 / (Monographs) 
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 ■ 40 
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 mt «««vett« with the f all«. 
 / TOROirro, i88a. 
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 -#iii %xmMtx with the fatiie/' 
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 J . 
 f evtgvin)iti0n9 df fat f vadprn, 
 WlUi P«ai Ptoturat of PArtlouUr Pt«o#t«t and 
 ,P«noll Portralto of PMutUr P«opl« 
 If ERE our " Truvctlcr with the vtliic " 
 Jr| Once agmin appears before you. 
 Dear kind frtendf. again he greets you— 
 Once more— for the third time he greett yOu 
 With another little volume — 
 With another book of bnlladi (?) 
 No, he cannot lay most truly 
 That it ti a book of balladf , 
 Since it lacks the rhyming jingle 
 Most considered tlie attribute 
 Of good ballads, songs, and sonnets p 
 Yet hopes it will not be less welcome — 
 Less welcome to kind friends and patrons— 
 I-«8s welcome to good worthy peo|>lc 
 Who may aid him, and assist him, • 
 j^y purchasing and approving 
 Of this modest little volume, 
 Unpretentious — unpretending. 
 Perhaps some songs he will put in it 
 Like " The Girl 1 hft behind me," 
 " Whisper softly— Mother's dying," 
 , " Don't be angry with me, Darling,^ . 
 Or •*From Greenland's Icy Mounuins, 
 By way of sauce, or scent, or flavor, 
 To please the taste— and help digcslioa 
 And, kind friends and benefactors. 
 Who thus far have helped him onward^_ 
 Who have kindly helped him onward 
 O er life's pathway, rough and rugged 
 He would thanic you for the favor— 
 For the courtesy and kindneas-* 
 f'ot the kind, connulera'c iteatmcnt 
 H« ha« aft rcceivca from you, 
 AnU will moil gntcfuUv remember — 
 While • hetrl within hi« bmotn 
 Betu witKft pulMting motion - 
 AH your irtiny icti t)i kmdneM, 
 Fri<*ndly greeting.— kii^Jly welcome, 
 And liberal u»agc received * 
 While ■ aoliury loioumcf 
 In your ho»|>it*Wc dwellingi - 
 Ilappy homen of irood, kind iicople, 
 Favored home* of i»cttC€ and plenty. 
 Again he cravet « repetition 
 Of luch kind and liberal treatment, 
 CerJ.iinly you will not regret it 
 While ho|)c nhall hover love ahill linger 
 Above, around your heanhn and homeiicaUH ; 
 Sure you never will feel »orry 
 For having helped, assisted, aided 
 By kind word and generous action, 
 One iKJor fellow on his journey ' 
 Throagh a world where ihade and sunshine 
 Arc iecfiiafimutablv mingled 
 With each other, alternating, 
 - in degree and in durttiion 
 Very different very various ' 
 with respect to persons— placet — 
 With respect to individuals, 
 In regard to different people ; 
 Very diverse from each other- 
 Very diflTcrcnt in their natures, 
 Some are helpful, some are hurtfMl, 
 Some beneficial, some are baneful- 
 Good and evil— shade and sunshine 
 Ever mixing— intermingling 
 In the lines of human creaiures. 
 Life a checkered existence ! 
 No sUte or staMon so exalted 
 As to secure for its possessor 
 Entire immunity from trouble-r 
 From the troubles that cnvirori,^ 
 From the dangers that surround us ; 
% " • 'I 
 rtKBuaiMATioMt or 
 From thi> trUtf wi m*f mcft with. 
 The tcfii|>UUtjn» that auuuiil ui 
 OnUfc'i thcirt, uncertain Journcf 
 In our tritvclf on this planet j 
 f^m the thort and narrow cndir 
 T6 (he «hort anil narrow dwrlling 
 That i<i madr lirnraih it« surface 
 For Ua tona, whoae journey 'ngi on H 
 Htvt forever ccMca and rnded I 
 Truth and virtue and rclinicm, 
 I>ovc and reverence and olicdicnre 
 To earth'i ^reat Founder and Creator, 
 Arc th« antidotca (or troubles, 
 Arc as balm for the afRictiona 
 That may oaiail us and lurround ui 
 While we travel here as pilgrims 
 tourneying to a heavenly kingdom. 
 '«t these not all that are required 
 To smooth the rough and rugged places 
 We And upon the road that leads us . 
 To the dark shores o( a deep river — 
 To a dark, mysterious river 
 That all earth's sons, with one exception, 
 Have crossed - must cross- l)cforc ascending 
 To the bright l^nd of their adopt iotv 
 A certJiin somcthm^ else is needed, , 
 As aifatrt arc constituted — 
 Aa arrangements are contrived 
 And plans and programmes constructed 
 In this World that wc inhabit ; 
 Something else is greatly needed, 
 Very often sadly needed, 
 To make this life more palatable — 
 Increase its pleasure and its comforts. 
 And greatly add to its enjoymentt ; 
 Much required, greatly needed, 
 A means— a medium for [Procuring 
 Things that cannot be dispensed with — 
 That are absolutely needed 
 As auxiliariea to existence, -—^-^'t- 
 As lives of men are constituted, — 
 Aa laws of life are made, enforced. 
 . f AT fwoonn, 
 Mychffliuiftd- vtty uMftil* 
 Mcitl lmptnkliv«ly dcmtntlwl 
 t>om lh« hi|h€tl to the Umcnt, 
 !• roiti ihc iif ince down to the |)e«aafil ; 
 through ihc vir iout gf iduaUont 
 In ih« tcAte ol mtn'i e»itienc« 
 On thli •tiiiUmtry pUnct. 
 Whrr** Ihii it waniing, thmgi looll gloomy 
 Kvcn for the b«fl among ut ; 
 Ami the \nm[)ect d«rk af d drctiy 
 'tor thot€ whoUrk, yel xreatly ngp^l U— 
 To the minjn whcMic |K)«i»ci»ion ^ 
 It i» found l»ul very •cldom, 
 Of, in grcttly ittntM ro€«iur«. 
 And young or old, or m«l« dr femite, 
 In whotc poiMiiion thii eiiential — 
 ThU ei»t«nti«l to cxiitcncc, 
 Thit |»an«tca for cvilt^ 
 The hcirloomt of Adim'i children- 
 May be foiifid In great abundance, ^ 
 Are coniidcred Kr«?«*'y favored — 
 Greatly favored by good fortune. 
 Such a magical material. • ^ 
 Such an Mtimable lubitance— ^ 
 * Suoh a balm of iiUcad blef ulrSg— 
 Su<:h a boon to human lujurc 
 Are certain little diic! of silver, • 
 Shining shords of iolid lilvtf— 
 Bevelled bita of bright gold metal, 
 Glancing, glittering, knd glcammg 
 With a fawiinating UUtl% 
 -;^ For the eyc« of their beholden-^* 
 / For the evea of earth-born mortalt ; 
 Holding m a sort of bondage . 
 ~TKc hardened hearts of men— not chmttani^ 
 But the votaries ol mammon — 
 The cringing slaves of filthy lucre, 
 Sadly selfish, sinful, seekeri 
 Of their own good, to the exclusion 
 Of all thoughts of other's welfare. 
 Such have I found upon rny travel! 
 Very rarely, very leldom— 
 t- .^-V- 7 

 ^ riRiuiii|4AiiOhS or 
 Vrry •ctdom htv« I Ibund ftiiitt ^ 
 Among our good Cin(Kli*n |)eojpl€ — 
 Amonj^thc rural population 
 Of some fine OnUrw lownship^ 
 York, and Vaughan, and King, for initance 
 Very few of these mean rrcaiureji 
 Have 1 found within their limits : 
 Cruel, cold, and crafty creatures -^ 
 Cunning, cautious, calculating, 
 (Jrecdy, grasping, grabbing gripe guts \ - ^ 
 Shallow, selfish, sordid, soulless, 
 "With the make and mould of muck worms 
 Sliming o'er their fetid bodielT: 
 ^ • 
 Mmd-debasing- soul-destroying, • 
 Dead lo all the finer fhelings— 
 To tht best instincts of nature. 
 Dead to nature's best impulses. y^ 
 Very seldom have I found theni-« «^ 
 Found such selfish, sordid sinners, 
 But I have found them— you will And them 
 If you read my little volume 
 To the end from the beginning ; j 
 Yoii^ill find their portraits pamted 
 With a brush dipped in the colours 
 Their evil natures, have provided 
 For our traveller with the valise, r 
 Please do not follow their example,— 
 Their example in reAisihg. ; . .v , \ 
 To aid a suppliant for assistance. 
 Small the pittance he asks from you 
 For the little book he oflTers,— 
 Offers for your friendly notic**,— 
 For yciur kind consideration. ^^ • » 
 And he askvyou, and entreats yoii, v 
 As a good kind-hcartwl. Christian, 
 Hiat you win please to buy it from hi^t 
 And Uius help a fellow-creaturei:!^ 
 Kindly help a hiiman creature '^ 
 From tht shadow into sunshine^ 
 Frdm f^Uofrioom to gleams ^fglafln^ 
 Small the sicrmcc reiquired ,''£.. tfl^'-t 
 From.a person whose position 
 ;-. r ■ ■< 
 ■■.v.=; - .*= 
. 4-'"*^-;,% ■ -Vir', •■■■_. 
 4, .. ' 
 ■ p ' . . ■ « 
 '* '" ■ 
 ' f At iMiottrtk 
 ' **• 
 In regard to thii worW't tutwunce 
 It not circumicribed to Umlti, 
 Very narrow-ttraightened, bounded 
 By a horison cloud encumbered ; 
 Ten cent! will boy the book he offert» 
 In the hope you won't refute him. 
 Grant ttiit hope may bud-und blossom, 
 And bear good fruit in large abundance. 
 Single grams fill up a bushel ; 
 Dropa of water form the ocean ; / ; 
 Gramt of tand enclose— turround it. 
 Keep in bound its tumbling billows, 
 Aid in check its world of watcrt. 
 Uttle rirulets form large riven ; r—^f—^ 
 ' Single rays in combination 
 Crown with light the brow of rooming,. 
 An<f place a crown of golden glory 
 On the fair head of summer noondayi 
 And many little silver circlett,— 
 Little shining silver circlets, ' | 
 With a magic word and numbet^r^ 
 With " lo cents " engraven on th^in, * ^ 
 Received in payment for the vblume,— 
 For ^he little b^k he offers 
 To your kind consideration, 
 Would be a boon— would be a blessing,. 
 A boon, a benefit, a blessing 
 To your obliged, obedient servant, 
 CircumsUhced ais he it at preicnt, 
 And he will gratefully remcinber 
 The kind friends who thua asiist him , 
 In his efforts— his endeavora 
 ^ To free himself from gulling fcttert, 
 That hold him in a servile bondage. 
 Very galling— very grievoua 
 To any one whoje aspirationt 
 Soar beyond the narrow limits,— 
 Beyond the narrow bounds and limits; 
 Ofagrovc»l»nft»>""«««^''*^ . • 
 And their names «fijai be recorded 
 - Ip terms of pitisc and comiiiendation^ 
 if-^n the pages he is writing r -; 
 ,'■ ■ f 
 <> ■ I 
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 "/. :'. 
 ■..:^'1 =i.l ; ■**; 
 With exemplary diligence, r 
 Getting ready for the printer ; ; - 
 With the leut procraatination-^ 
 For the prints in the office * . 
 Of Mister Grip (that funny fellow), 
 With the forenun to direct them, 
 Very iiilful and experienced 
 In the craft and in the caUing^^ 
 By*Franklin honored, elevated 
 Ended here thia long exordiuw, .,. 
 Ended here thia introduction, ,. , 
 And our traveller with the val.iie ■,;, 
 Will straightway proceed to tell you —^^p^ 
 A straigl|$ story of his travels, 
 A true talc of hia adventures— , ; *.: - 
 Of his travels and adventures >" 
 In search of shining shards of silver. ;;^^ , 
 Ay©, "here's the rub 1 "—now lor the rubbith. 
 Quite a patchwork, variegated, ^ 
 In shapes, in sizes— shades and substance j.,; 
 A motley mixture of material%;^>4-^ ■ « - v* 
 'A counterpane not hemm'd or finisn'd. 
 ■■» ■-"' *f 
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 RE, ts poor Pit Prodpen is grettty puthod for 
 time, and as neither the circumstances nor the 
 situation in which he is at present pUced are 
 fitvoraUe to a proper and satislactonr carrfini^ 
 out or his original design of giving the whole of this 
 little Tolume in mse. he deems it advisable to relin- 
 Suish it In making this resolution he is also in- 
 oenced by a remark made by his oki4ime fiijnd. 
 G. L. Stevenson. Esq.. of Aurora, in iwud to a little 
 volume he published last winter, that he liked the piose 
 ptft of that little book better than he did— vjeU. Pat, 
 With the meeknea of Moses and^the modesty of a 
 maiden, will'not caU it poetry, but Anply the verse patt 
 of the boot And here he would observe that neither 
 his meekness nor his modestv will creitly hmder hin» 
 iom pitching head foremost into inmvidui^ who may 
 use bun meanly or despitefiilly, or from pntti^g V^^ 
 who treat him differently— pwhaps it will be noted, if 
 adt miotMl u a remarkable trait in his chancteft th^ 
 he alWiyi has a good w^rd for those who mirchasejim 
 books, and only finds fiuiltirithtibcMvrho do not Biit» 
 kittd reader.'one of the stronger leason^whkhmostigr, 
 infiuence a person to pwcfaase om or two^ or flWf^ « 
 t^% little volumes, fa that he happens to posaesa * Uiid - 
 j«id a generous heart, while those who w^w^^^^^y. ^ 
 io in. conseqUjecKiie of possessing heartt ftpd dimitipnf 
 ' Ofantoppositeiatule Surdy no doe can, "^th aaf 
 liiow of iieiaQn» ci^ wj aalh^tos^sgrap^iiW 
 ■ iliOili boshei,^^ # *2?I2 
 ^i^ mtTM^mm^^ ^ Ihls theory, Pit wai 
 in the btosftim of^aSg igoptei <rf^ >f .^^J;^ 
 • I" I 
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s-> ' .' 
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 ?" ♦ ■ 
 he called at the houte of Mr. Henry Stewart on the and 
 con, of Wett York, where he sold four copie* of hw 
 book; next calling at the house of Mr. Joseph Stewart, he 
 •old two copies to him— Mr. Stewart it a splendid tpjcl- 
 men of a young Canadian farmei^ -quite a contra* in 
 personal appearance to old Tom UoSiu^, whom Ptt 
 mn Tished, and who then lired near Mr. Stewart s ; his 
 portrait is here given for the benefit of those who may 
 wish to knqw him when they see him. 1 his 
 old fellow not only refused to purchase one 
 of Pat's little books, but got awfiiUy mad at 
 him for daring to be guUty of the atrocious 
 crime, the unpardonable presumptwii, of ask- 
 ing or even expecting him to do so. ^Hcre, 
 kind iwAr, you tec this oW follow in the very 
 of threatening to kick poor Pat to Coventory. if not 
 k;:iw out #Sc country entirel^ Pat to<A thw trea^ 
 " ment very ill of him, considermg that of "•«^ 
 givoi him no just cause of offsncfr Should not 
 his good wife feel so ashamed of bi» 
 Bian conduct as to feel a strong dt- 
 m% for days afterwards, to hide her 
 self^t of siiirt wbdievtr strangers 
 . », , r <* vi«toia sboiad iMWcn to calVeven 
 ttsb^ hid to go down on her hands and knees 
 4nlcnep under a bad the more eflfectuallyto 
 ■,<mii:.-r- . sit. 4^*^v«w|P? . . . 'i 
 I. -4<, 
 .^ \' « 
 #it rHODPKN. 
 PW't ifroe ti fwy short and bii 8j[.icc ^xcliKilliftr ntttlred, 
 ir b high time to Hart on hb peregrinationt from Wwloo 
 taWoodbndge. „ J T 
 On the morning 6f the 8th of Feb., 1881, Pat Prodp<n» 
 ihe poet poem peddler, of Parry Sound, left the viUtge 
 of Wetton with hU vali«e in hia hand, on his way to 
 • Woodbridge, a large manufacturing vilUge m the town- 
 ship of Vaughan. Mrs. McI>onald, a neatly dressed, lady- 
 like, handsome young woman, rcsidipg m a neat white 
 hou8e,ncar the first toll-gate, going north, on the Vaughan 
 r6ad, was hU first customer, after Icavina Weston. The 
 next was a hloomiog, buxom, blue^ed. neatly^res^d 
 maiden, a Mim Brown, living in the loll house. ^Pat 
 next visited the home of Mrs. Chew, an old frame tMrm- 
 housc near the roadside, but Mrs. Chew, a rather thin-' 
 faced w^man, with a long nose, a wide mouth, 
 and Itfge and long teeth, as if to vindicate 
 her right to such a queer name, chose to 
 refiiae to take one of Pat's books ; she would 
 not give him a chew of " terfiacker "for 
 one, so Pat feeling quite chewed up leA with 
 a mournful expression on his sud counlten- 
 ance, and took his departure for awhitcfranoe 
 house near the road, the home of a Mrs. Grit- 
 ftths. Here another sad and disheartening 
 / diiappointment awaited him. She did not exactly pM* 
 ^- poverty as.an excuse for refusing to buy ene^lr- i^^^ 
 nk books, but such was the impression left on 
 hb mmdwhen he left her and "mournfolly 
 turned ** hb steps to the road again. Truly this 
 Ufiubr neighborhood mppdMcd to be a 
 povftf^stricken locality, to judge from the 
 niimsr of poor, deserted, dikpidated, tumble- 
 doW old buUdings in it-yet it hid evidently 
 iien belter dar« and brighter times— but now its glorf 
 ' bid vtnbhed •• a^ dfcwii of the night— had faded as » 
 . ifower patted fitmi ila paient stem-^ried up, and de-, 
 /i*rt«d,Uk« tbi sparkling dc#^gCto8 of a b^t June 
 \liMMnte--4led, perltiips to llinftoba— to the North;^ 
 #idP^tlketfiilftaiid laiidiiliei« so m«ny.fortttne# 
 ^4i#e ^eeh WNidky^iOittkny hopes ha*e beenbtaited— ^ 
 bHgltttd'-^nimf beam have been broken-'^ manf^ 
 ,. ' . .' . 
 * , 
 rtHRO^ATfOlft OF 
 bodies buried under and w many bonet left bleaching oo 
 Che fever bleeding sod ol the wild. wide, weird praine. 
 Poor Pat Prbdpen would greatly prefer the running riven, 
 the roaring rapidi, and the rocky |Vavinei— the beautiful 
 lakes, the grand old forest and the sublime rock scenery 
 of picturesque Parry Sound, to a home in Manitoba 
 or among the wild pagan Indians of the Noith-west. Per- 
 brndkiers may notagree with him, bul just wait till winter 
 ^ea with iulrteak, bitter, biting blasts, piliiig up snow 
 ;^^ntaiiis over their dwelUngi, and thev are compdled 
 to burn bureaus, boxes, bunks, and bedstegds to ke« 
 their chUled limbs from freesing* and then if they do not 
 <£e to acknowledge it they wiU at least feel the «Jgs 
 ofttie misuketfaey have made; however, fat will ho*c 
 ior the best for them— move on Pat— Pat moved on^ 
 Ifr. William Rountree's. He foupd Mr. Rountrec (an^ 
 taf^nble young man) busily enca|ed in / the seasonabU 
 occdpatioo of packing ice m an i^house-lmn§ 
 -aot ftr from tht Httmber river, he has not far ta 
 'haul it; Mr. Rountrce not only took a book, 
 ttwt asked an old man iftorking far hhn to take one, bu^ 
 lierduicd Thb old feHow was dad w ♦ pair of duck» 
 trouaot with an old mnock frock of tbe same ma^oi^ 
 bothfT^y tii6 wone far ilie hard ^y^^ ^.f 
 mmcMd iivqi^icBi, and so modi disiigiired and dttM 
 -W-S-, > 
 ■ i 
 FAT mODPlll/ 
 miglhl iMlftt been theit origUul color. Thii old man, J ohn 
 Olhrw, wtt a co«ne-<^»nired, vulgv »<H*i»f oW Wow 
 with large hi^di, hAving teirind ugly looking « : 
 tores on eftch of them. Ptt would not like to 
 be obliged to watb in tbe stme baain or wipe on 
 theiamc toirel with him. Pat was informed 
 that this old man had $4,000 in a bank, but 
 then he had a heart in hb boiom about the tiae 
 of the heart of a cock robin, though one of the 
 neighbor! told <*at that he had no heart at all 
 Pari next viiit wai to a handsome brick building, thai 
 looked like a gentleman's residence. Mrs. Garbut, the 
 abnormally larse and fat woman, clad m 
 / ■ . 
 /tery plain clothes— told him she had no money. 
 She aid not seem to be a urtty garrulous woman, 
 nevertheless, this did appear to Pat to be 
 all garbage, a garbling of the truth, in which 
 opinion he was afterwards confirmed by a 
 neighbor of her's telling him she had money. M 
 the next house he visited the pleasant home of a 
 nice, kind lady, Mrs. I.istcr ; he had dinner, and . ^ 
 on asking the charge for it, she told him *' nothing, bill 
 % left two books with her, selling another to Mr. Boggs, 
 ■ w ■ - 
 , (... 
 :•'■' ^ ,?■ 
 ■ y . .,.; ; V f - . 
 t^lHbd4iaB4Bd, biit IdiMMieartad, old toner. Hethm, 
 bY H iboit cut menm a meadow and a muddy ploughed 
 field. r«BcbMl the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley, a ^oc^ 
 -» / 
 PftftiOIUKATlQMI or 
 "4, ^:' 
 couple, who, only two'mofithi before hit Yiitt, h«^ fdf 
 fered a lad bereavement in the death of a daughter, at 
 the early age of 14— hut her lot it to t>e envied bv a good 
 m^ny of earth'i lorrowing and nufTcring daugntert, at 
 her mother told Pat that " ^e died happy^ praying and 
 iil^g." Think you, kind reader, if that dctettable 
 infldfl, ard moat wickedly blasphemous old scoundrel, 
 Bob IngemoU— who holds up a half jwnny Ullov dip 
 •I a light to the nations-^ will feel aa happy and 
 m' hopeful in hit last houra, u did this detr, 
 young diaciplc of- Christ, who entered the dark 
 river with a song on her tongue, and her raind as free 
 from the ahadow of a <loubt or fear as a refulgent fum- 
 roer tun, that best-known emblem of an evcrlaating, in- 
 conceivably' great, and all poweiftil Ood Poor Pat can 
 only hope that even Bob Ingersoll may tee the error of 
 Itia ways, and turn with a contrite heart, for health and 
 healing, to the dreat Fountain of all good. Pat felt 10 
 much sympathy for these good people, in the great loaa 
 they had sufl^ed, that he voluntarily promised to write 
 a few lines in memory of their departed daughter. Here 
 •,7 : ■. - •■^'■,;-'''':'fir: ;•••■•,*>•;■ ■■.■ ■: -• -;- •- 
 Sleeping in a quiet grave, 
 Painless head aitf'pulseless breast ; 
 , Above tier form let tempests rave. 
 They can't distorb her hallowed rest. 
 Barty called fradi'^irth away, 
 She waa rea^ fbr the call ; 
 One of thote wBo love — obey 
 ' Hie iifrX^riit, who died for all. 
 ■-■■■ ■■ .'■'JL^-' ■■u-:r''r''': -k ^:_,. ' z.'- . '• >:__ '■ ^ 
 Fath^ ttioth«r, WllOir thill' 
 Your daaghtei'a footateps io the akiea ; 
 Yon may surely moat her, when . V * " v^ . 
 / V Death, at laat» aball doae your eyes. 
 Leavios Mr. Riley'v^tfie subttootial homes of Mr. 
 Michael Ramaay and Vr. Attditv Barker wei* mifed 
 That they used Pat weR may be bferred trom the iaet 
 tbithe tpetki #eU of them. hpSm ab the Vciudbanlioad, 
 with hit Akce lowatdi the north »ole. At would 
 l i ke to f it down o n • tog by t h e w nf- 

 ik« . •oftcn-d h»i» Muc. with • few Ight Beerir "O""" 
 ?j^rin?J««nd.h.'ou..kirt. of the donjon lik. «om , 
 ^line^i the Mdi wem bwe of mow, »i«l c«t i«, 
 ";«i^ Id Thi^c. Kr.«nK i" them ; "»«'"«*;«« 
 wTli muddy". nd ugl, ... '"«' ""^^'h^", 7^ ^. 
 uulible ficldt (torn having three or (out inch** ""/"TiX 
 StSeTthe rcd.clo*. '» •"iP*""":^'' ^ ' *» 
 S^«l off Into . -gon .«d th.t 2^^ '^„'S.* 
 the «l^*" « " ."T" Hk-. nf hi. (bilitv. he continued h» 
 i:r.X'Jr^h!sfr « Stu'^ coveted «*uj« 
 ciU ^movable ice^f different thapet mnd ^'^ 
 ^PumZ feel «.y inclin.tK|n to ?»<">«« »«»*« 
 ^in« ctfrrent of the river up to h»J«5^.«J^^'' 
 l^dSSS* o. poppr»«. " "L?^ j:^ '^ 
 * awSS?. tendei^to CM. . rdfc»|oj. uponrt^ ^, 
 St. Andrew. PM oblui^d tiwer. h<A andtaOfc^ 
 515^1^^ ,e.n«k.bl* hffl be h.4' 
 • ?if *ipk> 
 'V'K^ »> *>| ..-, 
 .■^ ■<>-• 
 1 . rff..> . 
 » * IS- 

 rcfetnttifATfoift Of 
 - h 
 mm by the roMlikle it called the " hog't back," h «uit 
 ImNI received this Mune when the oidUuid pike breed of 
 tmwm WM more common then fortuneteljr ll li •! 
 pteeetif. 'U 
 There § ^bOf m ^»on U ^jfiMt, UpT^ Mr. 
 Devid Stewert, a good looking, goodluimored, good- 
 heafted, gentlemanly man, who haa an ettenaive and 
 varied itork of all klnda of More goods rcauired in a 
 country trade ; there iM also one good blacktmith*i ihop. 
 and one good wagon shop, with a doxen or more of neat 
 white hotiaet and coCtaeca, in the viU«f & It haa alao a 
 number of mran little dwelling hoiMM ill lH of th^ii 
 mean habitations Kves a mean oFd nian, one 
 Unigin . aa sour ai a pickled cabbage, with a 
 worom for a pean-looking wife. Terhapa 
 aoea not act right to write thia, as thiuun's 
 right iund is 
 gone and the only han 
 Nt then he is a 
 SoBna fellow, big and hurley and POt-bcHifd. 
 and might be quite equal to the task of welting 
 and wolloping poor Pat well. There ia alao 
 another one-handed man in the village, lil^. 
 . Isaac Plewright, who lives in a neat white 
 house, with a nice lady-Nkc, middle-aged, 
 matronly woman, for a wife. Mr. Plewnght 
 has a strong'iron hook fixed to the stump of 
 his arm to serve him for a hand, but Pat 
 hopes he does not goto bed with it on, aa in 
 that case he might, while under the influence 
 of some exciting dream, hit his good wife 
 such a crack on t^t head with it as would 
 rit Ibufid quite a dumber of good frienda-ia thaa tttk 
 vtUige, among others the kind lady of old 
 but the doctor hilmself richly dwenrea* 
 ai he was beyond qvKstioii one of 
 <•. ■ * -r. 
 itv^^'ldokiDg docton Pit has tfcr become acouainted 
 wltft ; he lias, acvertlicleat, tlie leputitiOQ of being a 
 ikiMiitOfe^Fpkskiii. t^ left 9t Aiidrewaalyotit the middle 
 of tbi fofebMii of Che ftb of Feb^, a fine bright day, and 
 liiud not piooMd i^ oa Ms Jotra^y nofOiwardi when 
 M i p at ri oti c tf6 W M gti ^ 
 oi ill* hwidtomcil brkk houM* he hiui ytl tmn in thit \^ 
 0( tbt OOiiatrv, iHlli iMtefully laicl <iul groyn<to •rt)und tt. 
 H«I9, lln^ jobMtol^ who m mien »nd manner*, and 
 pcnoMl ippMrMM^vu m til r«Hitcl« wortht «^ »*«•"* 
 tht mtalifM Of iii^i hom«, bought two of H«» h<«k«. 
 A few rtfds ftw» Mrt. Johnrtoii't tUnd ihr Hwnbcrfocd 
 floMf milU, thofOughiT weU arrtnaed and manaird m- 
 of Iht 1^ •ni »n<»^ 
 ttmallf tnd eKtemally, tm« 
 taatefully built millt Pat h" yet fieen. offenng a 
 •trong contTMt to the broken windowed. "»"•»•• 
 tm elUng.^rghaunicd old mills on the __^ 
 If Weiton, but yet not > greater contrnsi than 
 in tti gentlemanly and courteou* propnetort, Meimr^ yy t>^>r 
 WUUam and George Rountree, to tluBmisoiX-fiW^ ^"^^^ - "^ 
 man whn owm the anli<m ff^y^ affair at Wcton, oU 
 Hr. Wuodaworthi. wh< 
 iilio ke< 
 „.»o alio keep* aone-horie 
 ttora Tn a mlierable old pig-pen of a building 
 lust acroaa the road from hia mouldy, musty, 
 nioth<«aten mill ; thii miserable abortion of a 
 •ton (into which Pat has ^r . . 
 quite recently peeped) will 
 Compaq with the beat store 
 In Pafa o«^ beautiAil village 
 Q|liclUllarasai«w4)oii«d,Hng-booed, . 
 jl^itinfllc, Obdtsilt, old donkey, with 
 old Woidiworth hiWtelf on its Imck, ^^ 
 IWAM uw>|Mii^ »itb ^ ip limdtd Araoian stallicW. 
 > • Jfc ' v 
■ flfcun -. 
 ^^^ ' 
 #ffle l**t )• 
 But ^mifit l**t (• losing time prtteing about thb oM 
 ^* litrty," lh< nun it tcilin^ the sliy , to afler Iciving 
 ^hcte liiiul gentlemen ind travelling a few rodt wctt, Pal 
 prixreeda to wuile a flight of ttep* leading to a fine, laige 
 bricli farm houie beautifully located on a riaing ground 
 above the Huml»ef Hrer, the pleaaant •home of a worthy 
 jmd amiable young woman, Mr*. Card ; mav her 
 thread of life Ijc apun Icmg and ftne and free from kt\oth. 
 And be woven mto a fabric aa beautifal a« a dream of 
 heaven. Here he atang^Mid » f«ir and handaoroe 
 It two'^oolu 
 Ma Udica with 
 ■- *\S 
 youngpirl, Miaa M. WttMtL *^^ ^ 
 And Mill. Card one. flNVIlP^^i*^ 
 fhanka, hia pocket hcavrer and hb heart lighter than 
 -when he left Mra. CheVa a abort time prevknialjr, half 
 Ifraid ahe might chew him dp— what a cootraat do theaci 
 \ lidiea preaent to the ugly wife of old Mickey Lanigan. 
 ^ Would you. kind reader, blame uoor Pat for givina inch 
 ' ■ liind of people a few proda with hii pen ? Thto par- i 
 jp^uUr neighborhood ia one o( the'mqat romantically and 
 claaskaUy beautiful localitlea Pat baa aeen anywhere 
 QUtaide the diptrkt of Parry Sound Initead of aeeing a 
 ^ tingle dcMffted or dikpidatad bttibliD| he aaw aevcfal^^ 
 /Qcw baildinila an^ additiona to buUdingf . He would . 
 /' Uke to give a more extended daacfiplion of iUjarkMia 
 Ixauties, bttt hixtime ia 

 t <« 
 the * 
 ^ i 
 •M l» flni^niiry m, N% t»4» Im w to ^t$fm^ 
 Ukc down lh« wuitljrtl^ #««mJ» •» h« cowm 
 ^d MilU to W«»i«p, Mr* foci M« KrtMi^. Mr# 
 • kmg artu h ot tmiK wh#tc iijr«% *H«»trrr.l frt'in the 
 •iMilitHi ; »t ••• i» cipiwl ♦ t»liiEH<»« fcif tri veliiiM cm 
 Of With tMim In ir-goni Mr ikiKh^ I hw Z;*^^^ ^ 
 bush p«»ea ovrf. hr tiin* to « Urge firm J^^'^ 1 
 vIm^« the kind hearted pr«j«ntlor, Mr C.c*>rg« ^'H^JI 1 M 
 w». lu.l fiiMiliiOf U«dmg two i^irmi with iMfl UmiqiL W 
 Trunk for lh« 8ui« ; he brfuj^i lm> bo©M flrom 
 M did Mr |«c«b MrKay »«bot.t h«U «»"«•*'* 
 WotKlbri.lge). 1 remarkably line mt»i. who had 
 Urge load of |KHaio« rc«»W «" PtJ <>« "f JH*^ ,~' * 
 irtiSl-fof We.i«m. €•• Ihcy ii*o live h Minrtuba e*. 
 DOM Ihcir po««toet to ettW in th« wmou withouu danger 
 ^ving fUi fro«n f Pal would firHMt tbi» jiuciOion 
 M ,in, wuh an craphnic thump oi hm ftnt on thft bWMl 
 oJ any man who would b« ilow I© give him an answer, 
 onlyhe hti not time to bother himiflf or anyone elic about 
 It At Mr. Ofth't \m had dinner, giving two bcxiki m 
 payment therefor. Mr. Robert Rountr^e b<>ughl 
 another. Knlcring Woodbridge an# the plcniuint home 
 oC Mf%. Brown, ^her« a bright faced black-eyeil girl, 
 with a brow of marble whitenc* arid ha.r of t»^« »">«/;[ 
 lydung ravcn'i wing, lK,ught two iKwk.. Iruly I at fel 
 hia heart warm with gratitude towartls thia kind hearted ^ 
 ffirl : even as'the touth side of an old barn is warnded 
 % the bright beama of an April aun. •j;*jf.J«''|""« ""jj; 
 «MlicraIwayi and her path through hfe !)e atrewn 
 3Sa flowem or bright hues and fragrant icenv »« •^ 
 owes hU ihanki to another good Uily, Mn. WilliamC' 
 Entering u|)on invitation the pleasant cottage hoiij of ft 
 fair ftKxd, blue-eyed, young married laidy, Mrs. Roger- 
 iHL he saw one of the finest giris he h:»i seen anywhere, 
 ft'lliisliltta MeCorroack, a very faif<omplexwmed pri 
 wm ft pair of round, rosy cheeks, regular fcaturw, her 
 tocth two rows of ivory bewls, a (irectan noat, and hw, 
 lipo^-weU. it would be a sin for I'at to touch tHen», even 
 wSh his pcfr-hcr ha ir a dark atibum, her eyes a b ea uti 
 > ■ ' ''$ 
 .-.^ ' 
 •»•; ■( 
 './ i** . - , ft -^^i^'l'w 
 fill liquid brown, an. mdtmaiibtJb^y beautifbl omrouton 
 lingennK round their bathftil gUincei. She did^Almott, 
 but not altogether, canal in b«iut]Fj4ist Elixa Mont 
 gomenr, near SpringhtU, township of King, one of the 
 moat beautilul girls Pat hks yet Ken outside the Iwits 
 oCthe city of Toronto or the vtUage of Parry Sound, and 
 hj^ can appreciate the good, the true, and the beautiAil 
 ^ art a«d in nature wheiefer be aay meet with them. 
 Jimxtm customer in the penon of If n. Biirldiolder, a 
 handsome young woman, and Pat went on into Wood- 
 iMdge to seek for qnaitert for the approaching night ; 
 ttese^h^ Quickly found at Mr. Gitmoor'i huge and com- 
 hi " " ' ' '' "*" ^ 
 .loteL Mr.Gaiiioar is (or at least was then) 
 e handsome, ope^fcced, g tpHcmanly young mmi His 
 jMMtraHi handsome^ painted in oil, fanned oiie of the 
 most conspicitoiii or ia mmf s of . hit 'liir. IMng 
 aeeotede ivKiatii^'phKeiDt^ ^SdtaiitlioM^ 
 Fit, l<i^« KMtlcH mnOksr^ wet oa^^ ^tng a pdlt He 
 fhitt visited tiie hatdweie altfe of litisn*^ JCeyt k 
 HiUcti quite nn catptitet iHiiiliihBiWil» wttfrie tege 
 end wcH^esiarted siMit of^teoQr uticte nqatodln Unir 
 Jineefk9ithieti;liei«beM4deMebook Heatstiriiiled 
 ■ i: 
itAT ntoomi. 
 tlii crater, »oc«y, dnr fMVli^ •»<» fiothuig ttow of 
 £^h«. himielf e«pw«e. *». they /' «;U ^ th«g 
 Ihwi a mitfriiige licen.e to t too^»»-P|^' ^% ^^^ 
 --brolhtft it at preK5Pt Dominion »«»»*;Jf J^.^iru of 
 Betidet thU Itige rtore, they htijp on the ««»-•*««• of 
 the villMe a lame flritpdaw gnit mifl. Pat wat the 
 . Eoodlookinggetitlemanabove themediumtweand height) 
 SfTc^uiJeS tbcament tt^lpent M an «^ 
 wilwlwithoneof the«e pewPatbon thwart 
 iMa-la very fine day.— butily engaged in writing the 
 iSS^thuUe book on'a UtUe U% in a quietWd- 
 JoSm in Mill. Flowcr»» dean and comfwtoble boarding 
 ## W. on the N.-W. corner of Rkhmond and Victofia. 
 ^f f S.^n hb nMi^e city pf Toionto. of which Urge 
 , STSeautifnl and proepewutdty P^^fff^* *»"J<^ 
 uHwttly pfOud.ewii ai old Dooof Walton, of Parry 
 Sound, may be fuppoMJd to by«J^ 
 when he oracularly d^dtfed himielf to &e 
 ^•the fint profeMioiial genttonan in the 
 ^rict*' Whew I hold your noiei, gcntie- 
 men of P«nrSotond-Pat would inew. 
 ingly ask thit aptattenwt old wind-bag to 
 hoirt, to devate himielf.or.toutethe wcprefr 
 ^ytioMmg^ cf Mr. W. Irel«iMl.one of Pat'i 
 old Aurora ikienda-Bow the tatented imd 
 :^ aWy Voi3l*Sd and e«ielk^t^ W^ 
 wlMh it a citdit to the town and dn»«* «f ^ ?°^ 
 *• toike and driain" by what lute of bf what right he 
 ^glthe dimfct for Hetwten tett'ewi^etoi yejn ; "e waa 
 aSS thai Ito oM doctoi«a deim ta/^ 
 Tito^kiitottA^^ iolei of It* feet upon y end 
 ".-''■ ■'-- 
 .J,f »^<" 
 .'■«;■ ■ 
 -?'• f 
 A * 
 ] J 
 \ . 
 pKRMjmirATiONS or 
 thar id fkr ftoin tud^Mig thi cue. tlie BklmaBe <# . 
 •ppdlaiiafi of the " Aral |MMMmimI Addlnikk in tlit< 
 ■ dittrid^'* would fit biiii •• nicely and u dptely «• ^kir; 
 jtbe duncft's cap whtrewiih A hedge ichoolmuitrew In h'm 
 "native Und was wont to ornanetit hit head when the 
 llbod him up on a bench in the tchoolroom, because <• 
 irith all Itte whacks her feeble anni could give him thw 
 found it auch a difficult task to get him to spell the word ■ 
 bread properly. And furthermore, Pat would solemnly 
 aver and affirm and assert that in respect to a good claim 
 -" right to the aforesaid title and distinction, this oli|>^ - : 
 iHlttly old tin 
 Ifllr of Parry 
 doctor is not fit to hold even a dirty 
 ^ candlestick to V, . Switter, Esq,, bajrfi 
 Sound. Why, roan, Billy Howard, ^If^fttle bfown 
 • l>arber of this beautiful and picturefqnie^ town, '^inight 
 with just as much reason put in a claim as 
 this old, bloated bull-frog— professor Howard! 
 how nice it would sound— and he has, in the 
 way of provmg His claim to it, more than once , 
 given an exhibition of extra qualiUcatbns in 
 his line of bnsiness ; he has shown himself an 
 adept in the art of shaving in more styles and 
 ways than one, and sure enough, even poor 
 Pat Prodpen hfanself' might after awhile 
 — ("b/e and bye '*-*•♦ in the good lime com- 
 ing)'* — be thrustmg himself forward as a candidate for 
 thia coveted honor—asserting his claima^ and endeavor-' 
 ingto piove his right to the enviable and to<iie-envied 
 tmt of "lliyt professional gentleman," pdel and penman 
 of the noble dbtrict of Partf Sound. What a gra^d and 
 glorious distinction this itodld be for poor Pat ; hoir it - 
 woald crown his head, with bay leaves and laurel^^ 
 bloMoms, and line the poekets of his fMi^Halooiii irith 
 pennies. Hold on~-«hal up PA-^^MUmot*^ will not shut 
 up iiut now, be b wt> dengMlMt with the beatific vision 
 he has just seen— so enamouitd with this beantiftit 
 dreans—ihat he is already eager for the fniy'>«^«nxioQs 16 
 prove liis a^ty to dispute thw old doctor's claitn-^ 
 contest his i^t to such 4ridisring;nisfeing tide, And ib^ 
 soppoft of lus pretentions, and M^vn&^mifalt^p itr 
 thkdbection, lie proceeds tn iiiieit we Iblloviiift «wig.> 
 ihonM infer ftotn its syieMtngand pbinaeolegi^ 
 rta HbOPrBN* 
 ttiAt 1»»t B t littiw of tiM frw We oT Enn. he would 
 my he it not, for tho* old 6 eUod it the ^^J^ f.^ 
 great mtny Ptit. it it not the ntuve »*n^,of •k^ ^^ *^ ^ 
 h a nttive of the beautiful city in which he « now 
 titting writing these lint, ill 1^ a»ld room «, " cool M a 
 COWCUinnitt;' ^^,,^'r:'i~.j-.. v-i;i*iil-*"^-.^" --• ■" ' 
 '. ■ ■ - 80N0. v: ^^«>-^^ ■ -• ■■••'■" 
 •oomiivuixT iMtoawsD to wa 11*411 iM*, ^»«> aafrMiw to nm- 
 . • ■ •> . \0BhMB AT UU« out Of tAT* »OOKt._ 
 ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ' 'i^^ MAVOUUHMN.'* V 
 • ■ Thi» ould Doktur Waulton v 
 Hoo thot hecud vault on 
 To the tate ow »— well, we won't mention it boyi } 
 Hii bunkum and blether, ; 
 An* boa»tin», togelher, 
 Wud deefen a wurruld wid its hornb\f noitc 
 At he •tblruta thro our tthratei, 
 Howly Moses 1 it bates 
 Creation's big rooster— the airs he puts on ; 
 s.' *■»'.:• ' 
 U*s trooth thaf we w 
 Uy this old MatbersWte, ^^ ^ ^^ , 
 At the fokes wltt aU tiell yetes-yis, roanny a wan., 
 .> » < • ' 
 list aic Missis Flemin* , , , ,j ^.^ -^ 
 Wat aW thinks uv t hi tdpc^m— thit^spoutin ould man . 
 ■ ■ ,*■' 
 » ', 
 / ;■ 
 i , 
 ■ . . • -. <• «^ 

 f iMOftfiiATiaMt or 
 -1 ,.'/- ! 
 'f .. 
 ShM M't Mm •• ««llt 
 -< ; » ShM iharily Ma Mll-~ . !* 
 ^ -^^dlUp t«U all aboat Mm ilr amiy vaa kaa. -^ '-. .-^^^y^ ''>i^.^%.'>-. 
 I*. ♦' 
 V. . 
 ■i.-'' ■ 
 Hur hM* In Irtt MTum, 
 They kratl UmmUI waathcr, ?.f.;- .,i,ri.tii^C*^;i.*" 
 - ' umiick't wide .^i#^-^-'"f'^.tf^#*'':- 
 - Tbctther thiy ll^M.Attltatick'. wide n^v'^;':'^'^'^: 
 - ..:■ . Hur hM* III Irtt MTum, ■ -"':,*; ••■ -fv^ 
 Too thmU kiur frbn harrum, (*>' '"f'%^'.''4^4c%. 
 ' t Lavin' Flemln^iit homt^ liiir jafte« to pray. >V'^^ it^v^. 
 ■*»•■■». » 
 Share, Mm was will ihUdl; 
 " t' -' ; ■ 's^^Tlmra ia ia'Pat*t ink •■v.-*^_ 
 irnttTeldb mutch av wurrumwood ah^gllri 
 B« this aa it may, , . ,. , , , .,.. , ^ - >? ■, • ^ 
 isegorra I— jiat aay . ,..■;.,,.. .4i_^/- ■,. ,.«•■', ■...•.,^,. 
 f ■ not th» old coon daaanriiT UY all ? ' 
 ■ "^ f * ■ * '. 1 .'■ '^ '■ 
 The pfoda from Pat't pea 
 He Un give him, an'than— ?v: . : 
 Dttarrea a nhew mora frann a belther man* > 
 WllM^wjfdaUfagMakiU * ■■:^*tJ^*:Cv"-- 
 ^ ; In the yue ttv hia quHl, >? ' 
 1^ imnkih thia ouid dok^v^frmn Beersheebee to Dan. - 
 ■•v*'.f r-^'. Shore Doktur 'Unt^an^' ■ '; *»- '. .'i^ ri-. 
 Cud handil thia may. >r- \ 
 Cud go for thin p^ello wid «* pokAr an* mnga { ^;^ , 
 : In ahmi^a«* ahcelin', * iW-* 
 Bee herd wid deep feilln\ - 
 The bowfd swnlUa' nofie nv hie nuMcal aoiiga. 
 But mmmlti€^M^hiM nnMg and Imrry on, or thii 
 ^ « A u I U : OW 4oaorwai have him by thi 
 :p ^^ "^ i» '.^;;i:. \4mlf..^ Um imck. So Pat hur 
 u -■ ...'^ ■ ;■■-.. 
 i^■— ■•-:-^■■;':^■ 
 ;oli, Apt ^ refuge, but in 
 ,weu^ oC a fliw imi oqr , to a little 
 IM^ i^ iVoodbndge 
 Iving Mr. Wallace'a.)r 
 pfbveadaiid A few biiii'fp^ficu^ #ibitod in the , 
 ^mbrnpOtm kfmmmM--9?mm^ Jnli m to v tl^ 
 mftKt the gieileif diapJI* vmOalk. ^m entieriiig this ^ 
 li^l|H3an ftom^^ 
 ■ ' ■'^r 
 ' ■ *« 
 ■ ?■■ -ll 
 ^Mtlat irki»jnipiri#k^T««m«lM«l% r#4tf*M^< 
1 / 
 >^T PI^>l>Pluif. 
 ''/..' ' ■ ' >' «■■'■'.*•■ 
 • UKit. bwAyAm^i button or •matt. i^t« 
 hoMl a* ipuBd a • -miimVwd • ^ ^^ 
 tbt ftill Boon i»*pi»« fr«« *»«""<* » ^*"" ">»*|y 
 «)oi|d---A flat cMt of countenance and a niia 
 §ld water complexioo, HMckltd and fr«ckl«d 
 ttiui^ turkey's egg. landy haii,and a tcanty 
 yellow beard, that told m tad and mournful 
 LmguagiL and one might almojt ijmcy with ^ 
 teaitln tta erei. of the poor, and toil In i^hKh it grew, 
 limtiel bad hia shirt iieevet rolled up to the arm ptta. •© 
 reen Ibia And the few buns and loaves of bread in his 
 low, Pat miafcook him for a baker ; to him Pat appU^ 
 in vain ; he treated Wim with contempt. He turned 
 « deaf ear to his request, and then turned his back upon 
 Umjmd went through anopcn door leadma^from his little 
 ^e^shop into another >S"»«'^»'f«^i5*tJ?*?HT^ 
 %X had the curiosity to peep, wh«i Jo «(nd beholdl be 
 ^liheld Jimuel stanSng before a washtu^^ and washboard 
 icnibbing away with both hands just /l»kc an ^k. 
 4^ washerwoman, but whether it was^a bsby s 
 ioiled breech clouts or his wife's bed$own, he 
 »tt so hard at work on Pat does not know ; but 
 lie does know that if Jimuel had hfs scan^jr 
 (beaid shaved dean off him, an old woman s 
 cap with a f»Ued bolder put on his he^ and an . 
 flid p^coat tucked round him, it woulld be an easy thing 
 .ibf artranger iq nwptake him for an old pa^ap Irish 
 '^loiiian.- '■^■' i*"' '■ "■" .■■ "^ ■ ■'' '''■'■''■::''■-'. ' v- ■ -fi^'^'-- 
 : Pat'a next visit was to ^he butcher shop of two 
 worthy young men, Messrs. Jackson and 
 '|lkh<da, wbeie be sold three books, and bis 
 .work was done for that day, the second day 
 ^ fton WeafOD. the next morning, one kA 
 Jill fim ftoff I tiiitndTrai the handsome rest- 
 danpaorDfTGiant, an extremely uU gentle* ^ 
 ^«a% where be wceivedakindgreetm^ from. ^^^ 
 Ihe doctor's lady, a very handsome, (air-hMrea,biuegfje 
 young woOMi. In the luxuriously fujnidiedand^itt^Jf 
 iS^ mto w^ she invked Pat 
 liienaMhere was aeated apleaiant^fcced, richly pressed, 
 yod^ lady. Miss Janet Hillson. Mr& Grant, 
 ,OftlSm»ig.whfre be came from, informed him that s^ 
■■■ 't 
 ■ ' *' 
 '":' » '^t 
 r !- 
 II.. ' 
 ■i . 
 . ~t' 
 . nlqo member (Of the couirty rf M"****. •f,'*^ JL^ 
 . . SSTwd gSehil for the kind trertment he h^ '««'r«i 
 TnMrlfiwB'* eirteMi»e furniture rtore he told three 
 \, ^'oniTthem to . 6n^ ...I. ^f "'~,jr;5;s;;- 
 ;'■ Mr. Andrew T.ylor, *n o«Scttl in "»? ~''*»,;J^' 
 Woodbridge, who entered 'h*'' •L°«,*'"'«i\r^ Z^' 
 ■ ^ to whoi he i». Vf ''r '"'^•fj'i^ i^^iX - 
 • ment he teeei«d fam. him d""^ *'• ,*'^*^ ^ 
 riltace. «' Taylor introdu«dP«t to the iwiwi twrnt, , 
 MrChKte Ounpbell, with whom Pit h«d liked l« h«e , 
 hid XhroTJoont of hi. me«.. "»8«»«'«5«J'';„X 
 - diet, tat iAerward. hi. deme«OT t<y«rd. P« und«^ 
 _— . • mat ehmie. end he treated hini with deieienM , 
 W ^t ri^S^ « •» excu« for thi. change in hi. - 
 S^ SHtat hrhld" fir* Uken him for » impo^«. 
 Sr^h.h«J diKo*«*dhii mi.uke.Md found thtt^ 
 hf-Tnot only . .«pecuble ««.. but • »» who h^ 
 andeotly travelled . good deal, read a .P~f."'> "2 
 vK-Tk^ obwrret of human natu«.wi& which 
 ta?.ion Pat though by no mentis agreeing mit,felt 
 . S^ l£2S«n!lr. e««pbeU voluntartyj»om.;|et 
 Se trackmen on the railway. Th"''^ Mr. CampWW 
 ^ . ,»5«»aie in Woodbridge now. and all goe. •'"JP'' •* 
 t»J«hi. promi^^o a teat before th»p.e«>««»»*of_ 
 ; SrtJto.%.. taended. Pat ^^^^^^ 
 ^^-^admowledge the kindne« he received from *J^»«* 
 pnpoMcaingly handwrnie and ""J**.,,"^ J,"!* 
 5SSof»h« Mc-r^ Wall«», Br* He wm e^^ 
 - ; :• r^T itouant recollection of the kindnew he receirwl 
 ; ^ ftSAK»tr*.t.ng a. it did Wirt. Ae ««««~^'«: 
 : SSidftSn their grJlT old toto^n-hw. ^<>^ 
 SrtWend. in W.»dbridge aiked him to wnte a jwwn 
 > SiTSSu". " he^thi. ddj,«.. h «^ b^ 
 ISotatedTreawrerto the M™*»P^*Sii^Jf. 
 SSTtoto the bond. r~ui,*d b, l«v-^^ 
 m. ti n t h e t*a< worth $Vo.eoo- Now Pat ■«» ^g^^ 
 00^ not to b« permitted to art UaHelf •howe tB« um. 
 ' • . -' *•• •. 
 ■ ' \>'i 
 -■-'■^ V 
 feij -t*^;-*^ '..^.s. 

 , • f »!* •; ,f 
 ■». ,'*.. 
 '., W'"! -.*• . . 
 bul b« ok^gttd t^.iiVtt Ikt necctMry Mcurily, or 
 miirch eut lo the (mie of the ^ Rogu«'« March i^!; 
 u\d this if is far «f Put will inov« in this matter* 
 at he conaidcn ii hi« bmincM to attend **to hit 
 butintts, vyd let other iieople attend to ihcir bind- 
 t|MMi which r^^le if carefully obatrved by every one 
 concerned w(^ld greativ lessen the amount of quarrel* 
 ing and fighting that otnerwise taken place in this world. 
 Among thoce to whorn t*ai uwifM hin ihankn for the kind 
 treatment he received from thcin during hit short to- 
 loam in Woodbridge were Ii*. Milifd l* Toid, mmm 
 boot and ihoe maker; Mr. Anioa Maynard, carriage 
 builder; Mr. Thos. K.ey», blacknmith, Klia. Mra. 
 Mackie, Mrt. lioidge, Mrii. Neal, Mrs. i:iaytun, Mrt. 
 Kaiser, Miis J. Bennet, Miss Margaret Smithers, Mr. 
 Blake/ and th« obliging host of the Dominion Hotel 
 the best hotel in WcKxlbridge, -Mr. Robspn, Mr. E. 
 Elliot, blacksmith ; and Mr. William Watson, is this the 
 gentleman who ia so r.leverly writing the ** H umber 
 River Annals," a series of |»apers now being published in 
 that excellent paper the Richmond Hill Uhtral^ owned 
 and edited by that talented young gentleman, Mr. J^ A. > 
 S. Stewart, one of Pat's most esteemed and valued Rkh- 
 inond Hill friends, and to whom he «M^ indebted for 
 ^any acts ol courtesy and kindness during his short stay ' 
 ; in the village last winter. But,the number of \" school 
 ■cribbling books " that Pat has already scribbl^^ over 
 ^monish him that it is almut time lo bring thi^ little 
 Jijrplume to a close To give a full account of his ex- 
 perience and adventures in CQunexian with the sale of his 
 •econd book would swell this one to a size that would 
 cmt him about $too for the printing and binding of an 
 etJition of Jooo copies ; and, cramped as he is at pre* 
 lientior time and means, such a thing is not to be thought 
 ff fort ^ insUQt However, if- this venture should 
 prpvequite successful, 4nd all is well with htm, he wilt 
 continue his narrative in a series of sroalf vohimes, ap- 
 4|)fopriatii«g to this case the advice given by a very kind - 
 And generous friend, whpae-great. kindness he hopes he * 
 ^aU always remember with gratitude : V A mimber of> i 
 fh ott l e tltfs wooldbe better th a n oqe too l on g. " Eye o s < v 
 ifi #■ 
 |>e,,fhiiii^^#taii;^b^or.f.^ y<*|lif!^,itt^ 
 . \ 'i*^ 
 :■ .V ■ •■ . 
.„ * 
 # ■ ■ . 
 ♦j, , • • 
 fniQltlllAfMfM Hi 
 fiiM^- l»o«ld, uiMl«r any bvi th« mot! fatorablt dim 
 cuiiNUnoM, b« giMtiy better thM <M>e taiwe oncAt 40& 
 or soc When a men cent ride he miMt wtUt, miA 
 when he can't «r»lk he muet aie cnitchet or creep on bK 
 hand! and kneea, and thia ta what aila poor Pat at pr# 
 leMt ; but let it ail him erer to much, it will not toep 
 him from taking time and ipace to acknowledfe with 
 thanki what tome kind Ariendt have done for Mm. Ftr^ 
 on the liat he olacet the name of Mr. Robert Wilaon, 
 hotel keeper of Fairbank, on the York and Vaughan 
 KMd, a few milca N.W. from YorkWDe, who, when PUT 
 'flM tellinir hit fir^ volume, not onlv gave him supper, 
 bed, and breakfeat free of chaive, but told him to can 
 Again and welcome when he would happen to be In that 
 neighborhood ; and Mr. Wilaon alio took ten copies of 
 his last book. Next close beside him stands Alexander 
 Wallace, Esq., of Mount Hope, Sac County, Iowa, 
 United States, whom he had the plcasjire of meet- 
 ing last winter at*" Best's Bay Hone »Hotel in 
 Toronto, in company with his nephew, William 
 Mulholland, Esa, Isabella-street, Toronto. Mr. Wallace 
 ^took ten and Mr. Mulholland three books. Next, arm- 
 "^iD-arm, come M^ssn^ Henry and DaVid DuBcan, of 
 East York, each with fi^« cop««« of Pat'a book, for whieh 
 they each paid him a big, bioad half-dolksr piece (that 
 did his eyes good -to look at), notwithstaadiog that he 
 then owed ihem (aiid owes therj now) the $4 each be 
 borrowed from them to help him to start his first book. 
 Qoae at their heels comes A. 1* WillsOfi, Esq., of 
 Eglington, Yonge street, with five of Pat*s books in his 
 «oat pocket And to Mrs. Thomas MulhoUand, and 
 con. West York, Pat owes hia best thanks^ She tot* 
 two books, and made hin;i Uke the pay C<w^««.J )^ ^% 
 old Tom himself he does mM owe a thfanbleftil of 
 thanks, aod were It not for liia klnd-heirted and moat 
 #ortby lady's sake Pat would have litlf a mittd to put 
 Ite fat this book under thetinflMleiif adiinpMed- 
 ^ttklagbldfcllowdad in ragged t«iiiicof,witfi tit oM 
 battel^ tattered hat Oft hi b#4 liol<lNr w «o a t^m 
 -' m-p ea t To Mr. John C St eel e, <rf t h t GWM LlMw 
 SSrjhepwIbrlibtelofT^tfc^^ hit ^mOmlm 
 4|ait thanks. Mr 9m^ givllte a good m^ 
»At >t^i»#tft 
 • S-u 
 ,•>. '*. %. 
 . -^^-jy — 
 ■pkadid bed is t rkhly ftmikh«l bwJroom. and ■ «oo# 
 brcaklMl in tiM oumiing ; Mid for til thto h« decUn«J 
 to cham on« •* rtd " cent after rcadinc Pat* • patheW * 
 itorx in th« little book he bourfit (rom him. Pat fo«n« ^ 
 110 tirfw teve mkcepcrt on Yon|MtTttt"-<me iLLifl- **- 
 -^^m ^^i ioliaJe a big lSldan4nat a little^ 
 _ in th« aouthem tuburba of 
 FUkgp - ^ygrTPirhad f TTijM '"opq; *^ 
 a i(llf»or rirStched br^kfeiL •"d a.M m ij^ Ij^f 
 I no won<ler ike ■meU •uggettedto Pat 
 n— good, 
 tESlHea prarcring a ikunk ai 1 Jl^ to the J^ 
 tngn Now, pleaae tay, who ia the gentleman— ( 
 *SiXhearted Mr. Steele, or thete ateeUy-hearted i 
 • ■'i 
 To the gentlemanly young hotel-keeper in the village of 
 Maple, m^the rich townahip of Vaughan, Pat owes hw 
 grateful acknowlwigmenta.. He refuted to charge him 
 for a loxurioua tapper, an excellent bed, and a good 
 breakfait Pat alao fecU moti grateful to the aood 
 people of thia ^uiet, pleaiant village for the kind 
 uaaM they accorded him. In a good two-thirdt of one 
 forenoon he told twenty boo^t, only one person (the 
 butcher) i«fuaing him. Best thankt, kind ihendt* He 
 hopea to have your names all down in hia next 
 volwme aa purchaaera of Ibis one. The good people of 
 the pleaiant village ot Newtonbrook he would alao thank 
 moMheartOy foir their kind and hoapitaWe tr^ent 
 He waa a^ed to atop for dinner at three dmerent 
 hottaes In the course of one noon, and that afternoon he 
 ibW thirty bookt at loc each. Truly, he feela moat 
 nateftil to the gbod people of this ChrittUm village, ta 
 Soe of theitf In paifieilar, Wm. H. GouUMng. Esq., he 
 hb eapedaftfianki. May Ood bles s and p toapCT 
 Oim greatly. Aa iiltirii at Pit felt satisfied with thi 
 fj|^ ^» - he had f«ccived in Hewtonbrook, he felt stilk 
 w ■ 
 i. a 
 %■■ 4 
 pmumfufil^^agm^ 0' 
 t nt'"- 
 mouthy »ior«kc<tier« iind ctUirr {nnlbilatKf of Kkfi 
 ;> moml Hill. " li«r« h« fold ten book« in « lUUc ov«r * 
 t hiOl an hour. Hit mmccsh in TtioinhUt wm food. 
 yibiM not ncsr so yuod §• in N«wto«»brook end 
 ^pdimond HiR He wp vttjr'Wfnr «• l««tii •l'iti«-« 
 ,^ t »r<rhi death oT Dr. Keid, <mc «( hi» ThomhiH frtciMkt: 
 ^ \»h« look two of ht« boc»k». "H^jm »n ifminfut mm i%# 
 hit urofrMion, Mid'vn ettiinaUtt.KwnUciiwti. 41i»toM<» 
 #i H bt greatly fe h in the* rUte|irliMi MiroiMidini coun^ 
 ilfv, AiHl more ctpecblly by hi^fewri fiinitljr It will b« | 
 iidnfifult, if not impoi.<iibk, to find «n equally gtKxl ni«« 
 . ■ i4o supply hi» place. ** '"f 
 ^ To Iknjamin IJo>d, Ki<|., J. H RoWe. Eno, and 
 (Other kind friends of the pUtaaantly located vljlage oC 
 iJpringhiU ; to the land hottew of the hotel at Kini^; 
 * itUtion on tlie N. KpH^iiy ; to hii favorite lounin, Mrs. 
 ^ohn Graham of V«ugl«in. and many other kind ^nd« 
 ^^ the townthipof Vork, Viughan, and King. Patlakea^ 
 i^^J^M opportunity of iclurning hia .inoat grateful thanki. j 
 •^And he would alao» beforeV closing" thia little volume, 
 i ifratefuJly acknowledge the kind notitts hin iiccond Ijoolt-^ 
 ^^^e^ctved from the talented and gentlemanly editora of;^ 
 jltfffnm J^rwa/lr>, Aufvra Manner, Nrumarktt £f^ 
 , OnfJiaDitM, "and last, but not least," of the Ricli^ 
 mondHill Ziltffw/— Ktandingibut in strong oppositioni 
 \ihii marked contrast to the haf%h grunts with which Htr 
 Jiogg, of the CollingwoodJ?iKfri]»rM', greeted Pat's Anf^'^ 
 )* ^ 
 .':| - 
 '*$ '' 
 liiitA bi' 
 nx fKooftii 
 iook two y««ii afa SlMwOd iWt^oW A#f» ittw^k PMfe 
 BilmUar tMiUm whh rcipcct to fhli book, fnt wtJI tua 
 Ki how ih« britlki wUI fky •od lh« blood will «ow C^ 
 t't laccrtttd l«K, perlMfH, U wHh friflit«n«d tec« h* 
 imfntiy flett from ihc fteld at ti^i). ^ Ytl i»«''i»b^f2. 
 lof Mr. Hogi't »dvcr«« critidiBi. he hu to arknowtMili 
 with ntitAinhwiki th« great kindnm he ret dml ftri» 
 1». B. OaUry, E*v. Md quite • Itrge nuipbCToCth« 
 worthy cltliwii of the \»t^ and protpcroui town o; COJ: 
 ^linf wood. He titii terry ht could not uuiiiiBiiMiy pp 
 them a fWt kit winter with hia lecond book, ai drcW^ 
 Mancei obli|ed hini on reaching Annandale to lake the 
 lig|ith«idtitckqnhiijoyrn«yhomewarda,andhc mM 
 peHiapa be able to give in a ftiture volume lome accomi 
 5 hit\iiiu to and hia experience in the h^^M an« 
 thviving towns and vUlagea of Aurora, BrMtrord, Barrie, 
 Omiia, Gravenhurtt, Brwebridge, and ^\om^ w««J."* 
 fill and favorite town of Pyry 8o»»n<* »^ ^*"H« ^ **^ 
 He would strongly advise touriaU and travellers, who* 
 may visit Parry Sooiid for health or recreation, to extend 
 their journey to MclUltof ?tUap;e. 15 milw north. Fhe 
 road between the two places is mostly m exceUent c«r • 
 dition. with a first-class daily sUge. run by an obliging 
 Mid enierptiaing young genUeman. Mr. Edward J. lay- 
 lor. wHo aCo runa a tfi-wetkly mail stage between Mc- 
 ■Cellar village and the thriving village of Dunchurch, i» 
 miles farther north. Pat will venture to promise those 
 ' who may act upon this advice that they will not regret 
 the moderate outlay of thae and money It will occasion 
 them, in view of the giaod rock scenery they wUI see 
 00 the route, the new ideas olth* great and omnipotent 
 f power of Gad kwiUiif«INia»l«dtJ«knowledgj 
 country they wiU thereby obtala They wjU find excel- 
 lent hotel aciommodrtion in MftKellif. The Armatrojit 
 - House, kept by Ml. Robert Armstrong, » one of tite 
 cleanest, moat <;oaifcttable» beat conducted, «d mo^ 
 senitivelv Dtovyoned tempeiMite houses. Pat i» 
 '■»-V *ti 
 Ia^ooeolti»»aM>Mtt^ that are grouped 
 .:■ -•% 
 O^^^^t^'" . 
 ^t'* ■ ' 
•% '* 
 $9 vmrnmrngmm 9m ^t^nm. 
 Mm dborw off viM Mir Pii irtKitd hb fN»»|nuM loct- 
 tkmm4 9m99mfm*'9tMmft9€i9d,mhi St^ k ^ 
 fool log ihAoly. Mii in wMcfi he «m 1iv% • Mmf 
 •o^oiMniif &• tti« wild woodt for iIm tpMf al OM Hil- 
 oillit ^ aboM itn jfMrt ato, a»4 miviltlMhr 100 Ip 
 doK pffoiiaiiljr to • ghgtt's ttonc oT wlikh H« im ji in t 
 ^« Ml IMCMUil (aU »«lt) in a fof«r« volunM. tV 
 |4^ J. Afittstroog have a tkht Uilk naan urn 
 «i lunitowaba i^« to and from McMte fiF 
 tiM 9mmm ai navi|atMNi 
 raadm, Fat condudaa h \$ about tkm m 
 bring thb Httk voluma to a cloae Re will Ihanf^ 
 bid you, Willi moat gratalUl thnnka, vhai |i k9fm m$ 
 Iwn not y«ry long 
 •V ' 
 i V 
 > A Toronto, October i^ 
 |i|MB8 EtLIOTTr 
 ^^ • , . »*. ''I ^ 
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