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L'sxemplaire film^ fut raproduit grica k la gin^rositi de: Division des manuscrits Archives publiques du Canada Las images suivantas ont ^i reproduitss avec le piua grand soin, compta tenu de la condition at de la netteti de Texemplaire film*, et en conformiti avec lea conditions du contrat de nimage. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the laat page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- s)on, and ending on the laat page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol --^(meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meaning "ENO"). whichever applies. 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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Las cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., p«?uvent itra fiim«a A dea taux do rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grsndpour dtra raproduit en un saul clichA, il est film* k parrir de Tangle sup*rieur gauche, de gauche * droite. et de haut en baa. sn prenant le nombre d'Images n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL OKDEIl. '^T aGEML'^M. COURT M \RTI \L hell at Niagara, on the iQtI. S»pffrn- ber i'?i4, ani nihsequctit diys, lotli.- isi O h> .cr, wis arraigned Pnvite IVilli^i-n if',i>l\i\ the I0'>ih Regiment, For de- erring tnwjnU the Encmv horn his r.g 'Tieni, itjtioi-.i -d ji F" m t Ni u- iri, o 1 or about t'.e 24.U1 ot J'lne, 1814, aiv\ not returning iiniil taiccn Prisoner serving in the ranics of the enemy, in a sortie made t'ruin F )rt Eri^ on t ic lyt'i Sjpt.-;n:)er, 1S1+. OF'IM )N A\D SE\TSNCE, " The Co'i't is of opinion that Private /f ////am /Far^ is 5ui!tv of the crime laid to lis charge, and doth theretore sentt-nce birr to he (hot to death, at such time an J place as His Excellen":/ the Commander of the Forces may appoint." AT tli<' (ame Court Martial, was arrjii;n<.-d Privjt- U'-Wam D-.'nn of tn'' i --rith Re'i-'ie-n. " Fir di seriiiig towards the Encmv, troiH his ||e^-i n, „t, (tationed at I'lii '. ; ir^'e, . n ,r about the I ^t.. July 1S14, and not tcturni-.^' until hi -av- hi ns^-jt u,) as a (' M-rifrir , 1 the A lericiu Ar.i.yatttie Briii h o.:i I'lc^iiuU, ii' truhl ot F.)rt-Eri>; on the Qtli 01 b-..u.,VJ^: 1814." OPfNlON A>n SENTENCE. «« The Court isof opini'^n thi: ;hj P;; o-.er fFiliia:r. D.uin is not g'.iiliy <i:' th- cri.).. ;.."Jio hij c^a^;^c.'' AT the fa-ne Cr.irt Mirt'.a! wa-; arrai.;ncd ?n\~^xc Henry irc-'f"/ -^^^ tooth " ■:,TiTTn t, "F'ir •^* Djset;,;iL: towards t.K- Enemy tm.n his Regiment M.i!ii;e.l i ir: N'l.vi., wii', ai- phncdon a c .V ring parlv in Front ol' that F-rt, on or ab ii,t th; .. \,>!ii iSi;. an : n n i t- i;rnini', un-T Se ave liiwiM It up as a D.M-rter Iron rh - \:t; .ijtn \r.i), at t.u L'tiii^:! out Picqiicts in Front of Fsrt Erie, on the iHth of ct A.:giut 1814.. " OPINION AND SES TENCF. " The C^iTt i'^of opinion, ^tf^t the Pmiyier P^iv*l; Htnn ff'ei'>. looth R.-giment is giiilt]> of the Clime Lid to iiis charge, atid doth therefore Sentence liim iii bcsnot to J=aih." A T th^fimc Court Martial was arraigned Private John \f' Mah^n of ilu- :-t or Rov:il S -n's, " F r d-sertini; t)ivards the Enemv from iiis R .Tn .it en. mi.icd it thf F-iir VFrCr k, on or ihoutth'- tath \ugiis' i3'3, and not r-tnrning until tili>Ti in .irtns virving in tn. Raiii^j ot the Enemy, in a fortie madetrom Fort Erie on the 17th September :Si_)..' OPINION A\n SENTENCr. " The Court isof opinijii tliaf the Prisoner John MVLihin of t!ie I'-t R jimeTit is gpiir-'of ih" rime laid ti lis c lar:;-', m 1 loth therefore sentence him t'l be shot to death at sucn 'iiiie and place as His Excellency the Comtnander of t le Force> shall apjioint. AT thesarr.e C^urt Mnrtiil we rr arr.ii::ne i Privates M:t''iirl A/v;''v(, .V D '■'•■ick Giivin,ri( ■^ *■ the isi .ir R.ual bots Resilient, " F>r d-s^-rtin,' imvards li.e Eiieiii, , iiam liieir ivegt. stationed at Fort George, on or about the 9th ot June 1814. OP/NION A\n SENTEM^E. " The Court is of onini on that the 'Visonp-s Privates Michael H tghrs 5c Dynin:ck Gavin, of th ist 01 Royal Cots R( j^iinent, are not guilty of t.ie crime laid to their chaige. > .' S r.UiUi ihii the Con.mair^eriil' t'.i' Furn-^ i\ iilf- ■.,'1 l,i 'ipprorr ii'i I ciri'inii l/ir sm rrti ^ni'cin.i 'i'">ri: ' '• ' I lie Luutfihitt-Giiicrul ii.)inman liih^iii nj)j>er C iH'i.t I ,i!t cnnse t 'n- I', \ m-rs j.!in luivt ''t-ni ic ;it '>■■ I t r-iin\nl, nii'l tnjiiii lOei/ roniri : nnl li'll '^i.'f f/ic iirrrs^ r:i nr Urs. : .'lat tlw nutiil ^fiittiice iH 'ii'iil pas- ii ■ ttp.i/i t/f /'•/>(,«,,■>. I'rixih'M .\o/iit M'M'i/i,ij ,1 t/tc \itiir l.ij 1/ Si.ift . H il!i im li n ' ■■! I'li ioi/i ,^^t. jlr'irij il el/b, ((/ llii: ICOtit iti\^t. be carrcd iiitj cxtxutioii, at ajch tiiir umi jiluic c/s kt iituy t/uiil, yi/vyu' lo uji- (Si^^upd) EDUiRD m 4 ^. W, »- ■» -r i, ) .Id.i V. .1 CEirniiEi)