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 For The Guidance 
 mmu ©r §@^iiKi@^ 
 Executive Committee 
 — OF THE ■ — 
 B O ^ R I), 
 Js Adopted August 34th, 18!>4. 
 1. All legal docunienits, such as Deeds, Mortgage.', 
 ^^ ' ^hall be diilv exeeuted b}' the (.lovernors of Acadia 
 Iffilversity oii the Ftesident and Treasurer of the Uni- 
 t'Sersity, libr the time being, signing the same as sucli 
 President and Treasurer, and on their affixing thereto 
 the common seal of the Corporatiom 
 2. The Treavsurer of the University for the time be- 
 ing under the advice and direction ot the Executive 
 Committee shall have the charge and care of all proper- 
 ties falling into the hands of the Corporation, and with 
 such advice and direction shall make disposal of the 
 same from time to time. The Executive Committee, 
 when necessary, may appoint special agents to act under 
 their instructions in respect thereto. 
 3. The Financial iVfanagers of Ilorton Collegiate 
 Academy and Acadia Seminary, respectively, for the time 
 being, in conjunction with the President of the Univer- 
 sity, are hereby authorized to sign for the Corporation 
 all necessary notes in tie conduct of the financial aftairs, 
 incident to the current expenses of their several depart- 
 ments ; and the President and Treasurer of the Univer- 
 sity are authorized to sign all notes required in the 
 conduct of the current financial affairs of the College. 
 4. Xo expenditure shall hereafter be made on behalf 
 of the Corporation by any of the Principals or Financial 
 Mr.nagers of the several departments of the University, 
 otlnr than for the purchase of supplies, and for small re- 
 paiis, unless by the resolution of the Board of Governors 
 Qr by vote of the Executive Committee. 
 5. It shall l)e the duty of the Executive Committee 
 0. C6d^\^' ■ -c 
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 to make provision for the Amiiversury Exercises in 
 connection with the {Schools nt Wolfvillc, IncUul- 
 ing Hrriingenients for reduced travelHng fan.'s, and to 
 puhlish the same in the denominational press, at least, a 
 fortniglit prior to the anniversary each year. It shall be 
 their duty, also, to see that our leading newspapers are 
 furnished with full reports of the public exercises in con- 
 nection with such Anniversary, and that such newspapers 
 are promptly and fully kept informed in respect to all 
 matters of pu])lic interest in regard to the schools, f rom 
 time to time, during each- year. 
 6. University Students shall pay to the Treasurer, or 
 secure to the satisfaction of the Ex. Com. of tlie Univer- 
 sity, all tuition fees, board bills, room rent and all other 
 fees due the University as follows, namely: For the 
 Fall Term, on or before December 5tli ; and for the 
 Winter Term, on or ])eforo April 5tli, in each College 
 Year. Stnden<:s failing to comply with this rule shall 
 not be admitted to class exercises, nor to exaniinsitions, 
 after the dates named, respectively. The fees for de- 
 grees and honor Certificates must be paid before the meet- 
 ing of the Senate for granting degrees. The rule with 
 regard to payment of fees, board bills, &c., of Ilorton 
 Collegiate Academy shall be formulated from time to 
 time by the Ex. Com. 
 7. Regular Meetings of the Board of Governors 
 shall be held in the montho of June, August and jS^'ov- 
 ember, in each year, to be called by the Secretary of the 
 Board under the direction of the President of the Uni- 
 versity, as heretofore ; and to be held at such dates in 
 the months named, respectively, and at such places as 
 shall l>e indicated in the notices calling the same ; pro- 
 vided, nevertheless, that the N'ovember meeting of the 
 Board may be dispensed with, in any year, by a majority 
 vote of the Board at the previous August meeting in 
 such year. 
 8. In the interim between the regular meetings of 
 the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee shall 
 perform all the functions of the Board, in reijard to all 
ordinary business connected with the University, Aca- 
 demy and Seminary requiring immediate attention, and 
 not provided for in tliese rules, or in other regulations of 
 the Board ; and the Executive Committee has hereby 
 delegated to it all th<. powers and sanction of the Board 
 necessary to this end ; but, in case any emergency shall 
 arise, it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee 
 forthwith to communicaLc wit> ^^3 Socroui:\v of the 
 Board of Goveraors, and, thereupon, a special meeting 
 of the Boar.l shall be called to deal therewith. 
 9. These Bye-Laws may be altered or amended at 
 any regular meeting of the Board by a two-thirds vote 
 of the members present, or, by a majority vote, provided 
 notice of the change propose*! shall have been given at 
 the previous meeting of the Board. 
 Note. — By resolution of the Board the use of the 
 evening of Anniversary day has been put into the care 
 of the Executive Committee.