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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmds d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. errata I to s pelure, on d n 32X t » 3 1 t , • i : 3 4 5 6 Cit RKVl: TOGETHER \V COUNC ALSO CERT MISSION ST. BY-LAWS 2:iS- -OV THK City of Ixondoi} RKVTSKI) AND COXSOI J DATKD By direction of the JWunicipal Council. 1892. TOGETHER WITH THE NAMES OF THE MEMBERS Ol IHE COUNCIL AND TABLES GIVING ABSTRACT OK THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. ALSO CERTAIN BY-LAWS OF THE BOARD OF POLICE CO\t- MISSIONERS, AGREEMENTS ENTEREP INTO BY, AND STATUTORY ENACTMENTS RELATING TO THE CORPORATION. XonDon, Ontario: H. ('. Allison's pkintin(; coMrAsv. Ppinbcd by Order oK tdic Cil'^) Council. 1'j J PREFACE. I The fact that ii})wanls of 700 By-laws had been passed l)y the Municipal Council since the consolida- tion of IS71), — many to repeal or amend j)ortions thereof and many (riMidered necessary by changes in the Muni(;i|>al Act) to enact matters not contem})lated at the time of that nnision, convinced the C-ouncil of ISO'i tliat th(^ publi(!ation of a new edition, could not, in the interests of the pul)lic, be lonjicr delayed. After })ein<^ commissioned to undertake the work, I wasauthorized to confer vviththeseveralStandinij;(^/()Tn- mittees in rei»ard to such jKn'tions of the consolida- tion as related to their res])ective de[)artments ; and my sincere thanks aie due to the chairmen and mem- bers of these respective C'onnnittees for their courtesy to myself as well as for the consideration ami assist- ance; I'endered in tlu; I'evision of the work. 1 have d(HMn(Ml it e\[)edi( it to publish, in theii- serial order (s(h; table I), the titli -^, dates, etc., of the By-laws passed since the last consolidation, eXce[)t such as provide fc^r Icsvying' rat(\s to pay for local im- })rovem('nts — an abstract of which will be found in tables II to VI inclusive. It is hoped that these; several tables as well as the index will be found com- j)lete and convenient foi' reference. riiat the Volume; as a whole may be found con- venient and valuable to all w^.ose • ) in 00 vp c o" 00 a 3 o 09 r o (S O o cS 03 22 09 . oo o 03 I o o c o o a =3 O o OS CQ 03 o CD 00 i o t« ■^'^^ ~ ^'J'J- 2 -c -c ^ tit (fa s s S b e t2 .ix 0) > 0) 0) v >*DQC 4) C . a> rt >. or ♦^ - -i c tf- a ■5 s-5 -: u « . >. c £ 1* u^ kQ U U L. u C u '^ ri 'J ri 'J ri ■gx "30 "^ca -=g , ^l^T ^ •j-;r-3 c 1* y . ■£■? 5C r'.,-'. ".t C ^ {. iL"' -* u c s S-? i5i I tit E u a iii .-! O O _• >. •/. y; ; rt «'■ - rt ^ u 111 3 yjl? J •- ? %Ti ^ S .3 c = S z It. *< ^ r a "^ 3 r t. D o 32 .£ px 75 Ab lis o z u 1> t=" iibu ifbu '^-- . tui: . ^ •j'x: c "-JX 'J C iST u -^ l~ l^t ■bt=? ^% 1- ; .■_■ 3 5^1 (JS5 u IIG :::■>: ?H £==::: P = ;? h:S-^ H^-^ ^::iQS ■I / yT X * S-3 . , , S . . £ ^ ■ c . . -S^ r; t- c n - t: 3 •- T '- 5 ■^ i c ■^ ? Ot3 = ■5 p bo i i^
  • - < P; Q 'p. t^. <; T3 < o U ^ ^ '^ -a S It >5 "J 0) S ■5 -a 1 • X H X X w U X o> „ N ro * ^ •♦ m lo lO 00 M 00 00 w 00 00 Tl. Members of City Council from Incorporation Year. 18r)r) Mayor, First Wtml 1856 Miirruy Anderson William Barker. 1857 1858 Elijah Leonard. David (Jlass, 1859 1860 1861 VVni. Mi'lJride. James JNIoffatt. F. E. Cornish. Alderman. I'eter James MolFatt. ("ouncilinen. 'Tolin lilair. H. Wiieeler. Aldern en. Peter Sclnnm. James Mf)ll'att. Cduncilinen. Jolni iilair. R. S. 'i all)(>t. iVlderinon. .Tame.s Moll'att. James Cousins. I (^mncilmen. Joliii Iilair. tJeori.a' 'i'aylor. AMei'inen. James ('misins. John Iilair. CiMMnilmen. R. Wheeler. Roljert (lunn. Aldermen. James Mod'att. J. I. Mackenzie. Couneilmen. Charles Stead. John Honser. Aldermen. J. I. Mackenzie. Charles Stead. Councilnien. B. Wiieeler. A. Campbeli. Aldermen. Charles Stead. J. .\!. Cousins. Councilnien. B. Wheeler. John Bonser. Seeond Ward. -Mderinen. .M Anilerson. jKlijah JA'onard. ( 'iiiiiicilmen. ;Wm. M.lliide. Uieo M. < liinn. .Mdeiiiien. Klijah LeiPiiard. jWiii. Mcliride. I CiMiin iimen. S. .Mclirhle. j.John O'Neil. i Aldermen. Klijah Leonard. Wm. M'diride. Councilnien, S. M.liride. .J.-hnO'.\eil. I I Aldeiinen. Will. .Meliiide. M. Andt'isoii. I CiiUMciliiieii. ;S. Mclliide. IJoim O'Xeil. ! Aldermen. ;S. MeHiide. Will. Ho^'g. (Niiiiicilmen. J. K. liiown. James (^illean. Aldermen. .S. Mciiride. Wni. Hegg. Councilnien. James (iillean. Wm. Pope. Aldermen. .Samuel McMride. William Pope, Councilnien. J. B Smyth. Wai, Diyinny. Third Ward. Aldermen. .lameM I'aiiiell. Joseph Ciiibons. Coiineilmen. Art hill' Wallace. John Clegg. I .\ldertiien. 'Miiic'iiM JIiilmeM. havid (tla-'-s. Connciliiieii. John Clegg. John A. Arnold. Aldermen. .MaieiiM Holmes. lia> id ( I lass. I C. Mii^( e. C'ouiK'ilmeii. Rohert Smith. Jus. I'itehins. .Milormeii. Daniid Lester. II. Hunter. ('i)Ulieiiiiiell. Roheil Smith. Will. I), ty. .\ldel ■i.eii. i;ol:iii Smith. Henry IJoots. Coiiiicihiieu. W'lii. Doty. Ihdck Stevens. Aldermen. Rohert Smith. ( Ieo. \\ ehster. j i ("oiiiu'ilmen. 1). Mc Pliers 111 Jesse Riijiley. I Aldermen. Roht. Smith. J.W..Me(liiuley I ('oiiiiL'iliiien 1). Mel'hersoii. .1. W. Rapley AIdt;riiien. 1). Mel'iiersoii. ;l). Muetie. ! C^'Uiieilmeii. J. W. llapley. is. H. (iraydon. I Aldermen. John Ciirlinj,'. 'rhomas I'eel. ( 'ouiH^ilmen. Will. (Hen. 1'. I'liipjis. .Mdermen. .lohii ( 'arlinj^. 'I'lidlnas I'eel. (.'oiiiieilmeii, I'. I'hipps. Kd. (larratt. Mdermen. .1' ,11 Calling. 1' .(larratt. Coiiiieilmen. I". IMiipps. ( Ieo. Fitzgerald .Mdi'rmen. l'",d. ( I irratt. I'. I'hipps. \ Cdun^'iln'.en. Wadi' Owen. R.F.. Matthews. Aldermen. Ivl. ( larratt. I' l*hipp.s. I Coiineilmen. Wilde On en, John Ciirist,i(!. .\ldeinien. ImI. (larratt. I'. Fliipps. Counjilmen. Wade Owen. John 'Jhristie. Aldermen. I*. Phipps. 'J'honias Peel. Couneilmen. Wilde Owen. iJauies Griffith. Aldermen. Will, Marker. Will. Darby. rouneilnien. Rohiiison Orr. John Wells, Aldermen. Will. Marker. S. Stanstield. ( 'oiiiieiliiieii. .lohii We'ls. Rohiiison Orr. .Mdermen. S. Staiistield. P.O. Norris. ( 'oiineilmen. • lohn lioss. U. 'riiom|)son. .Mdeinien. P. (I. Nerris. F. F. Cornish, Couucilnien. T, Partridge, jr, I NLMaenaniara.l , Aldermen |F. F. Cornish. jT. Part ridge, jr. Councilman M. Miiciiamara. Tiios. (3'1'rien. Aldermen. F. K. Cornish. John Ross. I Couneilmen. iT. Partridge, jr. iThos. OMrieri. Aldermen. P. (J. Norris. T. Partridge,jr. Cfiuncilmen. -Thos. O'Brien. R. Tliompson. John DoyL. John Doyle. John Doyle. A. S, ALhott. A. S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. !» v.) :0 > » • VUl. Members of the City Council Veir. 1S(5'J Mayor. 1S63 F. K. ('..niisli F. K. roniish, 1S64 F. E. Cornish. 1865 David (ilass. 18(56 1867 1868 1869 David Glass. F'rank Situth. Win. S. Smith. First Wind Soeoiid Wiird. Third Ward. ""•.John Christie. S. H. (iraydon. Aldermen. U. Wiieeler. A. McCoriiiick E. (dackmeyur 'Resi^'-iifd 22nd Ki'liriiar AldiMinen. Charles Stfiid. B. Wiieulcr. Couni'ilnien. Will, .lohiisdu. JiiH. Dcadiiian. Aldfiiiicii. Charlo.s Stuad. B. Wheeler. ColllKMhllt'll. Wni. .lohiiMiii. Jas, TVjailiiiMii, Ahleriiion. Cliarle.s .Stead. B. Wheeler. Councilinen. Win. .IdhnsDii. Jas. De.idiiiun. Aldermen. B. Wheeler. J. M. Conrtin.s. Couneihnen. Win. .lohnsdii. Jas. Deailnian. Aldermen. B. Wheeler. Ed. Glaekmeyer. Council men. Jas. Deadmaii. E, Pa\ ey. Aldermen. B. \V heeler Ed. (llaeUineyer. A MeCormick. Aldermen. A. .MiCoi'inick. B. Wheeler. Ed (jlaekmeyer. I Aldermen. '.Samuel MclSriile, jWm. Pope. I Ciiunrilmeii. .Icihn I'. ,S|M\ 1 li. Will. Deviniiy. I .Mdcrimm. S.iiii'l Mcj'.ride. William H«'i,'g. Co'in •ilmen. John i'.. Smyth. jOsA'ald iiaynes. Aldi'inirn. .Siimiiel Meiiriile. .laiiie.s ( iillean. I Councdlmen. John B S M'lh. Oswald Iiaynes, .\ldermen. '.Saiiinel .McBride. '.John Caiiipliell. I Coiuieilmen. rTohn li. Smyth. Oswald li.iyiies. Aldi^rmen. .Siimnel MeiSride. iJohn Camphell. I (^onneilmen. ;J B. Smyth. jOswald Baynes. .Mdermen. 'S. MeUride. .J. (' iniiihrll. J. B. Sinylh. I -Aldermen. ;J. Camphell. S. McBiide. J. B. .Smyth. Alderiiien. J. B. Smyth. Sain'l Meihidc. J. Campliell. Aldennun. r. D. Holmes. .1. J. Spettij,'UO. Coiiiii'ilmen. ]|)ivid lliiL'hes. I Walter Niehol. .Alileiineli. C !•. ilolinea. .7. J Spettij,'uc. (^mncilmen. David lliiL'ties. J Walter Niehol. ' Aldertnon. David Mnyhea. IJ. .1. Spet liyiie. 1 Couneiliiien. William i'latt. Inlill Tilihs. .Mileriiien. David Hui^'hes. .loliii Cousins. CouiKulmen. Tames Reid. .Tiihii W. Crycr. I .Mderii.en. David Hiiylies. .John ( 'ousins. ''nniuilmen. .Tames Beid . John W Cryer. j Aldermen. I David Uu;,'hes. John Couwiiis. '.lames Dnrand. , .Mdermen. William Karris David llnt,'hes. .lames Dnrand. ! .Aldermen. Walter Xirliol. NVilliam Parris. David Jliiulics, I C.,1 Hewitt . lames (^OUIIJ Hewitt tiames Aldei Alex Hawitt W. s. s lul S. II. C'.myJiMi ckvted. 'Geo. IX. from the Year 1862 to ! 869. Fourth Waiil. AMtTiiu'ii. IF. StfVCIlHOII. .Iiiliii Koss. ('oiiiiciliiii'ii. A. McCiirniicU, Alox. Murray. Alilornieu. H. Stitvi'iison. .Illllll KllhS. Couniilnu'H. Alex. Murray. A. Ml I'oruiick, Aldermen. .lolni \\(>.;e,jr. Tho8. O'Brien Counoiluren. Wm. Wiiud. I it. 'I'liompson. I .\ Mermen. |T. I'artrid^'e.jr. 'i'lioa. O'BrifU. Councilmen Wm, Waud. Ft. Thompson. Aldermen. T. I'artridi^e.jr. riios. O'Drien. Couniulmen. .M. Maenaiiiara. W. y. Brunton. Alilermen. T. I'artridge.jr. T. Partridge' ( "outu'ilmen. ( 'ouneilmen. Wade Owen, j M. Maenamai'a. iS Screaton. W. C. I^ dill. Aldermen. .S. If. (iraydon. \i. Smith. M. Anderson. .\M(!rmen. 'I'homas Peel. jj. Christie. I Couiieilmcn. Wade Owen. S. Screaton. .Xldermen. .lohn Christie. Thomas Peel. Francis Smith I Aldermen. .John ('hristie. F'rancis Smith. Thomas Veal. *(ileo. Macheth. Aldermen. •John Christie Tlicunas Peel. Oeo. Machelh. Aldermen. T. Partridgejr. T. Partridge. Councilmen. M. Maenamara. W. C. L.Gill. Aldermen. T. Partridge.jr. T. Partridge. •James Egan. Aldermen. T. I'artridge.jr. T. I'artridge. •James Fgan. Aldermen. T. Partridge.jr. T. Partridge, •lames Egan. ilct'Uil ill .MMfcli 111 pl;n.:i' ol I'Vaiuis Smith, rusifiiicd. Clerk. .\. S. .\l)liott. A. S. Ahhott. A. S. Abbott. A S, Al)b(»tt. A. S. Abbott. A. S Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A. S. A})bott. / • I , X. Members of the City Council ^'oilr. 1S70 Mayor. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 S. H. Graydeii. J, M. (^usins. J. Camphell. A. McCorniick. Heiij. Cionyii. BenJ. Cronyn. I). C. Macdonuld Roljurti'iituhiin] R()l)urt Luw i.-s. First Wiinl. Second Ward. Aldermen, 15. \Vli«eler. A. McCorniiek. J. M. t'ousiuH. Aldornicn. .T. M. C'oiisin.s. A. Mc(^)rn)i^■l■. 1). C. Macldiiiild Aldornic II. J. M. C^oiisiiis. I) C. .Ma.donald Jas. M'.ffatt. Aldermen. S. Mc'l'.ride. .1. Campliell. .). P.. Smyth. Aldermen. .1. !!. Smytli. J. ( 'am|)liell. J. .letlery. I Alderniei'. .1. \'. Sinytli. • i. ( '.unplicll. S. .M.llrido. Tliird Ward. AldiMihen. iDavid Tlii.trlies, Walter Nii'liol. William Karris. Aldermen. F. K. ("(iriiish. William Starr. John Woods, I i AldertiKMi. Williiiiii Starr, .lohn Wodd.s. iArchM .Mrl'huil. ' I Aldermen. | Aldermen. I Aldermen. •J. .M. Coii.sins. .'. 1). Smytli. VVm. Starr. n.C.'.Maedonald. ,'Samuel .>iel!ride. Arch d .McPliail. ' IS. Moffatt. Tliomas lleattie, A. McCorniiek. Alderman. Jni*. .Motiait 1). ('..Macdonald. Rolit. Piitc'hard. AM' rncM. D.C. Maedonal.l. Aldermen. Tlioma.s lieattie. lames Ciiuan. T. F. Kiiig.siiiill. Aldermen. Fames Cowan. Rol.t. I'ritehard. A. P, Powdl. Robt. Smith (ieurge PliiUipri. AlderiHen. Aldermen, ivol.t. Pritehard. Roht. S Murray John Camjiliidl. j W, W. Fitzgerald ('<. 1). Sutherland A. K. 'riioinpson. Robert Leui.s. Aldermen, (i. I). Sutherland John Campbell. <>eo. Cray. Aldermen. John ( 'amplii'll. Itol't. I'ritehard. lohn B. Smyth. AldernuMi. W.U Fit/i;(.rald A. K. 'riiom[).son. Robt S. .Mnirav. i Aldermen. | Kobt. S. .Murray, i A. K. 'riioiiip.son. ' A. ];. Pom oil. *Jamcs DiiiilKir ami John iliw.isiil. Aldermen. j Al.lermeii. John Camitbell. A. li. Powell. Robt. I'ritehard. A. K. Thonipsicm. , Ja«. Muirhead. 1 W. W. Kit/«erald \\'. Jones cU'L-tcil .(111 AuKiisl, vice .Sl.uT, I Aldermen. Starr. Areh'd .M.Phail. William l-'arris. ! Alderiiien. Wni. Stall'. NVni. Fi.rris. Areh'd McPhail. j*JaineH Dunbar. ■John W. Jones. I AldernK'ii. Areh'd .M.J'huil. John W. rlonns. W'm. .Skinner. t I Aldt 1 men. John W. .lones. ;Wm. .Skinner. I Daniel Regan. Aldermen. \N'm. Skinner. Daniel Pegaii. Simiiel Stringer. Aldermen. Wni. Skinner. Sani'l Stringer. Chas. Taylor. ri'si.triu'i.l. ;iiul Fjirris, XI. from the Year 1870 to 1879. Foui'tli Ward. Kiflli U'iinl. ' Sixtli Ward. Suventli Wiird Aldeiiiion. AldciiiiL'ii. A1<1cm'iiil'ii. Aldcniidi. Alex. .Miiiray. M. .AndiM.son. .htlin Clirihtie. I'l'. I'artriilyojr. Ifcwitt l'"ysli. Daiiirl fiC^stor. Tlioina.s I'cel 'I'. l'artriil,uc'. \[. H. Stroiiy. S. Jl. (lray(l(ji). (Jo. Machutli. James I'lgaii. *T. .MoCurmiek .Mno. Williama. Aldiiiiien Aldminen. AldiiiiKin. Aldciiiicii. Hewitt i'vsli. ,S H. (Jiaydnii. lolin Clui.stie. ;T. I'artridj^'e.jr. T. McCi.niuek. .1. W. K.ipley. 'I'lioiiias Peel. 't. Partridge. ' .Siimiel liarUer, iteiij. .'^Iiiw. lolin Williain.s Vlaiiie.s l<'.gan. Alil'tniu'i) . Hewitt i''y.sli. Samuel liarker. Alex. .Murray Aldeiiiicii. I VldiTincn. 1 Aldermen. S. If. (iraydoii. .lohii Ciiristie. '1'. Partridge, jr, i?eiij. Sliaw. .lolin Williams. T. Partridge. .1. \V. Kapleiy. Ik'iij. Cronyii. James Kgan. Aldermen. ,\1(U iiiien. i Aldermeu. ' Aldermen. L. C (ieoiuii'd. i.S. If. <;raydnn. .Iiilui Chri.stie. T Partridge, jr, John J. P.i-owii iP.eiij. .Shaw. Jolui Williams. T. Partiidge. Alex. Mi'.rray. J. \V. Kapley. P.enj. Cronyn. James Egan. Aldermen I Aldermen. I .\ldermen. Aldermen. Alex. .Murray. jJ. W. Ha])ley. I.liilui Ciiristie. IT. Partridge, jr. L. V. Leonard. .1. W. Kern. .lol.n Williams. It. Partridge. C. W. Andrus. J. .1. .Magee. jlJ.-.bert Lewis, .lolm R. Peel. Aldermen. ! .Mdermi'n. i Aldernuui. Aldermen. L. C;.Le )nard. . I. W. Kapley. .Idin ( 'liristie. T. Partridge.jr, (jr. 1\ iliscDX. Tluis. lirowue. Roliert I-ewis. j'!'. Partridge. iS. W. .'Xhhott. losepli Dunn, .lolin Williams, .lames ICgan. Al(1eriiion. ( !. '!'. Hiscox. Aldermen. I Aldermen. J. W. Kapley. .Idlm Christie. Joliu Rosa, [son Tlios. Urowno. Kulicrt Lewis. Aldermen. '!'. Part ridge, jr. 'r. Partridge A.J.d. Hender-.I.R Minliinni'k John Williuns.,A. K. McC'oll. Aldermen. G. T. Hi.scox (Jeorge .MeNali. John Ross. Aldermen. Aldermen. J. W. Pajilev. .lohn Christie Thos. lir->\\ne. Iiijui Williams. .1. R. Mini. iniii"k .lolm Boyd. Aldermen. T. Partridge, jr. T. Partridge. James P^gau. Aldermen Aldermen. Aldeiineii. Aldermen, (ieorge MeNiil). .1. W. liapley. .lohn ( liristie. .I.niies Mgan. A. Keenleyside 'I'hos. lirowne. -lohn \\ illiams. Tlidmas I'eel, Geo. Edleston. [(JraluiHi (Uass. W. R. V'ining. John R. Peel. Aldermen. | Aldermen. Aldei'n>en. Aldermen. (iCo. Kdleston. ( Sr.iham < !lass. .lolin Williams. James Ega>i. (leo. T. liiseox. < Jeorge Cray. ,.)ohn ]^(jyd. '.lohn R. Peel. Benj. W.(lrcer.|Jatiies Ardill. [Wm. Sparrow, [.lolin Kayner. *Thos. .McCormicU clivlcil M.iy i()tli, \ icv II. B. .Strong, iloccisod. tjiiliii Williams elcctc'il June 2otli, vice Ufor(.fc Maclicth, deceased. Clerk A. .>-•. vVlibott. Ahhott. A. S. Ahhott. A .S. Al)l)ott. A. .S. Abbott A. S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A. 8. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A. vS. Abbott. :0 xn. Members of the City Council Ye'ir. 1S80 1S81 1882 1883 Miiyor. First Ward. I Secdiid Wmil. 1884 1885 ISSd C. S. Hyiiiiin. Henry Becher. r. D. Hodgens, 1887 Jas. Cowan. 1888 1889 Jas. Cowan. (;feo. Taylor. Jolin Campbell. John Campbell. E. Meredith. E. Meredith. Aldeimen. R. I'ritchard. J, .Muiiliead, E. Meredith. Aldermen. R, riitehard. J. n. Smyth. J. H. Wilson. Aldermen. R. Pritciiard. G. S. r.irreli. C. H Hunt. Aldei'men. G. S. Dirrell. C. li. Hunt. John Libatt. Aldermen. G S. Birrell. C. V, Hunt. John Labatt. Aldermen. H. C. (ireen. C. Taylor. (t. Watson. Aldermen. C Taylor. G, C. Havis. G. Wdtson. *(>. T. Hisccx. Aldermen. C Tayloi'. G. C. I)a\is. A. J, Jarvis. Aldermen, 'i'hos. Connor. John Heamau Wni. Wyatt. Aldermen. A. K. Thonipson, R S. Murray, ijames Cowan. Aldeiiren. R. S. Murray. .lame.s Cowan. .Ste[ihen O'Meara. Third Ward. Aldermei.. W. .Skinner. J. W. Jones. ('. Taylor. .\ldermen. .1. W. Jones. Suiiuel Stringer. Fiancis Love. Aldermen. IR S Murray. |Steplien GWleara. i( ' Taylor. 'C. S. Hyman |W.Skiinier. \ldermen. J. W . .Tones. Aldermen. StepliiMi (J'Meara. C. S. ][ynian. James Cowan. Aldermen. Stephen O'Meara James Cowan. Thos. iieattie. Aldermen. Stephun O'Meara. C. A. Kingston. James Cowan. Alilermen. Stejiheii O'Meara. \C A. Kingston. Aldermen. Thos. Browne. W. Skinner. S. Stringer. Aldermen, ^V. Skinner. T. C. Hewitt. S. Stringer. Aldermen. Thos. Browne. Joseph Hook. S. Stringer, Aldermen, ThoH. Browne, Jnse])li Hook. Alex. .\lelJonald. S, Stringer Aldermen. Alex. .McDonald, B. W. (ireer. John Moule. Alderiien. S. .Stringer. Jos. Ho(,k. W. Bowman. Aldermen. Aldermen. JohnCalh.rd. |Wnr Jones. John M(nile. \\ ,,1. Skinne^ Stephen O'Meara., Wm. H Winnett. Aldermen. C. Taylor. J. Heamau. Wm. Wyatt. I Aldermen. S. O'Meara. |J. Callard, |J. Moule. j Aldermen, i\Vni. .Jones. jWui. Skinner, A. Wallaee. John ' T. 1). W.Sc Ald^ John (ieorg( J. B, -^ • » • XUl. from the Year 1880 to 1889. Fourth Ward. Aluen leii. (1. T. Hiscox W. Milroy. W. H. Rooks. Alilennen. (f. T. Hiscox. W. Milroy. l?enj. Higyins Aldermen. Rcnj. Higyins. .loliii Ferguson. Tlios. Boattie. Aldermen. John Boyd. Henry lieoher. W. M. Moore. Aldermen. Henry Hecher. W. Sciirrow J. S. Niven. Aldermen. John ("luistie. T. I). Hodgens W. Scarrow. Aldermen. John Boyd. iM. 1). Dawson. Joshua (iarratt. Aldermen. W. M. Moore. (!eo. Taylor. J. li. Vining. Aldermen. John lioyd. (ieorgc! Taylor. J. li. Viniiig. Aldermen. J. Boyd. M. Scarrow, J. (iarratt. Fifth Ward. Aldermen. Q. (; T. Browne. N. Wilson, jr. Aldermen. T. Browne. G. Glass. Lewis Adams. '<=J. Rayner. Sixth Ward. I Aldcrmeti. John Boyd. W. .Scarrow. W 1). liuckle. Aldermen, John Boyd. W. Scarrow, W. I). Buckle. Seventh Ward. Aldermen. Thos. Peel. J. 1). Sliarman. W. Wyutt, Aldermen. 'I'. Partri lge,jr. J. 1). .Shariiian. W. Wyatt. Clerk. A. S. Abhott. A. S. Abhott. Aldermen. Aldermen. Aldermen. Thos. Browne Tohn Boyd. J. 1). Sharman. T.R.Minhinni'klTalhot Macbeth Thos. Peel. Sam'l Crawford W. D. Buckle. Henry Becher. NoTK-Tho CounV-II of 1S82, by Ry-'L.iw No. 77 p.-isscil tln\5rci d.iy of. \pril ill yo.irrciliiccd the mimbcr of Wards from seven, to four. Aldermen. C. [.illey. J. H. Gardiner. Peter Toll. Aldermen. J. W. Bartlott. ( ieo. Heatimn. John Nutkins. .A.ldernien. (ieo Heaman. Henry Hreaney. J. W. Mcintosh Aldermen. Henry Dieanej' N. P. Gray don. Geo. Heaman. Aldermen. M. Anderson. H. Dieaney. J. W. Bartlett. NoTK— I,01uloil W.ird of tlie City, iri'preseiit.ili \ es Reeve, .ind first were by St.itiite .ip men for the o\ East becimo No. 5 .\u^-. 8lh 1885. Its were the ^I;lyol ■ DepiityReeve, who pointed tlie Alder im.ilf^amation. A. S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. A, S. Abbott. A. S, Abbott. A. 8. Abbott. A, S. Abbott. A. S. Abbott. v' :::3 -.0 *Johii Rayner elected 23rd May, vice Graham Glass, resigned. XIV. Members of the City Council Year. ]800 1801 1892 Mayor. (Jeo. Tiiylor. Geo. Tiiylor. W. M. Spencer. Aldermen. C. Taylor. .1. Huainan. W. NVyatt. First Ward. Second Ward. Third Ward. Aldi-rmen. 8. O'Meara. J. Moule. W.W.FitZL'crald Aldemien. Aldermen. Thoma.s ('cmnor. Stcplien O'Meara. Wm. Wyatt. (' H. Ivey. (^las. Taylor. W. \\' . Fitzgerald. Aldermen. Thos. Connor. ,J. Heainan. VVm. Yatea. Aldermen. S. O'Meara. Joseph dellery. iJohn Moule. Aldermen. Wm. .Jones. Wm. Skinner. A. Wallace. Aldermon. W. M. (iartwhorc. Wm. Skinner. Wm. H. Winnett. Aldermen, 'i'hos. .Jones. W. M. (iartshorc. Will. Hoanian. XV. from the Year 1890 to 1892. Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward. Aldermen. J. (iarratt. ('has. T. (Uass. J. Boyd. Ahlerinen. M Anderson. :J. W. IJartlett. H Dreaney. Sixth Ward. Aldermen. J. S. Luney. .J. A.Thomas. (va> ;.i>^Ss;a> cS rt ■< s! Z. OHlJ ^iiSJlJC Di siai: 3 err X as ->: X X X I- I- I- X X X X X X -•T3 ;: cs " u a. a. ^^Sl^ — ^.^ m2X « 3 H x36 X r-; as t^ k5 o 4 o "^ 2 « ><> ix, H 75 CO "9 S -S 4J W -W -J' S' a" - -^ ►^ -^ -^ •/. /. -f- c o ■i2 '^ -2 3 ; ^ ^ ^ J3 JO -Ofj to tc 8 £ 2 so o :^ •S c- -0 2 aj o M C. -^ X S-. — -M — ■ ID t- r3 S S X £; 3 a C « :« 0) O) ^ =^ S3 •s s o 0) -^ 2 C " '-is: <», M jo W g ."- a) tl c a S ' ^ J3 :« O >-. u (U f^ c ^ c« '^'c <*, P W O t-l- I--. ■* &- ZC- ao" o S o 1-5 S V a "? :* 4) 0) • — -u pH CO o 5£ O !> 5 3 ♦i ,c ««-, cO c = ^ 5 5 SPS--:: O -^ -> 'Ji = S "J to • « to : o c -^ ^ C--; = c c iO ; £ ce ^5 c .5 :s m o S 5 2 e to =3_2 ?- ?u;x^ r-'-?' .5 e-SP-^ e-.s.s e-'E'c; '— C 0) i) ^ _ "S to to t- ^" « .2 -2 a « •r (=»H c t^ o o o 'C P.JH Oio^ cs 0) &,&(aj^..c u u u u o o o >.\:i! 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CI -t — ic ic 1 - :c ;r -f. -^ r r. x r: x t -r iC ic — r: — CI !•; — X — /, •sanijj p'j.-iu.ip • ■ ■ r 1 - CI X "4 t ic X « — r: X X s — 1 • • 'Jr. — frt'-.-ti-cixxi-ci-M 5 *l t/5 49 cr * ^^ > 'J > M P-H TI C i-^ ;^ li 'TJ "J H 1 k n • ?-< 4^ <^ 1 — ' H 4 >. P xlvix. I u > ^ P^ bf. V. - J / ) ■^-O G te V •sjua:i 'looj Joj njtjji ^ s :S? s !$ t TT „ ?.12 — « >: rc <%■ 1 * •« '» 4 « « •« <« 5-s; us Z V «• •/: T. "^ r r^ O — r. ~i ^ - -^ » ;•;; t\ *^ r* ^x ■/.■ i ^ 1 ' — 1 * — ■M r -r T C5 .- ^ ^«4 Tl CI Fi 91 l ltllUiUl\' I ,"/., •All-) All •J piu,| .H| ii) iiiiunu\' "•^ .„ ^-- -, — i fj> " — .pt — '.5 1 ' •<" X Z ^ ^. - =5 •isoj imox •/. •^ ".— - • - ' Z' s : s ; . c .•: - . : M : i . _• ■ .H (i ■ * , •ti ■ .- . ' -V- J; ' " f^ tr. ■ = >*. . . s -1) 7) — r *<'•==»■•• ^ 1! 5. Sect! % i^^'^.'^ii^^^s'^r^ ;!; K i^a: :^ f , ::: : : :j ■ ; : c ^ xi s ^ ^' 'X ^ 2" 'S^i "=3^ -?> .H .5 BX u,.i: cc lii a- — , — cc > ft* .■*■ •«i;'I-A}i ib ' • - ^ - JO oiii;^si;iJ (o nii.'{ | < -r S5 C — -M M ■>* •Miii-xa jo -ox i !i i^ 15 1^ ?£ CHARTER OF Tllli City of London. TrUKliKAS, tiu' Town Council of tlie Town ot ' ' London, in the County of Aiiy the name of the; " (*ity of London," and incoi-poratini; the inhal)it;ints thereof under the said Acts, and mak- ini!' new divisions of such (Mtv into Wards. And it ftuiliciently a})pearini;' to our Governor-deneral of our said l*rovince,in(\)uncil,thatthesaid Town contained, according- to the last Census Returns foi' the same, more than Ten 'i'housand Inhahitants, our said Governor-Ceneral,in Council, did thereu[)on order and dii'ect that a l*roclamation should Ix^ issued, erectinji and setting' a[)ai't the said Town, as contained witliin th(;l)oundai'ieshereinaftersetforth,asan Incorporated City, hy the name of the "City of London," and in- cori)oratini;' the inhihitants thereof accordim^ to the [)rovisions of tlie said Acts. And which .said City, with the l)oun(hiries thereof, shall an/ '■i. - i - 1 : \ part of the Province situate witliin the County of Middlesex, and lyin<,' within the followino- limits, that is to say : all tiie land . conii)risel witliin the old and new surveys of the Town of London, together with the lands adjoining thereto, lying between tho said surveys and the River Thames, producing the northern boundary line of the new survey until it irttersects the north branch of the River Thames, and producing the eastei-n boundary line of the said new survey until it intersects the east l)ranch of the River Thames, md the eastern boundary line be known as Adelaide street. DESCRIPTION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS IN THE CITV OF LONDON. The City to be divided into Seven Wards, to be called respectively, First Ward, Second Ward, Thii'd Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Sixth Ward, Seventh Ward. The saioi"ited as an Incorporated City, under and according to the provisions of the said IT})])er Canada Municipal Corporations vVct, with peri)etual succession and a Conunon Seal, and all and singular other tlie I'ights, ])owei's, i)rivileges, franchises and immunities to such Incorporated Cities and thi^ inhabi- ■'C HI J t' t * • c » •« 1 »( »- • ■ r \ ; I I : ■ ■•»"■ ■••' i ^.^ . y\ tants tliereof ^^^oiierally, either at Common Law or by Statute ill aiywise belonging or api)ertaining. And we do direct and ordain, that the First Municipal Election for the said City of London shall be held, in the manner prescribed by the said ^Municipal Coi'pora- tions Act, on the First ]\[on(lay in said month of January. Of all which premises all our loving sub- jects, and all others whom it doth or may in anywise concern, are hereby required to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. In Testimony Whkukok, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our said Province of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness, our Right Trusty and Right WjII beloved Cousin, James, Eakl of Kujin and Kincaijdine, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Govei-nor-General of British North America, and Captain-Geneial and Governor-in-Chicf in and over our Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brraiswick and the Island of Prince Edward, and Vice- Admiral of the same, &c., cSjc, at Quebec, in our said Province, this TWENTY-FIRST day of SEP- TEMRER, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-four, raid in the Eighteenth Year of our Jieigii. (By Command,) P. J. O. ClIAUVEAU, Secretarv. ¥1. BY-LAW No. 750. Relating to the By-laws of the City of London. Passed Otii January, 1893. B E TT (Mia('t(Ml by the Municipal Council of the Coi'iHU-ation of the ('ity of London as follows : INTKRPRKTATION, I. In the consti'uction of this or any By-law of rh^ Jnterprota. tlieCitv of J.ondon ])asse(l after this By-law takes-i'ppi.v'to.«ii By 'tt'ect exc(M)t ui so tar as the i)rovisions oi this section "> passed, .md how Hv-Uiivs to ai 'e inconsistent with tlie intent and nieanin;^^ of such '"^'^"^fucJ Ik-law, or the inter])retation whi'di such provisions would yive to any word, expression or clause, is in- consistent witii the context, and except in so far as anv piovision thereof is in any sucli By-law declared not applicahle thereto. (W The law shall he considere(l as always speak- ^i^'^'''^^''''"'?*^ LxprossKins in luix ; and wluMievei' any matter or thini;' is expressed i"^^'*'""^"'*'' in the j)i'esent tense, the same is to he appliecl to the circumstances as they arise, so that ett'ect mav he jjiven to each liv-law ar.d every ])art theret)f accord- in;;' to its spirit, true intent and nicauinu' C-^) Tl le wor( I " si lal .1 111 shall ')(' construed as ini iiv '' as permissive ■ Slmll " and ' ni.iy." ])crative, and the wort {'.}) Whenever the woi'd " herein " is used in jiny"*'' section of a By-law, it shall he understood to relate to the whole l>y-law, and not to that section only, (4) The word " person " .shall include any Ixxly'^' cori)orate or politic, or ])arty, and the heirs, executors, administrators, or other le^al repri'sentatives of such person. to whonithecoiitextcau apjdyaccordinjj^to law, (;")) The word "month" siiall mean a calendar month, and tlu^ word *' year" a c^dendar year. 'Muntli, 1 c II " Now." "next. "City." " Corporation." '• Ci>uncil." " Mayor. ■" Street " or "streets." Numlwr anil gender. Duties of cer- tain i»ftieers may be perfortned by- other persiins. By-lawk to bo •umbered. (()) Tho word "now" or "next" .shall 1)0 con- strued as having' reference to the time when the liy- law was passed. (7) The words " the City " shall mean "the City of London". (8) The words "the Corj)oration " shall mean "the Municipal Corporation of the city of London." (9) The Nvoi'ds "the Council'" sl'iall mean "tlic Municijial Council of the City of Lon(U)n". (10) The word "Mayor" .shall include the pei- son actiui;- as Mayor or the person for the time Ixmiil;- having' the {)owers of or ])erforminj^' the duties of Mayor of the City of London. (11) The word "street" or "streets" shall in- clude all highways, roads, lanes, alleys, avenue.s. thoroughfares, diives, bridges and ways of a pui)lic nature, and shall also include sidewalks, lioulevai'ds, courts, court yards, conunons. pu'ks. public s({uares and othei' public j)laces. uides.>- the contr;iry is ex pressed or unhvss such constiMction would be in- consistent with the context (»r the manifest intention of tlii^ By daw. (12) Woi'ds im[)orting the singular number or the masculine g(Mnler only shall include nn)re persons, parties, or things of the .sanu' kind than one, and fe- males as well as males, and the converse. (13) The (hities pi-e.scribeil to any )>articular office of the C'Ori)oration by any Lydaw may be peiTormeil by such other otHceror pei'son as may bca})pointcd by the Mayor or othei-authoi'ity to perform such duties. NUMBERING OV BV-I.AVVS. 2. All Hydaws of the City passed since the con- solidation of the l>ydaws in is7<) shall be known find designated by the numbers respectively endorse(l upon them and all llydaws iii force at t\w tinu.' of the pa.ssing of this Jiy-law leferring to any By-law of the City by its nund)er shall be consti'ued as refei'iing to the By law whii'h shall iiave such munbei' endoised upon it, an seeutivelyi :}. It\sl oi' referi'inj her onlv. 4. The as follows, I to 9, I 43 > 47- .^*^^' 5' 93 to I lo, II 149' '53 tt' I iqg, 20I to 21 243. -47. 24? 3o(), ;,ic), 31 34O' 343. 34^ to 403, 405 tc 434- 4.5.T' 457 ^i)i) to 4c 13, 4 522 to 52(1, 5 554- 557 ^''' 5 60S, ()l I, ^^\i) .-). 'I'he ing Sect i or any provisi shall the .s; clause in t of the saiy-la\v to cite ov refer to it by num- ber oiilv. Hv-I.iws 111 Ix; iuinilx;r. 'il ti> by REFKAL OV HV-[.AVVS. 4. The l>y-la\vs of tlie City of London nninbered as follows, inclusive, are hereby repealed : — 1 to 9, 12, to 14. 22, 23, 2() to 28, 30, 32 to 35, 37 to 39, 41, 43. 47' 5"' 52 to 65, 67. (18, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 85 to 87, 89, 91, 9;, to no, 1 12 to I 14, 1 lb to IK), 122, 124, 131, 141 to 143, 145, 149, '53 t^^ '^J^' '7^ t^^ '74' '7'^ to 182, 188, 190, 192, 193, 198, l«v-l;i pc ;iled. IQ9, 201 to 208, 211 to :'14, 22h, 22(.} [i 1'. 2 7,^, 238 to 241, J43, 247, 249 to 2^H, 270, 277, 2<)I, 2()4 to 29b, 3CXJ, 303, 304, ^Of), :io. ;i I, .18, ;2o to T,22, 32() to 331 (a), 334, JO/ > 339. 340, 343. 34'^ 347' 34'J 35o, 3t^> t^^ 3^H^ 3<'«. 37'' 373' 397. 4oo 10403, 405 to 408 (a), 410 to 415. 417. 4i(), 422, 423, 428 10430, 434. 455- 457 i*-' 45^»' 4'\3' 4''4. 4*^^'^ ^^^ 47"' 479. 4^"^"' 4^^, 487, 4cp to 493. 495 I ^^ 5^3' 505. 30"' 50^' 5"9. 515. 5'^. 5-0 (a), ??H to 0."^/ 2t>, 5^7' to ^(10, 529. 53^^ 53-' 54"' 54"' 544' 54*'' 547' 55^'' 55 '^ ' 5"3' 5''5' 57 n/' 575' 577' 5^3' :■» >84, <)o7, 608, ()i I, (119 to 626, 633 to 035, "37, "54, "55, "58, ()()7, ()()9. .'). The i'e|)eal of the iJy-laws in the last [)rece(l- iiiu S(>ction nieiitione(l shall not revive any By-law or' any provision of any iU-law repealed by them, nor shall the said rej)eal |)revent the efh'ct of any saving' !';tVi'ct of rc-noal >l liiriULT By Clause m tin th aid Hv-h iws or tlie aj)pl!cation o licati )f anv )r provision of the said iJy laws or any other l>y-law ( of law formerly in force to any transaction, matter or thiii|4' anteri(;r t(» the said repeal to which they would otherwise apply. (1. Where a iJy law is reju-aled wholly uv in jiart, iiul other i)rovisions sirostitutecl, all olHcers, nersons.i'^'r"^.-'^''"*'' TCffict iif ripcjil :it' Hv-law on ol( 1 I IW and other 1 bodies politic or corj)orate, acting- under th shall continue to act as if aj)pointed under tlui new law until others are appointed in their stead, and all proceedings taken under the old law shall b(» taken up and continued undei' the new law when not inconsis- tent thei'cwith ; and all jx'iialties and forfeitures may be recover(>d, and all pi'()ceeydaws shall be signed by the Mayoraml Clerk, and the Cleik sludl iittach to e;ieh of them so signed the seal of the City, and the ,s;ime sludl he tlio original Hydaw and .shall lu' filed by th(> Clerk as such, 10. All the J^vdaws contained ii; this volum(> shall come into foi'ce on the day of the coming into force of this Hydaw,except where a contrary inl C . : I i 1. bo 1; Permit tiiiR- liiHisL' to be (re- ijiiLMitL'cl by lunoriiuis per- sons, etc. Gaming-. Hou^csofiii- 7 >;,, ixM'soii shall keiM) or frcMniont a house of fame or ilis- ' I •^i- il/i'i orderly houses. iH-fjunc oi' (lisordei'ly house withui uw (. ity, (»• ui any manner eontrihute to the support of such house or of any inmate thereof, or shall voluntarily reside thei-ein. Lettinghouse 8. Xo pLM'sou sliall kuow! iij^lv , \vt auv house or luVse'.nVtLie. l)nil(H within the (*ity, to he used as a house of ill- fame, or Kno\vini^ly and willinj^ly i»ei'niit the same to he so used. il. ?s'(< ])erson shall ])ei'inil his ^ouse, or othei' Iniildini!., vvithin the City, to he u^^vd, fre(iuented, oi' resoi'ted to hy n()t(-"iou persons, punhlei's, va^i'auts, })i'ostitntes, oi- otlu'r })"i'sons of had eharaet( r. 10. No person shall keep a namhlin^n-house within the City, oi' kee}) or use, oi- pei'uiit to he kept oi- useij, for the ))urpose of <4amhlin_u'. in any house, room or l)!aee within the City oeeujiied hy him, any faro hank, rouu'e et noir, j'oulette tahle, or any other deviee tor gamhlinj^, oi' i)ei'mit oi' allow any j^ames of chance or hazai'd with (lice, cards or othei" device, to hi* playc(l for mon(>y. H(|U()r or other thin^'. within such house, room ())• p'ace : and no i)ei'son shall j)ermit any des- cri{)tion c^namhlinn', playinu' at c*ards, dice or other puncs of chance with hettin^', in any such house, room (*r place : and no pei-son shall tViMjuent any such house, room 01' })lace, or gamhliny house, or he ther-du for the purpose of <^amin^'. M.iyor.etc. n. T]k» Ahivor, l^ollcc Ma<'isti'ate or anv Aldei- m.iv enter i • ■ " • -i-i i • i • ' inj; house. and nuui, tlic Clucf of Policc, OI' auv i))liceman oi' peace destrov l.iro lu • i " i banks. etc., ofuccr, uu\\ eutci' into any house, room oi- lound there. • 1 • i '/ <• • i • i i i i ■ withi'i tlie I ity, ui wnich any faro hanlv, rouj^c et uou'. nmk tte tahle, oi otiiei- device h>r pimhlini:,-, may lu' kept or used for pimhling, or in vvhich ^^junhlin^' of any (le.*amhlinu' as shall he found V2. No of his pel's puhlic l>lac( 1:5. No the River 1 the City, oi tweeii the eijjht o'cloc 14. No lii«;hway, oi deformed o posed in an purpose of .sistance fro IT). An\ the |ti'ovisi( the discretii not exceedi of costs, am and costs fo only, may 1 and chattid; inent of the found out (; ,, vir''n,u M'M (•(tmmon _ua i without ha "I twentv-one .sooner pai( therein. m u. 12. No i)ei'.s()n shall make any indecent exposure ^'"'"^^"'^^^p^^- of his person in any street, lane, alley, market or public |>lace within the City. 13. No person, .sliall bathe or wash his ])erson inB^'hinff. the Hiver Thames within or o])posite to the limits of the City, or in any })ublie water within the City, be- tween the hours of six o'clock in the forenoon and cij^ht o'clock in the afternoon. 14. NO juM'son shall bej;" or ask alms in any street, '^^^■"''''-■'^"''*- liiulnvay, or jaiblic ])lace within the ( *ity, noi' shall any (jcroiiued oi' diseased person expose himself or be ex- posed in any street or ])ul)lic place in the City for the purpose of excitinj^' sympathy or inducing help or as- sistance from general or public charity. 1,'). Any person convicted of a bi'cach of any of •'^'•■'ity. the j)rovisions of this By-law shall foifeit and pay at the (lisci'ction of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in case ornon-payment of the said jxMialty and costs foilhwith, the said piMialty and costs, or costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of the goods ami chattels of the offender; and in case of non-pay- ment of the said penalty, and there being no distress found out (;f vvhi(rh tlu^ same cm be levied, the con- vi(.*'ug Magistrate may connnit the offender to the common gaol of the county of Middlesex, with or without hai'd labor for any period not exceeding twentv-one davs, unless the said penaltv and costs be sooner paid. c . K • r \ 12 BY-LAW No. 752. To Prevent certain Noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants. Passki) \nh Jiiniiiiry, 1Hose of sipiallin^' to make up trains, or for pur- poses other than those authoj'i/e(l or recpiired l»y the laws of the Dominion i'arliament or tlie Legislature of the Province lelating to llailways. whistks of 2. No i,;"son shall l»low or sound oi' cause to he j stationary en- i .. • ^ • i !•• i-l/i" /. ^ ginesnoitobc hlownor souudcd witnui the lunits or the C itv ot blown. Til I'll" • ' • Lon. N ini; piece woiks wil aiitliori/ei (I. No ball, .s(|nil si\(' or da flic pl!i>li( 7. No other like s. No disc, fmiii iiig of* a b( ci'ealiiig a the City, ( open to til to he sulij the |)ro\is the tli.-^cre not exccei of costs, a and costs t only, may and chatt( iiieiil of tl fblllld (Hit vietiiig M; eoiiiiiion g without tweiity-on sooner |)ai 10 any lawful Ini.sines.s or with any church, cliapel, mect- iiiji-Iiousc or rclij^nous service, or the ringing of firc- Ik'IIs or tii'c alarms. .") No iH'i'son sliall fii'c or discharge any gun, fowl- '^'■""'- '"'■"■'"'*• ing |)ie('e or lire arms, or shall set hi'e to any tn"e- ''''-'^'''"■k^'J' woiks within the (*ity of London, uiiUns specially aiitliori/e(l hy the Mayor oi' the Conneil so to do. () Xo ixM'son shall liiiht, set off or throw any fire- i'nvi..iiu, iWc 1 ~ 1 . ' , cr.uki ts, ill., hall, M|nil». lire-crackei'. sei'pi'Ut, or othei' noisy ()tU'ii-"""^'''^=-^''^'ff- siye or dangerous substance or tire-works in any of the pultlie streets in the City of London. 7. Xo person shall (Milage in any charivari or'-'iv"i^"-i "';'. other like distui'hance of ihe peace withm the ( ity. S. Xo pei'son shall advertise anv sale of meiehan-\'*^';'-''"< . disc, furnitui'c, oi' other artich' or matter, hy tiie rmg-'^'•^'"^?•^"•• illgofa hell. Mowing of a horn, crying, hallooing, or ci'cating any other discordant noise in the streets of the City, oi' on the step of a house, oi- other premises open to the puhlic strei't, whci'chy the puhlic are liahle to he suhiectecl to inconvenience and annoyance. <'. Any ])erson convicted of a hrt^ach of any ofi'^'^'ity- tlie pioN isions of this IJy law shall forfeit and ])ay at the discretion of tluM'Onvicting Magistrate a juMialty not exceeding hfty dollai's for each offence, exclnsive of costs, and in case of non-jjaynunit of the said j)enalty and costs foith with, the said penalty and costs, or costs only, may he levied by disti-ess and sale of the goods and chattels of the oli'ender ; and in case of nori-pay- nient of the said ])enalty, and there being no disti'css foinid out of which the same can be leviet', the con- victing Magistrate may commit the ofien r» • # '■ ^ i; ,m l: J .''• J .r- ••■3 14 BY-LAW No. 753. B^ Relating to Graves and the interment of the dead. Passki) Otli January, 1H03. lE IT enacted l)y tlio Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of thi' City of London as follows : Gravcsnottobe 1, ^o oorsou sludl wron<»fullv remove, or attempt molested. ' ,, ^1- <• . t to remove, anv oody, or the remanis ot any iKirt ot any body, from any i^rave, tond) oi- vault witliin tlie City, in which the same shall hav(^ heen deposited or intei'red ; or wilfully destioy, mutilate, deface or in- jure any tomb, tombstone or vault, in any eemeteiy or bui'ial ground within the City or any fences railing', or other work for the protection or ornament of any such cemetery oi' ])iu'ial-«.?round, or of any tomli. tond)stone, vault or lot therein ; oi- wronjjjfully remove any such tomb, tombstone, vault, fence, I'ailinj^, or other work from such cemetery oi- burial-.^round ; oi- wilfully destroy, cut, break, or injure any tree, sliruh 01' ])lant j^n-owing or being tlierein; or play at any game, or .sport, or discharge firearms in such ctuiie- tery or burial-ground ; or c(munit any nuisance, or behave in an imlecent or unseemly manner therein, or in any way violate any such cemetery, grave, tomb, tombstone, or vault where the dead are interi-ed. Inti-rmcnts of the not to 2. No person shall inter or cause to b(; interred be m.idc in City, or assist HI thc mtemient ot any dead person within the limits of tlie Citv of London, 3. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this P>y-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence, exclusivo Pen.ilty. ■4- 1R of costs, and in raso of noii-paymcnt of tlio said })onalty and costs foitliwitli, the said penalty and costs, or costs oiilv, may 1k' levied hy disti'ess and sale of the {^oods ami chattels of tlie otiender ; and in case of non-pay- ment of the said ])enalty, and there ])ein^" no distress found out of which the same can be levied, the; con- victing Ma^'isti'ate nuiy commit the (»i!ender to the common ^'aol of tlie county of Middlesex, with or without hard lahor for any {)eri()(l not exceeding;' twenty-one (hiys, unless the said penalty and costs he sooner i)aid. • c : ' 1 \ > - \ r - •ithin ; t; ]('. BY-LAW No. 754. Relating to the Public Health and the grant- ing of outdoor Relief. Passki) nth Jamiaiy, ISO:]. E IT ( nactcd In tlu' Miiiiicipal Council oftlio Cor- B poration of tlic City of London as follows BOARD OV IIKALTH. appiiiiUnK':il i>l Board on icr.u^^ I '['\^q ^jjjd AJiinicij)al (V)niR'il shall appoint annually a Local I'oaid of llcaJth (Icrcinaftcr called tlu> !)()ard) in .iccoidancc with the provisions of "The Pubiic Health Act." Offia-at C!tv Hall. OFFICE. •2. There shall he provided at the City Tlall a snitahle ollice toi' the ac ''oniodation (jf the Medical llr'.dth Ollicer and Health aiid. Ifelief lns[K>ct a-to he ap[)ointed as heiiMnafter nuMitioned, and in which, if deemed convenient, the Local l>oai'd of I lealth may meet when called to delihei'ate on matters connected with the pid)lie health. iJ. Theie shall he appointed l»y the Council, on be appoiMUcL "reconnnendationof the l>()a!'d,an ollicer to he caluMJ the Health and Kelief Insjx'ctor, who shall hold ollico durinj.;' the })leasure of the Council and until his suc- Healtli ami Kc ii'f liispivlor t cessor IS appom ted an< 1 sncl I a|)])ointment shall not he limited to one ollicer, if it l-e deemed necessary in t\u) interest of the puhlic health to incixase tlu' num})er of such lns})ectors. 4. Kvery Health and iieli(>f Inspector, oi' other iiiuitrotiHcirs. H(>alth Ollicer shall, hefoi'i' entering;' upon the duties of his ollice, make the followiiiin' luvst ot my skill and ju(l,i>nu'nt, duly t'aitli- fiilly [XM'tbiin all the duties a|)i)LMtiiiiiin<;" to my oilice of llcaltli and Kclief Ins[)(>ct()i', as declared hy the Uv-laws of the City of London, and that 1 will not, (lireitly oi- indirectly, for myself or othei's, in trust for uie er on my own account, have any interest or con- cern in any })urchase, contiact oi' aj^ieement, to be made in pursuance of such By-laws. " .'). The following' shall he the duties of the Health '^""^•''• and llelief Inspector : I. AS RELIKF INSPIiCTOR. (1) To attcMid at the Relief Oilice a i)()rtion of ,T>:.-^''>'"J R each (lav, as the Mayoi' niav dn-ect. (•J) Tlie Jxelief Tnspectoi- shall be i)rovi(led with i 1 \. if ;ippli' iiUs for ri'liof I'll 111 I'll /•'I *-'*"*'^ '''' ' ^ "* hook in which he shall enter daily the names ot all "\''^ •^"t^•r'-■J persons a{)j)lyin«^" for relief; the names of all persons receivinj^ relief, the f Inspector shall attend at the Roii.f inspector ]\hiyor's oilice daily (Sundays and holidays excepted) M-yVsofflce at such hour as the Mavor niav direct to receive and"*" report upon applications for relief and to receive (li'vctioiis as to t he ^rantinj^' of such relief and the Health and Relief Inspector shall take down in wiitiiin' minutes of the j)roceedini;s and preserve the same aiiion^' the records of his oilice. (4) Tlie Relief Inspector sjiall make dilin'cnt and K^iuf inspictor ,, , . . . , . ,, ' ,. to iiiqiilri' ami Ciireliil iii(|uirv into the circuniStances ot overy appli-^rrt uponap. ,. I- <•' 1 1 11 i il • 'v i pluanls lor re- cant lor reliel and shall report thereon in writint^" toii^t- the Mayor with his recommendation as to the jj;rant- iiiu or refusing such relief, and if he re])orts in favor ol uranting reliel" he shall state the natui'e and amount of the relief which he considers should be granted and the period ibr which it should be granted. C » r \ II •bo 18 Nomoney toix: ^^j ]sj^() monovs sliall ho paid or allowed by tlie without onU r ol ']^j.(.;js.,l,.(i,. Qj. -ID y ofHcOl' of tllC> (N )!'])( )i'ati( )11 foi' Ollt- dooi' ivliL'f oxcH'i)t upon tlic written oi'dcr ot the Mayor, or in ease of his absence or illness, of an Aldei'nian ji])pointed by the ]\Iayur to act for liini for that purpose. Orders not tii lie isMK'J without (6) The Mayor, or Aldei-nian acting for him, shall rtportvvcipt in not, cxccot ui (viscs oi ui'ji'cncv, issue anv such order casfsohirguncy. .' • i i /■ i i i" i • * as IS provided lor by the next preceding' section un- less or until he shall have received the report of the Kelief lns])ector upon the application therefor and in the event of an order being issued without the re- port having been receivcMl, the Mayor, or .Vldernian acting for him, shall cause the particulars of the case to be enteivd upon the minutes to be ke[)t by the Kelief Iiis})ector as hereinbefore provide(l, with a statement of the reasons for granting relief without waiting for such report. prdtrhookto (7) An Order Book sliall be provided containiiifr bo provided with • i r. . i " couiiterioiis. pruitcd loi'iiis for the orders to Ite issued under the jH'Ovisions of this By-law, with counterfoils showing' the dates of the orders, tin; persons to whom issued, and the amounts or pur])oses for which issued, ainl the Mayor or Alderman granting the order shall till up the counterfoil and return the same. Amount Kranted (s) Notliiiig licrcin coutaincd is intended to or it>r rcliol not to in i • i ^;'>;';^^"Jtp'-"p"- shall authorize the grantiu'.; of relief beyond the amount from time to time appropriated by the Coun- cil for that purpose. 11. AS HEALTH INSPECTOR. Ecctor"'"'''' ^^- ^" addition to the duties prescribed ])y law or by any By law or resolution of the (^oiincil or reso- hition or Older of the Hoard, the Health Inspector shall perform the following (hities : 19 To attend at Ilc-tlth office. Record of cx- piMiditiire, etc., to he kept by He.ilth Iii*(>rc'. tor. (1) To attend at the Health Office a portion of each (lay as the Board may (hrect. (2) To keep a reeord of jdl hi.s proeeech'njjjs in books, L^ whicli sliall he entered un(U'r approiniatOHenuh'Ti heiid."^, any expenditure oi'deriMJ in liis (k'])artnient witli tlie names of all pei'sons who have furni.shed materials, and of all workmen, the time worked, and the amount to he paid to (;aeli individual ; and to make a re|)ort thereof to the .said lioard whenever re(|uired so to do, and at the end of each yeai' a .scliiMlule of the pi'opeity under his ehar<4'e helonj^in^' to the City and the valui' thereof (:5) To visit the pi-emises of all hutehers at least J^^",',;;';';;;;^^^^^ once a week duiin^ the months of May, June, duly, Anunst, Sej)tend)ei' and October, and twice a month (iiniiiu the icmaindei' of the year and torepoit to the tl ic resii It of such visits inunediatelv then sail I lioari al'tt". (4) To make all neccs.sary arran^^cments foi' the l^';^;-,'".^^^^^^^^ removal of all decayinj^ animal or vej^'ctahle matter"""'''- from the streets and for the temj)orary deposit and siihse(|nent removal of manure, hoi'se-dirt and offjd. (.')) To see that the provisions of the l>vdaws of ">:J•■?;^?'"Vl'''':T , . , . 1.111 1 . IviblK- fle.iltll the City relatin;^' to the piiolic health, except such of toKeniorced. tlie said pr(»visions as relate to the duties of other persons, are enfoici'd, and jn'cneially to obey and eai'iy out the instiiietions and directions of the .said iJoard in matters relating' to the public health. (n) lie shall iM'rform tlie duties of Sanitary Tn-^;';'"^'^> '"^p'''=- spect or referred to in section eleven and other sue- ceediiiii' sections of this lU-law. piJHiJc" iii:.\i/rn. 7. The Council shall, upon the r(>commcndation of .M.dicaiii ilth Oti the I'mard, a|)point an oHiccr to be calle(lthe Medical r>'i'><'J Health ( )llicer, who shall, in addition to the duties imposed upon him by " 'I'he rublic Health Act"|)er- iiiT to be .'ip- c » c . ►■ t r \ - 5 i. r» • m • I M« sm r c 3 1^' J ! fib form such othor duties relating to the pubhc health as tlie Council or the said l^oard uiay from time to time by resolution or lU-li iw reiiuiie Council may ip. jnj Jh addltlou to tlic a])pointmeut of Tlealtli and Kaith orticvrs. j{^.]j(>f luspcctors aud Medical I Icalth ( Xlicer, the Council may, upon the reconnnendation of the iJoard, when it is deemed indispensalde foi' the presei'\at ion of tlie public health oi- the more jn'om])tIy and cdlcc- tuall)' carry in<4' into effect the sanitai'y i)rovisions ol'tliis or any othei' r>yda\v of the Council, appoint one oi' more assistants to tlie Ilealtli and Ivclief Inspector, wlio shall hold ollice during the pleasure of th(» Comi- cil and whose renumeration shall be sjx'citically de- fined from ti'Mc to time by resolution of the Council oi' of the said Uoai'd. !>. Whenever it shall be considei-ed necessary tlic said Hoard may accept tlie services of pei'sons in tlic several nards of the City who may be willing to \iil- unteei' for the j)nrpose of maintaining and |)reserviii<: the public health : and such pevs(,ns foi- the time beinu, upon theii' names bcinu didy notified by jn'oclamatioii or other [)ublic notice, shall be invested with and ex- ercise all the j)owei's and privileges exei'ciscd b\ tin said Ilealtli and Kelief inspector under this liy l.iw Sirviivs of vi'l- unfeiTs may Ic accvplril. POWERS AM) DCTIIvS OI' TIIK BOARD OF IIKALTII AM) ITS ()lvFlCKI{S. MKDICAL lIHAI/fll OI Fit KR nutu;sotM.Ji- 10. It sliall be the diitv of the Medical Ilealtli cal Ilcallli Olli- ,. . • ■ 1 1 "i"-. Ollicer to assist and a«lvise the IJoard and its oHiccrs, in matters relating to public health, and to superin- tend, under the direction of the Board, the enforce- ment and observance, within tin's immici|»alily. of Health l>y laws or renulatious, and of I'ublic Ih'altli 21 Acts, and of any otlici' Sanitary T^aws, and, if tliontj^lit •idvisMhlc 1)V tlio IJoard of Scliool 'I'l'iistecs, to act as''';;"''-^''>>i- Medical ln.s|)cct()r of schools, as well as advisory'^'''""''" olljccr in matters ix'rt.-iinin;,^' to scIiool hygiene, and to jn-it'orin sncli other (hities and hiwliil acts for the preservation of the |)i;)iiic liealth. as may, in his opinion, he necessary, or as may l»e j-iMpiij-ed hy tlu^ i)()ard of Health. lie sliall also present to !he Board, hefore tlie fifteenth day (tf November in each veai'. a lull i-eport n])on the sanitai-y condition of the City. He shall also (>\:iniine (»)■ canse t() l)(M'\aiiHiHMl,To;in.iyi.t. hv analv/alion or otherwis", the water of any well'-' within the ( 'ity when directe(l so to do hy the sai i. the (Inties liereafter indicated 1)\ this i>y-law as h('- !\^ji.\;riT'.ii lonuinu' specially to him, s.i.dl assist the .Medical Health ()llicer. and pertorm such other duties as may froMi time to time he assinned to iiim Ity the lioard of liealth or its ('haii-man, .WM'AI. Rl'.PORT. I'J. The Chairman ol' the lioard ()f H ('alt h shall, :^.7':':'' :;':':'"' hefore the fust day of I )ecend>er iiu'ach year, present to the Municipal Council, a repoi't containing' a de- tailed statement of the work of the lioard dui'inin' the year, and the re|>ort of the sanitary condition of the .Miiiiicipalil \ . as icndered to the lioaid l»y tin' Medi- cal Health ( )Hicer. .\ coj)} of each such rep(»i't shall he transmitted hy the Secretary to the Secretary of the i*ro\ incial Hoard of liealth. Ill lu- Mill li Sii'Ri.iry l'r.>- \ Hviard I't ll>.illli. c » r \ tl ci.i:.\\i,i\i;ss ov i'riimisI'S. II). No peison shall \> ilhin t his nuuiicipalily sillier le accnmiilat ion ii[>on his premises, or deposit, oi' \\ 'ip\'Sl»s I'llll.ltl- Ki'iIiikIiimIiIiiuiI .'lII'HM'tl W> .11'- I'liiiuil.ili'iii L'ilv f til , t: I I, ;i 98 IKM'iiiit tlio (l{'])()sit, upon any lot l)ol()n«;in<4' to liini, of an\ tiling wliicli may cndanucr tlie imhlic licaltli. or (lei)osit uj)on,on or into,anystr('(.'t,s(jiiar(\lan(\i)y-\\ay, liarf, (lock, sli[), lake, [nrnd, bank, liarI)oi', rivoV, V or water, anv manure oi- otliei- I'efiise. or \\ stream, sewc veui table or animal mattei' or other tilth. Sanitary inspcc 14. \{ sliall 1 »e tlic (luty of tlic Sauitarv Inspector: to keej) a viligant supervision ovei' all streets, lain tor to inspi'it St reels, lanes, etc.. and c.iiisr to be re- ) )V- way s. lots oi' j)renuses. ujion wliieii any such ac- iiHulation as aforesaid mav he toiind, and at oiic(> moveil ei to notify the |)ai'ties who own or occupy such lots or premises, oi- who eithei- personally or through tli ir employees, hav(> deposite<| sijch maiune. refuse, matli'i'. (li)t oi' tilth, in any street, laiu' or hy-way, to ;le;n:<" the .same, and to remove what is found thei'con ;si :|i [)artii's shall forthwith I'cmove the .same, and iiilie .same lie not i'emove< 1 will un twent \ -lour iioin-s alt 'r L o rep' \j)eiise of the |)ei's(ai or per- sons so olVendinn. lie shall ;dso inspect at intervals, asdii'ectiMi l»y the IJoard of lleallh. all j)i'cinises oc- cupied by persons i'esidin_<4' within its jiuisdiclicii. and shall I'cport to the IJoard each and every case of tionot Health vK »la t loii OI a 11 v ol 1 lic 1 )ro visious oi this l>v-la 11.. 1 ' • • w »y-l S;initary Ir Kpcctor to e.iiise filth . to be cleaned. of any other regulations for the |)resej-vati(ni oflli ])ublic health, and shall also report e\'ery case of it fusal to jK'rmit him to make such inspection. If). Whenever it shall a|)pear to the IJoai-d orlo ypremises auy ot its olliccrs. t luit it IS ucccssary tor the presci- vation of the public health, or for the abatement of anylhinj;' daiiLivrous t(» the public healtli, or wheiic\cr they or he shall have I'cccived a notice siiL;nc(l b\ nnc or moi'e inhabitant householders of this numicipalil \ . statin<^' the condition of any building in the munici- pality to be so filthy as to be dangerous to the imblic health, or tliat upon any premises in the municipalily \ \ 23 rluM'o is juiy foul Or nffciisivo ditcli, enalties iiiipiise(| under Section 4'2 of this l>yda w Ki. if the !)oard is satisfied upon due examina- tion, that a cellar, room, tenement, or huihliuj^' within its jurisdiction, occupied as a dwellin<4' ])lace, lias Ik collie, hy reason of the numhei' of occupants, want' of cleanliness, the existence therein o*' a contaj^ious or infectious disease, or other cause, unfit for sucli jdirjiose, or that it has hecon»e a nuisance, or in any way daiiLicrous to the health of the occuj)ants, or of the piihlic, they may issue a notice in wi'itin^ to such occui)aiits, or any of them, recpiirinuthe said premises lie put in jiroper sanitai'y condition ; or, if they sec Hi>;iul may C'.IUM' ilwi' Ilin fli ilaii KS. t4iTims toluallli to 1)0 ,_ pill ill proper initarv coiidi- fit, r^ v<|iiirni}4' fhe occu|)ants to (|uit the premises witlr in such time as the IJoard may deem I'casonahle. If le persons so notified, or any of them, neulect or re tl fuse to comjily with the terms of the notice, every jierson so otfeiidiiiL; shall he liable io tlu^ penalties iiii[)osed by Section 4'J of this liydaw, and the l^)oar|- ANIMALS .inim.ils ill i-rrt.iiii i;iM.'~. out-lionsc shall, "oi h 1 lonsc, siiop () tfMiant ()t'an\ shop, honsc or .'; V hulchcr or other jxTson^ •t-honsc at anv time as use any snc a .slaniilitcr-honsc or for tiic j»Mi|)osc of slaniilitcrmu any animals therein, unless such sh(»p. house oi' diit- house he distant not less than two hundred yai'ds from anv dwellinu'dioiise, and distant not less than seventv yards from any puhlie street. SI.AlCillTt:i^IN(. OV ANI.MAI.S F-Oi; SAl.I' AND KRiaTiox OV si.ArciiTi;!^ iiorsKs, htc. SI;uiffhlcrinK bcwcs, itc. dl k Inspi'L'tlon of cou liyris, diwM' Ijutiirii's nnii criaimrifN. IS. No butcher or otiier pei'son sliall UUi or slaui;hter anv heeves, calves. shee|). or other animals for the purpose of .sale, wit hin the City. (»r eri'ct, kee|i. oi' continue a slauuhter house wiihin the City, imr shall any |)erson kei'p a Iiojj: or piii' sty oi- any lion or pin upon any j>renn'ses within the ('ity. iNsiMX'iiox 01" COW in'Ri-:s. i':'i'c'. 10. All milch cows and cow hyi'cs, and all dairies or othiM' places in which milk is sold oi' kept foi ^cii- ei'al use, and all cheese factories and creame/ies shall he suhject to regular insj)eclion undei- the dir(>ctii»n of the said lioard : and the propiietor.s shall lie rc- (juired to ohtain permission in wi'itinn from the Hoard. to keep such dairy or other place in which milk is sold or kej)t as aloresaid. or to keep a cheese factory or ci'eamei-y. and the same shall not he kej)t l»y any- one without such |>ermissi()n. which shall lu' i^i'ante(l after apjirova! of such premises upon insj>ection. suh- | ject to the condition that all such places as afori'said ai'(> so kej>t and conducted that tin; milk shall not contain any matter or thini; lial»lt> to pi-oduce disease eithei' bv rea.son of adulteration, contiimination with JIL. SOWJ'Uf, 5 il)s(' ;^tion ,)f(Hs('aso;';(M'ius, I'^'fc rtion of cowh, ,ii\ )tlM r m'licrally rcc \'_niz(Ml caiisiv and ii|m)ii ]i condition Ix'ii.j:" I.rokcn tlic said jxM'inission may sue 1)0 icvo kcd i)v tlic l>().ird. DISKASICn FOOD. •>(l \o pcison sliall otl'cr lor sale as food wit liin ;:" this nninii'i|»alii_v an_\ (liscascd animal, oi- any meat, Hsli, IViiit, V(\ui'tal>l('s, milk, or otlici' article of I'ood liicli. I>y reason of disease, adnltejation, inii)mity. or V (itliei- cause sliall l»e unlit for use. If i>t llisi'.ISOll ul. w ail DRIXKINc; WAIllR. •Jl. It sliall lie the dulv of the owner of every \"|pp!> "' hdusc within this municipality to provide for the oc- cupants of the same a snUlcien. supply of wholesome (h'inkiun water : and in ease the occu|)ant or occu ilniikiii^ w.'ilt laiits (tl an\ such house is oi- ai'c not s itrsti iMi wnii the wholesomeness oi' siiniciency of such supply, he 01' they may apply to the Uoard of Health to detei- Hiiuc as to the same : and if the supjdy he suHicient and wholesome, then the expenses incident to such (Ictcnuination sliall he paid hy the said occu|»ant or occupants, and if not. then they shall he |)aid l>y the owuei' : a.iKl in (Mthercase the sanl charges shall \n rccovciahle in the same manner as municipal taxes. '2± Al heth we s in tins municipaiilv which ari' m , WilK to h( id mil, oil' use, wlielhe]' such wells are |)iioiic or privale. shall he cleaned out hefore the 1st day .if duly in each year, and in case the Uoard of llealth certities that any well should he lille(l up, such well shall he forth- willi lilleil lip hy the ownci' (»f t he |>ri'mises. niSPOSAl. OF SKW ACK. KTC. '2'.]. The following' code of rules ami rcuulationsuni'-rcspici. foi- the dis|K)sal of sewaj^: and refiisi' sliall constitute a pai't of this r>y law. and any |)ers(ui oi- persons vio- latiuu 'u- n(\nI(H'tin,u- any of the said rules and re.urda- tioiis shall \h' liahle to the lines and ix'ualties imposed hv .Section 4'J ol" this liv-law. lu^ ihspvis;! K.r >t«.iKri.' ill irtiiM'. id r f r \ u -^ I -2 •bo I'RIXII'S. nrlnils of P"- sl;ilili-. Ill IJi i.i; I. No privv vault, cesspool or rcscivoii to \NliicIi a privy, water closet, staltle or sink i> ,-|ppro\i'il h\ ll.allll ' ^lui OIIk Iraiiied, shall l»e (>stal>lislie(| until the details ol tahlishiiieiit shall liaNC Ix-eii siiltiiiittetl to and oh. IJ ( es h*»usi's, t'tc, (*> hi' pr.i\ iiKil "illi priv), iIl'. ClinTiIiit; .iiul tained thi; approval in writinii' ol'tlie Meilical llciihli Ollicer, who shall, from time to time, determine with the approI)ation oftlie Uoard. the method ofdisposiil of exereta, sewa.u(' and other refuse, to lie adopted within the district. Iti LK '2. KvcM'V dwelling' lioMse. slioj), mamif'iic- toiy or other inhahitetl liiiildinn'. within the City, sliall lie provided liy the owner, or in case of his dc. fault, liy the occupant thereof, w itli a suitalile water closet, earth closet or privv, and everv siicli privy § ] shall lie [irovided with a privy vault which sliall W walled up with twd-inch plank, lirick or stdiie, aiidhi' sunk at least six feet iielow the level oftlie caitlr, and it shall Ik' the duty oftlie occiiiiant, ami in case privy, tic :l'iv""l*i.-'' of his default, of the owner, of every such dwelliii house, shop, manufactory, or other inhaliited luiild- ini;', atall times to keep such water closet, earth closet Rr;,'iil.Tlii>!l ot irll) il.'srls or privy and privy \ault clean, and to cause tliesaiiu' to lie draincil into the (oinnion sewis-, where there is a common .sewer w itliiii one hundred feet of it. osets withoiita KiLi.: Kartl 1 |)rivies or eai th el conti'iils ,ui rom.v.ii >.f vault liclow the surface of the l pi"' I'ciiKiveil an ess appara paratiis to this niimici i;i l.K ol in the said the inspect i ollicer as til .same, and > Txiard a cei plies with t apjiioved I eipality. Ki l.K 7 talile matt iiius, olltd tceiith day Ki l.K s restaurant uai'liau'c. h cither liy 1 per covcro tr tliov sli.tll Ik* cl(>Mn(Ml out at least once a yoar, on ori)('r<»i(' tlu' HftcMMitli (lay of May, and from llic lif- tt'cntli v- iii).,' nlijlil siiil li lii i,K (i. Any jM-rson (tr jx'rsons dcsii-ons of en- tiau'inLL' in said hnsincss of removinu' ni^ht xnl or tli(";i''''"" "'''•■" f^ r^ t* »^ r^ :inn:ii-:il ti^ contents of any cesspool, shall, hefore he cnnaii'es iii.ii r.uid o( ill the said hnsincss. snhmit his odorh'ss a|>paratns to the iiis|)ection of the said iJoai'd of liealth. or such ollicer as t he .said lioard shall a|)poinl to inspect the same, and shall ohtain from the ('hairmaii of the .said Hoard a eertilieate in writ inn that his apparatns com- j)lies with the provisions ol'this IJ\ law. and has hcen approveil hy the local Hoard of Health of ihismnni- l.\ Ho.iril. cinalitv, Ki i.i: .Ml tahl put rid and decaying animal or vc^^'c ^_ Kiniov.i e niatler must he removed from all cellars, hnild 1 of lll- c.iviiu; in.itliT. iiijis, out hiiildin^s and yards on or hefore the fif- teenth day of .May. in each year. Ill i.i; >>. I'',\('ry h(>nschol(ler and every hotel and "i-n"^'''"' restanranl keeper or other |)erson shall dispose of al j^arha^c. tor the dis|)o.sal of which he is I'csponsihle Kiill).ij,'i.\ either hy lairimiL; the same or hy pjaein.u' it m a ])ro- percovercil receptacle lor swill and lionse otfal, the r 1 i : '; »« z^o Il ' M t ■ t ! i •J! I.I Ht;iliU' etc., li>l)c ki'pl I'U'.ui. contents of wliicli .sluill, Itctwccn the fifteenth day df Mm\ Mild the liist (Imv of Ndveiiil»er. lie re^iilarlv iv- moved MS often ;is twice m week. |,»i i,i; iiis .stiiltle Mild slnltlc VMid cIcmii, and sIimII not permit, hetweeii the fifteenth day of May and the first day of \oveniiiei\ more tiian two wa^^on loads of inannre to accinmilate in or near the same at any one time.exci'pt lt\ permission of the Hoard of I lea hii, s.wir Ain toN'siiU'cTiON ov in\i:iJ,iN(;s '24. The followin.n' re,unIations re.uardinL'' tiie ((tii- strnetion of houses, shall l>c in force witiiin tliis muni. cij)aHty : K'l I.I. I. No house shall l)e hiiiM in or upon any site, the soil of which has heeii made of any refirsc, unless such soil shall have Iieeii removed fcoin siidi site, and the site n sill' Diiuli' ii|i I'l riliiM'. hav pipis I' Vl'lllll.lllllL connccti'd with a sewer orcess|»()ol diall I le ventilate l)\ means of a pipe e.xtendin.u' upward fr(»ni the liiuli- |)oiiit of the main soil or waste pijie, and also hy a pipe carrie(l nj>ward from the drain outside the walls of the house accordin|Li to the |»riiicii)les sjiowii ill !lie aj)j)eii(ted e of tin .same dimensions as the .sani mam soil or wasti* ])ipc. Construccionof and slwill I )(' coiist I'lict cd of t lic sauic material or (if stout i^alvanizecl iron, and no trap .shall intervene lic- twceii the said ventilatiuLi pipes. In case a trap shall intervene hetweeii the sewer or cesspool and tin.' ventilatiiiLi pipes already descrilied, then a four-incli ventilating pipe, of the .same material as altove des- cribed, shall he cairied from a point hetwei'ii hucIi trap \e/fr^ 'I !l _ __ , _ I , ,"t, ■..-.-_»..--.>««*'"•*■'■ inch enin;^- l(>adinu- into the house. No ])ipe earryin^' air or ^a.; 'Cted Wll I from any diaui or soil \)]^)o shall ou eonni anv ehimiiev in a dwellinu' house uidess the same 1 a i'nrnace chinmey used exelusively for the purj (' ventiiatinii' such soil |)ipe or drain. I > K ».' cons riurinn of dr.i to he const met ed. Materi.iis tor ^ KiJi.K 1}. — I'^cMT liousc (liaiu sliall he eoustruetc:! '''>•" of viti'itiefl earthenware or iron piiu* ; and evcrv sdii and waste pipe, oi U'on pipe rendered impciNious to f^as oi' li(|nids. thcjoints thei-eof Ikmiil;' run with leal andeaulk"d,oj'(tf lead pipe w(Muhiny at least six ponn<' . to the s(|iiare foot : and the waste |)i|)e I'roni (^vciy closet, sink, tub, wash-hasin. safe oi- other scrvic • le point oi" juiuMioii .hall 1 ia\i' as Ilea!" as mav to tl iscapii ofi not to ho allowed. with such sci'vice, a ti'a|) so construetcMl, vcntecl an furnished, that it shall at no time allow of the pa- sa^'eofi^as into such house. All joints .shall he m» constructed as to prevent n'as e.scapin_L;' through thci i. IiUi.i'; 4. — The construction of any closet or otlii'- convenience wlii( h sliidl allow of the louse OI air oi' uas w liich I las heeii co escape into 1 li nfii km! in an part of it, or from the drain or soil [)i[»e, is hereli 1 )rom l.ited Rcfrl waste. Iterator \lu\A<] .').— \o refriu'c.alor waste shall Ik; allowt d to connect with am drain. ( I wftrr lo'urv'i^ KuLK <).— Xo pipe supplying water directiv t wuer'tw'''''^ watei' closet or urinal, shall he connected wiih tli driniong. })ipe su[)] )lyinj4' water for di-inkiuL; j)urposes. Persons crttlmt,' h^lil^lin^J^ lo ili- '2'}. Kvery person wiio eret ts, or causes to li pmnilfc^^^^^^^ erected, any hiiildinu', shall, within two weeks of IJi c.iu:'^''''^ <--<>'Hpletion theivof. depo.sit in the Ivc^istry OIlic the- U(»«;istry !)ivision in svhich the huildiuL'' is situat e :■! C'i. plans of the(l!aina<'ii andplumlmii; <>! thesai neas e a- 31 rcu1o(]: nnd in raso of any alteration of any siicli plnnib- iiio- or (liainan'c, it sliall l)o tlw duty of the own' r of tlu' lioiisi', witliin two weeks of the makinj^ of the alteration, to tleposit in tlie same manner the iilanainlreeord otanysncli alteration; if such alteration is made by a tenant, it shall he the duty of the tenant or lessee to deposit, or cause to he deposited, the i)lan and record of such alteration. SICKNHSS OR AHSKNCt: OF Mt-niCAL UKALTII OFFICKR. •J(). In ease of the sickness orahsi'uce otlhe McmM- ivovisionsm III ii/v/*' 'i 1 111 I I'll' 1 At c.isr ot sickness (,il licaltli Ollieei it shall \)v lawlul foj- the Mayor nvor^iUscwvof III 1 , II • I •! ii I i' 1 Mrdiial Health ;li(> l)oai(i to call in and a\ail themselves ol otheronuvr. incdical or .scientific advice or assistance, in in qu.sti'.nis \:hicli, ill the exercise ol' sound disy-law of the City; and a return of fees ; 11(1 expenditure paid or incurred in olitaiiiin_<4' oi- in- cident to such as of sickness within the oitiuh etc. City that may, in its opinion, he injurious to the health of the inhaltitants, ami sliall destroy, remove, or |)r(>veiit the .same, as the case may require, and .'•■liall hut her in([uire res])ectiii_n' articles thai are capa- hlo of containiii!j; or conveying' infection or contaj^ion, hi'ouj^ht or conveyed into the City hy or throu<4h any vehicle, or hy any means whatsoever. c : i f ' «e Ri-nicvnl of iiiii^aiii'i's, I'tc. Piily I'l holil and luMidiiiK Only I'l physi- cians iliirlny: epidemic. 28. The said Board may jjfrant penuits for, or re- sti-aiii. tlic I'lMHoval of any miisanccorintt'ctcd articles within tilt' Citv, wlu'ii rlicv consider it safe and |)r(»|)er ibr the pul)lic satutyso to do. EPIDIuMICS. 21). Durinl or 1 HJardinj^-lK »use keeper withm the ( itv """'^ ''"''" knows tliata person witliin liis^ is taken sick of clv>k')'a, snijdl[)ox, or any other disease of a inaiiuiiaiit eliaraeter, danp'rous to the ])nl)lic healtli, liesliall im- mediately n'ive notice tiiereof to the said Hoard oi- one of its oilieers ; and it sliall l>e thv (hity of tlie olliccr so notified to visit tlu^ .same witli a view of takinj^' siich steps as he may deem necessary tt) prevent the .spread oi" such disease. 80. Wlien any pliysician knows tliat any ])ers()n, wlioni he is called upon to visit witln'n the City, is infected with cliolera, smallpox, or any otlier disease of a malipiant chai'acter dangerous to tlie jjulilir liealth, he shall immediately ^ive notice thereof to the ]\ledical Health Olliccr, to tlie end tlmt })rompt measui-cs may he instituted to pi'cvi'ut the spread of such disease. ADULTERATING FOOD. 31 Any [)erson fraudulently adulterating^, for the I)urpose of .sale, bread, (»r any otlier sulKst^mce inteii' HP< purpose su( sold ; and t' to he (lestn 33. No {•aycd fruit, any taintec permit thei Health iind such a man 34. No corrupt, or watei', or re jure any pi) pertaining' t assist in th( i: 3.'). No of animals, ( vacant lot o the river '1 to the liniifj he reniovec heen so thrc who shall h, .said, ordirci four hours } to him by in default under the d p^ tho exjiense person in d( aWKRHU trial or enquiry of such case tlio burden of j^roof shall be ni»<>ii the person accused, to show foi- what nunxtse such fish or tlesh meat was so ex[)orted or sohl ; and the convicting fJustice may order the same to he destroyed. 8;}. Xo ])erson shall bring into the City any de-J.^^';^-^>''''f'^""' nived IVtiit, ])otat()es, or other vegetable i)i'oduct, or aiiv tainted or damaged Hesh meat or fish, without a i)erniit therefor from tlu^ said Board or the said Healtii and Kelief lns})ector, or in any other than such a manner as he or the lioai'd shall direct. DEFILING SPRINGS. 34. No ])erson shall wilfully or maliciously (l(>file,^^^;'''"'*>"'pnne:«. corruj)t, or make impui'e any sj)ring or other source of water, or reservoir, within the (-ity, or desti'oy or in- jure any pipe, conductor of watiM', or otliei* proj)erty jHTtainiug to an acjueduct withui the City, or aid or assist in the same. DEFILING STREETS OR RIVER. '.i'). Xo ])erson shrdl thi-ovvanvdirt, filth, carcasses Throwing' din. I • ' etc., i>ii htreots of animals, or rubbish, on any strei't, lane, ()r highway, ;;.';,|'y;^/^|;;;^^^^ vacant lot or other pro[)erty, within the City, or into the river Thames where it runs within or op[)osite to the limits of the City. All such substances shall ^f^;;;;;^'"''^'^ he rcnioved from tlu; plac(? whei'e \]u) same have l)(HMi so thi'(nvn or left, as aforesaid, by the person who shall have so thrown or left the same as afore- said, or directed the .same to be done, within twenty- four hoiu's after personal notice to that eifcict, given to him by the said Health and Kelief Ins[)ector ; in default of which such removal niav be ma(). No ner.son .shall, without i)ermissi(m of the T''"?^''''r "'*-' Medical Health Oihcer, transpoit or carry, or cause »hroi.«ii cuy. C * c c : u to be trans])()rto(l or cariiod, or assist in transporl hyr or can'yiii;^-, m. tliroiii^li oi- alon*^' any sti-cct, In'^liway or i>nl)iic i)la(*(' witliin the ("ity, tlic body or rcni.iin.s of any (lead juMson wlncli liavc been intci-i'iMl, .nid aftcruards disintiM'i'cd, for tlui piu-posc of rcnmval from tli(>})lac(' of intcrnuMit, nor sliall tlic dead body of any ])c'rson b..' cari'iiMl williin tlic City fortiic |iiir- pose of ti-ansportinii' same by railway, nor sliall llie same be transported by railway without jn'rinission and certifieate of the Me(lii'al Health Ollieer. All officers, etc.. 37. It sliall I K' tlu' (luty of all ollicers, scM'vauts, Inspector, etc., woi'lvincn, aiid aii'iMits oi the Lor])oi'alion l(> ;4ive all possible aid anital, tent, ni' otluM- j)lace pi-ovided tuider Sec. 1»7. Cap. -(>'■. It.S.O., 18S7, or cause such j)erson to be otherwise eHicicntly isolated in th(> house where the disease exists, and shall take pi'oper m(\asures jbr |)Iacai'dinu' houses, lor the disinfection orpt>rsonal cdolhiuu' and houses, or it' uecessarv, the destruction of all clothihn' which m;iv have l)een exposed to the contagion, and foi' the dis- infection and jjuiitication of eveiy conveyance, lail- cai, steamboat, carriage or other vidiicle which may have been ex})osed to the contagion, n{'. Whcneve, , in the opinion of the Me(lical lle.'iivh Otlicei u is absolutidy neces.sary lor the .safety of the ])nblic ilat a ease of diptlieria or other malig- nant dis'ivse be isolated in a hospital or hospital ti'iit, liC shall ise empowered to sup))ly, at the expense of tb'j municipality, a vehicle for the purpose of carry- Isol.'ition of infectious diseases. Notice of disi'.'ise to he postixl up. en)j)o.v^r,(' to KU^-pi'' u\ .oy. ftnct* lo ri iiAivc |iaticut. ing said ])orsc nurses and sii in hisjudgeni .qaiiie as [jiovi Act. 4(1. In tlu fioiiidiptherii disi>ase, tli(> l not i lied by ci die h(»(ly. am .siicli steps in dcciii iiei' he shall cause thoroughly .^ t'lil(»ride in tli (two diaehin; l)('a|tplie(| to die lindy sha l(V ii <|naiitit\ li(> iiimieiliati .shall he the I to see that tl tilt' li(i(|\ be for !lie biuiid pality. and tl other elleets, and that no s liy members shall li.ive be H. The I of iiifeetious a part of tlii.^ b'll.K 1.- taiT (d" the I. iiicilieal priie pality, with said Medicid 35 ing said jiorson to the hospital. He shall also supply nursi's and such medical aid and other neeessai'ies as in liisjiidu'eineiit aiv. icMjiiired, and ehari^e the cost of sanio as provided in Section H4 of the rii))lie Jleallh Act. 40. \u the ease of the death of anv ix'i'son snfferinjjj """^s^'f ^'- "• ■ < 1 O o'lU'er in case 01 fioiiHlipiIieria, cholera, sniali-pox, or other niali'Miant^'''''"'"'?' disease, the Meclical Health Ollieei- shall at once he ''f-''"'" ''''''^^^"*^"' iiotiru'd !>v either the jdiysician or|>arl\ in charj^e of the body, ami the .Medical Itealth ( )flieer shall take .siicli steps in the |)i'e|iai'ati(>n of the Ixnly as he may (Iccin iieces.sai'y. in case the di,sc;is(» he contai^ions, Ih'^IimII iMiise the hody to he enveloped in a she(>t tlioiMiiiilily .sitni'ated with a solution o< mercuric flildiidc ill the proportion of oiK^ in five liiindre iniiiK'ili.'itely thereafter permanently closed. It .shall !>(■ the fiii'th(M' duly of the Medical Health Olticer to sec that the funeral I>e sti'ictly private, and that till' ltod\ he huried in some cemeterv commonlv uscil lor 'lie Ifiirial of pri-.son.s dyinn withi'i the said muniei- jialil), and that all iiil'cctcd a|)a.rlmciits. clothing', and other clfects, he sjx'cdily and thoiouuhly disinfected, ami that IK* such ajnrtmcnts he entered or occupied h\ imanhers ol' I he iaiiiilv or other persons until thev shall have been so disinlect e(|. H. The following' rules for |)i'event iiij; the spread «»'»••''• of iurcetioiis .and conta,L;iv)Us diseasi's shall constitute a part of this iiy-law : h'l I.!' 1.— The .M(Mii(';d Health ( )lliciM' (oi- S('(Mi;- m-'-'^'^i^^^^^^^^^^ taiv el' the Local Uoardof Health) shall provide (.ji(.liM.,suod wui. iiu'dieal practitioner, |»ractu'mu within this munici- l»alit\, with hiaiik forms on which to I'c^port to the said Mt (lical Health ( )llicer (or Secretary) any ease C » ? ^ made. of (lii)thpria, nniall-pox, scarlet fover, cholera, typhoid fever, nieasios, whoopinji^-coii^'h, or other (iisf.'jise (laiij^eioiis to the })ul)lic health ; and also, with otlier blank forms on which to report death or recovery from anv such diseasi*. How form to be Ki'FJi '2. — All sucli fomis sluill be so printed, gummed, and folded that they may be readily sejded, without the use of an envelope, so as to keep tliem from perusal until opened by the Medical Health Otlicer (or Secretary). Ki'LK 11 —The said blanks shall be in accordance with the followin*;' forms : Rl'I'OKT OF IXFKCTlors DlSEASE. Christian name and sui-name of patient : Aj^e of patient : Locality (^ivini;' street, nnmoer of houseor lot), wlieri' patient is : Name of disease : Name of school attendeil by childi'en fiom that house: Measures em])loyed for isolation and disinfection : (Si<;nature of physician) : Report of Death or Recovery from Imfcthh s Disi; \si;. Chi'istian name and surname of patient ; Locality (^^ivint^ sti-eet, number of house oi- lot), where patient is : Name of disease ; How loni,^ sick . Whether dead or recovere or <) of Sect ion 41 . shall he liahle. for c'ViM'y such olfenee. to a jx'iidt \ of not less than >^.*) nor iiioi-clhan !^.')(l in the disei'ctioi! o\' the iiiu\iet iniy Justices or .Nhe^ist I'ate, hesides co-ts. which mav also he iiillicted if the eommittiiiu dirsiicr-. oi' .Main'isi rate sec lit to impose the .>ame. .\ny pei'son wiiti \iolati'S any other provision of this r>\ iaA s!;ali l»r liahle for cvei'\ such olh'nce to a pena.lty not exeeedin- sl'O, iu the discret ion of the convicting Justice- oi' Mrc^is- tiatc, Itesides costs, v.liich may also he inllicted if the convict ini:' dust ices oi' .Sjaj^i.^t ivite see lit to impose the same -vei'\ sncu pcnaltv max oe rccovo'cd itv any pci's(»n hefore anv t wn -hist ices ora i'olice Ma^is- tiatc lia\inu' jiu'isdiction in the municipality, and shall he levied liy di.sti-ess and sale of the .'Mtod.^ and chattels oi' tile ofl'eiidt'r, with the costs of such dis- tress and sale, hy warrant luider the hands and seals of the Justices, or the hand and s(>al of the Police Ma,L;isl rate, hefoi'e wliom the .same are recovci'ed. or under the hands and s(>als of any otluM' t wo Justic(>s haviiiL; jurisdiction in the nuuiicipalily ; and in de- 'N f- 1. » i> ,••' ■ 1!: Z^O, 38 fault of siiflicicnt distress the said Jusliccs or Ma^^is- tratc may comniit the otrcndci' In the coiinnnii uao)^ or to aii\ liick-iij) or lioiisc of ('((n-cctioii in tlic sai(l inuni('i|)alit\ . for any time ik t cxcccdinn- foiMtccii (lavs, witli or without liaid laitt r, uulcss llic aiiioinit m\ pose (I he soonei' i)ai< V rcwDKsaiauAK 30 BY-LAW No. 755. Respecting the appointment of a License Inspector, and the issue of Licenses in certa-n cases. Passki) '.itli January, istKl 1)!', IT ciiactnl hy tlic .Municipal Council of the (N)r- ) [(oialinn of the City of London as follow.s : .\l'l\)l\ r.MlCNl" .\N'l) DUriKS 01' INSPIX TOR. til I. I licrc shall l>c aj>|)ouitc<| an hispcctor o )f Licenses for the Citv, whosi' duties siiall I )0 (I) To attend the nii'ctini;' of Xo. Three (*oni- nulii'H of In spivlor iif Licenses. Tii.ittcml LKen«.eC'iniimit- mittee whenever necivs.sarv and whenever he ist.vwiKnmjuir- liolilie •"''"'"''"'''' \ ~ . I riMsiircr on Treasurer (tu all mattei's incident to iiis .said ollice. mat urs incident til Ins iitlice i'.\) To iirepare classilied lists of all persons I'e- T;.- pr'.p. \ I I I ..I II'. isl siticil lists ol I Pi- ■rsons reuni to take out icciises ;mk' limit llieni to {[iiii'tMl tn take out licenses, and all diligence to supjdemeiit and j)ertect the .same IVom time to time, [ iiiiil s!i!i!iiii the siime monthlw oi' oftenei' if re([uii"e(l, _'j^j''_-||j'-'-'- f(ir the cxainination of the Treasurer and of Xo. 'I'hree ('oiiniiittee. (4) To i'eeeivt\ and keep a eom})lete re«;istry of, ^'f,':;'|';p\;;if,'^^^^^^^^^^ all appliciit ions foi- licenses or for transfei's of licenses to lie is.siicd under the liv laws of the City, (.'») To ascertain the truth of jietitions aecomj)any- in;;suehapplicat ions, and whet hei" the sui'cties tendered p^iiions, etc. (where sureties are riMjuiredj ai'e solvent and respon- sihle jiei'sons. ired ■p. .iscirl.iin Iriiili 111' wliicl ((>) T o make an Misj)eetion ot tlie })rennses f til m I aii\ tiade, calliuLi' or husiness, for carry in ji" on of which a license is iiMpiired, is to he carried ( )n. To inspect pre- nisison which tr.uK', etc., lor which hcenscis rei|nired is cjirried oii. t . I \ •:^^5 4» Ti> kivp p.irti- ciilar'^ .iiul i-.'iiM- tiTpJirl i>l liii ii»iA ,in iiKini'a rip llurii t.> I 111' TrcisuriT, .rl .^t To makf .'iit lilfllM'S, lie. Tuasart.iin it (7) To keep I'lill piirli'Milai's and, if nMiiiircd, h (luplicati- 111- ('<)iiiit('i-|>iirt ofcvcrv lifiMisc issued, nml to make a irhmi (tfsuch partindai's or of siicli dup- licate or coiiiitcrpail to tlie Treasurer. (S) To make out all Itolids, liei-iises and traiisrci's and !o sii^ii all licenses and 'ranslers. tin* same liaviiiu' l»een tii'st taken lo llie 'I'l-easiirei* and retin-ned uidi Ids iveeipl lliei'eon i'or the fees pavaMe t lierelor. (*.♦) To as((Mtain IVoni lime to time and as often as'K "''•''''' -niav 1>" lu'cess.irv, whelliei' tlu' j)ersons ti) wIkhii liet'nses lia'/e lieeii issued eontimie locompiv witii die pi'ovisions ()!' liie livdaws of the Citv, and wlieilier the ((remises lieensi'd ai'c maintaineiir ^ ' . <• • ' • II tiii.csniihi' ,,.,|.j ,,(• !],,> ('iiv \\)i i||(. purpose ot msix-etniL'; all •lar :iir piirpoM' 1 . , i • ii- ii- ' • imNpifunK. honses aiul prennses wlieie nitellii;i'nee olliees. vic- tnallin^; honses, howlin;; alleys. Iiilliai'fl or Ita^atellc tahles (»!■ other honses or jjlaees i'e([iiir(>d hy the liy- laws ol'the City to he lieenst-d. ai'e kept, lor the piii- ])ose (.'I" aseei tainiii^- uhetlier tlie .-aiiie are lieeiiscd and whether the pro\isi(ins oi" >ueh r>y laws are I inrrinii't'd or e\aded. olc KM 1112' To malii' niontliK rcp.irt 111 Nil. Thiic L'i>iiin;itU'i.-. (11) To report nionlhl\ to No. Three Commitlec: (a) T!ie mniiher ol licenses ^raiiteij since his last report, and hie names of all Licensees. (I)) The nnmhei- ol' licenses translen-ed. (c) Tl le amonnt of nionevs received tVom a ill To inspirt placis ulii !v milk L.lll, sonrces since his last repoit. an;e an inspection of ;dl pi'(Mnise, witliin tlie ("ity in which any milk is sold, and the milk there- in sold or olfered foi" .sale, as often as he may he directed so to do, and not less tlian twice a year. "■«iCL": t;c-.asT-y!i.;iT 41 m (in) To inspnct \]\o milk sold !i])o!i tlio sfnM^ts or T' mspo. |)iil»Iic places within liif City, as ol'tcii as ju' may t milk. !)(' (Iir('ct('(l so to do (in To nrosci 111 c' a''l oll''iii'(>s committtMl auainst '■"•■p tlii.s i;v-law r.' the satisl'aci ioii of No. Tiirre ( 'ommil tee lor tiie pel' ijiM' siviirily. lorinaiice o r till diit ie- of Ills oMice pi rli>r m.iy .it h. iNsiMX'iiox o\- ijLi;.\si:i) i^rkmisks. 15. Tin ins|»e('lor of may at any time (Mitci" into any liou-e oi' place licensed iindei- this l»y I.I w for tile' ot inspect ini;- the .same, and no person .sliali inten-upt oi" nioiest the .said Inspector """""'""'»''• il lor (lie piir|ii>si' .>! in- ^ -pii liiij,'. .iriil >l III hi- liiiuU'r- ni s () doinii' or in the disciiarnc of an\ othei- duties iiii[»()se(l upon him l>y the r>y daws of tin' City .\n^i.!'.\ 1 ION'S I'OR ijcicxsi': 4. i-AHTy pers 111 rei|uirinL^' a license for any of ♦1h'|. pui'poses for wliii'h a l:c(>nse is i'e(|uireil to Iti' taken out under the |)rovisions of this iiydaw, shall make an apphc;".! ion t heref )r in writin;^' to the Inspi 'tor ol Licenses, and sIliII i^ivc sccuiity himself in the sum oftwo Imndred ioll.n's, and a sui'cty, if re(juired l)y llic hispectoi', in i he sum of one liundred (h)Lai's, I'or the (hie oitservaii e ol'the liydaws of tlu' City relat- iii;^' to tlie premis "s in, or in connection with which llie tiade. Lusiness or calling', in ri'spect of which such iicensi' is re(niire(l to he issued, is carried on, and I'elatinn' lo such trade, business oi' caliinu', oi otherwise, in respect theicof. 'iTsivisiksirin^' lii\M ..■ Ill .'ippiv HI wriliM^r ;iiul 111 ^i\v sivurity. n' Ti-RM am:) COXDITION OF LlCl'.XSH. '). lu'ci'v license issued un(ler tlu' auth(»ritv ()f this,V,;'',V,';,';';ry.^^^^^^^ Bydaw shall, unless it Ix^ expressed to Le L;i'anted for a shorter period, or unless tlie same shall be sooner II' iniiiMti.' I'lliriiary -ox- ivpl .\iictionecrs r » I £ I \ v. ' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (AAT-3) t ^ /. . > y ^-^^ 7 Photographic Sdences Corporation v ^ ^^ O ^v O^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ■/'" c^ i;i ^m License to be produced when rcquiied. License not to be in force until fee is paid to Treasurer. forfeited, be for the year current at the time of the is suing thereof, and shall expire on the last day of Feb- ruary next succeeding the time of such issue; except Auctioneers' I.icenses which shall be in force for one year from the date of the issue thereof, and shall not be issued for less than the annual fee prescribed by this By-law; provided always, that Conunittee No. Three of Ihe C'ouncil shall have power to direct that a license be issued to an auctioneer, foi' a shorter time than one year, when the same is retpiired foi' the ])urpose of selling hogs, sheep, hoi'scs or cattle upon the public market, but not otherwise. G. Every person to whom a license shall be issued under the authority of this By-law shall i)ro(luce the same whenever it may be demanded by the Insi)ect()r of Licenses, or l)y the Police .Magistrate, or any Justice of the Peace, j\Ieml)er of the Police Force, or other person duly authorized. 7. No license shall have any force or effect until the license fee })ayablc in i'es[)ect thereof shall have been paid to the Treasurer, and his receipt therefor written therein or endorsed thereon. Personsrequired g Evcrv ])erson wli( Is rcciuiivd l)v this Bv-law to take out J 1 I ^ i 1 1 ' i license tokeepup(^f) taKc out a liceuso tor any i)ur|)ose, sliall have sign with n.ime _ ^ , '- ^ I inscribed there- .|i^,| kocp atHxcd lu a cons[)icu( )us [)lace to tiie premises in which the trade, business or calling foi- the carrying on of which a license is re r - 'A i ■ t Pi lis I '$ I I; Inspector lo keep record ol milk licenses. Victualling- houses, etc., to be licensed. Section not to apply to keepers otlicensed tav- and boarJinj''- houses. Transient traders, etc., to be licensed. Proviso— Sec- tion not to apply to sales ot insol- vent slocks in certain cases. Licenses to tr.insienl traders to be in I'lMve tor fieriod lor \\ hicli icense tee is paid. 44 12. A book shall be kept by the Inspector in his office in which shall be entered the names of all per- sons authorized to sell milk within the C'ity, together with the place or places where the cow oi- cows sup- plying the milk so sold is oi* are ke})t, the numlx-i' of cows kei)t and sncli other particulars as the Council shall fi'oni time to time reciuire. VICTUALLING HOUSES. 13. No i)erson shall kee}) within the City a victual- ling house, ordinary, or house where fruit, oysters, clams or victuals are sold to be eaten therein, or a place for the recei)tion, refreshment oi- entertainment of the pul)lic without having o])tained a license so to do; i)rovid(Ml always, that this section shall not ap- ply to kee})ei'sof licensed taverns orof boarding houses, TRANSIENT TRADERS. 14. No transient trader or other pei'son who oc- cupies i)remises within the City foi- a temporary period, an» 3 '■•" .-»- :a 46 1^ ' l)is possession or on ln*s])ronn'sos witliin the City, any billiard or l)a*;atrlU' tal»lo or kvv\) oi- liavca l)illiai''■ prolit, oi' ke(>i) a bowling' alley, oi' other ijjlf^^.l]'^;-;,^^^^^^^^^^^^ of amusement, within the City, without having licensed.'"" obtained a license so to do. Hoursaurin^r 20. Kvcrv bowliu^' alley, billiai'd I'oom, oi- loom wliicli IxiwliiiH: nlli'vs, liilli riioms, etc to be cUiM'il certain cases Ildlilers or keepers ot ex- ? wiiere a billiard or l)a«^atel]e tabh> is kept for hire or iiin'^siain, within the Citv, which is situate in, attached to, or used in connection with, a house or ])lace of puhHc K eepe ,>t" bowliiitj alleys etc., not lo per mit drunken or disorderly per- sons, etc., to fre entertainment oi' resort, oi- a house or phu'c which is licensed or used as a tavern, shall he dosed and kept closed at and duriiiu;' the respective hours at ainl diii- inu" which taverns are re(|uire(l bv Statute, oi- anv Wx- law of the City, to be closed or kept cIosimI, and every bowlinj^' alley, billiard I'ooin, or room where a billiard or bagatelle table, is kej)tf()r hireorgain witli- in the City, shall be closed on Saturdays, at the hour often o'clock in the {^veiling. 21. No ])erson licensed under the provisions of - this IJydaw or any jiydaw of the City tokeepa bowl- ing allev, l)illiard or bauatelle table, victualling, •equent their OrdUiai'V, Ol' llOllSC WhCl't premises, or fruit, ovsters, clams oi gambiinfi'tobe victuals arc sokl to be eaten therein, or a i)lace fortlic carried on there re cepti on, i'( 'fresl nnent oi' entertainnien toftl le ))nl)li(' shall [)ei'mit any drunken or disorderly pcM'son, oraiiy one who keeps or resides in a honse of ill-fame or any ])rostitute to I'csort to oi- frecjueiit tli(> ])remises kept by him in r(\s|)ect of which such license is granted : or kee}) or siilfer i>v permit to be kcjit in such ])reiiiiso.s anv faro bank, rouge et noir, roulette table or anv other device for gambling or gaming, or sutler or jier- mit tippling or gambling of any kin' tlie trade or l)nsi- uess carried on by him uniku- sneli Hcense or the pre- mises in wliieh the same is eai'ried on, or the mode of carry in.u' on sneh trade oi' business, or of the Invach of aiiv Statute or I>y-hi\v in foi'ee in tlie Municii)ality lolatiuL;' to slio{> or tavern licenses, his licensee iii«^;;|;',;^^^" other such like shows, usually exhibited by show- men, within the City, without having obtained a license so to do. '24. Any hue im])osed for an infraction of the pi'O- ,^'^;^J'';,;;;j.'^^^^^^^^ visions of the next [)reeedino- secti' n of this By-law l;^;;;^';^,;^,,'^;'^;;''.'' may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and '"'''"""• chattels of such showman, or belonging to or used in such exhibition, whethei' owned by such showman or not, and in default of [)ayiii(Mit th(nxH)f the ()ffki(ler J,Xrau"uff"* may be ini|>ris()ned in tlie C'onunonCloal of the County p-'^""-'"'- of Middlesex for any term not exceeding one month. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. 2.'). \o i)erson shall set ui) or keep an intelligence p'^p^^sf'"'^'- 1 l _ ~ lij^fi'iice ornces to otlice within the City, for the purpose of registermgb^''^^'"*"^''- the names and residences of, and giving information to, or ))r()curing servants foi', employers in \vant of domestics or lalH)rers, and for registering the names and residences of, an. .J _i J ^ 1 II 1 1 • («■ liKonct'c.trKes ^y^\^.^^ vvithin the Citv snail kcci) Ins oliici' open ior •irt^ ^' Kept » <(• 11 !• °p^"' business ht'twccn tlic lioiiis ot nine o clock m tiio mornin*;' and six o'clock in the cvcnin<;', Sundays and holidays cxccj)tcd. Bookstoiw 27. Evciy person licensed to keej) an intellij^'eiict' ofi'nuiiiKi'ncc'''oftice sludl keep a hook in which shall he entered at offices, iinJ , 1 , • /• 1 • i • i. 1 I "1 r L-ntrustobe thc tuuc OT a|)piication the name and resnlcuice or any madt! therein. , i (• i i. l >. 1 ' person who nia\ apjMV toi- (;nii)loynient, and the name and residence of any person who may make ap|)liL'{i- tion to ])e supplied with male or female domestic ser- vants or other laborers, and also all sums of eionoy * which mav be I'cceived from anv person foi' any sucli services, and such book shall at all times be open to the insjKH'tion of the Ins[)ector of Licenses, any meni- l)er of the Police Foi'ce by the direction of the Mayor, Police Maji'istrate or V\nv\' of Police, and of the mem- bers of No. Three ('onunitte(\ Fees to be taken by keepers iorer, a sum not exceed- ing thirty cents. Fnmi every i)ers()n making application for a female domestic seivant or other laborer, a sum not exceed- ing twenty cents. For which said sums a receipt .shall be given at the time of application to the person so a[)plying, and f\mded' b ''"■ ^^^ ^^*^ event of no i)lace or emi)loynient l)eing obtained as apidied foi-, (n-no domestic sei'vant or other laborer being obtained as applied for, within one week from Receipts to be rriven for fees. cert.iui cases. 49 or 1)C rs tlio (late of !ip])li('ation, oiuvlialf tlio foos so paid sliall 1)0 iofiin.., oflice shall dncetlv or nidu'ectly (UMnand, take or ro- ta /n i>> k.vpL. ceive any {greater or other fees than those antliorizeyda\v : — For a license to sell milk within the Citv, one Mi"<- dollar per annum. Koi' a license to a transient trader oi' othei' person Transient trader mentioned in Siiction 14, ten dollars per day. For an auctioneer's license, forty dollars per(V^';,'^; aniumi. For auctioneer's license, manted l)v No. Three {>".';'fT,';'"' ' C' \j iiLt list lor «i Connuittee, as provided for in Section ;") of this By- '*''^"'"^'''"- law, such sum as the said Connnittee, havinjj;' in view the length (tf tini(> for which the same is recpiired, shall agree ui)on. For a li(;ense for any of the imrnoses mentioned "inkers, petty , . -, ^ . ,. 1 ■ 1 . . chapmen, etc. ni kSeetion I /, it the ap})Iic'int is not a i)erniaiient resident of the City, ten dollars i)er annum. For a license for any of the [)urposes mentioned in Section 17, with a vehicle • t;ililfN. SlllHltlllff Circus. Menagerie, Victu.'illiii)^ houses, etc. Intelligince olHce, 50 Bowlinp alleys. ]?,,}. ]<(»(») )l'll«J^ i\ l)()\vlin,L»' nll(\V, f'oVty (loUiU'S |)(>1> anniini. B,.ff.nteiie tables. Foi' Uccpiii^' Ji 1 )a,ua f cllc taltlc, cacli, foi'ty dollavs per aiinmii. niiiuird tables. K( )i' Uccj )in,i;" a l)illiar(l tal»l(\ otlicr lliaii a pool or ])0('k(;t table, t'oi- tlic first table, tliii'ty dollais per aii- imni ; for tlie second tal)le, twenty-five dollars per annum; and for eve it additional tal>le beyond two, twenty dollars pei- annnin. Pool or Poeket \u)v keepln*^' a pool oi- poeket bllliai'd table, each, forty dollars })ei' annum. For kee[)in<;' a sliootinji,' i^allery, two dollai's per (lay. For the exhibition of a cii'cus, one hundred dollars per day. For the oxhil)ition of a menagerie, fifty d()llai's}»or day. Waxwork or For tlie exlubitiou of waxwork oi* otlier exliibitioiis otherexliibitions i. i • m , . • • • i- lor lure or j)r()nt, e\ee})tui<^' circus ridinj^or nienaj^'ciic, fifteen dollars ])er day. Fruit or refresh- j^",,]. ovcrv fVuit 01' refreshment stand or booth in ment st.inds. , - , ., . . ,. , ,, connection witii any such exhibition, live dollars [xt day. The.-itres, music For cvei'v theati'c, music hall, oi' other ])ul)lic hall h.iUs and public ^ ' i ,. j • i , ill h.iiis used as usccl as a ])lace of amusement, (mhtv dollars i)ei' places of public ^ ' C? ,/ 1 mausement. anUnm. For keepiii}4' a victuallinjji', ordinary, or (;ther house or place mentioned in Section 11], otherwise tlian in connection with an cxiiibition, ei^lit (h)llars })er annum ; or two (h)llars per day if by the thiy. For keei)ing an intelligence oilice, one dollar [wv annum. Provided always, that no license fee sliall be vv- quired for hohling any exhil)iti(mor sliow, other than a circus or menagerie, in a theatre, music hall, or Wo. 51 otliiT \mhV\c liall used as a place of aimisemont which is licciist'd l>y the year. ;{|. Any jxM'soii convicted of a hi'cacli of anv of ''^•"■'">■ tll( pioN isions of tliis Uy-law, sliall foifeit and jiay, at the discretion of the convictinu' Ma,nisti'ate, a peii- jillv lint e\ce(Mlin,!4' the siini of fitly (h)llars for eaeli oifeiise, exchisive of costs; and in defaidt of[)ayment of the said peiiaHy and costs forlhwitli, the said pen- alty and costs, oi- the costs only, may i)C levied hy distress and sale of the noods and chattels of tlu^ of- feiifler; and in case of thei'c hein^' no disti'css found ^ out of which such jxMialty can Ix levie(l, the convict- iii«'' Ma,u'istrate may commit the offender to the Com- iiioii (loafof the County of Mi Idlesex, with oi' with- out hard lahor for any period not exceeding' twenty- one (lays, with or without hai'd lahor, unh ss the said penalty and costs he sooner paid. C ■:.:0 BY-LAW No. 756. Hiila : B' Inspector of. To Provide for the Inspection of Buildings, the Erection and Repair of same in certain cases ; to defmethe Fire Limits and regulatethe storageof Inflammable Material. Passki) Otli Jamiarv, lsii8 E IT (Mulcted l)y tlic Municij)al (Nmncil ot'tlic Cor- jxii'Utioii of the City of London as follows : INSPl<:CTION OF BUILDINGS. 1. There sliall he an hisju'ctor of IVuildings for the City of London, wliose dnties sliall be : ot (1) To ()vei's(>e tlie erection of all Imildin^s licrc- ""'%ifter to l)e hiiilt, altered oi- ivconstructed within the City. Toox.imine M) To (^xaiiiine carefiillv whenever he deems it neys.ctc-. ncccssary, or is directed hy the .Mayor, tin* Police Ma«;istrate, or the Chairman of Xnniher Three Coni- niittee to do so, all chimneys, tines, tire-[)laces, stoves, ovens, boilers or a])j)aratiis or things which nuiv be dan^'ei'ous in cansinj^ or [)romotiii'4' tire, and to To report there- report tliercoii to tlic .\layor. Police Ma^^istrate or Chairman of the said Committ(H' (as the case may he), and niider the direction of the Mayor, i*olice Ala}.;is- trate or Chairman of Xnmber Three CoinmittcM', if To notify owner tlie samc bc (lanneroiis, to notify the owner or ])ers()n to remove. . , " . /i i -i !• • 1 • 1 usiii^- the same, or occnj)yni^' the biiildinj^- in winch the same is or are contained, to (li.scontinno the use of 01' remove the same, and if siicli owner or ])ei's()ii inc.ueofow- usiiig tlic .samc, or occiipyiii,!;' the biuldinj^' in which removeV.ime at the sumc is oi' ai'c contaiiHMl, neglects or refuses, after isexpense. j-ecelving such notice, to discontinue the use (»f the 53 same, or to roiuovo tlio sjiine, within a reasonable tinio, ill tlwit Ix'lialf, ihuKm* tiic diicction of tlio Mayor, Poiicr Ma;4istrat(^ or ("liaii'inan of Xumix'r Tln'(H» Coniniittcc, to cniploy siicli aid and assistance as may l)t' lu'ci'ssary, and to I'cniove the same at tlic expense of tlie person in default. (;}) And generally to enforce tlie ])rovisi()ns of the Bv-laws of tiu; ('ity in f(»rce for pi'eventin*^' Hi-es. '2. Until otlier\vis(* provided, the City Engineer shall i)erf()rni the duties of Inspector of Buildings. KRI-CTION, KTC, OV BUILI^IXGS. 3. Xo person shall eonmuMice the erection of any new huildinj;', or the repaii' or alteration of any old buiMin.U, in the City of London, nnless and until lie sliiill have first suhniittiMl the plans oi" (leseri[)tion for the proposed hiiildings, alterations or rej)airs to the City Kn^^ineer for his inspection, and shall have ohtained his written certificate that the said pro[)osed huildinu, altei'ations or repairs are in compliance with the provisions of this liy-Law and will not in- volve a violation of any oi' regulation of the City relating to the prevention of fues. 4. Xo ])ei'son shall erect within the fire limits a Avooden building, or any addition to a wooden build- ing; or erect or ])l;)ce within the fire limits any build- ing other than with main walls of bi-ick, iron or stone, and roofing of incombustible matei'ial or shingles laid ill mortar. ."). Tlie Ins))ector of liuildings may, under the direction of the Mayor, l*olice Magistrat(>, or Chair- nmn of JS'iimber Three Committ(H\ pull down or re- move, at the exj)ense of the owner thereof, any building or erection which may be constructed or l)laced in contravention of this lU-Law. (). Kvery p(!i'S(ni who constructs or er(H;ts any building within the City, shall make the ])arty walls, if of brick, not less than one foot thick in the clear, and if of stone, not k^ss than sixteen inches thick in To cnfiirci! pro- visions of Hy- l.'.WH for pruvL'iit- liiK firi's. Citv Eiiifinecrto he Inspector of Buildings, EriTction, nltora- tion, and repair of lniildin(;s. Wooden build r • v.' ■' v: :> •'J.O 54 Scuttles in roovs and ladders. m Mode of con- structing chim- neys and Hues. Chimneys and flues to be con- structed as in section 8. the clear ; and shall arrange the joists so as to pre- vent their commnnicating fire through the wall, by so placing them that the joist holes shall not extend more than half way through the wall or correspond with, but be at least four inches in the clear from the joists in the other half of the wall, and shall con- tinue the wall above the roof to the height of not less than eighteen inches of th(^ same materials and thickness, and terminate it with a proper coi)ing. 7. The owner, and in case of his default the oc- cu})ant, of evei'v building within the City more than one story in height, shall make or cause to be made a scuttle through the roof of such Imilding, and a convenient stairway leading to the same ; or shall have appended to such building a good and sutticicnt ladder of sufficient length to reach the I'oof, and a good and sufficient laddei* of sufficient length to ri'anh the top of the chimney thereof. 8. Everv chimnev or ffue built or constructed within the City shall b(^ built of bricdc, stone, or other incombustible material, and the walls thereof shall ])o not less than five inches in thickness exclusive of plastering, and shall l)e well and sufficiently j)lastered, and everv such chimnev shall rise at least three feet above the ridge of the house or building in wlii(di the same shall be ; and (^very such chimney or Hue, if built in circular form, shall be not less than twelve inches in diameter, and if of oval form, not less than nine inches by sixteen inches ; and eveiy such chinmey or flue shall be so constructed as to admit of its being scraped, brushed or cleansed. 9. No person shall Imild or construct within the City any chimney or Hue otherwise than inaccorchuice with the provisions of the next preceding setttiou of this By-law ; and no person shall use within the C'ity any chimney or flue constructed or built otherwise than in accordance with such provisions. 56 10. No person shall within the City construct or usc of danger- ^" I , , '' i«i oiis chimneys, use any chinnun', nuc, tire-place, stove, oven, boiler, or «»»-•' forwdden. other rip])ai'atiis or thini»', wliieh may be dangerous in causing or promoting fire ; and it shall be the duty , of the owner or person using the same, or occupying the house, room, building, or place in which the same is or are contained, after receiving notice in writing from the Inspector of Buildings, under the authority of the Mayor, Police Magistrate or Chairman of Number Three (•ommittee, that the same is or are dangerous as aforesaid, forthwith to disccmtinue using the same, and if recpiired so to do by the said remoN^d o.i°i^ Inspector within a reasonable time thereafter to lor^ofeidmlT remove the same. 11. The ])i})(^ of every stove, chimney or fire- place stove pipes, etc. within the City shall be conducted into a chimney of stone, l)rick, or other incombustible material and in all cases whei-e a stove-pipe passes through the wood- work of a building within the City it shall be separat- ed from sueli wood-work at least three inches by metal oi* other incombustil)le material, and all pipes from stoves or fire-places over fifteen feet in length shall be riveted at each joint, and when necessary for safety supported and stayed by wires, and no person shall within the City use any })ipe or stove-pipe which is not [)ut up in accordance with the provisions of this section. 12. Xo occupant or other ])erson in possession or unused stove- charge of any house or building within the City shall cwd" etc!" ])ermit any stove-jnpe hole in the chimney of such house or building while the same is not in actual use torenmin open, but shall cause the same to be closed with a stoi)per of metal or other incombustible material. 18. The occupant or other person in possession or J^^'^f'p^',^^^"'"/^^^ charge of any house or building within the City, orof'*'^'"*'"''-'^' ''"=• any room or place therein wdiere a stove is used, shall have, place and keep under such stove a hearth or 0" c: 0S r 1 r •- i :;:■■ ;:J ■■*■■; ."s» ( ■ 111 Placing and put- ting- up of stove- pipes, etc. Setting fire to stumps, etc. Kindling fires in streets, etc., pro- hibited. Exceptions. Keeping of ashes,' Carrying fire, etc., tlirough streets. pan of brick or metal or other iiiconibustil)le material, and the bottom of such stove shall not l)e less than eight inches iVoni such hearth or pan, and tlie .sides or ends thereol" not less than eighteen inches from any wooden partition, and the pipes of sncli stove shall not be })lace(l within twelve inches of the ceiling or of any wooden partition, and where any snch stove is nsed to heat more than one room or ])lace, l)y l)eing bnilt into any wall or ])artition, the space aronnd it on the to]) and sides to the distance of at least nine inches shall be tilied np with bricks and mortar, stone, sheet inm, or other iiicond)nstil)le materia]. 14. No person shall set on fire or bnrn in the ojrmi air within the city, stum})s, wood, logs, trees, l)in.sli, straw, shavings or refnse, without some ])erson being in charge of the fire to ju'cvent its spreading or doing damage. 15. Xo person shall make or kindle a fire, or furnish materials for a fire to be made ov kindled in any street, alley or vacant i)lace within the city, pio- videp or deposit ashes in wooden re('e[)tacles, or within twenty-five feet of a house or building, unless the same are contained in scmie safe - the same, in order that he nuiy ascertain whether tlie i)rovisions of the l>y-laws of the City for preventin<>' fires are observed, and no person shnJl Not to be oh- obstruct the said Insi)ector or any menil)er of the S^'n'^sodoinff. Police Force in making;- such examination, or refuse him. or prevent him ha\in<;' access to such house, building or i)lace for the pur})ose aforesaid. FIRE LIMITS. 25, All those porti(ms of the City, which are in- cluded within the following boundaries, shall cousti- tute and be known as the fire limits, that is to say : First. C/ommencing where the westerly limit of WelHngton Street intersects the noi'therlv limit of Bathurst Street ; thence westerly, following the notherly limit of Bathurst Street to the easterly liuiit of Kidout Street ; thence northerly, following the easterly limit of Kidout Street to the southerly limit of Dundas Street; thence westerly, following the stmtherly limit of Dunihis Street to the River Thauies ; thence northerly, following the easterly limit of tiie north branch of the Kiver Thames to where tho southerly limit of John Street intersects the Kiver Thames ; thence easterly along the southerly limit of John Street to the westerly limit of Kichmond Street ; thence stmtherlv following tVo westerlv limit of Rich- mond Street to the southerly limit of Lichfield Street ; thence easterly, crossing Richuiond Sti'cet and from thence following the soutlu;rly limit of Central Avenue to the westerly limit of Waterloo Street ; thence southerly, following the westerly limit of Waterloo Street to the northerly limit of York Street ; thence westerly, following the northerly limit of York Street 59 to the westerly limit of Wellington Street ; thence southerly, following the w^estei'ly limit of Wellington Street to the })lace of beginning. Second. Connnencing where the w^esterly limit of Fire '"'"»«• Waterloo Street intersects the noi-therly limit of Central Avenue ; thence northerly, following the westerly limit of Waterloo Street to the soutlierly limit of Oxford Street; thence westerly, following the southerly limit of Oxford Street to the easterly limit of Wellington Street; thence noi'therly, following the easterly limit of Wellington Street to the southerly limit of Orosvenor Street ; tlu^nce westerly, following the soutluM'ly limit of Gi'osvenor Street to the easterly limit of Talhot Street; thence southerly, following the easterly limit of Talbot Street to the northerly limit of Oxford Street ; thence eastei'ly, following the northei'ly limit of Oxford Street to the westerly limit of (Jeorge Street; thence southerly, following the westerly limit of George Street to the northerly limit of Ann Street ; thence easterly, following the norther- ly limit of Ann Street to the easterly hmit of Rich- mond Street ; thence southei'ly, following the easterly limit of liichmond Sti'cet to the northerly limit of Central Avenue ; thence easterly, following the northei'ly limit of Central Avenue to the place of beginning. Third, (-onunencing whei'e the easterly limit of Fire limits. Waterloo Street intersects the soutlierly limit of Central Avenue ; thence easterly, along the southerly limit of Central Avenue to the westerly limit of Adelaide Street ; thence southerly, along the wester- ly limit of .Vdelaide Street to the northerly limit of York Street ; thence westerly, along the northerly limit of York Street to the easterly limit of Waterloo •Stieet ; thence northerly, along the easterly limit of Waterloo Sti'cet to the t)la((^ of beginning. Fomth. ( 'ommencing at the east side of Adelaide Fireiimitn, Street, on Dundas Street, including the north and 1 <• r - r -.a I T Storage of ff iiii- powder. |: I' w m south sides, extending easterly to Egerton Street and running nortlierly an(l southerly from Dundas Street to the distance of one hundred and thirty feet. STORAGE, KTC, OF GUNP0WDP:R AND OTHER INFLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES. Transporting of 20. No i)erson sliall currv oi transi)ort, or cause gunpowder. • i . i. 1 ' • i. ■ • to be earned or transported, or assist in carryin<;' or transporting, gnn})owder or other conilnistihlc or dangeous material through the City, or from one place to another therein, unless the saniC .shall be contained in ea.sks, secured by good canvas tow-cloth, leather bauis oi' metal-covered boxes or chests. 27. Xo person .shall have, keep or store any (piantity of gimi)owdei' exceeding six and one-ciuarter pounds in weight (except as hei'cinafter i)rovide(l) in any l)uilding or place within the limits of the City of Lonihm, and all such gun})owder not exceeding six and one-fjuarter pounds in weight shall be separated and kept in stone jars or canistei's. 28. It shall l)e lawful for any merchant or i)erson CnVcceiviny "'' luiviug a storc or fixed ])lace of ])usiness within the written permis- /-■•• • • • i ■ i i • sion of Police CitT, upou writtcu pci'missiou l)euig granted to him by the Police Commis.sioners of the City, to kvv\) for sale at his said store or ])lace of business any (|uautity not exceeding thirty-two })oun(ls of gunpowder, pro- vided that the same be kept in metal canisteis con- taining not more than six and one-(|uarter })oiiii(ls each, and pi'ovick'd that .such canisters (excoj)t durinii business houi's) shall be deposited in an ii-on box marked *' Powder " in i)lain hitters ; the form and construction of such box to be ai)pr()ved of by the City Engineer ; and provided such box, with all of tlui said [)owd(M' securely enclosed therein (except during business hours as aforesaid), shall be placeil as near the front entrance of tlu^ store or l)uilding of the person holding .such permit as possible, and where the same can be conveniently removed in case of lire. Mercli.Tnts to keep powder up Commissioners. 61 29. No gunpowder shall bo sold or exhibited for sale within the City of London exeept by daylight. 30. No ])erson shall keep within the City of Lon- don, uiiphtha, benzine, gasoline, turpentine, benzole or other like inflammable goods to an amount exeeeding one biurcd except in such place or })laces as shall be (lesi'mdted by the Chief of the l^'ire Department, the City Engineer and Chairman of ( -ommittee Number Three of the Munici})al ( 'ouncil of the City. 31. No person shall bring into, keej) or have in his })()Ssession within the C'ity any dynamite, nitro- glycerine or other comjKuuid containing nitro- glycerine without the })ermission first had and obtained from the Munici])al Council of the City, which Coun- cil shall at the time of tlu^ granting of the permission, limit the (piantity so to be kept and stored with refer- ence exclusively to the accomodation of the local trade of the City and the safety of the })ublic. 32. Any i)erson convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and })ay, at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, a pen- alty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for eacli offense, exclusive of costs ; and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said pen- alty and costs, or the costs only, may i)e levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the of- fender; and in case of there being no distress found ont of which such })enalty can b( levied, the convict- ing Magistrate may commit the offender to the Com- m(m Goal, of the County of Middlesex, with or with- ont hard labor, for any period not exceeding twenty- one days, unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. Powder not to be sold at night. N.iplith.i, etc., notto be ki'pt in frre.-iter quantity than one h,-irrel, except by per- mission. Dynamite and nitro-fflycerine to be kept onl^ upon permission ot the Council. Penalty. c 62 BY-LAW No. 757. Pi Market days. Hours of opening and closing. B Limits of Covent Garden Market. Relating to the Public Market. Passki) lltli flaiiuaiy, lsst l)y Talliot street, on the south hy Kin^^ street, on the east l)y 'reiiiplc Street and the rear of the Citv Ilall, and on the noitli by the stoi'es frontinj^'On the Market S(|uare, shall continue to he the Market House and Market riacc Oi the Citv. 2. Every day in the yeai', except Ch.-istnias 1); »v, New Year's Day, Good Fridav and Sundavs, shall hu a mai ket d IV 3. The Market House shall he oi)ened evcM'v mar- ket day by the Clerk of the Market at seven o'clock in the mornuig, an( 1 be shut at four o'clock cvcrv afternoon, except on Saturday, wlu'n it shall be kept open till ten o'clock in th e evenui!''. Hide, etc., not to be left on market. Except for inspection. REGULATIONS AS TO HIDES, TALLOW, ETC. 4. No },erson shall brin^' iiuo or leave on or about the Market House or Market Place, or any of the buildin<;s thereon, any hides, otf'al, oi' any refuse oi animal or vegetable matter that may occasion nuisance, and no butclier or othei' peison shall keep any do^in or about the same ; })i'ovi(led always that nothing in this .section mentioned shall [n'cvent the brin«;inLi of hides to the oitic(5 of th(^ Hid(> Inspec^toi- for the pra- pose of inspection. 03 .lid not to etc., not offered for .'). Nti person sliall lu'iim' into or leave on or {ibontwhenkinM 1 1 r > I 1 i»i • 1 / «• „ort;illow per the .Marled I louse or Mai'lvet I'lace ni the ('itv of '"i'tcd to be " ■ , .. , , . <• i.1 • I. 1 brought on th London, as (Icnned oy section one ot tins Hy-law, or"<:'rkei. ill or aliout my of the l)nil(lin<^s the'-eon, any hones or tiillow between tlie hoiu' ot'lialf past ei^ht o'clock ill the rori'uoon and tlui opening of the Market on the fbllowinu day during the months of June, ffnly and Auuiist, or hetvveen the hour of nine o'clock in the for(>iiooii and the opening;' of the Maiket on the fol- lowiii^i; day during' the other months of the year. UNVVHOLHSOMK FOOD. (). No peison shall sell oi* offer for sale, within the *'^^^"' "f«^'^ I _ ' iiiidcT three City, foi' the purpose of the same heinj;' used as food, ^^f^J',j'/ any calf, or the meat of any calf, which shall have been less than three weeks old at the time it was killed. 7. Xo |)ers()n shall brin*-' to, or expose for sale J^^"^'^^^'^^^ within the City, any tainted or u'lwholesome meat, {'^;''^J ponltiy, fish, or other articles of food ; antl it shall be "•''''• the (Inty of tlic! Health Insj)ector and Alarket Clerk, oi' other person ap})ointed by the Council for that pur- pose, to ins[)ect all meat, poultry, fish, and other articl(\s of food brought to or ex{)osed for sale within the City, and if any such articles be found tainted or unwholesome, to seize and desti'oy the same, and all ])onlti'y offered for sale upon the Public Market shall P"""'";'*"''^ he pi'o{)erly dressed or cleaned and have their heads, ci'o[)s and entrails removed therefrom. REGUr^ATIONS AS TO BUTCHERS. S. Xo p(>rson shall sell fresh meat in the Market ^^^^Jjj^,^^' *° Place in less (piantity than by the ([uarter; but this ;[j|4''j^.|.^>;,'j5;« section shall not ap[)ly to sales in the Market House. SALE OF FISH. 1>. All fish exi)osed for sale in the Market Place in where fish may , ^ ^ ' t • ,1 be offered tor Ayagons or other vehicles, or m any other manner saie. (except such as shall be exposed for sale in the Fish Ahuket), shall l)e so expos(Ml for sale at the rear of the Fish JMarket. C »' c : t V r \ •p' } »' c > 1 t «« r 'Ml ..... __, 64 'li^iii ^ «l . Ig 1 1 u Sales of jewi'lryi flc, whrre allowed. When aRriciil- tural impli'- ments ninv bo exhibited for Kale, Time when auction Kales pcrmissable. Subject to direction of Market Clerk. Exception .is to s.ileit under distress. Machinery not to be propelled by steam power on market. SALE OF TRINKKTS. 10. Tlio sale of jewelry, clothing, trinkets, ojass. ware, tinware, patent or otliei- medicines, and crock- erv, sliaU not he permitted to take |>lac(^ in oi- upon the Market Ilonse or S(piare, exce])t in stalls [)rovi(l('(l by the Conncil, and rented tor that [) SALE OK AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 11. Agi'icnltnnd iinplenients and niannfacturod goods not heing farm or dairy pi-odnce, shall not he hronght to or kept in oi' upon the Market House or l^lace for exhibition or .sale nntil after the honrofoiio o'clock in the afternoon ; and shall in all c.iscs he removed therefrom before six o'clock in the aftei'iioon of the day on which the .same are bi'onght there, with- ont special })ermission from the ('ouncil. SALES BY AUCTION. 12. Sales by auction, or othei-wise bv a duly i' ' »• I, licensed auctioneer, of goods and chattels, may he held on the Market S(piare ; bnt no ])ers()n shall sell, or expose for .sale, any goods or chattels ])y auction there before the hour of eleven o'clock in the fore- notm, or after that hour when in the judgment of the Clerk of the ]\larket the .sale thereof will interfere with the ordinarv business of the Market, and all such sales .shall be unde?' the supervision of the Clerk of the Mai'ket, and shall be lield in such i)art of the Market Phice as the Clerk of the Market may direct; provided always that sales under distress warrants for rent, taxes, or otherwise, may take i)lace at any time, but only in such part of tlie Market Place as the Clerk of the Market mav from time to time, under the directi(ms of Number Three Committee, set ai)art for that })urp()se. REGULATIONS RESPECTING USE OF MARKET. 13. No i)erson shall set uj), exhibit or otter for sale in the Market Place any steam enginr. boiler, or other machine i)ropelled by steam which shall be «a ac'timlly ninnin*,' by means of steam powr, and no person ;-!li<'il I canso steam to he made or <;'eni'rated in any -"^'icli l»oiler or otherwise in the Market Plaee. 14. No i)erson sliall |)lav at cards, or witli (Hee, orf"^'"\'^"*>'hnncc iinv pmic ot iiazard or elianee, with cai'ds, (hee or otherwise, or sell or otlei' for sale hy lots, cards, tickets, or any mode of chance whatsoi'ver, any j^oods, cliattels 01 otiiei- tliin^u's in the Market House or Place. IT). Persons shall not assemble or congregate to- obstruction cetlier on the sidewalks in the Market IMace so as to proiiibitca. preveiit or ohstrnct citizens and others from passing or repassing. K). Xo person sliall halt his horses or vehicles I'^^^^fpT^N^'" *■ , • 1 ^ f 1 I 1 1 w iivs not to Ik; upon any road or passage way in the Mai'ket I'lacte, ""^■■•f^r^J «>'''• or porniit them to stand or he tlu'reon so as to inter- fere with the nse of such road or passage way for the piir})oses ot the Market. 17. No i)ers()n shall drive any vehicle, horse or driving »astur I »/ ' tiiaii walk other animal over the Market I "ace or any part thereof prohibited. at a faster rate than a walk. 18. Produce or goods of any kind shall not l)e|^;:;f;;^,^tob?' unloaded on the Market IMace or he permitted to he l(;t;iJJt'iCc. placed or remain there except in the vehicles or other receptacles in which the same shall be exposed for sale, in accordance with the By-laws of the City and the regulations goviMiiing the Market House or Place, excepting fruit, which may be sold in season, under the supervision of the Market Clerk. 19. The Clerk of the Market mav, when the ijublic p'-'^p* ^"""p'^ 1/ ' I b;i(jsor boxes by convenience will be served bv so doing, and the use Pi''"!''*'''^? "•' i' 1 A I 1 • n ^ ' • ^ • Market Clerk. ot the Market not mtinfered with, permit sample bags or l)oxes to be put on the ground immediately in the rear of the vehicle in which the article to be sold is exposed for sale ; the C'lerk of the Market may also^;;;^^pf'"^^ *« permit Miirket (lardeners to sell under the roof of the ^''.'"'''-•""'*' . • usiny: premises Market Bazaar, and to have movable tables or vehicles ""^'^■"'"'^'"^ there to sell their goods from, and in that case they shall not be required to keep a vehicle to sell from, but r- ^ \ 1 t : ■;:j -^ m I I ' • ■ i i M.irkLt not til hi' iisi'd as thoriiiifflitarf at iiTlaiii lunirs. tlicv shall not use any pnitioii of tiic si(|(>\vall< ; the tables or vcliiclfs >liall Ik- ol'siirii size aii*l (Ic^criptidn jis tilt' CliM'i; of I 111' Market may (suhjcet to tlie iMiitroJ of Xiunlu'i' Tlii'L'f Coniiuitti'c) diicct, '2(1 No pcfsoM sliall Ix'lwccu the hours (d' nim. o'clock in the foicnoon and one o'clock in the after- noon drive anv vehicle drawn 1)\ animal or oih,.]. ViTaiulah o' M irki't IIkum' or Ha/aar, not to Iv iiM'il tor titvn^r luirsi-s, utc. power throiiLTh oi' across the Market IMace f. »r the pur- ■ , p(jse only ot';;'oin;4 from one place in the City to aiintlic! tlierein. 21. No jM'rson shall tie his horse or othei- aiiimal to the Market JJazaar or to the verandah on the \V(',< side of the Covent (Jardi'n Market House, or lo aiiv part thereof, or |)ermit his horse or other aniiiia! or vehicle to stand on the west side of the Market IJa/aar, oi' on the west side of the ( 'oveiit (iarden Market ndjaceiit to the verandah there ; ami no pei-son except a lossiH' of a stall in the Market ila/aar oi' haseiiieiit of the Covent (lardi'U Market House, shall tie his hoi'se or other animal to the vei-andah on the oastsiilL' of the Covent (Iarden Market House, or to anv part tl lereo f IIUCKSTi:i^S. 22. \o hucksti'r or I'unnei' shall ])iirchase in the Market IMace of the ( 'ity of London, or upon the Hucksters not to purchasL' Lvrlaiii articles in the market or on • i / <• c • i i tiiestreeis. strccts ot tlic saul ( itv, aiiv ti'uits, roots. veu('talile: iioulti'v or dairv products, e^us oi' anv other articles re((uii'ed for family use and such as are usually suhl in tl m mai ■ket. Hucksters as affents tor others not to purch.'ise cert.'iin .articles on mar et or streets. 2:5. Xo huckster shall, as the aj^'cnt foi* or on behalf of any other [)erson or ]>'i sons. |)urchase in the Market Place of the said City of London, or upon the streets of the said City, any fruits, roots, ve^ctalile.s I)oultry or dairy products, e_L:<4s or other ai'ticles re- ;ht to or out of 1 saiiic shall sold on the some imilti 27. No t able Upon ( vegetables, lumber, hit wool, liorsi L'hecsc oi' I; sale at the respect of ,• the said ar at such I'n 67 'J4. Ifiu'k.stcrs' staiuls sli.ill not lu' iMMiiiittcd to lu' kept in any pai't nt' the Maikct IMaec in tlic saidr"-''''' City of London. Hiuk«iiT>i' Ktiiiulx ill market l)iti-d. LOCATION Ol- Xi'illCM'S. iT). Any poison loinnini;' into or npon the ^Fai'lvot I'lacf ;iii\ tliin.ii' foi' sale in any \va;j;'on oi' otluM* voliiclc, iiicImlinL; baskols or otlicr I'cccptacio cari'lod or horno l»v siii'ii poison, sliali, Ix't'oi'c ollri'inj; it I'oi'saK', placo W'liicli's 111 Iw plai iJ H luri' Nl.irkil CUrk Jirtvts. liis Wilson or othoi' voImcIo m sn'-h place and order as till' Clerk of t lie Market or tlio l*oIiee (\)nstai)lo on (lutv shall direct, and in case of refusal so to do, the Clci'k of the Market or the Tolice ("onstaMe on dnty IV (Miforee its removal ; lail in cairvini;' out the pro- 111 for • li.iski'ts 111 lie (.•xhibilcd. visions ((f this section no |)reference whatever shall he fiviMi hv the ('lerkofthe Market or iNilico ('onstahh;. SAM- Ol" lU'iriCR AND l-:GtiS. •J(5. Ihitter. o^^us ami other articles l)roiiL>iit to the }^''^',''."'' Market Tlaco for sale in baskets or other rece|)tacles hy liiiiid shidl he exposed for sale on the veran-lali or ])latfiii'iii adjoiiiiii;^ the (*ovent ( Jarden Market ; except as providofl in Section H), all articles othei'wise hroiii^ilit to the Market IMace for sale shall hi sold rioin or out of the wa^on or other vehicle in which the saiiic shall he hronniit to the Market, and all hiitter sold on the Market shall he sold hy the pound oi' sonic iniilti|>le or [)ai't thereof. KICKS. '27. Xo fees or duties shall l»e charj^'od or cliar^'e- '\s'"'*"'A'^''iu'^r ahic upon or in respect of the sale of j^rain, meat, vc^ctahles, fish, hay, straw, foddiM', or otlier feed, luiuhei', laths, shingles, cordwood or othei firewood, wool, horses, cat tie or other animals, dressed ho lie on market. c'lu'cse Ol' farm produce of any (lescri])tioii, exposed for sale at the Public Market of the City, or ii[)o]i or in respect of any vehicle, vessel or thin^' in which any of tlii> said aiticies is or are ex[)osed for sale or marketeil at such l*iil)lic Market; provided always that nothing ' «"'■ " i: 5 t > r - u 68 ill , Security to be eivcn by Weiy^ • inij Cler!v, If fined for breach of By- law liis office to be forfeited. VVciffhinp Clerk ill Ward No. 5 to be governed by provisions of this l>y-l;i\v. Duties of Weighing Clerk — offic hours. To weigh articles offered to be weighed. Farticul.irs of things weijjhed to be kept m a book. herein contained shall prevent the stalls in the Covent Garden Market, the Market Bazaar and the Fish Market, or any other Market building, or any portion of the Market Square, bein*,^ rented as to the Council may seem best. WEIGHING CLERK. •28. The ])erson to whom the Market Wei^h Scales shall be let shall l)e the Market Weighing Clerk, who shall give security to the Corpoi'ation, for the payment of the sum at which the fees thereof shall be let, in such proportions and at such periods as may be directed, and for the <';eneral performance of the duties of WeighingClerk,as tlu Council may from time to time direct; and, if any such C'ler-: shall commit a })reach of the provisions of this J\v-law, or misbehave him.sclf in his oltice, he shall not onlv be liable to be fined for such ofi'ence but, on (conviction thereof, shall forfeit hi.s said olHce, and the Corporation may, thereafter, resell the said Weighing Fees for the remainder of the then current year ; and the Clei'k of tlu^ Weigh Scales, established at the public wei^h house in Ward Number Five of the (*itv, shall be governed bv the provisions of this and all other sections of this Bv- law relating to weighing u})()n public scales in like manner as the Wei^hiiiii- Clerk of the Market VVeiuh Scales is governed thereby. 2il. It .shall be the duty of the Weighing dcrk: (1) To attend at the Weighing House on every mar- ket (lay from the hour of seven o'clock in the forenoon until live o'clock in the aftei'uoon. {'!) To weigh all articles or things bi'ought to the Weighing House, to be weighed on payment of th'! fees therefor. (JJ) To kec}) a book, to be fui-nished to him for that })uri)Ose, by Number Three Connnittee, in which he shall enter and keep an account of all articles or things weighed, the owners' names, the weight of the 69 give ticket of to parties g' articles i);hcd. article or thing weighed, showing gross and net and the number, when practicable, and such other particu- lars as the said Committee shall from time to time direct. (4) To irive to each pei'son for whom any article or T" «'< \^/ci 1 ^ ^ t/ same thiiii^' is weighed a ticket containing all the i)articulars '^'j^r';^ which are required to be entered in the said book. 30. The Weighing Clerk shall ])e responsible for Jo :« ■•''«?«'?«'• o Cf J. ^j|( jfj case ot and make good any loss or injury occasioned by his '^'"s. etc. misconduct. WEIGH-HOUSE FEES. 31. The following fees shall ])e paid for weighing : F'='^«- For weighing a load of hay, fifteen (IT)) cents ; for weighing slaughtered meat, grain or other articles exposed foi' sale, under one hun(h'ed pounds, two (2) cents ; over one hundred pounds and uj) to one thousand })()unds, five (')) cents ; over one thousand ])oun(ls, ten (10) cents; for weighing live animals other than sheep or pigs, per head, three (3) cents; for weighing sliee}) or pigs, if more than five, per head, one (1) cent; if less than five, for the lot, four (4) cents. m<. 32. The foregoing fees shall be ])ai(l to the Weigh- fees pay.ibie to riei'k inunediately after the [)erf()rmance of the services in resj)ect of which the same shall be i)ayable; or, ii the Weighing Clerk shall re(|uire ])ayment there- of to be made in advance, the same shall l)e paid in advance. WEIGHING OF COAL. 33. No fees shall be payable for or in respect of^'^-}^^^}^.^ 1 • 1 • f 1 J. 1 ' I' • 1 n 1 weighed without the weiglnng ot coal for the use ot any resident of the ♦'•'•• Citv ; and it shall be lawful for the :nsi)ector of H^^ense J . ' f 1 / (• " 1 1 Inspector may Licenses for the ( ity at any time, and at any place have coai within the City of Loudon to take possession of any '"^'^ vehicle that is laden with coal for delivery to any person or persons in the said City, and to cause the said coal to be weigluHl upon the City Weigh Scales, r [ ■J 70 !• W-^ Penalty for reslstinp License Inspector ill wcigliing coal. Duties ot Market Clerk. To keep market place clean. Security to be given by Market Clerk. Powers of Market Clerk or any other scales available, and he shall take and keep the certificate of the weij;ht thereof and report the names of the parties delivering' the same and the weight thereof to the City Council. 34. ,\ny i)erson who resists or interferes with the Inspector m the performance of the duties imposed upon him in the last preceding- section shall he liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, which shall he levied in case of n()n})ayment in like manner as is prescribed in section number ")0 of this By-law. MARKET CLERK. 35. A Clerk of the ^Farket shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the Covent (larden iMar.'-et and of the Market I'hwv, and all the laiildings thei'con, and the Public Market (Jromids, anusiness of the Market to V)e conducted as readily and conveniently as may be practicable. WKIGHTS AND MEASURES. 89. Everv person sollini*- within the CHty l)ntchers'Bv"'her»«nd 1 " • 1 1 • 1 iithcrs to pro- nieat or other articles by wem'ht, count or nieasure- vide themselves iiiv ii.» «/ it ' with sciilcs. etCi mout. shall provi(k» himself with scales and weights ami measures, according to the lawful standai'd, and no person shall sell by less weight or measure than such standard, and light weight or short count or short measurement in anything marketed is hereby pro- hibited. REGULATIONS FOR RENTAL AND USE OF SHOPS AND STALLS IN MARKET. 40. The stalls in the Covent (larden Market, and staiis to be , ' rented by No. 3 in the Fish Mai'ket, and the stalls or shops m the Committee. Market IJa/aar, shall be rented for such period, at such rent, and undei' such conditions as the Council or Number Three Committee may direct. 41. The lessees or tenants of Mai'ket stalls, or Lessees not to sub-let* stalls or shops in the Market IJazaar, shall not sub-let them or assign their leases, or permit any other person to use or occu))y their stalls or shops without the con- sent, in writing, of the Chairman of Number Three Committee, and every such act shall, at the option of the Chairman of Number Three Committee, be a for- feitnr(> of the lease and of the interest of the lessee therein and of his right to the stall or shop. i'2. The lessees or tenants of aMarket stalls, or Lessees to keep stalls or shops in the Market J^azaar, shall keep them .JnaTrrentTo in a clean and sweet state to the satisfaction of the ^^'"""' Clerk of the Market, and they shall respectively pay to the (*ity Treasurer the rental for thoir said stalls € n ■10^' **'; **'-, i**' c ■•' 0.^ ftrii vi V •«/ V. - ..... ^ Lessees not to place tables, etCi so as to inter- fere with passage-WAy. Lessees of Bazaar not to use more than eighteen inches ofthe sidewalk. Lessees of Basement not te use the space between the stalls. Lessees of Fish Market allowed five feet of side- walk. When lessee may forfeit his lease. 72 or shops, according to the conditions of their several leases, and it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to receive the same. 43. The lessees or tenants of stalls in the Covent Garden Market shall not })lace tables, blocks, or any other thing outside their stalls excei)t in front, and not more tlian six feet from the front wall thereof, or so as to interfoie with traffic ; and the lessees, tenants or occupants of sUilh numbers five and fourteen shall not be allowed more than eighteen inches on the north side of their stalls ; the 4essee, tenant or occupant of stall number five shall not obstruct the passage-way to or from the sink, or do anything to prevent the same being used by the other lessees or tenants ; the lessees or tenants of stalls numbers six and thirteen shall not be allowed more than eighteen inches on the south side of their said stalls. 44. The lessees or tenants of stalls or sho})s in the Market Bazaar shall not be allowed to use for the purposes of their lousiness more than eighteen inches of the sidewalk in front of their stalls or shops, and shall not place anything upon the sidewalk or in front of their stalls or slioi>s above the sitliing, to of said Foremen, 1 by the ])roval of appoint- itioii is to :)tion are Depart- le office; Depart- artnient. ont shall 3] It in a 3, wliicli o, agree City of London, Ontario, as Firemen during the pleasure of iSe^anmJtu. the said Council, and we severally agree to observe and ()b(!y the conniiands and orders of* the Officers of the Fire Department and faithfully observe all By- laws, Rules and Jlegulations of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of London, touching or concerning our duti(»s as such Firemen, and for such rcnnuiei'ation as the said Council may from time to time determine, payabh? only on the certificate of the Chief of the Departnuuit ; and wcN.>ti«of severally agree to give one month's })revious notice inu writing to the Chief of the J )epartmcnt of our intcn tion to terminate this engagement. Urinin.iliiMi to Thr APPOINTMENT OF FIREMEN. 4. The said F'iremen shall be appointed by Xund)er to i^- rccom- ee Conuuitte on the rcconuucndation in writing of committee.' the Chief of the Dci)artment, subject to the approval of the City C(mncil. 5. The Chief of the Dc])artnicnt shall be a])pointed chicfappoii ^ l ^11 by Louncil. by the C/ity Council, on the report of Number Three Committee. APPARATUS. ''•3 ited 6. The api)aratus of the Fire Department shall Vp'^"";"" consist of Steam, C/hemical or other I'ire luiguies, j;''^^!''';^;;;.''^'''^'"^' Hoo'' andLadder Wagons and Trucks, Hose Carriages or Wagons, Hose, Horses and Harness, Fire Alarm Telegraph, and any other necessary a])i)aratus or ai)})liances in such numbers, and at such localities as ' from time to time shall be deemed re(|uisite by Xmnber Three Conunittee. 7. (V)nunittee Number Three shall have power, committee no. h/. 1 • 11 1 • <• 1 / )• f\ -1 i' "it'' .ipp/oval avmg first ol)tanied the authority of the ( itv CounciF'* t\n,neii. to i 1 111 ' 1 purchase so to do, to purchase all necessary appai'atus and •pparau.s. appliances, and also a sufficient munber of horses for the service of the F'ire Department, and })rovide necessary harness, stables, keep and acconnnodation c : ..... -3, 78 « i «p «i I," Firemen to be 31 yiNirs of a(fe and of tfiH>d char.ictcr. for the same, and may also hire hors(>s or apjmratus for the purposes of the Department when said Com- mittee deem sucli liirinj;' necessary. QUALIFICATION FOR APPOINTMENT. 8. No person sliall l>e appointed a Fireman luik'ss he is of the full a^e of twenty-one years. He must be of <4'()od moral character and al>U> to read, write, and speak un(h>rstandinuly tlie Imi^HsIi lan^uajfe. He must also |)i'o(hice a eei'titicate ivom a physician in {jjood standin<4' that he is physically sound and able to perform the duties of a b'ireman. POWERS AND DUTIES OF CHIEF. Jf'^mcmtirsand *'^- Tlic Clucf of Hic Department shall have full apparatus. commaud and control of all the nuMnhcrs of tlu> Fire Departu.ent, as well asof alla[)[)aratus, horses, hose or other appliances nec(\ssai'y at all tires, or whenever the said memhers, oi'a])})aratus, or any of them shall be i)erforming' any duty i-eijuired of them under the provisions of this or any otlnM' By-law, and the Chief To make rules of thc De])artment shall have ])ow(M', subject to tor guidance l i \t i rpi /, ., , 1 <• ofu.partment. approval l)y^uml)er I hree Conuuittee, to make from time to time such rules and reuulations for the govern- ment and guidance of the Fire Depart'ient asarenot provided for in this J\v-law. 10. The Firemen appointed and enrolled under this or other By-laws, shall, so loni^ as they continue in the service of the C*oi'])orati()n, obey all tli(^ lawful commands of the Cluef of the l)e|)a.rtment, Foreman or other Otiicer in charge. 11. All })ersons at or near any fire sliall, at the requestofchief, request of the Chief of the Department, l^'oreman or other Ofhcer in cliarj^e, assist in extin<;uishinL;' the same in such manner as .such person or persons shall be directed by said Officers in charn'c. Propertyofthe 12. All tlic pr()})erty and apparatus of the Fire b/undeT*contmi Department .shall be under the direction and control of the Chief of the Department, subject to instructions Firemen to obey thc Chief. Persons near a fire to assist .it oi Chief. ft from Nniubor Tliivo Committoe. But at every fire, j^ljii'in of tire, or otlKM- tmnout of tlu» I )e|)artnieiit, the Cliii't or Ollieer in charj^e t)f tlic^ I)ei)artnient at tlie time shall have sole eontrol overall tiie apparatus juid appliaiiees helougiui^- thereto, and over all the members of the Department or other persons enj^aL;- MtmiMM or ed at anv tire or other tui'uout ui eonne(;ti()U there- odai fire to bJ . , 'i 11111' under control with, and any person or piMsons who shall refuse orotci.iof. iio'dect to obey any lawful order t)f the said Chief of the DepiUtnient, oi' Ollieei- in eharge thereof, shall be subject to the penalties of this P>ydaw. 13. The Chief of the ])e})artnieut or Foreman chief or person ill charge of the Department at any tire in the City, iVpart men t is hereby empowered to cause to be pulled down or bllifdiirBrto be otherwise demolish any adjacent houses, buildingy or''" " other erections when they deem it necessary to prevent or stof) the s})read of tire, but not otherwise. 14. In the absence of the Chief of the Depart- Foremen to act ment, the Foreman, and in his aljsence the Station o" the chTe"" Foreman, and in his al)sence any member of the De})artfnent ai>[)oiiited for the purpose by the Chief of the Depactment, shall have the power to perform the duties of the Chief of the Dei)artiiient. REGULATIONS IN CASE OF FIRE. 1'). That on all occasions of fire the street in Fitty feet ot front of the fire and for a distance of fifty feet on fanes? Jtc? each side of the tire, and also the centre of the street Bremen in ^se on both sides of the space above described, and also° any lane, by-way, or any private entrance leading from the street to the rear, or any other part of the premises on tire through or along wdiich it may be necessary to run or work aii}^ of the hre apparatus, shall be ke})t clear of f)ersons and ()l)stacles which may in any wa\ obstruct or hinder the working of the Fire Dei)artmeiit, and all and every person who may be in any of the i)laces above mentioned, shall immediately retire therefrom when called upon to do so by the Chief or any member of the Department or |- 1 f > '-. \ r - 80 I f' Firemen lo Imve acvi'st. tiipiiv.iii' Ifr.iiitids. Firfiiu'ti, otc, iii>t to l)f hiiul- cri'il in piTtorm- aiiLV of duty. Property to be cared tor by members of the Department. Firemen to be permanently employed. And sleep .it the Fire Station. Firemen not to le.ive City or absent himself without leave. ])y any policeman of tlio City ; and all nienilKTs of the I)ei)artnu'nt sliiill have the vh^Ut to enter in and npon all «.;i'(>un l.s jind huildinj^s adJaeeiU to a tiie with such appjiratii.s a.s nmy 1)0 reipiired tor the pui'})ose of preventinic or extinguislun};' fire. 10. No person or per.sons shall in any way impede or hin De- partment, and every otlicer and niemher of the Fire Department, emidoyed hy the C'orporation, to take good and proi)er care of such pro})erty of the said Corporation as he or they may have occasion to use or he in charge of, and the .said pr()[)e '^y not to lend, sell, give away or use except in the employment and for the hent'lit of .said Cor})oration, NATURE OF SKRV^CE. 18. The Chief of th(^ Department, Foreman of I)ei)artnient, Station Foremen, Electrician, Drivers, and as manv Firemen as mav he determined npon from time to time hv >»mnl)er Three Conunittee shall be permanently employed, and devote their whole time to the service of the ('ity, and shall faithfully and diligently })erform the duties recpiired of thenias Firemen while in the employment of the City as such Foremen ; and all of them, exce[)t the C'hief of the De})artnient and the Electrician, shall sleep at the Central or other Fire Stations when re(piired so to do hv the (Ihief of the Dei)artnient. 19. No nunnher of the Fire Department shall leave the City limits without having first obtained permission to do so from the Chief of the Depart- ment, or in his absence frt)ni the Foreman of the •1 PepartuuMit ; in • entitled to receive pay for his services unless certitied to by the Chief of the Dej)artmi'nt, and no l^'ireman can collect, nor shall the Corporation be l)oun(l to pay anv sums deducted tVom his oi- theii- pay as penalties or Hues imposed for offences committed as provided for in this By-law. REGULATIONS IN CASK OF Nl-XiLECT OF DUTY. ^ lH. The Chief of the Department may suspeml j^X'^^dlor''' without j)ay any olHcer or other member of the l-'ii'eJ'^^bcdk'.cL- Department for disobedience of orders, nej^lect of duty, intoxication, iisin^- pi'of.uie or impr()i)er lanj^uaj^'e, or any misconduct, a(;t or omission, which in his (the Chief's) opinion would be detrimental to the i)r()per discipline and cihciency of the J)e[)art- ment : he .shall report the same to the C^hairman of Xunil)er Three Conunittee, who shaU report to the said Conunittee, and the said Conunittee shall have full })()wer to deal with all such cases as it may deem projuM', or as may be provided for by this J^y-law. . 2*2. For anv of the olfenc^cs mentioned in Clause Amount of .fi..e 21 01 this Jiy-law, excc})! intoxication, the Cliiei otscc...:. the J)epartm(>nt, with the ai)pr()val of Number Three Committee, shall deduct fi'om the offender's i)ay, a sum not exceeding- ten (810.00) dollars for the first offence, fifteen (^H.l.OO) dollars for the second ; for a third off'eiii;e the i)enalty shall l)e dismissal. And fC *' I : ■J Fines and penalty (or 82 any member or officer of the Fire Department while on (hitv who shall heeonio intoxicated shall he forth- with dismissed by Nund)er Three Committee. 23. Members absent from fires, alarms, or Jihsencefrom otlicr calls sluill bc fincd one (h)llar for the first, and two dollars for the second offen(x\ and three dollars for a third offence. In addition, any iiumu- ber of the Dei)artment who shall be absent fiom seven fires in one veai' shall be dismissed by the Chief of the De})artment, ])rovide(l always, that in case a satisfactory excnse (as provided foi- in Clause 19 of this By-law) is pi'odnced by said memher or members, then these i)enalties may l)e remitted or modified, as the Chief of the Department, with the approval of Xnmber Three Committee, may decide, fmpioyed Each Firenuui of the De})artment shall be continuedas ofcotfcir"'''" i^ii^^li <>"b' during- the pleasure of the City Council, and in case of dismissal shall l)e entitled to lecuive pay up to the time of such dismissal only, less any sum to be deducte 84 Station Fore men held and b(3l()nginc: to the same are kept neat and clean and at all times ready for immediate use, and Gen- erally and taitlifiilly assist the (/hief in maiiitaininff the discipline and ctHciency ot the Department, and in the absence of the Chief of the Dei)artnii'nt per- form his duties. 32. The Station ForenuMi shall be held respnn- reinsibie for. siblc for all jiublic j)i'operty in their charo-e, and keep chX'':' '" ''''^'' the same in good order and ready for inunediato use. They nmst promptly notify the ('liief or Foreman of Department when any repairs or sup})lies are needed, and faithfully perform such duties as may from time to time be iXMjuii'ed of them by Nund)er Three Connnittee, or their superior officers. They shall not peimit anv violations of this IJydaw or the rules or regulations authorized for the proj)er govenunent of the De- partment, and shall at once report any such viola- tions to the Chief of the I)ej)artment. TIi't shall ^ceep a daily rccor*''^"''^">* holidays on full ])ay at such tinses during the year as may be arranged )>y the Chief of the Department, who shall have the })ower to appoint a substitute to perform active fire duty for said meml)er or officer while absent foi" the time specified, and the Corpora- tion of the ( 'ity of London shall ])ay said substitute a sum not exceeding fifty cents per day while so employeij. "h ll'g Members sn.'ill be entitled to lo c I r 'i' m m '■] i ) ill ^1 86 The Chief may 36. The Chief of tliG Department may allow each ra.iysi^!,"her Fireman a half holiday in each week, from two o'clock cisM. jj^ ii^Q afternoon until eleven o'clock at ni<^'ht ; but in the event of the numl)er of men in any station exceed- ing the number of days in the week, then said half- holidays may be arranged as most convenient in rotation. Each Fireman shall also be entitled to a Sunday off duty in their regular turn, ^o member of the Department shall be allowed to leave the City limits (m said half-holidaysor Sundays, unless granteil permission by the C'hief of the De])artment, or in his absence by the Foreman of the Dej)artment. Any member violating this clause is liable to lose his holi- day privileges for such time as the; Chief may decide, or he may be suspended without pay or dismissed from the Department for second or third otfenees, as Committee Nundjer Thi'ee may determine. SALARIES. saiariesof 37. Tlic sahirlcs of tlio URMubers of the Fire De- members. partmcut ft'imi tlic })assage of tliis ]^>y-law, and until otherwise ordered by Nundjer Three Conunittee, with the approval of the City Council, shall be as follows: Chief of Department 8880 Foreman of " GO.') Station Foreman No. 1 Station. " " "2 " 600 " " '* 3 " 600 Electrician Firemen, First vears service 400 Second " " , 500 " Third and following years . . 5.")0 Provision in ^S AuY mcuiber of the Fire Dei)artment, who shall case ot p.irnish- •/ 1 ' ment of salary, havc morc tluui ouc "gamislice" attaching his pay, served on the C'ity Treasurer, shall be dismissed from the Fire Department. Memberstogct 39. Evcry officcr aud mendier of the Fire Dei)art- 87 .shall he joins the Dopai'tment, with which he must make him- self familiar. 40. Niinil)^'!' Three Committee only shall have ^o. ^ commit- power, with tho authority of the City Council, to incur :,';r,;^(!>t^';;|^'- anv expense (other than the ordinary runnino' expenses ""^''"^ "f ^^oo". of die Department) or liability for, or on account of said Fii"^' r)e})artnient, and no expense other than the re ^^ i. i' • 1 T^' TA ment of Depart. and regulations tor the government of said Jb ire De- -"ent. })artment ^ i 1 1 • c giu-irantee that acadauuzcd strcct, and riity dollars ui case ot a no injury will be . ^ , • . done to street or paved stTcct, as a LTuarautec to be usee m the repau- of the sewer or street providing the work is not done without injury thereto — such deposit tp remain in the Treasurer's hands for six months— and connectionsto all sucli cxcavatlous and connections shall l)e made be made under i .i . • r> /i /-(-i f • the supervision uudcr tlic supcrvisiou 01 the City Enguieer or Private con- necting: drains. such oth( two shal other thn services nectiou i: 3. Al in any V} connect ii such size and laid enter sue personal EnpnecM' hi tlie he 4. If of land n drained i to comnn parcel of provision after noti either pe: oftheCi' any perse said Nm same wit Engineer shall be structed parcel of move an necessar cost tlier parcel ol 5. N private t 6. Tl ting on i such othcT oflice'r or person as Committee Ntimbet'°f?'j^ofR':"j^ap- two shall }ii)})oint, and if such officer or person be » committee, other than the City Engineer he shall be paid for his services by the person on whose behalf the said con- nection is made. 3. All private drains hereafter made by any i)erson size. etc.. of in any ])id)lic street, lane or alley, within the City, and ting'dr'ai^s."**^* conncctiuj^' with any such common sewer, shall be of such size, dimensions and materials, and constructed and laid as directed by the City Engineer and shall enter such common sewer under and according to the personal supervision and direction of the City En'nneei" or other officer appointed as i)rovided for in the last preceding section. 4. If the ownei' and occupier of any lot or parcel ^_.^f^^"° of land within the City re(piired by this By-law to be drained into a common sewer, shall neglect or refuse to connnence the work neces.sary to cause such lot or parcel of land to be so drained in accordance with the provisions of this By-law, for the period of ten days after notice in writing shall have been given to him, either })ersonally or by advertisement published in one of the City newsi)apers, Ijy the City Engineer, or by any person under the authority and instructions of the Bo.ard of works said Number Two Conunittee ; or to prosecute the ^use"wo'rk to be same without delavand to the satisfaction of the said pense^of owner, Engineer ; or to n.ake good any want of repair which shall be found in any drain now or hereafter con- structed for the purpose of connecting such lot or parcel of land with such common sewer ; or to re- move anv obstruction that mav be found therein, the necessary work may l)e done by the Council, and the ^nd assess cost ^ 1111 t' • 11 against the land. cost thereof shall be assessed agauist such lot or parcel of land. 5. No person shall 'injure any common sewer or private drain or sewer connecting therewith. 6. The owners and occupiers of all property abut- J^/rso^nj'Xo"''* ting on any street upon which a common sewer has ^^L'tfuilon'*''^ •»' n c; (fc-- *».• ».!• '«-: ^ r 1 J - I construction. \': Exempt from other suwer rates in certain cases. Pernons using sewers to pay rental in case they have not paid towards its construction. Rental to be eiffht cents per annum. Frontage for rental reckoned according to original survey. Rental to be collected with annu:il taxes. Penalty. been constructed, who have heretofore paid the sura refjuired by By-law to hn i)aid for the i)rivilege of using such common sewer, shall continue the of same, free of charge, for the number of feet for which they have so paid, and if the property be a corner or triangular lot they shall, subject to the certitieate of the City Engineer, be exempt from assessment for or payment of sewer rates upon any other sewer or drain constructed on any other street adjoining the said property to an extent not exceeding one hun- dred and twenty feet, provided the frontage upon such other sti'eet is used and occupied in connection with the premises ui)on which the previous rates were paid. SEWER RENTALS. 7. Every person who has heretofore or sludl here- after make use of any of clie common sewers of the City by draining into the same and who shall uot have been or shall not be assessed for the cost ot the construction thereof shall pay a rental for the use of same. 8. The rental shall be a yearly sum equal to eight cents per lineal foot frontage of the lot or i)arcel of land which has been or shall be so drained into tlie same common sewer. 9. Where any lot, the owner of which is lial)lo to pay the same rental, has a frontage upon mori^ thiui one street the drainage shall be reckoned upon that street upon which the lot, according to the oiigiual survey, fronts. 10. That the rental shall be placed upon the Col- lector's Roll in each year and shall be levied and col- lected by the same persons at the same time and in the same way as th taxes are levied and collected. PENALTY. 11. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate, a penalty not exco< cxclusivt .said p^'"' costs, or and sale case of t such pen may con Coinity for any 1' the said 91 not pxcoeding the sum of fifty dollars for each offence exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs, or the costs only, may l)e levied by distress and sale of j^^oods and cliattels of the oftender ; and in case of there l)einj;j no distress found out of which such penalty can l)e levied, the cinvicting Maoistrate mav connuit the offender to the C'onunon Goal of the County of Middlesex, with or without hard labor, for any peri(jd not exceedin*;' twenty-one days, unless the said penalty and costs ])e sooner paid. V r 92 ; M i'liil it! r " BY-LAW No. 760. Relating to Streets and Sidewalks, and for the Regulation of Traffic thereon. B Encumberiiip, injuriiifi: or foul inif slruuts. Proviso, mer chants may use six Passki) Otli January, 181)3. E IT (Miactod l)v tlic '\[iini('ii)al Council of tlii' Corporation of tlio City of F.ondon as follows: ENCUMHKRING STRKICTS. 1. No ixM'son shall enfunibcr, injuic oi- foul any road, street, sijuare, alley, lane, bridge or other com- munication within the City with any animal, vehicle or vessel, or by any other nu^ms, or erect, [)hu;e or maintain therein any huildini,' or structure whatso- ever. Provided always that this section shall not i^xTnchcrfor" prevent merchants and otliers tVoni exhibiting- on the u^piayofs ''space of six inches of the sidewalk immediiitcly in front of and adjoining;' their })lace of business, their signs, images, bulletin l)()ar(ls oi' insi<:,'nia of the place or nature of their trade or business, or prevent the movhig of goods, wares or merchandise across any sidewalk, with all reasonable disi)atcli, for the pur- pose of taking in or delivering the same; and pro- sectionnotto vidcd also that this section sliall not extend to the apply to use of . . • , i , i • • <• , i • street for build- occupyuig HI accordaucc with the pi'ovisions of this By-law, but not otherwise, of a portion of the side- walk or street for building i)urposes. BUILDING AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Use of street for 2. Wlid'e aiiv liousc or buildim*' is beini>' erected, building pur- 1 .,, . ," ,11- ,. 11-^..*. poses. huilt or repaircMl on tiie line of any public street or way, or within seven feet thereof, there shall be erected a boarded fence, six feet high, to enclose the sidevval'< allowance in front of such building, to the width of six feet, and outside of such fence a planked [)ath- way shf vcnieiic lawful, over tin first Ho< scatfoh all roun said, ll the pu ci'ectini and the inn- the are earr '3. shiivin.u whatsoi are ludi allowed way wit shidl pli materia 93 and for on. 'il of the follows : foul any tiler t'oin- il, vohicle place or i whatso- sliall not n^ on the liatcly ill '•^■s, their tlu' place vent the ross any the pnr- 111(1 pro- l to the ' of this he side- S. (M'ected, treet or ; erected lidtivvali^ ^idth of [1 path- ion out. ma- strccts. way shall bo laid, at least four foet wide, for the con- venience and security of the public; or it shall be Precautions to lawful, instead of such fi»uce or pathway, to })lank over the whole of the scattold at the hei^dit of the first tloor above the ground Hoor, and to enclose such scaffold at the same height, at least ein'hteeu inches all round above the level of the plau'^tMl Hoor afore- said, the sidewalks of tlu^ sti'cet bein^^ left free for the i)ublic use ; and it shall be the duty of the ])erson erectiiiLi:. buildin*^' or rej)aii'in«;' such house or buildinjjj, and the contractor or other ])erson (nn|)loved in do-contnctors.etc, - A , , / 'i • • tiiseeth.Tt pro- ill"' the work, to see that the ijrovisions of this section ^'^'^n^'i'^j^cf ' P , *■ are c.-irried oi are cai'i'ied out. 3. No ixMson shall place auv luinbei', stone, chi])s, "".''f"!? 1 I • 1 r 1 M !• • 1 ^'"alsons shavinu's, rubbish, or any otnei" buildinj^- material whatsoever, on any sidewalk ; and when buildin<>'s are heiiij^' ei'ccted ou any street no ])erson shall i)e allowed to o(rui)y more than one-third of the road- way with any such buildiuLj material, and no person shall place any such stone, lumber or other building' ^^;'^^,^,F;'^[;^-''8^^^^f matei'ial in such manner as to obstruct the free pas- "'"''""=''^''- age of water in the drains, j^utters or water-courses ; and no [)erson shall suffer or ])ermit any such Imild- JJ"^p'u?usedI'*' inu' material to remain on the street ai\y lone Number Two or the City Plnuiiu^er. absoluttdv necessary for the erection of the building- for whicdi siudi material is designed, and every siudi person .shall, on the ccmipletionof thei^e"ciearf.d'whc^ hnilding, within three days entirtdy remove the same comt'ictcd. from the street, and cause the street to be cleared from all siudi building material and left in good re- iiair. Permission may be granted by C-ommittee Permits may be \' I 'r ^1 /Ci. I' • i:- "^ i.1 given by Com- Aninher I wo or the ( ity Kngp eer tor the occupa- !"'"ee Number tion of the roadway for the pur^>ose and in the man- ner mentioned in this section. EXCAVATIONS. 4. No i)erson shall break, tear ui) or remove any "'^'■^''•"s^ "p 1 *^ strcctSi 6tc> planking, pavement, sidewalk, crossing, curbing, mac- ><- * «^ * c : r 1 > v: J .... ::;0 Ill or sjxM'dily iis '.•4 adam or otlier road siirfju'c, or nuikc any cxcnva- tioii in or under any street or sidcwjill^- witliin the City tor any puipose wlmtsoi^vcr witliout the pennissinii of Connnittee Nnniher Two or the p.ityof p.rsoim(;itv Knj^ineei", and it sliall l»e tlie (hitv of'everv ncrson breaking "P , ' , . ^ , • • ' 1 l • stri-eu.ete. bi'eaknijj;, tcvirni;;' up or i(Mno\in.L>' any plankni^', pavo- nient, sidewalk, erossinu, eurlmij^'. n»jie;id;nn or othci' road surface, or niakinj^' any excavation under any such strei't or sidewalk, as practicable, and under tin* i'l VL'liicli'^l li. N alullll..•l^| wiiicli s any stir(' vass or * iiiLi' till' ' level of 1 seven let 7. li shall he tliei;ity erection "•inecr. S. St tern, to 1 may he t erty owi same, as pVovidet ailvertis pant am interfere vided al the said thereof *». > the inai perman the '2U at a he level ol 95 ' <'X(')iva. si(|.>u;ilk ' ^villioiit <» or tli(> 'i.i^'. pnvc- ""■ otlht I ill or H'.lily as ^ll|H'l'- ivlay, y I'ji^iii- K' C'll'tll 'in tiiii,. isf'actioii Mild tilt' k is jic- jiikI siif- rxcavii- pl'CVl'llt •ii tiMico, i 'Iiiriim '('.'lutioii os1, hanging or swinging sign p"^'''"'"^'*- wliicli sliall <»r does in any way |)roject into oi- over aiiv street or sidewalk within the city, exce})ting (vin- vass OI' other folding awnings withoni ])osts, i)r()vi(l-?JI^rsKhei." iii;^ the same are erected at such height ahove the walk'"""'"*'" level of the sidewalk as will leave a clear headway of seven feet six inches at all times. 7. liefore erecting any such awning the samoBeforp eroctin? shall l»e approved OI oy ( oniinittee .Ninnoer 1 wo oi'missionot the(ity I'jigincer and ])erinission m writnig tor tlic commitu-c must erection thereof given l)y Mio said Onnmittee or En- gineer. S. Street lamj) posts and lamps of a uniform pat- street lamn tern, to he approve(| of hy C'ommitte(» Numher Tvvo, nwV'cTeAcr 1 , I • A ' • A.' ' i. A.^ witli permission may he (.'rected m sucli position, opposite the prop- o» NuiWr Two erty owned or occupied hy the p(M'son erecting the same, as shall he approved of hy the said Conunittee, plovided such lam[) [)osts and lain})s l)e not used for advertising purposes (extu'pt the name of the occu- pant and numher of the [)remises) or so erected as to interfere with the proper use of the highway, and pro- vided also that a written [xM-mit he obtained from the said Committee for tlu^ erection or maintainance thereof as the case may he. \l Xothinii' in this P>vdaw contained shall prevent B-^icomes or 1 . . ,. ' I 1 • i • p projections the niamtamance ot any halconv or ])roiection ot a i.'-'-'ct'^J he'^i-e -' . • . I <) . Sept. J4th, 1883 })ermanent nature that was ui existence previous tonwyrcmain. • the i^th day of Septemher, A.l). 1S83, and erected at a height of not less than twelve feet above the level of the sidewalk and extending not more than 1:: V s ^fl mm Provided Citvl Engineer Joes not Jccm tlifiii insecure. Hcmoval of oh- tructions. Hatulbills. dodj^ors, etc. not to be scattered. Sweeping papers, etc., not to be thrown in rect. Water spouts to be used tor conveying water from roofs ot houses beyond sidewalks. 96 three feet acros.s the street from the strec^t line ex- except such of them as sliall in the judgment of the City Engineer be insecure, but no such balcony or pr()iecti(m siinll b( re])aire(l or I'enewed, })ut wlu-n the same becomes out of repair so as to become in.'^ecure thti same .^hall forthwith be tak.'n (h)>vn and remov- ed by the owner or occupant of tlje })aihling to which it shall be attached or of which it shall form part. 10. Eyery door-stej), porch, railing or other elec- tion or obstruction pi'ojecting into or over any road cir other public connnunication within the Cit;- .sluill be removed l)y the j)roprietor oi* occupant » f the oroperty connected with which sucli projections are found, after fourteen days notice in writing, reciniiing the removal thereof, sliall have been given to such pro- prietor or occupant, or left for him on the by or under the authority of Committee Number Two or the City Engineer ; and in case the proprietor and occupant of such property .shall neglect or to iL-move such projections for seven «iays after the ex- piration of such fourteen (hiys the same may be iv- moved l)y or under the direction of Co'iniittce Number Two or the City Engineer at the expense of oiich proprietor. SCATTERING DODGERS OR SVVEHPIXCJS. 11. No j)ers()n shall eiicuml)er any road, stiect, square, alUiy, lane, bridge or other communication within the City with any bill, hand Itill or dodger. 12. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any paper, shavings, dirt, waste material, garbage or rul)bish, of any kind upon or in any street, s(iiiaie or other public })lace within the City. WATER SPOUTS. 13. The owner and occupant of eveiy house or building adjoining any street or highway witliin the City shfill have, maintain and keep tight eovered water spouts by which the water shall be conveyed from til the side inches KJ. m^' or 97 't line ex- 'iit of the alcony or t wlu-n the e insecure ikI rcniov- X to which 11 part. itlicr crcc- nny i-oad Jit;- sluill It I f the ;tions are rtMjuirinii' such pro- l)rcniises nbcrTwo fictoraiid icfiise to r llie ex- y })c re- o'-nnittce N^pcnsc of (JS. (1, street, micatioii )( lL;er. )osit any l>uu(' or (piare or on so or tin'n tlic covered on V eyed from the roof of such house or building underneath the sidewalk to the distance of not less than twelve inches l)ey()nd the outer edge thereof. GATES, DOORS, ETC. 14. Xo per.son shall have (n- maintain a gate or^^;^'^^,';;';^.^;;^:'''* door to or 'i])on premises owned or jceut)ied by nun ""■"'■ ''''^''"•^"*' which shall be so constructed that the same shall swin*'' over any sidewalk, street, road or lane within the City. REMOVAL OF EARTH, SAND OR GRAVEL. ^-^- Till" i.1 nijfg-iiijf earth. 1.). No ])ers()n shall dig u}), take or carrv awaVftcmstrcLtsor anv ot the earth, sand or gravel m or from any street, road or lane within the City, or in or from any part of the River Thames lying within the t'ity, which is not the jH'operty of i)rivate ])ei's()ns, without the permis- sion of C'onunittee Number Two. CRO.^SING SIDEWALKS. 1(3. Everv owuei" or occ u])ier of anv house, buiid-p''"'*'*'"*''^^^ . _ _ 1 • ^ ' nouses, etc. in^' or lot within the City, who shall rcipiire to drive anv hoise or othei' animal or wagon oi' other vehicle across any paved or plank sidewalk for the })urp()&e of entering his house, building ov lot shall construct across the drain, gutter or water course oi)posite the gateway or entrance to his [)remises a good and suf- ficient l)ridge of planks so constructed as not to ob-Howcon struct such drain, gutter or water course, and shalP'"""""*" also plac(Mi [)iece of tunber along the ahfiie of each side of the })avement oi' planking sulHcient toi)revent the pavement or plaidvingfrom being injured in cross- ing it or entering such house, building or lot. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 17. No i)erson shall drive, lead or back any horse Horscs.ctc, or other animal, or wagon or other vehicle, or clraw^onsil-waiks?''*" push or propid any band cart, wagon, carriage or other vehicle or ride any toboggan or bicycle in or along any sidewalk in any public street or other pub- c r 1 J f' > r - ■;::i •■*■ 98 I'll hv and niiien. m. or to hal))- carri.iges. Proviso-See lic plfiCG witliiii tliG Citv ; j)rovi(le(l always, that this *' hand-|.n?'' shall not a})])ly to the propelling' of hand-caits at a moderate rate of.s})ee(l and so as not to interfere with foot-passen<':ei's, between the hours of five and nine o'clock in the forenoon, or tothe propellingof hahy-car- roT-ivc Hghf o? I'iages (but in all cases it shall be the duty of every per- ''"^■- sonpropellin<^a hand-cait oi- baby -carriage togive^yay to foot-passengers, and if necessary to })revent inter- ference with them, to turn oil' the sidewalk) or to the lawful crossing of a sidewalk to go inio any yai'd or lot adjoining the same where a ])roi)er bi'idge is con- structed and a i)iece of timlter laid as ]nescribe(l by the next preceding section. iio.scs. etc. not 18. No |)erson shall tie his horse or other animal to Ut tied so as i i • to inierivrewith to anv ])ost, hoo orriug, ()!■ ui any wav across any traffic. • I ' 1 r 1 * • • i'l • i 1 / ( • " Sidewalk, pavement or crossing withm .he ( ity .^o as to o])struct the ordinary trallic of tlu^ street, oi' k'aye any carriage or othei- vt'hicU' standing upon any stii'et or thoroughfare within the City, unless it be to premises with which or with the occu])ant of which such i)erson has business, and then only for a rea.son- able time, and no longer than is absolutely necessary for the tran.saction of .such business; pi'ovi(kMl always, that nothing in this l)y-law contained shall ))re\t'nt carriage-makers, wagon-makers, blacksmiths, inn- keepers and kee])ers of livery and lovlging stables from temporarily occupying tiie street for the space of ten feet immediately in front of the premises occupied by them with vehicles undergoing immediate repaii's or with vehicles from which hoi-ses have been unhitched for the purj)ose of being shod, oi' with vehicdes of farmers and othei' ])ersons tem})orarily lodging with such inn-kei'per, oi- pievent draymen, express-men or other pei'sons from occupying the alley if the sjuuebo twenty feet in width for the space of six feet iuiine- diately in the reai- of j)remises occupied by them with such vehicles as are being actually used l)y them in the prosecution of their respective business callings. Proviso, 19. sidewal sale of J more tli 20. team in City wit shall h; ing or f( erect a 21. any veli in or till main ii}* animal ( motion. 22. ' ele draw any liors thoroiiul the burs im or ri( erate rat shall slai in ap[)ro whicdi a thorougl or exbii» .stud her .siiiiai'cs I 24. ^ or nther thorougl more lud ing the !> on ii'ts at a "i'cre with Hiid nine l)iil)y-car- !verv per- i^ivoway 'lit inter- (»r to the \' yard or 4'e is con- L'l'iltCMlbv 'V animal [^ any 'ity so as or leave iiy street opposite of which a reason- locessary 1 always, ])re\ent lis, inn- ties from .'0 of ten 'upiedhy 'paii's or nliitched liicles of iiiH' with is-iiieii or sjMiie be et iiiinie- icm with tlieni in ■allin,^'s. 19. Xo person shall keep or maintain on any ^'fr^stanfon^^"" sidewalk within the City any wagon or stand for the '*'''«« sale of goods, wares or merchandise, so as to jH-ojeet than eighteen inches from the line of the street. 20. No person shall leave any lioise, mnle, ox or ■Ik. more .c'lviiiff horses. team in any street, alley or j)ul)lie place within the etc., imsc'curcd. Citv witliitut heing snlliciently tied; and no p<^'i'-son ',j^';"|;j^' ^j'^er shall halt any wagon or other vehicle on any cross- "^'^'^'ng*'' •-''^ in"' or er footway within the ('"ity, nor shall any person ■eet a tie post upon any of tlu^ streets of the City. Tkposts. 21. Iv.erv driver or otliei- ])erson in charge of orivcrsto.e. • . I 11' mam on or walk anv vehii'le convevmg goods, wares or merchandise 'v.vK^'-'^^'v ' 1 ■ <• 1 <• 1 / !• 1 II whili; 111 niolioii. in or throiigli any oi the streets ot the C ity shall re- main n[)on snch vcdiicle, or walk heside the horse or animal drawdng the same, while snch vehicle is in motion. 22. Xo person diivinganv cari'iage or other vehi- Vv"^''''''"-" , , , 1 , I ' • 1 • 1 • dnvingr. , cle drawn by horses or otiiei' animais, or ridmg u\Hni any horse or other animal, in any of the streets or thoronuhfares of the City, shall cause, sntf'er or permit the horse or other animal whicdi he shall he so driv- ing oi' riding uj)()n to go at a galloj) or other immod- erate rate, and every snch person so driving or riding shall slacken the s|)eed of his hoi'se or other animal in approaching any ci'ossing foi- f<;ot passengers upon which anv ix'rson mav he crossing snch street or thoronghfare. 21]. No ])ers()n shall break in or train anv horse, ,»'•'■;»'<'"«: . ,,,,'■ . . 1 II ■ ' .lo'-sis, etc., in orexliilnt any stud horse oi- l»nll, or pnt to mares any '^"■'^'^'•'*- stud heise, in any public place or in any of the streets, s(|uai'es oi- paiks within the City. 24. No person shall di'iveany deseri|)tion of sleigh ^^,^4«'"'"''*^'^ or nther vehich* on I'lumei's along the streets or thoronghfares within th(> City Without having two or moi'e bells allixcd to the horse or other animal draw- ing the same. n > ..... ., 100 Throwing: stones, etc., in streets. Removing' bukldingrs, on street*", t*c. THROWING MISSILES. 25. No })orson shall cast, })rqject or throw any stone, ball of snow, ice, or othei* nii.ssile danj^erousto the public, or use any bow and arrow or catapult, in any street, srpiare, i)ark or pul)lic place within the City. REMOVING HOUSES. 26. No ]Kn'son shall i-eniove, or assist in remov- ing, any Imilding into, along or across any stivet or sidewalk within the City withou.t having first oljtaincd the written permission of Committee Number Two or the City Engineer, and then only by the route and in the manner directed by the .said Conunittee or En- gmeer. IMPORTTNING TRAVELLERS. Iniportuning^ tr.ivellcrs on streets, etc., pro hibitcd. Pl.nylng- g-ames in streets. Piling cord- wood, etc., on sidewalk. Sawing ci rd- wood, etc., on streets. Standing on sidewalk with wood-saw, etc. Piling cordwood on streets pro- hibited. Exception. 27. No person shall in the streets or public placTs of the City ini{)ortune otheis ♦^o travel in oi- employ any vessel or vehicle, (jr to go to any tavern or boanj- ing-house. PLAYING BALL, ETC. 2S. No person shall ])lay any game of nine or ten pins, ball, or ci-icket or other games in any street or alley within the (Jity. CORDWOOD AND COAL. 29. No })erson shall throw oi" pile cordwtxxi. fire- wood or coal u})on any })aved or plank sidewalk within the City, or saw or s[)lit iM^rdwood or fii'ewood upon any street or sidewalk within the City. I](). No pei'son shall stand on any sidewalk with his wood-saw and hoise so as to obstruct the free pas- sage of foot-passengers. 31. No person shall throw or pile, oi* cause to be thrown or })iled, upr)n any street within the City cord- wood, firewood or coal, except foi' the j)urpose of the same being delivere(l at ])remises owned oi' occuj)ie(l by him opposite to which the .same shall be thrown or piled, or ing the s wood, fii a longer free :?TOW!«'SP««9iv.»yjjLi'«»wxwiniTO'*»^;-;n-«i. .salt or ol way of J» with the snow, ie( road or > article in the Ci or more are three the tires , lea.*' or othei' anil a li:d thereof a always, t 01' othei' eonveyinj any wjigi nsed for ( place of 1 nicinufiict from) to 1 which gi{ or to for- :]4. It any sidev to obstrui 101 piled, or for the use of the person owning or occupy- ini)' the same, and no pei'son shall permit such cord- wood, firewood or coal to remain uptm the street for a louiier time than two hours, or so as to obstruct the free use of such street. USE OF SALT. 3"> No nei'son shall sprinkle, s])read or place any sprinkling: sait. '^. , "^ -^ - '■ , " etc., on roadway salt or other nke suMst.ince on the road or carriage- pi-^hibited. wav of Jiny ])ul)lic street or highway within the City with the intent or for the purpose of dissolving any snow, ieeoi' dirt wliieh may have accumulated in such I'oad or carriage-way. WAGON TIRES. 'M], No j)ers()H shall use for the conveyance of ^^"''»'' ''i »•••"• aiticle.s of hurdeu, goods, wai'es, or merchandise with- in the City any wagon oi'othei- vehicle drawn by two or nioi'e horses or otluM' animals the wheels whereof are three and a half feet in diameter oi' over unless the tires ;uid wheels of such wagon or other vehicle areat hvist thi'ee inches in width, or any such wagon or otlier vehicle the wheels whereof are less tlian three and a h;df feet in diameter, unless the tires and wheels thereof are at least four inches in width. Provided ahvays. that this section shall not apply to waggons or othei' vehicles laden with an' near to each other in such a manner as to olistmct a free })assa,i>e for foot passeniici's, on any street or sidewalk within the City, after a re(|nest to move on made Ity any member of the Police l'\)rce, or any other })ers(m duly authoi'i/,ed hy the Mayor oi- jun Alderman. I}.'). No person shall run or race on the .sti'eet.sor sidewalks, or crowd oi- jostle other foot ])assenr matei'ial which is loose and iniLi'lit drop u])()n the striH)ts, shall have bo.xes of siu-h .size and construction, and shall be so loaded in sucji maimer as that the contents ther(M)f shall not extend higher than the to)) of such boxes, and so as to pre- vent any mamu-e, earth, ashes or other matei'ial from (lro[)pin|H' n])on the sti'eets, jind all cai'ts, w.inoii.s. sleds, sleij^hs or other vehicles used for liiuilin;,' manure, earth, asiies or (jther such mat(Mi;d shall have tail-boai'ds the height of the sides.of the box. DEFACING, CLIMBING UPON AND INJURING P ROPIER TV. o7. Xo p(M'son shall, without the consent of tlic owner thereof, deface any building, tenee, telegragh pole or lamj> po.sts within the City, liy writing, printing oi' posting thereon printed oi- other notices. *,3S. No {)e)'son shall, without the constmt of the owner thei'(M)f, |)ull down oi' deface any signbojud or written or pi'inted notice lawfully aitixed within the Citv. lil). No j)ei'son shall damage or injure any of the public wells, pumps or drinking fount;nns within the City, or take exclusive {)ossession thereof, or prevent access h letting" ai tilth or »■ 4(1. >1 posts or aiiv of tl the City, lamps, la 41, pant the euiiti'ol o almttinj^ and Wei (Irand 'f betwi'en street bi Clai'cnee and eleju all snow of one to ou that s to su and cU'ai all dirt a and to tl water co 42. 1 pi'eeedin juid ice I foot out pnlilic si leets to : first fon: fall of 111 or in tlu snow fr( to the (1 108 '^ ^••■fMip, or o ()l)struct y street or <> move on ■<'. or anv vol- ())• anv streets or ])assen, wagons, )!• aiilm;,' M'lal shall lie box. L'RIXG 'lit of the leiiee, City, k I ()!' other nt of the iil)i)ar(i or vvitliin the my of the ^vithiii the 1' prevent access beini;' bad theroto, oi- defile or foul tliem by j^.ttiiiir any drainai'e or sewage, or ilirowing ofliil, 1 or refuse iuto them. 40. Xo [)ersou sball eliuil) upou any of the lamp cHmbine lamp posts or u])()n any of the I'ailiugs or feuees in or along ' anv of the streets, .s(|uares, pai'ks oi- publie places of the Citv, or injure or destrtty the same or any of the lamps, huiteriis or fittings erected or being therein. SNOW, ICE AND DIRT. 41 The oceupant, and in case there is lio occu- R'^'^'^x-i' «f i I'll snow, iCL- and pant tlie owner or person having tiie charge, care or »th^«y otstruc- euntrol of any house, buibling or lot fronting or almtting on 1 )undas street between Kidout street and Wellington street, Richmond street between the (hand Trmik Kailway and Maple street, King street between Clarence street and Ixidout street, Talbot street between York street and Carling sti'cet and Chirenee from Dundas street to Y'ork, shall remove and clear away and iec}) removed and cleared away all snow and ice fi'om the sidewalk and to the breadth of one foot out of the drain, water course and gutter on that side of such street or highway which is near- est to such house, building or lot ; and also remove and clear away and keep removed and cleared away all dirt ami other obstructions from such sidewalk, and to the breadth of one foot out of such drain, water course and gutter. 42. If anv person who is recuiirc d bv the next ""'> "f p*-""^""^ • ,' 111 ' 1 as to remc ■.al. preceding section of this l)ydav.' to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk, and to the breadth of one foot out of the drain, water course or gutter of the public sti'cet or highway adjoining his premises, neg- lects to remove and tdear away the same within the first foiii' hours oi" daylight after any fall of snow or fall of bail or rain which shall fveeze on the sidewalks or in the drains, water courses or gutters, or fall of snow from any building, entirely otf the sidewalk and to the depth of one foot out of the (h'ain, water course r' ¥* -* 104 or gutter adjoining liis promises, and if any person required by the said section to I'eniove and cMcin- any other obsti-uetions from tlie si(hnvalk and to the l)readth of one foot out of tiie (h'ain, watei- coui se or Proviso snow and ice so i'ilil lie gutter of the public street or high wa} adjoiniiii- lij.s premisses, neglects or lefuses so to ('o for twenty-tbur hours aftei' recr'iving notice from the Stinnn {\m- missioner or Engineei' or any mendxM' of the Police Force, recjuiring him to rciove and clear away the same, the Street C'onHnissiou..M' oi' Cty Knuincci' mav cause such snow, ice or other ohsti'uctions to he w- moved and cleared wvi y at the exp(>ns(> of siicii per- son, 'and in case of noii-})ayment of such expciisv the same is hereby chaiged as a s|)ecial assessiiicnt against the premises, in ivspect of which the diuv exists and is unpeiformed, and may be recovered iii like iUanner as other municipal rates, and it shall he the duty of the City Clerk to cause the same to he aso recovered accordingly ; ])r(Aided always, that if the snow ana ice so • i <. " i.1 i. • ^l • " I ^ c , i frozen as not to snow oricc oc SO trozcu that HI the judgment ol the bo c.ipablo ot((, i/i ■• /I'ii' ■' -^ .1 removal without Street I ommissionci' or C ity K^igmeei- it cannot he w-iiklT"' " removed without injury being done to the sidewalk pavement. • •, '1 1 ,. • 1 or pavement in its removal, such jjerson as aioresaid shall strew such sdewalk or |/}ivement witn ashes, sand or other like substance, and shall not be deem- ed in default in removing such snow and ic" until the expiration of four hours of daylight from tin' time when such snow autl ice shall become capable ot nc- ing removed without a'.iy such injiuy being canscd in its reii4)val. 4:5. The occupant, and in case there is no occu- pant, the person (,wning or liaving f he care, charge or control of anv house or other buildinn ii»l Clear 1(1 to tlic •oiirso (»!■ 11 inn' his Mity-tbur (H "('(Ull- u' I'olico iway the H'cr iiiiiy ) lie IV- >Uv\\ J)('l'- ic'iisv the •'('ssiiieiit lie duty ncred in sliall he ic to l)e t if the t of the iiiiot lie ^i(Knvalk il'orcsaid li nshes, ' dcciii- iiitil tl>e lie time ' of !)('- caused <) occii- lai'uc or hill the oi, any vciiicnt, on the extent of tlie ,Stiect ( Commissioner or City Kii^ineer, he Jan<;er()ii.s to jjcrsoiis passiiij;', cause the same to l)e forthwitli (I therefrom, and every |)erson removinu the diail take (hie care and jireeaution foi- tlie remove' same \Vi sue iriiin^' of persons and annnahs j)assin<;' or hem^' on h street, thoron^hfai-e, si(h'\valk or j)avenient. SNOW PLOUGHS. 44. It sliall l)e the i>-ruM. oi ease iiiay he, shall not dii'ect the use of the snow " i)l(iiiL!lis unless there ha.s heen a fall of snow foui* incdies lo k starua (ir over in depth. otsmm t..iis. (2) In the event of siudi snow-fall oceuriuii' dur- ixho^tarku .u 1 '11 1 II 1* I 1 I ' 1 tour 11 illicit m^i the iiij^ht he sliall direct the snow pJou;4hs to l)e.>.i... staite-i- cleaned, takinii' j>aiticular care in all cases to see that thecrossin<4s of streets are proj)erly cleaned and that 110 injiiiy is done to trees or fences. (4) In the event of the plou'di leaving' the .side- i'i^",Khs t.. i,e 11 1 1 1 1 ■ <• 1 11 1 run in IT same walk till' same snail, it necessary to thoroughly clean ri'-vmi.. it, he taken a second time or oftener ovei such place. nocosUry. (.')) roinmitt(>e Xumher Two of the CouMcil shall S""' ;'■'"?' 1 . , , • 1 • I • rKHi!,-hiiif,' 111 dei'iue the amount to he j)ai( lor hire of tinms t()i'i'.'"""H';> ordinary snow-ploughing, or for extra cleaning oi-^'"'"''^'"!""'^^' rimoval of di-ifts as W(di as any other ctKst or expense in connection w th the removal of snow from "^he walks hy means oT snow pk>ughs. than be 106 STREET SPRINKLING, 4."). No person iMijia^^ed in sprinklin^j;' tlic s\]vv\^ of tho City, wlu'tluM" as c-ontractoi' or (Muploycc sliall cause or iicrniit any of tlie ernss walks on said stivet> to) )(' s) )i'in kl(Ml. upwards from file (jroumJ Poles not til bo used lor advertising telhc;r.\ph. telephone and electric light POLES. Jthefpoiil^Tot ■+<) All tele^Tapli,t('le|>iioni'.('l('cti-ic li-lit, Hie alarm £'fd"''"'- or othci- polos witliin the limits of tlic City and all tcde^rapli, t('lp])lion(\ elect rie liulit. tire alaiiii or otluM- poles wliicli shall fi'oin time to time he erected witliin the limits of tlie C'itv upon an\ (d' the streets, roads oi- hii^hways within the said City shall he neatly painted to tlie height of twenty feet from the ground. 47. No telegraph, tidephone, (dectric li^ht, tiiv alarm or other poles within the City I'rcH-ted or which mav or shall l)e ei'ccted on any of the streets, roads or highways within the said City shall I)e used for advertisements l»y the ])o^tini;' of any hills tlcreon or otherwise. 4S. It sli.dl he the duty of tlie ownei's ot tcdenraph, telephone, electi'ic lij^ht or other poles now ei'ccted withiii the City foitliwith to cause anv adveitise- ment upon any such poles to he taken ,own or oli- literated and to cause the said poles to he nciitly painted to the ludj^dit of twenty feet fi'(>m the "^rouml. 40. Xo person shall erect oi- j)lace upon any street, painted and tree I'o^d oj' jiiohwav witliiii tlic Cltv aiiv t(deles to b« removed. Poles not to Ix; erected unless ments. Poles to be erected, removed ei-ected or whicdi may hereaftei- he erected within the lnb;T.?'r'"!, Citv and which in the oi)inion of Conunittee Nuniher sviOjcct lo the •' I direction ot '[\y^^ ,„. ^lic Citv l^Uiiinecr ohstruct the hiyhwav or are dai j)iiirelic sliall !)(' rcinovcMl or jv- ^■'""'^'■.t^'' piiircd as tlic said ( oiimiitti'i' or l'.,ii<;iiu'i'r may '''"«'"'^'=''- direct. -,{\. No |)('rs(.n sliall post, nail or attach an y ''j^^^Xmc.,.. iMistcr, (lod.ucr, liandliill, notice or advertisement on iiiiy telegraph, tele|>lione, electric li^ht, oi- other j)()les within the City, or on any house or huildinj; unless with the consent of the ownei' of such house or liuililini;' ; oi' |)aint, print or impress any notice or advei'tiscnient on any sidewalk in the City. f)!. It shall he the duty of all olhcers, servants. ^^f^l^-;;;;;;^^,,,^, workmen and aj^rnts of the Corporation, to >;'ive all-Jf,;'^"i',,^^'*f^,,^_ possihie aid and assistance in their power to the City Kn;^in''ei' and Street Conuuissioner in carrying out the provisions of this j>ydaw. IM^XALTN'. .VJ. Anv perso)i convichMl of a hreach of anv of''''"a't>- the provisions of this l>ydaw, shall forfeit and pay at tlu'(liscretion of the convictinjj, magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of fd"ty dollars tor each ()f[enc(i exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said jx'nalty and costs forthwith, the said jxMialty anrli JamiMrv. is si(h'walk nearest the eai'i'iani'way, and also within the limits of any part of such streets, wliieli. under the ])rovisi()ns of this Hy-Iaw, may he used for the purpose of foi-min*^' a Itonlevard : bnt iiotliiii^ liciviii .vrtainkimis otfoiitained shall l)e taken \n authorize tlie plantini: of >i'"tcj. tile trees Unown as the sihcr poplar, halm of iiih^ad, or cotton tree, or the willow, and the planting' thcivof in any such streets is hercdty proliihited. "rhnliM."''' *-• ''^''^^ there sliall l>e paid out of the Municipal cvrtain kimis oi fuuds of thc City i\ houus oi' jji'i'miuui of twenty-tivc cents for each and every ash. hasswood, heeidi, hircli. Imtternut, cedar, cherry, (diestnut, elm, hickory, nia])h'. oak, pine, sassafras, spruce, walnut or whitewdod tree wdiich shall, under the provisions of " The On- tario Tree INantin^^ Act, IbS.j," he planted on any lii'diwav in tlie said Citv. Bonus to bo 3. That such bonus or nremium sliall he naid paid upon i i • !• i r ) adophonofin- upoii tlic adoptioii OI tlic 1 iispector s rcport, as [iio- "vided for hy section six of the said Act, provided tlio . said trees have been planted in accordan e with t\w provisions of this By-law. n < 4. rh the said :.. 1 and -JO ') under di any tire except in; ivsolnti( ■• I mission tire, sill pnhlie p (ttlier ('i)i •ind Nvlifi jairpese shrul) or niontirs 1 adjoining troiihle ii s. Tr distance sut'li dist tor of T Coniinitt 1). Tr tires (lea over the ahle slial advisahk 10. > to a tree cnou,L;li t rail incic 11. 1 rtU)' pul)] 100 /ards. il (.r the <>il()\vs : r sci ()i!t itliiii the (' ('(ln'(. ,,f so uitliiii 'li, under I tor the 1^' IwMviii mfiii^' of >f .yilcad. 'j; tlicrcof I'Uty-tivi' I. I>iivli. ^ . niiiplc. itcwdod riic oii- t»ii anv l)(' paid 'IS pio- (h'd the itli tliL" 4. TIh' Ciry tn^nneei' slmll bo the Ins])ector of Xn'cs \vlii( 1j sIimU he planted mulcr tlic ptovisions of tlic said Act. Tliiit till' provisions of Sections 1, 10, 1.'). \^p Cttv En({in««r to hi' liispfcfor of Treeit riu iMi>n'« o ( thiply to all trees j)laiitc(l'^pw nndei' the provisions of the said Act. ♦) No pei'son shall break, injnr(», di;^!!]) or destroy '>"•> '"" •» >>« iliijf up, I'U*., anv tree idantemniittcc. 7. I lie Inspector of I rees, upon the e \ press per- 'n''p«^«'"-m.iy . ,. I > I • • 1 / . -1 roiiioM' tries by nnssion ol th(> AJimicipal ( oiincd, niav remove any •^"t|''"•ify ot tree, sluul) or saj)lin,u' i^i'owin;^' or j)lante(l on any [inMic |)lace, s(piare, highway, street, lane, alley or other coiimuniicalion wiihiu the limits of the C-ity, if •ind when suidi removal shall he neees.sary for any j>ni|K)se of pultlic improveuK'iit : but no such tree, shrult or sapliii'i' shall be so I'cmoved until after one ^'p"" ""'-"""'• month's notice thereof is ^iven to the owner of the"'''^>''"'">f adjoiiiiii.u' pi'operty, and he is recomjx'nsed tor his trotiMe ill plant in;^ and ])r()tectin,ii' the same. H. Trees ])lante(l u|)on sti'eets shall be placed at a T ••«'* *" '^" distance of not less than ei<4hteen fe(;t apart, and at'^^'^^'-'P'"'*- such distance from the line of the street as the Inspec- tor of Trees, under the direction of Number Two CoiiiiiiittiHN may direct. Jl. Tre(>s iiiterferin;.;- with the li.^ht ()f street lanips, T;^-';^;;':;;^^^^^^ trees dead or partly dead, and such as are leaning |:^'^;';;;;^'>'''" over the streets oi" are from any other cause ol)jection- ahle shall l,)e tiimmed or removed as may V)e deemed advisable by (\tmmi*'ee Xmnber Two of the Council. 10. No iHM'son shall fasten a h(a\se ()r ()tluM' aninial "';-f",.;;;.dt^;, to a tree or to a case ov box around a tree or near "'-■''''• onoiiLih 1 hereto to injure same, or to a post, chain or . rail inclosing the boulevards on the streets. (.ONSTRUCTION Oh' BOULEVARDS 11. The owiKM' or occupiei' of any lot al>ntting on .S"|:;i,",^'?,y "hJ'^ any piil)lic street within the City may (having Hrstt^'.^tvards. I v: -J •■*■■; .■=» 110 t ! «r oMaiiied the permission, in writing-, of Coiiimittoo Xv.nilxM- Two or the City Kn^ineei')eneloso witli a rail- ing- of wood oi- iron, not exceedino' two hv\ six iiidu's in hei<;iit. the street opposite to l)ish)t to tlu^ ied by the sidewalk. and the spa'" so s''t apart is herein called, and shall Boulevards not' }j(, knowiias " a 1 )ou Icva rd : " pi'ovidiMl alwavs. that to bo con- 1 . . V wni clrriin''-'"c;,on, ^^^ sui'li ho'.iifvard sludl he const )'uc't(Ml or p(>riiiitti'(l on Dnndjis Street west of \Vellii._L;ton Street, or on Richmond Street noith of IVathui'st Street or south of IMccadilly Street, oi' on any stnu't or part of a street where, in the indiinuMit of ("ommittee Nunihei'Two or tiie (Mty Kn^iiine(M', the niakinu ol" the saiiKMvill inconvenience the travellin«i' })nl)lic- or 1h> otherwise disadvanta|L;'e(>ns. teTfrom 1 -^ ( 'onnnittee \nnd)er Two or the Cit ; Ki,<;ineer, [■"cii'to ■'"""" hefoi'c ,u'i-antin<;' sneh permission, sh.all take from the ])erson to whom the same shall he jj,iven an agreement in wr'tini^' to sod ov sow with ;j,rass and clover seed or ii'i'ass the poi'tion of the sti'cet as to which such permission shall he granted, and to keej) the railiui;. sod, and ,i;'rass thereon in j^ood ordei" and I'cjtair, and not to permit noxious weeds or thistles to p-ow therein ; and it shall he lawful foi- such })ersont(»sod or sow the same accord in^^^Iy, and in Hie event of failnre to pei-foi-m the conditions of such aj^i'eeiaent th(> jiermission granted to him may l)e revoked and put an end to hy the said C'onnnittee or En^^ineer. V.]. No peisor. shall break, injni'e, di^' up, remove or destroy any ti'iM' lawfully planted or ^rowini; iuanv of the ])ul)lic strcM'ts oi' the (Mly unnimittoe 'til a rail- 'ix iiidu's 'listaiice II twenty \ -six feet H'lv such I'oiii the xtvpt so i'lcwalk, iiul shall a.vs. that HM'iiiitted I't, or on <>i" south 'f'asti'eet 1 1 XT Two v'liiie will •tlicrwise l^ii.uineer, troni the LiTccnient vor seed licli such (' railing. } tail', and to '^I'UW oil to sod ovent of i'i'(MMiient »k('(l and iiu'cr. , I'ciuove ii^^iiiimy luthority (yity, or , or the fence or railing? surrounding the same, or any box, stake or otlior guard \vlii(;li is |)lanted around or near to any such tree for tlie |)uri)ose of proteeting the same, or ri'"' s-'^"'*''- Two or the City iLiigineer for the removal of any such tree for the pui'pose of rej)laeiiig the same by another or for any other jiurpose which the said Committee or Knuineer deems proj)er. 14. Kverv boulevai'd which has been heretoforeS""'^''*'"^''*'- ready made may iiiaile iiiiiy i)e lawfully continued, provided authority ''e'^^"''""'-"'^- for that [)nrpose is olttained from Committee Number Two or the Citv Knuiiieer. 15. Shade trees shall not be planted or boulevards sh.ide or oma- , . , , , . /. ... •II '"t'nt'i' tree* not 1)0 made 111 the imhiic streets of one chain in widtlit'>i«^. pia"'ed in •<- 4^ 1 -1 r 1-1 -1 '^'^^'■tam cases. or less, opposite to biuidiiiiis whicii are occui)ied otherwise than as dwelling houses without the per- mission of the owner oi- occupier of the building, but shade trei-s planted and boulevards made while lands are not built upon or the buililings thereon are occu- pied as dwelling houses may l)e continued, notwith- standing that buildings occupic*! otherwise than as dwelling houses may Ite aftciwai'ds erected thereon, or that the buildings thereon may be afterwards occu- pied otherwise than as dwcdling houses. K). No person shall i)ut, pile, idace or kec]) in or I'licinR lumber. 111)011 auv itoulcvard within the ( itv, anv lumber, ^•'■•''M^rohibit. huilding material or other thing whatsoever other than a fence or I'ailing therefor, shade ti'ces and sod or grass, l)uilt. j)lante(!, sown (»• placed there in ac- cordance with the i)rovisions of this Hy law. 17. No person shall use anv l)oulevard within the Horses, or other / ,. ,1 I ., '. I animals, not I itv t(tr the purpose ot iiasturing anv iiorse, cow or permitted to be H' . , , ' , ' 1 1 1 1 , I . in or on boule- ler animal thereon and no person shall lead, drivcv.irds. 01' place any, cow (U' other animal l.i or upon iuiv such l)oulevard or peiniit anv horsd, cow or other r 1 / Roadwny may bo iii.uli- airuss boulevards. AftiT iu>tico Bri\cn to the 112 animal owned by him or beiu^ in his j^osscssion or iukUt his control to ^^o or be therein or thereon. 1^. The pi'ovisions ol' Section 10 of l'>y-la^v Nnniber 7()0 shall ai)i)ly to anythiuj; [Hit, jmUmI. plaml or kept in or npon any bonlevard within tlie City contrary to the provisions of this liy-law. 19. Nothin*;- in this Hy-law contained shall pie- vent the owner or occnjner of anv lot abuttiiin on any ])ublic street within the (^ity f»'oni niakiiin' any necessary i-oadway to his lot across tie bonlevard op- ])<)site to it, or fi-oni roMovin*^ any tree ^I'owin^ upon that part of the street or bonlevard reqnired to he used for niakin*^^ snch roadway, bnt no such removal shall take place until af'tei" the ex[>irati(>n of twenty- four honi's from the deliverv of a written notice of the given to the . . i ' <• i i cityEnrnccr. nitcntiou to rcuiovc the same tor llic purpose afore- said, shall have been left at the ollice of the City En- ^■ineer, in which notice shall be speciHe(l the name of the person desii'inj;' to I'cmove such tn'c, the numher of the house or lot o})posite to, and the sii'cet in which such tree is situate. 20. The ownei" and occu})ier of any lot oi- parcel of land within the ( 'ity op|)osite to which any tree is j)lant"ss that ten feet above the sidewalk. City i:„Kiiuer Of. [t sliall bc tlic (lutv of tlic ("itv i\n: t.- shniK- , ~ 1 . trees ami i'<»>i^- hiw relatm*; to shade trees ; nd boulevards are carried vardsare ~ out. PI<:\ALTV. 2*2. Any piMson convicte(l of a breach of any of the provisions of this liy-law, .shall forfeit iind pay at the discretion of the eonvictinu magistrate, a penalty Mot exeeedini^' the sum of fifty dollars for each otlencc exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said ]>enalty and c(»sts forthwith, the said penalty and Projecting br inches of trees to be trimmed. carried out. Penallv. costs, or and sale ease of t siii'li p '1 may coi County for any the said t — 113 ('ssion or •eon. '•I. placed tlie City iliall pre- ittinu' 0,1 kino- any Aai'd (»j)- "'i;' upon ' \ r •mi neer for diis Hy- ' carried P any of 111(1 pay penalty I offence t of the idty and T f,\ 114 ll'^fi BY-LAW No. 762. 4:: Appointment of pound-kc-epers. R. S. O. Cap. To provide for the appointment of Pound- keepers, and to regulate pounds. Passki) Otli January, 1893. BE IT enacted bv tlie Munit'i))al (.'ouneil of the C()i'})oration of tlio ('ity of London as follows: 1. The (.'onncil shall from tiinc^ to time, as occa- sion shall refjuire, a|){)oint responsible persons to serve in tlie otHce of Pound-keeper, one for eacli of the pounds hereinafter estabiislurd who shall iiold their offices dui'inj;' the pleasui'e of the Council. •J. The p?'ovisions of Chapter '215 of the Revised Staiv'tes of Ontario, IHsiJ, (Mititled " An Act Respect- ing Pounds" shall be in force in this City. 3. No person shall suner or j)ermit any swine, , <;oat or ram, of which he shall he the Swinc, st.illions bulls, tjoats .ind , , . • rams, not to nin StalllOU, l)Ul ,-it l.irpc within i ■ i i 1 1 i • i • • i thcCity. owner or which siiall be ni his ])ossessi()n or custody or under his control, to run at larsic within the (.'itv. Hitscs, horniJ ori>tlK'r c.ittli'. slu'cp, geese or ducks not to run Ht lurtfc in the City. 4. No ])er.son shall suffer or permit any horse. horned or other cattle, j^'oiit, sheep, <^eese oi- ducks of which he shall be the owner or which shall be in his possession or undei- his control, to iiin at laij^e with- in the City unless the .same are in the care and uiulei the immediate charge of some person capable of con- trolling them. POUNDS. ;'). There shall be three public Pounds established in the City. (1.) On the space b(>tweacli I'ound-keeperP"""'}'*"'"'''* ,. I'll i» i> 111 til make I'll tni's with a book, m wlueli the round-Kee|)er shall enter i^*^ ■'"'■"•;'« ' . . .. ... 1 1 1 1 • inipouiuicd, tlicdcsciiption of evei'y animal im))oun.">p.«-'-''^'",'"?y '. . , . ■ , . * •I'll uistr.iiii and de- montioiUMl u\ Sections IJ and 4 of this J^v-laAv'ivoru.ivund- ; kivper animals found rimmnu at larj^c contrary to the provisions '•'"'""•k thereof, and deliyer the same to any of the IN )und- "="•>• ue, shall oc liable according to law or'ramed. accoi'ding to this Hy law, there shall be ])ayable in respect of eacdi animal named in Section 3, dis- trained under the authority of this Hydaw, the .sum of one dollar, and the .same shall be paid I)y the owner I \ vrz ,.»■•• •■■' Owner or pi s. SL'ssor of aniiiMl of the animal or other person in whose possession or custody or under whose control the animal nm hey or in case the animal shall he sold hy the Pound- keeper, be payable out of the proceeds of tlic sale, after })ayment of the fees and expenses and the damages, if any ; and there shall be payable iu lik(. manner and from the same source, in rcs[)C(l of each of the animals mentioned in Section 4, distrained under the authority of this F>y-Iaw, except ^eeso or due's the sum of fifty cents, ;nid in resp(>et of each goose or duck the sum of ten cents, and the said sums shall be respectively payable to the ])erson distrainiu" the animal in respect of which the same shall l)c payable. 9. The ownei- of oi' person havinction '.) of this l>y-la\v, shall be liable for anv danjai*!' done bv such animal n I. although the fence cMiclosjug the ])remis(\s in or to which the damage may be (lone be not of the lieiLiht re(iuired by law or the J^ydjiws of this municiitality. RESCUING ANIMALS. 10. No person, shall rescue or re-tak(\ oratteui})t to rescue or re-take, from the person in whose custody the same shall be, any animal distrained or impound- ed under the })rovisions of this By-law. FEES AND PENALTIES. 11. The compensation to \)c allowed the Poinid- keeper for services rendered by him in carrying out the provisions of this By-law rtdatingto Poiuuls and Found-keepers .shall be as follows : Inir impounding bulls and stallions, one yeai" old and over, each !?l f)0 For impounding boars, rams and horses and horned or other cattle, over two years old, each Ml Animals not to be rescuid or retaken. Fees of Pound keepers. For For im e; For For ini For For iin For For 1)0 Xoratti aj) For evi For aib I -J. Found For hoi n 117 iiiial ninv ^' lN»un(|- rlit> salt', and the 't' in liki. '■' "feacli ist rained ^('('Sl' (,|. t of eacli •s'n'd sunis isti'aiiiiiiu >iliall 1),' IS posses- iH'iitioiu'd •'son hav- i\ of the iiy-law, li animal in or to H' li('i_nlit licipality. I'attiMiipt ■'('Mstody inpouiul- ' l^)nnd- yin^- out lids and . .-^l 00 .>0 For feeding Hiuna j)er day, each For inipoiiiKling cnttle iiTider two years old, each For feeding same per day, each For inil)()iindiug slieep. goats, and swnie, each Foi' feeding same per day, eaeli Foi' inijxiniKhng geese or (hick s, eaeli For fiH'ding same per day, eaeli For posting notice ( )f sal( Xorattendiiig for snniinonsand serving same on i|)|)raisers of damages For everv sale of distress 20 10 10 02 .■)() :)0 For advertising actual dislmrsements 12. The (piantity of food to he fiirnisiit'd by tlie I'ound-ki'cjXM' sliall he as follows : P'or horses and horned or othcM' cattle (except cattle J^, ^iiantity ot food o bo furnished nnder two yi>ars old) each per < lay -sixteen [;yf^];j;!f,;f;^P" ponnds of liay pounded. Cattle nnder two years ohl, each i)er day — t{Mi pounds of hay. Sheep, each per day two and a iialf j)Ounds of hay. Swine and goats, each per day — one <|uart of peas or corn. or ducks, i^ach pel' day — one-half pint of peas or corn. ( e.s( And such food .sliall !)(> of a goo<1 an(lwh()le.s()iiiernd''w?K!iosomJ^ 'ri|)tion. And also so much water as the said animals may Wator also to be furnished. i'e(|nire to drinl\ 115. It .shall he the dutv of the F»olice Constables !:"K;:"- of the City to cause all animals found running atFo^^/dnmS laiii'e eontrarv to the i)rovisions of this I^vdaw to ))e"*'"''s^'- iirponnded. and to prosi; 'ute all })ersons otfending aji'iii;»st any of the provisions of this By-law. PKNALTV. 14. Anv ixMson convicted of a breach of anv of^""*"^- the pro\isioiis of this P>y law. shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate, a penalty 1' 1 > ■ ' > •■ ■••• 1 H 'Mi ... -j„ L:0 I i« 118 not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each offona; exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty an(' "nst- ' I'tl with, the saic' penally and costs, or l"i<: cost,-. aiHN,ritay he levied hv distress and sale of u()0''s an-l < h.tttels of the offendei- liuidin case of thei'e l)einjx ii ,i di ' "ss found out of wjiidi such penalty can he levied, th;* eonvictin;^- Mauistiatc may connnit the otfend(M' to the Conunon (ioal of tlic County of Middlesex, with oi- without hard lalioi; for any })eriod not exceeding twenty-one days, unless the said penalty and costs he sooner [)aid. € o. It9 BY-LAW No. 763. To Regulate Fences and to Provide for Naming Streets and Numbering Houses. Passed 9tli January, 1893. BE IT cnac'tod by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of London as follows: FKNCKS. 1. The City Knls to be numbered. NUMRKRING HOUSKS AND LOTS. 6. Every liouso or lot fVontiim or almttim oiianv street or liij^lnvay witliiii tlie City sliall lie numhm'il us (liiectey the City I'-uniiicer, in ])lain an be uHixei! .11 of fi(jiires to 1h' UNud. Expense of numbering. When to bt' piiid. House num- bercrs not to be obstructed. 11 is not n(»\v numbered or whieh may be Iutu- after ereeted within the City. 9. The expense incident t(» the mimberinn" (»f' each house or lot shall not, including; tlu' cost of allixinji the number, exceed tlie sum of twenty cents, and the occupant, or in case of his default 1 he owner, of every such house or lot shall be chai'i^'ed with such exjUMisc and shall ])ay the same to th(> house numbei'ei- with- in twenty-four hours after })erformance of the work and a ])ersonal demand of })ayment. 10. NO person shall obstruct the house nmnlH'icr in the performance of his duties or prevent him from performin ^ ^• ' i • i i • i 1 churches, etc. anycluircli or place of public worship, ])ublic scliool, or any ]>ublic luiildino' beloiiLiinj^- to the Crown, or to tlie Corporation of tlie City of London, or the (k)r- poratiou h)t, or •< a livt'iv 14. vent aiiv other ere hcred, fV such o\N such fi^i scribed nnniher 10. . the pro\ atthedi^ net exec exclu.sivc said pen costs, oi and sale case of t .such pell may con t'ounty for any | the said 121 |K)1 atioii of the Toiinty of Middlosox, or any vacant M on any iiiiihci'cll '>I>i)()nit K' lioiiso foresaid, crihethe illCCI'. ill II Icilntli, ■st storv • 'rci'fioii !)(' licif- ;■ of each iilHxiiif,' and the of ovcrv oxjUMise T witli- U' AVork llllllHTCr ini fioiii :M'at(' or y lioiist', iIkm's to of the )ii shall lot or lot upon wliich only a slicd or l)arn (otlicr tlian a livcrv stal)l(') is crt'ctcMl, 14. Xotliin^Mn tin's By-law contained sliall l)rc'-.V;;;;pTcTmny vent any owner or occnpiei- of any lionse, hnildin;^' ()ri;||;,';/,if;;'^;;'^'''' other ereetion, re(inired I.y tliis iiy-hiw to he nnin-,3;[.';l;;^;;,. hered, from ninnl)eiinj;' the same witli sncli fi^ni'es as;;;;-X';r such owner or ocenpant sliall see tit, provided that such ti^^nres ai"e not of less size tlian the fij^nres pre- scriluMl hy this liydaw, and i'ej)resent the proper ininilxM' of such hons(\ hnildin^' or other erection. PKNAI/rV. 10. Any person convicted of a breach of any ()f'''^"'i'>- the jirovisions of this lly-lan, shall foifi'it and j)ay at thediserctioii (»f the convictiiiijj niai^istrate.a |)enalty not exceedin|4 the snm of lifty dollars for each offence exclusive of costs, and in defanlt of payment of the said j)enalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and t'osts, oi- the costs onlv, niav he levied hv distress and sale of^oodsand chattels of the oti'ender ; and in cast'of their hein;.;' net disti-ess found ont of which such penalty can he levied, the convictin<;' Magistrate may coniniit the ofhMidei' to the Common (Joal of the County of Middlesex, with or withont hard lahor, for any period not exceeding twenty-one days, nnless the said penalty and costs he sooner i)aid. i: -: I hers to ' school, 1, or to le (!()]•- 122 1 BY-LAW No. 764. To provide for Assessing Lawns, and Re. gulating the use of Parks, Squares and Gardens. B .\s!ii's>>nu'nt >'t launK. Passed t»tli Jami.iiv, Is'is. \\ \'\ oiiiU'tcd ]>y tlu' Municipal Coiiiuil of tlie C'()rj)i)ijiti()ii of till' ('ity of Loii(l»)ii as follows: ASSKSSINc; LAWNS. 1. (Irouiid within the City of London used as a paddock, ))ai"k, lawn, or pleasure ground shall he as.sesse(l like othei' jirinuid. No. aCiiminittii to I' ili.iri,' PARKS, SgUARKS AND GARDKNS. ± Committee Niunber Two sha'! have the c lU'O siiuarf> and irariiens .tpuhiK parks, and custody of Victoria Laik and all other nuhlic parks. s(|uai'es and ;4ar(lens witlnn the City, oi' he- longing to the Corporation, sul>ject to all such By- laws as may from time to time be ])assed hy the Council ; hut no moneys shall be expended themm excei)t such as shall be appropriated by the Council for that purpose. 3. It shall l)e lawful for any police officer, con- cxcVudJ'irom stablc, carctakcr, or other pers(»n duly authoriziMl hv thf public parks, , •!/( 'i.. I i.l\I ' lil' tlic said Couunittee oi- by the Mayor or any ol the Kardi'iisdrimki;; » i i £• . i /I'i ^ ^ i i /•' ^i '-iiii filthy persons Aldemieu OI the City, to exclude from the said 1 iirk or any of the pu])lic parks, .sijuares or gardens \yith- in the City, all drunken or tiltliy persons yagi'ant.s, prostitutes and notoriously bad characters, and to re- move therefrom any j)ers()ii who is violating any By- law of the Council or regulation for the care and maintenance of the said Park or any of the public Pollcf officiTS etc., ma\ or etc parks. .s( mittiii^' (liK't thci 4. N other Mill or tlintUL s(|iiai'es t the roath erate fat persons .). N' of the sa orli(! parks, siiiiiuc's or gardens williin the City, elsewhere tliaii on the roads set apart as carriai^c (hives, or at an ininiod- cmtc rate, or so as to interfere with or endanger otlier persons frequenting' tlie same. .). No |)erson sliall walk on the j^rass and sward of the said Paik or any of the |>ul>lie parks, s(|uares or cardens within the City, unless where perinission is Mvon to do so 1)V or under the authoritv of the said Ori^iiiK or nilin^T i'l">i?whcrc ili;in I Ml ni.'ulH ••(•I apart as larriaKf ilrivr* i-r a I an im mnili'ratr rati' prdliililtiil. r ( oinniittee. e public (). No [HMson sliall hri'ak or iiijurt* any of the <,'ates, loeks. holts or fences of, or any of the seats or htMiches for the aeeonunodation of the |)ul)lie, or any otlier City jn-operty contained in the said Park or in any of the public })arks, s(|uares oi* <^^ar(lens within the City. 7. No person shall cliinl), hreak, pi'cl, cut, detace, injure or destroy, oi' without the perinission of the said Coniniittee, remove any of the trees oi- shruhs, flowers, roots oi- j^rass jjfnivviu;^ or heiiijj: in the said Park or in any of the jnil»li< i)arks, s(|uare!- or {gar- dens within the Citv. • 8. No person Vhmiij; tlie own(M' or keo])or, or hav- ing the care, custody oi'coutrol of any horse, mule, fjoat, (loi^-, cattle, swine or ^-eese, shall sutt'er or per- mit the same to ^o at lar^e in or to enter the said Park or any of the jmhlic parks, s(|uares or j^ardiMis within the City, or to do any daina;4*e therein or thereto. 0. No ])erson shall play at foot-hall, or throw stones, or play at any panics within the said Park or any of the public parks, S(iuares or ^arden.s within the City, without the permission of the Council. l-irass anj suaril I ml in Ik" ualki'il i>n I'Xivpl where piTinission i* i;i\fn. |{rt*.' -It l.irj,'i' in or ont<»r piitilif p.irks, Mliiaros niul K.irilfns. Pl.ivirifj K.-imes profiibited. 1 :;; J 124 iC c 'p Parks not to In- I (). Xo pei'soii sluill iiiake use of tlie said Park thorouKhfnrcs jtny of tho ])ul)lic' ])ai'lr chatt(>ls, hut notliin;^' in this Section contaiiu'd shall aj)|)ly to vehicles containing' material tor use in the sai (\)uncil in all cases in which ])ermanent chanp's, re])airs or improvements are 1)0- in<^^ made in tiie walks, drives or buildings in the said Park. (3) To see that the ])rovisions of this Hy-law aro enforced. QUEEN'S PARK. 14. None of the building's of the Corp /lation in Queen's Park shall be used excejH for oxhibition ])ni poses witlumt the express sanction of the Council on the report of Committee Xumber i wo. lo. \o smokinjj: shall be })ermitted under any circumstances iu any of the said buildings. i1I'|)()S(' of \("ity t,. '»*l witliiu llicCity at any j)laci' hut the Wood mcasurea^^^^^^^ -Market. oi- until the soiik^ shall liave heen inspected ^:^ion'L''ro '^"'J nieasured. and the fecvs i)rescril)od l)y this By daw ^wKld-yaX"^"^^'*^'*' l><'*''i pidd thereon ; hut notl.lnix herein contained shall ])revent the owncM' or ke(^pei- of a wood-yard, who shall pa\ the fees prescrihed hy Section S of this Bydaw. from sellin^i cordwood at and delivering it from his wuud-v.ird. Cordwood Includos .'ill Wood m.irkel continued. Clerk ol Wood .Market to he appoinliKl. within til to the \\| tlu've. 7. N1 |)urchas(l het'ore tl| shall hi' i'aniilv, al 8. A of a Nv other th; inspect e< shall l.'c so nieasi jKnclnisi e<'nts pc which si is tlMl CO tiu.ial cr 1). N u}) the CI 1ml a s|] teams t( sidewall 10. vehicles horses, on the make a languai. sidewal 11. Markel in sueli 127 Sale of •11 ..f tho '••llows : lilt' word \V()(>(| f',„. I »>ii tln' op Stivi't Ik' Wood !■ f" take •ailed the ititlod to ^ sc'rvico.s \vo(j(| on iK't pur- thc City I for the ot to 1)0 ilv c'oni- w Wood nsuccted s I)V-la\v ontained >()(l-yard, ion S of L'livoi'ing 6. No porsoii shall within tluvC'ity buy oil)ar<;-ain for conhvood l)y the way as it coiiios to the VV^xkI Market to l»e sold hefore it is l)r(K?«^ht thei'e for the Forestalllnir cordwood. imrpose o f re-s(dliii';' the same, and no ueison shal thin the City sell eordwood hy the way as it come . ; II. ■{■■li -I. 'jjiWq wunni rlie *. ny sen eoniwoou oy me way as nonies to the Wood Market to he sold befoi^e it is brought there. 7 Xo huckster or n!"ncr s'nall bari^ain foi- orPurch-xscor ,, iiiircliase eordwood brought to the ( itv tor saiei"";ksiirsor „! iicfore thi^ee oeloelv ni the attei'noon, except such as. j^,^„,;., shall he intende(l for eonsumption l>y himscdf or his family, and not to be re-sold. S. All cordwood sold 1)V the ownei' oi^ keei)ei'Cord«oodsoid , , 'I' i^/c I hy owners or of a wood-yard withni the (. ity, at any place '*"i?">'"<»^">J- otlier tlian the VVood Market, shall be measured and!"«"*"'-i'J""d by the Cler.k of the Wood Markt^t, and j^^ '""'''^ "^ • shall I.'C the duty of the scdler thereof to cause it to be, so iiieasm^ed and inspected bii'ore it is didivered to tlui pnreliaser, and to j)a\ to the .said <'lerk a fee of five ivcstoi)cpni«j. , t(>nts per cor i"-- i^'ocUud up, teams to pass (>ach other shall be left cdear. and the sidewalks shall not be encumbered in any way. 10. IVrsons in charge oi" horses, wagons or other ^,J;;';:^;"';j" vehicles, in the Wood Market, shall not leave th(Mrl';;',^;;;';{^-ji; horses, wagons or othei^ vehit'k's, or assemble togetluM':;^^;:';*\;,°\'^ "',';, on the sidewalks, or wantonly snap their whips, or ^;.'-^'i'i;'-^;;;;.;*''''^'' make a noise, or maki' use of obscene (W blasj)luMnous language, or aiuioy or insult j)ei^sons [)assing on the sidewalks or throuyh the mai^ket. ~ Wajfonstobe 11. Every person bringiiig(^()r(lw()()(l ti) the W^jcxlj]!',';'^'';^^^^^^^^ 'f Market for sale shrdl place his wagon or other vehicle*-'"'' '■ (' I I'll, •nid 1 /ood ,il to not li'ij. Lii I'T ni sni h pi ace ai id ordc!^ as the Clerk of the W^oud 128 Mai'kot sliall direct, and in case of refusal so to d the Clei'k niav enforces its removal, l)ut ni caiTviii" Persons not to doparl from placo assi(<;ncurchaser of coi'dwood ex- j)osi I i'ltr .sale or sold oi- dcdivered within the City, .see tiw'.! ■! ' s;u.>^^ is prop rly pa(dI.all Cv.Kse the sidler lo re-pa(d< or re- oiif thi- .sa'ne, and if he refuses to t]ie ftillowing fees, to be paid by the seller, for >('' «!"iuii' : 120 •^<> to (1,) caiTvinjr »<^*(' what- '^<»n shall •^' Ih' has H' Wood »<>s('(l for ■>*, that is KMvhaiit- 111 1 l)lack u'lchant- ; "Third Msswood, til class" ic wood, )0(ls not !IH(1 (.'on- [ feet of wheiviii itiiiii the toiu, that : ()!• box Midicular nil with- ti (»f rack ill. wiicn vood t'x- ( 'ity, see I. and if 'k (tr re- all him- I he en- r seller, ly- s tu Forre-packin^M)!' repilin;^' ten t'oids and under, ton tv-cs therefor. cents jxM'cord ; and oii-lit cents {'or each additional cord: Jnxi every fractional pait of a cord shall he paid for a8 a full cord. Id No crooked wood sliall he nacke(l or piled <-'^^"'''';''"j?-''' with eordwood, hut the same shall he packed or piled "■""^'"■J"^"^"* se})anitely, the ('lerk niakin;^' an allowance for such crooked wood. 17 The Clei'k of tlic Wood Market shall upon^''''^'*''"^'' ' ' ..11. Hunt lit Ictv - navnu'Ut articulars on such ,^„^, „,^^^ p^^. wairoii or vehicle and he shall also enti>r the said par- '''""'•'';''''" k-,. ticnlars tou'cther with thi' tiames of tlKM'esnri't iv' •'''^'v?\"':"n'''" * I 'ill rite uitirs ill tx owners or vi'udoi's of such coi'dwood in a hook to be''''"''- kejjt hv him for that pui'pose. IS. Kverv nei'son in chariic of eordwood exposed '>'''*'^'"*'" , , '. , . 1111 • 1 charge of cord- for sale within the Citv shall when rcMiuired so to do»"^'J'"P'-''''"C'= . 1 ^ , ivrtihcitf and exhihit to anv person purchasinu' or od'ei'in^' to pur-^Mivoru u.pur chase the .same the certitieate of measurement and iiisp(H'tioii thereof and the marks upon the waj^'on or other V(diicle made l>y the ( "lerk ol' the Wood Market as aforesaid, and shall also when the |)urchase has been com|deted deliver such eertilicate to the pur- chaser. 19. No person shall falsif\ or altt>r the niai'k.s^''"''^''"'V , I . wagons not to made upon his waii'oii or other vehicle l>v the Clerk 'r'-''^;'"""^-'"' of the Wood Market as aforesaid, or deface the sanie'''''''''Vv''" 'T" tents di'livcri'd. until the contents of such wauon or other vehicle have heen delivered. 20. Kvei'V load of eordwood hrouiiht to the W^)0(i ^^l'^'",'-"'"'^';"'^ . ~ to bo decnii-J to Market, and tlieri* kept for tlu^ space of ten niinut(\s''7''''"^""'" I I :.alc. shall, whethei' actually oflereil for sale or not, he (leeine I ■J J .£:KA3U>t4i'oiij;lit and I'ciiiainin^' at tlic said Market as aforesaid. i>P!. to bo I nid 21. Kvcrv pcison, excei)t the ownci- oi- keener of bv piTsonso her , i' n- • i i ,. ( a wood-yard selling' or cxposuin' cordwood toi sale within the City shall j>ay to the ( Meik of the W'oimI Market the tollowint;' fees : Koi- each load drawn l>y two oi- more animals,.'* cents V\)V each load diawn l»y a single animal or otiierwise than l>y two or more animals. . :! cents And nj)on j)ayment of tlie p!"o])er fees such ix-rson shall he eiititle(l to liavc his coi'dwo'xl ins])eete(l and measnred and to I'cccive the ccititicate hereinheloir mentioned. Kc-r, tor inspect- 22. Tlic ( Mcrk of tlic W'ood Niarket shall lie inj,'. nuasiirini,' .11 1 1 1 • 1 !• 11 • ,. ,. .nndivrtiiyintf (Mititlcd to dcmand and receive the tollowniu tees tor and quality ot msi x'ct iiiji', mcasiirm'i' and certifvnm the (iiiaiititv cordwood. I 1 • |. i 1 • "i i ' and ([nality of cordwood nis|)ected and measnred liy him, that is to say : For ten coids and nnder ."> cents pci' coid For ea(di iidditional ccti'd :) cents And every fractional i)art of a cord shall be paid i'ui as a full cord. MKASURIXC. LIMK Measuring uf linu-. Measure to he provided hy 28. Kvery person stdliuj; or exposing' for sale linu' within the City shadi provid(3 himscdf witli a measure duly stami)e(l Ity the Inspecloi- of Wcd^hls and f|^;'^^;7„'a"'^,^^ Measures, or otlici- proj>er ollicer, whi(di measinv cnceto'n^Jisur'J'^li'ill ^"' constructcd •'^'^'^ ■ '^^ ^1>^' hottOni OH tliC illsldc t llC (lia lUCt (T contrary. thorcof sliall 1 H' oiic foot aiid si X iiudu's. and at tlic top on the inside the diameter thereof shall he one foot and ten iiudics, and whi(di said measure shall contain two Winchester bushels, heajjed measure, and all .Hold hy nnlc"^'^ tliorcot 'iH)r"i !| I tsi and all lim(^ horoafYor sold within tho City shall bp sold hv and nicasnivd with snch moasnro as aforesaid, less Cxprcssly dis])(Mis(Ml with at tho tiincof sale nil tjipivofliy l)(»th l)uy(M' and seller Fi-:N.\i/rv 24 \)iy person eon viewed of a breach of any of'vnai*-. the {)n)visi(»ns; of this l>y-law. shall f(»rfeit and pay at tliediserction of the eonvietin^ nia^isti'at(\ a pcMialty not ('xeeedin;^' tlu^ snni of fifty (h)IIai\s for (Nieh ofienec* exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of tlie saifl jHMialty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs, (ir the costs only, may be levied bv distress and sale oi" ^^oods and chattels of tlic^ offender ; and in case (if ihei'c bein;^Mio distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting' Magistrate lUiiv ('(immir the offender to the ( 'onunon ( Joal of the ("oiiiity of .Middlesi'x, with or without hard lal)or, for any period not exceedin<4- twenty-one days, unless the said jxMialty and costs be sooner paid. !nf ■ ;;-:0 M til Ml • li'l'h ( it; li.; .:fri/lj-,i.l 11m) Ml'l ■(I- 'lit .1 II 1). U / .» '.J • lit I..' >-' I j I.K ! u\ nn 1 'I it! IIU • ■ '- • -It Ml ! :mi Mil' .• ••! 1 M." id tl I '"i ■ iji-> ii.| :il till Wcifflit of lircMii. staiiipi\l nil certain hroaJ. Inspector ma> cause bread to be weijfheJ. Bakers mimt register place of buslnews. BY-LAW No. 766. To Provide for the Weight and Sale of Bread. l\\ssKi) 0th 'lauii.nv, \x\):]. B\'] IT (Miact('<| l>y tli(> >hinici|)al ('oiiiicil of tlic Corpoi'ation of the ("itv of l-oiidoii as follows: I. .\ll l»roa(l s(»l(l (>!• ofVorcil foi- sale in ilic Citv ot LcMnlon. (»f wliatrvcr sliapc. foi'iii or fashion, slialj lie in loaves of one |)onn.l an-'-',»""ay specified, or in violation of any of the |)rovisions of this My-law, shall be seized by the Inspector and forfeited for the use of the poor. PKN.ALTY. 7. Any person (jonvicted of a breach of any of'-n-'^y- the jirovisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and pay at the discretion ofthe(ronvictin^ inaj.jistrate.a penalty not exceedin.'i: ihe sum of fifty dollars for each offence exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said |)enalty Jtiid costs forthwith, the said penalty and eosts, or the costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of ^oods and chattels of the ofiender ; and in ciiso of their bcinj*" no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting? Mapstrate may coniiiiit the offender to the Common (loal of the (Oiiiity of Middlesex, with or without hard labor, f(traiiy period not exceediii^^ twx'nty-one days, unless the saifl [)enalty and costs be sooner paid. } > K 3 !| 184 t '& i ; Mm il i r Appoint iiu'iu lit Cliimiicy NiimiIht llf Ch!miu-y Swcips iiml limils ollln'ir distrlflN. Duliosof. To pruviili- hruslii-i .iiul apparatus. BY-LAW No. 767, To Provide for the Appointment of Ch B To sweep IUk's and cliiniiu'xs when ivmiireil. Toeonipliiin u Inspeelur of Uuililin^fs ot intr.ictiiin ol Hv-laws, To report .inv danfjerons chimnevor Hue. im ney Sweeps c\nd to Define their Duties. Passki) Jllli .laiiiiarv. isji;}. 1'^ IT I'liJH'tcfl l»y tlic .Mimicij>al Coniuil of the ( 'itrporation ot tlic City ol" l^oiidoii as follows; I. Tlu' Ahinicipal ('ouncil. ii|K)n tlic rccoiiniicnda- tinii of ( nuiiiiiltcc N iimlicr Tliicc, iiiav fidiii time to tiiiic appoint a ( "liiiDiicv Sweep foi- cacli of llic dlstiii'ts !ii('iitioiHMl in the next .siiccci'ding' section, and nmv dclinc tlu'ir duties, •J. Tlicrc sliall lie two ( 'liinmcy Sw('('])s. oiio for Ward.s NunjIuTs One, 'I'lii'ci' and Six. and tlic otluT foi' Wards Nundx'i's 'I'wo. Four and I'^ivc. ;>. h sliall lie tlic duty of tlic ( 'liinuicy Sweeps: (I) To jnovidc t licnisclvcs with sm-Ji hnishes and otlitM- a|)])aratus foi' cIcaniiiLi' clnnmcys as shall he ap))i'ov('d of l»y ('onuniltcc NnndxT Thicc, and they shall not Im> entitled to eolleei the fees and rate.s anthoii/ed liv this |)\ law iinh'ss siiidi apparatus is used. ('2) To ('ans(» to I»e W(dl and cflretiially swept every Hue and (diinmey in use within their respective dis- tricts whicdi they shall l>c re(|nii'ed to sweep. {>]) To make complaint to tlic lnsj)cctor of IJuild- inn's of any infraction of the llydaws of the (!ity I'elatinn' to the swe"pinn' <'t' (dniuneys. in order that the otVender may he ))roceeded a^^ainst (4) To I'cpoi't to the Inspector of Hnildin^s anv chimiH'y or Hue whicli shall he so constructed as touc danu'ei-oiis in promoting oi- eausinj^" Hres, and any other ird'raetion of the liydaws ot the C'it\ for pre- venting files. 185 4. TIu' <'liimn(\v Sweeps sliall '/wv scciiiity to tlio^'hii satisffU'tiou ot" ('onmiitlcc ?Niiinl)('r 'riircc foi* tlic (Inc •<"'"'•> I clliciciit jii'itonnimci' of tlirir duties, and toi' the •ps (o give am payiiu lit (»r any thnuaec done to any citizen hy I lie lit (IJM'liaruc of" sneli duties. Tlie Cljinniev Sweeps shall l)e entitletl to ilu' ';''-""-^'''""«--y t'ollowiii^^ rates and tecs tor sciviccs pciloiuicd by tluMii, dull is to say : Foi- swccpini;' cacli Hue of a one-story house, eij^ht rents, Fer swcepin;^ eacli flue of a two-sloiy house, ten vvcrps. triitf two And lor sweeping each flue ot a htuise more tliau Tories jiieh. iwentv cents. cry pei'son occupyuiu a house nr huiidiii IlulN llf r^' or room therein, within tiie ("itv, in or attaciicd toj i>LLunuisi)l ipi li'llsi's, fto., to li.iM' iliimiiovs wliit'li tiieie is a chnnney or Hue, or pipe used as a-""' ""'"^"^'p' diiiiiiiey o!' tine, if the sanu' has Ix'en in constant use diiriiiu' the vear, sliall cause tlie same to 1k> well and sullici suiiic'iently swept an liable to tlie penalties of tins IW law. 8. The Chimney Sweei)s shall enter houses, sli()ps,9'''.""^>, , .„„..^ or other buildiims, onlv at reasoiial)le hours, and in a ^,;;!;!',^;u, . quiet and })eaceable manner : and any violation or ',';;;i'!;';j7^[."'" atteini)ted violation on their ])art of the provisions c^ffiXluXw!' Clausi' Number .') of tliis Bydaw sh dl render them liable to tlie penalties of this Bydaw. ... . .^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. // ,.*■ .3 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 Q)\ '11 186 PENALTY. Penalty. 24. Any pei'soii convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magisti-ate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each oftenco exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said i)enalty and costs, or the costs only, may be levied l)y distress and sale of goods and (chattels of the offender ; and in case of there being no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the Conunon (Joal of the County of Middlesex, with or without liaid labor, for any period not exceeding tweuty-one days, unless the said penalty and costs be so(mer ])aid. B' 137 of any of and pay a penalty ch offenci; nt of the nalty and • listress '!■ ; and in of which I«i<^i.strate oal of the I'd labor, ys, unless BY-LAW No. 768. To Provide for the Continuance of a Police Office and Lock-up House. B Passed 9th Januarv, 1893. E IT enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of London as follows: 1. The Police Ottice situate on the north side of ^^Ij^^fhed." Carlin ^"1 BY-LAW No. 769. B Relating to Tavern and Shop Licenses. Passed t>tli Jami;irv, ls<)3. E IT emicted by the .Miiiiic'i})al (\)uiicil of the Corpuration of the City of J.ondoii as follows: NUMBKR OF IJCKXSKS. Number of tavern licenses limited to thirty- four. 1. Til K> imniber of I'aveni Licciisos to be is.sued in and for the City of J.ondon for the license year be jjl'inning on tlie first day of May, 1S92, and It Shop licenses limited to six. Fees lor t.ivcrn licenses. Fees for tavern licenses withe t tavern accommodation. Fees for shop licenses. eyery license year thereafter, until this Bydaw be altered or re])eale(l, is limited to and shall not exceed the nuni])er of thirty-four. 2. The number of Shop Licenses to be gi-anted in and for the City of London is limited to and shall not exceed the nund)ei' of six. LICENSE FEES. 3. The sum or duty to l)e paid in respect of eyery tayern license granted \yithin the City shall be the sum of one hundred and ten dollars. 4. The sum or duty to be paid in respect of every tayern license granted within the City \vliere the person to \yh()m the same is granted is exemjited from the necessity of hayuig all the tayern acconnnodatiun required l)y la\y shall be the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars. 5. The sum oi' duty to be paid in res])ect of every shop license grantey-law tli(^ word "bitch" unless a conti'aiy intention a])|)oai's. •2. Va'cvv person who is within the Citv the owner Tax on owners. ■ 1 1 i.' 1 1 11 ' 1 i. etc., of dogs. ])(),s8ess(»i- or harhorer or a dojji" shall pay a yearly tax of one dollar ior every such doj'!. ;}. Kverv person who i.s within the Citv the'ownero»ncrsof dogs , . ,. . >...',. " . . to register tlK'ni h License Ii ctor before t Janu.'i each year. shall include ^"[^'^vrct^tkm or tlie word " dog." Dossessor or harhorei' of a do*:', shall before thirtv-"'"^ license in. i . , '^ <^ spector beiore (lav of flanuarv u\ each veai-, i)rocure such doy: ^-st janu.-iry in to he numhered, descrihed and re<4ist(M'e(l, for the year conii'iencin name of the owuei- of every dog registered und'M- the jm'ovI- sions of this By-law, the date of such registration, the de.sci'iption of the dog, the registration nuiiibei' and the amount of the tax })ai(l ; and it shall also be the duty of the Inspector of Licenses to mal l)c the a weekly collected It sliowino' iave been Horni the !i;S of this ision and ly (log of 'r to run a vicious i\p at 01' attacked :ie public of Feb- of which i at large round its I S(»ction in;i\ irnl 11. Anv person ffuilty of removing; a collar or ^t,""""'"^ "^ ,. it' 1 n 1 1 • collars. plate from a licensed dog shall be subject to the penalties of this By-law. 12. Any dog known to l)e rabid shall be imniedi- •^■'''''"*' ately destroyed. V3. The owner of any bitch in heat who sha suffer Bitch in heat, or permit the same to run or be at large while heat shall be subject to the ])enalties of this By-law. 14. Anv Police (V)nstal)le or other ])erson author- P''^''^''"""'"« • 1 1 T» r larjjL' iMiitrarv ised for that ))ur|)osi' bv the Mayor, rolice Magistrate l^' ">.-'■';" or Chief of rolice mav sei/e anv dog found running •'"?'",",''''' at laru'e, elsewhere than on the ])remises of the owner, kinimu-ss possessor or harl)orer thereof, contrary to the })i'ovi- sioiis of this By-law, and it shall l)e the duty of the Police ('onstal)les so to do ; and every such Police Constable or other person shall forthwith, after making such seizure, deliver such dog to one of the Ponnd-keepers of the City, and it shall be the duty of the P()und-kee])er to whom the same shall be delivered to impound such dog, and to supply it with water while inipoundey the Pound-keeper ami the other half be paid to the person by whom sii^h dog shall have been impounded. 10. The Police Magistrate, or other Magistrate PoiiceMagii t rate etc. ti ])residing at the Police Court, upon the trial of any'-rd^rdoKin complaint for an infraction of the ])rovisions of Sec- compi^^u'nt i> ' tions 0, 10 and V,] of this By-law, may, in addition tos^-tionsl,'.., the imposition of a fine and costs, order that the dogdcstmyed' or bitch in res})ect of which the complaint is made, shall be killed, and if the owner or person in whose 111 dofi IK- mav 11 J > ; ■ I' ■ v: J :.:0 142 '„►••••'■■" r Penalty for refusal to obey order. Penaltv. possession or custody such dog or bitcli lalMw shall neglect or refuse to deliver tlie same up to unv mem- ber of the Police Force for the ])U)pose of l)einoki]l(>,i u])on recjuest for that purpose being made, oi- shall in any way hindiM' or pi-event such dog or bitch hom being t;d-:en and killed, he shall l)e liable to the pen- alties imposed for an infraction of the provisions of this l^y-law. PENALTY, 17. Any ])erson convicted of a breach of any of the ])rovisions of this By-law, shall forfeit and pav at the discretion of the ccmvicting magistrate, a p(Mialtv not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each offence exclusive of costs, and in def{\ult of payment of tho said penalty and costs forthwith, the said ])enaltyanfl costs, or the costs only, may be levied by ( and sale of goods and chattels of the offender : and in case of their being no distress found out of whieh such penalty can ])e levied, the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the Connnon (loal of the County of Middlesex, with or without hard labin', for any period not exceeding twenty-one days, unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. Relat of 1 l^ ij $^mm 148 H b'^ shall my niom- in^' killed, ')!• shall in itch from tho pen- visions of I of any of and pav .a penalty (di ottbnec 'lit of the 'iialty and ' distress r ; and in of which lagistrate oal of tlu' I'd labor, rs, unless BY-LAW No. 771. Relating to the Receipt of Fees by Officers of the Corporation. Passed 9tli January, 1893. BE IT enacted by the Municipal Council of the C()i'])orati()ii of the City of London as follows : 1. Xo officer or servant of the Corporation shall o"'^'^"r'*"'l. , ^ I , ' servants not to directly or indirectly, take or receive for his own use, r''^^'\s;.'">/^«^ " I ^'7 ' in .iddition to in addition to the salary or wages from time to time *<"'•'"•>"'■ ^^^k^^- assijjfued to him by the Council, any fee, emolument or reward, for any service performed by him in his capacity of such officer or servant, or by reason of his occupying or liolding that position, whether the same is })ayable by the Corporation, or by the Crown, or by any other person, but all such fees shall be such fees to be forthwith after the same shall be received accounte(l 'i>casurer.° "* for and })ai(l over to the City Treasurer for the use of the Municipality ; and if any such fee, emolument or reward shall be received l)y such officer or servant, and shall be ap})lie(l to his own use, or shall not be forthwith acccmnted for and paid over to the City Treasurer, such officer or servant shall incur the penalty of instant dismissal from his office or employ- '"^'^'•■'"'''!*'^''r I •J ^ ^ L J or servant to be ment, and the Corporation may at its option deduct J''*""'*^'^'^- the amount of any such fee, emolument or reward so received from any moneys which such officer or ser- vant is entitled to receive from the Corporation ; pro- vided always, tlmt nothing herein contained shall ex- tend or ai)ply to the fees or emoluments to which the section not to ryy ^ \ '' , .' L^ ^ L' ' i* apply to certain Ireasurer IS or may be entitled tor or in connection (cvs to ^ with any ' maj^istrate, a penalty not exceedinj.r the sum of fifty dollars for each offence ivxcliisive of costs, and in default of })ayineiit of the said penalty and costs fortliwith, the said ix'iialty and costs, or the costs onlv, may be levied l)v distress and sale of <;oods and chattels of the offender ; and in case of there bein^i' no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the ('oiiimon (loalof die County of j\li|«<>, that V 'HM'vant ft'CS only, |f>*)ii sliall litaiiu'd in lot" any of and ])ay a penalty ell ()ftenL'(» 'lit of the 'imltyaiid ' (listless vv : and in <»f which 'la.n'istratt' ioal of the ir sions oi Sec^tion o/ oi Ine Consoli-remuorreiiuce dated Assessment Act, 1892, " ora.ny other Act which ^•''•'^•^•' may he passed for the like i)urpose, to remit or mluee the taxes due by any person unless the petition for such I'emission or reduction is presented during the year foi" which such taxes shall have been imposed. I • ■ - v: J 5:0 146 »>■•* 4.^:: ft"*'!- • MS (•J Rules tonpply in all casi'N ami existing; rules re- pealed. Meetings of Council Special meetin^fs to be summor.eJ by Mayor. Subject for con- sideration to be specified on notice. Deposit of notice in P. O. sufficient service. BY-LAW No. 773. For Regulating the Proceedings of the Council of the City of London and its Committees, and to Defme the Duties of Certain Officers of the Corporation. Passed 9tli Janiuuv, Ksoij. BE IT enacted l)y the iVIimicipal Couii'mI of the Corporation of tlio City of London as toMow.s : 1. In all })roce(M line's had or taken in the ^liini- cipal C(Mineil of the said City, the following rules and re<;nlations shall be observed, and shall l)e the rules and regulation.s foi* the order and des])ateh of busi- ness in the said Council, and all lules existiiij^' and inconsistent with this By-law at the time of the pass- ing thereof are hereby re})ealed. MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENTS OF COL'XCIL 2. Tlie Council .shall meet on the tiist jiud tliiid Monday of every month, at lialf-jKist seven oYlock in the afterno(m, unless otherwise oidered, or uuless such Monday be a public holiday, in which latter case the Council sliall meet at the same houi* on the next following day not being a i)ublic h()li(iav. 3. Whenever a meeting may ))e rcipiired for special business, it shall be called by the Mayor at such time as he may deem requisite ; or at the re- quest of a majority of the memb("rs of the Coinicil. The Clerk shall summon the meeting, and it shall not be competent to consider or decide upon any matter at a special meeting unless such matter has been fully explained in the notice calling the meeting ; and the de})osit in Her Majesty's post office at Lon- don of the postal card or letter sunnnoning the ing til m of the and its 5 Duties oration. "il of the (lilows : tlu' Aliiiii- ii'i ill's and tlio I'ules Il (W ]) stiiio' and r tlit'pass- UNCIL nid rliird o'clock in cr unless icli latter 11' on the ly. liivd for Uayor at t the re- ! Council, shall not iv iinitter has been meeting ; e at Lon- ning the said ncoting addicsscMJ to the i-espeetive niemhers of the Council, shall ho deemed sullieieiit service uf the said notice. 4. Unless thei'e shall he a (|U()rum present in half Meet tt.'MlU in(f to hour after the time ai)))(»iiited for the meeting- ofprCslT. ried the Council, the Council shall stand adjourned until i';^,!:;-^^^:-^. the next day of meetiiii;, and the Clerk shall take down the names of the memhers pres(»nt at the ex- piration of such half houi', ami shall publish the names of the absent members in the City paper hav- ing' the printing;' of tlu' C-ouncil. .). The Council shall alwavs adjourn at the h( air f^^""';;' "'*«'• • (I journal iip.iii* of eleven o'clock in the evening, if in session at that honr, unless otherwise* determined by a vote of two- thirds of the members present. <). The nuMubers of the Council shall not leave uJepE" their |daces on adjournment until the Mayor ()r ()ther^lator"pve!!*' presiding ollicer leaves the Chaii'. " thcChair. ORDER OF PROCEHDINGS IN COUNCIL. 7. So soon after the horr of meeting as there 'V"*ru''""u'' pi the Chair when shall he a quorum present the Mayor shall take the i""^""" p^'^'*'-'"'- chair and call the members present to order. 8. If the Mavor is not in attendan(;e the Clerk i" •absence, of 1 11 II 1 " • 1 I /~ii • 1 11 "ayor, Clerk to shall call the meetmg to order, and a Ulian'man shall caUjrieetinB to be chosen who shall preside until the arrival of the Mayor. 9. In the absence of the Mayor one of the Alder- ^J^'I.^jf;;'"''" '" men present shall be chosen to preside, and shall*^';^,^^^"^ take the chair and preside during the absence of the Mavor and at the meeting onlv at which he has been so chosen. 10. Immediately after the Mayor or other pre- ^!i"j"^^*^f„^,^', siding officer has taken his seat, the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read by the Clerk (if required), in order that any mistake therein may be corrected by the Couacil. :;:„. :J n V J V ft: ■■■ i 148 Mayor to p'f- n. TliG MtiYor OF otliGr presidinpr officer shall serve order and . • , , i i ■ i . "" decide questions pi-esei've oi'der and decorum, and decide questions of order, subject to an ap[)eal to the Council. Mayor in decid- 12. Wlicu tlic Mavoi' or otlicr presiding officer i« ing a point of , , , i • i ' • j^ /• i o _ » 'o rut.''"iicab'ie callcd Oil to dccKie a point oi order or practice he shall state the rule applicable to the case without argument or comment. Miijor m.ny vote. tived if votes eijual Wlien M.iyor leavfs thei'liair Two or more members risiiif,' together to speak. 13. The Mayor or other i)residing officer niayvote giiestions m >ra. with thc otlicr iiiembers on all (juestions, and any ({uestions on which there is an eipiality of votes shall be deemed to be negatived. 14. If the .Mayor or other presiding othcii' (hsiies uptake pan'iT lo leave the cliaii- for the pur|)ose of tak'i;- "i; debate an Alder- , ii, • ,i • iiil ' mantoiiiims tiic (Icbatc 01' otlicrwisc, he shall cai ''''"' Aldermen to fill his place until 1h» resu> Members speak- 1.'). Evci'v memljcr, iirevious to his.-oeai..,.,- slmli ing to address . ,. , . ' , i i ii i i i • Miiyorand I'lsc troiii lus scat uiicovcred, and shall address himself stand uncovered. i at i ' ^• <«> to the Mayor or other presiding ofhcer. If). Wlien two or more members rise at once the Mayor or other presiding officer shall name the mem- ber who first rose in his place, but a motion may be made that any member who has risen " he now heard'" or ''(h) now s})eak." Members pre- 17. Eveiy iiiember j)resent, when a <|iiestioii is ii^s' personally"". put, sliall votc thercou unless he be personally intei- Ihl^'quelaion. ested in the (piestion, and such interest is resolvable into a [)ersonal [)rofit ])eculiar to the niembei'. and is not in common with the interests of the citizens at large, in which case he shall not vote. When question 18. Wlicii tlic Mavor or otluM" i)residiiig ofliceris IS being put >.• .1 .• ' 1 1 11 I'l membersnotto i)utting thc (luestioii, iio mcmljer shall walk across or leave Chamber. ^ f> i / ii i i i i • i ■ Members F^pe.ik- out ot thc ( Mamr)er, and when a member is speaking int^erruVted." no otliGr member shall hold discourse which may interrupt him or iiiten'Uf)t him exc(^pt to order, or pass between him and the chair. caJu^K^memberR 19. A mcmber called to order shall sit down un- less permitted to explain, and the decision of the Mayor or other presiding officer shall be submitted 149 to, unless an appeal is made to the Council, in which case the (]uestion shall be determined without debate. '20. Xo member shall speak disi-espectfullv of the Members not to . ., . n (> i^ i» 1 !-< "^ •! speak disrespect- rcinnnm Sovereijjjn or oi any oi the Koval hannlv, ortuiiyofthe of theCrovenior-lTeneral or person administering the Royai family. Government of the Dominion of Canada, or of the oencraror (^ 1 • • J • , 1 Lieutenant- ^ Tovernor or person administering the Governor, or ■" i/»ii'"r»' w • '' 1 ube unmannerly Govei'iiineiit of this Frovince, or use otrensivc words languaBo or a'^^ainst the Council or any member thereof, or speak questionTn" beside the question in debate, or reflect upon any p'^^''^^''^^ vote of the Council, except for the purpose of moving p<^"a"y- that such vote be rescinded. •21. Anv member mav require the question or ^i«"i''^'''' '".^y • . • ' • . require motion motion under discn.ssion to be read at any time dur-f'^beread. ing the debate, but not so as lo interrupt a member while speaking. •22. Xo member shall speak more than once to Members not to the main (luestion without leave of the Council exce])tsame questLn , , . ,. . 1 t i- 1 • 1 1 • 1 more than once, 111 explanation ot a material part of his speech which or for more than 1 1 • • I 1 i y 1 1 • 1 , fifteen minutes. may have been misconceived, out then he is not to introduce new matter. A re})ly is allowed only to a ^||^;^^."gjfp'> meinber who lias ina'' t|uestion shall be entered upon the minutes, not only in the cases re(|uired l:)y law, but when a member shall call for the ayes and nays. 24. (Questions mav be put to the Mavor or other Q""tion8 may •Tnr. 'i 11- ' 1 be put to the presiding oincer or through him to any member of ^ayo^ ^^ ', , <^ . '^ 1 -ii • 1 members of the the Council, relating to any bill, motion or other coundi. matter connected with the business of the Council or ".'.'■' •'■* ,.r" '**^ ^^ ■ v^* F w 150 Debafe not allowed. l|| M -ttl I' if Reconsidcra tion of question. Qiiestion can be reconsidered once only. No person ex- cept members and officers to tie dllowiid within the Bar. Closing of the doors. Orders of the dav. the affairs of the City, but no arGjnnient or ojn'ninn is to be offered, or factis to be stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain X\w .same, and in .-iiiswor- ingany snch qnestion a nieml»er is not to del)ate the matter to which tlie same refei's. 25. After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, lias been decided, any member who voted in the majority may, at the same session or at a subsequent session if he has oiveu notice thereof in writing at such|nent session, move for a recon- sideration thereof, but no discussion of the main question shall be allowed unless reconsidered ; nor shall any question be reconsidered more than once, and then only by two-thirds of the members present voting in favor of such reconsidcM'ation. 1^6. No person, exce])t membei's oi' ofhcers of the Council, shall Ik^ allowed to come within the Bar during the sittings of the Council, without the per- mission of the Alayor or other presiding otlicer, and when the doors shall be direct(Ml to be closed all per- sons exce})t the mend)ers and the Clerk shall retire, ORDERS OF THE DAY. 27. The Clerk shall pre[)are for the use of the members *' The Genei'al Orders of the Day," for each meeting of the Council, containing — 1 — Confirming Minutes of last meeting. 2 — Original Petitions and Connnunications. 3 — Referring Petitions and Connnunications. 4 — Reports of Connnittee.'^- and Consideratitm thereof 5 — Unfinished Business. B — Enquiries. 7 — Motions. 8— Giving \otice. 9 — Introduction and Consideration of Bills' and By-laws. upon and al shall 151 o))ininn is =" far as iiaiiswfT- ('l)at(' the indefinite il)("i' who <^n or at a iK'i'oof in 1' ;i lecon- tlit^ main ^^I'cd ; nor hail once, •^ present Ts of tlie tlie Bar tlic per- Ificcr, and 'd all jXT- di ivtire. we of the ' foi' each oils. tioiis. ideratidu •^8 The business shall in all cases bo taken up in^^i'sinesstobe " 1 • 1 • 1 -i. 1. I j^i .. / 1 1 taken up in order the order in winch it stands upon the " (reneral'n^'hicfiit , . I V v 1 ^1 • 1 • , Stands on Orders ot the Day, unless otherwise aetermined Q^^enerai nnon In' a vote of two-thirds of the nieinl)ers present J'^y"""''-'*'*^ "r, , ,• ,. , ,. ^ i.1 • •. o ^ ' 'otherwise and all questions relating- to the priority of business ^"-dered. shall he decided without debate. MOTIONS AND ORDER OF PUTTING QUESTIONS IN COUNCIL. 29. Notice shall be tiiven of all motions for intro- Notice to be diicing' new matter other than matters (jf privilege ^o.^!'' ""^' and brin,ij;ing u}) i)etitions, and no motion shall bo dis- cussed unless such notice has been given at the last regular meeting of the Council. 30. All motions shall be in writing' and seconded ^^t'on^ ">> !« *^ writing- and seconded. When a motion is seconded it shall be read ^''i'?v° "^ read bctore de- Jills' and before being debated or put from the Chair. 31 by the Mayor or othei' |)rosi(ling oiiicer before debate. ^^'« 32. After a motion is read by the Mayor or other After a motion presiding olHcer, it shall be deemed to be in posses- pos^sessiondfthe • 1' 1 / 1 •! I i 1 -jI 1 J Council, but may sion 01 the Council, out may be witlidrawn at any be withdrawn in , ,. I . . ' 1 . •,1,1 certain cases. time belore decision or amendment with the per- mission oi' the Council. 33. A motion for commitment, until it is decided, ^'/j*^°^^^°|^'"^„ shall preclude all amendment of the main question, amendment. 34. A motion to adjourn shall always be inorder, '>''^''^" '"a**-. • ' « 111 journ always m but no second motion to the same etiect shall be"'^'*"- made until after some intermediate proceeding shall to^ad%T°.^'°" have been had. 3'). When a truest ion is under debate no "lotion ;^j^^^^o^' »^jj|^ shall be received unless to commit it. to amend it, to^^^^'^'^"'*'*'"*** lay it on the table, to postpone it, ')• to adjourn, or the previous question. 36. The previous question, until it is decided, shall J^^^^i^^^* preclude all amendment of the main question, and shall be in the following words : " That the question be now put." If the previous question be resolved in the affirmative the (jriginal question is to be put forthwith without anv amendment or debate. 1.1 J! \[ 3 '•- , -J 152 ^' r Only one aiiKMidment to anit-ndment allowed. How amend- o<. All aiiiciidineiits shall be imt in tlu^ i'ovoi\p ments to bf put. . i • i . i l i. • i- 1 1 • order in which they are moved, except in hlhng up blanks, when the longest time and the largest sum Amendments to yiu^u })p p^t hist, and {'vei'V amendment shall hi^ ro- be reduced to l . . i ' • i i "^ n writing. duced to writing and be ^i I'li i*^ tospeak. or other presiding orticer, no meinoer shall speak to the (juestion, nor shall any other motion be made until after the rcvsult is declared and the decision of the Mayor or other presiding otlicer as to whether the (|iiestioii has been hnally put shall be conclusive. 40. Whenever the Mayor or other ])residing oiliccr is of opinion that any motion ott'ei'ed to the Council is contrary to the rules of the Council, he shall aj)i)iise the menibers theieof immediately without putting the question thereon, and quote the rule or authority applicable without arj'ument or comment. Mcmberstotake 41. Membei's sluiU alwavs take their places when tlit'ir places ..... 1 1 i <• " wheiidiviMon isunv divisioii IS called tor. called for. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Proceedings 42. Wlieiievei' it is moved and carriefl that the when motion ,, ., , . .. i iit, , carried for coun- Council go iiito Coinniittec oi the V\ hole, the Mavor cil to (JO into 1 *- ... 1111 1 i-'i fhcWhou^°' or Other presiding ollicer shall leave the Chair and shall appoint a Chairman of Committee of the Whole, who shall maintain order in the Committee and report its proceedings. Motions con- trary to rules of Council. ir)8 lie rovoi'.se tilliiio. (,p K^'^t, sum »lll J)l> I'O- itlidrawn ris foi- the '»■ of anv U'lidnicnt |iy aiiu'iifl- iH'.stioii. fition con- -^t of any shall be lie Mayor •speak to >e made ecisioii of letlici'the isivc. inu' oilicer -' ( oiiiicil II appiise ■ittiiiu-tlie authority ies when OF THE that the i Mayor lair and > Udiole, d report 43 The rules of the Council shall he observed m «",'«» °fCouncii o 1 Airi 1 1' 1 !• 1 1 to be observeJ 111 nommittee of the Whole so mr as they are apnlicable committee ot '-^ . Ill • 1 11 the Whole, ex- except that no motion shall reipiue to he seconded ^ept in oertai,. and no motion tor the previous ([iiestioii or an ad- journment shall be allowed, and in takin^' the ayes and nays the names ot members shall not be recorded and the number of times of sjjeaking on any (juestion shall not be limited. 44. Questions of ord(M' arisini'' in Committee of the""* ^"^^'^"}'' 'I' " , ot order urihiiig Whole shall be decided by the (Uiairman, subject tc) ;;;Comjmttee to an appeal to the Council, and if any sudden disorder shall arise in the Committee, the ^layor oi* other pre- siding otticer shall immediately resume the Chair with- out any question being put. 45. On motion in Committee of the Whole toriseH^"''"j."Co'"- I • I 1 • 1 milteeofthe and report the question shall be decided without ^';°''^ '° t^ . " I 1 and report to be debate. I report i decided without debate. 46. In Committee of the Whole all motions relat- '" ^v^^i' f'^'i" motions to be ing to the matter under consideration shall be put iu J^f l^e wMe "^ the order in which they are propcxsed. 47. A motion in Committee of the Whole to rise P'^°?'=*^^.'"f'' "" motion in Lorn- without reporting, or that the Chairman leaves the ;j;i||^f^"/j|:^^^ Chair, shad alwavs be in order and shall take proved- *''^'^""^'^P'^«- ence of anv other motion. On such motion debate shall be allowed and on an attirmative vote the subject referred to the Committee shall be considered as dis- posed of in the negative, and the Mayor or other pre- siding officer shall resume the Chair and proceed with the next order of business. READING OF BILLS AND PROCEEDINGS THEREON. 48. When a Bill is read in Council the Clerk shall cierw to certify •ni !• !!• iiii le.idings onBills certifv the readings and the time on the back thereof, ='."f'i?berespon. * O ^ ' bible for their and after bills have passed he shall be responsible for'-'^'-^'^^""'^*'' ,. 11111 1 II amended. their correctness should they have been amended. 49. The question "That this Bill be now^ lead gX^„}^|;{£, the fii'st time " shall be decided without ameydment ''^*' p"*- ■J' I If J > r ~ v: J ■":;i ."=• 154 How Bills to be introduced and readings thereof. Bill for mone>- iippropriiitions brv'ught in on re- port ol Cviminit- tee of the Whole need not be again rfferred to a Committee of the Whole. How Bills to bo considered in Committee of the Whole. Amendments made in Commit- tee of the Whole. By-laws to be numbered and filed bv Clerk. When and how petitions, etc., to te presented. Members pre- senting responsi- ble for language in petitions, etc. or debate, and every Bill sliall he r(\id a second time l)otbre it is committed, and readatliird time hctoicit is signed by the Mayor. oO. Every Bill shall l)e introduced on motion for the tirst reading thereof, and shall receive three several readings each on different days pi'evions to its being passed, except on urgent and extraordinary occasions, when it may b(^ read twice oi' thrice in one day. .■)1. Any Bill for the appro[)riati()n of money brought in on a report of the Connuittee of the Whofo shall pass through all its ".tages without beino' again referred to a (,'onnnittee of the Whole unless upon special motion. r)2. In proceedings of Conunittee of the Whole upon Bills every clause shall be considered in its ])roper order, the preand)le shall Ix? next considered and then the title. .')3. All amendments made in Committee of the Whole shall l)e repoi'ted by the (.'hairman to the Council, who shall receive the same foithwith ; after report the Bill shall be open to debate and anieml- ment before it is ordered for a third reading ; when a Bill is reported without anuMislment it shall l)e forth- with ordered to be read a third time, at such time as may be appointed by tlu.' Council. .34. All By-laws after having been finally passed shall be numbered and shall be forthwith tiled bv the City Clerk, and shall remain in his custody. PETITIONS AND COMiMUNICATIONS. i^^o. Every petition, remonstrance or other written application, may be presented to the Council by any member thereof on any day, but not later than the hour at which the Council convenes, except on extra- ordinary occasions, and eveiy member [)resentinganv petition, remonstrance oi' other written application to the Council shall examine the same and shall be answerable that i^ does not contain any impertinent or improper language and that th(^ same is respectful •''O'ld time iK'tiou for J'^'t' several its lioiug e allowed on the presenta- tion of any petition or other connnunication to the Council, but any riiend)er may move that in referring any petition or othin* connnunication ceitain instiuc- tions may be given by the Council, or that such peti- tion or other conununicali(»n may be referred to a select conmiittee, and if the petition or communica- tion com])lain of some pi'esent personal grievance re- (|uiring an immediate remedy, the matter contained diereiii may bebi'ought into inunediate discussion mtkI (li.sposed of fortliwith. .APPOINTMENT .AND ORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES. T)?. Anv member of the (*ouncil mav be i)hu5ed on''^f'="''ff»7,'^>'"' . ^ . 1 placed on Com- a committee notwithstanding the absence of sucli'"'"'^':'"\V''-^''- ~^ standing their member at the time of his beino- named u])on such 'bsencc when ~ L named. connnittee, and the Mayor shall be ex-officio a member ^l^y°''^''^''^ZT ' 1 , omcoa member of all conunittees and shall have the same rights and^*^»"C'""'"'""- pri\ ileges (except as to constituting a (luorum) as any of the other members of the Connnittee, and no com- committees to . . , • (. 1 1 /> consist ot only mittee shall consist 01 more than one member trom ^"^ '"«^"'ber ,__-. - , from each W.ara each Ward an(i the Mayor. and the Mayor. o8. The member who introduces a bill, petition or Memhcintro- motion upon any subject which is referred to a select re"fer«d'to'seie« committee shall be one of the com''iittee without a m^mberaird being named by th(^ Council, and shall, unless he othei'- comJStt«° wise determines, be the chaiiinan of such committee. II J > ...1 • t'"Ti 156 Majority of Committee, ex- .»*■"' ,#•'■■ »' . «t::' r to K- a (|iiorum. Standing Com mittccs. o9. Of the number of members appointed to com- ciusiveofex- ])ose .'uiv standinj^T or select comnnttee, such number officio members,* • i 11 i 1 , • •, 01 thereof as slnll be eciual to a majority of the whole num))ei- chosen, exclusive of any ex-otticio nieniluT shall be a (|Uoiiun competent to proceed to Inisiness.' 60. There shall be appointed annually at the first 01' second meetin*;- of each newly elected Council the following conunittees, which shall compose the Stand- ing Committees of the ('Ouncil : (a) Committee No. One. (b) Conunittee No. Two. (c) Committee No. Three. HI. Each Standing Committee shall consist of one ber;rome..X""inember frouj" each Ward. Minutes of pro- ^'•^- Evcrv Comuiittec shall keep minutes of its mittieftfiS'"""pj'oceedings in a book to be furnished for that purpose by the Cor[)oi-ation, and such ))ook shall be kept in the office and custody of the Clerk of C'ommittees. Standing Com mittcM to con kept. Duties of Com mittce No. i. To prevent statement of li J'he following shall be the duties of Commit- COMMITTEE No. ONK (53 tee No. One : (1) To present to the Council on or before the nrnciauffairsof first Moiidav ill Mai'cli in eacli year a full aufl partic- in'g'tinaS^ar ular cxlubit of tlic financial affairs of the City at the on or before first . . /• . 1 ^• i' • 1 Monda> in temiinatiou oi the preceding financial year. To^report on or (^) To rcpoi't to thc Couucll ou or Ijefore the first S°inj"iy'Tn""'AIonday in July in each year as to the manner in h^w re'^fenCe to which thc reveiiuc required for the current year shall be raised. bc I'aiscd. 7e^rt"on" """^ (3) To consider and report as often as may be l^'raluay'''''"^ ^iGcessary on the management of all matters connected other's'ecurftiir with railwav stocks, bonds or other securities held by oHhc Corpora- q^ bclongiug to tlic Corporation. Toconsuier and (4) To cousidcr aiul I'cport on all matters eon- iMMngr orseuing nected with the leasinsf or selling of City property. City property. / - \ n^ 1 ^1 ^ • 1 ^ • • p ..l 1 ' 1 To.uperyise (o) lo havc thc spccial suj)ervision oi the books S"i?r,l^,^aS*' of account, documents and vouchers, and of all moneyi^i, 157 ^♦-''1 tocom- li number at tlio first 'oimcil the the Stand- isist of one tes of its at purpose IP kept in uiitteos. f Commit- before the md partic- ity at the 'e the first nanner in year shall may be connected es held bv :ters eon- operty. • he books 1 moneyi^, rlpbentures and fseourities in the Treasurer's office, ■"■p'-'^'i"'- jre*^ lir'"-"» • ' n 1 n^ ' urcr and hm and the supervision of tlie I reasurer andof all offK^ers""''^"''' in his (lepai'tment under him. ({\) To advise with the Treasurer, when called I" •"''■'"^*'"^ \ ' / ' 1 rtMMirer on upon to do so, on ail matters pci-tainin^ to his office. !]^it',';;"^iP*^'f^^;j- (7) To posit(Ml to the ^,",'];^^^ '■'"''""''■ credit of that account. (8) To see that all duti(>s and services which ouiihtj'^ ^"^ 'hat thr t 1 1 1 Ti II !ioniuof))-,l(>livervof any cheque J'^t'^'-''id^'B" ' , . o I . .1 ins; or dcllver^ or security or the ])avmcnt of any money by the '■'f^:h«i"''' «■'=•• • 1 11* 1 • 1 • ' 1- ' 1 iintil matter bf Treasurer if they shall think it expedient so to (|ot^"n*"^'^'-'-d. etc. until the matter can be further considered or can be referred to tlie Council. (10) To regjlate all matters connected with theTorcKuiai» , , ^ o I 111 matters relating receipt and |)ayment ol monevand to order the adon- to receipt and payment of nd to nan- tion of such regulations in connection therewith asi""ney, an 11 1 /• . 1 , • / manage fi may he deemed necessary tor the i)reyention of a nyciai affairs of « , 1 . 1 . ' . <■ 1 T-k 1 Corporation. payment being made in contravention of the By-laws and generally to manage the financial affairs of the Corporation. (11) To direct the purchase of stationery and theTodirectj advertisement of City notices and to rei)ort thereon totioneVyand'ad- , , , , "^ *■ vertisement of the loUnCll. city notices. (li!) To consider and rei)ort from time to time as T^ ■•'=p°':' fr""" ^ II' 1 /• 11 ^ime to time as may i)e necessary, as to the duties to be performed bv^^iybe necessary n " «• \l 1 1 n 1 Vi • " on ""t'es and all olneers, servants and employes oi the Corporatnm, salary of offices, and, from time to time as may l)e necessary, to con- sider and rc]X)rt as to the salary or remuneration of any such officer, servant or employee. (13) To consider and report upon all matters re- ,^,''p„'=°"of ^T'^ lating to the printing required to be done for the(^?pprS*° Corporation. p""''"^- (14) To consider and report upon all matters relat '^° =°n»>'^*""an'i ur- Sta- % J > JO report on mat- to ing to railways in which the City may be interested. JSaw^!^ IM To ronnidrr and rfporl on mnt V . ■ 11 1' Pli / M iW i 11 1 I'i li^: - H i ' ! II t 1: It ^ etc (lo) To consider and report U])on all matters re- ters rci.iHnK to latniiX to oxpcnditurcs on account ot crnnnial lusticp expcndituros for ^ p • • . i- • ' criminal justice, tho |)}iynicnt oi jurors, maintenance ot pri«!oiu'i"s, use of ('ourt House and (loal, the |)Myment of Ciown witnesses anx anfl the Corporation of the Cilv of London with rct'cr- ence to such matters or any (jf them, or to matters of a cognate character. COMMITTEE NUMBER TWO. Dutiaocf Com- 64. Thc foUowing sl.all be the duties of Committee mittec >o. Two. C3 »i«.>-i. ]So. Iwo : To consider .ind (1) To con.sidcr and report on all matters relating report on sewers. , . i. ^ 1 i.1 l i" '^ et«- to sewers, drams, streets ans. To report rrpru- (2) To rcport ami recommend to the Council such lation^i .IS topri- , ' . '. , , • i. I '1 1- i ■ vale buiidinps. rcguJatiotts With regard to private l)uil(nn|j;s, diains and fences as may be requisite for the pul>lic .safety and welfare. (3) To report to the Council in their final report for each year on all such works of permanent improv- ment in connecticm with the .sewers, drains, streets and thoroughfares as it may be considered essential to the welfare and convenience of the citizens to be carried out during the ensuing year, together with the estimated cost of the work* so recommended. (4) To direct and control the City Engineer aiul Wfftaff.' ^"'' ^lis staff in the discharge of their duties and to ri'port to the Council from time to time on all matters con- nected with the duties of his department. (5) To give effect to the ordei-s of the Council in relation to the performance of works under other com- mittees. (6) To see to the keei)ing in repair of all build ings belonging to the Corporation. (7) To see that the streets are cleaned and kept cleaned in accordance wiuu the By-laws of the Mimi- Gipality. In final report to report on works of permanent im- provement for cnRuing year. To direct .-ind control Citv To g'ive effect to orders of Council as to performance of works under Other Com Aittees. To s«e that buildings of Corporation kept in repair, To see that streets .are tfaiBned. 3tc. mg iiatttM's re- nal justice, "=ioiH'rs, use <»'' ("nm-n '<' <">(l justed Mifldlcscx witli icf'ei-. matters of C ommittee '•'s relating '^•inoilsiich "K^^, (li'ains '•lie safety nal report lit inij)rov- iis, streets <1 essential a'lis to be CM- with the ed. diieer and 1 to report ittei's coii- Joiiiicil in )ther coin- all build and kept :he Muiii- 159 (8) To expend in sneh manner as sliall bo most advanta'-eons and IxMieHcial to tlie citizens sueh nionoys as sliall be a|)})roj)riated by the Conneil for c-eneial iini)roveinents within the City. ('.») To liave the supervision of the Street Coin- niissinner and to see that his duties are j)roi)erly })er- foriiied. (10) To consider and re|)ort upon all matters relat- inLf to the holding of industrial, agricultural or other exhibitions. (11) To manage and rej)ortupon all matters relat- ing to the pi'cservation of V'ictoria Park and all other public parks, s(iuares, gardens or Ixjulevards within the City or belonging to the Corporation. (12) To report on all matters connected with the fencing, ])lanting and ornamenting Victoria Park and all other jmblic parks, squares, gardens or boule- vards within the C'ity or belonging to the C()r[)oration, and to can • out all such works connected therewith as the Council may authorize. (13) To consider and report on all matters con- cerning work on bridges, buildings, etc., carried on jointly by the City and (•ounty of Middlesex. 65. No sum shall be paid in respect of any ex- penditure incuncd by Committee No. Two until the account therefor has been certified by the Engineer, and ordered to l)e paid by the Committee. COMMITTEE NO. THREE. 66. The following sliall be the duties of Commit- tee No. Thhee : (1) To manage' and rejjort on the organization, equipment and maintenance of the Fire Brigade, and the supply and maintenance of the Ikjsc reels, wagons, horses and apparatus of the Fire Department, and to see that the same are kept in good order, repair and efficiency. (2) To see that proper books of account are kept, and statements furnished to the Council of all To expend moneys nppn-v- printeu for ffflUT.ll improvcinentH. To have super- vision of Street Commissioner. To consider and report on matters rel.itinjf to Exhibitions. To nian.ii^e .ind report as to Victoria and other parks, etc. To report as to fencing, etc., Victoria and other parks, and to carry out works author- ized by the Council. To report on work carried on jointK' by City and County. No expenditure to be made until account is certi- fied by Engrineer, and ordered to be paid by the Cominittee« Duties of Com- mittee Number Three. To manage and report on organization, etc. , of Fire Brigade, etc. To see thai proper books ba Mft and %Uiih > ,3 -:0 160 r mriitit tiiriiishi'J of puri'liasi's ami rxiicnJituri's i>t Fire Dcpjirl- mc'iit. piircliascs and px|)(Mi(litni'('H of the Firo Department, and of all |)i'op(M'ty from tiiin^ to tinu' l)i'lonoin ot wat.r, ^y.,f,»,. mi,| jlic (Mvction and mamt(>nance ot hvdiants. etc. (()) To consider and report oji all matters con- To consider and report as tn watering streets. n( 'cted with the wateiini'' of the ;)nblic street s or To consider .ind report as ti. lire liniitst, etc. To consider and report on heating ol l"it> Hall. etc. To ad\erlise lor tenders lor tuel and report there- on to thu Council. To see that supplies tor Fire Dep.irtmeni are t)b{i»incd by tender. To manage and report on matters relating to Public Markets, etc. scpiares, and the mode in wliich the cost thereof should he defrayed. (7) To consider and I'cport on all matters connected with the estaldishment of fire limits, the ins})ecti )n of buihlinj^s with refei'ence thereto, and the [)rosccution of ottenders [jgainst such I'ej^ulatiuns Ub may be enacted fo'- the prevention of tires. (S) 'I'o considci- and report on the mannci' of heal leaiui;; and nd liMitinu' tlu^ Citv Hall and oth untui'i' \hc uity iiaii ana oiner public buildings belonging to the ('(jrporation, and to adver- tise for tenders for the supply of coal and fuel for the use of the ('or|>oi'ation, to receive and examine the tenders received and to report thereon to the Council. (9) 'i\) see that all supplies requii-ed for the use of th(^ Fii'c Depariment are obtained by tender so far as practicable, unless otherwise authoi'ized by the Council. (10) To manage and report on all matters relating to the regulation of the Public Markets and Weighing Houses, the Inspection of Weights and Measures, the assize of bread, the prevention of tlie sale of tainted and unwholesome food, and all other nmtters with refei'ence to markets as to which the Council has power to puss By-laws. P'H'tmont, ••'With, "oniotion <'ity, the "I'^pt'ction ^ui'ply of •i.vvyiiij4" and ooiloetino- ofJjf^JJ]'^;,',^ fees for vveii^hin^" Ji»d i-eiital of stalls or spaces npon";;!;''f;;rf " the Market. l\'2) To report on all works that mav bo '•eqniredT'";''P'^"'^" . for the nianitenanco and Ueepniij;' in re))air of tlie'';"''"^^-<;» Marl? '''.■"""' \ ' 111* ^Icrk ol of the .Market, and all olliccis and servants (Mnnloved •\';?f'«^'''"'i It otlicerHanil in or about the Public .Markets (*f the City. n7r'"vV". (U) To (;all for tenders foi- ihe position of W^iuh ''^'^•'"•''■•^J^;'*'" \ / 1 » 1 1 • recti tobc'.'ulver- Clerk in the month of Maicli iii each year, oi- as may ^'^'^J •"'"••' ■ be directed by the Council, to examine and report 'r"j<;c'''v« \ • 1 1 1 • • „ti;ndiTs, report uuon the tenders received, and to see to the oivnij' otthcrcn, anj sec 1 . , ,, ,. , ,. , ,. .. ^1 that security IK security by tlie siiccesstui applicant tliertdor, tor tneK'^enby payment of tlie sum agreed to and the perlbrmance of his duties. (15) To con.sider and re|)oit upon all matters re -reconsider and , .^ ' 1 . ,. |. . ' 1 report on latinu' to the issue Ol licenses iii reuard to inat*:ers ■"«"«'" '■'=''^''"'f • 1 1 • I / 1 •! II I • to licenies. within the control ot the ( ouncil, and the regulation and government of persons to whom licenses shall be issued, and the piemises in respect of which license.s may be issued, and the license fees to l)e paid. (10) To have the contnd •uid direction of the City ,^;"^,^'9yo'Ci.y Electrician. (17) No sum shall l>e paid in respect oi' any e.\- .^'•';'^,.""''?*^^ penditin-e incurred l,>y Comniittee .No. riiUKE u'ltil the}^'|«^";^;:^g|?^"^'^'[^ account therefor has l)een certified by the Engineer, |^'^;^p;||,'|j^^>^;'"= and ordered to be paid by the Committee. MANNER OF CONDJCTiNG PROCEHDINCiSOF COMMITTEES. 67. The business of the respective -^^tanding and ^;;^''„|';y^^'**'^ Select Coininittees shall be conducted under the fbl- °o"J"c"«i' lowing regulations : (1) The Committee shall elect its own Chairman, ci>ainf.untu ■1111 • 1 • 1111 pn«iU« una >•„.. Who shall presKle at eveiy meetmo, and shall voteoii"n»ii iiu»«iop*, iL>te X I > ".Z^ -^ •• • I'-J h 162 4.C c: m Quehtion nega Uved where votes are equal. Chairman to sign orders aad documents. In absence of Chairman a member to preside. Minutes of proceedings to be kept. Minutes to be read at each meeting'. Reports to be entered in Minute Book. Orders passed and accounts audited to be entered in Minute Book Minutes to have progressiva number and to be indexed. Divisions to be recorded. No c-der or authority to do anything to be recognized unles!: signed by Chairman and authorized by Committee. Chairman may be removed. all qnestion.>^ suhiniitod, mikI incase of an equal divi- sion the question shall pass in the negative, (2) He shall sign all such orders and documents as the Connnittee may hiwfVilh' direct to be signed. (o) In his absence one of the other members shall be elected o preside, who shall tlischarge the duties of Chairman for the iiieciting until the arrival of the Chairman. (4) The minutes of all the transactions of the Committee shall be accui-ately entered l)y the Clerk of Committees in a book to be [)rovided for that pur- pose, and at each meeting the minutes of the precediiiff mee^^ing shall be submitted for confirmation oramend ment, and after they have received the approval of a majority of the members present they shall be signed by the Chaiiman. (5) There shall be entered in the minute book of each Connnittee all re})orts ordered to be submitted to the (.*ouu('il, all orders passed, and all accounts audited with a reference to the By-law or resolutions under which such ai:dit is made, together with such other matters as the C-oiumittee shtdl consider essen- tial to a record ol' it.s pi'occcdings. (6) Each minute so recorded shall have attached to it a progressive number for reference, and an analy- tical index shall l)e ke))t for each minute bocdv. (7) When a division takes place on any question the votes of the members shall be recorded if required by one of the memliers. (8) No order oi' authority to do any matter or thing shall be recognized as emanating from any Com- mittee unless it is in writing, signed l)y the Chairiian or acting Chairman thereof, and retc'rs to the minute of the Committee under which it is issued. (9) A Chairman of Cou.mittee may at any time be removed from the office of Chairman at a special meeting called foi' the puri)ose and another member elected Chairman in hi» stead. m. equal divi- t 'J < locum en ts >t' signed. m))tM-s shall tlie duties ival of the ions of the tiie Clerk >!' that ])ur- e preceding I or amend- )r()val of a 1 be signed te book of suhniitted II accounts resolutions with such iider essen- e attached vl an analy- ook. r question if required matter or 1 anv Com- Cliairt'ian he minute any time a special r member ILLNESS OR ABSENCE OF MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES. 68. Whenever any ni(Miil)er of a Special or Stand- i''""'^:."^^ '-' • . • I Coininittee to ing Committee is about to iciave the City for any n;]y|i|yi^'^'''* '*" period so as to interfere with or prevent his attend- '>''''^"«- ance at any meeting of any siici' ^\«mmittee, it shall be his duty to give notice in writing of his intention to the Clerk, in whicli notice he .shall state the period during which his absence is to continue and it shall f^^'^;^;>,y be the duty of the Clerk to cause such notice to be*^"""' laid before the Council at its next meeting. 69. The Council may a|)j)oint a member thereof g'p"„"i^'| ^"^y„. to act upon any Special or Standing Committee in lieu ^^J^° f^'^^^"?!, and during the absence of any meml)er thereof whopj^^^^b^'ir?'"'^"' is absent from the City or unable from illness to attend the meetings of such Committee, and the mem- ber so appointed shall be a niembei' for the Ward to which the al)sent membL'r belongs, and shall be deemed a member of the Commii tee and entitled to act thereon only during such absence or illness. GENERAL DUTIES OF STANOIXG AND SELECT CO fMriTEES. 70. T\w general duties of all the Standing and ^^f?^^f^f,|jf„"^'"^^„d Select Committees of the Council shall be as follows :^;;;',^'-;^ijj^^^ (1) To report to the (.'ouncil from time to time, to report to 1 I'll 1/1 •! 1 /• 1 Council when whenever desired ov the ( ouncii, ainl as oiten as thedosirodbyCoun. ,,,,,. "^ . ,, cil, and .IS often interests 01 the ( ily may riMpure, on all matters con- as interests ot nected with the duties imi)(»sed on them resijcctively, mattert'rXthrg I 1 i'ii/< •!• 1 to duties iin- and to recommend such action ov the (council in rela- posed on them. . , 1 ^ I " and to reconi- tion thereto as may be deemed necessary. mend action (2) To prei)are and introduce into the Council all To^rTpare and such By-laws as may 1 e necessary to give effect to the ^"TncctssarV reports or recommendations ot the respective Com- [hefr^repons '° mittees that are adopted by the Council. IJcouS'^ (3) To give effect bv the instrumentality of the to give effect proper oihcer to all By-hiAvs and resolutions oi the prober officers Council that relate to the duties of the respective reiati:'.rwth<..r tommittfcjtjs. •fs^ 164 »■•"■■ ■ ► ■■••* i i.»i>- r*"' li' I To audit (4) To audit all accDunts connected with the dis- n^tedwuh"" charge of the duties imi)osed on them by the Counpil duties imposed v', ,, p ' « 1 ii , ^ bvGnune'iior ()r With tlic pertomiance ot a\\y works, or the Dure hasp with perfor- ,. ' . , , i ' 1. 1 • • „ manceof works, of any material or goods under the supervision of thp etc., under their •' , ^ ./^ ^ ''"^ supervision. respcctivc Oominittces. To consider and (o) To coiisider aiiil report resi)ectively on report on -^ ' - - ^ - -*- • any matters referred aud all mattei's reteired to tliem by tlie C ounci , thp to them. . . , ^ 'l 1 • • Report to be (yliaimian signing sucli report and bringing u[) the same. (6) To adhere strictly in the tran.saction of all business to the rules prescribed by the respective By- laws of the Council. (7) To present to th* Council on or before the last regular meeting of the Council in each and ovorv year for the information of the Council and of the sipncd by Cnairman. To adhere to rules prescTilied by By-laws. To present r> the Council on or before last regular meeting in each year a general report fngsofthryiir. iJ^l^^^^'f'^^i^-"^ generally, as well as for the guidance of s'^uggestlons as ^^^ Comnuttces of the following year, a general report a^maj'te'''"" ^^ ^^^^^ '^^b^tc of tlic vai'lous mattci's referred to the tagt'ous. ""*'""■ Committee from time to time during the y^'ar, the work or business done through en' by such Committee, and the expenditure made under their authority or superintendence ; such report shall also state the nnm- ber of meetings the Committee held during the year at which a quorum was present, and the number of meetings duly called but at which there was no (|no- rnm, and how often each member vas absent from the latter meetings ; and shall contain such suggestions in regard to the future action of the succeeding Com- mittee as ex])erience in;iy enal)le the ie})orting Com- mittee to make in res[)ect of the matters embraced in the report. 5r""ir.'in''oftice i^) '^** •'^^'*' that M II [)ersons in office, or appointed ^curfu?"' b> office, connected with the de))artments of their respectiye Committees, have given, or do give, the neceSvSary security required of them for the perform- ance of their duties, and in case of any new appoint- ment that the security is given before the person appointed enters upon the duties of his office. 165 th the (lis. if^ Council, 'e purchase sion of the on ounc'ij, any the the tion of all )octiv(' Bv- l)ofoiv the 1 and every nid of the li^hince of ei'al report veA to the 3 VL'ar. the V>niniittee, itliority or e the iinin- : the year miiiher of as no quo- it from the im'^vstions (Jo)n- (.'oni- il)i-aco(Jin ling iny- il)j)ointefl of their Jjivo, the poi'forni- a})point- 3 person TREASURER. 71. The duties of the Treasurer in addition tOT"ea"r1r. those prescribed by law shall be : (1) To keep correct and proper books of account h"„t^'[f;™"''=' of all transactions relating to or occurring in his^"°""'- department. (2) To deposit all moneys which shall come to his '^"'^'^p"^" ,. \/J 1 r^ • 1 moneys to credit hands belonguig to the Corporation to the credit off/^Cj^^pj;-'*^"""'" an account to be kept in the Corporation's bank in its name, when such moneys amount to one hundred dollars. (3) To supply all information relative to the to supply in. finances of the City, and to all other matters connect- members o/'no. ed with his office, as Committee No. Onk may require, asto pFnanL. (4) To conform to all directions of the said Com- to conform to mittee consistent with law and the By-laws of the commitiec! City. (5) To perform such other duties as may be as JuXo'tt signed to him by the Council. ™ CLERK. ^''^' 72. The duties of the Clerk of the Council in ad- dition to those prescribed ])y law shall be : (1) To furnish the Treasurer and the Chairman of J'^^"""*'' ^ \/ . . , 1 roasurer and each of the Committees with certined copies of all S''"''"-''"''' u l Lommittoes with resolutions, enactments and orders of the C^ouncihy ''""^^^ '^^'P''^'* ot resolutions as relative to the matter over which such Committees '^v.";>"'^" ''''"" 11 . . , . . , , which Corn- may respectively have lurisdictioii on the day nexti"''.'":^'.^'^^'^ • , . , I'll • 1 " jurisdiction. succeeding that upon which the action oi the C ouiicil in respect thereof takes place. (2) To communicate or convey to the Committees t^ communicate all ])etitions or other documents referred by the p'-tit'i'ons'ctc':!' ^, ., *' referred to them. Council. (3) To have control over all officers employed injocontroi his office, subject to such orders as he may from tinie'^j'i''^ii^^'>'^office.' to time receive fi'om the Mayor or the Council. (4) To give notice to the members of the Council Jf"£;;fi;;^^'^ff of all meetings of the Council when held on any other '^''"•"'" '''""" . rm er duties as may be assigned to him by the Council. H 5 > " 1 '■* M& 4C- i held on other daj thaii tliB cky appointed by this By-law, on the day Monday" previous to that on which such meeting is to ha held. To have charge (5) To liavc chamc of tlic City Seal and to attach of City seal, and , V / ^ , » ^ / 1 -^1 ^i "■■'^^^H attach to docu- tlic samc to any document connected with the Council ■"Th the^anmcii on the order of the j\Iayor of the Council, or any of om ^j^^ Committees thereof. (6) To cause to be mailed to each membcM- of the Council, not later than the Saturday preceding each regular meeting thereof, a co])y of the minutes of the last regular (and special, if any,) meeting or meetings of same. (7) To perform such other duties as may be assign- ed to him by the Council. ENGINEER. 73. The following shall be the duties of the Enaineer : Wl on mittce, etc. Clerk to mail minutes of meetings of Council to e.ich Alderman. Duties of £nt;ineer. Toexamineand (1) To cxamjue all woi'k (1( )ne for tlio Coi'poi'atiou ccrtifvss to ^ ' work done for aud to ccrtifv as to the completion thereof to his satis- Corporation. „ . , ' , ^ , • i • i. i faction, and the amount to oe paid ui respect oi such work. When required to prcp;ire plans and cstimaK's for work to be done. To direct the doing of work, etc. (*2) When ivquii-ed l)y Committee No. Two, to pre- pare ])lans and estimates foi- all works re(]uired to be done by or on behalf of the Corporation. (3) To direct the doing oftlu^ wor and to prt\iare contracts in connect'oii tliere\\ ith, and that the work be tlone only upon his order. To make weekly u\ J,) submit i\ WOO Jv ])ay sliectofall woi'kmen pay sheet for \ / . I i' _ woVkmenand eiu ! 'loycd bv tlic Cor|)oi'a t lou on re]>airs and imi)r()ve- present s.inie to < t I 1,1 rre.isurer when iiK'Hts, tlio tiiiic em])loyed and waives i)aid, to Com- passed by _ ' I .' o I ' mittee No. Two, and when passed by them to deliver same to the Ti'easurer. Committee. To render pro fessional services to Board of Educ.'ition, (5) To render such jn'ofessional services as may be necessary to the Boar='\.^^*^^" , ^ . . ,.1 • , 11 1 ®, not done by and supervision ot the men employed when tiie work '^"""■*'='- is not done by contract. (.')) To keei) a correct record of the men employed to keep a record 1 i.1 / 1 4.- i. i. • 1 X' i-1 i-' ot men employed by the Corporation on street repairs, and or the time on street repairs they are employed, and tlie wages paid to them, and""" '^''^"'''P*' • to make a return thereof to the City Engineer once in each week. ((>) To perform such other duties as may be as- to perform such •1 ^ • 1 1 /( -i-vr 1 rn/^i other duties as smned to him by the C ouncil, Number iwo Com-maybcassig^ned mittee or the C ity Engineer. coundi.etc. CLERK OF COMMITTEES. 7'). The duties of the Clerk of Committees shall be: c'erk^ofcom- (1) To attend all meetings of the Committees and "'."^"'^^"dtakf \' , ~ r>n 1 '"'""'cs of each to record the minutes, ordcu's and re})orts ot all such '"«=«''"k- meetings in the manner herein before provided. ,...,1 -J 168 i Clerk of com-.^ (2) To caiisG a notice of each regular and special memters^oreacJI meeting of tlic Committoes to be mailed to each of meeting. ^^^ membcrs thereof, and to the Mayor, on the day previous to such meeting being held. Clerk of Com- (3) To prcparc all reports from the Committees ^arerepoXetc. for prcscntatiou to Council or otherwise. CHEQUES. fo'^beT.ned'by'' ^^- ^^^ Checjucs upou tlic Corporation's bank for Jount\"rs1gned'' ^^7 ^^"^ ^^ uiouey whatcvcr to be paid on account by Mayor. of the City sluill be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Mayor, or, in case of his ab- sence or illness, by one of the Aldermen. MONEY APPROPRIATIONS. 77. All appropriations of money shall be sub- mitted to a Committee of the Whole before being taken up in full Council. 78. No money appropriations shall be finally acted upon by the Council until it has been first referred to Committee Number One, and no money shall be paid by the Treasurer or any exjjenditure be authorized by any member of the Council without a resolution of the Council ordering the same and specifying the amount. Appropriations of moneys to be submitted to Committee of the Whole. No money _ appropriation to be finally acted upon -by Council until referred to Committee No. One, and no money to be paid by Treas- urer orexpendi- ■ ture authonzed by member without a resolution of Council. NOTICE OF MEETINGS TO COUNCIL. of Clerk not re- quired to givt notice of meet- ings of Council . ^ 111 unless same are mCetUliJ SlUlll OC held on some other day than the regular meetini' day. 79. The Clerk shall not be required to give notice the meetings of the Council unless the day of some other than the day hereinbe- fore appointed in this By-law. APPOINTMENTS TO OFFICE. In making ap- 80. lu malvlug appoiutuients to office, when there Sfficemotu,n''to arc morc than two ai)j)licants, the motion shall l)e e.acrappiicant put SO that cacli shall 1)0 voted for; the persons re- fowestlo'faiioutceiving the lowest number of votes falling out in in succession. _ succession. lid special '0 each of 11 the day 'ommittees s bank for •n account surer and ^f his ab- I be sub- fore being nally acted referred to lall be paid authorized resolution lifyin^ g the IL. ^ive notice le (lav of hereinbe- hen there shall be ?rsons re- iig out in 169 SUSPENSION OF RULES. 81. No standing rule or order of the Council sliall standing ruie^ 1)p suspended except by a vote oi two-thirds of the p""ded except ty '^' i ■*■ " two-thirds vote members present. of members UNPROVIDED CASES. 82. In all unprovided cases in the proceedings ofLawofp.-iriia. the Council or in Committee, resort shall be had to i^'unprovrde"" the Law of Parliament as the rule for guidance on*^^"*' the question, and in such cases the decision of the iViayor or other presiding ofHcer shall be final and acquiesced in without debate. ... ;;j ;;l .-3* 170 BY-LAW No. 774. To regulate the periods for taking the assessment and the revision of the Rolls. Passed 4th Ai)ril, 1892. 11e-affii:med Dth January, 1803. Preamble. TIT'HEREAS It Is advisal)le, jnirsuant to tlio pio- VV visions of Section r)*2 ot "The Assessineiit Act," to reguhite the periods for takini>- tlie assc-ss- ment and the revision of the Rolls in the City of London. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTLD by the Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Loiiduii as follows : Dateofmakirg 1. Thc asscssnieut of the ratable proi)ertv, real and personal, of the City of London, shall be taken between the first day of July and the thirtieth day of September in each year, and the Assessment Rolls shall be returnable to the City Clerk on the tiist day of October in each vear. Date of Revision 2. Tlic timc for closing; the Court of Revision shall ol Rolls. c? be the fifteent i dav of November, and for the tinal return by the J udge of the County Court the thirty- first day of December in each year. Assessment to 3. Tlic asscssmeut so made and concluded sliall be yea^ " ""^'"^ tlie asscssmeut on which the rate of taxation ioi' the following year shall be levied, unless the Council for the following year otherwise determine. Date of coming 4. Tlils By-Uiw shall take effect from and after the mtoorceo ^ ^^i^jj.|^ig|^|j ^j^^y yf j^^^jg Qj^g Thousaud Eight Hundred and Ninety-two, and shall not in any way interfere with the assessment now being taken on which the rate of taxation for the present year shall be levied. m ng the le Rolls. in\ 1803. the ))ro- ssossnu'iit lio assc'ss- C3 City of lie Aluiii- )t' London k'l'ty, I'L'al 1)0 taken til (lay of enl liolls first day siou shall the final 10 tliirty- tlsliallbe 1 lor the niiu'il for after the Hiiiidi-ed interfere 'liic'h the levied. BY-LAW No. 775. To regulate the time for payment of the annual rates and taxes. Passed 1st August, 1892. Ue-afkikmei) 9th January, 1893. WIIKHKAS it is expodient under the provisions Preamble, of Section .l^ of "The Assessment Act," to lequire die payment of taxes, and of all k)eal improvement ' assessments, inelu(Hng sewer rents and rates, to l)e made into the office of the Collectors by the days hereinafter named by installments, and to allow a discount for the i)rompt i)ayment of such taxes, assess- ments, rents, or rates as hereinafter provided, and to imi)()se an additional percentage charge on every tax or assessment, rent or rate, or instalment thereof, which shall not be paid on the day ai)p()inted for the pavnient thereof ' ]M] IT ^rilEIJEFOIU^: EXACTED bv the Muni- I' cipal Council of the Corporation of the City of London as follows ; 1. The taxes and all local inn)i"ovement assess- R^^i'i^no" for ... , '■ 11*1 payment or ments, inchnnng sewer rents and rates, payable in the taxes. City of London, shall, in each year after the ])resent year, be paid in the office of the Collectors of taxes of the ('ity of London or the days and times herein- after mentioned. 2. Items of general ixaticn 'e.'-; than six dollars, smaiir.itcs due and ibr Statute Labor, .^ ,iill not oe sub-divided, but caTyci'r! '" shall be })ayable on the 1 ''st day (ji August in each yeai". 3. Kates or assessments under the he^d of or as local im])i'ovements shal oe payable on the first day of August in each vear. 172 - IS fl'. ||iF ! Taxes over six dolLirs may be 4. The payment of all other taxes for each vem di'vided into "wo save anil except items thereof less than six dolhnv instalments pay- i n ^ . t i i i '^*'-'i» the first day of August in each year, shall consist ot one-half of the total amount, together with any broken sum or fraction in the sub-division of tlie same added thereto, so as to leave a residue without any broken sum oi* fractional part of a ('"liar, whicli shall constitute the second instalment and which may l)e paid on or before the first day of October in each year as mentioned in section four. 6. Ratepayers who may not desii'c to avail them- selves of the principle of the divisional payment, but prefer paying their taxes in bulk on or before the first day of August, shall upon such })aymeiit in l)ulk, be entitled to a reduction of three ])er cent, on those rates the payment of which might be deferred to the first day of October. fharge'added in ^- Thcrc Is hcrcby imposed an additional percent- plymeftat"" ^E^ chargc of five per cent, on every tax or assess- ment or instalment thereof un})aid by the days here- inbefore appointed fijr such payments respectively, Discount allowed off second instal- ment if paid when first in- stalment comes due. pay maturity. 173 each vein six dollars nont undor n tlu3 pre- L^i"i"tHl and n^', tliat is iition sliall lOlli DcciMiihcr, ls) and tliat |)art of tlic Towii- slii]) of Westminster (now known as Ward N(». (J), the names of eei'tain streets in tlie said Wards arc, in some eases, tlu^ same as, and in other e.ises vciv similar to tlie nanies of otluM- sti'(»ets in tlie older portion of the said ^'ity, heinj^ ('omi)osed of Wards Nos. L -» '^ J^i^'l •+• J'li'l '>y reason therc^of, nmeli con- fusion arises and it is expedient to ehan^'e the names of such streets in the said Wards Xos. .") and (1. AND WUKIILAS tliis (\)nneil lias, l.v a vote in favor of this ]^y-]aw of at least three-fourths of the w^hole Council, decided to make the changes herein- after mentioned. L BE rr Tin:KKR)i{K i:na( tkd i»v the Munici]»al Council of the Corpoiation of the (1t\ oi' London, sid)ject to the a|>|)roval of the Jud^e of the (N)untv Court of the CountA' of Middlesex, as follows : ± That Alma Street in tht- Sixth Ward slmli hereafter \k\ called and known as liyi'on Avemie, and the name of the said street, is hereby (^lianyed accord- inpflv. n. That ITann'lton Street ifi th(^ Sixth Ward shall liereafter I)e calle(l and known as IIii;li Street, and the name of the said Sti'cet is liereliy cliah|L*'ed aeeoid- insflv. inulv. in^'ly ITf) Streets I.I IV. Is!);), •Ilic City Mast (now lie Towii- •<1 No. ()), \'i\V{\s arc, f iscs V{>1T tllP ()1(I(T of Wards nil it'll coii- llic iiaiiics 1(1 0. ' a vote in Ills of tlio vs luMviii- ) hy \]m lie rityol' I.UC of tlic IS f'ollow.s ; 'ard .shall (Muic, and :m1 accord- .^U'd sliall root, and 'daccord- 4. That TTciiiT StnMnd Avenue, hcrcarter l)ecalle(l and known as ( Irand Avenue, and the name of the said street is herehy changcjd accord- inylv. 7. That Mill Street in tin.' Sixth Ward shall Watson street, licrcaftei- he called and known as Watson Street, and the name of the said street is hereby changed accord- iii«ily. 5. That Park Street in the (.Ith) Fifth Ward sliall chesiey Avenue. lu'ivafter he called and known as Chesley Avenue, and the name of the said street is hereby changed accord- ingly. II. That (,.)ueen Street in the Sixth Ward shall RiJ^^"' street iiii 11 ii'i ii South. luMvalter be called and known as Kidout Street South, and the nanu^ of the said street is hereby changed accordingly. li). That IJidoiit Street in the Sixth Ward shall p^^. street, hereafter be called and known as Peri'v Street, and the name of the said str(;et is lierel)y changed accord- ingly. 11. That Victoria Avenue in the Sixth Ward i^i^^hes* shall hereal'ter be called and known as Duchess Avenue, and the name of the said ntreet is hereby changed accordingly. 1l'. That Lome Avenue in the Sixth Ward shall ""''« Street hereafter be called and known as Duke Street, and the name of the said street is hereby changed accord- ingly. lo. That (Amtre Road and Kent Avenue in the orchard street Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as J .:0 176 ..■»• ■ 4C"' »•■■ Birch Street. FriMit Street. Elmwood Avenue East. Orchard Street, and the name of the said street is hereby chanued aecordin^'ly. 14. That Beech Street in the Sixtli Ward shall hereafter be called and knoAvn as liireh Strcc^t, and the name of the said street is herein' changed aeeoi'd- ingly. 1."). That l^rido-e Street in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as Vnnit Street, and the name of the said street is liereby changed acccn'd- ingly. 1(3. That James Street in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as Klniwood Avenue East, and the name of the said street is hereby changed accordingly. Pipe Line Road. 1 7_ xiuit Kensiill Aycnuc in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as Pipe Line lioad. and the name of the said street is herebv cluumed accordingly. 18. That Dutferin Ayeniie in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as ({reenside Ayenue, and the name of the said street is herebv changed accordingly. johnsonstreet H). Tluit lUll' Strcct in tlic Slxtli Ward sh.dl hereafter be called and known as Johnson Street, juid the name of the said street is hereb} changed accord- ingly. '20. That Centre Street, off Wharnclitfe Koad, in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as Evergreen .Vvenne, and the name of the said street is hereby changed accordiiiglv. •21. that (Vntre Stivet 'in the Sixth Wai'd sliidl hereafter be calir.l and known as Cove l*oiid West, and the name of the said Street is hereby changed accordingly. 22. That Macbeth Street in the Sixth Ward shall hereafter be called and known as The Ividgewii}, ami the name of the said street is hereljy changed accoi'd- Grccnside Avenue. Exerg'recn Avenue. Cove Riiad West. The RiJtjew.iy. 177 i2," apinoved of the changes made in the names of the streets of the City of London contained in the annexed By-law of the Municipal Council of the Ciii[)orati()n of the City of London, No. 711 and intituled ' }\y-law No. 711, To change the names of certain Streets in the City of London." This cei'tificate is granted for the purpose of reg- istration i)ursuant to the provisions of th*.' said sub- section of the said Act. IX WITNESS WHEREOF I have heieunto set my hand, at the City of London, in Ontaiio, this 'JOtli day ol ])ec(Mnber, in the year of our Lord, one Thous- and Eight Hundred and Ninetv-two. (Signed,) W. ELLIOT, J. ■ 1 .■■■* Wai'd shall I'cway, and 'cdaccoi'd- 178 BY-LAW No. 777. To assign a stand for Carts and Wagons kept for hire. Tassed 29tli ]\rarcli. 1887. B Location of Carter's stand. I'"' UE-ArFiKMED 9th Janiiju'v, 18S);5 E IT enacted by the ^Iiiiiiei])al Council of the Corporation of the City of Loudon as follows: 1. That no cart or wa^on kept for liire shall stand upon or in any public street or })lace within the City of London while waiting tor hire or eniia ■!' *^' 1 I^H EH i li' *^' > ' i.i Preamble. Third MonJ.iy ill August ;ip- pointed. Passed 1st August, 18^7. Re-affirmed Otli February, 1S1)3. WHEREAS it is dosiraMo tliat a ccM'tain dny in each year l)o ohserved as a CiviL' Holiday with- in the City of Ivondon. BE IT THEKEIOIJE EXACTED ])y tlie Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Lon- don, as follows : 1. That the thii-d ^Monday in the month of August in every year shall be, and the same is hereby ap- pointed a Ci^'ie Holiday within tlu' City of Loudon, an observed as a public h(>li;■•?'><•.»;<.■ ist BY-LAW No. 780. ^7. nary, 1803. lin (lay in •liday with- tlic Muni- y of 1,011- ! of August lici'chy ap- f I-oiidon, il, .sliall he •amble. Respecting Local Improvements Passed 4tli Aiionst, 1800. EE-AFFiiniEi) 0th Fobrnary, 1803. WITKl^UVS it is expedient to pass a general By- Pro.., law for ])i'ovi(linn' the means of ascei'tainino- and (letei'niining what real property will be ininiecl- iatcly Ixnietitted by any proposed work or iniprove- iiicnt, th{>ex])ense of which is ])ro])()sed to be assessed upon the real property imnuMliately benefitted thereby, and of ascertaining and determining the |)roportions in which the assessment of the final cost thereof is to 1)0 made on the varions ])()rtions of the real estate so benefitted, and to make other i)rovisions with regard to local improvements. THKRKFOKK tln^ :\rnidcipal Conncil of the Corporation of tlu; ( -ity of London enacts as follows : 1. From {liid aftei' the i)assing of this By-law, alU-'^'"-''' ■'"P'""^':. works or nn])rovements which are nndertaken under ''^'^^,"''^■'■^■'••■'^(,'6 tlieJ^ocal I m[)i'ovement Provisions of the JMiinicipal ^'^^^ 2- Liw, and all the proceedings relating thereto, taken or which are re(|iiire(l to be taken under such law, shall 1)0 under the charge and supervision of Com- mittee Nunrber Two of this Council, 1^. Whenevei' a ])etition is ])r(>sented imiying for Petitions to be .1 » 1111 referred to Coui- any sucii work or improvement, thesa'^ie shall, unless ""'"=« ''^'"- =>• Uiis Council shall otherwise^ direct, be referred to the said Committee for impiiry and r(>[)ort. o. It shall be the duty of the said Committee to ".'">• '^i C'.m- , • . • .... mitiix' on I'eti UKjuire and re})ort as to whether siicli petition istionioi. signed by the rcMjuisite number of property owners, > J .:0 182 :l if* •'to ; »: 1 . i i \ 1 1 ! 1 ' J 1 ■ I : ^ i i; Duty of Com- mittee on peti- tion against. May rcquiri- anv officer to tiirnisli inform.ition. Duty of Com- mittee when work imder- taken " on the initiative." Engineer or oilier officer to make measure- ments. repre.seiiting the requisite value of real propei-tv according to law, to entitle the Council to proceed with the work or iniproveinent. 4. It shall also be the duty of the said Coniinjttee whenever a petition is prest^ited against any i)r()p()se(l work orimi)r()venient of thtN-hai-acter aforesaid, wliicli it is proposed to undertake, to incpiire and repoit as to whether the same is sulliciently signed, acconlinL,^ to the i)r()visions of the Statute in that behalf ;"). The said Connnittee mav recpiire the Clei'k or any other officer of tlie Municii)ality, to provide sueli information as th(\v may deem neces.sary, for tlic ])ur- pose of enabling them to rei)ort under Sections ",] and 4 of this By-law. 6. The said (!onunittee shall also, where it is ])ro- posed to und(M'take any such work or im])i'{)V(Mnciit " on the initiative " cause, the neces.sary notices to l)e given, according to tlu^ Provisions of tiie Statute, for the time l)eing in foi'ce, applicable thci-eto. 7. Whenever the re])()rt of the .said Coimnittoe shall have l)een ado])ted l)y tlu* C\)uncil or wliere tlic Council dispenses witli a reference to a Conmiittec (in which latter cas(» the (hities im])os(Ml ujjon tlie Committee und(M' Sections :) and 4 sliall 1);; j-crtbi'imul by the Clcik), the I^ngincei-, ()rsu(di ollicer in liis de- partment as tlie Council or tlie .said Committ(H' (as the case may be) sliall name Ibi- the purpose, shall proceed to a'ld sli;*ll make a measui'cmcnt of tho frontage liabj(> to tlie assessment for the cost ol' the proposed worlv or improvement, and oi" tlie tVoiitages exem[)t from taxation, and ascertain and deteiiniiie what real property will be immediatcdy beniiitled by sucdi propositi work or im])i'ovement, the cxjieiise f)f which is pvoposcMl to be assessed as ])i'ovide(l by tlie Local Improvement Sections of the Municijsal Law for the time being in foi-(H; upon the real proj)erty benefitted thendiy, and ascertain and determine the proportions hi which the assessment of the cost 183 pl'Opei'ty, proceed -'oniinittee ^' proposed 'aid. wliicli (-'l)ort as to cordino- to e (*lerk or ovide siu'Ji 3r tlic pur- ions ;; and e it is pro- )rov('in('nt ticcs to l)e latuto, for Jonnnitteo wluMv the /onuiiittee iipnn the poi'toi'ined in liis de- mittee (as )os(', shall Mit of the ost of the ' frontages di'tei'niine liiittod Ity '\|)(MIS(> of I(mI by tlie ('i|)al Law ! propeity rnn'iie tlie the cost thereof is to be made on the various portions of the real estate so benefitted, and the engineer or other officer aforesaid sliall also ascertain the cost of the proposed work or improvement and the probable life of it. 8. The rei)ort of the Engineer or other otlicer A.m report same aforesaid shall be made to the said Committee, who shall, n))()n recei})t thereof, report to the Council whether in their opinion the said work or improve- ment should 1)0 undertaken and proceeded with. 9. It shall ])e the duty of the said (\)mmittee to J:;;;;;''";,'^';'^^^';^-^" cause all notices to be given and proceedings to be «y>."';'''-cs to taken and acts to be done recpiisite uiifler the pro- visions of tiie A t or Law aforesaid, and toeiial)lethe said })ro])osed work or improvement to be undertaken and })roceeded with, if the Council shall determine to undertake and proceed with it, and the said En- gineer sliall foi'thwith, after the Council has })assed a By-law directing that the said work or iin|)rovenient shall be undertaken and proceeded with, cause tenders for the said work or im])rovement to K^Kinter to cau 1 1 'IP iin nrni for tenders be advertised tor, and shall report ui)oii all lenders received to the said Committee, and the said Com- mittee shall, upon a Tender therefor being accepted by the Council and the agreement for the construction of the said work or improvement in accordance there- with (executed by the Contractor and the Mavor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreement in the name and on behalf of the said Cor- poration and to attach to it the Corporate Seal of the said City, after it has been ap})roved of by the City Solicitor, cause the work or improvcnnent to be done or made and completed. 10. In making assessments to defrav the cost of Allowance may , • (• 1 • " 1 '"^ made oft cor- the constructiou ot works or im])roveinents, done or ner lots with 111111 • • approval ot c(mstructed under the Local Improvement provisions committee, of the Municipal Law, the said Engineer or oilier officer, who for the time being is charged with this ■J ,;0 I: duty, may, snbjoctto tlioa])))r()val ofCoininittocniini- berTwOjiiiakea sidoallowancenot to excctMl oiic-lliiid of the (lei)th of the lot for coiner k)ts and triaiimilai' or other irregular sluiped pieces of land situati" at the intei'seetions or junctions of streets, and in iiiakinn such allowance he shtdl have due regard to the situa- tion, value and su])er(icial area of such lots as com- })are(l with the adjoinin^i;' lots and pieces of land as- sessable for such improvements, woi'ks and scMvices, and any allowance made in pursuance of this section shall be assumed as a portion of the City's sliai'c oj the cost of such local improvements. 4::" c: Form of notice for publication. *i ■ IP If ► 1 i ^1 : V i 1, NOTICE WHEN WORK UNDERTAKICN ON PETITION'. TAKK NOTK'K that the Municii)al Counnl ..I the C'or[)oration oi* the City of l^ondon intiMids to construct a on street, between and , and to assess the final cost thereof u[)()n the property abutting' thereon and to be benehtted therebv, and that a statement showing the.lands liable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as tiny can l)e ascertained from the last J^evised Assessment Roll, is now filed in the ollice of the Clerk of the Munici[)ality, and is open for inspection durinu' olliee hours. The estimated cost of the work is $ of which !$ is to be provided out of die general funds of the JMunicipality. A Court of Kevision will be held on at tlie City Hall, in the said Citv for the ])urp(ise ot he-'ring com[)laints against tht=i '^'-oposed assess. neiit or accuracy of the frontage measurements, or any other complaint which jXM'sons intei-ested may desiie to make and which is bv law coiiiii/able bv tlu' Court. Citv Clerk's Ollice' * ^ lx\) City Clerk. ISf :) ittecniini- I <»iic-tlii,.,i triaiiur])ose of s, oi' anv nay desire he Court. :0 itv Clerk. I Preamble, c: m BY-LAW No. 78 1. Respecting the Police Benefit Fund. Passed IHtli iVj)!-!!, Iss7. Kk-akfik.mki) (Uli Fel)niai'v. ISii;]. TT VV $500 to be eranted aniuaU Payment to be made April ist each year. IIKHKAS it is provided l)v sulvscction s of Section r)()4 of " The C'oiisolidated Municipal Act, 1883" that the Council of every City may j)ass By-laws for aidinji,- and assisting;-, by annual inonev grant or otherwise, as the Council may deem exjx'dicnt, the establishment and maintenance of Su[)eiaiuuia- titm and Benefit Funds for the benefit of the meiuluMs of the Police Force and their families, where Police Forces are established. AND WHEPEA8 a Police Force has been es- tablished for the City of London, and it is ex[)e(li('nt to aid and assist the establishment and maintenance of the Superannuation and Benefit Funds for the benefit of the members of the said Police Force and of their families. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED bv the :\Iunici- pal Council of the ('orporation of the City of liondon, as follows : 1. That the sum of five hundred dollars bo. and the same is hereby granted to the Police Force Benefit Society of the said City, established foi- the purpose aforesaid, and that the same shall lie forth- with paid over by the City Treasurer to the Treasurer of the said Benefit Society of the said Police Force. 2. That hereafter on the first day of A})iil in each year, until the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of London shall pass a By-law declaring -und. 'uary. ls<):j. ction s (,{' I Municipal ■ may pass lUui IIIOIK'V iex])(Mli('iit, iiperaiuiua- Hnnc'iuhers leru Police 187 that it iw inexpedient that any further ])ayinents shall be made, there shall be ])ai(l by the City Treasurer the sum or five hundred dollars to the said Benefit Society, and that u])()n tlie passin^jj of the said Bydaw (lechuinK i^ ^^ ^^^' iin^xpedient that any further pay- ments shall l)e made, the said ^rant shall eease and 110 further sum shall be ])aid by the City Treasurer under the provisions of this Bydaw. s been ea- i exi)e(lieiit lainti'naucp Is for the Force and 5 :he Munici- of London, rs be. and lice Force ed i'ui' the be forth- ) Treasurer ce Force. )ril in each !()r[)orati()n declariny' 1 :-3* 188 BY-LAW No. 782. ■ I :)! ri'.iMihli', One yuiir Icrm. To appoint three members of the Board of Management of the Free Library in the City of London. P,\ssi;i) ()Mi Fol)]n;iry, 1Shniici))al ('ouiicil of tlic ( nrpoi'ation of tlic Cilv of" i.or.doii, f'oi' the cstahlisIiiiuMit oC a I'Vic Lild'ary in tlio said City, under the provisions of " The I'^rci' Libraries Act." AM) WIIKHLAS it is l.y tliosaid Act provi.h.,! tliat ilircc of the nieiiihers of tlie lioard of Maiiauv- nient of tlie said l*'ree Lil)i'aj'y sliall he ap))oiiite(l hv tlie ^hmicipal Council of the said City of London, and that of the tlu'ce first inend)ers a])))oint('(l hy the said Council, one shall liold ollice until tlie Ist day of la'l)ruary aftci- liis appointment, one until tlic 1st (lav of Fehruai'N in tlie foHowin-i' vejir, and oneuiilil tlu; sani(! diiy in the next year tiiereafter. A\l) WIIKHKAS it is expedient to a!>p')iiit thi'ce niemhei's of the said iioard. no nienilx'is having been })reviously appointed by tlie Council. BE IT THEKEFOKK EXACTED by the .Muni- cipal Council of the Corpoi'ation of the City of London as follows : 1. That Joseph T. Mai'ks, of the City of London, Es(|., Tinsmith, be and he is hereby appoinle(l a nionibor of the said l>oard of Mana|;'ement of tlu; Free Library in the said City, and shall hold olHci' until the Lst day of Febi'uarv next. Board of ary in the ii.'ny, is(! l.y the tioii of tlic <»r a I'V(r 'ovisidiis of I't pi'ovidcd I if Maiiaii'i'- )))<)inr('(I Itv nf l.oiuloii^ 111 ('(I l.y tlir lie 1st (lay iitil I lie 1st 1(1 uiic until to app^iiiit i)ur.s having the Muni- 10 City of of L(»ii(l()ii, )[)oiiil('(l a nit of tlic hold oIUl'l' 189 '2. Thjlt Charles K. KtU'llC, of the said City ( )f Two year urm London, K'Sii(K>ii, as follows: 1. From and after tlie pas.siii<;' of tlii.s l)y-la\v;i l{ey the Medictil Health Oniccr of the City for the reui.sti'atioii. nndei' the jjiovisiiins of ail Aet passed hy the Leii'islative Assemhly oT tlie P'oviiiee of Ontario, in tlie fiftietli yearol" liei .Miijcs- ty's reign and intitiiled " An Act for tlie protection of Infant Chihh'en," wherein the .same shall reui.stcM' free of charge tlie names, the situation of the lioiiso or houses of such person or ix'rsons ;is aic e!Uitl('(| to be registered under tlu^ })rovisioiis of the said .\cl. 2. The said Medical Health OHiccrsh-dl |)r()vi(lo and keep such forms and notices as arc i'(M|uir('il under the jirovisiimsof the said Act,imd sliidl rnniisli copies thereof to jiersons entitled to the s.une. 8. The said Medical Health Ollicer .shall, hetniv granting a H(;ense to any [)erson or persons uudei- the provisions of the said Act, consult with the Chi' f Constable conceining the character of the applicant and the situation and suitableness of the premises pro|)o,se(l to be used for tlu' lujiiutcuaucc and uursini^' of infant children. 4. No person shall receive a license who shall mo'. be recommended and approved of by the .Mc(hciil Health Officer and Chief Coiistablr. ^i St ration /here ;n- '6 nursed )m their ch, ison. iiiu'il ofllie "^ follows : s l)\-la\v;i Jlltll'OllicM' jn'ovisioiis nl)ly of tlic Hat Majes- pi'otcctioii all i'(\" t]l(> liousp ciitirlcd to aid Act. all |)i()vi!lt! '(' i'(M|iiii'('(l lall I'lii'iiish UHC. hall, l)('!()iv s uikKm' the the Clii'f (' applicant (' jji'diiiscs !m1 iiiirsjuL;' lo sliail iin'i ic MiMJical 191 5. In no case shall more than one infant be re- Requirements ccived nnto any registered house for each 7r)0 feet houTrTiL'nseZ contained in the room or rooms in which such infants are respectively kept, and no more than four infants shall he received 'nto any house for each female at- tendant in such house ; and the Medical Health Ottit'ci' shall e.iter in t\v) l)ook of forms for the re- gistration of infants sup])lied to the person registered the nnnd)er of infants which the i)erson so registered is entitled to receive into such registered house. (). All houses and premises registered shall be ,l"*'P'^'^''V" "^ . . . . \ , ~ liconsud houses. lirthle to be visited and inspected at all hours by the Medical Health Officer, or by any other person duly authorized, and also by any })ohce constable or de- tective in the employment of the police department ; and no i)erson registered under the said Act shall refuse admission to his house or lu'emises to any person duly authorized to visit and inspect the same, nor shall he refuse to })rodiF'o the register recpiired to he k(*[)t by him under tlu provisions of the said Act for examination, or answer any reasonable questions that may be aske' of tlie said Corporation, in City, 1)6 ^\\(\ lic is hereby appointed the ajient, at- rcspcct oi Its t/ ' ill _ O ' stock nndbo.ias.torney and proxy of the said C()r})oration, t(» rej)re- sent and yoto for the said Corporation as Stockholders and Mortgage Bond, or Debenture holders in the London and Poit Stanley Railway Company, in respect of the Stock and Mort<;age Bonds or Deben- tures in the said Company, held by the said Corpoia- tion at all Si)ecial and General Meetings of tlu^ Share- holders of the said Comi)any. Mayor may ap. 2. Tlic Said Mayor, may in lieu of yoting u])()n the point a Proxy. , . J ' J _ o I said Stock and Debentures, in the name and on lu'lialf of the said Cor})oration, ai)point a proxy or peison to vote for and I'cpiesent the said Corporation, in respect of the said Stock and Mortg'io(. jionds or Debentures, or any ])art or parts thei-eof, at any and every such meeting, and to affix to any power of attorney, or a])i)ointment of a l)r()xy, the Corporate Seal of the said City. 193 TES ilway. Stanley ^v, ISO'2. il, 1S03. iicil of the follows : •f tlie said agent, at- t(» \V\)IV- DckholdtTS .'I's ill the iil)aiiy, in or Di'ben- 1 Corj)()ra- tlic Siiare- ;■ upon the I oil l)i'lialf person to in respect ehentures, very such orn'W, or ill of the BY-LAW No. 785. Respecting the London and Port Stanley Railway Company. Passed January 16th, 1893. IIe-affikmed April 3rd, 1893. HE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the D Corporation of the City of Eondon, as follows : 1. That Aldermen Charles Tavlor, William C. ."''^'^'^1"" """" Coo, Robert A. (^arrothers, James Fitzgerald, Henry Di'cancy, and (ie()r<;e Shaw, and Messrs. Joseph C. Judd, Erank E. Leonard* and Frederick A. ETtz- ^rcrald, be and they are hereby nominated for the oliice of Directors of the London and Port Stanley Railway C(Jinpany, by virtue of the powers vested in the said Coi'poration by the jjrovisions of the said Act, passed in the 56th year of Tier Majesty's Reign, intituled •' ^\n Act respecting the London and Port .Stanley Kailway Company," to hold office on and from the date of the next annual meeting of the Share- holders of the said Company. 2. That the Mayor and his proxy (if any), apiiointed "j^t'^ia" ''^' und-'i' the authoritv of Bv-law No. 608, of the City of Eom'on, passed on the 19th day of December, A. I). I ing of the Shareholders of the said Comiiany. Preamble. tii i Uil 194 AN ACT Respecting the London and Port Stanley Railway Company. Assented to Otli Julv, ls()i> V\TIU11U:\^ tho (N)ri)()rati()n of'tlu^ (^ity of T.onddii VV has, by its petition, rcpreseiittMl tliat il is tlie holder of first mortgage bonds or debentures of the London and Port Stanley Railway (\)nii)any to tho amount of three hundred and twenty-seven thousand, six hundred and forty-nine dollars, of second mortgage bonds or debentures of the said Company to tiie amount of one hundred and sixty-rv)ur thousand, four hundred dol'.irs, and of third moi't gage l)onds oi' de- bentures of ;tie said C()m[)any to the aniount of one hundred and thirty-nine thousand, three hundred and twenty-nine dollars, and that the whole of the princi- pal moneys of the said mortgage bonds or debentinvs remain uni)aid, together with interest at tlie rate of six per cent, per annum fi-om the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, on tlic principal sums or amounts of the said second and third mortgagee bonds or debentui'cs, all of wh'cli is in arrear, as well as a [)art of the interest of the said first mortgage l)onds or del)entures ; that the Cor- poration of the City of St. Thomas is the hohler of first mortgage l)onds or debentures of the said Coi'i- pany to the amount of thirty eight thousand, two hundred and ninety-six dollai's, and of third mortgage bonds or deljentures of the said Company to the amount often thousand, six hundred and thirty-seven dollars ; that the mortgage l)onds or del)entures lield by the said two Corporations com})rise tlu^ whole of the mortgage or bonded debt of tlie said Company, 19;') Stanley of Loiiddii lilt it is the ires of the '■my to the • tiiousand, I iiioi'to'a^e i>y to' the iisaiid, four ids ()!• de- int of ()ii(. indrcd and the juiiu'i- (kdxMitiii'es tlu' i-atc of of Alaii'h, wo, oil the t'coiid and wlr'cli is in ' tlic said the (\)v. ) liohlor of said Cot'i- isaiid, two iii()rtn'a,i;'e ly to tiie irty-s(>v('n tiircs liidd ' whole of (-'oiii]>aiiy, and that the said mortgage or oondod (lcd)t exceods in ainomit ihe value of the said llailway and the assets of tlu^ said Company, and that the said Cor[)orat;on ot the City of London is the owner of fifteen luuidred sliaivs of the Capital Stoek of the said C'ompany, the whole amount of the Capital Stock being four thousand, four hundi'edand fifteen shares ; and where- as the said last mentioned Cor})oration has also, by its jK'titioii, re})resente(l that it is expedient to provide for giving to the holders of the said mch'tgage bonds or debentures the rights hereinafter conferred upon them, and has ])rayed that the said Kail way may l)e deelar'^l to l)e a work foi' the general advantage of ('anada; an and any coiinciLs, or tf tlio Com- and robe, a liiy not be a ail- tbc lease ly ^'"inpaiiy >\v, hoaring »"sand, eight of tbc last ircMinder. 'Ct tlio rin-hts I'doixMitui'es K' assets and IK I ])rionties I l)as.sL'd. 197 AN ACT Respecting the London and Port Stanley Railway Company. WIIKKl^.AS the London and Port Stanley Railway P'-'=^"'>'ie. Conipany and the Corpoi-ation of the City of London have by their petition pi-ayed that the said Company be authorized to enter into an agreement f(n' the leasinjj^ of the said railway, and otherwise as hereinafter provided, and also that tlie lease herein- i\^t made, been either agreed to by tlu' said paities of the hrst part oi' detenniued by arbitration, under the provisions of paragi'aph twelve of this indenture to be necessai-y repaii's, and that no (ie(ln(!ti(»n shall be ma been so agreed or liave been determinecl by arbiti'ation to be necessary I'cpairs as afoi'csaid and then only on production (><' the voucheis showing in detail the actual ex|)(>nditui'e thereto)', and, in case of dispute as to such exjx'uditure, unless or until the amount thereof sliall have been di'termined bv arbit- 8 J > :3 ins *»••' ■ c: )' tr'" 1 *•■■ »»■ f' c: , .».,••- ) p*rf: • I-.1 *; fSV'. J 1 Ciuveland, Port Stanley a lul London Tr;ins- portation andj Railway Co. Arrangcmirnts withanolhur compar.y. ration under the provisions of tlio said i)araiiT,i|)li twelve;" and the said lease bv this section eonliniu'd and validated is the said lease so amended and, as so amended, shall be valid and bindinu" on thesaidCNnn- pany and tlie other parties thereto aceordin^- to the teinis ilureof ; ])r(;vi(led always that mtthinii Iwrcin or in the said lease contained shall atl'eet the j)o\vcrs of the (loveriioi* in Conned nndei' section two hundriMJ ai;d twenty-six of T/ic Rai/tru// Acf and that sections two hunI>i»'y to this ''<' I "lis jixed and T.oiidoii iiic()r|)oi-ato(l <'n\'U'Iiaiiieiit. to ill llie said tlio Act passed litidcd A71 Ad ','/ (nul L mil on and to confirm J Port iSt'iiik'ji lie i-ailway df ('onipaiiy (hir- r and siihject K:!iiallyas tlic vay Company anloy ]?ail\vay siihjcH't always so tliat the not take (dlec'i t^cnninatioii of 'lit with any to siudi aii'ice- V. or with any s railway lor ? aj^reed upon iDy betwoon tlio said railway company and sncli railway company or other company or jjorson, or for the working ol' the said railway, or for rnnninj^' powers over it, on siicli terms and conditi'Mis as are agreed upon hy the contracting parties, or for leasing or hiring fi'om such other contracting company ori)erson any portion of its railway, or for the nse thereof, and oelicially to make an agreement with any such C(mi- pany or person, if so lawfully authorized, tomdiing the use by one or the other or ])y both of the con- tracting ])arties of the railway or the rolling stoc'-: of either or both, or any part thereof, or touching any service to be rendered by u..' one party to the other and the compensation therefor: Provided always, sanction of the that every such lease or agreement shall be hrstsanc-^f'^'Vcovernor -, •, . ,i'i I'ii J , •! , in Council. tiuned by two-tliirds ot tiie votes at a special general nu'etiiig of the shareholders duly called for the piir- pose of considering the same, — at which meeting shareholders re[)i'esenting at least two-thirds in value of the sto'k are })resent in person or rei)resente(l by pi'oxy, — and that such agreement has also received the approval of the (Jovernor in Council : and for the piiri)()ses of this section the mortgage l)()nds or deben- tnres of the C'om})any shall be deemed stock, and the holders of su(di bonds oi' (l(d)entures shall be deemed shareholders of the Coin[)any. (2.) Su(di ap])roval shall not l)e siu'iitied until after N^^ticepfappii- ^ ^ ' ^ , , * catioti tor notice of the proposi'd ap[)lication therefor has been ■'pprovai. pn))lished in the manner aed for the time set forth in section tAvo Innnlred and thirty-nine of Tlie Railway Act, and also for a like period in one newspaper in ea(di of the counticv- through which the railway of the Company runs, and in which a iRnvs])ai)er is i)ul)lished 4. If at anv time, iiiider the provisions of the nextificssceisnot ^. '. I 1 •! .1 1. authorized. prec(Mung sectnai, tiie saivl railway is leased to any person or C()r))()rati()ii w!iich has not any corporate powers authorizing the leasiMg and o])erating thereof by such lessee, the lessee thereof shall transmit to the '1^ '.-J i \ ■.'V :t, cr )' .»»" J <:: » **»* « ••»' *• ii« ■« I ' r ri »- 200 Minister of Railways and Canals within ten days from the date of such lease a notice in writing;' statin^' the fact that such lease has been made, descrihin^' the termini and line of route of the railway leased, and specifyinj^' the charter or Act of incorporation under which the same has been constructed and o})i'rate(l including- a copy of any writing preliminaiy to a lease of such railway which has been made as evidence of such lease, and immediately upon the execution of any deed of lease of such railway the lessee shall also transmit to the said Minister a duplicate or authen- ticated copy of such lease and shall furnish to the said Minister on recjuest any further details or infor- mation which he refpiires. Grant of license ;"). Uutll tlic IcssGc lias (l tliei'e- n complied of the then to ()])erate tolls there- in same was n so fur as and condi- ion of the 'r of license (1 ^linister tci'ins and nil l)v such •liamcnt of :)f aftci' the )oration or e and run ulc to l*ar- iiav extend 201 the license of such Icvssee until the end of the then next folloNvinj^ session of I*arliaiuent, and no lou«;er. 7. The said Company may from time to time (>nter A>rronnrni.a» into a<^reennMits with any company or i)erson f()r thelnK'suXe.c?''' leasini;. hiriu*; or use of any locomotives, cai-ria^es, rollini;' stock and other nujvahle [)ropeity. for such term and on such conditions as aro a<;'ree(l u[)on, and nmv also enter into aj^reemcnts with any company anth(»ri/ed so to a«;i'ee, or with any railway comi)any, fertile use by one oi- more of su(di contracting' com- panies of the locomotives, carriages, rcdlhii;' stock and other movahle })roi)erty of tht; other or others of them on such terms and conditions as to compensation and otherwise as arc a<^rec(l on. SCIIKDIILE. Tills Tndkntukk, nnule tlie twenty-fourth day of Lessor. Jiinnarv, in the vear of our Lord one thousand eijiht hnndred and ninety-three, between the London and Toit Staidey Railway C'om[)auy of the first i)art, and Chailes l\. Jones, of tlu^ C'ity of Cleveland, in thoi-cs»ce«. state of Ohio, one of the Tnitcd States of America, vessel owner; Frank 8. Miller, of the same place, in- surance aucnt ; Lorenzo Dudley Dodge, of the same place, secretary of the Cleveland Steam Gauj^e Com- pany ; M. Silas J'eltinuill, oithe same place, insurance aucnt ; and Thonnis \V. Larwood, the younger, of the same [)lace, stationer, of the second })art. Whereas the said pai'ties of the second })art have agreed to work the London and Poit Stanley Kail- way, its plant and apj)urtenances uj)on the terms and conditions luMcdnafter set forth. Now this indenture witnesseth : 1. The London and I'ort Stanley Railway Com- H?"'"*"'"^"" J •' ^ _ ot lease. pany herel>y give, subject to all the rents, conditions, provisos and agi'ecniMits, hereinafter mentioned, the use, occupation and possession of their line of railway l)etween London and l*ort Stanley, to the parties of 3 202 'iiA .».♦•■• .. cr )' «»••' > #»■■ »»'■ »»■■ If : I 1' r: It) ri.'p:iir. the second part, for tlu' ))(M'io(l of twenty yeiirs fVom the first day of Marcli, ISSKJ, so tliat the same shall !)(» vv{)rked l)y the said paities ot tlie second part and all the receipts and eajiiiii.ns shall hi' collected 1)\ the said parties of the second part fui- their own use and benefit. LwHccBfoput 2. The said ])arties of the second pait shall, witli- roail ill repair . . v ^ 1 »• il 1 » l f , within.., months 111 twcnty-fonr months from the date hereof, put the nnJ klip s.uiic • i !• o •! i- > i • I ,• i. , i ,. said hne of laihvay ot the said parties ol the hist part, its road, hrid^^'cs and rails an])aii', and shall also, after pntliii^ the same in j^ood re])air. w(dl and snflieiently at all times, durin^^ the said term of twenty years, repair, inaiiitiiin, amend and keej) the same and every |)art thereof in jjjood and substantial re])aii' and all fixtures and t]nn«;'s thereto bel()nj,;in<4', or which at any time during the said term shall be erected, put or made, when, where and so often as need shall be. ',]. The necessary cost of pnttinu' the said liiieof yeArirorepa'iV rail wjiv of thc Said 1 )arties of tlic fiist i)art, its road, of road. i • i ' i •! . i ii i • i- • brid aiiiount arbiSMr''^''n('C(vssarily expended by the said parties of tlie second part for the pnrposes aforesaid, the same shall be deter- mined by arl)itration in the maniuM- provided ])y para- graph 1*2 hereof. Provided also that the erection by the ])arties of the second i)art of a passenger station at 8t. Thomas on the lands of the said })arties of the Lessees in.iy apply first two y ('ill's from same sliall >•! |>:Mt and ctcd \)\ tlio Nvii iisu ami sliiill. with- '•'1'. [>llt tlic H'lii'st part, crv |)<»rti()ii I .•ipjiiiifcn- I>Hlliii-' tho iit mII tiiiu's, r, luaiiitaiii, tli('i-('()f in \t\uvs and time (Imiiio- ado, when, said line of t, its i(ta(l, II of its pio- tciianct's in n till' iirst ic'coiid j)art s of the first tit's of fill' ' said ti'i'iii 'iits lii'ivhy ]) tlll'lU tliu '\n' that, ill he amount f tllOSl'l'Dlld all lu'dcti'i'- k'd I)v para- eri'i'tioii by i^cr station I'tios of the 20:1 fiist part, at a cost not to cxcoi'd twciit y-livt! hiiiidrrd dollais, shall Ix' dcciiicd a portion of tlu' nrci'ssary cost aforesaid. Providod further that nothing- shail he doiu' l)y tlio said ));irtii's of tlii' si'cond part and that 110 money shall ho cxpondcd l>y thi'in for the .said j)iirposr of putting' the said liiu' (d'raihvay of tho said parties of tlu Iirst part, its road, l)rid)4'es, rails and all and ovorv portion of its pi-oporty, hiiildinj^s, way. ti'aid; and aiipiirteiianeos in ^ood repair, if tho (lioat Western IJaihvav Companv of Canada or theN..<.,p,.ndiiuri. (liaiKl Trunk h'aiiway ('onipany of Canada, who, the wV;"^^^^^^ parties of tho first part contend, are hound undoi" thorlpairH.'"*'" pivseiit loaso to ))nt tlio same in repair, do put tho .same in ;^^oo(l re|)air on or hoforo tlio first day of \\)\W next and that with tho exception of tin; nooos- sary ri'itair of the icohouso at Port Stanley an>■'••■> repairs. tlie teiii()orai y and })ermaiient ])assengor stations at J.oudon, shall not in any event exceed tho amount of the first two years rent herid)y reserved. 4. The .said j>arties of the second part shall, at th(^,V;™,.^;'i,';';;;y I'Xpiralion, or other sooner determination of tho sai(l;'i'J\";y;;7J/'; ti'iiii of twenty years, peacoahly surrender and yield »^'""^''''"^''''"'- up unto tho London and i'ort Stanley I^aihvay Com- pany, their successors, or assigns, tile said the London •J r3 J ^ ' 1 ' e:: r"' c: 204 and Port Stanley Railway, its property appurten- ances and effects, to,*4etlier with all buildin^^^s, erections and fixtures thereon, in good and substantial repair and condition. Rent payable juartiTiv lor first i vi'.irs at end i.)t qiuirtur. ThtTcaftcT ijiiartc-rly in advance. 5. The ])arties of the second part shall pay to the parties of the first ])art, their successors or assions, without any deduction whatever excei)t as ])rovi(ic'(l by })aragraphs IJ and W) hereof, the clear yearly ivnt or sum of twenty-ei^ht thousand dollars during tho said term of twenty years, by e([ual (juarteily })av- ments of seven thousand dollars each on the first davs of June, Sei)tember, l)(H*ember and March in each year for the first two yeais of the said term of twriity years, and thei'cal'tei' the said ch*ar yearly rent, or sum of twenty-eight tlnHisand dollars, dining tlio I'csidue of the said term of twenty years, shall be |)ai(l by e([ual (juai'terly i)ayments of seven thousand dollars each in advance on the first day of Mareli, dime S(>|)- tend)ei' and Decembei" in each and every yeai', and, should in anv vear diniuLi' ihe said term of twiMitv years the gi'oss rec(M[)rs tVom all sonrces of the said Railway exceed the sum of on(^ hundred tlionsand dollars, the said parties of the second part shall pay $iac,,.«,> pVy'bic to the said parties of the firsl ]>art, as additional rent, to I'JsKors. , ' •I'll "1 • ciD Llie erid ot eacii year m whndi the sanl gross I'cccijits exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, fifteen per cent, of the said gioss receipts, in exci'ss of the said sum of one hundred thousand dollars. The said. ])arties of Oie second part covenant with tlu' said parties of the fii'.'it |)art that they will, at the end of each yeai' of tlve said teini of twenty years, rinnish to the said i)arties of the first |)art accounts and state- ments of su(di I'cceipts, certified by their secretary ai'd vei'ified by his statutory decdaration as to the corj'ectness thei'cof, and shall jx'i-mi* the |)artiesof' the first )>art and they the said |)arties of the first pai't shah be entitled at all times dnring the iiiniitli of April in each year duiing the said term to inspect Pl■rol'llt.■l^^l■ 111 e.•lrnlIl^;s nviT 20") y appurten. i^'s, erections nitial ivptiir n l^ay to the s or assiniis, as ])rovi(k'(l yearly rent H (liirino- the larterlv }>ay- tlieHrstdays ivli in eai-li nil of twenty arly rcMit, or , and dollais. |>ts, in excess sand dollars. lant with the 11, at the end :ears, fiirnisli its and state- eir secretary HI as to the he j)arti('s of of (he first •• the iiioiitli in to inspect the hooks and accounts of the C/Oinpanv hv the Audi- B'^f'i<'''^f lessees tor ot the C ity or LoiKioii, or other othcer troin tune p'--cted. totiineap{)ointedf()r tliat ))iirpose by thesaid parties of the first part, and the said ])arties of the sec^ond part shall afford to tlie said ])arties of tlie first pai-t all necessary or reasonable facilities foi- such inspection at the head ollice of the said parties of the second i)ait at the said City of London. (). The parties of the second |)art shall i)av all lessees to p.-»y ' I . , ' , ' • taxes, I'tc. taxes, rates, duties and assessments whatsoevei', whether iniinicip;il, parliamentary or otherwise, now charucd. or which may or shall, duriiii;' the term aforesaid, he charii'ed upon the said The I.ondon and Port Stanley I*ailway or its appurtenances, or 111)011 the said parties of the first jiart on ;iccount tliereof, or on account of any of its projx'rty, iiududinu' five-sixths of the taxes lor the yeai' IStKJ, and one-sixth of the taxes for the year in which tin's lease terminattvs, 7. The said ))arties of tlu' second ]>art shall for-TwopassonK ward all trains and trallic with reasonaole and proper ''■"ly. despatch, and shall run daily, Sundays except(M!, at least two ])assen;^i'r trains hetwi>en l*ort Stanley and London, stopping' at and starting' from such jioints and at such hours as the exiuiMicics of trallic may fi'oiu time to time, durinu' the said term of twenty years, re<|uire, and at least two passcMi^ncr trains daily each way shall stoji at the stations where tlie passei.L;('r trains of the (Jrand Trunk Ixailway Coni- j)aiiy, the present lessees of the said The London and i'ort Stanley J^ailway, now stop, if a jiassen^vr for such station be on board or if the train be tlagged at such station. S. Thesaid parties of the secoml ])art shall not, '■'i',"-]'''"'^'*^.. I I _ ' Iniiklin^s iHit to (liiriiiL;' the sai(i term, make any alteration in the lo- i'«-'-i>"iRed. cation of (he buildinns on the London and Port Stan- ley Railway without tlh consiMit in writini;' of the said parties of the first part. un ■J 1 ^ 4- 4 m '■ < '; - <\ Excursion trains to be run as for- merly anil at same fare. Lessees to fur- nish sullieient rolling stock for g-i-neral ami ex- cursion Iralfic, Lessees not to assifjn or sublet Provisions re- latinjf to arbi- tration and the apptfintnient ot arbitrators. 206 0. Tlio weekly oxcnr.sion trains from Tvondovi to Port Stanley shall be continned on(^ day in ejieh week from the fifteenth day of ^Lay, to the fifteenth dav of September in esich year dnrinj^' the sjiid enii of twenty years by the said ])arti(>s of the secoi.i pait. The fare from London to Port St;inl(T and back on snch ti'ains sluill not exceed thirty cents enrrent funds for each j)erson, and such fare shidl include ;ill chari>{\s foi' ibc use by the |)iiss(>ngers by excursion trains of the uroui ^\i^ known as The London and Poit Stanley Pail Wiiy I »icnic L^rouuds iit Port Stanley, as lias heretofore l>een cusronuiry, and such fai'e slmll entitle the ])assen,n'ers to be carried to the tei'iiiiuus I'eferred to in [)arajj;ra[)h P.) hereof without extra charj^e. 10. The sai<1 jKU'ties of the second j)art, covciuuit with the said |»;ntics of th(> first |),n't, tluit they will fui'iiish sullicient, suitjd)li' and coiniortidde cars, iuid \\\\\ keep the I'oad pi'o|K>rly suj)pli-.'d with suitable and comfoi'table rolling stock suHiciiMit Ibi' the rc- (piirenuMits of the t!';dlic in(dudi!i_<4' the excuision tridti^ j)i'ovide(l for by this indenture and the ellicieiit working' of the Loudon ;iud Port Stjinlcy Piiilway. and thiit Ihc |)asseULi(M' ( ai's sh;dl be at le.ast ;is ^ood as the lirst class passeu_i;-er c;i;'s used in the ye.-ir ls*rj on X\w said railway by the (lijiud Truuk Pailway Comi)any of (';iuad;i. IL And ihe saiil |)arties of the s(M*ond piii't. iiullier coveuiiU with the said j)iii'ties of the first part, tluit they will iu)t assign or ti'ausfer t hi.-, iudeuture oi' their riuhts thereuudei', or ;iuy of them, or sublet the s.ud riiilway or any \)\\\\ thereof, without the cousciil in writing- of the s;nd p.irties of the lir^t part ;ni(l obtaincfi, except as proviy pjira^rjiph L") liereni'. P2. And it is hercdiy ii^reed th;it, iu c;ise ;uiy dis- pute shall ai'ise r(datiun' to any uuitter hci'eiii coii- taiiietl and .aureed to be settleil by arbitrat ion, tlie .same shall be finally determined by two independi-iil 207 » each week nth (lay of ack oil I'J'lMlt I'lllids iiicludc all v I'xciirsioii 11 ami l*ort Stanley, as arc shall u' t(>riiiimi.s lioiit extra ■t, covenant It they will c cais. and th SI I il a hie I'oi' tile re- ' cxeiirsioii tli(> ellieieiit 'V 1 {ail way. ast as j4(»od e year ls<.)-_> ik I Jail way )ai't. Iiirllier t part, lliai iii'c ()]• their let the said cniiseiil ill ii't had and I I .') heicMJ'. se any dis- licrein eoii- trat idii. the ii(lL'|)i'ndent jRM'sons, one to be dioscn l)y each of the .said parties to siu'h dispute, and such arlntrator.s .shall, hefore proeeedinjA' with the refei'eiu;e, ap[)oint a third arbi- trator t(» act with them, and the decision of the said thi-ee arbitrators, or a niajoi'ity of thein, .shall be con- clusive on Itoth ))arties, and in case either of the .said parties shall ne.u'leet or fail to a])])oint an arbitrator within thirty days after the icMpiest in writin^i;' by the other party, then the arbitrator aj)i)ointed ])y the other party may proceed alone, and Ins award shall he conehisive on all |)ai'ties. The awai'd shall be made within loui months aftei- the ap|)()intment of the first of sindi arbiti'ators, and, in the furthei- event of the two ai'bitratoi's apj)oint(>d. as afoi'e.said, Ixnn^' unable or failinj.'' to a^i-ee u|)on a third arbitiator for two \ve(d|)ointnient, or the appoint- ment of the one of them who was last ap})()inte(l, then .sii h third arbili'ator shall be chosen and appointed hy the ( 'hief dnstice for the time beini;' of the Queen's bench hivision of the Ili^h Court ofdustice for the Province of Ontaiio ; or, in the event of the C^hief Justice beini;' sick, absent I'lunu the province, or other- wisi' unabh> or rcfusinji' to act, tlu'U such third ai'bi- tratoi' shall be a|)pointed by the Senior Judj^'c of the .said (^)ue(Mrs i.iencdi division of the said court. 1)1. The said pai'ties of the second part fiu'ther'-^trs''^ ''''•"''-. covenant with the said parties ot the first part, that ^ •-.''• '".con- I •!! 1 !• (• I If • 1 lUillon Willi tluw will jdact* a line ot vessels, sulhcient to meet thc-aiiway. hiisiiiess, to run between the ports of Ashtabula or Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, one of the United States of America, and Port Stanley, in Ontario, and will use all meansaud inlliience practicable in obtain- in:^ all the freight and passenyei' trallic between the ports named. 14. The said parties of the second part fiii'ther^;~^|;;;\^J^^ covenant with tlu' said parties of the first part, that '"•'"'' ^'""'^y- the said parties of the second part will, before the first day of March, AD. I six}, erect or purchase, and J c III ilffi il H In f If '* ■' • 208 thor'viftor diirin^^ the* said tonii niaiiitaiii a snnniicM' liotoi at Tort Stanley, and make* the ncccssarN ini- in'ovenicnts to place such hotel on an e(|ual lootino' with the summer liotels of the Tnited States, and, at tlic end or sooner det(M'inination of the said term, will remove tlie said hotel from tlie said ])i(>peity iil'thr said pai'ties of tlie first ])ai't, if ei'ected theicon, with- in one y^ar from the said end, or sooner detei'mination of the said term, and leave the lands upon wliicli ilu. same was ei'ected in as liood a state and condition as Ix'foi'c the erection thereof, unless the paitics of dn' first ])art shall, six months before the determination Lcssoism.-iy of tlic sai(l term,elect to |)iirchase the said hotel liom l^hVt'TndoV the said parties of the second part, which they .^liall heat liluMty to do j)rovi(le(l they |4ive notice of such tlieir intention w, tlie said j)arties ol' the second part. at least six months hefore the determination of the said term, tlu^ price to he paid for the said hotel to he settled hy arhitration Ity arhitratoi's, to he api)nii)(e(| as hereinhefore provided in case the parties dill'er ahout the same. aiir..iiro,.ds li>. llicsaid jjai'tics ot the second part fuithei' ami I'ort sv.m coveiiaiit witli llic said parties ot thi' lirst part, that pmvLTs/"'"""''' tlu^ Canadian Pacific Railway Company, theCiaiid Ti'unk Railway Comj)any of Canada, -the Michigan (*entral Railway Company, and all railroads which do now 'M- whicdi. durin^u the continuance of this agree- ment, may intersi'ct or cross the London ant'itv of the Mcon, with- tci'iii illation 1 Nvliicli the oiiditioii as I'lics of llu' friiiiiialioii liotcl fioiii Ihcy shall ticc of such itoihI parr, I of the said otcd to 1)0 1' ;i|>j»oiii.i'(l artics dilU'r art fiuthcr pari, that , the (iraiid ' Micliiuaii Is wiiich do tills a^KH'- ui and I Nut 1(1 the usual line (»i' the St. Tlioiiias n(di i-ailway vay to the lvail\\a\ , in II of twenty of tlio said I to lie paid the parlies ton (litter al)()nt the same, 1)0 'leterinined by arl)itration in the s.niie manner as i)rovi(le(l l)y ])ara,i;Taj)li 12 hereof, and tlu; said [)artioH of tlie second [lart shall as far as j)ractieal)le provide and keej) |)ro[)er and snllieient sidin,!4s foi- loading and unloadin^^ 1(1. The said parties of the second i)art furtlier r""'>''''"-ates • I 'i . I . I 1 i> 1 .ioci'iils per t( conveiiant with the said parties ot the tn'st ])art, that ""^■^•"••i" (hiriiiU' the said tei'in ot tv'eiity years the maxiinnm rate for frei^uht from Pcjrt Stanley to London, and virerri'sn, for special commodities such as coal, snuar, syrup, piii' iron, lead, nails, Avire, etc., and otiier like coinuiodities, will not exceed fifty cents j)er ton in car lots, and the said rates shall iiudnde liandling from the hoat to cars and from tlie cai's to boat at l*ort Stanley ; and that tlie rate for all other classes oth.r comimnii. oi Ireiuht (excei)t as ))roM(le(| by [\\v luwt succeeding r'"-iio„u>,,o para,nraj)h hereof) shall be in just and fair proportion'"' '"' to the above rate ; and for the handling bom tlie boat to ears and b'oni the cars to boat at Port Stanley of the said other (dasses of freight the actual cost there- of shall be addi'd to the said rates ; and, in case the jtaities luM'cto shall differ as to the rates for the said other classes of freight, the sanu* shall b{» determined hy arbitration in the manner provided by paragra])h I'Jhereof. And the said |)arties of the second p-'vt fiiither eonvenant with tiie said pai'ties of the first part that the (dassification of fridght shall, during the saifl term of twenty years, be as ])rovide(l in the Canadian fb)int i''r(Mght Classification Number Eight Pamphlet hereto annexed and marked with the letter -A." 17. The said |)arties of the seeoml ]>art fnrthei' Rausfor troods eonvenant with the said parties ot the hrst part that MKidUNoxor 1 -111- 1 • I t' i liltfiii. they will, during the sanl term ot twenty years, carry from Lomlon to Port Stanley and r/rr tWMKhe goods, wares and mertdiandise mamifaetnred by j^ny inanu- fiU'tiirer, in the counties of Middlesex or 1^1 ,in, in the province of ( )ntario, or orderi'd or procii ed by him :3 'am 210 c 1 Lessees to lay track to the heacli. for such manufacture, at a rate not to exceed fifty cents [)er ton in ear load lots, with the additionul eharj^'e of the actual cost for unloadin^i;' and reloading at Port Staidey, if done by the said iiaities of tlio secoiKJ ])art. Lessees topay ]s '^juv ^jij,} pjirtics of tlic second pai't fmthor ailvaneo charges i _ I •••■luvi at Port Stanley. cQi] vena nt witli tlic Said parties of till' first part that they will l)'ty advance ehai\ues on all freiulit (itVcicd at Port Stanley and ja-ovide for the |)i'oni|)t liandlino' of the same fo the destination of the noods. 10. The said parties of the second j)ai't riir!li(M convenant with the said ))arties of the first |)aii that at their own expense tlkv will within one year t'lom the date hereof lay the necessary tracks and (hi the other woi'k necessaiT so that tlie trains can he taken around to the l)each South of the piesent picnic grounds, and will before the end of the second year of the said term erect and build at the said teriniims a suitable platform and sununei' j)assenLi'ei' station the cost whei'cof, not to exceed sl,0(M», shall be I'cfniuh'd to them by deduction from the rent in the same man- ner as provided by paraj^i'aph o hei-eof. '20. The said pai'ties of tlie second part fnrthei' venieiKeofsum- (^.,jjjy(,,m,,|- ^yitli tlic Said partlcs of tlic fli'st |)art that, Port Stanley, duriuii tlic suuiincr months durin.n' the contiimanee of the saiiifc' and iiood only dnrinj^' the period between ihe tit- teentli day of May and the fifteenth day of September Cost to be do di.eteil troni rent. Lessees to run tr.iiiis for COM 511 oxeccd fifty K' additional ikI rcloadiiio' til's of the pai't fiirtlier St part that i.ulit olli'ivd ipt liaiKJliiiH' ds. )art f'liillici' I'st pai'l I hat nv year from •s and (hi the •an 1)(> taken rsciit iticnic s(>('()ii(l year aid tcnninus T station the' !)(' r('t'iiii(h'(| u' sauu' nian- pai'l f'ui'thei' I'.st pai't that, contimiani'c y train Sun- dl h'avc IN)it ill the t'orL- Stanlcy at tlic uonven- Staidi'v. and Lay and the "ai', till' said niuiiition tic- \ sin^h' trips ' (hit I' of issue 'vxn\ tlio Hf- L)fSi'plrnibi'r of till' year in which the ticket is issued, to such ])ar-Tic["i!-'"HKm . ' , , • ni.iv iiitonv tor- of London and of the City of ^t. I iionias assentmi^-'^i""^ ^|""*« to the prov'sions of tins aurcement, the .said the cor- poration of i!ie ^ 'ity of I. on;h)ii shall be entitled, in ease of a breach on the part of the said |>arties of the second part, their heii-s, executors, administrators, or aasii^ns, (d'any of the covenants on 1 lieir part contain- ed herein, to enforce the forl'eilure idause hei-einbe- fore contained, but notliinn' hereii, contained shall J,|;J^.'=,;;;;,';'^J^;;,''j'- atiect oi' prejudice the rights ol the s;iid (•or])(>rati()ns[',;;H^^J';;,;y in ]('s|)ect of (he mortn'a.m' bonds held by theni^^'"''""^' against the Loudon and Lorl Stanley IJailway Com- pany so as to p! event I lie said corporations oi' either (»f them from enforcinu' the same, or any ri^ht that tliey may ac(|uire to the said road by means oi' in e()iise(|uence thereof, in the event of default on tin; part of the said parties ol the second part, their J li fc:: I.JMSCCS of Jl^'l of railw.T- ini in St. T' mas, )jfiiaranti'i'il thr iMiiliiuiaiu'i' lit tlii-ir liMMs. Meaiiintj of " parlirs of tin- first or secoiul part." Indenlurf to ho confiriiu'tl by sharolioldcrs. 212 oxccmtoi's, administrators, or assigns, im pcrfor ..,ii And tlic said parties of'tlw^ second paj1 I'liitlicr "'••-.L'lKinf and auree witli tiic said paitics «»ftlic lipst pai't tit; dicy will li'asc to tlic present lessiM>s of tlmt ))oi'tion of tlie lands of the London and Poi't Stanlcv IJailway Company within the limits of the eit\ (if St. Thomas the .same lands as are now leased to the said lessees, foi- a fni'thei' term to eoiitimu' as lon^' as the .said parti(>s of the second i)ai't are the lessees of the said the London and l*oit Stanley Ifailway, aiwl on the same terms and conditions as are contained lutlic present leases of the .said lands to the present 'es.secs and will pi-ovidc* the .said le.ssees with ifasonalilc switchiiijn' accomodatio)! at ihei-ate (if any) fj-oih lime to time fixed hy tlie Lailway Committee of tiie I'liw Conncil of Canada and if none he lixed l»y tlic said l^ailway ( 'ojnmittee, then at a fair and rc^asonahlc price therefoi' to he settled hy arhit lalion in tlic mannei- ))rovide(l l»y |)ara^ra|)h \'l hei'eof. in case the parties dilfer ahont the said j»rice. 24. 'I'ln'onnhont this indeiitnre the mention of the .said parties of the lii'st part is intende(l to include theii- siiccessoi's and assigns and the mention ol' llie .said |)arties of the si'cond part is intended to include their heirs, executors, administi'ators and assinus un- less such meanin^n' is inconsistent with the context. •J.'). This indentui'e is made sultject to its hcinii' a tli(> ssrcs uf till, ^ay, aii(| on t;iiii('(| 111 tlic 'sf'iit '''ssi'cs I it'asoiialiii' v) iVoiii time nftiic l»rivv •»y the suil rcMsonalilc tioii iii tlu' ', ill case till' 'iili')'i dl' tlic to iucliific itidii n|' ilic ■said parties of the second part shall and may, diiiiiiu' the ttMiu of this indenture, and on demand, pay and divide, after the same siiall bi'come due from time to liiiu', tlie whole annual I'cntals reserved by this iiideiiture (save and except tlu' amounts t h ey a re "••'•'jij-^ »''"'•';'>' eiit!tle(l to retain as providiMl bv parauraphs '.] and ll>U'ti'rstmort- liei'cf)!), less the said sum ol ^z{\} (which is to b(M)aid^'-'**"''J^'^"s , . I . /• I i> \ 1 1 sections };ind iq. to the said parties of the nrst part) to and aeiono- tlie liist Mortj^a^'c liond I loldei's of the said The London and Tort Stanlev Kailwav Companv, accordiii'i' to the respective aiiKaiiits owne(l or held by such first Mort- li;\if(' 1)011(1 Holders, in lieu of |)ayin,n' the same to the bondon and Port Stanley Kaihvay Company, such payments to be applied by the said Uond Holders in or towanlsthe sat isfaction of their said respective bonds, '27. 'i'hesaid parties of the second ])art further cov- Head office of . II •! . pi<« ii ^ • If'secs to no in enant with the said partieiot the nrst part that t heir ^ity of London. head(|iiarters and otlicesdurin.n" the said term of twenty y'.'ars shall i)e and continue in the said city of London, 2^. The said parties of the second part a,L,'ree with [,;';;:n'itirdi''; thes.iid parties oftli" first part that th('v will, ini-i'T.3.'-;; melialely u|)ou the Miuiicipal Council of the (Corpor- ation of the city of London, so far as they have the power so to do, ai)proving by resolution of the terms J J •3»" 214 I p.iiil lip. of this iiidcMiluic, and aj^rccMii^^ to iisc their lu-st en- deavors to have tli(» same executed l)y the j)aities of the lirst part and confii'mtMl l)y h\ui'-'hui(tn as liei'i'in- before j)rovided, (k^posit with the 1'reasuiei- of the corporation of tlie city of Lon(h)n tiie sum of Tohoritaim.i tweutvlive tlioiisand (h)nars casli, to he retained until slip iloik , , " • <• 1 • i' 1 I aiPorisi.iMKv l)v t hc cofporation ot the eitv oi London as scciuiiv IS iMiiipUliJ .iml /. ■ 1 I • 1 1 ' • I • i> I • $uKM.K,.,>.M.r tor the (hie exeention oy the said parties ot the second c!lmp^iM>iV part of tliis indenture so soon as it lias l)een adopted and c'onfiriiK'd I)y tlie sliareliohh'is of the London and Port Staidey IJaihvay ('oni|)any. as provided hy jiara- ^rapli 'J.') liereof. and as security also for the fiiltil- nient of tlie terms, conditions and provisos liei-eiii con- tained, on the part of tlie said piities of the second part, for three months from tin' deposit thereof jiiid until the slij) dock at Port Stanley, which the said parties of ihe second part j)ropose to construct at their own ex[)ense, is siihstantially completed hy tlieni and at least one hundred thousand dollars of the ca])ital sto(d< of the company ])idp()se(i to l»e iiicor- ])orated by the said |)arties of the second part is paid in cash to the said Company, and, in case the said posit subject i)arties of the second part make default in the execn- fortviture. " . i- i • • i i • i i ■ • i tion of this indenture as above p/ovide(|, or lail to perform and fulfil the terms, conditions and provisos herein contained on their part until the said slip dock at Port Stanley lias Ixhmi substantially com|»lct('(l liy tliein, or in case the said })arties of the second part shall fail to complete the said slip (Unk before tlic ']lst day of December, A.D. isii:}. oi fail, within six months from the iiicor[)oration of the said company. to ])ay in the said sum of one hundred thousand dol- lars of the capital stock as aforesaid, the said sum ot twenty-liv(! thousand dollars shall be foifcit(Ml as licpiidated and a.'-(*ertaine(l damages to the ( "oipoia- tion of the idty of London. After the said parties of tin; second part have duly execute(l this indent lire as above provided and after the said sli}) dock at Port Dei to 215 i'( 'ii- Ix'St 011- piirhVs of •'i'^ licrciii- irer of the "' Slim of "' I't'taiiu'd "s sociinty the sironil 'II '•idt.ptcl .oiidoii ami I li,\ para- tlH' fiiltil- iKToillcoil. llio second lioivof and 'Ji tlie said )iistrii('t at ted l»y tliciii .•ii's of tll(« ) !»(' iiK'oi-- |><*n't is paid "*»' the said i the cxccii- . or fail to kI j)i()visos d slip d()c]< iipiotcd l)v I'cniid part Ixdoi'c tjic within six eoiiipaiiy. iisaiid dul- lid Slim ot >i fcitcd as ' ( 'orpnra- paitics oi' lout lire as < at Tort StJinli'.v lias 1)0011 o()in])loto(l, if ciomplotod within the tiincaliovc iiiontioiKMl, and at'toi- the said sum uf one hiiiidicil tiioiisand dollars of i'aj)ital stotdv has hoou uiiifl ill as jit'orosaid, if paid in within tlu> tinio hero- in ludoro mentioned, thc^ said snm of t went \ -live n\o,uiiiionH thousand dollars shall \n\ rotiirned to the said pin-ties aqSluh'' of 1 lie second part, with interest thereon tV()ni tlu'Xrm-all,'''' date ol" the deposit at the rate of six p(M' cent, per'"""^^''" aimuiii. or, if this indentui-e shall not ho a})proved hy the Parlianielit of Canada and the said parties of the second part shall have used due dilii^cMn-e to obtain siuli approval, then the said sum of twenty-live thous- and dollars, with interest as aloresaid, shall he ro- tnnied to the said parties of the si'cond pai't. I'ro- vidcd always that, if the said parties of the first i)art nc;^lect or refuse to execute this indenture on or be- fore the Twenty-tifth day olManuary, A.D. 1X93, the said sum uf twenty-live thousand dollars, to^othor with intei'i'st. thereon at the rate of six per cent, pei" annum from tho (hiy of its deposit with the said Treasurer, shall bo ro[)aid by tho Cor[)()ratioii of tho city of London to tho said parties of the second })ai't. •J'.l. The said paities of tho first part do hereby ^i';,^;'':,';:; On compli.nnce with Lnjulitions (•((veiiant with tho said i)artios of the second i)art,l'jsb'^ul'i;ave their executors, administrators andassif^ns, that they, {^;;;';;^;'^;|;^n. paying' tho I'ont hei'(d)y rosoi-vod and performing' the covenants horeinbcdbro on thidi' [)art contained, shall and may peaceably possess and enjoy tho said de- mised promises for the term hereby granted without any interruption or disturbanci' from tho said i)arties of the first part, their successors or assigns, or any other person or [)ei'sons lawfully claiming by, from or under them or any of them. :](). Xothini!' hoi'oin oontainod .shall 1)0 taken to ^•^"'^,. "'".':,'' U'ivr to the parties of tho si^cond i)art any of tho lands 'r, If, '"">^' or nroix'rtv of the parties of the first i)art to which "'^"77 the Great Western Ivailway Comi)aiiy of C.'anada or the (Jraud Trunk Railway Company of Canada are 3 not 'J 1(5 il *'■ »»•■ ... I ontitlcfl midci' the aj^icciiKMit niiuU' Ix'twccii tlic Ion. <1(H\ and Port Stinilcy IJaihvay ( 'oiiipaiiy aiiy ,1 nd I u't wecii t lic | iMi't ics •urcii'iorbnuiit hereto that the said pai'ties ol' the second pail sl-all of leiiors. , . , . , . , . , .' ' (iurmj^Mhe conlnnianee ol the said tei'in, insure iiiid keep insiiri'd at tlieir own expense (in tlie naine and for tlie Itenelit of the said j>arties of tlie (hst part) the railway stations to he l)niit l>y tliein as licicinlK'^ foiv })rovide(l and tlie other hnildin^s of tlie paitics of the first part in some Insnranee Company or Coni- })anies, to he aj)i)rove«l of l>y the parties of the (list part from time to time, to the amonnt of not less than two-thirds of the valne of the said resoeetivc liiiil(liii"s .^7!'?.'!..V:'.,!]i"' •^'^- It is hereby fnrt her a;.^reed hyand between tlic parties h''!"jt«> that the })aities of the liisf part, will. on or before the fust day of Mai'ch, A. I). lsi»4, pi()vi(l(> terminal facilities for the i)aities of the seeind part, either as tin .same were conferred by the (ireat Wes- tern HailwaN' ConijMi.}' of Canada npon the said par- ties of the first |)art bv the said agreement datiMl the twentv-fifth dav of .\|>ril, A. I). Is7(), or by the use of tlui terminal facilitii's of tin* London and Smidi- Eastern IJailway Company, or by a passenj^'er station to l)e erected on one side or the other side of I»athurst Street, west of Wellinj^ton Street, in the said city of London, at the option of the said parties of the iiist part, Ol' (at the option of the said j)artiesof the first |)ai't, snc/h oi)tion to be exercised on or before the said first day of .March, A. 1 ). ix!)-!-) thi' [)arties of the first part. villi' tiTMiitial facilities for IcHHl'CS. Or in lieu there- of .1 reiliittioii of the rciUiil, will ni lien tli(>reo f, all ow th le .said j);irties o f the second i)ai't ji re(liietion from the rent her(d)y reserved of three tlion.sand dollars per annnin, and will also allow them to retain out of the Hist two years' rent a sum, not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, towards the cost of a pei'inanent passenger station on the site of the old London and Port Stanley Sta- 217 11 the lull- iiv ;iii(| tlu« '■■iiukI.i and ' 'lie |»arti(>,s |»ait ,s!iall, insiiiv iiiid t' name and lii'^l part) iHTcilllic- Iif parlies iiv or Com. • d'tlie fust lot less tlian • 'Imildinus. H'tWCCIl tllO )ait, will. oil ^lid, pi'ovido vvnul part, fivcat \\'i's- ic said par- t dated the l»y the use iiiid Soiiili- Vfi:cv statii)]! of Uatlmrst said cilv of of I he tiist lefii'st pa It, w said fust (' (irst part, lies of tlie l»\ resei'ved I will also years' rent nid .'), and the tempoiary station not ivmpor.iry (,, he eomnieneed or any cost in respeet thereof in-' ciiiiinI hefori' llie first day of Ai)ril, A. I). ISO'J, and tlie said pei'nianent station not to he eonnneneed or jinv cost in reaped t hereoi' inenrred ludbre th(^ first (lav oi' Maicli, A. I ). 1m!>4, both said stations, if and wlien I'lceted, to Ixronie and he the |)i'operty of the said parties of the I'n'st part and to he insnred l)y and at the expense of tlie said parties of the second part in the sanu' manner and to tlie same extent as is pro- vided by [laianraph 1)1 herc>of in ii'^ard to the other hnildin;4s. In witness whereof the parties of th(> first jiart have eunsi'd to be allixed tlu'ir ( 'orporat(^ Seal and their President has set his hand and the jiarties of the second part have; set their hands an twciitv- VV fomth fiay of -lanuirv, ('i^^litcHMi liinidrcd and iiincty-tlii'tM', (Inly matlc between tlic London and I'ort Stanley Railway ('onij)any and Charles !(. doncs, Frank S.Miller, Loi-enzo Dndley J )odm', M. Silas Pettenii'ill.and 'J'lionias W. Laiwood, jnnior, all of the city of Cleveland, in the state of Ohio, one of the United States, heirinaltei- callcMl "the lessees," wIum'c- l)V the said London and J*ort Staidi'v Lailwav (';)iii- pany «;'ave to the lessees, on eej-jaiii terms and oou- ditions, the nse, oeenpation and j)ossession of their lino of railway hetwi'en i.ondonar.d Port Stanley for the ix'iiod of t'venty yeai's, with }K)wei' to woik the .same for the heneht of the .said lessees, which aurce- nient is set ont in the schedule to an .\ct passed (hir- ing the present session of Larliainent, inl'lnle(l An Act i'i'-sjKi'tiiii(i fhe Loutlon Sfa/ifr// fioiliriji Goinpani/ ; and whereas l)y the .said aureement the said less(!es, among other things, covenanted to I'ur- nish a line of vessels to run hetween the j)ortsol' .Vsh- tabnla or Cleveland in tin' state of Ohio, one of the United States, and !*(. i Stanley, in the j)rovin(H' of Ontaiin ; and whereas the corjioration of the city of London is the owner (»f all the fiist niort^aiie Ix^iids ami other securities at present in existenci' and I'orin- ing ii lien on the said railway, exce])t bonds and se nrities, to the nominal airionnt of foi'ty-ei;^lit thousand nine hundred and thirtv-thr(M' doHar.s 219 ort Stan- ation and on firm an ndon and I lie iiii!'. all ofrlu" one (if tlie sees," wliciv- ailway Cain- "iiis and (.'011- sioii 1)1' tlu'ir t Sranicy for t<» woik I lie wliicli a.^rce- ' passed din'. iiilMiil('(l An '//'// Ji(filii:iy rcHMiu'iit the ntcd to I'lir- jortsof Asli- ), one of the j)i'(iviii('e of )f the city of I't^ian'c l)()ii(ls (*(' and foriu- Itoiids and fortv-eii'ht lirec dollars owiiod l)y tlio corporation of the city of St. Thomas; and whereas it was contcMiiplatcd hy the said agree- ment that tlie sai(l, and tlie said lessees have j)etitioiU'd to ')e incorporated with the powers necessary to operate the said line, and to carry ont the term.^- «tf tlu^ said agreement ;an(l whereas the saiil 1-ondon and Toit Stanley I Jail way has been de- elare(l to be a work for the general advantage of ('an- ada ; and it is exjx'dient to gi-ant the prayer of the said petitions: Tlieicfoi-e I [ei- Majesty, by and with thead\iceand consent of the Senate and House of Conniions of Canada, enacts as follows: — 1. 'I'he liaihvay Act shall apply to the ( "ojupany .8«8, ineor|)orat(Ml hei-eunder, and to the undertaking of tiie Company, except in so far as it is inconsistent with the provisions hei'enCM'n cMtlicr aurecMl to hv th(* said j)arti('s of the first part or (letcniiiiUMl by ai-hitratioii under the \)vu. visions of para,u'raj)li I'J of tliis indenture to he ne- cessary repairs, and that no (UMluetiou sliall he nmdc from the rent as luM'einhefore provided in ix'spi'ct of any repaii's unless the ,sanu> shall have l)een so aui-ccil or have Iteen detei'iniued hy arhili-ation to he uecessaiv repairs as afoi'esnid, and then oul) (»n pi'oduction (if the vouchers showinj:,' in di'tail the actual e\peinlitiirt' therefor, and in case of disputt' as to such expenditiuv. nnless or until the amounl thereof shall haveliccii dc- terniin'Ml by arbitration under the jirovisioiis of the said ))ai'a_iiraph I'J;" and the said lease hy this section confu'nied and validate(| is the sait! lease so auKMidiMl, and as so amended is hereby approveil, ratifieil and conlii'med. and deel.itcd to be valid and bindini,' U|)on the parties tln'reli), and upon ih" ( 'oin- j)any by tliis Act incorpoi'ated. as if t he ( 'oini)aiiy covenanted therein as the lessees covenant ; and each of the |)arties to such auretMiient and the said ("e;,i- j)any her(d)y incoi-porated may, sidtject howevei- io tlio pi'oviso hcreinaflei' coiilaine(l, do wliatevei- is nocessai'y to i^ive eifeet to the substan<'(> and intention of the said lease, and are heridty detdared to have, and, as rejX'U'ds the parlies to the said le.ise. to have had powei' to do all acts ncccvssaiy to uive etVect thereto; and the coipoi'ations of the city of bondon and the (dty of St. Thomas, their suceessois and as- signs, are her(d)y (le(dai'eil to have assented to and ,o be bound by the said lease, as amended, as if tiny had been pai'ties to and had e\ecute(l it, and the ein'- poi'ation of the city of iiondon shall have the I'iuhl lo enforce the ti'i'ms and conditions thereof a.-, a^aiiisi the lessees and the ( 'ompany her(d)y incorpoiaie. >\i)]\> ()(■ tlic iSC l,v tliis :ii"! lease so t' \;ilili ill" ( 'oili- •iiijtaiiy had 1 ; .iiid each ' said ( 'n.a- liowevei' i(t ^\ii;ile\ci' is ml iiiieiition '•I t(» have, »S(', t(l llllVl' t;ive ed'ert of London ofs and as d to and (() , as ir liicy ,iid the ciir- llie I'iuii! 10 as auaiiist >oraie«| and liiiH' lii'i>''ii the powers ro hinidr(.| and twenty-six of T/w Ihdhcaij Act, and that sootions two iuuidrcd and twenty-seven and two lunidred and t\\Tnty-eij4'iii <>t" The Raihcai/ Act shall apply to this Act alid to the said lease exeept as to the tolls fixed by the said lease. 3. (Iiarh's 1\. Jones, Frank S. Miller, l.oi-enzo incorporation. Dudli'y Dod-e, M. Silas l'etten<;ill, Thomas \V. Gar- wood, jniii-M, all of the City of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio. (»ne of the I'nitiMl States, together witli sntdi jH'i'sons as heeonie sharcdioldei's in the eonij)any liere- hv incorporated, ai-e !ierel)y eonstitnted a hody eor))o-t^"nv'r.iic I'i'ite ninler the name of "' 'I'he Clevcdand, Poi't Stanley "'""" and London Transportation and Ivailway Company," licreinaf'tei' ealle(l the Company. 4. The head (dliee (.f the ('ompany sliall hv in tlie "^••'J''"""^^' fitv of" London. ' . 'I'l /I Powers of .). I he ( om|>any mav company. (a) I-jpiip. maintain and operate the said railway as to workln^; (lurinLT the term of the said lease, and nnder and snh- " '^""'^'^■ ji'ct to the |)i'ovisions thereof, as fnlly and (dh'etnally as the said London and I*ort Stanhn L'ailwav Com- jiany nuuht ; (li) The C()m[)any may also pni\djas(\ ])iiihL (M)ni- J'j",';','''_'''''^ plete, fit ont and (diarter, s(dl, mortua^'e and dispose of, work and control and keej) in repair steam oi' other vessids from time to tinu' to |)ly oti the lakes, rivers and canals of Canada in connection \\Ith the said railway ; (c) .NLdy the said agreement, and iMpiip ami o|»erate the .sanie. (). The C()m[»any may also pundnise and h()I(l].';^^;';;;[j',';'.^; wharves, piers, docdss, water lots and lan.ds and m or t- '""'•''"'■• } J Iter- I =1 Ci'llccI wli.i ajji', ill-. ^ 222 ^i\f^Q the same ; and ii])on the said water-lots and lands and in and over tliewatersadj()inin<'tlie sunie may Imjld and ereet elevators, storehouses, wareliousesandcMinine- houses, sheds, wharves, docks, piers and other elec- tions for the use of the (\)ini)any, and the steam and othei- vessels owned, erected or controlled by the ('onii)any or any other steam oi-otlu'^r vessel, and may collect whartii^c and store eharju'es, (the amount thereof to he fi'om time to time suhject to aiii-eenu-nt hetween the London and Port Stanley Kaihvav ( oni- pany and the said lessees and the C'omi)any, and in case they cannot aj^ree the siune shall he fixed hy the Minister ol Ivailways and Canals), freight, whether for hack charges of otluM- carriers or otherwise, and other dues, earninjjfs and incomes to he dei'ived h'om the use r.nd s(>rvice of its pro])erty, steamshi))s and other vesscds. works and huildinj^s ; hut the tariff of such I'ates or char_ijfes shall he suhnutte(l t(» and ap- prove(l of hy the (JoveriKM- in Council heforeany sneli I'ates Ol' char^iics are ("xaeted or recovcM'ed ; and the ('Ompany may erect, huild and maintain all moles, ]>iers, .yharves and docks necessary and piopei' for the ])r()tection of such woi'ks and for the accommoda- tion ami convenience of vessels enteriiej;, leaving', ly- iiiii'. loading' or uidoadin.u' within the same, and may dredge, deejx'u and enlar,^e such \yorks ; and in its discretion may sell, mort<^a;4'e, lease or convey the said wharves, piers and docks, waterdots, lands, elevatoi's, storehouses, warehouses, enj^im.'-liouses, shells and other erecti(»ns or any part there(d', oi- any portions thei'eof. n.inh.iM' iiu- "• '''''' Company may also contract and a^urec hlrivorks!'"'* wit'i the said lessees, and such other person or persons. (!' any, as may he interestcMJ with them in the said h'ase. for tht> piu'ciiase and assignment tliereof, and (u'all the rights and |>rivilt\L;'es thereunder: and the Company may, on the assignment thereof to it. take and hold the same ; and fhe Company shall thcrriipon May leaso wharws, uli-. CMinp.iny may iiinhaM' l' 228 )ts and lands no may build sandcno'iiie- otlicr iM'oe- •^tcaiii and lied hy tlu' scl.and may lie amount <» a^i-ci'mcnt lilwny ( oni- »'>ny, and in fixed l>y the ,i;lit, wiil'thcr licrwisc, and It'i'ivcd from amsliips and tlic tariir of 1 t(t and ap- 'orc any such |"('<1 ; and the in all moles, 1 proper for accomnioda- j;-, leu vino', ly- iiK', and may ' ; and in its ' convoy the '-lofs, lands, i.U'inedionses, orool', oi' any t and aurec n or poisons, in \\\v said ihoi'oof. and lor : and the )f' to it. take M tlioronpon and therohy Imvo V(\stod in it all tlio ri^ht, titlv^ interest, pi'operty, claim, demand and privile^'c of the lessees tliereiiii(li'r ; suhject, liowever, to the C()n(li-^i;£^^^^^^^^^^ tions and ol»h\nati()iis upon which the same shall I )e [i,^^,'^:^'""" held hy the lessees. (•J). The Company may j^rant and issue its sluuvs, ;^;;'!,;;',';>\',^;^/^.': exei'pt the one hundred thousand dollai's to I)o paid I.V'i"''^'"""' nj) in cash accordini;' to the terms of the said ai;iee- nient, as paid up shai'cs in ))aynu'nt, or on a( count of payment, of the pi'iee agreed to he paid to the said lessees for tlieii- I'i^hts undiM- the said lease, or may give them credit ou their sul)scripti(jiis lor sluires on aeconnt thereof. S. The persons mention after the passinj; of tliis Act, in default whereof al! tiie i)owort: l)y this Act granted to the Company shall umediate- ly cease, detei'ndne and he at an vn(\ and the balance of sucdi ('a])ital stock may he caih directors from time to time, as they dee l)iit no one call shall exceed ten per shares sul)scril)ed. U). The annual j^eneral meeting of t shaieh()I(lers;)/J";i';;[,':'^^^^^^^^^ shall be held on the first We(lni\s(hiy of Se})tend)er in each year, at the city of London, in the province of Oiitai'io, II. At such annual jj^eneral meotinu' the subscri hers for the capital stock assend)led, who have paid all calls due on their shares, shall cln)'>se seven i)er- sons to be directors of the Company, oiie or more of whom may be [)ai(i directors ol'tlu^ C-ompany. 1*2. The C'Ompany, bein;.; fiist authorized by a reso- lution, passed at a special gi'ueral nu;eting of the '-■'""''■'"> up by the necessaiy, 'lit. on the K IfCtiiin ot ilirivliirs. i t HorrowiiiH^ powiTs ,«l c boiiUi sliai'(il>()I<](M-s (Inly (*aIl(Ml I'oi- tlic [jiirposc, iimy fVom time to time 1)()1T()W in Canada or I'lscwlicic such sums of mont'V as may he cxpiMlient tbi' the j)nr|)()si's Amount limitod. of t]ic« nn(l(M'takin<4, and tlu> due carryinj^- ont of tin* said aiirccmcnt to tlic (^xtcnt of two lunidrcd .uid fifty thousand dollars, and may make bonds, dclR'n- tures oi" other securities for the sums so hoiiowed, payabk^ either in sterling, or Canadian eun-eney. or in the euirency of the I'nited States, and at such plaee or places in Canada or elsewhere as is (IcimiumI i8smandsaicofadvisal)k* ; and mav sell the same? at such prices or k....i., •1*1 1 • diseonnt as is deeme(l expedient or iKH-essaiy, or pledge or otherwise deal with the sanu> : and mav hyj)othecate, moit^'aj^'e or j)led<4'e the tolls, I'evtMiuc and other j)ro})evty of the Comj)any or any })art llicii'- of for the due payment of the said sums oi- the inter- est thereon ; and mav make such terms and airaiim'- ments and exeeate such mort<;a^'es and aj^reeiiieiits for securinj^' the said bonds or anv part thereof as is ["e^.Ti.^^^^^^^^^^^ adVisahle; Provided, however, that the tolls and r(> venues of the Company shall l)esul)j(>ct inlheliist instance to the ])ayment oi' any penalty inipose(l for non-compliance with T/ic Ru'ihiini/ Act res])ectin^ re- turns to be made to the Minister of 1 Railways and Canals and to the payment of the working' expendi- ture of the railway ; provide(l always thai all such l)on(ls, (hdientiu'cs or other secniities shall l)e subject to the rights of the London and Toi't Stanley Railway Com|);in\, and the mortiiaue bondholders of the said Mort(,'.it^e to secure' l»oiuis. Proviso : uork- p.iid. Proviso : iiT- tain ri^'hts saved. Com ipanv, und'M tlu» t erms o f th il 1 le said lease, aiu 1 to thi^ ri^lit of the said Lt/iidon and Tort Stanley liiiil- way Company, and of any other C(»rporation entitled to enforce the j)r()visions of tlu' said lease to deter- mine the same for non-payment of rent or foi' any other cause for whicli the deteiinination thereof is provided for ])y the said lease, and provided also that such bonds, debentures or other securities shall not operate upon the said railway or the |)ro[)erty of the «'. iii.iv fVoiii !»<' |nii'|)()s('.s ^' <»iit of the itiiidiv.l ,111(1 onds, (l('l)c.ii. ^<» Ixiii'owt'd, ciiiTciK'y. or and a! sue]) IS is (Icciiu'd K'li prices or cci'ssaiT, or I' : and may oils, I'CVOllllC y pa It tliore- <»' I he iiitcr- nitanley liail- tioii entitled to deter- : or for any 11 tlicreof is led also that ios sliall not [xM'ty of the said IJaihvay Company, oxc'0])t to tlic extent of the lidjit of the C'om])any lii'rel>y incorporated iiiuler the said lease. VS. Sii))jeet ti tile terms and conditions in th(* sai(l wi'V^Sami. lease eoiitained, the ('omj)any )'iay enter into trallic inl^'or hiring*' i 'tli-l /' I'P 1 l)'I /I railway or roU- airaii.Licments with the drand h-iink 1 vail way Com- i,ii{s;H:k. pany of Canada, the Canada Soiithein iiaihvay Com- pany, the Miehij^an (V'ntral J\ailroad Company, the Canadian I'acilie Railway Company, or any one, oi' all of them, or any other C(jm[)any whose line inter- sects the line ol" railway controlled by the C()m})any, for the hirin;4', leasing;', workin<^' or usini;' th(^ .said lino of railway or any ])art th(>reof, at any time or time.s orfoi any j)erio(l, so tliat the expiritirty, and j^'enerally to make any agree- iiu'iit or agreements witli any of tlie .said companies toiichinu' the ))V them or any of them of the said railway or any part tliereof, or touching any services to be rendered by the one Company to the others or any of them for tlie .said term, but subject to the sooner determination thereof as aforesaid, and the eonipensation therefor, witii powiM' to each of the .said Coinpanies to operate the .same as jiaU of tlieir rail- way in the event of running powers being granted: and all such agreements shall be valid and binding, and shall b(» enforciMl by any court of justice accord- ing to the terms and tenor thereof; provided that such trallic arrangement and agreement shall be first .sanctioned by two-thirds of the votes at a special ^,;';,;;^';;5^c.k'a^^^ general meeting of the shaivholders duly called fori;|^';;;,„^;v;y""^^ the purpose of considering the same, — at which mecMing shareholders re})resenting at least two- thirds in value of the stock are present in person or represented l)y proxy, — ^ and that such agi'ecnient 'J 22(5 Notice of ap- plication for appri'vnl. lias also n'coi\XMl the approval of tliu Ciovt'iiior in Council : (2) Suoli approval shall not he si^iiiificd nntil after noti(*cM)f the ])I'o[)osim1 a))pli(';iti()n tlu'icfoi- has lurn publislu'd in the lujiiniT and f'oi' tho time set forth in section two hiindrcl and thirty-nine of The Ji'iiilina/ -4r^, and also for a li''e period in one newspaper in each of the counties thr(»u^h which the railwjiy oftht' (■ompany runs, and in which a newspaper is piihiisluMJ. "ovci-iior ill iinlil af't(M' lias Ik'I'h •^"'t fni'lh in lie Jill i I mill wspajK'r ill ^vav of the luihiislu'd. 227 STATUTES, BY-LAW, AGREEJWENTS, &c. RFXATING TO THE Western Fair Association. AN ACT To Incorporate the^Western Fair Associa- tion. AssKNTKi) TM 'I'^YiX April, 1887. TVI! I'lxKAS James Cowan and othcis. hcrciimfterprcambie. U iianuMl, jiavc l»y tlu'ii petition prayed that .'in association may Ix' incni-poiatcil lor the piu'pose of ])roiiiotin^' in(lnstri''s, arts ami sciences <;(Mi(M'ally, and ()[ estal>lishin<4' and holding a|;ricnltnral, iiidnsti'ial, ;u't and other exhihitions at the city of London ; and whereas it is expedient to j^iant the [)rayer of the said petition ; Therefore Tier Majesty, hy and with the advice and cons(Mit of tlie Tej^islative Assembly of the Pro- vince of Ontai'io, enacts as follows : — 1. James Cowan, Andrew William Poi'te, ,Tohu i"C'"-P'"-ation, William Little, IJichard Whetter, Lawrence (-lever- (l(»n, l)onald McKenzie, (Jeo. Donj^lass, John Walker, Thomas (ii-een, William V. Ihunton, T. llerbei't .Marsh, dohn (Ireen, Kohl. V. Striitliers, dOhn Wolfe, William floliii Keid, A. M. Smart, W. K. Ilohbs, Thomas U. I'arker, liobert Lewis, Moses Masuret, and others, the several rep>resentatives of the several societies, corporations and associations hereinafter ■t 7 n 228 Exliihitions aiithuri/.cd. \ ^ nuiiUMl togotluM' witli all such other piM'sons and ri'inv- sontatives of otluT corixirations. societies and assmia- tioiis as shall under the authority of this Act. he as- soeiated with tjieni, in, and lieeoine niemhers of, the Coi'l)oration lu'ri'hv eieatetl. shall iie a Ixtdv luiljijc and eor|)oiate, l»v the name of the Western l-'air As- sociation and 1>, that name shall and may have |km- pelual su(;cession. and a c«»mm(»n seal, with the power to hreakand alter the same, and by that naine shall and may sue and he sued in all Courts in this Provmce ; anir principal place of husiness at London, hut may open such ollice oi' oiliccs at such places as may he fnuiid necessary or convenient for the purposes of tlcip business. •J. The said association is hci"liy autli ii'i/ril ami em])owered either pei'inanently or |»ei'in(licall\ in Htructui'cs, l»uildin;^'s, enclosures, and places located in the city of London, or the town>hip of London oi' WestminstcM', suitable for exhibition purposes and foi" the pi'omotion of intlustries, ai'ts and sciences i^eii- erally, to (exhibit any and every variety ofthitin' and beinl,^ foimd in animal and vegetable life, and cveiy kind and variety of minei-al ; to exhibit |)rodncts. wares, 1,'oods, mercliandise, machinery, mechanical inventions and improvements of every nature, name and kind, and such as are u'cnerally cxhibitctl af fairs, includini;' the various»s of maun fact lU'c ; to exhibit paintinL,'sand statuary of any and evi-ry nature and kind ; to exhibit and develop the j)ointsand (iiiali- ties of the several breeds ot horsivs and othei- aniiuais. by such competitive tests as may be humane and jdo- per, and as may be deemed expedient anj'. with tlic tli;ir iiaiiic Ills ill iliis i;i\. their may ((pen I'l' fuillKl ^ <»r tlcir 'I'i/cd and "h'call\ ill 'I's hicait'd Koiitidii or |><»s('s and iciK'cs ucii- thiiin' oration. )l. The said association is luM'cbv authori/ed to ''•')"■•'"" '^•^•'•• cliarLii' such admission \'ci's as may l-e deemed propt'r to icceive for exhibiting' every thinjj; contemplated ])y this Act ; to charge such entrance fees and to awai'd, liivc and pay to exhibitors on the shall a|)j)eai' ;, or entitled ler matters, ted for the repi'eseiita- laviiii;' been icicties, cor- is specially named in section 4 hereof, before the time fixed by die provisional directors for the hokling of the meet- iiig foi- the election of the directors of the said as- .sociation herel)y incori)orated then and in every such case, the [U'csident, vice-president, cliairman, or other presiding- oilicer, and the secretary of the as- sociation, or<;a nidation, corporation, or society so hav- Ino- failed to make such aj)f)()intment, shall be the re- presentatives of such association, ori^anization, cor- poration, or society, and shall be r'ic oj^c/o members of the cor[)oration liereby created, until the appointment coiiteinjdated by this Act shall have been made, and shall be entitled to vote at all meetings of members of the said association. 0. The l)oard of directors shall consist of not lessNumberof , , , „ , . directors, etc. than Inteen nor more than twenty-tour meml)ers (a niajority of whom shall l)e residents of the city of London), as shall be determined at the meeting- to be held as provided foi' in section 7 of this Act. The mayor of the city of London and the five members of tlie municii)al council thereof, appointed under the provisions of section 4 hereof, shall be members of the said board. The East Middlesex Agricultural Society shall l)e (Mititled to a representation on said board of six members, all of whom shall be residents of the countv of Middlesex, but none of whom shall he residents of the city of London, and shall be cho- sen by said society in such a manner as said society may decide, and not more than six of the director j sliall b(; elected from the representatives sent as members of the Western Fair Association from the Horticultural Society of the electoral division of the city of 1 ,ondon under section 4 of this Act, and the remainder of the directors shall be chosen from among the members of the said association. The ek'ction of directors (except as to the directors ap- pointed by the council of the city of London and the East Middlesex Agricultural Society as aforesaid) im \m •»■ .1 Hi c : Powers of directors. r •• r; ■■•• it' I r 234 and every question voted on at said meeting- slial] if do'ianded by two members, l)e deeided by i)all()t by a majority of votes of tlu^ members of tlie association hei'el)}' incorpoi'ated, present in i)er,^;on and voting' at the meeting ; the direetors so cliosen sh;dl innuediate- ly eleet one of their own nnnil)er to l)e i)resi' of the tlio collection he accpiisition l)y purchase, r),000. 12. Notwithstanding anvthing containe(l in 7/#eCert.iin.societic AiirkuUnre and Arts Arf, it shall and mav be lawful '"•'•^^■'^r';^- , •' ,,..'. ments with ;iiid for all or any of the several societies corporations, -"J a^^^''^'-''''''"- organizations, and associations named in section 4 of this Act, and for any of the cor[)orati()iis, associations, organizations or societies formed, or hereafter to be formed, under the provisions of Uie said Act, and thev, and all and every of tlumi are hereby authorized and em[)owere(l, through their several and respective councils or boards of directors, or committees of inaiiagement, and ollicers, to enter into any arrange- ments and to make any agreements, and contracts with the board of directors of the said association herel)y iiicori)orated for the holding of exhibitions, c: " c: r- / ^ Aid from municipalities. Provii Atfrcoments wllli inunici- p.ilities. 236 and taking part in the exhibitions to be holdiu 1)v the said association, and otherwise ])r()iii()tiiij; the objects contemplated by this Act, and may nid tlie same with any funds and moneys l)el()n^niin to any such association or society not otherwise speciallv ai)propriated by any statute of this Province. 13. 1'he munici])al council of any city, town, villap', county or township, in this Provinc(\ may uraiit money or land in aid of the said association, oi' mav lend or grant aid by way of bonus to the said associa- tion (mt of any moneys belonging to the municipality. and may effect such loan, or giant such aid, upon sucji terms and conditions as may be agi'ced upon between said ass()ciati(m and the council of the municipality making such loan or granting such aid, and may re- cover the money so lent and may a])pro|)iiate the moneys so recovered to the })urjK)ses of siicli imi- nicii)ality ; provided always that no nuuiici])al council shall in anv one vear gi'ant anv such monev or hoinis to any greater extent than .^."), ()()(>, noi* shall any money or lan()n lu'twceii nniiiici])ality md may I'c- ai)pr()priate of sucli nui- cipal coinicil icy or hoiiu.s )!• shall any nlor the j)i'()- /, iss;{, as to iHiinit'i|)ality, MiditiH'e and yoar; snch nd relate to \u\ (h(! asso- 'toi's thereof, ke ami enter itinn' to the and aecept- ii}4" and pro- suitaltle foi' lor the I'e- said associa- llu; conneil tion, and all ions the lepresentativA's so ai)p()inted in jnirsuance of any such agreement shall become members of the said association and entitled to vote lypon all matters and (jucsti(ms siilnnitted or voted upon at all meetings of the association, and every such council may pass by- laws foi' all and every of the pur})oses aforesaid and ill furtherance of the objects contem[)lated by this Act as occasion may riMpiire, but subject to the special |)rovisions contained in section llJof thi". Act. 1.'). The coiporation oi' the citv of London inav'-''."'Tr' '.'^ enter into any agreement with the East ^iid(ll(\sex;;'i,\;\\';;;i>,,^^^^^^^^ Agricultural Society or the Horticultural Society offj^;;;:;;';/;,^^^^^^^^^ the city of London, guai'antiH'ing the rc'paynient ()f any fj;^''!^;;;;^'^^^"- iHoneys contributed by either of the said societies to '''''''■"'''"• the Western Fair Association. 1(5. Sections T), 0, L"), KJ, 17, 130, :n , 3S, 41, 42,. 7*2, a nam soc 7:} (1), 74, 7:3, 7S, SI ( I ), S2, S:i and S4 of The, At/ri-tX^r::,:, riil/ii.rc (Old Arfs Ad arc herel)y incoi'])orated with, and are to be taken and deemed as })art of this Act and shall a})ply to the .said association, and to the exhibitions to 1)0 held by them as fully as such sec tions ap[)ly to the Agricultural and ^Vrts Associaticm and to exhibitions held by such association, except in so far as th(\v may be inconsistent with the enactments heieof, and the ex[)ressi()n " this Act " when used herein, shall be understood to include the sections of the said last mentioned Act so incorporated with this Act as aforesaid. • 17. It shall be lawful for the coia)oration of thei'^'"'^^r'"" citv of London at the ixMuiest of the Western Fair '"■■ pv'-p^"*^'* "f /il, in the year in which it is pro- posed to hold such fair, at or west of Toi'onto, 10, (1) Section !i of the Act i)assed in the 4^tli year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter ()2, intituled " An Act to aufhnn'y.c the Corporation of the Citi/ of Londoit to horrov) cert((ht mo)tf(/.s,'' is hereby amended by adding after the word "aforesaid" in the fourth line thereof the words " or for building upon and ini[)i'()v. ing the said lands known as Salter's Clrove, for the purposes of a public j)ark and exliii)ition gi-ounds/' (2) The amount to ])v boiiowc d under the author- ity of the said in part recited Act, shall not exceed the sum of $()(),()()() in at notice of )viiK'ial Fair ttioii hefore 'h it is pro. »iit(). n the 4^tli 2, intituled fhc a I II of y amended ic'fourtli line and inipi-oy. ove. \\)v tlie .H'rounds."' the author- not exceed ] of 840,000, issued, .ondon may iiso the said liall })e mad(! lid imin'ove- n^' their ex- din j;- twenty H as to the such license 1 association i^oi'poi'ations oned in the ;ed for exhi- r fairs th(>ie- d last men- AN ACT To authorize the Corporation of the City of London to sell certain Lands known as the Exhibition Grounds and for other purposes. AssKNTKi) TO 'l'.]vi\ Mareli, Isss. # * * # 4. Sul)-section '2, of sec ion It), of The Act to />i-5„v.c. sq. s. corporate the Western F< r A-sHoci<(t'io]i is hereby "''""'"'' " amended, hy sul)stitutin^' tlie \v()i-(h'; and fij^urcs, "seventy tliousand dollars," foi- tlie words and figures, " sixty tlioiisan! BY-LAW No. 786. To authorize the issue of a Debenture to the City of London Trust, to borrow the sum of $ I 0,000.00 to pay off the over expenditure upon and for fur- ther improving Salter's Grove for the Purposes of a Public Park and Exhi- ition Grounds. Passki) -Jlst (lay of Miiy, l^ss. KK-AKFIKMKr) ',hi\ Aplll, \X\K). \1/'IIEREAS the iiHinicipal couiu'il of the corpora- VV tiou of the city of I-oi.doii l)as iiiidci' and l»y virtue of an Act of tlic Leoislatiii-c of the province of Ontario pa.ssed in the forty-eiu'litli yeai' of Her .Ma- jesty's reii^n, and intituled " An Aet to authorize tlio Corporation of the (*ity of London to l)ori'ow certain moneys," and hv vii-tue also of a cei'tain other Aet of the said Legislature passed in the fifli(>th year of lier jMajesty's rei,!j;'n, and intituled "An Act to ineoi'porato the Western Fair .Vssociation," hon-owecl u[)()n de- bentures under by-law of the said nnu\ici[)al council nninbei'cd 134*2 tlie sum of sixty thousand dollars, being the full amount authoi-ized to bo borrowed under the said Acts, for the purpose of building' upon and improving thc^ lands owned l)y the city and known as Salttu-'s (li'oye for the })ur[)osi\s of a [)u!ilic park and exhibition grcmnds. AND WllEJIKAS there has been expend(>d for the puri)Oses s})ccitied in the; said by-law, in excess of the amount borrowed thereunder the sum of -*i?9,4-t.j.l>2. AND WHEREAS the .said nuuiicipal Council has received from the said the Wc^stern Fair Asso- ciation in reduction of sucli excessive exi)cnditnrc i untune to I borrow ly off the for fur- e for the nd Exhi. IV, I^Kf^. \, isii:}. he ('()rj)()ra- r Act of car of Wvv iR'or[)()rate upon (k»- )al coniK'il 1(1 dollars, hoi'i'owod diii,H' ujx)!! city and of a [)id)lic pcndcd for n excess of f.^<),-t4J.:52. al C'onncil Fair Asso- x[)endituro the sum of 81,000.00, leavin*,^ tlie sinn of ii?8,44n.:i2 uiipi'ovided for. AM) WIIKKKAS it is expedient to further im- prove the said Salter's! Jrove for tlie [)iirposes s|)ecified. ANl) WITKKKAS hy virtue of an Act of tiu«;^utiu.rityfor Legislature of tlie province of Ontario passed in the^^'"^'"'"'''^'''^ fifty-lh'st year of Her Maj"sty's I'cij^n and intituled "An Act to authorize the corporation of the city of London to sell certain hinds known as the l^xhihition ({rounds, and for other puri)oses," it is provided that snI)-si'ction '2 of section 1!) of the Act to incor[)oi'ate the Western l'\iii' Association he amended ])y suh- stitutinj; the words and li<.;ures " seventy thousand dollars" for the woi'ds and Hj^ures "sixty tliousand dollars " theriMU, tlierehy j^ivin^' the said nnuiicij)al council power to l^orrow h)r tlie purposes specified a further sum of .^10,000.00. AND Wlll^'.lvl^AS it is expedient to borrow the "■'''?"cc .^fter said sum or .sl(),000.00 under tlie [)r()Visn)ns oi the p'^''^^/;^''^^- '>''* said Acts and to issue a debenture therefor to the eitv of London Trust ])avable on dem.vnd to be api)Iied in payment of the said sum of $8,4413.3*2, and the balance or sum of $1, ."),')(). 08 in further imin'oving the said L>i'ounds. liE IT TUK1I1':K()KK enacted ])V the mu- nici[)id council of the coi'poration of the city of London as f\)ll()ws : 1. That the Mavor ])e and he is hereby authorized P'^,^;';"'"'' '^^ ^^ and directcf! to cause a debenture to be issued for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars to the city of London Trust payable on demand and to cause the said sum to be paid into the hands of the City Treas- urer to be a])plie(l (1 ), in payment of the said over expenditure of $8,44:3.32, and (2), the remainder, or sum of .8 1, .')')(). (58 under direction of the said coun- cil for the pur[)oses aforesaid. 2. That the said debenture shall be scaled with the corporate seal of the said city and signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer. r iti-i' ''^' ''1 ■ m "■ 1 :.;';|.- . f 1 t ■ . 24i; Parties. Dcscriplion of 1.1 nds ^ninted to INDENTURE. ^rniS INDENTURE nindo the ninth day of i Novenil)er, in the year of our Lord one tliou- sand ei*^lit hundred and eighty-eight. Between the Corporation of the eity of London, liereinaftei- ealled the Corporation, of the fiist ])ai'taii(l the Western Eair Assoeiation, hereinaf'tei- called the Association, cf* the second part. Witnesi;fth that tlie C^orporation dotli grant unto wj Ass.'cia- i\^Q Association the right and license to use for the l)urposes of holdi.-g the Western Fair and fat cattle show only, all and singular those certain pai'cels or tracts of land and i)reniises situate lying and being in the said city of London, I )eing composed of lots num- bers twenty-nine to thirty-five, (both inclusive), lots numbers forty-two to forty-eight, (l)otli inclusive), in plan 413, and lots numbers foi'ty-nine to fifty-seven, and lots sixty-eight to seventy-six, (botli inclusive), in the said city of London, actcording to registered })l{in No. 4L5, both said plans being subdivisions of a por- tion of that part of the north half of lot number eleven, in concession *' C," in the township of London, heretofore known as Saint Paul's Cemeteiy, made by Charles A. Jones, P.L.S., for the rector and chureli wartcry made by Chai'les A. fTones, j)rovincial land suivcyor, for the rector and churchwardens of Saint Pjuil's Church in the said city of Lcmdon, have betMi acijuired bv the Association, and the same have been couvcvcmI to the Corporation subject to encumbrances thei'cou amounting to the sum of i^OjOTo and interest. And WiiEitEAs the .Vssociation has ])aid on ac- count of the [)urcliase money of the said lands the sum of ii?2,'J2r). Now IT IS IIeheuv A(;reei) bv and between the parties hereto as follows, that is to say : I. The Association agrees to [)ay and satisfy the encunduances aforesaid and inti^rest thei'con when and as the ; ume become due. Associ.uion m.iy '2. Tlu^ ( V)!'! )oi'ation agrees to give to the Asso- use s.-iid lands. ., ,, ^ -~ • i ^ '^ \ i> j t ciation a license to use the said lands tor the purpose of its fairs for the same term and on the same con- Incumbrance. 245 lintli (lily of ord one thou- ity of London till' first part, 'cinaftor (.'ailed i to thirty-five to f'orty-eii^'ht forty-nine to ^entv-six both « c;ov(linj4 to the hms l)einL>' snb- 10 north half of n the township 'nul's Cemetery land sni'veyor, f Saint Panl's ' been a('(piire(l been conveyed ranees thereon ntei'est. IS ])ai(l on ae- said hinds the 1(1 between the r • I* . and satisfy the thereon when e to the Asso- for the purpose the same con- ditions for and iii)()n wliich the license to use the westerly part of the property known as the Queen's Park for the said purposes has been given. 3. If at any time during the said term of the said Default being license default shall be made in payment of the sai(l>nmay?cq'i^re eneunibrances or any part thereof or the interest ^ationVn sail"" thereof or any part thereof, or in the performance of '""''' any of the terms or conditions of the said license, the Corporation may ac(iuire the interest of the Associa- don in the said lands n\}on repaying to the Associa- tion the sum of $8,900, being the purchase money of the said lands, or so nmch thereof as shall have been paid by the xVssociation, not however including any interest accrued or accruing, wln^ther paid or not, all of which is to be paid by the Associaticm. -t. If at anytime during the term of the saidi-''"'',''ncquirtd *J c^ iiitiv be sold n,t license no default havini>' 1)een made by the Associa-'-rir^^'ofAsso- tion ui the pertormance of the terms oi the said license or of this agreement the Association shall desire to sell the lands, the Association shall have the right to have the same sold, and the purchase Application of money shall be first api)lied in reimbursing the Cor-nwnJi^f poration all moneys which it has ex])ended or shall hereafter, at tlu^ reijuest of the Association, expend for buildings on the said lands after deducting from such moneys a reasonal)le sum for the wear and tear of such buildings, the amount of such deduction, in case of dispute, to bo determined l)y arbitration, the s(;nior Judge for the time being of the County Court of the county of Middlesex to be the sole arbitrator, and in the next place to reimliurse the Association the amount paid by it for the said lands without interest, and the sur[)lns (if any) shall, unless a further agreinnent is entei'(Ml into betw^een the parties here- to, bo held by the said Coiporatiim in trust for Fair pmposes, and the said lands shall, at the expiration of the said license if no default shall have been made by the Association as aforesaid, be sold and the pro- 1 246 coeds of the sale thereof applied and held in like manner as in this paraj^raph mentioned. Ix Witness Wiikheok the parties hereto liavo causeil their eoi'porate seals to be allixed te these presents. Signed. ' (Sig-ned), Sealed and ])elivered J ami:s (N»v, an, (L. S.) in presene(» of . Mayor, (signed,) {^'^y^^^f\ ^ ^ '^ A. W. POKTE, (L. S.) W. R. Meredith. J rresident. 247 ^lold ill like lioroto liave 0(1 to these .N, (L. S.) iMayor. E,(L. S.) Pi'Lvsident. GRANT. HMIIS INDENTUKE made the ninth (hiy of Noveni- 1 ber, in tho yoar of oui' Lord ono thousand ei^ht hunETWKEX the Corpoi-ation of the city of London, Parties, (liereinafter called the ('ovporation), of die first part, and the Western Fair Association, (hereinafter called the Association), of the second part. WITNESSETH that the Corporation doth snbject to Gram of license the rights granted by it to the agricnltnral and arts''' ^^''"""^'"'" a,sso(!iation c^f Ontario, and the county council of the County of Middlesex, grant unto the said Association the exclusive right and license to use for the purposes of holding the Western Fair, and a fat cattle show or other exhibitions authorized by their act of incorpora- tion to be held by them, all that part ot the property ill the said city of Lcmdon, known as Halter's Grove, (otherwise known as (.Queen's Park,) which lies west- erly from a line drawn at right angles to Dundas street, to run through a jioint distant forty feet west- erly from the westerly limit of the fence, which now is situate around the horse ring to the southerly limit of the siiid Salter's drove, for such period in each year Term during^ (liirin<.i' the term of twenty years, to be computed from uoj'^.n.^y c^^^^^^^ th(> fii'st day of July, in the year of our Lord one'""' °^°""'''' thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and from thenceforth, next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended as the directors or officers of the Western Fair Association may deem necessary or expedient for the holding of fairs, shows and exlii))itions, for the encouragement of agriculture, arts and science, not ex- ceeding however two weeks l)efore, two weeks during and one week aftei- the holding of the Western Fair, in each year, and the period of twelve days for the '% I 248 ii''":5:3 Exclusive right granted to Asiiuciatioii. Conditions, That the West- ern Fair be held annually. Damage to buildings. Speeding track and stables may Ix; granted to citizens. holding of the said fat cattle show or other exhibitions authorized as aforesaid. And This Indentuke Witnesseth that the Cor- poration doth, sul)ject as aforesaid, grant unto tlie Association the exclusive right and license to use the residue of the said property known as Salter's Grove (otherwise known as Queen's Park), for the pnrixjses of holding their exhibitions, and foi' their otliei- pnr- })OSi s, which are authorized Inthe Act passiMJ in the fiftieth year of Her Majesty's reign, .md intituled "an Act to incorporate the Western Fair Association," to be held by the said Association during the term of twenty years, to be computed from the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-seven, and from thencefoi'th next en- suing and fully to be complete and ended. And it is hereby agreed by and between the par- ties hereto that the licenses hereby granted, are, and each of them is granted upon the following conditions, on breach of which or any of which, the said licenses shall immediately cease and be at an end, that is to say, 1. That the Association shall, in each year during the said term, hold ui)on the (Queen's Park, and tlie adjoining lands accpiired by t\u) Association, the fair known as '' The Western Pair," and the same shall be at least equal, as respects the prizes oHered and the general management of the fair, to the average of the last ten years ; provided always that no fair need be held in any year in which the Provincial Exhibition is held at London. 2. That the said Association shall do no unneces- sary damage to the said lands or the buildings or im- provements thereon, and make no alteration theiein without the consent of the Coiporation. 3. That in granting the use of the si)ee(1Ing track and stables on the said lands, or any right in respect of them for any other than fair purjjoses, all citizens I' exhibitions It tli(» C'or- lit unto tlie e to use the liter's Grove ho ]nu[)os(.'s 1" otlici' pnr- isscd in the 1(1 intitnk'd Association," tlio term of ' first (lay of il oio'ht hun- I'th next en- • een the par- ed, are, jind »■ conditions, said licenses id, that is to year (hiring rk, and the ion, the fair anie shall he I'cd and the eragc of the ['air need lie 1 Exhihition no unneces- liiigs or ini- tioii theivin eding track it in rcs^iect , all citizens 249 of London shall bo entitled to such use or right on like terms, and shall have e([ual rights in respect thereof, and no privih'ge shall be granted to anyone that is not open to all citizens on the same terms and conditions. 4. That if and when required the Association shall prepare and submit to the council of the Cor- poration, rules and I'cgulatioiis as to the terms and conditions upon which siicli use or right shall be granted, and such rules and regulations shall be valid only so far as they shall be approved of by the said co'uncil. f). That if the said council shall so desire it may p-^rt of grounds 1 • 1 i. J.' Oil • 1 1 I J may be managed require the said eastern portion or the said lands, to I'.y. 'committee ot be managed and controlled, except during the period^"^'""" for which it may be reipiired to be used for holding fairs by a committee of citizens, consisting of ten mem- bers, five of whom shall be apjiointed by the said council, and the remainder of them by the Association, and the members of such committee shall hold office until their successors are appointed. 6. That the Association will apply all revenue surplus revenue which it shall derive from the use of the said lands or applied/ any part thereof during the continuance of this license except during the holding of the Western Fair and cattle show aforesaid in and towards kee})ing the hoi'se ring on the said hinds in good repair and order, and in bi'autifying the said lands and the buildings thereon. And the iVssociation covenants with the Corpora- covenant, tion to })erf()rm the said conditions. And it is hereby further agreed by and between Auditors, the })arties hereto, that one of the auditors for the said yVssociation shall be that one of the city auditors for the time being, whom the council of the said city of London shall by resoluticm name for the purpose, and he shall audit the books and accounts of the As- sociation at the expense of the said Association. k : I tion( Description of lands granted to association. 250 When control of Aii(l It Is iKM'ebv fiirtliGi' am'ocd In- and Ix'twotMi lands to rcMiiain , u o i' > ' m <^ i n J^on*! ''""'''""''" "^® parties hereto, thai excei)t at tlie tiinesliereinlu'roie provided for (hiring' which fairs and shows arc tn bo hehl ui)oii the said lauds, and the of said Dr. Salter's land ; thence south sixty-eight degives twenty-seven minutes west along the southerly limit of Dr. Salter's hind eight chains and eighteen links, more or less, to the t;astern limit of the cemetery of 251 • and l)(>twiHMi 'sluMnMiilx'Toi-o ows arc to he lys lH>tbr(> and ' bofoi'C llKMl- 'ly pail of the at ion, and the () have access 1 tlU3 Coi'pOl'il- to as Salter's *ark), are des- Is or ti-acts of iiig" in the said rcmcnt tliirty- l oi; of lot number s tbnncrly the ty of London, (le of J)un(his n the east, l)e- )un(his street, e fifteen acres, "said lot, con- 'ri 1)0(1 as coni- . distant west- it eii;lit chains , at the noi'th- lescribed, and )uth seventeen 3 easterly limit ns and thiity- itan!4le oi said eii;'ht derives )ntherly limit Mi^hteen links, le cemetery of the l'-nL;lish Chnrch, known as St. Paul's Church cenieter}' ; thence south seventcH'U d(\nrees iiCty-nine minutes eas*" ah)n,i»' said castei-ly limit oi'.said cemetery ei«;hty links, more or less, to the F'>ntli-east angle of the said cemetery, and at the noi'tluM'ly limit of a street laid out across said lot nund)er (deven and known as Cani})beli stii'ct; thence noi'therly sixty-(d.nht gn'ees twenty-seven minutes east aion^' said northerly limit ot'Camplxdl sti'cet, sixteen chains (dnhty-tiu'ce and one haliiinks, more or less, to the easterly limit of said lot nunduM' (d(^ven ; thence north seventeen (le.L;Tecs fil'tv-nine nu'nutes west aloim' the said easterlv limit of said lot 'dneteen chains and thirteen links, more or less, t<» tli(3 noi'th-east angle of said lot ; thence south sixty-(Mght degrees twenty-seven minutes west along thcjuoi'therly limit of said lot nund»er eleven eight chains sixty-live and a half links, more or less, to the place of beginning. In Witness WiikukoI' the parties have hereunto affixed their corporate seals. Signed, Sealed and 3 )elivere(l in presence of (Signed,) W. U. Meredith. (Signed), James Cowan, (L. S.) jVIayor. (Signed), A. W. POKTE, (L. S.) President. i25i '•,^'' ,. «:::' )' >»•'■' J **•■ »»" " »'*■■ *> itf- . «- « «•• ♦^■ 1 •»»' »> „' !••■'■ ■ w, M i'*'*' •ft It- 1 T Parties, GRANT. HIS INDENTUKE made the sixtcMMitli day (^f Juno, Olio tlioiisand oi^i^'lit hiiiHli'od and oiiihtv- eiglit. In Piu'Humu.e of the Ad respect iny Short Forms of Con- veyances : Between tlio coi'poration of tho city of London (hereinafter called the City) of the fiist part, and tlie corporation of the county of MidcHosox (hereinafter called the County) of the second pait. Grant by city to WITNESSETH tluit lu accordauco with tlie ])rovisi()ns MiddVU'x. of section 2 of the Act of tlu^ Lt\uislaturo of tJK^ province of Ontario })assod in tho (iftydirst yoai- of Her Majesty's i'ei•• ,, 1 i ..►i .r» 1 ■ ''■ i:D tlio placn lunHMinto le (lay jiud jMavor. GRANT. 'PUIS INDKNTl'Wr, iimdc llic siMccutli d.-iv „[ T .Iiiiiu, OIK! tliousaiui L'igliL liiiii' witli the vear one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and upon condition that the Council of the AsHocifition, their successors or assigns, shall pay to the Corporation of the city of London the sum of one thousand dollars should the Council of the Agriculture and Arts Association, their successors or assigns, hold an exhibition on the said lands in the 250 '•»»""■ .. «« ^;*',« -M V -{'•■' "•* : *• * cs i'; ■m '• ^i ■''^:, :;j :l: ira Description of lands. year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, said lands known as Salter's Grove are deseribed as follows, that is to say : All and singular those cei'tain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in tin* said city of London, containing l)y adnieasuiement tliirtv- one acres, more or less, being com})osed of: 1. All that part of the north half of lot nunil)er eleven, in concession " C," in what was formerly tlie township of London, now in the said city of London, described as follows, on the south side of Oundas street, and adjoining the cemetery lot on the east, be- ing live hundred and forty feet wide on 1 )undas street, and running south far enough to include fifteen acies. 2. All that i)art of the north half of said lot, con- taining sixteen acres, which may l)e d(\scribed as coni- mencing at the northerly limit of the lot distant W(\st- erly fnmi the north-east angle of the lot eight chains sixty-five and a half links, more or less, at the north- east angle of the land herein firstly descriljed, and formerly owned by l)v. SaltiM-; thence south seventeen degrees fifty-nine minutes east along the easterly limit ofsaidlJr. Salter's land eighteen chains and thirty- three Hnks, more or less, to the south-east angle of said Dr. Salter's land ; thence south sixty-i'igit degices twenty-seven minutes west along the southerly limit of Dr. Salter's land eight cliaius and eighteen links, more or less, to the eastern limit of the cemetery of the English Church, known as St. Paul's Church cemetery ; thence south seventeen degives fifty-nine minutes east along said easterly limit of said cemeteiy eighty links, more or less, to the s(mtli-east angle of the said cemetery, and at the northei'ly limit of a ^tieet laid out across said lot numl)er eleven and known as Campbell street; thence northerly sixty-tnght degrees twenty-seven minutes east along said northerly limit of Campbell street, sixteen chains eighty-tluee and one half links, more or less, to the easteily limit of said eighty-nine, desci'ibud as s or tracts of ig in tlu> said nncnt tliiitv- of: >t' lot mini 1)01' tbriiicrly tlio V of London, le of Dundas 1 1 lie east, hv- iiiidas street, tifte(>n acres. said lot, coii- 'ibed as coin- distant w(\st- eiglit chains at the north- escribed, and ith seventeen easterly limit IS and thiity- angle of said is>lt deiii'CH's utherlv limit ghteeii links, 3 cemetery of aul's Chnrch •ees fiftv-nine iaid cemetery ;t angle of the lit of a ' tieet ml known as 'ight degrees )rtherly limit ity-thi-ee and f limit of said 257 lot number eleven ; thence north seventeen degrees fifty-nine minutes west along the said easterly limit of said lot nineteen chains and thirteen links, more or less, to the north-east angle of said lot ; thence south sixty-eight degrees twenty-seven minutes wept along the northerly limit of sai(f lot number eleven eight chains sixty-five and a half links, more or less, to the place of beginning. Tx Witness \ViiEin:oF the City hath hereunto caused to be aflixed its corporate seal. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in })resence of (Signed,) (;k(). C. Guxn. (Signed), JAiNrES Cowan, (L. S.) ' Mayor. * »*«?- 258 Parties, C' " Recital. AGREEMENT. '^PHIS AGPiEEMEXT made in triplicate this sixth 1 (lay of St'])t(Mii])or, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. BinnvEEN the Western Fair Association, (a body corporate and i)olitic) hereinafter called the Associa- tion, of the first ])art, the Kast Middlesex Agi'iciilturul Society, hereinafter called the Society, of the second part, and the Corporation of the city of London, of the third part. Whekeas it was agreed by the Society and the electoral division of the city of London Iloi'ticultural and Agricultural Society, that, in the event of the Corporation of the city of J^oiidon furnishing suitalde grounds for the holding of exhil)itions, for the en- couragement of agi'iculture, arts and sciences, the Society would join in said Association and hand ovlm* their funds anai'ties of the third I'roviso on de- ,,, .. " . , i<' 111- fault to furnish part shall Ian to })r()vide grounds toi' holding an an-t-rounds nual fair, the said Society is to \)c repaid out of the funds ol' the said Association the amount paid in l)y said Society to said Association, namely four thousand dollars. H. The said Society and Horticultural Society toTopayorer .'..-,, f '' moneys, etc. pay over to the Associatum all pr()})erty and money beh)nging to the old Western Fair. And WiiKitKAs by an Act of the Legislature of the Pi'ovince of Ontario, passed in the r)Oth year of llcr Majesty's reign, intituled " an Act to incor[)or- atc the Western l^air Association," the said Associa- tion were created a body cori)orate and politic. Now Tins A(;iiEKMENT WiTN'KssKTH that lu cou- .^;';:::::|r;;f ;;:^^^^^^ sideiation of the premises and of the sum of four AL'socktl L'iutioti. 260 thousand dollars now paid by said Society to the said Association, the said Association covenants and a^^;i'ees with the said Society that the Association will do, keep and perform or cause to be done, kept and per- formed all and every t)f the stipulations and agree- ments on its part contained in any of the nunil)ered clauses hereinbefore recited and set forth. Covenant of Society. m •MI Gimrantw by a'rporatioii. And the said Society hereby covenants and agrees with the said Association tliat the said Society will do, keep and })erforni or cause to be done, kej)t and performed, all and every the stijmlations and agree- ments on its part contained in any of the numbered clauses hereinbefore set forth. The (/orporation of the city of London, the parties hereto of the third })art, by virtue of the powers con- ferred upon them by the said Act, and in considera- tion of the said Societv])aving' to the said Association the said sum of four tlumsand dollars, heieby guaran- tee the repayment of the said sum of four thousand dollai's by the said Association, at any time the said C'Oi'poration of the city of London shall fail to i>ro\ ide grounds for holding' an annual I'aii- by the said Association. I- Coveiiant by Society. And the Societv, so far as it mav lawfully so cov- enant, covenants with the Association and, tlie (\)Y poration of the city of London, and ea(di of them that the Society will at all times, while the Associ;ition shall be in ac'tive existence and cari-yiug on its opera- tions pay to the said Association all moneys and pr(»- perty which shall come to its hands from govermnent grants or otherwise foi-the u^(' of the siiid Association, for tin; purposes of the said Western Viuv, aftci* de- ducting therefrom the reasonable and necessary ex- penses of the said Society. ty to the said itsundaj^q'ees ition will do, vept and per- ns and agree- he nunil)oi'ed li. its and aj^Toes [ Sot'ietv will )no, kept and lis and airree- he numhered n, the parties ' powei's con- in eonsidera- d Association LM'ehyiu'naraii- our thousand lime the said iiil to i)rovide 1)V the said vf'ullv so eov- and, tlie (*or of them that Association ' on its opei'a- iieys aii(i pro- 1 government I Association, 'air, after de- necessarv ex- 261 In Witness Whehkof the ])arties hereto have here- unto set their corporate seals. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in })resence of, as to the signatures of A. W. Porte anddeo. MeJh'oom, (Signed,) (Iko. (t. McCokmk'k. (Signed,) K. (t. Fisheh. (Signed), A. W. POHTE, (L.S.) I'resident. ■ (Signed), Geo. McHmoom, (L. S.) Seeretarv. (Signed), KiCHAHi) Wmetter, (L.S.) l^resident. (Signed), (JeoHCE Dol'dLAS, (L. S.) Secretary. (Signed), dAMKS Cowan, (L. S.) Mayor. 202 ',tM> I Preamble STATUTE y\ND AGREEMENTS RELATING TO West Ontario Pacific Railway. AN ACT Respecting the City of London and the West Ontario Pacific and certain other Railway Companies. Assented to 14tli A])iil, lsj)2. WHEREAS the corporation of the city of J.ondon has, by its petition I'eprescnted that a certain agreement was, on tlie twentieth day of Aiii^ust, 1S{)1, made between the West (Ontario I'acitic Railway Company, tlie Ontario and (^)iiehec Jiaihvay (\)ni[)any, the Canadian Pacific Jiailwny Company and tlie cor- poration of the city of London, in ref'ei'encc! to the working of a poixion of tlic; Hne of tlu^ said laihvay companies, tlie estabHsliment at the city of London of certain car and niacliine sliops and tlie granting to the said companies by the said cor])oration of a bonus of $25,000, that debentures to })rovide for the jiay- ment of the said bonus have been issued l)y the cor- poration of the city of London under by-law number SO'2 of the said city, j)assed on the sixth day of Sep- tember, 18S(), and that to remove doubts as to the validity of the said agreement and debentures, it is expedient to confirm the same by legislation and have prayed for the passing of an Act for that pur- pose ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer ENTS ailway. 1 and the 'tain other .])i\\, ls<)-2. y of J.ondou liat a certain Vii West Ontario raciiic Kaihvay Company, the Oiitaiio and Quebec Kaihvay (Joni[)any and the Canadian I*a- cific Railway Company (hereinafter called the com- panies) of the first part ; and the corporation of the city of London (hereinafter called the corporation) of the second part ; Witness that the companies covenant and a^ree with the corporation that the city of London shall be the chief divisional point on the line of lailway of the companies between Toronto Junction and the River Detroit, and the Detroit River and the Niagara frontier. Freight and local passeng^er engines and crews. L That all the freight train and local [)assenger train hands and crews,- and engines and crews em- ployed in or for the work' g or ()i)eration of the said railway between Toronto Junction and the River De- troit, and the Detroit River and the Niagara frontier, shall for all time to come change or be changed at the said city of London, in the usual couisc of the oueration of the said railwavs, and that all the said employees shall reside i)ermanently, in the usual course of the operation of the said lailways, at the said city of London. Machine shop 2. That thc compauics shall forthwith erect and furnish with machinery recpiisite for the same a ma- 13 tllis t\V(Ml- 0111' Lord one iK'twecii llu- , the Oiitaiio 'iiiiadian Ta- ed the coin- nitioii of tlie rpoi'utiuii) of it and a^'ivu iidon shall I)0 ailwav of thu \\(\ tlio KivcM' the Niajj;ai'a :*{il i)asseii_uei' d eiews ein- 11 of the said he Ivivei' I)e- L>ai'a frontier, i chanj^ed at eourse of the all tlii> said in the usual I ways, at the itli erect and same a nia- 265 cliine shop of at lea, ■it ei<;lity feet froiita.n'e on C'entval avenue in tlie said eity of London, and with a de[)th of at least forty feet, and will thereafter maintain the same. :'). Tliat the eomiianies will, in the event of their En^^tio" oi car biiildiiiL;' at any time ear and niaehuu! shops or eitlier of them (foi' tlu> niamifaetnre of ears or hu^omotives) on any part of the division of their line of railway hetween Toronto frunetion and the Jxiver Detroit, or tli(> K'iver Detroit and the Niagara frontier, locate and huild and maintain the same in the said eity of London. The coriioration has j^iveii to thecomiianies, in con- s-'s.'-oo.oo • 1 •r'jl i j1* 1 • bonus. sideratioii of the covenriiits on their part herein con- tained, a l)omis of ij^.'), 000, and the companies l)ind themselves to the corporation for the performance of the said covenants in the said sum of .s:i.'),000, and in the event of a breach of all the said covenants, the coi'poration shall l)e entitled to recover from the e()m[)anies as li(piidated and ascertained damages the said sum of -^•J.'),000, and in the event of a '>i"(''{^ch^;''^^_^j;',^^[ of some (Hily of the said covenants, .^^^25,000 shall be taken to be the value to the corjioration of the benefits to be dcj'ived from the })erforinaiice of all the said eov(>iiaiits and the damages shall be assessed on that basis. These articles of am-eement are executed in pursii- Aerrccment I' 1 ■•(•II v I \ » /• 1 • 1 "■''^'^" ^" By-law aiice oi the provisions ol by-law Ao. o0'2 ot the saids"^- corporation, [)assed on the second day of Aiij^ust, A.l). LSS(), to provide for grautinuH bonus of .s:>r),000 to secure the makinu' of London the chief divisional })oint on the line of the Canadian Pacific Kailway r()m[)any's proposed line between Toronto and the Kiver Detroit. 200 In Witnkss Wiikheok tlio said c'()nii){ini('H aiid tlio said corporation have caust'd to ho aflixcd luMcto tlK'ir respective corporate seals, and tlie presidents of the said coni[)anies liave set tlieii- hands, and tlic mayor of tlie said corporation lias set his hand tl day and year first ahove written T. G. SM.\r(;iiNKssv, l^resident the West Out- K! Sianed, alio Paeilic IJailwav ( (>. i.S. Kdmini) 1>. Osmh! Sealed and Delivered "- President the Oiitaiio and in i)resence of (^nebec Railway Co. | L.S.J T. (t. SH-MTOHNKSSY, Vice President the ('anant diainage toeiial)lc> the subway to be c()nstruct(Ml and maintained, and the said cor- poration, while it i'(Mpiires the subway to be main- tained, to keej) it clear for the puri)ose of its being used an said city which the said pioposcd railway shall cioss as the said coi'jxti'at ion shall choose, the said two sums of sixteen thousand five IuukIi'imI dollai's each to 1k> paid hy tiie company in the like in- stalments of {)i'inci|)al and interest in which the same, if it wci'c a siun Itorrowed hy the said coi-j>oi'ation for the pei'iod of twentv vears on dehentiu'es lieariim' sncii rate of intei'cst as would, for the time heini;', cii- al)le the said coi'j)oiation to hoi-row it at par, would 1)0 payable accordini; to the pi'ovi.-ions of " 'I'he Con- solidated Municipal Act, l^s:)'' and amendments thei'et(), this covenant to l»e conditional on the coi'- poi'ation in case a peiinanent sid»way is to he con- structiMl providin}^' tcmjxnaiy and permanent di'aiii- a,n'e to (Miahle the suhway to l>e constructed and main- tained and the re(niisition mav l>e made as to (inc overhead l)iidi;e or subway at one time and as to the otlier at another time. These articles of agreement are ex(H'ut(Ml in pui'- suance of the provisions of l>y-law N.(). o(M of the said coi'poiation, passed on the sixth day of Se|)tein- ber, one thousfind einht hundred and eij^hty-six. in- tituled " r>y law Xumbei'lXn to aid The West Ontario Pa(ulic Railway ('ompany by ^rantiuL;' to it a bonus not exceedinin' forty thousand dollai's and certain hinds on certain conditions.'' And the agreements herein contained on the i)art of the said company form part of the consideration for the granting of the said bonus. 209 md with the will, if and \\v tlu'ii- coii- tivc liiiiidri'd ictioii of one iillicM' .sum of towards the Mliend hi'idLic dcr siicli two said |)i'()|)()S('(l 1 sliall clioosc. tivt' lamdrcd ill tlic lil<(' iii- licli the same, )r|)<)rati()ii lor iircs licariiin' iiu> Ihmhl;', cu- lt par, would )f"Tlu' CoH- aiiu'iidnuMits il on tlic coi'- is to 1)(' coii- iiaiH'iit droard ai)pointed l)V the county council. \ / II • county council of th(^ county of .Middlesex shall -be chosen at the last meeting of the council in each year. Board of trustees. Constitution of boaril. Appoi itmcnt by I-.eutjn.'int Govrz-nor. pital. ta) of the .pril, 1SS7. E' the citv of •esentLMl tluit 111 of tlio said it of tlio said of Tnistcfs, 1 the advice inl)iy of the Hospital of I by a IJoard [islees of the 11(1 coi'[)oijite the said city, if whoiii one (Joveriior in )uiity council he nHinici[)al i|)pointetl by [II be a rate- lohl ollice loi' )iiite(l by the esex shall be in each year. Sffl (3) The meml)ers of the PJoard elected by theEiectio by municipal electors of the city of London shall beeiecToT' elected at the annual niunici[)al elections, and all the provisions of 77/e Consolidated Mau'wipal Act, 1883, respectin<4the nomination, election, uu'^eating, grounds of dis(iualificati()n and otherwise, of mayors shall apply to the election of the said menil)ers, and the niembeis so elected shall hold olHce for two years, except in the case of the members first elected, one of whom shall retire at the end of the hi\st year as may be determined l)y lot at the first meeting of the Board. 4. Every meml)er of the Board shall continue inourationof ollice until his successor is a])pointed or elected, as° the case may be, and any member whose term of ollice has expired m;iy be rea})pointed or I'c-elected. ;'). (I) 111 case of a vacancy by the death or resiir-^i^s ^. i. , <• 1 1 " vacancies. nation ot a member, or trom any cause other than the exj)iration of the time for which hi; was a})pointed or elected, the member a})pointe(l or elected in his [)lace shall hold ollice for the remainder of the term. (2) 111 case a mem])er elected by the municipal electors of the city of J.ondon or a})|)ointe(l by the council thereof vacates his ollice as aforesaid, the council of the said city shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy. (). (I) The members of the first ])()ard within ten org.anizat;on of days after their ai)[)()intinent and on .such day and hour and at such place as tlie Mayor of the city of London shall appoint (notice of the a})p()intment in writing signed by the ]\Iayor having been " ot the Board by givinj^ at least two days' notice in writing to each menilx'r sj)ecifying the purpose lor which the meeting is calk'd. (3) No business shall be transacted at any sjM'cial or general meeting unless three niemljers are })res(Mit. (4) All orders and jn'oceedings ot the Board shall be entered in books to be kei)t by them for that pur- pose and shall be signed l)y the chairman for the time being, 8. No member of the Board shall be a medical man in actual ])ractice, or, with the exception of the Mayor, a member of the city council, or an oHicer or servant in the employment of the said council. 9. The treasurer of the city of London for the time being shall be the treasurer of the said Boaid. 10. In case the munici})al council of the corpoia- tion of the said city of London shall pass a by-law declaring it expedient thai the powers conferred l,y this Act shall cease, and such liy-law shall receive the assent of the nninicipal electors of the said city of London in manner })rovi(led by The Coy.solkiated Muvicipal Act, 1S83, and amendments thereto, such powers shall from the time named for that pur})ose in the by-law cease and be at an end, and the siv^>t shall revert to the said nnuiicii)al council. IL Nothing herein contained shall have the effect of transferring to or vesting ni the said l^oard or this Province or in the cori)orati()n of the county of Middlesex any right to or in the sai<), S^o. Ill have been expendevemie to the said city more than sullicient to i)ay off the debeu tures which will be recjuired to be issued to retii'e outstanding debentures to the amount of 8.");J4,()2S.1)4 issued on account of the said Wi'.terwoi-ks and whieh said outstanding debentures form ])art of the said de- benture debt ; and whereas the .said munici})al council has by its said petition })ra}ed for the })assing of an Act for the purposes aforesaid, and that new provis- ions be made as to the linut of the borrowing powei' of the .said cor})oration ; and whei-eas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the .said [)etition ; Therefore Her Majesiy, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative .Assembly of the I'ro- vince of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. The corporation of the city of London may borrow for the purpose of paying its .said indel)t('d- ness and consolidating its debt a sum not exceeding $2,000,000, and may issue debentures therelbr. '1. The proceeds of such loan shall l)e ai)i)lied for the i)urpose of the redenn)tion and payment of the debentures mentioned in the preamble of this vVct, and the said cor[)orati()n may make such ai'rangemenls with the holdeis thei'cof or any of tlieni for paying off the same at maturity or in advance of the respective 275 )lic schools dehoutiuvs 3()r})()r;ition, iiildinj^s the Ki'owtli and lit tliat the iisoliihito its l)a_v olf the )!(.' at loiimM' 11(1 wluM'eas Si::}. Ill have 1 capital ae- of the said cniio to the \' the (leheu umI to retire ,s:);34,()L!S.II4 s and which the said de- L*i[)al council ►a.ssiii<;' of an new })i'ovis- wiiii;' [)o\ver is expedient h tlie a. The del)entures to be issued under the author- Payment of ity of this Act shall l)e known as " City of London (ieneral Consolidated l^oan Debentures," and may be made payable in Canada or (ireat J^ritain, the United States of America or elsewhere, and in any currency and shall be in sums of not less than $100 (*aiiavi(le the same out of the proceeds of the loan by this Act autliori/ed to be effected for the payment and consolidation of its said outstanding in(lel)tedness. 12. It shall not be necessary that any by-law, which shall be passed for the issue of any of tlie de- bentures, the issue of which is authorized by the fore- going provisions of this Act, shall be submitted for the approval of or receive ^he assent of the ratei)ay- Assent of elec- tors not re- quired. 277 i redemption time to time 'h shall luive e issue of the to be issued id the income any sum, for )ayint:; off the hich shall l)e- le said })eri()(l shall heeome said corpora- s or sums im- )y-laws under ij^'dehentui'es, m re(|uired to itstandinji; de- per annum l)e id so nuieh of $80,000 shall fthe })rocee(ls ead of raising Act })assed in tituled Ail Art ue of the sum the said Act, ide the same .ct authorized nsolidation of t any bydaw, iiy of the de- :mI by thefore- sul^mitted for f the ratei)ay- ers of the said city of London, in accordance with the provisions ot The Municipal Act, and it shall be suffi- R«=' • stat. c cient if any such bydaw be in the form in the schedule '^*" " A " to this Act set forth, notwithstanding the pro- visions of the said Act. 13. The sinkin*? fund held by the said corporation Application of r. , 1 1 J.' t' A 11, ■ 1 ^ , • present sinking for the redenii)tion ot the debentures m the preamble '""'»• of this .Vet mentioned may be used and applied in paying" otl", under the ])rovisi(ms of this Act, any of the said debentui-es, and not otherwise and the securi- ties in which the said sinkini;' fund may be invested may l)e sold and converted into money in order that it may l)e so used and applied. 14. Xo iri'e«;ularitv in the form of the debentures .'■''■'-"^"'■y!''';^ '" * • torm not to in- issued uud(!r the authontv of this Act, or any l)y-law '•'''■''*''"' ^'-■'"•■"■ 1 • • 1 • 1 ' 1 f J turcs. aiithonzin^i;' the issue thereof, shall render the same in- valid or be allowed as a defence to any actionagainst the said eor|)()rati()u for the recovery of the amount thereof or the interest theretm or any [)art thereof. tf). The ])urcliasei of any of the debentures which Purchaserof 1111 • I 1 1 'i • r'i'i 111 debcntiues not sliall he issued under the authority ot this Act shall i^"""'''?''^'^'" 1. , 1 ,.'. PI- 1 application or not be hound to see to the a])[)lication ot his purchase proceeds, money, and any of the said debentures, which shall ])urport to have been issued under the authority of this Act, shall be conclusively presumed in favor of the i)urchas(M' thereof to have been so issued. 10. Nothinji' in this Act contained shall be con- p"'^''''"''"'^ de ..•..■ . 1 bentures not sti'ued as I'lviim' to the sanl cor])orati()n any author- ■I'^deemabie be. ,,.1 <• 1 1 1 "^ • 1 fore maturing. ity to i)ay on or redeem any ot the debentures in the ■ It.' f. pream])le to this Act mentioned, before the maturity thereof, without the consenc of the holder thereof. 17. The said eoi'iioration ma\, if it shall deem itPaymemof , . 1 /• • ' • 1 1 outstanding dc- expedient so to do, from time to time borrow on thebcnturcs. security of the d(>l)entures by the foregoing provisions of this Act authorized to be issued, such sums as it may re(|uire for the purjiose of ])ayiiig off or redeem- ing the debentures in the preamble to this Act men- tioned or any of them, and may hyixithecate or pledge 278 .•WV.C. 7SS. 7 repealed. Borrowing powers of cor- poration. Mode of com- putiiAg indebted- nets of corpora- tion. Aid to railways. Rev. Stat c. 184. Short title. the said debentures, or any of them, as security for the moneys so borrowed, when and witli such rate of interest as to the said corporation shall seem meet. 18. Section 7 of the Act, passed in the JJoth yeai- of Her Majesty's reign, intituled An Act respect in on the streets of the city of J.onchm foi- the distribution and su})ply of electricity in the said city. And Whereas it is ex})e(lient to j.'-rant to the Company the riu^lit to erect and maintain electric light poles and wires upon the terms and conditions and as hereinafter set forth. Be it thekefoke Enacted by the nnrnici|)al coun- cil of the corj)()rati()Uof the city of J.on(h)n as follows : 1. The Company, its successors and assigns, may, under and subject to the in'ovisions of this by-law, erect and maintain electric light poles and wires for the distribution and suj)ply of electricity in the city of London, for all the purposes of the C()m])any, Certain parts of upon tlic higliways in the said city, excejit upon srreets excepted, jj^j^i^s Strccit bctwccn Wellington Street and Kidout Ernctioa of poles. 281 lENT •ic Co'y intenance Wires by trie Com- l)nl, 1^01}. iijulc l)v Tlio iiy (Liniitcd) ive to erect [•es upon tlie (listril)ution I'rant to tlie tain eleetiie il conditions licipal conn- I) as follows : .ssiL>ns, may, tliis l)y-law, nd wiivs for i in the city e C()ni])any, 3xcept upon :anil Kidont Street and Riclnnond Street from th(^ Grand 'I'innk Railway C'onii)any's tracl; to (,)ueen's Avemu' ; pro- vided, however, that no \n)\v, shall he erected hy tlie CV)nii)any, its successors or assigns, on the same side of any stn^et ui)on which any telei)hone or telei's or assigns, may, II permission so to do he ob- "» r'v^ 'nd taiiicd by it from the i)ersons owning such pol(>s, allix'''i""-^ "^" to or string their wires upon the poles on the west side of liichmond Street which have been there placed by the (Jreat North Western Telegra))li Com- pany and the Canadian l*acilic Telegia])li Company, and may also atfix to or string their wires upon the poles on the north side of Dundas Street which have heen there placed by the Canadian Pacific Telegiaph Company, and may, on Dundas Street between Wel- lington Street and Kidinit Street and on Hichmond Street between the (irand 'rriink Railway Conii)any's track and Queen's Avenue, at not more tlian two places in each block, string wires across the said i)or- tions of the said streets for the purpose of su])plying their customers on the other side of the said streets, l)ut no wire sliall be so strung or maintained which shall, in the o})iiiion of the city engineer for the time being of the said city of London, be (uingerous, and, if [)erinissioii in writing lu; obtained from the city engineer for the time being of the said city, may also with the consent of the owners of the i)ro})erty, place such brackets as the said engineer nun from time to time a})pi'ove ot on such })rivate pi'operty on the west side of Richmond street, bctw^een the Grand Trunk Kailway (company's trac' and (Queen's Avenu(>, and on such })rivate ])roperty on the south side of Dundas street between Wellington street and Ridoiit street, and string wires upon such brackets. 3. Su])iect as aforesaid the C()m])anv, it successors May use t^c 'f . . 1 1 1 • 1 1 Electric Li>,'ht or assigns, may, it permission so to do be obtained I )y company pous, ryqjpii* 282 ii 0H Ci'mpany must rt'placi' Cfrlaiii poles ,-iiul Iraiis- tcr wirt'Si Agreement to bo entiTi'd into bttiire this by- law takes ett'cct Terms of agreement. it from tlie persons owiiino' siicli poles, afHx to or string' and maintain their wires, e\eej)t upon hundas street between Wellin«;tt)n strei«t and Kidont sticct, and Kieiimond sti-eet from the (Irand 'IVnnk Ujiilway Company's track to (j)uei'n's avenue, upon the present j)oles of the lM)rest C'ity l^'Jeetrie Com|)any and tiie Jiall i^U'ctrie Li<4'ht C'onij)any, sueli wires to he so maintained only so lonj^' as tlu* (corporation ol'tlie ciiv of London suiters or permits the said the Forest City Kleetriit Company, and the said the Uall Kleulrie J.ight Company to maintain the said [)oles. 4. The Company, its su cessors or assigns shall, before availin«4' itself of any of the other provisions of this l)y-Iaw, re|)laee the poles on the north side of Dundas street, from ftiehmond street to liidoutstri'et, which wei'c erected by the l^lectric Lij^ht Comjtanies, with new sixty-feet (clear of the ^^round) ])ol(>s, and transfer the wires of the l^'.lectric Li^ht C'om[)anies from the sai(Pprc!sent poles, and remove the said pre- sent ])oles within three months from the passing of this l)y-lavv. 5. This by-law shall not take effect imless wiiliiu tw^Mity days from the passing- thereof the Company sliall enter into an aj^reement, to be })repared and a[)- proved by the city solicitor, a^reeini;' to permit thecor- l)()rati()n of tlie city of London to have th(> use, free of char<:;e, at any time or times the said corjioiation shall desire, of the })oles erected by the Com})any un- der the j)rovisions of this by-law, for the tire alarm or other wii'cs of the said corporation; and a^reeini; also that the Company will yive to any other Klectrie Light Conii)aiiy, or any Electric Street Jfailway Coinpany, the right to afhx or to string wires upon their poles if such C()m})any be ready and willing to pay and shall agree to i)ay to the Company rc^ason- able conn)ensation for the privilege of so stringing or affixing its wires, the amount thereof to be determined by arbitration in case the parties t;annot agree as to 288 >^. allix lo ,),. "pon Diiiulas Ikidoiit sticct^ 'I'liiik Railway "11 tliu prcsciir i|)aiiy and tin. ires to |)(> so ion nltlic city • ' l''(»i'('st, City Uaii Kkvliic I (VS. assigns sliali, I" |)r<)>r noitli side of Ividoiit street, lit Coinpaiiics, d) j)(>l('s, and lit C'()in[)aiiiL's e the said |»!t!- tliL' passing;' of unless williin tlie Comjiany 'j)ai'ed and a[)- peiniit theeor- (' tli(> use, free d corporation ! Company nn- 10 fire alarm or and aj^i'eeini;' other I'^Ieeti'ie reef I Jail way n^' wires npoii and willing' to iH)any i'(!ason- >o string! n<^' or 1)0 (letormined ot agree as to It, an( 1 to do no unnecoHsary injury t]icrel)y to the Company ; and also agreeing that the Coni])any will, upon the ai)plicatioii of one-half the numher of rato- payors in any block which is within fourteen hnndierv williiii Kidout street and Morton street; thence eastward to**''''^''^"'"p-"'> ( olhorne street ; thence north to \ ork street ; thence""^"- cast to Adelaide street : theiute north to l*rincess avenue ; thence west to Kidout street ; thence south to the place of beginning, and ui)on that })art of Dun- das street between CoUxn'ne and Ontario streets, and upon any of the streets in Ward Xo. Six withina dis- tance of one-half r. mile from the Company's ])ower house ; and also agreeing that the Comj)any will re- move all [)()les which it shall erect and which may fi'om time to time cease to be used by it for the period of three months, whenever- so directed bv the citv engineer under instructions from (*onunittoe No. Two, ol" the Council of the said corpoiation, or by the Council : and also agreeing that the Company willc>'rpor-»'kmm- indemnifv and save harmless the said corpoiation •'^■'.'"■^''^"^''''j ii'om all loss, damage, costs, charges and ex[)enses which the said c()r[)oi'ation may sustain, suffer, or be put to for or by reason or on account of any acci- dent or injury which may happen or be done to any jXMson, corporation or i)ro})erty by reason of the erec- tion or maintenance of the said })oles or wires, or of tlie omission by the Comj)auy to take due and })roi)er precaution foi' the i)revention of accidents to persons and })ro[)erty during or in conscipience of the erection or maint(Mianc;e of the said poles or wires or any of them, or otherwise in the exercise by the Company 284 !*'•'• .iw '''.>* Description ^f poles. Poles til 1h' fip- proved of by City El' ,-'.;iL'er. Wires may be cut in Ciisp of fire. .Surface lieiti^lit of wires abine street. of the powers cont'erred by this by-law, and that the j,aid corporation shall not be liable for any loss or damago caiis^vl by the exercise of the powers, or any of them, conferred by section seven of this liy-law. 6 All poles erected by the Company, its snccess- ors or assigns, shall be straight and perpendicular, and at least sixty feet above the level of the ground, and bedded in the ground to a sufficient (le})th to be perfectly secure, and shall as nearly as possible be of the same shape and size, and shall be dressed and painted <^hr()ugh()ut, and all the poles shdl l)e placed on the sides of the streets, unless otherwise directed by the engineer for the time being of the city )t' Ltmdon. And all ])oles shall be i)laced in such a manner as to obstruct as little as possil)le the use of the streets for otliei- ])in"p()ses, and all of said ])oles shidl be of a pattern and desci"ij)lion to be a|)[)roved of by nnd to l)e })lace(l under the suj)ervision of and to the satisfaction of the said engineer, and, incase any pole siiall be i)]ace(l or erectcil otherwise than in ac(!ordan('(^ with the j)i'ovisions of this section, the said cor])oration may re([uii'e it to be immediatcdy removcMl and rei)laced by a })roper one, and, in default of tliiit being dou'-, may remove such ])oh: and i-eplace it \)\ a i)roper one at the expense of the Company. 7. Whei'c, in cjisc* of fire, the chief engineei- oi'|)('i'- son in charge of the fire biigade shall deem it neccs- sai'y, he shall have the right to cut or pull down any wires of the ('om))any whicdi obstruct the operations of the firemen, oi- to direct that they shall be cut oi' l)ulled down, and also to i'e(|uii'e the company to shut off the electi'ic current at or near the building or buildings which may be on lire, and the .said corpoia- tion shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. 8. Xo wii'c shall be erected, allixed or sti'ung' at a less lunght than foi'ty-livc feet above tlu^sui-fac* of the street, on Dunchis street between Wellington street w, iiiid that tlie for any loss or powers, or any f this bv-law. my, its success- I perpendicular, 1 of the ground, 3nt dei)tli to be IS })()ssihle be of be dressed and shdl be placed erwise diiveted of the city )f need in such a ;sil)le the use of 1 of said poles to be a|)[)rove(l [)ervision of and in\ and, in ease herwise than in section, the said diatcdy renioviMl default of that nd replace it I)y in})any. engineer oi-jK-r- I deem it neces- [• pull down any ; the operations shidl be cut or M)ni})any to shut he ))uilding or lie said coi'pora- daniage caused 1 or strung- at a hesui'fac" of the Wellington street 285 and Ki:}, to regulate the erection and maintenance of electric light poles and wires by the Canadian General Klec- tric Company (Limited), it is jn'ovided that the same shall not take effect unless within twenty days from the passing thereof the Company shall enter into an agreement as provided by the said bydaw. And Wmemkas tlis agreement is entei'(Ml into in pursuance of the provisions of the said bydaw. Now THIS AoKEK.MENT WiTNHssKTii that tlic Com- })ts n ward num1)er six within a distance of one - half a mile from the Company's power house. 3. That the Com])anv. its successors or assigns, E>.smecr may .,, n 1 1 • 1 • • 'direct Company Will remove all |)oles which it, its successors or as- t",'-^-"9ve its signs, sluill erect, or causc^ to l)e erected, and which fort..: months may from time to time cease to be used by it, its successors or assigns, for the period of three months, whenevtM- so directed by the City I^Lngineer for the time being of the said city of London under instruc- tions from Committee number Two of the Council of the corporation or by the said Council. ui'iti' 28S C Ml Corporation in dcmnitiid 4. That the Company, its successors and assiiL^nis, rj/ai'."s"i''sNby will indemnify and save harmless the Corporation, its ticciucntt etc* successors and assigns, of and from all loss, daniaj^e, costs, charges and expenses which the Coiporation, its successors or assigns, may sustain, suffer or be put to for or liy reason or on account of any accident or injury which may happen or be done to any peison, corporation or property by reas(jn of the erection or maintenance of the poles or wires of the Company, its successors or assigns, or of the omission by tlio Company, its successors or assigns, to take due and projjer precaution foi' the j)revention of accidents to persons and property dui'ing or in conse(]uence of tjie erection or maintenance of the said poles or wires or any of them or otherwise in the exercise by the Com- pany, its successors or assigns, of the powers coufer»'ed by the said by-law. S">"=^^S""' ^' ^^''^^ ^^ ^" ^'^^^ ^^ ^''^' ^^^^ chief engineer or .n cise o» fire-, porsou iu chargc of the tire brigade of the city of Loudon shall deem it necessary he shall have the right to cut t)r pull down any wiies of the Company, its successois or assigns, which obsti'uct the opei-a- tions ot the tiremeu or to direct that they shall be cut or jmlled down, and also toi-equire the Company, its successoi's or assigns, to shut off the electric cur- rent at or near the building oi' buildings which may be on fire, and the Corj)oratii!n, its successors or assigns, shall not be liable foi' any loss or damages caused by the exeicise of the said poweis or any of them and that, upon ])eingso I'ecjuired, the Company, its successors or assigns, will shut off the electric current as aforesai-ns, shall be sti'aii;ht and perpen-I^J'iiX^**' dicular and in all other lespects the same as is pro- vided by section six of the said by-law and shall be placed as thei'cin provided, and in the event of any ])()k' bein;^' jdaced or erected otherwise than in ac- coi'dance with the j)rovisions of the said section of the said by-law the Corpoi'ation or its successors may refjuii'c it to be in-mediately remove l\)lice Dep.M'tinent. The words " o-oods, wares and nuMvhandise," where used in this Bvdaw, shall not be taken to mean or include ii'oods purchased at public auction, bones, bottles, waste pajxM', ))ianos. sewinu' machines or rags, but shall iii- cliaie whole pii'ments sold as ra,L;s. :>. Xo person shall deal in seconddiand u'oods, '>"•'">■. '" wares or merchaud.isc in the City of London without'^'''*"- taking out such i\ license, under a niMialtv of -slO for each day that he oi- she shall exercise the said trade without such license. 4. Kvery person receivin;^- such license shnll pay i.iconsc tie. therefor the sum of $10 to the C'itv. .'). Xo person shall bv virtue of one license keenO"^'''^^"''^; more than one house or shop, or place tor taking hi ^■■'^'' ^''^^p goods. 0. Any number of persons carrying on trade as seconddiand - to ncor , !• ■ 1 II 1 1 1 1 • I 1 II • purchases, i-u-., mercliandise sliill keep a hook wlucii sliall contain a •» •' '^'"i'- record of all j)i:i'e!»ascs or exclianges made by him in the course of his l)nsin(\ss. fhe imtries in such book shall l)e made in the iMiglish language in ink, at the time or immediately titer such purchase, and shall inchid(; an accurate desci'i])tion of the article or thing bought, the price ])aid therefor, the name and resi- dence of the person or jiersons selling the same, and if the purchase sliall be made in the sho)) of the said dealer, in addition to t)ie name of the said [)ers(m or jiersons selling the .■.•nne there shall be added a des- * cription of such jx'rsouor persons. No entry in such book shall be erased or obliterated. irJ lii' 292 is •' ' ' ■i: 'J . r " i^ Duty of di-aler when ffomls >>fferecl for snle arc suspt'cli'd of being' stolen HoaliT n ^t to puu'h.'iM' t'roni person under 15 yeors of aj^e or under inlluitue of 'k|Uor. Dealer .0 keep (^i>od.i 4s lumrs Record book ti> be furnished dealer by :iuiiiicipalit\ . 8. If any person offers to sell or exchange anv moods, articles or thing to any dealer in second-hand goods, or his or her servant, and is nnable to give a satisfactory acconnt of himself or herself, or of the in(»ans whereby he or she became possessed of the said goods, article or thing, oi- wilfnlly gives any false inforra ition to any such dcider, or his or her scrvniit, as to whether such goosls, iii'ticle or thing ai'e his or her ]>ropei'iy or not, or if there ^"s any other iv.isou to siisjH'ct that such goods, article or thing have been stolen or otherwise ilh'gally or clandestinely obtaine(l, the said ro- clamation, nor on anv Sund.'iy, nor on anv othei' div befor" seven a.m., nor aftei- eleven p.m., except on Saturday evem'ngs and other evenings ))i'cceding any statutoiy holiday, wJicn such dealer in seconc' hand goods may keep )iis or her piace of busi'.iess open till twelve o'clock [».m. 10. No d(>alei' in second-hand goods shall dispose of any goods, aiticle or thing [)inchascd oi- r''C">ved in exchange by him (>r hei*, oi' his or her servant, un- til after the ex}>iration of forty-eight hours aftei' such })nrchase. 11. The ]>()(, k refei'i-e(l t<» in seciion scsvcn shall be ^'urnishcd to every dc;der in sicoud-haud goods by rlu^ Chief of Tolice at tl'.e expense of the aiuJiicipality, and shall be the ))ropcrty of the municip.ality, and shall always Ik; open to the inspection (sf every ))olice ollicer and con.'table in the municipality. 293 xchai^uv any second-liand 1)1 e to i^ivi' a ^olf, or of the s'.\ssi'(l of tlu' " ivesauy falso I' luM- scrvnnt, \^ iuv liis or her I'cason to 1^' liavo Ih'cii lU'ly olttaiiiiMJ, ball (Midfavor 1 at onc'i' ri'- shall receive, or lliiuu' fi'oiii age oi' lit'teen ) iutluenee of •r tliiui,' nj)on )iiite(l l)y pro- inv otiier &\\ m., except on i<;.s ))T-ece(l inn- er in secon('- cjc of l.iisi'iess 12. And any licensed dealer refusing to exhibit p^"'i''^K this book to any police ofHcer or constable for inspec-^^£'{Jopoii« tion, on demand, shall be liable to a penalty of $10" ""' for each offence to be collected on complaint made ht-fore any Police i\ra<;istrate or Justice of the Peace. i:}. That any j)erson onilty of an infraction of any Penalty, of the i)]ovisions of this J^ydaw shall be liable on ccm- viction to be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dol- lars, exclusive of costs; and, in case of non-])ayment of the fine and costs, the same may be levied by dis- tress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, and in case of the n()n-})ayment of the fine and there being no distress found out of which the same can be levied, such offender sludl b(^ liable to be impristmed in the common gaol of the County of Middlesc^x, with or without haid labor, tor any period not exceeding twenty one days. 14. In addition to every other penalty herein pro- vided it shall be in the discretion of the convicting Magistrate to i-eport l'io cii'cumstances of any par- ticular ofience to the lioard of Police Commissioners, who, if tluw think propei-, shall have power to forfeit and cancel the license of any such license holder. shall (lis)>ose m1 or r''C"'ve(l r servant, nn- urs after such seven shall be I ijoods by rlii^ municipality, )icipality, and (f evei'y police 294 \'m c • *• « !•*-■ ft i ' H i| * 1 1^- ; ; '5 L' ^-i^- Preamble. Meaning of " Horse.'' BY-LAW. Relating to Cabs, Carriages, Omnibusses and other vehicles used for hire for the conveyance of persons in the City of London, Passed 12tli Mav, l^OH. WPTEREAS, ])y section 4^) of '' Tlip CVnisolidutiMl Municipal Act, 1S Board of l-onnni.ssioncMs of Police in Cities to i'(\mi- hite and license tii(^ owners of cahs, cai'ria,i;('s, omni- busses and otliei- vehicles used tor hire, lor estaMisliitir()visi()iis of the lUdaw of th(> lioard of Comiiiissioners of I'olice for the City of London, in- tituled " By-law relating to owners of Livery Staltles," passed on the twelfth day of May, A.I). l8t)o, frcmi settini;' up, iisim;' or driving- for hire in the said (*ity of London, during' the holding' of the Western Fair and no longer, his omnihns or onmihusses, which, during' the said year, such livery stable keeper has been in tin* Ixma hde us(» and possession of and which has or have been duly ins[)(>cte(l and [lassed in that year, for the conveyance of [)ersons to and from the f;'rounds in the said (*ity of London where the said Western Fair is held, 4. That evei'v chariot, coacli, omnilnis, coacliee, .^'>v^"i!;B^'f , •' , ' ' Cab. caleclu^ carriage, hackney carriage, cab, barouclie, landau, sled, sleigh, ov otluM- veliicle by whatever name or names it may be called, wdietlier covered or open, on wheels or runners, drawn by one or more horses or other animal power, used for hire in the said city for the conveyance of persons from })lace to Iilace within the said city, shall be deemed a cab with- in the meanin*'' of this By-law. ;3. That the i)rovisi()ns of and rates of fare author- R^",'*"'('\''^['?'^ 1 1 1 11 I'lii 111 1 1 single anddouble ized to be charged by this l)y-law shall apjily to cabs horse cabs, and other vehicles drawn by one or more horses, or other animals as well as to ^^:,Tor' sioners of Police for the citv of London in all matters !!:;|;""^"'"'"'''- 200 c : r \ :: » ! - To report to the Utiard. To examine cabN, i-tc. To Nubmlt appli- cations, cic. To keep a reg-is try of Jiecnses. To advise Treas urer of licenses. To report as to compliance with By-laws. relating- to tin's I>v-la\v, nnd kvv\) coiToct minutes of the transactions of tlic niccitin^s of tlu; said conniiis- sioncrs. ('2). To make a roport to tlic said Hojii-d of Coni- niissioncrs of all his proccM'diiij^s and tr;nisactiiins In the j)ei'h)nnanc'(' of liis ()ai'(l of Coni- ansactiuiis in ^ Hv-lii\v oiui' M|iiir(.'(l hy the niiu'd the caU ('i'('(|iii|»iu('iits l('(l to 1k' used lie said llo.ird icciiscs or for nanu's of the u'i'con. of all applica- sf(»rs of lii'cii- oiniuissioiicrs, )|)li('ation, the Ills, till' naiiu's fipplicaiits aiipr., auainst any of the juovisions of the law or ()f tiusBy!iawr''* llydaw whensoevei- he shall have knowlod;;e of the same. S. 'I'hal an act authorized to he done hv the chief M'riai'oHoara. constable undei- any of the provisions of tiiis liydaw shall he suliji'ct to the decision of the said iJoard of Commissioners upon a wi'itten ap[)eal directed to them 1)V any Dartv feelini: aii^rieved. S). That all licenses jL,M'anted under this liydaw i-uvnscs.xpirc shall, ludess sooner forfeited, expire on tlu? tii'st day' '"''''"''' of Mai'ch in each year. 10. 'i'hat no license or transfer (»f license shall Ixjivntiontoiic {^ranted under this liydaw except npon petition byli^n.."!' the ai)plicant to the .said lioard of Commissioners ])iayin;4' for the same, which said petition shall be do- livei'ed to the Chief Constabli; at his oflice, and may be in the form "li" to this liy law amiexi'd, nor until the Chief Constable shall have reported that the ap- plicant is a fit and |)i'oper ju'ison to have a license, and that his cab or cabs, horse oi- horses, harness and other e(|ui|»ments are in a fit and pioper condition and are suitable foi- the ])ublic use, and that all the conditions reiiuired by law and bv the livdaws, rules and re;^ulations of the .said lioard of C'ommissioner.s have been com|)lied with, which said report .shall be endorsed u])on tlu> .said [)etiti()n, and may bo in the form "C" to this livdaw annexed. 1 1. That any licensed hotel kee])er oi'keejjers may, L'ccns*a i,om ,.,' .. ... ^ ,. ^. *^ ^.keepersm.iy run suf)ject to tlie provisions ol the prece<[in*:;' section oi c.ibs to iiuir this iiylav*. obtain a license to run an omnibus or bu^'intss. omnibusses fi'oni his or their own house with pa.ssen- gers to railway stations any-la\v referred to shall be ca])abie of accoinodalini,^ not less than ten pei'sons at t out or take in })assengei's ; })rovi(led always that he shall not be required to stop tor the puri)Ose of taking in passengers wherever his omnibus shall contain the full number of ])ersons authorized bv his license to be carried at one t^ne. Bond to 12 given jr, Tluit evci'v ])t'i'son rcceiviiig a license or tians- by licensee. ^ J l _ <~ fer of license under this By-law shall execute a bond or contract to the corporation of the city of JiOndon in the sum of two hundred dollars, with two sureties, fretiholdcrs or householders of the city of London, to be ap})r()ve(l by the said Boaid of C'ommis. ioners, in the sum of one hundred doll;irs each, to obseive and obey all Acts of t' e Legislature, and also the pro- visions of this By-law and all other By-laws, rules and reguhitions in force, from rime to time made by the said Commissioners for the licensing and regulating of calw, which bond or (ontract may be in the form "D" to this By-law annexed. K iw.. | j.i ' ^^ m mv wi . trmf Lmmjtff m/mmmm'm 299 t no liceiistMl {lino .shall l)e ■ eal) or cjil),s )tli('r vehicle V ivftM'i'od to ss tliaii ten M-eof, and no lat one time n is speeilied es of reasoii- A\y onniihns onmilais nn- ;■ j)as.sen<4'ers, suiHcient for the onmiltns. rory oinnil)ns 3vei' ho is re- rossinii' to l(>t ways that he )Ose of taking' 11 contain the license to be enso or trans- ecute a hond ty of London two sui'cties, >f London, to •ussioners, in ) observe and also the \n\)- iws, I'ules and made by the 1(1 I'egulatin^' J in the foini 16. That no license shall be granted to any per- to whom license son under the age of twenty-one years, or to any per- '"''* *"" ^""""* son who has been convicted before any judicial authority of any felony. 17. That the fees to be hereafter paid for licenses P'*''f"'"'''^'='"'«»- issned under this P>y-law shall be as follows : Tun- each cab or sleigh drawn by one or more horses or other animals the sum of five dollai's ; for each omni- bus foi' the conveyance of i)assen<:>ers from place to place within the city, the sum of ten dollars ; for each transfer of license, the sum of two dollars. Pro- vided, that everv license or transfer of license yrranted under this iJy-law shall be invalid, inoi)erative and of no effect unless the a[)plicant shall have i)aid to the Treasuier of the ('ity of L()ny-law, and shall have obtaiiied a receii)t for such [)ayment sijj;ned by the Treasurer, whereupon the license shall be issued by the Chief Constable. 18. That ev(M'v owner of one or more cabs shall ^'•p-'"'',"' ';«"««= take out a separate license tor each cab with the name of the driver insertiMl in each license, and if a .sleigh is used instead of a cab the same license and number issued for the cab shall ai)ply to the sleigh. 10. 'i'hat th(! ])erson in whose name a license is Licensee to be , ,. 11111 •! 1 ii considered taken out tor a cab shall be considered as the owner owner, of the .same for the jmrpose of this I>y-law and shall be liable for the jxMialties therein contained. •JO. That any owner or owners or person obtain- owner to ing a licen.s(> under this liy-law, intending that Insdrivcr. cab or ca OS shall be driven by another person shall submit for approval the name oi* names of the })arties he intends to employ as such rmissioii in writing so to do, which per- mission shall be endorsed upon th* and signed by the Chief (Nonstable, jn-ovided always that the Chief C(uistable may, whenever he shall (leem it ex- c -o Owner to take separate license fur lacli I'ab, with name of driver, etc. Commissioners may appmve of transfer ot license. Cabs and equip- ments to be kept cteun. 300 pedient, revoke said perinissioii, and such pei'iiiission shall be cancelled from the time the owner of a cab has received notice of such revocation. 21. That the owner or owners of one or more cabs shall take out a si^parate license for each cab, with a license for drivei' of such cab, and whose name shall be inserted in said license, and the driver or owner or ownei's thereof sli!«!l iijive security for the c^ood conduct of such driver in th:> sum of one hun- dred dollars, and uj)on any comp/aint and conviction for extortion, etc., the di-iver shall be fuied not less than ten dollais and not more than forty dollai's for the first offence and upon conviction on the second offence the di'iver shall be subject to fine or imprison- ment, and the sui'eties shall foifeit to the city the oni' hundred dollars security, and the driver shidl not thereafter be licensed to drive any cab or other vehi- cle in {\u) city, in the disci'ction of the C'onnnis sionei's. '2'2. That any ])erson licensed under this liy-law, havin^^ sold his horse oi' cal) may have his license tiansferi'e(l to the purchasei* if aj>|)i'ove(l by the siiid lioard of (\)nunissioiiers. the transl'cj'ee first comply- ing with the [)rovisi(»ns of section 10 of this liy-law. and such transfer shall be made by endorsenu'ut on the license si'Mied bv the Chief Constable. 2:1 That evei'y cal) licensed under this T\v-l;i\v. nnist be kej)t eontimially clean, dry, and in good ic- paii', with the hainess, tacklini; and e(|uipments used with the same, and with horses proper and sullieient to do their work, and that whenever the owner of any cab liavinj^ a license for usinn' the .same under this liy-law receives notice to be niven to him oi* his driver, sigiu'd by the Chief (Nonstable, that such cab or any horse oi- harness or other e(|uipment belon;Li- ini^ to the .same is not in a fit condition for public use, pointing' briefly to tluMcason thei'cof ; such notice shall opei'ate and be a suspension of liis said license. 301 1 pcrinission ler of a cab one or moiv )r rach cal), whose naiuc 10 (Irivor oi- ii'ity lor {]](] of one luHi- 1(1 convict idii iumI not I(>ss \ (lollai's for 1 tlie second ' or iiHjiiison- tlie city tlie ivei" sliall not r otlier velii- :lie C'onniiis tliis Hy-law, e his license 1 hy (he said lirst coniply- ' this By-law, lorsenient on e. this l)y-]aw. (I in j^'ood I'c- ij)nients used inid suHicieiit the owner of same nnder () him or liis hat such call ment l>elonu- n foi- puhlic '; such notice said liccniso, and the same shall thereupon remain suspended and wholly inoperative until the said owners shall have again obtained a certificate signed by the Chief Con- stable and endorsed on his license. 24. That every owner or owners heensed under cabs may be this By-law shall, when I'cqnired, submit his or tlieir ciffionstabie. cab oi" cabs for the inspt^ction of the Chief Constable both before and during tlie continuance of his or their licenses, and no owncn* oi' driver shall at any time when his cab is not em})loyed prevent or hinder the said Chi(»f Constal)le or other person authorized by him from entering his cab for the purpose of inspect- in*^ the same. 2'). That no owner or owners of any licensed cabcabowncrs not shall drive or permit or suffer to be driven about the Ji'<^"-J'^riy^' "'" streets duiing the day time, in any open cab or close cab belonging to him or them, during the day lime, unless foi' the ])urpose of taking such peisons to or from any lailway station when arriving or departing from the city, notoi'iously bad characters or women of ill-fame. 20. That the said l>oard of C^)nHnissioners may license may be from tune to time eiujuire into any alleged violation j'J;^'-^''^'" ^» ^^y- of the provisions and re(iuireineiits of this By-law, and l»y resolution suspend (for such time as they may think [)roper), cancel or abrogate any license given hereunder, if u})on such eiujuiry they find that any person or jxmsous receiving su(;h licenses hereunder has violated or that his driver has violated any of the jirovisions or riMpiirements of this liy-law ; and every license .shall be suspended from the time the owner thereof shall have received notice of the resolution of the said Board of Commissioners sus})en(ling the same until the end of the pcniod meiiticmed in the said resolution, and no person whose license lias been so cancelled or abrogated, .shall be again licensed under this liy-law within twelve calendar months, if by the resolution declaring the same cancelled it shall appear 802 t j j m 1 i i l^t>_ Conveyance of persons to jail, etc. that the violation .)f this By-law was wilful in the particular instance. Svefnformation 27. That auv (Irivcr of a cab refusing to give ofh- to police officers. (3j.^l infomiation to auy Police Officer or Constable with reference to the address of the house or spot to which he has driven any passeni,^er or passengers, or refusing any other infoi'uiation connected with his oc- cui)ati()n recpiired by this By-law or by any resolution . of the said Connnissioners, of which he shall have in- formation or notice, shall be a sutlicient ground, when established to the satisfaction f)f the connnissionei's, for sus})ending or cancelling the license of the cab the driver of which refuses to give information as afoiesaid. 28, That every driver of any cab shall, when called upon so to do, assist .my Constable in the con- veyance in his cab of any pei'sou or j)ers()ns to the conunon jail or any of ju)lici! stations of the said city, or in the conveyance of any person to the H()s[)ital or elsewhere, as may be re(iuired, who may l)e wounded or who may hav;3 met with any accident or who may have been suddenly taken ill, })rovide(l such sickness is not of an infectious nature. Fre Department ;K) Tluit whcucver tlic sci'viccs of lueu or liorscs may rcquirr . , services of cab. .||.e |.Qqiiii.(3( I to (Irivc or liaul any of the engmes or other api)aratus of the JMre l)ei)artment of the .said city to or from fires, any of the engineers of the .said Fire De})artment or any person having in charge any engine or other api)aratus may conunand the assist- ance of anv horse oi' horses and drivers of anv licensed cab, and mav dfcsh such hoise or horses and driveis as may be ueces.snry to accomphsh the woik recjuii-e*!. and for any such sei'vice the owner of any such or horses as shall be so pressed and employi'd shall be paid out of the appropriation foi- the V'uv \)c- partment, on the ord(»r of tin; chairman of the stand- ing conunittee Nund)ei' '''hi'ce of the city Council, a sum e([ual to fifty per centum advance on the regular tariff charges for tln^ time so em])loyed. wilful in the to give offi- r Constable !e or spot to Lssengers, or 1 with his oc- ly resolution hall have in- round, when UTuissioners, ^f'theeal) the as aforesaid, shall, when ;' in the con- ersons to the till! said eify, the Hos[)ital rho may he y aeeident or )r()vi(led such uen or horses he engines or t of the said I's of the said in eliarge any (1 the assist- f any licensed s and drivers oi'k re<[uire'^'?''>c. hibit on or al)out his })erson or about his cab any other number than the one assigned to him for his cab by the said (commissioners, and no person driv- ing under this Bv-law shall remove his number from his said cab or cover or hide it from view. 33. That whenever the writing on any card of^^f,"fr'" " J L'litttlcU to a tariff as aforesaid becomes obliterated or defaced, ov'"^^''t''"ffcard. is not distinctly legible, or wdieiiever the same is lost or mislaid, the i)erson to whom the license relating to such card of tariff was granted shall deliver the same, if he have it in his possession, to the Chief Clonstable, and upon the production of his license to the Chief Constable shall be entitled to receive a new card of tariff, upon payment therefor of the sum of twenty-five cents. 34. That the owner of everv licensed cab or cabs cab to have hi , ,, . , , 1 "^ , 1 ;.,;nps with num eels shall provide and have two lanii)s, one oiiberofc^b each side of his cab, w'itli the nuie.ber of the cab paint- ''"""^ ed in hhvk on the side glasses in one and a half inch fig- ures, but if and so long as the cab be on runners he need not provide such lami)s, but shall alHx such number to or paint it ujion each side of his cal) in a cons})icuous place in one and a half inch figures, and of acolo:' which can be most easily noticed, or if such cab be i)rovided with such lamps he may have the 304 c. \ ^. . c : r 1 i- / I" - .... <*• Drivers to re- main on staled. Drivers not to be on stand on Sunday- Cab stand to be located by City Council. ajjpcar on aiiv Dress .nnd con- duct of drivers. Cruelty to horses. Loitering. Cab to be in cb.nrge of ;i driver over i6 years of age. number painted on the side glasses thereof, as pro- vided for cabs upon wheels. 35. That all licensed cab owners and drivers, when not actually engaged in conveying or retni'iiing from conveying persons, shall be cm their respective stands ready for employment daily, except in cases of sickness or other reasonable cause ; any wilful in- fraction of this provision .shall subject tlie owner to the forfeiture of his license, in the discretion of the Police Conunissioners. 36. That no driver of a cab .slial stand or place for hire on Sunday. 37. That no owner or owners or drivei's of any licensed cab shall as a cal) stand or stop})iMg- place for V)usiness, with or without his or theii' cal), any street or })lac(^ other than those designated and appointed a;^- cab stands by the city CV)uncil, or such place or places as may be designated and a])pointed by the persons Irvving charge of any railway dej)ot. 38. That the drivers shall bedecentlv any hoise oi- horses used by them. 40. That no person di'iving undei' this By-law sjiall loiter about the streets with his or their eal)s. 41. That every cab when otf the stand in any street, lane or alley, with horse or horses attached shall be in the chiirge of some per.son jibove the age rcof, as pro- uu\ drivers, or rot urn i no 'ir I'cspectivc )t in cases of ly wilful in- lic owner to retion of the )l)c>ar on anv i'iv(M's of any or stoj)pinLC- or tlieir eal), sij^nated and in(;il, or sueli (1 aj)pointed way dej)ot. * dressed and their stan(>.s their ealts to and shall not lie use of the liips or makt^ scene, inipcn-- uioy or insult itants of any I'ir stands, or I' this liydaw any hoise or ^ IW-law shall ealts. .tand in any •ses attaehe(l d)ove tlu' a^c 305 of sixteen years, to take caie of such cab and the horsi^ or horses attached. 42. Tliat no pei'son licensed un(k;r this Bydaw solicitation pro- shall solicit any person to take or use his or their cab,*"' '^"'' hut the person wishing; to use or eni^auje any such cab shall be left to choose without any interruption or solicitation. 43. That every TXM-son licensed under this P>ydaw, ""'''^'' of Jriv.r 1 II- 11' 1 • 1 • 1 11 1 • /. ' as to convcyiMK throuj;li hunseli or his drivcM', shall serve the first p'"*'''^"K"'*- person reciuirinj^' his cab, and if he plead that he lias ace(»})ted a pi'ovious order and therefore cannot take the ])rc>sent (»'.der, he shall on demand ^^\\c the name of the person to whom he has so enj^aj^^ed toj^ether with his residence aiKJ the hour, time and jilace of his ap})oiiitment ; but no driver shall be com})elled to take any order if the i)arty callinn' him owes him for previous earned fare, until tlie same be paid. 44. That every iierson or iiersons licensed under '^^p"'""^^"'" »/ I _ 1 _ and crufaKC- tliis Bydaw. throinjli himself oi' his driver, shall P''^"'^'"™' •' ii ' _ _ ' kept by ilnver. punctually kee[)all hisjippointments and shall, unless liis cab has lu'cn i)reviously enyaged, serve at any place within die said city, duriii*;' the hours in which he is u[)on the said staiul, any person who may recpiire his cab, and if lu shall n >^lect to fuUil his engagement or be not punctual to the time of his engagement he shall bi' subject to the penalties of this J^ydaw ; and any };;'rson ordering a cab and not afterwards using the same shall pay to the drivei of the cab the fare that he would have been entitled to have received the same as if the service had Ijeen i)erforiiied Un' which he was engaged. 4.'). That each driver on each occasion when his "u"ruriff a'S cab is hired shidl, when d-manded of him, hand to '^ ^'^^''"'■■'^'*- ibe })ers(;n employing him a card in the form *' E " to this liy-law annexed, and such card shall be, so soon as th(^ order sh.all have becMi fulfilled, returned to the said (lriv(M', except in case; of dispute regai'ding the fare to be [laid, or if any infraction by the driver or W "'P f4< f. I i < 1 c •tf' r < r •• 806 of the cab of the Driver to give his name and number if re quested. Speed at which cab to travel. Immoderate driving. Sitting on box with driver. Change of driv- ers prohibited. Employment of "runners " prohibited. Driver must faithfully care for property en- trusted to him. owner 01 tne cai) ot tiie ju-ovi-sioiis of this Bv liiw, in which case t' e pe?*** 11 ^^inploying such (ra'> /nail le- tain t)\3 jttle(l hy pr()[)i'r authority. 46. That ovs. ^7 driv t licensed under tliis By-hiw shall give his natne aiiu 1 uniher and show Ids taiirt' when demanded to any person having einploycfl liim or ottering to employ him, or to any one to wliom injury may have betni done hy his horse or vehicle. 47. That all licensed cabs shall travel at the rate of six miles an hour at tin* least, unless from acci- dental causes or when otherwise expressly desired by the passenger. 48. That no person driving under this Hy-l;iw shall gallop or go at an unreasonal)Ie rate on the streets, or at any railroad station or any place ot re- sort, or block up the road or access thereto, or stop upon any of the public crossings of the streets. 40. That no person shall b(; ])ermitted to sit on the box with the diiver, or anywliere about the cab, without the consent of the person em})loying such cab first expVessly given for that puipose. 50. That no driver of a cab shall allow any other person to act as driver thereof in his })lace, uidess in the case of an owner or owners of cabs who employ drivers, when in case of sickness or other sullleient cause the licensed driver may not be- able to drive ; and in such case permission may be granted tempor- arily, to another driver without the consent of the Chief Constable. 51. That no person licensed or authorized to drive under this By-law shall enii)loy or allow any runner or other person to assist or act in concert with him in obtaining any passenger or baggage at any of the stands, railroad stations or elsewhere in the said city. 52. That every driver shall take due care of all property that may be delivered or enti'usted to him for conveyance or safe keeping ; and all property or 307 s By law, in :h'> /ililll ic- m1 by }H'()[){'r this By-law w his taritt' ii[)l()y(Ml him mv to whom (^r vehicle. at the rate ss from acci- 'ssly desired tliis i)V law rate on the ■ place of re- reto, or stoj) streets. (mI to sit on l)oiit the cal), i})k)yin^ such se. ow any other •ice, unless in who employ her sulllcient iil>le to drive ; nted tempor- 3uscnt of the )rizod to drive >' any lunner rt witli him in it any of the I the said city. ue care of all rusted to him 1 property or ni eney left in his cab shall be forthwith delivered er to the per -OP wning the same, or if the owner cannot at once be found, then at the nearest police station, with all information in his possession regard- ing the same. r)J3. That it shall not be lawful for the owner orFcesashxedby owners or driver of any licensed cal) to demand or ":i<-- """"''' ivceiv(5 higher rates and charges than those mentioned and si)eciHed in this By-law, exclusive of tolls, whether the same shall be estimated by distance c by time. r)4. That if at anv time there shall be a number r "cab^nubjert to I . II" 1" .onii of cabs, carnages or otlier vehicles in any street, scuiart.p ceconsuwc . . •; .' 'I'm certain cisfs. public or private ])kice within the said city, any Con- stable may give directions respecting the standing of such cabs, carriages and other vehicles and the route they shall go, and every driver of such cabs, carriages or other vehicles shall immediately conform to such directions. * ;");'). That the following shall be the <"arifF ofTariff chai'ges for cabs and omnibusses in thf. city of London : TARIFF OF CHARGES. Two IToifSE (^\Hs. — For conveying one passenger two horse cabs from one place to another within the limits of the city, with right to return to i)lace of starting within five minutes, twenty-five cents ; half fare allowed on re- turn if detention exceeds live minutes ; and full fare if the detention exceeds fifteen minutes. Dorni.E-HousK Caus by the Hour. -—For the first J"'" ''"■•''= cabs by the hour. hour completed in conveying one to four passengers, (me dollai, and for each subserpient hour, one dollar, and for fractional ])arts of an hour at same rate. Provided alwavs that from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock ]).m. the charge for cabs shall be one-half more than the aforesaid tariff', and after mi'r<. The owner or driver of any cab shall not be entitled torecovei'or receive anv fai-e from any person or persons from whom he shall have'demanded aiiv greater pi-iee or rate than lu; is allowed to receive under this Hydaw, or to whom he has refuserl togive his card of the tarilf of chaiges, as by the Ibrty-lirtli section of this IKdaw is j)rovided ; and it shall be the duty of every I*olice ( Xlicer to be vigilant active at all times in })r(^venting extortion and overchaige by the owner or diiver of cabs, and to be conveisant with the cab tariff undei' this l>y law, and any person using or driving in any cab shall be at liberty at any time to call upon any !*olice Constabhi and iidbiin him the propei" hire to be paid for any di'ive oi- dis- tance in (juestion ; and all Police Ollicei's on duty at railway stations and other places shall have suju'r- vision over all vehicles, and the owneis and drivei's thereof bringing travellers thereto, and incase of any dispute between the ownei- oi' drivei' and the |>arty driven as to the chai'ge to be paid for such seivice, it shall be the duty of any Tolice Ollicer on dutv aforesaid to decide the mattei- between the |)a)ties as to the amount to be [)aid according to the tariff pi"ovi(l(Ml by this liydaw ; and on all occasions when an ovei'cliarge lias been made to the knowliMlge of any Police ('onstable, it shall be his duty to })rose- cute the offender, iri'(\sj)ective of the person or per- sons from whom such overcharge was made. 809 |n under (Mo'lit foi- cliildivii U'^, liair laiu III be allowed. MMT li('(>llS(«(| Jn;<;(', I (('sides |tlie cal), one .shall he en- shall not he III any peison 'Mianded anv 'd to receive efiised to n'ive Ih' roity-iiCili t shall he the lant active at verehaii^c hv )0 eonveisanl 1(1 any pei-son lilx'ity at any [) and inform drive oi' dis- ■s on duty at I have supei'- ; and drivei's in ease otany nd the ]»arty such service, licer on duty II the parties to the tariir •asions when :n()wl{Ml^(» of ity to prose- •soii or per- ade. iyU. That if'anvowiKM- or driver of a CaV) Sliall in Ponaltyfor mil li'.ulli J dcccivinff passenttcrs. (luce any [jurson to employ him hy either knowingly wantonly or ignorantly niisintormin or pi'ivate residence, or shall induce any person to eini)loy Ids cal» hy any false r(>pi'esentation, orsluill in any manner or form im|K»se upon or deceive, or in any way insult, abuse or illtreat any [)ers()n elnploy- in^ him, he shall be subject to the pcnialty of this By- law. ()(l. 'i'hat no juM'son employing' any cal) shall re- ''•'»'•«' '^ »* ?»•ods and chattels ; and, in case of no suftieicnit distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall and may he lawful for the Mayor, Police Mapstrale, Justice oi' Justices convicting' as aforesaid, to commit the offender or oflendei-s to tlie connnon jail of the county of .Mi«ldlesex, with or with- out Imrd lalxjr, for any period not (^xceedin^* six cal- endar months, unless tin; said pi'ualty and costs he sooner paid. c: > r \ - \ r) : 'lit ^' jr f .^ ^ J :ui lortlicit'iii, HMii, to levy '>y distress • 'Is ; Mild, in snid pciiiilty r the Mayor, oiivictiii*,' as ndcrs to the with or witli- iii<;- six cal- nid costs he BY-LAW. Relating to owners of Livery Stables. I' AssKi) 1-Jtli May, ls«»:{. nMII':iMv\S, hy section VM of "The Consohdatcdivcami.ic. VV Miinicii»al Act, I sli'J," power is ojvcii tlic Hoard of Coniiiiissioncrs of Police in cities to re;4iil;ite and hceiise tlie owners of Livery Stahles. The Iioard ot Coinimssioners of Police for the city of London, tlierefore, enacts as follows : — 1. That, from and aftei' the passing' of this J>y-law,otiurM>-i..wH the liydaws relatinj^' to livery stahles and the owners'""'"''''' thereof in the city of London, passed In' the IJoard of Coiinuissioiiers of i'ollce, which are inconsistent with the jn-ovisions ot this iJydjiw shall be and the same ai'c lierel)y repcided. '2. That, from and after the passinrson keeping,' horses or horses and,>^''"^J"'",'J . *' I I r^ _ liverv stiihle yehicles for hire, otiier than such as may be included keepers. in and licensed under the liy-law relating to cabs, carriages and omnibusses, etc., passed on the twelfth day of May, .V.I). iSOo, and other than carters or dray men, sliall be deemed a livery stable keeixM' with- in tlie meanin^^ of this l^y-law, and shall be recpiired to take out a license thereunder annually. 4, That all licenses (■ranted under the i)rovisionschiefc..,stabic n 1 • i» 1 1 n 1 • 11 1 1 • !• II to issn. licenses. of this Isy-law shall be issued by the chiet constable on the receipt of the certificate hereinafter referred to sif^ned by the chief constable and on production of h>„ V- 312 «» r 1 ::: » c • - \ r) : m Requireincnts necessary before license or trans- fer thereof is granted. Fees: For original license. For tranfer. License fees for portion of year. the receipt from the city treasurer provided for l»y sub-sex'tion (d), of section minil)er seven of this \\y- lavv, and sliall unless sooner forfeited, expire on tlio first day of Marcli in each year. 5. That no Heeiise or transfer of h'eense slud! he granted un(k'r this By-hiw except u])(>n })etition lt\ the appHcant to the said Hoaid of Conunissioncrs oj' })oHce ])rayin«^" for the same, wliich sai(»ai'd of Commissioners of l\)lice have been eomj)lie(l with, which said certificate shall bc^ endorsed u})on the said petition and may be in the form " C" to this in-law annexed. 6. That no lieense shall be granted to any jx'ison under the aue of twentv-one vears. 7. That the fees to be hereafter ))ai(l for licenses issued under this By-law shall be as follows ; (a). J^y eveiy person owninn' Ji liviM-y stable twen- ty-five dollars shall be paid. (b). For each transfei' of a liccMise the sum of two dollars shall be paid by the a|)plicant therefor. (c). Vi'ovided always that tlu' amount to be paid for any license issue(l between the liist day of Miuch and the lirst day of June in any yea shall be the same as the charge foi- the full yeai- : for any license issued subseijuontly to the fiist day ofdiuieand prioi' to the first day of September iU any yeai-, the amount shall he three-fourths of the charge foi* the full year, and for any license issue(l sjibse(juently t(, the first day of September and before the first day of iMai'ch of this l\v- qmv on tli(> ISO sliall I)i> petition I)v ssioiici's of titioii sli.ill niVwv and \v annexed ; rtifiecl fliat n ro liavc a Iioi'scs, liai'- and pi'opci' •lie \m\ and ■ and \)\ the id l)oard of nph'ed witli, pon the said tliis l)V-Jaw ) any jx'i'son I for h'eenses >ws : stal)h' t wen- sum of two refor. to he paid >v of Maicli sliall he the any lieense neaiid |)rioi' tlie amonnt le full year, t(, the'tiist y of Maieh 813 followin^^ in any year the aniount shall be one half the ehar^e for the full year. (d). l^rovided also that every license or transfer of p^«= «<^ ^ p^id ,. .1 I !• i»i 1111 . ... before license heense <;rante(l under this IJy-law shall he ulvalld,i^>'"'^J• ino))erative and of no etteet until the applieant has paid to the treasure;!' of the city of London the sum fixed therefor l>y this IJy-law, and has ol)taine(l a re- ceipt for such |)}iyinent on the said license, signed by tlu; said treasurer. S. That eveiy pei'son in whose name a license istjcvnsec taken out for a livery stable shall be considei-c^l the ''"'^"•^r'^ owner thereof for the puijxjses of this By-law and shall be liable to the jXMU.ities hei'CMU contained. 0. That any ixm-sou licensed un 1 ' I- m.iy iipprove of havuii;' sold or leased or otherwise transferred oi- dis-'ransierot posed of his liverv stable, niav have his license trans- ''''"'"" ferred to the i)urchaser, l(^ssec oi' transferee, ifap- ■ pi'oved of by the Board of (Jonunissioners of Police the tiansferee fiist complying with the jn'ovisions of sub-si'ction (d) of section 7 of this JU-law. 10. 'i'hat everv owner of a liviM'v stable licenced -''••^W'^s and 1 1 • l> I ' 1 1 • ' I I • 11 '^'l"'P'"<-'nlstobe under this Bv-law must Kcei) his stai)les continually ^^'p"^'"i?';"\^"' 1 1 "l • 1 • -^14-1 1-11 fit condition lor clean, dry and in ^ood rej)air, with the vehicles, har-"**'^- ness tackliiiiiand e((ui{)mentsused in connection with the sanu' and with liorses i)roper and sutlicieiit to do their work, and that whenever the owner of any livery stabl(> havinii' a li ense for kee})iii,u' the same under this By-lau receives notice, to be j^iven to him or his auiMit, signed by the chief constable, that such stable oi' any vehicle, horse, harness or C(iuii)iiient belonging to the same is not in a tit condition for [)ublic use or in accoi'daiice with this I^y-law pointing out briefly the reason thereof, such notice shall oper- ate and be a suspension of his license and the same shall tluM(>upon remain suspend(Ml and wLjlly inoper- ative i-iiitil the said owner shall have again obtained a certificate siuned by the chief constable and endorsed upon his license. Provided that any livery stable 814 *■ . .1 c : r . z. » < • ■w - \ r) : K .J Stables and i-qiiipnu-nts to be siilij(."ct to iiiNpcL-lion. Livery keepers not to allow horses i>r vehicles to be cleaned in the street!). Letting' horse, etc., to bad ch.iracters. Commissioners may suspend license in certain cases. owner shall always have the riyht of a})})eal to the Board of (^omniissioiiors of Police. 11. That every owner of a livcny stable, licensed under this Bydaw shall, when reciuired, suhniit his stables, hai-ness, horses, .'chicles and other e(|iii|>- nients for the inspection of the chief constable l)()tli l)efore and dnrini;' the continuani-e of his license, and no owner shall at any time prevent oi- hinder the chief constable or other pei-son authorized by him from entering' the stables of such ownei- for the pur- pose of insju'ctini;' the same, 12. That the owneis and occupants of livery stables within the city of London shall not wash or clean their carria^^cs oj- other vehicles o)' horses oi- cause them to bc^ washed oi- cleaned in the sti'cets oi- l)ublic hii^diways or otherwisi' encund)ei' the same. VS. Xo such owner so licensed as aforesaid shall let or hire any horse or horse and vehicle to anv no- toriously bad charactei's or women of ill-fame. 14, The said Hoard of C\)nnnissi()ners of Police mav fi'om time to tinn^ enciuire into anv aliened viola- tion of the ])rovisions and re(|uii'ements of this iJy- lavv, and by resolution suspend for such tinu' as they may think [)ropei', cancel or abrogate any license j^iven hereunder, if u[)()n such in(iuii'V they tiniy not wash or ())' hoi'ses oi- le streets or he same, oresaid shall ilo to any no- hfame. ers of Police alleged viola- ; of this \\y- time as they license <;iven lind that any » violated any iiydasv, and he time the of the lesohi- i)t Police sns- ' ])eriod nien- xM'son whose atcd shall he twelve calen- ion declarini>' that the vio- [)articiilai' in- li"). That any owner of a livery stahlc refusin*;' toRcrus.,iofini (•ive o malioH to police IHcial inforniatio!^ to any Police Officer or Con- sumdent to stable as to i)anies to whom horses or vehicles have '"''"'"'' ''""*"" been hired, or refiisin<; any other information con- nected with his occupation recinired In this By-law, or bv anv resolution of the said l^oard of Commission- ers of Police, of which he shall have information ov notice shall be a r,uihcient j^round when established to the satisfaction of the lioard of Connnissioners of Police for snsj)endin^ oi* cancellinn' the license of such owner so refusiuijj to j^ivc; information as aforesaid. 10. Xo person licensed under this 15y-law shall hofs^^.^'" abuse or ill-treat, or permit so to be, any horse or horses owned or used bv him. 17. That all pro])ertv or mimey left in anv vehicle R^"'"'^'^, . Ill' i' •- pri'piTty Ictl in biMon;4ini;' to any livery stable owner licensed under v^i"^'':' this Py-law shall Ik; forthwith delivered over to the person owning' the same, or if tlu* owner cannot at once be found, then at the nearest police station, with all iiiformatior in the j)»)ssession of the owner of such vehicle regard in^- the same. IS. That no person liirin*;" any horse or horse and p.nymentoffarc. vehicle from the owner of any livei-y stable licensed under this Piy-law shall refuse to [»ay the fare or hire for the same when hi; returns any such horse or horse and viihicle. P.». 'Hiat anv ])erson yuiltv of an infraction of anv p^-'ity. of the ))rovisions of this IJy-hnv shall l)e lial)le on con- viction tw be fined in anv sum not exceedinn'tiftv dol- lai-s, exclusive of costs ; and, in case of non-payment of the fine and costs, the same mav be levie(l bv dis- tress and .sale of the noods and chattehs of the offend- er ; and, in case of the non-])ayment of tlu^ tine, and there beiuLi' no distress found out of which the same can T)e Knied, such otU ndei- shall be liable to be ini- inisoned in the common jail of the county of Middle- sex, with or without hard labor, for any period not exceeding" tWTnty-one days. 816 - ; license. BY-LAW. For regulating and Licensing the owners of Carts and other Vehicles, used for the carriage of merchandise, for hire in the city of London. Passed I'itli i\Iav, 1.^0:]. The 15ojii'(] of Cominissioners of Police for the eity of Loiuhvii, enacts as folh)ws : — Cariors required 1. That iio i)ersoii oi" pei'soiis shall eniiaue in the to t.'ikc out ,,. ,, ' ,, , . "^ • 1 • 1 • I . I callm}^" of a carter tor liii'e within the city oi London, or drive any vehiek) foi- tlie transjjortation for hire of any ^oods, wares or merchandise or any other thini; wliatsoever within tlu; said city of Lon(h)n, witliont beink* within the city of London, who shall not carry on or eiii^aj^'c in the laisiness of a carter, to take ont a car- ter's license in addition to his lic(Mise as a liverv stal)le keeper. 3. That one license shall nut authorizi'anv nerson or })ersons to drive more than one vehicle, hut a license shall he rcfjuired to he taken out for each vehicle used. 4 Tliat all licens(^s issued under this P)y-law shall hv: issj'Ml hy the chief coiistahle upon production of the city treasurer's receii)t i'or tlu' j)ro[)er fee payahle thercfo', .'>. That hefoicany person sliall ()])tain a license to (h'ive any vehic! for the purposes hereinhefore inen- lioiu (i or ny of them, he shall enter Into a hond in the i'cnal sum of one hnndred dollars, with two i:;aHjcient sureties of fifty dolkirs eacli, conditioned on Proviso ;is to livery keepers. License for each vehicle. Licci.-.ei^Mi Jby chief consi.i)>i Licensee bond. S'- 317 ie owners , used for for hire in Uay, 1.^01]. I! for the city i\'j:iv^(' ill \\\v y of London, )n for liirc of r other tliiii!^' (loll, witliout liall roiKlor it liverv .,tiii>h' )t carry on or ikc out a car- L livery stahie zeanv nerson 'hide, l>ut a out for each Tiy-law shall [)ro(luctioii of r fee pjiyahle ill a license to nhefore inen- ito a hond in I's, with two nditioiied on the observance in all respects of the conditions of this By-law and all other By-Laws or regulations of the Boartl of Police Coinniissioners of the city of London now in force or wdiich may be hereafter passed or promulgated (). That the sums to be paid for licenses issued ivesforUccnscH. under the jirovisions of this By-law shall be lespec- tively as follows : — b'or every wa^on or other vehicle for the car- riat;'e of goods for iiire (if drawn ])y (me horse or other animal), j)er iumum .... $2 00 For every wagon or other vehicle f()V the car- riage of goods for iiire except lorries (if drawn by two horses or other anim- als), per annum 00 For every lorrie, j)er annum 13 00 7. That no license shall be assignal>le, and no per- '■'^.'••""'r,""* . . 1 r '. fl ''•■S'^nahU- Willi. son sliail assign Ins or lier license or |)erinit uiy other 'permission. person to drive his or her vehicle unless he or she shall obtain from the chief constable [)ermisK'on in writing (endorsed on his or her license) so to do. 8. 'i'liat every licenscMl carter shall wlien called' upon by any of the ]N)lice ( ommissioners or alder- men, or by the ^^ayor, chief constable, the city in- sjH'ctor of licenses, or any of the policemen of the city of J.ondon, aid and assist with his cart or oth' '• vehicle in the c(»iiveyance to })ris()n or elsewhere of any jierson oi persons arrested for any ott'eiice wi'iiu the city of London ; jirovided always, that it shall lye lawful for every carter so employed to demand and receive for such em[)loyment his regular fare to be ])aid to him by tlie city council ujion producing a cer- tificate of the services rendered and the amount pay- able on account thereof from the person authorizirg such (Miij)l()yment. 9. That the license of every carter shall when i«- |)t'y;i[,';Xn *" sued be numbered, and (;very carter shall cause the *="'■ number of his license to be fairly painted on each side 's may be ! fur iMiivcy- of parties stcd. if' I 318 fH ■ 5 C^ , C . r 1 z, \ Cnrt shnll W employod wlicn fare tcnJcrcd., Swearintf, olc prohibiti-iL of his cart or othor vehicle with bhiek paint on a white ground so as to l)e easily seen and I'ead. 10. That every person licensed under the provi- sions of this Hy-law, and eveiy ])ers()n in charge of any vehicle used for carriaj^c for hire of jjioods within the city of London shall employ his horse or hoiscs or othei' animals oi* his vehicle foi* any person or per- sons when rcMpiired for any lawful pur))ose (unless ho be then actually employed) on }»ayment or ten(h'r of his legal fare. 11. That no person having charge of any vehicle licensed uncUn" this l>y-law shall wantonly snaj) or Hourish his whip or make use of any abusive, obscene, profane, or impertinent language whatsoever. 12. That no driver of a cjiit or other vehicle licensed undei- this liy-law shall appeal' on any stand or i)lace for hire on Sunday. 18. That the owner, driver, or ])erson having charge of any such vehicle in the said city, shall upon being re(|iu>sted so to do give the uumbei' of his vehicle, the name of the owner and his or her place of abode. 14. 'i'hat it shall be lawful for the owner or driver ofexci-ssivefarc yf (jy(^.j.y v,;i,(.l, l,i,.^,j Y(.|li(.l(. [,, (leinalld ItlOniOt OaV" a bre.icn oi • , 111. By-law. ment of his lawful I'are or hire of the person or per- sons hiring or using the same : and every pei-son re- fusing to pay such firi or hiic forthwith shall be guilty of a breach of this Uy-law. A!id any owner or driver as aforesaid who shall demand or exact any greater sum than the lawful iare or hire according to the provisions of this By-law, shall be guilty (jfa breach thereof. 1;"). That all licenses .shall be in force from the is- suing thereof until the first day of .March following. IB. That the prices or fares which may be charged by the owners or drivers of carts or other vehicles for the carriage of goods for hire shall be as follows : — Shall not be on stand on Sunday. No. of vehicle to be tfiven when requested. Rcfunal to pay fare, or dem.ind Terms of liccJise. Fares. .•ni) luiiit on a vul. the provi- i c*har«^o of ()(ls witliin 3 or horses ■;()M or pcr- (uiilcss \\v V tender of my vehicle ily snap or '0, ol)Scene, rer. ler vehicle 1 any stand «!on I'.iviuii; , shall upon iher of liis )r lier [)lace ei' or driver ro!npt j)ay- ■son or ju'r- peison rc- itli shall he nv owner or exMct any ic('ordin;j,' to •guilty of a Voni the is- follovvinj^'. he cl larked \ veliicles for "ollows : — tlie Mt'.iniiiif of " cartiT. For every load carried from one |)lace to an- other within the city of J.ondon, (if in a vehicle drawn hy one horse or other animal), '2') cts. If in a V(>hicle drawn hy more than one horse or other animal ')() cts. 17. That the word " ('art(»r " shall mean owner or driver of anv wauon. cart, drav or other vehicle for the transportation h)r hire of n'oods, wai'cs or mi'rchandise of any kind. 18. That all driveis of carts oi' other vehicles '^ri^^"""''" Iravc C'lrts or licensed undei- this liy-law, shall while on their stand '"•"«=''• sit or stand sufliciently near their carts or vol, eh s to have perfect control over their horses, and sh. !< .lot upon any of tlu^ sti-eets or |)n))lic plai'cs within the city at any time leave their horses unattended except in the neces.sary ilischarj^c of their duties while under en^aj^'cment. U>. That any person ,i:;uilty of an infraction ofany Penni'V' of the [)rovisions of this liy-law shall he liahle on con- viction to he lined in any sum not exceedin;^ fifty dol- lars, exclusive of costs ; and, in case of non-payment of the tine and costs, the same :nay he levi(Ml hy dis- tress and .sah^ of the n'oods and chattels of the ottend- er, and in case of non-i»aynient of the fine, and there being' no distress foimd out of which the same can be levied, such oifender shall l)e liable to be imprisoned in the common jail olthe county of Middlesex, with or without hard labor, for any [u'liod not exceetlin}^ twx'nty-onc days. c r \ 321 INDEX. ACCIDKXTS, p^^,,pj, CuiHi'il liy cxcavatioiia in atrects «4 ADVKRTISIXC, Sale of ^,'(i(m1s liy Hhoutiiij,', riii;;iiig I)c11h, &c l.S On ]»()l('s ill stii'ftH iitoliiliitril 10(5 107 A(ini('UI/rUl{ \l. IMIM.KMKNTS, ' Silo of on niJirkcl (J4 ALAKM TKLl'KiUAI'lI. Sec FiUK Dei'aktmknt. AiJjKKMAN', To pri'sidc in uhnenct! of Mayor I47 AMKNDMKNTS, How to he put , i')'2 ANIMALS, Sliuiulitfi-in^' of 24 Fastening to or jiasturing of on lioiileviudH loO, 1 10 Certain, running at large may he iiiiiiounded ,114, 115, 110, 117 Al'l'MiATUH, Of Fire I )e|iaitnient 77 Al'FOINTMKNTS TO OFFKMs, Applicantb to Ix- voted on Kejiaiately KJS ASHFS. Kegiilatioiis foi- deposition of \ ")() ASSKSSMKN'i', Time for taking of 170 Of Lawns 1'2'J AUCTIONKKKS, To he licensed 4'2, 4.'i Anetion sales on market 64 AWNINOS, Fxtending of, over streets Oo HACATKLLK TAKLKS, Kci.'ul?vtioiis governing keeju'is of 4"), 50 HALCONV, Fxtending of orer street, erection or inaintenance of 95 HATnixt;, In river Thames, opposite city limits proiiihited 11 p.F(;<;iN(;, In streets and public places prohihited 11 BKLLS, Ringing of in certain cases 12 BICYCLE, Hiding of on sidewalk prohihited 97 BILLIARDS, BAOATKLLF, &c, Iwicenses tor 45, 46, 50 BILLS AND BY LAWS, Reading, consideration and passing of 153, 154 BOARD OF HEALTH.— 8ee LociAi. Board ok HKAi.Tii— i^nder Public Hkaltii. IM I -A m 822 ROILKRS, p^,,,,^ Kroction and inHpoction of , Vo XONIvS, *o. Siilc of on Market i»1 1U)NUS, Allowiincf of for plant inn t^ortain trecH utu liOlILKVAKDS, I{y-law reliiting to lOi^ A)^roc!iiH!nt to Hod, kt.'., to lit! tiiknn frf)?n prrMon uoiistructing 1 1() AninialH not to Ito f..Mleni'(l to railinj^ of |o]| '■ not In !)(• piistiiicil or iillowcil upon | |t) I .ty Kii),'in('(r to t-nforo) IJy-law rolatin^ to | |'J Coniuuttcf \o. '1 or City I'ln^incor, duties of in rc^,'iird to coiiMtrnction of, Kill, | |ii " " " " may permit trvan to lie reniovi'd from . . Ill ('onstruction of, rt-f^ulntionH as to 1 10 Feii(;e or railing around not to Ix; injured || j Iloi'se ridinj^ or dri\ iii)^ of, iipun Ill IiUml)cr piling' ol, upon, prolnhited Ill, ||'2 Meaning of 1,0 Not to lie conxtruoted on cortiiin streitH I Id, 1 1 1 Penalty fcir violation of Ky law relating t(» H'i, 1 IH Uoadway aeroHM, to lot, pormitteil 1 12 Railing around, to lie erected l)y person conHtniiting 110 Trees may l>e planted on portion of sti'eet used for KiM '* planted on, injury to w deMtruction of 110 V'ehicle driving of, on, proliihited Ill BOWLIXd ALLKV, Kegulationa governing keeperH of 1(1, oO RKKAi), IJy law to provide for weight and Hale of l.S'2 J{ak(!r.s to register their phiee of liUKiness \'\i, Hi.seuitH, huiiH, ito., maiuifaetiire and nale of i;{,'{ Inspector may weigh, in shops or from delivery wagons KVi Not liable to forfeiture if over twelve hours old \'\1 Under-weigiit nuiy l>e seined and forteiled \'X,\ \V(!ight of loaves of l.'J'i Weight to be stamped on certain loaves of lH'i liUILDINtiS, Alteration of W^ Ashes, regulations for disposition of rit) " not to be kept in woodc^n re(;(!ptaele8 -"iti Hen/.ine, regulations respcu'tiiig storage of (>1 Hoilers, fire-places, i^e., erecti(»n of ,'i'2 liuilding purposes, use of stree't for il'i " materi'il Hot to be plaeeil on boulevards Ill My-law respecting erection \\.w\ rejiair of 5'2 Certificate of Hngineer to be obtaineii 't'^ City Kugineer to be insj)ector of buildings r>.S Chimney tlucs, itc, to bi; examined by ln.'-pecl(« .Vl " regulations respec^ting erection of 4 " use of if not constructed in aerordance with by law prohii>ited. . . . KM) no Wl >f, Itll), III) oni . . Ill no in in 11-2 no Ill ...wi ii:< \\'2 no \m no in Ki, ')0 v.\> \-x\ i: r,« (U f.'2 !f2 Ill .52 rt:\ rt'A r)2 .-)4 ■)4 rA .'if. ')7 :«> 01 r^'A 57, 0(» r)7 r)6 823 Fiit's, kimlliiiK <>f in stiocts, whon |iniliiliitod Firo limilH, IxxuidurifH of ( sold only liming diiylight Iliiy, xtiaw, »tc , light uhliI mar to he in lantern " " " rt'gnlations us to i-recting Hlaok or ju o of Inllatninahlc niati^rials, sl.nagt' of ."i7 hu'oniliiislihlf inali'iial to \w placud mi'lrrncatli stuvi-s ... in.Hpfctiiin of, ri'gulationii aH l(» InsjHTiur of '' to oviirscc I'r'citinii, alt<'ralinn ami i('|iiiir " may, inidi'i- direi^ion of ( 'onnnitti'c No. .■{I'aiiwu UuiUlingH to lir pulled down or removed if in contravention of liy-jaw J«)i.sts ami iiole.s, arrangement and loeation of Kerosene, inannfaelure of jiroliiliited Lantern, use "f in .tlahle, Ae LaiMers to lie provided to roof of Lighted ciuidl(! In Htalile, ite., to he in lantern Live i-uii1h, carrying of in kIiccI Lnnili'^r yards lo he inclosed Mechuiiic.'« in purHuii of their hn.sines.s may kindle tiro in streets More than one storey high to h.i\'e scuttle in roof Nilro-glycei'ine, storage r Not to he let for use a.s Iiouncs of ill tame " let for purposes of gambling " erected for dv.iiling on ground niadt! of nifuse IM.ins oi- descriplion of to he a)>)iro\cd of hy t'ity Kngim-er I'ipe holes in I'iiiume^'s, if not in use, ti) ho closed. ... Ketined petroleum, kcnweiie, iVc., manufacture of Removal of Kooting material and eonstruotion of Stoves, e.xplosive suhstaiiccs not to he used in lighting tires in " to have hearth or pan underneath tln^in Stove pipes, regulations as to erection and use of Stumps, wood, shavings, Ac., not to he set tire to in ceitciin ea>'s I'se of, on t^lueen's ])ark .... Walls, materi.d of which to he eoiistrticted " thickness of Wooden mit to he erected in tire limits Sec SritKi;Ts .\si> Siin;w m.ks. Also see Cl.K.VM.lNKSS — 1)WKI.1.IN<1S I'lilV V V.MI.TS — Si;Wi;K.\(; K -tNDKK I'l I'.i.ii' HUlil.AL C ROUNDS, X'iolation of lU'TCIII'lKS,— See I'l iii.ic lli;\i.Tii- i'li'.i.n' M.MiKi'.T. 15V-L.\WS, My law relating to t lie hy dawn of tiie city of Lomlon Nuinherin'; of To he referred to hy numher Rcjieal of certain I'lllecL of re|»eal of in certain cases |{e|)eal of not to I'llect penaltit.-s for oH'ciiri's committed I)ate of condng into force of, contained in this volume l;V L.WVS ANDSIATiriKS, Relating to LoiKhm and I'ort Stanlev Railway t^AHS, By-law relating to 56 .50 00 60 60 61 37 57 110 .')tl AN 02 .V2 n.S ■>4 .'>7 ')7 .'•4 07 ■)« 57 56 :a 61 10 10 •2S 53 .15 •>7 100 .5.3 57 .m .").") 56 124 5:{ 5.*l 53 14 (i 7 7 7 8 8 192 294 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I U^|28 |25 :^ h 2.0 \\25 II U 1.6 V <^ /i ^.''^" ■^ «> Photographic Sciences Corporation ■1>' ,\ ^V \\ ^9) V 23 .VEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 O^ k i" 4 /. ^ e^ c> B 1 )' ! f m W' i i:|: il i i'. I ■■ ■ h • ! • I' I i- 324 CABS — Continued, Pages, By-law copy of, to be given licensees 303 Aggrieved person may appeal to Police Commissioners 2^.)~ Applicant for license for, -to give bond 2!)8 Appointments made by driver of, to be kept 30,") Carrying of luggage in 308 Chief constable to supervise persons and cabs licensed -iit.") *' " to report his proceedings uo IJoard of Connnissioners 'iOO " " to issue license for 3(t!) " '• to examine cabs and etjuipments of applicant foi' license '2!)() " " to submit applications to connnissioners '29(i " " to keep a register of licensees -JiK) " " to advise regarding transfer of licenses '2'Mi " " to report and prosecute in case of violations of Bj'-law '2i)~ " " to inspect cabs and e,'iven to certain persons *2!t0 " " to be issued by chief constable .300 Licensee to be considered owner of '2!I0 Licensed Hotel Ki'e])ers, regulations res])ccting running of, by . '-'07 Livery Stable Keepers, jii-oviso respecting running of omnibusses by '20.") Loitering of drivers of. prohibited '^04 May be used to carry ])ai'ties arrested to jail, &c '^C- Meaning of '205 Numltcr of, not to be ciiauged on -i'''^ Onniibusses, reijuisitc^ cajiacity of '-OS sto])[)ing of, to take in passengers liOS Passengens, solicitatittn of, prohibited '506 Penalty, ."{OO Perf,.)n employing to pay the fai'e '^00 Petition to lie presented by ajiplicant for license for '-07 Repeal of other by-laws relating to '-04 Runners for, not ])erniitted ■5'"' Separate license for each, necessary ^ ~^^h -'^OO Services of, at disposal of Fire l)e))artment if re(|uested •'"''^ Shall have lamps with number of, ))ainled thereon _ •50;{ Sitting on box with driver wiliiout cfinsent of person em])loying j)rohibited. . 30') Pages. 303 •297 2!)8 3(1,1 308 •2!».-) '296 309 B 2H(5 '2[m -JiH) '2!l(> -2^)1 301 300 304 304 •2!)7 300 301 '2m 302 304 3(14 304 304 30r) 300 30(i 30(i 303 3(IS -Jit.") 308 •200, 307, 30!l 'J!»l . .. 300 301 'Jim 30SI 'JilO --'07 -iO,") .... 304 .... 3(»'2 -295 . . . 303 "JOS ' -JOS 305 300 30i) 207 . . . 204 .... 30(f ...200, 300 . . 302 303 il)ited. . 30^5 325 CABi^— Continued, Paoks Speed of travel of o/jo Subjecc to direction of police in certain casea 307 Suspension of license for vioLation of by-law 301 Tariff card to be furnished licensee 303 " " when driver entitled to new one 303 " "to be produced by driver if requested ........[.'.'.... 305 " of charges ' ' gg-r Transfer of license for to be approved of by commissioners ...'!. 3(K) Vehicle used for hire for conveyance of persons to be licensed 294 Women of ill-fame not to be driven in -^01 CANADIAN ( IICXKKAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Agreement with 286 lly-law to regulate erection and maintenance of electric light poles and wires by 280 Agreement to be made to carry out conditions of by-law 282 Certain streets on which company may not erect poles 280, 281 City Engineer to approve of poles 281 284 " " iiiiiy prevent stringing of wires and permit erection of brackets in certain cases 281 Corjjoration indemnilied against loss by accident from erection of poles or wires by 283 I )escription of poles to be erected by 284 Heiglit of wires of above surface of street 284 [.limits of territory within which company nuist extend its lines 283 May suing wires across streets twice in a l)lock 281 May use poles of c.\isting electric companies 281 Must erect new poles on parts of Dundas and Richmond streets 282 Regulations governing erection of poles and stringing of wires by 281 Wires of, mav be cut in case of iire 284 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. See West Ontakio Pacific Railway. CARTS, By-law t ) assign ci stand for 178 Location of stand foi 178 Must not stand within 20 feet of street crossing 178 CARTERS, ]}v-law regulating 316 Carts maj- be used by police to convey parties arrested 317 " employment of when fii,re tendered 318 " disorderlj' conduct by persons in charge of 318 Drivers not to leave carts or horses 319 Fees for licenses of 317 License to be taken out by 316 " re(|uired for each vehicle 316 " to be issued by chief constable 316 " not assignable without permission 317 " duration of 318 Licensee to give bond 31G . Meaning of 319 Nundjcr of license of, to be pa.mted on cart 317 " of vehicle to be given if required 318 Penalty 319 Proviso regarding livery keepers 316 Shall not be on stand on Sunday 318 Tariff of fares 319 What deemed a breach of by-law 318 CHARTER, Of city of London 1 CHARIVARI, Engaging in prohibited 13 f "■ ; . { A(!Ks. To be signed by Treasurer and Mayor 168 CHIEF CONSTABLE. See Infants — Junk Shops— Cabs— Carters asp Livery Keepers. CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. See Fire Department. CHIMNEYS, Regulations respecting 52. 54, 55 CHIMNEY SWEEPS, By-law to define duties of 1.34 Appointment of 1 ;U Duties of 1,S4 Fees for services of 1 35 Flues to be swept twice a year 1 .35 Inspector of buildings to control 135 Number of, and limit of districts 1 34 To provide themselves with suitable apparatus 134 To sweep flues and chimneys when required 134 To inform inspector of dangorous flues 134 To enter houses at reasonable hours and in a peaceable manner 135 CITY CLERK. See Clerk. CITY ENGINEER. See ENfiiNEKB. CITY TREASURER. See Treasurer. CITY OF LONDON DEBT, Act to provide for consolidation of 273 CIRCUS, License for 47, 50 CIVIC HOLIDAY, By-law appointing 180 Third Monday in August appointed 180 CLERK, Being notified by a member of illness or intended absence, to notifj' Council . . 1(53 In absence of Mayor to call Council to order till chairman is appointed 147 Minutes of Council to be read by, when required 147 Must number and file by-laws that are finally passed 154 Not required to give notice of regular meetings of Council lOS Shall summon special meetings when directed by Mayor r:r majority of Council 146 Shall be res])onsible for correctness of l)ills as ainondod 153 To endorse substance of communications on back of same 155 To furnish Committees and Officers with proceedings of Council relating to their duties 1(55 To is^iue notices summoning special meeting of Council 1(55, 1(5(5 To have charge of the city seal 1 (5(5 To send printed minutes to members of Council 1(56 CLERiv OF COMMITTEES. See Cot ncil. CLEVELAND PT. STANLI'^Y .Sc L. T. & RY. CO., Statute incorporating 218 to 226 CLIMBING, Trees or lamp posts in streets prohibited 102 CLOSETS. See Privy— Puiujc Health. COAL, Weighing of 69 COLLECTORS' ROLLS, How rates to be entered upon 171, 1 72 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. See Council. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL, Appointment and organizjition of 155 Aldermen may be appointed on, though absent 155 Chairman of may be removed from of lice 162 Mayor to be ex-ofticio a member of all 1 55 Minutes of proceedings of to be kept by Clerk of Committees 162 i PA(!KS. . . 168 ...52; 54, 55 134 i;u 134 135 1.35 135 134 134 134 134 135 273 47, 50 180 180 ;!onneil. . 163 c(l 147 147 154 1G8 f("()Uiu;il 14(5 .... 153 155 luting to 105 1G5, Kifi Kit) 166 . . .218 to 220 102 69 171, 172 155 155 102 1 55 162 327 COMMITTEKS OF THE COVNCIL— Continued, Paciks. Minutes to be numbered 1(52 Newly elected council to appoint standing committees 156 Orders passed by to be entered in minutes 162 " of, before being acted upon to be in writing signed by the chairnuin . 102 Proceedings in case of illness or absence of members of 163 Standing conunittees to be designated by numbers 150 To be composed of one member from each ward 155, 156 To keep minutes of tlieir own proceedings 156 To elect tlieir own cliairman 161 " *' meml)cr to preside in absence of chairman 162 To report act';)n on matters referred and audit accounts relating to their own duties 103, 164 To report at end of year the proceedings of the year— the future action recom- mended and the nundjcr of meetings 164 To see that otlicers give secuiity when necessary 164 COMMITTEE NO. 1, Duties of 150, 157, 158 Must piesent annual Hnancial statement in March 156 Shall report on railway stocks, bonds, &c 166 " advise city Treasurer and manage financial ati'airs of the corporation.. 157 To report when necessary on duties and salaries of officers 157 To direct city printing and the purchase of stationery 157 To consider and repori; upon railway Piatters 157, 158 " " " upon matters relating to criminal justice and mainten- ance of jail, &c 158 To report upon money appropriations 168 COMMITTEE NO. 2, Duties of 158, 159 Duties of in regard to construction of boulevards 109, 110, 111 May cause removal of poles obstructing streets 106, 283 Must consider and report on matters relating to sewers, drains, streets fences, &c 158 Powers and duties of, in regard to streets and sidewalks 93, 94, 95, 97, 100 Shall have control of parks, boulevards and bridges 159 " report for succeeding council works considered essential to public welfare 158 To cause names to be affixed at corners of streets 119 To direct city engineer and his stall' 158 To have charge of city parks 122 To locate pounds in Wards 4 and 115 To superintend city buildings, cleaning of strf .its and expenditure for general improvements 158, 159 To regulate snow ploughing • 105 To have charge of proceedings relating to the construction of local improve- ment works 181, 182, 182, 184 COMMITTEE NO. 3, Duties of 159, 160 Duties of in regard to Fire Department 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 87 Management and equipment of Fire Brigade to be under control of 159, 160 Shall direct Inspector of Licenses 40 Shall report upon lighting of city, maintenance of liydrants, establishment of lire limits, and lighting and heating of city buildings 160 To direct market clerk in certain cases 70 To manage and report upon matters relating to the public market, weigh scales and licenses 160, 161 To regulate rental of shops and stalls in markets 71 CORDWOOD, Piling or sawing of on streets 100 See Woou. 1 !, ^.. 11 r CORNER LOTS, P.uiKs. Allowance aeto, in certain cases, on construction of local iniprovcmonts . . . 184 COUNCIL, By-law to regulate proceedings of 140 Adjournment of to take place at 1 1 p.m., unless otherwise o ilorud 147 Alderman an, to be chosen to preside in absence of Mayor 147 Amendments to be put in reverse order of moving lo2 " in filling up blanks — largest amount and longcist time to he put first ir)2 Amendments nmst be in writing ]r>2 " to amendment, only one allowed 162 Appointment and organization of connnittees 155 " to office, applicants to be voted on separately 1(j8 •' Ayes" and "Nays" not to be recorded in conmiittee of the wlioli' 153 Bar, members and officers of council only allowed witiiin, without permission 150 Bills, clerk to certify reading on 153 " consideration of in conmiittee of the whole 154 " first reading of to, be without debate 153 " for appropriation of money, proceedings wiien reported from com littoe of the whole 1 54 " to be read a second time before being committed, and a third time l)e- fore being signed by the Mayor 154 " to be read on separate days unless on urgent occasions 154 Businessof to be considered according to "oidcrs of the day," uidess otherwise determined 151 By-laws finally passed to be numbered and filed by clerk 154 Chairman of committee of the whole to report action of committee 154 '• to sign documents as committee may direct 1(52 '• to sign minutes of committees Ui2 Clerk of committees to attend meetings and recoid minutes of committee. ... 1(>7 '• " to notify members of all committee meetings KiS *• " to prepare reports of committees UiS Committees, appointment and organization of l.")5 Committee of the whole, chairman to report proceedings of 152 '• " motions in, to be put in c.rder proposed 153 *• '* proceedings when council goes into 1.V2 •• *• " in, to rise without reporting 153 •• " when money bill may be referred to a second time. . 154 Conmiunications and petitions how presented to 154, 155 " " requiring immediate attention may be disposed of without reference 155 Communications and petitions to be referred to proper committees by the Mayor 1 ao Cheques to be signed l)y the Treasurer- and Mayor lOS Debate not allowed in reply to questions 1 ")0 " " " on presentation of comnumications lii'i " limitation of, in council 14!) " not limited in committee of tlie whole 1;")3 Illness or absence of members of committee, provisions relating to 1(13 Majority, member who has voted with may move for le-consideration 151) " of committee to constitute a (quorum l''>*) May sit with closed doors !•">') Mayor, decision of to be final indess appealed from to council 14S, 140 '* may summon special meetings of 1 4(5 " mEy vote with members on all ijuestions 14S " not to be interrupted when putting (question 14S " shall call council to order, when quorum present 147 " '• decide points to order 14S " '* " who has precedence when two meml It '2 " may l)e put to Mayor or througli him lo mcndicr 14!( " inend)er of council may re(|Ue8t it to lie I'c id |4<) " of order in comirdttoe of the whole to be decided l)y chairman I'l.S *' to be recons dnrod once only 1 ")() " when under debate certain motif)na not to l)e received l."»l Quorum of a conunittec to consist of a majority of its members Ifi8 Reconsideratior'. of (jucstion, icgulations governing !,')() Rules of order, two-thii'ds vote neces^ary to suspend 1(1!) Select committee mendier moving same to be its uli'iiiinaii 1.")") Standing comnnttee. See Committkks. Street commissioner. See Stkkkt Commissionkii. Sunnnoning special meeting of, what to be sutHcient notice to members . . . 14(5, 147 Suspension of rules of order two-thirds vote necessary ItU) To locate stand for cabs ;{04 Trea8u»-er, duties of. See TitKAsiicKU. Votes in, when equnl (question to lie decided in the negative 148 COURT OF REVISION, By-law limiting powers of in certain cases \-i') Time for holding to revise assessment rolls 170 COW BYRKS, Regulations repecting '24 CREAMERIKS, Regulations respecting 24 CROWDING, Or jostling of foot passengers in streets 102 DEBATE, Rules governing 140, 150, I't'.i, 155 DEBT OF CITY, Act to provide for consolidation of 273 DIPHTHERIA, Regulations in case of 34 DIRT, Regulations governing conveying of through streets 102 DISEASES, Contagious 24 DITCHES AND WATERCOURSES, By-law to appoint an engineer under act relating to 179 DODGERS, Scattering of in streets 96 Posting of on telegraph or other poles in streets 107 DOGS. By-law relating to 1 39 Impounding of 141 License Inspector to register 14<) " " to act under direction of No. 3 Committee 140 Mad or vicious dogs to be destroyed 141 Not to run at laige without metallic check 140 Owners of to pay yearly tax 1 39 •* " who are considered tf) be 140 Reclaiming of 141 To be killed if not claimed in two days 141 To be registered, numbered and licensed 139 i I i I*A(ir.s, . . i.-)r) . . . ]-).-) . . . 1 -.1 ... \r>'A ... l.-)l ... I.-)1 red l,V2 ... I4!( ... 14!) ... ir.a ... !.->() ... I r.(i . . !.-,() .. \m .. !.->-) 14(), 147 . . ;«)4 .. 14S . . 14.-) . . 170 . . 24 .. 24 102 150, lo;}, i,j-) 273 ;u 102 24 179 9G 107 l.'«) 141 \H) 140 141 140 139 140 141 141 139 881 DRAINS, Packs. Application to be made to l<;iigincer hcfoio connecting with 88 IJy-law relating to sewerage and drainage 88 Deposit US guarantee injury to when necespary 88 ExcavatiouH, ftc, for, to he uiuler supervision of Engineer 88, 89 House drain, rules regarding i-onstruction of 28 ' ' " ventilation of not to he connected with chimney 30 *• " to he constructed vitrified earthenware or iron 30 " " lefrigerator waste not to ho connected with 30 Injury to prohibited 89 Lands abutting to he connected with 88 Neglect to connect premises witii 89 Owner of lot to k(!ep connection with in repair 88 Private to be of size and material a"])roved of by Kngincscr 89 Proceedings in case of negh^i't to cc, iiect with 89 Kates to pay for construction of, exemption from in certain cases 90 Rentals for of when not ratad for construction 90 " " " how levied 90 See Prill. i(! Hkaltii. DRUNK EN ESS» By members of fire dejiartment 81, 82 In streets and public places 9, 122 Of cab drivers 303 DWELLIN<;S, Rules regulating construction of 23, 28, 30 DYNAMITE, Regulations as to keeping of 61 EARTH, SAND OR (iRAVEL, Removal of from street 97 EATINCi HOUSES. See Licknsks— Vktualuno Houses. ele(;tri(j li( ;ht and other I'oles, Regulations governing erection of 106, 279 EN(}INEER, Duties concerning erection of poles 106, 279 May permit removal of trees from boulevard Ill Must examine and certify work done for city 166 Powers and duties of in regard to streets and sidewalks 9.{, 94, 95, 96 " " " " concerning erection of poles and wires by (ieneral Elec- tric Company 281, 284 Shall prepaie plans and estimates as reipiired 166 Shall direct the doing of work and preparation of contracts 166 To be inspector of buildings ^3 '• " "trees 1C9 To submit weekly pay sheet of laborers to No. 2 Committee 166 To control chinmey sweeps 135 To perform services for Hoard of Education, &c 166 To report to No. 2 Committee condition of streets ind repairs necessary 167 To see to removal of snow from roofs 104 To be engineer for corporation under " Ditches and Water-courses Act ". . . . 179 To report to Conunittee No. 2 on matters relating to the construction of local improvement works 182, 183, 184 EPIDEMICS, Regulations in case of 32 EX(;AVATI()NS, Regulation.s as to making of in streets 93 EXEMPTION, From ])ayment of sewer rates in certain cases 90 K X I ' L( )S I V E , S U BST A NC h:S, Storage of 57, 60 a i. •■Y k . II ■»■ < P3. 832 FKES, I'aoks. Rei'ciit of Ity odiccrs of ( Vjiporatioii \'\k ff:n(jk, ' '^^ Erection of around boulevard HI Placing of when building being erected on line of street UH To be orec.ed around excavation in street ui FENCES, By-liiw regulating H () C-oinniittee No. '2 may direct vacant lots to b« fenced no Description of lawful I |i) To be kept around lots iiaving pits, ka 1 1 ,; Vacant lots, when to be fomcd in I |i) Viewers of, wiio to be 1 1<) FIRE CRACKERS, &c. Discharge of in streets i •{ FIRE LIMITS, Boundaries of r^'^ ,-,(( FIRES, ' Kindling of in streets -,(; Wires of Canadian General Electric Company may be cut in case of . . '2M} FIRE DEPARTMENT, By-law relating to 70 Absence from duty of members oT ST Alarms, record of to be kept by staticn foreman of ,S4 Alarm telfgraph of 77^ 81 Apparatus of 77 Appointment of fiiemen 7(i Chief of. 7() " and members of to take goo 1 care of property of SO " *' to attend all fires s:{ " " may rccjucst parties near tire to assist members 7H " " may allow holidays H(i " " powers aiul duties of 7S " " to 1)6 appointed by council 77 " " to conti-ol members, apparatus, itc., of 7S " "to eiu'ol members of 7(1 " "to designate place for storage of inlhimnmble goods (jl " " to keep record of expenditiu'es of K\ " "to keep record of value of property destroyed HI! " "to make rules foi' guidance of 7^ " " to report annually to (Committee No. .S 8S Committee No. '^ may incur necessary outlay to amount of $'2(».0() ,S7 " may make rules for government of S7 " may hire horses when necessary 7S " to recommend firemen for appointnent 77 " to determine disputes between members of S.'{ " to dismiss members of for intoxication 82 " to ])urchase apparatus for 77 " " through the chief, to contiol property of 78, 7!l Complaints to be decided by No. 8 Committee S.S Constitution of 7() Drivers of, appointment of 7 «« duties of 84 *• to remain at No. 1 Station when members of absent 8") Expenditure of. Chief to keej) record of 8.S Fines, imposed for disobedience by members of 81 " " " tabsence from (luty, by members of 82 <( << (( (< I'AflKS. . 14X . Ill . Il'l 11!) . Hit h,; , . lit) , . lilt I'A .fiM, .")!> 5(1 . . "JH » . . 7(i .. 87 Ml .77, 81 .. 77 71) 7ti 80 8:{ .. 78 8t) 78 77 78 7« 61 , . . h:\ . . 8:5 78 .. 8:i . . 87 87 . . . 78 . . . II 8S 8'2 . . . 77 ..78, 7il 8.S . . . 7() . . . 70 . .. 85 . .. 81 . . . 7(i . . . 84 . . . 81 . . . 83 ... 81 . . . 82 ^33 FIRK DKI'ARTMKNT— CorKinw^rf. Paoes. Foremou, appointment of 76 " dutie.s of 83 *• to act ill al).-;-i or pictures, posting of 9 INFANTS, IJy law relating to 190'H ill which chililioii lire kept to he nursed apart from parents I o he ngislered 190 IFouse.s to lie inspected 191 Medical Health Oliicer and (!hief oi I'olice to agree upon character of applicant and .suital)li'ucH.s of house 190 Re(iuireiMunt.s iiecesnary hefoie houae is licensed 191 INFKCITOUS DISEASES, Regulations respecting .'{4, .35, .36 INKLAMMA15LE .MATERIALS, Manufacture and stora'^e of HT, 60 INT()X1CAT1N(; DRINK, Sale of to child or apprentice 9 Use of at tiro stations prohihiteil 82, 83 INTER. ME NT, Of the dead 14 INTELEICENOE OFFICES. See Licknsks. INSPECTOR OF EICENSE.S. See Lriensks. Mav have coal for . :^ f • < r • r: I.. » ;3 '> :^ 336 LEASE, Paoes. London and Port Stanloj' Railwny 201 to 217 LIBRARY. See Fkee LntKARV. LICENSES, By-law relating to issue of 39 Amusement, places of to be licensed 4(5 Appointment of Inspector of 39 Application for 41 , 4.S Billiards and bagatelle rooms, hours of closing of 4G Committee No. 3, Inspector to report to 40 Disorderly persons not to be permitted on licensed premises 40 Duration of 43 For auctioneers 42, 4r) " " to be taken out by each member of firm of 45 •' billiard and bagatelle tables 45, 4(i " bowling ;; Meys 46 " circus, menagerie 47 •' hawkers and petty chapmen 4") " intelligence oflices 47 *' milk vendors 43 " pedlars 4;! " shooLirj;' gallery 43 " transient traders 44 *• victualling houses 44 Fees to be paid f ... auctioneers 49 " " " " bagatelle table aO " " " " billiard or pool table ")() '» ♦< " " bowling alley fiO " " " "circus 50 " " " " exhibition of wax work 50 " " " " hawkers and petty chapman 49 " " " " intelligence office 50 «' " '* " milk vendor 49 " •• " " pedlars 49 " " " " refreshment stand or booth 50 •'' " " " shooting gallery 50 •• " " " theatre "r place ot amusement 50 '« " " " transient trader 49 '« " " " victualling house 50 Fines on showmen, how levied 47 Gambling on licensed premises prohibited 46 Inspector of, duties of 39, 40 " may cause coal for delivery to be weighed on city weigh scales. . 69 Insolvent estates, sale of 44 Intelligence offices, hours during which to l)e open 48 " " record to be kept by keepers of 48 •• " fees to be charged by keepers of 48 Liquor 1<'^8 May be forfeitetl in case of conviction 47 Milk, regulations as to sale of 43, 44 " report as to quality of may be made by Medical Health OlHcer 43 Premises licensed, inspection of. 41 Term and condition of 41 To be produced when required 42 To be affixed on jjremises licensed 42 Without force till fee therefor paid to Treasurer 42 LIME, Regulations governing the measurement and sale of 130, 131 LIQUOR STORES, Licenses for 138 ihw Packs. ,201 to 217 39 46 39 41, 4.3 46 40 40 43 42, 45 45 45, 46 46 47 45 47 43 45 45 44 44 49 50 50 50 50 50 49 50 49 49 50 50 50 49 50 47 40 39, 40 caleti. . 69 44 48 4S 48 13S 47 43, 44 43 41 41 42 42 42 130, 131 138 337 LIVERY STABLES, Pacjes. By-law relating to owners of 311 Care of property left in vehicle 315 Cruelty to horses prohil)ite(1 315 Disorderly persons, horse or vehicle not to be hired to 314 Faro, payment of 315 Fees for licenses for 312 *' *' for portion of year 312 Fi'os must be paid before license issued 312, 313 Inspection of and of equipments 314 Keepers of not required to take out carter's license 316 liicense to be taken out by owner of 311 " " issued by Chief Constalj.e 311 *• may be suspended for refusal of information to police regarding par- ties luring vehicles 315 Licensee regarded as owner 313 Penalty 315 P( rsons who are deemed to l)e livery keepers 311 Repeal of other by-laws 311 Reipiirenients necessary before license or transfer granted 312 Stal)les and equipments to be \n'\)t clean and in a fit condition for use 313 Transfer of license for may be approved of by commissioners 313 To keep premises clean 28 Veliicles and horses of, not t > l)e cleaned in streets 314 When commissioners may suspend license for 314 Women of ill-fame, horse or vehicle not to be hired to 314 LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. See Public Health. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, By-law respecting 181 Allowance off corner or triangular lots, when and by whom made . 183, 184 Committee No. 2 to report upon petition for construction of 181 " " to ascertain whether petitions for or against are sufficiently signed 181, 182 Committee No. 2 to cause all necessary notices to be given 183 " " to report to council whether work should be undertaken . . 183 Construction by-law to be passed before tenders called for 183 Engineer to certify measurements of frontages for 182 " to call for tenders for construction of 1 83 Forms of notices for publication 184, 185 Measurements of frontages to be made by Kngineer 182 Notices to be published l)y direction of Committee No. 2 183 Tenders for construction of work to be culled for by Engineer 183 Works undertaken " on tiie initiative," duty of (■ommittee in regard to 182 Works relating to, to be undyr charge of Committee No. 2 181 LOCK UP, By-law establishing 137 LONDON AND POUT STANLEY RAILWAY, By-laws relating to 192, 193 Lease of, to V. L. and Port Stanley, T. and Ry. Co 201 Mayor to vote on stock and mortgage bonds 192 " may appoint proxy 192 Nomination and appointment of directors of 193 . Statute authorizing mortgage bonds of to be used as stock for voting purposes at meetings of shareholders 194, 195, 196 Statute to coutirm lease of 197 to 201 LUMBER YARDS, To be iui'l.osed 57 Lumber building material not to be placed on sidewalk 93 " «' " " piling of on boulevards Ill I' I : [ :M ' if: t r 1 '5 888 MANURE, Vkv,y&. Accumulation of 2S MALIGNANT DISEASES, Duties of physicians during -w MARKET. See Public Market. MARKET (WOOD). See Woou. MAYOR, Powers and duties of under by-law governing proceedings of Council. See Council. To sign contract for construction of local improvement works 18.3 To vote on stock and mortgage bonds of the L. it I't Sty. [Railway, at meet- ing of sliarcholdurs l<,)i> if);{ MEAT, SALE OF. See PiMtLic Markkt. MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER. See PuisLic Health. Duties of under by-law regulating houses where infants are nursed for hire apart from their parents IDO, 191 MERCHANDISE, Use of part of street for exhibition of 92 Not to be transported tlirough Victoria Park 124 MILK, Regulations as to sale and inspection of 48 49 MISSILES, Throwing of in streets proliibited KM) MONEY APPROPRIATION, Regulations respecting 108 MORALS, PUBLIC, By-law relating to 9 Bathing in river opposite city limits prohibited 11 Begging in streets or public places II Buildings not to be used as houses of ill-fame 10 " not to be let for purposes of gaml)ling 10 Drunkeness in streets or public places prohibited 9 Gambling houses prohibited 10 " appliances for may be seized and destroyed 10 House of ill-fame, keepers or frequenters of, subject to penalties of hy-law .... 10 Immoral or lewd plays or exhibitions prohibited 9 Indecent books, pictures, &.c. , exhibition, sale or possession of forbidden .... 9 " exposure of person in streets or public places prohibited 9 *' placards, writings or pictures, posting of 9 Intoxicating drink, sale of to child or apprentice 9 Swearing or obscene language in streets or public places proliibited 9 MOTIONS See Council. NITRO-(iLYCERINE, Storage of, permit for Gl NOISES CALCULATED TO DISTURB THE INHABITANTS, By-law relating to 12 Advertising sale of goods by street crying or ringing of bells, &o 13 Bells, ringing of in certain cases 12 Charivari, engaging in prohibited 13 Fite crackers, &c. , disciiarge of in streets 13 Gun or other lire arms, discharge of in city 13 Horns, blowing of 12 Penalty for infraction of by-law 13 Shouting in streets 12 Steam whistle of locomotive engine, sounding of 12 " of stationary " " " 12 NUISANCES. See Public Health. NUMBERING OF HOUSES, Regulations respecting 120 PA(iES. . . 28 .S2 183 it ineet- ..l!»2, 1!);} for liiro ...I'JO, 191 92 124 43, 49 1(10 1G8 9 11 11 10 10 9 10 10 ,w.... 10 9 1 .... 9 9 9 9 9 (51 12 13 12 13 13 13 12 13 12 12 12 120 I i ! 339 OFFICERS OF CORPORATION, Pages. By-law relating to receipt of fees by 143 OUTDOOR RELIEF, Duties of Treasurer and Mayor as to granting of 18 OWNERS, Of animals impounded to be liable for damage 116 PARKS, By-law regulating 1 22 Carriage drives only to be used by vehicles 123 (.'limbing or injuring trees in 123 Committee No. 2 to h'lve charge ot 122 Drunken, tilthy or disorderly persons may be excluded from 122 Flowers in, not to l)e injured 123 Horses, driving of in 123 Immoderate driving in prohibited 123 Injury to fences, &e. , in 123 Merchandise not to be transported through 124 Not to be used as thoroughfares except on roads oi walks 124 Park ranger, duties of 124 Playing games in, prohibite'istaiu;es of applicants 17 To keep printed order book, &c 18 Duties of iia Health Inniifclor : — To attend Health oliice as-- I'oard may direct I!) To record proceedings and keep account v.l tlu; expenditure of his otlice. . 10 To visit butcher's premii5es at certain times ID To remove decnying matter 19 To enforce all l)y-laws I'olating to Public Health 10 Hog, keeping of in city prohil)ited 24 Hotel and boarding house keepers, duties of during epidemic 32 Infectious diseases, duties of Medical Health Ollicer as to 31, 3") " " rules for preventing s[)read of 3"), 3(i Livery stable keepers to keep premises clean 28 Paoes. 21, 22 26, 27 . .. .. 16 32 24 24 21 27 16 20 37 27 21 ' aa to . . 3") 21 31 24 33 17 34 30 102 dition at 23 2S 28 2S 2S, 30 30 26 32 32 22 ........ 2H 32 27 27 U) 17 17 17 17 IS I!) is otl'icc. . 19 10 19 lit 24 32 34, 3.") 35, 36 28 I ^ ■ 341 PUBLIC HEALTPI AND OUT-DOOR RKLIKF -Continued. ' Paoes. Local Board of Health, appointment of 16 " " " powers and duties of 20,21,22,23 Malignant diseases, duties of physicians and others during 32 Manure, accumulation of 28 Medical Health Officer, appointment of 19 " " " to grant permits for transporting the dead 34 " " " provisions in case of sickness or absence of 31 " " duties of 20 '• " " " of in case of death from malignant disease .... 35 *' " *' to act as Medical Inspector of schools 21 " " "to post up notices on houses wliere infectious diseases exist 37 Medical Health Officer, to present to Board rcjioitof sanitary condition of city 21 " " " tr. analyze water of wells 21 " " " to provide pliysicians with blank fcrms to report con- tagious diseases 35 Medical Health OtHcer, to enforce all health by-laws and regulations 20 " " " to isolate cases of malignant disease 34 Night-soil to be deodorized before removal 27 " " removed between sunrise and sunset 27 " persons lemcn'ing to ol)tain certificate of approval of apparatus.. . 27 Nuisances to be examined into and prevented by direction of Board 31 " removal of may be permitted or restrained l)y Board 32 Oifice of local Board of Health 16 Uihcers and servants of the corporation to assist Health Inspector and others in enforcing Health Laws 34 Pig sty, keeping of in the city prohibited 24 Pipe supplying water to closet not to supply drinking water 30 Plan for construction of house drain 29 Plumbing of dwellmgs, plan of to be registered 30 Premises, cleanliness of 21 I'rivy vaults, details to bo approved of by Medical Health Officer 26 " " to 1)0 provided in houses, factories, &c 26 " " clearing of, regulation as to 26, 27 Refrigerator waste not to connect with house drain 30 River Thames, defiling of 33 Sale of tainted fish or decayed fruit prohibited 32, 33 Sanitai'y Inspector appointment of 21 " " duties of 22, 23 " " declaration of office of 17 Services of volunteer health officers may be accepted 20 Sewage, disposal of 25 " rules regulating disposal of 26, 27 Slaughtering of animals 24 Spiings, defiling of 33 Streets, itc. , to l)o examined by Sanitary Inspector 22 Streets or river defiling of 33 VVater, wholesome supply of for drinking purposes to be provided 25 Wells to be cleaned 25 " " filled up as Board may direct 25 PUBLIC MARKKT, By-law relating to 62 Agricultural im])lements, sale of on 64 Animals, regulations as to tieing of in market 66 Auction, sale by on 64 " " not to be held before 1 1 o'clock 64 " "by for rent or distress 64 " " to be held on space set apart by No, 3 Committee 64 & 842 PUBLIC MAUKET—Contimioi. Vau Bones, tallow , &c. , bringing of on Butchers' meat, sale of on when destrained " regulations as to sale of meat l)y Butter and eggs where to be offered for sale on " to be sold by pound or multiple tiiereof Coal, weighing of on city weigh scales Committee No. % to direct Market Clerk in certnin cases " "to regulate rental of shops and stalls Covent Garden Market limits of Driving in immoderately " through at certain hours prohibited Duties of market clerk Eggs, butter, (fee, regulations respecting sale of Fees not chargeable on " payable for weighing on city weigh scales Fish market " regulations respecting sale of " tainted Si'.le of prohibited Forms of leases of stalls 1'A, Fresh meat regulations respecting sale of on Fruit, sale of on Games of chance on, prohibited Hay, fees for weighing of on Health Inspector to examine meat, ifec. , offcri'd for sale on " " to seize and destroy unwliolcsoine food Hides, tallow, &c., regulations rcs])ccting sale cf on (i2, Horses or vehicles in, not to obstruct passagewaj's Hucksters regulations res))ecting Inspector of licenses may cause coal for delivery to be weighed on city wciLrh scales ((!(, Jewellery sale of on, regulations as to Lease of stall in market, form of " '• bazaar " Lessees of shops and stalls in, not *^o sublet " " to pay lent to city Treasuier " " not to obstruct passu s/ewnys of bazaiir, regulations as to use of sidewalk by of basement, not to use space between stalls of tish market, \ise of space in rear of stall by of stalls, breach of by-law by Market Clerk to regulate auction sales on " to supervise sale of fruit " may permit sample bags, &c. , to be placed on ground near vehicle Market Clerk may permit market gardeners to sell under roof of bazaar " " to locate vehicles «■ " duties of " " to give security to corporation " '• powers of Market days Market gardeners may sell under roof of baziuir '* " not to use sidewalk Meat of calf, when sale of on proiiibited " tainted, sale of on prohil)ited Opening and closing of, hours f(." Penalty for infringing l)y-law respecting Poultry, tainted, sale of on prohibited " offered for sale on to be d. -assed Produce imloading of on - << << i:s. ().'{ 73 (;:< (i7 (i7 0!) 70 71 (i2 ().") 70 (17 (i7 (I!) (i;? (i.s 74 (j-) 69 (i.-i ()3 ().") (iO 70 04 7.S 74 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 ()4 ♦55 ti") ()■) 07 70 70 70 02 (m ()0 03 ()3 ()2 73 63 (53 03 I Pa(!KS. 63 73 (13 (i7 07 CD 70 71 (12 (55 (id 7(» (17 (i7 ()<) (i3 (i3 ()3 73, 74 (13 (ir. (35 69 63 (i3 ()2, 63 ()5 ()6 y \M■i^rll m, 70 64 73 74 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 ()4 Ho 111(1 iiear 65 lar ()5 67 70 70 70 62 65 ()6 63 ()3 62 73 63 63 65 i > 343 PUBLIC UARKV/r— Continued. Paoes. Sale of meat ia 63 Scales lawful to be used 71 Sidewalks in, asseinliling on 65 " not to be used by market gardeners 66 Stalls in, rental of 68 " and sliops in, regulations for rental of 71 Steam not to be generated on 65 Tainted food, sale ot on i)roliil)ite(l 63 Trinkets, regulations respecting sale of on 64 Unwholesome food, dei-truelion of 63 V^ehicles to stand wliere Market Clerk directs 67 Weigh house fees 69 Weigliing Clerk, security to be given by 68 " " penalty for breach of V)y-Iaw by 68 " " to give ticket of weight 69 •♦ " in No. 5 Ward 68 •« " duties of 68 " " fees payable to 69 Weights and measures, lawful standard to be used 71 QUKKNS I'AUK, Regulations us to tlie use of buildings in 124 RACK, Size and form of for sale of wood 128 RELIEF INSPECTOR, Duties of. See Hkaltii and Relief i-nder Public Health, RELIEF, OUTDOOR, Duties of Mayor and Treasurer as to granting of 18 RELIEF, Amount appropriated by council for, not to be exceeded 18 RENTALS, For use of sewers in certain cases 90 ROADWAY, Across boulevard 112 ROOFINti, Material and construction of 53 SALT, Use of, on streets 101 SANITARY INSPECTOR, Aiipointment and duties of 17, 21, 22, 23 SCAFFOLDS, Reguiationa respecting erection of 93 SCALES, Lawful to be used 71 SECOND-HAND SHOPS. See Jink Siiors. sewa(;e, Disposal of . : 25, 26, 27 Not to be drained into well 102 SE\VA(;K and DHAINACE, By-law relating to 88 SccDkains — Prill, ic Hi:Ai;ni. SHADE Ti.EES. See Tkees. . SH0UT1N(., In jiublic streets 12 SHOOTINC (I ALL FRY, License for 45, 50 SHOP LKJENSKS, Number of 138 Fee for ■ 138 ' 844 SIDEWALKS, Asaembling on in market gg See Strkkth and Sidewalks. SKINS, Extending of over streets O,') SLAU"), r)(5, T)? STREET COMMISSIONER, Duties of concerning removal of snow and use of snowploughs \i)') Must keep record of time and wages of men eniployi'd on street work 167 Shall examine and repair streets, &c. , and report to Engineer 167 Shall see that streets, &c., arc kept clean 167 To superintend under EiiL'ineer, the doing of all wcjrk on tiie streets 167 STREETS, By-law to change the names of certain 174 Judge's ceriiticate confirming the change in name of certain streets 177 STREETS, LANES, &c. Reserved for use of firemen 79 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, By-law relating to, and to traffic thereon 92 Accidents caused by opening of !)4 Advertisements on poles in prohibited 106, 107 Animal, driving of on sidewalks J)7 Awnings extending over 0") Baby carriages, propelling of on sidewalks flS Balcony, extending over, erection or maintenance of !),") Bells, use of with sleighs, &c 100 Bicyclo, riding of on sidewalk 97 Bridge, construction of over gutters in 97 Building, defacing of 102 " removal of in 100 " material not to be placed on sidewalk 93 *' purposes, use of for 92 " not to be erected on 92 By-law to provide for naming of 119 Canvas awnings may be srectcd over 95 City Engineer may cause builders' material to be removed from 93 •• duty of in regard to excavations in 94 t t 345 . . 65 . . . 95 . . 24 . . . 124 103, 104 . . . 104 . . . 183 1!)4, 197 . . . 2(12 . . . 270 ... 21 S 227, 2;W . . . 273 ... 65 ... 12 )5, 56, 57 . . . 105 ... 167 . . . 167 . . . 167 ... 167 . . . 174 ... 177 ... 79 ... 92 ... 94 . 106, 107 ... 97 . . . 95 98 95 . . . 100 ... 97 ... 97 ... 102 ... l(K) . . 93 , . . . 92 ... 92 .. 119 . . . . 95 93 ... 94 STRKKTS AND SIDHWALKS— Con • ;3 SIC SIC SLi SM SN SN SO SI SI SI S' S' S' 1^ 846 STRKKTS AND SIDKWALKR— Con Signhoartls, dufiiciiig of lO'i ISiiow, icr and dirt removal of lO.'i, 104 " to 1)0 I'liinovcd from roof of Imildiiig williiii 10 It. of KM " ploiigiiH, rogulatioiis governing use of lOo Sprinkling of cros.sings of prohibited IIMi 'IVlegraph and telephone poles, legulutions governing erei'.tion of 1(1(5, '27U Tie posts, erection of in prohii)itea !)!! Tii'es of vehicles for iianling mervhainlise, width of 101 Tohog^an, riding of i'i i)i'i)hil>ited 07 Travellers, impoi tnning of in 100 Verandahs exteniling over 9/5 Vehicles, pro])elling of on sidewalks 97 " for carrying dirt 10*2 " and horses of lively keepi,i.s not to hi' deaneil in 1^14 Wagon for sale of goods, keeping of on it!) " tires, widtii of in certain cases 101 Wa.ste material, garbage, etc. , not to be deposited in 9(1 Water, free passage of in not to be obstructed 93 " spouts nnist convey water from I'onf lieyond sidewalk 9(5 suinvAV, Agreement relating to construction of at certain street crossings of West Ontario I'aciHu Railway '2(57 HWKARIN(i, Or obscene language in streets or public places 9 SWKKl'S See Ciiimnkv Swkei-s. TAVERNS, License fee 1 38 Number of licenses to he issued 138 TAXES, By-law to regulate the time for payment of 171 Amounts of six dollars and under not to h(^ divided 171 " in excess of six dollars io be divided into two instalments 17'2 Discount when allowed otl' 17'2 Instalments when payal>lc 171, I7'2 Percentage mav i)e added in default of payment at maturity 17'2 Tl'lLEiiRAl'H AND OTHER I'OLES, Erection of in streets 106, 279 THEATRE, License fee for 50 TIE POSTS, Erection of in streets . . .• 99 TIRES OF VEHICLES FOR HAULINO MERCHANDISE, Width of 101 tobc(;(;an. Riding of on street proliil)ited 97 TRAFFIC. See Stukkts ano Sidkwai.ks. TRANSIENT TRADERS, Licenses for 44, 49 TRAVELLERS, Importuning of on streets 1(X), 305 TREASURER, Rooks and accounts of to be under supei'vision of No. 1 Connnittee 15(5, 157 To deposit moneys to ci'cdit of corporation in its bank 1(55 To keep correct books of account 165 To sign corporation checjues 1(5S To supply all information relative to finances of ci'-y and duties of his oflice . 1(55 To supply pound keepers w ith hook of record 115 Vac. Eft. itH ((.J Itn \{)'2 103, 104 ■ 101 I()-> lOli lioti (if !()(), 27!) <)!! 101 M7 100 S>a 97 102 314 i)!) 101 9(i m Ik 9G crossings of West 267 9 hn 138 171 ^ 171 aimeiits 172 172 171, 172 y 172 lOU, 279 50 00 101 97 44, 40 KJO, .'{Of) iiiiittee If)!), 157 Kif) 165 168 ties of liis office . 165 ' 115 347 l>y-law rolatinn to Act of I HSU, siilijcc^t to provisions of hy-law relating to Hoiiiis allowed for plantiiii,' ■•ertaiii Linds of " to l)e paid on icjiorl of Inspector of liranclu's of to lie a icrtain lieigiit aliovo sidewalk ("iM'taiii kinds of not to lio planted (.!ity lOnginettr to lie Inspector of " may jierniit removal of from boulevard " to lie notilicd of removal for eonslriietion of roatlway " to enfoix'c liy-law leating to 1 )ead or partly dead, removal of Dij^'j^iii;^ up of, jieiniisshon foi' to he obtained Iloises Hot to lie fastened I o Injury of in lioulevards proidltited " in p.uks Insp('etor of, with petinission of Couneil, may remove Inti'iferiui; w ith street lamps to he removed May lie rinnoved for const ruction of roadway across boulevard. . . Not to be |)lanted in certain cases Notice of removal of to Ik; given l>y Inspector I'lanI iny of, regulations as to To be planted a certain distance apart VACANT LOTS, l<'encing of VKIIlCMvS, Not to ha driven over lio^'e at fire Tropeliing of on sidewalks Kegidations as to dri\ing nf in \'ictoria I'ark >r curving dirt Drix'ing of on liouievard VKKANDAirs, Extending ot ovei' sidewalk VK'TOi^lA I'AHK. S.o 1'akks. VK I'L'ALLlNti IIOUSKS, Licenses for \VA(;()NS KKl'T FOR HIRK, l>v law to assign stand for and to I'egidate WA(;()N 'I'lKKS, Width of in certain cases WALLS, Matrrial and construct ion of WASTK MATKKIAL, SI S] s< 8 S S WKSTKRN FAIR ASSOCIATION-Confinf/cf/, F Orant by corporation to county of MidfUoHox " by corporation to A^. and Art8 A«Hociatlon Indenture made between coipoiation and WKST ONTARIO CACIFIC RAILWAY, Act respcctinj? city of London and 'ifl'i Agreement between corporation an7 t .1- r7' c: r" "• ' \) ■ 7i "' ■ ;o / r::^ , i IP Paiikh, 'I'^'i 2.15 242 '202, '2n:\ nioiKiI point -(ii eortaiji croHHingM. '2<17 )(• at Loudon 204 Ion 253 f tirn 284 126 lired 129 12H 120 URo 120 I vfhiele 12{» 127 lurcluiHor . . 12M I25t 128 129 127 127, V-M 129 127 127 127 120 128 120 12S 1 -J't 127