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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est fiimd d partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) iJ£ 1^ ! 1^ 111 ,. 1^ 1.8 ^ APPLIED IM/^GE Inc ^S"^ '65J East Main Street S^ Rochester. New YorK 14609 USA ■r S ('16) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^= (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax 385. Cil, Oi SPEC 1. ThU in making clearing, cl( ing, foundal and stream concrete, p£ taking deliv ballasting, t buildings, < requisite m may be nect speoificatioc the works works formi Contractor f ways and Oi the same en tract, includ the adjoinin, reason of th the Oontrac seqaences o: to the exten 2. Wh« to the widtl be ordered t line ut Bla 1 CAPE BRETON RAILWAY. specificatiojy for the COXSTRUCTI' Y OF TEL WORK. i i General. 1. This spocificatioa refers to the works of construction and inutoi iuls required in making and building the railway as comprehended by the contract, cjraprising clearing, close cutting, grubbing, cross-logging, fencing, excavation, draining, ditch- ing, foundation works, waterways, public road croshings, farm road crossings, road and stream diversions, embankments, bridges, viaducts, culverts and retaining walls, concrete, paving, pitching, rip-rap, crib work, stream tunnels, ties and track spikes, taking delivery of the mils, fish plates and bolts at ship's rail at ballasting, track-laying, points, crossings, switche.s, signals, turnouts, sidings, station buildings, engine houses, turntables, water tanks, and water services, with the requisite machinery and fittings, and uU other works of every description which may be necesdui y for the entire completion of the work according to the foUowin"' specification, profiles and drawings hereto attached, and also the maintenance of all the works during their construction and until the final estimate is issued and the works formally accepted as complete by the Minister of Railways and Canals. The Contractor shall enclo-ie all the ground as delivered to him by the Minister of Rail- ways and Canals for the purposes of this contract with a good fence, and shall keep the same enclosed during the progress of the works until the termination of the con- tract, including the period for maintenance of the works, so as effectually to preserve the adjoining land from trespass and prevent any injury whatever to any parties by reason of the want of sufficient fences to separate their lands from the works, and the Contractor shall be wholly responsible for all damages to crops and all the con- sequences of insufficient fencing. Directions will be given at the proper time as to the extent of ground required to be cleared, close cut and grubbed, / Clearing, &o. 2. Where the railway passes through wooded sections, the land shall be cleared « to the width of 66 feet on each side of the centre line, or such further width as may be ordered by the TSnginnor ; u\so, for a wiJlfi of 300 feet on each side of tbe centre line at stations, fur a length ofi":i,000 ieot,.or suoli -othar. dimension as may bo 53iOJ^ P385.1 C 11 A Close cutting. Grabbing. Fencing. ordered by the Engineer. The clearing shall be done sothat all the brush, logs and other loose material within its limits shall bo burned or removed. . i no case shall any of the brush or logs be cast back upon the adjacent timber lands ; thoy shall invariably be made intj piles near the centre of the space to be cleared.and if not removed for fuel or othorwiso used, Ihoy shall bo ontiroly consumed. All brush or trees accidentally or otherwise thrown into the adjacent woods, shall bo dragged out and burned or removed. The land shall bo loft in a cloan condition. 3. Where embankments are to be formed less than 4 foot or more than 2 feet in height, all toe standing timber and slumps shall be chopped close to the ground, within the limits of the embankment, and burned. 4. Where excavation other than borrow pits and ballast pits will not exceed three feet in depth, or embankments two feet in height, all stumps shall bo grubbed out, and if possible, burnt ; those that will not burn shall be carried beyond the limltB of the cuttings and embankments, and there piled. Fenoino. 5. The Contractor shall construct a barbed wire fence in wooded portions of the line, and an Everett lath and wire fence in cleared parts, throughout the line of the railway grounds, as per drawing No. 3. Sills shall oe of round cedar, 6 inches at the smallest end, 9 feet long, and sunk in the ground 6 inches. Posts shall be of round cedar, 6 inches at the smallest end and 6 feet long. Braces shall bo of round cedar, 5 inches at the smallest end "and three and a half feet long. The posts shall be placed 10 feet apart between centres, dovetailed 2 inches into the side of sills and fast- ened with two e-inch spikes. The small end of post shall be placed uppermost. The braces shall be let into the posts and sills 2 inches, and fastened with two 6-inch spikes at each end. There shall be a top board 5 inches wide and one and one-half inches thick, spiked vertically to the top of the posts, on the side farthest from the track, for the barbed wire fence, and behind the second wire from the top for the Everett fence, which board shall be let into the posts the thickness of itself, and secured with two 4-inch out spikes in each post. The top boards shall be 20 feet long, and shall be fastened as above, or they may be 16 feet long and spliced on one side, with a 1-inch piece 2 feet long fastened with eight 3^ inch steel nails clinched thus : :r~j — TT' \ -. -. \ >: Four best galvanized barbed wires shall be stretched on the farthest side of the post from the track, and proper' y secured with staples to each post. Bach wire shall be of two twisted strands, and each barb shall have four points. Straining posts shall be put in every 200 feet, and the fence drawn up tightly ; these posts shall be sunk in the ground not less than 4 feet; they shall be braced both ways from the top of the post to the foot of the adjoining posts, with S-inch round cedar braces, and shall be fastened With two e-inch spikes at each end. The gate posts shall be placed on sills and braced in one direction to the foot of the nearest post. The Contractor shall remove the bark from posts, eille and drapes,' iiitd bum tae aameou railway iands. f 1 < 6 U forming, line of ni to bridge: other wo required 7. In and grubl 8.Th the formal of cutting! undnlitin^ level of th 9.Th( ings Nos. ' of the slo] cular. In horizontal four feet si varied by the stabilit nor any ot writing, fn the Contra according t 10. Th the roadwa inches lowe each slope t be kept 12 i a fall towar cuttings shi the ditches 'Juttings a v at the foot c 11. In at the foot o three cedar ing joint in I bruah, logs and . 1 no ooBO Bhall mda; thoy shall learod,aDd if not I. All brush or bo dragged out ro than 2 feet in a to the ground, will not exceed ball be grubbed led beyond the 1 vooded portions rts, throughout of round cedar, IS. Posts shall be hall be of round le posts shall be of sills andfast- ppermost. The vro 6-inoh spikes one-half inches m the track, for >e Everett fence, oared with two ^hall be fastened inch piece 2 feet ~TT : : I => side oi the post wire shall be of i posts shall be 11 be sunk in the )p of the post to hall be fastened )d on sills and }r shall remove ads. 8 Gbaoing. 6 Under this term is included all excavations, embankments and surface Grading, whatovor may bo the raatorials, and whether the bo ro,uirod fo the hne o ru.lway. or for the diversion of forming or, roa,!', approaches to bndgo. or lovol crossing... d.-aining and offtake ditches, station grounds and all other works, cont.ngont upon, or relating to excavations and embankments as by the nature of the contract or described in this specification. 7. In woodland the grading shall be commenced after tho clearing close-outtin^ . and grubbing required is completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer! ' -c^t^ 8. The red line on the profile exhibited, according to drawing No 2 indicat«« e formation level, th.t is, the surface of the tops of'embankmenl Id the b 1 ""'• of cu tt.ngs previous to the laying and ballasting of the permanent way. Th bZ letonhVtT 7r"^ '':■ r^" '''''-' ^^ "- ^™-^' -^ «^'biue „ level of the top of the rail which is 2?, inches above formation level. in.« !i'^''°/""';S« y^ ^« ^''^^'^ to the cross section exhibited, according todraw- . mgs Nos. 4 and 5. The width at formation level shall be 22 feet, and the iLiiaation °"""^^- S of the sbpes m earth shall be, as a rule, one and a half horizontal to one porpe^ I cular. In gypsum and other rock cuttings the slopes shall be. as a nj one horizon alto four perpendicular. In cuttings partly earth and partly rock, a berm of ^ four fee Bhal, be left on the surface of the rock. But these propouios may be , the stablUy of the slopes. The Contractor shall not take out nor be paid for rock nor any other excavation beyond the specified slopes, without an express order in, from the Engineer. In the event of a slide in a cutting after it is forme he Contractor shall remove the debris, and be paid for it as loose rook or as ear ' according to the class to which it may appear to the Engineer to belong. ' th« H^^' ^^''' "^ '^" ^'"'^'"^ '^'^^ ^' '"''^''^^y ^'"^'^ ^ '^' l«^v«l^ given and ,., the dway.n cuttings shall invariably be rounded and left at not less tl . six Pnt^^.^ nches lower at the sides than in the centre. There shall bo a side ditch at the foo of a fal tl T.T r ! t"''"'^ "" ^'^ ''''''' '^"«' -'^ '<>-•• >f "— y. With a fall towards the ends of tho cuttings so as to thoroughly drain the same The th ditches at the sides of the embankments, so as not to injure the latter. In rock ::rt:ftchXt "'" " '" ^"^ ""' '^^^ ''''-' '-^ ''-' '- ^--^ at the footVfThir """"^^'^.'•"'"« '^'^ «P^-g« ««• -"l^age. drains shall beformed ^ . . thricl T 'T' '"'"^'"^ ""'' '^'^ ^'^'^^ ''''' ^^«^^^«P' ^«rmed with a bed of - S" three cedar polos not less than two inches in diameter <,i the sm-!- ^n-i -a' ■ F I -g joint in the bottom of the trench and then filled up with coarse g;a;er<;; bria Catch wiiter draina. Kxcavatlon. stone the sizo of ordinary rouJ motul. In lovol cuttinga the tronohos Hhall bo dug to a greater depth than four feet at the ondH, so as to give sufficient flow for the water. 12. DilchoN Hhall bo formed at one or both sidei of the cuttings, as the inclina- tion of the grounil may roiiuirc, so as to txolude Irom tlioui any water draining otf or flowing from the adjuiinng iandj. Thoy (.hall noL bonoaior than twenty feet from the top of the slopos, unless olhorwiso ordered by iho Knginoor, and shall bo graded to such depths as to curry the water clear of the cutting and into the ditches at tho sides of tho embankments, or to tho nourest water course. Slope drains. ^^' ^^° cuttings shall, in all caso», during iho progress of tho work as well as afterwards, be kept perfectly dr^ ; and whenever tho slopes are wot and tho material seriously aflected by springs, souks, heavy rains or thaws, thoy shall bo thoroughly drained by forming oblique drains up tho slopes, not loss than three foot deep, and at such intervals as the Engiucor may direct ; such drains shall be tilled with broken stone or coarfco gi'avel tho sizo of ordinary road metal. 14. All ozcaTation in cuttings and all open ditches in cuttings or elsewhere, and all excavations required for turning, making, or changing watercourses or ofl:-take ditcheSjStrippiijg of ballast pits and all other excuvations such as may bo required for public road crossings or diversions, or in giading depot grounds, sidings, turnouts or brancfies, and so much of ordinery foundation pits lor bridges and culverts as are not under the level of the water, shall bo considered as u necessary part of the excavation for the forjiation of the road-bed, and shall bo oxocutod and tho material deposited according to tho direction of the Unginoor, and will be paid lor at the same rate per cubic yard as tho ordinary excavation, according to its class. In foundation pits whore pumping becomes necessary, all the excavation under water lovel shall bo measured, and reckoned at throe times the price of earth excavation. 16. Excavation will be classed under live heads, viz ; 8olid rock, gypsum rock, loose rook, borrow pits and earth and will be paid for according to the following definitions : 1st. Stones and boulders, except in borrow pits, measuring more than twenty- seven cubic feet, and all solid quarry rock, shall be termed solid rock excavation. 2nd. Solid quarry gypsum, except in borrow pits, shall be termed gypsum rock. 3rd. Stones and boulders, except in borrow pits, measuring more than fourteen cubic feet and less than twenty seven cubic f.ot, and all bed rook in situ that can, in the opinion of the Engineer, be removed with facility by hand, pick and bar with- out the necessity of blasting shall be termed loose rook oxoavation. 4th. All excavations in borrow pits will be classed as borrow pit excavation. 5th. All other excavation of whatever kind shall be termed earth excavation ■ 16. The contract prices in the schedule for these several classes of excavation except Buch as are moved by engine and cars, shall bo taken to include the whole cost of haul up to twelve hundred feet. For every hundred feet of haul over twelve Olasaifica tion. V Haul hundi The < movo( r in pro loose I to boil such si shall f( 18 from f whore widone i \ embanl able or his con( 1 by tho 19. ! steeper slopes n monts. '; water cc shall be tho safet borrow f No conti 20. will be n limits of depths as steeper tl cast out 8 ofthedit( the Engin ho shall a Engineer. 21. T I taken fron I pits shall I app I unless IronohoE) Hhall bo [ficiont flow for tho gs, oa tho incliDa- walur druining off a twenty foot from id Hhull bo gradod the ditcbou at tbo work as woll aa ot and tbo mutorial ibuli bo tborougbly hroe foot doop, und tilled with broken s or eltjowhore, and iouruod or ott'-tako lay bo required for , sidiagH, turnouts nd culverts as are ssary part of the 1 and the material kid lor at the same IBS. In foundation utor level shall bo n. jk, gypsum rock, to tho ioUowing nore than tweaty- ik ojscavatioD, nod gypsum rock. ;re than iuurioen in silu that can, in iok and bar with- r pit excavation, aarth excavation • les of excavation, aclude the whole haul over twelve . 1 Th cont::V .'^""'" " "" '° ""^""^ ''' '''^ -'° ^' ? «f ^ -"t per cubi. yarJ. movo b"","' ^'"r''°'^"'° f- ^f'-" -vcral d™ of exoavntioo as are moved by and cars, shall bo takon to in^-ludo tho whole cost of haul. 17. The contract price for loose rock inciudoN the cost of pilin;. it in the outtino« in proper and nuitablo form for moaRuromcnt All ston«« anH . , ''"!"» '»''" loosero<.k«lu,iii>..M 1- .u ' uremcni. All stones and bouMors claHHod oh rock. 00 e ro, k Hhall bo ,>, -cI u. tho cminff^ and there measured by the En-^incor provJouslv i ir? '"""7 '' '" ^""'''^^'"-' '"'' •■" ^'^ --•» "f tho Contractor rlolanv bi-oonoar*"!,''"" •"'''' "" """°'"" ""'"' >>» "PPl-" without borrow nit. ™.° fc ' d, L « T T'C " ""' "°'' '' "'*'" "> » """I-" ""'"o" «o comL.o:i.:r:f;'^":r:j;"' °°' ™"" "> *• '"''°^"'-' «■»' ^» <•-'• limits of the railway aronnd« tk 1 , ^°"«'derable distance beyond the ««»per than one a half bortontal to „„. K^^ineer. They ,ball bo aloptd „„( of th, ditche,. Tho c^otmctTr lalftL ? *° "'^" ""' ""> ""• »' "- "»P" bo-h.a,.o „...,, _„,,^^^^^^^^^ .«-";o™:reX::rrrar:7rb''""T?°"-''°"'*"^^^^^ pits shall bo placed in the «mhn!t ! 7 ' ^''' "'^"^ diversions or borrow '"ents. u..o...ppjadb^v^:;::Tr2arr.,rzi:' ™'' ''-■"- "•IlKIUti,,.,. Vai«c ilrnii 'orslirinkHRe. W'asting. Buildinjf raatfrisl in excavatioo. 7"'\ "■« ^'ouna ,h«„ bo d.op„ plot 7.^ " T "" '"°"°'' °°™«<' "i" "'• ° •po"«7,.-..h.„«™u. thoro„gb,/:„rs.'''r'. "*° *™°^ » -' - r ° to . m,m„„„ doplh of four foot, .„d in b" b! , '"■"' ' ' "''"'"' """ «"' "• <J"« "°* ^^' l«I.., .bout .„„ i„„be„-„ ,,.„.„ , : t d 'n" ""°''' '<'°' »' a™ oo" ovot tio polo, will ,b„„ I,, , '»» '""" "d, «o.ll lim bo laid broakiuK ioiol <b..i™orordi„„,„.d„.'i iTV:;!;'!;""/"'"''™'' i-™'-^^ n.oottotl,op,„eo,.Mbo Kn^-iLorj;':' „' ^'i;"':'-"^ ™'»™l. oonv 24. Tl.o.mb.„l,„om„ha,lbo.i,l.„lr ^ °"'"' '"'"'■• «" bavo .„ i„e,i„.„„„ „, Lt r: br"°°'^°™«'°"'-'..o<.ti.„iopo. '""'"'«'■ '""■.lion, wholbor for, boll. '"""''•'""•"» oo. porp.„di«„lL «™.ing.,.„p|.a,,„,.„^,^,,,,;2 » "jor .pp™.b, .„ bridgToMov i .1 .«b.o,»o„t oottiomont or ,bri„k« ' aTl t""" ^ '""'' "^ "■« Oi'»tr.otor /o >..■- P«.po.o tb, top, bo,,,,. t„™^«"; ;"" P."'«"l.rl7 in Cho top wM,t .'*^' '» <l«emod „oco.,.ry, according to tbo S r .r °'' *" "* »^'«« «> m.v b. "...orial. of wbich it i. fo,„'.,, s^^^". ,b' " , °"''"''°»'" »■"""» -tu^'f tbo ' ""!' "" «..d lb, fall „id,b ro,„,rod. '°° " " """"ugbly «„„„,id.M™ ™ j «"• "' --.r::ttf.r~:j:',.irod ^^j -■" pr:iotrrairr;i^^^^^^^^^^ 26. In cases whore nitnliJn «nd deposited in some convenient place In H re ". '"""'"*""^ ""^y »»« removed w^'ch .a, be found in roc. e^oavatio I^ 'Xl T "" ^"^ ''""^^"^ «^- «»ay, with the approval of tie EngiBoor, bo 29 cedar t tbo cat with g thing n cattle-g finished fences, i 30. bridges fication, 31. shall be rails wi1 jpon whfoh tho ombanfc not bo biirnod off in oleai 'air tho work, tho nam ho lino oroHHing Hwamp platform of log, Hhall I) through and to not los ioop as may bo dirooto.! w to 15 inohos in dir >o lly and covered with a I ground oovorod wit); ■k is commoncod ; anc' ombankmont, bonchoH tho ground is wot or oermaysoooxpodiont. renoh shall first bo dag oh, four or five codar >e laid breaking joint; >all broken stone, of mch material, oonvo- ains shall always bo '0 water. ' '^'^e'. aid the slopes ' one perpendicular, ? to bridges or level \ the Oontraotor, for top width; and for "'en, shall be formed j extent as may bo J d the nature of the ^ lonsolidatod it will | i required to make J that the ombank- ; hen this is done to ■ caso whore either Id deposited as ho prosorvod and piled aloD^ tho side of tho lino as directed. But any material so found and used shall not bo paid for twice, tho quantity Hhall form l deduction from tho quantity of excavation as moaaurod in tho cutting. 27. Roads constructed to and from any point on tho line of railway for tho con- von.onoo of tho Contractor, for tho conveyance of material or othor..i«e, shall bo at h>8 own nsk, cost and charges, but tho Contractor will not bo required to purcbano land for the railway track, for brunches, for borrow pits, for ballast pits and approaches thereto. 28. Whorovor the lino Is intorsootod by public or private roads, or runs along or near a public or a private road, tho Contractor shall keep open, at his own cost, con- ven.ont passing places, and he shall be hold roHpon.ible for koopingi I roads affected by the railway, during tho progress of tho works, in such condition as will enable the public to use them with perfect safety, and such as will give rise to no just ground for complaint. Tho Contractor will be held liable for any damages resulting from negligence on his part or that ol his men. Hervlcoroadi, The Contrac- tor to kenp opea roadi. the protection of may be removed 3d building stone J the Sagiaeor, bo I 29. At all public roadways cro8s.d by the railway at rail level, cattle-guards of codar timber with white pino stringers shall bo constructed. The roadway between tho cattleguflrds shall bo planked and the approaches properly graded and gravelled with grades not exceeding 1 in 28. Under this heading shall be embraced every thing necessary to complete the crossing, tho bridging of side ditches, fences from cattle-guards to the lino fences of tho railway, also cedar posts and pino sign-boards finished, painted and lettered. The fences connecting cattl.-guards with right-of-way fences, shall bo of codar posts and pino or spruce boards, as per drawing No. 7. 30. When public roadways are passed over tho railway above rail level, overhead bridges shall bo constructed in accordance with drawing No. 9 and special sneci fication. ^ 31. Farm crossings shall be established wherever directed by the Engineer. They shall be graded so m to form easy and convenient passages for farm traffic acrocs the rails with grades not exceeding 1 in 12, and planked to the full extent of the rait- way ties. The ditches shall be properly bridged, and gates with proper fastenings shall bo placed in tho fences, according to drawing No. 8. 32. Where farm reads are passed over tho railway above rail level, overhead bridges shall bo constructed in accordance with drawing No. 10 and special speci- fication. ^ 33. Whenever any material is met with in the excavations which tht Engineer shall consider suitable and required for ballast, tho same shall, at his discretion bo reserved for that purpose. ' 34. Tho measurement of quantities shall invariably be made in excavation, unlessjn special cases, if any, where this may be found impossible by tho Engineer • m eueh easos tlio Engineer sbaii measure the quantities in embankment. Public roads. Overhead bridKei for pablio roadi. Farm Orosi- logs. Overhead bridf{ea for farm roada. Ballast. Measaremeat. Prices. Stream tuonels. Crib work. 8 with!t '^^' Pf ^« «*'P"''^*«'l f^'- ^^"^^'^tion of the several denomiuations, together Lat Ha, r '?!; """'"^' '^^''"^' "-^""^'"S and depositing all the Boo to vor every contingency; the furnishing of all labor, material, powe.- and P an ho cost of fin.hing up cuttings and embankments, the dressing a^d draining Of borrow pu., when required; the dressing of slopes to the required angles Z llT! T r"^'""^ """"'°' ^''' ^'^^ S-^-g «f the road-bed, in lord t Tunnels. t^oy shall be formed in the manner to be nninfnH «„+ • • '-viueB, cuttings at the ends shall be excavated to lean easvflo Tk "*°" "'''' '''''' cuttings may be slightly curved but t'he t^nT Z^.^nl r:;/'? T Aom end to end, unless otherwise ordered ^oy the E I er Ih the ^^ ^ ''"'^'^ lis nractipfthln TK» „., ♦ j „ •' ° ■^"s'"^^'^) ^itn the sides as smooth 2nT.' 7i ™' '*''" ^'°^'"""^ ''° «°° f««t lower than the bed of the stream opposite, and the tunnels sh.ll be driven with slh mclmation as the Engineer mav direct P^r« .KoIi k *, "^ ''"^^'^ '^'th such roc. between ... .„„t, .nZ , e f .he "^ e'" '■; Z" '° """""^ "'"" °^ over the ,„n„„l ,b.II be similarly proporlloned Th.!„ "'"'' which fe™ ,he o„ae« a.d inlets J. r„e|7. all b!na ,T ",'° """' ''°""'«' .«o..,>. to c,..i«e.ti„n, .he -^^^s:izto7:z:zi:::T::: embankment., or a. may be dinCea by .he Engineer Th« ,„„ in! by the lineal foot and the price ,hall cover all f c^, „' "1' '. •"""' "" wbich .ay be ncce.ary. The .nnn.l. may be of .hr^'lllrXi::'!" «■ *°- Sectional Areas, Lineal Foot of TonQel. 20 feet tunnels, equal 12 cubic yards. 1^' do do 8 do ^2 do do 4 do ^ do do 2 do 6 do do 1 do .„eL';dti::rr<;:r.i,r::iS:irr,^^^^^^^^^ diameter at the small en J. well fastened at each bearing y^T^Tclrln^^ :nd' 1 z s " t T;J't:^' ''t '- -'' ''-^ -'^' '- - "-^ bed shall be adopted " '''' '*'' '^^''^ ^'^^"^ ^^^^"Pt-'^ ^^ I 38 be prot and hei high wi I 39. I por<ed c j accordai ' will be ( I tion. j 40, "" and speoi 41. ' piles, the of piles, B saflSciont piles, 14 i as circum 1,800 poui be tested not yield that the ci I properly f as they an driven, the Iblunt point cost of whi be properlj [the corbels break joints The whole e by 12 feet. 42. Wh [the general Engineer to (may be whit jstringers sha jnotless thai lAilord a secui momiuations, together pits under water level, id depositing all the itract shall be under- , material, powei and Iressing and draining required angles, and road-bod, in a credit as and to the satisfac- a until the completion bese tnnnels shall be the sides of ravines, I eacu case. Open be water; these open )e perfectly straight I the aides as smooth ' bo one foot lower J driven with such eave a solid pillar of , tin special cases) to cness of solid rock 'n in open cuttingn rdinary excavation, II be placed in the Bis shall be paid for i >ing, draining, &c., | mensions:— juted according to t less than 9 inches ich round iron rag d they will rest on will rest on brush uoh description of 9 BbIDOBS and 7IADU0TS. 39. The superstructure of all bridges of ovnr qn f * por<ed on maeunry abutments and piere as shown i! d ''""'v'^''" ^' °' '''''' «"r- ^-P"'*™- accordance with special specification Th ' '^'"^'' ^''- ^^ *« 23, and in *"- wi.. be Of iron .aifs, inacLdarrwUh^r ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^« ^^^Ofeot tion. urawing.s Nob. 24 to 28, and special specifica- Pile BaiDoKs. pnes^ihj^zir^^r::;::;:::;-^^ of piles, as shown in the drawing. TheZ Ka^t" r" ^"°,^ ''«"*«^«'"'e composed sofflcient si.e at the butt or largL end to^a re ' : rA^ 7 ""^^ ''' '' piles, 14 ,nches. They shall be perfectly sound and «tl k. .'"u ' ""'^ ^'' '"°^ as Circumstances may require The pil s shallt i ^ V"' ^e of such lengths 1.800 pounds or upwards, until they reach pLeel firm "" "^ ?'""" "^'^'^'^^ bo tested by the hammer falling 24 feet ah '^^ They will generally not yield more than 2 inches Oalllh '."'^ ''^^' «'^d«'' ^^i^h they must that the caps and braces wtich shlbe llTj^ '"^ '''^ '''^'^ '^"'^' ^ inoperly framed and bolted to them, ^r pL LVbe" '' ''""!'''' "^" '' as they are driven they will gradually come to th« "" P"'"''''' '' ^^^^ driven, the piles shall be sawed or chopTed off ''''"' '"''"''""• ^''"^'^ ^-'"^ blunt point at the smaller end/ The he ds 2^^^^^^^ ^he butt, and tapered to ! (cost of Which Shall be included in the pricT f t pi t 'a^lf ^'' ''' '''''' ''^ be properly shod. The stringers shall h« nf «. 7 T' accessary, the points [the corbels andcaps;theysh7beo;i^^^^ break joints alternately inside and out ThThl! ! "" '^"' '^^ «P*°« «°d The whole shall be covered by spel Itiefo !h . • "^°" "'" "" '' '''''''' «^--- by 12 feet. ^ ^ "'' '^ ^^"^^ P'°« ^"»ber 9 inches by 8 inches, Trbstlb BaiDQis. 42. Where trestle stiuctures are reauired thn^.k .1 u .. . Bngl.0.,. to b. „, „„ „,„ .ill. ,.„„, ,„ '^ "^' '1°" P '« "»l.a. orf„ed bj- the b'««". W be "bit, pine or t»in»r.o .Dd of ,k. H ^"^ °*"' '° ""'» 'e"' notiea, tb.a lifinobe, diamotj.. mM t"l ^:' T™ '™'" ''""'«'°« »«opd aseoareloondatiou. ° '^' "" "''"'"' '"""e so m to Oedar log cnWelti. Foundation pita and cotferdam '. Timbering Iron. Piling:. How to be driven. Oreosoted timber. 10 Foundations. act^ on by the Zt Z 1 M ' "' ^'" P^vent the structures boi, rivers or a special vf^ceJ:T;^:::i/:2r7'r'^ ^"^ extra expense involved. ^^"^ ^"'* coflferdams and a 45. Foundation timbers where ordered will be aitliAr «.♦+ ^ dimensions as the Engineer may direct Thl Tj , ^r square of sue, hemlock, or pine. *™^'' '"P'°^«^ «•»«» be tamara 46. All spikes, bolls, straps or other iron work fonnH „«„ . . timber foundations must h« nf tK. k / ,. necessary to be used purposes. ' '' ''' ''^* ^'"*"*^ ^'^ ^'•«° "«««"y e'-Ployed for simil, timbe'r^hliriso^^^^^^^^^^^ "^'^ 'T' ^"''"^ ^" ^^""^''^-^ ^« ^« ^-M larger end to 1 not rr ^^ °?^"'*^°^ and of sufficient size at the bu t .ay thinkitnera;:\:::;;rsrs^^^^^^ — -- costoTwItltalltr: rr"f ^"' *"'^ ^'^'^' and hooped with iron, tl Mm when dL;I,; b7r^° ""' '°'^, """""S"^' " •«» »"«. «■■ o« of pro; done in ihe mort ..™!h J ■*"■ '•""■° ''"*• ■"■« oreoroting shall .« rtraato. , A„"'T, '".T,"-^ '="»»<>'« O' ««.bor whether befor .ue,«,o,„o.;,rr^rr-::;xrr "ace," ex 63. ' >repariDj inches, ai wk. 64. ] ihall hav( ^t least ti (ion, in wi minimm le one anc irranged s limensionf for thicket 55. Tl nd shall h Inches wid 66. Co icoordance 57. Th from drys o mailer brid ■equire bed md carefoll; itones. ts shall be built aooordinJ the Engineer may dire., svent the structures boipj m shall be deposited the case of piers in larj, der for coflferdams and a! 11 Masonry. 80. The masonry shall not be ^^^ t -i of properly prepared nor until it has bX H^Z^'T '*^' foundation has been until the Contractor has provided anmZZnlT^''' '' ''' ^"^'■"^«-' "- to enable the work to be proceeded witTr .^ ^ P'"''^*"" """'"""'« ''"^ plant ;must be kept free from wC du ^^^7 "1 «3^«tematically. The foundation 'brought above the level of t"e watef. ' '"'^"" ^' "'^ ^-^ -^i' the masonry i, 61. The stone used in all masonry on th« i:„» c ., , obaracto. J„g,, ,„, prop«rt,-„.,d ILZ^lZl .r """' "' "' ' ""-'"« plowed .h.ll bs Wr>'"« ""•"•''«'''« "-»-;, c.n b»„...o„l;l7X^^^^^^ '.hallbedressedperfe^tlyparalleirLl^^^^^^ •0* 'nvMiably b, p|.c^ i„„^, the top of to -!■<«.. m which CM th.y .hall p«, .,„<, ,, ,,„„ , " ' "" "''' ""« "■» P'«P<>r- « 000 and . half itaM a,,, t„. ^, r, ' •°.'' ',''°" ''™'"l' "< >>^ «b»ll a. lo„t li«...i»o. .ro for mtoto„„„„.J":7° '"''•''•' "" '" ''*"■ '^' «!»'« Tor thicker oonree.. ^ '°'"'°'' "" I""!"'"™ shall b. the eamo ,- ".i^rotiLtlxr^otd rr :' ":r ' -^ '"-' -- le Engineer or Insplmaiie- hri^ "'^ oi any kmJ, they shall be not less than 12 inches in ,i„,^fK r ! ber whether beforolei 1"'T '"' '"«" '''' ''^''^''^' »••«« on the bed The t ' t •. '' Uasonry when to be cjmmeacedf Stone. ndations to be done, t: icient size at the butt >8 14 inches. Where 1 hooped with iron if necessary, the poinj blow, under which th o drive the piles pli on the plan and as short, or oat of pro; er at the contract! of North Carolina j\ free from shakes a| ated through at a tei ture must be exhaua ibic foot of timber c of coal tar creosote Bridge Masonry re- taining wall masonry with nearly vertical face. Courses. Headers and stretchers. Quoins, Coping. Girder seats. Baoking snd bond. 13 Oulvprt Masonry, Headera and •tretchcrs. Wing walla copiuff and corves. Paring. Retaining wall with sharp batter, noceB.ary by tho Engineer, to insure stabilitvl'^'^'''^'''' cases, where deemoiri altl will be admitted. Between the backil and I f" ° " ''"' ''°"'''"^- ""P^ «" B.-e joint, not o.ceediog one ineh in w d^h ff" T ''"'' ^'^" '° « ^^'^^^^ "^^ off to allow this. In ^alis over three feet i n l h I u '*'"'' ""^* ^« «««^'bl. , 66 and baek alternately, and great oarrsh ! ' t • ' u"'°" ^'^^'^ ^° ^-"'^ ^ ^-^iis wil HO as to give perfect bond. ' '"'*" '° ^'^^ arrangement of the join|^ -ir t^^^i:::ti^r i^r^- S' - -ed stone. .£: ones employed in this class of masonry shal 1^' ^^ ^ "°""'' ^'^'^- ^^i'^' be ban three superficial feet, nor less in thict f tTaT ^ '! ^'[ ^"^ ^° ^^^ ^^ H of an i dressed 80 as to give good beds with ha k-^'^ •''«bes. and they shall i p,ope and in cases where stones of goodie and thl ''"*'' '"^ ^""^"^^ ^^ructureSZh other respects suitable, be adliUe:; Z ^IZlT'' '^ '^'' ^'^^^ ^^^ ^^ '£ a on the.r natural beds. This masonry sh^ be laiiT' ^" «*«°°« «bull be lai. „_ d.reoted by the Engineer. ' ^'"'^ ^'^ «'• >° mortar, as may H ^^- ^ nn -a J , #cordin£ <» ..V. .be „bo,. . ..„„,, jcr :- ^„^r ^ "^'^ ' -«' ^< «fe '°« '» """P" i tb,y „,„, l.„ „ b,„i„ ™ f '" '"f"" '« "> >» Inch,, thick, .ocor^ 68- O "tall be mw »„ffl„ie«u, „,^, together C'r, '""'l'" °° """' "'"• ""^ ^i"™™'^ ? .- face, p.e,,d.„„d,, he t.^^L':Ca:''r'°'''"^««''" --<-«•'* .t: '^ to M i„„be. deep. Wh.„ Xe^Ztbrr """'• '"" P"'°« "■»" ' - ^ .*„„ted for .be p„,„„ ., .he:::;l ;-;37" "°* »' ^" oo. Itetaininff walls nritu „ u ^ 6-^'"-o». ™r^to,„r„go^hedM/d;:^ r ;' „' ;™;/ '"f. -'htaped atoaoMa «wrt". "^ "«' '» lo-d .. in bridge n„„„y, ,,„, ,i,^„ I 'ho ribs sJ •e cat to a iai and w« ientres wh is many ce '0 struck VI led by th< 89. Al T if from a 18 II shaped, having an area r" AnoHia. b piers 01- abutments, tw 64. A distinciion will be mad« h«fw. 6'" « .olid b»ri„g. X^n..d.„dc,.wilfbool.«dI„7' dt r" rr"''^ ■"■'"""• ^^'^-'Sfe.. to»e. .hero ,h.„ be „ ,„,^ „^„ „,„ ^ Cml „?„;,„ " ""°""' "'"• "■•'"' ""•'""^' A"l"» of arrangement of the Join^^ ,,, ,,^ 'at Jll t^^eC^ ^^\^«^^^ «^«^-- -^^^ ^^oourse '-- , , «gth than .7 incLa and thev shall Tl ^ ""*'''' '^'^ ^^^" "«^ b« '«^« in f ' ^^* "^'I'^^d atones, lai^t must be ut lea. 9 inches and hT, '""' '" "^'^«' ^'^^'^ ^•'•°'^»«- on the ken coursed work. Tbnh f k . . '^ '^ ^''*" '^^ '^''essed to the circle All fl,« .. T.^f 1 . ^*''*"''® <^res8ed to the full denth of hnH a^ * ■ luo "rcie. All the stones not less ,n area of b^of ^o inch, thov shall be sef !iM . ^''' ''"'^ ^'^'^'^'^ J^^'"*^ ^™°^ A to In smaller structuro^rds thoroughly grouted Tb. Z '" '""""'' '*"'^ «»«^ «o«rse after- t be had, they may, if l^,^, .round Lfr Z """ ^"^"^ ^'^" '^ "^^''^ -^^-^ with a chisel All fltonos ehall be lai!^ T In morUr, m may H * ®"'""' "'"•» ""'■«" »k«ll be oonelruoted of suilabk fl.i h«iH j . ^ foordieg to .l,„p.„ f„„ le to 24 i„„boa der„ and itb a , '' '•°«'°« '^^ ., aad tbe minia,." J' " " '° ^'™ ■"" '■""■ J"'"" »■"• '"all break ItubiUfllt.'t ?''' 't»™a an .toae. a,L 3'? """'• "■«" ^ '"^ " "Hn mo„.r, .ad eaeb c„™ I, l' ^^rj^'""'"'- .cea.rf.e..„d,,fc-V---^^^^^^ «. Of aoaad, aarab^ J^Xra^C ^f '"-^^^^^^^^^^^ superficial area ; othei ,^ ^ ^''' *"'* ''^*" P-^^J^"*^ ''^Jo^d the face of the wall 2 or 3 inches ', and of seven feet ol ^' ^^'^^^^ °^ ®«°^ ^''a^s shall be built in cement an,! k„f u • »tl7 dressed as 1^'^ ^ '^^ ^-tering removed, they shall thol llv 1 IT ""TuT'^' "'^'^ "T"* »<> ^ be finished with stonf ^^ ^^^^ ^o a moderately eve'n and .:I^Z^LTc::1' "' '"""' •6 inches thick, accorJ 68. Cen(,»ring for arches shall in all oases be w«li e^. a . on each wall, and the|cnrely placed in position and in every re n't toti Lt 71 ' Tf ' '*"'^^^''' °-^«'^"«- •om falling through, fbo ribs shall not be placed farther apart than 3 L "'^'''^*'°r' '''' ^°«'"««'-- .0 cut to a scantling of 3 inches soare TK " ""^ """'' ^""^ "*^^'"8« «•>*» fal and well constrLed. an^ T« "be prlldT^^ ''''''' t" '^ ^"^^^«"- ientres when required Structures h J . ^'''P^' ""''^^eB for easing ^s many centres'a^ ;; EnXer maJ^^^^^^^^^^^ ''^" T."^'' ^''''" '^ P--^e<^ with »». All masonry shall be neatlv and skilfully noinfP,i Knf -e^ >r if from any other «a„8« it aay r-ou-r f k ' *^""' ''°* °^ «'««*"» Poiatin-. ropointmg before the expiration of the edge, to a moderatelj The paving shall olid block of mason i I vertical on the fac 1-thaped stones, ha njwonry, but witho I PuDDing and •illing. Mortar. Oement. Lime. Mortar how made. OrontinK. Lipping. Oonorete. 14 70. After the masonrv^ nr BWIl bo,.„^al'„2'"'«,- '»""."««."«, that 43". ? *""• " ' -3. Common lime mortar shall h« ^ . -P%edi„all.a.onr,Ce,oepX :^^^^^^^^^^^^ common lime and ahalU, ;4. Both cement and lime must eTh T " "' '"'^''^ *° "« --^• Porfons Of clean large-grained sand ^'^'"'''^'''f -^o^Po^ted with approved pre ^-« to two parts ofsand.Morta Shall be oT'"' '™P""°"« ^'^^^ be oneXt pa^d and used under the immedLL direct "^ '^ "^""^'^' *°^ ^' ^^all ^1 ^pense incurred thereby shall iL V T ** ^'^^^^ '»»« "mortar and «„ jormedbyaddinga .uffloiLtuLt'"" ^ *^« ^^^-^or. Grou; haV' tioned mortar. ^"«°*'^^ ^^ -«ter to well tempered and wellprop. '?5. When mortar is naoH 78. thdr; )(1 as [formt 79. •m all twoo 18 than itanoe |all ha\ facod di 80. 5 [uare, ai ley shal led. Tl Ice of tl 81. I le best I, and tb Minister c 82. Ti )ads and lall be Of neoessai •ice for ti le rails la lalt be oui lall be elei le degree '15 feet, on irves 0-30 pe rails sh rs shall be prevent tl 83. The Heto, embra pgnal ft-amt may be di 84. The ill bent and ( Inally aooep "iraSsaed to ] Tbaok. 78. Before traok-Iayinff and hallaafs^™ • lb dry „.„„., .1, J„„^™ "'"^^ " °°'°™"°«'. "■« Contactor ,l..„ £11 „p . , , , t .■»» 8 taoh., o„ either „d., „ .h, . Ju" '""T 1"',?'"' '"""" '■»'"8 "»' moke, bet™. Ltres .nd .rrthT", '"''°"' °' "'■'i«'"° h''r^'^«"PP-.ode„der.::'rb^rg ;^^^^^^^^^ fey shall have pressed heads of the lal "L . . '''*'''°* ^'•«°^""' ""d fed. They shall be 6 inch! o /o 7 ^ nd • T "' ''' ''^'"^^ ^^'^^''^'^-P- •Hce of the Engineer. ^ ' ""^ '''"''"• *« «»»Pl« to be seen in the 81. The points, crossings, switches and signals shall b« w«ii ^ , ' best materials of their several binds in accordance !i^ T ^'"'^ °"^' '^^ ^o-»« "^ >. and the points and crossings shall be Idrrurofth" . ' ^'""^ ''°^' ^' ^ """"^ tmister of Bailways and Canals. ^' '^^"^ """^ ^^PP^^d by the U '^nd\™l^\tl,^J;;VeVan7?arlL''tT'?' °'«'"- ^^'ween their G.„«e. our- all be opposite each other and on the sat' tie r. '* "^ r'^'"' ^^^"^ --'on°^o. Necessary to cut and rebore the Ra.l« u ! accomplish this it will ""^^ «"• fcefortr.c.,ayi„g;epecirct f: ; ;--^^^^^^^^^ in the h rails laid to a tight gauge. The rails sha 1 h! r n T *"'* '™^^"^« *« ^^^^ fall be curved before being laid to su t the 1 r' ' "' °° °""" *'' ^''''^ fall be elevated according^ the de^rtofT """^'''"^ and the outer rail |e degree curves 005 feet on l.f ^'"^'*'"'' "' ^°"°'^«' '^'' J« *<> say. on f5feet,onfourdeg:eetl:o!;tf7nr^^^ '^ *^- ^««- «'- rves 0.30 feet, the cost of which mu Z t^XT ^^ "'"' 'T " ''^'''''' he rails shall be handled with « »r« c a . , "''^ *" *''® P"oe for tracklayinjr. U .b.U be MUU.XX^^:'i^'J;^ --7 "" over b, eitber ,„g4 fr > prevent them geltlogbliot °'^- *'"J' P™°«»«on rt.ll be t.ken bnal frames, signal gearing and lamps ' The * ' ''''' "'^°^^' «^'*«'>' !« may be directed by the En/neer. '"^^ ''*"" "^ «^ «««»> Wth 84. The Contractor ahnii o+ u- il l»»..ndd.n..ged r. . lr„;r:o7'Mr°'°'''"'°' '■" '-■■•■"> «'"'.k.en,.„„„. hly Moeptedi and further, he w^rbe,'?,"""' ""^ '"'°"' "« ""^.r. I '""^ '» kta, .ndgiv. . re.;,p.r.;ii.'-„s;i::iv^.'" "•"""' Stripping pitB. gra Wayststiona. Terminal atatioQ. Water aerriee. Turntable. Engine boaae. Piniebing track. 10 «6. Tho surface of ballast pits shall l,« , • . «uch ex.t«. and the stripping LltZ'":''^'' '' ««" ^'"^^^ ^^an gravel whe bed.reeled b;. the Engineer, Larib.rkl'' ?' ""' ""' ^^ <* ''P^il b.nk as „ 'a-, and .0 material wha, .er ha f tV '° '''' ^^"''^''^'^ '« ^-t backCn fr;r '7 "-'^-'^^•'- orLTsI ;; rhr-^""- ^"^ -' " ^00 cubic yards per mile. The L.- ™^ "'"^' «"<^ «ball not average loss fi, ■•"diameter than . i„„Hes. „" ^ ;- '^^ ^^'^^«' ^-^"'^ - '», ie^' -d ^0 so as to .ho,ough„ m. T ^^tt t n"'" '''' '' ^«P' - ' I^ quanfty is deposited. The track shall hi '"' "' ''«"«^t. until « suffle', an 12 inches beneath the ties, «: te ballallr ^ ''^' ^^^^^ ^'^ ^^ ^^ nnder and around them. As the raisin/ororn t ''" '"'"' "««'«" ^^d pack* over not less than three rail lengthT and b!f ' '"' '' '''' "^* «'''^" 3*"" inclined portion of track, it shall b Lde T' "' "'' ''"^^^ *° P««« over I''"'' ' rails or twisting the rail' joi.t' aZ^T!! ^°"' '^ P-ent'bendinT |--^ topped, surfaced and trimmed off to a pToner f , '™'^ ''"'' ^' ««°'r°d, le""*'*" No and all surplus gravel shall be X " '^' "''^^' '»«'«>'•"-« to d al coat tosuchpointas the Engineer ma; d^ect "^ ^"' ^^--'^ «^ ^ho Contrao" 8B A u. ^'*"0N Buildings, &o. «6. A combined passenger and freight h - may be directed by the Engine^'Tn ,ct d " '' "^^'^ «' -"^ PoiJ special specification. ^ ' '" "O^O'danoo with drawing No. 51 1 87. A passenger station in ^ ■''°'' *''*^ house in accordance Withdrawing I'-'sr*/''' '^^^'"^ No. 53 and a freiJ"''^^^' at the terminus at ^ ^''' ^* '*"" «P««i«l specifications shall be errj'""'^^ ' 88. An ample suonlr nf ^ *'''*'' J when c, theEngineermaydirecTrithXrirdr r^^^ at such points f"^ ^.T machinery, pu„,ps, ^ and ^71.1 '^ ^"^ "P ^'th the requisil;. I' order in accordance with drawl Tt'T"""' ''"''" -^^P'^^^ "^^^^^^^^^^ ordered by the Engineer stand pp^es will H ''''''' specification. WhllT' With drawing No. 56. ^'^ '^'" ''^ Provided and erected in accordant "'^ 89. Turntables shall be onnaf.,„„* j <^»NEBAL PaoviSIONS. »1. 1 he track shall be left hx, lu ^ well .„f.c«,. Xho w,.,. .tJ, l^^ «»■"'"«'<'" "i.1. e.„yltoj „<,„p,, „ execu in thii labor I 9fi for the markei 98. contract andwhic Office o: AN 2 11 «o.l other than gravel, wh.| 'cart to a spoil b ink asm ""Ppod 10 feet back fron, '0 •■'J, but good cle shall not average Io88 th '•avei shall not be grea ^''all bo kept moving, of ballast, uniil a suflJcic '0 that there will not bo ,« >o well beaten and pack, ^d of the lift shall exte re allowed to pass over tl 'd to prevent bending | »ck shall be centred, lin, ith, according to drawi„ loved at the Contraolorl 93. All station grounds Hhnii i i .-edtotheleve,sg^enb;t''4:.rr;:-^^^^^^^^^^ ! 93. Before the works ... ...... """^ '" *"'« ««t,sfaction. «-nd_to b. 'e erected at such t,„.. th drawing No. 51 ai ? No, 53 and a freid Ications shall be erec ded at such points ted up with the requis tnd in complete runm specification. Wbt, id erected in aocordanj at ition. 'wingNo. 59 tofilaJ Engineer. rythiag complete, aJ cubioyurdsper m.l 0. 60 and the whoj ^aloi the Engineer, r 93. Before the work« are H„«,„ «ecepted t77 " "' ''--^•'' "^ -akegood all defects, and .hall fin.I p ^ut i; T"'' '''' "' '''' «- ^^ «^'-e-nc. damages bj. frost, or other cau '" T ^"^ *'""'*--'«. 'epai- all clean out all ditches and drains and .. ' '^'^''' *« ^ho required angle • Ration Of the r..,wa, and Zlrr^^^^^ -^« --cted withte' manner, in accordance with the ZoiL T '" " '""'"'"^'^ ^^^ ^orl'man. «°g'»«or. ^■'•«°''""« «nd to the entire satisfaction of the nto the contract. The whole o he wk .hauT T P^«^' «^"" ^-e entered e-Kd?« ! order by the J «o™P'etod and the line in good "^S^^y ■ ^ • '^"^ ^'>°"««"d eight hundred and 96. Should any class of work h» .n . ^ • executed by days' labor which Zsn! '" """''"^ ^^ ^'»« ^''g'^cor to be j-his contract the Contract shailr: T"" ''' ''''' ^' ^^^ ^^^ « ---d "^^' '•^- i«^or at current rates wi.h ten per cerare^tTeX^^^ paid for the actual 96 N Tenders, &o. mrted good by th, b.„t, for j,„ 000 "" ' °°' ""'"' " ""'■ *»"!»«. »I..n oallod upon to do „, .po„ .LT L ! ''°'"' '°'° ' °<""™«' fo' tho work, ek'q"., to tk. .„„„„t of ,5„/o„ ''^•"^ ""'«"" »' "^'J- or .ocoptod b.nk " "omWored . par,. •"•'" "'"«'' "» "" •"•i in wilh tho tender will bo COLLINGWOOD SCHREIBER, UFPioE OF THE Chief ENGINEER. "^ Gr«^er«m^< Railways. CAPE BRETON RAILWAY. No 1 2 3- 4- 6 6- 1- 8- 9- 10- II- 12- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 2T 28 29 30- 31- LIST OP DRAWINGS. -Plan of looation. ■Profile. — PenciDg. — Earth cutting. -Hook cutting. — Kmbanitment. -Public road crossing on the level. -Farm road crossing on the level. -Overhead public road crossing. -Overhead farm road crossing. -Stream tunnolt*. ■Crib-work. •Steel superstructure, span 25 feet and 30 feet. do do do do do 83 34- do do do do do do do do do do —Old rail bridge span do do do do do do do do -Steel trestle bridges. -Pile bridge. -Trestle bridging, bents 10 feet apart, ^° do 15 do <^o do 20 do ■Cedar log culvert. 40 do 50 do 60 do 70 do and 76 feet. 80 do do 100 do do 125 do do 150 do do 176 do da 200 do 10. 12. 16. 16. 20. OrFioB I AI do do i9 35— Bridge muHonry, 30 to 60 feet apan. 8« do 80 to 100 do 8T do 12P to 160 88 do IV6 'o 200 39— Box culverts. 40 do (double). 41 — Largo beana culvert. 42— Small beam culvert. 43— Arch culver t8. 44— Iron pipe culverts. 46— Vitrified doublo-stroogth earthornware pipe culvorta. 46— Crossings— double throw. 4^ do three throw. 48— Switch gear for double throw. 49 do for three throw. 80— Track and ballast. 51— Combined passenger and freight house. 62— Flag Station. 63— Passenger station at Sydney. 54 — Freight house. 56- Water tank. 66— Stand pipe and attachment. 57— Turntable. 68— Turntable pit. 69 — Engine house, Plan. 60 do Elevation. ^^ do Water and Heating service. COL LING WOOD SCHRKIBER, Chief Engineer and General Manager Officb of the Chief Enoinkeh '^ GovemmentlBailwaya. AND GSNEBAL MANAGER OF GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS, Ottawa, Ist December, 1886. ;his CAPE BRETON RAILWAY. ■•y of. ADDENDA TO SPKCIFICATION. , Wbtween on oJl" r:''"^^7"' ^« ^^--<i ^ '"y tho«o pla,e«. which ahall be driven homo on each t.e m «uoh position as to squarely set under each rail and admil c^ thr tr;^:r ''-'-'' "° '-'- --^^^ '- ^^« -- -^« c.trr: tie ni!!' ^"'' i!" the Schedule for track-laying, must include the cost of laying the tie plates as abov. described, together with the cost of loading at the point nf <iel,very, the transport to and dintribution over the works. ' ' "' "' -.ereafter cal vepruHontod COLLINGWOOD SCHEEIBBR, ipart, WITN Chief Engineer and General Manager K'^ Uer Mi of Government Railways. Oppiois op the Chiip Enoinkir I 1- In tl AND General Manaoek op Government Bailwats I'oqnire a dif Ottawa, 16th December, 1886. ' ■thiDgs requii ^Contract, 'i I Manager of ( luDtB acting v Ldven, or de Manager of < I colled, altere The woi I Ca it Itj far th This Coi Batiufiid him 1)0 built, the I tbe climate s IQAflf a Av/to VT and egress, t ;Ws Jirdenture made the. |«y of One thousand eij{bt uuiidrod Setwcbn ootion of Railway ie Iho plateH and Eastern Extansion I be driven homo nd admit of their ate, as shown in OBt of laying the at the point of ianager %t Hailwaya, liere after called •' the Contractor " of the first part, and Her Mujesty Queon Victoria, k-oproHontod herein by the Minister of Railways and CanalH of Canada, of the second Van, WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the covenants and agreements on the part of Uer Mujesty hereinafter contained, the Contractor covenant and agree ?ith Uer Majesty aj follows: 1. In this Contract the word " work " or «' works " shall, unless the context w«rk. jreqaire a different meaning, moan the whole of the work and materials, matters and jlhiDgs required to bo done, furnished and performed by the Contractor under this lUontract. The word "Engineer." shall moan lae Chief Engineer and General Kuginovr ■Manager of Government Railways, and shall extend to and include any of his assist. ' limts acting undor his instructions, and all instructions and directions, or certificates iKiven, or decisions made by any one acting for the Chief Engineer and General ] Manager of Government Railways, shall be subject to his approval, and may be oan- I lolled, altered, modified and changed, as to him may seem fit. The word " Minister," means the Minister or acting Minister of Kailways and Miuut«r. jCa \al8 for the time being, and extends to and includes his hw/ul Deputy. This Contract is made upon the distinct understanding that the Contractor has I satisfiid himself respecting the nature of the country through which the works are to bo built, the character and formation of the soil, both on the surface and underneath I ibe climate and kind of woatl.or to be exj ooted, the quantitiesof the various embank' u-n...,^„_,„„,,.„,^ ....undaLiv:::: :xii-, aiJ uiuor woriis wimiuoever; the means of aooess and egress, to and from the work**, the natuie, kinds, qualities and cost of the various 2 materials, plant and labor reauired inr *i.» , ■ » matter or thing which may nYn^ CI; tr'a' '""*"^' '"P""°« ^^ J H f.! cost of the ».ork8 contracted for Nn f "^"'^ *'"* ^'^ '^'' <^«''*™°t or tbl"** *•** ' from any of Her Ma;^^! Lr! o^^^^^^^ '' ^ ^- *»>« Contractof^ ^ "' -7 other person, ^tJrZTlZ'c^^^^^^ ^^°? «^ «--*«. - ^-^ TTl^ fulfilment of this Contract, or shall givetmanvnr-'"'' '"''' '' '^"^ *^« -^'l! wise, against Her Maiesty in additfo7to M^T ^ "'"''*' '^"'**^'« *»' ^^'^^r'w ^''''' proviMons of this Contract. """' """^ "^^'^ "'^der the expre J"°*» *'™ i« retored to, «„oh referee™ ,m| i.^,, J'"" '"°''"" '"'«'»««■"'»«» Her Maje,.,|to work. Administrators. " '°°''^«® Executors andP^® <^""^° I „i. „ ,« Bparts ther ^n&ai! 3. The Contractor will, with the exceptions hereinafter h i'"*"^^^ « own expense, provide ail and every ki„d of LZ ma hi T / T l^e Contr pora.y purposes, required in connection with t Ww n^' ' ' '"'' ''' ^^-iEogineer i and materials, articles and things whatsoever Lit JI 7^'"°'"'^ *''«™°^|t^^ completion of all and every the worksset out or re e'e Zo n t eV"-:"""''^ "'■'•>« «-»«' unto annexed and set out or referred to in the ^ a s a„d Ll '^^^ be prepared for the purposes of the work, and will execute an f, ,'"''""' ""' '" l^'— ^ s respectiveportionsofsuch works and deli;er the s:mT:orp:te^r^^^^^^^^ Time or or before the... I '^' '^^ completion, j ^- H deviations, and no oh i contract. 8. Thi Material an I • mu ■ both quant wor.«.„. ' The saw work to be constructed of the best materials nf th ■ I '0''kor m. finished in the best and most workmanlike manner „th/ '''"'*' ^"''' '*"" I ^^^^^^^ «' m triot conformity with the said specificrons ' d , """"''" ''^""^'^ ''^ «"<^ I changes sh which may fro. time to time be furnZd aJto til ^^^^^^^ "^" ^'^^^^ -^ I to paymen Engineer. ' to the complete satisfaction of the I of the Bng E:icepMo„.. ^- T''« exceptions above alluded to are rn ti, ■. . ■ a condition gi-ounds, borrow pits and ballast pi^ Itli^ , i"u' '"' *'" "«''* «^^«^. «*«*- . Plates for the track. Thesaidtnd 's toba '.l ^'''''' "^''^ «°^ ««'->« Tie I '• ^' ' astheEngineermaythinkit ::l ;; X^^^^'^ I tT'""'' and fish plates and track bolts are to e d^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of the works, and the rail« I '^'"'^^ «^- Eailway Wharf at Richmond, Hairx fromt! "I .' '^'"'"^*''' '^^ "^« ^"^^-^onial I '' ""'' "'' *Kn— a -. ■ '^ ' ^"'""^J irOm time (O fim" o<.<l,» TJ_ . ■ ortiolna o-^ laejf aiv roqairea for the works. ' "" ^"gmeer may think E "' ' ■ for use, of erally, respecting everj t of this Contract or tht 7 or for the Oontraotoj ots or Servants, Oi /roi ska or from the entii„ ght, equitable or other] ;ht8 under the expres binding on and ex tend j shall extend to and bej e contract Her Majestjj d wherever the Con- Executors audi numed, at plant, lands for tern- construction thereofj »eduo execution and! 3 Specifications here- ings prepared and to I i fully complete the jj ) to Her Majesty, on i 8 - 6. The aforesaid specification, plans and drawings, prepared and to be prepared, omiwionsto Ind the several parts of this Contract shall be taken together, to explain each other, ''«">n^«8o<'^- Ind to make the whole consistent ; and if it be found that anything has been omitted Ir mis-stated, which is necessary for the proper performance and completion of any lart of the work contemplated, the Contractor will execute (ho same as if it had oen properly described, and the decision of the Engineer shall be final as to any luoh error or omission, and the correction of any such error or omission shall not be Beemed to be an addition to, or deviation from, the works hereby contracted for. 6. The Engineer, with the sanction of the Minister, but not otherwise, shall be changes and it liberty at any time, either before the commencement or daring the construction of "^ ^^ ''"'*'' ' ;he works or any portion thereof, to order any work to be done, and to make any hanges which he may deem expedient in the grades, the width of cuttings and fillings, ;he dimensions, character, nature, location, or position of the works, or any part or larts thereof, or in any other thing connected with the works, whether or not, such changes increase or diminish the work to be done, or the cost of doing the same, and [the Contractor shall immediately comply with all written requisitions of the jEngineer in that behalf, but the Contractor shall not make any change in or addition 'to, or omission, or deviation from the works, unless directed by the Engineer, with the sanction of the Minister, and shall not be entitled to any extra payment by reason of any change, addition, or deviation, and should the deviation contain work of a class not specified in the schedule, such unspecified work shall be calculated accord- ing to a rate therefor to be fixed by the Engineer, 1. That all the clauses of this Contract shall apply to any changes, additions or changes shall deviations, in like manner, and to the same extent, as to the works at present projected, S?e nfe^oo'n* and no changes, additions, deviations or variations shall annul or invalidate this contract. 8. That the Engineer shall be the sole judge of work and material in respect of Engineer to both quantity and quality, and his decision on all questions in dispute with regard to of ^^'rV,"''^® _i i-ijii . , , , . ^ - . ^ material, Ac. H workor material, asto the meaning and intention of this Contract and the plans, sped- veia kinds, and ■ fioations and drawings shall bo final, and no works, or extra or additional works or f required by and ■ changes shall be deemed to have been executed, nor shall the Contractor be entitled g prepared and M to payment for the same, unless the same shall have been executed to the satisfaction action of the | of the Engineer, as evidenced by his certificate in writing, which certificate shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Contractor to be paid therefor. ht of way, station s and Servis Tie from time to time irks, and the rails the Intercolonial n'neer may think 9. It is hereby distinctly understood and agreed, that the respective portions of schedule of the works set out or referred to in the schedules of rates or prices for the diiferent '"""'®''" kinds of work, include not merely the particular kind of work or materials mentioned jn said schedule, but also all and every kind of work, labor, tools, and plant, materials, _. „.,,„rj .....! iciago rruain'jvisi ucvcDaSiy lur mu luii uxucuituu uQu Completing reaoy for use, of the respective portions of the works to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Foreman. U»'suitabJe material or Imperfect Work 4 •cconJancB »rll ti'' °""""'«'. »■• other Hit-. .■„ ,. . »"- «.i»«., or propel' lo^^rr "" ""■«■ "'C'r^' "" ''"«'-', Co..racior .ball .„/„,„ ,• "^^ V ""'■''> "»"■■> c... m^ J ' •"■• """"i" " '»"■■ bo.™ .ball .lapsTl "'^""^"""P'^ Witb Ibeld T ■ ""' '''"°1«>° 'b- «P«™e « aha,, be iae 'rr™! """ ''^ •» »., M^^, "I ^It ^ '— .' vided become and uniilu "^ '''"'««' «hall from thl V "'* ''J^^'^^ «"der the ' «>« taken away^ or n'e/orr" '^^ ^'« ««'^ -O'H Z th7 ' '''*" "^ *»"« P-P-ty ' '- ««y losa or damag ^a ' ^'■°'"' «"^ ^-M^ !;';," «"'^ -o^k«, with- -•Inpon mr.enityZToT^'--y^ that upTthlel'.T'"''^' «' °^''- 'T to Her il^'' :r: «'. «" -e/ J ;;7;«^- of the wor.,s «nd things a. ehall «ot T ? '^ ^'^ '^' ««'"d macbinerT i ^^' "' '^«" «>« due -^•«po«ed of «h , 1 : "'^ "^^-^ ^'"^ converted nf "' r'^"" P'^*- materf ^-tractor be in b 7^1""'' '^ '^^^^^ up to ^ 7"' ^^'*" -»«-» --^t^for aucb inl bed ,f r'^'^^« -- -a, t .^rr*^' '""t if the -•-o.a.p_r-- ....d and C^^^--;::^;; 13. TP<k_ T7. Jtnsuffloient plant. ^^- ■'ftbe Engineer shall „f or quantity of maelwn/ ""^ time consider thn ••^or the said worfca, t^ fc^ 16. T wLatsoeve of them, 1 accepted I completion own expen works, or limited. «' «od conclusive. '^b7theCont,actor dori„J «««••, a«d should the pereo ;'-oebeappoi„,ed!„h^^ preventative of the Con ■«"-"« and iustr„ction«o en ,n every su.h case the said f^n.ineer mav h. „..•!!"! ''"'"*'' t^' '^'^'Sence, , «. ^^,„ ,,a,-i mereoi is not be ng carried on wifK A,,^ a-i- len in every suoh case the said f^ngineor tnav bv ^Jt ! *^'''S^°' quire to employ or providfriM /• ^ 7 ""'"'' '" ''^^ Contractor , Materia, or piuj^ ui proviae such additional woilfm/»n i. .. ' labour to be «»onheE„gi„,,rBot,„ "ot sufficiently eound.o, ^;bronght to the intended '^«;ecuted, the Engineer «^'d« proper material or "J' be. and thereupon the ^q"'«ition,andifi^entr. '««» complied With, tL ;^«;fr> to be removed; ^^'""Bnch damages and "? materials, or other «'on, retain and deduct Contractor ' 'Whatsoever, provided not rejected under the °f their being 80 pro. «h«"bethepropertj :««hall on no account the said works, With, all not be anewerab.'e > machinery or other P'«tion of the workn «"y. as shall be due ;ther plant, material ^«. and .hall remain *'-««tor , but if the by Her Majesty a« '^. and the proceeds 'quire to employ or nnv7T .7' ^ """'" "'"^^ '" '^e Contractor , Materia, ]L plant, or ^aZtastC iZ m l^V^'""^"' '^^•^^^' "-^'"^^ ^ ''~^° -tor Shan not thereupon wUhin' thll; o^LToTc^,' "' '" ''•' ''''''- afixedb, ,„,,„,, „,«ee, in all respects'l;,; hJl JT'tl 1" """ lay, either on behalf of Hor Majesty or if h« . ^ f/''®'^^'^h, then the Engineer , K«nnt of the Contractor buMn eftC ? S ' """'' *' '''' "««°* ^^ '^^^ <>" Ulde and employ such ad^tionarwli! I "' '''' ''P'"^« '' '"^^ ^«"'™ctor , W thereof, or leVaroXlTri^: r^^^^^^^^ fhink proper, and all sucTwte'ndn ^«"P««"-«'3^. ««<"> prices as he may ■epaid by the' Oontracr .TrlTlyT:::::;;:!' TrZ '' ''- '' aoneysatany time payable to the Contr.cL ■ and Her m '1''"^ '''''' ""^ ihall bocome insolvent, or mRt« «« „o».- ^ .. ' '" ''"^'^ the workmen, horses, materials, respec- »aid works, t« he „v.„ vuo woiKsio ine sat sfaction nP tKo i3<„^' ^ 'ntractor shall bocome in.nln«nf """""""on ot the Engineer, or in case the K or neglect ^^::Z^X ^^Z^^'^T ''' ''' ''''''' '' -^'^■ the works, then in any'of such'case^Her M^^^^^^^^^^ Contractor's hands and either stoD the «an,«.,^ '''''^ **"* «f the «« «he may see fit to compTeteThe 1^ T^ "" ""' "'"^"^ *"'' "^^ «-h times i>ave no claim for any 3 patmert „ ? T' ""^ ^'^^ ^^"''•-'^ «hall Ko^uror^ nevertheless remain HabTe I a^n! .?' "' ''' "'^'« P^^'^™^'^. ^ut shall Sr^^ Majesty by reason of h^o^L";^^^^^^^ ^''^^^ -^ «- -^-ed by Her materials and things whatsol, . T. ^ Contractor of the works ; and all bings whatsoever, and all horses, machinery and other plant provided - the property of Her Ma^sXT ''' ""'^' ''''' ''"^''^ «"^ ^° ^^^ oonditionsUined i: fhr^iiTh iTh^e:::; "' ""''''''' " ''^^ ^^^^■•^'•-« -^ wUtl?r,^rrt:oer^^^^^^ -" •>-- -s or damage co.r..r. of them, until the same be fully and fit.T 7"^ °°'"'' '''"^'^^^M or any ^o^""^ -opted hythe Minister; and LTsuh^t^^^^^^^^^ ''' '^^'^''^ up to and ""-^'• -.pletion, delivery and aLptance. fh Con l,o hT '":'" '^'"'' ^"^'^ '""«• own expense, repair, restore and re- xecuto the t t ^ •°""«'^'«toly at '^orks, or the respective parts thereof tar h T '? ''^^'' ^° '''' '^^ -hole limited. ^ ^"'''"'^ """^ he completed within the time h«.«h„ Contractor to havenoolalm for delay. 6 Contractor not to make assignment. Work may be taken out ofContrnctors hands. Contractor responsible lor damage, Failing to pay salaries or Wages. 16. The Contractor shall nn* u- •-y of Hor JH.j,aty, ,^„te, aM it i, SZ^ ,. f "" r'^' "'""« '""^ «■« «te J 1 J«l in tk., behiif tj, n, ^._, ._ j; "■»« «"• tte compleilo, of ih. „„,,„ „J^* 1'7. The Contractor ehall not l- the event of any assignment being n,l ^7*^ °'''^'""'"' °' ^'"^ ''«°*™«*' *»d i Contractor hand«, and either Z^LIo'T ""'' ''"'' ''' "^^ <>-* M as she may see fit to complete the Lm and '"' '^ ""' "^'^''^ «°'^ «* ^^<^^ « J no Cairn for any farther p^me^re'^^^^^^^^^ T ^'^ ^""'^"'°^ «''»" H heless remain liable for all loss and amat ' 1. r^'""^'' '"' ^'•«" °-«l by reason of the non-completion by theSra ' T. '^ '""'"^^ ''^ Her Majestj a»d things whatsoever, and all horCm^h "' '''' '''''''■' «»'^ «» "materia f for the purposes of th works shaZlT^' '"' ''''' P'*"' P^^'^ed by Majesty for the purposes and 1 cr^i^gTtCo:- -""'"^ " ''' P-perty'of He the twelfth clause hereof. ^ " provisions and conditions contained i.| |B.I^»e shall be deemed to beofthoe..ence Of thi^contrac. orcor^ra;:r::r;er;L^'Xx^ buildings, Ships or other ;ropertr n ZeoTJ "^ ^'^ ""' "^ '^^''' -P'^ whatsoever, occasioned by tl p;J13;; ;'/'>^;"^-^«-nt of any right iencing or otherwise or by any neglec or^^f ^''■''^' "■• ^^ '"^^ffloi-t part, and shall and will at « °"'^''*'''*"°« ^' non-misfoasance on may bo necessary ior the protection of ZlZ7'oron T '^""""^ P''''^'^'-' «« other property, or for the uninterrupterZo'' / ? ' "'"'P'' ^"'''^•"««' «>>'>« «' porations, in and during the perfoZle J Ca d ''[ •"'^'^^ °' P^''^^^ ^ ' tractor fails promptly to settle and discharl T^' '*"' ""^"^^^^ ^'^^ «- Jtfaje«ty may, and so far as she thinks sull ^^ ''"™ ''■■ '""'^ ^""^S^. H- and deduct any amount so paid b^ heVrdi! ha"' 't ' ""'' ^"' '^'^^'""•^« *'« ««- ^-e. payable by Ber Majesty to^e a^trlctr ""'' '"" ""^ "^"^^«' ''^ ""^ 20. If the Contractor fail at an <7 ♦,•«»• person employed hy „! */ '"^ "* P^^'^S '^e salaries or wages of anv and any part of suc^h salary be Z^Z^ "^^^ .^ ..l^ TT ""^^ '^^ person one month's wages or salarv th. Pn ^"""^ ''^ **"« *« any such BHch salary or wages, L if t: d J rp^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "^'\ ^'^ Contractor fo pa, the date of payment or to such other da e mav l;-""" "'' ^'^ ''° '"" °P '" employment of such person, then Her liLT '" '"'''''""•' ^'^"^ ^'^^ ^^■•"'''^f wages from any date to any date andtoanT! """^ T^ "^ '""'' Person salary or charge the same to the Cent 'actr andThr^f^ Majesty to repay at once anv and r;r.;;,"V,f"''" ''''"'''' ^''^ ^er Fenolc 10 Solid I 11 Oypsui 12 Loose] 13 Earth ] 14 Borrow IS Under < 111 Stream or demand, or bring „ '' ^^"'"' ^l „ H H^'^'T'u ''■" P™"""* '"'^ ''•" °"' '"""'«"'• '^"«*'0y ««• permit to be «t..e«and arising from the acta tr^^lT'.''' '*'''"' '"^^^ ^"'^ ''''''' "-''« P'«««<i - or about the p"iS& H of any each delay tbt"* ' ^ ^' ^"S'°««™ ^^ ^^^^ ^"^^8. and ehail farnish the neceesary a.Bistanco ofthe works 88 may f this contract, and i te the work out of thi Jeans and at sneh tii f »f°°t'«« or other oommunfcation mentioned in this Contract to be notified .g.ven to the Contractor shall be deemed to be well and suPoientl, notified or KSS'"" jvao. , the same be left at the Contractor office, or mailed in any Po.t Office to Contractor shall hav|''''f °""-'^^*«'^ <^r foreman. addrc3«ed to the address mentioned in thio Contract or )rmed, bat shall neverf" Contractor last known place of busines. tot provided by ■8 the property >ndition8 contained ijj lc^ imablo by any person! 8 or to lands, crops,! jement of any right] 8, or by insufficient I isfoasance on porary provisions as) I, buildings, ships or I 8 of persons or cor. i whenever the Con- 1 such damage. Her I discharge the same »ny moneys, at anj | 8 or wages of any | bs, or any of them, e due to any such Contractor to paj ' paid in fall up to with the terms of person salary or payable, and may snant with Her , that subject to the terms of this contract, will be paid for and in orks, and in the manner set out in the next clause hereof, the several 'bllowing, viz. : - [SCHEDULE OF PEICES EEPEEEEl) TO IN THE ANNEXED CONTEACT. DESCRIPTION OP WORK. CloarliiK Close outttng. Orubblug Por iicrc. Cross logging^ llncaudlng Brushing, 8 In. thick, exclusive of 13" 16 " 30 i' m ' PlUCK. $ C. Fencing .^••^^5^^^.^..'^^^^^.. Solid Book excavation Oypsuin Rock. " Ix>ose Rock " Earth Excavation, Including off-takes and diversions. Borrow pit excavation Under drains |^ _ Stream Tunnels 20 ft. = 12 cubic yards per lineal foot Por Liu. n, Por cub. yd. Per Lin. ft. l\ i lit 8 I ''^"^^^PTIONOK WORK. 1? I Stream Tunnels 16 ft. = k -.„hi„ _ ^ ' cub/c,«r<i« per lineal foot , ,.„,,„ „ " " " 8 " = 2 ai I Masonry, ist olaw arches. . « " and " .. ,, 'J ' P«'cub.yu. «• I "1st « ^ I " 2nU " ''"* I " Dry --> I i'avlng and pitching ^ I Concrete ** jRlp-rap ""■"•"--""— »..~«p..,....,„:,::''°'"-"'" I 12 •• 32 I .. I « t) « aa I <, *^ I Galvanized Iron Dlnn i.i»i, on pipe with screw erds, 3 In. diam ^ Steel Viaduct. Special Drawing «• P'^-'l Bridge superstructure, «pan 200 « ' *""' 87 I „ I Perspai) 175" ■ 3H I " ISO " " 125" 42 " 76« « " 60 " « " 80" «« , , PllICK. . « 45 4<l 47 48 ■111 SO 51 52 .W 51 55 50 57 58 5(1 00 61 It" «•! 01 6.5 0»i 07 68 6S1 70 71 72 Pkiok. m 4(i 47 48 111 5U 51 52 54 55 56 57 68 511 BO 01 IL' «•■! 04 0.5 0<> 1)7 68 69 70 71 72 DBSORIPTION OF WOKK. Steel Bridge Super8tmcU,r,.,«naM 40 ft. co.nple.n a,ul In piano, IncliKllii}? Timber woik " " ;jo " » " " 25 " " 01(1 Rail llrl(lgo.Supor<ttruclure 20" " " 18 " " 1", .. « 12 .. " IC " " OIJ Ball Overheaa Public Road bridgo. Speolnl LrnwliiK .., " Fiirm " li Crib-work, InRliulliig btoiiH Filling Per span. White Pino TlmberlnTresilos and oilier Htruotures, Ki x M 16X12 10 X S " 12 X 15 12x1, 12X12 12 X (. 12 X s 12 X 6 12 X 3 " 9 X 15 9x9 ** II " 9x6 " 6 X 15 " " B X " « Per piib yd. Per Lin. ft. In slructurc. PlltCB. $ C. S.S 'JO !)1 if 'J3 94 95 IN) in m m 100 Hemlock or l-iuu „lauk, U In. f,.ce, 8 In. tl.lok 8 " t'fdui-Los Culverts '■".•H, cm ,„<ai„nd driven, or North Carolina Yellow Pine " drlvi Oak or Illaek Hireli iilunk WliKo Pine plunk i!i>n, wronght ' casi Ties Track Spikes Traek-laying Ballaslii l'<ilut.sanilCroM,inj,'s Hwileli Oiar and Signals I'ubllc Koad Cros.vlnL's nt Rou r ■ l-iuards, Plankin ' Ci, Inn. ■^''\'^'' ""'"Prislug Cattle conmlote.''"'^'''^'''^''''l*«"'-'lug and iJollce Boards. plote. . . :.....': ; . .;;_'•;; ; "; /; ^^cmg and Nonce Boards, I''arm Road ( lossiii.rii ,,i i},,:. r „, , Gates, P,anking\Tn\!'^Udv4{;^^^VnK^^^^^^^ us per Drawing . Passenger Station Freight Station Combined Passenger and Freignt House Fing Station, as per Drawing Water Tank on Masonry, as per Drawing " on P1I8S .• ""Att^ll^^lnTs'Jo'^^lit^'^^^^^.Towera^, Steam Pump, oomp!etfl.<«^/^~>g- -^ «HOr., PlongI Tiiinp 24. Cas approximat( prices set ot specified in certificalo oi granted, hag workcompu Minister, an codont to th( part thereof, of the whole Minister, an ten per cent the Engines be a oonditic said remain! 25. It 1= entitled, wil Contractor included in ti such claims i and every ce 26. The clause must ) reason why are thas mad ceding olaus rejecled, it m Contractor 11 Prick. 1) V, S (.' H I !• ]• I O N O !•' W U 11 K , Sland-plpo mill l'itliiif!-< . liij I () Stall EriKini' Hmusc, liuniKlIng Tunilalili', pits, Ac, u; iier UrivwlriL's .... Iirl Cotror DamH nil lii."i tfc*l I'lougliing KduiiiIhIIihi oi IJiibiiiiUiiviil-i Titiiiiillclug I'lilillc lliHlnvay..«t^yi..^i(r Cf*i^l-:f<:^... Kai'li. 14 I'ciMioro. I'd' roil. I'ltiui':. 24. Cash paytnonts equal to about ninety per cent, of tho value of the work done i-aymonts. approximately made up from returns of progress raeasuremonts and computed at the prices set out on the fcchedulo hereto annexed, or fixed by the Engineer for work not specified in said tchedulo will be made to the Contractor monthly on the written certificate of the Engineer that the work for or on account of which the certificate is granted, has been duly executed to his satisfaction, and stating the value of such work computed as above mentioned and upon- approval of such certificate by the Minister, and the said certificate, and such approval thereof shall be a condition pre- cedent to the right of the Contractor to bo paid the same ninety per cent, or any part thereof. The remaining ton per cent, shall be retained until the final completion of the whole work to the satisfaction of the Engineer and acceptance thereof by the Minister, and within two months after such completion and acceptance the remaining ten per cent, will be paid. And it is hereby declared that the written certificate of the Engineer certifying to the final completion of said works to his sutisfajtion shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Contractor to receive or be paid the said remaining ten per cent., or any part thereof. 25. It is intended thai osory allowaaco to which th.; Coutiaolor fairly entitled, will be omb.accd in tbo En>^iueer's monthly cortifiiatcij ; but, should the ^■'''"">'*'««- Contractor at any time huvo claims of any description which consider are not included in the progress certificates, it will bo nooessary for to nial<o and repeat such claims in writing to the lingineer, within fourteen days afier the date r ch and every cortifioato in which allego such claims to have been omitted. 26. The Contractor in preaanting claims of ihe kind referred to in the latt claims. clause must accompany them with satisfactory evidence of their accuracy, and the reason why think they should bo sdlowed. Unless such claims are thus made daring iho progress of the work, within fourteen days, as in the pre- ceding clause, and repeated in writing, every month, until finally adjusted or rejected, it must be clearly understood that they shall be forever shut outj .nnl the Contractor shall have no claim on Her Majesty in respect thereof. mcusiiii- mciii- Oporalloiis mny be suspended. AppropilH- lloii by rai'llnintMil fpirltimiis Ilqunrs. NoSiindiiv labon r. Chief Ensl- iieor to be arbllralor. 12 27. The progre.« measurements and p.ogrcM c-ertificutcH arc not to bo taken a. I to'bcTI [\ f """•"'■ "" '""' -~-»^ 0" - «xin, Hna. amount, th^- ' thoy .ha., not ,n any .expect bo taken an .n acceptance of the work or a rel o , of the Contiactor from reHponsibili-y in respect thereof. ' 28 Her Majesty Bhall have the right to suspend operations from time to time n- rir h- '""' "'■'""'" " "P°" *'« "^'"° "^ ^'^'^ --'^■«. -<« '" tho event f ensTnoft"^ "T"' " " '" """ ""^ '•^"">' «« ^he Contractor , then a cxtens,on of equal to such delay or detention, to bo fixe,I by the Minister such de.r 17 T"'" '"■• ^'""' '^ ""'""' •" '^'"^P'"^^ t^« Contract, but no Huh delay Hha I v,t.ato or void this Contract or any part thereof or the ob iga io, t^ rnT'T " T """""^ *^^ °'''^'- '^""'^ - --"^y f- the perform r J . for th!w?r," ''k ""'""' '"'"^ ''^ Parii«mont and applicable tovvard> payment 33. It ii or on behalf contained, o understood t oontained at and agreem( 34. Thii Statute 4l8t no Member ( part ot suoh 35. In t the work he: pletioQ, and the work ant tractor . ' uums then di used, or in c work for use determined stood, howev for mnteria.E referred to, ( suspended ac 36. It is officers, engi) way whateve this contract, tract to be bi General in C 18 not to bo taken an innl nmonn<8, Ihcy liH final certiflciitc, I work or a relonso n\ time to time iit nd in tho evoiit of tractor , then an 10 ifinistei' > Contract, but no or tho obligation ) i)orfoimanco rf for damagoH bv • oporations liavo ,'ain ro8umedan<l 'dupon tho Cod luspnndod oper; oporations aid wards payment i to tho oompli motor written may, if iiy payment for :" less and until *lf. And in no [aJGHty for any ymonts, or by rituous liquors I 33. It h dl-iUnotly doclftrod that no implied contiaot of any Itind what.soovor by or on bohalf of Ilor Majesty. Hhall arise or bo implied from anything in Urn oontiaoL contained, or from any position or situation of tho parties at any time, it boing el arly anderstood and agreed that the express contracts, covenantn and agroomont. horoin contained and made by Her Majesty, are and shall be the only contracts, covenants and agreements upon which any right* against Her are to be founded. 34. This contract is hereby, pursuant to tho provisions of tho 8th section of tho Statute 4 Ist Victoria (1878), chapter 6, made subject to the express condition that no Member of the Hoose of Commons of Canada shall be admitted to any shiiio or part of such contract, or to any benefit to arise therefrom. 36. In tho event of it becoming advisable in the interests of the public to nuspend .'...itmci may tho work hereby contracted for, or any portion thereof, at any time before its com- '""*"'•"•"• pletion, and to put an end to this contract, the Minister shall have full power to stop tho work and to cancel this contract, on giving due notice to that otfoot to the Con- tractor . The Contractor , however, will bo entitled to rocoive payment for all Bums then due for work already done, materials used or delivered, or ready to be used, or in course of preparation, and for tools and plant in use or delivered upon tho work for use, as may then be agreed upon ; or, in case of disagreement, m may be determiiied by tho Official Arbitrators of the Dominion of Canada ; it being under- stood, however, that no compensation will be allowed to or claimed by the Contractor t for materials procured for tho works, after the date of the service of the notice above I referred to, or for any loss of anticipated profits, either in respect of the works so suspended as aforesaid, or of the materials then procured for said works. 36. It is distinctly doclarod and agreed that mne of Her Majesty's MinistorH, officers, engineers, agents or servants, have or shall have power or authority in any way whatever to waive on the part of Her Majesty any of the clauses or conditions of this contract, it being clearly understood that any change in the terms of this con- tract to be binding upon Her Majesty must be sanctioned by oi-dor of the Governor General in Council. uring Sunday, y foreman, or ion the parties t, the decision i to the a^vard 11 be final and ioa precedent IS on account oi H M ^ Soorotftry of the Dopartment of R i ^""'*'«'"' »"<! 01 Her MajeHty. P""^""*"* ot Ra.lw^.y, aad 0«nal«, on behalf tb. CoDtraotor in proeonoo o^' and Can?'- °'f:^ °' R«''^"ys •nd CanaJtt m tho prosenco o? •• • • • i«. band 10 said »£ini8tor, and nd Oitnttis, OD bohaif