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HALIFAX: NOVA SCOTIA PRINTING COMPANY. 1890. INDEX. The Vision paoi A Suicide 1 Glory once a Garland Made •* A Song of f he Wind 6 Augustus' address to his daughter Julia * iouth 7 On Habits 8 A Hymn ... 9 The Lost Child '. 10 The Fate of Bonstettin . . ^0 The Heroine of the Sierra Morena ^* A Sfrange Tale of Love 19 The Parting ' 24 The Wandering Jew 29 The PoUio of Virgil..... ...' 31 Fragments ' 34 Epitaphs and Epigrams 37 OdeonDeathof John B. Finch ^* Farewell to the School ^2 Ode on Death of Leslie Davison ^^ Deuce tnke Old Time 44 Ragnanok, from Edda 45 Fragments , . . 46 To Stella 47 The Greatest Joy 48 Fragments from Illiad: " The Descent of Apollo S On the First Snow Storm. .. '^0 Horace. Book L, Ode IV. ^ Boat Song 51 Be Proud, ye Lordlings •'>2 The Prisoner of the Bastile 53 To the Moon 54 A Summer Sunset 56 Demon's Scmg 57 M.vrza's Song with Scene 58 I Caught a Pretty Bird called Love ^^ The Flowers that grew on Mother's Grave ^ Eclogue in Memory of Aubrey Jones *^ Canada's Thermopylae 62 66 I PREF^ACHC. Tl 18 a comn,on practice among writers, when they make their 1 appearance-especially for the first time-before the public to offer some general remarks to their readers (if they have thi good fortune to have any) on the subject of their productions ; and the present author must, though the task l,e hard, follow the prevailing custom. •' 'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print, A book's a book, although there's nothing in't'"— says Byron, and some critics will probably give that Is the only reason why the author of '« Fancies of Boyhood" saw fit to pubhsh. The remark may be true in part, but not as a whole It IS undoubtedly pleasant to see your name in print, that is providing It be not printed in the criminal list of some newspaper : but the pleasing sensation of seeing my name in print is not the only reason that led me on to the present undertaking. As a certain poet says : " Lowly my lay, but yet, methinks, not wrong To pen these stanzas with an idle hand ; The grey bird twitters out his rugged song Beside the robin with the note so grand ; The heavens do not but for one songster stand. The earth but for great bards was never made.' To all wlio sing, her glorious realms expand, Some in fame's sunlight stand, wliile some in shade The last O may I claim its lesser realm to invade." The writer strikes the point exactly. Altliough Acadia boasts such favored cliildren of fame as Roberts, Vivien, Lockhart, Eaton who occupy heights which the lowly author of these poor lines may -y J-.- T ;v VI PREFACE. never hope to gain, yet he pleads the excuse " That the grey bird may twitter out his rugged song he ide the robin with the note so grand," for both birds till tiiuir destined place in naturo. As to the productions themselves, the title " Fancies of Boyiiood " explain their nature. All were written between the ages of twelve and nineteen, and excepting three, "The Lost Child," " The Wandering Jew," and " Translation of the PoUio," before the age of eighteen ; wliich early age will account for some irregularities of metre and crudities of construction. As to the worth of the pieces, I must of necessity leave the judgment of that to the public, but will feel (Oh, sad resource ! ) that if they are worthy of no praise, but possess at least a good moral character, they deserve no censure, and thus left alone, will pass into oblivion. Yours truly, EDWARD liLACKADDER. Wol/rUle, November IS, ISSO. P. S.— I must not forget to tender my most sincere thanks to H. Sidney Davison, of "The Acadian," for his many kindly suggestions and friendly and instructive criticisms. T F'ANGlEg 01^ BOYHOOD. THE VISION. The following piece ia supposed to be spoken In an Arabian— a character in an unfiuishe.l poem-which thus explains th'j peculiarity of thought and structure. Oi FEARFUL dream \\\y soul oppressed. Methouc^ht rht and of Indians with their ^oods Had thither come to catnp; and word w«!nt I'ound That a white woman dwelt amoni,^ the ti'ihe, But merely a re[)ort which few believed. Que day as Willie and the family sat Around the table at their noon-day meal, A fjentle tap upon the door was heard. The kindly mother rose and oped the door With generous haste, and on the thi-eshold stood A woman fair in sylvan <(arments clad. While two small children of a dusky hue Clasped either hand. What makes the mother's blood Chill in her veins as she the stranger bids To enter and have food ? The woman came Within, and as she pas.sed the kitchen door Her eyes upon some scarce-.seen nuirks were fixed. Marks made bv Nell and Willie loncf afjo To know their yearly growth ; still, still she stood, And to her mind a memory seemed to rise. Long, long forgotten ; then in broken words : " The — marks — I — made," she cried, and swooned away. Great God ! the parents knew their long-lost child — FANCfKS OP noVMOOI). 15 A wife, ft„,l H.otlKT t(, tl.cso ,luskv l.al.t.s Oer,,.yo,l m-ro t\uy: Ua when th.: Inst .l.-ou.l thought Can oor thon- nnn.Is they uhnost wishe.l tho sea Hm won her ere th(. time. Soon she awoke An, toM how, when that .hty n,.on the heach Wil he and she ha.l phtye.l, an