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Un des symboles sulvants apparaltra sur la dernldre Image de cheque h.irrofiche, seton le cas: le symbols — ► signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis i des taux de reduction dIffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, W est fllmi A partir de Tangle supdrleur gauche, de gauche d drolte, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. ate slure, 3 12X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 'M ■ "'?-^..7Ftf ■ TIME— RECKONING 3rcs^ "ri-rrE "^ I ue n^hth (Bcntii tt^ B-r SAiSlFORD FLEMING, c. M. 4m hh. d,, c. !•;.. i-:tc. II* ■ f- " I H IIIII M ^IIII*»P> From the SMITHSONIAN REPORT Far i88^. WASHIN(^,TON. 1889. mMH ». AtlAMI^ MiMTga TIME— RECKONING S-OIR XII3B ^ I uc M UetPi/ (B^vitiitijj SANFORD FLEMING, C. M. G., LL. I)., C. K., Etc. From the SMITHSONIAN REPORT For 1886. WASHINGTON, 1889. •VRON «. MIAMI, raiNTSa > 1 ■ C5J (■'^, 1/36 TIME RECKONING FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By Sanford Fleming, C. M. 0., LL. D., C. E., etc. During the early historical ages much chronological coufusiou i)re- vailed, and it is largely owing to this cause that the annals of the ceu- turics which preceded the Christian era are involved in obscurity. The attempt to end this general disorder was made by Julius Caesar, who established regulations with respect to the divisions of time and the mode of reckoning to be followed. The Julian Calendar was introduced forty-six years before Christ. It continued uiu^hanged until the six- teenth century. In 1582 recognition was obtained of the errors and defects which the circumstances of the period had made manifest and which demanded correction. Pope Gregory XIII accordingly directed the reformation of the calendar and established new rules of intercala- tion. These two epochs are certainly the most important iu the history of our chronology. Three centuries have passed since the reform of Pope Gregory. New continents have been opened to civilization and immense regions then wholly unknown to Europe have been peopled by races busied in com- merce and skilled in the arts, and characterized by unwearied energy and determination. In these three hundred years a marvellous succession of inventions bearing upon human activity and progress has been intro- duced, and the character of nearly every requirement of life has under- gone change. The discoveries and inventions which have marked this period have produced new conditions of society; and our minds have received an impulse which leads to investigation wherever need of im- provement appears to be demanded. It is within the last half century more especially that the bounds of human knowledge have been so wonderfully extended ; perhaps in the whole world's annals no fifty years have witnessed such a marvellous revolution. The triumi>hs of applied science in facilitating intercourse between men and nations have given an extraordinary impulse to general progress, but in so do- ing they have developed imperfections in our system of time-notation which previously were unknown, and it is no longer possible to escape the conviction that we have reached a stage when further reform is de- manded as a requirement of our condition. The necessity for a reform in time-reckoning is recognized by the highest authority, and has ob- tained a hold of public opinion. The President of the United States, General Arthur, at the request of Congress, autfcoritatively took pro- ceedings to bring the subject prominently to the attention of the world. After prolonged diplomatic oorrespoudeuce with the Goverumeuts of 345 346 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. foreign powers, he invited delegates from all nations to a scientific con- ference at Washington in which the subject should be fully considered. The conference met in the autumn of 1884. Twenty-five nationalities were represented. The proceedings extended over the month of Octo- ber, and they resulted in the almost unanimous adoption of seven reso- lutions bearing upon time-reckoning. As no records can be in accord unless a common starting point be agreed upon from which computations are to be made, the first resolu- tions had reference to the determination of an initial meridian. The meridian passing through Greenwich was selected. In the fourth and fifth resolutions the conference laid down the follow- ing important principles : IV. " That the conference proposes the adoption of a universal day for all purposes for which it may be found convenient and which shall not interfere with the use of local or other standard time where desira- ble." V. " That the universal day is to be a mean solar day ; is to begin for all the world at the moment of mean midnight of the initial meridian, coinciding with the civil day and date of that meridian, and is to be counted from zero to twenty-four hours." The opening of the national Congress at Washington shortly followed the international conference. The President regarded the importance of the proceedings to be such as to call for special mention of them in his annual message. General Arthur thus expressed himself on the subject: "The conference concluded its labors on the 1st of November, having with substantial unanimity agreed upon the meridian of Green- wich as the starting point whence longitude is to be computed through one hundred and eighty degrees eastward and westward, and upon the adoption, for all purposes for which it may be found convenient, of a universal day, which shall begin at midnight on the initial meridian and whose hours shall be counted from zero up to twenty-four." There was no exaggerated importance in these allusions, for the con- clusions of the conference are productive of most important results. They make provision for terminating all ambiguity in hours and dates and for establishing t^jroughout the world, free from national suscepti- bility and caprice, perfect uniformity in reckoning time. Some years may elapse before the new notation becomes the one recognized mode of reckoning; but when it shall have been generally accepted in the practice of daily life, it is calculated to sweep away the difficulties now experienced, and it will add greatly to the general convenience of civil- ized man. One of the first practical efforts to direct public attention to the rap- idly growing necessity for a comprehensive reform in time-reckoning can be found in a paper published in the Transactions of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, for the session of 1878-'79.* This paper adduces in * Time-reckonin i and the MleotioD of s prime meridian to be common to all nations. By Sandford Fleming. NEW TIME-RECKONINO. 347 support of its arpfuineut many pertit\eut facts, and points out tbat the gigautic syHteais of railways and telcgrapliH which in modern times have been established in both continents have developed social and cominerciat conditions which never previously existed. Tliese condi- tions h 70 so aflected the relations of time and distance aa to establish the fact that our inherited system of notation is defective; that it is inconvenient to men of business; I hat it produces confusion and fre- quently results in loss of life, and leads to other difliculties; that under the circumstances which have followed the substitution of steam for animals as a motive power, the ancient usages as retained in our nota- tion of hours and dates are generally inappropriate. Moreover, the use of the telegraph in our daily lives practically subjects the whole surface of the globe to the observation of civilized communities in each individ- ual locality. It leaves no interval of time between widely separated places proportionate to their distances apart. It practically brings into close contact the opposite sides of the earth where daylight and darkness prevail at the same period. By this agency noon, midnight, sunrise, sunset, and the whole range of intermediate gradations of the day, are all observed and recognized at the same moment. Thus in matters out of the domain of local importance confusion is developed and all count of time is thrown into multiplied disorder. Again, under the usages now observed, a day !*< assumed to begin twelve hours before — and end twelve hours after — the sun passes the meridian of any place. As the globe is constantly revolving on its axis, afresh meridian is every moment coming under the sun; as a conse- quence a day is always beginning somewhere and always ending some- where. Each meridian around the circumference of the sphere, has its own day, and therefore it results that there are, during every diurnal revolution of the earth, an infinite number of local days all beginning within a space of twenty-four hours and each continuing twenty-four hours. These days overlap each ot her, but they are as perfecOy distinct as they are infinite in number. While a day is nominally twenty-four hours in length, as a matter of fact forty-eight hours elapse between the first beginning and the last ending ot every week day. Taking the whole globe into our view, Sunday actually commences in the middle of Saturday and lasts until the middle of Monday. Again, Saturday runs into the middle of Sunday, while Monday begins twenty four hours be- fore Sunday comes to an end and continues twenty-four hours after Tuesday commences. Similarly for all the days of the week, as time is now reckoned. Except those on the same meridian, there are no simul- taneous days on the earth's surface, and as the dift'erent days are always in .the various stages of ailvancemeut, discrepancies and errors must necessarily result in assigning the precise period when an event takes place. The telegraph may give the exact local time of an occurrence, but the time so given must be in disagreement with local time on every other meridian around the globe. An event occurring on any one day 348 MI8CFXLANEOU8 PAPERS. may on the instant be announced in a locality whore the time is that of the previous day, and in anotliur locality where the time is that of the following day. A bont the period when the month or year passes into another month or year an occurrence may actually take place, accord- ing to our present system of reckoning, in two dilferent months or in two dift'erent years; indeed, there can bo no certainty whatever with regard to time, uidess the precise geographical position be speciUed as an essential fact in connection with the event descriljed. Under these circumstances it must be conceded tha^ our present system of notation is most defective, certainly it is unscientific, and i^ossesses every ele- ment of confusion; it produces a degree of ambiguity which, as railways and telegraphs become greatly multiplied, will lead to complications in social and commercial aflairs, to errors in chronology, to litigation in connection with succession to property, insurance, contracts, and other matters; and, in view of individual and general rt'lationships, it will undoubtedly act as a clog to the business of life and prove an iuc '3* ing hindrance to human inte '^urse. The problem to be mastered is to put an end to this confusion, lu order to do so, it is imjjortant that we should endeavor to form correct ideas of time and its attributes. According to the ordiiuuy usages which we follow, the time of any particular locality depends upon its position on the earth's surface ; in other words, upon its longitude. The principle followed is that there is a separate time on every meridian around the circumference of the globe. Let us carry this theory to its logical conclusion. Take, by way of example, a hundreoint. A meridian line runs due north and south on the earth's surface from pole to pole; hence it follows that at the point where every meridian must converge we have the time of every meridian. That is to say, at the earth's pole, a point common to every n)eridian, there are a ndred or a thousand different nota- tions of time, each distinct and separate. The extreme absurdity of this hypothesis establishes beyond question that the preniisesare false; and it is in no way 8uri>rising that confusion and ditliculty result from a system such as we possess, based on principles so erroneous. We may here ask the question: " Why should time vary with every mile of longitude?" The answer comes. It is not possible to conceive more than a single unity of time in the whole universe. Time, which is **an inHnite continuity in infinite space," re.sera\)les a mighty river, whoso unvarying Htream passes before us. Such a river is unchangea- ble, yet continually changing; volumes of water always advancing are replaced by new volumes in perpetual succession, and yet the river coii- tinues one and the same ever flowing unity. The passing stream of time is much the same, and the problem presente'y is a local phenomenon in no two longitudes identical.* To distinguish this new interval of time common to the whole world from the infinite number of local days at present recognizeage occurs on the eight-hour mo* ridian. mmmm ■■ ;V -' . ' ^. ' , ' >" ' t '- . 'f d NEW TIME-BECKONING. 353 Fig. 4. When the earth has made half a revolntion and twelve hours have elapsed, the solar passage is at this stage on twelve-hour or Prime Moriuiun. Similarly for every other meridian, and thus the precise relation be- tween Co8mic Time and longitude is definitely established. It may be said that Cosmic or Universal Time is accepted in science, but its adoption in ordinary life can only be gradually and perhaps with c.ifficulry eftected. It is i.ot to be looked for that a change so marked, involving a revolution of thought in some of our social customs, can be speedily introduced, however desirable it may be in the public interest. There is a class of men who habitually express their cortempt for what they designate as " newfangled notions," and who refuse to go out of siglU of old land marks. The usages which we desire to supersede are certainly old, for they took their origin when our civilization was young. In those jlays it was a dogma that the earth had a flat surface, but as the belief that the earth is a plane is no longer invested with the au- thority of a truth, we may venture to call in question the theory that each locality on its surface possesses an independent stream of time and is called upon to defend and maintain it. The human race is no longer eonfinod within a narrow area. It has overspread the surface of the earth ; in the Old and New Worlds it has grown, in some portions of their extent it is still growing, from an infantile condition to a state of man- hood. Are we not yet able to look beyond one individual horizon and enlarge our range of vision so as to include a system which will satisfy the requirements, not of a locality, but ot the whole globe? We are living in an age of intellectual and social progress, jirhen men are less fettered than our fathers were by the restraints of custom. On tUe continent of North America extraordinary progress has already been made by an essentially practical people towards the adoption of a complete reform in tMue-reckoning. What is known as the Stand- ard-hour system, in itself in complete harmony with the principles of Co»mic Time, has been in common use for nearly three years, and it is generally recognized as an incalculable benefit to the whole community, Througliont the United States and Canada we have outgrown the no- tion of isolating each locality by compelling it to observe a separate time notation. The Continent is divided into zones, each zone having the same time throughout its extent, based on a meridian which is a multi- ple of fliteen degrees from the Prime Meridian. Consequently the time of each zone varies exactly one hour from that of the adjoining zones. Thus all the variations of time which formerly were limited only by the number of towns and cities and localities which observed their own lo- cal time are reduced to the five zones. Only at points where the zones come in contact is there any exception to the common satisfaction which has resulted from the change. These are the only localities where we find the old tinje difficulties, now so happily removed from every other section of the Continent. At such localities the difficulties must con- H. Mis. 170 23 864 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. tinne to be felt until Cosmic Time comes into general use, for it is the only one remedy which can satisfy every requirement. The Btuudard-hour system is an effective preliminary means for the introduction of unisersal time, and it is not confined to North America. In Sweden, as well ay Great Britain, the principle is in common use. The Standard Time of Swedea is based en the meridian fifteen degrees east of the prime meridian ; consequently an hour in advance of the Prime Meridian time. The time of Great Britain is that of the prime meridiaL itself. The scheme of hour meridians can only be regarded as a provisional arrangement. It greatly lessens the diflBculties experienced, but it does not wholly remove them. It is, however, an important practical step towards the general unification of time, as it brings the minutes and sec- onds into complete agreement with the world's time wherever the sys- tem is adopted. The Astronomer Koyal of Great Britain calls particular attention to the breadth of view evidenced by the managers of the Am- erican railways who were so largely instrumental in having this impor- tant step taken. " By adopting a national meridian as the basis of their time-system they might have rendered impracticable the idea of a uni- versal time to be used by Europe as well as America. But they rose above national jealousies and decided to have their time-reckoning based on the meridian which was likely to suit the convenience of the great- est number, thus doing their utmost to promote uniformity of time throughout the world by setting an example of the sacrifice of human susceptibilities to general expediency." There is one feature of time-reform alluded to by President Arthur in his message to Congress which promises before long to be accepted by the community. I refer to the proposal to count the hours from zero to twenty-four. The recent report ot the special committee on Standard Time of the American Society of Civil Engineers (January, 1886) thus alludes to this branch of the subject : " This feature has the authority of the International Conference for its introduction. In intelligent circles in Europe, particularly in Eng- land and in Russia, also at the antipodes in Australia, the proposal is reported to have been greeted with enthusiasm. The Astronomer Boyal of England, Mr. Christie, has established at Greenwich Observatory a division of the great dial into twenty-four hours. In London and in other cities, public clocks have been also changed to accustom the English public to this division of the day. Some newspapers in all their announcements adopt the change, and scientific societies give notce of the.- meetings in the same manner as this Society, according to the twenty-four-hour system. "On this Continent there has been no uncertain sound. In the last annual report of the Committee it was stated that one hundred and sev- enty-one managers of railways in the Unitod States and Canada had de- clared their readiness to abandon the division of the day into half-days, LiEW TIME-BECKONING. 366 known as ante and post meridian, and to accept tne nnmeration of the hours in one series, from midni^i^ht to midnight, these managers having under their control some 60,000 miles of railway. " During the past year the seed sown has been fructifying, and many who held back have been won over and have given their adhesion to the movement. Among the many important railways ready to co-oper- at«, some appear to sec no necessity for further delay, and desire to se- cure at once the advantages which will result from the change. At this date it is publicly announced that the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany have determined to adopt the 24-hour system, and are actually l)rei>aring to make the change at an day.* Such proceedings can be accepted as indicating a proper appreciation of the reform which the American Society of Civil Engineers has advocated, and equally shows the discernment of those who direct the management of the youngest of the transcontinental railways. This practical commencement will, without a doubt, be speedily followed by other railway companies, and before long we may look for the 24-hour system coming into general use.t There is undoubtedly a growing feeling in many quarters in favor of the 24-hour system. It is reported to be used with great advantage on the whole of the cables and other lines of the Eastern Telegraph Com- pany, and its connections extending from England through Europe and the Mediterranean to Egypt, and from Egypt to South Africa, India, China, and Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. It is a pertinent question to ask, what influence these various changes will have in preparing the public mind for another, and it may be said a final, change—the adoption of one uniform time in every longitude t For it must be evident to the thoughtful observer that the movement • At miilsuratner, 1S86, the Canadian PaciAc Railway waa opened from the Atl&IItio to the Pacific and the 24-hour system went into force in running " through" trains. The example set by the railway company has been followed in the towns and villages along the line, and the inhabitants generally having experienced the advantages of the cVango, no desire is expressed in any quarter to return to the old usage. tThe fuUowiug fuot-nott will have to be mow aA forward}. 6 1050 I I 7 12003 [8 Similaily wherever the scheme of hour meridians be adopted the common reckoning may with equal ease be secured. To the west of the 358 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. prime meridian tlie clocks will require to be moved forward, to the east backward. In Europe, Asia, and Africa the change would thus be eftected : II. Clocks in the hour zones of the east meridians. Meridian east. 150") 300 450 6OO 750 9003 Hours. CI 2 will have to be moved backward 3 14 5 C6 Thus, for example. New Orleans, in the hour zone of the 90th meridian west, would have its clocks advanced six hours, while Calcutta, in the 90th meridian east, would have its clocks retardeU six hours. By the same simple process of transition, every city and district on the sur- face of the globe may be brought to the one common time-reckoning. It is a significant fact that at the Washington Conference the prin- ciple of Universal Time obtained unanimous recognition from the dele- gates of so many nationalities. It is a presage that the peoples whom they represent will before long be fully impressed with the belief that a system of reckoning time uniformly throughout the globe is really the one rational system by which it can be noted, and the only system which will meet the demands of the human family in coming years. It is only step by step that a reform so great can be carried out. More- over, although the difficulties to be overcome are undoubtedly serious, this much may be said with confidence, that they are less formidable than those which have already been conquered. A few years back the very question of a universal time for all nations was a theor,'^ not only new in itself but it was held by many to be wild and Utopian, and so impracticable as to be unworthy of consideration. In 187S the subject could not command a hearing at the British Association I Since 1S78 the arguments advanced to point out the necessity of change have, however, obtained attention, and a general movement for reform has been inaugurated. Scientific and practical men and learned societies in both hemispheres have taken part in the consideration of the ques- tion. It has formed the subject of discussion at International Con- gresses at Venice and Rome. The President and Congress of the United States have been induced to take decisive action in connection with it. The governments of twenty-five civilized nations have aided in its devel- opment. The International Washington Conference itself has greatly promoted the solution of the problem by coming to an unanimous de- termination on the essential principles to be observed. In several coun- tries the recommendations of the conference have already in part been acted on, and changes have been effected which a few years back were not even dreamed of. NEW TIME-RECKONING. 859 If BO mucb bas been accomplisbed within tbo oigbt years siuce tbe scheme of reform was first promulgated, is it too mucb to expect that the public mind will be prepared in tbe more advanced communities to accept the final step in a like period f In about a dozen years we pass in^ another century. Is it tak- ing too sanguine a view to suggest that by that time all nations will be willing to accept tbe change, and that tbe first day of January in the Twentieth Century may appropriately be inaugurated by tbe adop- tion of one uniform system of reckoning time throughout the world T I learn from the recent lecture of the Astronomer Boy al that tbe Board of Visitors of Greenwich Observatory have unanimously recommended that, in accordance with the resolutions of the Washington Conference, the Astronomical day should in the English Nautical Almanac be ar- ranged from the year 1891 (the earliest practicable date) to begin at Greenwich midnight, so as to agree with the civil reckoning, and further that steps have been taken to give effect to this recommendation ; thus in a few years this source of confusion to sailors navigating ships using the Nautical Almanac — embracing at least 70 per cent, of the tonnage of the world — will be removed. The distinguished Russian Astronomer, Struve, has suggested that all astronomers throughout the world should simultaneously abandon Astronomical Time and bring their notation into harmony with the civil reckoning. He further suggests that this reform should be introduced into tbe publications of observatories at the initial day of tbe century. In reference to this the Astronomer Soyal, Greenwich, says (October, 1885) "it would be intolerable to have a fundamental question of time-reckoning left open for fifteen years," and urges that tbe step be taken ten years earlier. Be that as it may with regard to the assimJation of the astronomical and civil notations no one can question that tbe change of the century is an appropriate period for effecting the complete unification of time, and doing away with all the errors of our present mode of reckoning. E\ery auxiliary circumstance points to the possibility of that result being attained. The proceedings of the Washington Conference have given the movement an immense impulse. Its members have authoritatively recognized the principles on which the now notation may be established. So unim- peachable and simple are thege principles as to be within the grasp of the most limited comprehension. In their application we may have to contend against the prejudices engendered by habit and custom, but the principles of reckoning tin;e adopted by the conference are based on truth and they commend themselves to every one of intelligence, aa the proper means to meet the admitted emergency. The unanimity with which the standard hour system was brought into common use in North America is an evidence that the age is sufiSciently intelligent to adopt a reform when its advantages are understood. It will doubtless require the lapse of some years to win over those who feel it to be a bounden duty to cling to old institutions and existing customs. Grad- 360 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. onlly, however, the minds of the great mass of men mil become famil- iarized with the new ideas and in the end the new system of notation can not fail to prevail. The main obstacles to be overcome are the restraints which tradition imposes and the usages which our ancestors have transmitted to us. But prejudices of this character can lie gradu- ally and certainly surmounted, if the true principlea of time-rtickoning bo taught iu schools and colleges. Iti a few years the youth of to-day will be moving actors in life, to iutlucnco public opinion and so effect an easy escape from the thraldom of custom. We have therefore good grounds for the belief that, by the dawn of the coming century, the civilized nations may enjoy a system of notation limited to no locality; when the record of the events of history will be unmarked by doubt; when ambiguity iu hours and dates will be at an end; whoa every division of time will be concurrent in all longitudes. These expectations realized, tho Washington Conference will have rendered a great service to mankind. If the reforms of B. C. 46 and A. D. 1582 owed their origin to the dominant necessity of removing confusion in connection with tho notations which existed in the then conditions of the human race, in no less degree is another reform de- manded by the new conditions which are presented in this age. Ob- viously the needed change could not be consummated at a more suitable period than at tho beginning of tho new century, but whether effected at that or an earlier date, a provision is made for the change in the conclusions and recommendations of the Washington Conference — a conference which, representing all civilized nations and having estab- lished the fundamental principles of the new notation, must be held by future generations to mark an epoch in the annals of the world not less important than those of the reforms of Julius Csesar and Pope Gregory XIII. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE. TIMB RECKONING FROM THE PROCEEDIKOS OF THE CANADIAN INSTTTUTE ISTS-"™. (Extract.) Porsons wlio iuliabit different sections of th^ eartli differ from each other in their reckouing of the day. At one place it is noon, at another it ie midnight; at a third It is snnrise, at a fourth it is sunset. In consequence we have the elements of con« fusion, which involve in some cases the mistake of a whole day. People even living in the same meridian may differ a day in their nsnal reckoning of time, according as the countries they inhabit have been colonized from the one side or the other of the globe. Thero are instances iu the Pacific Ocean where islands almost adjacent reckon by different days of the month and week ; a circumstance calculated to produce mnch confusion when intercourse becomes frequent. In Alaska the days of the week and month were one day in advance of those in the adjacent olony of British Columbiu, iudecd of the whole of America On the ad- vent of citizens of the United States a few years ago, whe;:. that territory was trana- ferroil by Eassia, the Saturday was found tu be the Sunday of t* '> old residents. For ordiuary business purposes a change became necessary, and k dispensation waa granted in 1871 by the diguitarics of the Greek Church in Basaia, anthorLcing their mm NEW TIME-RECKONING. 361 missionaries and adherents in Alaska to celt brato Sunday a day later, or on Monday, according to the old reckoning. The reverse has bein mot in another quarter of the globe. The Philippine Islands, lying between Australia and AHia, and about 100 degrees of longitude to the west of Alaska, '.vero discovered in 1521 by the illustrious Magellan in his memorable first cir- cumnavigation of the globe. That navigator followed the sun in his path around the world. Legfispi sncceeded him aud took possession of these important islands in the name of Philip II, King of Spain. The Philippine Islands extend for a thousand milea from north to south, they embrace Mauillii, one of the oldest cities of the Indies, aud they contain a population of 5,000,000. They were colonized, as well as discovered, by Spaniards coming from the East, and ns a consequence the reckoning of the inhab- itants has for more than throe centuries remained a day behind the day in Britibh India and the neighboring countries in Asia. Travelers who arrive at New Zealand or the Australian colonies by the San Fran- cisco route meet the same diflFerer.ce, owing to the fact that the countries in the South Pacific were colonized from the West. The day ol the week aud of the month carried from San Francisco never agrees with the day and date reckoned by the inhabitants at the destination of the steamer. All travelers who have made the voyage between America and Asia have expe- rienced the difficulty in reckoning referred to. Those who have proceet England when he finds his Wfttoh no longer right. Paris time is used for the journey until that of Rome be- coraos the standard. At Brindisl there is another change. Up the Mediterranean •hips' lime is used. At Alexandria Egyptian time is the standard. At Suez, Bhipa' • TiMB AND TFIK Tki.eoRAPII.- A message dated Simla, l.Tn'S a. m. Wednesday, was received in London at 11. 47 p. m on Tuesday. As the clerk said, with pardonable oonfu»iou, " Why, this message was sent off to-morrow."— Timet. J. ^ .L NEW TIME-KECKONING. 365 time IN reBumcd, and continnea, with daily changes, until India is reached. Arriving at Bombay, the traveler will find two standards employed, local time and railway time, the latter bein^ that of Madras. If he has not altered his watch since be left England, he will find it soino five hours slow. Should he continue ^is Journey to China, it will have fallen eight hours behind. In the United Kingdom the difficulties due to longitude are only felt in a modified form. The greater island, embracing England and Scotland, is comparatively limited in width ; oue standard of time is therefore used. It is only in respect to the sister island, Ireland, Ihut th« difference iu longitude calls for a difference in time. In tlie whole United Kingdom, consequently, there are practically only two standards, viz, Greenwich time and Irish time, the difference being twenty-fiv- minutes. No one, therefore, whone experience bus been confined to the United Kingdom, can form an adequate idea of the extent of the inconvenience arising from the causes alluded to, where geographical circumstances render necessary the use of a multiplicity of stand- •rds. The railway system in the principal agent in the developing of the difficulties re- ferred to, and the still further extension of steam communications in great continental lines is forcing the subject on public attention. Canada supplies a good illustration of what is occurring. The lailways built and projected will extend from the eastern coast of Newfoundland on the Atlantic to the western coast of British Columbia on the Pacific, eml)racing about 75° of longitude. Every Canadian city has its own lime. Innumerable settlements are now being formed throughout the country ultimately to be traversed by railways; and in a few years scores of populous towns and cities \vill spring up in the now uninhabited territories between the two oceans. Each «)f these places will have its own local time, and the difference between the clocks ut the two extremes of Canada will be full j tl>» hours. The difficulties which will ultimately arise from this state of things are apparent. They are already in some degree felt, they are year by year increasing, and will at no distant day be- come seriously inconvenient. Thin is the case not in Canada alone, but all the world over. • •••••• The division of the day into two halves, each containing twelve hours, and each ^MmbcTcd from 1 to 1-', is also a fertile source of error and inconvenience. I'ravelcrs who have had occasion to consult railway guides and steam-boat time- tables will be familiar with the inconvenience resulting from this caustt; none know better l)y experience how much the divisions ante meridiati and post meridian have batiled their inquiries, and how often these arbitrary divisions have led to mistakes. Were it necessary, innuroerable instances could be given. The evil, however, is one HO familiar that it has come to be looked upon as unavoidable, and is, as a matter of course, silently endured. The halving of the day has doubtless long been in use, but beyond its claim to antiquity, is a custom that confers not a single benefit, and is marked by nothing to recommend it. SCHEMB OF COSMIC OR UNIVKU8AL TIMK. 1. That a system of universal time be established, with the view of facilitating aynchronous scientific observations, for chronological reckoningK, for the puri)08eof trade and commerce by sea and land, and for all such uses to which it is applicable. 2. That the system be established for the common obserA oe of all peoples, an«l of such a character that it may be adopted by each separate community, as may be found expedient. 3. Tliat the system be based on the principle that for all terrebtrial time-reckonings there be one recognized unit of measurement only, and that all measured intervals of time be directly related to the one-unit measure. 4. That the unit measure be the period occupied by the diurnal revolution of the earth, defined by the mean solar passage at the meridian twelve hours firom the prim« meridian established through Qreenwioh. 366 MISCELLANEOUS PAPEBS. 5. That the unit measare deflaed as above be held to be a day abaolnte, and desig- nated a coHmio day. 6. Thai snch cosmic day be held aa the chronological date of the earth, changing with the mean solar passage at the anti-meridian of Qreen'wicb. 7. That all diviKions and multiples of the cosmic day be known as cosmic time. 8. That the cosmic day be divided into hours, numbered in a single series, one to twenty-four (1 to 24), and that the hours be subdivided, as ordinary honrs, into min- utes and seconds. Note.— Aa an alternative means of distinguishing the cosmic honrs from the hours in local reckonings, they may be denoted by the letters of the alphabet, which, omit- ting I and V, are twenty-four in number. 9. That until cosmic time be accepted as the recognized means of reckoning in the ordinary affairs of life, it is advisable to assimilate the system to present usages, and to provide for the easy translation of local reckonings into cosmic time, and vice vena; that, therefore, in theory, and as closely as possible in practice, local reckonings be based on a known interval in advance or behind cosmic time. 10. That the snrface of the globe be divided by twenty-four eqni-distant hour-merid- ians, corresponding with the honrs of the cosmic day. 11. That, as far as practicable, the several hour-meridians be taken according to the longitude of the locality, to regulate local reckonings, in a manner similar to the system in use throughout North America. 12. That in all cases where an honr-meridian is adopted as the standard for regulat- ing local reckonings in a particular section or district, the civil day shall be held to commence twelve hours before, and end twelve honrs after, the mean solar passage of such hour meridian. 13. That the civil day, based on the prime meridian of Greenwich, shall coincide and be one with the cosmic day. That civil days on meridians east of Greenwich shall be (according to the longitude) a known number of hours, or hours and min- utes, in advance of cosmic time, and to the west of Greenwich the contrary. 14. That the surface of the globe being divided by twenty-four eqni-distant merid- ians (fifteen degrees apart) corresponding with the hours of the cosmic day, it is advisable that longitude be reckoned according to these hour-meridians. 15. That divisions of longitude less than an hour (fifteen degrees) be reckoned in minutes and seconds and parts of seconds. 16. That longitude be reckoned continuously towards the west, beginning with zero at the anti-prime meridian, twelve hours from Greenwich. 17. That longitude generally be denoted by the same terms as those applied to cos- mic time.