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While unjouniing lu tliiit plvaNaut rcHcre wu dlH'jovtred the ueca#iii||r of ft ^ITIOK FOI||9SITOfl8>- If tbeiwtaw PMCuH aiiftbli' ttrmigMB to iIIkcovi t k(>iu« of tlie beauties of th<; plaice mure tvadllf tbM tbi!y otbetwlae would, tlio cklef aim vm had iu viejir in pnbllkhlng tbn Ontdv 1» accgtntllltahed; and if thi y meet with the Rftmik dcgret- of kiuduvRH wti have beer, favored with, tbe^ will linger aa loiM a* poMUble uu tb«ae pleaaaot aboren, and when tUey depart they will leav)* with gl«t«f lil hearia. VicToaiA, OctolMr. 1NT6. ° WM. M^ ODBERV. GOVERNMENT STREE!!?. GeoTfte Ooltuttn, Prince of Wales Saloon, oornev G-avt. and Corm't. Sts. OH. HETGH KAY, Chmese physician, Government street OHiUirG l^E, manufacturer of cigars, GoTernme|it street Wee ^Mt, boot and slp>e faotocy , Government st^t Gin \vlti, washing aiid irositag, Govemmenfc stmt I '^ Ommec^.Balooo^ G. W> imdenon, Governinenrlideet Mrs. K- iMvy, fruiterer and eonifeistioner, GoveroiiaeQtirtlN>et * !P^x^v Korris, saddler and harness maker, GotenyuenitfSliB^ ff»Xjevy, Arcade oyster saloon and chop hoase, Qovtu^ttient iM^et Wm. Andean, variety Store, Government street .. . D.Heiii,, tin jsmitb,, Government street « & p-:^„ H«-j|isllf«itiii, i#>emalERr, Government street IJ^' filti^ottog, ceoBe salOQ^, Government street fl'., J^l( Se|il| Teutonia Saloon, Government 8tr<>ot ,'lttteben Bfatrssa, family market, Government street fh 3. JaffiNtQ.clotbinff store, corner of Qoverninettt and Tales atreets ft4NX' CAJKJPMItljIfa Tobacconist, cor. of Governnient and Yates sts. '<1U0jfr BilTlHU i1IL0N1HT--ten doUai-s a yea», ^Weekly Britiab :Co^ifit— £ve dollai#a year. D. W. Higgina^ Proi^etbr. yUttlU^N, books and stationary, Govenmiept stiieet 1^ Hy. Wootton, P. M., Govern^nt i^M#i jl.Heqktbarn, boot a shoo manufactarer. Government street \^;0,.j^attaU, a^ncy. London and PbfisDix,InsBi^noe 0o., Gov't St. , !. Ii01t€l & \Mi Government street, Yi^ftoria. Proprietors Dmly 9nd Woekj^., Stanltardv Paily, tlO per ann^uin^ Weekly, |5 per annain. H. Manselli c^bfie nianufactory, Government Street Bank of Britbh Columbia, Government street ^.hlAS^V A CO., real estate and insurance agents, GoTernnieut St WHil^AM N£WBtIRY, saddlei-, and harness mauurx. Government St. victbria 'I'beatre, Government street ' -0 Doughty &. Sou, brush makers, Govevnment street 5f6ah SbakeHpeme, pbotograpbtir. Govern men t^atr«et John Blott, cigar aud fruit dealer, Government street •T/.Bdbtli fnrnitare, etc., Govorumeut street , ^kvid'jSckstein, U. S. Consul, Government street r^l^elit ft <io. , uptiotsTsi'enr, etc. , Govemmont street ""^"Kriterey* b^Uder, euntraotor, and undertaker. Government stieet jfy. ^£PbMdLQ^g^.L(L4dQn JIasiaar,. S»od«^ 8tAt!gn«jry^,i:t«,, ^g>cerieS|.fte..^03Vl)lmtuent stieet . buiilm^ti oornsv of Government and Fort etreetfl^. |#r.Gover«m«atAfc0»t, near Fort^ street. , ';!'', ' ,... -. t" /". 9 E.-C f '^fK . 1 A, ~X 1 % ''^ -M ' , ■s a — -1 M m^^?tm!^^ '*!ithi**. ^ Ji<4Uit!MB fiiS^'^'i M-''-^ Cubeuy's Visitors Guide to Victoria. A. E. U. Davie, Barrister iit Law, Government street J. F. McCreigbt, BarriHter at Law, Government street E. Johnson, Barrister at Law, Government street A. T. D. McElmen, Barrister at Law, Government street Tbos. C. Jones, boat builder. Government street De Wiederbold & Co., wood and coal. Government street W. Seeley, Australian Hotel, Government street J. Longburst, Belmont Saloon, Government street G. Richardson, Victoria Hotel, Government street S. Burt, baker and grocer, Government street Mrs. J. Langley & Miss E. Bowden, dress makers, Government street Frank Richards, Post 0£Soe Saloon, Government street Ld. Lowenberg, real estate agent, Govei.'nment street . T. Price, tailor, Gx>vernment street E. Tbistleton, millinery. Government street E. MALLANDAINE, architect. Government street Mrs. Murcheson, Sunnyside Restaurant, Government street A. C. Couves, Brown Jug Saloon, Government street George Morrison, chemist, Government street R. B. Thompson, dentist. Occidental Building, Government street J. Teague, architect, Government street J. Wrigleswerth, Retreat Saloon, Government street W. C. WEBSTER, boot and shoe manufacturer. Government street TURNER, BEETON & TUNSTALL, dry goods importers, Gov't St. A. B. Graj' & Co., retail dry goods, pianos. Government street Mra. M. Fox, cutlery, lamp ware, and fancy goods. Government street Denny & Spencer, dry goods merchants. Government street Warner & Ragazzoni, Metropolitan Restaurant, Government street C. E. Redfern, watchmaker and jeweller. Government street Brown & White, importers of linen, woolen, drapery, Government street T, N. HIBBEN & CO., stationers and booksellers, Government street Robt. T. Williams, book binder. Government street J. L. Jungerman, watchmaker, Government street THOS. WILSON & CO., general drapers, Government street R. Roberts, tailor. Government street E. Harrison, jr.. Barrister at Law and Notarj Public, Government St. A. N. Richards, Barrister, Attorney, and Notary, Government street A. Rocke Robertson, Barrister at Law, Etc. , Government street James Syme, architect. Government street A. Gilmore, tailor, clothier, and general outfitter, Government street MARCUS SMITH, Engineer-in -Chief C. P. Railway, Government St. Hv. Rudolph, manufactu):ing jeweller. Government street Wui. McNiffe, Grotto Saloon, corner of Trounce Alley and Gov't streets Wells, Fargo & Co., and F. Garesche's Bank, Government street W. & J. Wilson, general outfitters, Government street Geiger & Becker, San Francisco Baths, Government street Lovett's Saloon, Government street 0. W. A. LANGE, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Government street. Phelps & Wadleigh, butohers. Government street W. H. Thistle, San Francisco Saloon, Government street Juo. J. Jacobs, St. George Hotel, Government street TREHART & HEMENOVER, St. Nicholas Hotel, Government street T. S Bone, bout and shoe dealer. Government street D. Green, clothier and outfitter, Goverumeflt street fieimont 'Tanning and Boot & Shoe Manufacturing Co., Government st. J. RueffA Co., wholesale and retail grocers. Government street Vicrelius Bros., St. Nicholas Bntbs and hair dressers, Government street Staflbrd & Goodacre, butchers. Government street TAI yUNE & CO.— Chinese goods, Government sfreet J. W. Williams, Livery stable, corner of Government and Johnson atreetn G. C. Gerow, carriage maker and general jobber, Go'^ernment street Victoria Brewery, Lffiwen & Erb, brewers and malsters. Gov. street Jol Ki He(fl H. Kel A. Alb San Kec Wa Phc Noi Me ^l Cobert'b YiarroRa Guide to Viotobu. ) street YATES STREET. E. Sutro, tobacconist, Yates street , T. Lubbe, furs and skins, Yates street J. H. Todd, general importer, Yates street S J. Pitts, impi titer and wholesale merchants, Yates street John Kennedy, Saloon, Yates street Fellows & Boscoe, hardware merchants, Yates street Mrs. G. Huston, guns and fishing tackle, Tates street Greenwood & Morley, manufacturers of soda water, Yates street Thomas W. PietTe, tailor and dyer, Yates street AHEBLCAN HOTEL, Thomas Burn«s, manager, Yates street LANGLEY & CO, druggists, Yates street Bank Exchange, W Lohse, Yates street Moore & Co. , druggists, Yates street Bank of British North America, J. Gaodfellow, Manager, Yates street Barnard's Express Company, Yates street ADRLPHl SALOON, Yates street J. S. DRUMHOND, (Mayor), imp'r of stoves, grates & ranges, Yates at. Eli Harrison, painter, Yates street W. G. Bowman, livery stable, Yates street Sam'l Nesbitt, cracker bakory, Yates street Burns & Edwards, crockery aud glass ware, Yates street Muirhead & Mann, carpenters, Yates street T. Chadwiok, International Saloon, Yates street MANSBLL k HOLROYD, furniture dealers, Yates street F. Reynolds, butcher, Yates street J. Crossen, general store, Yates street JOHN (JROWTHER, house and ornamental painting, Yates street EUGENE BOTJLLET, grocer, Yates street Frank Beegun, boot and shoe maker, Yates street J. Hey wood, dealer in hams, bacon, &c. , Yates street A. Bossi & C. Geisaelman, wholesale and retail grocers, Yates street A. Vipond, gunsmith and machinist, Yates street Stewart & Braden, gass fitters, Yates street STEITZ BROS., coflfee saloon, Yates street J. E. Meyer, wigmaker, Yates street Lewis Lev/is, clothier, Yates street Dr. Jackson, druggist, Yates street MATTHEWS, RICHARDS & T¥E, hardware, Yates street YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Yates st. below Govm't Lewis Geiger, boot and shoe maker, Yates street ORIENTAL HOTEL, W. McKeon, proprietor, Yates street John Wall, tailor, Yates street Kim Win, washing and ironing, Yates street Hee Gen, washing and ironing, Yates street H. M. Cowper. boot and shoe dealer, Yates street Kelly & Taylor, stoves, ranges, &c ; Yates street A. Casamayou k Co., wholesale dealers in groceries, etc., Yates street Albion Saloon, George Blackall, Yates street Sam Kee, merchant tailor, Yates street Kee Wau, washing and ironing, Yates street Wau Ying, merchant tailor, Yates street Phoenix Saloon, Mrs. Slowman, Yates street North Pacific Saloon, John Collins, Yates sL-eet Me Wa, washing and ironing, Yates street ';WS«»i'«».:i CubeBT'b VlfllTORS OaiDI TO VlOTOBIA. WHARF ST-REET. W. P. Sayward, lumber merchant, Wharf street Staart & KeiiHt, brewers, Wharf street R. Oarr, comiuiesion merubant, Wharf street WELCH, RITHGT & CO., com. merchants and Ins. agbnts, Wharf st. 8TAHLSCHMIDT & CO., com. merohantH and Ins. agents, Wharf st. STROUSS. BRiaaS, KURTZ & CO., importers. Wharf street E(\^nr Marvin, hardware merchant. Wharf street D. Leneveii, ^rain and commission merchant, Wharf street FINDLA.Y, DURHAM &, BRODIB, commission merchants, Wharf st. Peter McQuade, abip chandler, Wharf street James Strachnn, naloon. Wharf street W. B. Chaities, blacksmith, Wharf street George Platz, cooper. Wharf street D. W. RusHell, Hftw filer, Wharf street ANDREW ROME& CO., importers and com. merchants. Wharf street F. NEUFELDEK & CO., importers and com. merchants, Wharf street A. Stronach, saloon, corner of Wharf and Johnson street E. Grancini, hardware and glassware. Wharf street SPROAT & CO., com. raeroU'ta, agents of Royal Ins. Co., Wharf street ENGELHARDT & CO., coal and com. merchants, wharfingers, and coal contractors to the Royal Navy, Wharf street E. B. MARVIN, shin chandler and sail maker. Wharf street HUDSON BAY CO.", merchants. Wharf street Plummer& Pagden, auctioneers. Wharf street J. P. Davies & Co., auctioneers, Wharf street J. Boscowitz, fur dealer, Wharf street STORE STREET. Joseph Rhodes, retail grocer, Stoi-o street John Fratis, retail grocer. Store street Quong Hang, washing and ironing. Store street Richard Haggerty, variety store. Store street John Hamilton, Caledonian saloon, Store street Wing Chong & Co., tailors and grocers. Store street G. PIAGGIO, general store. Store street P. McFarlain, genpral store. Store street G. MANTOBIO, general store, store street Tay Sing, washing and ironing. Store street J. R. Lintou, second hand store, Store street ANDREW ASTRICO, Pacific Telegraph Hotel, Store street JOSEPH SPRATT, Albion Foundry, Store street B. Ferrand, grocer, corner Johnson and Broad streets Dicksou, Campbell & Co., commission merchant. Store streot Henry Rhodes & Co., Agents P. M. S. S. Co., Store street W. R. Clarke, coal, wood and commission merchant, Store Htreet T. McTiernaii, general .store. Store street LANGLEY STREET. J. B. Matthews, surgeon, Langlev street H. F. HEISTERMAN, real estate agent, Langloy streat A. T. D. McElmen, Barrister at Law, Laugley street E. Johnston, Barrister ut Law, Langloy street H. C. Courtenay. Barrister and solicitor, Langley streot Drake » Jackson, solicitors, etc., Langley street Dr. Davie, surgeon, .Langley street ANGEIi HOTEL, C. Morton proprietor, Langley street W^^^BWW^ Cubbuy'h YibItorb Guide to Yiotoru. FORT STREET. Mercliants' Exchange, Arthur Fox, corner Fort and Wharf streets Oil<l Fellows' Hull, Fort itreet Dr. Helincken, office, Fort street Siuitli aud Clark, contractors, corner Laugley and Fort streets Oppoiiheimer Bros., importerH, Fort Street F. Martin, billiard rooms, wines and liquors. Fort street H. T. Monii A Co., harnesH store, Fort street , Wt'Htern Union and British Columbia Telegraph Office, Fort street Mrs. N. Shakespeare, fancy goods store, Fort street G. Jeukiusun, gro^ rv store. Fort street ALEX K«SK, Job Printer, Fort street. Globe Hotel, Charles Martin, proprietor. Fort street Wilson & Buute, furniture manufacturers. Fort street British Coluuibiu Saloon, Fort street John Hawkins, poultry, fruit, etc., Fort street David Shade, carpenter shop, T^'ort street Henry Waller, coufectiounr, I ort street Miss Kuiland, Mill.nery, Fort street Mrs. Hilderbrand, tailoress. Fort street Mrs. Mason, boarding house. Fort street Mrs. Billings & Co., temperance hotel, corner Douglas and Fort streets Mrs. Abrahams, boarding house. Fort street. F. J. Venuor, turner, etc.. Fort street J. Goudie, locksmith. Fort street Mechanics' Literoi'y Institute and Library, Fort Street J. P. Davies & Co., cattle sale yard. Fort street Dr. Ash, office Fort street Market Exchange, F. Saunders, Fort street The Hall Saloon, K. D. Saunders, Fort street Thomas Gorrie, variety store, Fort street jNIrs. W. T. Leigh, dress maker, Fort street Mrs. A. Bodgers, millinery and fancy goods, corner Fort and Blanohard G. W. Anderson, bokery and grocery. Fort street H. Walther & Co., Bavaria Brewery, Fort street Wm. Huxtable, Grocery, Fort street J. Finlaysou, dealer in groceries and provisions, Fort street ° jMitchell & Johnson, nurserymen, seedsmen, florists, etc., Fort street FELL & COMPANY, dealers in groceries and provisions, Fort street JOHN WEILER, upholsterer, bee-hive store. Fort street Messrs. Baguall & Co., sole importers of pianos, 19 Fort street Henr^ Short, Gun and Rifle Maker, Fort street Henry Jewell, dealer iu new and second furniture, Fort street VICTORIA BAKERY, M. R. Smith, Fort street A. McLean & Co. , general outfitters, and importers of gentlemen's and boy's clothing. Fort street E. Wilson, wholesale and retail family grocer, corner P'ort and Douglas George Thomson, fancy bread and biscuit baker. Fort street Thos. W. Fletcher, electro silver plater aud gilder. Fort street A. & W. W^ileon, ship and house plumbers. Fort street S. A. Spencer, photographic artiste, Fort street. Mayuard &, Loye, boot and shoe mntiufacturers. Fort street, near Gov. ■ JOHNSON STREET. GEORGE VIENA, game aud fruit. Johnson street Malcolm McClai ty, boot maker, Johnson street T. Sbotbolt, ciiemist and druggist, Johnsoa street Jdhn Denegii, game and produce, Johnson strbet John Holman, Union Raloon, Johnson street ■*; 126425 6 Cubrry'r VisrroRR Goinn to Vkttoria. John Trout, baker, Jobnaon street I. Blum, clothing, JobDBon street ON HING, dry goods, Johnson street LOY HING, cigar manufacturer, JohasoD street SAM SING, restaurant, Johnson street WING LEE, cigar manufacturer, Johnson street G. BoHHi, grocer, Johnson street J. Latuyre, French bakery, Johnson street W. C. Davis, tailoring and repairing, Johnson street J. W. Williams, livery stable, Johnson street J. Boyd, groceries and liquors, Johnson street HENRY SAUNDERS, groceries and provisions, Johnson street William Muldoon, Loudon hotel, Johnson street R. HAYNAKI), boot and shoe store, Johnson street Mrs. A. Mathews, dress maker, Johnson street P. Cranoelli, miner's outfitter, Johnson street Mrs. S. E. Rolles &, Co., Cassiar restauiant Quagliotto Romano, outfitter, Johnson street William Marsh, California saloon C. J. Phillips, terminus saloon, Johnson street J. Petel, locksmith, Johnson street King'8 Head Haloon, George Smith, Johnson street W. W. Armstrong, cigar store, Johnson street G. C. Keays, tinsmith, Johnson street F. Reynolds, London market, Johnson street W. G. Norris, second-hand furniture, Johnson street Simeon Duck, carriage and wagon factory, Johnson street CORMORANT STREET. Dr. Ma Choo Tsung, Chinese physician, Cormorant street TYE CHONG YUEN, butcher, Cormorant street Dr. Choag, Chinese physician, Cormorant street KWONG LEE & CO., wholesale* retail morchants, Cormorant street HTR TIE, variety store, Cormorant street Wo CHONG. variety store. Cormorant street Kong Ting Siug, batcher shop and general store. Cormorant atreei TAI SOONG & CO., importers. Cormorant street John Herdman, blacksmith, Cormorant street Tong Hop & Co., butchers and grocers, Cormorant street S. Jones, Orleans Hotel, Cormorant street MISCELLANEOUS STREETS. R. A. Crowther, painter. Broad street G. T. Seymour, furniture, etc., Broad street Mrs. Jamieson, fancy I'epository, Broad street J. T. Dunlop, livery stables, Broad street Dr. Bnrnaid, dentist, Douglas street L. S. LUCAS, hotel and Resturant, View street C. E. Bunting, upholsterer, corner View and Douglas streets M. Gillis, painter, Douglas street. P. Marietta & Co.. family Grocers, etc., corner Douglas and Johnson st. Mrs. Maynard, photographic gallery, Douglas street E. Wood, Victoria House, corner Douglas and Pandora street T. Hodgps, bakoT A; grocery, corner Douglas and Pandora street W. Keohan, carnage painter, Douglas stoeet J. Gosnell, grocery & provision dealer, Douglas street City Hall, Broad street BolondHett, barrester at law, Bastion stieet •wmmr Cf'BEUV'R VlHlTOKH GuiDE TO VlCTOHIA. Uiirm-liH Head, J. WiIhud, Uaation Htt'e«t British Culnuibia iuvebtmenl ic loan Huciety, BiiMtion streft NIK JAMES DOIJOliAS, JameH Bay near BiidKo C!apt. Tbuii. Pritchard, Meare utreet, aoutli of Furt Htreet TH08. TROUNCE, architect, Kauo Htreet above Dou^^Iuh (JEORGE FRANCIS, livery Btables, Trounce alley off (lovt Mtrent C. W. U. Thompson, Manager of Gas Works Sam Choug, wasbing and ironing, Broad street R. Mavnard, photographer, Douglas & Johnson street M. J. Lyons, Park Hotel, Beacon Hill H. Henly, Clover Point Dr. J. W. Powell, Indian Commissioner, office Dominion Buildings ALEX. PHILLIPS, manu'f of soda water, Yates street MIB0ELLANEOU8 IlfFORM AXIOM. Muut.-Oorcrniir Hon. Jon. W. 'rrittuh; Prlvatu B«c. Oitpt. Lsytou; Uun. Oeo. K. U, Walkam, Att'y- Orn., and Pii-niier; Uou. John Ash, I'rovincikl Sec ; Hou. Kobt. Be»ven, Oblef Oom. uf Landi k Wki; Hull. Wni. J. ArniHtroog, Fiusnuu HluiBter, I TrnTOMH DKrAUTUKNT, Viciorls.— Uun. W. Uamley, Oollector; S. FIbUiiou. chief elfrk; 0. S, Wylilu, Kevciino offlt'tr: Ut'u. Frye. Ltudlng-walter, I6»ruber ind cleri; H. R. MIIdd, claik. New W«i>tmln«ter Ciutuinii Uep't.— W. U. Lowe, lub-coHector; J, aar, luidiog-wa..jr. N(n*imn.--T. E. Peck, ■ub-cullector. Oioyooi.— J. 0. Hayne, aub-cotleclor. PiLOTi.— Tboii. Pamphlet, Victoria; Jno. Sabiaton, Nanaiuo; F. Ravely, Ja*. Mclutoab, Jaa. Ram- •«y. Victoria. Inland Revenvb.— 0. T. Dupont, inapector; H. B. Good, collectori D, Lindaay, Deputy OoUeetot. U|T¥ OKficKHH.— ))fayor, J. S. DruminoDd; Collector, T. Buaael; Water Com., J. D. Hoblnaon; City Hiirreyor, W. O'reeD; Clerk, W. Leigh; Police Magiatrate, A. C. Elllntti OoaaciUora, 0. Oowun, Q, 0, Ueruw, J. W. Williama, N. Shakeapeare, J. OoanMl, T. Trouncr. Meet Wedueaday at 7H p. m. CuuBTi. — Supreme Court; Chief Juatlce M. Regble; I'Dlino Judges, ilona. P. P. Croai>e, and J, H. Gray; Reglatrar, C. E. Pooloy; Deputy Registrar, H. S. Haaon; usher, J. Irving. County Court; J'dge A. F. Pemberton; Reglatrar, A. DeWelderhold: Sheriir, K. Woods; Deputy, 0. PreToat. City Court; Police Judge, A. 0. Elliott; Clerk, W. Leigh. Op^n from 10 to 13 a. m. on Trauuce atraet. FiBE DCPARTMCNT. — Joa«ph Wriggleaworth. Chief Biglnear; salary, $700; elaotad for two yaara. John Stephens, Assistant Engineer; salary, 9300; elscted for two year*. Drldur Nu. 1.— Steam and hand engines. Foraman, Chaa. Phillipa: 1st Asiiatant, Harry Saun- ders; 3nd Assistaut. R. Lehman; Secretary, W. Harrison; Treaaurer, J. Behl. TiaBB. No. 3.— Steam and band oiigiuea. Foreman, Oeo. Bmltb; lat Asaiataat, Tboi. Inga; Ssd Assistant, A. Borde; Secretary, F, Bylveater; Treaaurer, R. Heron. UuoB ft Laddbb Co., No. 1.— Foreman, Wm.Huxtabla; lat Aaaiatant, Fred Allatt; 3nd AaaiaUnt, .lim. TbiBtleton: Secretary. Oeo. W. Cohen; Treaaut«l, E. Orancini. A Backet and Babcock Kztin- KUiahor n attached to the Hook A Ladder Co. Oeleuatem.— Deluge— F. Oeiger, A. Roaa, W. 0. Davis. Tiger — 8. Clover, J. Hall, 0. Taylor. Hooka— K. Orancini 0. Hayward, J. Reynolds, PaBstoBNT.— E. tiraucini; Trsssures, Thos. Oeiger; H. Ssnr, Benretary. PoKT OrvioB MonuBs.— Oaaada, Great Britain, Europe and United States, via. Ban Franoiaoo.— Ar- rive about Utb and 34th of each raonth;oloa« about 10th, SOtb, 30th Via Tacoma, Xondav andThura- d ly 3 P. M; close Tuesday 9:30 A.lI.,Thnraday. P.M. Westminatar, Wadnesdav 8 P. H; close Tnaaday 7:30 A. If Cariboo and intarmsdlata ofllcea, arrive Saturday 8 P, M ; !closa Friday T'80 A. H . Manai- mo and Bast Coast oiBces, arrlva Thoraday 5 P. M; cloae Monday 0:30 P. M. Kaqulmalt, daily at 10:90 A.M. and 3:30 p.m ; oloae daily at 11 a m. and 4 p.m. Metohoaia, Monday 1 p.m; oloaa Tneaday 13 noon, Haanich.Thnraday 10 a.m; olesa Wsdnaaday 9 a.m. Sookt, Monday at 8 p m; oloaa Tneaday at 9 a.m. Letters tor Registration moat be poated half an boor before oloaing of each mall. * MoMBT OBDBBa— On Money Order Ofllcap thronghont tbeDominioa, Great Britaia and Ireland, ITiiiUd Btateaaud Nawfonndland.and at the offices at BarkervlUa, OUntoa, Nanatmo, Mew WastaiiiiBtar and Yale, in thia Province, eau ba obtained at this oAoa. OmcB Hoi;Ba— From 8 a.m. to T p.m. Fan MoNBY OanBBa— From 9 a. h. to 4 p.m. HKNRT WOOTTOM, Fostmastar. Post Officb, Viotobia, lat Nov., 1874. OoLtWBU Chaftbb Mo. 130 Rotal ABOu Mason.— Jamas Gordon Vinter, First Principal Z; B. Brown, Second Principal H: E. Harrison, Jr., Thirl PrinslBal I; Thos. Bhotbolt Scribe B; A, OolUer, Scribe N; A. Astrico, Treaaurer; H. F. Helaterman, Past First Principal Z: Meat first Monday avary manth. B. W. Oband Ix>DaB op Bbrisb Columbia.— M. W. (i. M. Simeon Duek; Grand Secratary, 0. M. Cbambars. Vioioau LoDdB Mo. 1.— Meets first Thursday evenlugeaah month. J. Waller, W. M;J. 0. Bales, Secretary. VANCotrvBB LoDOB Fo. 3.— Meets third Wednesday evening aaoh month. J. Gordon Vintar. W. M; Coote H. Chambers, Secretary. BarruH Columbu Lodok No. S.— Meals first Tneiday evaaing each month. T. Troncca, W. M ; J. R. MitoheU, BecreUay. Qdadba I^ooB Mo. 8.— Meet second Friday evening each month. H. F. Halsternian, W. M;B. B. McMlcklng. Secretary. Tberti are also Masonic Lodges, one In Cariboo: Cariboo Lodge, at Barkerville. meets firat Satarday in sack month; one in Msnalmo, Aablar Lodge, meata firat Saturday in each month; ona In Maw Waat- iiiinstar. Union Lodge, mea's first itoni»j In each month. Vahoovvxb Emcamphknt No l.—Meei first snd third Tuesday or each month. J. S. Dmmmond, D. D. Grand Site; L. Ha-has, Chirf Patriarch; E. B. Marvin, H. Frieat; J^bn Btewart, H. Warden: F.O. Richards, Bucretary. Degree Lodge meet first Fridty evening each month. VicTOBiA LoDOB Mo.— Meet every Monday evening. J. Oosnall, M. O; B. E. Green. Becretar/. OuLCMBiA LoDOK Nu. 3.— Mpft every Wednesday evening. L. H. Haghea, N.O; W. Harrison Bae., Sm! rotary Dominion LoDfli Mo. 4 •—Meet every I hnrsdsy evening. H. Smith, M. a;W. 0. Loya, Bee, Saer- iary. Anoudit Obdbb FuBesTBBB.— Court Vancouver Mo. 8786, meet every Monday evening. B. Plmbnrjr, C. R; F. Richards Jr.. Secretary. Sons or TaMPBa«NCE.— Victoria DIvlkiou Mo. 1, meet evary Friday avaniag, Edward Donald, W. P: O. Lock, Secretary. PMTAn.. ^•-Siuri;*^ jf,Jtfs^'-« "•r'tS?S^^^ ••eh montb. rw,. "£S?'»'' '»^,a,KtBt """WW Fort * Uniri^l,'' "■"'PV'J""« C»»« ^fflrt f.frVSr; ?;•«*">"'■'' iST" ■ : ■ ■ — ' . Late Builfy'g, uiiaiEir STRUT, mrontk i. & I^te EfMrJiiirdt'a OHAS. MORTON t»^ ■ . ' ■---""•! ■•»»• ^~^~ ^^^