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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ ox^*--^*- G. O. ■■J HEAD QUARTERS, Quebec, 6th February, 1808. THE Governor and Commander in Chief has learnt, with regret, that an erroneous opinion has been adopted, by some Individuals of the part of the Militia that is selected and directed to Iiold themselves in readiness to assemble at a short notice, which, if suffered to spread and to become general, might occasion uneasiness, and be the means of introducing ill humour and discord among the Companies, who would naturally differ among themselves on a point in which all are concerned. He therefore directs that the several Colonels, and under their di- rections the Field Officers and Captains, do take pains to explain to their Men, very fully and pointedly, that this Order, being only that they should be chosen and that they should hold themselves in readiness, is not limited by the term of six months as many have imagined. That limitation -applies, solely, to their period of actual service, and dates only from the day of their assembling when called together for that purpose ; and from which they will receive pay and provisions. The terms of the Law are direct and express upon the point ; which is further corroborated by the Military custom of all services, in which no tour of duty is ever allowed unless the detachment ordered actually marches — altho* it is then allowed, tho* it mar- ches only a quarter of a mile and is then countermanded. The Governor and Commander in.CniEF therefore expects, that the same Officers and Men do continue to hold themselves in readiness to assemble, till other- wise ordered, in the same manner ^hat they have hitherto done, and notwithstanding that the term of six months may be expired. He takes this opportunity of fur- ther explaining, that it is not the intention that the men selected should be restrained from proceeding in their ordinary pursuits by which they are in the habit of gain- ing their livelihood at this season of the year, even tho' by doing so they should be carried to a distance from their homes. All that is required, in such case, is, that they should inform their Captains of their departure, so that they may be duly apprized when ordered to assemble. J. H. CRAIG, GovW. By His Excellency's Command, HERMAN W. To COLONEL BABT, Mjutant\ Genera/ of the Militia of Lower l Canada, J RYLAND, Secretary, I: :i G ,. VM. U,X X QUARTIER GENERAL, Quebec, 6e, Fevriery i8o8. regu nion rait causer de rinquietude, -., et de la discorde parmi les Compagnies, qui difFer6raient naturellement entre elles sur un point qui les regarde toutes.— II ordonne, en consequence, que les ditterens Colonels, et sous leur direction, les Officiers de I'Etat-Major et^ les Capitaines. prennent soin d'expliquer a leurs Soldats, tres pleinement et avec precision, que cet ordre etant seulemcnt pour ,. 'ils fussent choisis et qu'ils se tinssent prets, nest point limite par le terme de six mois, ainsi que plusieurs sele sont imagines, — Cette limitation s'attache uniquement a leur terme de service actuel, et ne date que du jour qu'ils s'assemblent en consequence d*avoir ete sommes pour cet effet, etdu- quel ils re9oi\«;nt la paie et les vivres. Les termes dc la Loi sont directs et precis sur ce point ; ce qui est encore appuye par la coutume militaire de tous pays, ou le tour de service ne passe jamais, a moins que le detachement qui y est ordonne, n'ait afFectivement marche j quoiqu'il passe pour lors', quand meme il n'aurait marche qu'un quart delieue, et qu'il eut alors re9U contre-ordre. Le GouvERNEUR ET CoMMANDANT EN Chef s'attcnd a ce quc Ics memes OfEciers et Soldats continuent a se tenir prets pour s'assemblcr jusqu'a nouvel or- dre, de la meme manicrc qu'ils ont pratique jusqu'ici, et nonobstant que le terme de six mois puisse avoir expire.— II saisit cette occasion pour expliquer, en outre, que I'intention n'est point que les hommes qui ont ete choisis soyent genes dans leurs occupations accoutumees, parlesquellcs ils gagnent ordinairement leur vie durant cette saison de I'annee, quand meme, en les suivant, ils s'eloigneraient de leurs habi- tations — tout ce qui est requis d'eux, en un pareil cas est, qu'ils informent leurs Capitaines de leur depart, afin qu'ils soyent duement notifies de I'ordre pour s'assembler. . ' J. H. CRAIG. Gouvr. Par Ordre de Son Excellence HERMAN W. RYLAND. Secretaire. Au COLONEL BABT, Adjudann General de la Milice du Bas- J. Qanada^ J -•