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J^APwoETii, Designs. 1 0ETE3 ECCLESIASTIQFES. 4 Vols Prints, Engeavings, etc. Queens of England. Ditto op Spain. Reeves, Bible (n-moid divisions), ROBEBTSON'S WoEKS. ^ Sacred Veeses. Saint Fond Volcans Sceap Book, Jlne prints. Shakespeaee's Plats Testament, Baskeeville, Greek iHUCTDrDES, DuKEB. , ^ ALPY's Greek Testament, .3 vol. I ^^ ONDEEFITL MaGA2INE, ETC., EUC." ^. \Z^ Co te ^oltr &i) sanction. ->JX^J^ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ODD French Worka. 6 books. BOOKS, Vuriou*. Ditto, (into. ABBEY of ST. MART, TORir, " a structure of exquhile ta.itc and unrimlled elegance," 10 veri/fiue plntrs, i'/,(//.v, I'icws, Moiildintjs, Capilals, Shafts, Jiuiif Knots, Arches, Leaves, Arms, Statues, Seal, il|-c. ABBOT, Early I'iety ; BICKKRSTRTII, Scripture Help ; MISSIONARY EEl'OSITORY ; and ELLEN CAMERON, a Tule for Youtli. 4 hooU ABERNETHY, Surgery, Theory, Practice, particularly inculcating Principles, or Doctrinal Part, Author's r/eiintne edition, pub. 8*. ABREGE de tons k-s c lies, par Dupuis, 2 vols. ; DESTOUCUES, ai:uvres, 2 vols. 4 books. ACTS and Monuments of John Foxe, edited by Townsend, Vol. I. (includes the Dissertation tiy Rev. G. Townsend, i\-c.), cloth, pub. 10,9. ADALBERT, Confessions, or Coinn)cnccnicnt and Progress of Christian Faith Life of God in the Soul, translated from Geruiun; also. The SILENT PREACHER. 2ioo*-,?. ADAM, Geography and History, both Ancient and Modern, Manners, Customs, Mythology, Astronomy, Geography, &c., cloth, maps. puh. 15,v. Ditto, Roman Antiquities, best edition, by Major, cloth, map, pub. 10a-. Cnl. ADAMS, Religious World Displayed. pt(b. Qs. ADAMS' Useful Knowledge, Mechanical, Natural, Espcrimental, Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, Geology, &c., last edition, by Jaraieson, plates. puh. Gs. ADAMS' Polychromatic Ornament of ITALY, 4to., exquisite plates hxi Owen Jones. pnb. 30*. ADELE et Theodore, 3 toIs. calf. ADOLPIIUS, Biographical Memoirs of French RcTolution, 2 vols, calf neat. ADVENTURE by SEA and LAND, Tales of, a most amusing and instnicti\o volume. Heroism in Men of all Climes, cloth, elegant, ennravings. pub. S*. G^'^f,^^« ^Jan?f'^^lt! al^o, The CAGOT'S HUT, and Conscript's Bride, NOVELS, by Grattan. 2 books. AINSWOBTH, Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary. f ?ol^\?^i'^^^^' II'V"*"". Crichton, a Romance, cloth, illustraiions. pub. 1G.9. AIRY, Professor, Mathematical Tracts; and DR. ADAM, Classical Biography, most useful for understanding, &c., the Classics. 2 books. o i - > AKENSIDE Poems ; and GASCOIGNE, Path to Naval Fame, Index of Nautical Terms. 2 books. ^™^4to^^^ *^^^^^ PLATES, after Rubens, Murillo, Wouvermans, Gigou.r, ALDERMAN Ralph, or History of the Borough and Corporation of WiUowaire. Bridge and Baronet, ToUkeeper and his Keeper, Lawyer and his Itogueries &c., 2 vols, cloth. 1853, •■ j b j ALKEN, National Sports of GREAT BRITAIN, with Description of each {Anghng,£acing, Dog Fighting, Cock Fighting, Sporting, Hear Badger Bail- kT^^i\^.°^ti^' ^°"''^>'£'' 4-f-), cloth, 50 clever plates, pub. 21. 12*. dd. ffotS Great, Life of; OVLDII Opera; and LUCIAN, Gr. Lat. ALICE Jlontrose, or the Lofty and the Lowly, Good iu all, and none aU Good, 3 vols, cloth, pub. 11. Us. Gd. 1853. ALLIX, on Books vols, in I, Jebb. 2 books. -A^MBITION, a Tale, by Newton, cloth, pub. 3s. 6d. AME Noir et Peau Blanche, &c,, various copies. lom. pub. U. 11*. Gd. 1853. Books of the Scriptures, to estabUsh Ti-vrth of ChristlStK'-eligion, 2 > i r ^'^■^' *°<^1'H^^^^» Kemain^, Sermoas^tfe by Bp. 8fl A-\ 37 AM 38 AM 39 AM i 40 AM -11 AM( ( 42 AN.-I S 43 AN^ I 41 AND 2 45 AND 3 46 ANG tic 47 AN LA C( 48 ANNj 49 ANN> 50 ANSO I 51 ANSI k m \VJ Thi 62 ANTK Vol 63 ANTIC J'R: 64 Ditto Life 2 bo 65 ANTOI 56 APPEI 57 APULE most by Si 53 AEABIA iir&t 1 in too of tk Fasti exqui ^ ARAGO eo^RAiV, ] dies c dcs D er ARCHB( FOR? 62 ARISTO' DAR. 63 Ditto, Po PERS 64 ARITHM ing Co Tlicore its A\ 2 fooh id nnrivnlted Shnfts, Roof [SSIONAKY •1 books. I'riiifiplcs, or E9, Ofluvres, {includes Ihe iristiiin Fuitli L'he SILENT crs, Custonit), lO*. U. , riiilosopliy, 38on, plates. I Owen Jones. alf, neat. itl iiisti'uoti\o pub. 3a'. Gks. pub. lOi'. J)ealh ; also, y Lectures on unncns ; and ript's Bride, pub. \Gs. 1 Biogrcplij, ix of Nautical ictns, Gigottx, i" Willowairo, ia liogueries, tion of eacli Badger Bait- N, Gr. Lat. 3ne all Good, K'^'eligion, 2 ,-life by 13p. / ! 3 45 Ai\DRl,:\r/tiie ^-^^ , • ^'^^^^' ^"atotme, Descriptive, ^ ^ 2 boot '^' ^-^'^^^f^^^; and The NOWLA.XS by tho o-tr t. 46 ANGLO.SAXO.\; FlRRFN tt ""^ ^"'""^- i^LAckwprr t"'^ ^""-Metallic MhK.rals' SKAtv'^H"*^- ^ «ool-,. Wlisnv /'^■' ^™" Making; MAC AjTi M ^^"^^^ ', ^'"«'' Manufacture. Vu\!Z ' .^g'''«ultural Procluefs ntV T 1 ' ^^"' ^^o^'cs of Prenar n^' 52 ANTIQUiTf8""Mv;'ri ''"' ' ^^^'^^"^^ Animal KinTdn:,' -p""'' v^, I'i'craical and «rst translated from GlrS'offiRiMA^S^'^^^^ EASTERN TALFS n 7 "uui vjennai y-orks offction, and t/^isfiiscia^ZT ^ ^">iKma have in all ages delkMed. \ fanners, Oy./«;c>«;\pSl!f 'r,.^?'^-."--- of ^t» Appheat^on to Hei„,s, DiatatX'f,f^^i™^«0^^-OMETRy;t& \ / 65 AETTTIMETIQUE, Lecons do, pnr Ciroddo, Paris, 1882 j also, ARITIIMETIC of England, und Coinnioroitil Cidciilntor. 2 Looks. 66 AHMORIAL, llistoriqu.-, do In NOHLESSI5 do FRANCE, rooupilli vt rcdiRc » un Coinitp, public par jNtill.Tilli-, Rcfercndniro nu Hccmi dc KraiK.'.-, \c,, un lifi-e lie Fails et Dates, Qui lire dc tons les Noljiliaire.t puhlie.i, iticliidcs more than 2,()00 XamcH, braulifid vol. 4to. ,'hr/,iiill,, printed, mil, aumcrous J^iit/mi-iin/s of Coats of Anns, Views of Heals, MonumeiUs, Hsculcheuns, Paris, 1815. 67 ARNOLD, Greek Accidence, with Exorcises nnd Vocabulary, vuh. Zs. Gd. (!S />;//(,, KKY to ditto. puh.7,s. " 6'J Ditto, L4TIN PROSE Composition, wth, Cv. Crf. 70 Ditto, LATIN VERSE dillo. puh. 5.v. « o^f'^l^' ""^' TRIGONOMETRY, Plane and Spherical, by hjNOvVlsALL. 2 hooks. ^ o? ^THENili;UM, Journal of Literature, Science, and Fine Arts, 4to. cloth St ATH;ENEUS, opera, Gr. Dindorlh.s, 3 vols. ««J. 2/. 5,9. Lips lli^'i 8a ATKINSON, Law of Contract of Sale. puh.ll.5s. 1853 u7 ^T^J:rk^"^'r"* ""li^ Mediawal, by qvm,fnel,/ coloured maps. pvh. I2s. 87 AL61IN, Miss, Northangcr Abbey; SCHILLER, Robbers, translated; audi otiier. 3 hooks. «Q fT^SVh^M"'''"''^'''"'!^"''^™''^: CONCORDIA; ROSE, Sermon, &n. 89 AUSTRALIA, lusmania ^ew Zealand, Rise and Progress, with Colonial Direct orv Increase, Habits of Population, Tables of Revenue, Expenditure, OlUciui Documents, &c. cloth, pub. I2s. 6d. 1857. 00 AUSTRALIAN SCL^NERY (King George's Sound, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, IWt Jackson, Gulf of Carpentaria, Murray's Islands, Pobasso's Island, Wreck ui.fn 7 n^' ''y ^'"1'^""; ^ very beautiful highest sUjle engravings, after M A „"^f'"5*^. ^y''''^' 55'^. Woolnoth, J. Scott, Finden, Middiman. •' 91 Authors Printing and Publishing Assistant, Explanation of Process of Printing G^^mNF/ wH'tT^'A ^""t'^''"°";,^'''"'^^ '" Corrections; HOW to qo A vfrl f^-^ A ' }7^1Y^^' °," ^^"™«» Eosponsibility. 3 books. II ^Ttt^^I^?.' «"'^,'^^'"''- Tales 3 vols, cloth, pub. U. Us. 6d. Ji iiAlLEY, Etymological English Dictionary, COMPLETE EDITION, "contains great number of words expunged from modern use, Teruis of Art, Dialects, Cant, lerms, foverhs, J-c indispen-mhle to understanding older English writers" lolio, calf, wants first leaf. l\ 51^1^'"?."°^°^'"''' ^'^^'' '^'**°''y' '° S6 Tablet Lessons, folio. ^^^*9yi*. v\oman, an Expostulation; and The WAY of SALVATION Set -tortii. Z books, gilt leaves. 96 BARCLAY, Universal Dictionary or Cyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge, Conformed 07 fl Ami "r* ^*1® "^ tlie Arts, Science, and Statistics, by Darling, pates. 98 BArSfx* JT *h'-°'J5 V""*! "^ ^^- HELENA, portrUt of Xapolcon. pub. 5s. J8 UAKNEb, Notes on the Corinthians, revised by Gret>n, cloth. 99 BA KK) u} 101 UA 102 BA 'i .^ 103 R.A 101 iti': I' 105 BE C E 106 BE. cA 107 BE J lt)8 BE.l H\ 109 BKi 110 m.L ,, 111 BELI \L"il2 BEL 113 Ditto Ag( 111 BELt 4 4, 115 BEN 252 116 BEX.s 117 BEXa plat 118 BERJS port 119 BERl dcs 1 ct Pi 120 BKST, 121 BETH pub. 122 BIBLE, of th folio, 123 Ditto, 1, 121 Ditto, i Chap byB( 125 BIBLE enr/ra, 126 Ditto, T to Pre 2 sets. 127 BIBLIC transit i --• BiCKEl Holy f 129 Ditto, So EDIT] 130 BIGLAIS ISl BIDDUI troted, Quotat: our Lo; pub. ]/. IRlTnMKTTC Hi I't rpdiijc jmr KriiiK'f, \('., un id/liex, ini'lii(l(>4 v'il/i itumiriius s, Hscutchtuns. 5*. C(/. 1 NAUTICAL tor of Difftrciit edition. 2 Us. {with t)>'li/inal I or Soloc'tions ount Kphraim, ), CuBtoma and )i'if,'innl, roiik-te iiiiil Tiller, hy tlSKKTCIlK!^ ful RUSSIAN inulampntals of S. 3 hookn. I Spherical, by clo/h. 1827. uh, 12*. islated ; and 1 101), &c. iiial Dirrfilorj, liture, Oiliciul ngaroo Island, island, Wrt'ck, jraviiiffs, after s of Printing, is; HOW to is. )N, " contains dialects, Cant, lUsh writers" i^ATION Set e, Conformed 'tales. con. pub. 5s. o M DATES, GiriHlinn Politics- rOIWirPTr r m, nlVntfo ^«^^I^^I"W I-al Att«clu«eut, nnj i „,.„. iOJ UA\ HI) ,„„| M.ViaiAI) l.„ irr , ■ . / ^"k»H«^A^^5:ivs' 5 books. ^oys, 2 Tola.; and LETTEKS fr„, \^!'^/' ■'^- -' *'''''t^ I=tN G„„„„, J„„, Com„„„ ,Te,l.., BUCK LEIt™ „ ct I'leces lustificativp^ iTw / ' 'A? ■'■"""t'l-Ps I'romu Mtrici's .ir-.r!. -.1 Jii.J.uuj\Ji Specmiens of Swedish nn, 7 n |«2&.'?aLV^^^ in,.,,,,,,. Co,..,,,, „, 1 .>Q n V °^^. Sacrament, e/ca iSi'Nt ami (.tluT Tales, from (Jmimii ; KSTIIIOK .SIMMONDP S.-lrct "' "DSA^ati ^'^^"'^^^I^.»""l'ut«"l to Lord Byron, and COUNT DB ^^'^ ^S^'f/y^'^^'^^'^' "rt'-^"f'onnd, elegant, FMuence, all theheau. 1^. 7,:^, .i^;*'-'^'^'*''* "'<'". Ivt-y; mull other, b Inwks. 14G nuOKof I'luto., ..(WLK CAMUS, hn-Ro folio, 12 /?«<. «?„<<,* 1 q immv-U « ^^^' ^'''r '^''^"'«'^- ^'"'- 2 ^*>1«- in 1, calf\ neat, cr,h ""fl'^ol^' '""""' "^^''' ^^^^^^^•«. '^'"-l«: LiLary.'cHtical. PoUtical. ''' '^JS^'ls';''' '^"''P^^^ °' ^"'^ '' ^"^'^<""^^ OiTence.. bet edition, by Tc.plo. Ma/tc, 1S53- -DllOVr r\Nnv * » ,• ^''^^t'"" J'^'S J'Knix Sa hits, . ^ ^TnEoSiE'^'SMic:^^;::?,^:^,:^^ ^^'^'"^"'" * ^'^^'^^^ ^'-*"'-"^' i^l S8uwiFR'1;"^-''p-'S y^™'^«OA, FOSSIL ditto. 2 Jooi!-,. '"' "^E^'r^lSr ""''''' '"^ ^"'^'^ ^^'°"^' "1-. J^AKEE^ook of Bible 155 BOULLEMIER, PLATES of 0R\ATvrFivrT« « i-rr , . . . " ' "i*i!i;^;~r„'.ngxi''|f s--' «"™ «»»'- «... .»„ Evcni,". "a,: ■ °"' "°' "'' '"''' "'■• »' O"'""'. I.«i«.eo.-, Winter 100 nr 170 in I 171 Bit 172 BEC Ul fV l>f 17.T It Hi - -171 lUH 175 iJU{ Ol 170 BUD] ate ni BUL the 178 BUL Atl 179 BUA and 180 BUR, of I 181 buh: ri-;i 182 BUJiJ 183 BUT I. Reli, IHl Vllio, 1H5 Ditto, iHG rntto, 187 BUTT 188 BYRO / i8y caba; *^ CLA 190 CABAi! LJO] Antiq ''chej Lahln partic ledge, 191 CJiSAJ 2 Tola 102 Ditto, D 193 Ditto, ti from j 191 CALAM on Ho 195 CALCO'J I 19jG CAMPAG Pologn vols, fo 197 Ditto in i 198 Ditto of I and od( 199 CAMPBI FORM 200 CAMPBP cial Pro 201 Ditto. Ploi 202 Ditto, BE 203 CAREY, useful S. rith and Deril'i Jljiitolit), Dwro- imperfiH). Ii; ui»u, MItiS tlONDS Silect tbulouij dtoricg. 1 COUNT DE 'forming Slyle e, all the beaU' net Stages and )Tinry. 2 hooks. I'dirul Sfii'iicH, uugnientod by n iiortli Toll}. n; HAM EL, 2 books. ical, Political. n, by Tcmplo. .'Arcliitpoturo, arce. 3 hooks. J^ieux Saiiitg, Protcstante ; ook of Bible ftistos," folio, Be of Beatrice s. 8s. mny German ive, SbadowB, Wales, from Jest Authors, -at. books. hards, c/oi/i, tilers. uger, Winter i 1 other. 177 i.i'M!i.)',rt;;;c'' ,'■"■'■•■■'■ "''»*;.«:"■'■ -■•""'"". <■">•-...-;,,,,„. ,is#s«aSS::z:,:::r;- 199 CAMPBELL V^.f « "'^"*' ^814-1815, by Gleic. SI Skr^^t-'t 5r pH V "'*■ ' '"*■ /p(aiu( o/d 252 CLARKK Won I r v ^"'IJ fine phUes, cost ^*^h 273 27-4 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294, 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 10 COOPER, Red Rover ; Son of a Genius; BLOOMFIELD, Farmer's Boy 3Wv? COOPER, Dictionary of PRACTICAL SURGERY, Prineiples and Prnctico.' Instruments, Remedies, Applications, Terms, Cases, jm/i. If. Hs. Ditto, Free Clnu-eli of Ancient Christendom, a History of, till her Subjugation under Constantine, last edition, pub. n.v. COOTE, History of Reign of GEORGE III. ; also, BIBLE EXERCISES for Schools. 2 books. CORNELIUS Ncpos ; and ENTICK, English-Latin Dictionary. 2 books. CORXWELL, on the LIVER, its Changes, Functions, Diseases, Dcrnr.''cmcnt.-< numerous cases. 2^"^>- l-l-'- ° ' COUNTER Theory, the Problem, What is the CIiui-cli? Solred ; and ITV^.^ to UnJearned in Reading tlie Epistles. 2 books. COUNTESS FAUSTINA, from the German of COUNTESS nAIIN-IIAHj\, decidedly original Novel, showuig foi-tli habits, tastes, fceUngs, opinions, of the German Noblesse, illustrating that sujiremc condition of the moral beiu'^, the Passions Intellect ualized, 2 vols. pnh. 15s. ° COURRIER de I'Europo, Echo du Continent, et Observatour Francais, 2 vols. calf, neat, COWPER, Poems, " Of all verses on domestic happiness, most beautiful ; inti- mate delights, fireside enjoyments, home-born happiness, described at once so enehanhngly and so faithfully,"— Caw/^jic//, Pocket Edition, o'ft leaves. Jktto, Life, compiled from his Correspondence and Authentic 'Sources of Infor- mation, by Taylor, cloth, portrait, pub. Qs. n^^^iK?S^V ^PON, ditto; LADY WORTLEY MONTAGU, Letters, ^bks. CRABBE, Rev. George, POEMS, "Confessedly most original and vivid painter of best vai-ieties of common life, that England lias mo(\nccA:'—lilackwooi1 cloth. CEAIK, O. L., History of LITERATURE and LEARNING in ENGLAND, from Norman Conquest to Accession of Elizabeth, with SPECIMENS of the Prin- cipal Writers, 2 vols, in 1, morocco. CREIGIITON, Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, the words accentuated nwA'J^TrT'^fi '''!'/'/^«o> CLARK, Modern Geography and History. 2 hooks. n5R?.SS^\^?°°^'' ^'- " ^^^ ^''*'" ^y ^W"''- Kiego! 3 various. r > CUISINI]<:RE de la Campag'ne et de la Tille, on, NouveUe Cuisine Economique, eti/jravDif/s ; also. Guide de Paris. 2 books. CURIOSITIES of Biography, or Memoir of Wonderful and Estraordinary Cha- racters, Charactertsltc I'vrlraits. 1853. '' 5tr^™^''f„?''"g''*er; Franco, Historic Anecdotes of; and others. 5 books. ^V^^hr"'^ lestnment ; and SCIIREVELIUS, Greek Lexicon. DAMMII Lexicon Griccum, Concordant, et Elueidationes Ilomeriew, eura Duncan, ^ vols. pub. at. ' m VTr« "t V "^r '^ ri<:l<,"-ing's beautiful Pocket Edition, 2 vols. p,b. 10s. of AcS-s^fvol '" ' "'°'' '•"t'-^'-taining book, especially for Anecdotes, &c., ?.KS?n^%^'' '^^''^'^'^^^ ^""S'^' PRAYER, and others. ™i;cf 7^?; si '""'""'' ''°""'^'' ""'^ ^°"'*""''^^' ^y ^0"^^^-' ''t^..'^7-iSr^;„flf.!;:^'''™"'""^' ^^•^'"-^' 2 -'^^- ^^oth, ma., plates of ^2 b£kl!^' ^^"'''-■"''"'' ^'^^'''' '^ ^'''''^'' 2 vols, in 1 ; ditto, Qiuvres Clioisics. ^ 3^S"'^ I'crencej Harrow Greek Selections; and JHOSELEY, Greek Eserci.^es. ^2Sr^^^^''^' ^'''^ °'"*'""'' ^^ ^r°""*'^"''^' ■• °"^^ LACROIX, nr°^V^'"'^'°'''"'' ^O'''"'^ fl'i. 11 vols, veri/ scarce. JJh(jJUINCY, Nature, But, ct Moyens cje i'lmitation dans les Beans Arts • nNo . Lettre sur I'Execut.on de ANNE BOLEVN (o,,/, 12 copies prinledY^l ll"! Arilhnietii' 303 ] / 804. I 305 1 / 3il6 D] 307 Z>, 3U8 DJ 30U DJ 310 DI 1 311 DI 312 DOI n £ 313 D0( I P> 311. DOJ Cc in 315 D0> LI 316 DON PL Lii: /317 D'ORI ' lusc Dis turc Cep with 318 DRAJ ofe< 319 Dp:aV »-'0 DREW, GRj) 321 DRUL 322 DRYD and i 323 Ditto, 1 &c ^ ^321. DU BC sant s 3i'5 DUNTC and \ /3::G DUPIN, ] £_ do I'E de IGi^ Loi. C ■ Eeclesj do Fri 1815. 327 DWIGHT, piirficui Stuart.' 3iJ8 EDGEVV 329 Ditto, Pa, '^^ EXERCISES :1; and IJFL^ rancais, 2 vols. 303 II / • ■« . «.™, 1821 «™KI1(E, p„ Addon. A„dr«l l!„„i , . -Ui K LT, n'cst il i,as im^ Ko„ ^ ^' ^ vols. BiriNE VVamine to « r, , •'i'i''l.» , mi SEW Pri,™,. «/«o.^ er.,y tkelloSX\J"%f"'''''^^' Commentary; Is reconmenJ.U / 318 319 320 321 322 323 l^ 325 <32G 327 328 DOMESTIC Pmr, • T ^ '" tne JiOKEA. 2looibs. Cottage Garder|,rZ|''pS°, So.'^^Lf t^*"™' ^-'^-7 ^conom. ^ Wa)GE, 2 v^l. ^'nX '^^''""^ ■' "-^ ^^ITOME of GENERAL KNOW ?£^srs^i:^f s«ri,t^^ f'». ^ OAL.KHX. . «!"""'• li-eclesiast qiies. Fabi-innn. T,?! .• •'■"'"'■*' ^t n-gimo dcs CUT/VWi7/(>, Parent's Assist , Jlari'y iiud Uwv, :< v.jls. /, ;uit, a yQh. half ivund. >''?*. 2/. ««;/« i^f!^. IOj, 6i/. '«i. I2i- ■'i!^*^ V- 12 330 EARNSIIAW, Digest of tho LAWS (12 Charle, II. to' 59 Oeorr,, III.) .olatin. to snipping, Nuvigiition, Commerce, Revemio, in BKITISII 'cOLONri<\S iu TP fi?'.!^* T^ ^"^^f^ ^"'"f'' "'"1"^^'%' Law mill Treaties for Abolition of SL \Ve lltAJJli, Imo calf. ^)?(A. 1/. Is. 331 EDUCATION for God, or "Tho PURE WORD of OOD." a Rocor.l of Real 332 EDWARD, also MORDAU^T, 2 Novels, by Moore, " snmLh ^nMaiJna ../W ' ^f""^' ° >^ ^'''*^ TXDIES, Civil nud Commercial, ^^ hears an e.v 331 fS^^S'^^' "r' ri "'f?-''^^' °l'«'-.^^"'""'«". « vols. 4to. calf. ^"^^^^j^^- 11- /jv/ T.7!,^;.,Vr -^'^"^ \-l,fiiuh, coloured philc.1. 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', -liS^^iyr-, ri„_js, ,^t, , „j^.( ^y lLDi;iil.OKc'E, I , I nKlital \' icw. liOo/i.i *S«Bf , Historical Questions j and 2 hooks. 2 hooks. 14 Sm SnASw,M'*i^"Tf''?f'' """^ ^^^^K Grammar. 2 Joo>t.. 400 GOODWIN Enghsh Grammar, Student's Practical, Avith Commentavv on Para- dise Lost, Pmcticnl Anab'sis, Critical, Grannnatical, Ordo Verborum of JJifficult 401 GOKDOJV, Discipliiipof (IiePh.vsicnlund intellectual Powers- anA ditto l>n,nn dO-^ GR ST M ^'7f' ^ I'liKFECTIONS. as Manifested h?tl"LWsf' ^ZZ ?tV' ^l'?--/'/.^"^''?""' ^^""^^''^ ^''O'" tl'" Mountains, last edition, edited bv Aai n- A°f"' '^'^'amdwork, see BlacKnooocVs praise, 2 vols. c/.<;,. „«J y \, ^ Tt a^ iV^?^"°'? ""'i '^'"'■'"'' '^•^""^ ^y h^"- «o''. 3 vols, cloth, puh 1/ 1/; iu S ?£^^^l ^^'''71 ''U ""^-'^^^^MS, Roman Antiquities. 2 i«„,fo. -^ J'-lvKIiV, Fn iich Conversation. 3 hooks. °Sra™'„^f7'''J''.'','-''"V'j:'™™I'' 'l'""' LOUIS IhoFOUE. It.J'.JNlJl, and tlieir Minialers, ley? to 1700. 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'^'^^^'•«'^'^*^^'^'^''^^^«'-^-. «'/-'^'--,4V. 2 vols, folio, TlStS'^mUa"' Itlf ""' ''^1""""'^^ "'^°' POYNDER. on ll.muui ^^S!lt^li^Sf t^;r''" ""' MEDWIN, Conversations JOURNAL of Bisiiop of Montreal, during Visit to the Church Missionary Society's North- West American Mission, clot/i. iuissionai> JOWEl'T, Cathedral Music, adnjited for One, Two, Tlircc, Four A'oicc wifl. Ac-compamment for Organ or Piano, last part folio.' pj. 7s. Z ' JOYCE on Love of God; DOCTRINES of MORAL PHILOSOPHY nnd Scriptural Christianity Compared. 2 boo/cs A^^'Jovjj.ui and '^^^J!?^':Sh<^:^'V5:°S ^'^^^'' "<"^^ofa.,rrf.rab/. .monsr i){X^^Tn^J^ Persius, Delphiue edition. ^i^T.rxS?» "i^toryofRoine. pub.Gs.Gd. SfloPlIFCY',!?-'"!'' f ." R^li^jo", derived from literal fulfilment S^T T x'' ^^'^t^uon'y. a»d MATHEMATICAL TRACTS. 2 boo/.-, Wor?d' STr\^'i''^^^''^i?.''' ^^""'"'*- Histo^ Ll D cH;-tion of the VVorld Inhabitants, Empires, Ivingdoms, States, RoiJubUcs ColonierPrm, ■ tion, Goyernmcnts, Trade, Arts, Sciences Habit , Cen-nionies BTttTcs Si^m"' KENNEd7'd °-'' ' ^■'\^\^:^'^V, numerous plates «« "5.^''^ ' ' E vS i'DOm'ox' ^""T "'"''.^•'^ ^^ ''■ ^'°"'"'g; ""d Hint for SuiSl tory'-^''^-/"' '^"•^'^'•^ ^^^'^'i'"-' »!-' ^VILKINS, Early KFNSTmJ'«'^"'j'l"l"°^ of Rome, j,Z«;.,, and 1 othei ivJii>RlCK, Greek Ilxei-ciscs, BOTH PARXS. i'«i. 2'tib. Us, 2 hoo/cs. 506 T 506 I 507 K 508 K 509 K] 510 KI J 511 E» I 512 KIN 513 KN ir ri F 511 KOi r< p. 515 KOI 51G LAC La 517 LAC to 519 LAD 520 LAS ( r>q, con MC vagi a la port 521 LAS < Diir( &c. 522 LAST piih. >23 LATi: Dr. ( LAW, LAM', LAWS^ LECTI i LE DH Pupil LEFEA Laws Birth, other. ' LE FR^ Latine LEGEN LELAN] pies oj libiHii II K.|un, of Otho,„„n Famlliiy '£ NoTaSf f"«";"'"'? ^^ ''">' Nation to ln,u^c«n,m,„st them, Live. and Cone LtsoK^ ,f t,,^ (.j^^.^,J« :^^ u '^' I'-'oputionlst, Pieces Pro^n nn-i v . o— LAST of tho Laird 1 hv d \Tr i n ., . ^ ' o-J LA1I>, Clai-ko, LitroductiontoMakinc.. antl RT tvn t • ^^.^J' ,^''>".FulbepkoiiStuclTof- TT'T?An7P i> i , „„ o^!' ■'fit." '»'■■• ^'-"•"■.-^^™t Ji'tSt^^^^^ / 7 [.•Si^a 18 633 B3I 535 63G 537 538 631) 510 Cll 612 543 5U CI 5 CiG 547 548 519 550 551 552 553 55 1. 555 556 557 5G0 561 662 563 564 5G5 5G(; 5G7 568 LEOKNDRF:, Ooometrie i folii), ralf, p/nfp.JWmition, 5 vols, c/ui'/t, iM) plates. ]ui/). G ffs. ' Ditto, History of, by Percy, 3 vols. pit/,. Ws. LONDON JOURNAL. 8 vols, in 4, tia/fratf. LONCI {Church Missionnnj hi Calcutta), Hand Hook of BKNCiAL MISSIONS ^vlth Account of General Educational EHbrts in Nortli India, doth. Map of J\orth ludia. putt. i)s > 1 ,l LOST Evidence, a Novel, bv Eurdon, 3 vols. LOST and Won, or tlic Lovo Te-t. 3 voN. LUt'I IAA<: IJEL:\i6xT, a Novel, 3 vols. Tr^Ml'''T. w'"^' *^i'r?' l^''"'"'''""l.v printed, and 4 Seliools. 5 hook.,. rn! I''"?; °' *•": ^^^^^^ EMPERORS, ediled bv WIIITK, Up„er Ar,.(er of Cln-ist'.s llospitn, DI:AUTIFL'LLV PRrXTFI) '11,;. w,.' OTiniClVQ n:\ 1 !■ ,V . ''^'-^'^'■"- 'Ills worn iiivredes Sl/rr^nv n •' "n '"""'"^ Contn.uation to KOl.LIN, UOOKK, or r ., , , ' ''' '"S "P tlic gap between these our OUEAT HISl'OKI \\S in 2 liandsouic voL-. cloth, piilj. It. 12* "^^^-iv-'ivi a.\,>. Ditto, ditto. ^'ct^li!!^^^h 3''?'' ^'"^"''' ^'-''"■'l^^'™ "'"1 Statistical Aeeount of, 2 vols. MeCJLELLAND, Inquiries in Pi'ovinco of KEMAON, on Geolo-v and otber Mt:,JLJ<,liN, Africa, GeoirraplnHd Survey of, ils Rivera Lal-es ^rnur,l ■,;„<, "P . , -^BFClIrd'^ ?"'•■' T>^;'r',' ■^^""'1"'' '^''' 1'"'" BouiUaud, 2 vols.; and JJl<.tIjARD, Anatonne Patholofjique. 3 Jo')-:-.? , »>• > C^^;^'^":;r"^ ^^""*'^"^' ^^' ^^'•^*^'"' ""-^ CORNWELL. Yon„, "^S^pfirTafewE; otr'^^^^' ^'''-'-^ °" Orthography and "ta^slSe".' Ne^' r ^''^"'V ^^^:^^f^' Connecticut, Rhode Island, New BASIN. '''^' °^' ^^^■^^^' "'^^^ ^'°°^^"' ''"'^ CrEOLOOY of LONDON ^^^fSr^'"''"'r?''"V'.r°"''"'''"" ' "'"^ ARCHDEACON NARES, Verneitv M IRMON^fr r ' ^"'\Co™Pa™Hvc View of their Histories. 2 io.^k ^ jAiAKiUUiMJ<.L, Coutes Moraux, 3 vols. cat/. MARllROLOGA of Churclies of Christ, called Baptists Durin<^ Era of Re Ji^iiiii.MAilCAJ' Dra'vin'-lnstrinn,'!!)- • A TJl'^'ro'Ci i.^ a; 1 1 t. , . e r:ooRArirv, )i'rlt"v, 3 V()I«, [urpiiy, 3 vols. ■Cxliibitions, nt 'ublii' Si;1iooIm, 1851. HLl of POLT- R BOOK, ill k1 TACITUS, pdvo, Siii'vov, , 5 volri. clul/i, i MISSIONS vUilh, Miq> of )wci's, Fruits, Jppoi- .M.'islci- (irk ))i'i'( (.'(loH IIOOKK, or STOKiAXS, t of, 2 voh. y niul other indiina, Pro- cIl' ^MuJociiio vols.; mill LL, Youiig igvapliy and isluiid, Xeu- of iro];v LONDON ;S, Vei-ncily >ks. Rra of Re- ?aiiEt!iius, 19 / < u 5"" Mil """""• ^^''^'■''"sl'olitKjues.ct il.-iT» ur. ^»'^J-vVVi!,LI., Luck IS Evorvthinii : ami PO\Vi.» i/ . 'i/^'''"'''''*'"- '-^ ^'"ok'i. 10,v. 0,/. ^ "'""" ^'^''"'^■' K'-'follccfious of 17L'0--1801, do//, pub CUa iONlH^'fr/ k'''',""'^^^"*''"^''' 8 vols: scar,. ' ''la^^^'£^-«"'^-'^-> I^IVES of IW^ablc YOUTH; oudADil:. 508 MOORK, Practical Nnvitnrlii rV^ ^«"'^- ''' '"SaS^'TS" '"• ' '''''■ •" ^' ^''"'-^ "'-. ^^^- OOURGAUl). sur '"^af^.;^^ r a ri^.^S. e:.a i-)^/AN OORKr.r. Topo,ra. eo5 MUSEUM of Nr;t;.SiH;;.rl?^S"f: Irlr""^^^?;*^^'^- =^'"'"•5- Directions for CVlla-ting an l" P uhtv 'V, , "•'r'v^ 1^'ss.rtution.., with .file plate,, pub. II A'^-i"ing Objocts oi .Natural Ilistorv, 2 toIs. 606 M USIC, Ncv Dietien..^ oi; by W^.on, a«.i. 1.53. .i W 20 607 C08 *^^.n! TlmTil'' ^''^rr* °/ ^''"?"» "'y'*^'' fr""* M"''"*" of l«tl« Century to Pre- m nt li">e, JJm-h, &,■. , nlso, a Vol. of ITALIAN Al UHIC •' W, ^ii!" «if "' "^ "'*^"' '*' ^"" "^ '^"°"-'»"^ ''y l*«v. Dr. Beard, nu.ercs nit/o, huatii and Foslivids ; luid ] otlior. il'S.; 5r '" '^' ^''"''°""--'. ^"t - no doit pa. Changer do RcH«io,.. '''FVn;S:':;;d'(^,::;™ ':l.^fe."' '^""''"* ^""'•"'"-'^' BWli... American, wipuni ?ii/'\'^- ''^>"'''"' of ri'ilosopliy J and JUVKMIJ-: TOF UTST •> hnni '"""f "' "°""'' ■™"' ^~"<' *~" "'" I.ONDON, bj Jreulloel, 2 piirticulMfly of MIDDLE AG sn 'fl. « ' ' f ^"*'"»' «f Anti,,iufv, of An<.i..„t IIi.t, '.;;/; andf}:,, ^Ir fy'".'","-""l "'"' Chronolo.i,.,! Vi.w pnh.lG,. om:panton to Dr, &„uth ^ or Icmpric-e's Diclionarks. ULA.MCS, «,;m names Z iS/rr";'c*''°'" ""'''""^ Author., c/oM, C29 0'jrALLARAN, KADC^L&r cX^^'? frTfr , SCIipTIEIC Dialogues. Titk ^^^■'^'^' °^ ^^''''" "^^ Dumblaj-nc , i^iilJ Manor House, 2 vols • nnrl AURnr yrr ^ -, r^ ORFILA, El..uK>ns'do Cl.h^ra vo •l^'aad'S Le^uS (E '"^'V, • • calfs, 3 Tols. G hooks. u"u ui, J^JiCsALi.!, CLuvvfa Clururgi- ^'ito, Medeeme Legale, 3 vols. WS- S'^iS^^'S.- J-'-'°«- ^''"-'^' 2 vols. gehcal l"ri,rciples. al o I ti'ie'v^ Evt™ T r'" ''""^ ='ccor.lanco with Evan^ 1833. ^ ' J-^«^'e«s, Extracts from Dooks, doth. pub. 10s. A7.r7.V. j,uL. ih. ^""^ °^ ""^ 1"^"-^ '•'o'''', i'^-^«* 0/ f;<%/z„j and SODY. . ooti::^ ^ '" ^'^^^" °" '^'' Globes; and LATIN PRO- feS^r TJ::^: ■" ''"^"^'^' "^^ ^'"'--"^ ^-^«. ^ vols. , al.o, velar: l-S fiOO 610 Oil 012 (il3 611 615 iJlG 017 618 61U 620 621 622 I 623 62], 625 626 627 628 635 030 637 638 Iso, 2 ToU. of 039 Ok) Oil 012 013 21 /sr- Oil 015 Oil) 017 Ol« 619 050 051 052 053 051 055 05G 057 05S C5U £010 001 coa 003 001 0(!5 000 077 008 COf) 070 y 071 672 673 674 075 076 * •'>»i'. 1, liilcjt of tlio Villnffc "J Mr* I ^. tj^fy^ Sr'-^ -^ ^''"- ^ of Arxswo.T„ (^, „.,,,. ^,^, 'Oiu'n;;^':'' JS" ' ' "■' ''"^'"^ «^'-"'. » ^'I^. and THE 4 voLs. i„ 2, c«//, n^a^ «''^«Me«<«^i'e, clear reawulngr- ;./»/„. ''^"■"'""'il'»'«='"«iK..,bjC„llI„r,,rf.,,, . 1 LLIl-PS, Poems ttucl Tr3.'M , i; !"^'' ^ ''"•'"''':'/ /'' v;./«/. I'lnLOSOPHY in Spor ,:..'? o«cl ' ^'.^"^^^V/. /"'V/. //.. .... Portrait. PHSM/r^^r^'.^^'"'^- -*n/ ir- ^''^ L^e of Popular To^, and «por: p,';^^^;'^' RitchS' 2T.S:.^"'"''"' ^> '^->- i^ovvitt, and the MAGICIAN. SHffC"' and t™.. Of .I.E. or Ad.... of ... 3 l>ooL '' ^'•- J°'--" ■> and MI{ W. TEMPLE, Lctler., 2 rol.. id ^\ lodlands, Mountains of Mti, '. Tiic. OTTISJI ^aux, do Review, 'MMO-V onred !ud. iich S^*** 22 678 ^^/f^i' l^ialogiios, Qr Lat. Notes, by Forster, calf, neat. 679 PLAHtSS'''""'/ • ^"'^r' ^f'' Ko^ith./"^ copj,, calf. fisn PT Tirp Opera, folio, vellnm,fme copy. S Wy ^" 'i/jr"' Companion to Bible. «.a^,, .J^.. . ROPER, Escape from ''' 'r^AS|^faSS'%'-£r ' Ca.bWa,e University Calenda. and f^^,r= -n ' ^''"''*""^> f-1'^erius, Hon'-rius, Avitus, Prosiun- 681 POMPONi'Ke"i!e r^t 1821-6. ' 685 pS?NBy a ?\?Tr ' P^^'^1^^°*l^^""^ Gronovio, calf, neat. ■ closplv „n^' Tn < ;• of Iroublous Tunes, or Roiuanco of llislory, ndhcrinc 686 POl P 7 V ^"? ""5^' 'dedicated to Lord John Manners, 2 vol.. clolh ron pS^M"?'^;rV^°"'^°" Directory, and others. ^Lvte ' wo''' .""r^"?''* ^'^ "^'""^^ ''™™ ^'--- ^^"^l-rs, .ith their Na,nos s! i;l^™iv^ "f -^^^^^^ 2tST*"- c?/r ll""* ''""""^ ^^'"■'^' ^"^'^ ""-™- "~us lUustrations, dlo. 6oJ Jf;?,??";« °/I''*<=>-'''t"re, and 1 Cher. 2t«V*'""' '° ^^'- ^'^^'^^^ ^ --l CAPT. BOUNEVILLE. Adventure. ''' Q?l^?/-oUn, Memoirs of. LEE. Baths of Gei^any, and various other. 701 S^f llMT^"^!?"'^ ^'^"'^ *^ <='''"q"'^«*' 2 vols. rZo/;,. .,,5. 1/ i, ir- , Parts printed in Ui^oW div ion'of Veiril'^T^'^'^'T-'"^"^ ^^'''"•'-> very numerous, 4 vols, clotl ' '° ^'"^otat'O"^, very short, but iSFil'"?^SSS;„^S.„,.. „„„„ ?;^ ifs I'l^'*'-- "'-'" '^"■°^' ^"'- "-""■ -• E1.LBEN H.dl.c,«, or .,„ o.„,i„8 Man. . j:„„,, 3 ,,„,, „„,„, ^,„„ „ „^ ,, , Kom«„,. 16,0, aim (TOi,'flT°fi,-« ,'';'.''•., '™"='' ''''l'"'. «»«'" Corrcspoiidoneo islratioiis, -Ito. 28 '>'or„cco; nlso, Hs Ilistorv of \lriSrifNS '''• \"v^*''''"^^ ^°'^- 'l^"- ^'•''^/' ^;^ii^o,i:;i['fSp.&?ri!^,::; S'^^f'^f^^ A„eio„t. had of 1,..,, 718 i>/S;SpLFTF WOET-S >, ^^^"''^ ^V Capo of Good Hope; /-y ^(//o, Posthumous Works ^\it. %tt- ■ ■ 701 ;,1«^2 ""tcdbyhisSon ' ^^'''-^ °* '"«""" ^'^ l^^S. ""'^ Now England to 7'p' 5!^?,^piClSrnd;„f^';i°»'^' ^^«'- Chinu-gicak.. 5"....,. /-u iiOATAJV Empire, History of j also FPXVTvn. v 707 pAl""' 2 *"'"^'^- -FE^M^a, Young Man's Book of Know- PE IRX pL K , V;.""'^ '^'^ IMamtaining tho Truth • A'TPPTT a . f-or. -o/tC^ '^^' Cerebral Vis on • ;\TN'I'pt a v u- -^"^"t" . » IKUlL, Astroiiomv • 729 EUSSIOLL, Lndv, Letter "iWr^ir n "."''"'"'"' ^^'"''^^^^^^^ andotlZ' .3. SAM ..,.„, ,„,,, ,h,;;;'^;;;iX2:;;,e- ^. -lunotoo par ^\'L■ias, avee Vie. letTomnricc)', v./ , .~ v. ""^ °"r jjivcrs Testes "( 7^8 l^lSm-"iriiT'"^!;^^^O^i^^. 3 vols. e«//. a procligiouswork, in^^i^ SSt°f S/pTry;^) '^^^'"P^'•''^''t ^ . 750 SEEJ), Postlmnious Works, Sermons Lnttpi-q *n « ,„^,f .i , j- ''' 'l^tSo^itS/"™'"' KHETOEIC, by Stirling; YALPY. Latin ^^' ^™f IrfSc^ER S'?"'" 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Notis Brunck « / 7 ^''f '"'l'/^"' " '°''- ' 772 D/V/o, translated by Potter • aho APX^OTt* ^7 ^ n, i- 773 SPEDTATm? it^7 / "'^,°> ^"■'^^^■'J-'. Eelogae 0%idmnic. 2 hooks pemsal, teeming mlh vroraL itkeJreH st^I.lfTr *""'^- J}" '""'*""* literature, 8 vols, calf ^ ^^^ of Augustine period of Eagiuh 775 Srn?' f '''""''' liiographieal and Critical. 2 Sooif-,. 7/5 SIERNE, Sermons, a Sentuuental Journcv, ''never eanalM ;„ .,. Tot'cYr' '-^^"■"^^'-/-''•"^^ ^/^^''W/^eSill^^^^^^^^^^ "' ' wVinT7f8:tf iT^ir^ '^'^*' ""' ^'''^^'"■■^" ^' ^--- -cl R-ian ^'ainral Eisforu and Natural Pluln?n I , '"f '""^'^ "*^^"' "i/i>'''»"^'"o« ;» 779 780 ! 781 ! 782 : 783 ] 784 I 785 T. 786 T. 787 Ti 788 tJ 789 TA t 790 Dit \ V 791 TE( T 792 TEE V( 793 TER Jc II 794, Ditt, 795 JDitt( 796 TER Pr 797 Ditto 798 TEST LA 799 JD««o NO 800 THA 801 THE( Uni 802 THIS' 2 be L 803 THOM. / 804 THO]V • lurai plicii des J 805 THOIM Fone Univ pend: Supn poreU et Ion 80G TIECK in tin Humo S07 TOMLT cernm< llier. 3 liools. ictcrs, Speeelic.^, d by Tate, 1085. 'Ill flisconrxps of nnd 1. 3 ftoo/f.f. Ibdin's 2»'a'nt' of t^ALPY, Latin n to the Clergy ; haff morocco. ilpil eloquence, 'onsequeiillii in- 'at. lill, in his Old y. 2 hooJcs. ily. 2 looks. Puflies, Bnvfor, ' Money, Aa;ri- , &c'. ^j«i. 74.. fei-enee to liis puh. 7s. Gd. 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