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GZOFSKI, ESQ., AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DUNDAS: PRINTED BY ORDliK OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. January, 1849. 1)] I V lESJi A ■ ■• A TAB S. GZOW PSiyTED I DETAILED ACCOUNTS, AND GENERAL ABSTRACT, OF THK AFFAIRS OF THE lESJARDINS CANAL COMPANY. FROM 1831, TO 1848, INCLUSIVE, WITH A TABLE OF THE EXPORTS AND LMPORTS FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS. ALSO : THE KEPORTS or GZOWSKI, ESQ., AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DUX I) AS. ■m PEIKTED BY OEDEH OF THE PRESIDENT AND BO.VRIi O*' DIRECTORS. L THE c. /illiam VVa thn S. Bal( Robert _on. Auf^usl m. A. Bakl St. George E Senry Bald Anna Maria jIn. John I in. Joseph Hon. W. H. H^A. Peter F Cfeorge T. D( H. C. Home i^^ jN • Mrs, John Si Charles C. Si fesse Ketchi #eorge Stegi Jon. J. B. I Jlttdrew Men B^Arcy Boult ^n Murchi( Ffter Reesoi Peter A in Drumn; _lria Willco B«vid Jardint tlurence Ha' W. L. Mack John Marsh. Robert Marsh James Wilkie l^omas Mon V^Jliam Mite Bljbabeth Tui J#ies Pearsoi iftgh Boss. . "bert McNa' bert Scott. Pliam Chis] arried for\ *•%■• LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS, rirn the amount of stock subscribeu. and stock paid and unpaid. NAMES. rilliam Warren Baldwin. fhn S. Baldwin [on. Robert Baldwin jn. Aujrustus Baldwin . . A. Baldwin George Baldwin Jnry Baldwin ina Maria Baldwin fn. John H. Dunn '»n. Joseph Wells m.W. H. Draper hn. Peter Robinson borge T. Denison . C. Home Irs. John Small. Piarles C. Small. 5sse Ketchura. . 5orge Stegman ii 18 16 16 6 18 5 10 8 20 20 10 18 10 10 10 5 6 20 J. B. Robinson jl 10 idrew Mercer |Arcy Boulton 'in Murchieson ;. . . |ter Reesor Peter Adamson lin Drummond . . . Iria Willcox irid Jardine uence Hayden . . . L. Mackenzie . . t) '", John Marsh Iipbert Marsh les Wilkie jmas Morgan. . . . , llliam Mitchell sabeth Tumbull. . . IBS Pearson rh Ross iert McNaught bert Scott 20 10 10 5 2 3 5 5 2 o 5 5 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 10 AMUNT OF SToOCK. lliam Chisholm ' ij [q "Ik ■ , . i ^iparned forward ,349 £ s. 225 200 200 62 10 225 62 10 125 100 250 2.50 125 225 125 125 125 62 10 62 10 250 125 250 125 125 62 10 25 37 10 62 10 62 10 25 25 62 10 62 10 62 10 25 62 10 25 62 10 62 10 62 10 125 125 4162 10 0'4075 3S8 10 ! i909i STOCKHOLDER'S NAMES,- Con ri.Nctn. NAMES. Brought forward . . John O, Halt Andrew Steven Sir Allan N. McNab. .. Manuel Overfield Hon. James Crooks. . . Johti Paterson •Tohn Gamble James li. Ewart Edward I.esslie & Sons Robert Neilson Daniel Campbell Elizabeth Be'rue Thomas Stinson ...... Peter Bamberger Jamea Coleman Joseph Spencer John Millar James Smith William Miller John P. Larkin John Wagstuff Thomas Raeey William Dixoii Robert Spenco Robert Holt John Mathews James Hamilton Edward Hooper John Quarry William Passmoro . . . Adam Kerr Total ■ ^ m ■A g 849| 22' 20' 111 10 lOi 10 12 6 10 8 10' 4 5 2i 2 2: 2 2' 1'. 4 1 10 1 1 1 1 AMOUNT OF STOCK. £ 44«2 275 62 250 137 125 125 125 150 75 125 100 125 125 62 125 50 62 25 25 25 25 25 125 100 50 12 125 12 12 12 12 STOCK PAID. s. d.l| jD 0. (I. 10 Oi,4075 Oji 1.50 10 O'l 62 10 2»7 2 10 10 01 131 19 9 125 0i| 87 12 4 o| 125 OJ 132 10 00! 75 125 .37 10 Oj 125 50 25 25 7 10 0! 01 10 0] 0! 10 01 0! 0: 0; 0! .0| 0! oi 10 10 Oj 10 10 0: 10 d! 6 5 5 2.10 S 10 2 10 2 10 125 100 Oi 50 0| 1 5 Oi 87 10 15 1 6 15 1 & 564 7150 10 015966 14 11 — I •TOCK UNPAID 75 37 10 100 42 10 56 20 5 DEi 22 10 22 10 22 10 U 5 37 10 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 1183 15 ount e.\p OUnI C;i|li , Attiount coll- ^ 31st Oct Dpbts due bj 22 10 t»4i II. Mittleh Jacob & Jn Robert Mi David Gibl •all .^ount due tober 1 ■»4^ount of el Siiarei RECAPITULATION. Whole number of Shares. ; .■ . ' ^' Total amount of Stock subscribed, £71.50 10 Total amount of Stock paid, £5966 14 Total amount of Stock unpaid, £1183 15 JOHN PATERSON, Presid' JOHN DICKIE, Secretary. Dcsjardina Canal Offirf. 7, Sisl Decembej-, 1818. 5 L Di STEVEN Secre 1! AID, . (I.i 01 2 10 9 9 2 4 C 5 0| Oj 0| 5 Oi ()| 5 6 5 5 •TOCJC UNPAID £ ti. 388 10 125 32 17 I i) 5 37 10 7 17 10 62 10 75 37 10 100 42 10 56 5 20 22 10 22 JO 22 10 22 10 DETAILED ACCOUiNTS or tus DESJARDINS CANAL COMPANY, FROM 1831 TO 1818, INCLUSIVE. houiit 31st October jbts due by the Company :-— H. Mittlebeigerwithout interest,. . . £206 19 4 Jacob & James Thorpe, for Laud 50 Itobert Millar 118 14 6 David Gibb,(Contcactor) : '. 514 5 7 889 19 .5 5369 12 7i|5369 12 7 CAPITAL STOCK NOT COLLECTED. ount due on 373 Shares, including the 10 instalments due on the 1st Oc- tober last, ^^25 6 10 Inount of eleventh and last instalment, of 10 per cent." on 373 ^ Sliares, due 1st December next 466 5 q r»- i;69i n 10 ^m £7150 10 £5966 14 i * £1183 15 (Signed) RSON, Presid' E, Secretary. i. STEVEN, •.Jii Secrelary. Dnjnrdins Canal Offirr, "i ■.VDA5, •■^Siii November,, 1831. ) MANUEL OVEREIELD, llct-Prtsidcnt. 6 1832-3. EXTRACTS FROM MINUTE BOOK : At a Meeting ol the Directors of the Desjardins Canal Company, held ai Hamilton, the 31st day of March, 1833, at which were present — ALLAN NAPIER MACNAB, Esq. Prcsidcnt. PETER H. HAMILTON, Esq., VicE-FRtsiDiNT, and JOHiV WILLSON, Esq., Director; I-r was submitted by the Secretary — That in the late calamitous fire and defltriiction of property - in the Town of Hamilton, was included the Office of thi Desjardins Canal Company, with tho total loss of all thi Books and Papers belonging to the Company ; it wa Resolved,— That the Secretary be directed to provide a new set of Books foi the use of the Company. Rbsolvkd,— That the Secretary do write a Circular Letter to each of thi Stockholders, to the following effect :— " In the late destruction of property by fire in the Town c " Hamilton, was included the Office of the Desjardini ' " Canal Company, and all the Books and Papers be " longing to the Company ; it has therefore bee; " considered necessary, in order to attain a correc " account of Stock held, (and not forfeited) to ca! *♦ upon each Stockholder to transmit to the Seoretar *' a certified copy of their Receipts for Instalraen! " paid on th«ir respective Shares, since." ' (Signed) JAMES HAMILTON, SjCCBXliRl Desjardins Canal Company"* Office, Hamilton', 21st March, 1833. tt 4. tmpaiiy, held ai ..^ » present — T. CN r, and ■ ion of properfy the Office of ihi al loss of all tht )inpany ; it wa 1 set of Books fo; ce. >i r to each of thi e in the Town c )f the Desjardim and Papers be 3 therefore bee; attain a correc forfeited) to ca! to the Seoretar ^ for Instalmen [AMILTON, ISjECRXTiRl •s «^ n O o I' I lj3iO©OCOOOOOOOOOOO»00©0000000 oo |Poooooo«s«oooooooo«jooo«>o©ooo oo ^ a ^- '• *3 ■ o •PS is • is ■ as o o _ o o _ 6 o o •^IJ ^3 ^w o _ O - '■CT3 ■Oro o o o o o o o 'U 'tS ^ t3 Til •^ '^ o o o. e o o o ■<-' 5; p-^ - O 1^ V o^ c 1^ s-S.^. mill :ij§c^§«^.^ S &1 •s O Jca-^ o o o "•CI 'O 'O a &..-( PS 1-1 <n o ""-s .« «3«joji--itgg3Mt<-MOf3»wO(»p .^>.' 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CO • « JS ■> r^ § S 5 « e a -s s « o a a o CO o o cB a 2< 3 B > nj 5 rt « S"a w-S s^ L:-a-2^ T-I O C* ?!l1 1«) " 1-H rj< 00 o ■■ 1— I KH , 00 RJ c _, ca o So " 14 O o fcfi c: s « s s s 3 2; « rt o oj ^ o § a 3 t- '° t? r® §^ ■«t; I— I ^^ aw oo hJ ntj' ;0 ' . oe .1 4= ■ cil- ^ hH 19 Ho aw po bo CO l( • O !-<•<* O O « «) »H 1-H i-< r-< , , O ec ys O vo ♦-• S Q "5 !£> C» O Q O) h-5 2 - C O !ZJ J; 3 _ 5^ P.J5.0 '^ >-> >\ >t >~> >~, >t ^ QD '»-. >- S 53 > 01 72 ■= C 5 rv! ■ O c?l>«Tfia5cci>i-(knoow50iOiO"^c^;cooo^t~w5 ^ lin rH i-H C< ^ do £.*l o H ^ M S ' ESS? c § S g 5 rt rt « •S '~J 1-5 1-J o o e o 1^ .=i2j 2 o .^ O Q "r2 O S " >- O £Pr5 I-*- i-s C5 E- J-, fi fc->C c (s "^ 2 5 72 ^- >T< <»25 a, .Jh S 1^ X! <ag6£2 c o = c o H c- H ~ H S J. o N rn o O _ « o o *j "^ </) O P3 "" o c (« U cs Q q _o t- . a *— w . *J £ 0) o rt o 5 ^aj W '^ g -2 c' (3h 01 ft r~ r^ r'2 r^ r^ -^ .'^ h H H h :- [-' E-< Oi i O) j Ol H ;« w . a >< u < ct f- r. ^ TERS CK^E, -<;^ a<Q :«<s acs oo 50 I. o "3 « aft S 2-. a -•* HELATr " ;»■!*' To JOF Si aniined Wc th Ittlstte fc .^ Tl INiggest liocordi kfimpr ^ In Canal t line has the hig] distanci f II lUpd rep aiions 1 flrfectl REPORT oF C. S. GZOWSKI, Esq., ATIVE TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE DESJAIiDINS CANAL. Engineer's Office, } Toronto, 2yth September, 1846. ^ To John Paterson, Esq., President J D. C. Co. Sir, — In compliance with your request, I have ex- ined the entire length of the Desjardins Canal, and ilVe the honor to submit the following Report and Esti- i||lte for improving it. * The peculiar locality of this Canal, admits of the Ingestion of numerous plans for its improvement j and, lidcordingly, several modes have been proposed in which t<j improve the present Canal. In addition to the several modes of improving the Cftnal through the marsh, a deviation from the present line has been proposed, by making a thorough cut through twe high land, for the purpose of saving a considerable • distance in the length of the Canal. n^ I have carefully examined all the plans, estimates, afid reports, for those different improvements and alter- ations from the present line, and though I find them all W&rfectlv practicabjp. vnt thn moMnQ in wWxrh iho Cnm. 22 pany are bound to confine themselves for the present, will not admit of adopting either of these plans proposed, or of undertaking any thing beyond what is absolutely necessary to render the present line of Canal available for the use of all such craft as ply on the waters of Lake Ontario and the river St. Lawrence. In making, therefore, my examinations, and trying to determine upon a plan for improving that work, I have assumed the following points as my general data : First,^To make the present line of Canal (with but slight deviations) answer the purpose. Second,-— To secure the same depth of water in this, as in the Burlington Bay Canal. Third,— To protect the sides of the Canal in such a manner as to prevent the mud and muck from lodging within its limits, and to form a towing path through the entire length of it. When these three points are attained, I consider the work available for all the present purposes, and, in a proper state, realize such a revenue as the business of the country, and an uninterrupted navigation, and the facilities for a direct shipment of all produce to the best markets, can secure. The manner in which I propose to construct the different portions of the work, and which forms the data of the accompanying estimate, is as follows :— From the Warehouse, at the outlet of the Canal, in the Burlington Bay, to the point called Crooks's Pomt, (from W. to B. in the accompanying sketch.) I propose to straiten the present line of Canal in the man- ner marked in the sketch, in red. ■^Matoai^iautu present, oposed , 3oluteIy mailable 3f Lake trying ivork, I 1 data : ^ith but in this, a such Ddging igh the ler the d, in a ess of d the 3 best It the J data l^anal, •oks's :h,) I man- 23 The width of the Canal, between those points, to be 100 feet, depth 12 feet The towing path is to be on the south side of the Canal, and is to be constructed on piles driven close to- gether. Eight feet in the rear of them, and six feet apart, are to be driven anchor piles, which are to be tied to the front piles by ties eight feet long. * Longitudinal timbers are to be placed on the ties, and covered with plank three inches thick. A protection railway, three feet high, is to be placed on the Canal side of the towing path. (See accompany- ing sketch, A.) The north side of the Canal I propose to protect by driving piles close together, but at such points only as will be considered necessary to prevent the muck and mud from washing into the Canal. In many places it is of great depth, and quite clear from any deposit; and, at these points, no protection is required at present. From Crooks's Point to the basin at Dundas, I pro- pose to follow the course of the present line, leaving the width of the Canal as it is at present, 66 feet, but in- creasing the depth to 12 feet. The north bank of the Canal, between those points, being sufficiently firm and of very nearly the proper height for a towing path, I propose to change the tow- ing path from the south to the north side of the Canal, and construct a change swing bridge at the Point. At places where the present bank of the Canal will require to be raised to bring it to the proper height for a tow path, I propose to raise it with earth obtained from Crooks's Point, Maitland's fsland. anH fmm fho »n^t«''i"1 nil i Hi k 24 dredged out of the bottom of the Canal, which, on this portion ofit,is well suited for that purpose. . To reduce the pressure on the sides of the Canal from the earth forcing, the towing path, I propose tS a hne of five feet between the edge of the Canal and th« foot of the towing path. (See accompanying sketch B ) To prevent the wash of the banksf caLd t the action of water on th^ during the passage of boatTand Canal and reducing its depth, I propose to drive piles 10 feet apart on both sides of the Canal, and to pKm bers SIX inches thick and four feet in width, and at Jrh height as to prevent any wave, during the passage of a boat, from reaching and washing the earth either above or below the timbers. (See accompanying sketch, B.) _ The present swing bridges will require some altera- tions and improvements, the cost of which is embraced m the accompanying estimate. Estimaie Jor improving the Desjardins Canal : Estimate cost of improving the Canal from the ' 7aT\Tr' % ^^^^^trance into Burlington chains •—™°^ ' ^ distance of 200 4643 piles, at 15s. each, including drawing- ' - . - 6192 intermediate do. at 12s. each, do.^ . . Mnl Ja^'k piles, at 158. each, .... do ndSlr^'^^r wall pieces, at 6d.per foot; including all work ^ * 15568 feet timber for ties, at 6d. pr c. ft." " doV " do." 5570 -b Fnil'P'^f « f ^^ P"" ^ «"P^- ^'' ^^id down osyiuib spikes, at ^d, 139-2fi l-""''! ?^' s^'-^ntlinf?. at £4 per'M lineaVfeet 13926 hneal feet stand rails, at Is per lineal foot . . • Carried forward,. " .;....£ ^'a. d. £ 13481 10 |3715 4 1740 15 435 3 464 4 779 17 139 6 167 2 696 6 o| 6 1 2 8. d. 111619 6 9!n6l9 6 g K on this he Canal, 3e to leave il and the iketch,B.) 3d by the >oats, and n of the 5 piles 10 'lace tim- I at such age of a er above etch, B.) e altera- mbraced al : £ a. (1. 19 6 ^'rought forward Cost of protecting North side of Canal • ^095 p. es, at 15g. each, including drawing. . . . nS '"^f.'^^i^'ate piles, at 12s. each, ditto^. . . . 11605 feet tinribers for wall pieces, at 6d. per foot, including all work ' *^''''?J!^u?U?^''"PT'"# »he Canal, between Crooks's Point and the fasin at Dundas, a dis- tance of 156 chains !— . "« ^4??S f!\■!i:^''^ *^'- each, including drawing. . . . 41184 ft timbers, At 6d., includ'galfworkmanship Cost of Bridge at Crooks's Point. . . Repairing present swing Bridges. . Lstimate cost of dredging the Canal "from "the Warehouse, at the inlet into Burlington Bay to the Basin at Dundas, to 12 feet in depth' and forming towing path Actual cost of improving Canal Continaencies of Superintendent, 5 per cent of' the whole amount. .,. ^' s. d. 2321 6 2476 16 290 2 6 £ 11619 6 9 5088 3 6 1643 10 1029 12 Total, £ 2573 298 100 2 4103 23780 12 3 1189 6 1 24969 18 4 The above estimate embraces the cost of all the work that I consider necessary for the improvement of the Canal, and the prices put on the different materials are such as will ensure their delivery upon the work, and its completion. The item of Dredging I have not entered in detail, not being able to ascertain the exact quantity of earth that it will be necessary to remove ; but from the sound- ing that I have taken, I am of opinion that the sum esti- mated, is quite sufficient to cover the cost of that portion of the work. The manner which I propose to construct the tow- ing path, below Crooks's Point, is such, that at any fu- ture time, and when it will be desirable to construct the towing path in a permanent manner, and of imperishable VI m 26 materials, the whole of the work now proposed can be made use of as a foundation for the new one The towing path above Crooks's Point I look uoon as permanent ; forshould it be found necessaryat any time to increase the present width of that portion of the Canal, the proper side to be removed, in my Til " the south Side 3 the banks on that lide being oTie ^eight, aud of softer materials, and consequently can be J-emoved at much less expense. ^ ^ I remain, Sir, Your Very Obed't. Servant, C. S. GZOWSKI, -Engineer Board 0/ Works. 3ed can be look upon T. at any tion of the opiniei), is tig of Jess tly can be ..( vant, f Work^ REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS, SUBMITTED AT THE MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS, HELD IN TORONTO iStir JANUARY, 1849. ' To the Stockholders of the Desjardins Canal Company : Having, in accordance with your request, (one, we may observe, to respond to which gives us sincere plea- sure,) placed before you a full, and, we trust, satisfactory statement of the financial affairs of the Company ; and, being desirous of putting every Stockholder in possession ot the fullest intelligence in reference to the work in every pomt of view, at once, as to its present condition, the general prospects of the Company, and also in refer- ence to the policy which we, on behalf of the Company, m the management of its affairs, have heretofore thought It prudent to adopt, we have prepared a brief Report, which we would now respectfully submit for your consi- deration. It will doubtless be remembered by the Stockhold- ers, that during the year 1846, C. S. Gzowski, Esq., Ci- vil Engmeer, was employed on behalf of the Company to survey the Canal, and officially report thereon, fur- nishing, at the same time, in view of the completion of the work, correct estimates of the probable expense,~a copy of which Report, with estimates, we have now the pleasure to lay before you. It will be observed, that the necessary enlargement of the Canal Basin is not included in the estimates sub- ^ as inittod, and, therefore, over and abovo .1 i "ed by Act of Parliament, of £25 ^n '''f' T '""''°'- £6000 would be requisite in ortlrTtJ f7^'' """" "^ of the work. In view of this dX " "'""P'^'ion ".ade up, step, having been take„ ' r'^J™^ '° "« 'oan, by deputing J Jks B EwC K ">« '^l-ired Of the Company for that purpole ,o En'',' "1 ^ ^8^"' dent and Directors, i„ accorr.ce with tf "^' '^' ''"'''■ Gzowski, immediately camoT ?! ^"^ ^^"""^ °'^Mr. for the purpose reSed "o ^^tudTat """ '° "^^"'^ l<ands of the. Company beLnf i ^* f*'""' ''' ">o J"- with the inte^e:fir;rz tv tr'°«^; Revenue of the Tnnai j . ^'^^^"' «"<! the usual from that poi of S /""^ "'°'. ""> '»'-«" «"3i„g -that a sum nearly f „ , "°V"""'"''"'*'^ ^^l-'^ "occssary l^g^'n fort .oTatr'^ '^'"'1 '" '"« to disposal of th , Company, when „ thTr"" "" "' ti.e completion of tl. wo'rk,^; iTd'bV I;!-^"^ °' and£r:orr?r:£':i?Tr°''' ""' '•-"'-' sary allocation "h'fdsnvi w' ^ "'"' ""^ "^'="^- tinue to be of the oninf^r.i. . > """^ "'*"'« »'"1 "on- pany wouiditrbr: sxtredt t'"^- "°-' bTs'ec-J^tr-''^'''^ ""^ "^'---^^^^^^^^^^ • The President and Directors retret ih.t „ • ''' the great financial pressure and .mt ' , . °"'"S to derangement which 'hrerederS^hr^'"^ referred to, that they have hitherto failed to tlTiu' Huthor,sed loan ; and further, that there evi^s .f ^" no unmcdiatc nrosnrrt ,.r u ■ ,,^ ^•''"ts at present «amc time tLv Zo , ^ "^ "'''" '° ''°^°- At t!,o "0, tho.^ ha,c the pleasure of being able to state an author- ler sum of ompletion ^'ng to bo required he Agent 'he Presi- ceofMr. to devote It in the ese toge- he usual t arising •equired, e to the id be at ourse of •esidcnt ( neces- fid con- B Com- invest- 1 reJia-i ing to netary period ct the resent .t the state 79 to the Stockholders, that on the occasion of the Canal being brought before a leading Member of the presen Admrnis ration, they were assured that, provided they could satisfactorily show that the Canal would Davth« interest of £25,000, the sum required" a provisoTmav bo remarked, with which they 2an easilyVoZl!.!! lutein 7r'r '" "^^^ P"^P^^^^ '^-'^" - t^: _ Jn reference to the present condition of the Canal, the President and Directors, although second^^ none in heir anxiety to secure its completion, and, at the same wit's n^r "^ ''' P"'^"' ^"^'^^"^^^ '^ "^^t the wants of the community, are, nevertheless, decidedly of he opmion th^y have ever held-an opinion in wLh they were fully supported by the Engineer, Mr.Gzowski -that It would be worse than useless, in fact, a complete squandering of the funds of the Company, to attempt to make any improvement on the Canal, until the requisite amount is at their disposal ; and to prove satisfactorily to every mdividual that such is the case, they have only to refer to this feature of Mr. Gzowski's Report, that a sum, equal to £20,000, is the estimated expense of se- curing the banks ; while a sum of between £4000 and £5000 IS only required for the purpose of excavation, and, included in this, is the construction of the tow-path • and as the permanency of the work wholly depends upon the preliminary step of properly, and efficiently securinij the banks, the correctness of the position assumed is, in their opinion, self-evident. In conclusion, the President and Directors would assure the Stockholdcrs,that nothinir shall be wnntiniron ao po«ai of the Comply the necessary amount, and failinir o etlect any thin^ under the provisions of the Act lutho^ rising tlK.n to obta.n the loan of such amount, they will IrtT^' !'''"'' ''"^^ ^'" ^^^«"^i°" -^ '^^ Govern, mer t to the importance of the work, and the desirable- »css of Its speedy completion. JOHN PATERSON, De.yardin¥i}^, Company's Office, } '^^^ '"^' DuNDAs, Dec. 30, 1848. J . ^ at the dis- iDd failing let autho- they will, > Govern- desirable- ON, President. lis AM TO 1847. £ 8. d. 25lli 452 5 8 477 483 8 2 628 440 7 6.i 811 18 4i 729 16 4 602 11 774 17 1001 7 45 oil 1244 15 52 6 1319 7 A 7 6 8i 6 RTs m. JtiOi A30 S^3.i oeu TdSi 83 1 § i a o >^ H ^ 1*4 a o o S £ 8. i. 270 6 *ii 232 5 8i 232 15 5 122 1 2 73 5 u 77 13 10 215 3 2 129 10 Hi :^7^ I 615 1541_27j 134 isj^ 68olll353 1 7 Di ^^Y^jAumxoKs. ABSTKACT OF THE EXPOKTS AND IMPOKTS BY THI IK ^^ tit 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 18811 21686 41336 63934 44482 46737 63984 87654 120687 122047 in a »— • ID Li o Ph 862 1245 1849 926 1233 1031 758 1605 47 344 506 1773 1198 40 638 288 34301019; 22971 12851 CJ Xi *\ CO III •a 13 Xi 42 3876 33'1968 105 .. 92 4177 754239 108,3846 115 5271 202 293 223 3647 5404 5332 0) xi CO a Xi ^^ O) xi 2167 217 12509 1836 544 8 III > C9 s 349547 847779 391544 311278 449560 199250 199817 273210 40750 38465 0) 7684 5230 7322 19759 13i22 13810 12549 14494 »» cd .^3 33 5 18 43 171 516 62 xi in s Xi o o & 230 x> a u CO 79 265 79 90 125 44 345 c4 X!t o 10^ 43 15 0) o lO 9 .a >; 0) S' PQ 155 436 136 56 188 1396 330 i65i 0) c -a 3 pa CO O 27 231 250 878 220 113 104 494 61 879 10 P4 1212 5216 75124 39879 78328 63571 1610 6779 599 1104 8 16 m S O o 25 40 111 140 255 202 319 336 x> Ph 252 26 367 S pa Ph 28 84 78 158 137 EXPORTS AND IMPORTS BY THE DESJARDI in O >» 1 Flour, bbl. out- wards, Ud. Oatmeal, bbl. outwards, l^d. Pot Barley, bbl. outwards, l^d. Peas, bbl. out- wards, l^d. Whiskey, bbl. outwards, 5d, C4 1- W)C3 176 42 136 34 103 39 29 5 l-o ID . Xt rrr . cd 862 267 20 377 3 <" 5 xi o 10 20 1 7 4 8 14 8 6 Salt, bbls. l|d. inwards. Lard, Firkins, IJd, outwards. El h. . n 11 8 "'42 53 441 21 576 •4 Merchandize not otherwise specilied in rate ofToll8,cwt. 2d. t-l *^ & jn "3 30 85 182 b 01 cd in Bar Iron,cwt.ld. •£ .S 1 ^ e . Crockery&Stone Ware, cwt. Id. Oil, bbl.inwards 4d. tipe Staves, M. lOs. Puncheon staves M. 3s,9d. •73 4 '6 -i 3 1 April 29. May 31. June 30. July 31. Aug. 31. Sept. 30. Octr. 31. ToDec.8. Total,. 29921 24881 19419 9570 3012 8192 19562 9160 258 77 163 76 25 60 14 15 290 451 402 327 269 255 330 538 64 210 925 1850 1081 1862 1003 1655 8670 5 "5' 10 233i 328 1380i 280 653.1 m\ 2648^ 1283 27 20 ....163 276 .^QQ 8 100 12650 1473 70 405( "46" 30 290 42 342 752 300 100 228 548 "1426' 28a 7li 3A 11 10 188 ri "38 ' 188 92 615 796 125 27 101 25 34 2 100 273 481 44 9581 8 123717 599 70 29 2862 564 1529 67 72271 15412784 2602 283^' 21 100 12650ll673 405 Desjardins Canal Office^ DuNDAS, 30th December, 1848 .1 IRTS BY THE BESJARDINS CANAL, FROM 1838 TO 1847. • 1 • 01 1 ■ >> • * <D a ti O cfl ^ ,^ ^ .a 3 •» i 1 0) S3 c CO P^ >-A ■ • * ■ d. dH CM Pli 1212 6216 ■ • • • ^ , , . , , , , 75124 8 25 252 28 140 , , 39879 40 _ , 84 55 12 78328 111 26 78 7€2 . . 53571 , , 140 , . 158 1610 255 , , . , 6779 16 202 • . . . . . , 599 319 . . , . . . 1104 . . 336 367 137 175 V « CO le <o 2 50 95 119 311 170 21 259 a o a 2 I— I be PL| 53 146 296 331 i38 625 569^ CO % C ;a 03 10 49 i 11084 2716 6886 6260 10 v a o ro « « to Ph 1264 512 64 25 ^ c5 69 203 CO o 141 760 M a o 02 ^ ^ C4 bC 0) a 189 U3 -S 185 o o V I- a 336 322 o n •s (0 P, c O . g W CO 47f 251 4771 628, 524 450 549 45 52 5 £ 8. d. 452 5 8 483 8 2 440 7 6i 811 18 4i 4811 729 16 4 39^ 602 11 3 774 17 7 1001 7 6 1244 15 8i 1319 7 6 DESJARDINS CANAL, FOR THE YEAR 1848. / r • i m 3 CS CO .Km cd 5*^ o in ♦J ^^ w Oi 20 28i 7l| 3^ 01 25 34 11 100 8 J83A 21 teas '0 CO 12650 (O 1473 100 I— t c« pq -^ §1 ^ I 4050 H 70 00^3 S »- O rt -.s o 25 79i 15 30 30 74 157 1 25 1 122i 25 10 100 1265()! 1573 4050 7o!410U81ilO (0 09 § o PQ 28 35 28 40 9 140 90 ^ ID 5^5 •S ^ ^ a oa td CO ^ 2g 146 689^ 389 162 30 44 ^•S 73 23 13 n3 V 40 109 90 20 to_2 -I e3 10 20 24 1^. s 6 4 533 16 14^ I a o ."a 'to ° 2 (O g si 4891 90 1460^ 1191 259 54 548 30^4891 00 IX) O . U CO '2 II 367 180 .5. 13 oT .a Pl4 20 359 286 134 547 665 134 15 CO ^ c o • F-4 15 I o H 106 112 106 106 29 62 106 63 C3 a o B a ^ £ B. d. 270 6 232 5 932 15 122 1 73 6 77 13 10 215 3 2 129 10 Hi 2i 8i 5 2 li 680 1353 1 7 D. A. DICKSON, > Auditors HENRY LAVERY, S ^^"^^°^^- /,