with- 
 out him ? How 
 could ho bear to 
 leave her ? Well, it 
 was only for a little 
 while ; all should be 
 made up to Lily when 
 he had made his for- 
 gently urged that hard work and j tune Then he would come in his 
 steadiness now might help him to|coach-and-lour,withthe Devereux 
 become a great man sooner than | arms upon the panels, and bear 
 anything else. jLily away to live with him at Dev- 
 "Stufl", Lily!" he answered, ereux Court. So jolly and hap- 
 " It's all very well for a fellow ^py they two would be together ; 
 like Charles, who has no ambition, I and Lily should do just as she 
 but a Devereux can't be bound | liked, and always wear velvet and 
 satin— never less than satin. 
 . . But as he dreamed, the 
 hall-clock, striking eight, awoke 
 him to the fact that his fortune 
 was still unmade, and that it was 
 time to start for school. 
 The key of his door was turned S 
 ly niiijrjr, con- 
 Hliiy ill hii own 
 ly Nchool-houra, 
 liUvr hitnaallin 
 htir notice, 
 tint was a vreat 
 ilivo hoy, but I 
 it hnlfno much 
 lured tibout the 
 a door and waa 
 ib!e. At tirat 
 rd at hiH task, 
 tired and reat- 
 cust about in hia 
 r out of hia dia- 
 rd day an idea 
 lich 8t>emed ao 
 tiMnpting that 
 rrifd it out the 
 in the loct from the outside : he 
 waa at liberty for a few houra.and 
 Oharlea waa calling from the hall 
 " Make haate, Robin ! we ahnll 
 be late!" 
 " No. Oo on, old fellow ! I'll 
 catch you up." 
 Charlea aet out in hia methodical 
 way. Robin gave him atart 
 aaincient to turn the corner half- 
 way down the lane, and then, 
 catching up hia aatchel, prepared 
 to follow. At the top uf the ataira 
 atood Lilv, waiting as usual to bid 
 him good-bye. Robin threw an 
 extra amount of fervor into hia 
 embrace that morning, giving hia 
 siater, in addition, an apparently 
 needJeas oantion to take care of 
 Then he ran down the garden ; 
 but instead of following his cousin 
 along the winding lane to Kyne- 
 ton, turned short oiT, leaped a stile 
 upon the right, harried acroas an 
 intervening field into another lane 
 beyond, and scarcely drew breath 
 until he had put full two miles 
 between himself and Lancsbury. 
 Then he went more soberly, bnt 
 still at a brisk pace, till he heard 
 the wheels of some conveyance 
 coming along the road behind 
 him. Prompted by hia guilty 
 conscience, he acrambled up the 
 bank, and congratulated himaelf 
 upon hia precaution, when hidden, 
 behind the hedge at the top, he 
 saw his uncles dog-cart Dowl 
 swiftRr past below. Mr. Thorpe 
 himself was driving, and talking 
 to his companion in his usual loud 
 voice about harvest prospects. 
 The lane, so near home, was 
 clearly unsafe. After this ex- 
 perience, Robin struck into the 
 Relds again, and found his way 
 across country to a hamlnt eight 
 miles from Lanesbury, where he 
 rested and made a spare midday 
 meal off his lunch of bread and a 
 draught of imik procured at a 
 neighboring farm. He had no 
 particular plan, except to get as 
 far as possible from Lanesbury be- 
 fore beginning the process of mak- 
 ing his fortune. So, as the first 
 stage in his journey, he turned his 
 steps toward Horton, a large 
 town about thirty miles away. A 
 third only of the distance he walk- 
 ed that day, and when evening 
 came he spent a few of his pence 
 in a night's lodging at a roadside 
 The next afternoon he had al- 
 ready walked some miles, and was 
 beginning to feel weary, when he 
 waa overtaken by the van of an it- 
 inerant basket-mender, which was 
 apparently bound in the same 
 direction aa hiiyself. Just as it 
 reached him something went 
 wrong with the rotten harness, 
 and Robin stepped forward to 
 help in iratting it right. In 
 return, the owner of the van offer- 
 ed him a lift, which Robin gladly 
 accepted, and climbed up to the 
 vacant outside seat The basket- 
 maker's wife with several small 
 children occupied the vacant 
 space inside the cart. 
 The pace of the old horse was 
 not fast, but Robin liked the rust, 
 andso easily got over the few more 
 miles between him and the next 
 village. Here the van was left 
 in charge of the tramp's wifn, 
 while hu himself tried to dispose 
 of some of the many baskets and 
 other rough wickur articles dang- 
 ling ot the aidea of the cart. Robin, 
 too, got down to atretoh hia legs, 
 and walked apart, not anxious to 
 betray hia connexion with the 
 other travellers. 
 As he loitored along waiting 
 while the basket-makers stopped 
 to hawk his wares at every open 
 door. Robin came upon a bill- 
 sticker pasting some notice upon 
 a black wall. 
 He had the curiosity to stop 
 and read one printed in large 
 capitals—" Twenty Pounds Re- 
 It gave an accurate description 
 of his own person and appearance, 
 adding that whoever would give 
 information to Mr, Thorpe, of 
 Lanesbury, which would lead to 
 the safe recovery of his missing 
 nephew, should receive the above 
 mentioned sum. Robin passed 
 on hastily, determined to wait at 
 a safe distance a-h«ad for the slow 
 conveyance which formed his 
 present home. He could almost 
 have fancied that curious glances 
 were cast at him by one or two 
 passers-by ; but he stepped on, 
 bold and defiant, till he reached 
 the outskirts of the village. 
 A price upon his head ! 
 Robin thought there was some- 
 thing delightfully romantic and 
 outlaw-like in the idea. Never- 
 theless, he was not sorry when he 
 found himself once more in the 
 van, safe from observation beneath 
 the shelter of the dangling 
 Their owner netnrned in high 
 good-humor, after an unuauuly 
 Buccessfnl sale, and told Robin, 
 who made himself useful in Lslp- 
 ing to picket the horse, that 
 he was welcome to his supper 
 and night's lodging if he chose 
 to remain with them .. 3 quart- 
 ers were not exac* " Robin's 
 taste, but for lack oi better he 
 accepted the offer, and settled 
 himself as best he could at the 
 back of the van, where two or 
 three children were already sleep- 
 Robin was tired, but the novelty 
 and excitement of his position, to 
 say nothing of its discomforts, 
 quite chased sleep from his eyes. 
 He lay awake an hour or more, 
 listening to the murmur of talk 
 between the basket-maker and his 
 wife on the farther side of the 
 partition dividing the van, but at 
 last fell into a sort of doze, from 
 which he was roused by the rust- 
 ling of paper and the two voices 
 growing eager. 
 " Twenty pounds reward, I tell 
 you !" said the man's rough tones. 
 That's better than basket-selling. 
 It's him, sure enough. " Gray 
 suit, dark eyes, tall ana slim." I 
 thought all along as how he had a 
 high-aiiil-mii^hty look about him." 
 " Runaway, i 'suoai'," auid the 
 woman ; " though it's atranvu 
 that gfutk'folk born should like 
 our life bettor than their'n." 
 " Well, Uotay, first thing in the 
 morning we'll just turn tail, and 
 take him home again. It will be 
 n bit of charity, and worth our 
 while besides." 
 He chuckled so loudly that the 
 woman hushed him with a 
 reminder of the sleeping children; 
 and after this the voices grew 
 more subdued, ceased and finally 
 loud snores told that both speakers 
 But lon^ ere this Robin had 
 made up his mind. Liberty was 
 too sweet to lose again so soon. 
 Very quietly he drew on his boot* 
 and moving with the utmost care, 
 that he might not disturb the 
 sleepers, passed quietly through 
 the van door, slipped down the 
 steps, and vanished in the dark- 
 (7b be coHtinued.) 
 The beantiftil waved lines and 
 curious flower-like figures that 
 appear on the surface oi gun 
 barrels are really the lines of 
 welding, showing that two dif- 
 ferent metals — iron and steel — are 
 intimatelv blended in making the 
 finest and strongest barrels. The 
 process of thus welding and blend- 
 ing steel and iron is a very 
 interesting one. Flat bars or 
 ribbons of steel and iron are alter- 
 nately arranged together and 
 then twisted into a cable. Several 
 of these cables are then welded 
 together, and shaped into a long, 
 flat bar, which is next Bpirally 
 coiled around a hollow cylinder, 
 called a mandrel; after which the 
 edges of these spiral bars are 
 heated and firmly welded. The 
 spiral coil is now put upon what 
 is called a welding mandrel, is 
 again heated and carefully 
 hammered into the shape of a gnn 
 barrel. Next comes the cold 
 hammering, by which the pores 
 of the metal are securely closed. 
 The last, or finishing operation, is 
 to turn the barrel on a latho to 
 exactly its proper shape and size. 
 By all the twistings, weldings and 
 hammerings the metals are so 
 blended that the mass has some- 
 what the consistency and tough- 
 ness of woven steel and iron. A 
 barrel thus made is very hard to 
 burst. But the finishing ot the 
 inside of the barrel is an operation 
 requiring very great care and 
 skill What is called a cylinder- 
 bored barrel is where the bore or 
 hole through the barrel is made 
 uniform size from end to end. 
 A choke-bore is one that is a little 
 smaller at the muzzle end than it 
 is at the breech end. • There are 
 various ways of "choking" gun 
 barrels, but the object of all 
 methods is to make the gun throw 
 its shot close together with even 
 1111(1 regular distribuliuu and with 
 great i'orcii. —Manii/'aduref and 
 AT IT. 
 An ox, feeding, aa is the manner 
 of oxen, upon gross, and being 
 therefore of a placid nature, was 
 much shocked at the conduct of a 
 serpent of its acquaintance, when 
 it saw the serpent first staru at 
 it with its baleful eyes, and then 
 proceed to swallow a poor frog. 
 " How could you be so cruel 'i" 
 said the mild-eyed ox. 
 " My dear friend, " replied the 
 subtle serpent, " if the frog had 
 hopped one hop away from me, or 
 made a single croak, I would not 
 have eaten it for the world; but, 
 as you saw, it had not the slight- 
 est objection, and there is no injury 
 where there is consent." 
 The ox, though a thoughtful, is 
 not a Bwii'tly thinking, animal. It 
 had browsed for some time, and 
 the serpent had slipped away for 
 its noontide sleep of digestion, be- 
 fore the ox bethought itself oi the 
 reply that it might have given to 
 the serpent — 
 " Yes, fear is often mistaken, or 
 pretended to be mistaken, for con- 
 A horse who had heard the 
 conversation between the serpent 
 and the ox made a much shrewder 
 remark; but with the shrewdness 
 that is gained from suflering, he 
 made it in soliloquy, as is the cus- 
 tom with that patient creature, the 
 horse — 
 "That is the way with my 
 master; because I am silent he 
 thinks, or pretends to think, like 
 that hypocrite of a serpent, that I 
 do not suffer when he is cruel to 
 Trade. — The advice of Benjamin 
 Franklin, to give every child a 
 trade by which he can earn a 
 living, if necessary, comes of a 
 human experience older than his. 
 In some countries this has been 
 the law ; in others a common 
 custom. St. Paul, though educated 
 in the law at the feet of Qamaliel, 
 also acquired the important 
 Oriental handicraft of a tentmaker, 
 by which he was able to earn his 
 living while prosecuting his 
 mission. It is a good and wise 
 thing to do. You may be able to 
 leave your children fortunes ; bnt 
 "riches take to themselves wings." 
 You may give them finished 
 educations, and they may be ^ft- 
 ed with extraordinary genius; 
 but they may be placed in 
 situations where no education and 
 no talent may be so available as 
 some humble, honest trade, by 
 which they can set their Ining 
 and be useful to oUiers. — Ex. 
 Purity, sincerity, obedience 
 and self-surrender, are the marbLa 
 steps that lead to the spiritual 
' ' 11 v/ 
 {Vkall0rku ) 
 " Tl> only nobi* to Im %t3oA:' - Tii*hv*^»." 
 Chapter II. 
 It ii not difiicalt to ima^ne tho 
 tensation which Robin'i tlight 
 cansed at Laneabnry. Poor Lily 
 waa heartbroken at his desertion, 
 and, aa the days went on and 
 brought no tidings of him, pined 
 so much that her kind atint was 
 quite concerned. Charles, too. 
 with hare fan> nn<l poor lod^in^ ; 
 from which it will bostion hn huti 
 not as yi't tnadw much progress 
 on his rood to tortune, 
 Then there caino a time wlien 
 work, oven of the humbittst kind, 
 waa not always plentiful. Hut 
 the dull days of Novombor found 
 ly vvi 
 1(1 liar 
 hild hud ilark i'Vi'n, and long lair 
 curls strnyi'd Iroiu under her 
 pretty white but. Hoinuthing in 
 the little miiidin'M kind glunne of 
 iiiloreNt ruiaindod Kobiii of Lily 
 and he Bi|{hed. 
 When they returmd, there stood 
 him hopeful still. Rxpectaiit of Robin wailing nt tho hothouse 
 better things, ho was now work- door, with a haudlul of rhrysan 
 Dg for a time with a florist and 
 market-gardener named Slrupp. 
 Robin was active and industrious. 
 He and his worthy master got on 
 well together for two or three 
 weeks, which were prosperous 
 tliough he said little, missed hui i days with Robin At tho end of 
 constant companion. I that time Mr. Strupp's son finished 
 Mr. Thorpe had 
 langhed at first, pro* 
 phesying that the run- 
 away would be back in 
 a day or two, ashamed 
 and crestfallen, and he 
 consented reluctantly to 
 his wife's wish of taking 
 steps for his recovery. 
 But when the offered 
 reward brought no 
 result, and the truant 
 did not return, he grew 
 angry, declaring that 
 Robin was an ungrate- 
 ful rascal, whose name 
 he never wished to hear 
 By degrees the chil- 
 dren forgot their merry 
 cousin, and ceased to 
 miss him in their 
 games : only Lily could 
 not forget. The pi ay- 
 hours, which Robin had 
 made so pleasant, were 
 wearisome to her now. 
 She did not speak much 
 of him, but her heart 
 was wearying for her 
 brother, and all 
 Charles's clumsy, 
 though well-meant, 
 etforts to till his place 
 could not console her. 
 Night and morning she 
 would steal out into the 
 porch, and look round 
 wistfully, half hoping to 
 see Robin come whist- 
 ling across the meadows, 
 as he used to do. Alas ! 
 she was always dis- 
 The hay was carried 
 and stacked ; the corn 
 sprang, and ripened, and 
 fell beneath the reaper's 
 sickle ; but Robin never 
 came. And Lily grew _ ' . • i >. 
 paler and paler, droop- " ■ 
 ing day by day with the sickneu some work he had undertaken at 
 themums arranged with dark 
 evergreen loaves. These he olfer- 
 ed to tho little girl, raising his cap 
 respectlnlly. The child look 
 pleased, and the lady thanked I 
 '' A good-looking lad, uud well- 
 mannered," she said to herself. 
 of hope deferred, till she seemed 
 more than ever like her lowly 
 namesake, the lily ot the valley. 
 Meantime Robin, the object of 
 so much care, tared passably well 
 through the pleasant summer 
 weeks, enjoying the fri^e out-door 
 life, and feelmK like some merry 
 outlaw of the olden time. In hay 
 and harvest season the farmers 
 were often short of hands, and 
 Robin managed in a pleasant way 
 «|a to earn enough to keep himself, 
 i I though he must needs live hardly. 
 a distance, and returned to help 
 his father , and then Robin's 
 services were no longer needed. 
 On the last aay of his work with 
 the old gardener, it happened that 
 a lady with a little girl came to 
 speak to Robin's master about 
 some shrubs which she wished 
 transplanted, and before leaving 
 he walked through the hothouses, 
 as was usual, with his customers. 
 The little daughter, warmly wrap- 
 ped in cosy fur, followed behind, 
 and passed close to Robin as he 
 Then, as she lingered admiring 
 this and that in the ordinary 
 garden,a thought seemed to strike 
 her. She turned, and spoke a few 
 words to Mr. Strupp in a low 
 Robin could not catch wnatshe 
 said, but he heard the answer in 
 the old gardener's louder tones : 
 " Yes, my lady. He's a good 
 lad. He leaves me to-night ; and 
 no doubt but he'd be thankful for 
 such a chance." 
 The ladies had almost reached the 
 garden-gate ; but at this the elder 
 turned back, and called Robin 
 who came up wondering 
 " What is your name, my 
 " Robin," he answered simply 
 " Well then, Robin, I hear that 
 youi work with Mr strupp is 
 iinishcd, and perhaps you may 
 like a chance of bettering your- 
 self t I am pleased with yonr 
 manner .tnd appearance.' (Robin 
 wondered what was coming. 
 Would she offer to adopt him, as 
 "^ple did in books, and take him 
 : to a life of luxury again V) 
 .dy present page isleavinv m»," 
 the lady went on. " I will take 
 you in his place, and with a little 
 traininv you will do 
 well. Your work would 
 be easy — to run errands 
 and wait on my daugh- 
 ter, to wash my poodles 
 and take them out for 
 exercise. How should 
 you like to live with me, 
 and wear a suit of livery 
 like that V" with a wave 
 of the hand towards the 
 boy in buttons who 
 stood at her carriage- 
 Poor Robin ! What 
 a climax alter his am- 
 bitions hopes ! All the 
 blood of tho Devereux 
 welled up, and died his 
 face crimson, and he 
 stood there, speechless 
 with shame. Buttons ! 
 A Devereux in bottons I 
 " Of course it would 
 be a rise in life for you ; 
 but I hear you are a 
 good boT, and would 
 deserve it," continued 
 the visitor, kindly. 
 But Robin could 
 bear no more. 
 " Thanks, my lady ; 
 it wouldn't suit mo," he 
 managed to stammer 
 out. And rushing away 
 to the farthest corner of 
 the garden, he gave way 
 to his long pent-up feel- 
 ings, and watered the 
 asparagus beds with 
 Hoods of tears. 
 Robin's misery ttad 
 reached its crowning- 
 point. Somehow this 
 last experience damped 
 his ardour more than 
 all which had gone be- 
 fore. Weary and dis- 
 pirited, he went about 
 seeking work in vain. 
 The remnants of his 
 earnings dwindled away. 
 poor ,- 
 His clothes had become ragged 
 and threadbare : yet he could not 
 replace them, for tJiie lew shillings 
 he now and then earned by a 
 chance job scarcely sufficed to 
 buy him food and shelter. Often 
 in these days Robin knew what it 
 was to feel both cold and hungry, 
 and at such times so^nething 
 familiar would come into his head 
 about a home where was " bread 
 enough and to spare ; " and, like 
 another poor prodigal long ago, 
 he thought regretfully of his lost 
 II \l 
 salleU U<ibin 
 iiamt>, my 
 irered ■imply 
 II, I hoar that 
 !r Htrupp in 
 ip» vou may 
 tteriiiif your- 
 J with yoar 
 ICO.'' (liobiii 
 I'M cominif. 
 idopt him, aa 
 aud take him 
 nry again V) 
 ' I will take 
 1 with a littli^ 
 'oa will do 
 r work would 
 irnn errand* 
 n my daueh- 
 li my poodlea 
 hem cat for 
 live with mc, 
 •uit of livery 
 ' with a wave 
 I towards the 
 inttona who 
 ler carriage- 
 >bin ! What 
 niU'r hia am- 
 >e8 ! All the 
 he Devereux 
 and died hia 
 Bon, and he 
 e, apeechlcER 
 e. Buttons! 
 ,z in bottons ! 
 irae it would 
 . life for you ; 
 ir you are a 
 and would 
 obin could 
 ray lady ; 
 suit mo," he 
 tu stammer 
 est corner of 
 he gave way 
 pent-up feel- 
 watered the 
 beds with 
 misery had 
 mehow this 
 nee damped 
 more than 
 ad gone be- 
 ry and dis- 
 went about 
 ik in vain. 
 nts of hia 
 died away. 
 ome ragged 
 he could not 
 cw shillings 
 arned by a 
 sufficed to 
 slter. Ofton 
 new what it 
 and hungry, 
 nio his head 
 was " bread 
 " and,liko 
 1 lona; ago, 
 y of his lost 
 *' IP' hleMingt Yet he could not bring 
 bimtelf to go back and humbly 
 own hia failure. Ho could never 
 bear to meet bit uncle's ■oora, his 
 auut's reproaches. 
 80 Robin went out again into 
 the streets, uid made one more 
 attempt to find work, no mutter 
 how bumble He otTered himself 
 i\» errand-boy and baker's lad ; he 
 I'ven looked enviously at a cross- 
 But boys seemed plentiful and 
 labor scarce. There was no place 
 in all the bustling town for Robin. 
 He went bsck to his wretched 
 lodging in a back-lane ; bufatthe 
 door liis landla<ly waited to 
 demand his week'* rent 
 before admitting him. She 
 had th« chance of a lodger 
 willing to pay sixpence a- 
 week more than Robin. 
 Under these oircumslancoa 
 iiU his petitions for delay 
 were of no use. He must 
 pay or go. So he went. 
 Ah! that was the ques- 
 tion. He was sick of the 
 hard, cruel town, and the 
 indifferent faces all turned 
 coldly upon him. He felt 
 in his pockets, and finding 
 a few pence there, ha 
 renolved with a sudden 
 impulse to apend them on 
 a third-class ticket to Lauei- 
 bury Junction. 
 (7b be conlintied.) 
 Old record*! say that thimbles 
 were first worn on the thumbs ; 
 bnt we can scarcely conceive how 
 thoy could bo of inu' li use tht<re. 
 Formerly they were made of briiss 
 and iron only, but of late years 
 steel, silver, gold, horn, ivory, and 
 oven pearl and glass have all been 
 used for making thimbles. I saw 
 some very buautilul ones in China 
 that were eiquisitely carvod of 
 pearl and bound with gold and 
 the end also uf gold. Theiio pearl 
 thimbles are quite as costly and 
 far prettier than those made 
 entirely of gold. A thim- 
 ble owned by the queen 
 I consort of 8iaa M shaped uke a 
 thinibl>!«, composed of lava from 
 Mount Veivuvius, aro occasionally 
 sold, bnt rather as curiosities than 
 for real Htllily, bi mg, froiu the 
 extrvmo bnttlouess of the lava. 
 thimble Is then trimmed, polished 
 nnd indented arouixl iln .mtor 
 surface with tiny holes It is 
 next converted into steel by a 
 process called cementation, tncn 
 very easily broken. I hear also | ti>mnered, sconred and brought to 
 of thimbles made of asphaltum a blue color. After til this is 
 from the Dead 8oa, and of one | completed, a thin sheet of gold is 
 composed of a fragment of the old introduced into the interior and 
 elm tree at Cambridge, Mass., fastened to the steel by a mandrel, 
 under which OeneralWanhington while gold leaf is attached Hrmly 
 stood when taking couund of the by pressure to the outside, the 
 edges being seamed in a small 
 groove made to receive them. 
 This completes the thimble that 
 will last for years. The steel 
 used in its construction will 
 scarcely wear out in a long life- 
 time, and the gold, ifworn 
 away, is easily replaced.— 
 Dorcai Magatint, 
 United States Army in July, 1776, 
 but I do not suppose that any of 
 these were ever intended to be 
 used in sowing. In the ordinary 
 manufacturo of gold and silver 
 thimbles thin plalue of the metal 
 A lady had a pet canary, 
 while her brother was 
 the owner of a retriever 
 that was also much petted. 
 ( )ne day the canary escaped 
 from the house, and was 
 seen flying about the 
 grounds for a few days, and 
 when it perched it waa 
 generally on high elm- 
 trees. At last it vanished 
 from view, and this dear 
 little pet was mourned for 
 lis lost or dead. But alter 
 the interval of another day 
 or so the retriever came in 
 with the canary in hia 
 montlb carrying it most 
 delicately, and went up to 
 the owner ot the bird, 
 delivering it into her hands 
 without even the feathers 
 bein^ injured. Surely 
 iiothmg cop.Id illustrate 
 more beautifully faithful 
 love and gentleness in a dog than 
 Seldom or never has the 
 enormous importance of 
 the harvest of the s<ia been 
 more forcibly represented 
 than it was the other day 
 by Prof. Huxley, in the 
 address which he delu'ered 
 at the International Fish- 
 eries Exhibition. An acre 
 of good fishing ground, he 
 pointed out, will yield 
 more food in a week than 
 an acre of ihe best land will 
 in a year. Still more vivid 
 was his picture of the 
 moving " mountain of 
 cod," 120 to 130 feet in 
 height, which for two 
 months in every year 
 moves westward and south- 
 ward, past the Norwegian 
 coast. Every square mile 
 of this colossal column of 
 fish contains 120 millions 
 of fish, consuming every 
 week, when on short 
 rations, no fewer than 840 
 millions of herrings. The 
 whole catch of the Nor- 
 wegian fisheries nerer ex- 
 ceeds in a year more than 
 half a square mile of this 
 " cod mountain," and one 
 week's supply of the her- 
 rings needed to keep that 
 area of cod from starving. 
 London might be victualled 
 with herrings for a year 
 on a day's consumption of 
 the countless shoals of un- 
 caught cod. 
 The thimble is a Dutch in- 
 vention that was first brought to 
 England in 1695 by one John 
 Lofting, who began ita manufac- 
 ture at Islington near London, 
 gaining thereby both honor and 
 profit Ita name waa derived 
 from the worda thumb and bell, 
 ^ being for a long time called 
 \ \ thamblo, and only lately thimble. 
 lotus bnd, this being the royal 
 flower of that country, and almost 
 everything about the court bear- 
 ing, in a greater or less degree, 
 some impress of the lotus. This 
 thimble is of gold, thickly studded 
 with diamonds tbat are so arrang- 
 ed as to form the lady's name and 
 the date of her marriage. It was 
 a bridal gift from the king, who, 
 having seen the English and 
 American ladies at his court using 
 thimbles, took this method of 
 introducing them among his own 
 people. In Naples very pretty 
 The Birbs, large and 
 small, held a meeting when 
 are introduced into the die and; the autumn winds began to 
 then punched into shape. But in bluster ; and this is the way the 
 Paris the French have a way of meeting ended : 
 their own, quite different from 
 ours, for nii\king gold thimbles 
 that are said to be much more 
 durable than those made in the 
 usual way. Pieces of very thin 
 sheet-iron are cut into disks of 
 about two inches in diameter. 
 These, after being heated to red- 
 ness, are struck by means of a 
 punch into a succession of holes 
 of a gradually increasing depth, 
 to give the proper shape. The 
 The owl this question put,— "Say * Ay' 
 Thow) who intend away to fly ;'* 
 All but the sparrows votfl to ffo, 
 TheM chirp a most decided "No." 
 " *ris carried."8aid the owl, "Adieu." 
 The birds cry, " Now for skieaof blue." 
 "Go," chirped the sparrows, "why thia fuss? 
 Our borne is good eaousch for ua," 
 If You would create some- 
 thing, you must be something. — 
T 44 
 " Tlf OBlj nobU lo b« nod."— r«HnvioN," 
 OhaPTIB II.— CoM(tN»«ef. 
 No one was at all likely to 
 reoogniae Mr. Thorpe's nephew in 
 the ragged, way-worn traveller 
 umerged in the winter's doak of 
 that same afternoon fVom the 
 crowded janction, which. was the 
 nearest station to Lauesbnr^. 
 There la^ fire miles still be- 
 tween Robin and home, if home 
 ho dared call it Tired as he was 
 he began mechani- 
 cally to walk towards 
 Lanesbury. He had 
 no definite pur- 
 pose except to see 
 once more the fami- 
 liar faces — his kind 
 aunt, Obarles, above 
 all, Lilv, poor Lily, 
 who loved him, 
 whom he had desert- 
 He had walked 
 many miles since 
 morning; his over- 
 w r a g h t powers 
 seemed failing him ; 
 and he was so 
 hungry. But as he 
 went the hunger 
 passed ofiT, leaving 
 only a feeling of 
 faintness and ex- 
 haustion. What if 
 he were to drop by 
 the roadside this bit- 
 ter evening, and fall 
 asleep, and be frozen 
 to death ? He could 
 not get mnch further 
 — so weary he was, 
 so faint, so cold ; but 
 now the twinkliug 
 lights of Lanesbury 
 piercing the dusk, 
 seemed to bid him 
 take courage. The 
 Ddvereuxes of the 
 other days had borne 
 fargreater harlships. 
 He would not give 
 up yet. And so a 
 half-hour later found 
 him in Lanesbury 
 High Stroet,within a 
 quarter of a mile of 
 liis uncle's house. 
 He took tbe fami- 
 liar turn he knew so 
 well.over tbe bridge, 
 along the lane, across 
 the fleldx. The new-mown hay 
 was nia. ng the June air fragrant 
 when he last came that way ; but 
 now the ground was white with 
 snow, and the old church bells 
 were ringing their Christmas 
 It was Ghristmas-ero. 
 The faot dawned on Robin as a 
 surprise; he had lost count of 
 weeks and days, lately, when all 
 were alike miserable. And this 
 year there had been nothing to 
 remind him of Christmas ; but in 
 the great ugly, comfortable house 
 Tonder, the lights were gleaming 
 brightly, as oecame the season. 
 Robin conld imagine the happy 
 gronr ikssembled around the fire. 
 In the cold anddufkaesshe crept 
 safely and secretly throngh the 
 dasky shrubbery up to the very 
 house itself. Just then the click 
 of the garden-gate startled him, 
 and looking around he espied a 
 troop of dark figures coming up 
 the avenue. There were perhaps 
 a dozen or more of them. Robin 
 stole aside quietly, and hiding 
 himself among a clump of lanre^.s 
 watched their proceedings. 
 The intruders— in whom he 
 soon recognised the church choir 
 " Well sung, lads ! and thank 
 you. If you will go round to the 
 back door, the housekeeper shall 
 give yon tea and cake with a 
 shilling a-piece to carry home 
 with you. A merry Christmas to 
 yon all !" 
 " The same to you and yours, 
 sir, and thank yon kindly," came 
 the ready response, as the party 
 trooped off. 
 Warm tea and cake ! How 
 tantalising the words sounded to 
 poor Bobin, faint with his long 
 fast ! He would fain have follow* 
 ed, and shared the boys' meal : 
 but pride forbade him to take his 
 unole'scharity without his forgive- 
 — look up their position in front 
 of the parlor-window, and in a 
 moment more the simple strains 
 of a Christmas carol were ringing 
 through the frosty air. How 
 peaoefally the words tell on 
 Robin's aching heart ! Then came 
 one or two other well-known airs, 
 ending with the Christmas hymn, 
 which touched Robin strangely. 
 At the end the parlor window 
 was thrown opon, the curtains 
 undrawn, and Mv. Thorpe appear- 
 ed, crying onu in his hearty 
 voice, — 
 n«S8. The window was closed 
 iiow.bntthe curtains remained nu' 
 drawn, for a streak of light stream' 
 ed out upon the lawn. Cautiously 
 and quietly Robin stole up like 
 some midnight thief until he stood 
 close under the window. Keep- 
 ing well to one side he found a 
 foothold upon the tough trunks of 
 the ivy covering the nouse-front, 
 and raised himself to a level with 
 the sill. 
 Other Robins, he well knew, 
 were made welcome at that win- 
 dow; fragments of their abundant 
 morning-meal Jay yet scattered 
 upon its threshold; but not a robin 
 of them all wasmoredesolate.more 
 he. With a beating heart he peep- 
 ed in at the window. There,on one 
 side of the fireplace, sat his uncle ; 
 and round the table were gathered 
 the little ones, laughing merrily 
 over some round game. Charles, 
 as usual, sat with his book near 
 the fireside ; and Lily Was 
 Lily one of the players? No, 
 She sat at her aunt's feet, at the 
 other side of the chimney-piece, 
 looking gravely into thefire. Now 
 and then Mrs. Thorpe would 
 bend down and lay a hand kindly 
 on Lily 's head. 
 Perhaps she guessed 
 something of her 
 thoughts that even- 
 Robin, the poor 
 outoasi, looked on at 
 all with hungry eyes, 
 yearning for a crumb 
 of love. He felt that 
 he must get speech 
 of Lily, have one 
 kind word before he 
 went forth again into 
 the dreary, pitiless 
 world; and looking 
 more intently, he 
 seemed to see some 
 change in Lily as 
 she turned her face 
 now and again 
 towards her merry 
 cousins. She was 
 thinner, surely , 
 paler. Was she 
 grieving for him ? 
 Ah, poor Lily ! tie 
 must see Lily for one 
 moment before he 
 went. But the night 
 was so cold— so cold; 
 and Bobin was get- 
 ting numb ana 
 cramped, and bis 
 eyea were dim with 
 Just then he miss- 
 ed Lily from her 
 place by tbe fireside : 
 she had stolen softly 
 from the room. His 
 chief attraction was 
 gone, and Robin slip- 
 ped gentiy to the 
 Ha! What was 
 that noise ? 
 He started 
 ne rvousiy, and 
 shrank back into the 
 deep shadow of the 
 porch, as the hall-door gently 
 opened and let a small, mufiied- 
 up figure out into the starlit nighi 
 It descended to the lov 'est step. 
 and there paused, looking round 
 right and left with intent, wiBtl'ul 
 gaze; but not finding what it 
 sought, it drew back sorrow lull v, 
 with a long-drawn sigh, "()h, 
 Robin ! Robin !' 
 Robin in his hiding-place heard, 
 and could bear it no longer. He 
 stole out, and laid a hand upon 
 his sister's arm. 
 " I am here, Lily," he said. 
 w \i 
 et aoattered 
 t not a robin 
 'here, on one 
 it his uncle; 
 )re gathered 
 Ing merrily 
 ». Charles, 
 I book near 
 ly Was 
 lyers? No. 
 feet, at the 
 lefire. Now 
 >rpe wonld 
 band kindly 
 y 's head, 
 she guessed 
 g of her 
 that even- 
 the poor 
 looked on at 
 tnngry eyes. 
 He felt that 
 get speech 
 , hare one 
 rd before he 
 th again into 
 iry, pitiless 
 and looking 
 itently, he 
 to see some 
 in Lily as 
 led her face 
 and again 
 her merry 
 She was 
 er, surely , 
 Was she 
 for htm ? 
 Lily! He 
 ) Lily for one 
 before he 
 Bat the night 
 old— so cold; 
 Nn was get- 
 mmb ana 
 and his 
 e dim with 
 len he miss- 
 from her 
 the fireside : 
 stolen softly 
 room. His 
 taction was 
 Robin slip- 
 itly to the 
 What was 
 nsly, and 
 ack into the 
 dow of the 
 loor gently 
 ill, muflled- 
 itarlit night 
 lo\'est stop, 
 king Touiul 
 ent, wistful 
 g what It 
 sigh, "Ob, 
 >laoe heard, 
 onger. He 
 hand upon 
 ROttly. "Hash! Don't tell any 
 Bat as thongh it were the most 
 iiataral thing in the world to see 
 him there, Luy attered a jorful 
 little cry, and clasped him close, 
 and kissed him, and drewhim in 
 across the threshold, ricrht into 
 the warm hall, poor, cold little 
 wanderer ! 
 " He has come back !" she cried, 
 joyfully " Robin has come back 
 at last !" 
 The parlor-door flew open at 
 the cry, and all carae harrying out. 
 Robin penitent and ashamed, hid 
 his heaid on Lily's shoalder, and 
 could not face them. 
 Bat Lily interpreted his 
 " Oh, ancle — aunt—forgive 
 him ! I know he is sorry, poor 
 Robin !'" 
 " What, Robin ! You have not 
 made your fortune then?" cried 
 his uncle. 
 But the kind aunt came for- 
 ward, p.nd patted his head. 
 " Robin has been very wrong 
 and foolish ; bat we most forget 
 and forgive ' at Ohristmas-time," 
 she said pleasantly ; " He will be 
 wiser in future." 
 And then she led him in to the 
 cheerful fireside, and warmed his 
 numbed hands, and brought him 
 food and drink, until soothed by 
 all her care and kindness, Robin 
 at last forgot his troubles in a long 
 and dreamless sleep. 
 * * * * * * * * 
 Robin's place in the family cir- 
 cle remained empty many weeks 
 yet. Sometimes the anxious 
 watchers by his bedside wonder 
 «d sadly would it ever be 
 tilled up again. The weariness 
 and exposure of that Christmas 
 Eve, and the hard days which had 
 gone before it, brought on an 
 attack of low fever, which was 
 slow in yielding to the good 
 nursing he received. 
 One day when he was slowly 
 recovering, being already promot- 
 ed from bed to an easy-chair in 
 his room, Lily, who was always 
 devising something to give him 
 pleasure, brought him a card- 
 board scroll, on which she had il- 
 luminated the words, "Noblesse 
 Qreat was her disappointment 
 when Robin, usoally so grateful, 
 pushed it away from him, saying 
 almost impatiently, " Oh, no, Lilv! 
 I never want to hear those words 
 again. They are the cause of all 
 my misfortunes." 
 Lily was humbly :etreating 
 with the despised present, when 
 her uncle, who was just entering 
 and had overheard Robin's speech, 
 etopped her 
 "Nay, Robin," he said, kindly, 
 "the little maid meant well; and 
 the words" (taking the scroll from 
 Lily) " are good words, as I under- 
 stand them. The inheritance of 
 A noble name from good, and wise, 
 und brave fertfathers, does oblige 
 n man to take care and keep it 
 untarnished; but doing with 
 might and main whatever work 
 comes to your hand won't soil it. 
 You despise trade, my boy ; yet 
 honest barter of one man's goods 
 for another man's money is no 
 shame. It's the mean tricks, 
 and double-dealing, and craspiuff 
 avarice of those who wilt be rich 
 at any cosi which degrade and 
 debase. Deal honorably, Robin. 
 Let vonr word be as good as your 
 bond ; and whatever your calling 
 in life may be, never fear that yon 
 will disgrace the name of Deve- 
 Here is something interesting I 
 found about the habits and dress 
 of the children in Japan. In the 
 Japanese children is the same as 
 that of an adult. The sleeves are 
 open on the inner edge, with a 
 pocket on the outer side. Thedress 
 is very simple, easy av.d free, with 
 tucks to let down as the child 
 grows,so that,as the fashions never 
 change and the dross is made of 
 strong silk brocade, or silk and 
 cotton, it will last from ten to 
 twenty years. 
 The children's shoes are made 
 of blocks of wood, secured with 
 cord. The stocking resembles a 
 mitten,having a separate place for 
 the great toe. As these bhoes are 
 lifted only by the toes, the heels 
 make a rattling sound as their 
 owner's walk, which is qaite stun- 
 ning in a crowd. They are not 
 worn in the house, as they would 
 (B.y Harrison Weir.) 
 first place the character of the 
 Japanese houses saves much 
 trouble about children. There 
 are no stairs to tumble down, no 
 furniture for them to tumble 
 over, no sticky food with which 
 to bedaub themselves. So there 
 is seldom need to reprove them. 
 They are rarely heard to cry ; but 
 when they do break forth, they 
 make a tremendous racket, yelling 
 with great fierceness. In his 
 travels through the country. Prof. 
 Morse only once saw boys fight- 
 ing ; and then they wore only slap- 
 ping aach other. The dress of the 
 ininre the soft straw mats with 
 which the floor is covered. The 
 Japanese shoe gives perfect free- 
 dom to the foot. The beauty of 
 the human foot is only seen in the 
 Japanese. They have no corns, 
 no ingrowing nails, no distorted 
 joints. Our children's toes are 
 cramped until they are deformed, 
 and are in danger of extinction. 
 The Japanese have the full use of 
 their toes, and to them they are 
 almost like fingers. 
 The babies are taken care of on 
 the backs of the older children, 
 to which they are fastened by 
 loose bands. Yon wil ! see a dozen 
 little girls with babies' asleep on 
 their backs, engaged in playing 
 battledore, the l>abies hetuis bob- 
 bing up and down. This is 
 better than crying in the 
 cradle. The baby sees eveiytuing, 
 goes everywhere, gets plenty of 
 pure air ; and the sister who 
 carries itgots her shoulders braced 
 back and doubtleRS come lessons 
 of patience. Itisfitnny tosee the 
 little tots, when they fgin to run 
 alone, carrying their doi. on their 
 Where we have one toy the 
 Japanese have athousand. Every- 
 thing in art and nature is imitated 
 in miniature. Toys can be bought 
 for half a cent, and elegant ones 
 for eight or ten cents. There are 
 stands on the streets kept by old 
 women, where little girls can buy 
 a spoonful of batter and bake their 
 own top cakes. Then, along comes 
 a man with a long bucketful of 
 soap suds, of which he sells a cup- 
 ful for the hundredth part of a 
 cent (they have coins as small as 
 that;, to children who blow soap 
 bubbles through bamboo reeds. 
 The babies make mud pius and 
 play at keeping house just as ours 
 do. They are taught always to 
 be polite, and say, " Thank you." 
 If you give a child a penny, he 
 will not only thank you at the 
 time but whenever he meets you 
 again. — Ex. 
 Many people seem to forget that 
 character grows : that it "is not 
 something to put on ready-made 
 with womanhood or manhood ; 
 but day by day, here a little, and 
 there a little, grows with the 
 growth, and strengthens with the 
 strength, until, good or bad, it be- 
 comes almost a coat of mail. Look 
 at a man of business — prompt, 
 reliable, conscientious, yet clear- 
 headed and energetic. When do 
 you suppose he developed all 
 those admirable qualities ? When 
 he was a boy ? Let us see how a 
 boy of ten years gets np in the 
 morning, works, plays, studies, 
 and we will tell you just what 
 kind of a man he will make. Tho 
 boy that is too late at breakfast, 
 late at school, stands a poor 
 chance to be a prompt man. The 
 boy who neglects his duties, be 
 they ever so small, and then 
 excuses himself by saying: "I 
 forgot; I didn't think!" will never 
 be a reliable man ; and tho boy 
 who fiiidspleasure in tho suffering 
 of weaker things will never be a 
 noble, generous, kind man — a 
 gentleman. If people wore more 
 carefulof their character than they 
 are of their reputation, thev would 
 soon be more pleasing to (iod and 
 more useful to their fellow-aian,T— 
 S. S. Messenger. ,|, j „j:.^... 
 In private, watch your thoughts; 
 in the family, watch your temper , 
 in company, watch your tongue. 
 Tho strange looking cieatnre 
 ropresented in the accompanyinff 
 engraving, aays VTood's " Natural 
 History," is a good swimmer. It 
 roams the ocean as freely as a bird 
 roams the air, shooting through 
 the waves with arrowv swiftness 
 in chase of prey, gliding easily 
 along jnst below the snrface, hang- 
 ing snsiMjnded in the water while 
 reposing, or occasionally lying 
 across some floating eeaweed. 
 The chief pecnJiarity of the 
 forceps crab is the structure from 
 which its name is derived, the 
 wonderful length of the first pair 
 of limbs, and the attenuated for* 
 ceps with which they are armed. 
 Though not possessing the for- 
 midable power with wliioh some 
 crabs are armed, the forceps crab 
 is y«t a terrible enemy to the in- 
 habitants of the sea, for itcan dart 
 out its long claws with a rapidity 
 that almost eludes the eye, and 
 grasp its prey with unerring 
 No one who has not watched 
 the crabs in their full vigor 
 while enjoying their freedom, 
 can form any conception of 
 the many uses to which the 
 claws are put. Their bony 
 armor, with its powerful joints 
 appears to preclude all delicac) 
 of touch or range of distinc 
 tion, and yet the claws are to 
 the crab what the proboscis is 
 to the elephant. With these 
 apparently inadequato mem- 
 bers the crab can pick up the 
 smallest object with perfec- 
 tion and precision, can tear in 
 pieces the toughest animal 
 substances, or crack the skull 
 of other cinstaceans as a par 
 rot cracks a nut in his beak 
 It can direct them to almost 
 ovary part of his body, can 
 snap with them like the quick 
 sharp bite of a wolf, or can 
 strike with their edses as a 
 boxer strikes with his fists. 
 As may be seen by reference 
 to the engraving the paddle 
 legs are broad and well de- 
 veloped, so as to insure speed, the 
 front of the carapace is sharply 
 and deeply serrated, and the sides 
 are drawn out into long pointed 
 spines. It is a native of the West 
 Indian seas, and is represented 
 about the size of an ordinary 
 but he came home one dby, at last, 
 and said : 
 " Mother, I've got a place." 
 "What sort of a plac«?" asked 
 his mother. 
 factory," said Dick 
 mother shook her 
 "In the 
 But the 
 "I don't half like it my boy," 
 she said. " They are dangerous 
 places, these factories. Some day 
 you'll be going to near the big 
 wheels, or the bands, or some- 
 thing, and then — " 
 She stopped and shuddered; 
 but Dick only laughed. 
 " Well, what then, mother ?" he 
 said. " What do you think is go- 
 ing to happen to a fellow with a 
 cool head and a steady hand ? Al- 
 most all the accidents that you 
 hear of happen because the peo- 
 ple are careless, or because they 
 get frightened, and don't know 
 what they are about ? I'm not 
 By the time he had been there 
 for a month or two, he had for- 
 gotten all about the danger, and 
 even his mother began to think 
 that he was as. safe there as in his 
 own house. 
 That is always . the way when 
 you are used to things, you know. 
 People who live under the shadow 
 of a volcano forget that the burn- 
 ing lava ever streams down its 
 sides and desolates the country 
 around. Some day it does so, 
 though, and sometimes accidents 
 happen even to the most confident 
 Was Diok careless that day ? I 
 don't know, and neither did he. 
 He thought that he was doing his 
 work as steadily and as carefully 
 as usual; but suddenly he felt 
 something — just a lit ^itch at 
 his sleeve ; nothing i .1 to mind 
 if you are playing ^-ith your 
 school-mates, but then Dick was 
 not playing with his school-mates. 
 This is a true story, about a real 
 lioy. The boy's name is Dick. 
 This is not a very uncommon 
 name, and his last name is not an 
 uncommon one either. I am not 
 going to tell you what it is though, 
 for perhaps he would not like 
 Dick's father died when his son 
 was jnst able to toddle. After a 
 while Dick grew to be a pretty 
 big boy. Then he began to be 
 anxious to get something to do to 
 help his mother. It was a good 
 while before he found anything ; 
 FOBCEPS 8WIMHINU c&jLB.-'(Lupa forcepy) 
 going to be careless and I'm not There was no one near enough to 
 going to get frightened. And 
 mother, even if anything very 
 bad did happen to me, I shouiid 
 be doing my duty, shouldn't I ? 
 You wouldn't have a great fellow 
 like me staying around here idle 
 for fear of getting into danger, 
 would you ?" 
 " Well, no, I suppose not," said 
 his mother, remembering what a 
 bad thing idleness is for anybody, 
 and how surely it leads boys, 
 as well as men, into mischief 
 So the next day Dick was at 
 his post in the factory. I cannot 
 tell what sort of a factory it was, 
 nor exactly what he had to do 
 there. Nobody ever told me that 
 part of it. All I know is that he 
 spent tho days among the great, 
 whirring machinery, and that he 
 did his work steadily and well, 
 in spite of noise, and confusion, 
 and dust, and fatigue, and dan- 
 give him that twitch.and he know 
 in an instant what it meant — that 
 the fingers that gripped him 
 were iron fingers, and that the 
 pulse that beat in thom was 
 the cruel, merciless pulse of 
 Most boys would at least have 
 looked around in sudden surprise 
 — would have yielded for a mo- 
 ment to the twitch and then — tho 
 horror, and agony, and death. 
 What did Dick do? Quick as a 
 flash the thought came : 
 " I am caughtin the machinery 
 I can't help that, but I 
 drawn in. I won't ! I won't ! I 
 WON'T ! " 
 It was hardly a thought, you 
 know, only a swift, wordless in- 
 stinct. Then he set his teeth, and 
 clenched his fists, and braced 
 every nerve and muscle to stand 
 like a rock, while the machinery 
 did its work. 
 " Crack ! crack !" 
 That was his shirt, pulled 08 
 him like tho husk of an ear of 
 "Crack! crack!" 
 That was his merino shirt, and 
 Dick stood rigid and motionless 
 still, with not an atom of clothing 
 from his waist up. 
 The men around him had not 
 been so quiet as he, yon may bo 
 sure. There had l>een shrieks 
 and cries enough when they saw 
 what had happened, but the ma- 
 chinerjr could not be stopped all 
 in a minute let the engineer try 
 as he would. 
 It seemed a century to the men 
 though it was only three or four 
 minutes before the great wheels 
 shivered and stood still. Some of 
 the men had covered their eyes, 
 fearing to see— what? Splashes 
 of blood on the floor and walls, 
 and a horrible, mangled mass, 
 tangled and brok.<n m an iron 
 What did thor a who dared 
 to look see ? Only a curly 
 haired, bright-eyed boy, who 
 looked around at them as 
 quietly and boldly as if no- 
 tning at all had happened. 
 Why Smith," said Dick, 
 looking at the man nearest 
 him, "now pale you are ! And 
 Jones is trembling like a leaf, 
 and Brown can hardly stand ! 
 Why I'm the best off of you all 
 — if I haven't got many clothes 
 left," he added, as he looked 
 down at himself. "If some- 
 body will lend me a coat, I 
 think I'd better gu home and 
 g^t another shirt. 
 " So you see, mother," said 
 Dick, " what I told you is true. 
 If a fellow's head is cool, and 
 his nerves steady, there isn't 
 much fear for him. And the 
 good Lord keeps watch in 
 the factories as well as out- 
 Now, what I want yon to 
 notice about this story is this : 
 It was not Dick's good luck 
 that saved him, but simply his 
 courage and presence of mind. 
 If he had yielded for one instant 
 to the grip of the machinery— if 
 he had hesitated for a moment 
 what to do — that moment would 
 have been his last. 
 Don't you think that there is a 
 lesson in all this, if you t^e it 
 the right way 1— Central Ckritlia* 
 It is the habitual thought that 
 frames itself into our life. It af- 
 fects us even more than our inti- 
 _^_ Tiate social relations do. Onrcon- 
 won't'^e 'id^'tii*'} friends have not so much 
 to do in shaping our lives as tho 
 thoughts have which we harbor. 
 —J.W. Teal. 
 Conduct is the great profession. 
 Behavior is the perpetual reveal- 
 ing of us. What a man does tells 
 us what he is.— F. O. Hunting- 
 "Button, button, who has the 
 button ?" asked a glove that had 
 been dropped on the toilet- 
 " I've got it," answered Jimmy's 
 jacket. " I've several buttons in 
 " No," put in the closet door, " I 
 have it myself; the carpenter gave 
 it to me." 
 " I had a dozen or so," said a 
 boot, looking rather down at the 
 "And I have a hundred or 
 more," yawned the easy-chair, 
 •' but they don't button anything ; 
 they don't belong to the working 
 "Here's a bachelor's button," 
 remarked a vase of flowers on the 
 " There's a button-wood tree in 
 the garden," said the button- 
 hooker. " I suppose you all grew 
 " I know better than that,"pout 
 ed the closet-door " Mine grew 
 in the veins of the earth, where 
 all the precious metals are found 
 It's a poor relation of theirs." 
 "And we," added a pair of 
 ivory sleeve-buttons, " we grew 
 in the land of the white elephant. 
 We were carved from the tusks of 
 the leader, who threaded the 
 jungles and swam the rivers at 
 the head of his troops." 
 " My buttons," said the glove, 
 " were nearly related to the gem 
 which Oleopatra dissolved for 
 Antony. They were mother-of- 
 pearl, grown in the shell of the 
 pearl oyster, for which divers risk 
 their lives." 
 " That's something of a fish 
 story," thought Jimmy's jacket. 
 " My buttons are only glass ; but 
 glass is sometimes made of sand, 
 and who knows but their atoms 
 may have been swept down to 
 the sea-shore from ■ farthest 
 "And I," wUspered the 
 bachelor's button, " I sprang from 
 a tiny seed, with all my uplendor 
 of blue and purple wings, like the 
 Afrite from the jar which the 
 fisherman found on the beach. It 
 is a miracle how I was packed 
 away there V'—St. yicholas. 
 "DIDN'T I. DAN?" 
 " Jimmy, have you watered my 
 horse this morning ?" 
 " Yes, ancle, I watered him ; 
 didn't I, Dan ?" he added, turning 
 to his younger brother. 
 " Of coarse you did," responded 
 The gentleman looked at the 
 boys a moment, wondering a 
 little at Jimmy's words ; then he 
 rode away. 
 This was Mr. Harley's first vis.. 
 with his nephews, and thus far he 
 had been pleased with their 
 bright, intelligent faces and kind 
 behavior. Still there was some- 
 thins in Jimmy's appeal to his 
 brother that impressed him un- 
 favorably, he could hardly tell 
 why; but the cloud of disfavor 
 had vanished from his mind 
 when, two hours later, he turned 
 his horse's head homeward. Just 
 in the bend of the road ho met 
 his nephews, Jimmy bearing a 
 gun over his shoulder. 
 "Did your father give you 
 permission to carry that gun ?" he 
 " Yes, sir," replied Jimmy ; 
 ' didn't he, Dan ? " 
 " Of course he did," said Dan. 
 " And of course I believe you, 
 Jimmy, without your brother's 
 word for it," said Mr. Harley. 
 Jimmy's face flushed and his 
 bright eye fell below his uncle's 
 gaze. Mr. Harley noticed his 
 he looked as if he would like to 
 vanish from his uncle's sight. 
 "Not always," he murmured, 
 looking down at his boots. 
 " My dear boy, I was afraid of 
 this," said Mr. Harley kindly. 
 " The boy who dlways speaks the 
 truth has no need to seek confirma- 
 tion from another. Do you mean 
 to go through life always having 
 to say: ' Didn't I, Dan ?" 
 " No, uncle ; I'm going to try to 
 speak the truth so that people will 
 believe me as well as Dan," said 
 Jimmy, impulsively. 
 Mr. Harley spent the season 
 with his nephews, and before he 
 left he had the pleasure of hear- 
 ^ #a6Sif€Jr{p[]^Ttomurj(^ S^j^ 
 nephew's confusion and rode on 
 without further comment. 
 " This map of North America is 
 finely executed ; did you draw 
 it, Jimmy ? ashed Mr. Harley that 
 afternoon, while looking over a 
 book of drawings, 
 " Yes, sir," replied Jimmy, with 
 look of conscious pride ; then 
 turning to his brother he added, 
 "didn't I, Dan?" 
 Mr. Harley closed the book and 
 laid it on the table. 
 "Jimmy;" he began, "what 
 does this mean? To every question 
 that I have asked you to-day you 
 have appealed to Dan to confirm 
 ing the people say, " What's come 
 over Jimmy Page ? He never 
 says lately, ' didn't I, Dan?"' 
 Mr. Harley thought it was be- 
 cause Jimmy was gaining confi- 
 dence in himself. Do you, chil- 
 dren? — Little Sower. 
 your reply. Cannot 
 word be trusted ?" 
 Jimmy's face turned scarlet, and 
 Bees do not usually want more 
 than one queen. In fact, they 
 will not have more than one unless 
 the swarm has grown so large as 
 to crowd the hive and they are 
 going to found a colony, or 
 "swarm," as it is called; in which 
 your own 'case each family will need a 
 I sovereign. As soon as it is clear 
 to the wiseacres that it will be 
 necessary to send oflTc swarm, the 
 bees go to work to make a queen. 
 A worker maggot, or if there 
 happens to be none in the hive, 
 a Worker egg, is selected near the 
 edgeof the comb. Two cells next 
 door to the one in which this 
 maggot is are cleared out, and the 
 dividing walls are out down, so 
 that three ordinary cells are turn- 
 ed into one. The food which the 
 worker worm has been feeding on 
 is removed, and the little creature 
 is supplied with a new kind of 
 food, — a royal jelly Change of 
 food, a larger room, and a different 
 position, — the queen's cell hangs 
 down instead of being horizontal, 
 — these three changesof treatment 
 turn the bee that is developing 
 from a worker into a queen. She 
 is difiisrent in her outer shape, 
 difiierent in almost all her orphans, 
 and difiierent in every single 
 instinct. There is nothing else in 
 all nature that seems to me more 
 wonderful than this. 
 Fqt fear that one queen may 
 not come out all right the 
 provident little creatures usually 
 start two or three queen-cells at 
 once. It is curious to watch the 
 fi-rst queen as she comes out. She 
 moves up and down the combs 
 looking for otherqueen-cells,and if 
 she find8one,she falls upon it in the 
 greatest excitement.and stings her 
 rival to death. Sometimes, by 
 accident, two new queens come 
 out at the same ^une ; then it is 
 wonderful to see the bees. They 
 clear a space and bring the two 
 rival queens together, and stand 
 back to watch the fight. And it 
 is a royal fight indeed; a fi^ht 
 to the death, for they never give 
 up till one or the other is fatally 
 stung. The victor is then accepted 
 as sovereign. — St. Nichulwi. 
 What they do, they do thorough- 
 ly. Many people know every- 
 thing, and yet know nothing; 
 they read on all subjects, but 
 muster no subject. 
 Kobert Hall was once asked 
 whether he thought Dr. Rippis a 
 clever man? He replied that 
 " probably he was, naturally, but 
 he had laid so many books on his 
 brains that they could not 
 Self-made men have read bnt 
 few books, bnt how thoroughly 
 they have mastc : ' ; *Vose few ! 
 Better one rood oi -(id you can 
 hold for your own for ever than 
 acres held in uncertain oc- 
 cupation. One thing at a time, 
 and do it well — yea, as well as 
 you can. 
 " Billy Gray, what do you 
 presume to scold me for ? You 
 area rich man,it is true, but didn't 
 I know you when you were 
 nothing but a drummer ?" 
 " Well, " said Mr Gray, "didn't X 
 drum well, eh ? didn't I drum 
 well ?" 
 The men who have risen from 
 the ranks have all done their 
 drumming well. — Smiles. 

 Or, " Wlwt wilt Thou have m« to do T 
 (Ami Uu Famat iV<md 
 " II jroo «UB«t sroM tb* ocoa, 
 A&d tht hMtbtn lands txplor*, 
 Ton MB Had IIM butlMa amrar, 
 Yoa oaa h«lp Itacu at joar door; 
 If jroQ MBaol tpcak llkt aDieli, 
 If 70a eannot preacii tlka Paal, 
 Von can UU Um Iot* of Jhiu— 
 Van aaa MT Ha dlad (or aU." 
 The prison gates swung slowly 
 back, and the constable who held 
 the keys lifted np his lantern for 
 a moment amid the fog. 
 "Thick, ain't it, little chap?" 
 said he, as a child stepped forth 
 firom the gaol ; " whidi way are 
 you going — into the town ?" 
 " No, sir," was the answer, half- 
 frightened, half defiant, as Davie 
 shrank back from the portly offi- 
 " Tou won't make much of the 
 country roads in this here mist, 
 my lad ; you'll get dropping into 
 some ditch, as sure as my name's 
 John Q-regson. Haven't you got 
 nobody a-waiting for yon out- 
 side? That's a pity! well, get 
 back into Mereham, but take my 
 advice and keep clear of the Jar- 
 vis lot, or you'll be lodging here 
 again," and then the buH's-eye 
 disappeared, the door was double- 
 locked, and Dave found himself 
 alone, outside the gates, in the 
 midst of a dense December fog. 
 Very cold and hungry was lit- 
 tle Dave, for his breakfast had 
 been a spare one, and the rags he 
 was wearing again after three 
 weeks' prison uniform, were no 
 protection against the damp,chilly 
 mist ; but it was almost a relief to 
 him that the day of his release 
 was not bright and fine. He 
 slunk along close to the high,dark 
 wall, feeling that the fog seemed 
 somehow to agree with his own 
 condition — which was truly about 
 as miserable a one as a boy could 
 Three weeks ago, " Red Dave" 
 (as they called him) was selling [ 
 matches, sweeping crossings.holu 
 ing horses, and fetching beer for 
 the shoeblacks and stall-keepers 
 in Mereham Market and High 
 street ; now the prison scissors 
 have cropped the red tangled 
 curls, and Dave feels that his 
 shaven head must betray to all 
 that he is a " gaol-bird" let loose — ' 
 something worse than the street- 
 boy who slept in arches and bar- 
 rows, and even in unused sewer- 
 pipes ! He understood, as he 
 crept along, thatthe fog was deep- 
 er than ever now— deeper even 
 than on that ni^^ht so long ago, 
 when they carried him, a little 
 frightened child, from his work- 
 house crib, to " kiss mother good- 
 He was not a prison-boy then ; 
 he had not stood in the dock, nor 
 slept in the cell ! 
 How could he now return to 
 town ? All the people in the 
 market knew he had been taken 
 np. The shoeblacks in the High 
 Street had seen him marched 
 along, the policeman's hand above 
 hia elbow. 
 And Jarvis— Jarvis was free ! 
 As Dave remembered him, he 
 burst out in the darkness into 
 oaths and cnrsA; all the wild pas- 
 sion of his nature vented itself in 
 the dreadful words he had heard 
 from the lips of drunkards and 
 profane men in the prison. 
 " If I had him here in the fog, 
 by this wall, I'd kill him ; when- 
 ever I get a chance, I'll kill him." 
 The strong brown fists were 
 mercilessly clenched, the blue 
 eyes flashed like a furious beast's ; 
 Jarvis, with his greater strength 
 of six more years of Arab life, 
 must have suffered sorely had he 
 crossed the boy's path then. 
 It was only an everyday story, 
 likewise the fascinating picture 
 on the first page of the paper he 
 was carrying. How Jarvis must 
 have prospered since the days 
 when he, too, ran bare-footed in 
 the market, helping the farm-mer. 
 to unload in the chill of the early 
 morning, for the sake of a copper 
 or a bunch of raw turnips ! 
 Very condescending was Ben 
 Jarvis that night; he read Dave 
 portions of the histories of cele- 
 brated robbers and highwaymen, 
 and showed the excited child all 
 the fascinating pictures that illiu- 
 trated their wealth and daring, 
 but omitted to show the end oJ 
 their career, which was ruin and 
 disgrace, and the death of a crimi- 
 A second invitation found 
 Dave quite readj for the novel at- 
 though a tragedy to " Red Dave." 
 One evening, when Dave sat 
 supperless in the market, within 
 the warmth of a hot potato stall, 
 Jarvis came sauntering in, and of- 
 fered to treat him to the play. 
 Now little Dave had never seen 
 a play, and felt too cold and hun- 
 gry to cure to turn out in the 
 street, so as Jarvis jingled the 
 change in his pocket, the boy said 
 eagerly he'd rather have " one of 
 them there 'taters." 
 Jarvis treated him to a couple 
 on tne spot, ordering the man to 
 " pepper 'em well," and then sat 
 down beside Dave, whilst the sup- 
 per was hastily devoured. All the 
 time he was eating, Dave noticed 
 with wonder and respect his com- 
 panion's brilliant scarf-pin and 
 spotted tie, and shining boots; 
 tractions of the "penny gaff"; 
 there Jarvis mixed with a num- 
 ber of boys about fifteen and six- 
 teen, who were indulging freely 
 in beer. They offered some to 
 Dave, but he had tasted it before, 
 and it had made his head so bad 
 that the very sight of it seemed to 
 bring back the sick pain again, 
 and he would not touch it. The 
 lights and the singing seemed, 
 however, half to intoxicate him ; 
 he began to roar out the choruses 
 so loudly that the crowd turned 
 to " chaff" him, and when Jarvis 
 launched into a fight with another 
 lad, Dave distributed blows on 
 his behalf right and left. There 
 was a call for order from the 
 stage, and a policeman appeared 
 on the scene. Jarvis and his foe 
 became invisible, but Dave stood 
 full in view, his angry face fltuh- 
 ed and bleeding, Vis ragged 
 sleeves turned np. 
 The constable bade him " be 
 off out of this," and kept him in 
 memory for any future occasion, 
 as a patron of that " gaff," which 
 was well known as a resort of 
 young pick-pockets and burglars. 
 Jarvis continued to patronize 
 Dave, who became exceedingly 
 proud of the notice of such a 
 young " swell." 
 One day Jarvis called for him 
 in the market, saying that a great 
 crowd was collecting in the High 
 Street to see some of the Royal 
 Family pass by. Dave had very 
 exalted notions of the Royal 
 Family, and with a vision of 
 crowns and sceptres before his 
 mind, he only waited to don an 
 old pair of hobnailed boots in 
 honor of such grandeur, and rush- 
 ed out to join the throng. 
 The High Street was crowded ; 
 people pushed and jostled one 
 another, and Davie found he 
 could scarcely see anything at all, 
 .for the people's heads towered far 
 atMve him. Impatiently he turn- 
 ed and twisted about to get a 
 good place ere the carriages ap- 
 proached, till the surrounding 
 spectators bade him angrily be 
 still, and ho turned to Jarvis with 
 the exclamation, '"Tain't no 
 good staying here ! I mean to 
 climb a lamp-post." 
 Jiut then a gentleman seized 
 hold of his arm, shaking him in- 
 "Where is my purse, you 
 onng thief? Stop him! Stop 
 For Davie, frightened and be- 
 wildered, made a movement to 
 A dozen hands caught hold of 
 him at once, and a woman's voice 
 shrieked out, "Police! Police!" 
 In another instant a member of 
 the police force had Dave down 
 on the pavement turning out his 
 solitary pocket. Within they 
 found a rotten apple, a dirty 
 string, and — a leather purse ! 
 " I didn't take it— I didn't, sir," 
 protested Dave; but the gentle- 
 man said sternly, "It is useless 
 for you to tell falsehoods now; 
 the purse was found upon you ;" 
 then, as he opened it, he discover- 
 ed that it was empty. 
 " Search him again, policeman," 
 said he ; " my money is gone ; 
 there were four sovereigns and 
 some shillings." 
 The policeman shook out his 
 jacket again. 
 " I know the boy," he said ; " ha 
 belongs to a bad lot— he is in with 
 young Jarvis, who gives us the 
 slip like an eel. This chap must 
 have collared the money, and 
 passed it on to one of his pals." 
 "I saw him shifting and 
 wheedling about, a-slipping from 
 side to side just now," sud the 
 shrill female voice that had called 
 for a constable. "He tried to 
 make off just as the gentleman 
 missed his purse," said another. 
 "I hain't done nothing," sai 

 face flush- 
 [e him "be 
 kept him in 
 re occasion, 
 B^afl," which 
 a resort of 
 id burglars, 
 to patronize 
 i of such a 
 led for him 
 that a threat 
 in the High 
 >fthe Royal 
 ve had very 
 the Royal 
 a vision of 
 I before his 
 d to don an 
 id boots in 
 ur, and rnsh- 
 as crowded ; 
 jostled oiiu 
 I found he 
 ything at all, 
 i towered far 
 ntly he turn- 
 ut to get a 
 sarriages ap- 
 I angrily be 
 I Jarvis with 
 "'Tain't no 
 I mean to 
 eman seized 
 ing him in- 
 purse, yon 
 him ! Stop 
 led and be- 
 tovement to 
 ight hold of 
 iman's voice 
 \e\ Police!" 
 member of 
 iDave down 
 jng oat his 
 ithin they 
 |le, a dirty 
 purse ! 
 didn't, sir," 
 the gentle- 
 is useless 
 loods now; 
 ,pon you ;" 
 ,e discover- 
 is gone ; 
 Ireigns and 
 Dk out his 
 I said ; " ha 
 I is in with 
 Ives us the 
 Ichap must 
 Iney, and 
 ns pals." 
 ■ting and 
 pping from 
 I' said the 
 |had called 
 tried to 
 img," sat 
 Dave, looking half blindly from 
 the one to the other, wondering 
 why Jarvis was not there 
 to help him, yet with a sadden 
 sickening revulsion of certainty 
 that Jarvis had used him as a tool 
 for the then. 
 "Will you charge him, sir?" 
 asked the constable. 
 " Certainly ; it will be a warn- 
 ing to him," answered the gentle- 
 man; and after a moments vio- 
 lent resistance on the part of 
 Dave, the three proceeded to- 
 frether to the police-station, fol- 
 owed by a small crowd of 
 The magistrate was sitting in 
 court, and the evidence was laid 
 before him, added to which Davie 
 was charged with severely as- 
 saulting the policeman, whom, in 
 trying to escape, ho bad kicked 
 with nis hobnailed boots. 
 Sentence was passed upon him 
 for the theft and assault — three 
 weeks in all ; and the red head 
 disappeared from the dock, and 
 Dave waa a prison-boy. 
 He went down to the gaol in 
 the van, feeling as though he 
 " didn't care now what became of 
 him — not he ;" and he came out 
 three weeks later a desolate child, 
 int.'/ the shrouding fog. 
 Chapter ll. 
 Cold and hungry and friend- 
 less, Darie wandered on to a 
 Sretty village on the outskirts of 
 [erenam ; many an artist loved 
 to linger at Bankside, on account 
 of its beautiful river scenery, and 
 others stayed there in fine 
 weather for the sake of boating 
 and fishing. 
 The fog was clearing now, and 
 Davie could see the shining river 
 spanned bv an ornamental bridge, 
 and the handsome villas with 
 their spreading lawns and con- 
 Bervat«ries full of rare choice 
 "How fine it mast be to be 
 rich !" thought Davie, gazing at 
 the gleam of the firelight upon 
 crimson curtains and plate-glass 
 wmdows ; " there's food to be had 
 in there — they don't know what 
 it is to be all over cuts and chil- 
 blains, and not a bit of bread a- 
 lying about anywhere to be pick- 
 ed up, that I can see." 
 Slowly and hesitatinglv (for 
 Davie was thoroughly frightened 
 of all this grandeur) he entered 
 the opened gate of one of the finest 
 of the mansions, intending to make 
 his way to the kitchen entrance, 
 and beg for a little food. But the 
 approach to " Sunnyside" was 
 rather perplexing, and he found 
 himself instead oefore the deop 
 bar window of a laree, comfort- 
 able room, into which he could 
 look quite plainly from the gravel 
 path outside. 
 Something like envy filled the 
 heart of thalittle outcast as he 
 gazed upon a boy, attired in 
 warm black velvet, who lay upon 
 a conch, comfortably wrapped in 
 a handsome skin rug. This child 
 of luxury seemed about his own 
 age, but oh! what a difference 
 there was between them I 
 "He's had dinner, I reckon," 
 thought Davie, miserably ; "maybe 
 plum duff, and gravy 'taters. 
 There ain't no shivering for him, 
 neither. Ain't he just snug, and 
 ain't ho a-langhing Jolly like with 
 them there kittens, and don't that 
 'ere lady seem fond of him just?" 
 A gentle-faced lady, who had 
 been sitting in the arm-chair by 
 the fire reading aloud to the little 
 bov, here rose and settled his sofa 
 pillows for him more comfortably. 
 " Guess ijl's good to have a 
 mother," thought poor Davie, 
 turning gloomily away; he did 
 not know that in one respect he 
 and Wilfrid Joyce were alike, tor 
 they were both motherless ; but 
 Dr. Joyce's sister in Wilfred's 
 case, tried hard to supply the 
 place of a mother to her little 
 " Hallo, youngster ! lost your 
 way, eh ? You mustn't come 
 tramping about the front garden." 
 The speaker was a good-natured 
 man in coachman's livery; in 
 Davie's eyes he was very impos- 
 ing, and the frightened bov falter- 
 ed out, that he \f as very hungry. 
 " Well, yon won't get food, star- 
 ing at mistress and young Master 
 Willie ; come round here to the 
 kitchen, and I'll warrant cook can 
 find you some broth." 
 Davie opened eyes, ears, and 
 mouth; it was good fortune 
 enough to be addressed so kindly, 
 but to be promised broth, and 
 actually to detect a warm savory 
 smell as he neared the cook's do- 
 But, unfortanately, just at that 
 moment a side cate opened, and 
 in walked a gcnucman, at sight of 
 whom Davie would have taken 
 to his heels and fled, bat that 
 fright seemed to chain him to the 
 "How often shall I have to 
 order tramps away from the 
 stable-yard ?" he asked sternly ; 
 and then, seeing Davie's face, he 
 exclaimed, " Why, this is the 
 young thief who stole my purse 
 last month — the daring rascal to 
 come prowling aboat my house! 
 I'll take care you lay hands on 
 nothing here, you good-for-noth- 
 ing fellow ! Be off, or I will send 
 for a policeman." 
 *' Please, sir," pleaded Griffiths, 
 with the privilege of an old ser- 
 vant, " he's such a little chap, and 
 mistress said as how the broth 
 was to be given away at the door 
 this bitter weather." 
 But Davie was already out of the 
 front gate, and a long way down 
 the road, and Dr. Joyce passed in 
 to toaet himself at the fire, and 
 take an hoar's rest before tea with 
 his idolized child, Wilfred. 
 Mrs. Joyce had died when her 
 little boy was born ; ihe waa a 
 sweet Christian woman, and 
 though ahe coald scarcely get 
 sufficient brsath to speak, yet 
 when they laid her little one be- 
 side her, she tonched the tiny 
 ' Thine own. 
 babe, saying faintly, 
 dear Lord. 
 Her last words were thus a 
 prayer that her little Wilfred 
 might belong to God ; as yet it 
 seemed as though her dying 
 pravcr had been unheard, for 
 though little Will heard plenty of 
 fairy-tales, and wonderful adven- 
 tures of heroes real and unreal, 
 no one had ever told him the 
 sweetest story of all — how Jesus 
 Christ came into the world to save 
 sinners. And yet he was nine 
 years old, and could read quite 
 You will wonder still more 
 when I tell you that it was by his 
 father's orders that the subject of 
 religion was kept as an avoided 
 one in Wilfred's presence ; Dr. 
 Joyce said that he himself did not 
 believe in God, and he would not 
 have a lot of nonsense put into 
 the boy's head. 
 Miss Joyce, a kind, gentle lady, 
 who prayed, in secret that the 
 Lord would move her brother^ 
 heart to let her teach little Will 
 of the Saviour, took good care of 
 the child, who was by nature 
 sweet-tempered and obedient ; 
 but often and often when the poor 
 little fellow was in pain with the 
 croup and asthma that so sadly 
 afflicted him, she longed to hear 
 h& little voice falter a prayer to 
 the loving heart of Him who 
 pities His little ones in their pain 
 and trouble. 
 But her brother, to all save Wil- 
 fred, was a hard stern man, and 
 Miss Joyce was frightened that if 
 she disobeyed him, he would re- 
 move her from the care of her 
 dearly-beloved nephew. How 
 often she thought of the times 
 when the doctor and his sweet 
 wife went to the house of God to- 
 gether, and when morning and 
 evening the doctor used to open 
 the Bible, and read aloud from it, 
 and then offer prayer to God. 
 But since his wife's death he 
 had seemed completely changed. 
 Ho had loved her passionately.and 
 none but himself and the Lord 
 knew how hard he had prayed 
 that her life might be spared. 
 But God, in His wisdom and 
 mercy, saw it fit to call her to him- 
 self, and from that time the doc- 
 tor seemed utterly turned against 
 I wonder what you would 
 think of a child who turned 
 against his mother, and would 
 have nothing to do with her, be- 
 cause she had denied him some- 
 thing he was determined to have ? 
 You would call such a child fool- 
 ish and wicked ; ' could he not 
 trust his mother's love to choose 
 and decide for him ? 
 But Dr. Joyce wss acting just 
 in this way ; first of all he said, 
 " God is cruel," and then, like the 
 fool mentioned in the Bible, 
 " There is no Gt>d," and then, as 
 if to revenge himself against the 
 Lord of Hosts, he decided to turn 
 religion out of his house entirely. 
 dying breath, and the Lord \i' 
 whom she trusted had not Jorgtot- 
 ten little Will. 
 In envying the young master 
 of those pretty white kittens, 
 Davie had only judged from ap- 
 pearances; he did not hear the 
 hacking cough, he did not know 
 how many months little Will had 
 lain upon that couch day by day, 
 and how hard the father strove to 
 persuade himself and others that 
 the child was not growing weaker, 
 and wearing away before their 
 He looked up gladly as his 
 father came in, with the loving 
 smile and dark blue eyes of his 
 lost mother. 
 "Papa! we've got snow-cake 
 for tea, and we had chicken for 
 dinner, only I couldn't eat much 
 because auntie gave me such a 
 biff cup of beef-tea at lunch." 
 id some thought of the hungry 
 face of the little tramp cross the 
 doctor's mind ? If it did he dis- 
 missed it with the remembrance 
 of Davie's guilt as a thief. 
 And have you been busy, 
 papa dear ? Have you been to 
 any little boys who cough as bad 
 as me?" 
 " Oh, what grammar !" cried his 
 aunt, playfully ; then she added, 
 " But you have not coughed quite 
 so much to-day, darling." 
 " Of course not," said Dr. Joyce, 
 drawing the little golden head 
 tenderly to his shoulder. " I be- 
 lieve that medicine will fatten 
 him up out of all knowledge,. 
 This dull weather is against the 
 strongest constitution ; when the 
 roses come you'll be quite well, 
 my boy." 
 But I have never been quite 
 well, you know, papa ; somehow 
 I never seem to have played about 
 like other boys." 
 Oh, your chest has been a 
 little weak," said the doctor, 
 hastily, " but you will grow out 
 of it ; it is nothing at all. You've 
 got that wool next to the skin ?" 
 "Oh yes, papa; auntie takes 
 care of that ; but, papa dear, I've 
 been thinking— suppose I don't 
 get better, papa. Cook had a lit- 
 tle nephew who had the croup, 
 and he died" 
 Cook is a gossiping idiot," 
 said the doctor angrily ; then he 
 added, touching the little frail 
 hand to his lips, " There's no fear 
 for you, my boy ; cook's nephew 
 very likely had neither doctor 
 nor nursing. I think we are able 
 to insure your life for a good 
 many years to come." 
 "Oh, I do hope so, papa; I 
 don't want to die. Fancy going 
 away from yon and auntie, and 
 everything nice and being put in 
 the cold, dark ground." 
 "The flowers don't mind the 
 cold dark groand," said his aunt, 
 in a trembung voice. 
 " No, auntie ; but they come np 
 out of it, and look beautiful ; 1 
 shall have to lie there for ever 
 and ever and ever — shan't 1 papa? 
 But the dewr mother's praver p**. »» d»" lHght*n me so.' 
 had gone . up to heaven with her| (Tb bi continued.) 

 Or, " WbaX wUt Thou htw m* to do r 
 iDrom l/U AiKUy fHtud.) 
 OHAPTER II. — OmluMwil. 
 For answer, hia father lifted 
 him gentiy on to his knee, and 
 put hii atrong arms aronnd him, 
 aa though to defy even the 
 thooj^ht of Death to touch his 
 preoiona boy ; and when the tea' 
 thinga came in, Willie woke up 
 from a coay nap, lively and smil 
 ing ; but hia amilea could not 
 baniah from hia father'a mind 
 the thonght that, for the first time 
 in his life the child had appealed 
 to him for help in vain. Willie 
 had turned to him, hoping his 
 clever father would relieve him 
 from the fear of lying for ever 
 underground; but what could his 
 father tell him, since he had de 
 termined the child should never 
 hear of Him who says, " Whoso* 
 ever liveth and believeth in Me 
 shall never die" ? 
 Ghaftbb III 
 ** » OOB »THBB !" 
 Intenae hunger often preventa 
 aleep, and though Davie felt tired 
 and faint, he waa still wide awake 
 that evening when he crept away 
 from an approaching policeman 
 to rest within one oftbe recesses 
 made by the seats upon the 
 bridge. Away in the distance he 
 saw everywhere the lighted 
 windows of homea, but he — like 
 the King of earth and heaven — 
 "had not where to lay his head." 
 It was cold and damp, curled up 
 on the stone seat above the river, 
 and some might even have pre 
 ferred the warm, safe prison cell ; 
 but to the street boy liberty waa 
 next to life. He was free — free 
 to look up at the golden stara, and 
 wonder vaguely concerning their 
 calm, sacred beauty ; free to look 
 down at the flowing watera, and 
 think of a boy he h»i aeen drawn 
 up out of the river drowned. 
 "Anywaya he ain't hungry," 
 thonght Davie ; " I mind he were 
 often abort of cash like me, before 
 he got drownded ; wonder what'a 
 come of him now !" 
 The next moment he waa con- 
 aoiooa of a faltering atep beaide 
 him, and the atarlight showed him 
 dimly the bent fig^ure of an aged 
 woman, with a little baaket on 
 her arm. He aaw she was poor 
 and feeble, so he felt there was no 
 need for him to make hia escape. 
 " Why, my lad !" said a weak, 
 quavering voice, " ain't this a 
 blessing that we've got into this 
 cosy place out of the rain ? It's 
 just beginning to come down, but 
 we shan't feel it much if we creep 
 under that there shelter." 
 •' The bobby will be by," said 
 Davie. " I 'spects I can give him 
 the slip, but he'll see you, and 
 he'll turn you out, sure enough." 
 " He's turned his light on here 
 a while ago," said tne woman. 
 " I don't think he'll look right 
 in again, and if it rains hard, he'll 
 turn into the cabmen's ahelter at 
 the top ; I hope he'll let bm' alone 
 luat thia one night." 
 "They'll take you in at the 
 Union," auggested Davie, " if you 
 hain't got no tin." 
 " Why ain't you there, child ?" 
 ahe aaked. 
 "Oh, 1 couldn't— I wants to 
 feel free." 
 " And ao do I, lad; I've lived 
 off the pariah, and I hoped to die 
 off the parish, but our Father- 
 He knows better nor 1 do May- 
 be I've got stuck-up of late, for 
 I'm over seventy, and I've earned 
 my living, and nursed my good 
 man till he went to glory ; and 
 what with charing and needle- 
 work and washing, I never want- 
 ed no parish relief ; but I've got 
 the rheumatic this throe month, 
 and ] couldn't do no work nor 
 pav the rent, and I'm two month 
 behind, ao the landlord he sold 
 no appetite to eat a moraei. So 
 here it it dearie, and do you eat 
 every bit of it ; dear now ! where'a 
 your mother, to leave you alone, 
 and you such a little wee boy ?" 
 " Haven't got no mother,'^ said 
 Davie, snatchine at the food, " and 
 I ain't little ; Iin bigger than 1 
 look in the dark. But I say, 
 you'll be hungry maybe to-mor- 
 row, and then you'll want this." 
 " No, lad ; it ain't no good keep- 
 ing up my pride— the Lord 
 knows better nor I do, and since 
 He sends me there, I'll go there ; 
 He'll come along of me I know. 
 I'm a-going to apply there in the 
 morning, only I just wanted one 
 night more to feel free like afore 
 I goes to the Workhouse I 
 likes being out here better than 
 being shut up there, so I «aya to 
 me out to-day, and told me to go.myaelf, ' Betty, yon shall say one 
 to the Union. ' more prayer out of the Union, and 
 " What a shame f cried Davie ' then you goes in to-morrow !' ' I'd 
 " I'd like to shoot the old fellow.' . a-hoped to have died out of the 
 " Te mustn't talk like thai, House, but sure and I ain't no 
 child ; I ought not to have been ' call to be discontented and to 
 behind with my rent, but thia poor grumble — it's nothing to what 
 handgot terrible bad a while ago." the jLord went thruugh.'" 
 Won't it get worse if you stay 
 here ? the rain is getting in to us 
 now." ■ 
 It don't feel over bad to-night ; 
 I feel somehow stiff and chilly, 
 but I'm not in pain, thank the 
 Lord !" 
 Well, I'm glad you're come," 
 said Davie. " I likes company, 
 and I'm that hungry I can't sleep." 
 " Well now, that's queer. I've 
 got half a loaf as a neighbor give 
 me — poor dear I ahe wanted it bad 
 " Who's the Lord 1 do you mean 
 the Lord Mayor ?" ^..ked Davie, 
 with his mouth dangerously fuU. 
 " Why, laddie ! our Lord— our 
 Lord Jesus." 
 " He ain't our Lord," said Davie, 
 " I ain't heard nothink on Him." 
 "Not heard of Jesus! why, 
 there's nobody loves you like 
 Jesus does, laddie." 
 " Nobody loves me at all," said 
 Davie, "nor I don't want them to ; 
 Jarvis pretended to care a lot for 
 enough herself— and I can't gel < me. and he got me in gaol 
 Reckon you wouldn't sit ao cloae 
 tome, if you'd a-known I'm out 
 of gaol to-day." 
 " I don't know about Jama," 
 said Betty ; " but whether you've 
 been in gaol or not, I know the 
 Lord does love yon. Why, He 
 used to touch the lepers — ^poor 
 creaturea nobody wouldn't nave 
 about them, and who had to get 
 out of the way of everybody." 
 "Just like me," said Davie, 
 " Qneaa He wouldn't touch me 
 though ; I'm horrid dirty, but I 
 meana to wash in the morning." 
 "You don't know my Lord 
 Jesus, you don't know nothing 
 of Him if you think He wouldn't 
 touch you ; why. boy, we touch 
 Him when we pray to him." 
 "Pray— what'a that?" 
 " Talking to Jesus ; He likes 
 us to tell Him all we feels, and all 
 we wants." 
 " All we wanta ? my eye !" cried 
 Davie, " I wants something more 
 to eat, and a new suit, and iiit- 
 tens, and lots. Where does He 
 live ? Guess if I go to Him, some 
 one will drive me off." 
 " No, nobody can," said the old 
 woman , " there ain't nobody can 
 drive us off from God." 
 " Gx>d ! is it Him as you means ? 
 —I can't get to Him.'* 
 "Tes you 'can, and He will 
 hear you and help you " 
 "Tell me how.'* The boy 
 crept close vp to hei. his face up- 
 turned to hers in the darkness 
 " I can't tell you much, laddie ; 
 I'm only old Betty, and don't 
 know nothink. But God did 
 teach us one prayer, and I knows 
 that right enough. You say it 
 after me — say it quick, 'cause 
 something queer's come to my 
 tongue, and 1 feels a bit sleepy. 
 Our Father." 
 "Our Father." said Davie, in 
 wondering, hushed tones 
 " Our Father," came again more 
 feebly from old Betty, and again 
 the boy spoke it after her But 
 she did not speak again, only 
 leant back aeainst the wall, and 
 her basket rolled from her hand, 
 "She's gone to sleep, sure 
 enough," said Davie. " Guess I'd 
 like to tell Him all I wants. But 
 it don't matter about me; I'm 
 used to sleeping out of doors; but 
 she's too old for it ;" and then his 
 face looked up to the sky where 
 the dark cloud hid the stars, and 
 Davie uttered his first prayer — 
 Our Father, can't you nnd a 
 place for old Betty to-night?" 
 He dropped fast asleep by her 
 side, so sound asleep that he was 
 not conscious when in the gray 
 dawn of morning a policeman 
 flashed his lantern into the recess, 
 and found a little ragged boy 
 asleep on the seat, wrapped round 
 in Betty's shawl. But the old 
 woman slept more deeply 8till,for 
 though she had been turned from 
 her earthly home, One whom she 
 loved had drawn nigh unto her 
 in the darkness, a^ lifted her 
 away to our Father's house, 
 where the many mansions be " 
 (7>/ be continued. I 

 Or, " What wilt Thoa h*T« m* to do f* 
 Itfrom Ou ritmttp IHtnd.) 
 Ohaptkb IV. 
 " Darie, I want yon to go np to 
 Snnnyside this morning, with this 
 new medicine for Master Wilfred. 
 HiB father haa consented to try it 
 at last, bnt he ought to take U be- 
 fore dinner, so make ha%i.e." 
 "Tes, sir ; IVe left ail the medi- 
 cine yon pnt out iu the sargery.' 
 " That's a good boy ; and I finri 
 yon mixed those powders as we' 1 
 as I conld hare done them vof 
 self. I shall make a doctor of 
 you yet." 
 " You'd make any thins of .my 
 body," said Davie, with so.-ne 
 thing like a sob in his voice ; 
 " there ain't not a boy in the 
 market-place would know me 
 " No, you don't look much like 
 the little chap I found lying 
 asleep under the glare of the 
 policeman's buU's-eyo." 
 " He were a-going to take me 
 to the work'tts, weren't he ? " 
 "Tes, but I told him that I 
 could get you into the Royal 
 Home, so he gave you up to mn, 
 but the Home was full, and I 
 could not turn yon adrift, so I had 
 to trust you as my errand-boy, 
 and I shall trust you no longer 
 unless vou hurry now to Sunny' 
 Davie rushed off with the 
 bottle ; he loved goins to Sunny 
 side, for little Wilfred was quite 
 a hero to him, and the strong, 
 healthy boy was no less a won- 
 der in the eyes of poor Wilfred. 
 When Dr. Joyce's partner, Dr, 
 Meadows, brought the outcast in- 
 to the surgery at Mereham, and 
 told how he had found him asleep 
 beside a dead woman on the 
 bridge. Dr. J uyce at once declared 
 he was a gaol-bird, and said he 
 should not be employed in that 
 surgery. * 
 But Dr. Meadows had taken a 
 fancy to the little red-haired fel- 
 low, which was not at all surpris- 
 ing, since he always did take a 
 fancy to anything or anybody 
 helpless, and he declared he 
 meant to befriend the lad. 
 " Since we share the surgery," 
 Baid he, " let him do his work at 
 my end, and you can get another 
 hd to carry out your prescrip- 
 Davie, however, had been at 
 his post more than a year.and both 
 partners knew him now as a 
 sharp, trustworthy boy ; Doctor 
 .Toyce had ceased to treat him 
 slightingly, and though always 
 stern, he sometimes praised his 
 quickness and ability. 
 But Dr. and Mrs. Meadows — 
 he said it was his wife, and his 
 wife said it must be the baby- 
 between them had done a Ghrist- 
 like work towards the little out- 
 cast Who would have recog- 
 nized in their smart, bright-faced 
 " buttons" the little gaol-bird who 
 looked to the darkened sky and 
 Mid, • Our Fatheft" 
 Doctor Meadows believed in 
 Davie's innocence of the theit.and 
 Davie knew he believed it. 'This 
 was the first sonrc« of the great 
 influence he possessed with the 
 child; in Davie's eyes. Doctor 
 Meadows was nearly perfect. He 
 it was who clothed, fed, and 
 housed him when the managers 
 of the Boys' Home found their 
 rooms so, crowded that they were 
 compelled to refuse another in- 
 mate ; he it was who conquered 
 Davie's fear of Dr. • Joyce, and 
 who taught the lad to read, write, 
 and work sums for an hour every 
 evening ; he it was above all who 
 gave Davie a place in his Sun- 
 day-school class.and bv word emd 
 ezAriple led him to the Saviour 
 who had shown him the evil of 
 he p^st, and tjUcen all Davie's 
 and Master Willie was lo feared 
 of the coffin." 
 "No talk of coffins here, and 
 no talk of Jesus," said the doctor, 
 striking his fist on the table, and 
 making Davie shake in his shoes. 
 " I don't believe in Him, and 
 I don't choose to have religion 
 brought into my house. Yon 
 must not go near my lad unless 
 you promise to avoid the subject 
 " Not talk of Jesus, sir !" cried 
 Davie, blankly. 
 " Not a word." 
 " But, please, sir, I must ; I 
 loves Him best of all." 
 " See here, Davie — the bov frets 
 after you— it's only a little thing I 
 ask. Ai; ! ii you please me in this, 
 I'll give yon half a crown." 
 Now Davie had tried long to 
 poor little heart for His own for 
 ever and ever. 
 When the boy reached Sunny- 
 side, he was told that Wilfred was 
 so ill as to be in bed, and he was 
 turning sadly away, when the doc- 
 tor called him saying, "Willie likes 
 to chat with you ; go up and have 
 dinner with him ; I'll tel 
 Meadows I kept yoii." 
 " Oh, thank you, sir !" cried the 
 boy in great delight. 
 *' But mind, not one word of 
 church talk ; I hear you've been 
 putting all sorts of notions into 
 my lad's head, about things that 
 wjU frighten him to death." 
 "No, indeed, sir; I wouldn't 
 frighten him for all the world. I 
 only told him as how Jesus 
 wouldn't never let us keep in the 
 coffin if we trust in Him. Doctor 
 Meadows says we go to heaven ; 
 purchase a pair of tiny bfne shoes 
 for Dr. Meadows' baby girl, but 
 was yet some distance short of the 
 price ; the money therefore seem- 
 ed a temptation at first, bnt only 
 for a moment. 
 " Please, sir, — it's no good 
 promising— I couldn't help talk- 
 ing about Jesus. - And Master 
 Wilfred— I does love him, too — 
 suppose he was to get lost, and 
 me know it was for the want of 
 me telling him ?" 
 " You telling him ! you teach a 
 gentleman's son !" 
 " I know he's a gentleman, sir, 
 but nobody hain't told him about 
 " You are an impudent fellow ; 
 get out of the house." 
 " Please, sir," said the frighten- 
 ed voice, " I didn't go for to be 
 imp'dent, please, sir." 
 Away down the garden he 
 went, bnt ere he reached the 
 te, the doctor's voice came after 
 im. " Here, you young chatter- 
 box, go and keep my lad com- 
 pany, while 1 see my patients, and 
 don t let him push off the bed- 
 A happy boy was Davie when 
 Wilfred's little white handi lay 
 in his own after dinner, and the 
 child learnt from him some of.the 
 texts that the doctor had taught 
 him at the Sunday-school. 
 Willie never talked now of get- 
 ting well ; he understood better 
 than any one else did that he 
 would soon leave his dear home 
 of Snnnyside ; but now that he 
 had heard of the Friend " beyond 
 all others," his little voice framed 
 many a secret prayer to the Lord 
 who was able to take care of him 
 all along the dark valley. 
 " And now the hymn, Davie 
 dear," said he ; "I showed father 
 the hymn-book you gave me, and 
 all he said was, ' Don't sing too 
 much— it wiil hurt your chest ! ' 
 But what do you think 1 Mother 
 had a Bible, like yours, for auntie 
 has been keeping it all this time ; I 
 heard her talking about it to papa, 
 and he savs I may have any book 
 of hers I like, so I'll have a Bible 
 of my own. 
 " And you c«kn read so beauti- 
 ful. Master Willie! I wish I 
 could read like you." 
 " Oh, you can do lots more 
 than I can, but I'll be strong 
 whnn I go to Jesus, won't I 
 Davie ? Now do sing to me once 
 before you go ;" and the doctor, 
 opening the door of his consult- 
 ing-room,heard two boyish voices, 
 one strong and clear, and the 
 other, oh, now feeble ! blended in 
 the low sweet hymn — 
 "There Ii a freen bill far »iraj, 
 Wlthont Hour wall, 
 Where the dear Loitt wai omctfled, 
 Who died toeavanaall. 
 • ••••• 
 He died that we might be fort iTaD, 
 He died to make ne food. 
 That w Aalgbt go at laat to beaTen, 
 Bared by Hie precloui blood.'* 
 Chaptsb V. 
 It was a beautiful afternoon in 
 early spring ; the river danced in 
 the sunlight, the trees were bud- 
 ding into sweet, fresh green, and 
 tUe sky was of a deep cloudless 
 By the river-bank went Davie, 
 whistling for gladness of heart; 
 Kood Dr. Meadows sent him every 
 day now, when his morning 
 work was done, to the Board 
 School at Bankside, and thouffh 
 at present in a very low class, the 
 master said that it he continued 
 to work as well as he was doing 
 at present, he should soon be 
 quite proud of him as a pupil. 
 The Board School was not very 
 far from Snnnyside ; Willie could 
 hear the boys shouting in the 
 play-ground, and the voice of the 
 master who drilled them He lay 
 listening to the sounds of life and 
 health very patiently on his bed ; 
 this mild, fair weather hsMl made 
 no ohange in little Willie's health. 
y "62 
 i* Srer 
 BTcry one — save Dr. Joyce— 
 3oald eee that the darling of the 
 honae was " wearing away to the 
 land of the leal" ; but the dootor 
 himself either could not or 
 wonld not admit that Wilfred 
 waa worse. He sent for an emi- 
 nent physician from London, be- 
 sides getting Dr. Meadows every 
 day to see the boy, for, skilled 
 doctor though he was, he would 
 not trust his own ability alone for 
 his son. Dr. Meadows had long 
 since told him very gently that 
 lung disease had set in hopelessly, 
 and all the physician said was, 
 "While there is life, there is 
 hope." But Dr. Joyce called them 
 a pair of croakers, and bade his 
 sister keep up Willie's strength 
 with jelly and beef-tea and new- 
 laid eggs ; she noticed, however, 
 that he hung about the boy with 
 a very anxious face, and he would 
 suffer none but himself to under- 
 take the night-nursing of the little 
 As the school was so near, Davie 
 often called to ask «fter Willie, 
 who never failed to invite him to 
 stay to tea ; he liked to hear of 
 the boys' classes and games, but 
 oh ! how much more eagerly did 
 the dying boy drink in the sound 
 of the " Name to sinners dear." 
 This afternoon Miss Joyce was 
 watching at the garden gate for 
 him. " Doctor Joyce is in Mere- 
 ham," she said, speaking in an 
 agitated voice ; " do find bim for 
 us, Davie. He went to some pa- 
 tient who has had an operation in 
 the workhouse infirmary, but he 
 may have gone elsewhere now, 
 Run, Davie — Willie is so ill." 
 The whistling stopped, and 
 tears filled Davie's eyes, as he 
 rushed forward as though pos' 
 sessed of wings ; he loved Willie 
 so dearly that he had often felt as 
 though he would like to bear his 
 weary pain so as to give him ease 
 The infirmary was at the other 
 end of Mereham, and to Davie's 
 relief, the doctor's caifiage was 
 standing at the door. 
 " I must not frighten him," he 
 thought, trying to frame his mes- 
 sage gently; but just then the 
 doctor came out, and seeing the 
 breathless boy, his face went 
 ghastly white. 
 " Willie !" was all he could say ; 
 and Davie nodded, for the doc- 
 tor's agitation frightened him out 
 of speech. 
 The doctor tore a leaf from his 
 pocket-book, and wrote on it. 
 " Dr. Meadows is in there," said 
 he ; " give this to him ; when he 
 is done with the young man, he 
 must come at once." 
 The carriage rolled away, and 
 Davie asking for Dr. Meadows 
 was shown into a large ward, 
 where the doctor stood beside the 
 bed of a youth, whose leg was to 
 have been removed, but the doc- 
 tors had found to-day that there 
 was^ope of saving it. 
 "He ain't of much account," 
 said one of the male nurses in a 
 whisper to Davie, whom he knew 
 well by this time : " hurt himself 
 in breaking into a hoose ; he 
 ought to be in the prison infirm- 
 arr by rit^hta, but it waa an old 
 laay'i house, and she wouldn't 
 prosecute him 'cause of hia leg be- 
 Davie gave the note to Dr. 
 Meadows, and turned towards the 
 patient Their eyes met. Jarvis 
 did not recogniie the doctor's 
 page, but Davie knew him di- 
 rectly. Davie had prayed for 
 this ; ever since he had learnt to 
 love Jesus, he had prayed for Jar- 
 vis, as the one who had " despite- 
 fully" used him, and he longed to 
 do good to the evil associates of 
 the life from which he had been 
 rescued. Many a little wander- 
 er had Davie brought within 
 the influence of the ragged- 
 school and Sunday-school, but he 
 nurse ; I'd knook down ten of " Ob yes, I know her, it's Mrs. 
 yom, but for this leg." I Bryant, a great friend of my mis- 
 " Does it hurt yon very much, tress. I'm so glad, dear Jarvis, 
 " Why I its ' Red Dave,' I de- 
 clare ; to think of seeing ' Carrots' 
 in buttons; your master don't 
 know as how you was in the lock- 
 up, do he ?" 
 " Yes, he does, Jarvis ; I'm Dr. 
 Meadows' boy, and he k^ows all 
 about it !" 
 " Blessed if he does I you don't 
 know all about it!" 
 " I think I do, Jarvis ; butwon't 
 you have a drink of this milk ?" 
 Jarvis drank it feveririily. 
 " Something queer has come over 
 you, Davie ; I suppose you're too 
 grand to go to the ' penny gaff' 
 now r 
 "Glrand, Jarvis! Fancy cali- 
 had never been able to see Ben 
 Jarvis, though he had even 
 sought for him once in the 
 " penny gaff." 
 " Doctor," said he, " it's Jarvis." 
 " Bh, what ? he gave his name 
 as Jones." 
 " Well, it is Jarvis," whispered 
 Davie, " and he don't know me." 
 "You can remain hero with 
 him awhile if you like ; I don't 
 want him to sleep just yet, for his 
 wounds are to be dressed when 
 Mr. Drew come° round. I must 
 go up to Sunnyside ; don't you 
 come there, for Willie will want 
 to see you, and he ought to keep 
 The doctor moved awav, and 
 Davie sat down quietly by the bed 
 ing me grand ! No ; but, Jarvis 
 I never go there. I've signed a 
 paper never to touch strong 
 drink, and that's about all they 
 does there. But I did go once — ^I 
 wanted to find you out." 
 " Look here,' said Jarvis, sud- 
 denly, "if it will make you 
 squarer with your master, you can 
 tell him as how I knows you 
 never took that purse. I slipped 
 it into your jacket, Dave ; but I 
 didn't leel like being locked up. 
 They've caught me twice since 
 then, though, and irthat old girl 
 hadn't begged me off, I'd have 
 been in prison now. Ain't she a 
 brick, Dave? Blessed if she 
 didn't send me some sponge cakes 
 and oranges yesterday. Tho folks 
 I say, young buttons ?' cried . say as how she comes and reads 
 Jarvis, peevishly, " you're a nice J to them here once a week." 
 and oh! so glad yon confessed 
 ebout the purse. I knew you 
 must have done it, and I have 
 asked Jesuii to forgive yon." 
 " Don't Tou feel like punching 
 my head, though ?" 
 "No, Jarvis; but do ask Jeans 
 to forgive yon." 
 "What's the sood? It ain't 
 only that— I've done a sight of 
 bad things ; it's only one like you 
 as could forgive me." 
 " But, Jarvis, Jarvis, I forgive 
 Jou because I want to be like 
 esus; oh, do try Him! There 
 ain't nobody forgives like Jesus." 
 "They learnt me about Him 
 when I was a little chap,and lived 
 with grandfather; but when he 
 died I was turned out in the 
 streets, and I've forgot everything, 
 I think. Oh dear ! how this leg 
 hurU " 
 " Shall I ask Jesus to make it 
 better, Jarvis? There ain't no- 
 body minding us." 
 " Tain't no use, lad; Jesus'd 
 think it served me well right ; iiie 
 bobbies si>i J 30 When they picked 
 me up." 
 " Jesus never says that," said 
 Davie ; " it ain't in the Bible no- 
 .where ; I believe He pities you all 
 the time, and I'm a-going to tell 
 Him sU about it ;" and putting his 
 head down beside the pillow 
 of the astonished Jarvis, Davie 
 whispered — "Saviour, our Sav- 
 iour, save Jarvis, and make Him 
 sorry he has done wrong things, 
 and take this pain away, and 
 show him how "rhou dost forgive 
 him, much more than I do —and I 
 forgive him with all my heart — 
 for Thy Name's sake. Please Jar- 
 vis, say ' Amen.' " 
 " Amen," said Jarvis ; but no- 
 body didn't listen to you. How 
 could God hear you a-whispering 
 like that?" 
 " 1 don't know bovr He can, 
 but He does," said Davie firmly ; 
 " I feels it inside my heart." 
 Here the dresser came up to at- 
 tend to Jarvis, who looked at 
 Davieeagerly.andsaid, "Come and 
 see a chap sometimes won't you ?" 
 " Indeed I will, whenever mas- 
 ter can spare me. And I'll tell 
 mistress what ward you are in ; 
 she brings the children here 
 sometimes. I wish you could see 
 our baby, little Miss Daisy. Good- 
 bye, Jarvis ; I hope your leg will 
 leave off hurting you." 
 But ere he left the ward he re- 
 turned, and laid silently on Jar- 
 vis' bed his chief treasure — a little 
 Testament that had been found 
 in the basket of the old woman 
 who died on the bridge, and that 
 Dr. Meadows had secured for him, 
 writing the names of the two out- 
 casts together, first "Betty" and 
 then "Davie." 
 tt was very hard to part from it 
 but very sweet to give up some- 
 thing precious for Jesus Ohrist'i 
 {To be^AntiHued.) 
 Or, " What wUt Thou h«T« m« to do f* 
 (From tk» Famil) f>'f«iid.) 
 Chapter V. 
 The two doctors stood beside lit- 
 tle Willie'i bed, aa the sottiiifr sun 
 sent iti iMt raya of glory into hia 
 The child aeemed fast asleep ; 
 his open Bible lay beaide him — 
 the one that had been his 
 mother*!; for he had bean readingr 
 in it ere he broke the blood-vessel 
 which waa the fatal sign. 
 No eonnd waa in the room ; Miss 
 Joyce was titterly worn out, and 
 waa lying down on the sofa at the 
 foot of the bed, for Dr. Meadows 
 said Willie might continne ancun- 
 scions ior hoars. Dr Joyce had 
 dren no opinion, bat the little 
 hands were clasped tightly with- 
 in his own. 
 At last there was a movement, 
 and the father pressed a morsel of 
 refreshing ice between Willie'a 
 He opened his eyes. " Father I" 
 said he, " I can t see — is it 
 A sob barst from the strong 
 man's lips. 
 "Don't cry, papa," and the 
 little hands felt for his face, " I'm 
 so safe — Davie told me aboat 
 Jesns— I'm so glad Jesus has got 
 me tight." 
 '■ Don't talk, darling," said Dr. 
 Meadows; "it will make you 
 "J won't talk maoh; I want 
 papa Kiss me, papa — kiss me 
 "Try to sleep again, Willie," 
 said his aant. 
 " Yes, anntie, when I've said 
 my hymn." And then the little 
 fellow tamed his face towards 
 the window, thongh he could see 
 the sunset sky no longer, and said 
 his evening hymn — • 
 Jmoi. Mnd«r SIMphnd. brar in«, 
 BI«M Thy mu* lamb to-nt(bt | 
 ^Tbroagb tht darkooM be Tboa noar ma, 
 Keep ma lafa till morninf light." 
 * « . * * 
 When Dr. Meadows left the 
 house, his partner had locked 
 himself into that room alone, and 
 Miss J jyce was in the deep sleep 
 of sorrow. 
 Davie waa standing at the gate, 
 watching eagerly for news of 
 " I didn't let him hear my voice, 
 sir, I've been waiting outside all 
 the time; ia Master Willie any 
 better sir?" 
 And the doctor said gently, 
 "Yes, Davie; Jesus has taken 
 away t^l his pain." 
 " FATHSB !" 
 Sterner and harder than ever 
 teemed Dr. Joyce during the few 
 days that a little flower-strewn 
 coffin lay atSannyside ; he scarce- 
 ly spoke to ttaj one ; but his 
 partner waa moat anxious about 
 him, for he scarcely ate or slept, 
 and Dr, Meadows knew that an- 
 leia he gave way to his grief hia 
 life waa in danger. 
 He did not attend the f\ineral 
 service — a critical case at some 
 distance demanded bis attendance. 
 The good clergyman, however, 
 souffht him that evening, where 
 he knew he would surely find 
 him, and pressed his hand in 
 silent sympathy. 
 Dr. Joyce pointed tn the new- 
 made grave. 
 " For ten years, sir," said he " I 
 have planned and schemed and 
 saved for the future of my only 
 child ; and this is the end." 
 ''Nay," said the clergyman, 
 earnestly, " but rather the begin- 
 ning, "the strongest man living 
 has powers less wonderful, the 
 happiest heart on earth ia leaa 
 happy than little Willie now. 
 For when we see our Lord, we 
 shall be like Him, as He is." 
 Dr. Joyce made no reply ; he 
 when the boy eould no longer 
 visit him, because of Hying at 
 Snnnyside, he became very de- 
 spondent, and declared he was 
 ?roing to die, and should be lost 
 or ever. 
 In this state of mind he con- 
 tinued a longtime ; nothing seem- 
 ed to give him hope, till one day 
 the good Christian lady, who re- 
 venged his burglary by visiting 
 his sick-bed, knelt down in the 
 ward, and besought the Lord to 
 have mercy upon that poor dark 
 soul, and, when she arose, Jarvis 
 said, " He loves me, me — ain't it 
 wonderful ?" 
 His kind friends did not lose 
 sight of him again ; the doctor got 
 him to attend a night-school, and 
 at last succeeded in getting him 
 to.sign the pledge ; and now, in 
 all the shoeblack regiment, it 
 I would be difficult to find one 
 more civil, honest, and obliging 
 turned slowly away and went up than Ben Jarvis; for he is "on 
 to his room where one little bed ' the Lord's side," and the Lord 
 stood emi*ty beside his own. | has strengthened him to resist 
 The next day he lay helpless temptation in whatever form it 
 with brain fever, and for a time ' may come to him. 
 hunv between life and death ; his | One day when Dr. Joyce was 
 kind sister nursed him ceaseless- getting better he called Davie to 
 ly, and even when he regained his side, and said, " Davie, I hear 
 his senses, he waa weak as a little I you want to become a doctor." 
 child, and needed constant attend- " Yes, sir, please, sir ! and I'm 
 ance. They were discussing one' a-learninir how to make some 
 day the plan of getting an attend- 'sort of pills." 
 ant to help Miss Joyce, when the j " But it will want plenty of 
 doctor beckoned his partner to money to make yon a clever doc- 
 Will it, sir ?" and Davie's face 
 grew clouded ; "then I can't get 
 I'd have liked to 
 him, saying, " Lxt Davie look af- 
 ter me." 
 So Davie came to the sick-room; 
 and trod softly and carefully, and ' to be one, sir ; 
 ministered to the doctor's comfort make folks' pains better, but it 
 as tenderly as his kind little heart i don't matter. Perhaps I'll drive 
 proRipted him ; though when he a tram." 
 saw Willie's bed his chest heaved " But, Davie, do you know I 
 and he could not speak, which owe you something ? I don't 
 Dr. Joyce noticed though he said meat, for attending to me now, or 
 By this time Davie could spell 
 out a text here and there, and of- 
 ten, when the doctor seemed 
 asleep, he conned over his Sun- 
 day lesson, word by word, till it 
 sank into his memory, and into 
 the heart, too, of the listening 
 And one day, when the patient 
 had been left alone.and Davie was 
 bringing in some chicken broth 
 as quietly as a mouse, the boy's 
 heart gave a bound of joy — for he 
 and Willie had prayed for this— 
 the Bible, hers and his, was open 
 in the doctor's hands, and Davie 
 heard him murmur in a broken, 
 faltering voice — 
 " Black, I to the fonntaln fly ; 
 Watb me. Saviour, or I die." 
 Meanwhile, Jarvis was steadily 
 making progress towards recov- 
 ery. Dr. Meadows promised, if 
 he tried to live honestly, to set 
 him up in a good station as shoe- 
 black, for his leg would never be 
 quite well, so he could do no 
 active work. 
 Jarvis was so full of jokes that 
 nobody could find out whether 
 he really meant to do better or 
 not; but every one could see that 
 ho was really fond of Davie, and 
 for you' work for my child— God 
 bless you for all you did for him 
 — but I hear you were put in 
 prison unjustly, and I must try to 
 make that up to you." 
 You do know I'm not a thief 
 now, sir?" said Davie, flushing 
 " Yes, my boy ; poor little fel- 
 low ! I suppose Dr. Meadows 
 has not told you what I want to 
 do for you?" 
 " Yes, sir," said Davie simply ; 
 " he told me you was a-goinr to 
 get me my next pair of boots. 
 " Not your nexi only, but many 
 more pairs, I hope. Since he did 
 not tell yon, listen tp me. I am 
 very lonely, Davie, and there is 
 none to succeed me in ray name or 
 in my profession. Will you come 
 to me as Davie Joyce, and bo my 
 son ? I will do all for you that 'I 
 hoped to have done for my angel 
 l)avie opened his eyes, turning 
 redder still. 
 " I— I can't leave Doctor 
 Meadows," said he; "I likes my 
 room over the stable, and that'ere 
 baby will bo wanting me back 
 ag{un now." 
 "You are frightened I shall 
 keep you by force, I see," said the 
 doctor, with a sad smile ; " but. 
 hard aa I seem, I will 
 you against your own will. Re- 
 member, thouqh, that instead oi 
 service you would get a first- 
 class educaiion, and instead of 
 bread and cheese, plenty of good 
 food, and your room over the 
 stable would be changed for 
 Sunnyside. I have learnt to love 
 you, lad, and I know this is what 
 my Willie would have liked. 
 " I\l likn to please him," said 
 Davie, hesitating ; " but I does 
 love Dr. Meadows ; please mayn't 
 I talk to him about it?" 
 Dr. Joyce nodded. " You may 
 go now," said he ; " and you may 
 take a week to decide." 
 But Davie did not need a week 
 to make up his mind. Dr. 
 Meadows saw that money and 
 comfort could not tempt Davie 
 away from his service ; but he ap- 
 pealed, and not in vain, to the 
 boy's sense of self-sacrifice. 
 " I have a wife and children," 
 said he ; " Miss Joyce is going to 
 live with her sister, and Dr. Joyce 
 has nobody to love him, and take 
 care of him. It makes me very 
 sad sometimes to see that lonely, 
 broken-hearted look in his eyes ; 
 I think this may be the call of 
 Jesus to you, to bless and bright- 
 en that desolate life." 
 Davie had not thought of it in 
 this manner before, and his eyes 
 grew very radiant with a light 
 caught from above. 
 "For Jesus' sake." This 
 thought entirely altered the case ; 
 for a few minutes ihe little fellow 
 knelt down in his garret above 
 the stable, and asked that the 
 Lord would lead him aright, and 
 then he went to say " good-bye" 
 to the baby. 
 ' But I shall see you many a 
 time," said he ; " so don't fret af- 
 ter Davie ;" which did not seem 
 at all likely to be the case, since 
 Miss Daisy was quietly intent on 
 the contemplation of her wee 
 pink toes, which had just been 
 bared ior Slnmberland. 
 In the calm of the evening, 
 Davie again left Mereham for 
 Sunnyside ; the moon gMted 
 quietly out from betweerffithe 
 clouds, and as he looked up to%e 
 silver light, he thought of little 
 Willie safe at home in the pain- 
 less land. 
 The gas was not burning in 
 Dr. Joyce's room ; he lay in the 
 dark, wondering whether Davie 
 would return to him at the end 
 of the week or no, and thinking, 
 too, of his dear ones whom God 
 had called above. 
 Just then, when the tears rose 
 to his eyes, and his heart grew sad 
 and heavy, a boy's step sounded 
 up the stairs, a boy's hand touch- 
 ed his own, and a loving voice 
 said earnestly, " I've come to 
 stay with you, father !" 
 " The daily use of beer shortens 
 lifetromten to fifteen years." — Dr. 
 Poor Freddie Wrty had no 
 father or mother to care for him, 
 and wonld have felt very dall and 
 miaerable in hit little bed if ^aok 
 had not given up his play to sit bv 
 his side and read to him. JaoK 
 waa not his brother; he was an 
 orphan like himself, bat ever 
 ■inca Vred-then a little half- 
 ■tarT'.d fellow with tattered 
 olothea and bare feet, used to 
 sleeping under arohwaya and 
 gattlnff money to buy food in all 
 sorts oftuoertain ways— had been 
 brought to the Children's Home, 
 Jack had helped and stood . 
 by him. 
 In the middle of the 
 reading Mr. Hilton, the 
 superintendaut of the 
 Home, oamo into the 
 "Freddie," he said, "I 
 wtrit you to tell me again, 
 as simply and plainly as yon 
 can, how it all nappened. ' 
 " I was going that errand 
 to Captain Harper's," Fred 
 answered, " and I caught 
 sif ht of Jim, on the other 
 side of the road, and I was so 
 afraid he'd get away before 
 I could catch him, I ran 
 across directly. 
 Jim waa the one friend 
 Freddie had had all his life 
 before he came to the Home, 
 and he had cried for him 
 many a time, thoueh Jim 
 wa( a big, rough lad, in 
 whom no one else ever found 
 any good. 
 "There wasn't a cart or 
 anything near, sir ; it must 
 have come round the 
 corner of Granville Street, 
 and it came tremendously 
 fast, and I inat knew it was 
 coming and couldn't get out 
 of the wav, and there seemed 
 to be such a row all round, 
 and 1 saw the horse's hoofs, 
 looking more like elephants'; 
 th|M something gave me a 
 gir^ailcnock, and there I waa, 
 aaddidn'tknow no more till I 
 was here; I think he might 
 haveseen me, the man in the 
 cart, if he'd looked out ; I do, 
 reallr, air." 
 " »> some other people say 
 who saw it happen, Fred, 
 but the man had too much to 
 drink and didn't know what he 
 was doing. He will be brought 
 up at the police court to-morrow 
 morning, and be punished, and 
 perhaps lose his situation alao. 
 He ia very sorry now, especially to 
 have hurt you, because he has a 
 little boy at home just your age, 
 and it might have been that little 
 boy instead of you." 
 "Jack," said Fred, when Mr. 
 Hilton had gone, "Don't you think 
 it would have been fairer if it had 
 been hia own little boy instead of 
 me? He'd have been sorrier then." 
 " Perhaps his boy wouldn't 
 have been so comfortable as yon 
 are here," Jack suggested. "Ho I time if it's to do any good, but I 
 wouldn't havp had Mr. Hilton (o 
 go and see him." 
 But don't you think," began 
 Freddie again, speaking much 
 more slowly this time, "it's very 
 hard, Jack 7 1 wanted to see Jim 
 so much, you can't guesa how 
 much. People say he's bad, but 
 he's not really, and if I Qould see 
 him and talk to him, and tell him 
 how Uiuoh nicer it was to learn 
 things, and try to be good and all 
 that, I know he'd soon be very 
 food. Ho waa always good to me, 
 aok, and " 
 Freddie was so near crying, he 
 had to leave otf talking, 
 can't think why (iod didn't let 
 me apeak to Jim.' 
 " I suppose if yon knew whv, 
 that wouldn't be trusting," said 
 Jack. " Perhaps you naven't 
 trusted enough; perhaps you've 
 been— what does that text say 7 — 
 leaning unto your own under- 
 "I don't know what that 
 means," Fred answered. 
 •■ Well, I shouldn't wonder if 
 it moans thinking you knew best 
 how to talk to Jim, when Ood 
 had some better way." 
 There waa a little silenoe, Then 
 Jack went on with the reading. 
 " I expect it will all come nght, " 
 Jack said, soothingly. "You'll 
 see Jim some other time. There 's 
 that text I was reading when Mr. 
 Hilton came in tells you not to 
 fret—' Trust in the Lord with all 
 thine heart.' You ask God to look 
 after Jim and trust him to do it. 
 Perhaps your accident is going to 
 make the man that ran over you 
 leave off drinking " 
 "But Fve been asking for so 
 long, and nothing has happened. 
 I knew just exactly what to say, 
 It was a long time before Fred 
 heard of Jim again, and his trust 
 was a good deal tried, but he kept 
 that text Jack had read to him, 
 not only in his memory but in his 
 One day, however, avoungman 
 came to the Home and asked for 
 Freddie Wray, and after a long 
 stare, Fred found that the neat, 
 smiling lad who shook his hand 
 so warmly was actually Jim. 
 "Rather a difference. Fred, 
 my boy, isn't there?" he said, da* 
 and he wouldn't mind anybody lighted to see Fred's amaiemeni 
 so much as me. I wouldn't have I've got a place at Dr. Rot>erts,' to 
 minded being run over another look after hia horaea, and perhapa 
 V\\ be Ml ooaohmaB ieiB* day; 
 but if I am you'll never find me, 
 please God, taking too much drink 
 and running over anybody." 
 " Why, Jim what do you mean 7 
 Did you know?" cried Fred. 
 " Iknow vou were nearly killed 
 for me. I'd seen yon, my lad, b«- 
 fore you oroaaed, but I'd have 
 dodged you rather than hava 
 apoke. I waa kind of mad with 
 ▼on for staying in this place and 
 leaving mei, and I said Pd never 
 forgive Ton till tou ran away from 
 them all. Ana I thought, too, 
 you'd be proud and lord it ovai a 
 lellow like me, when yon had inoh 
 swell elothaa on." * 
 "Oh, Jim!" 
 "Wait a bit. When that 
 cart knocked you down, I 
 turned round and waa mad 
 with the chap that drove it, 
 and I hoped he'd losa hia 
 place and get into priaon for 
 ever so long. • I went and 
 hung about the court to find 
 out what was done to him, 
 and when I saw him come 
 out fVee, I waa fit to knock 
 him down. I went up and 
 asked him how he'd manased 
 it, and he waa thinking or it 
 all so that he nsver noticed 
 my way of aaking. Well, 
 he said it waa all along of 
 you ; you'd sent a gentleman 
 to speak up for him, to say 
 you had crossed the street in 
 a great hurry because there 
 waa a friend you wanted 
 very mnoh to see, that you 
 were glad it wasn't his little 
 boy, and hoped because of 
 him that he wouldn't lose his 
 place. " So," he aaid, ■ my 
 master agreed to pay the 
 fine, and take me place if I'd 
 sign the pledge, and I'm 
 going atraight away to sign 
 now, so as it shan t be my 
 boy next time.' Well, that 
 came over me ao, I didn't 
 ki\ow what to think I be- 
 gan to aae all at once that it 
 wasn't the clothes only was 
 different about us. And I 
 kept on talking to the man, 
 and thinking, and thinking, 
 and — there, the long and 
 short of it is I made up my 
 mind there and then, that 
 next time you saw me there 
 shouldn 'tbo such a difference; 
 I'djuat try the experiment 
 I went on with this chap and 
 sionad with him— they must 
 have thought me a queer Sort of 
 fellow to put my hand to it, it 
 took me such a time to write— and 
 he did all he could for me juat be- 
 cauae it was me you'd been want- 
 ing to see. So I went baok with 
 him to his maater, half aa a joke, 
 and asked if he wanted another 
 hand in hia stable^ t can't think 
 what made him give me a job, 
 but he did, and tiler a bit took 
 me on regular; and the other 
 fellow stood by me, and took me 
 to see his missus and the boy that 
 waa your age, and then they got 
 me to church with them. And I 
 needn't go on any mora now. Ton 
 •in't Mhunsd to Ulk to me 
 tboagh, are yoa, Freddie? I'm 
 not quite the unie Jim I wm. 
 "And JMk was right," aaid 
 " Why, what did Jack aay ?" 
 " He read me what the Bible 
 aays— ■ Trust in the Lord with all 
 thine heart; and lean not unto 
 thine own understanding.'" — 
 Hand of Hope Review. 
 The invention of the valve 
 motion to the steam engine was 
 made by a mere boy. Newoome's 
 ungine was in a very incomplete 
 condition, from the fact that there 
 was no way to open or close the 
 valves, except bv means of levers 
 operated by the hand. He set up 
 a large ennne at one of the mines, 
 and a boy^nmphrey. Potter, was 
 hired to work these valve-leaders ; 
 although this was not hard work, 
 yet it required his constant at- 
 tention. As he was working the 
 levers, he saw that parts of the 
 ongine moved in the right direo- 
 tion, and at the same time he had 
 to open or close the valves. He 
 procured a strong cord, and made 
 one end fast to the proper part of 
 the engine, and the other to the 
 valve-lever; and the boy then 
 had the satisfaction of seeing the 
 engine move with perfect 
 regularity of motion. .A short 
 time after the foreman came 
 round, and saw the boy playing 
 marbles at the door. Looking at 
 the engine, he saw the ingenuity 
 of the boy, and also the advantage 
 of so great an invention. The 
 idea suggested by the boy's in- 
 ventive genius was put in 
 practical form and made the steam 
 engine an automatic working 
 The power loom is the invention 
 of a farmer's boy who had never 
 seen or heard of such a thin^. 
 He whittled out one with hu 
 pocket-knife, and after he had got 
 it all done he, with great 
 enthusiasm, showed it to his 
 lather, who at once kicked it to 
 pieces, saying he would have no 
 boy about him who would spend 
 his time on such foolish things. 
 The boy was sent to a black- 
 smith to learn a trade, and his 
 master tookalively interest in him. 
 He made a loom of what was left of 
 the one his father had broken up, 
 and showed it to his master. The 
 blacksmith saw that he had no 
 common boy as an apprentice, and 
 that the invention was a valuable 
 one. He had a loom constructed 
 under the supervision of the boy. 
 It worked to their perfect satis- 
 faction, and the blacksmith 
 furnished the means to manu- 
 facture the looms, and the boy 
 received half the profits. In about 
 a year the blacksmith wrote to 
 the boy's father that he should 
 bring with him a wealthy gentle- 
 man who was the inventor of the 
 celebrated power-loom. Ton may 
 be able to iudge of the aatoniah- 
 ment of the old man when hia 
 son Was 'presented to him as the 
 inventor, who told him that the 
 loom was the same as the model 
 that hi) had kicked to pieces but 
 a year ago. — Selected. 
 "I don't think it has been a 
 'good day' at all, Jessie Umury," 
 said Cousin Pansy. " The sun- 
 shine has molted the snow, so we 
 can have no fun on our sleds, and 
 the streets are so bad mamma will 
 not let us go out. The snow is so 
 deep it will be wet and muddy 
 for a week, most likely ; and here 
 we are all shut up in the house. 
 I think it is just miserable." 
 put stamp* on »*o\\, as papa told 
 me I might draw on his desk for all 
 the postage I needed for such a 
 good worlc." 
 " I saw you fussing with those 
 old papers au'l I was most sorry 
 I let you lease away two of my 
 nice magazines to put with 
 " Oh, you wouldn't be. Pansy, 
 if you could see the poor little 
 fellow they went to. Ho has not 
 walked for seven years, and ic 
 always in pain ; sometimes very 
 great. H^ is ten years old, and 
 can read. The magazines will be 
 such a feast to him. Now, I know 
 you are glad I sent them." 
 " You must have had a dozen of 
 those packages, Jessie. It would 
 take a lot of money." 
 ■it t^^apid \\Vc ft^toiiu. 
 and uncflmwttx\u\tan. 
 ISnM^tviHVm an. tow* 
 1^ VSlvAdA n se uvt\u\ 
 \u Voo\;\tv5 a\)ouV.. 
 ni mviit ^uvt. •v(ii\V\«ul- \aA 
 I OlVtVv o\\tT mi 0^ 'nxw. 
 ft \»vv aW CuyAu "^fcVY . 
 Untiv glvi Vim "iouT ^ti\ 
 . ucu. Tvavt oi-wntVt ipil 
 |l^« Can icuaWUViVtoS 
 1)1 ^t\\\\\t.ovVxl. 
 Pansy had not been a bit of a | " No ; I only had nine. T did 
 heart 's-ease" to anybody that ! wish I had a dozen. But then, it 
 day . : makes me happy to think of giving 
 The day has not been long so much pleasure to nine people, 
 enough for me," said Jessie, for all of these are people who 
 brightly, as she threaded a needle have but few papers. Likely the 
 CO take a few more swift stitches '. whole family will read them, 
 before the light quite faded. |Now I think. Pansy, it was a very 
 " I can't see what you have I good morning's work." 
 done so pleasant." ' " What did you do with the 
 " In the first place, I assorted a others ? I saw you put on your 
 pile of papers papa gave me to do ! rubbers, and run out somewhere 
 with just as I pleased. I laid with as big a parcel as a news- 
 aside those I wished to send away, 
 in n pile by themselves, and then 
 cut wrappers for them and sealed 
 them up. I directed all the 
 parcels, and weighed each on 
 papa's poatage smIm. Then I 
 " Those left over ones I assorted 
 again, and took a largo bundle 
 across to Becky Maurice. She 
 always wants a large paper to 
 out a pattern for somebody. She 
 is so obliging ; and she likes to 
 keep her shelves as tidy aa a pin. 
 She puts on clean papers twice a 
 week if she can gel them. You 
 should have seen how pleased she 
 was with that bundle. She will 
 read them all first, she says." 
 " Well, I must say it has been 
 'paper day' with you What 
 were you doing so Ions up stairs 
 when I wished yon to play a game 
 with me V" 
 "Just fixing up the closet for 
 mother, putting new papers on the 
 shelves, and arranging boxes. 
 Miss Becky's fine order made me 
 fuel a little ashamed." 
 " Well, I think you have had a 
 happy day of it, just mousing 
 about among old rubbish the 
 whole time. Reading this story 
 hook in this easy chair has been 
 too much for me. Most of the 
 time I looked out of the window 
 at the miserable streets, and the 
 miserable people wading through 
 " You may not believe it. Pansy, 
 but the very surest way of being 
 happy yourself is to do something 
 for some one else. It makes yon 
 happy at the time, and when you 
 think of it afterward. Now.ifyou 
 really think it over, I believe you 
 feel better pleased about those 
 two magazines than about any 
 thing else you have done to-day. 
 Just try my way to-morrow, and 
 see if it does not work well." 
 " I don't sepwhat I could do." 
 " Only make your mind up in 
 earnest and you will find ways 
 enough. The trouble will 
 more likely bo you'll not know 
 which to do first. It often 
 puzzles me." 
 It was likely that Jessie saw 
 more than Pansy about s^me 
 things, because she had learned to 
 see. There is a great difierence 
 in people about this, yet any child 
 with aheart for the work can begin 
 right away the blessedness of 
 doing good to otherB.— Exchange. 
 Ill-natured deeds are very rare 
 when compared with ill-natured 
 words It would be a 
 shrewdly good bargain for the 
 world to agree that ill-natured 
 deeds should be multiplied by ten, 
 if only the ill-natured words were 
 to be diminished by one half ; for 
 though the deed may be a much 
 larger and more potent thing 
 than the word, it often does not 
 give nearly as much pain. Depend- 
 ents could gain very much by this 
 bargain, for they seldom suffer 
 much from deeds, but a great deal 
 from wordi Many fi, man goes 
 through life scattering ill-natured 
 remarks in all directions, who has 
 never to his knowledge done an 
 ill-natureddeed, ajid also probably 
 considers himself a very good- 
 natured fellow ; but one, however, 
 who takes a knowing view of all 
 human beings, and of all hnmCi 
 affairs, and is not to be imposed 
 upon, as he takes care to say, by 
 anything or anybody. — Author of 
 " Friends in Council. 
' ' f\\St 
 " Uptn your noutli tml t^ut jruur tjri^ 
 Ami 1 II i!>v> y'>u •uuirtlilng tn mak* yuu 
 Sttiil Tommy Ureeii to hi* little 
 filter Bva. Eva was Nitliiig on 
 her grandma*! knee. Shu had 
 Icen very aick but waa now get- 
 ting qnite well and brother Tom- 
 inv waa. very good to ht*r. He 
 seldom oamu npme from work 
 without bringing her lome- 
 thing. One day it would be a 
 bunch of wild flowora that grew 
 on the wayiide, the 
 next a line bunch of 
 awoeldinelling graaaea 
 or porhapa a branch of 
 " palm." He had not 
 much lo bring her, poor 
 boy, but hu did all ho 
 could, and every day 
 before he came home 
 Hhe would ask, " VThat 
 timu ia it, grandmam- 
 Now oiii« day Tommy 
 planned a great aur- 
 prido for her Every- 
 day he used tu pass a 
 great orchard on his 
 way to work, and saw 
 in it one tree full of 
 fine cherries. He said 
 to himselij " When 
 these cherries are ripe, 
 I will get some for 
 sister." But ho was a 
 very poor boy and he 
 had no money to buy 
 them, and they soon 
 began to look so nice 
 that he thought they 
 must cost a great deal 
 Every day as he passed 
 the tree they grew red- 
 der and redder, and 
 riper and iiper, but he 
 had no more money to 
 buy them than before. 
 At lost one day he 
 heard the gardener say 
 to the owner, " We 
 must pick these cher- 
 ries this afternoon." 
 TiiiN frightened Tom- 
 my, and all the day at 
 his work he thought of 
 how he might get some 
 lor his sister. " Steal 
 them !" That never 
 entered his mind, Tom- 
 was always a very good 
 boy. At last he made 
 up his mind. At noon 
 he went to the garden- 
 er and asked him if he 
 could not du Homething 
 to earn the cherries he 
 wanted for his sister. 
 The gardener looked at him and 
 said, " You are the boy who pusses 
 here every day, are you not? and 
 you never touch the fruit. I tell 
 you what I'll do with you. Come 
 and help us pick fruit all the spare 
 time you can and we will Ity to 
 «pare you some for your sister." 
 Tom went back to his work 
 whistling, and that night was late 
 HI getting home. His sister had 
 fttked hei grandmamma where 
 Torn was. nearly a hundred times 
 liL'toie sho h-ard liiin runiiiui? as 
 hard as he could. U<'loro he got 
 to the door he stopped and then 
 walked quietly, a smilo all over 
 hia face. 
 Alter his kiss, he snul, "Nov*, 
 0|ten ruur inoutlt and thiil your t^yiMi, 
 Aiiil I II kIvi* you •omt'thliig Ici tuakv ynn 
 She knew something good was 
 coming, and laughed and clapped 
 her handa and opened her mouth 
 and kept her eyes open too. But 
 that would not suit Tommy, but 
 she would keep her little eyes 
 The things wo decide that we 
 must have, in distinction from 
 those which we feel we may have 
 if we can, are very significant. 
 Eliza must hnveanewdresa. The 
 new dross must be of silk, thick 
 and shining; and it will make 
 necessary an elegant wrap, a 
 tasteful bonnet, dainty laces, and 
 fresh aa well as costly gloves and 
 shoos. If our young lady ia to be 
 th« familiar haunts of their youth 
 and the little churchyard where 
 their precious Urst-born waa bur- 
 ied. Such a trip would smooth 
 out some of mother's wrinkles, and 
 impart a new elasticity to father's 
 dragging step, but it would be 
 wild extravagance to suggest anoh 
 a thing to the dear unseltiah pair. 
 Eliza's outfit would put a 
 tMrclopiedia on the bookahelvea. 
 That would wonderfully as- 
 sist the boys in their studies, 
 and amaiingly broaden the 
 horizon of the whole 
 family. It would as* 
 sist conversation by 
 adding to the general 
 fund of information, 
 and would help the 
 young folks to read the 
 newspapers for more 
 intelligently. But to 
 spend so qp^h money 
 at once, for such a pur> 
 pose, sends at the bar^ 
 mention a thrill of ter- 
 ror to the maternal 
 heart. We may have » 
 cyclopaedia by-aud-by. 
 We must array our 
 daughter fashionably 
 to-day. Eliza's oullH 
 would support a Bible- 
 reader for a whole year 
 in India ; hut, dear me, 
 what could one Bible- 
 reader more do to stem 
 the tide of heathenism? 
 Besides, who ever heard 
 of one family of mode- 
 rate means, setting up 
 a whi)le missionary, all 
 by ilu-niselvos! The 
 notion ih Quixotic and 
 ridiculous. Away with 
 it ! O, the good things, 
 the beautiful things 
 that may be thought of 
 among our may-haves. 
 And alas, blind bats 
 that we are, we let 
 them all go, and choose 
 for mnst-huves a new 
 ''k dress for Eliza, 
 ..'le in the latest style 
 — Chrittiuii Intelligen- 
 A lady missionary 
 writes from India: — 
 " I cannot be too 
 thankful for the lolls. 
 They excited i. reat 
 deal of admiration, es- 
 pecially among the 
 Shindh women and 
 girls. At their request 
 open until grandma at last put i dressed with attention to style, ' I had a ' show day,' whenrum- 
 her hand over them and Tommy | wo cannot neglect any detail of|bers came to see the wi i(I,.rful 
 put a rich, red, ripe cherry into, her toilet. In fact the things |' white woman'. Among them 
 her wide-open mouth. what a which it is decided she must have ^ was an old blind woman who at 
 time they had then. After that [come in a short time to an tends my Bible class. She fondled 
 there was no trouble in keeping amount which would do a great, the dolls so tenderly, and said 
 her eyes shut aa she took one ' many other good aiifl delightful; what a comfort one would be to 
 after another, and then the garden- things, if a different idea of econo- her lonely life, that I felt sure you 
 er's boy came in with a nice my prevailed. Eliza's outfit; would have given her one, sol 
 basketful for Tommy and grand- would enable father and mother, chose a small one with (aa she 
 ma too, and that evening they if they would but think they ^ called it) real hair, and gave it to 
 had a great time I can tell you, could thus employ the money, to her. It has been the meana of 
 all because Tommy so loved his take a trip to the country and see , bringing three new women to my ( \ 
 sister. the old homestead, the old friends, i Bible-class.— 0o«p«; in all I^ndt. j * 
 Un • bright, 
 w*rm day, Ru- 
 • y lar-riva hi>r 
 Im-lijr broth-rr 
 •lilt toth»gr«>«l 
 liirin-y»rd. It 
 w m • vcr-y 
 A Inrge barn 
 i>l(>o«l at one 
 HJd« of it, and 
 iioxr thii waa ii 
 The ohiok>pu», 
 il It e k • and 
 gi'fM na«d to 
 i-oine ont of it 
 to atray a-bont 
 the large graa- 
 ly lot. And iu 
 one oor-ner waa anif^i- ulrar pond, 
 Sn-ay knew ahe nhonld find 
 ma-ny prot-ty thinKn out here, and 
 that Ba-by would like to see them 
 too. She walked a-round till the 
 iit-tle pet got aleep-y, and laid hia 
 head on her ahonl-der. Then ihe 
 car-ried him to a long, low shed, 
 where the aheep and cat-tin were 
 fed in Winter. There waa some 
 hay in a man-ger ; ahe laid him on 
 it, and, tit-ting bc-iid« him, sang 
 ■oft-ly. Thia ia what ahe anng: 
 " What will you give, 
 Wliat will rou give, 
 For mj liutle ba-by Mr f 
 Nothing il bright u hia buii-ajr bluu tyn, 
 Or suft M hia curl-ing hair. 
 ;■ What wiU you bring. 
 What will yiiii brine, 
 Tu trade for my trwu^-iire her* I 
 No on* can ibow me a thing m nwrut, 
 A-nt 'Wh«l^ br or near," 
 "Moo, moo-oo !" aaid sonie-lhing 
 not far from Sn-ay. " You think 
 that'a ao, do rou ?" and Mad-am 
 Jer-aey Cow looked ver-y douht- 
 lul-ly at Ba-by. Said ahe : " Can 
 he kick nn hia heels, and Irol-io 
 all o-var the yard ?" 
 "Why, no," aaid Su-sy; "He 
 can't walk yet." 
 " Ah ; how old is he ?" — "Near- 
 ly a year old," aaid Sn-ay. 
 " Near-ly a year ! My child 
 walked be-fore ahe wae two days 
 old !" The cow gave a scorn-ful 
 sniff, and walked off with-out 
 an-oth-er look. 
 " Baa-aa," aaid an old aheep, 
 walk-iutr up with a snow-white, 
 down-y lamb. " Let me aeo. He 
 is a nice Iit-tle thing, aure e-nough. 
 Dnt haa he only two legs?" — 
 " That'a all." aaid Su-sy. 
 " Then mine is worth twice as 
 much of course. If you had two 
 babies, now, we might make a 
 bar-gain. But he seems to hare 
 no wool r 
 " No, ma'am,'' said Su-sy, " but 
 see what pret-ty cnr-ly hair he 
 has."— "I don't think I would 
 wish to trade, thank you," and 
 she an<| her lamb trot-ted a-way 
 and went to eat grass. 
 " Quack ! quack ! quack I Let 
 me taka a look," and Mrs. Dock 
 flew up on the edge of the man* 
 " Hia feet don't look aa if he'd 
 1 1 make « good awim-mar," ah« aaid. 
 , looking at Ita-by's pink dim-plaU 
 " Uh, h)> eau't swim at all, ' said 
 "Good-bye," aaid Mrs. Duck. 
 " All my dar-lings can awim." 
 '(■hip! chip! chip!" was the 
 I neit sound Su-sy heard. From 
 its nest in an old elm tree which 
 atood near, a rob-in llew down, 
 and perched on Ihe end of a pitch- 
 fork. She turned her head from 
 side to side, gai-iug at Ba-by in a 
 ver-y wise way. " What can he 
 singY" said she. 
 " Oh, he can't slug at all yet, ' 
 aaid Su-sy ; " he's too Iit-tle." 
 " Too Iit-tle !" ezolaimad Mrs. 
 Red-breaat. "Why, he'a tre-men- 
 dona ! Can't he sing, ■ Fee—fee 
 - lil-ly— Hl-ly— weet— weet ?' " 
 " No, no," aaid Su-ay. 
 " All mr chil-dren aang well at 
 four montna. Haa he iTttle red 
 feath-era on hia breast ?" 
 "No," aaid Su-sy. 
 " I shouldn't like to hurt your 
 foel-ings, but you see how much 
 I shoiud lose on an ez-change, 
 and I m sure you would not wish 
 " No, I ahonldn't," aaid Sn-ay. 
 And Mrs. R. R«d-breaal flew a- 
 "Cluck! cluck! duck !" "Peep! 
 peep !" Mra. White Leg-horn Hen 
 came a-long with her down-y 
 chicks. No won-der she fussed 
 and fumed and cack-led at audi a 
 rate, Su-sy thought, with twelve 
 ba-bies to look af-ter I 
 " 1 haven't much time to look," 
 said the hen, "and I should hard- 
 ly be will-ing to trade. Can your 
 ba-by say 'peep — peep' when he'a 
 hungry Y" 
 " When he'a hungry he cries — 
 but not 'peep — peep,' " said Su-sy. 
 " I see his legs are not yel-low, 
 ei-thor, so I'll bid yon a ver-y 
 good af-ter-noon." OR ahe went, 
 ruf-fling her feath-ers, and cluck- 
 ing and scratch-ing till i>ln-8y 
 laughed a-loud. 
 "1 don't won-der you laugh," 
 purred aome-thing near her. Su- 
 ay turned in great sur-prise. 
 "There, at the oth-er end of the 
 man-ger, in a co-zy cor-ner, waa 
 her old gray oat. That waaat 
 all.' There wore throe Iit-tle 
 kits ; a white one, a black one, 
 and a gray one. Su^y 
 had not tern Ihem be- 
 fore, und ahe fond-led 
 theiu lov-ing-ly. 
 " She's so proud be- 
 cause she 
 has twelve! 
 said Mra. 
 Puss, look- 
 ing al-ter 
 Mrs. W. L 
 Hen. "Now 
 I think a 
 small fam- 
 better — 
 three, for in- 
 ttance. Don ' t 
 you think three 
 nough 7" 
 "In-deed," aaid Su- 
 ay, " I think one'a 
 e-nough , if it's teeth-ing." 
 " Mine nev-or have trou-ble 
 with their teeth. And per-hapa 1 
 can nev-er teach your ba-by to 
 Cnrr or to catch mice. Still, I 
 e-lieve I'll take him, and let you 
 hare one kit-ten, aa I have three." 
 " Oh, no ; you don't un-der- 
 atand me," cried Sn-sy. " I don'l 
 want to change at all. I'd rath- 
 er have my Iit-tle broth-or than 
 a-ny-thing else in the world." But 
 Mrs. Puss took hold of him aa if 
 .to car-ry him off. Ba-by gave a 
 acream, and then Su-sy— a-woki^ ! 
 Then she looked a-round with a 
 laugh, aa ahe thought of all she 
 had seen and heardln her dream, 
 aince she had anng her-self to 
 sleep be-aide the ba-by. 
 Mad-am Pnaa sat by a hole 
 watch-ing fo>' rats. There wasn't 
 a kit-ten a-ny-where. Mrs. Hen 
 was fnm-ing and cack-ling and 
 Bcratch-ing liard-er than ev-er, 
 but Puss did not aeem to care 
 wheth-er she had twelve chick- 
 ens or a hun-dred. The calf waa 
 feed-ing quiet-ly by its mam-ma, 
 and the she^p and her lamb lay 
 un-der the old elm. And up in 
 the branch-es Su-sy could hear 
 Mra. Red-breaat teach-ing her 
 bird-ies to sing. 
 So then Su-sy run up to inn 
 house and found sup-per wait-ing. 
 Ba-by held out hia arms and 
 waa soon on his moth-er's lap, as 
 hnp-py as could bo. Susy locked 
 at him and said : Qod has made 
 e-ver-y-bod-y and e-vor-y-thing 
 love their own ba hies best,haan't 
 he, Mani-ma ?" 
 " Yes. We would ralh-er lake 
 care of our own ba-by than a-uy 
 oth-cr, wouldn't we?" " Yea, 
 in-deed," said Su-sf. And aa 
 she rocked the ba-by 's era- die 
 that night, she fin-iahed her lit- 
 tle song in this way : 
 " Nulh-ing will do, 
 Nuth-ing will do ; 
 V»u may trar-el tlio world a-rouml, 
 And nev-er, in earth, or tea, or air, 
 Will a lai-by lika him lie found. 
 — ». Niehala: 
 The Lord ia nigh unto all them 
 that call upon Him. — Psalm cxlv. 
 He will be very gracious unto 
 thee at the voice of thy cry ; wheu 
 He shall hear it. He will answer 
 thee. — Is. XXX. 19, 
 Verily, Verily, I say unto you, 
 whatsoever ye shall ask the 
 Father in My name He will give 
 it you. — John xvi. 
 Every one that 
 he that seeketh 
 findeth, and to him 
 that knocketh it 
 shall be opened. — 
 Luke xi. 10. 
 What things so- 
 ever ye desire when 
 ye pray, believe that 
 ye receive them, 
 and ye ahall have 
 them.— MarK zi. 24. 
 1 1 ye shall ask 
 anything in My 
 xiv. 14. 
 hteous err. and the Lord heareth, and 
 all their troubles. — Pa. 
 word then are ye my 
 1 yiii. U. 

 Onr'illnstration shows a hollow 
 sphere of glass now in poaiesaion 
 of L. Boyer, in Paris. The 
 diameter is not stated, but the size 
 can be judged from the fact that 
 th: e hundred watch crystals 
 have been cut out of it. The cut 
 is taken from Ackermann's Oew- 
 erbr Zeilung, and is from an actual 
 photograph. The same paper gives 
 thofollowinginteresting account of 
 the manufacture of watch crystals. 
 The first pocket v\ atches in use 
 in Germany were oval in form, 
 and hence called "Nuremberg 
 eggs" (like our "bulls eyes") Only 
 a few of them had a glass cover 
 over the hands. These cpvers 
 were flat or slightly convexed 
 pieces of crystal cut out and 
 polished on a primitive kind of 
 grindstone. Of course they were 
 very expensive. 
 These oval watches were suc- 
 ceeded by flattened spheres, and 
 the glasses had the form of seg- 
 ments of a sphere, or spl rical 
 caps, made as follows: jmall 
 glass bulbs were blown on very 
 small gas-blowers' pipes, and from 
 each bulb two of these caps were 
 cut with the aid of two red hot 
 iron rings, the sudden expansion 
 causing a circular crack. The 
 edges of these glasses weife 
 polished either on a grindstone or 
 with sand on a cast-iron plate. 
 This process was very expen- 
 sive, owing to the necessity of 
 blowing as many bulbs as they 
 wanted crystals, for 'wo could be 
 rarely cut out c' one sphere. 
 Moreover, the glasses, owing to 
 their spherical shape, were very 
 high in the middle, while the 
 ends of the hands near the edge 
 of the dial had a very narrow 
 space to move in. 
 As the thick watches of the last 
 cen'ury gave place to thinner 
 ones, and the high convexed 
 glasses became inconvenient and 
 unhandsome, flat glasses were 
 made which were but shghtly 
 curved near the edges. They 
 were made from thick, flat glass 
 hollowed out in the centre and 
 rounded off aroand the edges. 
 Owing to their high price, they 
 were only used on fine watches 
 The concave watch glasses ol 
 the present day are not hollowed 
 out on a grindstone, but made by 
 a method invented in 1791 by a 
 Bkilful watch-glass m-'cer in 
 Paris named Pierre Royer. The 
 Geneva manufacturers imitated 
 his method, and succeeded in de- 
 veloping it into an important 
 branch of industry. 
 Before Rover's process had been 
 perfected and came into general 
 use, various interesting experi- 
 ments ware mado in the glasshouse 
 ip Goetaeubruth, in 1880. Little 
 phials were blown, each with a 
 slightly curved bottom, and this 
 bottom when cut off formed a 
 concave glass; bn* as it required 
 a new phial fc every watch 
 I crystal, this made them too ex- 
 i pensive also. . 
 One improvoment followed an- 
 other until finally tliey al'e 
 mad* in wonderful perfection 
 and with surprising rapidity, 
 which ia due principally to the 
 skill of the glass-blower, so that 
 now verv thin glasses of enormous 
 size can be made. 
 The glass-blower takes up 
 several pounds of prlass on the 
 wide endof his pipe in that plastic 
 state in which it can be worked 
 like wax, and rounds it off by 
 roiling it on a damp block of 
 wood and first blowing into it 
 gently. He then blows a little 
 harder and swings it to and fro, 
 which lengthens it out, and with 
 proper tools he gives it a long 
 pear-shape. Having acquired the 
 approximate form required, it is 
 re-heated in the furnace, and then 
 blown out to a larger size, a steam 
 blast being employed to finish the 
 blowing. The finished ball, which 
 resembles a balloon, is cut from 
 one hand, the other draws a little 
 white hot tube around the edge 
 of the pattern. This circle is 
 immediately moistened with cold 
 water, and the sudden contraction 
 that followsthe previous expan- 
 sion causes the piece to crack ofi", 
 forming a more c less hemispheri- 
 cal crystal. 
 This process has, however, been 
 superseded bv the so-called lour- 
 nette, a tool that resembles a car- 
 penter's compass (dividers), one 
 leg being provided with a 
 First, ten circles are cut on the 
 ball with the point of the diamond 
 of this little instrument. As these 
 little scratches do not go through 
 the glass, the next and most 
 tedious part of the operation is to 
 break loose one of the separate 
 crystals. This is accomplished 
 by little strokes or taps all around 
 the circle. After on? has been 
 taken out, the workman can put 
 rapid, and only the edges need 
 polishing. This is done on grind- 
 stones of hard material, which 
 produce the bevelled, sligbtlypro- 
 jecting edge that holds it in the 
 case. It is finely polished with 
 The last method has been still 
 further simplified by grinding the 
 disks as soon as they are cut out 
 with the diamond. The bevelled 
 edge is formed on sandstone 
 wheels, and then the glass is put 
 in a mulSle without polishing to 
 give it the arched or curved form. 
 The ground edges are rounded 
 by the heat, and rendered smooth 
 and brilliant, and at the same time 
 are harder and firmer, so that 
 they can be set more easily. 
 At the watch crystal factory of 
 Trois-Fontaines in Lothringen, 
 there are 62 gross (74,880) 
 manufactured daily, •^ach glass 
 passing through thirty-five dis- 
 tinct operations. 
 After the watch glasses have 
 acquired the requisite shape by 
 pressing the warm and softened 
 glass on to or into moulds, they 
 are taken to a large room fitted 
 with grinding and polishing 
 lathes. The grinding is of three 
 kinds. The first consists in grind- 
 ing away the convexed portion so 
 that the outside is nearly all flat, 
 and the glass is thin in the middle, 
 but n&r the rim retains its 
 original thickness. The second 
 is similar to the first, but only the 
 centre is ground, forming a sirall 
 circular spot that is sligntly ,on- 
 The third is grinding the edge 
 to a proper bevel, so ihat it will 
 fit into the crease of the case ac- 
 curately, which is absolutely 
 necessary for holding it securely 
 This operation is performed on 
 lathes driven by steam, and one 
 man can tend eight or ten of them, 
 as it is only ntcessary to put them 
 on and take (hem off. 
 After a final polishiug with 
 pumice, measuring, sorting and 
 inspecting they are ready for 
 packing ancl shipping. 
 the pipe and placed on a 
 wooden work - bench upside 
 In some glasshouses they have 
 succeeded in blowing balloons 
 from 12 to 82 inches in diameter 
 with t'ase. Sometimes they exceed 
 40 Inches, and the walls of such 
 colossal balls do not exceed 1-25 
 or at most 1-16 of an inch in thick- 
 TI.ese enormous balls can be 
 designated as truly industrial 
 works of art. About 6ii0 watch 
 glasses can 1 e cut from one such 
 sphere, by a method whicu we 
 will describe below. As these 
 large balls, owing to their great 
 size, are liabl ^ to break, and tan- 
 not be handled rapidlv, it is 
 customary to make smaller oues 
 and cut them in two. First a 
 metallic pattern of a wato.. ja 
 made, and either pressed on the 
 sphere or on a strip cut out of it. 
 While this is held in place with 
 his thumb through the opening 
 into 'h J sphere; and then taking 
 the next one between the thumb 
 and fore-finger, he liiresses gently 
 outward, and thus separates the 
 second, after which the rest are 
 taken out in the same way. 
 After they have been cut out, 
 and before thoy are ground to the 
 proper form, the glass must be 
 subjected to another operation, 
 the object of which is to improve 
 and shape the rim so thnt it may 
 fit accurately into the crease 
 around the watch case. 
 The glasses are put into mufHes 
 of refractory clay hi-atcd with 
 coke. When snfTiciently heated, 
 they are placed on a cast-iron 
 plate in front of the muffle and 
 pressed down on the moulds with 
 a wooden lid of conical form. 
 The projecting edge of the glass 
 getting heated first is softer, so 
 that i» alone is pressec' down by and his sense of right Deeu 
 the hd This method is moTti\orxinged.~ ChHsfian InieihiteHcer 
 A Boy of thirteen came to 
 New York to sppk his livelihood. 
 The first opportunity that 
 offered was a position in a drug 
 store. For a few days every thing 
 seemed satisfactory, but after a 
 few weeks' experience, he ex- 
 claimed earijestly : " I can't stay 
 in that place, I am willing to 
 work all day, to work nights, 
 and to work hard ; but to work 
 Sundays, that's what I wont 
 do. If people only came in 
 to buy medicine, that would 
 be one thing; but to stay there 
 and sell perfumery, and soda 
 water, and mineral water, thing.t 
 they don't need at all ! i 
 never felt so mean in all my 
 life " It was only by a strong effbn 
 that the brave littlp fellow kept 
 back the tears as he felt ihit his 
 moral nature had received ashock 
 and his sense of 
 ■at, '>e or 
 1 on tl 

 59 ■▼ 
 Ever sines there have been 
 home walls for sunlight, fire-light, 
 or lamp-light to fall upon, au of 
 us children have been interested 
 in shadow-pictures, and shadow- 
 pictiires nearly always have 
 seemed glad to oblige us in all 
 sorts of pleasant way*. Some> 
 times they give us Grandma's 
 head and cap, showing sharp and 
 clear upon the wall; sometimes 
 dear little Bobby's curly pate and 
 rollicking movements; or perhaps 
 a big shadow-puss, gracefully 
 waving a blurred shadow-tail on 
 the white surface opposite the 
 glowing fire-place ; oi, possibly, 
 a shadow looking wonderfully 
 like something that isn't in the 
 how impossible it is to keep the 
 original quiet while the rest are 
 merrily enjoying the picture. He 
 or she is sure to turn to see what 
 it looks like, and so spoil it all. 
 Now, if you wish to obtain a 
 shadow-picture buy sheets oi 
 paper, black on one side and 
 white on the other, which may 
 be found at any stationer's and 
 pin one of these sheets of paper 
 upon the wall, opposite a lamp, 
 with the white surface outward ; 
 then, after providing yourself 
 with a well pointed pencil, place 
 your sitter in such a positioir 
 that a clear, strong shadow of 
 the profile is thrown upon the 
 paper. If your sitter (or stander) 
 can now remain absolutely still, 
 you have only to trace the outline 
 of the shadow carefully with your 
 pencil, taking care to work as 
 rapidly as practicable. When 
 the outline is all thus traced, you 
 room at all, just because someboay 
 has flung a coat, or a bnt, or a 
 huiidle, or what not, on table or 
 um chair. No matter what it 
 may be, one thing is certain. If 
 any substance, living or inani- 
 ni:itt>, comes between a strong 
 liirhi and a wall, it must oast a 
 sliiiilow, and we ci\n make some- 
 (liiiig out of it or no* just as we 
 please. All of you have some- 
 limos seen the grotesque likeness 
 ot a person in the shadow which 
 selves by making comical hand- 
 shadows upon the wall. A very 
 little practice enabled them to 
 represent the heads and bodies oi 
 he or she unconsciously casts up 
 on the wall, and have noticed 
 various animals, and to set these 
 one by one to snapping their 
 jaws or talking little leaps upon 
 the wall. In the accompanying 
 pictures you \''ill find designs, 
 some new and BotL>e old, on which 
 to practice your dexterous in- 
 genuity. — Ex. 
 An army ofiicer who aboat four 
 years ago arrived in Chicago from 
 the Yelllowstone Valley, tells a 
 story of what happened to a herd 
 of buffaloes as they were migrat- 
 ing southward. The herd num^ 
 ,->!/ a- /srx y bered 2,800 head, and had been 
 .^SC -A- -29«<. jyj^g„ ^^t „f ,hg Mji,j jjiygj 
 country by the Indian hunters be- 
 can go back and repair any part longing to Silting Bull's band 
 that seems incorrect. This done, 
 release your sitter and take the 
 paper from the wall Now you 
 have only to cut out the picture 
 close to the pencil-mark, and as 
 the other side of the paper is 
 black, you turn over your picture 
 and paste it upon a sheet of white 
 paper, and you can show your 
 silhouette portrait in triumph to 
 your obliging sitter, the whole 
 thing having been ancomplished 
 in about five minutes. Many 
 boys and girls become very ex- .^, ^, i. j lu • .i. 
 pen in making these pictures. When they reached the river they 
 *^ D 1 ' ventured upon the ice with their 
 customary confidence, coming 
 upon it with a solid front, and be^ 
 ginning the crossing with closed 
 ranks. The stream at this point 
 was very deep. When the front 
 file, which was stretched out a 
 quarter of a mile in length, had 
 nearly gained the opposite shore, 
 the ice suddenly gave way under 
 them. Some trappers who were 
 eye-witnesses of the scene said it 
 , , ., , , seemed as if a trench had been 
 and, by seizing every available opened in the ice the whole length 
 opportunity lor tracing shadow- of the column. Some-four or five 
 pictures of their Irienus, in time 
 br<come possessed of a valuable 
 collection of silhouette portraits. 
 The excellence of the picture must 
 depend very much, of course, on 
 the skill of the draughtsman who 
 traces the shadow, on the power 
 of the sitter to remain quiet, and 
 on the proper position of the lamp 
 for throwing a clear shadow. 
 But long before these shadow- 1 
 albums were thought of, people { hundred animals tumbled into the 
 had found out a capital way of opening all in a heap. Others fell 
 amusing little folks and them- 1 in on top of th«m and sank out of 
 sight in atr^nkling. By this time 
 the rotten ice was breaking under 
 the still advancing herd. The 
 trappers say that in less than a 
 minute the whole body of buflfa- 
 loes had been precipitated into the 
 river. They were wedged in so 
 thickly that they could do nothing 
 but struggle for a second and 
 then disappear beneath the cakes 
 of ice of the swift current. Not % 
 beast in all that might]^ herd tried 
 to escape, but in a solid phalanx 
 tlfty marched to their fatal bath 
 in the " Big Muddy. " In a min- 
 ute from the time the first ice 
 broke not a bufialo's head or tail 
 was to be seen. 
 Possibly occurrences of this 
 sort, in ancient tertiary times, 
 helped to form the remarkable 
 deposits of bones found in the old 
 lake beds of the great West and 
 elsewhere. In these deposits the 
 earth is literally crowded with 
 bones, sometimes chiefly of one 
 type, sometimes comprising many 
 distinct species. In the latter case 
 the victims were probably swept 
 away by sudden floods, their re- 
 mains minglingconfusedlyinquiet 
 basins. — Scientific American. 
 We Know of nothing more fa- 
 tal to the accomplishment of any 
 thing in an intellectual way than 
 the idea that many persons get. 
 tha 1 1 he y m list defer study till some 
 period ill life when thoy shall have 
 no interruptions. They allow ten 
 minutes here and half an hour 
 there to run to waste, because it 
 seems hardly worth while to at- 
 tempt study for so short a time 
 We have known persons, by avail- 
 ing themselves of a few minutes' 
 time each day, gain, during a year. 
 an extensive acquantance with 
 some particular branch of study ; 
 whileothers, who would not econ- 
 omize the minute.s had scarcely a 
 useful acquisition.- TAe Hou!>eh«lil. 
 At this season of the year, when 
 no many of our youn^ folks are 
 gatherinff wild flowers, ferns, 
 berries, leaves and mosses in the 
 woods and along the hedges, I 
 c innot think of a more useful les- 
 son in wood and field botany than 
 that which teaches how to know 
 and distinguish two of the most 
 poisonous vegetable substances 
 to be met with in the woods. I 
 moan the poison-ivy, poison-o^, 
 and mercnry-vine, which are the 
 common names for one and the 
 same vine found climbing up the 
 trunks of trees, on rail, board and 
 stone fences, over rocks and 
 bushes, in waste lands and mead- 
 ows. In fact everywhere and 
 anywhere it can secure a foot oi 
 ground, no matter how poor, or 
 how mach exposed to the scorch- 
 ing rays of the sun, thif ivretched 
 vine prospers, happy and conten- 
 ted to spread out its poisonous 
 arms hidden beneath itsarlossy and 
 graceful foliage. In Fig. 1 is 
 shown a close study from nature 
 of a specimen growmg at the sea 
 side. When the ivy has a chance 
 to climb up a tree or bush, up it 
 f;oes, throwing out its aerial root- 
 etsin all directions. But when 
 growing away from any support, 
 in the sand which ia being con- 
 stantly displaced by the strong 
 ocean winds, it then grows stout, 
 erect and bush-like. Under these 
 peculiar circumstances of growth 
 it has received the name of poison- 
 oak, and was supposed by many 
 botanists to be a separate variety, 
 though in fact the poison-ivy and 
 oak are one and the same thing. 
 When the stem of the poison-ivy 
 is wounded, a milky jnice issues 
 from the wound. The leaves 
 after being separated from the 
 vine, tarn black when exposed to 
 the air. 
 The stem of the vine is nearly 
 smooth in texture ; the aerial 
 rootlets (Fig. 1, AAA), which start 
 from all parts of the stem, are of 
 a bright browu colorwhen young. 
 The masses of berries when un- 
 ripe are of a light green color : 
 heavy bloom. In the fall of the 
 year the leaves turn to a deep red 
 and brownish-red color. 
 The poison-sumac, swamp-su- 
 mac, or dogwood (Fig. 8) is ten 
 times more severe in its poisoning 
 qualities than the poison-ivy. It 
 grows from six to ten feet in 
 height, in low marshy grounds. 
 The berries are smooth, white, 
 or dun-colored, and in form and 
 when ripe, of an ashen gray. Be- 
 low the mass of this year's berries 
 are generally to be found those 
 of last year The leaf has a 
 smooth and somewhat shiny tex- 
 ture, and curves downward from 
 the midrib. To many people the 
 slightest contact with the leaves 
 of the ivy will produce poisoning. 
 I have known of instances where 
 persons in passing masses of ivy- 
 vine, particularly when the wind 
 was blowing from the vine to- 
 ward the passer-by, became 
 severely poisoned. Une of our 
 most beautiful native vines, the 
 so-called Virginia creeper, which 
 frequently grows side by side, r »c ■ i 
 with the ivv, is often mistaken for wreaths and bunches of artiBcial 
 it. and blamed for the evil doings flowers inside and outside of 
 of its neighbor, and yet is so in- ladies bonnets The flower- 
 uocent and beautiful a vino that makers, being hard pressed for 
 I have figured it in full fruit ( Fig, material, inade use of dried 
 2), The Virginia creeper has a ffrasses, seed-vessels, burrs, and 
 leaf consisting of five lobes, which 
 are distinctly nptched, and which 
 of villanoua berries on the top 
 and sides of the head, and a few 
 of the sprays about the ears and 
 on the forehead. Stepping into 
 the store, I addressed the pro- 
 prietress, and asked her if she 
 knew that the bonnet was 
 trimmed with the berries of one 
 of the most poisonous shrubs 
 known in the country. After 
 staring at me in a sort of puzzled 
 way, she informed me that I was 
 mistaken; that she had received 
 those flowers from Paris only a 
 week aso. 
 " Madam," I replied, " there 
 must be a mistake somewhere, 
 for those aie the berries of the 
 poison-sumac, which does not 
 grow in Bnrope." 
 8he gave me one angry look, 
 asked me to please attend to my 
 own business, and swept away 
 from me to the other end of the 
 A few days after this I read in 
 the daily papers an account of the 
 poisoning of a number of small 
 girls employed in a French arti 
 ncial flower manufaotory in 
 Greene Street. I at on ('>> guessed 
 the causew I visited the factory 
 mentioned, introduced myselfto 
 the proprietor, told him what 1 
 knew about the poison berries — 
 and was rudely requested to make 
 myself scarce. After these two 
 adventures I made up my mind 
 to keep my botanical knowledge 
 (poisonous though it might be) to 
 When poisoned with ivy or 
 sumac (they are all sumacs). 
 Size closely resemble those of the , jf t^^^ ,„^ g^ij^g medicines are 
 ^^y- I taken, the poison will slowly ex- 
 This suiUHi' is terrible in its ef- ! haust itself ; but it is a tedious 
 fects ol'teii causing temporary and slow operation. — Harper'i 
 blindness. Some years ago it be- 
 came the fashion to wear immense 
 no. 2. — VIHOINIA CBKKPI I . 
 upward from the midrib, 
 Instead of aerial 
 rootlets like the 
 ivy, it has stout 
 K^^ tendrils more or 
 '"^ " less twisted and 
 curled, often as- 
 suming the form 
 of a spiral spring. 
 These tendrils are 
 provided with a 
 disk by means ol 
 which an attach- 
 ment JN inado to 
 any object within 
 reach (see Fitr 2. 
 13 B ) 
 The stem has the 
 appearance ot be- 
 in-r jointed. The 
 berries are lurire 
 and grape-like in 
 the form of the 
 duster, and when 
 ripe are of a deep 
 blue color, with 
 catkins ; these were painted, dyed, 
 frosted and bronzed to make them 
 attractive. I became greatly in- 
 terested in the business and the 
 ingenuity displayed, 
 and spent much time 
 examining the con- 
 tents of milliners' win- 
 dows. On one oc- 
 casion when standing 
 before a very fashion- 
 able milliner s window 
 on Fourteenth Street, I 
 was horror-stricken on 
 discovering that an 
 immense wreath of 
 grayish berries which 
 constituted the inside 
 trimming ol' a bonnet, 
 was composed eniirely 
 of the berries ol the 
 poison-snmac just as 
 they had b ( p n 
 ^ra'heied, nota panicle 
 of varnish, bronze, or 
 other material coating 
 them. The bonnet, 
 when worn, would 
 bring this entire raaaa 
 Youn)^ People. 
 There is no Soil which, un- 
 der proper tillage, may noc be 
 made a garden. So there is no 
 heart orlife, however barren, that 
 may not, by cultivation under the 
 inspiration of Christ, be made 
 productive of every good word 
 and work. 
 FI0.8.— P0180N-9UM Ar 
 m the top 
 and a few 
 e ears and 
 >ping into 
 the pro- 
 ber ir she 
 nnet was 
 ies ofonu 
 as shrubs 
 try, Al't«r 
 of puzzled 
 that I was 
 d received 
 ris only a 
 Bd, " there 
 ies of the 
 does not 
 ngry look, 
 ttend to ray 
 wept away 
 end of the 
 is I read in 
 count of the 
 ter of ^mall 
 •"rench art!- 
 ifactory in 
 n(;<^ guessed 
 the factory 
 d myself to 
 lim what I 
 tn berries — 
 sted to make 
 r these two 
 p my mind 
 I knowledge 
 night be) to 
 vith ivy or 
 ill sumacs), 
 adicines are 
 1 slowly ex- 
 s a tedious 
 n — Harper'i 
 , which, un- 
 may not be 
 there is no 
 barren, that 
 3u under the 
 it, be made 
 good word 
 Tears pa|$edaway,and I sought to prove that, to become great, a Q 
 They attended the same school, 
 sat side by side on the same seats, 
 vied with each other in the same 
 classes, played the school-games 
 together, and were to each other 
 ns brothers. They were am 
 bitions, and often spoke of the 
 future "when they would be men 
 ol distinction," and even in boy- 
 hood began to plan about the 
 best way of obtaining a classical 
 education, which they considered 
 indispensable tu success. Their 
 lathers were men of 
 limited means, having 
 to work hard for the 
 support of their child- 
 len, and never dreamed 
 of giving their boys an 
 education higher than 
 that furnished by the 
 common schools. In 
 the village school, how- 
 over, these boys hud an 
 excellent teacher, who 
 taught them more than 
 how to read and write 
 and do sums. He in- 
 spired them with the 
 idea ot" workiii!^ for 
 themselve8,and lostered 
 their ambition to rise 
 in the world without 
 Ihe help ot others, by 
 using for that purpose 
 all honorable means 
 with perseverance and 
 a will. 
 Already each had got 
 hold uf a Latin grammar, 
 and they were conning 
 oviT " penna, pennie, 
 pi'Miiro," to the utter as- 
 tonishment of their fel- 
 low-pupils, while the 
 still more puzzling my- 
 stery was declared that 
 the angle A. B. C. is 
 equal to the angle D. E. 
 F. D. and that z is equal 
 toanythingin this world. 
 While quite younir 
 the boys left school, 
 taking charge of schools 
 of their own as teachers, 
 hut still pursuing the 
 path which to each 
 seemed to point out the 
 way to the object of their 
 ambition. John had the 
 credit of being just a 
 little brighter than his 
 li'llow. but James had 
 the reputation of being n young 
 man of excellent character ; and 
 it was a matter of some amuse- 
 ment to his rival to learn that 
 when he became a teacher, wish- 
 ing to mould the character of his 
 scholars, he had openly espoused 
 the canse of temperance and re- 
 fused to touch, taste or handle 
 that which could hurt the body 
 or mind of others. John claimed 
 to be as temperate as James, but 
 said he would not run to such 
 foolishextremesby tiikingpledges, 
 joining Rechabites, and nil tlint 
 sort of nonsense. 
 And so these two young men 
 struck out in difTorent directions. 
 John taught his school and reatd 
 his Virgil and Homer, and, when 
 fatigued with close study and 
 late hours, sometimes he refreshed 
 himself with a glass of wine. 
 " Pugh ! " said he to the expos- 
 tulations of his friend, James, 
 when they happened to meet 
 after two or three years' separa- 
 tion, " if I never do worse than to 
 take a glass of wine, I do not 
 think much harm can come to me." 
 " That may be," said James, 
 " but so many do come to harm 
 that I would not run the risk for 
 all the good it does." 
 the two young men. I knew 
 where to find one of them, but 
 was not certain about the other. 
 After many enquiries I knocked 
 at the door of an obscure house 
 in an obscure street, and in re- 
 sponse there came to the door a 
 man, John, who had the reputa- 
 tion of being a Hue scholar, know- 
 ing Latin and Greek, Hebrew 
 and Arabic, French and German ; 
 but I noticed that he had hard work 
 to stand steadily on his feet for 
 the few moments I spoke to him, 
 and his tongue was evidentl/too 
 large for distinct communication. 
 " Nothing refreshes me so much 
 after a hard night's study as a 
 glass of sherry," responded John, 
 with earnestness ; " and I think 
 if you but knew the value of it 
 you would try it. Young men 
 like us have no much study to do 
 that we must have something to 
 keep up our strength ; and I hope 
 we are not foolish enough to hurt 
 " I think my strength will last 
 as long as yours," said James ; 
 " besides, when I do not feel the 
 need, I do not care to risk the 
 danger. I can get along well 
 enough without such helps." 
 man must rule his own spirit 
 and shun the very appearance of 
 " But what i^ecame of the other 
 young man ? " you ask. The 
 question can be answered in a 
 very few words. About six 
 months after I last saw him he 
 died suddenly in a fit of aelirivvi 
 tremens, and was laid in a drunk- 
 ard's grave. 
 And so the history of these two 
 boys comes out in perfect har- 
 mony with the principles of char- 
 acter which each planted for him- 
 self. There is little difficulty in 
 predicting results ; "For 
 whatsoever a man sow 
 eth that shall ho also 
 reap. Forhe that soweth 
 to the flesh shall of the 
 flesh reap corruption ; 
 but he that soweth to 
 the spirit shall of the 
 spirit reap life everlast- 
 ing." — .iVfto York Ob- 
 King Richard I. of 
 England was surnamed 
 Coeur de Lion from his 
 great bravery and gr-at 
 physical strength. In 
 his youth he fought 
 against his father and 
 his brothers, and after 
 coming to the English 
 throne joined the crusade 
 to fight for possession 
 of the Holy Land. He 
 delighted in war and 
 bloodshed, and as a con- 
 sequence always had 
 plenty to fight against. 
 His subjects who fought 
 under his banner ad- 
 mired and loved him, 
 but the rulers who 
 fought with him against 
 the Saracens could not 
 stand his temper and as- 
 sumptionsol superiority. 
 This,more Ihananything 
 else, caused Ihe want of 
 Kuccessofthe crusade, On 
 Richard's return home 
 he was shipwrecked in 
 the Adriatic sea, and 
 whileseekingto continue 
 his journey by land 
 was captured by Leopold 
 had grossly insulted, 
 and was surrendered 
 by him to the Emperor 
 utter wreck at] Henry VI, who confined him in 
 of age, and I several castles. Hewasfinally liber- 
 sorrow and in i ated by ransom, returned to Eng- 
 land, which he found was being 
 He seemed an 
 thirty-live years 
 turned away in 
 I sought the lodgings of James, i ruled by his brother John whom he 
 He was a college graduate and forgave, and then began war with 
 was busy preparing to stand a Frnnce. While attacking the city 
 special examination for a high of Chains in 1199 he was shot by 
 academic degree. He showed | an arrow and the wound was so 
 me a "call" which he had recent-! unskillully treated that he died, 
 ly received from an important I The picture we give of him may 
 church, urging him to become ' not be a very good likeness but it 
 its pastor, and ne told me that he illustrates the manner in which 
 probably would accept it. He the knights in those days dressed 
 was still a temperance man — a j themselves for war, with chain- 
 man of sterling principle and 1 armor, sliield and lance, a load in 
 splendid mind; and he still '-ves| themselves. 
 Every year in March the deer loses it ant- 
 lers, andiresh onesvnmediately begin to grow, 
 which exceed in size those that have just 
 l)i>en lost. Few persons probably have been 
 able to watch and observe the habits of the 
 animal after it has lost its antlers. It will, 
 therefore, be of interest to examine the a<> 
 companyine drawing, by Mr. L, Beckmanii, 
 showing a deer while shedding its antlers. In 
 the illustration the 
 animal has inst lost 
 one of its antlers, and 
 f rii^ht and pain have 
 caused it to throw- 
 its head upward 
 and become disturb- 
 ed and uneasy. 
 The remaining ant- 
 l)>r becomes soon de- 
 tached from its base, 
 and the deer turns 
 — as if ashamed of 
 having lost its orna- 
 ment and weapon 
 — lowers its head, 
 and sorrowfully 
 moves to the adjoin- 
 ing thicket, where 
 it hides. A friend 
 once observed a 
 deer losing its ant- 
 lers, but thecircum- 
 .stances were some- 
 what different. The 
 animal was jumping 
 over a ditch, and as 
 soon as it touched 
 the further bank it 
 jumped high in the 
 air, arched its back, 
 bent its head to one 
 Hide in the manner 
 of an animal that 
 has been wounded, 
 and then sadly ap- 
 proached the nearest 
 thicket, in the same 
 manner as the artist 
 has represented in 
 the accompanying 
 picture. Both ant- 
 lers dropped off and 
 foil into the ditch. 
 Strong antlers are 
 generally found to- 
 gether, but weak 
 ones are lost at inter- 
 vals of two or three 
 A few days after 
 this loss the stumps 
 upon which the ant- 
 lers rested are cover- 
 ed with a skin, 
 very rapidly, and 
 under which the 
 t'renh antlers are 
 formed, so that by 
 the end of July the 
 bucks have new and strong ant- 
 lers, from which they remove the 
 line hairy coverinEr by rubbing 
 them against young trees. It is 
 peculiar that the huntsman, who 
 knows everything in regard to 
 deer, and has seventy-two signs 
 l)y which he can tell whether i\ 
 male or female deer 
 J. through the woods, 
 i I know 
 its first antlers and how the ant- 
 lers indicate the age of the 
 animiil. Prof, Altum, in Ehers- 
 walde, has given some valuable 
 n formation in regard to the rela- 
 tion between the age of the deer 
 iMid the forms of their antlers, but 
 in some respects he has not ex- 
 passcs I pressed himself very cloorly, and 
 does not 1 1 think that my observations giv- 
 at what age the deer gets | en in addition to his may be of 
 importance. When the animal i.s 
 a year old — that is, in June — the 
 burs of Ihe antlers begin to form, 
 and in July the animal has two 
 protuberances of the size of wal- 
 nuts, from which the first 
 branches of the antlers rise ; these 
 branches are formed, which are considerably ' 
 longer and much rougher at the lower ends 
 than the first. The third pair of antlers is 
 diflerent from its predecessors inasmuch as it 
 has " roses," that is, annular ridges around the 
 bases of the horn, which latter are now bent in 
 the shape of a crescent. Either the antler has 
 a single branch (Fig. 8, a), or besides thepoint 
 it has another short end, which is a most rare 
 shape, and is known as a " fork" (Fig. 8, b), or 
 it has two forks (Fig. 8, c). In the following 
 year the antlers take the form shown in Fig. 
 4, and then follows 
 the antler shown in 
 Fig. 5, a, which 
 generally has 
 " forks" in place of 
 points, and is 
 known as forked 
 antler in contradis- 
 tinction to the 
 point antler shown 
 in Fig. 5, b. which 
 retains the shape of 
 the antler, Fig. 4, 
 but has additional 
 or inte rmediate 
 prongs or branches. 
 The huntsman de- 
 signate the antlers 
 by the number of 
 ends or points on 
 the two antlers. 
 For instance. Fig. S 
 a is a six ender ; Fig. 
 6. b shows an eight 
 ender, etc. ; and ant- 
 lers have been 
 known to have as 
 many as twenty- 
 two ends. If the 
 two antlers do not 
 have the same num- 
 ber of ends, the 
 number of ends on 
 the larger antler is 
 multiplied hf two 
 and the word " odd" 
 is placed before Ihe 
 word designating 
 Ihe number of ends. 
 For instance, if one 
 antler has three ends 
 and the other four, 
 the antler would be 
 termed "odd" eight 
 ender. The sixth 
 antler shown in Fig. 
 6 is a ten ender, and 
 appears in two dif- 
 ferent forms, either 
 with a fork at the 
 upper end, as shown 
 in Fig. 6, a, or with 
 a crown, as shown 
 inFig. 6, ft. In Fig. 
 7 an antler isshown 
 which the animal 
 carries from its se- 
 venth year until the 
 month of March of 
 its eighth year. 
 From that time on 
 the crowns only increase and 
 change. The increase in the 
 number of points is not always 
 .IS regular as I have described it, 
 for in years when food is scarce 
 and poor the antlers are weak 
 ind sninll, and when food is pleii- 
 branches having the length of a lil'ul and rich the antlers grow ex- 
 linger only, or being even shorter, I ceedingly large, and sometimes 
 as shown at 1 in diagram. Af-lskip an entire year's growth.— 
 ter the sacond yeisr more Karl Brandt. 
 Charles Lynford was a clever 
 journeyman fitter in one of our 
 large iron works, in good work 
 and earning good wages. At the 
 age of twenty-six he married Oaro- 
 line Eustice, the daughter of a 
 neighbor, who, although she had 
 no money dowry, yet brought him 
 many personal 
 bined with habits of thrift, learn- 
 ed under a clever. God-fearing 
 mother in an economical house- 
 hold under the stern teachings of 
 It was well perhaps that 
 Charles Lynfordobtained a wife 
 of this character, since he himself 
 found it very difficult to save any- 
 thing from his weekly Wages. 
 Caroline s«on became acquaint- 
 ed with her husband's failings. 
 She was uneasy on finding that 
 they were living fully up to their 
 income. She looked forward also 
 to a time when their family ex- 
 penses would grow larger, and 
 possibly her husblmd's wages 
 might become less. 
 After much thought,and praying 
 lor God's guidance, she purchased 
 of a pedler who came to the door 
 a little tin safe, such as children 
 commonly use as the money-box. 
 This she placed in the front of 
 the mantelpiece, where Oharles 
 would be sure to see it. 
 On entering he called out, 
 " Hello, Carrie, what's that?" 
 " Only a little purchase that I 
 made to-day," said his wife. 
 " But whatever is it meant for ?" 
 he asked. 
 " Let me explain it to yon, 
 Charles," said his wife, playfully. 
 " Have you sixpence in ^our 
 Charles held oat a sixpence. 
 His wife took it from his hand 
 and gently dropped it into the 
 box throash a slit in the top. 
 Charles laughed. 
 " So you have taken to hoard- 
 ing, Carrie. Has my little wife 
 become a miser?" 
 " No, only a little prudent. But, 
 seriously, Oharles, that is just 
 what I want you to do every 
 week-day night." 
 "What! drop sixpence into 
 this new-fangled invention of 
 " Exactly." 
 " Very well, that will be easy 
 enough ; sixpence is no great 
 sum. But may I ask what you 
 are going to do with this newly- 
 commenced hoard ?" 
 " Lay it by for a rainy day," 
 answered Caroline. 
 Charles laughed heartily. 
 " And what will sixpence a 
 day amount to ?" he inqnired. 
 " In a year it will amount " 
 commenced his wife, seriously. 
 " Oh, never mind — spare me 
 the calculation I" 
 " But you don't object to my 
 plan, Charles, do you ?" 
 " Not in the least, I have no 
 doubt it is very prudent and 
 commendable; but you know, 
 Carrie, I never was gifted with 
 much foresight or prudence." 
 " Yes, Charles. I am well aware 
 that what you say is true," said 
 his wife, smiling. 
 This ended the conversation for 
 the time. 
 # * * # * 
 The plan inaugurated by the 
 yonng wife was steadily carried 
 out. Caroline was not one of 
 those who eagerly enter upon a 
 new plan and soon tire of it. No ; 
 she was thoroughly satisfied of 
 the wisdom of her purpose, and 
 resolved by God's blessing to car- 
 ry it through. Every morning 
 she asked her husband for six- 
 pence, which was forthwith add- 
 ed to the accumulation. Some- 
 times Charles had not sixpence in 
 change, but he had shillings. One 
 of these he would then toss to his 
 wife instead ! And she would 
 assure him, laughingly, that this 
 would answer her purpose equal- 
 ly as well ! 
 More than once Charles would 
 banter his wife on the subject of 
 her tin savings' -bank, but this she 
 always bore with significant 
 The sixpences and the shillings 
 of the husband were not the only 
 accessions that the tin box re- 
 ceived. Charles had early ar- 
 ranged to make his wife an ample 
 allowance for dress, but, like a 
 wise better-half of a working man, 
 she made her own dresses, and 
 thus provided herself with a de- 
 cent wardrobe at a mnch less cost 
 than some women not so well 
 versed in the science of household 
 management could have done. 
 After considerable thought and 
 calculation, Carrie came to the 
 conclusion that out of her allow- 
 ance for dress she could make a 
 daily deposit equal to that which 
 she exacted from her husband ! 
 Of this, however, she thought it 
 best at the present time not to in- 
 form Oharles, enjoying in antici- 
 pation the prospect of being able 
 at some future time to surprise 
 him with the unexpected amount 
 of her savings. At the close of 
 every month, Caroline opened her 
 tin box, and carefully transferred 
 the contents to a Sarings'-Bank of 
 higher pretensions, and where 
 .interest was allowed. 
 Of his wife's mode of manage- 
 ment of the money, the husband 
 remained in complete ignorance. 
 Nor did he ever express any de- 
 sire to know where it went to. 
 He was an easy, careless fellow, 
 spending as he went, enjoying the 
 present, and, like too many men, 
 alas I not feeling any particular 
 concern about the future. 
 At the end of eight years, da- 
 ring which Charles Lynford had 
 been favored with constant work 
 and uninterrupted health, his ac- 
 count books showed that his ex- 
 penses]) had not exceeded his in- 
 come for he saw that there was 
 half a crown on the credit side ! 
 " That's running pretty close, 
 isn't it, Carrie?" he said, laughing- 
 ly. "I take credit to myself for 
 keeping on the riffht side of the 
 line. But then I suppose that 
 you have saved up a good snm ?" 
 "How much do you think?" 
 asked his wife. 
 "Oh, perhaps twenty -five 
 pounds," said Charles. 
 His wife smiled, but did not 
 volunteer to enlighten him as to 
 the correctness of his conjecture. 
 So things went on, until there 
 came a panic in the iron trade^ 
 a panic so severe that tens of 
 thousands of working men and 
 their families were afiTected by it ; 
 and amongst them w«i8 Charles 
 Lynford and his wife ! 
 One eveningCharles came home 
 looking very sad — s rare thing 
 with him. Caroline, who had 
 watched the signs of the times, 
 was not unprepared for her hus- 
 band's sad look. She had expec- 
 ted that the trade of the great iron 
 works would be afiected. 
 " What is the matter, Charles?" 
 she asked cheerfully. 
 " The matter is, Carrie, that we 
 shall have to economize greatly," 
 he replied. 
 " Anything unfavorable at the 
 works, Charles ?" 
 "I should think there was. I 
 shall be put on ' half-time ' next 
 week, and I am afraid that even 
 that will tail before long. Yoa 
 have no idea, Carrie, how dull 
 business of every kind has be- 
 come, and especially in our trade. 
 " IHhink I have, Charles," said 
 his wife quietly. " I have read a 
 little in the paper lately, and have 
 been looking ont for something 
 of this kind." 
 " Do you think we can reduce 
 our expenses one half?" asked 
 the husband doubtfully. 
 I do think we shall be able 
 to do so," said Caroline. 
 " But, suppose my work should 
 entirely fail, I imagine that, clever 
 as you are, you couldn't reduce 
 our expenses to nothing at all, 
 could you ?" 
 " That certainly surpasses my 
 power, Charles," said Carrie smil- 
 ing ; " but even in that case there 
 is no ffround for discouragement. 
 You nave not forgotten our tin 
 savings'-bank, have you ?" 
 " Well, now, I didn't think of 
 that," said her husband. " I sap- 
 pose that would keep the wolf 
 from the door for a fe a weeks ?" 
 His wife smiled ! 
 " And in those weeks," after a 
 pause, she added, smilingly, 
 " business might revive. ' 
 " To be sure," said Charles. 
 " Let us hope that it will be all 
 right. " I'll try to ' trust and not 
 be afraid,' and I'll thank God 
 more and more for my clever and 
 thoughtful wife." 
 The apprehensions to which 
 Charles Lynford had given ex- 
 pression, proved to be only too 
 well founded. In loss than a 
 month from the day on which the 
 above conversation took place, the 
 large iron works were " closed," 
 and Oharles, with two thousand 
 other hands, was without work or 
 Although Charles Lynford had 
 anticipated this, yet it was a fear 
 f.3 J 
 ful blow when it came, and he 
 again returned home in deep sor- 
 row. He briefly explained to his 
 wife the terrible calamity which 
 had come upon him. 
 "And the worst of it is," he 
 added, " there is no hope of better 
 times until spring. However 
 ■hall we get through the winter, 
 Carrie ?" 
 "Do you think, Oharles, that 
 business will revive in the 
 spring ?" 
 "Oh, yes, onr masters said 
 they had every hope that a change 
 for the better in our trade would 
 take place in the spring, but then 
 there are frooi five to six months 
 between now and then. I don't 
 know how we are to live during 
 the winter months." 
 " I do, Charles. Let ns kneel 
 down and thank God that it is 
 possible for me to say, 'Idol' " 
 " You !" exclaimed her astonish- 
 ed husband. 
 " Yes, I do, Charles. We can 
 live on fifty pounds for six 
 " Of coarse we can, but wher- 
 ever is that large sum to come 
 from ? I don't want to run in 
 debt, and if I did, I shouldn't 
 know where to borrow such a 
 sum as that." 
 " Fortunately there is no need 
 of that, Charles. Yon seem to 
 forget our little tin box !" 
 " But is it possible the contents 
 can amount to fifty pounds ?" ex- 
 claimed Charles, in surprise. 
 " Yes, and one hundred pounds 
 more," replied the delighted wife 
 to her astonished husband. 
 "Impossible, Carrie !" 
 " Wait a minute, Charles, and 1 
 will prove it." 
 Caroline withdrew with a light 
 step for a few moments, and then 
 reappeared with her Savings'- 
 Bauk book. She opened it, and 
 pointed to a sum of over One 
 Hundred and Fifty Pounds 
 standing to her credit ! 
 " Are you quite sure, Carrie, 
 that yon haven't had a legacy left 
 you ?" demanded Charles, in 
 amazement. " Surely sixpence a 
 day has never produced this ?" 
 "No, but a shilling a day has, 
 with a little extra deposit now 
 and then. I think, Charles, that 
 we shall, if God be pleased to 
 spare our lives, be able to ward 
 ofi" starvation for a time." 
 " All this I owe to your pru- 
 dence, my dear Carrie," said 
 Charles, gratefully. " How can 
 I repay you?" 
 Charles Lynford remained out 
 of employment until the spring. 
 but then, as anticipated, trade re- 
 vived, and he was again in re- 
 ceipt of his old wages. More than 
 two-thirds of Carrie's fund was 
 still left, and henceforth Charles 
 was no less assiduous than his 
 worthy wife in striving to in- 
 crease its contents. 
 The little tin savings'-box still 
 stands on the mantelpiece, and 
 never fails to receive a deposit 
 daily — Britith Workman. 

 A little hnrried knock was heard 
 at the door, and Uucia Philip, on 
 opening it, found a group of 
 children, with evea tparkling and 
 oheeka rosy with excitement. 
 " O Uncle Philip !" cried Annie 
 eagerly, "what do you think 
 Charlie haa ?" 
 "A bird, I expect," said Uncle 
 Philip, smiling. 
 "Oh, yes, a lovely little hum- 
 ming-bird," answered three or 
 four voices in chorus. " He shot 
 him with water from his pop-gun, 
 and stunned him." . 
 Uncle Philip took the tiny- 
 half a walnut-she|l, and they are 'could scarcely see them beyond 
 beantiful, cup-shaped little homes, tho feathers ? Its wings, too, are 
 often placed in the fork of a so long and narrow that they 
 branch. Tho outside is exauisite- ' seem to go by you like a flash of 
 ly decorated with pieces of lichen, colored lisht; and the long slendur 
 and the inside is lined with the | bill and fiorous tongue seum to bo 
 finest silky fibres, a lovely bed ; perfect for exploring iiower-cnps. 
 winged creature tenderly in his 
 hand and laid it on a little cush- 
 ion of down in a large empty cage 
 covered with fine wire, which 
 hung in the sunshiny window, 
 among the honeysuckle flowers. 
 "There he said, "your little 
 captive will soon get over his 
 shower-bath and his fright, and 
 you can look at him for a while — 
 and then, Annie, what shall we 
 do with him ?" 
 " Uncle Philip, we will set 
 him free. Oh, I would not keep 
 him in a cage !" 
 " But we could do it," said 
 Johnnie, " and feed him on syrup 
 or honey." 
 " No," said Uncle Philip, " he 
 would not live on that. You 
 would have to give him ants to 
 cat as well as honey, or some 
 meat and egg chopped very fine. 
 The honey of flowers is not his 
 only diet, if he does look so dainty 
 and fairy-like. But we must not 
 keep him in prison, for I think he 
 has a little nest of his own." 
 "Oh!" exclaimed Annie in de- 
 light. " Did you ever see a hum- 
 ming-bird's nest ?" Tell us how 
 large i t is, and of what i t is made." 
 Some are no larger inside than 
 for their one or two tiny white 
 egn ; but all their nesta are not 
 alike, for you see there are no less 
 than four hundred different 
 species of humming-birds, and of 
 course their homes are different 
 " Four hundred !" repeated 
 Johnnie. " I am surprised that 
 there should be so many ! I would 
 like to hear about some of the 
 nests made by the others. What 
 little house-builders they are !" 
 " Some of them hang their tiny 
 nests to creepers and vines which 
 grow over the water, or even over 
 the sea; and a Pidunclea hum- 
 ming-bird is said, by Mr Wallace, 
 to have fastened its nest to a straw- 
 rope hanging from a roof. Others 
 build theirs like miniature ham- 
 mocks attached by spider's web 
 to the face of the rocks ; while the 
 little creatures, that dart here and 
 there through the green forest 
 shade like living gems, fasten 
 their nests on the under side of 
 palm-leaves or tree branches." 
 " These humming-birds are so 
 swift and brilliant, their throats 
 and breasts glow with sucIAich, 
 warm, shining colors, that I can- 
 not fancy them as living any- 
 where but in a land of flowers, a 
 tropical forest or a southern 
 island," said Annie's older sister. 
 " Do you ever find them in cold 
 countries ?" 
 "There is an Antartic humming- 
 bird that has been seen in Terra 
 del Fuego, haunting the fnschia 
 flowers ; and in the summer there 
 are two kinds of humming-birds, 
 the ruby-throat and the flame- 
 bearer, that visit Canada and the 
 Northern part of America, and 
 build their little nests and bring 
 up their young birds here, but at 
 the approach of winter they are 
 on the airy road to the sunshine 
 and blooming fields of Mexico." 
 He walked to the cage where the 
 bird sat uneasily turning its little 
 head quickly from side to side, and 
 fluttering against the fine wires. 
 He opened the door with a smile 
 at the children's eager faces, and 
 soon the bright wings had flown 
 past, and were flitting through 
 the flowers outside, and swiftly 
 speeding away far out of sight. 
 " That tiny wanderer and his 
 companions have been known to 
 travel three thousand miles to- 
 ward the South. Think what 
 visions of flowers must stir in the 
 little birds' throbbing hearts in all 
 that long journey ! Not of flowers 
 alone, perhaps, but of great forest 
 trees, and the small insects on 
 their leaves and stems, and the 
 rapid dart and dive through the 
 air by which they catch them !" 
 " They seem to be made for a 
 life in the air. Uncle Philip," said 
 Katie. " Did you notice the deli- 
 cate little feet, so short that yon 
 and seizing their tiny prey while 
 they are circling over and above 
 in flight." 
 ' V es," said Uncle Philip, " I 
 am glad, dear child, to see that 
 you noticed it so closely, 
 there are some of this family 
 so small — their bodies are 
 h«rdly larger than a bum- 
 ble-bee — that when they 
 they are whirling by you, 
 you can scarcely perceive 
 their shape.'' 
 " Their colors are differ- 
 ent, aren't they. Uncle 
 " Oh, yes. See, here are 
 some colored prints of them. 
 Almost all have some green, 
 shining like metals, but 
 there ate rich blues and 
 purples, and glowing red 
 hues. I cannot fancy any- 
 thing so perfect as this rnby 
 spot, or this glittering gold- 
 en-green, or this melting 
 sapphire-blue. And look at 
 their crested heads — tho 
 frills and rnfls around their 
 necks — and their tails, some 
 pure white, and pointed 
 like a star, some long or 
 round and with the richest 
 colors imaginable. These 
 bright hues are on their 
 breasts and tails and heads, 
 so that as they dart down, 
 they gleam and disappear, 
 and then shine out again 
 and change their color as 
 they move, with the most 
 startling and beautiful ef- 
 " What a funny little one 
 this is," said Annie, holding 
 up a print ; " he has a crest 
 and a beard. And here is 
 one with a crown on his 
 head, and a breast like a 
 burnished shield ; and there 
 is a little bird with long 
 feathers from his neck." 
 "Did you notice the sound, 
 the humming of the wings, 
 when the humming-bird 
 was near you ?" asked their 
 " Yes, I have often listen- 
 ed to it ; but he whirls away 
 so quickly he doesn't give 
 one much time to make ob- 
 servations," said Johnnie 
 with a laugh. " He shoots away , 
 like a skyrocket, then presently 
 here he is again, pirouetting 
 around the honeysuckle like a 
 waltzer, and again he is whizzing 
 and buzzing away over the far- 
 thest flower-beds.' 
 " They do not move like other 
 birds, and this swift, whirring 
 flight secures them so well from 
 attack that they are not usually 
 timid, and will come neater to 
 you than any other bird, some- 
 times approaching within a yard 
 or two of your face. I often have 
 them come to these honeyraokle 
 flowers while I am sitting beside 
 the window reading or writing, 
 and I have several times seen the 
 passionate little creature tear the 
 flower entirely open with his 
 keen, sharp bill if he could not 
 get the honey as quickly at he 
 wished, and then with an impa- 
 tient whirr shoot away in anothw 
 " It seems as funny as if a fairy 
 were in a rage," said Annie. 
 " Uncle, I should like to see them 
 at home and quiet for a little 
 while like other birds." 
 " I think we ought to go now," 
 said Katie, hesitatingly ; " but, 
 Uncle Philip, we may come again 
 some time, may we not ?" 
 " Yes, indeed," he replied with 
 a smile. " I shall be glad to see 
 " Oh, thank you. Wo have had 
 such a happy time," added Annie, 
 with a warm embrace and kiss 4s 
 they departed. — IUutt,ated Chrif 
 Ua» Weekly. 
 to ae« them 
 for a little 
 to go now," 
 gly; "but, 
 7 come a((aiu 
 lot r 
 replied with 
 glad to Bee 
 Wo have hi»<i 
 dded Annie, 
 e and kiss a 
 haled Chm- 
 Mnch has been written abont 
 the temples of Japan— their idels 
 ish. So he went to the temple of 
 his ^od and lublicly offered this 
 tempurance pledge. This is his 
 prayer for Divine help. 
 Now foreigners who visit Ji\- 
 paii, of couTBo visit the temples. 
 i;reat and small ; their sweet-toned 
 bells; their jolly priests, and their 
 ways of worship. But even the 
 best books tell us very little about 
 the Yema, or sacred pictures, 
 that hang in the temple galleries. 
 I have spent hours again and 
 again in studying these paintings, 
 and in learning the meanings of 
 them from the chatty worshippers. 
 And since they have given me so 
 much pleasure, as well as insight 
 into the Japanese character, I 
 gladly turn showman for a few 
 moments, and exhibit some pic- 
 tures that were copied for me by 
 Mr Yonedau, a Christian. 
 The first one is a sake-cup on a 
 little tray. Right over the cup is 
 a .Tiipansse padlock, locked tight, 
 and the key thrown away. The 
 two large Chinese characters over 
 the cup mean. Respectfully of- 
 fered. You see these characters 
 on all the temple pictures. At the 
 left of the cup are two more char- 
 acters meaning, "Sworn off from 
 sake." Here then was a poor fel- 
 low whose love of strong drink 
 They see such pictures as this 
 but they cannot interpret them. 
 Then some of them write home 
 that drunkenness is unseen, al- 
 most unknown, in Japan ! Well, 
 look at this picture again, and no- 
 tice the spots all over it. You 
 have heard that the Japanese 
 have paper prayers that they chew 
 and throw at their gods. Not 
 only their gods, but these votive 
 pictures also are often covered 
 with these spit-ball prayers. 
 Among the pilgrims to this temple 
 are those who, seeing this locked 
 sake-cup, have said, " Ah, this is 
 just what I need." And so dozens of 
 them have thrown their soft, moist 
 prayers into it, and asked for like 
 strength from above. A friend 
 whom I took to the temple ex- 
 pressly to see this picture was so 
 taken with the story that, though 
 its original value is not over ten 
 or fifteen cents, he tried to buy it 
 of the priests with the generous 
 offer of $2i. But it hongs there 
 The second is of a man on his 
 qf^immi ill _J 
 1 i| 
 iilmi™r.JLliii?m^3^ \ 
 -^^^^^^^ 1^^^^ 
 ^^^^^^^^^ « t 
 was conquering him. He had 
 tried and tried to be moderate, or to 
 l>eatotal abstainer ; but he found 
 himself weak, unable to break the 
 habit Heknew,a8ev«rydrnnkard 
 I everywhere knows, that he 
 I must have help, or miserably pern 
 knees breaking to pieces some 
 dice. He is a gambler. He has 
 been drawn gradually into the 
 fascinating game, until at last, 
 reckless in his plays, he has lost 
 everything. He comes to himself 
 and sees that he must give up at 
 65 V 
 once this cursed habit, and, to, dream This hard-working farmer 
 make it sure, he offers this picture lies sleeping nndcr his heavy 
 of himself to his god. In the origi- 1 comfortabl.', with his head on his 
 mil picture his wife and child wooden pillow. In his dream ho 
 stand behind him, adding their sees these frisky foxes jumping 
 prayers to his that the god will joyfully ucrosshisbed and through 
 hear his vow. 
 Sometimes in these votive pic- 
 tures of reformation there is a sly 
 reservation written on one side, 
 " good for five years." And I have 
 been told that while the memory 
 of former sufiering is keen, and 
 the superstitious fear remains, the 
 vow will be kept. But as the old 
 desire grows strong'er with con- 
 tinual temptations, the reformed 
 man will sometimes say, " I've 
 kept my vow a year : four years 
 are left. That will make eight 
 years of days, and leave me the 
 nights for drinking and gamb- 
 Wo come next to two pictures 
 of thanksgiving. A sailor hashad 
 a prosperous voyage. The Rising 
 Sun has daily greeted him, and 
 favoring breezes have filled his 
 the air — their tails out straight 
 and their mouths splitting with 
 fox-laughter. When the farmer 
 wakes up he too will laugh, for the 
 fox is the messenger of the god of 
 rice and to see a messenger of any 
 of the gods is a sign of good luck. 
 There are cart-loads of such pic- 
 tures in these temples — dreamers 
 with monstrous snakes crawling 
 around them, dreamers with 
 poisonous centipedes in their 
 bosoms ! Then instead of wak- 
 ing thankful that it wasn't true, as 
 we should, they awake glad to 
 have been honored with a 
 dream of the messengers of 
 the gods. And I think, too, 
 that these dreamers of beasts and 
 reptiles are waking up out of this 
 nonsense of ages. They are 
 already beginning to laugh at 
 THE farmer's dream. 
 sails. Ho thinks it a duty and 
 privilege to acknowledge the 
 favor of his god with this picture 
 ofhisjnnk. Theie are thousands of 
 these hung in the temples of Ja- 
 Last of all comes a picture of a 
 themselves. And when they 
 onto use the reason God has 
 given them, their repentance, 
 their gratitude, and their desires 
 will find a truer and nobles ex- 
 pression than by Yema. — Mission- ff I 
 ary Hetaid. ' * 
 naturalist Cuvier (rave the name 
 of the Megatherum, the ffiaut 
 Sloth of the early ages of the 
 world. Its skeleton is not as 
 large as that of an elephant, it is 
 true, but it surpasses in bulk 
 those of the hippopotamus and 
 rhinoceros, and therefore it is not 
 probable that it lived such a 
 simply arboreal life as its smaller 
 successors, climbing from branch 
 to branch, and rocked in their 
 leafy cradle by the wind. 
 It was, however, so formed as 
 to possess every means of self- 
 support in its great forest world, 
 and also of self-defeuco, though a 
 monstrous tiger called the " sabre- 
 tooth," on account of its long, 
 sharp teeth, was often its assail- 
 ant. But the tiger found its 
 match even for these in the three 
 long, large, curved, sharp-pointed 
 and consequently we find him 
 possessed of two might v hind 
 legs, which were not so long as 
 those ot the elephant, but were 
 twice as thick and massive, and a 
 tail which was sufficiently firm- 
 jointed, long, and heavy to form 
 with the heavy hind legs a sub- 
 stantial tripod which could well 
 assist the Megatherium in his 
 work. The front limbs, which 
 wore used for seizing the tree, 
 plex in development, being al- 
 most as perfect as the arms and 
 hands of man for the purpose for 
 which they were designed. 
 We can, in imagination, see this 
 gigantic animal raised on its power- 
 ful hind legs, and tugging, riving, 
 and swaying the root-loosened 
 In the forests of South America, 
 ages and ages ago, there lived 
 enormous animals which are now 
 extinct, and are known only by 
 their bones which have been dis- 
 covered embedded in the soil. 
 But although they lived so long 
 ago, and were so different in size 
 from the creatures that now pos- 
 sess their ancient haunts, there is 
 a likeness and a kinship existing 
 between them. When the little 
 French visitors to the Jardiu du 
 Roi (the garden of the king), in 
 PuriN, crowd to see the foreign 
 animals that are on exhibition 
 there, they are filled with amuse- 
 ment and wonder at a strange 
 quadruped which seems incapa- 
 ble of using its four long legs claws v.'hich the great Megather- j tree until it fell with a loud crash, 
 either to run or jump, or even ij-ium used in its combats. The its wide-spreading branches tear- 
 walk. It looks lazier than a grub ' present ant-eater of South Amo- jing into the soil beneath or rear- 
 er a beetle, and its name — the 1 rica has no ot'ier weapons than Jing tlu-niselves still high in the 
 Sloth — seems a very appropriate I similar sharp claws, and yet these I air. Then the feast began, and 
 title, for it 
 only crawls 
 along upon 
 the earth in a 
 weak and 
 helpless fash- 
 ion, its hands 
 and feet, 
 which are 
 armed with 
 sharp claws, 
 stretched out 
 aimlessly on the ground. 
 The trees in South America 
 grow^ in the valleys of the great 
 rivers in the greenest luxuriance, 
 every branch rustling thick with 
 leaves, and the trunk buried knee- 
 dei'p in long grasses. In the air 
 the vines, heavily laden with 
 foliage and blossoms, form aerial 
 and swaying bridges that throw 
 their strong arms from bough to 
 bough. Here the diminutive 
 .'^loth of to-day has its home, and 
 it no longer looks inert or awk- 
 ward when it has reached its true 
 habitat. This is not on the 
 earth's surface, nor on the water's, ! own against the jaguar and the long muscular and flexible 
 but in the forest that rises in " the puma. When it has once seized tongue, more like a rope than any- 
 aerial ocean." The creature can | a foe, no matter how desperate its ; thing, having the same shape 
 neither run nor swim nor fly; but I own hurts or injuries may j as a giriifTe's.^ but twice as big, 
 it can climb, and it is indeed a bo, it will cling until death 
 if that were true, the Megather- 
 ium could escape being crushed 
 to death or killed by a blow from 
 some of the falling trees Y It now 
 appears that, although these ani- 
 mals became doubtless trained by 
 experience to dexterity in dodg- 
 ing such collisions, they did not 
 always escape unhurt. In a 
 skeleton of the Megatherium dis- 
 covered on the banks of the Vi\o 
 Platta the skull had two distino 
 pulling it roughly to and fro un- fractures, one completely healed, 
 til it gave way, and then hauling and the other, a more serious in- 
 it down, were powerful and com- jury to the back of the akull, evi 
 Gently the cause of the animal's 
 death. Each of the scan indica- 
 ted a stunning blow, which must 
 for a time have completely pros- 
 trated the huge creature ; and as 
 the first was cured and the last 
 had by no means caused instant 
 death — since sufficient time had 
 elapsed for the bone to begin a 
 new growth — neither could nave 
 been inflicted by a tiger's paw or 
 a hunter's club. Such enemies 
 would have finished their work 
 while their prey 
 lav defenceless. 
 The blow waH 
 without doubt 
 Trom somepassive 
 or inanimate the fall- 
 ing trunk or 
 bough of some 
 large tree. — Il- 
 lustrated Christian 
 climber par excellence. Each 
 limb being terminated by two or 
 three long and strong hooks, with 
 these it could securely cling to 
 the branches, along these it mov- 
 ed, often rapidly; there was 
 nothing slothful in its arboreal 
 mode of progression. Suspended 
 always with its head and trunk 
 downwards, it so traversed 
 every branch and part of the tree 
 yielding food by leaf or fruit. In 
 that clinging attitude it rested, 
 suspending itself to sleep. Amid 
 the bou'.fli8 it so lived and bred, 
 the mother carrying her suckling 
 young securely clinging to her 
 In this same wild, sylvan coun- 
 try of South America there were 
 dug lip the fossil remains of some 
 enormous animal, to which the 
 Near the city 
 of Washington 
 little gray lizard. s 
 are plenty. They 
 grow lour or live 
 inches long, are 
 clean tothetoucli, 
 and make amus- 
 ingpets. A writer 
 for Our Li'</e Oho 
 says, " You wi 1 
 see them sittini: 
 on the walls and 
 fences in the sun. 
 suffice to enable it to hold its , this was enjoyed by means of the j You can catch them easily, if you 
 know how. You must go up to 
 them very slowly. If you make 
 a quick motion, they are oil. 
 When you get near enough, gras|) 
 swiftly a little before the lizard'.-* 
 nose. If you grasp on the spot 
 where he is you will only catch 
 the end of his tail. Now a lizard 
 drops his tail off as easily as a boy 
 loses his jack-knife; so if you 
 catch only the lizard's tail, you 
 lose the rest of the lizard. . . . 
 If you are kind to the lizard, and 
 tickle him gently with the end of 
 your finger.he will soon be tame 
 He will catch flies on the table, 
 and will also come and take in- 
 sects from your hand." The liz- 
 ards in the tropics are green, anil 
 golden, and red, and purple, ami 
 indeed all colors. They are 
 beautiful creatures, and may be 
 tamed like their gray cousins in 
 Virginia. But sometimes they 
 are very large and fierce." 
 re- i which could be used to browse 
 laxes its fierce and tenacious hold, i upon the leaves at will and bring 
 The Megatherium used his 
 claws on his hind feet for a dif- 
 ferent purpose than war. These 
 were limited in number, being 
 confined to one sub-compressed, 
 but large and sharp-pointed claw 
 them easily within reach. The 
 lower jaw is formed like a spout, 
 hollowed into a long, smooth 
 canal, in which the tongue lay, 
 and was thrust forward or drawn 
 back, gliding to and fro in quest 
 on each hind foot, the other toes of I's leafy repast. The Mega- 
 having no claws, but terminating i fheruim s teeth were equally as 
 in a sort of hoof, which gave the , wpH adapted for the mastication 
 animal a heavy but firm tread. 1 of Us vegetable food, grinding it 
 The two sharp claws served as "P to a pulp on their cross-ridged 
 pickaxes to dig away the soil , surface. 
 from the roots of the trees, and so I Dr. Buckland, when he first 
 loosen their foundations ; for, iii- heard the description which has 
 stead of climbing to ol)tnin his been given already of the Mega. 
 food, this giant leaf-devourer up- 
 rooted and tore down tho great 
 trees on which he was accustom- 
 ed to feed. 
 Of course, he needed a firm 
 base for such a tug and strain, 
 thorium's form and habits, urged 
 an objection which afterwards 
 was the means of furnishing ad- 
 ditional proof of its accuracy. 
 Doubting the possibility of such 
 a mode of feeding, he asked how. 
 "Qeniub is eternal patience." 
 \o Megather> 
 ing crashed 
 a blow from 
 u8 ? It now 
 h these «ni- 
 88 trained by 
 ity in dodg- 
 heydid not 
 lurt. In a 
 theriam dis- 
 8 of the Uii> 
 two dittino 
 Btely healed, 
 eerious in- 
 le akuU, eri- 
 the animal's 
 car* indica- 
 which must 
 >let(ily pros- 
 tore ; and as 
 and the last 
 used instant 
 nt time had 
 to begin a 
 r conld naro 
 ger's paw or 
 ich enemies 
 their work 
 s their prey 
 blow was 
 DTit doubt 
 n a n i m a 1 
 ,like the fall- 
 trunk or 
 h of some 
 tree. — i/- 
 tled Christian 
 lAR the city 
 gray lizards 
 lenty. They 
 r lour or five 
 B8 long, arc 
 I to the touch, 
 mako amus- 
 iets. AwriliT 
 htr LiHIeOiiis 
 "You wi 1 
 :hem sittinu- 
 le walls and 
 tsin the buu. 
 easily, if you 
 1st go up to 
 If you maki' 
 ley are oil. 
 ) the lizard'.s 
 on the spot 
 II oi\ly cntch 
 Now a lizard 
 isily as a boy 
 ; so if you 
 d's tail, you 
 zard. , . . 
 e lizard, and 
 Ih the end ol' 
 3on be tame. 
 n the table, 
 md take in- 
 I" The liz- 
 ■e green, ami 
 purple, and 
 They are 
 and may bo 
 y cousins in 
 itimes they 
 al patience." 
 The spiders belong \o the great 
 family of " Articulata," and in the 
 group are called " Arachnida." I 
 do not know how long ago this 
 niime was given to the spiders, 
 but it seems to have come from 
 Grecian mythology. Arachne, it 
 I first spun a long thread, and let 
 the wind blow it out length-wise, 
 in hope it would tind lodgment 
 on the shore. After having tried 
 this method of escape in vain, find- 
 ing the wind not strong enough 
 to aid him, ho resorted to another 
 ingenious experiment. Olimbing 
 to the top of the pole, he com- 
 ,s satd, was a arecian lady in the ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ -^.^^^^ Walloon; 
 '""*ntS» "rnrZ V« lit !!} ^h"" «^<^^' »>« attached it toth; 
 spmnmfr So proud was she of| , ; ^ ^ , ^^t i„to it, and 
 nerart tbat she aspired to com.|g„ji^g ^^ too small, constructed a 
 larger one. Then seemingly 
 poto with the goddess Minerva ; 
 but her presumption was punish- 
 ed by her being transformed into 
 A spider. But though so humili- 
 atod, she yet retained her skill, 
 niid wove webs of wondrous 
 hiMiuty ; and so it comes to pass 
 that tne spider family are known 
 to naturalists as the Arachnida, or 
 " children of Arachne." 
 Now if our young readers hap- 
 pen to be so far advanced in their 
 studies in Natural History as to 
 be interested in the classincation 
 of the Arachnida, we will briefly 
 say that Linnoons and older na- 
 turalists used to call the spider an 
 "insect." But since Lamarck 
 they have been separated into a 
 distinct class. They have articu- 
 lated skeleton ; usually eight legs, 
 consisting of seven joints ; they 
 have from two to seven eyes — fix- 
 ed, not movable, but placed in 
 different parts of the head in the 
 different species to accommodate 
 their varied habits. They have 
 " falces," or mandibles, to seize 
 their prey, and maxillae, or what 
 might be called a mouth, to 
 squeeze and eat them. 
 Now we have done the scienti- 
 lie. Let us study one or two 
 species of the spider But before 
 we do that I would like to tell 
 you about the " web " 
 Most of the Arachnida live by 
 catching insects in nets which 
 they weave in bushes, on fences, 
 in outhouses, and not infrequent- 
 ly in our homes. 
 This web is a wonder of light- 
 ness, elasticity, and strength. It 
 is the strongest material of its size 
 known It comes from the spin- 
 neret, located in the rear of the 
 ibdomen of the animal, and is 
 composed of thousands of distinct 
 threads blended into one. Thii 
 satisfied he cut the guy-rope and 
 sailed away to land. Is not that 
 wonderful ? 
 We sometimes call the nets the 
 spiders weave in our houses cob- 
 webs. This comes from the 
 Dutch word for spider, " coppe." 
 Good housekeepers don't like to 
 acknowledge having seen them 
 in the corners of their rooms, but 
 like to describe in brief three 
 varieties of the Arachnida that 
 have always seemed to us very 
 interesting specimens of the fam- 
 First, the Trap-Door Spider. 
 " JUt/ifulenittulaiis," I'lmnd not only 
 in the West Indies, but in Cali- 
 fornia. This spider lives in the 
 ground, does not spin iv web for 
 catching insects, but clmses and 
 captures them upon the ground. 
 His home is a marvel of skill. He 
 digs a perpendicular hole in the 
 earth where there is a slope, so 
 that water may not interfere with 
 him. He then lines it with a silk- 
 en web more beautiful than any 
 regal tapestry. He constructs a 
 door of earth on the upper side, 
 made to look just like the ground 
 about it, while on the inner side 
 there is the same silken lining and 
 hinges of the same material, so 
 a spider can weave one 
 blending accounts for its great in the night, it ought not always 
 strength This apparatus and in- , to be a sign of untidiness, 
 stinctwere furnished the spider Hogarth, in one of his pictures, re- 
 longago,long before men thought presents neglected charity by 
 of twisting together many strands sketching a spider-web over the 
 of wire to make a strong and ; aperture of the collection-box ; 
 pliant rope • These webs are also and one of our modern poets, m 
 elastic, and yield to the strain of describing the peace that has 
 the wind or "the spider's weight. 
 The strands are also covered with 
 a viscid humor or paste, that not 
 only keops the intersections of the 
 web glued fast, but, like birdlime, 
 fastens the prey to the meshes 
 These webs o*" the spider are not 
 only used as nets and air-sieves to 
 catch its prey, but sometimes his 
 spinnerets afford him the means 
 to escape from danger. Seth 
 Q-reen, the fish-raiser, tells us of 
 an observation of his. He placed 
 ^ a pole in the middle of a little 
 ! • pond, and put a spider on it. 
 followed our Iratncidal war, 
 weaves a spider's web over the 
 cannon's mouth ; and among the 
 Jewish legends I read that when 
 David entered the cave of Adul- 
 1am, a spider quickly wove a 
 web across its entrance, that Saul 
 passed it by, convinced that the 
 fleeing David could not have en- 
 tered it for refuge. 
 We have in the illustration the 
 webs of the common spiders 
 with some poor victims of their 
 snares vainly endeavoring to ex- 
 tricate themselves. We would 
 that its lid when raised will fall 
 back to its place. From this door 
 he "merges at night to search for 
 his piey. The lid closes after 
 him. Having secured his food, 
 he lifts his portal with his strong 
 feet, and passing in, the door clos- 
 ing after him, he enjoys his meal 
 in security. 
 Another interesting species is 
 the Water Spider, " Ar^/zronefa 
 Aqualica." Ho lives in the water, 
 and yet is an air-breathing insect. 
 Some amphibious animals, like 
 the porpoise and seal, though 
 they can remain under water for 
 a good while, yet are forced to 
 the surface every few minutes ; 
 but this little fellow can live for 
 weeks beneath the water. The 
 explanation is curious. He takes 
 the air down with him. First, ho 
 builds a little gossamer home 
 down at the bottom of the pond 
 KR." f.7 
 between some water-plants • ho 
 coats it with glue to make it 
 water-tight, leaving an apertnre 
 at the bottom for a door. It is as 
 yet filled with water. Ho now 
 makes a little bag of his web, 
 goes to the surface, lills it with 
 air, and going down eiiiptii's it in- 
 to his house ; it bubbles up to the 
 roof and stays then', di-pliiyiiig 
 the water. Again and uiiiiin ho 
 does this, until ho liii.s an air- 
 castle in which ho ciin breathe 
 and rear his family, the open 
 door beneath keeping tho air 
 pure. This home of our veritable 
 water nymph resembles aglobule 
 of quicksilver. As tho little fel- 
 low gets his food from insects 
 that live on or in the water, he is 
 thus wonderfully provided. 
 Another species has alvviiys ex- 
 cited our admiration — tho Rait 
 Spider, " Dnlitmeiti'S /iinhrin/iis." 
 This spider subsists upon the in- 
 sects that skiiu upon the surface 
 of ponds and (dronins; and while 
 his feet are so conslructed that 
 ho can run very swiftly for a 
 short distance upon the water, he 
 cannot entirely live upon it, so ho 
 constructs a raft of leaves, lashing 
 them together with tho silken 
 cords that his spinneret affords, 
 I and pushing out from shore, is 
 drifted by the winds or currents 
 to where his prey is disporting it- 
 self. The dead leaves conceal 
 \ the spider, tho insects imairining 
 no danger, when suddenly tho 
 fierce and hungry littliy fellow 
 loaves his raft and gives chase ; 
 returning with his prey, ho 
 leisurely devours it. Oh, how 
 wonderful is all this ! It seems 
 raoro like reason than instinct. It 
 is as if, seeing that leaves fallen 
 from tho bushes and trees and 
 ffoated out by the wind and cur- 
 rents do not frighten the insects 
 that sport upon tho water, he 
 j uses one, as the sportsmen do our 
 sink-boats when wo would ap- 
 proach a flock of ducks. But wo 
 must not fail to notice how the 
 Creator makes every faculty and 
 function of his creatures in har- 
 monious adaptation to the end of 
 their being. Unlike tho web- 
 weaviug spider.his feet are formed 
 so that ho can run swiftly upon 
 the surface of the water, and his 
 eyes are so constructed that ho 
 can discern his prey at long dis- 
 tances, both of which aro neces- 
 sary that he may bo able to pro- 
 vide for his sustenance. 
 There is another lesson. All 
 these creatures use their know- 
 ledge, skill, and functions in do- 
 ing just that, andthatonly, which 
 their Creator intended them to do. 
 I wonder if we are always found 
 using our faculties and powers 
 just in those directions in which 
 they were wisely intended to be 
 employed ? — Il/uslrated Christian 
 As THE night follows tho day, 
 so surely and naturally does an 
 irreligious and a corrupt man- 
 hood or womanhood follow ai' 
 irreverent childhood. . - -.- n,., 
 Tho former character of the 
 inhabitants ot tho Fiji iHlaiuls 
 is too well known to need any 
 extended description. Canni- 
 Wism was iw part of their re- 
 ligion, and to one of their gods 
 every basket of roots offered 
 was accompanied by a human 
 body. The chiefs sometimes 
 killed their inferior wives to 
 supply this horrible demand. 
 On Ono, one of the smaller 
 islands of this group, it is par- 
 ticularly interesting to nolo the 
 first beginnings of the true re- 
 ligion. This island is 150 miles 
 from that of Lakemba, to which it 
 is tributary. In 1835 it was visited 
 by an epidemic, which so dimin- 
 ished their numbers as greatly to 
 alarm the people. They made 
 large offerings of food and pro- 
 perty to their gods, and practised 
 their religious rites with the 
 greatest zeal, but all their efforts 
 to stay the ravages of disease were 
 unavailing. Just at this time ono 
 of the chiefs, Wai, went to Lok- 
 emba to carry the customary 
 tribute, and wnile there met a 
 chief who had visited some of the 
 Friendly Islands and had become 
 a Christian. From this man VTai 
 heard of the true God, though 
 little more than that Jehovah was 
 the only God, and that all ought 
 to worship him, 
 Perceiving that there was no 
 deliverance through their gods 
 from the pestilence, tho Ono chief 
 and his companions resolved to 
 forsake them and pray to the 
 Being of whom they had recently 
 heard, and a few others joinod 
 them. The late visitors, wnilo at 
 Lakemba, had heard something 
 ofthe Sabbath, and so dotermined 
 that they would sot apart ono day 
 in seven for their worship. They 
 accordingly prepared their food 
 oil tho day previous, dressed in 
 their best, and anointed them- 
 selves more profusely with oil. 
 But when assembled they were 
 at a loss how to proceed. They 
 had always been accustomed to 
 invoke their deities through the 
 medium of a priest. In this dil- 
 emma they had no other resource 
 He came, and was induced to aid 
 them, beginning his prayer some- 
 what after this style : " Lord Je- 
 hovah, hero are thy people ; they 
 worship thee. I turn my back 
 npion thoo for the present, and am 
 on another tack, worshipping 
 another god. But do thou bless 
 these thy people ; keep them from 
 harm and do them good." Such 
 was tho first act of worship ren- 
 dered to the Almighty on the far- 
 ofl iJand of Ono. 
 In 1836 a canoe, having on 
 board a number of Christians 
 bound for the island of Tonga, 
 missed her course, and drifted 
 away to an island about fifty 
 miles from Ono. Hero they heard 
 of the longing for light and help 
 at the latter place, and a young 
 man, baptized Josiah, who had 
 conducted religious services 
 during the voyage, hastened 
 Great was the joy of tho little 
 company at Ono on the arrival 
 of a teacher. The old priest was 
 at once dismissed, and daily 
 Josiah led their devotions, in- 
 structing them more fully on the 
 Sabbath, while some learned to 
 pray for themselves. 
 By this time their number had 
 increased to forty, and they 
 set about building a chapel which 
 should hold a hundred people. 
 By 1839 three other teachers 
 had boon sent them, and the num- 
 ber of converts had increased to a 
 hundred and sixty-eight men and 
 a hundred and sixty women. All 
 wori> most anxious for instruction, 
 and greatly desirous that a mis- 
 sionary should visit them and 
 administer sacraments and marry 
 them with religious rites. • 
 Among the directions received 
 by tho Wosleyan missionaries in 
 referoncc to polygamy was that it 
 must not be countenanced. No 
 to go, after due training, to preach 
 tho gospel in other parts of Fiji. 
 Two hundred and twenty-three 
 persons wore baptized and sixty- 
 six couples married. 
 Among tho candidates for ba|>- 
 tisin was a young woman named 
 Tovo, of the highest rank, who 
 had been in infancy betrothed to 
 the old king of Lakemba. She 
 had now learned to read well — 
 wa:4 most active in teaching, in 
 visiting tho sick, and in other 
 good works. 
 The missionary could not bap- 
 tize her unless she refused to be 
 one of the thirty wives of Tui 
 Nayan. On her part she declared 
 her firm resolve to die rather than 
 fulfil her heathen betrothal. In 
 this decision, the chief, her father, 
 and all the Christians sustained 
 her, and were ready to sulfor any- 
 thing rather than give her up. 
 With this understanding she was 
 baptized — taking the name ol 
 Upon the return of the mission- 
 ary, Mr. Calvert, to Lakemba, he 
 informed the king that Tovo could 
 not now become one of his many 
 wives, as she had been baptized. 
 Kncouraged, however, by his 
 chiefs and the heathen party at 
 Ono, ho set about manning a fleet 
 of canoes with fighting men to go 
 and demand her. Hearing of 
 this, Mr. Calvert went to expos- 
 tulate with him, but the king re- 
 plied that he was going to collect 
 tribute — pearl shells, etc, 
 "Then why take warriors in- 
 stead of sailors?" 
 " Oh, the warriors would make 
 very good sailors." 
 " Ah," replied Mr. Calvert, " so 
 say your lips — I know not what 
 is in your heart. I love you, 
 therefore I warn you. God's 
 people are as the apple of his eye. 
 On the sea and on all the islands 
 man or woman living in this state 
 should be admitted to church 
 membership or even be a candi- 
 In the latter part of this year a 
 missionary of Lakemba had 
 an opportunity of visiting 
 Ono, and found most wonderful 
 and cheering progress; the people 
 leading blameless lives, the Sab- 
 bath observed, schools well at- 
 tended, and several young men 
 than to send for a heathen priest_ ' offering themselves as teachers. 
 between Lakemba and Ono the 
 Lord Jehovah reigns supreme. 
 Take care what you do." 
 For a time the voyage was 
 quite prosperous. They stopped 
 sending on in advance leveral * 
 canoes of deiporadoea to do tho 
 king'i bidding incaseof reiintance, 
 which, with about a hundred 
 souls, were never more heard 
 At length, a favorable breeze 
 springing up,the ex pedition moved 
 on; but ere long the wind shifted, 
 and though they came withinsight 
 of Ono they could not reach her. 
 Their endeavors were continually 
 bafllod. ^)oon all chance of mak- 
 ing the island was gone. The 
 canoes pitched and labored ter- 
 ribly in tho violence of the waves. 
 Thus thoy drifted about in great 
 fear, well knowing that if they 
 escaped the angry billows, they 
 might be cast upon some shore 
 whore a miseranle fate would 
 await them. 
 As night came on the king gave 
 up all hope. He thought of tho 
 warning words of the missionary 
 and made up his mind to die ; call- 
 ing upon his gods, and promising 
 great offerings if he should return 
 home iu safety. But thoy 
 weathered the gale, and the dawn 
 ofthe morning found one of the 
 other canoes quite near. Great 
 was the delight of the crews at 
 mooting, and, the wind being now 
 favorable for their homeward 
 course, they set sail for Lakemba. 
 On arrival, the king begged 
 that Mr. Calvert's warning words 
 might never follow him again. 
 He was henceforth very kind to 
 him, thus acknowledging that ho 
 regarded hisdoliyerauceas a favor 
 of tho missionary's God. Ho oven 
 consented to give up the object of 
 hisdesire aud accept a gilt instead. 
 Accordingly suitable articles werti 
 sent him irom Ono, but after hav- 
 ing received them, the king re- 
 turned an equivocal answer. The 
 missionary then sent him fresh 
 gifts, but like a king of old his 
 heart was hardened. Evil coun- 
 sels prevailed, and he intimated 
 that Jemima must be brought. 
 Nothing now remained for the 
 poor girl but compliance or death. 
 But her people refused to bring 
 her to Lakemba. Then a chief 
 was despatched for her, but such 
 was the firmness of her Christian 
 friends that he had to return with- 
 out her ; and tho king, after his 
 narrow escape, feared to imperil 
 his life again upon the deep on 
 such an errand. 
 Though there had been no 
 missionary settled among them, 
 by 1848, tnirteen years from tho 
 introduction of Christianity into 
 Ono, there were among the con- 
 verts nearly fifty whose faith and 
 ardentzeal fitted them to carry on 
 the work at homo, and to go hrtU 
 to plant the gospel on disliiijt 
 shores. By the latest accounts wu 
 hear thatnolofsthan OOOchUrolu s 
 at various islands, but at tho one , may be scon, in which tho truo 
 nearest Ono all disguise was | God is reverently and Icringly 
 thrown oil', and they wantonly worshipped, 
 destroyed food and property to Tnus truly in the Micronesinii 
 punish the people for becoming j groups have tlie words of Holy 
 Christians before their king. i Writ been verified, "Purely the 
 Here, to make sure of a fair , isles shall wait for me. — Iltu,. 
 wind, they remained some days. ! Christian Weeicif/. 
 rnrnl *• ' 
 anoe lovernl 
 )oii to do thu 
 jof reiJHtanco, 
 a hundred 
 laoro heard 
 >rablo breeze 
 ulitioii moved 
 lot roach her. 
 ■e continually 
 auce of mak- 
 I gone. Thi' 
 labored tur- 
 •out in greal 
 that if thoy 
 i>illowR, they 
 some shoro 
 fate would 
 he king gavn 
 iwght of tho 
 ) missionary 
 1 to die; call- 
 id promisiiiir 
 boold return 
 But thoy 
 nd tho dawn 
 1 one of the 
 lear. Great 
 the crews nt 
 d being now 
 3T Lakemba. 
 '"? ^>ogged 
 rning words 
 him again, 
 ery kmd to 
 ^ing that hu 
 CO as a favor 
 d. lie even 
 ho object of 
 gilt instead, 
 rticles Wert) 
 after hav 
 king re- 
 er. The 
 him fresh 
 of old his 
 il coun- 
 for the 
 or death. 
 to bring 
 1 a chief 
 but such 
 turn with- 
 after his 
 deep on 
 been no 
 ng them, 
 from thu 
 nity into 
 the con- 
 failh and 
 carry on 
 go fortli 
 1 di.sliiiit 
 onnts Wo 
 the trui' 
 of Holy 
 reJy tho 
 it during (light as 
 |irovidod with immensr^ 
 jiint that servo the lamn 
 ill sustaining 
 il 1)01 tho membrane ol'^tho draco 
 ('>r flying-lizard). Thoy launch 
 tliomselves fearlessly from a 
 liraach, their feet hold flat and 
 toca stretched apart, and swoop 
 down, then rise a few foot, linnlly 
 alighting safely at their oxpooiod 
 iltistmation. Sonietinies loui' or 
 live are bo< n darting awuy, to- 
 f.'othor, looking like a lluck ot 
 winged frogs or toads. 
 In tho sea there are throo flyers 
 that really, from the extent of 
 I heir flights, dosorve tho name. 
 Those of our readers who Imvo 
 been at sea, especially in tho 
 South, may have soon Ihn com- 
 mon flyinfi-fish, with its brilliant 
 lilue-and-Bilver body and laco-liko, 
 Bheeny wings. From tho crost of 
 a blue wave they dart, singly or in 
 flocks, fluttering along, rising and 
 i'.tUing, turning in curves, and 
 rotuming to the water with r 
 splash— perhaps to fall a (Motim 
 to some watchful honito (or dol- 
 phin) that has been closely follow- 
 ing them beneath tho wator. 
 These privatoors of the soas aro 
 their greatest enemies, as thoy 
 rise in the air following thorn un- 
 der water, and emerging in 
 time to catch the luakles»i llyors 
 IIS they descend. The dolphins 
 will take leaps of twenty or thirty 
 foot in following tho poor flying- 
 lish, which, notwithstanding their 
 loni? wings and wonderful i)owors, 
 often fall victims to thoir tireless 
 pursuers. They frequently fly 
 aboard vessels at night, perhaps 
 iiltracted by the lights, or, it may 
 lio, caught up by tho wind from 
 I lie crost of some curling wave, 
 and carried high in air against the 
 Tho gurnard, though it has also 
 long, wing-like fins, presents 
 otherwise a totally different ap- 
 pearance. Its head is inclosed in 
 iv bony armor, from which project 
 two sharp spines. Some of these 
 lish are of a rich pink color, while 
 others »ro mottled with rod, yel- 
 low, and blue, and as they fly 
 iilong over the water, and the 
 Kunlight falls upon their glittering 
 Noales, they seem to glow with a 
 (Tolden lustre. With such hard 
 Ill-ads, it will not be surprising 
 information that they aro dis- 
 au'reeable fellows to come in con- 
 tact with ; at least so thought a 
 .'^ailor who was standing at dusk 
 upon the quarter-deck of aressi 1, 
 iioar one of the West India islands. 
 Suddenly, ho found himself lying 
 upon his back, knocked over by 
 il monster gnnard that, with a 
 score of others, had darted from 
 the water, this one striking the 
 man fairly in the forehead. The 
 frunards are also chased by the 
 flolphins, and they are frequently 
 H^nx to rise in schools, to escape 
 Irom the larger fish, while hover- 
 ing above them are watchful gulls 
 nud man-of-war birds, ready to 
 i>teal them from the jaws of their 
 onemiesof tho sea. 
 In company with these flying- 
 flah may often be aoen curiona I blaspheming His holy name?" 
 white bodies, with long arms and i " No, I did not." 
 blnik oyps. Thoy are Hying- ' " Then I am afraid yoo norer 
 aqunls, •nombors of tho cuttle-Han pray at all ; for no man ran swear 
 family, and the famous bait I tho as you do, and yot koop up the 
 Nowmundliind cod-fishermen. On habit rfprnyingto God." 
 the ItankM tlioy are often soen in Aa wo now rode along he 
 vast nIumiIn, and during storms seemed thoughtful, "('oachman, I 
 tons of Ihoni are thrown upon tho wish you would pray now," I said. 
 shore. When darling Irom wave 1 " Why, what a time to pray, Hir, 
 to wave, thoy resemble silvery when a man is driving a conch." 
 arrows, often rising and boarding " Yot my friend, God will hear 
 shins in thoir headlong flight. Ido ' yuu." 
 69 I 
 and daughter hav« also been 
 brought to .Teana, Stop not in 
 your good work, sir, of speaking 
 to poor sinnuraoa you spoke to ma 
 on tnai I'oacn ; but for your re- 
 I nrool and instruction I might still 
 liiivo boon in Ih broaid road 
 which leads to dostruotioii. 
 are thoy for 
 bait, that 
 four or live 
 hund r oil 
 VOBHols at 
 St. I'lorro 
 are onifag- 
 ed in catch- 
 ing thorn 
 Many of 
 tho squid 
 f a m i 1 y 
 leave the 
 when pur- 
 sued. Even 
 tho largest 
 of them, 
 often forty 
 or fifty feet 
 long, have 
 been seen 
 to rise ten 
 or fifteen 
 feet in tho air, and sail away as 
 if propelled by some mysterious 
 loruo, thoir hideous arms dripping 
 and glistening They are certain- 
 ly the largest and strangest of the 
 flyers without wings — St Niilw 
 I had taken, says a gentleman, 
 tho box-seat of a stage-coach 
 Tho driver soon began to swoar 
 in a most fearful manner. "Coach- 
 man, do you ever pray ?" I quiet- 
 ly said. 
 He was 
 some what 
 moved at 
 the appeal. 
 shall I pray 
 for/ h e 
 askod, in a 
 8 u b u c' 
 " 1' r a y 
 t h e H o 
 words ; ' O 
 me Thy 
 Holy Spirit 
 for Christ's 
 sake, a- 
 men.' " Ho 
 hesita ted, 
 but in a 
 re pea tod 
 them : and 
 then, art my 
 request, a 
 second and a third time. When 
 I arrived at the end of my journey, 
 I parted from him, never expect- 
 ing to meet him again on earth. 
 Some months passed, and being 
 in another part of tho country, a 
 man looked intently on me, and 
 said, with a smile, " Don't you 
 know me, sir ?" I replied I did 
 not. " Ah, sir, I have much rea- 
 son to be thankful that ever I 
 know you." 
 He then recounted the parti- 
 culars of our first meeting, and 
 He seemed displeased, and, 
 whipping the horses, he sat as il 
 he wished not to reply to me. I 
 repeated the question. " If you 
 want to know," said he " some- 
 times I go to church on a Sun- 
 day ; I suppose I pray then, don't 
 " Did you pray this morning 
 that God would keep you from 
 oC Sih-hookt togtlhvr In * Iwll, polnMoutwud. 
 added, " I bless God I ever 
 travelled with you. Tho prayer 
 you taught me on that coach-box 
 I believe was answered. I saw 
 myself a lost and ruined sinner; 
 but now I humbly hope, through 
 the blooil that cleauseth from ail 
 sin, and by tho power of the 
 Holy Spirit, I am a converted 
 After some explanation, he 
 went on to say, " Both my wife 
 " There aaul Harry, throwing 
 down the s "e-i,ruah; "there ! 
 that'll do. My shoos don't look 
 vory bright, but no matter. Who 
 caroN '." 
 " Whatever is worth doing is 
 worth doing well," .said his father, 
 who had hoard the boy's careless 
 Harry blushed, when his father 
 continued : 
 "My boy, your shoes look 
 wretchedly. Pii k up tho brush 
 and make them shine when 
 you have finished come into tho 
 As soon as Harry appeared 
 with his well-polished shoes his 
 fathor said ; 
 "I have a little story fo tell you. 
 I oiieo knew a poor boy whose 
 mother taught him tho ))r verb 
 which I repeated to yoi a few 
 minutes ago. This boy went ou 
 to servico in n gontlema sfi<mily, 
 and he took puins to d every- 
 thing well, no matter h w unim- 
 portant it seemed. His employer 
 was pleased, and t"Ok him into 
 his shop. He did his work well 
 there, nnd when sent on errands 
 he wont quickly and was soon 
 back in hi.s place. So he advanced 
 from slop to step until he became 
 a dork, and (hon a partner in the 
 businoKs. Ho is now a rich man, 
 and anxious that his son, Harry, 
 should loam to practise the rule 
 which made him prosper." 
 " Why, papa, wore you a i>oor 
 boy once ?" asked Harry. 
 " Yes, my son — i-o poor that I 
 had to go out to service,and black 
 boots, and wait at table, and do 
 any menial service which was re- 
 quired of me. By doing little 
 things well, I was soon trusted 
 with more important ones.- Young 
 ilio loveliest, sweetest 
 and the 
 " Humility 
 That bloomed in Eden, 
 first that died. 
 Hath rarely blossomed since on 
 mortal soil. 
 It is so frail, so delicate a thins;. 
 It doth not bear to look upon itself. 
 And he who ventures to esteem 
 it his 
 Proves by that single thought ho 
 hath it not." 
 God never promised us happi- 
 ness here in any perfect form ; and 
 they who complain most of its 
 absence aro commonly tLose who 
 have least deserved it, ar.d havo 
 done least to secure it foi them- 
 selves and to provide it for others. 
 — George Batchelor, 
 III tho i^rny of an oitrly morn- 
 in^r. (luring the rpif^n of good 
 Juieph II. ol Auatritt, n NtrnnKc 
 dci'iin occnrrod in one of thi' 
 atriH'ti of thi< (>M i;ity of I'rcuhurg. 
 Wo can forgivM hiiilory iiiiich of 
 ilN dry dutail and Htill formality 
 whiMi it bIbo records for uh heart- 
 ti)uchiii)f ini'idontH of rt>nl lifi>liku 
 thislhul we have hero to tell. 
 Tho iit'urly Hiloiit Ntrt>ot tiankod 
 by its two rows of tall hoUMOM, 
 most of the hIindB and BhntliTN 
 Htill chming tho windows at tluit 
 early hour, was beinj? swept liy a 
 gaiiir III t'onvictH brought euoh 
 morning through the priNon 
 gates for tho purpose. In tho 
 line of prisoners was an old 
 man whoso hair and beard 
 were white as silver, and 
 whoso ugly uniform did not 
 wholly hide a certain stateli- 
 iiess of bearing, which ho, 
 however, did not allow to 
 hinder his work. Rut in spite 
 of his prepossesBing look and 
 manner, it was to be noticed 
 that only he of all his wretch- 
 ed companions dragged at his 
 leg a chain, weighted by a 
 heavy bullet. Yet it seemed 
 impossible to believe that 
 he excelled in crime the 
 repulsive - looking wretches 
 about him. 
 As the work of cleaning the 
 street progressed, tho tho- 
 roughfare, in spite ol the 
 early hour, came at last to 
 have one passer-by. A tall, 
 olileily man, very plainly 
 dressed, but wearing a kind 
 of uniform, advanced along 
 0110 of the pavements, and as 
 he looked at the gang of 
 sweepers his eye (juickly 
 singled out the old prisoner. 
 This observer seemed soon to 
 notice that although tho 
 white-haired, aged man, in 
 spite of having the chain and 
 ball to drag, managed by sheer 
 exertion to keep up with the 
 others in his work, the over- 
 seer was nearly always shout- 
 ing at him in anger and find- 
 iiiif fault without cause. Tho 
 spectator stepped into tho 
 road to the old man's side 
 " What," ho asked, " is your 
 orime, that you aro treated in 
 this way ?" 
 The old prisoner, at the 
 sound ol a voice which had 
 in it a tone of pity, looked up and 
 stood still, resting his broom up- 
 on the stones. It was a terrible 
 story of persecution and cruelty 
 that he had to tell. Ho belonged 
 to a distant province, and his po- 
 sition there answered to the class 
 ill England called " yeonion," he 
 having been owner of a small 
 property of his own. But, most 
 unfortunately for him, the farm 
 lay on the skirt of the great estate 
 of Count , and this nobleman 
 had fixed an envious eye upon its 
 scanty fields, as King Ahab long 
 before did on Naboth's vineyard. 
 [ Their owner, prizing the spot as 
 having been the homo of his fore- prisoner, "is my history." 
 fathers, relused lo sell it to thoi " lint how < an thin norientition 
 count. From that hour began be poNRible?" asked nil sympa- 
 his porsecntion. One pro- thixing listener, "why is your 
 cfess was served upon him after oraperor not informed of it /" 
 another, costs being run up at " Oh," sighed tho old man, get- 
 every stage. In tho end he was ting his broom again into motion, 
 fairly ruined, and was forced to " the emperor is far away ; and 
 agree to sell ihu farm to the ra- 
 pacions nobleman, but ho bar- 
 gained that ho was to remain in 
 the house for one year more, tine 
 day soon after this be was stand- 
 ing at his gate, deep in griet at 
 tho prospect. A wounded hare 
 unexpectedly ran bv, and, with- 
 out thinking what he was doing, 
 ho instinctively raised his sticK 
 besides, in aijuarrel with a no'ble- 
 man a poor manlike raysoll must 
 be in the wrong." 
 " I will see the governor of 
 your prison," was tne next re- 
 " Nay, nay, sir," tho prisoner 
 hastened to say in a trembling 
 voice ; " pray, do not try to inter- 
 fere in my favor. A person once' 
 Oatllna DrftWlDg by HnrrlloD Weir, u a drawlns leuon tor the voans. 
 and put the poor creature out of 
 its pain. At that moment the 
 count's servants came up and ar- 
 rested him on tho spot, and al- 
 though li<! had not laid a finger 
 upon the hare he was taken to 
 prison. There he lay for six 
 months before ho was tried, and 
 when he was placed before the 
 judire the inlluenco of the wicked 
 count secured his being sentenced 
 to two years' imprisonment. In 
 the meantime his wife and chil- 
 dren wore turned out of the 
 house and plunged into utter 
 " That, sir," concluded the aged 
 I did sc, and, as the result, I sufTor- 
 ed fifty lashes, and have to drag 
 this heavy chain. Do not speak 
 for me, or I shall suffer for it." 
 Another voice now broke in, 
 speaking in loud, harsh tones. 
 "There you are again, you lazy 
 fellow, chattering away your time 
 instead of working. Have you 
 tbund another soft-hearted fool to 
 listen to your whining ? Do you 
 wish another fifty lashes, and a 
 chain and bullet for your other 
 The brutal speaker was the 
 overseer, and ho raised his stick 
 to strike the old man. But the 
 gentlnman parried the blow with «• 
 his walking nane, sending the 
 truncheon iiying. 
 "tiiirah!" oxolaiined the fari- 
 ous overseer, " I will arrest you 
 for daring to interfere with an of- 
 ficial. You are n prisoner, sirrah !" 
 Leisurely tho stranger unbnt- 
 toned his surtout, discloaing to 
 low a glittering star upon his 
 breast. It was the Emperor 
 .I'lseph himself. He was accus- 
 tomed, when travelling, to walk 
 out alone, early and late, seeing 
 things with hi* own eyes. 
 " Mercy ! mercy !" cried the 
 terror-stricken overseer, faliing 
 upon his kneei. 
 " Away !" replied the empe- 
 ror. " Lead me thii moment 
 to the governor " 
 The governor sank into a 
 panic atill worse than that of 
 the overseer on hearing that 
 the emperor had entered the 
 gaol. He, however, stammer- 
 ed out that the blame rested 
 with the judge, who was a 
 friend of the count. 
 " O great God above, what 
 villainy !" exclaimed the 
 emperor. " But woe be to 
 him who now injures a hair 
 of that old man." 
 Hurrying back to his castle, 
 the emperor ordered the 
 judge to ho summoned before 
 nim. The result was that the 
 judge was put into prison, 
 where he first of all received 
 fifty lashes, answering to 
 those he bad, by his unjust 
 sentence, inflicted on the old 
 man; next, the chain and 
 cannon-ball were transferred 
 from the innocent prisoner's 
 leg to his own, after which 
 he was made to clean the 
 streets of Presburg like other 
 convicts. And among his 
 companions in this task ho 
 soon found out tho ex-gover- 
 nor of the prison and the ex- 
 overseer ; the latter of whom 
 now found the stick he had 
 so mercilessly ill-used often 
 coming down upon his own 
 Nor did the good emperor 
 stop here in doing justice ; he 
 sent for the liberated old man, 
 and thus addressed him : 
 " I will make you the gov- 
 ernor of the gaol, believing 
 that you, who have sufTered 
 the barbarous cruelties ot 
 persecution, will show humanity 
 to the prisoners under you. 
 Farewell 1 Collect your family 
 around you, and may God bless 
 you !" 
 Before tho amazed old man 
 could thank the just, God-fearing 
 emperor, the door of the apart- 
 ment had closed upon him. — Day 
 of Rest. 
 ^ $oblouethacheer-f 
 ^ ful giuer. J 
 2 Cor. 9 : ' 
 ,. i! 
 " llov Wanted." That wa« 
 wlmt wni written on a little dip 
 ol papor and pMteil np in the 
 wIikIuw of Mr. Robinion'a gro- 
 I ury •lid (Iryr-goodi itore. 
 The liitie tign hang there un- 
 iliaturbud Tor several dayi; not 
 liouiiuie there were no applicants 
 lor Ihu position, for half the boys 
 in the place were anxious to gut 
 it, but because Mr. Robinson wa» 
 Nuch u hard man to suit. 
 He required the most nnexcep- 
 tiunable rel'erencos, as well as 
 ample security for the boy's 
 hont-sty, and so, though a great 
 many hoys went in his store to 
 inquiit' about the situation, 
 none of them wore able to 
 iintisl'y ail the requirements. 
 Frank Birch saw the 
 little slip of paper one 
 blight Saturday morning 
 when he bad come into 
 town to do some errands for 
 his mother, and his heart 
 Kave a great bound of de- 
 light when he saw the 
 words on it. Perhaps he 
 could get the place, nnd 
 what a grand thing that 
 would oe ! Everybody 
 know that a boy was very 
 fortunate who got a position 
 in Mr. Uobiitson's store, for 
 iilthouffh thoro was plenty 
 of hard work, yet the wages 
 wero very good and Mr. 
 Robinson was not a hard 
 Frank had been wanting 
 to earn some money so 
 much. If he could onlv get 
 this place, what a help it 
 would be to his mother. 
 He felt quite sure that she 
 would let him give up 
 Hchool, for he could study 
 in the evenings after his 
 day's work was done, and 
 then she need not work so 
 hard day after day if he 
 could earn some money. 
 " Well, my boy, what can 
 I do for you ?" asked Mr. 
 Robinson, laying his paper 
 down on his Knee and look- 
 ing over his spectacles at 
 Frank as he entered the 
 " I saw in the window 
 that you wanted a boy, and 
 please sir, wouldn't I do?" 
 " I want an honest boy, 
 one that can be trusted to 
 do what he is told, whether anv 
 one is watching him or not, and, 
 that will be as faithful to my in- 
 terests as he would be to his own. 
 Are you that sort of ahoy ?" asked 
 Mr. Robinson. 
 " I hope I am," answered Frank 
 " Well, I hope you are too, for 
 then we shall suit each other very 
 well," answered Mr. Robinson. 
 Frank's heart was very light, for 
 now he felt sure of a trial at least; 
 but Mr. Robinson's ^ext words 
 dispelled his hopes. 
 ''Now, what references and se- 
 curity can you give me ?" 
 "Security?" said Frank, not 
 what Mr 
 quite understanding 
 Itobiniuii meant. 
 " Yts ; what friend hnve you 
 who will place in my hands a cer- 
 tain sum of money as security for 
 your honesty. ! will return it at 
 the end of a year.for by that time I 
 shall know pretty well whether 
 you are honest or not." 
 Frank's (ace clouded over 
 with disappointment. " I am 
 afraid I couldn't give any secu- 
 rity," he said sadly. " How much 
 would you want, sir?" 
 Mr. Kobinson named the sum. 
 Frank shook his head. 
 " Couldn't you take me without 
 it, sir," h« aakad. 
 a I'nvor from. Ho the little 
 sign atill hung in the win- 
 dow, and people noticed it 
 and wondered how it wn* that 
 Mr. Kobinson couldn't get a boy 
 when boys wanting work were 
 HO plenty and good places so few. 
 Mr. Robinson was in no hurry, 
 however, " The right boy will 
 come along after n while," ho 
 would say to himself cheerfully 
 as he helped the clerk take down 
 the shutters and open the store 
 every morning. 
 Tht next Friday aflernooa 
 Frank was busily disentangling 
 his fishing-lines and preparing for 
 a grand fishing excursion on the 
 "YOU sha'n't lay a finoer on these cherries." 
 " No," answered Mr. Robinson 
 decidedly, taking up his paper 
 again. " I used to lose a good 
 deal by taking boys just on refer- 
 ences. People will often give a 
 boy a good reference aud say he 
 is honest when they know very 
 little about his character; but 
 when they are willing to go se- 
 curity for him, then I feel pretty 
 sure that the boy is honest and 
 that I am c 'fe in taking him." 
 Frank wtot slowly out of the 
 store. He ku^" that there was 
 no hope of gettir.f the position 
 now, for his mother had no 
 money, and he had no friends 
 that he could venture to ask such 
 then he answered chMrfully. 
 " All right, mother, I suppose 
 I'll have to pick them, as the old 
 lady is in such a bad way about 
 them. I may as well gut about 
 it at onoe or I wont bu through 
 before dark ;" and he began to put 
 away his tishing-lines. 
 "That's a good boy," said his 
 mother approvingly, u Prank 
 started off whistling as merrily as 
 if he had not just given up a long 
 anticipated pleasure. The poor 
 old woman's joy and gratitude 
 when she found that her cherries 
 would go to market the next day 
 nearly repaid him for his self- 
 denial. The tree was a large one, 
 and though ho worked as 
 fast as he could, he did not 
 have time tn Rtrip it of its 
 nontents belore dark He 
 finished picking the cher- 
 ries early the next morning, 
 and was soon on his way to 
 town with the fruit, which 
 vas put in panniers or large 
 It WHS a beautiful morn- 
 ing, and Frank could not 
 help thinking of his intend- 
 ed excursion. He wonder- 
 ed how far the boys had 
 gone on their way, and 
 what sport they would 
 He did not regret his 
 kind act, however, but walk- 
 ed along whiHtling cheerily, 
 and now and then giving 
 Dick, the little donkey that 
 a kind-hearted neighbor had 
 loaned for the day, an en- 
 couraging pat or word. 
 " Halloa, Frank! Where 
 are you bound for now?" 
 asked a voice, and Frank, 
 looking around for the 
 speaker, saw a boy sit- 
 ting under the hedge ex- 
 amining the contents of a 
 bird's nest which he had 
 just taken from the tree be- 
 side him. 
 " I'm going in to town," 
 answered Frank, recogniz- 
 ing the boy as Bob Morris, 
 one of the worst boys in the 
 neighborhood, a boy whom 
 the good shunned and even 
 the ill-disposed feared. 
 "What have you got in 
 those baskets ?" asked Bob, 
 tossing the bird's nest to 
 one side and walking to- 
 wards Frank. " Oh, 
 you ve 
 next day, when his mother en- 1 got cherries," he exclaimed, as he 
 tered the room. I caught a glimpse of the fruit 
 " Frank," she said, "would you showing through the cover of the 
 mind giving up your excursion 
 to-morrow ?" 
 "Oh, I couldn't !" exclaimed 
 Frank. " Why mother, what is 
 there for me to do ?" 
 "Old Mrs. Wilson's grandson 
 is sick, and he promised to gather 
 her cherries this afternoon for her 
 and take them to market to-mor- 
 low. They are to ripe to put off 
 picking them, and she is in great 
 trouble about them. I told her I 
 thought you would be willing to 
 do it for her." 
 Frank tieiiitated for a moment ; 
 " I'm glad you came along this 
 way, for I'm awfixlly dry, and 
 some of those cherries will just fix 
 me up," and he extended his hand 
 towatds the basket. 
 " You can't have any of those ; 
 they are not mine to give you," 
 said Frank firmly, standing in 
 front of his charge. 
 " Well, I don't care whetb-r 
 they're yours or not," answer^a 
 Bob roughly. " I'm going to 
 have some of them any way, so 
 just stand aside." 
 Duck lifuisnot one long dreim 
 of bliss, a time to waddle, quack 
 and pipe ; no,indoed,8orrowE enter 
 into their lowly nests among 
 reeds and rushes as keenly as in- 
 to more airy, elevated homes 
 among our feathered friends, 
 The red-tailed hawk stops not to 
 admire the varied tints or grace- 
 ful T?ovementof the Pintail duck, 
 neither is it of any moment in 
 his eyes that Anas Acuta indicates 
 a certain aristocracy of family, 
 by carrying as 
 erectly as pos- 
 sible the sharp- 
 ie -defined and 
 painted tail. 
 All these beau- 
 ties are as no- 
 thing : hunger 
 to be appeased 
 i s the great 
 question, and 
 to this the 
 strong- winged 
 lirigand of the 
 skier, addresses 
 himself with 
 undisguised in- 
 tent. The dunk- 
 lings by the 
 brook-side, ten- 
 derly s h e 1- 
 tered in their 
 home, must 
 breast the tide 
 by mother- 
 love, must 
 q'.iack on, un- 
 comforted h y 
 motherly re- 
 The world is 
 full of duck 
 cousins ; the 
 family is a 
 well - known 
 a n d favorite 
 one, and stories 
 of their beauty 
 and faithful- 
 ness are not 
 In a greiit 
 city of the Ce- 
 lestial Empire 
 once dwelt a 
 happy dunk 
 I'amiiy. () \ e 
 night pater fa- 
 ni i I i a s was 
 stolen, and in 
 her lonely 
 home Madam Dui'k refused nil 
 comfort ; an obsequious raller, 
 ollering tender attention;!, was in- 
 dignantly repulsed ; most unex- 
 liectedly the lost one returned, 
 and was received by his grieving 
 mate with every demonstration 
 ol delight. It would seem ns if 
 tlie little du( k-mother gave in- 
 formation concerning the intrud- 
 ing suitor, for her partner flew 
 ui>on him with rage, tore out his 
 , eyes, and so wouirded him that 
 he soon lay dead. 
 These were Mandarin ducks, I "summer-duck" for its chiefest This extensive family of water- 
 so called on account ot their beau- ! adornment, and "among other i birds is represented in our coun- 
 ty and remarkable conjugal tideli- gaudy feathers wi.h which our try by more than thirty species, 
 ty. They are often carried in ^ Western tribes Tnament the cal- To catch them is often a diffi- 
 ■vedding processions in China. 1 umet, or pipe of peace, the skin , cult matter ; but in marshes where 
 'T'he Chinese are fond of laud- ' of the head and nock of this beau- [ they congregate at low water, a 
 ingL'ieof this family, now ex-!til'ul bird is often used to cover tight hogshead is sunk, tufts of 
 tinct — having passed awny, it is ^ the stem ;" and so gentle is the long, coarse grass, reeds, and 
 said, in the halcyon days ol Con- pretty creature in its woodland sedge are arranged with care 
 fucins; and wonderfully en- 
 dowed the creature must have 
 been, for the legend tells us that 
 "it would not peck or injure living 
 insects, nor tread on growing 
 herbs ; that it had the throat of a 
 swallow, the bill of a fowl, the 
 neck of a snake, the tail of a lish, 
 the forehead of a crane, the crovvn 
 of a Mandarin duck, the stripes 
 of a dragon, and the vaulted biii;K 
 of a tortoise; that the feathers had 
 five colors, named for the live 
 cardinal virtues : that it was five 
 cubits high, hnving the tail gra- 
 duated like Pandean pipes ; and 
 that its song had live modula- 
 Among Indians, royalty itself 
 disdains not the plumage of the 
 haunts that a few affectionate ' over the upper edge so as to ap- 
 words crv'i effectually tame it. pear like a natural growth ; then 
 Another family of cousins, the | a sportsman takes refuge within 
 Tadorna Vuljmnser of the Orkney the hug« barrel, and has a rare 
 Islands, have fashions of their j chance for collecting the unsus- 
 own touching the courtesies of pecting creatures In China the 
 sportsman cov- 
 ers his head 
 with a sort of 
 gr a 8 s-m a d e 
 hood, and from 
 " eye-holes " is 
 able to detect 
 and, almost at 
 leisure, to en- 
 trap many of 
 tiiese simple- 
 hearted birds. 
 Decoy ^ucke, 
 made of wood 
 and painted 
 a r 3 success- 
 fully used ill 
 our own coun- 
 try. Lead is 
 nailed to ■■ho 
 bottom, so that 
 they will float 
 easily; these 
 gliding over 
 the water, at- 
 tract the living 
 sailers, who, 
 im a gi n i n g 
 Ih (! m 8 e 1 V e s 
 surrounded by 
 attentive rela- 
 tives, alight, 
 and at once be- 
 come a prey to 
 cruel strategy ! 
 The " Pi n- 
 tail duck" of 
 our picture, is 
 noted for its 
 delicate, slen- 
 der neck, is of 
 a social turn, 
 and has richly 
 variegr. ted 
 plumage ; it is 
 a bird of rapid 
 flight, and its 
 tones are softer 
 and sweeter 
 than some 
 others of its 
 kin. They 
 are fond o f 
 beech-nuts, but 
 in the spring 
 society. They, it seems, wisn 
 never to be "at home" to disagree- 
 able guests, and if by chance steps 
 are heard near its nest where the 
 baby-ducks lie sleeping. Madam 
 makes pretence of sufl'ering from 
 a broken wing, waddling off with 
 most distressing indic-.'ieir; of 
 pain, trailing t sup'.., -fl ".- 
 Jured member on th.; ^ o-.iiul. 
 After the intruder has iol'.owed 
 for some time, she as suddenly 
 takes to flight, leaving the outwit- 
 ted follower gaping with wonder. 
 gladly feast upon tadpoles, while 
 lor autumn and winter fare they 
 seek mice and insects. — Illus. 
 Chris. Week/ 1/. 
 •' After the ■ toil and trouble, 
 cometh the joy and rest ; 
 After the ' weary conflict,' peace 
 on the Saviour's breast; 
 After the ' blightand sorrow,' the 
 glory of life and love ; 
 After the ' perilous journey,' the 
 Father's hoate above," 
 The sun gives ever ; so tho earth — 
 What it can give, so much 'tis 
 worth ; 
 The ocean gives in inony ways — 
 Gives paths, gives iishes, rivers, 
 bays : 
 So, too, the air, it gives us breath — 
 Whjn it stops giving, comes in 
 Give, give, bo always giving; 
 Who gives not, is not living. 
 The more you give. 
 The more you live. 
 God's love hath in us wealth up- 
 heaped ; 
 Only by giving is it reaped. 
 The body withers, and the mind. 
 It' pent in by a selfish rind. 
 Give strength, give thought, give 
 deed, give pelf. 
 Give love, give tears, and give 
 Give, give, be always giving, 
 Who giveu not is not living. 
 The more we live, 
 The more wo give. 
 Who has not road " Uncle 
 Tom's "Cabin," and who could 
 listen with at tears to the tale of 
 tho sufferings of the poor negro 
 slaves in the plantations of the 
 south. One hundred years ago 
 the slave trade was carried on 
 not only bv the United States, 
 but by England and many of the 
 other nations of Europe. William 
 Wilberforco was born at Hull, 
 Kiigland in 1759 and at a very 
 early age became interested in the 
 subject of slavery. While still 
 atschof! he wrote a letter to a 
 newtpape. published in York 
 stronglv co.-'iemning " the odious 
 traffic in human ilesh." At the 
 age 01 twenty-ono ho entered par- 
 a. jnt and about seven years 
 afterward a society was formed in 
 Loiuion composed almost entirely 
 of Quakers the object of which 
 was to prevent iny slaves being 
 brought from Africa and sold in 
 the British colonies. The suffer- 
 ings of the negroes in the ships 
 while crossing the Atlantic wore 
 liorrible. They wore crowded 
 down ill the dark hold of tht; ves- 
 M'l and did not receive half the 
 I'are that would have been given 
 to cattle. A bill was passed 
 regulating the number that each 
 KJiip should carry, but little atten- 
 tion wu.s paid to it. Then a bill 
 was passed forbidding any British 
 subject to engage in the trade, 
 but it was still curried on under 
 lover of the Spanish or Portuguese 
 flag, The slaves wen- treated 
 more cruelly than ever Often 
 when a slave ship being pur- 
 sued, and in danger of being cap- 
 tured, tho whole cargo of slaves 
 would bo thrown into tho sea. 
 In 1811 a law was passed by which 
 any person found engaged in tho 
 slavo trado would be imprisoned 
 from throo to five years with 
 h;ird labor, or transported for 
 foarteoii years. Thirteen years 
 afterward a bill was passed de- 
 claring the slave trade to be 
 piracy and as such punisl^able by 
 death, but in 1837 this was altered 
 and the penalty became transpor- 
 tation for life. 
 But there was still more work 
 to be done. Although no one 
 was allowed to bring any more 
 slaves from Africa, there were a 
 vast number of them already in 
 the colonies, And the next step 
 was to set these free. About 1825 
 Mr. Wilberforce through failing 
 health had to retire from Parlia- 
 ment, but the work still went on. 
 In 1833 a bill was passed making 
 the slaves free, but providing that 
 they should be apprenticed for 
 twelve years to their former 
 masiors, and out of their earnings 
 to pa; a sum for their release. 
 But this was not approved and 
 it was at last determined that 
 they should be apprenticed for 
 only six years, and that the Gov- 
 ernment should pay to the slave 
 owners in return for the loss they 
 sustained tho sum of X20,000,000. 
 bad marks, and tho keeping in, 
 and the teacher's reproof," said 
 tho mother very sorrowfully. 
 " Milly, why are you so often 
 troublesome at school , you are a 
 good girl at home." 
 " I hate rules," said Milly. open- 
 ing her blue eyes v y wide. 
 " So do the Co.ivicts in the great 
 stone prison, where papa goes on 
 Sundays to teach the Bible, Milly. 
 One of them said last Sunday 
 afternoon, that if the law hadn't 
 been so strict he wouldn't have 
 broken it. It is hating rules 
 which has brought m3ftt of those 
 poor men to their gloomy cells." 
 Milly looked serious. She had 
 never thought of comparing her- 
 self with the prisoners. 
 " Unless we keep rules, dear, 
 and love to keep them, we are 
 always unhappy. Only those 
 people who learn to mind, ever 
 become fit to command. By-and- 
 by, if you overcome this opposi- 
 tion to law, you will find that the 
 law and you are so friendly, that 
 you will never think about it at 
 The health of Mr. Wilberforce 
 failed fast, and on the 29th of 
 .Tuly 1833, just three days alter 
 the Emancipation Bill was passed 
 he died, and was buried in West- 
 minster Abbey. 
 " Mamma," said Milly, coming 
 in from school with a flushed face, 
 and eyes which bore the traces of 
 tears, " I wish you'd let mo leave 
 Miss Mathew's school. I'vo been 
 kept in again, and my diary is 
 disgraceful. Miss Susie Mathews 
 says she's ashamed of me." 
 Mamma put down the work she 
 was busy with and gathered her 
 little lirl into her lap. 
 " What have you done that is 
 naughty to-day ?" she said tender- 
 " O," said Milly sobbing, " I 
 whispered in my g'ography class, 
 and I wrote Mary Haywood a 
 note, and when I missed my gram- 
 mar lesson I pouted, and said I 
 didn't care." 
 "So my little girl deserved the 
 all. In the meantime you have 
 some hard places before you, and 
 the best way is to try to overcome 
 their difficulties." 
 " Will you help me, mamma ? " 
 " Surely I will, my child ; but 
 there is One stronger than I. and 
 you must seek his aid." 
 Together the mother and child 
 knelt in the twilight, praying to 
 Jesus for pardon and peace. Milly 
 rose from her knees, feeling that 
 though she had done wrong, the 
 Lord would help her to do better. 
 — Christian Inlelligemef. 
 Dogs are tolerated in German 
 regiments, though they are usual- 
 ly the properly of officers, who 
 are naturally responsible for their 
 good behavior. At least one Ger- 
 man regiment, moreover, belong- 
 ing to tho First or East Prussian 
 Army Corps, used during tne 
 war of 1870-71, to be preceded, 
 whenever the band accompanied 
 it, by a dog of solemn and shaggy 
 appearance, who dragged the big 
 drum after him. This strange 
 animal, however, had not been 
 recruited in the ordinary manner; 
 and at that time he already seemed 
 to have seen enough service to 
 entitle him to honorable retire- 
 ment. He had begun his military 
 career in the service of Austria, 
 where tho big drum was in his 
 time harnessed to a moderately- 
 sized dog in every military band ; 
 and ho was captured by tho East 
 frussian regiment at the battle of 
 Sadowa. Perhaps because dogs 
 form no recognized part of the 
 Prussian military forces he had 
 never been exchanged , though it 
 is difficult to understand on what 
 principle he could have been 
 compelled, after the cessation of 
 hostilities, to remain in tho ranks 
 of the enemy. This dog in any 
 case, marched with the troops of 
 General Nanteuffel from the east 
 of Prussia to the west coast of 
 France ; and if he is now dead he 
 basin all probability had a monu- 
 ment erected to his memory. — St. 
 James Gazette 
 Gassendi, a French philosopher, 
 contemporary of Lord Bacon, first 
 arave the classical name of Aurora 
 Borealis Others have called it 
 Aurora Polaris, for there is also an 
 Aurora Australis, similar phenom- 
 ena being witnessed in the Ant- 
 arctic regions The Portuguese 
 navigator, D'Ulloa, is the first who 
 describes the Southern Lights, 
 about 1743 ; and Captain Cook also 
 beheld them in 1777. Sir James 
 Ross, in his famous Antarct''; ex- 
 ploring expedition, vv'itnessed 
 magnificent displays. 
 Many of the accounts in old 
 chronicles and histories, describ- 
 ing armies in the sky meeting and 
 contending w'th fiery spears and 
 datts, sometimes attended with 
 waves of blood, can only refer to 
 unusual displavs of th.) Aurora 
 Borealis. Such references are 
 frequent in the meditcval chroni- 
 cles. But before those days, Aris- 
 totle, Pliny, and other classical 
 writers, alluded to the same mys- 
 terious lights. They were usual- 
 ly regarded as portents of evil 
 foreboding. But the Shetland 
 people called them "The Merry 
 Dancers. ' The North American 
 Indians thought they were tho 
 spirits of their departed people 
 roaming throngh the spirit-world. 
 — Neiv York Observer. 
 Ali. Which Gou Asks of boys 
 and girls i.s that they be boy and 
 sjirl Christians, and that is all 
 which we have any right to ask, 
 and it also is something which we 
 have a right to expect and labor 
 for, — Ciiiisireiiiilionalist. 
 We Havk Nkver Known Init 
 one ibing that has been p>tential 
 enough to bring all the railways 
 01 the country to terms -in fact 
 to an unconditional surrender. 
 This thinn' is— tobacco smoke. — 
 Mellnulist PnilestanI, 
 Whf^u Noll came homo irom 
 school one day, she found her fa- 
 vorite kitten with a little chip- 
 monk in her mouth. It was the 
 chipmonk wh^ih had lived in the 
 hollow tree in the garden. He 
 had paid flying visits to the piaz- 
 za nil summer, and was almost as 
 well known as the kitten herself. 
 It was plain that puss had mis- 
 taken him for a mouse. Nell 
 gave chase across the garden, in 
 among the tangle of rose-bushesj »*'»^™ f°'" y°^'i The boy shook 
 where the kitten fled with her 
 booty. She found it hard to fol- 
 low, though she could see the 
 bright eyes of the chipmonk. They 
 were full of pain and pleading, as 
 if he begged her to take his side. 
 At last Puss was caught and 
 shaken till she dropped the chip- 
 monk. He could only limp away 
 and hide himself. 
 Nell hoped his friends would 
 take care of him. But at night 
 the poor, hurt fellow hobbled to- 
 ward th« piazza, and seemed to 
 want comfort. He was too feeble 
 to keep himself from the cat's 
 paw, if she had come near. 
 Nell made a little house for him 
 in the garden ot a small box. She 
 raised it upon four stones at ihe 
 four coriiiTs, so as to give him air. 
 She slipped water and chestnuts 
 underneath for his supper. 
 A good doctor came to the house 
 and looked at his wounds. He 
 said the chipmonk could get well, 
 with care. 
 I wish I could tell you that, 
 thanks to Nell, he was able to 
 leave his hospital at last, and be 
 still a resident of the old hollow 
 But somebody, passing through 
 the garden after dark, overturned 
 the box. When Nell went to feed 
 her chipmonk in the morning, she 
 found nothing but "mpty nut- 
 shells, and puss wastiiiiar her face 
 close by,— 0«r Lifl/i' Folh-s. 
 Gerhardt was a German 
 herd boy, and a noble fellow ho 
 was, although he was very poor. 
 One day he was watching his 
 flock, which was feeding in a val- 
 ley on the borders of a forest, 
 when a hunter came out of the 
 woods aiid asked : " How far is 
 it to the nearest village?" "Six 
 milo.s, sir," unswered the boy ; 
 " but the road is only a sheep 
 track, and easily missed." The 
 hunter looked at thi; crooked 
 track, and said : 'My lad, I am 
 very huntrry and thirsty, I hav(> 
 lost my companions and missed 
 my way. Leave your shei')) and 
 show me the road, and 1 will p.iy 
 you well," " I cannot leave my 
 sheep, sir," rejoineil (rerhardt; 
 "they will stray into the woods, 
 and may be eaten by wolves, or 
 stolen by iol)ber8 " " W(!ll, what 
 of thatV" (|ii(>ried the hunter, 
 " they are not your sheep. The 
 loss of one or two wouldn't be 
 much to your master, and I'll give 
 you more than you have earned 
 in a whole year." " I cannot go, 
 sir," rejoined GerharUi very firm- 
 ly ; "my master fays me for my 
 time, and he trusts mo with his 
 sheep ; if I were to sell my time, 
 w'lich does not belong tome, and 
 the sheep should get lost, it would 
 be the same as if I had stolen 
 them." "Well," said the hunter, 
 " Yov will trust your sheep with 
 me w'lile you go to the village, 
 and gf t mo some food and drink, 
 and a guide ? I will take care of 
 his head. "The sheep," said 
 he, " do wot know your voice, 
 and ." He stopped speaking. 
 " And wh'.t ? Can't you trust me ? 
 Do I look like a dishonest man?" 
 said the hunter angrily. " Sir," 
 said the boy, " you tried to make 
 me false to my trust, and tried to 
 make me break m^- vord to my 
 master ; how do I know that you 
 would keep your word ?" 'The 
 hunter laughed, for he felt that 
 " Captain John," said I, " didn't 
 you tell me that you sometimes 
 brought wild animals in your 
 ship from South America?" 
 " Oh, yes," said he, " I brought 
 one ol the first electric eels that 
 was ever carried to New York. I 
 got it in Para, Brazil, and I 
 bought it of some Indians for 
 twelve milreis — about six dollars 
 of our money. We had lots of 
 trouble with this fellow, for these 
 eels live in fresh water, and, if 
 we had not had plenty of rain on 
 thii voyage, we couldn't have 
 kept him alive, for the water he 
 was in had to be changed every 
 day. We kept him on deck in a 
 water-barrel, which lay on its side 
 in its chocks, with a square hole 
 cut through the staves on the 
 upper side to give the creature 
 light and air. When we changed 
 the water, a couple of sailors took 
 the lad had fairly answered him. 
 He said : " I see, my lad, that 
 you are a good, faithful boy. 1 
 will not forget you. Show me 
 the road, and I will try to make 
 it out myself" 
 GerhardI then offered the con- 
 tents of his scrip to the hungry 
 man, who. coarse as it was, ate it 
 gladly. Presently his attendants 
 came up ; and then Gerhardt, to 
 his surprise, found that the hunter 
 was the Grand Duke, who owned 
 all the country around. The duke 
 was so pleased witii (he boy's 
 honesty that he sent for him short- 
 ly after that, and had him educa- 
 ted. In after years Gerhardt be- 
 came a very grea* and powerful 
 man ; but he remainedhonest and 
 true to his dying day. 
 hold of th(> barrel and turned it 
 partly over, while another held a 
 straw broom against the hole to 
 keep the eel from coniiliLr out. We 
 woidd always know when the 
 water was nearly run out, lor then 
 the eel lay against the lower 
 staves, and even the wood of the 
 barrel would bo so charged with 
 electricity that the sailors conld 
 hardlv hold on to the ends of the 
 barrel. They'd let go with one 
 hand and take hold with the 
 other, and then they d let go with 
 that and change again. At first, I 
 didn't believe that the fellowsfelt 
 the eel's shocks in this way ; but, 
 when 1 took hold myself one day, 
 I found they weren't shamming 
 at all. Then we tnrni'd the- barrel 
 back and filled it up with 
 What a beautiful sermon is thisj water, and started the eel olf for 
 on the words of Christ, " Thou \ another day. 
 hast been failhlul over a few j "Ho got along first-rate, and 
 things, 1 will make thee rult^r over, kept well and hearty through the 
 many things ; enter thou into the whole of the voyage. AVhen we 
 joy of the Lord." — Advocate. 1 reached New York we anchored 
 at Quarantine, and the health- 
 officer came aboard. I knew him 
 very well, and I said to him: 
 'Doctor, I've got something aboard 
 that perhaps yon never saw be- 
 fore.' 'What's that?' said he. 
 'An electric eel,' said I. 'Good'' 
 said he ; ' that is something I've 
 always wanted to see. I want to 
 know Just what kind of a shock 
 they can give.' ' All right,' said I ; 
 'you can easily find out for your- 
 self He is in this water-barrel 
 here, and the water has just been 
 put in fresh, so you can see him. 
 All you have got to do is just to 
 wait till he swims up near the sur- 
 face, and then you can scoop him 
 out with your hand. Youneedn't 
 be afraid of his biting you.' The 
 doctor said he was'i't afraid ol 
 that. Ho rolled up his sleeve, 
 and, as soon ns he got a chance, 
 he took the eel by the middle and 
 lifted it out of the water. It 
 wasn't a very largo one, only about 
 eighteen inches long, but pretty 
 stout. The moment he •ilted it 
 he dropped it, grabbed his right 
 shoulder with his left hand, and 
 looked aloft, 'What is the niiit- 
 ter?' said I. 'Why, I thought 
 something fell on me from the 
 rigging,' said u\ 1 was s^re my 
 arm was brc Lcn, ! never had 
 sxich a blow in i.iy :iU'.' 'It was 
 only the eel,' said I. ' Now you 
 know what kind of a shock he can 
 give.' " — From " The Mi/slrrioiis 
 DiirrrI," by Ptiid I'arf, in St. Niclio- 
 las for Aii'j:iixI. 
 The I'hiidven were playinir 
 "Hide the haiulhercliicf." I sat 
 and watched them a lonar while, 
 and heard no unkind word, and 
 saw scarcely a rough movement ; 
 but after a while, 111 tie .Tack, whose 
 turn it was to hide the handker- 
 chief, went to the opposite end ol 
 the room and tried to secrete it 
 under the cu^shion of a big chair. 
 Freddy immediately walked over 
 to him, and said, in a low, gentle 
 voice, "Please, .Tack, don't hide 
 the handkerchief there, that is 
 father's kneeling place," 
 " j'ather's kneeling-place I'' It 
 seemed like sacred ground to me 
 as it did to little I'reddy ; and by- 
 and-by, as the years roll on, ami 
 tills place shall see the father no 
 more forever, will not the memory 
 of lliis hallowed spot h'ave an iin 
 piession upon the young hearts 
 that lime ami change can never 
 elf'ace, and remi'in as one of the 
 most ))recious memories of tin' 
 old home? Oh, if there were 
 only a "lather's kneeling-place" in 
 every family' The mother kneels 
 in her chamber and teaches Ihe 
 little ones the morning and even- 
 ing prayer, but the lather's pre- 
 sence is oi'teii wanting ; business 
 and the cares of life engross all 
 his time, and though the mollier 
 longs for his assistance and co- 
 operation in the religious educa- 
 tion of the children, he thinks it 
 is a woman's work and leaves all 
 to her. — Exchange, 
the health- 
 I knew him 
 laid to him : 
 ithing aboard 
 ever saw bu- 
 t?' said he. 
 II. 'Good'' 
 nethinir I've 
 '. I want to 
 d of a shock 
 right,' said I ; 
 oHt for your- 
 las just been 
 can see him. 
 do is just to 
 near the siir- 
 m scoop him 
 You needn't 
 ? you.' The 
 'I't afraid of 
 I his sleeve, 
 jot a chance, 
 1! middle and 
 water. It 
 e, only about 
 ■, but pretty 
 t he 'illed it 
 ed his right 
 It hand, and 
 is the mat- 
 ■, I thought 
 le from the 
 'vas sure my 
 : never had 
 fe.' 'It was 
 ' Now you 
 .shock he ciin 
 ; Mi/sterioKS 
 in St. NUIw- 
 ro playing 
 liicf." I silt 
 lonsr while, 
 word, and 
 moveiiicnt ; 
 iTiu'k, wluisi' 
 he hiindkcT- 
 >ositi' end ol 
 lo PiHTote it 
 I big chair. 
 tvalked ovor 
 low, gentle 
 , don't hide 
 re, that i.'* 
 -place!" It 
 round to me 
 ily ; and by- 
 roll on, and 
 10 lather no 
 the memory 
 leave an iin 
 mng hearts 
 can never 
 one of the 
 tries of thi' 
 there were 
 ngplace" in 
 other kneeli- 
 teaches the 
 g and even- 
 atlier's pr>- 
 r; bu.sillc.'-'- 
 engrops all 
 the mother 
 we and co- 
 ious educa- 
 he thinks it 
 id leaves all 
 As I write, there is a curious 
 little brown-eyed creaturodarting 
 about the room, now perched 
 upon my shoulder, anon nibbling 
 at my pen, balancing upon the 
 edge of the inkstand, or sitting 
 on its hind-legs upon the table, 
 where it sportively tosses about a 
 huge walnut. Now, spread out 
 like a parachute, it is clinging to 
 sailor's adventure 
 OUXAI: !),•}. 
 tlie window-shade, and now like 
 a Hash it springs into the air. com- 
 inir down lightly, only to dart to 
 some other elevation, thence to 
 repeat its antics again and again 
 As you must by this time sus- 
 pect, my pet is a ilying-squirrel ; 
 one of the familiar examples of a 
 large number of animals that can 
 move through the air without 
 wings. If we closely examine 
 this pretty little creature, we find 
 that between the fore and hind 
 leirs there is an expansion of the 
 skin, which, when the legs are 
 spread out, offers a decided resist- 
 ance to the air and buoys the ani- 
 mal up exactly as though it car- 
 ried a parachute. When our tiny 
 l>laymate is in mid-air, notice how 
 careful it is to hold its feet and 
 hands (for it certainly uses its 
 lore-feet as hands) out as far as 
 jiossible, to catch all the air it can. 
 If we look closely, we shall find 
 iitlached to each of the hands a 
 ilclicate bone, which, when the 
 ^ ,..irrel is in flight, act as booms 
 lor the curious sail in front. 
 lint it is in the woods, in their 
 native haunts, that thes(> beauti- 
 liil animals make their most won- 
 iIitIuI leaps. From the tops of 
 I he tallest trees they launch them- 
 ^'■Ivos fearlessly into the air, com- 
 i:iLr down with a graceful swoop 
 loi' a hundred feet or more; then, 
 liy a movement of the head, 
 < hanging their course to an up- 
 ward one, they rise ten or twelve 
 ii'ct, and linally alight upon the 
 Iri'p of their choi(!e. They im- 
 mi'diately scramble to the top to 
 airaiu soar away into the air, thus 
 ii.ui>lling through the woods 
 I I "111 tree to tree much faster than 
 you can follow thi.'m. IIow like 
 they are to birds, building nests 
 for their young, and moving 
 through the air with almost eijual 
 freedom ! 
 One of the most curious of this 
 family is the sugar-squirrel — a 
 beautiful creature.with large, curl- 
 ing ears of a delicate ash-color 
 above and white beneath. Like 
 many squirrels, it is a nocturnal 
 or night animal, lying concealed 
 in its nest in some hollow tree 
 until the sun disappears, 
 when it comes out, and 
 spends the night in wonder- 
 ful leaps from tree to tree, 
 in search of food and per- 
 haps amusement, When 
 descending from a great 
 height, it seems as though 
 they must inevitably dash 
 headlong against the 
 ground, so precipitate is 
 their flight ; but this never 
 happens. That they are 
 able to change the direction 
 of their flight while in mid- 
 air seems a very natural 
 and reasonable supposition, 
 though only on one occasion 
 has this feat been observed. 
 The incident is related of a 
 squirrel, which was being 
 brought to England fromits 
 home iu New Holland. The 
 sailors had made quite a pet 
 of the little creature, which 
 was a sourcf of great amusement 
 to them on account of its aston- 
 ishing leaps from mast to mast 
 One day the squirrel climbed 
 clear to the top of the mainmast 
 of the vessel, and seemed to be 
 afraid to come down again, so one 
 of the men started after it. But 
 pist as he was about to grasp the 
 truant, it expanded its broad, 
 wing-like membrane, and shot off 
 into the air. At the same moment 
 the ship gave a heavy lurch to 
 port. It seemed to all that their 
 favorite must inevitably fall over 
 branches of trees, head down- 
 ward : but as evening comes on, 
 they sally forth, olten doing great 
 harm to the fruit on the neighbor- 
 ing plantations. In some parts of 
 /ava they are so numerous that 
 it is found necessary to protect 
 the fruit-trees with huge nets. 
 The extent of their flights through 
 the air is something astonishing. 
 They sometimes drop to the 
 ground and hop along with a 
 shulBing kind of leap, but if they 
 are alarmed, they spring to the 
 nearest tree and in a moment 
 reach its top by a series of 
 bounds. Out upon the branches 
 they dart, and with a rush are 
 off into space. Sailing t'lrough 
 the air like some great bird, 
 down they go obliquely, swift 
 as an arrow, a hundred and 
 lifty feet or more, rising again 
 in a graceful curve and alight- _ 
 ing safely on a distant tree. In 
 these great leaps they carry 
 their young, which cling to 
 them or sometimes follow them — 
 in their headlong flight, utter- 
 ing hoarse and piercing cries. 
 The colugos live almost exclu 
 sively on fruit, preferring plan- 
 tains and the young and tender 
 leaves of the cocoa-palm, though 
 some vi'riters aver that they 
 have seen them dart into the air 
 and actually catch birds. The 
 flying-lemurs are perfectly harm- 
 less, and so gentle as to be easily 
 tamed. They have lovely dark 
 eves and very intelligent and 
 knowing laces. 
 In many old natural histories, 
 — especially those of Aldrovandus 
 and Gesner, — strange pictures are 
 shown of dragons, with terrible 
 heads, breath like steam, the feet 
 and leirs of a bird, and serpent- 
 like skins. In the days of chiv- 
 alry these dragons were very 
 'ommon, if we may believe the 
 tail's of the time, and every 
 knight or gentleman with any 
 writers of past centuries. The 
 dragons are small lizards that 
 live among the trees, and though 
 they have no wings, they move 
 about through the air in graceful 
 curves, with almost the freedom 
 of birds. When they are upon a 
 branch, you would hardly notice 
 anything peculiar about thera ; 
 but, let an insect pass by that 
 they are particularly fond ol',and, 
 with a rush, several of them fly 
 into the air. Between their legs 
 loard; but, evidently seeing its pretensions to valor, seems to have 
 danger, it suddenly changed its followed in the footsteps of St. 
 course, and with a broad and : George, according to the old ro- 
 graceful curve sank lightly and I mancers. But, in these days, th 
 safely upon the 
 In the forests 
 of the islands 
 constituting the 
 Indian Archi- 
 pelago is found 
 a curious flying 
 animal that 
 forms the con- 
 necting link be- 
 tween the lemur 
 and the bat. The 
 natives call it 
 the colugo, and 
 also the "flying- 
 fox," but it is 
 inovc^ like a Hy- 
 ing monkey, as 
 the lemurs are 
 cousins of Iho^i. 
 monkeys. Like"' 
 the bats, these (^ 
 animals sleep in'' 
 the day-timr,| 
 hanging from 
 the limbs mid 
 world has been 
 over that the 
 dragons have 
 been linally 
 sifted down to 
 one or two 
 beautiful little 
 creatures that 
 live in India 
 and the islands 
 of the Indian 
 Save tor their 
 harmless aspect 
 they have very 
 much the ap- 
 pearance of the 
 dragons of the 
 olden time, and 
 we suspect they 
 wer the or- 
 iginals of Uie 
 ta' 3 that were 
 [certainly be- 
 lieved by the 
 natural- history 
 is a curious memnrane, encirc- 
 ling them like a parachute, banded 
 and crossed with gorgeous tints 
 of red and yellow, which glisten 
 in the sun like molten gold. 
 They seem to float in the air a 
 second while snapping at the ob- 
 ject of their pursuit ; then they 
 sink gracefully, alighting upon 
 the trees or branches. The seem- 
 ing wings are membranes — really 
 an expansion of the skin of the 
 flank, held in place by slender, 
 bony processes connected with 
 the false ribs, which shut up, as 
 it were, when the " dragon " is 
 resting, the wings appearing to 
 be folded at the sides They live 
 upon insects, and dart after them 
 from tree to tree with amazins 
 rapidity, their long tails lashing 
 the air like knives. 
 According to the naturalist 
 Brontius, the common flying- 
 lizard inflates a curious yellow 
 goitre, ormembranc>, when it dies, 
 thus rendering it lighter, and re- 
 minding us again of the birds, 
 with their hollow bones. Thus 
 assisted, they cross intervals of 
 space as much as seven hundred 
 feet in length faster than the eye 
 can follow them. In darting 
 across small streams, sometimes 
 they fall short and come down in 
 the water, when of course, they 
 are obliged to swim the remain- 
 der ot the distance. Sometimes 
 they are found in large streams, 
 so it is not improbable that they 
 go in swimminuf for the pleasure 
 of it. 
 Equally curious as a. flyev with- 
 out wings is the Rliaritjthorun- 
 tree-toad found in New Ilollan 
 It also lives in the trees, and > 
 enable it to move from n <, 
 another with safety and b; 
!: 76 
 ' THE GREAT K. K. R. R. 
 There was a wonderful stir 
 on tho big plav-ground of Ur. 
 Thwackem's school during the 
 noon recess. Nobody was play- 
 ing base-ball or foot-ball, but the 
 running and rushing, the whoop- 
 ing and general racket and riot, 
 were 6ora(!thin^: uncommon. 
 " Who ever heard such a noise !" 
 exclaimed Dr. Thwackem himself, 
 putting his head out of an uppur 
 window. " What in the name of 
 common-sense have those boys 
 iound to play at now ? " 
 Dr. Thwackem soon discovered. 
 It was Erasmus Jackson's new 
 game. Erasmus Jackson was 
 the pride of the whole Insti- 
 tute for the invention of new 
 games, and this was his latest 
 effort. Erasmus had organ- 
 ized tho one hundred and 
 twenty-three other boys into 
 the Great Royal Kamtsobatka 
 Railway. Erasmus was its 
 President, of course. 
 The play. ground of the In- 
 stitute happened to be a pretty 
 good-sized plot of unoccupied 
 town grou'.id adjoining the 
 school. It ran clear through 
 from street to street. Across 
 this from corner to corner ran 
 a d'jublo track marked out 
 with sawdust. Along it could 
 be seen rushing, with an ap- 
 palling whooping and signal- 
 ing, strings of boys, ten at a 
 time. These were the pas- 
 senger trains. Freight trains, 
 consisting of ironi hfteen to 
 twenty boys, alternated with 
 these; they moved more slow- 
 ly, but with a wonderful pull- 
 ing and letting oli of steam. 
 Every few minutes a loud 
 hurrahing and the blasts of a 
 certain cracked tin horn 
 warned everything ahead up- 
 on wheels (legs) to clear the 
 track for the lioyal Moscow 
 Lightning Kxprei-s. Moscow 
 is not in Kamt.schatka, but 
 Erasmus Jackson said that 
 that didn't make any diil'er- 
 once The " general office'' of 
 the company was at Moscow. 
 As the Doctor looked on, 
 amused, tho brakes were ap- 
 plied to the express with a ; ; 
 Budiienness that nearly threw i 
 it heels over head. That, 
 however, was to avoid a colli- 
 sion with a freiirht train, and a 
 purse of marbles was immediately 
 made up and presented to the 
 express engineer by the pas- 
 sengers, who owed their lives to 
 his presence of mind. 
 " Upon my word," exclaimed 
 Dr. Thwackem, chuckling, "it's 
 truly quite shocking to tliink of 
 so narrow an escape.' 
 All at once a new idea entered 
 the good Doctor's \\ hiti^ head. Ho 
 looked down to the southeast 
 corner of tlii> jilay-irround ; there 
 was located 1 inibiictoo, tlie other 
 terminus of the railway Tim- 
 looked to sec if 
 The Doctor 
 close to its imaginary towers lay 
 a great pile of cut cord-wood. 
 Yes, there it was; just as some- 
 body had thrown it from a wag- 
 " I've a good piece of mind to 
 suggest it," said the Doctor to the 
 sparrows chattering on a bough 
 close by. " It won't hurt their 
 fun. It'll do them good, and her 
 Ho pulled his head inside the 
 window, and left the sparrows to 
 chatter. Taking his hat, he 
 walked down stairs, and out upon 
 the steps. 
 rather long name of the company. 
 He contini^.ed : " On observing 
 your splendid system of road 
 management, a thought has oc- 
 curred to me. I wish to respect- 
 fully submit it to you. Do you 
 see that red cottage, which no- 
 body lives in, down by your 
 flourishhig city of Timbuctoo? 
 Good. And now will you kindly 
 turn and perceive that other red 
 cottage, rather larger, not many 
 yards from your noble railway 
 depot of Moscow? You will 
 notice that they are just diagonally 
 across from each otho^. Very 
 well. Oar old acquaintance 
 ' Boys ! boys ! " he called in his 
 kind, clear old voice. 
 The Royal Knmlschatka Rail- 
 way rollins stock resohed itself 
 quickly into a circling group of 
 one hundred and twenty-lour 
 boys, closing around the Doctor 
 oil the steps. 
 The Doctor's eye twinkled. He 
 made a low bow. 
 " 1 should i)erhaps have said 
 Mr. President, Stoctkholders, and 
 Officers of the what— what is it?" 
 "(Ireat Royal Kaintschalka 
 j Railway." came the deafening an- 
 b\ii loo isn't in Kamtschatka any i swer. 
 Thank you," responded the 
 moil' that Mosi'ow, l)ut Krasmus 
 Ja<:kson said th:it it sounded just 
 ,\s Weil as if it was. 
 Widow Pitcher, who sweeps our 
 school-room so thoroughly for us, 
 bought two cords of hickory from 
 Farmer Mee yesterday, and told 
 .his boy to dump Ihem at her red 
 cottage on the h'tt sidi^ of the 
 school play-ground upon Si)nMg 
 Street. What did Farmer Mce's 
 boy do but come to town early 
 this inornini;, and diiinp every 
 stick of tlie liiekory alopgside the 
 red cotlaire to the riyht siilc — 
 Summer Street. Poor Mrs. Pilclier 
 woki^ up, and liniked aiioss lo the 
 other sidewalk, and tlnTe it was. 
 She told nie before school-time 
 that she didn't know how in Ih'' 
 Doctor, slipping politely out of world she was going to get 
 the necessity of repeating ihc that wood over to her yard, where 
 it ought to be. Don't you think 
 that the freight trains of the— 
 Royal Kamtschatkn Railway could 
 solve her difficulty for her,especi- 
 ally if I should give them half an 
 hour's extra recess to accomplish 
 Instantly the whole throng of 
 Institute boys might have 
 been discovered rushing across 
 the broad play-ground to Tim- 
 buctoo. which became at once 
 tho great freight centre of the 
 G.R. K. R. R. Erasmus Jack- 
 son, Guy Merrill, and Lee 
 Holmes laid aside loftier dig- 
 nities, and became hard- 
 worked freight dispatchers 
 " Three cheers for the Royal 
 Road !" shouted out some one, 
 as the first freight train, each 
 boy carrying half a dozen thick 
 hickory billets, set out for 
 Moscow. All passenger trains 
 went off for the day. Line 
 after line laden with the mis- 
 delivered wood steamed off 
 hot and fast for the distant 
 back fence, where their bur- 
 den was tumbled over into 
 Mrs. Pitcher's yard. The 
 hooting, switching, whistling, 
 and calling grew so loud that 
 the passing towns-people halt- 
 ed before the boundaries of 
 the Institute play-ground, and 
 asked each other " if Dr. 
 Thwackem was deaf." 
 As he was leaning composed- 
 ly out of the upper window, 
 laughing to himself at the 
 quick work the railway was 
 making \yilh their job, and 
 commenting upon it to the 
 sparrows, it is lo be supposed 
 he countenanced the racket. 
 The last stick was finally 
 tossed over into Mrs. Pitcher's 
 domain. The last Great Royal 
 freight train disjointed itselfin 
 the middle of the i)lay-ground- 
 The boys came thronging iii> 
 the narrow staircases, laughing 
 and chaffing, and not without 
 secret i)leasure at having ae- 
 coin])lished a kindly act even 
 in play. 
 The Doctor stood up as they 
 resumed their seats, lie looked 
 around and down upon them 
 with an eye whose moisture 
 gave a hint at his pride in tlieie . 
 _l "Mr I'resident, Stockholders, 
 Directors, Luirines, and Cars of 
 the (ireat Royal Tiin — Kaint- 
 schalka liiilway, I thank you. You 
 havc> turned sport into a generous 
 deed, and an' only twenty minutes 
 ovi'r the usiial recess hour. Again 
 I thank you — Now,l)oys,l()books. " 
 And to bjoks they went. 
 \\'\vn live Franklin Institute 
 canii' li'Liether the next niurnini;- 
 then', printi'd in husre uneven let- 
 ters uiion the l)la(kl)unr(l, in front 
 of wliuh stood Mr. Thwackem. 
 the l)(iys nad 
 "MKS I'iTelieU'- tHiMiKS and 
 (loD nieSS tllK Hale RoDe.' 
 Its name hi* . evidently been 
 too much lor .tlrs Pitcher's edu 
 irttional resources. — Iluij/cif , 
 Young Ptiii ii:. • 
you think 
 I of the — 
 Iway could 
 cin half au 
 throng of 
 fht have 
 ing across 
 d to Tim- 
 e ut once 
 tre of the 
 mus Jack- 
 and Leo 
 oftior dip- 
 le hard- 
 r the Royal 
 t some one, 
 train, each 
 lozen thick 
 ?t out for 
 ■nger trains 
 day. Line 
 th the mis- 
 teamed off 
 the distant 
 1 their bur- 
 over into 
 -ard. The 
 loud that 
 people halt- 
 imdaries of 
 ground, and 
 r "if Dr. 
 ir composed- 
 er window, 
 self at the 
 ailway was 
 ir job, and 
 it to the 
 10 supposed 
 he racket, 
 was linally 
 rs. Pitcher's 
 Great Royal 
 ited itsellin 
 ironging up 
 ert, laugliiiii; 
 not without 
 having ao- 
 ily act even 
 1 up as they 
 lie looked 
 \ipon them 
 ise ni<)i»ture 
 jile in till 11'. 
 iiid Cars oi 
 fini — Kanit- 
 ikyou. Ydu 
 ( a generou.s 
 iity mmuteh 
 loiir. Again books. " 
 n Inslituli' 
 xt niiirnini;' 
 uni"ven bt- 
 ird, in frinii 
 HmiKS anil 
 [MJe RoDe." 
 lently been 
 tihi'i's I'du 
 There was once a little Ameri- 
 can boy named Benjamin West ; 
 when he was only seven years 
 old he was watching the beautiful 
 baby, daughter of his eldest sister, 
 in her cradle, when she seemed to 
 him to be thu most beautiful thing 
 he had ever seen, and he ran and 
 got some paper and drew the 
 picture in red and black ink. 
 The likeness was siiid to be an 
 excellent one and from that time 
 forth his mind ran on nothing 
 else than being an artist. His 
 father was a Quaker farmer and 
 had not the money, even if he 
 had the wish to give his son the 
 education necessary for an artist ; 
 but still Benjamin West worked 
 on making his first paint brushes 
 out of the hairs of a cat's tail, 
 and painted away from his 
 seventh year of age to the time 
 ofhisdeath. His birthplace was 
 in Springfield, Pennsylvania, 
 and he went from there to 
 Philadelphia where he reeeived 
 some instruction in his art and 
 there and in the neighboring 
 towns and New York, practised 
 it chiefly as a portrait painter. 
 In 1760 when twenty-two years 
 old he went to Italy where he 
 remained for three yi'ars.sriiiiiing 
 very remarkalilo succi-ss, and 
 then went to dwell for the rest 
 ol his lifetime in London, Eng- 
 land. Here he received the 
 highest honors that can bo given 
 all, being made president 
 of the Royal Academy, and for 
 iii'arly forty years he was the 
 friend of King Gi'oigo the Third 
 who was proud ol being his 
 |)atron. But still Benjamin 
 West made one great mistake 
 as an artist, which Samuel 
 Smiles in St/j Ilr'/i, a book that 
 everybody should read.refers to 
 in those words; " AVest miijht 
 have been a greater painter, hail 
 he not been injured by tooearlv 
 success ; his fame though greiit, 
 was not purchased by study, 
 trials, and difhcnlties. and it 
 has not been enduring." 
 A parrot was once the pet of 
 ;i beautiful Spanish lady, who 
 laressed him daily, and taught 
 him her musical tongue. At 
 last she sold him to an English 
 naval officer, who took him home 
 :is a present to his wife. 
 For some time the parrot seemed 
 to be melancholy beneath the 
 icray skies of England, where 
 men and birds spoke a tongue 
 unknown to him. By degrees, 
 however, he learned some 
 English sentences, forgot ap- 
 parently all the Spanish he ever 
 knew, and regained health and 
 Years passed away, and the 
 I>arrot still lived as the pet of the 
 whole family ; he grew to be 
 very old, could only eat pap. and 
 cnild scarcely climb his pole, but 
 nobody had the heart to destroy 
 ilim, and so he grew weaker and 
 weaker. One day a Spanish 
 gentleman called, and was shown 
 to the room where the parrot 
 A lively discussion arose in 
 Spanish between the visitor and 
 his host. It was the first tiifne 
 since his arrival in England that 
 the bird had heard his native 
 language, and it must have re- 
 minded him of his sojourn on the 
 Peninsula. With wild delight 
 the parrot spread out his wings, 
 repeated hurriedly some of the 
 Spanish phrases learned in his 
 youth, and fell down dead. The 
 1'oy of hearing the sweet accents 
 le had learned when he was the 
 senorita's companion was more 
 than he could bear. — Harper's 
 Younf^ People. 
 77 5? 
 him, " My boy, yon must trust 
 God first, and then you will love 
 Him without trying to at all." 
 AVith a surprised look he ex- 
 claimed, " What did you say ?" 
 I repeated the exact words 
 again, and I shall never forget 
 how his large, hazel eyes opened 
 on me, and his cheeks flushed 
 as he slowly said, " Well, I never 
 knew that before. I always 
 thought that I must love God 
 first before I had any right to 
 trust Him." 
 " No, my dear boy." I answered, 
 " God wants us to trust Him ; that 
 is what Jesus always asks ns to 
 do first of all, and He knows that 
 as soon as we trust Him we shall 
 begin to love Him. This is the 
 way to love God, to put your trust 
 In a beautiful New England 
 village a young man lay very 
 hick, drawing iic»r to death, and 
 very sad. His heart longed 
 for a treasure which he knew had 
 never been his, and \vhich was 
 worth more to him now than all 
 the gold of all the we,>?(eru mines. 
 One day 1 sat down by hiiu, took 
 his hand, and, lo<;king in his 
 troubled face, asked him what 
 made him .so sad. 
 " lit, do," said he, " 1 want to 
 love God. Won't you tell me how 
 to love God ? " 
 1 cannot describe the piteous 
 tones in which ho said these 
 words, and the look of trouble 
 which he gave to mo I said 
 in Him first of all." Then spoke 
 to him of the Lord Jesus, and 
 how God sent Him that we might 
 lielieve in Ilim, and how, all 
 throucrh his life, He tried to win 
 the trust of men ; how grieved 
 He was when men would not be- 
 lieve in Ilim, and every one who 
 believed came to love without 
 trying at all. He drank in all the 
 truth, ;\nd4(im)>ly saying, " 1 will 
 trust Jesus now,' without an ellort i 
 put his young .soul in Christ's! A Christntii man, working hard 
 hands that very hour ; and so he for GoJ, was told by the doctor 
 came into the peace of God that he must give up all work if he 
 which passeth understanding, and would save his life, 
 lived in it calmly and swcn>tly to j His answer was, "1 would 
 theend. None of all the loving i rather spend two or three years in 
 frii'iuls who watchec! over him doing good than exist lor si 
 Uiriim the remiuwing weeks ol idleness. 
 his life doubted that the dear boy 
 had learned to love God without 
 trying to. — Word and Work. 
 Many there are who stand hesi- 
 tating on the threshold of a Chris- 
 tian life, unwilling to commit 
 themselves by taking a first step 
 lest they should not prove able to 
 hold out in the new way. To 
 such the following narrative from 
 Early DexB may prove a hcfpful 
 suggestion. We give it as we 
 find it, commending it to their 
 earnest attention : 
 " George Manning had almost 
 decided to become a Christian, 
 one doubt held him back. ' How 
 can I know,' he said to himself, 
 'that even if I do begin a re- 
 ligious life, I sh>>.ll continue 
 faithful, and finally reach 
 heaven?' He wanted to see 
 the whole way there before 
 taking the first step. While in 
 this state of indecision and nn- 
 happiness he one evening sought 
 the house of his favorite pro- 
 fessor — for he was a college 
 student at the fime — and they 
 talked for several hours upon 
 the all absorbing topic. But the 
 1 onversation ended without 
 dispelling his fears or bringing 
 him any nearer the point of de- 
 " When he was about to go 
 home the professor accompanied 
 him to the door, and, observing 
 how dark the night was, pre- 
 pared a lantern, and, handing. 
 It to his young friend, said, 
 "•George, this little light 
 will not show you the whole 
 way to your room, but only one 
 step at a time ; but take that 
 step and you will reach your 
 home i'l salety.' 
 " It proved thu word in sea- 
 son. AsGeorge walked secure- 
 ly along in the path brightened 
 by the little lantern the truth 
 Hashed through his mind, dis- 
 pelling the last shi.dow of doubt. 
 " ' Why can I not trust my 
 heavenly Father,' he said to him- 
 self, 'even if I cannot see my way 
 clear to the end, if he gives me 
 I lie light to take one step? I 
 w ill trust him ; I do trust him.' 
 "He could hardly wait till be 
 reached his room to fall on his 
 knees and thank God for the 
 peace and joy that filled his soul. 
 Early next morning the professor 
 was summoned to the door. There 
 he found George Manning. With 
 beaming face he looked up to his 
 teacher, and as he bunded him 
 the lantern said signilic'intly ; 
 ■ ' Doctor, your little lamp 
 lighted me all the way home last 
 mght.' ■ 
 1 o 1 1 1 
 X in4| 
 One Huminer, somo years ag'o, 
 a large river in thi' south of 
 France, over(lo>ved its lianks, 
 carrying destruction i'arand wide, 
 washing away whole villaijies, and 
 large portions of towns, and send- 
 ing numbers of souls into eter- 
 nity, with scarcely one moment's 
 warning. Parents saw their chil- 
 dren, and children their parents, 
 drowned before their eyes ; hus- 
 bands had no power to save their 
 wives, nor wives their husbands, 
 and whole families, who when 
 Once a Sabbath-school teacher 
 remarked that he who buys the 
 truth makes a good bargain, and 
 enquired if any scholar recollected 
 an instance lu Scripture of a had 
 " I do," replied a boy ; " Esau 
 made a bad bargain when he sold 
 his birthright for a mess of pot- 
 A second said, "Judas made a 
 bad bargain when ho sold his 
 Lord for thirty pieces of silver." 
 A third boy observed, " Our 
 It was with great pleasure that 
 we heard him say one evening, 
 as with beaming face, he turned 
 to his friend Lord Shaftesbury, 
 who occupied the chair — " Why, 
 my lord, some people coiiinlain 
 that they cannot understand the 
 repeated efforts to grasp the 
 i>ridle in his mouth, each time 
 falling heavily to the road, and 
 narrowly escaping injury Irom 
 the horse's feet. lUit ho at last 
 made an extraordinary spring in 
 the air, and, grasping the bridle 
 glorious G-ospel of the Lord .lesus ' firmly in his teeth, pulled the 
 the sun vj-ent down, thought only Lord tells us that he makes a bad 
 of peace and safety, were, before bargain who, to gain the the whole 
 morning engulfed in the pitiless world, loses his own soul." 
 Among the inhabitants of 
 this part of the country, was 
 a mother with her twin babes, 
 whom she loved very dearly ; 
 and when the dreadful waters 
 came dashing round her 
 house, rising higher and 
 higher every minute, you 
 may be sure that she tried 
 her best to think of some way 
 of saving them. First she 
 l)ut them into a tuli of the 
 kind in which French people 
 wash their clothes, hut this 
 soon began to leak, and she 
 saw that tlu^re would be no 
 safety for iln'ni there. 
 There was a tall tree grow- 
 ing near the house, and into 
 this she climbed with her 
 two baby-boys. But the 
 \ipper branches, to which the 
 ivater was driving her, were 
 too slight to bear the weight 
 which was on them, and she 
 telt them crackinir beneath 
 lier. As (juickly as possible, 
 she tied her children as high 
 in the tree as she could, and 
 then, being obliged to let go 
 lier hold, she dropped into the, which closed over her, and she was drowned. 
 And now, of what i.s this 
 mother's love a faint, but only 
 II faint, picture? You ali 
 know, I am sure, who has 
 .said; "A mother may for- 
 aet, yet will 1 not foi net thee.'' 
 < >. have you trusted in that 
 love, or are you .still careles.s 
 about it, going on as il it were 
 nothing to you, whatever it 
 might be to others 7 Tln' 
 story of His love ha.s been 
 often, olten told, but it will 
 keep its freshness to all eter- 
 nity ; and those who are saved 
 will never be weary of sii:;; 
 inn "Worthy is tii<' Lamb that 
 was slain to receive power, and 
 riches, and wisdom, and slrensith, 
 and honor, and glory, and bless- 
 ing " 
 It is pleasant to havi- to tell you 
 tiiat the babes were soon saved 
 by a j);iS8ing boat ; and it is i" be 
 hop(Hl that 'he lives thus spared 
 may not be wabte<l, but may be 
 devoted, tlirousrh the knowledge 
 of the love of (.'hrist, to the service 
 !!!' Ood. — Labor of Loue. 
 " Boy, what will you take to tell 
 Christ. Not understand it I 
 Why, it is as plain as A B C :— 
 £^ — " ' Ar.ii have sinned, and come 
 short of the glory of U-od ; ' 
 2 — " ' Behold the Lamb of God, 
 which taketh away the sin 
 of the world ; ' 
 (J — " ' Come unto Mo, all ye that 
 labor and are heavy laden.'" 
 — Friendly ViHi'liir. 
 horse's head down and put a stop 
 to tho runaway. Wo could not 
 learn the name of tho owner of 
 tho horse. Tho dog having done 
 a remarkabl# t.^rvice disappeared 
 in tho direction of George street. 
 Eye-witnesses state that it was 
 one of the most intelligent acts of 
 a dumb beast which they had 
 ever seen. — iVew Jininswirk 
 (iV.J.) Fredonian. 
 .iriKii-; iwviN'ES SHOUT seumun. 
 a lie for me '." asked a mate of 
 oneof thelittlerabin-boyson board 
 of a fine English ship. ''Not all 
 the gold of Calilornia, sir," was 
 the prompt answer of the lad. 
 Nevku give up your enthu- 
 •"• siasms 
 The jiithy sayings of tlie late 
 Judge I'ayne will never be for- 
 gotten by the thousands who were 
 privilegi'd to hear him. IIisbri(>f 
 Gospel Sermon was perhaps one 
 1 of his happiest utterances. 
 .A horse attached to a cart, be- 
 coming unmanageable on upper 
 Ciiurch street Wedne.sdiiy, started 
 oli'ona run, leaving the owner 
 sitting in the road where he had 
 fallen when the animal started. 
 The horse was heading thi! street 
 named, and putting on more 
 steam with every bound he made, 
 until the corner of (reorge street 
 was reached. Here a large New- 
 foundland dog suddenly appeared 
 in the road and rushed toward 
 the horse's head. The dog made 
 A gentleman owned a fine 
 horse which was very fond of 
 him, and would come from 
 the pasture at the sound of 
 his voice and follow him about 
 like a dog. At one time, the 
 horse became lame, and was 
 obliged to stay in his stable 
 and not be used for many 
 weeks. During this time, an 
 old cat made her nest upon 
 the scaffold just above the 
 horse's manger, and placed 
 there her little family of live 
 kittens. She and the horse 
 got on nicely for some days. 
 She jumped down into his 
 manger and went off for food, 
 aiidthen came back andleaped 
 up to her kittens again. But 
 one morning she rolled off 
 into the manger with her foot 
 bleeding and badly hurt, so 
 that she could scarcely crawl, 
 she managed to leap away on 
 three feet and get her break- 
 fast, but wh"ii she came back, 
 she was entirely unable to 
 get to her kittens ; and what 
 do you think she did '? She 
 lay down at the iiorse's feet, 
 and moved and looked up 
 several times till, at last, pony 
 seeming to understand her 
 wants, reached down, took 
 tlie cat in his teeth, and tossed 
 her up on the scaffold to her 
 kittens, who, I doubt not, 
 \vere glad enougti to see her. 
 This was repeated morning 
 alter morning. Kit would 
 roll off into the manger, go 
 out and iret lier breakfast, 
 come back, and lie tossed up 
 to her family by the kind 
 horse,-- Ife.s/ecrt Chrislian Ad- 
 Tempeijantk Liteh.\tttre.— - 
 The Rraiuc well says: — ' All tem- 
 perance work that takes no 
 measure to <li8seininato temper- 
 ance literature in tho com- 
 munity neglects tho use of the 
 most important arm of the 
 teni|ierance reform. It is like 
 oyster soup got up without 
 using any oysters. That is 
 where to look for the dead 
 lodgim and suspensions and ex- 
 pulsions : 
 ■ AUtom- 
 tuki's no 
 a tempBr- 
 lie, ooin- 
 isc ol' the 
 ol thi^ 
 t is liki! 
 Tliat is 
 the deiid 
 4 and ex- 
 79 V 
 faBhioii of ftccomplishin;^ tho lahor. 
 While I'onr are playiiiii onrsmeii, 
 the resting four may be (rettinpf 
 somethinjf ready for sniiper — and 
 it's "supper-time" about all the 
 time with them, so report saith. | 
 Someliines the wily Captain! 
 finds a ioe not agreeable to his 
 mind — what then--what happens 
 when the grampus or the carha-' 
 lot offer fight ? Well it is droll 
 eiiouffh.ibr in this dire emergency 
 the old sea-pirateresorts to a dark 
 andmost nonf'using bit of strategy ; 
 ho always carries about him, in a 
 grow again, an d the sea-giant 
 girded with new strength 
 sets forth more determined than 
 Octopns vulgaris is his name, ever to conquer his enemies, 
 mid in and out among the sheltered I Can you guess where the 
 bays of islands dotting the great , mouth is V within the space 
 Northern Pacific, he moves with ! surrounded by these eight lively 
 solemn purpose, mercilessly en- 'arms, there you find it, with a 
 trapping " myriads of lesser voy- thick round lip, and just under 
 airers," that in shoals glid(^ with the lip a sort of parrot-like beak, 
 sinuous sweep on toward the with the short mandible upper- 
 highways of the mighty deep. I most. There is no bone under 
 With the greatest diligence the these mandibles, but their interior 
 monster travels over lovely sea is filled with a fibrous substance 
 forests wavering in calm beauty i of marvellous strength and solid- 
 heneath the swell 
 of tho Indian 
 ocean, or the blue 
 waters of the 
 In these dim- 
 lighted thorough- 
 fares he delights, 
 inlets and round- 
 ed curves afford 
 tho hiding-places 
 that he loves ; in 
 them, restmg 
 quietly on beds of 
 sea-weed, he finds 
 countless com- 
 panies of scaly 
 beauties utterly 
 powerless to re- 
 sist his electric 
 touch ! 
 Very curiously 
 endowed is our 
 mammoth triivcl- 
 ler ; no shell, no 
 skeleton has he, 
 but in the back 
 arc two conical 
 substance, well- 
 embedded. His 
 body resembles a 
 |i'lly-bag, round 
 and sometimes as 
 large as a barrel ; 
 over this, the 
 ( reature has a 
 sort of leather .sac, 
 thick and strong 
 Hut wonder of 
 wond'^rs, now 
 ii])p<'ar r/.y/iihuge 
 arms ! and upon 
 them are raniied 
 in Older nearly 
 two thousand 
 sucking - cups ! 
 due hundred and 
 twenty pairs to 
 lach arm. How 
 'iin he ever get 
 lived with so 
 iiiiuiy l)usy ser- 
 vants I And think, 
 if you can, how 
 terribly he would hold on to ify. The muscles of the jaws liit; inside pocket, a great supply 
 iiny-thing hecauu'ht ! Soinelinies, are very powerful, and the t(Uigue of ink, and now, to bafife his au- 
 when sailors have been attacked is delicate and capable of perfjomi- tagonist, out eoines this ink-baa- 
 l)y this horrible sea-pirate, they insr various olHc,.s in the disposi- to the rescue, and so iniuh is 
 linve willingly cut otFa hand or a tion of food. thrown out thai, all about, th 
 loot to free themselves from the When this Iny traveller sallies water is so blackened that nobody 
 Icarful embrace. If it so happens forth in ([uest ol adventure by sea, can see straight, and Octopus is 
 iliat Octoi)us himself has fallen the huge disc of a body becomes safe, for every other creature 
 iivto hands stronger than his own a b lat ; and for merry rowers, roaming round is utterlv mystified 
 lie will irladly lose some of his Captain Cejihalapod calls for ihe and confounded. It is then that 
 liowerful pincers ill the tussle lively exer(-ise of the eight strong the owner of the ink-baj slips oil 
 'iitherlhangive up and be beaten ; arms, and a right jolly time they with a stealthy mov-.ment to a 
 and really it does not matter have, never getting weary, sinci' covert he has aforetime made 
 much, since in a little tijpe they they follow the "ride and tie" note of against a season of sudden 
 surprise. This dark-huod sub- 
 stance is helpful in other ways ; 
 it is the sf/iia used by painters, 
 and is much viiiuod i v artists 
 for the delicate brown tints it 
 AVhen this mammoth dweller 
 of the seas changes his mood, and 
 decides to take a trip on land,— 
 though on land beneath tho 
 waves, — he at once issues orders 
 to his sturdy oarsmen, and, in- 
 stanter, they become the most 
 nimble of legs ! bearing about 
 with swiftness and ease the now 
 plump body. In 
 a trice the in- 
 dependent travel- 
 ler strides up and 
 down the sandy 
 highway, tramp- 
 ing on like an 
 enormous spider 
 and passing over 
 slippery ledges as 
 easily as a lly 
 dances over a 
 window - pane. 
 Now see extend- 
 ed the countless 
 suckers, holding 
 firmly to rocks 
 or sea - wrack, 
 and, as if tossed 
 srently in a ham- 
 mock, the portly 
 body is presently 
 lulled to softest 
 On awakening, 
 the alert trapezist 
 exercises the long 
 arms in other 
 ways, twisting 
 here and there, 
 furtivelv grasp- 
 ing at hidden tit- 
 hits, or stretching 
 Ibrth in search of 
 turner game, un- 
 til marching or- 
 ders are again 
 Octopus we 
 have introduced 
 to you with his 
 eight arms and 
 bill ink-bag No 
 wonder, if the 
 out spreail arms, 
 with all tbose 
 ugly sucking- 
 cups, were in 
 duty, that it was 
 called " a hun- 
 dred limb'd crea- 
 ture ! " 
 Octopus, ugly 
 as he is in ap- 
 pearance and character, is, by 
 sailors of East Indian seas, regar- 
 ded asa most delicious morsel, and 
 if a sudden stroke of good fortune 
 should secure the huge body for 
 ii 'iraiul roast, areat is the rejoic- 
 ing ! Hut the courageous mariner 
 often loses his own life, and is hope- 
 lessly sucked in, piece-meal, 
 within the horrid lips. — WiUn 
 Aica/i-i . 
 (r(ii) LovKTH a cheerful giver. 
 1 -2 Coit. !) : 7 
X hi) 
 * THE 
 In (ho yoar 1846. on St Kilda. 
 one of the InlandH of Wostern 
 Scotland, thoru lived a poor 
 widow and her son. She trained 
 him in the fear of the Lord, and 
 well did he repay her cure. He 
 was her stay and support, though 
 only sictcen years of age. They 
 were very poor, and to help their 
 scanty me<tl8, Ronald, her sou, 
 used to collect sea-birds' eggs up- 
 on the neighboring cliirs. This 
 feat was accompanied with con- 
 siderable danger, for the birds 
 used often to attack him. 
 One day, having received 
 his mother's blessing, Ronald 
 set off to the clifis, having 
 supplied himself with a 
 strong rope, by which to get 
 down, and a knife to strike 
 the bird, should he be at- 
 tacked. How magnificent 
 was that scene ! 'The clifl 
 rose several hundred feet 
 above the sea, whose wild 
 waves lashed madly against 
 it,dashingthe glittering spray 
 tar and near. 
 Ronald fastened one end 
 ot the rope firmly upon the 
 top of the cliff, and the other 
 round his waist, and was 
 then lowered until he got 
 opposite one of the fissures 
 111 which the birds build, 
 when ho gave the signal to 
 liis companions not to let 
 him down any further. He 
 plunlcd his foot on a slight 
 projection of the rock.grasped 
 wiih one hand his knifo. and 
 wilh the other tried to take 
 the eggs. Just then a Idrd 
 ilcw at him and utt.icked 
 him. Ho made a blow with 
 the knife ; but, oli ! hoirible 
 to narrate, iu place of strik- 
 ing the bird, he struck the 
 rope, and, having sovorod 
 some of the strnyJs, ho hun<^ 
 sus]>cndcd over that wild 
 abyss of rusjing waves l>y 
 only a few thread.s of hemp. 
 Ho uttered a piercing ex- 
 clamation, wliich was heard 
 l)y his companions above, 
 who saw his danger, and 
 gently tried to draw him up. 
 Awful moment ! As they 
 drew in each coil, Ronald 
 ielt thread after thread giv- 
 ing way. "t) Lord! save 
 me," was his lirst agonizing cry ; 
 and then, "O Lord! comfort my 
 dear mother." lie closed his eyes 
 on the awful scene as ho felt the 
 lopo gradually breaking. He 
 iioars the top ; l)iit. oh! tin? rope 
 is breaking. Another and an- 
 other pull ; then a siiap, and now 
 there is but one strand support- 
 iiis him. Ho noars the top; his 
 his companions, the frantic shriek 
 of his foud mother, as they hold 
 her back from rushing to try to 
 rescue her child from destruction. 
 He knows no more; reason yields; 
 he becomes insensible. But just 
 aa the rope is giving way, a friend 
 stretches forward at the risk of 
 being dragged over the clill. A 
 strong hand grasps him and 
 Ronald is saved. 
 Dear reader, if you are unsaved, 
 I want y.ou, in this true and 
 simple narrative, to see your own 
 condition. If living lor this world, 
 you are frittering away your 
 precious moments in pursuing 
 save him, which brought him I could lind, and gave him all he 
 safely beyond the reach offurther ' wanted, and if you'll believe me, 
 danger, and placed him in the Miss, in less than three hours he 
 loving arms of his parent ! May drank thrive gallons. The sweat 
 the Lord reveal to you, dear un- rolled olf from him like rain, 
 saved one, your danger, that you Then ho sank olf, and I thought 
 may flee at once to the Saviour of sure ho was gone, but ho was 
 sinners. — Friendly Visitor. 
 I've been fourteen years a sailor, 
 Miss AVeston, and I've found that 
 in all parts of the world I could 
 get along as well without alcholic 
 liquors as with them, and better 
 too. Some years ago, when we 
 lay in Jamaica, several of us were 
 perishing trifles. By the cor.l of 
 life you are suspended over the 
 awful abyss of eternal perdition. 
 As year after year passes away, 
 the rope of life becomes smaller 
 and smaller. Strand after strand 
 snaps as the knell of each depart- 
 ing year tolls its mournful notes. 
 How many threads are now loft, 
 can you tell ? Do you realize 
 Iriends reach over to grasp him; ! your awful position? It cannot 
 ho i.s not yet within their reach, j be How vividly Ronald 
 Oii(> more haul of the rope. It realized his position in thai fear- 
 •strains; it unravels under his ! fid moment when the last strand 
 weight. Ho looks below at the ' wasgiving way, thread by thread 
 dark waste of boiling, falhomless j — when, overcome by the sense 
 water, and then above to the of his danger, and when that 
 glorious heavens. Ho fools he is ' danger was most imminent, a 
 gonig llo hears the wild cry of strong hand was stretched out to 
 sick with the fever, and among 
 the rest, the second mate. The 
 doctor had given him brandy to 
 keep him up, but I thought it was 
 a queer kind of " keeping up." 
 Why, you see, it stands to reason, 
 Miss, that if you heap fuel on the 
 fire', it will burn the faster, and 
 putting the brandy to a fever is 
 just the same kind of thing. 
 Brandy is nearly half alcohol, you 
 know. Well, the doctor gave him 
 up, ond I was set to watch him. 
 No medicine was left, for it was 
 of no use. N 'thing would help 
 him, and I had ray directions what 
 to do with the body when ho was 
 dead. Toward midniRht he asked 
 for water. I got him the coolest 
 In a country school a larce 
 class were standing to spell. 
 In the lesson there was a 
 very hard word. I put the 
 word to the scholar at the 
 head, and he missed it; I 
 passed it to the next, and the 
 next, and so on through the 
 whole class, till it came to 
 the last scholar — the smallest 
 of the class — and he spelled 
 it right ; at least, I understood 
 him so, and he went to the 
 head, above seventeen boys 
 and girls, all older than him- 
 self. I then turned round 
 and wrote the word on the 
 blackbohrd, so that they 
 might all see how it was 
 spelled, and learn it better. 
 But no sooner had I written 
 it than the little boy at the 
 head cried out, " O, I didn't 
 say it so, Miss W ; I said 
 e instead of i," and he went 
 back to the foot, of his own 
 accord, quicker than he had 
 gone to the head. Was not 
 he an honest boy V I should 
 always have thought he 
 spelled it right if he had not 
 told mo ; but he was too 
 honest to take any credit that 
 did not belonu- to him. 
 Two Gardeneh.s who were 
 neighbors had their crops of early 
 peas killed by the frost. One 
 of them came to condole with 
 the other. "Ah!' cried h.\ 
 '■ how unfortunate. Do you 
 know, neighbor, that I have done 
 nothing but fret ever since. But 
 you seem to have a fine healthy 
 crop coming up What ar./ 
 those?" Why, these are whai 
 I sowed immediately after the 
 frost." " What ! coming up al- 
 ready ? " said the neighbor 
 "Yes," replied the other, " while 
 you were fretting I was work- 
 sleeping, and as sweetly as a child. 
 In the morning when the doctor 
 came, he asked what time the 
 mate died. "Won't you go in 
 nnd look at him?" said I. He 
 went in and took the mate's hand. 
 " Why," s,iid he, "the man is not 
 dead ! He's alive and doing well! 
 What have you been giving him ?" 
 •' Water, simply water, and all he 
 wanted of it ! " said I. I don't 
 know as the doctor learned 
 anything from that, but I 
 did, and now no doctor puts 
 alcoholics down mo, or any of 
 my folks, for a fever, I can 
 tell you. I am a plain, un- 
 lettered man, but I know too 
 much to lot any doctor burn 
 mo up with alcohol. — British 
him all he 
 bcliovo mc, 
 reo hours ho 
 The sweat 
 1 liko rain. 
 >d I thought 
 }ut ho was 
 ly as a child. 
 II tho doctor 
 it timo tho 
 Tho most mapruitiiMMit of the 
 iiiii ly luini)lo8cropto(l In the honor | 
 II! I worship of CoiifiuMus is thO| 
 (lin'iktl't'kiiifj, which i« IVtMiuoiitcd ] 
 hy tho Kinporor, and the highj 
 (liliciTH of thi' (fovornini'nt. Ncari 
 til this toinpio is an iinincnso |ia- 
 vilion in whicii in a Ihrono from 
 wliioii tho Kini)oror is accustomed' 
 Id confer honors upon certain com- 
 pt'titors who havo suc^cessfully 
 striven for iho hi<fh"8t literary 
 On two sides of lhi« imperial 
 pavilion, under two 1 mg corri- 
 dors, are arranged about two 
 liundrfld immense granite tablets 
 I'ach seven or eight feet high, and 
 of proportionate width and thick- 
 ness. On these are engraved the 
 entire contents of tho thirteen 
 books which constitute the Chi- 
 nese Classics. Tho characters are 
 neatly cut on the two sides of the 
 It was loundthat, from changes 
 in the spoken languar;e and in the 
 mole of writing, alterations were 
 taking place in iho written copies 
 of the classics ; the meaning of 
 sentences was becoming uncer- 
 tain, and at the same time there 
 was a danger of some usurper, in- 
 vader, or tyrant attempting to de- 
 .stroy the original laws which he 
 had broken. This actually hap- 
 pened to tho Chinese Classics so 
 early as B.O, 221, when a prince 
 of Tsin ordered every book to be 
 liurned. It was then thought it 
 would give greater safety to these 
 writings to have them engraved 
 on stone : and this was done 
 with the whole of tho thirteen 
 This is without a parallel in any 
 <ountry, and is illustrative of the 
 eiceeding veneration of the Chin- 
 ese for the writings of Confucius, 
 Mencius and the other sages, and 
 tlieir anxiety to have them handed 
 down unimnred. 
 But manv of the people aro 
 now accepting the teachings of 
 Christ instead of those of Cou- 
 liicius, and He must increase 
 while the latter must decrease ; 
 and the excessive regard of the 
 Chinese for their ancient classics 
 must give place to veneration and 
 love lor the 
 revealed Word of 
 "Well, children," said Undo 
 I'hil, " your big brother Charley 
 liever dreamed when he was 
 .showing his skilful, bwanliko 
 manoeuvres in skating at the rink, 
 that his beloved pastime would 
 he the means of saving his life." 
 " Oh, tell us bU about it I " cried 
 Charley's small sister and bro- 
 ilers, Dora, Arthur, and Dick. 
 " He did not mean us to knovi', 
 i hocauss ho does not want to alarm 
 u.s, but he wrote tho account to a 
 friend, who told it to me this 
 morning ; and I shall repeat it to 
 you, to show you how much de- 
 ponds upon eoolnosH, courage, and 
 quickness ot wit in times of dan- 
 Little Doni climbed upon her 
 uncle's knee, and tho boys got as 
 close to him as they could, and 
 with three pairs of eager eyes 
 lastoned on his face, L'ncle I'hil 
 began : 
 "You know that Charley was 
 lent to Iho Northwest on business, 
 and you know what a big fellow 
 he is — twenty-two years old, and 
 full of activity and courage. One 
 bitter cold day he and three 
 others were driving round the 
 borders of an ovcrlTowod forest 
 when Charley found that by 
 skating through it he could reach 
 a point twenty miles distant and 
 catch up with his party again. No 
 sooner thought of than done. He 
 took his gun, I'astened on his 
 skates, and with a cheery Htirra ! 
 he was ofl at top si>eed. 
 aro nearer, their hot breath reach- 
 ing him, when — whish I he darted 
 around in a beiniliiul circle, and 
 ihe shaggy wretches, carried ir- 
 resistibly onward by their own 
 tremendous i'npelus, (lushed 
 ahead in a straight line, while 
 ('harloy glided oH" at a sharp right 
 angle. With a united howl and 
 that awlul snap of their leolh, the 
 ne.\t minute they found him out, 
 crowded furiously on each other, 
 turned, and were tearing after 
 him again in their long, slouching, 
 tireless gallop. 
 " Over and over again did Char- 
 ley bafllo them with his skating 
 (eat of the circle, and then away 
 at right angles. Over an<l over, 
 till the bold brutal creatures in 
 their rage began to bite and snap 
 at each other, and with howls uf 
 disappointment to waver and to 
 wonder if this were not a ghost, 
 a shadow of a man, a hungry 
 dream of human flesh, which they 
 " Racing away, and enjoying it 
 immensely, he reaohedthe midst 
 of the forest, when all of a sudden 
 he came upon a hungry, howling, 
 pack of wolves I With a simul- 
 taneous clash of their sharp teeth, 
 which sounded liko the snapping 
 of a hundred steel traps, they 
 were upon him. Charles threw 
 away his gun, tore off his heavy 
 overcoat, and whizzed away for 
 dear life. 
 " It soon became apparent to 
 him that his swiftest speed would 
 never leave tho raging wolves 
 behind. They were almost lly- 
 Mig, tho long black hair on their 
 spines standing up stiff and 
 savage; but Charley was a prac- 
 tised and splendid skater, and ho 
 also flew at a desperate speed, 
 and ho never lost hope or cour- 
 " On camo the wclves full tilt, 
 furious and ravenous. Now they 
 were finding at all points of the 
 compass and losing again ; while 
 round and round went tho skater, 
 with a cool head, a keen eye, 
 and clenched fists, working 
 nearer and nearer tho edge of the 
 forest, till at last the clearing and 
 the road became visible, and his 
 blood-thirsty pursuers with 
 furious howls of disappointment 
 fell back into the thick of the 
 "O h!"sighed tho little 
 ones, whose eyes had been grow- 
 ing big and bigger with interest 
 and fear. " Vro'ro so glad brother 
 Charley got oil safe !' 
 " Yes," said Uncle Phil ; " and 
 you boys had better practise all 
 tho fa.shionablo figures in skating 
 so as to be ready for the wolves, 
 " Oh, yes, yes I " shouted tho 
 boys, and straightway turned a 
 summersault each on the carpet. 
 in their delight at the prospect o 
 lighting wolves. 
 " Me want to 'kati', and fwite 
 wooves, too," said little Dora. 
 " Ah, rosebud ! " cried her 
 uncle, holding her tight to his 
 breast, " we must all take caro 
 that no wolves, two-legged or 
 four, ever como near you. Wo 
 must keep our little lamb safe at 
 homo." — Christian I 'nion. 
 A younir telegrni>h-operator in 
 an English provincial town was 
 anxious about his soul. Bat he 
 could not have gue.sHed that a 
 message would reach him as it 
 did. lie had been sleepless all 
 night, thinking of his need of a 
 Saviour, and in the morning he 
 went to his work with his heart 
 uttering the publican's prayer 
 The sunny weather and beauty 
 of Summer scenery did not en- 
 gage him now, for he was longing 
 after that peace of God which the 
 Christian feels. 
 Absorbed with his desire, he 
 continued to pray — " (tod be 
 merciful to me a sinner," and was 
 constantly repeating the words, 
 when the click of the si<rnal told 
 him his olRco was called. He 
 look his place at the instrument, 
 and quickly and with unusual 
 emotion spelled his message from 
 " Herbert, ' nt Windermere, to J. 
 B., at Warkworth : 
 " Behold the Lamb of (rod, 
 which taketh away the sins of 
 the world." "In whom we havo 
 redemption through His blood, 
 the forgiveness of sins according 
 to the riches of His grace.'' 
 Such a telegram as that the 
 young man had never known to 
 pass the wires before. It was 
 sent to a servant-girl, who, in her 
 distress of mind, had written a 
 letter to her brother " Herbert," 
 at tho Lakes, but it proved a, 
 double benediction, for it came to 
 the operator as a direct reply 
 from Heaven to his prayer. He 
 accepted it as such, and his faith 
 saw and rested in the Lamb of 
 Meanwhile the golden telegram 
 went to its destination, and 
 brought peace to the anxious soul 
 of the poor servant-^irl. It saved 
 two instead of one. And those 
 words are living words still, and 
 as potent to bless and save — not 
 only two, but ten thousand 
 times ten thousand. — CInislian 
 I In Answering the question, 
 ^ " How to havo a revival in your 
 j school," William Reynolds once 
 'wrote; Pray for it; expect it; 
 I work for it; make it the one thing 
 ! from this time till it comes. Ac- 
 ! cording to your faith be it unto 
 'you. Get every teacher in your 
 school to pray daily lor an out- 
 pouring of ihe Spirit on each class. 
 Have a prayer-meeting of all 
 teachers and scholus. 
 These birds are very beautiful 
 creatures found in ditferent parts 
 of Asia, particularly in India. The 
 body of the bird is some six 
 inches long, while the tail is 
 thirteen or fourteen inches. The 
 bird's head and crest are bright 
 steely green; the upper part of 
 the body is white, curiously 
 streaked with a narrow black 
 line down the centre of each 
 feather. The quill-feathers are 
 white, edged with black. The 
 tail-ieathers are white, with black 
 These birds, sometimes from 
 their shape called Rocket Birds, 
 are very restless, Sitting from 
 branch to branch, or darting 
 rapidly ailer their prey. One of 
 these birds will perch upon some 
 lofty branch, and when it sees an 
 insect passing within easy reach, 
 will make a sudden swoop upon 
 it, catch it with a hard snap of 
 the beak, which can be heard at 
 some distance, and return to its 
 post, ready for another object of 
 Theso flycatchers are rather 
 solitary in their habits. Qenerally 
 there is no more than a single 
 family of them together at a time, 
 and sometimes they will be found 
 The study of these different 
 birds is very interesting. It shows 
 us the wisdom and power of God, 
 the wondrous skill with which he 
 fits these little creatures, to find 
 their living and take care of them- 
 selves.— C/ii7rf's Paper. 
 The celebrated John Welch, tlie 
 minister of Ayr, was compelled, 
 in the year 1606, to fly to France 
 to escape the anger of the Scottish 
 kin^, James VI. While he was 
 minister in one of the French 
 villages, a friar came to his house 
 asking to be lodged for the night. 
 He was kindly entertained and 
 had a bedroom assigned to him 
 adjoining that of the minister. 
 Happening to awake during 
 the night, he heard a continuous 
 whispering, which troubled him 
 not a little, ascribing it to evil 
 spirits haunting the Protestant 
 house. • 
 Walking abroad next day, a 
 peasant saluted him, and asked 
 him how he did. 
 " Where loc'ged you last 
 ni!,'ht ? " 
 " With the Huguenot minister," 
 said the friar. 
 " What sort of entertainment 
 had you?" asked the peasant. 
 " V cry bad ; I always believed 
 that these Huguenot houses were 
 haunted; but I never proved it till 
 last night. There was a con- 
 tinual whisper in the room next 
 mine, and I am sure it was the 
 devil and the minister talking to- 
 " You are mistaken," said the 
 peasant, " it was the minister at 
 his night prayers." 
 " What I does the minister 
 pray 1 " 
 " Yes ; more than any man in 
 France ; and if you will stay 
 another night, you may make 
 The friar returned to the llu- 
 ?;uenot house, and bogged lodging 
 or another night, which was at 
 once granted. 
 " Before dinner," says tho old 
 narrative, "Mr. Welch came down 
 The evening came, and with it 
 the "evening exercise," quite like 
 that of the morning, to the friar's 
 yet itruater wonder. 
 They 8Ui)ped and went to bed. 
 But the friar was resolved to keep 
 awake and hear tho strange sounds 
 which he had heard tho night be- 
 fore. He went and put his ear to 
 the door to satisfy himself as to 
 what the sound really was. 
 " Then," writes the old bio- 
 from his chamber and made his 
 family exercise according to hi.s 
 wont. He sang a psalm ; he read 
 a portion of Scripture, comment- 
 ing on it; and then prayed." 
 The friar looked and listened 
 with astonishment. Dinner was 
 then served, and the friar was 
 kindly entertained ; the good Hu- 
 guenot minister asking no ques- 
 tions and entering on no disputes. 
 grapher, " he heard not only the 
 sound but the very words ; and in 
 those words communications be- 
 tween man and God, such as he 
 had never believed to be in this 
 The day broke, and Mr. Welch 
 came out of his room. The friar 
 went to him, bewailed his ignor- 
 ance, and asked instructio);. 
 Kindly did the minister receive 
 him, bidding him welcome in the 
 nameofOod, and showing him 
 tho true light which had been so 
 long hidden from him. That light 
 enleiod his soul, and in it he 
 walked till his dying hour. — 
 About UOO years before Christ, 
 there arose in Greece one of its 
 earliest and greatest philosophers, 
 Pythagoras by name, whose 
 authority with his followers was 
 so supreme that they seldom, if 
 ever, allowed themselves to ques- 
 tion his positions; and the ex- 
 pression " The Master said so," 
 settled every disputed point, and 
 silenced all objections. This was 
 the legitimate power of a great 
 But a far greater than Pytha- 
 goras once visited our earth, who 
 propounded principles, authorized 
 sentiments, issued commands, and 
 laid down laws for his people 
 and followers which should be to 
 them the end of all controversy ; 
 and are so, in fact, when they are 
 right-minded ; as, at a certain 
 time, when the fishermandisciples 
 had toiled all night and caught 
 nothing, yet, upon the direction 
 of their Master to let down their 
 neta, they answered, by the mouth 
 of Simon. "Nevertheless, at thy 
 word, we will lot down the net." 
 " And when they had this done, 
 they enclosed a great multitude 
 of fashes." No one ever lost any- 
 thing by embracing a sentiment 
 or performing an act " at Christ's 
 When a cavilling world asks, 
 "Why send abroad your choice 
 young men and maidens among 
 the heathen?" the all-sufficient 
 answer is, " The Master said so." 
 " Go ye into all the world, and 
 preach the gospel to every 
 creature." To every creature? 
 At home, as well as abroad ? Yes : 
 for so saith the Master. " For I 
 must go into the next town, 
 and preach the gospel there 
 Shall I confess Christ before 
 men ? Shall I join the church, and 
 frequent the Lord's table ? Shall 
 I be for him, and not against him, 
 in the world ? Shall I take his 
 yoke fully upon me, and follow 
 him all my life long, in the regen- 
 eration of this world? Yes, yes; 
 for so he advises, exhorts, and 
 commands me. — American Messen- 
 The Rev. E. E. Hale once said : 
 I am tired of hearing people say 
 that they prefer to worship God 
 in the fields in summer, by the 
 side of some babbling brook. 
 What if they do ! We are not per- 
 mitted to live for our own plea- 
 sures but for the glory of God 
 and the good of the world. United 
 worship in the sanctuary makes 
 the world better. Therefore we 
 have no choice in the matter. It 
 is our duty to attend the house 
 of God regularly. 
 Thero aro pluiity ol' hypocriti- 
 cal inmi and womon, ami some 
 liypocritieiil chiUlron, I am afraid, 
 hut I iitiV('r hoard of inoro than 
 niio ini>rahor of tho unthinking 
 proation who had that worst oif 
 Inults, and ho, poor wrotch, was 
 probably falsely accused, the vic- 
 tim of appearances and the super- 
 xtitions fancies of narrow-minded 
 In most warm countries there 
 is found a little insect called the 
 mantis. I should think, from the 
 cnfi^ravinffB I have seen, that 
 Horne varieties look something like 
 grasshoppers, and one kind I have 
 read about has the color and ap- 
 pearance of withered leaves 
 when lying motionless upon the 
 I read of him first in a poem, in 
 which, it is said, "The mantis 
 clasps his hands in prayer," and 
 never before having heard of so 
 pious an insect, I was interested 
 to discover something more of 
 his character. It seems that in 
 the middle ages he was believed 
 to be really a very wise and 
 knowing creature. If lost chil- 
 dren encountered a mantis they 
 had only to inquire the road and 
 the little insect would stretch out 
 one of its long feelers, or fore- 
 paws, and point in the right di- 
 rection. Or if a mantis came 
 across a child playing truant, and 
 taking a walk in the country in- 
 stead of going to school, it would 
 point out warningly the way the 
 naughty scholar ought to take to 
 return to his duty. 
 This was all very well. But 
 the mantis had a horrible appe- 
 tite. The appetite of a real can- 
 nibal, and the sight of another 
 mantis so overcame both parties 
 that they attacked each other vio- 
 lently for the sake of a dinner ; 
 and after a terrific combat if one 
 was left alive he revived his 
 drooping strength by a hearty 
 meal on the mangled remains of 
 his foe. Then, when all was 
 over, and one insect had found a 
 grave within the other, it is said 
 the victor raised himself as if 
 about to walk on his hind legs, 
 and folding his long forepaws, ap- 
 peared to give thanks for his 
 pleasant repast ; so that passers- 
 by, seeing this attitude of devo- 
 tion might believe him to be an 
 insect-saint, until in course of 
 time they discovered his dreadful 
 habits. A mantis could never get 
 L'nough to eat ; probably because 
 he was obliged to fight so hard 
 for every mouthful. 
 But sometimes they need not 
 absolutely kill their friends or 
 <>nemies in o'der to obtain a meal 
 of mantis ricat, for if in the duel 
 they shov.ld both lose a limb 
 and then c.epart in jieace to o" 
 Iho delicto bone, by the 
 they met again new lim' 
 have grown to take th. , .. 
 tho old, such is their nature. 
 An old traveller in China says 
 that in summer the littlo Chinese 
 boyn keep those insects in cages ourselves to cross it, and found 
 for the purpose of seeing thom that wo wore walking on an as- 
 light, which i« (luito as exciting to phall pavomont slightly softonod 
 them and on tiio name principle on the surface by the groat hoat — 
 as a cock-fight. 1 do not know just as the pavement of this ma- 
 whothor they allow them to feast torial in our home cities is on a 
 after the battle, as their natural , hot summor day. Hero and 
 feeling would dictate. — Ex. : there the surface was rout by lis- 
 _^ I suros which were filled with 
 I clear water, and seemed to go 
 j down to great depths. Some of 
 The editor of the Mitsionarif thetn we could stop over, othorK 
 Re'-orrf of the United Presbyterian had to bo crossed by moans of 
 church, in writing of his visit to planks which our guides carriod 
 the missions in the island of Trini- for the purpose. As we noared 
 dad, thus describes his visit to the I the centre, it was necessary to 
 remarkable Pitch Lake. | proceed with caution ; the soft- 
 On the following day we took ness on the surface increased, 
 the grand excursion of the neigh- and at last we came to places 
 borhood, and in company with 
 several friends belonging to the 
 congregation visited tne famous 
 Pitch Lake. We went by the 
 coasting steamer — a sail of about 
 two hours, and landed by small 
 boats at La Brea, where the as- 
 phalt is melted, put into barrels, 
 and shipped. As our readers can 
 imagine, the industry carried un 
 where the pitch oozed up in li 
 quid form, and sent forth as from 
 some witch's caldron, an evil 
 odor. The source from which 
 the pitch comes seems inexhaust- 
 ible. We were told that hun- 
 dreds of tons can be dug out, and 
 in the course of a few hours the hole 
 from which they have been dug 
 will be filled up, and the surface 
 does not render the place attrac- 
 tive, but we had come to see a 
 marvel of nature, and not its 
 beauties. We gladly accepted an 
 invitation from the manager of 
 the works to drive to the lake, 
 though the conveyance provided 
 for lis was an asphalt-cart, in 
 which our party managed to dis- 
 pose themselves on such chairs 
 and stools as the ofiico could fur- 
 nish. The black and dusty in- 
 cline up which we drove under 
 the blistering heat, is bordered 
 by a luxuriant tropical growth, 
 amid which we could see the 
 richest pine-apples, the volcanic 
 heat of the soil being especially 
 adapted for the production of 
 this fruit. When we reached the 
 lake, the aspect which it present- 
 ed was that of a loch at home dur- 
 ing a black frost, with patches of 
 water here and there that have 
 oozed up through cracks in the 
 ice, the expanse being broken by 
 islands covered with a scrubby 
 vegetation. Being assured that 
 the lake was ' bearing,' we set 
 as level as before. Our excursion 
 on the lake was interesting ; it 
 could not b« said to be exhilarat- 
 ing. The vertical rays of the sun 
 were reflected on us from every 
 side, the odor which filled the 
 air produced a sickly sensation, 
 and the glare hurt the eyes. We 
 had read in our Kingsley that 
 the traveller crossing the lake in- 
 to the woods on the further shore 
 passed ' in a single step out of an 
 Inferno into Paradise' We ac- 
 cordingly resolved to eat our 
 lunch in paradise, but when we 
 reached the wood we searched 
 in vain for the ' cool fragrant 
 shade, among the pillars of a 
 temple to which the Parthenon 
 is mean and small,' by his descrip- 
 tion of which the great word- 
 painter has lured us on. We 
 found instead interminable bush 
 through which we had to force 
 our toilsome way, with frequent 
 scratchings of the skin, and un- 
 comfortable thoughts of veno-l 
 mous snakes, that might be pre- ' 
 paring' to spring upon us from be- 1 
 iioath the leafy covert. Wo wore 
 lain to rocrosH tho lako, roniouut 
 our ('art, and gel oursolvi's drivori 
 back to Iho Nhiiro, whrro, iindcr 
 tho safor sholtiT of a woodon 
 shanty, wo partook of our ptovis- 
 ionH. and awaited tho return of 
 the steamer. 
 " Forty years ago I knew two 
 smart boys, holpors in a grocory- 
 storo. Thoy were brothers. They 
 seeniod to be made of steel 
 springs, so quick, prompt and de- 
 cisive wore they in filling every 
 order, They were poor boys, 
 apprentices then. But they 
 worked as if the concern was 
 their own, and success depended 
 on their energy, push and faith- 
 fulness. Now they live on one of 
 the fashionable avenues of Now 
 York in their own large man- 
 sions, retired from the grocery 
 business iu which thoy made 
 their fortunes. Holding import- 
 ant trusts, thoy are useful and re- 
 spected citizens and Christians, 
 They owe their success solely, 
 under God, to their own prompt- 
 ness in performing every promise, 
 in being always ahead rather 
 than behind time. And there are 
 mechanics and tradesmen with 
 whom I once had dealings and 
 now have deserted, because they 
 never would fulfil an order in sea- 
 son, would not send a thing home 
 when they promised, and in- 
 variably kept me waiting what- 
 ever might be my distress to be 
 served. This vice runs in the 
 blood sometimes, and whole 
 families are distinguished by tak- 
 ing it easy, ' time enough yet.' be- 
 ing their motto and rule. They 
 drop behind in the race of life. 
 They would bo run over if some 
 one did not pick them up and 
 help them on. Half the world 
 has this work to do, besides doing 
 its own. In the absence of posi- 
 tive orime, this habit of taking it 
 easy causes the poverty and fail- 
 ure of the greater part of the hu- 
 man family. With the same 
 chances, with equal health and 
 wits, in the same field, one man 
 succeeds and another makes a 
 dead failure. And why ? Bo- 
 cause one took time by the fore- 
 loek, was ever prompt, and there- 
 fore prosperous. The other was 
 always a little behindhand, and 
 by-and-by so far behind as to be 
 counted out as of no account. — 
 Yot' ARE di.sappointod. Do you 
 remember, if you lose heart about 
 your work, that none of it is lost; 
 that the good of every good deed 
 remains, and breeds, and works 
 on forever; and all that fails and 
 is lost is tho outside shell of the 
 thing; which, i)orhaps, might 
 have been better done, but, bettor 
 or worse, has iiotliing to do with 
 the real spiritual good which you 
 have dom; to men's hearts, for 
 which God will surely repay you 
 in his own way and time. — 
 Charhs Kiii'j:sley. ^ 

 BiU£ |2.S 
 ^ lllllio 
 1-25 1.4 1.6 
 ^ ^ 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 87a-4S03 

 principally with cru8B-l>owM nnd 
 arrows, and thfHe window-niches 
 furnished atuiiding room I'ur six or 
 for tho outsiders to 
 arrows where they 
 send their 
 would take effect 
 The towers are full of crooked 
 passagi'N and narrow, stone stair- 
 cases, with rooms of all sizes and 
 shapes Entering the door at the 
 end of the path and passing up 
 the worn and broken stone steps, 
 I almost lost my way in dark 
 When England became a settled 
 kingdom, with a number of di- 
 visions whose princes went 
 Under the English king, and 
 whose people paid dues to him, 
 Wales was one of those divisions, 
 and at times the Welsh were very 
 troublesome, refusing to pay dues, 
 or sabmit to the will of the king. 
 Castles were built and given to 
 English nobles, to whom was 
 allowed all the land they could 
 seise from the Welsh, and the 
 people were oppressed in various 
 ways, till Llewellyn bncame 
 Prince of North Wales. When 
 Henry III., a boy only nine years galleries, where the chattering of 
 old, was crowned, Llewellyn ac- the birds which have appropriated 
 knowledged him as kin?, and for the dcop windows for their nests, 
 fifty-six years rendered obedience and the sound of my own foot- 
 to him as superior sovereign; hut steps re-echoed till I had hardly 
 when Edward L became king, courage to complete the ascent. 
 Llewellyn at last threw ofT the At last it grew lighter, and I 
 yoke, aiid resisted sturdily. He ' found myself in the open space 
 was finally forced to submit ; 
 but falling in an encounter 
 with an English knight, his 
 brother David, claiming to be 
 legal sovereign of North 
 Wale., summoned a council of 
 Welsh chieftains at Denbigh, a 
 little town in the north of 
 Wales. They determined to 
 commence hostilities against 
 the English, but were not 
 successful. David waa "m- 
 prisoned, and this was the end 
 ot Welsh indopendence. 
 Wales was united to Eng- 
 land, and Edward I. deter- 
 mined to secure tho submission 
 and willing obedience of its 
 people It is said he promised 
 them a prince who could not 
 speak a work of English. Now, 
 he had a baby-boy who was 
 alter ward Edward II. ; he pre- 
 sented him as the promised 
 prince, and, ever since, the 
 oldest son of the English king 
 is called the Prince of Wales, 
 This little prince lived in 
 Carnarvon, the lar<rest of the 
 one hundred and forty-three 
 castles in North Wales, aii<l it 
 fought and castles defended room. The old histories say he 
 was horn in the tower, but there 
 aro always people who like to 
 spoil a good story, and those say 
 eight men, whoiii turn discharged he was three years old when 
 their arrows at the enemy. | brought there, I like the old 
 It was very easy forthem, close story, so I asked a guide to show 
 to tho narrow openings, to aim mo where the prince was born, 
 the Kagle and Royallowers, indi- 
 cated now only by a line of stones 
 left for the purpose. The kitche ns 
 were directly opposite, and (he 
 places which years ago held the 
 boilers are still to be seen, as is 
 also the end of the leaden water 
 pipe away back in the walls: 
 carefully at the enemy, but almost Entering the snrae door, we | trophy hunters have carried away 
 climbed the steps till we reached 
 the room in the seconil story, 
 lighted by the narrow window to 
 thi> left of the door. The little 
 square window just alioveitlighted 
 the "confessional," a little niche 
 ill the wall still holding the re- 
 ceptacle for holy water. This 
 room passed, we went clear 
 around the tower, till we came 
 through the narrowest of '.ill 
 passages to a room only leu feet 
 by twelve. This was certainty 
 the room of Queen Eleanor and vals, a p^rt of the town ot 
 the first Prince of Wi'les, whether 
 ho was born there, or brought 
 when a very small boy. Back of 
 (he window is a narrow door 
 of the beautiful ruin of this cantle 
 that I will first tell you. 
 It is on a high hill in the west- 
 em part of Wales ; climbing the 
 hill you come upon a huge mass 
 of gray stone, with immense 
 towers ; on two sides surrounded 
 by ;i river, while a moat or ditch 
 protects the other two. Oriifiii- 
 all\ there were thirteen towers; 
 five have lalleii, and the stone.s 
 have been carried away liy the 
 inhai)itant8 of the town lu build 
 their quaint little 
 The castle has only narmw 
 opening.s for windows on llie out- 
 side ; these are not iimre than 
 four inches wide, but the wiills are 
 ten feet thickand the window.iare 
 five or six feet wide on tlie inside, 
 the sic'es slanting dose toirelher 
 through the thicknoKsof iIk; wall 
 as they get near the outside, thus 
 forming a kind of room in each 
 In those days, battles were 
 between the two smaller towers. 
 In the centre of the main 
 tower, in the good old times, there 
 were live rooms, one above an- 
 other. The lldor.s have lallen. 
 and, looking over the inner wall, 
 I could si'e only the holen where 
 lloor-beams had rested, and a 
 heap 111 ruiiiN at ihi; bottom 
 .'Vround these central hall.s, which 
 must have been lighted by arti- 
 licial i.ieans, were smaller rooms, 
 and staircases only wide enough 
 for one jier.soii to pass. At the 
 end of each .sliilrcase is a iloor, so 
 that, y^ranliiiL; lln' enemy .siir 
 ceeded in lorcimj passaife to the 
 court, — a laiye obloiiu' square iii 
 the centre ol the castle, — a single 
 soldier could defend such a 
 narrow slaiiccne and yd be sale 
 I suppose boys would climb to 
 the top of the small lower wlie-e 
 llag-staff stands. I did not care 
 to do so, BO I went down and be- j 
 A poor Arab going through 
 the desert met with a sparkling 
 spring. Accustomed to brack- 
 ish water, a draught from this 
 sweet well in the wilderness 
 seemed, in his simple mind, a 
 present to the caliph, So he 
 till tho leathern bottle, and, 
 after a weary tramp, laid his 
 gift at his ; -^eereign's feet. 
 The monarcL wit'i a mag- 
 nanimity that mav imt many a 
 Christian to blufth, called for a 
 which opens ui>oii a walk upon i cup and drank freely, and then 
 (he walls, called Queen Ele^.nor's with a smile thanked the Arab 
 walk. She could go outside the 
 i.'astte walls, and it would not be 
 pleasant for her in the court with 
 and presented him with a re- 
 The courtiers pressed eagerly 
 •^'ildii-r.t passing to and fro, and around for a draught of the won- 
 her only exercise out-of-doors had I derful water which was regarded 
 to be taken on this narrow path, j as worthy such a princely ac- 
 Wheii the Wi''!s wen> in repair | knowledgment. To their surprise, 
 she could walk from this tower to! the caliph forbade them touch a 
 the next, through that to another I drop. Then after tho simple- 
 wall, and .so (in around tho castle, hearted giver left the royal pre- 
 iMilering back ol the confessional, selice, with a now spring of )oy 
 1 lollowi-d the walk a little way, , Welling up in his heart, the moii- 
 aiid was triad enough that I was | arch explained his motive of pro- 
 iiot (:oin|ii'lie(l like the poor hibition. 
 " i)uring the long journey, the 
 water in hl.s leather bottle had be- 
 come iinpiiri) and di.stasteful , but 
 It wa.s an ollering ot love, and as 
 such 1 accepteil it with pleasure. 
 1 feared, however, that if I al- 
 to taste it. 
 queen, to take all my Iresliairon 
 a i>ath two leet wi<le on laclle 
 Willis. Tliis towiT, calleil lOairle 
 Tower, was the slronsfeNl of the 
 lliirleeii, and for this ri'iisoii the 
 (|uuen was placed in it; the next, 
 to the left, was the Royal Tower, 
 and the enemy would naturally 
 go tliere to look for the baby 
 prince. The banqueting hall 
 gr.n a search for Prince Edward's I occupied the space 
 lowed another to taste it, hi 
 wonid not conceal his disgust. 
 Therefore it was that I forbade you 
 to partake lest the heart of the 
 as much of it as their arms could 
 reach. Tho castle was entered 
 by two gates ; the king's gate, .^r 
 general entrance, and one smaller 
 but more beautiful, through 
 which Queen Eleanor first en- 
 tered Carnarvon. This gale is 
 ihemost picturesqno pa't of the 
 castle, being partially in ruins 
 and covered with ivy and wall- 
 Around the whole were high 
 walls with towers at inter- 
 Carnarvon being now built within 
 But I think boys care less for 
 the history of these old rums 
 than for the pleasure ol climb- 
 ing around them. It is jiossi ble 
 that tho account of Carnarvon 
 at least may lead some ol you 
 to study enough of English his- 
 tory so that, when yon cross 
 the Atlantic and have the op- 
 portunity to see what now you 
 read ol, you will not have to 
 depend upon poor guides, or 
 spend half your time in hunt- 
 ing up why and by whom 
 the grand old castles were 
 built,— 6/. Nirholas. 
 between I poor man would be wounded." il 
 — «Hi 

 IN HT. 
 ' Of all the hant;ini^ lu'st^ com- 
 would !ot himsolf down froin if, 
 ^raspini; \t liiinly with his hands; 
 tht'ii another monkuy would orawl 
 dowit uiiil hold on tu the hcols of 
 th.t lirst one, uuothi-r would go 
 below him, und so on until »ev«r- 
 mcndme to that inadcol y^rass by |al wor.i haiiifing to each other, 
 tho baya sparrow oflndia. Itisandtho lowest one could leach 
 one of tho most perfect bird- 1 tho Kpurrow'.s treasuri-K. lie 
 houses I know of, nndseemii only would eiit them all hinisell, and 
 to need a firu-place to make it a then one )>)' one tln-y would 
 real house. Its shape and mode I climb up over each other ; and 
 of attachment at the top to the last of all the tired lirst one, who 
 end of the limb are shown in the hiul been holding up the weight 
 picture. It is entered through the of aII the rest, would Ret up, too, 
 lonit neck at the lower end. The and all would go noisily off in 
 l)ed for the fggs rests in the bulb 
 or expansion at the middle of the 
 nest, where there are actually two 
 " The sparrow has fairly out- , ment. Turning toward her, ho 
 witted thts monkey !" 'saw that she waa looking through 
 TTrvi.r . ...-,.*„ „,_. „,,_ two lenses, one held close to her 
 HOW A LITTLE GIRL SUO- Lve and the other at arms lencrth 
 OESTKDTHE INVENTION lJJ^"^,!,,^"^^,^"^^^^^ 
 OF THK TELESCOPE. Lja^' he noticed that the eye-lens 
 Some of tho mobt important dis- 
 have been made 
 rooms, (or the male has a perch 
 divided olf from the female by n 
 little partition, where he may sit 
 and sing to her in rainy weather, i 
 or when the sun shines very hot, ' 
 and where ho may rest at night. 
 The walls are a iirm lattice-work ] 
 of grass, neatly woven together, : 
 which permits the air to pass 
 through, but does not allow the I 
 birds to be seen. The whole nest I 
 is from fourteen to eighteen I 
 inches long, and six inches wide 
 at the thickest part. It is hung 
 low over the water, — why, we 
 shall presently see, — and its only 
 entrance is through the hanging 
 neck. ' 
 " Why do bird!< build hanging 
 nests ? 
 "Those bird.s lliat do make 
 hanging nests, undonbtt.dly do it 
 because they think them the .sal- 
 est. Hird's eggs are delicacie.s on 
 the bill of faro of several nnimalf, 
 and are eagerly nought by them. 
 Snakes, lor instance, live almost 
 entirely upon them, daring the '^ 
 month of Juno ; squirrels eat : 
 them, raccoons also, and opossums, ' 
 cats, rats, and mice. But none of; 
 these animals could creep out to 
 the pliant, wavy end^ of the wil- 
 low branches or elm twigs, and I 
 cling there long enough to get at 
 the contents of a Baltimore oriole's 
 nest. I 
 " In the country where the baya 
 sparrow lives, there are snakes 
 and opossums, and all the rest of 
 the egg-eaters ; and in addition 
 there are troops of monkeys, which 
 are more to be feared than all tho 
 rest together. Monkeys aro won- 
 derfully expert climbers, from 
 whom the eggs in an ordinary 
 open-top pouch nest, like the ori- 
 ole's, would not be secure ; for if 
 they can get anywhere near, they 
 will reach their long, slender 
 lingers down inside the nest. The 
 baya sparrow discovered this, ^ 
 iiid learned to build a nest in- knew 
 ' loscd on all sides, and tr> enter it monk 
 from underneath by a neck too his sleek 
 ong for a monkey toconveniently I rather go hungry. !><) sho liung 
 was plano-concave (or flat on one 
 covenes liave been made an-; aide and hollowed out on the 
 cidentally , and it has happened ; other), while the one held at a 
 to more than one inventor, who distance was piano convex (or flat 
 hft<llongbeensearchiiigaftersome on one side and bulging on the 
 new combination or material for other). Then taking tho two 
 carrying out a pet idea, to hit np- ] glacses, he repeated his daughter's 
 on tho right thing at last by mere experiment, and soon discovered 
 chance. A lucky insUnce ol this that she had chanced to hold the 
 kind was the discovery ot the lenses apart at their exact focus, 
 search of fresh plunder, which, 1 ] principle of the telescope, and this had produced the won- 
 suppose would be even to a dil- 1 .Nearly three hundred yearsago, Jerful eflect that she had ob- 
 served. His quick wit and skilled 
 invention saw in this accident a 
 wonderful discovery. He im- 
 mediately set nbout making use 
 of his new knowledge of lenses, 
 and ere long he had fashioned a 
 I tube of pasteboard, in which he 
 jset the glasses hrmly at their ex- 
 i act focus. 
 I This rough tube was the germ 
 I of that great instrument the tele- 
 { scope, to which modern science 
 I owes so much. And it was on 
 October 22, 1608, that Lipper- 
 Isheim sent ta his government 
 three telescopes made by himself, 
 calling them " instruments by 
 means of which to see at a dis- 
 ! tance," 
 ! Not long anerward another 
 mem, Jacob Adriansz, or Metius, 
 of Alkmaar, a l(.\vn i.tiotit twenty 
 miles from Ainstordaiu, claimed 
 to have discovered the principle 
 of the telescope two year? earlier 
 than Hans Lippersheim;and it is 
 generally acknowledged that to 
 one cf these two men belongs tho 
 honor of inventing the instrument. 
 But it seems certain that Hans 
 Lippersheim had never known 
 nor heard of the discovery made 
 by Adriansz,and so.if Adriansz had 
 not lived we still should owe to 
 Hans Lippersheim's quick wit, 
 and his little daughter's lucky 
 , meddling, one of the most ralu- 
 { able and wonderful of human in- 
 I ventions. — St. Nicholas. 
 I'erent one, tho rest makiiii? alad- 
 ilor for him as before. 
 •• Now the runiiiiiif l>aya wpar- 
 row saw a way to avoid even 
 this (laiigcroiis Irickory, She 
 iiothinij a 
 y a.s to ui't 
 wet. He woulil 
 Bananas. — Few people who see 
 bananas hanging in the shops of 
 fruit dealers think of them as more 
 than a tropical luxury. The iact is, 
 they are a staple article ot food in 
 sjmo parts of the world ; and, ac- 
 cording to Humboldt, an acre of 
 there was living in the town of bananas will produceasmuch food 
 Middelburir, on the island of Wal- (or a man ft.s twenty-live acres of 
 chereii, in the Netherlands, a poor wheat, It is the ease with which 
 opticaiinami'd Hans Lippersln'im. bananas are ifiown that is tho 
 that there was 
 y hated ."o terribl 
 ri'ach up through. Beside this, 
 she took the precaution to hang it 
 out on tho very tips of light 
 l)rancheR, ujwn which she thought 
 iiu robber would dare trust him- 
 self. But she found that the mon- 
 keys 'knew a trick worth two o 
 iliat.' They would go to a higher 
 limb which was strong, and one 
 her nest over the water dose to 
 the surface, and the agil thieve.s 
 do not dare make a ctiaiii long 
 enough to enable the last one to 
 reach up into her nest from below, 
 as he must do, for fear that tho 
 springy branches might bend so 
 far as to souse them into the 
 i>ne day, in the year 1608, he 
 was workiuir in his shop, his 
 i-liildreii helpiiiir him in various 
 small wuvs, or rompinir about 
 and amiisiiiu; themselves witli the 
 toolsandobjects lying on his work- 
 bench, wh(?n suddenly his little 
 ijirl exclaimeil : 
 •treat ob.stacle to eiviliisation in 
 some tropical countries. It is so 
 easy to obtain a living without 
 work that no effort will ever bo 
 made, and the nn'ii become lazy 
 and shiftless. Ail that is needed 
 is to stick a sucker into the ground, 
 and it will at once sprout and 
 " Oh. I'apa ! See how near the grow, and ripen its fruit in twelve 
 steeple comes !" or thirteen months without fnr- 
 llalf-startled by this announce- ther care, each plant having from 
 ment, the honest Hans looked up 75 to ISo bananas ; and, when that 
 from his work, curious to know dies down after fruiting, new 
 the cause of the child's amaze- 1 suckers spring up to take its place 

 We are ^ns^ to auist you in 
 finding ont yonrselves some oftho 
 wonderfnl thinfts connected with 
 the life and growth of plants ; and 
 if you will try the simple experi> 
 ment here mentioned, yon will 
 rarely be interested, and, besides, 
 will learn a great deal that you 
 onght to know. 
 Let us begin at the beginning, 
 then ; and as most plants grow 
 from seeds, we shall talk first 
 about seeds. 
 We will suppose that yon hare 
 collected a few seeds, such as may 
 be easily obtained— peas, beans, 
 grains of wheat, com, ice. Of 
 course yon have a penknife in 
 your pocket ; and if, in addition to 
 the knife, you can hare a small 
 magnifying glass, many o< your 
 lessona will be much more in- 
 Take a bean 
 first (Fig. 1),and 
 with your knife 
 remnro the skin, 
 which is called 
 the seed - coat. 
 You will find 
 that the bean 
 separates into 
 I. — A SPLIT halres as soon 
 BEAN. as the corering 
 is remored. Now, each part is 
 called a lobe, and seeds which 
 naturally split in two are called 
 Take a grain of com, and treat 
 it in the same way. It does not 
 split: if you want to part it, yon 
 must cut it. Seeds which do not 
 split in two are called undirided ; 
 and yon will find that all iseeds 
 belong to one or other of these 
 Now examine those from which 
 you hare removed the seed-coats, 
 and yon will find at the end of 
 each a small worm-like object 
 (Fig. 1,0, ami '-'ig. 
 •2, a), whicn may 
 easily be removod 
 with the point of 
 the knife. If you 
 look carefully at 
 the specimen re- 
 moved from the 
 bean, you will be 
 able to see that it 
 Ijears" somewhat 
 the appearance of 
 a little plant. Such 
 in truth it is — the germ, or baby 
 plant. But put your f^rorms aside 
 for a while, and let us look at the 
 rest of the seed. You will iiiid 
 in the corn that it resembles dry 
 llour or starch, while in the bean 
 it looks more like a mixture of 
 flour and water which has become 
 dry. This is the food of the baby 
 plant, and con.sists niostlyof sugar 
 and starch. U|)o)i this the germ 
 lires till old enough to obtain 
 nourishment irom the earth and 
 Perhaps you think it strantro, if 
 ( I the plant and its Ibod are both 
 * contained in the seed, that it is 
 FIO. 2. — \ 
 necessary to sow seeds in order to 
 hare them grow. But the plant 
 cannot appropriate the food until 
 it has been moistened. But if 
 moisture can be obtained in any 
 other way than from the ground, 
 the seed will begin to grow just 
 as if partin the earth ; and you may 
 prore this for yourselros. 
 8— A OBAIN or CORN 
 Fill a tumbler with water, and 
 cover the top with cotton-wool, on 
 which yon may place a few beans 
 or some seed of the kind. Place 
 the glass in the window, and in 
 a few days yon will find that your 
 seeds hare sprouted ; and they 
 will continue to grow nntil the 
 nourishment is exhausted. 
 But let us return to the germs. 
 Place them under the magnifying- 
 glasH, and you will find that some 
 hare a root, stem, and two leares, 
 while others hare a root, stem, 
 and but one leaf Yon w^ill also 
 notice that all those baring two 
 leaves hare been taken from two- 
 lobed seeds, while those baring 
 only one leaf have come from the 
 undirided seeds ; hnd yon will 
 find, when they begin to grow, 
 that they present the same differ- 
 ences. The two-lobed seeds put 
 out two leares at first, the undi- 
 vided only one. 8o, that, by look- 
 ing at a young plant, you can 
 tell at once from which class of 
 seeds it has sprung ; or, looking 
 at a seed, you will be able to 
 foretell the appearance of the 
 Mow we shall retjuire the 
 plants in the tnmbler, and such 
 leares as you may be cble to 
 Observe first, that although you 
 may hare placed the seeds in 
 rarious positions upon the cotton, 
 still in every case the leaves have 
 shot upward into the air, while 
 the roots have passed downward 
 through the cotton into the water. 
 Some of them have had to do a 
 good deal of twisting in order to 
 aecomplish it. It has been hard 
 work, but they have succeeded. 
 It is one of Nature's laws that 
 leaves must so up, roots down. 
 But how or why the plants should 
 know what this law requires of 
 them, we cannot tell. Experi- 
 ments made upon this point prore 
 that, rattier thaa break the law, 
 plants will sometimes slowly 
 transform their parts ; that is, the 
 branches of trees which hare 
 been planted upside down, will 
 in time become roots, while the 
 roots will turn into branches. 
 Naw taVe the leares which 
 you hare before you, and examine 
 the reining of each, by holdingr it 
 between your eye and the light. 
 In some of them — maple, oak, and 
 beech leares, for instance — yon 
 will find the reins, or fine lines 
 of the leaf running in every 
 direction; while in others, as the 
 leares of the calla, lilyof-the-vaU 
 ley, grasses, etc., they are paral- 
 lel to each other — that is, they 
 run side by side, extending from 
 the top of the leaf to the bottom, 
 or else from the outer edge to the 
 stem, which passes down the 
 middle. The blades of grass and 
 lily-of-the-vailey leaves are ex- 
 amples of the first ; the calla leaf 
 of the second. 
 Look at the plants in the tum- 
 bler, and yon will find that the 
 leave* all come tinder one or 
 other of these two classes ; they 
 are either net-veined or parallel- 
 Next coHsider the seeds ; those 
 that are two-lobed have all pro- 
 duced net-veined leavea, while the 
 leave* growing from the un- 
 divided seeds are all parallel- 
 Let us ram up what we hare 
 learned in this way. Two-lobed 
 seeds : Two leares at first, net- 
 reined leares. Undivided seeds : 
 One leaf at first, parallel-veined 
 If you will commit these two 
 short list* to memory, yon will 
 often find it an advantage, as one 
 point will immediately recall the 
 Bat let us look once more at 
 our young plants. You will no- 
 tice that in the case of the two- 
 lobid seeds, the lobes have grown 
 up with the plant, and are now to 
 bo found one on each side of the 
 stem (Fig 4. a, a,). They hare 
 changed not only their appear- 
 ance, but their name, since our 
 last lesson, and are now called 
 seed-leares Perhaps by this 
 time they may have turned green; 
 but they will never resemble the 
 other leaves in anything but color. 
 By and by they will begin to look 
 shrivelled, as they part with the 
 nourishment which is stored in 
 them, and when it is all gone they 
 will drop off. 
 are wondering ' 
 is going to do 
 Perhaps yon 
 what the plant 
 after it has exhausted tlie food 
 contained in the seed, but by that 
 time it is quite able to support it- 
 self, by di awing upon the earth 
 and the air. From the earth it 
 obtains earthy matter and mois- 
 ture: from the air, some of the 
 gases of which it is composed; 
 and these three things constitute 
 the food of the plant.— 8(. XicHo. 
 The fox, the monkey, and the 
 pig were once inseparable com- 
 panions. As they were nearly 
 always together, the fox's thefu 
 so far reflected upon his innocent 
 associates, that they were all 
 three held to be wicked ani- 
 At length, the enemies of these 
 three laid a snare, in a path they 
 were known to use. 
 The first that came to the trap 
 wa* the pig. He viewed it with 
 contempt, and, to show his dis- 
 dain of his enemies and hi* dis- 
 regard for their snare, he tried to 
 walk through it with a lofty tread. 
 He found he had undervalued it, 
 however, when, in spite of his 
 struggles, he was caught and 
 The next that came was the 
 monkey. He inspected the trap 
 carefully ; then, priding himself 
 upon the skill and dexterity of 
 his fingers, he tried to pick it to 
 pieces. In a moment of careless- 
 ness, howerer, he became en- 
 tangled, and soon met the fate of 
 the unfortunate pig. 
 The last that came was the fox. 
 He looked at the snare anxiously, 
 from a distance, and, approaching 
 cautiously, soon made himseU 
 thoroughly acquainted with its 
 size and power. Then he cried, 
 "Thus do I defeat the machin- 
 ati(uis of my enemies !"~and, 
 aroMing the trap altogether, by 
 leaping completely orer it, he 
 went on his way rejoicing. — St. 
 There Was Onoe a little bird 
 chased by a hawk, and in its ex- 
 tremity it took refuge in the bosom 
 of a tender-hearted man. There 
 it lay, its "ings and feathers 
 quirering with fear, and its little 
 heart throbbing against the bosom 
 of the good man, whilst the hawk 
 kept horering overhead, as if say- 
 ing, " Delirer up that bird, that I 
 may derour it." Now, will that 
 gentle, kind-hearted man take 
 the poor little creature, that puts 
 its trust in him, out of his boaom, 
 and delirer it up to the hawk ? 
 What think ye ? Would yon do 
 it? No, never. Well then.if you 
 flee for refuge into the boaom of 
 Jesus, who came to seek and saru 
 the lost, do you think he will 
 delirer you up to your deadly 
 foe ? Nerer ! never ! never !— 
 Dunran Malheton. 
 ■■He loat hiahead! What a 
 horrible thing ! How did it hap- 
 pen 7 Was it cat off in battle, or 
 did the train ran over him, or 
 how ?" 
 Well, no, not in any of these 
 wava ; and it was not Hoch a hor- 
 rible thing after all. Nor was it 
 80 great aloaa aa you might think, 
 not even to the man himbelt'. 
 ■' No great lou for a ma.i to lose 
 his head ! Some men's heads, to 
 be Bare, don't coant for much, 
 bat to the man himself tho loss of 
 his hi ad was the greatest loss he 
 could have — a lose that never 
 could be remedied." 
 I am not aare of that ; at all 
 events it was not so in this case. 
 Thooffh he loat his head ho didn't 
 lose nis life. Those who were 
 beside him took care of that. 
 " How could they ? I f his head 
 was off they couldn't pat it on 
 No, to be sure they could not ; 
 but then I didn't say that his 
 head was off. I onlv said he lost 
 his head. Any head he ever had 
 of flesh and bones, hair and skull, 
 face, brain, and back, was just as 
 firm on his neck and shoulders 
 as before. 
 ■' Yet you say he lost his head." 
 Yea he did ; but his head was 
 on his shoulders notwithstanding. 
 The way was this. Masons were 
 finishing the spire of a church ; 
 and the man, who was a black- 
 smith, had been broui^ht up on 
 the hoist to fix something about 
 the vane. He was not long up 
 nntil he became dizsy, so alarmed 
 and so helpless, that not only was 
 he unable to do what ho had gone 
 up for, but the masons had to tie 
 him with a rope and lower him 
 down to save his life. That man 
 lost his head, didn't he ? I believe 
 he found it again when he got to 
 the ground, 1)nt he was not the 
 man to send np for such a job, 
 and his master never sent him 
 again. Not only so, but he him- 
 self woald not have gone had he 
 been bid. He got a fright suffi- 
 cient to settle that. He only did 
 his duty in going, when he did 
 not know that he would lose his 
 head ; but he would have been 
 wrong if, after this, he had gone 
 again, wouldn't he ? And let all 
 young friends remember, and 
 never go where they would lose 
 their head — never go except 
 when duty calls, where they 
 would be likely to lose their 
 head, or be in danger of do- 
 ing so. Yet I have known 
 young people go into dangerous 
 places and lose their head when 
 they ought not. Never fear when 
 duty oofls, but be courageous, and 
 that will help you to keep your 
 head. Never go into danirur, 
 however, without the call of duty, 
 else you may lose your head, and 
 lose your life or oe injured for 
 There is nothing makes any one 
 more surely lose his head than 
 taken the drink sav and do things 
 they never would have said or 
 done if they had not lost their 
 head, if their reason were in full 
 exercise. So greatly have many 
 lost their heail that they cannot 
 keep their feet They stagger 
 and fall. Boys even have been 
 seen in that condition What 
 woirtd you think of them, if, hav- 
 ing once lost their head by the 
 drink, they took it aijain ? Would 
 it not seem as it' they had loat 
 their head altogether ? 
 When any one takes drink he 
 cannot be sure but he may lose 
 his head, and so the safe way is 
 to havo nothing to do with it. 
 Persoiib in all ranks have been 
 ruined by it. With the loss of 
 their head they lost their char- 
 acter, and lo.xt their position, and 
 went on from bad to worse. 
 Only once losing tho head by it 
 has been attended with the sad- 
 most distinguished physicians say 
 that we would be better without 
 it. There is danger in taking it, 
 duty does not require the use of 
 it. Better never taste it than ran 
 the risk of losing your head by it, 
 and of the consequences which 
 may How from that. — The Adviser. 
 Helen Preston was reading the 
 parable of the pounds. When 
 she had reached the end, she sat 
 back in her little rocking-chair, 
 with a very sober face. Present- 
 ly Aunt Emma came in, and see- 
 ing the small figure in the chair, 
 said, '■ Why, Helen, what'a the 
 matter ? You look completely 
 ■■ So I am. Auntie. Why didn't 
 he praise the man tor taking such 
 good care of his one pound ? If 
 he didn't want to ase it, why 
 dest conseqaencee. A man lost 
 bis head by drink oiirc, and only 
 once ; and while he was in that 
 condition he struck down the 
 wile he had long loved, and be- 
 came a murderer. A doctor lost 
 his head by a little drink, and his 
 lancet cut where it should noi, 
 and the patient died in conse- 
 quence. A coachman lost his 
 head by what he got at a roadside 
 inn. and upset tho coach, and in- 
 jured himself and many more. 
 The commander of a vessel hav- 
 ing many on board and much 
 valuable cargo, lost his head by 
 wine at tho dinner-table. Nobody 
 noticed it; he h'mself did not feel 
 it, but he mistook a liKbt, gave 
 wrong directions to tho steersman, 
 and the result was the loss of the 
 ship and not only of the cargo but 
 of many lives. The truth is that 
 a very little drink may make a 
 man lose his head, und the only 
 intoxicating' drink. Many have safe way is to have nothing to do 
 found it so. Those who huve|\v>itn it. No one needs it. Tho 
 wasn't he rii^ht to keep it carefully 
 until the owner's return ?" 
 ■' Not so fast little one," rejoined 
 Aunt Emma. '■ You ask questions 
 so fast that you don't even wait 
 to tell me wha* "ou are reading." 
 '■ The paral jf the pounds, 
 Aunt Emma, in the nineteenth 
 chapter of Luke." 
 Mrs. Vernon came and sat down 
 by her little niece, and after a 
 moment's thought said, " What 
 'make it moat profitable to the 
 Helon'a face brightened, " Now 
 I understand it. I thought they 
 were only to take care of the 
 pounds nntil hia return, or. to use 
 them if they wished, and could 
 do so without loss." 
 ■■ When you read these parablea 
 yon must remember they are 
 picture-stories — stories with 
 meanings to them, and the things 
 Jesus wanted to teach the people 
 were more imi>ortant than the 
 real facts in tho story. Do yoa 
 know the meaning of thisparable ?" 
 " Oh, yes ; you know this was 
 our Sundav -school lesson not long 
 ago. Teacher said it was to show 
 us how God expected a right nse 
 of the things he has given us." 
 "What things, little girl?" 
 questioned Auntie. 
 '■ Time, and — and the being able 
 to do things — " Helen hesitated ; 
 it wasn't easy to pat into words, 
 though she knew jast what it 
 meant — ■' you know. Auntie, it 
 may be little things or big things, 
 our hands or our feet, oar 
 thoughts, our tongues, and ever 
 so many others," 
 Annt Emma smiled, ■■ Yes, 
 dear, whatever God has given us 
 the pojw'er to do oueht to be done 
 rightly and well, done so as to 
 please and honor Him. To let 
 that power lie idle — to do nothing 
 when we might do something — 
 is being anfaithfnl to Him who 
 has trusted us with it." 
 '■ Like the man with the one 
 pound," put in Helen. 
 " Just so ; Jesus wants to teach 
 us that neglect to use what He 
 has given us to make good use of 
 is sin Suppose, Helen, it was 
 grain, instead of money, that this 
 man gave to his servants. All 
 bat one sowed it in the proper 
 season, and when harvest time 
 came they had a much larger 
 amount of grain than at the first, 
 because they had made good use 
 of it." 
 '■ But what did the one man do, 
 Aunt Emma ?" 
 " He carefully pat the grain 
 away in a sack in the barn, and 
 when after some years the owner 
 claimed it, he brought it out, and 
 lo ! it was all mildewed and rusted 
 and dried up, of no use for any- 
 thing. So you see the very keep- 
 ing of some things wastes and 
 spoils them, while the using of 
 them increases their valun. We 
 often think that we only sin when 
 we do something wron£", but you 
 see hero Jesus shows us that we 
 was the command given to each 
 man as he received the (lounds ?" i sm when we fail to do right 
 Helen glanced down at the \ " Why, I never thought of 
 open Bible in her lap, and, after 
 a little hesitation, replied, " Occu- 
 py till I come." 
 '■ Yes, and when their lord re- 
 turned he called them uU lo him, 
 that ho might know how much 
 each man tiad gained by trading. 
 Evi'.-ntly, then, the command 
 signified that they were to make 
 good use of that which he intrust- 
 ed to their keeping. It was to be 
 employed iu such a way as would 
 that way," said Helen. 
 ■■ Perhaps not, dearie, tiut don't 
 forget it in the future. To waste 
 time or anything else God has 
 given us, or to spend it foolishly 
 or uselessly, is as wrongas to use 
 it for evil purposes. Try, little 
 Helen, to make a good use ot your 
 life and everything in it, that at 
 the end God may say to you also, 
 ' Well done, good and laithfal Mr- 
 vant." "—Childi Paper. 
 It is not slriiiii;(> thni Africa, the 
 hoiiit'of tht> gorilla ntid hippopot 
 nmuH, Hhould pohbokh th(> most 
 curious Bpi^uiiDfUH of tho f/rcat 
 clasH of birds ; for it has l>ot>n 
 found to contain within its tangled 
 junf^les the rarest and nio8t gro- 
 tesque forms ofauiinRl life, though 
 we must except the island of 
 Australia, where the laughing 
 jackoss and the kangaroo are 
 One of the mo^t interesting and 
 attractive families of birds it> that 
 of tho hornbill, one species of 
 which is shown in the illustra 
 tion. Although this bird is found 
 in India, it is much more abun- 
 dant in Africa. 
 If we may believe report, the 
 bill of the hornbill is nearly one- 
 fourth the length ol ils body. The 
 bill is very long, curved, deep and 
 thin, and has n helmet upon its 
 crown, of various shapes and 
 sizes ; and this helmet is used to 
 give to many species their specific, 
 or proper names. Thus, there is 
 the liureros biiornis, or two-horned 
 hornbill ; the liticerm rkinocerof, 
 or rhinoceros hornbill, so called 
 from the immense helmet resem- 
 bling tht> horn ot n rhinnceros. 
 liurerii.i 18 the generic name ap- 
 plied to them for some peculiar- 
 ity they all possess in common ; 
 the s/iecifii; or individual, names 
 being derived from the shapes of 
 their helmets. 
 Though si'emingly heavy and 
 unwieldy, the bill oi the hornbill 
 is very lisiht, being composed ol 
 light cellular tissue, resembling 
 in this respect the skull of the 
 elephant ; and the walls ol thin 
 bone nre so fragile, that in dried 
 spei'Unens it nmy be crushed iu 
 the hand. The edge of the man- 
 dible.s, or l»eak>, are very sharp. 
 Irefjuenlly breaking otl'and Iteiiig 
 renewed, It is said that the age 
 of the bird may be ascertained 
 iVotn the wrinkles on its bill, as 
 the age of a cow i,s sometimes told 
 from the wrinkles around her 
 Before proceeding further, it 
 may be well to notice a family of 
 birds, inhabiting tSouth America, 
 often confounded with the horn- 
 bills, from their resemblance. 
 These are the toucans. They 
 are confined to tho warmer jwr- 
 tions of the New World, us the 
 hornbills -'.re to those of the Old. 
 Their bills are large, of the same 
 .structure, but lack the helmet; 
 they are brighter colored and 
 a'audy of plumaiie Their voices 
 are loud and barish, and can be 
 lieniit a long way. 
 It is from tho cry of the IJrazil- 
 iiMl species, " toucaiio," that they 
 derive their name. When feed- 
 ing, they post a sentinel. They 
 have a hnbit of sitting upon 
 the topmost branches f trees, 
 chattering, lifting their heads at 
 regular intervals, clashing their 
 bills together, and crying ut so 
 loudly as to bo heard at the dis- 
 tance of a mile. From this the 
 nativeg hare given them the name 
 of "preacher birds.,' They have 
 great antipathy to any bird uglier 
 than themselves, and will mob an 
 owl with the lest of crows, nearly 
 frightening the poor bird to death 
 with their clashing beaks and 
 loud cries. 
 To return to our friends the 
 hornbills. From the great sixe 
 of their bills, they caimol walk 
 easily upon the ground, but hop 
 along awkwardly. The trees are 
 their homos, and they hop from 
 limb to limb with great ease, 
 climbing to the tree-lops, where 
 they remain for hours shouting 
 gleefully in their bravest tones. 
 They feed upon pulpy Iriiils, 
 small "nilnaU, replilesand insei'ls, 
 and ...ike their nests in hollow 
 have tieen told by Livingstone 
 the African exploror, that this 
 bird breeds, like the other mem- 
 bers of its family, in hollow trees ; 
 that it makes its nest in holes in 
 male lines ils nest with feathers 
 Irom her own boily, and lays four 
 or five eggs, white, and of the si-ze 
 of pigeons' eggs. 
 In this there isnolhing remarK- 
 ably noteworthy ; but we are as- 
 tonished when we read turther 
 and tind that, alter the nest is 
 prepared to the satisfaction of the 
 female, she is shut up a close pris- 
 oner for weeks ; that the entrance 
 to the hole is plastered over with 
 mu<l, unlit only a little slit is left, 
 three or four inches long and half 
 and inch wi<li'— .just large enough 
 to admit the beak. 
 The male bird, who has walled 
 Wng up the young hornbills ; but, 
 although Ihey cannot tell exactly 
 why the plan is adopted, there is 
 no doubt that the old birds know 
 what they are about. 
 It is certainly not to prevent 
 the escape of his mate that the 
 male works so industriously to 
 imprison her, and becomes loan 
 and emaciated in his laluirol love, 
 in procuring ioo<l for her and their 
 ! little ones during those two long 
 I weary months. It is more than 
 probable that tho object sought is 
 to prevent the entrance of noxious 
 reptiles, which could easily de- 
 stroy mother and young, did not 
 that formidable bill so ctfectaally 
 fill tho hole. But one thinr is 
 certain, the mother hornbill is 
 obliged to stay at home and at- 
 tend to her domestic duties, al- 
 though she must be very differ- 
 ent from almost any other bird it 
 she does not, of her own free-will 
 and desire, hatch ont her little 
 ones and take care of them until 
 they can look ont for themselves. 
 If we all attended to our duties 
 as earnestly and conscientiously 
 as mother-birds (and sometimes 
 father-birds too) attend to theirs, 
 it would be better fo most of us. 
 —SI. Nirholai. 
 The larsrest Bpccj"s is the rhi- 
 noceros hornliill. which has a 
 stretch of wing of about three 
 feet, and a bill ten inches in 
 length. The ireneral color of this 
 bird is black, the tail tipped with 
 white. The bill is black at the 
 base, reddish in the middle, and 
 yellow tipped. 
 The most attractive species, as 
 to plumage, is the crested horn- 
 bill. which has a crown of feath- 
 ers like the spread crest of a 
 cockatoo, and a long beautiful 
 But the most interesting species 
 is one noted, not for its plumage, 
 but for a habit ol nesting an(I liv- 
 ing peculiarly its own. This is 
 the red-billed hornbill, the ttucfms 
 erythrorhynchus of naturalists We 
 up the hole, feeds tho female 
 through this slit until the young 
 are hatche<l and fledged— a period 
 of eight or ten weeks. In this 
 time the female has become vi-ry 
 fat, and is often hunted out and 
 eaten by the iieirroes of the coun- 
 try, who esteem her a great deli- 
 Sometimes the female hatches out 
 two young ones, that are nearly 
 able to fly before the other two 
 ajjpear. Then, with the two 
 older birds, she leaves the nest 
 and Walls in the younger ones, 
 which are le<l, throuirh the slit, 
 by their father and mother until 
 take care of themselves. 
 ■jy tliel 
 iblc to 
 Many writers have speculated 
 upon the reason for this peculiar 
 style ol hatching ut and bring- 
 In most rivers, as I've heard, 
 the cataracts and rapids flow 
 down-stream, but one of my Cana- 
 dian friends sends word that the 
 St. John River, New Brunswick, 
 has a cataract which has a queer 
 habit of sometimes rushing up- 
 A little above where the river 
 flows into the ocean, there is a 
 wide and deep basin that empties 
 itself into the harbor through a 
 narrow passage between two 
 walls of rock. When the tide is 
 going down, the water runs ont 
 of the harbor into tho ocean far 
 more ijuickly than the river can 
 flow through the narrow channel 
 above, and so the stream pours 
 itself seaward through the harbor 
 end of tho ]>as8age in a roaring 
 water-fall. But when the tide is 
 rising, the ocean tills the harbor 
 and passage so rapidly that the 
 sea-water plunges down into the 
 basin from the river end of the 
 narrow channel, in a foaming 
 cataract that falls up-stream ! 
 Twice in every tide, however, 
 there is a space ot about twenty 
 minutes when tho woters are at 
 one height in the harbor, passage, 
 and basin, and then the ships that 
 are to go up or down must be 
 hurried through before the river 
 " gets its back up," as the boys 
 say. — Si Nirholai. 
 The crowning fortune of a man 
 is to be born to some pursuit 
 which finds him in employment 
 and happiness— whether it be to 
 make baskets, or broadswords, or 
 canals, or statues, or songs. — £»>- 
 trs m. 
 Tho yak, or grunting ox, de- 
 rives iU name IVom its very pern- 
 linr voice, whirh houiuU much 
 iiko the grunt of i\ pig. It is a 
 native ol the mountaiuH of Thibet, 
 and, according to Ilodson, it in- 
 habits all the lolliext plateaus of 
 High Asia, between the Altai and 
 the Himalayas. 
 It is capable of domestication, 
 and is liablo to extensive perma- 
 nent varieties, which have pro- 
 bably been occasioned by the 
 climate in which it lives and 
 tho work to which it has been 
 put. The noble yak, for example, 
 is a large, handsome animal, hold- 
 ing its head proudly erect, having 
 a large hump, extremely long 
 and when i)ropfrlv mnuiited in u 
 silver handle, it in a^ a lly 
 flapper in Indiii under the nami> 
 of a chowrie. These tniJF are cur- 
 ried before certoiu otUccrs of state, 
 ( learned this fiirt from two 
 old and experienoi'd lishernien 
 when out on ii fishing excursion, 
 one lovely Auirust (lay, ofl' S<\van 
 Heach, New .lersey. It came out 
 their number indicatini^ his rank, in the course of a story, which is 
 The plough yiik is altogether n here 
 more plebeiau-Iookinu animal, | 
 humble of deportment, carrying 
 its head low, and almost devoid 
 of the magnificent tufts of \o\)g 
 silken hiiirs that friiiire the sjili-s 
 of its more ariHlocrntic relation. 
 Their legs are very short in pro- 
 portion to their bodies, and they 
 are generally tailless, thai member 
 having bee" cut off and sold by 
 their avaricious owner. There 
 is also another variety whii'h is 
 termed the Ghainorik. The color 
 of this animal is black,the buckand 
 given as it was told in the 
 boat ; 
 "On n fine morning in August, 
 ISti", we Ntarted at daylight for 
 this very reef of rocks. With 
 plenty of bait, we looked for four 
 or five hundred-weight of sea- 
 bass, flounders, and blackiish. At 
 first we pulled them up as fast as 
 our lines touched bottom ; then 
 we had not a single bito. tiur- 
 prised, we looked up and around, 
 preparatory to changing our 
 ground. To our astonishment the 
 water was alive with sharks. We 
 I glared ferociously at our pale 
 i'aces. One shark dashed at the 
 boat and seized one of her side 
 planks and almost shook us out of 
 our seats. Fortunately his teeth 
 broke ofi, and away he went. In 
 a moment he was devoured by 
 the other sharks. Then tho shoal 
 returned to us again. 
 " Wo were in despair, and ne- 
 ver expected to see shore again. 
 We could not sail, we could 
 not row, and wore drifting out to 
 sea. Finally, Charlie itaid, ' Bill, 
 we are in an awful mess. Let 
 us si-e if God will help us.' We 
 knelt down, and I prayed for help, 
 confessed our sins, and promised 
 ainuudmont and repentance. We 
 had hardly linished before wo 
 saw a great shoal of porpoise*. 
 h»ir, and a rery bushy tail. It is 
 a shy and withal capricious ani- 
 mal, too much disposed to kick 
 with the hind feet and to make 
 threatening demonstrations with 
 the horns, as if it intended to im- 
 pale the rider. The heavy fringes 
 of hair that decorate the sides of 
 of the yak do not make their ap- 
 pearance until the animal has at- 
 tained three months of age, the 
 calves being covered with rough 
 curling hair, not unlike that of a 
 black Newfoundland do^. The 
 beautiful white bushy tail of the 
 yak is in great request for various 
 ornamental par[K>ws, and forms 
 •{uite ao important article of com- 
 merce, Dyed red, it is formed 
 into those carious tufts that de- 
 corate the caps of the Chinese, 
 tail being often white. When over- 
 loaded, the yak is accustomed to 
 vent its displeasure by its loud, 
 monotonic. melancholy crrunting, 
 which has been known to afTect 
 the nerves of unprtiotised riders 
 to such an extent that they dis- 
 mounted, after suffering half an 
 hour's infliction of this most lugu-l 
 brioua chant, and performed the 
 remainderof their journey on foot. 
 — Scienlijic Amfricnn. 
 It may not be generally known 
 that in that playful marine acro- 
 bat, the porpoise, the shark pos- 
 sesses an implacable enemy that 
 will permit no intrusion on its 
 feeding grounds, The writer 
 commenced pullingupouranchor, 
 when a savatre fish rushed to the 
 bow of the boat and bit the rope 
 in two. Then we hoisted sail, 
 but the moment we put the steer- 
 inir oar into the water, several 
 sharks began biting it into pieces. 
 So we were compelled to take in 
 sail and drift. We were in the 
 midst of a school of sharks two 
 miles long and half a mile broad. 
 They were of all sizes, from six 
 feet loiiir to twelve or fourteen. 
 They swarmed around our boat, 
 and dashed it one-third full of 
 water with their tails. We had 
 to bait, one with his hat, and the 
 other with tho bait pail. Every 
 moment some big fellow would 
 put his nose almost on our gun- 
 wale, while his yellow tiger eye 
 They hurled themselves out of 
 the water, jumping twenty feet 
 at a bound. Soon we were in the 
 midst of them. The sharks start- 
 ed out to sea, but the porpoises 
 were too quick for them. They 
 bit and tore the sharks fearfully. 
 Sometimes three porpoises would 
 have hold of one shark. Then 
 they jumped out of the water and 
 fellheavily on these tigew of the 
 ocean. The tight continued for 
 miles, and we were saved. We 
 rode safely to shore, and by God's 
 mercy became professors of reli- 
 gion. We have respect for por- 
 poises, and believe it they were 
 not so plentiful, the New .Jersey 
 shore would swarm with sharks, 
 and then good-bye to fishing and ^ 
 bathing." — Brtlhh Workmiin. ♦ 
 One summer's night when all was 
 And motionless the wheel, 
 Some rats ran through the village 
 And stole a bag of meal. 
 And hurry-scurry, tooth and nail, 
 Thev dragged it to the door, 
 And then upon their shoulders 
 Away the treasure bore. 
 But as they hastened from the 
 Along a narrow plank. 
 The heavy load went in the flume, 
 And to the bottom sank. 
 And downward with the bag of 
 Ere they could loose their hold. 
 With many a frightened squeak 
 and squeal, 
 The thieves together rolled. 
 So then for life they had to swim. 
 But when they reached the 
 They dried themselves around a 
 And vowed to steal no more. 
 — Har/iers' Young People. 
 «l pari 
 "Mamma," said Arthur, ").ow 
 can faith remove mountains 7 " 
 " I will tell you how love once 
 removed a mountait," said his 
 mother, and then you will perhaps 
 understand what is now puzzling 
 " More than a hundred and 
 twenty years ago there was born 
 in an old castle on the shores of 
 the Pentland Firth,in the far north 
 of Scotland, a boy, who, when he 
 grew up, became a very useful 
 man. His mother was of a noble 
 family, and he inherited a title 
 himself He was Sir .Tohn Sin- 
 clair ; but far better than titles and 
 Wealth, was the training the mo- 
 ther gave to her son. She taught 
 him — for hie fitlier died when he 
 was young — how to manage wise- 
 ly his estbte ; and as ho f^rew np 
 he showed that he did not intend 
 to lead a seliish, luxurions life, 
 but to do hit) best for his neigh- 
 bors and his country. At that 
 time good roads wore very much 
 needed, even in the more busy 
 parts of England ; and in the north 
 ot Scotland, where the inhabitants 
 asked the reason, and Delacroii 
 res])onded that having for some 
 time been vainly searching for a 
 head such as ho would like to 
 copy for a prominent begmr in 
 his new picture, he was suddenly 
 struck with the idea that his host 
 would make a splendid model. 
 The baron, who was fond of art, 
 gracefully consented to sit, and 
 next morning appeared in the 
 studio of the painter, who dressed 
 him in rags, placed a tall staff in 
 his hand, luid put him into a 
 mendicant's i>osture. In this al- 
 titude he was discovered by a 
 young friend and pupil of the 
 painter who alone nad the pri- 
 vilege of being admitted to the 
 studio at all times. Surprised by 
 the excellence of the model, he 
 congratulated his master at having 
 at fast found exactly what he 
 wanted. Not for a moment doubt- 
 ing that the model had just be«n 
 begging at the porch of some 
 church or at the corner of a bridge, 
 and much struck by his features, 
 the young man espying a 
 were few, and for 
 the moat nsrt poor, 
 the roads were 
 often very bsd 
 " One day a 
 neighbor asked Sir 
 John when ho 
 would make ii road 
 over Ben Cheilt 
 — a large moun- 
 tain which inter- 
 fered much with 
 freedom of travel- 
 ling in Caithness. 
 Ho was not pre- 
 pared to begin a 
 road over Ben Cheilt just then, 
 but the time came soon alter. He 
 went to London on a visit, and 
 there saw a young lady whom he 
 wished to marry, but when he 
 asked her to go with him to Caith- 
 ness she shook her head. She 
 liked Sir John ; but in those days 
 of slow travelling and dear |K>stage 
 the distance between Thurso and 
 London seemed immense, and 
 Miss Maitland could not make up 
 her mind to go so far from home. 
 However, she did not altogether 
 refuse him, and *he went back to 
 Thurso, resolved that the big 
 mountain, Ben Cheilt, should no 
 longer stand in the way of a direct 
 road to the south. He surveyed 
 it carefully, made up his mind 
 what to do, and then sent out 
 over the country for all the men 
 that could be got to help him. 
 One summer's morning, at early 
 dawn, one thousand twohnndre<i 
 and sixty men assembled under 
 his command, and by nig'htfall 
 the old bridle-track was made ir,- 
 to a carriage-road. Before he 
 could go south again, a gcntlen°.an 
 who had just been travelling in 
 Scotland, carried to Miss Maitland 
 the story of Sir John's r jad-mak- 
 ing, and all his othei improve- 
 ments, and she was so much 
 pleased that she determined to re- 
 ward him in the way he wished. 
 They were married soon after- 
 " That was not Sir John's only 
 effort. He lived to be nn old man, 
 to do a great deal lor Scotland, 
 and to bo much respected. And moment when the artist's eyes 
 now, Arthur, you see how love were averted, slipped a twenty- 
 can remove mountains." i franc piece into the model's hand. 
 " lie dir'.n't remove it inamraa ; ' Rothschild kept the money, thank- 
 he only made a way over it," said ing the giver by a look, and the 
 Arthur. j young man went his way. He 
 " And what more was needed T i was, as the banker soon found out 
 answered his mamma. " God ' from Delacroix without fortune, 
 does not take mountains out of and ohlii^ed to pive lessons in or- 
 our way altogether, in this world, der to eke out his living. Some- 
 my dear; but if we love and tiuKt time luler the youth received a 
 Him he will give us the strength letter mentioning that charity 
 and patience to make a way ovi.>r bearsiutereBt,and 
 them ; and that is better. 'Who that the ac- 
 of ten thousand francs having 
 borne live hundred fold. 
 " Do get on with your studies. 
 If von acquire slovenly or sleepy 
 habits of study now, you will 
 never get the better of them. Do 
 everything in its own time. Do 
 everything in earnest. If it is 
 worth doing, then do it with all 
 ^onr might. Above all, keep much 
 in the presence of God. Never see 
 the face of man till you have seen 
 His face who is our life, our all. 
 Pray for others : pray for your 
 toachera, fellow-students," &c. 
 To another he wrote : — " Be- 
 ware of the atmosphere of the 
 classics. It is pernicious indeed ; 
 and you need much of the south 
 wind breathing over the Scripture 
 to counteract it. True, we ought 
 to know them ; but only as chem- 
 ists handle poisons — to disottver 
 their qoalitiea, not to infect onr 
 blood with them." 
 And >fun: — "Pray that the 
 Holy Spirit would not only 
 make yoa a believing and 
 holy lad, but make you wise 
 in your studies also. A ray 
 of Divine light in the soul 
 sometimes clears up a mathe- 
 matical problem wonderfully. 
 The smile oi Ood calms the 
 J;>iTit, and the left hand of 
 etna holds up the fainting 
 head, and His Holy Spirit 
 onickene the affections ; so 
 tnat even natural atadies go 
 on a million times more easilv 
 and comfortably ."—ii«(>. R. M 
 A ToDCHiNo Story comes 
 from Eyemouth England : Mr. 
 William Nisbet, the skipper 
 of one of the ilM'ated fishing 
 boats, had a parrot which, 
 under his tuition, had become 
 remarkably proficient in the 
 oie of langna^. Nisbet was 
 fond of his bird. Ever since 
 the atorm of Friday fortnight, 
 the parrot hat been depressed and 
 silent, as though it was conscious 
 of its loss. The other day, how- 
 ever, and throughout the day, it 
 Ibund and maintained its voice, 
 repeating mournfully, and with 
 pathetic iteration, " Bnphy, 
 Willie's awa' noo — Willie's awa' 
 noo ! " " Euphy" (Euphemia) 
 is the name of Nisbet's wife — 
 Chriitian Life. 
 art thuu, O, great mountain ? Be- 
 fore Zerubbabcl thcu sholt become 
 a plain.'" (Zech. iv. 7.) — Selected. 
 cumulated inter- 
 est on twenty 
 I francs, which he, 
 prompted by a 
 ' generons i m - 
 pulse, had given 
 to a mnn in ap- 
 pearance a beg- 
 Baron James dc Rothschild one 
 day at dinner perceived that the I gar, was lying at 
 artist Delacroix who was his guest, this disposal 
 was looking at him in a peculiarly 
 searching manner. The baron 
 Rothschild's of- 
 fice,to the amount 
 it i» 
 I - 
 and Fr»'iu'h tlu<>iiliy. Shf dooH nitht-r pprinh with 
 not Rmokc, ni>ith'-r dofii oh)' in- advin' pruvuilud.- 
 dulge, M Mohttminediiii ladii>i Wfckl,y. 
 g(>n«r*lly do. in wcarinir co«lly •— 
 Appnrcl. or in dainti)>N nnd con- 
 tVctioiifry, whici) nro dotriinoiitAl 
 to health. Sh)> i« miid to quotu 
 tho word of t^hakcHppuro, 
 " Why •<> largi' cu't, ImvIiik an nliort n 
 bontlliuii u|uiii til) failiiiK iiiannioii 
 npUllil / " 
 and tu follow tho rulu, 
 " lli^ iKMir williiiiii, iiiiri'Uo lliv iiiotnl 
 it. and her 
 ■///«*. Chrii. 
 fiunr Wllliiilll, 
 lii*-uriH. " 
 Hor huxhand has raJHi'd himsidl 
 above thu contiiinptiblo custom of 
 taking seroral wives. Emineh is 
 his only witM, and bhe is a trae 
 and loving and fuithl'ul wife to 
 him. iiJhe was married to Prince 
 Tewfik in 1873, and has over 
 since exercised a very heneticial 
 iufliituicc over her husband. They 
 have four handsome and hvulthy 
 children, two sons. Abbas and 
 Mohammed Ali, an(l two younger 
 daughters. She is to her children 
 u taithful h id loving mother. To 
 her, as to the Roman Oornelia, 
 thoy are her jewels. !^he takes 
 good care ot them horsell, and 
 keeps for them English nurses and 
 Princess Emineh is of prepos- 
 seMing api>earance. She is ex- 
 ceedingly handsome, a stately, 
 well-built iigure, and nohlo beur 
 PH. D. 
 Of all men in high position no 
 one perhaps had during the last 
 year to go through greater 
 troubles and trials than the pres- 
 ent ruler of Egypt, TewKk Pasha, 
 the son of Ismail Pasha. Under 
 peculiar circumstances Tewtik 
 ascended the throne when his 
 father Ismail, who, in his desire to 
 promote the civilization and wel- 
 fare of Egypt, had burdened the 
 country with an immense debt 
 since 1868, was compelled to re- 
 sign in 1879, and to leave the 
 country. The statt was b^k- 
 runt, tne interest on the national 
 debt could not be paid. England 
 and France appointed commis- 
 sioners, who were to contr<d the 
 linances of the country, and to see 
 that the creditors would get all 
 money due to them. The young 
 Khedive limited the expenses ol 
 his court in every respect, and 
 tried his best to save the credit of 
 the country. A military party, 
 headed by Arabi Pasha, rose, 
 trained power and inttuence, and 
 abused the Khedive. He deposed 
 Arabi, but was compelled by the 
 Mohammedan nlemas (priests) 
 and the officers of the army to 
 restore him We do not tell the 
 rest : it is itill ireah in our memory, 
 that Arabi rose in open rebellion, 
 that he had the Khedive deposed 
 by a council of the Notaoles at 
 Cairo, that he caused the British 
 to bombard Alexandria, and that 
 he even threatened the life of the 
 Khedive, who was only savt>d by 
 the intervention of General Stone 
 and other American offioers. 
 In the midst of all these fearful 
 trials and tribulations, the Khe- 
 dive Tewfik had one true and 
 faithful friend who stood by him, 
 comforting, encouraging, support- 
 ing him in the dark hours through 
 which he had to pass, sharing his 
 atflictions, and by doingso lighten- 
 ing their burden. This friend was 
 his noble and faithful wife. 
 Princess Emineh is ot noble 
 descent ; her mother was the 
 daughter of a Padishah (Sultan) ; 
 her father was a sou of Abbas, 
 who from 1848 to 1854 had been 
 ruler of Egypt, and had been 
 assassinated in the night from the 
 12th to the 13tli of July, 1854, at 
 Venha - el - Hassel. Abbas was 
 succeeded first by Said Pasha, his 
 uncle (1854-I8t)8 , atid then by 
 Ismail Pasha, his cousin the 
 fattier of Tewfik. Princess Em- 
 ineh is therefore a near relative of 
 her husband. She knew him 
 from early childhood, and was his 
 love when he, who was born in 
 1852, was still a boy. 
 No wonder that the young 
 prince fell in love with Princess 
 Emiaeh, for she is not only a 
 great beauty, but also an intelli- 
 gent and virtuous lady. She is 
 fond of study, and speaks English 
 One day in t)ctober Willie and I 
 thoui(ht we would go chestnntting, 
 NO we tookour baskets and started 
 for the woods. 
 liehind our house, beyond the 
 pasture where the cows — Lily, 
 Violet, Hose, Clover, and Harebell 
 — were feeding, there is a grove 
 i)f chestnut-trees, and the ground 
 was covered with the brown shiny 
 iiutu ; for there had been a heavy 
 frost the night before, and, yon 
 know, it takes a good white frost 
 to r;rack open the hard prickly burs. 
 We went to work at once, and 
 soon our baskets began to feel 
 heavy. Then, when we heard a 
 noise overhead, we looked up, 
 and there, in a big tree, were two 
 little chipmunks scolding away at 
 us, andsayintr,ins<|uirrel language, 
 " Look at those two Hellish ])eopn) ! 
 They're taking all our nuts. 
 Hut, after watching us lor a 
 while, they saw that we were not 
 smart enough to get all the nuts ; 
 so they began to feel happier, aitd 
 to chase each other up and down 
 the tree, and along the ground to- 
 ward us. The one that was being 
 chased was so excited that I sup- 
 pose he took me for a tree, for he 
 ing with a high intellectual fore-j ran right up to my shoulder, went 
 head, rich brown hair, large dark | round my neck twice, and at last 
 eyes, finely cut noble features and 
 a white color of the skin. She is 
 a princess in her appearance and 
 even in her manners and whole 
 bearing. She dresses like a 
 European lady. To her husband 
 ■he is attached by true affection, 
 which he reciprocates fully. 
 When in the dark hours of the 
 war she was advised to leave hor 
 husband, she stood by him and 
 when the British before they bom- 
 barded Alexandria, offered to the 
 Khedive and his family one ot 
 their ships as a place of refuse, 
 she insisted that they should 
 remain in the doomed city and 
 stopped on my hands, which v-'ere 
 clasped together. 
 There he stayed for a full min- 
 ute, boking at me with his bright 
 black eyes, as much as to say, 
 Why ! if this isn't fun, I thought 
 I was running up a tree, and, in- 
 stead of that, here I am in the 
 hands of ono of those giants who 
 steal our nuts. I wonder if the 
 monster will hurt me ! " 
 Then, I suppose, I moved my 
 hands, for down he jumped, and 
 ran pell-mell up a tree, and into 
 his hole; and that waa the last 
 we saw of our friend the chip- 
 munk. — Nurseri/. 
 It it probable that lome of you 
 hare had an opportunity of aeeing 
 experiment* in what i« known an 
 friotioaal electricity, iMsrformed 
 by meant of coally apparatua and 
 ]>owerfni batteriea. But by ob- 
 terring the i'ol lowing directiona, 
 vou can now enjoy a aimilar ex- 
 hibition, produced in a very few 
 minutea by the aimpleat materiala. 
 We ahall require two pretty 
 thick booka, ao placed at to au|v 
 port a pane of (Tlaaa, aar twelve 
 oy ten iuchea m tiie, held be- 
 tween their pagea, aa ahown in 
 thia picture — the giaat being 
 about one inch and one-quarter 
 from the top of the table on which 
 the experiment iato be tried. Thia 
 done, you may exeroiae your akill 
 with a pair of acinaors, and cut out 
 of tissue paper the iigurea (hat are 
 to dance. They muat not exceed 
 one inch and one-eighth in length, 
 and they may repreaent abauid 
 little ladies and gfntlemen, or any 
 animal you may hap(>en to think 
 Yon will find admirable little 
 figures of children in Miss Green- 
 awav's charming book, " Under 
 the Window," — if you are so for- 
 tunate to ])OB8«88 it. These can 
 be traced on the tissue ]>apor, and 
 colored if desired, or you can cut 
 small iigures out of the pictures 
 in illustrated newspapers, the 
 more comical the better. 
 Now place the dancers upon the 
 table underneath the glass (see 
 illustration), and with a silk, cot- 
 ton, or linen hanketchief, apply 
 friction to the top of the pane, by 
 rubbing jfiskly in a circular 
 manner; the fagures soon will 
 start into activity, execute jigs, 
 between table and glass, join 
 bauds, stand on their heads, — in 
 short, it would be difficult to de- 
 scribe all their antics. Touch 
 the glass with your finger, and 
 they will fall, as if dead upon the 
 table.— S/. Nicholas. 
 Baby Elaie was cooing in her 
 crib. She was one year old to- 
 day, and her mother and Aunt 
 Marion were looking at her with 
 delighted eyes, when there ciame 
 a ring at the door. The poatman 
 handed in a letter, addreated in a 
 quaint, cramped handwriting, to 
 Elsie Allan. 
 " A letter to Baby ! " exclaimed 
 the surprised mamma. " And 
 surely it is from Aunt Dorothy. 
 Well, what has prompted this, I 
 wonder ;" " 
 As the letter was opened, a 
 piece of pai)er fluttered out. It 
 proved on examination to be a 
 cheque for $25. The letter was 
 as follows : 
 " Baby Elsie's Great-Aunt Dor- 
 othy sends her a birthday gift, 
 which she hopes Baby's mother, 
 niece Laura, will invest for Babv 
 in the wisebt way she can thiuiic 
 " Of course, Laura, you will put 
 it in the savings' bank for her, and 
 let it be a neat egg. Dear httle 
 girlie, It would be nice for her 
 to have a bank-book of her very 
 " No," said Mrt. Alleu," I won't 
 do that." 
 "Well, then, I'd advise you 
 spending it on the little thing her- 
 aelf. 8he needs a new dreta and 
 cloak, and she ought to have a 
 ailvcr spoon and fork of her own, 
 and that way of using it would, I 
 am sure, be agreeable to Aunt 
 The young mother waa looking 
 at her child with a very aweet 
 expreasion on her thoughtful 
 *■ Marion," she taid, " I ahall 
 tend this money to the Treasurer 
 of the Woman's Board of Foreign 
 Misaious, and let ita payment 
 make Elaie a Life-Member of that 
 Bociety. I want to bring her up 
 to bo an earnest and devoted 
 child of God, and a servant of 
 Chriat ; and what can I do better 
 than to send this, her birthday 
 fdease my Heavenly Father, but I 
 orget so often." 
 •■Ask God to help you, my 
 darling," said mamma. " When 
 you feel tired or impatient, no 
 matter whore you are or what 
 you are doing, raiae yoar heart 
 in prayer to hini loratrength todo 
 as he would have yon, and he will 
 never lail you." 
 "I will, mamma," aaid Nellie 
 earnestly, and together then th*y 
 knelt, a[nd the mother prayed 
 that the dear Father of us all 
 would indeed bless her child, and 
 enable her to " do alwars ihoae 
 things which please him.' — Chns- 
 tine R. Marshall 
 A poor weaver once lived in 
 the little German town of Wup- 
 perthal — a poor man in hia out- 
 ward circumstances, but rich to- 
 ward God, and well-known in 
 his neighborhood as one who 
 trusted in the Lord at all time*. 
 Hia constant faith expreaaed it- 
 sell in what became hia habitual 
 gift, in her name, lo help tell the 
 old, old story to the perishing in 
 heathen lands V " 
 And that was the investment 
 which Aunt Dorothy's money 
 made for a weo maiden, who, if 
 she lives, will never remember 
 the time when she wa.s not inter 
 ested in Foreign Missions. — 
 Chris. IntelUgKHcer. 
 fb in th 
 utterance under all circumstances 
 of trouble and perplexity. " The 
 Lord hrlps." he waa wont to Bay ; 
 and he said it undauntedly, even 
 when it looked aa if the Lord had 
 forsaken hira. Such a time it waa 
 when, in a season of scarcity, work 
 ran short, many hands were dis- 
 charged, and the master by whom 
 our weaver was employed gave 
 him his dismissal. Alter much 
 fruitless entreaty that he might 
 be kept on, he aaid at length, 
 " Well, the Lord helps ; " and ao 
 returned home. His wife, when 
 she heard the sad news, b«>wailed 
 it terribly : but her husband strove 
 to cheer her with his accustomed 
 assurance. "The Lord helps," he 
 said ; and although as the days 
 went on, poverty pinched them 
 sorely, nothing could shake his 
 firm reliance on Him in whom he 
 trusted. At last came the day 
 when not a penny was left — no 
 bread, no fuel in the honae ; only 
 starvation stared them in the face, 
 do always those things which | Sadly his wife tidied and swept 
 It was Nellie's birthday, and 
 mamma had sugirested that 
 she should choose a Bible verse to 
 help her through the coming 
 year ; so now she sits with her 
 own beautiful new Bihlf, >i present 
 from grandmamma, and looking 
 over the familiar cha|)ters of the 
 gospels, her eyes rest on the words 
 of Jesus found in St. John 8: 29: 
 "I do always those things that 
 please Him." 
 " Mamma, I have found such a 
 good verse," said N eliie, as she 
 read it aloud. " I would like to 
 floor T 
 Poor sad humanity, 
 Through all the duat and heat. 
 Turns back with bleeding feet, 
 By the weary road it came. 
 Unto the simple thought 
 By the Great Master taught. 
 And that remaineth still : 
 Not he that repeateth the name. 
 But he that doeth the will. 
 ~H. W. LonBfellow. 
 the little room on the gronnd lloor 
 in which they lived. The win- 
 dow waa open, and, poaaibly, the 
 wordtwere heard outtidn, with 
 which the weaver ttro«-e to keep 
 up their ooarage : "The Lord 
 helpa." Pr«Mnlly a street boy 
 looked aaocily in, and threw a 
 dead raTen at the feet of the pious 
 man. " There, aaint, there is 
 something for you to eat ! " he ' 
 cried, tauntingly. 
 The weaver picked up the | 
 dead raven, and ttroking its | 
 fealhert down, taid compattioii- i 
 ately. > 
 "Poor creature! thou must 
 have died of hanger," 
 When, however, he felt iti crop 
 to tee whether it waa empty he 
 noticed aoraething hard, and wiah- 
 to know what had caused the 
 bird'a death, he began to examine 
 it. What wiaa hia aurpriae when, 
 on opening the gullet, a gold neck- 
 lace feU into hia hand ! The wife 
 looked at it confounded ; the 
 weaver exclaimed, " The Lord 
 helpa!" and in haata took the 
 chain to the nearett goldamith, 
 tv<ld him how he had fomid it, 
 and received with gladneta two 
 doUara, which the |[oldamith 
 offered to lend him fbr hit preaent 
 need The goldsmith toon cleaned 
 the trinket, and recognited it as 
 one he had teen before. 
 ■' Shall I tell yon the owner ? " 
 he aaked, when the weaver 
 called again. 
 " Yes," was the joyful answer, 
 " for I would gladly give it back 
 into the right hands." 
 But what cause had he to ad- 
 mire the wonderful waya of God 
 when the goldamith pronounced 
 the name of his matter at the 
 factory ! Quickly he took the 
 necklace and want with it to his 
 former employer. Inhisfamil;, 
 too, there waa much joy at the dia- 
 covery, for tuapicion wat re- 
 moved from the tervant. But 
 the merchant waa athamed and 
 touched ; he had not forgotten 
 the wordt uttered by the poor 
 man when he waa dismisaed. 
 " Yet," he laidthoughtfoilv and 
 kindlr, " the Lord helpa ; and now 
 you shall not only go home richly 
 rewarded, but I will no longer 
 leave without work ao faithful 
 and piona a workman, whom the 
 Lord ao evidently atands by and 
 helpa ; you shall henceforth be no 
 more in need." 
 Thua He who fed Elijah bv 
 living ravens, proves Himself 
 equally able to supply the needs 
 ot His tried servant by the same 
 bird when dead. — From " Tale* 
 of Trust." By H. L. Hastings. 
f lllli 
 lllK FKNNEC. OU HAHAKA 8T0IURS FKOM I'YUAMIDS Kio<lni;»«iii>|>o«itK>ii to which tho 
 ^^^' In th- (UHlhma,,; M„^r„zin. i. •"°"»°»';»"'t t'«lyphio4 bear 
 Thefeniieo U .n inhnbiUnt ol »n srii.l.. „„ ih.. I'yr^mi.U. lur- •""«U'"-"nioay m utl..rly ornit- 
 bushy (til, which is about tight 
 iiichea long. 
 It ii Mid that the fennec, al 
 anon «ttlnff upright and roRnrd- [ Thcr. nr. r...u«in» .,f..xty.uin.. wr/.'^rftheTed *./"" 
 ing tha proap*ct with mar vol Ion. «t Da,h.,ur ni, I S-iitkura, ol diver» l, „ »„j ,h»i ihe IVvntian. re- 
 gravity. Tho color of the fonnoc fo,„„_o,.« l.,.„.^ built .u live li„ mVy .vo.dti a^^^^^^^^^ 
 ;dmoiT7cr?:«v'wZ»n'^«''*Th! ''''''"''^/ t..rr«j..H-\..d o( overy 3;;," vl^r c\ "l m.;!:? mT h.i? 
 ulinoat a creamy whiten.-... The ,wo ; from ih.' .a.rci.t .airii of kiiitf and it i. v-ry n-mHrk-blo 
 fh .?nn„r».Hr .['.''' • "V"' <»»l"°'"»' "f '^e ,m.,r ; Kradu- ,„u„a ,o ail lUe olher IWaoh. 
 h^\.,?rmi?i. vihnK n Hi'' "'y 'dv»" to tl,o ,H,rleol while ih. .t...... that chronicle 
 iiiarKed witn DiacK. which marked where richer mem- abruptly, without any mention 
 The full grown animal m quite i bor. of the community .lept their ol hi', death Moreover while 
 ■mall, moaanring .carcely more laat .leep. ^n hi, roval brethren were .uc 
 than a foot, exoluaive of the The majority of lhe.e are built ' ceed.-d each by hia elde.t .on, it 
 of crude brick, baked in the .un, i.expreiMily .taled that ho wa. 
 and are far more recent work. Kucceeded by hi.t .econd .on — 
 than the viant. at (}izeh Iti. while the "death of the lirat- 
 thongha carnirorou. animal, do- ^ .uppoaed that .ome of theao may born" i» altogether ignored, 
 light, to feed 
 upon rariou. 
 fruit., p.pecially 
 preferring the 
 date. It i. alw> 
 said that it can 
 climb the 
 trunk o f t h o 
 date palm and 
 procure for it- 
 •elf the coveted 
 This creature 
 prose II ta a 
 strange medley 
 uf characteris- 
 tics that have 
 been a stumtt- 
 linir block t o 
 .yatcmatic zoo- 
 logist., and it 
 ha. been fre- 
 uuently trauH- 
 terred by them 
 from one por- 
 tion of the ani- 
 mal kingdom to 
 another. Now, 
 however, it i. 
 admitted that 
 the fennec be- 
 long, to the 
 genu. VtUptit, being a congener 
 with the various foze. of the Old 
 and New World.. 
 Like veritable foxes, the fen- 
 nec ia accustomed to dwell in 
 subterranean abodes, which it 
 scoops in the light undy soil oi 
 ita native land. Ita fur i. of con- 
 siderable value among the na- 
 tives of the locality wherein it is 
 lound; it ia said to be Ihe warm- 
 est found in Africa, and is highly 
 prised for that quality. 
 The fennec is a quaint little 
 creature, wearing an air of pre- 
 cocious self-reliance that has 
 quite a ludicrous eilect in so 
 small an animal. The color of its 
 eye. is a beautiful blue ; and the 
 whisker hairs which decorate its 
 face are long and thick in their 
 texture and white in color. The 
 fennec is identical with the fox- 
 like animal named "zerda" by 
 Ruppell and "cerdo" by Illigcr. 
 the fmallor animal is the Jerboa 
 or jumping mouse. — Ex. 
 FENNEC. — (yulpes Zaaremit.) 
 have been among the labors of 
 the Israelites to which Josephus 
 alluded when, speaking of the 
 Egyptian tusk-masters, he says, 
 " They put them to the draining 
 of rivers into channels, walling 
 of towns, casting up of dykes and 
 banks u> keep off inundations; 
 nay, the erecting of fanatical 
 pyramids. ' Scientific men are 
 able in these old bricks to distin- 
 guish barley from wheat straw, 
 or beau haulm from stumble. 
 One ]>yramid at Dashour has been 
 especially noted, its bricks being 
 made almost without straw, just 
 the merest indications thereof, as 
 though made in time of some 
 great scarcity — like t hat when the 
 Israelite, gathered atubble instead 
 of straw. An old wall of pre- 
 cisely similar bricks was found 
 at Heliopolis, five mile, below 
 Cairo— each brick bearing the 
 Cnrtouche or royal mark of 
 Thothme III., who is generally 
 supposed to be the Pharaoh of the 
 Mr Uoper, the noble African mis- 
 sionary, when he was at Ibbadan 
 used often to tallt to a clever hea- 
 then woman who was a merchant 
 there, and try and persuade her 
 to give up hei faUe ifoAn and to 
 believe in Jesus ; and he told her 
 that Uod was her Father, and 
 knew all that loncerned her. The 
 woman listened and half believed 
 but she was friirhtened that if she 
 became a follower of the true 
 God, her god would be angry 
 with her. Not that she was al- 
 together pleased with her own 
 god, for sometimes she knelt 
 down before his image, which 
 was made of matting and wood, 
 and drewed up with rags of cali- 
 co wound round it, and asked 
 him to .end her good luck niid 
 prosperity, and yet sometimes the 
 luck all went against her and th^ 
 bargains turned out bad ones, 
 then .he would irn home in s rage 
 and seiild Ihe image, hikI some- 
 tiiui's even would take a harolKio 
 stii'k and give it a gcKxl beating. 
 One day, when she had heard 
 Mr. Koper preach, she went home 
 and she look this image into a 
 back room which was empty, and 
 placed it in Ihe middle o( Ihe 
 floor, and said, " Now I've brought 
 you here, and I am going away 
 trading for three month., and I 
 will lock the door and yon will 
 Ite .ale; hut thi. prayer-roan says 
 yon are not a true god, and can- 
 not take care of me, and that hia 
 God can, so I will make this bar- 
 gain with you — if you are worth 
 anything you can take care of 
 yonraell. Now, if yon are all 
 right when 1 come back, I and 
 my family will always worabip 
 yon a. of old ; but if a rat get. to 
 you and eats you I will pray to 
 you no more — for I .hall know 
 what the pray- 
 er-man Mya is 
 true." So she 
 locked the door, 
 and went away 
 with Ihe key in 
 her pocket. 
 Three months 
 paMed, and she 
 returned to 
 Ibbadan ; h e r 
 friends and chil- 
 dren were wait- 
 ing to welcome 
 her, bu t she 
 pushed through 
 them, and went 
 straight to the 
 room where she 
 had left her 
 god. Hhe look- 
 ed at it, and 
 ran away with 
 it to Mr. Roper. 
 She threw the 
 gnawed thing 
 down before 
 him, and ex- 
 claimed, "He 
 could not take 
 care of himself. 
 Your Ood ha. 
 sent a rat ; teach me and my chil- 
 dren to be prayer people I" 
 It 18 not by books alone nor by 
 books chiefly, that a man is in all 
 his points a man. Study to do 
 faithfully whatsoever things in 
 your actual situation, then and 
 now, you find expressly or tacitly 
 laid down to your charge. That 
 is your post; stand in it like a 
 true soldier. Silently devour the 
 many chagrins of it — all situations 
 have many — and see yon aim not 
 to quit it without doing all that 
 is your duty. — Carlyle. 
 Many seem to think that tu be 
 a believer is to have certain feel- 
 ings and experiences, forgetting 
 all the time that these are but 
 the floweis, and that the fruit ^ 
 must follow. — M'Cheynt, ^ 
 NOHTII «lll>.». 
 Do yon eror woiiiIit wb*t n 
 Ohinosti <Uy-«cbool la likw t Hti|>- 
 poitnff we Hkip (>vt*r to tho went 
 «nd of tbia rillaffu, ami taku a 
 p«ep at th« bujra achool, Tbt* 
 village lenda ua ita achoulbuua«t, 
 and we miiaionaiitta I'urniih a 
 Kood Chriatiau teacher, and they 
 itndy Chriatuu) hooka for part uf 
 the time. 
 Aa we gonp the front atepa, 
 what ia all thia fearful rocket/ 
 Do yon feel a little delicate abont 
 Xoing in leat you ahonld intrude 
 on a quarrel of aome aort f U, 
 but yon needn't .' The little boyi 
 in onr achool are not tearing each 
 other'a hair, nor acratchtiig each 
 other'a oyea out, nor knocking 
 each other down ; not it hit uf ii ' 
 They arejuat Aomif whiit overy 
 i^ood httlo Rcholar in China is ex- 
 pected to do ; that i«, uvory 
 mother's son uf them ia stiidyinir 
 hia luaaon over out loud. By out 
 loud I mean in a piTlcft roar. 
 As thi>y do thiM m-iirly all day 
 long, affood many of tbi>m quite 
 rnin their voices. When you hear 
 them trying to sing together it ro> 
 minds yon of that other little frog- 
 class which singse very evening ont 
 on the village ranni, the last thing 
 before |M)pping in for the night. 
 You think little Hcholara who 
 have to work like that must l)e sorry 
 when they hear the nine-o'^jlock 
 bell and laugh when it creeps 
 around to tour in the afternoon < 
 But there you've made another 
 bi^ mistake. (), lively American 
 chicks, who wrigfiiie and sqninn 
 in Sunday-school and day-sohool, 
 and hate being caged np any- 
 where aa badly aa the wild birds 
 do, what would you say if you 
 had to go to Hchool with the iirHt 
 streak of daylight, and if school 
 kept till dark! If the Chiiiene 
 scholars ease up life xomewhiit 
 by not studying hard all the time, 
 who can blame them V 
 But if you think onr little long- 
 queued friends don't know much, 
 we will set them to reciting, and 1 
 suspect, you'll be amazed to hear 
 oven the wee ones reel off chap- 
 ter after chapter and book after 
 book. Une Peking scholar recit- 
 ed the whole of the New Testa- 
 ment at a single examination ! 
 The Chinese have tine memories, 
 and are always cultivating them 
 and proud of them. But the 
 scholars are often brought up not 
 to care a iig what it all means, so 
 their little bruins are only well- 
 stored lumber-rooms. 
 It is very hard work to get 
 " Why !" and " How ?" into a 
 Chinese school. The boys don't 
 know why u thing is so, or" how 
 it is 80, and they don't care and, 
 what is worse, the native teacher 
 don't want them to care. Why 
 should he ? His life is hard 
 cnongh, ttt best, and the " How V" 
 and " "Why ?" laddies are a deal 
 more trouble 'o live with, ind 
 take care of, as every American 
 mamma will boar cheerful and 
 ready leslimoiiy It hnsocitirred 
 to the writer that to secure the 
 ideal lioy it would only be ne. 
 renanry to take a little Interrogn- 
 tioii point (of course, ynu know I 
 iiii'uii an American boy , and then 
 a little Chinese boy just a*. I>iu 
 and just as old, and roll them all 
 up in a ball, when presto ! out 
 would come the loveliest little 
 fellow that ever wore a cap, ask- 
 ing just (|Ueati<>ns enough and 
 never one too many ! 
 At the other end of the village 
 where we live are the little girl 
 scholars — bleas their dear little 
 pinched' up aching toes and their 
 long shilling braids a<id bright 
 eyes ! Yon could love th 'in with- 
 out half trying. A little maiden, 
 not a thousand miles from here, 
 had them all at her birthday 
 " Little Dog. ■ ' LI'ile Banket. " 
 " Little Fattv ' " Llllle Black 
 One, " ■■ Little Idiot,' " Little HIave 
 Ciirf ! Yoii know about the 
 old lady who exhausted herself to 
 think of a name for a little boy 
 she had on her hands, and 
 culled Iniii Jim I'olk 
 run." The father and mother of 
 one little boy here junt railed him 
 "Dou-hnut, anil let him run 
 He wanted very much to .-ouie to 
 school, but it wouldn't be Chinese 
 for him to teaae his papa and 
 mamma (juKt hear what • sigh 
 your mamma gave when she read 
 " I should have 'o ho 
 through and through 
 could believe in Tier 
 before 1 
 again. ' 
 linally gave it up and "ju«t Thus Mabel, with emphasis. 
 md let nim " 1 may forgive her in lime, but 
 I never can res|tectlier as I used 
 to. Hhe has forfeited iny esteem, 
 and we are much better apart for 
 the fulur.i " t^o J^ouise, her dark 
 eyi's lit with a gleam of resent- 
 One who remembered that the 
 Master said, " Blessed are the 
 NO he sent |H*aceraakers," had been striving 
 to jilead his to quiet the quarrel, which, be- 
 that senlenee 
 grown-iip friend 
 .uii.He with his parents, and he ginning with » misunderstanding 
 was allowed to come. Dear little b. tween these two, had been fan- 
 lellow' Though llie bright eyes ned by one breeie and another 
 of the other boys can't see it, a '' ' 
 dark, threiilening cloud hangs 
 over \m head, and we look at him 
 l- , ' i:a »r' . • 1- 
 i^-^^jih.^'' ■" 
 ^ ^ f*^" 
 ///-= = 
 . ■; -•.-. ; _ _ 
 until it had become • steady 
 llatne ; not likely to din in either 
 heart. Two lovely girls, favor- 
 ites with all their uiends, had 
 gradually drifted apart, and it 
 seemed na though they woald 
 never be reconciled. And the 
 end of the lastellortat placating 
 the disturbed elements was reach- 
 ed in the sentences quoted above. 
 Dear Mabel, I wonder if yon 
 knew what a |irufonnd truth you 
 stateil when you impulsi I v de- 
 clared that you would hav to be 
 changed through and through 
 before you could fully forgive 
 one who had offended you. I 
 wonder whether the numbers of 
 people who go about nursing 
 grievances, cherishing animosi- 
 ties, and refusing to pardon a 
 wound which has touched their 
 vanity, realize how unlike Christ 
 ii precisely this havdness of 
 He enjoins npon us the duty of 
 forgiving the sinner, until we 
 cease to count the number of 
 times that forgiveness may be ne- 
 cessary. He forgives us over and 
 over again, there being no limit 
 to our ill-desert, as there is no 
 limit to hia loving-kindness. 
 If fully, freely, readily, and 
 once for all, we can forgive one 
 who has injured us ; if we can so 
 humble our pride oa to meet the 
 with a wistful yearning, for onr j person half-way, or perhaps, to 
 missionary doctor savs he has a|»«ek the restoration or amity in 
 latftl disease and willhave only a i 'he Hrst place, we are shuwina 
 short time lor earthly teaching the fruiU oldiscipleship. 
 Dear children with sweet Chris- It may easily be that, amonir 
 tiitii mammas, will you pray lor wy readers, there are those who 
 poor little Doughnut '. Though ai"" kept away from the Saviour, 
 his grandmother Ih a Christian, a"«l linger outaide the kingdom. 
 his inainina doesn't love Jesus atj"*' because they have not learn- 
 all, and how can she comfort his I «d '» forgive ; because they re- 
 little heart, going down into the i (^"f '<> learn the full lesson in 
 deep valley ! Pray that the dear ; Christ's way. "Changed throuL'b 
 .Shepherd may lead him along so i |"><1 through ! " Yes, the chang< 
 party a while ago They jilayed 
 " Drop the handkerchief," just a« 
 you dc, only they use their belts 
 and call it "Drop the girdle." 
 They also played " lilind man's 
 bnfl," after your fajliion, finding 
 it rather hard to ritch their little 
 American hostess, with her free 
 dancing feci. Then wo all .sat 
 down on the lloor and i>layed a 
 game of jack-stones. Think of 
 their knowing that too Isn't it 
 droll? Their game is a little dif- . ^ o . 
 ferent from you r.s. They call it gently that, before he shall have i '* "*?«-''If'»l and vital. 
 "Bah Bah." Fancy the clever found out that the road is hard and } Beware, too, of the 
 little witches putting "Sally over steep, he will find hiiuHelf inside j of "trife. 
 the log," " Sally over the fence," the heavenly told in the Shcp- 
 " beauN in the pot," " horses in herd's own blessed arms. One 
 the stable," " ri<ling the ele- thing more. Ask Ood to take all 
 phant," " setting the table," and these bonny boys and girls of 
 coming out triumphant on the ours and make them, by and by, 
 " double lives," having beaten us into teachers, preachers, and 
 soundly. j Bible-women, who shall do noble 
 It it the mtle Ml within th* lot* 
 Thtt hy and br will oaks mnsie the 
 — S S. Timet. 
 the children's 
 them calling 
 names ! 
 Men are naturally tempted by 
 the devil, but an idle man posi 
 wprk for him. — Missionary //rr- ^ lively tempts the devil. — Spamsn 
 aid. \ Prnvf.fh. 
 Thn haraner-hMMlnd ihark 
 iZ.vfiwx* mnlUrnt) it • very r.-- 
 markahle liih, an i hw Irom an. 
 I'liint liraeii uioited gxnoriil stUtn- 
 tion. It rMwmblot othf m of (ho 
 •hark tuaiU in the number ami 
 poaition «<t(ta Ina, but ia diatin- 
 iruialitMl f^a thf>m and all othfr 
 vi>rtebratM animala bjr tli« lateral 
 •'xpan<ion of Ihu head, «>i|Mcially 
 of the bonaa and cartijaifn around 
 ih« eyea, ao that Ibit h-nd rx- 
 •4«mblt>a a hammer, Iho i',<>a bf. 
 inK piacad at the projectinff vx- 
 Thix Hihin found hi the Medi- 
 terrannan 8«a, und aometimfi 
 atra^i aa far aa tho northern coaat 
 of Europe, It ia about aeren or 
 eiflfht feet long, but ■peci- 
 mena hare been found elevon 
 and twelrn feet in lenifth. It* 
 body ia oorered with a granu- 
 lated altin, the upper aido beini; 
 of a grayiih brown, and the 
 under aido a ffrayiah w hiti> ; 
 the large eyea are golden 
 yellow. The teeth are long, 
 ■harp, almoat triangular, 
 and aerrated on tho edge*. 
 Ther aearch for prey 
 arauna ahipa, Uersr er ku y» : 
 "They are large, bidroux.ter- 
 rible animala, and deatroy 
 men whoaroawimming. »nd 
 itia conaidered a aignoi ill- 
 luck to iee (hem." 
 Oil ia procured from the 
 liver, but tho ileah is not 
 good, being hard and ill- 
 flavored. — From Hrehm't 
 Aitimat Life. 
 *«inl. Hill the greateat diiy ol 
 the yeiir, (he femival ;«ir firrl- 
 Iritre „(• the twopL-, tli.' re»tl- 
 val into which la compreM<d 
 (he enaeiii-e of (he fun and enjoy- 
 meiil Hlid hiippiiii-mi of all (he 
 other dnvipiii logelhar, ix the fen. 
 tival of l)ie New Year We mnv 
 be fiiniiliar with the ceiebradoii 
 ol thi< day in I'lsriii or New I'ork, 
 but proceeilingR there are (aine 
 and Iitelena when rompnred with 
 the k|>oiitHneoui otilhurnt of re- 
 joit'iiig V. hl<'h (haraclvnxea New- 
 Year'* Day III Japan. 
 Preparationa for It hare to be 
 made weeki Iteforehmid, hoth 
 public and private. The father 
 ol'n family haa (o «eler( ai.d ]iiir- 
 chaae the preneiitH whi<'h it will 
 bo )lr rttiMrur lor ftim to make, 
 not only to hia own runiily and 
 hia intimate fr ends, but lo every 
 one with <Thom he hna been 
 brongli to the aiighteat bn«i- 
 of men, and women, and rhildren. 
 each 011)1 of whom hiia bin or her 
 neweat gHrmo-it^ on, an<l all o| 
 whom lire bent n|Min the one 
 erraii'l of paying vmita. The old 
 " firHt-rootiiig" rniiloin of the 
 ' north roun tree" find* i(a replica 
 in thia fair land, fineen (houiinnd 
 mileaaway. To he(he iimt viiitnr 
 la conaidereil nn nnMpn'ion* aa to 
 be late in conmdered the rereme 
 And it m atrange to obaerve the 
 orthodoi manner of paying a 
 visit The olijiTt of tho vinit — 
 generally the inaiterof the houae. 
 aa hit family are abroad ditcharg- 
 ing their •(K'ial dutiea — la iea(ed 
 irravely on the mnta at tho back 
 of the room which opeiiH on the 
 Kireei; a triiy with wine and 
 Hweeta on one hand, and the in- 
 evitable charcoal bracier on the 
 other. To him a vinitor comea, 
 carefully ahaking oil' hia c loirs o' 
 (he door ; he proa(rates buiuelt 
 .11 iiiiiiiliar converaatt"]-. 
 fore taking hia leave tho vi* 
 aitor ilrona, ns It were by ao i- 
 dent, hia Ni>w Ycar'a gi!t, nea.i 
 tied up in pa|»'r by gold (hreoo, 
 and \\\\\\ a ren.wal of gutturala 
 anil proatratioii* back* hiraaelf 
 out, and prcKeeda to hia neit 
 honae of cull. This iroeion in all 
 dircctidiiM throtiglioiii the morn- 
 ing during which time the num- 
 ber of pipea ainokeil — each pipe, 
 It should lie home in mind, con- 
 sisting but of a couple of whilfa— 
 and cups of wine drank by the vi- 
 aitors la aiiniily incalculable.— 
 Th« Japaneae have more 
 than twenty fanciful iiamea 
 by which (hey designate 
 their beantiful country, but 
 the tobriquel which to a 
 foreigner aeema the moat 
 fitting ia certainly the Land 
 of Holiday!. No excuse is 
 too trivial for a Japanese to 
 make holidaya, and when Lu doea 
 not make them himself, (he gov- 
 ernment politelv steps in and 
 makca them for tiim. Thus, one 
 day in every aiz, called i''<^i' roku, 
 is t. atatute holiday ; so is the 
 third day in every moon, 
 the liat of national fesli*. ds com- 
 memorativo of great mou or of 
 grekt deeda ia simply inexhausti- 
 bla. If a great man dies in Eng- 
 land, they commemorate him by 
 ■\ monument in Westminster 
 Abbey; if* great man dies in Ja- 
 pan, he is remembered by a holi- 
 •lay ; so that what with the my- 
 thical great men who are thus 
 remembered, and the historical 
 great men who have died during 
 the paat five thousand years, it is 
 ■\ little diffionlt to find a day oi 
 the Japanese year which hits not 
 the name of a celebrity atiached 
 to it ; just as, in glancing down a 
 Roman Oatholio calendar, wo find ^ 
 that every day haa its particular ' 
 nesa contact dnrintr the paat, 
 vear; the mother innst see thatj 
 her children'tt new dresses are 
 ready. an<l that the domestic, 
 arrangements lur the great fes- 
 tival are in order; the daiuselsi 
 must decide in what fashion the 
 ofti, or muih. ib to be worn, ori 
 whether beetles c>r buttertlies are 
 to be en r'gel ior hair-piiis ; thej 
 eervants are already cleaning and 
 sweeping out the house, so that ' 
 it may present a sjiolless face to the i 
 new year; the tradesman ascer- 
 tains that his hooks are duly bal- 
 anci'il, so '.hat he may start afresh 
 Willi a clean bill of health; and 
 so on, through all grades and 
 classes of society. 
 Early in the morning — that ia 
 to say, early for the Japanese, 
 who by no means harmonize in 
 their ideas, with the name given 
 by them to their country, the 
 Land of the Rising Sun — the 
 streets are thronged by a crowd 
 upon the extreme edge o< the 
 matting, his forehead touching the 
 mats, and his hand placed under 
 his shoulder. Delivering himself 
 of a few guttural aounds, he 
 moves forward a few inches, and 
 indnlges in another prosiration, 
 and so on until he ia within a 
 couple of feet or so of tho reci- 
 pient of his )>olitene8s. The latter 
 then addresses him in a language 
 of compliment and sell'ubase- 
 mciit which is fcimply untrans- 
 latable, but tho drift of which 
 is that he is utterly un- 
 worthy to be the object of «iich 
 attention from such an honorable 
 lord, and that in all humility he 
 begs that ho will accept a cup of 
 wine. Tho still prostrate visitor 
 declares himself to be so utterly be- 
 neath contempt aa not to think of 
 taking such a liberty ; but he in- 
 variably does so, as a real refusal 
 would give offence, and in 
 a few aaoouds the pair are cn- 
 There is u Bible in Lncaa, in the 
 State of Ohio, which was pre- 
 Nerved by being baked in a loal 
 uf bread. It now belong* to a 
 Mr. Schebolt, who is a na- 
 tive of Bchemia, in Austria. 
 Thia baked Bible wa« for' 
 merly the proj/orty of hia 
 grandmother who waa a 
 faithful Protestant Christian. 
 I>uring one oi the season* 
 when t!ie Roman Catholica 
 were persecuting the I'ro- 
 tesliintsin that country, n law 
 waa paaaed thp' every Bible 
 in the hrr.ns of the > "ople 
 should be given up to tho 
 priests, Ihut it might be 
 burnt. Then those wlio 
 uved their Bible had to 
 conlrivi' diff'ercnt ways in 
 order to try and save the 
 precious Book. 
 When the priests came 
 around (o search the houae, 
 ithapp«>ned to be bakinir- 
 day. Mr*. Schebolt, tho 
 grandmother of the preaent 
 owner of this Bible, had a 
 larire family. She had just 
 prepared a great batch of 
 dough, when she heard that 
 the priests were coming. 
 She took her precious Bible, 
 wrapped it carefully up, 
 and put it in the centre of a 
 huge mass of dough, which waa 
 to fill her largeat bread tin, and 
 stowed it away in the oven and 
 baked it. Tho priests came and 
 searched the house carefully 
 through, but they did not find 
 the Bible. When the search 
 waa over and tho danger 
 Massed, tho Bible was taken out 
 and found uninjured. That Bi- 
 ble is more than a hundred and 
 fifty vears old ; yet it is still the 
 bread of life, as fresh and sw eet 
 and good aa over. — Rev. D. Nimh, 
 in Zion'i Herald. 
 Be Ai,way.'< pleased nt what 
 thou art, if thou desire to attain 
 to what thou art not ; for where 
 thou hast pleased thyself; thcrci 
 thou abidest.— Qwnr/M. 
 Cans't thou wait '. 'i Hen t\-ff 
 success is secured ; for pationce is t 
 success.— /i;o'i' . i 

 I i 
 This w;^ too discouraging, and 
 she began to cry 
 -. ^ , . r\i. i I "Oh, dear! I wish mamma 
 Out in a part of he country I ^„ y^ . ^^jj ^ i„„king 
 wher'" It IS very hiUy, there stands y^MrMy doxvu at the top of the 
 a red house at the foot of a steep ^ome chimney below. 
 hill whose side is covered with ' 
 birch and pine trees, and a thick " Mamma ! mamma !" he shout- 
 undergrowth of brush. In that ed then as loud as he could ; but 
 honselive two children, and wbnt the wind blew the wrong way 
 do yon think they did one day ? snd took the shout up hill in- 
 Their mamma was busy bak- stead of down. Then he said he 
 ing, and they went to play by the would go home and tell her to 
 little brook in the yard. They come. 
 were making a bridge of stones " Oh, no, no !" begged Susie. " I 
 there and that morning they don't dare to be lell alone ; there 
 finished it. Then Susie's white might be bears among the trees, 
 kitten tried it, and stepped across or a siuke. Don't go, Benny !" 
 without once wetting her 
 daintv feet. 
 " Now that's done, and 
 what'U we do next?' asked 
 restleaa Susie. 
 "I know," said Benny ; 
 " let's go up on the hill and 
 find where the brook begins. 
 It's hard climbing.and mother 
 thinks I ain't big enough ; 
 but I'm bigger now than I 
 was the last time I asked her." 
 " Well, let's, go then," said 
 Susie, eagerly, and off they 
 started, hand in hand at firs ', 
 but they soon found they each 
 needed two hands to catch 
 hold of the bushes and pro- 
 jecting rocks, as they climbed 
 up the hill close by the little 
 bed of the brook. Up and 
 up they went ; it was pretty 
 tiresome, but there was tun in 
 it, for the white kitten ran 
 nimbly ahead and kept stop- 
 ping far them, and the brook 
 seemed to laugh out loud as 
 it danced merrily to meet 
 " Haven't we gone as much 
 as a mile ?" asked Susie at 
 last, winding hci' arm around 
 a young birch tree, while she 
 stopped to take breath. 
 " No, not more than three- 
 quarters, I guess," said Benny. 
 " See, there's our chimney 
 down there and smoke going 
 out. Mother's making pies " 
 " Oh, then let's hurry !" 
 Susie exclaimed starting 
 again and as she pnshed 
 around a thick briery bush 
 there was the white kitten 
 waiting for them just ahead, 
 and there at last was the bub- 
 bling spring, gushing from 
 among the rocks, the birth- 
 place of their dear brook. 
 " Oh, Susie, make a cup of your 
 hand and drink some water," said 
 Benny, bending down to do it 
 "I can't! I can't! I am caught 
 in the briers I" cried Susie, strug- 
 gling as she spoke to disengage 
 herself, but it seemed as if every 
 thorn on the bushes reached out 
 to catch her and she couldn't get 
 Benny ran to help her, but only 
 got his hands scratched, and when 
 Susie turned her head the briers 
 caught her curls so that she 
 could not move away any more 
 without her hair being pulled 
 " Let's send a note to mimma 
 by kitty ! " he exclaimed, " I've 
 got some paper in my pocket and 
 a little stub end of • pencil and I 
 can print !" 
 Susie stopped crying and 
 watched with interest while Ben 
 slowly printed down these words 
 on a torn sjip of paper : — 
 " Deer MaMa We aiR up here 
 Tanglid in a BRiKe Bush. Cum !" 
 Then he found a piece of string 
 in his pocket and tied the note 
 around the white kitten's neck. 
 When that was done, he turned 
 her head down the hill toward 
 home and clapping his hands at 
 the little tumbling stream, which 
 carried it swiftly out of sight. 
 " Now she'll come pretty soon," 
 he said, sitting down in perfect 
 faith to wait. 
 Their mamma baked her bread 
 that morning and then the baked 
 pies and mado cookies and got her 
 dinner over before sba had time 
 to think much about them. Then 
 the stepped to the door to see 
 how they were getting along and 
 called them, but there was no 
 The wind blew in her face and 
 the white kitten rubbed against 
 her feet. % 
 ■^Where are the children, kitty?" 
 she asked, looking down and 
 then she spied the note tied 
 around the white furry neck. 
 She took it ofi and read the 
 blurred words: — 
 " DeeR MaMa We aiR up 
 here, Tanglid in a BRiRe 
 Bush. Gum!' 
 She caught he; son-bonnet 
 off the nail and started, bat 
 hardly knew which way to 
 go. They were up the hill, 
 of coarse, but she might miss 
 them. As she stood irreso- 
 lute, right in sight down the 
 brook came the little birch- 
 bark raft, with a piece of pa- 
 per pinned to it which was 
 too wet to read, but it told her 
 all she wanted to know, for 
 now it was plain that they 
 had gone along by the brook. 
 So she started swiftly to 
 the hill, pushing the bushes 
 aside, with the little white 
 kitten running before her, 
 and as it was not nearly a 
 mile, nor even a quarter, that 
 the little ones Lad gone, she 
 soon reached the spot where 
 Susie stood weeping in the 
 grasp of the brier bush and 
 Ben sat patiently waiting at 
 her side. 
 Was there ever a tangle 
 that a mamma would not set 
 right ? Gently and skilfnlly 
 she freed first the curls and 
 then the little dress, and then 
 with her light-hearted girl 
 and boy followed the stream 
 back ag^in, just in time to 
 meet papa as he came to din- 
 ner. — Youth's Companion. 
 OvUlil* Dr»wtng br HattIud Weir, u k dmrtu lauon (or th« roan* 
 "Well, I won't," said Benny; 
 ■'but I wish I had some scissors or 
 a knife, anyhow; I'm big enough." 
 Then he sat down by Susie and 
 they wondered what they should 
 do ; would they have to go with- 
 out dinner and supper ? Would 
 they have to stay all night there 
 on the hill ? 
 " O, I am so tired !" said Susie 
 moving her head a little, but it 
 hurt so that she began to cry 
 again. The little white kitten 
 rubbed a;^ainst her and purred, 
 but it could not help her. Yes, 
 it could help her ! A bright idea 
 Hashed into Benny's mind. 
 her said in dreadful tones : — 
 " Scat I Scat I" 
 The frightened kitten darted 
 down the hill and was quickly 
 out of sight among the bushes. 
 " Now mamma'll come !" said 
 Susie, with a sigh of relief But 
 Benny had thought of something 
 " I'm going to send a letter in a 
 boat now," he said, and again he 
 slowly printed on another ragged 
 slip : — 
 " DeeR MaMa We aiR up heRe 
 TangILD in a BRiRe. Cum. " 
 This he fastened to a piece of 
 birch bark, and launched it down 
 Yet withal the poor spar- 
 row has many good qualities 
 of which it becomes tu to speak. 
 Has a family of little birds been 
 taken from their warm nest and 
 put in a cage outside the wiUv' iw? 
 The sparrow will be the first to 
 come and feed them. They may 
 not be of his own race; it is enough 
 that they are opening their 
 mouths for food, and he will do 
 his best to supply them. There 
 have been many instances in 
 which sparrows have done a deed 
 of kindness like this, and have 
 fed the needy ones day after day 
 till they were able to provide for i 
 themselves. — Little Unity. ' 
 BY MBd. W. F. 0IUrT8. 
 Boys and girls hare seen all 
 kinds of signs— large and small 
 ones, funny ones and handsome 
 ones, wooden ones, tin ones, paper 
 ones, cloth ones, netted ones, 
 moving ones ; signs of all colors — 
 red, blue, green yellow, white, 
 black. Many interesting things 
 are to be learned from signs. TSat 
 in all that have ever attracted my 
 attention the one which pleased me 
 more than all others is the one of 
 which I have given youapicture. 
 I found it in a drug-store one 
 day wSen I had a long time to 
 wait, and had nothing to do but 
 to read the names on the bottles 
 and the signs hung about the 
 I did not ask who had printed 
 the sign, but I made up my mind 
 that it must have been done by Mr. 
 Solomon Wiseman. 
 " How many cigarettes can you 
 buy for ten cents, boys ? " 
 " Twelve." Well, I will make 
 a picture of them and leave you 
 to jadgo whether you can get the 
 worth of your money. 
 p 1 s N 5 T^e &L ot) o ' t ') 
 rHA<Es CANceR5 iNTHeMOimt?) 
 " TAKES AWv^ SLEEP '""^ 
 r deStorys good manners °D 
 . Qtver-fASTC F4)R STROHC OfitNKfj 
 " - £ TO PS ^QWti.^~%H^ 
 must be done, and right away, to 
 break up cigarette-smoking. The 
 girlamnst hoip, too, for there are 
 girls who smoke cigar- 
 ettes! This little sum 
 lyill show yon how fast 
 boys and girls, and men 
 too, are learning to use 
 "In one year 14,000,- 
 000 were smoked. In 
 the next year 408,000,000 
 were smoked. 
 Not all of the druggists will 
 put up (he sigii"Jio cigarettes 
 sold to boys." Neither will all 
 btreet-?ar conductors do as one I 
 heard about. Two very small 
 boys smoking cigarettes stopped 
 the car one day and got on. They 
 each offered the conductor half 
 fare. •' No," said he, " if you are 
 largo enough to smoke cigarettes 
 you've got to pay full fare." And 
 so they did. 
 " Well," I hear a boy say, " if 
 cigarettes are such bad things, I 
 will save my money and buy 
 cigars." But cigars are danger- 
 ous, too. Senator Cai ^nter was 
 in the habit of smoking twenty 
 cigars a day, and it killed him. 
 Senator Hill died only a short 
 time ago with a cancer in his 
 tongue that was brought on by 
 always having a cigar in his 
 mouth. Mr. Delmonico, a well- 
 known restaurateur in New York, 
 died within two years from smok- 
 ing. Hundreds, yes, thousands, 
 of similar cases might be men- 
 tioned. — Youth's Tem- 
 perance Banner. 
 An Eastern story 
 tells of the haughty 
 These things are not p- ° 'ted 
 on cigarettes as they are ii. my 
 picture. Would that they vere! 
 for then I think boys would be 
 afra^ to buy thorn. But they 
 are badly mixed, in a small 
 quantity, in each cigarette. 
 A boy who has never seen a 
 favorite of an Oriental 
 monarch, who, as he 
 was passing, threw a 
 stone at a poor der- 
 vish or priest. The der- 
 vish did net dare to 
 throw it bac. at the 
 man who had thus in- 
 sulted him,for he knewthe favorite 
 wa» very powerful. So he picked 
 up the stone, and put it carefully 
 in his pocket, saying to himself, 
 "the time for revenge will by- 
 and-by come, and then I will re- 
 pay him for it." 
 Not long afterward, this same 
 cigarette made, probably does j dervish, in walking through the 
 not know how so much harm can 
 be rolled up in a little piece of 
 paper, bo he must be told about 
 it Some cigarettes are made of 
 the stub-ends of cigars which 
 have been smoked by men whose 
 mouths arc filthy and diseased. 
 Others have in them a poison called 
 opium. The best ol them are made 
 from miserable tobacco, not fit to be 
 put in cigars. The paper covering 
 of the cigarette looks harmless, 
 bat it has mixed with it one 
 of the worst of poisons, called 
 " white lead." It is this which 
 makes sores on the face and lips, 
 and apoiU the tkseth. 
 Now, boys and girls, something 
 away, saying, "The time for 
 revenge never comes! For if 
 our enemy is powerful, revenge 
 is dangerous as well as loolish ; 
 and H he is weak and wretched, 
 then revenge is worse than loolish, 
 ,it is mean and crnel. And in all 
 cases it is forbidden and wicked." 
 A better rule still is given by 
 the Apostle in his letter to the 
 llomaas ; " Dearly beloved, avenge 
 not yourselves, but rather give 
 place unto wrath , for it is written, 
 vengeance is mine ; I will repay, 
 saith the Lord. Therefore if 
 thine enemy hunger, feed him; 
 if he thirst, givo him drink; for in 
 so doing thou shalt heap coals of 
 fire on his head. Be not over- 
 come with evil ; but overcome 
 evil with good," — Child's Paper. 
 city, baw a great crowd coming 
 toward him. He hastened to see 
 what was the matter, and found 
 to his astonishment, that his 
 enemy, the favorite, who had 
 fallen into disgrace with the king, 
 was being paraded through the 
 principal streets, on a camel, ex- 
 posed to the jests and insults of 
 the populace. 
 The dervish seeing all this, 
 hastily grasped at the stone which 
 he still carried in his pocket, say- 
 ing to himself, " the time for my 
 revenge has now come, and I will 
 vepay him for his insulting con 
 duct?" But after considering 
 for a moment, he threw the stone 
 I owe much to my mother's 
 early instruction in truth and 
 honesty. Lying, stealing, and 
 drunkenness were crimes of 
 which she impressed me with the 
 utmost horror and disgust. 
 A poor boy, engaged in carry- 
 ing a gentleman's letter-bag in 
 our neighborhood, stole a 
 with some money in it. I re- 
 member listening to the conver- 
 sation of my father and mother 
 on this subject ; the grief and dis- 
 grace they painted in their des- 
 cription of the theft made a great 
 impression on me. 
 I well remember, also, a cir- 
 cumstance which was of the 
 greatest importance to me, and 
 ever inspired me with gratitude 
 to my mother. One day I entered 
 our home eating a cake ; my 
 mother's quick eye fell upon it — 
 she observed, too, that I made 
 some attempt at concealment — so 
 she questioned me : 
 Who gave you that?" I 
 answered, "The woman in the 
 street whr sells cakes." 
 She went into the corner of the 
 room, where a rod was kept, then 
 took me by the hand and led me 
 to the woman.' 
 " Did you give this little boy a 
 Whereupon the rod was vigor- 
 ously applied in the presence of 
 the people in the street who were 
 looking on. My distress was 
 At evening prayers my father, 
 who had Deen tntormed of my 
 disgrace, dwelt in a solemn 
 manner on the sin I h<id com- 
 mitted — the great crime of th eft 
 and lies That was my first theft, 
 and mv last,— Li/e of John Gibson, 
 R.A. ' 
 Our old chief, Hnaisline Mar6, 
 who up to thirty years of age was 
 a savage and a cannibal is dead. 
 He died June 17th, l-'Sl, very 
 happily, after a painful illness of 
 eight weeks. He continually ex« 
 horted his people, as they came 
 around his dying bed, to cleave to 
 the Word of Ood, and to help in 
 every way they could both their 
 missionary and their native pas* 
 tors. Bula, the chief of Lifu, came 
 to visit him. He ca' led him and 
 his son together, being two young 
 men, and said, " Don't let tha 
 world deceive you, neither set 
 your hearts upon wealth : cleave 
 to the Word of Ood : that alone 
 can establish you in your chief- 
 tainship." As' he lay upon his 
 .g ... bed, he was seen to be cnntinnally 
 letter ' engaged m prayer. When prayer 
 was being ofi'ered for him that he 
 might recover, he said, " Why do 
 you, the Lord's people, try to draw 
 me back to earth ? The Lord is 
 drawing me up to Himself, and 
 yon are holding me back with 
 your prayers, just like a rope 
 drawn at both ends. Oh, let me 
 go, that I may be at rest ! " He said 
 to his son, " I am going to leave 
 you to fill my place; the Lord 
 Jesus has come to call me" — 
 Rev. Jjhn Jones, Mare Is'and, 
 South Seas. 
 A Useful Gander. — In a 
 little village in Germany a gander 
 used to lead a blind old woman to 
 church every Sunday, dragging 
 her along and holding her gown 
 in its beak. As soon as she was 
 seated in her pew the old fellow 
 walked into the church-yard, 
 where he stayed until the service 
 wa3 over : then he appeared at 
 the door, ready to lead Ms mistress 
 home. One day a friend called on 
 the old lady, and was surprised to 
 find that she had gone out. " Oh," 
 said her little grandchild, " there 
 is nothing to fear; the cauder 
 will take sue %i hu " 
y '98 
 "A fine warm sammer'a day 
 How jolly it would be to have a 
 dip in the sea, or in a running 
 stream! Well, a pond is better 
 than nothing, especially if it is a 
 good large one and the water 
 tolerably clear. Off we go !" 
 Off they went, the master 
 going with them, and giving them 
 a word or two of caution oy the 
 way. Ue had read lately of a 
 strange and fatal accident which 
 had oocured to a man when bath- 
 ing in a pond ; it was a small 
 pond too, and he was an expert 
 swimmer. He had been exhibit- 
 ing hii skill in diring to some 
 boys who stood on the bank, and 
 had remained under water a long 
 time, longer than they would have 
 thouffht it possible for any one 
 to hold his breath. But at last he 
 remained down so very long that 
 the boys began to wonder when 
 he meant to come up again. A 
 gentleman passing near the spot 
 asked the boys what they were 
 looking at, and they told him. 
 " How long has he been under 
 water ''" he asked. 
 " About half an hour," was the 
 " Half an hour '" 
 "Well, a quarter of an hour, at 
 "You don't mean that !" 
 Yes, they did mean it, and the 
 gentleman lost no time in render- 
 ing assistance. The diver was 
 then found with his feet firmly 
 embedded in the mud or clay at 
 the bottom of the pond. He was 
 dead, end all efforts that could be 
 made to revive him were in vain. 
 So you see, boys, there are 
 dangers even in a pond, and for 
 those who can swim. Be sure of 
 your ground, especially when it is 
 hidden from your sight. Look 
 before you leap, whether on dry 
 land or in taking a header." 
 " Well, but I want to know," 
 says Duffy, " What made his feet 
 "Why the clay, of course,'' 
 another answers him. " You are 
 always wanting to know " 
 "Yes, but how?" 
 " The same way that your feet 
 stuck in that lane the other day, 
 when your shoes came off and 
 you were very near having to 
 walk home without them. You 
 are fond of experiments, Duffy. 
 That was an experiment which 
 might have taught you," 
 " It taught me not to make 
 short cuts through muddy lanes, 
 but it did not teach me why the 
 clay caught hold of my shoeB and 
 held them fast. Experiments are 
 not of much use unless you under- 
 stand them," 
 " What do you want to know, 
 Duffy ?" said the master, 
 " I want to know why my shoes 
 stuck in the clay in Mud Lane the 
 other day." 
 " I'll snow you. Have any of 
 you aver seen a sucker " 
 "Tes, sir," said a little pale- 
 faced boy, who smelt of 
 peppermint ; " I hare got some 
 Backers in my pocket Will you 
 have one ?" 
 He took out a buU's-eTe from 
 the warm, sticky receptacle which 
 he had mentioned, and offered it 
 to the master with a look of 
 pleasure, and was surprised to 
 find that all except the master 
 laughed at him. 
 "Thank you all the same," said 
 the latter, " but that's not the sort 
 of a sucker I want." 
 A shoemaker's shop was at 
 hand, and there the master 
 procured a circular piece of 
 leather, to the centre of which he 
 fastened^ a stout string. Having 
 thing lately aboat gravitation, and 
 yooknow that the earth attracta 
 all thing! towardk itself— the air, 
 aa well as more substantial bodies. 
 The weight of the atmoaphere is 
 about fourteen pounds to the 
 square inch ; this piece of leather 
 is soft, and fits close to the ston« ; 
 it is wet, and that prevents the air 
 from getting under it. Now, 
 what is it that holds the leather 
 down to the stone ?" 
 " The air passing downwards 
 upon it." 
 " Right. Now lift the sucker : 
 the stone comes with it. What is 
 it that holds the stone up to the 
 " The air beneath it pressing 
 soaked the leather in water to 
 make it soft, he pressed it with 
 his Teet upon a flat stone ; the 
 leather ctnck to the stone, and by 
 pulling the string ne lifted the 
 stone, which was large and heavy, 
 from the ground. 
 " I have often done that," said 
 one of the boys. " It's only a 
 sucker ; that's all," 
 " Yes," said the master, " and 
 that poor man's feet were only 
 suckers, and Duffy's shoes were 
 only suckers. The clay did not 
 hold them— they held the clay • 
 just as this piece of leather holds 
 the stone." 
 ■■ But how is it ? ' said Duffy, 
 " That's what I want to know " 
 " And that is what I am going to 
 tell yon. You have heard some- 
 " Right again ! And what was 
 it that held theshoes to the groimd 
 in Mud Lane?" 
 " The air of course ; I see it 
 " Yes ; and if your feet had 
 been as close to the leather inside 
 your shoes as the leather was to 
 the clay, so that no air could have 
 got between, you would have 
 been fixed to the shoes, as your 
 shoes were to the lane." 
 "That would have been awk- 
 ward. But how did that poor 
 man's feet stick to the bottom of 
 the pond ? There was no air 
 down there," 
 " No ; but the air pressed npon 
 the water, and the water upon 
 his feet ; so it came to the same 
 thing. Unfortunately, he had no 
 shoes on, BO he could not disengage 
 himself as yon did." 
 " And is it the air that makes 
 thingB Btiok together generallf ?' ' 
 "Oertainlr not I must tell 
 yon about tLat another time. It 
 IB hardly correct to say in thia 
 case that the leather ' stioks' to the 
 stone. It ia preased againat it, 
 just as I preia a sheet of paper to 
 the table by laying the weight of 
 my hand upon it. When I hit my 
 hand the paper is free ; so if the 
 air were lifted from the sucker, 
 aa it might be by placing it luder 
 the receiver of an air-pump, the 
 stone would be released. There 
 is no stickiness in cither case, 
 nothing but pressure. 
 " Observe now, when I bef^n tc 
 lift the sucker, the leather rises a 
 little in the centre ; that makes a 
 vacuum between the leather and 
 the stone. The more I pull the 
 greater the vacuum becomes ; and 
 when the resistance of the vacuum 
 equals the weight of the stone, 
 the stone is lifted." 
 " Then there is no suckinc after 
 all, though it is called a sucker?" 
 " I don't know that you could 
 have a better name for it. Some 
 people say that there is no snch 
 thing as suction. But the effect is 
 visible in a thousand different 
 ways, and it is produced by 
 drawing away the air from the 
 substance acted upon. Flies walk 
 upon the window pane, or on the 
 ceiling, by the help of suckers in 
 their feet. The suckers are very 
 numerous, and are opened and 
 closed in succession with such 
 rapidity that the fly seems to glide 
 alonff, yet it never quits its hold, 
 but keeps some of the suckers 
 closed while the others open. If 
 you were to apply a powerful 
 microscope to the opposite side of 
 the glass, where the fly's feet are 
 presented to view, you would be 
 able to observe the process. 
 " There is a species of liiard, 
 weighing four or five pounds, 
 which runs up and down the 
 smooth walls of the house by the 
 same process. 
 " You have seen pictures of the 
 walrus, I dare say. It is a kind 
 of seal, but grows sometimes to 
 the size of a large ox. It clambers 
 about over the icebergs in the 
 Northern regions, going up and 
 down the steepest slopes or 'slides' 
 without slipping How do you 
 think it is enabled to do that ?" 
 " It has sharp nails in ita feet, I 
 " ShMp nails ? Snch as the 
 blacksmith puts into a horse's 
 shoes in frosty weather ? Is that 
 whatyou mean ?" 
 " Well done, Duffy! Or perhaps 
 they wear spikes, as we do, for 
 cricketing, I wonder where they 
 get them ?" 
 It was a schoolfellow who said 
 " I did not mean that sort of 
 nails ; I meant claws, of course,' 
 Duffy answered. 
 " What do you say to suckers ? 
 The feet of walrus are so formed 
 that they can exclude the air from 
up and 
 u the 
 la that 
 under them, and thna form a 
 vacaom. The tmoothneM of the 
 ioe becomes a help to them in this 
 way ; and they can cling to it as 
 • fly does to glass " 
 " I wish 1 coold see them do 
 " Yon can see the same thing 
 every day — a creature climbing 
 up a wall and carrying his house 
 with him " 
 " Yon mean a snail." 
 " Yes; the snail makes aTacuum 
 in his shell, and then the air 
 presses him to the wall up which 
 ne crawls. Take hold of a snail 
 auddenly, and you will find him 
 «asy to remove ; but give him 
 time to fix himself and he will stick 
 tight and tome off at last with a 
 little squeak, caused by the air 
 rushing into the vacuum he had 
 " Limpets fix themselves in like 
 manner to the rocks under water ; 
 and there are a great number of 
 fishes which do the same. 
 " There is one in particular, 
 called a sucking fish, which 
 carries its sucker upon its head, 
 as a boy does his cap ; only it is 
 a fixture in the fish's case. The 
 sucker is a disc with a broad 
 flexible edge to it, not unlike the 
 leather sucker we have been 
 experimenting with. The fish 
 fastens itself by the crown of its 
 bead to any object, such as a ship's 
 bottom,orto anotherand larger fish 
 a — whaleor a shark — so firmly that 
 it is almost impossible to remove 
 it. It will be torn tc pieces rather 
 than relax its hold. On the shores 
 «f the Mozambique it is said that 
 these fish are made use of to catch 
 turtle A line is fastened by a 
 ring round the sucking-fish, near 
 its tail , and it is then carried out 
 in a boat and dropped into the 
 aea near a sleeping turtle ; it 
 fastens itself by its head 
 to the turtle and sticks to 
 it tightly while the boat- 
 men haul them both in together. 
 " Yon have all heard of the 
 cctopus? It has eight arms or legs, 
 which are six times as long as its 
 body; and each ol these is furnish- 
 ed with 120 pairs of suckers. 
 Some of these creatures are of 
 great size; and it is said that 
 boatt have been seized and 
 dragged under water by them ; 
 but you need not believe that un- 
 less you like 
 " It is also said that a sucking- 
 fish of some sort fastened itself to 
 the prsBtorian ship of Antony at 
 the battle of Actinm and stopped 
 it, 80 that it lost the battle , but 
 you need not believe that either 
 unless you like, although it is 
 Pliny who tells the story. 
 " The fishermen on the coast of 
 Normandy assert that men havo 
 been drowned bj octopu8es,which 
 is much more intelligible ; as by 
 attaching their long arms to a 
 swimmer they might impede his 
 movements and prevent him from 
 keepiag himself above water." 
 " If you try to drink out of a 
 bottle, yon must let the air enter 
 or yon will not succeed. You 
 may make a vacuum by suction, 
 but that will not bring the 
 contents into yonr month 
 " And now what is it that causes 
 all these efiects of suction, as we 
 call it ? What is the real agent 
 that enables a fly to creep upon 
 the ceiling, or a sncking-fish to 
 fasten itself to a ship, or a limpet 
 to cling t« a rock, or a baby to 
 drink out of a bottle, or a calf to 
 draw milk from ite mother's 
 " The presureofthe air." 
 " And what causes the pressure 
 of the air?" 
 " The attraction of the earth." 
 " Yes ; gravitation is the cause 
 of all these various results. And 
 that is the force which keeps the 
 earth and the planets in their 
 said: -I don't know that I 
 choose my companions by rule ; 
 it is just as it happens. I am 
 thrown with certain people at my 
 boarding house or in the store ; I 
 like some young men the moment 
 I see them ; others repel me. A 
 man has to do the best he can." 
 " If you wish toeucceed," repli- 
 ed his mentor, "you will take 
 pains to have for friends only the 
 honorable, the intelligent, and tho 
 straightforward. It is a mistake 
 not to have a standard of judg- 
 Young people do not under- 
 stand, when they set gaily forth 
 on the journey of life, that ♦hey 
 are to be made or marred by the 
 company they keep. Far more 
 than we imagme, we are all mod 
 (BmmxA, eM»im S$t\Aittt. 
 " Tftkfl unto yon the whole armor of C}«d."— Km. 8 : 13. 
 lUv. & BAU]l(MK)t'U>. 
 Jo«. HiTm, wr. 
 1. Onmrd, Chriitian aoldien, Uuching u to wmr, With the Ciom ol Jenu 
 S. Like % mighty u - mjUoTeatheOhonhofOod; Bnthen,weuetiMdiiig 
 3. Crowiuand thrones iii*ypwiah,KiiigdomiiriaeHidw>iie,ButtbeChimhafJe«iia 
 4. On - wud, then, >-e people. Join the happy tbiong,Blesd with oon yonr Toice* 
 yl Muter Leeda a - gainat the foai 
 Oo - ing on be - fore. Chiiat the Boyd 
 WherethesaintahsTetiod; Weare not di - Tid-ed, All one bo • dy 
 Con - atant will remain; Qatea of heU can neT - er 'Gainat that ChoxtjhpreTail; 
 In the triomph aong; Olory, land, and hon - or, Un ■ to Chiiat the King, 
 h t : ■ f xrrnwm ^ 
 -i — r 
 For - ward in - to bat - tie, 
 One in hope and dootrine. 
 We haTe Olmat's own promiae, 
 Thia thro' oountli 
 Sea, Hia ban-nen go. 
 One in obar - i - ^. 
 And that can • not niL 
 Men and an ■ gela aing. 
 Onwid, OhiiitiMi 
 aoidienTMarehlngaa to war, WithtbaOiaaaof Je-eoa Gtoing onba-fon, 
 proper places ; which causes the 
 tides of the ocean, and all the most 
 wonderful phenomena of the 
 universe. Nothing is too great 
 for it, and nothing too little, 
 ordered as it is by Him who rules 
 over all. 
 " Now, hero we are at the 
 water side, and gravitation will 
 help you to take a good header 
 downwards ; it will also help to 
 bring you up again to the surface, 
 in the same way that it makes a 
 balloon rise through the air. — 
 Boy'i Ovan Paper. 
 "By what rule do you choose 
 yonr associates?" said a merchant 
 to his newly engaged clerk. The 
 young man hesitated. Finally lie 
 fied by our surrounding atmro- 
 phere. A boy's father, for instance, 
 has a low ideal of life. He takes 
 the mercenary view that material 
 success is everything, and that it 
 makes little difference whether 
 minds and hearts prosper or not. 
 What can be expected of the boy, 
 — unless indeed he have a Chris- 
 tian mother, who can stamp her- 
 self and her higher aspirations and 
 convictions upon him ? 
 In selecting a school or a college 
 for son or daughter, the question 
 should always be asked, "What 
 style of companionship will this 
 institution assure to its students ?" 
 The whole tenor of many a life 
 has been affected by the friend- 
 ships formed in school-days Of 
 this, almost any biography 
 ftamiihes proofs — whether it be 
 the published life of a conspicuous 
 man, or the unwritten story of 
 some one whose days have been 
 passed in obscurity 
 The true standard by which 
 our friends should be measured, — 
 the touch-stone, — the divining rod, 
 — should be character. Does this 
 person live with eyes uplifted to 
 God ? Is that life consecrated to 
 the Lord .Tesus ? Other and 
 accidental things, — as social posi- 
 tion, education, wealth, and 
 family,— are to be regarded as 
 secondary to this primary es- 
 sential, in those whom Christians 
 should select as their fellow- 
 helpers on life's path. — Christian 
 I first met with prayer barrels 
 on the borders of Thibet, when, 
 travelling the narrow paths which 
 wind along the face of majestic, 
 precipitous Himalayan crags, wo 
 met native travellers from still 
 further north — traders driving 
 flocks of laden goats, women with 
 quaint headdresses of lumps of 
 amber and large,coarse turquoises 
 fastened on bands of dirty cloth, 
 and here and there a man holding 
 in his hand a small bronze or 
 brass cylinder which he twirled 
 mechanically all the time he was 
 Cirneying. It was some time 
 fore I succeeded in getting 
 hold of one of these for a closer 
 examination, as the owners are 
 nervously afraid to trust their 
 treasures in the hands of one who, 
 albeit in ignorance, might 
 irreverently turn them the wrong 
 way, and so undo much of the 
 merit acquired by perpetual 
 twirliiAfin the opposite direction 
 For, as we eventually discovered, 
 not only is the sacred six-syllabled 
 charm embossed on the metal 
 cylinder, but the same mystic 
 words were written over and over 
 aeain on very lengthy strips of 
 cloth or papyrus, which are bound 
 round the spindle on which the 
 cylinder rotates, and one end 
 of which forms the handle. It is 
 therefore necessary to turn this 
 little barrel of prayers in such a 
 direction that the characters 
 forming the holy phrase may pass 
 in proper order before the person 
 turning, and as all Oriental books 
 are read from the right side of 
 each page to the left, the barrel is 
 turned in the same direction. For 
 the same reason the Thibetan 
 walks in this direction round the 
 great terraces and other buildings, 
 on which the holv words are in- 
 scribed, in order that his eyes may 
 rest on the words in due course, 
 which can only be the case when 
 he Keeps his left hand toward the 
 object round which he is walking. 
 — Ute Contemporary Review. 
 Often by illusions cheated. 
 Often bafiled and defeated 
 In the tasks to be completed, 
 He, by toil and self-denial, 
 To the highest shall attain. 
 — LongfeOow. 
 y 1 no 
 II Med 
 A common sight in China to- 
 day is the fisherman with his 
 board of cormorants, ready to go 
 over at the owner's word. This 
 practice was followed in England 
 in former times, and the master 
 of cormorants was a prominent 
 officer of the royal household. 
 The birds are taken from the 
 n«st when young and easily 
 trained, and so rapid are their 
 movements under water that 
 rarely a fish escapes them. 
 When taken out in a boat they 
 are generally kept hooded by a 
 wire mask, having also a leather 
 collar about the neck to prevent 
 their utilizing the catch for their 
 own benefit. In China this bird 
 is one of the daily 
 sights to be seen 
 on the canal or in- 
 land streams, es- 
 pecially in the 
 neighborhood o f 
 Ningpo. Here on 
 the lake thj boats 
 congregate, each 
 propelled by a 
 single Chinaman, 
 with three or four 
 cormorantg, roost- 
 ing either on the 
 rail or a platform 
 made for the pur- 
 pose. So perfect- 
 ly are they trained 
 that they obey the 
 slightest word of 
 the master ; and 
 when ho gives the 
 order ovor they go, 
 and with remark- 
 able speed begin a 
 search under 
 water, seizing the 
 fish, rising to the 
 surface and bring- 
 ing the victim to 
 the owner just ex- 
 actly like a dog. If 
 a large fish is cap- 
 tured, these intelli- 
 gent birds gj to 
 e^ch other'c assist- 
 ance, aiui with a 
 combined effort 
 bring it to their 
 mast er, a f t e r • <t: ' 
 which they are re- 
 paid by the entrails — to them, in- 
 satiate gluttons, the choicest parts. 
 Other noted localities for cormor- 
 ant fishing are the waters between 
 the towns ol Hang-chow-foo and 
 Shanghai ; also on the Min River 
 near Foo-chow-tno. So import- 
 ant are these fisheries that many 
 persons are entrasred in raising 
 cormorants and training tliera for 
 the fishermen. One of the larg- 
 est of these bird schools is situ- 
 ated, or WIS a lew years ago, and 
 probably is there yet, about forty 
 miles from Shanghai, between it 
 and Chapoo. Concerning the 
 method of training them the 
 owner gave the following reply 
 to the questions asked by Mr. 
 Medhnrst, interpreter of the 
 British Consulate at Shanghai: 
 ' The fith-catching birds eat small 
 fish, yellow eels and pulse JcHy- 
 At 5 p.m every day each bird will 
 eat sis tael (eight ounces) of eels 
 This village was in the present 
 . _ town of Fenner,some miles north- 
 er fish and a catty of pulse jelly, east of the Onondaga Valley, New 
 They lay eggs after three years, York. It was situated upon the 
 edge of a small lake, and covered 
 about su acres of land. It was 
 and in the fourth and fifth month 
 Hens are used to incubate the 
 eggs. When about to lay, their 
 faces turn red, and then a good ' palisades of large timber, 30 feet 
 hen must be prepared. The date ' high, interlocked the one with 
 must be clearly written upon the the other, with galleries in the 
 shells of the eggs laid and they i form of parapets. This village 
 will hatch in less than twenty- was attacked by Champlain in 
 five days. When hatched, they 1 1615 with a considerable force of 
 take the young and put them j French and Indians. And &\- 
 upon cotton spread upon water, (though the French had fire-arms, 
 and feed them with eels' blood then for the first time heard by 
 for five days. After that they can 'the Onondagas, and the help of 
 be fed upon eels' flesh chopped a tower overlooking the place, 
 fine, and great care must be they were unable to capture it. — 
 taken in watching them. When , Presbyterian Uome Missionary. 
 As soon as the one birdling of 
 the familv appears, both parents 
 address themselves to tenderest 
 nursing, sharing mntnally all re- 
 Very olten,however,these happy 
 household plans are seriously in- 
 terfered with. Early in the soa- 
 fishing, a straw tie must be put 
 upon their necks to prevent them 
 from swallowing the fish when 
 they catch them. In the eighth 
 or ninth month of the year, they 
 will daily descend into the water 
 at 1 1 o'clock in the morning, and 
 catch until five in the nl'ternoon, 
 when they will come on shore. 
 Thoy will continue to go on in 
 this way until the third month, 
 after which time they cannot fish 
 until the eighth month conies 
 around again. The male is easily 
 known from the female, it being 
 generally a larger bird, and in 
 having a darker and more glossy 
 feather, but morn particularly in 
 the size of the head, the head of 
 the male being large and that of 
 the female small."— iN^.Y. Pott. 
 enclosed with strong quadruple | son brave-hearted banters go in 
 search of the much-prized eggs — 
 rare dainties they as table luxu- 
 ries, and commanding fabulous 
 prices ; but what fearful risks the 
 intrepid egg-hunters run ! Com- 
 rades lower them by ropes from 
 dizzv heights, sometimes many 
 hundred feet. Slowly, slowly 
 thev go down, realizing, as only 
 such can, that only the strength 
 of a hempen cord and the power 
 of two human hands are between 
 them and sure death. 
 The eggs of the 
 great auk are 
 about five inches 
 long and three in 
 breadth, and very 
 curiously marked 
 are they. Upon a 
 ground are char- 
 acters resembling 
 those upon Orien- 
 tal wares. O u t- 
 iined in green, pur- 
 ple, blue, and 
 brown are these 
 quaint traceries, 
 with occasional in- 
 terrupting patches 
 in which various 
 shades are blend- 
 ed. Sometimes 
 one finds black 
 lines irregularly 
 crossing each 
 Should an egg 
 of yellowish tint 
 oome to the hun- 
 ter's hand, it mav 
 be called a " red- 
 letter day" in his 
 calender, since 
 such are esteemed 
 of " royal lineage" 
 in an k-1 a n d 
 regions — as rare as 
 gold itself. Upon 
 this faint amber- 
 tinted ground the 
 wonderful hiero- 
 glyphics stand out 
 [in strangely beautiful relief 
 Forty years ago only about 
 thirty auks and forty eggs were 
 recorded belonging to public and 
 private collections. At one time 
 fifty dollars were paid for two auk.s 
 and two eggs; a little later half 
 that sum for one egg ; and not 
 very long since we read that five 
 hundred dollars were given for 
 one egg. 
 the eggs of 
 are such costly 
 No wonder 
 ..1/frt ivipennis 
 treasures. No wonder either 
 that Icelanders, hunting for auks' 
 eggs, have a custom of uniting in 
 singing psalms, and with bared 
 heads reverently commending 
 themselves to God in silent pray- 
 er just before entering upon the 
 perilous task. 
 Emphatically is the great ouk 
 a ledge-dweller during the arctic 
 summer ; enticingly pleasant is it 
 to them along ice-rimmed shelves ; 
 and happy conples.many thousands 
 of them, settle themselves con- 
 tentedly, exchanging the snowy 
 garb of winter for a sammer suit 
 of glossy black. 
 By the time a child enters his 
 " teens," his habits of life are form- 
 ed. By force of will or of circum- 
 stances they may be modified, but 
 they cannot bo wholly swept 
 away. — Examiner, 
 Ir TovR path is smooth;— 
 watch and pray. T 
 " Call npon me," mys Qod, ' in 
 the dav of trouble, and I will de- 
 liver thee, and thuu shalt glorily 
 In a larffe and l''ne honse in 
 the Bonth cf England lived a lady 
 of piety and wealth, with only 
 maid senranta in the dwelling it- 
 self, her men servants being in 
 cottages at a distance f?om the 
 honse. It was her custom to go 
 through the honse with one of her 
 servants every evening, to see 
 that the windows and doors 
 were properly secured ; and 
 one nighlt,aner seeing thai all 
 was safe, she retired to her 
 room, when, as she entered 
 it, she saw distinctly n man 
 under her bed. Whnt could 
 she do ? Her servants were 
 in a distant part of the house, 
 where they could not hear 
 her if she cried for help, and 
 even if with her they were 
 no match for a desperate 
 housebreaker. What then 
 did sho do? Quietly closing 
 and locking the door, ns she 
 was always in the hal>it of 
 doing, sho leisurely brushed 
 her hair, put on herdre.ssiiiq;- 
 gown, and then, taking her 
 Bible, sat down to read. She 
 read aloud though in a, low 
 and serious tone, choosing a 
 chapter which had special 
 reference to God's watchful 
 care over those that trust 
 him, whether by daj or by 
 night. When it was ended 
 sho knelt and prayed aloud, 
 commending herself and ser- 
 vants to the divine protec- 
 tion, pleading their utter 
 helplessness, and their de- 
 pendence on God to preserve 
 them from danger, and pray- 
 ing for the poor, the sinful 
 and the tempted, that they 
 might be kept from evil, and 
 led to put their trust in God 
 as their Father and Friend. 
 Then, rising from her knees 
 and putting ont the candle, 
 she laid herself down in bed, 
 though, almost of course, she 
 did not sleep After a few 
 moments the man came out 
 from his concealr-ient, and 
 standing by her bedside, 
 beggedlier not to be alarmed. 
 "I came here," he said, " to 
 rob you, but after the words 
 you have read, and the 
 prayer you have uttered, 
 power on earth could induce me 
 to harm you, r>r to touch a thing 
 in your dwelling. But you must 
 remain perteotly quiet, and not 
 make a sound to alarm vonr ser- 
 vants, cr to interfere with mo. I 
 will give a signal to my compan- 
 ions which will lead them to ^o 
 away, and yon mav sleep in 
 peaco, for no one shall harm you 
 or disturb the smallest thing in 
 yonr house." Ho then went to 
 tho window and gave a low whis> 
 tie, and coming back to the lady's 
 side, said, "Now I am going. 
 Yonr prayer will be answered, 
 and no disaster will befall you." 
 He left the room, and soon all was 
 quiet; and the lady at last fell 
 asleep, calm in the exercise of her 
 faith and trust in Ood, her soul 
 filled with thankfulness for his 
 protecting goodness. The man 
 proved trno to his word. In the 
 morning it was found that not a 
 thing ill the house had been dis- 
 turbed. And the lady more than 
 once and eariiegtly prayed that 
 the man might bu led to forsake 
 his evil courses and put his trust 
 in that Saviour who came to seek 
 determined to murder her, so that 
 it was providential she took the 
 course she did. Then before he 
 went away ho said, ' I never 
 heard such words before, and I 
 must have the book out of which 
 you read ;' and ho carried off her 
 Bible, willingly enough given 
 you may bu sure." 
 This happened years ago, and 
 only lately did the lady hear any 
 more of the robber. She was at- 
 tending a religious meeting in 
 Yorkshire, where alter several 
 own experience, that he never 
 fails his people in the hour cf 
 their need!~/(/M Chrii. Weekly. 
 There is a beantifnl Oriental 
 custom of which I have read that 
 tells the story of Christ's atone- 
 ment on the Cross very perfectly. 
 When a debt had to bo settled, 
 either by full payment or forgive- 
 it was the nsage for the 
 ness, It was the nsage 
 creditor to take tho cancelled bond 
 noted clergymen and others had! and nail it over the door of him 
 spoken, a man arose, saying that {who hcd owed it, that all passers- 
 by might see that ft was 
 paid. Oh, blessed story of 
 our admission ! There is the 
 cross, the door of grace, be- 
 hind which a oankrupt 
 world lies in hopeless debt 
 to tho law. See Jesus, our 
 bondsman and brother, com- 
 ing forth with tho long list 
 of our indebtedness in His 
 hand. He Hits it up where 
 Qod and angels and men 
 mav see it, and then, as the 
 nail goes through His hand, 
 it goes through the bond of 
 our transgressions to cancel 
 it forever, blotting out the 
 handwriting of ordinances 
 that was against us, that was 
 contrary to us, he took it out 
 of the way, nailing it to His 
 cross ! Come to that cross, 
 O sinner ! Not i» order that 
 you msy wash out your sins 
 by your tears, or atone for 
 them liy your good works, 
 or efface tnem by your soph- 
 istries or self-deceptions. But 
 come rather that you may 
 read the long, black list that 
 is against you, and be pierced 
 to your heart by compunc- 
 tion and sorrow that you 
 have offended such a Being; 
 and then that, lifting up 
 your eyes, you may see God 
 turning His eyes to the same 
 cross at which you are look- 
 ing, and saying " I, even I, 
 am He that blotteth out thy 
 transgressions for mine own 
 sake, and will not remember 
 thy sins." — A. J. Gordon. 
 no I and to save the lost, and who, even ■ he was employed as one of the 
 on the cross, could accept and save book-hawkers (or colporteurs) of 
 the thief who was penitent. the Society, and told the story 
 The deliverance ofthe lady raoy of the midnight adventure, 
 seem wonderful, and tho story , as a testimony to the won- 
 nlmost too strange for belief. But derful power of tho Word of God, 
 some time after the occurrence a. concluding with, "I was that 
 letter was received by the one ma» '" The lady rose from her 
 who related it, fully corroborating seat in the hall, and said quietly, 
 tho statement, and addinir some," It "s a" true; I was the lady! 
 facts that enhance both the won-,*nd sat down again, 
 dcr and the mercy of the escape. | If we had more faith in God's 
 The letter says, "In the Hrst place, word, and more full and child- 
 the robber told her that if she like reliance on His promises and 
 had given the slightest alarm or His providence, should we not 
 token of resistance, he was fully tar more frequently find, in our 
 A Home without books 
 is like a room without win- 
 dows. No man has any 
 right to bring np his chil- 
 dren without surrounding 
 them with books It is a 
 great wrong to his family. Ho 
 cheats them. Children very 
 easily learn to read by being in 
 the presence of books. The love 
 of knowledge comes with the 
 reading of books, and grows np- 
 on it. And the love of knowledge 
 in a young mind is almost a war- 
 rant against the inferior excite- 
 ment of passion and vice. 
 Thou Invisible Spibit of 
 wine ! if thou hast no name to be 
 known by, let us call thee devil. 
 BT msfl DANTRLL8. 
 In the village of Toa-Po, in the 
 Tie-Ie district, a poor family, anr- 
 named Tie, live in two rooms 
 and the house rented at that. 
 There is no direct communioation 
 between these two in go- 
 ing from one to the other, persons 
 mpst go out of doors. One room 
 is fnrmshed with two beds, a table, 
 two cupboards, a bench and two 
 chairs — this is the room in which 
 Miss Norwood and I were invited 
 to partake of tea, r«ke and candies, 
 when we visited the family in 
 October — in the second room is s ' 
 bod, a loom, a chair and sma' 
 articles used in cooking, besi< 
 the loose stuff, sticks, dried grc 
 etc., which belong to every vJc <• 
 nese family and must be storet* . , 
 The father of the family .s a 
 heathen and an interpreter of the 
 gods, the mother is a Christian 
 and Bible-iecder, the elder 
 son is a Christian and a 
 theological student, the eldest 
 daughter is a believer, but having 
 married into a heathen family she 
 is not allowed to worship the true 
 Ood and onlv does it secretly ; the 
 second daughter died many years 
 ago ; the third, a bright girl four- 
 teen years old, was betrothed to a 
 heathen before she or her taother 
 believed, and these betrothals 
 being like .the laws of the Medes 
 and Persians she will be obliged 
 to marry this heathen and go into 
 a heathen family to live, to the 
 great regret oi herself and her 
 mother. The second son is a 
 believer but is kept iu the heathen 
 schools at his home by his father. 
 The fourth daughter is in the 
 school at Swatow, and she is the 
 little girl of whom I wish to tell 
 you. Her name is Tie Siu Chin. 
 Sin Chin came into the school less 
 than two years since. She has 
 the advantage of a mother's care 
 and consequently the prospect oi 
 being betrothed to a Christian lad. 
 You may feel like smiling at the 
 idea of a little girl only twelve 
 years old being betrothed or " en- 
 gaged to be married' as we often 
 say, but this you know is the 
 practice all over China and so it 
 seems all right to these children. 
 "All right" do I say? No! I 
 think not. I believe that many 
 of the girls rebel against the 
 custom, aud feel in their hearts 
 as bitter as many girls at home do 
 in following fashions that are in- 
 convenient and disagreeable. 
 Yet custom in China is just as 
 great a tyrant as fashion in 
 America, and both work ruin to 
 the domestic happiness which 
 Ood ordained for the good of both 
 Chinese and American girls. Siu 
 Chin is said to be naturally very 
 amiable and industrious, so that 
 she undoubtedly has a pleasant 
 life before her. The neighbors 
 all praise her and say that she 
 never deserves a beatinff. Her 
 . mother says that when she was 
 ing the woman spinning she 
 urged her to teach ner to spin. 
 She allowed her to go for many 
 days but did not oelieve she 
 could learn. She persevered and 
 when she brought the yarn that 
 she had spun to her mother she 
 was greatly delighted. 
 She was about eight years old 
 when her mother and brother 
 first beUeved, and they at once 
 began evening prayers. She 
 was always present, but her 
 mother did not know how she 
 felt about it until one night as she 
 sat sewing. Sin Chin said to her, 
 " Mother, do not sew now, I am 
 "-y sleepy and want to go to 
 , but I do not want to go un 
 we hare had prayers." This 
 aa before she fuUjt believed, but 
 the devil, and interpreting for the 
 false gods. Her father received 
 the letter when there were many 
 heathen present. He was very 
 proud that she had written to 
 him, BO he read it aloud, and 
 showed the writing to the com- 
 pany, who declared that the 
 writing was good, but the words 
 were not good. Then the mother, 
 who was also present, told them 
 many things about the gospel, 
 and no one made an answer. 
 While Siu Chin has been in 
 school she has read the hymn- 
 book, the lour gospels. Acts, 
 Corinthians and Oenesis in the 
 language of the common people, 
 and she has read Exodus in the 
 letters of the educated people. 
 Bvory Christian Chinese woman 
 after a time she came to school, 
 and when she went home she 
 wanted to pray with them. 
 One day she said to her mother: 
 " I want to be baptized." Her 
 mother replied, " You are very 
 small, and I fear you do not 
 understand much of the gospel." 
 She repeated, •' I positively want 
 to be baptized, and be a disciple 
 of Christ." She soon returned to 
 school, and two communions after 
 the brethren thought her a suit- 
 able subject for baptism. 
 Not long after this she wrote a 
 letter to her father in which she 
 said to him that she felt he ought 
 to know the gospel, and she was 
 exhort him to believe 
 J- writmg to 
 oaly six years old she went to in Jesus Christ and worship God, 
 the house of a neighbor and see- 1 and to throw aside the affairs of 
 1 1 oaly SIX 
 4^ the hons( 
 who can read gives hope for the 
 native church, for though aa a 
 a girl and a woman she be much 
 neglected, as the aged mother she 
 becomes monarch of the house- 
 hold, and as a Christian her in- 
 fluence is felt in everything that 
 pertains to religious worship in 
 the entire household. So we trnsl 
 that all of our girls in the school 
 are yet to be helpful in the 
 Swalou), June 20, 1882. 
 Does not this interesting story 
 make yon want to help Chinese 
 girls to know the way of life ? 
 Mr. Silas Brown had advestised 
 for a clerk. He wanted one to 
 the O 
 beffin in the lowest place m 
 office ; but it found oomnetent he 
 would be' advanced. Mr. Silas 
 Brown was a sharp, and some 
 said hard, business man. But he 
 was just, and had a really kind 
 heart under his sharp waya- 
 Edward Clayton had seen the 
 advertisement, and as ha wanted 
 to do something to help his 
 widowed mother, he determined 
 to apply for the situation, though 
 he had heard not a little about 
 Mr. Brown's sharp ways. So ho 
 presented himseit in that gentle- 
 man's office, and told him why he 
 had come. 
 "Tour name 7 " said Mr. 
 "Edward Clayton," was the 
 " Seventeen." 
 " Ever been in business? " 
 " No, sir." 
 " What do you know ? " 
 " My teacher, Mr. Grey, of the 
 High School, will tell you that I 
 stood well in my classes." 
 " Do you smoke, or chew 
 tobacco ? " 
 " No, sir. My mother would 
 not allow that, even if I wanted 
 " So you are not too old to mind 
 your mother," said the mer- 
 " No, sir." 
 "Go to church?" asked Mr. 
 "Yes, sir, and to Sabbath- 
 '• If I employ you, will you do 
 ex&ctly as I tell you 7 " 
 " Certainly, sir," said Edward, 
 " so long as you do not tell me to 
 do anything wrong." 
 " Well, that's cool, I declare," 
 said the merchant. " Who is to 
 be the judge, I should like to 
 know, as to what is right and 
 " So far as I am concerned, Mr. 
 Brown," replied the young man, 
 " I must decide by my own con- 
 science. But I do not believe 
 that you would ask me to do any- 
 thing that was wrong." 
 " Have you any recommenda- 
 tions ? " persisted Mr. Brown. 
 " No, sir. I have never been iu 
 business, and so have no one tn 
 give a recommendation." 
 " Oh, well, ' said the merchant, 
 something like a smile coming 
 over his sharp features, " I think 
 you have some very goiod recom- 
 mendations. A young man in 
 these days who does not smoke or 
 chew, who is willing to acknow- 
 ledge that he is obedient to hi.s 
 mother, who attends church and 
 Sabbath-school, and who says 
 that he will be governed by his 
 conscience, is, to my thiiuung, 
 well recommended." 
 So Edward g(ot the place, and I 
 fancy will be able to keep it, at 
 least until he grows oat of it, 
 into a better one. 
 Good principles, boys, are the 
 best foundation you can have for 
 true aaooan tn lild.—Child'i 
 meTchant. | 
 ile coming 
 B, "I think 
 ood recom- 
 ig man in 
 ot tmoke or 
 to acknow- 
 lient to his 
 chnrch ami 
 who says 
 led by his 
 )cn hare for 
 [ita.—Child'i , 
 O u 
 NesrW three hundred vears 
 ago, in tne city of Seville, lived 
 one of the greatest of Spanish 
 Sainten — Bartolem^ Kat^ban 
 Many beauUntl pictures paint- 
 ed by this master adorn the 
 palace's of the Old World, while a 
 lew may be found in the posses- 
 sion of wealthy art-Iorers upon 
 this side of the water. 
 Jn the chnrch of Seville one 
 may see four beantifal paintings 
 — one, a picture of Christ bound 
 to a column, St. Peter in a kneel- 
 ing posture at His feet, as if im- 
 plormg pardon ; another, a 
 superb painting of St. 
 Joseph ; one of St. Ann ; and 
 a fourth, an exquisite picture 
 of the Virgin Mother hold- 
 ing the inmnt Jesus in her 
 arms. These paintings ar? 
 largely sought for and long 
 gazed upon by all art-lovers 
 who visit Spam, and are par- 
 ticularly admired by artists 
 for their truthful beauty, 
 delicate tints, and natural 
 But they are not Muril- 
 These noble paintings, the 
 pride and glory of Seville to- 
 day, were conceived and ex- 
 ecuted by a mulatto, SebaH- 
 tian Gomez, wfio was once 
 the slave, then the pupil, 
 and in time the peer of his 
 illustrious and high-minded 
 The childhood of Sebas- 
 tian Gomfez was one of servi- 
 tude His duties were 
 many and constant He was 
 required to grind and miz 
 the colors used by the young 
 senors, who came at the 
 early hour of six in the 
 morning to take their lessons 
 in drawmg and painting in 
 the studio of the great Muril- 
 lo; to prepare and stretch 
 canvas, run errands, and be 
 ready at all times to answer 
 the capricious demands of 
 these high-bom and imperi- 
 ous youths. 
 The poor mulatto boy nadi 
 however, in addition to a 
 generous heart and amiable 
 temper, a quick wit, bright 
 intellect, and willing hands. 
 His memory also was excel- 
 lent; he was not without 
 judgment, and, what was better 
 than all, he was gifted with the 
 power of application. 
 Intellect, wit, memory, judg- 
 ment are all good endowments, 
 but none of these will lead to ex- 
 cellence if one has not a habit of 
 industry and steady application. 
 Sebastian Oomdi, at the age of 
 fifteen, found himself capable, not 
 only of admiring, but also of ap- 
 preciating, the work of the pupils 
 who wrought in his master's 
 which they failed to note in their 
 It chanced, sometimes, that he 
 would drop a hint of his thoughts, 
 when handing a mahl-stick, or 
 moving an easel for some artist 
 " How droll it is that the sly 
 other than light comment. 
 One day a student who had 
 been for a long f ime at work upon 
 a " Descent from (he Croa8,"and 
 who,bnt the previous day, had ef- 
 faced from the canvas an unsatis- 
 factory head of the Mater Dolo- 
 rosa, was struck dumb with sur- 
 young rogue should be so nearly ' prise at finding in its place a love 
 correct in his criticisms !" one of \y sketch of the head and face 
 the pupils would perhaps remark, | he had so labored to perfect, 
 after over-hearing some auiet The miracle— for miracle it seem 
 suggestion of the mulatto lad. 
 " Aye. One might think the 
 slave a connoisseur." would laugh 
 "Truly, it was owing to a cun- 
 ning hint of his that my St. An- 
 ed — was inquired into, and ex- 
 amination proved that this ex- 
 quisite head, which Murillo him- 
 self owned that ho would have 
 been proud to have painted, was 
 the secret work of the little slave 
 "Other masters leave to pos- 
 terity only pictures," exclaimed 
 the glad mMter. "I shall be- 
 queath to the world a painter ! 
 Your name, Sebastian, shall go 
 down to posterity only in com- 
 pany with mine ; your fame shall 
 compete mine ; coming ages, 
 when tbey name you, shall call 
 you ' MnriUo's mulatto' !" 
 He spake truly. Throughout 
 Spain to-day that artist who, of 
 all the great master's pupils, most 
 nearly equals him in all his vari- 
 ed excellences, is best known, 
 not as Sebastian Gomez alone, 
 but as " Sebastian Gomez ; The 
 Mulatto of Murillo." 
 Murillo had Gom6z made 
 a free citizen of Spain.treated 
 him as a son, and, when dy- 
 ing, he left him a part of his 
 estate. Beit Gomez survived 
 his illustrious master and 
 friend only a few } ears, dy- 
 ing, it is said, about the year 
 1500.— S<. Nicholas. 
 drew's arm was improved in the 
 foreshorteniufif " 
 " It was Gomez who detected 
 first the harshness in my coloring 
 of this St Catherine's hands, and 
 noted the false curve of the lower 
 lip. The mulatto has the true eye 
 for color, and, in truth, he seems to 
 guess at form as readily as some 
 of his betters." 
 Such were the remarks 
 that often followed the lad's exit, 
 as the young senors lightly com- 
 mented upon his criticisms 
 There came a time, however, 
 ft Attimeaheevenfanciedthathetwhen the poor mulatto re- 
 could deteo* error. *^i blemiihe.1 ceived from their lordly lips far 
 iHt — 
 Sebastian. So closely had ho 
 listened to his great master's in- 
 structions to the pupils, so reten- 
 tively stored them in his mind, 
 and so industriously worked upon 
 them while others slept, — his cus- 
 tom being to rise at three in the 
 morning and paint until five, — 
 that he, the servant of the young 
 artists, had become, unconscious- 
 ly to himself as to them, an artist, 
 also. Murillo,upon discovering the 
 genius of G«m^z, was enraptured, 
 and declared that the young mu- 
 latto ahould be in his aignt no 
 longer a slave, but a man, his 
 pupil, and an artist. 
 The Riff Arabs, when they 
 see a swarm of locusts hover- 
 ini? in the air and cloud- 
 ing the sky, watch thom 
 with anxiety, and when 
 they descend near their 
 habitations they receive 
 them with shouts of 
 gratitude to God and 
 Mohammed, throw them- 
 selves on the ground, and 
 collect them as fast as pos- 
 sible. The locusts, deprived 
 of their heads, legs, and 
 wings, are well boiled in 
 butter, and served up with 
 a substance called a'cuzcuz 
 The Riff Arabs consider them 
 delicious food. Their camels 
 also eat them greedilv. The 
 Moors use them to this day, 
 by first boiling and then fry- 
 ing them. The Moorish Jews, 
 more provident than their 
 Mussulman neighbors, salt 
 them and keep them for 
 making a dish called dafina, 
 which forms the Saturday's 
 dinner of the Jewish inhabi- 
 tants. This dish is made by 
 putting meat, fish, eggs, to- 
 matoes, locusts, " in fact, al- 
 most anything edible, into a 
 jar. placing the latter in an 
 oven on Friday night, and 
 then taking it out hot on the 
 Sabbath." In this manner 
 the Hebrew gets a hot dinner 
 without committing the sin of 
 lighting a fire upon that day. — 
 Popular Science Monthly. 
 God never accepts a good in- 
 clination instead of a good action, 
 where that action may be done ; 
 nay, so much the contrary, that if 
 a good inclination be not second- 
 ed by a good action, the want of 
 that action is made so much the 
 more criminal and inezcns«ble. — 
 He that respects not ia-uot re- 
 spected. — Herbtrt. 
 \ SI 
 Kin. 1.— EDIBT.E MUSSEL. 
 The common edible muasel, at- 
 tracts our special attention on ac- 
 count of its value as an article of 
 diet and commerce. 
 In the accompanying enfi^rav- 
 ing, Fig. 1 shows the animal laid 
 open to view, the left half of the 
 triangular shell having been re- 
 moved, while the brim of the 
 mantle has been thrown back a 
 little to allow a better inspection 
 of the inner organs. Both parts 
 of the shell are alike in shape and 
 size. The hinge or lock unit ii^ 
 (hem is located in the smalie'^t 
 angle of the triangle formed by 
 the shell, and both of the latter 
 end at this point in short conical 
 elevations. At the opposite end 
 there is a small opening in the 
 shell and in close proximity runs 
 a short fringed tul>e connecting 
 with the inner organs of respi- 
 The peculiar digital form of the 
 foot and (he presence of a spin- 
 ning gland ur byssus arc charac- 
 teristic, and both are undoubtedly 
 related to the stationary mode of ; years. Each individual produces 
 life of the animal. The long side { millions of oflapring. 
 firm in » ahort time. 
 Oiicn attached to a rock or 
 log '(hey resist the action 
 of the stronirest current 
 or heariost gale. Fig. 2 is 
 a correct representation 
 of (ho inuaspl as attached 
 (o a iixed object. 
 If (ho mussel desires lo 
 change i(s residence it 
 draws {(self forward ax 
 far ns j>ossible, and at- 
 taches a few threads as far 
 ahead as the foot reaches 
 At the same (ime a few of 
 the old threads are sever- 
 ed. This manipulation is 
 repeaied un(il a suitable 
 site is reached. Although 
 this mode of locomodon is 
 extremely slow, the ani- 
 mal nevertheless manages 
 to (ravel considerable distances 
 in this manner. 
 The edible mussel inhabits, by 
 preference, (hose pordons of the 
 shore which are laid dry at low 
 tide; and in the neighborhood of 
 the mouths of rivers, where (he 
 perccnUge of calt in the water is 
 low, brosd thick bands may be 
 observed covering (hat particular 
 section and marking it distinctly. 
 Sometimes as many as 2,000 indi- 
 viduals have been counted on an 
 area of one square foot. 
 As above menduned, the ani- 
 mal prefers water containing only 
 a little salt. It abounds, there- 
 fore, especially in those kuropean 
 wiiters cut otf partly from free 
 communicadons with the Atlan- 
 tic, as in the German North Sea, 
 the Baltic, and the Adriatic. 
 They have also been acclimatized 
 in the Caspian Ftea, the water of 
 which is not extremely salt. 
 In the northern waters the 
 edible mussel attains its full size 
 in four to five years, and in the 
 Mediterranean in one to two 
 of the shell being the face side of { 
 the mussel. A is the brim of the 
 mantle of the latter. On both 
 sides of the mouth, F, will be 
 noticed the long, narrow, folded 
 tentacles, G ; J is the exterior, I 
 the interior respiratory muscle ; 
 Besides being almost indispen- 
 sable as bait for certain fish, they 
 are extensively used as an article 
 of food. They are largely culti- 
 vated in all European waters, in 
 so-called "parks." In the North 
 Sea these consist of large num- 
 E and D are muscles controlling bers of trees, from which the 
 the foot, B, under and behind the : smaller branches only have been 
 base of which is situated the cut, and which are planted in the 
 byssus or spinning gland. From bottom of the sea at such a dis- 
 i(s cavity a groove extends along tance from the shore that their 
 the lower side of the loot, and upper portion is partially laid 
 sk ena 
 S ( to t1 
 ends at its tip in a transversi' 
 cavity containing a small plate, 
 perforated by seven small apar- 
 tures, used for sucking. 
 By means of the foot and the 
 bysscan gland the aiii.nal is en- 
 abled to spin a net or barb, ' ', 
 consisting of numerous thin 
 threads, attached firmly to the 
 surface of the rock or other ob- 
 ject forming its abode. These 
 threads are produced from a vis- 
 cid liquid substance secreted in 
 the byssean gland, which is suck- 
 ed up into the apertures of the 
 end of the foot and drawn out in- 
 to threads, which become quite ^ 
 baro at low water. After four or 
 five years they are raised, strip- 
 ped, and replaced by others. In 
 the bay of Kiel, Germany, alone 
 about 1,000 of these trees are 
 annually planted and about 1,000 
 tons of mussels are brought on 
 the market. Bad seasons occur, 
 however, both wi(h respect to 
 quality and quantity, owing to 
 various causes. In the Adriatic 
 the mussels are raised on ropes 
 extended between poles rammed 
 into the ground. The ropes are 
 raised and stripped once in eigh- 
 teen mouths.— Sci'e/i/iVfc Ameri- 
 In the days when Napo- 
 leon was First Oonral of France, 
 a well dressed girl, fourteen 
 years of age, presented herself 
 alone at the gute of the palace 
 By tears and entreadesshe inoved 
 the kind-hearted porter to allow 
 her (o enter. Passing from one 
 room to another, she found her 
 way to the hall through whtch 
 Napoleon, with his ofiicers, was 
 to pass. When he appeared, she 
 cast herself at his feet, and in the 
 most earnest and moving manner, 
 cried, " Pardon, sire, pardon for 
 my father !" 
 " And who is your father ?" 
 asked Napoleon ; " and who are 
 you ?■' 
 " My name is Lajolia,"Bhe said, 
 and with flowing tears added, 
 " but sire, my father is doomed 
 to die." 
 "Ah, young lady," replied 
 Napoleon ; I can do nothing for 
 you. It is the second time that 
 your father has been found guilty 
 of treason against (he State." 
 " Alas," exclaimed the girl, " I 
 know it sire ; but I do not ask for 
 justice — I implore pardon. I be- 
 seech you, forgive, forgive my 
 father ?" 
 Napoleon's lips trembled, and 
 his eyes filled with tears. After 
 a momentary struggle of feeling, 
 ho gently took the hand of the 
 young maiden and said : 
 " Well, my child, for your sake 
 I will pardon your father. That 
 is enough. Now leave me." 
 Keader, know, that, as a sinner 
 against God, (he cry from your 
 lips must always be, " Not jastice, 
 but pardon." 
 " My dear boy," said a father 
 to his only son, " you are in bad 
 company. The lads with whom 
 vou associate indulge in bad 
 habits. They drink, smoke, 
 swear, play cards, and visit 
 theatres. They are not safe com- 
 pany for you. I beg you to quit 
 their society." 
 " Yon needn't be afraid of me, 
 father," replied the boy langh- 
 lag. " I gnees 1 know a thing or 
 two, I know how far to go and 
 when to stop," 
 The lad lelt hia father's house, 
 twirling his cane in his fingers 
 and laughing at the old man's 
 A few years later and that lad, 
 grown to manhood, stood at the 
 bar of a court, before ajury which 
 had just brought in a verdict of 
 guilty against him for some crime 
 in which he had been concerned. 
 Before he was sentenced he ad- 
 dressed the court, and said among 
 other things : " My downward 
 course began with disobedience 
 to my parents. I thought I knew 
 as much of the world as my 
 father did, and I spurned his ad- 
 vice ; but as soon aa I turned my 
 back on my home, temptation 
 came upon me like a drove of 
 hyenas, and hurried me to ruin." 
 Mark that confession, ye boys 
 who are besrinning to be wiser 
 than your parents ! Mark it, and 
 learn that disobedience is the 
 first step on the road to ruin. 
 Don't take it\— Christian Intelli- 
 An Englishman says that in his 
 great-grand Csther's house, as he 
 has heard his mother tell, there 
 was a clock on which was the 
 following inscription: 
 " Hrn I itaitd both d«y andaight. 
 To toll itao lima wlih all my mU>>t : 
 D I thon *z«inpl« tak* b; ■•, 
 Aod Mrro tbj Ood M I Mrro th«a." 
 The old clock remained in the 
 family for many yearB,bntthe time 
 of which it told so faithfully at 
 last conquers all things on earth. 
 — Oolden Day*. 
 Mint a strong character was 
 only pulp to begin with ; and but 
 for a providential pressure upon 
 it it would have remained pulp 
 to this day. — Sunday- School 
 As A malarial air may endan- 
 ger a good constitution, ao bad 
 companions endanger a good 
 no. 2.— XDIBLK KD88XL. 
 of me, 
 ling or 
 rn and 
 Ic it, and 
 ) is the 
 >o rain. 
 ** onE 
 Our little onei in the coun- 
 try ra*y have •miled to tee a 
 chicken mounted on the old 
 hen's back while she sat sun* 
 uinr herself in the yard 
 Perhaps the young thins 
 with few feathers sanr a sojt 
 " Gree-cree," to tell that he 
 enjoyed his position. At 
 night he would better like to 
 be brooded undtr the mother 
 When Biddy got upon her 
 feet and went marching on, 
 ofi tumbled chick. Now he 
 must use his own legs or be 
 left behind. Those biU of 
 legs may well be weary 
 sometimes with long jour- 
 neys about the farm. 
 One or two species of birds 
 ar* known to fly long distances, 
 carrying their young on their 
 Small birds take passage across 
 the Mediterranean Sea on the 
 backs of large and stronger ones. 
 They could not Ay so far. Their 
 strength would give out, and thoy 
 would drop in the water and 
 Along the northern shore of the 
 sea, in autumn, these little birds 
 assemble, to wait the coming of 
 cranes from the North, as people 
 wait for the train at a railway 
 With the first cold blast the 
 cranes arrive, flock after flock. 
 They fly low over the cultivatod 
 fields. They utter a peculiar cry, 
 as of warning or calling. It an- 
 swers the same purpose as the 
 ringing of the bell when the train 
 is about to start. 
 The small birds understand it 
 so. They get excited. They 
 hasten aboard, scrambling for 
 places. The first to come get the 
 best seats. If the passengers are 
 too many, some will have to flit 
 back to the hedges till the next 
 train. How they chatter good- 
 byes, — those who go and those 
 who stay. 
 No tickets have they, but all 
 the same they are conveyed safe- 
 ly. Doubtless the great birds 
 like this warm covering for their 
 backs. In this way the small 
 birds pay their fare. And it is 
 (he finest palaces in ancient 
 Rome were soon covered 
 with soot and lilih. It was 
 impossible to korp them 
 clean. The mo.iaics and the 
 paintings on the walls soon 
 became d' 'ro'.ored. In the 
 oastleN of England and 
 France it was still worse. 
 Here ihr huffe fire biased in 
 the c-'ntre of the great hall. 
 The smoke covered the roof 
 with black drapery, and the 
 sb ge knights and squires 
 were forced either to endure 
 the cold, or to live and 
 breathe in an air that was 
 dangerous to siaht, health, 
 and life itselfT — Harper' i 
 Young People. 
 Chimneys seem so .natural to us 
 that wo forget that there was a time 
 when they were unknown. They 
 were invented about the same 
 time with clocks and watches. 
 No house in ancient Rome or 
 Athens had them. The Oreeks 
 and Ilomans heated their rooms 
 with hot coals in a dish, or by 
 flues underneath the floor. The 
 smoke passed out by the doors 
 and windows. You could always 
 tell when a Roman was about to 
 give a dinner party by the clouds 
 of smoke that came out of the 
 Icitchen windows. It must have 
 been very unpleasant for the 
 cooks, who had to do their work 
 in the midst of it. 
 The tall chimneys that rise 
 over the tops of the houses in New 
 York and Brooklyn, pouring out 
 their clouds of smoke, would have 
 seemed miracles to our ancestors 
 a few centuries ago. Even the 
 pipe of a steamer or the chimney 
 of a kerosene lamp they would 
 have thought wonderful. In 
 England, in the time of the Con- 
 queror (1066;, the fire was built 
 on a clay floor or in a hole or pit 
 in the largest room of the house. 
 The smoke passed through an 
 opening in the roof. At night a 
 cover wai placed over the coals 
 Everybody was by law obliged 
 to cover up his fire when the bell 
 rang at a certain hour. In 
 these last who must be out in the j French this was cuuvre-feu, and 
 wet if it storms. | hence the word " curfew" bell. 
 The little passengers arc of dif- , Chimneys began to be used 
 ferent species, like Americans, I generally in England in the be- 
 Irish, Germans, and Chinese | ginning of the reign of Elizabeth. 
 travelling together in cars or i No one Knows who invented them, 
 steamships. Their journey takes or when they first came into use. 
 them through the air, high above We find them first in Italy. 
 the wide sweep of waters. They! In Venice they seem to have 
 ' been not uncommon as earlv as 
 had long 
 are close companions on tSe way. 
 By and by they reach the beau- 
 tiful South country. There they 
 build nests and sing sweetly, as 
 they build here and sing for us in 
 our happy summer-time. 
 Indeed, God cares for the spar- 
 rows. — Our LiUle Ones. 
 Dost thou love life ? then do 
 not squander time, for that is the 
 •tuff life is made of.— Franklin 
 1847. In 1368 they 
 been in use at Padua. They 
 were at first built very wide and 
 large, so that they could be easily 
 cleaned. The wide chimney- 
 pteces of some of our older houses 
 are very curious. 
 But as time passed on chim- 
 neys were made taller, narrow, 
 and often crooked. When they 
 had to be cleaned it was custom- 
 ary to send boys up into them to 
 remove the soot and ashes. It 
 was then that the saddest stories 
 were told of the little sweeps 
 who were forced to climb up the 
 narrow flues, and come down 
 torn, bleeding, and covered with 
 soot. These poor creatures, who 
 were often not more than seven 
 or eight years old, were some- 
 times suflocated in the foul chim- 
 nevs they attempted to clean. 
 When they reached the top they 
 were expected to look out and 
 give a loud shout. No boy 
 would over become a chimney- 
 swe jp from choice, and they were 
 often driven to climb the chim- 
 neys by the fear of a whipping. 
 The crueltv of the master-sweeps 
 was fearful. 
 The little chimney-sweeper 
 has passed away. His place is 
 taken by a patent broom and a 
 colored operator. Chimneys are 
 built two and three hundred feet 
 high. In Birmingham, England, 
 one fell down recently on a large 
 factory, killing and wounding 
 thirty or forty workmen and 
 Others. The tallest chimney in 
 New York is that of the Steam- 
 heating Company. 
 The chimney is one of the 
 most useful of inventions. We 
 can not well understand how the 
 Oreeks and Romans did without 
 it. But with us it is everywhere. 
 Our lamps would never burn 
 without a chimney ; our steam- 
 boats and engines would be help- 
 less without it; OUT factories are 
 moved by it; it warms our houses, 
 and gives employment to thou- 
 sands of people. 
 In the days before chimneys 
 were invented men lived in 
 clouds of smoke. The walls of 
 Some little children were sit* 
 ting one day on the steps of a 
 door singing, as they often do, 
 some of their favorite hymns. 
 They were suddenly surprised by 
 a half-drunken man, who came 
 lip to them, and, uttering an oath, 
 said — 
 " Does your master teach yon 
 nothing but singing those foolish 
 " Yes," said a sharp little fel- 
 low, about six years of age; "he 
 tells us it is wicked to swear." 
 The poor worthless man seem* 
 ed ashamed of his conduct, and 
 passed on without further remark. 
 In the Metsenirer of Nov. 1st, 
 it will be remembered, were giv- 
 en a number of sacred pictures 
 ofiered by the Japanese to their 
 ?;uds in gratitude for their de- 
 iverance from some evil. One 
 of these pictures with its story 
 was crowded out of that number 
 and we give it now. 
 This woman and her husband 
 have suffered terribly from tooth- 
 ache. The softest foodmade them 
 jump with pain. But, thanks to 
 their gods, they have not only re* 
 covered, but are so strong in their 
 months that they can hold between 
 the teeth, without a pang, a four- 
 Why the husband has painted 
 only his wife with this trial in her 
 mouth we cannot tell. 
 Bk not simply good — be good 
 for something. — Thureau. 
 One eveoinff, Mine yeart «go, 
 on a dark and atormy night, I 
 waa summoned to visit a neigh- 
 bor who was Bappo*ed to be near 
 hia end. 1 soon made my way to 
 the deaignated house, and iound 
 the laom tilled with friends, stand- 
 ing around the dying man. The 
 physician had done all in his 
 power to relieve the patient, and 
 said that he could not last till day. 
 1 took the sntferer's hand and 
 Talked to him concerning his hopes 
 ior eternity. He said that though 
 not connected with any church, 
 he waa not afraid to die ; that he 
 had lately been converted, and 
 was trusting in Christ. I con- 
 gratulated him on being able to 
 exercise such calm reliance in the 
 near prospect of death, and urged 
 on the bystanders the importance 
 of preparation for a dying hoar. 
 After reading some appropriate 
 passages irom the Bible and offer- 
 ing prayer. I left the room, not 
 expecting to see the young man 
 alive the next mominf. 
 That night an nmooked 
 for and wonderful change 
 took place, and the following 
 morning the man was not 
 only living but improving. 
 He rapidly recovered, and in 
 a short time was able to leave 
 the sick-room. A few days 
 after I had an opportunity 
 for a quiet talk with him 
 Imagine my surprise when, 
 on my having alluded to that 
 memorable night in his his- 
 tory, he expressed himself as 
 utterly ignorant of anything 
 that occurred on the occasion. 
 He said that he bad no re- 
 membrance of my visit ; that 
 he had never knowingly pro- 
 fessed conversion, and that 
 had he died, he would have 
 had no well-grounded hope 
 for eternity. 
 Reader, the explanation is 
 that (he sick man's mind 
 wandered. He was " out of 
 his head," and unconscious of all 
 that occurred at the time. And 
 yet had he passed away, I should 
 perhaps have written to absent 
 relatives of their dear one's trium- 
 phant death, and friends would 
 have thought of him as " safe in 
 I do not mean to say that one 
 may not be converted on a death- 
 bed. God forbid that I should 
 limit the G^race of God and the 
 efficacy of atoning blood when 
 applied by the Holy Spirit, I know 
 that whenever a sinner realizes 
 that he has no help in himself and 
 no refuge of his own, and looks 
 to what Jesus has done and suf- 
 fered, he will be saved. But oh, 
 the gtiilt, the folly, the danger of 
 •' To the mercies of a moment 
 The vaat concerns of an immortal stkte." 
 And what if that "moment," 
 that last hour or day, should be 
 one when the brain is all dis- 
 ordered !—///. Chris. Weekly. 
 Please tell me in your question 
 coluon how I can make a boy's 
 telephone, oaing wire or string aa 
 the conductor of sound. As I 
 would like to run the wire or 
 string at anglea, please tell me 
 what I ran put for supports for 
 wire or string at the angles so as 
 not to interfere with the passing 
 sound. Please give full partiou- 
 lara in your next paper. 
 And oblige. A Boy. 
 " Full partioolars" would take 
 a great deal of room, but wa glad- 
 ly do a littl* more than answer 
 the specific quMtion. A bright 
 young lad of our acquaintanee 
 rigged up a telephone which car- 
 ried aound snooessfuily adiatauce 
 of some sixty icet. He took a 
 common cigar box, bored a half 
 inch hole in either end, and then 
 sawed the box in two in the 
 middle. He raised the window 
 in his room suificiently to allow 
 the half box to rest between the 
 sash and the frame, and fitted a 
 board to fill the rest of the open- 
 ing — the open end of the box 
 other half of the box was put in 
 the Mune way at the other end of 
 the line. Through the half-inoh 
 holea a fine wire waa stretched 
 tight and held in plaee by being 
 tied around a nail which lay 
 aoroas the hole. It waa, you see, 
 a mutual benefit affair ; the nail 
 kept the wire in plaee and the 
 wire kept the nail in place. There 
 were no anglea to be overcome, 
 bat my young friend thinks he 
 could arrange it so that angles 
 would not materially interfere. 
 He would, aa we understand it, 
 iaatan a loop of stilT Wire to the 
 post or corner of the building 
 making the angle, and pass the 
 telephone wire through the loop 
 in such a way as to pall from the 
 post and not touch it. 
 The same lad describes to me 
 a telephone which is in operation 
 from his father's house to his 
 store ; a distance of some 875 feet. 
 At first they used one which cost 
 about five dollars, but it was too 
 small. They tried a larger one, 
 which they have again replaced 
 by one still larger. In this case 
 being inside the window. The , there are angles to be overcome 
 King Brace of Scotland flung liimaelf dovrn. 
 In a lonely mood to think ; 
 True, he watt a monarch, and wore a crown. 
 But his heart waa beginning to sink. 
 For ha had been trying to do a great deed. 
 To make his people glad ; 
 He had tried and tried, but could not aucceed. 
 And ao he became quite aad. 
 He flung himself down in low despair. 
 Ah grieved as mau could be ; 
 And after a while he pondered there, — 
 " I'll vSie it up," cried he. 
 Now just at the moment a spider dropped, 
 With its silken cobweb clue; 
 And the king in the midst of his thinkin); 
 To see what the spider would do. 
 Twas a longaraT up to the ceiling dome, 
 Aud it hung bjr a rope so fine. 
 That how It would get to its cobweb home 
 King Bruce could not dirine. 
 It soon began to cling and crawl 
 Straight up with strong endeavor ; 
 But d ^wn it came with a slipping sprawl, 
 Ak near to the ground as ever. 
 Up, up it ran, nor a second did stay, 
 To make the least complaint. 
 Till it fell still lowor ; and there it lay 
 A little diuy and taint 
 Its head grew steady — again it went, 
 And travelled a halt yard higher ; 
 Twas a delicate thread it had 
 And a road where its feet would tire. 
 ad to tread. 
 L wouU 
 A|;ain it fell, and swung below ; 
 Btit up it quickly mounted, 
 TiEl up and down, now fast, now alow. 
 Six uravo attempts were counted. 
 "Sure," said the king, "that foolish thiug 
 Will strive no more to climb. 
 When it toils so hard to reach and cling, 
 And tumbles every time." 
 But up the insect went once more ; 
 Ah ine ! 'tis nn anxious minute ; 
 He's only a foot from his cobweb door ; 
 Oh, say, will ho lose or win it T 
 Steadily, steadily, inch by inch. 
 Higher and higlier he got. 
 And a bold little run at the very last pinch 
 Put him into the wisbed-for spot. 
 "Bravo I bravo ! " the king cried out ; 
 " All honor to those who try : 
 The spider up there defied despair !— 
 He conquered, and why should not It" 
 And Bruce of Seotland braced his mind, 
 And goasins tell the tale, 
 That he tried once more as he tried before. 
 And this time Le did not fail. 
 Pay goodly head, all ye who read. 
 Ana beware of saying, " I can't;" 
 'Tie a eowardty wora, and aptto laad 
 To idlenesa, folly and want 
 — CMUFs Companion 
 although the path for the wire fa 
 made as straight as poaaible. The 
 only insulators are loops; in the 
 case of the small telephone the top 
 is made of cord, in the one they 
 now use, of slitt' vi ire. The wire 
 loop is bent to form a sort of catch, 
 like thst in a lady's brooch, so thai 
 (he loop may be opened and the 
 wire passed in without (hn trouble 
 of drawing it through from either 
 end. This loop of stiff wire is 
 fB8(enod to a pole, or other sup- 
 port, by fine wire. So far an ap- 
 pears, the effort is to keep the wire 
 stre(ched taut, and prevented 
 from lying loosely against any- 
 thing. — Chriilian tfniom. 
 The name of this little initra- 
 ment is said to have been derived 
 (Vom "thumbell," being at the 
 first thumble, and afterward 
 It is a Dutch invention and waa 
 first brought to England about 
 the year 1606, by John Lofting. 
 Formerly iron and brass were 
 used, but lately steel, silver and 
 gold have taken their places. In 
 the ordinary manufacture, 
 thin plates of metal are in- 
 troduced into a die, and 
 punched into shape. 
 In Paris, gold thimbles arc 
 manufactured to a large ex- 
 tent. Thin sheets of sheet- 
 iron are cut into dies of about 
 two inches diameter These 
 being heated red-hot, are 
 struck with a punch into a 
 number of holes, gradually 
 increasing in depth to give 
 them proper shape. 
 The thimble is then trim- 
 med, polished and indented 
 around its outer surface with 
 a number of little holes, by 
 means of a small wheel. It 
 is then converted into steel 
 by the cementation process, 
 tempered, scoured and 
 brought to a blue color. 
 A thin sheet of gold is then 
 introduced into the interior 
 and fastened to the steel by 
 means of a polished steel mandril. 
 Gold leaf is then applied to the 
 outside, and attached to it by 
 pressure, the edge being fastened 
 to a small groove made to receive 
 them. The thimble is then ready 
 for use. — Set. * 
 Do NOT Wade fab out into the 
 dangerous sea of this world's 
 comfort. Take what the good 
 God provides you, but say of it, 
 " It passeth away ; ior indeed it 
 is but a temporary supply for a 
 temporary need." Never suffer 
 your goods to become your Ood. 
 — Spurgeon. 
 If an Irreqular Teacher 
 should read this, listen while I 
 whisper to you. You would do 
 the greatest possible good to your 
 class by either being regular or 
 resigning your place at once. You 
 will also pleaso your superinten- 
 dent by such an act, for he is 
 hoping you will do one or (he 
 other without any hint from him. 
 The ■ingnUr beantjr uid iu» 
 falneM of th« Itrge wtt«r-lily, 
 called the Lotna, hare in all a^fea 
 attracted to it an extraordinary 
 intereat ; and, combined wi*h the 
 lablea of the Bffptiana, tL« Hin- 
 doo* and the Ghinoae hare ex- 
 alted it in the Baat to honors 
 aluMMt divine. 
 It waa held aacred by the 
 ancient Egyptian*. Repreaenta- 
 tiona of it were acnlptared npon 
 (he monamenta ; tho aun waa aetin 
 riaing from it, and Osirit and 
 other deitieii aat npon it, or were 
 crowned with it. 
 In India and Oeylon the flower 
 ia held verv aacred. Whun 
 Srinces enter the idol temple they 
 are this flower in their hands, 
 and when the priests sit in silent 
 thought it is placed in a rase be 
 fore them. It is related that t 
 native, npon entering Sir William 
 Jonea' study, seeing flowers of 
 thia beautiful plant lying upon 
 the table for examination, pros- 
 trated himself before them. 
 The Sanscrit name of the flower 
 is Padma, and by that name it is 
 uaually known in Buddhist 
 countries. The words Om jVaiii 
 Padma houm ! " Oh, .Towel 
 (Precious One) in (on) the Lotus, 
 Amen ! " form the most I'recinont 
 prayer of many millions of man- 
 kind " These six syllables 
 which the Lamas (Buddhist 
 priests) repeat," ^ys Kooppen, in 
 his work on Lamaism, " form, of 
 all the prayers of the earth, the 
 piayer that is most frequently 
 repeated, written and printed. 
 They form the only prayer which 
 the common Mongols and Tibet- 
 ans know; they are the first 
 words that the stammering child 
 learns, and are the last sighs of 
 the dying. The traveller mur- 
 murs them upon his journey ; the 
 herdsman by his flock ; the wife 
 in her daily work ; the monk in 
 his devotions. One meets with 
 them everywhere, wherever 
 Lamaism has established itself — 
 on flrtgs, rocks, trees, walls, stone 
 monuments, utensils, strips of 
 paper and so forth. 
 The Buddhists of China and 
 Japan also greatly venerate the 
 flower, and associate it with all 
 the leading deities, who are re- 
 presented in the images in the 
 temples as seated upon it. 
 The power attributed to the 
 Lotus is in nothing more marked 
 than in its imagined helpfulness 
 to the souls of the deceased. It 
 figures in Ohineso paintings of 
 the punishment of the dead. In 
 these pictures the deceased are 
 represented as suffering tortures 
 of various kinds. By their 
 children, however, such valuable 
 gifts are offered as to induce 
 Kwanyin, the Ghoddess of Mercy, 
 to appear npon the scene, and 
 and cast the Lotos npon the 
 miserable sufierers. This at once 
 ends their punishment, and the 
 evil spirits are nnable to torment 
 ^ their victims any more ! Such 
 * ' pictures are shown by the Bud- 
 dhist priests to more the compas- 
 sion, terrify the consciences, and 
 open the purses of the friends of 
 the dead. 
 Bnt, notwithstanding the saored- 
 neasin whicu the Lotus is held, 
 and the fablea and superstitions 
 which are associated with it, many 
 of (he Chinese largely cultivate 
 it. The fragrant bfossoms roach 
 a diameter of ten inches, and Und 
 a ready sale. The seeds or beans 
 are eaten as they are, or are 
 ground and made into cakes; the 
 fleshy stems supply a popular 
 nourishing vegetable; while the 
 fibres of the leaf stalks serve for 
 The ancient Bgyptians alao 
 largely cnltivated the Lotus on 
 the waters of the Nile, the beans, 
 the stems and even the roots 
 being extensively used for food. 
 The seeds of the plant were en- 
 closed in hulls of clay or mud, 
 mixed with chopped straw, and 
 caat into the Nile. In due season 
 the beautiful potala appeared. 
 course ; you wouldn't thmk of tell- 
 ing snything else ? " 
 " No, I onlr thought I'd keep 
 it to myself, if I can. I'm afraid 
 it may stand in my way." 
 " It never atanda in one'a war 
 to do right, James, even though 
 it mayaeem to sometime* " 
 He found it harder than he had 
 expected to get a new situation. 
 He walked and inquired till be 
 felt almost discouraged, till one 
 day something really seemed to 
 be waiting for him. A young- 
 looking man in a clean, bright 
 store, newly started, was in want 
 of an aasiataat. Things looked 
 very attractive, so neat and dainty 
 thatJames, fearing that ahoy who 
 had a record for carelessness 
 might not be wanted there, felt 
 sorely tempted to conceal the 
 truth. It waa a long diatance 
 from the place from which he had 
 been dismissed, and the chances 
 weri' slight of a new employer 
 over hearing the truth. But he 
 thonght better of it, and frankly 
 shortly followed by buds, flowers I 
 and seeds. From which practice ] 
 the inspired writer enforces the 
 duty of sclt'-deiiying zenl and 
 faith : " Cast thy bread npon the 
 waters for thou shalt hud it after 
 many days." 
 " Lost your situation ? How 
 did it happen, my boy ? " 
 " Well, mother, you'll say it 
 was all my old carelessness, I 
 suppose. I was dusting the 
 shelves in the store, and, trying 
 to hurry up matters, sent a lot of 
 fruit-jars smashing to the floor. 
 Mr. Barton scolded, and said he 
 wouldn't stand my blundering 
 ways any longer, so I packed up 
 and left." 
 His mother looked troubled. 
 " Don't mind, mother I can get 
 another situation soon, I know. 
 But what shall I say if they ask 
 me whv I left the last one." 
 "Tell the truth, James, of 
 told exactly the circumstances 
 which had led to his seeking the 
 " I must say I hare a great 
 preference for having neat- 
 handed, careful people about me," 
 said the man, good-humoredly, 
 " but I have heard that those who 
 know their faults and are honest 
 enough to own them, are likely to 
 mend them. Perhaps the very 
 Inok you have had may help you 
 to learn to be more carelul." 
 " Indeed, sir, I will try very 
 hard," said James earnestly. 
 " Well I always think a boy 
 who tells the truth, even though 
 it may seem to go against him, — 
 Oood morning, uncle. Gome in, 
 He spoke to an elderly man who 
 was entering the door, and James 
 turning, found himself face to face 
 with his late employer. 
 "Oh, ho!" he said, looking at 
 the boy, "are yon hiring this 
 young chap, Fred ? " 
 "I naven't yet, sir." 
 " Well, I guesa you might trr 
 him. If you can only," he addea, 
 langhing, " keep him from spilling 
 all the wet goods and amaahing 
 all the dry onea yon II find him 
 reliable in everything elae. If 
 von find you don't like him I'll 
 be willmg to give him another 
 trial myaelf " 
 •If you think that well of 
 him," aaid the yonnger man, 
 " I think I shall keep him ny. 
 self." ' 
 " Oh, mother, said James, going 
 home after having made an 
 agreement with his new employer, 
 alter such a recommendation from 
 his old one, " you were right, as 
 yon always are. It waa telling 
 the truth that got it for me. What 
 if Mr. Barton had come in there 
 just after I had been telling 
 something that wasn't exactly 
 so!" ' 
 "Truth is alwaya beat,', aaid 
 his mother, "'the truth, the 
 whole truth, and nothing bnt the 
 truth.' "— Standard. 
 "FOR MB." 
 Little Carrie was a heathen 
 child, about ten years old, with 
 bright black eyes, dark skin, curly 
 brown hair, and slight, neat 
 A little while after she began 
 to go to school, the teacher 
 noticed one day that she looked 
 less happy than usual 
 " My dear," she said, " why do 
 you look so sad ? " 
 '- Because I am thinking." 
 " What arc you thinking 
 " O teacher ! I do not know 
 whether Jesus loveame or not." 
 " Carrie, did Jesus ever invite 
 little children to come to him ? ' 
 The little girl repeated the 
 verse, "Suffer little children to 
 come unto me,'' which she learned 
 at school. 
 " Well, who is that for ? " 
 In an instant Carrie clapped 
 her hands, and said : " It is not 
 for you, teacher, is it? for you 
 are not a child. No, it is for me ! 
 for me ! " 
 From that hour Carrie knew 
 that Jesus loved her; and she 
 loved him back again with all 
 her heart. 
 Now, if the heathen children 
 learn that Jesus loves them, and 
 believe his kind words as soon as 
 1hey hear them, ought not we, 
 who hear so much about the dear 
 Saviour, to believe and love him 
 too? Every one of us ought to 
 say, " It is for me ! it is for me ! 
 and throw ourselves into the 
 arms of the loving Saviour. — 
 Morning Light. 
 Pbatbb will make a man cease 
 from sin, or sin will entice a man 
 to cease from prayer. — Bunyan. 
 People look at your six days 
 in the week to see what you 
 mean on the seventh. 
J" J08 
 Thi) ffitMt heron ( ArdeAOoliath 
 ((igantodvit «nil nohiliai in louiid 
 in thn central anil aotithern part 
 of Afrios. The foathi r» of tho 
 np|H>r part of the hea«l anil tho 
 tnii upon lht> top of tho hna<l, al- 
 to the toathrra on the cnrvo of 
 the winf(H and tho anJer part of 
 the body with the oioeption of 
 the white throat, are oheatnnt 
 brown. Thw remaining uppor part 
 of the body is aah gray. The looan 
 hanging feathera on the fore part of 
 the neck are white on the outaide, 
 and black iuaide. The eye ia rrl- 
 low, tho npper part of the bill ia 
 black, the ander part ia greeniah 
 yellow at the point, and violel 
 color at the root. The foot ia 
 black, The length of tkia heron 
 ia about one hundred and thirty- 
 aix centimetera, the broadth 
 one hundred eighty aix ; the 
 length of tho tail twenty- 
 one oen timet rea, and the 
 length of the winga fifty- 
 This bird is found near 
 ahallow water. It visits 
 amall ponda in thu fields, 
 water ditchea, and puola, 
 and in winter seeks shal- 
 low bays of the aea an<l 
 waters about thu (^oaal, 
 especially whoro them is a 
 forest in the vicinity, or at 
 leatt high trees, where itia 
 accustomed to rest. 
 These giant herons arc 
 more timid than any other 
 of tho species. Every clap 
 of thunder territies them, 
 and they are afraid of men 
 even when seen at a dis- 
 tancfj. It is a very difli- 
 cult matter to surprise an 
 old heron, for it seems con- 
 scious of every danger, and 
 immediately takes to Hight 
 if frightened. They have 
 a shrill voice. 
 Their food consists of 
 fishes, frogs, serpents, 
 especially adders, young 
 swamp and water birds, 
 mice, insects that live in 
 tho water, and earth worms. 
 Naumanu says that when a 
 heron reaches tho pond, if 
 it does not suspect thu presence 
 of an observer, it generally goes 
 immediately into tho shallow 
 water and begins to iish. Bend- 
 ing its neck, and lowering its bill, 
 ittastens a keen look upon tho 
 water, and moves softly and with 
 measured stride,><, hut with such 
 cautions 8tep.s that not tho least 
 splashing sound ia heard. It cir- 
 cles rounil tho whole poml in this 
 way, seeking food, throwing its 
 neck quickly lor ward, tlien sud- 
 denly drawing it t)ack. holding a 
 fish tirmly in its bill. II the Iish 
 aimed at i.s in deep water, it 
 moves with it.s wholo neck 
 under the water, and in order to 
 preserve its balance opens its 
 wings a little. It seldom misses 
 its aim. 
 These herons form settlements, 
 the nests sometimes numbering a 
 with hair, wool, or feathera. Thej 
 lay three or four egga, whi 
 hundred In April the old herona 
 make their appearance at the 
 neaip, repair Ibem if neceaaary, 
 anil then begin to lay. They are 
 about n metre broati, ahallow, and 
 simply put together of aticka, 
 twigs, reeda, or atraw. They are 
 lined in a very alovenly maimer 
 average sixty roillimelrea in 
 length and forty-three thick. The 
 ahells are amooth, the color ia 
 green. After three weeka of 
 brooding the young birda are 
 hatched . They a re hel pleta, aw k- 
 ward, ugly oreaturea. They 
 aeem to be conatantly hungry and 
 eat an incredible amount. They 
 remain in the neat about four 
 weeka. After leaving tho neat 
 tha paranU car* lor them for • 
 In Sonlh Americi thero ia a 
 very beautiful bird railed the 
 agami, or tho gulden-breaated 
 trumpeter. It ia about aa large 
 111 the body aa one of our com- 
 mon barn-yanl fowl, but aa it haa 
 longer lege and a longer neck it 
 aeema much larger. Us general 
 color ia black, but tho plumage on 
 ^o breast ia beautiful beyond 
 deacription, being what might be 
 called irideacent, changing, aa it 
 continually doea, from a ateel-blne 
 to a led-gold, and glittering with 
 a metallic luatr*. 
 In its wild state tha agami ia 
 not peculiar for anything but ita 
 beauty, ita extraordinary cry, 
 which haa given it tha name of 
 trumpeter, and for an odd habit 
 of leaping with comical antica in- 
 faithful guardian drirnaita charge 
 homo again. 
 Soroelimes it ia giren tha oara 
 of a tlo<'k of aheep; and, though 
 It matr seem too puny for auch a 
 taak. It ia in iact quite equal to it. 
 Tha misguided aheep that triea lo 
 tritlewilri anagaroiaoon haacanae 
 torepenttheeipenmeiit; for, with 
 aawiflnesa unrivalled by any dog 
 tha feathered ahephard darta after 
 the rnnaway,and with winga und 
 beak drives it back to its place.not 
 forgetting to impreaa npon the 
 offender a aenae of ita arrora by 
 packs with iia beak. 
 Should a dog think to take ad- 
 rantage of the aeeroingly un- 
 guarded condition of tha aheep 
 and approach them with evil de 
 aigna, the agami makes no hraita- 
 tion about ruahingat him and giv- 
 ing combat. And it muat ba 
 a good dog that will over- 
 come the brave bird. In- 
 deed, moat dogi are to 
 awed by tha fierce onaet ol 
 tha agami, accompanied by 
 itaatrange cries, that they 
 incontinently turn about 
 and run, fortunate if they 
 eacape unwounded from 
 the indignant creature. 
 At mealtimea tt walka 
 into the houae and takea its 
 poaition near ita master, 
 aeeming to ask for hia ca 
 resses. It will not permit 
 the presence of any otbei 
 pet in the room, and even 
 reaenta the intrusion of any 
 servants not belonging 
 there, driving out all othere 
 before it will be contented. 
 Like a well-bred dog, it 
 does not clamor for food, 
 but waits with dignity un- 
 til its wants have been sat- 
 isfied. — From " BfHtvolent 
 Birdt," by Will Woodman, 
 in St. Nicholas. 
 O'.ANT HKBON. — (0«e-/f/M Natural 
 II ^ 
 few days and then leave (hem to 
 their fate. Old and young then 
 disperse, and the settlement is 
 Baldsmus says that tho fe^r 
 which these borons have oi <«;i 
 birds of prey, even crows and 
 magpies, is really laughable. 
 The robbers appear to know this, 
 for they plunder the heron settle- 
 ments with shameless impudence, 
 and expect no greater revenge 
 than a few feeble blows of the 
 They are easily raised in 
 captivity, their food consisting of 
 liab, frogs, and mice. — From 
 Bfehm's Animal Life. 
 A Wise Man will make more 
 opportunities than he finds. — 
 Lord Bacon. 
 to the air, apparently for its own 
 amusement. When tamed, how- 
 ever, — and it soon learns to aban- 
 don its wild ways, — it usually 
 conceives a violent attachment for 
 its muster, and, though very jeal- 
 ous of his aflection, endeavors to 
 please him by a solicitude for tho 
 well-being of all that belongs to 
 him, which may fairly be termed 
 It is never shut up at night as 
 the other fowl are, but, with a 
 well-deserved liberty, is permitted 
 to take up its quaiters where it 
 pleases. In the morning, it 
 drives the ducks towaterand the 
 chickens to their feeding-ground ; 
 and if any should presume to 
 wander, they are quickly brought 
 to a senSo of duty by a aharp re- 
 minder from the atrocg beek of 
 the vigilant agami. At night, the 
 The whole of a day was 
 spent recently at Bridge- 
 port, Conn., by five men in 
 trimming tho feet of two 
 elephants. The operation 
 is performed, the New Haven 
 Register says, once on tha road, 
 once in the fall, and again in tho 
 spring. The sole of an elephant's 
 foot ia covered with a thick, horny 
 fcubstance, which as it grows 
 thicker, tends to contract and 
 crack, often laming tho animal. 
 At the timo of trimming the ele- 
 phant stands on three legs and 
 places the foot to be operated upon 
 across a large tub. Two men 
 hold the leg down, and one stands 
 at the animal's head to prevent 
 him from turning. Then with a 
 two-foot drawing knife one man 
 shaves off great pieces of bono 
 from the sole of the foot. The ele- 
 phant holds the foot high of his 
 own accord, and after the opera- 
 tion he flourishes his trunk, 
 trumpets, and expresses sincere 
 ihhnkt.— Scientific American. 
 day WM 
 re men in 
 of two 
 w Haven 
 the road, 
 ain in tho 
 lick, horny 
 it groWB 
 itract and 
 ho animal. 
 ng the ele- 
 legs and 
 rated npon 
 Two men 
 to prevent 
 Then with a 
 fe one man 
 |;es of bono 
 ot. The ele- 
 high of his 
 T the opera- 
 his trunk, 
 sses sineore 
 Ranavninnn wat only a tiiui k 
 woman hum and hrud an iilolu- 
 tcr, quutMi ot a h>'«thi<n rai-« dc- 
 ■itised and invalidud hy ii (('''at 
 ( hristian nation ssa pi<o|ilo worth 
 of no n spect, |MMHH>«iijn)( mi ri)(hlK. 
 Itut Uanavalon.t wiu i-vcry iiuli 
 asuvvroitfii, Meaturod by h'-rop- 
 iiortaniiips, hy hi>r stoailriuit ud- 
 huranco to tho right, hy whul iihi> 
 *cconipliiih<>tl for her peopitt hihI 
 for Christianity and civilixitlioii, 
 thia black sovereign is worthy to 
 ba raiikiitl amongst tho good and 
 trua of tho world's host w)iiti> 
 queens, hot hor name h« enroll- 
 ed with those wountn of royal 
 IKwition for whom Ihn worM has 
 an honorahlu plaoo in its history. 
 Ranavalona camo tho throne of 
 Madagascar in 186H. Ilor coun- 
 try waa jnat emerging from the 
 moat cruel |>ersecution Christians 
 have sulTorod since the 
 days of Nero, ('hristian- 
 ity had been intrmlucod 
 under the reign of Rada- 
 ma,who began tho unifica- 
 tion of tho kingdom. Ho 
 welcomed tho Christian 
 teachers and nxliortod his 
 people to rocoivo their in- 
 struction. It will hol[i 
 you, ho mid, it will holp 
 the country iind it will 
 help KaiUniii Upon Ut\- 
 dania's doitth in 182'^ his 
 senior wife, UiiiiiiVHloiia I 
 seized the throne, and lie- 
 oame the " Hloo<ly Miiry" 
 of tho Malagiwy. A oou- 
 sidornhle number of con- 
 rertN had been won, mid 
 it became ItanaviiloiiVs 
 chief object to restore 
 heathenism in its grossest 
 form and destroy utterly 
 tho last vestii^es of Chris- 
 tianity. Kdict after edict 
 went forth against tho 
 followers of tho mission- 
 aries. They wore tortur- 
 ml, thoy were slain with 
 tho sword, thoy were im- 
 paled, thoy were thrown 
 headlong down a preci- 
 pice, thoy were burned. 
 Thoy pori8ho<l liy hnn- 
 ilro<U and thoiwancls, giv- 
 ing an bignal proof of their 
 faitlifuln^Bs as can bo 
 found in Fox's " Book of tho Mar- 
 tyrs." After tho death of tho 
 wickoil queen, in 1861, there 
 camo n cessation of persoeution, 
 an<l some degree of tolerntiou was 
 enjoyed until tho coronation of 
 Kanavalona 11. in 18*J'5, Slu' 
 was a worthy daughter of a .lezo- 
 M mother. Sho had esix>u»od 
 tho cause if not tho faith of the 
 Christians, and was crowned 
 with Christian services by a 
 uativo minister. Her address on 
 that occasion showed that sho had 
 been a close student of the Bible, 
 which had been widely scattered 
 before tho potsecntions. Tho 
 next year sho was married to her 
 \>rime minister, and both were 
 .''ublicly baptized. 
 Ranavalona not only oecame 
 tho friend an>l prnmnior of ChrH 
 tianily ; sho raustxl sjl tho niate 
 ldol>, it It RUggoslioii (if II pnlillc 
 meoling III the raplliil, to ho burn- 
 ed . yet sli,) did not III turn be 
 conio a persorutor of tli,< h< ulhen 
 Under her boniifii rule all her 
 KUbjerts Were protoiled, and 
 civiliiialloii ailvsiK'i'd willi rspid 
 tho Kr»n< li Admiral bombsnlefl 
 Tamstivo Ihn (.jiiHon waa urifmt 
 lo expel all his counlryrooii Iroin 
 her riipilnl Her reply was : 
 "Wo are (/'hristiani, an<l must 
 romein)H<r at th's trying tune that 
 wo arosoto actax Itocuun s Cliris- 
 liHiis. Thoy giiYo our trieiuN nt 
 Maianira an hour Wo will give 
 sjanira an hour 
 She bi'itaii Hi oiieo |o ihein live days, and not a liiiir of 
 II tho burdennol'ihe I [ilo ibeir heads, rumew bur, is to bo 
 The (i|iprosslvi> lealiire* of Ihe'hsrined 
 inililiiry sjrstoui were removed. I When then |>anic-slrirkon 
 ollieer-t Wi-re deprived of llieir fdreitfiiers loll Antaiiannrivo, tlie 
 foudalory rights ; iho rovenuo, or natives could nut bo induoeit to 
 rather Iho system of public plun-' 
 dor, was .-olormud , the im|iorta- 
 lion of Ho«ambi({uo slaves was 
 prohibited ; domestic tiavory 
 waa humauiied, the breaking up 
 of families being prohibited ; tho 
 manufaclurn and sale of intoxicsl- 
 ing liciuors were forbidden : tho 
 peacefnl arts were fostered, and 
 education was promoted in every 
 ?;o wit 
 rsr of 
 with them to Tamalive for 
 f baing delainiMl as prison- 
 ers by the invaders. Under 
 thaao circumstances the Qneon 
 furnished bearers and gave the 
 French safu conduct. 
 What a contrast is presented 
 by this woman only half m gene- 
 r.ition removed from heathenism 
 and the representatives of the 
 jwssiblo way. 
 It is not pretonnod that all those 
 reforms have been perfectly car- 
 ried out. The evils of slavery 
 aud tho rum tralhc arc* still, no 
 doubt, i-rying evIK. Malaijasy 
 fcocioty, It rau.'it be rerannbered, 
 is ritili very imporfceliy oviran- 
 izeil : and ineae evils which 
 more oiiliijhtenod ualions have 
 found it dithcult or impossibli- to 
 ijet rid of. But tho queen was a 
 wise and liberal ruler, leading 
 boforo her people a life of blame- 
 lessness, of true Christian piety, 
 of devotion to thi! iiiterests of tho 
 kingdom. Her Christian spirit 
 brought shame to tho representa- 
 tives of a nation which has been 
 professedly Christian more cen- 
 turies than hers has years. When 
 oldest and nest beloved son of the 
 Church directly descended from 
 Christ and tho Apostles ! Queen 
 Ranavalona II . 1.1 dead, and her 
 iieicrt succeeds her. Tho world 
 can ask nothiii!^ better of tho now 
 ruler, who is said to bo hostile to 
 the French pretension.", than that 
 shj may bo a worthy successor of 
 Qiioeii Ranavalona II. — Indepen- 
 Molly Nelson had a white rose- 
 bush which was tho prido of her 
 heart. Never was there a bush 
 which was more dearly loved nor 
 more constantly cared for ; and 
 happy waa little Molly vrben she 
 had a bud from it to lay beside 
 her mother's pUio, or a rluter o' 
 roses and ueran''M.i leaves lolsku 
 to her tearher i a gut. 
 " I havi been to see Jfasia 
 Hunter," »aid tister Nell ono 
 night. " I think I nuver felt to 
 sorry for uu) child as . lu fur 
 " Whiit hsH tiappenod f Aro 
 Iho Hunters in any ffroaler 
 trouble than usual ? " asked mam- 
 ma. KverybtMly know that Mr. 
 Huntvr drink, und Mrs Hunter 
 wat cross, Hiiil tho children 
 often went hungry. 
 Hiiter Ni II went on. Jessie foil 
 through • hole in tho floor at tho 
 mill yektirdsy, and has hurt her 
 back 'Ibo doctor savs it is not 
 likely sho will ever l>o able to 
 walk airain. ' 
 Molly's brown eves opened 
 wide with horror, anil then filled 
 with tears. Poor, poor Jessio ! 
 A day or two afterwards 
 mamm asked her to car- 
 ry a Itltbi basket ol dain- 
 ties lo Mrs. Hunter's 
 There was a cup of cua- 
 lard, a glass of amber 
 Ielly, and ii loaf of bread. 
 l<ibbio brought a half- 
 docen eggs, laid by hin 
 hens, nnd Nell slippi'd 
 over everything a doublo 
 napkin, insi.lo of which 
 was a beautiful Scriptnro 
 card with a lovely j,ic- 
 turo and a lovelier text. 
 •' I wish I had some- 
 thing of my very own to 
 give Jessie,,' said Molly 
 to herself, " but I haven t 
 a thing. Not even a bud 
 is out on my rosebush." 
 So away she tripped. 
 The basket was a little 
 bit heavy, but that sho 
 did not mind. Her feet 
 vero light, her hands 
 were stronff, and her 
 cheeks were as red as 
 health could make a girl's 
 When she camo to 
 Jessie's house, and went 
 into tho littlo crowded 
 room, at one aide of which 
 was Jessie's bed she felt, 
 as she said next day, 
 "just dreadfully." "To 
 see Jessio lying there so 
 white and thin and still, 
 not able to turn, and not ablo to lift 
 her head from iho pillow, a cripple 
 for lifo ! Molly left tho nice 
 things she had brought, and went 
 soberly homo keeping up a very 
 busy thinking. 
 Two daya later any one enter- 
 ing Jessie's apartment would 
 have seen i:i the window a cer- 
 tain thrifty rosebush turning its 
 leaves to tho sun and holding up 
 two or three buds ready to bloom. 
 The sick girl watched it with de- 
 Molly had kissed it and bidden 
 it good-bye, and when it was gone 
 she missed it sadly ; yet there was 
 a happy feeling in her heart, for 
 she had done what she could, anu 
 she knew she would receive the 
 Master's blessing. — Ex. ^ 
 In tho accompanying engrav- 
 ing is represented the North Ame- 
 rican giant snapping turtle ( Dry. 
 OHSfxferus). It attains a weight of 
 about 60 to 80 lbs., and specimens 
 nearly six feet in length have 
 been frequently caught. Tho 
 back is of dark slate blue color 
 and covered with numerous yel- 
 low and reddish dots. Tho belly 
 is white and the head covered 
 with dark spots. A light 
 band connects the eyes 
 and descends on both 
 sides along the neck to 
 theshonlderR. Tho chin, 
 feet, and tail are marbled 
 white; th« iris of the eye 
 is of a bright yellow color. 
 This turtle inhabits 
 principally, according to 
 Holbrook, the Savannah 
 and Alabama rivers, also 
 the northern lakes, and 
 even the Hudson River; 
 Lat it is missing in all 
 rivers entering the Atlan- 
 tic between the mouth 
 of tho Hudson and that 
 of the Savannah. Into the 
 great lakes of the North 
 the turtle was prohibly 
 brought from the great 
 Southern rivers, in which 
 it is indigenous, by the 
 great inundations, by 
 which the lUiiioia RiviT 
 is brought in connect'on 
 with Lake Michii,'iiu, tho 
 Pet'.'rs River, and Red 
 River. Into the Slate ot 
 New York it probably 
 emigrated tlirough the 
 Erie Canal, as before tho 
 completion of tho latter it 
 was unknown in Now 
 York waters. 
 In most of those rivers, 
 especially those of thi' 
 South, this turtle is very 
 common. In clear, quiet 
 weather they apjiear in 
 large numbers atthe sur- 
 face or ou tho rocks in 
 tho water sunning ihem- 
 Kolves. AVheu watchiiicr 
 for prey, they hiiie uiiilor 
 roots or stones, and lie 
 motionless, till eemo small 
 lish, li.-'ard, or even a 
 small water bird, ap- 
 proaches its hiding place. 
 Then the .somewhat elon- 
 gated n.^ck darts out sad- 
 dcnly ; it ik-.\ i misses its 
 aim. In an instant iho 
 prisoner i.s .swallowi'(l,aiid 
 the turtle resumi?s its old 
 position to repeat tho 
 same operation, when opporiunity 
 oilers. They are also great 
 enemies of ihe youiisf alligators 
 when are just hatched. 
 Thousands of them are devoured 
 by the voracious turtle.^, which 
 sixain fall jirey to such of the 
 gro\.ii up alligators as were 
 hai)py ciu)U!^h toe.scape. 
 in May I lie femali's select sandy 
 ^ spots along the shore, mountiu'.,' 
 i b hills ol I onsi(li;rable size if neces- 
 sity requires it. Hero the eirgs 
 are deposited. Their calcareous 
 shells are vei'v fragile, more 83 
 than those of the eggs of other 
 sweet water turtles. Very little 
 is known of the early life of the 
 young, which are hatched in June. 
 Among all North American tur- 
 tles this species is, for culinary 
 purposes, the most valuable, and 
 it is therefore extensively hunted. 
 They are either shot or caught in 
 nets and with the hook. Grown 
 little Tommy Gray, as he was 
 walking in the garden along with 
 his father. 
 " Why do you wished him 
 killed ?" said his father. 
 " Oh ! because he if such an 
 ugly thing and lam afraid he will 
 eat up everything in Iho garden. 
 You know we killed several bugs 
 and worms here last evening. I 
 am sure Ibis toad is lauch worse 
 than they. 
 " We killed the bugs and 
 him and see what he will do." 
 Tommy looked about, and soon 
 found three bugs which he plac- 
 ed near tho toad, and then atood 
 back a short distance to see the 
 result. Soon tho buga began to 
 move away. The toad saw them, 
 and made a quick forward motion 
 of his head. He darted out his 
 tongue and instantly drow them, 
 one by one into his mouth. 
 Tommy clapped hii handa with 
 " How can such a 
 clumsy-looking fellow 
 use his head and tongue 
 so nimbly ?" said Tommy ; 
 and he ran off to find 
 more food for him. 
 Tho next evening 
 Tommy went again into 
 the garden and soon 
 found Ihe object of his 
 search ready for his sup- 
 per. At first ihe toad was 
 shy, but he soon learned 
 to sit still while Tommy 
 placed his food near him. 
 Then he would dart 
 out his tongue and eat 
 the bugs while Tommy 
 was close hy. Finding 
 that the boy did not hurt 
 him, he soon lost all fear, 
 and became a great pet. 
 Tommy named him 
 Humpy, and says ho 
 would not hiivo him kill- 
 ed now for anything. — 
 spocitnc'is must be handled with 
 care, -m Ihey deli>nd themselves 
 (lesper.ntely, and can iiillict dan- 
 iT'Tous wounds. — /i.i;. 
 ■ ».h, i)apD, see what a great 
 nijly toad ! Do got n slick and kill 
 him before he gets nway," said 
 worms because they were destroy- 
 ing our flowers and vegetables. 
 This i)oor toad never destroys a 
 plant of any kind about the place; 
 besides, he is one of our best 
 friends. These insects that are 
 doing so much harm in our gar- 
 dens are just what he uses for his 
 food. I have no doubt that he 
 kills inor.! of them every day 
 thiin wu did last evening. If you 
 can find a live bug, place it near 
 " What is your plan in 
 life, Neddie ?" 1 asked n 
 small boy, turning flora 
 his big brothers, who 
 were talking about theirs, 
 to which ho and I had 
 been listening; " what is 
 yours, Neddie?" 
 " I am not big enough 
 for a plan yet," said Ned- 
 die ; ''but 1 have a pur- 
 " That is good ; it is not 
 every one who has a pur- 
 pose. What is your pur- 
 pose, Neddie ?'' 
 "To grow up a good 
 1)oy, so as to be a good 
 man, like my father," said 
 Neddie. And by tho 
 way ho said it, it was 
 plain ho meant it. 11 ia 
 father was n noble Chris- 
 tian man, and Neddie 
 could not do better than 
 follow in his steps, A 
 boy with snch a purpose 
 will not fail of his mark. 
 Jlnnilof Hope Reoiew. 
 The lovo of God is the source 
 of every right action and feeling, 
 so it is theonly principle which ne- 
 cessarily ennobles the lore of our 
 fellow-croaturcs. —//annaA More. 
 Prayer should bo tho key of 
 the day and tho lock of Iho night. / 
 — Bithop Berkeley. i 
ill do." 
 >nd Boon 
 te pl»c- 
 n stood 
 see the 
 began to 
 iw them, 
 d motion 
 out his 
 \w them, 
 ids with 
 such a 
 id tongue 
 I Tommy, 
 f to find 
 igain into 
 nd sooji 
 ect of his 
 »r bis Bup- 
 ,e toad was 
 >n learned 
 le Tommy 
 near him. 
 ould dart 
 le and eat 
 le Tommy 
 . Finding 
 id not hurt 
 ost all fear, 
 I great pet. 
 mcd him 
 Bays ho 
 \-c him kill- 
 ftuylhing. — 
 youT plan in 
 " I asked n. 
 urning fiom 
 •others, who I 
 about theirs, 
 o and I had 
 ig ; " what is 
 t big enough 
 et," said Ned- 
 havo a l>ur- 
 food ; it is not 
 ho has a pur- 
 is your pur- 
 up a good 
 to be a good 
 y father," said 
 ud by the 
 d it, it was 
 neaut it. His 
 a noble Chris- 
 and Neddio 
 lo better than 
 lis steps, A 
 »ch tt purpose 
 1 of his mark. 
 d is the source 
 m and feeling, 
 iciple which no- 
 the lovo of our 
 Hannah More. 
 bo the key of 
 bck of tho night. 
 In the early days of the temper- 
 ance movement, Mr. Joseph Livo- 
 sey, of Preston, issued some sirik- 
 ing broadsheets, which he desired 
 should be posted on tho walls ot 
 thoroughfares, and, when practi- 
 cable, placed in the windows of 
 shopkeepers, so that passers-by 
 might read the letter-press. 
 A worthy tailor in Glasgow, 
 whose shop was near to some of 
 the crowded closes, said to him- 
 self, "I cannot help this good 
 cause by public speaking, 1 have 
 struggled in the water. Ho could 
 swim, but he stood coolly, doing 
 nothing. The crowd were amazed 
 and' indignant. "Why does he 
 stand looking," they said, " and 
 struggles and strives, works and 
 wpi'ps, he can no more save him- 
 self from hell than the drowning 
 man couiil from the watery grave 
 that was inevitable bht for the 
 not jump in and save him ?" The strong arm of the brave and wise 
 drowning man had sunk twice, sailor. !t is this that the '^Vord 
 and was about to throw up his of God states so distinctly, clearly, 
 arms and go down for the last ' and constantly : " For when we 
 time, when, to tho surprise of the ' worn yot without strength, in duo 
 people, tho sailor jumped in and tinio Christ died for tho angc dly." 
 bore him lo the surface and to 
 Now the people could under- 
 stand tho sailor's apparent indif- 
 ' his 
 " "Without strength" is the Di- 
 vine statement as to man. This 
 leaves the .ground clear for Christ 
 to come in and be a perfecv. Sa- 
 viour. And as the sailor saved 
 _ . . fpT'.nce, and tho wisdom of 
 no talent for that ; but as hundreds I course. The fact is. tho drowning the man when ho had given up, 
 of people pass my window day 'man was too lively and heavy to so does God through Chr'st, and 
 by day, I will put ono of Mr. 
 Livesey's bills in one of the 
 panes of my window. That 
 pane shall be given up for 
 bills, tracts, or other papers, 
 wi*h the hope that by God's 
 blessing, somo passers-by may 
 be induced to read, and to tarn 
 over a new leaf in life." 
 In the above - mentioned 
 close lived a man who was 
 noted for his hard drinking. 
 Every day ho might be seen 
 with a brown jar in his hand 
 on his way to the whiskey- 
 shop, where it was daily re- 
 filled. He had to pass tho 
 tailor's shop. His eye rested 
 on tho bill. Ho stopped and 
 read it throuufh, and then 
 passed on to tho whiskey-shop. 
 This occurred several niorn- 
 inffs, and the tailor from his 
 inner room was able to scan 
 the man's face without 1 eing 
 himself observed. He noticed 
 that the man's interest in the 
 paper increased, and by the 
 twitching of his face it was 
 evident that the words were 
 making a deep impression on 
 his mind. 
 One morning the tailor was 
 surprised by seeing the man 
 with the brown jar again read- 
 ing the bill, and then heard 
 him say, " I'll do it ; I will, 1 
 will ;" at the same time rais- 
 ing the brown jar high over 
 his head, he dashed it down 
 on the flags into a thousand 
 pieces, which drew the tailor 
 to his shop-door. 
 It wus the turning-point'in 
 the man's life. With the aban- 
 donment of tho whiskey, tho 
 man's mind was turned to 
 better and higher things. The 
 tailor, who was a Christian man, 
 took him kindly by the hand, 
 prayed with him, and cheered 
 him in his new course, and ere 
 long the noted drinker became a 
 converted character. — From Illus- 
 trated F>.tj Leaf No. 164. 
 ' 1 LL 1)0 IT ; 
 I WILL, 1 WILL." 
 A large company of peopl^ 
 were gathered at *\a eud cf a 
 wharf on the look-out, when one 
 of the number ;'ell into the deep 
 water. Thcie wae great excite- 
 ment, but uo ono dared to jump 
 in. But there stood an able- 
 bodied sailor right over hiir us he 
 make it prndent to plunce into I Hi.s precious atoning death, save 
 the water niter him. He waited I every one who comes to this con 
 until tho man had no strength 
 elusion, that ho is not only a sin- 
 and then res-|ner, but also without strength. 
 Such a one will readily appreci- 
 ate the strong arm and saving 
 grace of the Saviour of sinners, 
 A private letter from a lady 
 who is spending the year among 
 the peasants of Tyrol, says • " The 
 morning after our arrival, wo 
 were awakened by the sou nd of 
 a violin and flutes under the win- 
 dow, and hurrying down, foand 
 the little house adorned as for a 
 feast, — garlands ever the door 
 and wreathing a high chair which 
 was set in state. 
 " The table was already covered 
 with gifts, brought by the young 
 people whose music v/e had heard 
 The whole neighborhood v/ere 
 kinsfolk, and these gifts came 
 from uncles and coocins in 
 every far-off degree They 
 were very simple for the 
 donors are poor — knitted 
 gloves, a shawl, baskets of 
 flowers, jars of fruit, loaves of 
 bread ; but upon all some little 
 message of love was pinned 
 "Is there a bride in this 
 h^'use ?" I asked of my land- 
 " 'Ach, nein !' he said ' Wo 
 do not make such a pother 
 about our young people It is 
 the grandmother's birthday ' 
 " The grandmother, in her 
 spectacles, white apron and 
 high velvet cap, was a heroine 
 all day, sitting in state to re- 
 ceive visits, and dealing out 
 slices from a sweet loaf to each 
 who came. I could not but 
 remember certain grandmo- 
 thers at heme, just as much 
 loved as she, probably, but 
 whose dull, sad lives were 
 never brightened by p.iy such 
 pleasure as this ; and I thought 
 we could learn much from 
 these poor mountaineers " — 
 Youths' Companion. 
 The Range of Human 
 knowledge has increased so 
 enormously that no brain can 
 grapple with it ; and the man 
 who would know one thing 
 well must have the courage 
 to be ignornnt of a thousand 
 things, however attractive or 
 inviting. Broad culture, many- 
 sidedness, are beautiful things 
 ■ to contemplate ; but it is the 
 narrow-edged men,— the men 
 of single and intense purpose, 
 who steel their souls against 
 all things else, — who accom- 
 plish the hard work, of the world, 
 and who are in demand when 
 hard work is to be done." 
 ! ' am: 
 even to struggle 
 cued him. 
 Now this affords an illustration 
 of tiod'." wiiy in saving a sinner 
 God s way may bo to wait - and 
 not with iudillerenee surely?— 
 until the sinner finds out that he 
 1 iu i„ „„,.- «, liolr. savino- nun • jdv jfrttoo ye »io no strength to sa^e or help , ^^,^ ^^^j^^^ . j.^^^^ » ^^^ ^j^;^ ^^^^ 
 suv: .Mmselt. \^^ yourselves, it is the gift of 
 It is ono thing to own ouoself (jod ; not of wor.ks, lest any man 
 a ^nlner, and quite another to gi,(,„jjj boast" — Word and Work. 
 conlesK that ono is without j ^ 
 strength to save himself. Buti ... 
 such IS tho ruin of man, and such 1 Hkak instruction and be wise, 
 bis imi.oteuey, that though he! and reluse it not.— Prov viii, 38. 
 the word, to be the Saviour, and 
 to give Him all the glory for 
 saving hirn " By grace ye are 
 WiTiUNO Hearts.— Tho small- 
 ness of our gifts need not di tor us 
 r allow" Him" in every sense o'*-' from giving, for the Bookdo«w not 
 tell us that as many as had plenty 
 gave, but as many as were willing- 
 hearted, " and ei ry one whose 
 heart stirred her up and whose 
 spirit made willing." It is that 
 willing-heartednesswe need most 
 of all, that heartstirring that will 
 make us not willing, but anxious 
 to give all that we have and all 
 we are *. Him who hath loved 
y 112 
 A fierce warfare is continually 
 waned against these beautiful 
 birds, which threatens them with 
 extermination, not for their flesh, 
 which is generally coarse and 
 Mshy, but for their brilliant plu- 
 mage, which is a farorite adorn- 
 laeiit for ladies' bonnets and 
 dresMS. There are more than 
 twenty species of the gro^'^, in all 
 parts of the world. They are 
 aquatic birds, walking with 
 great difficulty on the land, and 
 are osnally found in small flocks 
 OB the sea-coast and the shores 
 of fresh-water lakes. They mi- 
 grate in summer to the arctic re- 
 gions to breed and rear their 
 of Sir John Lubbock) is devoted 
 to work, and at the present time 
 contains a menaa^erie of ants. 
 Between 30 and 40 species are re- 
 presented by separate nosts, plac- 
 ed under glass, carefully shaded 
 from light, and surrounded by 
 water to prevent the interesting 
 insects from escaping and over- 
 running the house. It is pleasant 
 to see 8ir John, arrayed in his 
 workina; suit of gray stufl", gently 
 uncovering the nests and replac- 
 ing the screens quickly lest the 
 animals' should take alarm at the 
 influx of light, and be thrown in- 
 to disorganization by the thought 
 that their nest is attacked It ie 
 curious to observe that these tiny 
 creatures have animals with them. 
 — making themselves useful as 
 scavengers. A chat with the pro- 
 prietor of this workroom soon dis- 
 pels the illusions of the unscien- 
 tific mind as to the industry of 
 the ant. It is an industrious ani- 
 mal in the main— but there are 
 ants and ants. The large red 
 species found in Central Europe 
 is not industrious at all, being a 
 purely fightins aristocrat and 
 slaveholder. She (the fighting 
 ants are Amazons) makes preda- 
 tory excursions and carries of the 
 puixB of another species, and 
 brings them up as slaves. As Sir 
 John Lubbock points out, the 
 slaveholders present a striking 
 insUnce of the degrading ten- 
 dency of slavery. They can 
 of natural history, have all been 
 verified at High Elms by obser- 
 vations which confirm those of 
 Hnber in almost every case. 
 Not to do that which ought to 
 be done is just as sinful as to do 
 that which ought not to he done. 
 If one who had not before given 
 serious thought to this subject, 
 were to go through the Bible, 
 concordance in hand, for the sake 
 of finding out how largely sins 
 of omission are made the eronnds 
 of condemnation, the result would 
 probably startle him. Over and 
 over again the accusation comes 
 in the Torm of a negative : " The 
 young Thpir nests are made of 
 grasses lined with down, which 
 are placed among the reeds, and 
 rise and fall withtho water. The 
 eogs are three or lour in number 
 Tney are excellent swiminors and 
 divers, swimming under the 
 •water tor a considerahle distance 
 in pursiiit of crame, and sinking 
 beneath the surface, leaving only 
 their bills out, at the approach of 
 danger. They feed on aquatic 
 animals and plants. 
 The London Worlil says that 
 one of the fiest rooms on the first 
 floor of High Elms (the residence 
 which, it may be presumed, are 
 useful to them in some way, as 
 the ants forbear to attack them. 
 They are mostly of the beetle race, 
 and some, like the little clavi'^er, 
 are quite blind, possibly from con- 
 firmed subterranean habits, and 
 are only found in ants' nests, the 
 proprietory of which take as much 
 interest in them as they do in 
 their own young. Apparently 
 ants have a considerable variety 
 of domestic animals, among which 
 the blind Platyafthrm is conspic- 
 uous, as well as the Beckia albinos, 
 the latter of which was fnlly de- 
 scribed by Sir John Lubbock, 
 who suggests that perhaps these 
 two act the part of the Constanti- 
 nople dog and the turkey buzzard 
 neither wash nor feed themselves. 
 They have lost the greater part 
 of their instincts; their artof build- 
 ing; their domestic habits (for 
 they take no care of their young) ; 
 their industry (for they take no 
 part in providing themselves with 
 food) : and it the colony changes 
 its nest the rulers are carried to 
 the new one by their slaves. Even 
 their structure has altered ; their 
 mandibles have lost their teeth 
 and have become mere nippers, 
 terrible in war, but useless for 
 other purposes. So helpless have 
 they become, except for fighting 
 purposes, that if deprived of their 
 slaves they actually die o'.' starva- 
 tion. These curious facts, which 
 sound almost like the romance 
 diseased have ye not strengthened, 
 neither have ye healed that which 
 was sick, neither have ye bound 
 up that which was broken, 
 neither have ye brought again 
 that which was driven away, 
 neitber have ye sought that which 
 was lost." It is not enough to 
 live a respectable life, doing no 
 particular harm to any one ; the 
 Bible demand is that every on ^ 
 should do all the good that ht. 
 properly can. The final ground 
 of condemnation, as shown in the 
 inspired description of the last 
 Judgment, hinges on the words, 
 " Te did it not." Unless one is 
 ready to do all the good that ho 
 rightly can, he is not free from 
 this condemnation. ^ 
 girls in her class, Emma 
 one ot the absentees. 
 " Where conld the Lowell girls 
 have been? And Snsie and 
 Jessie ? ' said Florrie, referring to 
 the absent scholars, when she 
 The Hemlock Street Sunday- 
 school, to which Florrie Warren 
 and Mabel Chandler belonged, was 
 a thoroughly live school ; it gare 
 liberally to all missions, but was, „. . 
 especially interested in the poor T'"** '^ t "^ """ ""'tween her 
 of the city The boys were ready <=<"»»"» Lizzie and Mabel Chandler. 
 to give their torn books or dis- "J^"? "°** ^ sick, I think," 
 carded toys to some little urchin, r^P'jf^ Mabel. 
 who would appreciate them very " Snppose we go now and find 
 highly, and the girls exhibited a!"'''- " <ne7 <"•«. perhaps we can 
 kindly rivalry in the many I '^o *S™^''""?, '^°'' '***'"•" 
 • "Very well. And yon will go 
 with us, will you not, Lizzie ? " 
 Mabel asked. 
 " I think not ; mamma will 
 expect me at home." 
 " By the way, Lizzie, what has 
 become of your lovely new spring 
 suit ? I was surprised to see you 
 in that plain old gray dress these 
 two lovely Sundays. Did'nt the 
 n*w dress fit you ? " 
 " Oh yes, beautifully ! Mamma 
 says I look as if I had been melted 
 aud poured into it." 
 " Then for pity sakes why did'nt 
 you wear it ? The one you'vegot 
 on is real dowdy ! " cried Florrie. 
 " It is clean, is'nt it ?" laughed 
 many j 
 stitches they took for the ragged 
 orphans or the neglected waifs. 
 And not content with feeding, 
 clothing, or amusing their less 
 fortunate neighbors, these boys 
 and girls used their utmost efforts 
 to assiat their teachers and super- 
 intendent in gathering into the 
 Sunday-school numbers of the 
 untaught children. It wasa point 
 of honor with them to greet every 
 tattered or ahabby new-comer with 
 a amile and pleasant word, to find 
 the hymns for them, or to explain 
 what was to be the topic of the 
 leaaon for the day. 
 I presume it is needless to say 
 that the refreshments which were 
 served at the Christmas tree and 
 the annual June picnic were of a 
 quality that gladdened hungry 
 eyes, and a quantity that supplied 
 both yawning stomachs and 
 One beautiful Sunday in spring, 
 Florrie and Mabel (who lived in 
 adjoining houses) started together 
 for school, both ofthem dressed in 
 handsome new garmentii Florrie, 
 who was fair, looked exceedingly 
 pretty in a soft gray cashmere 
 polonaise, elaborately trimmed 
 with blue silk and looped over a 
 blue skirt, aud her golden curls 
 were covered by a gray chip hat 
 ornamented with long blue 
 feathers. Mabel was a decided 
 brunette, and her costume was of 
 ecru cashmere and cardinal silk ; 
 her hat matched it. Two hand- 
 somer costumes or two prettier 
 little girla could not ba found in 
 the city 
 " Shall we call for Emma Miller ?" 
 asked Mabel, as they drew near 
 the narrow, dismal street where 
 poor Mrs. Miller and her five 
 children lived 
 " Have we got time ? " Florrie 
 asked, thus generously giving 
 " I am afraid so. And never 
 again, summer or winter, will I 
 wear such costly clothes as these 
 to church or Sunday-school." 
 And she was as good as her 
 word. — Frances E. Wadleigh tn 
 Child's Paper. 
 "I have no influence," said Elsie 
 Lee to her friend. Miss Tomsin. 
 " Why, I am so timid when in 
 company with others that I 
 hardly daro raise my eyes or 
 open my lips.'' 
 " Thnt may be," replied the 
 older lady, " and yet y*n w* 
 always exerting influence wher 
 ever you go. You cannot help 
 yourself. An hour ago I bought 
 a little bunch of violets from a 
 German flower girl, and I set 
 them on yonder shelf, besiOe my 
 dear mother's picture. It is a 
 very tiny bunch, and a person 
 entering the room would very 
 likely not see them, for they do 
 not challenge attention. But 
 every nook and corner of the 
 apartment feels their presence, 
 for their fragrance is pervading 
 the atmosphere. So it is with 
 jhis shoulders. In doing this ho 
 asked for all, but I chose to keep 
 back a few for specia^are. I soon 
 found them no little hinderance to 
 the freedom of my movement ; but 
 still I would not give them up 
 until my guide, returning to mo 
 where I sat resting for a moment, 
 kindly but firmly demanded that 
 I should give him everything but 
 vaj Alpine stock. Putting them 
 with the utmost care upon his 
 shoulders, with r look of intense 
 satisfaction he led the way. And 
 now in my freedom, I found I 
 could make double speed with 
 double safety. 
 Then a voice spoke inwardly : 
 " foolish, wilful heart, hast thou, 
 indeed, indeed, given up thy last 
 burden ? Thou hast no need to 
 carry them, nor even the right." 
 I saw it all in a flash ; and then, 
 a« I leaped lightly from rock to 
 rock down the steep mountain 
 side, I said within myself, "Aud 
 even thus will I follow Jesus, my 
 Guide, myBurden-bearer. I will 
 rest all my care upon him, for he 
 carelh for me." — Sarah Smiley. 
 " Of course it is clean. But why 
 wear it 1 I am just dying to find 
 out , are not you, Mabel ? " 
 And Mabel too, in the extrava- 
 gant fashion in which girls talk 
 professed herself " dying " of 
 " You see we've got so many 
 poor girls— f#a/ poor girls who 
 never have nice clothes — in our 
 Mabel a chance to consult hernewi Sunday-school, that mamma don't 
 " Plenty ! If we do not call for 
 her, somebody may think wo are 
 too proud to go there in our hand- 
 some dresses." 
 Emma was not quite ready, but 
 like to see me put ou my hand- 
 some drefses or hats to wear 
 there; slio says that poor girls 
 have feelings as well as rich ones. 
 and that their shabby apparel will 
 look shabbier than ever beside 
 the two girls waitei for her ; when my silk or velvet. Sho says that 
 she at length appeared she seemed I she has heard poor poopla sn> 
 annoyed or embarrassed about that they were ashamed to go to 
 something, and hardly spoke one 
 word in answer to their friendly 
 church in their rags and sit be&ide 
 elogantly-dressed people ; I know 
 chatter Whatever the cloud upon I should feel so too. And it is not 
 Emma's spirits may have been, it I right to do anything, especially in 
 seemed to afl°ect all the rest of her G^d's house, which will hurt 
 class ; Florrje and Mabel were the 
 only two out of Miss Grace's seven 
 pupils who appeared at all cheerful 
 The next Sunday was as bright 
 and charming as its prediicossor ; 
 people's feelings." 
 " Oh Mabel ! " exclaimed 
 Florrie, with blushes in her 
 cheeks, "can it bo that our 
 finery was the cause of those 
 yet MiM Grace had only three ! girls staying away to-day?" 
 you, my dear. You love your 
 Saviour, and you try to serve 
 him. You think you cannot 
 speak for him, but if you live for 
 him, and with him, in gentleness, 
 patience, and self-denial, that is 
 better than talking. It does more 
 good. The other evening Jerry 
 Halcomh, who is thoughtless and 
 giddy, made a jest of a verso of 
 Scripture in your hearing. You; 
 wished to protest against his act, 
 and tried to do so, but the words j 
 would not come. Yet your! 
 pained look, your quick blush,: 
 your instinctive indignant gesture, ' 
 spoke for you, and tlie young man ! 
 turned and said, ' I beg your par- 1 
 don. Miss Elsi^v' Was not this a: 
 proof that he saw and felt your ; 
 condemnation ? " — Chrh. Woman 
 In tho summer of 1S78 I de- 
 scended tho Rhigi with one of the 
 mostfaithfulofthoold Swiss guides 
 Beyond the service of the day, he 
 gave me unconsciously a lesson 
 for life. His first care was to put 
 my wrap and other burdens upon 
 During the battle of Tel-el-Ke- 
 bir Private William Room of the 
 Highland Light Infantry, had a 
 marvellous escape. In jumpiug 
 into the trenches a bullet from the 
 Egyptians struck him in tho 
 pouch-bag nt his side, going 
 through a Testament he was 
 carrying with him. This fortu- 
 nately changed the direction of the 
 bullet, which otherwise would 
 have gone through his stomach. 
 As it was the ball entered his hip, 
 and came out of the inner part of 
 his thigh. Mr. Room is now do- 
 ing well. — Our engraving and the 
 above particulars are taken from 
 a photograph published by 
 Messrs Hills and Saunders, Gros- 
 venor Fine Art Gallery, who in- 
 form us that a framed copy has 
 been sent to Her Majesty — 
 Pray for individuals by name. 
 Send well-selected tracts by mail. 
 Loan " Baxter's Call to the Uncon- 
 verted." Invito your neighbor to 
 church. Persuade the unsaved to 
 attend prayer-meeting. Be fear- 
 less in expressing Christian views. 
 Visit the sick, and p'-ay with 
 them. Benefit the poor, then win 
 them to Christ. Urge church- 
 members to take religious papers. 
 Seek the conversion of thoughtful 
 children. Remind tho " back- 
 slider " of his solemn vows. Show 
 the " reformed " man his need of 
 Christ. Converse of Jesus at 
 length with willing hearers. Ex- 
 hort the convicted to yield and 
 turn. Look after new converts. 
 Keep near tho Saviour yourself. 
 To general consecration add tho 
 special consecration of one-tenth 
 of your income, one-seventh of 
 your time, and all your thought- ^ 
 fulness. — Am. Mettengrr, ^ 
 Some time ago there waa a 
 man who stood upon tho street 
 corners and in the public squares 
 selling egg shells upon which 
 were engraved names, devices, or 
 flowers. The art of engraving 
 npon eggs is connected with a 
 carious and little known histori- 
 cal fact. 
 In the month of August, 1808, 
 at the time of the Spanish war, 
 there was found in the patriar- 
 chal church of Lisbon an egg 
 upon the shell of which was an- 
 nounced the approaching exter- 
 mination of the French. This 
 fact caused a lively fermentation 
 in the minds of the superstitious 
 Portuguese population, and came 
 near causing an uprising. 
 The French commander re- 
 medied the matter very ingeni- 
 ously by distributing throughout 
 the city thousands of eggs that 
 bore engraved upon them a con- 
 tradiction of the prediction. The 
 Portuguese, deeply astonished, 
 did not know what to think of it, 
 but thousands of eggs giving the 
 lie to a prediction engraved upon 
 one only, had the power of the 
 majority. In addition, a few 
 days afterward, posters put up on 
 all the street corners pointed out 
 the manner in which the miracle 
 was performed. Tho mode of 
 doing it is very simple. 
 It consists in writing upon the 
 egg shell with wax or varnish or 
 simply with tallow, and then im- 
 mersing the eirg in some weak 
 acid, such, for example, as vine- 
 gar, dilute hydrochloric acid, or 
 etching liquor. Everywhere 
 where the viirnish or wax has 
 not protected the shell, tho lime 
 of the latter is decomposed and 
 dissolved in the acid, and the 
 writing or drawing remains in 
 relief. Although the modus iiper- 
 an-ii presents no dilficulty, a few 
 pre^aulif *•■' lUst •>■; taken in 
 oro' • ' /'cessful oil a first 
 <;"" .- ■. .11. 
 In tho lirst place, as the eggs 
 that are to be engraved are 
 Ui-ually previously blown, so that 
 they may be pre- 
 served without al- 
 teration, it is neces- 
 sary before immers- 
 ing them in the acid 
 to plug up the aper- 
 tures in the extremi- 
 ties with a bit of 
 beeswax ; and, more- 
 over, as the eggs are 
 very light, they must 
 be held at the bottom 
 of the vessel full of 
 acid by means of a 
 thread fixed to a 
 weight or wound 
 round the extremity 
 of a glass rod. 
 Ifthe acid is very 
 dilute, the operation, 
 though it takes a 
 little longer, gives 
 better results. Two 
 or three minutes 
 usually suffice to give 
 characters that have 
 8affi.cient relief. — La Nature. 
 When I was about six years 
 old, one morning going to school, ! his body in order to crush the life 
 I want you to remember this as 
 long as you live; and when 
 tempting to destroy any little ani- 
 mal or bird, to think of what I 
 have said. God does not allow 
 us to kill his creatures for our 
 More than forty years have 
 since passed, and I have never 
 forgotten what the good old man 
 said, nor have I ever wantonly 
 killed the least animal for amuse- 
 ment since. — Sf lee ted 
 The Cape bnffalo is a formid- 
 able animal, a little larger than 
 an ordinary ox, but possessed of 
 much greater strength. It is mo- 
 rose, lowering, and ill-tempered ; 
 terrible in outward aspect and a 
 dangerous neighbor. It has an 
 unpleasant habit of remaining 
 quietly in its lair until the unsus- 
 pecting traveller passes close to 
 its place of concealment, when it 
 leaps suddenly upon him filled 
 with rage. 
 When it has succeeded in its 
 attack it first tosses the unhappy 
 victim in the air, then kneels upon 
 a ground-squirrel ran into his out of him, then butts at the 
 hole in the ground before me. : corpse until it has given vent to 
 They like to dig holes in some ; its insane fury, and ends by lick- 
 place where they can pat oat i ing the mangled limbs until it 
 their heads to see if danger is strips off the flesh with its rougn 
 near. I thought, now I shall tongue. Sometimes the animal 
 hav( Sne fun. As there was a { is so recklessly furious in its un- 
 stream of water just at hand, I ; reasoning anger that it actually 
 determined to pour water into ; blinds itself by its heedless rush 
 the hole till it should be full, and ! through formidable thorn bushes, 
 e j.u» i:4i.i« .«;»..i »« """""' which are 80 common in Southern 
 \ ; 
 force the little animal to come 
 out, so that I might kill it. I was 
 soon pouring water in on the 
 poor squirrel. I could hear it 
 struggle, and said : 
 " Ah, my fine fellow, I will 
 soon have you out now." 
 Just then I heard a 
 voice behind me : " Well 
 my boy, what have you 
 got there ?" I turned and 
 saw one of my neighbors, 
 a good old man, with 
 long, white locks, that 
 had seen sixty winters. 
 "Well," said I, "there 
 is a ground-squirrel in 
 here, and I am going to 
 drown him out." 
 Said he : " When I was 
 a little boy, more than 
 fifty years ago, I was en- 
 gaged one day , just as you 
 are, drowning a squirrel ; 
 and an old man, such as I 
 am, came along and said 
 to me, ' You are a little 
 boy. Now, if you were 
 down in a narrow hole 
 like that, and I should 
 come and pour water 
 down upon you, would 
 you not think I was 
 cruel ? God made the 
 little squirrel, and life is 
 as sweet to it as to you. 
 Why torture to death a 
 little innocent creature 
 thatOod has made?"' He 
 added ; " I have never for- 
 gotten that, and never 
 shall. Now, my dear boy, 
 Although frequently found in 
 large herds on the plains, the 
 buffalo is principally a resident 
 of the bash ; here he follows the 
 paths of the elephant or rhino- 
 ceros, or makes a road for himself. 
 Daring the evening, night, and 
 early morning he roams about 
 the open country and gorges, but 
 when the sun has risen high, or 
 if he has cause for alarm, the glens 
 and coverts nrre Bought,and amidst 
 their shady *br aches he enjoys 
 The-flesh of the Cape buffalo is 
 not in great request even among 
 the Kaffirs, who are in no wise 
 particular as to their diet. The 
 hide, however, is exceedingly 
 valuable, being used for tho 
 manufacture of sundry leathern 
 implements where great strength 
 is required without much flexibil- 
 ity, — Scientific American, 
 1 Feel convinced that every 
 man has given him of God much 
 more than he has any idea of, 
 and that he can help on the 
 world's work more than ho knows 
 of What we want is, the single 
 eye that we may see what our 
 work is, the humility to accept it, 
 however lowly, the faith to do it 
 for God, the perseverance to go 
 on till death. — Norman McLeud. 
 Amono the xoKKj beaatifal 
 things seen at Rome is a bit of 
 glass like the solid rim of a tum- 
 bler, a transparent glass, a solid 
 thing, which, when exhibited, is 
 lifted up so as to show that there 
 is nothing concealed ; but in the 
 centre of the glass is a drop of 
 colored glass, perhaps as large aa 
 a pea, mottled like a dock, finely 
 mottled with the shifting colored 
 hues of the neck, and which even 
 a miniature pencil coold not do 
 more perfectly. 
 CAPE BUFFALO.— (Bwia/MS Caffer.) 

 When you look at one of those 
 little insiKnificsnt pins, do yon 
 oyer think that a gwat deal of 
 trouble was taken to get it jast 
 right? Well, it takes a great 
 deal of work to make a perfect 
 First, a reel of brass wire is 
 taken of suitable thickunss. The 
 wire passes over a strain* .ning 
 board, after which it is i \ by 
 two jaws, and a cutter v amis 
 and cuts it off, leaving a project- 
 ing part for a head. On the with- 
 drawal of the cutter a hammer 
 flies forward and makes a 
 head on the pin ; then the 
 jaws open and the pins 
 drop on a finely ground 
 metal plate, with the heads 
 upward, until the end to be 
 pointed comes into contact 
 with a cylindrical roller 
 with a grinding surface, 
 which soon puts a fine point 
 on the pins. They then fall 
 into a box ready to receive 
 them, and are ready for the 
 second stage. After they are 
 yellowed or cleaned, they 
 are tinned, or whitened, as 
 it is called. The pins are 
 now ready to be placed in 
 papers. One girl feeds a 
 machine with pins, and 
 another supplies the ma- 
 chine with paper. The pins 
 fall into a box the bottom of 
 which is made of small, 
 square steel bars, sufficiently 
 wide apart to let the shank 
 of the pin fall through, but 
 not the head. As soon as the 
 pins have fallen through the 
 bottom of the box and the 
 rows are complete, the bot- 
 tom detaches itself, and row 
 after row of pins is sent at 
 regular interals to be placed 
 in the papers. Meanwhile 
 the paper has been properly 
 folded and pierced to receive 
 the pins, which by the nicest 
 imaginable adjustmentscome 
 exactly to their places. 
 Pins were first used in 
 Ei^landin the 15th century. 
 They were first made of iron 
 wire, but in 1640 brass pins 
 were brought over from 
 France by Catherine 
 Howard, Queen of Henry 
 VIII. At first pins were 
 made by filing a piece of 
 wire, and by twisting the 
 other end. 
 There were several inventions 
 previously for holding together 
 parts of the dress, such as 
 buckles, brooches, clasps, hooks, 
 etc. They are very costly to 
 make,- but our readers think 
 nothing now-a-days of a pin, un- 
 less they happen to sit on the 
 point of it, in which case thev 
 usually say what they think witn 
 out being questioned. — Treasure 
 The material of a globe is a 
 thick, pulpy paper like soft straw 
 board, and this is formed into 
 two hemispheres from disks. A 
 flat disk is cut in gores, or radical 
 pieces, from centre to circumfer- 
 ence, half of the gores being re- 
 moved and the others brought to- 
 gether, forming a hemispherical 
 cup. These disks are gored un- 
 der a cutting press, the dies of 
 which are so exact that the gores 
 come together at their edges to 
 make a perfect hemisphere. The 
 formation is also done by a press 
 twelve sections, each of lozenge 
 shape, the points extending from 
 pole to pole, exactly as though the 
 peel of an orange was cut through 
 from stem to bud in twelve equal 
 divisions. These maps are ob- 
 tained in Scotland generally, al- 
 though there are two or three 
 establishments otherwheres which 
 produce them. The paper of 
 these maps is very thin but tena- 
 cious, and is held to the globe by 
 glue. The operator — generally a 
 woman — begins at one pole, past- 
 ing with the left hand and laving 
 the sheet with the right, working 
 the operator is so expert in coax- 
 ing down fulnesses and in expand- 
 ing s^'anty portions, all the time 
 keeping absolute relation and per- 
 fect joining with the other sec* 
 tions and to their edges. The 
 metallic work— the equators,meri< 
 dians and stands — are finished by 
 machinery. A coat of transpar- 
 ent varnish over the paper sur- 
 face completes the work, and thus 
 a globe is built. — Scientific Ameri' 
 Many of our young readers 
 will be likely to take excur- 
 sions by water this summer, 
 and they will notice that 
 upon entering any harbor 
 there are buoys of different 
 ccrtors, on either side of the 
 channel. Those on the right 
 hand are invariably painted 
 red and those on the left, 
 black. A buoy with horizon- 
 tal stripes of both red and 
 black indicates the centre of 
 a very narrow channel, to 
 which a vessel should keep 
 as close as possible. Red 
 and black vertical stripes 
 show the locality of spits, or 
 small points of land running 
 into the sea, and of reefs. A 
 buoy having red and black 
 checks is to give warning 
 against a rock or somie other 
 obstruction. In case of two 
 such obstructions, with a 
 channel between, the buoy 
 on the right will have red 
 and white checks, and the 
 one on the left, black and 
 white checks. A green 
 buoy is used to mark wrecks 
 and has the word "wreck" 
 painted in white letters upon 
 it. By the way, would it 
 not be a nice plan to have 
 boys so marked that one 
 could tell at a glance what 
 they are good for?. Indeed 
 we believe they are if one 
 looks sharp. — Congregation- 
 {From a photjgraph). 
 Hb who waits to do a great 
 deal of ^ood at once will never 
 do any thing.— SamiMi Johnson. 
 with hemispherical mould and 
 die, the edges of the gores being 
 covered with glue. Two of these 
 hemispheres are then united by 
 glue and mounted on a wire, the 
 ends oT which are the two axes of 
 the finished globe. All this work 
 is done while the paper is in a 
 moist state. After drying, the 
 rough paper globe is rasped down 
 to a surface by coarse sand-paper, 
 followed by finer paper, and then 
 receives a coating of paint or 
 enamel that will take a clean, 
 smooth finish. 
 The instructive portion is a 
 map of the world, printed in 
 along one edge to the north or 
 other pole, coaxing the edge of 
 the paper over the curvature of 
 the globe with an ivory spatuki, 
 and working down the entire 
 paper to an absolutely smooth 
 As there are no laps to these 
 lozenge sections the edges must 
 absolutely meet, else there would 
 be a mixed up mess, especially 
 among the islands of some of the 
 freat archipelagoes and in the ar- 
 itrary politicalborders of the na- 
 tions. This is probably the most 
 ex*ct work in globe-making, and 
 yet it appears to be easy because 
 Among the many gods of 
 the Chinese is the kitchen- 
 god. They put up a new 
 one every New Year's Day, 
 when they burn the old one. 
 They think that this god 
 takes care of everything in 
 the kitchen ; and if the fire 
 don't burn, or the bread is bak- 
 ing to fast, or there is any trouble, 
 they scold and beat the god. 
 When he is burned, they think 
 he goes to heaven, and tells all 
 that has happened in their 
 kitchen for a year ; so sometimes 
 they daub molasses on his mouth 
 before they burn him, and they 
 think then he can't tell. What 
 sad ideas these people have of 
 God and of Providence ! 
 EvEBY duty which is bidden 
 to wait returns with seven fresh 
 duties at its baok. — Charles Kings 
 ^H» liiM 
 — «Hft 
 iil.Kf,. T 
 Our graphic illastration shows 
 this most luscioiu of all the tropi- 
 cal fruits at home, in its native 
 Bermuda, where it is cultivated 
 in larffe fields, the slips being 
 planted wherever there is earth 
 enough among the rocks. The 
 pine-apples grow on stems about 
 a foot high, with a crown ot long 
 spiked leaves, and the fruit in the 
 middle. They are rips in May, 
 when the whole field is cut down. 
 In addition to the large numbers 
 that are exported both to domes- 
 tic and foreign ports, considerable 
 quantities are canned for eziK>rta- 
 tion. Fine as are the West Indian 
 pine-apples, those grown under 
 a grt>at many other lessons which 
 they will luarn as readily as a 
 dog or cat. But you mast take 
 the trouble to study their ways 
 and get on the right side of them. 
 One day I hod been reading in 
 a book how spiderb managed to 
 get their wubs across streams and 
 roads, and from the top of one tall 
 tree to another. I went out and 
 caught a large garden spidar, one 
 of those blue-gray, sprawling fel- 
 lows, and fixed him up for my 
 I took a stick about eighteen 
 inches in length and fastened a 
 piece of iron to one end of it so 
 that the stick would stand up on 
 that end of itself. Then I put 
 this stick in a large tub of water, 
 and placed the spider on top of 
 strings of web were floating 
 away in the slight breeze that 
 was blowing. After a little one 
 of those threads touched the edge 
 of the tub and stuck fast, as all 
 spider webs will do. 
 This was just what Mr. Spider 
 was looking for, and the next mo- 
 ment he took hold of his web and 
 gave it a jerk, as a sailor does a 
 rope when he wishes to see how 
 strong it is or to make ''it fast. 
 Having satisfied himself that it 
 was fast at the other end, he 
 gathrred it in till it was tight 
 and straight, and then ran on it 
 quickly to the shore ; a rescued 
 castaway saved by his own in- 
 Spiders are not fools, if they are 
 ugly; and He who made all things 
 evening comes on they sally forth, 
 often doing great harm to the 
 fruit on the neighboring planta- 
 tions. In some parts of Java 
 they are so numerous that it is 
 found necessary to protect thefruit 
 trees with huge nets. The ex- 
 tent of their flights through the 
 airissomethingastonishing. They 
 sometimes drop to the ground 
 and hop along with a shuflling 
 kind of leap, but if they are 
 alarmed, they spring to tho near- 
 est tree and in a moment reach 
 its top by a scries of bonrda. Out 
 upon the branches they dart, and 
 with a rush are off into space. 
 Saning through the air like some 
 great bird, down they go oblique- 
 ly, swift as an arrow, a hundred 
 and fify feet or more, rising again 
 c . rcc! them in ilavor, and 
 • -L. Vi I • d a ruuch higher price in 
 luarKoV. o tu ill England, where 
 thi'ir I uiiivft'.ioii ! ' hot-houses — 
 wnich was onco i.jirarded as the 
 highest triumph ot'thi> horticultu- 
 ral art — is now comparatively 
 easy, and is ono of the laiurios 
 of wealthy establishments. Thoy 
 are propagated chiefly by means 
 of suckers, and also hv tho 
 crowns, while new varieties are 
 obtained from seed from the par- 
 tially wild plants. 
 Spiders in many respects are 
 just like other animals, and can 
 be tamed and petted and taught 
 I the stick. I wanted to see if he 
 [could get to the "land," which 
 I was the edge of the tub, without 
 ! any help. He ran down first one 
 I side of the stiok and then (he 
 'other; each time he would stop 
 [ when he touched the water, and 
 shaking his foot as a cat does, he 
 i would run up again. At last he 
 came to the conclusion that he 
 ; was entirely surrounded by water 
 : — on an island, in fact. After re- 
 maining perfectly quiet for a long 
 while, during which I have no 
 doubt he was arranging his plans, 
 he began running around the top 
 of the stick, an'' throwing out 
 great coils of web with his hind 
 feet. In a few minutes 'ittle fine 
 has a care and thouarht for all. 
 The earth is full of the know- 
 ledge ofGod. — Christian at Work. 
 In the forest.sof the islands con- 
 stituting the Indian Archipelago 
 is found a curious flying animal 
 that forms the connecting link be- 
 tween the lemur and the liat. The 
 natives call it the colugo, and also 
 the '• flying-fox," but it is more 
 like a flying monkey, as the 
 lemurs are cousins of the mon- 
 keys. Like the bats, these ani- 
 mals sleep in tho day-time hang- 
 ing from the limbs and branches 
 ot trees, head downward ; but as 
 in a graceful curve and alighting 
 safely on a distant tree. In these 
 great leaps they carry their 
 young, which cling to them or 
 sometimes follow them in their 
 headlong flight, uttering hoarse 
 and piercing cries. The colngos 
 live almost exclusively on fruit, 
 preferring plantains and the 
 young and tender leaves of the 
 cocoa-palms, thongh some writers 
 aver that they have seen them dart 
 into the air and actually catch 
 birds. The flying lemurs are per- 
 fectly harmless, and so gentle as 
 to be easily tamed. They have 
 lovely dark eyes and very in- 
 telligent and knowing faces. — C. 
 F. Holder, in St Nicholas for April. 

 Tho seagull has two prominent 
 characteristics, wit and impu- 
 dence, which it exercises for its 
 own benefit at the expense of 
 its fellows. It is not at all nice 
 in its choice of victims, but 
 practises its rogueries with re- 
 gard only to its own safety and 
 profit. If the victim be small, 
 then force alone is resorted to to 
 obtain the coveted object, which 
 is always something to eat; if 
 strong, then wit is brought into 
 play; and if stupid, then impu- 
 dence accomplishes the same re- 
 sult. Nor is the gull unaware 
 seemingly of the ludicrousness of 
 the part it so often plays of mak- 
 ing others do the work it ought 
 and can do itself, as may be seen 
 in its dealings with the pelican. 
 The brown pelican though its 
 numbers have been greatly less- 
 ened, is still plentifully found 
 along the shores of the Gulf of 
 Mexico, and in Florida especially 
 may be encountered without dit- 
 iiculty. It is indefatigable in two 
 pursits — first fishing and then 
 It is a ponderous, clumsy bird, 
 with a body ns large as a swan's 
 but with enormous wings which 
 enable it to fly with case and 
 power and almost wilh grace. 
 The head, which U almost, nil bill, 
 is not pretty, but, what is bettor, 
 it is eminently uselul, for it com- 
 bines iish-spi^ar and luuch-uasket 
 in one. The upper ])iirt of the 
 bill terminates in a hook which is 
 fatal to a fish, and the lower part 
 is hung with an olastic pouch in- 
 to which the captured prey are 
 deposited until desired for eat- 
 As it has large webbed feet and 
 swims well, it catches a irreat 
 many fish, just as the ducks do ; 
 but It also has a very picturesque 
 way of capturing its finny prey. 
 It Bails majestically over the 
 water at » considerable height 
 abo\-e it, glancing sharply about 
 for victims in the transparent cle' 
 ment below, until, catching a 
 glimpse of one favorably disposed 
 for capture it launches itself 
 straight downward, and with bill 
 projecting and wings folded 
 cleaves the air like a bolt, trans- 
 fixing the fish and by the impetus 
 of its fall disappearing under the 
 water, to return to the surface, 
 however, with all the buoyancy 
 of a cork, and with the quarry 
 comfortably tucked away for fu- 
 ture reference. 
 Having labored earnestly in 
 this way until its pouch is full, 
 the pelican seeks a long low lodge 
 of rocks, and there in company 
 with his fellows takes up his po- 
 sition in solemn earnestness to 
 enjoy the fruits of his toil. A skil 
 ful toss of the head shoots a fish 
 from the reserToir into the throat, 
 and a gulp lends it on its way into 
 the stomach. A little time for the 
 pleasurable sensation of digestion, 
 ^and again the head is tossed. 
 $ And so the game is played with 
 117 y 
 regularity by the whole grotesque 
 line. The long heads are some- 
 times turned about and rested on 
 the shoulders pointing backward, 
 or more freouently are held point- 
 ing vertically downward. 
 Although a large and clumsy 
 creature tho pelican is not neces- 
 sarily stupid ; but by dint o[ fre- 
 quent tossing of Ihe well laden 
 I>ouch it becomes at once gorged 
 and dull, and then is the golden 
 opportunity of the gull. 
 He impudently alights upon (he 
 very head of his victim, and waits 
 patiently until the i)elican re- 
 ceives warning from within that 
 dence of enjoying the trick votj 
 little less than the booty. 
 It might bo supposed that the 
 pelicans would learn wisdom in 
 the course of time, but they do 
 not seem to have done so yet, for 
 day after day along the coral 
 reefs of the Florida coast may be 
 seen long lines of gormandizing 
 pelicans entertaining gulls in this 
 way.— Sfien/iAt American. 
 In one of the boarding schools 
 situated in a densely-populated 
 another fish is wanted. Up goes 
 the bill, open gapes the awful 
 mouth, out shoots a doomed fish — 
 not into tho ready (hroat.however, 
 but into the waiting hill of the 
 gull, which has adroitly twisted 
 its head so that it can see all that 
 is exposed of tho pelican's internal 
 economy, and has snatched the 
 morsel and flown with a wild 
 scream of laughter to eat it at its 
 leisure, if indeed a gull ever had 
 such a state of being. 
 The pelican is almost too stupid 
 to know that it has been robbed, 
 but the gull gives every evi- 
 district of Glasgow, Scotland, on 
 the morning immediatelysucceed- 
 ing the short vacation at the New 
 Year time, the young lady and 
 gentleman teachers at the head 
 of the "infant " section were made 
 tho delighted recipients of a pre- 
 sent from their young charges. 
 The gifts, which were entirely 
 unlocked for, consisted of two of 
 those highly ornate short-cakes, 
 with appropriate sentiments in 
 sugar which we were all as chil- 
 dren familiar with, and which as 
 " old fogies " we do not entirely 
 taboo. The purchase, doubtless. 
 had been made at imo of the 
 neighboring confectioners, and 
 the young donors laid (heir offer- 
 ings blushingly and in childish 
 fashion, without a word, before 
 their teachers. Both were alike 
 astonished, but the gentleman 
 managed to stammer ont some 
 thanks. The young lady's delight 
 was more lingering, and she, 
 blushing, inquired what she had 
 done to merit such kindness. For 
 a time no response was made, 
 until at last a chubby boy on a 
 back bench chirruped out, "'Cause 
 you're aye smilin' Miss." It was 
 a day of smiles after that. — Ex. 
 The Rev. Mr. Ladd, sent about 
 two years ago by the American 
 Missionary Association to make 
 arrangements for establishing 
 missions in the region of the Up- 
 per Nile, gives the following ac- 
 count of an adventure with a 
 snake on his way down the river. 
 "Doctor and I were sitting on the 
 bridge seeing what we could see, 
 when I discovered a huge snake 
 in the water swimmingslowly and 
 trying to cross the river. I rushed 
 for (he shot-gun, and although we 
 had almost got beyond range, gave 
 him both barrels with good effect. 
 I jumped into the small boat with 
 a number of men ; the steamer 
 put about and we went after that 
 snake. As we iieared him, how- 
 ever he began to show signs of 
 life, and Doctor, fearing he might 
 get away, fired two shots at him^ 
 with the rifle from tho bridge. 
 The second ball struck, but 
 glanced, leaving not the slightest 
 trace of a mark, but stunned him 
 so that he turned over on his back. 
 We picked him up and found that 
 we had got hold of a boa-constric- 
 tor. As soon as he was landed in 
 the boat he came to again, and 
 made it lively for us. His strength 
 was something remarkable. He 
 ran his head a little way under a 
 board, and six men pulling with 
 all their might and main could 
 not get him out. He came out 
 when ho got ready, but thea we 
 had a rope around him, and hauled 
 him on deck. There was a scat- 
 tering of the crowd then. We 
 choked him to death, cut his teeth 
 out, and put him away. He came 
 to life again, and broke one of the 
 supports of the water-jar. Then 
 Ibrahim stood on that snake's head 
 till he was dead. We hung him 
 up. He came to life again and 
 nearly got away. Then we beat 
 him on the head with a club till 
 he was " as dead as a door nail," 
 He came to life again ! No use I 
 We determined to conquer him 
 this time, and proceeded to skin 
 him. This was too much for him, 
 and he concluded to remain dead 
 He measured 9 ft. 6 in. in length, 
 and 11{ in. around. I have pre- 
 served the skin and hope to have 
 it stuffed. The sailors will eat 
 the flesh." 
 This wonderrul fallow, I'm told, 
 oftens oysters with his bill. The 
 longer mandible is thrust between 
 the valves, and then turned so as 
 to wedge open the shell ; in fact, 
 it is used as an oysterman uses his 
 knife. The oytser is then cut 
 awav with tho upper blade and 
 swallowed. Sometimes the oyster 
 closes upon the whole beak, in 
 which case the bird bangs the 
 shell against a stone so as to break 
 the hinge and expose the inhabi- 
 tant, which is immediately 
 scooped out. He also skims 
 along jnst over the surface of the 
 sea, picking up whatever he can 
 find to eat. While thus darting 
 about, the bird utters loud and 
 exultant cries, as if proud of its 
 skill.— S/. Nicholas. 
 The peasants like grand names 
 for their little ones, such as 
 Adolph, Adricin, Qotfried, Gnsta- 
 vus, for boys ; and Josephina, 
 Thora, Ingeborg for girls; and if 
 thevhave no name prepared tbey 
 seek one in the almanac for the 
 particular day of baby's birth. It 
 is ' baptized " the next Sunday 
 and taken to church by the god- 
 mother, who provides the chris- 
 tening garments, which are often 
 trimmed with colored bows, while 
 the infant has beads around its 
 neck and wears a cap with very 
 little border. The clergyman 
 holds it well over the font and 
 pours water over the back of the 
 head three times, and then wipes 
 with a towel. As the baby is 
 swathed in six-inch-wido band' 
 ages so that it cannot move its legs 
 and sometimes not even its arms, 
 it is obliged to lie very passive 
 during this ceremonial. The 
 peasants have their reasons for 
 this swathing, the first of which 
 is that they think it makes the 
 limbs grow straiirht ; the second 
 that it turns baby into a compact 
 bundle to carry. When swathed 
 thus, infants have been said to re- 
 semble the tail of a lobster, or 
 even its whole body. In the 
 north they are often hung from a 
 long, springy pole stuck in the 
 wall, to be out of the way ; and, 
 being by nature quiet, they are 
 supposed not to mind it Their 
 cradles, wh'ch are very primitive, 
 are also frequently suspended by 
 a spiral spring from the roof, 
 which must be more comfortable 
 than the pole Both in Swedish 
 and Norwegian Lapland, people 
 take these " swaddlings " to 
 church. But instead of carrying 
 them into church they make a 
 hole in the snow outside in the 
 churchyard and bury them in it, 
 leaving a smallaperture for breath- 
 ing purposes. The babies are 
 kept splendidly warm, while their 
 friends within the sacred build- 
 ing have their beards trozen to 
 their fur coats bv the freeiing of 
 their own breaths, As soon as a 
 peasant boy can walk, he is put 
 into trousers, buttoned inside his 
 jacket; and these are so baggy 
 behind that it is often amusing to 
 see him. This bagginess is fre- 
 quently due to the fact that the 
 trousers originally belonged to 
 his father, but were cut off at the 
 legs and simply drawn round the 
 boy's waist without reducing their 
 size. Add to this that the feet are 
 shod either with little jack-boots 
 or wooden shoes, and we have a 
 strange picture. Their stockings 
 either have leather heels or no 
 heels at all, so that the mother is 
 spared the trouble oi mending 
 them. Neither has she much la- 
 prize of the higu<illing of Ood in scribes the mar. ler in which thia 
 Christ .TesuB," a crown that is in 
 Now what are yon going to do 
 about the weights, the things 
 industry is ca /led on. The sur- 
 roundings are certainly pictu- 
 resque. An encampment has been 
 formed in the beech woods, and 
 that hinder you from running this suitable trees are selected and 
 race ? you know some things do 
 seem to hinder you; will you 
 keen them or lay them aside ? 
 Will you only lay aside something 
 that every one can see is hinder- 
 ing you, so that you will get a 
 little credit for putting it down, 
 and keep somathing that your 
 own little conscience knows is a 
 real hinderance,though no one else 
 knows anythmg at all about it ? 
 Oh, take St. Paul's wise and holy 
 advice, and make up your mind 
 to lay aside every weight. 
 Ditierent persons have different 
 weights ; we must find out what 
 ours are, and give them up. One 
 finds that if sne does not get up 
 directly she is called, the time slips 
 by, and there is not enough left 
 for quiet prayer and Bible read- 
 ing. Then here is a little weight 
 that mutt be laid aside. Another 
 bor with their heads, the hair of 
 which is cropped as close as a 
 convict's. The girls also wear 
 wooden shoes, but they have 
 gingham kerchiefs or caps on their 
 heads, frocks down to their heels 
 and quaint pinafores. — Little 
 Folk's Magazine. 
 "Letatlaraildearory wtUliL' -Bab. 12: 1. 
 If you were going to run a race, 
 you would first put down all the 
 parcels you might have been 
 carrying. And if you had a heavy 
 little parcel in your pocket, you 
 would take that out and lay it 
 down too, because it would hin- 
 der you in running. You would 
 know better than to say, " I will 
 put down the parcels which I 
 have in my hands, but nobody 
 can see the one in my pocket, so 
 that one won't matter ! " You 
 would " lay aside every weight.'' 
 You have a race to run to-day, 
 a little piece of the great race that 
 is set before you. God has set a 
 splendid prize before you, " the 
 is at school, and finds that he gets 
 no good, but a little harm, when 
 he goes much with a certain boy. 
 Then he must lay that weight 
 aside. Another takes a story book 
 up to bed, and reads it up to the 
 last minute, and then her head is 
 so full of the story that she only 
 says words when she kneels down, 
 and cannot really pray at all. Can 
 she doubt that this is a weight 
 which must be laid aside ? 
 It may seem hard to lay our 
 pet weight down ; but, oh, if you 
 only knew how light we feel 
 when it is laid down, and how 
 much easier it is to run the race 
 which God has set before us ! — 
 Morning Bells. 
 An industry that cannot last 
 many years more, th:inks to the 
 rapid cheapening of leather shoes 
 by means of machinery, is the 
 manufacture of wooden shoes, still 
 the only wear of thousands of 
 French peasantry. A writer in 
 Chambers's Journal pleasantly de- 
 felled. Each will probably give 
 six dozen pairs of wooden shoes. 
 Other kinds of wood are spongy 
 and soon penetrated with damp, 
 but the beech sabots are light, of 
 close grain, and keep the feet dry 
 in spite of snow and mud, and in 
 this respect are greatly anperior 
 to leather. 
 All is animation. The men cut 
 down the tree ; the trunk is sawn 
 into lengths, and if the pieces 
 prove too large they are divided 
 into quarters. The first work- 
 man fashions the sabots roughly 
 with the hatchet, taking care to 
 give the bend for right and left ; 
 the second takes it in hand, 
 pierces the hole for the interior, 
 scoops the wood oat with an in- 
 iustrument called the cuiller. 
 The third is the artist of the 
 company ; it is his work to finish 
 and polish it, carving a rose or 
 primrose upon the top if it be for 
 the fair sex. Sometimes he cuts 
 an open border around the edge, 
 so that a blue or white stocking 
 may be shown by a coquettish 
 girl. As they are finished they 
 are placed in rows under the 
 white shavings ; twice a week the 
 apprentice exposes them to a fire, 
 which smokes and hardens the 
 wood, giving it a warm golden 
 hue. The largest sizes are cut 
 from the lowest part of the bole, 
 to cover the workman's feet who 
 is out in rain from morning to 
 night. The middle part is for the 
 busy house-wife v ho is treading 
 the washhouse, the dairy, orstands 
 beside the village fountain. Next 
 come those of the little shepherd, 
 who wanders all day long with 
 his flock, and still smaller ones 
 for the school boy. Those for the 
 babies have the happiest lot ; they 
 are seldom worn out. As the 
 foot grows the mother keeps the 
 little sabots in a corner of her 
 cupboard beside the baptismal 
 A Celebrated Gebhan wri- 
 ter mentions " an antique, the 
 whole size of which is but 
 one inch in length, and one- 
 third of an inch in breadth, 
 and yet it contains in mosaic tho 
 picture of a Mallard duck, which, 
 in brilliancy of coloring, and in 
 dislincL representation of parts, 
 even ofwings and feathers, equals 
 a miniature painting. And what 
 is most wonderful, on being 
 turned, it presents the same pic- 
 ture without a discoverable vari- 
 ation on the opposite side." 
 Nbver Enter upon the duties 
 of the day without "casting all 
 your care" upon God and seeking 
 His guidance and blessing upon 
 all things. In answer to this 
 prayer many minutes, nay, hours. 
 m|y be given you, and thus you < i 
 may find " a minute to spare. % 
 Syria abonnds in names of il- 
 loatrions citiei. All aro ancient, 
 but Rome have retained import- 
 ance to the preaent day. Sach 
 especially are Damascus and Bei- 
 rut. Others, like Palmyra and 
 Baalbec, have lost (heir import- 
 ance and are chiefly interesting 
 for their wonderful ruins. 
 Baalbec lay on the route »i 
 an opulent commerce between 
 Tripoli, Damascus and the far 
 Bast. It was adorned with vast 
 temples, in which false deities 
 were worshipped wiih great 
 pomp. Tho Great Temple ex- 
 tended 1 ,100 feet from east to we»t, 
 and had a breadth of 870 feet. 
 The peristyle of its principal 
 courts was compoped of fifty-four 
 columns. Each stood 62 feet in 
 height, and was eight feet in 
 diameter at the base and fire feet 
 at the top. Only six of these 
 columns now remain upright, and 
 they are shown in our second pic- 
 ture. They are generally formed 
 of only three stones each, united 
 by iron dowels. See with what 
 rich Corinthian capitals they are 
 crowned, and how finely they are 
 wrought in every part. 
 Tho external walls of the 
 temple are built of mossivo stones. 
 There are three which measure 
 each 63 feet in length by 13 feet 
 in height. They are built into 
 the wall at a distance of 20 feet 
 above the ground. They may be 
 seen in our first picture. So 
 famous were they that the temple 
 was called after them Trilithon, 
 or the Three Stone Temple. 
 You have often been impressed 
 by tho strong denunciations of 
 the Old Testament against the 
 idolatry of the nations of Syria, 
 and you have wondered that the 
 people of Israel should have fallen 
 under their influence so many 
 times, in spito of the Divine warn- 
 ings. These massive ruins will 
 partly explain the great power 
 and influence of the worship of 
 Baal in those early days. You 
 Ik see how the name Baalbec is de- 
 « > rived. Get your Bible and your 
 Concordance, and look up tho re 
 ferences to that religion. Then, 
 in imagination, restore the great 
 temple to its original grandeur, 
 and fill it with all the pomp 
 of the ancient worship, the thou- 
 sands of votaries, the smoking 
 sacrifices and the cruel practice 
 of parents burning their own 
 children, and you will not won- 
 der at the Divine judgments 
 against idolatry. 
 Though so firm and so beauti- 
 ful, this and all the edifices of 
 Baalbec have fallen to decay. 
 The worship conducted in them 
 was idolatrous and no one cares 
 to restore it. But all about in the 
 land missionaries are blessed of 
 God in establishing churches of 
 our Lord Jesus and winning the 
 people to love and servo him. It 
 will bo far more acceptable to 
 Ilira, and far more serviceable to 
 the peoplo of Syria, when hun- 
 dreds of unpretentious edifices 
 are scattered throughout the land, 
 and when in each village congre- 
 gations can gather for His worship 
 every Sabbath day. — Foreign 
 Ill these days of gas and elec- 
 tric lights it seems very strange to 
 hear of burning w hale-oil in lamps, 
 or oven to use petroleum, but an 
 actual candle that grows in tho 
 sea and is alive, too, is still more 
 This candle is tho fattest of 
 little fish, and it is found in tho 
 Northern seas, tho very region 
 whore it i.s most needed. It is 
 quite ornamental by moonlight, 
 and glitters like pearls in tho 
 water because of its shiny armor. 
 The Indians ot Russian America 
 and Vancouver Island catch the 
 littlo fish— which are about as 
 largo as smelts— with immense 
 rakes, having teeth made of bone 
 or sharp-poiaited nails, and every 
 time tho rake is swept in one fish 
 at least, and sometimes three or 
 four, will be found fast on each 
 To make them into candles the 
 women take a long wooden 
 net'dle, and thread it with apiece 
 of rush pilh, which i.s drawn 
 through the fish from head to tail. 
 When this wick is lighted the fish 
 burns steadily in its rough candle- 
 stick— only a bit of wood split at 
 one end to hold Iho candle — and 
 ci ves a light britfht enough to read 
 By. Large quantities of these use- 
 ful little fisii are turned into oil 
 — but not to be burned in lamps. 
 It is the favorite supply of winter 
 food, and helps to keep out tho 
 terrible cold of those long North- 
 ern winters. When Mrs. Indian 
 has oil-making on hand the chil- 
 dren probably find it worse than 
 washing-day or house-cleaning 
 and are glad enough to take their 
 littlo bows and arrows or spears 
 and go off until things are quiet 
 again around the lodge. 
 First the squaw makes five or 
 six largo fires, and throws a num- 
 ber of large round pebbles into 
 each to be heated very hot. Four 
 large square boxes of pine-wood 
 are ready by each fire, and in 
 every box she piles a layer offish, 
 which she covers with cold water, 
 and then puts in five or six of the 
 heated stones. When the smoke 
 hasclearedaway piecesof wood are 
 laid on the stones, then more fish, 
 water, stones and wood, until the 
 box is filled. The liquid from 
 this box is used for tho next one i 
 in place 
 ing oil is then nkimmed off from 
 tho surface. This oil is put into 
 bottle.s which are also found in 
 the sen. An immense seu-woed 
 with hollow stalks that widen 
 like a flask at the root is gathered 
 for the purpose, and each bottle will 
 hold marly a quart of oil. Candle- 
 fish is the every-day name of tho 
 oil-giver, but on great occasions 
 it is Sulmo padfir.uf. — Harper's 
 Young People. 
 In " Wanderings in a Wild 
 Country," a lK)ok lately published 
 in London, tho author tells how 
 a queer bird called a morroop or 
 cassowary manages to get its fish 
 dinners. One day the man saw 
 one of these great fowls come 
 down to tho water's edge and 
 watch the water for some minutes. 
 It then waded in to where tho 
 water was about three feet deep, 
 and partly squatted, with spread 
 wings, ruffled feathers and shut 
 eyes. It kept perfectly still for as 
 much as a quarter of an hour, then 
 suddenly closed its wings and 
 stepped to the bank, where shak- 
 ing itself thoroughly a quantity 
 of small fishes fell from under its 
 wings and from among its 
 feathers. These were picked up 
 quickly and swallowed. Tho 
 fish had mistaken the feathers 
 for a kind of weed in which they 
 fish that 
 hido from the larger 
 of water, and the float- { prey upon them. 
 Oeorgo mid Thomns Uatei 
 had often expressed a desire to 
 visit the telegraph office One 
 day, after school, these boys 
 went into their fathers ware- 
 house, just opposite the telegraph 
 office, and askod him it he would 
 be so kind as to take them to see 
 thib wotiderful invention. Their 
 father was not so occupied as to 
 prevent his granting their re- 
 quest ; and tno next moment 
 tney were by the side of the 
 agent, looking at the performance 
 of the little instrument that noted 
 d«wn intelligence like a living 
 The boys entreated their father 
 to send a message to their uncle 
 in Washington. This he con 
 sented to do ; but the little 
 machine was so busy that there 
 was no opportunity to gratify 
 "Tic, tic, tic, dot, dot, click 
 click, click," went the little pointer. 
 By and by it ceased for an instant ; 
 but just as the agent was going 
 to put in his claim it began 
 again. After a while their turn 
 came The agent hurried to put 
 in a W for Washington, and ' Ay, 
 ay,' was the reply, to let him 
 know that his wish was attended 
 to and the message was sent. 
 In the evening the boys could 
 talk of nothing but the wonders 
 of the magnetic telefrrapli. 
 '' Is it not the most wonderful 
 ihing you ever heard of. father ?" 
 ^aid Thomas 
 " No, replied his father ; " I 
 have heard of things more won- 
 " But, father," said George, 
 ' you never heard of any message 
 being sent so quickly as by this 
 means, have you ? " 
 " Yes, I have, my son." 
 " And you receiving an 
 answer as quickly ? " added 
 " Yes much sooner," replied 
 his father 
 " Are you in earnest, father ? " 
 said Thomas, drawing his chair 
 close to his father, and looking 
 eageily in his face. " Is it 
 possible that you know of a more 
 wonderful way of communication 
 than by telegtaph V " 
 " I never was more in earnest, 
 ray son, than when I say yes to 
 your question." 
 " Weil, father," said George, 
 "do tell me what it is, and in 
 what respect it is better thau the 
 telegraph ? 
 " In the first place," said his 
 father, " you do not have to wait 
 to send your messag.; while others 
 are attended to , for your message 
 can go with thousaiid.s of others, 
 without an interruption or hin- 
 deiance '' 
 ' So Hint i.s an improvement,' 
 said George; "for we had to 
 wait a long time, you know '' 
 " And in the next place, ' con- 
 tinued his father, " there is no 
 need of wires or electricity, or 
 machinery, to ;iid the mode of 
 communication of which I sneak , 
 and what is more wondurfnl than 
 all IS the fact that you need not 
 oven frptfs^ the nature of yout 
 communication, as before you do 
 so vour answer may bo returned, 
 though it is necessaiy that you 
 truly and sincerely desire a 
 favorable reception for your re- 
 quest Besides all this, the plan 
 of communication of which I 
 speak IS superior to all others 
 from the fact that you need not 
 and praying, and confeMing my 
 ■in and the sin of the people 
 Israel, and presenting my anp 
 plication before the Lord my Qod, 
 . . yea, while I was ■peaking 
 in prayer, even the man Oabiiel, 
 . . being caniedtofly^wiftly, 
 touched mc about the time of the 
 evening oblation And informed 
 me, and talked with me. and said, 
 O Daniel, I am now come forth 
 to give then skill and uiiderBtaiid- 
 mg. At the beginning of thy 
 resort to any particular place to ; supplications the commandment 
 came forth, and I am come to 
 show thee — " 
 " I see father, from these pas- 
 sages," said Thomas, " that you re- 
 fer to prayer." 
 " And I am sure yon will both 
 agree with me that this mode of 
 communication with heaven ii 
 more wonderful than any other, 
 for by this means our desires can 
 be immediately known to our 
 heavenly Father, and we receive 
 send your request In the lonely 
 desert, on the trackless ocean, in 
 the crowded city, on the moun- 
 tain top, by night or by day, in 
 sickness andhealth, and especially 
 in troable and afHiclion, the way 
 of communication is open to all. 
 And the applicants can never t)e 
 so numerous that the simplest 
 desire of the feeblest child, 
 properly presented, shall not 
 meet immediate attention "' 
 " Is there any account published an answer." — Standard 
 of this wonderful manner of com- 
 municating your wishes ? '' in- 
 quired Thomas, 
 " Yes, there is, my son ; and I 
 hope your interest will not be 
 diminished when I teli you it is 
 to be found in the Bible " 
 " In the Bible I ' exclaimed both 
 "Certainly, my sons, and if 
 you will t>oth get your Bibles, I 
 will tell you where to find the 
 passages confirming what I have 
 said " 
 The children opened their 
 Bibles, and found, as then father 
 directed them, the twenty-fourth 
 One night, a father was roused 
 by the cry of fire from the street 
 Little imagining the fire was in 
 his own house, he opened his bed- 
 room door and found the place 
 full of smoke, and that the roof 
 already burned through 
 that ttood near the window, and 
 waa aeen from (he yard. There 
 waa no time for procuring a 
 ladder, but one man waa hoisted 
 on the ahonldeia ol another. And 
 thiu he waa taken out A moment 
 after the roof tell in 
 When the child waa rescued, 
 the father cried out ' '' Come, 
 neighbors, let ua kneel down ; let 
 ui give thanka to Ood He has 
 ?;iTen me all my eight children , 
 et the house go , I am rich 
 enongh " John Wesley always 
 remembered this deliverance 
 with the deepest gratitude. Un- 
 der one of the portraits pabliahed 
 daring hia life is a representation 
 of a honae on fire, with the scrip- 
 tural inquiry, " Is not this a brand 
 plucked out of the burning? " — 
 CHriftian Intetligencfr 
 There was a lad in Ireland, who 
 was put to work in a linen factory; 
 and while he was at work there a 
 piece of cloth waa wanted, to be 
 sent out, which was short of the 
 quantity it ought to be, but the 
 master thought it might be made 
 the length by stretching. Ho 
 thereupon unrolled the cloth, tak- 
 ing hold of one end of it himself, 
 and the boy at the other. He 
 then said, " Pull, Adam, pull !" 
 " I cannot, sir " , 
 " Why ? " said the master. 
 "Because it is wrong, sir," and 
 and he refused to pull. Upon this 
 the master said he would not do 
 for a linen manufacturer, and 
 sent him home. 
 But the boy became the learned 
 and famous Dr Adam Clark, — 
 Christian iHtelligencer . 
 Directing hi.s wile and two girls 
 to rise and fly for their lives, he 
 burst open the nursery, door where 
 the maid was sleeping with five 
 children. They snatched up the 
 youngest, an<l hade the 
 follow her; the three eldest did 
 so. but John, who ^^a.s tlieii six 
 years old. was not awakened, and 
 verse of the sixty-fifth chapter of ,„ the alarm was forgotten The 
 Isaiah, which Thomas reail as fol 
 lows : " And it shall come to pass, 
 that, before they call, I will answer, 
 and while they arespoaking I will 
 hear '' 
 Next George found and read 
 the ninth verse of the fifty-eighth 
 chapter of Isaiah ; " Then shall 
 thou call, and the Lord shall 
 answer ; thou shall cry, and he 
 shall say here I am." 
 " Now turn," said their father, 
 "to Daniel, ninth chapter, twen- 
 tieth, twenty-first, twenty-second 
 and twenty-third verses." 
 • And while I was speaking, 
 rest of the family escaped, — some 
 through the windows, others by 
 the garden door; the mother to 
 use her own expression, "waded 
 through the fire." Just then, John 
 was heard cryiiiif in the nursery. 
 The father ran to the stairs, but 
 they were so nearly consumed 
 that the/ could not bear his 
 weight ; and being utterly in 
 despair he fell upon his knees in 
 the hall, and in agony commended 
 the soul of the child to God. John 
 had been awakened by the light, 
 and finding it impossible to escape 
 by the door climbed upon a chest 
 " That boy knows how to take 
 care of his gold-dust," said Tom's 
 uncle often to himself, and some- 
 times aloud 
 Tom went to college ; and every 
 account they heard of him he was 
 going ahead, laying a solid founda- 
 tion for the future 
 " Certainly,' said his uncle, 
 others ' " certainly ; that boy, I tell you, 
 knows how to take care of his 
 gold-dust " 
 " Gold dust ' ' Where did Tom 
 get gold-dust? He was a poor 
 boy He had not been to Cali- 
 fornia. He never was a miner. 
 When did he get gold-dust? 
 Ah ! he has seconds and minutcH, 
 and these are the gold-dust ol 
 time — specks and particles of 
 time which boys and girls and 
 grown-up people are apt to waste 
 and throw away, Tom knew 
 their value. His father, our min- 
 ister, had taught him that every 
 speck and particle of time was 
 worth its weight in gold, and 
 his son took care of them as it 
 they were. Take care of your f \ 
 gold-dust \—Sel 
 ndow, and 
 d. Thero 
 ocnring u 
 aa hoistod 
 ther. And 
 A moment 
 ■ readied, 
 • •■ Gome, 
 I down ; let 
 L He has 
 children , 
 [ am rich 
 ey always 
 tude. Un- 
 g publiahed 
 1 the scrip- 
 this a brand 
 irning?" — 
 reland, who 
 len factory ; 
 vork there a 
 anted, to be 
 short of the 
 )e, but the 
 ht be made 
 tching, lie 
 le cloth, tak- 
 [ it himself, 
 other. Ho 
 m, pull!- 
 [ig, sir." and 
 1. Upon this 
 fould not do 
 jturer, and 
 ) the learned 
 urn Clark.— 
 how to take 
 said Tom's 
 If, and some- 
 ; and every 
 f him he was 
 solid lounda- 
 his uncle, 
 , I tell you, 
 care of his 
 lere did Ton; 
 was a poor 
 been to Call- 
 ras a miner, 
 gold-dust >. 
 and minutes, 
 gold-dust o( 
 particles ol' 
 nd girls and 
 i apt to waste 
 Tom knew 
 her, our mni- 
 m that every 
 of time was 
 in gold, and 
 of them as il 
 care of your M 
 «H9| m^ 
 Thu casNownrv (Cusnarinsi, ol 
 which not Ii-kn than niiio distinrt 
 ^I'oien have been discovered, dif- 
 fers from the emn in having a 
 somewhat more slender body and 
 hair-like featherM. The helmet is 
 quite remarkable, and is composed 
 of a cellular bony NubMlunce. It 
 is barely perceptible in the young 
 bird, not reaching its full devel- 
 opment until the bird arrives at 
 adult ago. The plumage ol the 
 body is hair-like, with a tuft ol 
 down at the root of each shaft. 
 The short, thick foot has three 
 toes. The height of the bird is 
 about five feet. These birds are 
 found in the Malaccas. 
 The helmet cassowary (Casu- 
 arins galeatus, Struthio casuarius), 
 shown in the engraving, has been 
 the lougest known of this family. 
 cilsliimed haiiills. He nays; — 
 " These birds wander through the 
 great mountttiii tbiesl.s of Ceraia, 
 and subsist chielly on fallen fruit.s 
 and herbage. '1 b,. female |ayn 
 Irom three to live larife lieaiililuily 
 granulated green eggs, and male 
 and fuinule sit alternately >ipou 
 thuiu tor the space of u month. 
 All the cassovvnries whii'h have 
 been taken to hurope were ea|>- 
 tured when yoiniif l)y the natives 
 and brought up by them. This 
 is perhap.-* the reason that manv 
 of them are tam(>d and appear to 
 be gentle and coiililing, although 
 their original disposition is the 
 reverse of this. They are natur- 
 ally fierce, and take otfence with- 
 out any provocation. They are 
 greatly excited by the sight of a 
 scarlet cloth, and have a great 
 antipathy toward ragged or un- 
 vity, but it is very seldom that 
 any yuung are raised. It is not 
 olten that a pair call be obtained 
 that will livu together in peace. 
 Another species of cassowarv 
 was di.Hcovered in the island of 
 New UrilHiii. Its native title in 
 moornk, A pair of those birds 
 Were purchased by Dr. Bennett 
 in IS.IT Irom Captain Devlin, and 
 were sent to Kntrland. They were 
 very lame, ami ran around every- 
 where in the house and yard 
 without feor. In timj they be- 
 came so obtrusive that they dis- 
 turbed the servants in their work, 
 lor they would crowd through 
 doors left ajar, follow the servants 
 step by step, rummage in all the 
 corners of the kitchen, spring 
 upon the table and chairs, to the 
 great flisquiet of the cook. If any 
 one attempted to catch them. 
 into the starch, and .tttended to 
 the summons. On her reiurii the 
 cull was gone, and she discovered 
 that the mooruk wa.s the thief, 
 its beak and being covered with 
 the starch." The height ol this 
 bird is about live feet when 
 standing erect. — Vrum Btelim'% 
 Animal lift, 
 ■^- • 
 The artillery fern, or flower, as 
 it in sometimes called, is a curious 
 and beautiful plant which is not 
 very generally known outside of 
 rare collections or of florists' 
 green houses. It acquires its 
 singular name from the military 
 and explosive fashion with whicn 
 it resists the action of water upon 
 it. if a branch of the fern, cov* 
 ercd with its small red seeds, be 
 dipped into water and then held 
 The plumage is black, the back 
 part of the head ijreeii, tlte nock 
 is colored with bUu-, violei, and 
 red, the bill is black, and llie loot 
 a yellowish gray. The young 
 birds are brown. 
 All travellers who tell us of the 
 wild life of this bird agree that it 
 inhabits the thickest I'orest.s, aiul 
 leads a very retired lilc, and at 
 the least appearance of dauber 
 it hastens away, and seeks to 
 withdraw itself irom the sight of 
 men. How difHcult it is to ob- 
 serve them may be seen from the 
 fact that Miller never hiul the op- 
 portunity of seeing a lassowiiry, 
 although he found their tracks 
 and heard the noise of the bird 
 fleeing through the thicket, and 
 Wallace in Ceram could not make 
 a single capture, although he 
 sought for the bird in all its ac- 
 clean persons, sometimes attack- 
 ing them. 
 They sometimes become un- 
 governable in captivity, and the 
 kiH'ix'rs of zooloi;i(;al iriirdens say 
 that one raunot bi! too cautious 
 with the cassowary. " When ir- 
 ritated, tliev are lorinidalile anta- 
 gonists, turning rapidly about 
 and launchinir a shower of kicks, 
 which may do no small damage, 
 their (.(I'jet being heightened by 
 the sharp eiuws with which the 
 toes !i-o armed." In conlinement 
 tliey often swallow whole apples 
 and oranges. In the gardens 
 they are given a mixture of bread, 
 grain, cut up api)les, etc., but it 
 has been ol)sorved that young 
 fowls or owls which come ac- 
 cidentally in their way are de- 
 They often lay .ggs in capti- 
 they wMild run quickly around i 
 or creep under the furniture, de- 
 fending themselves viijorously 
 with l)ill and ieet. 'floft free.they 
 would go back of their own ac- 
 cord to their aacustomed dwelling 
 place. Sometimes, when the 
 maid attempted to drive them 
 away, they would strike out at 
 her and tear her clothes. They 
 would run into the stall between 
 the horses and cat with them 
 from the manger. Often they 
 wouUl push open the door of Dr. 
 Bennett's study, run quietly 
 around, look at everything, and 
 go their way. Dr. Bennett says : 
 •• It was dangerous to leave any 
 object around which was capabli- 
 of being siwallowed. The servant 
 was starching some muslin cuff's, 
 and heiring thj bell ring she 
 sqi; >eied up the cuff, threw it 
 up to the light there soon com- 
 mences a strange phenomenon. 
 First one bud will explode with a 
 sharp little crack throwing into 
 the air its pollen in the shape of 
 a small cloud of yellow dust. This 
 will bo followed by another and 
 another, until very soon the entire 
 fern-like branch will be seen dis- 
 charging these miniature volleys 
 with their tiny puHs of smoke. 
 This occurs whenever the plant is 
 watered, and the elfect of the en- 
 tire fern in this condition of re- 
 bellion is very curious as well as 
 beautiful. As the buds thus open 
 they assume the shape of a miniii- 
 ture Geneva cross, too small to the 
 naked eye to attract much atten- 
 tion, but under a magnifying glass 
 they are seen to possess very rare 
 and delicate beauty.— Chriilian 
 One idea wnt uppermoit in 
 threo little minds wnnn bedtime 
 came on a certain 24th of Docem- 
 ber. Ethel thought of it firal, 
 but the youngoronoaauite agreed 
 (ha> ri'ry oiiriy in tno morning 
 Umr would got up and rusb into 
 their mother's room with the cry 
 »!' " Merry Christmas." 
 " I suppose sho won't mind," 
 •aid Dora, who wns tho thought- 
 'nl one of the family ; bat the 
 •Qggestion was sno .ted. When 
 had mamma been known to 
 " mind " her children going to her 
 at all times ? And it sremed such 
 an ordinary, common-place sort of 
 fashion to say " Merry 
 Christmas" at the break- 
 i'ast-tabU ; they wanted 
 some new way of giving 
 their good wishes: and then 
 Ethel had this lucky 
 thought, and proposed that 
 they should dress them- 
 selves quietly before nnrso 
 made her appearance, and 
 be tho iirsl in the house- 
 hold to welcome the happy 
 The prospect was so 
 charming, that it kept 
 them awake for more than 
 an hour after their usual 
 time. " Oh, Ethel, Bupposo 
 we shuuld not wake till 
 nurse comos," said Reggie, 
 in an awe-struck whisper. 
 It seemed indeed ii dis- 
 tressing possibility. 
 " You had better go to 
 sleep at once,' replied 
 Ethel, in her elder-sisterly 
 way, which was copied a 
 little from nurse. "If you 
 don't, Reggie, I expect you 
 will sleep on till breakfast." 
 It was a good advice, 
 but neither giver nor re- 
 ceiver seemed able to pro- 
 fit by it. "Oh dear," 
 sighed Dora, presently, 
 " my eyes will not shut, at 
 least thay won't keep so. 
 Nurse says sometimes 
 thinking of running water, 
 or counting a flock of 
 sheep, sends one to sleep, 
 but it is no use tome. I've 
 counted sixty-three now, 
 and I'm just as wide 
 awake as ever." 
 Presently mamma came 
 to give her usual good- 
 nig|it kiss. "All awake ! " 
 she said, looking round the nur- 
 sery and at each little white bed. 
 "What has happened?" 
 " Oh, nothing, mamma. It's 
 on'y Christmas that keeps us 
 " Then I am glad that it comes 
 bat once a year," said Mrs. Sul- 
 wyn, smiling; then bidding them 
 good-night agbiu, she went away, 
 wondering a little as a soft laugh 
 came from the children. Of 
 course they laughed witti the con- 
 sciousness of the secret which no 
 one had found out. 
 those three pairs of eyes closed ; 
 I can only sny it happened at last, 
 and also that before daylight next 
 morning Ethel's had opened again, 
 and she was tiptoeing to the other 
 two beds with a "(Jet up, Dora," 
 "Oet up, Reggie." 8oftly and 
 swiftly each little white-clad 
 figure slipped to the ground, and 
 then there began such a fumbling 
 with buttons and strings, sueh 
 work witli curly heads, that it 
 seemed surprising nurse (who 
 slept in the adjoining room) did 
 not hear them. 
 Rut at last they were dressed — 
 after a fashion— and down theslairs 
 they tripped to their mother'sdoor, 
 which Ethel opened gently, that 
 whatever wnn set before him : the 
 bread was loo old, the soup loo 
 hot, the milk too rich. In fact, 
 he never rume to the table with- 
 out grumbling about something, 
 and making everybody uncom- 
 fortable He clattered his knife 
 and fork, and made faces. He 
 talked loudly aiul acted so much 
 like a little down, that it msde 
 his father and mother very miser- 
 able. They had often lo send 
 him away, or punish him. At the 
 same time he talked a great deal 
 about what he would do when he 
 was a man. He used lo put on 
 his father's hat niul take his cane 
 and stmt about, just to see how 
 it would seem to tie u real man. 
 want an^ of that stufi. Then he 
 twisted III his chair, and over- 
 turned a dish in his neighbor's 
 lay He nriod out that he wanted 
 to be helped to a big piece of cake. 
 "Give me some m*rmalatl«, I tell 
 you I " he roared ; " I will have 
 some ; I won't cat my suuper if I 
 don't hav> it." And hu began to 
 eat with hi* mouth open. " Dip- 
 ped toast," ho cried, " I hate it." 
 And he made such a horrible face 
 that it almost caused Fred's h«ir 
 to stand on end. 
 " He's acting just the name way 
 you do, Fred," said one of the 
 From that time Fred began to 
 mend his table manners He now 
 behaves like a gentleman, 
 lie does not roar for what 
 he wants. He does not 
 make a mess on tho table- 
 cloth. Ho does not slop 
 his luilk about. He does 
 not get spots on his clothes, 
 or tii>over backwards in hi» 
 chair. Yon would never 
 know but ho was already 
 a grown man. — Mart/ iV. 
 Prescoll, in Our Little Unen. 
 *. ' I cannot tell you ox .ctly when 
 tfaey might peop in. No! she] 
 was not asleep, she was really | 
 thinking of her little children, 
 and of how she might best train I 
 them to love and to follow Him 
 who once came as a child to earth, i 
 when they ran forward with their 
 glad shou't of " Meiry Christmas, i 
 mamma,\"~The Child's Companion. \ 
 Everybody said that Fred was i 
 a bad boy at table. He spilt the \ 
 salt, he upset his mug of milk, 
 and he knocked over his glass of , 
 water He found fault with I 
 " I hope you won't spill your 
 soup over your jacket when 
 you're a real man," said his little 
 " Men don't wear jackets," Fred 
 answered, " That's all girls know 
 about it." 
 One day, when his father was 
 late to tea, Fred slipped into his 
 place, and began to ask the other 
 children what they would have, 
 in a big voice. 
 Presently his father caino in 
 ond took Fred's seat ; but ho was 
 hardly seated before he astonished 
 Fred by pushing his plaie away 
 and snarling out that he did'ut 
 We have a family mis- 
 sionary society of which 
 I am ])resident, Mr. S 
 vice-president, Everett the 
 secretary, and Gertie the 
 treasurer, while Florence 
 and the baby are honorary 
 members. Wo have month- 
 ly meetings and a family 
 box for collections. Everett 
 conducts a paj>cr called the 
 Missi'itiary Glrniier, and has 
 prepared some editorials of 
 which his parents are quite 
 proud. The others have 
 recitations, — except the 
 baby, — and wo sing of 
 course. Now, I do not sup- 
 pose our children are un- 
 usually bright, but we have 
 really been surprised to 
 see how mueh interest 
 they take, and how well 
 they succeed.' 1 will send 
 something which I prepar- 
 ed for Florence, and 
 which she speaks with 
 great gusto: 
 " Tb*ra *n muy little chlldica 
 Aw*T MroM tha im 
 Wko do sot know thai Jmui 
 Ono* dlod (or tbom sod ma. 
 " What itaall I do to liolp thoB r 
 I'll loll 7oa Id m mlaaio : 
 For whoa you paoo tba box atoud 
 I'll put wmo ponnioa In It" 
 A Minister's Wife.. 
 -Christian Intelligencer. 
 The Best Application for the 
 improvement of the countenance 
 is a mixture in equal parts of 
 serenity and cheerfulness. Anoint 
 the face morning, noon and 
 The Temperate are the most 
 luxurious. By abstaining from 
 most things, it is surprising how 
 many things we enjoy. — 8imm$. 
 "OUANDrA, vol- 1)1) UXJK SWEET." 
 KT M. r. 
 .(iKt think <)f II, i|i-4r ilri«n<l|>a|i*, 
 ThH .lay Miiiiift t.> .... 
 Mjr liirlliiUy 'II.— I'm fuiir yr«J,„M— 
 l.a«l tiiiiA I wii< Iriit thrii'. 
 AikI .It •mall girl^i ami flr« touU Ixiyt 
 Art! ciiiiiitiijTirr* l<> IM, 
 Anil you inuil Iw w Ixkutiful 
 Aj t»r yim c«n In'. 
 T«rm« (Ifi.Tf r'« |{ranilM|w 
 llw K"i nil hair at all ; • 
 IU> hntil •liiiiM— ihimuh h«'« rtry nie^ 
 .'ii>t lik« *n Iv'ry l«Tl 
 Am'I 1 )jii.-M nhe'll 1ki awful ii'|iri«iKl, 
 Ami all tliiiiia oiiiir ulrla, 
 Anil •mall iKiyatuii, wficii lliey •••you 
 With lau u( pntly curli. 
 " Dollv ! " 
 Mri Millttr wnitnd «nra«whnt 
 imiMtiontly (or a rutpouio, but 
 iiono carao. 
 " Dorothoa ! " 
 Now, thu young lady liildioiuiod 
 wan littiiiff iit a coxy littln liod- 
 room, which boru lUimiNtitkahli) 
 cridenco that itN owiitti wiia imt 
 thu iiuatflRt individual in (hu 
 world DolU' waH hondiiii^, with 
 llushod chi'k'and ihiiiiiig ''Vi'n, 
 over tho aih iMturt*i« of u no It'ia 
 intereating and hinfh-horn portion- 
 ago than " Ivanhoo," an<l it ri>. 
 quired a third NninmonH I'rnm hi'r 
 inothnr to trnnnport hor from tho 
 horrorn of tho ciistlo of Frout-<lo- 
 B(Baf to actual ovory-day lifo. 
 " Dorothoa Miller!" 
 " Yos'm, I am coming." 
 Now, Dolly's fnco w«« iiNually a 
 very pleaannt one, hut it must he 
 confeasod that it wit* ntther a 
 pouting little girl wh > Ntoo<l he- 
 aido Mrs. Miller a few minntea 
 " Is your room duatud and put 
 in order, dear ? " asked Mra. Miller, 
 glancing at " Ivanhoo," which 
 'oily atiU surveyed with longing 
 " No, mamma ; I got to reading 
 and forffot to dust it. ' 
 Mrs. Miller aighed wearily ; her 
 forgetful littlo daughter was s 
 groat trial to her energetic, wide- 
 awake nature. 
 " You may as well put away 
 your book at once, Dolly, for 
 Bridget has gone home for a day 
 or two to see her Histor, who is 
 sick, and 1 want you to take care 
 of Toodlea this morning. First folded neatly away in tho bureau 
 you can wash the breakfast dishea drawer, and Dolly herself ready 
 and put them away, then put to amuse Toodlea — otherwise 
 your own room Ihornugkl)/ in Master Huntingdon Miller — till 
 order, and by that time I shall it was time to put him to sleep, 
 have to go to market, and yon can For a while Toodles was reat- 
 play with Toodlea till it is time less and noiay, insisting on Dolly's 
 for his nap. If I am not home playing she was a horse, so that 
 by eleven, you can put him to he conld have the pleasure of 
 sleep." driving her around the room with 
 Down on the table went " Ivan- his new reins and whip; butprea- 
 hoe"with a bang, and Dolly ently he became so absorbed in 
 turned crossly toward tho pantry, his endeavors to discover what 
 slamming tho door as she entered, made his woolly dog bark, that 
 and stepping on Hero's tail in a Dolly, who was breathless from 
 manner that brought that usually running, had a chance to rest 
 peaceable dog to his feet with a for a moment, 
 vicious growl that displayed two " Ivanhoe" still lay on the sit. 
 rows of gleaming tooth, and ting-room tabio, and (he temp- 
 warned his little mistres.s not to tatioii was too strong. ".lust to 
 vent her displeasure on him. see how Rowona escapes trom the 
 " I don't believe liowena ever j ciistle, and thou I won't read 
 had to wash dishes because the|anoth'i word till I putToodlesto 
 cook's mother was sick," grumbled I bed," said Dolly to herself, as she 
 Dolly, maKing a great deal of un- ; opened at the fascinating chap- 
 necessary noise, and splashing as tor, with tho firm resolution to 
 she dropped tho silver into the , only read a few minutes, 
 pan of hot water " I'd .just like] The town clock was just chim- 
 to break every one of these hato-iinir half-past eleven when Mrs. 
 ful dishes; and I'd do it too, only Miller, having finished her 
 papa would make me pay for them | errands, came quietly up-stairs, 
 out of my Christmas money, and 1 1 expecting to find Toodles taking 
 want to buy a silver banglo with | his nap, and Dolly ready to help 
 11 lay 
 'I ic. iiiy |iarly jruii mu.t r. 
 AimI li(.t|i iiJi |il 
 , ly aihl laiiuh ; 
 iililii'i luvr ■ lilrlli.lav, .liMir, 
 I'iiImk I ^avi- you half.' 
 Aiul you ahall Imv,, ihn yiry hint 
 ))f xviTylhlnu to Ntl. 
 Ami How y.iur hair i. iloiin, aiul, o 
 Oraiiiliia, y.iu ilu look twmt I 
 —Uarftr't Vwtiij/ /'witfa. 
 that. O dear! I'll never finish 
 these dishes ! " 
 But "never" is a long day ; and 
 ju scarcely more than a half hour 
 the aiBhea wore put away, Dolly's 
 room ousted, nor clean clothes 
 her to prepare dinner ; but as she 
 passed the sitting-room door, she 
 glanced in to see a sight calculated 
 to exasperate the meekest woman 
 m tho world — which Mrs, Miller 
 was not. 
 It had long been the ambition 
 of Toodles' life to obtain possession 
 of the ink tha4. stood on his 
 mother's writing-desk ; and find- 
 ing that Dolly was too deeply in- 
 terested in reading to notice him, 
 ho had succeeded in lifting down 
 the coveted treasure, and had 
 conceived the delightful idea of 
 dyeing all the animals in his 
 Noah's Ark. Notioiiio; tho streams 
 of ink that fell on the carpet, ho 
 had wiped them up with his dress, 
 but finding that too small, was 
 proceeding to use Doily's silk 
 handkerchief for a towel, when his 
 mother's exclamation of dis- 
 pleasure startled both him and 
 '• (io into tho cellar, Dorothea, 
 and bring me a cup of milk to take 
 out these stains ; then turn on the 
 hot water in the bath-room and 
 give Toodles a thorough washing 
 and put him to bed. Then come 
 to mo and give an account of 
 these proceedings this morning." 
 Mrs. Miller was still working 
 over her ruined carpet when 
 Dolly came creeping in to tell the 
 wretched little story of her care- 
 lessness and disobedience. 
 " Please take 'Ivanhoe,' mamma, 
 andkeep it till you think I deser/e 
 to finish it; and indeed I will 
 truly try never to bo so thought- 
 less again if you will forgive me 
 this once," sobbed Dolly peni- 
 — if 
 " Yes, dear, I forifive you ; and 
 I think my little daughter has 
 learned u Ionnhii she will never 
 forgot," answered her mother 
 Dolly is n woman now, but she 
 hna never forirotlon that day's 
 experieiieo ; and when her own 
 little Dorothoa is absent-minded, 
 or fitrgotlul, her mamma tells her 
 of the day " when I was a littlo 
 girl and let Uncle Huntingdon 
 spill X\k\iin)i."—l'rtibyterian. 
 I am often reminded, in my 
 daily intercourse with tho little 
 ones, of our Haviour's words, 
 " Unless ye have faith as a littla 
 child " 
 A few months siiico the grand. 
 mother of tho family ((uietly 
 brenlhod her last in this worlil, 
 and as tho baby of the family, 
 my little six-year-old niece, was 
 "iir led from tho room, I ex. 
 Io her that we were not 
 bei'itme dear mother had 
 ■aven, but because wo 
 n ii have her with us any 
 'le immediately replied, 
 jii<>criiig tones: — 
 but you know, auntie, 
 her fi»ie had come, and Ood sent 
 I'or her ; don't you know ? " And 
 then added, rather oznitingly, 
 "Oh wim't you be glad when our 
 time comeSjauntie ? " 
 I felt mhamed to think how 
 how much stronger her faith was 
 than mine. I often am reminded 
 how true it is that " out of tho 
 mouths of babes and sucklings 
 Thou hast perfected praite,"— 
 Word and Work. 
 in mo.^ 
 " Oh 
 Pray roa Him. — Gelele, King 
 of Dahomey, is one of the bloodiest 
 of tyrants. The Rev, T. W. Win- 
 field, who hod been endeavoring to 
 re-establish a school at Whydah, 
 recently received the following 
 message from him : " Tho king 
 wishes to inform you that his peo- 
 ple cannot be allowed to read your 
 book, and yoii cannot have a school 
 hereto teach the children about 
 the white man's God. If you talk 
 to the people about this book of 
 yours, they will not worship tho 
 fetish, and we cannot do without 
 fetish in this country. If you 
 like to come here to trade, to sell 
 cloth, and guns, and rum, we shall 
 be fflad ; but we cannot have your 
 TnuE worth is in being, not seem- 
 In doing each day that goes by 
 Some littlo good, not in dreaming 
 Of great things to do by and by. 
 For whatever men say in their 
 And spite of the fancies of youth. 
 There is nothing so kingly as 
 And nothing so royal as truth, 
 — Selected. 
 truth, < I 
 I' ' 
 Willie's father wasaspa-cnptain, 
 and sailed all over the world. 
 When he came home from a long 
 voyage Mie full, •■mniig other 
 things he bro'-ght Willie u c nricr. 
 pigeoii This is ■. liirH that looka 
 like the dove al)out our streets, 
 only it has been taught to carry 
 letters from place to place. 
 Willie was very fond of his 
 pigeon, and loved it more than his 
 dog or kitten. Often when he 
 went to see his aunt, who 
 lived a few miles away, he took 
 the pigeon with him. Then he 
 would send it back home with a 
 letter for his mother. 
 Willie would tell his aunt what 
 to write Then he would tie the 
 letter around the bird's neck, and 
 away it would fly toward home. 
 One day the pigeon got lost in 
 a storm. 
 Willie had sent his bird home 
 with a letter, not seeing the great 
 black clouds that were filling the 
 sky When his aunt came in 
 from a neighbor's, she said, " Have 
 you let the Djgeon go, Willie ! " 
 Wilhe toTd her^ it had 
 afraid you 
 said his 
 and there 
 •' It 
 " Willie looked out and saw 
 how dark it was. " I wish I could 
 call him back," he said. "Oh, I'm 
 so sorry ! " But the bird was far 
 away. •^ 
 It flow over a large wood 
 where there was a big boy hunt- 
 ing. The boy lired at the pigeon, 
 ' but it flew on unhurt. 
 Then the wind and rain struck 
 the bird, and drove it from its 
 course. The poor little thing 
 tried to keep on, but it was no 
 use. It had to seek shelter among 
 the limbs of a large tree. 
 The next day it cleared away, 
 and Willie went home. The first 
 words he said to his mother were, 
 " Did my pigeon get home all 
 safe ? " 
 Then he saw by his mother's 
 look that it had nof come. 
 " Oh, dear, dear ! " he said, 
 " what made me send it ? Perhaps 
 it has been blown out to sea." 
 For the sea was not far away 
 All that day Willie would not 
 be comforted His eyes were red 
 with crying for hia pet. 
 Before night, as he was stand- 
 ing in the door, looking up into 
 ths sky. he saw a bird flying 
 toward him. 
 Was it his ? 
 " Yes, its mine, it's mine ! " he 
 cried. " O mother, my birdie's 
 coming back !" 
 Nearer and nearer it came, till 
 at last, weary from its journey, it 
 nestled, panting, in Willie's arms. 
 Bftck from the wind and rata ! 
 BIrdls, loat, is foDDd kictlD ! 
 And Willio never let his pigeon 
 go out into another storm. — Our 
 Ltltle Ones. 
 The Bloodthirsty bate the 
 upright : but the just seek his 
 6oul — Prov. \x\x, 10 
 At one of the Friday night 
 boys' meetings in the Tabernacle 
 a lad of about sixteen years, an 
 orphan boy, was the first to lead 
 in prayer. His testimony, shortly 
 afterwards, was noticed l)y all for 
 its earnestness and words of en- 
 couragement to those just starting 
 in Christian lite, and seemed to 
 come from one who was advanced 
 in the way altho«gh it was but a 
 year since he began. At the 
 " after-meeting " he was observed 
 to be busily engaged in leadin^j 
 the younginqnirers to the Saviour, 
 and in the last one to whom he 
 spoke he showed an unusual in- 
 terest. After the rest w«re gone 
 we hastened to speak to one who 
 seemed likely to make an excel- 
 lent worker in the meetings, and 
 with a heart full of interest he 
 made plans for the next week's 
 work. Sunday evening two boys 
 came to one of the workers, and 
 the eider said . 
 " Here's a boy that's found 
 " I am glad to hear that ; and 
 where was it that you found 
 him ? " 
 " Right here, sir. in the room," 
 said the little fellow, eai-nestly; 
 and then, in a hushed voice, he 
 added, " end the boy that talked 
 and prayed with me, and led me 
 to Jesus, was killed Saturday 
 Inquiries were made, and it 
 was learned that the lad was 
 coming to his work Saturday 
 morning as usual, and becoming 
 confused in some way, stepped in 
 front of an approaching railway 
 train and was instantly cniahed 
 to death. 
 Monday morning, as we stood 
 by the side of that cofBn, and 
 looked upon the bruised and 
 mangled form of that young dis- 
 ciple, we gathered therefrom a 
 lesson of instant service. Bv the 
 side of the dead, with bowed 
 head, we prayed God that we 
 might bo faithful ever to the 
 living, and withal came the 
 thought, " It is well ! His last 
 night's work was for Christ, and 
 it was well done. ' Go thou and 
 do likewise. ' " — Little Christian. 
 " Prs7 without osulDg. In •▼erjthlns 
 giretkanki."— 1 Them. r. 17, 18. 
 " U re ihall uk t,nj thing la mjr n*Bt, 
 I wUl d(. it."-John xlT. 14. 
 " Poor out thy (urr npon th* fkmiliM 
 thst oall not on thy nam*."— Jer. z. 2B. 
 Lord, teach me to pray. Send 
 thy Hol^ Spirit to take away my 
 heart of stone, and to give me a 
 new heart ; that I may feel mTself 
 a sinner, and my need of Christ 
 to be my Saviour. Wash away 
 my sins in his precious blood; 
 clothe me in the spotless robe of 
 his righteousness ; and, O Lord, 
 sanctify me, by thy blessed Spirit, 
 that I may be enabled to serve 
 thee epiritually on earth, and bo 
 fitted for thy presence in glory. 
 make all sin hateful to me. 
 Deliver me from th3 temptations 
 of Satan, and an ensnaring world, 
 and teach me to watch and piay 
 against them. As my blessed 
 Saviour left me an example, that 
 1 should follow his steps, may I 
 oftentimes ask myself during the 
 day, if thinking, how he would 
 have thought ; — if speaking, what 
 he would have said ;— or when 
 acting, what he would have done. 
 teach me to love prayer, and to 
 love to read and obey thy holy 
 word Bless all my friends with 
 every needful blessing, especially 
 with the saving knowledge of 
 Jesus Christ. I thank thee for 
 the blessings of health, and food, 
 and clothing; but, above all, I 
 desire to bless thee for the gift of 
 a Saviour, whose precious blood 
 cleanseth from all sin, and who 
 ever livc^h to make intercession 
 for us. I ask every blessing in 
 the name of our Lord and Saviour 
 Jesus Christ, who has taught us 
 to pray, — Our Father which art 
 in heaven, &c. &c. — The Re- 
 ligiout Tract Society, 
 A venturesome six-year-old boy 
 ran into the forest after the team, 
 and rode home in triumph on the 
 When his exploit was related, 
 his mother asked if he was not 
 frightened when the team was 
 coming down a very steep hill. 
 " Yes, a little," said he, " but I 
 askoa the Lord to help me, and 
 hung on like a beaver ! " 
 The boy's philosophy was good. 
 Some pray but do not hang on ; 
 some hang on but do not pray 
 The safe way and right way is to 
 join prayer and labor, faitn and 
 works, zeal and patience, and so 
 give all diligence to make our 
 calling and election sure. 
that we 
 T to tho 
 same the 
 His last 
 hrist, and 
 thou and 
 a •▼tnthing 
 In my n*at, 
 tht temiUM 
 fer. X. 26. 
 ray. Send 
 ( away my 
 give me a 
 feel myself 
 i of Christ 
 ^ash away 
 ouB blood ; 
 !ss robe of 
 I, O Lord, 
 >B8cd Spirit, 
 >d to serve 
 :th, and bo 
 e in glory, 
 ful to me. 
 tring world, 
 h and pi ay 
 uy blessed 
 ample, that 
 :ep8, may I 
 daring the 
 r he would 
 aking, what 
 •_oT when 
 1 have done. 
 ayer, and to 
 (y thy holv 
 'riends with 
 ;, especially 
 >wledge of 
 ik thee for 
 and food, 
 bove all, I 
 . the gift of 
 cious olood 
 n, and who 
 blessing in 
 and Saviour 
 « taught lu 
 which art 
 '..—The Re- 
 NG ON. 
 year-old boy 
 er the team, 
 iimph on the 
 was related, 
 he was not 
 team was 
 steep hill. 
 1 he, " but I 
 elp me, and 
 hy was good, 
 lot hang on ; 
 lo not pray 
 ht way is to 
 >r, iaitn and 
 snce, and so 
 .0 make onr 
 There, I have just lipped over 
 my shells again ! I will pick them 
 up one by one, and put them 
 back in the basket. They reminil 
 me of many a pleasant rambh^ 
 I've had on the seashore and thi> 
 lake-side, where I have gathenul 
 them from time to time. 
 Each one, too, has a little story 
 about itself to tell. Shall 1 write 
 down some of the stories of those 
 children of the water ? I think 
 you will like to read them. 
 Here is one of the bivnlves. It 
 is in two pieces joined by a hinge, 
 like an oyster- 
 shell. ltwear« 
 of many colors 
 But 1 must let 
 the univalves 
 speak first; for they have smaller 
 mouths than bivalves, and cannot 
 talk so fast. 
 Here is one that snvt,, " I am 
 the shell of the snail, a tiny ani- 
 mal that built me little by little, 
 as he grew. He belonged to a 
 large family. 
 He ha(^ cousins 
 on the land, 
 and cousins on 
 the sea, but 
 could not tra- 
 vel far to visit th . . and he 
 carried me wit*-, him .vherever he 
 " WhtiU ;.>(> saw uny thing that 
 he 7 a.i ;ifr»l>; of, he would draw 
 hif hev.o a foot under me very 
 quickly, iMid cling close to my 
 side. He I i>imt most of his life 
 under th":: lily -pads in a lake. 
 Sometime s 1 e would titko a short 
 journey up the stem of the lily, 
 to where tkie great leaf rested on 
 the water; then he would turn 
 and have a ride on the ripples, 
 using me as a boat. One morn- 
 irg s giant bird, called a crane, 
 made his breakfast of the snail, 
 and I was left empty on the 
 "That is a good 
 my snail roamed with 
 meat will. But we ven- 
 tured, one day, too far 
 from the wHter, and were 
 left behind. My snail 
 died, and I was put in 
 your basket I should 
 » rather be in tho sea 
 " And Ko should I," 
 says the shell that I next 
 take uj) ; " for I was the 
 qucei, of all the shells. I 
 li\\.l h\ the warm, sunny 
 waters, u'^ar the land 
 the palm-tree grows. I 
 great many colls lined 
 with pearl. They were made by 
 a bravo little boatman named 
 Nautilus, who grew so fast that 
 he needed a larger room every 
 year. You will break me, some 
 day, if you don't handle me more 
 carefully, and then you can count 
 Charlie's father had been gone 
 have a 
 my rooms, and see for yourself 
 that my story is true." 
 " How do you do ? " says a. 
 dain t y w hite shell, not very pretty, 
 but plain and neat. " I am the 
 money-cowrv. Members of my 
 family are otfrried about and used 
 for money in .some countries. 
 We are sought 
 for hke silver 
 and gold. You 
 may not think 
 much of us here; 
 but there are places where one 
 cowry is as good as a penny. We 
 are prized for our worth, if not 
 for our beauty." 
 The shell that I now take up is 
 one of the limpet family. I pulled 
 it off a rock one day after the tide 
 went out. 1 1 18 beginning to talk. 
 This is what it says : " I k^ow all 
 about limpets, for I an i a limpet- 
 .^^■^^fSmmt^ '' 11 ; and I 
 ^*f:^r^^^*» ... to tell 
 you th;;t lim- 
 . pet.-' and chil- 
 ^dren are very 
 p much ahke in 
 some thingii. 
 often cling ;c a 
 .atif-k until Hh 
 the same ugly 
 of his cousins who 
 deep sea. I am a 
 story, ',ays 
 thi^ •ihinii'g 
 coi'. " fo- 
 the sho' 
 of 8 frcsl. 
 water siiRfi 
 I am .he 
 shell f f one 
 lived id tho 
 thicker aid 
 " A limpet will 
 homely weed or 
 tihei; pi iv's ir.'u 
 r,!;'„;ie. .lust fo a ohild will some 
 times be spr leu 
 bad H:;Mt. Li: 
 a whole week, and Charlie had 
 tried very hard to be good, and 
 do all his chores well and prompt- 
 ly. Living on a farm many things 
 had to bo done which required a 
 great deal of patience, and as 
 Charlie'sfather said beforeleaving, 
 " Boys at ten years of age were 
 not always faithful in doing 
 chores." Charlie had tried harder 
 than ever to succeed this time, 
 and his mother had told him, the 
 day before his father came home, 
 that everything had been done 
 properly and in order, which 
 made Charlie happy. 
 Little Max,his youngest brother, 
 was a constant care to his mother. 
 He was three years old, and just 
 the right age to be up to all kinds 
 of mischioT. Charlie was very 
 patient with Max, and tried hard 
 to do all he could to amuse him, 
 and in tho evening Charlie would 
 'ake him on hia knee, and make 
 funny shadows on the wall, until 
 Max would laugh in high glee, 
 and try his own chubby little 
 fingers at making shadows. 
 One evening Charlie made the 
 shadow of a rabbit, and Max 
 wanted to take it in his hand. 
 Charlie tried to explain why he 
 could not, but it did not seem to 
 satisfy Max, and the last words 
 he said before going to bed were, 
 " I can take him in the morning, 
 can't I, Charlie?" 
 In the evening, Charlie's father 
 came home, and was quite pleased 
 to hear how well Charlie had 
 done all things intrusted to his 
 care, besides being helpful to his 
 mother in taking so much care of 
 httle Max. 
 " I have brought you a present, 
 Charlie," said his father, " and if 
 you will go out to the waggon, 
 yon will find a large basket which 
 you may bring in." 
 Charlie started at a quick pace, 
 but before he got half way to the 
 waggon, he thought he heard a 
 scratching noise. Yes, there it 
 was again. When he lifted the 
 basket out of the waggon, thump 
 against the cover of the basket 
 went something which made 
 Charlie come very near dropping 
 the basket. Charlie wondered 
 what it could be, it was so heavy. 
 When he reached tho house his 
 mother opened the door, and as 
 he set his basket on the floor, his 
 father untied the cover of the 
 basket, and out jumped a beauti- 
 by clinging to a ful white rabbit. 
 pets have eyes, Charlie was delighted, he had 
 colors ire 
 harder shell, and 
 far brighter.. 
 " My homo was among the sbk- 
 weeds, and the waves were my 
 ik carriage. I rode often to the 
 • » bright sand on tho beach, where 
 Sh9 — 
 as a^U 88 children, and should 1 wtshed so many, many times for 
 ', low b'tter.' ;8 rabbit. Charlie found a box, 
 Withthesewiseremarksfromthejand made a nice bed for Bunny, 
 • ;i „ I the talk of tho shells ended ' and alter seeing him safely tucked 
 •or I he c'v. I had not time to I away for the night, Charlie went 
 >t tho bivaives say a word. The 
 j>e«fi-cyster and m iny others 
 wnnted' to ^rneak ; but they sub- 
 mitted quietly N'hi'.e I put them 
 all back in the basket.— TAe Nur- 
 .Son, go work to-day in my vine- 
 yard. -Matthew ixi. 28. 
 to bed to dream of tho nice times 
 they would have together. In 
 the morning Charlie's first thought 
 was of Bunny. Quickly dressing 
 himself, he came down stairs and 
 looking into the box found Bunny 
 gone. Charlie hunted high and 
 low, but without success. At last, 
 little Max came down stairs, and 
 after hearing tho story of Bunny's 
 flight, tried to help in the hunt 
 for him. 
 "'Spose him on the wall, Char- 
 lie, I go soe," said Max, and ofl he 
 toddled, which made them all 
 laugh, and Max, not liking to be 
 laughed nt, slipped into the corner 
 where hung bis father's overcoat, 
 and in trying to pull a part of it 
 over his face, the coat fell to the 
 floor, when out jumped Bunny 
 from one of the pockets, which 
 caused Max to laugh heartily, and 
 when Charlie caught Bunny and 
 gave him to Max, his joy knew 
 no bounds, and with a satisfied 
 look at Charlie, he said, " I can 
 take him now, Charlie, 'cause he 
 is so tired staying on the wall," 
 and as Charlie always shared his 
 little pet with Max, they enjoyed 
 many happy hours together. — 
 Irene Lunl in Household,. 
 A very pleasant incident oc- 
 curred in one of our public schools 
 some time ago. It seems that the 
 boys attending the school, of the 
 average age of about seven years, 
 had in their play of bat and ball 
 broken one of the neighbors' win- 
 dows, but no clue to the offender 
 could be obtained, as he would 
 not confess, nor would any of his 
 associates expose him. The case 
 troubled the teacher, and on tho 
 occasion of one of our citizens 
 visiting the school, she privately 
 and briefly stated the circum- 
 stances, and wished him, in some 
 remarks lo the school, to advert 
 to the principle involved in the 
 case. The address to the school 
 had reference principally to the 
 conduct of boys in the streets and 
 at their sports — to the principles 
 of rectitude and kindness which 
 should govern (hem everywhere, 
 even when alone, and when they 
 thought no one could see, and 
 there was no one present to ob- 
 serve. The scholars seemed 
 deeply interested in the remarks. 
 A very short time after the visitor 
 left the school, a little boy rose in 
 his seat, and said — 
 " Miss Low, I batted the boll 
 that broke Mr. Jones' window. 
 Another boy threw the ball, but I 
 batted it and struck the window. 
 I am willing to pay for it." 
 There was a death-like silence 
 in the school as the boy was speak- 
 ing, and it continued a minute 
 after he had closed. 
 " But it won't be right for him 
 to pay the whole," said another 
 boy rising in his seat. " All of us 
 that were playing should pay 
 something, because we were all 
 alike engaged in the play. I'll 
 pay my share." 
 " And I," " And I, " said several 
 A thrill of pleasure ran through 
 the school at this display of cor- 
 rect feeling. The teacher's heart 
 was touched, and she felt more 
 than ever tho responsibility of her 
 charge. — Batul of Hope Review. 
 DISCOVHRY OP THE world. The body was still too 
 MAMMOTH. firmly attached and frozen to 
 BY 0. F. HOI/DER. permit of removal. For four 
 At tho close of the lust century, successive years the fishermen 
 a poor fisherman named Shnmar- visited it, until finally, in March, 
 hoflriived near the mouth of the 1804, five years after its original 
 Lena River, which flows through discovery it broke away from its 
 the cold Siberian country and is icy bed and came thundering 
 lost in the icy waters of the Arctic down upon the sands below. The 
 Sea In the summer, he plied discoverers first detached the 
 his vocation on the sea-coast, and tusks, that were nine feet six 
 during the long winter lived far inches in length, and together 
 up the river, where it was, per- weighed three hundred Rnd sixty 
 haps, a little warmer. It is safe pounds. The hide, covered with 
 to say that ShumarhofF would I wool and hair, was more than 
 never have made a great noise in twenty men could lift. Part of 
 the world— in fact, would never ' this with the tusks, were taken 
 have been heard of— had it not | to Jakutsk andsold for fiftyrubles 
 been for a wonderful discovery 
 he made while coming down the 
 river one spring. The river-banks 
 of this cold country are quite 
 peculiar Those on the 
 western side arc gener- 
 ally low and marshy, 
 while those on the east- 
 ern arc often from sixty 
 to one hundred feet in 
 height. In the ex tremo 
 north, thishigh elevation 
 is cut into numerous 
 mounds, which, viewed 
 from the sea or river, 
 look exactly as if they 
 had been built by man. 
 In the summer, these 
 strange formation? are 
 free from snow, and to 
 a depth of ten feet are 
 soft ; but below this they 
 are continually frozen, 
 and have been for un- 
 told ages. They are 
 formedof layers of earth 
 and ice — sometimes a 
 clear stratiun of the 
 latterniaiiy feet in thick- 
 It was before such n 
 mound that our fisher- 
 man stopped, dumb 
 with astonishment, one 
 spring morning, so 
 many years ago About 
 thirty feet above him, 
 half-way up the face of 
 the mound, appeared 
 the section of a jrreat 
 ice-layer frum which 
 the water was flowing 
 in numberless streams ; 
 while protruding from it, and 
 partly hanirinij over, was an 
 animal of sucii huiro proportions 
 that the sim|ih> tishorinan could 
 hardlv bcliove his I'ves. Two 
 trigautic liorns or tusks w^re 
 visit)l«\ and a groat woolly body 
 was faintly outlined in the blue. 
 ioy mass In thf fall, he relat.'d 
 the story to h\- roraiMdi's up the 
 riv.T, and in the ensuing s|)iin!r, 
 with a party of his fi'llow-lisliiT- 
 men, he again visited ihi- spot, 
 A year had workiMl wondors. 
 Thi> trreat mass hail thawed out 
 stillicii'Mtly to show its nature, 
 and on close iiispfrtioii proved to 
 be a wi>ll-presprved spi'iinien of 
 one of thosi' !jn;aiitio exlini t hairy 
 elephants th; t r'>!inii'il ovi'r the 
 northern jiarts of IJurope and 
 America in fli'> I'arlier airi's of the 
 while the rest of the animal was 
 left where it fell, and cut up at 
 various times by the Jakoutes, 
 who fed their dogs with its flesh. 
 with the exception of one fore leg, 
 while all the other bones were 
 still held together by the liga- 
 ments and flesh, as if the animal 
 had been dead only a few weeks. 
 The neck was still covered by a 
 long mane of reddiih wool, and 
 over thirty pounds more of the 
 same colored wool or hair were 
 collected by the scientist from the 
 adjacent sand, into which it had 
 been trodden by bears and other 
 animals of prey. In this condition 
 the mammoth with the tusks, 
 which were repurchased in Jak- 
 utsk, was taken to St. Petersburg 
 and there mounted. 
 Our illustration depicts this 
 very specimen, representing it as 
 it appeared when alive and mov- 
 ing along with ponderous tread 
 through the scanty woodland of 
 giants of the north, and every- 
 thing must have given way before 
 Tusks of this animal had been 
 discovered previous to Shumar- 
 hofTs find, and have been found 
 since in such great quantities that 
 vessels go out for the sole purpose 
 of collecting them. Eechscholtz 
 Bay, near Behring Strait, is a 
 famous place for them, and num- 
 bers hare also been found in 
 England. It is stated that the 
 fishermen of Happisburgh have 
 dredged up over two thousand 
 mammoth teeth during the past 
 twelve years — a f^^ct showing that 
 a once favorite resort, or perhaps 
 burying-ground, of these great 
 creatures, is now covered by the 
 ocean. In the cliff's of Northern 
 Alaska remains of the mammoth 
 are often seen, and the 
 New Siberian Islands 
 recently visited by the 
 I I Arctic explorer, Baron 
 i i i Nordenskjold, are lib- 
 i i I ^ errj'v supplied with 
 ♦ hese, as well as re- 
 mains of Other and 
 equa'lv interesting ex- 
 tinct :.iid fossil animals. 
 The mammoth was so 
 called from a curious 
 belief among the 
 Siberians that this 
 enormous animal lived 
 in caverns under the 
 ground, much after the 
 fashion of a mole. 
 Many of the tusks and 
 bones were found 
 buried in the frozen 
 earth, and it was the 
 natural conclusion that 
 the animal lived there 
 when alive They be- 
 lieved it could H' t 
 bear the light of <?Ay ; 
 and so dug op'„ wit'i 
 its tusks geu tunnels 
 in the earih. — sy ^Vi. 
 A strancre feast this, truiy — meat 
 that had been frozen solid in the 
 ice-house of Nature perh .ps fifty 
 thousand years.* more or less ; 
 but so wi'il was it preserved, .hat, 
 when thi! brain was afterward 
 compared with that of n recently 
 killed animal, no dili'erence in the 
 tissues could be detected. 
 Two years :.iter the animal 
 had fallen from thi> clili, the new.s 
 reached St. Petersburg, and the 
 Musi'umof Natural History sent a 
 scientist to secure the specimen 
 and j)Uri;hase it for the Emperor, 
 Ilu louiid the mammoth where it 
 orieinally fi'li, but much torn by 
 animals, especially bv the white 
 benr.s and foxes. The massive 
 skeleton, however, was entire, 
 ' AreorilInK M %ilr Wllllkni Logu, fram Art 
 huailred thouHkD'l to one mttUon jMri Ago. 
 the northern countries. Its length 
 is twenty-six feet, including the 
 curve of the tusks ; it stands six- 
 teen feet high, and when alive it 
 probably weighed more than 
 twice as much as the largest living 
 elephant. And, as some tusks 
 have been found over fifteen feet 
 in length, we may rpasona))ly 
 conclude that Shumarhofl's mam- 
 moth is only an average speci'nen, 
 and that many of its conipaiu'.n > 
 wore considerably larger. 
 Imagine the spectacle ol a large 
 herd of these mighty creatures 
 rushing along over the frozen 
 ground, the reverberation of their 
 tread sounding like thunder. 
 When enraged, their wild, head- 
 long course must have been one 
 of terrible devastation. Large 
 trees were but twigs to these 
 The Rev. .1. Yeames 
 tells an anecdote of a 
 drunkard reclaimed by 
 the curious means of a 
 dream. The dream 
 was of three black rats ; one 
 was a fat one, the second a 
 blind one, and the third a pjor 
 lean one. The man < oiild not get 
 the dream out of his heuf.i, and at 
 length his son gave him the iii- 
 terpretation of it in this vise: — 
 The fat rat was the publican, the 
 blind one was the father, the 
 victim of drink, and the poor one 
 was the family, the prey of misery 
 and want. — The Freeman. 
 WuoEVEii searches the bio- 
 graphies of our most eminent and 
 useful men and women, will bo 
 8uri)ri8ed to find how many of 
 iheni got their best start in life m 
 the way in which, early in life, 
 they were moved to spend their 
 w inter evenings, — Congregation- 
 lul every- 
 day before 
 hud been 
 . Shumar- 
 !en found 
 ntitiea that 
 le purpose 
 trait, is a 
 and num- 
 found in 
 . that the 
 argh have 
 J the past 
 owing that 
 )T perhaps 
 lese great 
 red by the 
 f Northern 
 m, and the 
 an Islands 
 ited by the 
 rer, tiaron 
 d, are lib- 
 died with 
 rell as re- 
 uiher and 
 tresting ex- 
 sil animals, 
 oth was so 
 a curious 
 nong the 
 that this 
 nimal lived 
 under the 
 ,ch after the 
 a mole. 
 ! tusks and 
 >rc tound 
 the frozen 
 it was the 
 elusion that 
 lived there 
 They be- 
 could n' t 
 jht of -'.ly ; 
 ; 01' 1, with 
 eu tunnels 
 h.-W. Ni- 
 .T. Yeames 
 lecdoto of ft 
 eclaimed by 
 means of a 
 he dream 
 k rats ; one 
 second a 
 hird a pjor 
 Huuf.i, and at 
 him thrt J!i- 
 this — 
 tuhlican, the 
 father, thu 
 the poor one 
 ray of misery 
 es the bio- 
 eminent and 
 len, will bo 
 w many of 
 tart in life rii 
 early in litV, 
 spend their 
 In connection with the employ- 
 ment of the elephant by man, 
 there is an allegorical fable which, 
 although it has probably no basis 
 of fact, may possess a certain in- 
 terest for those who are fond of 
 investigating the reasons of 
 According to this story there 
 "' atone time, 
 The olophant listened with 
 groat attention, and when the 
 man had Uuished speaking he 
 replied ; 
 "Melons are very tempting, 
 for these we seldom find in the 
 forest, and fre&h leaves from the 
 luxuriant banyans which grow 
 about your houses are highly at- 
 tractive to elephants ; but, in spite 
 of the iuducemout.>* you oifer, 
 there are objections to the plan 
 was, at one time, a coraparntively 
 small number of elephants upon • y°" propose which will, I lear, 
 the earth, and these lived together ' pri'^unt it from being carried out. 
 in one great heij. They were ."•'"'' •"'''^"'^Pi one of your fam- 
 ciniet, docile animals, and did no ''•'^'.^ wished to get upon my back, 
 injury to any one. They were j""" 'f^y^ desired to place a heavy 
 formed, however, somewhat dif- 
 ferently from the elephant of the 
 present day. You may have 
 noticed that the hind legs of these 
 animals bend forward like the 
 load thereon, it would be neces- 
 sary for me to lie down, wouldn't 
 " Oh, yes," said the man. " Our 
 women and children could never 
 _ of a man, Vvhilo the hinu ! climb up to your back while you 
 legs of nearly all other quadru- ! are standing, and we could never 
 peds bend out backward. In the ' reach hisrh eiiouu;h to place loads 
 days of which this allegory tells, 'upon it unless you should lie 
 the elephant's hind legs 
 were formed in the same 
 way : they bent out 
 backward like the legs 
 of a dog, a horse, or a 
 cow. The people in 
 that part of the country 
 where these elephants 
 lived had no beasts of 
 burden, or waggons, or 
 carts, and they often 
 thought what nu excel- 
 lent thing it would be 
 if the great, strong ele- 
 phants would carry 
 them and their families 
 about on their broad 
 backs, or bear for them 
 the heavy loads which 
 luoy were often ob- 
 Jigfd to carry from 
 p'.ace to place. 
 One day, several of 
 the men saw the leader 
 of the herd of elephants 
 standing in the shade 
 of a clump of trees, and 
 thoy went to him to 
 talk ui>on this subject. 
 They told him of' the 
 difllcultiis ihey had ir. 
 taking journeys with 
 their wives and children, es- 
 pecially in the rainy season, when 
 the ground was wet and muddy, 
 and explained to him how hard 
 it was for them to carry loads of 
 provisions and other things from 
 one village to another 
 " Now, twenty of these loads," 
 said the spokesman of the men, 
 " woxild be nothing for one of you 
 to carry ; and if one of us, and all 
 his family, and even some of his 
 household goods, were upon ycui 
 great back, you could walk off 
 with ease. Now, what we wish 
 to propose to you is this: It some 
 of your herd will consent to carry 
 us when we wish to make a 
 journey, and to bear about our 
 heavy goods for us, we will give 
 you grass, rice, and banyan-leaves 
 and melons from our gardens, and 
 such other things as may be pro- 
 per, for your services. By this 
 arrnngeraeut both sides will bo 
 But some of the people, when 
 they heard this story, were not 
 willing to give up the matter so 
 easily. There was a witch of 
 great wisdom who lived in the 
 neighborhood, and they went 
 and consulted her. She con- 
 sidered the matter for three days 
 and nights, and then she told them 
 that, if they would give her twen- 
 ty pots of rice and a brass gong, 
 she would make it all right. The 
 twenty pots of rice and the brass 
 fong were speedily brought to 
 er ; and that night, when the ele- 
 phants were all fast asleep she 
 went to the place where they 
 were lying on the ground, or 
 leaning against the trees and be- 
 witched them. She managed her 
 witcheries in such a wi»y ihat 
 the hind legs of the elephants all 
 bent inward instead of outward, 
 as they had done before. 
 When the head elephant awoke 
 and walked from under the tree 
 selves up with what seemed to 
 them no trouble at all. 
 When all this was made known 
 to the men of the village, they im- 
 mediately urged upon the head 
 elephant that he and his compan- 
 ions should enter into their ser- 
 vice. An elephant was theretipon 
 ordered by his chief to lie down 
 and be loaded, and when the 
 men had tied an immense num- 
 ber of packages upon his bac' , 
 he arose with apparent ease and 
 shambled away. 
 There being now no possible 
 objection to an elephant becoming 
 a beast of burden, these great 
 animals began to enter into the 
 service of man. But many of 
 them did not fancy labor, no 
 matter how able they might be to 
 perform it, and these separated 
 from the main herd and scattered 
 themselves over various parts of 
 Asia and Africa, where their de- 
 scendants are still found. 
 As has been said be- 
 fore, it is quite likely 
 that this story may not 
 be true ; but still the 
 facts remain that the 
 elephant's hind legs 
 bend forward just like 
 his fore logs, and that 
 he shambles along very 
 much as if he were all 
 shoulders, — St. Nicholas. 
 "There comes in the difficulty," 
 said the elephant, " Our bodies 
 are so large and heavy that when 
 we lie down it is as much as we 
 can do to get up. Indeed, most of 
 us prefer to sleep leaning against 
 a tree,' because when we lie down 
 at nifrht we often find in the 
 moiuiiig that it is almost impos- 
 sible lor us to rise. Now, if we 
 '■nd it difticult to get up from the 
 ground when we have nothing 
 but ourselves to lilt, it is quite 
 plain that we could not rise at all 
 if we had a load upon our backs. 
 That is clear to your mind, is it 
 not?" ,, 
 " i^es," said the man, rather 
 nil 'niy, " 1 see that what you 
 say -ue. You would be of no 
 serviu J us if you could not get 
 up after we had placed our loads 
 upon your backs " 
 And he and his fellows returned 
 sadly to their village. 
 against which he had been leati- 
 ing, ho was very much surprised 
 at the change in his gait. He 
 shutflod along in a very different 
 way from that in which he had 
 always walked before. 
 " I feel as if I were all shoul- 
 ders,' he said to his wife. 
 " And well you may," said she, 
 " for your hind legs bend for- 
 ward, exactly like your fore 
 " And so do yours !" he cried, in 
 utter amazement. 
 The elephants who wei'o lying 
 down were awakened by this 
 loud couveraation, and, noticing 
 that many of their companions 
 were moving about in a very 
 strange way, thought it would be 
 a good idea to get up and see what 
 was the matter. To their aston- 
 ishment they arose with great 
 ease. Their hind legs were bent 
 under their heavy bodies, and 
 they were enabled to lift them- 
 C. C. Hopey, in his 
 very interesting work 
 on "Snakes," writes of 
 their usul'uluess as fol- 
 lows : 
 " Persons who dislike 
 snakes continually ask, 
 'What is thouseof them?' 
 In one habit that of- 
 fended I>ord Bacon, 
 namely, of ' going on 
 their belly,' lies one of 
 their grea e t uses, be- 
 cause that, together with 
 internal formation and 
 external covering, en- 
 ables them to pene- 
 trate where no larger car- 
 nivorous animal could venture, 
 into dark and noisome morasses, 
 bog jungles, swamps, amid the 
 tangled vegetation of the tropics, 
 where swarms of the lesser rep- 
 tiles, on which so many of them 
 feed, would otherwise outbalance 
 the harmony of nature, die, and 
 produce pestilence. 
 " Wondrously and exquisitely 
 constructed for their habitat, 
 they are able to esist where 
 the higher animals could not ; 
 and while they help to clear those 
 iuaccesftible places of the lesser 
 vermin, they themselves supply 
 food lor a number of the smaller 
 mammalia, which, with many 
 carnivorous birds, devour vast 
 numbers of young snakes. The 
 hedgehog, weasel,ichneumon,rat, 
 etc , and an immense number of 
 birds keep snakes within due limit 
 while the latter periorm their part 
 among the lesser creatures. 
 128 _ 
 QUEER FRriT OF AN OAK. hand, and stood quite slill, night 
 and day, not to disturb it. 
 Last autninn, I saw an oak-tree 
 bearing waat seemed to be small 
 " They arc sweeter than the 
 sweetest, the roses that grow in 
 brown r.pples. I picked one ol'i the garden, and all the blossoms 
 the8<>, split it, and I'ound that it 
 was a woody ball, with hollow 
 thorns which reached to its cen- 
 tre and stuck out their points be- 
 yond the rind. In each thorn was 
 a grub, or else a small ily. 
 Afterward, I found out that the 
 fly is called "Saw-fly," because 
 of a little saw which it has, and 
 that, in the spring, it finds its way 
 out through the tip of the thorn, 
 which the winter storms manage 
 to snap off. 
 Ouce free, the saw-fly alights on 
 some juicy branch of an oak-tree, 
 and in this cuts a groove with its 
 saw, and lays eggs. Then it pours 
 into the groove a magic fluid 
 which makes the branch change 
 its way of growing ; for now it 
 swells into a lump, inclosing the 
 eggs, which it wraps in cases. As 
 the eggs grow and chanire to grubs, 
 the cases become long and point- 
 ed, and the grubs feed on the 
 woody centre of the lump. There 
 they live, safe and undisturbed, 
 until the time comes for them to 
 10 turn to flies and begin work in 
 the open air. 
 The picture show.s just the look 
 and size ol' the brunch, the fruil, 
 the grub in the fruil, and the 
 saw-tly ; and at the i'oot arc a grub 
 and a liy dr.iwn larire to show 
 ihcm clearly. 
 Uraiichi's of the trees, with the 
 galls on, may be gathered while 
 the insects are yet in the first 
 stages. ;iud, if the slenis are i>ut 
 into a phial of water, under a glass 
 shade, the galls may be kept 
 until the perfect insect comes 
 Now, when you find an oak- 
 tree, this fall, with these apples, 
 or gall-nuts growing on it, you 
 will have a chance to look into 
 the matter, and see if all this is 
 exactly to, — 5<. .\iihi>/(is. 
 It was so long ago that nobody 
 is alive who remembers anvthing 
 about it. There was aa old wo- 
 man, a hundred years ohl. Her 
 irrandinother told her the story, 
 and she wrote it down with a 
 herons feather — a great white 
 heron that llew ov(>r between 
 <lawii and dayliirht, and was only 
 a irray speck airainstthe gray sky. 
 The irrandinother was a witch, 
 and understood what the birds 
 said, and that is how she came to 
 hear tip' sparrows at Liliiury Ab- 
 bev say to ea<!h oilier it was a 
 irood ihing the wislung-slone was 
 lost, sine-' so mu' li trouble came 
 of it. This IS th<' true story of 
 how it happened : thi- brown 
 si)iirrow told it to the stone man 
 on the luuiniinent, while his mate 
 brooded her eirgs The stone man 
 held the nest m the hollow of his 
 have tongues of gold. When the 
 wind blows over them they ring 
 together, and the music is rare as 
 the Christmas chimes up in the 
 " I have heard it," said the mate, 
 ruffling her throat, 
 " There is a fountain. The 
 water goes up,up, high as the lark 
 goes, and when it comes down it 
 is all pearls, and rubies, and bits 
 of rainbows. It sings, too, and no 
 one can guess what the music is 
 "I have heard it," said the mate, 
 her wings trembling with ecs- 
 "The r id to the mountain 
 passes th, <.'h the garden, and 
 the gates .Tv; aliyny; open, be- 
 ever he flrst wished ; but if he 
 wished anything seliishly, he was 
 turned into a hard, smooth, stone, 
 and the Troll carried him away to 
 build his palace under-ground. 
 A great many people came into 
 the garden then, who never wont 
 out, but the Princess could not 
 undo the spell or take away the 
 stone. The last person who sat 
 upton it was a beggar-girl. She 
 was poor, she was lame, she was 
 hunchbacked, and she was always 
 hungry. She sat down upon the 
 stone, and laid her crutches on 
 the grass beside her. Two little 
 birds sang in her ear, one on the 
 right and one on the left. They 
 were enchanted too. One saug 
 ' Wishiwas ! wishiwas !' and the 
 other sang ' Wishihad ! wishihad !' 
 So the beggar-girl looked up at 
 the blue sky and the bright drops 
 fallinir from the foautaiu and b«- 
 gan to wish. 
 ca«se the Princess will have it so. 
 One is called Morning G-ate, and 
 that is where the people enter. 
 They go on by the rose-walk until 
 they come to the fountain. When 
 one looks through the spray, the ] 
 mountain is very beautiful ; all its 1 
 roads lie in sunshine, and the 
 citv seems nearby. So the peo- 
 ple hasten on, and presently they 
 cannot see the rose-garden, and 
 they iii'ver come back. I should 
 couic back, Petra." 
 ".\nd I," said the little male but 
 the stone man listened, and did 
 not suy a word. , 
 Long ago the wishing-stonc 
 " ' I wish all the 
 sick folk.", and the 
 tired folks, and the 
 lonesome folks could 
 come and hear what 
 the water sings 
 about, and what nice 
 talk the trees make 
 to the wind.' 
 '"Wishiwas! wishi- 
 had !' sang the little 
 birds and she wished 
 "'I wish all the 
 poor children who 
 work in the mills, 
 and pick up rags 
 and never have 
 good limes, could 
 came here and smell 
 roses and feel the sunshine.' 
 " ' Wishihad I wish, wishihad !' 
 s'mg the birds, so soft she might 
 have thought the song was in her 
 " ' I wish all the poor babies, 
 and the very littlest children, and 
 the old, old people could come 
 here and look at the fountain, and 
 may be have a flower to keep for 
 their very own." 
 " Just as she said this she 
 sprang up, for the wishing-stone 
 began to sink into thegrouiid, and 
 when she turned about there was 
 nothing but a smooth little hollow 
 like a nest, brimtul of daisies and 
 lay by the i'ouiitain ; a broad, buttercups. For you see she had 
 white stone, like (hose in the Ab- broken the spell by wishing three 
 bey here. The stone was en- wishes for others, and never once 
 chanted. A Troll put it there, and ' thinking of herself. They say she 
 whoever sat upon it had what- [had all her wishes, but that was 
 the end of the stone, and for my 
 part I think it was well it was 
 lost. W^heii one has many wishes 
 some of them are sure to be fool- 
 '• That is very true," said the 
 mate ; but no one knew what the 
 stone man thought about it. 
 When little Gertie and Rath 
 were at their grandma's in the 
 country last summer, they saw 
 something that they never saw 
 What do you think it was ? I 
 don't Bupiiosu you could guess if 
 you tried a week, so I will tell 
 One day their Uncle Peter came 
 in with a lot of small, roand.whito 
 eggs, a little larger than the pretty 
 glass marbles you hare to play 
 He had them in his hat, and 
 called to the little girls to come 
 and see them. 
 They dropped their tins — for 
 they were making mud pies — and 
 started for their uncle. They 
 looked at the small white eggs, 
 and wondered what kind of eggs 
 they were. 
 " These are turtle's eggs," said 
 Uncle Peter. 
 " Was the old turtle on the 
 nest when you found them '(" 
 asked the children. 
 At this question he was very 
 much amused, and you ought to 
 have seen how astonished they 
 looked when he told them that 
 his hired man had ploughed them 
 out of the soft earth, back of the 
 barn, not far from the creek. 
 Uncle Peter broke one of the 
 eggs, and in it was a little turtle, 
 perfect even to the "house on its 
 There were flfty-six eggs in all. 
 Only think, if the eggs had not 
 been disturbed, what a band of 
 little turtles would have found 
 their way to the creek ! 
 The mother turtle scoops out 
 with her hind feet a hollow in the 
 sand or dry earth, in which she 
 lays her eggs, and the heat of the 
 sand or earth hatches them. She 
 never gives herself any trouble 
 about her children, and they take 
 care of themselves as soon as they 
 come out of the sand. 
 The children's uncle told them 
 of the differcDt varieties of turtles, 
 and that some of them were used 
 for food. 
 They listened with the closest 
 attention, and when ho had fln- 
 ished they scampered off. Gertie 
 to finish their baking, and Ruth 
 to "get the turtle soup going for 
 dinne r." — Ziun's Ilernld. 
 If I Have Faith in Christ, I 
 shall love hiin ; if I love him, I 
 shall keep his commandments ; il 
 I do not keep his commandments, 
 I do not love him, I do not believe 
 in him. — Thomas Adam. 
 lid for my ' 
 A\ it wfts 
 jny wishes 
 to bo fool- 
 " said the 
 ff what the 
 lut it. 
 and Rath 
 ua'a in the 
 , they aaw 
 never saw 
 it was ? I 
 lid guess it' 
 I will tell 
 ) Peter came 
 m the pretty 
 lave to play 
 his hat, and 
 rls to come 
 eir tins — for 
 id pies — and 
 iiicie. They 
 white eggs, 
 kind of eggs 
 's eggs," said 
 irtle on tho 
 und them '■" 
 he was very 
 you ought to 
 oniehed they 
 Id them that 
 oughed them 
 I, back of the 
 he creek. 
 Le one of the 
 a little turtle, 
 ■' house on its 
 )ix eggs in all. 
 eggs had not 
 lat a band of 
 1 have found 
 le scoops out 
 k hollow in the 
 in which she 
 the heat of the 
 es them. She 
 [f any trouble 
 , and they tako 
 06 soon as they 
 ncle told them 
 ietiesof turtlec, 
 lem were used 
 ith the close Bt 
 an ho had lin- 
 red off. Gertif 
 ing, and llutli 
 soup going for 
 TH in Christ, I 
 I love him, 1 
 imandments ; )l 
 I do not believe 
 One of those prying fellows, 
 the naturalists, has been bringing 
 queer live things from more than 
 half a mile deep in the ocean, 
 where there are no voices, and 
 the day is almost as dark as the 
 night. Of course, ho himself did 
 not go down for them, but he 
 sank a dredge, or open-mouthed 
 bag, fastened to a rope, and 
 dragged it along the bottom. The 
 things shown in the picture came 
 up in this dredge, not very long 
 The lower of the two beautiful 
 liliig''eu marvels is a sponge, and 
 its stalk is a bundle of about three 
 hundred threads of glassy stuff 
 called silica. Indeed, this ma- 
 terial glistens as if it were ni re- 
 ality the finest spun-glass ; and, 
 although the silvery web is so 
 dehcate, it is able to withstand 
 the tremendous pressure of th» 
 water all about it. The other 
 sponge, with its spreading roots, 
 has been dragged out of the mud 
 and is floating in the water. 
 Those too-many-legged shrimps 
 once frolicked about in their cold, 
 sunless, soundless home, among 
 myriads of just such lovely forms 
 as these. — AY Ni<-lmla.i. 
 summer dress. Squirrels are also 
 imported in large numbers, es- 
 j/ecially from Kasan, in Russia, 
 but thoy are rather inferior to 
 other sorts. There are various 
 modes of dressing eu'-.irrel skins. 
 The Russian skins are pickled in 
 salt, and in consequence are apt 
 to feel damp in wet weather. 
 They do very well in Russia, as 
 the weather there is always dry. 
 In this country the skins are 
 dressed with butter or lard, and 
 it is a remarkable thing that the 
 Russian furriers cannot use but- 
 ter dressed skins, because in 
 Russia the skins thus prepared 
 become quite hard in very cold 
 weather. For years past the 
 j trade of dressing squirrel skins 
 has had its head-quarters in Sax- 
 |ony, principally at the town of 
 I Weisseufels. Leipsic is celebrated 
 In the first place, to skin a cat 
 when alive would be utterly 
 impossible ; and secondly, it does 
 not make any difference in the 
 quality of the skin. The origin 
 of the fallacy is probably that a 
 cat is easier skinned immediately 
 after death than if allowed to be- 
 come rigid. It is very remarkable 
 how fashions set by English 
 ladies influence wild and tame 
 animals even in the most distant 
 parts of the world. It is fortun- 
 ate that ladies have made cats 
 fashionable, as at last some use 
 is foun 1 for these animals, which, 
 being U'ltaxed, are so abundant 
 that any night and in any weather 
 cats— many of them half starved 
 — swarm in the London streets, 
 and the poorer the neighbor- 
 hood the more abundant arc the 
 Frank Buckland, in Land mid 
 Water, gives the following infor- 
 mation as to whence the skins used 
 for lining ladies' cloaks are de- 
 rived, t ur lined cloaks are now 
 quite abundant and fashionable. 
 The skins used as lininsr.s are of 
 various kinds. The commonest 
 of all is white rabbits' : these are 
 not English, but imported from 
 Lissa, Poland, where they are 
 dressed bytfie furriers, and manu- 
 factured into linings for cloaks 
 It is not certain whether these 
 ski. 18 ire from wild or tame rab- 
 bits. As many thousand skins 
 are annually used, it is very pro- 
 bable that they are rabbits bred 
 for the purpose. Besides rabbit 
 skins, many cloaks are lined with 
 what are called "squirrel bellies." 
 These are literally bellies of 
 squirrels, These animals are 
 skinned in a peculiar manner so 
 as to make the most of the (ur. 
 The squirrels used for this pur- 
 pose are of various kinds and 
 prices The most expensive 
 sauirrel is the Siberian squirrel, 
 The general color of thi.s is l)lue. 
 some light blue, some dark blue ; 
 the darK blue are the most valu 
 able, particularly if it is void of 
 the red stripe down the back. 
 These squirrels are killed by 
 thousands in Siberia . they are 
 mostly shot with a small bullet. 
 Those from Sweden and Norway 
 are caught in traps, probably pit- 
 falls baited with food ; they are 
 aUo intercepted when in the act 
 of migrating. The Swedish squir- 
 rels are very large. Some of the 
 squirrel skins are of a red color ; 
 these are the same squirrel in the 
 for its fur market, especially at 
 Eiister. when the great fair takes 
 I place From Leipsic furs are 
 sent to China, llussia. Turkey 
 Greece, etc., — in fact, all over the 
 I world. Large numbers ofcim- 
 moii wild rabbit skins and silver 
 grays are exported from Eng- 
 I land for use in Russia. Cats are 
 I largely cultivated in Holland, 
 I especially for their skins. The 
 fur of the Dutch cat is very long 
 and soft as compared to the Eng- 
 lish cat, the fur of which is hard 
 and wiry. There is some secrecy 
 as to how the cats in Holland are ! 
 The Journal of the British 
 Denial Association quotes 
 from Le Pro«^res Den- 
 taire a description of the 
 process carried out at a 
 factory near Paris for the 
 production of celluloid. 
 A roll of paper is slow- 
 ly unwound, and is at 
 the same time saturated 
 with a mixture of five 
 parts of sulphuric acid 
 and two of nitric, which 
 falls upon the paper in 
 a fine spray. This 
 changes the cellulose of 
 the paper into pyroxy- 
 line (gun cotton). The 
 excess of acid having 
 been expelled by pressure, the 
 paper is washed with plenty of 
 water until all traces of acid have 
 been removed: it is then reduced 
 to pulp, and passes on to the 
 bleaching trough. Most of the 
 water having been got rid of by 
 means of a strainer, the pulp is 
 mixed with from 20 to 40 percent 
 of its weight of camphor, and the 
 mixture thoroughly triturated 
 under millstones. The necessary 
 coloring matter having been 
 added in the form of a powder, a 
 second mixing and grinding fol- 
 lows. The finely divided pulp is 
 been got rid of The plates thus 
 obtained are broken up and 
 soaked for twenty-four hours in 
 alcohol. The matter is then 
 paseed betwen rollers heated to 
 between UO" and 150" Fah., 
 whence it issues in the form of 
 elastic sheets. Celluloid is made 
 to imitate amber, tortoiseshell, 
 coral, malachite, ebony, ivory, 
 etc., and besides its employment 
 in dentistry is used to make 
 mouthpieces for pipes and cigar 
 holders, handles for table knives 
 and umbrellas, combs, shirt fronts 
 and collars and a number of fancy 
 elephant named 
 an ape name 
 ' Behold 
 Tusk and 
 were friends. 
 Grand Tusk observed, 
 how big and powerful I am !' 
 Nimble cried in reply, "Behold 
 how agile and entertaining I 
 am ! " 
 Each was eager to know which 
 was really superior to the other, 
 and which quality was the most 
 esteemed by the wise. 
 So they went to Dark Sage, an 
 owl that lived in an old tower, to 
 have their claims discussed and 
 Dark Sage said, " You must do 
 as I bid that I may form an 
 " Agreed," said both. 
 " Then,'' said Dark Sage, " cross 
 yonder river, and bring me the 
 mangoes on the great tree be- 
 Off went Grand Tusk and Nim- 
 ble, but when they came to the 
 stream, which was flowing full. 
 Nimble held back; but Grand 
 Tusk look him up on his back, 
 and swam across in a very short 
 time. Then they came to the 
 mango-tree, but it was very lofty 
 and thick. Grand Tusk could 
 neither touch the fruit with his 
 trunk, nor could he break the tree 
 down to gather the fruit. Up 
 sprang Nimble, and in a trice let 
 drop a whole basketful of rich 
 ripe mangoes. Grand Tusk 
 gathered the fruit up into his 
 capacious mouth, and the two 
 friends crossed the stream as be- 
 "Now," said Dark Sage, "which 
 of you is the better? Grand Tusk 
 crossed the stream, and Nimble 
 gathered the fruit." 
 Each thing in its place is best. 
 The secret of good manners is 
 to forget one's self altogether 
 fed; it is possible that they are | then spread out in thin layers on i The people of really fine breeding 
 are black. 
 black color is worth half a guinea 
 The Dutch rat killers have a most 
 peculiar and clever way of killing 
 their cats. It is a fallacy to sup- 
 pose that cats ?re skinned alive. 
 The best Dutch cats ' slabs, and from twenty to twenty 
 A good skin of jet five of these layers are placed in 
 a hydraulic press, separated from 
 Olio another by sheets of thick 
 blotting paper, and are subjected 
 to a pressure of 160 atmospheres 
 until all traces of moisture have 
 are the ones who never think ot" 
 themselves, but only of the pleas- 
 ure they can give to others. No 
 adornment of beauty, or learning, 
 or accomplishment, goes so far in 
 its power to attract as the one gift 
 of sympathy. 
I Ifyon'i 
 If yon're told to do a thing, 
 And mean to do it really, 
 Never let it be by halvaa; 
 Do it fully, freely. 
 When fatber calls, though pleasant 
 The play you are pursuing, 
 Do not say, " I'll come when I 
 Have finished what I'm doing " 
 If yon are told to learn a task. 
 And you should begin it, 
 Do not tell your teacher, " Yes, 
 I'm coming in a minute." 
 Waste not moments, nor yonr 
 In telling what you can do 
 Some other time. The present is 
 For doing what's before yon. 
 Phoebe Cahy. 
 There are two ways to get rich 
 — the right way and the wrong 
 way ; the easy way and the im- 
 possible way , the common way 
 and the rare way. And of coarse 
 the wrong and impossible way is 
 the common way 
 To be rich is to have ill the 
 money you want, is it not ? And 
 the common way of trying to get 
 rich is to try to get money enough 
 for one's wants. The ineradicable 
 and unconquerable difficulty in 
 this way is that the wants always 
 grow faster than the money pile. 
 You want to be rich enough to 
 hire a horse and buggy , when 
 you begin to hire, you want to 
 own a horse , when you drive 
 your own horse, you want to own 
 " span ; when you have a span, 
 . u want a pony for the children. 
 A hundred millions ought to be a 
 comfortable competence ; but Mr. 
 Vanderbilt has lately been a large 
 borrower of money When a man 
 buys railways as other men buy 
 horses, he may be in straitened 
 circumstances though he has fifty 
 millions in U. S bonds. The 
 more money a man has the poorer 
 he is, if he has not learned to 
 moderate his desires as well as to 
 accumulate his supplies. Baron 
 Munchausen's horse, cut in two 
 by the descending gate as his 
 rider was escaping from the castle, 
 drank unceasingly at the spring 
 by the roadside, to the amazement 
 of his rider, till looking back he 
 discovered that the unfortunate 
 beast was cut off just behind the 
 saddle, and that the water he was 
 taking in m front was running 
 out behind. An insatiable spirit 
 is worse than Barou Munchausen's 
 horse; the more it drinks (he 
 thirstier it grows. 
 The only way to bo rich is to 
 keep one's desires within his in- 
 come. If one wanLs what five 
 cents can tniy, and he has ten 
 cents, he is wealthy A bright 
 dime to a .street arab is (greater 
 wealth than a thousand dollars to 
 a merchant prince The right 
 way to be rich i.s never to want 
 what you cannot buy ; then you 
 Iways have as much money as 
 von want. This is the easy way. 
 No man can regulate the contents 
 of his purse ; every man can regu- 
 late the quality of his desires. 
 Capital IS not within every man's 
 attainment ; contentment is. He 
 is wealthy who has learned two 
 arts ; first, how to be contented 
 with what he can get ; second, 
 how to use what he has. Abraham 
 Lincoln had a better library in 
 the single coverless book which 
 he read by the light of the pitch- 
 pine knots in the Kentucky cabin 
 than the man who has lined the 
 walls of what he ironically calls 
 hi* library with calfskin bindings 
 at 80 much a square foot. It is 
 always easy to have plenty of 
 money ; spend less than you earn. 
 It is always easy to have all the 
 money yon want ; want less than 
 you have. The cases of actual 
 enjoying the sport ? Perhaps 
 they did not think how tho dog 
 wau worried and frightened, and 
 how much pain he felt by the 
 tightness of the cord around his 
 tail, and by tho bouncing of the 
 pail sometimes striking nim on 
 the back, and sometimes catching 
 against a lamp-post or WEM^gon- 
 wheel, and throwing him down 
 In tho picture the artist endeavors 
 to show how it would be when 
 the boy and dog chan^je places. 
 Two colored women stand talk- 
 ing in the street. At length they 
 separate with a taunting word 
 from one, who calls the other " a 
 slave to work." A quick retort 
 comes from the lips of the other, 
 the arm. Bless Ood for the com- 
 munion of saints, — ChriUijm at 
 X whe 
 suflfering from cold, nakedness or 
 hunger are in this country very 
 rare In all other cases Paul's 
 prescription for wealth is the best 
 that was ever devised ; " Having 
 food and raiment, let us be there- 
 with content. The lesson ho 
 learned in prison in Rome is 
 worth all the lessons taught in 
 college — business or otherwise — 
 since the world began ; " I have 
 learned in whatsoever state I am, 
 therewith to be content — Chris- 
 tian Union 
 Did any of our young readers 
 ever see a dog running through 
 the street with a Im-kettle tied to 
 his tail? If so, were the boys 
 chasing, and throwing stones at 
 him? Were they laughing and 
 " No, no. I am no slave. I am 
 free, soul and body." A business 
 man hurries by, oppressed with 
 toil and care, but the words just 
 spoken arrest his attention for the 
 moment. He turns back a step 
 or two and asks the woman what 
 she means by saying she is " free, 
 soul and body " She replies, " O 
 sir, I mean that I have no master 
 but Jesus, and He has made me 
 free, soul and body " " God bless 
 you, my good woman, your words 
 remind me that I, too, belong to 
 that kind master God bless you 
 again." And they part, both 
 again to care and toil, but each 
 with renewed courage. The 
 chord of Christian sympathy was 
 struck between them, and in some 
 way it seemed like a bugle blast 
 heard in the thick of the fight, 
 thrilling the heart and nerving 
 If yon examine a common fly 
 under the microscope as he alights 
 upon a piece of sugar, you will 
 see unfolded from the under sur- 
 face of the head a long organ 
 which looks quite like anotner 
 leg. It is really his under lip, and 
 is DeautifuUy adapted for licking 
 up fluids and for scratching solids 
 also, being rough like a file. This 
 organ expands at the end into a 
 fan shape, and is supported on a 
 firm tubular frame-work acting 
 as a set of springs to open and 
 shut the fan. When a fly alights 
 on the band or face in the heat of 
 summer, to sip the perspiration 
 which oozes through tho i>0Te8 of 
 the skin, the movement of this 
 little file causes a tickling sensa- 
 tion. — Selected. 
 A boy was once tempted by his 
 companions to pluck some ripe 
 cherries from a tree which his 
 father had forbidden him to touch. 
 " You need not be afraid," said 
 they, "for if your father should 
 find out that you had taken them, 
 he is so kind that he would not 
 hurt yon. " For that very reason," 
 replied the boy, " I ought not to 
 touch them ; for though my father 
 may not hurt me, mydiiobedience 
 would hurt my father." 
 Louis IX. of France was found 
 instructing a poor kitchen-boy; 
 and being asked why he would 
 do BO, replied, " The meanest per- 
 son, hath a soul as precious as my 
 own, and bought with the same 
 blood of Christ." 
 .ToHN BrNYAN's readiness to 
 give an answer to those who ques- 
 tioned his right to uso his great 
 gifts, is seen in the following 
 anecdote related in tho words of 
 his friend Charles Doe : As Mr. 
 Bunyan was upon the road near 
 Cambridge, there overtakes him 
 a scholar that had observed him 
 preaching and said to him, " How 
 dare you preach, seeing yon have 
 not the original and are no 
 scholar ?" Then said Mr. Bunyan; 
 " Have you tho original ? " " Yes," 
 said the scholar. " Nay, but," 
 said Mr. Bunyan, " have you the 
 very selfeomo original copies that 
 were written by the penmen of 
 the Scriptures, the prophets and 
 apostles themselves?" "No," said 
 the scholar, "but we have the 
 true copies. " '' How do you 
 know that?" said Mr. Bunyan. 
 " How ? " said the scholar, " how ? 
 Why we believe that what we 
 have is a true copy of the originJ." 
 " Exactly," said Mr. Bunyan," 
 and so I believe that our English 
 Bible is a true copy of the original." 
 Then away went the scholar. — < 
 Christian Herald. ' 
1 I f^ 
 There was a Saltan of the East 
 Who nsed to ride a stabborn beast; 
 A marvel of the donkey-kind, 
 That much perplexed his owner's 
 Br turns he luoyed a rod ahead, 
 Then backed a rod or so instead. 
 And thus the day would pass 
 The Sultan gaining little ground. 
 The servants on before would 
 And pitcli their tents beside the 
 And pass the time as best they 
 Until their master hove in sight. 
 The Saltan many methods tried : 
 He clicked and coaxed and spurs 
 And stripped a dozen trees, at 
 Of branches, to persnade the beast. 
 But all his efforts went for naught; 
 No reformation could be wrought, 
 At length, before the palace eate 
 He called the wise men of the 
 And bade them now their skill 
 By finding where the trouble lay. 
 With solemn looks and thoughts 
 The men of learning gathered 
 The beast was measured o'er with 
 They proved hin* by the plumb 
 and square, 
 The compass to his ribs applied, 
 And every joint by rule was tried; 
 But nothing could the doctors iiiid 
 To prove he differed from his 
 Said they : " Your Highness ! 
 The beast is sound from hoof 
 No outward blemishes we see 
 To limit action fair and free. 
 In view of this the fact is plain 
 The mischief lies within the brain. 
 Now, we suggest, to stop his 
 A sail upon his back you fix. 
 Of goodly size, to catch the breeze 
 And urge him forward where you 
 The Saltan well their wisdom 
 Two masts upon the beast were 
 And, schooner-rigged from head 
 to tail. 
 With halliards, spanker-boom.and 
 In proper shape equipped was fie. 
 As though designed to sail the sea ! 
 And when the Sultan next be- 
 The beast upon a lengthy road, 
 With favoring winds that whistled 
 And swiftly urged the craft along. 
 The people cleared the track with 
 speed ; 
 And old and young alike agreed 
 A stranger sight could not be 
 From side to side the province 
 itk round. 
 5 i —Palmer Cox, in Si. Nicholat 
 There was once a gentleman, 
 it is said, who was very wealthy. 
 He had a large family of beauti- 
 ful children ; and he loved his 
 wife and sons and daughters very 
 dearly ; and daily he would have 
 his coachman take them out to 
 Away they would go through 
 country and city, and forest and 
 park. But near one of the plea- 
 santest drives there was a deep 
 chasm, and its sides were rocky 
 and stee;>, so that to go too near it 
 would be almost c.rtain death. 
 But the coachmau would often 
 see how close he could drive to 
 the edge of the abyss without 
 dashing his precious load to de- 
 struction. This he continued to 
 do day after day ; though he did 
 not mean any harm. He only 
 wanted to shew how near he 
 could come '.o danger and yet es- 
 cape. But one day he came just 
 a little nPiirer, when in an instant 
 he dizzy as he looked 
 down into the dark chasm, and 
 whirled from his high seat and 
 was goue. 
 But 'lorses, coach and family all 
 escaped and came safely home. 
 Thjn another coachman must 
 be frund ; and the gentleman sent 
 wo-.d nil about, and advertised 
 frr a good, safe, skilful man. And 
 nauy came and he questioned 
 them, each by himself, in order 
 .0 get the right one. 
 " How near can yon drive to 
 L'anger Cliff " — so that chasm was 
 caiK'd— " vvithout driving over?" 
 asked the gentleman of the first 
 who came. 
 " Ah, your honor, it's not every 
 coachman that can do the likes o' 
 me. Sure, I've driven as near as 
 your finger's bridth minny's the 
 time, and 'twas as the sim as 
 though 'twos a mile or more. I've 
 niver hurt a hair o' the hid." 
 " You may pass out," was the 
 answer. "I do not wish your 
 Then came another, and he 
 was asked the same question 
 about driving near the chasm. 
 And he said he could come with- 
 in six inches, but feared to go 
 " I do not wish yon," was said, 
 and he passed out, wondering 
 how near the gentleman wanted 
 his coachman to drive to this place 
 of danger. 
 So they came and went, till one 
 answered : 
 " Sir, I think I could drive very 
 near, even to the edge, if neces- 
 sary ; but I always make it a point 
 to keep as far away as I can." 
 " And you are the very man 1 
 wish, sir. Keep far away from 
 that and all other dangers as you 
 drive the coac'n about the country. 
 Rem<<uiber, my family aic in your 
 keoping, and for their sakon, as 
 w ill as for your own, do not thke 
 one risk unless you must." 
 Many's the boy who has said : 
 " I'm not afraid to taste cider, 
 or beer, or wine, just this once. I 
 know where to go, and where 
 not to go, and what I can stand. 
 And I don't need any pledge. 
 And if I want to smoke a cigar, I 
 can smoke one, and there stop. 
 And I can read one bad book, and 
 no more, if I set my heart upon 
 it. And I can spend an hour 
 with Jim Brown and not swear, 
 even if he does. What's the use 
 of a fellow's going to excess every 
 time ? Why can't he have a little 
 of these things, even if they are 
 not quite so good, and stop just 
 where one wants to ?" 
 Yes, but nine chances to one, 
 the boy will keep coming nearer 
 and nearer to Danger Cliff, and 
 then in an instant his head will 
 whirl, and over he will go and 
 disappear in darkness forever. 
 Yes, but who ever plunged 
 over Danger GliS who kept as far 
 away from it as possible ? 
 Keep far away from every 
 Danger Cliff.— TAe Pansy. 
 " Have you ever heard the 
 Gospel before ?" asked a mission- 
 ary at Ningpo of a respectable 
 caU Pt 
 glasttr . 
 liBllt . 
 rail gie 
 tall S>e 
 txU . 
 Wilt . 
 lobtlg . 
 oi: gie 
 $iti . . 
 gltKifnl . 
 nil 3b l||e 
 Iloblt . 
 cull SPt 
 1 conbtmn son 
 — Sunday 
 irib son bo tiot qatftion Pt. 
 nnb gon bo not looH to git. 
 anb gon bo not foUob) Sit. 
 . . . anb gon bo not bii^ for 9ti. 
 . . anb gon gibe Pt no atliiUion. 
 anb gon lobt 9lt not. 
 , . anb gon aik 9lt nothing. 
 , . anb gon urk Pe not 
 anb gon tinit Jit not 
 ... anb gon utht ^c noi> 
 . nb gott (onot yt not 
 ... anb goa ftar Pt noL 
 . , nb |s« aniMt Mmu Sa, 
 Chinaman, whom he had not seen 
 in his mission room befoie. 
 " No," he replied, " but I have 
 seen it. I know a man who used 
 to bo the terror of his neighbor- 
 hood. If yon gave him a hard 
 word, he would shout at you and 
 curse you for two days and two 
 nights, without censing. He was 
 as dangcrons as a wild beast, and 
 a bad opium smoker ; but wk«* 
 the religion of Jesas took hold of 
 him, he became wholly changed. 
 He is gentle, moral, not soon 
 angry, and has left off opium. 
 Truly the teaching is good!" — 
 Word and Work. 
 A gentleman once heard a man 
 swearing most dreadfully, ir ' ' 
 presence of a number of his , : / \- 
 panions. The gentle cuanti.' i .' ' 
 I hat it was both a wicked v 
 cowardly thing t;^ swear .-,o; tti^v. 
 cially in campany with niY i . 
 when he dared not do it b) k\\. > • 
 self. The man boastfully r^ pli- 
 that he was not afraid to sw.?ar, 
 at any time, or in any place. 
 " I'll give you a sovereign," sa d 
 the gentleman, *' if you wUl g' 
 into the village graveyard i 
 tv, .five o'clock to-night, and SW' •• 
 the same oaths there, wb i '^ 
 are alone witti God, as ) ou ha' 3 
 just uttered here." 
 " Agreed," said the man ; " it's 
 an easy way of earning a sover- 
 " Well ; co^e to me to-morrow, 
 and say that you have done it, aiiu 
 the money is yours." 
 The time passed on ; the ho ar 
 of midnight came. Tlie rc.aa 
 went to the graveyard. It w>s a 
 dark night. As he entered the 
 graveyard not a sound was heard. 
 AH was still as death. Then the 
 gentleman's words, " Alone with 
 God," came over him with won- 
 derful power. The thought of 
 the wickedness of what he had 
 done, and what he had come there 
 to do, darted across his mind like 
 the lightning's flash. 
 He trembled at his folly. Afraid 
 to tdke another step, he fell up- 
 on his knees ; and, instead of the 
 dreadful oaths he came to utter, 
 the earnest cry went up, " God, 
 be merciful to me, a sinner !" 
 The next day he went to the 
 gentleman, and thanked him for 
 what he had done, and said that, 
 by God's help, he w6uld never 
 swear another oath as long as he 
 lived. There is hope that this 
 event led to his becoming " a new 
 creature in Christ Jesus." — S. S. 
 Nine Boys applied, not long 
 since, for a situation in a commis- 
 sion house, where the proprietor 
 is not a Christian. He selected 
 the one who was a regular atten- 
 dant at church and Sabbath- 
 school, saying: " Such boys rare- 
 ly turn out to be rascals." 
 He that trusteth in his own 
 heart is a fool.— Prov. 23 : 26. 
 As « farther illustration ot Mr. 
 Morwood's Dog Story,' given iu 
 oitr June number, a correspondent 
 Bends us the follovrinff singular 
 narrative related to him by a 
 Canadian missionary some years 
 About this period I went to at- 
 tend the sale of the effects of a 
 respectable farmer who had died 
 at one of my out>settlements a 
 few months before. He had left 
 a widow — a very amiable and 
 pious woman — and three children 
 to mourn his loss. The lone 
 widow thought herself unequal 
 to the management of the 
 large farm which her husband 
 had occupied. She therefore 
 took a cottage in the village 
 where I lived, and was now 
 selling everything off, except 
 a little furniture. After the 
 sale was over, I went into the 
 house to see her. I oongratu- 
 lated her upon the plan she 
 had adopted, and remarked 
 that she would bo much more 
 comfortable, not only in be- 
 ing relieved from the cares of 
 a Dusiness she could not be 
 supposed to understand, but 
 in a feeling of security, which 
 in her unprotected state in 
 that lonely house she could 
 hardly enjoy. 
 " ' no,' she said, ' not un- 
 protected — far from it ! You 
 forget,' she continued, with a 
 mournful smile, 'that I am 
 now under the special pro- 
 tection of Him who careth for 
 the fatherless and the widow, 
 and I feel quite confident that 
 He will protect us.' 
 " And He did protect them, 
 and that very night, too, in a 
 most extraordinary and won- 
 derftil and, I may add, 
 miraculous manner. 
 " The farmhouse was a 
 solitary one ; there was not 
 another within half a mile of 
 it. That night there was a 
 good deal of money in the 
 house, the proceeds of the 
 sale. The mother and her 
 three young children and a 
 maid-servant, were the sole 
 inmates. They had retired 
 to rest some time. The wind 
 was howling fearfully, and 
 shook the wooden house at 
 every blast. This kept the 
 poor mother awake, and she 
 thought she heard in the pauses 
 of the tempest some strange and 
 unusual noise, seemingly at the 
 back of the house. While eager- 
 ly listening to catch the sound 
 again, she was startled by the 
 violent barking of a dog, ap- 
 parently in a room in the front 
 of the house immediately beneath 
 (he bedchamber. This alarmed 
 her still more, as they had no 
 dogof theirown. She immediate- 
 ly arose, and going to her maid's 
 room, awoke her, and they went 
 down together. They first peeped 
 into the room where they had 
 heard the dog. It was moon- 
 light, at least partially so, for the 
 night was cloudy; still it was 
 light enough to distinguish ob- 
 jects, although but faintly. They 
 saw an immense black dog 
 scratching and gnawing furiously 
 at the door leading into the 
 kitchen, whence she thought that 
 the noise she first heard had pro- 
 ceeded. She requested the ser- 
 vant to open the door which the 
 dog was attacking so violently 
 The maid was a determined and 
 resolute girl, devoid ot fear, and 
 she did ao without hesitation ; 
 when the dog rushed out, and the 
 widow saw, through the open 
 door, two men at the kitchen 
 they would doubtless have ac- 
 complished their purpose. The 
 mistress and maid got a light, and 
 secured the window as well as 
 they could. 
 "They then dressed themselves, 
 for to think of sleeping any more 
 that night was out of the question. 
 They had not, however, got down 
 stairs the second time, before they 
 heard their protector scratching 
 at the outer door for admittance. 
 They immediately opened it, 
 when he came in wagging his 
 bushy tail, and fawning upon 
 each of them in turn, tol>e patted 
 and praised for his prowess. He 
 then stretched his huge bulk at 
 full length beside the warm stove 
 From Sir Edwin LftodiMr'i r«lntlDiL In onUlns bf Mr. HurlMD Wttr u ft dnwlag iMtsn for th* rovag. 
 window, which was open. The 
 men instantly retreated, and the 
 dog leaped through the window 
 after them. A violent scuffle en- 
 sued, and it was evident from the 
 occasional yelping of the noble 
 animal that he sometimes had 
 the worst of it. The noise of the 
 contest, however, gradually re- 
 ceded, till the widow could hear 
 only now and then a faint and 
 distant bark. The robbers, or 
 perhaps murderers had taken out a 
 pane of glass, which had enabled 
 them to undo the fastening at the 
 window, when, but for the dog, 
 closed his eyes and went to sleep 
 The next morning they gave him 
 a breakfast any dog might have 
 envied; after which, nothing 
 could induce him to prolong his 
 visit. He stood whining im- 
 patiently at the door till it was 
 opened, when he galloped off in 
 a great hurry, and they never 
 saw him afterward. 
 "They had never seen the ('og 
 before, nor did they ever know to 
 whom he belonged. They could 
 only suppose that he came with 
 some stranger to the sale. — Britiih 
 Tommy Lee was a very care* 
 less little boy. His mother often 
 told him that he must not leave 
 his playthings about the room, 
 but must put them away in the 
 closet when he had finished play- 
 ing with them. But Tommy did 
 not mind. He would run off to 
 play in the yard, leaving his toys 
 on the floor or the table for his 
 mother or sister to pick up and 
 put away. 
 " Wd must cure Tommy of this 
 fault," said his mother, " but I do 
 not know how to do it. He doesn't 
 seem to mind being punished in 
 the least." 
 On his birthday Tommy's 
 father gave him a box of lead 
 soldiers, with a little cannon, 
 and a handful of small peas 
 for cannon balls. His mother 
 gave him a pretty silk ball, 
 and his sister gave him a china 
 mug with a wreath of flowers 
 painted on it. Tommy was 
 very happy. He had a fine 
 time shooting down the sol- 
 diers and bounding the ball, 
 and he liked to drink out of 
 his pretty mug. 
 At first he was very careful 
 to put his new toys away as 
 soon as he grew tired of play- 
 ing with them. But one day, 
 when he had all His soldiers 
 ontof the box, and was shoot- 
 . g them down, a little boy 
 came to ask him to help make 
 a snow man in the yard, and 
 off ran Tommy, leaving his 
 soldiers on the table, his ball 
 on tite floor, and his pretty 
 mug on a chair. 
 when he came back an hour 
 later under the table lay Tow- 
 ser, gnawing something that 
 had once been bright and 
 pretty, but was now all in 
 pieces and very wet. 
 " What have you there, 
 Towser ? " asked Tommy, and 
 he crawled under the table 
 to see. He began to cry when 
 he saw that it was the silk ball 
 which Towser had. 
 •* Why didn't somebody put 
 my ball away ? " he asked. 
 "That is something you 
 must always do for yourself," 
 said his mother. 
 As Tommy came out from 
 under the table he stepped on 
 something hard. It was a 
 red-coated soldier. All the rest 
 of the soldiers were on the 
 floor too, and all were broken. 
 " You have all been treading on 
 my soldiers," said Tommy, crying 
 Just then Tommy's little sister 
 crawled over to the chair on 
 which lay the mug. She grasped 
 it with her baby hands, it fell and 
 with a loud crash broke into 
 twenty pieces. 
 Poor Tommy ! He cried until 
 ha had no tears to shed. But 
 he had learned a p;ood lesson, 
 for he never again left his 
 toys about the room. — House- 
,,AimMm,c,n. » i m il^ ^Mmm »m^ ■■«"■■ 
 ron there, 
 ommy, »nd 
 ihe table 
 cry when 
 he lilk ball 
 lebody pnt 
 »thing you 
 „ out from 
 stepped on 
 It was a 
 All the rest 
 rere on the 
 treading on 
 imy, crying 
 little sister 
 chair on 
 }he grasped 
 B, it fell and 
 broke into 
 cried until 
 shed. Bnt 
 ood lesson, 
 left his 
 ,m. — House- 
 Captain Boxnll had lived many 
 years in India, where it is under- 
 stood Europeans look on the 
 natives very much as children, 
 ttho do not know how to do any- 
 thing until they are told the way. 
 Since he had returned to his 
 native village, where he had 
 settled down to spend the remain- 
 der of his days, he had gone on 
 treating the people there in just 
 the same manner. He could not 
 Eass a lad in the street spinning 
 is top without asking him why 
 he did not wrap the string round 
 in some different way. For it 
 was a peculiarity of Captain Box- 
 all's suggestions that they were 
 always novel; in fact just the 
 very contrary of what anybody 
 else would hare thought ot. He 
 was encouraged in his habit bv 
 the only person who lived with 
 him, his maiden sister. In every- 
 thing that happened she turned 
 first of all to him and asked, 
 " What do you suggest. Captain 
 Late one night there came a 
 sudden knock on Captain Bozall's 
 door ; and before he could roach 
 it the door opened and the grin- 
 ning face of a neighbor was thrust 
 "Captain !" the neighbor said. 
 " there is a thief in your wood- 
 shed ! I have turned th? key on 
 him, so you have got him safe." 
 The Captain's sister, who had 
 begun to scream at hearing the 
 words " thief," rallied on learning 
 that he was in the distant wood- 
 shed, not inside the house. Facing 
 round, she said, " Captain BozalT, 
 what do you suggest ? " 
 Certainly here was a case where 
 the need for counsel had come 
 closely home. 
 "Well." replied the Captain, 
 trying to be prompt,though all his 
 habitual briskness was not quite 
 forthcoming, " anybody could 
 suggest the police. It must be 
 something very different to that 
 if the thief is to be reformed." 
 "Taking up a lantern, he bade the 
 still grmning neighbor to go home. 
 " I shall know how to deal with 
 the case," he added. 
 And it was very Hkely that he 
 would know, for Captain Bozall's 
 heart was right, if his head was 
 rather flighty. 
 When half-way down the dark 
 yard, his sister, standing at the 
 door, saw, by means of the il- 
 lumination of the lantern her 
 brother carried, that he knelt 
 down in the open air and prayed. 
 This was not a bad preliminary. 
 "He is asking God's blessing 
 on his iriggestion," Miss Boxau 
 Turning the key back, the cap- 
 tain passed into the woodshed, 
 and there ho found the thief 
 crushed up close against the wall, 
 trembling in every limb, and with 
 a face as white as that of a ghost. 
 On the ground beside him, tied 
 « r. fast with rope, ready for carrying 
 ' » away, lay a large bundle of wood. 
 " Ah, my friend," began the 
 captain, " this is a late visit. Why 
 did yon not como earlier i You 
 might have visited us during the 
 day at a better hour. But come 
 with mo ; I will show you the 
 way into the house," turning 
 about with the lantern. 
 The thief t-vidently could not 
 believe his own ears, lie stood 
 stockstill rooted to the spot. But 
 on the captain, who had walked 
 straii^ht toward the open door, 
 repeating, "Come, do not keep 
 us both out in the cold here," he 
 had to follow. But Captain Boz- 
 all spoke again. Ho saw that the 
 thief had, as might have been 
 looked for, left the bundle of wood 
 behind him. " Nay," he said, " I 
 beg you to bring the wood with 
 yon." The thief shook his head, 
 but would not touch the bundle. 
 " You must bring it," continued 
 the captain. " It is not mine. 
 Make haste with it." 
 "It is yours," was the man's 
 stammering answer. 
 " No, it is God's. He only lent 
 it to me. Do you not know the 
 eighth commandment ? " 
 " More and more bewildered 
 grew the thief; large beads of 
 sweat oozed out on his white face. 
 But the captain stood there, firm 
 and unyielding. At length the 
 man had to take up the load and 
 totter with it across the yard after 
 his leader, who carefully showed 
 him the way with the lantern. 
 Captain Bozall marshalled him 
 straight into the kitchen. 
 " Sister !" cried the captain, "we 
 have a visitor. Order bread and 
 cheese and a jug of beer instantly." 
 It happened, however, that the 
 servant was just cooking his even- 
 ing meal over the fire, and this 
 was soon put upon the table, the 
 maid being sent elsewhere. Bnt 
 (he ffuest had no appetite; he 
 conld not speak, much less 
 eat. How ever, the captain would 
 not be denied, and his sister, who 
 happened to come in, backed him 
 up as usual, though she looked 
 much amazed at this last sugges- 
 tion of her brother. 
 The thief had to try to eat, de- 
 spite his throat being too dry to 
 swallow. In the meantime Cap- 
 tain Bozall went on talking in the 
 same mild way. Ho asked after 
 the man's family, the names of his 
 children, if he got on well with 
 his wife, and so on. To every 
 answer the man gave he attended 
 patiently and sympathetically. At 
 last the meal was over, and al- 
 though the man had mustered a 
 little courage during its progress, 
 how he wished he was now out- 
 side the house! The beads of 
 sweat again shone upon his face. 
 " I think you had better stay 
 with us the night over," afresh be- 
 gan the captain. "Still, just as you 
 will. We could make you up a 
 bed on the sofa, for it is a dark 
 night without, and the roads are 
 nono of the best. I can promise 
 you a comfortable shelter ; still, as 
 I said before, if you wish to go» 
 no ono hinders you from doing 
 " I shonld be glad to go homo," 
 faltered the thief, with tears start- 
 ing in his eyes. 
 " Then go, in God's name," was 
 the prompt answer. 
 The wretched man did not need 
 a second bidding. Shamefacedly 
 muttering good-night, he was 
 making hurriedly for the door 
 when Captain Bozall put himself 
 in his way. " You are not," he 
 said, " taking the wood with yon," 
 pointing to the bundle on the 
 floor. " You must not leave it 
 behind you." 
 In abject humiliation the thief 
 prayed to be forgiven. The cap- 
 tain told him that he had nothing 
 to forgive He continued, "Set 
 it right with God. It is God you 
 have offended. He alone can for- 
 give you the sin. Bnt you must 
 take the wood ; I wash my hands 
 of it." 
 There was no reply for it ; the 
 thief had to take up the wood and 
 carry it off with him. Ah, how 
 it pressed upon his conscience as 
 well as his back ! As he bore it 
 home it felt tons' weight. 
 In the very break of dawn nezt 
 morning there was a timid bnt 
 insisting knock heard on Captain 
 Bozall's door. The captain rose 
 and opened it; there stood his 
 guest of the previous evening. 
 " Why are you here so earfy 1 " 
 asked the captain. 
 " I could not rest without com- 
 ing to you," replied the thief. 
 " All night I have been tossing 
 on my bed,repenting that I robbed 
 you and sinned against God. 
 How shall I ask Him to forgive 
 " That is speaking rightly," glee- 
 fully said the captain. "Come 
 He read the Bible with him, 
 beginning with the passage which 
 so solemnly asserts that thieves 
 shall not entVr into the kingdom 
 of God, but going on to the blessed 
 words which speak of pardon and 
 peace. From that day he who 
 had been a thief became a re- 
 formed man, and after a long trial 
 of his honesty had been success- 
 fully gone through, his friend the 
 captain got him admitted into the 
 membership of his church. 
 In this one instance, certainly, 
 great success attended the sugges- 
 tion which occurred to Captain 
 Bozall. — Day of Rest. 
 was a boy ? Let 
 boy of ten years 
 morning, works, 
 and we will tell 
 kind of man he 
 boy that is too 
 ■ ^4© 
 us see how a 
 gets up in the 
 plays, studies, 
 you just what 
 will make. The 
 late at breakfast. 
 Many people seem to forget 
 that character grows; that it is 
 not something to put on ready- 
 made with womanhood or man- 
 hood; but day by day, here a lit- 
 tle and there a little, grows with 
 the growth, and strengthens with 
 the strength, until good or bad, it 
 becomes almost a coat of mail. 
 Look ata man ofbnsiness — prompt, 
 reliable, conscientious, yet clear- 
 headed and energetic. VThen do 
 you suppose he developed all these 
 admiraDle qualities? When ho 
 late at school, stands a poor chance 
 to be a prompt man. The boy 
 who neglects his duties, be they 
 ever so small, and then ezcuses 
 himself by saying, " I foigot ; I 
 didn't think ! " will never be a 
 reliable man ; and the boy who 
 finds pleasure in the suffering of 
 weaker things will never be a 
 noble generous kind man — a 
 gentleman, ~-rArM<i(in Helper. 
 To The Chrislian at Work: 
 I was interested in a recent 
 article in the Christiam at Work 
 concerning this eminent man, as 
 I am in everything pertaining to 
 him. The late Hon. Edward 
 Curtis, ot New York, was his inti- 
 mate friend. In an interview that 
 I had with him many years ago I 
 made some enquiries of him eon- 
 cerning Mr. Webster, one of 
 which was whether he was in the 
 habit of using profane language. 
 He emphatically replied in the 
 negative. He said that he would 
 regard the habit as vulgar and 
 beneath him. H. s. 
 Hawley, Mass., Jan. 26, 1882. 
 A little wrong done to another 
 is a great injury done to our- 
 The seyerest punishment for an 
 injury is the consciousness of hay- 
 ing done it ; and no suffering is 
 keener than that which belongs 
 to repentance for past wrong- 
 There is a Stort that the late 
 Prince SuwarofF, who was a great 
 favorite of the Russian Court, had 
 at one period of his early life 
 Nihilistic tendencies, which came 
 to the knowledge of the Czar, who 
 sent for him and said : " Prince 
 Alexander, I have here a complete 
 list of the conspirators. In it I 
 find a name which I can scarcely 
 bring myself to believe could ever 
 be found among a band of rebels 
 — the name of SuwarofF. I cannot 
 believe it now. It cannot — must 
 not be ! " So saying, the emperor 
 tore the list and threw the pieces 
 into the paper basket. Overcome 
 by the emperor's magnanimity, 
 SuwarofI threw himself at his 
 feet and made a full confession. 
 " From that moment I was cured !" 
 he told a friend. 
 Rest follows labor ! 
 Even so ; 
 Yet side by side 
 They likewise go, 
 Each to the other 
 Near akin, 
 For life well spent 
 Brings peace within ; 
 This is the rest 
 That all may win. 
 134 ». »«|REIM11NTEI) STOlilKs'. FRO M TllK 
 " Such a time as I had in Hchool to-day, grandpa ! ' said littlu 
 Frank was sitting, 
 as he lovod to sit in 
 the twilight. on a loiv 
 stool at grandpa's li — : <'''->^'*; 
 side ~ 
 " A Tory happy 
 time, I hope," spoke 
 grandpa's pleasant 
 " Oh, no, grandpa, 
 a very bad time in- 
 deed. But 1 didn't 
 make it ; I was 
 doing 8um8, trying 
 to be real good, 
 when all of a sud- 
 den I missed mv 
 little blue pencil, 
 and looking round I 
 saw George Parsons 
 writing his words 
 with it. I just 
 didn't like it, grand- 
 pa ; I'll always lend 
 my things but I 
 don't like folks to 
 take 'em without 
 asking ; and so I 
 pulled his sleeve, and I motioned 
 to him to give it to me, but he 
 only stared at me and went* on 
 writing words. And then I 
 couldn't stand it any longer ; 1 
 forgot the rule and all, and called 
 out real loud ; • (.reorge Parsons, 
 you've got my pencil, and you 
 know it, and I just want you to 
 give it back to mo !' And — O 
 grandpa I what do you think I 
 had to do then ! Go and sit on 
 the front bench, and lose live 
 minutes of my recess ! I had to 
 do both those dreadful things, all 
 through George Parsons. But 
 just the minute I got out, I went 
 after him, and I told him I wanted 
 my pencil straight, and — do you 
 k'Uow, grandpa?— he wouldn't 
 give it to me ; for all I asked and 
 asked, he's got it yet ; he went 
 home with it in his pocket. But 
 he'll have to give it to me, wont 
 he, grandpa ?" 
 Frank pavised witti a big sigh. 
 " But what did he say ?" asked 
 grandpa thoughtfully. 
 " Oh, he said it wasn't mine, it 
 was his ; that his mother gave it 
 to him, and he guessed he wasn't 
 going to give it to me." 
 " Then you really think this 
 was your pencil, and George took 
 it ? So ho must hav-j told a 
 story too," continued grandj^a, in 
 the same thoughtful tone. " Did 
 you ever detect him in one before 
 Frankie ?" 
 " N — o, grandpa." 
 " And you looked thoroughly 
 lor the pencil, of course ; in your 
 desk, and all around ?" 
 " Why, no, grandpa ! What 
 was the use when I knew that 
 George had got it ?" 
 "You know, Frank? How? 
 You did not see him take it." 
 " N — o. But then it was gone, 
 and— and George never had a 
 its a bad business, Frank," he 
 interrupted gravely. "You accuse 
 George I'arsons of taking your 
 pencil, and then of lying about it, 
 all on a mere supposition, without 
 any proof at all. A bad business, 
 my boy, but there is only one 
 thiiiLf you can do now. Promise 
 me to look lor your pencil to- 
 morrow. " 
 " Yes, grandpa." 
 " And if you lind it — ' 
 Frank understood. "Of course," 
 he broke in with a little flush; 
 but, " of course, I know he's got 
 it, " he said softly to himself 
 So Frank said to himself over 
 and over next morning ou his 
 way to school. But — 
 Long before the twilight hour 
 he came to grandpa with a 
 drooping head and deeply Hushed 
 " O grandpa, ' he faltered, " I 
 am more ashamed than I can tell. 
 For almost the first thing I saw 
 this morning was my pencil 
 sticking out of a crack inside my 
 desk. It mujt have dropped in 
 there. And George saw it too, 
 and — " 
 " And !" echoed 
 grandpa anxiously. 
 " Oh, I did," 
 continued Frank 
 quickly ; " 1 took 
 my slate right ofl, 
 and wrote : " Dear 
 George, I'm so 
 sorry! Can you over 
 forgive me '?" And 
 George wrote back 
 right off : ' Dear 
 Frank, yes; only I 
 wish you wouldn't 
 act so mean again 
 until you know."' 
 Well, that was 
 proved such a 
 boy; some of your 
 iriendsyou might 
 not have won 
 back so easily. O 
 Frank, think of 
 the wrong you 
 did him; resolve 
 never again to 
 accuse one of 
 your mates so 
 meanly ; never to 
 know things 
 against them you 
 cannot p r o v * . 
 Think l»o w 
 wicked it is to 
 do so, Frankie." 
 " O grandpa," replied Frank 
 brokenly, " I'm sure I never will 
 Dear children, do any of you 
 accuse your mates thus unkindly, 
 and unjustly ? Oh, think how 
 mean, how wrong such ways of 
 dealing are. — C'hil<ts Pa/ier. 
 " Ij«tiu Uy Mlila every w«t(bL" (Heb. xil. I). 
 If you were going to run a 
 race, you would hrst put down 
 all the parcels yon might have 
 been carrying. And if you had a 
 heavy little parcel in your i>ocket 
 you would take that out and lay 
 it down too, because it would 
 hinder you in running. You 
 would know better than to say, 
 " I will put down the parcels 
 which 1 have in my 
 hands, but no one can see 
 the one in ray pocket, so 
 that won't matter !" You 
 would " lay aside every 
 You have a race to run 
 to-dav, a little piece of the groat 
 race that is set before you. God 
 has sot a splendid prize for you— 
 " the prize of the high calling of 
 tJod in Chritt Jesus" — a crown 
 that is incorruptible. 
 Now what are you going to do 
 about the weig' ts— the things 
 that hinder you from running the 
 race ? You know that some things 
 seem to hinder you ; will you keep 
 them or lay them aside '? 
 Diti'erent persons have difl'eront 
 weights ; we must lind out what 
 ours are, and give them up. One 
 finds that if she does not got up 
 directly she is called the time slips 
 t)y, and there is not enough left 
 tor quiet prayer and Bible reading. 
 Then there is a little weight that 
 must be laid aside. Another is 
 at school, and finds that ho gets 
 no good but J little harm, wneu 
 he goes much with a certain boy 
 Then he must lay that weight 
 aside. Another takes a story 
 book up to bed, and reads it while 
 nurse is brushing her hair, and 
 np to the last minute, and then 
 her head is so full of the story 
 that she only says words when 
 she kneels down, and cannot 
 really pray at all. Can she doubt 
 that this is a weight that ought 
 to be laid aside ? 
 It may seem hard to lay our pet 
 weight down ; but oh, if you only 
 knew how light we leel when it 
 is laid down, and how much easier 
 it is to run the race which God 
 has set before us ! — Word and 
 Wurk. __ 
 " How is it that Freddy is not 
 as cross and fretful as he used to 
 be ? I have not heard one ugly, 
 fault-finding word from him for 
 for ever so long," said his auntie. 
 " It is because I have given my 
 tongue to God," said Freddy, "and 
 I cannot speak bad words any 
 more." — Herald of Mercy 
 the right way to 
 do," said grandpa. 
 blue pencil, and— I know— " ["And I am glad 
 Grandpa shook his head. "This George Parsons 
 tho ia;roat 
 )U. tlod 
 lor you— 
 i;iilhug of 
 -a crown 
 ling to do 
 u things 
 nning tliu 
 mo things 
 you keep 
 i diilurent 
 out what 
 . up. One 
 lot get up 
 iiough left 
 ie reading, 
 eight that 
 Another is 
 kat ho gets 
 rm, when 
 srtain boy 
 at weight 
 s a story 
 ^ds it while 
 ■ hair, and 
 and then 
 the story 
 ards when 
 nd cannot 
 I she doubt 
 that ought 
 lay our pet 
 if you only 
 eel when it 
 much easier 
 which God 
 -Word and 
 )D AND 
 eddy is not 
 ho used to 
 d one ugly, 
 jni him for 
 his auntie, 
 i-e given my 
 reddy, "and 
 words any 
 Oh, say ! what is that thing cnilod 
 Which I must ne'er enjoy ? 
 Whatare theblessingB of the sight? 
 Oh, tell your poor blind boy ! 
 You talk of wondrous things yon 
 Ton say tho sun shines bright; 
 I feel hira warm, but how can be. 
 Or make it day or night i 
 Myday or night myself I make, 
 Whene'er I sleep or play ; 
 And could I ever keep awake. 
 With me 'twere always day. 
 With heavy sighs I often hoar 
 You mourn my hapless woe ; 
 But sure with patience I can bear 
 A loss I ne'er can know. 
 Then let not what I cannot have 
 My cheer of mind destroy ; 
 Whilst thus I sing, I am a king, 
 Although a poor blind boy. 
 There is a difference between 
 politeness and etiquette. Eti- 
 quette can be defined, classified, 
 formulated. Yon can tell young 
 people to take their soup from 
 the side of their spoonb ; to oat 
 with their forks ; not to mako a 
 noise in eating ; and all these and 
 countless more such injunctions 
 are important. But I would 
 rather eat a hundred dinners 
 with my knife than laugh one 
 malicious laugh at some one else 
 who did so. 
 No error in conventional good- 
 breeding — mortifying as such er- 
 rors are — isone-ouorter so serious 
 a3 the least rudeness which has 
 its root in tho heart, and springs 
 from innate disregard of the rights 
 or the feelings of others. It was 
 not the least royal act of good 
 Queen Caroline when, seeing at 
 one of her little tea-parties two 
 ladies from the country who 
 poured their tea into their sau- 
 cers to cool, she looked with stern 
 reproof at some of her mnids of 
 honor who were laughing behind 
 their fans, and reassured her 
 country guests by tranquilly 
 pouring her own tea into her sau- 
 cer and drinking it 
 Good manners are to a person 
 what perfume is to a ilower 
 something individual and charm 
 ing ; something which is nooes- 
 sary to mako even beauty lovely. 
 Their very essence i.s sympathy. 
 I do not think a true Christian 
 could possibly be anything but 
 well-bred, though there are plenty 
 of gruff and uncivil members of 
 churches. But no one who has 
 taken tho gospel of Christ into his 
 heart, who loves his neighbor as 
 himself and blesses even his cne 
 my, can be anything but truly 
 polite, however no might, through 
 lack of social experience, offend 
 against some of the canons of eti- 
 To learn to put yourself in- 
 Btinctively in another person's 
 place is the grand secret of true 
 Two ladies had met often at the 
 houses of their common friends, 
 and had i)e(!n introduced to each 
 other once or twice on such occa- 
 sions. Of course, according to 
 strict etiquette, such an introduc- 
 tion does not bind people to 
 recognize euch other afterward. 
 One day, these liidies of whom 
 I speak met in the midst of a little 
 group of people. 
 " Good-morning, Mrs. B.," said 
 Mrs. A. " I thiiiK you must be 
 very near-sighted, for you never 
 know me, though wo have met 
 so often." 
 "You mistake," was Mrs. B.'s 
 reply, " I am not at all neur-sight- 
 ed," and with the coldest of bows 
 she moved away. 
 Her object, no doubt, was to re- 
 sent what she considered a liberty 
 two loaves at the extremity of a 
 slender Iwiu. the bird literally 
 sows them together at their edges, 
 its bill taking the place of the 
 needle, and tho vegetable fibre 
 constituting the thread. A quan- 
 tity of solt cottony down is then 
 pushefl between tho leaves, and 
 a convenient hollow scraped out, 
 in which the eggs may lie and 
 the young may rest at their ease. 
 Sometimes, if the leaf be large 
 enough, its two edges are drawn 
 together, but in general a pair of 
 leaves are needed. A few fea- 
 thers are sometimes mixed with 
 the down. This curious nest is 
 evidently hung at the very ex- 
 tremity of the twigs in order to 
 keep out of the way of the mon- 
 keys, snakes and other enemies 
 wliich might otherwise attack and 
 devour mother and young to- 
 gether. — Woo(r$ Natural Hittory. 
 and teach Mrs, A. a lesson ; but 
 she succeeded only in leaving on 
 the by-standers the impression 
 thnt she herself, whatever her 
 social position, was not really a 
 To go into society with the dis- 
 tinct object of making other peo- 
 ple happy is to ensure that you 
 will be not only at ease, but well 
 bred. — Youth's Companion. 
 The tailor bird, which is found 
 in India and the Indian Archi- 
 pelago, is a sober little creature, 
 not more conspicuous than a com- 
 mon sparrow, and is chiefly re- 
 markable for its curious nest, 
 which is made in a singular and 
 most ingenious manner. Taking 
 which the English people descri* 
 bed as so noble and willing and 
 useful, it wag finally decided that 
 one should bo sent him as a pre- 
 sent. So among the cargo of a 
 vessel sent to Tahiti from New 
 South Wales was a splendid horse, 
 with a silky coat snd flowing 
 mano and tail, for King Pomare. 
 It was originally intended that 
 the horso should be taken ashore 
 from tho vessel in which ho had 
 made hia voyage in a large canoe 
 which had been sent alongside 
 for the purpose, but tho slings in 
 which he was fastened gave way 
 as he was being lowered, and the 
 poor animal fell into the sea. Ha 
 at once struck boldly out for the 
 land ; but tho natives no sooner 
 saw him than they plunged into 
 the waves and swam after him like 
 a shoal of porpoises ; they seized 
 his tail and his mane, and nearly 
 pulled him under. The King 
 shouted and the Captain scream- 
 ed at them in vain, while the ter- 
 rified horse struggled as hard as 
 he could. As soon as ho reached 
 the land tho crowd there fled for 
 their lives in every direction, 
 climbing rocks and trees, and 
 hiding behind bushes. One by 
 one, however, they returned when 
 they saw a sailor slip a halter 
 around the creature's neck and 
 led him along. 
 Next morning, in tho presence 
 of a great number of admiring 
 natives, the Captain put a 
 saddle on the hoise, and 
 rode him up and down before 
 the King's tent. As he cantered, 
 galloped, and trotted, obedient to 
 the rein, the people shouted and 
 danced, crying Piiaa-hora-fenna 
 and Buaa-ujai-taata (land-running 
 pig, and man-carrying pig.)— ifar- 
 pel's Young People. 
 Tahiti is one of the Society Is- 
 lands, a small group in the South- 
 ern Pacific, lying many hundreds 
 of miles away from any mainland. 
 The Spaniards claim to have dis- 
 covered them first, but it was fa- 
 mous Captain Cook who explored 
 them thoroughly, and carried the 
 story of their wonderful tropical 
 fruits and strange inhabitants back 
 to England. 
 Some % ''ars after, the good peo- 
 ple of England began to send 
 missionaries to the islands. They 
 were well received and among 
 their converts was King Pomare. 
 Now neither King Pomare nor 
 any of his subjects had ever seen a 
 horse, and as they were curious to 
 know something about an animal 
 A correspondent of the Bruns- 
 wick (Maine) Telegraph relates 
 the following. 
 A hen and a largo flock of 
 chickens were in the habit of 
 coming round our north back 
 door and were rather troublesome. 
 One day Miss C. put out a favo- 
 rite cat, saying : " There, .Tulia, 
 if you can catch one of these 
 chickens you shall have the whole 
 of it." No sooner said than done 
 — the chicken was caught and 
 eaten. The hen came as usual 
 next day with her chickens, but 
 never after t'.iat day did she come 
 without the company of another 
 hen, who invariably took her po- 
 sition between the hen and chick- 
 ens and the house-door, and 
 marched like any faithful sentinel 
 back and forward in the space. If 
 the cat made her appearance, she 
 would fly at her, and drive her 
 away with such vigor that the cat 
 was glad to run. " Julia " never 
 got another of those chickens. 
 Now, how did this mother hei^ 
 communicate and mako the other 
 hen comprehend her loss and^ the , 
 service she required ? '• 
 Often wn read ofmon being car- 
 ried over Niagara FalN, uerer to 
 bo «een again alive. Unnally thu 
 roavon is that thny have been 
 drinking, and before Ihey awaken 
 to thpir txrrible poHition thuy are 
 in the Bwidt, amooth current that 
 (buy cannot inaater, and which 
 bear* them away to destruction. 
 It i« time for prayer, when men 
 Bnd thcmielvea so near the tioil- 
 ing falls; it was time for prayer 
 long before when the boat faral 
 felt the current, amooth yet swift ; 
 it waa time for prayer when the 
 fatal draught that takes away 
 the brain waa first placed to 
 the lipn ; it waa time for prayer 
 when the temptation to atray 
 from the right path waa Urst 
 presented ; it is time for all 
 readers of the JMeaaenger to 
 pray with deepest onrneHtness 
 " Lead us not into temptation ; 
 but deliver us from evil." 
 builders, but tho face of one 
 caught his eye. 
 " It was my man uf the fence," 
 he said. " 1 knew W4 should 
 have only goo<l, genuine work 
 from him. I gave him the con- 
 tract, and it made him a richmiui." 
 It is a pity that boys were not 
 tauffht in their earlieNt years that 
 the liighest success only belongs 
 to the man, be he a carpenter, 
 farmer, author or artist, whose 
 work is moat rinceroly and 
 thoroughly done.— OoW<f» Censer. 
 Soon after Mr. 
 '>y tho blosaing of God on his soul 
 through means of the living word 
 of God as read to him by Mr, 
 In the New York 7ViAui«« of , But it was not in vain. 1 he son 
 Ootobor 11th was published an' became obedient, and the mother's 
 extract from a London letter heart overflowed with joy. 
 Some earnest words of advice and 
 warning and also encouragement, 
 were then given to the astonished 
 boy, and the interview ended. 
 staling thai on Mr. Gladstone's 
 I'state in Wales there was a poor 
 charwoman, a woman of the hum- 
 bler class, earning her living by 
 day's work. This p<>or woman 
 had an unruly son. He had out- 
 grown her authority and had bu> 
 come the afiliction of her life. She 
 had come to be well-nigh in 
 despair concerniuff him. 
 It occurred to ner one day, in 
 Judge M , a well-known 
 jurist livinsr near Cincinnati, 
 was fond of rolutinsj this an- 
 ecdote. He once hud oci:usioii 
 to send to the village lor a 
 carpenter, and a sturdy young 
 feIlo\' ijtpearcd with his tools 
 " I want this fence mended 
 (o keep out tho cattle. There 
 are some uuplunod hoards — 
 use them. It is out of sight 
 • fiom the hiiuse, so you need 
 not take time to make it a neat 
 job. I will pay you only a 
 dollar and a half." 
 The Judge went to dinner, 
 and coming out, found the 
 man cari'l'ully planing each 
 board. Supposing that he was 
 trying to make a costly job 
 out of it, he ordered him to 
 nail them on at once just as 
 they were, and continued his 
 walk. U hen he returned the 
 boards were planed and num- 
 bered ready for nnihng. 
 " I told you this fence was 
 to be covered with vines,'' he 
 said angrily. " I do not care 
 how it looks." 
 " I do," said the carpenter, 
 gruifly, carefully measuring 
 his work. 'When it was finish- 
 ed, there was no part of the 
 fence so thorough in iiiiiah. 
 "How much do you charge?" 
 asked thf Judge. 
 • A dollar and a hall,'' said the 
 mall, shoulderiufj his tools. 
 Tlie Judge starod. •• Why did 
 you s|ieiid all that labor on the 
 job, if not for moii y ?" 
 " For tho job, sir." 
 •' Nobody would liavo seen the 
 poor work on it." 
 " But I should „ave known it 
 was there. "No; I'll take only 
 the dollar and a hali." And he 
 took it and went away. 
 When such men are at the helm 
 of affairs of slate or empire, We 
 ought uot to forget to lie devoutly 
 thankful. It surely is no time 
 then to show any appearance of 
 a want of capacity for appreciating 
 such an example of CIvistian faith, 
 and the thoughtful Christian life 
 to which naturally leads, 
 both in fi .1 in little ouea,— 
 Religioui ...,uld. 
 Remember not the sins of 
 my youth, nor my Iransgret- 
 •ions. — Psa. 2S. 7. 
 Antv)er.—\, tsT-.xi I, am he 
 that blotteth out thy trans- 
 gressions, for mine own sake, 
 and will not remember thy 
 •ins. — Isa. 4:i, 26. 
 Lord, if thou wilt, thou 
 canst make me clean. — Matt. 
 An$. — I will; be thou clean. 
 —Matt. 8. 3. 
 Create in me a clean heart, 
 O God, and renew a right 
 ithin me.— Psalms 
 61. ^ 
 wonderful campaign in Scotland, 
 and just when Her Majesty had 
 called him to be Prime Minister 
 of the Nalitn, he found time to 
 seek out a poor, aged man who 
 used to earn his bread by sweep- 
 ing the street-crossings near the 
 House of Commons, and who 
 had been missed from his 
 ;^!ace by the keen eye of the 
 first ruler of the land under 
 the Queen, and visited with so 
 much benefit that when the city 
 Ten years afterward, the Judge 'missionary called, he found the 
 had the contract to give for the old man's room made comfortable 
 building of certain magniiicent by medical attendance, nursing, 
 public buildings. There were etc., and also that the evening of 
 many applicants among master. I the old pilgrim's days had been 
 made brighter than his morning, 
 her extremity, to tell her trouble 
 to Mr. Gladstone. On the first 
 opportunity she did so. He 
 listened kindly and attontivelr to 
 her story, and then said to her, 
 " Send the boy to my study." 
 She sent him accordingly, and 
 in due time the boy appeared 
 there. Mr. Gladstone received 
 him kindly, and then said to him : 
 " Before we proceed to the matter 
 for which I called you here, let 
 us join in a few words of prayer," 
 Then the Premier of England, on 
 bended knee, implored help from 
 tho Almighty for the son, and for 
 his mother, the poor charwoman. 
 lew heart also will 
 ., and a new spirit 
 will I put within you. — Eiek. 
 86. 26. 
 Wash mo and 1 shall be 
 whiter than snow.— Psalms 
 Ans. — Though your sins be 
 as Rcarlet, they shall be as 
 white as snow. — Isa. 1. 18, — 
 Living Epislle. 
 The Rev, C. H, Spurgoon 
 relates in the Sword and Trowel 
 for the current mouth an 
 interesting incident. Mr. 
 Spurgeon's son Thomas, in a 
 letter recently written to his 
 mother from Auckland, New 
 Zealand, inclosed a portion 
 torn off an old Australian 
 paper, concerning which he 
 says : " This scrap of nows- 
 paper has been given to me 
 by a town missionary here, 
 who regards it as a very pre- 
 cious relic. It came to him 
 from a man who died in the 
 hospital ; he bequeathed it to 
 his visitor as a great treasure. It 
 is a portion of the Melbourne Ar- 
 gus, and contains a portion of 
 father's sermon, ' Loving Advice 
 for Anxious Seekers.' The man 
 found it on the floor oi a hut in 
 Australia, and was brought by its 
 perusal to a knowledge of the 
 tmth as it is in Jesus. He kept 
 it carefully while he lived ; it 
 was discolored and torn when he 
 found it, and on his death-bed 
 he gave it to the missionary as 
 the only treasure he had to leave ^ 
 behind him." 
Ivico and 
 ' ended. 
 1 he ion 
 I mother'i 
 the holm 
 inire, wo 
 no time 
 »rance of 
 iikii faith, 
 'Ulian life 
 lly leads, 
 lo oae».— 
 18 AND 
 ho sina of 
 I ran agree* 
 I, am hu 
 thy trans- 
 own aako, 
 umber thy 
 wilt, thou 
 aan.— Matt. 
 thou clean. 
 :lean heart 
 ■w a right 
 le.— Psalms 
 Art also will 
 , now apirit 
 you. — £iek. 
 . I ohall be 
 ^w.— Paalma 
 our aina bo 
 shall be as 
 Isa. 1. 18,— 
 1. Spurgeon 
 •dand Trowel 
 mouth an 
 dont. Mr. 
 Thomas, in a 
 ritten to his 
 clcland. New 
 <1 a portion 
 ,g which ho 
 rap of news- 
 given to me 
 lionary here, 
 IS a very pre- 
 ame to him 
 died in the 
 eathed it to 
 I treasure, ll 
 VIelbourne Ar- 
 a portion of 
 oving Advice 
 8.' The man 
 ir ot a hut in 
 jrought by its 
 ledge of the 
 lus. He kept 
 he lived; it 
 torn when he 
 his death-bed 
 missionary as 
 s had to leave 
 '' Till': 
 ■WPMWn fWHI llll MBA*^ 
 1 II r««te***M**Mallh*«fllH,tlntM, 
 MlSIcitoV MIS- 
 IIV I. rill AIKIVI.E 
 It was A liir(h<liky pronoiit. 
 and llerliii wan nrvor weary 
 oliookiiiK at iIh iiiiuiy boau- 
 tioN or of lialciiiiiir to tho 
 MWoet tunoH It pliiyod. 
 " My own lovi-ly iniiKic- 
 box, my tronsiin- , I cfitiM 
 kus you ! " 
 Up wii* very softly to 
 hiiuselfsnyini^ this ovit and 
 over again, whon he mikI- 
 donly buraiue coiikiioim of 
 s.imebody lookinu: at him ; 
 and anre onough, thoru wns 
 little Magifio l)ol8n crourh- 
 inginthodoerway. Cronch- 
 ing, I say, honauHp. l>pinjf u 
 poor, all-outuf-shapo hlilc 
 creature, shi> could not 
 stand upright. 
 Mrs. Dolnn, " llonost 
 Kate," was awaahorwomaii, 
 and whenever she worked 
 for Bertie's mother was told 
 to bring Msffgio, in order 
 that the afllictod child might 
 have one happy day at least 
 in the long week. 
 The instant liertio spied 
 Maggie, he said, 
 " Come in, and I'll make 
 my beauty-box play all its 
 tunes for you, if you'd like." 
 She needed no urginir, 
 but creeping in qnickly, 
 she curled her wee, twisted 
 form close to his feet, and 
 fixing her large,unnaturally 
 bright eyes upon him, pre- ~ ' ~ 
 l>ared to libteii. Ilcrlic wound land couldn't sfot to his house, 
 the box up, and with a happy even if they were to know that 
 smile watched lor its etfect upon he would play it for them. That 
 J^Uii-rTii-ltf ' «J«I" < I il'-STlfe J J#i:'l 
 n*. r«f Ik* «hlMr«B •! Ml !•▼*— Aii^aaAf*laiik«k*»«aWT«, tiaf H lr«Mtk*kMti. 
 fnw IbrRctfiil, the eagwr 
 chiUiW rMftlndiKl them , i( 
 they W8«ed cold, the child- 
 ren wartiied them. A (rrei^t, 
 noble work ol l>en»T(i|eiiee 
 grew out of liltle llertie'a 
 rhildi"h thonifhu over his 
 beloved muKJe-imx. Any- 
 thine limy be rsed lor the 
 Lord it only it be given 
 cheerfully to him, with the 
 desire that he use it as he 
 thinks best — anything, even 
 a little "niusie-box." — Chrit- 
 tian Werklfi. 
 A tovtnff h^ari. 
 If jou biTv a pleuant llinu(ht, 
 Mini It, linii it : 
 As tb« birili ciiiiK in tlioir aport, 
 Hin^ it from the hurt : 
 DoM 111' ll'ily Hpirit move, 
 For th*' :ulUr«ii of Li^ loru — 
 BiDff. .'ii 1 point the homo tbovo. 
 .Siui( it from tlio tifarL 
 Ersrjr frseioui <leod of hii, 
 Bing it. ftiog it ; 
 NothiDfT houikIm hu well an this. 
 SluK it from tlia lieart : 
 Bow the Lord wslkad on tli« wart— 
 Baaouei! lAtarui from the grave — 
 Oud for gulltj louli to laTe^ 
 Blag It from the heart. 
 Are you wearjr, aro you sad — 
 Hing it, ling it: 
 Make yonraelvei and otheri glad, 
 Bing it from the heart : 
 Angels now before bis faoe 
 Bingof Chriit's redeeming grace 
 Oive the Havlour endleea praiiie, 
 fjing it from the heart. 
 — B. Morris. 
 his visitor. 
 Wonderfully soft trrew the 
 brown eyes, a inint Hush tinted 
 the white cheeks, and then, to 
 the boy's unspeakable surprise, 
 slowly the tears beiraii to fall. 
 " What makes you cry, Majfgie V 
 Does it make you feel badly ! I'm 
 ever so sorry. 
 "Indade, it's not that. I could 
 just go OP a-hearin' the like uv it 
 for iver. It's the swato sound uv 
 it that makes the tears come, I'm 
 This child's emotion was a re- 
 velation to hira Again and again 
 did he " set" the music-box in or- 
 der that she might enjoy the sweet 
 tinkling notes. 
 Some time after, Kate Dolan, 
 seeking Ker child, came upon the 
 two, happy as two imiocent birds, 
 listening to the "beauty box." 
 Thus it came about that every 
 time Maggie came with her mo- 
 ther she also came into the sittinrr- 
 room, and Bertie gave her a luusii; 
 But the very best part of the 
 story is this, Magsjie Dolan's en- 
 joyment of the sweet music set 
 our Bertie thinking. He talked 
 with his mamma a great deni 
 about his thoughts. Shall 1 tell 
 you what they were about ? 
 Well, he thought that m the 
 city where he lived there wei« a 
 great many sick children who 
 woald like to hear his music-box, 
 was his first thought. But that 
 thought grew, and more thoughts 
 were added to it. And, as the 
 result of all this thinking, one 
 day dear little Bertie and a cousin, 
 who also bad a music-box, and 
 whose name was Charlie, started 
 off upon a sweet mission. 
 They took with them a number 
 of tiny bunches of flowers, and 
 they sought out the darkest, 
 dingiest streets where the poor 
 people lived. Here they asked 
 for any sick children, and having 
 found some, they first cheered 
 them with the soft, tinkling tunes 
 of the " beauty boxes," then gave 
 each some flowers to give them 
 [jjeasure when they left their 
 miserable home:*. 
 In one day's loving labor they 
 found .six dear suH'ering ones, and 
 the next clav two more ; and then 
 seeing that thev could spend but 
 11 little time with each if they went 
 tinually of their " poor sick " little 
 ones. By means of this persever- 
 ing trio, who did not grow weary 
 in well-doing, but found new de- 
 light in their mission day by day, 
 more unfortunate ones were dis- 
 covered from time to time. In 
 the course of time a new field was 
 opened *o Bertie and his little 
 helpers. 1 1 happened in this way. 
 The older people thought best to 
 secure places for some of the more 
 complicated cases of hip and spinal 
 disease thus brought to light in 
 the City Hospital, and thither the 
 " music-boxes" followed, and you 
 may be sure that the newly-ar- 
 rived patients were not the only 
 ones in that dreary place whose 
 hearts were gladdened by the pres- 
 ence of these little messeugers of 
 the ever blessed Lord. Twice a 
 week the sufferers in that ho spital 
 listened, all who wished to at least, 
 to the sweet child-voices sinking 
 and the soft notes of the little 
 music-boxes : and the tired eyes 
 were cheered by the siffht of 
 toifelher. they separated and each} beautiful flowers, while the 
 took hall'. After a while a gentle 
 little ".'irl who s mw' sweetly joined 
 them, poing first with Bertie, then 
 with Charlie. 
 The parents of these dear little 
 missionaries furnished all the 
 dainties, clothing, medicine, and 
 other needful things, as the child- 
 ren ascertamed the necessity of 
 the afflicted ones. They were 
 visited, comforted, and m many 
 ways cheered by the older p. opie, 
 to wnom the children talked con- 
 wasted bodies were helped on to 
 recovery, or relieved temporarily 
 by the kind gifts of the older peo- 
 ple quickened and urged on to 
 increased acts of Christian charity 
 by the loving zeal of these dear 
 Year by year the "Music Box 
 Mission" increased in number of 
 patients and in new devices for 
 the relief of the sick poor, es- 
 pecially the afflicted children of 
 the lower classes. If the parents 
 It has been observed by 
 experienced , horse-trainora 
 that naturally vicious horse* 
 •re rare, and that among 
 those that are properly 
 trained and kindly treated 
 when colts they are the ex- 
 It is superfluous to say 
 that a gentle and docile 
 horse is always the more 
 valuable, other equalities be- 
 ing equal, and it i* almost 
 obvious that gentle treat- 
 ment tends to develop this 
 admirable quality in the 
 horse as well in the human 
 species, while harsh treat- 
 ment has the contrary tend- 
 ency. Horses have been 
 trained so as to be entirely 
 governed by the words of 
 the driver, and they will 
 obey, and perform their 
 simple but important duties with 
 as much alacrity as the child obeys 
 the direction of the parent. 
 It is true that all horses are not 
 equally intelligent and tractable, 
 but it is probable that there is less 
 difTerence among them in this re- 
 gard than there is among the 
 human masters, since there are 
 many incitements and ambitions 
 among men that do not affect ani- 
 The horse learns to know and 
 to have confidence in a gentle 
 driver, and soon discovers how to 
 secure for himself that which he 
 desires, and to understand his 
 surroundings and his duties. The 
 tone, volume, and inflection of 
 his master's voice indicate much, 
 perhaps more than the words that 
 are spoken. Soothing tones rather 
 than words calm him if excited 
 by fear or anger, and angry and 
 excited tones tend to excite or 
 anger him. In short bad masters 
 make bad horses. — Sciunti/ic 
 The Crime of constructive as 
 well as actual murder is recog- 
 nized even in human law. Mu;h 
 more in the law of God. A lady 
 in Indiana called a certain rum- 
 shop a "murder-mill" She wag 
 prosecuted for slander ; but being 
 able to prove that her allegation 
 was true, she won the suit. "Mur- 
 der-mills" are ^o be found, not 
 only in Indiana, but in every state a 
 :^=^ — 4 

 Was Hnttie, then, sick ; and 
 was Santa Clans turned physician? 
 Not exactly ; and yet a very 
 troublesome complaint had seized 
 hold of Hattie. It affected her in 
 this way. When her mother said, 
 " Come, Hattie, it is time for yon 
 to go to bed," ilattie seemed to 
 be stricken with a sudden par- 
 alysis of the limbs ; that is, she 
 appeared to lose the use of them. 
 She never sprang up from her 
 play to run at oncy for her night- 
 dress and wrapper ; although, 
 generally, no little girl could be 
 found more nimble and 
 quick. If she happened 
 to be reading a book, 
 her hands moved so 
 slowly to lay it down, 
 that one would think 
 they had grown to it. 
 Three and four times her 
 mother was obliged to 
 speak to her before there 
 would be any movement 
 toward obeying her. 
 "Come, Hattie," the 
 patient mamma would 
 say once more, and think 
 that now her little girl 
 would soon beundressed. 
 But Hattie must stop to 
 caress Rover a minute 
 on her way to the nur 
 sery ; or frolic a little 
 with Freddie, who was 
 kicking up his baby feet 
 in the crib ; or doUie was 
 discovered lying, face 
 down, uudor the rockers, 
 and be made com- 
 When, at last, the pro- 
 cess of undressinsj was 
 commenced, and Hattio's 
 reluctant iingers slowly 
 essayed the task of un- 
 fastening her dress or 
 untying her shoes, it was 
 reallv surprising how 
 sore Hattie's thumbs sud- 
 denly crew, and how 
 many knots there always 
 were in those trouble 
 some strings. Sometimes 
 she would be found 
 sittinglike "my son John 
 — with one stocking off 
 and one stocking on" — 
 gazing idly into the lire 
 for minutes together ; or, 
 with one sleeve hanging, 
 and the other slipped 
 half wav off her arm, 
 she would seize Maltee, 
 the kitten, and drag her 
 throufih a series of 
 waltzes, unmindful of her own 
 condition and of her mother's 
 long waiting. It seemed as if she 
 never would get ready for bed. 
 Now, Santa Clans had seen 
 this— how sorely Mrs. Reed was 
 tried by this bad habit of Hattie, 
 and how Hattie herself whs grow- 
 ing up with a very hurtful dis- 
 ease preying upon her character. 
 Ho resolved upon a cure. 
 ! Christmas was approaching. 
 He had held several private inter- 
 views with Hattie's papa and 
 mamma, and found out what 
 their little daughter nost wished 
 for. For a whole year, she had 
 been wishing for a set of rose- 
 wood furniture for her dollie — 
 like the one Gracie Mills received 
 last Christmas — and had not been 
 slow to express the desire in her 
 mother's hearing. More than 
 anything else, she longed for a 
 new box of water colors, and to 
 possess that beautiful picture, the 
 " Babe of Bethlehem" ; for Hattie 
 was a young artist ii) her tastes, 
 and, in fact, in practice. 
 All these things, and a great 
 usual, with a light heart, and vi- 
 sions dancing through her head if 
 not of sugar plums, of things quite 
 If pleasing, and less transitory. 
 Full fifteen minutes longer than 
 usual, even, was she in getting 
 ready to retire, and only went at 
 last upon a hint from papa that 
 Santa Claus was sometimes known 
 to punish dilatory childien. 
 This puzzled her a little, but 
 did not prevent her from indulg- 
 ing in the most delightful antici- 
 pations for the morrow. 
 Bright and early she rose, eager 
 to get down stairs, but checked 
 her impatience till perfectly and 
 many more, including story-books < neatly dressed, and then flew to 
 and games, she ventured to hope ; see her expected treasures, 
 would be laid on her Christmas i n,u, on entering the room her 
 table ; for this was the way her i countenance suddenly fell. The 
 presents always came When she little table stood empty— quite 
 came down stairs Christmas morn- : empty-save a note that lay on 
 ing there it always st.iod in the lit, addressed, in fair-printed char- 
 muldleof the room- ti little table, I acter, to "Miss Hattie Reed." 
 The " Merry Christmas' 
 to be sure, but well fillei. with 
 pretty things , and she h<A only 
 to guess from whom the, came. 
 So, " the night before Christ- 
 mas " Hattie went to bed, as 
 to her 
 papa and mamma died on her lips ; 
 and she looked from one to an- 
 other in bewilderment. 
 "Read your letter, Hattie," 
 said papa. "Perhaps that will 
 explain matters." 
 So Hattie, just ready to burst 
 into tears, opened the small en- 
 velope, and read : 
 My Dear Hattie :— Ton know I 
 am rather an eccentric old fellow, 
 but punctnal. When was I ever 
 known to fail of calling ronnd at 
 your table on Christmas Eve? 
 You think, maybe, that I was not 
 there this year ; but I was. 
 Owing to the very long journey 
 I had to make, I was obliged to 
 start early— just as soon, in fact, 
 as the sun was down; and, as 
 yonr father's house came among 
 the first on my way, 1 
 drew my coursers up to 
 his chimney just as you 
 commenced to andress 
 for bed. "Just in time," 
 I said to myself. "Whoa, 
 Comet ! Whoa, Cupid r 
 I'll be down there and 
 bark in a minute." 
 But I wanted to wait 
 till you should be fairly 
 out of sight. After a lit- 
 tle, I started down the 
 chimney, sure that you 
 were, by that time, snug 
 between the sheets. But 
 I heard you talking to 
 the cat, and your mamma 
 oaying, " Come Hattie, 
 make haste." So I went 
 back to my tiny reindeer, 
 who were getting very 
 restive, standing there on 
 the frosty ro<rf "Wait 
 a bit," I said. 
 By and by, I went 
 down again. There you 
 stood, in your bare fcet, 
 all dressed in white, the 
 echo of your good-night 
 kisses just coming up the 
 chimney ; and I thought, 
 " Now, in a minute more, 
 she will be gone; then 
 I'll straight to ray work, 
 Hud be off;" for, on look- 
 ing at my watch, I found 
 I had wasted twenty- 
 two minutes and a half 
 waiting for you. So I 
 took another peep, ex- 
 pecting to see your figure 
 disappear through the 
 nursery door ; hut on the 
 way you had picked up 
 a pair of scissors, and 
 squatted on the floor to 
 cut your toe-naiTfe. 
 I could not possibly 
 wait any longer. Dnnder 
 and Blixen were pawing 
 away with their eight 
 little hooif; anxious to 
 bo on the road again; for they 
 knew, as well as I, how many 
 hundreds of little stockings and 
 tables just as deserving as yours 
 were waiting to be filled. 
 So I sprang up th« chimney, 
 and left you. I don't know 
 whether you got to bed at all or 
 not. The gray morn was begin- 
 ning to dawn before I got home 
 from my journey ; and I nad only 
 time to scribble this note, and 
 send it by my servant. Jack Frost, 
,at will 
 to bUTkt 
 nail en- 
 know I 
 i fellow, 
 ks I ever 
 round at 
 u Eve? 
 was not 
 bliged to 
 i,in fact, 
 and, as 
 e amon^ 
 J way, I 
 era up to 
 9t as you 
 ; in time," 
 Cupid \ 
 :hoTe and 
 d to wait 
 be fairly 
 ^fter a lit- 
 down the 
 that you 
 ime, snug 
 leets. But 
 talking to 
 ur mamma 
 le Hattie, 
 So I went 
 y reindeer, 
 'tting very 
 ig there on 
 irf " Wait 
 r, I went 
 There you 
 r bare leet, 
 white, the 
 i I thought, 
 fone ; then 
 my work, 
 or, on look- 
 tch, I found 
 ed twenty- 
 and a half 
 you. So I 
 peep, ex- 
 your liguro 
 1 rough the 
 ; l.ut on the 
 picked up 
 cisBors, and 
 the floor to 
 lot possibly 
 ;er. Dunder 
 pere pawing 
 their eight 
 anxious to 
 n; for they 
 how many 
 :ockingB and 
 ing as yours 
 he chimney, 
 don't know 
 bed at all or 
 n was begin- 
 I got homo 
 d I nad only 
 is note, and 
 t, Jock Frost, 
 who will leave it on your table, 
 with my good wishes. 
 I am sorry for your disappoint- 
 ment this morning; but yon 
 understand it is all vour own fault, 
 — a fault of whicK I Lope you 
 will be cured before another 
 merry Christmas. 
 Santa Clavs. 
 Poor Hattie ! Long before she 
 f;ot to the end of this letter, her 
 ittle heart broke ; and, without 
 waiting to see how truly good 
 Santa Claus was her friend, after 
 all, she buried her face in her 
 mother's lap, and cried bitterly. 
 The punishment was almost too 
 much for her to bear. Santa 
 Claus' prescription was a good 
 one. If he watches Hattie bow 
 from night to night, ho will sou, 
 that, when the hour for retiring 
 comes she goes quickly and 
 quietly to bed ; and her mamma 
 never has to say, " Come, Hattie, 
 make haste," He will find that 
 Hattie has formed a determina- 
 tion to break up entirely her old, 
 bad habit ; and I should n >t be 
 surprised if, next Christmas morn- 
 ing, her little table should prove 
 quite too small to hold all that 
 generous old fellow will heap 
 upon it. — Christian Banner. 
 A new year has begun. What 
 kind of a year is it to be to you, 
 boys and girls ? Is it t» be indeed 
 a "happy" one? That will de- 
 pend on yourself. " On myself?" 
 some little one asks with surprise. 
 Yes, my dear, on your own little 
 Don't you believe that God 
 wants you to have a happy year V 
 Indeed He does ; and Ho is ready 
 to do all He can to make it so. 
 But even God, who, wo are ac- 
 customed to say, can do every- 
 thing, cannot make a happy year 
 for you unless you help Him. 
 And how can you help Him ? 
 By doing just as He wants you to 
 do in everything. He wants you 
 to speak the truth, to be obedient 
 to your parents, to be kind and 
 loving to every one, to be indus- 
 trious, pure-minded and honest 
 He wants you to keep the Sabbath 
 holy, to read the Bible, to pray to 
 Him every day, to confess and 
 forsake sin, to trust and love 
 N'ow, are you ready for all this V 
 If you are, your year will begin 
 with God's smile, and His loving 
 face will beam on you to the very 
 end. And what a happy yeiir 
 you will have! You will sny 
 when you come to its close that 
 you never had such a happy one 
 Ah, God knows very well what 
 will make us happy. It is to 
 have no naughty will of our own, 
 but to do His will. It is to love 
 the Lord our God with all our 
 heart and soul and mind and 
 strength, and our neighbor us 
 Dear children, we are all by 
 nature sinful, and so we do not 
 love to do this. We choose to go 
 on in our own way and so we i 
 are not happy. We need new 
 hearts ; that is what we need most, 
 every one of us. We must go to 
 our heavenly PJtther and ask Him 
 for Jesus' sake to give us the now 
 heart, washed from sin in the 
 precious blood of Christ, and 
 made soft and pure and tender 
 and right. Then we shall love 
 to please God, to do His will, and 
 shall bo happy. — Child's Com- 
 W hat is this cat doing ? What 
 are there so many birds around 
 her tor ? Who ever saw so many 
 birds hopping around so near to 
 a cat ? How many boys and girls 
 will write and tell us all about it V 
 To the boy or girl who sends us 
 the best story about this picture 
 addressed "Puzzles, Northebn 
 Messknoer, Witness Office, 
 Montreal." In sending tha stories 
 he sure and give your full name 
 and Post Office address. 
 Here is something for the little 
 ones to do. How many of them 
 have done what the little boy and 
 girl in the picture on the last 
 page are doing. We wish that 
 every boy and girl under twelve 
 years of age who reads the Mes- 
 senger would tell us just what 
 these two are doing and how they 
 For the best story about this 
 picture, written by a boy or girl 
 under twelve years old, we will 
 sen d a beauti ful illustrated relume 
 of Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales, 
 and for the second best story a 
 wo will send whichever of the 
 following books he or she may 
 choose :— Poems of Sir Walter 
 Scott, complete with notes, " Tom 
 lirown's School Days," bv Thomas 
 I Inches, the poems of Elizabeth 
 Uarrett Browning or the poems 
 of Jean Ingelow. 
 For the second best story on 
 this picture will be given a hand- 
 somely bound volume of the 
 "Swiss Family Robinson," or 
 " The Scottish Chiefs." 
 Those who try for those prizes 
 must 1)0 over twelve years of ago 
 and under sixteen. The story 
 must be written on one side of 
 the paper only, and the spelling 
 and writing will be taken into 
 consideration in awarding the 
 prize. The stories must be sent 
 iu befo'-e the lirst of February and 
 volume of " Chatterbox" for 1882, 
 a large book full of pictures and 
 delightful reading. The same 
 general rules will apply to this 
 as to the story for the older ones 
 Do you know what people do 
 in Norway ? Why, at harvest 
 time they put aside one sheaf, just 
 as it is, in a corner of the barn, 
 and there it stays till Christmas 
 conies, and on Christmas Eve they 
 bring it out, and they get their 
 ladders and hann^ their sheaf of 
 corn right over the barn door. 
 Sometimes the sheaf is put on the 
 top of a tall jKile, and great is the 
 rejoicing amongst the children 
 when they see the expectant birds 
 begin their meal. And they take 
 all this trouble on purpose for 
 the birds, for they think thep 
 ought to have a merry Christmas 
 as well as we. — ChM's Cow- 
 Mr. John Wanamaker, of Phila- 
 delphia, is well known as a most 
 enterprising and honoraMe busi- 
 ness man, and aa also d-^e^ 'y in- 
 terested in every good wora and 
 work. He finds, or makes time, 
 amid all the pressure of an ex- 
 tensive business, to conduct one 
 of the largest Sunday-schools in 
 our country. 
 In one of his addresses, at the 
 late London Sunday-schools Cen- 
 tenary, Mr. Wanamaker illustrated 
 the importance of giving God 
 what costs us something, Dy the 
 following incident : — 
 " God forbid that our church 
 work — ourSunday-school work — 
 shall come when we have nothing 
 else to do. A gentleman was with 
 his little boy attending a service 
 where the minister gave a wonder- 
 ful missionary sermon that stirred 
 the man's heart as he listened to 
 it. He went home — sat down to 
 the frugal meal with his boy, and 
 after a while he said to his son: 
 " ' Was not that a wonderful 
 sermon ? We have got to do 
 something more for the missionary 
 cause than wo have ever done 
 yet. It is astonishing I never 
 thought of giving anything more 
 for this work.' 
 " The son said : ' You cannot 
 give anything more. We have a 
 hard time as it is.' 
 " ' I must,' said the father, ' do 
 something in this cause, now. I 
 am prepared to give up the butter 
 on my bread, and, if necessary — 
 the sugar out of my coffee.' 
 " Wonderful sacrifice !" said Mr. 
 Wanamaker. " I am afraid 1 could 
 not be led to that myself 
 " ' Now,' said the father to his 
 son, ' Bob, what will you do ? ' 
 "'Well, father,' said Bob, 'I 
 can't do anything.' 
 " ' Ah,' said the father, ' you 
 cau give up something, just as I 
 have done.' 
 " ' I don't know about that,' 
 said Bob. He paused a little and 
 then said — ' I will ; I will give 
 up salt mackerel. You see we 
 don't have it very often and I 
 don't like it much, anyhow.' 
 " Well, now," said the speaker, 
 " that is a simple story, but it 
 illustrates precisely what I mean. 
 It seems as if we give God and 
 his work the last few minutes of 
 the day, or a little shred of time 
 here and there. Rather let us 
 bring our best. I don't believe 
 it possible that a man who will 
 take an hour or two hours of tha 
 heart of tho busiest day for God's 
 work will ever regret it. I am 
 ready to say deliberately, I don't 
 believe that God is willing that 
 any of us shall be indebted 
 him." — Church and Home. 
 ^H9 I SH^ 
 d to* 
 THE LONGEST DAY IN THE straight into the mill-pond. 
 "Daniel! Dauitl ! Come on 
 now, and be spry about it !" called 
 I don't know what the almanac 
 his father, as he moved toward 
 • J u i. -i^ L I r> • , . I the grindstone ; and Dan obeyed, 
 man said about ,t, but Dan sa.d it , hough he felt as if his feet had 
 was the longest and Dan wascer-i n ^^ ^^^e turned to lead. 
 tainly the one who understood the 
 matter best. 
 It began pretty much like other 
 days, only that there was a heavy 
 fog, and Dan knew that it was bad 
 weather for haying and tip-top 
 for fishing. He made up his 
 mind to go fishing. Perhaps if 
 his mind had not been already 
 made up, he would tot have 
 minded it so much when his 
 father said at the breakiiast 
 " We must get the scythes 
 in good order, so's to take i 
 fair start at the lower meadow 
 to-morrow. Don't let me 
 have to waste time hunting 
 after you, Daniel, when I'm 
 ready to go at it." 
 Daniel's appetite was gone 
 at once. How^ he hated to 
 turn that heavy, creaking old 
 grindstone I and how sure his 
 father was to find a dozen 
 things to do first, and keep 
 him w^aiting'all the morning ! 
 He went around by the sink 
 drain and dug his bait ; ho 
 examined his fishing-polo ; he 
 put up his lunch ; ho even 
 tried a worm on the hook; 
 and then he wandered dis 
 consolately around, wisliing 
 grindstones had never been 
 Ho went to the end of the 
 garden and leaned sulkily 
 over the low stone wall, eit- 
 ing the half-ripe harvest 
 apples, iiud throwing the cores 
 spitefully away. Down the 
 road a few rods lay the inill- 
 pond, and in the middle of 
 the road near by stood Deacon 
 Skinner's horse and chaise. 
 Old Whitey had his nose 
 down, and one leg crooked in 
 a meditative fashion. The 
 Deacon was ovor in the field, 
 making a bartraiii with Solo- 
 mon Jfurray for some yonng 
 cattle. What fun it would 
 1)0 to start the old horse up, 
 and set him trotting home ! 
 Dan could almost hit him with 
 un apple core. Ho tried two 
 or three, just to gee, and then 
 he picked a smooth, round 
 stone from the wall and sent 
 it singintr through the air. 
 Old Whiley brought up his 
 nose with a lerk, straitrhtened his 
 fore-lee, and stiirti'd oil at a l)risk 
 trot, the chaisi' to)) tilting and 
 pitching back and iVr,-ili. 
 Dan hniitliril — 111 li'.-i.-t till' liiueh 
 began to grow, whi'u he cansflit 
 one glimpse ol a irii;;liti'iUHl liltio 
 face at th>> ehaisi' window, and 
 knew that Naiinie Daiio, the 
 Deacon's little larno grandchild, 
 was in tlio chaise. 
 It was only ii glimpse, and then 
 the bank nl' irray fog swallowed 
 Whitey and thi' chaise, and it 
 seemed to Diii tliat thiv had aoiii' 
 Round and round and round ; 
 his tough little hands were 
 blistered on the handle, but ho 
 did not know it ; his month and 
 throat were as dry as the stone, 
 but he did not think of it. " Crrr- 
 rrrr-crrr," rang the rough, weari- 
 some noise, until his ears were so 
 deafened he did not even hear it. 
 For he was perfectly sure he had 
 killed little Nanny Dane. What 
 and tell his father, he would tell 
 everybody. They might hang 
 him, they might do anything they 
 pleased. Truofring desperately 
 home with his empty basket in 
 his hand, he heard the sound of 
 wheels behind him, dragging 
 slowly through the deep sand. 
 Perhaps that was the Sheriff 
 coming to arrest him. Dan's 
 heart beat harder, but ha did not 
 look around. The wheels came 
 nearer ; they stopped, and some 
 one said : 
 " Hullo, Daniel ! been fishin' ? 
 Fisherman's luck, hey ? Well, 
 jump in here, and I'll give ye a 
 just trotted off home as stiddy as 
 if I'd been driving, and waited at 
 the door for mother to come and 
 get Nannie before ho went to the 
 "Oh, Deacon Skinner," burst 
 out Dan, " It was me ; I scart 
 "Did ye now, sonny 7 Well, 
 there wuzn't any harm done, and 
 I know ye didn't mean to." 
 " I did, I did," said Dan, sob- 
 bing violently from the long 
 strain of excitement. " I didn't 
 know Nanny was in the chaise, 
 and I threw a stone at him." 
 " Well, well," said the Deacon, 
 rubbing his stubbly chin, and 
 'looking curiously at Dan. 
 " Beats all what freaks boys 
 will take, but I know ye 
 won't do it agin." 
 " I never will," said Dan 
 solemnly. " This has been 
 the awfniest longest day that 
 ever was in the world." — 
 Harfer'i Young People 
 ODIllne Driwlng by lUriliou W«lr. 
 would peopie say ? What wouid 
 they do to him V Hang him, 
 of courfo ; and Dan felt in his 
 heart that ho deserved it, and that 
 it would be almost a satisfaction. 
 " There, " said his lather at last, 
 "I reckon that'll do, Daniel. 
 You've been faithful and stiddy 
 at your work and now you may 
 go fishing.' 
 Dan never knew how he got to 
 Long Pond, or how ho passed the 
 slow hours of that dismal day. 
 The misery seemed intolerable, 
 and before evening he had made 
 up his mind that he could bear it 
 no loiiirer. He would iro homo 
 A curious friendship once 
 existed between a lamb and a 
 pony. The lamb, which was 
 purchased by a farmer in Eng- 
 land from a passing shepherS, 
 was very wild, and grieved at 
 being separated from (he 
 flock. It was nn odd, sturdy- 
 looking creature with a black 
 face. The farmer put it in a 
 meadow in company with a 
 cow and a little white pony. 
 The lamb took no notice of 
 the cow ; but the pony seemed 
 to captivate its heart at once. 
 Wherever the one went, the 
 other followed. If people 
 gathered, as was natural, to 
 look at the companions, the 
 lamb would slip under the 
 pony and pop out its head be- 
 tween his fore or hind legs, 
 with an air of perfect security. 
 At night it wont regularly to 
 the stable, and slept in the 
 manger near it.s favorite. If 
 as sometimes happened, the 
 pony was taken to draw the 
 farmer's wife to market, the 
 lamb bleated pitifully all 
 the time it was away, and 
 frisked aboijt joyfully on its 
 One day, to test its love, its 
 Before Dan knew it he was | owner carried the lamb to a 
 over the wheel and sitting beside j pasture where a flock of sheep 
 Deacon Skinner in the old chaise, was grazing. The pony went 
 with Whitey switching his tail j too. In the course of the day the 
 right and left as he plodded along. ; farmer came after the pony, and 
 "Git up, Whitey," urged the j mounting him, rode homeward. 
 Deacon ; " it's getting alotig to- Presently he looked behind. Yes, 
 ward chore-time. Whitey ain't | there came the shaggy, black- 
 so spry as he used to be, but he's ; faced lamb, forsaking its own 
 amazin' smart. This morniii' I kindred, and rushing on its eager 
 ti a dTftwlDs !• cnn fcr ih* rontic 
 left little Nannie in the shay while 
 1 was making a dicker with Solo- 
 mon Murray, and akeerless thing 
 it was to do, but I'd as soon ex- 
 pected the mcetin'-house to run 
 away as Whitey. I reckon some- 
 thiiiir must have scart him; but he 
 legs to overtake its adopted 
 Whether the pony returned 
 this alioction we do not know. 
 It neither resented it nor appear- 
 ed weary of it, at all events.-' 
 Ilarjter's V'omm^ Piniile, . 
stiddy as 
 waited at 
 :onie and 
 ant to the 
 ^r,' burnt 
 I scart 
 ? Well, 
 done, and 
 Dan, sob- 
 the lon^ 
 " I didn't 
 he chaise, 
 ,e Deacon, 
 chin, and 
 at Dan. 
 reaka boys 
 know yo 
 said Dan 
 has been 
 it day that 
 world." — 
 [Iship once 
 lamb and a 
 which was 
 mer in Eng- 
 g shephortl, 
 (i grieved at 
 from Iho 
 )dil, sturdy- 
 with a black 
 r put it in a 
 )any with a 
 white pony. 
 10 notice of 
 )ony seemed 
 ?art at once, 
 le went, the 
 If people 
 natural, to 
 panions, the 
 3 \inder the 
 t its head be- 
 jr hind legs, 
 feet security, 
 regularly to 
 slept in the 
 favorite. If 
 ippened, the 
 to draw the 
 market, the 
 pitifully all 
 < away, and 
 lyfuUy on its 
 st its love, its 
 lumb to a 
 )ck of sheep 
 pony went 
 )f the day the 
 he pony, ami 
 8 homeward, 
 behind. Yec, 
 laggy, black- 
 ling its own 
 g oil its eager 
 its adopted 
 )ny returned 
 ;lo not know, 
 it nor appear- 
 all events.— 
 A farmer of Cobham was in the 
 habit of goi:g to a market some 
 miles distant on horseback and on 
 such occasions, not knowing how 
 extensivo his purchases might be, 
 always carried a considerable 
 amount of cash with him. He 
 never, however, took his dog with 
 him on market l<^t. a» Lo might 
 be in tho way bni the faithful 
 animal, a large sheep dog, used 
 always to keep watch at the front 
 door as soon as the hour ap- 
 proached for his master's return. 
 One evening the farmer's four- 
 footed friend was at his usual post, 
 when to his astonishment 
 ho saw the horse return 
 without a rider. One mo- 
 ment's reflection seemed to 
 be sufficient, for off he 
 bounded in the direction 
 the horse had come from, 
 and at no great distance 
 found his master struggling 
 with a couplo of desperate- 
 looking men. 
 Without a sound he 
 made straight for the throat 
 of one of the ruffians, and 
 brought him to the ground, 
 while his master wrestled 
 with the other. 
 In the meantime the 
 stable-boy, Rnding the 
 horse at the stable-door 
 without a rider, concluded 
 something was wronsj^, 
 jumped on the horse's 
 buck and set out — ho, too, 
 thinking his master had 
 had an accident and fallen 
 from his horse ; hut the 
 scene which met his view- 
 was far from what he ex- 
 pected ; one of the robbers 
 lay prostrate on tho ground 
 with the dog standing 
 guard over him, while his 
 master had just over- 
 powered the other, who 
 was pleading for mercy, 
 but was easily secured 
 with tho lad's help, and 
 both were duly punished. 
 — Sundai/. 
 " I would," cried Johnny. " I 
 want to go to the Sunday-school. 
 Benny Frank goes, and he says it 
 is first-rate." 
 Mr. Winter laughed, and patted 
 Johnny's head. I saw that the 
 boy was his father's idol, and if 
 my point were gained it would 
 be through him. 
 " To tell you (he truth, miss," 
 said Mr. Winter, "I haven t much 
 opinion of Sunday-schools and 
 churches. I suppose you would 
 be surprised if I should tell you 
 that I don't believe there is a 
 " I am not surprised," I said ; 
 shall expect this little fellow and 
 his sister next Sunday." 
 Mr. Winter laughed, but shook 
 his head, and I went away feeling 
 disheartened, only as I closed the 
 door I heard Johnny coaxing, — 
 " Mayn't I go, father ? I want 
 to go so much." 
 Johnny gained his point, and 
 on tho following Sunday he was 
 one ol tho first to greet me. His 
 sister Mary was with him. 
 Johnny wm a very bright child 
 for his years. He soon became 
 deeply interested in the school, 
 and no matter what the weather 
 was, he was always present with 
 Johnny Winter was an 
 only son in a family of six 
 children. His father was 
 an industrious man, his 
 mother a careworn, dis- 
 pirited woman in weak heallh. 
 Ono day I ventured to call ami 
 enquire if tho family were con- 
 nected with any church or riun- 
 day-school. Mr, Winter was al 
 home, sitting by the lire with 
 Johnny on his knee. As I made 
 the eiuiuirv, Mrs. Winter cast a 
 pleading glance at her husband, 
 who replied roughly,--"! don't 
 believe in that sort of thing, miss." 
 " I am sorry to hear that,'' I 
 said, " for I hoped that you would 
 let your little ones come to our 
 Sunday-school, if they did not be- 
 long anyw here else. Our school- 
 ik room is close by, and I think they 
 S would like to come.'' 
 " but I I'eel .soriy for you, my 
 friend. Do you wish your child- 
 ren lo follow you ill your belie!?'' 
 " 1 wimt ihem to thiuk lor them- 
 .selves, " ho replieil. " 1 shall not 
 try to iiillueiice them one way or 
 the other alter they are old 
 eiiouifh to form their ownopinions, 
 and I don't want iiiiv one else to. 
 Thai's what 1 lell uiy wile ; shed 
 like to have them all go to Sun- 
 day-school, but I 
 to 'it." 
 I saw Mrs. Winter wipe 
 eyes as she stooped to lay 
 baby in the cradle, but 
 not speak. 
 his lillle hymn perfectly learned. 
 Some weeks alter this I calleil 
 at their house. It was in the 
 inornina-, anil only Mrs. AVinter 
 aixl the baby were at home. She 
 was siiiufing, and greeted me willi 
 such a smile that I could scarcely 
 believe it was the same counten- 
 ance I had seen before. 
 " 1 was just thinking about you. 
 Miss Scott," she said ; " I want to 
 won't consent tell you about Johnny, His fa- 
 thi T will do anything to please 
 her him, and even hears the little 
 her I fellow's hymns and verses, to 
 sho did { mako sure ho knows them for 
 on. And Johnny tells him all 
 Well," I said, rising to go, " I he has heard in school every 
 Sunday evening, and his father 
 listens. Oh, miss, I cai>'t help 
 feeling as though my husband 
 will give up his foolish notions 
 sometime, and become a Chris- 
 tian man. And now Johnny has 
 begun to coax his father to go 
 with him to tho children's meet- 
 ing on Sunday afternoon." 
 And Johnny conquered again. 
 Mr. Winter came to the children's 
 meeting, not only on the next 
 Sunday, but on the next and the 
 next, until we felt quite as sure of 
 seeing him as of seeing Johnny, 
 So time paescd on until one Sun- 
 day news was brought ihat 
 Johnny was very sick with 
 scarlet fever. I quickly 
 visited him. He lay iu his 
 father's arms, panting for 
 breath, while the poor man 
 bent over him the picture 
 of despair. 
 "Oh, Miss Scott," he 
 cried, as he saw me, " do 
 you think that I am going 
 to lose my Johnny ? It 
 can't be that God is going 
 to take him from me." 
 "I'm so tired, father," 
 the little sufferer was say- 
 ing ; " please pray, ' Our 
 Father.' " 
 " Dear Johnny, I forget 
 the words," and great tears 
 rolled down the father's 
 rough cheeks. 
 "Say it after ir.e, then, 
 will you, please ; ' Our 
 Father, which art iu 
 heaven,'" And Johnny 
 waited until, in a voice 
 choked with sobs, his fa- 
 ther repeated the works. 
 Then he went on, little by 
 little, the father following 
 until the prayer was 
 "Doyou stilldisbelieve?' 
 I asked Mr. Winter, while 
 we watched besideJohnny. 
 He shook his head. "That 
 child has taught me much," 
 said he. " He has talked 
 about Christ and His death 
 till it melted my heart, and 
 I was forced to read it for 
 myself. But it only makes 
 me wretched — it is good 
 news for Johnny, not for 
 me ; I havo denied Him 
 too often." 
 " God is your Father, 
 and loves you infinitely 
 more than you love littlo 
 Johnny. For Chri " • sake He 
 will forgive all past >• ■'■ ,iion and 
 denials — only plead v, .(h Him iu 
 the Saviour's name. Ho waits to 
 bo gracious. His Spirit is even 
 now drawing you to Himself." 
 For days the child lingered be- 
 tween life and death ; then tho 
 fever subsided, and .Tohniiy be- 
 gan to recover. In those days of 
 suspense, while watching beside 
 the littlo cot, Mr. Winter's heart 
 was, by God's mercy ond tho 
 Holy Spirit's power, softened, 
 and ho came to the knowledge 
 of tho truth as it is in Jesus, and, 
 like the poor prodigal, ho returned 
 to his father. — Fit/ Leaves. 
 : ^ 
 {From the Standard.) 
 Perhaps some of you have 
 heard about the work of our 
 missionaries in Siam, and how 
 many years Dr. Dean, who was 
 one of the first there, had to keep 
 working and praying before any 
 of the people to whom he preached 
 became Christians, and you may 
 know that there are a great many 
 Chinese in Siam, and that his 
 work has been among them. The 
 Lord has honored him very much, 
 and rewarded him for all his 
 patient labor and constant faith, 
 in allowing him to bring a great 
 many to the Sarionr. 
 The present king oi Siam is 
 quite a young man— only 
 twenty-eight years of age^ 
 and he seems to hare con- 
 siderable character and in- 
 dependence. He lately 
 passed an edict ordering all 
 his subjects to stand erect 
 when he passed in his chariot, 
 instead of bowing with their 
 faces upon the ground, aa 
 they and their forefathers 
 have been accastomed to do 
 for centuries. What has in- 
 fluenced him to do this we 
 do not know, but many think 
 that the teachings of the 
 rnissionaries, that we should 
 humble ourselves only before 
 God, and not before men, 
 has brought about thia 
 This young king, while a 
 kind-hearted man and inclin- 
 ed to give his subjects more 
 liberty than heretofore, is, I 
 am sorry to say, a polygamist, 
 that is a man who has many 
 wives, like the Mormons ; 
 and some time ago he 
 thought he would take 
 several of these women with 
 him, and visit all the courts 
 of Europe. There was great 
 bustle and preparation for 
 this j ourney. All the women 
 were to have new and ele- 
 gant robes, and jewels, and 
 laces, and the young king's 
 apparel was to be very fine 
 and gorgeous, and the several 
 chariots in which they and 
 their retinae would journey 
 for a long distance were to 
 be newly gilded, and decor- 
 ated, and upholstered, and 
 all the people were thinking 
 how proud they would feel to 
 see their king start off in such 
 grand style, and how all the 
 people in the distant lands he 
 would visit would gaze at them 
 and envy their grandeur. I sup- 
 pose the king instructed his sec- 
 retary, the mail who writes 
 his letters for him, to send greet- 
 iiins to the difFiTent sovereigns, 
 and announce his coming ; and 
 you can imagine how surprised 
 and mortified he must have felt 
 when a letter was returned from 
 Queen Victoria, which, instead 
 of assuring him of a warm wcl- 
 , come, and telling him that 
 the Engl>«h people would give 
 ,. grand fete, and hare a mos- 
 ioal festival in his honor at 
 the Orjrstal Palace in Sydenham, 
 stated in a very courteous but 
 plain manner, that the Queen of 
 England, who ruled over a Chris- 
 tian landi, could not extend cour- 
 tesies to nor receive at her court 
 any monarch who was a polygam- 
 ist, and living so against the laws 
 of God. 
 It waa a dreadful disappoint- 
 ment to the king to receive such 
 a letter, and Lo immediately de- 
 termined that he would not take 
 the journev at all, nor attempt to 
 visit any of the other courts, and 
 gave orders that all the prepara- 
 tion* be immediatly raapended. 
 kok to go up the Biver Jlleinam, 
 and be present at the dedication 
 of a beautiful temple in one of the 
 northern villagea of the empire. 
 The \an^, surrounded by a num- 
 ber of hu men of state, dressed in 
 dashing nniiorms were in the first 
 barge, while in the next under a 
 silken canopy in a beautiful ivory 
 chair, which was placed upon a 
 platform covered with purple 
 velvet sat the lovely queen, ele- 
 gantly dressed,and with diamonds 
 glistening in her hair, about her 
 neck, and on her girdle. She was 
 surrounded by her maids, and 
 behind her stood a company of 
 singers, all gaylf attired, and in 
 roaaineas to make ^e trip 
 It was a new and sad experience | joyful 
 for the king, and yet all Christians 
 everywhere could not but applaud 
 the good queen for showing in 
 this way her strong Christian 
 principles, and her disapproval of 
 Shortly after this, to give some 
 pleasure to his wives, as an offset 
 to their disappointment, he had a 
 number of barges fitted out with 
 many flags and streamers and 
 gay colors, the crews dressed in 
 regalia, bands of music and com- 
 panies of singers on board, and 
 on a beautiful morning he and 
 his conrt, with many officials and 
 invited guests set out from Bang- 
 and happy. In other 
 barges were the many wives of 
 the king with their servants, and 
 all the bargee were decorated 
 with flowers and fruits. 
 Crowds thronged the shores of 
 the beautiful river to witness the 
 departure of the royal party in all 
 their splendor, and as the bands 
 struck up some martial air, and 
 the voices of the singers floated 
 out over the water, and the flotil- 
 la moved on, a joyfnl shout arose 
 from the multitude, and huzzas 
 for the young king and queen. 
 As they passed up the river the 
 people from the villages flocked 
 to the shores to see the spectacle, 
 and do reverence to the royal 
 party. After a time the king went 
 on some distance beyond the 
 others, and when the barge con- 
 taining the queen began to fol- 
 low, it became entangled in some 
 ropes which had ^en thrown 
 across the stream and were in 
 the water, and in a moment the 
 barge waa capsiaed, and the 
 queen, the princess and the maids 
 were thrown violently into the 
 water. As they rose to the sur- 
 face they might eaaily have been 
 rescued, but for a law of the 
 realm, that, under penalty of 
 death, no subject could touch 
 even the clothing of the king or 
 queen, or royid family, so no effort 
 was made to save them, and their 
 cries and pleadings were only 
 returned by dumb looks ol 
 despair, as their followers 
 saw them drown beiore their 
 Then a company was lent 
 forward to carry the sad news 
 to the king, who was over- 
 come and almost erased by 
 this terribleblow, for beloved 
 deeply the beautiful queen. 
 The joy of the whole com- 
 pany was suddenly turned 
 into mourning, and the music 
 was hushed; the flags and 
 streamers taken down; the 
 people in tears as they looked 
 at the empty barge of 
 their lovely queen, which 
 now just behind that of the 
 king, floated slowly back to- 
 ward the capital, and the 
 huzsas of the multitude, as 
 they passed were turned into 
 For many weeks the sad 
 king lived apart from all, 
 broken in heart and striving 
 in vain to grain some comfort 
 by reading the heathen wri- 
 ters. He was full of question- 
 ings with regard to his queen, 
 and could not feel sure that 
 she was happy. In his despair 
 he remembered the mission- 
 aries, and what he had occa- 
 sionally heard of their belief, 
 and so he sent to Dr. Dean for 
 a Bible, that he might possi- 
 bly find in that some hope 
 to cheer him, some balm to 
 soothe his bleeding heart, 
 some truth about immortality 
 which he could believe. 
 With this earnest purpose he 
 is now studying the word of 
 the Lord, and we should all pray 
 that he may find Him who alone 
 can give comfort to the sorrowing, 
 or a sure hope of an endless and 
 happv life beyond this to his 
 The king recently made a 
 present of a horse and carriage to 
 our veteran missionary. Dr. Dean, 
 and begged him to let him know 
 of anything he needed to in- 
 crease his comfort, showing by 
 his kindness that he trusted and 
 respected him in a manner quite 
 in contrast to' the treatment 
 received from those in high 
 places in years gone by. 
 M royal 
 >iid the 
 rge oon- 
 to fol- 
 ia Mme 
 were in 
 nent the 
 uid the 
 the maids 
 into the 
 the suT- 
 lave been 
 w of the 
 >nalty of 
 Id touch 
 king or 
 no effort 
 and their 
 were only 
 looks ot 
 Blore their 
 was lent 
 e sad news 
 was over- 
 craied by 
 or beloved 
 fnl queen, 
 irhole com- 
 ily turned 
 1 the music 
 ) flags and 
 lown ; the 
 hey looked 
 barge of 
 een, which 
 that of the 
 ly back to- 
 ,1, and the 
 altitude, as 
 turned into 
 eks the sad 
 rt from all, 
 and striving 
 Dme comfort 
 eathen wri- 
 i of question- 
 to his queen, 
 el sure that 
 n his despair 
 the mission- 
 he had occa- 
 f their belief, 
 I Dr. Dean for 
 might possi- 
 l some hope 
 lome balm to 
 eding heart, 
 it immortality 
 aid believe. 
 it purpose he 
 J the word of 
 lould all pray 
 [im who alone 
 he sorrowing, 
 n endless and 
 . this to his 
 atly made a 
 aii carriage to 
 lary, Dr. Dean, 
 let him know 
 Leeded to in- 
 , showing by 
 le trusted and 
 , manner quite 
 the treatment 
 oae in 
 e by. 
 American boys and girls whose 
 delight in looking at Jumbo and 
 bis c f lebrated legs may have boon 
 clouded by remembering how 
 many of thn little English cousins 
 across the sea were lamenting the 
 tall old elephant's absence wUl be 
 glad to know that a new pet has 
 already been found to take 
 Jumbo's place. 
 They are flocking by hundreds 
 daily to the Zoological Gardens, 
 where once Jumbo reigned and 
 carried them trumpeting upon 
 his broad back, to be introduced 
 to Peter — a splendid specimen of 
 the " Chacma" baboon, whose 
 sparkling countenance and sym- 
 metrical shape our artist has here 
 Peter came originally from 
 South Africa on a war ship with 
 his master, a British officer, who 
 lately turned his monkey ship 
 over to the " Zoo." It is disagree- 
 able to state that his owner did 
 did so to get rid of him — he was 
 fast growing too mischievous to 
 bo endured on shipboard. I fear 
 Peter is, in truth, no model for 
 the other monkeys in the Oardens. 
 He steals ; he bites ; he loves to 
 tear up anything he can once 
 fasten his lingers upon. All this 
 is very sad to learn. Possibly 
 Mr. Barnum will see that he 
 ought to be taught to be a good 
 and happy monkey, and feel 
 bound to buy him for America 
 next year. Travel is so improv- 
 ing to the manners. 
 Peter has recently had a curious 
 experience. Did any of you ever 
 hear of a monkey who had the 
 toothache, and who took chloro- 
 form to get rid of it ? Such was 
 Peter's fortune. Day after day 
 the poor fellow sat in one corner 
 of his roomy cage holding his 
 paw close to his cheek. His 
 friends, the children with their 
 mothers and fathers and nurses, 
 stood around pitying hira and 
 longing to help hini, but in vain 
 Peter's jaw began to swell ter- 
 ribly. At length hid sutTennps 
 camo to the point where his 
 keepers said that the cause of all 
 his woe, an aching molar tooth, 
 must be drawn, or the poor fellow 
 would die, for he refused to ciU, 
 and seemed to become each day 
 weaker and more dejected. Sud- 
 denly a London gentleman, Mr. 
 Hammond, came to the conclusion 
 that ho could extract the ailing 
 tooth and save the pet's life. 
 Peter's illness had made him ex- 
 ceedingly afraid of any strangers 
 — quite as cross, in fact, as a good 
 many of my small readers are 
 when they have the toothache. 
 Mr. Hammond and his assistant, 
 however, entered the cage and 
 politely presented Peter with a 
 nice linen handkerchief well 
 soaked in chloroform. 
 Peter warily took it, examined it 
 attentively, and presently pro- 
 ceeded — not to smell of it at all, 
 but to calmly lick off all the chloro- 
 form with much pleasure. Chloro- 
 form must be smellod to best take 
 eff°ect, not swallowed. The hand- 
 kerchief was prepared again and 
 again ofliBred. A second time did 
 the red tongue make its appear- 
 ance and spoil Mr. Hammond's 
 kind designs, and indeed for near- 
 ly half an hour did Peter cun- 
 ningly get tho best of his friends 
 by licRing up the chloroform. 
 Finally, however, tho liquid 
 began to take effect upon him. 
 Peter's bright eyes grow dim, his 
 head drooped. The handkerchief 
 was held tightly to his nose, and 
 suddenly he tumbled over sound 
 asleep, able to undergo any opera- 
 tion without feeling it. 
 Now was the time for Mr. 
 Hammond. The forceps (ugh!) 
 were produced, and alter some 
 quick but careful work the tooth 
 was drawn from the unconscious 
 tion, which at once showed him 
 to be a monkey of great force of 
 character, as well as easy man- 
 ners. And how modest and re- 
 tiring too, to judge from the grace- 
 ful way in which he has tucked 
 his handsome tail away in the 
 Poor Peter, exiled from his hot 
 South Au'ican jungles and woods, 
 what strange scenes he might des- 
 cribe could he only succeed in 
 acquiring a proper Efnglish accent ! 
 ~-of dense boundless forests, 
 lashed into a sea of waving 
 houghs at night by hurricanes and 
 tornadoes ; of calm moonlight 
 evenings by blue lakes rippled 
 with silver, where the lion comes 
 down like a great stealthy cat to 
 drink and meet a friend for a 
 hunting excursion ; and of Mrs. 
 sleeper's jaw, safely, and without 
 rousing him. By-and-by its 
 ownerawokp. Ho seemed wonder- 
 fully relieved immediately, but 
 also somewhat dazed and puzzled 
 to find out what had been 
 done to him. At length he 
 settled down comfortably in a 
 corner of his cage to think about 
 it, and recover his spirits. 
 He was quite too proud to ask 
 questions. I doubt if he has dis- 
 discovered yet just what was 
 done to him, although with that 
 broad forehead of his he must be 
 a monkey with a good deal of 
 And really is he not a striking 
 looking stranger. Jiwt notice his 
 bold glance and the dignified posi- 
 six, and the majority of them will 
 then be about as far along in the 
 business scale as they ever will 
 be. One or two only, in each of 
 the above branches, will be es* 
 tablished in business for them- 
 selves, or connected with some 
 firm doing a good business, and 
 the rest will be barely geMing a 
 living and growling about their 
 poor luck. Now we assert that 
 there is a good reason for their 
 poor success, and that " luck" has 
 but little, if anything at all, to do 
 with it. 
 If we take the trouble to ascer- 
 tain the real facts in their several 
 cases, we shall find that those 
 young men who became masters 
 m their trades, or leading men in 
 their business pursuits, were not 
 afraid to work, and were deter- 
 mined to succeed. They looked 
 beyond the day and week. They 
 made themselves valuable and 
 useful to their employers, by being 
 always faithful, reliable, and will- 
 ing to do what .they could for the 
 interest of those for whom they 
 worked. When a press of busi- 
 ness came, they were ready and 
 willing to work extra hours, and 
 without sulking and grumbling, 
 well knowing that business must 
 be attended to when it came, and 
 that there were plenty of dull 
 times during the year, which 
 would more than counterbalance 
 the extra briskness of the busy 
 season. To sum it Up, these young 
 men identified themselves with 
 the establishment where they 
 were employed — became useful 
 to their employers, in fact, fixtures 
 who could be illy spared and in 
 due course of time, having gained 
 experience, were invited to take 
 ahandwith the alreadyestablished 
 house, or else boldly struck out 
 for themselves. 
 Here, then, is the lesson, which 
 is, if you wish to become success- 
 ful masters, learn first to become 
 faithful servants. — Household. 
 In Dks Moines, Iowa, a Swede 
 was arrested for making a coward- 
 ly assault on three peaceable 
 Chinamen who were on their 
 way to Sunday-school. One of 
 the principal witnesses for the 
 prosecution was Ah Yaf, a boy 
 13 years old. In reply to the 
 question, " Do you know what 
 Peter (only that is not her married perjury means?' he promptly re- 
 name), who may be wondering all iSponded, "No." The nextques- 
 thistime why her husband ran t'on was, "Do you know what 
 away and left her. But there he ' oath means ? " "Yes," was the 
 is, safe in tho great .London I reply, evinced by holding up his 
 Zoological Gardens, and there he j light hand after the manner of 
 IS likely to remain as long as he 
 lives, unless, as I have already 
 suggested, Mr. Barnum buys him 
 anO brings him over to America. 
 Harper's Younf^ People. 
 Take twenty boys of sixteen, in 
 our, or any town in the state, let 
 them go to work, throe or four in 
 a dry goods store, boot and shoe 
 finishing establishment, and print- 
 ing offices. In ten years they 
 will have become men of twenty- 
 witnesses when sworn, adding, 
 " I no tell story, I tell truf." "But," 
 continued the lawyer, " Do you 
 know what will happen to you 
 if you tell a lie here ? " " Yes," 
 said Ah Yaf solemnly, pointing 
 upward with his little yellow 
 finger ; " I no go to heaven," 
 Onk of the Christian Lead- 
 ers in the time of the Reforma- 
 tion was told, " All the world are 
 against you;" he replied, boldly, 
 "Then I am against all the world." 
 -J ■/■ ,--■/ 
 About three years ago, a rather 
 large dog of the fox-terrier variety 
 entered the guard's carriage of a 
 traia that was Just starting from 
 Brighton, England, for Horsham 
 station. He had no ticket, and 
 did not explain his business ; but 
 the guard seeing that he was a re' 
 spectable dog decided to let him 
 ride free. 
 From that day to this the dog 
 who is now well known all over 
 England by the name of " Rail- 
 way Jack," has constantly travel- 
 led on railway trains. For the 
 first year or two he confined him- 
 self strictly to the trains of the 
 London, Brighton, and South 
 Coast Railway. 
 This road has u great many 
 branches, and a groat many trains 
 run over it every day, but Jack 
 knew the time-table i)eri'ectly, and 
 never troubled tlie ticket agents by 
 asking them, " llovv can I go to 
 a plao 
 such and such 
 "When does the m-xt train start 
 He took lodgings in a waste-paper 
 basket in the station-house at 
 liowes station, and wherever he 
 went he never tailed to catch 
 the last train from Iki'jrliton to 
 It was al livst believed that 
 .lack travelled in connection with 
 some private business ot his own ; 
 tliat he was, tor exataple, engaced 
 ill organizing a " United Terriers' 
 Society for the Destruction ol 
 Rats," or was an agent for some 
 "Co-operative lione Store," that 
 proposed to supply doss with the 
 best quality of bones at less than 
 ordinary prices. It was soon 
 louiid, however, that he was en- 
 gaged in inspecting the railway, 
 Wliile on the train he sat close 
 to the window, and carefully 
 watched to see if there we.e any 
 signs that the embankments at 
 the side ol the track were out of 
 order, or that the bridges needed 
 repairs. He would stop at a 
 station, and inspect the switches 
 and tlie signals, and would tlien 
 take the next traia Ibr some other 
 sti.lion, where he would insjiect 
 the eating-room and test the 
 quality of the Ibod. It was thus 
 very evident tliat he had ap- 
 jiointed himself lnsi)ector of the 
 Loiulon, Brighton, and South 
 Coast Railway, and every one 
 connected with the comi)any re- 
 <oirnized him as a faithful and 
 elliij.'nt oflicer. 
 One day a lady presented him 
 with a collar with the inscription, 
 " I am Jack, the London, Brighton, 
 and South Coast Railway dog. 
 Please give me a drink ol water. 
 This collar was presented by Mrs. 
 J. P. Knight, Brockley." Jack 
 seemed to feel that in gratitude 
 for this present he ought to in- 
 crease his labors. He therefore 
 made a practice of taking frequent 
 trips all over England to see if he 
 could discover anything in the 
 management of other railways 
 which he could recommend his 
 own railway company to copy. 
 Sometimes he went as far as Scot- 
 land, and on one occasion when 
 he visited London, and went to 
 the Isle of Dogs to see if there 
 was any good reason for its name, 
 he lost his way, and was absent 
 for some weeks. 
 A few days after he had been 
 found and brought back to the 
 railway, one of the men emi)loyed 
 by the company died, and was 
 buried at Hastings. On the day 
 of the funeral, JacK arrived by the 
 noon train, and went to the 
 church, wher^) he reverently 
 listened to the funeral service, 
 and then followed Jthe coffin to 
 the grave. He also attended the 
 funeral of another railway ser- 
 vant at Lewes, and showed ' that 
 he felt that the company had 
 sustained a powerful loss. 
 A short time ago Jack met with 
 a serious accident, which very 
 nearly proved fatal. He was 
 crossing the track late one even- 
 ing at one of the stations of 
 his own railway, when he slipped 
 and tell just as a traiu rushed by, 
 crushing one of his fore-legs. He 
 was carried home to Lewes, where 
 chloroform was given to him, and 
 his leg was cut otf close to the 
 shoulder. There is no doubt that 
 he was a little careless in crossing 
 the track when a traiii was ap- 
 proaching ; but although he had 
 just returned from attending a 
 wedding at Berwick, Scotland, it 
 is admitted by every one that he 
 was perfectly sober. 
 Jack bore the loss ol his leg 
 very well ; but a day or two after- 
 ward he took ofl' the bandages 
 while h s nurse was absent from 
 room, and very nearly bled to 
 death l)efore he could receive 
 proper attention. Since then he 
 has steadily improved, although 
 his anxiety to return to duty has 
 made him a little feverish at times. 
 The fact that no accident has 
 occurred on the London, Brighton, 
 and South Coast Itailway since 
 he was injured has been a great 
 consolation to him, and he feels 
 that it is due to the thorough way 
 in which his work ot inspection 
 has been done. 
 Hereafter poor Jack will have 
 I to limp on three legs, for nobody 
 has yet invented artihcial legs 
 for dogs. He will, however, be 
 able to do his work, and will un- 
 doubtedly be more careful in 
 avoiding danger than he was be- 
 fore the accident. His photograph 
 ' — the one from which the picture 
 'in this number of Youiif; Ptujitc 
 was taken — is considered to be 
 an excellent one, and though it 
 cannot be called v beautiful pic- 
 ture, it is the porttiit of an up- 
 right, faithful, and universally 
 respected dog. — Harper's Yoimg 
 A monkey witness is shortly to 
 appear in a murder trial in an 
 I ndian court at Sattara. A travel- 
 ling showman, whose living de- 
 jiendedon live monkeys and a goat, 
 was recently murdered near a 
 village, his troupe being killed 
 with the exception of one monkey, 
 which ran up a tree and watched 
 the assassins bury his master and 
 his companions When all w^as 
 quiet the monkey ran off to the 
 " patel" of the nearest village, and 
 made him understand by speecheb 
 and signs that something was 
 wrong. The "patel" followed 
 the monkey, which led him to the 
 place where his master was buried, 
 and the murder was duly dis- 
 covered. The monkey is now 
 kept for the identification of the 
 assassins, a plan which recalls the 
 time-honored history of the dog 
 of Montargis. — London Graphic. 
 Bayard Taylor made the follow- 
 ing remarks respecting the rules 
 of success, that are worth their 
 weight in gold to every young 
 man, as the experience of one 
 whom all delight to honor : " I 
 have always reverently accepted 
 them. First, labor : nothing can 
 be had for nothing; whatever a 
 man achieve, he must pay for it, 
 and no favor of fortune can ab- 
 solve him from duty. Secondly, 
 patience and forbearance, which 
 are simply dependent on the slow 
 justice of time. Thirdly and 
 most important, faith ; unless a 
 man believe in something far 
 hisher than himself, something 
 infinitely purer and grander than 
 he can ever become — unless he 
 have an instinct of an order be 
 yond his dreams, of laws beyond 
 his comprehension, of beauty and 
 good and justice beside which his 
 own ideals are dark — he will fall 
 in every loftier form of ambition, 
 and ought to fail. — Chur'h and 
 My friend " Snow Bunting" 
 asks if any of you youngsters have 
 ever seen a lizard's " gloves" float- 
 uig on the water of ponds or 
 ditches. She says they 1^ )k very 
 pretty and have every finger per- 
 fect, and that (.'ven the wrinkles 
 in the palms are plainly marked. 
 they are so delicately thin, how- 
 ever, that if taken out of the water 
 they fall together in a shapeless 
 mass ; but if dipped up carefully 
 in some of the water, they some- 
 times keep their shape. 
 The " gloves" are really the old 
 outer skin from the paws of the 
 newt or water-lizard. He has 
 several new suits a year, and he 
 tears of his old coat in shreds, but 
 the " gloves" come away whole. 
 There must be numbers of these 
 cast-ofT paw-coverings, but it is 
 not likely that you will come 
 across them, my dears, excepting 
 in the deep woods, on the surfaces 
 of pools and sluggish streamlets. 
 — it. Nicholas. 
 The explanation of the colors 
 of the morning and evening skies 
 is thus stated by Sir John Lub- 
 bock in his presidential address 
 before the British Association : 
 Tyndall has taught us that the 
 blue of the sky is due to the re- 
 flection of the blue rays by the 
 minute particles iloating in the 
 atmosphere. Now, if from the 
 ^hite light of the sun the blue 
 rays are thus selected, those which 
 are transmilied will bo yellow, 
 orange, and red. Where the dis- 
 tance is short, the transmitted 
 light will appear yellowish. But 
 as the sun sinks toward the 
 horizon the atmospheric distance 
 increases, and consequently the 
 number of the scattering particles. 
 They weaken in succession the 
 violet, the indigo, the blue, and 
 even disturb the proportions of 
 green. The transmitted light 
 under such circumstances must 
 pass from yellow through orange 
 to red, and thus, ivhile we at noon 
 are admiring the deep blue of the 
 sky the same rays, robbed of 
 their blue, are elsewhere lighting 
 up the evening sky with all the 
 glories of sunset. 
 Thou hast two ears, and but one 
 mouth ; 
 Remember it I pray ; 
 For much there is that thou must 
 And little say. 
 Thou hast two eyes, and but one 
 mouth ; 
 Ponder and reason well ; 
 Full many things thou art to see, 
 And few things tell. 
 Thou hast two hands, and but one 
 mouth ; 
 Nature has rightly done; 
 For she has given two for work, 
 For eating one. 
 — From the German of Rur.kerl. 
 Desmoulin, a celebrated French 
 physician, when on his death-bed, 
 having called around him the 
 most distinguished physicians in 
 Paris, said to them, " Gentlemen, 
 I leave behind roe three great 
 physicians." On the visitors urg- 
 ing Desmoulin to mention the 
 names of these three great doctors, 
 each probably expecting to hear 
 his own name announced, he 
 briefly added, " The three great 
 physicians arc water, .exercise, 
 ^ I s. 

 (fiom Iho Chllitrcn't nimil.) 
 liAMG (IKEO. 
 "Grog! Greg ! where are ye? 
 Where's that urchin got to?" was 
 shouted in a harsh, unwomanly 
 voice, by a iicrcc-lookiug, grey- 
 haired woman, who was standing 
 at the door of a miserable-looking 
 house iu a wretched court in the 
 on the boy's face. " It's nice !" he 
 said Kini|)ly. 
 " Didn't your mother never kiss 
 you ?" 
 '■ Never had no mother," was 
 the sorrowl'nl reply. 
 " Oh yes, every one has a 
 mother," said 51 ay, earnestly. 
 " No, I never had one, I tell 
 you; I know I never had," he 
 said passionately, as if he felt he 
 had been denied what other chil- 
 dren had. " But there, " he added. 
 East-end oi London. It was a subsiding into his usual quiet 
 dull day in autumn, with a I iting 
 east wind, which shook ths wo- 
 man's rags and blew her rough 
 hair about, and certainly did not 
 improve her temper. 
 "Greg !" she shouted again, 
 "I'll give it you well, if 
 ye don'tcomo !" Then, after 
 a ^nomcnt's waiting, she 
 shut the do<)r angrily, say- 
 ing — " What a plague other 
 folks' children be, to be 
 sure !" 
 Meanwhile a most miser- 
 able object was crouched 
 down on the cold pavement 
 only just out of tight — a 
 little, old, pale face, with 
 tousled hair, and large, 
 eager, hungry eyes, and a 
 poor deformed body, which 
 shrank and quivered as the 
 woman's voice was heard. 
 Standing close by was 
 another child, with curly 
 hair and a merry lace, thin 
 and pale enough, but look- 
 ing as if she knew what 
 love was, and fueling deep- 
 ly for the poor deformed 
 Botu children remained 
 (juite silent a lew minutes, 
 l)ut when they heard the 
 door bang, the little girl 
 stooped down and said 
 softly — "I'oor Greg! well, 
 you're out of her way for a 
 bit longer." 
 The boy's lips quivered: 
 " She'll beat me awful when 
 I go in." 
 " 1 know she will," said 
 May, with tears in her eyes. 
 " Why don't you run away, 
 Greg? I would, if she 
 beat me' like that." 
 " You know I can't run, 
 May," said the child, piti- 
 fully. " You're pretty; 
 folks'ud care for you, but, 
 no one loves me." 
 Tender-hearted May could not 
 stand this; she was eleven years 
 old, a year older than Greg, and 
 seemed to feel quite motherly to- 
 wards liim ; she stooped down, 
 and putting her arms around the 
 poor, forlorn little cripple, she 
 kissed his dirty, tear-stained face, 
 saying LheerfuUy— " Yes, I love 
 you, Greg ; see, I love you." 
 Greg never remembered having 
 a kiss before, though he had olten 
 played with May in thecourtthat 
 summer— the first summer she 
 had been in that neighborhood — 
 and he looked up quite surprised. 
 "What's the matter?" asked 
 May, wondering at the expression 
 patient way, "I suppose every 
 one can't have 'em, and I was one 
 that had to go without." 
 " Well," said May, considerably 
 there. The hnlf-tipsy men laugh- 
 ed and madefim of his poor back, 
 and the little fallow was deeply 
 sensitive, suffering as much i'lom 
 their words as ho did from his 
 grandmother's hard blows. 
 "What were you doing in the 
 court, May ?" osked her mother. 
 "You know I don't like your play- 
 ing with the rude children about 
 "No, mother, I know. I 
 wasn't playing with any one, I 
 was talking to poor Greg ; his 
 grandmother was scolding and 
 shouting to him, and he was hid- 
 ing away," 
 " Toor little fellow I" said Mrs. 
 mystihed, " I always thought 
 every one had. Never mind, 
 Greg, I love you." 
 Presently a voice was heard 
 calling out of an upper window — 
 " May ! May Langborne ! are you 
 there ! 
 " Yes, mother, ' answered May's 
 clear voice, as she ran hastily in, 
 leaving poor Greg alone in the 
 cold wind and growing darkness, 
 lie did not stir. The poor little 
 deformed body suffered a great 
 deal of pain, and every movement 
 was a dilllculty. He knew that if 
 he went indoors he should be sent 
 out for gin to the public-house at 
 the corner, and he dreaded going 
 Langborne, " my heart aches for 
 him," and she sighed; " he has a 
 hard time of it." 
 " And, mother," said May, still 
 very puzzled "he says he never 
 had' a mother ; he says some folks 
 have to go without. I thought 
 everybody had a mother." 
 " So they have, love," said Mrs. 
 Langborne, with a sad smile. 
 " I expect Greg's mother died 
 when he was a baby, and he does 
 not remember her." 
 " Yes, that must be it," said 
 M a y, considerably relieved. 
 " Oh, mother, may I go and tell 
 him ? I think he'd be glad to 
 know he had a mother once. Do, 
 let mo go." "Well, don't stay 
 long ; there is awful bad company 
 in this court, and I don't like you 
 to hear their talk, it don't do any- 
 body any good." 
 " Why did we come here, 
 mollier? it isn't half so nice as 
 where we was." Then seeing 
 the tears in her mother's eyes, she 
 added, " Is it, cause of father ?" 
 Mrs. Langborne could not an- 
 swer her little girl. She had had 
 a happy home once, but her hus- 
 band had taken to drink, and they 
 had been brought lower and 
 lower, till at last they had reached 
 that wretched court, not inappro- 
 priately called " The Battleheld." 
 _ Ah ! many a battle has 
 been fought down there — 
 the battle with poverty and 
 dirt and wretchedness, the 
 battle with sin and Satan. 
 Most of the inhabitants 
 yielded to the enemy, but 
 even in that court God had 
 His own witnesses, who 
 were lighting on the win- 
 ning side. Among them 
 was Mrs. Langborne. She 
 found it hard work, lor all 
 her eflorts seemed useless 
 to will her husband from 
 what was degrading him. 
 Sho was often cast down, 
 but she generally managed 
 to keep it from her little 
 daughter, and only show 
 her the bright side. 
 She soon dried her tears, 
 and giving May a kiss she 
 cut a slice of bread frora 
 the loaf she had just brought 
 home, and saying, " There, 
 give that to Greg — I dare 
 say he does not get much 
 to eat, the poor child often 
 looks almost starved," she 
 put it into May's hand, who 
 looked up with a beaming 
 "Thank you, mother, I'll 
 tell him you sent it." 
 The happy child v\as 
 soon downstairs in the court 
 once more. She ran over 
 to Greg, saying softly — 
 " Greg, Greg, here's a bit of 
 bread for you ; and do you 
 know you had a mother 
 once ?" and the child's 
 eyes danced as if she were 
 telling him a bit of rare 
 good fortune. 
 " No, I tell you, I never 
 had," was the slow and 
 sorrowful answer in a 
 muffled tone, on account of his 
 mouth being full of bread. 
 "But mother says you had," 
 persisted May. " She says every, 
 body has a mother; but your 
 mother must have died when you 
 was quite little, and you don't re- 
 member her." 
 This was a now idea to Greg, 
 and a light dawned on his face as 
 he said slowly, "Then I had a 
 mother like other children !" 
 "Of course you had," returned 
 May, with assurance. 
 "Then where is she now ? 
 " If she loved Jesus, she's gone 
 to be with Ilim." 
 "Where does He live ?" 
 fone I 
 " Oh, don't you know?" asked 
 May, opi'niiia; her blue i>yp8, 
 " Why, Ho lives up in heaven," 
 anil her fiuser pointed upward. 
 Gresj's eyes Ibliowed the direc- 
 tion of her linger, and saw the 
 briffht Ktars peopinf» out of the 
 dark sky, quiet witnesses of Him 
 who raado them. "Up there! 
 why didn't she take me too ?'' 
 " Well, I suppose she couldn't," 
 returned May. 
 " It must be nicer than here, 
 said Oreg, still keeping his face 
 up to the sky— "so prott" with 
 all them bright spots !" 
 " Course it's nicer there," said 
 May. " Shall I tell you what my 
 hymn says ? — 
 " ' Tbtn U • h>ppj lud, 
 Pftr, far awA} I 
 Whm ulBta Id glory itaai), 
 Bright, btliht u dky- 
 Ok, how th*7 iWMilj tliK, 
 Woithf ti onr tisTloat Klag I 
 Ijoud l«t III! prkUn rtsg, 
 PniM, pniia far •;• ! ' " 
 "Say it again," said Greg, as 
 May paused. 
 And there in the dreary court, 
 in the starlight, May repeated 
 her hymn. 
 " And my mother's there," said 
 Greg softly. 
 " Yes," said May, with a child's 
 assurance, " and you'll go to her 
 oae day." 
 "Shall I ?" exclaimed Greg, in 
 a tone of joy such as never before 
 came from that crippled form, 
 " shall I, May ? When ? Why 
 didn't you tell me before ?" 
 " I don't know why I didn't 
 tell you," said May, taking the 
 last question first, " I wish I had 
 but, you see, I haven't known 
 you very long. And 1 don't know 
 when yon are going, Greg. Some 
 day, when God says so. But I 
 must go to mother. Good-night, 
 1 hope your granny won't beat 
 you much." 
 "Good-night," returned Greg 
 " it won't matter if she does. I've 
 got a mother now, and she's in the 
 happy land, and I'm going to 
 her ! " 
 May ran in, and Greg was 
 again left alone. Yet he hardly 
 felt the same forlorn child he had 
 been an hour ago. He had a 
 mother now ! Yes, he accepted 
 the assurance of that with all con- 
 fidence. He was not so lonely, 
 and uncared for, and unwelcoraed 
 as he had always thought ; u 
 mother had loved him once, and 
 would again ! May said so, and 
 she seemed to know. Who was 
 Jesus, who had taken his mother 
 away, he wondered ! And how 
 could He live up there among 
 those bright stars ? Oh, how 
 many questions ho wanted to ask! 
 Then he repeated over and over 
 again the only lines he could re- 
 member of May'.s hymn — 
 ' Thert li a bappy land. 
 Far, far away." 
 " Yes, it must be away from 
 here," ho thought, as he listened 
 to the and screams and 
 oaths that were continu.illy 
 boundiiiif around him, and looked 
 up from his dark, cold corner to I ho knew the true sonrco of 
 the pure gentle stars that were joy, and though he was often 
 shining so peacefully so far inpainand weakness, yet he be- 
 After a while he fell asleep. 
 IIow long he slept he did not 
 know, but ho awoko at last with 
 a start from a sudden kick and a 
 volley of oaths, as ii man came 
 tumbling over him. Greg man- 
 aged to creep away in the dark- 
 lieved Oo<r.s word that " All 
 things work together for good to 
 them that love God." His wife 
 was a very reserved woman, 
 neve.' speaking to her neighbors 
 if f'he could avoid it; and as Isaac 
 could not get about, they were al- 
 most as much alone, and knew as 
 ness a.'! the man was throwing little of their neighbors, as if they 
 his arms about in the vain en-, lived on a desert island, 
 deavor to punish the child who But one day Greg's granny had 
 had been the cause of his fall. | been unusually cioss, even for 
 He was wide awake now, and , her ; she had beaten him, and 
 knew that It was late, that the turned him out into the wet court 
 public-houses were closing, and | —for it was pourjng with rain-- 
 that some drunken man had | telling him that she could not 
 stumbled over him. He crept] think what cripples were allowed 
 softly up the stairs to the room he , to live for, and she heartily wish- 
 ,.»11a,i •• home," listening outside ed he were out of the world. The 
 the door to find out, if possible, 
 what sort of a temper his grand' 
 mother was in. Hearinfi; no 
 sound, he opened the door canti- 
 ously, to see the old woman asleep 
 in a chair, a bottle and a glass 
 close beside her, and a few warm 
 cinders dying out in the grate. 
 He made his way to them on tip- 
 toe, and warmed his cold hands 
 and feet as well as he could ; then 
 creeping under the rags which 
 formed his bed, he was soon 
 soundly asleep, dreaming of the 
 happy land so far, far away. 
 Chapter II. 
 "The Battlefield," as Field's 
 Court was commonly called in 
 that neighborhood, from the pub- 
 lic-house at the corner which Dore 
 that unusual name, was a curious- 
 ly-shaped place. At the first 
 part — the part where Greg and 
 May lived— the houses were re- 
 gularly built opposite each other, 
 but at the other end the court 
 turned round as if it were guiug 
 to lead you somewhere, and when 
 you got there you found one 
 little house in a corner, smaller 
 than the rest, and if possible 
 darker ; a high brick wall being 
 built opposite, whicn shut off 
 much of the daylight. There 
 was no thoroughfare, and it 
 seemed as if the house had been 
 an after-thought of the builder's 
 — as if he had felt that there were 
 so manj' people in London to be 
 accommodated, that wherever 
 there was even a small vacant 
 spot, there he must contrive to 
 build a house. At any rate, there 
 it was, with " No 11" faintly 
 painted on the door. 
 This house held three families, 
 in the lowest room lived old Isaac 
 and his wile ; they had lived 
 there many years. "When he 
 was well and strong ho had earn- 
 ed good wages at a saddler's shop 
 in the main road, not '■-r off ; but 
 a sad accident had laid him low, 
 and he had not been able to walk 
 since, llis employers, however, 
 still gave him odds and ends of 
 work which he could do at his 
 own house ; his wife taking the 
 work ba(-kwards and forwards. 
 poor little lad's heart was nearly 
 broken, and in endeavoring tu 
 find a corner to hide quite out of 
 ffranny's reach, he discovered the 
 bend in the court near Isaac's 
 house, and sat down on the step 
 crying as if his heart would break. 
 "What's that noise, wife?" 
 asked Isaac, looking up from his 
 work ; " it sounds like a child 
 crying. Do open the door and 
 She did as he wished without 
 a word, and Isaac raised his voice 
 a little: " What are you doing 
 there ?" 
 Greg jumped up, and would 
 have shuiUed away, but the voice 
 sounded kind, and he looked in. 
 " Come in, come in !" said 
 Isaac. "I'm very fond of little 
 boys, and I'd like to have a talk 
 with you." 
 So Qreg stepped in, thinking 
 too what a nice shelter it was 
 from his granny. 
 "Well," said Isaac, with true 
 delicacy not noticing the child's 
 deformity — " I am glad to hare a 
 visitor. You see I can't walk at 
 " Can't you ? " said Qreg, with 
 great interest; "don't you never 
 go out at all? Shan't you never 
 walk any more?" 
 " I shan't walk any more on 
 earth, but in the happy land I 
 shall walk again." 
 "Shall you?" asked Greg, 
 brightening up. " Are you going 
 there ■?" 
 " Yes, sure ; do you know any- 
 thing about it ?,' 
 " I've got a mother in the 
 happy land, and I'm going to 
 her, " replied Oreg, with a nod. 
 "God bless you, my boy," said 
 aac, with deepening interest," I 
 didn't know any one in this court 
 thought of these things. Who 
 told you about it ?' 
 " May told me.'' 
 "Who's May?" 
 "Why,^ May, what lives just 
 opposite," said Greg, as if he 
 thought every one ought to know 
 " Dear me, I wish I could get 
 about. Wilt you bring May to 
 see me some Uay » I should like 
 to see her. And Isaac pushed 
 ful, ns if he was considering 
 whether he ought not, to have 
 sought the welfare of those about 
 him in some way, instead of shut- 
 ting himself up so much aloinv 
 " Lord," ho whispered softly, 
 " Thou hast sent this lamb of 
 Thine here to show me what 
 work I might do .for Thee, even 
 in my helpless state. Lord, I 
 thank Thee for this. Help mo to 
 teach this lamb the way to the 
 happy land." Isaac's eyes were 
 shut and his hands clasped, but 
 his face was upward. 
 Greg watched him gravely, 
 and looked up to the ceiling of 
 the little room to see what made 
 the old man's face so bright, 
 When Isaac opened his eyes 
 again, and turned with a smile to 
 the child, Greg asked gravely, 
 " Who was yon talking to ?" 
 " Why, to the bWssed Lord 
 Jesus, to be snre," 
 " Him as took my mother 
 away ? " 
 " Yes, child ; don't tou know 
 anything about Him ? 
 Greg shook his head. " ■ 
 " Dear, dear me, how sad ! The 
 Lord Jesus loves you, my boy, 
 and wants to ruuke yon His 
 happy child. Will you love 
 "Yes," said Greg, earnestly, 
 his heart at once going out to 
 any one who loved him. 
 " Where's your father ? Isn't 
 he living?" 
 " Don't know," said Greg, as if 
 surprised at the qnestion 
 " Who do you live with ?" 
 " Why, with granny, at No. 2." 
 " What's is granny's name ?" 
 " Some calls her ' Old Moll, 
 and some says ' Mrs. Jacksoti', ' ' 
 replied the boy, gravely. 
 " Well, come and see me again 
 when you can, and bring May 
 with you— I'd like to see her." 
 So Greg went out again into 
 the rain and cold. He noticed a 
 group of children at play on the 
 corner, evidently enjoying them- 
 selves, in spite of the wet weather. 
 Ho hurried past them as quickly 
 as he could go, but not before one 
 curly-headed child had caught 
 sight of him, and shouted out — 
 "Hunchback Greg!" The pain- 
 ed look came over his face again, 
 and as others took up the cry, the 
 tears came info his eyes. He 
 hastened on, and as he passed by 
 No. 2 his granny appeared at the 
 ( To be cuntinued.) 
 The Modern City minister is 
 chargeable with unfaithfulness to 
 the word of God. While he is 
 reading his pretty little sermon 
 from gilt-edge, sweet-scented 
 note-paper, in soft and dulcet 
 tones to the select few, in tha 
 pleasant church, the masses are 
 rushing headlong to ruin and 
 carrying our country and its in- 
 stitutions with them.— Selected. 
 , , ,. . IfYou would create something, 
 Isuac was a happy okl man ; | up his spectacles, looking thought- 1 you must bo something.— 6'oeMe 
 _ ^^1^ 
 (from lln Chililmi'a I'riciiil) 
 CllAl'TKll II.- (■.„,(,„,„./. 
 "Oh, thori! you arc! Niffh at 
 hand lor ouct< ! lloro, tako tliis 
 jui? and money, and fetrh me 
 three-pen'orth of f^in. If yer 
 don't hurrv, you'll catch it. 
 mind !" and she ifavc him a smart 
 slap on the shoulder to hnstcn 
 his movomt'Hfs. liut th(> pave- 
 ment was slippery, and Orcir, 
 never very firm on his legs, went 
 suddenly down, smashing the jug 
 to atoms. 
 " Yer young varmint ! " said 
 the woman, almost hosido herself 
 with anger, dealing out 
 blows on the shrinking form. 
 " I'll teach yer to break my 
 jugs, I will." 
 " What's the matter, 
 Moll ?" shouted a voice from 
 the next door; " has the brat 
 broken yer jug?" 
 "Yes. all to bits," said the 
 angry woman, pausing a 
 moment to detail har griev- 
 nnces, while Greg shrank 
 away as fast as he could. 
 " Was yer going to have a 
 drink? Never mind, come 
 and get it there," said her 
 neighbor, pointing with her 
 thumb to the public-house 
 at the corner. And the two 
 slatternly women crossed the 
 road to the place, where they 
 grew more quarrelsome, more 
 dirty, and more unwomanly. 
 Meanwhile Grog, sobbing 
 with pain and trouble, drag- 
 ged himself to his accustom- 
 ed corner, where he was in 
 some measure out of the 
 rain, and sat down to bear 
 his sorrows as best he might. 
 Poor little lonely soul, only 
 the same age wticn children 
 in happier circumstances are 
 cared for and loved and look- 
 ed after in every possible 
 way, he was left to bear 
 heavy trials and sufferings 
 all alone. By-and-by he saw 
 May stepping across the 
 conrt wrapped in an old 
 shawl of her mother's, and 
 carefully avoiding all the 
 pools left in Ihe broken pave- 
 ment. She did not see him, 
 and he felt too miserable to 
 call her, and only watched 
 her with wistful eyes. But 
 the sigh- of May awoke other 
 thoughts, and his heart grew 
 warmer as he remembered that 
 Jesus loved him, and one day 
 \vould take him to the happy 
 land, to be with Jesus and 
 mother ; that would be nice, he 
 thought, and he wished ho might 
 go just then out of that wretched 
 court to join them. Hut when he 
 looked up there were no stars ! 
 And he cried to think that even 
 that land might be spoilt. 
 Presently May passed again, 
 and hearing sobs, she came up to 
 the child,asking kindly—" What's 
 the matter, Greg ?" "^ 
 "The hiippy land's gone ! " said 
 the child, with tear-stained face. 
 " (111 no," she said cheerfully — 
 • it never ifoes." 
 '• liut it has, SCO ! " and ho point- 
 ed upward. 
 May, with a child's quick in- 
 stinct, oiUL'ht his moaning as she 
 looked uj) and saw the eloudy 
 It's all right, Greg, the happy 
 liind ain't gone ; the rain never 
 comes near it, mother says." 
 ■' Hut we can't see it," said 
 (rroir, only half comforted. 
 • No, liut it's there all the 
 same," returned May, confident- 
 ly " There, don't cry no more, it 
 will be all riirht." 
 Greg was only half convinced, 
 but he says they ain't no 
 He can't move hisself a 
 walk in the happy 
 " He'll 
 '• YoH, ho said so ; and he 
 wants you to go and talk about it. 
 will vor ?" 
 ■' Well," said May, demurely, 
 ■ I'll ask mother, 'cause, ye see, 
 she's particular where I goes. 
 But there. I mustn't stop, I've to 
 fetch a ha'porth of milk. Don't 
 cry any more. Grog," 
 The boy was getting stilf from 
 sitting so long, so hu ifot up and 
 followed May out into the street. 
 It was still raining fast, hut he I 
 "I'll te.\ch ybb to break my joos, i will 
 but after a moment's silence ho 
 said — • I've been to see an old 
 man what can't walk, and he says 
 I must go again, and you an' all." 
 "Me ! " said May— 'what for?" 
 " 'Cause he's going to the 
 happy land, and he wants to see 
 you afore ho goes." 
 " Where does he live C asked 
 May. wondering. 
 " Uound the corner, there," 
 said Greg, pointing with a dirty 
 hand in the directiop. of the 
 upper part of the court. 
 " Hasn't he got no legs ?" ask- 
 ed May, remembering that he 
 could not walk. 
 "Oh yos, he has lejts— lonff 
 was nearly wet through, and a 
 little more rain would not make 
 him much worse. He saw May go 
 into the milkshop, and got a 
 bright smile and nod from her as 
 ho passed the door. Down to the 
 corner he walked, where the old 
 apple-woman kept her stall, sum- 
 mer and winter. Greg had never 
 had any money to buy any of her 
 bright fruit, out he had often 
 looked at her stall from a distance, 
 and wished he could havo a 
 halfpenny of his own to spend. 
 To-day she had got a few small 
 oranges as well as apples, and 
 Greg placed himself on a door- 
 step not far off to watch her. She 
 had an old umbrella over her 
 stall to keep her fruit dry, and 
 she drew her large shawl round 
 her as if she felt the cold; but hot 
 lace was cheery and pleasant, and 
 she had a lively word and brighr 
 smile for each ol'li.r customers. 
 Presently, to his great surprise, 
 (ireg found that the apple- 
 woman was beckoning to him. 
 Chapter III. 
 " Come here, honey — how wet 
 you be, to be sure ! And what'll 
 your name be ?" 
 •Greg," said the child, gravely. 
 "And that'll bea nice short name 
 to remember. Well, Greg, 
 my boy, creep under my 
 shawl and have a bit o' my 
 supper, Dnd maybe ye'U get 
 Biddy, as the apple-woman 
 was usually called, had kept 
 a stall at that corner for years ; 
 she was now an elderly wo- 
 man, and although very 
 ignorant, was always kind 
 and good-natured. She had 
 never married, for, as she 
 said in her quaint way, she 
 had enough to do to look 
 after herself, without look- 
 ing after a husband too ; for 
 Biddy did not seem to under- 
 stand that it is a husband's 
 place to look after his wife ; 
 perhaps she had seen too 
 many cases to the contrary. 
 Anyway, she had a very 
 warm spot in her heart for 
 children ; she dearly loved 
 them, and the more loveless 
 and forlorn they looked, the 
 more her heart seemed to go 
 out to them, so that she 
 warmed to Greg at once. 
 Though Biddy had kept her 
 stall so long at the corner, 
 she and Greg had never 
 spoken before ; for though he 
 had seen and admired her 
 stall from a distance, it was 
 not often he ventured so far. 
 ' Ahone ! but how wet 
 ye be, my darlint! an' what'll 
 the tears be in your eyes 
 for V and she softly stroked 
 Greer's head. 
 " You're very good," said 
 Greg, gratefully ; " are you 
 going to the happy land 
 too ?" 
 '• An' what land'U that be, I 
 wonder ? It'll be far enough 
 away from here, no doubt " 
 But before Greg could say 
 more, he heard his granny's voice 
 close by and shrank closer under 
 the friendly shelter of the ample 
 shawl. Biddy seemed to under- 
 stand why it was; and vhcn the 
 old woman stopped at the corner 
 of the road and asked her sharply, 
 " Ha' ye seen a lame brat about 
 here ?" she answered quickly, 
 " An' never a brat have 1 seen, at 
 all, at all." 
 " Yer uses yer eyes precious 
 little, then," returned Granny, 
 " An' a good thing, too. in a 
 world like this," returned Biddv 
 liddv 9 
 on 111 
 quk'kly ; "lt> host tn shut your winds in hii* iiiuni nook, ho saw hearty " t'onic in'" (Jrop 
 eyi's to thi! hml, sun-." ' May cominK out. She looked fad, not n'lich the liitch, no Muy opon- 
 " Bud ! Yos, thcy'ro « pro- mnd then' wns u lyront hhuk murk cd Iho door, iind tliuro HUt liitac 
 cious l)ad lot art* brntnion ht'r lorhoad ; but shi" oainc aloni" huNy nt work. 
 nowndayN," said (Iranny, walk- clraiirht up to tho hoy and said, " I'onio in. coini' in," ho said, 
 injf Imok in irronl wrath. " Now 'tft'ntiy — when he saw hiw vihitors timidly 
 I'll havft to tr.iini> all thi' way I " You're always in this roruor, Htaiuliiijf at tho door; " I can't 
 back acf.iin (ircij'll catch itUfreg." move, and my wife iH out. I 
 when 1 do Jiiid hini '" '• Yes. I'vo (fot to be here, thought yr,u had lorirotten me, 
 " 'Why did you say you hadn't 
 seen me ?" asked (hct;, present- 
 ly, ■when (Iranny was fairly out 
 of sight 
 "An' I didii t say so honey. 
 Little childer shouldn't be called 
 ' brats.' " 
 Greg did not qneation this, but 
 he drew closer to the kindly 
 " Does your Granny beat 
 jow, honey ?" asked Biddv, 
 in a kindly voice, meanwhile 
 keeping a sharp look-out 
 after likely cnstomers. 
 " Yes," returned Greg, 
 sorrowfully, turning up hi.-i 
 ragged sleeve — " look there ! ' 
 "Oh, tho cratur ! to give 
 you a blow like that!' ex- 
 claimed Biddy, indignantly, 
 as she saw a lo:;g black 
 mark on the little bony arm. 
 ' An' it's she doesn't desarve 
 to have a child near her. 
 You come to me, my darlini, 
 whenever she boats ye, an' 
 I'll take care o' ye." 
 Greg looked up gratefully, 
 and ate tho bread she offered 
 •' Hero; take a drink o' thi.s, 
 'twill do yo good," and sli^^ 
 held a jug of tea to his lips 
 It was Isng since Greg 
 had been so kindly treated. 
 Isaac was kind, to be sure, 
 but ho had not fed and com- 
 forted the hungry, aching 
 child like Biddy ; and though 
 May was always sympathiz- 
 ing, she could not heij) aii<l 
 defend him as the apple- 
 woman did. No, from thai 
 day Greg always counted 
 Biddy as his best friend, 
 lie remained hi<ldeii witli 
 her till she began to pack up 
 her things for the night, and 
 then he sorrowfully returned 
 to the dreary court. 
 It was some time before 
 Greg Wi'Ut to see old Isaac 
 again ; ho longed to have 
 another talk al>«ut the 
 happy land, but he did not 
 like to go without May, as 
 Isaac had especially asked 
 her. May had not been about 
 the court for some days ; tho last 
 time Greg caught sight of her 
 at the window she had a bandage 
 tied round her ho^d, aud she 
 looked very sorrowful. Greg 
 guessed that her father had been 
 striking her in some drunken fit. 
 Ho had often watched the man 
 stumbling home, and heard his 
 angry words and loud voice ; and 
 he grieved in a iiuict way that 
 May, too, should know the sor- 
 rows of a drunken home. But 
 one day when the sun was shin- 
 ing, and Greg was enjoying its 
 warmth, sheltered from the cold 
 Isaac slowly shook his head, 
 watching the faces of the chihiren 
 l>elore him, and thinking with 
 grief of the sadness that sin had 
 brought into their lives. Then 
 rouhiiig himself, ho asked, "What 
 did you rend to-day. 
 " Why. mother read such a 
 beautiful bit! 'Twas nil .ibout 
 Granny goes out every morning, you were so long coming again." singing and being glad — about 
 and turns mo out „ fore she goes, : "No,' said Greg, "but May the sea making a happy noise, 
 and locks the door so I've got to couldn't come." and thM leaves rustling in the 
 bo here." i "(Hi, this is May is it? I'm wind, and tho river rushing along 
 " Ain't you very cold i" very glad to see her. Has she — and all 'cnuite the Lord wat 
 " Sometimes. It's nice and had a fall ( What a bad knock King ! 'Twasn't like this 'ere 
 warm now in the sun." you've got, my child I ' court at all. Hut mother said 
 " Shall we go and see that li-mo "No, it wasn't a fall — "said that if people would come to the 
 man?" asked May. "Mother May, slowly, and she stopped. dear Saviour, all the world might 
 be like that — all bright, and 
 happy, and good, and ring- 
 ing. And I know one verse 
 ■ aid something t b o u t 
 'Tictory,' because mother 
 said, ' Ah child, our court's 
 called "The Battlefield," and 
 it is just a part of the great 
 battleKeld ; bnt.dear me.most 
 ofthe battle* are lost here be- 
 cause they don't know that 
 the Lord has got the victory." 
 She taid something like 
 that," said May, in her old- 
 fashioned way, " and I wish 
 the victory was come, 'cause 
 'twould all be so nice then." 
 Isaac smiled. " It'll come, 
 child, it'll come. Yes, 
 there'll be a grand victory 
 one day ! Your mother was 
 right, this is part of the great 
 battlefield ; she's got a hard 
 fight, I expect, but you tell 
 her she's sure to win, be- 
 cause she's on the right side 
 she'll win. sure enough." 
 May smiled, pleased that 
 Isaac thought her mother all 
 right, but not understanding 
 his meaning. Greg had 
 sunk down on the floor in a 
 crouching position ; he never 
 could bear to stand long, for 
 his back gave him so much 
 pain; but his bright eye.-^ 
 were wide open listening 
 eagerly to the conversation. 
 " When'U the victory 
 come ? " he asked at last, with 
 his head bent eagerly for- 
 " I don't know, my boy . 
 Every fresh ono who comes 
 to the Lord Jesus makes it a 
 bit more likely, and every 
 little victory gained over sin 
 brings the great triumph 
 " But what have wo to fight ? " 
 asked Greg. "Qrauny fights 
 sometimes, must I fight her :' 
 I'm over little to do any good." 
 for I says I can go now." 
 I •' Yes,' said Greg, eagerly, ris- 
 ;ing with diiKculty — "and hear 
 about the happy land." 
 " I wish wo could go there, 
 Greg," .said May wistfully. 
 '■ We're goin' some day ain't 
 wo r 
 They walked up the court, 
 turning round to Isaac's corner. 
 When they got there Greg's 
 courage failed him. 
 " You knock. May," he said. 
 " No ; you've been before, it's 
 you to go first," replied May, 
 drawing Dack. 
 So Greg gave a timid knock, 
 which was responded to with a 
 Isaac, piti- 
 yon'vo a 
 " I see, I see,'' said 
 fully — " poor lambs 
 deal to bear. But the blessed 
 Lord knows all about you, and 
 He cares for you. Do you know 
 about Him '?" 
 " Yes," said May, a soft light 
 coming into her eyes ; " He is the 
 dear Saviour who died for us, 
 and is going to take us to the 
 hapi)y land one day." 
 " God bless you, child. Who 
 told you about Him?" 
 " Mother told mo ; she talks 
 about Him every day, and she 
 reads about the happy land, and 
 wo sing sometimes when father's 
 out," said May, innocently. 
 {Tu be i:untinu€(l.) 
 To DO ONE Thi NO poorly and 
 slowly, for the sake of saving a 
 little money, at the expense of 
 another thing we have learned to 
 do quickly and well, is a mark of 
 parsimony rather than of real 
 economy. Tho moft precious 
 things are time and >pporunity ^ 
 for good. — SuHdasi-Scho)il World. X 
 ■ill hiiil 
 (/'rr III l/i« Cliihl rii'i I ikhiI. ) 
 CHAl'TKIl m.-Cmlmuat. 
 " No, no, my lad, you'ro novcr 
 to liyht (irniiiiv. Yoii'vi'thn evil 
 to liiflit — llic Hill ill your hi-nrt;'ii whiTi- Ihn (ir>t victory 
 tnust 1)1) giiiiiod. If yoii art) oiii> 
 of l/io Saviour'H liimlls you must 
 nover tell lici, or rhcnl, or say 
 bftd words, or do wroiii^ fhini,'H. 
 When tho wi^h to do Biu'h thin^i< 
 comos into your heart you muRt 
 tight it down, and look u|i to t)ii> 
 Saviour and ask Him to give you 
 tho victory " 
 Orcg listonrd oarnegtly with 
 grave i'liop, hut h<! did not 
 •ay snythini?. Pn-Montly 
 Isaac's wil'o carao in, brini?- 
 inof her husband fresh work, 
 and whilo she wan rfpt>ntiii<r 
 to him tho saddlor's inslruc- 
 tions the children slippcil 
 In A small room in a honsn 
 a few sirccts away from 
 Field's Conrt, a hnpjiy-faced 
 woman was leaning over her 
 husband's shoulder, lookini^ 
 at a map and a of names. 
 Tho room was only plainly 
 furuishud, but there were ono 
 or two tiri^jhtlyilluminatrd 
 texts on tho wall and a few 
 pictu'es. Tho lookout was 
 on a busy street, with tho 
 noiso of omnibuses and trams 
 continually passinir and ri- 
 pnssiu^lbut a few liower- 
 pots in tho window, with 
 somo plants which, though 
 not in flower, were yet 
 brijfht Willi fresh, f^reeii 
 lo-ives. shut ont some of tho 
 dulness of fill' street. Mr. 
 and Mrs Goodwin had only 
 been ft few weeks in thiit 
 house; ho had not lonp neen 
 appointed city missionary to 
 that district, and was look- 
 inty over the map of the 
 While they were still por- 
 incfover it- the former mis- 
 sionarv caino in. 
 " Good morning, Mr 
 Goodwin; good morninjr, 
 ma'am. I see you are busy 
 over tho map." 
 " Good m o r n 1 n p, Mr. 
 Hoaley ; I am glad yon have look- 
 ed Ml. I want to ask you a few 
 qnoslions about tho district." 
 Mr. Healey opened his note- 
 book, and the two missionaries 
 consulted together for somo time 
 over tho state of tho locality. 
 " And now about this court 
 curiously named 'The Battle- 
 field' ; I expect it will bo pretty 
 much of a battlefield for us 
 "It is a dreadful place," said 
 Mr. Hoaley, with emphasis— "a 
 dreadful place, not fit for any 
 lady to go into." 
 How comes it by its strange 
 name ? " 
 1 nni not very sure, but there | that there may bo victories won 
 there which will make heuven 
 IS ft trailitiiiii ihiit a hiitllo wiis 
 I'lmuh' noun hiiiulri'ds of venr.s 
 a!;o oil tins spilt, mid ii Held on 
 which thi) couit wns built hail 
 troiii timo iiniiii'inoriiii been oiill- 
 cd ' till' baltlelield,' Hi) F SU[)I)ONe 
 thero niUht bo soinethiiitf in it.' 
 " I see you hiive only one iiiiine 
 down there, iHiiae. Hard acre ; how 
 is that y Are there no more 
 "Oil, dear I yes,* plenty — too 
 many. Hut they iire so bad no 
 one can visit them. Isaac is a 
 good olil m.iii iind always thank- 
 ful for a visit, but the rest ' 
 an<l Mr Healey held up his hands 
 ring Willi praises. 
 !• w;»s in tlie spring that Mi'. 
 (Goodwill 1 .line III ii''i','liliipr- 
 hriod. (Ire;,' and ^lay 'Aere Imlli 
 going on much the same, both 
 bearing their childhood's griefs 
 and si)ecial sorrows in 'Iieir usual 
 <iuiet way. M-»ny a visit had been 
 paid ti) old Isaac, who was .ilways 
 pleased to see his young visitors, 
 and did all he could to teach 
 them more of tlie Lord he loved. 
 The winter had been a severe one, 
 and CfreL' had si>«nt much of his 
 time with his unfailing friend and 
 comforter, the apple-woman, who 
 $ nan 
 Presently ho took his ' stuck to her post notwithstanding 
 in horror 
 leave, aiul after he had gone Mr 
 and Mrs. (roodwin satfor a while 
 in silence. 
 "This dreadful court," said 
 Mrs. Goodwin at last, " you must 
 bo careful how you go into it, 
 "Tho angel of tho Lord en- 
 campelh round about them that 
 fear Him, and delivereth them," 
 was his answer, with a smile. 
 " There arc those who need vi.sit- 
 ing there; there are wounded 
 ones on that battlefield, nodoubt. 
 who need helping and blessing; 
 and the only way to do them good 
 is to tp\to the Gospel to them, so 
 tho rain and snow, and had a 
 warm welcome at all times for 
 the pofir little ciippie. 
 Mr. (jondwiii paid his first 
 visit to old Itaac, who was de- 
 lighted to see him, and to find 
 that an earnest servant of God 
 was to labor among them. 
 ' There's need enough of work 
 for God in n court like thi.«, sir, 
 sure enough ; tho poor souls is 
 .''laves to sin and Satan, aiul no 
 one to help 'em. I wish I could 
 do something, but you see I'm 
 tied hero and can't move. I 
 haven't been outside that door for 
 seven years, and it ain't likely 
 that folks would come to me.* 
 " Vi) doubt you worked when 
 you IiikI the opportunity,' said 
 .Mr. Giiodwili, pleased In Iind so 
 iiitelliireiit and earnest a Christian 
 ill such a plai;e. 
 "Well, you see.hir. I didn't know 
 iiiucli about tho I.iiird myself till 
 I was crippled. It's my accident 
 has been the means of bringin ; 
 me really to him, so I can thiink 
 llim for it, though sometimes it 
 is a sore trouble not »- !)j able to 
 get about." 
 " It must be, indeed : but thero 
 is one thing you can do : yen can 
 pray for your neighbors, you can 
 continually boar them np before 
 tho Lord, and so bring down 
 blessings upon them of which 
 they have nover dreamed." 
 " Yes," returned Isaac, 
 " sure enough. I do pray 
 for them, and have done so 
 this many a year, and I be- 
 lieve your coming among ns 
 is tho answer to the prayer.-*. 
 I wish yon could make one 
 of your first visits to a man 
 called Langborne, at No. 6, 
 jpslairs. His wife is « good 
 woman, and I believe his 
 little girl is one of tho 
 Saviour's lambs — she comes 
 to see me sometimes — but 
 Langborne is breaking their 
 hearts. Ho drinks dreadful, 
 and beats both his wife and 
 child ; but as May told mo 
 one day, ' wo sings of tho 
 happy land, and wishes wo 
 was there !' " 
 " Poor things !"" said Mr. 
 Goodwin, compassionately, 
 " I will certainly visit them 
 as soon as I can ; but you see 
 I havo a largo district, and 
 there are many other courts 
 too." Then, after making 
 one or two notes in his 
 pocket-book, and joining 
 Isaac ii. pr lyer. he left the 
 It was up-hill work. Mr. 
 and Mrs. Goodwin often said 
 that it was a real battlefield 
 to them, tliero was so much 
 to discourage, and try, and 
 dishearten Tho people re- 
 senteil their visits, did not 
 want to bo looked after, and 
 said openly that they did not 
 care to bo interfered with. 
 But tho missionaries gained 
 the victory through Him 
 who loved them, and did all 
 they could to help the poor lost 
 ones. Langborno was happily 
 more easily reached than they 
 feared ; ho was greatly taken 
 with Mr. Goodwin's hearty, man- 
 ly way ; and before many months 
 were over, he signed tho temper- 
 ance pledge, and joined a Bible- 
 class that Mr. Goodwin had be- 
 gun on Wednesday evenings. 
 Tho day after tho pledge was 
 taken. May came out to Greg in 
 tho conrt, her face all smiles and 
 "What's tho matter?' asked 
 Greg, curiously. 
 " Oh, such good news ! Father s 
 turned teetotal, and won't touch 

 no mnro drink! Tliiiik <>' ihil, 
 (Irtij!" mill lln- • !iil<l tfrow I'x- 
 cit>'(l. ' Moth'T mill nil' hi»^ lici'ii 
 <r\ iitf n<'iir nil night, we're ho 
 '■ 1 wdultlii'i iTv il" I wor jfliiJ," 
 siiid (Iri'ff. 
 " Wiiiililu't you ? P'raps you 
 couldn't hi'lp it if you wuh very, 
 very ulml. * rrej; Sli vU \V(> ifo iind 
 tell Isiiac — lie'll l)e MO pleiiKiul ? " 
 Thoy noon puNhed open the 
 tloor, lull of Iheir iiewn, whon 
 they discovered that Isiiao wan 
 not nlone. Mr. Goodwin wus 
 thoro reudinj^. The children 
 were hastily retreating, when 
 Isaac called — " Ilou't go away; 
 comp in, come in ' You've como 
 to tell luo about father, haven't 
 you. May ! Well, I'm just as i;Ud 
 08 can be." 
 " May was so Rlad, she cried," 
 aaid (Ire);, as if he could not un- 
 derstand it, and thou 
 back in a corner as if ashamed of 
 h8\ing spoken before a stran|[r«"r ; 
 for it so happened that though 
 Mr. Goodwin had been working 
 in the court for some months, be 
 had never seen Greg bi-lore. 
 " Well, well, we'll talk about it 
 presently'' said Isaac. " Mr. 
 Goodwin was reading me a 
 beaiiliful story about a blind man, 
 and I'm sure if you'll .sit still lie'll 
 beurin the chapter again, and let 
 you hear the whole story." 
 The treat was an ununudi one 
 to Greg, and both he and Miiy 
 eagerly s<|uatted on the lloorwith 
 upturned faces to li.steii. It was 
 the ninth chapter ofSt..rohn, and 
 the story attracted them : the 
 poor man who had been a blind 
 baby, a blind boy, wh" had never 
 seen the faces ot his father and 
 mother, never seen God's beauti- 
 ful sunshine as he sal in its 
 warmth and begged, who all 
 Yds life long had been in the dark, 
 and had never seen anything in 
 the world. Greg gave a little 
 shudder as he thonght that that 
 would be worse than even his 
 own crooked, painful back. But 
 then how he listened when he 
 heard that Jesus cured him, gave 
 him sight, and that all the man 
 had to do was simply to wash as 
 He told him ' 
 " Was he never blind any 
 more ?" whispered Greg to May, 
 who was close beside hira I 
 " Hush ! " said May. " No ; 
 he's sure to be all right now." 
 And they listened silently to 
 the end of the chapter. 
 " You see,' said Mr. Goodwin, 
 turning to the children, " the 
 Lord Jesus not only Lave the 
 blind man his sight, but He for- 
 gave him his siii.s : the luau be- 
 came a true believer on the Son 
 of God. And tlie same Jesus 
 who did such a \\ onderful thing 
 as that, He also I )v s you, dear 
 children ; He died on the cross lor 
 you, and He cares for you iu all 
 your trials.' 
 " It's a wonderful thing, " said 
 I Isaac — " a whole chaitliT in Gods 
 ' l5ook taken up v. ith a poor bl.iid 
 .*< iviour 
 NorrriiKRN mkssrnger. 
 bei,'i.Mr, ami llie way thi 
 savi'il and beal.d liiin. " 
 j '• All. there will lie many hui h 
 chaplers III till' liaiiib's book ot 
 I life — the book thai is writieii ill 
 heavi'ii," said Mr. Goodwin 
 !'■ There will be in my a eh i|)t''r 
 'there, all taken up with the 
 iSa\iour's inerey an 1 lore to one 
 poor blind miiiier ; there w .11 be a 
 whole chapter tor each of us. 
 What a book il will be ' ' 
 Greg started up. 
 be a chapter about 
 me theri' f I 
 If you are one of the Saviour's 
 little ones, my boy. your name is 
 I iiid, aiicl you have a name 
 Miiinewheii', Mirrt to," o.iid 
 May, .oiiilorlingly. An<l then a 
 bn-j-lit tliouiflii cDiiiiiig into IhT 
 head, hiie aided. "Why, ihe 
 u'eiitleman said your name was 
 written 111 heaven, so God knows 
 what It is; it's all riu'ht, you see." 
 And Greg was coml'orted. lie 
 resolved to tell Mr.'* IKxidwin 
 about it at the next meeting. 
 ' ' Hut Greg did iro in the meet- 
 Will there iiiir again for a long, long tiia«. 
 written in lh»t book, and there is 
 a chapter about you too. The 
 blessed Lord loves and cares 
 for all His children, whether they 
 are young or old. " 
 Oreg gave an emphatic nod, 
 his dark eyes looking earnestly 
 on the missionary's face ; but he 
 did not speak, and presently sank 
 back on the floor again till Mr. 
 Goodwin took his leave. 
 It was not long aflor this that 
 Mrs. Goodwin, who had been 
 greatly touched l>y her husbaftd's 
 account of the lame boy, opened 
 a " Band of Hope" for the chil- 
 dren of the district. At first it 
 was but thinly attended, and 
 none of the children from " The 
 Battlefiuld" could be persuaded 
 to join except Oreg and May. 
 Mrs Goodwin conducted the 
 meeiiiius in a very lively way, 
 having a good deal of <:heerfnl 
 singiiiL'. and showing the chil- 
 dren in simi)le words the great 
 advantages of total abstinence 
 and the terrible evils of drink. 
 She also showed them how much 
 good they might do if they held 
 fast to their pledge, and how they 
 might be the moans of winning 
 older people to give up the drink, 
 which was the cause of such un- 
 told evil. 
 Greg could neither read nor 
 write, he had never been taught 
 anything but evil ; and when he 
 went up to the table with May, 
 he was somewhat startled when 
 Mrs. Goodwin asked, " What is 
 your name, my boy ?" 
 '■ Greg," he answered. 
 " Ah, bat that is a short name ; 
 what is your prooer name your 
 surname ?" 
 " Ain't got none,'' he said, 
 '• t)h, but you must have one ; 
 does nobody know ?" 
 " No," said May, " we all calls 
 hira ' Greg.' " 
 " Dear me," said Mrs. Goodwin, 
 " I am afraid I cannot give you a 
 card to-day, my boy ; but do not 
 grieve," she added, as Greg be- 
 gan to cry, " we will try and find 
 out before the next meeting, and 
 you shall have a card then." 
 But Greg was in great trouble. 
 "I ain't a bit like other folks. 
 May, ' he said, sobbing, as they 
 left' the meeting. " I hadn't a 
 mother, and uow I hain't a 
 name. " 
 " Oh, but you have, Oreg. 
 Why, you know you have a 
 mother with Jesus in the happy 
 A NEW illiMB. 
 A day or two after the lait 
 Band of Hope meeting, as Mr. 
 and Mrs. Goodwin were sitting 
 at breakfast, the postman's knock 
 waNhoard,and Mrs. Goodwin ran 
 out to receive a letter for her bus- 
 " From your sister," shes-'id ai 
 she banded it to him. 
 Mr. (iuodwin read it through 
 with a somewhat pazzlt«d face, 
 and then handing it to his wife, 
 he said, " There, read il tbroagh 
 and tell me what to do." 
 After speaking on familk af- 
 fairs, the letter went on : " 'We are 
 much interested in all your work 
 in that sad neighborhood, and we 
 wish we could help you. We 
 hare been thinking lately we 
 should much like to take some 
 poor lost child and caro for it. 
 The Lord has not given us chil- 
 dren, yet He has given us this 
 nice farm and plenty of room for 
 a child to run about ; and wo have 
 felt strongly lately that perhaps 
 Ho has some lonely, ill-used, 
 motherless child for us to bring 
 up for Him. I want you and 
 Kate to think over the matter, 
 and send us down the most un- 
 h.ippy and uncared-for child in 
 the district. We do not care 
 whether it is a boy or girl ; we 
 leave all the details with yon." 
 " Well,'' said Mr. Goodwin, as 
 his wife finished reading the let- 
 ter, and folded it up with a smile 
 — " well, what conclusion hare 
 you come to ?" 
 " Greg," said Mrs. Oood-" 
 looking into her husband's fa 
 *' But he is such a cripple, 
 such an uncared-for little lad. 
 '• Then he is just the one yom 
 sister wants. I believe it would, 
 be the making of him. It he had 
 fresh air and good food and caro , 
 just now, ho might grow up 
 much stronger. Poor Tittle fel- 
 low I I should like to know he 
 was down in the country ; I am 
 sure he would repay any one's 
 " He has won your heart, that is 
 evident," said Mr.Ooodwin.laugh- 
 ing ; " and he is a good little fel- 
 low, I am sure. IsL'ac always 
 speaks very highly cf h-.n. I 
 wonder what his grand lother 
 would say to the plan. I will 
 call by-and-by, and see what she 
 Mr. Goodwin had somewhat of 
 a stormy visit to old Mrs. Jackson. 
 At first she declared she " didn't 
 want lite Ind, would be glad to 
 iret rid of liim ;" but when Mr. 
 Goodwill expUiii>Ml to her that he 
 wanted lo like Greg right away 
 she ut onee deelar.'d she could 
 not let him go unless a sum u> 
 money were paid down for (he 
 loss he would be to her in going 
 errands. He resolved tn think 
 the matter over before he decided 
 to do anything more, and avcord- 
 ingly rose to go. 
 " What is the child's real 
 name ?" he asked. 
 " Oreg," she said, defiantly, 
 " But that is a coutrautiou ; 
 what is his real name T' 
 '• What's that to you 7" the said, 
 getting more angry. If ' Greg' 
 ain't good enough, you can give 
 him any name you've a mind to." 
 Whon Mr. Goodwin was tell- 
 ing his wile about it afterwards, 
 he said, " I hardly know why, 
 but I do not think Oreg ir that 
 woman's grandchild at all. He 
 has fallen into her hands some- 
 how, and she seems afraid of tell- 
 ing his real name." 
 " Perhaps we shall find out 
 some time ; we muat keep our 
 eye on the woman." 
 At lost, after some consultation, 
 it was agreed to give the old wo- 
 man ten shillings, and take Oreg 
 off at once. " 'Though I am sad- 
 ly afraid all the money will go iu 
 gin," said Mr. Goodwm. 
 At last all was arranged, 
 had bid May good-bye 
 mauy tears. 
 ' Tu be runUnued. ) 
 Thk North China Ih'rald 
 gives an account of the boy-em- 
 peror of the Celestial Empire, 
 who is now eleven years old, 
 and has been legally of age since 
 he was six. He is styled Foo 
 Yeh, or the Buddha Father, and 
 all who enter his presence pray 
 to him as to the Deity. Even his 
 mother, who visits him in state 
 once a month bows down and 
 worsh' Inn " is <ittended 
 by ( iiless seivanis. Where he 
 . the palace of his ances- 
 , ueepintr in > great bed 
 > iiere ■any emp ■» nave slept 
 who i'^ now di .. He dmes 
 i/randly. !>ut his servants tell him 
 when je appears to be over-eat- 
 ting, :- vour mother does you, 
 perhaps. His teachers come in 
 and fall upon their knees, not rip 
 ing until he bids them. Ever 
 day he reads the Chinese and 
 Tartar languages, and rides and 
 praotises with bow and arrow. 
 Then his youthful Majesty sits for 
 two hours on a throne and talks 
 gorernment affaiia with his M 
 isters of State. 
 Make Others to see Christ 
 in you moving, doing, speak- 
 ing and thinking ; your actions 
 will speak of Him, if He be 
 in you, — Rutherford. 
 " Shame is the loss of our own 
 likd In ' 
 •II Mr. 
 Ittiitt ho 
 lium (/ 
 llor Ihf 
 rHI<; lIVTTl.lil'IKLD,' 
 li'ur, (lt>ar, you look 
 own Ik 
 {fnm (/.<• CliMui,; hirml.) 
 • 'IIAI'TKIl v.- <■„„(,■„„„/. 
 " Will yoii oviT ciiriii' Imck / " 
 ukfil Miiy. 
 " I ilmi't know," Niiid (f ri'i{ ; ■' I 
 Nhoiilil likit to I'liinit liai'k it' 1 
 hmln't to live with (Iraiiriy : nhi' 
 htjRt inc vwr HO hihl iiiurhl, 'niuHc 
 nhw iHiil 1 tlidn'i. uiiuhl to k" 
 Ijut'it Ko and (uy ((ood-hyit to 
 " I'm roal iflivd for you, my 
 bov," Haid Ihu old mini, " though 
 I shall mils you it di-iil, hut III 
 Hue you in thf hapjiy liiiid oini 
 day." Thfii Bhuttiii|i( hiN oyi^H 
 and putting hJN hand on 
 O-rAj^'g hirnd, ho Haid Hol'tlv — 
 " Lord, I thank Thuo lor Thy 
 love to this lamb, innko him 
 altoiyfulhcr Xhin>* i bluHs him, 
 and make him a bluBsing." 
 And Ureg camo away with 
 tears in bis uyos., 
 Uiie mori! visit Ho had to 
 pty— to Biddy, tho apple- 
 " An' is it far aw4y you're 
 foin' I " Hho aaked ; " an' will 
 never stio vou at all, iit all / 
 Gh, but I'll miss the sight 
 o' yer I'dtH' Ht'ro, t a k e 
 these," and she put a wholu 
 pennyworth of applco into 
 his hands. 
 " Oood-byo," said Greg ; 
 "thank yt-r for' bein' kind lo 
 " Oo:I bless 7or kindly 
 soul ; any ono with a heart 
 at itll would bo kind to yor 
 Oood-byo," and she leant over 
 and kisMi'd thu i;rippl>'d boy. 
 Next morning they started, 
 Mr. Goodwin going witti the 
 child ; Jor he did not think it 
 would be right to let him go 
 alone, and he wiuhed to see 
 his sister's iirst impreHvionH 
 of ais choice. It waH a 
 long journey, for Mrf. 
 Thompson lived in a village 
 not lur troni Worcester, and 
 they were pretty tired when 
 they reached the farm. <Jreg 
 had been very quiet all tho 
 journey, though evidently 
 much surprised both at the 
 mode of travelling and at the 
 rate they whirled through the 
 country. Mr. Goodwin fear- 
 ed the child was suHering a 
 deal ; his face grew i)aler us 
 the day wore on, and there 
 were dark rmgs round his eyes, 
 but he never complained, He 
 made the child as comfortable as 
 he could with a pillow and 
 shawl which Mrs. Goodwin hud 
 thoughtfully provided, but tiio 
 jog of the train tried the i)oor 
 back very much, ami both 
 travellers were heartily triad 
 when the end ot the journey was 
 Mr. and Mrs, Thompson came 
 to tho door to receive their guests 
 with hearty words and kind looks, 
 "And is this tho child that is 
 to bo our boy ?" asked Mrs. 
 Thompson, after greeting her 
 ' " Why. 
 worn out' 
 Th>' I'hilil rapidly turned paler 
 and lain led away. 
 " I ihiiik the Journey has been 
 loo niiii'h lor him," HaicI Mr. 
 Hood win, c'ktehing him in bin 
 aniiH and earryiiiu: him into tlx' 
 hoUNe ; "ho is not ulronif, l>tit he 
 will Koon come right iig:iin. I 
 liopi> I have not brought loo bad 
 a N| imeii of the unl'orlunali' 
 children in our alleys." 
 ■' Vol a bil, not a l)il, " said Mr. 
 Tlioinpsoii, heartily. " Milly will 
 eiii'iy iiurHing him up, and will be 
 proud of what she can do ' 
 ' He has hud no love uU hislife. Ihrst.' 
 comfortable than he ha<l ever fell 
 in hin lil'i-. h<t said feebly with 
 treinliling Ijpt — " Is ihis llie 
 hini|>y land !" 
 >Irii. ThompNon ki»»i'd the 
 white luce. •■ It tihall be it hiippy 
 lanu to you, my bov , but il it not 
 (iiid'K happy land yet— lie wants 
 you here lirst ' 
 Greg did not niiMWer, only 
 faintly Niniled, and drank Ihe 
 riip of warm milk which Mrs. 
 TlioinpMon olJiTi'd him. 
 '• You miiHl mind how ynu feed 
 him, for he hiin had the poorest 
 living all IiIh life and will not be 
 able to lake much nouriithment at 
 From what we can make out, he ' They left the boy on tho sofa, 
 is an orphan. and his grandmother too weak to move, while they 
 is mo.'it unkind to him beating went into another room for tea. 
 the poor child constantly, and • " I hardly know what to do 
 leaving him to drag himself up about a bath, " said Mrs. Thomp- 
 as best he can. ' son ; " I don't like to have him in 
 " Poor dear child," said Mrs. one of our beds till ho has been 
 Thompson, "we will alter all thoroughly washed — people are 
 that. Dear me, how thin he is! .so dirty in those courts; but I 
 See, he is coming around al- fear a bath would be too much 
 ready." for him in thatweok state. Oh, 1 
 Mr. Goodwin was sitting on know I wiU wring a blanket out 
 the other side of the room, where ot hot, soapy water and wrap him 
 Greg could not see him, and when in Ihat ; it will strengthen and 
 the child opened his eyes and cleanse him at the same time." 
 saw only a kind motherly face Accordingly, as soon bs tea was 
 leaning over him, and felt he was over, Greg was carried upstairs, 
 lying on something more .soft and undressed and put into the 
 blanket, eointortably covered up 
 and lelt to Miak lor a whTle. Mro. 
 Tlioinptoii exiiinined his doihix 
 ;iliil deeidril that they milht be 
 burnt. In Ihe poekel of his uii- 
 deri'oiil Nhi> louiid a biuall, old 
 " Is this yours, my boy t" 
 " YeH, (irniiny gave it me tliis 
 morning; «he said I might have 
 " Oh, that is all right. Lie 
 still, I will come to you again 
 by-und-liv. ' 
 " It's so nice," said Greg, grate- 
 Mrs Thompson went down- 
 st.iirs to her husband and brother. 
 " What is the child's name ?" 
 she asked. 
 "Well, it is a carious 
 thing that we cannot find hia 
 name ; he always goes by the 
 name of ' Greg,' but what 
 that means I don't know— it 
 may be a contraction of some 
 name. You will have to give 
 him a new name." 
 " I hare had to burn most 
 of his underclothes ; they 
 were in such a shocking state 
 of dirt I conid not keep them 
 in the house an hour ; and as 
 to the pocket-book his grand- 
 mother gave to him, I think 
 it ought to share the same 
 " A pocket book !" said Mr. 
 Goodwin — "oh, let me see it; 
 it may gire som;i clue to his 
 Mrs. Thompson according- 
 ly went up for it, and found 
 the boy latt asleep, soothed 
 and comforted. She took up 
 the pocket-book and came 
 down again. Mr. Goodwin 
 opened it. It was empty — 
 no leaves in it, and the 
 pockets had nothing in them. 
 " Not much to DO found 
 there," said Mr. Thompson. 
 " T fear not, ' replied Mr. 
 Goodwin, turning it over. 
 " Stay I here is some writing 
 on the cover," and he held it 
 nearer the window: 
 " Gregory .' the next 
 letter looks like D, but tho 
 word has been scratched out 
 I can't read it" 
 " That must be Greg's 
 name," exclaimed Mrs. 
 "Yes, I suppose it roust bo 
 so; this book no doubt be- 
 longed to his father. I wonder 
 how tho old woman got hold ol 
 it. I do not fancy she is really 
 his grandmother, but I have no 
 prools. 1 will keep my eye on 
 her, and do what I can to find out 
 the truth. Anyway, whatever 
 his parentage may be, it is a great 
 blessing to tho poor boy to be 
 with you, and tho Lord will re- 
 ward you." 
 Chapter VI. — 
 Mr. Goodwin was obliged to 
 leave next day for London ; he 
 could not spare any more time 
 UP. ' f 
▼ 152 
 lust then from his work, bat he 
 promised to come down with his 
 wife when he could jjet aholidny. 
 He saw (ireg just before he start- 
 ed, propped up iu bed, looiviug 
 pale, but happy, and eating some 
 lireakfast ■•vith evident enjoy- 
 "Uood-bye, (Jroc;," he said; 
 " try all you can to get well, and 
 be sure to be a good boy. I will 
 give your love to May and Isaac 
 —shall I ?" 
 " Yes, and to Biddy." 
 " Who is Biddy ? I don't know 
 " Yes, yei does ; her what 
 keeps the apple-stall just at the 
 corner. She's good to me." 
 " Is she ? Yes, I know 
 her now. I'll tell her what 
 you say ; good-bye." 
 Whatever thoughts Greg 
 maf hare had about the 
 court he had ali^'ays lived iu, 
 ho was far too happy and 
 comfortable now to have any 
 wish to go back ; besides, he 
 was not accustomed to be 
 consulted or to have any of 
 of his wishes thought of, and 
 It did not seem to occur to 
 liim that he was left among 
 slrangers. He was lying 
 back on his pillow as if he 
 found it very pleasant, when 
 Mrs Thompson came back 
 into the room after seeing 
 tier brother off. She sat 
 down beside him for r.whilo 
 II n d talked soothingly to 
 him ; tnen she once more 
 wrapped him in the hot 
 damp blanket, meanwhile 
 busying herself in preparing 
 clean, fresh clothes for him. 
 By-and-l)y he was dressed iu 
 his ne'v clothes, and his hair 
 carefully washed and 
 ' Ain't it nice I" he said, 
 gratefully, feeling already the 
 comfort of cleanliness, to 
 which he had long been a 
 " Can you walk down- 
 stairs ?" asked Mrs. Thomp- 
 '• Oh yes," said Greg, " I 
 can walk;" and he hobbled 
 across the room, going so 
 ^lowly and painfully down 
 the stairs that Mrs. Thomp- 
 son's heart ached for him. 
 " Now lie down here," she 
 said opening the door into a 
 pleasant sitting-room, where a fire 
 was burning brightly, for it was 
 getting late in the autumn, and 
 the mornings and evenings were 
 chilly. " Come and lie down 
 here," she repeated, shaking up 
 the pillows of a very cosy looking 
 sofa, " I am not going to let you 
 walk about much till you are 
 " I never did walk much." said 
 " What did you do all day ?' 
 Why, Graniy went out to 
 wa-^h, and she turned me intoth 
 " Why a little corner again two 
 houses ; it wor nice for my back — 
 not like this, though" — and the 
 boy smiled— "but it worn't a bad 
 place. I didn't get so very wet 
 there when it rained, only a few 
 drops, and it were nice and warm 
 when the sun shined. Some- 
 times I went to Biddy ; that wor 
 nice, only it hurt me to walk so 
 " How did you get anything to 
 eat all day ?" 
 '• Oh, Granny'd give me a 
 i.huuk o' bread in the morning. 
 Sometimes she'd give me a 
 ha'penny for dinner, and I'd buy 
 a bit o'puddiu' or a slice o'fish." 
 me an apple or a sup o' tea." 
 " But were you not often hun- 
 gry f 
 '• Oh yes," said Greg, quietly, 
 as if that was quite a usual experi. 
 Presently Mr. Thompson came 
 in from the farm yard : " Why, is 
 this the little bo. who came last 
 night ? Well, you do look ditier- 
 ent to-day !" 
 " Yes," said Oreg, gravely, 
 " I've been washed." 
 Mr. Thompson langhed. "Is 
 that a new thing to you ? When 
 were you washed last?" 
 "Mrs. Goodwin washed my 
 hands and face afore 
 ' How did you cook it ?" asked 
 Mrs. Thompson, wondering how 
 the boy got on at all with such 
 "Oh 'twas all reauy cooked — 
 why, am't you seen them shops 
 all full of fish ready cooked? Oh, 
 don't they smell good I and they 
 had puddin's too, and sarsages, 
 and such-like. iJul 1 didn't often 
 have any of 'em, only now end 
 then, when (iranny .vorn't cross." 
 " Was she often cross?" 
 Greg gave a decisive nod : 
 but sh 
 Nigh every day, l>ut she wor 
 :ourt, and I .sat in my corner besi worse some days. Sometimes 
 l>,irt ofthe day. " i May would give me a bite, 
 •' What was your corner?" 'and sometimes Ciddy'd give 
 away, but 1 wor never washed 
 all over," 
 " Dear, dear !" said Mrs. 
 Thompson, " I wonder you over 
 lived at all. Gieg." 
 "Well, I expect I had to," he 
 returned, gravely, 
 '■ And you have to get well 
 now," said Mr. Thompson. " ! 
 shall want you to help me on the 
 farm, and arms like those cannot 
 do much," 
 " I'll do what I can, mister," 
 caid (he boy, raising himself up ; 
 ■ but I ain't good for much." 
 "You're a willing boy that's half 
 the battle ; but you are not to g-t 
 says you may : you must ge: 
 strong before you can work," 
 A fortnight more at the farm 
 worked wonders for Greg, Mrs, 
 Thompson was a great believer 
 in her hot damp blanket ; she 
 wrapped the boy in it for an hour 
 every morning, and, however it 
 might have suited other people, it 
 certainly did Cireg good. The 
 nourishing food and fresh air, too, 
 gave him strength, and though 
 he was still feeble, he did not 
 look like the same child who was 
 carried into the houae in a faint. 
 The doctor had been called in to 
 see him, and after a careful ex- 
 I come amination he gave his opinion 
 that if the boy had good food 
 and fresh air, and was allow- 
 ed to lie down a good deal 
 lor some monthB, he might 
 yet have very fair health, 
 iind might not even be >o 
 very mnch deformed, Mrs. 
 Thompson was thankful to 
 hear this, for her heart be- 
 gan to twine round the 
 feeble, loving child, who 
 was so patient and grateful 
 for all her kindness. 
 One day when he was ly- 
 ing on the sofa, and Mrs. 
 Thompson was busy writing, 
 ."he handed him a book to in- 
 terest him. He looked at the 
 pictures for some time and 
 then shut it up. 
 " Can't you read at all ?" 
 asked Mrs. Thompson. 
 "No," replied the boy, 
 "Well, you shall learn. 
 Don't be troubled about it; 
 you will soon get on if you 
 And from that day Mrs. 
 Thompson gave up an houi 
 every morning to teaching 
 Greg to read and write. He 
 was an apt pupil, for he waa 
 very eager to learn, and ne 
 got on so fast as to surprise 
 his teacher. By Christmas 
 ticu-'. he could read small 
 words, and Mrs, Thompson 
 was obliged to invent other 
 things to amuse him, to pre- 
 vent him trying to read too 
 " But you see I want to be 
 able to read about the happy 
 land," he saiJ wittfuliy. 
 " Shall I read you about it 
 now ?" asked Mrs, Thomp- 
 son, taking up her Bible, 
 "Oh yes, do !" said Greg, 
 settling himself in a comfortable 
 attitude to listen. 
 (To be cunUmied.) 
 "Abstinence is Easieb,' a 
 learned medical authority (Dr. 
 Felix Oswald) says, "as well as 
 safer than temperance," This 
 from such a source is of weight. 
 Perhaps we may all find, after 
 awhile, that total abstinence is 
 like perfect honesty, " the best 
 To DO so no more is the truest 
 off the sofa till Mr, Thompson repentance. — Luther 
 aest 9 
 (AVmii f/u" CUiliirtn'n Frit-mi) 
 CIIAPTKR VI.-((:m(iu.if,/.) 
 Tho last two chaptors of Reve- 
 Intion worn read, whili> Circfj lis- 
 tont'd with all hi.s heart. 
 "Thi'ii tho happy land is a| "No, 1 doii'i think lio will; 
 city !" he oxclaiined in great do- why, I can walk ipiitc \v.>ll now, 
 and my back don't hurl a hit. 
 Yoii'vo mad 
 " y OR ; arc you glad '( ' 
 Greij nodded " I like the 
 . country too, but it's so still, there's 
 so lew folk.s about; and I'm srlad 
 it's a city whcro Jesus is Hut it 
 won't h«i like oiir court," he ad- 
 ded after a pause, " because it says 
 ' no night ' and ' no pain ' '' And 
 he lay back on his pillow 
 with such a look of happi- 
 ness on his lace that Mrs. 
 Thompson could only give 
 thanks that she had been per- 
 mitted to cheer and comfort 
 the child. 
 The boy was already quite 
 one ot the household ; he call- 
 ed Mr. and Mrs. Thompson 
 uncle and aunt, and wns al- 
 ways pleased when they call- 
 ed him by his full naira 
 Gregory. As the spring ad- 
 vanced, the hoy began to go 
 out more ; he had been kept 
 indoors most of the winter, 
 and a I \rge part of the time 
 had heen si)ent lying down. 
 Now he began to reap the 
 benelit of the treatment; his 
 back was wonderfully 
 stronger, and though he still 
 walked slowly, his whole 
 figure was straighter than it 
 had been, and his poor thin 
 limhs were getting stouter. 
 Every country sight and 
 sound was new to (irear, and 
 he was charme<l with all ho 
 saw, though the city still 
 hold hi.s warmest sympathies. 
 He soon began to make 
 frien<l3 with the difl'orent 
 creatures on tho farm, and 
 his gentleness won them all 
 to his side — even tho jiiirs 
 would grunt louder a n il 
 quicker when Greg's face ap- 
 peared at the sty with some 
 dainty morsel for them. Tho 
 chickens and ducks hastened 
 to him w hen ho called them 
 for their evening meal, and 
 the cows looked round with 
 their large dark eyes as the 
 boy called their names and 
 gave them a friendly pat. 
 I'oorGreg was thoroughly iv I'py. 
 One lovely summer's morning 
 Mrs. Thompson came out to 
 Greg, who was watching the men 
 mowing the field by the side of 
 the house. " ! have some news 
 lor you, Gregory," she said. 
 He came quickly to her side 
 and asked, " What is it, auntie V" 
 " Something that will make you 
 gla<l, I believe. My brother, Mr. 
 (ioo<lwin, and his wife are coming 
 hero to-morow. " 
 Are theyV" exclaimed the 
 " Ves," said Mrs. 'Ihonip.soii healthy buy oi: t of a poor cripple "Now come in and take olf your 
 smiling, "your heart is there still, in a few months." things." 
 I believe. Well, I shall have a; I?ul as ho spoke the boy caught ! Greg was very eager to hear 
 difTorent boy to show Mr. Good- siijht of tho horse and sprang up, all about "The Battleheld " and 
 will to the one ho broui;lit mo hurrying to tho door. Theiithey his old friends there; he especially 
 last year; I don't think he will saw ihat tlu! boy was still slightly asked for May, and Mr. Goodwin 
 know you. Grog " lame, and Mrs. Goodwin exclaim- told him all about her. 
 ed — " It is Greg, after all !" | "May is very happy now. Her 
 " Yes, it is Greg, to be sure!" father has quite given up the 
 said Mrs. Thompson, who had drink and is steadily working and 
 mo nearly well, just come to the door '• What do bringing home good wages, 
 auntie," and tho boy looked up;you think of my care?" i They have lelt 'The Battlefield,' 
 gratefully j "It is wonderful'" said Mr and are gone to live in a much 
 "It is God who has made yon Goodwin, as the boy stood there better place ; but May still comes 
 so much stronger, my boy; and I 
 am very glad iU) put yon into my 
 han<ls ; wo must both thauk Him 
 every d.iy. " 
 nnT.n iv the ii.w-fiet.d. 
 Chapteu 'VII. 
 The next day was very hot, and 
 ilready dryinir 
 a .soft and Ira- 
 H' a as lyiiiii' full 
 the grass was 
 rapidly, makiii;; 
 ?;raiit couch ; Gr 
 ength < Il It, playing with a largi 
 dog which belonged to the house, 
 and who was the boy s chief play- 
 mate, when a gig drove up. (ireg 
 was so busy lauifhiiig and play- 
 ing that he did not h<>ar it. 
 " That cannot be Greg," said 
 ■uest J \ 
 hoy, a sudden flush coming into Mrs. Goodwin, as they passed 
 his face. "Oh, I am glad, and ^ him. 
 thi'U I shall hear all about 'The| "No," said her husband, laugh- 
 Ituttlelii^ld.' " ing ; " you cannot make a strong. 
 with a healthy color on his to our Band of Hope meetings, 
 cheeks, which were quite chubby,' and we often see her father and 
 and his whole beinir looking as mother. May still talks of the 
 if fresh life had come into it. " It| happy land ; she says she loves to 
 think of it now just as much 
 as she did when she was in 
 trouble, and she is glad to 
 think that every day brings 
 it nearer. She often asks for 
 you, and she said I was to 
 tell you that she finds she 
 has just as hard a battle to 
 liirht as ever she had. " 
 G r e g looked rather 
 "Don't you know, my boy, 
 that Satan, tho great enemy, 
 is always fighting us and try- 
 ing to prevent us living as 
 children of God ; he does not 
 come only in dark crowded 
 courts and alleys in the 
 cit.y — he comes in pleasant 
 homes and quiet country 
 places as well. Wherever 
 there are human hearts to be 
 tried and tempted, there 
 Satan comes, an<l there is a 
 battlefield in which angels are 
 watching to see tho results. 
 May has given her young 
 heart to tho Saviour, and 
 longs to live for Him ; but she 
 finds that Satan opposes her 
 in every way, and that 
 though she is not in Field's 
 court, she is still on the great 
 battlefield, and has many a 
 hard fight." 
 Grear looked grave and 
 thoughtful. "When will it be 
 over V" he asked. 
 "When ,Tesus comes, then 
 all the fight will be over and 
 the victory won. But even 
 now there are victories won 
 which cause great joy in 
 heaven, though they are 
 never heard of on earth ; and 
 the victors may bo little chil- 
 dren, or weak men and wo- 
 men, who are thought 
 nothing of by the great of this 
 world, though they will wear a 
 crown in heaven.'' 
 Presently Mrs. Thompson and 
 Mrs. Goodwin came downstairs, 
 and they all sat down to tea. 
 Tho little holiday passed all too 
 rapidly away. Mr. ami Mrs. 
 Goodwin could only stop two 
 days, as they promised to go and 
 stay with Mrs, Goodwin's mother 
 for tho remainder of their holiday. 
 They had tea out'iii the hay, and 
 went over tho larin seeing all 
 Greg's pel! , rejoicing that the boy 
 was so happy. 
 "Shall I take him back to 
 Loudon with in(>y" askecl Mr 
 is wonderful ! I could not have 
 believed the child could he so 
 " An<l I can read." said Greg, 
 with a Hushed face, as it proud to 
 be so altere<l ; " and I can write a 
 little; auntie teaches me all sorts 
 of things " 
 " Auntie is verv go o you, I 
 think— she has done a great deal 
 for you." 
 " Yes, she has," said Greg go- 
 ing up to her anil lovinijly link- 
 ing his arm in hers; "and I'm 
 going to work hard for her when 
 I'm a man.' 
 " So you shall, my boy, " said 
 Mrs. Thompson kissing him. 
 refrintj:d storiks. from thk "northern messenger." 
 Goodwin of his sister, the even- 
 ing bol'ore he left. 
 " No," she said, quickly, " I 
 should think not, :ind pray do not 
 mention the sniiject to the boy; 
 bis heart is there still, he seems 
 to Kiel he must be nearer to his 
 mother there. I suppose you 
 have not found ont any more of 
 his parentage?" 
 " No, I wish I oould ; but his 
 old tyranny will not admit me to 
 the house at all now." 
 Mr. and Mrs. Croodwin had 
 only been homeag-«iii about three 
 weeks, when one morning a mes- 
 senger came to their house, ask- 
 ing Mr. Goodwin to go round at 
 once to *' The Battlcheld," as Mrs. 
 Jackson was dying. He went, 
 and found the old woman lying 
 " I don't want none," she said, 
 fiercely: "gin's better than all 
 the beef-tea that was ever made. 
 Do yor want to hear any more ?" 
 "Certainly," said Mr. Goodwin. 
 " Well, that baby wor Greg. 
 His mother died afore the week 
 wor out." 
 " Did you find out nothing more 
 about her family ?" 
 " No; how could 1 1 'tworn't no 
 business of mine." 
 " W hat became of the little girl, 
 Greg's sister ?" 
 " The day after Mrs. Dowcett 
 died, my sister says, ' Aye, Moll, 
 you've done it now; yer thought 
 to get money, and yer've got two 
 bairns on yer hands!' Mrs. Lis- 
 ter wor there. She were always 
 soft over children : she says, ' I'll 
 in a filthy bed, (be room smelling ! take the little girl, she shan't go 
 strongly of drink, nnd a glass and to the workhouse,' and I wor glad 
 bottle standing on a chair within 
 reach of her hand. 
 " I didn't send for you to come 
 and talk to me." she said, speak- 
 ing with ditficulty ; " I'm a-goin' 
 to talk to you, if yer'll listen It's 
 about that lad, Greg : he ain't my 
 grandchild." And she paused 
 for breath. ' I expect I'm took 
 (or death," she went on, "aV it'll 
 ease my conscience to tell yer. 
 Will yer reach me that book ?' 
 and she pointed to a book on the 
 top of a chest of drawers in a cor- 
 ner, rt was covered with dust, but 
 Mr. Goodwin saw it was a Bible. 
 "Open it," said the old woman, 
 shortly ; " look at the beginning.'' 
 Mr. Goodwin did so, and read 
 on the title-page: " To Patience 
 and Gregory Dowcett, with their 
 mother's love and blessing. and be 
 sure you both meet me in 
 " How did you come by this 1" 
 he asked. 
 " W^ell, I'm a-goin' to tell yer. 
 It's ten years ago since I wor 
 goin' along the street one night, 
 and I saw a young woman, very 
 respectable and decent she look- 
 ed, but very ill. She had a baby 
 in her arms, and another little one 
 enough to let her go. There wor 
 only three pounds in the poor 
 body's purse ; I had that, and her 
 clothes, that wor all." 
 " And you kept Greg?" 
 " Yes, I don't know why ; he's 
 been more bother than he's worth. 
 You can send him that Bible if 
 you've a mind." 
 Mr. Goodwin tried to get all 
 the information he could out of 
 her, but the old woman seemed 
 determined not to say anything 
 more ; she turned away from him 
 and would not speak. Mr.<Good- 
 win read a few verses and spoke 
 of the Saviour, and saying she 
 had given him information for 
 which he was much obliged, and 
 he should look in again soon, he 
 left the house. He went home, 
 and alter telling his wife about it, 
 they decided that they ought to 
 write to the Thompsons and let 
 them know of this, as they had 
 so taken the child to their hearts. 
 " And what about the poor wo- 
 man ?" asked Mrs. Goodwin. 
 '■ We will go together and see 
 her by-and-by ; perhaps she will 
 open to you." 
 But when they went the door 
 was locked, and though they 
 running by her side. She spoke; knocked and waited, they could 
 tome. 'Canyon toll me where gain no admittance, 
 lean get a night's lodging?' she 
 said; 'I'm a s'ranger in London.' 
 ' No, I ean'l,' I .said, for 'tvvornt 
 my business to look alter stran- 
 gers. ' I've got some money — I 
 could i)ay for it,' she says. So I 
 thimuht I'd make something out 
 of her. 'All right,' 1 says; 'I'll 
 take yer to a loclgin, and I 
 brousrht her here. She didn't 
 Serin to llki' my room over well, 
 but she wor very ill, and she laid 
 down in the corner in a faint, 
 .•-ihe said .she had lust heard her 
 liusbaiid liad been drowned, and 
 she had come up iroiii the coun- 
 try to be sure, and lo-niorrow 
 she'd go back. But, bless ye, she 
 wor too ill." 
 Again Mrs. Jackson paused, 
 and reaching out lurhaiid for the 
 glas.s, (I lank it oil' at .i draught. 
 " That Won t di you any good, 
 Mrs. JacktoM,' said .Mr. (joodwin. 
 " .My wife 
 some beel-lea 
 Next day, to their astonish- 
 ment Mr. "Thompson walked in. 
 " Your letter startled me con- 
 siderably," he said ; " but lirst of 
 all I must tell you a story you 
 never heard. Ihadasisteryounger 
 than myself, and about fifteen 
 years ago, just belore my own 
 marriage, she ran away with a 
 young sailor named James Dow- 
 Mr. Goodwin started. " Then 
 Greg 18 your own nephew ?" 
 " I fancy so. Dowcett had 
 been about the village for some 
 time ; he had not a relation in the 
 world, and he gave all his heart's 
 love to my sister Patience, and 
 she loved him devotedly in re- 
 turn. But my father would not 
 hear of it ; ho said his only girl 
 should luit marry a sailor— so they 
 ran away. And father was so 
 aiiyrv he would never hear their 
 where we live now, and I never 
 heard any more of my sister ; but 
 the name 'Patience Dowcett' 
 seems to settle the matter beyond 
 dispute. Will you let me see 
 the Bible ? " 
 Mr. Godwin handed it to his 
 brother-in-law, who exclaimed 
 the moment he saw it, " Why that 
 was my mother's Bible !' and 
 turning to the first chapter of 
 Genesis, he saw on the margin, 
 written in a fine small writing, 
 "Patience Thompson." " We of- 
 ten wondered why mother should 
 write her name there instead of 
 on the blank page at the begin- 
 ning of the book ; and she said 
 that that page might easily be 
 torn ont, but this would not, and sullenly; "I'd enough to 
 she should like her children al- without looking after him." 
 send you round names met '^ onod again. By-and- 
 bv I iiKtrried. and moved away to 
 ways to know it was 
 mother's Bible. She must have 
 given it to my sister, and no 
 doubt she read it and learnt to 
 trust in Christ." 
 There was silence a little while, 
 and then Mr. Goodwin said, 
 " How wonderful Gkxl's ways 
 are ! How remarkable the chain 
 of events— your wishing to adopt 
 a child, oar knowing that poor 
 needy one, and your great love 
 for him — and now to find he is 
 really your own !" 
 " "xes, it is remarkable. Now 
 we must find the girl, if she is 
 still living. Why, we shall be 
 quite rich with two children! 
 But first of all, I must see that old 
 woman and find out all I can. 
 Had we not better go at once ?" 
 So Mr. Goodwin and his 
 brother-in-law made their way (b 
 " The Battlefield." 
 Chapter VIII. 
 Mr. Goodwin tapped at the 
 door, which was answered by a 
 woman whom he recognized as a 
 next-door neighbor. 
 " Can we see Mrs. Jackson ?' 
 he asked ; " how is she now ?" 
 " Yon can see her if yer've a 
 mind to ; she died about two 
 hours since." 
 " Died ! so soon ! I had no idea 
 she was so near her end." 
 " Yes, she was took quite sud- 
 den at last." 
 " I am very sorry," said Mr. 
 Thompson ; " I particularly want- 
 ed to see her. Have you known 
 her long?" 
 "(3h yes, I've lived agen her ever 
 since she lived in this court." 
 " Then perhaps you can re- 
 member a sick woman coming 
 hero with two children." 
 " What, Greg's mother ? Oh 
 yes, I remember her well enough, 
 though I only saw hor twice. 
 She was in a line way when she 
 felt herself dying, and know she'd 
 have to leave the childor with 
 old Moll; bat just before she 
 iedslio said, ' My trouble's gone, 
 God will take care of my little 
 ones; I will leave them to Him.'" 
 ' Poor thing!" said Mr. Thomp- 
 son ; " I wish I could have seen 
 her again. Was Greg always de- 
 formed irom a baby ?" 
 " Oh no, he wor as fina a babby 
 as ever yon saw — a deal too big 
 and hearty for his poor mother to 
 nurse and tend to. But old Moll 
 didn't half feed him, and she used 
 to sit him up in a corner and leave 
 him by hisself long afore he 
 conld walk. He's been knocked 
 about ever since his mother died ; 
 it's a wonder he ever lived at all ; 
 it would ha' been a mercy if he'd 
 been took too." 
 " How can you talk like that?" 
 said Mr. Thompson, indignantly ; 
 " who can tell what a blessing he 
 may be (o the world yet V Did 
 you ever to anything to comfort 
 the lonely child ?" 
 " Not 1," said the woman, 
 Did you know the Mrs. 
 ter who took the little girl ?" 
 " Yes, course I did. Didn't she 
 live in Eagle Court ? She wor 
 real soft over children." 
 " It was a good thing the poor 
 little girl fell into such hands. 
 Where is Eagle Court, and does 
 Mrs. Lister live there now ?" 
 " 1 never see her now. I don't 
 know where she lives, I'm sure." 
 " Eagle Court is not far off," 
 said Mr.Goodwin, "but there is no 
 Mrs. Lister there now ; however, 
 we made some inquiries." 
 After visiting many houses and 
 asking many questions, the only 
 thing they could find out was 
 that a Mrs. Lister, a hard-working 
 woman, with a young girl once 
 lived in that court. But four or 
 five years before, the poor wo- 
 man had met with an accident, 
 and was taken off to the hospital ; 
 the child stayed on in the same 
 room by herself for awhile, but 
 after a few weeks the landlord 
 had seized the goods for payment, 
 and had turned the child out-of- 
 doors. What became of her, no- 
 body knew. 
 " We seem to ha^e lost the 
 clue," said Mr. Thom]>son, as he 
 and his brother-in-law retraced 
 their steps. " I must find the 
 girl, but the question is, how? I 
 cannot stay away from home 
 longer now, I must return by this 
 evening's train ; but if you could 
 suggest any plan for finding her, 
 I would come up again." 
 " The only thing J can think 
 of is to find out, if possible, which 
 hospital Mrs. Lister went to, and 
 try and trace her from there. I 
 will do what I can, and will let 
 you know." 
 The next morning Mr. Thomp- 
 son arrived at home, nnd told his 
 wife all his news. She was de- 
 lightod to learn that Greg was 
 really their own nephew, and 
 that she never need fear his being 
 taken from them, as they were his 
 nearest relatives : .;nd she was 
 as anxious as her husband to find 
 tho little lost niece. 
 " Shall wo go and tell Greg at 
 once ?" asked Mr. Thompson. 
 " To be sure !" exclaimed his 
 wife,' " how delighted the child 
 will be !" 
 {To be cunlinued.) 
 ;; — 
 — «• 
 (From Iht OhiMreu'i Fiimd.) 
 CHAPTER Vm.- Gontinued. 
 So Greg heard the story of his 
 young days, and of his father's 
 and mother's death— heard also 
 that Mr. and Mrs. Thompson 
 were his own uncle nnd mint. Ho 
 listened with tearful eyes nnd 
 parted mouth, his whole frame 
 quiverinp with emotion. 
 Mr. Thompson put his arm 
 round the boy and drew him 
 close to him. " Gregory Dowcett, 
 you are my own sister's child, and 
 belong to us now." 
 The boy clung to his uncle, and 
 then threw both arms round 
 his aunt and burst into tears, 
 too overwrought to speak. 
 At .last he sobbed out — 
 " Then I've got a name of my 
 own — a real, whole name !" 
 " Yes, your father's name." 
 And then Mr. Thompson told 
 him all he remembered of his 
 father, the bright young 
 sailor who had loved his sis- 
 ter Patience, till Greg felt 
 that both father and mother 
 were living realities to him, 
 and that past friendlcssness 
 in Field's Court must have 
 been a dreary dream. But if 
 the boy was charmed and 
 comforted to hear all this, 
 how excited he was to know 
 that he had a sister ! 
 " Is she living ?" he asked, 
 all trembling. " We do not 
 know yet, but we will do all 
 we can to find out. Mr. 
 Goodwin is making in- 
 " What is her name, and is 
 she older than 1 ? And why 
 didn't she live with me ?" 
 " One question at a time, 
 my boy. Her name is Pa- 
 tience, and she is a year or 
 two older than you. After 
 your mother died, old Mrs. 
 Jackson let her go with 
 gome woman who seems, 
 from all accounts to have 
 been fond of the child. 
 Cheer up, Greg: God has 
 most wonderfully brought 
 you to us, and we will ask 
 Him to bring Patience to us, 
 too, ii she is still living." 
 "God can tind her, can't 
 He?" said (jreg, brightening 
 up as he thought of it. 
 " Yes, she is not lost to 
 Him. He knows where she is at 
 this moment, and He can direct 
 our steps to her." 
 " Then we must ask Him about 
 her every day," returned Greg, 
 wisely. And then he throw him- 
 self on the sofa as if too over- 
 whelmed to hear more. Mr. and 
 Mrs. Thompson wont about their 
 household duties, and when his 
 aunt returned to the room she 
 found the boy fast asleei>, worn 
 out with excitement. 
 It was not till the afternoon 
 that Mr. Thompson ventured to 
 give the boy his mother's Bible, 
 and then he questioned whether 
 it would not have been better to 
 wait a day or two, for Greg trem- 
 bled so, he could hardly hold it 
 — the book which was the one 
 link between himself and the 
 mother he had never known. 
 Ho read his name and his sister's 
 name, traced there by his 
 mother's hand, and her desire 
 that her children should meet her 
 in heaven. 
 " Then my mother is with 
 Jesus !" he exclaimed, trium- 
 phantly, "and I'm going to her 
 one day." 
 "It is a happy thing for you to 
 bo able to say that, Greg," said 
 his aunt. "If we belong to the 
 Saviour and are going to His 
 Two or three days passed be- 
 fore Mr. Goodwin wrote, and 
 then he said he had found Mrs. 
 Lister's name down in the books 
 of a hospital not far from them : 
 "Discharged relieved," it said, 
 but thejr knew nothing more. 
 " So again we have lost the end of 
 our thread," wrote Mr. Goodwin, 
 " and I hardly know where to 
 look now, but you shall hear at 
 once if we have the slightest 
 " I will go up again when har- 
 vest is over," said Mr. Thompson, 
 and consult a solicitor; perhaps 
 he could give me some help." 
 " Let mc go up with you 
 home, then nothing 
 10 \M>rry us tnucli 
 to 1)0 happy all the 
 with tho thought of the joy in 
 store lor us." 
 " Yos," said the boy, clasping 
 his Bible close to him, "and I am 
 going to read all 1 c;ni about it." 
 Ho went out into the liekls and 
 did not return till tea-time, and 
 then it was with tho Bible in his 
 hands. And when his aunt 
 pcejied into his room the last 
 thing before she went to bed, she 
 saw the Bible lying on his pillow 
 close to his face. She did not 
 move it, but leant down and kiss- 
 ed liim with tears in her eyes. 
 uncle," pleaded Greg. " I ought 
 to go and look for my own sister." 
 " My boy, what could you 
 do r 
 " I ask God every day to let 
 me find her, and I believe Ho 
 will one day," and Greg looked 
 up with bright eyes; "and I 
 should like to see 'The Battle- 
 Held' again." 
 '■ Well, we will think about it. 
 I cannot go till the harvest is in, 
 In a few weeks the reapers came, 
 and the rich golden sheaves were 
 bound up and left to dry in the hot 
 sun. livery one was very busy, 
 and Grec; took his share of work, 
 taking messages from his uncle to 
 the men, and carrying cans of co- 
 coa and cool drinks in the fore- 
 noon and afternoon, Mr. Thomp- 
 son did not allow intoxicating 
 drinks to be brought into his 
 fields, but his men did not do 
 less work on that account. At 
 the harvest-supper the tables 
 were full of good, substantial 
 food, plenty of fresh meat, and 
 large rich cakes, besides other 
 dainties; but the men had noth- 
 ing stronger than good coffee, 
 with abundance of cream, and 
 what could they have better ? 
 Mr. Thompson took the oppor- 
 tunity of the gathering to intro- 
 duce Gregory to them aa his 
 nephew, and to tell the men 
 he meant to bring him np as 
 his own son. The men gave 
 three hearty cheers for their 
 master, his wife, and Greg, 
 and many wishes were ex- 
 pressed that they might soon 
 find their lost one. 
 " We must have her here 
 by our next harvest-supper," 
 said one of the men to Greg, 
 " I wish we could, Ralph ; 
 we must ask God to tell us 
 where she is, because He sees 
 her, you know, and I want 
 to see her so much." 
 " You'll see her yet. Mas- 
 ter Gregory, you'll see her, 
 never fear ; only ask the dear 
 Lord about her, and He'll 
 make it all right." 
 " But perhaps she is with 
 Jesus," said the boy, wist- 
 " No," said the old man ; 
 "when I first heard about it 
 I said ' She's all right some- 
 where and we shall see her 
 yet.' No, I seem to feel she is 
 somewhere on earth." 
 " I'm so glad," said Greg. 
 " Uncle and I are goin^ to 
 London next week to look 
 for her. You'll see after my 
 apple-tree, won't you, Ralph ? 
 Uncle gave me that one all 
 for my own, and I shouldn't 
 like my sister to come and 
 find all the apples gone." 
 " I'll tiike care of them, 
 never fear ; don't you be un- 
 easy. Only bring your sis- 
 ter, Master Gregory, and 
 you'll iind all right here." 
 Chapter IX. 
 The journey to London did not 
 seem half so long to Greg as the 
 journey down had been, and he 
 was not nearly so tired as he ex- 
 pected when they arrived at Mr. 
 Goodwin's. Next day Mr. Thomp- 
 son and Mr. Goodwin went off to 
 a solicitor's, and Gregory and 
 Mrs. Goodwin started to see old 
 Isaac. Just as they turned the 
 corner, whom should they see 
 sitting in her usual place but 
 Biddy the apple-woman Greg 
 darted across to her, 
 "An' what'U yer buy thi 
 mornin' ? " she asked. Will 
 this «l 
 be a pen'orth o' apples ye're 
 wantin' ?" 
 " Don't yon know me ?" asked 
 Grefif, eagerly. 
 The woman looked him over 
 from lop to toe. "Sure an' I 
 never set eyes on ye afore, at all, 
 at all." 
 " Oh, bat you hare ! ' retaftied 
 the boy, " and yon were so kind 
 to me. I've often sat under your 
 shawl there, a<-d had some of 
 your tea.' 
 The woman held up both her 
 hands. " An' have I lost my 
 head ? for it's none of it I remem- 
 " Don't you remember a poor 
 cripple boy who lived in 
 " The Battlefield' ?" 
 " Sure an' I remember him, 
 the kindly soul !" 
 "Well, that's me," said 
 Greg, getting rather confused 
 in his grammar with the 
 diffirulty of making Biddy 
 " An' I can't belave it ; but 
 may the Lord bless ye ! 
 WHat a lino gentleman ye've 
 got to bo now, and how did 
 ye grow so well?" 
 "Because I've had so 
 much kindness shown me, 
 and because God has been 
 so good," said Greg, grate- 
 fully. "I've got an aunt and 
 uncle of my own now — 
 really mine I mean, and I 
 live with them." 
 " Sure, an' you deserve it 
 all,'" returned the Irish- 
 woman, warmly. 
 " 1 11 como and see you 
 again ; but Mrs. Goodwin is 
 waiting for me nosv, and I 
 must not stay. Good-by," 
 " Good-by, and may bless- 
 ings attend ye," said Biddy, 
 still hardly grasping the fact 
 that Greg was indeed the 
 lonely child she had be- 
 A hearty welcome awaited 
 him from old Isaac, who was 
 still in his usual place, though 
 evidently thinner and weaker. 
 " Well, to be sure," he 
 said; '' Mr. Goodwin told me 
 you'd grown stout and strong, 
 but I never knew such a 
 change in my life, I never 
 did !" 
 " I will leave you here a 
 little," said Mrs. Goodwin, 
 " while I make two or three 
 other calls, and will come back 
 again here for you." 
 So the boy sat down, and be- 
 gan an eager (alk with the old 
 man. "It ail looks so different 
 here to what it used to," he said, 
 somewhat puzzled; "it looks so 
 much darker and dirtier than it 
 used to, and so much smaller ; 
 how IS that ?" 
 " Bi'oause you have been living 
 in a better place, with fresher air 
 and more sunshine ; that's why 
 it is," said Isaac, as if drinking in 
 with great enjoyment the great 
 change that he felt assured bad 
 takeu pl'Aco 
 " You vo heard thatMr.Thomp- 
 son is my real uncle, haven't 
 you ?" asked Greg. 
 "Yes, Mr. Goodwin told me, 
 Truly God's ways are past find- 
 ing out. It dian't seem likely 
 that such a change would come 
 to you, Greg, did it ? I remem- 
 ber so well that first day you 
 came to see me, so forlorn and 
 unhappy, and " 
 " You told me of the happy 
 land," broke in Greg, eagerly, 
 " and you asked the Lord Jesus 
 to show me the way there, and 
 He has ; and He's done so much 
 else for me too." 
 " Ay, that's the Lord's way — 
 He always does exceeding 
 and uncle are not princes 
 " Eh, but they are — Gk>d'8 
 princes. See," and Isaac opened 
 his Bible which always lay with- 
 in reach of his hand — "it says, 
 'Even with the princes of His 
 people.' If Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- 
 son ain't ' princes of His people,' 
 after all the care and love that 
 they showed you when they 
 didn't know you belonged to 
 them at all — well, then I don't 
 know who is. You're set 
 among princes, Greg, sure 
 enough. And you'll be set 
 among princes in God's own 
 palace some day, since you are 
 His own." 
 too, and vet you are poor, and yon 
 oan't walk, and yon live in this 
 dark court," said Greg. 
 " Ay, ay, bat the goodness and 
 tender mercy are crowning me 
 too; see what goodness it is o{ 
 God to have made me His child. 
 He always gives me food to eat, 
 and helps me to earn some money, 
 and He gives me kind friends, 
 and He's making ready such a 
 grand home for me yonder, 
 where I shall be strong and well 
 again, and shall see His face and 
 bo like Him." And the old man's 
 face grew brighter as he added 
 up God's mercies. 
 They sat silent a little while, 
 oad thea Greg said — "Do 
 yiMi know I've got a sister 
 somewhere ? I've come to 
 London with uncle to try and 
 find her. Where do you 
 think she can be ?" 
 " There's no knowing, to 
 be sure ; but the Lord knows, 
 and He can let you know." 
 " Will you ask Him to let 
 US know ?" 
 " To be sure, I will. It 
 would be a blessed thing for 
 her to be found." 
 " I went to see May this 
 morning ; do you often see 
 her ?" 
 " Not so often as I did. 
 She's always busy, and has 
 to attend her school." 
 " She's going out to service 
 next weeK ; she's grown so 
 big, I hardly knew her. I 
 wish she lived down in the 
 country too, and I wish May 
 was my sister." 
 " You'll love your own sis- 
 ter better than May when 
 you find her. There's Mrs. 
 Goodwin ; open the door for 
 But Mrs. Goodwin could 
 not stay. She had heard 
 some news which she 
 thought might lead to some- 
 thing, and she was anxious 
 to be home again that her 
 husband and brother might 
 at once see about it. 
 ( To be t:untinued.) 
 n *' 
 i - 
 abundantly above all we ask or 
 think. I was reading in a book 
 the other day : ' All God's chil- 
 dren are His heirs, and all His 
 heirs are princes, and ail His 
 princes are crowned.' '' 
 " Is that in the Bible V" asked 
 the boy. 
 '' Just them words ain't in the 
 Bible, but the meaning of them 
 is, though : " He raiseth up the 
 poor out of the dust... that He 
 may set him with princes.' He's 
 done that for you, Greg " 
 " No," said the boy, thou^rht- 
 fully, " not all that. He's raised 
 me out of the dust, I know ; but 
 I'm not among princes. Aunt 
 The boy gave a little sigh of 
 happiness. " But you said ' neirs' 
 and ' crowned ;' what does that 
 mean ?" 
 " God's Word says ' if children, 
 then heirs.' If you're God's 
 child, then you're heir to all His 
 riches — that means you can never 
 be poor and never forsaken, be- 
 cause all heaven belongs to yon. 
 Some day you will have the full 
 enjoyment of it, and till then you 
 are crowned ' with loving kind- 
 ness and tender mercies'— God 
 watching over yon and caring for 
 yon here, till you go to be with 
 Him there." 
 " But you, you are God's child 
 TiTtis Salt and the Al- 
 paca Sample.— When Salt 
 was 33 years old, and as yet 
 a spinner in a small way, he 
 paid a visit to a wool ware- 
 house in Liverpool. There he 
 saw a quantity of long hairy 
 material lying about which the 
 merchant had been unable to sell 
 for years. Salt offered to take the 
 lot off his hands, and the mer- 
 chant was only too glad to dis- 
 pose of it on the young spinner's 
 terms. This material was alpaca, 
 the wool of an animal fonnd in 
 various parts of South America. 
 Salt's experiments with it were 
 completely snocessfnl. He found- 
 ed a new industry, built up a 
 colossal fortune, raised a town, 
 and finally died a baronet. 
 There is nothing so strong or 
 safe in an emergency of lite as the 
 simple truth. — Dicken*. 
 |ind yoa 
 in this 
 kesa and 
 Jiing me 
 lit is o{ 
 (is child. 
 to eat, 
 I money, 
 I friends, 
 such a 
 J yonder, 
 Jind well 
 ■ace and 
 |ld man's 
 lid—" Do 
 a sister 
 borne to 
 try and 
 do you 
 5 - 
 will. It 
 thing for 
 (r\rom IHt OMUIrit'i Mend.) 
 OHAPTEB IX.-am«nu«J. 
 S«>on after they got in, Mr. 
 Goodwin arrived from the city, 
 wharv a solicitor had been con- 
 sulted.who had promised to think 
 the matter orer, and to help them 
 all ho conld. Mrs. Goodwin told 
 her story — how she had heard of 
 a friendless girl who had been 
 living alone in Eagle Court for 
 some years, and how she thought 
 it may prove to be Patience Dow- 
 celt. Many inquiries were set on 
 foot; and Mr. Thompson wont to 
 see the girl himself, while Greg 
 was greatly excited to think 
 that very soon he might bo 
 with his long lost sister. But 
 when Mr. Thompson return- 
 ed he said he felt sure the 
 girl was not the one he 
 " She is too old, in the first 
 place — she is nearly eighteen 
 she says; and then her 
 mother only died a few years 
 ago, she remembers her quite 
 well. No, I am sure she is 
 not my sister's child. We 
 most look out and wait." 
 A few more days pnssed. 
 And Mr. Thompson said ho 
 must return to his farm. 
 Greg seemed quite in de- 
 spair at the thouffht of re- 
 turning without This sister, 
 and begged hard to be al- 
 lowed to remain in London. 
 " But what will aunt say ?" 
 said Mr. Thompson. " She 
 did not like to part with yon, 
 even for this short time, and 
 will be very disappointed if I 
 go home without you." 
 " But she wants me to find 
 Patience, and I know wo 
 shall soon. Isaac prays ."^or 
 her every day, and God will 
 soon tell us whore she is." 
 " Let him stay for awhile," 
 said Mrs. Goodwin ; " wo 
 w<ll tiike care of him, and 
 perhaps this very desire is of 
 God's ordering." 
 So Greg stayed in London, 
 sending lots of love down to 
 his aunt, and telling her to 
 be sure and get a room rr ady 
 for Patience, for he felt sure 
 that Sod would bring her 
 liometo them soon. 
 The days and weeks wont 
 by. Mr. Goodwin followed 
 np every clue, and Greg was un- 
 ceasing in his efforts to Knd the 
 lost one. 9ne afternoon he was 
 visiting old Isaac, and they had 
 at usual been talking of the happy 
 land, when the door opened and a 
 step was heard. 
 " Who is that?" asked Grpg. 
 " I expect it is the upstairs lod- 
 " I didn't know there was one." 
 " Oh yes, Mrs. .Tones lived there 
 for many years, till her daughter 
 took her away tc live with her; 
 Martha's lived there ever since." 
 " Does she live all by herself?" 
 " Yes, she's quite young, but 
 ■he has no friends, poor thing. 
 and she's such' a quiet, good girl. 
 Patty!" he called, as the steps 
 ■gain passed the door, " come in 
 here abit." 
 The door was pushed open, 
 and a gentle looking girl of about 
 fifteen came in. 
 " Are you busy just now ?" ask- 
 ed Isaac. 
 "No, I was only just going to 
 the shop for some bread." 
 " Well, stop here a bit ; here's a 
 friend of mine come to see me. 
 Ain't you at work this afternoon ?" 
 " No," and the girl's lips quiv- 
 ered; " they say t£ey shan't nave 
 any more work at present." 
 "Nevermind," said Isaac, hope-, 
 " I didn't leave her ; she was 
 taken ill and went to the hospital, 
 and while she was there the land- 
 lord sold everything up, and 
 turned me out, and I never heard 
 any more of her." 
 " What have you been doing 
 ever since ?" 
 " I got work at a factory, and 
 since I came here I've been work- 
 ing for a manufacturer, but to- 
 day ho says he shan't want me 
 again at present, so I must look 
 out for fresh work." 
 Mr. Goodwin talked to her for 
 time, and rejoiced to find 
 fully. "Some more work'll turn up; 
 don't you hp (lowii-lieaiti'd. iSee, 
 Greg here, he was bad oil' iii. one 
 time : hi' tlrest all in rags iiid wai 
 nigh starved, and now tie's quite 
 thegeiilieiii.iii !" 
 Oreghad earnestly watched the 
 gentle face, and now he asked 
 eagerly, " 'What's your name?" 
 " Patty Lister." 
 " What I " exclaimed Greg, 
 jumping up, "did you live with 
 Mrs. Lister in Eagle Court ?" 
 " Yes, I did, but I lost her. Do 
 you know her ?" 
 " Oh, stay here with Isaac till I 
 fetch Mr. Goodwin," siid Greg, 
 greatly excited — " piomiae me 
 you'll stay." "I'll stay if you 
 like, but what are yon going to 
 But Greg was off. 
 Chapter X. 
 Mr. Goodwin hurried away to 
 » The Battlefield" with Greg, as 
 soon as ho heard the news. 
 " Don't build too much upon it, 
 my boy," he said, as they walked 
 down the street ; " there may 
 have been another Mrs. Lister in 
 Eagle Court. We must not let 
 the girl expect too much, I that the girl seemed to have been 
 especially as she is in need, till we] kept pure and simple through all 
 the lonely life she had led. 
 " How came you to be liv- 
 ing alone? Have you no 
 "No, sir; Mrs. Lister al- 
 ways said it was best to keep 
 ourselves to ourselves, and 1 
 never wanted to mix with 
 girls at the factory." 
 "How came you to find 
 lodgings here ?" 
 " I always liked ' The 
 Battlefield.' Mrs. Lister said 
 my mother died there, and 
 when the folks I lived with 
 left Falcon's Alley, I found 
 this room was to let, and 
 came here." 
 " Did you know Mrs. Lis- 
 ter was not your mother ?" 
 " Oh yes, she often told me 
 " Have you any brothers 
 and sisters ?" 
 " I have one brother — at 
 least, Mrs. Lister told me so 
 just after her accident, be- 
 fore they took her to the hos- 
 pital. I think she thought 
 she was going to die, and she 
 said, 'Patty, you've got a 
 brother. I'm to blame that I 
 never let you know it before, 
 but old Moll's such a had 
 woman.' I don't know what 
 she meant ; but I've never 
 seen him." 
 Mr. Goodwin could hardly 
 restrain Greg from sj)eaking, 
 but he laid his hand on the 
 boy's shoulder, and asked 
 Patty, " Do you know your 
 mother's name at all ?" 
 "Yes," she said slowly; 
 Mrs. Lister gave me a hand- 
 kerchief that she said was 
 mother's, with her name on 
 it; she said I was never to 
 use it, but always to keep it for 
 her sake. It's upstairs; shall I 
 get it ?" 
 " Yes, do." 
 And the girl left the room. 
 " She is my sister, Mr. Good- 
 win — oh, isn't she?" said Greg, 
 and the boy shook with excite- 
 " I think so, Greg, I really 
 think so ; God is very good to 
 you; but don't tremble so. my 
 " Ay, but I'm glad you found 
 her here," said Isaac. 
 The gill soon re-appeared.hold- 
 ing in her hand a pocket-haud 
 kerchief^ yellow with age 
 are sure she is really your sister; 
 tor it would b« atrial to her to be 
 turned adrift after hoping for a 
 '• 1 didn't say anything to her 
 at all," returned the boy ; " I only 
 asked her to wait till I had fetch- 
 ed you." 
 The moment Mr. Goodwin saw 
 tha girl, half his doubts were dis- 
 sipated ; there was such a strong 
 likeness between her and Greg. 
 She seemed a good deal surprised 
 at 80 much questioning, but an- 
 swered everything in a quiet, 
 straightforward way. 
 " How came you to leave 
 Mr*. Lister ?" asked Mr. Goodwin. 
 I audS 
¥ Tss 
 tooff keeping, marked in one of 
 the corners — " Paliecee Dowcett." 
 €^eg sprang towards her, 
 " You're my sister, Patty, my own 
 cifttor ! oh, I am glad ! You wili 
 love me, won't yon ? Say yon'U 
 loTO m« !" 
 The girl looked greatly be- 
 wildered, bat she pat her arm 
 roaod the boy. and kissed him, 
 while Mr. Gk>odwin and Isaac 
 wept for joy. 
 " 'Tis trae onoagh, Patty," 8«id 
 Isaac ; " yoa'll have a home and 
 friends now, cure enoagh." 
 " Sit down, my child," said Mr. 
 Goodwin — "sit down; yon are 
 overdone. I will tell yon all 
 abont It." And as shortly as ho 
 conid he told of Orel's life with 
 old Mrs. Jackson of Uie discovery 
 of his ancle and aant,and of their 
 anxioas search for her. 
 " It seems all like a dream," 
 said the girl ; " I can hardly be- 
 lieve it." 
 " Yes, it is a great change for 
 yon, but it is true, my child," said 
 Mr. Goodwin, kindly. " Now let 
 us thank Qod for bringing us all 
 together, and for giving as this 
 joy, and then we must telegraph 
 for Mr. Thompson." 
 " Why did you say your name 
 was Patty Lister V asked Greg. 
 "Well, I was called so, as I 
 lived with Mrs. Lister. 
 " You won't say so again, will 
 you ?" he Mked, eagerly. 
 " No, I won't" she said, taking 
 bis hand. 
 giving that she had at laat befln 
 brought to them. 
 " Bnt where ia the child V ask- 
 ed warm-hearted Mrs. Thompson ; 
 " why don't we see her ?" 
 Qrog darted from the room, 
 and anickly brought in his sister, 
 a pale, timid-looking girl, who 
 seemed shy and upset at all the 
 changes that were taking place, 
 and at being the object of so many 
 people's interest 
 Mrs. Thompson at once folded 
 the girl in her arms and gave her 
 a motherly embrace ; and for some 
 time the little room seemed in 
 perfect conftision, such a noise of 
 talking and crying and laughing 
 went on, and Greg remarked 
 quaintly, " It's almost like getting 
 to heaven, isn't it?" 
 By-and-by Mr. Thorapwn went 
 round to see the little room where 
 Patience had lived. It was al- 
 most bare : a mattress was in one 
 corner with bedclothes neatly 
 folded over it, bnt no bedstead; a 
 broken chair, small table, and a 
 box made up all the remainins 
 furniture. One or two books, and 
 a cup and aaucer, beside a small 
 saucepan and kettle completed 
 the inventorv. 
 " Poor child, she has not much 
 to move," said Mr. Thompson. 
 " We will take the books and send 
 for the box, and Isaao may as 
 well have the remainder of the 
 things; they will be no good to 
 her now," 
 "It's a blessed thing for the 
 " And Isaac cailed you * Martha' girl," said Isaac, as Mr. Thomp- 
 too." ' ion went into his room — " a bless- 
 ed thing to have a good home and 
 friends to look after her here on 
 earth ; and it's a blessed thing for 
 you, sir, to have the honor and 
 joy of caring for and helping 
 God's little ones. He will know 
 how to reward you." 
 In a day or two more, Mr. and 
 Mrs. Thompson, Greg, and Pa- 
 tience left London for their Wor- 
 cestershire home. As they near- 
 ed the village, Greg pointed out all 
 the objects of interest to his sister, 
 and talked away so eagerly, that 
 by the time tiiey reached the 
 house she was in nearly •■ great 
 a state of excitement as he was. 
 " Isn't it lovely !" he said as the 
 autumn sunshine was bathing the 
 house and garden in a crimson 
 glow — " isn't it lovely. Patience ? 
 and it's home^your home and 
 mine, do you nnderatand ? It's 
 The girl looked pale, and there 
 were tears in her eyes, though 
 her lips were smiling. 
 " Be gentle,OTegory dear; your 
 sister i« not itroiig, don't excite 
 her too mvoh^" Mw Mn, Thomp- 
 son, taking the giri'a hand while 
 speaking aaothUMl7 to her, and 
 leading Mr Wmwm. 
 "Are ymr^ag to tdu P*- 
 tienoe away, MUitio V Mdcod fihrof 
 — " oh, I wantod to ■how hmt 
 ■boat •verywhsra." 
 - Ton ahaU «lunr hot ahsBk to* 
 morrow whowTOf jwiMln^^lst 
 •iiio BOit iM noduag todb^i 
 ItomeniW kow oaklt I M to 
 "Well, you see we have all 
 been making mistakes, but let us 
 thank God that He's cleared 'em 
 all away," said Isaac. 
 A few. words of hearty thanks- 
 giving followed, and then Mr. 
 Goodwin hastened oil to tell his 
 wife of the discovery of Patience, 
 and to telegraph to his brother-in- 
 law. The girl took Gree up to 
 her room and showed him her 
 few treasures, meanwhile asking 
 him many queHtiona, and doing 
 all she could to persuade herself 
 that this wonderful change was 
 indeed a reality. Then leaving 
 the key of her room with Isaac, 
 she and Greg went off to Mr. 
 Next day a cab drove up, and to 
 Grog's joy he saw not only his 
 uncle, out his aunt too. He 
 sprang down to the door and gave 
 them both a hearty welcome, as- 
 suring them that Patience wtta 
 very nice indeed, and that he waa 
 sure they would love her. 
 " How did you find her ?" ask- 
 ed Mr. Thompson, as they walked 
 into the house, and were gladly 
 received by Mr. and Mrs. Good- 
 As briefly as possible the story 
 was told, and for some minntea 
 questions and answers followed 
 each other in rapid sncooHiOB. 
 All the evidence put b^r* Mr. 
 Thompson made him feet qidto 
 sure that this girl covM be ttOBO 
 other than his sister's child. Mid 
 his heart rose in wnti thinks 
 H« — 
 keep yon when yon first oame 
 So Greg ran oflT to tell all the 
 farm-servants the story of the dis- 
 coverv of his sister. 
 " I knew you'd find her. Mas- 
 ter Gregory, I knew you would, 
 I telled you so. The dear Lord 
 loves to do great things, and to 
 look after them that are in 
 trouble,especially the little ones," 
 said Ralph. 
 " But Patience isn't little, she's 
 bigger than me ever so much." 
 Julph smiled. " Well, you've 
 both come out of that battlefield, 
 bnt you're on another, and you'll 
 have to fight if you are going to 
 follow the Saviour." 
 "Who must I fight?" 
 " You've yourself to fight, and 
 sm to fight, and there's Satan, 
 who is always plaguing any who 
 try to walk like the Saviour; 
 you'll find him a pretty stifl 
 enemy to fight, I know." 
 " Then even in the country 
 there's a batUefield, too?" said 
 Greg, a little cast down. 
 "All over the world there's a 
 battlefield, and no one ever won 
 a victory on it except through 
 Him that loved them. If you 
 keep near the blessed Lord, He'll 
 give you the victory, and von're 
 as sale on one part of the battle- 
 field as another, if you're where 
 He has put you." 
 "Well," said Greg, wistfully, 
 "1 want to fight bravely, and 
 you'll help me, won't you, Ralph ? 
 But there's the tea-bell. I'll bring 
 my sister to see you to-morrow" 
 And he ran in quieter and hap- 
 pier than when he came out. 
 He found his uncle, aunt, and 
 Patience aJready seated at the 
 table, and no happier party ever 
 nnited together in praising God 
 than those who sat in the farm- 
 house parlor that evening, filled 
 with joy at all the way God had 
 led them, and had brought them 
 together at last. 
 A beautiful story is told of Bud 
 dha and a poor woman who came 
 to ask him if there was any medi' 
 cine which would bring Sack to 
 life her dead child. When he 
 saw her distress he spoke tender 
 ly to her, and he told her that 
 there was one thing which mi^ht 
 cure her son. He bade her brmg 
 him a handful of mustard seed, 
 common mustard seed; only he 
 charged her to bring it from some 
 house where neither father nor 
 mother, child nor servant had 
 So the woman took her dead 
 baby in her arms, and went from 
 door to door asking for the mns- 
 tnd seed, and gladly was it given 
 to her; bnt when she asked 
 whether imy had died in that 
 hooso, oaoh one made the 
 tad Mwwor— ** I have lost my hus- 
 a heavy heart the woman went 
 back lo Buddha, and told him 
 how she had fkiled to get the 
 mustard se«d, for that she could 
 not find a singlo hous« where 
 none had died. '^'' 
 Then Buddah showed her lov- 
 inffly that she must learn not to 
 think of her own grief alone, but 
 must remember the griefs of others, 
 seeing that all alike are sharers in 
 sorrow and death. — From " Her- 
 aldt of the Crou." 
 What is amber? It is the 
 resin, or soft gum, of an ancient 
 kind of fir-tree, become fossil, or 
 hardened by time. The wood of 
 the trees has all rotted away, ex- 
 cept some small bits that were 
 preserved in the amber. If yon 
 look at the Prussian side of the 
 Baltic Sea, on the map of Europe, 
 you see the place that produces 
 more amber than all the world 
 besides. Ages aso the whole re- 
 gion now covered by this sea, was 
 covered by these amber.prodno- 
 ing trees. No doubt there are 
 ffreat quantities of lovely amber 
 fying under the sea The amber 
 fields on the shore are about fifty 
 miles long by ten miles wide, and 
 from eighty to one hundred feet 
 deep. An amber mine is a source 
 of great wealth. As long ago as 
 Homer lived it was of equal 
 value with gold. Since people 
 began to date their letters "1800," 
 some sixteen hundred ton's have 
 been duar up there ; and it is be- 
 lieved uat in three thousand 
 years, since amber was first 
 known, not less than sixty thou- 
 sand tons have been found. It 
 appears as if the digging could 
 go on at this rate forever, so vast 
 IS the supply. The amber is 
 found in separate pieces, from the 
 sizes of beads to pieces which 
 weigh pounds. The largest piece 
 ever discovered weighed thirteen 
 and one half pounds, and is now 
 in the Royal Mineral Oabinet^n 
 Berlin. The commonest impure 
 kinds of amber are used for var- 
 nish ; the fine qualities always 
 bring a good price for necklaces 
 and other ornaments. 
 " My boy," said a pious mother 
 to her little son when he had re- 
 ceived the first sum of mono y that 
 he could call his own, " give a 
 tenth of this back to the Lord. I 
 desire you to act upon this mlef 
 throughout life, and by thus 
 'honoring the Lord with your 
 substance, and with the first-fhiits 
 of all your increase,' depend upon 
 it, you will never be the poorer for 
 This little boy was the late 
 editor of TU BritUh Workman. 
 He took his dear mother's advice, 
 and at the end of life said, " How 
 thankful I am that our good 
 mother tanght us that wise lesson 
 kMd," m " Mt am is dea'd." or j amongstthe many ah« g»T« «|ir— 
 IQax MrvMt baa died." So with < Britiik Wbrhim. 

 B aaTicQ, 
 I, » How 
 ur good 
 iM lesson I