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V'^y" '(to the Klorto Jm i Inod, that in olHilicarc t» Hrr AlMicsty's Writ to ine di nK...lh of .W«y. in tl,« yc«r «f o«r Lord .ie thoJZTigi «j tlic suid Electors iit Victorin lltill, in the " * TnWN 11 I he said Riding, on l^EDJ^ESD^ , S0f id eight hundred and sixiy^thtee, iit the (» VTIl jTwelee i PrBLilC NOTICE ifs herebv given to the KlectorHof the ^Vest Riding of tlie (bounty of Northnni. I Writ to liie din ct««l. and briirins date tiie Sixteenth dav of the thoHitai^ eigkt hundred mmd »irt!f.tkree, I rtqulre the prescace WA# V V AtU ^ IVVTZ/iloy ..f ^f^JTE, in the jcnr of onr Lord one thou- II r «P Twehc o'clock, noon, for tli urpose of eh Ill f he said Riding, on IVJEOJVESn^ T, the TK.YTIl .*i4nd eight hundred and sixiy^three, at the honr iiP Tteehc < ti» represent Ihcni in the Legishitive As^'cniblv of liiis Provi iiToned in the manner by law prescribeil, such Foil will be On Wednesday Tbe lltb and I8tl in the year of our Lord one thousand At the Town Hall, in the Tillage of Coldspi At the Town Hall, in the Tillage of Graftoi At the Town Hall, in the Township of Aluf At the Clerk's Offiee, in the Tillage of Bloo . At the East Ward, Cobourg, Swayue !!^t., in At the West Ward, " at Mr. Allan I L«ui..liU-^ .ii^^ .Vo. aFJre En Of all which every perii^on id hei and govern himself accordingly. Giren under my hand^ at the T« ty iif Northumberland, this aOth day of May, in the year of Ihrie. i -'■'•^^tB-ty:^',:^ i obonrg, May 29tb, 1868. B«f urAiDg Officer for the \ lie TMimYTIi Any ufJl/\YE^ in the year of our liord one thtPU' »iir of^ Ticehe o*clork% mi^it, for tlio purpose of electing .a |i«r^nn y of this Province, iimi t1iat in caise a Poll shall be denmndeil aud ;h Foil will be opened lay Thursday^ IStbdap of June. one thqiisnud eight hundred and sixty-tbree, age of Coldsprings, in the Township of Hamilton. age of Grafton, in the Township of Haldimand. nrnship of Alnwick. /'iliage of Bloomfield, in the Township of South IHonaghan. Swayne ^t., in the building known as Munsoa's old shop. It JMr. Ailan Darling's house, corner King and Spring Streets. Va. % Fire Engine house. ^ ion In hereby required to take notice it tlie Tonsil of Cobourg*^ in the €01111- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- i ■^'■■~*»m-tyi¥u:... I^AVID BRODIE Officer for the Wesc Riding oi'tbe County of Northumberland Sim PritU^ Cohomrg. h. A