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Lea exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en pepier est imprimte sont filmte en commen^ant par le premier plat et en ternr.inant soit par la dernlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impreesion ou d'illustration. soit par le second plat, salon le cas. Tous las autres exemplaires originaux sont filmte en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniAre image de chaque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — »• signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols y signifie "FIN". Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtra filmto i dea taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmA i partir do i'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 \\ .-i' /*.' ,/?w^ ■(=;;- MUNICIPALITY OF ALDBOROUGH. ' Extract from By-law No. 344. /'vv^.#"v.- ('. It ahall be the duty of every pound-keeper to provide a sufficient yard for the sale keeping of \\\\ animals <hliverei) into his charge The owner of any {iniiniil impounded at ;i,ny time shall be iutitled to the unim il on dernc».nti without payment <>f any pound ;i<^e fees, on irivinor satisjfatitory s"<;uritv to the pound-kce]»crfor id, costs, damages, and poundage fees, that may be <stablished agamst him. But the person tlistraining and impounding rli" anima] shall at the time of such impounding deposit poundage fees, if sucl :tre demanded, and within 24 hours th«r(>;tftir deliver tu the pound keeper, duplicate statements, in writini:; of his demands agamstthe owner for damage, ( if any ) not exceeding twtinty dollars ($20.0o) done by such animal exclusive ol such pouudfiue fees, and shalj also give his written agreement, with ^('(m^iT3^ it require*! by the poundkeqjer, in the following form, or \\-<n<l ^ to the same eff»vt 1 1. t(- IVseribe thr hereby agree that will pny the owner of the "',!^"mli by me this day impounded, ail costs to which tlie said owner may be put in case the distress made by pT-oves to be illegal^ or in • ase the claim for damage now put in by the said tails to be established. Dated this } <(n •'Wk'" A> IHK <AMK MAS HK. day of 18 ,t •^l\ , '•. . - ;> fii case an animal is imijounded, notices for the sale thereof shall be given by the Poundkeeper ol person who impounded the animal within fortyeight hours afterwards, but no swine or pig shall be sold till after four clear days, nor any horse, or other cattle till after eight clear days trom th(^ ticne of impounding the same. The notices of sale may be written or printed, and shall be athx- ed and continued for three clear successive days, in three public places in the Municipality, and shall specify the time and place at which the animal shall be sold, if not sooner replevied or redeemed by the owner, or some one in his behalf, paying the penalty (if any) claimed for damage decided to have been committed by the animal to the property of the person who made the distraint, toge ther with the lawful fees and chaiges of the pound -keeper, and also of the fence- viewers, (if any) and the expenses of the animals keeping. Every Pound-keepei-, and every person who impounds, or confines, or causes to be impounded or confined, any animal in the common pound, or in auy open or close pound, or in any enclosed place, shall duly lurnish the animal with good and sufficient food, water and shelter, during the time thit sin:h animal continues Impounded or confined. . Every such person who furnisheH the animal with food, water and shelter, may recover the value thereof from the owner of the animal, and also a reasonable allowance for his time, trouble and atten- dance in the premises. i The value or allowance as aforesaid may be recovered with costs by summary proceedings ijefore any Justic*; of the Peivce within whose jurisdiction the animal was impounded, in like manner as fines, penalties or forfeitures tor the breach of any by- law of the Municipality may be recov.-red, and enforced by a single Justice of the Peace; and the Justice shall ascertain and determine the amount of such value and allowance when not otherwise fixed by law, adhering as tkr as possible to the tarifl' of pound-keeper's fees and charges established by the by-laws of the Municipality. The PoUDd- keeper, or persoD so entitled to proceed, may id stead of such summary proceedings, enforce remuneration to which he m;iy be entitled in manner hereinafter mentioned ; i.e., incase it is by affidavit proved before one of the Justices aforesaid, to his satisfaction that all the proper notices had been duly affixed and published in the manner and for the respecctive times above prescribed, then if the owner or some one for liim, does not within the time specified in the notices, or before the sale of the animal, replevy or redeem the same in manner aforesaid, the Pound-keeper who impounded the animal may publicly sell the animal to the highest bidder, at the time jin*! place mentioned in the afore- said notices. And after deducting tlie penalty, and damage (if any) and fees and charges, shall apply the produce in dis- • 'harge oi the value of the food and nourishment, loss of time, trouble and attendanc'% so supplied as aforesaid, and the expense of driving or couveyiR;^ and impounding or confining the ani mal, and of the sale, "and attending the same, or incidental thereto, and of the damages when legally (daimed (not exceeding twenty dollars) to be ascertained as aforesaid done by the animal to the property whose suit the same was distrained, and shall re- turn the surplus (if any) to the original owmr of the animal, or if not claimed by him within three months after the sale, the Pound-keeper shall pay the sur])lus to tlu.> treasurer of, and for the use of th(i Municipality. ♦ If the owner, within forty-eight hours after the delivery oi' such statements, as provided in the eighth section, disputes the amount of damages .so cliimed, the amount shall be decided by the majority of three'rs of the Municipality, one to be named by the owner of the animal, on<' by the pei-son distraining or claiming damages, arid tlu^ tlunl by the Pound-keeper. Sucli fence-viewers or ;iny two ot them shall within twenty foui- hours aftei- notice of their ;ippointment as aforesaid, view the fence and the jrround upon which the animal was found doing damage, a.iid determine whether or not the fence was a lawful one, according to the statutes oi- by-laws in that behalf at the time of the tr(?spa-;s : and if it was a lawful fence, then they shall appraise *«l> the (kiiiuoo.s roinniittcd, and vviihiu tw^'iity timi' hours jifUr hav- ing inufh' tlu' view, shall dciiv. i to tlie P(aiiHl-k. eper :. written .stutoment signed by at leist two of them ut' theii' appruisenu'iit, and of their hiwful fees and ehariies. Tf thereiice-vicwersdetiic that the fence was not a lawful one, they shad certify the same in writing under their hands to- gether with a statement of their lawful f ,-es to the Poun.ikeeper who shall upon payment of all lawful fees and charges, deliver .;'Uch animal to the owner, il' clamed before the sale thereof ; but d not claimed, or if such fees and charges are not paid, the Poun<l keeper, after due noticr, as reiiuircd by thi' A(^t, shall sell the ani- mal m the manner one<l at the time and i.laee ap- pointed in the notices. In case any Pound keeper, or person who impounds or con- fines, or causes to be impounded or confined. ;iny animal as afore- said, refuses or neglects to find, provide, and supply the animal with good and suliicient food, water, and shelter ;is aforesaid, shall tor every day during whicdi he sj refuses or neglects, forfeit a. sun« not less than $1 nor more than :$4. Any Fence-viewer neglecting his duty as arlatrator as afore- said, shall mcur a penalty of $2. to be recovered for the use of the Municipality, by summary proe,u(,dings before a Justi<'e of the Peace, upon complaint of the party aggrieved, or the Treasurer of the Municipality. The folloMdng Fees, -"Ino more, shall !.<,• charged by the Pound-keepers withm the said Muni<;ijjality of A hlborough' FOR EVERY STALLION OR BULL I]V. POfLN'DK AND ItKLKASK D. ,. ^ „ HORSE, ASS OK MULE. „ RAM OR liOAK. CATTLE OVER :^ Y US. OlJ). ,. „ CATTLE UN OK ;{ H VK^ OLD,. SHEEP, JCACH SWINE, EACH. FORFEEDINO (Per24 Hums.) STALL[ONS ' HOUSKS AND BULLS 91. fit*. liil.OU. 50. H.oo. 50. 50. 50. 50. 37i BOARS over 1 yr,. .ami ('ATTI.E over S \ in. 25. RAMS^ over 1 vr. oM .. .. 20. CATTLIC iii.ik'r ?, voar.s old. and SWINE l.'j «HEEP 10' FOR A DVERTISINCJ any nuuil-iT nf St,, c;,. Swinr. or ot\u:v atuiiial.'s impounded II SELLING at one time 50.