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Las diagrammes nuivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 pi"^ 1^^ m m lt<\ \ LIST OF VOTERS FOK thp: TOWNSHIP OF OARADOC, FOR TtlE YEAR 1877. \ /^*%^^ STRATHROY, ()]ST. : PKIJf'l'BJ} AT "THE AtJE" BOOK AND JOB PHINTI^IG HODSE, filONT S^i'KEET. •: -.*^ ' 1877. - yM — .,. ^^^ \ e-^x >vN \ ^ x ^\v K^"^ (■ (■ T THC '^ \ \ LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF CARADOC, FOR THE YEAR 1877. ■ X ♦ > ^ STRATHROY. ONT. : PRINTED AT "THE AOE" BOOK AND JOB PRINTINa HOUSE, FRONT STRB&T. •-Kit f» T Voters' List, 1877, Municipality ofCaradoc. PART I.—List of persons entitled to vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. . POLLIN^G SUB-DIVISION NO. 1. o. 5 6 7 8 9 NAME. Anderson, Charles Aldritt, James . . . Allen, Robert .... Adama, William . . Anderson, John D G. 47 50 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 36 37 38 39 40 41 344 E Burgess, Edward Brown, William Bgrley, William Bateman, John Bracher, John ... Bracher, John jr. . BurwoU, Mahlame Burwell, John Burwell, Isaac B sr Burwell, Isaac B jr Burwell, George U Brodie, John Brodie, Duncan . Bateman, George . Bafceman, John T . . Bateman, Thomas . . Bateman, Charles .. Broom, Thomas 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 97 98 99 471 73 74 75 76 77 81 82 83 34 8{> Coveney, John ar — Coveney, Richard. . . Coveney^ John jr. . Coveney, Thomas . . . Collins, Thomas ... Collins, William . . . Cudney, Ferris Clark, Joseph .. . . Clark, Joseph M . . Oobhald, James Cochraae, John Carruthers, George . Carter, William . . . Chambers, James... Cockle, Horace Costeliow, Patrick. Cox, James Cox, John Costeliow, John .. . Co8tello<»r, William. CoiBbin, William .... Lot. Concessio n or Street. E half N half 19 PtD WPS halff 21. P Ni 20 and 21 , Nhalf 18 IRS WM R 1 con I RN IRS S half 15 Ept Ni22 E half S half 18 ... S half 13 Whalf Shalf 17. do Npt 17 N half 19 Shalf 17 Broken Front 20. N half 18 Centre 6 Centre 6 Wpt 4 Nhalf 17 Nhalf 17 Nhalf 17 E halt 4 Shalf 17 Shalf 17 Shalf 17 Wpt Shalf 17... Pt. Nhalf 17.... WptS half 18... Pt N half 21 Pt Nhalf 21 Pt Nhalf 21 W pt N half 22 14 Shalf 16 Ptl2 Pt 12 and 13..... Pt 1 W half 4 Ehalf 6 Whalf 6 Ehalf 8 S pt E half N half 6 Spt3 Other Description Owner . Owner. . Owner . Tenant . . Owner. . 1 con IRN 1 con 1 RS do do RS R3 do RS RS EMR do do 3RS do do WM R 3RS do do IRN 4RS 3RS 4RS IRN do do King street IRN 5RS do EM R W MR do do do EMR W M R Tenant. Tenan+., Owner . Owner . Owner. Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son . Owner . Owner Farmer's Sen.. Owner Owner Farmer's Son.. Farmer's Son . Owner Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son ... Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's Son .... Tenant Tenant Del. west Owner Owner Owner Owner 8wner. wner. Owner . Owner. Owner. Owner. ■ s iy 92 298 197 67 473 105 107 108 114 115 116 120 119 137 138 139 129 130 135 Pati L continued — Ut Sub-Division of Caradoc LOT- NAME. Coy, John Caves, John . . Carey, John E Collins, John . . Deadman. Henry Donavon, William Donaldson, Jolm & * Donaldson, David \ Drake, Thomas Dra!?e, Eliaa Elwoi-thy, Oeorge . Erwin, George. . . Erwin, Jameu . . Faulds, Thomas . . . . Faulds, James U . . . Faulds, William M. 127iFi8her, James jr. . 128 B'isher, James sr... Fisher, Benjamin... Fisber, James jr. . . Forsythe, George . . . 144 145 148 149 150 150 151 152 153 480 156 157 158 159 162 163 164 171 169 174 175 169 176 178 178 Gilbert, Philip Glennie, George D Getty, Charles S ... Guest, William .... Gowanlock,%Tohn Greenslade, James . Giles, William GoflF, ^araes Graves, James Haws, Samuel Haggerty, George . . Hay ward, Isaac. . Hay ward, William . Hetley, Robert . . . How3, John Howe, James Haw es,^ John Hacker, William . . , Hacker, Jolm Hines, Oliver Innes, Hugh A . . James, David Jarraaiu, Henry Jarvia, Francis . . King, Thomas . Concession or Street Nhalf S half 20... 1 con W half S half 15. . , 1 R H 2 JWM R EptShalf 18 3RS Other Description S half N half 20. . N half 20 .,., Wpt 21 W pt 21 King street Owner Del. west 2 R S Owner W pt N iialf 21 . . E half S half 14 . W half S half 14. / 7 7 Shalf 13.. N half 13 . N half 13. N half Vi. Owner Owner. Owner. Owner Pt Nhalf 12. Wpt 23 Shalf 22 Pt S half 17, 18 Nhalf 20 Pt21 Pt21 22 Pt D Nhalf 3 1,2,9,10,11,12,13,14 Shalf 20 Shalf Nhalf 18.. W half N half 18. W half S halt 15. N half 17 Nhalf 17 Nhalf 18 S half 19 . Shalf 14 Shalf 21 1 RS do do 2RS 1 R S do W M R do do 1 RN 1 RS do do 5RS IR N do do 4RS do do do WMR EMR Ehalf 22. Shalf 14 N half N half 20. Shalf Shalf 17.. S half S half 17 . . 144iii0uthian, George j W pt 23. RN RS RN do do RS do RS con RS 1 con do 2RS do do I RN Owner 0,vner Farmer's .Son. . Owner . Owner. Tenant Owner Farmer's Sou. Farmer's Son . Owner Owner . Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Owner Tenant. Owner . Owner. Owner.. Owner.. Tenant. Owner . Owner. Owner. Owner Del. west Owner . . Owner Ownftr ........ Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son .... Tenant Tenant Tenant .'. . . Tenant . Owner Owner. Owner . Owner Tenant Owner . Part I. continued — \st Sub-Division of Caradoc. ^i ^A NAME. 188 194 195 197 199 200 201 202 204 474 479 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 226 Lockwood, Henry . . Lock wood, (Jcorge . . . Lockwood, John . . . Laing, James Lontton, Jeremiah . . Lockwood, Henry . . . Lockwoo'J, Charles H. tockwood, John A... Luce, Asa . . . . LOT. 20. ConoeRsion or Street 24 S half 20 Ft S half 2 N half S half S half 21.... S half 21 .... N half 15. . Pt W half N half 17 17. McLaren, Alexander . . , McFee, John McKenzie, John McCallum, Peter McGregor, Alexander & McGregor, Charles McGregor, John sr . . . . McGregor, Peter McGregor, John jr McRue, Donald 8. 6, 7 and Ptlot 1 SWCor 13... Broken Front 20. 244 Nash, Ephraim.. 245'Nagle, George . . 248Nagle, William.. 249Nagle, Thomas.. Nagle, Walter . . Nagle, Henry B 250 2151 25? 345 303 171 257 25' 258 262 263 264 265 478 298 271 271 272 273 274 275 277 278 472 291 295 Pt 12 . .. . Pt S half 1 Pt D Pt D S pt 12... N half 14. , N halt 18. N half 15. S p* "^ . S V S Nagle, John E Nagle, Samuel iN Nagle, Robert . Nagle, Thomas. Owens, Thomas jr Owens, Thomas sr Orr, Roland Sl Sh . Spt6 .. Spt 6.. N iialf 5 . Price, Robert , Price, Richard . . Price, John H . . . Pulling, James . . . . Penfold, Henry . . . . Portsmouth, Peter Robinson, Robert Robinson, Joseph Robinsim, John Robinson, William . . . Reilly, John D Reilly, William H... Robinson, Thomaa . . Reilly, James Roadknight, Thomas . Nhalf 8. Shalf 8., vShalf 8.. S half 18. Pt 24... S half 16. W half 5. Sulavon, Patrick . Sweeney, Patrick. 296jOweeney,„ Job- W half 5 2 Ept Shalf 17... E pt S half 19. Wpt Shalf 19. Shalf 13 NW ptl7 3 and 4 Pt Nhalf TO. N half 19... N half 19... Other Description "jitMEk ^ IRS IRN IRS WMR 2RS IRN do 1 RS d King street IRN IRN 5RS 5RS W MH do do 5RS IRS 2RS RN do do do do WMR IRS do Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner , F'armer's Son. Farmer's Son . Owner Owner Del. do Owner Owner Owners Owner Farmer'* Son. Farmei's Son. Tenant west Owner Owner Owner Owner Fanner's Son.. Farmer's Son . . Farmer's Son . . Owner Owner Owner ... EMR do WMR WM R do do 2RS 1 RN 1 RS EM R do do IRS 2RS do 1 con IRS King street 3RS 2RS j do Tenant Owner Tenai t , Owner Owner ' . ~< .^rmer's Son . Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Del. west Tenant ..... . Owner.. ._• •• jFariuere £J0« . r d U ^!^ Part L continued~ 2fuf Sub-Divism of Caradoc. NAMK. 297 481 29$ 299 :u)o »)1 301 ;w3 316 310 317 319 19 4 ami 5... 15 321 33<) 331 332 333 333 341 315 :U4 345 346 -Stuart, Charlea . Hcolt, John Hcoet, Jolin C... y wales, Isaac Spiayford, (Jeorge Stiltze, C/'harles.. . Seahrook, Sidney, ymith, Joseph . . Sweeney, James Stewart, James ,„^„ , Shaw Wilham V w half S half Wtuart, Alexander [w half E half 5 N pt E ha'f 4 N pt A N pb A S iialf 18 ... N half 17. . S half N half ;^0. 23 Pt'Nhaif'ifi. ■ 'Poles, Peter ., Tull, Robert . . Tiili, John Thoinas, Joseph Turpin, Charles. Taylor, 18. E pt S half Shalf li\ N half ]() W half S half 17. Whalf .Shalf 18. Tn-.k i .,^^\"'"'" ^ P^ pt S halt 21 luck, (harks \v half N ".-ilf Toles, William :.: . ! [[iNhaff Vf. . . 19 Vejinor, Solomon jE lialf 4 Vonnor, John 'N pt 3 N'ail, John 320 Vrooman, Jolin 349 352 353 354 355 :m Weld, Stephen Windsor, Francis and ) Windsor, Timothy \ Webb, Arthur Withers, Richard Walker, Barton Pt N half Pt N half 14 16 357 Whiting, James W 369 Wliitiug, Richard . 360 \Vhitin«, William 363 Weeks, (ieorye . . . 364 Weeks, John . . . . 365 Weeks, Thomas . . . 366 Weeks, James 368 Wilkinson, Robert . 369 Williamson, John 370 Walker, (ieorge 372 Walters B. Shalf 20 N halt 19.... S pt 20 Pt 7 and 8 E pt E half 5 Spt4 S half 3.-... Pt 1 23 24 • 24 24 N half 13... E half Shalf 15, Pt N half 21 ^''"'ai^ H Ie pt JV half 21 '. Concessioulr^., ,. . ,. or street P*"®' •description 2RS 1 RS 1 R S E iV] R do do do 1 RS IR N do I R S do R N con RN 1 con 1 con 1 RS do IRN W iM R W M R 1 RN 1 RS 2 RS 1 KN 1 con EM R do do do WM 1 con do do do IR N 1 RS I RN do R Farmer's Son iOwnor Del. west {Tenant Owner Owner Tenant. Owner Tenant..... Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner. Owner. Tenant. Tenant. Owner. Owner . Tenant . Owner. , Tenant . Tenant. Owner . [Tenant.. Owner. . Owners ., Owner Tenant Owner , Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son . . Farmer's Son... Farmer's Son . . Tenant Owner , , , Owner , Owner POLLmu sub-divisio:n^ no. 2. IjAndersoii, Donald 2| Anderson, Alexander 4 Atkinson, Francis Beecroft, John , Br.teman, John . Bateman, William Tt. 12 14 16 t 'OliaXmwui, C.'iaries . Pt J half 1 , Pfc N half 1 S half 1 . . . W half S half 6 . Npt N hal! 9., E half S half 12 K half S half 12 1 R N do 2 Con IRS 2 Con 1 R N i RN lOwner. Piiriije'i .Owner 'ai on.. Owner Owner, see 3 D 4 'r — ._... J---— .aufc /i 16 wner. Part I. c(mtinued^2nd Sub-Division of Caradoc. ori^tioii ion .... il. west J — I I . . . D4 17 IS 18 '2d 24 25 33 34 35 42 43 45 4G 46 241 334 J^AiVK. LOT. .1 Ruteuian, Jolin .... hatenian, Eilward. Batempn, William Bisbel, (le<)r^e and Levie. RatemAn, Robert Hatoman, John Bateman, Edward Batenian, Oharlca E Bateiaun, Samuel Boltou, Benjamin Boattio, 'ttinea .... Bateman, Thomas Brown, GeorKe Brr, wn, Edmond Brown, .lohn Blain, T G. Bateman, John . . . N half VI N half 10 N lialf 10 8 half 10 S Lalf 11 Shalf 11 N half 12 S half 4 Whalf Slialf 6. . E hai: N half 1 . . . S pt 6 Whalf Shalf 12., W half N half 11. Eha'f N half 11. Nhalf 11 8ub lots ^ and?. Shalf 12 Conuession ur Stieut. RS RS U 3 RN HN R S RN Con Con Con Con 1 RN 1 RN 1 RN 1 RN 2 Con IRS 51 GO 69 78 7S 79 80 86 87 88 89 90 93 101 101 102 103 1U4 35 378 404 388 226 C'arrnthera, Arthur and Robert' t awthrope, {4eorge Cooper, James Cooper, William Coitper, John W Caven, Hugh Caven, Charles Coleman, William H Coleman, Darius Clark, Nathaniel Clark, James Cleverdon, Lawrence. ... .... Carruthers, James and John. . Coultpr, John and Ralph.... Coulter, Jamts Cady, Isaac M Cady, John H . . . Carruthers, Robert Cawthrope, Thomas , ( 'lark, Samuel Cornell, Christopher Cady, John Cobbin, William 117 118 121 254 126 131 133 134 140 279 147 Errett, Thomas. Errett, Samuel . Erretfc, Henry , Evens, Alfred . Fonger, Anthony. Fen wick, John. . . Fenwick, James . Foawick, Jo'..a . . . Frost, William J Fenwick, James . 1 RN d' ii do do do do do do do do N WC9 ilRN S half 6 W half N half 1 , E half 2 Whalf 2 S half 1 S half 4 S half 4 Ehalf Nhalf half Nhalf N half 10 .. , Nhalf 10. 11. 11. S half 9 N half 5 and 6.. 1 Nhalf 5 and 6.... Centre Shalf 5 Whalf 8 half 2..., N half 5 E 'aalf N half 1 . . . . Lots 58,59.60,61,62 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 Sub Lot 72 Sptl2 Nhalf 3 N half 4 . . . . S half 7 SptN haUl. 2 Con il R N IRN 1 RN IRS IRS Con 63, 1 R 1 RN 1 RN 5RS IRN IRN iRN 1 RS PtNhaLM.... .. S E Comer 12... Whalf Nhalf 10. Whalf Nhalf 10.. N W^ Comer 9... Ehalf Shalf 8... Grigg, William H . 2 Con 1 R N IRN IRN 1 RS IRN. Cfchev Deaoription «^I Owner... Owner. .. Owner. . Owner. . , Ow.ner. . . Ownw. . Owner..., Owner.. Owner... Tenant . Owner. . Owner... Tenant. . . Tenant. . Owner .. Owner . Owner . V" N Owners . .Owner Iwner... Cwner . Farmer's Son. Owner. , .-. Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Farraer'fa Son , . . . Tenant Owners Tenants Owner Owner Owner Tenant. ner Owner, Melboiirae Owner, Melbourne Owner, Melbourne Owner Ownei . Owner Owner.. Owner. Owner Owner Farmer'*" ^on Farmer's ^va. Tenant Owner i:3 nax! is ii rC ri PtN half II 12 Con OwneA', 8 Part I. continued~ 2nd Sub-Division ofCaradoc. NAME. 156Grigc 386" 403 William.. . Gowraans Thomas Gordon, Thomas . . 161 Haggerty, James 165 Howe, Patrick 166 Howe, James. 167 Howe, John 168!Hen(irie, James .. 172 Haggerty, John . . . Haggerty, Andrew 173 392 Johnston, Alexander nT^IKain, .John 179|Kellock, Charles 183!KelIestine, Marshal 184lK6llestine, Nelson 185'KeIle8tine, Albert 186!Kidd, Thomas 187 Lane, Alfred 196iLuca8, George .. . . i77|Lucas, Alonzo 205|Lanktree, Jonathan 389 404 Leith, Alexander. Lanktree, Thomas 388McRae, Dan bJ5McCallum, Hugh . . 395McCallum, John 407 Mclntyre, Malcolm . . 206McEi hren, Angus . 2lOMoore, William H.. SlliMcNulty, Francis 212iMiddlemi8s, W^illiam 2l4McQuade, John 216 Mills, James 223 Marshman, Simeon . , 224 Marshman, Joseph . . 225 Marshman, Benjamin 227 McMuUen, John .... 227McMullen, Thomas... 228 McCracken, Samuel. . 229 McCracken, James . . 229 McCracken, John 230 McRoberts, John 231 Marshman, .Job 232 McCracken, William 238 Marshman, James . . . 239 Marshman, George 237 Mark, James 337 Munroe, John A . . . . 241Nicolls, Daniel. 242iNear, William . LOT. Concession or Street. Pt N half 12 E Corner 1 . . . W C N half 1 . 6. E half S half S half 8 EptNhalf 8. . . E half N half 8 . . . Pt Nhalf 7 and 8. W half N half 8. E half N half 6 . . Sub Lot 12 SW^Shalf 11. EptNhalf 1 S pt 10. S half 9. W pt S half 2 .... NE pt 12 WptShalf 11... E half Nhalf 8. ... Pt W half N half 7 Sub Lot 3 Sub Lot 72 Sub Lot 9 Sub Lot 9 Pt Sub Lot 1 and 2 Ept N half i W pt S pt N half 1 W half N half : NptNhalf 2 W half S half 5... I'tShalf 9 Ehalf 3 -T^half 3 Centre pt S half 3.. S half 8 S half 8 i2Con Nhalf 7.. |1 Con Pt 5 2 Con |2 Con 1 R N 1 RS 1 iv S .1 Con 1 RN 1 Con 1 R N 1 RS 1 RS IRN 1 R N 2 Con 2 Con 1 Con 1 Con 2 Con 1 R N 1 RS 1 RS IRN 1 RN 1 RN 1 RN 1 RN 1 RS 2 Con RN Con Con RN Con Con Con Con Pt 5, Nhalf 5 S half 8... Nhfilf 9 E half N half Shalf 5 Sub Lot 15 . S pt 4 7. 2 Con 1 Con 1 RS 1 RN 1 RS 1 R S 2 Con 1 R N Sub Lots 6 and 7 . l2 Con Ehalf Shalf 5....|1 Con Other Description Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner . Farmer's Son . Farmer's Son . Owner Owner Owner ". . . Owner, Mplbourne Tenant. Owner. icnanta Owner. Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant ... . Owner Tenant. . . , . . Tenant . . . . Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner ... Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner . . • Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner, Middleton Owner Tenant, Middlet'u Owner. , , .'... ; . . . 116 246 254 255 256 Part I. continued — 2nd Sub-Division of Car adoc. Lot. NAME. CoQcesB ion or Street Nagle, Thomas. Near, Wilson . . Nicolls, \rthur Nagle, Charles. Ogilvie, John. 260 Pratt, John . . . 266 Porter, Robert 382: Philips, John ... 384 Calmer, John.. S half 10 N half 6 Spart Nhalf 1. part 4 S half 2 sub lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, part S half 5 . . . . sub lots 36, 37, 38 sub lot 71 269 270 279i 2801 281 1 282; 283i 284i 2861 390 399 393 Rae, Alexander Hay, Francis Rob.«o7i, George Richards, George sr . . Richards, Edmoud . Richards, Wilson... iRichards, George jr... JRichaids, William ... Robinson, William ., Roach, William H .. Hoach, Bartholemew Rattray, Alexander . . part N half 3 S part N half 2 . E half S half 8 parts Epart S half 2.... part W half 3 .. part N half 4 Nhalf 2 part 1 part N half 1 . . . . sub lots 5, 6 and sub lots 17, 18 .. . Other DcBcnpMMa RS Con 1 RS IRS 294' Sawyer, William E 302 Sleath, William 304 306 Shaw, Thomas. Small, Andrew. 307 Small, Robert 2 Con 7,8,9 2 Con 1 RN IRN IRN 2 Con 2 Con 1 RN 1 RS IRS RS RS RS RN RS IRS 1 RS Owner . Owner.. Tenant. Owner.. Owner , Spart S half 11.. 1 Con S partN half 4.. ..|2 Con S half 6 1 Coil S half 7 |lCon W part 313 314 394 59 375 337 378 400 401 325 326 329 334 336 338 Nhalf 8. 7 Simmons, Moses jpart S half Schram, Levi |S half 10 Scott, John jsub lot 11...^.^.. Smith, Anthony • , [Sub lots 11 and 12... Seaborn, John |S half 3 Trowell, George |S part 4 Tucker, Titus sub lots 58,59,60,61, Trayte, George Ipart N half 1 Tay'lor, George.. ..jsublot8 1 Con 2 Con iCon 1 RN 2 Con 2 Con Owner, Middleton Owner wner, Melbourne «')wner, do Owner Owner Tenant . Owner Farmer's Son .... Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son .... Owner O wner, Melbourne do Owner Owner Tenant Owner. Faimer's Son Owner Tenant Owner,Melbourne Owner Owner Thompson, John Thompson, Francis Tull, Samuel Thomas, William . Trott, William . . . Trott, John 339iTrott, William.... .340 Trott, Edward .... S part 11 S part 11 and 12 . E part S half 11. S half 12. 341 398 405 406 349 350 part N half 9. N half 9 . . . . Nhalf .9. N half 9 . Vrooman, John. Vail George . . , Wellman, William Wellman, George... Weld, Stephen White, James .. .. S half 12 part sub lot 1 IRN 62,63 IRN 1 RS 1 RS 12 Con 12 Con ICon !l RS ;2Con |l Con |l Con 1 Con 1 Con 1 RN 56. sublets 27, sub lot 53 . N partN half l....'.j2 Con N partN half 6 . . |2Con IRN |1kN Tenant Tenant, Melbo'rne Owner Owner,Melbourue Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's Son do Owner Owner, Mel bourne Owner, Melbourne do Owner Owner !; I Part I. contmued~3rd Sub-Di vision of Oaradoc. NAME. 361 Williams, Richard part 9 362|Wmiam», William E part 9 967 Williams, Jonathan Lot. 373iWhealy, William sr. 376 375 Young, William N half 12 y*agor, Richard S half 3. IRS IRS ;2Coa part S half 1 IRS E part S half 12. Con cession or Street Other Description ICon 2 Con Owner. Tenant . Owner . Owner Owner Tenant POLLIl^G SUB-DIVISIOJ^ ]S O. 3. 3 Adams, Haziel 417Agnew, Robert S ...'..] 443 Arnold, John 462 Adams, Alva . 485 Arnold, Reuben 486 Adair, Alpheus and Joseph. 488 Adams, Reuben 489 Adams, Samuel W ...!.. ' 534 441 504 504 606 607 608 Bond, Stephen Bartlett, Benjamin F Badge. George sr Badge, George jr Black, George B»yant, Jeremiah Bond, William lOJBidnall, Edward.. 11 Bass, Horace ., ... il Bass, Freeman 14 Bateman, John C . . . 15 Berdan, '„ John 35 Bolton, Benjamin... , 44Burges, John C 48 Burnham, Daniel » 49 Bancroft, William .. 429 Broom, Thomas .... 433 Bodman, Daniel J 434 Bolton, Alfred J... ! 53 Chamberlain, William . 54 Cornwall, Dennis . . 55 Cornwall, Chas. W. 56 Cushman, James . . . 56Cawthrope, Thomas. 96 Corcoran, Dennis . . 428 Crooks, William .. 430 Clark, John 439Croiiier, John B 467Cullen, John 4«9 Clement, William... 70 Cade, Robert 71 Cade, George E. . . 72 Cade, James B * ' • V- -Si Hy X" aCa ouiX 648 Clement, Morris . . . 661 Clement, Charles. . . . S half 23 ,3 con 16 and pt 14, 15... i.iock H 13 and 16 block E NptS half 18.... Scon S E part 16 . . . . . 4 con S half 15 4 con Pt N half 17 3 con Pt N half 17 and 18 3 con 8,9, 10, 11 and 12. 1, 2 and 17 E half 17 E half 17 Pt Ehalf 18 Pt S half 13 ... W pt N half 21 . . . Wpt Shalf 23... S half 21 S half 21 S half 9 S pt 1 W half Shalf 4... W half N half 17 E pt 8 half 15.... Pt W half N half 20 PtS half 18. . 16 14 and pt 13 block C do 4 con do do do con do do do do do do 1 con 3 con 1 con 2 con block 'C do ' Pt S half 23 3 con E half S half 14 .. do Centre Shalf 14.... do E half S half 3 . . . do Ehalt Shalf 3... do Pt N half 21 and 22 1 con Pt Shalf 18 2 con NEC N hah' 16.. do 1, 2, 3 andpt 18.. do 9,10,11,12,13,14 E AS 8 WAS S A R pt 19 . . . . 1 con S A R pt 19 .... do N A R pt N half 19 do Centre 21 do Nhalt Nhalf 18. . 3 con Spt N half 18.... do Owner Owaer,Mt.Brydg. do Owner Owner Owners Owner Owner Owner,Mt.Brydg. do Owner . . Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Ownsr Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner 0wn3r,Mt.Brydg. do do Owner Tenant Tenant. ... ... Tenant.. . . Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner, Mt.Brydg. do do Owner Farmer's Son .... Faruier's Son Owner Owner .... Owner .',.... 1 a otiou fdff. dg. h- e- 1 (i Part I. continued — 3rd Sub- Division of Car adoc. 563 Cobban, Daniel. 490 I iarracli, Alexarifler 106 Deo, Daniel 109 Dawson, Joseph 110 Dawson, William 111 Dawson, Joseph 112 Dunn, William sr 113 Dunn, William jr. 609 Durand, Francis 437 123 124 125 141 142 652 416 466 NAME. Faulds, Thomas . . . Fuller, Hugh P..... Fuller, William . . Francis, Robert H. Fran'cis, William ... Forsythe, George. . , Forsythe, William . Foster, Jonathan . . . Fisher, William . . . 680 Getty, Daniel 657 Getty. Albert 659 Getty, Charles W. 660 Getty, William C . . . 661 Gooden Charles . . 662 Glover, David .... 668 Graham, Duncan . . 146 Goodison, John . . . . 154 Geddes, William . . . 410 Grigg, John 412iGillam, Hiram 420 Graves, Albert . . , 425[Gillam, Charies 426 Graham, George . 444 449 679| 6801 681 681 1 682 «8.^ 1*0 423 424 445 446 175 710 711 712 438 717 Gamble, James. Graves, Reuben Humphrey, John Hyatt, Horace Harrison, Thomas S . . . Harrison, Thomas . . . Harrison, WilloUghby. Harrison, Robert Heath, Thomas . . . . Hadden, Joseph sr . . . Hadden, Joseph jr ... Handy, Edward Handy, Jolin Innis, Hugh A . Inches, John . . Inches, Thomas. Kellook, Andrew.... Kelleatine. Warren LOT. S half 3. 4 con WptShalf 3... N half 13 N half 13 N half 13 N ptEhalf 24. NptE half 24. EC N half 22 . Pt 1,2. 3 NptN half 22... NptNhalf 22.. Whalf Shalf 11. Sptl7 PtN half 17 PtN half 17 1 3 and 18 Blk K . . . Concession or Street Other DeRoriptiob -#^- N half 13 N half 16 E half Shalf 14.. Pt Nhalf 14.... WptShalf 20.. Whalf Sh&lf 21 S half 24 Whalf Shalf 10 E half Nhalf 20.. 16 and 17 Pt S half 18.... 171,172,173,105,106 14 and 15 Pt 1,2, 3 12, 13, 14 and 16 108,109,110,111, 169 PtN half 17 . N half 13 Ehalf S half 6. Ehalf Shalf 6. Whalf S half 6. Ehalf Shalf 5. Centre 21 E ptS half 18. E ptS half 18. 18 17 Ehalf 22 W half S half 10 Ehalf Shalf 10... N half 5 12 Nhalf 3 6on 1 COQ do do 2 con do 3 con block E 2 con do 3 con do 2 con 3 con block G block K 3 con do do do • con do do con 1 con block K 2 con and 107 block E block F block I 170, 2 con 3 con do 4 con do do do 1 con 2 con do blook E block H 1 con 4 con do 3 con block E ' con Owner $450 Income.. Owner Owner ' . Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Owner Farmer's Son . Owner Owner, Mt. Brydg. Owner Farmer's Son .... Owner ... Owner Tenant Tenant Owner, Mt. B'-jdg. do Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owncir. . Owner . Owner Owner Owner Owner, Mt. Brydg. do do do do do Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner. Owner Owner Owner Parmer's Son .... Owner, M t. Brydg . Tenant Owner Owner . Owner. Owner Owner, Mt. Brydg. Tenant r 12 i ! Pv Part 1. eantin u edr—Srd Sub-D ivmon ofCaradoc. NAME. 717 1^0 181 182 182 451 189 190 191 tCellestine, George . . Kerstead, William ... Kennedy, Theophilus Kennedy, Alpheua . Kennedy, Robert . . . Kinch, Peter Lipait, Levie I'indsay, George H Lindsay, Henry G. 192 Long, Joseph 193 Luther, Paul 198 Lewis, Eugene . . . . 203 Ledgett, Charles . . . 199 London, Jeremiah 442 London, Henry 413 Lee, Elijah 414 London, Franklin , . . 748McEvoy, Andrew M. 749Mihell, Edward 760 McDowell, Alexander 747 Moore, George 747 Moore, Isaac . , . . .. 757McK«llar, Niel 758 McKellar, Peter G . . 759 McTaggart, Lauchlin . 481 McFee, Roderick 440 Mills, Charles J 465 Mines, James 213 Middlemiss, George . ., 214 McQuade, John 207 McCallum, Charles , . . 208McCallum, Joseph . . 209 McGregor, James . . . 227 McMullen, John . . . 233 Mcintosh, Thomas . . . 234 McMullen. Geor^'e .. 240 253 820 446 259 259 839 840 841 842 432 267 Northern, Chafes Nelson, Franh..in. Oliver, James . OUett. William, OUett, Edward. LOT. Nhalf 3 W half 24 .... Ehalf Spt 16 .. W half S pt 16 . Spt 16 Pt 13 S half 19 Shalf 16 Pt Nhalf 14 it N half 14 Ehalf Shalf 4. . NEC 24 Whalf Shalf 19. PtN half 17 PtSi 18&ptN A18 Pt S half 18.. ■' PtS half 18 Concession --»., ^^ . j^. or Street. <Jther Description 235 Misner, Andrew N half 15 PtN half 17 .. Pt N half 17 and 18 Ehalf S half 20.... S pt 19 Spt 19 N pt S half 23 . . . Ept S half 23.. .. Nhalf 24 Pt 1 and 2 1 • WptS half 17.. .. 5 half 2 6 N pt N half 13 ... S pt Nhalf 13.... S half 8 Nhalf 7 Centre Whalf 22... W pt N half 20 3 con 2 con do do do block'-C 3 con do 2 con do 3 con 2 con do do 3 and 2 2 con do W half S half N W C 16. 22. Norton, William WCN half 22. 3 con do con do do do do o' con block E block I 3 con do do 2 con do 3 con do 2 con 1 con do 3 cou 2 COP 3 con 17 PtS half S half 20 . 21, Parrott, George B .......... S half 12 Parker, Charles B Parker, Duncan Patrick, Jamea Porter, William i'ieroe, 'I'homas .... Pierce, Charles H EhalfShalf 11... W half Shalf 11 Nhalf 8 Pt S half 18 1 and '2 N half 18 block 2 cou 2 con H con do do 3 con 2 con block K 1 con Owner Owner.. Tenant Tenant Owner Owner, MtBrydg. Owner . Owner. . Oivner. . Tenant . Owner .. Owner . Owner . Owner. . Owner . Owner Owner . . Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner, MtBrydg. do Owner Tenant. Owner Owner Tenant Owner . . Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner. Owner. Owner., Tenant, Mt Br'ges Owner Owner Owner. Owner. Tenant. Owner. Tenant Tenant Owner. 1 Part /. continued — 3rd Sub-Division of Caradoe. 1? 6 ^ NAME. 862 863 864 4081 450 468 267 268 652 Robinscn, George . . . . Kameay, George . . . . Rice, John Robertson, William C. Rowles, William Robinson, Joseph . Richardson, Lewis Robinson, John. R. LOT. Ehalf Nhalf N half 10.. ,. S half 1 15 . 175, 176, 177 1 Pt Nhalf 14. S half 5 20 Ccgiceaaion or Street. Root, Austin iPt N half 17. 883 Sullivan, Thomas 884 Snelgrove, Lemuel 885 Sutherland, James I 886 Sutherland, 888 Sutherland, 889 Sutherland, 8881 Sutherland, 890ISutherlann, 891 Sutherland, 891 Sutherland, VV half N half 20. E halts half 21.... N half 9 Alexander S half 9 Henry W half S half 8.. James F [Ehalf William S Thomas Isaai ... John . S ;s half half S half 8 . . 8. 893 921 921 287 288 289 290 292 293 Sweeney, Timothy iN half half Sisson, Cephas ,Pt S half 16 ... . Sisson, Joseph iPt S half 16. . Steer. James iS half 13 Steer, Stephen iS half 12 Steer, Herbert S half 12 Steer, Richard ^ VV pt 14 Sutherland, Robert E half S half 11. Steer, John :E half N half 17 .305 Smith, William H iCentre E 305 Seaton, John Centre E Small, Robert N pt 19 Small, David iN pt 19 Smith, Francis :E half S half 13. . Simpson, George jN half 16 Stover, Jacob !W half S half 13. Stover, Peter jW half S half 13 Spence, Smith '. !Pt 1, 2, 3 Seaton, John |2 .. half half 22.. 22. 3 con do 4 con block I 2 con con street 2 con 3 con do 3 con 4 con 3 con 4 con do do do do do 3 con 4 con do 3 con do : do i do ■ do 1 con 12 con 308 308 309 310 311 312 437 418 427 459 925 296 931 .322 323 324 327 328 9.32 936 937 Taggert. Thomas Sub Lot 267 Tuck, Edward iS pt Nhalf 19 Thomas, William R iE half Nhalf 19.. Thomas, William A iW half N half 19. Trott, John jW half S halt 5 .. . Thomas, Albert E I W pt N half 20 . . . Thomas, David jE pt N half 20.... Thomas, Samuel |E half S half 10 Tilden, Charles N D 123 Thomas, David IN half 14 Tinner. l.ioniB . Vennor, William sr Vennv)r, William jr. 938lVroomar., Charles . Pt Shalf 17. do do do do 1 con 2 con do block E 2 vion 2 con do 3 con do 4 con 2 con do 3 con 2 con 1 con 4 con Nhalf Nhalf 16. Shalf Nhalf 16... E half S half 4 . . 3 con do 4 con Other Description Owner Owner Owner Owner, Mt. Brydg. do do Tenan;. Owner Owner Owner Owner ...... Owner Owner Owner Owner B'armer's Son . Tenants wner Owner Tenant Owner iOwner jOwner i Farmer's Son IOwner Owner Owner Tenant Owner , Tenant 1 Owner iOwner Owner jOwner FarmerV Son j Tenant, Mt.Bryd. [Tenant Owner, Mt Bry'ee Owner Owner. Tenant Owner Owner... . Owner Tenant Owner 1 Owner Tenant. Owner . Owner. Tenant A ! ! 14 _Par^LjontiT^ Suh-Dwisim of Caradoc. NAME. 939 Vrooman, John . ; v k_i,- •„ 640_Vrooman. Hoyt /...."i^.V.'NhSf 2. LOT. 942 342 343 948 949 Veale. WUliam ..:.':. ■:.■;.: |w half ig" Concession Li.u r» or Street j"*'^®'' "escnption Vrooman, Charles Wheatley, Thomas. Wilcox, Thomas S half 14. S half 22 3 con do 4 con 2 con do 4 con Owner . Owner. Tenant. Owner . Owner ^'-.i^ *»ucox, rnomas Nhalf ii « 463 Wadsworth, Thomas Pt sdifii ?''?'' 419 Wooton, ^U..A liC* ?>»1^ 18 1 do 347 Walker, Christmas 348 Waters, John 351 Windell, James 363 Weeks, Georee . , 364 Weeks, John . . 3C5 Weeks, Thomas F 366 Weeks, James . 372 Waters, WUliam H 373 Waters, Linley.. . , 324 William, Jonathan Kichard 'pt 18 L. , 967 Yeager, Richard jf Occupant Owner .* Owner Owner, Mt Bry'es Owner jOwner jOwner I Owner I Farmer's Son i Fanner's Son [Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner. 490 Adair, Joseph H 491 Arnold, James . 492 Arnold, Robert. 493Anstey, John S. 942Althouse, Alfred POLLIKG SUB-DIVISIO]S^ XO. 4. 509 510 uU 513 514 515 516 517 518 N half 15 . . N half 17 N half 20 . W lialf N half PtW half 18. Bond, Robert w half Baxtor, Thomas sr... Baxter, Thomas jr.... Brown, Henry Ballantyne, George sr. Ballantyne, George jr. Ballant}Tie, Andrew . Bennett, George Bolton. Alfred Shalf 14. PtNhalf 16. Centre S half W half S half N half 10.... N half 10... N half 10 .. Ehalf Shalf 9. SEpt 17 16 4 con 5 con do do 4 oon lOwner., j Tenant Tenant, j Owner.. Owner. 619|BaIlantyne. Archibald 'ptT' ^ 520 Beams, Thomas g half 2 jr 621 Beams, John 522 Blair, Andrew . . . 523 Boomer, Nathan 525 Brown, William . 526 Brown, Henry S. 654 Bond, Stephen . . . 652 Bond, George . . 553 Bond, James . 556 Bond, John .,...'. 565JBond. Steohen . , E half K half Nhalf 9 S pt S half 17 Ehalf Nhalf W half N half E half N half ETialf Nhalf Ehalf Nhalf NEpt Shalf 2. Ixr T? 13 13. 16.. 15. 15.. 15.. in.. .. 7 So& n?'^ WptNhalfie... 660Clay, Daniel.... IWptNhalf 16.., 5 COQ do do do do do do 6 do 5 do do do do do 6 do do do do • do do do do do do do jOwner jOwner {Tenant 'Owner jOwuer iFaruier's Son. jFarmer's Son . lOwner lOwner [Tenant lOwner {Farmer's Son . Owner , Owner 'Owner (Owner jOwner , . . . . . lOwner jFarmer's Son., i Farmer's Son.. [Owner jFarmer's Son.. [Tenant , Owner. Part I. continued — ith Sub-Division of Caradoc. description It Mt Bry'es i Son • Son . . . I Son •Jon. Son. !on. on., on. 3n. , NAME. 652 (Cobban, James 554 Campbell, Donald. . . 555 Campbell, John 555 Campbell, Archibald 555 Campbell, Neil B 555 Campbell, Alexander 556 Courtis, Robert B 557 Carman, Edward 558 Carson, Samuel S 559 Campbell, Donald M. 560 Campbell, Malcolm J 599 Courtis, William . 600 Campbell, Malco. ^ . . 601 Cbiaholm, James W. . .561 Campbell, Malcolm S 562 ('ampbell, Duucan 563 Campbell, John 564 Campbell, Joseph .... 565 Crane, Isaac .566 Case, Peter 567 Campbell, Archibald 567 Campbell, i lexpnder 568Cline, William H 569 Campbell, John A.. . . 570 Campbell, Dougald . 728 Case, Levie .57 1, Campbell, John M.. .572'Campbell, Arohibald 576|Campbell, Donald . . . 576iCampbell, Archibald 577 i Campbell, John .578 Collins, George . . 579!Colnmbus, Isaac — M, 611 Dawson, Joseph . . . . 612 Davidson, John J 613 Davidson, Thomas, jr. 613 Davidson, Thomas, sr, CI 4 Davidson, James — , GlSjDawn, John 617jDoan, Joseph 629JEdwards, Samuel D. 63(»lElson, John 634'EngliBh James 636 637 638 639 640 f:4 Farrow. William .... Farrow, Robert.. . . Fletcher, Neil P'letcher, Archibald. Freguson, John Fisher. Clement . . . 641 Fisher, Sebastian. 641 642 643 Fisher, John Ferguson, Peter . Ferguson, Samuel LOT. Concession or Street. Other Description 19. 23.. 15.'. Nhalf 3.... N half 12.. Nhalf 14... do do ... do ShaH 14... E half S half Shalf 19 E half N half Shalf 23 W half N half N half 13... N pt 16 Shalf 22 W pt 22 .... W pt 22 . . . . Spt21 Pt W half N half 14 Eptl3 Nhalf 12 Nhalf 12 Ehalf Shalf 9. E half S half 12. W half Shalf 12. Ept Nhalf 11 Nhalf Shalf 24. Nhalf 24 . S half 4 Nhalf 17 N half 17 Nhalf 14 . .. Nhalf 12 4 con do do do do do do do do do do do do Shalf 11 Shalf 20 Whalf Shalf 19... W C N half 19 .. . Nhalf Shalf 5 ... W half S half 3 . . . Shalf Nhalf 16 W half N half 13... N pt 10 S half 7 Whalf 9 Whalf 9.. . . Ehalf 22 Ehalf 22 PtN 13, 14 S half 8 S half 8 W half N half 8 S half 2 PtN half 11.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5 con do do 4 do 6 do 7 do 6 do 5 con 7 do do 5 con do do do do 6 do do do do do A' Owner Own<5r Tenant, Owner Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner.... .. Owner Owner . Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner.. . . . . Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner. ... .. Tenant G»vrner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant ... Owner Owner ... Owner Owner Owner . Owner. Owner. Farmer's Son . Owner Farmer's Son . Owner lOwner Owner . •_.••■ Faruiei'B Sou . Farmer's Son Owner . ^ lOwner. .' B ffl w ^1~- ???lL^^^dr-^m8ub.Bividm ofCaradoc. 'a ©a NAME. 643 Ferguson, John . . 644 Flanders, Peter E 644 Ferguson, Jacob . . 872 Frederick, Samuel 958 Fink, WiUiam.. . LOT. Concession L., _ or Street. I'^^er Descnption 664 66-; 666 670 669 675 677 155 684 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 Gregg, John P. Green, Edward. Green, Thomas... Gooden, Smith... Gooden, Charles Gallagher, Owen Getty, Uriah 11 13. Gregg. William ■;. V w half Hutchinson, James Hutchinson, Gsorge Hutchinson, John Hixon, Edwerd Hixon, Joseph Hixon, John W . " Hardy, John & Josiah |s Hardy, James Hunter, James Humphrey, Henry 693 Hedges, Samuel 694 Huiton, Alexander 695 Howe, Marvin Hixon, Levie ' . Howe, Hamilton Howe, Thomas Howe, George '"■.■. ..Ie half N Howe, Joseph . n half 1 Hatton, George Y JN half 4 part N ' half E C N half do WhalfN half a E half N half 7 . EhalfN half 11 E half N half 21 do E half S half 14 do N half 2 W half N 6 con do do 7 con do |4 !5 N half 15.. half 1 1 . cou con do 7 con do do do 4 cou 696 697 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 706 707 EhalfN half 6 do tlo do N half 1 ; do S half 6 15 con „ do do E half S half 5... do half 7 do Jo do Shalf 16 6 con Epart N half 18. 14 con E C N half 19 : do Whalf Shalf 9.. . !6con WhalfN half 5 .. '5 con S half 4 !6 con E half S half 1 . , do do half 5. 519 Hdl. W,lham jpart N half 14. XT, - E.^^'"**^; EhalfN half 15 Humphrey. Thomas ,N half S half 17 Hencerson, John & George.. ,N half 19 S? ' '^e^" L Ifi half N half 15 ' ™^' J»™«« 'Whalf N half 15 I do 5 con 16 con ; do , do do con cou con do part 1 , 12 Kettlewell, George s Lonthian. William 'iSf E C Lee, John \-^ jj^^jj g L'S?KhS»V''r Vie half Shalf 9 Ltct Samfs"^'." ;E half Shalf 18.. Lamout, Donald Lamont, Archibald Lament, Archibald Leitch, John A . . . , do 737 721 722 724 723 725 726 727 728 729 731 732 jr. sr. Leitch, Leitch, Lamont, TV™. — ij Malcolm S. 6 cou 4 cou 5 cou . do do ... i do Nhalf 24 ,4 con Shalf U 7 con part E half Shalf lOi do Epart Nhalf 11 ...iGcon « half 13 ;7con do Jbeitch, Duncan Iw half s'Koii W i a° ^ Donald ..•..ViNhaKn'*"/';! ^ Farmer's Son Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son.. Owner Farmer's Hon . . Owner Owner Owner Owner B'armer's Sou. Owner |Pari.ier'8 Son. Owner Owner Tenants. Owner Tenant Owner .... Owner . . . ; iOwner Owner Owner iOwner Farmer's Son . Owner ■Owner jOwner IOwner [Owner IOwner Owners Owner Owner. . . . I Owner Owiier ! Owner Tenant Owner... Faimer's Son . ! Owner i Tenant iOwner iTonant. {Owner . jFarmer's Son. (Owner IOwner. . . Pan I. contimed^^th Sub-Divisi on of Carafe. H 765 7(56 NAME. LOT. Concession Q^j^^^ Descriptioiv^ or Street ' McDougald, Peter ^^^u ,} , . McLean, Duncan -N half 11 767jMcDougald, Duncan 768 Mills. Samuel 769lMcKee, David S half 10...; Whalf ahalf 3.... S half I S half 1 :E half Nhalf 10. IW half Nhalf 10. 15 770 McKee, James . . . 771 McArthur, Neil. .. 772 McArthur, Donald 7731Mitchen. John C jW half 8 half 774:McPhail, Dougald S ha f 18 775;McNeil, Alexander xt f ,/ on" 776:McVicker, Allan jN half 20 778iMcKellar, John I?t^u"k oJ 779McKellar, James N halt 2.S... • 780McKeliar, Duncan o , it ,o 781 McGugan, Malcolm ^i cm ' 782 McGugan, Donald xt u ,- o,i ' " ' 783 McLean, Duncan L 'N halt -4... 786 McGugan, Godfrey N halt Jl 786 McGugan John N halt 787;MoGugan, Donald iv'i, 788;McGugan, Angus • ^ haU 789!McDonald, Charles ;N halt 790 McDonald, Peter N half 6 COQ 5 do 6 do 6 do 5 do do "A 23 793M3Neil, Angus and John. 793 McNeil, Donald T 795 McMillan, James 798 Morrow, Egerton 800 Marr, Martin D 801 Marr, John 902 Milner, James 825 Moore, William C 777 McFarlane, John 751 McPhail, Archibald 752 McMurphy, Duncan . . 7,'i3 Mclntyre, Alexander .. 753 Mclntyre, Peter 754 McDougald, John 755 Mclntyre, Peter G 755 McLellan, Duncan . . 756 McMurphy, John 761 McKenzie, Angus 762McKenzie, Alexander.. 760 McCallum, Neil 763 McDougald, Alexander 764 McDougald, vVilliam . 18 20 20 N half 19....;.. . N half 19 W half N half 16 Whalf N half 8. E half Nhalf 3... E half Nhalf 3,... N half 20 W r,t N half 14 .. W half N half 21 N half 10 W half Nhalf 23 8 half 23 S half 23 N half 22 ,^ S half 24 5 S half 24 1^ Ehalf Nhalf 23 ..|4 PtN half 24 5 Pt N half 24... . 5 PtN half 24 5 Ebalf N half 13... 5 Ehalf S half 13 .. do do do do do 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4 do 6 do 6 do do do do 819 Northcott, William . . 821 Northcott, Augustus . 822 Northcott, Thomas . . . 823 Northcott, Thomas A. fiQAl"Nrnrt.hcott.- JoSCnh .... N pt Nhalf 16.... W half S half 17 . Ehalf S half 17... . S half 6 N half 17 do do do do do do do do do do 825lOrr, James S^?*if '^f ^^• 826 0ake8, Samuel jN half li 4 do 6 do 6 do 7 do 6 do 6 do 6 do Tenaut Owner Owner. . Tenant Owner Farmer's Son.... Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son . . Tenant Tenant Owner ^ lOwner . lOwner [Owner . Owner . . . : . . Owner Owner Owner Tenant. . . .- ■ • T'niant Tenants I Owner lOwner lOwner Owner Farmer's Son . Owner Owner Owner Ownr Owner iTenant lOwner Owner Tenant Owner . . . . Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner . . Owner . Owner . . Tenant Owner . . Tenant Owner . 18 Pajrt I. cmtinued- NAMK. I ■\tk Suh-Diiuttinn ofCaradoc. LOT. Conce.iHion or Street. /68 Pauley, William. S^'SParker, Duncan 843'Pettitt, Martin 844 Pierce, Robert, sr 844 Pierce, Robert, jr 844 Pierce. Uriaii \) balf S half 3 E half S half 3 1^ half S Lnlf 3 WCS half 8, ...:.) ao " ~ do do 6 ) con do Whalf shaif r.y S45 Pullen, Joseph i^ ''■'''^' ,^ 84e:PulIen: Johi V. fv^* f J'f ^ 847:Perkin«. Alonzo , .;. JJ -I'f ^,, ^f^ 848 Perkins, Harris \w"^ '''''"^ ^ 849;Pu]le,.. AWh ••••. |Pt S half 6 8.)0'Pierce, Bo 8.51 iPettitt.Le vie njainin Uy Ehaif X half 6 pt S half (> 8r)2{ Pettitt ' Henrv | Pt N lial f iJ and 3 . 8o3: Powers, Alfred W pt N half 3 IWhaif .S half 9 872|Raniev, John 864!Rice, John " 865 1 Rice, James 866'i Raymond, John.. 867fRan!ey, James 867iRamey, William S68-I{fis«, Peter . 870iRr.ot, Jeduthan B 871|Koot. Daniel . d. ., . ,. 871 iRoot, Austin ll^uV'''^^ 789|Ro8e. Daniel 'xt^?'^,.^*^- ' IN half 20 j6 con do do I flo ji» do i6 do i do do 7 do ?V^"^Nhalf 3.. 7 do E half 8 half 2. . 5 rlo Pt W half S half 3 do N half 12 4 d„ Nhalf 2... '-.T. Nhalf 2. . ^ half 1(5.... K pt S half 20 20. . 904|8ne|grove, William Y.. °°4.hnelgrove, Lemuel.. f^Jt"!^'''''*^'^- Alexander 8o7 Nntherland, (Jeome 892Mherland, Oharlls '. ' ' " 894J (Stewart, John W 895 Sutherland, John Slater, Henry Stewart, Stephen Stewart, Robert .... * Stewart, James . Snelgrovo, Joseph . Sabine, Joseph . . Square, Thomas.. » do do do do do do do 18. 89f] 897 898 898 899 901 902 16 do 5 do 4 do dr. E half S half N half 18 . S half N half 8 N half Nhalf S. . . ■ no W half Nhalf 7,. i Z W half Nhalf 6 .1 ^1 E half N half 7 I't S !iair 8 . E half Nhalf 9.. W half N half 9 X hall 9 . . . . S pr, N half 16 VV half 8 half 15 N half 20 , 903 Snelcrove Josenb' ' « "' ^'^^^ 20 904Snelfro;:: WuKam .V ^ '^^^f 19 905 90C 907 909 Sweeney, Thomas eiObcott, Thaddeus B Q,o oi"^^?^'"' Arahibald 918Stodaart, Thomas. 919Saxton, Swain ... 927'TnaI Win; 841 Veale, Richard Pt N half 1 Pt Nhalf 2 Shalf 24.. E half N N half 9 half 14 do I do j5 do (4 do j do 15 do a do 4 do '5 do do do do do , do 5 do r do 5 do r do Nhalf 7 (5 •IShalf 16. . Other Description Owner Tenant jOwiier Owner iPari.ier'a Son. I Farmer's Son. lO.vjier jOwner ... I Farmer's Son. jOwner jOwner ' Tenant . Owner * Owner Owner .... ITeoaiit .... |Owner . . [Owner jOwner [Owner . ili'armer's Sou . lOwiier [Tenant I Tenant . jOwner Owner ... {Owner. jOwner. . i Owner. . jOwner . iOwiier , [Owner . [Owner [Owner . [Tenant. . I Tenant . [Owner .. Tenant . . Owner. . . [Tenant . [Owner... . 'Owner. . , [Owner. . . [Owner . . jOwneis . jOvs^ner. . . (Tenant . . . Owner . . Owner. . . Owner . \ do Owner. I Owner. 'W^?^«Matii..i. Pan I. coniimed—bth Sub-Division of Carad/>c. 19 Concesiion Q^j^^P Desoription or Street, j c(4: Veale, William . . 94- Vincent, JaciiVi . , Qi'A Vuuent, iieorge VV half 18 14 con S half 8 |7con ilo 1 (io W part S hiilf 6 E half N half 9 . . E half !S half 10 850 W hi ttaker, Joseph 945 Wataon, Walter 9'»(t Welch, David gni Welch, .loTin 952VVicket, Kiohi^rd 953 Wilton, Daniel 954;Wiltou, John 6r>6iWakeni, .loh'i 956'VVakera, Thomas . ... 957 'Wilton, Amos 958' Wa.le, Frederick H ^^ ,. ,. /• 9011 Whitehead, Ranaford jN half b 961i Waddle, !N half 6 966lWhitinK. J"hn Wha'' ^ half 10. W hi. J half 13. S half 17 . • . • part 13 Ehalf N half 3... E part N half 3 . . . centre 13 E half N half 8 . .. 968!Yonng, John A 969 Young, James Nhalf 5 E half N half 6. W half Nhalf 6. 970 York. William .A E halt N half 4. 6 con 5 con do do I do do 6 con do do do 7 con do do do 6 con do 7 con iTenant Owner Farmer's Son . Owner [Owner lOwner lOwner : Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Own er . Owner. Owner. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 5. 483 Auj^den, Willkui. N half 1(1 . 484 Armstrong, Moaea P?/.*^ ^, 'I'i"/^, 494 Adair, John 495 Adarnson, James VV half N half ti centre .S half 11 . . . 9 con ; do 8 con i9 cop ^ Owner. jOwner. Owner. 1 Owner 497 Bond, James S'*^fv\S 8 : 498 Buttery, Joaeph Fv^tVvLf?. ' 499 Bennett, George \) half N half o. . , oOOBell, James Sr , u k Uf ' S ' oOl Burnett, Jol.n W half N half 4- _ 502:Brett, Walter parMV half S half 5 •• 603 Partin, Daniel «, u , f i' UoiV on " 524 Bell, Richard W half fc' half 20... 527:Bryant. William fe^ \w1m'"' roon,X...,T TnVii. E halt N halt 1 . . . . ;>29Bany, John ^ half 20... '..'.'.'..... part W half .S half 7 531 Ball, Thomaa 678iBobier, Oregory lU con do do do 9 con 10 con 9 cou 8 con do do 9 con 10 con Owner . iOwner . Owner . ITenant. Owner. Owner Owner . Owner . Owner. lOwner. Owner. Owner. N half W half \v half E half 18 4.. 537iOampbeil. Malcolm 538|Caniphell, Malcolm M 539i€aniphell, Donald 540!Campbell, John L . . . . .^ . - , 541 Campbell, Alexander S pt E half 542 Case, George lp?rt ^ ^^ 543 Cadman, Charles . . j^ half 1 • • • • • • 544'Clendenning, Robert F E pt S half 5... sAr. Ohu+fi Kdmond I" half b . . 546;Chesley, Jordan ipart N hail li 547:Champion, Francis C K^^S?, J*^^ 573 Crawford, Duncan |5 ?»« fi- 574 Crawford, John 16 do 23 do 19 do 19 do do i do I do ] do {9 con \ do J8 con a half 17. ' do 11 Owner Owner.. . . Owner ... Owner . . . Owner . . . Occupant Owner . . . Tenant. . , Owner — i-v vr v.- uci . . . Owner ... Tenant... lOwner.. . I* Part I. conUnu&lr-bth Hub-Dioiai on of Cn radwi. \ Cnnoe8»iouu)j,|j^P Descriptiou lit Htree*; ' 575 680 Crawford, (;oluinbuB, JameB « W_part 10 BSllCrookslmnk. George I' ha» » halt b SSllCrookshank, Jamjs «io Kfl.? (^nwan. Douaald W_halt ^ halt * 58'2lOowan, 683|Cowan, 585i Cowan, Dougal Hon aid . Alexander 58rt 587 588 589 591 692 Clement, Heoige . . Case, William H . . • Cawthrope, William -, , Carroll. Cbarles \l ^^<^}l\ CollinH, William G \^^ »'"!/. ^ Collins, OBcar. 593!Collin8, JameH 595,Collin8, Thomas 597 598 830 Campbell, Archibald Campbell, John Campbell, William K E half S half 4 . . N half 5 N half 7 . . S part 8 N half half 11. N half 13 N hulf 12.. S parts half 13.. S half '22 . W half ts l-alf 22 Shalf IB part 9 con 18 do 18 do 18 do is do 8 do i8 do 8 do .9 do 8 do ,9 do 8 <lo U (h> . 9 «lo 9 do y do . 8 do .10 do H()3| Dodge, George. «02 Dodge, V.^iUiam... \^» 604 Dyer, John I'^"^- half 11 11. . 3.. W half 3 do If 3 605 J'rake, Is^ac 1^ pi^t N 606iDrake, W iiam Part N half 607 Dodge, Edward "J^' ^ 618 Doan, Abraha.n \^^^fl^ \^f\ 608iDegraw, Cornelius fe'*]! ''^" *' 619: Doan, Francis. 620JDrake, John 62l|Degraw, John 622iDegraw, John 624!Degraw, Adonijah 623iDegraw, Duncan . 625|Degraw, Cornelius G. W 10 coil do • d.-; 9 con 9 do 9 do 8 do 9 do half S half 3.... is do centre N half 8 . . part S half 16 . . . W ptNhalf Ifi... E part N half 16. E part N half Ifi N half 19 ... 626 627 628 631 633 632 634 Elwort'iy, John P Elworthy, Richard . • Elliott. Albert Edwards. Alt -.ador do do do do do do Nhalf 24 ...... do part N half S . . . . W half S half 6... ipartshalf 12. I d oart S half S hah Elliott, Willian. Elliott, Georrv English, .raii. i Ferguson, JameB |E ^^^^^^^ ,, FraSk. Francis H ^ ^"" Farthing, William Farthing, John . Foster, Thomas . Freel, William . . • Fletcher, William. 10 con 9 do do do do do do .9 ■ is i9 9 5 9 648 649 651 650 •:53 933 745 654 655|GiBggory, inouiO^ 656Gilzeani George D.. 672 Graham, Hugh 673lGraham, Alexander. 11. 12. part E half do E half 7 |9 E half N half 2 S half 8 do do d.. do do !8 do rlOdo Graham. Don.H G |e half 23 half 1. . . W part 10 .. Ehalf Shtlf 15 ■,... Whalf Shalf 15. ;8 do do do do do Owner Owner Owner i Farmer's Son. . jOwner I Owner Owner !Owner lOwner iOwner Owner Occupant . . . Furmftr'tt Son. Owner. . • • 'owner . . • . Faimer'a Son Owner Owner w iFarnier's Son.. Owner Ownei Owner 'Owner Owner Owner Owner . . . . . iOwutr Owner. Ownei Owner Farn\er's Son Tenant Owner Owner Ow ner ( )wner Owner Farmer's Son. Owner. ... . Owner Owner Owner Farmer'^ Son . Owner Tenant Owner . . . do do do do do I 074 I^^'I J- con tin ued— hth Sub-Division of Caradoc. NAME. 21 Oral ham, Dunald . 676 Grosvenor, Kdward i 677 Hnldane, James '.. fi7H Hatninniifl, Jol». . . . 708 Harriiitfton, John 708 Harrington, Daniel , 709 Hardy Thomas A. 709 T'fard\, Charles... . 963lhf)rHeiiian, Johu. . . LOT. E half H half 20. WptShalf2.. 713 Jumeg, David 714' Jones, Th jmas . . . 7ir»lJon8ton, Alexander 718' Kitchen, Hiram . 719 Kitchen, Haiman 719 Kitchen, John D 720,Kittred«e, AH.. 733 Lamont, John 735!Leraux, Fninois. 73()|Damon, (Jeorge 874| Lemon, (ieorge . Nhalf 8 part VV half S half ^ vVhalf.s half 1 .. . X iiftlf 1 part Shalf U part H half II... pt \V half S half 14 or Street, Other Detcnption N lialf X lialf \y half i: iialf S par* 15 13 U Shalf N half 8.. . part S half 9 . . . . part N hnlf 9. S W t i\ half "13! 8 ion 9 do lOdo do 8 do do 9 do do do do 8 do 9 do 8 do 9 do do do 934jMarr, John 737[McLellan, James. 737 Moore, William V.'.'.. 738iMcArthnr, Doucald 739'M:!Lean, Neil 740:McLellau, Donald, sr. '. 741 McLellan, Dongald, 742IMcLellau, Archibald .. 745 Mercer, Wilson 74«: Moody, William.. . ' V. 784j McDoijgaki, Alexander 785 McDougald, Hugh 791McPhail, James 792 .VcNeil, John.. 794,NcNeil, Malcolm.. 796lMcPhail, Duncan.. . 7971 McNeil, John 799| McDougald, John. 802Mc(;}urn, Patrick.. 802" '■ 804 805 806 807 808 808 809 793 814 .*< half 9.... N half 24 part N half 9 part E half S half 5 8 do do 9 do do E half Nhalf 2 8 do Ehalf 15.. . . lOdo E half 15 j do N half 22 i do X half 21 . . . 9 do* Shalf 20 lOdo Ept Nhalf 18.... 18 do E half N half 18.. do S halt 8 lOdo N WCNhaif 12 ..9 do half 24 8 do Shalf 24 i do E half S half 14 , do Shalf 19.. . . i do McGnrn, Edward McNeil, John '.'.'. Metters, John Martin, Samuel Martin, William xMoLean, Allan McLean, John and Hector McLean, Oharles McNeil, Donald, T ail, NcV'GQ n McLean, Duncan Shalf 18.. .. part S half 14 S part 8 . . . . W half S half E pt S half 2 E pt S half 2 i do do do : do 19 do do 812 McLean, Allan Whalf Shalf 4.. do N half Shalf 8.. . do W pt Shalf 10 do part W half 10 N half 14.... N half 14 .. Nhalf 15.... W half N half Nhalf 19 SLalf 18 Shalf 18 19. '8 do do do do 9 Jo 8 do 9 do do Owner. Tenant Owner Tenant .... Owner Farmer'n Son. Owner Fanner's Son . Owner Tenant. Owner. Owner . Tenant Tenant . Owner. . Owner . [Owner. . . I Owner i Owner. . . lOwner . . Owner Tenant Owner . . . : Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner . ,. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner. ... Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son . Owne Owner Owner . Tenant Owner Farmer's Son. Owner Owner Owner Owner Parmer's Son.. 22 Part I. continued — hth Sub-Division of Caradoc. other Description 813 815 816 817 McLean, Charles. . McLean, Archibald. McKellar, Duncan McKellar, John . Shalf 18 .. N half 23 9 do 8 do S half 21 9 do 946 McGugan, Duncan Shalf 23. Shalf 24. 818 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 8?6 1837 838 854 855 856 910 858 359 861 869 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 912 913 915 914 916 917 920 921 922 923 923 924 928 NichoU, Edward part N half 12 Oake, Lawrence ! W half N" half 3 Oake, Isaac E half S half 3. Oake, Thore jE halt N half 3 . . PuUen, George ... . Pinccmbe, William .. Pincombe, John Parsons, George J Pike, Thomas . . Patterson, William . . Patterson, George . . . . Patterson, Andrew . . Powers, John ..... Pie son, Edward, jr . Payre, Thomas A Pettitt, Richard Phillips, Mr . .. Is half 16 :S half 21 N half 22 jN part 15 iNpt 6 ISptNhalf 6 jWhalf 2 E half 2 iPt N half 9 ■W half 1 ;E ptS half 1 ;?t W half S half iPtNhalf 2 . .. do 10 do 9 do 3 do 9 do 8 do ilOdo do 9 do do 10 do do do do 9 do do do do 6 do Quick, William |W half S half 7 .... '8 do Robins, Edwin | W half N lialf 21 Reynolds, Peter jE half N half 5. . , Rose, Daniel W half N half 20. Rowe, William I W half N half 2 Richardson, William E pt S half 5 Root, Nathahiel E pt N lialf 6 . . . . Saxton, Francis B . . . Still, Henry Shanigan, Daniel . . . . Shanigan, Dennis . . . Saxton, George . . . . Saxton, George . . . . Stevenson, William . Sinclair, Duncan . . . Scott, William Schram. Frederick . Schram, John Saxton, John E Stanby, Jonah Shields, William.... Thompson, David.... Thompson, Thomas . Tliompson, William Thompson, James . . Th oDi<"'SQn» Robert Trothen, William . . . Nhalf 9 E half N half 5... W half S half 1 , . Ehalf S.half l... S half 6 S half 9 part N half 11... Shalf --'3 Shalf 22 Nhalf Shalf. 8... Nhalf Shalf 8. , W part 12 E half N half 22 E half N half 21 . 10 do i9 do 8 do do 9 do 8 do 10 do do do do do do 9 do do do do do do do 10 do 18 iOdo do do do « part N half 47 . 9 do NptNhalf 8 is do Centre 17 . E part 17.. N half 20. Nhalf 20. Farmer's Son . Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner . Owner Owner . Tenant. Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. Owuer . Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner.. Owner . Owner . Owner. Owner Owner Owner Owner. ... .. . Tenant Owner i Owner Owner Owner Owner Owror Owner lOwner lOwner [Owner ... |Owner iFermer's Son Owner Owner Owner.. .... Owner . Owner . Tenant. Owner . Owner = Owner I / "»n PartJL--Ut^ NAME. -^^«*:^«^5 ofCaradoc. Lot. 929 Turner. Hugh.. 930 Turner, PetSr " ' 544TuIl, Samuel ,■■;;■ ■ 934UIman, Richard 935 Vincent, George 946 Winter, John 2^7 VViWwilliani ■..■;. 960 Wade, Francis L 959 Wade, Ashley l'"* 962 Waltham, John "■■ 963 Watts, Charles. "•'■■ 964 Wark, Francis 964 Wark. John . '■' ' 965lWehh. Willinm H ■.■■ •S half 17.. •Is half 17.. Concess ion or Street 9 do 23 Other Description Eptshaif"5;;;::'.ao'do E half N half 2...;|8do S ^a^f 4 [lodo is half 24 ,N half 14 ■ ■' • S half 7 " ■■ . S half 7 N W ptShalf'l2 PtVV half ,S half i4 S half 24 s half 24..;;; JN half 2 Owner. Farmer's Soii; Owner.... do 9 do 8 do do 9 do do do do do Tenant. Owner. Tenant Owner ;.*.;; Owner ;;;* Farmer's Son!;.!. Owner ... Tenant ; ; ' Tenant Owner .;; " Owner. II.-~Z.t of,ersons entUMu^,,,, at MUmCIP,^ Election. 476|McFee. Alexander -;: ^vr.,-rVrT^Z~~ * 477Kidge, Charles. .. r .+ n i «. ^ 31oL .,, ^, , ^ ^* ^^^- 24. 25. 26il R N Owner 318JSmzth. Charles j P. N half 21 jiRg 575 Wells. John ^jtDel^^l^2, 231] R N Owner, Owner 381 |Bra( Mill, Melb^iura^TTT ■ 58Conn, James.. . L, „ „ \ 59JCushman. Joseph.;;;:.;:. .-..-Jfi;'",^/™* St ^6- 12 »it,Rufus "kMelboul ^ 39teNS^-. 'PtI2 ' wuer. 374Hami8ter, Charles Mill, Melbourne .':'l RN PtShalfl. 2 39110'Brien. John I^,.„ ., ,^ I I Mill, Melbourne 261 Plain, George 402Wellman, Roswell 374 Young, 'Geo. S ... Owner . Tenant Tenant , Owner.. Tenant IRN 8, 9, Huron st W 5. \fnlf>'M>>">a ' Spt 1, Owner. [Owner. Owner. Owner. Tenant. 24 Part 11. continued— 3rd, Uh and Mh Sub-Divisixm of Caradoc. eOUANa SUB-DIVISIOK NO. 3. \ NAME. 482 457 409 411 461 470 458 464 421 457|Minkle, Marshal Lot. Concession,^., r» • x or Street ^^^^"^ Description Adair, Abraham • iPt N half 17 3 Butler, Charles JE St Mt, Brydges . Clay, Daniel IW A St Mt. Brydges Colhns, John 216,265, do I ! Finch, George Ifilk F Mt. Brydges Harris, Samuel j 18 Blk B Mt. Brydg .Owner . Owner. . Johnston. Robert . Kelestine, Andrew Malcolm, Wallace 163,164, do 65,66, 67, &c., Mt.B Ad St Mt. Brydges! 7 E E St do Owner. Owner Tenant , Owner. Owner jOwner Owner. , Owner . , POLLING SITB-DTVISION NO. 4. ( - POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 5. 743 744 McGuire, Barnerd Maun, John 860iRamey, Nathaniel E Cor )9 W part N lialf 4 110 Pt N half 3 !9 Owner . Owner Owner K r I w>, }tlOU P^r//^^_lst^,i^^.^^4^ 0/ aaroiioc. 25 Fo^^.A'.v ' List, 1877, MimioipaLity of Caradoc. PART ^''-^^-t^^^^^^^^^^ . t^ s.Kai^ POLLJXU SUB-DIVISION ^O 1. POLLIKt^ SUB-DIVrSIO?^ XO. 2. POLLIXa SUB-DIVISIOK K(>. 3. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 5. MC tor tfie year 1677, of all persona appearing by the last revised aasesampnt mil «* the B«d Mumcip^ity to be entitled to'votc li eLtions or M^Ws oATe wL^^ ve Assembly, and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for saiHea^r of all iperspns appeanng by the said loU to be entitled to vote at MuniSpal EleSiS in said Municipality ,• and I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said 1 at and i anv omissions or other errors are prceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. F'"^««i"ug8 ro nave Dated this 25th day of July, 1877.