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Vol. I," No. 9. :-<i>^^-^'-,^V*-M-<:/:^''"'-^-: V- ,».i,. ..V, I m:- .tid:iv'; *^ ' ' 4.,'' ■■'■ 1 '"""/;• vi *■'"". .^'... ■: > ^;>;:s;-''^-.' 1 ■* . , •.-'.<*'' ■„-.; ^/■,^;V ■ '-.■■'■'■• .'ii'"- Hi ■'/? ■ ■'1 f-' Ciollectlans; with Particular R^^ .'."■''»■' K, , -e^.^-Jb v.- to the North American Fauna. :':--A ■r•;■:.^.^,M IX. BY . .V*- :m- ^um':r ■^■■i .;■ Ir-;'t^> "■^'JT-T'''^: ■C.: t -s^ ; THOMAS H. MONtaOMERY,. JRm PH.D., ; t4cturtrin Ziuloiy, Unib*rti[lf ^ Pumtylimitia. ■,>^ ■■+■ '. .■■/:*■-■ "t^. -■' -I- . -'■ .•' ':■■'. ■ •:".••■■'; WitH'Two Pmots: ■ ■■'. ' ■■,■■•" ■ ,;■' \^' .'■'■'/' \' \'- san'^rAncisco :' - , I / • ' [■ 'Published m the Academy^ -v.. r ^e^:^ t'u .'fK- iK '<i:^$^'^'^^'M-^- '^ij PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. William E. Rittbr, Chairman. Pavid S. Jordan, Q. ff t^mpotLD, ft.-- ' ;'■:'^■;•■T^;ly. , EDITORS OF ZOOLOqjCAL PUBLICATIONS. David S. Jordan, " V^ii*uam E- Ritter. ifV., i*-^^_.v:*\,n;;^ ■^"'^•'■4i[ . / ^ • 7* <A.. :■■ i- ■ - ■iA 4 /, ;. j'.. ^ >-, ,E...)^_ '. ^ ^?aife^-i I i.' ■ ( 'V, ■' ■ ^v, V ' ' '' . 1 '^\t'- ■":'■-■ ■ • .' ' 1 1 A^^^:^^,':.\ R. y ' ^^i^ < i^ m u!iS!m ii p li ii^ im! I m iw ^m »^ "' '1 PROOBBDINOS CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Third Series. Zoology. Vol. I, No. 9. The Gordiacea of Certain American Collections, with Particular Reference to the North American Fauna. II. BY THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, JR., PH.D., Lttturtr in Zatlagy, Viiiotrtify tf Ptmuyhmnia. With Two Platbs. Issued October t», 1898. SAN FRANCISCO: PUBLUHBD BY THB ACADBHV. 189& V. j.m.-jiiMiiiiiiiittiiJJ i m i -i'MU-nin ii Mm i i'-'Ji " "■ iitiiWiii/-^' ■yrrrr i ! 1.1^ ^v THE GORDIACEA OF CERTAIN AMERICAN COLLECTIONS, WITH PARTICULAR REF- ERENCE TO THE NORTH AMERICAN FAUNA.— II. * BY THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, JR., PH. D., Ltclmrtr im Zt«U g r> Univmitf »f Puuuylvanm, Plates XIX and XX. The present paper deals with Gordiacea, principally of California, and with a few specimens from neighboring regions (Baja California, Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico). The fauna of California has been heretofore but little known, so that the comparatively large number of speci- mens from that locality which have been offered to me for study have a special interest. In a previous contribution * Gordiacea were described by me from other portions of North America. The following collections are herein described : that of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; of the University of California; and of Stanford Uni- versity, California. For the opportunity to study these col- lections, my thanks are due to Dr. Gustav Eisen of the California Academy of Sciences, and to Prof. Henry B. Ward of the University of Nebraska. Appended to this paper is a Key for the determination of the species of Gordiacea on the North American continent, north of Mexico. While this key may serve to determine with rapidity certain species, it must be noted that some of them, and particularly the females of Gordius and Chor- dodes, can only be satisfactorily determined by means of sections and of portions of the cuticle cleared in glycerine or some clearing oil (I am accustomed to clear them in cedar oil, after dehydration, and to study them mounted in Canada bakam). For descriptions of species which are I BvU. Mm. Conpar. ZooL, Uarrard Univenity, April, i8g8. L333J Oct. 1, 1898. ifi^ liMMiiMiiiii wmmmm •flWfSl i II _ -J! 334 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY Of SCIENCES. [Proc. 3D Sbh. here mentioned only briefly, the reader is referred to my previous paper, 1. c. In this Key the females of Gordius aquaticus difficilis, G. longareolatus, n. sp., Chordodes puer- ilis, and the male of C. morgani find a place, though I have seen only the males of the first three mentioned, and the female of the last; this was done with the assumption that the cuticular characters of the two sexes are similar in these forms. It is here shown that Chordodes gordioides Montg. is identical with C. occidentalis Montg. z. Gordius longareolatus, sp. nov. Type.—Qo^. Cal. Acad. Sci.: i <S , San Francisco, Cal, Sept. 10, 1896. /bTM.— Of equal diameter in its whole length, nearly cylindrical, with faint median grooves. Head end (fig. i) conically rounded, the tip slightly con- stricted off, mouth ventral (on the ventral side of the white tip of the head). Tail lobes (figs, i, 3) short, thick, nearly parallel, terminally rounded. Their point of bifurcation (on the ventral surface) is at a distance from the oval cloacal aperture about equal to the length of the lobes. Each lobe is approx- imately cylindrical, except on its median surface which is concave ; this con- cavity is deepest nearest the posterior end of the lobes and is bounded by a sharp line. The cloacal aperture is situated upon a slightly elevated papilla ; firom this papilla to the point of bifurcation of the tail lobes extends a deep groove( deepest caudad). The area around the cloacal aperture, and extend- ing caudad to about the point of bifurcation of the tail lobes, is covered with numerous, minute, conical spines. C»/tV^.— With elevated areoles of elongate form, their longitudinal axes parallel to that of the body (fig. 4). The areoles do not produce particular longitudinal rows, though everywhere the spaces which separate them are about equal in length. They are darker than the intermediate portions of the cuticle. Most of them are several times longer than broad, with nearly parallel margins ; a smaller number are shorter and thicker, but even these are somewhat elongate. On cross section of the body (fig. 5) the areoles are seen to be hyaline and homogeneous, their darker, denser bases sunk into the surface of the fibrous cuticle. On section they show a rounded-conical form, without any median groove. No hairs lie between the areoles, but wklely separated from one another are found a few hyaline, finger-shaped processes, of slightly greater elevation than the areoles ; such processes have heretofore been noticed by me only in the genus Chordodes. Coftw.— Deep olive brown, slightly iridescent ; the tip of the head white. iMfNtfiwibfU.— Length, 115 mm.; greatest diameter, 0.5 mm. «^ '«^ ,^»«». ZooL.— Vol. i.] MONTGOMER Y—COKPIACEA. 335 Comparison. — The only other Gordiacea with longitudi- nally arranged elongate areoles are G. raphaelis, alfredi, and latastei oi Camerano, and G, abbreviatus ViWoV, but all of these differ from G. longareolatus in having the areoles longitudinally grooved. a. Gordius aquaticns Linn, CoU. Cat. Acad. Sci.: 2 i i , City of Mexico; 2 S 6 , Berkeley, Cal., winter of 1891. Coll. Univ. of Cal.: i , Berkeley, Cal., January, 1895. These are the only specimens as yet seen by me of the true aguaticus from North America ; in all of them the white spots (figs. 13, 14) are clearly marked on the surface of the cuticle and may be seen with a low-power hand lens. 3. Gordius tquatictts robustus {Leidy.) Coll. Cal. Acad. Sci. : $ , San Francisco, Cal. ; $ , Berkeley, Cal. Coll. Univ. Cal.: 9, Berkeley, Cal., January, 1895. The largest specimen measured 590 mm. This is the form, corresponding to G. robustus Leidy, which has been regarded by me (1. c.) as a mere variety of the preceding, from which it differs merely in the absence of the white cuticular spots. In the true European aguati- cus the white spots are present in most individuals, accord- ing to the description of Rdmer'; while in specimens of robustus from the eastern United States (from Kansas east- ward) I have never found these spots, though I have studied one or two hundred specimens. Westward of California occurs the true aguaticus, eastward the aguaticus robustus, while in California the two appear to overlap. If white- spotted specimens be subsequently found in any number from the eastern United States, then aguaticus robustus can no longer be retained as a separate subspecies ; but with the facts at hand we are justified in assigning it that position. > Beitrag car SyttematUc dcr Gordiiden Abh. ScckcnberK. Om., Bd; XXin, 1896. i !ifij).i| l !l | l l Wtt* H«ll>W«W! aW«lll»'!H. I mmummmm 336 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [P«OC. 3D Sbk. 4. Gorditts densareolatns Montg. Coll. Cal. Acad. Sci. : i , Lake, San Francisco, Cal. The posterior end of this specimen was as in the type (cf. Montgomery, 1. c), except that there was only a slight precloacal groove. In my first description of this species (1. c.) the cuticle of the female only was described. I have since re-examined the type of the male (Montana, Leidy coll., No. 5063) and find the cuticle in general like that of the female, except that the areoles show less tendency to confluence and are more rounded in outline. >»>^ 5. Paragordins yarius {Leidy.) Coll. Cal. Acad. Sci.: 3 J J , 3 v $, San Jos^ del Cabo, Baja Cal., July, 1896; $, St. Helena, Napa Co., Cal. Coll. Stanford Univ., collected by C. H. Gilbert: 5 $ $, Napa Creek, Calistoga, Napa Co., Cal., May 31, 1897. This appears to have the broadest range of any North American species, extending completely across the conti- nent, and, according to Camerano, into South America. In the females the tail lobes may be either parallel or divergent, so that they are probably opened and closed by muscular action ; while in the males of this genus and of Gordius these lobes appear to be to great extent independ- ent of such action. 6. Chordodes occidentalis Montg. Coll. Univ. Cal. : 4 , $, Berkeley, Cal. Coll. Stanford Univ., collected by C. H. Gilbert:' it3 S J. 43 $ $, Napa Creek, Calistoga, Napa Co., Cal.. May 31, 1897. Coll. Cal. Acad. Sd. : 2 $ ?, i 4 , Haywards, Alameda Co., Cal.; I $, Alameda Co., Cal.; 2 4 S , 2 $ $. Santa Rosa Isl., Cal.; 4 $ $, Sierra el Taste, Baja Cal.; i ?, St. Helena, Napa Co., Cal.; 1 ? Kings River, Fresno Co., Cal.; i S , Lime Point, Marin Co., CaL; i S, San Miguel de Comondu, Baja Cal.; i $,5 i i , locality not marked, but probably fi-om California ; i $ , Batde Mountain, Nevada. A careful examination of this large number of specimens shows that the Chordodes gordloides Montg. of my preced- ing paper was based upon immature specimens of C. occi- dentalis Montg., so that gordioides is not a tenable species. tmmmmmm TE?r • vmijfffi-x.r, ' raawwwWi ZooL.— Vol. i.] MONTGOMER Y—GORD/ACEA. 337 ^m^ Owing to the great amount of individual variation afforded by these specimens from California (123 ^ j>55 9 ^ ,) ^ description of them is necessary, and this description may be compared with that of occidentalis and ^* gordioides*^ given in my preceding contribution. Form.—Th& form of the male has already been described and figured, so that it is only necessary to note that the anterior portion of the body is the most slender, the head (fig. 10) pointed, and the body either cylindrical or flattened (depending upon the state of development of the genital products). The females resemble the males in general form, and in them also the ante- rior portion (fig. 6) is the most slender, they are stouter than the males ; the posterior end (figs. 9, 13) is enlarged and more or less knob-shaped as in all females of this genus ; seen from the ventral surface (fig. 23) this posterior end appears disc-shaped, with the cloacal aperture in its centre. C»/i<r/^.— Thirty-two specimens were examined, cleared in cedar oil, and transverse sections were made of twenty-four of them. These preparations, with those which formed the basis of my previous descriptions, show how variable the configuration of the cuticle is in this form, and present all inter- mediate phases between the figs. 115-117, PI. XV, of C. occidentalis of my previous description, and figs. jo6, 107, PI. XIII, 1. c, of C. '■^ gordioidei" and leave no doubt that the latter is only the young of the preceding. On surface view the areoles may be irregularly polygonal and well sepa- rated from one another, or they may be elongate and confluent so as to pro- duce transverse rows (figs. 7, 13-30). The areoles of the same individual may be all of the same color, which appears to be usually the case, or groups (of a few each) of larger areoles may be darker than the others (fig. 18). The cuticle of one specimen had the appearance of that of Gordius pUskei Camer. , owing to the incrustation of minute dirt particles between the areoles (fig. 13). Small, refractive, circular or oval pits occur in varying number on the cuticle ; they lie for the main part between areoles, sometimes on their surfaces ; their most fi^uent mode of occurrence is between two areoles which together present a dumb-bell shape ; their number varies greatly, and they are found either singly, in pairs, or in threes (figs. 7, 15-20). On transverse section (figs. 8, 11, 31, 33) the areoles are usually of the same height but varying diameter in the same individual, but are never as high as long, though in the males they are usually higher than in the females ; they are either close together or well separated. In a few specimens, as in the type first figured, tower areoles with irregularly serrated summits lie between the higher ones, but such a relation was found in only three or four cases. Between the areoles, occurring only at wide distances, are delicate finger-shaped or clut>-shaped hyaline processes, of greater height than the areoles. In a few specimens were noticed hyaline processes of a stcdt coni- cal form, sunk into the summits of certain of the areoles (fig. 23). In some males a cupn^haped depression occurs on the summits of a few of the areoles. The circular or oval pits seen on sur&ce views are found on section (fig. 8) to represent structures, the like of which has not yet been described for any Gordiacean ; they were overlooked in my description of the type spedmen, i«^^ ' :j'-,yi^y!i^^i'i-^"' ' " •' "•"'•"* 'i--^^ssiur ~^:**.»ii(i 'flf«*i^i*'" ■■^■.'- mmn ■-mim»mmi!i^^ yWJtiyti»jU|WiJi!fP |^^ 338 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [Proc. 30 Ssm. owing to their paucity in that individual, but I have found them on re-exam- ination. They were largest and most abundant in a large female, and appeared to be absent in only three specimens. Each pit has the form of a sack of spherical or ovoid shape (some are flattened parallel to the surfece of the cuti- cle), with an exterior opening on the surface of the cuticle ; the length of these sacks varies from about one-fourth to two-fifths the diameter of the cuticle. On section it would appear that almost all of them lie between arcoles, sunk into the fibrous cuticle, though on sur&ce view they frequently seem to lie on the summits of areoles. The outline of each pit is rounded and sharply demarcated, though no special limiting membrane appears to be present. In each lie two (rarely three) refractive spines, which are usually sitiuted vertical to the siuiace of the cuticle, but in some cases parallel to it. Each spine is somewhat rod-shaped, thickest basally, the base obtusely rounded and usually in close contact with the wall of the pit. At its distal end each spine has a short, pointed process which projects out of the narrow opening of the pit ; the longitudinal axis of this pointed portion does not always coincide with that of the basal portion. Thus these spines are some- what similar in form to the central stilets (with their bases) of the Metane- mertean proboscis. Color. — The males vary from a light yellowish, through rufous or chocolate or olive-brown, to a nearly pitch black color, smaller individuals being usually but not always lighter than larger ones. In most of them the anterior portion of the body is lighter than the posterior ; the head is lightest in color, very frequendy yellowish white, while the rest of the body is chocolate-brown. Just behind the light, head portion is usually a more or less pronounced dark neck ring, which is seldom wholly absent. The females averse much lighter in color than the males, and are usually a yellowish or yellowish brown color ; a few are a dark olive-brown, but none are black. In them, too, there is usually a darker neck ring, and often a brownish area around the doacal aperture. In both sexes the mouth aperture is usually marked by a small black spot, easily seen with a hand lens : thus of the 154 individ- uals collected on the same day at the same locality (coU. Stanford University), 96 males showed this spot, 15 males were without it, and in a males die whole head was black ; and all the 43 females showed the spot. The black mouth spot would thus appear to be pretty constant (though it was absent in the type specimens of this species). DinuHSums.—\MC%<eiA male, 460 mm.; largest female, 420 mm. Comparison. — C. gordioides Montg. becomes a synonym of this species. This species differs from C. bedriaga and C. fardalis Camer. , to which the configuration of its cuti- cle appears to be otherwise quite similar, in the presence of the remarkable cuticular pits, the structure of which, however, can only be determined by sections. Such pits have never heretofore been described : but clear, rounded cavities situated just below tubercles or aeroles of the cuticle 'Sa r** ■-^ »- iMHMiMM ZooL.— Vol. 1.] MONTGOMER Y— GORDIA CEA. 339 ' S* !** would seem to be frequent in Chordodes, at least I find them in my species of C. morgani, C. puerilis, and C. albi- barbatus, though not in C.furnessi. General diagnostic characters. — The union of the follow- ing characters serves to distinguish this from any other North American form: the low aeroles with the remark- able interareolar pits, the attenuation of the anterior portion of the body, and the black mouth spot. The females of this species may easily be mistaken for females of G. den- sareolatus Montg., since in some specimens of the former the interareolar pits may be very few in number (or entirely wanting ?). But the form of the posterior end is a good distinguishing character : in the female of C. occidentalis it is enlarged — somewhat knob-shaped, while in the female of G. densareolatus it is not of greater size than the preced- ing portion of the body ; there is at least no difficulty in distinguishing them when one has a series of specimens of both before him. ■^ ►• Key to the Species of Gordiacea of the North American Continent, North of Mexico. I. Posterior end trilobed Paragordius varius (Lbidy), $ . II. Posterior end bilobed, spirally inrolled..(/)iraj'<wdrfW and Gordius, i 6), A. A sharp, V-shaped cuticular ridge behind the cloacal aperture. a. The cuticle dotted with viWX&si^Xs.. Gordius aguaticus Linn., i . b. The cuticle not dotted with white spots. 1. A parabolic line of hairs on the tail lobes. G. a. difficilis Montg., i . 2. No line of hairs on the tail lobes ..G, a. robustus (Lbidy), i . B. No sharp, V-shaped cuticular ridge behind the cloacal aperture. a, A iongitudhial line of long hairs on each side of the cloacal aperture ..G. lineatus Leidy, i . b. No line of long hairs on each side of the cloacal aperture. 1. Head end obliquely truncated. Paragordius varius (Lbidy), i . 2. Head end not obliquely truncated. a. Conical spicules behind the cloacal aperture. I. Tail lobes short, nearly conical. Gordius densareolatus Montg., i . 3. Tail lobes neariy cylindrical. G. longareolatustllovriG., i . CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [P»oc. 3D Sbr. *. No conical spicules behind the cloacal aperture. G. pla/ycepAalus MouTG., S. Posterior end not lobed, spirally inroUed, with a depression or groove on its ventral surface, narrower than preceding portion of body (Chordodes, S i). A. Cuticular areoles longer than high, on and between them small circular pits Chordodes occidentalis Montg., <J . B. Cuticular areoles higher than long. a. Spines on the summits of the highest papillae. C. pueritis Montg., .5 . b. No spines on the summits of the highest papilke. C. morgani Montg., i . . Posterior end not lobed, not spirally inroUed. A. Posterior end not noticeably enlarged (Gordius, ? ? ). a. With elevated cuticular areoles on the whole sur&ce of the body. I. With paired dark stripes in the median lines. Gordius leidyi Montg., ? . a. No dark stripes in the median lines. Areoles elongated in the long axis of the body, well separated G. longareolatus Montg., ? . *. Areoles not elongated in the long axis of the body. 1. Areoles closely apposed, tending to produce longitudinal ridges G. lineatus Lbidv. ? . a. Areoles more or less confluent, tending to pro- duce transverse rows, head usuaJly cylin- drical G. densareolaitts Montg., ? . 3. Areoles usually separated, interareolar groups of fine hairs, head usually flattened. G. platycephtUus Montg., $. *. Without elevated cuticular areoles on the whole surface of the body. I. No cuticular areoles. a. Cuticle dotted with white spots. .C aquaticus Linn., ?. *. Cuticle without white spots. ..G. a. robuslus (Lbidy), ? . a. Cuticular areoles at the ends of the body only. G. a. difficilis Montg., $ . Posterior end swollen, somewhat knob-shaped, slightly con- stricted off.. (Chordodes, ? ?). Cuticular areoles longer than high, on and between them small circular pits Chordodes occidentalis, Montg., $ . Cuticular areoles higher than long. I. Spines on the summits of the highest areoles. C. puerilis Montg., $ . a. No spines on the summits of the highest areoles. C. morgani Montg., 9 . Wistar Institute of Anatomy, Philadblphia, Pbnnsvlvania., June ao, 1898. W •'*■»- liiiiiii 342 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [P«oc. 30 8b». l:i EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIX. (All the outlines were drawn with the aid of the camera ludda and a Zete microscope and lenses. The cuticle is represented as seen in Canada bal- sam, after clearance in cedar oil.) Gordius lot^areolatus, sp. nov., type. Head end (otq. A, oc. a). Idem. Ventral view ofposterior end (idem). Idem. Lateral view of the posterior end, the ventral side to the left (idem). ^ . ^u v t Idem. Surface view of the cuUde, the arrow denoting the hne ot the longitudinal axis of the body (obj . C, oc. 4)- Idem. Transverse section of the cuticle (homog. immers. i/ia, OC 2) Chordodes occidentalis Monto., dorsal view of the head of a female (obj. A, oc. 2). Idem. Surface view of the cuticle (obj. C, oc. 4). Idem. Transverse section of tiie cuticle (homog. immers. 1/12, oc. 4, tube lengtii j8o mm.). . .j . »u Idem. Lateral view of the posterior end, the ventral side to the right (obj. A, oc. a). , ^. x. a Chordodes occidentalis Montg., male. Lateral view of the head end (obj. A, oc. 2). . Idem. Transverse section of tiie cuticle ; in tins figure, as in the following, dirt granules are imbedded between the areoles (homog. immers. 1/12, oc. 2). Idem. Surface view of the cuticle (otg. C, oc. 2). Gordius aquaticus Linn., male from Berkeley, California. Sur- face view of the cuticle ; the intersecting clear lines transverse the white spots (obg. C, oc. 2). ^ Idem. Surface view of tiie body, as seen witii low na^ification (obj. A, oc. 2), to show tiie arrangement of the white spots. The continuous lines represent the outiines of the body, the dotted lines the area to which the drawing was limited. Fig. Fig. Fig. I. 2. 3- Fig. 4- Fig. 5- Fig. 6. Fig. Fig. 8. Fig. 9- Fig. 10. Fig. II. Fig. Fig. 12. 13- Fig. 14 -.H •?"?^ PRnr„nALAcAiJ,-5cT,3°5EP.Znai,VDi,l fM'i:!T:''3^'H':] PIjATE XIX. 1. 7. 9. \^ 10. MowrcauEiv.ila.. S. v_/ 4. 5. 6. 11. ■ •■.'Htlf.' m 13. ^^^. ^..A V-- — »•■■ ■■■>>...-■■-' t:---' 12. ..0..- 14. LlTFU-wmnK 5 tthV, a.i 344 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [Piioc. 3D Skr. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX. All figures refer to Califomian specimens of Chordodes occidentalis Montg. Figs. 15-30. Surface views of the cuticle of different individuals, fig. 20 from a female, the others from males (obj. C, oc. 4). Figs. 21, 33. Transverse sections of the cuticle of a male and a female (homog. immers. i/i3, oc. 3). Fig. 33. Female, ventral view of the posterior end (obj. A, oc. a). r 0ljK)!Miniiai«<»A^^M'<nk' T M ^> ^ ;a::.Sci.3°5i;r.Zi].i;.V::,I, 21. Mam-aaMEiTf. Hel. 23. [MoNTQDMEm'! P: 22. ins aiUTTDN « HEY. S.F. ■nilililiii 1 i'l '.«rfv>jH..**'*^i •WMWMmWHMnMKMa iiillM'WII IIWIIili ^HWII PUBLICATIONS OF THE ACADEMY. Continued. w PROCEEDINGS (Octavo). FIRST SERIES. Vol. I (1854-1857), out of print " II (1858-1862), out of print. " III (1863-1868), parts I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, out of print. " IV (1868-1872), parts I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, part 5 out of print. " V (1873-1874), parts I, 2 and 3 W-Jo " VI (1875) «•«» «' VII (1876), part I (volume complete) »-75 SECOND SERIES. Vol. I (1888), parts I and 2 WSo 11(1889) 3-50 " III (1890-1892), parts I and 2 3-5o " IV (1893-1894), parts I and 2 3-5o V (1895), parts 1 and a 5a> " VI (1896) 4-50 THIRD SERIES. Zoology, Vol. I, No. i— Plasmocytes; the Survival of the Centrosomes and Archoplasm of the Nucleated Erythrocytes, as Free and Independent Elements in the Blood of Batrachoseps atten- uatus Esch. By Gustav Eisen, ?\i.Xi.. ........ ■■ $1 .00 Zooloev. Vol. I, No. 2— Diemyctylus torosus ; The Life-Hjstory and Habits of the Pacific Coast Newt. By William E. Ritter. .... .50 Zoology, Vol. I, No. 3— Scientific Names of Latm and Greek Derivation. By Walter Miller. ......•• • • • • • • • •; ; •■•■•■■• 35 Zoology, Vol. I, No. 4— A Genus of Maritime Dolichopodidae New to America. By William Morton Wheeler . •••••••.•••;•••••• • »° Zoology, Vol. I, No. 5— A Preliminary Account of the Marine Annelids of the Pacific Coast, with Descriptions of New Species. By Herbert P. Johnson, Ph. 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