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Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour Atre reproduit en un seul cllchA, 11 est fiimA A partir da I'angle supArieur gauche, do gauche A droita, et do haut en bee, en prenent le nombre d'Imegea nAcessaire. Laa diagrammes suivants iiluatrant la mAthode. 32X 1 2 3 1 ■ itm 3 4 5 6 m I*. ■■ •ujkHrA \ — Of TlQt- —PAMBO — From 15tb Msuch, 1894. to FeVy 25tbj 1895 — WWH- AUDITORS' REPORT FOR 1894. 1 1 B. J. MORRISON, J. G. STEWART, ^ HEEVE. CLERX. . CHATHAM, ONT. . -■•■-^■' XBB BANiriB PRINTUO OOMTAinr ^ ■^ 1899 ^j i^jJ^^M^^^^ ^^i^^^^ -r ^ii>L^,.l»i^£^«ig^i^^ili^.'^ '•:w '>■ *??" fSr INDEX TO BY-LAWS TOWNSHIP OF RALBiOM W99 TO 1—B 18«9-90.~^/L. K^tllO, Hii^R. >•••• •••••• •••«•• 001 -To »n>ropri«t« oertain rami of taumtf HI0-Ter»iM|1.900for8.8. No. S 510~To ragnlate tiie gnmting of Liquor tie«iuM '* 011— Pbyne Drain, •488.79 Hfty37, •18-ToT»iae$2.000for S. 8. No. S ..JumIO^ 013 — To amend By-law No. 007 (offioen) ....Jum^* 014— Stowurd Dnun 9604."^' ••••••« •••..••••*>• ** 015 -MoOuigan Drain ll.V. 76 \..... '* 010—To amend By>-Iaw No. 110 (Uoenaei) Aag. 0| 017— To define Polling Sub-divisions (8) ** 018— Backae Drain 9084.00 t .....Sept. 1^ 019 -To levy rate* .00880 " 090— To amend By-law No. 014 (Stewart Drain) Oct $1, 021--Doane and Oilhuly branch Drain |40S 022-Phipps Drain •1,890.20 028— Simpfon Drain •9,063 ....Nor. 4, 024 -To appoint an arbitrator (R. P. Drain) " 020 -To appoint Deputy Returning Officers " 026 -Moore Drain ^897 ....Jan. 7. 027 -To appoint Municipal Officers Jan. 9(H 028— Respecting Footpaths and IMtohea on Roads Cab. Or f«29 -Req^ectingStafente Labor ** 080— Bonus to A. L.S.4tD.Ry •10,000 ; 031— To appoint Mnniotpal Officers. .^ " 03X^To dwige the boundaries of TTnioo 8. S> 2, I<2and 4 ..».M«rdh3* ft9»~To rajaa •3.000 for VnUm Sf, 9- N«, ^ I33» !......< I*. •.*•••• <4 ift'vt*. .*.»..*. - M I* <«' <« «* <« II "'*-- H ■ 1890-91 -R. J. MoMOWir. BMm 894~ToamMid ByUw Na OSS (Un. 8. & Na 6) MayA. aS5<-To Appropriate oartain ranu of monay. ** 088 -To amand By-law No. 880 (Statuta Ubor) " 087— To appoint an arbitrator (Un. S. S. No. I and 4 Josa 8, 888— To amend ByUw No. S31 (Municipal Offloars) " 089 -To amend By-law No. AIS (MoOuigan !>rain) " 040-To appoint an arbitrator (Un. S. S. No. 1) Ang. 11 841 -Edwards Drain 8S21 Ang. 80 542 - Ferguson Drain 8709. 60 " 643 -To levy rates .00303 '.. Sept. 18, 644 -Martin Di«ii||804.8O ......T:;:7....H.:, 648-Slagg and Johnston Drain 81,204.60 Sept. 18, 640— Carter Drain 8437.60 " 647-Oraham Drain 8487.84 648 -Fuoe Drain 8«ia75 Sept 27, 849-risrdo and Sullivan Drain 8880.76 660 -Massey Drain 8728 Oct. 18, 861— To borrow money 88.000 Oct. 10, 862-Foxon Drain 87««.80 " 8p8-Oriffln Drain $802.36........ 654— To appoint Deputy Returning Offloers " • 685 -To appoint Municipal Officers Jan. 10, 56e-'To appoint an arbitrator re "C^oV* Jan. 81, 657— Respecting Statute Labor , Feb. 11 * 1801-02 -R. J. MoKBisoK, Reev». -658 -To appoint Municipal Officers .April 16 650 —To appropriate certain sums of money " 660— Toll and Centre Road Drain $1,872. 50. July 28 861 - Crow Drain $801.80 Sept. 7 802— To iimend By-law No. 811 (Payne Drain) " 663— To amend By-law No. 387i (Pike Drain) " 864 - To levy rates .00473 '« 868 -To borrow money $5,000 •. Jet. 10 666 -Miller Drain $l,a» 667— To appoint Deputy Returning Officers Nov. 668 -Brush Drain $545. 75 •< 660, To appoint Municipal Officers Jan. 18 670 To appoint Municipal Officers Feb. 15 1802-05 -R. J. MoBRisoN, Reeve. 571 -To amend By-law No. 560 (assessor) ' <' 672 -To appropriate certain Sun^ of money ..March 21 673 -To aniend By-law No. 571 (aasMsor) " 674 -Todofine Polling Sub-divisions (10).... ....April 85 676 -To prevent the spread of noxious weeds. ......*........ ■ " 676^Td appdiit Iaspeelors|of no±ipu« weeds ...;.... **■' 1880 i( 1891 It «< « i< (I It 11 <( It 1892 (t 6 ff77~To MBMid By-kw No. 570(OAom) ...lUyM IRM 07ID7k«Dmia|S8O.0O fi79~To Aothorize appeal agalnit Co. «qna1izaiion June 20 080 -To \trj rates .00525 Aug. 15 SSl—To raiM $300 fur 8. S. No. U Oct, 8 688-To dedne the duties of Colleotor Oct. 17 683— Respecting Watercourses . '. Oct. 81 684— To borrow money $3,000 " 685- Vail Drain $070 6(t6— Ferguson Extension Drain $267.65 " 587 -Blythe Drain $403 ' " 688— To appoint Deputy Returning OiAcors Dec. 6 680— To amend By-law No. 686 (Ferguson Ex. Drain) Dec. 22 500— To appoint Municipal OfRcers ^ Jan. 16 1898 501— To amend By-law No. 600 (Officers) Feb. 20 502— To appoint Municipal Officers March 27 608— To amend By law No. 657 (Statute Labor) " 1803-94 -R. J. MoRBlso.x, Reeve. 604— Bobbins and Coutts Drain $010.95 " 605 -Respecting sale of Debentures L. E. ft D. Ry April 24 600 —To confirm the appointment of Counsel " 697— To appropriate certain sums of money " 698— To amend By-law No. 602 (Officers) May 20 " 699— To amend Bylaw Na 387 1-2 (Pike Dredge Wks) Aug. 28 600— To amend By-law No. 498 (T. E. Gov. Dm Outlet) " " 601— To levy ratea. 00608 " " 602— To amend By-law No, 302 (Officers) Sept. 4 " 603— Gov't Drain Toraise $2,000 (W. V. Ral.) 604— To borrow money $8,000 " " 605— Webb Drain $441.10 Oct. 2 606 -Ball Drain $160 23 607-Deechan Drain $942 Nov. 20 " 608— Goulet Drain $2,080 40 , " " 609 To appoint Deputy Returning Officers , " " 610 —To appoint Municipal Officers Jan. 15 1894 61 1— To appoint Municipal Officers Fob. 19 " 612 — To'appropriate certain auras of money " " 1894-93-R. J. MoBRisox, Reeve. 618— To amend By-law No. 537 (Statute Labor) March 19 " 614— To amend By-law No. 612 (Com. Pike D. Wks) " «« 615 —Respecting Tile Drainage (general) $1 ,000 April 2;{ " 616— Pike Drainage Works No. 3 $912 April 27 " 617— To amend By-law No. 61 1 (Officers) July 3 " 618 -To amend By-law No. 616 (Pike Dr. Wks. ) July 30 619 — ^To appoint an Inspector of Tile Drainage *• '♦ 620-Tile Diainage W. 4-3 7 Front A. Williams $200 .Sept. 3 621— Tile Drainage w hf w W 10, Front G Brown $300 " 68S*' 6tS- 9M- M7- 688- 680- 680- 831- ass- ess. 634. 9M' 6S6- 0S7. 088- 6 •ToMBMid Bykw Na S87 1.8(Ptk« D.Wln) Sipl. t IMI .To UryrstM .00081 ", ** ■Bttrni Drain 88.847 85 ** ** •To appoint » oollMtor (J. Johniton) ... Sopl. 18 " •To borrow mooejr ^,000 '• . • • Nov. IS " •Baokut Drain 8604.80 Dm. 8 " .Til*Dr.el.fl7ft.F. William. 8100 " •To appoint Deputy Katnmiog OiBoan '* " •RMpeoting SutuU Labor Dm. 87 " •TilaDr. ehf llfront J. Wllliamt 8S00 " ■' •ToatuendBylawNo. 680(D. R.O.) " " •To appoint Mnuioipal Offioert Jan. 81 1885 .ToappointanEnginMr(D.D. and ^. a) '* " •To amand By-law Ka 634 Feb. 85 " •To define Statute Lubor DivitionH '* " •To appoint eortoin Munioipal Offioert " " •To appropriate certain aumi of money ** ** "ft i^^#£^i*iS<'^ fe-*feg^" ii^'-^'.-.ii'xti' «» ' Jt J «• «« «« «« « BY-LAWS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH No. 613— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 657, intituled " A By-law respecting Statute Labor Bb it Evaotid by the Municipal Coui^oil of the Corporation of the Townehip of Haleigh, in the County of Kent. 1. That the toid By-law No 607, respecting Statute Labor, be nmend- ed by lubetitutinff the words " One dollar per day" in place of the worda "Fifty cents per day" where they occur in the first clause thereof. Also bj adding at the end of said olau-< the words "All persons liable for Statute lAbor, other than those assessed for property, may commute for fifty oenta per day, provided they pay in the manner and time as stated above." 2. That clause 2 be amended so as to read, after the word "hereafter*' in the third line thereof, where the property is assessed 9200 ; and under and under two days, over $200 up to 01000; three days ai d one day ad- ditional for each $1000 or fraction thereof. Also to read after the word " provided" in the tenth line, " All persons shall be compelled to perform Statute Labor in the division in which their property lies." 3. No refund for Statute Labor performed after the Ist day of Septem- ber in each year will be given to any ratepayer, nor any receipt from the Overseer entertained. Read a third time and passed this 19th day of March, A.D. 1894. J. 0. SnwABT, Clerk. (Seal) R. J. Morbisom, lleeve. No. 6U— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 612, intituled a By-law to appropriate certain sums of money. Bi IT Enaoted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh as follows : 1. That the sixth clause of the said By-law No 612 be repealed and the following substituted therefore. 6. That Charles Crow be, and he is hereby appointed Commissioner to superintend the Pike Pumping Work, and that the oaid Commissioner re- port to the Council «11 contracts or jobe sold by him, who will issue orders on the Treasurer for the same when passed by the Council. Read a third j>ime and passed this Nineteenth day of March, A.D. 1894. f, Q. BnwAftT, COerk. (S«nJ.) R. J. Mobbisov, Reeve. t^sJ ^t ■ S - Ko. 616— A. BY-LAW To raise the siim of $10,000, to aid in the construction of tile, stone and timber drains. The municipality of the Township of Raleigh, pursuant to the provi- sions of '' The Tile, Stone and Timber Drainage Act," enacts as follows :— 1. That the Ueeve of the said Township may, from time to time, sub- ject to the provisions of this By-law, borrow on the credit of the corpora- tion of the said municipality such sums of money, not exceeding in the whole, ten thousand dollars, as moy be decided by the said Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the said Corpora- tion in sums of one hundred dollars each for the amount so borrowed ; the said debentures to have coupons attached as provided in Section 5, of the said Act. 2. That when the Council shall be of opinion that the application of any person or persors who may be assessed as owner of land in the said municipality, to borrow money for the purpose of constructing tile, stone or timbijr drains should be granted in whole or in part, then the said Council may, %y resolution, instruct the said Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid, and borrow such sum of money as does not exceed the amount applied for, and may loan the same to the said applicant on the completion of said drainage works. ^*--««»^. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected, over and above all other rates, upon the land in respect of which the said money shall be borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the interest and sinking fund, as provided in the said Act. Read a third time and passed this twenty-third day of April, A. D. 1894. J. G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) R. J. MoKRisoN, Reeve. a^,*- No. 616— A BY-LAW To provide for the maintenance, repairing and otherwise improving certain portions of "The Pike Drainage Works," and works connected there- with, in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $633.14 for completing the same. .(,.,.; As amended by By-law No. 618. -^ Provisionally adopted the 19th day of March, A.D. 1894. WHEREAS The Pike Drainage Works were originally constructed in or about the year A. D. 1892, under the provisions of the Municipal Acti then in for^^e, for the reclamation of marsh lands by embankment and pumping. And Whereas the said works as subsequently improved, have been since and are now in operation. ./" W l^.A^i >r And Whereas it has been represented to this Council that the efficiency of the said works would be greatly increased and the expense of pumping reduced by deepening and otherwise improving the flood gate which pro* '«» stone itxd fco the provi, ' foilowa ;^ J® corpora. ^'«fir in the ^"nciJ, and ^'I^ed ; the ' ^' of the. ication of » the said "«. stone t«e said tures as ««ount "P^etion viclei an outlet to the River Thames, and by raising the River Road aeroU Lot No One so as to form a higher embankment to prevent the overflow of water from the River Thames. And Whereas thereupon, the said Oouncil procured an examination to be made liy W. O. McQeorge, P.L S., being a person competent for snoh purpose, of the said locality, and of the said flood-gate and other pro- posed works, and has also procured plans and estimates of the work to be mode by the said W. G. MoGeorge, and an assessment to be made by him of the real property to be benefitted by such proposed work,. stating at nearly as he can the proportion of benefit which in'his opinion will be de- rived in consequence of such proposed work, by every lot or portion of lot ; the said assessment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this By- law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the lots and parts of. lots here- inafter in that behalf specially set forth and describ^. and the report of the said W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof, and of tWtaid proposed work being as follows : Chatham, 7th March, 1894. To the Reeve, DeputyReeves and Municipal Oouncil of Raleigh : Gentlemen, — Having received from your Honorable Body a resolution based on the petitition of P. D. McKellar and others regarding improve- ments in the Pike Drainage Works. 1st. The lowering of the flood-gates or the construction of a new one alongside the present one. 2nd. The raising of the roadway near the river at Lot Number One. I beg to report thereon as follows : In regard to the flood-gates, I recommend that they be lowered fifteen inches lower than at present. The work to be as follows : The present flooring and brick-work and concrete to be removed and th^ space underneath the flooring to be excavated a snffi- eient depth to relay the flooring, concrete and brick- work in such a way as to bring its surface height to an elevation of fifteen inches below its present height. The apron and walings at the front of the flooring to be removed and the sheet piling at the front to be driven down to a level with the floor- ing, and the waling to be re-attached at this elevation, also the apron re- placed at the lower elevation and secured as formerly. Then the gates to be lowered to suit and to be swivelled as at present, and lifting chains lengthened to suit. The work to be done according to attached speoifi- Cbtions. .Again, I recommend that in connection with the work on the flood- gates, the Railway Drain leading to the flood-gates be deepened to the level of the new flooring, and to a bottom width of 20 feet from the gates to the middlA of the run at the railway culvert, on Lot One, and a branch be made with the same bottom elevation and a bot- tom width of ten feet to the deep water und«>r the culvert, on lot one, and a branch be made with the same bottom elevation and a bottom width of ten feet to the deep water under the culvert. This is merely a short branch to give the water a clean flow from the railway culvert. Then that the drain along the south side of the railway be deepened with the Kfont '«^j " w •toyn^oa $iu! a bottom width of 13 feet onward fromlBe rattwM eiffirirlrto illo lino of Lots 1 uid 2. Tli« whole, with ride elopee, 1 to ImnSi brnxtiiiF 4 feet. Thu work is chiefly :remoTing ban and aooamtalatiohs to give a free flow to the water from the north ride of the railway and to tlMT water irom the plaina to the sooth at seasons of low water in the oat ontskleof the flood-gates and will rery materially lower the expense of punping. I'fnd.the ftiver road at Lot One in a very bad stat^ both for pnUio tnurel and for a preventative to inflow of water from the river in time of flood, and I recommend that the allowance be widened to a width of fif ^ fee^ and that the road be raised with a top width of 20 feet to the eleva- tibnn shown on thei profile hereto attached, the material to be taken from the- north side of the !:oad and the excavation to be graduated along the bottom so as to drain freely westward to the dredge, cut berm, 2 feet riope of-bank 1 to 1/ ■ "!^5^;n?i;s*'-?-% ■ ■' ''I estimate cost as follows: .i'-:'\::'T/^.^~.,\ 2^^:.:': Wtadt sod materUl at flood-gates flfiO 00 Excavation in Railway Drain 100 00 Work, railing roadway 476 00 Land acquired to widen road 100 00 Survey, plan, profile, report, ete 26 00 Aaristante iu Borvey 3 00 Letting and enperintending 25 00 S^^ ' ftrrlaw 20 00 ^'i r Clerk's fees. 10 00 Registering By-law and Debentareii 3 00 ^^^^ Making a total of 9013 00 In my opinion the widening of the road is rendered necessary frmn the exigencies of public travel and convenience and that the cost of this would be-a proper charge against the municipalitv. The rest is for the purpose of reducing the cost of pumping, and I consider it should be assessed against all lands whose waters are disposed of in that way. I therefore assess the oosMigainst all the lands that will be benefitted. I recommend that the work of lowering the flooring of the floodgate and other work in and about it be donei by day's work under reliable supervision, ssy of the Commisrioner of thoPike work% as until the old floor is torn up and the foundation oxpawi it iftimposrible to tell more than in a general way all that will ba reqtimd. Retsirwiees in the specifications are to the original plan oi tha flood-gate. Owing to the depth of water over the lands, I could not staka out . the work of tho Railway Drain, but backwater level will enable tiie wofl^to be dooe. just as well. I have the honor to be, gentiemen, V <;., Your obedient servant, "W. O. McGborob. 8PlciriOATlON8-;-T1ie work will consist of the removal of the old floor* ing and the lowering of the bottom to such a depth underneath as will on Ui4 j^phuing of the new flooring leave the surface fifteen inches lower than at prggent. ^e removal of the waling from the sheet piling at the flood ^^QjglU^^f^, ol ibe apron in front, and t«he driving down of i«id ilui^ "pillo ft fiii^^ ctejjfh ^ iFCMii InofiM, u^ the nUiyiii^ "k 1^ "^^v^ Ukd apnm at the lower relative depth, securing the lame .m t^fii^riy, jft^ the lowering of the gates to correspond, and the planking up of the *froBi above the gates, to prevent inflow a<-. high flood. The flooring shall Mrefi^ at the lower depth in the same way as formerly^ with brick, stone and li^aVel, well cleaned, and with Akron cement mortar, freshly mixed, wfth one i>art cement to two parts clean, sharp sand, by measure, thbroughly ' imxed dry and water added till the proper consistency is attained ; no mor^ tar to be used after standing two hours. ;,%;- < f;? - If it be found on exposing the foundation that the work s|>ecified in <^e f6I^Bgoing can be still further lowered to a further depth of three inches, we Co^missioher to be at liberty to have this done. Tbe^genend construction of the floodgates is shown on the. g«ieral plan, and the posts, side walls and parts other than those specified, v*Bl itoiaain andisttorbed, the chains for lifting the gates only being Idngthli^ «0 8uit. W. G. McGEOEGB. And Whereas, the said Council are of opinion that t&e woHt Ho nh poHed on by thie Engineer is nectary and desirable. ■^- ^ ^.t^ .^;. ui- : Be it therefore enacted by the said 1\£unioipal Goundl of me cMd TbW- 1ilup of Raleigh, pursuant to the providioioB of "The Consolidate Mimieifil -^ket, 189^, tod unendments thereto. 1. That the said report, plans and estimates be adopted, and thii said 'driin «ftd^thework:8 6Qnnect«d therewith bib ihule and oointhCotSMl & ao* (Sordan(i^ therewith. 2. That the Rdeve of the said Township may borrow on the dliei^t of i^^ Corpoi^tidn of the said Township of Ealeigh, the sum c^ .^ J^tnpbdred ■mpA thirty-three dpllara and fourteen cents, being the funds neddiiiij for ^e work not hisreinafter otherwise provided for, and may issue, ]}e|MUituret oi the Corporation for that amount and interest^ in sums of not l^A: than '6n« hundred doliaris each, payable within five years from the date tbireo^ with interest lat the rate of five per cent, per annum, that is to say, in five consecutive annual pj>yments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall >be equal aa nearly as may be to the amount payable for principal and interest chitiiii|( '^fcdh of the other years of such period of five years, such Debenture isa be itaude payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the Town of Chatham. . 3. That for the purpose of paying the sum of six hundred and t^riy- three 14-100 dollars, being the amount charged against the said lands so to be benefitted as aforesaid, other than roads belonging to the municipality, and to cover interest thereon for five years at the rate of five per oeiitnm pn annum, the following special rates, over and above all other nites, shin be assessed and levied (in the same manner and at the same tvaie as taxes are levied), upon the undermentioned lota and parts of lot«, wd the aaibunt of the said special rates and in interest assessed as aforesaid aj^diist each I&t or pirt of l6t respectively shall be divided into five equal parts .|^d one Itiai paH ihaU be aulMed and levied as aforasaid in ^ ybwIorfi^yMn 12 alter the final passing of this By>law during which the said Debentures haTc to ran. SCHEDULE of Aaaesnnent on Landi and Roads iu the Towiuhip of Raleigh, for the improvement of the Pike Drainage Works and Extension, foi uenefit. xxoiiraBB's asshmmknt. ^'§^:h'^\ -^ amoumt to bk kaiskd. t' ' '■ ' u a t. f * iil § 1 ^ is ^ it ,1 u H k ^Mii lis Ifiront .Bg«WI/0exR 1 38 6 00 M Wilson 6 12 93 7 05 141 Ehfw2/6ex Ry 1 38 6 00 Mrs. Jubinville 6 12 93 7 06 141 . Eiw3/5exRy 1 38 OOOTSuUivan 6 12 93 7 OS 141 N7awhf«2/5 1 7 1 00 Mrs M Labute 1 02 18 120 24 SSlawhfe2/SexR7...1 31 6 00 N R 6 10 80 6 90 118 . El/5ezRy 1 38 6 00 A Oulette 6 12 93 7 06 141 SS160a 1 166 35 00 P D McKellar 35 74 5 66 4130 8 26 Ft-2.PtnofRy ..2 160 30 00 N Massey 30 64 4 76 36 40 7 06 PtS of Ry 2 150 36 00 NR 36 74 5 66 41 30 8 26 W108aexRy 3 108 21 00 C Crow 21 46 3 35 24 80 4 96 ' ElOOaezRy .3 100 20 00 Mrs Draggon 20 43 3 17 23 60 4 12 W77anofJnodn 4 77 12 00 C Crow 12 26 189 14 16 2 83 E 23a w 100 n of Jno dn 4 23 4 00 0. Bruette 4 08 62 4 70 04 E69an of Jno dr 4 69 12 36 D W Crow 12 26 1 89 14 15 2 83 '■ DW0tow'a66awhf....6 66| 10 OU D W Crow 10 21159 1180 2 36 .:. . Ehf n.of Ry 6 40 8 00 J McCorkell 8 46 1 27 9 40 1 88 E36asofRy 6 62 11 00 Bailey 11 23 1 72 12 95 2 60 ' N22aw l/5nof Ry ....6 22 3 00 J McCorkell 3 06 40 3 55 71 S18awl/6sof Ry ....6 18 4 00 Bailey 4 08 62 4 70 04 Eiw3/5ex Ry 6 80 12 00CCrow 12 26 189 14 16 2 83 El/6exRy 6 40 6 00 C Johnston 6 12 93 7 06 141 W hf e 2/6 ex Ry . . . . 6 40 6 00 J Thomas 6 12 93 7 05 1 41 WlOOaexRy 7 190 7 00 A Williams 7 14 111 8 25 165 E60aexRy 7 60 2 00 F WUliams 2 04 31 1 36 47 3 8114iaexRy 7 114i 18 00 J Little 18 38 2 87 21 25 4 26 Ft W8/6wbfexRy 8 60 12 00 D W Crow 12 26 189 14 15 2 83 E2/5whfexRy 8 40 8 00 A Peck 8 16 124 & 40 188 N3/6ehf 8 60 8 00 R Peck 8 16 124 9 40 188 82/5*hf 8 44 8 00 F Crackle 8 16 124 9 40 188 SShlaxRy 8 97^16 00 JOrr 16 34 2 66 18 90 3 78 Ft WhfwhfexRy ..0 48 3 00 R J Morrison 3 06 49 3 66 71 EhfwhfexRy 9 48 3 00 H Clements 3 06 49 3 65 71 Ft4. Whfehf ex Ry 73 6 00 J Freeman 6 12 93 7 06 141 Ehfehfex Ry 73 6 00 G Boley 6)2 93 7 05 141 SShfwhf 60 OOOJOrr 6 1'2 98 7 06 1 41 Ft WhfwhfoxRy 10 48 3006Brown 3 06 49 3 65 71 EhfwhfexRy 10 48 3 00 D W Crow 8 06 49 3 65 71 BhfoxRy 10 116 6 00JasHolme8 6 12 93 7 06 141 S»teGor« 10 821 4 00JaaHolmea 4 OS 63 4 70 94 WhfwRy 11 07 6 00 Jaa Holmes 6 12 03 7 05 141 BhfezRy 11 07 6 00 .Jessie WillUms 6 12 03 7 06 141 NlOOftwhl w Ry....l2 09 6 00 Aloiuo Crew 6 12 08 7 06 141 I>eb«iittti ^e>gh, for th« •18 S8 47* Id 47 SOOCAWiUUmi 2 04 SI ^ 3S 47 WhfnofEmbt 1 lOOOMraSTye 10 21 1 09 11 80 2 86 EhfnofEmU 1 11 00 L Anderson 1124 171 12 05 2 00 Ft n of Div. Rd .2 42| 8 00 C Johnston 8 16 1 24 9 40 I 88 Pt bet. CP.Ry tc, Div. rd.2 82l 16 00 Crow 16 34 2 06 18 90 3 78 PtnofDivrd 3 I 14 C Johnston 14 1 16 3 WhfnofCPRy 3 67 13 00 C Crow 11282071030 307 SEhfnofCPKy 3 72 14 00 A Williams 14302201600 331 Pt bet C P Ry & Embt 2&3 90 20 00 W WUliuns 20 43 3 17 23 60 4 72 W hf s of Jno dn ex Ry..4 78 16 00 C Crow 16 34 2 06 18 90 3 78 Ehfaof JnodnexRy ..4 78 16 00 DW Crow 16 34 2^18 90 8 78 Ptsof Jnodnex Ry... 166 32 CO Bailey 32 68 07 37 70 7 06 Pt e of Jno dn ex Ry . .6 105^ 31 06 J. Orr 31 66 4 94 36 60 7 32 Grand Trunk Railway \ Lotsltollindttsive .. / SOOOGTRCo'y 30 64 4 76 30 40 7 08 Canada Pacific Railway. I . Lot8 2to7inolasive....| ISOOCPRCo 5 10 80 90 118 ToUl on lands |633 14 633 14 98 06 731 20 146 24 RiTer Road on lot 1 206 86 Road bet. 2d & 3d Concessions 9 00 Drake Road to Town Line Drake Road in 3rd Concession 3 00 • ]^.- Road bet 3d & 4th Concessions " 10 00 Lots 4 to 11 inclusive ':; TotalonRoads $278 86 1^ '^ Total on Lands and Roads 8012 00 "' ^ ^ - 4. That the sum of two hundred and seventy-eight 86/100 dollars, being the total anount assessed a^ aforesaid against the said' rt^^uls of the said manicipality, shall be paid by the Treasurer of this Oorporation out of the general funds of the municipality. ~* ;' V '-'Ci:-:-:7^-'/'f--y'-^'^^ 6. That Albert H. White be and is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the contract or contracts for the repair of the said drain and works connected therewith (not exceeding the estimate), but every such contractor with one good and sufficient surety, shall be required forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion of such contract accord- ing to said plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Council) ; and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and com- pleted in qiccordance with such plans and specifications, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty per cent, of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed and duly accepted by a competent Engineer. 6. That this By-law shall be published as provided in Sec. 671, ss. 2, of the Co. Mun. Act, three weeks previous to the final passing thereof, and may be cited and referred to as "The Pike Drainage Repair By-law, No. 3," and «h*ll take effect on and after the final passing thereof. Read a third time and passed this twenty-seventh day of April, A. D. 1894. ^, O. S71WART, Clwk. (Seal.) R. J. MoAtisoir, Reeve. ^^i-m ' :• ft 'i: ■ '.- « v , u To unimd By-law No 611, intitvlod <^A By-lAw to appomt oertsia Himioi* pal Offioert. Bk it vwaotbd by the Mnnidpal Connoil of the Corpotation of (he Township of Raleigh. 1. That George MoCrae be appointed Oreneer in S. L. BiviiiOii Ko. SI, in place of George Sherman. 2. That Thomas Wright be appointed Overseer in 8. L. DivisioB No. 55, in place of Acous Wright. 3. That Joseph Calhoun be appmnted Orerseer in S. L. iMvision No. 59, in place of Walter Bennett. 4. That Wheeler Deadte be appointed Inspector ht in place of William H. Taylor. Read a third time and passed tins iimd day of July, A;iD. I^H. J. G. Stkwabt, Clerk. (Seal.) . _ M.J.MiMlAoSiKii^ W':::' No. 618— A BTLAW "^[^^-^-^^i^.^M To amend By-law -No- 616, wluch see as amended. lor the appointment of an Inspector under the Tile, Stdne eod SThnbMr iDrainage Act. Thb MnviciPAi. OocircnL of the Townriiip oi Rale^jh, in the 0(i)ii\iity of Kent, enacts as follows :— 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15, of '* The Hie, Stone inli Timber Drainage Act," Milton Backus, of the Township of Raleigh, In the County of Kent is hereby appointed Inspector for this Municipidity to cany out the provisions of the isaid Act. 2. The said Inspector shall be paid at the rate of the Two DoUart per day and Ten Cents per mile one way, for services rendered under the said Act. 3. The clerk shall be paid one and one-half per centum on all deben- tures issued under this Act. One per cent, therec^ to be paid on comple- tion of the work, and one-half per bent, on all sums as plaetd on theCbl* lector's Roll. x-i/-:---^:: ^ 4. This By-law shall take (sflbet from and after the ibnl jpMsiiig thereof. Read a third time and finally passed this Thirtieth day of July, A B. 1894. J. G. StftWjST, Glerk [iB]potiii| * nMoiAl clnttiiM(* rat* upon the west 4-6 oi lot numbered Sereiii in the rwat Rukf^ df the Townihip of Beleigh. W^nsAfl^ Albert WUliftnu, the owner of the* west 4<5 9f lot number- Seven, in the Front Ru^fo of this Township, applied under the provi* me :- : ,.-. ,iv-: ; k' '• ■■^■''f:'jk.'' ":. >kf::i... And whereas, the Municipal Council has, upon his said application, loaned the said Qeorge W. Brown, the sum of three hundred dollars, to be rej^d with interest by means of the rate hereinafter imposed. Be it therefore enacted, by the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleigh, that an annual rate of twenty-two dollars and eight cents per annum is hereby imposed upon Uie said land for a period of twen* ty-yiears, such rate t^ be levied and collected at the same time and iQ||njOf i^ as ordinary taxes are levied and collected. . J^: :^/.l 1^-^ ' Read a thiid time and. passed this Third day of September, 1894. J. Gk STi!r49X^ C^erk« (Seal.) ^. '^r R. J. MoBBisov, Ree?e. No. 622-^ BY-LAW ^ To amend By law No. 387^ known as " The l^ke Drainage Works By-law.' Wbbrias, under the provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act,' 1892, Municipal Councils may psss By-laws to amend By-laws which may have been passed for the constructimi and maintenance of drainage worke, aa^-wh&h may have been ad^ upoii. iu wholis. or in pfirt, and whiiph do* ..«..,~.».-"j .» kM»»^ ttot proTide raflleieBt meuu for the eompletion d th« work or redMBpCion i liie Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than $50 each, and ,;'<}al !e within twenty years from the date thereof, with interest at thr ra'e ai flv. per centum per annum, that h to say, twenty debentures oi $2 Ti.4i' each, 'without coupons, one of such debentures to be payable in each yi v r ^' twenty years at ihe Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Town v>r Chathaoj 3. For paying the sum of two thoiif mui lOur huitdred and twenty dol- lars, the amount charged against the said lands and ro »ds for bene6t, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for twenty years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the following total special raes, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (in th«- same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and colleoled) upon and from the undermen- tioned lots and parts of lots and roads, and the amount of the said total special rates and interest against each lot or part of lot, respectively, shall be divid d into five equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for twenty years after the final pacslu^ of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. SCHEDULE of Ansessment on Lands and Roada in the Township of Raleigh, for the confttruction of the Burns Drain, foi beneiit. engineer's assessment. amount to be raised. ' ' -'■ ■ ■•■■ .■- ■■ § ^*' • '^ it T. R. VV hf 145 '0 " , •. 315 63 T. Moore 190 95 606 60 25 3.3 T. R. Lot . , 146 .. ,i.O 00 736 51 W. D'Clute 445 49 1182 OO 59 10 T. R. E hf 147 87 400 00 420 88 E. J. Tole 254 52 675 40 33 77 T. R. W hf 147 100 400 00 420 88 J. Burns 254 52 67. *0 33 77 T. R. E 3/4 148 150 500 00 526 08 R. Huffman 318 32 844 40 42 22 Total on lands. . . . $2,300 00$2420 00 ¥ 1463 80 3883 8(» 194 19 Sideroad lot 147 500 00 380 00 229 80 #"9 SO 30 49 Rood in rear cf T. R .. . 147 35 147 25 88 05 2«adt «^>i ItUf rat ]to pro^ ither time ai proper! after ' to rut «1 i. For pajing the sum of $527.39, th* Mho«f.l >mind Agftinat 4h« Mid >ada of thp raunioipality, and for covering intereet thereon for twenty years at [the rate of dvf> per centum per annum, a special rate on the dollar eufficient [to prudune the required yearly amount therefore, shall, over and above all ither rates he levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time aa taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole ratable proper y in the said Township of Raleigh in each year for twenty years after the final passing of this Dy-law during which the said debentures have to run. 5. That T. L Pardo bo and ho is hereby vppointed Commissioner to let the contract or contracts fur the construction of the said drain and works connected therewith by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate), but every such contractor with one good and suffi 'ent surety, shall be required forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion of such contract according to said plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless other ^rise ordered by the Council) ; and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifications, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less I twenty per cent, of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed rand duly accepted by a competent Engineer, and for the due performance of [these and all duties of Commissioner, he, the said Commissioner shall be mtitled to receive a sum of forty dollars. 6. That this By-law shall be published by serving a copy thereof on |rach of the assessed owners of the lands aiTticted as provided in Sec. 22, of Ithe Drainage Act, 1894, three weeks previous to the final passing thereof, and [may be cited and referred to as "The Burns Drain By law, and shall take e£fect on and after the liiUl passing thereof. Read a third time and passed this third day of September, A. 1894. ... J. G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) R. J. MoARisoiT, Reeve. No. 625— A BY-LAW - }■•; To amend By-law No. 623, which see as amended. No. 626— A BY-LAW "- ' To authorize the Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, to oorruw certain sums to meet the now current expenditure. Whereas the taxes levied for the current expenditure of the said Cor- poration for the year have not yet been fully collected, there being uncol< lected of such taxes a sum not less than the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed. ■'",ll J2 * And whereas, the sum of eight thousand dollars is required to meet the now current expenses of the said Corporation, and it is expedient to authorize the Head and Treasurer to borrow the said sum. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, as follows : 1st. That the Head, with the Trejisurer of the said Corporation, be, and they are hereby authorized, under the seal of the Corporation, to bor- row from the Canadian Bank of Commerce the sum of eight thousand dol- lars required to meet the now current expenditure of said Corporation. 2nd. That the said Head, with the Treasurer aforesaid, be, and they are hereby authorized to pay or allow the said Bank interest on the said sum so borrowed at the rate of six per cent, per annum. 3rd. That a promissory note or notes covenant or agreement, sealed with the corporate seal, and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Reeve and Treasurer, be duly executed and given to the said Bank as afore- said as security for the repayment of the amount borrowed, with interest thereon as aforesaid. Passed in open Council this twelfth day of No vernier, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. J. G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) R. J. Morrison, Reeve. • -" No. 627— A BY-LAW - " ' To provide for repairing the Backus Drain, in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the munici- pality the sum of $639.25 for completing the same. ; - r; r;v ,>i \ Provisionally adopted the 15th day of October, A.D. 1894. Whereas, proceedings were taken under, which a certain drainage work, known as the Backus Drain, was constructed in Raleigh, under By- laws of this municipality, passed in pun^ 6. That this By-law shall be published as provided in Sec. 22, of the Drainage Act, 1894, three weeks previous to the final passingthereof, and may be cited and referred to as "The Backus i 'niin By law, 1894," and shall take effect on and after the final passing thereof, .--ixy.:.. ,. 'iiifSiiiirj Read a third time and passed this third day of Decern ter, A D. 1894. ^ .; ; -^ ;--.-. -c-.-: .-.; ,-,/-.•.■■•- ■ ••,-.'"-^.^-~--- J. G. Stewart, Clerk. > (Seal.) . . R. J. Mohrwon, Reeve. ^v ,y y No 628— A BY-LAW ".•..•-./••^.---^.^'r^- "^"^- To impose a special drainage rate upon east 1/6 Lot No. 7 in the Front Concession. ^ - Passed 3rd December, 1894. Wbibos Frederick Williams, the owner of east 1/5 Lot No. 7, in the Front ( 'Oncession of this township, applied under the provisions of the Act respecting Tile, Stone and Timber Drainage Debentures -for a loan to be made to him for the purpose of drainiiig the said land. And whereas the Municipal Council has, upon his said appHcafion, loaned the said Frederick Williams the sum of one hundred dollars, to be rtpaid with interest by Keans of the rate hereinafter imposed. ^ Be it therefore enaoted by the said Municipal Conncil of the said 7«wiiahip of Bftleigh that mi annual xato of seven dollars and thirty-six .jt-',f iS'a eentt is hiireby imposed upon the ssid land for a period of twenty jtm, snoh rate to be levied and collected at the same time and manner as ordin* arjr taxes are levied and collected. J. O. Stkwart, Clerk. (Seal.) R. J. Mobbisok, Reeve. No. 629— A BY-LAW As amended by By-law No. 632 To appoint Deputy-Beturnipg Cflicers and to provide polling places for holding elections in the Township of Baleigb during the year 1895. Also, to appoint a place for holding nominations therefor. Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporatioa of the Town* ship of llaleigh iu the County of Kent : 1 — That in case a poll be demanded by any candidate or elector at the nomination of candidates for the oflSces of Reeve, Deputy-Beeves and Councillors of the Municipality during the year 189.^, the elections «hall take place and lie held in the several Polling Sub-divisions of the Munici* pality as provided by law, at the following places, viz : In Polling Sub-division No. One, at the School House in Union School Section No. Six. ■.•'■. v' ■■',' ^ -•■■■;;■:■.'.;.:,_ "■f";;'^;-^>.::v.;- In Polling Sub-division No. Two, at the School House in School Section No Three. In Polling Sub-division No. Three, at the South School House in School Section No. Hour. In Polling Sub-division No. Four, at the School^ouse in School Sec> tion No. Thirteen > , X In Polling Suit-division No. Five, at the Separate School House in School Section i>io. Five. In PoUing-Sub-division No. Six, at.B. A Mason's Hall, in the Village of Merlin. "'C-^i-^ ;'/;••■;.; /^ ■ ; :';::'^::_ -• ;•. In Polling Sub-division No. Seven, at the Foresters' Hnll, in the Vil lage of Buxton. In Polling Sub-division No. Eight, at the School House in School Sec tion No. Eight. In Polling Sub-division No Nino, at the School House in School Sec- tion No. Nine. In Polling Sub-division No. Ten, at the School House in School Section No. Ten. 2. — That the followi g named persons be, and they are hereby appoint- ed Deputy-Returning Officers, to hold any Municipal election required to take place in the several Polling Sub-divisions as aforesaid, during the year A. D. 1895, viz : In Polling Sub-division No. One, John Johnston. In Polling Sub-division No. Two, Joseph J. Payne. - In Polling Sub-division No. Three, Elbert S. Dyke. ' '"*! r _ 28 • In Polling Sub-division No. Four, Geo.-ge B. Shreeve. In Polling Sub-division No. Five, Michael Doyle. . In Polling Sub-division No Six, Matthew Dillon. In Polling Sub-division No. Seven, James Hancock. In Polling Sub-division No. Eight, John U. Harvey. In Polling Su» -division No. Nine, James Goulet. In Polling Sub-division No. Ten, William H. Pardo, jr. 3. That the public meeting required to take place at noon on the last Monday in December for the purpose of nominating candiHates as afore- said, shall take place and be held in the Township liall in the said 'J own- ship of Ealeigh, at neon, on Monday, the Thirty-first day of Decemler, A. D. 1894. Read a third time and passed this Third day of December, A. D. 1894. V. J. G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) E. J. Mobrison, Reeve. No. 630.— A BY-LAW . - Respecting Statute Labor. Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Raleigh. 1. Every male inhabitant of the municipality of the age of twenty-one years and under sixty years, who is not assessed for taxable property and not exempt by law, shall pei-form two clays of Statute Labor on the Public Highways, but may commute for the same on payment of One Dollar to the Overseer within three days frou the time he was notified to perform Statute Labor, and in case of neglect or refusal to perform the said Statute Labor or pay the commutation money as herein provided, it shall ba the duty of the Overseer to lay a complaijit before a J ustice of the Peace, as provided in Clause 12 of this By-law, And such labor shall not be returned" by the Overseer as undone to the Clerk, except in case of removal or absence from the division, or for other good Knd sutiicient reasons to be clearly stated in his report. And no person shall be exempt from the tax in this Clause mentioned unless he produces a certificate of his having performed Statute Labor or paid the tax elsewhere. 2. All persons assessed for taxable property shall perform Statute La- bor on the public highways, and in the respective Statute i abor Divisions in which their property is situated as follows : For property assessed at $200 and under, two days ; over $200 up to md inclusive of $500, two and one-half days, and for each $500 or part thereof above the first $500, one- half day additional ; but the said labor may be commuted at One Dollar for each day's labor, or a proportionate sum for any part of a day's labor, if tendered in money to the Overseer within three days from the time he was notified to perform Statute Labor ; and in i^se the work is not performed or the money tendered as aforesaid, the O^'ei'SBQr shall return the said labor ^o the Clerk as unperformed, and the Clerk shalt place the same on the Col- 26 1eotor*s Roll at the rate of one dollar per day. Provided that no perMa shall be required to peiform a greater acuuuut of Statute Ln'or in the ag- gregate, by reason of his property being divided into sovoiul parcels, or situated in different Statute Labor Divisions, than he would be required to perform according to the above scale were his land all in one parcel ; and the Assessor atid Clerk shall see that such labor is distributed equitably ac- cording to the assessed value of each parcel as nearly as may be. Provided that village lots or other small parcels assessed to any person jointly with other lands, the assessment of which would uoo increase the aggregate of bis Statute Laboi', shall be exempt. 3 It shall bo the duty of Overseers, after having received notice of their appointment, to make the declaration of office, at or before the time named in such notice, befoie the Reeve, Deputy-Reeves, Clerk, or any Jus- tice of the Peace, and shall deposit the same with the Clerk of the Munici- pality, from whom he shall receive the names of all p^^rsons appearing by the Assessment Roll as liable to perform Statute Livbor, and shall add thereto the names of all persons liabl i under the first clause of this By-law ; and shall give to all persons resident in the division, and liable to perform Statute Labor, at least three days notice, stating the time and place at which they will be required to work and >vhat implements will be required. Pro- vided that no person shall be required to furnish implements not in their possession. 4. Tt shall be the duty of the Overseers to superintend, make and keep in good repair, the highways, ditches and sidewalks within their divisions, and I'xpeiul faithfully to the best of their ability, all moneys received by them in lieu of Statute Labor, as directed in the Ninth Clause hereof; to cause sutliMont guards to be erected at a I dangei'ous places, and to see that all work of ditching or grading is completed before the first day of August in each year ; to prevent any person from ditching or grading after the said date. But if for any unforeseen or unavoidable reason the work cannot be performed before the said first day of August, the Overseer may, with the consent of the Commissioner, allow the work to bo performed afterwards, but no Overse r shall allow work to be performed under any circumstances, later than the first day of September, and no certificate from an Overseer will bo rntertained or allowance made for work so performed except so author- ized under Clause 5 hereof. Provided that all persons whose lands abut on Sidelines or Townlines shall, to the extent of at least one hundred acres in each complete lot, perform their statute labor on such Sidelines or Town- lines, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. "> • . ~;W V 6. It shall be the duty of the Overseers, in case of any serious damage to bridge or embankment, or in case of iinpediment by snow or other cauec, to call out the ratepayers of their division to repair such damage or remo\e such impediment to the extent of their statute labor for the ensuing year, and the Overseer's certificate shall be sufticient to exempt all such persons from the amount of Statute Labor so performed, and in case the amount of Statute Labor at the disposal of the Overseer is not sufficient for such pur- j^ose, then, the Overseer sh^U immediately report to the Commissioner of iG th« division, •nd after tuoh report the rtfpoiuibility of the Orerteer alwll eeaae. 6. It shall be the duty of th^ Orerseers co make a oorrect return to the Clerk of the Municipality not later than the first day of September in each year, of all Statute Labor performed and unperformed. Also, an ac- count of f ' moneys received by hiis in virtue of his office and how expended; and the Clerk is hereby required to pl»ioe on the Collector's UoU the sum of two dollars against every Overseer who has not made bis return at f>aid date, and one dollar for each days labor not then reported as having been performed. 7. It shall be the duty of the Overseers to impound all horses, cattle and pigs, etc., running nt large or injuring the public highway, ns provided in By-law No. 437, respecting pounds, and to prosecute before any Justice of the Peace any person or persons who shall injure or destroy any tree or shrub growing or planted for shade or ornament upon any public highway, or who shall cut down or deface any signboards, or any printed or written notices, or who shall place any timber, stone, wood, fences or any other in* ounbrance upon any public highway, or who shall commit any wiiful injury to any bridge, embankment, ditch or sidewalk upon any public highway. Such persons being convicted th<)reof before any Justice of the Peace, shall be liable to the penalties heteiiiaft^r imposed. 8. It shall be the duty of the Overseer to cause to be cut down all noxious weeds grtiwing on ^he highway, and to prevent their going to seed, and in every o her way to enforce and to assist in enforcing the provisions of "The Act to prevent the spreading of Noxious "Weeds." 9. It shall be the duty of the Overseers to expend the money received by them in commutation of Sbtttute Labor, in letting work by public sale to the lowest biddnr, after posting notice of such sale in at least three public places in the locality three days prior to the sale, except where such work will not exceed the sum of five dollars, or in case any bridge, culvert, em« bankment or other part of any highway gives away so as to endanger public travel thereon, then in such case the work may he proceeded with at onoe on the most favorable terms without such notice. 10. For the purposes of this By-law eight hours shall constitiKt« one day's labor, and eight hours of one man and team, with plow, scraper or wa^on, shall constitute three days labor. All damage to animals or imple- ments to be at the risk of the owner. 11. Overseers shall be allowed to the extent of their Statute Labor, not exceeding eight days, for the performt^nce of th*ir duties as Overseer, and no more. [.'..i^^^.: 12. Any person or persons neglecting or refusing to perform the duties herein imposed, shall, upon conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, incur a penalty of not less than two dollars, and not exceeding twenty dollars, together with the costs of prosecution and distress, wfitefa shall he recovered by distress of the oifendors goods and chattels ; and in case there is not sufficient distress such offendor may be committed to the PQfumon gaol of the County 9iod there put to hard labor for any timt aot M •see«ding ten days, unleb^ such penalty and ooets and the eoate of the war- rant of commitment and of conveying the said person to gaol be sooner p4ld ; and all such fines, other than costs recovered under this Section, shall be paid to the Treasurer of this Corporation. 13. All By-laws heretofore pMMd inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. ' "V ''■•'- ' -.,•? J/aC '-.. 'u'^'i^^J^. Read a third time and passed this Twenty-seventh day of December, JL> D. 1894. .y>-r'i- •>, ^ "•.-■"■■''/ '■■; J. G. Stiwart, Clerk. (Seal.) B. J. Morrison, Reeve. No. 631— A BY-LAW ' To impose a special drainage rate upon east half Lot No. 11, in the Front Concession. S^y'*^ .<:/;' '»*-^'-:'w Passed 27th December, 1894. Whereas Jessie Williams, the owner of east half Lot 1 1 , in the Front Concession of this township, applied under the provisions of the Act respect- ing Tile, Stone and Tin^ber Drainage Debentures for a loan to be mode to her for the purpose of draining the said land. And whereas the Municipal Council has, upon her said application, loaned the said Jessie Williams the sum of three hundred dollars, to be repaid with interest by means of the rate hereinafter imposed. ,^-^;.,, Be it therefore enacted by the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Haleigh, that an annual rate of twenty-two dollars and eight cents is hereby imposed upon th? said land for a period of twenty years, such rate to be levied and collected at the same time and manner as ordin- ary taxes are levied and collected. J. G. Stkwart, Clerk. (Seal.) , R. J. Morrison, Reeve. i^ r.r M*^ No. 632— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 629, which see as amended. :=a^fci:vi '-^' i ••%'v .^'y.A't,,-'?? ' ; >- ,. No. 633— ^ .— /? To appoint certain Municipal Officers, ^ - '~ ..■'-■: -J ".).:'- :' Bb it Enaotbd by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent. 'Jv '0 ^ i^iK^ 1. The following named persons are hereby appointed Commissioners of Rural Road Divisions and Watercourses, viz : ■.^..,^.:,;^, In the First Rural Road Division — James Chinnick. In the Secon(jL Rural Road Division — Robert J. Morrison. In the Third Rural Road Division — Levi B. Marshall. In the Fourth Rural Road Division — Nelson H. >hepley. In th« Fifth Rural Road Division— Letaoa A. Pardo. 8« . ■" 2. The following named persons are herehj appointed a Local Board of Health under the provisions of the Public Health Aob and amendments thereto, viz : .w^•'*-^ ^ Robert J. Morrison, Chairman, Ex-officio; John Q. Stewart, Secretary Ex-officio; Sylvester N. Young, M.D., Medical Health Otticer; Nelson H. bhepley, James Chinnick and Letson A. Purdo. The said Secretary shall be paid a salary of Fifteen Dollars. The said Medical Health Otticer, a salary of fifteen dollars per annum and each member of the Board, for each day he is called upon to act shall be paid two dollars. 3 The following named persons are hereby appointed Auditors, viz : Donald McPherson, nominated by the Keeve, and Jtnnes N Halliday, nom- inated by the Council, who in consideration of the sum of twelve Dollars each per annum, shall perform all the duties required by Section 263 of "The Consolidated Municipal Act, 1H92." • 4. Albert Williams is hereby appointed Assessor, who, in addition to the duties required under the>ns of •• The Assessment Acti," shall perform all the duties required under By-luw No. 505, respecting collection of dog tax. Also the duties required under Section II, of the Act res- pecting Truancy, und compulsory attendance at School, Cap. 56, 54 V., and equalizing of Union Schools, and the said Assessor for such duties duly performed shall be paid the sum of one hundred dollars. Passed in open Council this Twenty-first day of January, A D. 1895,' J, G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) K. J. Morrison, Reeve. No. 634— A BY-LAW For the appointment of an engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses' Act, r894. As amended by By-law No. 635. , Finally passed 2l8t January, 1895. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh in the County of Kent enacts as follows : 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of the Ditches and Water- courses' Act, 1894, William G. McGeorge, P L.S , of the Town of Chatham, in the County of Kent, is hereby appointed as the engineer for this munici- pality to carry out the provisions of the said Act. 2. The said engineer shall be paid the sum of five dollars per day for services rendered under the said Act. 3. The Clerk of the Municipality shall be paid the sum of two dollars in respect of each of the parties included in the award of the engineer, in full of all charges for services rendered under the said Act. 4. This By-law shall take effect from and after the final passing thereof. J. G. Stewart, Clerk. (Seal.) No. 635 -A BY-LAW- R. J. MoKRisoN, ReevSr To amend By-law N 6^634, \v;hi$;h see as amendefl. .,- » \rv;- .V- ;%|^)i!«»^;*.-"'W^- 38 No. 636--A B^ LAW To divide the Tttvrnship of Raleigh into Ututuie Lalor Division*: The M unicipul Council of the Corporation of Township of lUleigh enacts as foUows:"-'"'^,.^;''- "■"■'■ ;.„ ■/•■■. '-;,';'-''^".''-;.''X^"'"»-^ 1. The suid Township shnU bo divided into Statute Labor Divisions, the limits of which shall comprise all the lands between thn centres or blind lines of the lots, and including all sideroads, on each bide of the roads here* inafter referred to, unless otherwise expressed, and the numbers and design- ations of which shall be as follows : > ■ ■ . ■■ ^' No. No. No. line and No. No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. :no. No. >. . ' In R. R. Division No. 2. ., 1 River Road from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. 2 River Rund from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. 3 Woad between Cons. 2 & 3 from lots 1 to 6 inclusive and Town* Diverted Koad north of C. P. Hy. 4 Roarl between Cons. 3 «k 4 from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. 5 Road between Cons. 6 Road between Cons. 7 Koad l)etwe8n Cons. 8 Road between Cons 9 Road between Cons. 10 Road between Cons 1 1 Road between Cons. irt.f- 5 «b 4 from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. : > 4 & 5 from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. - . 4 «fc 5 from lots 7 to 12 inclusive, * " 5 «fe 6 from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. 5 «k 6 from lots 7 to 1 2 inclusive. ' 6 North wood's SuVidivision. No. 26 Road between Cons 6 and 7, from lots 13 to 19 inclusiv*. No. 27 Road between cons 2 EB and 3 EB, from lots 20 to 24 inclusive No. 28 Road between Cons 7 and A, from lots 13 to 19 inclusive. No 29 Hoad between Cons 3 EB and 4 EB, from lots 20 to 24 incl've. No. 30 Road between Cons A and 8, from lots 1 3 to 18 inclusive. No. 31 Road between Cons 4 EB and 8, from lots 19 to 25 inclusire. ^Qf 32 £#st Tovnline North of centre of 8th Concession. 84 In R. R. Diviiion No. 3. No. S3 Roftd between Cons 8 and 9, from lotn 1 to 6 inolusire. No. 34 Roftd between Con* 8 and 9, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 30 Road between Cons 9 and 10, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. No. 36 Road between Cons 9 and 10, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 37 Road between Cons 10 and 11, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. No 38 Road between Cons 10 and 1 1, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 39 Road between Cons 1 1 and 12, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. ^ No. 40 Road between Cons 11 and 12, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No 4 1 Road between Cons 1 2 and 1 3, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. No. 42 Road between Cons 12 and 13, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 43 Road between Cons 13 and 14, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. No. 44 Road between Cons 13 and 14, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 45 Village of South Buxton. No. 46 Village of Merlin. No. 47 West Townline from centre of 8th Concession to Merlin. No. 48 West Townline from Merlin to Lake Shore. In R. R. Division. No. 4. No. 49 cons 8 and 9, from 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 50 cons 8 and 9, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 61 cons 9 and 10, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 62 cons 9 and 10, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 63 cons 10 and Jl, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 64 cons 10 and 11, from lots 19 to 25 incldsive. No. 55 cons 11 and 12, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 56 cons 11 and 12, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 5' cons 12 and 13, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 58 cons 12 and 13, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 59 cons 13 and 14, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 60 cons 13 and 14, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 61 Village of Charing Cross. No. 62 East townline from centre of con 8 to E 3 Ry. No. 63 East townline from Middle Road to centre of 14th Con. . No. 64 Road in rear of T R lota, from lots 1 to 6 inclusive. No. 65 Road bet*-een cons 14 and 15 and River i oad of T. R. lots, from lots 7 to 12 inclusive. No. 66 cons 14 and 15, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 67 cons 14 and 15, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No 68 cons 15 and 16, and rear road, from lots 13 to 18 inclusive. No. 69 cons 15 and 16, from lots 19 to 25 inclusive. No. 70 East townlinn south of centre of 14th con and fiuckhorn Vil. No. 71 Talbot road from lots 129 to 133 and Water st. inclusive. No. 72 Talbot road from lots 134 to 140 inclusive. No. 73 Talbot road from lots 141 to 15,T inclusive. No. 74 Talbot road from lots 154 to 164 inclusive. , I'- 2. By-law No. 413 and httraby repealad. all Bylaws inoonsistent with this By-law are ft. ThU By-law thall take •fl'eot from and after the paating hereof. Read a third time and passed this 26th day of Fnb'y, A.D. 1895. J. 0. SriWART, Clerk. (Seal) R. J. Mobumon, Reere. No. 637— A BY-LAW To appoint certain Municipal Officers. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, enacts as follows : K The following named persons are hereby appointed overseers of highways, viz : IN STATUTE LABOR DIVISION Qeorge Bailev; TTot ,ce BIaor ; I ] vAU ; 14, trtson ; 18, ^2, Thonuw ; 26, Nathan .e ; 30, Oicar 34, Samuel 1, Charles Johnston ; 2, Frank R. Peck ; S, Georse Dmette ; 4 B, James Orr ; 6, Riley Roxell ; 7, Felix Shreeve» ; 8, Henry V" 10, Ralph McFodden ; 11, Fred Suitar ; 12, Spencer Newhai Albert Forhan ; 15, James K. Steele, 16, William F. Moure ; i Patrick Kahler ; 10, Miltou Backus ; 20, John Smith ; 2i, Fre Grandboia ; 2.1, Geo. Hitchcock ; 24, Geo. McRae; 2.5, James Irwin ; 27, Henry Drury ; 28, Charles Lenover ; 20, Jam* Noaok ; 81: Ernest Edwards ; 32, Abraham Huff; .33, Geu^ i^ewis Hituhcook, sr. ; 35, John Lee; 36, Geo. Coleridge; 37, Michael Flaherty ; ^t, .Tames Irving; .SO, James King ; 4 «; ii, . In the Third R. R. Div. the sum of $50.50. , :> : v . i! S) In the Fourth R. R. Div. the sum of $34.48. ' ^^.;,\-t.^. In the Fifth R. R. Div. the sum of $54.00. . • - 1^; lS^S The Commissioners of the said R. R. Divisions shall superintend the expenditure of the stime within their respective divisions. 3. On the Townline between Raleigh and Harwich, the sum of one hundred dollars, and that N. H. Shepley be Commissioner to expend the 4. On the Townlines between Raleigh and the Town of Chatham, the •am of tw nty-five dollars, and that N. H. Shepley be Commissioner to ex* pend the same. 5. On the Townline between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the sum of one hundred dollars, and that R. J. Morrison be Commissioner to expend one-half on the north part, and that L. B. Marshall be Commissioner to ex- pend one half on the south part. 7. Provided that the sums appropriated in the third, fourth and fifth clauses of this By-law are conditional on equal amounts being appropriated for the said purposes respectively by the adjoining municipalities. 9i It •hall be the duty of the said Conimisaionera to expend tho ■ttini hereinbefore appropriated, for the purposes and in the manner sd provided ; and they are hereby authorized to grant orders on the Treasurer of this Corporation to persons filling contracts thereon, not exceeding the amounts 80 appropriated for such purposes respectively, less, the amounts hereinafter specified as overdrawn by the respective Commissioners of the previous year, stating on each order the nature of the work done and where ir, was performed. Provided always, that no Commissioner shall exceed the amounts hereinbefore appropriated, without having first obtained the con- sent of the Council, and the Treasurer notified thereof by the (!lerk. 9. It shall he the duty of the Treasurer to charge the respective ac- counts with the following sums, shown by the Auditor's Report to be over- drawn, viz : In B. R. Division No. 1 the sum of $64 76 |/ II II ^'r;:?; \8 • '• 61 11 II II 4 II ...... 58 56 .. ■ :*; ' Raleigh and T. E. TownJine 26 73 ? - vl ' " Raleigh and Harwich Townline 21 04 '^- * Read a third time and passed this Twenty-fifth day of February^ A. D. 1895. ; . f J. 6. Stewart, Clerk. . (Seal.) . ; ~ B. J. Morrisok, Reeve. h-'M^-S'-^'y}' .,/.,.; ;^- *; h -:,!.. ■^itt-m-"^:-: '-} ;??^_:^} ; • j) ^W:--. fvvl*ii'?*>- "'■ <■"■ auditor's Report. S. J. HARVEY, Treasurer, in account with the Township of Ualeigh- Beceipts and Expenditures during A. D. 1894. - s 1894. RECEIPTS, Jan Apl Mav 1 To cash balance from 1893 15 Township of Dover, portion to meet Deb. U. S. S. No. 6 19 County Treas. Land Sale and arrears of taxes, Dec. .^1,'9.3 .., Cash County Treas. expenses examining Lunatic (returned) . . 31 VV. H. White, Coll. Taxes 1893, to date Feby 27 J Clarkson, Assessor, dog tax Mch 19 W H White, Coll, balance taxes 1893 ". 22 J Clarkson, dog tax 23 .. " .J G Stewart, dog tax 1 Treas Tilbury East, costs in appeal R P drain 14 Jno Clarkson, dog tax ^ 30 C B Commerce, interest on dejiosits, 6 nios Juno 4 J 6 Stewart, dog tax July 3 II I. 9 County Treas. non-resident taxes to June 30th II Gov School Grant 30 J Clarkson, dog tax , Levi Anderson, per J G. Stewart, Statute Labor tax , Aug 27 J Clarkson, bal dog tax James Keat, per A H W, rent road rear front con ^pt 17 George Johnson, P M, per T L Pardo, S L Div No 2 A K Brown, P M., J G S., S L Div No 19 27 Honorable Treas Ontario, Debentures No 1 to 7, tile drainage 6 Fred Stover P K, heifer and steer sold Aug 15, less exp .... 3 Jno Johnson, Coll to date 12 J H Ballah, P K, bal on pigs sold to Jno Entwhistle 24 I Evans, I W K License Fund, 2nd distribution 29 Proceeds Deb No .503 to 521, Burn's drain „ .. 522 to 52ft, Pike Drainage Works, No. 3 . 29 Can Bk Commerce, int en dep 6 mos to date 13 Proceeds Deb 626 to 5:^0, Backus dn 14 Jno Johnson, Coll to date 27 Jno Goulet, use of Tp. Hall , 31 J Johnson, Coll to date Oct Nov Nov Dec 1 1768 99 72 26 362 27 2 50 7526 92 40 00 2800 78 41 00 85 00 12 00 139 71 80 00 110 86 55 00 ]0 00 656 06 469 00 146 00 1 50 6 00 4 00 7 CO 1 00 700 rO 6 50 644 96 70 2 17 2968 12 628 67 63 20 649 26 8331 60 200 11880 23 t40324 bS EXPENDITURES IN ABSTRACT. 1894 Aug. 9 By cash Gov. School grant Dec 14 Mun. " 29 County rate in full 81 Election account $ 186 00 Law %ccouut 135 29 $469 00 469 00 5048 86 ':,»««^*«««»««'*^"-"''*>''"'^*''»'"-''**'*'*''* 'S5>(^(ifSf^'5 ■■M Deo 31 By CMh Board of Health account $ 173 82 ' ' »: Miscellaneous account 731 20 H' Charity «• 434 08 ?-■ - Salary •' 1084 10 - rtV / Sheepanddogs " ... 100 60 :^' --'4 Special school rate " Deb. S. S. No.3 " 259 01 S. S. No. 4Deb. " 27136 " 5 Deb. " 4.38 85 U. S. S. No. 6 Deb account 289 00 Road Div. No. 1 2 3 4 6 id Tilbury t Harwich .... 258 81 it 666 81 i( 399 17 « 339 14 CI 186 53 Rphigh ai ownliue <• account . << .... 133 07 .... 101 13 10 L. E. Sc D. R. Ry account Noxious weeds •* Tile Drainage " Ditches and Watercourse account 20 00 Pike Drainage Works " 2633 90 Pike Pump account 668 97 Millar Drain " 337 47 Deechau " .; 455 16 Goulet " 1751 88 Coutts '• 101 65 Toll and Centre Road Drain account 367 03 Raleigh Pkins Drain account i 1014 Mummery Ball Laurie McGuigan Simpson Hai-wich Doyle Carter Government Guvt. No. 2 Irwin Govt. No. Burns Broomfield Doane-Gilhuly Phipps Edwards Ferguson Ferguson ext. Martin Stagg & Johnson Graham Pardo Sullivan Fuco Massey Crow Foxton Dyke VaU 1 It 1 04 39 64 4 25 227 99 1178 24 30 78 127 31 2093 S3 400 00 400 fO 1.355 89 79 54 246 09 315 68 105 62 181 06 91 164 f2 285 75 Hi3 29 42 96 69 86 169 92 150 43 108 41 159 23 282 00 80 00 - i i -' ■,r.V ■ 2844 00 6883 42 1258 22 t: 1984 66 653 83 12 25 589 90 Doo 31 By cash Brush Drftin »oootmt ...$11148 Blyth «• M - , ; RobbiM " 68 Webb ** i>9 40 . Backus " 612 50 16i^07 TotAl expenditura 86433 30 BalaoM in bank and in Treas. bauds 380168 ' I • Total equal Receipts $40324 98 Examined and found correct. DONALD Mcpherson, i A„ju«r. Raleigh, Feb. 14, 1896. J. N. HALLIDAY, ] ^^^^^ EXPENDITURE IN DETAIL. 1894. Jan 15 19 22 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 July 30 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 1894 ELECTION ACCOUNT, 1804. Paid J. G. Stewart, Returning Officei-s fees $ 20 00 Wheeler DeClute, D R. O 8 60 James Ruddle, D. R. • 8 60 Johu Harvev, D. R. 8 60 Stephen Gilkuly, D. R 8 60 S. J. Pardo, use of school house. No. 10 4 00 James Gilhuly, use of house 4 00 Alex. Goulet, use of school house. No. 9 400 John Johnson, use of school house. No. 6 400 John Johnson, D. R. 0. fees 8 60 Matthew Dillon, D. R. O. fees 8 60 R. Mason, use of hall 4 00 Geo. B. Shreeve, use of school house. No. 13 4 00 S. F. White, use of school house, No. 8 4 00 A. R. Mummery, u e of scliool house. No. 6 400 A. S. Shreeve, use of school house, No. 4 40C Geo. B. Shreeve, 1). R. 0. fees 8 6C Michael Doyle, D. R. O. fees 8 50 E. S. Dvke, D. R. O. fees 8 50 J. .1. Payne, D. R. O, fees 8 50 Milton Backus, use of school house. No. 3 4 00 James Gilhuiy, use of house Provincial election 400 R. A. Mason use of hall Provincial election 400 S. F. White, use sf school house, No. 8 Prov. eleo 4 00 A. Goulct, use tif school house. No. 9 P»'ov. elec 4 00 S. J. Pardo, use of school house, No. 10 Prov. olec 4 00 J. L. Doyle, use of school house, R. C. No. H, Prov. elec 4 00 MiUon Ba<'kus, use of school house. No. 3, Pi ov. eleo 4 00 John Johnson, use of school house. No. 6, Prov. eleo 4 00 Geo. 6. Shreeve, use of school house, No. 13, Prov. elec 4 00 A. S. Shreeve, use of school house. No. 4, Prov. elec 4 00 Totalpaid |185 00 '••• LAW ACCOUNT. -^ ;^;.- •■ "^■'^cniihiS:' Fob. 19 Paid R. J. Morrison, attending Court 4 days Fewster et al vs. RaL A. H. White, " L. B. Marshall, " 3 «' ■- ' R. J. Morrison, to pay witness fees Juno 6 Wilson, Rankin Jt Co., law costs II 11 II II 10 00 8 00 7 60 87 76 72 03 Total paid |13S 20 W!«««»««'W»l»l>Mto-tw-'»'«M»S&»w^»*^^^^ 41 iSM BOARD OV RIALTB AOCOUMT. 16920 or 36433 30 3891 63 140324 98 iditon Apr. 23 Fhld J. 0. SUwart, poiting notioM r* B. of H. Dm. 27 81 V ; J 185 00 10 00 800 7 fiO 17 76 '2 03 It •« » ** n ii « 1 400 IS 00 1 4S 400 400 13 89 1 10 198 800 • 72 Itf • 75 11 25 22 5a 10 00 S5S 500 I 50 85 00 15 00 1894 Jan. 15 19 Feb. 1 19 +- ._^ ; I.--. '~ Mur. 1 w 19 21 24 31 Apr. 23 80 M»y 31 Jun* 4 SO ■alary u secretary. 8. D. Badley, aulphur, •pirits, &o. , re unall pox < , A. H. White, attending Prov. Bd of Health. Chatham ; R. S. Dunlop, 2 loada wood, Mrs. Aaderstii re smallpox ,-•''. F. A. Gonne, groceries, &o •>** J. L. Scott, coal " . W.F. Smith, meat •• . J. R. Guttridge, disinfecting house " .; : Sam. Wood, load hay, Geo. Chrysler " - -, Henry Turner, one night's work " James Fountain, 7 jignt's work " " " baL 16 nights on duty . Samuel Sullivan, 25 days guarding quarant'aa ^, , A. H. White, 5 days attendance %. - '* to pay S. Wallace, wood, $1; Httrne, qr. pork, - ^^ $1.20, Smith, pork, 11.23; Mains, loilk, 10c . ' Dr. Geo. McKeough, ezaminat'o, Mrs. Anderson, re smallpoz :. j;v R. J. Dunlop, 1 load wood Dr. S. N. Young, vac'n Northwoods snb-div, 14 trips ^r, '* sakry as M. H. Totalpaid $178 92 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. Paid J. G. Stewart, registering births, marriages and deaths :, V. A Shreeve, per coll. S. L. tax refunded Hamilton Howell, " " " Geo. Crowe, " " " Planet Printing Co., general advg Banner Printing Co. general ptg account Frederick Ould , arrears taxes refunded Jerry McCarthy. " " " W. H. White, coll. postage ....'. " *' Croft & Robinson, S. L. tax refunded, each $2 Thos. Crowe. S. L. tax refunded Wn^. Moriison, " " ;PhilipCox, " " . ;' Planet Printing Co. , assessment rolls, etc. R. Cooper, stationary for treasurer Alex. McNeil, taxes refunded overcharged Municipal World Pub. Co. , 7 copies Mun. World Registrar Kent. reg. deed. M. Draggon et al John Wilson, S L tax refunded R. Cooper, stationery for Clerk Banner Printing Co., printing Auditor's Report, ad. fto John Dowling, grant to ferry. ri\er. 12 and 13 sideroad J. G. Stewart, serving notices, trustees S. S. No. 4 Un. 1 8s • Chas Crow, error in taxes refunded Jas Richards, filling 4 washouts 12 and 13 sideroad W J f^impson, burning brush, Govt Drain, by order J G Stewart, serving notices appeal assessment roll " postage account . . - • €arsweU & Co , 1 copy Bourniot's Procedure Andrew Peltier, S L tax refunded > R. ^. Morrison, time on eonunittee ^HWhite, " 116 40 800 800 400 4 00 58 75 85 288 354 400 800 400 1 OO S3 0O 245 2 74 550 1 40 800 12 48 79 00 80 00 800 81 51 86 00 200 500 12 49 8 10 sss ifO 42 July 80 Aug. 1 27 17 Oot 1 31 Nov. 24 Dec 1 S IS -->J -rfiv * 15 27 31 J Clarkion, pottag* re wMMincnt and dog tax R Cooper, stationery Peter Rutherford, S L tax refunded Planet Printing Co, adv'g meetinati Geo H Johnson, P K fees not realited at Bales Oeorge McKay, Com fees re com Statute Labor ..... J G Stewart, attendance and copying evidence re White appeal. . . Sol Zebbs, pt gradg and plank, 12 ft 1.3 S Rd, as per res of Council. Banner Printing Co. Voters' List, «50.60 ; general ptg, «20. ,'i ... " advff and printing 2 orders Geo McKay, com fees S. Dillon, S Labor L B Marshall " J L Piper " Sol Zebbs, bal, contract 12 and 13 sideroad Judge Bell, re White appeal, town hall < John White, costs re appeal • ■ L B Marshall, com Um re S Labor Andrew Denholm, 200 bills re jobs to let Abiam Huff, maintaining water through XL Bobt Cooper, stationery Can Bank of Com, int on over draft, month Nor Geo McKay, fees, re com S L A H White, com, fees, Stringer, S L Daniel Carr, S L tax refunded Banner Printing Co , g«^neral printing Planet " advg H Wilcox, S L tax refunded S J Harvey, postage L B Marsha]', fees, W Philons com S L " " recomSL R J Morrison, time on various committees J. G. Stewart, postage and express charges " school census John Goulett, janitor town hall Jos Lemon, P K fees not reed in full Andrew Kay, rep windows town hall Frank Soutar, S L tax refunded ....'. Byron Murphy, taxes off on acct of fire Municipal World, blanks various , A H White, com fees, R D Smith, S L ..... Mauiice Doyle, work re Mummery Drain part order J W White, taxf's refunded per order of Judge BMiner Printing Co.. general printing CHARITY ACCOUNT. Fab 1 Paid Mrs. Herrington 19 Albert Johnson, care Jos Henry and wife Mrs. Herrington JW Hosey... 17 " 1 Sisters St. Joseph, care J Hinton, |25; J Brooks, $50; L Dragon $30 19 J M Garrel, 2 orders Mrs. Rowan Hooper ; Burk Bros., goods to Mrs. R. Hooper 31 Mrs. Herrington 30 Fanner Bennett, 6 mod care G. McLeod, Home of the Friendless. . Sisters St. Josephs, care L Dragon till death Coltart ft Neilson, funeral exp Mrs Henry May 28 Mrs Herrington MrtRCoepw ,,,••.,. ,. Jan M%r Apr 4 70 7 80 800 869 2 UO 800 4 40 38 00 71 88 42 83 1 00 1 00 600 7 20 8 76 800 4 60 600 8 46 4 00 200 1 00 4o: 14 S.t 600 3 00 2 87 1 00 1 00 6 60 10 36 400 800 1 00 4 90 6 00 iOOO 25 6il 1 00 6 46 4 10 35 32 ;731 SO $ 11 oo 6 OO 900 6 OO 6 00 105 00 12 00 6 00 S 13 4 00 30 00 7 00 8 00 400 OQQ t Jtu ■ 'nxm : c^- 43 M»7 31 Mm flerrington W E Rispin, for J Garrel, return ticket to asylum . July 17 Mra Herrington Aug 1 G B McSpadclin Sister) St. Joseph, care J Brooks 19 weeks S«pt 1 Dr. McCuUy, attending and ezam'g Chief Young. . , 6 Mrs Herrington Oct 1 Drs Holmes & McKeough, re J Huston in full Dr. Bell, re Rowan Hooper Deo 1 Sisters St. Joseph, 13 weeks care Jas Brooks Mrs Herrington (orders) Daniel McILay, care of John Irwick Mrs Herrington Sisters St. Joseph, care J Brooks 87 29 31 \ 000 11 4ft 000 fi 00 47 60 11 00 8 00 33 00 6 60 82 60 11 00 600 60C 31 00 f 434 08 SALARY ACCOUNT. Mar 7 Paid Louis Goulet, auditor's fees 9 12 00 10 W H White, collector, 1893 100 00 J G Stewart, on account GO 00 31 Donald McPhei-son, auditor 12 00 June 4 R J Morrison, wages and milage 21 00 AHWhite " 2170 LBMaishall •• l7 60 r, x-LPardo " 17 60 « Geo McKay •• 16 40 J G Stewart, on account 60 00 July 30 " •• 4000 J Clarkson, assessor 00 UO Aug 27 " " balance 10 00 Oct 8 John O'Neill, inRpector noxious weeds 20 00 16 J G Stewart, on salary , 20 00 " selecting jurors 7 00 RJMorrison, *• '. 3 60 18 John Clarkson, •• 3 60 Nov 12 Patrick Gilhuly, inspector noxious weeds 20 00 Deo 3 Jenkin Richards " " 20 00 18 David Smith " '« 12 00 27 T L Pardo, wages and milage 26 00 RJMorrison " 80 00 AHWhite «• 8100 - . LBMarshall •• 2J 00 : -i GeoMcKay " 22 00 ■■ ",* J G Stewart, balance sal • . . • 70 00 ^ I S b Harvey, treas 300 00 ■::'''''-', $1084 10 SHEEP AND DOGS ACCOUNT, 1894 Jan \ 6 Paid Joseph Moorhouse, sheep killed by dogs 8 16 00 Feb 19 Wm Pratt, 1 sheep y 6 00 Mar 31 John Houston, 2 lambs, 1 ewe 7 00 Apr 23 •• I sheep * 00 July 3 Henry '.lussell, dog tax refunded I 00 Aug 1 Nelson Robinson, 2 sheep killed ^00 Nov 12 John Roe, " f 00 Marcellus Green, 1 lamb killed 1 76 George McKay, 3 sheep " *6 00 Deo 8 MioluMl DiUon, 6 sheep killed and 8 injured 18 86 , H llnWrnDrvw, thMpknicdbydogi I 706 MiehMl Flidi«rt7, " " 4 00 WmFiiilin,9 " " 6 fiO S7 John Sottur, 9 " " f 00 U MkhMl DiUoo, " " 6 00 -> *.J.)lfc«%-V Total p«id. • I • • • t>(^> • I lOOfiO SPECIAL SCHOOL RATE ACCOUNT. Cb. B»t«. Ow. B«M 8 8 No S Byamonnt Uvi«d 2 4/10 " ■ 1. « (( 4 II •1 a i« •« I II l( (1 •« 9 II «* II \l It •« «( IS II •« 14 «i U8SN o I •1 I* 8 It •« 8« II K S «« t* 4 •I M 6 II • 1 6 li RCSS.N04 •1 •• 5 II •« 6 II GhathMD .3. .1. 1.05 .1.46 .1.05 .8. 8 2.03 .6. 6 4.87 8. 4 2.66 .1.42 .1.90 .1.63 .2. 8 .8. 7 .1. 9 3. 8 .3. 3 •100 00 200 00 lOiOO 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 uo 100 00 100 00 100 00 79 00 20 00 34 60 61 00 66 60 68 00 74 00 Amkpd truticM. 1364 64 609 94 654 24 402 78 899 70 824 95 405 01 7t!8 63 481 808 286 78 84 H 196 61 204 46 227 47 187 08 329 86 168 84 806 76 413 88 70 47* 10 13 Total 16883 48 Diu Dfo 17 Vtid Jno Hunter, Sec-TreM U S S No 2) School BaU $ 18 Ed Murdock It 4 Alex Uoulet, II S S No9 19 Joa Heatherinston n U S S No 3 3 F White, II 88 No 8 80 Emerson Teekey II US S No 8 81 Jno Hill II 8 8 No 7 II M Backoi II •1 8 A 8 Shreevt, n II 4 A R Mnininery II •1 & S JTbrdo •1 » 10 Jno Chinnick II 18 Geo B Shreve II .. 13 T L Pardo, jr •1 1. 14 Noah Peltier It U 8 S No 1 JHHalUday ti " .4^ ■ JnoJohneon iy ■' ^ ^ Michael Gletton II R C S 8 No 4 J L Doyle, II 6 Matthew Dillon II « 6 J U Thibodeaa ■.■f ; n Chatham M 195 61 227 47 324 95 204 46 299 70 84 94 408 78 364 64 609 94 654 24 405 01 788 68 481 808 836 78 187 08 829 86 168 806 418 <>8 70 47 IQ IS n Total p«M > I688S 48 =•■»§%*•<"«»■' ft. ft. No. 8 ACCOUNT. Joa;^ i B7 baUnoc from 1893 , Oot 1 Amoont Uy^ to mo«t I>*btiitur« . JbI/ 9 Pkid Dtbtntur* No 887 . Balanco, . , 18M. ■-'■ ^- Jaa 1 By baUno* from 1898 . Dm 81 OvMrdmwa 8. S. No. * ACCOUNT. DK. Aug 1 Paid Dobontvre No. 228 and Coupon . 1894. Jan 1 By balanoe from 1898 . Apl 80PaidD«bNo. 882... S. S. No. ACCOUNT. DH. 1894 U. iS. S. No. ACCOUNT Jany 1 By balance from 1893 IS Dover Townihip to pay portion Debenture No. 882 . Oot 1 Amount levied £Ulet|[h portion May 81 Paid Debenture No. 382 DB. Balance. 1894 B. S. No. 14 ACCOUNT Oot 1 By amount levied to meet debenture $ DB Deo 31 To balance debenture not presented OBk • 859 01 2j9 Ul 1618 02 $289 01 269 01 "•618 09 Cb. • 270 84 62 •271 30 • 271 80 Cb. • 438 86 438 M Cr. f 167 40 72 26 276 10 • 606 78 289 00 216 76 • 606 76 Cb. 110 16 • 110 16 1894 ROAD DIVISION No. 1 ACCOUNT. Feb 19 By appropriation as per By-law No. 612 From Statute Labor tax Sept r; A E Brown, P M, per J D S. S L Div 19 Overdrawn ... 1894 Jan 19 Apr 30 May 81 Jaly 3 Ang 1 ^ 1 Db Paid ^\ m Irwin, fillittg hole bridge line 6 and 7 lot 13 ........ .lohn Piffgott k Sens, plank and cedar timbar per A Williams. Qeo Bailey, rep bridge and waterbreak con 6 B P drain W J Simpson, " 12 and 13 aideroad Blonde Bros and Dowliug, plank J H Gilhttly, part bi-idge 12 and 18 sideroad W H Irwin, rep 2 bridges and plank line 6 and 6 Daniel Jordan, vulvert, river road ^phn ^NE9tt k Sons^ lumber bal bridgea, 18 and 18 sideroad. Cb. • 300 00 24 66 1 00 64 76 • 390 32 • 800 6 29 20 00 2 60 1 £6 20 GO 8 00 3 UO 80 64 900 4ft boc Nov Dm 1 27 31 1 Jamet (yRonrk* rep brldg* .' | Si Fred Slade, bridge, R. P. drain lot 6 and 7 O F Sontar, rep bridge, R P drain Wm H Irwin, material and rep bridges line 5 and 6 • 12 Walter Phelan, material and rep 2 bridges lines 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 ThoM Eaves, bridge 18 and 19 stderoad , . . . " rep 2 bridges Moody and Fluke drains James Cornhill, tile ° J H Gilhuly, bal bridge 12 and IS sideroad Qeo Stephens, spikes, wire, &c., River Road Ferguson & O'Rourk* Colman Roe, putting up fence River Road B Hulin, 36 ft of 9-in sewer pipe and 26ft of 6-in •• 6 ft of 12-in " D R MoGarvin, plank bridges, 18 and 19 s'd and R P drn lota 6 ft 7 A H White, com fees Lawrence Howard, cuh'ert, 19 and 20 sideroad John Piggott & Sons, plank and posts waterbreak Qo^Ft Drain J ft J Orderahaw, 44 ft of 6-in tile, O'Rourke BOO 21 00 6 00 8 50 8 60 11 00 7 00 22 08 6 00 2 88 8 00 11 S8 1 08 18 00 12 70 800 18 Off 628 Ovardrawn in 1803 Total paid. $268 81 131 61 1804 ' ROAD DIVISION No. 2 ACCOUNT Jany 1 By balar e ^ from 1893 Feb 10 Approp: iation as per By-law 612 19 Statute Labor Tax " " ... July 30 Levi Anderson per J. G. S. S L Tax Total, im. Jany 16 19 Feb 1 10 Moh 19 31 Apl 26 30 May 28 81 June 30 Paid Alex Coutts rep road ecraper , . Geo. Bailey, rep Forkes bridge , James Fleming, jr, rep bridge line 12 and 13 Thos. Clarke, scraping road div i:<, 1893 Geo. H. Hodges, 9 rods ditching River Road , R. Rozzell, cutting thistles, lines 4 and 5 J Richards, clearing a tree line 3 and 4 Fairman Wiliiama, hauling large scraper Jno Piggott, plank, posts and lumber ... James (^mhill, tile, Holmes' bridi^e. River Road, 1893 . , Albt-rt Forhan, rep br • ■ • J* r • • • t 1390 32 Cr. 1208 72 300 00 102 80 1 60 • 613 02 ' •-;■■¥ 60 800 2 60 2 76 1 13 i 00 ? 00 t 00 \b 72 2 SO 7 50 00 r 5 00 10 00 10 00 7 69 1 50 7 00 80 00 A 1 50 10 93 2 60 8 60 e 00 2 50 6 60 600 18 00 • 208 81 _m 61 C». • a08 72 300 00 102 fiO I 60 60 800 2 60 2 76 1 18 i 00 / 00 ' 00 1&72 2 50 7 60 9 00 6 00 10 00 10 00 7 69 1 50 7 00 00 J 60 9 93 2 fiO 1 fiO • 00 50 50 00 00 JoM SO Sol Z«bba, chopping and logging, lin* 8 and i f 10 00 Aug 1 D R MoOarvin. 803 ft planFbndae line 7 and 8 8 08 J R Travia, bridge lino 7 and A Kereey Or 26 1 5 O B Keney, rep Dtake Road 7 00 Sept 1 Geo Bailey, rep Forkes' bridge, Drake Road 6 00 •lohn Piggott ft Sons, lumber, poate, etc, bridges 40 37 7 Fred Slado, pt rep 2 biidges, 12 and 13 S R line A and 7 8000 Oct 1 Nehemiah Zebbe, rep bridgo Drake Road 10 00 " bal cliopping and log|{ing line 304 lot 1 8 00 81 " stringer bolts and spikes Forks bridge 4 70 D R MoGarvin, plank, Drake Road 66 70 James Robbins, ddf rods ditching in North Buxton 16 00 James F leming, 4 days grading 12 and 13 aideroad ... 12 00 Deo 1 Neheudah Zebbs, rep bridge R l> Dr line 4 and 5 725 . ,> ^ " bal posts, bolts and spikes bridges line 4 and 0. . . 8 10 , .. ;: ; Felix Shreeve, hauling posts from Chatham Govt Drain 1 60 ' i^'Vv Riley Rozzell, bal ditching line 4 and 5 lot 1 8 00 " levelling road and burning log pile 1 60 Erastus Hitchcock, rep bridge Hue 6 and ORPDr 100 3 Go(» Shrcere, *' •• 160 13 Mrs Sol Zebbs, bal obopping logging and burning line 3 and 4 . . . 28 00 27 James L Harris, rep bridge 6 and 7 S R con A.... 100 R J Morrison, com fees 8*2 74 31 John Piggott &, Sons, plank sidewalk at Fletcher 17 13 John Duwlint^, 24 cedar posts, bridges 6 and 7 S R line 5 and 6 lot 2 4 20 John O'Rourke, clearing obstructions on road Carter dr 1 00 Adulphe Myers, grading, 6 und 7 8 R lot 4 9 00 Levi Anderson, S L ♦:ax refunded 1 60 Vc^' , John Koarnp, 1 day with team, 6 and 7 S R 3 00 J & J Oldershaiy, »ewer pipe 13 80 D R McUurvii!*700 ft 2^ in elm plank line 5 and 6 7 00 ; ..r- ,-r Wm Finn, bridge line 5 and 10 60 I 666 81 Balance 46 21 , ' I 013 02 ' 1894 ROAD DIVISION No. 3 ACCOUNT Ce. Feby 19 By appropriation as per By-law No. 012 , . . . 8 300 CO From Statute Labor " " 65 00 Deo 31 Overdrawn ^v«.^.. . . 61 11 I 406 11 Feb 19 Paid John Peel bridge and ditching, con 13 33 00 Mch 19 R A Lithbridge, rep 3 culverts . . 3 60 May 28 Brock King, rep bridge con 12, lot 7 and 2 others 7 60 Mat Dillon, re|i culverts lot 2, con 10, lot 9 con 9 600 Andrew Bro;tdbent, tile culvert 12 and 13 SR con 12 6 00 June 19 Fred Slade, rep 2 bridges, con 9, 4 and 5 SR 20 00 29 Alf VViiiiams, rep 2 bridges, con 9, lots 10 and 12 ?3 00 July 3 Fred Slade, ^ culvert 12 and 13 SR con 14 4 50 Jos Guy, ditching G and 7 SR con 4 00 Pat Gleason, clearing drift wood, Foxton drain, con 11 1 00 Walter Phalen, rep 2 bridges, con 10, lot 9 & 6 & 7 SR Carter drain 12 26 Wm Finlin, grading con 10, lot 2 1 00 Pat Hickey, ditching line 10 and 11, lot 6 2 42 Wm Finlin, ditching line 9 and 10, lot 7 ^ 80 J H Gilhulv, rep bridge, Brady drain, Buxton 10 00 JoMph R7M1, cloMring obatructi^os Qilhuly dn^in, uoa B •.....««• 1 1 90 m: -r*-«- ■ r » " ijg f v i .,.-*«, Oot Dm 4S 1 J N HalUday, plank for sidiiwalk, Marlin ....$ 10 tO 17 J H Oilhuly, r«p bridga, Centre road, con 13 I 00 Jno Crouchman, breaiwatei con 9, lot 6 10 90 Martin Ryan, bridge Doun cirain line 12 and IS 90 00 16 James Guy, ditching, con 9, lot 2 ... 1 90 86 J L Piper, " line IS and 14, lot 5 19 00 97 Wm Ryan " con 14, lot 4 7^0 81 Hiram Morris, ditching and rep bridge centre road Una • and . . . 90 40 1 Albert Scott, ditching 6 and 7 SR line and 10 14 40 James Robbins, bridge, Centre road, con 8 10 00 B Wm Watts, rep bridge, Brady drain and con 13 and ditching and putting in box culvert con 14 11 00 ' Geo E Keorney, dirching and gi ading, con 14, lot 4 00 J H Gilhuly, rep 2 bridges ccm 12 lot 7 and 8 900 Robt iMcKay, " Brady Dr and Cantre road 1 fiO 13 8 L Wellwood britlge 4 and 6 S R con 10 10 78 22 J U Gilhuly, covering briilge con 12 lot 7 00 27 Geo Sy kes, ditching, con 14 lots 1 1 and 12.... S700 John Atkinson, breakwater con 10 lot 11 97 00 James Guy, grading bridge con 10 Finn Dr 1 00 L B Maruiall, com fees 20 70 ToUlpaid t 399 17 Overdrawn in 1893 6 94 • 400 U 1994 • ROAD DIVISION No. 4 ACCOUNT. >, ■■■. . ■ . ;,:v..'7.:'.'.-. Feb 19 By eaih appropriation as per Bylaw No. 612.. 1300 00 SUtute Ubor Tax By-law No. 612 ^ 98 90 Deo. 31 Overdrawn .T. 58 06 Total $38676 Jan 31 Paid Jno O'Naill, waterbreak at bridge and grading $ 400 Feb 1 Tbos Irving, dituhing 00 Apr 6 Geo Pepper, culvert, con 10 lot 21 00 7 J W Tonipkins, road scraper 8 00 May 3 Thos Hackett, part on bridge line 13 and 14 90 00 9 ♦• bal •' " 19 rO 93 Alfred Williams, I art " 12 and 13 lot 24 1100 96 " bal " •• 18 00 88 Wm oenner, rep bridge and material 18 and 19 con 14 1 75 Allen Russell, rep culvert liae 13 lot 19 75 Thos Irviuff, post, bridge Middle road lot 17 10 00 81 Thos Canning, rep bridge con lot 16 9 75 June 4 Geo Robinson, rep 2 bridges Gov Dr M R and con IS 8 75 30 Fred Slade, bridge con 10 at Gravel road 13 00 " repS bridges cons 0. 10 and 11 85 July 3 " i for culvert 12 and 13 8 R con 14 4 60 John Barks, rep culvert 12 and l.S 8 R . . 1 60 Hiram Morris, rei. 8 bridges con lots 17 and 20 17 (N) 30 John Carley, rep 2 bridges Fluke Dr and Gregory Dr , . . 14 60 Aug 16 Wm Shaw rep 2 bridges Home Dr 8 R IS 00 27 T D Irving, bal bridge M R lot 17 4 00 John Sullivan, scraping pt 4 rod road 1 60 Sept 1 John Piggott ft Sons, 1,013 ft plank fo;* sidewiJk QuuriDg OroM. . . 10 20 17 LitsonPardo, rep2bridgeaMRloc88 7 00 Oet 10 Tiiee Haokatt, bridga eon Ftrguwa Dr 9100 97 •• " lfR40t9« 191 Not Deo 1894 49 MIohMl IUt«hl«, rtp oiilvwt 18 and 19 S R ft 00 8 Geo Robinaon, planking aide of road 202 ft grad'g lot U M R S2 00 12 Alfred Highgatc, rep 2 bridges con 10 lota '22 and 23 8 SO ThoB Eavee, rep culvert 18 and 19 8 R line and 10 1 00 30 ITioa Early, rep 2 bridgea con 11 lota 23 and 24 q oo 3 Thoa Eavea, rep bridae con 10 lot 15 3 oO Geo Dennett, rep bridge M R lot 1'■ ■;,. '\-^'\' ".'VA ■'':'■■.' .'^''' 9 668 97 Overdrawn in 1898, '.. . . ; . . . . .:............ 134 42 $ 803 39 " MILLAR DRAIN ACCOUNT. '1894 ■:•:., ■.:'"-;; Jan I By cash balance from 1893 9 178 00 Oot 1 Amount levied on lands. 198 69 :; * r^ * \ Total $37669 • "''v.'." ■'■■';■■ db Jan IS Paid Edward Gill, removing obstructions | 10 00 May 1 Duncan Gray, refunded 13 16 6 Rich Gill, " 6 13 JasGill, " 6 89 8WmBurge88, " 6 10 9 Susan McPherson " 9 62 19WDCato, " 127 29 John O'Phee, " 6 76 81 Wm Clayton, " 2 54 Jos Thompson, " 1 69 MrsMHurst, " 6 91 S Irxing, refunded 2 54 JnoIr\^ng, " 7 61 Robt Green " 4 23 GeoHickley " 6 10 HenryLinley " 4 29 Edward Gill " 17 66 Hugh McPherson, refunded 3 54 Tho3 Heatherington, refunded 10 80 Oct 16 J G Stewart, Com fees 99 Dec 1 Deb No 461 198 69 3 Ed Murdock, refund 3 38 3lGeoGill, .," , 10 58 337 47 31 Refund to roads 26 98 Balance 12 24 '.: ^ - 1376 69 1894. DEECHAN DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cr. Jan 1 By cash balance from 1893 $ 281 78 Oct 1 Amount levied on lands 146 75 •• •» •• . , 307 35 i"735 88 Jan 19 Paid Planet Printing' Co ad^ sale • 1 S2 Bpuniier Printing. 09,, " W m .Si Apt 30 31 June 30 Oct 1 1 31 Nov 12 Dec 3 13 27 31 J H Gilhuly, bridge, line A and 8 . . . ,. t ^00 J E Steele, moving fence 2 00 Jas Robbina, rep and damage to crop, &;c 8 00 Jno J'Rourke, pt Sec 3 . 38 00 J O Stewart, Com fees 4 40 Hiram Morria, part on Sec 4 and 5.... 6000 KoU Soutar, pt Sec 1 30 72 3olZebbt, "- 2 46 00 Peter Milne " 1 17 00 Joseph Ryan, bal on hf Sec 6 11 00 P f Morrison, Com fees 20 00 Thos Wallace, bal hf Sec7 10 00 J43 Stover, i^er P. Milne, Sec 1 900 Jno Deeohan, bal hf Sec 7 12 26 Thos Cannuig, bal hf Sec 6 10 00 Sol Zebbs, bal Sec 2 16 00 •• brushing Sec 6, Ryan job 4 00 Fred Slade & Co. , bal Sec 4 and 6, and $1 for bridge 17 00 " 2 rods extra work 2 00 Frank Soutar, refund , 10 62 Jeremiah McCarthy, refund 2. 54 Jno Houston, " 1126 JasRobbins " 2 60 Jno O'Rourke, bal Sec 3 12 00 J E Steele, refund. 24 60 Mrs L Boswell, refund 7 60 Jno Jackson, " 2 60 W G McGeorge, inspecting 4 46 Jas Stover, refund 29 37 Francis Martin, jr., refund 125 OB Kersey, " 76 Peter Milne, bal Sec 1 6 28 Total J 465 13 Refund to roads- 76 y? Balance, 203 8v^ 1894. TOLL AND CENTRE ROAD DRAIN ACCOUNT. $ 736 88 Or. Jan 1 By cash balance from 1893 $ 389 09 Oct 1 Arat levied on lands 365 20 Total J 754 29 Dr. ;,v-;:-.- Sept 1 Paid Deb No 437 Oct 16 J G Stewart, Com fees. 36^ 20 1 83 Dec 31 Total paid $ 367 03 Balance *. ... 387 26 -8 764 29 GOULET DRAIN ACCOUNT. : l 1894 ; ; ' ; ' '^,.'-. Cr Jan 1 By cash bal from 1893 .' .......... /. . . $1869 63 Oct 1 Amount levied on lands , 463 20 •• " roade 76 40 C; ' Total $2398 23 Jau 1& 19 Apr 30 May 5 . 8 19 31 June 9 26 July 3 17 21 Aug 23 Oct 5 18 25 Nov 3 19 Dec 15 :■»■■■■; ■f'- . W . -fr-r* 22 •2'J iil 31 1894. 66 Dr . Paid Chas Dunbrook, ditching 9 700 Planet Printiug Co advg sales 1 28 Paur'er " " 96 John Ci'cuchman, ditching sec 7 20 00 Thos Wallace " 1 100 00 Martin Ryuu ". ^ V-* 4 26 00 JosephEllJa f;. " 10 7 00 Alex Moore • V " 6 10 00 Josiah Burse .' '/- •' 5 20 00 Joseph Ryan ■ " 3 60 00 Thos Wallace " 1&2 146 00 Joseph Ryan ' " 3&4 95 00 Alex Moore " 6 10 00 Joseph Ellis «' 10 4 00 Josiah Burse, sec 5 16 00 " " 10 5 00 " " 10 6 00 Alex Moore " 6 69 00 Josiah Burse " 6 47 00 PaulThibo " 8 70 00 John Crouchinan " 7&14 60 00 J G Stewart, com fees \ . . 13 90 Paul Thibo, ditching sec 10 and 11 60 CO Josiah Burse, " on sec 9 47 00 Paul Thibo, balance sec 8 and 10 33 50 " pts sec 12 and 15 40 00 John Crouchman, pts sec. 14 and 17 and bridge 70 00 J oseph Ryan, bal sec 3 and 4 54 09 John Peet, pt sec 11 50 00 Josiah Burse, bal see 5 and 9 34 50 John Crouchi.ian, bal sec 7 20 00 Thus Wallace, bal hoc 1 and 2 612 00 Josiah Burse, pt Sec 13 40 00 W G McGeorge, inspecting 6 54 Deb No 494 463 20 •"■ '•'^" ' $1751 88 Balance ., 646 35 <■' «- COUTTS DRi.Ii; ACCOUNT. $2i98 23 Cr. Jan 1 By balance from 1893 $ 46 85 Oct 1 Amount levied on lands 46 29 Dec 31 Overdrawn 8 51 . , DB. $101 65 Jan 19 Paid W G McGeorge, inspecting 6 00 Feb 19 H Parkhurst, refund . i . . . 42 May 28 Alex Lefebore, pt upper Sec 4 00 Oct 15 J G Stewart, Com fees 23 Dec 13 Owen Crow, bal Sec 1 and 2 57 00 27 R J Morrison, bal Cora ftes 5 00 31 W Lecocq, bal Sec 3 . 26 00 W G McGeorge, inapestijig .,,,....,,••<("■"•••• ^ ^^ $ 101 65 I- 18M. BALL DRABf ACC0X7NT. Ob. $ »7-fl Oct 1 By amount levied on lands 14S 06 Jany 1 By balance from 1803 . roads. 28 10 Total. $ 22446 OB. Jan 10 Paid W G McGeorge, inspecting Moh 1 Alltert Williams, attending meeting under D A W C " Com fees ^I Wm Harwood, work Oct 15 J G Stewart, Com fees Total Balance Deb due 5 00 2 00 10 00 21 20 1 44 .t0~64 184 82 r '^ ;<"-:: I^ RALEIGH PLAINS DRAIN ACCOUNT. •284 46 Ob May 1 By Treasurer Tilbury, last costs in appeal f 180 71 Deo 31 Overdrawn 6448 62 Jan 19 Mar 1 June 6 .luly Oct 1 31 Deo 1 3 27 Paid Atkintson Sc Atkinson, sundry services in full £ J Scully, writing evidence before referee re Fewster et al vs Ral. Wilson, Rankin & Co, law costs Atkinson & Atkinson, law costs Harwich and Raleigh Erastus Hitchcock, pt ditching con 5 lot 11 " on 2 sec "4 lOOrods " bal sec 1 and 2 Nathan Bell 65i rods (2 orders} W (J McGeorge. survey , . . . Nathan Bell, pt job 2 Felix Shreeve, ditching 22 rods lob 8 Erastus Hitchcock, ditching 68 rods lot Alex Longmore " 10 " 14 Sol Zebbs " 10 " 13 Frank Shreeve, bal job JohnBell " R J Morrison, com fees and disbursements Overdrawn in 1893 . $5588 33 1 76 00 06 00 45 00 400 00 30 00 70 00 60 00 76 00 58 00 600 10 00 6 00 47 60 11 00 00 1 60 220 14 70 $1014 10 4574 23 -/v;:,-^/^: . ■ ' -■'•;■-./■. ;-V:.- |5588 33 1804 i^ • ' MUMMERY DRAIN ACCOUNT. Ch Jan 1 By balance from last account $ 1 04 'A Dec 31 Paid Maurice Doyle, work pc order $ •! 04 1804. McGUIGAN DRAIN ACCOUNT. Ob. Jan 1 By balance from 1893 $888 80 «t Ob. • 07.11 148 96 28 19 824 46 ¥ 6 00 2 00 10 00 21 20 1 44 ,r 89 64 184 82 •284 46 Gb • 189 71 6448 62 •5588 33 • 76 00 95 00 ^;, 46 00 '400 00 30 00 70 00 60 00 76 00 58 00 600 10 00 600 47 60 ^ 11 00 9 00 1 60 220 14 70 •1014 10 4574 23 •5588 33 • 1 04 |-*ld4 Ca. • 828 89 Aag 1 Paid Del -atttr* No 854 '.... • 887 M Dm 31 BaUoM, gO •228 89 1894. SIMPSON DRAIN ACCOUNT. . -'> Cb. Jany 1 By balance from 1893 , •52 82 U9t 1 Atiiount levied on lande 914 8$ •• roads 268 84 M DR. •1226 49 Oct 16 Paid J Stewarl, Com fees | 4 57 Deo lDebNo.373 , 1173 67 Balance 48 26 1894. HARWICH DOYLE DRAIN ACCOUNT. •1226 49 Cb. Jan I By balance from last account • 820 78 -.»•'. 0&. Mch 31 Paid Rich Ball, refund Apl 23 Refunded to Township 1894. Jan 1 By balance from 1893 Deo 31 Overdrawn CARTER DRAIN ACCOUNT. 3*) 78 19000 •220 78 Cb. • 113 79 1368 •187 31 • 178 860 11322 3 84 liaTsI 1894 GOVERNMENT DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cb Jan 1 By baUnce frcji 1H93 11894 43 D«o 31 Overdrawn 199 40 on Mch 31 Paid Jno Robertson refund Out 15 Jno O'Rourke, hf Breakwater Gov. dn ..... . Deo 1 Deb No. 420 13 Blonde Bros ft Dowling. bf plank breakwater. Dr •2093 83 Mar 1 Paid Douglas ft Walker, costs in Court of Appeal • 180 86 31 '* bal costs in Supreme Court as int SO 00 June Wilson, Rankin ft Co. , solicitor's cost Crow and Raleigh 1.S8 62 •• " Williams •' 1744 33 •2093 83 1894 GOVERNMENT DRAIN No. 2 ACCOUNT. Cb Deo 81 By overdrawn r • 400 00 1894 ?v: Db pot 16 Paid Isaac Grew asilsting .•' • J 99 Walter PbiUa. pt on job 91 DwUel Sh«B» W9 1(3 «p4tr«) ,,<.-.:-••••- ^r •.•.!••• 86 00 49 00 :.-'s^:^ 58 Oot 31 Johu Brennaa, 38| rodi I II 00 Walter PhiUn, btibnc« 100 Matthew Kearna, 3 jobs 101 00 Frank Shreev«, uo 3 88 00 Sol Zebbi, 40 rodn 74 00 Neheiniah Zebbs, bridge line 4 and 5 lot 6 18 00 '* setting posts and planking 6 00 Oeo Stephens, spike and wire 6 11 Deo 1 Daniel Shea, hauline poatb for sheet lining 2 00 Blonde Bros & Dowliiig, 77 posts sheet lining D Rd 11 01 John firennan, bal last seo 9 00 John Dowling, CI cedar posts 10 20 27 B J Morrison, com fees 10 18 , 1400 00 1804 IRWi:: GOVERNMENT No. 1 DRAIN ACCOUNT. C« Jan 1 By balance from last account Dec 31 Overdrawn 1894 Db. •V * I 10 71 630 43 1636 14 June 30 Aug 1 Sept 17 29 Oct 1 13 31 t*>-- Nov 12 Deo 1 IS 31 Pa^d Jas Travis, rep and rais'g rd line and 7, Irwin drain $ W O Mc(ieorge, surveying pt Irwin dr A H White, Com fees . , B Kersey, ditching V> lute and Morrison, Com fees Thos Wallace, Sees 8 and 10 Wellington Wallace, Sec 9 F F Shreove, Sec 6 W O McGeorge, survey John O'Rourke, hf for waterbreak James Guy, Sec 3 Edwin Parry, Seo 5 " balance Sec S Jno Atkinson, Seo 1 Hiram Morris, Sec 2 Fred Slade, Seo 7 " for T Irwin, Seo 10 F F Shreeve, Sec 3 ... Hiram Morris, extra Section Fred Slade, " Thos Wallace, bal Sees S and 11, and extra Sec A H White, assisting survey, Irwin dn Wm Ryan, extra Sec ' Thos Hackett, ,3 extra jobs Blonde Bros k Dowling, hf plank breakwater Wellington Wallace, woik A H White, Com fees and staking work M C Green, See 9 Total paid Vvey4f»wftinl8W... 23 00 6 flO 264 10 UO 4 74 40 00 15 00 2.) 00 6U0 8 50 S6 00 2^ 00 7 00 10 60 23 00 20 00 18 50 23 00 10 00 10 0) 10 00 1 1/ ou 04 16 84 9 84 3 SO 10 60 60 400 60 860 64 23 00 e 00 264 10 uo 4 74 40 00 15 00 25 00 600 8 50 86 00 8^00 7 00 10 00 SSOO 20 00 18 00 23 00 10 00 10 0) 10 00 1 00 \l 04 10 84 S 84 S 60 10 60 . 60 1164- BTTRNS D1UIN AOCOtTNT. - ■ ibk Oolt 1 By anouat Uvi«d on land! | 104 10 " " roada 42 80 Nov 20 ProoMdiD«bNe0O3to621, (pr«raiam|110) 8068 18 July 80 Aag 27 flept 1 Oct 10 la 16 85 36 87 28 31 Not 6 21 26 27 Dee 13 15 17 87 31 Dx. Paid Wheeler DeClute, to pay ust. eurvev ( J O Stewart, publishing By-law $15, Marciiing Reg office, 25o .... W Q MoQeorgo, eurvoy, eto Joseph Ellis, Seo jLPiper, " 8.!!!!! !!!!!!!! .!.!!!l!!!'i;!!!*!!!!!"!!!!!l •• " 8 J O Stewart, drawing Bonds •• Com fees Thos Wallace, Sec 7 JLPiper, " 8 JoaephEUis, " Robt Soger, " 3 Joseph Ellis, bridge ... . . . J L Piper, Sec 8 Registrar Kent Reg Bylawa Thomas Wallace. Sec 6 JosephEllie. " 9 E J Toll, "10 Joseph Ellis, bridge T road Elias Bntler, Sec .2 Thos Wallace, Sec 5 , Jos Ellis •• 9 E J Toll, •• 10 Joa Ellis, " " Bal bridge, T Rd Eliaa Butler, Sec 2 Thoa Wallace, work 18304 61 420 16 2.1 25 00 100 00 101) 00 100 00 60 00 300 20 SO 60 00 60 00 80 00 30 00 18 00 64 00 200 100 00 3 > 00 150 00 70 00 24 UO 75 00 25 00 5U 00 50 00 20 00 10 (JO 40 00 1804. Total paid 9 1355 80 Balance... 1848 72 LAURIE DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jany 1 By balance from laat account Amount charged to roads by order of Council Xhb D«c 31 Paid F Hatter, work A H White, Com . . 13204 61 Cb. 9 84 3 41 |"r25 226 200 Total paid 1804^ BROOMFIELD DRAIN ACCOUNT. Oct 1 3y amount levied Aug 27 Paid E Broomfield, H Merritt ' 88 Jamea Connor, '* 8«pt two McQoorge, sonrey, Ite listing survey.. • 420 Cb. 79 64 800 820 800 64 iO >'/>r 40 Oai 1 T WaaUii, ftitiitbg lomy I 4M 8IJ UnbM, •• 1 «0 J O StowArt. Com f«M 79 r 7©M 1M4 DOANE GILHULY DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cit Oot 1 Amoant levied on Unda I 258 68 «i .♦ ro»di 8 00 ' *• - -^_— . ToUl 126188 : y' • * ,,-. ■■ , .,, 1 -■ ■ D» ■ ■ ■■''"!." Oot 15 J O Stewart, Com feee 1 99 D«) I Paid Deb No 363 ...f 24187 1246 09 Overdrawn in 1893 15 58 1894. PHIPPS DRAIN ACCOUNT. C». Jan 1 By balance from 1893 $ 6 11 ' Oct 1 Amount levied on lands . . 309 57 ^315 68 OB. Get 15 J G Stewart, com fees 1 57 Deo 1 Paid deb No 368 $314 11 $315 68 ., EDWARDS DRAIN ACCOUN-^. f 1894 C» Jan 1 By bal from 1893 $ 100 22 Oot 1 By amount levied on lands 1 10 49 Total $ 210 71 ■ ■■'y--:. Db ■ ■ ^^' ^''W''- . ■~' - . <■,.,. Ool 15 J O Stewart, com fees %... $ 53 Dec lDebNo400 105 09 ■ i ^ , ri05"62 j^ Balance IO5 00 ■ ' $ '210 71 1894. FERGUSON DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cb. Jaa 1 By balance from 1893 | 169 06 Oet 1 Amoant levied on lands 190 87 " " roads 129 * TWal ^.•^;.;/V, $86129 Oet lA J 8t«w»rt, 0«m fMi i ^ Dtb 1 D«byo40S 180 18 ' _ , I 181 (»6 B»Unc« 180 16 , I 361 22 1804 FKROUSJN EXTENSION ACCOUNT C» Jan 1 By balance from 1803 8 30'18 Oct 1 By amount Uvied on lands 61 82 t/ ToUl 9 11105 '''''■"" - .- Dr Got IS Paid J Stowart, com foM $ 31 Balance Coupon not presentad Ill 64 $ 111 05 1804 MARTIN DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cr Jan 1 By balance from 1803 $172 00 Oct 1 Amount levied on lands I55 77 w-r.. 9 328 76 Dr. Oct 15 Paid J O Stewart, Com feea 82 Deo 1 Deb No 410 163 30 : , Total paid.. 9 164 12 : ?t ' Refund to roads 134 ' V? : Balance, 163 30 t; V. ; 9 328 76 1804. SLAGG AND JOHNSTON DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cr. Jan 1 By balance from 1803 9 326 01 Oct 1 Amt levied on lands 247 08 9573 00 Dot 15 J G Stewart, Com fees 142 Deo 1 Deb No 415 284 33 Total paid 9 285 75 Refund to roads 3 01 Balance 284 33 ■■MP''- " : " ' 9 673 SO SUlb^ ' GRAHAM DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cr. Jan 1 By balance from 1803 9 110 11 Gel 1 Ambnnt levied on lands 80 50 ; s.^ Total 9 208 61 Nfe^SJtJkn^ii <-it^%'i hi 6ei 15 J 8t«w»rt, Com fern | 51 Dm lI>«bNo424 102 79 Total paid $103 80 lUf and to roads 2 64 Balaooo |10S2 78 r. . v^ •208 61 1M4. PARDO DRAIN ACCOUNT. * ; Cm. Jan 1 By balance from 1803 .....I.. | 45 17 Oct I Amount levied on land* 40 54 ■ • fsTTl DR. ; Oot 15 ?aid J (i Stewart, Com fees ., 21 Dm lPtDebNo.434 42 75 ,1 ■ ,-," ^'.-i '. ■ Total paid i. | 42 90 ,, . . . / Balance . 42 75 • 85 71 1894. SULLIVAN DRAIN ACCOUNT. Cr. Jan 1 By balance from 1893 • 7137 Oot 1 Amt levied on lands 68 00 • 139 37 Dr Oot 15 Paid J O Stewart, Com fees 35 Dec lPtDebNo434 69 51 Total paid f P9 86 *^ Balance 69 51 . • 139 37 1894. *. FUCE DRAIN ACCOUNT. 'c Ou. Jan 1 By balance from 1893 • 170 93 Oot 1 Amt levied on lands 168 06 • 338 99 ' Dr. Oct 15 Paid J G Stewart, Com fees ' 85 Dm 1 Deb No. 429 169 07 : i* :- . . Total paid $ 169 92 ;'•*> ;.^ Balance 169 07 •338 99 1894. " MASSEY DRAIN ACCOUNT. - ^ Jany 1 By balance from 1893 • 9 79 Oct 1 By amount levied on lands 149 08 f::P:''"--: '■'- ' -"■ M;-«^r 1 159 47 D» :. f*^^:.^: Oot 15 Phid J G Stewart, com fees • 75 '1% kMiiiam*^ ■-^'PV- ^M I>»o 1 Dab No 430 $ 140 M ToUl . B«1mo« 1004 ' . CROW DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan 1 By balance from 1803 Ool 1 Amt levied on lands Db Oct 10 Paid T G Stewart, com feea. Dm 1 Deb No 450 Total pr Id Balance . . . 1804. FOXTON DRAIN ACCOUNT. Oct 1 By amount lev. id on la. 47 76 Dr. Oct 15 Paid J Stewart, Com fees - Overdrawn in 1893 liftluDce (Deb not presented). 1894. rk. : BRUSH DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan 1 By bfilanoe from 1893 Ovt 1 4iuo\wt l«vi«4 Qn Uacli , , , . , 89 04 177 89 t 178 82 Cb. t 3 43 110 87 tlU SO iiirffii ■?t'',^''-<*!^: - ■ V: -.-■■■ '■ . ■ ;■■-, ■ ,. : ^< ,, ^- ■ Oot 10 Paid J G Stew&rt, Com feei $ M Deo lDebNo400 110 87 Total paid 111142 Balanc* 2 S8 I 114 30 1894 BLYTHE DRAIN ACCOUNT. C» Oct 1 By ant levied on landa | 111 99 Db. Oct 15 Paid J G Stewart, com fees Overdrawn in 1893 Bal deb not presented 1894 ROBBINS DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan 1 By bal from 1893 . . Oct 1 Anit levied on lands Da Oct 15 Paid J G Stewart, con* feea Balance deb not presented . . 1894 WSBB DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan I By balance from 1893.. Oct 1 Amt levied on lands . . I M S82 107 61 I uToo Cb $ 608 115 94 I 123 93 I 58 122 34 I 122 93 Cr I 37 12 67 56 Total I 104 68 D&. Oct 16 Paid J G Stewart, com fees Deo 3 Felix Shreeve, pt on finishing 2 seo Frank Shreeve, bal seo 3 and 4 K J Morrison, bal com fees < 13 Deb No 499 Riley Rozzell. bal sec 2 and making dam Henry Parson, bal sec 1 31 W G .McQeorge, inspecting Balance Total paid 1894. BACKUS DRAIN ACCOUNT. Deo 13 By proceeds Deb Nos 526 to 630 « 34 7 00 500 5 00 67 56 600 6 50 300 . I 90^40 628 t 104 68 Cb. .« 649 25 Db. Oot 31 Paid W G McQeorge, survey. A H White, to pay ixsalRtant . i^iii^ David Lague, bal pridee l!7ov 12 J G Stewart, By*law, |lO ] appeidi, IS. 24 F F Shreeve, Seo 6 Dec I Jftnei Fuby, 8«9« \2 Mid U ti«IM<«'t*l**<**<*>*<'>'l 25 00 400 14 19 18 00 85 00 00 00 M S 82 107 ei 122 02 C» 37 12 67 se 7 00 6 00 5 00 67 68 6 00 6 80 300 00 40 628 26 00 4 00 14 10 18 00 86 00 09 00 66 Dm 18 Darid Lague, work Sm 1 and Bruioh t t4 05 ••8 8000 James Farby, work, (2 orders) 115 QO Coleman Roe work, pt Sec 2 and 3 ^ 16 00 27 J O Stewart, dog bonds .■ 8 QQ David Lottart, work 9 26 31 Samuel Withers, Sec 7 (2 orders) '. . . . 38 00 Dan Shea, work, (4 orders) , 56 00 James Farby, work, (2 orders) 41 00 ■-r-, M Donnelly, for J Farby S 40 : Everett Elly, Sec 6 21 00 Coleman Roe, bal Seo 2 and 3 and bridge 12 00 David Lague, work 10 00 W J Dolsen, sec 10 , 68 00 F F Shreeve, sec 6 7 75 D R McGarvin, plank per D Lasue 4 81 , J' ,-"1; W O McGeorge, inspecting 2 orders 7 50 >;-;tv:i A H White, com fees 30 00 ^s'/^ ■ ______ ;:|; /• Total paid $612 60 't^ , Balance 36 75 1804 TILE DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. 0»i Sept 27 By cash from Honorable Treas of Ontario Pro Deb lto7 I 700 00 De * Oct 1 Paid Milton Backus, fees, inspecting lota 7 and 10 each 81.20 2 40 31 Registrar Kent, reg By-laws *' '< $1.40 2 80 Albert Williams, loan 8200 4/5 lot 7 front range, less $6.20 charges 103 80 Geo W Brown, loan $300. w hf lot 10 " $8.20 " 291 80 ^ 13 Fred Williams, loan $100, e 1/5 lot 7 " $4.90 " 05 10 Milton Backus, fees inspecting 2 00 31 " " 2 00 Total paid $580 00 Balance 110 10 $ 700 00 Note.— 2 other Tile Drain Debentures were issued Dec 28th, 1894, money not received. 1804 ABSTRACT OF 1893, COLLECTOR'S ROLL. Mar 10 To amount to collect as per final order of Council $30607 83 CONTRA. Jan 1 By amt collected and entered in receipts acct for 1893 20020 73 31 " W H White to date 7626 02 Mar 10 ;: " " bal taxes for 1893 2860 78 Total amt taxes collected for 1893 30408 43 .^^ „: ^.. :' uncollected. , , 189 37 We have examined the ab^yo aocyufjts compared them with the vouchers pro duced and found them correct, , DONALD MoPHERSON, Uudltors SUUigb, Feb. Uth, 1806, J. N, HAi*UJ>AV / • " 66 STATEMENT of Balances and Amounts Overdrawn Dec'r 31, 1894. cDeiB;3], IS94. balakces. ' 8 S No 3 acct D $259 01 75 15 21 43 73 L E & D R Ry D COO 24 D& WO 17 33 Pike Di- VVoika" d 190 Miliar du .....* 12 ■ Deechan dii d 203 *tr6SNo6 D 216 gSNol4 D 110 RoadDivNo2 , , 46 ■ " 5 121 Haleigh & Cliatham Line 42 Goulot dn 646 35 ToU and Centre Roud v Ball drain d- MoGuiggan drain 'SimpsDn " Burns " Edwards " Ferguson " -Ferguson Ex " Martin " 387 184 48 1848 105 180 111 163 Slagg and Johnatou dn d 284 Graham drain d 102 ,D .D .D D Pardo Sullivan -Fuce ! Massey Crow Dyke Vail Brush Blythes ' Robbius 'WeTil) : Backus .D .D .D .D .p ' Tilb.Gov 1 Howard drain '^ Slromona " Boll Dalrymple " .XiB'-abee " ^Rica " RP Outlet" Flook " , Moodie " ; Pike Ext " 42 69 109 9 105 215 177 9. 107 122 '5 36 58 52 24 85 351 29 82 90 25 72 09 16 04 30 33 78 75 51 07 04 Deo 31 OVBRDBAWW. S S No 4 account | Bit RdDivNol 64 76 " 3 61 11 4 . . . 68 56 Raleigh and Tilbury T Line 26 73 Raleigh and Harwich '* 21 04 Pike Pump acct 21 28 C'outts drain 8 61 Raleigh Plains drain 6448 «i 18 89 88 .D 107 61 ,D 122 34 28 75 44 Tile Dramage ^ 1 10 10 12 54 26 10 24 13 58 3 67 93 20 81 116 55 18 29 1 18 {■i. "~To General Fund 37432 . 4374 36 20 'y-y 3 wil- Carter Govt ■ ■ ■ " Govt. No. 2 Irwin Gov No 1 " Foxton .-'^ui! r*r Kersey Chiauick Snell Wad.lick Indian Creek Mud Creek Gregory Uigjjius-Hinton Bavin Cooper Saudisou-Brush 13 62 199 40 400 00 636 43 14 62 6 16 20 00 10 1 08 111 00 84 00 603 42 28 4 1 74 38 65 26 ' .• ;i.. A Bal in Bauk and Treas hapd* , ■A.} ''■iii '■.rl $11806 56 ■■ ■'^-' '■■'■■ ''^'''■'^■^'^■^-'■'^^-■-^■■■''- $11809 5Q . Note. -Ba lances niarkcd D include payment of next Debenture. The Deba. on -v.J?V;"**;nr°""!l_l,"!'/'j''®'"'^'"'^'"* ■*'"•' 'H«!- Sth, and on Djke and Blvth dfi. and 8. a No. 14 "nd poui"?". <*" Ferguson Exten»ion llr, were not preMuUd lor payment due Dec. lOih, and on Vail dr, una uoujion on . .., In time for ihi» yeor'H accounts, and the balance for Dyke dr. iiicludee two Deba. Nothing collected thii,vfar for Tilbury Gov. diaiu, Tuo Debt, were Iwued, $100 dtob, Q«9. |St)l Til»Pr*iiMfe, uuX (otwuilcd to Ooveroweot.tor the money. %sli^M'-^\ ■■*>-/-«'il iiii u» m»f.;^ RESOURCBr AND LIABILITIBS. 1894 .,;:,:-:;/;•■■• RESOURCES, ' .:7 . ;o<%'^?i:^-^'^^K; "' • ^'■.■ Dec 31 Balance in Bank and Trcas hancla , . . , $3891 68 Accounts overdrawn as shown 7914 88 County Treas, arrears of taxes 204 91 Township of Dover, to meet share of Debs U S S No 6 '794 75 Bal taxes resident roll 229 ,69 Taxes non-resident roll 374 72 Real estate, &e 1 000 00 Drainage assessment to meet debs , 23614 89 School sec *' " 3526 92 Railway " " 035123 Tile drainage " " 900 00 Tilbury Gov assessment to meet payments 533 50 J V ■ Total resources : $60339 17 v-- . ' ■ LIABILITIES. • .,..>^ Appropriations as per statement of balances $7432 36 Collectors salary 100 00 Awards re damages R P drain i 4299 00 Drainage debs indebtedness 23614 89 School sec deb ' 3526 92 LE&DRR •• 935123 Tile drainage " 900 00 Tilbury Govt dm " and interest 635 50 Interest due on deb not presented 142 94 ; V Total Liability $49902 84 S. S. DEB INDEBTEDNKSS. - ■ " Tear lastpay't Prin. Interest oSNoS .'.* 1899 $112136 $17369 o U 1895 204 83 15 47 U S S No 6 ".'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.*.".'.'.".".'.*.'. .*....' 1905 2200 73 778 32 $3526 92 $ 967 48 L E A D R R DEB INDEBTEDNESS ;:;•'• Year ; i ' - lastpay't Prin. Interest '- , -^ 1920 $935112 $7562 29 :::..: DRAINAGE DEB INDEBTEDNESS. "^ • • V. - DEC31ST, 1894. ■ ' ■' .-:! .f • . - Year V , ; :v: .'" ■ ' lastpay't Prin. Pike Drainage Works 1897 $429347 «. ° «i No 2 19^8 2927 74 <■ >^<- «^ m: \ \- _ f*X^ii'\.,,^ ' II I 00 in i» CO I I ! i ^ & J |52S2 04( VI — ' >M o* 0> ^ 0>0C 0) OB vH fi PH V^ »^ (M _ M lO IQ IQ 6J * « M mQO I-4 v4 (4 .a 04 tQ r^ £ (JS q8 I ^^ V W M 4 ■S o o-S-g i A i. :^ • f .'.'. g S - •V?' ;