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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemi 4 -w « O f ^ O '^ RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES AND BRITISH PROVINCES OF NORTH AMERICA, IN THE YEARS 1847, 1848, AND 1849. BY ROBERT PLAYFAIR, ESQ. EDINBURGH: THOMAS CONSTABLE AND CO. HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO., LONDON. MDCCCLVI. ) bd.««ubob:t.cok8tab,,e,ph,„b« TO HBR MAJBSTV. Vis: Sep par bee at ma: eitl col( reti life the 1 affa wer Fra disc A allu com Ii leisi PREFACE. I SCARCELY recollect how early in life my desire to visit our North American colonies originated; their separation from the mother country was then a com- paratively recent event; the war which led to it had been as popular in Great Britain as its results were held at the time to be disastrous to the empire at large ; many families who had emigrated from Scotland po°or' either dissatisfied with the new state of things in the colonies, or from their invincible love of home, were returning from time to time, to close the evening of a life of industry and frugality in their native land, with the competence it had procured. These causes combined to keep the colonies and their affairs more or less on the tapis in Scotland ; and we were accustomed to hear the merits of Washington, Franklin, and other American statesmen of that day' discussed by parties who had known them personally. A long interval has elapsed since the time to which I allude; the colonies in question have advanced from comparative youth to a vigorous manhood. In the meantime, finding myself in possession of that leisure which was denied me at an earlier season, and IV PREFACE, having a sister residing in Nova Scotia, I resolved to take the opportunity to visit her, and these colonies generally. In so hackneyed a subject it is perhaps not possible to say much that is ne,v. I set out, however, with the mtention of judging unprejudicedly forniyself: to this I have endeavoured to adhere. Considering also that the magniBcent steam communication across the Atlantic lias made what was formerly a serious undertaking now an easy affair-very much a summer pleasure eZ oursion^it is impossible not to foresee, when we con- sider Ae beauty, the extent, and the variety of the countnes m question, that they must eventually become the resort of our numerous touriste who have already inundated and partly exhausted Europe. With this view I have given some account of the prices of the hotels, railroads, &c.-information genemlly useful, but very much overlooked by our modern travellers I have also endeavoured to view these colon.es, par- icularly the British provinces, in reference to the advan- tages they offer to the better classes of emigrants With these few remarks, I dismiss the following pages. *=> Edinbdhgh, March 1856. esolved to e colonies it t possible , with the f : to this also that 3 Atlantic iertaking asure ex- 1 we con- y of the y become 5 already ^ith this IS of the eful, but ies, par- 3 advan- CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Cherbourg — Havre, I'AOH 1 CHAPTER II. Voyage Ont — Steerage Passengers— Passengers — Conversations — Mortality amongst the Children — Crew, CHAPTER JIT. New York— Hotels— Public Buildings — Promenades, CHAPTER IV. American Steam-boats — Hudson River, .... 18 29 CHAPTER V. Albany— Public Buildings— New Cemetery— Cahoes Falls— Arsenal — Presbyterian Church— American Railways, . . 35 CHAPTER VI. Saratoga Springs— Hotels— Amusements— Society-Conversation, CHAPTER VII. atica— Trenton Falls— Market Prices— Auburn— Model Prison- Geneva— Boat Race— Old Lady— Rochester— Genesee Falls- Elephant — Lewiston, ..... 44 49 VI CONTENTS. i CHAPTEil VIII. Falls of Niagara-Canadian Siclc-Indian«-nuiraIo, CHAPTER IX "-!:^;C:^ ^--E.i,.ants-Canada^ RnpidH, . "PP"'^«-K'ng«ton-R.vor St. Lawronco-Gallop CHAPTER X. Montrcal-Habitans-Sir F li lu v . . -U Prairie- St JohnV' ' '"^''^ Emigrant" CHAPTER XI. ^ „ CHAPTER XII. Nova Scotia-IIalifax-Harbour-Pol.-H- i r . man Catholics ''^'^^^'-i'ohtical dissensions-Irish R, I'AUK 5(; 61 71 75 :o- 84 Po ir ^ !> . CHAPTER XHI. J^edford Basin-Windsor-River A vnn xxr ,r ■„ ^^DykeLand-IUptists-cLX;^^^^^^^^ I eniperance Movenient-rUmnf rT ^'^'"'^'^^—TreeH-Money— n u , CHAPTER XIV. „ . CHAPTER XV J^asin of MinPQ t> i , K.ver St. Joh„_Frc,ferickioS . ' "'"' B"'"™-"*- p CHAPTER XVI 90 104 107 161 CONTENTS. Vll PA(iF CHAPTER XX. Charleston-Kanawha River -Steamer -Leaden Plate-Ohio River— Cincinnati— LouiHville— Mammoth Cave, IM CHAPTER XVII. New York-Courts of Law-Croton Bridge-Aqueduct-" Dom- bey and Son "-Black Population -Convorsation -Finance- liuladelphia-Athenroum-Fairmont Waterworks-Laurel Hill Cometery-Theatre-Ponn's Hospital-Oirard College-Eas- « 1 ^"'t.<;"ti«''y-Mint-Voluntary System-Delaware River — hohuylkill River— Lower Orders— Repudiation, CHAPTER XVIII. Baltimore-Wasliington-Capitol-Chambers of Congress-Presi- dent 8 House— President's Reception— Outline of the History of the United States— Remarks, , .„ CHAPTER XLX. Museum— Episcopal Church— Disastrous news from Franco- Re markable Conversation of Buonaparte-Richmond-Slavery- State House-Episcopal Church-Tobacco Stores-Route to the Virginia Springs-Warm Springs-Untoward Event-Hot Springs-White Sulphur Springs-Black Man-Departure \\ estward— General Remarks, . lfi(j 186 CHAPTER XXI. Kentucky-Western River Steamers-Electric Telegraph- Steamer to St Lewis-River Mississippi-Steamer to Chicago -Illinois River— Canal, . ,„- CHAPTER XXII. Chicago-lllinois-Michigan-Detroit-Canadian Side-Lake St. Clair-Rxver Ihames-Chatham-London-Books-Hamilton -Lectures-Lake Ontario-Proscott-Conversation-Montreal —Legislature— Quebec, . . „,,„ CHAPTER XXIII. Route to Boston-Mr. Wilson's Songs-Supper Party-British Steamer to Halifax-Return to Wolfville-General Remarks- Expenses, ... Vlll CONTENTS. CHAITKR XXIV. Book Club-Mr. Macaulay'8 History of Engl.in.l-Vohairo-R.- marks, , , ^ • • CIIAPTKR XXV. Tour to Pictou-Coal Mines-New ( JlaHRow-Tour to Prince Ed- wanlH Islanc -Charlotte Town-Vi«it to the Interior-Uetun. to Nova Scotia, . CHAPTER XXVI. Visit to Nictau ami its Noighbourhood-Dipby-Tempcrance Meeting-- General Remarks, . . CHAPTER XXVTI. Voyage Home-Steamoi-Passengers-Arrival at Liverpool- hxotcr, . . '■ 240 213 958 264 VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES. OHAPTEK I. ( IIKUUOUUO— IIAVKE. t Having finally arranged matters for my long pro posed visit to America, I embarked, on the 19tli June 1847, in a steamer from Jersey, on a pleasure- trip to Cherbourg, which took Guernsey on its way, accompanied by my two daughters, the elder thirteen, the younger nine years of age. • Cherbourg, as no doubt well known, is an important naval station and depot, probably the most important belonging to France in the Channel. On both sides of the Channel a want of good harbours for naval warfare is felt, but more particularly on the French side ; to remedy which in some measure, vast works have been constructed at this port, particularly an immense breakwater of great length and solidity, run- ning apparently parallel to the shore with an elliptic curve outwards ; at a due distance from the harbour leaving a spacious and apparently safe roadstead. These works were commenced as far back as the reign of the A I 1 1 (I * REOOLLEOTIONS OF A VISIT unfortunate Lonis xvi., wl.o is said to liave taken , great mtereat in thorn ; they are now in c„" ^ oTcl' CSt:ir '"—'>'' p"po- forwhiehr. By written permission of the authorities, we were nth others of our fellow-passengers, permit ed toTto the dockyard, arsenal, &c We saw some *.ne sll on the stocks, of 100 guns and upwards ; these we ^^^ to be much gomg on, numerous workmen employed in .o.str„etmg mner basins, dry docks, &c., with a^" expendrture on the part of the Government Wht prevaded .n the silence of the town iiself, nothing doing :^:^:rhriTTnXiSit^^^^ which, to a merchant XZZlir^rJ. change for an English note, he replied that the Gov! „ ::;r;t':hTn!:'e:'''' "-' "-^ '-'-"^^^^ -^^^^ From Cherbourg we went by Diliffencp ^^ ft,r no n In tlie course of this little journey, I was much struck «ith the comfortable condition of the neasantrr Z appeared to be well fed, well clad, heir cTs^^lf'^' plements of husbandry in good condition nd„eot trad stmcl,=n to this, with the deserted awearanee e^d want of eornmercial activity in the small sia!po ftow" a few vessels might be seen in an outer harbour i^a„' umer, a sohtaiy Norwegian perhaps, unloadin/ws ^rgo TO THE UNITED STATES. 3 of deals. I except of course Havre, where we arrived in due time, and which is well known to be a large and flourishing commercial town, the harbour of Paris, in fact, with splendid docks, and every symptom of acti- vity, industry, and wealth. We took up our abode in the Hotel de France, one of the largest and best in the town, where we found'our- seJves very well accommodated ; our custom was to dine at the Table d'Hdte, to bieakfast and take tea in one of the numerous cafe's, generally in the centre of the town, in the neighbourhood of the theatre. This was to us a sort of moving panorama or tableau vivant, in which the inhabitants were passed in review before us, while, at the same time, it afforded us a very good lessoii in the language, which my daughters already began to profit by. I had visited Havre on more than one occasion before consequently I found nothing new to me in it now, save that smoking tobacco had become a general custom, prevalent in every cafe, which was certainly not tlie case in former times, proving, as Sir Waiter Scott somewhere observes, " bad habits to be easily acquired, while good habits require a mentor," The French, much to their credit, love and patronize the drama ; every provincial town of moderate size sup- ports a theatre, which is generally built in good taste, being at once an ornament to the town as well as a source of rational amusement to its inhabitants ; this we found, as was to be expected, 'par excellence, the case at Havre, where its theatre ornaments the grand square or place, having arcades on each side, in front of handsome shops, cafes, &c. To the theatre of course we went, to see a Monsieur Revel, a star from Paris; but I found I had il! cliosen. BECOLIEOTIONS OF A VISIT ">y "igi.t. The fimt piece was an opera iu fb„r ant, „ft ■lomg penance through the whole of wh^h he h ^f put in their veto It Zfl T ' '"^' «^'* ^"^'^'^ intendedtoshewhimoff no I '"''PPT'* '" •'' P''"^^ a third followed after wUchirT ""* '" "'^ ™'°'l ■ tt>e opportunity to speak very dis~fiin % 7 firace, asserting that thp P,.,,!- '"^'^fP'"^"""/ ot his Waterioo. Iteco Win ! T T,' ^"L""'' "''' '''"'^^ "^ of Tacitus thrwhen '° Pl^'o^opWcal observation army clain; *:h Je :" tle'S- ITT'V'' """'^ he alone is held resnonslMr T \^? 'he reverse, would have been bref 1^ 1.^ 2* Jf^.^ ?" rorrrlpir'''^''--'-^^-"PP»^'inS TO THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTEK 11. VOYAGE OUT— STEERAGE PASSENGERS— PASSENGERS— CONVEIJ- SATIONS— MORTALITY AMONGST THE CHILDREN— CREW. Ever since the assistance rendered them in their war of independence, a friendly feeling has existed between the United States and France ; and a considerable com- merce is carried on between them, mostly to the port of Havre ; the one supplying the other with cotton for the manufactories of Rouen and elsewhere, tobacco, and other commodities ; receiving in exchange, wines, broad cloths, earthenware, dried fruits, &c. A line of splendid packets plies regularly between Havre and New York, generally show-ships elegantly fitted up. In one of the handsomest of these— the New York, Captain Lines, a truly elegant new vessel, of four- teen hundred tons, advertised to sail on the 2d July— we took our passage, the fare for each grown cabin pas- senger being 650 francs (£26) : my daughters being under age, one other such fare sufficed for both, making m all £52, exclusive of the usual fees to the steward and stewardess-a very respectable female being on board in the latter capacity. We were summoned on board on the 2d July, merely to be dismissed again, the captain finding he could not clear the docks on that day, or from some other cause. We were all assembled, however, on board next dav fW! 19 i ! I',': a RECOLLECTIONS OF A VLSIT -D Clearing the wet dock, crowded as it was with pre.^ by population and hi^h ^ rhl''; ttT ^«:ifrL»ra:;:t;t^^ any lack of steerage passengers. This class of emigrants is said to be deservedly nor,,, » m the United States; they are generl^lyi^: .luced persons of some substance, fhe pass^^ fenes r£] do7 ""^r*"' ''"^'"^ from one hundred ye^ ^J^}/'>""}J^'f'><^ocoTdmg to the season of the San^iteetf tr^S •^ir^''^'^ P-chase from the stewaiTi^iHiitlltr:' '''' ""^ and fif v'ofT"" r'''""' "' ■""* ''''»"' ''^o hundred and Mty of these steerage passengers on board and the object of our now anchoring-whth I v/^llr^ I, o be to perfo,™ a very usual and important du^vTe' to muster these, to see that none were allowed to remai^' ™idTir1" '"' r '"^" ^^^'^'^-O »" ^•>o- - avbg for part s t%A\:^^T' '" ""^ « '^"""on poetic: few d!v ^t 1 ,'"'''"'! ""*" *''« ^hip has been a work ^L n'", '"* ""'' "^'"S *» ««' them to Td J vi! * ,'?"'''' "^'^ Wropriately, Stow-aways • oeneialiy male their appearance in the end coMin^r'tTr'^"'*'' '^'^^'^ having come off ,n a boat of rather large dimension., for *! TO THE UNITED STATES, 7 purpose, the muster in question took place— a rather tedious affair ; in the course of which we saw, from time to time, about half a dozen in all of these interlopers lowered into the boat, which then left us. This important operation over, we spread our canvas, and ran down channel, with a fair wind, and rather fresh breeze. At first we saw but few vessels ; next day, however, we got within the track of the English commerce, when a very animated scene opened upon us ; the sea was liter- ally covered with ships in every direction, as far as the eye could reach. I beheld this sight with unmingled admiration, the more so, from the contrast it offered to the other side. My fellow-passengers seemed also much interested in the moving panorama before us ; while the captain, busy with his glass from side to side, did us the involuntary homage to acknowledge that England must be a great country ; he had never seen so many ships in his life at one time before. To-day, after dinner, the captain ordered champagne, reminding us that it was the anniversary of their "de- claration of independence (4th July), and that we must drink to the prosperity of the United States, which we responded to willingly. The morning of the third day found us off the Lizard Lights, the wind still Mr; shortly after passing the Scilly Islands, it veered round quite against us, blowing hard, with very rough weather for about a week, aftel- which it cleared up, when we began, one by one, to emerge from our cabins, the children, of whom there were a good many on board, mine among the number, bemg the first to recover ; we found ourselves in the wide Atlantic, out of sight of land - a solitary vessel here and there in view. 8 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT The cabin was tolerably fiJI T '"'" ''''"- >"<»% of re^pectarLtLn or°""''\''."°''^'''°S and children. Besides ther«P ""?"' ^^"^ ""''^'X' Jew from Paris wi>h h;. % """^"^^s »* -t^lnJadelphia ; a th.echii.s::\ri;f,7^ers bejn, the^onlf E^^J^tTr^^^'^^"'' "-^-^ ilie children were the firsf +A i.o. witli each other ^^'^""^ acquainted o.S:ff:^>SJ^-« in An,e,.., b. lus wife, sons, and conneiions\ T (r Y'* 'J'""'' "* gent; be was' reading tl" hltry oftb, ^ r k""^"'" '^/"J' ^'^"^'""™' '-« -tt/e^t M^tv. '.,,■"* made a fortune by selling French cans are said to be very partial. Having maiiied »„ American lady, he had taken her and hfs S.'dren t^ 'S„S'^ '-'"'' ''' "^"~'^^. -'partly Of this gentleman, I only recollect that he asked m. "Prr! °"„^'^'"S whom he meant by runners Persons traveUing on aifaira of trade." I replied S TO THE UNITED STATES. ]] friend, was his brolher Jew, who it seems was an ai-tifi- cal flower-maker, wealthy, having two establishment., one m Pans the other in New York. I had occasion to be pleased with this man, whom I found to be clever social, liberal, yet unassuming. ' There was also a Quaker on board, an American gentleman, with a very pretty wife, four fino children and one French bonne, who had been in their service many years-their only domestic, did all the work, and took care of all the children. I found them very amiable, a pattern of conjugal aifection, and conse- quently very happy, as they deserved to be. He had a warehouse, he told me, in New York, for French earthen ware-one brother residing in France to buy, the other in New York to sell ; he had been residing in France lor some years, and was now about to change with his brother ; their business, he said, was profitable, and so sure, that they could reckon their income from year to year, to a few dollars ; our ship being partly freighted with his ware. I had opportunity enough afterwards of uSlatr^"'^'^ ^" general use throughout the There was also a young American gentleman, who was thought to flirt too much with the French lady Another young American, who, as he said, had been travelling in China for his health, observ;d that, ^• England made war again on the Chinese, she must my her own expenses. On my asking why, he said, there was no more money in China. He also said that during the war, and the troubles that led to it, the English had purchased their teas through American houses,lho had reahzed large fortunes in consequence Besides the above-mentioned passengers, there was one young man. p^rfePfiv hi"-''- i- - o , iJ.,i.K^^..j oic^o. ^ 2y iippearance and 12 RECOLLECrrONH OF A VISIT ment of jewellery ' ^ "'"•""'oo'l, an invest- a'- at ti.oV,:r:;Vti„rnitar *::"'' '"-'^"^ vessel ,.u„„i„g 'S'; "f,, 'l^^f ^^'V-^' •, » -i'<" one solitary sail set the »pT fl T ""^"^"^ '^'""'' ^^ y set, tlie sea flooding over her fore and thllotlrZZrZV''' 'r'' "' ^-^""-"and, %. The caj ain bldedTS "'<'"■"?"?' '"'^ ^™"> to be an Ameriea., fZ Marbl ladT ' f '* ''~"<' Focured for us a .npply of fltl,' *^f-T^"«««». and acceptable, as well JVl „? ''"' ""^'"^ P''"™'' very date howeve, tl e l,t ."^'T^'"^' "''"''^^ "^ '"> «" war,^henTn Ut,: ''''' "' "'"^'^^' !"''"» the Mexican yellowish whitfs bt: ouT T,: irv " I'-reneh brothers an^used him If Tn eatehh.: hL r'*^ m an ingenious wiv tt« + i ^dicniiig them ahve iu two or tCe 2s ifn T """""^ '""»» thread would fly and flutter abou , wtnt ^o^tlt t-"""' entangle it in the wings of o^e or^^t^a^^b J^ u^ nii ■ TO THE UNITED STATES. 13 The first w,« dmmmod with a ring of paper round its neclc, «„nonncn.g the name of the ship, &o. ■ others he prosente.1 with some gallantry to the kdies of the par 7 old and young, who, after satisfying their euriosity dis- the lound of the admirmg steerage passengers. On this gentleman being rallied at table on the narrow V ews of „s eonntrymcn in regard to trade, and Z absurd attaehn.ont to beet-root sugar, he slid it w Leap I ventured to observe it might be low wZ but It did not follow that it was eheap. He rid n reply hat the revolutionary war having^exeluded he m subst t itc that havmg gone out of the right track it was ddhcult to regain it without injury to indivMnals bn that my eountry, e.xisting by comraeree and mam,: faeture.,, without such an e.xense, had elo-.^ed therw^ proeetive duties for class iute'rests; that Sr Sol ' Peel's recent measures to break thron,A ih^ T . • . him above all P--, and th 't l-fX t ,a^^^^^^^^^ when .,0 late, having driven him^'froi ofHt' ^s^h' Our German emigrants were remarkably quiet an.I well eondue ed ; grouped together in little famUrpar m their national costumes e-nvp ihar.. • / ^ "^'^ gipsy-like look. They vvem f ot al WM \ P?^ "^I'"'' the ninrtm- .io„i i ^ ' allowed to intrude on wolwif 1 ' ■?"* '"""^ '"'*^''- best-looking women r , ff ' ^" ''T '^'"""g '» '*. ™hile their fhildre . oy siifterance, would ocnsinnnlLr V ^'"iiureri, one stow-away made his appearance. ^ " ' i4 ItECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT broke out among t^.^^Z^'^^'^'V'''^^^^^^ . «"~*^ every day d . Tn^l^t t JthJIn"^;' of one or other of these Jittle ones T ""^ then '„„ :; t^z>£!2n ''" •*""■"'" "* ■ -• '""•ial service, ^l en Tb " 'l ' "'"""^' !''■''"""« "'« steerage pa.se„ge.,-.,u,at.W sti;?:':^^:!" i^ ot iviV'n f ir« 1 • .f ^ ^^"^ '^' ^^^ excellence, the case one .0. 2 -^eC^LTrjjT^r^^rt sknderly manned, with sailors unknown 111,; ^tlo to eael, other, such as may be picked up at Ihe^^:: > steerage pns- ^% a mortality 'intl we were 'SH the funeral It' corpse wa« gilt attached, lip 8 side; we r reading the 3 inclined, its oop. Eight ! tiie captain, ; ho said he hut never so iners, so well no surgeon ase here, as 3nt recently vessels not ^ns of good ition to the reed in our s on board, assistance. 5 generally ch canvas, arket, an') s, the case Jepeud-' .; ly a liard sea but vessel, or the jjort TO THE UNITED STATES. ., whore they mny happen to h<., him.1 at ,„„„t for the vw out a,„l home; ou making which contmri tam regulations mstitute,! by the Aa.oriean Governn.ent n reference to their mercantile n.arine. By onlof C he captum has power to flog to the extent, I tlrrf iltTf f.,„ J ! ""™.P°™>'««»" officers of the ship con- In^ t^Z2 '" """"■ ''^ ^"'"'^ -penter.'eool, oe. about thuty seamen; these consisted, besides n>i Uve Aniencans, of Germans, Dutch, Danes Swies at[ l.orweg.ans ; two were English. Each seaman arri J ' knife in a sheath, attached to hi,, waist by a be^ I'emg, ,t seems, considered necessary for the sW„ dut7 when aloft or otherwise ; the dange'r of il jb ons h! particular, under a iax system „f discipline ; su , how ever, was not onrs. I have already had occasion to sperk tion to his passengers : n nothino- .l.M u i more than th^ good^ense and t feth bit^r the^ management of this n.otley crew. His plan seemed to he to allow no spirits whatever, and to keep theml^" ^tantly at work : this the ship's duty did wh"n tit weather was rough ; at other tiics they we e Imly d m eleanmg the docks, the ship's sides renaWr tf rope, end sails and in drawing 'up the baX f lat for he general use, of which there was necessaX a great consumption In tl>i= ,i, * »i "^'^^sanly a /'""^ "" 16 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT if! I IN Oiu- royage was now fast drawing to a close On.. ot land-a pilot, more venturous than his iellows bore newspapeis, I had leisure to examine him : ho was i Me, th,n young man, with a round faoeand gld niannem In the course of the day other pilots in sue ce.^.on haded us, but <.ound themselves forestalled JVext monnng we found the land in view, graduallv nearmg Long Island. I ga.ed long and inte„°t ly o„ it more m retereuce to it, early discoverers than to the t oni the shore, trees predominating,-on an eminence « ood a mansion, surrounded by the" forest, haZ h" o very much the appearance of a gentlem'an's pa* t thecabm,to sign, m conjunction with my fellow-nas sengers a, etter complimenting the captain on his a" us h,s fine sh,p, gentlemanly bearing, and so on merited '"' "'""""''' "'"^ ''™'-^ ^»^^ "*' ''^ '^-"^ A collection was afterwards made for the steward an.l stewardess consisting of a sovereign to each, from t le respective heads of families. 'vVe were, with other large vessels, steering for New i ork harbour, when a steamer was seen bearing down to wllr T\ "' "'-"" ""^ ""' '™S ''^ft - doubt as to which-tor she was soon alongside ; when two gentle- men came on board, greeting affectionately the cloth .merchant and his family: one of them I observed to be a man oi colour; they dined with us. In the mean t.me our captain having entered into an arrangement for tlie purpose, the .steamer being made a fixture 1^ eide ot our vessel by means of ropes, we were rapidly 'f 'i TO THE UNITED STAT..S. j ^ Z'f'Z^l^' *' ^^' ""''"'^ ^^''^ Of anchorage prior to the visit of the custom-house officers. *" ^ The gentleman of colour dinino- wJfli no 7i the other already o„ ^o.^^'ulV^t^Zuf.: cited DO surprise in me at the time 1 1,.,™ -i' prejudices on that score; b„t;;rafter ^a Z fi^": how completely coloured people are excluded tZl^ socety of the white popitL throu^wlheZifn"' rf appeared to me .son.ewhat strange, and I relttrT had not asked some explanation at the time ^ After some delay, the custom-house officers cime „„ board and passed onr luggage with little t o™ le wU^h was th.„ placed m the steamer, into which we UhZ^ takmg leave of our steerage friends, who gav: TZ'e By thistnne it was f^-rovvino- Infn i^r j. forNowYnrK .. ,. ' «^^^^^"g ^^^t^. W Steamed rapidly \^'t,ba?:G, 1 at last succeeded in ^ettinp- If n^«, j * e City Hotel, in the Broadw^; af lato n;!," clock, much exhausted ; here, howeve ou; tr^M c«ised,-we found ourselves in good q.mrters .h '' the evening of the 3d of An,T„.t • ?"""^'^- ""« was elapsed sin^e we enltdS^ "" """"' """"^ u RECOLLECTIONS OP A VISIT r CHAPTER III. cuiroMitrs t^h'rr;?^ *"^' ^-'- houses, it sy^onli CZZt n i, j'tlntt ' 'T' 'T custom, more or less in n -y , "*''" "'^ Europe, E„g.a„a ex^^t,:^ aU o^ Ssnot f^ ■ "f agreeaUe and ac,ra~ol:';^;;r "''''''' "»"' then considered a boarder, and charged ,T ^ ' f at the rate of two dollars «r 4 T^ i "'"■ ™''") «tay a week, two dollar a,t in ^^ ^"' ''"'"• "' y"" This covers Leals liVhts 7, , """ "^' ''™P1'«''. wines, &c. S\rf nf '"'"'''"'^<-'' everything but paid ^uj^c^cz;::^^:^ ^"^^^^ r TO THE UNITED STATES. 29 .„i'r*-f ^'"':'''' /°" "^ ''■"'l"''^*'^'! '0 b" punctual • but some at, ude is allowed for breakfast, when each Ltv or mdivjdual, drops in from time to time. Fafcn J ^ we had been over night, our appeara„e. was none of tl c earhest; we found only two people in the brea 1 room, a young newly-married couple from Nm- fcam hna, as we afterwards learnt ; long rows of e,™ v nktl tea-cups, &e., indicating the nu^nbers ^H^^: t us ; Its population was estimate,! at LhZ^T u about 500,000, but it is increasing so ran dlv t.^ ! ,K -be no criterion Of what .tm-a^rrt'';:!:!;': Having soon despatched our meal we .oil- j . with great curiosity to take a sur "vlf Z to ™ ft getting my letters however at the ZJ ffi ' I coming by the mail steame!: htl 'ptS f"' ''''"''' We walked from our hotel info Pir^o i oipal street, which runs ^1^1. Xftf' TT eent™ of the city for two miles and f ha, Tl u wide, ast^ nanTe'i^Xr',? "^^^ --^ ^^''^d; it is '" imphes, witn every convenience for .20 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT urn with these' e"cep ions t, ''It eT ''"''*' '"'"^« ' »"■' and mostly bnilt of red brick ^ "' ""™"' '=^'"'''^J' cieyHan,t-on,,eTcl-:,etaVbor':^-^tb':r': buildings m the United States • it V i ■ ""'* n.ace, or ..ariCike enclo»„!:!::iVut*the efnUVr «a.v, and consists of a main buildin " ,v7t? • '^' inctedwith columns andJZ^l^' wtngs orna- bein? of white nnrbl ^ "'"-'''' "^" *™"' ■■""! ends and basaniirg' ffe ''Z7T' '' '"""^'''' Council Hall are ortnm^nf /'^^^o^'^fior's room and mostly of bviCrr ' " 1 r* """" ""^ P''^*'-''iH the chair u^f "y Gc^," a Wa^ "T' '''"f ''"'^^''' ^'^» of the tirst Congr«.s t alo : "' ""'" ^^'^■^'''»' anJ other public" ffie'e. alTol ^r T *'" """' «""■'' '«r a trifling fee to the keept" "''"'' "^ ^^''^^ ^'-"" aiatiMS.rL:^:Sd\";;5ri!"'-*"- i-7we^i::.e^:;i:^ ^nteri,; .iti: t a 1° rf^ "" T"''^ ■» ««> to bo an elog.„t oiroZr;; ^ ttT^l't^^r b'^^ taste"^^ the only tbtl' 1 "'''* ^''"^""'"' '» ^^ » good -g i. that fsho2 oVZt" r " ""'^ -^ ''"*'''- seen to advanta.-e ^ "** *''™ " «"«<" be boefretX iS' rt'; ^' "t" ^T' ^'^'^^ ■ '' -1 by fire; profiti g ' y v^i '^ ^3°^ T">- "-'-^-1 fire-pi-ooK and is siid tlT;.. , ' " " eonstructed I , is said to be the largest and most costly TO TITE UNITED STATES. »i edifice i„ the city; it is built of dark-blue granite : the front entrance ,« through a portico of eighteen massive and beaut,t„lly wrought Ionic columns ; the rotunda of large diameter surmounted by a dome supportod by eight Cormtluan coh.mns of Italian luarble, and resembli°„g, in m far as i is roofed, more the Bourse of Paris than our open Exchange in London. ' Sight-seeing is frequently found to be a fatignia- affair, aggravatedm our case by the close, oven-like heal iLtrJhT .' T""' "'™°^' "nsuprortablo after e fresh breezes of the Atlantic ; we were glad to seek the privacy of our hotel. t„ TL' r''f ""^ •'-'™'"" '"'■<' '"^ *'"' United States to the female sex, is generally acknowledged, and de- servedly praised; the arrangement at the hotels isTn accordance with it. We found an eating-saloon and dmwi„g.,room set apart for the ladies, tireir relations and friends, the hour of dinner being three o'^ocl trnvdle,:? :T'' "''"'" "' '-S- P^Portion t; To the former of these I was admitted in right of mv daughters ; we sat down, on the summons of alZ gong, about a hundred, at two long t.blcs, to a dinner of great profu,sion, well served, without coi fusion t"om the number and proper distribution of the wX'r "^ dessert followed, the whole taking up some time, Mi;ch of his was thrown away upon me, who never due so well as upon one dish ; to-day, in particular, mv stomajh of w?„e t;'^ .f r "'™ \" *'.'™ ""•«^ '-. " bottle ""^ """^ "'"•■". generally champagne, being th» HH 22 RtVOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT winesfobegenerallvdot,.?]! "^ ^ *'""'<' 'he t-o and. h'alS';;'! :K!•P-^*'i■'twoo^ as a dinner port at a do larind a ha^ .67'."^ T'"'" J;^ .eia.tu. once, and JIM „/;:: ^^:^:^::^z^:^^'\ -h o. each Bill of Fare during my Itt 'tT^'pt' 'tt^^" '■'^^^' « ."■ay «ot be «ni„tL.tin.To * P„ .'< "'1' "'''"'' ■mpreesionprobably will be tl,7t., 'i' T'^'''^ ">« well :_ •* "^ ""' "'ese Republicans live CITY HOTEL, NEW YORK. First Course. TABLE D'HOTE. SOUP. ^^''°-^^' -l"^"-^' a 1847. f'otuffe (t fa Julienne. foiled Fresh Salmon," Lobster Sauce Boiled Turkeys, Oyster Sauce. " J"™P^^«^»^dBeof and Cabbage >r bugar cured Ham. Lobster Salad. ..• Beef Tongues. Stkwed KmNEvs. with W,^E. Mac.hom, with P^kmksax Chkesk t^WEElniiEAM, WITH SoFlREL B.U,„.E,> C„,CKENS, WITH BRE^n. >SteWED DfCKH. WITH OUVE.,. STEWEn PiOEONS. WITH MuSHKOOM. '^'"'^^^'^^^^--P--.w„.HT..urs;.cE. TO THE UNITED STATES. 23 Squash. Second Coarse. entrt5es. Poitrine de Mouton, grilK^, a la sauce tomate. Fricandeau, h la sauce tomate. Canard, braize, aux navets. Tete de Veau, a la sauce tomate. fluUres a lapoulette. CCddettes de Mouton, cnpapilotte. Pate's de Potdet. Poitrine de Veau, aux champignons. Blanqwitte de Veau, au currie. Salmis de Gihier. Bifstek am huitres. Roast Tame Geese, apple sauce. Young Chickens. Tame Ducks. Sirloin of Beef. Lamb, mint sauce. Veal. Pig, pickle sauce. Gkeen Cokn. Tomatoes. Third Course. Pastry. Vanilla Ice Cream. Whortleberry Pies. Green Apple Pies. Beans. GAME. Roast Yellow-leg Snipe, extra fine. Fourth Course. Dessert. Almonds. Blackberries. Watermelons. Raisins. Dm.EK ON S^BATs, Ladies Ordinary, at 2 ; Gentlemen's, at 2A o^dock All Meals or Refreshments sent to rooms will be cha;ged eitra^ Each Waiter u provided with Wine Card, and Pencil. FIlliNCH WINES. Table Claret, .. . ^Jp- St. Julien, ... <> 75 Haut Brion," ^ '^^ Branc Mouton, J "'^ Tjeoville, ^ ^0 Iiatour 1 "^ 1 50 Do. Do. Do. n. c. Chateau Longueville, 2 00 ^*fi'te, .■..■..'.■.■; 2 00 do 2 50 Marjiaux (1834), Barton^ Ouesticr, & Co., 300 24 III I !l RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT WIIITJ5 WINES. ChabUg, .. "• "• Sautornc, j <'" Sauterue, Chflto;,u bT,lu;;„; ibbV, 2 00 ' 7J MADEIRA. D. C. BURGUNDr & COTE DOR WINES. Volney, . I'omard, .' ^ ^^ t'hamborton'.'.' I ^^ «ios De vouKcot. ■;;:::;; | f^f. Hermitage, Rod, | <'« ^o Wliite •••■•• tZ Leocnck, Harris, & bo".; iniporVcd in 1824,* CHAMPAGNE. Rufnart „ ,,, Napoleon. . 2 00 Due do Montobello', Vweet, ". | no Star, :.::.; 200 Heidsieck, ^ '^^ Tardrix Eye ^ ^" Urape, ...'..V;; 2 00 RHENISH WINES. NewtoD, Gordon. & Co.'» Occidental v"yat'o to India and old «li.n im- ^ ported in 1830,* ,. " „ -^ Howard. Mar.1,. &Co '« Brig C^Ium- bia. imported 1830.*.... *' „ .„ Tn IgS;*"''""' "•'* ^'"'" '"'P°««^ 3 00 "> the l,,u. W ,„. t;„„„„_ 0, s,„i,„„ai,. March & Benson, , „„ Mary Elizabeth, ... ^ "^ Reserve. . . ^ "'' Black Cork, amrE^LtlndiiR;^ Seal ^^ itock) ''"''""'• '"*" "'■ °"'" "'»* Brahmiii. 3 50 ^^'^,[^;|"''^'^^i"»''pV815,"c;,nfisca'ted 1828; imp. IS.W.and br-ttled If. 38 Geori;o Richard. 30 years old, from ctSy. .''° '^'''" '^''""'"'^"^'' Sears-s Very Old, 'iinporiJd'by Mr' Scars in Boston ; put in he,l J-hns,nl823; drawn off in other l>oj()hns in 18.35; 30 3 50 4 OO years old; Leibfraumilcb, , £?oSn";r''. .••■'• • •■' • • • • • • ■ • • • 2 00 I nock of Oommodor; CtouTce;::' KolSS ••••••••••■•--::;: 2 £ I "i::!±:^l!^^''''i'^''^^ * co.;^m. -a 00 2 50 3 00 3 00 5 CO Steinberger, Cabinet 1811 Johannisberger, 181 1 ' „ , »»■ 1783,' '.''.'.'.'..' ■•■ nudeshoimer 1 802, from the Cahinei Kin'of «' *!''*™"i<-'n Joseph. yueen Dowager in 1830 ,, ,^"- 1718, taatio Johannisberger, 1822, ...."* PORT WINE. Table Port Regina us scnV to' London 'fVr" the use of the Royal Family Victorta _ MADEIRA. March & Benson, Newton, Gordon,' & Co ''tTior;^^'''''''0''lI'-donpar: .., ...Miiiiu, itiarcn, & Co.; im- ported m 1817, and bottled in 1827- stock of a private gentleman. ntleman 5 oo 3 50 5 00 5 00 1 50 00 00 ticular, X. C. Pa,yne & Co. very dry and old when imported m 1831,* , Blackburn & Co., import'e'd'i'ii 1835* 2 00 00 2 50 SHERRY. Pale Old, , „' Brown, , . ^ °'' oSdSher^!';:^'^""'"-""----"- |S Star, 2 00 i'Wrin,":;;:;: i "^ Poniard's Competit'i'o'n' ■■.".■ f J!? Amontillado, .. ' 2 00 IHiff. Gordon. & 60.; •■.■.•.: |^ Cabinet, Pale, ^ ^* Brown Sherry, impo'r'tcd in i8.30,'iho c|Stai!'?.^";«~.;;;33oo Harmony, . ' ^ *'0 Pale, imported 'i'nY8.3'o':"fr"om*ih; ^ "* Vp'r« "^'"^ '""^ ^'^- Gaston..: 3 00 Veiy Superior Old, vintage 1789, of " Ch.nn"/'' ''^ '^^ ''^'^ Commodore t^naimcey k na Do. remarkably 'fli',;; Vinin'go V/s's ^ of the same stock as above. ' 5 o(j N,B.~6.ntlmen calling for u,ne. ..ithont ,es;,.aU.g ,,, ft,,^ ^ ^,,,.^ ... . »m;.d wm Madeira at 2 dollars ^bottU TO THE UNITED STATES. 25 'EIRA. ., , ». c. >o. s Occidental, id old when im- ••,•;,••. 2 50 J sBngColuiii- '*•••• 2 50 wliea imported ••; 3 OO 0., imported in 3 00 all Imported 11 ml bottleii Ouiitoij.ot tiititaiiimli. 3 OO 3 00 ;■••••• 3 00 India Red Seal irt of our old 3 50 •; 3 50 5, confiscnted >n Miguel, in I bf-ttlod U38, 3 50 ars old, from 3 Commodore 4 00 orted by Mr. lut in Denii- 1 off in other '> years old; Chauncey,.. 5 00 :h, & Co.; im- ittlc'dinl827: tieman 5 OO lY. • 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 OO 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 ao • • • 2 00 y fine & old, 3 00 3 00 .••• 3 00 m 1830, the fasten, . . 3 00 3 00 3 00 • • • 3 00 from the Jaston,.... 3 oo Re 1 789, of 'ommodore 5 0« it'igo 1786, ^Te. 5 00 prtce, will bt Before I leave the dinner-table, I may observe that the waiters at the hotels are generally either coloured people or Irish ; in our case tliey were Irish, whose well- fed and contented condition contrasted agreeably with their destitution at home. On retiring to the drawing-room, my friend of the morning, from North Carolina, with whom I had ex- changed a word or two, invited me to accompany him to the bar, to smoke a cigar— his custom, he said, after dinner. To this I readily assented ; descending with him to a room on the en trance -floor, paved with alter- nate slabs of white and blue marble, in wliich the bar- keeper and his assistants were serving cigars and brandy and water to numerous applicants, who paid for it on the spot,— a decanter of whatever spirits may be asked for being placed before the applicant, wlio heli)s him- self, filling up from a large vessel of water, cooled with ice. On going down again after tea to seek out the reading- room, I found it to be one of a suite on the entrance-floo*r, the numerous papers filed in succession on a wooden ledge extending round it; the papers of the day on a table in the, middle, with much conipany. I sat , -ntleraan with whom I entered into conversation >und him a great enthusiast about his country, or aci country ; for I was doubtful in which to class him. The scene became diversified by two squaws coming in to sell their Indian wares : one was distmctly copper-coloured ; the other wore a man's hat after the manner of the Welsh. While I am on the subject of hotels, I may as well mention that they form a little community within them- selves, being provided with hot and cold baths, a barber's shop, &c. Every separate floor, consisting of numerous 2C RKCOLLECriONS OF A VISIT apartments, is lighted .,p the whole ni-^ht and « „.». ., ^et m each to guard against fire ° ' * ""'"'' andUis„„deJoTtotT;SLS -irjrmr™:i „7; Sii-t'-r"^-" -^ have the extraordinary fao, J .^iSr''; "•■^! ^'"'' 'o tomers, and of bein" M^7'\u '™f '=<"■"« >•>« ens- I happened to take up the Directory ne^tmornin. residence. We found S f ' "^ ^'^^" *^ ^>*« out as a joul ylu h?"'' "'>T' ""^'"'"^ ^'"'^ self- h„ ;!. n ^ , ' ''^ ""*" ""'' "" '»'sin«!SS for him- thingt ti: a^^td' 'r^' "« t' r'' '"^ ^^ --- and repeatedly wS """'^ '"'"''' "'* ^"'h, The next day or two we spent in making ourselves TO THE IJNITRD STATES. 157 more ucqiiainted with the town, our eveninj? wnlk bein^ the b.'ittcry, a promGiiade-groiiiul in the form of a senii- cirde, planted with trccf^, and commanding a fmo view of the basin and surrounding shores— a favourite resort of the town's-peojde. Castle Garden, connected with tJiis promenade by a bridge, is in war-time probably a fortification ; at pre- sent it is converted into a sununer theatre of great size, for musical pieces and ballets, surrounded by outer gal- leries, on which you can promenade between the acts, enjoying the prospect and sea breeze. To this I took the girls; the regular theatres probably not being open, or, if so, the heat too great to admit of our goin*' to them with any comfort. " On Simday tlie 8th August, we went to Trinity Church (the St. Paul's of :New York), a fine building, in the Gothic style, with no galleries to disturb the symmetry and fine proportions of the interior: the win- dows are of painted glass of the best description; it is built externally and internally of brown sandstone. The service was Episcopal, the President of the United States being substituted in the liturgy for our gracious Queen. The prayers were read with propriety and a good sermon, well delivered, followed. '. On inspecting the town more closely, I observed many of the better houses of the merchants and others to be of an elegant exterior, and, as well as part of the Broadway, to be built of brown sandstone. The town itself stands partly on the island, or, more properly speaking, peninsula of Manhattan, and partly on Long Island, under the name of Brooklyn, a narrow strait or harbour dividing the two, over which ferries are crossing at all hours of the day, both sides being Imed with wharves and shipping, giving the whole I » nKCOrLECTIONS OF A VISIT I hnd provided myself vvitl. a letter of nnvlit fi. I-ndo„ bankers, Mesa,., Co„tts & C , adl- fl Z^.'"" several correspondents on ,ny line of rol, ' „ t^ch o^ «K on .ns,,ec ,ng it, readily gave ,ne the sum I "van ed' cliange. This plan I would strongly recommend tn ravellersm general from Europe to tlfe UnTd State you at one time, while there will be no difficultv i„ i:mZ ::"''■'' °" ^^'■'^^""=" ^*' wlierever;"^ tt all hours of TO THE UNITED STATES. 29 CHAPTER IV. )r is felt to be i AMERICAN STI:AM-II()AT>? — IllDSON ItlVFIl. TiiK aiHcovciy of the MtcMm-ongine, antl of its loco- motive power, as applicable to navi-„tion and to rail- roads, IS tlie great new feature of our dav ; the lesult as It IS to affect the future state of the world in o-eucral' and of our country in [)articular, is us vet hid" in the' womb of tin.e. As they have been imparted to us without violence or injustice to .ny one, let us hope that they can l)e only productive of unmixed jrood. _ Jn no case are they calculated to be more useful than in developing the va::t resources of the United Htate^ trom their numerous navioable rivers, fme lakes and' pat mternalconmmnication; nor have its inhabitants been slow to avail themselves of their advanta.ves Any one arriving in America from Europe^ must be much struck by the great difference in form and con- Ntruction between their steamers and ours. Having long routes on rivers not exposed to hi^h waves, and sheltered, in geneml, by the banks fro'n heavy gales the Americans have not found it neces- '^ary to build their steamers for inland navigation, on a sea-gomg model. * Tiiey are generally of large size, with the triple object ol cariymg numerous passengers, a cargo, and the neces- sary tuel ; this last article being generally of wood and 30 BECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT they n,ay bo said to ^Ct^:i:ZT.:: ^"T'"' appearance i,,, as is to be ex^MV ' 'l ""^'"""^ «ome. The manner of their com 1 ^^'^ T^ ""'"''^■"- !•* very much as follows -!! ™°**'"^'»" ""d fitting up strledlt^t'ltistZ', T1 '°" *"•" '-^ «-' - fiee is er ctod wide m f J n?'""'"- ^<'°"^» «'•"- side, the sides be^l s "L b .''■^ '™"^ ^''' <"> ^«»h l'»»>s the wh Te^lt fTb .''^ ™'-' ^'™S '™«««' -.•ve to support tiJ^^^ ,elt '",^1;;:'?. ^^''''f »'- m the body of the hill T r ^^'^<^^ng-''^aIoon is at the stern', is Iroed' ,« , IT 't f ''^fl^'''^ '^""' gantly furnished wifli 1.,%! ^'^^o°">— it is large, elo- doors,\eid sSd t "f t:;::?"':'' °"'"-'^ ^""'■"=- slceping-berths are Tth , ^ •'*"'™gers. Their yond ; "then fol, ;' the t' n ', ""' " '"''''"''^'^ ''- The forward part^'l^S CZ^^'::T7' '"'■ rangers ; the intermprl.'of. f^reeia,ge or deck pas- -Kf ladies- si nltdT.^'r ■",*''' ^'^<"'«« machinery of the en-nne "'-^''andise and the a.« sL:„tbins%::ii: ^:l tx^^^^^^^^ these cabins afrnj,, o,.« i , "t^rcns, outside tVo. stern to ^:^Z.:r:X^^Z2Sr''"' the sleep.ng-berths havin/^ two door? on?! ''' the saloon, the other to the veandah' '"""' """ couches, tables, ^.^d^::i!::!^ ^^^^^ 'r dep6ts, as the or is concerned : their outward vy and cumber- and fitting up fll is first con- !d, wooden edi- le feet on each strong trussed rid which also ating-saloon is ^ove the hull, it is large, ele- glass folding- ngers. Tlieii- verandah he- ro -rooms, &c. or deck pas- the steerage ii«e and the n, extending ption of two ssengers who saloon are tlis; outside ', extending ddle-boxes ; pening into , orna- nent ', beautiful some vase. § TO THE UNITED STATES. 31 I containing iced-water for the public convenience I About the middle of this room, the piston-rod and I cmnk-shaffc of the engine pass up ; they are boxed in , with wooden partitions, handsomely painted, and orna- I merited with looking-glasses-a free passage of some I width being allowed on each side. The machinery consists of one large single-beam engine, on the low-pressure condensing principle, havirio- two boilers, placed, one on each side of the lower declf •n front of the paddle-box ; on the lower deck also the cylmder and main part of the machinery are placed ihe piston-rod is of great length, and gives motion to a beam towering above the roof of the upper cabin ; the paddle-wheels are very large, and act as fly-wheels to overcome the dead points of the single engine : on the western rivers, however, as will be hereafter mentioned high-pressure engines of a totally different construction are used. A room is erected on the roof of the upper cabin, at the bow of the vessel, where the steering-wheel is placed and the pilot stationed ; communication is held from this room with the engineers below, very cleverly bv means of bells. *^' -^ A number of these splendid steamers ply on the Hudson, betueen New York, Albany, and the inter- mediate places both night and day, carrying on a great trafhc in goods and passengers. Strong competition had brought down the fares for the whole distance, from a reasonable sum to one dollar -^ ^^'^ lOt'^ The river Hudson i« eoiri f« u^ ^u^ -du-- n , -" -'^^'-^ t^ oe vHc iwnue 01 America 32 m Hill III I i lift' Mfi KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT M on either side we,e muueroM tL T ' """S"' painted white, «torKli ^S . mTnv n^T' "'"'' rounded l)y verandahs the nltf ^^ """" '""■- ferent from anvH fht Wh '™' "'""°' '""' '^'f" u aiij uiing 1 iiad beeil accustomed to thirty-three miles fro Ne^^^f . t^' ", ^^ ^^-^ object in which is ti,P Sf ,, tj • ' '"''■'' Prownent messeil maiWe, qnarned and erected 1>^ ti,„ • " It consists of a main buiMinn- of t ^r J'"""""'* front and rear are vari!" wSip: 11^"™^ ' ^'' wc:sx:he';:^:ors:eiirS:eifT also a silver and copper mine ° '" '''""''>' turesque. ° ^^^ ^'^^^^^ and Pic- At fiftj-two miles from :N^evv Yort wn .. ^ ttt ^^int,ro™mtica,,ysit„ated,a«C:Tn^ as a i)ost ot importance in the revnintmn. -^"S""'d posed to be surrendered into our hands bvZr'' ?"" J:rc^rt:ri:rzs^-';5-^ appomtments are given by the general Gove^nient Tf 33ucb, nor was I rernmenfc of TO THE UNITED STATES. 33 the United States, and the cadets are boarded and edu- cated at its expense. The services of these officers are said to have been ibund very efficient in the Mexican war ; there are also some of those young men educated at this school, wlio are now practising as distinguished civil engineers. As we passed, we saw these young gentlemen at field- practice, at a mark. _ There is here a very good hotel for the accommoda- tion of visitc^rs, much resorted to duiing tiie summer season, and where it is said to be well worth while to pass a day or two. Continuing our route through a variety of fine scenery unti the day being far advanced, we came opposite the Catskill mountain ; it is about twelve miles distant from a village of the same name, on the bank of the river and is by far the finest object on the route, in whatever direction it is viewed. Travellers generally land here and find accommodation at the Mountain House, a spa- cious hotel on the eastern verge of a table rock, within a 7onnn f "" r"'^"'"" ' '^ '' '''''"^ *^ ^^ ^^^^'^^^ed upwards o 2000 feet above the level of the river, which gives to the atmosphere a most delightful coolness. I take blame to myself for not having landed here ; as it was, we ran rapidly past, the view of it in every position the windiiu^ o. the river placed it in, being agreeable and lefreshii;^ to the eye. '^ Having been duly snmi oned at the proper season to our three meals, each charged half a dollar (2s. Id ) at which I observed that no one sat down until the ladies and their riends were seated; towards evening we reached Albany, having travelled all this distance (l4o miles), at no greater expense than if we had re- mained at our hotel in New York VIZ. two dollar s Cacli. 34 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT have enhanced it wl Tl ^^ '^ '^ ^"^^^'^^ ^«"'^ led to expect much, but it fell farlrt fthe 'c^i^" fomed that it was the best hotel in'the tfwl!.' ' """ TO THE UNITED STATES. 35 CHAPTER V. ALBANY— PUBLIC BUILDINGS-NEW CEMETERY— CAIIOKS FALLS- ARSENAL— PllESBYTERIAN CHURCH- AMERICAN RAILWAYS. Albany, tlie cipital of the iState of New York is situated on the Hudson, 145 miles north of New York by the river, the population probably about 40,000 — small compared with the great commercial emporium 'we had left, but nevertheless of importance. Here the legislature assembles, the courts of justice sit ; and it is of course the head-quarters for the transaction of all public business connected with the State in its indivi- dual capacity. The city rises somewhat abruptly from the river to a considerable elevation, the town improving in proportion as It ascends, tlie public buildings being there • in whi-h neighbourhood we found our hotel very well situr.ted torming part of a square, enclosing a public promenade ' the ladies drawing-room large in its proportions and well turmshed ; our other accommodations to our mind The Americans rise earlier than we do at home com- mence business earlier, and are more primitive in the hours of their meals ; this is no doubt in part influenced by their climate,-the mornings being dry and cool, the heat of the day calling for repose. Three o'clock sum- moned us to dinner, where we found a rather lar^e party, some of whom were merchants, and nt,hpr« f,l. S6 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT nfternoon wa. fine, to ,ive th gir ^ , !!!^"::, j^" to see the environs of the tow„ra. ,- ZaLurT ne. Cemetery in its neighbo.'.rhoo,, ^,^7 ' ' tt manner now .-o fashionable i„ En'rope (which the Amencans have not been slow to imifat'e). Wefouti the temete.y m .,„estion emboso.ned in tree, on « mther steep undulating groun.l, extensive, and lid "ut ^t'-wereasyetblXtaritrCr;^: I'he gentleman to whom we owed this iioUfr. aff« *• was a iawyer, practising in the courts' ^ t' to^t iimily being absent at a watering- iilace be h;Atl' . ! oo„j.„ie„t to give up house-lceepin'gt'th: t^ " He ha-i visited Europe, reside • i. , been at Meuriee's Hotel, then ir^hfClS'^ horr^ll"^ ""'"'""• ''' "- curious t!w how It hv\ liecome so exclusively the resort of ^T counlryn,en, which he un.lerstood tobeof W !„!, "^ I tolrt hin. that on the close of the wa ,1 "rntr^ett ^■owd,ng ,n numbers to Paris, on their way took u« then- abode at a hotel in Calais, kept by MonT Meurire then probably the best in the towa. Oa'thi^ LuZ^ TO THE UXITKD STATES. 37 leave of liis guests, he wouiil ask wljother tliov l)ationizecl any ijarticii]«i,r hotel in Paris ; he would then give them the card of his cousin, the Menrice of Paris The Paris Meurice, then residing in no very fashion'ahle part of the town, had the good sense to adipt his hotel to the wants and comforts of his new customers and so prospered under their patronage, that he found it neces- sary, from tune to time, to seek larger accommodation and more fashionable quarters ; canying John Bull whom he found to be no changeling, with him In the meantime, fortunes were made, and the owners changed— the i)restige of the name being kept up. This gentleman was our cicerone ne.xt inornincr to the public buildings, and such other objects in the tmvn Itself as merit the notice of strangers. First, tlie capitol occupied by the Legislature and State Courts-a large aud fine building fronting our square. Next, the Town- iiall_a splendid marble edifice, with a gilded dome • on ascending the staircase of which, I was agreeably sur- prised by a bust of my countryman. Sir Walter Scott m a niche or bracket, on the wall. Afterwards we saw the Stat^ Hall, also of white marble, containing the public offices. In one or other of these buildings I was shown charters granted to the State by the Protector Charles II and James ii. The Protector's charter was premised by a bust of Cromwell himself, in profile not unlike other pictures and engravings I have seen of him in England ; but representing him as younger and more slender, a sharper outl-ne, with the head thrown back- in a rather proud attitude. ' To me mere sight-seeing is a wearisome affair ; but there are the Merchants' E^ -hange, built of granite and several other public buildings deserving notice, which 1 saw either then or at au(^ther time. 38 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT Next day I ordered a carria"-e for fh^ PnU^ v u the Mohawk River one nf ihf Vr ''''^ ^^"'' ^» >oiiihood , offering the spare seat to my new friend hnf business preventing \nm accepting it I Xe T 'fn Sir- [747 -:: f .i:3.: the mormng fine, and the road tolerably ^ood in oii^ "'■ two places we found a toll unon it (Z "k / . Hrms, neatly arrancSdTn 1 ^ * '"^^^^^ ^^ «™^» the orow,t a'nd G e' 'o>, T "'•'"" r'"'"'^^' "'*'' -Ptare, " 7th Oetober m7 " Onr!::;* ! '"*" f' '*^ very civil, and seemed unlniing " aclt Zt-/" gratuity I gave him at parting. '^ ^ *"''"'«^ I" due time we reached the Cahoes Falls • nt ti • ^^ '^f ^"'^' "--"^ -"fined be „.; ' /ofj btf "XdiS'irtTrrr ? -^ ^^^'^ ^-'^ -^^ At thi,, time tl vate . v J W • i ""' f ^'^""^ '«^'- «t it« junction-wiHthe HudZ "' "^ ''"'^''^"'•' 1 "4 TO THE UNITED STATES. 39 We reached our bo .el too late for the general dinner ; being expected, however, one had been prepared ex- pressly for us. Our day had gone off pleasantly. Our New Orleans friend, a young man of gentlemanly exterior, but pale and thin, did his best to show his sense of our civility. He told me, among other things, that his townspeople being the factors for the enormous commerce of the western waters, which finds its outlet through this only channel, the profits of trade were necessarily large ; that it was not uncommon for the heads of the gre^t houses to retire in succession every few years with handsome fortunes, but that matters were in some measure balanced by the expensive mode of living, and the baneful influence of the climate, which compelled all who valued their health, and could afford it, to seek a change at this season. The settlers of French descent were not, he said, generally enterprising, although very good citizens in other respects: that many of them would be found vegetating on almost nothing, as they are known sometimes to do at home, circumscribing their wants to the little modicum they may have to meet them. On Sunday, the 15th August, we attended the morn- ing service of the Presbyterian Church— a large, well- aired, handsomely painted building— in which we' found a genteel, well-conducted congregation, with— "tell it not in Gath"~an organ. The service was respectably conducted by a minister of gentlemanly appearance and manners ; a good sermon followed, which seemed to command the attention of his hearers. On the evening of Monday, solicited by mv daughters, we went to see the Viennoise Children, as they were called— a company of German dancers (on a professional 40 nECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ij I'n fK« .. , "^ groups ; two sonjrs were smxr in the course of the ovonirKr «Vvi i • * , ^'^^ ^^""g tho free '" « ..in.// if™ Cohimbia, the land of iiie ciis are long, each carahlo of cont'.inin,. fir* I'asseiigers sitting at ti.ir ease- thn ™? °, '^ "pou two tr„clc«: each imv Lrfo, , Xh Jf ''^'' .acei„tHe.i,.erethTar:;r:SS^^ TO THE UNITED STATED. 41 and has a support for the hack, both stuflbtl with horse hair. The hacks of each scat are made to turn over m tliat whichever way the car (which is never turned' on a turn-table) may be running, tlie scat can be made to front the engine. At the end of each lar there is generally a retiring room fitted up with every con- venience, for the sole use of the ladies. Down the space in the middle, the collector walk-s, and from one car to another, taking tiie tickets, fares' &c., while the train is in motion ; he acts also as a' policeman, in case of disturbance— in this latter capa- city, however, I have never seen his services required. One car is generally set apart for the ^)wcr class of emigrants, coloured people, and others; there being, properly speaking, no first or second class, the other cars being open to all comers of decent appearance, very much after the manner of our omnibuses. Tiie lures arc generally moderate. In the cold weather, stoves are placed in the cars, which the severity of the climate in winter renders necessary ; while a passenger can stand erect with hia iiat on, and look alout him. The engineer and stoker are protected from the sun, wiad, and rain, by a small covered wooden house over the platform of the engine. The engine is furnished with a large bell, which is rung when approaching a station, crossing a road, &c., in addition to the ste°am wliistle. The fuel generally used is wood. Accidents are rarer than might be expected. The great object of the railroad where we now were was to connect the maritime towns on the east coast with the western waters and the towns connected with them which it now does, I imagine, very effectually, forking off for the purpose in different directions. At'this time, 42 UEC0LLECTI0N8 OF A VIHIT Takins this ,„il,,,a,l, m I have said, at Albany we .•o,u.l,o,l the town of Troy, also on tho H.'ulson, abou^' six ""lo" l"Kl.cT „,.. This town, abont the size of its mo e a,,.stoorat,e neighbour, is said to bo more prosperous Ilore the ra,lway branehosoffto Boston, and it is under: tlio Jirie Canal terminating hero. Tliis canal is laiye, and navigable for eraft of eonsider- nble burthen, with track boats for the conveyance of ol.jcct that the railway has more eflectually accotni.lished .ts other terminus being at Buffalo, on like Eri , a its name .mphes. As with us, the one is not found ti work ."jnnously to the other. The traffic of the «mal "on- «.s mg of barrels of flour, and other goods of a bull na ure, not pressing for time, is said to be enormous ^ with"Tl7 ■'') '^'''"^ ^'^ ^ """'^^'^' "S'"). ™ '^ level M^f TT^ 'T'' ™ ^"""'"'"'l »"^ ^o»te near he Mohawk R.ver, through a varied scenery of about town 'on"'^ *" i^'^-f-'y. " comparatively ancien town, on the south bonk of the Mohawk, at the com- me>,ce,nent of the valley of that name, having been settled hy the Dutch as early as the ye^ 1620: it™ legularly laid out, and contains probably about 7000 .nbahtants Here the cars stopped for 'bout ilZ minutes, which gave us time to look about us, and to get seme refreshment. Besuming our journey, we crossed the Mohawk River and Erie Canal by a substantial bridge, between ei-^ht and nine hundred feet long; then, skirling the bankTo the Ballston Lake, we entered Ballston Spa, an old and formerly celebrated watering-place, conLi^ing abou TO THE UNITED STATES. 48 Albany, we n, about six of its more prosperous, it is nnder- l for trade, 3f consider- veyance of >r the same omplishcd, Erie, as its nd to work canal, con- )f a bulky »rmou8. on a level route near ^ of about ^v ancient the corn- icing been >20: it is out 7000 it twenty IS, and to ir)fK) inhabitants. It had now, however, lost its prestige in favour of Saratoga ; its mineral waters are sJiid to have lost their virtues ; in other words, it is no longer fashionable. Seven miles further on (being thirty-eight from Albany), we arrived at Saratoga springs. I was pleased with the style of travelling in the cars. It gave mo an opportunity of observing chaiacter in a situation so new to me ; there were ladies, gentlemen, fhildren, and humbler peo])lc present, while I saw nothing at which the most fastidious could justly take offence. I really felt much at my ease, and entered into conversa- tion with my immediate neighbour, a gentleman in business, from Boston, about to spend a holiday at the springs, who responded willingly to my advances. ■wk River een eight banks of a old and »g about 44 KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT m' I CHAPTER VI. SARATOGA SPRIXOS-nOTELS-AMUSKMENTS-SOCIBTY- CONVERSATION. m tUc United States, and tlie lashionaWe summer resort of the northern section of the Union nZ^M- 1 . , fu '''''™" "'I"^«'- I' i« ">»«% com- posed of hotels and boarding-houses, of which there are a great number, at all prices abll' Id tf f r-H"'*^' '^ *>'<' "''west, most fashion- able, and largest, having accommodation for upwards of four hundred guests. Congress Hall is also laZ bu same, VIZ two dollars per diera. For my own comfort I would have chosen the latter; but under the 1™', tances, I prefeixed driving to the former, where afte we found to be large, handsome, and full of conmanv most y promenading up and down. We recc ni"ed "» face that we knew, until our railway acquaintance made h.s appearance. He had gone to the oth.r bote , wTere finding no hing doing, he had come over to ^u^ n search oi a httle amusen,ent. Having visited the ^^rin" I u tu uc oui ciccfone ne.xt day. TO THE UNITED STATES. 45 OCIBTY I Tliere are several kinds of mineral springs ; but Con- gress Spring is the water held in most repute. I had the curiosity to go out before breakfast next morning— to see the company, and taste it ; although I hold, in a general way, that good health should be let alone. In a gallon of 231 cubic inches of this water, there is said to be 300 cubic inches of gaseous contents. It is not unpleasant to the taste, but rather palatable ; it is bottled in great quantities, and sold in all the towns through- out the Union ; it is found beneficial where the stomacli is out of order, from the heat or otherwise, as I have myself experienced. True to his proiTiise, our friend took us next day, first, to a bowling-alley, where we saw parties of ladies and gentlemen at play ; afterwards to a shooting-gallery, where numbers were practising pistol-firing at^amaii.' We then accompanied him outside the village to an Indian encampment, presenting an humble yet grotesque appearance. On peei)ing into one tent we saw the old squaw busy platting a basket, smoking at the .^ame time ; the husband outside, preparing his dyes at a tire ; the daughter, a handsome girl, ornamented with beads and mocassins, seemed to resent being stared at, retiring with a good deal of coquetry, into a neighbouring tent. ' These poor people presented a very different appear- ance from what their warlike ancestors must have done • they resort to a place of this kind during the height of the season to sell their wares, which is generally^liber- ally responded to. We then went to see a circular railway of consider- able circumference, on which were placed two separate cars, holding two persons each, and so nicely balanced, that the parties, by turning a wheel, could cause them- selves to run with great velocity— a small gratuity being 46 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT paid for a certain number of circuits ; this was both an ingenious and exhilarating amusement, and greatly dehghted ray young people. On our return Ave entered a Court of Law, where the lawyers were pleading, and the judge presiding, without wig or gown ; nevertheless, the judge had a gentlemanly exterior and intelligent countenance, while the proceed- ings appeared to be conducted with decorum. To-day we had the pleasure to meet at our hotel some of our fellow-passengers from Europe, in the wife and sons of our friend, the cloth-merchant. This evening there was a dance in the ball-room of our hotel ; the company being admitted by ticket for which a small sum was charged to defray the music' &c Next morning we took a drive to Saratoga Lake in one of the many omnibuses plying for the purpose ; it is a fine sheet of water, about nine miles long, and two wide, abounding with fish for the angler, as its shores covered by the primeval forest, are said to do, with game for the sportsman. A steamer plies on this lake for the amusement of visitors; but, something having gone wrong in its machinery, we had to return to Saratoga disappointed In the evening a flincy bazaar was held in the dancinc>-. room for the benefit of some charity. Pretty, genteel looking girls produced their wares from behind their counters ; the attendance was full, and the sale went on briskly-a charge of quarter of a dollar being made on entrance. The name of this village, or rather district, will be tamihar to my intelligent reader, as the scene of one of the greatest disasters that overtook us in our calamitous war with our colonists,-the surrender of General Bur- goyne and his army, destitute of provisions, and. under TO THE UNITED STATES. 47 other untoward circnmstances, to the numerically supe- rior forces under General Gates, on the 17th October 1777. The sanguinary actions which led to it were fought in this immediate neighbourhood; the battle- field, called Bemus' heights, being a favourite trip for visitors. This disaster was the more important in its conse- quences, in as much as it restored the hopes of the colonists, and induced the French to lend their assistance. The war in question became, in the evening, the topic of conversation in my neighbourhood. I admitted that the war had been popular at its commencement in the mother country ; but, not without some show of reason on our part, we had been embroiled with France in the war which led to the capture of Quebec, and the loss of her North American possessions for colonial obiects, and at the instance of the colonists, which was not brought to a conclusion without a great expenditure by the mother country, of which we under- stood them to refuse to bear their share. One gentleman observed very truly that the success of the colonists had led to all the political convulsions that had followed, both in Europe and in South America ; and here the conversation was allowed to drop. It is well known that the colonists were in great alarm S^t the supposed project of the French to connect their two provinces of Canada and Louisiana by a chain of fortresses along the course of the Mississippi ; and un- ceasing in their representations to the mother country on the subject. It may be presumed, that if we had not been success- ful in removing their French neighbours, the colonists would not have pushed their quarrel with us d, I'oiitrance, as we could have had no intention to oppress them. 48 RECOLIiECTIONS OF A VISIT li :i! As It was, a war followed, llie most disastrous in our aunals ; m the course of which France, and the other maritime powers of Europe, in succession, took up the quarrel, either moved by jealousy, or willing to share the spoil. Madame du Barri tells us in her memoirs, that Louis XV. would not have assisted our revolted colonies for fear of the dangerous example reacting on himself; which it was not slow to do on his unfortunate successor. We had now gratified our curiosity with the springs. Before taking leave of them, I shall notice one or two impressions made on me at the time. ^ Our hotel, as I hav said, was the largest in the place • It was a handsome building, situated in its own grounds' laid out in grass, and ornamented with flowers, formin*^ three sides of an oblong square ; the inner sides having large broad verandahs, their whole length formin- a pleasant promenade. Besides the principal buildfn- there were separate cabins, as they are called, in th^'e grounds, consisting of two or more rooms, for tlie accom- modation of families, or others, who may prefer them Uemg the most fashionable hotel, and the height of the season, it was full of the best company ; the dinino-- saloon was of course large ; the guests being place°d according to their arrival. The interior of such a hotel would of course present a busy and varied scene ; I must do the Americans the justice to say, that good-breeding, politeness, and sobriety prevailed throughout ; there was not one instance to the contrary -all seemed to fall into their proper places without jostling or assumption. TO THE UNITED STATES. 40 CHAPTER VII. UTICA — TRENTON FALLS — MARKET PRICES — AUBURN — MODEL PRISON — GENEVA — BOAT RACE — OLD LADY ROCHESTER — GENESEE PALLS — ELEPHANT — LEWISTON. On the afternoon of Friday the 20th August, we took the railway dars for Utica, a distance of about fifty-eight miles; it appears to be a thriving town, pleasantly situated in the valley of the Mohawk, rising from the river on an inclined plain, with a population of about 13,000 ; it is mostly built of brick, and very well laid out. Trenton Falls, situated on West Canada Creek, a tributary of the Mohawk, about fifteen miles distant, are the great attraction of the neighbourhood : no stranger leaves, or ought to leave it, without seeing them. I therefore ordered a conveyance the next morning. In due time we reached the hotel in their immediate vici- nity, for the purpose of accommodating visitors, the landlord of which took care to acquaint me that I must either pay him a fee for permission to pass through his grounds, or dine with him on our return. I compro- mised for the dinner, upon which, pointing to a pathway, he retired, leaving us to gratify our curiosity in our own way, as it seems was the custom. We descended ':his pathway, leading to a long staircase down the steep bank of the creek, which has worn a frightful chasm throuo-h D 60 RECOLLECTIOKS OF A VISIT !( ( a rocky range, in some places 150 feet deep ; from thence we proceeded, as directed, up the stream to Sherman's Fall of about 35 feet ; the stream then pours along with less rapidity to Conrad's Falls, of about 20 feet. The high falls have a perpendicular descent of 109 feet, and are divided by rifts in the rock into three different cascades. There are other falls, the whole forming— with the chasm, the high banks covered with foliage, and the rocky cliffs— a scene of the wildest grandeur ; all that is wanted is a safe path to view it. This is very far from being the case. At particular places there is great danger, and accidents are continu- ally happening. To see the whole it is necessary to surmount these dangers, in which my daughters showed more courage than myself. The day was fine, and there were other parties of both sexes, who set us a very good example. When we got back to the hotel, we were console ■ by being told that accidents were rare except in rainy weather. A few years before, two young ladies lost their lives in consequence of the unprotected state m which a nar- row ledge of rocks was left at the foot of a perpendicular cliff, and overlooking the rushing waters, after which unfortunate occurrence, an iron chain has been Sxed to hold on by. All, however, passed over safely with us, as it did with the others. We assembled at the landlord's to a very good dinner, and w^e drove back to the town in the evening, very well pleased with our day's excursion. Sunday, 22d August, we attended divine service at the Episcopal church. Next morning we amused oni-selves looking about the town. I had the curiosity to inquire the prices in the market. I found the best pieces of roasting beef to be TO THE UNITED STATES. 51 5 cents (2id.) per lb., mutton 3 cents (l|d.) : this is probably a very good criterion of the scale of i)rices as they mle in this section of the Union ; they may be a -trifle higher in the large towns. Tuesday, 24th August, we took the railway train for Auburn, seventy-nine miles distant. We found it to be a flourishing village, situated on the outlet of the Oswasco lake, which furnishes a fine water-power. The principal object of attraction to a stranger is the State model prison ; it is said to have cost upwards of 500,000 dollars. The buildings form three sides of a hollow square, one wing being divided into solitary cells and an hospital, the other wing into cells. There is a yard for workshops, the machinery of which is turned by the water-power I have noticed. The pj'isoners labour in silence, and are confined, when off" woi'k, in solitary cells. This prison we saw over, a small sum being charged on entrance. All seemed to be cleanly and properly arranged. We saw the prisoners at work (among whom I observed several coloured people), some weaving car- pets, others at cutlery, cabinet-making, &c. Before leaving, the governor paid his respects to us. These convicts are restored to society with industrious habits and the knowledge of a trade, yet some of them find their way back ; and in the car in which we arrived was the sheriff, having in custody one of them. Success, in every case, cannot be commanded ; nevertheless we must admire, I think, the humanity and consideration of their Government for these unhappy people. Thursday, 26th, we came on by the railway twenty- six miles to Geneva, The Americans are grandiloquent as to names. We had already passed, in name, some of the most celebrated cities of antiquity, which contrasts ■■■ 62 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT 4 m strujigely with these trim-looking mushroom towns of yesterday. Those they have retained from the Indians appear by far the best. Geneva is pleasantly situated at the extremity of Seneca Lake, a fine sheet of water, surrounded by a dense forest as far as the eye can reach, the village or town rising until it attains a commanding elevation ; it is, like the others, of recent origin, handsome in appear- ance, and may contain about 4000 inhabitants. We found the people of the town and neighbourhood taken up with a boat-race ; our hotel very crowded in consequence. "I hate the man," says Sterne, "who tra^-els from Dan to Beersheba and finds all barren !" We took an interest in the busy scene, which we saw from the top of one of the out-houses of our hotel, pro- vided with seats for the purpose ; the day was fine, and it came off with great eclat. On dinner being announced, myself, and all the guests, with ladies, were permitted to walk to the dining-room at om' leisure, through two long groups of holiday folks, who made a lane for us, and, after we were seated, and not till then, rushed in a little tumultuously. The propriety of behaviour, and respect paid to ladies in America, has often been noticed, and cannot be too niuch praised. It was conspicuous on the present occa- sion, and argues, in my mind, a high state of civilisation —a female, whether young or old, can travel alone with safety and respect throughout the Union, while the other sex feel themselves privileged by being of her party. This may be apt to make our fair friends a little too exigeante, and is said sometimes to do so ; for in- stance, it so happened that my daughters had, on one occasion, formed a speaking acquaintance in the cars with an old lady ; while engaged in the fatiguing affair TO THE UNITED STATES. 53 it of collecting our luggage, always a troublesome job, the old lady tapped me on the shoulder, pointed to an im- mense box, intimating that it belonged to her, as if I had not already enough on my hands, and so walked ray daughters off to the hotel, leaving it in my charge. But revenons d nos moutons. The dinner, as far as the holiday folks were concerned, was followed by a supper, after which I was kept awake by set speeches, gradually degenerating into noise as the punch operated. On Saturday the 28th we took the train to Kochester, a distance of seventy-two miles. This city is of recent origin but of great importance, having rapidly increased to upwards of twenty thousand inhabitants ; it owes its extraordinary rise to the great water-power on the Genesee Kiver, by which numerous flour-mills are worked, and to its connexion with the Erie Canal and Lake Ontario. On Sunday the 29th, we attended Divine service at the Presbyterian church, in which we found an organ and choir ; the service was respectably conducted. Next day we looked about the town, and went out- side to get a view of the falls of the Genesee, which, in its passage through the city, has three perpendicular falls, besides rapids — in all, a descent of 268 feet. Outside the town we found an encampment of Mr, Van Amburgh and his wild beasts. On our return we met the elephant proceeding to bathe in the river, fol- lowed by a crowd of children ; this he did very scienti- fically, first feeling the bed of the river, then advancing to the middle : when he could get no deeper he lay down — a small part of his back being still uncovered, he made a shower-bath for it of his trunk. After enjoying himself in this way for some little time, he returned at the call of his keeper. The Genesee, on leaving its falls, enters Lake Ontario, 64 RKCOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT from wliicli they are not many miles distant at a level It becomes navigable for steamers at a place bearino- the high-sounding name of Carthage, about two and a'^half nnles from Kochester. I determined to take the falls of Nia-ara by the « eame which plies on Lake Ontario daily ^between the above-mentioned place and Lewi8ton,in their immediate neighbourhood; consequently, on the afternoon of luesday the 31st August, we proceeded to it on the cars of a httle railway provide(^ for the purpose, and em- barked accordingly in the steamer. The Genesee has here dug a deep trench for itself, the banks of which are finely wooded ; daylight lasting until we had all but cleared it. We found the steamer commodious enouo-h and full of passengers, but noisy for the greater part of the ^nght ; the morning brought us to Lewiston, on the United States side of the river Niagara, about seven miles below the falls, and the same from the lake We were reminded that we were on our own frontier by rifio .f;''^ 'I' ""'"' '^''^'"^'^ ^^y«"'' *r««P« in the'war ot 1812 ; It has been rebuilt with taste, and is a thrivin- « v:llHge. ° We now proceeded, on the tiptoe of expectation, to the alls by a railway made for the purpose on the hi-her leve , beginning above the town, from time to time citcliing a glimpse of them through the trees, their Yioise being very audible, the sun shining full upon them ; they appeared animating and beautiful in the extreme. Two ladies in our car, sisters, fellow-travellers in the steamer, were very conversible. They told us, among other things, tha. their father had emigrated becausi his elder brother, inheriting the landed property at TO THE UNITED STATES. A6 home, lie was determined to be possessed of land also, not caring, as they S'lid, wiierc it whs situated. They were on a i)leasure trip, and, judging from their appear- arjce, he umst have prospered. There was also a young gentleman from Canada, who told us his brotlier had forfeited his property by joining in the late rebellion, contrary to the advice of his friends and relatives. In due time we reached the falls, and took up our abode in the Eagle Hotel — one of the best on the American side. i 50 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ii^ CHAPTER VIII. FALLa OF NIAGARA-CANADIAN SIDE-INDIANS- -nUFPALO. the Americana as well as to strangers ; they form there tI ImtTft ""^? """;« ">^ -.-".orLdTut.™ 1.0.!)? Tri ^ "''"'"*' "'^ '""« '""■■'^ than a line of Sol Srf —"^ ^-^ P™^'- '- '"^ --- si.-htTeW,",VT'""° "l^ "'^' " ^«''»'° notation of thTrr^ ""t^""' '''■■""Sh. both on this and on the Canada side the proper machinery being in dai"v P id orrl' " '"' "' "^'«°^'' °"'^'^'^' and^so hav „^ paid 01 r footing as it were, we found ourselves auietlv dropped and free to go to work in our own tZ on whlwr^iP™'' ^''°"* "^'"'>'-«^« ■"'!«« in length, imi^r 1 i "' "*""*"''' ''^ *« g-^^t outlet of the ThT river ;s"it T"? ''t ,^"^ "'"' ^^'^ Ontario quarterrof . ™-| 1 "'".^'''''' ^™' '^ "^out three Tp rhLri'l""'''.r'^- ^'•"'" *'™"*y*» f»'tyfeet aeep , it has for three miles a rapid current and then ot the tranquil lake. Five miles from Lake Erie the miles m width, measured across Grand Island and embraces, before it reaches the falls, forty islands ' Be- TO THE UNITED STATES. 57 low tho termination of Grand and Navy Islands, the river is compressed to a breadth of two and a half miles, and proceeds with an accelerated motion. Three-fonrths of a mile above tho falls, tho rapids commence, which have a descent of from fifty-two to fifty-seven feet ; they are more than a mile in width, with white-crested breakers, and a foaming torrent tossing above the main current, until they come to the great cataracts. We viewed the falls at every point, on both sides of tho river, where they could be best commanded ; the great body of water making its passage over the British Oi- Horse Shoe full in a perpendicular descent of about 160 feet, fronting, as it does, the direction the river takes in its onward course below. A lesser portion of the river having found or forced a more circuitous course for itself on the American side, falls perpendicularly at a right angle with the other. The country around being in no way picturesque, the great features of these celebrated falls are very much confined to the cataracts themselves, and to the great commotion so great a body of water causes below in its descent. They disappear, as it were, into a deep trench, when the river takes its way onward to Lake Ontario' a distance of fourteen miles, at first with great rapidity and turbulence, as the trench narrows for some miles until it makes an acute angle in its course, turning abruptly off to the right, forming here a violent whirl^ pool ; and here in seven miles the river descends 100 feet ; it then emerges into the more open country at Lewiston, so nearly on a level with the lake that there is only a fall of about four feet in the seven additional miles. The shape or outline of the British fall is said to be undergoing occasional change ; in 1678, it was, it seems, 58 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I 'i; straight across, and it has, in our day, lost in some measure the horse-shoe shape. The river here throws the great mass of its waters perpendicularly over a shelf of limestone rock. As the reaction of the spray of this immense volume of water in Its descent from time to time, wears away a portion of the more friable materials on which the rock in ques- tion rests, it at first partly projects, and then breaks under the pressure of the superincumbent cataract; therefore that this fall has retrograded, and is retro^ gading to this extent, there is proof positive, a^ well rom Its present appearance, as in the pieces of the rock Jymg on the shores of the river below. The popular opinion is, that the fell had originallv commenced at the extremity of the table-land, as it nses immediately above Lewiston on the one side, and Queenston on the other, and that it has cut its way to Its present position-a distance of seven miles We visited the Canadian side of the river more than once--a finer climate or more fertile soil is not to be tound anywhere in America ; yet it presented a languish- ing and neglected look-large tracts of land altogether unenclosed the villages meaner, the wooden houses not so rim and nicely painted, contrasting somewhat pain- fully with the other side. ^ v.-n?r ''^T'"'^ ^''''' *^' ^'''y «^ '""^ «f tbese occa- sions, we found ourselves in company with some Indian squaws and their children. One had an interesting and somewhat melancholy look-we asked the name of her tribe ; she said, " The Tuscarora." In return, she asked me m broken English the age of my eldest daulte whom she seemed to regard wistfully and with interest on understanding she had lost her mother. I told her thirteen ; and that we had come a far way from home,' TO THE UNITED STATES. 59 beyond the Salt Lake. They seemed to be primitive Imrmless children of the forest, deserving our strongest sympathies, reduced as they are to be almost outcasts in their native land. The Canadian Indians are not, however, altoo-ether neglected ; they are our allies in war, and are conse- H RKCOLLECTIONK OF A VISIT ciety, we had lingered longer in this town than wo had intended. After again attendhig the Presbyterian Church on Sunday the 26th, on Monday, the 27th {September, we took the steamer for King8tmpas8. Trains are con- i t'fi Ji 78 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT tinually arriving and passing through. Near the river are rich alluvial meadows, at the back of which the ground rises to a considerable elevation ; its population might then have been about 15,000. Next morning after breakfast we resumed our seats in the cai3, and reached Boston in very good time for an early diianer. Our friends at Montreal had recommended the Win- thrope Hotel to our notice ; a place of less pretension than some others, they said, but pleasantly situated, frontmg the Common, and moderate in its charges. Thither we drove accordingly. We thought the bed- rooms too small, and asked to see the landloid ; the colonel, they said, would be with us immediately ; he soon made his appearance, was very civil, and ultimately all was arranged to our satisffiction. Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, the metropolis of the New England States, the second city in com- merce, and fifth in population of the United States, is Situated on a peninsula of an uneven surface ; it is nearly sijiTounded by the waters of its harbour on the east, and Charles River on the north and west. The peninsula was originally marked by three hills, which now afford admirable sites for building, and give the city a bold and handsome appearance. The insurrection, the immediate forerunner of our unfortunate American War, broke out here in the year 1772 ; a historical fact too eventful in its consequences not to be generally known. It must have been then a very small place, because, in the year 1800, its popula- tion, we are told, was under 25,000 ; since then it has increased in a compound ratio, numbering at this time 120,000. Its harbour, or rather bay, is deep and well protected TO THE UNITED STATF' 79 by a chain of islands, acting in some measure m break- waters. Railroads have also done much for it bv con necfng It with the far west, and with the other towns as well inland as on its own sea-hoard. There are said to be fifty arrivals of trains per day ; and there is alto- gether a suiprising energy and activity in commercial luxury, all of which are conspicuous, not confined to the tew, but spread among the many The town is built of brick ; bui partly from the nature of the ground, and partly, no doubt, from its earlier toundation, it is not so regularly kid out as some • yet F'bhc bm dings are handsome, particularly the Cu torn House, bmlt of marble, with a dome, supported in tl" interior by massive, and at the same t me, elegln marble columns. ' ^^^t,'^iii sit3^!f rr'".' 7^r ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ «"^ ^^^t^i to be situ..ed, I found to be something much superior to what Its name would imply; it contains an area of about seventy-five acres, enclosed by an elegant iron fence laid out as a park, and ornamented with trees, in shane a quadrangle, fronting three sides of which are houses of the best description ; the fourth is bounded by the Charles Kiver. It forms the public mall, or promenade, and ..as my favourite walk. Boston was founded as early as 1630 ; in that year Governor Wmthrope arrived with a number of emi- grants and settled at Charlestown, but afterwards lemoved to Boston ; no doubt attracted by the advant- ages of its harbour. These emigrants were not the poor outcasts of the present day, but composed of members of the better ranks of society, seeking an asylum in the wilds of the 80 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT New World, from what they considered to be religious persecution at home, where they were known under the generpj appellation of Puritans ; to such small begin- nmgs does the present flourishing Eepublic owe its origin ^ It would have been well for these Puritans, if, bearing in mind the past, they had been, in their turn, more tolerant in the future. Their annals unfortunately tell a different tale ; their feud seems to have been with the Quakers in particular, whom they banished on pain of death. The Quakers came back and were executed • the more severity used, the more did the unhappy Quakers court martyrdom, until these proceedings attracted the notice of the Home Government, and were put a stop to. The King (Charles n.), writing . the Governor on the subject, m his own hand, sele. a Quaker to be Its bearer, who, on being summoned before the Gover- nor, and desired to take off his hat in his presence, coolly produced his credentials, desiring the Governor to take off his, while he read the letter of his Sovereign. It cannot be otherwise than a subject of regret that persecution should have been carried so far against a sect so unoffendir- and harmless as the Quakers. Yet at the sam. ime it would not be lair to measure those times by the .. .ndard of our own, religious tolera- tion being essentially a plant of modern growth • it has solved a problem in politics not then understood ; that a community consisting of a variety of religious sects may exist m harmony, provided its government has the good sense to hold the balance even, and to allow no undue interference with the creed of either. Perhaps the most fatal political error committed in modern times, was the revocation of the Edict of Nantes • had the Bourbons respected the act of their great an- cestor, they would probably in their adversity have had ^iseai TO THE UNITED STATES. g, « powerful body of loyal subjects to fall back upon wbeh nught have gone far to change the face of Ci The aspect of Boston is influenced at the present dw tie the most religious and moral city of the Union .,,.1 oe,^inly there is a pat outward Val^eo'; pnety and decorum ; it is also said that the nasal twa ," or whine, peculiar to the New England Stat, a remnant of the old Puritanism ' * in^^^'V'T '^""^»™" '■" 'he town, and several insti- tutions for the encouragement of science ; also a disHn guished Univei-sity at Cambridge, in the "nnn« ,W," vamty, which gives a tone of lett°e>; to its soc^ ■"" We met with much civility in the town, my dau^^hters m particular bemg noticed, which personally gratilied 1 ^^^^tnrday, the 23d, we spent in rambliSg o.:lZ Sunday, the 24th, we accompanied some of our friends to the Episcopal Church. t^°^^^;r^ *'"""'' *'"' '""■""■"g 'he book in request oo be itfr Macaulay's Miscellanies ; his critique o^Tme recent history of Greeoe (Grote's or Mitford's) wa^t particular, much admired. ' One evening we had tickets given us for a conceit which was very well attende.1, and some tine pie" rf mu^ic no doubt well executed, but all this was^fdu .ffinr to me as it was probably to most of tjie compan ' 1 thereiore fell into conversation with a ladv of 2 P^ from No™ Scotia ; .she spoke of the ClJ , It must be admitted that travellers from the mother ••onntry, Irom whom l,ettcr things flight be ex- H ' Hi il F 82 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT l)cctoa, indulge in a sneering, contemptuous tone in treating of the United States, overlooking our common origin, and drawing their conclu.sionn from some ima- ginary standard of perfection,— certainly not to be found at home. This acts injuriously in two ways ; it engenders a sense of injustice, with an impression that it must be a mode of writing popular in England. It is to be lamented, because its tendency is to create enmity be- tween two communities formed for mutual friendship. We passed a pleasant evening in seeing Banvard's moving Panorama of the Mississippi, since exhibited with success in London. The drama, as I have already observed, is generally patronized in America ; as it is in Boston, in a building under the name of a museum, for a theatre has there an immoral sound. ^^ To this museum we went, and saw an old iiivourite— " Blue Beard"— represented, to the great delight of my girls. One day I observed a man busy at a coal wharf. I asked him at a venture how he got on. His reply was that he got on very well, being able to earn with his horse and cart a pound a day ; that he was from the old country, and that this was the country to come to ; upon which he invited me into the house, which I civilly de- clined, and so we parted. Sunday, the 31st, we attended the Presbyterian Church. On Monday morning, the 1st of November, we bade adieu to our friends, and embarked on board the Cu- nard line of Steamer Cambria, for Halifax, in company with a great number of passengers mostly going to England. ri \ TO THB I VITED 8TATKS. ^ There were a few besides ourselves, however for llahfax, among o lers some officers of its garrison 'who had been absent on a tour in the United States The - 1 tound us running along the coast of Nova Scotia which had a dreary appearance, from the lateness of the season^ On Wednesday the 3(1, we groped om- way ito Halifax h.-l,our in the midst of a thick fog- in tlie course of which we came upon the steamer of 'the same Ime from England, -^roping its way out. After the usual greetings, inquiries about the progress of the Mexican war, &c we went on, firing guns, until we reached our wharf in safety. By the kindness of friend., we found rooms taken for us in a respectable boarding-house. fi /k« IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (A/.T-S) A ^j>r^^ <^^ ^i'^' ■*«• ^ % (/j (/, 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.8 IM M U IIIIII.6 V] <^ /. / ''^• Cy }^^ #^ Piiotographic Sciences Coiporation 23 WEST MA!M STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 'A, 84 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VLSIT CHAPTER XII. NOVA SCOTIA HALIFAX— HARBOUR POLITICAL DISSKNSMNS IRISH ROMAN CATHOLICS. Nova Scotia was originally colonized by France, probably her earliest transatlantic settlement, although we had some prior claim in right of discovery; it changed hands more than once with us and that power, by different treaties of peace, but finally became ours tibout one hundred years ago, when the town of Halifax, its capital, was founded. The Indians, being trouble- some and hostile to us in the infancy of our settlement, and supposed to be countenanced by the French colon- ists, who had from the first cultivated friendly relations with them, steps were taken to get rid of these colonists in a body ; this was effectually accomplished, not how- ever without much personal hardship ard suffering to them. Since which, in the lapse of time, the Indians have ceased to be formidable ; they are to be seen about the country, while certain reserves have been set aside for them, in which they live peaceably. The town is seated on the declivity of a hill, about 250 feet high, rising from one of the finest harbours in the world, and crowned by a strong fort ; the streets are generally broad and well laid out. Viewed from the water, or from the opposite shore, the town appears TO THE UNITED STATES. 85 prepossessing and animated; its po])ulation may be about 25,000, exclusive of the military and navy; and there is a general air of comfort and well-being among all classes, with some commercial activity, bul not so much as one would expect, from its fine and deep harbour, protected by an island at its mouth, entered at all times of the tide, and open to navigation all the year round— no slight advantage in this part of the world. There is also an inner harbour, called the Bedford Basin j said to be capable of holding the whole British navy' very beautiful to look at, and full of fish, but frozen over so hard during a part of the winter, that it is passed in sleighs. These inner waters, or estuaries, occurring ao fre- quently as they do in North America, certainly foi-m one of the finest features in its landscape. ^ The town is as yet built generally of wood ; the Governor's house, the Admiral's, and one or two public buildings, being the exceptions. That this town will some time or other, from its greater proximity to Europe, and other advantages, be the centre of an extensive commerce, it is impossible to doubt. At present the impetus that is to bring this about is wanting ; there are some capitalists, but no corre- sponding enterprise ; the town, and probably the pro- vince, depending very much for a market on the com- missariat, and other expenditure of the army, navy, and Government,— the garrison generally consisting of three regiments of foot, besides the quota of artillery and engineers wanted for the fort ; it is likewise the summer naval station of our West India squadron, the admiral removing to Bermuda in the winter. Although this town is situated in a latitude corre- sponding with the south of France, yet it has a northern m 88 RECOLLECTIOI/S OF A VISIT aspect from the country in its neighbourhood being covered with stunted pine and spruce firs ; the low hills being rocky and barren, although lying pleasantly enough m regard to each other. About two miles from the town there is a break in the land, or inlet of tlie sea, called the north-west arm running inland for some distance, in a line parallel with' the harbour. Its breadth, which is not very great is nearly equal throughout ; its banks, being precipi- tous, and covered with the firs in question, give it a somewhat melancholy look-they are otherwise well situated for villas, as the water is for boating and nshmg. ° The province is as yet but thinly peopled, and partly unoccupied, although it received a considerable accession ot inhabitants at the close of the American war from the American loyalists, as they were called, who re- ceived grants of the best lands, and whose descendants are now the most prosperous settlers ; there is also a colony of German settlers at Lunenburgh, retaining traces of their distinct descent, as well as others from the same country, spread about ; likewise free negroes shipped from Jamaica at the close of the Maroon war an inoffensive race, associating very much by them- selves, and cultivating the lands assigned to them in peace. xilthough the character of the country is in general rugged, and the soil poor, yet there is much fine land partly alluvium deposited by the numerous streams and rivers by which the province is intersected. The province is also rich in minerals; coal and gypsum being already worked to some extent, and in which a considerable trade is carried on with the United States, as well as with our own provinces. There is also TO THE UNITED STATES. «T H a considerable trade in dried fish, which is shipped from Halifax in large quantities to the West Indies, and other places. In other respects it is as yet very much covered with the primeval forest, in which there is much valuable timber, besides the ever-prevailinj,' fir. Its scenery abounds in variety of hill and dale — parts extremely picturesque, interspersed with many small lakes and trout streams, independent of those of larger dimen- sions. On my arrival in Halifax I found the whole of its society convulsed in political dissensions, carried to a height unknown at home, mixed up with feelings of animosity to the Roman Catholic portion of the com- munity on the part of some ; the causes of which I will endeavour to explain. It appears that the colony, from its infancy down to the present day, in common with its neighbouring British provinces, had been governed by the mother country, wisely and leniently in the main, through its local governor, assisted by an executive council of his nomination. A loud call had been made of late years by these provinces for responsible government — in other words, by a legislature elected by themselves. This the Government at home had lately found it prudent to con- cede, certain arrangements in regard to a civil list beino- stipulated for ; the dominant party had consisted of the aristocracy— that is, of the high officials, rich merchants, and others of influence. These were at first able, from their position, to carry the elections under the new regime ; but the liberal or radical party was gradually gaining strength, till, on the eve of the last election, they were tolerably balanced. In this emergency, the Irish Roman Catholic settlers (who are represented as hostile 88 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISI'J to the inotlier country to a man), threw their weidit into the radical scale, and made it prepondoi-ate. The new Government, unused to power, is represented to grasp too greedily at the sweets of office, and, to effect It, IS said to have made some removals indiscreetly if not unjustly, coming in, as they did, on the prctence'of a reform of abuses. The other party retort, that their opponents had been so long accustomed to office, that they arrogated to themselves a prescriptive right to it, and to the system ot jobbing that was the consequence. ^ In this political ferment, as a stranger, I took little mterest ; I had occasion, however, to call on my banker's correspondent, in reference to my letter of credit • he was a man of large property, and had been one of' the executive council under the old system. I found him as was to be expected, very discontented with the new- state of affairs, also expressing g-eat animosity to Sir Kobert Peel's measures of free trade ; to this latter I begged to demur, on the gi-ound of the evil working- of the opposite system at home. "^ I believe all parties at home are now agreed on the beneficial tendency of the late Sir Eobert Peel's mea- sures ; that they offended his parfy at the time d, Vou^ trance, is, I think, to be regretted, because it deprived tlie country of his services at a time when they were much wanted, interfering with the further measures for her benefit, which he contemplated, and which his com- prehensive mind had power to grasp. The income-tax should not, it appears to me, be objected to under the circumstances ; more particularly as it acts as an -.'jsentee tax, much wanted when we consider the number of our country people residing abroad, as well as the number of foreigners holding money in our funds. \- TO THE UNITED STATES. 8'J The Irish Roman Catholics are numerous in tlur colony ; they consist for the most part, in the first in- stance, of the most destitute class of emigrants — hut are industrious, soon become thriving, and consequently good subjects. In the town they drive trucks, unload vessels, or keep small retail shops. In the country they are first farm-servants, afterwards landed proprietors. They are possessed of one of the best churches in Halifax, with a bishop and a numerous staff of priests ; that they are inimical to the mother country to a man is a sweeping charge, and must be received with caution. The grievances of Ireland an o of long standing ; let us hope that the measures lately carried out at home for her benefit, and those in progress, may usher in the dawn of a better day, when she may become a flourish- ing portion of the empire — her wrongs no more remem- bered, or remembered only as a matter of history. In the meantime, the exodus of her pauper popula- tion, while it seems to act at home as a safety-valve, which the peccant humours have opened for themselves, should be to the colonies an unmixed good ; where they become hewers of wood and diawers of water for the rest of the community. Highly to their praise, they are said to remit from their hard earnings upwards of a million sterling per annum, to their distressed relatives at home— there being bankers in the United States whose sole occupation it is to effect these remittances. in 90 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTER XIII. «KI.KORD RASJN— WINDSOK— IIIVKR AVON-WOLFVILLK-nASIN OF MINICS— DYKi: LAND— BAPTISTS— COLLEGE— FAKMRRS— TREKS— MONEY— TEMl'ERANCE MOVEMENT— CLLMATE— FAR- MERS' LIRRARY — SIR ARCHIBALI) ALISON's » HISTORY OF -REMARKS. EUROPE" After passing a fortnight with our friends in Halifax partly to recruit from our fatigues, on the morning of Thursday, the 18th November, we took the coach" for Wolfville, a villa-e situated in the district of Horton on the confines of the Basin of Mine-, sixty miles dis- tant, the residence of my sister (and her daughters) the widow of a naval officer, a Nova Scotian by birth, 'who had, on the close of the war, retired with his family to liis native province. The road, for the first nine miles, skirted the Bedford Basm, which gave us a fine opportunity to view it in all its bearings. On its banks was pointed out to us a villa formerly belonging to the late Duke of Kent, the father of her present Majesty, who had resided some time in the province, in which he had been condescending and popular. He had taken some pains to ornament it : it was, however, now falling into decay. On emerging from the basin, we entered upon rather a dreary and elevated tract, covered on the right hand by stunted fir-trees interspersed with blocks of granite ; TO THE UNITED STATES. 91 on the Mt hand, on a lower level, by a s iccession of very pretty lakes and meadow-land, the stream from which made its escape over a fine rocky bed into the Bedford Basin ; after which the country became more elevated and gloomy on either side, and full of stones, with occa- sional clearings, and ho.e and there lakes of no great dimensions, until we reached the summit of the high land, the road gradually descending to Windsor, when a glorious prospect opened upon us,— the town of Wind- sor, the river Avon on which it stands, the Basin of Mines, with a variety of hill and dale, far and near, more or less covered by the primeval forest. In due time we reached Windsor, a distance of forty-five miles from Halifax, where we found a dinner provided for us that would have done credit to an English inn. Windsor is as yet a small town, but gives promise of a goodly future. It stands on the river Avon, forming here, at liigh water, a broad and deep estuary of the Basin of Mines, from which it is not far distant. The country, for miles round, being formed of the alluvium which I shall describe presently, is fertile in the extreme. There are some handsome villas in the immediate neigh- bourhood, and it is sheltered by an amphitheatre'' of rather low hills, rising pleasantly in the distance. There is here a very well- constructed wooden covered bridge over the Avon ; and the banks of the river being at this place hemmed in on one side by gypsum cliffs, a con- siderable trade is already carried on in that article, which is in request in the United States, and other places, for manure and other purposes. There is at Windsor a college for the young people of the province, partly sup- ported by the State, and of good repute. Here the spring fii-st makes its appearance, and many attributes conspire to make it a desirable place of residence. On I! 02 RECOLLECTIONS OB' A VISIT leaving it a few miles behind, wc found ourselves gradu- ally ascending a high and woody tract, commanding on the other side, in a long and gentle descent, a view of great variety,--the basin, its boundary, Cupe Blomedon, with a fine undulating country, here and tiiere cleared! We passed several line streams, and then the mouth of tiie river Gaspereau, coming down through its fine valley to flow into the basin. We at length reached Wolfville, a distance of fifteen miles from Windsor, where I was delighted to embrace my sister, whom I had not seen foi' H lapse of years. I domesticated myself with her for tlie winter, intending, on the return of spring, to put my plan in execution of becoming better acquainted with the United States in a more extended tour, leaving mv daughters under her care. The village of Wolfville I found to consist of a few farmers' houses and others, built of wood, standing sepa- rately, scattered along the road on each side for about a mile, where it skirts the Basin of Mines ; the road itself being the great highway between Halifax and St. John, New Brunswick, via Annapolis and the Bay of Fundy. Beyond the village, in a plain, the river Cornwallis runs into the basin, bounded by Cape Blomedon, rising in great grandeur; the whole very picturesque. This cape forms the extremity of a long ridge of high land skirting the Bay of Fundy to its entrance probably from the open sea, until here some violent convulsion appears to have snapped it asunder, leaving an entrance for its waters into the basin of no great width, through which the tide flows and ebbs with great velocity. The tide, as it rushes up the Bay of Fundy, not being able to find an outlet, is said to rise here to a height of sixty feet, surcharged with a detritus of red earth of the most fertilizing qualities, which it undermines from the TO THE UNITED STATES. 98 Hhorea and clifFs of the bay in its advance ; this it has deposited, in a process going on for ages, at the mouths of rivers, estuaries, or wherever it could find shelter, forming tracts, for miles and miles, of the richest land on the shores of the basin and elsewhere. On the eastern side of the village as it is entered from Halifax, there is a great extent of this land, retaining its name of Grand Pro, given it by tlie French settlers" with whom it was in great repute. It is dyked in from' the sea (as land of tliis description generally is), and in spring-tides it is sometimes broken in upon. Being bare of trees, and its fields divided by the usual zigzag fence, it is not pleasing to the eye. Its value I undei" stood to be about £1(1 sterling per acre— an enormous price for the colony. The land slopes upwards from the village until it crowns the broad and sheltered valley through which the river Gaspereau runs. The locality is indeed very fine, the scenery of great variety, as I had a better oppor- tunity of judging when I saw it clothed in the verdure of spring ; at present the severe winter of Nova Scotia was about to set in. The farms in the immediate neighbourhood I found to consist of strips of land, extending from the basin to the crown of the hill, of no great breadth, but so con- trived that each might have a share of the dyke-land ; the ground up the slope being cleared to a certain extent; the remainder furnishing firewood and fence poles. At one extremity of the village there was a neat- looking small church for the Episcopal service ; in the middle of the village, a large meeting-house for the Baptists, both constructed of wood. Also, in the immediate neighbourhood, a college or school, where young men of the Baptist persuasion"^ and 94 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT / othora, were boarded and educated at a very moderate charf,'e ; not exceeding in the vvliole, I tliink,il7 or £18 sterling a year ; among tlu'so were poor students, who ])aid nothing. I found a laudahjo desire for education in this province (as well as in the United StatcH), the sons of mechanics, small farmers, and others, petitioning their fathers to be sent to school ; after which, some of them become 13ai)tist ministers, some missionaries, others teach u school, — all are considered to rise by it in the social scale. It cannot but be desirable, under such circum- stances, that an institution like this should succeed ; and the province was under.stood to make some allowance towards it from the i)ublic purse ; nevertheless, it lan- guished, and was all but ruined at the time I left the province : whether they had constructed their building at a cost beyond their means, or from whatever other cause, I know not. It was a handsome building of wood, standing sufficiently on the rise to command a fine view ; but it wanted trees, both for ornament and shelter. I may as well mention here, that the farmers seem to look upon a tree as a natural enemy, removing every vestige of them in their clearings far and wide ; setting their houses down close to the road, surrounded in a slovenly manner by their out-houses, with an immense unsightly barn, constructed of unpainted deals, placed directly in front, on the opposite side of the road, if their farm extends so far. There are, however, exceptions to this. In the houses of the better sort, in the Baptist minister's, the doctor's, or the lawyer's, for instance, you find the house removed to a proper distance from the road, the out-houses placed behind, and neatly painted, with some attempt at a lawn, and hedge-row in front ; the want of the trees, once removed, cannot be so easily supplied. TO THE UNITED STATUS. gr, Arul yet it would seem as if imtiire iiad given tliein their fine evergreen firs feuthered to the bottom lor the express purpose of shelter duri„g the intense' cold of their severe winter ; more particularly when the wind blows from the north-west, whieh their wooden houses comfortable as they are in other respects, are not cal- culated to keep out. It appears to me also, that they might with great pro- pnety leave a belt of these evergreen iirs round each held; the snake or zigzag fence in general use here as in the rest of North America, has a naked ar.d bizarre appearance ; it is recommended by its cheapness and other conveniences ; the straight p„les of the pine and spruce irs, so plentiful in this province, are admirablv adapted for it. They are simply allowed to rest upon each other alternately, leaving a space between each equal to tlieir bulk, sometimes bound at the upper ex- tremity of each with twigs, or further strengthened by a pole i,laced perpendicularly, and fastened in the ground No nailE are used, and they are easily replaced in their proper position in the spring, if thrown down in the course of the winter, which they are apt to be. This bad taste of the farmers, if allowed to go on must, in the end, have a disagreeable effect on the aspect of the country ; at present it is not so perceptible, the clearings being only partial ; in whatever direction the eye is turned, it rests on a fine wooded landscape the evergreen firs contrasting finely in winter with the snow in the clear cold atmosphere. ^ Of their mode of farming, I am not so well able to judge ; It IS probably more careless than at home • every farm-house, I observed, was accompanied by a large and well-stocked orchard. Their upland is but indifferent nor did I observe much pains taken to manure it' ^' . , 96 liECOLLSCTIONS OF A VISIT ' IH; althongh t,hey might have the alluvium in plenty for the trouble of carting it from places where the small streams keep it open. They were at one time in the habit of raising very good wheat on the dyke land ; but this has been a failure of late years, from some weavil that devours the ear; they also cultivate potatoes in great plenty, and were celebrated for one called tbe blue-nose (which has o-iven a soubriquet to the provincials), but these have suffered of la^.e from the disease now common to them in England ; tliey also raise Indian corn, between the ?»talkb of which large pumpkins are grown. They raise cattle and sheep in plenty, and of good brteds, housed during their long winters, when they are fed very much, in addition to hay. on turnips, carrots, parsnips, and other succulent roots, which they are of late getting more into the habit of cultivating for the purpose. Their low meadows and dyke lands produce very good hay, which they don't generally stack in the open air, as with us, but throw loose into the lurge barns I have described, in lofts or compartments constructed for the purpose. They are generally thriving, live comfortably, but otherwise careful of their money. The equality of condition, general well-being of the people, and almost total absence of extreme poverty, is the pleasing feature of society here, as it is in the United States, and Canada. Every family in the village lives very much alike, each possesses some land, their horse and waggon ; they have a good dinner every day, a com- fortable house, and a meai or bed to give a ft-iend, if lie should happen to stray in ; all done however with due provincial economy, the young members of a family being brought up to inake themselves nsefiil in the .11 TO THE UNITED STATES. 97 but menage, in many ways that would not be thought of at home. In speaking of the farmers, I luav as well mention, that it is the rule of each, to keep one agricultural ser- vant all the year round ; but in their short summer, to employ the number of labourers they may require, when the services of all the young men of the neighbourhood, of whatx3ver condition, are in requisition at good wages^ besides their keep ; this, the latter call " hiring themsefves out," and so valuable is this labour understood to be, that the parents invariably claim and receive the price of it as their undoubted right, where the recipients are under age, which is very often the case. The money circulating in the province consists of English silver, with a little gold, and one-pound notes, and upwards, of the bank of British North America, reckoned m the currency of the country, that is, the shilling equal to fifteen pence, the pound to sixteen shiUings, the sove- reign to one pound five ; and so scarce is it, that busi- ness is carried on very much in the primitive way of barter. The province, which is as yet for the greater part un- occupied, is said to abound in game ; but this I doubt, whether it be kept down by the severity of the winter' or that the inferior animals follow the cultivation of man,' being able to find a subsistence on what he can spare! It consists for the most part of moose-deer, of an animal between a hare and a rabbit, which does not burrow, and of wood partridges ; these are free to all, there bein*- no game-laws ; and are sold at moderate rates ; there is likewise great store of trout, salmon, and other fish in the rivers and basin. The farmers rear geese, barn-door fowls, and other ^ -.ry m plenty, tor sa^e, and also supply the wants of a iV 9H RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT the village, in the absence of a butcher's shop, from time to time with meat ; the prices ruling, if possible, lower than either in Canada or the United States ; it may therefore be understood that I did very well in the way of eataUes ; in the drinking way I did not fare so well. I have throughout life been moderate in drinking, but I had been accustomed for many years to a glass or two of wine at dinner : for this I found myself compelled to substitute a little brandy and water ; spirits being generally to be had good and at moderate prices, while wine, from the retail dealers, I found to be of inferior quality. I mention my habit in this particular, because it was looked upon as a sin by my neighbours, among whom the temperance movement was at its height; taste not, touch not, handle not, in the words of the pledge, being the order of the day. This reform, it appears, had been much wanted, and the result could not fail to be beneficial, as much hard drinking had prevailed for years, more or less among all classes ; but unfortunately they fell into the opposite extreme, until they could tolerate nothing less than total abstinence. This, as may be supposed, was found to be difficult to comply with, and was said to lead sometimes to drink- ing in private ; while in ordinary society nothing was to be had stronger than water — very difiicult to recon- cile to a European stomach. The climate I look upon as very bracing and healthy ; the heat of summer, which is not of long duration, being tempered by the breezes from the Atlantic. The severe frost and snow generally sets in a little before Christmas, and continues with little intermission until about the last week in March, when it begins to break gradually up. During this period the air is dry and pleasant ; the TO THE UNITED STATES. 99 sun shines in a clear blue sky ; the people sleighing about in every direction, as it was with me my almost daily amusement and exercise. The cold is bearable, except when the wind blows violently, more particularly from the north-west, which seldom lasts however more than three days at a time, when it is prudent to keep within doors. After the month of March, the weather sets in not unlike our spring at the same period, but owing to tho frost remaining in the ground, and the nights freezing, nothing grows until about the end of May, when the sum- mer may be considered to have commenced. The heat becomes greatest in the months of July and August ; towards, the middle of September it cools down sensibly.' Fevers and agues, common in the United States, and m a lesser degree in Canada, are not known here ; but there are occasional cases of consumption, which are to be found indeed throughout the whole sea-board of the Atlantic. Tolerably comfortable in my winter domicile in other respects, I began to be in want of books, having ex- hausted my sisters little stock. On inquiry, I learned that there was a farmer's book club in the neighbourhood at the small quarterly subscription of three shillings sterling ; to this I was, as a stranger, readily admitted!* My readers in England may be curious to know what sort of books were to be found in a farmers' library, at such a charge, in this distant, primitive, and to them probably obscure colony. On examining the catalogue I found Mr. (now Sir Archibald) Alison's "History of Europe," for the thirty eventful years closing with the late peace; Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations ;" one or two of Sir Walter Scott's novels ; Chambers' Miscel- lanies ; with other works of minor value. 'I 10() RECOLLEf "IONS OF A VISIT tl ',; I read Sir Archibald Alison's book with much in- terest. It supplied me with an agreeable course of reading for weeks, in which the midnight lamp often found me poi'ing over his pages ; the stirring events of which he treats were already familiar to me, as they must have been to every gentleman who had partly lived in those times. It is a work of great labour and research ; and, as a whole, highly creditable to him. His style is easy ; and when he confines himself to his historical narrative, it seems to be faithfully given from the best authorities, without permitting it to be unduly warped by his own ])redilections. In his occasional commentary, where his own pre- judices are permitted to come more into play, I some- times fancy I find him wide of the mark. For instance, in his horror of democracy, he seems to overlook that it is the due mixture of that element in our Constitution that has made our country the "reatest empire probably of modern times. He is likewise the advocate of class interests, and of indirect taxation — "Because," as he says, "the latter being put upon articles of consumption or luxury, are, in one senso, voluntary— to be paid or avoided at the will of the consumer." If this were true in practice, it would be an argument against, not for, a system of tax- ation of tliis kind ; but the people must live, and are generally found to spend their incomes. Carried to the extent that it has been in our country, it has led to a wide system of adulteration and fraud, and of waste in its collection, creating an artificial scarcity, accompanied by comparatively moderate receipts into the Exchequer, as is proved by the buoyancy of the revenue under the recent successive reductions. TO THE UNITED STATES. 101 It should be borne in mind, at the same time, that direct taxation bears rule in the rest of Europe. Why are France, Prussia, and Austria, cheap countries to reside in, notwithstanding their comparatively small resources, large military establishments, and public debts ? According to Adam Smith, it is because the greater part of the public revenue is levied directly on the land. " In Prussia," he says, " it amounts to thirty- three per cent., or one-third of the rental." Lord Clarendon tells us, that when the parliament of his day granted a fixed annual sum to King Charles ii., in lieu of Wardships, he intended to assess it on the land, but that the parliament threw it on the Excise. We are no doubt culpable in having allowed so long a period to elapse, since the conclusion of the war, with- out reducing our debt more materially. This might have been done in various ways : we might have kept up the sinking fund, or formed the nucleus of another, before resorting to cash payments, or put on a special slave-tax for the emancipation of the negroes (in- stead of burdening the country with twenty additional millions), to which the old ladies, its advocates, might have been invited to add their voluntary contributions. Sir Archibald tells us, that the allies levied ninety-one millions sterling from France at the close of the war, as an indemnity for its expenses, out of which six millions being allotted as our share, we handed it over to repair the frontier fortresses of the Netherlands, since pro- nounced to be useless. It is clear that a much larger share should have come to us ; but even the sum in ques- tion would have been useful,a8 the germ of a sinking fund. However, if we look our finances in tlie face, their condition will be found to be by no me;.a desperate — our debt has been lessened hy the successive reductions m^mimmmmmm w 102 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT it f of the five and four per cents., and will be still more so in the course of the next five years, when the lon^r annuities fall in ; while the population and resources of the country have increased at least one-third since the close of the war. As we have the means of calculatino- irom the former and present produce of the income-tax,— The former income-tax of ten per cent, or 28. in the pound, produced, . . .£14,000,000 Ihe present, at 7d. in the pound, produced, . 6,800,000 And at 28. in the pound, would produce, in round ""'"b^^^' • • . . . 20,000.000 There ought, therefore, to be no cause for uneasiness on the subject of our finances ; the only question seems to be, how they can be levied with least oppression to the public, and most productively for the Exchequer. I should suggest at least one-half in direct taxes, in time of peace, namely — Income-tax (if not more), . . . £10,000,000 ^tamps &c.. (extended to real property), . 10,000,000 roet-Oihce, \ Woods and Forests, / • • . . 1,000,000 House and other direct taxes, in lieu of assessed taxes, In the revenue statement for the vear endinc April 1847, ' The Customs stood at . . ^621,000,000 The Excise at . . . 14,000,000 _ ^ ^ £35,000,000 Instead of which, the Customs and Excise at well-regulated low duties. . 6,000,000 £27,000,000 27,000,000 £64,000^ The above plan would carry out the reform in our finances at very small cost indeed. The extension of the stamp-duties wnnld not h« seriously felt, and ought not to give cause for complaint. TO THE UNITED STATES. 103 SO While lowering the level of the income-tax, and its extension to Ireland, would produce probably more than I have set down as from that source, the tendency of the Customs and Excise, under the system I have sup- posed, would no longer be found to act as a prohibition on consumption, and should be a boon to all classes. There is every reason to believe, that under it the revenue would be found to be very buoyant, leaving a large surplus applicable to the annual reduction of the debt. I agree with Sir Archibald in his censure of the im- provident manner in which our three per cent, loans were contracted, the inconvenience of which is now felt in the obstruction it offers to the further reduction of the interest in our funds. I cannot agree with him in his remarks in reference to the Roman Republic ; he tells us the Romans were successful because they extended their institutions to their conquered provinces ; whereas their policy was quite the reverse — they governed their provinces accord- ing to the religion and laws of the vanquished ; and to this historians have hitherto attributed their successL For the manner in which they were governed in the latter days of the Republic, we have only to read Cicero's orations against Verres, to say nothing of Sallust's govern- ment of Africa. The Romans were peculiarly tenacious of their own laws and privileges, not permitting them to extend be- yond their city until after the social war — the most critical they ever waged (the second Punic war ex- cepted), when the allied states of Italy, combined for the purpose, wrested them from their grasp by main force ; and with them, as is well known, fell the Republic. The laws wisely framed for the government of a single town would not work when extended over Italy. :l' I 104 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTER Xiy. CHUnOII OP ENGLAND—BAPTISTS-— ROMAN CATHOLICS- GOVERNOR. There is no want of religion in the province ; the bishop of Nova Scotia presides over the Church of England, the clergy of which, in the country parts, are sent out by the Church Missionary Society, with an allowance from home, to which is added some land, and probably some other little advantages ; but their num- ber is small. The different dissenting sects are numer- ous—the prevailing one throughout the province being the Baptist. The Episcopal minister did not reside in our village, and he had two other churches under his charge, so that we had only an occasional service, generally well at- tended. The Baptist ministers, residing in the village, and being also the schoolmasters, had it very much their own way; their service was, for the most part, well conducted, numerously attended, and a general zeal shown to make converts— particularly among the pupils under their care. When the boys became, to use their phrase, converted, the girls of the village would become converted also— a hole would then be broken in the ice of a neighbouring pond, and a general baptism take place in the depth of winter, amidst great excitement —•one of which I had the curiosity to witness. TO THE UNITED STATES. 105 Tliey did not go quite so far, I think, as to say that there was no salvation out of the pale of their own church ; but I saw more hostility to their brother dis- senters than appeared consistent with Christian charity. The Roman Catholics, for the reason I have given in Chap. XII., were particularly in bad odour — they were prayed for as heretics. In their sermons it was an- nounced to the horrified congregation, that it was fore- told in the prophecies that there was to be a fight be- tween them and the Protestants, with a hope expressed that the Protestants would be prepared ; this, as was to be expected, became the subject of conversation. I observed, in my turn, that all that seemed to be want- ing to set the people by the ears, was for an equally indiscreet Eomish priest to inculcate from his pulpit a like doctrine. In admiring an old lady's garden and menage, I happened to observe that she had an excellent servant. " Very true," she said, " but he would murder us all if his priest ordered him." " Would you not do the same by him if your priest ordered you ?" " dear, no ! I beg your pardon, sir ; that is quite out of the question." And so, I have no doubt, it was ; but a little more charity on her part, in judging others, would have plj^ased me better. The month of April having now arrived, I went up to Halifax for a week or two, to arrange my pecuniary affairs, prior to my more extended tour in the United States. I found politics still at a fever heat, but the change was otherwise agreeable. It is pleasing to observe the care taken by the mother country to secure for her colonies the due administra- tion of justice ; so much so, that in equity cases, where 106 REOOLLEOTIONS OF A VISIT we may suppose it might bo warpcl, she provides that l.er Governor « officio shall preside at tirp el^inls and as .„ch he held responsible for the decision ' I had not yet seen the Governor, the late Sir John onl7hr ' ™.T;''"'""^ P-^'^'-S through the courts of law he was p<„„ted out to me, presiding in his quaUty of Lord Chancellor, at the hearing of « case. Beino i^ plain clothes, I at first took him for the Chief-Ju tC m,stak.ng h,s military secretary for him, who was si D in an arai-chair in an undress uniform I found him to be, as I expected, a fine-lookin- in- telligent officer and gentleman. ' ^He was understood to govern his province with tact and judgment ; of this, I fancy, there could be no doubt fit wish "" °";?™''««; ''o «^^ popular with them. His wish was I believe, to hold the balance even, and stble'^r* ^ '*''"'" '''"' "" P""«^' v^^rethi pos- sible m the then state of polities. The other party, how- ever, kept aloof from his advances, givin/him Zv undeservedly, in refei^nce to .ny ^oncilialorv «:ct"^ speech of his, the soubriquet of Sir John Humbu- I provided myself in Halifax with sufficient "money ior my journey, mostly in British gold, knowing that I ecu d cljange it for American in any of the larg! towns of the Union, and returned to WolfviUe, resolving to keep a minute account of my expenses, which I had neglected to do befora >- ' J naa «ia«(tx««hifJi> TO THE UNITED STATES. 107 m- CHAPTER XV. hASlN OP MINES— PARSBOllOUOII— AMHERST— 8ACKVILLE— BAY OF FUND Y— AGRICULTURAL MEETING— ST. JOHN, NEW BRUNS- WICK — RIVER ST. JOHN-— FREDERICKTON. On the morning of Monday, the 15th May 1848 I bade adieu to my daughters, sister, and friends, and embarked for Parsborough, on the opposite side of the Basm of Mines, in a small schooner (said to be a crazy craft) plying between it and our neighbouring villacre of Lower Horton. With a fair wind we crossed the basin m about three hours ; the weather pleasant until we got beyond the protection of Cape Blomedon, when we ex- perienced the effect of a rough current running into the basin. My fellow-passengers consisted of the owner of the craft, and one or two others, with whom I had plea- sant conversation on one subject or another. One party belonging to the rival school at Sackville, accounted for the all but failure of the Wolfville College to the undue pams taken to make the scholars Baptists, which ac- cording to him, originated in excitement, and would be naturally objected to by parents of different persuasions whose object was a general education for their sons. To this the other passengers seemed to assent. The tide happening to be out on our arrival, we had to get into a boat, and from it to jump on shore, on the open beach, dry-shod if we could. This chflfionltv ovar_ loa I' < I. H RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT como, WO went to tlie Parsborougl) Hotel, a house of yory modest pretensions indeed. Under tlie pretext of its being a temperance house, there were neitlier wine, brandy, nor cigars to be had ; there was no alternative for mo, however, but to remain, as it commenced and contmued raining for the rest of the day ; if the fare, however, was indifferent, the people were civil and the charges moderate. No mail going the next day, I Avas compelled to hire the landlord's waggon, driven by his brother, a fisherman. ^ Tuesday, 16th May, 1 set off accordingly at eight o'clock in the morning for Amherst, a distance of thirty- five miles, in rather a shabby turn out, the hoise threatening to break down more than once, the driver, however, civil and obliging. I observed that the ridge of high land ran on in a continuous direction from Pai"^- borough, skirting the bay, as I have already noticed. We continued our route by a road cut through the forest, mostly of firs ; the land on each side appeared to be poor, the clearings partial, and very much confined to the neighbourhood of valleys, through which there generally ran a stream, and, as a consequence, some valuable meadow-land. The settlers' houses comfortablej with no want of eggs, bacon, &c., but in other respects,' strictly temperance. The country gradually improved as we approached Amherst, which we did not reach until the evening, and where I found a tolerably comfortable hotel for the size of the place. ^ Amherst may be the germ of a town of ^ome future importance. On looking round it next /morning, I found it to be at present a small place, consisting' of little more than a few straggling houses. It is situ- ated on the confines of the province, where the neck of land connects it with its inH^ province of New Bruns- TO THE UNITED 8TATES, 109 wick ; on the Bay of Fundy shoro of which a great tract of alluviul or ilyko hind has been formed, by the causes which have l"d to the same formation within the Basin of Mines, already more iiarticulany described. It is very valuable, and said already to sell for a <;ood price considering the infant state of the colony ; Ft is never- theless not pleasing to look at, being perfectly level, devoid of trees, and railed off in every direction by tlio zig-zag fence. To this land Amherst probably owes its origin, as does the village or town of Sackvillo on the opposite or New Brunswick side, where I was going on a visit to a triend whom I had known in England, where he had been on a mission connected with the public affairs of his province. Wednesday 17th.— To Sackville my landlord drove me over in his waggon, a distance of about ten miles, on a road over the dyke land in question—the boundary- line of the two provinces, crossing it at a right ano-le abcut half way. ^ The isthmus itself may be about ten or twelve miles in breadth, from sea to sea ; four miles of which may consist of a ridge or neck, the rest, of the alluvial land in question on either side. My friend had acquired a large fortune in his province by trade ; had been Speaker of its House of Eepresenta- tives, and, on his mission to England, had married an English lady, with whom I found him comfortably do- mesticated, and the father of three children. I met with I wann roueption from both. Next day, in a long drive, I saw some commanding views of the Bay of Fundy, which narrows here very ruuch, enlarging occasionally in a succession of basin- hke bays, in one of which a large vessel was riding quarantine, full of emigrants for St. John; they had not 110 REOOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ^" Si! been allowed to land, in reference to some disease among them, real or fiuspected. In the evening an opportunity was given me to see some of the neighbours, a party being made for the purpose. On one occasion I accompanied my friend to an agri- cultural nieetmg and cattle-bbow, at which he presided ; the meeting consisted of honest farmers, proprietors of the lands they cultivated. The rattle-show would have rather surprised those at home, accustomed to our annual exhibition at the Baker Street Bazaar— it con- sisted of one horse and one bull, both for the purposes of breeding. The horse had been purchased in Prince Edward's Island by a farmer, deputed for th<^ purpose, at the joint expense, and seemed to give satisfaction ; the bull was of the Durham breed, and had been reared in the neighbourhood— both were considered to )}e well adapted for the object in view. The horse, it appeared, h.id been bred by a Scotch farmer, who had given him' the name of King Kobert Bruce— he was now dubbed Iloncesvalles by common consent; his price was,! think, with some allowance for expenses, £60 currency. The bull was offered for £20, and purchased by the 'farmers for £17, 10s., both currency. The farmers conducted themselves respectably throughout the proceedings. My friend having given me some useful hints as to my tour, and some letters, I took leave of him by the mail for St. John, on the afternoon of Sunday the 21st— travelling on this day contrary to my wont, there being no other mail until Thursday, and time pressing. We passed through Dorchester, in the vicinity of which there is a large tract of dyke land ; we stopped on the road at a late hour for some rest and refreslmient, the night cold and slightly rainy. Learning that it was intended TO THE UNITED STATES. Hi that we were to go on in a new conveyance—an open waggon, with the fare raised— we refused, in a body, to stir, unless in the former covered carriage, which was at last unwillingly conceded, the passengers tolerablv agreeable. We arrived about three p.m. the next day at St. John much fatigued, where I took up mv abode in the St' John's Hotel, the best in the town ; tbe bed-rooms however, too small— a general defect in the British North American provinces, as compared to their neighbours in the United States. After diimer, I spent an hour or two m lookmg about the town, which appeared to be an active, thriving place ; many square-rigged vessels load- ing with timber in its harbour. New Brunswick is a valuable appendage of the British Empire, and will be much more so, as it fills up from' Its great capabilities ; besides, its climate being well adapted to settlers from the mother country. It origin- ally belonged to France ; but became ours as late as the year 1763, when some enterprising colonists resorted to It from home and the New England States— these were largely increased at the close of the American war by American loyalists and others, as its value began to be better known. It is as yet, however, very thinly settled— its popula- tion being estimated at little more than 200 000 • the province being, for by far the greater part, unoccupied It IS bounded on one side by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the other by the American State of Maine' which, by the lute treaty with the United States Govern ' ment, setthng the mutual boundary, is made to cut rather awkwardly into it. It has likewise a fine extent ot sea coast, with many deep, navigable rivers and lakes. Its exports are chiefiy ships, timber, and deals to U2 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT r 1^ ii 1 Europe ; fish, horses, and kimber to the "W est Indies ; gypsum and grindstones to the United States. The harbours all round the coast are favourable for loading large ships ; but the harbour of St. John is not only favourably situated in other respects, but being likewise accessible to ships of the largest class at any time in the winter, has decided advantages, and will always be the chief port of the province. The town of St. John is built mostly of wood, and has suffered at diflferent times severely from fires— its popu- lation may be about 30,000. The lower orders are mostly Irish, who congregate here in great numbers— all the hard work being done by them, I had heard much of the beauty and variety of the scenery of the river St John, which I determined to see. I therefore, on the morning of Wednesday the 24th, took the steamer for Frederickton, the capital of the province, a distance of eighty miles up the river ; the fare 4s. 2d. sterling. Nor was I disrppointed ; the river itself is affected by the tide to a certain extent, l)ut as the aperture through which it empties itself into the sea is narrow, on its ebb it seems to part with its waters reluctantly. We consequently found ourselves on a tranquil, full stream, forming occasionally large, lake- like openings : at others, contracting its shores ; also islands, consisting occasionally of long strips of alluvial land. The river frontage, generally settled throughout, beyond which was a wild, gloomy forest, everywhere appearing to have no bounds. I discovered that I had got into the slowest and worst boat that plies ; the night gradually drew in upon us, when, finding we were not likely to ariive before raid- night, I turned into bed by the captain's advice. TO THE UNITED STATES. 113 Next moraiug I breakfasted at a hotel close to the wharf, where I took up my quarters for the time being • It turned out to be a very good house, with pleasant society, with whom I could converse. Frederickton, the capital of the province, is as yet a small town ; it is regularly laid out on a level bend of the river, probably an alluvial deposit from it, immediately bounded by a sloping surface of high ground behind • the opposite bank being of a like character, consequently it 18 well protected on both sides-its population may be about 4000. ^ Nor are the trees in its neighbourhood too much cleared away, contrary to the usual error in that respect I was pleased with the cottage and grounds of one gentleman, in particular, who had made a very pretty place for himself, by merely removing and thinning the original forest to suit his purpose. In going over Government House, a full-length por- trait of Lord Glenelg was pointed out to me, which I recollected to have seen in the Exhibition in London as purporting to have been painted for the express pur- pose ; his Lordship, liaviBg become known to the pro- vince m his capacity of Colonial Secretary, seemed to be Jield m great respect and esteem. A church was in progress of building, of stone, partly at the expense of the bishop, to be his cathedral It appeared to be in good taste, but the foundation is said to be bad. He had sent for the stone either to England or Normandy, and had it worked at home. It appeared to be soit, and in some places already damaged ; good hard stone being to be found on the spot, had the bishop been contented with it, which would probably have been htTobb '* ^'' ^'''^' ^^'' '^'""'^ ''' "' ^^^^ ^' ^"PP^'^^^^' H 114 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT The great outcry here, and at St. John, was that " no- thing is doing, the times are very bad," and so forth. Yet I saw everywhere indications to the contrary— saw- mills at work, rafts of timber on the river, with much activity in shipping it. Prices are lowered, probably in consequence of the timber trade being thrown open to the northern ports of Europe, by the recent reduction of the duties, and some depression may be the consequence ; nevertheless, the quantity sliipped for England is said to increase vastly and progressively, while the manufac- tured goods of the mother-country are to be had in re- turn as cheap as at home. Having returned to St. John bv a 1 -etter boat, — On Tuesday 30th, nine a.m., I embarked on board a steam-boat (the Maid of Erin) plying to Eastport and Portland, in communication with the railroad from the latter place to Boston, taking a ticket for the whole way : fare, £1, 13s. 6d. sterling. The passage proved stormy in the extreme— a head wind and heavy sea, with continued rain. We touched at Eastport, the boundary line of the British province, to part with and take up passengers. Next raoining the storm increased ; we passed a schooner laden with lumber, water-logged, and deserted by her crew; part of her deck cargo, washed overboard and floating about in all directions, appearing to consist of billets of firewood ; the masts still standing ; the sails ftillen down and partly covering the deck — the whole a painful picture of distress. Our steamer was apparently old and badly arranged — the passengers numerous and very sea-sick, with a good many Irish emigrants, recently come out, as deck passengers. To mend matters, something went wrong in the steam boiler ; at last, much jaded and fatigued, we contrived to reach Portland harbour in the dark. TO THE UNITED STATES. 115 when we were visited by a custom-house officer, who however, allowed my baggage (consisting of two krpet hotel, as late as twelve o'clock, much exhausted. The landlord thinking me only a customer for the mght, took me in with reluctance, contriving to give me the worst room in his house. b^e me offhlT„wn°?'?T^'-''T™'''^"''''^*°S'''<'W«"»''»« of the town I determmed to remain a few days With this view (al hough not usual), I obtained, as a stran." from the railroad authorities, permission to use my own' with a bX 7 T'""^"^ *'■"• ^ ™» -oommodated with a better bed-room at my hotel, which was in other respects comfortable. lit) RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT f! VII i,! f CHAPTEK XVI. I'ORTLANO — BOSTON EDUCATION IIAUVAUD UNIVKKSITY FEMALE ARISTOCRACY — PLYMOUTH — PURITAN PILGRIMS SHIPPING LAW COURTS LOWELL KACTOIUES— NEWHAVEN — LONG ISLAND SOUND. Portland, the largest town in the State of Maine, in point of wealth, commerce, and population, is beautifully situated — crowning a peninsula in Casco bay. Beinj^ regularly laid out, and handsomely built on the brow of a rising ground, it presents a fine view from the sea. Its si)acious harbour is safe, deep, and easy of access, at the same time land-locked by narrow islands. Its population may be about 15,300. Thursday, June 1st.— I spent tiiis day in looking about tlie town and its vicinity, with both of which I was much pleased. I remarked the comfort, cleanliness, absence of poverty, and general look of quiet respecta- bility so common to the United States. The lotus-tree is planted here and there on the verge of the footpatli of the principal street ; its green leaves contrasting agreeably with the glare of the sun, its shade acceptable in the hot, dry atmospheie of an American summer. No wine or brandy was to be had at my hotel— the tempcpince movement being in full operation. June 2d. — I spent this day in visiting the observatory Its TO TF^E UNITED STATES. Hj liill, in the immediate neighbourhood of the town com- . mandmg a fine view of its inland waters and numerous IS ands ; and where I met, and renewed my acquaintance y>nh, a Boston friend. June 3d.-I took a warm bath ; a custom I never neglect when an opportunity offers, but at present a necessary refreshment after the voyage from St. John where I had spent an uncomfortable night without un- clressmg. Ihe charge very moderate, only twenty cents or tenponce of our money. ' Sunday, 4th June.-I went to the Episcopal church accompanymg a family who, on my asking the hour of Divme service, kindly offered me a seat in their pew lie service was well conducted, and a good sermon followed the prayers, which on the present occasion were shortened, but this might be because the sacrament was to be adiiimistered. The Voluntary system is prevalent, as I have already observed, throughout the whole of the United States-1 there being no connexion between Church and State It is tound to answer very well-each congregation selecting and paying their own pastor. His stipend, in this case, I learned to be 1000 dollars per annum or about 200 guineas of our money-a moderate, but fair allowance, considering the low prices that rule in this part of the Union. In the evening, I walked to the cemetery outside the town, laid out in the new orna- mental style, and apparently a favourite resort of the townsfolk. Monday, June 5th.-A gentleman introduced himself to me to-day, by asking me if I was related to the late Professor Playfair. On my expressing my surprise at the question, my uncle having been long dead, he ex- plained himself by telling me that the Professor's Euclid 118 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ii had been his class-book at college. He showed rae much civility, proposing a walk to the railway recently com- menced between this town and Montreal, from which great advantages are proposed to it as a shipping port for that part of Canada. The wages of the labourers upon which, I learned to be a dollar and upwards per diem. We continued our walk to the observatory, which we ascended to enjoy its extensive view, returning after- wards leisurely to our hotel, conversing on such local particulars as are interesting to a stranger. At three o'clock p.m. I continued my route to Boston per railroad ; the cars full— I, however, got a comfortable seat. The weather cloudy and rainy, but the country looking green and well ; we crossed the Merrimack river over a long covered bridge, and passed through Haver- hill, and other thriving manufacturing towns ; the land through which our route lay being in some places un- cleared ; the soil generally appeared, as far as I could judge from the railway cuttings^ to be light and sandy. We arrived safely at Boston about a quarter past eight o'clock ; the distance being about 105 miles, i.e., at the rate of twenty miles an hour ; the train not ex- press, as we made various stoppages to take up and put down ; it appeared to me that the speed was sufficient under the circumstances, and that the railway was pro- perly constructed, and well regulated. On my arrival at Boston, I got into a conveyance for my old quarters, at the Winthrope House, where I was at once recognised, and got a comfortable room, which in my case is a great desideratum ; my state of health not admitting of the contrary; after some tea, I was very glad to go to bed, a good deal fatigued. Tuesday 6th, the day rainy and damp, with an un- pleasant wind blowing ; I walked about nevertheless a TO THE UNITED STATES. 119 great part of the morning, visited Fanuel Hall, where I saw the portraits of Washington, of John Hancock (whose name figures to the declaiation of indej)endence, as chairman of the Congress assembled for the purpose)' and of other worthies of bygone times. I recognised several of my old acquaintances at the hotel, who were all very civil, and who had not forgotten my daughters, in particular. I remarked to-day, as before, the general appearance of comfort and wealth, accompanied by the quiet and orderly behaviour of the townspeople (which I have often had occasion to observe in the towns of the Union) ■—what we call rows, or street mobs, 1 have nowhere as yet seen or heard ; this is no doubt, among other causes, in part owing to the education and general comfortable condition of the lower orders ; the tera})erance move- ment must also not be overlooked, accompanied as it is by the general religious and moral tone of society. Thirty thousand pounds per annum are supposed to be levied on the town alone for public schools, while three times that amount is levied throughout the State dispensing education to the young population generally^ of whatsoever religious sect, at the public cost ; this is as it ought '\ is f,nmd to work well. When we bear in miuv* -irge portion of society the lower classes form in , .immunities, and the political privi- leges conceded to them, in particular, throughout the Union, too much importance cannot be attached to their wellbeing, of which, from what I have observed, the good fruits may be inferred to be visible. Wednesday, 7th.— After breakfast I took the omnibus for the Auburn cemetery. I found the grounds diversi- fied, and in good order ; the early foliage beautiful, the monuments, many of them of marble, in good taste. I !! 120 IlECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT walked, on my return, to the neighbouring village of Cambridge, to see Harvard University ; first taking the library, which was of large extent, and contained in a new building constructed for the purpose, of granite, in the Gothic style ; said to be in imitation of a building at our university of Cambridge, in England; at all events well adapted for the purpose : from thence I was conducted to the museum, in a separate building ; the ground-floor of which was a hall of convocation, on the walls of which were hung many portraits of public cha- racters, benefactors to the college, and others, painted by Copley, an artist of merit, a native of this town, of whom Boston is justly proud, and known in England (wheie he also practised professionally) as the father of our distinguished Tory chancellor, Lord Lyndhurst. This university is the oldest, most richly endowed, and most important literary institution of the United States. It has a president, and a full staff of professors, and qualifies students (generally about 450 in number) for every branch of literature and science, at a moderate cost. On reaching town, I called on my friend the British consul, who promised to procure me the necessary order of admission to the Lowell factories ; I then learned at a money-changer's that I could change my English for American gold, at the rate of four dollars and eighty- four cents per sovereign. At dinner to-day I had for the first time this season a dessert of strawberries and cream. These strawberries are of the small Scotch or Swiss kinds, and grow very plentifully throughout the northern states of the Union, as well as in the British provinces, principally in a wild state. Thursday, Sth.—A determined rainy day. I w^nt out TO THE UNITED STATES. 121 nevertheless, principally to see the collection of pictures and curiosities at the AthenoDum, but found that the pictures, &c., were not to be seen until Monday ; I was shown the library, however, which was extensive and well-selected, being proprietary, and a share worth about £60 steriing, with certain privileges as to admit- ting friends. I was permitted as a stranger to remain to read Mr. Dickens' book on America, which, in reference to the weather, I availed myself of. I passed the even- ing pleasantly with friends, one of whom was from Scotland, who gave me letters to Philadelphia. Friday, 9th.— Weather still rainy— donned my cloak and went to the Athenaeum club, and continued Mr. Dickens' book. In the evening I accompanied a friend to see the Italian opera of Ernani. An opera is to me a dull affair. The performance seemed respectably got up, the audience fashionable. The curtain rose a quarter before eight, and we were out by half-past ten, there being no ballet ; price of pit and boxes one-half dollar, there being only one higher price, a dollar, for what was called the Parquiet boxes, forming a small semicircle projecting beyond the lower circle into the pit, and over- looking it. I had here an opportunity of observing the female aristocracy of Boston, celebrated throughout the Union for their beauty ; they are certainly handsome, generally tall slender figures, with a gracefully turned neck and shoulders, and a finely-chiselled countenance ; but the complexion of our English ladies is wanting! They are also said to arrive early at maturity, and to fade sooii ; whether it be from the extremes of their climate, or from whatever other cause, they do not appear to take sufficient exercise in the open air, for robust health. Our ladies at home have a moderate climate that admits of walking exercise in the open air, m.ore or less all the 123 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT (1, i year round,— an advantn«;e probably not sufliciently ap- prcciatod ; they are also like otlier home-plants of slow growth, retaining' their good looks for a long time. Boston, while it is a })k>asant town coniir'inding good society, is, as coni[)ared with our prices at home, a elrea[) place of residence, with considerable equality in condi- tion ; there are some few, no doubt, as everywhere, very rich, but many for the most part independent, or in easy circumstances, with probably fortunes of about 50,00() dollars, yielding, at the rate of interest to be had on good security, an income of about £700 per annum, which here commands a carriage witli every convenience of genteel lite that shoukl accompany it. Saturday, 10th.— Finished Mr. Dickens' book at the Athenteum : passed the evening pleasantly with friends ; slavery the topic of conversation ; disapproved of in un- qualified terms. Sunday, 1 1th.— Accompanied a friend to the Episcopal service. Afterwards I accompanied my friend in a walk where he pointed out to me the new Athenaeum in' course of completion, Mr. Hancock's house fronting the Common, the house in which Franklin was born," and several other objects of curiosity, with much civility on his part ; passed the evening in pleasant conversation with the ladies in the drawing-room of my hotel. Monday 0th June.— I went this morning to visit the monument erected on Bunker's Hill, to commemorate the battle fought there, between our troops and the Colonial militia, commanded by Colonel Prescott, at the commencement of the revolutionary war ; it crowns the hill (which is a suburb of the town) in the middle of a raised square grass-plot, in the form of an obelisk ; it is built of granite, the corner-stone having been laid by General Lafayette in 1825, and was completed as late i I': TO THE UNITED STATES. 123 as the year 1842 ; its heij^ht is 220 feet. I ascended it by a spiral staircase, in tiie interior, being first furnisbed with a lantern. On arriving at the top, I commanded a fine panoramic view of the town and neighbonrhood on every side, throngb fonr largo windows, or open aper- tures ; on descending, I purchased for one-half dolhir, the panoramic view in question, accompanied by a view of the monument itself, with some letter-press giving its history, and also the history of the battle it com- memorates. On my return, I changed some of my British for American gold, at the rate of four dollars eighty-six cents (£1, 3d. sterling) for Victoria sovereigns— a good price, these being in repute, because they are the newest and consequently least worn ; on the others you lose a cent or two as the case may be, the St. George and Dragon sovereign being the least valuable. Tuesday, ISth.—Pjissed the morning in changing some more of my gold at the above price. I then called on the British consul, for my ticket for the Lowell factories ; afterwards proceeding to the Athenajum, where I was permitted by the librarian, as a stranger, to see the pic- tures, statuary, &c., although not yet open to the public. I then sought out the depot of the Plymonth Kailway, which was not far distant from my hotel, having "a natural curiosity to see the spot where the Pilo-rim Fathers first landed. '^ Wednesday, 14th.— After an early breakfast, I set oflf accordmgly by the quarter before seven o'clock train for Plymouth, a distance of thirty-seven miles, which we accomplished in less than two hours. I observed, by the cuttings of the railway, the land to be generally poor; m appearance sandy gravel, full of stones, but otherwise undulating and covered with a rich verdure,— the result 124 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I ■ ? of the recent rains ; the viUages clean and comfortable m appearance, as I had occasion to observe everywhere in New England. Plymouth is considered classic ground, in this part of America, as the oldest settlement in New England, being the landing-place of the celebrated Puritans from' the Mayflower, in 1620 ; and as such, 1 took a peculiar mterest in it. Its bay is spacious and sheltered, but too shallow for the purposes of commerce: it consequently has never risen to any magnitude; its settlement or state of Plymouth becoming subsequently merged in the state of Massachusetts ; it is at present little more than a village, or watering-place, with a population of about 5000. The first settlers suflfered extreme privations here, at- tended by a great mortality. On a mound which runs parallel behind the town, stands the church and burying- ground. In a break through the middle of this mound runs a stream of fresh water into the sea ; tracing this to its source, a distance of about two miles, I came'iipon a fine sheet of wa*er, surrounded by the primeval forest very much in the state, no doubt, that the first settlers found it, the ground surrounding it appearing to consist of little else than sand. The beauty of this lake in the fine sunsjhine, the silence of its forest, and the absence of man, seemed to give it a melancholy interest as con- nected with the pilgrims ; it is known by the name of Billington's Sea, from a person of that name— a son, I believe, of one of the pilgrims, on ascending a tree the better to look about him— having been the first to dis- cover it, intimating to the little community that he saw the sea, or a sea, in that direction. On returning, I observed that the stream, shortly after issuing from the lake, had been made to turn a mill now gone to decay. ' TO THE UNITED STATES. 125 I now visited Pilgrim Hall, a oeat building of granite with a Doric portico of six columns. I found it to con- tam a large painting of the landing from the Mayflower ; the chair of Governor Carver ; the sword-blade of Cap- tarn Miles Standish, with several other curious relics. There was nothing in these relics that indicated a high state of the arts ; what interested me most was the well- thumbed Bibles, dated 1620. I remarked that the print- ing had then very much reached the state in which it has come down to our day. I then adjourned to the hotel, a large commodious building, commanding a fine view, to a good dinner in company with several others, to which however we hud nothing but water to drink. Little more than two centuries have elapsed since the Puritan pilgrims found this neighbourhood a howlin"". pleasantly situated on the ea coast of the continental side of Long Island Sound, about midway, where it forms a bay into which two small nvers flow. This sound, or arm of the sea, whidt separate Long Island from the mainland, is soiewTa strangely caUed by the New Yorkers E^st Eiver; in Z!h "" *" *" ^'"^""' ""^'^"^ ">«y desigiate I regi^tted I had not given myself a day to see this town, which merits the attention of a stmnger : it Z «hi V^T^ ^ i""*"" '^ ^« ^"'l spacious, but shallow, which IS no doubt the reason why it has not risen to greater commercial importance g2TZ''^^ "'''*"■**"* *■'"■ "^ ^"'^'''^^ «f Yale Oo,lege-oae oi the most extensive in the Union, and I aso RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT m ' V % said to have educated more eminent men than any other. It has a president and thirty-one professors, and a very valuable library of 34,500 volumes. We continued our route by a large and commodious steamer, through the Sound, commanding many fine views on both sides, until it narrowed very much as we gradually ran up between New York, with its &'• ■''"»^, on one side, and Brooklyn on the other, witl. j* spires in the distance, gilded by the setting sun, pre- senting moving panoramic views, pleasing and animating in the extreme. I reached my old quarters, the City Hotel, about six o'clock, a good deal fatigued. The fare from the one town to the other cost five dollars (about one guinea). Dinner, half a dollar (28. Id.) Conveyance from and to the hotels, &c., seventy-seven cents (3s. Id.) Making the whole ex- penses of this long journey of upwards of 200 miles, only £1, 6s. 2d. \ V: 6 I TO THE UNITED STATES. 131 CHAPTER XVII. NEW YORK— COURTS OF LAW— CUOTON nRIDGE— AQUEDUCT— "dOMBEY AND SON"— BLACK POPULATION— CONVERSATION- FINANCE— PHILADELPHIA —ATHEN^UM — FAIRMONT WATER- WORKS—LAUREL HILL CEMETERY — THEATRE— PENn's HOS- PITAL— GIRARD COLLEGE— EASTERN PENITENTIARY— MINT- VOLUNTARY SYSTEM-DELAWARE RIVER— SCHUYLKILL RIVER — LOWER ORDERS REPUDIATION. Wednesday, 21st June.— I lost no time this morning m visiting the post-office, where I found satisfactory letters waiting me from my family in England, as well as from my daughters in Nova Scotia. I afterwards spent the morning in calling on my friends, and in look- ing about the town, after which I returned a good deal fatigued to my hotel. Thursday, 22d.— Aftera warm bath (price one quarter of a dollar), I called this morning upon a friend, whom not finding at home, I entered the courts of law, where I found the judges on the bench, without wig or gown, the attorney pleading in evervday clothes (the attorneys are also the barristers throughout the Union, as in the British provinces) ; the witness under examination sitting at his ease ; the examining attorney -Iso sitting ; nevertheless the courts are spacious and well arranged, and justice is understood to be strictly and ably administered. The judges are not largely paid, according to our ideas ; from n ii i |iiwii i _ \n .» \' m f . «aM«U'-- 140 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT If ^1 of architecture is plain, yet white inarhle (of which there must he abundance in the neighbourhood) is generally used for the door-steps, window frames, the basement story, and not unfrequently for the entire front ; while the public buildings are for the most part entirely con- structed of it. It is a remarkably clean town, good use being made of the waters of the Schuylkill in that respect. It is also well drained by covered ducts. It oflfers a remarkable contrast to "New York, in the feeling of repose that pervades it, as might be expected in a Quaker city. It has also some fine squares, planted with trees, where its citizens may repose on seats, shaded from the heat of the sun, they being generally, if not all, open to the public. The markets are good, and well supplied. There are two theatres, both very well supported. There is also a naval yard belonging to the general Government, containing every preparation for building vessels of war, with marine barracks, and quarters for the officers. This city has considerable trade and manufactures ; and has enjoyed largely the general prosperity of the Union, if we may judge by the increase of its popula- tion, from 70,287 in the year 1800, to not less than 330,000 at the present time. There is here a medical school in very good repute, to which a number of students resort from all parts of the Union, as well as from the British provinces, when they cannot afford to come to Europe, which was formerly the general practice. In ray walks about, I observed a large black population, chiefly, if not entirely, amongst the lower orders. I passed the morning of the day after my arrival in looking about the town, and in delivering my letters, taking refuge from the heat in one of the principal TO THK UNITED STATES. J41 »quareB under the shade of a large drooping willow harmonizmg with the repose of the scene. A etmnr; happened to seat himself on the same bench, a i«pel hewl.f'"^^*"' "" "y "^dressing him, iJe told me he was from Germany, a bookbinder by trade bv which he earned one dollar and a half a day '(6s. 3d.), n» d d he regret his fatherland, .ifter this, he made some observation on the religious sects of the town ; in my reply to which, I happened to ask whether any distinc- tion was made between the Eoman Catholics and the others, when a man, who had seated himself on the Catholic lehgion wao a bridle, and that I must be a Jesuit m disguise ; this I disclaimed, to which he would not assent demanding very rudely what book I caiiied n my pocket ; I very civUly presented it to him, when In .f''"'f ">«"*. .•f«t«'«l of a Catholic mi sal, he found It to be a guide-book, in flaring red binding- civilly beggmg my pardon. ' After tea I sauntered out without any fixed intention, when a gentleman followed me from the hotel, ver^ conS '"t'^d^-ng '"n^^elf, and offering to uir;ct or conduct me, as a stranger, to any part of the town 1 might wish to go. After thanking him, I said I migh m tted, in the first instance, to introduce me to the Athen^un, where I would see all the English news- papers with the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews which he immediately did. I found the rooms elegantly fitted up and well lighted ; he then left me to spend the evenmg there, for I thought no more of the theatre. I felt and valued this attention the more because it was nnexpectfiu ; while I found the Athemeum an agreeable wmmmm 142 RECOLLECTlONb OF A VISIT resource, which I availed myself of, at least once a day, during my stay in the town : an attention of this kind cannot be valued too highly, it was the first of several which Mr. Cresson showed me. He took a great inter- est in the abolition of slavery, on which subject he had visited England more than once. He gave me some account of the African colony of Liberia, and of its black President. Next morning I took an omnibus to the Fairmont Water-works, on the Schuylkill River, about two miles from the town, occupying i area of thirty acres — a large part of which consists of the " Mount," an eminence 100 feet above tide water in the river below, and about sixty feet above the most elevated ground in the city. The top is divided into four reservoirs, capable of con- taining 22,000,000 gallons, one of which is divided into three sections for the purpose of filtration ; the whole being surrounded by a gravel walk. The- power neces- sary for forcing the water into the reservoirs is obtained by throwing a dam across the Schuylkill, and by means of wheels moved by the water, which work forcing- pumps, by which the water of the river is raised to the reservoirs on the top of the "Mount." The dam is 1600 feet long, and ninety wide, cut in solid rock. The miU-house is of stone, 238 feet long and fifty-six wide, capable of containing eight wheels, and each pump will raise about 1,250,000 gallons in twenty-four hours. After gratifying my curiosity for some time here, a steamer happened to stop at the landing-place for pas- sengers up the river ; I embraced the opportunity to go as far as the Laurel Hill Cemetery, which is situated three miles and a half from the town, on the bank of the river, at a height above it of ninety feet. On enter- ing the gate, the first object that presented itself to me ■ t TO THE UNITED STATES. 143 5 a dav, is kind several b inter- he had le some . of its iirmont miles ,cre8 — a ninence i about he city, of con- ied into B whole r neces- ibtained f means forcing- i to the dam is k. The ix wide, mp will irs. here, a for pas- ty to go situated bank of n enter- f to me was a piece of statuary, representing Sir Walter Scott conversmg with Old Mortality, while the latter is chisel- ling the grave-stones of the Covenanters, executed in sandstone by the self-taught Scotch sculptor, Mr. Thorn This was the last thing I would have looked for here 1 he cemetery covers about twenty acres, the surface of which IS undulating, diversified by hill and dale and adorned with trees and shrubs ; the monuments were of white marble, and ia good taste. On inquiring from a grave-digger his rate of pay, he replied, a dollar per day Un asking the same question afterwards at the New Cemetery at Plymouth, Devonshire, in our own countrv I learned it to be 2s. per diem. " In the evening I went to the Walnut Street Theatre and saw the opera of Masaniello, in three acts, tolerably well performed; before the after-piece, a youu^ figur- ante danced a pas seul gracefully enough-it was en- cored. On finally retiring backwards, much pleased with the plaudits that followed, she fell, lookincr ruefully at the audience, and causing a general titter" until the curtain dropped, to her relief. The after piece not proving to my mind, I was very glad to get home. o to The theatre appeared of a tolerable size, well fitted up, and the admittance moderate— ^'.e., to the dress- circle, including the pit, fifty cents (2s. Id.) ; to the rest of the theatre twen ty-five cents. The performance 1 observed, began at eight o'clock. ' Next day I visited Penn's Hospital, with his statue in front, in his Quaker's costume ; the Custom-house a fine building of marble, in the form of a Grecian temple; the State House, in which I observed nothing remark- able, if it be not the room in which the declaration of independence was voted. »mmm 144 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I then took the omnibus for the Girard College, situ- ated in the outskirts of the town. It was founded, it appears, by a gentleman of that name, a native of France, of humble origin, who settled here in early life, and accumulated a very large fortune as a merchant and banker, who died in 1831, bequeath- ing 2,000,000 dollars to build and endow an orphan hospital. His executors appear to have committed an error, not uncommon in cases of this kind ; they have expended the greater part of the money on the buildings, leav- ing out of view the more important object of the be- quest. It occupies a commanding position ; its site contains forty-five acres of ground, bequeathed by the founder for the purpose. The College, or centre building, is of white marble, in the form of a Grecian temple ; it is surrounded by thirty-four columns of the Corinthian order, supporting an entablature : at each end is a door- way or entrance, decorated with massive architraves, sur- mounted by a sculptured cornice ; the roof and interior also of marble. No wood is used in its construction, consequently it is fire-proof. There are four other build- ings, namely, two on each side, one of these being so constructed as to form four distinct houses for the pro- fessors ; the other being intended for the pupils. On leaving the College, I went to see the Eastern Penitentiary, as it is called. Finding it to be in the immediate neighbourhood, I was readily admitted, with others, to see such parts of it as are shown to strangers. It covers about ten acres of ground, is surrounded by a wall thirty feet high, and in architecture, is said to resemble a baronial castle of the Middle Ages. It is constructed on the principle of strict solitary TO THE UNITED STATES. 14.') ge, situ- of that settled ) fortune equeath- orphan rror, not xpended 5s, leav- ' the be- contains mder for ig, is of le ; it is )riuthian H a door- .ves, sur- interior traction, ei build- being so the pro- Eastern e in the ted, with trangers, led by a i said to solitary confinement, in separate cells ; each cell having a very little garden attached, for air and recreation ; and it appears calculated for the security, the health, and so tar as is consistent with its objects, the comfort of its occupants. As occasion served, I visited the United States Mint unfortunately not then in operation ; and such other objects as a stranger is expected to nee. Sunday, the 9th July, I attended Divine service at the Episcopal Church, where I heard a good sermon, and the prayers well read. The voluntary system prevails here, as it does in the rest of the Union, yet no want of religion follows as a consequence ; on the contrary, in this respect Phila- delphia IS exemplary ; there being at this time 159 churches of different denominations for the white popu- lation, and twelve for the coloured people,— so strictly is the hne of demarcation carried out, even to spiritual matters, where, surely, as fellow-Christians, we ou-ht to admit, m humility, our equality in the house^of Grod. In the voluntary system, it becomes the interest as well as the duty of the clergyman to make himself acceptable to his congregation, on which he entirely depends for his stipend ; he therefore becomes their friend and spiritual adviser throughout the week and does his best to read the prayers properlv, and to ad- dress to them such a discourse as they can understand and pix.ht by on the Sunday ; it may therefore be said to work well here. The connexion between Chur(;h and State is of Ion- standing at home. In early times it was the medium ot influencing the public mind on State affairs ; it was also a great source of patronage to the crown and to K 146 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT i : the landed aristocracy. The first of these has long gone by. The second remains consequently the young aspirant ; for Church preferment depends more on family influ- ence than on his own qualifications for the cure of souls ; the eifect of which is that, in England, the prayers, so beautiful in themselves, are frequently read in a mono- tonous tune or drawl, while the sermon often fails to command the attention of the congregation. In Edinburgh, when I was a young man, there was very little good preaching ; the minister would give his extempore prayer in a tone and manner ungraceful ; the sermon would follow, in a dry disquisition on points of doctrine ; and if it became necessary to announce a prayer-meeting, a collection, or a sacrament, he came down at once to another key, as if calling for special attention. There is unfortunately little improvement on this in the present day ; and it would be well if some of our young ministers would take a lesson from their gifted townsman, the Rev. Dr. Guthrie. Free seats on a large scale are also loudly called for in the Edinburgh churches for the use of the poor. The clergy of the rural districts are no doubt good parish priests, and fulfil their weekly duties conscienti- ously ; but it is to be feared that there are many instances where the Sunday's sermon fails to act as a bond of union between the minister and his flock. The remedy would be, to provide professorships of elocution at all our divinity schools, on the ground that the student, until he be qualified to command the atten- tion of his congregation, and to carry it with him, cannot hope to effect any good whatever from his pulpit ; the other qualifications tor the sacred office should be strictly TO THK UNITED STATES. 147 defined, and he sho.ild be subjected to a rigid scrutiny by a board of examiners, as in other professions, belbre ho be permitted to take orders. In the evening I walked towards the Delaware, and admired two fine liners between Liverpool and this port • the Tuscarora, and the William Tell. The Schuylkill is a comparatively narrow river, with high banks. ' The Delaware, on the contrary, is a fine open broad cllsr* "^'''^^''^^ "^ *' *^^ *«^" ^y ^'^ss^J^ of a large The most pleasing feature of this town is the general wellbeing of the lower orders (as I have had occasion to notice elsewhere)-provisions being plentiful and cheap, while the labour-market being regulated by the demand and supply; it is paid for in an inverse The repudiation of their State debt cannot be too ranch censured ; their finances were for a time embar- rassed, but the stinging diatribes of the Eev. Mr Sidney Smith have had their effect. They have honourably redeemed their engagements, resumed payment of their btate debt, while their resomces are said to be rapidly developing themselves at an increased rate. I experienced myself much personal attention and the city with kindness here, and prepared to leave regret. Tuesday, July llth.-I left Philadelphia this morning at half-past eight o'clock a.m., by the railway train and reached Baltimore about half-past two— a distance of ninety-seven miles ; fare, three dollars. The weather pleasant, but warm. Passing through a variety of country, undulating and well wooded, we crossed several rivers, the view on each being beautiful and variegated 148 RECOLT-FXTIONS OF A VISIT reminding me of the richest parts of Enghmd ; the soil nevertheless light, inclining to sandy ; the green crops looking well ; the grain crops generally thin, but mostly cut dowL The train was carried directly to the station, in the centre of the town, by horses — the locomotive being removed at the outskirts— upon rails laid down in the streets, but sunk to a level with the road, so as not to interfere with the general tra^^c. the soil )n crops t mostly station, lomotive down in as liot TO THE DNITKD 8TATKS. 149 CHAPTER XVIII. nALTIMORE—WASHrNGTON—rAPITOL— CHAMBERS OP C0NGRK88 —president's house— pRESf dent's reception— OUTUNK OF THE HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES— REMARKS. Baltimore, the capital of Maryland,— a colony settled by Lord Baltimore, a Catholic nobleman, who came out here accompanied by followers of his own religious per- suasion, giving his name to the town he founded —is pleasantly situated on the river Patapsco (which flows mto the Bay of Chesapeake), and carries on a prosper- 0U8 commerce, with a population of about 125,000 On the bank of the river, the town is very much occupied by warehouses and other accommodations for traffic but beyond them, it rises to a considerable height, laid out m handsome streets and squares ; the houses are of red brick, with marble or granite basements. There are some handsome bridges over a stream that divides the town ; and several monuments ; one of these, erected in honour of General Washington, I ascended. It consists ot a Doric column, rising from a base fifty feet square and twenty high. Its height is 180 feet, including the statue of Washington at the top, sixteen feet high It stands on an eminence in the heart of the town and commands a fine view from the top. As I looked in the direction of the bay, ia particular, I observed the ibrest f '■ lli P ISO UECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT coverinp^, far and wide, mther low banks. If America has not the prestige of old recollections, she certainly has the freshness of youth ; the great feature everywhere is the forest itself, no doubt old enough ; but everything else is new; even in the oldest colonies, centuries must elapse before, in this respect, they can be made to assume the aspect of modern Europe. I next visited the Koman Catholic cathedral, a large and handsome building, one of several indications of the origin of the town, which have come down to our day ; there being still a considerable Catholic population as peculiar to it. We have in this, another instance of a State, the founders of which were driven to seek a refuge in the wilderness, on account of the unhappy dissensions at home, on the subject of religion, which ought to be a bond of peace and brotherly love. I saw whatever else of the town one day would per- mit me to do, which I took some interest in, as the first slave State I had yet entered ; but I had no opportunity, in my transient passage, of observing how the system worked. I learned here that a relative of Lord Stanley, and a son of Sir Robert Peel, were respectively travelling in the United States, hitherto very much on the route I had taken, but in advance of each other — we were in Indian phrase, on each other's trail. Next morning (13th July), at 9 a.m., I took the rail- way train for Washington -a distance of forty miles; fare, 1 dol. 80 cents. (7s. 6d.) After a drive through a pleasant country, I reached Washington about twelve o'clock, where, wishing to try this mode, I took up my quarters at a very good board- ing-house, to which I had been recommended by a friend at New York, and then sallied out to see the town and deliver my letters. TO THK UNITJflU STATES. 151 »S Washington, the metropolis of the United States, is situated on tiio river Potomac, in the district of Cohitn- bia. Tlie forest-clad hills by wjiich it is encompassed, J although not liigh, diversify the prospect. It was at the suggestion of General Wasliington, that this spot was seh cted as the site for the future capital of the Union ; the district in question being ceded to the General Governuicnt for the purpose, by the State of Maryland. The city is laid out on a regular and extensive plan, and will, if the design of the founders be carried out, no doubt form a respectable metropolis ; but at present there is no indication of this. Washington w.'is attacked by our troops in the war of 1814, when the authorities, refusing to ransom the town, the Capitol, the President's house, the public offices, and several ships of war on the stocks and in the river, were reduced to ashes. The Capitol, in which the Houses of Congress hold their sittings, has been rebuilt on a large scale and in good taste. Elevated on a plateau seventy-two feet above tide-water, it affords a commanding view of the different parts of the city, and of the surrounding coun- try. The building, which is of freestone, occupies an area of more than an acre and a half ; it is adorned with Corinthian columns, and entered by fine flights of steps to both fronts. I approached it from the town by an avenue of trees, and, mounting the steps, entered the Rotunda in the middle of the building, surmounted by a fine dome. The walls of this Rotunda are ornamented with pictures on a large scale, representing incidents in American history, viz. :— the Presentation to Congress of the De- claration of Independence ; the Surrender of Burgoyne, —of Cornwallis ; Washington resignin<^ his Commit- »?-'i J 62 KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT Bion ; the Baptism of Pocahontas ; and the Embarka- tion of the Pilgrims. After surveying these in succes- sion, I accidentally encountered a New York friend, who introduced me on the floor of both houses, then sitting, where I met with much notice from individual members, my name, as connected with my uncle, being generally known. One gentleman, in particular, introduced him- self as having been personally known to him, having attended his lectures in Edinburgh. Each chamber is entered at either side of an inner lobby, emerging from the Pvotunda ; they occupy the two wings of the building. They are square, I think, in form, and handsome ; but they appeared to have the defect said to be found in our new houses of Parliament —for, although important matters were in discussion in both, I found great difficulty in catching their pur- port The President holds his court in a building at the other end of the town, provided for his residence, of large dimensions, handsomely constructed of freestone, with a fine portico situated in its own grounds, and known under the general appellation of the White House. There are no guards on duty— no parade that would indicate the palace of the head of so great a Republic. The parks surrounding the Capitol were a favourite Icunge. They are tastefully laid out, ornamented with statues, and shaded with trees; yet 1 observed some unmistakable signs of a new country— the st^^nes col- lected in little quadrangular heaps on the grass, still remained. I observed the same in the President's grounds. I frequently entered the Rotunda to admire its dome and its proportions, which are ninety-five feet in dia- TO THE UNITED STATES. 153 iia= meter, and the same in height ; the pavement is of marble. I There were generally a good many equipages about, I mostly driven by black coachmen ; and a stir otherwise as connected with the sittings of the Chambers. I was introduced to the President, Mr. Polk, at an evemng reception, who, as is the custom, shook hands with me, saying he was very glad to have seen me I was then presented to his lady by General Hous- ton, the ex-president of Texas ; she seemed young enouo-h to be his daughter,- very good-looking, and to become ner high station. I was then noticed by members of Congress, and others present, who expressed a wish that I would visit them in their respective provinces, should my tour per- mit. I found here indeed, as I had occasion to remark elsewhere, that the mother-country is looked up to with respect ; and that a gentleman visitin- them from its shores, would be well and hospitably received. As our transatlantic colonies had remained from their foundation an integral portion of our empire until the revolutionary war, the following outline of their history ot their present form of government, and a few other particulars, may not be uninteresting. Our first attempt to colonize America was made by Sir Walter Ealeigh, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth who gave his colony the name of Virginia, in honour of his sovereign. This was followed up successfully, from time to time, during the reigns of her immediate succes- sors, down to a comparatively recent date. This spirit of colonization took its rise, no doubt in the first instance, in the adventurous spirit of the Iwe consequent on the then recent discovery of the New World— not from any pressure of population at home, MiPdrJ hi. 1 fi A ] t 1 154 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT because we are told in the history of oiir country, that,- on the accession of the immediate successor of Queen Elizabeth, the population of England did not exceed two millions — i.e., less than the population of the county of Middlesex at the present day ; and that more than a century later, in the reign of Queen Anne, it did not exceed five millions. The colonists of those days seem to have consisted mostly of the better classes, led by religious or political motives. They languished in their infancy, as well from the hostility of the Indians, as from the difficulty of tiuding labour. The living tide that now sets in to their shores in a perennial current from our over-population at home, had not then begun to flow. It was attempted to be remedied in various ways ; our convicts for small offences were sent out. Burns, in a poem in allusion to some poaching affair, says : — " Though I should herd the Buckskin kye for't, in Virginia." It also gave rise to a system of kidnapping on the part of masters of trading-vessels, and others — very dis- reputable in itself, but probably lucrative to those en- gaged in it — of which we meet with amusing instances occasionally in old books. They were decoyed on board ship, and then articled to the colonists for a term of years, on the pretext of paying for their passage. ^ Peter Williamson, who was very well known in Ediu- burgh in our father's days, is an amusing instance of this. Peter was kidnapped with several other boys from the port of Aberdeen ; he ultimately settled in the outskirts of Pennsylvania, when his house was sacked and himself TO THE UNITED STATES. 155 carried off by the Delaware Indians, with whom he re- mained some time. Peter was, according to his own account, an unwilling captive ; but there is reason to fear that he is scarcely candid here. Be that, however, as it may, he came back to civilized life, returned to his native country, published his own story, and was turned out of Aberdeen, for hinting that the authorities had wmked at the system that led to his early adventures, which he resented by bringing an action against its Town-Council, in the Supreme Court in Edinburgh recovering damages. ' Peter was a man of tact, and made his early adven- tures a source of profit, as well by the sale of his book as by exhibiting himself to his astonished countrymen in the dress of a Delaware Indian, with the war-whoop, war-dance, and other accompaniments. These difficulties were, however, as time elapsed, gra- dually overcome ; they flourished and became the rneans of greatly extending our commerce, much to the envy of our neighbours. The Dutch and other maritime powers had also planted colonies in their neighbourhood, which eventu- ally became absorbed in ours ; as also had the French on a larger scale, more to the northward, where they had taken deep root, and became in time objects of jealousy and uneasiness to our settlements. Our periodical wars with that rival power were fought out bitterly in the colonies, and with alternate success ; until Quebec fell to our armament under General Wolfe' in 1759, which ended in their cession to us. This war is memorable, as the probable cause of the loss of our colonies. It was not brought to a successful issue without great expense to the nation at large ; a-i as it was considered to have been undertaken for coloii il I ' ' !■ J 156 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ill interests in particular, an attempt was made to levy one or two small taxes on stamps and tea, which was re- sisted by the colonists, on the ground that they were not represented in the Parliament that imposed them. An anti-Stamp-Act Congress was held in New York as early as 1765 ; the colonists resolving not to use our manufactures, until the stamp act should be re- pealed by Parliament. In 1770, the people of Boston threw stones at the military, who fired, and killed three persons— an event which added to the growing discon- tent. In 1773, the tea-tax was resisted in Boston and all the colonics, and Lord North reduced the duty from one shilling to threepence per pound ; but the principle on which it was imposed remaining as before, a large party of men, disguised as Indians, boarded the ships lying at the Boston wharf, and threw the tea into tho harbour. On this news reaching England, Parliament struck Boston from the list of ports ; the breach widened. General Gage was sent from England to overawe Boston. The colonists elected a Congress, who memorialized the Home Government, but in vain, though supported by Lord Chatham, Burke, and others of the opposition side in Parliament. In April 1775, General Gage sent to seize some military stores at Concord. The militia re- fused to give them up, were fired upon, and several killed on the road, from behind walls and fences. The colonists were now thoroughly roused to resistance. On the 10th of May, General Washington was installed Commander-in-Chief On the 4th of July 1776, the Congress at Phila- delphia issued their Declaration of Independence. On the surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, on the 17th October 1777, France, backed by Spain and the other maritime nowers. took ud the auarrel on their TO THE UNITED STATES. m h.mr behalf; the result of which was, that after a bitter contest, m which 100,000 of the colonists and 40000 of our troops are computed to have fallen, we were on the 30th November 1782, compelled to make peace on their own terms. Thus was this unfortunate war, originating in trifling disputes, which, if met with prudence, might have been compromised, brought to a hostile conclusion by the intervention of rival powers. The peace that followed, found the colonists bank- rupt in their finances, their commerce annihilated, with a rankling animosity to the mother-country, which only ceased with the generation that gave it birth They recovered from the two Lirst in an incredibly short space of time ; their commerce resumin.- its old . channels with us, to the sore disappointment, no doubt of our enemies. ' From the close of the war to the year 1788, the United States continued to be governed under the articles of confederation entered into the better to oppose us. It was found to be unequal to the wants of the people, and inefficient in power. Delegates from the fetates assembled at Philadelphia, when, after a debate of four months, their present constitution was odopted with the ultimate assent of all the States. The electors met in February 1789, and chose General Washington their first President under it. The Government is in form a federal representative democracy. All the States of the Union are subject to the national or general government, consisting of three ..ranches— the executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive power is vested by it in the President who holds his office i'or t.lm fArm «+' ^.v., „ . ' — — ^ ,^. ^^^ „^ ivUi jcaiS , 158 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ■jl \t chosen by the electors from the different States, who are mostly elected by the people ; each State electing as many electors as they have members in Congress. A majority of the electors' votes is necessary for a choice ; if there be no choice, then the House of Representatives elects one of the three candidates having the most votes ; in this last balloting, each State has one vote. The Vice-President is chosen in the same manner, and for the same term ; but if there be no choice by the electors, the Senate then chooses one of the two persons having the highest number of votes. No person can be President or vice-President, except a native-born citizen, of the age of at least thirty-five years, and who has been fourteen years a resident within the United States. The President is Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, and of the militia when in actual service. With the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate, he makes treaties, appoints ambassadors, judges of the supreme court, and, directly or indirectly, appoints to all the offices of the national Government. He possesses a qualified veto upon the bills presented to him in Congress ; but if he disapproves any bill, it nevertheless becomes a law, if passed by a vote of two- thirds of each house. He receives ambassadors and other public mini- sters, takes care that the laws be faithfully executed, and commissions all the officers. The President's salary is 20,000 dollars per annum. It appears that, on the subject of his salary being agitated. General Washington declined any allowance beyond his expenses ; these he gave in at the end of his first year as amounting to the above sum, at which it has continued ever since. The Vice-President is President of the Senate; and in case of the death, resignation, or removal of the who are cting as ress. A I choice ; Bntatives st voteis ; iner, and 3 by the > persons a can be 1 citizen, has been :es. be army service. ! Senate, )8 of the loints to possesses him in ertheless of each lie mini- xecuted, annum. y being ilowance d of his Arhich it te ; and of the TO THE UNITED STATES. 159 President, the powers and duties of that officer devolve on him. _ The legislative power is vested in a Congress, consist- ing of a Senate and a House of Representatives The senators are chosen by the legislatures of the several btates for the term of six years ; there are two from each State, and it is required that they shall be at least thirty-five years of age, and have been citizens of the United States for nine years. The Senate has tlie sole power to try all impeachments. The representatives are chosen for two years by the people of each State, and must be at least twenty-five years of age, and have been citizens of the United States for seven years. Representatives are apportioned among the States, according to their respective popula- tion. ^ ^ Congress must assemble at least once in every year It has power to lay on and collect taxes, duties &c • to declare war ; to grant patent and copy rights • to borrow money ; to regulate commerce ; raise armies 'and navies ; and to make all laws necessary to carry into execution the powers vested by the Constitution in the general Government. Each member of the two Houses is allowed eight dollars per diem during attendance on Congress • each also receives eight dollars for every twenty miles he tra- vels in going to and from Washington. The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court con- sisting at present of nine judges, appointed by the msident, with the consent of the Senate ; thirty-three district courts, and seven circuit courts. The principal executive officers are, the Secretaries of btate, of the Treasury, of War, and of the Navy the Postmaster-General, and the Attornev-General They 1^ ! '11 !: 160 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT are removable at the will of the President, and with the Vice-President, from the caliinet. The Secretary of State conducts tlic negotiations with foreign pov\ ers, and corresponds with the public ministers of the United States abroad, and with those of foreign states near the United States. The Secretary of the Treasury superintends the fiscal concerns of the Government. To the War Department belongs the direction and government of the army ; the erection of fortifications ; the execution of topographical surveys ; and the direc- tion of Indian affairs. Each State has its separate local government. They are all representative democracies, based on an elective executive, and legislature chosen by the body of the people for a short term of service. The suffrage is virtually universal ; blacks are, however, not permitted to vote. A small revenue is raised in each State ade- quate to its wants, by direct taxes, or excise and license duties. The revenue of the general confederacy is derived chiefly from the Customs, and the sale of public lands ; the Grovernment having found it but seldom necessary to resort to direct taxation. The public lands have been recently a great source of revenue. The Government now possesses 100,000,000 of acres surveyed and unsold, and much more vhich is not surveyed. The revenue for the year 1845 amounted to 29,769,134 dollars ; and the expenditure to 29,968,206 dollars. The principal reliance of the country for defence is on the militia of the several States. The regular army consists at present of 712 commissioned officers, eight regiments of mfantry, four of artillery, two of dragoons, with the retary of Aers, and ) United near the the fiscal !tion and ications ; he direc- fc. They I elective y of the ffrage is lermitted tate ade- d license derived c lands ; lecessary source of ,000,000 v'hich is mounted ,968,206 ice is on ar army rs, eight ragoons, TO THJS UNITED STATES. Ifil anu 200 cadets ; in all, 9,012 men. The expenditure lor which, in the year 1844, was 8,231,317 dollars. The navy consists of ten ships of the line, fifteen frigates, twenty-three sloops of war, eight hrigs, ei-l,t Hchooners, nine steam-ships, and four store-ships °In the year 1845, there were 1) commodores, G8 captains, .^b commander.^, 327 lieutenants, 69 surgeons, 64 pursers 23 chaplains, 159 passed midshipmen, 314 midshipmen' 31 masters, and 22 professors of mathematics. Tiieiv are navy-yards at Portsmoutli, Boston, New York or Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk, and Pen- sacola. The expenditure for the navy for the year 1844 was 6,496,991 dollars. ^ ' The mint of the United States was established at Philadelphia in 1793 ; and in 1838, branches wereestab- hshed at Charlotte, in North Carolina ; at Dahlone-a m Georgia ; and at New Orleans, but subject to the con- trol of the director at Philadelphia. The gold coinage consists of ten dollar, five dollar two and a half dollar, and one and a quarter dollar- pieces. The silver coinage of dollars, half-dollars, and (luarter- doUars, down to pieces of five cents (2id.) There is a great paper circulation throughout all the states. Minerals of every kind are in great abundance through- out the several States of the Union ; but not yet worked in proportion to their importance, probably ou account of the high price of labour. Coal, one of the most abundant, is now btcumino- much more used than formerly. It is found of two kinds'' --the anthracite and the bituminous. The former is found and largely mined in Pennsylvania, in three dis- tmet beds, two of whicii lie between tlie Lehigh and L II 170 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ^ I visited the Staie House, built on a commanding situation, in the form of a Grecian temple (a favourite style, and not unadapted to the climate), with a portico supported by six large columns ; in the interior, under a dome, there is a statue of General Washington, executed by a French artist, employed by General La Fayette for the purpose, and said to be the best extant. The artist, I was told, lost his head in the French Kevolution— a common occurrence in those days. I afterwards visited the courts of law ; and then, from the railway bridge, the falls as they are called, but rather the rapids of the James River, on the banks of which the town is situated, and on which there are manufactories, a paper-mill, &c., worked by water-power, which is considerable— but it is said they do not flourish. Land at a distance fjrom the town is said to be low- priced, and without purchasers. Sunday, 23d, I went to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, near the State House— the fashionable congregation. On intimating my desire, as a stranger, for a seat^ an elderly gentleman politely invited me to accompany him to his pew, ensconcing me between himself and his better-half, where, in the body of the church, fronting the clergyman, I could botli hear and see. The service^ I thought, went heavily on, sermon inclusive, by one and the same party ; the congregation seemed composed of fine folks ; the young ladies handsomely dressed, with a knot of young gentlemen assembled at the door to see them come out. Next day a Scotch gentleman, an old and wealthy resident, to whom I had a letter, took me to the tobacco stores, the great staple of the State, giving me some particulars of the manner in which this trade is con- ducted ; it comes to the stores packed in barrels. TO THE UNITED STATES. 171 The growers, it appears, generally sell by auction (which, indeed, I saw going on), commanding a re- munerative price ; it is bought up by the merchants, men of capital, who, after supplying the home market ship the remainder for Europe. Tobacco which could be sold for 3d. per pound, pays a duty ri England of 3s. ; consequently, in shipping for that market, for which the demand is great, the stems anu the coarser parts are removed; these are shipped tor Holland, where the duty is moderate, and there manufactured into snuff for the German market. Tobacco is perhaps as fair a subject for taxation as any ; it is said to realize, in Great Britain and Ireland about four millions sterling annually-a large sum' towards the expenses of the State, while it is perhaps not felt to be individually oppressive. The best cigar costs threepence in England ; a cio-ar here of the same quality three cents-that is, three hdf pence, the difference of price is perhaps not too great under the circumstances ; it would be well perhaps if our other taxes were laid on equally judiciously for no one probably, high or low, finds his expenditure in tobaccu burdensome to his pocket. My friend also introduced me to the reading-room by which I was enabled to enjoy the luxury of an English newspaper, and wonder over the affairs „: Europe Tuesday, July 25.-1 left Richmond this morning by the Louisa railruad to Gordonsville, booking on to Staunton, via Charlottesville, fi^m whence we proceeded in large four-horse coaches, carrying nine inside, en route for the ^^irginia springs, where i ^..uposed to puss a month of the hot weather. As far as I went by rail, the scenery seemed com- paratively tame ; as the mountains came in sight, it M> i ,!m? 172 f Ji RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT improved wonderfully ; we arrived about eight in the evening at Charlottesville, where, on learning that we were to resume our journey at two in the morning, I prefeired, rather than go to bed for the few intervening hours, to sleep on a bench in the bar of the hotel. ^ Next day we reached Staunton about one o'clock to dinner ; afterwards we continued our route by a con- veyance of the same description, and reached a place, tlie name of which I forget, about nine, to leave again at three, i.e., in the dark ; as the day dawned, we found ourselves embosomed in the most romantic mountains, covered by tlie primeval forest, winding and ascending the hills, until, about nine o'clock a.m., we reached the summit and looked down upon the warm springs, situated in a valley of the mountains, sholtered by their highest ridges, when we drove rapidly down to a comfortable hotel, full of company. After breakfast, I was not long in seeking out the bath, for the roads had been so bad, and the coach so heaxy, that I arrived necessarily much fatigued. I found the bath delightfully refreshing ; it was about live and a half feet deep, boiling out of its stony bottom as clear as crystal, at a temperature of about ninety-eiglit degrees of Fahrenheit, from the smell, strongly impreg- nated with sulphur : in this 1 indulged for about half an hour, swimming and floating about much to my satisfaction. The fare to Staunton was seven dollars ; from thence to the warm springs, four dollars ; my expenses on the road, about three dollars— in all, fourteen dollars. The Virginia springs are situated in the Alleghany range of mountains, the mean height of which may be between two and three thousand feet above the level of the eea ; they form the fashionable watering-places if! TO THE UNITED STATES. 173 of the southern portion of the Union, and are much resorted to ; there are several of them, all more or less celebrated, and spread over a romantic, wooded region, commanding many iine views and objects of curiosity. The warm springs, in the county of Bath, where I now was, is one of the oldest of the watering-places ; it consisted of little more than the hotel, the village, with its row or two of lodging-houses, and staff oVblack assistants. There were two large cii-cular baths, pleasantly situ- ated— one for ladies, and the other for gentlemen ; each covered in by a wooden building, in which were dre'ssino-- rooms surrounding and opening upon the bath, which was of consideral)le diameter, and constructed to be used in common at one time by as many as there were dress- ing-rooms provided for. I fo-md a very pleasant party of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the hotel, about eigiity in number; these would be added to or decreased every mornin"" as fh»- coach arrived, changed horses, and passed on, leaving the mail and any other news from the world below us. ° The change of temperature was delightful, from .. burning heat in the towns and plains, accompanied by intense thirst, to a climate resembling moderate sumnitr weather in England ; a tine herbage where cleared, mth occasional sudden and heavy showers from the attraction of the hills, with a total absence of mosquitoes and otlier noxious insects. The valley where we were was partially cleared, and bearing fine crops of Indian corn ; above us, at no great distance, stood a flag-staff, indicative of the highest point of the surrounding hills; to reach this, I ascended the coach road to its summit, and then turned aside through the forest by a bridle pa^h ; the view from it a 174 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT represented a succession of hills, covered throughont by a dense forest of oaks, as far as the eye could reach, and seeming to follow each other in succession, like the'dark billows of a tempestuous ocean ; a small patch of cleared ground here and there. Sunday, 30th.— A clergyman of the Episcopal Church preached a very good sermon in the saloon of our hotel ; more company arrived by the morning coach ; fur- ther news from France, by which, it would appear, discontent still prevailed, and further disturbances were feared. ^ As coming from the old country T ^et with marked civility and attention from ever^ , consequently I passed my time much to my satistaction ; after break- fast, part of the morning was passed in conversation, a bath, and then a saunter alone probably followed. ' I then read in my cabin until dinner, after which I would sometimes join a group in a cigar. After tea, I gene- rally spent the evening in the ladies' drawing-room, where I was inv iably well received. The gentlemen would introduce ^ to the ladies of their party, who conversed with me . .out England, and on general' sub- jects, lending me books to read. Sometimes a little quadrille was made up from the juniors of the party, when three negro musicians were sent for to play the banjo, as it is called, which consisted of three instruments, a violin, a tambourine, 1 think, and tiie third the skull of an ass, played upon by a collar-bone of the same animal, sounding not unlike the Spanish castanets. Those men were probably slaves, and as such I beheld them with interest ; they seemed clever, good-humoured and contented. ' Tlie Virginians are aristocratic in their notions ; they TO THE UNITED STATES. 175 took pride in telling me that they were the last to sub- mit to the Commonwealth untler Cromwell. They did not attempt to defend slavery in itself, observing that it was introduced by England in the first instance ; that their fortunes and institutions were bound up with it, and they did not feel called upon to ruin themselves to gratify the philanthropy of others ; that England had abandoned the slave-trade relucts 'itly' , after a long struggle in Parliament ; and that her abo- lition of slavery was a recent measure. But they would not allow that the slaves were in a general way ill treated, or if left to themselves, discon- tented with their condition ; but that their young masters growing up with them from their infancy, their rule over them in after-life was disposed to be patriarchal. My observation could only be superficial ; as far as it went I saw nothing to contradict this in their treat- ment of them as household servants. I had not, how- ever, seen them at field labour, more especially in the cotton, rice, or sugar plantations. The books lent me at this time were one or two num- bers of the Edinburgh Review, " Count Monthelon," whom I have already quoted, and " Now and Then," by Mr. Warren, who has imitated Sir Walter Scott not unsuccessfully, in making the merit of the work consist in the truth of the details. It was hinted to me here, that although slavery was made the stalking-horse, the real question at issue be- tween the two great sections of the Union is the tariff Mr. Polk's term of ofiice drawing to a close, the lohig, or, as it would be termed at home, the conservative party, had set up Geneial Taylor, a southern man ; not because he would suit them best, but because he was the only one likely to be successful on their side, from 170 KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I! his popularity as a general ; the other, the deiiiociatic party, uiRlerstood to favour a low tarifi", had set U]) Genend CasH, also a southern man. A meeting was called in our neighhourhood to discuss the merits of the two candidates, whicli I had the cnriosity to attend. The assembly was full, and the proceedings were con- ducted with decorum. General Taylor's ngent spoke first, and the gist of his argument seemed to be, that such had been the burdens entailed on the Union l)y Mr. President Polk's Mexican War, that in case of the success of his candidate, it might be found necessary to do away with the comparatively free-trade tariff of 184G, anti fall back on that of 1841 ; this was not very pala- table to a southern audience. The agent for the other party, in urging the merits of his candidate, promised, in case of his success, that there should be no increase of the tariff, but suggested that any deficiency in the i-evenue might be made up by a direct impost. 1 leant in favour of General Taylor, until I understood the alternative of his election was to be a high tariff. General Taylor was duly elected to the President's Chair, and gave promise of filling it with tact and judg- ment, when he was carried off by death. No alteratimi in the tariff took place under his government. Mr. Louis Filmore, the Vice-President, a northern man, \yho may be supposed to be more completely in the whig or conservative interest, succeeded to the Pre- sident's Chair, in virtue of the article of the constitution providing for it. ^ He did not find it safe, however, to make any altera- tion in the tariff, and it probably will not be attempted ; the general revenue being flourishing. In which case the manufacturing interest throughout the Union, instead of being a rickety baby, supported at the expense of f d h I SI OJ d{ h( TO THE UNITED STATES. m 1""- th. rest of the oonnnunity, may Imve the opport.mity to bocorae a v,g„;-,uB 8elf-s,i,,,,orting pl«„t, of bIow but sure growth. Among the bo. K8 now lent n,e wer. the "Bachelor of the Albany, on-> of the ephemeral w„rks of the day but readable, and having the merit of being compre- hended in one volume; "th. Falcon Family," by the same author, but not, I think, so good ; and the "Mis- cellannms Assays of Sir Walter Scott," consisting chiefly of his critiques from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, and his letters, signed, Malachi Malagrowt^ei on the currency of Scotland ; his object ' .ing to pre- vent the bill to do away with the one-pound r.otes then pending in Parliament, being made applicable to h's own country ; the case 12 fairly stated and ably argued they are understood to have drawn at the time the attention they merited from the Government, and were probably the main cause of the success of the obiect aimed at. ^'^j^^i I occasionally saw a game of quoits played, and there was a bowling-alley under cover. An event now broke in upon the serenity of our quiet community. On the evening of Thursday, the 10th of August, we were alarmed by loud screams proceedir,. from a sui e of private apartments ; an invalid gentle! man had died suddenly in the arms of his wife from disease of the heart. He, it appears, was a German b" birth, partner with his brother in a mercantile firm a^ i3altimore, and had been seeking the benefit of the springs for his health ; his wife was young, the mother of three children, her distress heart-rendin^ ^^L 6^ fA f ^ 178 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT after an appropriate discourse and prayer in the draw- ing-room, by the clergyman of the village, at which the widow assisted in a state of great excitement and dis- tress ; after which she left by the stage, en route for Baltimore, in charge of a friend. The churchyard was small but romantically situated, with apparently few tenants ; among the number, I ob- served a marble monument of some pretension to a Mr. Alexander Brydie, a native of Scotland, who died a.d. 1800, in his thirty-fourth year. The grave-digger, I observed, was a negro. This untoward event cast a general gloom over the party, who began to disperse in different directions. After lingering a few days, I packed up, and left after breakfast by the coach, on Thursday, 17th August, for the hot springs, a distance of five miles ; but the route somewhat long from its hilliness ; the road running from one valley opening into another, with a stream running generally in the bottom of each. The charge for board and lodging at the hotel was eight dollars per week ; the coach fare half a dollar. The hot sjjrings are situated in a valley, embosomed among mountain peaks. Bathing-houses have been erected, and every accommodation provided. The baths are six in number, each being supplied from a separate spring, and so constructed as to be occupied by only one at a time. They range in temperature from 98° to 106°. The hotel seemed to be tolerably well arranged, the number of visitors much the same as in the one I had left ; there, however, they appeared to consist more of fine folks, in search of amusement as well as health — to see and be seen ; here, mostly invalids, seeking and finding benefit from the use of the waters. TO THE UNITED STATES. 179 ihe draw- vhich the and dis- route for situated, ber, I ob- to a Mr. died A.D. digger, I over the irections. left after igiist, for the route runniug a. stream lotel was oUar. ibosomed ive been 'he baths separate only one I 98° to iged, the ne I had more of alth — to ing and Next day I tried the hot-spout bath of 102° which I found to be bearable as to heat, and remarkably pleasant. My general health also seemed improved bv the change of air. I found the company disposed to be sociable • but I was at a great loss for books, there being no periodicals or other woiks-scarcely a newspaper to be had. I became acquainted with some Virginian gentlemen of the better class, with whom I had much pleasant con- versation. Also with three gentlemen from the old country (Ire- land), all of whom had prospered. One of these came out, he told me, without a shillin- • got into a retail shop or store in one of the towns which eventually became his own, sending home for all his brothers, in succession. It is true, this may be done at home-there are instances of it every day ; but there is not room for all. No man need fear a large family at home, provided he can give his children some education and bring them up to industrious habits, with a view to tne colonies. A sound mind in a sound body, and their own exertions will do the rest. One man was pointed out to me from my own country, who had come out with a pack on his back-^.e., a pedlar ; he had been success- tul, and was rich ; with a keen Aberdeen accent • he was unassuming in his deportment, and I respected him Another had resided for some years at New Orleans • the damp climate of which, he told me, enabled him to relish a glass of whisky punch, as much as in the old country. I certainly was very much struck with the moderation of the Americans in this respect here, as elsewhere in the Union ; it is, no doubt, in part owing to the dryness ot their atmosphere wtfich renders a stimulant of the mmm m 180 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT '} \ kind less necessary than with us, in oiir humid climate. Wednesday, 23d August. — A lady lent me Miss Martineau's work on America, which much interested me for the rest of the day. I had now remained here the week I intended ; I therefore, on Thursday, 24th August, bade adieu to the ])arty at the hotel, and, after breakfast, took the coach that passed its door for the White Sulphur Springs ; the distance not quite forty miles, but the roads heavy from late rains. I got the box seat, the better to see the mountain scenery. We dined about half way, at four o'clock. Heavy rain coming on shortly i^fter, I was compelled to take refuge inside. We reached our jour- ney's end in the dark. After a refreshing supper, I re- tired to a tolerably comfortable cabin ; the whole place being as yet a terra incognita to me. The charge for the week's board was ten dollars ; the fare by the coach three dollars. The White Sulphur Springs are situated on a branch of the Greenbrier River, in the county of Greenbrier, and valley of Howard's Creek. They are the most cele- brated and most generally visited ; consequently, on looking round me next morning, I found everything aiTanged in a suitable style. Besides the main building of the hotel, which was on a large scale, there was a large circle of the better sort of cabins or houses for families, a ball-room, and other out buildings, with several rows of smaller cabins, like my own (consisting of a sitting and bed room), branch- ing off. The large circle, or rather oval, was ornamented with trees and gravel walks ; the cold spring-well for drinking being at one extremity under a dome supported by pillars. TO THE UNITED STATES. r humid me Miss nterested 3nded ; I 3U to the he coach ogs ; the avy from t see the ", at four r, I was )ur jour- )er, I re- ole place ars ; the I branch eenbrier, lost cele- sntly, on erything 1 was on tter sort id other tins, like branch- amented ■well for ipported 181 In the course of my promenade I drank a glass of the water which I did not find unpleasant ; it appeared to be slightly impregnated with sulphur to the smell and taste-not unlike what I have heard the Harrogate water to be. I recognised many of my friends from the other spnngs who received me again most kindly, introducing me to their friends. I next called at the post-office'' which here formed a part of the establishment, as it did at the others, but was disappointed in not finding letters waiting me, either from England or ^va Scotia V^^e sat down to dinner, between three and four lundred ; the dinner and waiting tolerable. I found iiere a news-room, much to my satisfaction. In the evening I looked into the ball-room where I saw some gay young folks dnncing. Among the rest Home J^rench ladies and gentlemen from New Orleans ' they seemed nice young people, and as much French in manners and appearance, as if they had come direct from i'aris. I madu the same remark at Montreal, and after- wards at Quebec. Sunday 27th August.-We attended Divine service m the ball-room, an Episcopal clergyman, a visitor at the spnngs, officiating. His text, "Make unto your- selves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness " In the evening I took a walk, accompanied by a brother Scot, to admire the fine scenery by which we were surrounded ; in the course of which we ascended a path leading into a neighbouring valley, and command- ing a fine view of it. In clearing this valley, enough of forest trees have been left to give it a fine clothed ap- pearance, while these, having room and air, have ex- panded into magnificent dimensions, mostlv oak, walnut and elm ; the repose and verdure of the scene'remind- mg me of England. ^ lifitl] 182 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I ' I I One day was very much the repetition of another with me. I was much struck with the good-breeding and propriety of all around me — no undue assumption on the part of any one — not one instance of discord, rudeness, or intemperance. The state of Ireland excited much attention. About this time news arrived that matters had come to a crisis, and that the outbreak had been put down. I observed that the sympathies of the Virginians were all with England on this subject ; nor did I think them over friendly to the new French Kevolution. Among others whom the company had attracted to the Springs, was a daguerreotype artist, a respectable- looking young man from Scotland. It was the fashion to sit to him; I went with the others and had my likeness taken, thinking I could not do less than patroiiize my countryman. His charge was three dollars, and he probably reaped a good harvest. One night as I sat alone in my cabin, absorbed in my book, a black man entered, on some pretext, with a candle, sat down beside me without the least ceremony, then pointing to the book, desired me to read aloud to him. This I did. He then asked me how the Mexican war went on. In reply to which, I beggr'^ to be allowed to ask, in my turn, what had led to the .. jnour of a visit from him at that hour of the night. To which he re- plied, that he was a free negro, and that the Virginians were going to turn all such out of their State. Besides, he added, that being accustomed to be waited on by slaves, they never inought of giving anything to the ser- vants on going away ; thinking that such subjects might possibly be tabooed in Virginia, more especially in re- ference to the party in question. I seized the favourable opportunity to dismiss him, with an assurance that I TO THE UNITED STATES. 183 - another (ding and m on the rudeness, . About a crisis, observed all with lem over •acted to pectable- e fashion had my ess than (e dollars, sorbed in :t, with a eremonv, aloud to Mexican } allowed of a visit h he re- irginians Besides, )d on by ) the ser- its might ly in re- ivourable e that I would take care not to commit the mistake of the Vir- ginians in that respect with regard to him, provided he undertook to call me in time on the morning of my departure. September had now arrived ; the zenith of the season had passed. The company, of which there had been a daily flux and reflux, had thinned down to a hundred ; even my daguerreotype friend was packing up his traps ; all which reminded me that I must think of resuming my journey, which I fixed for the Monday morning. In the meantime, I entered the ball-room in the evening, where I found few people, and no dancing, the musicians amusing themselves in practising. After their national tune of "Yankee doodle," they played in succession, " Within a mile o' sweet Edinburgh town," " Oh where' and where does my Highland laddie dwell ?" and " Kule Britannia I" At these well-known airs my heart leaped, as it did one night at Washington, on hearing in bed some one in the street trilling, as he went along " Should auld acquaintance be forgot ?" Sunday, 3d September, a Baptist minister preached in the ball-room from Isaiah— a Calvinistic sermon on the Atonement. Monday, 4th September, being duly called by my black friend, I took the coach for Charleston in Virginia, at three o'clock in the morning, first slipping half a dollar into his hand, to his great delight. I was now travelling westward with the object of striking the Ohio by the Kanawha River. We breakfasted and dined on the road, travelling through wooded valleys, very much such a country a's I had left, accompanied by very pleasant passengers, until we took in an elderly man with a slave girl, whom' he told us he had ju^t purchased for 500 dollars. He am ^'' 184 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I got her at that price, he said, on account of her bad temper. She seemed very unhappy for the first part of the route, but grew more cheerful afterwards. Arriving at the Blue Sulphur Springs to change horses, we had time to taste the water, and complete our number of passengers. Having supped and slept on the road, we continued our route through a country very much as before, only that the valleys widened and appeared more cleared and cultivated, with better farm-houses, until we approached an eminence, called the Hawk's Nest, commanding a front view of a narrow wooded valley, with a mountain stream threading the centre, being the Kanawha at or near its source. The better to see this, the coachman drew up for a short time, and we all got out. We approached the salt-works, about twelve miles from Charleston (which we regretted we had not time to visit), after which it appeared a busy scene all the way to the town, where we obtained accommodation for the night at a very good hotel. The fare by coach, eight dollars ; the board at the White Sulphur Hotel, ten dollars per week. Before taking leave of the Virginia springs, I may mention that there are some objects of curiosity which I had not an opportunity to see, such as the natural bridge. It consists of a stupendous natural arch of limestone rock, over a small stream called Cedar Creek. The view from the top is said to be very grand. The height from the stream to the top of the bridge being 215 feet; its average width 80 feet; and its extreme length at the top 95 feet. It is sixty-three miles from the White Sulphur Springs. Weir's Cave, seventeen miles from Staunton, extend- ing about 2500 feet in length ; divided into several iuL 'A TO THE UNITED STATES. 185 her bad it part of I change plete our ontinued ore, ouly ired and broached g a front 1 stream near its drew up 'e miles lot time ^ all the ition for at the I may y which natural irch of ' Creek. . The ) being xtreme IS from jxtend- several apartments, the walls of which are formed of crystallized carbonate of lime, or calcareous spar. And Madison's Cave, a short distance from the preceding, and somewhat resembling it. There are deer in the forest, because venison was a standing dish at table. They are brought in by hunters who know their haunts, and never miss a shot. If this country was cleared, or the trees thinned so as to resemble an English park or chase, it would be the finest pastoral region in the world— the land being of the best quality, judging from the trees, which \re mostly oak. At present, the trees are too closely packed for any- thing to grow under them, consequently there must be little food for game. Pigs are turned in to feed on the acorns and other nuts in the autumn ; there are also rattlesnakes, but none of these I saw. Such as it is, it merits the curiosity of a tourist, and will amply reward him. He will find the Virginians a superior class of peo- ple, hospitable to a degrcb to a stranger from the old country. 11 ill r 186 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT 1 CHAPTER XX. CHARLESTON— KANAWHA RIVER — STKAMEU— LFADKN PLATE — OHIO RIVER— CINCINNATI— LOUISVILLE— MAMMOTH CAVE. Charleston is a small town of little note, on the bank of the river Kanawha, where it becomes navigable. Next day (Wednesday the 6th September), we em- barked in the Triumph steamer for Cincinnati. The river was shallow from the season of the year, and although our steamer was not large, we went aground several times, which permitted of our going ashore, which many did, amusing themselves in the woods which skirt its margin. Thursday, 7th.— Obliged to rough matters on board ; pleasant passengers nevertheless, with whom we pass the time agreeably. One gentleman from the north, argues strongly for a high tariff; in which I oppose him, supported by the Southerns. Reach the mouth of the Kanawha this evening, as it flows into the Ohio at a right angle. We were shown at the village, where it enters, the leaden plate buiied by the French here about a hundred years ago, with a suitable inscription indicative of their intention to claim the whole valley of the Mississippi, in right of discovery ; to connect their two provinces of Canada and Louisiana, which had caused so much alarm to our English colonists. TO THE UNITED STATKg. 187 PLATE- CAVE. , on the ivigable. we em- i. The Jar, and aground ashore, I woods board ; we pass 3 north, oppose louth of Ohio at ers, the lundred of their sissippi, inces of ) much Friday, 8th.— Occupied the whole day in dropping down the Ohio— the steamer heavily laden with grain and other goods. Saturday, 9th.— Reached Cincinnati about noon : the faro no more than four dollars, including board,— it not being the custom to charge extra for meals in the Western river steamers. The Oliio is, as I expected, a magnificent river. It is formed by the junction of the Alleghany and Mon- angahela rivers at Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. It runs westward in a uniform smooth and placid current ; its banks are generally high and precipitous, rising into bluffs and cliffs, sometimes to the height of 300 feet. Little or nothing of the country, on either side, is visible beyond its banks ; but, by the rich alluvium of which they are composed, I could form some judgment of its fertility. It is navigable for its whole length, from Pittsburgh to its mouth, where it flows into the Mississippi— a dis- tance of 1001 miles, with exception of some short rapids at Louisville. To enable steamers to surmount this impediment, a canal has been dug for three or four miles in length, with great labour ; the rock has been excavated to some depth, and a series of good substantial locks built. Owing to the great expense of excavating the hard strata through which the canal passes, it has been made only sufficiently wide for one steamer to pass at a time. When two or three steamers arrive at Louisville from up and down the river, much delay arises ; to obviate which, a proposal has been made to make another canal on the opposite side of the river, to accommodate a por- tion of the traffic. This has not, however, been as yet commenced. 188 UKC0LLECT1UN8 OF A VISIT Ciocinnttti, tho most populous city of the Wostoru States, is a town l>ut of yesterday. Its population in 1800, was only 750 ; in 1845, it mustered 80,000, with every promise of a large increase. It is built mostly of brown sandstone, on two hills rising from the water's edge, the one elevated Irom forty to sixty feet above the other ; laid out, as to be expeeteil, with rcguhuity— the streets, some of which are sixty feet in width, intersect- ing each other at right angles. The "Queen City of the West," as it is called, enjoys great facilities for commerce, commanding, by the Ohio and other rivers connected with it, a water communica- tion of some thousands of miles. It is also said to be the greatest pork market in the world ; more than 250,000 hogs being slaughtered and prepared for exportation in the year 1844. It has also large manufactories of hardware. Great numbers of Scotch and Irish are settled here. I took up my abode in the Broadway Hotel, where I was tolerably comfortable during the day, but devoured by mosquitoes at night. Sunday, 10th September.— I attended the Episcopal Churcl), where I heard but an iiidififerent sermon. Monday, 11th.— I went to see the Observatory, into which I was not admitted, but had a fine view of the city from the eminence on which it is situated, which seemed to be encircled with high grounds, appearing to confine the cloud of coal smoke given out by the chim- neys of its numerous manufactories, which prevents the aspect of the town being agreeable to a stranger, while it gives proof of its prosperity. The Kentucky side of the river presents a compara- tively small but pleasant suburb. The merchants, and others, prefer to reside there, coming over to their Wostoiu lution in )0(), with mostly of wator'n ibove the rity— the iiitersect- d, enjoys the Ohio imunica- it in the ered and has also nbers of where I levoured Ipiscopal 1. )ry, into V of the 1, which aring to e chim- ents the r, while >mpara- its, and their TO THE UNITED HTATK8. Jgp counting-houses by a ferry which crosses every five minutes. ^ Among other indications of prosperity, there is in this town a largo and handHomo theatre, in which I sp.w the play ot Hamlet, tolerably got up; the part of ILmilet by an American star, a Mr. Murdoch. On pricing the markets, I foiuid fine roasting beef to be SIX cents, ie, 3d. per pound ; pork, four cents. In the neighbourhood of the town I ob:^erved exten- «ive vineyards, with the view of making wine on a large Hoale, but with what success 1 did not learn Wednesday, 13th.-I embarked on board the Gondo- lier, a large steamer, for Louisville, at four p.m. We did not however leave until after five. There was a lui^re number of passengers on board. Pleasure had shut her play-book, and the company were flooding down from the hills to resume the serious business of life in their western homes. We sat down to a comfortable meal being tea and supper combined, when the tables were removed, and beds made up the whole length of the saloon Much civility was shown me as a stranger from the old country, and a bed made up for me on the only table permitted to remain, on which I slept com- fortably, but got up early to enjoy the view on both sides of the river ; its banks very much covered, as usual, with the torest ; no view generally beyond. We breakfasted at seven, and reached Louisville about nine a.m., a distance of 138 miles ; the fare bein- two dollars-remarkably low, when it is considered the two meals in question were included. Louisville, in the State of Kentucky, is a town of some pretension ; it is situated on the left bank of the river, on a plain ; it may contain about 30,000 inhabi- tants. It is built of red brick, and laid out in regular I'' '* •• 190 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT ■' ' streets at right angles ; the immediate bank of the river is occupied by shops, warehouses, and business premises, but beyond these are many elegant houses, situated in gardens and pleasure-grounds, with apartments diverging behind from the main building for the slave servants ; Kentucky being, like its neighbour Virginia, a slave State. I took up my abode at the Louisville Hotel, a large and commodious house kept by an Englishman. A young American gentleman, one of my stage and steam-boat friends, a native here, gave me a drive to show me the environs of the town ; it appeared to stand on an alluvial plain formed by the river, consequently rich and fertile. In the evening there was a ball in the saloon of our hotel, at which I took a peep ; the belle of the town was pointed out to nje, and other beiles I saw, figuring away with some of my fellow-travellers from the springs ; they were well-dressed, good-looking, and happy. It is customary m the large towns to publish the arrivals, as I conclude must be the case here, for a gen- tleman from the old country called upon me, introducing himself as knowing something of my connexions at home ; he undertook to be my cicerone about the town, uncovering each roof like another Asraodeus. Among other places, he took me to some Catholic establish- ment — a nunnery, I think — introducing me, as her countryman, to a young Scotchwoman, in the dress of her order, which consisted of white flannel from top to toe, a silver crucifix in front, a curious cap on her head, her beads hanging at her side — a woman twice her age calling her mother. I could hardly help laughing at the twinkle of her eye on the mention of her native to vn in Forfarshire, contrasting so strangely as it did with her travesty dress. TO THE UNITED STATES. 101 ihe river )remise8, nated in i verging arvants ; ve State. , a large age and drive to to stand 5quently 1 of our le town figuring jprings ; lish the r a gen- oducing ions at le town, Among tablJsh- as her dress of L top to IT head, her age bing at native 3 it did On asking my new friend whether the houses I ad- mired had cellars to correspond, he said the contents of each would be one demijohn of brandy, and another of whisky. If rich, a fine house must be built ; it must be large that the slaves may appear to live apart, but that It did not necessarily entail any corresponding expense About this time, I was waited on by a brother Scot and an Irishman. On asking them their errand-it was to decide a bet-What may it be ? The Scot, who was the spokesman, « I have betted you are an Irishman ; my xTiend that you are from the other side of the 1 weed. I looked at them both with some surprise and disp easure, but seeing no offence was meant, I decided the oet with a smile. My Scotch friend now asked me whether I recollected the dear year in Scotland-1799, I think. I told him I did. " Well," he said, « that was the doing up of our family altogether. We were driven to seek a home across the Atlantic ; and very well we have done for those spirit stores are mine "-pointing to a large ware- house opposite the hotel window. Next morning, I found my new friend sitting before his door, like an ancient patriarch. He took much pride m conducting me over his stores, which were extensive • the whisky I understood him to distil himself as well as other compounds. ' The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky was in everybody's mouth. It was the great natural curiosity of their State and I ought to see it. ' It would give me, at any rate, an opportunity to see the interior of a State, the name of which had been long tamiliar to me, and which it appeared legitimate that I should become better acquainted with. I therefore on Saturday- fh" iipt-h ^ — >■ ' -- ^ i ' '- ^a.j i.uv iOun Kjuj^tciuuur, look my place, alter 192 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT :l breakfast, in the stage for the caves — a hundred miles distant. My fellow-passengers, all bound on the same errand, consisted of a widow lady, her two sons and daughter — genteel people ; a young countryman, settled in trade at New Orleans, who had beea already my travelling com- panion ; and another gentleman connected with that neighbourhood. My young countryman had secured the box-seat, as he thought ; he however found it occupied. On remon- strating, the occupant drew a bowie knife ; upon this the coachman was appealed to, but unsuccessfully, for he shuffled. The consequence was, that our friend was compelled to mount on the top of the coach for the first stage, after which he was very glad to come inside. This young gentleman, himself pleasant and obliging, was unfortunate ; an attempt had been made to rob him at the springs, he being awoke one night in his cabin by some one who had entered through the window. On our return from the caves, he very kindly lent his silk umbrella to an outside, during a storm of rain ; in the morning, the outside was gone, and the umbrella not forthcoming. The young lady, who had been on a visit to England, expected, as she told me, to find no trees there, while she was astonished by their dimensions and grandeur in our English parks. Her elder brother had resided for some time in Paris, from v/hich his father's death had called him home. He seemed very partial to France, where he had been during the last Revolution ; giving us some anecdotes of it, and of the state of parties. On our route we were supplied with basketfuls of peaches of the finest quality, for a mere trifle. ( * 11 V 1( a *ed miles 3 errand, jghter — trade at ing oom- ith that :-seat, as 1 remon- )on this, iilly, for lend was the first Ide. obliging, rob him jabin by >w. On his silk ; in the •ella not Ingland, 3j while ideur in n Paris, Qe. He I during ■ it, and tfuls of TO THE UNITED STATES. 193 We slept on the road, and reached the hotel at the cave on the evening of the next day. It was solidly constructed of beams of oak, in its own grounds and full of company. The landlord joined us in^a game of wht and we were all very sociable. Our route had been tZt^^^'-''' country, long settled. Coach 'C, The cave was said to extend fifteen miles under ground ; to comprehend a subterranean river, and many natural cunosities. ' ' ^■1% Iff morning after breakfast, having hired guides w.th hghts, eet off to the cava in a body,-our mrtv bemg mcreased by one or two stray visitors ^^ fallen inT""' ^''. ""T' ' P*'' "^ *« vault had tallen m, leaving a circular aperture of tolerable dimen sions, fnnged by the trees and shrubs of the for^t _Un descending, we proceeded with lighted lamps pre ceded by our guides, to pass through large vaZ a^ at other fme. to thread our way through toItS Z ages, ascending and descending ladderLseeing mCh that was curious, when a council was held, the eld^of the party, myself among the number, agreeing to make the shorter tour, occupying about fou houi^ whiinL junior, branched off to be absent the whole daTi!, the ntW '1"™*^""'°' ^'"^ ^^"'^' »"'• party, amonff other places, were conducted to what is calM the S wmch, on our lamps bemg hung upon the walls gave « veiy much the appearance of a Gothic chape Tl e long vault through limestone, in two rows, very much at equa distances from each other, until the cateou, spar had accumulated on the o-round -^-o-Z , °*"°™ N i^i m§ ii'' 194 EECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT drop had at last ceased to have power to fall, but had accumulated and hung from the roof like an icicle, until, in the course of time, it had met the other. These pillars being white and sparkling in the rays of our dim lights, the illusion was complete. We were afterwards conducted to what was called the Star-Charaber : being another vaulted apartment, in which it was alleged that, by fixing the eye intently on the roof, a firmament of stars could be seen — but this, to my eyes at least, required some eflfort of the imagina- tion. At last we threaded our way out, when the finest thing I saw, probably, was the eflPect of the light and shade of the sun and atmosphere, as we approached at some distance the mouth of the cave ; the effect was finer than anything I could well have imagined, without presenting to the eye any definable object, as if some new creation were opening from the murky cavern in which we were buried for the moment. After an absence of eight or nine hours, the younger portion of the party joined us, full, of course, of the wonders they had seen — a river half a mile long, fish in it without eyes ; a snow-ball chamber, from which they brought specimens of calcareous spar, beautifully white, some portions of it resembling strips of celery as it comes to table, and so on. With these descriptions I was satisfied, without at- tempting the cave again, my essay at which had already cost me some fatigue. We spent a very agreeable evening together, however. The next morning the party broke up, much to my re- gret — the family I have mentioned seeking the mouth of the Ohio by the Cumberland river, while my friend and myself returned to Louisville by the route we had come. TO THE UNITED STATES. but had :le, until, . These our dim ailed the nent, in ;ently on but this, imagina- tie finest ight and ached at feet was without if some avern in 195 younger 3, of the g, fish in lich they ly white, it comes bhout at- l already however. my re- nouth of lend and id come. CHAPTEK XXI. KENTUCKY— WESTERN RIVER STEAMERS— ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH —STEAMER TO ST. LOUIS— RIVER MISSISSIPPI— STEAMER TO CHICAGO— ILLINOIS RIVER CANAL. Before leaving Kentucky i may as well mention that I was pleased with its aspect and climate— the one is agreeable, the other temperate and healthy while its soil is of undoubted fertility, like its neighbouring State ot Ohio, from which it is only separated by the river • but the tide of immigration is wanting to develop itj resources. This is to be lamented, because, without going into the question of slavery in itself, this State, as well as Virginia, of which it is a continuation westward IS eminently qualified for free labour. Thev are conse- quently, from the want of it, falling behind their neighbouring free States in the race of progression or rather they remain stationary while the others are making rapid progress. For instance, by the census of The population of Kentucky (an old State— slave), was 779 828 Of Ohio, its bordering Stt.tc, but of yesterday (free), ],519.'467 Of Virginia (the oldest State in the Union— slave), 1,239 797 Its neighbour, Pennsylvania (a smaller State— free), l'724,'o33. The steamers on Lli great western rivers of America— the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the Missouri— differ from 19G RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT If [[ I' i ff m using engines on those on the lakes and the Hudson the high-pressure principle ; this is done probably to obtain a light draught of water, the engines take up a smaller space, while the extra weight of the condenser and its appurtenances is saved. As in the steamers on the Hudson formerly described, a light, sharp hull is first constructed, on which is placed a floor or deck, overhanging some three or four feet on each side. On this deck is placed the boiler, cylinders, &c., and the berths for the crew ; the greater part of the cargo being stowed below in the hull. Over the lower deck and machinery is erected a light cabin, extending almost the whole length of the vessel, having a veranda passage all round, only interrupted by the paddle-boxes. The same arrangement is, in fact, observed as before described in the Hudson steamers, except that there is no great beam or shaft, boxed up through the cabin. The engines consist of two cylinders, placed horizontally on each side of the vessel, just within the paddle-box, giving motion to a shaft working the paddle — very much the same arrangement as in a railway locomotive engine. The high-pressure system is unfortunately the cause of numerous accidents, not so much, I think, from any undue danger in the principle itself, as from the abuses to which it is subjected. Racing is common; on leaving large places the steam will be raised to a high pitch, full power set on, Avhen the vessel passes the town at great speed, with guns firing, &c. These proceedings of course tend to weaken the engines, and accidents are the result. Moreover, the boilers being placed on the deck, some distance above the keel, it is sometimes found that passengers crowding to one side, on approaching a landing-place, careen the TO THE UNITED STATES. 197 boat, causing the water in the boilers to fall on one side • the exposed parts in the interim becoming red-hot when the water returns, steam of increased pressure is sud- denly generated, and the boiler bursts. A railway locomotive boiler is seldom known to burst • therefore, if proper care were taken, these fatal a<;cidents ought not so continually to occur. Another cause of accident is fire, which is not easily prevented ; the fuel used being wood, the sparks from which, communicating with the light superstructure ot the calm or the deck cargo, often set the boat on nre. The management of the engines is good, durino- a sudden flood, when immense logs of timber are drifting down the stream ; on the prow of the vessel striking a log, the pilot, from his steering-house above the cabins touches a bell, when the engines are promptly stopped' so that the log is allowed to float quietly under the paddles without doing injury. Each cylinder works a paddle separately, so that one paddle can be reversed while the other is going ahead enabling the vessel to be turned with facility. ' In some cases a single wheel is placed at the stern of the boat. The fares are moderate, and include excellent meals no matter how long the voyage be delayed. No steward's lee IS expected or given. The advantages of the electric telegraph have been duly appreciated in America. Telegraphic communica- tion now exists between all the principal towns, and as the expense of sending a message is very moderate, the whole population are in the constant habit of makincr use of it. ° The line of wire is not confined to railroads, but is i»; :.:| .1 if < ( 198 KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT also led along high roads, and through the streets of the different towns to the central office. On the banks of the large rivers, at every landing- place, there is a telegraph office, so that a passenger can step ashore, and during the few minutes that the steamer stops, send a message to his friends, informing them of his approach some days before he himself can arrive ; this I have seen constantly done. Ill some cases there are opposition lines of telegraph. They appear to be cheaply constructed ; the wires sup- ported on rough posts, or on the trees by the road-side. A line of wire crosses the rapids of the St. Lawrence near Montreal, supported on posts fastened to rocks in the bed of the river, and raised so high as not to impede its navigation. Saturday, 23d September. — I now bade adieu to my friends in Louisville, and took my passage this morning in a steamer of middle size, called the Rio Grande, for St. Louis, on the Mississippi ; she had some cargo, and many passengers, but did not draw much water. After passing through the canal I have described, we put out into the main stream. We found the waters of the Ohio low, as is usual at this season, consequently the navigation difficult. Our custom was to lie to for the greater part of the nights, which v/ere generally foggy, from vapour rising from the water ; working our way by day with skilful pilots. With all our caution we went aground one afternoon, and with difficulty got afloat again, after great exertion and several hours' delay. This is an occurrence they are liable to, and not un- prepared for. I took some interest in watching the proceedings ; TO THE UNITED STATES. 199 they first fixed a large beam, sharp at one end, prepared tor the purpose, firmly into the bed of the river in an upright position, on one side of the prow ; rigged a rope to It from the capstan, and in this way tried to ease the vessel oflf, letting on the fall power of the steam trom time to time, to assist. The vessel still resisting' another beam was put out at the other side of the prow' and the capstan brought to bear on both, the effect of which was to raise the fore part of the vessel a little out of the water; but still she held on, when, after much delay, as a last resource an anchor was carried out to some little distance, and the force of the capstan exerted upon It, when, with the assistance of the engines we were at last dragged off" by main force. ' This unlucky contretemps being overcome, we pro- ceeded on our way without anv more difficulties ^ I observed on each side of the river large quantities of drift-wood hning its banks, left dry as the stream had receded ; the plan would be to collect this and burn it m heaps, but the wonder is that the Americans have already accomplished so much, not that more remains to be done. We had a mixed set of passengers, but all well con- ducted-a young Scot, dressed as a sailor, with a bushy head of red hair, found me out^seating himself beside me in the cabin, without ceremony. I was not how- ever, to be put out of conceit of my countryman, with whom I had much pleasure in conversing ; he worked at some iron mine, got good pay, and was allowing him- self a holiday. Another countryman-who are certainly here as thick as blackberries "-made my acquaintance while leaning over the stern of the vessel, enjoying the fine prospect before me, telling me, in the course of con- versation, that he had run away from home in early life Hi ^i", , p li :. 1 «,n 200 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT i i .'. I" i>;!^ iiii " For what reason ?" " My father was going to thrash me." " For what oifence ?" " I had gone to a ball without his knowledge." For this slight cause he had left his country and his paternal home ; he had some education, good manners, and was respectably dressed. At meals we stood up until the ladies, with the gentle- men of their party, were seated ; those who could got a seat at their table ; but, as there was not room for all, a second would be provided — sometimes a third, in suc- cession ; and, after all the others had finished, the black slaves, of whom there were several on board, of both sexes, sat down. I remarked that they eat their dinner with propriety. We reached the mouth of the river in the afternoon of Tuesday the 26th September, observing with great interest its junction with the Mississippi, which seemed to continue its course, not sensibly increased by its large tributary. ;[ observed, as we neared its mouth, the quality of the trees on its banks to change more than once, to those indicative of a lower level and moister atmosphere ; the last, resembling small poplars, had their stems closely packed. We remained a short time at the small town of Cairo, situated at the junction of the two rivers, which gave me time to take farewell of my friends, bound to New Orleans, and to examine the large, elegantly fitted up steamer in which they embarked. I observed, in greater numbers than I had been ac- customed to see, storks and other birds feeding in the water. Being now in deep water, we steamed up the Missis- sippi, day and night, until we reached St. Louis, early in the morning of Thursday, 28th September. Fare, ten TO THE UNITED STATES. 201 ten dollars, which may be considered very moderate when it 18 recollected that it included three good meals per diem for five days. ' The voyage, though somewhat tedious, I had not tourid unpleasant ; the passengers, although of different grades, were sociable with each other, and with myself as a stranger. Many odd questions were put to me which I parried as well as I could ; some I declined to reply to, but, as no offence was meant, I took none. Among other amusements an election for the Presi- dent was got up, each signing his name in one of two columns, one for General Taylor, the other for his oppo- nent, General Cass. In my turn I signed for General Taylor. The ladies' cabin was next polled, and the result of the whole was reported to be in favour of old rough and ready (a soubriquet applied to General Taylor) bv a large majority. ^ I had now beheld the Mississippi, and steamed on its waters. I found it a rapid, turbid, and magnificent river ; yet its first effect was to disappoint me. I had expected to see a broader sheet of water ; whereas where I joined it, and more or less up to St. Louis it seemed to run in a deep but comparatively narrow channel. As it is, however, the largest and by far the most im- portant river of the United States-the great western outlet of Its commerce, and as no description of what I saw of It can convey any adequate idea of its extent and grandeur, I shall here insert the following detailed ac- count, extracted from a book I met with at St. Louis :— " It takes its rise in a small lake, situated in a recrjon of swamps and wild rice lakes, fifteen hundred feet in ?;■*'! m 11 202 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT in; height above the Gulf of Mexico, near the 48th degree of north latitude ; it flows, in a course from north to south, into the Gulf of Mexico, in the 29th degree of north latitude. " It is formed of many small branches, but, before it traverses a great distance, it becomes a broad stream moving in a wide expanse of waters, with a current scarcely perceptible; sometimes through interminable swamps, at others, over a white sand bottom, with its waters transparent, and again it is compressed to a narrow and rapid current, between ancient limestone bluffs. "Eleven hundred miles below its source, and 771 above St. Louis, are the Falls of St. Anthony. " Here the river is about 600 yards wide, and is pre- cipated over a ledge of limestone, seventeen feet high. " The scenery round the falls is grand and imposing, and affords a fine treat to visitors. " Below this point the river is bounded by limestone bluffs, from 100 to 400 feet high ; its current is broken by the rapids at the mouth of the Kock Kiver, and of the Des Moines, which partially obstruct navigation for a portion of the summer. " Below the rapids the river assumes its medial width and character, from that point to the entrance of the Missouri. " Where it receives the Missouri it ia a mile and a half wide ; the united streams have Lheiico to the mouth of the Ohio, a medial width of little lu.re than half a mile. This mighty tributary seems rather to diminish than increase its width ; but it perceptibly alters its depth, its mass of waters, and, what is to be rc'^r'^.tted, wholly changes its character. It is no longer tlu; gentle, placid stream, with smooth shores and clean ill: TO THE UNITED STATKS. 203 li degree north to legree of Defore it stream current minable with its led to a mestone tnd 771 is pre- high. apofiing, mestone I broken id of the n for a il width ) of the ) and a to the re than ither to jeptibly 8 to be I longer d clean sand-bars ; but a furious and boiling current—a turbid and dangerous mass of sweeping waters, with jagged and dilapidated banks. It remains a sublime object of contemplation— but its character of calm magnificence is seen no more. The surface of the river is covered with huge swells or counter currents, which render it difficult in some places to navigate. "In its course, accidental circumstances shift the impetus of its current, and propel it on the point of an island, bend, or sand-bar. In these instances, it tears up the island, removes the sand-bar, and sweeps away the tender alluvial soil of the bend, with all their trees, depositing the spoils in another place. At the season of high waters, nothing is more familiar to the ears of the people on the river, than the deep crash of a landslip, in which larger or smaller masses of the soil on the banks, with all the trees, are plunged into the stream. Such is its character, from the Missouri to the Balize * at its mouth '—a wild, furious, whirling river, never navigated without danger. "No person who descends this river for the first time, receives clear and adequate ideas of its grandeur, and the amount of water it conveys. If it be in the spring, when the river below the mouth of the Ohio is generally over its banks, although the sheet of water that is mak- ing its way to the gulf be perhaps thirty miles wide, yet finding its way through deep forests and swamps' that conceal all from the eye, no expanse of water is seen, but the width that is carved out, between the out- line of woods on either bank, which seldom exceeds, and oftener falls short of a mile. But when he sees, in de- scending from the Falls of St. Anthony, that it swallows up one river after another with mouths as wide as itself, without affecting its width at all— when he sees it re- t:, \ i % *i .J "1 .!'| 't iW'f 204 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT u I ceiving in succession the mighty Missouri, the broad Ohio, the St. Francis, White, Arkansas, and Ked rivers, all of thera of great depth, length, and volume of water — when he sees this mighty river absorbing thera all in its course of upwards of 3000 miles, and retaining a volume water, apparently unchanged, he begins to estimate rightly the increasing depth of current that must roll on in its deep channel to the sea. " Carried out of the Balize, and sailing with a good breeze for hours, he sees nothing on any side but the white and turbid waters of the Mississippi long after he is out of sight of land. " From the sources of the river to the mouth of the Missouri, the annual flood ordinarily commences in March, and does not subside until the last of May : its medial height is fifteen feet. At the lowest state of the river four feet of watei' may be found, from the rapids of Des Moines to the mouth of the Missouri. Between that point and the mouth of the Ohio, there are six feet in the channel of the shallowest places at low water, and the annual inundation may be estimated at twenty-five feet. Between the mouths of the Ohio and the St. Francis, there are various shoal-places where pilots are often perplexed to find a sufficient depth of water when the river is low. Below that point there is no difficulty for vessels of any drauglit, except to find the right channel. Below the mouth of the Ohio, the medial flood is fifty feet ; the highest sixty. Above Natchez, the flood begins to decline. At Baton Rouge it seldom exceeds thirty feet, and at New Orleans twelve feet. Some have supposed the gradual diminution of the flood to result from the drainage of the numerous effluxes of the river, that convey away such considerable portions of its waters by numerous channels to the sea. To this \ie broad 3d rivers, of water !ra all in ;aining a Degins to 'ent that li a good 5 but the after he ;h of the ences in May : its ite of the le rapids Between e six feet '^ater, and '^enty-five i the St. )ilots are ,ter when difficulty he right e medial Natchez, it seldom }lve feet, the flood Huxes of portions xu Liiis TO THE UNITED STATES. 205 should be added, no doubt, the check which the river at this distance begins to feel from the reaction of the sea where this mightymass of descending waters finds its level! _ "It will be easily understood how much the naviga- tion of such a river as this, by steam, must benefit the country through which it flows. " In addition to the dangers from the current of the river itself, the steam-boats are exposed to great risks from the number of trees washed from its banks, many of which remain embedded in its channel ; when a por- tion of the branches is seen above water, it is called a sawyer and may be more easily avoided ; when totally out of sight, it is called a snag. If a steamer comes on either of these when at full speed, she is liable to be stove in, when she immediately makes for the nearest bank • if unsuccessful, all on board are in imminent danger- for such is the impetus of the current, that if once sub- merged, a person is rarely seen more. " The plan would be to remove these impediments from time to time as much as possible ; and the United btates Government had very laudably voted a sum of money for the purpose, but the complaint was that the Mexican War had interfered to divert it from its object." St. Louis is one of the most important and wealthy towns in the western country. It is situated on the west bank of the Mississippi 18 miles below the mouth of the Missouri, and 174 miles above the mouth of the Ohio. Like most of the towns of the Union of any note, it is built of brick, and laid out regularly in broad streets- Its population at the time of my visit being about 60 000 and it is rapidly increasing. ' ' It seems to act as a central depot for New Orleans : M i. ^' it hi 206 R TICOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT I was astonished at the quantity of goods on its quay, the activity going on, and the number of steam-boats moored on its shore. The situation of the city for commerce is not surpassed by any other town on the river, if we except New Or- leans. I had taken up my abode at the principal hotel, and here I met again the family with whom I had parted at the Mammoth Cave, and had the pleasure to join their dinner-party in the ladies' saloon. Next day (Friday, 29th September) after looking about the town, I embarked, in the evening, on board the Timoleon steamer for Chicago ; although appointed to leave at 5 p.m., we did not unmoor until long after dark, which prevented my seeing the shores of the river as I passed. I found myself next morning running along the shores of the Illinois river, a respectable-looking stream, mak- ing its way through a low flat country at a sluggish pace ; the banks as usual fringed with trees, and thickly settled here and there. Our boat drew little water, and there was consequently no fear of running aground, but there was great delay in loading and unloading freight at the different landing-places. We had, as usual, a good 'many passengers, farmers and others belonging to the neighbourhood, with whom I passed part of the evening in a game at cards. Their behaviour was re- spectable and inoffensive, except that questions were asked me, which I parried as well as I could, Did I live in Illinois ? Was I going to settle there ? and such like ; some had farms to sell worth my notice. Sunday, October 1st. — We continued our voyage, the character of the river being much the same as before, except that the prairie in places began to be seen — a relief to the eye accustomed to the never-failiig forest. • its quay, atn-boats surpassed New Or- aal hotel, m I had easure to ' looking on board ippointed mg after the river ;he shores im, mak- sluggish d thickly ater, and )und, but g freight usual, a DDging to rt of the r was re- ons were d, Did I and such yage, the IS before, I seen — a J forest. • TO THE UNITED STATES. OQj Monday, October 2d.-Arrived at the mouth of the Chicago Canal, the morning very rainy. We were re- moved after breakfast, with some difficulty, on account ot the mud, into the canal packel^boat. It continued to ram the whole day without intermission, which pre- vented our seeing much of the country through which we parsed ; in other respects we were not uncomfortable being not overcrowded, and having a good cabin to sit in until evening, when the beds were fitted up, and the windows shut, which caused me to pass an uncomfort. able night. In this canal boat were several immigrants lately arrived from Germany, mostly agricultural, but of the better class, and well conducted. Among them were one or two who had been shop- keepers in the towns, whose trade they said, had been ruined by the uneasy state of affairs consequent on the last revolution in France; this they spoke of with tears in their eyes, representing the distress to be gen-ral bourhood^'''*''''' ■''^ Germany in its immediate neigh- Tuesday, October 3d.-We arrived in the morning at Chicago to which town we were driven some distance in omnibuses, m consequence of some difficulty in the navigation of the Chicago river, at the point where the canal termmates. I went to the Sherman House, the best hotel in the town, much fatigued ; with the deter- mination of resting a day or two to recruit. Fare, per steamer, 5 dollars. Do. by canal boat, 2^ dollars, including board. IP 1 ii I'i I ij 208 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTEE XXII. I ': CHICAGO — ILLINOIS — MICHIGAN — DETROIT — CANADIAN SIDE — LAKE ST. CLAIR — RIVER THAMES — CHATHAM — LONDON BOOKS — HAMILTON — LECTURES LA KE ONTARIO PRESCOTT — CONVERSATION MONTREAL — LEGISLATURE — QUEBEC. Chicago, in the State of lUinois, is a rising town on the western bank of Lake Michigan, near the southern termination of the lake. It has a fine though narrow harbour, formed by the Chicago river running into the lake, on both sides of which the town is built, and has a water communication with the Mississippi, by the canal in question joining it with the Illinois river. Its origin is but of yesterday. Its population in 1847, neverthe- less, amounted to 16,000, and is increasing fast. The hotels are numerous and well conducted, and the whole town has an aspect of prosperity. Lake Michigan is second only to Lakes Superior and Huron of the five great lakes ; it is 330 miles long, 60 miles broad on an average, and estimated to be 900 feet deep ; its waters are pure and clear, and are said to abound in excellent fish. Illinois differs from Kentucky, Ohio, and other wes- tern States, in being almost entirely devoid of trees; the country adjacent to Chicago is a dead level, covered with a thick grass, and has the appearance of a bound- less sea, — not a tree is to be seen, with the exception of iN SIDE — LONDON — -PRESCOTT EBEC. town on southern 1 narrow into the md has a the canal. [ts origin aeverthe- ist. The hie whole erior and long, 60 900 feet ! said to ther wes- of trees; , covered a bound- eption of TO THE UNITED STATES. 209 a few in the immediate vicinity of the town. Towards the interior of the State, a few clumps of trees thinly scattered may be seen here and there ; but with the ex ception of these, and a narrow fringe cu the marair • otiier meat and poultry in proportion. ' At dinner, a young American miUtmre was my next neighbour. He gave me a sad picture of the demora- lized state of all classes in the town of Mexico where he had been with the army. He proposed the theatre for t^ie evening, where we saw an Irish star act one of Mr Power's best characters, ^^ The Irishman in NuDles -' tolerably well. ^ ' Next day I recognised the party in question, sitting near me at dinner, a respectable-looking young man In thQ evening I went into the Courthouse, where a o ^ Hs i it. 1 li i( ' 210 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT meeting of some of the inhabitants was held for reform objects ; free-trade, abolition of slavery, a bill to pre- vent the mortgage of farms without consent of the wife, and sundry other topics were discussed, growing tired of which I returned to ray hotel, and so to bed. The bill sought, to prevent the mortgage of farms without the consent of the wife, is better known as the free-soil agitation, very general throughout the Union. The farmers are apt to run in debt at the stores ; fine dresses for the wife are exhibited to them, supplies for the family had, with much spirits, probably, con- sumed by the farmer himself, — in all which it is alleged they are encouraged by the store-keepers, until a large score is run up, and the farm pounced upon in virtue of some paper signed by the farmer in an unguarded moment. The bill sought for, is to prevent the soil being held applicable to such a debt, and, if conceded, might pre- vent much misery ; but I am not lawyer enough to venture to give an opinion upon the question. Friday, October 6th. — I received a long-expected letter from England, which had followed me from the Virginia springs ; passed part of the morning in the reading-room, and the remainder in looking about the town. I then embarked on the lake for the State of Michigan, at eight o'clock on a fine moonlight night, in a good steamboat, reaching the opposite side at half- past twelve, where, after the delay of upwards of an hour, we were put into stages for Niles, an inland town, to which the railroad in course of construction from Detroit to the point of embarkation for Chicago, was only as yet in working condition. We reached Niles, a small town, next day, just a quarter of an hour too late for the train, a trick of the TO THE UNITED STATES. 211 )r reform I to pre- the wife, g tired of of farms wn as the Union, le stores ; , supplies tbly, con- is alleged il a large in virtue nguarded eing held light pre- nough to -expected from the ig in the ibout the ) State of night, in i at half- [•ds of an md town. ion cago, from was ly, just a ick of the drivers, as we suspected, in collusion with the hotel- keepers of Niles, as there could have been no difficulty in arriving in time. As for myself, the delay was of (little consequence ; not so, however, with the majority of the passengers, who were tied to time, and, like my- self, had paid their passage the whole way to Detroit, on the express understanding that we were to meet the train. The difficulty was increased by their being no train on Sunday, a fact of which the stage people must have been well aware ; the conclusion was that we were detained for two days, with very indifferent accommoda- tion, at a charge equal to the first hotel in Chicago. We had passed the Kalamazoo river, the scene of Mr Cooper's novel of the « Oak Openings," and as such, I beheld it with interest. We occasionally came to the openings in question, where I observed the farmer gene- rally placed his house amidst a clump of trees, in con- tradistinction to his inveterate habit of denuding his dwelling of every one, when he settles in the forest. I learned here that in the construction of their railroad, they had at first determined to employ Germans, but had been compeUed to turn them off for Irish • none they said, could dig Hke Paddy. ' ' Sunday, October 8th.— Attended the Episcopal church where I heard but an indifferent sermon. In the evening I looked about the town, which wore an appearance of quiet comfort; some of the houses, I observed, were built of bricks, made of large blocks of clay di-ied in the sun, and whitewashed. The dry climate, it appears admits of this. Outside the town were fine crops of Indian corn, cut down and stacked in small heaps resting on each other. A pig had broken through a tence, and was busily engaged in devouring the cobs. Monday, 9th.— I entered the railway train at nine %m [ il i : w 212 RECOLLECTIONS OP A VISIT II A.M., taking up many passengers as we proceeded, passed throii<^h a country generally level and thinly peopled, arrived at Detroit about eight in the evening, and, after a refreshing meal, to bed — the bedroom not very good, and at the top of the house, having declined a double- bedded room below, with a companion, an alternative to which I have a great objection. Faro, including the friteamer, five dollars. On consulting the map, it will be seen that the State of Michigan is in the form of a peninsula, bounded by three of the great lakes, and one of smaller dimension.", viz., by Lake Michigan on the west, Lakes Huron, St. Clair, and Erie on the east. These lakes form only one mass of waters, communicating with each other by straits, navigable for large vessels. It will be observed that in my journey from Chicago I took the chord of the arc, but there are line large steamers that ply from one town to th.e other, making the circuit of the lakes, I think, in two days; this is, no doubt, the best route for a Btranger during the height of the season, as it includes a great extent of lake navigation, with a variety of scenery on their shores, some portions of which are still inhabited by aboriginal tribes of Indians in their wild state. I was now on the confines of Canada, in sight of the British dominions—a welcome state of things to me, after rav somewhat lengthened absence. Next morning I awoke early, and beheld from my bed the Canada shore ; its village of Windsor, and the country round it, looking lovely in the morning sun. After breakfast I crossed by the steamboat feriy, when the illusion vanished ; I found the village, which looked so well at a distance, poor and neglected, the fences in bad order, the houses dilapidated, the horses and waggons a shabbv turn-out. TO THE UNITED STATES. 21.1 ed, passed y peopled, and, after very good, a double- jrnative to uding the ; the State )unded by imensions, luron, St. 1 only one by straits, ed that in f the arc, one town 8, 1 think, )ute for a inchides a of scenery inhabited ate. ght of the gs to me, from my *, and the g sun. 3ny, when ich looked fences in li waggons As I walked on, however, things seemed to improve a little, until I came to a handsome new brick church in course of erection, the old one of wood being turned I ! M \^^',^'t^^l'' ^" ^ntc^ng which I found a clue pro- I hably to all I saw-the village in ! 214 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT elevated thirly feet above its surface, seven miles below the outlet of Lake St. Clair, and eighteen above the western extremity of Lake Erie, Its population at the time of my visit was about 9192. The houses are mostly of wood, though many are built of brick, in a neat and sometimes elegant manner. The town is laid out at right angles, and possesses some handsome public buildings, churches, and literaiy institutions. It is supplied with water raised by steam- power from the strait, and distributed in pij)es. It was first settled by the French in 1G83, came into our hands in 17G0, and into the jwssession of the United States by treaty in 1784 ; so rapidly did the independ- ence of our colonies follow its cession by the French. It is well situated for trade, and has already become a considerable commercial emporium. The navigation of the river and lake is open about eight months in the year. Lake St. Clair, the smallest of the chain, is twenty- four miles long, thirty wide, ninety in circumference, and about twenty feet deep. It receives the waters of several rivers, one of which, the St. Clair, connects it with Lake Huron, as the Detroit does with Lake Erie. Thursday, October 12th. — Having now gratified my curiosity with Detroit and its neighbourhood, on both sides of the strait, I embarked after dinner on board a steamer for Chatham, on the river Thames in Canada, about three o'clock p.m. I enjoyed the view on both sides, as we steamed into Lake St. Clair, on a fine autumnal evening. It grew dark as we entered the Thames river, but the moon rose in full splendour, by which we could see that the entrance on both sides, and for some miles up, was low, marshy, and bare of trees, until we reached Chatham, TO THE UNITED BTATE8. aift iles below ibove the ion at the ire mostly neat and possesses d literaiy by steam- came into he United iiidepend- rench. iy become lavigation ths in the is twenty- imference, I waters of onnects it ike Erie, itified my 1, on both n board a 1 Canada, amed into It grew moon rose that the t, was low, Chatham, where the country improves and is covered with timbei- about nine o'clock. Fare, one dollar and a half ' Mem.—In Canada, an English sliiUing is equal to a quarter dollar, a dollar being 58. currency ; a shilling is therefore received as 15d. cunency. The hotel at Chatham proved to be but indifrcreiit ; not being able to find a bedroom in it to my mind, I resolved to con- tinue my route on to London, very appropriately situ- ated on the river Thames, seventy-five miles distant, in the royal mail sLage. The stage in question, notwithstanding its grandilo- quent name, was little better than a common waggon of the country, covered .n with oil-cloth, but without springs as far as I could see ; and away we went at the hazard of our necks on the most execiaUe road imagin- able ; we were shaken and bumped the whole way in'the most cruel manner, until within six miles of our jour- ney's end, when we came to a good turnpike road made after the most approved mode in +his country, i.e., deal boards placed across the middle of the road one after the other, as the flooring of a room, each securely nailed down to transverse logs, the whole sprinkled over with a little road grit, or small gravel. My fellow-passengers consisted of a young officer be- longing to the garrison of Halifax ; a father, daughter, and son-in-law, Highland immigrants, and one ov two others, from whose uproarious mirth I concluded they found no reason to regret the old country. These left us, however, from time to time as the day dawned on reaching their several locations, which seemed to be in a pleasant and fertile country skirting the road. ^ We also passed several locations of Indians, so far civilized as tc live in houses, and cultivate their farms, on whose homesteads I observed nuuierous turkeys roosting. .■■♦ !J hi if II El iJlfi RECOLLKCTIONB OF A VISIT Wo M We pulled up at a doccnt house by the road.side to t'hiitigo horacfl. Our party beings reduced to three, viz., the officer in question, who had accompanied mo from Detroit, and whom I found to bo intelh'gent and well informed, my- self, and another ; a very plentiful early breakfast of tea, coft'ee, ham and efj^s, &c., was provided for us, at the moderate charge of ir)d. currency, i.e. Is. each. In due time we reached London, where the stage drove us to a very good hotel, where I was glad to rest from my fatigues.— Fare, three dollars, fifty cents. (14s.) I had been presented at the springs with three books, as companions of my journey— Mr. Washington Irving's "Sketch-book," Mr. Cooper's last novel called "Oak ()l>enings,''' and the "Peasant and his Landlord"— a Swedish story, purporting to be written by the Baroness Knoring, and translated by Mary Howitt. Mr. Washington Irving is a favourite author, and deservedly popular in England ; I had much pleasure in renewing my acquaintance with him. Mr. Cooper's work is not inferior to his former novels, all bespeaking great abilities ; he has the merit of origin- ality ; he does justice to the rude virtues of the pro- scribed race, while he depicts their manners and habits truly. A gentleman and a man of letters ought, above all others, to be a citizen of the world ; it is to be la- mented that he has expressed in his writings a degree of hatred to, and prejudice against, the mother country, which ought to be only looked for among the lowest and most ignorant of his countrymen, and which, perhaps, in the present day would not be found there. The Baroness's work bespeaks the European fame of our great countryman Sir Walter Scott ; she copies him closely in the mechanical structure and details of her itlside to 10 officer roit, and [led, my- ikftist of or us, at tch. ho stage d to rest ts. (148.) )e books, Irviiig's d "Oak [ord"--a iaroness lor, and asiire in ' novels, P origin- he pro- l habits t, above ► be la- degree !ountry, est and >erhaps, fame of ies him of her TO THE DNITKD STATFIR, 217 Htory, while, unUko him, she exalts her peasant into a hero and then makes him murder his landlord in cold blood, m reference to an old grudge, on accidentally n.oeting h,m in a wood. There is likewise a plutonic love-story between her hero and his wife's ister, not very probable or creditable to either. He entls by surrender- ing himself to the executioner. London is a thriving little town of a pleasant aspect • It owes Its origin to its having been an out-station for a detachment of our troops during the last American war It 18 situated on a fertile plain, sufficiently elevated above the bed of the river ; the ground in its immediate neighbourhood a good deal cleared, with some neat- looking villas and cottages interspersed. I met with much civility here from a widow lady and her family, whose connexions I happened to know in the old country ; accompanying them to their pew in the Episcopal Church on Sunday the 15th, where I heard a very good sermon. This family had experienced some vicissitudes in their new home, much of which might have been avoided if the husband, who had been accustomed to a town life m England, had known the best way to go to work which would have been to have purchased a farm partly c eared, for a few hundred pounds in a neighbourhood • already settled, where the numerous wants of a young family would have been within reach. Instead of this he had the imprudence to enter the bush, as it is called, where he purchased a large allot- ment of wild land in the attempt to clear which he found himself without neighbours, without roads with- out regular supplies of provisions, out of reach perhaps of medical advice, expending a large capital for labour • the sufferings and privation of a young, genteel family fa :m. '•m Pf J 218 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT Hii from England, under such circumstances, may be better imagined than described. Yet they might have been easily avoided and at less cost, as an expenditure of £7 per acre is considered to be necessary to bring such land into good working condition in the hands of a gentleman settler. It is, however, an error very generally fallen into blind- fold, and is the cause of much subsequent misery and priva- tion ; the difference of price being probably the temptation. Tuesday, 17th October. — I bade adieu to my friends, and took the mail for Hamilton, (the road being boarded all the way, as I have described, and in excellent condi- tion,) which town I reached next morning at three o'clock. — Fare, four dollars and a quarter. Hamilton is an important and thriving town, the market of the surrounding country far and near. Situ- ated at the extreme western point of Lake Ontario, within a mile of which, as far as I could judge, the lake has thrown a complete bank across its whole length, leaving a deep, capacious, and secure harbour ; through the middle of this bank, a cut having been made, secured by solid mason-work, to admit the ingress and egress of its commerce. The character of the country, as of the whole western region, is level, yet here there are indications of volcanic agency ; one level plateau being raised above another, the effect of which is good as they appear well cultivated ; the settlers' houses being judiciously placed and embo- somed in trees. To the right as I entered it, the country seems to have been upheaved, leaving a sloping debris towards the town, at the upper extremity of which there is rather a steep ascent to the top of the plateau, which in its turn has a gentle declivity towards the other side. Of the slope to which I allude the wealthier inhAbi- be better een easily 7 per acre into good I settler, ato blind- md priva- mptation. y friends, ^ boarded nt condi- at three :own, the ir. Situ- Ontario, , the lake le length, ; through e, secured . egress of ie western f volcanic ) another, iltivated ; [id embo- is to have i^ards the i rather a n its turn ir inliAbi- TO THE UNITED STATES. 219 tants have availed themselves to erect villas, enclosed in gardens, which has a pleasing effect. To counteract this, at another extremity of the town a small river flows at a sluggish pace into the lake, leav- ing a marshy alluvium on its banks, which is said to engender fever ; this might be easily avoided by running a dam across its mouth, the banks being sufficiently steep! Wednesday, October 18.— In the evening I attended a lecture, given gratis in the Town Hall, by a citizen of the United States, on the truth of the Christian religion : he delivered it forcibly and with good effect. Next evening I attended another by the same gentleman, on the immortality of the soul, in which he quoted 'the words of Socrates to his judges on his condemnation. This gentleman happened to be residing at my hotel, and I had some conversation with him on the subject of his lectures, in the course of which he expressed him- self to be apprehensive of the machinations of the Pope and the Jesuits. " Do you think they have the power to destroy the improved printing-press ?" " Certainly not.'' " Then, until they can do that," I suggested, '•' you may safely dismiss your fears." Next morning I walked on the heights I have men- tioned,^ by which I commanded a very good view of the town, its immediate neighbourhood, and of the lake. Afterwards I found out a very good reading-room, where I spent the evening much to my satisfaction in reading the news from Europe. Next day I walked to Sir Allan M'Nab's house, in the immediate neighbourhood of the town, and was shown his grounds, and kitchen and fruit gardens by his gar- dener, a native of Perthshire in Scotland— an intelligent man, who had been out, as he said, fourteen years, lind was satisfied with his new country. hi 220 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT i'l ■i 1 I spent the evening at the news-room in reading the newspapers and periodicals from Europe. I was pleased in particular with a weekly paper called the Economist, treating on monetary affairs, the currency, markets, weekly news, and publications, as they bear on the poli- tical economy of the empire. I learned from it how vast has been the increase of the larger farms, as com- pared with the smaller in Ireland, from 1841 to 1848 ; this, in my opinion, is the legitimate result of the poor- law, and indicative of a better state of things in that distracted country. The landlords, now that they are compelled to give food to their poor tenantry, are, pro- bably from necessity, consolidating their farms ; and if it be done with humanity to existing interests, accom- panied by the emigration on a large scale now going on, much good will be effected. Sunday, October 22.— I attended the Episcopal Church morning service, remarking that the officiating clergy- man preached in his surplice ; on inquiry, it was said to be by order of the bishop. I remarked of this town, as generally throughout Upper Canada, that the principal settlers are from Scotland. Monday, October 23. — I took my departure for King- ston at the other extremity of the lake, a distance of about 190 miles, in a new iron steamer (the Magnet), calling at Toronto and other intermediate ports. As we steamed out into the blue waters of the lake on a fine morning, I had an opportunity of examining more closely the bank I have described, — it forms an excel- lent breakwater to the harbour, and cuts the lake (here of no great width) across at a right angle in so straight a line, that it might be very well taken for a work of art. The cut through it is of sufficient width, and of good workmanship. A bank of this description is of TO THE UNITED STATES. 221 common occurrence on the lake, and appears to have been the result of an under current or reflux of its waters, after striking the shore in stormy times, until met and neutralized by the advancing surge. Their bemg now uncovered, would seem to indicate that the waters of the lake had found a lower level. We reached Toronto about eleven o'clock, where we remamed two hours, which gave me an opportunity to walk about the town, and renew ray acquaintance with It : It bore a second inspection, I thought, very well On resuming our voyage the day continued fine, and the lake calm. We made short stops at intermediate ports, not admitting of time, however, to go on shore- when we finally reached Kingston next morning at seven o clock, where I sought out my former hotel. Fare five dollars, three meals inclusive. ' I left Kingston about one o'clock the next day in the steamer that touched here from the American side for Ogdensburg. I slept on board the steamer, and was otherwise comfortable. Is^ext morning we reached Qo-- densburg at an early hour, when I crossed by the ferry to Prescott on the British side, taking up my abode in the Exchange Hotel-an indifferent house, but the best m the place.— Fare, 8s. sterling. I here spent the day with a family from England, who had, in the first instance, experienced some of the pri- vation^ of the wilderness. At present the gentleman being on the half-pay list of the army, and holding some appointment connected with the garrison-work.^ here they were residing in a very pretty cottage, commanding a fine view of the river, and its opposite bank. I slept at the Exchange Hotel, and next mornin- took n,y departure for Montreal by the English boat-a fine ve,,,el, ,vhere I met with some pleasant people • 1^.] :'f ^ n 222 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT b* ' {I m Ijii among others an Irish gentleman, belonging to the mili- tary, highly Conservative. The news from England was, that Mr. Smith O'Brien had been caught, and he was for making short work with him. After dinner, free-trade was the subject discussed by the English gentlemen present, which did not seem popular with them ; they seemed to me to view it more according to their own political or party bias, than ac- cording to the merits of the question per se. All joined in condemning the then recent attempt of the Whig Government to increase the income-tax to 5 per cent. An American gentleman took up the argument by ob- serving, that their form of government had been found fault with by distinguished English travellers, but that it worked well, in so far as they flourished under it, and had twice paid off" the public debt of the general govern- ment, contracted in times of difficulty. That the wide basis of the franchise prevented corruption in the elec- tors, while the control retained over them by their con- stituents, tended to keep the representatives honest — to make, in fact, a representative government, consistent with economy in the management of public affairs. In answer to this, the repudiating States were very pro- perly brought up, as the result of the extreme democratic element in their constitution, and the malign influence which it must have on the influx of capital into their country pointed out. I slept comfortably on board, and reached Lachine the next day (October 27) ; and then Montreal from Lachine by railroad, where I took up my old quarters in Done- gana's Hotel. — Fare, 16s. 6d. sterling. Montreal I have already described, and have now very little to say that is new in regard to it. I renewed my acquaintance with my friends, who received me kindly. TO THE UNITED STATES. 223 the mili- and was, i he was jssed by lot seem ' it more than ac- 11 joined e Whig )er cent, t by ob- in found but that r it, and govern- the wide the elec- leir con- nest — to Dnsistent lirs. In ery pro- mocratic nfluence ato their ihine the Lachine n Done- low very wed my kindly. Our hotel was full of company ; among whom were many members of the legislature, now about to meet • the acts of which have since caused so much dissension m the provmce, accompanied by riots in the town How for the acts of the Assembly have gone to retard or advance the separation of these fine provinces from the mother country, is a question as yet hid in the womb of time. There is no doubt they have gone far to alienate the higher classes of British settlers, who were attached to the mother country in the strongest sense, of which they guvu proof in the Canadian Rebellion, as they did in the frontier war with the United States in 1813-14 The French settlers keep aloof from the Encrlish in- termarry among themselves, do not amalgamate with and cannot be expected to have much sympathy with their rulers ; they now, however, form the smaller sec- tion of the colonists, and could not have commanded the majority they did in the Assembly, but for the junc- tion ol the radical portion of the British and Irish settlers. Having granted these provinces self-govern- ment, it would have been difficult for the Governor- general piobably to act otherwise than he did never- theless the result is to be lamented. ' It is certain that these dissensions have given cause of satisf^xction to many in the United States, who have drawn their connexion with these provinces closer in consequence, and who now openly acknowledge that their former policy was wrong in making war upon them, as they must eventually, they say now, under any circumstances, be theirs. I observed that the English portion of the party at our hotel, were more reserved to each other than I had been accustomed to in the United States, while we sat i 224 IIECOLLBCTIONS OF A VISIT longer at table over our wine, sitting down to dinner at six ; a cup of tea or coffee followed at eight. I was very glad to rest here some little time from my fatigues. At last the winter gave sundry indications of its approach — snow had fallen, and I had not yet seen Quebec. My intention was, if possible, to go direct from thence to Nova S'^otia, through New Brunswick ; at all events I was rest see it. November 15. — On ti> afternoon of this day, 1 ac- cordingly embarked on board the steamer, which plies down the river to Quebec. The vessel was large and tolerably comfortable, but much iiime was lost, after the hour fixed for departure, in taking on board barrels of flour and other goods ; con- sequently it soon became too dark to see much of the river. I met, however, with pleasant society on board ; in particular, a military gentleman, stationed about half- way down the river, where he left us towards nightfall. Next morning we reached Quebec — a curious-looking, old-fashioned town, built partly on the shore of the river, partly on the slope of a rather abrupt and steep hill, and partly on the level above. The ground already covered with frost and snow. I was driven in a sleigh to the best hotel in the town, which, without any pre- tensions to the grandeur of th one I had left, I never- theless found to be sufficiently comfortable for my wants. Fare, 10s. 4d. sterling. I was much struck with the French aspect of the town, of the party at dinner, and of everything roimd me, with exception of a company of Americans forming an Ethiopian band, i.e., for singing negro songs, as their bills announced. The master of the band and his wife seemed respectable and unobtrusive, as also the young men, four in number, mostly from New York. dinner at from my nations of , yet seen 50 direct unswick ; ac- ly, 1 lich plies j,ble, but eparture, )ds ; con- ih of the 1 board ; )out half- ightfall. -looking, 'e of the md steep 1 already 1 a sleigh any pre- I never- ly wants. t of the g round forming , as their his wife e young TO THE UNITED STATES. 225 I here also recognised a negro waiter, whom I had known in the same capacity at Donegana's Hotel, when there with my daughters ; he seemed much pleased to see me making many inquiries after his young friends He did not seem pleased with the AmeiLnKfor showing up his race ; he was a respectable, well-con- ducted man-a runaway slave probably; he had a grateful recollection of my daughters, for the kindness they had shown him; coming forward to meet me his eyes beaming with joy. Next day I hired a sleigh, and drove through the town to the elevated plateau, forming the heights of Abraham. As I entered the open ground of the plateau, I observed the monument very appropriately erected, « To the im- mortal memory of Wolfe and Montcalm," for both the adverse geiierab fell It consists of a neat pillar, abou sixty-five feet high. A little farther on I came to a more humble monument, somewhat defaced, indicating the spot where General Wolfe fell. ^ I then entered the citadel, garrisoned by a Highland regiment-the 78th, I Uiink. After duly examining my credentials, I was admitted ; a soldier on duty being appointed my cicerone. ^ plateau, 350 feet above the river; it immediately over- looks the town, and river generally full of shipping but ^ow reduced to a few vessels, from the lateness of the «eason. It commands both, and is constructed on the moLt approved principles. I had here a fine view of the countiy all round-it was clad m its winter garb of frost and snow ; the trees seemed .0 be of pine fir ; and it had altogether, I thought, a very northern aspect ; nevertheless there was ■ " '1; m m v; , MM ''f1 •'f Iff great variety of hill and dale— the hill iS rising in soma (i 220 KECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT places into mountains, with sheltered valleys between, enclosing comfortable-looking hamlets. The noble river spread out below the town, is hero three miles broad, although 350 miles from its mouth, contracting to a mile just abreast of the citadel. The town is surrounded by w^alls, and strongly forti- fied in every part ; its population may be about 35,000 ; it is built of stone, the roofs of the upper town being covered with tin ; it occupies the extremity of a high peninsular ridge, formed by the junction of the Charles river with the St. Lawrence, called Cape Diamond ; it is consequently approachable only on one side, and there- fore very strong ; not unaptly styled the Gibraltar of America. It has continued more a French town than Montreal. French is the general language spoken, and the Roman Catholic religion prevails ; there being a Cathedral and four other Catholic churches ; an Ursuline Nunnery — the Nuns being chiefly occupied in educating young females, and are said to be very rigid and retired. There is also an ancient Monastery of the Jesuits, now con- verted into barracks for the troops ; and several other public buildings, meriting notice, of which I made a hasty inspection. There are also several objects of curiosity in the im- mediate neighbourhood of the town, such as the Falls of Montmorenci, the Falls of the Chaudiere, &c., which I regret to say, the lateness of the season did not permit me to see. On my return to my hotel to dinner, I found the party increased by a young Halifax merchant, whom I had left behind at Donegana's, and who had now come down to expedite the departure of a vessel : the Gulf of St. Lawrence becoming dangerous as the season adv£(nces. between, )ble river 38 broad, to a ing ^ly forti- ; 35,000 ; ivn being f a high 3 Charles aond ; it nd there- raltar of >Iontreal. 3 Roman jdral and innery — g young i. There now con- ral other made a the im- ! Falls of which I )t permit mnd the whom I ow come 3 Gulf of idv£(nces. TO THE UNITED STATES. 227 My mtention was, as I have said, to penetrate if possible, through New Brunswick, striking the river St John^ as far above Frederickton as it becomes navi- gable, and so on from the town of St. John by the Bay of Fundy to Annapolis in Nova Scotia ; which route it occurred to me, might be practicable by the mail wa % m m |:f 228 '*: 1 1' i ! ') m n I' J! il' RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTER XXIII. ROUTE TO BOSTON — MR. WILSON's 80N03 — SUPPER PARTY — UlilTISII STEAMER TO HALIFAX — RETURN TO WOLFVILLE — GENERAL REMARKS — EXPENSES. November 18th. — la pursuance of my new arrange- ment, I returned hj the steamer to-day, and next day reached my old quarters, in Donegana's hotel at Mon- treal. The next day I left Donegana's after breakfast, cross- ing the river per steamer, and thence by the railroad to St. John's, on the river Riclielieu, embarking in the steamer for Lake Champlain in waiting for us: we reached the lake as it began to grow dark. I was up in time the next morning to admire the fine scener; on both sides, the ruins of Fort Ticonderogali, &c., until we reached Whitehall, where there wa. a struggle on the part of the diflferent hotel-keepers to secure us to breakfast. After which we travelled by stage for thirty miles, and afterwards by the railroad to the town of Troy, ^A hich there meets the grand trunk line branching off to Boston, — the line I had now travelled being in- tended, when completed, to connect the whole with the lake at Whitehall. We reached Troy towards the evening, where, having;, TO THF UNITED STATES. 220 PARTY — LFVILLE — arrange- next day at Mon- taken up my abode in a comfortable botel, I went to th'^ play, (or, as here designated, the museum,) in company with my Quebec mercantile friend, and another fellow- passenger. The performance commenced at eight and was over by half-past ten. We found it a droll little niorcereakfast, to be of w of the nes, and . was the und him ixious to take us IS a mile it proved to bo a matter of some difficulty, and might have been dangerous had our horse become frightened or restive. After proceeding some little way up the shore of the stream, we found the water, although a good deal shel- tered, still much agitated. A ferry-boat, capable of containing not more than one waggon and horse, was brought to bear on the shore, after taking our seats in it ; the horse was led in with the waggon, which, al- though a little alarmed, he did more gently than 1 ex- pected, holding him well by the head ; the boat was gotten up in the course of some little time, about two njiles on the opposite shore, where we landed safely, first taking the horse out of the traces. This difficulty overcome, we went on our way rejoicing, which proved to be about two miles distant from the regular ferry road, and fourteen from Truro, where we proposed to halt and recruit for the day. This road we found like all the cross roads, indifferent and steep, but otherwise commanding a fine view, descending in a long straight vista in succession, like steps of stairs, the forest on both sides. On reaching the regular ferry road, we found some improvements, which increased as we neared Truro, running through the alluvial level of the George river, which runs into and forms the extremity of the Basin of Mines in this direction. Thus travelling much at our ease, enjoying the prospect as we went along, we were overtaken by a traveller in his waggon, driving a good horse, whom we had seen at the ferry ; renewing our acquaintance, we asked him the address of the best hotel at Truro ; in reply to which, he said he kept a good hotel himself; liking his appearance, without more ado, we resolved to take up our quarters there, and so kept him in sight ; we found his house, without being the best m the place, clean and comfortable. !-M H ?: m 246 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT We had a tea dinner, consisting of ham, eggs, and preserves, and a breakfast of the same. The charge for the horse only appearing to be too much, viz., 58. cur- rency, i.e., 4s. sterling, but this covered a feed of four quarts of oats at night and the same in the morning. We found Truro to be a clean, small town of wooden houses painted white, in a level, fertile country, from the dyke or alluvial land in the midst of which it stands. The charge for the two meals was Is. 3d. currency or an English shilling each, viz., 6s. ; beds, 28. ; horse, 4s.=12s. sterling This is the general criterion of our day's expenses at an inn on this tour. Next morning we set off after breakfast, intending, if we could find quarters, to sleep on the road, the distance to New Glasgow being upwards of forty miles, and hav- ing no wish to be benighted as before. We were now, however, on the direct coach road between Halifax and Pictou, which we expected to find better than those we had left ; nor were we disappointed, being generally good, gradually ascending, and then descending by a gentle slope for many miles, which we did at a smart trot all the way, stopping to bait and lunch at an indifferent house by the roadside kept by a Highland widow, being now in the region of the Scotch settlers, with which the aspect of all around so well corresponded, that I might very well have fancied myself transported to the old country by some magician's wand, while it did my heart good to hear ray native accent upon every tongue. Learning that at the ten-mile house, as it is called, meaning ten miles equidistant from New Glasgow and Pictou, by roads branching off at an angle, we could get accommodation for the night. We in due time reached the inn in question, kept by a person of the name of Eoss : but indifferent. We TO THE UNITED STATES. 247 l^j W7^ nevertheless got clean beds, and made a very tolerable shift. Next morning we set off after breakfast for our friends at New Glasgow, by an indifferent road, passing through a hilly, romantic country. We first passed the Coal Mine Village, and two miles further on we reached New Glasgow, which we found to be a thriving small town on the banks of a river, over which we approached it by a drawbridge; the town itself lying pleasantly on the sloping bank of the other side, where we were most kindly and hospitably received by our friends. The settlers here are mostly from Inverness and its neighbourhood. Gaelic is spoken, and a sermon preached in it every Sunday ; while we may be said to have met with a truly Highland welcome. It appears that, in colonizing Nova Scotia, the Crown reserved the minerals in which it is supposed to abound. A grant of these had been made to the late Duke of York, and it seems was all the property he left at his death, available to the payment of his debts. This has caused much discontent in the colony, and was often the subject of conversation. I suggested that the colonists should buy up the Duke's debts, upon the understanding with the Home Government that the minerals should revert in perpetuity to themselves— an arrangement it would not probably have been difficult to effect. In the meantime the Duke of York's creditors have proceeded to make the grant in question available to them, by working the coal mines in this neighbourhood, at a great outlay of capital, in the first instance, which cannot fail to benefit the province. This has been some years in operation, the mines are worked to advantage ; they are said now to begin to pay, and there is no doubt that they will eventually answer the purpose intended, M I 1 248 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT as there is already a great demand for the coal in the province, and in the United States— the port of Pictoii being the resort of many square-rigged vessels for the purpose. The town of New Glasgow is situated within about two miles of these mines, and owes its pronperity very much to them, as it is the market to which the miners resort to supply their wants. There is likewise some shipbuilding going on here ; the principal merchants, being men of capital, import their goods principally from Scotland, in their own vessels. We were the guests of one of these gentlemen, through whose family we saw everything interesting in the neigh- bourhood. Sunday, June 10th, we attended Divine service in the Presbyterian Church, which, as was to be expected, is predominant here. We were driven next day by our friends to dinner with a relative of theirs at the village of the mines, having an opportunity to look round them after dinner ; they appear to be extensively worked, giving employment to between 300 and 400 miners and others, mostly from Scotland. The ships are stationed to take in their load some miles below, near the mouth of the river, where the depth of the water suits ; the coals being conveyed to them by a numerous train of waggons, drawn by steam, on a railroad constructed for the purpose, the road being made to extend so far beyond the pier as to admit of the ship lying underneath it—each waggon, in succession, dropping its load into the hold. A like contrivance is adopted at the works in filling each waggon, and the \fho\Q is conducted in a very business-like manner. TO THE UNITED STATES. 249 The price charged at the pit's mouth is said to be high. Wednesday, 13th June.— I now proceeded to put my plan into execution of seeing Prince Edward's Island, which I understood to merit a visit from a stranger! Leaving the girls in charge of their kind friends, I took the railroad in question, which was provided with one or two cars for passengers, as far as it went, accompanied by a numerous convoy of coal waggons, where I had an opportunity to see the busy scene of loading going on ; the vessels were numerous. From thence I crossed the basin to Pictou in a steamer. ^ I found Pictou to be a small town built on the sloping side of the harbour, or, more properly speaking, in- land lake or basin, formed by the confluence of three rivers, approaching it in different directions, and com- municating with the Gulf of St. Lawrence by an outlet at one side, of no great dimensions, having the appear- ance of being cut out for the purpose. At the entrance of this outlet from the sea there is a bar, passable, how- ever, by large vessels at high tide. The country rises boldly round this basin, presenting a varied and extensive view. This town, like its neighbour New Glasgow, is settled from Scotland. I received in it the warm welcome for which my countrymen are noted— taking pot-luck, as we say, this day and the next, at the house of a friend. Friday, 15th June.— I took my passage to Prince Edward's Island in the mail boat (a little ill-conditioned schooner), for which we loosed sail about nine o'clock in the morning, with a brisk breeze, which soon cleared us of Pictou harbour ; it died away, however, after a little time, leaving us becalmed in the gulf in a dense dry fog, caused, as I was given to iderstand, bv the manv I n 250 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT 1^ fires blazing, both in Prince Edward's Island and in the province I had just left, for the purpose of clearing the ground from the trees, somewhat increased by the long drought. At one o'clock I was summoned to dinner, which consisted of one dish — i.e., ham and eggs. Next day we found ourselves still becalmed, enveloped as before, in smoke, and in ignorance of whereabouts we were. One or two of the passengers amused themselves by fishing, and caught a large cod, on which we fared sumptuously at dinner ; after which we learned, from a fishing boat, our whereabouts, and steered our course, — a breeze springing up, we gradually approached the island by a large level bay, finely fringed with wood. This gradually drew to a narrow channel, through which we ran, when a wide round inner bay opened upon us : we gradually neared Charlotte Town, the capital of the province, and landed in the evening, where I took up my abode in the Victoria Hotel, a comfortable house, had tea, and went to bed a good deal fatigued. Prince Edward's Island lies in the Gulf of St. Law- rence, distant forty miles from the opposite coast of Nova Scotia. It is comparatively speaking a recent settlement, and only partly occupied, there being some impediment to the tenure of land, in consequence of the Home Government having, in the first instance, par- celled it out to individuals. These grants were accom- panied by certain conditions, which, not having been complied with, it is understood maybe eventually an- nulled ; at present the settlers are considered to be copy- holders, or lease-holders for 999 years, at a yearly rent of one shilling per acrt. In appearance, soil, and vegetation, it presents a won- derful contrast to its neighbour, Nova Scotia ; remind- TO THE UNITED STATES. 251 ing me of nothing more than of descending from the brown hills of Northumberland and Durham, upon the green plains of Yorkshire : not a stone is to be seen on the surface ; the soil seems to consist of a red retentive earth mixed with sand, resembling the soil of Devon- shire in England, more particularly in the neighbour- hood of Exeter ; and I observed, where cuttings in the road permitted me to see, that it seemed to rest on a foundation of red sandstone. The island lies, in an oblong form, on a line with the coast of New Brunswick. The general character of the ground is level, although it undulates or rolls occasionally, and it is covered with a variety of hardwood trees. Charlotte Town is small, but regularly laid out, and pleasantly situated on a neck or tongue of land, project- ing into the inner basin or bay I have described, the shores of which in every direction seemed fertile and pleasant to the eye. A gentleman whom I met at the hotel, one in autho- rity I suppose, very politely shewed myself and another stranger over the Province Building, containing the Houses of Parliament, courts of justice, &c., for this little island has its miniature parliament ; he afterwards introduced us to the reading-room. An English sovereign, which in Nova Scotia is equal to twenty-five shillings currency, is here equal to thirty shillings, and prices are understood to rule lower than in the other British provinces ; there are, consequently, a good many half-pay officers and others settled about the island, more particularly in the neighbourhood of Char- lotte Town, in very pretty villas. The climate, from its position, is very severe in win- ter, the Gulf being frozen over the whole distance be- 252 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT tween the island and the mainland of Nova Scotia, so that it is possible to cross from one to the other ; but it is otherwise healthy and pleasant. About this time news reached us of the ferment in Canada, and riots at Montreal ; one gentleman who had been in the midst of them, spoke, I thought very im- properly, with contempt of our French fellow-subjects. An Irish gentleman, whom I met at table, very politely invited me to accompany him to his farm, a distance of forty miles, as it would give me an oppor- tunity to see something of the interior of the island ; this was exactly what I wanted, I therefore accepted his invitation with pleasure. I hired the landlord's horse and gig, the best he had probabl}^, but not a very elegant turn-out, that I might be able to return at my ease. My new acquaintance took the spare seat ; and away we went very pleasantly together, on the morning of Wednesday the 20th of June, after breakfast. Our road skirted a rather sluggish river for some time; the clearings were made leaving clumps of trees between, which gave the prospect a fine clothed aspect, reminding me a little of the country at home, between London and Windsor. My friend ac- knowledged that this must be by accident ; not by the good taste of the farmers. He was well acquainted on the road, and called in here and there to chat ; I found him an agreeable companion. We dined at a roadside inn, and all went on smoothly till towards nightfall, still some distance from his house, in rather a lonely part of the road, our horse suddenly dropped down. Here was a " fix," as the Blue Noses would say. We got him out of the traces ; he rose, but to fall again. We tried him with oats, which our landlord had providently placed in a bag for his use, to no purpose. A boy or two, who had TO THE UNITED STATES. 253 collected round us from a neighbouring cottage, brought water ; he would not touch it. An hour had elapsed ; it was growing dark. What was to become of us ? I thought of the Persian proverb, « This too shall pass away ;" but how it was to pass away, I could not see : the Persian proverb would for once be at fault. These melancholy reflections were heightened by my thoughts of the land- lord, when a countryman came past with a cart. After assisting us in vain for some time, he thought he could bring him round, he said, if time were given, proposing that we should drive on with his horse, and he would follow with ours. This arrangement was readily assented to ; the exchange was made, and we drove on. Late at night, or rather early in the morning, we came to what appeared a noble avenue of trees, but which was literally a road cut through the forest ; this he told me was the commencement of his domain. In due time we reached his house, but all was hushed in sleep. With some trouble we got the domestics roused, and I was ushered into a parlour in the dark. In a little time lights were brought, and tea provided in another room. We had scarcely finished, when we were called out by the arrival of the horpe, which had so far recovered as to bring on the cart. We had no alternative but to leave him in the field until the morning, when we had him bled, and turned out to pasture, under vvhich treatment he gradually recovered. I got to bed at last, much fatigued. Next morning I found myself in a fine country, surrounded by woods and pasture-fields. My host was a widower ; his daughter, a pretty little girl, came in to welcome him home with a basket of fresh strawberries she had gathered in the woods ; bis son, a fine young man, joined us at breakfast. ^ This gentleman possessed property, and had purchased his farm, partly cleared, in the way I recommend ; the .ii 254 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT house was of some pretension ; the out-houses, stables, barns, &c., on a large scale, and in good order ; he did not labour himself, and seemed altogether very happy and independent. He showed me over his farm, and then gave me a drive round the neighbourhood. On our return, he drew my notice to a space he had partly cleared by fire, consisting probably of five or six acres. His humbler neighbours complimented him on this, and proposed that they should be employed to remove, with their teams of oxen, the smaller stumps, and roots of brushwood. A bargain was made accordingly ; I was curious to see how this was done. Two oxen, harnessed together by the horns, having a chain attached to them of some length, which being made to clasp the root, a sudden jerk of the oxen forward pulls it out by main force ; these are stacked together at intervals, and eventually consumed by fire. This forms a portion of the process of clearing in Prince Edward's Island, but much still remains to be done. The speaker of the House of Assembly, my host's neigh- bour, was invited to meet me at dinner ; he came like another Cincinnatus from the plough, with a hard hand, but an intelligent head ; he was a man of property and consideration, and had gone home to the old country for his wife. On Sunday we were driven to rather a primitive church or meeting-house, some miles distant, in an open family vehicle brought f'om Ireland. On Tuesday the 26th of June, I bade adieu to this kind and hospitable family, with a feeling of much re- spect and esteem for its head, who accompanied me some miles on my return. I dined at an inn of rather humble pretensions by the roadside. My horse, who had thoroughly recovered on his rich pasture, brought me TO THE UNITED STATES. 255 into Charlotte town towards the evening, at a brisk trot all the way. I have already stated that a British pound is equal to 30s. currency of the island ; the charge for board at my hotel was 5s. currency per diera, equal to 38. 4d. sterling, this covering, as usual, all charge for servants. I men- tion it as being the lowest daily charge I had met with in ray travels. The passage from Pictou to Charlotte Town vms 12s. 6d. currency, i.e., 8s. 4d. sterling. A steamer was about to be substituted for the sailing vessel in question. Saturday, 30th June.— I embarked at ten a.m. on board the before-mentioned mail schooner on my return to Pictou, with a very favourable impression of Piince Edward's Island. The morning being clear we had a fine view of the inner basin, afterwards of the outer bay, and of the channel which connects them— a lovely pro- spect as brought out under the clear atmosphere of an American landscape. After the usual sorry fare at dinner, the wind lulled, the vessel making little way ; next morning, about ten,' we made the entrance to Pictou harbour, but being un- able to weather the lighthouse, the wind being contrary, we were compelled to land on the beach ; the mail bags being carried to Pictou on the shoulders of the captain, assisted by one or two of his crew. After passing the' remainder of the day (Sunday) pleasantly with my friends, accompanying them to the Presbyterian church, I slept at the inn and rejoined my daughter and friends at New Glasgow the next day. One of the young ladies of this family had only lately returned from a visit to the old country. I asked her what struck her most in it ; she replied, " the depression of the lower orders." 25G RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT About this time the annual Synod, or meetinj]: of the Presbyterian clergy, being held in this neighbourhood ; I met several of the ministers to-day at dinner ; they uppearet tA> be hiustly from Scotland, and were well infor;!/(i, p" . v gentlemen. I had also met several at dinner at Pictou, with whom I was much pleased. Tuesday, July 3. — We left our kind friends in New Glasgow this morning, en route honjewards ; our horse, after his long rest, si)'-. 1 .^ Po;jie spirit at the commence- ment of the journey. We reached Truro, a distance of forty miles, resting at our old hotel. Next day we took the higher road by the bridge over the Shubcnacady river, on the Halifax road, where we slept at a village inn, being regaled at our evening meal with salmon caught in the river. The landlord observed to me next morning that there had been frost over niglit, and he was fearful for the crops. » This observation had been frequently made to me in the course of this little tour. I mention it because it shows what is here to be feared as the enemy to agri- culture, how late it continues, and how early again it is liable to set in. The days, I can vouch for, are very warm. The harvest time comes, however, and a crop with it. Next day we crossed the country, dining at a friend's on the road. This gentleman happened to be one of the aristocracy of the province — an enemy to free-trade. He talked of the want of reciprocity on the part of the United States, and wanted retaliatory duties ; although otherwise an intelligent man, he allowed his better judgment to be warped by his political views. I pointed out to him that they could not grow wheat in the province ; that they had no money to buy it ; TO THE UNITED STATES. 257 but that the United States took in exchange their fish firewood, potatoes, coal, and gypsum ; that any duties they put on these, could only bo a question between their own Government and the consumer, provided they put no export duty on the flour, which it was not pn tended they did ; and were we, because they taxed their consumers, to commit a like folly, and pay eightpence for a loaf we could now purchase for fuurpence. We resumed our journey after dinner, and slept at a friend's. Next morning we resumed our journey, and reached Wolfville in the evening of the day after, very much pleased with our excursion. R 258 IlECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTER XXVI. VISIT TO NICTAU AND ITS NEIOIinOURIIOOD — DIGBY- ANCE MEETING— GENERAL REMARKS. -TEMPER- Iti: I n M.- The high road from Halifax to Annapolis and St. John (New Brunswick), by the Bay of Fiindy, passes through our village of Wolf ville : it is consequently much travelled. I had not seen the country in that direction ; a friend of the family having invited me to visit him at his farm in the neighbourhood of Nictau, I put my sister's waggon again in requisition, and accompanied by my youngest daughter and another of ray nieces, commenced our journey on the morning of the 17th of July, after break- fast. The road we were now travelling is considered to pass through the garden of Nova Scotia ; it is certainly the most picturesque and thickly settled portion of the province ; the long high-wooded ridge ending in Cape Blomedon, skirting the Bay of Fundy, and intercepting it from our view, was on our right, while between us and it was the valley at its foot, about ten miles in breadth. The river Cornwallis taking its rise near, and flowing through it, towards the Basin of Mines ; while a little further on the river Nictau takes its rise,and flows through it in an opposite direction to Annapolis and the Bay of Fundy ; the valley possessing very much the same width and character throughout. The day was fine and we en- TO THE UNITED STATES. 259 joyed our drive very much, until we reached a frieiid'H house (seventeen miles distant), where we dined ; after w inch we resinned our route, sleopinfr at a village called Hheffield. The next day we rcjiohed our friend's house, where we were kindly and hospilubly received ; we found the farmers in the midst of their hay-making, with com- plaints of its scantiness, from the Ljreat drought ; prayei-s having been offered u^) in the churches for rain. My host's house stood on level ^;round in the midst of an orchard fronting the valley, into which his farm de- scended far. He was of German descent ; had settled here in early life ; purchased his land in a wild state, and by a life of industry and perseverance had become rich ; he lived in a somewhat patriarchal state, having his family settled round him in separate farms. He in- troduced us to the neighbourhood, took us some fine drives, and we thus passed a few days very pleasantly. Wishing to see Annapolis as I have said, I drove the girls to it through Bridge towD, situated on the river Nictau, in the bottom of the valley ; it is the germ pro- bably of a thriving town ; at present it consists of little more than a few wooden houses, with a wooden bridge over the river. We passed the night at a friend's house near Granville, and reached Annapolis next morning —a small town built of wood, situated where the river commences to be navigable, opening up into a wide stream or estuary as it flows towards Digby, and its exit into the Bay of Fundy. I intended this to have been the limit of my excur- sion, but to please the girls I drove them on to the town of Digby, at the bottom of the bay or harbour formed by the river, a distance of about twenty miles farther, to do which we had to cross the ferry at Anna- polis in the first instance. 260 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT We found the road to be through a very hilly country, and we had to cross the Bear river by a ferry near its mouth, which delayed us so long that we did not reach Digby until the day had closed in ; much fatigued. To our surprise we found the town all astir, and the inns full of company; with great difficulty we got accom- modation. On inquiring the cause, we learned that a temperance meeting was to be held in the morning, which had brought all the neighbourhood together ; and that a large party was expected from St. John (New Brunswick) by the steamer. Next morning the scene was very animated ; the steamer arrived with music playing, and emptied its living cargo among a great concourse of spectators. They seemed to be very fine specimens of the New Brunswickers, who bespoke in their appearance, dress, and manners, the good effects of temperance. The company now spread about in groups on the green slopes around. In my walk I entered into casual conversation with one of these strangers, apparently of French descent ; in the course of which he remarked, that the colonists, in his opinion, ought to have been contented with the way England had been accustomed to govern them ; they had protective laws for their timber trade, while it had been otherwise lenient, and had worked generally for their good ; tliey had clamoured for self-government, he said, and all these advantages had disappeared. I remarked that the mouth of the river is broad at Digby, and that the break or opening in the ridge, which gives it access to the Bay of Fundy, is steep, narrow, and on one side of the estuary. Here the valley I have described terminates, and it appears to me to bear the marks throughout, of having formed one large TO THE UNITED STATES. 261 fresh-water lake at a time when the ridge ran unbroken, both here and at Cape Blomedon. Towards the afternoon I ordered out the waggon, and proceeded some miles on our return, by the upper road, and the bridge over the Bear river. Next day we reached Annapolis, passing through which we crossed the Nictau at Bridge town, where we drank tea with a friend ; we then resumed the road and reached our kind host's rather late in a moonlight night, the evening cool. After remaining another day or two to recruit, we bade adieu to our friends, and resumed our route home- wards, which we accomplished in one day. Having now made myself acquainted with our British provinces of North America, as far as circumstances would permit, before I take leave of them, I shall close the subject with such general remarks as occur to me. The climate of the maritime provinces, although severe, is softened by the neighbourhood of the sea, while the vicinity of the great lakes ha3 a like beneficial ten- dency on the climate of Upper Canada. They are otherwise healthy in the extreme, and found to be, in the main, well adapted to settlers from the British Islands. With exception of the French settlements, they may be said to be as yet little advanced beyond early youth, but are filling up rapidly. Although the colonists are friendly with their neigh- bours of the United States, they do not amalgamat , but rather seem mutually to keep aloof—a sufficiently broad line of distinction is drawn. The gentlemen settlers of Upper Canada have a high sense of honour, are respectably connected at home, and, with some of the exclusiveness of England, are loyal to the Crewn to their heart's core. 2G2 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT The commuDication with the Atlantic by the river St. Lawrence, and the long extent of lake frontage, offer great commercial advantages, which the Colonial Government has not shown itself slow to appreciate. It has ah-eady, by a judicious system of canals, overcome the impediments caused by the rapids of the St. Law- rence, by means of which large square-rigged vessels al- ready navigate Lake Ontario. It has also overcome the obstruction offered by the Falls of Niagara, to the navi- gation of the upper lakes, by the Welland Canal— a magnificent succession of locks constructed of solid masonry. The colonists have also at last commenced their railroad, to open up and connect their provinces with the harbour of Halifax ; there is, therefore, reason to conclude that as population increases, they will con- tinue to advance westward along our frontier line, until brought up, in the distance of time, by our colony of Vancouver's Island, and the shores of the Pacific. Of the wisdom of the Home Government, in granting these fine colonies self-government and free-trade, I think there can be no doubt It is only to be regretted that the measure of the colonial legislature for indemnifying the losses of those engaged in the rebellion, was a conse- quence, in as far as it outraged the feelings of the gallant band of settlers, who assisted to put it down, and which broke out into open disturbance on the Governor- General (Lord Elgin) giving effect to the obnoxious law. Our rule now presses so lightly on these colonies, that we may safely assume it will be of long duration ; for centuries to come, if it continues as long, as it will be beneficial to the colonists themselves, opening up an ever increasing market for our manufactures, and a home for our surplus population. TO THE UNITED STATES. 2G3 In the constitution of their elective franchise, they should, it appears to me, stop short of universal suffrage. The constitutions of the probably too much vaunted Republics of antiquity, are not safe guides in a matter of this importance, inasmuch as the larger part, if not the whole, of their lower orders, consisted of slaves, who it is reasonable to conclude, were in possession of the labour market. 2G4 RECOLLECTIONS OF A VISIT CHAPTEE XXVII. VOYAGE HOME — STEAMER— PASSENGERS- POOL — EXETER. -ARRIVAL AT LIVER- I HAD now beeD two yeais absent from England ; my affairs required my presence at home. It occurred to me that ab the climate of Nova Scotia agreed with them, and that they would be properly taken care of by their kind aunt, I might leave my daughters with advantage another year under her charge, proposing to return for them myself Having made this arrangement, I took my leave ; proceeded to Halifax ; secured my passage on board the British mail-steamer Europa, Captain Lott, belonging to the Cunard line, for which the charge was £30 cur- rency or £24 sterling. In the evening of the 10th of August the report of two guns (the usual signal) announced the arrival of the steamer from Boston. I hurried on board and secured a berth ; in the course of an hour or two we were under weigh, steering our course for England with the full power of her steam. There seemed to be about 100 cabin passengers, in- cluding those taken on board at Halifay; ; not crowding us too much, as there was accommodation for many more. Among these I observed Fienchmen, Spaniards, na- TO THE UNITED STATES. 2C5 ; my tives of the United States, of the British provinces and settlers onginally from the mother country. ' No vessels can be better adapted for the purpose for which they are intended than these mail-steamers • the power of their engines is great ; their speed corrsponds while no expense is spared in the arrangements for the convenience and comfort of the passengers ; they have been not unaptly styled floating palaces. The crew consists of about 100, of all grades, generally picked men. They ha\e a proper complement of officers besides the captain and surgeon ; and the ship's duty goes on like clockwork. The captain and the mail agent (who is a Govern- ment officer, generally a lieutenant in the na^y) mess with the passengers ; the other officers, including the surgeon, have a table for themselves. On Sunday, all the crew off duty, assemble in the cabin in their best clothes, when the mail agent reads the morning prayers of the Church of England. If there happens to be a clergyman among the passengers a sermon follows. ' The passage-money is thought to be high (£35) from J^ngland, which does not vary to whichever port in America you are bound. Government also allows a large sum for carrying the mails. It is a joint-stock concern, sai . to be very profitable ; the shares are not allowed to come into the market, nor are its affairs or the amount of its dividends, made public. ' 'rhe wines were of the best quality, Champagne, 5s per bottle ; Port and Sherry, 4s. per bottle. The stew- ard s fee is included in the fare. ^ A iine .)f opposition steamers has been established in tne United States ; the legitimate effect of which should bo to reduce the fares. s 266 VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES. Screw steamers are coming into use on this passage ; tliey perhaps take three or four days more to accompHsh it ; their charge is £20. Nothing could be more agreeable than this voyage proved ; the sea was calm, and the sun shone during the whole passage. I was sometimes amused to observe the porpoises try to keep up with us ; they ran in pairs by the ship's side with great velocity, alternately plunging a little, and then rising to the surface. On the 19th we ran along the coast of Ireland, and on the 20th of August, just ten days after I embarked, W8 v.-ere safely landed at Liverpool. I fon.nd the captain to be a pleasant man, a good sea- man, aad attentive to his passengers. The passengers were also woll-conducted and intelligent. I put up at the Adelphi Hotel at Liverpool. The next day I proceeded on by the railroads, via Birming- ham and the vale of Gloucester to Exeter, with the in- tention of visiting my relatives at Plymouth. I remained a day at Exeter to rest, and to see its cathedral again. I was forcibly struck with the prosperous appearance of everything in England. Exeter, which I had recol- lected in early life, a dull cathedral town, I found now to be full of life and animation ; its streets crowded, and the city doubled in size. Plymouth, and every- where else, the same. I now became satisfied of the truth of my lemark in America, that England is advancing like a young, not like an old country. El'INBl R(,H : T. CONSTAKLK. PKINTJEK T(. 1IJ:K MAJlvlSH. age; plish J the s trv side and and 'ked, sea- gers The ing- i in- ined n. mce ;col- now ded, ery- : m not