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Les diagrammee suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 32X 1 2 3 '^■, VELLINGTOft O WIT. t I .■i'-^ TO 1 ■ f »' V: To th faloMM' •rcMSce '^^^f^Kf'F**' **^*ji^^55 Electors of the North Itidingr of Her Ni^esty'a Writ to nte directed, aad benriiie date tbc mM fllectors at th^ Hustinn m frrat efMATTHEW A in the North Uidiog of the Co< .VI 4T ONE O'CLOCK IN THl For tie piirpot^e oC electing a persqn toi Asiembljr of this ProTince, find tlmf in case a Poll shall he dcmauilod and onencd Ai H^cdnetdaj, the sefciiieentli day of the month of Junr. in tli Townthl^ of jtmaranlby Artli«r,k«arnfra\a, Lather, Marybfiriiugh, Mill |f^ ii #ierf||j^rcj|«^ noticci^d govern himself nc^rdingij.^ ; . ^ lii under m] haod at Guelpb m% 27tli dav 4 -» f ■! . ' i - Printed at the Herald Cheap Bonk and Job! liclingror the Coiiuty pf Wellini^tbii, that letiring date tfiic sixteenth day of tlie month of May instant, |l require the MATTHEW A NDEK80N'8 €arria|e Pactory, in tiirTill^eof Fergas, Uding of tiie County aforesaid, on Lock Il\' THE AFTERNOON, ^ersqn to represent them in Ihe Lel^islfitiTe ! demanded and allowed in the manner by law prescribed, suelp iPoit will be i 1i of June, in the lncorp<irated Yilla«res of Fergus and Elora, and in the nrybor4»ugli, Miuto, Nichol, Peel, nod IPilkington : of all wbidb every person dingly.„4 27th ilav ^r iU month of !laK in the year 1^2* ■ •<JC<r. Returning OMeeVi J p. . ., ,1 I f O i I Book uiifl Job Office, Wyndham Street, Gnelph