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Mepe, pletes, cherts, etc., may be fUmed et different reduction retloa. Thoae too lerge to be entirely included in one expoeure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, ae many framee aa required. The foilovving diagrama llluatrata the method: Lee cartae, planchee. taMeeux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A dee taux da rAduction diff Arenta. Loraqua la document eet trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un soul cllehA, 11 eet fiimA A pertir do i'angia aupAriaur gauche, do geuche A drolte, et do haut en bee, en prenent le nombre d'imegea nAcaeseire. Lee diegrammes suivanta illuatrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 .*■.....,■; kk ^: t «*^ I AM ■p*iSp6:%i|iS3>feA^" '/' v« ►"5?'* .<:^- ^<%^ >' jg ' ttt«*%,f. ' .VC" i fttSiii!' 4. >«■ ,f**{! i'^^fjKSlPis; -',*7 ' :i»j, y^Sj-^^V^I*?*^^^ t.'^ t- ' r.'^-' H^li *'^>l ^'^' .M' . Sff-IKSPP" '\-""'j! > i(. (Vf-t-r^i ^ '^'l*^?;^^ ''^- V *Si^ ' ■ ^il ■-:. 2 I BBLOHn'f rABMEB"* [isst SIGNS or THE PLANETS, *e. ^ Menurj VeniM Miur* VetU Jimo $ PalHs [I The ascedding, U the descending node. SIGilS OF tHE aODIAC. tOThetflun. ^N^lloon LastQuartor $ Ceres tt Jupiter K Saturn yt Huraohel or UrsAua Rn«.*»« C I *P Airies* kead. ^nng >2tf Taurus, neek. ^*^' f 8 n Gamini. «»»•. Summer $iSTi!TIii?*** •*«"• ^ 6 Sp Virgo, bowels. A »*«».» C "f ^ libra, reins. .tSr^S 8 Hi Scorpio, secrets, "V»^ I 9 i SagiltaHU, thi Winter ( '^ ^ CaprieOTnils,kn. Aqttarias, legs. Pisces, feet. The letters M. A., m. a. denote moming and ttfMmm* N. North. E. East. « Degrees. S. South. 'W. West ^ Minutes of are. a, *t Seconds of arc. daitONOLtfGICAI. CYCLES FOR 18ST. Golden Number - B^ttbi . . . . Solar Crele - - Jewish I ear - • Mundane Bra - - March 4, 6 an4 7. June 3, 6 and 6i. 15 4 18 . 5617 - 5860 KMBER Domuncat Letter Roman Ltdiction Julian Period - Mi^ometan Year - - D - " 957( - - 127 DAYS. I (^tember f^ 18 and 19. r December 16, 1ft awi 19l ROGATION DAYS. 1857.] There L Mai aftemooi It will b< partially States, ico. Its ciflo Ooei IL Se; commem 4h. 18m. parts of in all the Africa. May 18, 1» and 20^ PLANETS. Mn«vil«ifHn be tike Baeninff Star until Jaavary 81 ; after whiel it w%bil Hw liBniM^Star unttt April 9, it will then be ti^ Jbmtni ^ummtgJ^lxautX then MonUng Star until July 28, then Eoenini Stair imiil September 80, after il will be Mominff Star ta Novembei 24, thepoe .Jhpwmt^ Star until Jwiuary 15, 1-858. MnneiAt Will be in its greatest Western Elongation February 25 June ^ipll October 16. It will be in its greatest Eastern B)ong» tion Jaauitl^ 15f May 8 and September 5. Vmiin wuHt ^ EvmUm Star until May 8, after which it wil be ^ JiN!MiN| SMir «ntU Tf^rwj U, 1858. . Vaatwivill bain its gre^leal fiwtem Elongation February 27 and in its greatest Western Elongation July 19. Mars wul be the Eieming Star until June 5, after which it wil be the Morning ^fur to the close of the yew. Jcpmn will be the Eoming Star until April 12, tt will then be the Moming Star until Oet<^r 80, aftto which it will be the Ew$ning Star> " Satobn willlbe the Eotning Star until July U, after which it will Ji» tha JMemfag Star. » BBS aass DIR The Si the year after twe! dial. Tb mark the which wi by the rii as the ui such as 1 occasion the Alms The- only mark or i [185^! St9, 7ere8 vinter Isturn Ijraohel or Urn&tu r. £: Lflna, reiBs. Ri Scorpio, Becieto. / SagilttHW, tM Vf CftprieernWfkn, «» Aquarius, legs. )i Pisces, feet, nd tffMnMm* gprees. ftutes of arc :ond» of arc MMMMM 1867.] ALMANACK. VR 18ST. iUer • - JoR • - "ear - - It 667t 127S ECLIPSES IFT 1S67. There will be Two Eclipses this year— both of the Svir. I. March 25. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, commencing Sh. 6m. afternoon, and ending 8h. fi4m. afternoon, mean time at Hali&x. It will be^visible in Noya-Scotia and New England, but will be partially seen in California, Texas, and in most of the Western States. This Eclipse will commence in Australia and end in Mex- ico. Its centre will pass through the Northern and Southern Fa- eiflo Oceans. II. September 17 and 18. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, commencing Sept. 17th, lOh. 23m. P. JIf., and ending Sept. 18th, 4h. 18m. A, M-t mean time at Uali£suc It will be tnvutdfe in all parts of America, but may Ipe seen in the eastern part of Europe, in all the southern parts of Asia and in the north-eastern part of Africa. 6k 18 and 19. B, 18; tmk 1& BiRECTIOffS FOR FINDING THE TRUE TIME. The SUn is on the Meridian at 12 o'clopk on four days only in- rr 81 • after whieli ^^® J^"!'- ^^ ^ sometimes as much as 15 minutes before or hen be ii»Mte»inti after twehre, when its shadow strikes the noon-mark on the sun- 23, tiiea: EveninL f Star to Noyembei (Btion February 25, It Eastern BIcngB iter which it wil htion February 27 fter which it wil Z, it will then be sh it will he the after which it will dial. Thus, on the 25th January when the sun is on the noon- tnark the wat^h must be set 12 minutes 41 seconds past twelre, which will be the true time. The practice of setting time pieces by the rising or setting of the Sun or Moon is not strictly correct, as the unevenness of the earth's surface and intervening objects, such as hills and forests near the points of rising and setting, occasion a deviation in every place from the time expressed in the Almanack, which time is adapted to a smooth level horizon. The' only means of keepihg correct time is by the use of a noon- mark or a meridian line. / BELORER'S rARMBR'8 [1867 1857.] £XPI BEGINNING AND LENGTH OF THE SEASONS. Sun enters Vf (Winter begins) Deo. 21. 1856, at.- cp (Spring begins) March 20, 1857, at G (Summer begins) June 21, 1857, at ^ (Autumn begins) Septi 22, 1857, at Vf (Winter begins) Dec. 21, J 857, at - «« «i «<. «« «4 U <l Colnmn ^ 1 and 2— D " 4— T 10 19 4 3 Length of the Winter of 1856-7, Spring of 1857. - Summer of 1857, u «* «< ' Autumn of 1857, • - - • - • - - 89 17 4' Length of the Tropical Year, -•-..... ^ 365 5 3( The year 5618 of the Jewish Era commences Sept. 19, 1857. Rum&den (Month of Abstinence obserred by the Turks) com' mehoes April 25, 1857. . The year 1274 of the Mahometan Era commences Aug. 22, 1857 10 25 Jlfs 11 31 A ? ?? ^S-TheSui 6— Eqnatio of th or at 7— Days' 1« 8 and 9— T 10— The til colu ton, 11— The sy D. H. M 89 1 92 20 4 93 14 k^^^^^^^^^«^iAAMM^I^^iM^ FIXED AND MOVABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES, &c. }■ — Circumcision - 'Epiphany Martyrdom ](. Clharles I. Septuageaima Sunday Q. Victoria m 1840 - Sexoffetima Sundai/ Quingua gtnma Shrove Sunday Ash Wedneaday St. David > First Sutiday in Lent y St. Patbick - Princess Louisa b 1848 Annunciat'n-^Lady D'y Palm Sunday - Prince Leopold b 1853 Oood Friday - Eaater Sunday - Low Sunday St. Oborob Princess Alice b 1843 Prince Arthur b 1850 Rogation Sunday Ascension Day > Holy Thursday > Queen Victoria 6 1819 22 25 Mar. 1 Princess Helena b 1846 Rest. K. Charles II. Pentecost — Whit Sunday Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi • Access. Q. Victoria 1837 Proclaimed St. John Baptist Coronat'n Q. Victoria '38 St. Peter and St. Paul Prince Alfred 5 1844 Prinqe Albert 5 1819 St. Michael ) Michaelmas Day > All Saints Gunpowder Plot Prince of Wales b 1841 Princess Royal 6 1840 Advent Sunday St. Andrbw - St. Thomas Christmas Day St. Stephen St. John, Evangelist Innocents Sign The top or times ( Quarters, ( Tbb Fai each montl 1— Crontaii 2— Sunday 3— The tin June 21 2i 31 1] 2(1 21 24 2i 29 5— K 44 (4 Aug. Sept. 2S Nov. 2l| 30 Deo. 21 25 26 27 28 6— of that tid( These four of High \\ du port) is Portland, Johns, Ne All the ( seded the i The Epi passage, rtj is given fo than the 1 of 3m. 55. added for Spring 1 Moon. 1< quarters, on an ave hiRh watt erly gales while the , gales abal stronger, easterly g smimm'iU,i:ai^.uH^^ . [1857 I8fi7.] ALMANACK. SEASONS. H. 10 11 8 10 4 M. 26 31 12 19 3 Jl A J H. 1 D. 89 92 20 93 14 89 17 44 41 3 tpt. 19, 1857. the Turks) com » Aug. 22, 1857 !RSARIES, &o. 12 1846 24 B II. 2S Sunday 3]| June )ria 1837 20 -24 -28 -28 :toria'38 . Paul 1844 1819 Aug. 26 Sept. 29 Nor. 6 1841 1840 ilist EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PAGES. LEFT HAND PAGE. Colnmn 1 and 2— Days of the Month and of the Week. 3 ** 4 — The rising and setting in mean time of the highest 'point, or of the upper limb of the Sun, corrected for refraction. 5 — The Sun's declination for the same as the Equation, 6th column. 6 — Equation of time, (or quantity hy which the Sun is elow or fa$t of the clock at noon, apparent, not mean, time at Greenwich, or at a quarter before eight o'clock in the morning at Halifax.) 7 — Days' length in hours and minutes. '' 8 and 9 — The* rising and setting of the Moon. 10— The time of the Moon's southing, or passing the meridian. This column also gives the time of High Water at Parrsboro', Hor- ton, CornwaUis, Huntsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. 365 5 3d 11— The symbols in this column indicate the moon's' place in the Signs or Constellations of the Zodiac. The top of the columns of each mQuth gives the Moon's Phases, or times of New and Full Moon, and of the First and Last Quarters, or quadratures with the Sun. Thb Farmba's Calendar is placed at the foot of the columns of each month. RIGHT HAND PAGE. 1 — Contains the days of the month. 2 — Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. 3— The time of High Water at Halifax, N. S. 4— •• •« •♦ Pictou,N.S., and Cape Tormentine,N.B. 5— •< «• « Annapolis, N. S. ; St. John, N. B., and Portland, Maine. 6— «« " «♦ St. Johns, Newfoundland, of that tide which immediately precedes the southing of the Moon. These four columns are computed on the supposition that the time of High Water on the days of New and Full Moon) L'eatabliatment du port) is at Halifax, 7h. 30m. — at Annapolis, St. John, N. B., and Portland, llh. 14m. — at Pictou and Cape Tormentine, lOh. and St. Johns, Newfoundlond, 6h. 30m. All the calculations are made to mean solar time,.which h^s super* seded the old mode of reckoning by aj^arent time. The Ef hemxris of the Princival Planets — The hour of meridian pataage, right aacenaion and declination of each of the principal planets is given for the Itt and 15th of each month. For any other day than the let and 15th of the month, apply a correction at the rate of 3fn. 55.91«. per day, reckoned from the nearest given day, to be added for an earlier day— subtracted if for a later day. Spring tider are the highest, and occur at or about Full or New Moon. Neap tides are the lowest, and occur at the first and last' quarters. Ebb tide is that between high and low water, lasting, on an average, 71-4 hours ; and Flood tide is that between low and hish water, lasting about 5 1-4 hours. During strong north-west- erly gales the tide rises earlier but does not rise to its usual height, while the ebb tide runs out longer and falls lower; but upon the . gales abating and weather moderating they are later, higher and stronger. A south-westerly gale has a contrary effect ; and ah east erly gives some additional water. Deo. 2l| 2 301 21 26 26 27 28 JANUARY begins #■ Ttanrsday. 1857. o <i Jint Quarter, 8d d., 7b. 6O111. morning, below the Iioiizou. Full moon, 10th d., 4h. 63m. mornInK, beurins wvHt. Lut Quarter, IStb d., Ob. 36m. mornlnK, bearing east. New Moon, 26th d., 7h. 11m. afternoon, bearing west. s Dan of Week. ©•i upper limb. Q'a de- clinat'n South. 22 59 (S)Slow of Clock. Length Daya. Moon. c Soutli. C'n Q Rlies. 7 38 Setb 4 30 Seta. RiMS. 11 20 place. 1 Thurs. 3 58 8 52 10 6 4 40 X 2 Fri. 7 38 4 31 22 54 4 26 8 53 11 10 11 54 5 27 T d Satur. 7 37 4 32 22 48 4 54 8 55 11 53 A. 46 6 15 "f 4 SUN. 7 37^ '4 33 22 42 5 21 8 56 A. 15 1 29 7 4 5 Mon. 7 37 4 34 22 35 5 48 8 57 1 27 2 12 7 56 |; 6 Tues. 7 37 4 35 22 28 6 14 8 58 2 49 2 55 8 53 n 7 Wed. 7 37 4 36 22 21 6 40 8 59 4 1 3 38 9 53 n 8 Thurs. 7 36 4 38 22 13 7 6 9 2 5 13 4 21 10 55 Zo 9 Fri. 7 36 4 39 22 4 7 30 9 3 6 17 5 4 11 57 zz 10 Satur. 7 36 4 40 21 55 7 55 9 4 rises. sets. morn. 23 11 SUN. 7 36 4 41 21 46 8 19 9 5 6 48 8 34 56 Q. 12 Mon. 7 36 4 42 21 36 8 42 9 7 7 53 8 54 1 48 .C)". 13 Tues. 7 36 4 43 21 26 9 4 9 8 8 48 9 14 2 36 ^ 14 Wed. 7 34 4 44 21 15 9 26 9 9 10 2 9 34 3 21 W 15 Thurs. 7 34 4 45 21 5 9 47 9 11 11 1 9 54 4 2 -TL 16 Fri. 7 34 4 46 20 53 10 8 >9 12 11 56 10 14 4 42 J^ 17 Satur. 7 33 4 47 20 41 10 28 9 14 morn. 10 34 5 21 •V 18 SUN. 7 33 4 4P. 20 29 10 47 9 15 35 10 54 6 5 ^ 19 Mon. 7 32 4 49 20 17 11 5 9 17 1 43 11 14 6 43 T^ 20 Tues. 7 31 4 50 20 4 11 23 9 19 2 51 11 34 7 28 t 21 Wed. 7 31 4 51 19 50 11 40 9 20 4 1 11 55 8 17 t 22 Thurs. 7 30 4 52 19 37 11 56 9 22 6 2 A. 15 9 9 t 23 Fri. 7 29 4 53 19 23 12 12 9 24 6 3 1 17 10 5 V? 24 Satur. 7 28 4 54 19 8 12 27 9 26 7 2 2^44 11 2 Yf 25 SUN. 7 27 4 55 18 54 12 41 9 28 sets. rises. 11 59 Of 26 Mon. 7 26 4 56 18 39 12 54 9 31 5 3818 54' A. 54 » 27 Tues. 7 25 4 57 18 23 13 •6 9 32 6 47 9 12 1 47 K 28 Wed. 7 24 4 58 18 7:13 17 9 34 7 56 9 30 2 36| K 29 Thufs. 7 23 4 59 17 5113 28 9 36 9 5 9 48 3 25| <V» 30 Fri. 7 22 5 17 35 13 38 9 38 10 1410 *6 4 12 «¥• 31 Satur. 7 21 5 1 17 1813 47 9 4i:il 23 10 25 5 11 8 ,^ The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at ParFsboro'tOomwallis, Horton, Han^port, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. \ No greater element of iiuccesfi can be Introduced into the habits of a farmer, than a striet, methodical manner of conducting the biieinesg of the farm. The unceen^fHl management of a farm reqnires a vast amount of caro and attention, a close ovprsi^ht ; in abort, an inceaeant wafchfiilnesa. There must be brought to the task no insignifi- cant qiumtity of the moat multifarious talents, and they must be rteadily and sturdily excrcist'd. The details of farm management are of the most extended and compli- cated character, and can be fully and auccesafully compassed but by the active exer- tion of a diadplined mind, which must call out ita ftill reaourcea, not for ;etting the Mstematin arrangement and prompt execntion of all requirements for labor and akill. The farmer who lacks method has many places for every thing, and far too frequently places of full exposure to all changes of the weather. Orderly arrangement leads to neut arrangement, and therefrom springs the sure beginnings of refinement and rtirni taste, which is a way mark in the direct road to honor, uaefulness, true gen- tility, and a happy life. 1857. Wiiter. JANViltT SI lays. place. K <Y> n u t t Xi|nnBi«rii of th« Mte- oipal PIf nets; 9 Venus, .. Man Ja^ter, < Satan, .. Uraaua, • I' life JunuMy. Mwid. 1 1 A. 2(1 A. 2 45 A. 423 A. lA. 8 30 A. Rl«ht AiceiL. «. M. a. 19 46 ao 21 27 10 21 30 8 21 «M 3 le 6 DeeUnit- tiou. 1022 1 « S3 3SM8. la 9 «8. 16 M 2 8. 31 18. 27&2N. 17 61 U N. IBth January. Mwid. B. M. 127 2 69 2 32 486 11 7S4 BlgM Aaoea. 21 7 10 22 39 47 22 12 26 16 24 6 41 28 8 U 7 DeoliiMr tton. I (« 2328 68. 9 48 42 8. 1210 34 8. 19 20 N. 22 84 38 N. 17 48 lA N. I I "s I. 1 S 3 D 6 7 8 9 10 IS 13 14 1« 16 17 O 19 20 21 22 23 24 D 26 «7 28 29 30 31 SUirDATS, WBATHBB, AN- mVBBSABIBSj fto. Htch Watar, mean Ubm, at Hawt New YsAftl Circum- ^ perigee. {eision. Low tides. Blu^ering 2d Sunday after Christmas. C perigee. Epiphany. 4Muf rery o»Id. High tides. ^2 6 <C • ^fpearanee lat Sunday after Epiphany, ^ tmre inow. {Jf greatest elongation east, 18^ 46'. Low tides.' 2d Sjanday after £ph. C Apogee. Ptrhofs datl and wereasL ^ stationary. Ckeum iff ooldf tciOi probably 3d Sunday after Epiphany. High tides. IConversiofl St PauL Mine ijf. stationary. C perigee. Martyrdom Kin; Middling tides. [Charles 11 12 11 31 morn. 49 2 1 3 23 4 44 6 47 « 46 7 28 8 9 8 43 1 3 1 42 2 21 3 19 4 31 5 53 7 14 8 17 9 16 9 68 10 39 11 15 9 22 11 52 9 58|A. 28 10 29 U 4 11 44 A. 35 1 31 2 42 3 -58 5 2 5 58 6 46 7 29 8 9 8 48 11 18 9 23111 53 mofn. 2 17 2 56 3 35 4 33 5 45 7 7 8 28 9 31 10 30 11 12 11 53 A. 29 59 1 34 2 14 3 5 4 1 5 It 6 28 7 32 8 28 9 16 9 59 6 42 13 48 28 19 15 10 10 38 11 22 30 1 8 6 2% 7 42 8 46 9 42 10 30 11 13 11 53 mom. 32 1 7 1 44 2 22 10 12 10 51 11 49 mom. 1 I 2 23 3 44 4 5 47 46 6 28 7 9 7 45 8 22 8 58 29 4 9 10 10 44 11 35 A. 1 2 4 4 31 42 58 2 58 5 46 6 7 7 29 9 48 8 23 9 9 38 ilO 22 FEBRViRY kegtaii m Sunday. 1^7. ]> Ifint Quarter, Ttt d., 4b. dm. kdurnoon, bearih|{ wmth. O JtaXl moon, 8th d., 7h. 88ib. «Aernuon, bettrlug ciwit. <! Last Qnarter, 16th d., K)h. ftm. afternoon, below the horizon. % New Moon, 24th d., Th. 18m. morning, bearing aa#t. 9^ Week. 0'n upper Urn J. O'l de- eTinat'n South. OSlow of Cluck. Length or Daja. Moon. South. «'» e RiMW. Sots. 5 8 Beta. Rim. V 69 place. 1 SUN. 7 20 17 1 13 56 9 48 11 50 6 53 ^ 2 Mon. 7 19 5 » 16 44 14 2 9 59 mmti. 11 27 6 47 8 Tuesw 7 18 5 11 16 26 14 9 9 53 1 19 11 58 7 45 TT 4 Wed. 7 16 6 T2 16 8 14 14 9 65 2 17 A. 25 8 45 n 6 Thura. 7 15 5 14 15 50 14 1ft 9 5ft 3 27 1 31 ft 45 *s 6 Fri. 7 14 6 15 15 32 14 23 10 1 4 38 2 37 10 34 S 7 Satur. 7 13 6 17 15 13 14 26 10 4 5 48 3 43 11 38 0. 8 SUN. 7 12 5 18 14 54 14 28 10 6 rises. sets. morn. sc 9 Moo. 7 10 5 19 14 36 14 30 10 ft 6 50 7 32 28 "^ 10 Tues. 7 7 5 21 W 15 14 31 10 12 7 20 7 60 1 14 w 11 Wed. 7 6 5 22 13 56 14 31 10 15 8 24 8 8 1 66 ^ 12 Thuro. 7 5 5 23 13 36 14 30 10 17 9 28 8 26 2 37 £^ 13 Fri. 7 3 5 25 13 16 14 28 10 20 to 32 8 44 3 16 ^ 14 Satur. 7 2 6 27 12 66 14 26 10 24 11 37 9 10 3 59 *1 15 SUN. 7 1 6 2» 12 35 14 23 10 26 morn. ft 41 4 37 'n 16 Mon. 6 69 5 30 12 14 14 19 10 29 53 10 10 ft 21 n 17 Tues. 6 68 5 3t 11 63 14 16 10 32 1 56 10 40 6 7 f 18 Wed. 6 M 5 32 11 32 14 to 10 34 2 67 11 36 6 58 f 19 ThuTS. & 56 6 33 11 11 14 4 10 36 4 A. 32 7 51 >J SO Fri. 6 63 6 36 to 49 13 58 10 40 5 3 I 28 B 47 § 21 Satur. 6 61 5 36 10 27 13 6\ 10 43 6 40 2 24 9 44 Bf 22 SUN.. 6 49 5 38 10 6 13 43 10 47 6 26 3 20 10 40 Of 28 Mon. 6 48 5 39 9 44|13 35 10 50 6 50 4 16 11 34, » 24 Tues. 6 46!6 4a 9 21 13 26 10 52 sets. rise*. A. 26: K 25 Wed. 6 44 6 42 8 59 13 16 10 56 ff 52 17 40 1 16 X 26 Thurs. 6 43;5 43 8 37 13 6;lO 59 8 6 8 2 5 cyo 27 Fri. '6 42 5 ^6 8 14 12 56 11 1 9 20 8 20 2 55 •f 28 Sahzr. 6 41 6 4(? 7 15 12 44 11 5 10 35 8 39 3 47 8 , The colnmn of the m«on'fl southing gjres the time of hijdh watet at Pamboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hant8port„ Windsor, Newport,Trin», &e. In all the arranjrementafor eoBstractfatg-antf keeping stabfet ft> trier; threomfort, and ooMoquontly the heaRh asd thrift of the aninal, should be kept conatantly in view. CleanUnets nmlerfoot la all important to the comfort of anfanalt. Tki« can only b« secured By a good stone or plaidc floor, rery frequent cleaninga, aw) a snflt- daney. not s«peraftnndaBee, of clean tfky Utter. Kemember, it to aboot aa ensy to throw oat a cart kad of fresh droppings in fifty difffersnt opwmtfons performedibree times.a day, Am to do it once a week at one formidable and disagreflable task. A sta- ble denik nnder Ibot h absolutely cMential to a pure atr. AU kinds of irrain fed to stock. shoaUFb» grouwi One bushel of ground oats or com will fumtoh aa mneh Bonrtohment as one bushel and • peek of whole grain. Two bushels of oato and one ofcarrota is better food for a hoEW than three busnala of eats r am) wR«b> wndfbr llftht work thtfproportiona of carrots may be increased. Wkh suck food borsas will enjby goodkealUi aad spirits, a loose bide,shlniug coat.and taaprov«>d digestion. The carrot w equally Tnlnahle for Iktteniug animals and for milch cowr. uitli proper cutti>a> tlon, tram 600 to 1000- bushels ^ this valuable root can b« raised on an acrs. I •a . 1^7. tzoa. outh. 5 47 1 45 J 45 >45 [) 34 place n n zs s 38 lorn. 28 1 14 I 56 37 16 5« 37 21 7 ^ 58 i 51 » 47 » 44j } 40 I 34 . 2« 1 16 2 5 i 55! I 4T m Of K K 8 (hwatw At Ttxtn, &c. th^eoiDfort, onttimtly in I. TkfH can , »nd a Hofll- it m «my to bnn«dibr«« task. A Bta- ' irrnin fed to ihh B« luoeh tMtsaiidoa« iMdfbr Hitbt M win an^y The carrot »per cmtita- era. Wliter. FEBRVART 38 lays. Sphemeria of tha prin- olpal Planata. i Mercury, Venua, . . Man..... Jupltar, . tetum, .. Uranua, . lat FcbruMry. Merid. ■. M. 11 64 M. 11 40 M. 11 MM. 8 88 A. 9 48 A. ear A. I •a & D 2 3 4 6 6 7 D 9 10 11 12 13 14 D 16 17 18 19 20 21 D 23 24 25 26 27 28 RiKbt Aacan. a. M. ao 41 4 as 60 66 28 2 » 26 61) « 8« 23 8 14 61 Decllua- tion. • I M 14 81 67 8. 1 10 60 8. 7 4 42 8. 1 31 88 N. 32 41 40 N. 17 47 36 N, 16th February. Merld. H. M. 1187 M 8 8 A. 3 1 A. 2 64 A. K60 A. 6 82 A. Right Aaoen. H. M. a. 20 20 41 46 1) 38 66 36 9 6 38 23 8 16 23 Declina- tiou. • I II 17 63 8. 6 67 8. 3 1818. 2 80 69 N. 22 46 10 N. 17 60 IN. 8UNDATS, WXATHBB, AN- mnoDBSABnBS. fto. Hich Water, nean time, at i 1 4th Sunday after Epiphany. Low tides. Purif. B. V. Mary. Strong symptofM of a • atorm Septuagesima Sunday. High tides. Queen Victoria inar> [ried, 1840. ^ stationary, of rairij hail, or snow. <C apogee. Valentine's Day. Sexagesima Sunday. Clears up and becomes Low tides. very coldf wiih Middling tides. Quinq. or Shrove Sund. ^ ({ <C tome snow. St. Matthias. Ash Wednes. Very high tides. (T perigee. [1st day of Lent. Moderates. morn. 19 1 35 3 6 32 39 4 5 6 31 14 1 52 2 49 5 36 2 9 1 4 5 7 8 9 {T 44 50 10 20 8 23,10 53 8 54 11 24 9 23'll 53 A. 22 55 9 52 10 25 11 1 11 46 A. 31 53 17 34 38 6 27 10 49 1 31 2 16 5 23 47 4 8 57 3 4 5 6 3 19 6 50 8 16 9 23 10 15 10 58 11 34 7 38 7 36 9 45 30 19 37 1 A. 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 11 19 morn. 36 6 32 39 31 6 14 6 50 23 54 9 40 10 19 8 18 9 22 10 11 10 54 U 33 8 23 8 52 9 25 10 1 10 46 11 31 A. 2 3 4 5 53 17 34 38 27 6 10 6 49 8 24 10 54morn.| 9 o;ii 30 9 37jmorn. 10 20 7 8, 44; 1 21 7 24 8 8 39 9 20 / 10 S9B AfARCH begiu oi Sm^ay. mh 9 Vint Quarter, 8d d., Oh. 16in. morning, liearing west. O VuU muon, 10th d., Oh. 3m. afternoon, below the horizon. d Last Quarter, 18th d., 4h. 49m. afternoon, beloF the horizon. % Mew Moon, 26th d., 6h. 44m. afternoon, bearing west. ^ Week. '^''^^r OSlow of Clock. Length Days. Moon. South. <!'• Q Rises. Sets. 5 48 Sets. Rises. place. 1 SUN. 6 38 7 29 12 33 11 10 A. 50 19 26 4 42 8 TT 2 Mon. 6 36 5 50 7 6 12 20 11 14 morn. 9 56 5 40 3 Tues. 6 34 5 51 6 43 12 8 11 17 1 24 10 48 6 39 TT 4 Wed. 6 32 5 52 6 20 U 54 11 20 2 18 11 40 7 40 <^ 5 Thurs. 6 30 5 54 5 57 11 41 if 24 3 12 A. 36 8 38 Wo 6 Fri. 6 29 5 55 5 33 11 27 11 26 4 6 1 40 9 33 7 Satur. 6 27 5 56 5 10 11 12 11 29 5 2 45 10 23 cv 8 SUN. 6 25 5 57 4 47 10 57 11 32 5 57 3 60 11 10 §L 9 Mon. 6 23 5 59 4 23 10 42 11 36 6 51 4 54 11 55 ^ 10 Tues. 6 21 6 4 10 26 11 39 rises. sets. morn. ^ 11 Wed. 6 20 6 1 3 36 10 10 11 41 6 34 5 20 34 .n. llj Thurs. 6 18 6 3 3 13 9 53 11 45 7 45 5 50 1 13 £t 13 Fri. 6 16 6 4 2 49 9 37 11 48 8 56 6 30 1 53 yv 14 Satur. 6 14 6 5 2 25 9 20 11 51 10 8 7 10 2 34 "I 15 SUN. 6 12 6 6 2 2 9 3 11 55 11 17 7 50 3 16 ^ 16 Mon. 6 10 6 8 1 38 8 45 11 58 morn. 8 30 4 1 t 17 Tues. 6 8 6 9 1 14 8 28 12 1 27 9 10 4 49 f 18 Wed. !6 7 6 10 51 8 10 12 3 1 20 9 50 5 41 vy 19 Thurs. 6 5 6 12 27 7 52 12 7 2 13 10 30 6 35 VJ 20 Fri. 6 36 13 S. 3 7 34 12 10 7 1^12 14 3 611 10 7 30 Sf 21 Satur. 6 16 15 N. 19 3 59 A. 45 8 25 s» 22 SUN. 5 59 6 16 43 6 5812 17 4 51 1 54 9 19 K 23 Mon. 5 57 6 17 1 7 6 40 12 20 5 44 3 3 10 11 X 24 Tues. !5 56 6 18 1 30 6 21; 12 22 6 37 4 12 11 2 r 25 Wed. 5 54 6 19 1 54 6 3 12 25 seta. rises. 11 52 V 26 Thur8.;5 52 6 20 2 18 5 44,12 28 7 22 1B6 31 A. 43 <Y> 27 Fri. 15 50 6 22 2 41 6 26 12 32 8 29 7 11 1 35 28 Satur. 5 48 6 23 3 5 5 8 12 35 9 36 7 52 2 31 ;• 29 SUN. 5 46 6 24 3 28 4 49 12 38 10 40 8 32 3 29 n 30 Mon. 15 44 6 25 3 51 4 31 12 41 11 47 9 13 4 31 n 31 Tues. l5 42 6 26 4 15 4 12 12 44 morn. 9 53 5 33 25 The column of the moon's southinfj; cfives the time of high water at Parrsboro'.Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &e. AaRiccLTCRAL implements and machinery are receiving more attention trofn the public than they have formerly done, and are destined to receive far more attention than they now do. It is but a* fuw yenrs since the horse rake came into use ; now a farmer would almost as qui<-k think of getting his hay without a pitchfork as without a horise rake. It was nt one time thongnt imoossible to use a hone rake on any land that was not perfectly smooth »ud level; now a farmer would be loath to mow a meadow that is so rough that he cannot use the horse rake. If you have any meadows or old fields that are sward hound, or which bore indifferent crops of hay last season, gire them a thorough harrowing as soon as the frost is out of the surface in the spring, while the ground is soft ; then sow to each acre four .quarts timothy seed, teu pounds red clover, five bushels wood ashes, and five bushels fresh slacked lime, all well mixed, and roll it well In. This will insure you a good crop of grass, without the labor of ploughing immediately. mmm IMHPI Spflig Ephener dpal fi Merci $ Vmiu (f Han, T). Japit b Satiir Ig Uraa • «-• e o S o s .4 ♦* i*-i o « >« d Q D Is 2 3 U 4 h 5 6 7 \ D 2< 9 9 10 u 11 12 St 13 14 c D 3( 16 17 S' 18 p 19 L< 20 S 21 D 4t 23 24 « 25 A 26 € 27 V 28 tf D 5t 30 P 31 ^ h3HH wd IW, on. ' «'• th. place. 42 « 40 n 39 n 40 Zo 38 SB 33 o 23 cv 10 bL 55 ^ rn. W 34 ■rw 13 u^ 53 ■ j\. 34 m 16 m 1 t 49 t 41 VJ 35 VJ 30 ttf 25 as 19 K 11 K 2 r 52 r 43 ^ 35 |> 31 w 29 n 31 n 33 2S I water at ruro, &e. n flH>in the e attention am ; imw a as without u any laud 1 to mow.a have any ropg of hay the snrface t8 timothy eeh slacked )p of gTMf, SprI Epiiei ■g. ilURCU %\ 4iiyse 11 i Heriioftlwwte- Ist March. 16th Maroh. | cipal Planets. Hend. Riffbt Aflcea. Dedina- tion. MmM. Right Aicea. Declinar Uou. H. M. S. M. S. • « «i B. M. a. X. 8. • 1 11 6 M $ V. % J« 9 Ui 1130M. 3 OA. 143 A. 210 A. 7SS A. 438 A. 21 12 16 17 6 30 S. 1 38 21 U 14 18 N. 21 10 1 44 9 N. 47 22 3 53 « N. 6 31 4922 49 27 N. 3 16 86 17 65 2 N. 1151 IL 2 64 A. 127 A. 126 A. 6 68 A. 8 45 A. 22 29 4 2 26 60 10 4 5» 10 6 31 48 3 18 26 IIMIOS. 18 29 49 8. 6 217 8. 6 8 49S. 22 61 SO «. 18 219& MiUfly •«•«•••••«• ipitor* •••••••••• &rn, ••••• • 1 1 Hish Water, meaa time^ At | 1 HT3 t s SUSTDAYS, WEATHEB, AN- m ^1 l-s ■s NIVEB8ABZBS, Ao. ii "S iTJ o 1 1 II Q tt s s D 1st Sunday in Lent St. David. U 4 50 2 4 10 4 2 PUasant morn. 1 34 2 48 11 3 3 Low tides. tceofAer 3 2 33 3 47 morn. 4 Ij ^ <C . Ember Day, 1 25 3 35 5 9 25 5 forikz 2 58 5 28 6 42 1 58 6 7 \ ^"^^^^ ^y'^ nason. 4 22 5 27 6 52 7 57 8 6 9 11 3 22 4 27 D 2d Sunday in Lent 9 in perihelion. 6 10 8 50 10 4 5 10 9 6 49 9 19 10 33 5 49 10 High tides. Bat Sobraon, 1846. 7 38 10 8 11 22 6 38 U Mon$now 7 55 10 25 11 39 6 55 12 St Gregory. 8 23 10 53 A. 7 7 23 13 may now 8 51 11 21 35 7 51 14 C apogee. be expected. 9 21 11 51 1 5 8 21 D 3d Sun. in Lent Middling tides. 9 52 A. 22 1 36 8 52 16 IS62^' 10 28 58 2 12 9 28 17 St. Patrick. 11 12 1 42 2 56 10 12 18 Princess Louisa born, 1848. A. 7 2 57 4 11 11 7 19 Low tides. 1 19 3 49 5 3 A. 19 20 © enters 'Y'- Spring commences. 2 43 5 13 6 27 1 43 21 Bltutering 4 6 6 36 7 50 3 6 D 4th Sunday in Lent 5 12 7 42 8 56 4 12 23 and rather 6 3 8 33 9 47 5 3 24 {J ^ ^ . unjUeaaant. 6 46 9 16 10 30 5 46 25 Annun. B. V. Mary. Lady Day. 7 23 9 53 11 7 6 23 26 <t perigee, [(v) eclipsed invisible. Very high tides. 8 1 10 31 11 45 7 1 27 8 38 1 1 8 morn. 7 38 28 (1 (S C . Somewhat 9 19 11 49 22 8 19 D 5th Sunday in Lent milder. 10 3 morn. 1 3 9 3 30 Peace concluded with Russia, 11 12 33 1 47 10 12 31 h6€' [1856. 11 57 1 42 2 56 10 57 4 \ X. It APRIL bcgtas •■ Weiifsday. m%. 9 ITnf Qwrtor, lit d^ 7k 19m. aMrninc, Kefew tke boriioii. O VvM OMwn, 0tk A, Ml. 14*. aoraing, Mkring WMt. < Lnt QaBTtn; ITttt d;, 7b. 66bi. mornkiK, beaviBg loHtk, # N«w Moon, 24tb d., 8b. Om. morning, below tbe boriioa. > Vint Qwrtev, aotb A, 8b. 3mr. ■ffternooa, bewtaig aootb. IS' Week. O'lnpper limb. A'l de- cUnafn Nortb. OBtow of Clock. Dajri. Meoa, SoBtb. ?'■ p BiM*. Seti. 6 28 Icta. • Maee. flece. 1 Wed. 5 40 4 38 3 54 12 48 51 10 33 6 83 TO 2 Than. 5 39 6 29 5 1 3 56 12 50 1 38 11 34 7 29 Z Fri. 5 37 6 30 5 24 3 18 12 53 2 25 A. 36 8 21 sL 4 Satur. 5 35 6 31 5 47 3 12 56 3 12 1 37 9 8 CI 5 SUN. 5 33 6 33 6 9 2 42 13 4 I 2 39 9 52 "■^ 6 Mod. 5 31 6 34 6 32 2 25 13 5 4 44 3 42 10 33 in: 7 Turn. ft 30 6 35 6 55 2 8 13 8 5 38 3 46 11 12 £b 8 Wed. 5 28 6 36 7 17 1 50 13 12 6 12 5 52 11 52 j\. 9 Thurs. 5 26 6 38 7 39 1 33 13 15 nses. sets. mom. £b 10 Fri. 5 24 6 39 8 2 1 17 13 18 7 53 5 28 32 1*1 11 Satur. 5 22 6 40 8 24 1 13 20 9 11 5 55 1 13 la 12 SUN. 5 21 6 41 8 46 44 13 24 10 29 6 22 1 58 f 13 Mon. 5 19 6 43 9 7 29 13 27 11 47 6 49 2 45 f 14 Tues. 5^17 6 44 9 29 S. 13 13 30 morn. 7 35 3 35 f 15 Wed. 5 15 6 45 9 51 F. 1 13 33 39 8 21 4 27 "VJ 16 Thursw 5 14 6 47 10 12 15 13 36 1 15 9 40 5 21 ^ 17 Fri. 5 12 6 48 10 33 30 13 39 1 51 to 59 « 13 a? » 18 Satur. 5 10 6 49 10 54 44 13 41 2 27 A. 18 7 8 Sf I» SUN. 5 » 6 50 11 15 57 13 44 3 3 1 37 7 59 y JtO Mon- 5 7 6 51 11 35 1 10 13 47 3 39 2 56 8 49 K 21 Tues. 5 5 6 52 11 56 1 23 13 50 4 3 3 56 9 38 y 52 Wed. 5 4 6 54 12 16 1 35 13 53 4 27 4 57 10 27 Cf 23 Thurff. 5 2 6 55 12 36 1 47 13 56 4 51 5 57 11 19 t 24 Fri. 5 6 56 12 56 1 58,13 59 seta. rises. A. 13 25 Satur. 4 59 6 58 13 16 2 9ll4 2 8 3015 42 1 12 26 SUN. 4 57 6 59 13 35 2 19|I4 4 9 57 6 41 2 14 n 27 Mon. 4 56 7 13 54 2 29;i4 7 11 24 7 40 3 18 IT 28 Tues. 4 54 7 1 14 13 2 3814 9 morn. 8 38 4 22 SB ?» Wed. 4 53 7 2 14 32 2 4714 11 35 9 37 5 22 53 ao Thurs. 4 51 7 3 14 50 2 55:i4 12 1 22 10 36 1 « 16 St ity* The column of the moon's southing P^es the time of hifl^ water at Fwtsbero'. rom^wJlis, Horton. Hantsport, Wincbor, Newport, Tioto, Ae. ItvUf fkmer baa no doubt decMed before tbia on vbat Held ta aow tbia or tbat par* ttcolar crop. He only now awaits fine weather and a dry soil to commenee epManomr. tn Mie riiean tfane Uiere ia work enoagb to do. fi»Aoea to put up, ploagha, barrows, bar^ ■eaa, Ac to Hfi eianined and repaired if needed ; seed wheat, oato, timothr, ctorer, Ae, Iboud be procure d now. Tbe shortness of our sowing season makea It desirable that Mie flmner, above all others, should take time by tbe iereIo«k. Too mauy negleet al tnvUona Ibr ■pring work, and wbMi tbe iine weather comes, baTtaaeranr thing ritt a ftw weMOb uegr aie in too great a hurry to do any thing we!. Tbe best to ]tuM muck fa in mixture with vard manure. If the muck is wall dAd, It o^ N beneiofidVy in two ways — by iU own ftetilMng ingredients, and Iw irtisorMi% lb* liquM manufo. It usually coutains. when wet, aboat sevfen or eight tunes its own weight of water,,aBd if made perfectly wry, will absorb a like amount of the dratninga IT am «6il^ cattle yard. Aft Mnrti may atoo he used with learn aad turf to grset ■dtwitege ia Ibming eompott hmpt. \ ■'■■* ''k''.,-'*?2 X..- Sprioff. APRIL 9$ '4Mf», It ofhifl^ water at port, Troro, 8te. twtbiiorttastpar* mneaee aptntUmt. agha, harrowa, bM^ fmotbr, cterar, Ae, tMitAMrablathat wnaBjraegleetaR liaThi(evm thing Ingwel. TbtbMt ta mn d^, It op- i,andli7«1)wrMn| •idtttUBMitBOim ialtfth«dnlBiB«i ■ aadtarftocnat Kphemorla of tba prin- cipal Planets. i Merenry, ••••••••• Tcnui, UarSy* • • ••«to*«**«« Jnpiter, Batarn, Uranua, 1st April. McricL ■•J!- u tou. SMA. 1 8A. 84 A. ft MA. 241 A.. Blgbt Awen. a. H. B. 17 87 SUM 147 27 1 14 7 088 62 821 21 Declina- tion. • I u 4 88. 28 88 22 N. 10 66 47 N. 642 IN. 22 62 16 K. 18 13 40 N, 16th ApriL Mcrid/ H. a. 010 A. 2 A. 62 A. 126 A. 6 2 A. 140 A. Bight a. a. 1 64 •. 6 86 80 26 66 37 66 87 11 8 24 13 Declina- tion. I u 11 44 10 N. 26 81 80 M. 14 82 67 N. 8 SUN. 22 61 16 N. 18 24 20 N. I I o go 1 2 3 4 D 6 7 8 9 10 11 D 13 14 15 16 17 18 D 20 21 2% 23 24 25 D 27 28 29 30 BUITDAYB, WBATHBB, AIT- NIYI1B8ABIB8, Ao. All Fools Day. Showera. Low tides. Changeable 9 at greatest brilliancy. Palm Sunday — 6th Sun. in Lent Middfing tides. wUh Prince Leopold bom, 1853. high winds. High tides. Good Friday. Cold CT perigee. Eastkr Eve. Easter Sunday. andrato. Ea^er Monday. Dull and ^ in St- cloudy, Low tides. teith every 9 stationary. appearance Low- Sun. 1st Siin. aft. Easter, ofariorm of rain, St. George. Beeonua (C apogee. Very high tides. Princess Alice h. '43. St. Mark. 2d Sunday after Easter. t; ^9. rathir ^ ^ 9 • ^0^ Low tides. and toarmw. High Water, mean time, at mom. 16 42 1 46 6 23 6 53 7 7 8 23 54 22 8 54 9 29 10 8 10 52 11 44 A. 43 2 3 4 5 I h ■el 9| 2 27 3 48 5 12 6 30 31 16 8 53 9 23 9 53 10 24 10 52 11 24 11 59 A. 38 7 29 30 32 6 17 6 59 7 40 8 22 8 50 9 54 10 48 11 45 mora. 22 14 13 37 59 2 8 41 9 29 10 20 10 52 11 20 room. 24 1 28 t 15 3 41 5 2 6 26 7 44 8 45 9 30 10 7 10 37 11 11 A. 1 1 2 3 4 7 38 6 38 29 52 36 28 27 A 51 7 13 8 14 9 16 10 1 10 43 11 34 morn. 6 11 1 3 4 4 5 7 7 16 16 42 1 46 23 5 53 6 23 6 54 22 54 8 29 9 8 9 52 10 44 11 43 A. 59 2 29 3 30 32 17 59 6 40 22 50 84 i 38 i 42 8 29 1b 54 9 48 10 46. 11 49 j/*'* ^-' il' • H MAT. kf*B» ov rrMay. lM74,vi Full moon, 8th d., 9h. 56m. aft^rnooo, bearing Bouth-esjit. Last Quarter, l«th d., 6h. 5Sm< afternoon, below the lioricon 9 New Moon, 2ad d., lOh. SSm. morning, bearing aouth-east. J> Fint Quarter, 80th d., 8h, 67m. morning, below the horizon. ? 1 Dayaof the Week. ©'■upper limb. ©'« de- cUnafn North. Fast of Clock. Length of Dajrs. Moon. e fl's Risei. Seta. 7 6 Sell. Rises. «2 23 South. place. Fri. 4 50 15 8 3 3 14 15 1 30 7 4 a 2 Satur. 4 48 7 6 15 26 3 10 14 18 2 20 3 f1 51 IW 3 SUN. 4 47 7 7 15 44 3 17 14 20 2 43 3 37 8 32i iq; 4 Mon. 4 46 7 9 16 2 3 23 14 23 3 6 4 14 9 12 n 5 Tues. 4 45 7 10 16 19 3" 29 14 26 3 27 4 51 9 51 .TV, 6 Wed. 4 43 7 11 16 36 3 34 14 28 3 51 6 6 10,31 .rs. 7 Thurs. 4 4f 7 12 16 52 3 38 14 31 4 14 .6 28 11 12 "1 8 Fri. 4 40 7 13 17 9 3 42 14 32 rises. sets. 11 55 ^n 9 Satur. 4 39 7 14 17 25 3 46 14 35 « 7 3 43 mom. in 10 SUN. 4 38 7 15 17 41 3 48 14 37 9 33 4 36 42 t U Mon. 4 36 7 16 17 56 3 51 14 41 10 39 5 29 1 31 t 12 Tues, 4 35 7 17 18 11 3 52 14 43 11 48 6 25 2 23 >J 13 Wed. 4 34 7 18 18 26 3 53 14 45 morn. 7 21 3 16 T? 14 Thurs: 4 33 7 19 18 41 3 54 14 47 50 8 17 4 10 » 15 Fri. 4 32 7 20 18 55 3 54 14 49 1 4 9 42 5 2 «r 16 Satur. 4 31 7 21 19 9l 3 53 14 51 1 27 11 5 6 52 ae 17 SUN. 4 30 7 22 19 23 3 52 14 54 1 50 11 50 6 41 K 18 Monl 4 28 7 23 19 36 3 50 14 57 2 13 A. 30 7 28 K 19 Tues. Wed. 4 27 7 24 19 49 ^ 47 14 59 2 36 1 56 3 22 9 16 •f 20 4 26 7 25 20 1 3 44 15 1 2 59 9 5 •f 21 Thurs. 4 26 7 26 20 14 3 41 15 2 3 22 4 45 9 56 w 22 Fri. 4 25 7 27 20 26 3 37 15 4 3 44 6 4 10 52 :■ 23 Satur. 4 24 7 28 20 37 3 32 15 6 sets. rises. 11 53 n 24 SUN. 4 23 7 29 20 48 3 27 15 8 9 314 39 A. 57 n 25 Mon. 4 22 7 30 20 59 3 21 15 10 10 1 5 49 2 3 So 26 Tues. 4 21 7 31 21 10| 3 15 15 1210 49 6 59 3 7 Oo. 27 Wed. 4 20 7 32 21 20 3 8 15 14 11 58! 8 9 4 6 li 28 Thurs. 4 20 7 33 21 80 3 1 15 15 moni.i 9 19 4 59 29 Fri. 4 19, 7 34 21 39| 2 54 15 161 15 10 25 6 47 11)? 30 Satur. 4 18, 7 35 21 48 2 46 15 18 31 U 40 6 39 mj 31 SUN. 4 17|7 36,21 57 2 37 15 19 1 OA. 50 7 11 W 43* The column of the moon's southing Parrsboro', Comwidlis, Horton, Hantsport, iriyes the time of high water at Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. '■■■ DBAiinifa and manuring are the principal means which have hitherto been employed for improving the condition or oompoeition of soils. Almost all agriculturists ai^ now pretty well acquainted with tlie advantages to be derived from the above named methods of improvemontv and are convinced th^t all Judicious expenditures, either in the way of draining or of manuring, will or may be made to pay. Bat there Is a method of improving soils, to which the attention of farmers hM not heen, as yet, directed. We refer to that method which coub'sts in adding to soils those eart/M •ubetancaa in which they are deficient. Light sandy and gravelly soils, upon which wheat cannot be raiaed to any advantage, are benefited by additions of ciiay, peaty earth, or naeadow muck, or a mixture of all in a compost with staUo and bani manure. Clay soilB, again, are benefited bjr additiona of lime, sand, gravisl, hMmy •audi ah4 peaty earth. Upon both thew kinds of soil, and indeed upon almost rm}. v^rieigr. ottnO, pept earth aetji flkvorably, U should always form a p<U-t of, luiy mistura wUob is added to a soil, if it can be had conveniently. S tfrnff" im% !on on. » 51 £^ 0,31 £h 10 52 11 53 F high water at >rt, Tru ro, &e. to been employed tgricnItnrietB a^ the above nnnied oenditnreM, «lther i^. Bat there is not been, as yet, lotlM tboM tarthv wrfls, npon which onR of clay, peaty > Rtabl« and bam md, gmv»l, to«n^ leed npon almom f§ form • p«>t of Spptag. MAY M 4l»ys. 1«! iM% Xay. 16th May. i| w dpal Planets. Merid. RlRht Aioea. Declinur tion. Merid. Hight Aaoen. Decliiuip Uoa. 1 B. M. ■. H. B. • » M R. If. B. M. t. • 1 II tt Mamunr. 114 A. 46 A. 35 A. 26M. 4 4 A. 60 A. 8 62 6 S 24 8 8 12 44 2 8 46 642 80 3 27 49 22 40 12 N. 24 A41N. 18 6 ON. 11 62 10 N. 22 48 9N. 18 37 47 N. 118 A. 1120 M. 20 A. 8 44 M. 816 A. 1168 M. 440 26 2 61 9 3 63 28 2 19 62 7 8 89 8 31 7 2418 ON. 18 61 46 N. 20 36 67 N: 1244 26 N. 1 22 26 ^ N. i 184942N. 1 1 9 Vt *» knna tf Hpra- turn. .•.••••.••. 'UaVB, :.. 1 ! HichWator. moan time, at || 1' i 1 SUNDAYS, WBATHISB, AN- oS 4* O h NIVBB8ABIBS, fto. m rf'O <rj « , i 9| Is 11 Q s ^« sL 1 Low tides. Pr. Arthur, b. '50. St. 49 3 19 4 33 morn. 2 9 ^ ^. [Philip and St. James. 3d Sanday after Easter. 2 3 19 4 30 5 49 5 44 7 3 1 2 19 4 Clowta up. 4 14 6 44 7 58 3 14 5 Middling tides. duU 5 5 7 35 8 49 4 5 6 * and 5 45 8 15 9 29 <45 7 olferciut. 6 20 8 50 10 4 5 20 8 9 <r apogee. ^ greatest elong. east. 6 53 7 26 9 23 10 37 9 56 1} 10 5 53 6 26 D 4th Sunday after Easter. 7 59 10 29 U 43 6 59 It UmettUd 8 36 11 6 A. 18 7 36 12 vnthsome 9 13 11 43 57 8 13 13 geatonablt 9 5^ ^A. 23 1 37 8 53 14 thoiDers 10 36 1 6 2 20 9 36 1 15 of rtdn. 11 23 1 53 3 7 10 23 16 Low tides. A. 19 2 49 4 3 11 19 D Rogation Sunday. ,1 27 3 57 5 11 A. 27 18 19 Rogation Days. 2 41 3 53 5 U 6 23 6 25 7 37 1 41 2 53 20 ^ stationary. Rogation Day. Ascension Day. Hqly Thursday. 4 58 7 28 8 42 3 58 21 5 50 8 20 9 34 4 50 22 C perigee. Fine growing 6 37 9 7 10 21 5 37 28 waiher, 7 26 9 55 11 9 6 25 D Sunday after Ascension. >Qdeen 8 10 10 40:11 54 7 10 25 Prs. Helena, b. '46. [Vic, b. '19. 8 59111 29 morn. 7 59 26 9in». 9 46 morn. 48 8 46 27 toUh occdwonoZ 10 33 16 1 30 9 33 28 , thowtn. 11 20 1 3 2 17 10 20 29 Restor. K. Charles IL, 1660. morn. 1 50 3 4 11 13 30 Low tides. 9 stationary. Pentecost — Whit-Sun. fVarmer. 13 2 43 3 57 morn. D 1 11 3 41 4 551 11 II ■^SHi IP ■' •smp '■^ 1" " ^Sl ^^W!9 If JUNE Jkgtais •■ HMday. W7. ? Full moon, 7th d., Ih. Sin. afternoon, bewing oMt. Lait Qoartor, 13th d., 2h. 66bi> morning, beiving cut 9 New Moon, 21at d., 6h. 49m. afternoon, bearing woet. > Vint Qnarter, 29th d.. Oh. 6m. morning, bearing weit. • DavaoT tka . ^zir a'a de- eUnat'n North. Fart of Clock. Length of Da,y8. Moon. South. <•• Q Week. Riwii. SeU. Seto. Blaea. plooe. 1 Mon. 4 17 7 38 22 5 2 29 15 21 1 27 1 51 7 61 £ii 2 Tues. 4 16 7 39 22 13 2 19 15^3 1 47 2 38 8 30 ^ 3 Wed. 4 16 7 "39 22 21 2 10 15 23 2 7 3 25 9 10 ""i 4 Thun. 4 16 7 40 22 28 2 15 24 2 27 4 12 9 53 m 5 Fri. 4 15 7 41 22 34 1 50 15 26 2 48 4 59 10 38 'n 6 Satur. 4 15 7 42 22 41 1 39 15 27 3 51 5 47 11 27 t 7 SUN. 4 15 7 43 22 47 1 29 15 27 rises. sets. mom. t 8 Mon. 4 15 7 43 22 52 1 17 15 28 6 2^ 4 14 18 n 9 Tues. 4 14 7 44 22 57 1 6 15 29 7 11 5 21 1 12 15 10 Wed. 4 14 7 44 23 2 54 15 30 7M Q 28 2 6 T? 11 Than. 4 14 7 45 23 10 42 15 31 8 41 7 35 2 59 ttf 12 Fri. 4 14 7 46 23 14 3015 31 9 26 8 42 3 49 » 13 Satur. 4 14 7 46 23 16 18 15 32 10 11 9 49 4 38 K 14 SUN. 4 14 7 47 23 17 F. 6|15*33 10 57 10 55 5 25 K U Mon. 4 14 7 47 23 20 S. 6 15 33 11 55 11 5.6 6 11 V 16 Tues. 4 14 7 48 23 22 19 15 34 morn. A. 58 6 57 Y 17 Wed. 4 14 7 48 23 24 32il5 34 1 1 2 18 7 46 18 Thurs. 4 14 7 49 23 25 45 15 34 1 31 3 38 8 38 ]! 19 Fri. 4 14 7 49 23 26 58 15 34 2 3 4 59 9 35 Q 20 Satur. 4 14 7 49 23 27 1 11 15 34 2' 49 ^ 20 10 36 n 21 SUN. 4 14 7 49 23 27 1 2415 34 sets. rises. 11 42 So 22 Mon. 4 15 7 49 23 27 1 37,15 34 8 4814 49 A. 47 S 23 Tues. 4 15 7 49 23 26 1 50 15 34 9 11| 5 59 1 49 24 Wed. 4 15 7 49 23 25 2 3 15 34 9 35 7 9 2 46 Cf 25 Thur8.'4 15 7 49 23 24 2 16 15 34 9 58! 8 18 3 38 bL 26 Fri. 4 16 7 4% 23 22 2 29 15 33 10 22 9 28 4 24 ^ 27 Satur. 4 16 7 48 23 20 2 4lil5 33 11 2 10 37 5 7 n 28 SUN. 4 16 7 48 23 17 2 54 15 33,11 4711 47 5 47 £i: 29 Mon. 4 17 7 48 23 14 3 615 32 morn. A. 45 6 2T ^% 30 Tues. 4 17 7 48 23 14 3 18,15 32; 3 1 46 1 t 7 8 .re tf^ The column of the moon's southing {dyes the time of high water At Punboro', Comwallis. Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &o. Hirunn5a eonidsta in eovering the rarfaee of the ground around the mote of tree* or vegetablea with a«» weed, fine hay, apent tan, straw, or any other litter, and may be beneflclaUyapplied to all kinds of trees, shrubs, or Tegetables. By this process the moisture produced by the spring rains is retained in ttie ground, for the use of the root during the drought of summer. The surface is also kept in a proper stAte to absorb the dews and gentle rains ; and being thus protected from the rays of k noonday sun, rapid evaporation is preTented. This process applied to small fruits, ■neh as currants, niipberrieS, strawiierries, Ac has nSTcr MIed of producing a laive «ra^ On Ught. gntTolly soils it will Insure a .good crop of any kind of fliiik To eecure » In* and early crop of the tomato it is only necessary to head in the plants M soon as the fruit Is about the siie of a cherry — this will throw the strength of the plwi into the flrutt, the else and quality of which are consequently greatly 1m§rani. aan ) rooti of traoa Itter, and imjr ly thia proccM Jbr the me of K proper «t4te I the ni^a of r iiinall flruiU, ducinic K lane 1 of fruik TO I in the plants lie otrength of Dontly greatly Stfniner. JDNE 80 days. 17 1st June. 15th June. Ephemeriii of the prin- cipAl I'lauetH. Murld. RlRht Aitcen. Docliiiv tiuu. Merid. KIght Aaceu. Declina- tion. H. M. 10 68 M. U 6» M. 4 A. 28M. 2 10 A. 10 66 M. B. M. 8. 4 87 80 2 17 40 448 87 2 8 46 6 60 23 8 36 23 • 1 (» 19 30 12 N. 14 3 SON. 240 36 N. 11 52 10 N. -22 36 7 N. 1» 4 37 N. H. V. 11 47 M. 010 M. 1160 M. 8 44 M- 128 A. 10 3 M. H. M. B. 4 22 62 2 66 68 6 28 7 2 19 62 7 3 41 3 38 82 • 1 w 17 14 80 N. 5 VunuH. ••••..«•••• 13 88 68 N. <f Mara,....^ Tl Juuiter .-... 23 61 61 N. 13 48 11 N. 22 26 ON. m Umiiiu. ••...•••>> 19 16 28 N. o e o •5 Cm o as 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 D 15 16 17 18 19 20 D 22 23 24 25 26 27 D 29 30 SUNDATS, WEATHEB, AN- NSVBB8ABIBS, &o. tfarm rains Middling tides. $ in aphelion. Ember D4y. <C apogee. aeeompanied I Ember Days. Trinity Sunday. High tides. with thunder and lightning. Corpus Christi. St. Barnabas. . ConitfiuM dvUl and 1st Sunday after T^nitv. Low tides. 9 greafbst brilliancy unpleasant. Battle of Waterloo, 1815. j/ <$ <C . Access. Q.Victoria,'37. ^perigee. 2d Sun. aft. Trin. Very high tides ^ ^ ^ ' I® enters ZS- Summer b greatestLat. S. [commences. St John Baptist. Becomes more settled and Low tides. toarmer. 3d Sun. aft. Trinity. Q. Victoria 9 in aphelion, [crowned, '38. St. [Peter and St. Paul. High Water, mean time, at 2 3 4 5 5 12 15 12 3 47 6 25 7 4 7 42 8 22 9 1 9 39 10 21 11 11 A. 1 3 4 5 1 48 44 51 7 22 29 6 24 7 8 16 4 8 51 9 30 10 10 10 49 11 29 morn 18 1 10 42 45 6 42 7 33 8 17 8 55 9 34 10 12 10 52 11 31 9 51 31 18 14 21 37 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 52 7 59 8 54 9 46 10 34 11 21 11 59 mom. 40 19 59 43 40 4% 5 56 6 59 7 56 8 47 9 31 10 9 10 48 11 26 A. 6 0.45 23 5 45 42 28 35 6-51 8 6 9 13 10 8 11 11 48 mom. 35 13 54 33 13 12 15 12 3 47 25 4 6 42 7 8 22 1 8 39 9 21 10 1 10 48 11 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 3 57 4 54 44 51 7 22 29 24 16 4 51 8 30 9 10 9 49 10 29 ,11 13 morn. 10 L^ifri : :. •»•■ 'i^issjiijgjSiiilBtimmtm^ IS JULY b«flM 01 Wcioesdiy. i«fla^ O Pull moon, 7th d., 2h. 29in. moraing, bearing wuth-wMt C Last Quarter, 14th d.. Sh. 42m. morning, bearing Muth. % New Moon, 21it d., In. Mm. morning, below the horiion. > Vint Quarter, 28th d, 4h. Mta. afternoon, bearing aoatlHiast. 1^ Week. *ii;:ir' O'l do- cUnaft'n North. QSlow of Clock. Daya. Moon. South. 7 49 ?'• e Rleea. Bete. 7 49 OVWe Rtiee. pUoe. 1 Wed. 4 18 28 7 3 29 15 31 20 13 11 '»l 2 ThuFs. 4 19 7 48 23 2 3 41 15 29 43 4 15 8 34 ^ 3 Fri. 4 20 7 48 22 58 3 52 15 28 1 26 5 18 9 21 t 4 Satur. 4 20 7 48 22 52 4 3 15 27 2 9 6 21 10 12 f 5 SUN. 4 21 7 47 22 47 4 13 15 26 '2 53 7 28 11 5 f 6 Mon. 4 22 7 47 22 41 4 23 15 25 3 37 8 26 11 59 "VJ 7 Tues. 4 23 7 46 22 35 4 33|l5 24 rises. sets. morn. 8 Wed. 4 24 7 46 22 28 4 42;i5 23 8 30 4 54 54 9 Thura. 4 24 7 45 22 21 4 51 15 22 9 6 10 1 46 » 10 Fri. 4 25 7 45 22 14 5 15 21 9 31 •7 26 2 36 3C 11 Satur. 4 26 7 44 22 6 5 8 15 20 10 2 8 42 3 23 X 12 SUN. 4 26 7 44 21 58 5 16 15 19 10 35 9 59 4 9 <Y> 13 Mon. 4 27 7 43 21 49 5 23 15 18 11 30 11 15 4 55 f 14 Tues. 4 28 7 43 21 40 5 30 15 17 mom. 11 54 5 42 "P 15 Wed. 4 29 7 42 21 31 5 36 15 15 18 A. 28 6 32 16 Thurs. 4 30 7 42 21 21 5 42 15 13 55 1 38 7 25 ; 17 Fri. 4 31 7 41 21 11 5 48 15 11 1 32 2 45 8 23 T7 18 Satur. 4 32 7 40 21 1 5 53I15 10 2 9 3 55 9 25 TT 19 SUN. 4 32 7 39 20 50 5 57 15 8 2 46 5 3 10 29 Zo 20 Mon. 4 33 7 38 20 39 6 1 15 6 3 26 6 13 11 32 21 Tues. 4 34 7 37 20 27 6 4 15 4 sets. rises. A. 32 a 22 Wed. 4 35 7 36 20 15 6 7 15 2 8 48 15 58 1 26 23 Thurs. 4 36 7 35 20 3 6 9 14 59 9 12 7 12 2 15 ^ 24 Fri.' 4 37 7 34 19 51 6 11 1457 9 36 8 26 3 m: 25 Satur. 4 38 J 33 19 38 6 12 14 55 10 0; 9 41 3 42 £ii 26 SUN. 4 39 7 32 19 25 6 12 14 53 10 20 10 55 4 23 :£^ 27 Mon. 4 40 7 31 19 11 6 12 14 5ljl0 41 11 59 5 3 •V 28 Tues. 4 41 7 30 18 57 6 11 14 48|11 OA. 21 5 45 1*1 i% Wed. 4 42 7 29 18 43 6 10 14 46 11 25 1 44 6 28 n 30 Thuts. 4 43 7 28 18 29 6 8 14 44,11 56! 3 4 7 14 t 31 Fri. 4 44 7 27 18 14 6 5 14 42:morn.' 4 24 8 3 t 49* 1^® column of the moon's southing (rives the time of high water at Panrsboro', Comwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Troro, &c. At the growing of fruit Is becoming quite an oltfeet, not only for fnmily comfort, but also as a source of profit, too much cnre and attention cannot be glv<>n to youngireoe, in the present condition of our old lands, which hare l)ecn under cnltlvfttion such a length of time. When our oonutry wns new and rich, large orchards were plsnted, and grew rapidly, with little rare except an occasional trtmmint; ; bnt a great change has token place. Long cnltiTmtion has deprived our land of its natural richness, and according to some, has robbed the soil of some of the most essential ingredients re- quired to prodnee a good growth of trees. Be that as it may, a few years of experience In attempting to grow trees on an exhausted soil, will convince any one of the utter Iblly of attempting to raise flntit trees on such soil, without high cultivation and un- remitting care and attention, — they require eonstant care and watchfulness to keep them in a healthy and thriving condition. Ko doubt much depends on having the trees properly set in the first place; but let that be done right, the tree njiu not flouiish unless it is highly manured and otherwise cared for. 1 <L 2 M 3 D 4 D 4t 6 7 H 8 9 10 > 11 D 5t 13 L( 14 15 Si mmim I9&h It tH«8t. loutb. 7 49 8 34 9 21 12 1 5 1 59 norn. 54 46 36 23 9 55 42 32 25 8 23 9 25 29 32 32 26 15 «•• t f t ar sxr K K n n So Zo 1»R 3 42 .TL 4 23 ^ 5 3 J^ 5 45 n 6 28 m 7 14 / 8 3 f ilth WRtcr at , Truro, &c. 7 comfort, but jroungjtreca, Imtion mefa a were planted, k great change 1 richneaa, and ngredienta re- i of experience le of the utter ration and nn- telnewf to keep on haring the » tree ii;fll not SoiMer. JULY 11 ityi. If ; is( Juir IStb July. Iphemerto of the pdn- dpal Planati. Marid. Klfht DeeUn»- tfon. Marid. Bight Aacea. I>ecUna. tion. B. H. ■ 10 88M. 8 67 m: 1184M. 7 68M. 84 A. 9 4H. ■. M. n. 6 10 21 888 28 16 18 2 81 22 7 12 20 841 48 • f H 21 018N. 16 42 86 N. 22 8 60 N. 1848 ON. 22 18 UN. IB 20 18 N. 1121 M. 8 61M. 11'20 M. 7 7M. 11 47 M. 8*11 M. ■. M. a. 6 10 31 427 28 066 66 340 4 7 20 46 8 44 16 31 38N. 9 VeniuL •••••• 18 033N. } wSr.::::::::::: h fiatam, 28 40 67 N. 14 22 21 N. 31 60 20 N. M Unmna. 19 84 17 M. -i • I I « OB 1 2 3 4 D 6 7 8 9 10 11 D 13 14 15 16 17 18 D 20 21 22 23 24 25 D 27 28 29 30 31 BIFNDAYB, WIULTEBB, AIT- imnnKB/iBTTBB, *o. <C apogee. Becomu MiudliDg tides. Visit, fi. V.Mary, Dog Days begin. more »dtted, 4th Saaday after Trinity. and miich High tides. ' pleofanltr. Plea$ant breezet 5th Sunday after Trinity. Low tides. and tvarm days. St. Swithin. Clouds up, <r perigee. High tides. and 6th Sunday after Trinity. rain h6C* mag b* expeded. 9 greatest Lat. south. Union of Eng. and Scotland, 1706. Middling tides. Very warm and it. James. » 7th Sunday after Trinity. $ulty, High Watar, maaa Ua*. •! 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 18 14 4 6 48 7 29 8 8 8 47 9 22 9 58 10 35 11 17 A. 1 2 4 5 8 14 34 2 18 ^ff <C apogee. Low tides. JLooiiotit for Mom^ warm ahowtra. 6 18 7 9 7 53 8 32 9 17 9 40 10 14 10 49 11 14 morn. 11 1 8 2 17 4 37 5 43 6 48 7 44 8 34 9 18 9 59 10 38 \\ 17 11 52 A. 28 1 5 1 2 3 5 47 3a 44 4 6 ^ 7 48 8 48 9 39 10 23 11 2 11 47 mom. 11 44 1 19 1 44 2 41 38 47 [1 5 51 6 57 8 2 8 58 9 48J 10 32 11 13 11 52 A. 1 1 2 3 31 6 42 19 1 3 52 4 6 7 9 10 58 181 46 2 2 10 53 11 37 morn. 16 1 1 1 25 1 58 2 33 2 58 3 55 4 52 5 1 1 7 2 13 3 1ft 4 14 5 S 4 A» . 6 29 7 8 7 47 8 22 8 58 ft 35 10 17 11 8 A. 14 1 3 4 5 6 34 2 18 18 9 6 53 7 32 8 17 8 40 9 14 9 49 10 14 11 11 mom. 1 8 2 17 I •■ HammaaaaMia AUGUST k«hM M Sitonlay. I89T. O VoU moon, 6th d., 2li. 14m. aAernoon, Iwlow the kapffgon. ilMMt Quarter, 12th d., Ih. :27m. afterDoun, bearing wMt. New Moon, 10th d., Ob. I6m. afternoon, bearing louth. > .Vint Quarter, 27th d., lOh. low. morning, below the boriaoa. 1^ Da^of Week. ®'iiX' (A'a de- clinat'n North. QSlow Clock. Length ol D»yi. 14 41 Moon. < South. «'• Q Maes. Seta. 7 27 •Soto. RiMI. 5 16 place. 1 Satur. 4 46 17 59 6 2 14 8 56 t 2 SUN. 4 47 7 26 17 44 5 58 14 38 44 5 52 9 50 ^ 8 Mon. 4 48 7 23. 17 28 5 53 14 35 1 3 6 28 10 45 4 Tues. 4 50 7 22 17 12 5 48 14 32 2 45 7 4 11 38 f 5 Wed. 4 51 7 20 16 56 5 42 14 29 rises. sets. mom. 6 Thun. 4 52 7 19 W 40 5 86 14 27 8 34 5 18 30 » 7 Fri. 4 53 7 17 16 23 5 29 14 24 9 4 6 3d 1 19 3f 8 Satur. 4 54 7 16 16 6 5 21 14 22 9 33 7 62 2 6 X 9 SUN. 4 55 7 15 15 49 5 13 14 20 10 5 9 9 2 53 V 10 Mon. 4 56 7 13 15 31 5 5 14 17 10 20 10 26 3 40 r 11 Tues. 4 58 7 11 15 14 4 55 14 13 10 56 11 43 4 29 TT 12 Wed. 4 59 7 10 14 ae 4 46 14 11 11 40 A. 21 5 21 13 Thura. 5 7 8 14 37 4 35 14 8 morn. 59 6 16 14 Fri. 5 1 7 7 14 19 4 24 14 6 7 2 8 7 16 TT 15 Satur. 5 2 7 5 14 4 13 14 3 51 3 17 8 18 ^ 16 SUN. 5 3 7 4 13 41 4 1 14 1 62 4 26 9 21 SZ 17 Mon. 5 5 7 2 13 22 3 49 13 57 2 53 5 36 10 20 e: 18 Tues. 5 6 7 13 3 3 '36 13 54 3 52 6 46 11 16 le Wed. 5 7 6 59 12 43 3 23 13 52 sets. rises. A. 6 ^ 20 Thurs. 5 8 6 57 12 24 3 9 13 49 7 2216 18 52 7R flif 21 Fri. 5 9 6 55 12 4 2 55 13 46 7 44 7 22 1 36 22 Satnr. 5 11 6 54 11 44 2 40 13 43 8 6 8 26 2 17 £W 23 SUN. 5 12 6 52 11 23 2 25 13 40 8 28 9 30 2 68 yx 24 Mon. 5 13 6 50 11 3 2 9 13 37 8 50 10 ^3 3 39 "l 25 Tues. 5 14 6 48 10 42 1 63 13 34 9 1211 53 4 22 V\ 26 Wed. 5 15 6 47 10 21 1 36 13 32 9 33 A. 33 5 7 1*1 27 Thurs. 5 16 6 45 10 1 19 13 29 10 9 1 13 5 56 t 28 Fri. 5 18 6 43 9 39 1 2 13 25 10 45 2 33 6 46 f 29 Satur. 5 19 6 42 9 18 44 13 23 11 21 3 53 7 39 VJ 30 SUN. 5 20 6 40 8 56 26 13 20 morn. 4 13 8 33 T§ 31 Mon. 5 22 6 38 8 35 8;i3 17 50 5 33 9 27 ^ iff The column of the moon's southing sives the time of high water at Fansboro', Comwallis, Horton. Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. KUFINO roada In good repair li an ot|}ect of great importance, aa ta teenerally eon- ceded, BO long as men merely talk about the matter; but it aeema ollierwiM when thejr are called upon to wmrk, if the reluctance, abirking, and dislike to do that duty upon the public highwaya, may be t«k<>n aa indications of the real itate of aentt- mant existing on tlie anbject. The indilTerence whicV many display in regard to 'ke^ng roads in good repair, and their iinwilllngneaa to do their pr^>ortfc)n«f work, have often been matter of surprise, an 'I sometimes of philosophical speculation npdn some of the dark and profound mysterips connected with human nature. We have somstimes wondered if selfishness — total absorption in one's own interest, and total indifference to ths interesto of others— conld ever be indnlgod to snch a dMree as to become wholly blind and even sntddal It has seenieaaa if no otiier inference was admiadble, when we have seen men neglect to repair some little do- feet In tbe road near their premises, which they bad to suffer from efery day. '• '- * '■ -^--■<^- .-■'^.^'■•.^.^^■'■^^'^"■'-^•■"- " I80T. ion. loriwn. < «'■ South. place. 8 56 t 9 fiO VT 10 45 VJ 11 38 ss morn 30 1 19 2 6 2 63 3 40 4 29 5 21 6 16 7 16 8 18 9 21 10 20 11 16 A. 6 52 1 86 2 17 2 68 3 39 4 22 6 7 5 55 6 45 7 39 8 33 9 27 as K X n n igh water at , Truro, *c. nnemlly eon- berwiiw when > do thKt doty itate of wntU in renard to rtion of work, culfttion npdn re. We have interoat, and •d to Mcb a la if no otlier nme little de> yday. Sumer. AVfiVST tl teys. %\ lit August. 16th August. Ephemeria of the prin- cipal Vtonatt. Merid. Rifdit Aacen. Deoltnar tion. Merid. Right Aacen. Declina- tion. B M ercnnr. B. M. 42 A. 8 64M. 11 IM. 6 8M. 11 49 M. 7 7M. «. M. s. 9 23 9 6 38 8 743 64 248 26 7 80 1 3 40 36 • » » 17 9 38N. 20 29 8 M. 22 17 10 N. 14 67 86 N. 21 41 63 N. 10 41 38 N. B. M. 122 A. 9 2 A. 10 44H. 618 M. 10 1 M. 818 M. B. M. a. 10 66 9 6 41 64 8 22 2 263 ft 7 87 16 3 47 60 • I « 7 23 4ft N. V Vanua. ........... 21 4 ION. d" Man,?. 20 81 69 N. Tt JuDiter. 16 16 38 M. h Saturn, 21 28 62 N. M Uranua 19 4ft 32 M. I I •s 1 D 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 D 10 11 12 13 14 15 D 17 18 19 20 21 22 D 24 25 26 27 28 29 D 31 BUNDATB, WXATHBB, AN- NIVBB8ABIB8, Ac Lammas Day. PUasantj 8th Sunday after Trinity. toUh clear warm days High tides. and cool nighU. Prince Alfred born, 1844. Remnrkahlii 9th Sunday after Trinity. Jine,untk Middling tides. Dog Days end. <C perigee. 116^' V ^ C . Battle of the Tcher- [naya, 1855. Ass. B. V. Maiy. 10th Sunday after Trinity. $ i<L- occasional ligUl showers. High tides. ^ot quite ^'(SC> so pleasant, uiiih 11th Sund. after Trinity, probably Middling tides. St. Bartholomew. more rain. a apogee. Prince Albert born, Low tides. [1819. St Augustine. Changes, and St. John Bapt. beheaded, more 12th Sunday after Trinity, settled. Hlch Water, maaa tioia, at f 3 35 48 44 6 32 7 7 14 52 8 26 9 1 9 35 10 12 10 53 11 44 A. 2 3 5 52 22 57 14 6 11 6 57 7 35 8 7 8 40 9 8 9 38 10 11 10 47 11 29 morn. 21 1 33 2 57 4 16 5 5 7 18 8 14 9 2 9 44 10 22 10 56 11 31 A. 1 2 3 4 5 42 23 14 22 52 6 27 7 44 8 41 9 27 10 5 10 37 11 10 11 58 morn. 8 1 1 2 4 5^ 41 17 59 51 3 27 6 46 6 19 8 32 9 28 10 16 10 58 11 36 A. 10 45 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 35 56 37 28 36 6 41 8 58 9 55 10 41 U 19 11 51 morn. 24 52 22 55 31 13 5 17 6 41 8 1 1 2 3 4 5 a I oa 35 4g 44 32 6 14 6 52 7 8 26 1 8 35 9 12 9 53 10 44 11 52 Al 22 67 14 11 57 6 35 7 7 40 8 8 38 9 11 9 47 10 29 11 21 mom. 33 1 67. 3 16 mm SEPTEMBER toglM •■ Ticsdty. IMT. Q Villi moon, 4lh d., Oh. 62b. morning, bearing math. ? Lut Quarter, 10th d., (Ih. Stai. afternoon, below the horiaon. 9 New Moon, 18th d., Ih. 18m. morning, below the horiaon. P Vint Quarter, aoth d^ 4h. 44m. mornlnc, bdow the horiaon. ^ Da VI of the Week. ®*?i^r A'l de- cUnat'n South. 8 13 O laat ef Clock. Len^ Dnjra. Moon. South. <'■ Q Rliei. 5 22 Seta. 6 86 Sato. Rliee. place. 1 Tueg. 10 18 14 1 21 6 11 10 19 fir 2 Wed. 5 24 6 34 7 51 29 18 10 2 33 6 33 11 10 or a Thurs. 6 25 6 83 7 29 48 13 8 3 46 6 56 11 58 H 4 Fri. 5 27 6 31 7 7 1 8 13 5 rises. sets. mora. K 5 Satur. 5 28 6 29 6 45 1 28 13 2 7 34 6 46 46 •f 6 SUN. 5 29 6 27 6 22 1 48 12 59 8 11 8 5 1 34 •f 7 Mon. 5 31 6 25 6 2 8 12 56 8 48 9 24 2 24 n 8 Tues. 5 32 6 23 5 37 2 28 12 52 9 25 10 43 3 16 9 Wed. 5 33 6 22 5 15 2 49 12 50 10 2 11 23 4 11 10 Thure. 5 34 6 20 4 52 3 9 12 49 10 89 A. 2 5 10 n 11 Fri. 5 36 6 18 4 29 3 30 12 44 11 24 1 22 6 12 sz 12 Satur. 5 36 6 16 4 6 3 51 12 41 mom. 2 18 7 14 ss 13 SUN. 5 37 6 14 3 43 4 12 12 38 30 3 14 8 14 14 Mon. 6 38 6 12 3 20 4 33 12 34 1 5 4 10 9 9 rj IS Tups. 5 39 6 10 2 57 4 54 12 31 2 15 5 8 10 r» 16 Wed. 5 40 6 8 2 34 5 15 12 28 3 30 6 4 10 47 "^ 17 Thurs. 5 41 6 7 2 10 5 36 12 26 4 C7 7 1 11 31 "^K 18 Fri. 5 42 6 5 1 47 5 57 12 22 88 St. nses. A. 13 £^ 19 Satur. 5 43 6 3 1 24 6 18 12 19 6 2617 10 54 £^ io SUN. 5 44 6 1 1 6 39;12 16 6 50 8 35 1 35 £^ 21 Mon. 5 45 5 59 37 7 12 13 7 15 10 2 17 ^ 22 Tues. 5 47 5 57 N. 14 7 21 12 10 7 40 11 25 3 1 n 23 Wed. 5 48 5 55 S. 9 7 42 12 7 8 5 11 55 3 48 t 24 Thurs. 5 50 5 53 32 8 2 12 3 8 30 A. 26 4 37 t 25 Fri. 5 52 5 51 56 8 23 12 9 22 1 28 5 28 t 26 Satur. 5 53 5 49 1 19 8 43 11 57 10 14 2 30 6 21 "$ 27 SUN. 5 54 5 48 1 42 9 3 11 55 11 6 3 32 7 14 28 Mon. 5 55 5 46 2 6 9 23 11 52 11 59 3 59 8 7 » 29 Tues. 5 56 5 44 2- 29 9 43 1 1 49 mom. 4 26 8 57 fir 30 Wed. 5 57 5 42 2 53 10 3 11 45 1 25 4 53 9 46 X 411^ The column of the moon's southing giyes the time of hieh water at Parrsboro't Oomwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, ftc. Therk are mauT lltnnen who, by the continual lelection of their beat antmali for U«ed!nff, might naTe a itock equal to any of the high soanding Kngliah namaa. Would it not De wiaer, then, to keep more prominent thii Ikct. and ezeiie emulatlau in Improving our itoek at home than to March cr«>ation over after ImproTed animi^r Deep ploughing will not cause a large crop on poor landfrwlthont manure. Feeding a colt on hay unne, will not be likely to produce a high iplrlted creature ftt>m a low Itock in a linttle generation; but let afewoat8beadded,preierye the beat for breedera for a leriei of yearn, with other thingi oorreiponding, and yon may work wondns. There undoubtedly ii a great difference la the quality of itock ; yet it la an old and true laying tiiat " a bad cow may have a good calf^" aiul when thii happeni take good care of it. The concluaion to be drawn fVom tbcfe remarki la, that flroB the faMt ^ateriak we can obtain, by the bevt menni in our power, we ihonld Improve our atock, never forgetting that what has been done may be dona again. IM7. horiwn. riaon. horlmm. . „ < «'• South. plao0. 10 19 Of 11 10 «r 11 68 H mom. K 46 M ^ iffh water at Truro, «c. It raiin«Ii for lie eunlatini tvedanimftbr lire. FeedliiK reftomaloir * for breeder! 'ork wondns. ia an old and ma take itood from the beat improTe onr AltVBD. 8BPTBMBBR » teji. Epheneria of the prin- cipal Planeta. I Mereury, Venua, . . Mara,. . . , Jnpiter, , Saturn, .. Vranua, . lal 8«ptember. Merid. a. H. IMA »ieM. 10 21M. 4UM 9 2M. 6 7M. RlRht Aicen. a. M. a. 13 17 48 saw 9 « 8U 3 M 86 7 46 16 3 48 37 Deelln»- tion. • • a 8 69 16 S. 19 81 84 N. 17 47 83 N. 16 38 am. 31 8 60N 19 47 37 N Uik IMptMBbOT. Merid. H. H. 117 i 937 M. 10 1 M 318 M 818 M 4 13 M Ki(ht Aaoen. M. a. M 1 946 41 88 64 48 60 60 a IS PeollMk Ifn. • I 11 96318 8. 16 90 11 M. 16 7 63N. 16 11 17 N. 30 66S4M. 19 46 41N. 1 2 3 4 5 D 7 8 9 10 11 12 D 14 15 16 17 18 19 D 21 22 23 24 25 26 D 28 %0 BUNDAT8, WBATHBB, AJT- NIVaBSABUDB. fto. London burnt, 1666. and eon}forUzble. High tides. M greatest elong. ^ast Changes, 13th Sunday after Trinity. C perigee. tomsome Nativity B. V. Mary. Fall of Se V <$€• [bastopol, 1855. Low tides. t«tn. Bl«h Water, tuna. •« Qtars iM>, 1 4th Sunday aft. Trinity. n^C ana becomes Jt 6C' . much more Ember Day. High tides. eclipsed invis. I Ember Days. 5<J<C. '*"'*''' 15th Sund. aft. Trin. Battle of St. Matthew. [Alma, 1854. with ^ enters ^. , Autumn com- ^ apogee, [mences. lAe nighU eokkr. Very low tides. Every 16th Sunday after Trinity. i^tpearanee St. Michael. Michaelmas Day. Middling tides, tffjine weaihtr. 5 6 6 7 8 8 ,9 9 10 11 A. 2 3 5 5 6 7 7 8 20 8 52 28 4 37 13 53 37 32 45 16 »\ 2 54 34 8 40 9 8 39 9 9 41 20 52 9 10 11 11 morn. 57 2 16 3 41 4 50 7 50 8 38 9 22 9 58 10 34 11 11 A. 1 2 7 43 23 7 2 3 15 4 46 6 21 7 32 8 24 9 4 9 38 10 10 10 39 11 9 11 39 mom. 11 50 1 30 2 22 3 27 4 46 6 11 7 20 |] 9 4 9 52 10 36 11 12 11 48 A. 21 67 37 21 16 29 35 8 46 9 38 10 18 10 52 U 24 11 68 mom. 23 25 53 4 44 36 41 25 8 34 li 4 20 6 8 5 62 6 28 7 4 7 87 8 13 8 53 9 37 10 32 11 45 hi 16 2 4 4 6 6 7 8 51 2 64 34 8 6 40 7 9 39 9 8 41 9 20 10 10 1^2 11 57 mom. 1 16 2 41 3 60 n OCTOBER •■ tlvsdty. 1857. O JfM moon, 3d d., lOh. 54iii. atorning, below the horiion. d Laat Quarter, 10th d., 1h. S9m. morning, bnaring east. 9 New Moon, 17th d., 6h. 24m. afternoon, bccring weit. P First Qoarter, 26th d., 9h. 61m. afternoon, tx wing louth-wett. p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 16 17 18 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Dayaof the A'l upper limb. Klaei. 9eta. Thura. Fri. Satur. SUN. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Satur. SUN. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Satur. SUN. Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thurs. FrL Satur. SUN. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Satur. 58 59 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 40 38 37 35 33 31 29 27 26 24 22 20 19 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 5 3 1 59 67 56 54 53 5! 50 ffi'a de- cUnat'n South. 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 39 2 26 49 12 35 58 21 44 6 29 51 14 O Fast of Clock. 10 10 10 U 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 22 41 59 18 36 53 10 27 43 49 15 29 44 Length of Days. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 36114 5814 20 42 4 26 47 8 14 14 14 15 15 15 58:11 11 11 23jl0 35 10 4710 5810 8 10 29jl5 50,15 11 15 32 15 52 16 12 16 32 16 52il6 12116 17 26 34 42 49 55 5 9 12 15 10 lo 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 42 39 37 33 30 27 23 20 18 15 12 8 6 4 1 57 54 51 47 45 42 38 35 33 30 27 25 21 17 15 13 Moon. Sets. Rises. 2 87 3 53 rises. 6 37 7 17 7 57 8 37 9 17 9 57 11 4 morn. 12 1 27 2 42 3 57 5 14 sets. 5 22 5 49 sets. 6 57 8 23 10 9 11 35 A. 27 19 45 10 36 2 27 53 17 10 35 1 rises. n 18 8 19 9 20 10 22 7 OiU 23 8 25,11 56 9 53'A 6 30 10 40 11 31 morn. 20: 1 30| 2 4l| 3 58 24 26 29 57 16 «5 54 Id 4 South. 10 35 11 53 mom 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 5 1 1 4 7 9 6 58 8 45 9 29 10 11 10 52 11 32 A. 1 2 3 4 5 5 14 57 43 31 22 14 6 57 6 47 7 35 8 22 9 9 9 58 10 4'> place. IT n n n t t t X Of CP" The column of the moon's southing frives the time of high water at Parfsboro', Comwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, jfec. Tn flMmier now realins the reward of his toil and attention. He is ready to burst into songs of grmtltade to Him " who causes bread to spring out of the earth, and who loads all with blessings." Is it not lahor that makes a man han>y i What if we oonld obtain these fhiita, our necessary rapply of fitod, Ac, without any exertion of our own; would not the oonsequenoes be intlolenoe and slothfblness f Would not the soul, tot want of exertion, become enfeebled and enervated J Society woiUd, in> deed, be in a wretehed state. Then move on, and crowd your garners with the golden oass ; ill your cellars to the brim with early blues and calicoes. Oather in the flrnits of yoor gardens and your orchards; let nothing be wasted and lost. LesTo not your tools In the field, as the manner of some Is, who do business without system or order. Some men might perhaps get along without helpmeets, but what could ikr> mars do wlth9nt their wives f Who will tako the interest that a wife do<« in tha hoosabold dntlea, the dairy, and a multitude of other concerns that belong to the Mtale department r There is a partaerMilp interest aUd sympathy which no woman other than a wilb can feel. There is, therefore, nothing better for a flurmer than a ywdwMil * \ 1857. ;on. Uth-WMt < a'l South. plac*. 10 35 K 11 53 r morn. Of 13 1 5 : 2 1 n 3 1 n 4 4 n 5 7 s 6 9 Zo 7 6 7 58 e: 8 45 nif 9 29 ^ 10 11 fC^ 10 52 j^ 11 32 j^ A. 14 n 57 "i 1 43 t 2 31 t 3 22 t 4 14 ^ 5 6 V? 5 57 a: 6 47 sg 7 35 ttS 8 22 K 9 9 K 9 58 Y 10 4'> T lish water at ;, Truro, jfec. ready to bunt the earth, aad n>yt What if t any exertloii r Would not iety would, in* rith the golden srln thefirutta It. Leave not lout ayitem or rhat could flu<- fe Aom in tba belong to tlia ileh no woman hnner than a Mimii. 0€TOIIER 81 teys. , —^ Ephemeris of the prtn> lat October. Utb Oetober. || cipal ttonela. Herid. Right Aaoen. DecUna. tiOD. Merid. Rif^t Aaoen. DecUnar tion. H. M. a. M. B. • » «L H. K. B. lb 8. • 1 « 5 M^Kiirr. 1146M. 940 H. 987M. 212M. 7 16 lb. 8 8M. 12 22 26 432 26 8 10 24 43 10 60 26 N 10 20 16 11 46 27 N 2 60 61 14 67 80 N 7 66 16 20 42 38 N 8 47 9 19 43 17 N 11 41 M. . 948 M. . 916 M. . 1 11 M. . 6 24M. . 2 11 M. 12 90 48 11 28 46 10 62 64 2 46 7 7 69 38 846 36 19 68 N. 4a2&N. 8 si 20 N. 14 80 48 N. 20 84 86 N. 19 88 UN. 9 Vc d* Ml % Ja $ Ui Diter. •• *aiius. ••••••••«. 1 1 High Watar, m«an tbna, at | SUNDATS, WmA , Air- ad if II II .THBB * «Q ¥' Q •^ / 5 tL 1 WtalOur 5 40 8 10 9 24 4 40 2 becoming colder, 6 21 8 51 10 5 5 Sll 3 unth 7 24 9 54 11 8 6 24 D 1 7th Sund. aft. Trinity. <C perigee. 7 40 10 10 11 24 6 ^ 5 Very high tides. 8 16 10 46 11 59 7 l** 6 V6€' «ome 8 57 11 27 A. 41 7 57 7 froHin 9 41 A. 11 1 25 8 ♦! 8 St. Denis. many 10 31 1 1 2 15 9 tX 9 tj stationary. piano. [1 29 1 59 3 13. 10 i^ 10 h6<i' k. 41 3 11 4 25 11 41 D 18th Sunday after Trinity. 2 4 4 34 5 48 A. 59 12 Low tides. High toindot 3 28 5 58 7 12 2 28 13 accompanied 4 32 7 2 8 16 3 3i2 14 t6€' u>iih 5 22 7 62 9 6 4 i2 15 eonnderahU 6 3 8 S3 9 47 5 3 16 i^<5<C. rain. High tides. ^ 6 38 9 8 40 24 .6 38 17 7 6 9 38 10 52 6 8 D 19th Sund. aft. Trinity. St. Luke. 7 40 10 10 U 24 6 40 19 Becomes more 8 11 10 41 11 65, 7 11 20 9 in perihelion. 8 44 11 14 nrudrn. 7 44 21 C apogee. setUed 9 19 11 49 28 8 19 22 and colder. 9 68 morn. 1 3 8 58 23 Q greatest Latitude north. 10 40 28 I 42 9 40 24 11 28 1 10 2 24 10 28 D 20th Sun. aft. Trin. St Crispin, i Low tides. [Bfttof 9aIakl]avV34, morn. 1 68 3 12 11 24 26 24 2 54 4 8 taoi^. 27 Lookout 1 35 4 5 5 19 35 28 St. Simon and St. Jude. Jbr 2 50 5 20 6 34 1 50 29 froott and 4 1 6 Hi 8 5 3 1 30 perhaps snow. MiddUng tides. Allhariows' Eve.t 5 2 7 82 8 46 4 2 31 5 52 8 22 9 34 4 52 NOVEMBER htigtia «■ Sunday. 1857. O Vvdl Moon, lit d., 8b. 43ak. afternoon, bearing east. Q Last Quartar, 8th <L, Oh. Im. aftarnooB, bearing, wwt. % New Moon, leth d., llh. 40m. momiog, beariBg aoath.. > Vint Qnarter, 2Atb d, Ih. Urn. afteraooc, bearing east. ^ Week. ^'ZT' 0'> de- cUnat'n South. Va«t of Clock. Length Da^i. Hoen. SoMth. Q Bine. Seta. 4 48 Rieea. Sets. place. I SUN. 6 38 14 31 16 16 10 10 rises,. 11 45 11 45 ^ 2 Mon. 6 40 4 47 14 50 16 17 10 7 5 13 M6 41 mom. ^ 3 Tues. 6 41 4 46 15 9 16 17 10 5 6 10 8 17 43 n 4 Wed. 6 42 4 45 15 27 16 17 10 3 7 7 9 25 1 47 TT 5 Thurs. 6 44 4 43 15 46 16 15 9 59 8 4 10 34 2 53 <^ 6 Fri. 6 45 4 42 16 4 16 12 9 57 9 1 11 42 3 58 <ni 7 Satnr. 6 46 4 41 16 22 16 9 9 56 10 A. 7 4 59 it 8 SUN. 6 48 4 39 16 39 16 5 9 54 11 13 32 5 54 » Mon. 6 49 4 38 16 56 16 9 49 morn. 58 6 43 ""K 10 Tues. 6 51 4 37 17 13 15 54 9 46 26 1 23 7 29 HIJ 11 Wed. 6 52 4 36 17 30 15 47 9 44 1 39 1 49 8 11 inj 12 Thuw. 6 53 4 35 17 46 15 40 9 42 3 3 2 14 &5t £^ 13 Fri. 6 55 4 34 18 2 15 31 9 39 4 27 3 4 9 32 .Ti. 14 Satur. « 56 4 33 18 18 15 22 9 37 5 51 3 29 10 12 "I 15 SUN. 6 67 4 32 18 34 15 12 9 35 7 17 3 39 10 55 ^ 16 Mon. 6 59 4 31 18 39 15 9 32 sets. rises. 11 40 V\ 17 Tues. 7 4 30 19 3 14 49 9 30 4 19 M8 17 A. 19 f 18 Wed. 7 1 4 29 19 18 14 36 9 28 5 18 9 6 1 17 f 19 Thura. 7 3 4 28 19 32 14 22 9 25 6 18 9 56 2 9 "M 20 Fri. 7 4 4 28 19 46 14 8 9 24 7 17 10 45 3 1 ■w 21 Satur. 7 5 4 27 19 59 13 53 9 22 8 16 11 34 3 52 VJ 22 SUN. 7 7 4 26 20 12 13 37 9 19 9 16 A. 25 4 41 or 23 Mon. 7 8 4 25 20 25 13 20 9 17 10 15 49 5 29 as 24 Tues. 7 9 4 24 20 37 13 3 9 16 11 15 1 14 6 15 K 25 Wed. 7 10 4 23 20 49 12 44 9 14 morn. 1 39 7 K 26 Thurs. 7 11 4 23 21 12 25 9 13 29 2 3 7 46 T 27 Fri. 7 13 4 22 21 11 12 6 9 10 1 43 2 28 8 34 r 28 Satur. 7 14 4 22 21 22 11 45 9 9 2 57 2 53 9 25 K 29 SUN. 7 15 4 21 21 32 11 24 9 7 4 11 3 17 10 21 : 30 Mon. 7 16 4 21 21 42 U 3 9 6 5 25 3 43 11 23 n (^ The column of the moon's southing fnves the time of high water at Parwhoro*, Comw«lli», Horton,. Hantsport, Windaor^ Newport, xroro, Ac. Tbbm ts at leaet one very good reason why the work of the last of the autumn months riioidd be promptly attended to. If not seasonably performed, every thing will be tnuwflxed with ehidna and bolts of frost, and four months must elapse beibre eman- cipation takes place. In any other month, what happens to be neglected, may be done In the flrst Aw days of the next ; but here no allowance is usually ^ven the tardy and neglectflil lluiner. Carrots, Rnta Baga, Beets, and Mangel Wurtwl should be harrestod, aa they are never positively safe beyond the flrst of the month. Ample preparations should be made for shelter to domestic animals during winter. Sheds, atablea, fSsedtag rack*, and troughs often savein a single winter their entire cost, by kToMinc the needless consumption of ibod to impart warmth, and by preventing a waste or tidder under foot. A general supervision should be kept of the premises, and evwy preparation made for winter — loose boards on bams and fences should be mailed ftat; sagging gates righted; broken windows furnished with glass; stables made aseue against cold enrrents ; and a general and particular vigUauee pursued in rela- tloB to the eare and management of the premtsee, preparatory to the arrangements iter MMKbtr year. . 1857. Ailumn. NOTEMBER 80 days. C7 11 45 mom. 43 »lo r A. hieh water at rttTroro, Ac. autumn months ry thing will be (Me before eiuan- ted, may he done given the tardy urtBfl ahould be mouth. Ample ; winter. Sheds, tr entire coet. by by preventing • the premises, and I should be nailed m; stables made pursued in rela- lie arrangements Ephemeris of the prin- cipal Planets. Mercury, Venus Mars, ..•...• Jupiter, Saturn, A Uranus, ., Ist November. Merid. B. H. 11 S M. 11 58 M. 8 46M. 11 61 A. 6 19 M. 1 2M. Right Ascen. B. X. a. 13 62 41 12 46 68 11 31 21 286 2e 8 1 4u 843 6 Declinn-' tion. 10 I u 288 S. 8 8 6S. 438 46 M. 13 60 66 N. 20 30 ON. 10 30 20 N. IStli XTovember. Merid. H. V. 1136 M. V^. 8 M. 8 22 M. 10 49 A. 4 24 A. 4 M. Right Ascen. H. u, a. 12 20 48 11 28 46 10 62 64 2 46 7 7 69 33 3 46 36 Declina- tion. • » II 4 19 68 N. 4 61 26 N. 8 36 20 N. 14 30 48 N. 20 84 36 N. 19 38 19 N. I e ■5 ^ Q D 2 3 4 5 6 7 D 9 10 11 12 13 14 D 16 17 18 19 20 21 D 23 24 25 26 27 28 D 30 SUNDAYS, WEATHEB, AN- NIVBBSABIES, &o. 2l8t Sun. aftTrin. All Saints. C perigee. High tides. AH ^iC' [Souls. Cold, raw Gunpowder Plot. Battle of In- ^ [kermaun, 1854. T2<5^. toinda. 22d Sunday after Trinity. Low tides. Prince of Wales born, Clears up, [1841. 9 greatest latitude North. and becomes more settled. 23d Sunday after Trinity. High tides. (C apogee. Blustering 5 in sup. 4 O- and ' cold tpinds, Princess royal born, 1840. 24th Sunday after Trinity. with some hail, sleet, Q in aphelion. and rain to the end of the monUi. Advent Sunday. St. Andrew. <[. perigee. High Water, mean time, at 6 35 7 10 8 1 8 47 9 35 10 25 11 21 A. 20 31 42 46 43 26 4 6 41 7 16 7 43 8 26 9 2 9 41 10 19 11 4 U 53 morn. 51 9 5 9 40 10 31 11 17 A. 5 55 51 50 1 12 1 2 4 5 6 16 13 56 II ^•6 B a 10 191 10 54 11 45 A. 31 1 19 2 9 3 5 4 4 5 R 15 5 35 6 10 1 47 8 35 9 25 10 21 11 20 55 8 18 18 6 12 8 34 9 11 9 45 10 13| 10 56 11 32 morn. 11 49 1 34 23 21 25 38 6 48 7 48 8 42 7 4(J 8 27 9 10 9 58 10 25 10 ,59 11 27 morn.| 10 46 1 25 2 3 2 48 3 37 4 35 5 39 6 52 8 2 9 2 9 56 A. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 31 42 46 43 26 4 41 15 6 43 ,7 26 8 2 8 41 9 19 10 4 10 53 11 51 mom. 55 2 8 3 18 18 12 ^< 28 DECEMBER begrhis on Taesday. 1S57. O Full Moon, Ist d., 6h. 42m. morningt bearing west. d Last Quarter, 8th d., 2h. 23m. morning, bearing cast. New Moon, 16th d., Ch. 47m. morning, bearing east. ]> First Quarter, 24th d., 2h. 22m. morning, below the horlion. O Full moon, SOtb d., 4h. 4Tm. Bftemoon, bearing east. ^ Days of the Week. ^ZT' ®'s de- cTina^n Soath. (S) Fast of Clock. Length Days. Moon. South. C's p Rises. Sets. 4 21 Rises. SeM. place. 1 Tues. 7 17 21 51 10 40 9 4 rises. 8 3 mom. n 2 Wed. 7 18 4 21 22 10 17 9 3 5 25 8 41 29 <^ 3 Thurs. 7 20 4 21 22 9 9 54 9 1 6 38 9 20 1 37 <ni 4 Fri. 7 21 4 20 22 17 9 30 9 7 51 9 59 2 33 6 Satur. 7 22 4 20 22 25 9 5 8 59 9 4 10 39 3 33 c\ 6 SUN. 7 23 4 20 22 32 8 39 8 57 10 17 11 18 4 36 sL 7 Mon. 7 24 4 20 22 39 8 14 8 56 11 29 11 67 5 25 W 8 Tues. 7 25 4 20 22 45 7 47 8 55 morn. A. 17 6 9 W 9 Wed. 7 26 4 20 22 51 7 20 8 54 41 37 6 60 ■W-L 10 Thure. 7 27 4 20 22 57 6 53 8 53 1 53 66 7 31 -TL 11 Fri. 7 27 4 22 23 2 6 25 8 53 3 5 1 16 8 11 v\ 12 Satur. 7 28 4 22 23 7 5 57 8 52 4 7 1 41 8 53 1?l 13 SUN. 7 29 4 22 23 11 5 29 8 52 5 10 2 8 9 37 H 14 Mon. 7 30 4 23 23 14 5 8 51 6 14 3 1 10 24 t 15 Tues. 7 31 4 23 23 18 4 31 8 50 7 20 4 1 11 13 f 16 Wed. 7 31 4 23 23 20 4 1 8 50 sets. rises. A. 6 VJ 17 Thurs. 7 32 4 23 23 23 3 32 8 49 4 34 19 17 57 1? 18 Fri. 7 33 4 23 23 24 3 2 8 49 5 42 9 4« 1 48 t5 19 Satur. 7 34 4 24 23 26 2 32 8 48 6 50 10 16 2 39 s» 20 SUN. 7 34 4 24 23 27 2 2 8 48 7 58 10 45 3 36 tSf 21 Mon. 7 35 4 24 23 27 1 32 8 48 9 6 11 14 4 12 K 22 Tues. 7 35 4 24 23 27 1 2 8 48 10 14 11 43 4 66 X 23 Wed. 7 36 4 25 23 26 32 8 48 11 21 A. 13 5 41 y 24 Thurs. 7 36 4 25 23 25 F. 2 8 49 morn. 50 6 26 y> 25 Fri. 7 87 4 26 23 24 S. 27 8 49 30 1 28 7 13 •f 26 Satur. 7 37 4 26 23 22 57 8 49 1 18 2 5 8 6 27 SUN. 7 37 4 26 23 20 1 26 8 50 2 6 2 41 9 2 ',' 28 Mon. 7 87 4 25 23 17 1 56 8 50 2 54 3 20 10 5 n 29 Tue9. 7 86 4 25 23 13 2 25 8 50 3 44 3 60 11 12 n 30 Wed. 7 36 4 25 23 9 2 54 8 51 rises. sets. morn. £o 31 Thurs. 7 35 4 24 23 5 3 23 8 52 4 17 7 43 19 S ^^ The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Comwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, Ae. WnrrsBis the time for farmers to think — spring, summer, and fall, to work ; and the three latter seaRons' laliorwill be to little profit, if the time of the first shall have been misspent. All the plans of next season's operations should be laid and well eSh- sidered during winter. All improvementit, all designs for new operations, all the work to be done, should then be considered and prepared fi>r, so tbat when the time Ibr work arrives he will have nothing to do but to " go ahead." Then he has no time to think ; but if ho has been wise during winter he Will hSTe no need of it. It Is a piti- ful sight to look at in the spring, when all nature is in an ecstasy of delight, to see a former flying about " like a hen with her bead cut oH," trying to do a thousand things at once, not knowing which to do first, mnning here and Uiere In seareh of his rusty implements, some of which require repairs, some can't be Ibund ; the plough- ing season passing away, the planting season rapidly adTaneing, and be not prepMvd for any thing. JSvery body, who is any body, likes to see tyiUm and order In the ▼ari' ous operations of the farm ; and even the most negligent admire and apprope the practice of him who has " a place for every thing, and every thing in its plaoe." \ ^^^^^ 1817. at. It. le horison. Mt. _ < «'« ~ Sonth. plaoa. 3 morn. n 41 29 Zo 20 1 37 Q 59 2 33 O 39 3 33 ft 18 4 36 Sl» 57 6 25 ^ 17 6 9 W 37 6 50 -^\. 56 7 31 •V 15 8 11 «l 41 8 53 m 8 9 37 n 1 10 24 ^ 1 11 13 t s. A. 5 V? 17 67 V? 4e 1 48 VJ 16 2 39 «r (5 3 36 «sr 14 4 12 K 13 4 56 K 3 5 41 K >0 6 26 <Y> !8 7 13 T 5 8 5 19 2 ■ 1 OlO 5 n »0 11 12 n 1. morn. ^ 3 19 s f high wa terat Oft, Truro, 8tc. M, to work ; and le flrtt shall hare laid and well oOh- ;tonii,alI the work rhen the time for he has no time to fit. Itiiapltl- ot delight, to we to do a thousand kero in seareh of ind; the plough- he not prepMvd infer in the Tarf and approve th* 1 its pteM." Wiiter. DECEMBER 31 days. 21 Dpbemerls of the prin- cipal Planets. i Heruui'^i Venus, . Mars,. . . Jupiter, Saturn,. Uranus, Iflt December. Merid. B. M. 017 A. 10 22M. 7 64M. 9 89 A. 8 20 A. 10 65 A. Right Ascen. B. H. a. leftS 49 16 8 18 12 86 47 2 22 8 7 69 69 8 88 Declinai- tlon. ' f n 24 18 28 8. 16 10 18 8. 2 18 62 8. 12 46 ION. 20 88 9 N. 19 13 47 N, 15th December. Merid. B. K. 68 A. 10 88 A. 7 28 A, 8 40 A. 2 22 A. 9 67 A Right Ascen. a. M. a. 18 34 60 16 20 7 18 6 20 2 17 66 7 66 69 8 36 47 Seclinar tion. I II 26 28 24 S. 20 87 18 S. 6 28 36 8. 12 29 20 N. 20 48 10 N. 19 6 SON. I 1 2- 3 4 5 D 7 8 9 10 .11 12 D 14- 15 16 17 18 19 D 21 22 23 24 25 26 D 28 29 30 31 SUISDAYB, "WEATHEBt AST- High Water, mean t^e, at od Middling tides. Ckar and cold, toith perhaps 2d Sunday in Advent. some snow- Concep. B. V. Mary. LooA; Old for snow storms, vnth 3d Sunday in Advent. C apogee. strong, High tides. high Ember Day. winds. }v u T\ - Continues Ember Days. changeable, 4th Sunday in Advent. St. Thomas. © enters )fj. Win- [ter commences. and not pleasant. Low tides. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. Charges, St. Stephen. and 1st Sunday after Christmas. St. High tides. Innocents. [Xohn. C^ perigee. becomes colder. ^ greatest elongation east. 7 2 7 50 8 41 9 20 6 48 A. 38 42 44 46 45 31 6 14 6 55 7 36 8 11 8 46 9 25 10 9 10 38 11 18 morn. 7 9 32 10 20 11 11 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 50 36 30 18 8 12 14 16 15 1 8 44 9 25 10 6 10 41 11 11 16 55 2 15 39 55 58 6 53 7 43 morn 39 8 48 37 32 45 9 25 8 28 9 23 10 13 10 46 11 34 A. 25 1 4 50 44 32 22 26 6 28 7 30 8 29 9 15 9 58 10 39 11 20 11 55 morn. 30 I 6 2 6 50 7 41 8 20 9 6 10 10 48 11 38 A. 42 44 46 45 81 14 55 6 36 7 7 9 53 22 2 51 46 59 23 8 39 9 42 10 37 11 27 11 46 8 25 9 .9 9 38 10 18 11 7 morn. 2 15 39 55 58 53 6 43 1 80 belchsb's vabmbs's [1887. PROVINCE OF NOVA-SCOTIA. LitutenatU'Oovemor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Pro- ▼inoe of Nova-Scotia and its Dependencies, His Excellency, Migor-General, Sik JOHN GASPARD LxMARCHANT, &tight, Knieht Commander of the Orders of St. Ferdinand and of Cbarlte the Second of Spain. Private Secretary, Rev. R. H. Bullock, M. A. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. James McNab, M. L. C, Receiver- General, Hon. William A. Henry, M. P. P., Provincial Secretary. Hon. William Young, M. P. "P., Attorney-General. , Hon. Samuel Chipman, M. P. P., Financial Secretary. Hon. Adams O. Archibald, M. P. P., SoHeitor- General, Hon. Benjamin Wier, M. P. P. Hon. John Locke, Jr., M. P. P. Clerk 6/ the Council, Hon. W. A. Henry. Retired Menibere of the Council, retaining their rank by Special Per- miation of Her Mtyeety. Hon. Charles Ramage Presoott. Hon. Enos Collins. Hon. Samuel Cunud. ' Hon. James W. Johnfiton, M. P. P. Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie. Hon. James B. Uniacke. Hon. Joseph Howe. U57.] ▲LXAVAOK. tl y Special Per- THC UEGISLATlVf: COUNCIL. £r«i. Ed ward Kenny, fVwafdan^ . « . . HiiivAX. ffon. Walliam Budol^ . Bon, Bobert Mollison Cutler, Son. John Morton, « 1 Him, H^gh BeU« « • . JIwi. Staylejr Brown, flow. Mather Bjles Almoa, . JGTon. James Delap.Haxna, • Boh, Alexander Keith, . « Horn. Williaip Andarson Black, Hon. David Crichton, • « Horn. Henry Gesner ^ineo, « Hon. John Eleazer Fairbanks, Hon. James IfoNab, Receiver- General, {M. E. C.) . BEALxrAX. Hon. Jonathan McCully, Hon. William Grigor, . « Hon. William McKeea, . ^0*1. Bichard A. McHeffey, . Hon. Thomas D. Archibald, . Hon. AnseJm. F. Oomeau, Chaplain^ « . . . ClerK, » « • « • Law Clerk, « . • . Gentleman Ueher of the Blaek Rod, Messenger, . • « • « LvMBlTBinM. . outsbobovox. . Kbhttuxi. « Halivax. . Yamuovtk, . H^LSTAZ. . Kbntviiuu .. Haijtat. . HaIvax, . PXOTOV. • Waxumsb. . Dabtkoutx. . HautaX' . HauTAX. . Mabov, C. B. . Windsob* . dTDNBT, CL B. . OliABB. Yen. Archdeacon Willis, D. D. John C. BUlib«rton, Bsq. John W. Ritchie, Ss^. Jno. Jae. Sawyer, Escj. Mr. Joseph Skallish, 12 bblobik's vakkbb'i [1M7. HOUSE OF ASSERIBLT. [Elected May 22, 1865.] Speahtrt Stewart Campbell, Esq. COUNTIES. *Hon. James W. JohnBton. William Chandler, Esq. rLenium,E8qB. •Hon. A. O. Arehibald, M. E. C, and *0. W.Mo- Chas. Tupper, M, D. and Alex. McEulane, EMqi. *Francis Bourneuf, Esq. * J. J. Marshall and *S. Campbell, (j^iar,) Eaqs. «John Esson and *Wm. Aunand, Eaqa. •lohabod Dimock and VxanaA B. Parker, Ebcm. •Hon. Wm. Young, M. E. C. andPeter Smyth, Esq. Caleb R. Bill and Wm. B. Webster, M. D. Esqs. George Oeldert and Benjamin Beinard, Esqs. Geo. McKenzie and Alex. C. McDonald, X^s. •John Campbell and Edw. D. Davison, Esqs. •Thomas H. Fuller, Esq. Cornelius White, Esq. •Hon. W. A. Henry, If. E. C. and J. McKinnon, Esq. •Hugh Munro and Chas. J^CampbeU, Esqs. •Thomas Killam, Esq. TOWNSHIPS. •William W. Bent, Esq. •Alfred Whitman, Esq. •Henry Martell, Esq. •John Ryder, Esq. Robert Robertson, Esq. •Hotu Samuel Chipman, M. E. C Maturin Robichau, Esq. •John C. Wade, Esq. Eara Churchill, Esq. •Stephen S. Thome, Esq. •Hon. Benf. Wier, M. E. C. and John Tobin, Esq. •Edward L. Brown, M D., Esq. Thomas T. Morrison, Esq. Matthew McLeam, E^q. Henry Bailey, Esq. William Chambers, Esq. •MarUn I. Wilkins, Esq. •Hon. John Lo£ke^ Jr., M. E. C. . James McKeaniey, Esq. Hiram Hyde, Esq. Hon, Joseph Howe» Nathan Moses, Esq. AMNATOUSk Ca>b Bbbtoit, OoLOBBSTBIt, CCMBBBLAND, DiOBT, . GuYSBOBOtOH, Hauyaz, . Hants, IlfTBBMBSa, Kino's, lvnbnbu&o, PiCTOU, Quebn's, . RioHMoins Shblburnb, StonbIt, . Victoria, . Tabmovtb, Axbbbst, . Annapous, Arichat, . AaaviiB, . Babbinotok, cobnwallib, Cl^BB, Diobt, . FAI.M0UTH, Gbantillb, Halifax, . Hobton, . londondbbbt, LiTBBtOOXi, LUNENBUBO, NXWPOBT, . PlOTOV, Sbelbubkb, Stdnbt, C. B. Tbvbo, WiNDSOB, . Yabmovtb, CUril Alex. James, Esq. ; Aa»i»tani-CUrlt James G. Tobin, Esq. ; Chtkof BilU,IL. C. D. '1 wining, E^q. ; Chaplain, Rev. J. T. Twin- ing, D. D. ; Sergeant- at' Arms, George R. Grassie, Esq. ; Aaaietant- Sergeant- ai-Arm», Mr. Edward Joyce ; Meuenger, Mr. John Fitzgerald. >amM marked tlraa * wera Members of tke previoiu Bonn. 1M7.] ALMANACK. 38 BARBISTERS AND ATTORNEITS, BB8IDBNT IN NOTA-BOOTIA. Tobia, Eaq. ; J. T. Twin- . ; Ataiatani- m Fitzgerald. KAMKS. ^Admitted Darris- [ ten. Admitted Attor- neys. Beaidenoe. James 8. Morse, James W. Nutdng, William Stetns, [Q. C. Hon. Jas. W. Johnston, John Creighton, Q. C. WiUiam Q. Sawets, Sam'l P. Fairbanks, Q. C. Nathaniel W. White, George T. Solomon, Beamish Murdoch, Hon. J. B. Uniaoke, Q. C. Charles Twining, Alexander Primrose, Charles D. Roach, John James Sawyer, George R. Orassie, James 8. Clairke, [Q. C. Hon. Wm. Young, A.G. Charles W. H. Harris, Charles B.-Owen, Hugh Hartshorn, James A. Dennison, Robert B. Dickson, James Stewart, Martin I. Wilkins, Edward H. Hamngton, SUas C. Morse, Harry King, s. o. i.. Stephen H. Moore, L.O'C. Doyle, Q. C. John C. Halliburton, William H. Keating, William Sutherland, Edward Roach, Snow P. Freeman, Henry Prior, Thomas B. Akins, John W. Ritchie, Silas L. Morse, Nepean Clarke, James R. Smith, Archibald McQueen, And. M. UniaCke, d.cl. Robert B. Dickey, Donald N. McQueen, Georaa S. Milledge, Charles E. W. Schmidt, 11 23 14 23 18 22 16 16 19 14 6 6 10 9 28 13 24 24 23 23 24 23 23 23 22 28 27 27 27 27 28 3 3 4 27 25 3 24 1 30 23 23 29 21 21 21 29 Oct. Oct. April, Oct. April, Oct. April, April, April, July, April, April, July, Oct. Jan. April, Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. July, Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. July, Nov. Nov. May,- Jttly, Jan. May, Jan. Oct. July, July, Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. April, 1810 1810 1814 18H23 1816 1817 1818 1818 1821 1822 1823 1823 1823 1823 1825 1826 1826 1826 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1880 1830 1831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 11 23 14 18 22 16 16 19 14 6 6 10 9 28 13 26 26 23 24 24 24 24 24 22 23 23 27 22 22 22 28 28 6 28 25 4 26 3 1 23 23 29 22 22 30 22 Oct. Oct. April, Oct. April, Oct. April, April, April, July, April, April, July, Oct. Jan. April, Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. July, Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan. Oct. April, Jan. Jan. Jan. July, Oct. Oct. May, July, Jan. May, Jan. May, Nov. July, July, Oct. Jan. Jan. April, Jan. 1810 1810 1813 1813 1816 1817 1817 1818 1820 1821 1823 1823 1822 1822 1824 1824 1826 1826 1827 1826 1827 1826 1826 1826 1828 1827 1827 1829 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1829 1829 1831 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1833 Amherst* Halifax. Liverpool. Halifax. Lunenburg. Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Lunenburg. Halifax. / Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Amherst. Halifax. Annapolis. Halifax. .« Halifax. Kentville. Yarmouth. Halifax. Digby. Truro. Halifax. Pictou. Antigonish. Amherst. Windsor. Kentville. Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Pictou. Liverpool. Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Bridgetown. Halifax. Halifax. P. Hood, 0. B. Halifax. Amherst. Sydney, o. b. 1833!Annapolis. 1833!Halifax. r 34 BELOHBB 8 rAXMBX 8 [1857. Daniel Owen, James L. DeWolf, Henry H. Grantham, Henry B. Webster, Stewart Campbell, Perez M. Cunningham, Thomaa N. Jeffery, John D. Kinnear, John McGregor, GustavuB Haliburton, Hon. Jonathaii McCuUey Ebeneser F. Miinro, Charles F.* Harrington, William C. Wbiddeu, David Matheson, Peter Lynch, Henry P. Hill, Samuel Gray, James Fogo, Frederick W.Grantham, Daniel Dickson, Jas. McKeagney, [E. C Hon. A. G. Archibald, Af. S^Leonard Shannon. Henry C. D. Twining, James Robert Prescott, Edward A. Pyke, William Howe, George A. Blanchard, Charles Morse, John C. VYade, Gilbert Seely, Hon. W. A. Henry, Q.C. William H. Troop, James C. Cogswell, James Murray, Jr. Hiram Blanchard, Peter S. Archibald, Robert McCiUly, A. F. Haliburton, John D. McNutt, Timothy D. Ruggles, PliiUp C. Hill, Thomas Wm. Harris, James Hall Thome, Alexander McFarlane, Alexander James, Charles James Stewart, Edward P. Nutting, William R. Cutler, John McKinlay, Simeon C. Irish, James W. Johnston, Jr, Peter H. LeNoir, 29 4 4 5 25 25 14 26 1 1 16 16 31 31 1834 April, Nov. 1834 Nov. 1834 May, 1836 July, 1835 July, 1835 Jan. 1836 July, Noy. 1836 Nov. 1836 Jan. 1837 Jan. 1837 Oct. 1837 Oct. 1837 31 Oct. 1837 31 Oct. 1837 16 Jan. 1838 16 Jan. 1838 May, 1838 May, 1838 July, 1838 OA. 1838 Jan. 1839 Jan. 1839 April, 1839 April, 1839 July, 1839 July, 1839 Oct. 1839 Nov. 1840 July, 1841 Nov. 1841 Nov. 1841 April, 1842 April, 1842 July, 1842 April, 1843 April, 1843 AprU, 1843 April, 1843 May, 1844 30 April, 1833 29 Oct. 1833 29 Oct 1833 29 April, 1834 1 1 24 30 15 16 30 30 23 23 29 3 24 30 30 19 19 26 18 18 18 18 7 7 7 23 23 3 6 6 6 22 22 22 18 20 22 25 3 25 3 1 14 14 1 1 1 1 18 18 2 2 25 31 16 16 May, May, July, July, Dec. May, May, May, July, July, 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 18^5 1845 1845 1845 1845123 April. 1846 29 July, 1846128 31 30 24 23 30 29 28 13 3 9 19 27 iO 19 19 19 29 18 7 25 23 5 7 7 7 23 July, July, Mar. July, Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. May, May, July, Oct. Jan. Jan. May, 1834 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1839 1838 April, 1839 July, July, Oct. Oct. July, Nov. Nov. Jan. 1838 1839 1838 1839 1840 1840 1840 1841 April, 1842 April, 1841 Nov. 1841 April, 1842 April, 1842 April, 1842 April, 1842 April, 1843 May, 1844 July, July, Dec. May, May, May, July, July, 1843 1844 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 AprU, 1845 July, 1846 April, 184722 AprU, 1846 Lunenburg. Windsor. Yarmouth. Ken^viUe. Guysboro'. Windsor. Halifax. Amherst. Halifax, Shelbume. Halifax. Truro. Arichat, 0. a. Shelbume. Pictou. Halifax. Antlgoniah. HaUfax. Pictou. Yarmouth. Pictou. Sydney, o. b. Truro Halifax. EUlifak. ComwaU'c Comwalb<k Halifax. Kentville. liverpooL LiverpooL Antigoniah. Bridgetown. Halifax. Yarmouth. P. Hood, c. B. Truro. Amherst. Baddeck. Truro. Bridgetown. Halifax. KentviUe. Bridgetown. Amherst. Halifax. Amherst. Halifax. Arichat. Pictou. Antigonish. Hali&x. Halifax. 1867.] ▲LMANAfOK. u Richard Sands, Ir. Alex. G. McDonald, Fcmnoifl S. Beamish, Anaos B. Chandler, Norman F. Uniacke^ James Thompson, Edward Cutler CowUng, Howard D. Steele, Daniel J. Janvrin, Thomas H. FuUer, Samuel Cunard West, William A. Johnston, Henry Wm. Smith, WilUam Twining, Thomas P. Ryan, l^Hoc J. Wylde, Vi'm. Heiury Blaaohard, Matthew H. Riohey, William Seanum, Mctlier B. Desbrisay, Richard B. O'Flaherty, John Skerry, WiUiam B. Chandler, James McDonald, Benjamin O. Gray, Daniel McDonald, John Shannon Marshall, John Bumyeal; John Stubs, P. S. Ham iton, Lewis W. DesBarres, George A. McKeiiEie, Robert G. Haliburton, Thomas J. Wallace, Samuel W. DeBlois, Robert Motteen, James G. Tobin, Otto Weeks, William M. Fullerton, Clifford K. Morse, Hugh McDonald, John L. Tremain, Alex. H. Winniett, Wm. H. Buckerfield, John E. Whidden, Jared C. Troop, Henry A. K. Kaulbadc, Brenton H. Collins, Fitzgerald C. Cochran, George Campbell, James Joseph Kerr, 20 26 26 16 24 24 4 4 4 4 16 16 23 3 16 22 2 t 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 19 26 29 29 29 18 19 26 28 17 4 4 4 16 3 3 28 April, July, July, Nov. July, July, Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. April, April, July, Dec. April, July, Dec. Dec April, April, April, April, July, Dec. Dee. April, July, Nov. Nor. Nov. April, April, July, Not. April, Dee. Dec. Dec. April, Dec. Dec. April, 847 847 847 847 848 848 848 848 848 848 849 849 849 849 860 860 8d0 U60 1861 861 861 861 861 861 861 862 862 862 20 28 28 28 26 26 29 29 29 29 24 16 24 4 16 28 3 3 16 I 21 21 26 2 22 21 21 21 362422 .862 863 863 863 863 864 864 864 864 boo 866 866 b66 22 19 22 26 28 19 26 28 28 26 4 4 4 24 22 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 April, July, July. July. July. July. Not. Not. Not. Not. April, April, July, Dec April. July, Dec Deo. April, May, April, April, July, Dec. Dec. April, July, July, Dec Dec April, Dec. July, Not. April, July, Not. Not. July. Dec Dec. Dec. July, July, Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. 847€hranTilte. Piotott. Halifnz. AmnMnit* Halifio. HaliCax. AnnMolia. HdUkx. Ariohat. Ariohat HaUfax. Halifax. Shdbume. Halifkx. Halilax. Ouysboto'. Windsor. HaUfax. Amherrt. Halifax. [844 846 846 847 847 847 847 847 847 848 849 848 848 849 84. 84S 84} 85( 860 861 861 66 86( 861 861 861 861 861 862 861 863 863 862 863 868 863 ^ 3 864 864 864 827 846 866 866 866 866 866 866 865 Halifax. Halifax. Ariehat. Pidou. Halifax. Antigoniih. liTcrpooL TciirOk Adtherst. Halifiu. Guysboro'. Pietou. Halifia. Halifax. Haiitiax. Halifax. Halifax. Halifax. Amherst. Amherst. Antigonish. Port H H)d. Bridgetown. Amherst. Halifax. Bridgetown. Lunenburg. Halifax. Halifiuc. Truro. Wallace; Most of the Barristers and Attorneys are Notaries Public. 86 BBLOHBB't WAXHMWi't [18«7. LIGHT Houses Olf THE COAST OF MOTA-SCOTIA, AMD ON ma COAST or HBw savntwics, m thk bat or wvnw, Mtaghm't Bmtk' Wart aide Halifax harbor. A Sxed light. AmhIvo bk u t d Wartam antranee Halifax harbor. A fixed light DmrifB IpAnmI— An Ootagonal Light Beacon on the 8. W. point of Deril'a lalaiid, at tha entrance of the eaatern paMage to Halinx har- bor, and eshiUta a rtd Ugkt on the aeaward sidea to diatingniah it firom Samb« » and Meagher's Beach lighta ; stands forty^flve feet idwre high-water auark ; rise and fidl six fieet The Tower is painted dark ' brown, wHh a white belt between the Balcony and Lantern, to diatin- gniah it in day time. OroM /slaiidU-Bntrance to Lunenburg harbor. Two lights — flash light abore; fixed light below. Xtesfjwo^South end of Coffin's Island. A plain reridTing Hght. Fort Point Harbor Light— at the head of lirerpool harbor, sovth- *em entranaa «f tiie Rirer. A bright fixed light Tisible from dl points of ntproaeh, and murt be left on tibe larboard hand when entering the harbor. Port i M ttof Beacon light on Admiralty Head wert side of the entrance to the Port- Building square, painted «pAtV«, with hiaeh »quar» in the centra of the seaward aides, jifatn wAtto light forty*four feet above aea lerel, aud atands within tlurty fathoms of the shore. Shtiburuf HcSntt't Isbmd. Two fixed lights, one above the others Btur img ttm' Baecaro Point, eart side of the entrance to Banrington Bay. A flaah V^Att of fifteen seconds. Yarmoutk Wert side of the harbor. A plain rerolving light. Cap»&Mtt Stal labmd—Tht flrrt light on approaching the Bay of Fnndy ia on the south point of Seal Island. A plain white light, derated about eighty fert abora high- water mark, and may be seen on jippvoaehiag nie Island from any pdnt of the compass. A very dangeroua nwk, snder water, but upoa which the sea always breaks, oallM Blonde Rock, lies about three and one- third miles S. by W. by compaas from tbe Light House. Between this rock uid the Island there are some dangers : the ground is rocky throughout, and large Tcssels^therafore, ought not to attempt passing between them. Bri0r Jahmd — A plain white light, situate about half a mile N. B. from the N. W. point of the Isluid. ITM^poff— 'Peter's Island at the south entrance of the east side of the Bay of Fundy. Tuo White Liohts, placed horisoutaUy, (to dia- tinguiui it fimn Brier Island Light) at an elevation of £nrty fert abora high- water mark. Dvhf G^ LiffM— On the west side of Digby Out, from Brier Island n(«rth*eartward. This light is chiefly intended as a guide into Dig^y Basin. A fixed white light. Black Boek XmA<— On the South Shore of the Bay of Fundy. A fixed light. Horton Bih^ Light — In the Basin of liines, ninety-five fert above sea leyal high water ; rise and fall forty to forty-five feet. Building aqn ara, painted white; stands sixty feet from the Bluff, "and shows a white Light, which may be seen in dear weather over tiie greatest part of me Basin of liines, (after passing Cape Blowmedon,) and 18«7.] ▲LMAMAOK. 87 •boT* the Fi«« jhlands and up Windior Riv«r, until intmeeptod by til* contir ntrm of the Bluff to the aouthwa rd of it. Appit >iver Light— "Sotth tide of the en trance to Apple Biter, in Chigncoto or Cumberland Bay. Two fixed lighta pUoed horiioB- tallj. Pmrtridgt I$kmd River— A.n Octagonal Light Beacon on the weet aide of the entrance to Partridge laland RiTer, Partboro', on the north aide of Um Ba«in of Mine*, and exhibta a plain uihUe Ufkt, at an deration of thirty feet abore high* water ; riae and ikll about fbity* five feet; the Tower is white, and stands dose to high* water muk ou the beach. Vessels can only enter the harbor at high-water, and must lie aground on Roft bottom when the tide is low. Eaatem Beaver, or WilKama' Island — A revolving light Conaeau, Cranberry Island — Two fixed lights, one above the other, weet side of the Out of Canaeau. A fixed light. Bddjf or Sand Point Light— On Eddy or Sand Point, on the weet side of the south entrance to the Strait of Canseau, distinguished l^ two white lights placed horizontally, twenty-five feet above the sea level. Bulling square, painted vthite with a hlaeh diamond on tlie seaward side. Quytborvugh Harbor Beacon — On the west side of the entrance to the harbor, head of Chedabuoto Bay. A fixed light Pietou Light — On the south-east side of the entrance to the iMrbor. A fixed light Pictom Island Liaht— On the S. E. point of the Island. Building square and painted white. A fixed light, fifty*two feet above lugh- water mark. Arichai Beacon — A Light on Point Marichi, on the east side of the southern entrance to the harbor. Building square, painted white, A white light thirty-four feet above the sea leveL Lomehurg^On the east side of the entrance to tiie harbor. A fixed Ught Low Point Light— lBi»at side of Sydney, Cape Breton, harbor. A fixed light Bugaed leland Harbor Light— On Gull Rock, off the entrance of the harbor. Building square, and painted white, exhibiting a dear fixed light at an elevation of fifty-one feet above the sea level, and is situated in latitude 43° 39' N., and longitude 64<^ 66' W. Pubnico Harbor Light— A Beacon light on the S. E. side of the entrance to Pubnico harbor, situated on the east side of the entrance to the Bay of Fundy, about thirteen miles northerly of Cape Sable. Building square, painted white. A fixed red light on the seaward side, *v(enty*eight feet above high- water level, (rise and fall twelve feet,) rjid stands fifty fathoms from low- water mark. The point of Beach is bold. White Head Island Light— On the S. W. point of White Head Island. The Tower is square, painted white, standing seventy-five fathoms from the water's edge, with an Octagonal Iron Lantern, sixty feet above sea levd at high- water ; rise and tall six feet. The light is di9tin£iiished by bright flashes of ten seconds duration, foUowMl b/ edipses of ten seconds, displacing alternately three flashes and tivee eclipses in a minute. The light will not be totally obscured during the eclipse. 38 BELCUEK B FARM EH S [1867. Sta Wolf or Margarie Uland Li^A^— Situated on the N. W. side of the Island of Cape Breton, nearly midway between Port Hood and Chetiowup harboro, and distant from Cape Breton two and a half miles. A plain white light. The lantern is placed on a square wooden Tower, painted white, near the centre and summit of the Isl- and. The lantern is two hundred and ninety-eight feet above sea lerel— visible from all points of approach. To vessels in proximity to the Island, the light may become observed by the abrupt cliffs or sides of the Island, which may serve as a guide to tack or anchor by, as hundreds of vesseb find anchorage on the S. E side. The chief land- ing is near the 3. W. end, in shore, where a few fishing stages and boats are kept in use during the fishing season. Port Hood Irt^A<— Changed from white to red, when seen from the northern entrance, to distinguish it from Margarie and N. Canso lights. iron-bound Island Light — Off the entrance to LaHave River— a bright flash light often seconds duration, followed by eclipses of thirty sec- onds. The lantern is placed on a square wooden Tower, painted ¥>hit»t on the southern side of the Island, and is visible from all points of approach. Elevation seventy feet above sea level. St. PatWs Island— A fixed light on the north-east end ; and a flash light on the south-west end. Scattarie Island— A revolving light on the east end .of the Island. Oannet Rock Light — This light is intended to warn vessels of their approach to a very dangerous range of shoals and ledges, which extend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal Islands off M achi<)8, a dLitance of about twenty miles. A white Flash Light, twenty seconds dark, and forty seconds light in each minute. Building painted in stripes, ver- tical, black and white. Maehias Seal Island Lights— Two Fixed White Lights upon the Machias Seal Islands, forty- five feet above high -water, and bearing fromr each other £. S. .£. and \V. N. W , distant about two hundred feet, by which circumstance, of two light houses at the same station, they will be immediately distinguished from all other lights upon the coast, British or American. Both buildings painted while. Vessels standing to the northward between these lights and the Gannet Rock should tack or haul off the moment they bring these lights info one, as they will be then not more than three-fourths of a mile fi om the Mun Ledges, if more than five miles to the E. of the lights. Head Harbor Light—'Sext in order, after pansiug Grand Manan, and the plain White Light (American) on West Quoddy Point, is Head Harbor Light, placed on the N. E. extremity of Campo Bello, and is a guide to vessels entering the main cliannel to West Isler*, Moose Island, and the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy ; it enables ves- sels also, at all times, to enter Head Harbor. A fixed white light. Building painted white, with a red cross on it. Point Le Preau Lights— Vpon this projecting headland Two Lights are placed, one above the other, in the same house, and distant twen- ty -eight feet. Both lights can he seen from every point of the con pass where they may be useful; both are fixed and white. Building painted red and white, in stripes, five feet broad each, horisnntally. , PtuHridge Island Light— At the entrance of the river and harbor of St John, N. B. A d w ,iu: u^i.t. The buildi ^. ) uiiico tvd u> i white in vertical stripes. 1857.] ALMANACK. 89 I; and a flash tiJHcci red u> I Btacon Light — Within Partridge Island, and upon a sint or bar -which extends about half a mile S. S. £. oif Sand Point, and which dries at two-thirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. A fixed white light. Building painted white and black, in stripes, vertically. Qmoco Light — A Reyolving White Light, placAl on a small rock off Quaco Head, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. The light can be seen from any quarter where a vessel can approach. Building painted vohite and red in horizontal stripes. Cape Enrage Light — On the Point of that name in Westmordand, nearly opposite Apple River Harbor, N. 8. Building painted toAifo, about 120 feet above the tide. A pledn white light. Weet Qut'ldg Light— Ihia is an. American light, placed on the west side of th«9 entrance into the St. Croix, by Lubec and Eastport. TARIFF OF DUTIES IN THE PROVINCE OF NOTA-SCOTIA. IN FOBOI UNTIL APRIL 1, 1857. Duty.— Sterling. Apples, fresh or Dried, per bol., . . . .'.£040 A uchors, Grapnels, and Anchor Palms, 2)1 per ct. ad val. Ashes — Pot and Pearl, . ^ , . . Free. Bacon, per owt., 090 Beef, salted, .060 Beef, fresh, . . 5 Butter, . . 080 Baggage and Apparel of Passengers, not intended for sale, ....... Free. Barilla and Soda Ash, Free. Beans Free. Bread and Fine Biscuit including Crackers, per cwt., . 8 4 Bread, Pilot, Tree. Books not prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom,* Free. Bullion— Gold or Silver, . . . . . Free. Burr Stones, . Free. Candles, Tallow, per lb., 1 All other Candlef, per lb., (^ 8 Cables of Hemp or other Vegetable substances, or of Iron Cordage, tarred or untarred, whether fltted for rigging or otherwise, 2j| per cent, ad valorem. . Canvas, 2^ pef cei^^t. ad valorem Cattle, viz. : Horses, Mares, or Geldings, each, . . 2 Oxen, or other neat Cattle, three years old or up- wards, each, 1 10 9 Cows and Cattle under three years old, each, . 10 Sheep, each,. . . ... • . .080 *■ All printed books sdmltted duty firee, eicept reprints of books the copyright whereof it prot«cted by the Acu of the Imperial Parliament. On the importation of anv reprinta ul buoks, bound or In covera, ihe oopyrlKht of which la protected by the Acts of the Imperial Farltament, there shall be paid au ad vmlurem duty of twenty per cent , bat this duty shall not extend to newspapers, or other regular periodicals, containing extracts only ttom such books— each reprinta not Itnble tu dutv unless tha ortginala shall hsTe teen registered sccording to the pruvl^iollk ol the'lmparial Act, passed in th« Ath and «lh y<rars of Uer Majesty's reign, eiUitie», " An A«t to aiaandtha Law of Copyright *' 40 BELCHBR 8 FAXM£n S [1867. Cattle, Hoigs, over 100 lbs. weight, each, . . . .£100 Hogs, 100 lbs. weight and under, each, . . .020 Asses and Mules, * . . . . Free. Cheese, per cwt., . ,069 Chocolate or Cocoa Paste, per lb., . . . . .001 Cocoa, Free. Coffee, green, per lb., . . . .. . .001 roasted, burned or ground, per lb., . . ; 2 Clocks, 20 per cent, ad valorem Confectionery, Syrups, and articles manufactured from Sugar, 20 per- cent, ad valorem Cigars and Snuff, 10 per cent, ad valorem. . . . Currants and Figs, 10 per cent, ad valorem. . . . ' Copper, viz. : plates, sheets, bars, or bolts, for ship^build- ing, wrought or cast for machinery, pure or with- -- out other metal. Copper Castings of every descrip- tion, for machiney for mills or steamboats ; Copper and Composition Nails and Splices for Ship-build- ing, 2j| per cent, ad valorem. . . . . Copper Ore, or in Pigs or Bricks, old or worn, or fit only to be remanufactiired, . . . ,. Free. Coal, . . . . . . . '. Free. Coins, of Gold or Silver, and British Copper Coin, Free. Corkwood, ...... . Free. . Com, Tiz. : Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn,, Barley, Oats, Bjce, and Buckwheat, unground; Barley MmI, Rye Meal, Oatmeal, Indian Meal, Buckwheat Meal, Peas, Beans, and Calavances, . . . Free. Engravings and Paintings, .... Free. Flour, viz. : Wheat Flour, per bbl 10 Canadian, coming from the United , States, in bondfK Free. Fish, viz. : fresh, dried, salted, pickled, . . Free. Fish Oil, viz. : Train, Spermaceti, Head Matter and Blub- ber, Fins and Skins, the produce of Fish or crea- tures living in the sea, . . . , Free. Fish Hooks, . . . . . • « • Pree. Flax, . . . . . . . . Free. Furniture that has actually been in Use, Working Tools and Implements, the property of emigrants or per- sons coming to reside in the Province, and not in- tended for sale, Free. Hams, smoked or dried, per cwt., 9 Hay and Straw, ...... Free. Hemp and Tow, Free. Hides, or pieces of Hides, raw, not tanned, cunried or dresised, . . '. . . . Free. Horns, Free. Hones and Carriages df travellers, and Horses, CatUe, Carriages and other Vehicles, when employed in carrying merchandise, together with the necessary * AbIbwU Mrtlflea by th* Pntidcnt anA A«er«tafy of any Afrrtoaltanil 8Ml«t)r to have been Imported for the purpose of linproTtuff the breed, adnHtled iutif/tta. 1857.] ALMANACK. 41 harness and tackle, so long as the same are actually in use for that purpose, . . . Free. Iron, viz. : Unwrought or Pig Iron, Ores of Iron of all kinds, Iron Kails for railroads. Boilers, Plates, and Plough Moulds, Hoop Iron, . . . Free. Iron, -viz. : In Bars and Bolts, Castings for Mill or Steam Engines, and Oast or Unwrought Pipes and Tuhes, Sheet Iron and Iron Spikes, 2^ per cent ad val. . Lard, per cwt., £0 8 Leather— Sole Leather, including Hides and Skins par- tially dressed, per lb., . . . .001 Upper Leather of all sorts, including Hides and Skins partially dressed, 10 per ct. ad val. Boots, Shoes, and Leather Manufactures of all sorts, 10 per cent ad valorem Molasses, per gal., 2i Meat, fresh, 10 per cent, ad valorem Manures of all kinds, . . . . . Free. Maps and Charts, . . . . . . Free. Materials of Ships registered and owned in this Province, and wrecked or stranded on the coasts of the adja- cent colonies or elsewhere, . . . Free. Machinery of all kinds of Copper or Iron for Mills, Steamboats and Manufactories, and Sheathing of Muntz Metal, 2|| per cent, ad valorem. . Nets— Fishing Nets and Seines of all kinds, . Free. Onions, per cwt 2 6 Oakum, 2^ per cent, ad valorem Ores, of all kinds, . . . . ■ . . Free. Oil, Fish and Palm Free. Peas, fresh or dried, per bbl., 4 Pork, salted, per bbl., . 4 fresh, per cwt, 4 Pitch, 2j| per cent, ad valorem Paintings and Engravings, .... Free. Plants, Shrubs and Trees Free. Plate of Gold and Silver, old and fit only to be remanu- factured, Free. Potatoes, Free. « Printing Presses and Types, .... Free. Printing paper, not less than demy size, . . Free. Bags, viz. : Old Rags, Old Hopes, Junk, and Old Fishing Nets Free. Rosin, Free. Raisins, in boxes, per lb., Oi in other packages, per lb, 0^ Sail Cloth of all kinds, Canvas inchided, 2ii per ct. ad val. Sails, Rigging, and Ship Materials saved from vessels wreck^ on the coast •! the Province, . Free. Salt Free. Seeds, of all kinds, Free. Skins, Furs, Pelts, or Tails, undressed, . . Free. Stone, unmanufactured, ' Free. 42 BSLCHE& S 7ABHBR S [1867. Sugar, of the Maple, Free. Refined, per cwt., £0 14 Crushed and Bastard Facings, per cwt., . . 10 Candied, Brown, 10 Brown, or Muscovado, not refined, . . .070 Spirits, TIE. : Brandy, Gin, Rum, or other spirituous liquors, which by any way or method whatsoever shall be manufactured, compounded or extracted, distilled or made within this Province, not exceed- ing the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, per gal 11 Spirits — Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Cordials and other Spirit, (except Rum,) not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, per gal., 2 3 Spirits — Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, per gal., 16 Shrub, or Santee, 1 , 4 Teas, viz. : Souchong, Congo, Pqkoe, Bohea, Fouchong, and all other Black Tea8, per lb., . . . .002 Teas — Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hyson, Twankay, and other Green Teas, per lb., . . . .004 Tobacco,manufactured, (except enuif and Cigars,) per lb., 1^ ' unmanufactured, .... Free. Tongues of Cattle, dried or pickled, per cwt., . . .090 Tar, 2jl per cent, ad valorem Tallow, ■. . Free. Twines and Lines, used in the Fisheries, . . Free. Tow and Hemp, Free. Turpentine, Free. Whale Fin, or Bone, Free. Wood, viz. : Board.8, Planks, Staves, Square Timber, Shingles and Firewood, . . Free. Wines, viz. : Hock, Constantia, Malmsey, Tokay, Cham- pagne. Burgundy, Hermitage, Claret called Lafttte, Latour, Lafayette, Margaux or Hautbrian, per gal., 3 Wines — Madeira. Port, and Sherry, of which the first cost is £20 per pipe or upwards, per gal., . . .026 Wines — Other Claret Wines, Barbae, Sauteme, Viu de Grave, MostUe, and other French Wines, and Lis- bon and German Wines, per gal., . . .013 Wines — All other Port, Madeira, Sherry, Tenneriffe, Mar- sella, Sicilian, Fayal, Malaga and all other Wines, per gal., 13 Zinc, viz. : Zinc Sheathing, of a size 48 by 11 inches, intended for and to be used as sheathing for ves- sels, and Zinc Sheathing Nails, 2k per ct. ad val. All other Goods, Wari-s, and ^lerchanoise, not otherwise ■ charged with duty, 6^ per cent, ad valorem. . NoTii —The following' articles brlinf the (r owth and producfl of thn TTplteil State'' of America, are adiiiitmd into thU Ixoyiaan free of duly, undor ttie treaty between • [1867. '. £0 U . 10 . 10 .070 )U8 ret ;d- er, • 11 rit, oof my al., by 2 3 iny al., • 16 1 4 lb.i 2 4 u • 9 • ree. ree. ree. ree. her, ree. ftm- Ltte, fal., cost de 1 ia 3 2 6 • ILtiT- 13; 1 nes, • hes, 13 ves- val. wise • 1 f tho United Statfl' the treaty between j 1867.] ▲LHANAOK. 4S lOLASOlVIG. THH HOST AKOIBMT AMD HONOBABLB VIIATBKIIXTT 07 rBBB 1IA80NKT. Orand Ma$t«r of England— The Earl of Zetland. Gr&nd Matttr of Ireland— The Duke of Leinster. Grand Ma»t«r of Scotland— The Duke of Atholl. ENGLISH. PBOYINOIAL OKAND LODGE, UNDER ENOLISH JURISDICTION. Provincial Orand Master for Nova- Scotia, New Brunswick, New- foundland and Prince Edward's Island, r. w. Hon. Alexander Keith. Dep, Grand Matter, R. w. Jaa. Forman, Esq. Senior Grand Warden, R. w. Archibald Scott, Esq. Junior Grand IVardettt r. w. William H. TuUy, Esq. Grand Treasurer, .v. w. Arthur Wondgate, Esq. Grand Secretary, Y. w. Henry C. D. Twining, E^q. Grand Chap- lain, T. w Rev. Jno. Thos. Twining, D. D. Senior Grand Deacon, w. Wub L. Murison, Esq. Junior Grand Deaeon, w. Andrew K. McKinlay, Esq. Grand Director of Ceremonie*, w. Mr Francis Bolton. Grand Superintendent of Works, w. «Mr. Robert Davis. Grand Or- ganist, w. Mr. Louis Casseires. Grand Sword Bearer, w. Mr. George Somerville. Grand Standard Bearer, Wi Mr. Henry Kingston. Grand Pwtuivant, w. Mr. William Sims. Grand Tyler, w. Mr. Jno. Baxter. Ch-and Stewards, b. Jno. T. Edwards, b. Wm. Twining, b. Fras. J. Albro, B. H. H Fuller, b. Robert Woods, and b. Richard Beaz- ley, Esqrs. Committee of Charity, v. w. Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D., Past Master St. John's Lodge (Chairman), w. Mr. Jfno. Woodill, Past Master St. Andrew's Lodge, w. Mr. Wm. L. Murison, Past Master Virgin Lodge, w. Mr. Robert Penton, Past Master Royal Standard I^ge, w. Mr. Jno. R. Willis, W. Master Royal Sussex Lodge. LODGES UNDER ENGLISH AUTHORITY. St. Andrew's Looas, No. 187, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the first Tuesday in every month. W. Master, Mr. A. R. McKinlay. Treasurer, Mr. Jno. Woodill. Secretary. Mr . St. John's Lodge, No. 187, held at Ma.ion's Hall, Halifax, on the Jtrst Monday in every month. W. Mcuter, H. C. D. Twining, Esq. Treasurer, Jas. Forman, Esq. Secretary, Wm. Twining, Esq. Her Msjfsty snd^the United States, slgiied on the Ath of June, 18M :— Grain, Flour, and Bread-etufr^of all Icindi; Antmalii of kinds; Fresh, Htnoked and Halted Meats: Cotton, Wool. Seeds and VeHAtables; Dried and Undripd Krolts : Flub, ot all klmls; PrnductK of Fish and ail other creatures livliiK In th<^ water ; I'oult.ry and Kpps; Hides, Kurw, Skins O' Tails, uiidr("-st'd; St nn nr Mar'.>le In its crtido ur un wrought stato; Slate; Butter, t'hce»e. Tallow; I^arn. Horns, Vhhui-oo; «)ro8 of MPt.i|<, of ail kinds: Coal. I'itcli, Tar. TArp«ntliie, Asln-s; 'I'Inilu-r Hiitl l^iimher of all kinds, round, dewed, andMswod. unuiKiHiiitutiirRil In whole or in port; Firewood; Plants, ^ihruhs and Trees; IVIts; v\.)ol; Fish'HI; Kloe, Hrnoin Corn and l<Hrk ; Uypsurn. ground ori'nuround; hewn, wroujiht, or unwrouKht liurr or Grindstones; Dye tuffs; /iax, Hemp, and low ; UiimAnulactured Tobacco; i{ags. 44 bblchbr's fabmer's [1867. Virgin Lodob, No. 658> held at Moon's Hall, Halifax, on the fourth Monday in every month. W. Matter, Mr. W. A. Hesson. Treasurer, Arthur Woodgate, Esq. Secretary, Mr. Fras. J. Albro. RoTAL Standard Lodge, No. 664, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the aeeond Tuesday in every month. W. Matter, Sergeant Bolton, R. A. Treasurer, Mr. fas. Easton. Secietary, Mr. Thomas Forbes. RoTAL ScssBX Lodge, No. 794, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on i^ejiret Thursday in every month. W. Matter, Mr. Jno. R. Willis. Treaturer, Mr. Wm. H. TuUy. Secretary, Mr. Geo. Gordon. St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 732, held at Sydney, C. B., on the third Tuesday in every month. W. Matter, Henry B. Forman. S. . W., — : . J. W., Lewis Johnston. Secretary, Wm. TumbuU. Treaturer, Henry V. Brown. S. D., Donald Matheson. /. D,, . Tyler, Mr. P. T. Clarke. Unity Lodge, 836, held at Lunenburg on the Jirat Monday in every month. TP. Matter, Mr. Wm. B. Lawson. Albion Lodge, held at New Glasgow. W, Matter, Mr. Donald Forbes. St. Mart's Lodge, held at Digby. W. Matter, Jno. C. Wade, Esq. New CAI.BDONIA Lodge, No. 826, held at Pictou. W. Matter, Jas. Skinner, Esq. Wardent, Jas. McDonald and Daniel Hockin, Esqrs. Secretary, Jas. S. Lorrain, Esq. Treaturert M. T. Smith, Esq. Deocofw, £. M. McDonald and Archibald B I ackadar, Esqn. Stewardt, Wm. McLaren and Jno. Bayliss. Tyler, Samuel Carlton. Zetland Lodge, No. 891, held at Liverpooron the/ovr/A Thurs- day in every month. W. Master, Mr. Jas. Forbes. Secretary, Mr. M. F. Agnew. Hiram Lodge, held at Yarmouth, on the Jirst Monday in every month. W. Matter, Mr. Chas. White. Secretary, Mr. Geo. KiUam. AoADiA Lodge, No. 888, held at Pugwash. W. Matter, Rufus F. Bent. S. W., John C. Warner. J. W., Edward Pineo. Treaturer, Wm. Cooper. Secretary, Angus McLeod. S. D., Rufus F. Page, Esq. J. D,, (3eo. Dimock, Esq. Keith Lodge, No. 911, held at Hillsburgh. W. Matter''Mtt. Geo. Nichol. Secretary. Mr. S. B. Heunegar. Mariner's Lodge, Granville, working under dispensation. Annapolis Lodge, Annapolis, working under dispensation. Union Lodge, Halifax, working under dispensation. SCOTTISH. provincial grand lodob of nova- soon a, new BRUNSWICK !1ND fringe Edward's island. Provincial Cfrand Matter, R. w. Hon. Alexander K^ith. Deputy Grand Master, r. w. Jno. B. Fay, Esq. Substitute Oraiid Matter, R. w. Mr. Edw. J. Lordly. Senior Grand Warden, r. w. Mr. Jas. Wil- liamson. Junior Grand Warden, r. w. Mr. Jas. Thompson. Grand Secretary, r. w. Mr. George Fraser. Grand Treaturer, R. w. Mr. Robert J. Romans. Grand Senior Deacon, R. w. Mr. Chas. Major. Grand Junior Deacon, R. w. Mr. M. H^ Keefler. Grand Bible Bearer, aUNSWICK ikXI> 1867.] ▲LXA.NACK. 46 w. Mr. Jas. Reid. Grand Arehilect, w. Mr. J. H. Drake. Grand Jeweller, w. Mr. F. Traunweizer. Grand Director of Ceremoniea, vr. Mr. Jas. Wallace. Grand Director of Muaio, yr. Mr. Alex. Foisyth. Graiid Sword Bearer, w. Mr. Jas. Fortune. Grand Stewarda, vr. Messrs. C. W. Lyle, Louis Evans, Thos. Shehan, Jno. Fraser, A. K. Doull and O. Kerr. Grand Purntivantt yr. Mr. Henry Hazell. Ch-and Tyler, w. Mr. Jno. Baxter. Quarterly CommunicationB at Free Masona' Hall, Halifax, on the third Tuesday of February, May, August and November. buuKs LoDOB, No. 353, meet at Free Masons' Hall, Halifax, on ihe/lrat Wednesday of eaoh month. Matter, b. w. Jno. Richardson, Esq. D. M., Mr. Wm. H. Lee. Senior Warden, Mr. J. R. B. Fid- ler. Junior Warden, Mr. Thos. Yeasy. • Suretary, Mr. J. £t. Drake. Treaewer, Mr. J. Fortune. Athol Lodqb, No. 361, meets at Free Masons' Hall, Halifax, on the second Monday of each month. R. W. Matter, Mr. E. J. Lordly. P. M., Mr. Geo. Fraser. D. M., Mr. D. R. Cutlip. Senior Warden, Mr. C. D. Major. Junior Warden, Mr. M. H. Keefler. Secretary, Mr. T. Short. Treasurer, Mr. A. Keith, Jr. Keith Lodob, No. 365, meet at Free Masons' Hall, Halifax, on the aeoond Tuesday of each month. R. W. Matter, John B. Fay, Esq. D. M.J Mr. Wm. Grand, Jr. 8. M., Mr. Jas. Thompson. Senior Warden, Mr.^A. K. McKinlay. Junior Warden, Mr. C. C. Vaux. Secretary, Mr. D. Kerr. (Amicitia Amor et Veritus.) INOEPENDENT OBDEB OF ODD FELIiOWS. (Odd Fellows Hall, Bedford Row, Halifax.) RIGHT WORTHY GRAND LODGE OF THE LOWER PSOYINCES of BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. M. W. Grand Matter, Thomas Abbott ; R. W. D. G. Matter, Saml. C. West; R. W. G. Warden, William Grant; R. W. G. Secretary, Jno. A. Fuller ; R. W. G. Treaturer, Robert Boak ; 22. W. G. Chap- lain, Thos. A. Hyde ; R. W. G. Repretentative, Elbridge G. Fuller ; W. G. ManhtU, Peter Ross; W. G. Conductor, Daniel Dickson; W. G: Guardian, Wm. F. Knight; P. Q. Matter, Charles H. Ham- ilton, Esqrs. ENCAMPMENT BRANCH. R, W, District Deputy Grand Sire for Nova-Scotut, New Brunt- wick, Prince Edward^t Itland and Newfoundland, Elbridge G. Fuller, Esq. MAMBERTON ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. O. OF O. P. OpncBBS.— Mr. John A. Fuller, C. P. ; Rev. J. T. Twining, H. P. ; Mr. C. W. Lyle, S. W. ; Mr. J. W. Carter, J. W. ; C. H. Ham- 46 BEL0HB&8 FABMEKS [1867. ilton, Esq., Scribe; E. O. Fuller, Esq., Treasurer; W. M. Harring- ton, Esq., P. C. P. ; Hon. Benjamin Wier, P. C. P. ; Mr. Jos. Wier, P. C. P. ; Mr. Peter Uow, P. C. P. ; Mr. Jas. Barnes, P. C. P. j j Mr. Jos. Northup, Jr., P. C. P. ACADIA LODGE. No. 26, I. O. OF O. F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Monday evening. 0FPiCBJi8.--Mr. Robt. Taylor, N. G. ; Mr. Peter Ross, V. G ; Mr. Wm. T. Townsend, F. 8. ; Mr. J W. Burton, R. 8. ; Mr. J. M. Watson, Treasurer; Mr. Charles Mott, W. ; Mr. H A. Taylor, C. ; 8. C. West, Esq., R. 8. N. O. ; Mr. F. C. Lawson, L. 8. N. G. ; Mr. Thos. Elliot, R. 8. V. G. ; Mr. Robert Boak. L. 8. V. G. ; Mr. Fos- ter Hagar, J. G. ; Mr. E. 0. 8affrey, Organitt ; Mr. Jno. A. Fuller, P. G. EASTERN STAR LODGE. Meets at Pictou every Monday evening. District Deputy Grand Master, B. Hammet Norton, Esq. Past Grand!*, Daul. Dickson, Jas. Ivet>, and Robt. Doul, Esqrs. Officebs.— Robt. Doul, Enq. N. G. ; Mr. W. N. Rudolf, Y. G.; Mr. Geo. G. McKay, 8.; Mr. Geo. W. Miner, Treasurer; Mr. R. J. Griffith, Chaplain; Mr. Jos. W. McNaught. W.; Mr. Burton McKay, C. ; Mr. M. J. Geldert, O. G. ; Mr. Geo. Fisher. J. G. ; Mr. J. Pringle, R. 8. N. G. ; Jas. Skinner, Esq., L. 8. N. G. ; Jai. Ives, Esq., R. 8. Y. G. ; Mr. Geo. Pringle, L. 8. Y. G. ; Mr. W. Tanner, R. S. 8. ; Mr. T. T. McKeen, L. 8. 8. COBEQUID— I. O. OF O. F. Meets at Truro. Officebs.— Mr. Jno. Buruyeat, N. G. ; Mr. Jas. K. Blair, Y. G. ; Mr. Charles R. Pearson, Seo'y ; Mr. C. Archibald, P. Sec'y ; P. 8. Archibald, Esq., Treasurer; Mr. Charles Bent, P. G. HAMILTON LODGE, L 0. OF O. F. Meets at Lunenburg every Monday evening. District Deputy Grand Master, Jas. P. Milward, Enq. Officbbai — Mr. Eiias N. Oxner, N. G. ; Mr. Henry King, Y. G.; Mr. J. W. Dau|)hny, 8.; Mr. Jno. Young, Treasurer; Mr. Charles Anderson, P. 8. ; Jas. P. Milward, Esq., P. G. COU RT§. aUPBEME COUBT OF JUDICATURB, HAVING I.AW AND BaUITT JUBIS- DICTION THBOUOHOVT TUB FBOVINOB. Chief Justice, Hon. Brenton Halliburton. Axsisiant Judges, Hon. William Blowers Blius, Hon. Edmund Murray Dodd, Hon. William Frederick DesBarres, and Hon. Lewis Morris Wilkins. Attorney- General, Hon. William Young. Solicitor- General, Aon. Adams G. 1867.] ALMANACK. 47 XQuirr JURIS- Archibald. Queen'* Council, Hon. James W. Johnston. John Creigh- ton, Samuel P. Fairbanks, lion. Jamw B. Uuiaoke, Hon. AVilliam Young, Lawrence O'O. Doyle, aild Hon. William A. Henry, Esqrs. Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, James W. Nutting, Baq. Ac- countant- Getteral, Charles Twining, Esq. Mastbrs— Ifa/t/bo;, Nat W. White ; Pictou, Edw. Roach ; Yarmouth, Thomas D. Chipman ; District of Shelburne, Thomas Johnson ; District of Barrington, Gabriel Kobertson ; Haute, David Frieze ; Annapolis, Robert Bath ; iKnge, George A. Blanchard. Reporter of Decisions, James Thomson, Esq. COURT OF ERROR. The Lieutenant-Governor and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. COURT OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCK The Lieutenant-Governor (President), the Hon. Judge Bliss (Vice- President), and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. Registrar, Hon. W. A. Henry. Advocates and Proctors, the Barristers and Attorneys of the Su- preme Court. COURT OF VICE ADMIRALTY OF HALIFAX, N. B., (Including Canada,) HAVING PRIZB JURISDICTION OVBR BRITISH NORTH AMBRIOA. Vice- Admiral, The Governor- General of British North America; Judge, The Honorable and Worshipful Alexander Stewart, C. B. Surrogates: Halifax, Chas. Twining, Jno. C. Halliburton, Alex. Primrose, Jno. W. Ritchie, and Sam], P. Fairbanks ; Wallaob, Alex. McFarlane; Truro, Ebenezer Munro; Windsor, Harry King; Ari- CHAT, Chas. F Harrington ; ISyunky, C. B., J as. McKeagney ;. Amti- OONISH, Hon. Wm. A. Henry, Esqrs. Receiver- General of the Droits, C. B. Hamilton, Esq. Registrar, Jas. R. Smith, Esq. Marshalf Hugh Hartshome, Esq. Advocate and Procurator- General, Hon. Wm. Young. Advocates and Proctors, the fiarristers and Attorneys of the Supreme Court. Interpreter and Translator in the German and French Languages, Robt. G. Haliburton, Etiq. The Slitriifs, Mayors and Coiihtables throughout the Province, are also Officers of this (.'ourt. Usher and Messenger, Mr. Jas. Venables. Bank of Admiralty Depos- its, The Bank of British North America, at Halifax. The Court sits on stated days by adjournment, and also on the intermediate days, whenever business may require. NOVA-SCOTIA BARRISTERS' SOCIETY. Patrons, The Chancellor and the Chief Justice. Honorary Mem- bers, The Judges of the Supreme Court. Comn^ittee, Jno. W. Ritchie UJhairman), Samuel Grav, and Jas. C. Cogswell, E^qrs. Treasurer, S L. Shannon; Secretary, Wm. Howe; Librarian, Jas. Thomson, Esqrs. The Society has in connection with it an extensive Law Library, in the Province Building, to which the Members have access. 48 BELOUEE'S rAHIfBR'S- [1867. coli.i:ge§, academies, ci^Eitor, Ac. Ikspeotors of Scuools. — Western District, Charles D. Randall ; Eastern District, Hugh Muuro, Esqra. PuiiroiFAL AND SUPERINTENDENT OF NoRMAL AND SioOBL ScHOOLS, ReT. Alexander Forrester, D. D. KING'S COLLEGE, WINDSOR. FOUNDED. A. D. 1789. CHARTERED BY 11. M. OEOROE III., A. D. 1803. Patron, The Archbishop of Canterbury. Board of Governors. — The Rt. Rev. Hibbert Binney, D. D., Bishop of Nova- Scotia, ex officio, President of. the Board, and Visitor of the College ; Hon. Chief Justice Brenton Halliburton, Rev. Geo. McCauley, D. J)., Hon. Jas. B. Uniacke, Hon. Lewis M. Wilkins, Rev. Geo. W. Hill, Rev. Wm. Bullock, Jas. C. Cogswell, Esq., Jno. W. Ritchie, Eisq., Rev. J. W. D. Gray, D. D., Andrew M. Uniacke, Esq., Hon. M. B. Almon, and Samuel P. Fairbanks, E^q. Ptmident, Rev. Geo. McCauley, D. D. ; Professor of Divinity, inchtding Pastoral theology. Rev. Geo. W. Hill, M. A. ; Professor of Mathematics, Natu al Philosophy, and Astronomy, Rev. John M. Hensley ; Professor of Natural History and Chemistry, Henry How, Esq ; Professor of Mideru Languages, vis. : French, Onrman, Spanish and IttUian, Henry Stiefeli agen, Esq. ; Librarian and Bursar, Pro- fessor Hensley ; Treasurer, Jno. C. Halliburton, Esq. ; Secretary, Rev. Jas. C. Cochran. TERMS. — The Academical ye. r begins in September, and contains three terms, in which all scholastic exercises are performed and degrees conferred. Michaelmas Ierm extends from the ^r«< Mon- day in September to the 15th Dece uber ; Lent Term from the Jirst Monday after the Idth January to t he Saturday before Palm Sunday ; Easier TBRMirom the Monday af w Easter Monday to the 1st July. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, WINDSOR. T7NDBK THE CONTROL OF THE G }VERNORS OF KINO'S COLLlOBi Principal, Rer. D. W. Pickett, A.. M. Professor of Modem Lan- guages, Henry Stiefelhagen, Esq. Vacations. — From July 1 to August 16. From December 16 to January 16. INCORPORATED ALUMNI OF KING'S COLLEGE, WINi:- SOR. Patron, His Excellency Sir J. Gaspard LeMarshant, Kt. President, Andw. M. Uniaeke. Esq., D. C. L. Vice-President, Wm. J. Almon, Esq., M. D. and A. B. Committee, Rev. Ja. . C. Cochran, A. M. ; Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr., A. M. ; Rev. Jas. Shreve, D. D. ; S. L. Shannon, A. B. ; Wm. A. Hare, Jas. G. A. Creighton, andNepean Clarke, Esqrs. Treeuurer, Hon. M. B. Almon. Secret Cochnm and P. C. Hill, A. B., Esqrs. 1837.] ALMANACK. 49 III . A. D. 1802. .EGE, WINr- COGSWEf.L SCHOLARSHIP. (In memory oF the late Rev. Wra. Cogswell, A. M.") Trusfeet. Rhv. Jno. Thos. Twining (Cliainnan),ReT. R. P. Uniacke, Rev. H. L. Owen, Rev. Geo W. Hill. Henry Pryor, and Jno. W. Ritchie, E^qrs. Secretary, P. C. Hill, Eijq. Scholar, Mr. Octavius Grindon. DALHOUSIE COLLEGE, HALIFAX. QoTERNORa, Hon. Wm. Young, Hon, Hugh Bell, Hon. Joseph Howe, Hon. Wm. Grigor, Jas. F Avery, M. D., Andw. McKinlay, and Jno. Naylor, Esqrs. Secretary, Jas. Thomson, Esq. Univeesity. — Profwor of Theohoy, Hebrew. Sic Rev. Fredk. TomkinA, A. M. Professor of Church History, Hellenistic Greek, tjc, Rev. George Cornish, A. B., of Gorham College, Liverpool. High School. — Priftcipal, Mr. Hugo Reid. Modem Languages, Mr. F. Geo. D'Uttassy. Qtneral Amstant, Mr. Jas. Woods. ACADIA COLLEGE, WOLFVILLE. Governors. — The President and the Prircipal of the Theological Institute, ex officio ; Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M., Rev. S. N. Bent> ley. Rev. I. E. Bill, Rev. E. Clay, M D., Rev. 8. W. DeBlois, A. M., Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M., Rev. G. F. Miles, P^v. S. Robinson, Rev. Chas. Spurden, A. M., Rev. A. D. Thomson, Rev. Chas. Tup- per, Hon, Jas. W. Johnston, M. P. P., Hon. W. B. Kinnear, C. R. Bill, M. P. P., N. S. DeMill, Jab. R. Fitch, M. D., Steward Freeman, and Jas W. Nutting, Esqrs. This Institution is now divided into two parts, viz. : — I. Acadia College — President . Chairman of Faculty and Professor of History, Logic and Political Economy, Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. D. Professor of Classical Literature and Rhtdoric, Rev. A. W. Sawyer, A. M. Profess >r of Mathematics, Natural Phihsophy, Chemistry and Natural History, A. P. S. Stuart, Esq , A. M. II. ThbTheoi-ogical Institute.— P»t'rt<?/pa/ and Professor nf Theology and Ecclesiastical Hiitory, Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. D. Professor of Helrev? and Biblical Interpretation, . First Teim — Commences January 6th and ends June 6th. Second T^rm— Commence.-* September 1st and ends December 2oth. ^ Treasurvr, Rev. Jno. Chase ; Sec'y, Rev. Dr. Cramp ; Recording Sec'y, Rev. S. W. DeBlois ; Steward, Mr. Alfred Fisk. Board of Foreio*; Missions.— Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M , Rev. S. N. Bentley, Rev. D Nutter, Rev. Ja«. Parker, Rev. Jas. Stevens, Rev. Chas. Tapper, Rev. Isaiah Wallace, C. R. Bill, M. P. P., Simon Fitcb, E. F. Harding, M. D., Wm. Johnson, Lewis Johnston, M. D., T. HcHenry, Abel Parker, and Mayhew Beckwith, Esqrs. HORTON ACADEMY, WOLFVILLE. Principal, J. W. Hartt, Esq. A. M. ; Assistant Teachers,Mr, Alfred Cbipman, A. B., and Mr. Juo. Moser, A. B. ; Steward, Mr. Alfred Fisk. The Academy is under the management of the Board of Directors of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society. The Academical year is divided into two Terms ; the firnt consist- ing of 24 weeks, commencing each year 3d January, and ending 20th J<ine ; the second of 20 weeks, commencing lot August, and ending 20th December. 50 BELOHIH ■ FARMBB S [1857. NowSctTK BvpTWT EofcvTioN Si>cmTy.—Pri'»id«nt. Ri't. Wm. ChipiQuii ; Vice-Preat., Rev. CIbm. Tupixr; Secy Kev. A. 8. Hunt, A M. ; Treasurer, Key. Jim. Chaf>e ; Exccuiivt Cumtnitfte, Rev. E. A. Crawky. D. 1> , Rev. i. E. Bill, Rev. Win. Burton. Rvv J. M. Cramp, D. I)., Hon. Jas. W. Johnston. Caleb R. Bill, Juh W. Nut- ting. Wm. JohiiBon, Simon Fitoh, LewiM Johnf>ton, M. D., Jm. K. Fitch, M. D., Jug. W. Bara*, and Ward Eaton, Esqrs. FREE CHURCH COLLEGE FOR THE LOWER PROVINCES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, AT UAUFAX. ProfuMor of Theology and Church History, Rev. Andrew King ; Professor of Classical LitertUttre and Mental and Moral Philosophy, Rev. Wm. Lyall; Htbrev>, ije , Rev. A McKuight. Frbb Chchoh Aoadimt, Halifax. — Mathematies, NatHral Philos- ophy, 4rv., George Munro, E^q , Rector; Classic and History, Mr. Alex. Stewart; .Dratrtn^ and Primary Departments, Mr. Wm. Stew- art ; Modem Languages, Mr. H. Oldright. St. John's ikhool. — Teacher, Mr. Jno. GarrS. OORHAM COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. During the past year the secular department has been vnited with Dalhousie College, Halifax, with a view to the furtherance of the establishment of a Provincial University. The Theolog'cal Faculty is established in Halifax.— PreM<i«n« and Professor of Theology, Hebrew, Sgo., Rev. ]^dk. Tomkins. A. M. Profutor of Chwreh History, Hellenistic Greek, SgcBev. Geo. Cornish, A. B. Council of the College— The Professors, Rev. R. Wilson, Rev. Geo. Sterling, Hon. W. Todd, Geo. Payzant, N. K. Clements. Jno. Burton, J. Punchard, Isaac Burpe and Enoch Barker, Esqra. Treas- urer, J. P. Jack, Esq. See'y., Rev. Geo. Cornish, A. h. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, HALIFAX. Patron, Most Rev. William Walsh, D. D., Archbishop of Halifipc ; President, Rev. Michael liannan ; Professors of Classics, French, Mathematiest and Moral Philosophy, Rev. P. Power and Rev. J. Woods; Professor of Modem Languages and PrefecttU Discipline, Rev. Abb6 Berthe; Book- keeping. Algebra, Arithmetic, Sfc., Messrs. Quinn and Daley. HALIFAX GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Trustees. — The Lord Bishop of Nova- Scotia, Hon. Chief Justiee B. Halliliuiton, Hon. Judge Bliss, and Ven. Arietideacon Willis, D. D. ; Principal, Rev. £. Gilpiu, Jr., A. M. NATIONAL SCHOOL, HALIFAX. Trust'^es.— The Lord Bi.'-hop of Nova- Scotia, Hun. Chief Justice B Halliburton, Rev. Robert Wiliis, D. D and D. C. L., and the Cimrch Wardens of St. Paul's (!hurcli; Principal, Mr. Jno. Willis; Superintendent Female Departmi;nt, Mrs. Maxwell. 1857.] ALMANACK. 61 THE MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN ACADEMY, 8A0K- VILLE, N. B. Preaident of the Board of Trtuteea, Rev. Matt Riohey, D. D. ; Sec'if. Uev. SVm. Temple; Oovernor and Chaplain, Rev. Ephraim Evaiifl. D. D. ; Principal, Rev. H. Fickard, A. M. ; Treaiurer, Chas. F. AUUon, Esq. Male Bkamch. — Profes$or of Mental and Moral Sciences, ifo.. Rev. H. Pickard, A. M. ; Profutor of French, and Aaaiatant in Ckuaicat Department, Mr. A. Reid ; Teacher in Intermediate Department, Mr. A. MgN. Pittterson ; Teacher in Primary Department, Mr. J. R. Inohe ; Aaaia'ant in Collegiate Department, Mr. J. W. Webb; Lecturer upon Natural Science, Astronomy, Sgo., Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music, ThoH. Pickard, £<>q.. A. M. Fbmalb Bu\noh. — Chief Preceptreaa, SfC, Sfc, Miss Mary E. Adams ; Aaaittant in Fine Arts and Collegiate Department, Miss Augusta M. Adams; Teachtr in Intermediate Department, Mrs. Eliza Neville; Aaaiatant in Primary Department, Mrs. Amelia Walker. PICTOU ACADEMY, PICTOU. "^ Board of TnuaTSEH. — Alex. P. Ross, Chairman ; Jas. Criohton, Treaaurer; Daniel DickHon, Sec'y; J. D. B. Fraser, Peter Crerar, Hugh H. Ross, Alex Eraser, M. R., Jan. Eraser, A. D. Oordon, Jas. Dawson, Peter Ross, and W. Oordon, E^qrs. Teaohbu6.— First Department, Mr. Wm. Jack. Second Depart' ment, Mr. Thomas MulhoUand. Third Department, Mr. . 'SEMia.—tFirat Term commences on the ttrxt Monday in January, and ends on the iirst Wednesday of July. Second Term commences first Monday in August, and ends at the- commencement of the Christmus Holidays. ROYAL ACADIAN SCHOOL, HALIFAX. Patron, The Lieutenant-Governor. President, Hon. Hugh Bell. Vice-Preat., Jno. Williamson, Ettq. Treaaurer, Wm. Murdoch, Esq. Sec'y, Jas. C Hume, Esq , M. D. Executive Committee, Robert Noble, Jno. Metzler, Jno. H. Anderson, Jas. C. Cogswell, Archibald Scott, and Jno. Gibson, Esqrs. Superintendent, Mr. Jno. S. Thomp- son. Superintendent Female Department, Miss Daniels. CLERGY OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND, IN NOVA-SCOTIA. The Right Rev. Hibbert Binney, D. D., Lord Bishop of Nova- Scotia, ext^rcising Episcopal Jurisdiction over Nova-Scotia and Prince Edwurd'd Island. Ven. Robert Willis, D. D., and D. C. L., Archdeacon of Nova- Scotia and Prince Edward's Island. Uiilifax, Ven. Robert Willis, D. D., and D. C. L., Rector ; and Rt>v. Wm. Bullock, Rev. Edmund Mdturin, A. M., and Uev. Heber Bullock, A. M., Curates, of St. Paul's Ctmrch. Rev. R. Fitzgerald Uaiacke, A. M., Rector, and Rev. Thomas Crisp, A- B. Curate, of St. George's Church. Rev. Juo. Thos. Twining, D. D., Garrison 52 HELCHEB S FARMER S [1867. Chaplain ; Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr., A. M., Prin. Hx. Gram. School ; Rev. Jas. C. Cochran, A. M., The Bishop's Chapel. Rev. Thomas Dunn- Agent of the Colonial Church and School Society ; Rev. J. G. Mul, holland, A. M., and Rev. Geo. E. W. Morris, A. M., retired. Rev. Jno. Steele, City Missionary. Ayleiford, Rev. Richard Avery. Annapolis, Rev. Edward Gtlpin, A. B., and Rev. Jas. J. Ritchie, A. M. Amherst, Rev. Geo. Townshend, A. M. Albion Mines, Rev. Jos. Forsythe. Antigonish, Rev. Wm. Thos. Morris, A. B., and Rev. Lewis M- W. Hill, A. B., retired. Arichat, Rev. R. F. Brine, A. B., and Rev. Jas. A. Shaw, retired. Bridgewater, Rev. Henry D. DeBIois, A. M. Caledonia, Rev. Abraham Jordan. Cornwallis and Wolfoille, Rev. John Stcrrs, A. B. Clements -port. Rev. Wm. M Godfrey, A. B. Chester, Rev. Chas. J. Shreve, A. B., and Rev. Richard Payne. Dartmouth, Rev. Jas. Shreve, D. D., and Rev. Jas. Stewart, A M. Digby, Rev. Archibald Gray, A. B. Falmouth, Rev. Geo. McCawley, D. D Granville, Rev. J. M. Campbell, A. M , and Rev. Rupert W. Cochran, A. B. Guyshormigh, Rev. G. T. Jarvis, A. B. Kentville, Rev. Harry L. Yeyirens. Liverpool, Rev. £dw. B. Nichols, A. M. Lunendur^, Rev. Henry L. Owen, A. B. Maitland, Rev. Jno. Randall, A. B. Ma,\one Bay, Rev. W. H. Snyder, A. M. Melford, Rev. J. S. Smith. Newport, Rev. Henry Spike, A. B. New Dublin and Petite Riviere, Rev. Jno. Ambrose, A. M. Parrs- boro'. Rev Wm. B. King, A M. Pietou, Rev Chas. Elliot, A. B. Pugwash, Rev. Henry Stamer. Rawdon, Rev. C. Bowman, A. B. Sherbrooke, Rev. T. D. Ruddle. Ship Harbir and Jeddore, Rev. Robt. Jamieson. Salmon River and Beaver ,Harbor, Rev. Jas. Breading. St. Mary's, Rev. J. Alexander, and Rev. W. E. Gelling. SackviUe, Rev. Thomas Maynard, A. B. St. Margaret's Bay, Rev. Jno. Stan- nage, and Rev. Jno. Pearson. Shelbume, Rev. Thos. H. White, A. B. Sydney, C. B., Rev. Richard J. Uniacke, A. B., and Rev. Chat^. Ingles. A. B., retired. Sydney Mines, Rev. Robt. Arnold, A B. Truro, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, A. M. Tusket, Rev. Phillip Tocque. Windsor, Rev. Geo. McCauley^ D. D., Preitident of King's College; Rev. D. W. Pickett, A.. B., Principal Collegiate Academy ; Rev. Geo. W' Hill, A. M., Professor of Theology, King's College ; Rev. W Hensley, A. B., Professor of Mathematics, King's Co^^g^; Rev. Alfred Gilpin, A. B., and Rev. Wm. C. King, A. M., retired. Wey- mouth, Rev. Phillip Filleul, A. B. Westport, Rev. J. H. Clare. Yarmouth, Rev. Jno. T. T. Moody, A. M. Wilmot, Rev. Jas. Rob- ertson, L L. D. TuAVBLLiNo Missionaries. — Cape Breton Island, Rev. W. Y. Por- ter. West Coast of Nova- Scotia, Rev. Pniiip Tocque. COLONIAL CHURCH AND SCHOOL SOCIETY. Patron. — Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Vice- Patrons.— His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and His Grace the Archbishop of York. Halifax Association in aid of the Colonial Church and School Society. (Incorporated by Act of the Provincial Legisla- ture)— ra^ro/ta. — His Excellency Sir J. Gaspard LeMarchant, and the Right Rev. the L(ird Bishop of Nova- Scotia. President, the Hon. the Ciiief Justice. Vice-Presidents, Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D., Rev. 1867.] ALMANACK. 63 ev. W. Y. Por- anterbury, and R. F. Uniacke, Hon. M. B. Almon, 8. P. Fairbanks, and H. Ince, E«'qr9. Treasurer, Edw. Binney, Esq. Secy, Rev. Thos. Dunn. Hon. Sec'y, Wra. Howe, Esq. Executive Committee, Jas. G. A. Creigbton, Jas. W. Merkel Thos. B. Akins, Thos. A. Brown, P. C. Hill, Peter Lynch, Wm. C. Silver, Jas. C. Cogswell, W. A. McAgy, Jno. U. Halliburton, Wm. Dunbar, Jas. W. Fenerty, Wm. H. Tapp, S A. White, Wm. A. Hare, Law. Van Buskirk, David Clarke, W. H. Tully, and E. J. Lordly, Esqrs., and all Clergymen of the Church of England who are members of the Association. Ijtfe Mfmbers, Wm. Cunard, Jas. C. Cogswell, Chas. Cogswell, M. D., Wm. J. Almon, M. D., Esqrs., and Miss Cogswell. THE INCORPORATED DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Patrons. — His Excellency Sir Oaspard LeMarcbant ; the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. President, the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Vice-Presidents, Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., and D. C. L , Hon. Chief Justice Halliburton. Hon. C. R. Prescott, Law. Ilartshome, David Hare, Jno. Spry Morris, Esqrs., and Hon. W. B. Bliss. Sec'y, Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr., A. M. Asst. Sec'y, Henry Pryor, Esq., A. M. Treasurer, Wm. C. Silver, Esq. Executive Committee, all Clergvmen Licensed by the Bishop of the Diocere.— Ho7i. M. B. Almon, Thos. B. Akins, Thos. A. Brown, P. C. Hill, Wm. Gossip, Wm. H. Marvin, Jno. W. Ritchie, Jas. R. DeWolfe, M. D., Nepean Clarke, Edw. H. Lowe, A. M. Uniacke, Jas. R. Smith, Hon. Alex. Stewart, C. B., Wm. M. Brown. Itenry Boggs, Wm. A. Hare. Wm. J. Almon, M. D. Brenton, H. Collins and Hugh Hartshorne, E;^qrs. Life Members, Hon. Enos Collins, Hon Alex. Stewart, C B , Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr., Hon. C. R. Prescott, Hon. S. Cunard, Miss Totten, David Hare, H. G. Parish, M. D., J. G. Parish, M. D., E. K. S. But- ler, Lewis Bliss, and Joseph Starr. Endowment Sub- Committee. — Rev. T. C. Leaver, Rev. Wm. Bul- lock, Rev. E. Gilpin, and P. C. Hill, Wm. C. Silver, Henry Pryor, and B. Murdoch, Esqrs. Sec'y, Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr. Treasurer, Wm. C. Silver, E-q. Nova- Scotia Foreign District Committee op the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. — The Lord Bishop, the Arch- deacon, Hon. Chief Justice Halliburton, Hon Wm. B. Bliss, Rev. Edwin Gilpin, Rev. Wm. Bullock, Rev. Thomas H. White, Rev. E. I Gilpin, Jr. (Secretary,) and Mr. Wm. Gossip. The annual meeting of the society is held at Halifax, between the I middle of September and the eud of October, in each year. [MINISTERS OF THE SYNOD OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Moderator, Rev. A. W. Herdman, A. M. Clerk, Rev. Allan Pol- llock. Superintendent of Missions, Rev. Jno. Martin. Presbytery op Halifax.— fla/i/bx, St. Matthew's, Rev. Jno. I Scott, A. M. ; St. Andrew's, Rev. Jno. Martin ; Rev. Fras. Nicol, St. Johns, N. F. }j. ; Missionaries, Rev. Jas. Wilson and Rev. Boyd. 64 belchbr's farmeb's [1867. Presbttery op Pictou. — McLellan'i Mountain, Rev. Alex. McGil- livtay. Pictou, Rev. A. \V. Herdman, A. M. \Ve»t and Middle Rivera, Rev. Alex. McLean. New Glaagnw, Rev. Allan Pollock. Misiionariea, Rev. Geo. Harper and Rev. Don. McRae. Vatechiata, Messrs. Jno. McLeod, Alex. Ross and Alex. Urquhart. Presbttery of Prince Edwards Island.— Charlotte Town, Rev. Thos. Duncan. Mvaionariea, Bel/aat, Rev. Alex. McKay ; George Town, Rev. Lockeard. The Synod meets this year at New Glasgow, on the aecond Thurs- day in July. Lay Association in Support op the Church op Scotland. — Prea., Hon. Alex. Keith. Vice-Prea., Robt. Noble, I'sq. Treanurer and Correapondinp Sec'y, Archibald Scott, E^q. Rec. Sec'y, Mr Alex. F Etter. Committee, Wm. Merrick, Jno. Doull, G. P. Mitchell, G. E. Morton, A. McLeod, and J. Taylor, Esqrs. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NOVA SCOTIA. Moderator, Rev. Geo. Walker. Synod Clerk, ReV. P. G. McGregor. Synod Treasurer, Abram Patterson, Esq., Pictcm. Presbytery op Truro.— Upper Londonderry, Rev. Ebenezer E. Ross. Lower Londonderry, Rev. Alex. L. V\'\iie. Truro, Rev. Wm. McCulloch. Onalow and Beaver Brook, Rev. Jno. I Buxter. Mait- tand and Noel, Rev. Th03. S Crow. Stewiacke, Rev. Jas. Smith. Paraboro', Rev. Jas. Mc. G. McKay. Harvey, N. B., Rev. Saml. Johnson. Preabytery Cltrk, Rev. E. E Ross Presbytery op Halifax. — Wind^or and Newport, Rev. John L. Murdoch, A. M. Halifax, Rev. Peter G. McGregor. Nine Mile River, Kennetcook, and Gore, Rev. Jno. Cameron. Yarmouth, Rev. Geo. ChriNtie. Shelburne, Barrrington and Clyde River, Rev. Geo. M. Clark. Upper and Middle Muaquodoboit, Rev. Kobt. Sedgwick. Prea- bytery Clerk, Rev. J. L Murdoch. Pres'^ytery of Pictou. — Eaat Branch, Eaat River, Rev. An^s McGillivray. Weat River, Rev. Jas. Watson. Mvrrigomish, Rev. Andw. P. Miller. Pictou Town, Rev. Jas Bayne. River John, Rhv. Jas Waddell. New Glaagow, {Jamea Church,) Rev. D^vid R'>y, and {Primitive Church) Rev. Geo. Walker. Gri'cn Hill, Rev Geo. Pat- terson. Tatamagouche, Rev. Jas. Byers. Antigoniah and Cape Ge'^ge, Rev. David Honeyman. Chatham, Rev. Jno. McCurdy. Caledonia, Sherbrooke and Glenelg, Rev. Jno. Campbell. New Annon and Tata- magouche, Rev. Robt. Blackwood. Preabytery Clerk, Rev. Geo. Walker. Presbytery op P. E. I. — Princetown, Rev. Jno. Keir, D. D. Cove Head, Rev. Jas. Allen. Bfdeque, Rev. R. S. Patterson, A. M. New Glaagow, New London and Cavendish, Rev. Isaac Murray. Richmond Bay, Rev. Jno. M. McLeod. St. Peter a and Bay Fortune, Rev. Henry Crawford. Caacumpec, Rev. Allan Eraser. Presbytery Clerk, Rev. Jno. M. McLeod. Home Miaaionariea, Rev. Jno. Sprott, Rev. Daniel McCurdy, Rev. J. Thomson, Rev. Hugh Ross and Messrs. Robt. Grant, Samuel McCuUey, Wm. Keir, Jno. Mtitheson, Alex. Cameron, and Jno. Cur- rie. Fonign Miaaionariea, Rev. J. Geddie and Rev. G. N. Gordon, New Hebrides. second Thurs- 1867.] ▲LMAXACK. 65 Board op Home Missioxs. — Rev. Professor Rosi), Rev. Metisrs. Patterrt()n, WuUtoa and Walker, with the Presbytery Elders of Oreen Hill, West River and Primitive Church. Secy, Rev. Geo. Patterson. BoAKD OF FoRGiON MidsioNa.-^Rev. Mf flsrs. David Roy, Jim. Wud< dell, Jiio. I. Baxter, Jas. liayne, Jno. Keir, D. D., O. Walker and Ebentizer McLeodand Daniel Cameron, of West River; Alex. Fra-er, of New Glasgow, and Jiio. Yorstou, of Piotou, Eitcirs. Hec'y, Rev. Jas. Bayne. EovcATiOMAt BoAED. — Rev. Messrs. Smith, McOref^, Campbell, R088 and Bayne — and Abraham Patterson, Ciias. D. Hunter, Adam Dickie, Isaac Logan, Jno. D Chrustie, Ja^. JkfcGregor, Jno. Yorston, Anthony Smith, i. W. Carmichael, S. D. McDonald and Chas. Rob* son, Esqrs. Ex officio Members, the Moderator and Clerk of S^itod for the time being. Sec'y, Rev. Jas. Bayne. The Synod meets this yeu: at Truro, on theyowr/A Tuesday of June, at U o'clock, A. M. TuBOLOGiCAL Sbmistadt. — ProfessoT of Systematic Tkeohgy, Rev. Jno. Keir, D. D. Professor of Biblical Literature, Rev. Jas. Smith. Professor of Mental and Moral Phihsophy, Rev. Jas. Ross. Professor nf the Classics, Mathematie*. and Natural Pluhsophy, Mr. 'I'hos. McCuUoch. Sec'y to the Jtor: of Superintendence, Rev. Wm. McCul- loch, Truro. Teuic for . ' ' .^tular Branches, six months, com- mencing March I. TEatt .>.. ^^.struction in Theology, tke weeks, commencing Sept. I. Board of Superintendence of the Seminary, — The Professors, ex officio. Rev. Messrs. McCultoch, Baxter, E. Ross, Wyllie, Cameron, and McKay, and Messrs. Robt. Smithy David McCurdy, and Isaac Flemming. , SYNOD OP THE FREE CHURCH OF NOVA- SCOTIA. Moderator, Rev. D. B. Blair. Clerk, Rev. Wm. Duff. Pkbsbvtert of Halifax. — Halifax, Rev. Professor King, Rev. Professor Lyall, Rev. Alexander Romans, A. M., Rev. Wm. Mur- ray ; Chalmers Church, Rev. Jno. Hunter, Rev. A. McKnight, and Rev. A. W. McKay ; Comwallis, Rev. Geo. Struthers ; Lunenfmrg, Rev. Wm. Duff, and Rev. Howard D. Steel; St. Johns, N, F. L,, Rev. Mosies Harvey; Harbour Gra^, Rev. Alex. Ross; Bermuda, Rev. W. Thorburn, and Rev. J. Do wall; Boston, Rev. J. A. Ross; Musquodoboit, Lawrence Town and Lake Porter, Rev. A. Stewart. Cateehist, Mr. Murdoch McGregor. PiiRSBTTEav OF PicTou. — New Glasgow, Rev. Jno. Stewart ; St. Mary's and Loehaber, Rev. Alex. Campbell; Wallace, Rev. Jno. Munro ; Barney's River and Blue Mountains, Rev. D. B. Blair ; Pie- tou Town, Rev. Murdoch Sutherland ; Earltown, Rev. Jno. Stewart, I Jr. ; Licentiate, Rev. Kenneth McKenxie. Cateehist, Mr. Murdoch I McKeiicie. PuESBTTBRT OF Capb Bubton. — Middi* RivcT, Rev. Alex. Far- I quh arson; Bitularderie Island, Rev. Jas. Fraz<r; Broad Cove attd Mcwyaree, Rev. Jno. Gunn; Sydney Mines, Rev. Matthew Wilson; I St. George's Channel, Rev. Murdocri Stewart; Sydney, Mira and ' Vatelme, Rev. Hugh McLeod; Gut of Catuo and River Inhabitants, Rev. Wm. G. Forbes; Grand River and Loch Lomond, Rev. Jas. 66 BELCHEK e FABMER 8 [1857. Ross ; St. Ann's, Rev. A^ra^am Mcintosh. Cateckista, Messrs. Chas. Ross, Malcom McLeod, Donald Ross, Donald McDonald, and Ai:gus Bethune. Presbytery op Prince Edward's Island. — Broum'a Creek, Rev. Alex. Munro; New London, Rev. Alex. Sutherland; Murray Har- bour, Rev. Neil McKay; Charlotte Toton, Rev. Geo. Sutherland. Catechiata, Messrs. Don. McNeil, and Don. Sutherland. The Synod meets this year at Halifax on the third Thursday of June. CoMMiTTBFS OP Synod. — Colleffe and Academy Board. Rev. A. King, Rev. W. Lyall, Rev. A. McKnight— A. Mt-Kinlay, (Chair- man). R Boak, P Ross,- Robt. Romans, Jas. H. Liddell, (Sec'y), G. Buint. and Jno. Mcintosh, Esqrs. Colkf/e Library Committee, Professors King and LyaU. Buraary Committee, Professors King and Lyall, Rev. A. Forrester, D. D., and Rev. Wm. Duff, Miaaionary Record Rev. A. King, Rev. W. LyaU, Rev. A. McKnight, Rev. Wm. Murray, (Convener), and Mr. Jno. Mcintosh. Synod Fund. — Rev A. King, Rev. W. Duff, (Convener). Rev D. B. Blair. Rev. Jno. Munm, Rev. Jno. Ouun— Peter McNab, and Angus McKav, Esqra. &tbbtah Observance. — The Presbytery of Pictou. Convener, Rev. M. Sutheriand. Popory. — Rev. G Sutherland, (Convener) ; Rev. Alex. Sutherland, Rev. M. Sutherland, Rev. Jas. Ross, Rev, D. B. Blair, Rev. A. King, and Mr. Taylor. Home Missions. — The Teachers of the CoRege, Rev. Jno. Stewart, Rev. Hugh Mc'ljcod, Rey. A. Sutherland,— Messrs. Wm. Anderson^ and Jno. Mcintosh. Convener, Rev. A. King. FoREiQN Missions.— The Presbytery of Pictou. Convener, Rev. Jno. Stewart. Incorporation with Synod of N. Brunswick. — Rev. Messrs. King, (Convenor), Forrester, Duff, McLeod, J. Stewart, A. Sutherland, and Mr. Smith. Committee on cooperation with other Pretbyterian Bodiea. — Rev. Messrs. King, McLeod, Duff, Stewart, A. Sutherland, McKnight, Jno. Stewart, M. Sutherland, filuir (Convener), Steel — and Messrs. Newcomb and Farquharson. Eccleaitiaticai Statistic*. — Rev. Messrs. LyaU, Murray and Mc- Knight. Suatenation Committte. — Rev. Messrs. H. McLeod, A. Sutherland, H. Sutherland, and A. King. CLERGY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NOVA-SCOTIA. His Grace the Moat Rev. William Walsh, D. D., Lord Archbishop of Halifax, residing at Halifax, with the Bishops of Charlottetown, Fredericton, Bermuda, and Arichat, aa Suffragans. Right Rev. Colin F. McKinuon, D. D., Lord Bishop of Arichat, residing at Arichat. Diocese op Halifax. — Halifax, Rev. Michael Hannsn, Rev. Patk. Po^er, Rev.'W. Hanuigan, Rev. Jno. B. Wood, and Abbe mvenert Rev. mvener. Rev. :URCH IN 18/57.] ALMANACK. 67 iBerthe. Ferffusnn'a and Herring Coves, Ketch Harbour, Prospect and [St. Mart/aret'a Bay. — Rev. Jno. Carmody, and Rev. A. McI)>aao. |CA««<er, Lunenburg and Sherbrooke, Rev. Philip M Holden. Liver- rtoU Caledonia, Shelburne and Ragged Islands, Rev. Jaa. Kennedy. \Yarmouth, Tusket, Eelbrook, Sfc, Rev. Jos. P. Roles, Rev. Abbe Oay, and Rev. Jno. Ooudot. Pubnico, Rev. Henry Warlop Salmon Riv- Metegkan, and Matidatus, Rev. Wm. McLeod. Weymouth, St. lary's and Frenehtown, Rev. Dennis Geary. Annapolis, Digby, St. ]proix. tfc. Rev. Edw. Butler. Kentv' e, Comwallis and Aylesford, lev. David O'Connor. Windsor, Horton, Rawdon, Si;c,, Rev. ThoB. ^alflh. Puawash, Wallace, Amherst, Minadie, Parrsboro', and River John, Rev Jas. Rogers. Dartmouth. Shubenacadie, and Truro. Rev. Patrick Dunphy. Diocese op Amchat. — Arichat, Rev. H. Geroir and Rev. Hugh IcDonald. Sydney, Rev. Jas. Qninan. Sydney Miws, "Very Rev. Inc. Laugblan. Louisburg, Rev. R. Mihan. East Bay, St. Peters, ^c, Rev. Neil McLeod. Port Hood and Mabou, Rev. A McDonald. hisdnle Bras <fOr, Rev. McKeen. River Bourgeoise and 'JArdoise, Rev. N. Corteaux. Creignish, Rev. J. McDonald. Judigue, lev. Grant. Broad Cove, Rev. McCrea. Cheticamp, lev. H. J. Cheunel. Tracadie, Rev. Jno. Quinan. St. Andreio's, lev. R. McGilveray. Arisaig, Rev. W. B. McLeod. Pictou, Rev. McSwain. Merigomish and Albion Mines, Rev. Hugh O'Reilly. \Guysborot^h, Rev. Duffy. Torbay, Rev. Drummond. In%oni»A,'Rev. Schulte, D. D., and Rev. Cameron, ). D. Trappist Monastery, Rev. Pere Francois, Prior. Society of St. Vincent of Paul. — Spiritual Director, "Rev. M. (annan. President, Jno. Skerry, Esq. Vice-Prest., Messrs. Jas. )onohoe and Jno. Barron. Treastirer, Mr. J. P. Hagarty. Sec'y, Ir. Wm. Compton. St. Mart's Catechistical Society. — President, His Grace the Lrchbishop of Halifax. Vice-Prest., Mr. Jos. \V. Quiiian. Treasu- rer, Peter MorriHsey, Esq. Sec'y, Mr. Stephen Tobin. Asst. Sec'y, Ir. Chas. McCarthy. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARIES. President of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference of Eastern British ^orth America, Rev. Matthew Richey, D. D. "Sec'y, Rev. Wm. Temple. Halifax Distuict. — Halifax, Rev. Chas. Churchill, Rev. Samuel Lvery, Rev. Jas. England, and Rev. Wm. Bennett and Rev. Henry I Pope, Supernumeraries. Musquodoboit, Rev. Chas. Gaskin. St. Mar- yard's Bay, Rev. Geo. B. Payson. Lunenburg, Rev. Jos. F. Bent. ^ttiie Riviere, Rev. Henry Pope, 2nd Milt Village, Rev. f redk. JVV. Moore. Liverpool, Rev. Ingham Sutcliffe and Rev. Thos. Harris. Windsor, Rev. Ro.'and Morton (Financial Sec'y), and Rev. Wm. ^roscombe, Supernumerary. Newport, Rev. Arthur McNutt, {Chair- man of the District), and Rev. Jos. Hurt. Maitland, Rev. Wm. [weedy. Bermuda, Rev. Wm. T. Cardy, Rev. Robt. Duncan, and 'ev. Jas. Home, Supernumerary. St. John, N. B. District.— St John, Rev. Edm. Botterell (Finan- \sial Sec'y,) Rev. Thos. M. Albrighton, Rev. Chas. Stf-wart, Rev. Jno. 3* y 58 BELCHEB S FABMEB 8 [1857. Snowball and Rev. Rich'd Knight, (Chairman of the District'). St. Andrew's, Rev. Geo. Johnson. St. Stephen's, Rev. Jiio. B. Browndl. St. . ^avid's. Rev. Jeremiah V. Joft. Mill- Town, Rev. Wm. Smith- son Sussex Vale, Rev. Wm. Allen and Rev. Jas Bums. Oreen- wich, Rev. tdn. D. Currie. Upham, Rev. Wm. Alcorn. Charlotte Town District.— CAarto^te Town, Rev. Jno. MoMur- ray, {Chairman of the District), Rev. Rich'd Smith, and Rev. Jno. B. Strong and R»v. Albert Des Brifay, Siipeniameraries. Pownal, Rev. Geo. S. Milligan, A. M. Bedeque, Rev. G. M. Barrett and Rev. Wm. C. McKinnon. Truro, Rev. G. O. Huestis and Rev. Jno. Mar- shall, Supernumerary. River Philip and Pugwash, Rev. R. E. Crane. Wallace, Rev. Robt A. Temple. River John, Rev. Alex. B. Black. Canso and Ouysb trough. Rev. Jas A. Narraway, Rev. Tho^. GaetK, Rev. Geo. Butcher and Rev. S. T. Teed. Sydney, C. B , Rer. Joi. Herbert Starr (Financial Secy.) Margarie, Rev. Alex. W. ; Nicolson. Fbedericton District. — Frcdoricton, Rev. Jno. Brewster and Rev. Jno. Latherne. Shejfield, Rev. Henry Daniells. Woodstock, Rev. Jno. Piince, (Financial Sec'y), and Rev. J. ( 'assidy. Nashwaak. Rev. : Wm. Perkins. Burton, Rev. Hezekiah McKeown. Miramichi, Rev. Wm. Smith ( Chairman of the District.) Bathurst, Rev. Wesley C. Beals. DalJutusie, Rev. J'as. Tweedy. Sackville Distbict.- Sackviile, Rev. Wm. Temple, Rev. Ephraim Evans. D. D. (Chairman of the District), and Rev. Humphrey Pick- ; ard, A. M Point de Bute, Rev. ThO'^ h. Davies. Moneton and Cov- erdate._ Rev. Alex. M. Deshrisay and Rev. Robt. Tweedy. Hopewell, R-^v. Rich'd Weddtdl. Richibucto Rev. Thns. B. Smith. Amherst, Rev. Wm. McCarty, (Financial Sec'y.) Parrsboro', Rev. Jas. Buck- ley. Annapolis District. — Arinapolis, 'Rev.'Freik. Smallwood. Bridge- town, Rev. Wra. Wilson and Rev. Geo. Miller, SupernumerHries. Aylesford, Rev. Thos. Angwin. Cornwallis, Rev Ja"*. Taylor (Fina/»- cial Sec'y.) Horton, Rev. Jas. G. HennigHr. Dighy and Scissiboo, Rev. Geo. W. Tuttle. Yarmouth, Rev. Michael Pickles, (Chairman of the District), and Rev. Clias. DeWolf, A. M. Barrington, Rev. Christopher Lockhart. Shelbume, Rev. Jno. L. Spouugle. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Treasurer, M. G. Black, Esq. Secretary, S. L. Shannon, "E^q. Committee— Halifax, T. A. S. De Wolfe, Wm. Full, J H. Anderson, Hon. Hugh Bell, J. G. Marshall, Edw. Billing, Jno. E. Starr, S F. | Barss, F. Johnson, A. Morton, H. D. Fro.st, and Q. H. Starr ; Liver- pool, Jas. Barss and Jno. Campbell ; Lunenburg, Wm. Drew ; SM- burne, Alex. H. Cocken ; Barrington, Jno. Sargent, Robt. Guest and I Geo. Allen ; Windsor, Jno. Smith ; Newport, Jno. Allison ; Maitland, Richard Smith ; Horton. Jas. N*. Crane ; Cornwallis, Nathan Tupper ; | Wallace, Geo. Wells and Samuel Fulton ; Guysburough, E. J. Cun- ningham ; Sydney, C. B., Geo. E. Burchell; Amherst, W. W. Bent] and S. Read, Esqrs. 1857.] ALMANACK. 69 MINISTERS OF THE ASSOCIATED BAPTIST CHURCHES ^ IN NOVA SCOTIA. Amhirat, Rer. E. B. DeMill. AntigonUh, Rev. J. Whidden. Ayktford, Rev. Chas. Tupperand Rev. A. Stronach. Beaver Atv«r, Rev. T DeLonf(. Bridgewater, Rev. G. Armstrong, A. III. Bmok- jieU, Rev. A. W. Barss. CautOt Rev. J. C. Hurd. Cheater, Rev. Tho8. Crawley. Clements, Rev. A. Cogswell and Rev. J. Porter. ComwaUia, Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M , Rev. Wm. Chipman and Rev. J. Parker. Dartmouh, Rev. S. McLeam. Digbg, Rev. R. W. Cun- ningham. Digby Neck, Rev. J. C. Monie. Gaapereaux, Rev. S. Stearns. Guyaborough, Rev. W. Hall. Granville Street, Hx., Rev. David Freeman. Nm-th Church, Hx., Rev. S. N. Bentley Han*' mond^a I'laina, Rev. T. H. Porter. Hanta-port, Rev. W. Burton. HiUahurgh, Rev. Ohed Parker. Lower Granvilie, Rev. J. Spenoer. Kempt, Uev. B. Yaughan. Lake George, R»-v. J. Stubbert Loek'a Itland, Rev. W. HohbA. Long laland. Rev. H. Achilles. Lunenburg, Rev. B. Taylor. Macean, Rev. D MeKeen. Maitland, Rev. M. Parker. Milton, Rev. A. MarteU. New Guyaborough, Rev. J. Allen. Newport, Geo. Dimock. NiciaHX,'Rx:y. W.Q. Parker. North Rivert P. E. L, Rev. M. Rons. North Sydney, Rev. H. Ross. Ohio, Rev. J. Reid. On«&>to, Rev. D. W. C Dimock. Port Medxeay, Rev. J. J. Skinner. Parrsboro', Rev. S. Thompson. Port George, Rev. J. Ring. Pugwash, Rev. E. Fos«hay. Rawdon, Rev. J. Bancroft. Seiaaiboo, Rev. C. Randall. St. Margaret's Bay, Rev. J. C. Hurd. St. Mary'a, llcv. H. Eagles. Tancook, Rev. NeJson Baker. Traeadie, Rev. P. A. Shiell.x. Three Rivera, P. E. I , Rev. J. Shaw. Wilmot. Rev. N. Vidito. Wilmut Mountain, Rev. P F. Murray. Weafpjrt, Rev. W. Caldwell- Witidsor, Rev. J. E Balcom. Upper Stiwiaeke, Rev. D. Lawson Wolfville, Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. D. and Rev S W. De- Blois, A. M., Rev. Jiio. Chase, and Rev. A. W. Sawyer, A. M. Yar- mouth, H. Angell and Rev. W. C. Goucher. Missionary to the Acadian French, Rev. Obed Chute. Unattached, Rev. W. Miller and Rev. R. S. Morton. BoABD OP FoEEiox MISSIONS.— Rev. Wm. Chipman, Rev. J. E. Bill, Rev. S. Robinson, liev. A. S. Hunt, A. M., Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. D., Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M., Rev. Jno. Chase, Rev. 8. N. Bentley, Rev. Jas. Parker, Rev. W. Burton, Rev. A Stronach— Lewis Johnston, M D., Wm Johnson, Asa Coy, Jno. W. Barss and J. W. Hartt, E-qrs. Corresponding Secy, Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M. Treai- urer, Jno. W Barss, Enq. Tlie Western Ass'>ciation, comprising the Counties of Yarmouth, Digby, Shelburne, Queen's and A"uapolis, meet on the second Satur- day in June, at Yaemouth. The Ctmtral Association, consisting of the Churches in the Counties of Kings, Hants, Lunenburg, and Halifax, meet on t\ie fourth Satur- day in June, at Hantsfobt. The Eastern Aaaoeiation, composed of the Churches in the Counties of Colchester, Cumberland, Guysboro, Pietou, Sydney, C. B., and Prince Edward's Island, meet on the Jirst Saturday in July, at Onslow. The Bafhst CoNVBMTioir of Nova- Scotia, Mew Brunawick and Prince Edward's Island, meet 60 BELCREB B rXHMBR 8 [1867. ASSOCIATED FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST MINISTERS. ComteMtM, Elders Jacob 6. Norton and Samuel Cox ; Yarmouth, Elders Chas. Knowlen, David Oram, Calvin Cann and Thos. Brady ; Barrinffton, Elder Albert Swim ; Argyle, Elder Chas. J. Oram ; Port Midway, Elder Edw. Sullivan; Caledonia, Elder Douglas Thorp; Kamptville, Elder Sam'l Benison. Licenced and Ordained Minis - TEtia—YormotUh, Walter Western and Hugh Cann; Barrington, Sam'l West FREE WILL BAPTIST MINISTERS. Cape Sabh Island, Elder H. W. Harris ; Solid Rock, Elder Edw. Reynolds ; Yarmouth, Elder Jno. Jenkins ; Bridgewater, Elder Asa Bent ; Barrington Head, Elders S. McKeown and W. W. Ashley. CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS IN NOVA SCOTIA. Yarmouth, Rev. Robt. Wilson. Chebogue, Rev. Jacob Whitman. CormoaUia, Rev. Joseph Peart. Milton, Rev. Geo. Cornish, A. B. Liverpool, Rev. Fredk. Tomkins, A. M., and Rev. Jais. Melvin. Halifax, Rev. Fredk. Tomkins, A. M. Margaree, C. B., Rev. Josiah Hart. Mancheeter, Rev. F. Deering. Sec^y, Rev. R. Wilson, Yar- mouth ; Treasurer, Thos. Hilton, Enq., Chebogue. The Congr^ational Union of Nova- Scotia meets oh the Thursday after the first Sunday in July, 1857, at Milton, N. S. Congregational Ministers in, the Lower Provinces, recognized by the Union, not in the above list. St. John's, N. F. L., Rev. P. Scho- field. St. John, N. B., Rev Chas. McKay and Rev. Ja?. Porter. Sheffield, N.B., Rev. Thos. Lightbody. Keswick Ridge, N. B, Rev. Geo. Sterling. Frederictott, N. B., Rev. Arch. McCallum. St. Ste- phen's, N. B., Rev. J. Betteriield. EvANQBLicAL LuTHEBAN CiLvnca.—Lunenbitrg, Rev. Chas. Coss- man. Univbbsaltst Chttbch.— Ha/i/o*, Rev. Wm. Hooper. African Episcopal Methodist Church.— //o/i/ae. Rev. Posey, African Baptist Association.— iZa/t/kc, Rev. Richard Preston. Clerk, Mr. Septimus Clarke. NOVA-SCOTIA BIBLE SOCIETY. Patron, Hia ExceVew^ Sir J. Gaspard LeMarchant, Kt. President, . Vice-PresidenU, Hon. J. W. Johnston, M. Q. Black, Jas. W. Nutting, and Wm. Pryor, Jr., Eoqrs. Treasurer, M. G. Black; Sec'y, S. L. Shannon; Assist. Sec'y, Isaac Smith, Esqrs. Committee, Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D., Rev. Jno. Scott, Rev. R. P. Uiiiacke, Rev. Jno. Martin, Rev. P. G. McGregor, Rev. D. Freeman, Rev. Matthew Richey, D. D., Rev. EdmvTid Maturin, Rev. Jno. Miller, Rev. Alex. Forrester, Rev. Jas. C. Cochran, Rev. Charles Churchill, and Rev. Jas. England— ffon. M. B. Almon, Hon. W. A. Black. Hon. Hugh Bell, Henry Pryor, Jas. N. Shannon, David AlU- son, Jno. H. Anderson, Henry Ince, S. Selden, T. A. Brown, W. C. Silver. T. A. 8. Dewolf, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., A. McKinlay, J. G. A. Creighton, Chas. Robson, Peter Lynch, Jas. Thomson, Jno. W. Ritchie, P. C. HiU, and Jai. C. CogsweU, Esqis. 1857.] ALMANACK. 61 r. Chas. CoBS- Depotitory, No. 48 Barrington Street, opposite St. Paul's Church. Life Membera, Hon, Chas. K. Prescott, Samuel Creelman, Jas. C. Cogswell,, and Wm. B. Webster, M. D., Esqrs. HALIFAX AUXILIARY NAVAL AND MILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY. Patron$, His Excellency Sir J. Gaspard LeMarchant, Kt., Rear Admiral A. Fanshawe, and the Lord Bishop of Nova- Scotia. Preai- dent, Rey. J. T. Twining, D. D. Treaatirer, Hon. M. B. Almon. Secy, Henry Ince, Esq. NOVA-SCOTIA SABBATH ALLIANCE. General Committee, Rev. Messrs. Twinini;, D. D., Crawley, D. D., Pcott, Uniacke, [fivans, D. D., Martin, McLeod, D. D., Smallwood, Miller, Forrester, McGregor, Hill and Bennet, — Wm. H. Marvin, Nepeanr Clarke, Jno. W. Ritchie. J. G. A. Creighton, J. F. Avery, M. D., David Allison, Geo. Little, Jas. Thomson, M. G. Black, Jno. H. Anderson, T. A. S. Dewolf, Geo. H. Starr, C. D. Hunter, Chas. Robson, Geo. McLeod, Jas. Forman, Jno. Naylor, Thos. Wesley, David McPherson, W. H. Robinson, H. Ince, Peter Lynch, J. J. Sawyer, Thos. Hosterraan, S. L. Shannon, and Richard McLeam, Esqrs. Joint Secretaries, Rev. Alex. Forrester and Rev. Geo. W. HiU. HALIFAX YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. President, the Hon. Chief Justice Halliburton. Vice-Pres'ts, Jas. G. A. Creighton, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., T. A. S. Dewolf, Hon. Jas. W. Johnston, and Martin G. Black, Esqrs. Corresponding Sec'y, Wm. A. Hare, Esq. Recording Sec'y and Librarian, Robt. Murray, Esq. Treasurer, Chas. Allison, Esq. Managing Committee, Jno. W. Ritchie, Eras. Johnson, S. L. Shannon, S. A. White, P. C. Hill, Wm. Miller, Peter Lynch, Thos, A. Brown, Chas. Allison, Geo. H. Starr, J. R. Forman, W. S. Sterling, Wm. A. Hare, Cha$>. Rob&on, Nepean Clarke, Thos. B. Akins, Thos. Crane, E. D. Meynell, I. S. Maclean, and Peter Beuree. THE MICMAC MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President, Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D. Vice-Presidents, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., and Jno. W. Ritchie, Esqrs. Treasurer, Geo. E. Morton, Esq. Sec'y, Rev. David Freeman. Committee, Rev. M. Richey, D. D., Rev P. G. McGregor, Rev J. B. Brownell, Rev. Jas. England, Rev. Jno. Martin, Rev. Jno. Miller, — Chas. Robson, Wm. Howe, Jno. Burton, Jas. C. Cogswell, Wm. Hare, P. C. Hill, Thos. A. Brown, Jno Orlebar, R. N., Wm. Lyall, Geo. T. Creed, Samuel Gray, Geo. H. Starr, Nepean Clarke, Alex. James, and Wm. H. Tapp, Esqrs. Missionary, Rev. S. T. Rand. 62 BELOHEB 8 FARMER 8 [18fi7. ooternhieivt officks awd officers. provincial secretary's office. Provincial Secretary, Hon. William A. Henry, M. P. P. Chief Clerk, W. H. Keating, Esq. Clerk, Mr. Jno. B. McDonald. FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Financial Secretary, Hon. Samuel Chipman, M. P. P. Chrk, Mr. I. Blauchard. RECEIVER- GENERAL'S OFFICE. Receiver-General, Hon. James McNab, M. L. C. Clerk, Mr. Edw. Iiuckett. COMMISSIONER OF CROWN LANDS OFFICE. Commieaioner of Crown Landa and Surveyor- General, Hon. Jas. B. Uniacke. Deputy, W. A. Hendry, Eaq. Clerka, Messrs. Edir. Morris and Frederick LeBlaiic. BOARD OF WORKS. For the superintendence and management of the Provincial Build- ing, Oovirnment Houj^e, Provincial Penitentiary, and all other huiidirgs and property belonging to the Province; Light houHes, HunyA, and BeauoiiM erected or to be erected within tlie Province, Sable ImIkhH, and the Seal and Mud Islandx. CoMMissioNBKS.— Hon. Hugh Bell, M. L. C. (ChairmanV Hon. Samuel (Junard, Wm. Murdoch, and Matthew McKenna, E<tqrs. Clerk and Superintendent, J. B. McNab, Eoq. Architect, Robt. J. Chambers, E»q. PENITENTIARY. Medical Attendant, R S Black. Esq., M. D. Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Bennett. Governor, Mr. Wm. Flab. SABLE ISLAND. Rfaident Superintendent, Philip J. Dodd, Eaq. Superinti-tidenta of the Humane EatabUahmenta on the lalanda of St. Paul and Sc'attarie, Messrs. Juo. Campbell and . INDIAN AFFAIRS. Commissioners —Cope Breton, Rev. N. Courteaux and H. W. Crawley, Esq. Western Countiea, Wm. Chearnley, Esq. Commissioners toju. Issuing Province Notes. — Hon. Edw. Kenny, Juo. Duffus and Jno. Naylor, Esqrs. BOARD OF REVENUE. CoMMisstONBRS — The Receiver- General (President), the Financial Se<7etary, Jno. B. Bland, Jno. Williamson, and Jno. W.- Ritchie, 1867.] ALMANACK. 63 irk, Mr. Edw. it'n, Rev. Wm. . Enqn. Cl«rk, B. B. Oxiey, E^q. Contmller of Cuatonu and Navi- gation Laws and Registrar of Shipping, H. B. Paulin, E^q. Sureeyor of Shipping, Siiuuel Murphy, E q. Office of Impuht and ExciHE.—Fint Chrk to the Receiver Oen- eral and Acting Collector of Impost and Excise, Edw. Binncy, Esq. Warehouse Ket-per, Wm. G. File, Esq Landing Waiters and Search- ers, Juo. U. Roxg and Jas. M. Tidmarsh, Bsqra. Oaugers and Proof Officers, Jooeph Austen and Wm. Condon, Ef^qni. Clerks, Me8Hr!4. Peter DonaldHon, Juo. Fitzgerald, Jno. R. Wallace, and 'I'hos. P. Ryan. Revenue Waiters and Shipping Officers, MennrH. Robt Hridges, Errol Boyd, and Jas. HilU. Wareh >use Lickers, Messrs I'ras. Joluis- ton, Wra. Hays, Jos. W. Quinan, Jas. Miller, Robt. Bnak, Jds. P. Tropolet, M. Rudolph, Wm. Foster, Don. Fraser, and Matt. Camp- bell. Tide Waitws, Messrs Jno. Hatch, Edw. K^Uy, Wm McLean, Jno. Dirreen. Jno'. Twaddle, Robt. McDonald, Edw Shaun, Qt-o. Ryder, Edw. KHvanagh, Jno. Nugent, Wm. Hitromond ai>d Wm. Hatch. Tide Surveyor, Mr. Ja^. Wall. Boatmen, Jaa. Kerr and Thos. Walker. Seizing Officers.— Halifax, Edw. Bowen. Liscombs, St. Mary's and Mary Joseph's Harbours, NVm. McKinlay; Sheet Harbor, Jas. Browner. Collector Light Duty, Liscombs Harbour, Mr. Leonard Pye. SUPERVISORS OF GREAT ROADS. Halifax tn Piofou County Line, Wm. Dnwling ; County Line of Colchester to iha Gut of Causi, Adam McK*^n«ie; Pollock's to the Guyaborough County Line, Jno. PHfker ; Richmond County Line to Sydney, C. B , Jus. Mi-Krnzie; Dar/mouth to ."^hip Harbrr, Wm. Anderstou ; Halifax to Lunenburg County Line, Forhes BiHck ; Hali- fax to Windsor. J Luck hart Sweet ; Truro to Amherst, Henry Purdy ; County of Richmond, Jas. McKenzie ; County of Ltverness, Geo. O. Lawrence, E-qrs. COMMISSIDNEHS FOR THK CoNSTROCTION AND MaN.KGEMENT OF R.MLWiYS IN Nova Scotiv. — Hon. Joseph Howe (Cha man), Hon. Jonathan McCulley, VVm. Pryor, Jr , Juo. H. Anderson, Perez 'M, Cunningham, and Thos. S. Tohin, Esqrs. Chief Railway Engineer, Jas R. Forman, Esq. ; Assistant -Engi- neer, Jas. R. Mo8«, Eiiq. ; Accountant, Jno. Morrow, Esq. Commissioners to Examine and SELBor Pilots for the Port OP Halifax.— Jno. Williamson, Hon. Jas. McNab, Hon. Jno. E. Fairbanks and Jno. U, Ross, Esqrs. Commissioners for the Constrdction of St. Peter's Canal. Thos. H. Fuller, Henry Martell aiid Hugh Maiiro, Esqrs. Commissioners to carry out the Provisions of the Reciprocity Treaty between Great Britain and the United Stutes, Moses H. Perly, Esq., of St. John, N. B. CoromisMoner, and Geo H. Perley, E-q., Sec'y and Surveyor on the part of the British Government; and General Gustavns Q. Cushman. of Bangor, Commissioner, and R. D Cutta, Esq., of Washington, Surveyor on the part of the United States. 64 BELCHEU 8 FABMBR 8 [1887. GENERAL POST OFFICE, HALIFAX, N. 8. PosTMASTRE GENEEAt,, ARTHUR WOODOATE, Esq. Firat Clerk, C. H. Hamilton, E-iq. ; Clerk Account Branch, P. M. Passow, Esq. ; Junior Clerks, MeHnrs. \Vm. Small, Jiio. M. Inglis, Hugh Kerr and Henry Driccoll ; Messenger, Mr. Godfrey Schwartz. Letter Cam«r».— Southern District of the City, Mr. Wm. Criiig; Northern District, Mr. Alex. Church. Extra Carrier, Mr. George Craig. Office open every day (Sundaya excepted) from 4 o'clock in the morning until 8 at night. The Mails for the United Kingdom are closed finally at Halifax every alternate Thxirsday Evening at 8 o'clock. Letters, &c., for England, which may he dropped into the box after the hour of closing and up to the arrival of the Packet, will be forwarded in a Bag, loose — but such letters cannot be puefaid, either in money or stamps. The Royal Mail Steamers leave Boston for Halifax and Liverpool, G. B., every alternate Wednesday ; arrive at Halifax on Thursday even- ing or very early the succeeduig morning, leaving Halifax immediately after receiving the Mails. Letters to or from England, 7id., prepayment, optional ;— can be prepaid by using a 6d. or two 3d. Stamps, together with half of a threepenny Stamp cut diagonally. Newspapers free. Closed Maild for the United Kingdom via United States are made up at Halifax to meet the Steamers leaving New York for Liverpool. Letters to be specially addressed «• via New York." Letters lOd. ; Newspapers Id. each. The Mails fbr the United States via Boston, per Royal Mail Steam- era are made up on Tuesday Evening of the week in which the Packet from England is due, at 8 o'clock. Should the St«?amer not arrive by 6 o'clock the following morning, supplementary Mails will . be made up. Should the Steamer from Liverpool arrive previous to Tuesday night — the Mails as heretofore will close immediately on her arrival. A closed Mail for ('anada is made up and forwarded at the same time in charge of the British Officer. .Letters so forwarded must be specially addressed "Closed Mail for Canada; postage 7i|d. ;" viz.: 6d. 'Packet Rate, and 2j^d. Colonial Rtate— prepayment optional. The Mails for Bermuda and the West Indies, are made up finally at Halifax on the Thursday Eoening of the week in which the Royal Mail Steamer is expected to arrive from Boston, at 8 o'clock. Letters 5d — when posted in the interior, 3d. additional, this must be prepaid. Newspapers lid each, which must he paid by Stamp. Letters are forwarded via Bermuda for Chagres and the Pacific, Chili and Peru, Havanna, Honduras, Laguyra, Mexico, Yenzuela, and the British and Foreign West India Islands. Postage to Foreign West Indies, ^'re pence when posted at Halifax : 3d. additional when posted in the interior— mua^ be prepaid. News- papers lid each to be prepaid by Stamp at the time of Posting. The Mails for Newfoundland, (and Cape Breton during the Sum- mer months,) are made up at Halifax, once a m/mth, during the months of December, January, February and March; and once a 1867.] .ALMANACK. 66 i forti.iyht during the months of April, May, June, July, Auftuat, Sepferaher, Octoher and Noverohfr, closing finally, on the Thursday Ewninff of the week in which the Royal Mail Steamer is expected to arrive from Boston. — Pontage 6d. ; when posted in the interior 3d. additional. Newspapers lid each, which must be paid by Stamp at the time of Posting. The Mails for St. Pierre and Miquelon are forwarded to Sydney, C. B., from whence they are despatched by the French Packet during the summer months, and from Halifax direct in the winter months. Letters fid. packet rate, and 3d. inland, prepayment, optional. Letters posted in any Town within the Province for delivery in the satne Town, are liable to a rate of one penny for every d oz. For Dartmouth, (/a(7v— postage Id. For Musquodoboit Harbor, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock. Return Mail due on Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. For Pro»>pect, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Return Mail due on Saturday rooming, at 1 1 o'clock. For Ketch Harbor and Sambro, on Friday evening at 10 o'clock. Return Mail due on Saturday. All letters are charged by weight, and a uniform rate of postage of 3d. on a letter not exceeding half an ounce in weight has been established throughout British North America. To any part of the United States 6d. ; to Oregon and California, 9d., prepayment optional. Newspapers past free to any pirt of the Province, British North America and the United States when sent by land Mail — to be put up in covers open at the ends. Printed Circulars, Prices Current, Handbills, and other printed matter of a like description, put up in covers open at the ends, and without any written communication, may be sent from any part of the Province to any place within the same, as well as through Nova- Scotia, at the rate of one penny per oz.— prepayment optional, except when addressed to the United States, in which case the postage must be prepaid. Pamphlets, Magazines, Periodicals, or Books, bound or unbound, done up in covers open at the ends, unaccompanied by any written communication, may be transmitted as above mentioned through the Mail in this Province: not exceeding 2 oz., in weight — free; 2 oz. and not 3, Id ; 3oz and not 4, l^d ; i oz. and not 6, 2d ; adding j^d. for every additional oz. up to 48 oz., beyond which weight they can- not be sent by Mail. British reprints of copyright works from the United States, by land mail or steamer, charged letter postage. The Postage on Books from Great Britain to Nova- Scotia, or vt'" versot is at the rate of 7lid. currency, if not exceeding i lb. ; extteJ- iiig i lb. and not exceeding 1 lb.. Is 3d. ; and so on adding Is. 3d. for every additional pound or fraction of a pound. One book package may contain separate Books, Publications, Almanacks, and Maps and Paper, Parchment or Vellum ; the latter three materials may be writ- ten or printed on— the package may contain the name and address of the sender. Rollers may accompany prints and maps, and markers may be sent with books. No letter must be sent with or written on a book package, and no such package must exceed ttoofeet in length, width or depth. The postage must in all cases be prepaid by Stamps. 66 belcher's FAUMEtt's [1867. QP Letters intended to be Registered, must be posted half an hour previous to the closing of the particular mail by which they are to be forwarded, and the postage, as well as the registration fee, must be prepaid. Letters prepaid by Stamps, and dropped into the Letter Box any time during the night, and up to 5 o'clock, A. M., will be forwarded by the mails despatched same morning. When the Mails from England arrive before 9, P. M., they are delivered the same evening, and after tliat hour, at 7 next morning. All other mails arriving before 7 P. id., will be delivered the same evening, — if after that hour and before 8, at 6 o'clock, — and if after 8, at 7 o'clock the following morning. The Postmaster- General is not liable for the loss of any letter or packet, unless such loss should arise from his own default. Land Mails made up at Halifax at 8 o'clock, P. M. By Eastern Route — For Amueust, Loxddnderrt, RrvER Philip and Canada, on Tuesday, Thursday &<• A Saturday: — For Antioonisk, Arichat, Albion Mines, Baddeck, GtiYSBoiiouGU, North Sydney, Plaister Cove, River John, St. Peters, Sydney, Sydney Mines, Tatamaoouche and West River, on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- day : — For Canso, Margaree and Port Uood, on Wednesday and Friday :— For Durham, on Tuesday and Werfneadoy;— For Lower Stewlackb, Middle and Upper Musquodoboit and Sherbrooke, on Wednesday and Saturday : — For Puowash and Wallace, on Monday, Wtdnesday, Thursday, said Friday :— For Fxrvlsbouo', oa Thursday Aud Saturday :— For Pictoo, New Glasgow and Truro, DAILY (Sunday excepted). For St. Ann's and Wuycocomaoh, on Monday and Friday ;— For Shubenacadie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and ' Saturday :— For New Brunswick and the United States, Tuesday, Thnntday and Saturday : — For Prince Edward's Island on Monday and Wednesday : — And for Maitland on Monday and Saturday. By Western Route— For Annapolis, Aylesford, Bridgetown, Clements-port, Diqby, Laurbncbtown, Wilmot, Weymouth, and Yarmouth, on Monday, Wednenday and Friday .—For Uantsport, on Wednssday and Saturday : — For Kentville, Lower Uorton, Wind- SOR and WoLFViLLB, DAILY (Sunday excepted) :— For Newport and Walton, on Monday and Thursday : — For Westport, on Mon- day and Friday : — And for New Brunswick and the United States on Monday. By Shore Route — For. Bridgewater, Barrinoton, Chester, Liverpool, Lunenburg, Mill Village, Mahone Bay, Shelbourne and Yarmouth, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ;— For Lock's Island, Port Medway and St. Margaret's Bay, ou Thursday and Satwday. THE RETURN MAILS ARE DUE AT HALIFAX, From the East at 9 ; Western and Shore Routes at 6 o'clock, p.m From Amherst, Antigonish, Arichat, Annapolis, Aylesford, Albion Mine^, Bridgetown, Clem ent<4- fort, Digby, GuYdBOROuou, Londonderry, Laurencetown, North Sydney, Plaister Cove, RiVER John, River Philip, St. Peter's, Sydney, Sydney Mines, Tatamagouche, West River, Wilmot, Weymouth, Canada, and the United States, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday: — FroQj 1867.] ALMANACK. 67 Bridoewateb. Barrinoton-, LrvERPooL, LuNEXBVRO, Mill Village, Mahoxe Bay uud SHEHJUiiXE, on Tuesday, Thatada,;! and KUurdatf : — From CAXdo, Maugakek. St. Ann 3, Whyoocomaoh and Puincb Edward's Island, on VVvdueadmi nuA Fridtiy i—Vrnin Dukham and iSiiUBKNACADiB, Oil Moiuta;/, Tuendiy, Wednesdty and Friday :— From Hantkport and Suburuooke. on Weclnrsday a.)\A Satwdiy : —From Kentville. Lower Horton. New Glasgow Pictuu, Tituuo. Wind- sor, VVolfville and Yarmouth. DAILY (Sunday excepted).— From Lock's Island, on Thursday and Saturday :— From Lowes Stewiacke, on Tuesday and Friday :— From dAiTi.AND. on Thursday and Friday : — From Upper and NIiddlb Musquodoboit, on Monday &nd Safari lay : — From Port Medway. on Tuesday and Thursday : — From PuGWASH and Wallace, on M^tuday, Twsdvy, Thursday and Saturday .•—From Parrsbomo', Port Hood and NVestport, on Mon- day and Friday:— From Nkwp ikt. !?iT. Maugaret'A UAYand Walton, on Tueiday and Saturday : — From New Brunj^wick, on Monday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Sattr day :— And from Prince Edward's Island on Wednesday and Friday. COVKTV OF HALIFAX. High SheriJF, John James Sawyer. E<q. Coroners, Hon Wm. Grigor and Dr. Wm. Harrison. Terms of the Supreme Oourt at Halifax : Easter Term commences on the second Tuesday of April ; and MichsBlmas Term on the third Tuesdav of November. Sittings for the trii 1 of Causes at Halifax : After Easter Term on the third Tuesday of April, and after Michael mas Term on the second Tuesday after the third Tuesday of November. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Jas. W. Nutting, Esq. General Sesnions of the Peace, )ield at HaUfax, on ihe first Tuesday of March, June» Septemher and December. C tmmisiimera for givia<j relief to lusoloent Debtors and for taking A ffidavita to h lid to Bail, Jas. '''remain, Hon. Alox. Keith, Andw. MuKinlay, Jno. H. Anderson, J no. Esson, and Nathaniel W. White, E^qrs. Justices of the Peace. — Andrew McKinlay (Custos), Law. Hartshorne, A Jams Archibald, Henry Y. Mott, Geo. B. Creighton, Henry A. Gladwin, Jas. Kent, Wm. Logan, Angus Mcln-ies, Jas. Croucher, Hm. Hugh Bell, Wm. J. Lydiard, Alex. Farquharaon, Jno Le^lie, Peter Power, Jno. Martin, Chas. Hamilton, Robt. A. Logan, Matt. Guild, Matt. Burrows, Jus. Jennings, Jno. H. Ander- son, Andw. Shiels, Thos. Ring. Philip Letson, Jas. Black, Alex. Stephens, Thos Potts, Jno E-ison, Patk Power, Fras. Muiiro, Law. Johnson, Jno. Thomas, Lau<<lilin MvQuarrie, Daniel O'Gormon, Geo. Lester, David Annand, Matt. D. MuKenna, Jtio. Burton, Thos. Wallace, Alex. Fraser, Cim>«. D. Hunter, Jeremia*! Northup, Jas. C«ichran, Joseph Bennett, Wm. Fidmitrth, Geo. Robertson, Westcote Lyttleton, Priilip J IJodd (Sable Inland). Ribt. Fox, Jno Lambert, Jis. Griffin, D ivid Arcnihald, Jno. Geddes A<lam Dean, Alex. Mitchell, Juda'i Burdv-n and Ep>raim Burgess, E^qrs. And the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Halifax only. 68 BELCHER S FARMER S [1867. Clerk of the Peace, Jas. Stewart Clarke, Esq. Court of Probate — Juage, Hon. Jonathan McCuUey ; Registrar^ Jno. Spry Morris, Esq. Registrar of Deeds, Tlios. N. Jeffery, Esq. Queen's Printer, Wm. Annand, Esq. Agent for the General Mining Association Cff Lovtfon, Hon. Sarol. Cunard ; United States Consul, Albert Pillsbury ; Prus- sian Consul, Thoa. R. Grassie; Portuguese Consul, Fredk. Charman ; Brazilian Vice- Consul, M. Tobin. Spanish Vice- Consul, J. G. A. Creighton ; Consul of the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Wm Pryor, Jr. ; Consul of the Free Haiiseatic Cities of Bremen and Lubec, Wm. A. Hare ; Vice-Consul of France and Consul for Austria, Wm. Cunard, Esqrs. Agents for Lloyds and for Underwriters Rooms t Liverpool, G. B., Messrs. J. & M. Tobin. Dep. Postmasters— St. Margaret's Bay, J. E. Brine ; Middle Mus- quodoboit, R. Kaulback : Dartmouth, £dw. Foster ; Upper Musguo' doboit, Saml. Henty, Esqrs. Health Officer. Jas. Allen, M. D. ; Assistant, Jas. C. Hume, M. D., Esqrs. Sup. of Quarantine, .Jacob Miller, Esq. Chief Inspector of Pickled Fish, Wm. T. Townsend, Esq. Warden of the River Fisheriis, Jno T. Lane. Central Boakd op Agriculture. — At Halifax, Prest., Hon. Jno. E Fairbanks. V. Prests., Alex. Farquharson, Malt. Richard»<on, Jas. N. Shannon ( Treasurer), Jno. Kinsr. Andw. Shiels, Jos. Jen- nings, Hon Jno. Morton (for Middle Division), Geo. Brenan (for Eastern Division), and Edw. Sutherland v^for Cape Breton Division), Esqrs. Sec'y, Mr. Jas. Irons. Central Board of Health at Halifax.- -Wm. Stairs, A Hemmeon, Geo. P. Lawson, Hon: Benj. Wier, Wm. B. Fairbanks, Geo. B. Creighton, Hon. Wm. Grignr, and Thos. B. Debrisay, M. D., Esqrs. Sec'y, James C. Hume, M. D., Esq. Commissioners of Schools. — City of Halifax, Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., Rev. Alex. Forrester, D. D , Rev. Matthew Richey, D. D., Rev. Juo. Miller, Rev. Michael Hunnan, Jno. W. Ritchif, Wm. Annand, Jno. Naylor, Jno. S. Thompson, Andw. McKinlay and Thos. 8. Tobin, Esqrs. ; Western District, Rev. Jno. Stannage, Rev. Patrick Dunphy, Rev. T. H. Porter, Rev. Peter G. McGregor, Rev. Patk. Phelan, Law. Hartshorne, Jno. Lambert, Chas. Hamilton, Peter Martin, J^. Thomson, and M. G. Black, Jr., Esqrs. ; Eastern District, Rev. Juo. Sprott, Rev. Jos. Alexander, Rev. Jno. Carmody, Rev. Patk. Phelan, Wm. T. Lydiurd, and Dorainick Farrell, E^qrs ; Rural District, Rev. Robt. Sedgwick, Henry A. Gladwin, Adams Archibald, Mutt. Burrows, David Archibald, Saml. Archibald, and Wm. G. Archibald, E^^qrs. ; Shore District, Rev. Roht. Jamicson, Rev. Jas. Breading, Wm. Anderson, Wm. Hall, Jr., and Patk. Mur- phy, Esqrs. Halifax Agricultural Society. — President, Adam Reid, Esq. V. Prests., Jno. Norttiup and Ihos. Durney, E^qrs. Treasurer, Jos. Jenni\l^8, Esq.. Sec'y, Mr. A. H. Taylor. Committee, Messrs. Isaac Garamel, Geo. A. V Paid, M. Doran, B. O'Neill. L. J. Morton, Juo. Richardson, Jas. Rhind, W. T. WoodiU and Wm. McCulloch. 1857.] ALMANACK. 69 rs. ; Eastern C O ]«I P A IV I E S . NOVA- SCOTIA ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Incorporated by Act of the Provincial Legielnture, 18dl. Capital, £20,000, in shares of £5 each, with power to increase the Capital to cost of additional lines. Chief Station, 37 Granville Street. Halifax. President, James Stewart, Esq. Executive Committee of Management and Halifax Directors. — Jas. Stewart (President,) Wm. S. More (V. Prest.), Jno. Eason, Geo. E. Morton, and Jas. C. Cogg^well, E-iqrs. Stations and Local Direciors out of Halifax. — Amherst, Robt. B. Dickey; Annapolis, Alfred Whitman; Antigrmish, A. D. Harring- ton ; Arichat, W. R. Cutler ; Barrington, J. K Wils .m ; Bridgetown, ThoB. Spurr ; Bridgewater, I. R. Wvman ; Canso East, Office Plaister Cave, ; Canso West, Office Mc Vair's Cove, ; Cape Can o, Qeo. Norris; Chester, Geo. Richardson; Digby^ Chas. fiudd ; Guysborough, Wm. Clarke ; Hauf sport, ' ; Kent- ville, Hon. Jno. Morton ; Liverpool, Aug. Knaut, and Thos. R. Patillo ; Lunenburg, Henry S. Jost ; Middletci, W. O. Fowler, Supt.; New Glasgow, J. W. Carmichael ; Pictou. ; Port Hood, Hiram Blanchard; Pugwash, Amos B. Chandler; Ragged Islands, Office Locke's Island, Jacob Locke ; Sackville, N. B., Robt. B. Dickey ; Shelburne, Robt. P. Woodill ; Sydney, Wm TurnbuU ; St. Peter's, ; Tatamagouche, Arch. Patterson; Windsor, Benj. De Wolf; Wilmot, Jas. A. Gibbon, Supt ; Wol/ville, <- ; Weymouth, C. D. Jones, Supt. ; YarmotUh, » Eiiqrs. Superintendent of Lines and Offices throughout the Province, Alex. McKay, E«q. Solicitor, Jas R. &>mith, Esq. Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. H. Wiswtll, Esq. Halifax Gas Light Company. — President, Andw. McKinlay, E^q. Directors, Hon. Wm. A. Black, Jno. Naylor, Jno. H. And«r- son, Jno B. Bland, Jas. Tremain, and Jas. Donaldson, Enqrs. Sec'y, Mr. P. Borden. Manager, Mr. G. Buist. Clerk, Mr. F. C. Cleary. Halifax Water Company. — President, Hon. W. A. Black. Di' rectors, Jno. Duifus, Jno. Gibson, Jas F. Avery, Thos. C. Kinnear, Wm. Murdoch, Wm S. More and Chas. Twining, Esqrs. Sec'y and Treasurer, S. L. Shannon. Solicitor, Andw.. M. Uniacke, Esq., Super- intendent, Mr. Jno. P. Muir. Halifax and Dartmouth Steamboat Company. — President, Hon. Sam'l Cunard.' Vice-Prest , Thos. Boggs, Esq. Treasurer, Hon. M. B. Almon. Agent and Manager, Edw. H. Lowe, Esq. Directors, Law, Hartshome (Sec'y.), Hon. Wm. A. Black, Wm. Stairs, Hon. Juo. E. Fairbanks, and \Vm. Murdoch, Esqrs. Halifax Temperance Hall Company. — President, Mr. Geo. G. Gray. Directors, Messrs. Jas. Jackson, R. H. Wetmore, Jas. Jackson, Jno. Longard, Win. L. Bell and Maurice Mcllreith. Si'cretary and Treasurer, Mr. if. G. Laurilliard. Keeper, Mr. Edw. Joyce. Inland Navki.vtion Company. — President, Jas. F. Avery, M D., E«q Dhcctiirs, Wm. Stairs and Geo. P. Mitchell, Esqrs. Enyineir, (Jhas. W. Fairbanks, Esq. Scc'y, Saml. Gray, Esq. 70 BELCHE&'S rABMBB'S [1867. Mbbcbamts' Reading Ror>ii. — Committee, Wm.^tairA (Chairman), Geo. C. Whidden, Hugh Lyle, Juo To'iin, Don Murray, Jos. Wier, Jas. O A. Creighton, Gf!0. H. Starr, J. H. Harvey, Juo. Duif us, J. T. Twining, and W. H Creighton, Esqs. Superintendent, Mr. Jno. Munro. Halifax MBOHANiod' Libuabt.— E-ttablished in 1831— Incorpo- rated in l856.-~Preaident.—JM C. Hume, M D. Esq. Treasurer, Mr. R. H. Wetmore. Committee^ Messrs. J. L. Whytal, Geo. A. V. Paid ; C. C. Vaux, 8. Selden and Samuel CaldwelL Secretary and Librarian, Mr. R. M. Barratt. Halifax Libbabt Comxittbb. — S L. Shannon (Chairman), Robt Noble (Vice-Ctiairman), Arch. Scott, Wm. Sutherland, JaH. C. Cogs- well. Henry CD. Twining, B. W. Salter and A. Hanhaw (Trean'r.), Enqrs. St!cretaryand Lib-^arian, Henry Lockyer, Ettq. NOTA-SCUTIA FbBMaNENT BENEFIT BuiLDINO SOCIBTTAND SaTINOS FvND.— TriMtoef, H n. J. W. Johnston, W. J. Almon, M. D., and S. Seldon, E^qrs. Directors, Mfm. LawHon (President), Jas. A. Moren, (Vice-President), Jno. Jaa. Sawyer, Juo. P. Mott and W. M. Harring- ton, Esqrs. Auditor, S. Noble, Esq. Bankers, The Halifax Banking Company. Solicitor, Jus. W. Johnston, Jr., Esq. Surveyor, Mr. P. Grant. Secretary and Treasurer, John jilarton, Esq. Office No. 42 Bedford Row, Pbbmanbnt Bcildino Society. — Broker, Jas. Tremain, Esq., Hol- lis Street. Solicitor. Matthew H. Richey, E-q., HoUis Street NovA-ScoTiA HoBTiccLTCBAL SociETT. — President, Hon. Wm. A. Black. Vice-Presidents, Hon. Chas. K. Prescott, Hon. Jas. B. Uuiacke, Jno. Williamson, and Wm. Stairs, Esqrs. General Committee, Jas. W. Nutting (Chairman), Chas. Twining. Alex. Troup, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., Wm. N. Silver, Root. Duport, P. C. Hill, Geo. £. Morton, Geo. McKenzie and Thos. S. Tobin, Esqrs.— and Rev. Alexander Forrester, D.D., and Rev. £. A. Crawley, D. D. Tkb Acadian Ikon Company. -Capital. £200,000. Trustees in Nova- Scotia, Hjn.Eno6 Collins, Hon. Mather B. Almon and £. M. Archibald, Eaq. BANKS. The hours of business at all the Banks are from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., and the Discount Days, Mondays and Thursdays. HALIFAX BANKING COMPANY. Wm. Pryor (President), H^n. Enos Collins. Martin G. Black, Jas. C. CoggswvU and Brenton H Collins, Esqrs. Cashier, N. T. Hill, Esq. Clerks, MeHsra. J. C. W. Wiikie and Saml. H. Black. Messenger, Mr. Fredk. Sturmy. BANK OF NOVA-SCOTIA. DiBECTOKS.— ffun. M. B. Almon, President. Jno. H. Anderson, Edw. Billing, Jas. Dnnaldson, Him. Alex. Keith, Henry Bo^gs, Juo. E^son. David Starr and Jas. Tremain, Esqrs. Cashier, Jas. Foruian, Jr., Esq. Tclk-TH, Messrs Jao. FresJiuey and Mulntgeh. ilaasenger, Mr.' Geo Anderson. AoBjiTs — Pivtu. James Primrose; Kur/nou/A, Norman J. Bond ; Windsor, Harry King, Esqrs. 1857.] a 10 A. M. to 3 ▲LXAMACK. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 71 [Established in London .... Capital, One Million Stbblino.] Halifax Branch— Local Direetora, Hon. Wm, A. Black, Hon, Jas. McNab, Jno. B. Bland and Jonathan C. Allison, Esqra. Manager, Stephen N. Binney, Esq Aceountant, . Teller; Meaara. P. Jack and J. H. Grigor. Clerk, Mr. C. M. Mylrea. Mea$enger, Mr. D. McPherson. Standing Counted Jas. Stewart, Esq. Solicitor and Notary, Hon. Wm. Young. Oentrai Manager, Thoa. Paton, Esq. This Bank has branches at Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Bytown, Brantford, Dundas and Kingston, Canada; St. John and Fredericton, N. B., and St John's, Newfoundland. • Agents in New York — Bell & McLaughlan. Union Bank — Direetore, Wm. Stabs {President), John Oibson, Jas A. Moren, Jno Duffus, Thos. C. Kinnear, Hon. Edward Kenny, and Jno. W. Ritchie, Esqrs. Cashier, W. Sawera Stirling, Esq. TMerst Mr. Geo. McLean and Edw. Smith. PROVINCIAL SAVINGS BANK. This Bank is kept at the Receiver-General's Office in the Province Building. Hourf of attenduice, from 10 to 3 o'clock everr Monday. Director, The Beceiver-GeneraL Caehiw^ Edward Duokett, Esq. i^orman J. Bond ; SOCIETIES. St. Gbqbpb's Society — Patrons, His Ecellency Sir J. Gaspard LeMarbhant and the Lord Bishop of Nova- Scotia. PresideM, Henry Pryor, Esq.; Ftc0-Pr8«(, Edw. Binney, Esq; Asst. Vice-Prests., H. C. D. Twining, and Wm. Rennels, Esqrs. ; Treasurer, Joseph B. Bennett ; Asst. Treasurer, W. Willis, Esqrs. ; Sec'y, Wm. Gossip ; Asst. Sec'y Joseph W. Marriott, Esqn ; Marshal, Mr. John Shean ; Chaplains, Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., Rev. Wm. Bullock ; snd Rev. H. Bullock ; Committee of Charity, Messrs. Jos. Darby, Jno. Brown, Jno. T. Edwards, Wm. Ackhurst and Wm. Coombs ; Phy- sicians, Bernard Gilpin, M. D., and Wm. J. Almon, M. D., Esqrs. ; Committee of Management, the Marshal, (Chairman); Edw. Qoudge, R. Davis, S. Sanders, Jas. Croskill, Robt. Woodill and Chas. Silver. Standard Bbahebii.— Sf. George's Banner, Geo. Payne and J. B. Smithers ; Queen's Arms, Alex Adams and Wm Humphrey ; Welsh Arms, Wm. Johns ; St. Oeorge's Color, Mr. Murray ; St. George's Ensign, R. Allison ; British Ensign, Geo. Bossum ; Hoyal Standard, Mr. Woodin ; Union Jack, G. Nichols ; National Ensign, Geo. Cros- kill ; Messenger, Mr. Jno. Williams. Charitable Irish HociuTt.— President, Hon. Benjamin Wier, Vics-Pres'ts., P. Waleth, Jaa. Daly and Peter Bulger ; Treasurer, Hon. Edw. Kenny ; Secretary, Mr. Jno. Meagher ; Ansistant Secretary, Mr. Jno. Murphy ; Marshal, , Mr. R. MoCartliy ; Commtttee of Charity. MpHsrs Audw. Murphy, Rich'd Anderson, Jno. O'Malley, M. Camp- bell. Edw. O'Doniiell and Dennis Sweeney ; C tl'ect'ng ■and Inoesti- gating Committee, Mesii^rH. Patk. HeuHWorth, Wm. Brown, Thod. K«iating, Cornelius Plielan and Arthur Murphy. 72 BBL0HEB8 VABMEB 8 (I8ff7. North British Socibtt. — President, Geo. Buist; Vice-President, Jno. Doull, Eiqra. ; Aast. Viee-Prests., Peter Roxa and Jno. Taylor, Eitqrs. ; Treasurer, Jno. Watt, Esq. ; Miec'y., Mr. Wm. Grant, Jr., Assistant- Secretary, Mr. Jaa. Parker; Chaplains, Rev. Jno Scott and Rev. Jno. Martin; Marshal, Mr. Wm. Grant; Committee of Charity, Archbd. Sinclair, Jno. Strachaw, Wm. A. Hesson, Adam Reid and Jno. R. Wilson, Esqrs ; Messenger, Mr. Jaa. Reid. Highland Socibtt. — President, John Strachan, Esq. ; Viae-Prett., Jno. Doull, Esq. ; Asst. Viee-Prest*., Jno. Munro, Wm. Finlay and Jno. McKay, Esqrs. ; Treasurer, Alex. Primrose, Esq. ; Secretary, Mr. Alex. McKay ; Directors, Wm. Murdoch, Don. Murray, Jas. Wil- liams, Robert Noble, Hon. Alex. Keith, Jno. Richardson, JBon. Wm. Young, Adam Reid and Sackville McKay, E!>qrs. HousB OF Rbfcgb. — President, Wm. Lawson, Esq. ; Viee-Prest., Hon. M. B. Ahnon ; Directors, T. A. S. DeWol^ Jno. W. Ritchie, Hun. JaiA. W. Johnston Ghas. Robson, Esqrs., and Rev. Jas. C. Cochran ; Secretary, Rev. P. G. McGregor; Treasurer, Andw. M. TJnit.cke, Esq. ; Superintendent, Mrs. Wilson. Nova- Scotia Philanthropic Society. — President, Jas. R. De- wolf, Esq., M. D. ; Viee-Prfst., Mr. Geo. G Gray ; Assistant- Vice- Presidents, Messrs. Finlay McLean and Thos. Wesley ; Treasurer, Mr. Samuel R. Caldwell ; Secretary, Mr. Jas. Fielding ; Assistant Secretary, Mr. Jas. lales ; Steward, Mr. Edwd. Mansfield ; Messenger, Mr. Thos. Angus. Cabpentebs' Charitablb Society. — President, Mr. Geo. Butler ; Vice-President, Mr. Jno, Twaddle; Treasurer, Robt Richardson, Edq. ; Secretary, Mr. Thos. Peters. HalifaxTehperancb Society. — President,'Wm. M. Brown, E^^q.; Vice-Prests., John Shean, and W. C. Silver, Esqrs. ; Treasurer, Robt Noble, Esq. ; Secretary, Mr. D. Gallagher. St. Maby's Total Abstinence Society. — PrMt'cfen^Danl Creamer, Eiq. ; Vice-Prests., Meshrs. G. Butler and P. lilahoney; Treasurer, B. O'Neill, Esq. ; Secretary, Mr. J. W. Quinan. Athen^um op thb Sons of Tempebancb. — President, Wm. M. Brown, Esq. Curator, Mr. Edw. Joyce. Treasurer and Sec'y, W. L. Bell, Esq. Committee, Jno. Devlin, R. McMiUan, G. G. Grey, Jno. Shean, J. A. Bell, J. Lannigan, and J. B. Flowers, Exqrs. This Insti- tution is open every day (Sunday excepted) frcm 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Halifax Mechanics' Institute. — President, Andw. McKinlay, Esq. Vice-Prests., Jas. Thomson and J. W. Quinan, Esqrs. Treas- urer, Jas. Forman, Esq. Sec'y, Mr. Jas Barnes. Curator, Mr. Enrol Boyd. Committee, R. H. Wetmore, Geo. L. O'Brien, J. S. Thomp- son, Jas. Reece, B. Gilpin, M. D , Robt. Nuble, A. J. Ritchie, F. W. Paasord. and J. h, Whytal, Esqrs. African Society. — President, Mr. Prince W. Sport. Vice-Prest., Mr. Chas.'Roan. Treasurer and Sec'y, Mr. Septimus Clarke. Com- mitee, Messrs. Jno. Roan, Thos. Steward, Saml. P. Gardiner, and Wm Barratt. African AsoLrrioN Society. — President, Mr. Septimus Clarke. Vice-Prest,, Mr. Wm. Barratt. Treasurer, Mr. Chas. Roan. Sec'y, Mr. Chas. Hill. Asst. Sec'y, Mr. Thomas Johnson. Committee, Messrs. Joseph Fublow, Tobias Williamson, Jno. Toliver, Robt. Vice-President, d Jno. Taylor, 'm. Orant, Jr., lev. Jno Scott ; Committee of HeasoD, Adam Beid. q. ; Vioe-Preri., Vm, Finlay and Ssq. ; Secretary, urray, Jaa. Wjl. Ibov, Hon. Wm. q. ; Viee'Preet., W, Ritchie, Hen. as. C. Cochran ; nr. M. Unibcke, tt, Jas. R. De- Aatietant' Vice- iteyi Treasurer, ding; A-isiatant laid; Mtaaenger, lb. Geo. Butler ; ichardson, Eiiq. ; M. Brown, E^^q. ; Treaeurer, Robt t<,I)anl Creamer, )ney; Treaeurer, aident, Wm. M. and Sec'ff, W. L. i. G. Grey, Juo. I»>qrs. This Insti- ' A. M. to 10 P. >rt. Vice-Prest., 18 Clarke. Com- . Gardiner, and leptimus Clarke. 18. Roan. Sec'y, on. Committee, Toliver, Robt. i 1857.] ▲I.XAKACK. 78 White, Banl. Grose, Thos. Steward, Jas. Bams, Prince W. Sport, and Chas. Dicknon. Nov\-ScoTi\ Br\nch ov trb RoTAti CALvnoytATT CtTRUNO Clttb.— (As at July 1, 18^5 .) Preaident, Adam Ueid; See'y and Treaauiw, Robt Boak, Jr , E-«qrs. RbvkbskxtattVb Mbmbbiis— £ra2»/a« Club, Jno. RiohardHon and T. W. McKie, Esqrs. ; Halifax 'TMttU Club, Adam Reid and Geo. McKensie, Enqn. ; Dartmouth Ciub, Thos. Humphrey and Jas Greig, B»qn. ; Pirtou Club. Robt Boak and Robt. DoulC Enqn. ; New Calerdonia Club, 0. W. Bickaon and Jas. Ive*, Eaqrs. ; New Olaagow Club, R. O. Frator and G. W. Underwood, Eaqrs. Halivax CI.VB.— Patron, Wra. Murdoch, E«q. Patrotten, Mrs. Janei Riohardson. Preaident, Wra. R. Cogswell; Vire-Prifat, Jos. Bennett, Esqrs. Repreaentaltive Member', A. Cassells, Jno. Ri<^ard- son and T. W. McKie, Esqra. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Martin. ~ Treas- urer, Mr Robt. Davis. See'y, Mr. T. W. McKie. Thistlb Ci.t7B, Halifax. Patron, Hon. Alex. Keith. Preaident, Mr. Wm. Finlay. Viee-Preat., Mr. G. Bukt. Repreaetaative Mem- hera, Adam Reid and Geo. McKenzie, EsqTS. Chaplain, Rev. Alex. Forrester, D. D. Sec'y and Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Forsyth. Pbovincial Association fob thb Pbotection of thb Inland FisHBBiEs, AND Gakb OF THB Pbovincb OF NovA-SooTiA.— (Insti- tuted at Halifax, March, 1853.) Patron, His Exdelleuey Sir J. Gas- pard LeMarchant, Kt. President, Lt. Col. Wm. Cheantley. Fiof- Pre«^« Wm. Sutherland, Esq. St^c'y, Thos. Humphrey, Eoq. Treasurer, Mr. Jas. Stanford. Commiitee of Manapement, Jno. Longard (Chair- man), E. Jennings, M. D., Thos. Humphrey, Wm. Finlay, Geo. McKenzie, Chfu. Beamish, Wm. Grant, and Geo. Piers, J^^rs. Secy, Mr. T. W. MclQe. Halifax Disfbnsart. — Medical Attendanta and Seeretaritl. Hon, Wm. Grigor and Wm. Grigor, Jr., M. D., E^q. Treaaurer, Jas. W. Nutting, Esq. Bispeniiary, Granville Street, open every week day, from 1 to 2 o'clock, F. M. Halifax VisiTixa Disfbnsart. — (110 Argyle Street.)- Preaident, , Wm. Murdoch : Viee-Preat., Wm. A. Hare, Esqrs. Treaaurer, F. C. Hill, Eiiq. Sec'y, Otto Weeks, E^q. Truatees, Jno. Naylor, Wm. M. Harrington, and B. O'Neil, Esiqrs. Oovernora, Edw. Jennings, M. P. Wm. J. Almon, M. D., D. McN. Parker, M. D., F. W. Mor- ris, M. D., Jas. C. Hume, M D., Bernard Gilpin, M. D , Jno. Slay- ter, M. D , Jos. Creamer, M. D., Wm. Murdoch, Jno. Duffua, Hon. Edw. Kenny, R. McLearh, Hon. Benj. Wier, Wm. A. Hare, Wm. Ijawson, and Don Murray, Biiqrs. CjttanUing Physicians, Drs. W. J. Almon and D. McN. Parker. Besident Physician, F. W. Morris, M.D. Open Dail^ (Simdays excepted) from 12 to 2 o'clock, to th« sick poor of the city. LIFE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AGENCIES, AT HALIFAX. Thb Stak Lifb Absvranob Socibtt of London. — (Capital, £100,000 Sterling.) Ageni, M. G. Black, Jr„ Esq., Upper Wat«r Street. ■* HMM 74 1/BLCttm.^B rJLMUOL'* [19S7. iNTaKRAnoirAi Lira AwtrBAircfB Socibtt or Lomdon. — (Capital, £500.000.) Manoftrand AgttUt P. C. Hill, Esq., Haliftt Bank BuilcBng. Cozrf>NUir Lira AaavBAxcn Ctnaxvt or EoixBvmaH.— (Capital, £500,000.) . Agtnt and Secretary to thtt Board of Manmgemtnt in IkMfax, Matthew H. Richey, Esq., HoUia Burcal. l^RornaioirAi. Livb Amosaiktb Cok^amt or LoMBoif.— (Capital, £260.000.) Agent, B. O. Orav, Esq., 60 Hdlb Street. SooTTiBH EQURASI.B Lira AuvBJuioB Soctmi.—Agtni, Jaa. H. Liddell, Esa. Vnitbb KiiroiwK Lira AaavBAiroB CoMrANT or Loxdom.— (Capi- tal, ^i;000.000 Sterling.) Agent, Henry Yeomaas, Esq., Bedford Ruir. AxBiON LivB Imsitbamcb Coxfabt or IjomoM,— Agent, Samuel P. Fairbanks. Esq., 61 BoUis Street Thb Mbbobants' AMD Tbadb8iiaii'» Mvtual Lira AsaVBAMOB SooiETT or London.— ilym^ Jas. W. Johnnton, Jr. B»q. Tub EMOuaH Widows' Fvnd Obnbbal Lira AsauRANOB Asao- oiATioN or London.— (Capital, £2,000,000 Sterling.) Agent, Jno. Burton, Esq., Bedford Kow. Pbucan Lira Ahbvbanob CoiirANT or London.— ul^en^, Wm. A. Hare, Esq., Upper Water Street. EaoIiB Lira Absvbancb Comfamt or London. — (Capital, £lt000f 000, Sterling.) ^ent. Arch. Scott, Esq., SO Bedford Row. Thb lNDi8niTABi.B Lira Polict Coxpant or London.^ (On the windple of Mutval Life Asstirance.) Secretary and Agent, P. S. Haimlt<», Esq. ^ ' Aluancb Bbitibh and Pobbtgn Lira and Fibb Absvbancb Com- rANT or London.— (CapitiJ, £6,000,000 Sterling.X Agent, Bon. Wm. Young. RoTAL Fibb and Lira iNaTTBANca Coxpant or XivaBrooZi, O. B. (Capital, £2,000,000 Sterling.) Agent, Hugh Hartahome, Eaq., HoUia Street. Txa LiYBBFooii and London Fibb and Lira Inoitbanob Coxpant. (Camtal. £2,000,000 Sterling.) Agente, Chas. W. Dickstm and Geo. C. Whidden, Esqrs. Thb English and Fobbiqn Lira and Fibb 'Assitbanob Socibtt AND Mbtbopoutan Loan Conpant.— (Capital, £260,000.) Agent. J. Q. Haddock, 6^ Granville Street British America lafe and Fire Insurance^ by the ** Unity General Association," and the <• Unity Fire Insurance Association," of Lon- don. Capital of the two offices, £2,600,000 Sterling. AgerU, Mr. Wm. P. Reynolds, over the Exchange Reading Room. CONNBOTIOCT MuTUAI. LiPB ASSVBANCB CoXPANT OP HABTrOBD, and Manhattan Lira Insxtrancb Coxpant op Nbw Yobk.— .^jren^, Arch. Scott, Esq., 30 Bedford Row. Axbbican Tbxpbbancb Lipb Inbttbancb Coxpant op Habtpobd, Conn.— (Capital, ^100,000.) Agent, Jno. Burton, Esq., 40 Bedford Row. Union Mutital Lira Insubancb Coxpant op Boston —(Capital, $160,000.) Agent, Wm. L. Evans, Esq. Bkituh Axbbioan 'Pbibndi.t Socibtt or Canada— For the Aaaur- - «li«».t(«.«#.'««l.'i-»K^ -y.--. ■taMl.4-M«HM ■ 1857.] ▲LMANAOK. 75 ance of Health.and Lives, (Capital, £100,000.) Local Manager, Jas. W. Johnston, Jr., Eoq., 42 Hollis Street. Halifax Firb Imsukamob Company.— (Capital, £60,000.) Diree- tort, Andw. M. Uniacke (Prenident), Jno. Eimon (V. Frcat.) Robt Noble, Chai. Twining, Thoa. Bolton, Alex. MoLeod, and Jno. Gib- son, Bsqra. Sec'y and Trea$unr, Richard Tremain, Esq'. EaUITABLB FiBB ImSOBANOB CoNrAMT OF LOMDOIT.— >(C^tal, £600.000.) Affent, P. C. Hill, Esq., Halifax Bank Building. WAtHINOTON COUNTT MUTUAL FlMM iMftVBAMOB CoMPAlfT. — (Capital, $900,000.) Agent, E. O. Fuller, Esq., Hollia Street ^TMA— (Capital, $^00,000), Habttobd— (Capitaly $300,000), Pkobnix— (Capital, $200.00011, Fire Ii^surance Companies of Hart- ford. HoMB— (Capital* $400,000), Fire Insurance Company of New York. Agent, Archibald Scott, Esq., 30 Bedford Bow. Phonix Firb iNauBAMca Compamt op London. — Agent, Wm. A. Hare, Esq., Upper Water Street. Nova-SootiaMabinbInsvbanor Company.— (Capital, £40,000.) Preat., Wm. Pryor, Esq. Directors, Jus. O. A. Creighton, J. C. Al iiton, Jno. Williamson, Law. Hartvhorne, Michael Tobin, Robt. Noble, Hon. W. A. Black. Thos. S. Tobin, Jas. Tremain, Wm. Pryor, Jr. , Wm. Murdoch and W. B. Fairbanks, Esqrs. Broker, Henry Yeomans, Esq., Bedford Row. UNion Ma&inb Insubanob Company op Nota-Sootia.— (Cairital, £40,000.) Preat., Joa. Fairbanks, Esq. Directors, -Jno. StnM^mn, Jas. A. Moren, Jno. U. Ross, Wm. Roche, Jno. T. Wainwright, David Allison, T. C'Kinnear, Jno. Esson, Nat. L. West, Hon. Benj. Wier, Jno. (Gibson, and Henry Lawson, Esqrs Auditora, Wm. D. Hunter, add Jno. Watt, Esqrs. Set'y, Mr. Edw. Ooudge, Bedford Row. > Pbqtinoial Mabinb Insubancb Company op Tobonxo, C. W. — (Capital, £6'00.000.) Agent, Geo. C. Whidden. Esq^. Thb Unctbd Statbs Mutual Laudablb and 1 jiovidbnt Associa- tion OP Pbnnsylyania. — Agent% Matthew H. Rickey, Esq. EXPLANATION OF SIGNALS, Made on the Ship Staff at Citadel Hill, when veaaela are aeen from the Citadel, or reported from an Out Poet. One ball close up, 1 sq. rigged. One ball half hoisted, 2 do. Two balls doxe, 3 do. Two balls separated, 4 do. A Pendant of any col. 6 do. A Pendant under a ball 6 sq rigged, do. over a ball, 7 do. do. under 2 balls close, 8 do. do. betwc en 2 balls, 9 do. A flag of any color, 10 or more do. The above Balls, &c., are hoisted at the east or west yard-arm, according to the quarter the vessel iirst appears in. When vessels are reported from an Out Post, the following signals are shown under the Yard-Arm as repeats : For a square rigged vessel, two balls of a size, one at the outer, the other at the inner halliard, close up. A Ship or Barque, a large ball at the end of the yard, with a small one at the inner halliard. 't.>.Hi<r«B«lMl--s. 76 BBLOBIBR VABMB&8 (1857- A Brig, a small ball at the end of the yard, and a large one at the Inner halliard. A Brigantine, a cro5<B close up at the outer halliard. Two or mure do., a cross halt' hoisted. A Schooner, a croiis close up at the inner halliard. An upper yard having been added to the Ship Staff, it will be used ezclusirel- to designate Steam Vessels, thus : One ball B. or W. indicatea a Steam Vesael repeated in that quarter. A small ball out and a large one in, a Branch Packet or Merchant Vessel. A large ball out and a small one in, a Man* of- war Steamer, or Royal Mail Steamer. Numbers will be indicated as directed from the lower yard. The lower yard is now used for sailing vessels only. When the description of vessel in sight is ascertained from the Citadel, the following descriptive colon will be hoisted at the mast head : A Union Jack, a Flag Ship. Do. with a red Pendant over it, a two decker. Do. with a blue Pendant over it, a Frigate. Do. with a blue and white Pendant over it, a Ship or Barque rigged Sloop-of- War. JDo. with a white Pendant over it, a Brig rigged Sloop-of- War. Do. with a red and white Pendant over it, a Schooner or Cutter- of-War A white Pendant, with two blue crosses, a Transport, or a vessel with troops on board — if a Man-of- war, the Union under. A white Pendant, with a blue ball, a Steamer — if a Man-of- War, the Union under. A red Flag pierced white, Royal Mail Steam Packet from England. A blue and red Flag crossed white, ditto. from BoHton. A white and blue Pendant, do., from St Johns, Newfoundland. A white and red Pendant, do., from Bermuda. A blue Pendant, a ship. A blue and white Pendanf, a Barque. A red Pendant, a Brig. A red and white Pendant, a Brigantine. A white Pendant, a Sloop or Schooner. A blue and white Flag horizontally divided, a Foreign or Neutral Fleet. A white and blue Pendant vertically divided, a Foreign or Neutral Man-of-war. A blue Flag, a Foreign or Neutral Merchantman. When an English Packet arrives between Evening and Morning gun fire, a red triangular flag will be kept flying -at the mast head from 7 till 8 o'clock. ExFLAKATioN OF SiOfikJA—Made on lkei.Emign Staff, to denote the Port from whence Veasels are arriving from* A red Flag, from Great Britain. A red and white Flag vertically divided, red next the mait, the Mediterranean. 1867.] ALMANAOK. 77 urge one at the Ship or Barque xt the mast, the A red Pendant, t^e Continent of Europe. A white and red Pendant, Madeira, Canary or Western Isles. A blue Flag, the West Indies. • *^A blue Pendant, Bermudas, Bahamas or Turk's Island. A blue and white Flag vertically divided, blue next the mast, the United States of America. A white Flaff, Newfoundland. A red and white Flag, horicontally divided, Queheo or Oulf of St. Lawrence. A blue and white Flag horizontally divided. New Brunswick or Bay of Fundy. A white Pendant, ootsts of Nova-Scotia or Cape Breton. MERCHANTS PRIVATE SIGNALS—PORT OF HALIFAX. RED— J. ft M. Tohin, a red Flag crossed white. Creighton & Orassle, do. Deblois & Merkel, do. Robert Nohle & Sons, do. Rich'd McLearn & Co., do. J. T. Wainwright & Co., a crossed white diagonally, centre a white square, centre a white N. centre a white ball, red, white and blue do., red and white next the mast, red uppermost, blue at the end. T. A. S; De Wolfe, a red and white do., red uppermost, with a red and white ball in the centre, the red half on the whi e, and the white half on the red. Young & Hart, a red and white do., striped horisontally, with a blue star in the centre. Daniel Cronan, a red and white Burgee, red next the mast. John Whitman & Son, a red and white do., red uppermost. Barss & Hurris, a red do., with a white St. George's Cross. WHITE— J. &. T. Williamson & Co. a white Flag. William Stairs, Sou & Morrow, do. centre a blue square. James A. Moren, do. bordered red. do. crossed blue. do. centre a thit>tle. do. crossed red diagonally. do. <centre a red star, bordered John H. McNab & Co., John B. Fay, Suiter & Twining, T. C. Kinnear & Co. red at top and bottom. Black Brothers & Co., a white and blue Flag, white next the mast. John Strachan, a white, red and white do., white next the mast Joseph Fairbanks, a white and blue do., the blue meeting in the centre, at a point from the four comera. George H. Starr & Co., a white Burgee. Frith & Harveys, a blue and white do., white next the mast,, with a red cross in the white. Hugh Lyle & Co., a white and red do., white next the mast, a rtd H ou the white, and a white L on the red. Bauld & Gibson, a white and red checkered do. BLUE-^Samuel Canard & Co., a blue Flng, centre a white star. John ludson & Co., do., crossed white diagonally. Wm. Pryor & Sous, a blue aud white do. blue uppermost. 78 BBLOKBB's TABlini'l [1867. Wm. B. Hamilton & Co., a blue, white and blue do., blue upperroont. Wm. A Hare, a blue and red do., crossed white, blue next the Ihaat. ll Wm. LawHon, a blue, white and blue do., blue next the mast. Benjamin Wier & Co., a blue, red and white checkered flag. Henry Yenmans, a blue and white do., blue next the ma^t. C. D. Hunter, a blue, white and red do, blue next the mast. Allison & Co., a blue Burgee. N. L. & J. T. West, do., centre a white star. O. ft A. Mitchell ft Co., a blue and white do., blue uppermost. Ozley ft Co., a blue and red do., red uppermost. Cochran ft Co., a blue do., crossed white diagonally. Thos. Bolton, a blue Pendant, crossed white diagonally. Wm. Full, a blue and white do., blue next the mast. EASVERN GIBCITIT. COUNTY OP COLCHESTER. High Sheriffs Chas. Blanchard, Esq. Coroner$, Saml. Muir, M D., Chas. Creed, M. D., Silas H. Crane, David Y. Crow, Jno. B. Dickey and Sibley, M. D., Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Truro $eeond Tuesday of June, and second Tuesday of October. ProthonoUtry and Clerk of the Crown, Jas. F. Blanchard, Esq. Comm'rafor giving Relief to iMoltent Debfora, and for taking afi- davita to hold to Bail, Edw. I. Blanchard, Saml. Archibald, Jno. Wier, David B. Lynds, Jos. Dickson, Wm Rutherford, Wm< Campbell, Silas H. Crane, Fras. R Parker, Jas. F. Blanchard, Wm. McKinnon, and Chas. Tucker, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at TVuro, on the aeeond Tues- day of January. Jueticei of the Peace, David P. Crow, (Cuttoa,) Jno. Dickson, Thos. I. Brown, Edw. S. Blhnohard, Jno. Wier, Wm. Rutherford, Saml. Archibald, 3d, Silaa H. Crane, Duncan Black, Alex. Kent, J^s. Moore, David B. Lynds, Isaac Rayne, Fras. R. Parker, Jas. M. Spencer, Wm. Campliell, Joe. M. Dickson, Don. Ross, Dav. Fulton, Sen , Robt. Fletcher, Eliakim Tupper, 4th, Sand. Creelman, 8d, Isaac McCurdy, Jno. King, Jas. U. Yuill, Jas. D. Blair, Jno. Fulmore, A. I. Archibald, Robt. Hamilton, Jas. Dickson, Don. McDonald, Daiil. Morrison, Jas. Munro, Saml. Waugh, Matt. Creelman, Benj. Tupper, Matt McCurdy, Wm. McKim, Alex. D. Morrison, Wm. A. Dickey, Adam Johnson, Wm. Faulkner, Wm. C. Eaton, Jno. Smith, Alex. Conkey, Jno Carter, Jr., Geo. Reading, Jas. Campbell, G^. Lom- bard, Jno. Irvine, Chas. Tucker, Jno. McRay, Jas. D. Putnam, Robt. J. Byers, Hugh Dunlap, El^enezpr Fulton, Saml. Logan, Archibald Patterson, Jno. Moohler, Jas. McRay, Thos. McRay, Chas. Graham and Hector Ross, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jos. Dickson, Esq. Cou&T OF Phobate. — Judge, Hon. Adams G, Archibald ; Regiatrar, Alex. L. Archibald, Esq. Regiatrar of Deeda, Jas. K. Blair, Esq. i>«p. Pott/nottors,— Tf-uro, Juo. Ross; Londonderry, Jas. Campbell; ue uppermost. lie second Tues- 19S7.] ALMAWAOX. 79 Tatamagourhe^ Jno. Lombftrd; Lower Stewhelu, W. Mulesworth, Esqra. ControlUr of Cu^totiu,— Truro, Thoa. M. Crow, Enq. Co/frt of CohnuU mnd Light Dutiet,— Truro, Thou. M. Crow ; Tatamagouek; Wm. Campbell ; Londonderry, Alex. D. Morrifton ; Survejfon of Skifpi*f-—TeiUmm(/ouehe,^m. Oamphell; Co. of CoteheeUr, Alex D. MorriHon, l*:8qn. Seizitig Officer, Jno. Wier, Esq. Comm'n to Lieente Pitate/or Tuiamaqouohe and Point Brule, Juo. Miller, Wm. Fraser, Robert Logan, Hen. Roberts, and Geo. Mattital, Esqra. Comtn'ra of Sckookfor the Co. except the Die. of Stirting, Rey. Jno. Baxter, Bev. Jas. Smith, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, Itov. Jno. McLean, Rev. Wm. BfcCulloch, Rev. David Dimock,— Edw. Blanchard, Alex. D. Morrison, Silas H. Crane, David V. Crow, Jno. Ross, Jas. D. Baird, Henry Wier, Fras. R. Parker, Alex Wvlte, and Bben. B. Boss, Eaqrs. Die. of Stirting, Rev. RobC. Blackwood,— Jno Bonnyman, Chas. McCurdy* Chas. Creed, M. D., Robt. Byers, Wm. McKav, Jno. Lockerby, Arch. Patterson, David WilKamson, Jno. Melntosn, Robt. Logan, Jno. Irvine, Robe. Purvis, and Jno. Munro, BiMin. Truetete of the Academy, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, Rev. Wm. McCul> loch,— HoM. Adams G. Archibald, D. B. Lynda, Saml. Creelroan, Jno. King, T. M. Crow, and Jns. Crow, Esqn. Truetete of School Lande—Townekif of Onelow, Jno. King, Jos. M. Dickson, and laaac MeCurdy; Toumahtpof Truro, Alex, Kent and David Page, Eaqrs. County Treaeurer, Thomas M. Crow, £gq. Clerk of lieenee, Mr. Saml. G. W. Archibald. Health Officer, Chas. CreetC M. D., B-iq. Iwpeetor of PicUed Fiah, Mr. David Rogers. Warden j^ the River Fiaheriee, Wm. C. Eaton, Esq. Comm're of Stre^—Trwro, Saml. Arebibaki, Jaa. Blair, Chas. B. Archibald, and Wm. C. Smith, Esqra. D^. Sunteyor of Lande, Wm. Faulkner, Esq. COUNTY OP CUMBERLAND. High Sheriff, Roderick McLean, Bsq. Deputy at Parrehoro\ Mr* J. W. Smith. Coronere, Juo. Morse, Wm. W. Bent, Lewis Jenks* Thos. Page, and Chas. VN ard, E^qrs. Supreme Court held at Amherst on the third Tuesday of June, and on thafiret Tuesday of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Silas H. Morse, Esq. Cofurn'refor gvoing Relief to IneoHvent Dektore, and for taking affi- *ducit» to hold to Bail, Hon. H. O. Pineo, Silas H. Mbrse, Chas. D. Boach, Mich. Gordon, Wm. W. Bent, Jas. Page, Chas. G. Donkin, Fras. Carroll, Joshua Heustis, Wm. H. Rogers, and Chas. De Wolfe, Eaqrs. General Sessions of the Peace hdd at Amherst ou the jCr«< Tuesday of January. Juetieee of the Peace, Thos. Logan (Cuetoe), Oaius Lewis, Jas. MoNab, Jno. Johnston, Mif^h. Gordon, Joshua Heu(»ti«, Bon H. G. Pineo, Jacob G. Purdy, Amos Black, Joa. N. B. Kenr, Wm. W. Bent, Bben Kerr, Jesse Lewis, Jos. Oxley, Nat. Angus, Jas. KiUi Patrick, Jas. Page, Stephen Fulton, Jno. Bieukhorn, Thos. Reed, Heury Harrison. Juo. W. Oxley, Asher Black, Eottt. K Smith, Jns. Bead, Fras. O. Regan, Den. Macnamarra, Jas. Bent, Jno. MiFurlane. Ueury Purdy, Bc^t. C. Bead, Tiios. Johnston, Wm. Pipes, Horatio 80 belcher's farher's [18 '7. N Davison, Jno. K. Elderkin, Geo. Knowlton. Pavid Purdy, David Pugflley, Fras. Carroll, Chas. G. Doiikin, Ja«. Failerton, J;io. McKe»- aie, Moses Lowe, Haiice Hunter, David Lawrence, Juo. H. Peerc, Saml. Webb, Norman McLeod, Wm. Baker, W. W. .Waugh, Jas. Ratchford, Rando^h Morris, Wm. P. Chisholm, Robt Donkhi, Levi W. Baton, Amos S Blenkhom, Robt. W. Salter, Wm.Treen, Rufus F. Tnieman, Robt. MsElraan, Martin Chapman, Geo. Glendening, Jno. 8. Smith, and Wm. F. Cutten, Esqxs. Clerk of the Peaeei Silas C. Morse, Es<^ Court op Probati!. — Jttdge, Robt. Dickey ; Beffistrar, Jno. D. Kinnear, Esqrs. Hegittrar of Deeds — Parrsbtmy^ Jas. Ratchford; Amheraty Gilbert Purdy, Esqru. CotitroUer ef Cu»tom» and Naoiga- tion Laws, and Surveyor of Shipping, Parrsboro', Thos. D. DickAnn, E»*q. Surveyor of Shipping, Wallace, J. B. Davidson, Esq. ColFrs of Colonial and Light DuHea— Amherst, Robt. McCuUey ; Pugwaih, David Rogers; Wallace, Jas. B. Davidson ; Joggin Minesy Beaumont B. Boggs ; Parrsboro', T. D. Dickson ; Advocate harbor, Chas. Ward, E'^qrs. Dep. Postmasters — Amherst, J. A. Chipman ; Pugwash, Levi Borden; Waila/e, Joshua Heustis; Parrsboro,' P. Bl»ke, Esqrs. River Philip, Mrs. 6. Philips. Comm'rs of Schools — Cumberland Proper, Rpv. Jno. Munro, Rev. Robt. E. Crane, Rev. Richard Smith —Jas. S Morse, Jos. Oxiey, Thos. Logan, Thos. Read, Chas. G. Donkin, Thos. M. Morris, Hon. H. G. Pineo, and Jno Bent, E^qrs. Parrsboro' Dis., Rev Wm. B. King, Rev. Jas. Watson, Rev. Jas. Buckh y, Rev. Jas. McG. McKay— Jhs. Kirkpatrick, Jacob F. De- wolf, 1'. Dickson, and Frao. Carr< 11, Ef-qtP. Tiusteesof the Academy, Jas. S. Miorse, Stephen Fultoto and Rubl.. B. Dickey, Esqrs. Dep. Surveyor of Lands, Thos. Logan, Esq. Health Officer*, Chas. T»p- per, M. D., Saml. Mitchell, M. D., Benj. G. Puray, Wm. Y. Theal, and Chas. Creed, M D., E^qrs. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. David Rogers; Warden vf the Itivir Fisheries, Saml. iietto, E>q. Comm'rs of Pilots— Pugvoash, Hon. U. G. Pineo, Thos. Page, Jas. Bent, Chas. B. Dewolf, Daniel R< gexs ; WaXlaee, Josh. Heustis, Jas. B. Davison, Jos. N. B. Kerr, and Richard Scott, Jr., Esqrs. COUNTY OF PICTOU. High Sheriff, Jno. W. Harris, Esq. Coroners, David Matthesrn, Mitchell, M. D., Edw. Roach, and Wm. H. Harris, Exqrs. Supreme Coturt held at Pictou first Tuesday of June and on the third Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Peace^ and Cltrk of the Croton, Jas. Skinner, E^q. Comm'rs for giving reluf to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking Oiffi- davit* to hold to Bail, Hon. D. Crichton, Jas Skinner, Abram Pa;;4;r- son, Geo. Campbell, Jas. Eraser, liobt, Murray, and D. Hocken, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Pictou on the first Tuesday of February and/r«< Tuesday of July. Notaries Public, the Bazristers of the Sup. Courts and John R. Noonan» Esq. Justices of the Peoas— Robt. McKay (Gustos), Abraham Patterson, Wm. Mattiicson, Jas. Carmichael, Jno. Olding, Hon. David Crichton, [18 '7. 1867.] ALMAVACK. dl Purdy, David J;io. McKen- >o, H. Peers, .Waugh, Jan. Donkiii, Levi Treeiii RuFus Glendeiiing, he Peaeci Silas irar, Jno. D. i». Ratchford; and Naoiga- D. Dickson, Esq. Coirtt ley; Pufftoaih, MOT, Beaumont r, Chas. Ward, Puffwtuh, Levi Blake, Esqrs. $ — Cumberland Richard Smith ead, Chas. G. Bent, E'-qrs. son, Rev. Jas. Jacob F. De- of the Academy, , Esqrs. Dep. r«, Chas. Twp- Wm. Y. Theal, '^isk, Mr. David E>q. Conitn'rB as. Bent, Chas. aa. B. Davison, vid Matthescn, ris, Eisqrs. ne and on the ibe r«ac»t and for taking a^- Abram Pai^er- id D. Hocken, e /Irti Tueiday ( and John R. tham Patterson, David Crichton, Jno. Holmes, Ken. McLean. Jas. Fraser, Rnbt. Murray, Geo. Camp- bell, Peter Rods, Alex. McKenzie, Danl. Hockin, Jno. Mcltay, Geo. McLeod, Don. McDonald, Wm. Fraser, Adam McKenzie, Ja«. Skin- ner, Wm. Gordon, Peter Urerar, Jas. D. B. Fr&ser, Jas. primrose, Jas Purves, Don. McGrigor, Jas. Crerar, Angus Sutherland, Hugh H Ro'^s, Alex Fraser, Neil McKay, Anthony Smith, Jno. Grant, Neil Gunn, Hugh McLeod, Andw. Robertson, Jas. Murdoch, Jno. McKenzie (Saw Mill), Alex. Eraser (N. G.) Jts. McCirigor, Wm. H. Davis, Jno. McP Frnsci, i&'i, McLean, Jno. Logan, Wm. Lang- ville, Geo. Mitchell, Jds. Grant (James' son), liobt. Copeland. Wm. Smith, Jas. Henderson, Robt. Lowden, Ron. McDonald (Bailey's Brook), Thos. Munro, Jno. McDonald (Donald's son), Murdoch Mc- Pherson, Saml. Cameron, Matt. Sproul, Alex. McKay, Jno. McLeod, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Dunbar, Geo. McKenzie, Alex. Peter Ross, and Alex. Cameron, E^qrs. CovKT OF Pbobate— ./{M^^e, Jas Fogo; Registrar, Danl. Dickson, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, Peter Crera?, Esq. Dep. Postmasfers — Pictou, Alex P. Ross ; New (^tasgow, Jas. Eraser, Jr. ; Durham, A. Cameron ; Albion Mines, H. McKenzie ; River John, Adams Archi- <bald; West hiver, VV. Munro, Esqrs. Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, and ColVrof CoUmial and Light Duties, David Mc- Culloch, Esq. Clerk, Surveyor of Shipping and Warehouse Kneper, Geo. Hattie, E<q. Seizing OMcer, Alex. G. McKay, Esq Hurbmr Masters, Messrs. Robt. McKay, and A G. McKay. Light Bouse Keeper, Mr. Henry Louden Comm'/s for examining Pilots, Jas. Primrose, Rodk. McKenzie, Alex. P. Ross, Jas. Purves, and Geo. McKenzie, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets, — Pictou, Jas. Primrose, (Chairman), J. T. Ives, and Saml. Taylor; New Glasgow, Jno. F. McDonald, Wm. Cameron, Jno. Bailie, Wm. Fraser, and Wm. Mc- Lean, Jr., Esqrs. Superintendent of Streets — Pictou, Mr. Adam Gor- don. Comm'rs of Schools — North Dis., Rev. Chas Elliot, Rev. Jas. Bayne, Rev. A. W. llerdman. Rev. Ja*. Wuddell— Jas. Crichton, and Robt. P. Grant, Esqrs. ; South Dis., Rev. Jno. Stewart, Rev. Jos. Forsythe, Rev. A. McGilvray, Rev. David Roy, Rev. Allan Pollock, Rev. D. B. Blair— Jas. Carraichael, Jno. McKay, Jas. Cre- rar, and Jno. Campbell, Esqrs. Trustees of Public Property, Jas. Crichton, Geo. Campbell, and Jno. Yorston, Esqrs. Agent for Lloyds, Jas. Dawson, Esq. United States Consul, Benj. H. Norton, Esq. Fire Wardens — Pictou. Alex. P. Ross, R. P. Grant, Jaa. Purvis, Jas. D. B Fraer, David Fraser, Danl. Hocken, Jas. Fogo, Jas. Crichton, Robt. Doull, Jno. T. Ives, Rodk. McKenzie, and Wm. Gordon ; New Glasgow, iaa. VV. Carmichael, Rodk McGregor, Geo. McKay, Jas. Fraser, Thos. Graham, and Thos. Fraser, Esqrs. Comm'rs for deepening and improving the Navigation of Pictou River and Harbour, Geo. McKenzie, Alex Fraser, Rodk. McGregor, J. W. Carmichael, and Thos. Fraser, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company — Captain, Jas. Adamson, Don. Munro, (Ist Lt.,) and Henry Stearns, (2d Lt.,) 1st section; Walter Tanner, (1st Lt.,) and Richd. Tanner, (2d Lt.,) 2d section. Axe Fire Company — Captain, Jas. P. McLellan. Superintendent of Pumps and Wells, Mr. Jus. Hepburn. Clerk qf License, Adam Gordon, Esq. Clerk of the Market and Weigher of Hay, Mr. Miles C. <iildert. Inspacti^r of Pickled Fish, Mr. Wra. Walker. Warden of the River Fishtrius, Jas. 4* 82 BELCKER 8 FARMER 8 [1867. Murdoch, Esq. Dep. Surveyor of Lands, Peter Crerar, Esq. Count}/ Treasurer, Mr. Matt. Patterson. Pictou Auxiliary Bible Society — Preat., Rev, Chas. Elliot. Sec'y, Rev. Jas. Bayne. Treasurer and Depositary, Jas. Da*78on, Enq. Pictou Gas Company— Prest, W. H. Davis, Esq. Sec'y, J. H. Noonan, Esq. Directors, Jas. Ives, Jaa. Purvis, D. Hockins, Jno. YorstOTi, and J. P. B. Eraser, Esqrs. Pictou Agricultural Society — Prest., David Matheson ; Vice- Prest., O. M. Johnstor ; Treaaurer, Saml. Taylor ; Sec'y, W. H. Harris, Esqrs. PxcTOTT Curling Club. —Patron, , Esq. Patroness, . Prest., W. H. Harris, E«q. Vice-Preat., A. G. Patterson, Esq. Rfpresentative Members, Robt. Boak, Jr., and Rnl>:. DouU, Ei^qrs. Chaplain, Rev. . Treasure, A. G. Doull, Esq. Sec'y, Mr. Jas. S. Lorrain. New Caledonia (Jurlino Club. — Patron, Murdoch McPhenton, Esq. Prc«<., Jas. Primrose, Esq. F»c«-Prc»<., Jas. Ives, Esq. Rep- resentative Members, Chas. W. Dickson, and Jas. Ives, Esqrs. Treas- urer, Wm. Purvis. Sec'y, Mr. Howard Primrose. New Glasgow Curling Club.— Po«ron, Geo. McKenzie, Esq. Prest., Thos, R. Eraser, Esq Vice- Prest., James Donelly, Esq. Representative Members, R. O. Fraser, O. W. Underwood, and J. C. McKay, Esqrs. Treaaurer, Mr. Don McDonald. Sec'y, Edw. Roach, Esq. ^ Agent for the Bank of Nova- Scotia, Jas. Primrose, Esq. WK'STERN CIRCUIT. E. F. COUNTY OF HANTS. High Sheriff', Joseph Allison, Esq. Coroners, Jno. A. Jenkins, and Arthur McNutt Cochran, E-^qrs. Supreme Court held at Windsor, ^f«< Tuesday of June, and third Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Crown, and Chrk of the Peace, Harding, M. D., Esq. Comm'rs for giving relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking affi,- davits to hold to Bail, E. F. Harding, M. D., Hon. R A. McHtffey, Jacob Withrow, E'kar.ah Young, Jas. Sangster, Jno. Otis King, Jno. M. Smith, and David Frieze. E-qrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Windsor on the frxt Tues- day of October. Justices if the Peace, Hon. Richard A. McHeffey (Cuatos), Jno. Allison, Benjm. Smith, Jno. Otis King, W. Muinford, Saml. Palmer, J. M. Smith, Arthur McN. Cochran, Geo. McKay, Ichabod Diraock, Jas. Allison, Edw. Murphy, Al'c-x. McPhee, Geo. Armstrong, Jas, Salter, Jacob Withrow, David Frieze, Jno, McDciugfill, Alex, Thomp- son, Chas. B. Bowman, David Scott, Benj, Wilwon, Chas. Smith, Edw. McLatchey, Elkanah Young, Jas. J. O'Brien, Jos Madill, Jos. Keating, Jno. S, Brennan, Abel Tomlinson, Jno, hockhart, Geo. Harvie, Arch. Smi^h, Jr,, Jos. Rickards, Constant Church, Jno, Man- ning, Jr., Jno. Smith, Jas. Wardrop, Wm. R. Wallace, Stephen C, 1857.5 ALHANACK. 83 Ssq. County ;he Jirst Tues- Card, E. K. S. Bat>er, Wm. Chambers, Chas. l^ Jeftey, Jaa. Coch- ran, Nathaniel Smith, Ino. Btnrgeas, /as. Withrow, las. Putnam, Jas. Crowe, Wm. McDougall. Stephen Grahana, Isaac Douglass, Geo. Smith, and Geo. Densmore. fisqra. CoCRT OF Probate —/ted^c, Harry King; l^epititrar, Pere* M. Cunningham, Esqrs. ^egittrarof Deed»,-<tas. O'Brien. Esq. Con- troihrof Cnatomn and Navigation LatDs, Reginald B. Porter, Esq. ColFra of ColonicU and Light Duties — Windsor, Reginald B. Porter; Hantaport, N. T. Harris ; Maitland, Adam Roy ; fatten, Chas. R. Allison, Esqrs. Surveyors of Shipping, R. B. Porter and Adam Dickey, Esqrs. Seizing O^^cers, Messrs. Alex D. Wftidder\ and Wm. T. Harris. Bep. Postmasters— Windsor, Peter Bumham; Skubena- cadie, F R. Pu,rker; Newport, i. F. Cochran; Haiitsport, N. T. Har- ris; Maittai.d, A. Roy; Walton, C. R. Ailismi, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets — Windsor, Saml. Caldwell, Peter S. Burnham, Jas. Oeldert, and Jos. Rickards ; Falmouth, E. Puyeant, N. Davidson, O. Wilson, Jno. Armstrong, Thos. Curry, Mich. Baker, and P. Walker ; Maitlmnd, Richard Smith, Wm. MeDougall, A. Dickie, Alex. Nd»on, Jas. Putnam, and jno. Waddle, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools — WeHem Dis., Rev. Wm. C. King. Rev. Jno. L. Murdoch, Hon. R. A. Mc- Hetfey, E. Fi Harding, M. D., Wm. A. Bennett, and Jas. O'Brien, Esqrs. Dis. of Douglas and Rnwdon, Rev. Chas. Bowman— Jno. McDougall, Wm. O'Brien, Arthur M. Cochran, Jas. A. Scott, Jacob Withrow, Adam Dickey and Isaac O'Brien, Esqrs. Comm'r School Lands, Township of Newport, Wm. Chambers, Esq. Clerh of License, Mr. Daniel Mosher. County Treasurer, Edw. Curren, Esq. D^. Surveyor Of Lands, Benj. Smith, Esq. Warden <^ the River Fisheries, Jas. SangMter, E>q. Hea'th Officer, Bei\j. DeW. Fraser, M. D., Esq. Avon Bridge Company ~ Direciors, B. DeW. Fraser, M. D. (Presi- dent), Benj. Dewoll, and Hon. L. M. Wilkius, Esqrs. See'y and TVeoaKrer, Harry King, Esq. AgrM at Windsor, for Bank of Nova- Scotia, Harry King, Esq Avon Marine Insurance Company, Prest., P M. Cunningham; Ser'y, Jos. Allison, Esqrs. Windsor Fair. — Held at Windsor, on the Fair Ground, annually, on thc/irst Tuesday md Wednesday of October, for the Exhibition and Sale of Hor>">h, Horned Cattle, Swine and Sheep, Farming Uten- sils, Seeds and A^riculiural iVuduco. COUNTY OF KINGS. }{igh Sherijf, John M. Caldwell, Esq. Coroners, A. Van Buskirkt Jno. Fisher. Chas. W. H. Harris, Jon. Borden, M. D., Chas. C. Hamilton, M. D , and Holmes Marsters, M. D., Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Kentville, second Tuesday of June and iccot^ Tuesday of October. Prothoiiotary, and Clerk <^ the Crown, (ieo. A. Barnaby, Esq. Comm'rs for giting relief to Insolvent Debtors and for taking affida- vits to hold to Bail, Hon. Jas. 1) Harris, Jno. F. Hutchiiiann, Hugh L. Dickey, Seth Burgess, Mahew Beckwith, Thos. B. Campbell, Caleb Li. Bill, Richard Stan, H^iiry McQee, Wra. Crane, Wm. H. Ohipman, Caleb H. Rand, and Geo. a. Barnaby, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peac< , held at Kentville on the l<uif Tues- day of April, and last Tuesday of Ootobei. 81 BELCHEBrS FABMEB'S [1867. Jtuticea of the Peace, Hon. Ji>o. Morton (Cttstoa), Hon. Jas. B. Harris, Jas. N. Crane, Caleb H. Rand, Wm. C. Campbell, Jton. Samuel Chipman, Hugh L. Dickey, Seth Burgess, Caleb. K Bill, Henry Magee, Geo. liockwood, Rich'd Starr, Jno. F, Hutchinson, Wm. Jobjison, Mahew Beckwith„ Jfath. Parker, Alex. Patterson, Wm. Miller, Thos. Lnvett, Saml. Sharp, Nathan Lockhart, Ednr. P. Borden, Jas. W. Harris, Jno. M. Caldwell, Jos. Crane, Arch'd Walker, Theodore Held, David Ells, David Davidson, Jas.' Eaton, Amos Shfffield, Benj. Rockwell. Than. Cox, Richard W. Kid-ton, Jas. Griffin, Jno. H. Cox, Wra. B Webster, M. D., Griffin Miner, Jas. T. Datidson^ Fras. Walker, Jno. Jacques, Irad Benjamin, Rus- sell Caldwell, Thos. Bergin, David Skinner, Ebenezer Bigelow, Benj. Kinsman, Abram C. Ells, and Jacob Lockhart, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace and Licenaea, Wm. H. Chipman, Esq. CouR'' ofPbobatb— Jud^e, Geo. A. Blanchard ; JReffistrar, Geo A. Barnaby, Esqrs. Regiatrar of Beeda, Thos. B. Campbell, Esq. Surveyor of Shipping, Edw. Lov'kwood, Esq. Colfra of Colonial and Light DtUiea— Comwallia, Edw. Lockwood ; Horton, Jos Crane; Canady Creek, Corn* Iras G. Rawding ; Bay Shore went of HalVa Har- bor, Jmo» Givan ; Fr&nch Crosa, John Orpin, Esqrs. Seizing Offi^era, Messrs. Abraham Ogilvy, Ixaac Hamilton, W. H. Lovett. and Jito. Givan. Dep. Postm(iHera~-Ke>itville, ixva. F. Hutchinson; Lower Horton, D. Cunningham; Wolfville, Geo. V. Rand; Ayleaford, Jas. D. Van Buskirk, E<*qr8. Comm'ra of Schoola, Wm. H. Chipman, C. W. H. Harris, Hugh L. Dickev, Nathan Tapper, Wm. Miller, Caleb R. Bill, Chaa. C. Himiltou, M. D., Edw. L Brown, M D., Ja«. I.ieard, Winekworth Chiprtan, Geo. Fisher, Thos. Farnnworth, Andw. Burden, Geo. A. Barnaby, Jon. Borden. M. D., and ilolmes Marsters, M. D.. Esqrs. Clerk, 'Vhnn. Wm. H*. is, Esq. Tntsteei> of Kentville Orammar School, Jas. K DeWcl'', and Thos. Lydiard, Eoqrs. D^. Surveyor of Lands, E. E. Armstrong, Esq. Health OJieera, Wm. B. Webster, M. D., and Edward L. Brown, M. D^ Esqrs. Warden »f th0 River Fiaheriea, Rev. Geo. J. McDonald. COUNIY OF ANNAPOLIS. High Sheriff, Peter Bonnett, Esq. Coronera, Peter Bonnett, Gil- bert F. Ditinars, Jno. Ross, Walter Willett, Stephen Croosscup. Isaac B. Bonnett, J:iO. Kennedy, Alex. Fowler, Law. Phinney, and Duvid Hall, Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Annapolis, third Tuesday of June and firat Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Crown, and Clerk of the Peace, Geo. R. Grassie, E^q. Comm'ra for giving relief to Inaolvent Debtora and for taking affida- nta to hold to Bail, Geo. K. Grassie, Major Chipman, Israel W. Kug- I gles, Robt. H. Bath, Jos Wheelock, and Jas. Gray, Esqrs. Greneral Sessions of the Peace held at Annapolis on tlie ^^hVff Tues- day of April, and laat Tuesday of October. Juatieea of the Peace, Major Chipman (Ctiatoa), Wm. Randall, Zebuion Phinney, Jno. H. Chipman. Peter Delancey, Alex. Fowler, Seth Leonard, I. W. Ruggles, Ja^. Whitman, Peter Bonnett, Wm. 1857.] ALMAIfACK. 86 Harris, Edw. Eaton, Weston Hall, Jan. Gray, Jno. Ross, Thos. C. Wheelock, Eri Welton, Edw. Fitz Ra-dolph, Walter Rickerpon, Miner Tupper, Jos. >yheelock, Robt. 11. Batli, Jno. F. Bath, Robt. Fatker, Robt. Mills, 2d, Jno. Kennedy, Andreas Bohaker, Jan. Bal- comb, Jno. Wili<nn, Peter Middlefflas, Arthur Bodge, Joel Bankes, Saml. Balcomb, Jordan Mesf^enger, Andw. Henderson, Moses Shaw, Rees Stronach, Jas. Potter, David C. Landers, Abel Chute, Hondley Btarratt, Danl. Nichnlls, Benaiah Spinner, Jas. Poyntz, Ambrose Bent. Jno. Orimes, Wm. C. Whitman, Martin Gates, Chas. Spurr, and Elias Bent, Esqrs. CocKT OF Probate. — Judge, Geo. S. Milledge ; Registrar, Edw. H. Cutler, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, E. H. Cutler, Esq. CoWrt of Colonial and Light Duties — Annapolis, Timothy C. Tobias ; Clem- mtsport, Gilbert F. Ditmars ; W'f^'.ci, Robt. Stone ; Shome'* Cove, Granville, Abraham B. Thome ; Bridgetown, Robt. G. Troop, Esqrs. Controller of Customs and Coltr of Colonial Duties — Bear Rtver, Jiio. Barr, Ecq. Seizing Officers, Gilbert F. Ditmars, Robt. Stone, Rnbt. Parker, Saml. Stone, Robt.. G. Troop, Hanson Chei<ley, Jno. Claike, and Jno. Orpin, Esqrs. Landing Waiter, Oauger and Seizing Offictr, T. C. Tobias, E«q. Searchers and Seizing Olivers, Messrs. Jno. Barr, Timothy Brooks, and Jno. L. Rice. Surveyors of Shipping— Wilmot, Sam'l Stone; Bridgetown, Rfibt. O. Troop, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools— Western Dis., Kev. Wm. Godfrey— Peter Bonnett (Chair- man), Jas. Gray, Andw. Henderson, Robt, Mills, 2d, Wm H. Ray, and Chas. M. Forbes, Enqrs. Clerk, Benj. Pickman, M.D., Esq. Ext- ern Dia., Rev. Jas. Robert'^on, Rev. J. M. Campbell — Major Chipiwan (Chairman), Alex. Fowler, Thos. James, and Jno. Primrose, Esqrs. Clerk, Wm. H. Troop, Esq. Comm're of Streets— Annapolis, Law. Hall, Edw. Barteaux, and F. W. Pickmnn ; Bridgetown, Israel Fubter andGeo. Hoyt; New Caledonia, Walter VVillett, Saml. Hall, and Robt. Mills, 2d, Esqrs. Dep. Postmasters- Annapolis, Thos. D. Hen- derson ; Bridgetown, Thos. Spurr ; Clementsport, Moses Shaw ; Law- renceiotcn, Milledge 8. Chipman ; Gibbon- Ville, Arthur Gibbon ; Wilmot, Jas. D. Van Buskirk, E-«r^r><. Dep. Land Surveyor, Alex. Campbell, Esq. Trustees Annapolic Academy, Edw. H. Cutler, Jas. Gray, and Peter Bonnett, Esters. Trustees of Schools — Bridgetown, W. H. Hoyt, Jno. McCormick, and Jas. Poyrtz, E-«qrs. Super- visors of Annapolis Town Mamh, Peter Bonnett, Ichabod Corbitt, and Geo. Runciman, Esqrs. Warden. River Fisheries, Thos. W. Chesley, Esq. County Treasurer, Avery B. Piper, Esq. Clerk of License, Robt. H. Bath, Esq. Health Officem, Geo. L. Bingay, M» I)., and Kobt. Leslie, M. D., Esqrs. Board of Health, Peter Bonnett (Prest), Edw. H. Cutler, Andw. Henderson, Jno. Mills, Fras. W. Pickman, Law. Hall, and Alfred Troop, Esqrs , and the members for the County and I'ownships. Annapolis Royal Agricultural Society — Prest., Edw. ! H Cutler; Secy, Geo. 8. Milledge; Treasurer, Geo. Runciman, ; Esqi-s. Fire Wardens — Annapolis, Peter liiuinett, Jas. Gray, and ' Wm. R. Ruggles ; Bridgetown, Jas Poyntz, E. Fitz Randolph, Jos. ' \N heelock, and Geo Hoyt, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company — Anuapo- ; lia, Jim. Roach (Capt.), Wm., Roach, Chas. Lnwson, Jai^. Corbitt, ' and Wra. H. Roach; Bridgetown, Geo. Hoyt (Capt.), Chas. Hoyt, Saml. T. Niely, Geo. Kervin, W. H. lioyt, A. B. Piper, Geo. Mur- i doch, Jno. Eason, and Jus. iShipley. 86 BELcapa's vabmbr's [1857. COUNTY OF DIOBY. Hiffh SUfTijf, John K. Veite, Esq. Cor»ner9\ Saml. Doucette, J. Ward, £dw. J. Budd, Robt Stepheiu, and Edw. H. Oakes, Esqrs. Surreme Court held at Bigby, fourth Tuesday of June and last Tuesday of September. Protkonotary, Clerk of the Croton and Clerk of the Peace, Henry Stewart, Esq. Comm'rs for giving reVi-f to Inaolvent Debtors, and for taking <nfida- vita to hold to Bail, Henry Stewart, Jno. Robinson, Chas. Budd, Edw. Hegan, and Jas. B. Iloldaworthr E^qrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Clare on the last Tuesday of April, and at Bigby on the Jirst Tuesday of November. JvHices of t^(! Peace, Jas. B. Holdsworth {Cuatoa), Chas* Budd, Jno. R<.>binson, Colin Campbell, Elisha Payson, Saml. Doucette, Bepj . i^ctter, Jno. Ward, Fredk. A. Kobichau, Jan. Harris, Edw. Hvg,<», Hon Annelm F. Comeaa, Stephen Payson, Edw. A. Jones, llobt. Journey, Jones Morehouse, Chalton Sabaen, Thos. O'Brien, J*»i. Biuic.oft, Holland E. Payson, Edw M. Marshall, Wm. B. Bent, Edvr. Hnrdwick, Jno. Eidridge, Benj. H. Ruggles, Ross. C C= Fan- ning, hiibine Savary, Jno. Hogaii, ^ras. Bourneuf, Wm. Saunders, Lauchhi) McKay, Alex. Hardwick, Edw. I'.veritt, Jno. Dakin, Nathan Tupper, Edw. K. Timpany, Roht. Hankerson, Artemus O'Dell, BaBil Robicha-a. Reuben Perry, Ira Raymond, Bonaventure Robi- chau. Sterns Jones, Jno. Donnegan, Mendal Crocker, Wm. McKay, Edw. H Ottkes, Jacob Dakin, Jr., Geo. Henderson, David Rice, Wlh. F. Marshall, Geo. Cossaboom, Geo. B. Potter, David Welch, Patrick Nowlan, Jas. Stewart, Lewis L. Bourque, Jno. B. Melanson, and Maturin Robichau, Esqrs. Court of Probate — Judge, Jas. A. Dennison ; Registrar, Chas. Budd, Esqrs. Registrar of .' ieeds, Guy C. Jones, Esq. Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Jas. Aniiand, Esq. ColVrs of Colo- nial and Light Duties — Dighy, Jas. Annand ; New Edinburgh, Henry D. Rugglts; Westport, Benj. H. Ruggles; Church Point, Ambrose Borneut ; Weymnuth, H. D. Ruggles ; Sandif Cove, Calvin Gidney, Esqrs, Seizing OJicer, C. P. Jones, E'sq. Dep. Postmaniers — Dighy, Henry Stewart; H^eymow^A, Cerino P.'Jones ; irc«<p,w<, J. Bancroft, Esqrs. Surveyors oj Shipping, Jas. Annand and Henry D. Ruggles, E'<qrs. Comm's of Schooh {except D:a. of Clare), Rev. Chas Ran- dall, Rev. Jno. C Morse, Rev. R<ibt A. 'Jtuwley, Rev. Arch'd Gray, Rev. Edw» Butler— Chas. Budd, J lo. Robinson, B. H Ruggles, A. Hardwick, Jno. S. Mallett, and Jas^^. Annand, Esqrt?. Dis. of Clare, Rev. Der.nis Geary, Rev. Wm. Mcl-tiod— Fras. Bourneut, Benj. Bel- liveau, Edw. Daupheney, Chas. M. Raymond, and Ira Raymond, j Esqrs. Trustees of Schools, Jno. K. Vei^s, and E. R. Oakes, Esqrs. \ Comm'rs of Streets, Wm. Farnham, J. B. Holdsworth, Jacob Dakin, ; Jas. Warrington, and Austen Adams, Esqrs. Clerk of License, Wm. H. Taylor, Esq. County Tretuurer, Jas. B. Holdsworth, Esq. Super- visors of Public Lands, Edw. K. Timpany, E. R. Oakes, and Jno. Bennett, Bnqn. ' Dep^ Surveyor of Land, Alpheus Jones, Esq. Heokh Officer, Robt. Stephen, al. D , Esq. Inspector of Picked Fish, Mr. D. Bayley. Warden of the River Fisheries, Jn /. K. Veits, Esq. 1857.] ALMANACK. 87 leut Tuesday of SHORE CIKCIJIT. C0UN1T OF LUNENBTJRO. High Sheriff, John H. Kaulback, Esq. Coronera, Jno. Creighton, Geo. Turner, and Daniel Dimock, Esqrs. Supreme Court held «t Lunenburg on the fourth Tuesday of April, and on third Tueaday of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Croton, Henry Ernst, Esq. General Sessions of the Peace held at Lunenburg on the second Monday of April. Comm'ra for giving reliof to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking affida- vits to hold t<y Bail, Wm. Koss, Jno. Heckman, Hon. Wm. Rudolf, and Henry Ernst, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Jno. Heckman (Oustos), Hon. Wm. Rudolf, Wm. Alexander, Jas. IVfosher, Daniel Dimock, Martin Henneberry, Henry Enitt, Wm Ross, E. J. Ross, Henry 8. Jost, Whitman Mor- ton, Kobt. Brimmer, Chas. Church, Henry Bailey, Geo. Kaulback, W. V. Andrews, Wm. Slocomb, Thoa. Bryden, Columbus Morgan, Morton Whetlock, Jno. Kedy, Lemuel W. Drew, Benj. Rynard, BenjZ wicker, Geo. Ross, Joseph P. Miller, Jno. Harley, Geo. Rich- ardi'on, Benj. W. C. Manning, Jas. Whiddeiij Tlios. K. Cragg, E«tqr8. Clerk of the Pt-ace, . Court op Pkobate. — Judge, Jno. Creighton ; Registrar, Geo. T. Solomon, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, Hon. Wm. Rudolf. Controller of Customs and Navigation Latos, and Surveyor of Shipping, Henry M. Moyle, Eq. CoU'rs of Colonial and Light Duties — Lunenburg. H. M. Moyle ; La Have, , Esqrs. Seizing Officers, Messrs. Jno. Davy, Daniel Owen, Wm. Bates, Wm. Geldert, and David Jas. Lantz. Comm'rs of Schools, Lunenburg, Rev Henry L Owen, Rev. Chas E. Cossman, Rev. Wm. Duff, Rev. Jos. F. Bent, Rev. Philip M. Holdeu — Jno. Heckman, and Wm. Ross, E>qr8 ; New Dublin, Rev. Jno. Ambrose, Rev. Henry D. DeBlois, Rev. J, P. Tabour, Rev. W. W. Bowen, Rev. Howard D. JStetlc, Rtv. Htnry Pope — Lemuel Drew and Thos. K. Cragg, Esqrs. ; Chester, Rev. Chas. J. Shreve, Rev. Thos. D. Ruddle, Rev Thos. Crawley — Wm. Robertson, Edw Heckman, and Jno. Stewart, E.-qrs. Dip. Postmasters— Lunenburg, Hon. Wm. Rudolf; Chester, Amos Lovett ; Mahone Bay, Lewis Knaut ; Bridgewater, Aaron Morse, Esqrs. Camrn'rn <f Streets— Lunenburg, Adolphus Gaetz, Jos Rudolf, and Jno. Blair ; Chester, Jas Barry, Amos Lovett, and Edw. Butler, Esqrs. Dtp. Surveyor of Lands, Wm. Thompson, Esq. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. Casptr Mttgler. Warde?i of the River Fisheries, Daniel Din ock, Esq. Trustees of La Have Common, Messrs. Jnd Himmelman, and Martin Sperry. TritS' tens of Oakland Common, Mah'/ne Bay, Messrs Adam Lautc, Geo. Eitteuhaur, Fredk. Ernst, and Jno. Hyson. COUNTY OF QUEENS. High Sheriff, John W. Scott, Etq. Coroners, Freeman Tupper, and Jas. F. Forbes, E<<qrs. Supreme Court held at Liverpool on the Tuesday after the fourth Tuesday of April and seooud Tue.^day of Octolier. Prothonotary and Ckrk of the Crown, Jno Edgar, Esq. Comm'rs for giving relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking affidavits 88 BELCRfeR's FAHMEH's [1857. to hold to Bail, Jno. Campbell, Robt. RobertA, Jan. Barss, Jno. Garten, JaM. F. More, Caleb Set-ley, Thos. R. Putillo aiid Jiip. Edgar, E-qrH. General Settsions of the Peace held at Livtrpool on the aecond Tues- day of January. Juaticea of the Peace, Freeman Tupper (Custoa), J as. Barss, Na- thaniel Smith, Jno. Campbell, Whitman Freeman, Caleb Seely, Jno. L. Darrow, Aitdvr. Cowie, Hertry Fader, Colin McVicker, JiH. F. More, Uichard Carder, Smith Freeman, Philip Carten, Wm. McOill, Edw. Vaiihom, Zoneth Freeman, Saml. D Kemptcm, Joh. Dexter, Ueo. McLeud, Wm. Hemmeon, Eldred Cohoon, Robt. Dolliver, Ste- phen Mack, Jas. McLearn, ;Ta<>. Bryden, Lewia Smith, Zenas Water- man, David Freeman, Allan McLean, Roht. Smith, Jno. Harlow, Donald Campbell, Sylvanus Morton, Jas W. Hutchinson, Nathaniel Minard, Chaa. W. Foster, Jas. Mulhall, Geo. Payzaut, Jno. D Mack, Robt. Roberts I:«rael Htndry, Nathaniel Freeman and Jno. Carten, E qrs. Clerk of the Peace, Wm. Bryden, E-q. Court of Probate. — Ju<^e,ChM. Morse; Registrar , Gilbert Seely, E-tqrs. Controller of Ctutoma and Navigation Lawa, and Reg'r of Shipping Jao H. Freeman, Esq. Surveyor of shipping. Tide Waiter and Searcher, Wm. Bryden, E.-^q. Colt'ra of Colonial and Light Duties — Liverpool, Jao. H. fteemau ; Port Med way, Wnitmau Foster, Eiiqrs. Registrar of Deeda, Juo. Carten, E-<q ComnCra of Streets — Liverpool, Wm. Jackson, Cnas. Ddvis, and Thos. R. Patiilo ; Port Medway Towt, Geo. Mauthorn, and Wm. Mortimer ; Milton, Zoheth Freeiiian, Nathan Eilis, Jas. Ford, and Abner Harlow, Esqrs. Com- missioners of Schools, Rev. E. B. Nichols, Rev. Fredk. Tompkins, Rev. Danl. O'Gttbkiil, Rev. Jas. Purker, Rev. Ingram SutcliU'e, Rev. Saml. N. Bentley, Rev. Thos. Walsh, Rev. S. S. Murkland, Rev. Jas. Kennedy, Rev. Jas. Melvin,— Zeiias Smith, and Edw. Christopher, Esqrs. J'ruateea of the Livetpool Academy, S. P. Freeman, A. Cowie, and Thos. R. Patiilo, Esqrs. Truateen if Vuhlu- Property, Jno Camp- bell, and Esqrs. Dtp. Poatmastera— Liverpool, Thos. P. Calkin; Milla Village, L. N. Young; Purt Medway, E. Cohoon, Edqrs. Comm'ra far the removal oj obatructioiia in Liverpool River, Whitman Freeman, Saml. Freeman, Senr., Chas. Harlow, Silvanus Morton, and Nathan Tupper, Etqrs. Comm'ra for removing obstruc- tions in Port Medway River, Edw. iJavisun, Juo. Norris, and Edwin Seely, Esqrs. Inspector of Pickled Fish and Warden of the River Futheriex, Mr. Painck Gough. Dep. Surveyor oJ Lands, Whitman Freeman, Esq. Livetpool Marine Liautance Company— Broker, R<ibt. Roberts, E-q <iuvei%'s County Friendly Society— Preaident, Jos. Burn- aby; Vice- Preaidettt, ; Ti(ea«Mr«-, Richard Mulholi ; Sfec'^^, W. A. S. Blewitt, Esqrs. Held at Freeman's Hail on the ^rat Mon- day of every mouth. Established, 1«39. COUNTY OF SUELKURNE. High Sheriff, Andw. Barclay, Esq. Coronera, Israel K. Wilson, Wm. J. Bell, Jno. W. Homer, and Robt. Mcintosh, Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Barrington in the Dia. of Barrington, on the third Wednesday alter the fourth Tuesday of April ; and at Shel- burne in the Din. of Shelburne, on the aecond Wednesday after the last J'uesday ot September. Prothonotury and Clerk of the Crown, Juo. iottie, Esq. 1867.] ALMANACK. 89 Vomm'rafor giving relirfto Insolvent Debtors, and for taking Affida- vits to hnld to Bail, Cornelius White, JoMah Coffin, Gilbert McKeiiiia, . Geo H. Deiiistttdt, Hnbt. Currie, Andw. Barclay, Alex. McNaugh- toii, Isaac O. Enslow, Winthrop Sargent, J119. Tottie, and Jus. Muir, Esqrs. (ieneral Sessions of the Peace, held at Barrington on the Monday next after the fourth Tue^iday of April ; and at Shelburne on the, Monday next after the last Tuesday of September. Justices of the Peace, Robt. Currie (Custos), Jm. Gedden, Geo. H. Deiivstadt, Winthrop Sargent, Jo»iah Coffin, Saml. O. Doane, Jno. Lyle, Gilbert McKenna, Hon. Jno. Locke, Jnn. W. Homer, Jas. C. Smith, Win. Cunningham, Josiah Snow, 3d, Wm. Holden, Hbnry Lo«ke, Wm. J Bell, Alex. McNaughton, Laucblan McPherttOn, and Thos Coffin, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Ri Tliomson, E-q. Court of Vhotikte,— Judge, Alex. McNuughton ; Registrar, Cor- nelius White, Esqra. Registrar of Deeds, Cornelius White, &q. Dep. Postmasters — i>heUntrne, R. R. ThomHon ; Barrington, Thos. O. Gt'ddes ; Locke's Island, X Chipman, E^qrs. Survet/or of Shipping, Wm Stalker, Efq. Coll'rs of Colonial and Light Duties — Shelburne, Ja>4. Muir, Jr. ; Barrington, i wo. Homer; Ragged Island, Wm Stalker, Esqrs. Seizing Officers, Mensrs. Nathan Snow, Jr., and Jos. Banks. Comm'rs of Schools— Eastern Dis , Andw. Barclay, Robt. Currie, Alex. McNaughton, Geo. Snyder, Lewis P Churchill ; Western Dis., Wm. Robertson, Thos. O. Geddts, Jno. W . Homer, Paul Crowell, Winthrop Sargent, Jooiah Snow, Thos. Coffin, Prince McLaren, and Robt. Rob- erteion, Esqrs. Trustees of the Acadeiny, Cornelius White, and Win- throp Sargent, E^qr8. Dep. Surveyor of Lands, Alex. Hamilton, Esq Clerk of License, Mr. Angus McKay. Health Officers, I. K. Wilson, and Geo. Snjder, E^qrs Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. David Swain. Wardeti of the River Fisheries, Chas. Stalker, Esq. COUNTY OF YARMOUTH. Officebs of tub County. High Sheriff, Joseph Shaw, Esq. Supreme Court held at Tutket Villiage, on the third Tuesday after the /om7A Tuesday of April ; and at Yarmouth on the last luetday of September. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Jno. W. U. Kowley, E!<q. Comm'rs for giving relief to Insolvent Debtors, and Jot taking Affidavits to hold to Bail, Reuben Clements, and Jno. Bourquc, £sqrt>. General Sessions of the Peace held at Tusket Village, on the third Tuesday of April, and third Tuesday of October ; and at Yarmouth on the third Tuesday of September. Justices of the Peace, Abram Lent (Custos), Hon. Stayley Brown, Jno. Mackinnon, Reuben Clements, '1 hos. Killam, Jr.o. Ryder, Simon D'Entrcmoiit, Caleb Cook, Jno. Muiray, Matthew Jeffery, Jno. Bourque, Etisha W. B. Moody, Israel Haiding, Robt. S. Eakins, Leonard Weston, Benj. Rogers, Jr., Ednioud Lnnnergxn, Walter Lar- kin, Reuben Abbott, Thos. D. Chipman, Jesse Shaw, Wm H. Town- send, Rubt. Guest, Nathan Hilton, D. T. Boudreau, Jas M. Lent, Isaac S. Hatiitid, Peter J. DEntremont, Liudley M. M. Willelt, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jno. Tooker, Esq. 90 BELOUBH S FARMEB fl [1857. Court of Pkobate. — Judge, 3m. Murrav, Jr. ; Reijiatrar, Henry A. Orantham, Esqrn, Rft/istrar of Deeds, Jan. Murray, Esq. Con- troller of Customs and Navigation Laics, Thos. E. Moberly ; Surveyors of Shippinjj, Chas. Huntington, and Jas M. Lent, Enqra. Colt'rs of Colonial and Liiht Duties — Yarmouth, Thos. K. Moberly; Tmket, Jas. M. Lent; Pubnico, Simon D'Entreraont; Beaver River, Wra. 8. Raymond, E.sqr8. Clerk, Warehouse Keeper and Ganger, Chas. Hun> tington, E^q. Landing Waiter and HMrchcr, Mr. Lyman Durkee. Seizing Officers, Mesxrfl. Hfuben Spinney, Jas. H. McLarren, Jas. M. Lent, and Watson Nickerson. Seizing Officer, Dis. of Argyle, Solo- mon A. Spinney, Esq. Land Comm'rs, Hon. Stayley Brown, Z. Churchill, and Jno. Bourque, Eaqra. Dep. Land Surveyors, Z. Churchill and Jno. Bourque, Es^qrs. River 'Fiihery Warden, Jos. Shaw, Eaq. Ins^jector of Pickled Fish, Mr. Danl. Gardner. Municipality op Yabmouth. Coroners, Geo. Bingay, and Thos. D. Chipman, Esqrs. Warden, Saml. Brown ; Councillors, Jesse Shaw, Nathan Hilton, Jos. Durkee, Jos. Crowley, Wm. Robertson, J. W. Moody, Ansel Bobbins, and Elijah Cleveland. Esqrs. Clerk, Jno. Tooker, Esq. Treeuurer, Wm. Churchill, Esq. Judicial District Comm'rs., No. 1, Benjm P. Cros- bv, Caleb Cook, and Nathan Hilton ; No. 2, Reuben Clements, Benjm. Rogers, Jr.. and Thos. D. Chipman, E^qrs. Clerks, No. 1, Jos. H. Blinders; No. 2, J. VV. H. Rowley. E-qrs. School Comm'rs., Hon. S. Brown, VV. H. Moody, Danl Kelly, Jno. Murray, and Geo. Killam, Esfjrs. Board of Health, B. V. Harley, M. D., F. A. Webster, M. D., Jos. B. Bond, M. D., W. H. Townsend, ancl Thos. Killam, Esqrs. Health Wardens, Robt. Quest, Thos. Allen, Edw. Huestis, Dennis Hcrton, and Q. W. Brown, Esqrs. Health Officer, Greggs Jos. Parish, M. D., Esq. Health Inspectors, Meiisrs. Jos. Stoneman, Jr., J. K. Ryerson, and Jos. Burrill. Fire Wardens, Thos. Killam, E. W. B. Moody, Edw. Huestis, ArnapaTiurkee, Chas. Tooker, W. H. Town- send, S. Brown, and Geo. Killam. Fire Engine Company, No. 1, Capt. Jno. Tooker ; No. 2, Capt. Wm. Robertson ; No. 3, Capt. . Trusties Public Property, Saml. Killam, and Benjm. Rogers. Har- hour Master, Mr. Chas. Tooker. Clerk of Licenses, Mr. Robt. Brown, j Trustees Public Cemetery, Hon. S. Brown, Eben. Porter, and W. H. Townsend. Esqrs. Comm'rs of Sewers, Messrs. B. Killam, W. Rob-, ertaon, Rich'd. Harri.«, Lem. Churchill, Ira Robbins, T. Allen, D. Sanders, and Jos. Perry. Supervisors, Messrs. Wm. Rogers, Walter | Churchill, and C. W. Kelly, Esqrs. Dep. Postmaster, Rich'd. Hun- j tington, Esq. U. S. Consular Agent, Henry A. Grantham, Esq. i Agent for Lhy^s, E. VV. B. Moody, Esq. Agent for Bank of Nova- Scotia, Norman J. Bond, Esq. I Officers for District op Arotle. ] Coroner. Matt. Jeifory, Esq. Dep. Postmaster, Jas. M. Lent, Esq. ^ Health Officer, Jas. Kirby, M. D., Esq. Surveyors of Lines and ' , Bounds, Jno. Bourque, H. Spinney, and S. D'Entremont, Esqrs. i Trtistee of Public Property, Wn». Hdtfield, E4q. Supervisors, Messrs. j Hervey Spinney, and Jas. Nickerson. Town Clerk. Mr. Hervey Spin- i ney. Oomm'rs of Schools, Rev. Abbe Goudot Rev. Jno. T. Roles— ' Jno. Bourque, Jno. Ryder, Thos. Willett, Dominique Boudreau, . Israel Harding, Jr., Reuben Abbot, and Jaa. M. I^ent, E»qrs. j 1857.] ALMANACK. 91 CAPE BRETOnr CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF SYDNEY. High Sheriff Henry P. Hill, Es^q. Coroners, Wm. Cunie, M. D., and JoH. Symnndi^, EsqrH. N<itarie» Pubtic, The BarrinterR of the Slip. Court, David Condon, Hugh McDonald, and Robt. McDonald, Esqra Supreme Court held at Antigonish on the second Tuesday next after the fourth Tuettday of June ; and on the second Tuesday next after the fourth Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Croum and County Treasurer, Alex. McDonald, M. D., Enq. Cotnm'rs for giving relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking affi- davits to hold to Bnil, Alex. McDonald, M. D., Robt If. Henry, Hugh McDonald. Jan. Randall, Geo. Brennan, Angus Qillies, and Wm. G. Hierlihy, E^qrp, General SesHions of the Peace, held at Dorchester on the second Tuesday of January. Justices of the Peace, Alex. McDonald, M. D. (Custos), Robt. N. Henry, Jas. Randall, Hugh McDonald, Joa. Synannds. Wm. G. Hierlihy, Geo. Brennan, Aug. A O^den, Roht. McDonald, Angus Gillies, Allen Cameron, Angus McDondd, Dugald Cameron, Jas. Rws, David Power, Robt. Trotter, Duncan Grant, Al»x. McDonald, Arch'd McGilvary, Jno. MaKenzie, Jno. McKinnon, Alex. Mcintosh, Jno. McDonald, Jos. Smith, David Condon, Don. McDonald, Allan Smith, Lauchlan Cameron, Norman McDonald, Don. McMillan, Jno. McMillan (St. Andrews), Don. Chisholm (Finlay's son), Jno. Mc- Dona'd, Rodk. Chisholra, Christopher McDonald, Wm Chisholm ( Arc>iibald'8 son), and Lauchlan McEacheru, Ettqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jas. Wilkie, Esq. Court of Puobate. — Judge, Alex. McDonald, M. D.. Registrar, Geo. Bre^inan, Enqm. Beyistrar of Deeds, Aaron D. Harrington, E^iq. Coltr of Colonial and Light Duties — Antigonish, Allan McDon- ald ; Harbour au Bouche, Edw. Corbet ; Wegterti Strait of Canso, David Power ; Little hioer, Jas. Randall, Esqrs. Surveyor of Ship- ping, Allan McDonald, EHq. Dep. Postmaster — Antigonish, Hf nry P. Hill, Eiq. Comm'rs of Schools, Rt. Rev. Dr. McKinnon, Rev. Alex. MuLeod, Rev. A. W. Milledge, Rev. Jno. Quinan, Rev David Honeyman — Alex McDonald, Hugh McDonald, Geo. Brennan, Arch. McGilvary, and Duncan Grant, Esqrs. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. David Power. Warden of the River Fisheries, f&s. Brad- shavr, Esq. D^. Surveyor of Lands, Hugh R. McKeuzie, Esq. COUNTY OF GUYSBOROUGH. High Sheriff, Mucdoch McLean, Ecq. Coroners, Stewart Campbell, and Spinney Whitman, Esqrs. Notaries Public, The Barristers of the Sup. Court, Jas. J. Hill, Jas. B. Hudley, Jesse Anderson^ J as. Smith, and Wm. Bigelow, Jr .< E-<qrs. Supreme Court held at Guysborough on the Tuesday next after the fourth Tuesday of June ; and on the Tuesday next after the fourth Tutsday of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Edw. Carritt, Esq. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I 1.0 1.1 itt lU i2.2 £f U£ 120 u |L8 IKiMJ4U4 < 6" ». Photographic Sciences Carporation m \ V <^ A. ^^<^/^^ ^.v^ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WMSTU.NY. 14StO (716)t72-4S03 '^ 4^' 92 belcher's fabxbb'b [1857. ComnCra for givint relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking affi- davits to hold to Bail, Edwr. J. Cunningham, Hon. R. M. (Sutler, Fras. Cook. Abner Atwatrr, Don. Sinclair, O. W. Scott, and Jno. Mahoney ; ^. Marys Dis., Hugh McDonald, Thos. Olencross. W. McKeen, and Edw. Carritt, E^•qra. Oetieral Sessions of the Peace, held at Ouysborough, on the Jtrat Tuesday of January, and the first Tuesday of May ; and at StL Mary's on the^r«< Tuesday of July. Justices of the Peace, Hon. Robt. M. Cutler (Custos\ Chas. Archi- brld, Chas. Brodie, Fras. Cook, Ahner Atwater, Jim. Q. Hadley, Wm O. Heif(^nan, David Dohson, Edw J. Cunningham,- Edmund H. F^anehTille, Wm. J. Bigttlow, Jno. J. Marshall, Wm. Hart, Alex. Manoon, Jno. Campbdl, w in. Mhir, Jno. Mahaney, Wm. O. Sccitr, David Bears, Jno. Ehler, Thos. Keating. David E!erby, Jas. Handlon, Jesse Anderson, Tl oi. C. Whitman, Martin Meugher, ^bner P. Mc^ Kencie, Jno A. Steel, Wm. Fergiumn, Thos. Ji. Patterson, Jno. Ja- mieson, Jno. Sinclair, Wm. A. McKeen, Jno. McMillan, and Jas. Wallace, 'K^rs. ; ^t. Mary's Dis., Hugh McDonald ( C(<«eo«>, Thos. Qlencioss, Wm. McKten. Jno. W. McKeen, Thos. O'Flavin, Jno. Kattie, and Am Rude, Esqrs. Clerks of the Peaee^Ouysborough, Styles Hart ; Si. Mary's , Esqn*. Court of "Pblobath— Judges^ Dis. of Cfuvsbnrough, Stewart Camp- bell ; St. Mary's Dis., Hugh McDonald ; 'Registrars, St Mary's Dis., Jno. A Mcintosh ; Dis. o/* Guyaborouyh, Wm. Hart. E>qra. Regis- trar^ of Deeds ~-Oayiborough',\\m. Moir; St. Mary's Dis:, Hugh Me Donald, Ei«qm. Controller of Customs and Navigafion Lawfs; and Surveyor of shipping, Thos. McColi, Esq. Cott'rs of Colonial and Light Duties— Guysbort/ugh, Thos. McCoU; St. Mary's River, Jno. McDonald ; Cape Canso, Geo. Norris, E-qrs. Colfr of Lii/ht Duties — Ctmso, W. J. Bigelow, Enq. Seizing Officers, Messrs. Thos. Flk- vin.vid Leonard Pye. Agent jor Emigrant Ships and Pireventive Officers, Jas. B Hadley, Esq. Surveyor of Shipping, Dis of St. Mary's, Alex. McDonald. CoU'r of Light Duties and Revenue Officer, Strait (f Canso, Jas. Purcill, Rsq. Dtp. Postmasters— Gitysbontugh, Hon. Kubt. M. Cutler; Sherhrooke, St. Mary's, Hugh McDonald; Canso, Geo. Norris ; McNair's Cove, Chas. J. W ylde, Etiqrs. L -nm'rs of Schools, Rev. Jas. Duifie— Thos. H. Pattenon, Chrintopher Jost, J«io. Maloney, Edw. Irish Cunningham, and Edw. H. Franohville, Esqrs. St. Mary's Dis , Rev. J. CHmpbell, Rev. Alex. Campbell — Uu|ih McDoua.d, Thos. Olencrnss, Wm. McKeen, Jos. Alexander, and Wm. Bent, E^qrs. Comm'rs of Stnets, Wm. Scott, Jno. Qrant, and Jairus Hadley, Enqra. Clerk of License, Mr. Jas. E.'Torey. D^. Surveyors of Land-t, Wm. Hartshorne, Esq. Inspector of Pickled Fi»h and Dep. Agent for Lloyds, Edw. H. Franohville, Esq. Warden of the River Fisheries, Murdoch McLean, E»q. Health Officer, Edw. Carritt, £«iq. Light House Keeper, Mr. God trey 8. Peart. COUNTY OF CAPE BRETON. High Sheriff, Richard Gibbons, Jr. Ei>q. Coroners, Jno. L. Hill, Chas. McAlpine, Dun. N. McQueen, and Lauclilan Robt-rtson, Enqrs. Supreme Court held at Sydney on the ^rst Tuesday of June ; and 1857.] ALMANACK. 93 on the Jirtt Tuesday of October Profhrntotmy, Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, Cha<«. £ Leonard, Jr. Esq. Comm'r$/or giving relief to Inaolveitt Debtor* and for taking u^ffida- vita to hold to Bail, Uhas. E. Leonard, ChaM. McAlpiue, Wm. Uuse- ]ey. Jug. Bourinot, and Pete** U. Clarke, Enqra. General iSesidonB of the Peace, held at Sydney, on the^r«< Tues- day of March, and eeoond Tuesday ot July. Notariee Public, The Barristers of the Sup. Court. Peter H. Clarke, C. E. Leonard, Thos. S. Brown, Chas. McAlpine, J. D. GUlies, Jno. McLean, and Simon Nicholson, Esqrs. JuUice9 of the Peace, Chas. £. Leonard (CuHoe), Peter H- Clarke, Jno. McKinnon, Chas. McAlpine, Wm. Ouseley, Jno. L, Hill, llioe. S. Brown, Jno. D. Clarke, Geo Hill, Jno. Bourinot, N. H. Miorttn, Arnold Holmes, Wm. Armstrong, Wm Butler, Wm. Grammel],Hugn Munro, Thos. Caldwell (8. Mines), Lauchlan Robertson. Jas. McNeil, Don. MoNeiL Benoni Shepherd, Jno. McKinnon (Narrows), Anthony Martell, Geo. Bigby, Jat>. MatthefiOn, Don. Boss, Jao. D. GilUs, Stephen McPhersun, fl^. Thos. D. Archtu^ld. Angus McDonald, Don. GiUls, Don. McDonald, Martin McDonald, Wm. Corbt-tt, Jno. Fergus<m, Henry Ingles, Wm. Murray, Jr., and Jno. Forbes, Esqrs. Oou&T or Pkobatb.— /tM<9«, Jan. McKeagney; Regietrar, Don. N. McQueen, Esqvs. Begietrair of^Deeda, Jaa P. Ward, Esq. Coh- troUer ^f Ctutoma and N/tvigatittu Latoe^ North Sydneg, Thos. S. Brown, Esq. Surveyor of Shipping— North Sydney, Jno. Bourinot, Esq. CoWra of Col<mial and Light Dutif»~ Sydney, Chas E. Leon- ard ; Great Brat d^Or, Alex. Monro ; Nonh Sydney, Thos. B. Brown ; Bay St Lawrence and Cape North, Thos. Brown, Jr.. E-«qrs. Officer* fyr protection of Revenue— Cape North and Bay of St- Lawrence, Ilios. Brown, Jr. ; Great Brae cPOr, Jno. Bain, Enqrs. Seizing Officers, C. Barrington and Angus Morrison, Et^qrs. Dep. Pottmaettre— Sydney, B«bt. Martin ; North Sydney, C. A. Martin ; Sydney Minea, D. G. Bigby, Eaqrs. Cotnm'ra of Schoola, Very Aev. Jno. Lauchlan, Rev. M. Wilson, Bev. Hugh McLeod, Rev. Geo. Richardson, Rev. R. J. Uniacke, Rev. Jas Fraser, Rev. Jno. Quinnan, Rev. Alex. McL. Des- brisay — H. W. Crawley, Chas. £. Leonard, Peter H. Clarke, Henry B. Forman, M. D , Wm. Ouseley, Hugh Munro, D. N. McQueen, and Wm. Gammell, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Sydney Common, Peter H. Clarke, Jas. McKeagney, Hugh Munro, Neil Campbell, and Geo. Burohill, Etqrs. Comm'ra of Str^-ete, Peter Mihan, E. Archibald, and J. D. Clarke, Esqrs. Harbour Maatera — Sydney, Thos. Saml. BoMm ; Bridgeport Walter Handrickan, Enqrs. Comm'ra for granting Li- cenaea to Pilota, Chas. E. Leonard, Thoa. S. Bown, P. H. i^larke, and Hon. Thos. D. Archibald, Esqrs. Clerk, Jno. L. Hill, Esq. Weigh- era of Flour, Messrs. J. D. Ciarke, and Jno. Barrington Superviaora of Public Grounda, Hen. inglis, Wm. Ouseley, and Lauchlan Robert- son, Esqrs. Dqt, Surveyor of Landa, Ja«. McKensie, Esq. Lupecfor of Pickled Fish, Thos. S. Bown, Esq. Warden of the River Fiaheriea, R. GiblMins, Jr., Esq. Fire Brigade— Captain, Henry IngliH ; Lieut., Chas. C. Read. Health Officera, H. B. Forman, M. U., and Thos. E. . Jeans, M. D., Esqrs. U. S. Conaul, Luther Brackett, Esq. Conaul of France, Jno. Bourinot, Esq. AgetU for Uoyda, Peter H. Clarke^ Esq. ■liM mm 04 BELOHBB'8 VABMBB'8 [1887. COUNTY OP VICTORIA. Hiffh Sherif, Jacob S. Ingraham, Esq. CoroneTt Chas. J. Campbell, Esq. Supreme Court held at Baddeek, on the steond Tuesday of June, and aieimd Tuesday of October. Prothonotary and Ckrk of ikt Chrton, onH Health Officer, Jos. Elmt^ley, M. D., E^q. Comm'nfir giving rtUtf to Imehent DeUon, and fir taking ^fMa- m'm tokUdio BaUt Alex. Taylor and Wm. Kidston» Bsqrs. General SesdonB of the Peace held at Baddeck on the third Tvm- day of Itareb, and third TtMeday of July. Natariu Pubtto, Tb« Bar- risters of the Sap» Court, and Itousald B. MoNab, Esq. JmticM of the Pmm— Murdoch MeKaskill ( Ouetot), Km. MoLeod, Don. McLeod, Dougald B. McNab, Dun. MoKae, Wm. Jones, Jno. M6nA), Jno. Camph^l, Jas. Sutherland, Chas. McKeniie, Chas. J. Camphell, Alex. Taylor, Jno. Robertson, Alex. Munro, Wm Kid- ston, Jos. Han, Alex. McRae, Wm. Roes. Ancns Buchanan, W. Burke, Alex. McKay, Lewis Brown, Dun. Ferguson, Don. MoLeod, Alex. McKay, Jno. Campbell, Alex. McKay, Don. Mcliran, Alex. Cameron, Angus MoLeod, Jno McDonald, MurdiDOh Mto^enzie, Jno. 8. McNeil, Jno. O McKinnon, Angus McDonald, Dor MvLean, and Jn6. McLennan, Esqra. Cierh of the Peace, A. P. Kalliburton, Esq. CooBT 07 PxosATB.— JiMiit$i», Wm. Joucs ; Regietrar, Alfred Halli- burton, E^«qr8. Regietrar rf Deed* and Dep. Land Sttrvegor, Dott- mld B. McNab, Esq. Comm're of Sehoolt, Rev. A. Farquhanoa, Rer. Jas. Fraser, Rev. Alex. McQilvray — Dougald B. McNab, Jno. Robertson, Jos. Elmstey, M. D., and Wm. Kidston, Bsqrs. Dep. Poatmaetere— Baddeck, Wm. Kidston ; St. Ann's, J. Munro, K<qrs. Culfreof Colonial and Light Dutie»'St. Ann'*, Henry O Sellmk ; .01^ Brae iOr, Qeo. Old, Esqra. Seiaiag Offiaere^Ittgonieh, Lewis BnHtn ; Entrance Oreat Brae kOr, Don. McKinnon ; Bag St. Lam- renee and Cape North, Qmo. Burton, Esqrs. Licpeetar of Pickled Fi^, Mr. Jno. MoNeiL Warden of the River Fieheriei, Jno. Munro, Jr., Esq. COUNTY OP INVERNESS. Bigh Sheriff, Qeo. 0. Lawrence, E«iq. Coronen, Dunaier Tmnain, Jno. Munro, and Jas. G. MeKeen, B^qrs. Supreme Court held at Port Hood, on the third Tuesday of June, aiid third Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, Jno. L Tremain, E^. Comm'ra for giving ralief to Intolvent Debtors, and for taking affi- davits to hold ta Bail, Jno. L. Tremain, Hon. Wm McKeen, Dunsier Trmnain, Patk. Delaney, Peter L. Bronard, Lauchlau McDougall, and Jas. MoDonnell, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood on the second Tuesday of January, mdjirst Tuesday of October. Ifotaries Public.-— The Barristers of the Sup. Court, Jno, McLeod Jno. L. Tremain, Saml. Lawrence, Henry Taylor, Jas. G. MoKeen, Hiram Blanchard, Isaac MpLeod, Thos. Martell, Philip Le Montwls, and Geo. C. Lawrence, Eaqrs. WI-MWI'tflTi [1857. . J. Camii^>eU, idar of June, \ofiK» Ovum, taking i^Ma- e third tvm- l. Ken. MeLeofl, m. Jones, Jno. niie, ChoM. 3. o. Wm Kid- iuohanan, W. Drm. MoLeod, IcIi^Aii, Alex. tto^^ensie, Jim. MvLean, and lliburtom EiMI< , Alfred HaUi- ktrveyoTt Don- FarquharMm, IfcNab, Jno. , Boqra. Dtp, Muiiro, BKqra. ry O Sellmk; *fOHi$ht I«#i8 Buy St. Lam' f Piekled Fitk, Munro, Jr., iniier Tremain, esday of June, , of the Orwvn for taking affi- Keen, Diansier m McDougaQ, on the •« oMid Jnot McLeod I. O. MoKeen, ,p Le Monti^, 1867.] AlKAITACX. W JuatieM of the Peaeel — Bon. Wm. M<£een (Cuatot), Jno. L. Tie- inain, Henry Taylor, Matt. Hawley, Jno. Campbell, Wm. Buck, Peter J. BroMUrd, Don. Cameron, Oeo. C. Lawrence, Patk. Delaney, ThoR. Ethrtdge, Jno. McLeod, Dunrier Tremain, Jaa. Doyle, Jno. McLellan, Jan. O. McKeen, Petv Smith, Don. McDonald, Jno. Mc- Lean, Wm. McDonald, Hugh Campbell, Don. Beaton, Alex. McLean, Allan McDonald. Martin McPhcraon, Miles McDonald, Lauohlin McDougall, Aroh'd McDoiunll, Don. BmiHi (of the I$kmd),JBB. Fur- cell, AlUn Cameron, Isaac McLeod, Neil McLellan^ San^. Campbell, Jno. Beaton, Alex. McLellan, Areh. Mclntyw, Malcom McK^, J. H. MoKeen, Aliex. Chiskolm, Hugh McKay, Philip J. LeBiehe, Don. McDonald, Jaa. McDonnell, SamL Lawrence, Don. MeLdlm, Mai- eolm McDonald, Saml. BMtnn, and Don. McLellan, Eaqrs. Covsir or VBoiajLtu.— Judge, Jno. L. Tremain ; SegietroTt Hiram Blanchard, Etiqrs. Regietrar of Deeda. Jno. L. Trtnnain, S^q. CoUre of Colonial imd Light Dutiea-^Port Hood, Hiram Blanchard; Ship Harbour, Peter J. Bronard ; Margaree laland, Nat. C. McKeen, B^qra. Colfr of Light Duty—Plaiater Cove, Jas. O. McKeen, Esq. Surveyor of Skipping, Hiram Blanchard, Esq. Seizing Officer— CkUieamp, Mr. Walter Lawrence. Dep. Poatmaatera—Port Hood, J. D. Tremain; Phuater Cove, J. G. McKeen; Whgkokamagh, L. McDougall, EHqrs. ComnCra of Schoola— Southern Die., Rev. Alex. McDon«ld, Rer. Wm; G. Forbes, Rer. Hugh McDonald, Rev. Jno. Y. MdDownaU, Rev. McLean, Rev. Ron. McGilvray, Rev. McLean— Wm. Watts, J. L. Tremain (Chairman), Hon. Wm. McKeen,. Peter Jno. Bronaid, end Peter Smyth, E«qrs. Northern Die., Rev. Patk. McKeaniey, Rev. H. J. Oh«tattl^lle#. Jno. Q*eM, Rev. Jno. Gunn— I ienry Taylor, Malcolm McKny, Saml. Campbell, Thoe. Bthridge, Angus McLellani and Hugh McLellan, Eaqrs. Dtp. Land Surveyora, Messrs. R. C Austin, and Jas. McKentie. T^uateee Part Hood Academy, Rev. Alex. McDonald, Rev. Patk. McKeagney, Rev. Wm. Miller— Peter Smyth, and J. L. Tremain, Esqrs. Itupector of Pick- ted Fiah, Tebet J. Bronard, Esq. Warden of the River Fiaheriea, Angus Mclnnis. COUNTY OF RICHMOND. High Sheriff, John F. Fuller, Esq. Ommmr and Clerk of the Peace, Geo. E. Jean, Esq. Supreme Court held at Ariohat on Una fourth Tuesday of June ; and fourth Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Croum and Health Officer, Andw. Madden, M D., E.4q. Comm'ra for giving Relief to hiaolvetU Debtora, and for taking affi' davita to hold to Bail, Andw. Madden, Peter DeCarteret, Wm. Creigh- ton, H. Martel, and Simon Donovan, Eaqra. Notariea Publio» The Barristers of the Sup. Court, and Lauchlin J. Currie, Esq. Gheneral Sessions of the Peace held at Arichat on the aeoond Tuesday of February. Juaticea of the Peace, Andw. Madden (Cuatoa), Wm. Crichton, Peter DeCarteret, Geo. E. Bissett, Jno. Smith, Jno. Morrison, Henry Martell, Desire Boudrot, Hector McDonald, Thos. LeNoir, Jno. R. Smi^ Alex. Murchison, Anthony Oliver, Simon Donovan, Chas. 96 BBLCHBR 8 VABMBB S (1847. Fixott, Alex. Cameron, Jno. Mclnni«, Simon lie Blanc, Geo. T. Banflley, Norman SIcNetl, Predk. Boudrot, Peter Campbell, Jn^. Johnstone, Jos. Ilartell, Jr , Patk. C Brennan, Fatlc. McCarthy, Jiio. S. Briand, Jno. Straehan, Cnrnelius Riley, Qet). Wincey, Jno Mathe- Bon, Joftiah Eooper, Ken. MoLend, Jub. J Jean*, Jno Fuller, Clias. Boudrnt, l&iw. Oaguon, Edm. P Flinn, and Edm. Phelan, "B^qn. Covsi!t oFPttoBATB— JodB^e, Chas F. Harrintfron ; A«^i«<l'ar. Then. H. Falter, B^qra. Reghtrar of Dteda. Oeo. E. Jean, E^q. Cantrotter of CiUtfMU and Navigation Lawf, Simon Donorail, Esq. Reg^r of Shippinfff Oeo. E. Jean, Esq. ColTn of Coloniti and Light DtUiet ai»d Semng Offioon, Simon Donovan; Ari^Aat. Bait »ide 6f Canao^-^ Petier J Brpnard, Enqra. Officer for the Proteelion of the Revenue, Die. of St. PMert, Cornelius Riley, Esq. Seiiiiig OJfkere and Land- ing Wuitere— Little Ariehat, Messrs. Baml. Burke; Z)'fi>0oMM. Jno. Heam. D^ Puatmaaten— Ariehat, Miss E. McDonald; St. Peter'e, Oeo. T. Randley. B-^q. Comm'ra of Schoile Rev. J. A. Shaw, Rev. Herbert Oeripr, Rev. N. Corteaux.llev. Jas. Ross— Peter D^arteret, Audw. Madden, W Crichton, Desire Boudrnit, and F. Mdrmaud, Eiqrs. Dep. Land Surveg/ra, Me«r4. Robt. Sutherland, Jas. O. Mc- Keurie, and Thos. Cromly. Jiapector of Pickled Fiah. Jab. F. F^- ler. Bnq. Wardim of the River Fiaheriea, Henry Martell, Esq. Cqmm'ra of Streeta, Norman McNeil, Isaac Foitest, Jno. Ballam, Patk C Brennan, and Peter LeBlanc, B^qrs. C.tmm'rafor St. POer'a CantUt THos. H. Fuller, Henry Martell, and Hugh Muuro, Esqrs. CITY OF HALIFAX. CORPORATION. Mayor, Archibald Scott, Enq. Recorder, Beamish Murdoch, Esq. (Htjf Clerk, James Stewart Clarke, E«iq. Aaeiatant- Gierke, John L. Cragg and Thos. Rhind, Ssqn. Marahalor High Conatable, George Irwin, Esq. Treaaurer, Lawrence Hartshome, Enq. Auditora, Thomas Abbott and John Harvey, E«qrs. Cttg Aaaeaeont William Roche and Fras. Stevens, Esqrs. Aldermen and Justices d the Fdace. Ward, No. 1— Wm. G. Aiideraon. Wm. J. Stain, and Patrick Donohoe ; No. 2— Jno. W. Young, Samuel Caldwell and Matth«w ^r«s (I8fi.7. Ilanc, Oeq. T. Dampbell, Jni}. McCarthy, J«io. sy; Jno Mathe- I Fuller, Ctias. lelan, 'Bi^qn, tB0i»ttar.l!hon. %-iq. Controller Esq. jRe/f of d lAjfht Duties ide 6f Camot— rf the Revenue, ie^it and Land- >'fi>ooM««. Jno. id; St. Peter' $, A.. Shawr, Eev. eterD^Cartec^t, 1 F. Btdtmaud, [id, ias. G. Me- A. Juo. F. F^- Martell, B^q. , Jno. Ballam, 'sfor St. POv't lUFo, Baqn. Bsqn. isqn. n, and Patrick 11 and Mattli«w •r^ w- lt57.] AJMXVkCK. «7 L-ivnds; No. S, Joieph Ball, Jaraes Cochran and Peter Moni'^j ; No. 4, Peter Boss, John 3. WilU and Thos. Hing ; No. 6, Wm. McKay, Jeremiah Conway and Jno. L. Barry ; No. 6, John King, John Langard and Jos. Jennings, £ qrs. The Mayor's Court is held in the County Cjoort Hotise, on tilie «4c- ond and foterth Tuesday in every month. The Police Office is open evwy week day from 10 till 3 d*cIoidk. One d£ the Aldermen presides weekly in rotation. Clerk of Liceme, Mr. W. J. Morris. Clerks of the MarkOt, Messrs. Chas. Fielding and Peter Meagher. Keeper and Superintendent of Markets, Mr. ^enry Parker. Heat^ Inspe<aor, Mr. James Spike. Underkeeper, Fish Market, Mr. Daniel McQuire. Superintendent of Streets, Mr. James Pollock. Clerk of Streets, Mx. Jno. C. Craigen. Inspectors and Weighers ofFreihBeef, Pickled Beef and Pork, Messrs. Thos. O. Beamish and Jas. Mooney. Pound Keepert— north, Henry Veith ; south, Michael Power. Weighers of Hay, Messrs. Thos. Keat> ing an4 Michael Doren. Weighers of Ftour, Messrs. Samuel Carteiit Jbo. Parker, Wm. Grant and Jno. Winters. Keeper of BridetoeU^ Mr. Wm. McDonald. Keeper of the Potvder Magatinct Mr. Samuel MarshaU. Keeper of the Cemetery, Mr. Jos. Keefler. Surgeon of Bridetoett, Jas. C. Hume, E«rq., M. D. Cotnm^rs of ths Common — Aldm. Jennings, King, Young, Lownds, Barry and Morrisey. Comm'rs of the Cametery'-A.lim. Anderson, Wills, Bell, Caldwell, McKay and Ross. Comm'rs Pttblic Accounts—JiXdm. Stairs, Ross, Cochran,' Toung, Donohoe and Bdl. Camm'rs of Denders—AMm, Longard, Ring, Donohoe, Stain, Wills and Conway. Comm'rs City Property— Alim. Cochran, McKay, ^ownds, Lon- gard, Ring and Caldwell. vomm'rs Backs and rmc^— Aldm. Jennings, Morrisey, Barry, Ring,\!onway and Anderson. Comm'rs of Bridewell— The Aldermen, monthly. Constables.— Ward No. 1, Jas. Ram and Patriae Caulfidd ; No. 2, Garret Cotter and David Evans ; No. 3, Philip Parsons and Donald Fraser; No. 4, Matthew Gardner and Thomas McCoy; No. 5, Jno. Steele and Jno. Artliur ; No. 6, Wm. Roddick and Jno. Campbell. BoABD OF Hbalth. — Ward No. 1, Jno. B. Fay and Jno. Whitman ; ' No. 2, Geo. C. Whiddeu and Bernard Gilpin, M. D. ; No. 3. Dr. MoUey and Wm. Ackhurst ; No. 4, Jas. Parker and Thos. Bain ; No. 5, Thos. Donovan and Wm. McKay ; No. 6, Chas. Black apd W. J. Jordan, Esqrs. Clerk, Mr. Jno. C. Craigen. Hbalth Waudens.— Ward No. 1, Andw. Mitchell, Jos. Graham, Jno. Duffus, Jr., and Jas. Pryor; No. 2, Jos. Sutton, J. T. Wylde, Robt G. Noble, and Edw. Chipman ; No. 3, Ritk. Drummond, A. McLean, Matt. Lownds and Jas. R. Gilbert ; No. 4, Jno. R. Clerer- don, Wm. Pallister, David Shepherd, and Jno. Murphy ; No. 6, Robt. Graham, Wm. Humphrey, Arthur Anderson, and Wm. Brown; No. 6, Wm. Howe, Jos. Kaye, Jos. Bell, and M. G. Black, Jr , Enqn. Survfyon of Lumber, t^c, Messrs. Henry Spike, Jas. Sutton, Gra- ham W. Lovett, W. Henderson, and Jas. Dechman. Sealers of Leather, Messrs. Thos. McMurray, Jas. Norwood and 9» MLCBBB'ft WJtMmMa,'» E1M7. Wm. JeBk&os. iJeaturerr ami hisptcXan of PamUr** fTorJi, Messm. Qety. Smithenb Maurice Downey, and Jas. Smith. Measurer* of Woodt If enn, Xben MoNab, Makolm, Brown, Wm. Holland, and Jos. Findlay. IVeiffhera and Measurert of Salt and Gram, MeMora. Jask CvOen, Thoa. MoGaiuir W. Bobb, Jas. Aull, Jno. Martin, Wm. Blythei Andw. Keating, and Jas. Mafaaney. Moatunrs of Cbal, iiiumn, Jnot (XConaeU, Saml. King, Wm. Madden, Alex. Grant, Andw. flmidi, Jas. Keslaiw, Andw. Nbbet, Wm. SUby, wid Mark Maddison. CUp Criert Mr. Jas. McFarlane. 3urv«yor9 of Brieh and Limtt and Meo»wni'9 of Maoomf Work, Messrs. Nicholas Wright, Robt. MiOcolm and Jas. Beid. Feneo Viewer*, Messrs. Fun WABDwrst— NOi 1, Thos. Holloway, Jas. B. OxSey, Jno. H. CrosskiU, Jno. HaB and Andw. Mittdiell ', No. 2, Ardi. Sieott, Jno. DoaU and Jas. W. Fenerty ; No. 8, Thos. Bayne and M. 8. Brown ; No. 4, Jnow Kofaardson, P. Boss, and Jas. Phdan ; No. 6, Or. A. B. (Mdhton {Chairman^, R. NugjBnt, W. J. Coleman and T. W^McBae ; No. 6, Jno. Longaro, Wm. L. Black and Jno. Edw. Stan, Biscirs. Smfrf., B. C. Brehen, "Saq. Committee in chmrge of Fire Pluffa, HydranU, Pump*, WeUs, SfO. — jVard Now 1, Jattl B. Oxley 'r Na 2, Jno. Doull ; Na S, Thos. Bayne; No. 4, J. Richardson ^ No. 6, R. Nugent ; No. C, J. Longard, Esqrs. Keeper of Engine Hot$$e, and Supervisor of Tanks, Mr. Wm. Sturmy. AjfB FiB& CowfAS-w. — Rdi'4 T. Roome (Cap<a«'»]^,Tbos. Efonison, (Lieut.), Edw. R. Jost (Sse'y and Trettntrer), Martin Beuree, ClUs. StiUifaii» Jas. R. Graham, Alex. Robinson, Geo. Res, Rieh'd Cnrrie, Widter Curry, Wm. Carey, Geo. Wiswi^ Jas. Graham, D. Sul- liTan, Ridi'd Power, Wm. Grant, Jno. McNeil, Allan MsDonald, Thos. !Rtame, Jno. Hollanc^ Jna Coblentz, Wm. Mellreith, Patek. KeUy, Jos. Johnston, Wm. Fox uid Clarke CaldweH. Honorary Jiremfer*— Bmry Miller, Thos. McKie/ Wm. H. Marvin, Jas. Grant, Errol Boyd, Patk. Mahoney, Jnow McPheison, Peter Arte and Robt. B ichar dsonV • QTThe Axe Fire Com^pany aaid Fire Engine Company, are ex< empt from Militia duty, and from serving as Jurors. Sun Fxbk CoMSAmr. — Ptest., Jas. Donaldson ; Vice-Preat., Jas. B< Oxley ; Treasurer, Jaa. Tteaain ; See'y^ Wm. B. Lee, Esqrs. Ham^ IK Baki> Fibb CoicPAmr.— Preif., Jno. H. Mc^ab ;, Viee- Prest., Geo. K M(»ton ; Sec'y, J. R. Wallace, Esqrs. TTmion Enoinb Company^ establisked Auausv 8, I768i. — Samuel CaldweU, Captain. No. 1, Engine; Station, Parade — Jno. Richardson and • , Fire Warden*— ^fm. Ctddwell, 1st Lt. ; Jno. DugweR, 2nd Lt; Wm. Sturmy, Henry Merrick, Dank MBPher8<», J. R. WiUis, Jno. Arch- ibald, Rudi'd. Vinecove, Jno. DrilUs, Thos. Rhind, Geo. Scarffe, Jno. :p[0Akins, Wm. Losgud, Thos. Way, Wm. Muir, Thos. MeAlpine, and Andw. Donaldson. No. 2, Engine ; Station, Parade— Jas. W. Fenerty and Jas. Phelan, Fir* Wardens— HobU Woodill, 1st Lt. ; ThoS( Bentley, 2Bd Lt ; Aleac Robertson, Chas. Fielr^ing, Jas. Gordon, Alex. Wilson, Wm. Stddley, Chas. WUltamsop, «s. Ritchie, Wm. Roast, Don. Eraser, P^ter Hettdersbn and Jas. Bii^. _^ No. 3, Engine; Station, Parade— Thos. Bayqe' and M. S. Brown. mS^ [ibsr. VhrU, Messn. Measurer* of HoIl«ad» and Urainf MetMin. Martin, Wm. ir&rt of Cbal, Alex. Orant, bjrWid Mark f(MOM»' Worit, ch. Scotti Jw>, il, S. BrowB ; . 6, Or. A. B. T.W^McKie; . Stan, Eiscps. t, Weih, Sfi. — Tho0. Bayne; onsard, Esqn. Wm. Stormy, hoa. HanriaoB, Beuree, ClUa. Rieh'd Cwrrie, lam, D, Sul- An MtDonald, rllrdth, Piatek. eU. Honorary in, Jas. Grantr krtxaud Robt. • apany, are ex- ■Preai., Jaa. B« Esqrs. McNab; Vice- 176a.— Samuel Old — — , , 2&d Lt; Wm. lis, Jno. Arch- il. Scarffe, Jno. lios. MeAlpine, id Jas. Phelan, itley, 2Bd Lt ; , Wibon, Wm. t, Don. Tnaex, I M. S. Brown> 1M7.] ▲UCAlTACfK. 9Q Fire Wardena — Jno. Mcllreith, let. Lt. ; Robt. Awften, 2nd Lt. ; Wm. Pyke, Saml. Morris, Jno. Taylor, Walter C. Manning (8«or«to- ry), Edw. Longard, Robt. Cleverdon, Wm. Veith, Jno. D. Lonmrd, {Tnaaurer), Jas. Lawlor, Jno. Dvrw, Thoa. Power, Jno. Carter, Har- ris Hall, Jno. Donald and Walter Sherlock. No. 4, Engine ; Station, Maitland Street— T. W. MoKie and Wm. L. Blaek, Fire IVardena^Jno. Hetler, Ist. Lt.; Jas. Lindaar, 2nd Lt.; Jno. Lindsay, Edw. Hart, Wm. Winton, Chas. Greenfield, Jno. Patterson, Richd. Martin, Danl. Smith, Robt. Story, T. R. DeWolf, Edw. Power, A. F. Erring and Chas. Downey. No. 6, Engine ; Station, Gov't. House Lane— Jas. B. Oxley and P. Ross, Fire Wardena — ^Henry Rdd, 1st. Lt; Chas. Blackadfur, Snd. Lt.; Fredk. Bacon, Wm. Murray, Henry Flowers, Jas. Norwood, Zebina Hall, Riohd. Beazley, Jno. Roue, Geo. Ashmore, Samln Cop- pin, Thos. Archibald and Cmas. J. Dodd. No. 6, Engine; Station, City Bridewdl— Jno. H. CrosskiH^md Andw. Mitchell, ' Fire Wardena — Chas. Bamstead, 1st Lt.; Jas. Smithers, 2nd. Lt; Robt. Davis, Eliakim Creelman, SamL Widlis, Geo. Forsyth, Jno. Scriven, Jno. Bastey, Thos. Hall, Saml. Wdr, Richd. Abbott, Wm. Robinson, Jno. McLean, Thos. Hume {Mar-' ahal), Jasi E. Sinclair, Chas. Sinclair, Jos. Scriven, Jno. Horton and Wm. Mcllreith. • Obdnanob Enoine — Fire Warden, R. Nugent. • Dock Yabs Engine — Fire Warden, Jno. Edw. iBtarr. Honorary Membera. — *Geo. Little, Geo. Smithers, *£dw. Sturmy, Arch. Goreham, •Jas. Mahaney, •Fredk. Sturmy, •Wm. Crawford, •Henry Spike, •Jos. McGill, 'Geo. Caldwell, •Jno, J. Wills, •Wm. Stevens. •Jno. Erving, 'Andw. McGrigor, •Zebina 9all, •David Calder,*^Wm. Bentley, •Thos. Holloway, •Jas. Jackson, '•Robt gotten, •Jno. J. Bennett, •Wm. J. Morris, and •Jas. Reeves.. DARTMOUTH. Mbcbanios' Instttutb. — Truateea, Edw. H. Lowe, Jas. W. Tur- ner, R. McLeam, H. Elliot, and T. B. Desbrisay, M. D., Esqrs. Agbioultubal Society. — Prea., A. Farquharson, Esq. Vice-Prea.t W. Lawson, Esq. Sec'y, Mr. A. Farquharson, Jr. Treaaurer, Mr. Walter Robl||^ Trustees ot the Coxmoiy. — Hon, Jno. E. Fairbanks, H. Y. Mott, and Wm. Foster, Esqrs. FiBB Wabdens. — Jonathan Elliott (Chairman), Jas. Stanford, and Thos. Marvin. FiBE Company. — Prea.., R. Hartshorne ; V. P., N. Russell, Esqrs.; See'y and Treaaurer, Mr. Jos. Austin. IiBB Enoinb Company. — Benj. Elliot (Capt.), Sam'l Hunstone (Lieut.) Michael Murray, Wm. Bowers, Rich. Walker, D. Farrellf T. A. Hyde, W. ElUot, and W. Walker. Comk'bs of Stbeets. — Messrs. J. Parker, T. Marvin, and D. Faulkner. Tbustees of Wateb Lots. — Walter Robb, Charles W. Fairbanksy and F. A. Hyde, Esqrs. * Members thus marked have served the legal term (16 years) as Fireman, irtaioh exempts them fram the performanse ot the same public duties as enjoyed when ao- tual Members of the Company. Those not so marked have retired by reason of low of health, la consequenoe of exposure at fires. 100 BBLOHm'S VABMBS'S [1M7. Tbustbh ov thb Bobial OBouND.»Rioh. MoLeam, Jonathan BUiott, and Alex. James Etqn. If ay OjHm K»«p«r, Mr. Bd«r. Foster. Dabtmodtk Cvblino ChVB.-^Pairon, Horn, Wm. A. Black. /Vm- id»Ht, Mr. Jas. Greig. V. Fr«s., Mr. Jno. Jamieaon. Rtpreutnt. Mtmbwtt Jno. RichaccUon, Thou. Httniphrey tad Jiio. Piper, Eaqtv. Trmum'trt Mr. Sac^ville McKay. Seo'jit Thoa. Humphrej, Esq. ComtiUUM of Manag$tmnt, Meaan. Jaa. Willianuon, Patrick Bhielda, Alex. OgatcNa and Jaa. Held. EoadB and Diitancei to the Frincipal Towni in the Piovinoe* Bautax to Aitnapous AMD DlOBT. D»V'"j t Baklar'a, . . . . o »io«»!?, } . . . 1 Ward*!. Gtttboa*!, a- HMnUton't) ... 2 HUU'i, 7i Jenkini's, .... 8 OliuMy'a, Ukelands, 6} SweetX 1 Martia'a, mouth of Neirport Road, THndior, (45) . . . BMd'i, I Lower, . Dimock^, ) Horton, . WoUVille, .... K«ntTtlle, ($) Chute's Beutley-e, . . Glbbon-VIlle, . Lawrence Town, Bridgetown, . Annapolis, (UO) Digby, . . . 4 10 11 1 4 . 7 . 6 .12" . 9 . 8 . 15 . 24 HaUTAZ to SBOBOaiTK, Shoei Bocti. Kirby'B » Hubley's, .... 5 Saupbiney's, head of St. Margaret's Bay 7 McLean's, . . . .11 Chester, (45) . . . 18 Zwlcker s, Mahone Bay, 20 LunenbuM, (72) . . .6 La HaTe Ferry, . . 7 Across the Ferry, . 6J Petite RlTiere, .... 7 Broad Core, ... 4 MUlViUace, ... 6 Lhwraool, (107^) . . 8} Portllottton, ... 10 . Port Jolly, .... 6 Sable River, ... 10 Jordan RItw, ... 8 Btaelbanw, .... 6 Halit AX to Tarmoctb '.nd 8aa.B0BRi via Amkap* OLO. Annapolis, . > . 180 Baroaby's.Dlgby, < 24 Seely's,St.Mary'sBav 7 Brerett's Weymoath Boad, .... 6 Jones's, Slssiboo, . . 6 Terreau's, BiUeveouf CoTe, 6 Comeau's, Clare, . . 7 Mallet's, Montagon OoTe, .... 9 • Phillip's, Bear RiTer, 16 Perry's Yarmouth Lakes, .... 7 Tarmouth, (221) . . 6 Porter's, Be) Brook, 13} Spinney's, Argyle, . 8| Larkin^s, Pubnico, . 9 Homar's, Barrington, 12] Nickersoa's, Bmver Dam, .... 12 Sh«dbnrne, .... 10 HlLIFAZ to CCXBIRLAND via WiMiHioB. Windsor, .... 45 Parrsboro', by water, 80 Fullerton's, ... 11 Jenk's, 2 Blaccan River, . . : 6^ Pugsley's Nappan, . 9 Beut's Amherst, . . 9 Fort Cumberland, . 7 HaUTAX to CiniUBLAMD via Dabtmooth. i Across the Ferry, . IJ ShuU2>s, .... 18 Woodward's, ... 12 Pollock's 16 Truro, (64^) ... 17 Fraser's, Folly Village 17 TopofCobq. Mount'n 21 •Hewson's,KiTerPbil., 8 Stewart's, .... 8 Amherst, (64) . ..10 "mi HALirAX to Pxoxov. To Truro, i . . .Mi Archibald's, . < .14 Irring's Mount Tom^ 6 Fraser's West RiTer, 8 Piotou ; 12 "iMJ Bautax to Caitbo. Plctou, .... 104| Across the Ferry to New Olasgow, . . 7 Copeland's, Merigo- mish, .... 12 Murray's. .... 5 ' McDonald's Arisaia,'12 Harrington's. Auu* gonish, (160) . . 17 Rory McDonald's, . 14 Ouysborough, (18^) . 17 Canso, . > .* . .80 Halifax to Shubbraoadib. Martin's. .... 86 Cochran's, .... 4 Rawdon Church, . . 8| Blois'sCore, DonghM, 11 Kenetuook Bridge, . 4 Moutlyif Sbubeuaca- dijjPTer, . . .15^ "li Halifax to MiddlbMob- QConoBon. Across the Ferry, . 1^ Sbults's, . .18 Keys's 10 Miller's, Oay's River, 8 Logan'a, 10 "47J AimAPOLUtO LiVBItPOOL. Hoyt's, LequilleMiUs 2 Brown's, .... 10 Monro's, MaitUmd, . 16 Cushing's, Harmony, 10 Harlow's, Caledonia, .1 Smith's, Brookfield, 8 Morton's, . . . .18 liTsrpool, . . . .14 [1857. Jonathan lack. Piftt- RepreMtnt. [per, Eaqn. hrey, . Esq. lokShieldi, FroTinoe* to Pioxov. , . 4 . 14 ant Tonit 6 wt RiT«r, 8 . . . ! la toOARBO. . . . 104| Feny to MOW, . . 7 llengo- . ... 12 . . . . 6 Aiiaaig,'12 '■, Aud- 160) . . 17 lald'i, . 14 th, nii) . 17 * .» . .80 RUBBNAOADIB. . .86 . . 4 irch, . . 8^ DOQglM, 11 iritig*, . 4 lubeoaca- . .l&i li lfn>9uM08- DBOIT. Ferry, . ^1 J . . 10 '■River, 8 ... 10 "47J LtnupooL. aUeMUli 2 ... 10 Ittand, . 16 [armony, 10 Jedonia, .1 ookfield, 8 . . .18 ... 14 1857] ALMANACK. 101 The foUowiog appointmenta hare been made ainoe the foregoiBg was put to press :— To be members of the Executive Council—* H<m. Richard A. McHeffey, M. L. C. Hon, John McKiimon, M. P. P. STAFF OF THE ARUHT IN NOTA-SCOTIA. • Mtyor Oen. on the Staf, Col. Sir J. Oaspard LeMarohant, Kt. tinoM. A»$t, Military Seeretaryt Lt. Col. Thos. LeMarohant, utuUt. Aide-de-Camp, Capt. Wilford Brett, 76 F. Dep. Quarter Matter Generalt Lt. Col. Thos. W. E. Holdaworth,' A. p. 2 P. Tovm Major, Lt Col. A. F. Ansell, unatt. Chaplain, Rev. jTohn Thomas Twining, D. D. Dfp. Commiaeary General, Thomas C. Weir, Esq^. Aatt. Commitsary Generals, Henry W. W. Plant- and Charlea H. Sheil, Es^rs. Dep. Aut. Com. Generalt, Edw. Tumbull and Frauds Chas. Blunt, Eaqra. Dep. Inapeetor General of, Hoipitalt, . Staff Surgeone, Jno. Grant and Jno. Donald, Esqn. St^ Aatt. Suryeona, Wm. Ramsay Stewart and Andw. Sample, Eaqrs. Barrack Maatert.—Halifax, T. W. A. Stephens, late 1 F; fi^dn^, C. B. S. Rigby, late 104 F. Ordnance Department. Dep. Storekeeper, Wm. H. Tapp, Esq. Clerks, Llewelyn Poole, H. S. Bagienell, E. V. Raynes, and Wm. Marvin, Esqrs. Asst. Clerk, G. Stephens. Storehouse men, C. Grant and I. Hilton. Armorer, R. Foley. Gate Porter, J. Cormick. OJice Messentjers, J. Todd and A. KeUy. Royal Engfincer Department. Commanding Officer, Royal Engineers, Colonel, Rich. Jno. Stotherd ; Clnks of Works, T. F. Hanlnn, J. W. Shirras, and W. Gordon, Esqn. Foreman of Works, Mr. Thos. Rees. Clerks, Thoa. Goudge and Geo. J. Creed,' Esqrs. Messenger, Mr. W. Pickles. • Barrack Department. Barrack Master, T. Stephens, Esq. Barrack Sergeants — BaHfax, Jno. Shean, P. Kenny, and Wm. Grant ; Windtor, Jas. Lrons. 102 BBtOKBRS VABMBBS [18fl7. OFFICERII OF THE ARRIY IN NOTA-9GOTIA. RoTAi. Abtillbrt. — ^The Boyal Anns and Supporters, with a Oan- non, and the motto •< Ubique " over the Oun, and '* Quo Fa$ et OloriadueuHt" below It. Lieut. Col., Tttmcia Didc. Captaitu,'Wm. H. Cox. Chas. T. Du Flat, Oliver R. Stokes Campbell Hardy. Lieutt.t Qeo. J. Smart, A^., Wm. II. Watson, Richard P. Perry, H. J. N. Shea. A^., Q. J. Smart, It, £/u«— facings, red. * RoTAt ENOiNnns.— ^The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Can- non, and the motto <• Vbiqut " over the Gun, and ** Quo Faa et Gloria dueunt " below it. Ll. Col., Richard J. Stotherd, o. Capt., Henry Grain. Lieuta,, £dw. L. Bland, C. P. Carey. Scarlet — fdcingi, blue Telvet. 62nd. (The "Wiltshire) Reo't. of Foot.~«< Nive." " Peninsula." " Ferozeshah." •• Sobraon." " Sevastopol." Colonel, Thos. Light- foot, C. B. It. gen. Lieut. Cola., Chas. TroUope, C. B. eol. ; Wm. L. Ingall. M(yor», Jas. Dauberry, //. col. ; McKay Rynd. Captain*, Geo. H. Wilkieson, G. S. Whitmore, m. ; Sam'l. Geo. Carter, Chas. M. S. L. G Wynne, Chas. Cooch, m.; Jos. Sanderson, C. Fits. Ney« noe, U. eol. 4 Graham Hay, Jas. Wm. Tibbits, Edw. H. Hunter, Bradney T. Gilpin, Holt W. Clerke, Chas. C. Cabitt, Q. W. B. Hughes, Jno. Thomas Chandler, Beville Ramsay. Lieuta., H. Aug. Palmer, Wm. B. Davenport, Thos. Milson, at^. ; Thos. A. F. Duif, Jno. J. Rowan, Wm. M. Tharp, Jno. Manners Kerr, Lorenzo G. Dundas, Hamilton 'Hume, Conrad Sawyer, Wm. L. R. Scott, A. Fred. Walsh, Jno. A. Chippindall, Cecil F. Holder, Geo. Fox Grant, Jno. Aug. Steines, Nich. G. Elliott, Arch. Geo. Keen, Jas. Morris Toppin, Matt. B. Harrison, Jas. F. MaoPherson. Enaigna, Beau- ohamp Cololough, Gerald B. Beere, Henry A. Crane, James O'Hara, Geo. Aug. Crickitt, Chas. Jno. Miles, Jno. P. Sargent, Richard Clay, Jno. Jos. Carbery, Arthur L. Reade, Fredk. Cornwall, Shaplaud Graves. P. M., Wm. Oring. Ai^t., Thos. Milsom, ll. Q. M., Jas. Gamble. Surg.y F. W. Tupper. A. 8., Jno. E. Young, M. D. ; Sydney Alder, Henry L. Randell. Facings, bui!^ 63rd. (The West Suffolk) Reo't. of Foot.— '• Egmont-op-Zee." <« Martinique." «< Guadaloupe." «Alma." "Inkerman." ««Se- rastopol." Colonel, Thos. Kenah, C. B. U. gen. Lieut. Qola., Edw. Rowley Hill, o. ; Chas. E. Fairtlougb. Majora, Thos. Harris, It. eol.; Wm. Fred. Carta:. Captaina, Jno. S. GoiUd, Francis D. Grey, Robt C. Bamford, Chas. Le M. Carey, m. ; Wm. H. Newenhara, f*. T. L. Paterson, Chris. Jas. Magnay, Robt. Bennett, Yere>H. Bowles, W, W. Arbuthnot, Arch. Wybergh, Wm. Fitz Roy, V(tT. Bouverie. Kew. B. Stuart, Edw. Jos. Hunt, Wm. Paterson. 'lieuta., Chas. Aug. Hand Geo. P. Beamish, Law. Edw. Knox, Alex. M. Duma- resq, WAlter S. Marson, a^'. ; Stewart H. Bruce, Charles C. Pye, Stephen Moore, Rich'd. H. Archer, Alfred Grey, Geo. W. Clutter- buck, Jno. R. Ramsbottom, A. G. F. Griffiths, F. H. D. Vieth, Thos. C. Grant, Thos. L. Twiston, Geo. R. Byron, Wm. G. Graves, G. De Lacy Lacy, R. W. B. Crowther, Chas. B. Brown, Ch. A. Mors- head. Eiiaijm, Wm. Gordon, Robt. Eiw. Spraule, Aubrey P. Fowya, Chas. Banbury, De Lmsey R. Aaderion, Alfred Si^okes, Jas. A. O. Ciiraegy, Chis. H. Kiaa'oaa, Alex. Fladar, Wm. L. \Mt] ALKAITAOK. m k-9GOTIA. Knowlcfs ftaaw Shtck, Ote. W. W. Knapp, Edw. €. BidcneO. i>. If., Henry Ingram. 'A^',, W. 8. Marflon, ft. Q. AT., laa. Lin- ford. Sttrff., Henry Gri^p, M. B. A. S., Wm. W. Mills, Frai. O'Bell, P«ter J. Uvejr. Facings, green. niLITIA OF NOTA-SCOTIA. Commander-in-Chief—KiB Ezcelleney M aior General Sir i. Oas- FAtts LbMabokant, Kt. Knight Commander of th« Orden of St Ferdinand, and of Charles the Second, of Spain. Aid»-de- Camp, Lt. Col. William Cheamly, unatt. Ai^utmnt Oeneral, Lt. Col. Edward Wallace, mnatt. Quarter Mastor Oeneral, Lt OoL James Black, tmatt. Paymatter General, — — . Brigade ilif<i;V>r«— Midd]e DiTision— Lt. Col. Hoiu M. To/bin, Western Division — Lt. Col. Themas Adams, unatt. Judffe Advocate General, Andrew M. tJniaeke, Esq, Surgeon Oeneral, Hon. William Grigor. Voj;.u)iTBBK Aktillbkt. {Halifax.) Lieut. Colt James Co«- welL Captain^ Richard IVeaudn. let Lte., /amM Forman, Wm. S. Oegswell, a4f. 2d Lt., Thomas Abbot. {Dartmouth.) M^for, James Tremain. Capt., Alex. Farqnhanaa. let Lt., James McNab. 2d Lt.^ Alex. Lyle. 1st Halvax REaiKENV. Lt. €ol.t Hon. ism, McNab. Jfq^rt, Thoo. C. Kinnear, Robt. Romans. Cuote.^ A. B. Richardson, q. m., Edw. Bianey,j». *»., Edw. Lawson, Wm. G. Fife, Arch. Sinclair, Wm. G. Anderson, Andw. McKinlay, S. S.B. Smith, Geo. P. Miteh- ell, Geo. Fryor, Jno. H. McNab. let Lts., Wm. Scott, Eddy Tnp- per, Benj. G. Gray, Thos. Adams, Jr., Andw. Mitchell, P. McNab, Jr^ Alfred G. Jonea, Robt. Romans, Jr., Daniel K. Harris, Wm. Creighton. 2d Lt»., H. A. Jennings, Jas. Duffos, Jno. A. Sinclair, Mather B. Almon, Jr., Wm. Willis, Edw.. Kenny, Jr., W. R. Adams, J. C. Biemner, Jno. Duffus, Jr., Wm. Grant, Jr. P, M-, E. Binney, capt. Q. M., A. B. Richardson, capt. iSury., James C. Hume^ M. D. A. S., J. J. H. Slayter, M. D. 2d (or Quoen's) Halifax Reqikent. Lt. CoU, Bon. S. Cunard. Miyon, Chas. J. Hill, It. col., Q. B. Creighton. Capte.., Jas. S. Clarke, H. MignowitE, Tlvos. ^. Bauer, Chas. W. Wright J. A. Bauer, Henry Pryor, a<^'., Geo. H. Starr, F. B. LeCain, S. L. Shannon. lat Lte., H. C. D. Twining, Jvts. Cogswell, Wm. Canard, H. Harvey, Geo. £. Mrartont G. A. F. LeCain, W. M. Harrington, Jno. H. Sy- monds, Jan. G. Tobin, Thos. Grassie, Jr., David Ross. 2d Lte., Saml. C. West, H. Oldright, Jos. B. Bennett, Jno. Willis, G. M. Alman, W. A. De Blois, Jno. Miller, Geot Fraser. Atfy'., H. Pryor, "| capt. P. M., H. Boggs. Surg., Edw. Jennings, M. D. 3d Halifax Rggixent. Lt. Col., Adam Rcid. iftyore, Danl. Starr, Ttios. Kei;ny, Archb'd Harahaw. Capts., C. H. Belcher, atjf.i Edw. Duckett p. m , Chas. H. Rigby, Hon. B. Wier, JnB. H. Cross- kill, a^., Jos. S. Belcher, Geo. McKensie, Thos. Bayne, W. J. Wis- wall, Jno. Campbell, Jas. Watt Thos. A. Hyde, let Lte,, Thos E. 104 BBLCBEa'» VABMBK'* [1867. Eenny, Jas. Taxkcr, Of to Weefca, Jr., \V. 3, Allison, Henry Dria- I coll» F. Traunweiser, X). R. Cutlip, Peter Roafl, Joh. t'raig, Mich, i Kearney, Hugh R. Kerr, }uo, Coiwpton, Jr. 2d JJt., Jno, I. Wyldew j A4/a., (J. H. Beleher, Jno. H. CrostikiU, eapta. JP« M., JL I>ackett, ! capt. Q. M., Saml. Gray, f^w/v/., li. S. Black, M. D. A. S., Wm. ' Grigor, Jr. 4th HAtiFAX Reoijiext. Lt. Col., Hon. W. A. Blaek. Mtt^s, Edur. Fiyor, Jno. Parker. Vaptt., P. Power, H. YeomaiM, Azor Sterens, N. Clarke, adj., W. B. Hamilton, £dw. Albro, Jas. Fryor, Jno. Yeomans, J. E. Haaterman, Jm. Wier, Wm. J. Stairs, W. Kichardsonr Wk E. Brine. 1«^ Lts.,J. Martin, Chas. 9<^milton, J. B. Oxiey, Geo. Lawson, B. W. Salter, M. P. Black, p.m., W. !>. Muri- son, Geo. J. T'oup, J. F. Richardson, Chas. Black, W. F. TJniacke, E. H. Pryor, C. H. Hamilton, J. H. Harrcy. 'Id Lt»., K Ryan, J. SanI, G. Grono, G. Munroe, C. Grey, C. A. Creighton, F. S. Beam- ish, W. Twining, J. T. Greenwood, Jno. B. Fay. A^., N. Clarke, eapt. P. M., M. F. Black, It. Surg., D. M«N. Parker, M. D. Q. M., T. Hosterman. * ■ 6th Halifax Rkoimsxt. Lt. Col., Hr A. Gladwin. Major, Thos. Grassie. Capta., P. OgilTie, S. Readen, Jno. Parker, Jaa. Brown, R. a. Logan, ;. m., Bon. A. Keith, Wm. Dowling. \al Lla., Jno. Shultz, W. G. Archibald, D^ivid Archibald, Howard Blades. 2d Lta., W. S. Hutchinson, M. Logan, Geo. Parker, Jno. Tupper, M. Mclnnes. A^., W. Gladwin, it. Q.^., R. A. Logan, eapt. Surff.t W. J. Almon, M. D. 6th Halifax Regiment. Lt. Col., lion. J. E. Fairbanks. Majora, Henry Y. Mott, J. M. Chamberlain. Capta., Jas. A. Moren, R. M. Barratt, Geo. C. Whidden,|i'. m-, J. W. Johnston, Jr., a^., Edw. J. Lordly, Jas. A. Moren, Jr. \at Lta,, Wm. A. Johnston, Lemuel J. Morton, Jno. E. Whidden, J. W. K. Johnston, Hobt. Forman, R. G. Halibiirton. 2d Lta , Jas. N. Ritchie, Jas. B Knowlan, Stewart Tre- mun, Jno. Skerry, Matthew Richey, Chas. S. SiWer, Jno. Stairs. Adj., J. W. Johnson, Jr., capt. P. M., G. C. Whidden, capt. Q. M., Jno. D. Nash. Surg., T. Desbrisay, M. D. CoLcaESTEB Regiw^.^fts. 1st Batt. Lt. CqI.% Jas. Kent. Majorat A. li. Archibald, Jas. D. Blair. Adj. W. C. EaUui. Q.M,3.IL. Dodson. Surg., W. B. I<ynds. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., Thos. I. Brown. Majo)', James Dickson, Q. M., W. Cutten. 3d Bait. M(yora, Robt. B. Dickson, Alex. Conkr-% Aclj., Jos. McL. Dickson, capt. Q. M., J. Hepburn, capt. Piorov Reoimekts. Ist Regt. let Batt. Majora, Jas. gkinner, D. B. Eraser. Capta., Jas. Crichton, Thos. McCabe, Ken. McLean, Mar- tin L Wilkins, Chus. McKenzie, Jas. Yorston, W. N. Harris, a(\f., Jno. Ives, Robt. PattersoN, Jas. Murdock. \ft Lta., Jno. McKenzie, Geo Mitchell, Jno. Crerar, James Fogo, Daniel Hockin, Chas. McLellan, Nathan Styles, David I'aylor, Don. McDonald, Samuel Taylor. 2d Lta., Geo. J. Campbell, Rudk. McKenzie, Jos. L. Arnison Jno. G. Patterson, Wm. Roe, Jas. Ivef, Howard Primroaej Wm. Gammon, Robt. Blackmore, Peter Crerar. Adj., W. N. Harris, capt. Q. M., Jno. Dawson. Surg., W. J. Anderson. A-fJ., [1867. Gcniy Dris- L'raig, MicH. I 0. I. Wyklew ' £. Dackett, A, S., Wm. I tell. Meefon, omaiw, Azor , Jas. Pryor, r. Stairs, W. onilton, J. B. i W. I>. Muri- I F. XIniacke, K Kyan, J. F. S. Beam- ,, N. Clatke, II. B. Q.M.» Major, Thos. Jaa. Brown, 1«/ Lt*., Jno. 1 Blades. 2d o. Tuppcr, M. t «apt. Surff.t inks. Majors, Moren, II. M. a^., £dw. J. on, Lemuel J. 'orraan, R. 6. , StewanTre- ', Jno. StaiT8. capt. Q. M., Lent. Majorat Q. AT, J. R. [ckson, Q. M., ^. A^'., Jos. ). ^liinner, D. ^IcLea:n, Mar- . Harris, a^., lo. McKenzie, ockin, Chas. nald, Samuel )B. L. Arniaon imroaei Wm. . Harris, eapt. 1857.] ALMANACK. 105 2d Batt Lt. Col., Robt. McKay. Mcyort Geo. McDonald. A^f'., Jas. McDonald. Surg., Qeo. Johnson. 2d Rcgt. Is* Batt. Lt. Col., J. CarmichaeL Mqfor, Rodk. McKay. Atb'., Jno. F. Holmes. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., David Murray. Surif., Jno. Mitchell. 4^ GuTSBOBOvoK Rbgiments. Ist Batt Lt. Col., Hon. R. M. Cut- ler. A4f., R. Boles, capt. Q. M., Jno. Jost. Surg., Jno. Pyke. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., J. J. Marshall. An/., Jno. Forbes. Q. M., J. B. Archibald. Surg., Henry Elliott. Sydney Regiments. Ist Batt. Lt. Col,, John Munro. .Ac{j., A. W. Chisholm. Surg., A. McDonald, M. D. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., Robt. N. Henry. Mqjor, Jos. Symonds. At(j., Hon. W. A. Henry. Q. If., R. J. Forristall. Surg., Chas. Creed, M. D. CuMBEBLAND RsGiMENTs. Ist Batt. McyoT, BcQJ. Chapman. Q. M., G. Purdy. ^ 2d Batt. Lt. Col, Geo. King. Major, Henry Purdy. AtlJ., J. Huestis, ca/Df. P. 3f., Thos. Page. Q. M., J. B.Davidson. &\«r^., S. Mitchell. Parbsbobo' Cob7S. IA. Col., Jas. Ratchford. M<yor, Jesse Lew- is. Ac^,, C. £. Ratchford, capt. Hants Regiments. 1st Batt. Lt. Col., Hon. R. A. McHeffey. A^., J. Songster. Q. M., Edw. O'Brien. 2d Batt. Lt. Col.., Benj. Smith Mqjor, Edw. Murphy, ./le^'., J. Withrow. Q. A/., D. Frieae. 3d Batt. Mcy'or, Francis Parker. A<y., Job Harvey, capt. Q. If., D. Cochran. King's Regimbnti|. Ist Batt. Li. Col, Hon. Samuel Chipman. Q. M., Jas. M. Dickey. Surg., C. C. Hamilton, M. D. 2d Batt. Lt. Col, Jos. Crane. Mqjar, Jno. Fuller. A^/'., C. H. Rand, capt. P. M., Jno. Fisher. Q. M., J. L. Lockhart Surg., W. B. Webster, M. D. A. S., E. L. Btown, M. D. 3d Batt Lt. Col, David Davidson. A^\, S. Sharpe, c<tpt. P. M., Jas. Sil7er. Q. M., H. W. Morse. Surg., J. J. Van Burin. Annapolis Regiments. 1st Batt. A^;., G. S. Milledge. Q. M., Jas. Gray. ff«r^., B. Gilpin, M. D. 2d Batt. Lt. Col, Caleb Sliafner. M({for, Elijah Phinney. A^'., R. Stone, capt. Q. M., Join Koss. Surg , Jno. Primrose. DiQBY Regiments. 1st Batt. Mey'or, J. A. Timpany. Aey., H. Stewart. 2d Batt. Meyor, Samuel Campbell. A^., H. Barr. Q. M., H. Barr, Jr. Surg., H. D. Ruggles. SuELBUBNE REGIMENTS. Ist Batt. Lt. Col , Comelius White. Mqjor, Wm. Ho'den. Q. M., Andw. Barclay. 2d Batt Adj., Jno. Sargent. Q. M., 8. O. Doane. Yakmoutu Regiments. - Ist Batt. Lt. Col, Abram Lent. M(yor, J. McKinnou. A(^., D. Van Norden, capt. Q. M., J. V. N. Hat- field. Surg.,0t.3. Parish. A. S., J. C. Parish. 2d Batt. lA. Cof , John Bingay. Mayors, G. B. Van Norden, E. W. B. Moody. Q. M., Jos. Tooker. P. M., W. H. Keating. Surg., H. G. Parish. A. S., J. B. Bond. Qdbbh's RaoiMEXT. Majors, Jonathan Dewolf, Matthew Parka. A-fj., W. Freemin. P. M., S. P. Freeman. Q, M., A. Covirie. «• 106 BKLCHEB S FABMEB S [1867. LiTNBNBURO REaiMBNTS. Ist Batt Lt. Col., Hon. Wm. Budolf. Majors, Henrjr Oxner, Casper Oxner. Adj., O. T. Solomon. Q.'M., D. S. Grant. Sur^., G. Jacobs. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., Jno. Heckman. A^'., H. Ernst, capt. Q. M,, .A. Gaetz, It. ' 3d Batt. Lt. Col., Jno. H. Eaulbaok. A^f., J. P. Miller, oapt. P. M., Daniel Owen. Surg., £dw., Bolman. 4th Batt. Lt. Col., John Crcighton. Mayors, James S. Thomson, Peter Strum. Adj., M. Schmidt. Surp., J. Steverman. Cape Bbbton Regiments. 1st Regt. Ist Batt. Lt. Col., Charles E. Leonard. Mqjors, H. W. Crawley, Samuel Plant. A^;., S. Rigby, capt. SuTff,, Thos. E. Jean. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., S. G. Archibald. Mcyor, Jonathan Jones. Ae^., John Smith. Q. ilf., D. McRae, It. 3d Batt. Lt. Col., Peter H. Clarke. Major, John Scott. At^., Q. H. Gesner. Surp., H. B. Forman. ^ 4th Batt. Lt. Col., John McKinnon. Mqpr, Don. McLeod. 2d Regiment. 1st Batt. Lt. Col., Peter De Carteret. 2d Batt. Lt. Col., N. H. Martin. Major., Jno. Cameron. 3d Regiment. 1st Batt. Lt. Col,, Hon. Wm. McKeen. 2d Batt. Mcy'or, Henry Taylor. -^ 4th Regiment. 1st Batt. Lt. Col., Nat. Clough. THE NAVY. Commander-in-Chief of the North American and West India Station, His Excellency Arthur Fanshawb, Relir Admiral of the Red. Commodore, Henry Kellett, Esq. ^ Flap Lietttenant, Henry W. Corneck, Esq. Secretary to the Admiral, \Vm» L. Inch, Esq. Clerk to the Secretary, Jno. Pittis, Esq. Secretary to the Commodore, Wm. T. Grieve, Esq. Officers of H. W, IVavnl Yard, Halifax. Storekeeper, Edgecumbe Chevallier, Esq, Clerks, J. Punchard, Chas. J. Hill, Chas. H. Rigby, and R. Hartshorn, Esqrs. FoHer, i Mr. E. Fryett. H. HI. Tictualling: Yard, Halifax. I Storekeeper, Edgecumbe Chevallier, E^q. I Halifax Hospital. | Duties conducted by Naval Storekeeper. Amphion, 36. Screw Steam Frigate, 300 Horse Power. Capt. Henry Chads. Lieuta., Chas. S. Dunbar, G. R. Fitzgerald, Thos. P. Studdert. Mast^, Robt. B. Batt. Ist Lt. Mar. W. H. H. West. Chaplain and Act. Nov. Inst., F. W. Smith. Surgeon, Jas. O. Buchanan. Paymaster, Jas. F. Phillips. Engineer, Geo. S. Thunder, Asst. Surg., R. M. Lightbody. 2d Master, Jas. B. Haines. [1867. . Wm. Budolf. tlomon. Q.^lf., t, eapt. Q. M., P. Miller, eapt. es S. Thomson, in. 4. Col., Charles Ai^., S. Rigby, lan Jones. Ae^., Scott. Aty., G. j . McLeod. Tet. tmeron. Keen. 1867.] JUMAVAOK. 107 id "West India airal of the Bed. ilifax. , J. Punchard, Esqrs. Porter, i AX. Power. Capt. tzgerald, Thos. ^ H. H. West. . O. Buchanan, er. Atit. Surff., Arab, IJ. Shop. Commander, Rich'd B. Pearce. Lieuta., Jno. Trevenen, Edw. Stubbs. Matter, Chas. A. Smart. Surgeon, Jno. Elliott. Paymaster, Wm. H. Brown. Aast. Surff. Thos. McGahan. Akaohne, 18. Shop. Commander, Vdentine O. Inglefield. Lieute., Thos. N. Underwood, Qeo. E. Barnes. Matter, Chris. Qrigg. Sur- geon, John Forbes. Paymaster, Henry Gray. Akchbb, 13. Screw Steamship, 202 horse>power. Captain, Ednu Heathcote. Lieuts., Jno. W. Newport, Jas. H. Cozon, Edw. 8. Meara. Master, Wm. B. Shillabeer. Chaplain, Rev. Walter B. Arthy. Surgeon, Walter Dickson, M. D, Paymaster, Jno. G. Barnes. Engineer, Peter McDowall« Asst. Surg., Chas. Morton. Abeooant, 47. Screw Steam Frigate, 360 horse-power. Captain, Henry Lister. Lieuts., Jas. R. Y^^^^c^^* ^™* ^* ^' Sullivan, Geo. W. Strong, Jno. W. Lambe, Ridi'd Adams. Master, Geo. Giles. Capt. Mar., Jos. H. Jolliffe. 1st Lieut. Mar., P. R. Holmes. Chap- lain and Nav. Inst., Rev. Arthur Browne. Surgeon, Daniel Ritchie. Paymaster, Jos. C. Paine. Engineer, E. O. Crichton. 2d Mastet, Jno. A. R. Fetch. Asst. Paym., R. C. Beale. Basilisk, 6. Paddle Wheel Steam Shop, 400 horse-power. Com- mander, S. S. L. Crofton. Lieuts., W. B. A. F. Paterson, Jno. A. F. Luttrell. Master, Wm. Imrie. Surgeon, N. Littleton. Paymas- ter, Geo. W. Anderson. Engineer, Thos. T. Murray. Asst. Surg,, David Shannon. Asst. Paym., Chas. Fisher. BoscAWEN, 70. Flag Ship. Captain, Wm. F. Glanville. tional, H. W. Bayfield, S. S. Commander, Fred. A. Egerton. tional, Jno. Orlebar/ S. S. Lieuts., H. F. W. Ingram, Robi Tufnell, Horace Johnson, Wm. H. Goold. Additional, Geo. Blake- ley, David E. Orr, Noel Osborne, Jno. Hancock, S. S. Master, Jac Bodie. Additional, Wm. Forbes, S. S., Edw. A. Carey, Gilbert E. Green. Capt. Mar., H. G. J. Davies. I'st Lis. Mar., P. Harring- ton, W. A. Delacombe, A. J. Stuart. Chaplain, Rev. F. J. M. Evans. Staff Surgeon, J. F. Charlton, M. D. Additional, Thos. Stratton, M. D. S. S., E. D'Auvergne, J. Wade, W. B. Christy. Paymaster, W. G. Parmeter. Nav. Inst., R. C. Saunders. Mates, P. P. Luxmoore, W. E. O. Massey. Asst* Surg., Christ. K. Ord, Jlf. D. Additional, Wm. Ti Carr, Robt. Barrows, R. Humphreys, Wm. Simp- son, P. Mansfield, H. Groijkerry. 2d Master, Robt. E. Jones. Addi- tional, Henry Lamb. Asst. Paym, Henry Gray. BbiiiLiant, 20. Captain, Jas. A. Faynter. Lieuts., Wm. F. John- son, Jno. S. Keats. Master, Chas. F. Cooper. 1st Lieut. Mar. J. R. Mascall. Surgeon, K T. Watkins. Paymasters, Edw. J. Giles, Wm. H. Clyma. Mate, Hugh Campbell. Asst. Surg., Fred. Le Keux. 2d Master, Alex. Gray. Buzzard, 6. Paddle Wheel Steam Shop, 300 horse-power. Com- mander, Wm. H. Dobbie. Lieuts., Richmond Moore, J. H. Hatch- ard. Master, H. St. H. Cook. Surgeon, W. Lawrence. Paymaster, Edw. D. Herbert. Engineer, W. B. Minhinnick. Asst. Surg., Wm. H. Carter. Columbia, 6. Paddle Wheel Steam Surveying Vessel, 100 horse- power. Commander, P. F. Shorland. Lieut., Peter A. Scott. Mas- ter, Thos. W. R. Pike. Engineer, Jas. Ryley. Asst. Surg., D. N. Tucker. 2d Masters, Wm. L. Scarnell, Edw. Mourilyan, Jno. M(d- loy. Asst. Paym., Jno. Shepherd. •Bi ac 108 belcher's fahmer'b [1857. CoKinrAU.18, 60. Screw Sieamship, 200 horse-power. Captain, Geo. G. Wellesley. Lieuta., Maxwell Fox, Wm. Spratt,' A. H. W. Batttseombe, Fras. W. Bennett, Drew G. Davidson. Matter, Jno. J. BalL Capt. Mar., H. W. Brooker. lat Lt. Mar., A. Donnellan. Chaplain and Nav. Inst., Rev. Geo. Jackson. Surgeon, Alex. Arm- strong, M. D, Paymaiter, Geo. A. Lance. Engineer, Patrick Dall. AsaU Surge., Richard Evans, Jos. King. 2d Matter, Thos. Dobbin. Atat, Paym., Jno. Adams. Cossack, 20. Screw Steam Corvette, S50 horse-power. Captain, Jas. H. Cockbum. Lieuta., St. John Coventry, Wm. H. Nurse, A. T. Denham. Matter, Frank Inglis. 1«( Lt. Mar., H. C. Mudge. Chaplain and Nav. Inat., Rev. J. D. Boutflower. Surgeon, George Duncan, M. D. Paymaeter, Geo. H. L. Wise. Engineer, Felix Foreman. Attt. Surg., Arthur McKenna. 2d Matter, Chas. Sulli- van. Attt. Paym., James Moore. Darino, 12. Commander, G. J. Napier. Lieut.^ H. C. Burleigh. Matter, Henry S. Ley. Surgemi, Patrick Slevin. Paymaater, H. H. Burniston. Mate, Jas. Rorie. Aaat. Sttrg., W. II. Baxter. EsPiEOLB, 12. Sloop. Commander, £. H. G. Lambert. Lieuta., D'Arcy S. Preston, Geo.-V. Philips. Master, Wm. Mages. Surgeon, Geo. H. Edwards, M. D. Paymaster, C. W. McDermott EuRTALVSt 51. Screw IHeam Frigate, 400 horse-power. Captain, Geo. Ramsay. Lieuta., 8. F. Douglas, Arch. St. Clair, Robt. Sterne, #. K Luard, Stratford Tuke. Maater, Wm. S. Luke. Capt. Mar., Akx. Ramsay. Ut Lt. Mar., C. B. H. Mitchell. Chaplain, Rev. Thos. Howe. Surgeon, Edw. Groves, M. D. Paymaater, NV. W. Parminter. Nav. I/iat., Tim. Sullivan. Engineer, James Brown.. Mate, C. H. Carpenter. Aaat. Surge., Jno. Caldwell, Arthur H. SJeUy. 2d Maater, C. N. Hammond. Asat. Paym., Edwin Harris. Eu&TDiCE, 26. Captain, Jno. W. Tarleton. Lieuta., Robt. A. Parr, F. P. Waddington. Master, Wm. H. Petch. lat Lt. Mar., F. H. Noot Chaplain, Rev. Henry Gordon. Surgeon, Jno. Thom- son, M. D. Paymaater, W. T. Biddlecombe. Nav. Ltat , Geo. E. Birch. Aaat. Surg., C. G. Symons. Falcon, 17. Screw Steam Sloop, 100 horse-power. Commander, Hubert Campion. Lieuta., Henry Moore, Chas. D. Robinson. Maater,Vfm.V. Hains. Surgeon, Wm. L. Gordon, AT. D. Pay- maater, W. H. Richards. Ubrmes, 6. Paddle Wheel Steam Sloop, 220 horse-power. Comman- der, Wm. E. A. Gordon. Liettt., Chas. T. Jago. Maater, Juo. C. Sol- fteet. Surgeon, John Ward. Paymaater, Frus. W. Cole. Engineer, Henry Newton. Imaun, 72. Receiving Ship, Jamaica. Commander, Saml. Mor- rish. Lieut., Geo. T. Morrell. Maater, Geo. J. Gibbon. Chaplain, Rfl^. J. W. L. Bampfield. Surgeon, Jno. P. Burke, M. D. Paymaa' ter, Edw. D. Back. Aaat. Surg., Edw. Loney. Imperieusb, 51. Screw Steam Frigate, 360 horse-power. Captain, Bundle B. Watson. Lieuta., Jas. E. Bickford, Jno. L. Perry, Lionel Lambert, James Grant, Chas. A. F. Paget. Maater, Jno. Scott CiV>^. Mar., C. Slaughter, lat Lt. Mar., He^ry R. Tomlin. Chajilain, Rev.E^ H. FothergilL Surgeon, Robt. Grigor. Paymaater, Thos. 11. Ramage. Nan. Inst,, Jno. Fitsgerald. Engineer, Robt Allen Matea, Edw. 0«Kirby, Rich. Onslow. AaH. Surg., R. P. Hiffeman' [1857. er. Captain, t,' A. H. W. falter, Jno. J. . Donnellan. Alex. Arm- Patrick Dall. hoB. Dobbin. er. Captain, I. Nurse, A. [. C. Mudge. yeon, George \gineer, Felix Chas. SuUi. C. Burleigh. ma*t«r, H. H. Lter. bert. Lieuts., \ ;es. Surgeon, DtU rcr. Captain, , Kobt. Sterne, Capt. Mar,, 'haplain. Key. \iater, W. W. ames Brown.. 1, Arthur H. win Harris. is., Robt. A. lit Lt. Mar., , Jno. Thom- iist , Geo. £. Commander, ). Robinson. D. Pay- [er. Coimnan- Juo. C. Sol- |e. Engineer, Saml. Mor- \\. Chaplain, Paymat' |er. Captain, ^enj, Lionel Jno. Scott, fn. Chaplain, ster, Thos. >bt Allen, *. Hiffeman. 1867.] AtSIANACK. 109 Imtbepid, 6. Screw Steam Qun Veeaef, 3o0 horse-power. Con*' mander, Wm. Wood. Litut., Lewis M. Croke. Master, iohn Waye; Surgeon, Geo. F. A. Drew. Engineer, Chas. Wright. Matest '^' K. Mckenzie, C. G. S. Stanley. Malacca, 17. Steam Sloop, 200 horse^power. Captain, Arthur Farquhar. LieuU., Robt. H. Burton, H. B. Phillimore. Maeter, Jas. Riddle. Surgeon, Geo. J. Willes. Paymaster, R. G. Webber. Engineer, Wm. Buchan. 2d Master, W. Montgomery. Asst. Surg., J. Dunwoodie. Marikeb, 12. Slo<^. Commander, W. R. G. Falliser. Lieuts,, H. E. G. Earle, C. T. Williamson. Master, Arthur Thomas. Sur- geon, T. E. Mdlesworth, M. D. Paymaster, W. F. Hayghue. Mate, Jno. L. Gilby. Asst. Surg, A. H. WoodiHeld, Af, D, Netlbt, 8. Ctater. (Tender to Boscawen.) Nile, 90. Screw Steam Ship, 600 horse-power. Captain, G. Rod- ney Mundy. Commander, Jno. A. P. Price. Lieutenants, Henry West, T. M. Campbell, Jno. O. Hopkins, Seymour Curtis, Jno. A. Yaurenen. Master, Jabez Loane. Ca^>t. Mar., R. Farmar. 1st Lt. Mar., T. P. Newall. 2d Lts. Mar., D. Conner, Edw. Willis. Chap- lain and Nav. List., Rev. Jno. H. Knapp. Surgeon, David Thomas. Paymaster, Jas. R. Andrews. Engineer, Thos. Ramsay. J^st. Surgs., Jas. Thomson, P. W. Rolston. 2nd Master, Chas. A. Martin. Asst. Paymaster, Henry Gjlpin. Orion, 91. Screto Steam S/tip, 600 horse-power. Captain, Jno. E. Erskine. Commander, Walter J. Pollard. Lieuts., Jno. Cart- wright, Jno. K. Simcoe, Jno. Z. Creasy, Jno. C. Patterson, Geo. Worsfold. Master, Rich'd. Thomas. Capt. Mar., Chas. McArthur. l«^ Lt^ Mar., Albert Higman, Jno. Cairncross. 2d.Lt. Mar., C. H. Stunbridge. C/iaplain, Rev. Jno. Milner. Surgeon, Edw. Newman, M. D. Paymaster, Rob't. Loney. Nav. List., Geo. Ennis. Engi- neer, Geo*. Elcock. Asst. Surgs., Robt. Sproule, M. D., Peter M. Roe. 2d Master, Geo. P. Chapman. Asst. Paym., T. J. Woodward. PEMBROKii, 60. Screw Steam Ship, 200 horse-power. Captain, Geo. H. Seymour. Lieuts., Juo. B. Scott, Godfrey Taytor, F. M. Prattent. Master, Jas. M. Hill. Capt. Mar., G. Drury. 1st. Lt. Mar., C. Stark. Chaplain and Nav. Inst., Rev. D. £. Domville. Surgeon, David Lyall, M. D, Paymaster, Chas. W. Eeles. Powerful, 84. Captain, Thos. L. Massie. Commander, G. B. Rutherford. Lieuts , Henry Harvey, Arthur R. Owen, Chas. D. Lucas, Arthur J. Day, Nel. Gregory. Master, Benjm. Renaud. Capt. Mar., J. St. Gascoigne. Ut Lts. Mar., Fedk. Ley, W. J. Christy, A. W. Sharp. Chaplain, Rev. Robt. Pictou. Surgeon, Patk. Martyn, M. D. Paymaster, K. L. Sutherland. Nav. Inst., Wm. S. Harvey. Mate, John Coles, ylsst. Surg., Robt. Murphy. Asst. Paym., Wm. H. Hatch. Scorpion, 6. Surveying Vessel. Master Com,, Jno. Fatsons. Mas- ter, Jno. P. Dillon. Asst. Surg., Wm. M. Ogilvie. Tartar, 20. Screw Steam Corvette, 260 horse-power. Captain, Henry Dunlop. Lieuts., Jas. W. East, Jno. H. Howard, Thos. Bar- rett. Master, Wm. W. Riddle. 1«( Lt. Mar., Wm. Sanders. Sur- geon, Jos. Browne, M. D. Paymaster, Geo. Penfold. Nan. Inst., A. C. Johnson. Engineer, J. G. Oakshott. Mate, A. A. Duff. Asst. Surg., W. C. Fairbairn. •- ■' ■ ' - ' ■- J . .. ■ . .. mum 110 BELOHSa'S FA&XEH'S [1857. Tebmaoant, 26, Screw Steam Frigatet 310 horse-power. Commo- dore, Tlenry KeUett. Sec'ytyf. T. Grieve. LieuU., Henry Bacon, Win. J. R. Card, H. E. Crozier, R. F. Broadrick. Master, Jos. Hitchings. Ut Lt. Mar., W. T. Savary. Chaplain and Nav. Inst., Rev. Thos. Ashe. Surgeon, Thos. Secombe. Paymaster, Stuart Watson. •Engineer, Jno. Saunders. Aait. Surg., Jas. S. Barry. Atat. Paym., Andrew Edwards. yx8TAi.,J26. Captain, Thosi. P. Thompson. Lieute., Arthur R. Henry, H. B. Johnstone, H. H. Knocker. Master, T. W. Sullivan, 1st Lt, Mar., T. Yaughton. Chaplain, Rev. H. Farminter. Sturgeon, H. H. TumbuU, M. D. Paymaster, Fred'k Gilbert. MiUes, H. F. Cleaveland, C. B. Sanders, H. F. Nicholson. 2d Master, Geo. F. Barney. Asst. Paym., Wm. E. Allen. YicTOK, 6. Screw Steam Gun Vessel, 350 horse-power. Commander, Alg. F. R. DeHorsey. Lieut., Jas. B. Balfour. Master, Edm. S^ain. Surgeon, Henry M. Speer. Paymaster, H. Thos. Read. medical Society of IVova-Scotia. Prest-j/Wm. J. Almon, M. n. Vi^e-Prests., E. Jennings, m. d., and A. McDonald, U. D. 2V«a<wrer, D. McN. Parker, M. n. See^y, J. K. UeVVolf, M. D. Council or Managing Committee, O. Jacobs, m. r. o. l. l., W. B. Webster, H. D., Jas. Allen, x. j»., Jos. SteTerman, m. s., Chas. Tapper, u. d., Jas. C. Hume, x. d., J. E. Forsyth, X. B., and B. DeW. Fraser, x. D. MEMBERS. Avery, X. F., x.d., Edin., (H.M.) Halifax. Almon, W. J., x.d. {Brest.) Halifax. Allen, Jas., X.D. , Edin., Halifox. Aitken, C. C., x.d., Pictou. Black,R.S.,x.D.,£din.,L.E.o.8.K., Hali&x. Bent, Ohas., x.d., Truro. Bond, Jos. B., x.d., Yarmouth. Oarritt, E., L.R.c.s.E., Ouysboro*. Creed, Chas., x.a.c.B.i.., Pugwash. Creamer, Jos., x.d., Arichat. Carrie, Wm., {Ast.Surg.yn.v.) Antigonish. Desbrisay, T. B., x.d., Dartmouth. Dennison, Wm., l.n.b., Newport. Dennisou, Jas., m.d., Newport. Drumm, J. H., x.d., Bridgewater. DeWolf,J.R.,x.D.,Gdin.,L.B.o.8.i.,Halifax. Elliott, H., L.N.B., St. Mary's. Farish, Oreggs, Jos., m.b.c.s.l., Yarmouth. Flxott, H. C, K.D., U.B.O.8.L., Arichat. Forbes, Jas., m.d., Liverpool. Forman, H. B.^.r.o.s.b., Sydney, C.B. Forrest, A., i.B.cs.E., Lunenburg. Forsyth, J. E., m.d., Bridgetown. Fox, Jno<, L.N.8., (A.B.B.N.) Windsor. Francis, .T., x.d., Stewiacko. Fraser, B. DeW.,x.D., L.B.o.s.f ., Windsor. Oilpin, J. Bernard, x.d., Halifax. Grigor, Hon. Wm., l.b.o.b.b., Halifax. Qrigor, W. E., x.d., Halifox. Geddes. T. O., l.n.s., BarrinKton. Hume, J. C, x.d., x.b.c.8.l., Halifax. Harding, E. F., x.d., Windsor. Hamilton, C. C, x.d., CoruwalUs. Henderson, J. R., x.d., Londonderry. Harrison, J., x.d., Musquodoboit- Jacobs, Godfrey, m.b.c.s.l., Lunenburg. Jeans, J. £., l-n.S., N. Sydney. Jennings, E. , x.d., ( V. P. ) Halifax. Johnston, Geo. M^x.B.o.B.L., Pictou. Johnston,L.,x.D.,Ed.,L.B.c.8.E..,Syd'y,CB Kirby, E., x.d., Chester. Lane, Alex., x.d., x.b.c.b.l., Mahone Bay. Leslie, Robt., k.b.c.b.l., Annapolis. Madden, Audw., L.s.a., Arichat. Marsters, H., x.d. W. CornwalUs. McDonald, A. x.d., (t. p.) Antigonish. Molloy, P. E., X.D., HaliGax. Mitchell, Samuel, m.d., Wallace. Mitchell, Alex., x.r.c.b.l., Halifax. Morrison, Jno. B. O., M.D., Westport. Muir, Saml. L. S. G. L., b.c.B.b., Truro. Marshall,J.W.,x.D.,L.B.c.s.i.,Tatamag'e. Morris, F. Vim, m.d., Halifox. Othet, Geo., M.D., M'ilmot. Page, B. G., x.r.c.b.l., Amherst. Parker, D. McN., x.d., l.b.c.b.e., Halifax. Shaw, Uenrie, x.d., Kentvllle. Sibley, J. C, m.d., ^ Shnbenacadie. Simpson, E. M., K.D., St. Margaret's Bay. Slayter, J. H. x.d., Halifox. Snyder, Geo. l.b.c.s.e., Shelbume. Stephen, Robt., x.d., Digby. Steverman, Jos., m.d., Lunenburg. Tupper,C.,M.D.,Edin., L.B.O.8.I., Amherst. Tapper, Nathan, m.d., Amherst. Van Buskirk, Inglis, x.D., Aylesford. Webster, W. B., X.D., Kentville. Weeks, S. M., m.d., Newport. Wilson, Israel Kelly, x.D. Barrington. Woodberry, Jon., x.d. Wllmot. [1867. rer. Commo- lenry Bacon, Mtuter, Job* i Nov. In$t, taster, Stuart ig. S. Barry. I,, Arthur K. W. BuUivan, ter. Surgeon, Mates, H. F. w<«r, Geo. P. '. Commander, , Edm. Syrain. la. Mid A. McDonald, H. s. CoMWCt' or . »., Jm. Allen, m. D., J. B. rorsyth. .B.L., Lunenburg. N. Sydney. p ) Halifax. ..E.c.8.it..,Syd'y,CB ^ Chester. ,c.B.t.,'MahoneBay. Annapolis, i Arlcbat. W. Cornwallls.! .P.) Antlgonish.; ' Hallfiut.! Wallace, i 1^,^ Halifta. 1 M.D., Westport., ,.,E.c.8.i., Truro., "ii.c.8.«.,Tatoma«'e. Halifax. ' M'llmot. i Amhent.il :;l.e.c.8.e., Halifax- ^ KentviUe. I ^ Shubenacadle. I St. Margaret's a^y. j Halifox. : Shelburne. | ■' Dlgby. , LunenbUTg- ! 'L.E.C.8.i.,Amher8t.| ' Amberst. i M.D., Aylesford. ' KentTiUe. Newport. M.B. Barrington. WUmot. Jt- * ± f ■ac 1867.] ^ ADYBBTISEMBNT8. Ill • INTERNATIONAL OF LONDON. NOVA-SOOTIA AQENOY, Head Office, .... Halifax Bank Bniltfing, CAPITAL, ieSOO,000 STERL.ING. By recent regulation, parties Insuring are allowed to borrow one- half of the Annual Premium, without any sectirity, except endorse- ment on Policy. Agents are established throughout the Province, from whom Blanks, Pamphlets and every information may be obtained. Hon. Samuel Cunabd. ■ Henby Pbyob, Esq. OFnCE-HALIFAX BANK BUILDING. DIRECTOES. T. C. KiNNEAB, Esq. John Stbachan, Esq. J. Q. A. Cbeiquton, Esq. P. C. HILL, Esft., Agent. W. J. Almon, Esq., M. D., Medical Examiner. Hon. J. W. Johnston, Standing Counsel. The following Gentlemen are Agents for the above Company :- Annapolis, ., . . Amherst, . . Bridgetown, . . Digby, . Lunenburg, . . Liverpool, Pugwash.and AVallace. Pictou, . . . Shelburne, Sydney, Cape Breton, WolfviUe, Windsor, Weymouth, . . . Yarmouth, . . Hantsport, . . Antigonish, . • Arichat, . . • Port Hood, Cornwallis, Alfred Whitman, Esq., M. P. P. John D. Kinuear, Silas L. Morse, Henry Stewart, Daniel Owen, Kobert Roberts, William Cooper, J. R. Noonan, Robert Thompson, Peter Hall Clarke, Rev. Jno. Chase. Monson H. Goudge, Esq. Colin Campbell, Jr., " E. W. B. Moody, " N. T. Harris, ^ «« E. H. Harrington, " Chas. F. Harrington, «« Dandier Tremaiu, " D. M. Dickie, • " I I <( It II II II «* II II II 113 ADVBIinSBMEMTB. [18fi7. EQUITABIiE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL, XtMOyOOO STJBRUNO. BegitUred and Incorporated under Act of Parliament, 7 and 8 Victoria, Chap. 110. TRUSTEES. Bt, Honble, Lord Viscount Sidmouth. Archibald Campbell Barclay, Esq. LOCAL DIRECTORS AT HALIFAX. Jakes Tbexaiit, Esq., Chairman, Thomas C. Kinneab, Esq. Hbnkt Fkyob, Esq. John Stbachait, Esq. J. O. A. Cbbiohton, Esq. This Company insures on all descriptions of Buildings, Ships on the Stocks, Ooods, Wares, and Merchandise. AU lottee are adjusted and. paid in Halifax, -without reference to London. As a guarantee for vrhich, the London Board have invested a portion of their capital in this Province, under the control of the Local Board. Policies of three years' standing will participate in the profits. No charge is nuule for Policy. P. C. HILL, Agent, Halifax Bank Building, The following Gentlemen are Agents for the above Company : — Annapolis, Amherst, . . Bridgetown, . Digby, . Lunenburg, . . Liverpool, . . Pugwash and Wallace, P^ctou, . . . Shelbume, . » Tatamsgouche, . WolfvUle, Windsor, . • Weymouth, . • Yarmouth, * • . Hantsport, . . Antigonish, • . Port Hood, C. B., . Comwallis, Alfred Whitman, Esq., M. P. P. John D. Einnear, Silas L. Morse, Henry Stewart, Daniel Owen, Robert Roberts, William Cooper, " J. R. Noonan, Robert Thompson, Arch. Patterson, Rev. John Chase. Monson H. Qoudge, Esq. Colin Campbell, Ji>., •• E, W. B. Moody, N. T. Harris, E. H. Harrington, Dunsier Tremain, D. M. Dickie, •t <i (I <i (• If It «« <i «< «i «< 4« M [1857. INY, B. 2 8 Victoria, • Esq. [TON, Esq. gs, Ships on reference to kave invested »ntrol of the profits. !NT, ( Building. mpany : — iq., M. P. P. K II II II II II II II II Ssq. II It 14 II II <l 1857.1 ADYBfiTISSMBKTS. \\% C^e Colonial fife Assurance Comptt;. Established 1846. CAPITAL, ONE 911LL10N STERLING. Crovernor, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Eloin and Kincardine. >. "B-ikD Office — Edinburgh, No; 5 Oeorge Street. NovA-ScoTiA—Head Ofice, Halifax. The HoK. M. B. ALMON, Bankw. The Hon. WM. A. BLACK, Banker. LfiWlS BLISS, Esq. / CHARLES TWINING, Esq., Barritter. JOHN BAYLEY BLAND, Esq. The Hon. ALEX. KEITH, Merchant. MEDICAL ADTISER8. Daniel McNeil Parker, M. D. ; Lewis Johnston, M. D., Esqnu S£CB£TABT, Matthcw H. Kichey, Esq. Agencies in every British Colony. Its Colonial Branches are not mere adjuncts to the business of a Home Office, but form part of its entire and original scheme, commanding the constant attention of tho!«e connected with its management. First dioiiioii" of Profits made in 1854. Bonus, 2 per cent, per annum. Future DivlHious every five years. The Accumulated Fund amounted, as at 2dth May, 1855, to £192,323 38. The Annual Revenue had, at the same datb, reached £67,451 128. lOd. Every information regurdtug the Company and the principles and practice of Life Assurance may be obtained by application at Head Office, Halifax, or to any of the following gentlemen, viz. : — Tiie Hon. A. O. Archibald, Truro; Jaffies Crichton, Esq., Pietou; Amos B. Chandler, Etq.^ Pugwash ; R. B. Dickey, Esq., ^mAer«<; Joseph Allison, Esq., Windsor; T. W. Harris, Esq, Kentville ; Thomas Spurr, Esq., Bridffelovm; James Gray, Esq., Annapolit; H. A. Grantltan, Esq., Yarmotdh; J. N. S. Marshall, Esq., Liverpool; H. S. Jost, Esq., Lunenburg. MATTHEW H. RICHEY, General Agent. 114 ADTIBTtSBMBITTfl. [1857. UNITY I ASSOOIAVXOlffS. Chief Omos, 8 Caniton STasET, Londoit. ' CAPITAL, : : : : : jg 2,500,000 STERLING. Board of Management for Nova- Scotia, Prince Edward $ Island and Newfoundland. DIRECTORS. Hon. JOSEPH HOWE, M. P. P., Chmkjian. DONALD MURRAY, Esq. I JOHN TOBIN, Esq., M. P. P. WiLLIAM J. STAIRS, Esq. | Hon. BENJ. WIER, M. P. P. MEDICAL OFFICERS. Hon. Wm. Gbiqob, M. D., and Patbiok £dw. Mollot, Esq., M. D. Peter Lynch, Esq., Solicitor. William Finlay, Esq., Surveyor. Jas. H. Liddell, Sec'y. and Manager. Bank of British North America, Bankera. Adyantaoes to Insvbebs in the Unity Fike Depabtmbnt. A participation in two-thirds of the profits. As a guarantee to Insur- ers, beyond these Associations having the largest proprietary in the world, consisting of BIX THOUSAND Shareholders, whose names and addresses may be seen at the Halifax Office — The Lofidon Directors have deposited £10,000 Sterling, in the Bank of British North America, to be fekmanenelt invested as a security fund. All Losses will be promptly settled by the Local Board, without reference to England. ApVANTAOES TO ASSUBEBS IN THE UnTTT LiFB DePABTXENT. — Persons assiuing their lives can, after five annual payments, discon- tinue their policies without loss, as the office will give a paid up pol- icy for all premiums received. The following gentlemen are Agents for these Associations, who will supply all requisite blanks and information : — Geo. Thomson, Esq., Coruwallis. W. H. Blanchard, Esq., Windsor. Geo. Campbell, Esq., Truft). A. C. McDonald, Esq ,' M. P. P., Pictou. Edw. Roach, Esq., New Glasgow. Hon. Wm. A. Henry, Antigonish. Isaac Wylde, Esq., Guysboro'. George Jean, Esq., Arichat. HALIFAX OFFICE, : : : : Donald N. McQueen, Esq., Syd- ney, Cape Breton. Jas. Murray, Jr., Esq., Yarmouth. John Carteu, Esq., Liverpool. John Creighton, Esq., Lunenburg. John Wade, Esq., Digby. Robert McCully, Ei>q., Amherst. Francis Carroll, Esq., Parrdboro'. PRINCE STREET. [1857. iranre ON. RLING. •(f« Jaland and iXAN. Esq., M. P. P. lER, M. P. P. ,0T, Esq., M. D. Isq., Surveyor. rs. BPABTMSNT. A antee to Insur- oprietaryin the •a, whose names Sterling, in the ,Y INTE8TB1) aS a ed by the Local Depaktmbnt. — lyments, discon- e a paid up pol- Lssociations, who aecn, Esq., Syd- reton. Esq., Yannouth. I., Liverpool. lisq., Lunenburg. ., Digby. , Esq., Amherst. Esq., Ptirruboro'. STREET. 18«7.] ▲DTBHTIflBlllNTS. llfi ROYAL WESTERN STAGE COACH. HAUFAX TO ANNAPOUS. (CABBTINO U. M. MAILS.) Leaves Halifax for Windsob and Kbntvillb, every morning at 7 o'clock. For WnfDBOR, Kbntvillb, Atlbsfoho, Bridgbtown and Annap- olis, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, at 7 o'clock. Leaves Windsor for Halifax, every morning, after the arrival of the Coach from Kbntvillb, and For Kbntvillb and Annapolis, every afternoon, after the arrival of the Coach from Halifax. Leaves Kbntvillb for Windsor, Wolfvillb and Halifax, every morning, at 6 o'clock, and* For Aylesford, Briogbtown and Annapolis, on Monday, Wednes- day and Friday mornings, at ^o'clock. Leaves Annapolis for Kbntvillb, Windsor and Halifax, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, at 9 o'clock. Ceaches despatched extra, when required, on the arrival of Steamers. The above line connects with the Steamers for St. John, N. B., Portland and Boston, from Windsor and Annapolis. HOYAL MAIL SHORE LI N E. HALIFAX TO YARMOVTH. » Leaves Halifax for Chester, Lunenburg, Liverpool, Shel- BURNB,' Barrinqton and Yarmouth, on Monday and Thursday mornings, at 9 o'clock. Returning, leaves Yarmouth on Monday and Thursday mornings, at 11 o'clock, and Lunenburg on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, arriving at Halifax on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Lifants in arms, /)■««. Five years and under, Aa/^/ar«. Between five and twelve, three-quarters fare. Passengers paying full fare allowed to carry 40 lbs. ; three-quarters fare, 30 lbs. ; half fare, 20 lbs. Extras on either road, fur private families, furnished on reasonable .terms, and at the shortest notice. All parcels and packages to be prepaid, and not responsible for any parcel' or package above the value of two pounds, unless the value is stated at the time of booking, and freight paid according to the value. Large light parcels to be paid for in proportion to their bulk, without reference to weight. No smoking tdlowed in the Coaches. Office — Halifax, A. & U. Creighton's Bookstore. KING & BROTHERS. 116 ADYBBTUaMRIfTS. [18A7. EASTERN STAGECOACH. (HYDE'S LINE.) HALIFAX TO TRURO AND PICTOU. Leaves Halifax for Truro and day) by the flrat boat crossing to day and Friday mornings for St. and Friday mornings to meet Edward's Island. Returning leayes Fictou for (except Sunday). The Steamer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Office— Argyle Street, upper side Grand Parade, Halifax. Fictou every morning (except Sun- Durtmouth. On Monday. Wednes- John, N. B., and on Wednesday the steamer at Fictou for Frince Truro and Halifax every morning from F. E. Lilaud arrives at Fictou WORKS PUBLISHED BY JAMES DAWSON & SON, I»I OTPOTJ, And for sale by A. & W. M o Kl NLA Y, zac .A. x« X V u^ :ic y AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. I. The Harmnnicon. A. Collection ofSacred Musio adapted to the nMoftha Churches In B. M- America, wlUi «u Introduolloit to Vocal Music. Third Edition. 372 pages. Price, As. II. \ SItn nt Nova-Hcntia, Prince Edward** Island, and part of ITew Brunswick. 39 bv 34 in Third Eiiiiion. Price, 2s 61. III. A Hand llooA ol the (leography and Natural History of Kova-Scotla. for the use of Schools, Fumllles and Travetlem, with a utap. Fourth Jttvi$ed Hdition. Price, Is. 3d. IV t)vlentlfl<! Contributions toward the ImproTcmcnt of Agrlsulture In KoTa- ; Scotia. Price, Is. Sd V. A Selection of ScrlFtare Doctrines, for the use of Families and Babbnth I Schools, a-ctmd Edttion. Price, 1.4il. i VI. Practli-al Hints lo tbe Fanners of Nova-^cnOa on the Management and Im- l provcment < f Live Muck, and on Gt^iieral llmtbamlrv. Price, Is M Vil Acadian Ueolovy. An aci-uunt or the Upologlcnl Mtructure and Uinoral ! Besourcesor Muva Hvotia. By J. W Dawson, P. O. 8. Price, lUs I R. & J. WETMORE, O^fEK Ali.SILIEM, • OOKINfi-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MAKERS, z>JEi.x»r'rieii33 Zj XJX3X1.IS, AND DBALKRS IN 38 GRANVILLE ST., HALIFAX, N. S. Gilt Window Cornices, Picture Mouldings, Gold Leaf, Looking- Glass Flates, Ficture Gl<iss, &o. Billet-Heads for vessels always on hand. [except Sun- ay, Wedne*- Wednosday I for Prince ery morning res at Fictou ilifax. iON, 9 tho nM of the TMrd' £ditivn. Sew Brunswick. Kova>!*cotlM. for Revited Jidition. sultureln Xora- lea and Babbnth Igement and Im- [ure and Mineral \^ r' \^ lAKERS, r. s. leaf, Looking- 18ff7.] AnyaHTiMMaMTB. Ill 600 STOYES, ORATUS &; CABOaSBlS. J. M. CUAMBEllLAlK, aiY STIVErSTi^ES, Noi. 212 ft 213 H0LLI4 ST , near H. M Ordinance, OPPOSITE JIttUSALBM WAUBUOUSl, Ittiporter, Agent and Dealer in Scotch and American Cooking and all sorti of Stoves, Orates, Cabooses, Farmer i' Boilers, Fur- naces, Oven Mouths, Stove-Pipes, and Fittings. FhOadelphia Globe Water mifying Coolers. ALSO, OONSTAlfTLT ON HAND, NEW AND PREPAR ED FEATHERS IN B ALES FOR BEDDING. 17* Orders from the country answered with despatch.,^ A. & W. MacKINLAY, No. 16 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, Wholesale and Retail BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Osnsral Importers of English and Amerloan Foblioations. A. & TV. MacKINLAT, No. 16 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, SOLE AGENTS FOR H0&m3ES0H>s ssaoieisB. MORTON & COGSWELL, Comer of Cheapside and Hollis Streets, lower side of Provincial Building, East. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Seeds, Spicc§, Dye Woods, ACj I Which are offered for sale, wholesale and retail, at the k>west market prices. • MoBTON & Cogswell are Agents for the Illustrated London I NTew^, Punch, News of the World, and other English newspapers. ii 118 ADVBBTISEMEMTS. [1867- THE ASTONISHMENT AND DELIGHT OF THE WORLD ! PRICE, 25 CENTS PER BOX. Thirty yeara' experience in America, together teith the highest antiquity of which Russian history boasts, has fully established this excellent Family Remedy, for the cure of Cuts, Bums, Scidds, Flesh Wounds, Chilblains, Boils, Felons, Ery- sipelas, Cancers, Files, Salt Rheiim, Sprtdns, Bruises, Injuries by Splinters, Ringworm, Warts, Eruptions, Frost Bitten parts of the body. Old Sores, Chapped Lips, Chapped Hands, Excoriations of the Body, Roughness of the Skin ; and it takes out infiamiEation at once ; it heels and soothes whilst it restores the com- plexion and the tone of the skin, ranking foremost among the in- dispensable articles which every family should have in the house. The Nurse, the Belle, and the Beau, alike regard it as neces- sary at the Toilet. Nor does the sturdy common sense of the Farmer, the Me- chanic, the Soldier and the Sailor, neglect it. It is true these are slow to adopt a foreign remedy, but when once they have done so and proved its efficacy, they are reluc- tant to abandon it, and thin is common sense. Certificates from every class in the American community can be brought forward, but the Proprietors are content with the following, which originally appeared in the Christian Watchman and Reflector, unsolicited. Read what the paper says : i| " We were recently amused on hearing a child hardly old enough to talk, and who had ju»t received the merest scratch on his HaKer, inquiring for the Russia Salve of persons who had never seen the article. Wo luid ourselves supposed it was one of the numerous humbugs and catch-pennies of the day, but have been mistaken. We learn that Rev. W. Collier, a n>OBt estimable Baptist clergyman, with whom we are well acquainted, and who haa now Ijeen dead for some teii years, was presented with a recipe for Its manufacture, by a native of Russia. Mr. C, In his wailtt among the poor, while a city missionary in Boston, often applied It and found that remarkable curer« were effected. At length, so extensive was the demand, he was compelled to charge a small price for the article In order to meat the expense which was Incurred. Wehavejiist seena box of the olnti^Lent that was put up by liim sometwentyy^ars ago, which is still Just as fresh as ever. We have not written the foregoing for any selfish purpose, but to express our confidence in the excellence of Redding's Russia i^alve, for wounds and burns." The above .Salve is put up In large sized metal boxes, with «n engraved wrapper, without which, none are genuine. RKUDING A Co , Proprietors, Mo. 8 State .Street, Boston. I^^Auld wholesale In Kova-Scotla, by U.JS. MORl'ON it Co., Halifax, and by daalers iu medicines every where. 1857.] ADTEBTI8ISMEMTS. 119 Ighest antiquity i thi$ excellent , Felons, Ery- B, Injuries by itten parts I Hands, Skin; • Leels 1- to they « reluc- :ertificates | n be brought j the following, m and Reflector, rs : " I I enough to talk, »«« \ a for the Russia Salve ] supposed It was one lave been mistaken, irman, with whom we . * years, was presented I ■ir. C, m his walM 1 led U and found that i the demand, he was >«t the expense wlilch t was put up by him «Ve have not written ence In the excellence ■n engraved wrapper, or8,No.8StateSireet. lOk * Co., Halifax, lEM^I MORTON'S ESTABLISHED 1842~EEN0VATED 1854. General Depot and Special lAigency for the Sale of all approved Patent Medicines, Perfumery and other Proprietary Articles. Every article warranted genuine from the hands of the Manufacturer or Proprietor. Abbott's Medicated Bitters. Ashby's Prepared Pearl Barley, for infants and invalids. Balm of Orange Flowers, for all toilet purposes. Berteaux's Erysipelas Cure. Bogle's Hyperion Fluid, for cleans- ing the Head and Hair. Bogle's Electric Hair Dye. Buchan's Hungarian Balsam, the great English remedy for Con sumption. Bryan's CamomUe Pills, for indi- gestion, &c. Borwick's Baking Powder and Infant's food. • Bryan's Tasteless Vermifuge, for expulsion of Worms Cleaver's Prize Medal Honey Soap. Clirehugh's celebrated Tricopherus and Hair Dye. Dunn's Magic Salve, for Piles, &c. Dyer's Healing Embrocation, or Perfect Pain Destroyer. Fellow's Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Eraser's Cod-Liver Oil, recom- mended by the Faculty. Gerry's Pectoral Tablets, for the cure of Coughs and Colds. Herring's Galvanic Hair Brushes and Combs, for restoring grey hair to its natural color. Hobensack's Worm Syrup. Houghton's Pepsin or true Diges- tive fluid, for Indigestion. Kennedy's Medical Discovery. Lea and Ferrins' Worcestershire Sauce, for Steaks, Fish, &c. Lea and Perrins' Essence of Coifee Lloyd's Euxesis, which renders the process of Shaving agreeable and easy. Low's Soaps and Creams, for the Nursery and Toilet. Mnppin's Shilling Razor, war- ranted good by the Makers. Moffat's Vegetable Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters. Merchant's Gulling Oil, for wounds &c., in Horses and Cattle Nixey's Patent Black Lead Polish for Stoves and Grates. Nelson's Patented Gelatine, for Blanc-Mange, Jellies, &c. Kobinson's prepared Groats, for making a pure and delicate gruel. Robert's Pills of Sarsaparilla or Blood Purifier. Rowland's Maccassar Oil,Kalydor, Odonto and Melacomia, approved for the Hair, Teeth, &c. Rimmell's Toilet Vinegar, to supersede Eau de Cologne. Rimmell's Benzoline,for removing stains from all kinds of fabrics, kid gloves or carpets. Rimmel's Depilatory for remov- ing superfluous hair, [and sores. Redding's Russia Salve for wo'nds Saunders' Smokers' Tooth Powder and Brushes, for the teeth. Smith's Electric Oil or Pain KU- ler, for Rheumatism, &c. t. 10^ 120 ADTERTISitHEKtS. [1867. WILLIAM GRANT, Jr. ILE^ km SBIiOl 69 GEORGE STREET, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Pott, Post, Foolscap and Demy Writing Papers ; Drawing and Car> tridge Paper; Crayon Paper; Bristol boards; Superior Cream Laid Note Paper and Envelopes; Sealing Wax; Wafers; Slates; Slate Pencils; Steel Pens; Penholders; Ink; Ink Powders. Legers, Day Books, Cash Books, Bill Books, Copying Letter Books, Memorandum Books. SCHOOL BOOES, YAEIOUS KINDS. Charts, Maps, Log Books, Parallel Rulers, Ounter's Scales, Dmd* ers, Mathematical Iiutruments, Norrts' Navigation, Seaman's Assist* ant, Thomson's Tables, Blunt's Coast Pilot. Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Church Services, with various other articles usually kept in a Stationery Establishment. Haliburton's History of Nov>^ -Scotia, 2 vols. Murray's Account of Disooveries'in North America, 2 vols. Oesner's Geology and Mineralogy of Nova>Scotia. The Cultivator, in vols, bound in cloth. The Family Friend. The Family Economist Belcher's Book of Interest Tables. ** Book of Exchange Tables. « Map of Nova-Scotia— Second Edition. ** Faumrk's Almanack, 1857. [IW7. T, Jr. I 1867.] ADVBBTUBMBNTS. 121 REET, ; Drawing and Car- toards; Superior pes; Sealing Pencils ; k; DeWOLF & CO. AND [Copying Letter Books, J3 KINDS. unter's Scales, Divid- ion, Seaman's Assist- Tvices, with rarious Sitablishment. (gQlf^ IDIEID® 8ir®lBIl G3 HOLLIS STREET. HALIFAZ:, N. S. merioa, 2 vols, sotia. N. DAYID STARR & SONS, 49 Upper Water Street, HALIFAX, N. S, - Have always on hand an extensive assortment of '^niis\, §txmu anir ^meruan ^arbbare, IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY, NETS, LINES, TWINES, IRON, STEEL, TIN, LEAD, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, ETCl Agents for the sale of the Vieille Montagne Zinc Miniog Company's Productions, SHEATHING and ROOFING ZINC, ZINC NAILS and ZINC PAINTS. w . ^1_JL. 122 ADTBRTISBMBITTS. [18«7. PROFESSTOXAL LIFE MimisE mMfkm. CHIEF OFFICE-76 CHEAPSIDE, (L®INI[D©(F^. CAPITAL, £250,000. Halifax Board of Management Office, 60 Hollis Street. DIRF.CTORS. WILLIAM PRYOR, Jr., Esq. I ANDREW M. TJNIACKE, Esq. WILLIAM CUNARD, Esq. | JAMES A. MOREN, Esq. Medical Referee — Edw. Jennings, M. D. Secretai'y—Bwj. G. Geav. Every description of Life Assurance Business, Annuities, Endow- ments, &c., transacted. Rates of premium lower, and liberty for residence and travel more | extended tlian that of any other Company in the Colonies. No charge whatever to Assured, except his premium. The following are examples of rates of the premium for assuring I £100 for life :— Age 20, .... £1 10 9 I Age 40 £2 13 6j 30 • 1 19 C I 60 3 18 6| Detailed Prospectuses, Rates of Premium, and 'every information! may be obtained on application to G. A. MacKenzie, Esq., Pictou ; [ E. C. Cowling, Esq., Annapolis ; H. W. Smith, Eaq., Shelburne, or | to B. G. GRAY, SoLiciTOB, &c., H^AD AOENT FOn NoVA-ScOTIA, 60 Hollis Street, Halifax. LORDLY & STlMPiON, Commission Per^ants ani General ^jents,] WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN FLOUR, MEAL, COFFEE, TEAS, TOBACCO, No. d OEOEOE STREET, MARKET SaiTARE; ififa... 1867.] ADVEBII8BMKMT8. 123 &'X'jsl:£^ isus mmm im ! : t OF LONDON. • I- rounded, 1843. CAPITAL, £100,000 STERLINa NOTICE. The privilege offered to Assurers in the Star Life Oilice, arc highly advantageous. Ninety per cent., or nine- tenths of the' profits (ascerr tained every fifth year) ore allotted to the holders of Policies ; which may be applied in the reduction of the future annual premiumi or be added to the sum insured, as a bonus. Thirty days are allowed for the payment of the premium from the date of its becoming due. All claims are paid within fifty days of their being allowed by the Board, and disputed claims referred to arbitration. The dividend declared in 1848 was 02 per cent, on the premium paid, the largest bonus ever given by any Company having agencies in this country. This Society is chiefly, but not exclusively, devoted to the Assur- ance of the lives of members of the Wesleyan Methodist Sotieties, and of the hearers and friends of that connexion. Assurances how- ever, have been, and may be effected upon all assurable lives. Noth- ing need be said upon the propriety of persons assuring their lives for the benefit of their families and friends, when so many proofs are furnished by the experience of every day life. The advantages of a Respectablie Company, with a large Capital and dividing handsome profits, are too obvious to need any comment. All necessary Blanks and Pamphlets and every information fur- nished gratis, by the Society's Agent or Medical Examiner. m K. S. BLACK, M. D., Medical Examiner. M. G. BLACK, Jk., Agent. Opviob, No. 31 Uppeh Watbe Street, Halifax, N. S ■ ' ' "• — — ■ ■-- "•- asj ■;.iiis»>^'''-'' • .'TT^J' ■ 124 ADVBHTXSmnNTS. [1867> ESTABLISHED, 1817. KNIGHT & SON, DBALEBS IX SADDLERY, HAI^NESSES, WHIPS, HORSE CLOTHING, TRUNKS, &c., &c. NO. 176 HOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX. GEORGE E. RITCHIE. CninmisBian BUrrjinnt, GENERAL AGENT, BROKER & AUCTIONEER, STONE WAREHOUSE, TOBIN'S WHARF, HALIFAX, 1^0 S. Advimces made on Consignments, and best city references furnished. Wholesale and Retail, Merchants and Captains Supplied. / ■^_'^»w/ V '^^' BELLA TORllE & RAYNEU, ^mt\\ nnit §mx[\\ llppsitort}, Stand No, 2 Granville Street, HALIFAX, N. S. Imfortebs OF Telescopes, Quadrants, Barometers and Thermometers, Compasses, and Optical Instruments in general, for Naval and Mili- tary purposes ; French and Fancy Oo^s, Plated Goods, Jewelry, Cutlery, Childrens' Toys, Looking Glasses, Piano Fortes, Accordeons, Flutinas, Musical Instruments, &c., &c., of the best makers. Inventors and Makers of the Celebrated ^est Pocket Spy Glasses. SE CLOTHING, c . XIFAX. IHIE, errjiant, UCTIONEER, WHARF, references furnished. Captains SappUed. iYNER, Street, INDEX. jrs and Thermometers, for Naval and Mili- ted Goods, Jewelry, o Fortes, A-Ccordeons, best makers. Pocket Spy Glasses. Annivermriea and Feasts, AUomevs and Barristera, Acadia College, Wolfvillo, Acadian School, Halifox, AMcan £. Methodist Church, Baptist Church, . Agents for Lloyds, . Advertisements, Barristers and Attorneys, Society, . Board of Works, I Revenue, . i Agriculture, Halifax, ! Health, Halifax, I Baptist Education Society, I Ministers,' . : Missionary Board, ' Free Christian Ministers, Will Ministers, Banks, Hali&x, Chronological Cycles, Calendar Pages, Court, Supreme, of Error, of Marriage and Divorce, of V. Admiralty, . ^ Clergy, Established Church, W lloman Catholic Church, Colonial C. and S Society, Congregational Ministers, Crown Land Office, . Comm'rs Indian Affairs, . Province Notes, of Hallways, of Pilots, Halifax, KeciprOi-'ity Treaty, St. Peter's Canal, County Of Halifax, . Colchester, Cumberland, Plctou, . Hants, King's, . Annapolis, D'gby, . Lunenburg, Queen's, . Shelburno, Yarmouth, Sydney, . Ouysborough, Cape Breton, Victoria, . Inverness, 4 83 49 51 60 60 68 111 83 47 62 62 68 68 50 59 59 60 60 70 2 to 29 46 47 47 47 51 56 52 60 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 67 78 79 80 82 83 84 86 87 87 88 89 91 91 92 94 94 County of lUchmond, Consuls at Halifiix, . Companies, C"pe Breton Circuit, Directions for finding true time, Dalhousie College, Halifax, Diocesan Church Society, Dartmouth, Ember Days, . Eclipses, .... Explanation Calendar pages, Executive Council, . Excise and Impost Office, Eastern Circuit, Farmer's Calendar, . Free Church College, Academy, Ministers, . Committees, Financial Secretary's Office, Governor of Nova-Scotia . Gorbam College, Liverpool, Government Offices and Officers, House of Assembly, Halifax Grammar School, Dispensaries, Corporation, Fire Wardens, Engine Company, Axe Fire Company, Fire Companies, . Inspectors of Schools, Insurance Companies, Halifax King's College, Windsor, . Alumni of. Scholarship, Legislative Council, . Light Houses, N. S. and N. B., Lutheran Church, Lunenburg, Masonic Lodges, Ministers Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church, Mlc Mac Missionary Society, . Medical Society of Nova-Scotia, Nova-Scotia Tariff, . Bible Society, Sabbath Alliance, Normal School, National School, Halifax, ' Naval and M. Bible Society, Odd Fellows, . Officers' Ordinance Dept., Engineer Dept., . BarraclL Dept., . e» 01 8 49 68 8 6 80 68 78 6 to 29 60 60 66 66 62 80 60 62 32 50 73 98 98 96 98 98 48 73 48 48 49 31 36 60 43 58 54 61 110 39 60 61 48 60 61 45 101 101 101 ■ vf, ^^:' .i-* l^ 126 IMDBX. [18A7. [ Offlcers of Annv Staff, . . 101 1 Roada and DiatancoH, 1 . 100 Royal Artillery, . 102 fieaaona, length of, . 102 i St. Mary's CoUefe, UalJiix, *\ EDglneerv, 80 G2d Regiment, . 102 1 Sable Island, . 621 68d Regiment. . 102 Surveyor General'a Office, 62! Nova-ScotlK Militia, 108 Supervisors Great Roads, 081 Naval Yard, Ualifiuc. 106 1 Societies n Victualling Yard, 106 Signals, Citadel Hill. 76! NaTal UoRpital, . 106 Shore Ciicuit. . Tariff of Duties, 87 of the Navy, 106 80 Planets, Sigm of the. Morning and Erening 2 Telegraph Company, Universalist Ohurch, Ualifoz, AVlndsor Collegiate School, AVolfville Academy, . OB 1 2 60 Friuelpal, . ( Jto20 48 Pictou Academy, . 61 49 Provincial Secretary's ofiBce, 62 IVesleyan Academy, 51 Penitentiary, . Post Office, llalUliz, . 62 Missionaries, . 67 64 Missionary Society, 68 Rogation Days, . 2 Western Circuit, 82 Retired Members of Coancil, 30 Young Men's Christian Association, 01 i 1 Receiver Oenerars Office, 02 Zodiac, Signs of the. 21 • ! i ' ^ ■ B. C. BREHM, i \ 1 i MANFUACTUBEB AND SEALER IN 1 1 r • 1 Allotn, CflnWf0,,J{ia|i, ^f. No. 1 MAITLAND STREET, j . ^r',^,. . .. XB67.] ADVUTUmaNTS. • ' 127 BELCHER'S MAP OF NOVA-SCOTIA, SECOND EDITION. ComgM to IB65. FOR SALE A.T ALL THE CITY BOOKSTORES. With the lines of proposed RAILWAYS through the'Province laid down, and also the Routes and Stations of TELEGRAPH LINE. This ia the largest and only correct Map published of the Province. It has been revised and corrected, and the new Counties and Town- ^UQft formed since its first publication acctirately laid down, together wit/the lines of proposed Railways thrnunh the i'rovince, and the loytes and stations of the Telbobaph Line. And may be had, Runted on cloth and rollers, colored and varnished, for the Office, e Library or Hall, 22s. 6d.{ and on cloth, colored, in neat case, for e Pocket for Travelling, I8s. 9d. ; and on blue paper, same as a chart, 8s. 9d. C. H. BELCHER, Publiaher. t OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " We notice with much pleasure the appearance of a second Edition of B^Rjhkb'b Map or NovaSootia This Map, originally compiled in 1834 from actai||«urv«.vs, by William McKay, has now been revised, and corrections down to the present yenr have been carefully Introducotl Wo observe that the projected 11 es of Kailwav are marked out; and the routed and stations of the Teleuraph Line are also indicated A late Edition of a correct Map is one of the most desirable possessions We beitpeak, therefore, a speedy and exieaslve sale for Belcher's Map of Mova-acotia."— [Provin- cial Wesleyan. "Bklchbr's Map of Kova-Hootia — Good Offlce-Maps of our own Province have, fur some years past, been in great demand ; imt we have not this want to complain of any longer, now that asecond Edition of Belcher's excellent Map Is In thi! market This is a great* Improvement upon the old one. Krrorrt which must have been all but unavoidable at the time the Map of 1834 was puhllHhrd, and which became more apparent as the interior of the country cume to be better aniiwn, have in this Map been, for the most part, carefully corrected Not the least valuable of tITe many additions mode, Is the laying down ot the several lines of Railway lately surveyed, and the courses of tlm Telegranh lines Hnd the marking out of localities where the Telegraph oflSc. "o situated The corrections and improvemenu reflect much credit on the dr.. '^.itsman, and must have cost him no small amount 01 labor, 'the executiouof tne work it, in the highest degree, admirablo."— [Aca- dian Recorder. " Belcbbb's Map of Nova-Scotia— A second edition of which has Just been g0- lished, is a work that should be in every house In the Province. KeHldcs being Vr- rect, it is on a much larger scale than any 6ther Map of thn vame kind, being S feet 2 ini-bes by 2 feet; and as set forth in the advertisement which appears In another column, it has been revised and corrected, and the new CounticH and Townships, formed since Ha first publication, tecurately laid down, together with the proposed Raliwavs througli the Proviuce, and the routes and stations of the Telegraph line." —L British Colonist. " Belchbb's Map of Nova-Hcotia.— A copy of the second edition of this very superior Map, corrected to October, ISM, has been received. At the 'present im- portant epooii In our Province, when even the most skeptical cannot full to be con- vinced that this country is turning the corner bevond which lies the fiir way of Provincial prosporltv, such a reference as the one before uo is invaluable. In addi- tion to the npundarles, &c , of the several Countif's of Nova-.><cotla proper, and the routes of the Railwav already projected, it lnulud>-s the Island of Cape Breton and the proposed improvements in th-tt Ititrrestlng locality, all of which have been compiled from the most careful surveys and the latent arrangements ^o person in- terested In the country who can afford the cost, should be without a copy. William McKav, of this City, is the Draughtsman ; William Neele A Co., London, a^e the r n- cravers; and this >lap. the result of their united labors, may be purchased at all the Bookstores in Halifax ''— [Morning Chronicle. iSf^-:- ■„-***■ ^^ ..^M^M^Mm^'^^miaim^. ■J'': ¥0 < 'ii i^' l' Wl ^ ) p >y. i ^ t f il y i -^««* IPARJIirg ;||,MANACK, r' • ««$liJDitBR' i Almakaok.— This i^^i^eniRble hfrxUxtX hu ji isiiiM firotai the press. It is neatly e<^ tip^ aiid % jiiges are yidi the usual amount of nsefij ktew|^i||e. IiiitleaTed <<^V»t nted; bound in eml»ossed elothi Ivnr^pit 'Oie*' thil|; for Counth)' roonuf Ind Parlors."— Jfo|»<wy O^ilpiifete. • *■■■* « • ',j|^ ■- .•. «• B^CHEK'f Fabueb'b AutAKAOKi^Thw old^avorite comes o^t in a styiflNriAl calculated to snstain its Jong atan^j; reputation/'-if ■ Rteordtiit. iKB&'s FAsatxB's AiiMAKAOK lias Im^ rWeivfi^.' It iaore kved " Our ihaniif i|ii due to the pul^shor i<ci]r Bf^sr^s f aimer^s Al- atenack tor a eop|F of hte- Aifa^j|]rbDt9»id aiid interleayed. This ;A)iN9^^ ^^''^^f'l^*^ the inbU6 as thje best publication .;^^'^»kiiidi%j|t;COmtne^ superflndtis. As a business ri^ctot;^, i'«Bi}f^ar and book of reference for all matters relating;:^ lSK>Tittoud Affi^, it is unsurpajoed, an4 t^i" 7^^^ "^^ notice minty Useful improvetnents. J^o fitniily or coii^ng-house should mwi^- outone. It may'be ptt>cmid u^att the booKstores ihroughottt',titf ^ and eopntry;"— Sr»/MA Co^iMi ' ^ •• BBtciaE&'s Fab««k% ALMAii-AOK.— A copy of this carefully oora- pUed Annual has been laid upon our tal^. It is enq^igh io say of it that It sustainiits oharact<»: for excelkti%. It is, in<«ur opinion, <».ecidedly the Iwst Alttiiatoadc that tesues filttn the Nova-Scptla press, nd we cheerfully re,comn^eud it as such tc our readers. The bound «d it^terleaved copes contain a beautlM engravnig." — Provincial .: ■ :^:-:"' <. .^,>::/:-v/-^, .,..•■.:.:■; *^* The bound and interleayed copi«| will contfti^ a highly fin* ished Eiigrayiafg of " A ItAix.aoAD Soenb." W. firani«:lr,, Booksdler and Stationer, Bit (V^rgg BiOt^ itngi promptly attend;to all OKd|bnfM th» ab^ye A^lmaaiek. '<0^^» »m X\ i :' !i |i ii „ur> f iVf :v Z*t~.^<h*^W„J\' , XJ^u "liifltof>V»,A^>.;-ffl- jLMANACK, I,. -^s i8. A|intial hM j m pages are iolarleaved ^ (M^ for Counth) r^aVorite comes o^i tuyiag re£mtation."-*N % »ywv«A' It wore lober'a Fanner*iB Al- ia interleaved. Thui the 'best publication ndtis. As a business ill inattera relativKiQ eai! ve notice aniny louse should |be Mf^- tores throughottt-^f of this carefully oom- is enqygh io say of it t is, in •cur opinion, le Nova-Scotia press, readers. The bound graving/* — Provincial :ontaii) a highly fiiMli prg! Almaiiilsk. ■*•»■ A