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N I C o L L, in St. PaulVChurch^Yard*. MDCCLXV, to lu.ttlfe jAbAHk iCfeMlIk jCft^ik ADVERTISEMENT. jfS a Knowledge of ihe Sv??LiBSy with the Wat s and Means ^r r Agio, ftgnifying the Price of Exchange^ and in, 1760, Wadfctt Sums, which are Charges on Elates in yScotland, and nearly the fame as Mortgages^ or Judgments 4» England. In Order to render this Book more correct ^ I have com* pared the feveral Parts with the Journals^ andjhall be happy if my Brother Members (for whofe Benefit I drew it up) nay receive InftruSlion from it, T H B -'> -k-'*"*^ '^k^ii'^ "•■'./•■ .T ■;■! 3 M 3 2.1 T JI 'I V O A ,UJ «'^ s! mnB i^\'^^ -V, «! :.!?■ il r \\^ u ■•;^«!RY«6'D •M I tic:^.. *>s -, -ivv* w» -i^irs^^m iT^vj iV/.V'-i5, %^ % » .* 4 ^A Al t '» « .\.i k'.\ \Xii ivma .;-v' I i,ll ^v.\ *), ■> .T.«W. -^^ arii^ 3?,.v.'.^ nv Vi ti C\v*^, ft% i^>.*t^jVi-:?:i*^ tvi %Vi^ \Ti- \"^ V t- *«:^-i":;it Vi'V^ "^'^ii tyjii 7i * -.»' ^<;^jii!c"^J \t*l??\4m V -ikIL sv^ w^i-^^^ 'ty3iVn»\v^?v5!>T?Aaj, K, . . n ■i 4. %% "5\ I ti M.^^V. ;\S. t«.%-i^$:v ^^> vm tov^T'. .s(0. tV ^» ,\'i' i:^ »\t,T;5i^'^";:^t^ X% \ ■«'-^«j,' '{^■^S.'.Vl fouri o: ■k V I' ."y*- Tr M 'hi*- ^ ^r: -■ *^iS ^^^ Ifi^^i / X lit *; I Ti.-iii Vf WillUmS 3 — — _ — 16 4 _ _ _ — ,7 5 — - — 18 O _____ 19 7 — _ —1720 9 ~ — — 2 10 _ _ _ _ 3 H — — — 4 13 _ _ _ 6 Jyf George II. 7 3 _ _ _ 9 4 _ _ _ —1:30 Suim.i.'iry ef thi Total Sup P L liiil. — 2,908,680 — — 3,668,191 10 — 4.656,25$ — — 3,676,677 16 — 4,017,080 9 — s.549.o«7 «5 — 4,882,712 — . — 5.537.853 '9 — 5,520,078 19 I — 8,237,210 18 — 2,350,000 — - — p!7.488 3 ~" 5.075.76' '6 — 5,941,841 14 — 5,926,849 18 — 6.563. 138 'o — 6,425,268 10 — 14,370,744 5 — 6,671,386 1 — 3,520,072 10 — 3,062,079 3 — 3,282,^23 16 — 3.053.363 5 — 3.697.767 »3 — 2,644,437 4 — 2,989,109 II — 2.623.537 H — 2,738,156 3 — 2,923,108 18 ~~ '.935.054 '6 — 1,863,888 6 — 1,823,229 4 — 2,978,954 1 — 2,895,305 ~ — 5.39^.966 2 — 3,224,697 14 — 3.345. '9° '7 Ycnrh Summary of the Total } 'early Ways anJMc a ns. 3 — 6 — 7 — t 6 4 1 loi 6i loi li 11 II 6J 6| 8J - }- 9/6 - 2/8 - ' » _ — io 61J - H - lit — f _ 61 — a.743.142 6 2 3,768,191 10 — 2,651,702 18 — 1,816,702 18 — 2,000,000 — — 5,588,506 5 10 S.4'3.709 1 1 1 8,161,469 — _ 5,600,000 -> — 5.184.015 I lit 1,484,015 — 1 ,000,000 — ^ 2,620,000 _ _ 6,913,628 'S Si 3.887,630 4,200,000 — — 4.9H.888 3 3-J 5.282,233 '7 2 0,142,381 >5 3 6,189,067 «) 6,868,839 6,896,552 9 Hi 16,246,325 6,304,615 16 9l 3.400,000 — — 3,103,000 — — 7'3>7.75' 15 61- 3.«".3>3 — 2,229,514 '4 2.735.509 2,742,000 17 lOj 2,920,164 13 8 2,719,412 10 9 ".837.799 8 2f ".730,744 «9 si 1,782,212 — - i| 3,282,328 6 7i 3.173.287 12 -i 5. 544.594 3,540,478 2 2 1 10 4: 3,530,766 12 II 752,833 5 4 — 3,826,825 7 —i 1 — 2,784,705 3 —J — 2,883,180 2 5f 2 — 3,004,926 13 II — 2,887,943 6 it- — — — 3 — 3,870,230 17 4I — 3,989,689 II 10 9 _ _ _ 5 _ 10 — — — _ 6 — ■ II 12 3,150,452 4 7 I 3,269,000 3,2=5,903 15 9i — 3,380,565 6 10 3,025,172 9 6i _ 3,269,000 — — 7 — 3,444,246 — 6 — 3,769,000 2,633,328 9 8| _ 2,908,506 9 9 _ _ _ 9 _ 3,874,876 »3 14 _ _ _ —1740 ;i - _-_ - • - 17 — 5,017,651 _ 5.723.537 ' 5,912,483 1 T ig _ — _ >9 — 3 _ 6,283,537 14 — 4 — 6,462,902 3 7J — 5 2 'i 2 3 4 — -f 3 9i 4,097,831 II lof — 5,039,102 18 3i — 6,188,065 II 5 — 6,119,157 13 io| — 6,624,065 II 5 — 6,609,310 5 — — — S — 7.088,353 10 10 — 7.303.065 11 5 — — — — <' — 9,402,978 9 5 — 9,400,574 10 7 20 21 — — — 22 23 2+ II Z _~_ Z ' ~ 37 — — 10,059,104 8 4 0,088,065 II 5 8,082,409 I 7f — 8,018,007 4 4 _ _ _ 9 _ 4.014,13619 7*- — 4.313.730— si — — — —'750 — 4,969,635 10 iij — 5>>75.023 II 7 3.907.43s 7 7 2,132,707 17 2 I — 4.17^.^59 '8 ik 2,422,911 8 4; 38 _ — — _ 4 _ 39 3 — 2,797,916 10 2 — 3.077.897 '5 8f _ _ _ 5 4.073.779 " 61 - 229,117 4 64 4.256.9-9 5 -i ,427,261 — — 7 ~ 10,486,457 — 8.350.325 I 3 — 8,689,051 19 7 — 11,079,722 6 ic 12,749,860 19 4;j — 12,991,240 — 10 — — — g — 15,503,564 15 9f — 16,130,561 9 8 tjl George m. 1760 — 19,616,119 19 gi — '9.953'922 9 11 2 — — -— 1 — 1ii.7nn.1c7 ift II? — i8.6cc.7co 2 7 18,299,153 18 II 18,655,750 2 7f — — — — 2 — 13,522,040 18 6}Jf — 14,199.375 >6 — Total* £. 399,929,285 10 9Hi'« i^- 408,898,369 6 4J l! \ ' ^■J. ' -iafc.'«i ' t». ' :,.ji i ; ' ... ' ^ '> « ! -,- THE S' U P P L 1 E S. m ^^^^^ SIS!^)S!S)@&SSiS;S!S)€ S1!S!S@:S !@ m 1688 1/ i&>^ William and ^een Mary 1 V -. A s. 79'»^95 "" ~" 14. 69,636 Land Forces 2,294,560 — — Dcc.a4. Building 17 3d rate (hips of 8g guns, and 10 4th rate$ of 60 guns 570,000 — — V Total/. 4,656,255 »' '■ X t 1691. I i6gi 4tb WilUam' md Maiy. ' . r Q^ t Nov. 1 8. 30^600 Seamen for 1692, with charge of Navy, Ordnance, " * and building i tiry and 2 -wet Docks at Portfmouth i»S7S>^99 "" ■** I Jan. 4. *64,924.Land l^orces (out of which 165 jooo/. was taken . . . '^3, from thcReventieof Ireland 2,100,787 16 3 iTotaI»befi4ei the hereditary Revenue^. 3,676^77 16 3 if ••*«. 1692* 5?* William «» ing 6 new regiments of Horfe, 4 of Dragoons, and 19 of Foot 1)990,781 16 10 Pay of General OiEcert 3i>058 8 6 Levy money Tranfport fervice 22. Hofpitals Extra Ordnance Deficiency lafl year 110,160 — — 40,808 — — 147,000 — ■— 210.773 4 5 118,506 5 10 Total £. 5»549.o87 15 7 ;ivSi*J- 1694, jfh WiWhm and M^ry, /. /. /. l^ov. 30. 40,000 Seamen, and mainte- ^^ >,j nance of Navy for 1695 2,382,712 — — Dec. 4. 87,702 Land forces 2,500,000 ^ Total £^ 4,882,712 1695. :S:f i Total jf. 5,520,078 19 ^\ B 3 ^^S'i" I i i%7- 3d William III. It St K» ^1 Dec. 23. 10,000 Seamen for 1698, and ^ niaintenanceof the Navy 520,000 — —' % Jan. 14. Maintenance of guards and garrifons Cancelling exchequer bills For difbanding the Army 2 2. Deficiencies Mar. 10. Army arrears Navy arrears ' „_., Civil Lift /^r «»». . j^i^'l^j^., J. 350,000 2,700,000 — — 250,000 — — 1,476,000 — — 981,288 13 9 1,259,922, 44^ 700,000 — •< — Total j^. 8,237,210 18 ij 1 *tfeAifeiil?ifetS*:j&**,000 dragoons. "" Pay of General and Staff Of- ficers 10,000 — • ^ j,50o V Contingencies for the faid forces 10,000 — >,e*6 H T, -i 'J - 1 ft Levy money for dragoons, at V 1 12/, each for man and horfe I5»936 — .. - frag 1 Levy money for horfe, at 20/. 1 each: for man and horfe 56,240 — — ■ i ^ft Levy money for the foot;^ at 3 /. each 42,564 — ,^ i7oi( Carried over £. 3,044,054 10 3 Feb. tioj /. f p if p i i Brought over 3,044,054 ro Feb* 3. Maintenance of guards and , garrifons, including 5,000 men to {fve on board the Fleet, and yr providing for ofHcers upon half-pay r. Ordnance 1 3I OfHcers and attendance Horfes and waggons for ditto Contingencies for ditto Ordinary of the Ordnance Stores and 200 ton of fait pctre 10. 200,000 rix-dollars at 4/. 6d, the rix-dollar, as ptr efli* mate, in full of the treatiei with Denmark 7 5, coo rix-dollars, the fliare of two quarters fubfidy 257,870 rix-dollars, levy mo- ney for the Danifti troops by treaty 87,596 rix-dollars, pay of the Danes to Dec. 20, 1701 17,500 rix-dollars, for d months interell 352,000 — ^ 13,000 9,000 — — 12,000 — — 1,000 — • — 28,273 13 9 7,700 — -^ 45,000 — — 16,875 — - 58,020 »5 — I 19,709 2 -J 3,937 10 ^ Carried over ^.3,610,570 11 — FebJ B»-ou5htover 3,610)570 11 — tb. 10. 6,556 riX-'^oMars, for trans- porting troops and contin- gencies 100,000 rix-dollars, on ac- count of fuccours by the King of Sweden Making good the treaty with Sweden and Holland Circulating exchequer bilb Civil Lift ^475 — ^ 22,500 — "^ 27,000 — — 18,500 — -* 700,000 — — Total £. 4,380,045 1 1 -• ,020 15 — a| , »709 2 -m ,937 10 - p 570 II — M ( S t * " - i. t{ IT* IH t " 3 KT S«»«3f^M3f« K 1702, 1^ of ^een Anne. i It \ I s, ^, Oa. 31. T70RTY-TH0USAND " X^ Seamen for 1703 2,080,000 — - — Ordinary of the Navy 129,314 10 Nov. 7 40,000 Land Forces, viz. and 10. 33>ooo foot, and 7,000 horfe and dragoons . 833,825 19 Maintenance of guards and garrifons, with 5,000 men to ferve on board the Fleet 352,000 — Ordnance 10. Proportion of fubiidies to al- lies 24. Circulating exchequer bills S^M^ 4 17,500 — Total/. 3,535,457 7 i( ii f . ■■■■: \ *^ ': U.- m yS .,„: [ 13 ] i7oa. •zd A nne. A J. //. Nov. 2^. 40,000 ScamcH, including 5,000 marines, for 1704 2,080,000 — — 37. 40,000 men to ad with the ^ , Allies ^ 884,072 2 6 Proporti9^i>727 13 lo Not. 11. 1 Surgeons and 4 mates for hofpital in Portugal • 244 14. Extra cxpence of the War, 1703, purfuant to Portugal Treaty 68,546 19 6 Guards and garrifons . 357,000 16. Ordnance for Land Forces 120,000 Towards charge of tranfport- ing Land Forces 60,000 — — Circulating exchequer bills 4,000 — — 5,000 additional forces to ferve with the Fleet, and aft with the Allies 87,125 10 — Levy money for ditto 11,844 — — 18. 0)^9 yearS intereA at 5 per ; ' V- vjjuj, o„ jr,jjjj debentures 47,020 — — •^5j. ^*.' *r Total/. 4,717,488 3 4 ..^ V -f»^ --> c« I70J. ii • aiti w i |; l> 1705 [ 16 ] 4tb Anne. Nov. 15. 40,000 Seamen with 8,000 marines for 1706 2,080,000 — — • 17. Ordinary of the Navy 1 20,000. -^ — 20. Ordnance, (lores and carriages for 8 new Ihips loll in the great ftorm 18,238 17 4 Wharf and ftorehoufe at Portf- mouth 10,000 — — 22. Guards, garrifons, invalids, and 5,000 for the Fleet 3S7>^^<5 "^ "^ ' 40,000 Land Forces to a^ with the Allies 806,423 t8 6 10,000 additional for tht fame purpofc '7'7»5" 3 ^ 10,210 To aa with Portugal 222,379 5 10 5,000 Men in Catalonia ,0»7*9 '3 4 Subfidics to Allies 414,16613 6 Proportion of fubfidy to Pruf- ..,.,.. fia 48*630 Bounty money to forces in Germany 65,000 Additional charge of troops of ,.. Hanover and Zell .,.. 784 7 6 Charge of general officers, &c. in the expedition to Spain 7,631 16 8 Carried over j^. >|, 504, 295 16 2 >v;iii*. - * ^* O •'■>- ■» '^ ''■C^.j,:^--:., ) T Total ^.5,075,761 16 2 " ■Q\>-^->.,'''^* , f, , - z-'^ ^-r- /-^y-f^i'-\, '.: = .')■ . n .^^{^ ■ _ ■-■ Cj , ''■ r . I7Q6 ■ I .^706. Dc'C. 9. 5/^ Anne. /. Jan. 9. ir 40,000 Seamen, including 8,000 marines, for 17.07 2,080,000 Ordinary of the Navy j|p,ooo Guards, garrifons and inva- , lids, and 5,099 naen wim the Fleet ,, , ., 40,000 Land Forces 10,000 Additional, and pro- ^>ortion of 3,000 Palatines One year's intereft of deben- tures on Irifli. forfeitures Wharf and ftorehcufe at "^ Portfmouth Ordnance for Land Servic* Tranfporting Land Forces Circulating exchequer bills Proportion of Aibfidy to Den- mark Ditto charge of 13,000 men in Portugal Ditto of fubfidy, to Savoy Ditto to Heffe Caffel Ditto to the Eleftor of Treves Ditto to the Eleftor Palatine Proportion of 8,000 men to affift Savoy /. a. 357,000 893,706 8 6 211,762 16 10 49,000 — • — 10,000 — — 120,000 144,000 3,500 37,500. ' 150,000 160,000 5,952 5'952 4,761 7 6 7 6 18 6 50,000 — • Carried over £. 4,403 ,135 18 10 t •. Jan. Hi \.s C»J>] .i.f X. lO 186,296 4 2 ^ /. /. Brought over 4}403»i35 18 [jan. II. 20,562 men to be employed in Spain or Portugal, and for general officers and con- ' tingenc^es 445»350 H 8y033 addition^ ^Ith general officers and contingencies 27. To the Duke of Savoy for the defence of Turin, and iervice of the War in Italy» - in 1706 Share of a loan to the Em- peror for the War in Italy, • 1 706 Forces on the expedition un- der the Earl of Rivers Portugueze troops purfuant ;^ to treaty to Dec. 23, 1706 ray of 3,000 Palatine troops from March 1705-6, to De- cember following Share of the * Agio, bread and forage, for 1 2.000 Pruffians in the Netherlands Additional fubfidies to Heffe Caffel for augmenting the troops and marching into - Italy 20,000 — — ^0,000 — — 47,500 63,661 15 6 3,014 — — 26,6g2 13 2 J 37,012 7 6 Carried over £. 5,282,663 11 4I * Agio, f. f. the price of exchange. «7« i t «;o 3 [■ ^ t •; - /. /. V. • Brought over 5,282,663 u 4i Jatt. 27- Proportloh of the extraordi- ' 5? iirf '' ( te- rnary charge for the augmen- tation troops of Heffe Caf- fel, employed in Italy, from May 2b, to Dec. 23 11,780 18 •• Proportion of Agio, bread and forage for the above 1 2,000 Prufiians, from their '^^^'^^ coming into our fervice, to ■■^-'^^i^ Dec. 23 Lofs of horfes of foreign troops in our pay, in 1 705 Ditto, of Englifh troops, , Ditto, of Englifli troops after j'.J the campaign, from Oft. 31, 1705, to the end of February following *^* v* 't'"'" 7,573 — Lofs of Englifh horfes, from - ^'^ "' " May I, to Dec. 31, in the ' '^^'*^ \ fi Low Countries, 1706 11,298 — — Lofs of horfes of Danifli troops in pay of England ^'i-'^-^'j and Holland, from Jan. 1, '''^^•^*' 1705, to 061. 31, 1706 16,055 12 6 54,067 13 5I 1,146 M-ll! Carried over £. 5,384,^^0 4 loj «-*»/L*M«i «*,• ■»'■ *' Jan. 27 f \. /. V. i»775 — — 80 18 mm 150,000 — — • # Brought over 5»384»340 4 lol 63 II 4|Bn. zy. Loft of the Hanover troops in our pay laft campaign in Flanders PrOfecutlng the fuccefltJs of Charles the Third, for re- covery of the Monarchy of Spain to Auilrin [ar. 13. The equivalent in the 15th article of the union be-« tween England and Scot-* land, for fuch cuftoms and excifes a$ Scotland U to be charged withi and wlU be applicable to th^ debti of England Cityof CarUdCi forTpUstakea away by 6th article of , the union Sir Chriftopher Mufgrave'i , ^ - Sons for Tolls taicen away by 6th article. of die union 5,000 — -^ 55 9 6 .0j: ,-:»?>,a f 67 .3 ♦6- 5l >n:' ■ 7} — . — 398,085 10 — 2^641 8 . U •;rA*n^ ^ 12 6 3 4 lOj feit^s Total ;f. 5,941,841 14 loj *— ZOt^^O" 1707. Jan. a; ".'?<,>. [ " T Ri' U ii. Hi : K is 1707 6//^ Anne. Kov. 18. 40,000 Seamen, including 8,000 marines, fcr 1708 2,080,000 — ^ . Ordinary of the Navy 1 zo,ooo — 22. 40,000 Land Forces to aft^f^^^j j with our allies^^.j^^^^.^:j^ 8^4,272 '3 6 . , 10,000 additional : , 177,? 11 -? 6 - ' Proportion of 3,000 Palatines 34>25i 13 4 J Ditto of 4,639 Saxons , 43*251 12 6 Ditto of Bothmar's regiment ^,v^y^ (800 men) taken into our pay 9)269 16 6 Dec. 20. Forces in Spain and Portugal, ,. |^ and for garr^fon of GibraU , Proportion of fuDudies to - fitrengthmng the Army of Sa-. .^^^^ voy,thealliaacewitliPortu^ '> . jgal, an4 recovery of .Spa- nifh Monarchy io Auftria Guards, garrifons, invalids, "^ — ^^^ 5,000 men with the . Fleet *<._ ij. Duke of Savoy, Subfidy for ^Of ^ profecutingtheWar againft France 500,000 *— : A ■.•• ■ ■*■-■■ ■"" ' • . . ■ 1 • ' * 5"'734 « , > p^»«i _ i*iii, > i 4-v 100,000 — — Carried over jf. 5,551,651 18 10 .'<^i *. :,'-<' Dec. 2j. I\ C^s] A . #. /. Brought over 5»55i»65i i8 lo jc. 23. To compleat the fum to Heffe Caffel for troops in Italy 22,957 2 — • Fortifications and garrifon at Gibraltar I year and quarter's intereft of Ififh debentures I i Wharf and Horehoufe at Portf- mouth Circulating the old exchequer bills Tranfporting Land Forces Ordnance for Land Service To Capt. James Roch, which t >i ' wasnotanfweredtohimout ok of the arrears of rent of the forfeited and other eftatcs i»i| in Ireland, granted to him by aft of Parliament •«»- r 10,000 — — 3,500 — -? 144,000 — — 120,000 — — -f •'■■' 2,120 18 6 ir-i: Total £. 5,926,849 18 6i "*'*■'*■•■■''■*■*'<%( .,«M»,»i>-rs '..-Kr^,.,.,^ ■V*,*.! .* %■ 17CI ''l i r f ' ■i nil '' I, in 901,827 l.'J ^77 >S^^ 3 43,251 12 ( 9,269 16 (i iiJOil [ m 1708. ' pb Anne. Nov. 27. 40,000 Seamen, including 8,000 marines for 1709 2,080,000 — Ordinary of the Navy 120,000 — -* 4,000 Men to aft with tho AlHci ' 10,000 additional 3,000 Palatines 4,639 Saxons Proportion of Bothmar's Re- :•"" ^ giment Dec. 16, Proportion of Troops td adl —- ". in Flanders Feb. 5. Guards, garrifoni, invalids, and 5 ,000 with the Fleet Ordnance for Land Service .. I Year's intereft on Irifli de- bentures <^ ' Circulating old exchequer bills V ■— ^ g. Forces in Spain and Portugal 1,081,083 •— | Tranfporting Land Forces 144,000-—- J2. Subfidics to Allies i 553*345 14 1 Extra charges of the War 301,748 7 1 Apr. 6. Sufferers at Nevis and St. Chriftopher's by the French - invafion ^ *J. 103,205 11 i Coinage charges 11,100--- 220,000 — - 549*235 " 'i 180,000 — 49*310 4 i{ 31,500 ;■? ^h Total £, 6,563,138 10 i^ m^ 11! 1!" Il^ ■>. i'S \^7°.9- A Sib Anne. /. tov.2i. 40,oc^ Seamen, including 8, o©o Marines, for 1 7 10 2,080,000 — — 120,000 — — Ordinary of the Navy 23. 40,000 Men to aft with the Allies 10,000 Additional ■ ^'^^h--^' 3,000 Palatines 4,639 Saxons Bothmar's regiment r* Proportion of augmentation trodps Subfidies to Allies ^^'-*^* 567,845 14 4 Guards, garrifons, &c. 543*775' 18 6} 29. Ordinance for Land Service 130,000 — --• fc. 2. Forces in Spain and Portugal, or dfe where 1,126,035 16 2 16. Extra charge of the War 234,974 lo io§ I Year's intcreft onlrifh De- bentures ' ^^*^^ *'^ 49»357 17 2 Tranfporting Land Forces 144,000 — — Circulating old Exchequer bills 2,000 — "^ it. 10, Fortifying Portfmouth, Chat- ' *'•' • ham and Harwich 41,002 3 9 P-J. *•« *-'^ Total ;(;. 6,425,268 10 2| 901,992 3 6 177,^11 3 6 34»25> '3 4 43,251 12 6 9,269 16 6 220,000 — — '^■ . *■ y» i»^V< D 1700. i :i [ z6 3 1 7 10. 9ih Anne. / U t, d. pec. 5. 40,000 Seamen including 8,000 Marines, for 171 1 2,080,000 — — Ordinary of the Navy 23. 40,000 Men to aft with the Allies Jan. 4. 10,000 Additional 3,000 Palatines , . 4,639 Saxons .,' Bothmar*s regiment ^•. ' Augmentation troops Guards, garrifons, &c. Ordnance for Land Service 8. Intereft on Irifh Debentures, I year, Tranfporting Land Forces \^ - Subfidies to Allies 16. Exchanging non fpecie Ex- chequer bills, from time to time, for ready money, and / 120,000 — — 919,092 3 6 i77»5>» 3 6 34»2S> 13 4 43^251 12 6 9,269 16 6 220,000 — — ^46,108 17 8| ,130,000 49»357 >7 2 144,000 — — '^ 478,956 16 7 y to continue annually until ^ I million of all Exchequer bills be paid off Feb. 15. Service of the War in Spain and Portugal *!*^»ff 45,000 — — 1,500,000 • j;,x- c! i;.t5r..^v; Carried over £. 6,496,800 — 9: * (.^.fl^WtW /•»*♦'**". y .■v..*j» V ■ Marcl »fc- a I'M [27] )00 — • "~ i >oo — ■ — * 1 592 3 )i» 3 6| 851 13 4 Z51 12 6 269 16 6 000 — i 108 17 8i' oco — ~i 357 »7 2 000 — MHMi «e ':*. Brought over 6,496,800 — 9 J far. 10. Payment of Navy debts and fervices on account of Land Forces to Michaelmas, 1710, exclufive of theRe- gifter Office 5»»30»539 5 5 Ordnance debt, to Michael- mas, 1710 154,324 15 8i Debt on tranfport fervice to Michaelmas, 17 10 424,791 5 4^ Pri.icipal and intereil on Ar- my and tranfport Debent- ures ^ 1,018,656 17 9j Principal and intsrcH on ; deficient tallies to Michael- mas, 17 10 Debts between Michaelreas ' a(>d Chrillmas, 1710, in the Navy, Vidlualling, and t Tranfports, and intereft on Army and tranfport De- bentures On account of fubfidies to Elector of Hanover and . Duke of Zell, by Treaty of i6g6 i-'f^,^ ■^^^^..^^ '^■^:,'^ 5^,375 12,025 ' ~* 378,859 5 Si- Carried over, £, 13,625,371 u 8^ D 2 March 2. 1^' r 28 J /. /. / Brought over 131625,371 11 8|j Mar. 20. Extra charges of the War in- cur'd and to be incur*d 2921369 l 4 Sufferers of Nevis and St. Chriftopher, who have fet- tled or iliall refettle there 103,003 II 4 May 8. Building 50 new churches in and about London and Wellminfter, and finifliing WcIlminfter'Abbey 350,000 — — Total ^. i4»37o»744 S 4l I!", u W iiii! ^:>f,.»^. ^'r: i,. ,f'fijp l^V}-\ )p./ii'r. ■ ''--rT n- •h ■•■'.'■ .,-H ? AV H ir;t[*l tf3 ffcn' - a f r^r V * I7II [^9 1 lotb Anne. i8o,oco — 2,700 5 1,915 II 3^ 6 i J. d I Dec. 13. 40,000 Seamen, including • 8,000 Marines, for 1712 2,080,000 — — Ordinary of the Navy 14. Recoining money of Scotland Deficiency, by the coinage, » of plate [Jan. 19. Quarterly payments by the Treafurer of the Navy to the South - Sea - Company, which are to compleat the fum of 576,279/. 10 J. of which 568,279/. 10/, for the Fund of the Company, and 8,000 for the charge of managing their afFuirs ^eb. 23. 40,000 Men to aft with the Allies 10,000 Additional 38. 15,178 Additional in the Low Countries, on condition the Dutch add the proportion of 3 fifths to 2 fifths l^Mar. 4. Forces in Spain for one quar- ter of a year, from ChriiU mas, 1711, to Lady-day, 1712 225>385 7 81 535»332 » '^* Carried over _^, 4,350,062 4 o|- t D 3 - March 886,223 18 6 f!i '77^5" 3 ' ii ■' ■ ' 1 260,993 16 / 1 r !"■ kf: [ 30] !| '■■ » •? 1 /. J. d,m Brought over 4,350,062 4 "^'1 Mar. 4 Forces in Spain for three quarters to Chriflmas 17 12 .150,000 — ■»■• .'(Mj »3- The War in Portugal 196,452 H 10 • Ordnance for Land Service 111,983 10 4 ; Carrying on and finiihing for- tification of Edinghurgh ■ Caftle 3,500 — -^ Ditto of Fort William I,f20 — — -1 ' Ditto of Dunbarton Caftle ;i08 6 9 1 JS To compleat the Englifli , chjrch at Rotterdam 9,500 — — m Thv"; troops in Great Britain 468,830 >5 10 11 General Officers 14,410 18 7l 1 - Contingencies 7,500 — — A 1712. Garrifons , 23,400 •— April 1, Subfidies to Allies 328,956 16 7 1 Tranfporting Land Forces • 80,000 — — ^1 Deficiencies of Grants, for • 1711 5^9»-39 17 4 -J ;■'::/■ '5- Forage for dragoons quarter- ■ «^. ' ed in North Britain, from f - Dec. 17 ic, to Dec. 171 1 4,980 »5 6 Officers in New England, and ^ • 1 ' ■ , , taking Port Royal 23*637 13 ^1 i I'll I ir :''l!l^ rllhl ;? -■'!>■■ Carried ever /. 6,456,983 13 ^ \ April J, I »>473 9 9i 131 ] Brought over 6,456,983 13 will 5. 100 Days forage in Spring, and the fame in Winter, 171 1» for Carr*s regiment of dra- goons from North Britain to Flanders Extra forage to the troops inWinter quarters in Flan- ders, and dry forage to take the Held m the Spring Battalion of Ottinghen, ta- ken into pay, 0^ account of the neutrality The moiety of 2 regiments in Flanders^ formed out of French deferters Elector of Palatine fending his troops into the Low Country, one moiety Proportion of forage or bread for four Palatine battalions 3 Commiffioners to infped account of the War in Spain Portugal and Italy, to Dec. 1 7 1 1 , and contingencies of , their office 2,425 50,000 — —^ 4,285 15 — 2*133 17 6 7,142 17 a 986 I — % \ Carried over ^. 6,525,430 13 6| April ■I!! ar>:, . ;! t^ I 32 ] Brought over 6,525,430 13 6: /•,■ April 15. Chelfea Hofpital Commiffioners to infpeft ac- - counts of the War in Spain and Portugal, for 17 12 Officers in New England, for 1712 Recruits, for 17 12, andCom- mifTioners Clerks Carr*s dragoons, and i bat- talion of Foot Guards in ' the Low Countries, for fo- rage, waggon and bread money Additional of Stair's and Rofs's dragoons ^ Officers en fecond in Britain, Spain and Flanders Half pay to reduced Officers on the eftablilhment of Spain and Portugal General and Staff Officers in Portugal, from Chriftmas to Lady-d"-/, 1712, and for contingencies, hofpi- tals, forage, &c. *i^-H«i ^ . 60,000 — -* 6,205 — ^ 5,663 II i i3»5oo i,9H 5 - 7,555 10 -.^ 8,700 — — 34,000 8,417 I Total ^.6,671,386 I ittj V SWH\ 171^ [33] iitb Anne* A )r. 18. Quarterly payments to the South-Sea-Company 540,321 21. 30,000 Seamen for the firft 6 months, 1 7 1 3 7 20,000 |ay 9. Land Forces for 6 months and for reducing their number 636,888 14. 10,000 Seamen for the lad 7 months of 1713 280,000 Ordinary of the Navy 200,000 27 • Half pay to Sea Officers out of employment in time of peace [ne 3. 8,QOo Men for guards and garrifons for the laft 6 months and contingencies 183,281 7 XJommiMoners and charges in flating the publick ac* counts Forces in Minorca Ditto at Gibraltar Ditto at Dunkirk 5 months, from 24th of June Part of charge of Saxegotha's troops to their difmii&on I j . T'rain in Flanders, from April 1 to June 23 12 -f 14 10 17,000 — -• I 6 10,500 29,093 18,731 38,967 9,300 3*428 9 4 4 "~ 16 — 12 6 16 — m Carried over £, 2,687,513 6 2f June ^-ir. 1 f 34] /. /. d, f^ , Brought over 2 ,687,513 6 I 'f June 15. OrvUnary of the Ordnance- j i Office ^8,273 »3 9 1 : 200 Ton of faltpeter for fop- IP j ply of ftores 9,000 . 1 |i' Engineer and Store-keeper at Jamaica, from April to 1 ■ • • -3 I'l'-i , Sept. 228 5 - j \\':\ Engineer at New-York 182 10 -^i 1 |P|i Officers of train in Spain, 1 |H from April to Sept. 1 lliW^i ' * * 5,220 I ^ 1 nr^nance-Office at Port^Ma- ■ 1 1': .-ion, I year . ' 4»S44 5 - |j|| ■ •• Ditto at Gibraltar 3»63i »S -- p ■ Ditto at Anapolis Royal 2,162 12 6 1 M| Stores fent to Placentia 5.473 10 J» 1 Engineer, Store-keepers, and |l!||!{ Gunners at ditto, i year' 1,076 15 — Artillery officers in North- lli :;i Britain • < 1,475 18 9 1 ^ |j Deficiency of the clais lottery. ; IPi ^7" 62,000 — — if 25. Half pay to Land Officer* to '• El Bit V^i'li J 99,028 6 II II jKi! Chelfea Hofpital to Dec. 24 61,464 5 7 i ^- sj Forces in theplantations from I 1 June to Dec. 24 ' ■'*' ' Carried over ^. 2i»34S '3 4 2,992,620 19 5t June 27, , v; 4,8/9 6 2»073 — — 2,l6l 2,269 6 7 9 — E 35 ] Broughtover 2,992,620 19 5I 2 7 • To difcharge debts and arrears due in 17 10, and pa/able out ofthe Civil Lift Revenue 500,000 — « — ly I. Halfpay to the marine officers Forage money to dragoons in North- Britain Officers of 7 comp. invalids to their dilbontinuance Men dilbanded in North-Bri- tain Carrifon of Anapolis RoyaI> from Aug. to Dec. Lofs of 91 horfcs of Palmes regiment, 171 1, Lofs of cloathing of Jones's regiment going to Portugal Subfiftencc of Elliott's and Riche's regiments in Gib- raltar, taken by the enemy Commiffioners to examine the affairs of the Army in Spain and Portugal Officers of the garrifon of Dunkirk, from June to Dec. 1712 Officers of Gibraltar andPort- Mahon | of the year 1712 Covering the fortifications be- gun in North-Britain 2,180 6 — 1,940 900 — — . 1, 16 — *'749 13 — 2,136 — — 2,698 14 5 2,000 — . — 't Total ;^. 3,520,072 10 5f 1713. 'Til! ;l^i ri ;^i * lii [36] V t?!!* ^^^^ Anne. ^*^- *^' 10,000 Seamen for 1714. J 7 14! Apr. 3. Ordinary of the Navy 7. South- Sear Company 10. 8,25? Land Forces for Bri* tain, Gaernfcy and Jerfey, and two independent com- panies in North Britain Forces and garrifon at Mi- norca Ditto at Gibraltar Ditto in the Plantations, viz. 4 compnaies at New York. . 4 at Anapolis Royal, 4 ^ Placentia and Bermudas Deficiency in Clafs Lottery, 1711, for 1712 Ditto in Clafs Lottery, 17 12, for 17 13 Ditto of yearly fund 9th of William in. to Eaft India Company 24. Ordnance for Land Service Deficiency of principal and intereft in the | fubfidy 520,000 — -.^1 24S»7<».— 3 498,085 10 —. 386,427 17 io| 54*^45 » 31 34,856 14 9| 20,170 I ^7*35^ 15 67,546 4 6 7 3il 42,576 6 4 55,281 16 — 88,741 13 10 Carried over £. 2,081,390 i 8 June I 37 ] /. d. DOO — -. 700 ,— 3 38s 10 /. S, d. *• Brought over f ,08 f, 390 I % May 25. Forces in Flanders and Dun- kirk, to Michaelmas, 17 14 107,831 9 2 . Handafide's regiment, at Ja- - '■ maica, and Alexander's in the Leeward iflands, to Chriftmas, 17 14 19,308 10 i.— Half pay to fpecial Warrant Officers 5,862 16 2 ■ ; r Ditto to Land Officers and ■'ii Marines 123,293 >9 2 , Arrears to Land Officers and Marines 57»877 II 6 K: 3» Debts to Seamen, Yards and #!l Marines 300,000 ... -» •■' ''"1 Jufles- Half pay to Artillery Officers in Flanders and Spain 2, 1 88 9 ■ »• Corni fent to Barcelona 300,000 ._ ^i1' I'o the chaplains of the Fleet iin 'I'i laftWar. 3,000 k m^ ■■ ■ ' I ■ Intereft on Nevis and St. ■ \ • Kitts Debentures for three 1;;:^ M years 18,540 12 9 u Chelfea Hofpital and extra , . -4. forage for dragoons in 1 North Britain, from Dec. • \ ' 17 13 to Dec. 17 14 42,785 H 4 Total j[. 3,062,079 3 II ! ••' , ..♦.r.,^«««,^^. ,, .. f.^^i^ £ 1715, ■•s:.f ^ h\ l^< m\ m |!ffln [ 38 ] ^7^5' ^fi of Kiftg George I. April 2. npEN-THOUSAND V. /. 0v 34,742 14 2 57,029 14 7 37,192 14 gl 73*077 9 3 200,761 — — . 166,502 5 7| 5*579 >S 3l 85,000 — ' 26,894 8 4 >3»S5» 9 5 24,188 3 10 4»i3» 3 9 lllli' Carried over £. 2,435,393 6 2^ April C 43 ] A /. J. Brought over 2,435,393 6 «; [pr. 3. Extra forage, &c. of the forces in the march from Sterling > to the Highlands in purfuit of the Rebels To replace the appropriated Revenues of North Bri- tain to the Duke of Argyle 3 Independent companies in North Britain Reinforcement to the caille of Edingburgh Subiiflance of rebel priib- ners taken at Preilcn Contingencies of ditto City of Glafcow fubiiftance of 353 rebel prifoners 13. To the King to concert fuch meafures with foreign pow- ers as may prevent the de- fign of Sweden for the fu- ture [ay 16. Principal and intereft remain- ing on low wine a£l, which expired June 24, 17 14 10,000 — -• 10,000 — — 1,175 12 6 1,206 16 — > 3,775 9 >o 1,500 — -^ 736 8 5 250,000 — — 61,707 3 2 Carried over {^, 2,775,494 16 i May ■A.: Ill ' ' I. 1 ij 1 \ 314,219 II 2|| [44] /. J. J. Brought over 2,775,494 16 iJ May 1 6. Principal and intereft remain- ing on candle duty aft, which expired 1 May, 1715 r * Deficiency of fupplies of which 34,239/. 9/. i;- - *...-tl ..,.*,., . — ,^ ■ ■ ( " . 1 •{5,:.v, 1 , ■ / _s ■\;Vtf t,.. '>.»?;■;> ut^'-'-vV,'; i7>? - [ 45 ] % /. /. ^. 1717. j^th George I. r\ M J ,494 16 li I /. /. % T )ec. 3. 10,000 Seamen, for 17 18 Ordinary of the Navy 520,000 — -*- 224,857 14 11 4,219 II 2| and 9. 16,347 Land Forces Forces in the Plantations, &c. 650,000 — — 35,766 5 — i'^ . .. Minorca , Gibraltar 57»6i3 H 7 39,382 14 9J ■' . <\ Provifions for Gibraltar I3r55' 9 5 7,014 16 n •A, , Ditto for Placentia and Ana- . ^ polis 1,558 17 I -'^ -:■' V \ ' Bahama and Providence 2,858 13 10 ia- • , • *i Half-pa)' for Land Force- and . " ; , - i • Marines i30»36i 5 S 2,t)42 12 "■■" i . . Ordnanc.^ for Land Service South-Sea-Company 73,327 12 II . 29,645 8 9i 4,000 — -' ' Deficiency of grants Half-pay OiTicers 581,196 8 — 94,000 — — _ j^ 4,195 18 2 an. 31. Chelfea Hofpital, befides the 7*767 13 6^ poundage and days-pay J' 5, 000 — — Vj Extra repairs of the Navy Total £.: 165,317 2,644,437 4 8i ;- ■ii^* "^ ' •■-'te^ 17^7 1718. ! 'U: ■it ;i: ::i 1718. £th George I. Nov. 20. 15,500 oeamen, tV 1719 Ordinary o£ the Navy 22. Deficiency of grants laft year Ditto of general fund Extra repairs of the Navy 12,435 Land Forces Forces in the Plantations, Minorca and Gibraltar, and proviiions for Anapolis and Placentia DeCt 5. Redeeming the annuity ' ;^ 76,830/. 15/. payable to ■ ^^ the Bank ■ • 23. Ordnance for Land Service Jan. 20. Half-pay Officers Chtlfea Hofpital Half-pay Sea Officers /. s, /. 702,000 187,638 17 61 502,719 10 lof 102,092 13 — j 88,494 526,964 II 8 .■'T.•^.'■ 500.000 — — 71,527 12 II 110,000 25,000 25,000 — — (<»■ M»tl«^1 -t. Total /. 2,989,109 II 10^ mm*^iftJ»<^ ="">-Ml4nHr •« a» dQp jUb ffp qTS qup ax I f i 1719. ;'!"•:! 1719- t 47 3 6ih George I. )ec. 3, 13,500 Seamen, for 1720 Ordinary of the Navy Extra repairs of the Navy 14,469 Land Forces Forces in the Plantations, Mi- norca, and Gibraltar, and proviiibns for Anapolis and Placcntia - Half-pay Officers Ordnance for Land Service 1 5 . Deficiency on Malt Tax laH year Ditto on Hop Duty, for 171 j Ditto on finking fund, 17 19 Extra charge of tranfport fer- vice not provided for Chelfea Ilofpital Extra ex'iences of Land Forces m. 16. Ditto of the Navy /, -A 702,000 — — • 217,918 10 8 79,723 563,508 15 — 148,035 9 6| 99,000 81,720 s — I 120,000 — — 8,590 16 8f 88,849 3 i| 20,530 18 10 16,331 10 —. 99,768 2 1} 377 i 6 9f Total £, 2,623,537 14 9/^ 1 ■ , u>v gf Jk 1720. il ' ll;, , ill Pi il'H' :'!i' ^.ull 1720. [4«] ph George I. /. /. //, 520,000 — —.I 219,049 14 ■— 50,200 i 567,070 3 4 '<1 Dec. 10. 10,000 Seamen, for 1721 Ordinary of the Navy Extra repairs of the Navy 14,294 Land Forces Forces in the PlantJitions, Mi- norca, and Gibraltar, and provifions for Anapolis,Pla- centia and Gibraltar I50»743 '3 Half-pay Officers 94,500 < 22. Chelfea Hofpital 15*278 8 9 Extra expences of Land Forces not provided for 4,581 19 3 Deficiency ofMaltTax in 1 7 19 153,805 14 2 Ditto of general fund, for 1720 82,793 19 10 Ordnance for Land Service 67,878 3 9 Extra expence of ditto, 1720 25,290 10 2 June 22. To the King to make good engagements with Sweden Damage for burning. the Brif- tol and 'f urky merchant- men, to prevent infcftion July 14. To difcharge the debts of the Civil Lift 20. Deficiency due t-^ the Eaft-In- dia-Company jtMich.1719 191,028 16 6: 72,000 — - - 23>935 1 500,000 1 Total >C. 2,738,156 3 2 1 >, y\ ■■ - * I7J i ' ■ 1721^ [49 1 Sib George I. fov. r. 7,000 Seamen for 1722 Difcharging the Navy Debt, Michaelmas 1721 14,294 Land Forces Forces in Plantations, &c. Half-pay Officers Chelfea Hofpital Extra expences ofLand Forces, Sec. not provided for 3. Ordinary of the Navy Difcharging debts for Tranf- port Service, to Michaelmas '' 1721 Deficiency on Malt, 1720 Ordnance for Land Service Salt-pctre, and rebuildingGun Wharfs at Chatham and Plymouth Extra expences of Ordnance, 1721 Ian. 13. Deficiency of general (fink- ing) Fund - ' - 23. Nevis and St. Kitt's deben- tures ;^ /. s. d. 364,000 1,000,000 568,932 13 4 150,743 13 4f 89,000 — — 15,000 20,795 6 2 218,799 4 7 25,094 19 9j 125,000 73,709 6 I if 14,000 — • — 5,407 5 — 111.53- 13 9y 141,093 15 i^ ill Total ;f. 2,923,108 18 —I! 1722. Pit 1 '.'■•■■■ i 1 1722. I 50 5 . ^th George 1. n, 1 /. J. d. i 0^, 25. 10,000 Seamen, for 1723 520,00c — — . 1: ^y- 18,000 Land Forces 6S3'93« »3 4 1 31' Forces in Plantations, Sec, »S'^»743 13 4l Hi ;. ^ Ordinary of Navy 216,388 14 ^ Ordnance for Land Service 74,048 16 3 'i ^ 11 (' ' Extra expences of Ordnance, 1722 5»95J H H 1 • ' Nov. 3. Extra expences not provided 1 im ' for 43»3H 4 — 1 Chelfea Hofpital 12,000 — — V ' Teficiency of Grants laft year 65,422 15 9.^ jir M. Half-pay Officers 82,000 — — !|" : Deficiency of General Fund 54*25 a 4 6} li 1 Dec. II. To Payment of the Debts of T : ... . the late Lord Wythering- ( : '. >?'•' ■' :"■'''' ton out of the forfeited i ■"■'"■■■■ Eftates 12,000 — -. The Mint and Coinage, for : - 7 years />er ann. 15,000 — •-• Total £. i,935»«54 "^ ^i '■; ••1, ■■^■i. ;;:!! 1723, 1 [Sr I - 1 ^T^Z^ io/i& George I. J*. i. ( /. s. d. oc — ■ — Ijan. 21. 10,000 Seamen, for 1724 520,000 — ■ — 3« »3 4 1 23- 18,264 Land forces 655,668 8 7 43 >3 4l 1 Plantations, &c. 151,161 — 4 88 14 ^ 1 Chelfea Hofpital 12,000 — f >48 16 3 1 ^^* Ordnance for Land Service Bxtra expences of Ordnance Tl,-]!^ 16 3 >5J H 6| 1 laft year 6,270 10 9 1 Deficiency of Grants 57»33» i« 8i JH 4 — 1 Deficiency of General Fund, 300 — — 1 1723 62,634 9 9J 4.22 15 9.^ Ifeb. Ordinary of the Navy 2141622 15 10 DOO — — I ^' Half-pay Officers 79,000 — ■— 25a 4 6} 1 Extra expences and fervices incurred and not provided 5 ■ - V, ^ ■ 1 for iS»469 13 5 r * ' ' ■ ^^V Faymcnt of the Debts of the T )0O — "" 1 '' Hon. Catherine Colling- wood, widow, out of the >oo — — M^H forfeited eftates • ■ 6,000 — 554 >6 61 N , — — 1 '■' ^ : Total £. 1,863,888 6 8i ^rn: F z 17^4- i [ 52 3 li i'- 1724. 11//^ George I. /. J. 637 16 5i i, Chelfea Hofpital 12,000 1,1 1 VI ; Extra expences not provided I • for 16,841 8 6| '1: Dec. 3. Ordnance for Land Service 73*729 16 3 # Extra expences of ditto 6,350 *S 7 il Ordinary of the Navy 214,295 14 9 1'' Half-pay Officers 77,000 — — |.{ Jan. 23. Deficiency of General Fund 57»9S3 5 9i 1 ; Mar. 5. Ditto of laft year's Grants 37»93i 9 »oi ''' • ill' ■ , .., . Total £. 1,823,229 4 >U i rr .'It .,•■ ,, ■■-•::' :^^' ■■ / _ - V • •*' ^ • ,.,-..• - ;!i,:,, -«. sr ^'- • ^ .- - - ■ . ■ * , '' ■/■■,.- -' . s k' . ...2- - •^^^ ■■ '■ ' '■■ . ". " "' ,'_ ■ " » '^ll i 1 ' ■'-* - ".'- :':i| jl j ., ,r.. ..„..■,.,-,,-.*««.■-'.- '•■« 3il3[ 1 ': ':' '■ ■ ■ ^•s ■ f '\M piii ■ ^^ •■ -J • 1 •II ■ il i" * ■ ■ ' ■ ■ |i (i i 1 . ■ t \ . I7«S« v. |i'i 'i! -■. ,:-:-?^v' - .1 ( 'S|'' ■ ' .• t ■|!: ^ ' ' t ■ ' "» 1 . ! 'i ■ ■ 1! ■■ ' » * -. * " 'W\ 17^5- [53l iitb George I. Jan. 27. 10,000 Seamen for 1726 N 29* 18,226 Land Forces, includ- ing 6 Independent Com- panies, for the Highlands, 324 men Plantations, &c. Chelfea Hofpital Extra expences not provided for Half-pay Officers Feb, 7. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto 10. Cancelling Exchequer bills 23. Ordinary of the Navy Deficiency oflafl year's Grants 26. Dittoof the taxonPapifts,i722 Apr. 16. Ditto on General Fund Daniel Campbell, Efq; Mem- ber of Parliament, for da- mage fuftained by him in tb** late riot at Glafcovv, on ac- count of the concern the faid Mr. Campbell had, or 1 wasfuppofcdtohavehad,in promoting the ad for laying a duty on malt, for 1725 'May 10. Building and repairing bar- racks and fortihc.tions in Scotland 520,000 — — 655,178 — 2 152,637 16 5 14,930 15 5 5,287 15 8 73,000 74,564 16 3 4,847 18 — 990,000 — •— 212,181 5 S 158,389 2 44,621 2 60,235 8 8 4 8. ■J- lrtfW!-Vtlft/c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ° '9 S 1 J727. 1/ of King George II. /• J. /• — M Feb. 8. T7IFTEEN -THOUSAND X/ Seamen for 17 28 « 7 8 780,000 -^ — . Ordinary of the Navy 205,561 14 9 3 — w 10. 22,955 Land Forces, includ- 7 2 6 ing as before 786,974 2 9 J3- Forces in Plantations, &c. 158,009 10 II Chelfea Hofpital 10,847 15 — **,..*' Extra expences not provided » — — ^°' 50,428 16 loi — — Half-pay Officers ' >* 58,000 — — 17 51 15- 12,000 Heffians 230,923 II 8 7 9.^ 20. Subfidy to Sweden i year 50,000 — — Ditto to Wolfenbutt!e Ordnance for Land Service 25,000 — 117,^12 14 — 0m si 7 Extra ftores to Gibraltar and Port-Mahon, and additio- ..,;., ..- ,^,-..^ nal arms to Forces 80,261 9 3 s Deficiency of Grants Carried over £, : 279,360 I i| 5,832,809 16 H 1 ^ J727. Feb.. ."■I [ 5«] Brought over Feb. 22. Sums due on Regiller for loan in Exchequer, 5 th George I. Part of 360,000/. granted by faid aft, and not raifed by Loan To redeem the South - Sea- Annuity, of 17,324/. 4/. To cancel Exchequer bills Apr. 29. To difcharge the Navy debt due for Seamens wages Deficiency of General Fund By an Adt for redeeming a Bank annuity of 7 1,001/. 2S, 3|^. By ditto in compliance with a mcfTage from his Majefty 2,832,809 s, d, 16 %\\ 90,000 — --• 103,140 — — 434,605 — — 338,800 500,000 — • — 33»6u 5 4f| 1,000,000 60,000 'f c ■ •'.^ -i-, j, ?-■, 'v.'^*; ; / \''/ Total £* 5,392,966 «-| I:.- rV % A^l ■ 1 i .n-;,, ir I' .V.-J f -.. .^ Vlri';^.-!^iVl V- 1728. i57l 1728. 2d. George II. ^5 ■■" — • 00 — — DO -^ _ II S 4l Jan. 31. i5»ooc Seamen for 1729 Ordinary of the Navy [Feb. 3. 22,955 Land Forces Planritions, &c. Chelfea Hofpital Expences not provided for Half-pay Officers ■ Ordnance for Land S ^rvice Extra expences of ditto 10. 12,000 Heflians Subiidies to Sweden Ditto to Wolfenbuttle 13. Cancelling Exchequer bills kpr.z4. Upon account of arrears of Civil Lift Revenues Deficiency of Grants Ditto of General Fund '-- Greenwich Hofpital To Lord Will. Powlet, Teller ' of the Exchequer, to re- place fo much ftolen out *'^* t of his office 780,000 206,025 10 784.983 »2 160,357 I 12,800 — 57,000 — 81,728 I 8,521 2 241,259 I 50,000 — 25,000 — 500,000 — 115,000 — 103,189 II 63,902 15 10,000 — 5 Sk 1\ Ik 7{ 2i 3. \ sli 'V St I ^A9^ 14 ^ Tolal jf. 3,224,697 14 8i tev I72J. [ 5« J ■J!'; 1.1 i 1 1 172^. ^d George II, ■ f( ■ ' v , - " \ . , r. jt: d. Jan. 26. 10,000 Seamen for 1730 5.20,000 — ■~. ■ 'V Ordinary of the Navy 213,168 16 c J ^: 29. 1 7,709 Land Forces - . • i 651,484 17 ^\ Plantations, &€► .; 160,235 8 H Feb. 5. I ZjOoo Heffians^ I'. , 241,259 I 3 Subfidy to Wolfenbuttle v • 25,000 — a3' Chelfea Hofpital < / ^ 23,452 16 3 1 Extra expences not provide4 ' ' " V ♦ for ' t.-:ji., ,•;.*., ' 28,780 12 5I , Half-pay Officers .' . >> 1 64,000 -— civaift .. . ■ Greenwich Hofpital . "> i: e? . 10,000 — M. Deficiency of Grants V » 1 5,446 — 3 *-i- ■ .-• ■ -. Ditto of Genei^ Fund 63,344 ^6 5i Ordnance for Land Serviiee 77^^27 JJf 3 .• , .- Extra expence of ditto 17,272 18 1 ■!■ Apr. 9- Extra repairs ©f the Navy 120,618 -^ .--• Purchafing the Wardenlhip of '■) .* * - the Fleet Prifon 2,J00 — . .— " f African Forts and Settlements 10,000 — * — • Widows of half-pay Officers, : ' "■' as ferved and were married '»" ''' ' -W' before Chriftmas, 1716 To pay off South - Sea - An- 1,500 — — nuities 1,000,000 — mmm Total ^. 3,345,190 17 6f 173c. B i6 «7 8 d. c x\\ I i6 12 173a C 59 ] Afth George 11. li /. 1, d, 1. 10,000 Seamen for 1731 5x0,000 — --• 2. 17,709 Land Forces 651,48417 i\ 4. 12,000 Heflians ^ 241,259 1 3 9. Ordinary of the Navy ?. 212,034 4 4 .y Ordnance for Land Service .81,408 8 4 Extra expence of ditto S»5<5 * ^ IJ. Subiidy to Wolfenbuttle ,25,000 — — ' ,. Forces in Plantations, &c. .169,835 8 Expencea not provided for '• 30,926 5 11 ,^^ Deficiency of General Fund 39»353 4 " Half-pay Officers \. 61,158 15 10 ar. 15. Deficiency .of lafl; year's Grants - •• > . 134,312 14 6 Cancelling E»;hequer bills 510,400 — — Greenwich Hofpital 10,000 — — Half-pay Officers widows, as before * 2,662 — — Chelfea Hofpital ^ ' 32»4^3 2 6 African Company 10,000 — — The Mint /^r. ann. for 7 years 15,000 — — Total /.2,752,833 5 4 I 1731 ft'*-; m " [60] - ^73^ ^th George 11. /. s. d. Jan. 24 8,coo Seamen for 1732 416,000 — -^ 25 . Ordinary of the Navy 212,885 7 s Greenwich Hofpital 10,000 — — Ordnance for Land Service 82,715 I 6 Extra expence of ditto 3»376 15 9 17,709 Land Forces 653,216 10 I Feb. I. Plantations, &c. 160,214 4 II 1 i Chelfea Hofpital 25*348 2 — t * * Extra expences not provided - for 11,258 10 H . Mar, 20. Sir Thomas Loome for his in- ••! vention of a filk mill 14,000 — . — . > ■■ African Company 10,000 — — Apr. 4- To make good the difference of the fubfidy to Denmark 22,694 7 6 Deficiency of General Fund 4i»346- I i| ■ •> Half-pay Officers 58,688 2 — / J ' Repairs of the Navy 60,000 — — ' f -, Half-pay Officers widows, as ' ... . - before 2,962 — — £. South - Sea - Company in part ■ , ' t-\. of their Capital i ,000,000 ■ MHM « Total £. 2,784,705 3 — ;^ I "I \ .^ 'J 1732- w "It [61 1 1732- A 6fh George II. 12. Vfay 7- 10. 164,835 8 7,256 8 25,128 15 10,060 — /. s. Ijan. 29. 8,oco Seamen for 1733 416,000 — ^eb. I . Ordinary of the Navy 211,495 19 Ordnance for Land Service 77.806 11 Extra expencc of ditto '-^^ ^® '''' 1,374 6 17,709 Land Forcey '*-^^^'*"^' 651,484 17 Plantations, &c. -' • '•'" Several extra expences not provided for Chelfea Hofpital Greenwich Hofpital South-Sea-Company '^ *^*^* 1, 000,000 Princefs Royal's portion Oh marriage with the Prince of Orange Deficiency of Grants Ditto of General Fund Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before ' i Repairs of the Navy Trallees of William Strode for lands bought at Lamb- . hay near Plymouth African Forts and Settlements Repairing Weftminller Abbey Finiftiing the Dprmitoiy of ditto '^•""^ To Georgia, to cftablilh the Colony. 8 3 2 5 •17. 80,000 — — i2i>395 3 4 43,274 19 9 5S»7i7 5 — 3,170 104,003 — — 6,784 10,000 — ^ — 4,000 — — 1,200 — -* 10,000 — >l\t Total ;C- 3»oo4»926 13 >> .. > in ''i ■: iV » 1 1 U W- ■; ^ \ ' 1733^ i m^ I i ■i i [62 1 1733. pb George IL Jan. 29. 20,000 Seamen, for 1734 1,040,000 — — . Feb. 7. 17,704 Land Forces 647,429 11.3^ Plantations, &c. 203,996 17 3I 18. Ordinary of the Navy Ig^^s 202,670 5 9 Greenwich Hofpital .^r^ f .v 10,000—-—- Several extra expences not provided fbr Chelfea Hofpital Half-pay Officers ' Ditto Widows as before Ordnance for Land Service , Extra expence of ditto Deficiency of grants laft year 5 . Difcharging the Navy debt Mar. 48,126 4 >— II 35,057 5 10 52,690 15 10 3,586 J85,i99 10 1,614 7 287.J43 5 1,200,000 — 3 6 Repairing Weftminfter Abbey 4,00x5 Deficiency of General Fund 48,516 14 6J African Forts and Settle- ments r..- 10,000 — — tL[ Total £. 3,870,230 17 4i ►.-*., ^^ o:0t|. y v^t^i'i- - «''W .;"HI .If '.Df MM viU-Mvic^,? A ki.:T 1734 v-> I-.- ? mi 1734- [ 63 ] M George II. 24. ai- |Feb. 10. ^0,000 Seamen, for 1735 17. 25,744 Land Force* Plantations, &c. Several extra expences Chelfea Hofpital . [Marr 3. Subfidy to Denmark 18. To complete 81,568/. 5/. 11^. for augmenting forcct and concerting meafures Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before Oj'dnnnc for Land Service •• Extra cxpencc of ditto Deficiency of grants la ft year Ditto of General Fund ^ Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital African Forts and Settle- Colony of Georgia C Repairs of Weflminfter Abbey Ditto St. Margaret*s church ■r, o-'l"^ /» S^ 1,560,000 — - 794.529 4 215,710 6 10,273 I 18,850 9 56,250 — >o,3^3 5 49>234 «3 r^^r-^o 3 24,693 1 36;405 15 37»S57 13 198,914 9 1O4O00 — 10,000 — 26,000 — 4,000 — 3,500 — 4f. Ik 5^ 7i 2 I I 4 9 6 41 7 \^ r»i i I ••-'< ^^ Total ;^. 3,150,452 4 7^: I A" .;i;ci"il/W"^u rp> - t:*i;r»iO :■..{! .-:» ii ;•■••%-*'( ' \ -^''^ : .1 ••''I G 2 »735' if- i; [ 64 ] ^735' ' 9/^ George IL> ■' )' , Jan. 27. 15,006 Seamen, for 1736 780,000 — — . 29. 17,704 Lund For CCS 'iai4,hn%. 649,170 a — *| 216,228 16 It 7,144 i n\ 79*7^^ 3 91 4,590 13 8 »i 7,269 4 10 10,000 <— -».| ir ^ Plantations, &c. . V, Several extra cxpences . ;mi,; Feb. 5. Ordnance for Land Servlct • „^ Extra expence of ditto 12. Ordii. ^of the Navy yy:U^ Greenwich Hofpltul^if |,tj« i' 5 '- * CheWea Hoipital m ^p-br-i-^nKiy] 24,5 1 8 10 -i Feb. 26. SuUftdy to Denmark 1 -rar. 56,250 — • — >..*. Officers 46,780 i3 — , Ditto Widows as before 3,828 — — Deficiency of Grants lafl year 21,096 9 ^ Mar. 29. Deiicicicy of General Fund 22,944 '4 "*| %, To make good the finking t^<;;^^<^ Fiind for thelnterefton the isx^M^^ - . * V , million, lenton Salt-Duties, forfupply,of 1734 -JA. -^;w African Forts and Settlements ■^:^ \.^ Georgia Colony .^. r jHumphry BelJ, for demand \«^. ^„,, cr ^^ °^^ °^ ^® Matters in '^ " ' "^ Wh..^-*. Chancery 11,485 4 j| Repairs of the Navy 30,167 •— - May 5. To difcharge South Sea An- nuities ■__r"jr-. .♦»f.*4'r.-^*^; a4,570 2 71 10, coo •— • ->■.! 10,000 — ' M V 1,000,000 — —I Total ^.3,225,903 15 91 :?lSf V- t'J ^7 A ,T -"1 .0, k [65] 1736. 1 0/^ George IL. Feb. 10. 10,000 Seamtn, for 1737 Ordinary of the Navy 21. 17*704 Land Forces Plantations, &c. Mar. 2. Ordnance for Land Service * ^ jj Extra expences of ditto "» v J ' J5 , . Deficiency of Gran tslaft year J . To finking Fund, for defici* , ency of additional Stamp- Duty, 1731 I Year's fubfidy to Detimark 7» Chelfea Hofpital . , . Greenwich Hofpital ' Several extra expences, in 1735, and 1736 V 14. Paying off Old South-Sea An- nuities ^17, Georgia ..■^ c African Forts and Settlements ^ Weftminfter Abbey ,_ ^ Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before f, ,/ Repairs of the Navy •T -' ** •■ •*»•* ,1 -y .- : '^- S. J. 520,000 -i 219,201 6 5 647»549 " 3l 215,710 6 5l 79,723 6 3 604 19 2 62,401 .3 «:■ 10,043 3 101 42,187 10- — r 28,707 5 10 10,000 — •""• 56,413 H 3 J 1,000,000 — — 20,000 — — 10,000 — — 4,000 — — 44,685 2 6 3*945 -• «• 50,000 — — 5?iy7i4-r '^^^^^^ ^' 3>025-72 9 6: .^*'*>^ %^^ i 1 G 3 II ;lll \i I'. 166] .^737' I lib George IIJ *-* 1 1 •^ ° '" /. J. ^* IPebr 2. ro,00o Seamen, for 1738 520,obo — — 6. 17,764 Land Forces ;^<^T 647 i 5^1.9 11 ^\\ 13. Plantations, &;c. hmJ 225,982— 7^ Chelfea Hofpital 27,910 7 6 Sewnl exti?fte3i>encej^^ •»*'>'* -•- '^f4,^5 4 6 Ordinary of the Navy ^^''"^- litlv^^ 12 5 14. Ordnance for Land Service "^79/72 3 6 3 Extra expence of ditto •'•''6,295 '^ 4 Deficiency of Grants laft year 28,321 4 11 Greenwich Hofpi till JO,ooo — — Mar. 9. Part of a Debt due to thd , s Bank ort Exchequer bills -''^^■^•t"^ -.- Qb- |^^5 i,ooo,obo — — Sinking Fund for Deficiency 4-^ c of additional Stamp-Du- tics, in 1736, for 173; 3»*32 18 10 - — V) f o the Bank for Interefi due, : - — e j^2^ on Salt-Duties, 1735 5^,006 '— - — --f/—>^: 'Georgia _ 8,000 < ... -_ ^ weftminfter Abbey '^^^^*^^^^^' 4,000 ^' "* '■ Rebuilding Ships *^^^ 40,000 Apr. lio. 10,000 Additional Seamen 520,000 — — 37. Half-pay Officer* 4^959 >5 i<3 Ditto Widows as before 3>990 — ~ — African Forts and Settlements 10,000 ..i-j> — -*4,j-*^i >>>^!t^>vi.,V' Total jf. 3,444,246 — 6 1 ♦ ; w V 1738. .<\f V J . iT. )0 — \9 II 3i \2 — 7i O "7 6 »5- 4 6 ^5 12 5 53 6 3 n 18 4 SI 4 11 30 — — •Ji* • ■■*'* j. >0 J2 IS 10 X) — . ^ )0 — « )0 — — )0 — -* )0 — —. \9 IS 10 )0 — , )0 — — ^6 — 6 1 738. ' 4 fr'n 1738. 11th George II. li-HflMlC. un-i: Feb. 10. l2>coo Seamen, for 1739 15. 171704 Land Forces Plantations, &c. ^ Chelfea Hofpital Several extra expences » * 82. Ordinary of the Navy Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto Mar. 26. The Mint for 7 ytzxs per ann. Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before Georgia African Forts and Settlements Greenwich Hofpital To fmking Fund for Defici- ency of Additional Stamp- Duties, at Chriftmas 1737 Ditto for Deficiency on Salt- Duty, 1738 , ',- Apr. 10. Johanna Stephens, for difco- vering of her Medicine for the ftone May 14. Subfidy to Denmark Vote of Credit to augment the Forces ' /. 7i S 3f 6 5 6 624,000 — 647,549 1 1 228,062 10 27,172 15 5»o4' 8 222,689 2 80,088 6 30>S03 " 15,000 — 39,124 19 ,960 — 20,000 — 10,000 '— 10,000 — 3»5S2 18 20,000 — > — • 5,000 — — 70,583 6 a 500,000 — — ' V ^ Carried over £, 2,562,328 9 8^ May ,;tl ^''■r ? m if t<' ilti llllt [ 68 ] Brought over 2,562,328 9 8[| May 14. To Spain on the Convention, and to making fatisfaflion for the Spaniih depreda- / J .(. « (,-3 ;>\\'t>jj{ 60,000 — — ■ Jaw* 1 . J- tions Weftminfter Abbey ^ --- ^^qqo — — ** ^ St. Margaret's Church '* *^ *<*" 3,000 1 22. Solomon Merret, and others, for fatisfaftion of a Spanifh fhip fold to them, and af- terwards delivered to the •.9- '..» M « r Spaniards by Treaty 5,000 — — I - ' • *^t : • ■ ■■ -i .*: £. Total ^.2,633,328 9 8 /.A ';•■' i'wf.'H n^-i w*^ / — .~. ■•Cl'?CU'? i." iUB Cc 4je sue « www .■■^•*-^-'^ .:,\.;^ 10 ■ f 37 o:; I )l ' vr?'- a »739 [ 69 ] 1739' '3^^ George 11. ^' f' ^* Nov. 26. 35»ooo Seamen for 1740 1,820,000 — — 30. 28^852 Land Forces Raiting and keeping 6 regiw ments of Marines ( 4890 men) for 14 months Jan. 17. Plantations, &c. Widows of half-pay Officers "as before ^ ' Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto ^... \ Sinking Fund for Deficiency on Salt-Duty, 1739 ^ Ditto for additional Stamp- -; Duties, at Chriftmas, 1738 Subiidy to Denmark /an. 23. 2,040 Additional Marines ; .1 181 Additional Invalids Chelfea Hofpital , , Feb. 4. Greenwich Hofpital ^i,i;j., ^ J Wcftminfter Abbey African Forts and Settlements ^_ , 7. General and StafF-OlHcers Half-pay Officers . •• y Georgia 14. Vote of Credit to carry on the War Several extra expences not provided for ... a 26. Ordinary of the Navy Mar. 10. Marriage Portion of Princefs Mary with thePrince of Heffe 860,150 10 4i •18,214 I , ,^_, ^66,203 2 •t i' ^ « ' ^. ..» 3,99^ — — 94,071 11 3 46,362 13 5 20,000 — "^■^ 5,865 18 9 - 5^»333 6 3 33»429 — — 2,450 13 6 .: io»347 6 — 10,000 — — 4,000 — — 10,000 — — 22,8?0 19 2 ;' 34.5^7 — — *. 4,000 — •-" 200,000 — — 9>477 13 I| 199,704 8 3 40,000 — — ft :t "liv!\ Total /. 3,874,076 3 7i 1740. ¥ h :' ■ i ir«' t 70] • 1 740. i4/i> George II. ' •■.•• /. s. ci: Nov. 27. 4 4I v' - Plantations, &e. 266,512 16 5( , Wcftminfter Abbey 4,000 — • 29. Greenwich Hofpital ^ 10,000 — -i. . -....• . Chelfea Hofpital "* ■" 4.948 13 4 • »* f ^- African Forti and Settlement 10,000 — ^ Georgia 10,600 — — Mar. xz. Tranii)orting Forcci to Ame- r. ■ ■; - rica 105,275 18 % • — - 1. Viftualing the faid Forcei ^ ^"^ ■ - v,^ Carried over £, , 124,564 8-1 ^,256,413 1 101 •(*'K' — *•• C '^ -U '•o^.?v'■^,.• '\ U: i'T \ ^F"^ . I.t ««^ HP-*- ■« - -im » **n-^l>y^ ■pu-«.- j ,> . .i^^ »• w v^ie^iJ • v" r-i I 7« ] /. ^pr. 14. 4T » Brought over 4,256,413 i io| Vote of Credit for fuppporting the Queen of Hungary, and maintaining the Pragma- tick SanfUon 6,000 Heilians taken into our pay Remains of Subfidy for ditto 6,000 Danes taken ialc our pay Remainder of Subfidy for ditto JKxtra expenccs not provided for I Regiment of 36 Companies in America Officers on the expedition un- der Lord Cathcart Staff-Officers for Hofpital of ditto Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before ^ To lofs fuilained by Mer- chants and Officers of the 6 Independent Companies in Jamaica, by failure of Mr. Henry Popple, Agent to . ' them ^,249 16 4I 300,000 — — • 106,158 I iij 49,608 6 I 9S*7^^ 5 4J 44,569 8 I 36,157 19 il $3^995 13 4 11,611 13 4 ' 1,277 JO — 29,300 7 6 4,126 — . — 1 »■ Carried over £. 4,995,184 3 — | April It li [ 72 ] . ' " L s, el. Brought over 4>995ii84 3 — .j Apr, 14. Ditto to Rich. Fitz-William, Captain of a Company, in \ i ' New Providence, on the > fame account *"" "^ Dittotothc Receiver General, in Scotland, on the fame account ^ ' Sufferers by the Fire, in II I "v Charles Town, jSouth-Ca- lolina ' ; 1,816 17 4f 650 — 20,000 — — 1 r ^:"t'Vf '^' x:; i;tfv'k t-'\-v ••■ 1 iiO-viSj ■ ■ ./I C i i^^s^i^v'' Total j^. 5,017,651 — 5 vj- ^ ''i, :;;,), f t?, i.V' J i>?r -O 174I' I 15 17 4f Mur. 9 ^'■^■.. - JO „ ■,, r'-5 00 — — 51 — 5 30 [ 73 ] 1741. ' 15/^ George II. /. J. «'. Jan. 19. 40,000 Seamen, for 1741 2,080,000 — — P'eb. .2. 35,554 Land Forces 11,550 Marines American Regiment Ordnance for I^ their return home 19,018 4 n 10,000 500,000 — — 266,616 6 ^1 4,ouo — — 188,756 17 I 168,645 15 7 111,917 19 I 10, 000 — 74,192 5 4 47^273 9 s! 51,072 4 2i CanieJ over J^. 5,481,524 1 'i,\ May 19 t\ 4 " 6 si — — 17 I ii; 7 19 I • 5 4 i 9 5r r 75] /. Brought over 5,481,524 \ i\ 1,264 Horfe, 4,908 Foot of Heflians, from Lady-day to CHriftmas, 1741 Ditto from Chriftmas, 1741, to Chriftmas, 1742 General and Staff-Officers for the Forces in Flanders, and Contingencies for the faid fervice Hofpltal for faid Service WcilminH^r Bridge 33*309 7 — 161,607 17 i^ 25,731 6 t ,,365 2C.C,0O — i«W*»'« M Total ^. S»7-3'5.^7 »* * " ! i! X' ill 4 "1 ■ I 3l «■ d A ti May H2] No V, [ 76 ] ^7 Nov, Dec. 534»763 5 — 647,862 266,616 5 ^^ 6 5l 206,253 15 — 42. 16/^ George IL /. J* //. 25. 40,000 Seamen, for 1743 2,080,000 — — 7. 16,359 Lani^ Forces in Flan- ders 23,610 Men for Guards and Garrifons Plantations, &c 1 1,550 Marines 13. 5,513 Horfe, 10,755 Foot of - ; Hanoverians, frori. 31 Aug. 1025 Dec. 1742, To ditto from Chrlftmas, 1742, to Chriftmas, 1743 1,264 Horfe, 4,908 Foot Heffians, for i year, to Chrftmas, 1743 |an. 13. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expences of ditto 21. Vote of Credit for fupport of Auftria 265,191 6 392,697 8 161,607 17 146,637 7 98,048 53 500,000 — Greenwich Hofpital Deficiency of General Fund Ditto of finking Fund, Defi- ciency of additional Stamp- Duties, at Chriftmas, 1741 10,000 — 58,869 15 «{i 2 S 27. Ordinary of the Navy : 188,558 13 5 7l 3,819 — 2 . Carried over ;^. 5,560,925 13 8 Mn.i V. * ^ > if Jaiu zy. Ditto on Salt-Duty,Nov. 1 742 Ditto on 1 2s. Sweets, Mich. 1742 Ditto on Vidluallers at ditto African Forts and Settlements f' ^ .' Weftminfter Abbey ,*« M Weftniinfter Bridge May. 3. Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before Extra Expences of Land Forces not provided for Freight of Tranfports in ^'- ^: '^ 1742 -' '*'" '' ViaualHng Land Forces of " V i ditto ",' ; Georgia [ 77 ] Brought over 5,560,925 13 8 #-ir ■-'- 42,000 — f 13,786 10 III- 4>333 10 I 10,000 — — 4,000 — — 25,000 26,137 — 10 3,918 — — 41,435 18 2} 133,871 8 II 35'075 9 J 12,000 .i!va:^r»': T©fcal £. 5,912,483 12 3 n "J ly'ii 5' ' t) ii%l. 17I3' [78 1 17//5? George II. Dec. 10. 40,000 Seamen, for 1744 " Jan. 12. 21, j; 5 8 Land Forces for Flan, ders 19,028 Men for Guards and Garrifons 11,550 Marines '9* 5'5'3 Horfe, 10,755 ^^^^ -v^ *- of HanoverianTioops, from Chriftmas, 1743, toChrift- luas, 1744 Feb. 2. To make good Engagements with Sardinia 1 > i Ditto with Hungary .. ,. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto ( JO. Marriage Portion of Princefs i Louifa to the Prince of Den- } mark : -^ Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital Deficiency of General Fund Sinking Fund, Deficiency of additional Stamp -Duties, Chriftmas, 1742 Ditto on Salt-Duty, i Nov. »r43 2,080,000 — . 634,344 II 4 561,794 5 5 206,806 10 — 393>773 6 » 200,000 — -«- 300,000 165,428 14 7 73.924 7 7i| 40,000 — — « 192,834 10 9 ! 0,000 — 55,827 16 3^ 4»392 19 5 42,000 — — Carried over jQ 4,961,127 1 6'A ^ U Feb. 8,295 9 t X79I Brought over 4,961,127 i 6*^ Feb. 10. Ditto of Viftuallers at Mid- fummer, 1743, at which time the 48 1 ,400/. charged thereon, was transferred to - V the duties on Spirituous -f^ ^ Liquors Deficiency of Sweets, Mi- '; "'-^ y -chaelmas, 1743 1 3*870 7^ Ditto of Grants laft year 119,934 4 4I • K ^ Weftminller Abbey Weftminfter Bridge «-- *- St. John's church, Weftmin- fter, repairs Mar. 20. Extra charge of Troops, in Flanders, in 1742, and 1743 ' • 22. Pla*- rations, &c. Extra Services in Georgia for the defence of North ""N^ America, from 22 Sept. 1738. to 29 Sept. 1743, not provided for Troops and veiTels in Georgia, for 1744 General Officers and Hof- pital in Flanders, for 1744 33 1 Horfe loft at the Battle of Dettingen 4,000 — — ^ 25,000 *— — • 4,000 — — i 524,023 8 3 274>830 17 3I ^6,109 113 10 19,168 18 4 37,-03 17 7| 5,460 ■f. :1 tl ! V ;vt Carried over ^f . 6,063,523 17 4^ March ^ ^■i ': I 80] /. Brought over 6,063,523 "Mar. 22, tlxtra expence of Land Forces not provided for Ordnance - Office for Settle- ment at Rattan Apr. 10. Half-pay Officers IT; Ditto Widows as before xf^ Tranfport Service, from 1 Jan. .*^. : c '742» 1031 Dec. 1743 *,'y'\u Vidlualling Land Forces to >-•' f ^ ditto - 23. Extra charge of forage and *( other expences, for 1744 100,000 May I . African Forts and Settlements 20,000 ^7 411 20'9S9 4 si 12,102 3^*695 3»8ia 20,474 10,970 — 2 12 —i 17 7 2 5j ff^ 111 1 lid <:i M'-tjt i ,< '^" Di\.:, -;-«-« Total £. 6,283,537 14 — 1 v^*;^&^^i^ ,i::r->J ^ ^s,->:'r' 'H*^^- \~ „'.^ 1 Feb. 4- ,;.:,:; 1 :^/i.>;---'' ^:^'.-.,-rj^ .: - »' ■^ 1, -:' 1 12 l^s • .i.. '>-,• J ■f] jK , *>» i^y . a* ■»- I* S ' - i^. - »749' ^'i 1744- [ 81 ] I Stb Geo. II. /. s, /* IPec. 6. 40,000 Seamen, for 1745 2,080,000 ^ Ian. 17. 15,768 Men, for Guards and Garrifons Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto, 24. 28,107 Men for Planders General Officers, and Holpi- tals for ditto 11,550 Marines Deficiency of General Fund Sinking Fund, deficiency of additional Stamp Duties, for 1743 Ditto on Sweets, Mich. 1744 39. Ordinary of the Navy Building an Hofpital near Portfmouth, andpurchafing the Land , - Plantations, &c. |Teb. 4. Deficiency of ] aft year'sGrants 177,424 18 3I 12. Extra Expences of Troops in Elanders, not provided for Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before Weilminficr-Bridge 499>936 9 7 195,008 II 7 68,426 14 6 781,698 16 2 37,610 18 $1 206,253 15 — 5,095 8 8 ^3*957 19 2i; 200,479 9 10 12,000 — — 290,528 3 It 85,847 4 9 26,775 15 JO 3,864 25,000 — — " i,ii,i * "'"'I ,? Carriedovcr jC- 4»775»i70 18 B'^ Feb. I'll 1 [ 82 ] /". s. a'. 1 1 745* Brought over 4>775,i7o 18 8 fch, 19 To make good engagements M)ft. 28. withthe Queen of Hungary 500,000 — -^Wov. 4 Ditto with Sardinia 200,000 — -^ Ditto with the Eledor f Co- logne Ditto with the Eleftor of Mentz Expences of Land-Forces not provided for Ditto of forage, and other ex- pences for 1745 25 8 Weeks pay to the Hano- verians for their return Rye Harbour Greenwich Hofpital Mar. 2 1 . Tranfport fervice i year Vidlualling Land-Forces for V - ditto 6,000 Dutch Troops, whilft in Great Britain / Ditto, whilft in our fervice in Flanders > * To make good engagements with the King of Poland, v ' as Eledlorof Saxony To make good fuch ofher Treaties as are or fiiall be made with our Allies, and for other fervices ; Apr. 8. Troops in Georgia, from Sept. 1744 to Dec. 1745 24,299 I 4 8,620 — — 38.83s) 18 5L 6. 100,000 — >-.r 7" 57,965 9 An. 23. 23i3^o — -=r 10,000 — 45,005 9 i< o'r \ / »3»34S " 7 32,094 10 sj 10,240 I 100,000 — H ^00,000 •— Feb. I . Feb. 20. 2 3,961 2 i\\ Total £. 6,462,902 3 91 1745 [ 83 ] >«5 9 2 }00 — -=i >oo — > »•« )05 9 10 I4S " ; >94 10 i S40 I 1745. 19th Geo. II. ft. 28. 40,000 Seajncn, for 1746 2,080,000 — — ov. 4. 49,229 Land Forces 1,298,100 14 7 1 3 Regiments of Foot, under the command of Noblemen, for 122 days 2 Regiments of horfe, com- manded by Noblemen, 122 days 6. 20 Independent Companies, for I year 7. II, 5 50 Marines an. 23. 1,264 Horfe, and 4,908 Foot of Heflians, with the fub- fidy for I year Plantations, £cc. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto t'eb. I. Continuir the 2 Regiments of Horfe, and 1 3 of Foot, commanded by Nobleme , for 122 -^ays further Ordinary of" 'he Navy Hofpital nea- Portfmouth Greenwich Hofjjital eb. 20. Mint for 7 years, f>er ann. 64,360 13 — f 13,176 10 — 35,952 10 — 206,253 J5 — 161,607 17 i{- 343,440 18 \\ 246,542 5 9 1 2 77.537 3 198,048 17 3 16,000 — — 10, JO — — 15,000 — — ''Carried over £^. 4,941,-98 17 8 )00 ""• •"" ?6i 2 II 02 3 9 I 745 fiinkirg V ,-- m ■■^> ■.«>\^*^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t 1.0 Ifi^l I.I 125 itt 1^ 12.2 20 1.8 6" L25 IlilU III 1.6 0% (^ *^ ^> z!^ ^ / Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STtEIT WiaSTER.N.Y. i4sao (716)872-4503 *P V o^ ■i\: [84] Brought over 4,941,798 17 g Feb. 20. Sinking Fund, for deficiency of additional Stamp duties, ;at Michaelmas, 1745 Ditto on Sweet?, at Michael- mas, 1745 Dittoof Salt-Duties, atChrift- mas, 17451 continued from Lady-day, 1753 for 6 years Georgia Weftminfter Bridge Deficiency of General Fund March 3. Freight of tranfports, in 1745 Viftuallino: the forces in ditto Deficiency oflaft year's Grants 24. To the King of Sardinia Eledlor of Cologne Eledlor of Mentas y\pr^ 14. 5,000 Horfeand 13,000 foot, of Hanoverian troops, to aft in the Low Countries a]- Artillery to ditto -.^: To the Queen of Hungary to - " fupport her Allies, and maintain 1:0,000 men in ' the Low Countritis To the King of Sardinia, to fupport and profecute the War in Italy 100,000 — 8*3^7 9 10 >3»793 3 S 17,500 — 4,000 — —I 25,000 — —I 49,252 18 9 96,478 19 2I 54^753 9 11,950 2 200,000 — —I 24,299 I 41 8,620 — . J 300,000 ^1 10,000 — 400,000 — —I Carried over j^. 6,265,814 2 a' / • - ». s, J,\ 98 17 g 167 9 loj '93- 3 5 500 — DOO — —I 000 — — I 252 18 9I 478 19 2I 753 9 I ,950 2 ,000 — ,299 I 41 ,620 — —I 6 000 1 ^37*^27 3 " 21,545 19 II It R >;, ■o( [85] . ■ iJrought over 6,265,814 2 May 5. Half pay Officers 24,701 7 Ditto Widows as before 3,886 — Extra expences of Land Forces on account of the Rebel- <*^i<>. i '4 f iion, and for hories loll in « * Flanders, and at Sea, not ^n«?vrrKi provided for 4 5« < For the, Dutch troops, whllft in our fervice £xtra pay, or douceurs, for- St -x rage, wikggon money, 6cc, of the 6,000 Hcffians in our H^ ^ '-^ * ' Pr f fervice, in 1742 and 1743, 40,328 19 10 12 Pay of General and General- Staff Officers for 1746 Voteof Credit, for fuppreffing the rebellion, carrying en S- ' the war, and making good Treaties 16. Troops of Georgia African Forts lay 15. N. B. To the Duke of Cum- berland, and the heirs * male of his body, for the ^ ,iignal fervice done to his country, an additional re- venue to be paid out of the Aggregate Fund, /fr fl»». 40,880 19 2 500,000 — — 19,160 18 4 10,000 — O 25,000 '^^KJ,0{,iic-^ -ii Total £. 7,088,353 lo 10 1746. L 86] 1746. 2cth George II. hi ' f\ Dec. I. 4q,coo Seamen, for 1747 '8. 33,030 Land Forces 15,196 Men in Flanders Forces in Plantations, &c. 15. Deficiency of the Civil Lift, in 7 years, at Midfummer laft To difcharge the like fum raifed by an A^ laft year Ordnance for Land Service Extra expexices of ditto Jan. 15. Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital ,, Hofpital at Gofport - ' To finking Fund, deficiency of Stamp-Duties, to Chrift- ;; . ' mas, 1745 Dhtoon Sweets, to Michael- // , ,; mas, 1746 ,; Ditto on Salt-Duty to Mi- chaelmas, 1746 Ditto on additional Wine- Duty, at Michaelmas, 1 746 Deficiency of General Fund V 19. Freight of Tranfports, from I Jan. 1745, to 31 Dec. /. J. y. 2,080,000 . 856,066 19 1 372,788 II — 343,112 8 i\ 4S^»733 16 3| 500,000 284,004 12 II 193,208 15 3 IO,OCO *-* -^ ^j6,ooo — — 7,978 8 4 13,910 — 5fJ 35,000 — ^ 49,693 17 9[| I0,2U 5 3|| / ■. ■ 205,728 9 9 ■;»• .^-k.,* ■ .«■•• Can ied over jf- 5,630,697 3 — !| J."n. \ ' [ «7l , I, S. J, Brought over 5,630,697 3 — | Jan. 19. Viclualling Land Forces, to ditto Deficiency on duty of Spiri- tuous Liquors, Lady-day, 1746 Ditto of additional duties on Wines imported, at Chrift- nias, 174.6 Ditto on duty of Glafs and Spi- rituous Liquors, at Chiill- mas, 1746 Ditto on half Suhfidies on Tonage and Poundage, at ChriAmas, 1746 Dittoof thefurplusof the fund •^ of Lottery 17 14 at Ciirift. - ^46, Ditto of Grants for laft year 22. Towards paying off the Navy debt 1,000,000 — — 27. To the Queen of Hungary, ^ , to fupport her Allies and maintain 60,000 Men in the Low Countries 433»333 ^ ^ To King of Sardinia -300,000 5,000 Horfe and 13,000 Foot of Hanoverians for the ■"" Low Countries ^ . . 400,000 Artillery to ditto v 10,000 66,668 7 10 16,670 II i\ 1,421 II i\ 58,233 1 I 85,968 12 3I; 38,648 5 2 \ i35»378 4 7 i.t Carried over jf* 8,177,019 3 —% I 2 Feb. » 1' • :h i'l t 88 3 Brought over 5,177,019 3 — 1 24,291 1 4 8,620 26,846 II 9 I4 n J, . \i f'/'i - 4 l.\- 1' i ' , jn ,•) - ti ■; n. Feb, 9. 'i'o the Elcftor of Cologne To the Eleaof of Menfcs To the Eledor of Bavaria Pay of General and General- Staff-Officers, and Officers of the Hofpital for the Land Forces Extra expenccs of the Re- bellion and otlier fervices Heffian Troops as before Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before 408 Horfes loft in Flanders and at the Battle of Falkirk and Culioden 6,120 — ^— ii,5roMarines .' 206,253 15 -— Weflminfter Bridge .-.-^•j* 30*000 Mar. 24. Vote of Credit for carrying ''{.,... ,-. •, ,, on the War, and making good Treaties v. « 500,000 — — May 21. To the Refiduary Legaties of ,:— >- • Sir Jofeph Jekyll, on ac- . count of the reduction ia the value of the Eftate, out of a Legacy left by hini y r-,, .. j. to the finking Fund 13*582 48,575 17 10 166,198 18 4i 161,607 17 li 29,914 15 10 3,948 \ f. Total £. 9,402,978 9 5 -r-*~».< •> i.H tCX*"*^ 174.7. 9 3 — i » > 4 — — . S 11 cr 17 10 '5 — ■>* 9 2 9 5 i747< [ 89 ] 2 1^ 6eorge II. 2,080,000 — — 208,827 9 5 10,000 — — 10,000 91,496 16 3 43»937 II 3 / " ' r I 18 4t ' -- '<:..'•■;" ' 17 If . .■'•■■. 15 10 "'a t m.^-^_y*- ■ 1 »M«.: m^i ■ 11 ) — ;— * -..1 35,000 — — 7»ii8 Nov. 24. 40,000 Seamen, for 1748 30. Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital Hofpital at Gofport Freight of Tranfports Vidualling ditto Towards paying off the Navy Debt 1,000,000 — — To finking Fund, deficiency of Salt-Duty, Mich. 1747 Ditto of additional Stamp- Duties, Chriftmas, 1746 Ditto of duty on Spirituous Liquors, Lady -day, 1747 Ditto of additional duties on Wines, Midf. 1747 Ditto of duty on Glafs and Spirituous Liquors at ditto . } Ditto on Sweets, Mich. 1 747 Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto 1. 49,939 Land Forces i Forces in Plantations, ^c. 11,550 Marines 19. TothelikefumraifedlaftSef- : / fions .i^.y'.!'..I rrm^i ^ 500,000 . Deficiency of laftyear'sGrants 571,827 18 7 Carried over /. 6,967,306 3 — ■ '■/ '■'"'■ J 3 16,362 29'765 5 8 »9 II Dec. 34'i77 7 13,660 18 342,064 3 159,565 14 1,267,376 15 350,034 14 196,089 19 5 5 3l 6 9 5 9i \ n Feb. $;l:| ll:;il 1747- 6 r W \ 1;| 1 «>^-' « «,.-v fl Feb. I. Queen of Hungary King of Sardinia 5,oooHorfe, and 1 7,070 Foot of Hanoverians Artillery to ditto Proportion to R uffia for 3 0,000 Men, and the charge of their march to the Frontiers ' -^ of Upper Silefia Proportion of forage for the fame from their Arrival in UpperSilelia to their return ?- * to the Frontiers of Poland Rleftor of Menijt * Eleftor of Bavaria Heffian Troops ac before Deficiency of duties on Glafs, &c. to s^hriftmas, 1747 Mar. 1. General and General-StafF- Officers, and Land Forces 1'^ # Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before Extra expences of Land Forces an^ other fervices \li x Proportion of 4, 800 Foot, and Artillery of Wolfenbuttle, •'— <3i>, troops from Lady-day to 5t ^ Chriftmas, 1748, with the Subiidy Brought over. 6,967,306 3 -^ Q 400,000 — • -. 300,000 460,223 10 •— 10,000 — -^ 167,881 18 10 150,000 — — 8,620 — — ^ 26,846 II 9 161,951 14 ;\ 39,846 n 7I 53,861 3 — 27,224 6 — 3,886 18 81 S7>79^ 7 S\ .u Caniedover £. 9,151,317 13 9I April , I I lO — [ i8 10 — — ^ 6 II 9 1 14 /{ [9^ ] > 3 — . ■ /,/./, ) — — ■ Brought over 9,151,317 13 9^ > . I jinr, 4. Anusrican Colonies expences in taking Cape Breton^ viz. ih Mafl'achuflets Bay- New Hamplhire Connedlicut Rhode liland James Gibfon, Efq; for his fervices and expences therein Vote of Credit to carry on the ^ War, and make good Trea- ties ' * Weftminfter Bridge 25. To the Proprietors of the Heretable Jurifdiflion and OfHces in Scotland 183,649 2 7} >6,355 13 4 28,863 19 1 6,332 12 10 547 "5 — 500,000 — — 20,000 — — 152,037 12 2 '■V, >• II 7\ Total j^. 10,059,104 8 4 1 M ill 3 -« 6 — 18 .81 8 9| 7 Si '3 9i April -i* O^S^i)^* .->•. .fl t^^t* ' ♦!' :? ^- 9> i^' f L i?4«. ?*.4f ■m'M fit -/^ I i'i 1». If J i 1748. [9i ] tid George II. Dec. 8. 17,000 Seamen, for 1749 Jan. 19. 18,857 Land Forces Forces in Plantations, &c. To the Eledlor of Bavaria*s Sttbfidy Pake of Brunfwick Wolfen- buttle Landgrave of Hefle CafTcl Eleftor of Menta J14. Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital . Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of ditto Forces in Cape Breton, and the 12 Independent Com- panies in the Eafl -Indies To finking Fund, deficiency of Salt-Duties, Michael- mas, 1748 Ditto of additional Stamp- Dutics, Chriftmas 1747 Ditto on Spirituous Liquors^ at Lady-day, 1748 *, Ditto additional duties oa Wine, Midfummer, 1748 Ditto on Sweets, at Michael- mas, 1748 / // /. 884,000 612,230 218,864 s. i. 4 7 44»744 6 3 30>548 30,078 8,620 285,878 10,000 I34»366 42,780 14 6 2 6 — 8 17 8 18 2 111,612 3 4 35,000 7,180 9»3o8 I 13,827 5 8 7 4I i - 12 61 Carried over /^. 2,494,337 ^ ' Ja. 25' K [ 93 1 J. if, M Brought over 2,494,337 6 i^ D i ijari, 24. Ditto on Glafs, and Spiri- 047 4 ^ 3 ^8 H 6 '8 2 6 10 — — - 78 — 3 33^804 13 I J 28,268 15 $1 1,462 6 19 41,822 10 ^ tuousLIqaors> MidAimmerr 1748 Ditto on new duties on Houfes, Michaelmas, 1748 Ditto additional duties on Wines, Chriftmas, 1748 Ditto additional duties on Glafs and Spirituous Li- quors, Chriftmas, 1748 3o — — Bllar. 16. Deficiency of Grants, 1748 470,186 9 61 S6 17 8 1 Extra expence of Land Force and other Services, in 1748 418,128 18 10 20. To difcharge Navy and Vic- . \i v- tualling Bills in courfe of , ,, < payment, and for Tranf- ' ports 3,000,000 — i- — To pay off Ordnance Debt 230,382 5 i 21. To the Queen of Hungary, , ,' -^ g^ .j.;^., to anfwer the like fum, i.i^'^'- -> — ^^ claimed by her as an arrear , . ' . ' • of 400,000/. mentioned in ♦ -' the convention at the Hague 1748. 100,000 — — *^ 25. Chelfea Hofpital / 63,274 6 j ^/ Towards fettling Nova - /\^ Scotia 40,000 — — So 18 2 12 3 4 00 — —I 80 5 8 08 7 4 97 >» 5 r ■ ) -^ ■ 27 12 6' 1337 6 I J Carried over £. 6,921,667 11 7^ Ap. 17. ■ ■ w wr I If; .' [ 94 1 Apr. 4:f \\ a May /. /. . .J v: ' 'S I 9^} t y. ^. Brought over 2,196,114 2 7 Jan. 15. Ditto^ additional duties on Wines, Michaelmasj 1749. 7*196 4 cS Ditto, duty on Sweets, at Mi- chaelmas, 1749. ^^ '\ , Ditto, onGlafs and Spirituous "^ ~ ^ .- Liquors, Michaelmas, 1 749. Ditto, at ChrHbnas, 1749. Feb. 12. Half-pay Officers ExtraexpencesofLand Forces, ■I <» &c. Defidcncyoflaft year's Grants 275,736 5 3 Mar. 6. To difcharge what was bor- 'rowed by Aft of laft feflions i,ooo,ooG — -* I3»36i lo 1 21,564 2 I of 39,631 6 1 05 1 67,000 — — 65,481 4 7 ji^i* Deficiency of the half-fubfi- **"" dyofTonage and Pound- dage at Chriilmas, 1749 f '^ Weftminfter-Bridgc 12. Debt of the Hanaper Office in Chancery, Michaelmas, I-r' >749- ^ ■' To prevent a future deficiency in the faid Office, per antu * ,\^ Augmenting the revenue of Wi uiler of the Rolls, per ann. \ Mar 94*655 7 4 8,000 — — r- r 10,590 12 II . .,«iV- 1,800 — — r 1,206 •- •> Cs^rledover ;C. 3»8o2,33o 16 n; vf^n 1750. I [^7] !l K Brought over ^,802,330 i6 \i\ M&r. 19. E.vpencesin North-America, on account of the intended expedition againU: Canada, and for fuccour of Nota- Scotia \f Charges in fettling Nova-Sco- V /V , tia, not provided for Supporting, maintaining, and ^ inlarging ditto - Georgia African forts andlettlements 122,246 16 4 3^7^ 3 >o 39*778 19 2 3*304 3 4 10,000 — — lt|| 4 ! il ■^1 .i4| «>< t . .A.- ::,„ "?'?-;,".-♦ ^ I' .QQ^.«. Total £. 4,014,136 19 7f *f \l ihw.niffnt../ I..J. ■ ;# >>>.■ 'iio.iiti^.. ■•'>■■ it^i V .. f75t. ill ■ f ii Ditto Widows as before 3,310 f j ; Chelfea Ho/pital 62,567 2 6 1 1 ' Reduced Officers and private ■ '.: ■' ' '■■ 1^ .t Ni^ ^' gentlemen of a Troops of ,' '■';"' "x . 1' f 1 Horfe Guards and i Horfe, ~ *■ ij-i ■ "^ *** *^ and to the fuperarittuated ! iij -— i;e»ll«men of the four '■<,:, :, ■■ ' i|i 1?' ' ^t ^ Troops of Horfe Guards 4>747 15 »• ii'i ^1 11. Forces m the Plantations, &c. 236,420 18 6| ill Pay of General and Staff-Offi- ilk ■ ''■ ' ' ■''' ^ I 1 r U 1 • -^' , .' cers 16,000 — — . 11 14, Ordinary of the Navy 290,302 7 10 1 ■ Greenwich Hofpital 10,000 — - — y Building, rel^nilding, and . ■ ' . ■ ■ • repair of fhips 140,257 ' . - Ordnance for Land Service 109,150 8 8 : i f ! Extra expence of ditto not * i 1 \ provided for . ; 1,699 14 5 « » 1 Catticd over ;f. 1,966,770 15 8[ feffion, w 199} I. _S<-r9» . ■ ^f'^.^i- - , " •■ *,w"^*- V •■■*'■■ ' 15 I*' ^ ' ) 18 6| ..■■■, ■ ^ , Brought over 1,966,770 Feb. 10. To pay old and new South-Sea annuities, not fubfcnbed, in purfuance of z aiSb lall ; » feffion, for reducing tiie in- ^ tered of annuities 2,325,o:!3 ijj. Eledlorof Bavaria •■»r ^ 30,000 To replace Sinking Fundr ti / the deficiency of Salt du- .^..,. tics, I year Michaelmas, - - ■V". 1750 35>ooo Ditto on additional Stamp- duties, Chriilmas 1749 ■ 6,4.61 Ditto on Licences on Spiritu- ousliquors, Lady-day 1750 7,880 Ditto on Sweets, Michaelmas 1750 12,534 Ditto on Wines, Midfummcr, 1750 4,592 Ditto on Glafs and Spirituous liquors, Midfummer, 1750 30,422 t Ditto on Homes and Win- dows, Michaelmiis 1750 70,097 Ditto of fubfidy^ of Pound- age, Michaelmas 17:0 42>559 Mar. 12. Charge of Nova Scotia 57»5^2 Supporting and maintaining the feid Colony 53*927 s. a. »5 8 7 »» 1 I 17 I .1 16 9 6 3 14 8 J2 7r 14 4 Carried over ;(^ .4,642,85 3 7 9 K 2 Mar. M [ »00 J ;. /• Brought over 4,542»85 3 7 9 Extra cxpences of Land- Forces, and other fervices laft year, nov provided for 47>9^4 H 3 Deficiency on laft year's Grants 65,797 8 11} 200,000 — — 1 0,00a — — Apr. 22. Difcharging Seamens wages African Forts Road between Carlifle and Ncwcaftic 3,«oo — — Total ^. 4*969,635 10 nf >: -. >M , ^-rs. >';./•,•' ---vV;'.' ' ■■' ■ f;.' ■ \ ^ ' » '•*'' ■■•- '■-■■■^-+> ' -' .■»:'■ ".- ■.,,", • ■" ;«■:/■ .:' IJ-iV V'j .;■:. . - ■J . * ", . * * ■ ■■■ .'_i .', " "^ - " • r S ■ - , ■ " f'^ „ .: -"^^ t J6?B3& ■"^. f*-Tv^^'^*T;"'v Si?9r , .'^-, y-"- ■ jQ ■'" -^'-i^'X ^ r '" . f ■•- ■-,,''' ' . ■'•&•' '■ ~ -. ..■.-"..:-* '■- V .= ■...._.....?^i^_,>:j,c. Js *. ■ :f:J,'.^N;uw ■; ". r:.) ■'. ■'".,•' *-: -'' (i » ' • j^ ■; Si '^^-s^t^ ' .^ , . ^'■ '^^ "^ -.'V' ' ■ »757' 1751' C lot ] ir^ih George 11, Nov. 25. 10,000 Sej^men, for 1752, at 12 months and 19 days being the alteration of the ^:' Stile '». iV. ^07,142 17 1^ 119,156 4 8 5'763 18 9 229,943 13 9- 277,718 16 5 9,699 9 ^ f' ■ ^ 100,000 60,000 3*125 >3 « 28. 18,857 Land Forces ';-•.. Ordnance for Land ^eirice ' Extra expence of ditto Forces in Plantations, &c. Dec. 3. Ordinary of the Navy •^ V * Greenwich Hofpital - ••' Building, rebuilding and re- ^ <*» »|^-t ; pair of Ships -' ^^^nf^^ , Jan. 1^. H^lf^pay Officers tj?-! tm , Ditto Widows as before |.^ ^ Cf; Extra expcnces of Land Forces v laftyedf****^ 12,412 15 i Reduced Officers, 5cc. of Horfe Guards and Horfe, &c* 4,522 16 6 Chelfea Hofpital ^oM': 53,448 14 7 "*" '^*^ EJeftor of Bavaria " JV.» 20,000 — — "^ ''^ Sinking Fund, Deficiency of — oocsi Stamp -Duty, Chriftmas,^--^ ?5^- " 1750 ^-^^'i-*.Ui*^M:'^h 5^p^7 8 J Ditto on Spirituous Liquors,'*^ fi C'ic I*, 1751, -V 5,431 6 4 Carried over £, 2^041,465 — *— ^ MK-^l'-'-^t ■^. ■ i^^-. ^^^■i^' "■••*^«-»«i|>«B»**«^ ^r-WM^'^iM K 3 ?a". ■ 1 • ' .i! il'll K 'i 'Mi i I ■Ci; ':M U- '^i 1.'. f f ■:|. I* ' ' ■ I*' [ 102 } Brought over 2,041,465 — — 1 Jan. 16. Ditto on Sweets, at Michael^ mas, 1 75 1 Ditto on additional duties on Wine, Michaelmas, 1751 Ditto on Glafs and Spirituous Liquors, Midfummer, 175 1 Ditto on Houfes and Win- dows, Michaelmas, 175 1 4;. . Deficiency of lafl: year's f^ ;i , Grants ^ Charges of Nova Scoiia,i75 1 t Ditto, for 1752 j^q ,^_ : !ii. Towards difcharging the Navy Debt t l^'li^^ To difcharge the Annuities on the Aft for the additio- ^ |/r s;.t nal duty on Vellum, pur-f,i) X |.^iif;; fuant to notice of 13 June, fj - -t:*' -i'lC',- »75« r"!^ tvjI; 400,000 1 .^ ; Georgia ;;|..;^v4»ooo 23. King of Poland . 32,000 — — | C t v^i X r: I^cficiency, atChriftmas, on duties o» Spirituous Li- 'r 24,102 19 5 6i,g66 7 io|| 54»7S» 5 Sil 21,042 19 6| 40,45,0 — 10 900,000 — — |, '•V' ifJv-j^ quors _.-.^if, ^.^,.;?,. ;.*f>,rv Ditto at ditto, of additional .>^V*'% ^^«r*«<«k A««« e*:. ■ 'rl^^v,. sipfc^jf ■. .^p^^,.^^ .4^ , duty on Wine /> 17,119 14 6,693 17 Carried over £. 3*667,399 lol Jan. 2J •i-* [ 103 f" t. d. 65 ' ■■IB ■ -i 37 H 41 02 19 5 )6g 1 /J d66 7 10| 75 « 5 S! 54 2 19 6| 4SO — 10 /. 24,963 12 rd{ 89,925 10 7 rojooo — « -* Brought over 3,667,399 «— loj Jan. 23. Ditto at ditto, on Glafs and Spirituous Liquors Ditto at ditto of half fubfidy of ■^ Tonagc and Poundage, by 6th of Anne, and 6th of Geo. I. 28. African Settlements African Company, in com- penfation of their Charter, " . to be applied as follows, J te ( viz. ) to the Creditors , ^ ^84,65 2/. lis. yd, Commif- ^f^fQ ' fionersforflatingcheClaim, ; ..-^ 1,695/. 3/. Proprietors of African Transferable Stock -^'" -^ , . poffeiTed of the fame, 31 ^ . Dec. 1748, 10 per. ce»t, ;^^-^ .^^ . 23,683/* 15/. 5 I I752' 26tb George II. -4. Jan. 22» io,ooo Seamen, for 1753 Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hospital 5 *9' 18,857 Land Forces Forces in Plantations, &c. ~ *" Extra expence of Land Forces, '^. "^^'^ &c. not provided for Half-pay Officers V ^ Ditto Widaws as before Officers, &c. of reduced Horfc :/'- Guards and Horfe Chelfea Hofpital Feb. I. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expences of ditto ' ' Ele^or of Bavaria King of Poland 15. Cafftalnjohn /ernon, in full fatisfa£lion of 40 acres of land in the ifland of Shep- pey , in Kent, where the fort ^y- of Sheernefs ftaiids \^ 20. Expences of Nova Scotia laft "* f \ year not provided foe . ,., j^ .. ^ ^-^ Ditto, for 1753 Deficiency of additional Stamp -Duties, Chriflmas, 275» t . ■-V t i 520,000 — — 280,206 13 II 10,000 — — 628,315 7 n 236,420 18 6[j ; ,689 13 8 58,000 — — 3,036 1 4,288 s SI 58,270 15 J 107,688 9 7 8,817 II s 20,000 — — 32,000.—* —I 2,214 2 Jl 47,448 5 io| 47,167 6 7,916 19 111 Carried over £. 2,098,480 10 ■fil^' hi [ »05 ] . « ' ■'■1 Brought over 2, ,098,480 xo 7I , feb. zo* Ditto on Spirituous Liquors, /. /. t. Lady-day, ii^z 749 3 A ,000 — '— Ditto on Sweets, Michaelmas, ,206 13 11 1752 9»M 3 3i ,000 . Mar 1 5 . Weftminfte* Bridge 2,000 — — • »3i5 7 II Carlifle Road . i 3,000 — — 1 »,42o 18 6^ % Georgia 2,632 • * Building a Fort at Annama- ,689 13 8 boo, and Settlements on the , — ■ '• » 7 ./ J,ooo — — coail of Africa 16,000 — — • k 3,036 ' 1 f>298 5 s Total I. 2 ,132,707 17 2* J,270 IS J ■ i^., ■-.■■ , _.; ':-■ ■: 7,688 9 7 ' .'■■,•'• "^ ■:'*, *• . S'i: " .-^$1. . • ''■ 8,817 11 8 ■ ■ '" ' ', . . J ' 0,000 — — ■ ,;., ,.., . •:.,;■, ■,,. - " . ■ '■ '■ '■■ t v.- . 2,000 — — • ■ V ' "A^ • I- • . J -r 1,214 2 3I r,448 5 io| r,l67 6 ',916 19 lll 1,480 10 (.( > ..Ifi ^ iV ■I v.4u j-t .— ■■4 V* *7S3^ I ! r 'mi 'f75J* t to6 J tpb George II. >i I ii M ^iii f i m pii lf7ov.22. 10,000 Seamen for 1754.' 26. 18,857 Land-Forees Forces in the Plantations, &g. Ordnance for Land-Service txtra Expence of ditto^ not ' •"* provided for 29. Ordinary of the Navy G reenwi<:h Hofpital Dec. 1 9. Building and repair of Ships Elector of Bavaria King of Poland 20. To the mint, for 7 yean //r Janr zi. Half- pay OfEcers . , Ditto Widows as before Reduced Officers of Horfc- . . Guards and Horfe, &c. Chelfea Hofpital Feb. 7. Extra expenees of Land-Forces not provided for /, , To Sinking-Fund, deficiency of duty on $\veets, ioO£l^ , "' '• . '■ « ■ •■'■ Ditto of half-fubfidy of Ton- age, Jan. 5. - 520,000 — Jmth, 7 628,315 7 iif 236,4,20 18 118,347 '2 5,218 4 278-,747 12 9I 10,000 — 100,000 .| 20,000 — "32,000 — 15,000' -— 55,000 — 2,944 — 4,246 6 57*358 5 51,900 II . . ■ ■- ', »■• ^• 6,792 15 61,505 19 Carried over ;f. 2,183,797 141 ^ " ■ ^ f I07 ] Brought over 2,183,79714111 Icb. 7. CivH eftablilhmcnt of Geor- gia, fromMichaelmas, 1753, to 1754. 2,632 African Forts and Setdementf 10,000 — -^ Carltfle Road 6,000 •— -^ 21. To difcharge Exchequer bills charged Qn the dut^ of Sweets 499,600 — — « Charge of maxntainingNovii- Scotia laft year Ditto this year V'^t Wcftminfter Bridge • " ' Sills drawn from America for r ;f Services in Georgia, to Mid- •tfummer, 1747 Purchafing the Madhalfea Prifon Rebuilding the fame s6. Bounty to 40 Navy Chaplains "t who had ferved for 5 years ;■ I ■ in the late War, and are not |>rovidcdfor [r,.rjt U .^ 1,642 10 —• ;i /, 11,392 6 9 47*054 15 3 2*000 — — «5»497 3 »| 10,500 — •— 7,Soo — -• l::^!?i7o?/ Total £. 2,797,916 10 2 t'^'^,%ri:.tSS r:'H, '•M*fMc4t»^«ft»'« '^«M« \ui':):i€> J6V?:/- T »754i »■■■ ""•■■■ i i!. .' 1754. [ loS ] iStb George II. Nov. 25. i2,oooSeamcn, for 1755 28. 18,857 Land Forces Forces in Plantations, &c. for 2 regiments of Foot for 'North America Several Officers on the expe« ^ tion under General Brad- V . *^ "*" dock Hofpital Officers, for ditto Ordnance for Land Forces Extra expences for ditto not provided for Pec. 3. Ordinary of the Navy Greenwich Hofpital 16. Building and repair of Ships Jan. 20. Elector of Bavaria King of Poland // rf- •-♦ Half-pay Officers^ Ditto Widows as before Officers, &c. of HorfeGaard« and Horfe .#»*.*^ Chelfea Hofpital *L^^ aS- Extraexpences of Land Forces lalt year, &c. not provided for . ,Nova Scotia, for 1755 4^ ,> . i. 624,000 628,315 236,420 J- l\ 7 II 18 d 4o»35o «S -I 7*338 2 6 1.779 7 i ii9>3»6 10 - 32»»SO 8 8 280,268 H io»ooo — - 100,000 -^ - 20,000 32,000 47,000 — - 2,562 — ' . 3»735 9 59»79> 12 60,254 40,418 8 7 { Carried over jf. 2,3 45,8 2 2 i J I 109 ] "m 5C0 — -^ I 515 7 11 4.20 18 6j .779 7 i| 1,316 10 -I Brought orer 2,345,822 i 6J Jnn. 28. Georgia^ from Midfummer, ^^v 1754, to Midfummcr, 1755 2,957 10 — peb. 18. Towards diTcharging the Navy Debt 700,000 — — • Mar. 27. To augment the Forces by fca and land 1,000,000 — - — Carlifle road 6,oOo — — ^pr. 12. African Forts and. Settlemeuts j 0,000 — • — Building a Fort at Anam^boo 6^00 — — Thomas Stephen s for difcovcj- injg his method to make Fot- 1 I' I' aOi J.000 — — Total X-4>o73»779 " ^c f ■:■■:,■■'■ !^ ( . ', » .1 «75«H Jl m )', "■^ i ! i:' ¥ i I:: k ,v C no ] 2^th George II. \^ • 1-^ '^15 J' 29//^ ueorge 11. • !< Nov. 24. 50,000 Seamen, including ^,138 Marines for 1756 2,600,000 — -• Dec. 8. To the tJiftrefTed people of Portugal, on account of the Earthquake *" ""' 34,2j6 Land-Forces : • ' ]-*^' Forces in the Plrntatic is, &c. >..• • - 835 7 3 5 lo Brought over 4,962,365 9 feb. 3. Charge of ditto not provided for in 1754 687 2 1 1 Troops of light dragoons 49,628 ii Extra expences of Land For- ces, &c. laft year Officers, &c. of reduced Horfe lis -J Guards and Horfe ^,c^o Half-pay Officers 38,000 — — Ditto Widows as before 2,484 — — . .Colony of Georgia from Mi- /X chaelmas 1755, toMichael- J ^^^'^ A mas 1756^ ,.j ^,^ ,^ ^^.: '3,557 10 — Royal American regiment of ^ * Foot for 1756 ;/ 81,178 16 — Peficiency of half Subfidles I ^,.^- . * on poundage to 5 Jan. 1756 71,181 „ . John Roberts, late Governor '' ' of Cape - Co.fl - Caftle in " ' ^ . . • . ■ ■ ''."21 - ' t' Africa, for his extraordinary ',, • 3l charjre in defendlnq; the Britifh Settlements there agair:lt the Dutch and French, in 1750 James Tierney, of London, on behalf of fom'c" Spanilh merchants, refiding at Ca- diz, for their cffedls taken .on .board che Spanifn ihips 7 i 13,869 7 10 ifi C:rrIedo\er /■ 5,308,358 19 51 t 3 Feb* i: n ' '• L 1*2 I A // \ 3bo,ocJo — — 10,000' 3,000 10^000 Brought over 5 > 308,35 8 1 Feb. 12. Building and repairs of Ships 200,000 - Towards difchar^ing of the Navy debt Mar. 2. To the commiffioners of Weft- minller Bridge for widening the ftrcets from Charlng- rrofs to Wcftminfter-hall Apr. 8. Deficiency of laft year's Grant.? Captain Cornwall's Monu- ment in WeftminHer Abby African Forts and Settlements May 3. 6,544, Heflian foot, with Ge- neral Officers^ and Train of Artillery ia our pay, from the 23d of February, to the 24th of December, with the fubfidy by Treaty '' Two regiments of foot, from Ireland to North-America, and four ditto on the Irifh. eftabliihment, ferving in North-America and Eaft- lodies, for 1756. Foundling Hofpital 9 s: 6 \oi- ;r 8 i63>3S7 9 9 \ 79,915 10,000 6 — Carried over £. 6,087,670 2 — | May f. d. 1 ^ / »9 s: : rns} /. s, dt ■J ■ • -vv- p*^ Brought ovfr 6,087,670 2 — | May 8. 8,605 Hanoverian Foot, with ^ r;^ General Officers, Train of ' ' ■-'■' Artillery, and Ho/jpital, *^^ '^^^^^1 from the nth of May -'* l^"^, - 1756* to the 24th of Decern- ^-"^ ber following 121,447 2 6 13. Vote of Credit -'^ • ' •: v ' 1,000,000 17. JCing of Pruffia itV :i' ;, 20,000 :■',; !^»-if- Total £, 7,229,117 4 6| •i*tj,i,'-'V'» 1 , f?i^^l.- i'-S.. I ■,•-- » ■« #. - :U-^ . ^\tjuhni^':yl ■. " f -i*,^ •^ . ,■;.■ -. x-'-\H t'iii-:xim^^im.>^:^J , • - :ik.:.ii'yiU ii:(..:u,:vi ^ • .r-4'\1'.1iv,^ .,;jj': :;;>■■' ;r; ■ ;i,: ,5-'r;,,i -A ii-* -"^ '" . ^ t'.. .Jjt^.'^^j «■* jih ijt^ .^ ' < .'-» !■' ,t -rf /,».«.•.••. :.i,. i-Ht,; f..';-.l No 7, t' ;i' ! ■'i\ h • ¥■< ^;^l m- i I 47,o6a 15 10 2S>335 17 «i M J75^» • 30^^ George II. I s. d. Dec. 16. 55,000 Seamen, for 1757 2,860,000 23. 49,749 Land Forces, includ- ing 4, 008 Invalids V 1,213,746 3 9 Fojces in Plantations, &c, 423*963 16 10 Pay of General and StafF- ' "" Officers 6,544 Heflian Foot, with Ge- neraU and Staff-Officers and ..^ Artillery, from 25 Dec. 1756, to 24 Feb. 1757 fy6o5 Hanoverian Foot, with i^' h V General and Staff-Officers, ,*.^„.:._ an<^Artillery, and Officers of the Hofpital for the above time Jan. 17. Foundling Hofpital Ordinary of the Navy ' Greenwich Hofpital Purchafing Land, near Ply- mouth, and carrying on Works of an Hoijpital for ^ the Fleet ^y'^^.■^ ' \ * Ordnance for Lan d Service 20. Extra expence of .Ordnance Feb. 10. Chelfea Hofpital 2 Highland B.'ittalions,, for >757 \ 33,025 ! t> 30,000 — — 223»939 7 7 10,090 — - 10,000 161,557 I 10 228,196 4 7 ' 30,000 — — 46,022 5 — Cairied over / 5,340,846 4 10 |« L 3 JFeij. m J. J. Feb. iQ. :o 1-6 3 9 ' S3 16 10 i'^-*;- ,3.557 10 -^ 200,000 — -^ f "5 5 / / i, r, ai Brought over 5,340,846 4 10 Feb. 10. Civil Eftabljfhment of Georgia and incidental Expences,. from Midfummer, 1756, to Midfummer, 1757 For an Army of Obfervation, and fulfilling Engagements with Pruijia, and Support ■ "*' of the Common Caufe 24. 6,544 Heilian Foot, with Ge- neral and StafF-Officers and Artillery, from 25 Feb. ■ ' 1 7 5 7 , to 26 April, following 5,726 Hanoverian Foot, with General and Staff-Officer?» and Artillery and OiEcers of Hcfpital, 25 Feb. 1757, to 25 March following Mar. 7. Building and repair of Ships 200,000 — -— Half-pay Officers 33»ooo — • — . Ditto Widows as before ' 2,350 — — . . Reduced Officers, &c.ofHorie Guards and Horfe 3»32i 16 z 4 Regiments of Foot, Irifti ^ v. i, > ^ .]'- .i.* 22>959 10 2 J 9»494 3 9 t Eftablifhment, ferving in y North America, ^and the /, Bail Indies, and augment- ing General 0*Farrels Rc- f . giiicntof Foot - ■ •' " - « -. - * r 48,926 Carried cvei' ^. 5,8? /j ,455 17 6^ Uarch m \ m In ^t ■if: -' Brought over 5,864,455 17 6'^ Mar. 10. To dircharge the like fum raffed laftyear *" ^ Colony of Nova-Scotia, in the year 1757 ; . * Ditto, in the year 1755, not provided for *-: Carllfle road . ' '^ . " Remainder of exceedings of Ordnance for Land Service, for 1756, not provided for ^ 29. Towards difcharging the Na- vy Debt ♦. Expence of Hanoverian march •- in Germany, both at their comino: here and their re- turn bnck A'"*!. 4. Extra expences of Land Forces »^ ,,1.. and other Services, incurred ,„, . , lafl year, and net provided - , _ ^ for .itiiA* *■'■■ ► ■- ■■.■■•■ 25. 6,544 Hefiian Foot, with Ge- neral and StafF-Officers in oar pay, from 27 April, \ I7S7> ^^ 27 May, follow- 700,000 — — . 28,789 5 1 15,381 4 --. 3,0CQ — — 47,869 2 4 \ 200,000 — -^ 31,959 15 & 111,570 19 7f ■MU 11,667 18 ll| Jri i.Jl-SVi-^'i ^' |d d:^'t^4 ?ro ci4,69f 3 — I 1 ["7 1 ' - i- ■ •; ^H /. /. ^ ■jfay fo. Charge of German pay, for • - 455 17 6' I 6,600 Heffian Foot, with 1 General and Staff-Officers, ^- 000 — -^ I » and train of Artillery, fro-.i .,-■";,./ I 28 May, to 24 Dec. 1757 46,597 9 — 7^9 5 1 I '■ Ditto for i40oHorfe,withOf- ■ ''V " •i-m ■ -^* ficers to the Hofpital, from ':'4 - > ... ";. 381 4 — I 27 April, to 24 Dec. 1757 25,078 — — OCQ — ',— 1 Ditto for 700 Hefiian Horfe, V ^■ '• ■ " : , " " I y from 23 Aug. to Dec. 24 6,119 9 ^ ; I '■ I Pitto for 3)300 HeiTian '"•-»; . 1 869 2 4 I Foot, General and Staff- ■'' ■ "• \ M" -^^ OfRcersandArtiHery, from /■' , ; ;, 1 000 — -i* I '' ■ " »7 Apnly to 24 Dccr 27,173 14 — 's I Charge of remounting and 1 Levy Money for the above 1 '^ 1 "" 70oHorfe, and 3,300 Foot ■ ^i!i )S9 15 ^ ■ **"" by Treaty 37,296 17 6 i • ;,j ii«..- I To make good the Agreement '-/, - ;i. 1 v.'-irl'' 1 withHeiTe^CaOel.byTrejity fl ' Charge of an advanced Sub- 60,766 I — <• 1 7^ 19 7f ■ fiiy at the rate of 150,000 * . % I '■■ ■ crowns a year to HcfleCaflel i" ' ' ' " * J k- ■ '-■ ^ '" ' 1 by Treaty, from 6 Aug, '; V 1 1756, to 27 April, 1757, 1" "i-l ; j: ! ^ ^ >m ■ being the day the Cavalry 67 18 ll|. I enters into the pay ot Great ■ Britain 1 _ f 26,007 K 61 n } —i ' • « _ . rt _ - _ ^Taj May , 1 iii '^ 1 W" : I 'I I ill I •,s [,ii8 ] . . • . /. /; Brought over 7,243,832 ic) May 10. Rcitlainlng Moiety of re- mount Money, for 1,400 Horfe by Treaty, payable, ' V 27 April 1757, the fup- .^ . jpofed day when the cavalry took the field J3»47'5 •"" 19. Vote of Credit 1,000,000 — » ^^ ^ Extraordinary expences of the War, for the ufe and relief ; ^ '^ A of North and Soutli Caro- • lina, and Virginia,, for fer- vices and afting with vi- gour again ft the Enemy " To the Eaft- India-Company, for a Military Force in iieu of a Battalion with-dra^wii from their Settlements •African Forts and Settlements Widening the Avenucj from '^' Charing Crofs 21. Topurchafehoufesandground . for the above purpofe Half-pay to certain StafF- Officers of the late garrifon at Minorca (viz.) the Sc- . * creta]ies,Govrrnor,Captr.m # ■ ; of the Forts , Lieut. Gover- nor of St. Philip, and Sur- geon to the garrifon of ditto 7 ■'.'^ 50,000 — -*» 20,000 — - 10,000 — - 2,500 — —I ^i % ■r-O' ..*.«.^ --4^ 10,000 — •mt 1 • i'-^f - • > 1 5^7 I 8 / Total X- 8,350,325 I 3 '/>/ m [ns?' X 119 ] 3 ifl George. II. 11 300 — — ,00 — — [00 — — 500 — -• bee. 8. 60,000 Seamen, for 1758 3,120,000 — —^ 15- S3'7 77 l^a^'i Forces 1,253,36818 6 General Staff-Officers, and Officers of the Hofpital Forces inthePlantations ,&;c. 4 Regiments of Foot on Irilh Eftablifliment, ferving in North America and Eaft- Y Indies 20. Ordnance for Land Service Extra expence of diito not provided for Iflued in purfuance of addrefs Jan. 23. On account of the Critical Exigency in concert with Pruffia Ordinary of the Navy Building the Hofpital at Ha'f- ler near Gofport Ditto near Plymouth Grecnv/ich-Hofpital 31. ^Kalf-Pay Officers - • Ditto Widows as before Roduccd Officers of Horfc- Gis^jTrds and Horfe r-' 37,452 3 4 623,704 — 2 43,968 4 2 181,505 10 — . 210,301 17 3 31,000 — — 100,000 — -— 224,421 5 8 10,000 — — . 10,000 — — 10,000 — — 35,602 2,216 1— — ■ i t ,: 3,09s 17 II r % 17 I 325 1 3 i75<' ■*, i, Ca-ricJ over ;^. 5,896,648 17 — Fib. m Ml ' \- ;|: m ¥ r r M ; '; •' i iu 38,360 19 10 A\ 40,000 — 7H [ I20 ] Brought over 5,896,648 17 ^ Feb. 6. Building and repair of Ships aoo,boo — 23. 2,102 Heilian HorJe, 9,900 Foot, with General and StafF-OfEcers, Hofpital and r . Artillery, for 60 days, from ^ Chriftnuw, 17J7, to Feb. 22, 1758 Mar. 7. Foundling Hofpital, to be iflued without fee or reward " t^ or any deduAion whatfo- •- '^ • ever 13, Towards difcharging the Navy t. • '^ • Debt f^ 21. Deficiency of laft year's Grant 284,802 i - 2,120 HsflianHorfe, 9,900 Foot, &;c. from February '"*' --: 23, to April 23 !?;' raifed laft year O^ Colony of Nova Scotia, for 1758 Charges in ditto 1756, not provided for Civil eftablifhment of Geor- gia , from Midfummer , 1757, tD Midfummer, . . ^7$^ 3*557 10 -I Carried oyer £ 7,644,259 2 -| Apr. 2c| .^ v. 38,360 19 10 26,000 — -| 800,000 — 9,902 5 -I 6,626 9 d Sf-. X [ flM j \ g _ • X. Srdtight&vcr 7,644,259 2 7! ^ ^ ""■ /ipr. 20. To make good engagemidnt^ ' *~ with Pruffia 670,000 — — • 38,000 Men df UieTroop^^ ■ of Hanover, Wolfenhuttlc, \ V* Saxegotha and B uckebiirgi- '• -- -"* ^^^- ^ i from No\^. 28, ^1757, to *. V v "., ^ -*-. DeCii24, 1758 ' 4^5,084 6 i^ >•- In fotisfaftion for defraying* ~ Z* ' *" v the charge^fR)fage, Bread . /^t Waggon, Artttteryi &cv'for ' ^ •^ •" the-^bove men 386,91^ rj iQ ^- - £xtri.foipen< iians, fromChriftmas,i757, to Chriftmaa, 1758 Towards rebuilding London Bridge [May 2« To pay.and cloa 'ung of MiK- tia, for 1758, and Expences thereof, in 1757 4. To carry on works st^iiford • ' iiai'bour ,902 5 - 626 9 9| 15,000 -^ •-• 100,000 — — • 10,000 — —• y .•>> 259 -2 ?j ^<% Carried over j^* 9»599,889 2 6§ Jand li l.'H ^1 :\4 \\M i f f ' I . ' [ I2t 1 < Brought over 9*5991889 2 6J June I • To reimburfe the Province of ^^ _ Maffachufctt's Bay, for f ur- . niftiingprovirionsandHoresy in 1756 Ditto to Conne£licut Repairing St. Margaret's hf church, Weftminfter i, v: t. Vote of Credit 10. £ail-India*Company to main- tain a Military Force in i. their Settlements African Forts and Settlements : i 16. To augment the Judges fa- V „, ; T -laries , 27,380 19 u| 13*736 17 7 4,000 — -* 800,000 — -^ 20,000 ^ -^ 10,000 — — 1 J, ,450 — ^ 7 *-»; Total jf. 10,486,457 — 1 f 1 « ■ ',, .... *^ I;. «i E i^icw n^'*' }• >«»- co-:t^ot; ; • . ': ". ■« ' ■ - ' / • '■^j>j^ R ^^i^^oo^i; "^^ ^"'' ^^ -^.r-y - t::H tP Chriilmas, 175^ Additional coi-psof 920 Horfe,* ' 6,073? Foot of Heifians, from Jan. i» £759> to 31: Dec. fbUbwing To the Landgrave of Hefie CaflH to faciUtate the "^ /'' means, by wl^ch he ma^' H tt. ^v ^^9!^}^ ^^ ^** refidence in ?'fit . Ills own dominions, and ' give freih courage to his u ^ faithful fubjcdts by his pre- , 182,151 2 It J ' ■■•■•}. 97>5^i^7 »»J ^ fence which is fo much wiflied.for To difcharge tlie like Sum by JidL of laft feifioos 60,000 «— — • 800,000 — — r^ -Carried oyer ^f. 9,812,927 5 r^ It! ■ir*"*-*^ L.f ^ « ?| Jan. ill /. /. d. brought over 9,812,927 5 117 Jan. i^* Rebuilding and repairs of Ships 31. Chelfea Hofpital Fwb* 6. London Bridge 8. Foundling Hofpital 22. Tranfport Service, and vic- tualling Land Forces laft year 200,000 — — 26,000 — — 15,000 — — [^20,000 — — s' 26. Nova-Scotia, for 1759 ^ Ditto, in 1 7 5 7 , not provided for Georgia, from Midfumraer, " 1758, toMidfummer 1759 Mar* 19. Sinking Fund to make good deficiency of Additional Stamp Duty, &c. to 5 July, ,_ .-^. Ditto, deficiency of Duty on Glafs, &c. to ditto v * African Fort* and Settle- ments "■rjfft*! 667,771 19 7 9,902 5 — 11,278 i3 5 ' 4,057 10 — 24,571 6 ii| 8,881 II io| ■■ t .;-■■.; 10,000 — I 1 w^ I m '>■- lit m M ,,:| Carrledovcrjf. 10,810,190 17 9^1 iS 'f •»-■ <».^ _««-.* »^v »fi ir'*«— ii»-* March ii.';\ i1, 1^' It u Pi ! , ''1 )■ Mi i , Brought over 10,8x0,190 17 9;! Mar. 19. To "Roger 1 Long, ( Pp^or , Lowndes, aftronomical and geometrical Profeflprin Cambridge ) count, tOQlfcharg,c,in put- ' fuance of jthe ,WilI .of -- Thomas Lo,vvtr(4e5, Efq; t ^ 1 (the inventor of a method for, Melioratiftg tte* Brine Salt of ; this kiftdom) a . , juoytgage upon an Ellate devifed (for the endow- . > • i»»ilp zg. Pay and cloathiag of Militia', ..*omChrift, 1758, tO'La- ' ! *4 !4y-day, 1760 / Foundling Hofpital Apr. ,2i Extra expences of Land Forces and ether S«r vices V- -^* iacnrred lad year 'nd not provided for 10. Compeniatj.on to proprietors for Lands purchafed at ,. v (^ :; c^^.^o/i n«jir \CHMl*aip, for ; ^«,«i*.»^. *b«tter; ty's Docks 708 3 — U 1,280 -i- — 90,000 — — 30,000 — — 466,785 10 5I ? I ViAvii Carried ov^r jf.i 15398^64 11 3* It 3; [ X27 ] . Brought over 11,3^^64 11 i\\ *^i — April 10. Ditto at Poi tfmouth Ditto at Plymouth Mil ford Haven *' 12. Dirchar-^ing the debts upon the forfeited Eftates of John Drummond, intitlod Duke of Perth 30. To the Eail-rndia-Company for a military force in their Settlements Compenfa^^on to the pro- vinc ■^l : "jrth America^ for levying, cloathingand pay of Troops • raifed by them, according as the a3 7l 25,159 17 6 10,000 — — 69,910 15 9J 20,000 — — w xl'i aoo,ooo •— --■ 2,^500 — ;V"»?T ■ ■ ' ■«■ fcm»; **tmAf •*V--( ■• ■ A May • % t I. ! ■ w liii '^m m ■iv £ i' i Hi I ]jn- h fc J ill !. , :a rv 77^ i6 6 [ '^5 ] . Brought oven 11,733,472 18 May 10. Mr. Harding's Widow, bal- lanceof account for print- ing the Journals of the Houfe of Commons 15. Augmentations of Sallaries of the following Judges (viz.) 500/. to each of the > Pufine Judges of the King'ff Bench ; 500/. to each of the Common Pleas ; i to/I to Chief Baron of Exs.^' quer ; 500/. to each of the other Barons of ditto, eve- ry year Ditto for Scotland (viz.) 300/. to Prefident of the court of Sefllon ; 300/. to Chief Baron of Exchequer; and' 200/. to each of the other Judges in the faid courts every year Ditto for Chefhire and Wales (viz.) 200/. to Chief JaC- " ticeof Chefhire; 150/*. to two Juflices of ditto, and ii;o/. to'eachofthejuflices ' f V *^ counties in Wales, evei/year 1,250 — 2-', - \ 6,000 — -*' 4,200 — -• \i.hl Carried over ;f. 11,745,701 14 8^,| >* - :1, ■ , •wfSl 1 1 i«a! I ,^.- •-'i I,7i6 1 7| /. /. - /. ^r Brought over ii,745,7or 14 8/, |f}fay 21. Intereft of principal. Sttms |>aid for purcliaie of Landis for fecuring the Docks of Portfiuouth^ Plymouthand Chatham Charges [incurred in purfu* ance of anA£b of laft year for purchafe of the abeve Lands ^»4. Vote of Credit to defray extra expent:e« of the Wai and take AichmeaAircsa*. thtexigencyofaffairfjnay ' T 2i443 3 I I ■>l\ i i i Total^. i2,749>86o 19 4«| @ ■V* i^^ -^t I. pi jt III •III K«r i »'»C If if |M |!i i: ■ !'- m . n\. m': . I - if ! i k ''j^^n*!; •ii '^759^ 33^ George II. Nov. 22. 70,000 Seamen, with 18,35^5 Marines^ foi' 1760 3,640,000 — 27. 57,294 Land Forces, includ- ing thofe in Germany, and 4,010 Invalids ^yl'^h1^^ "^ ^0 Forces in Nantations, Gib- raltar, Guadeloupe, Africa, and in the Baft Indies, and proviiions for the garrifons in Nova Scotia, Newfoutid- .,, land,Gibraltar,Providence, /^Cape BretoiT, Guadeloupe, Senegaland Gonee 4 Regiments on Iriilr Eftabi- Hfhment in North America General and Staff- Officers, and of the Hofpitals for l^i^^^.. tand Forces ♦ Charge of the Embodied Mi- ^ "^ litra in Sottth-Britain, and. . ; theFencibleMenofArgyle- '; .\ (hire, and Lord Suther- land's Battalion of High- landers in North-Britain,- from Chriftmas, 1759* to . ^ 25 April, 1760 ioz,oo5 4 .l-U. ^y»^ r.-'-j-a^ 8461 1 68 1$ 35»744 8 5M54 I « fw Carried over £.6,062, 1 22 4 Nov -T*. 'f f * I «3t 1 /• i. /. Brought over 6,062,122 4 7 [flV.27» 38,750 Troops of Hanover, Wolfenbuttle^ Saxegotha, and Buckeburg, &c. from Chriftmas, 1759, to Chrift- mas, 1760 447iS8i 10 3I 2,120 Heilians Horfe, and 5^900 Foot, from Chr-ft- mas 1759, to Qhriilmas, 1760 263,874 16 % Additional corps off 920 Hef- iian Horfe, and 6,07 2 Foot, /" ftom 1 ji^n. 1760, to 3.1, Dec. following -* ^^ 97**50 4 !• '30. 'Ordinary of the Navy 232,629 5 i Building the Hofpital At Haf- ' ;. ^ ' * ler for Seamen 10,000 — — • Pitto near Plymouth xo,oqo — — • .Purchafing Ground, for crec- ' — j-_ ^ y iing Jetty Heads for ca- ^^ '''^'***' , reeningWharfs,andaccom-?-^';^;^ ^* " * ^ modations neceflary for re- ■^'^**''*! ''t ^ ^tting the Fleet at Hallifax 8,^00 •— •« Greenwich Hofpital 10,000 >— —• Office of Ordnance for Land Service 230,296 4 6 '"" Extra expences of ditto laft ^^ ^'^ " •— year not provided for ^ 280,563 16 11 't fi , M^ "Pl 1: :. I •lii 5^1 'I .««».>w*»»»«i>i. Carried over £. 7,658,219 3 — J Dec. I! 51i;i 1^ i I ! 1 !• i: h Sk /. t. Broiigfkt 6V«r 7^658,219 3 Pec. 7 . Towards dir~1ujr<4ipig *;heNavy - Debt ifOQOfOoo *-> , lanfpoi. Jei. :e and .^vic^ ^ tuallingLandJ^orcesyirom - f Jan. Jo 30 of Sept. 1759 , 5^oi»07S 16 Building and rcipairgi oCShips 2oo»oao->— 13. Half-pay Officers Widows 2,042 — £xtraexj)encesLofLandPorces . *«' 1 -^ and. other Services, to 24 ITov. laft, not provided for 953^301515 To^difcharge the Sum raifed . ,, laftfdTions 1,000,000 — i 17^ To »n»ke good Engagements withPruflia 670,000*— X 8 .- To take down and rehiove the ' <7un-i)ower Magazine, &c. near Greenwich in Kent, to ' .^.,ff ibnie more ppoper and lefs /^ dangerous fituation ao. ToHefTe Caffel puifuant ta feperate article of Treaty 60^000 — Foundling Hofpital / 5»ooo — Jan. 17. Prefent fupply for Forage, Bread, &Ci for the. Com*. - j^fO ^ ^ bined Army under Prince ,^.:> Ferdinand r > 500,000*— \ ^415,000 — i 1 ■ ' it i Carried over jf. j 1,564,642 15 — OlZ,'6 ■ -A Jan* !■ ' I it'' m ( 133 ] t- a. < 3-1 /. /. a» Brought over 11,564,642 15 — , ... .^ |j^^^* 29. To widen and enlarge London Bridge Feb. 7. To finking Fund, deficiency 15,000 — — • I 16 6 on the 5th of Jnly laft of 3 .«» — « : '"i^ U the Duties upon Ofiicers ♦ • X — • -• Penfions andHoufes,by 31 , j_ ' ' * 1 t • of George 11. 124,736 7 •£ ■1 V Ditto on Poundage, by 32 , _ i It ^H 5| of George II. to ditto 84,141 15 t ' M 1 ■f •*" Ditto on Glafs and Spiri- - , ■ ■ . . 1 >o •— — tuous Liquors, by 19 Geo. ! i . ; ,': t \ II. to 5 fan. . 8*752 6 10 ill! »0 *- -* Ditto'on Stamp-Duty, Wine ' % Tm^ ^'^* and Coals, to 5 Jan, 1759, ■ 1 by 30 George II. 7»^S^ 9 8| ■^1 I XI. Augmentation of looi Light*. 'S 1' urn ■ , Cavalry of Hanoverians in J 11 L :'. >o ->« "^> I '' our pay, from Chriftmas, i f V J759> to Chriftmas, 1760 34'333 8 — )0 — -— M Ditto of 4 Squadrons of Hun- .■ . 1"*^ ' >o — — ■ ^ ters and HulTars of Ilef- . ■ / i^ 1 " r > ■ ^ > fians, for the fame time 20,776 5 ; » ■ " Ditto of 5 Battalions and Ar- ii ■ ' 1 1 tillery for the King's Army ■ ^' ■ )0 >— — I in Germany, for the fame -■ time III 52,903 ^9 2 } ,.■ ' ■(!■ '1 ^2 15 - ^1 12. Half-pay OfHcers . 35>6si '- ■ ! ,■::' '' ', 1 Jan« Carried over ^f- 11,948,589 15 xi !l; 'rl^^i" B"' jil'^ i| :f|'' j''' 1 1 >; ll- Ml %x ll r iw>' 1 > t ll I- ! . h iiV f 5,1 • i ir f'34 3 Brought over n»948,589 15 n Feb. 12. Reduced Officers of Horfe Guards and Horfe )( Nova Scotia, for 1760 "^ Charges of ditto, in 1 75 8, not provided for Georgia, from Midfummer, 1759, toMidfummer, 1760 Mar. 31. Compeniation to the Pro- . . vinces inNorth- America,as ^ laft year Eaft-India- Company for a Military Force in their Set- tlement Chelfea Hofpital Augmentation of Forces fince the Eflimate of Guards and GarrifoQS, for 1760, was prefentedfrom their refpeft- ive Commencements, to Chriftmas, 1760 Foundling Hofpital for Chil- dren admitted, to 8 Feb. ' 1760 7/ .<(»■-» .vj' - 2,946 11,785 6 10 5,851 4 9 4^057 10 -- 200,0p0 — -^ 20,Q00 — ^ 25,000 i34»^.39 »7 4! 44,157 10 - l|i; Can-ied over jf. 1 2,396,5 27 4 '^L ,j ''•"», , ^ /. ^. «S 11 5 _ .^ 5 6 10 I 4 9 7 10 ^ t '35 3 /• J. i, Fro ught over 12,396,527 4 10 /pr. 2?. Charge of Embodied Mili- tia, and the Fencible Men of Argyleftiire, and Lord Sutherland's Battalion of Highlanders, from ihe corn- men cement of their Eftab- IJlhment, to Chrift. 1760 . . - Cloathing of Embodied Mi- - 1 * * Iitia New- York, their Expences "*^ * in furnilhing provifions and ■ .^Hores xss the Troops, in 'hs 1756 ' " FoundlingHofpital, for Chil- dren admitted, from 8. Feb. to 26 March African Settlements ip. 959Cavalry, and 1,454 Infan- try of Brunfwick Troops in our pay by Treaty •-^ ;-^ Augmentation of Brunfwick '; Troops - 260,104 '^ ^ 30,722 — — . 2,977 7 8 • 3,127 10 — 10,000 — I 6^,926 3 —J >S 23>^43 5 " '. .;ii li ■Jl 1 : ,'| m ■| H :..:..,_-«,-^*;.^. Carried over ^. 12,794,228 8 i^ . N 2. Apri ■',1^1 «■» ; ^ ft. ' I ,! , 1. '< i] I ;i C 136] /. 101,096 3 3 Brought over I2,794>228 Aj^r. 29. 3 /idditioual Squadrons of Htflians, and 2 Companies oK Cha(reurfi,with augmen- tiuion of Horfe Dragoons and Foot, to the Heflian "' , 'J'roops in our pay., for ^ 1760 Extra cxpences of Land Forces andother Services incurred, from 24 Nov. 1759, to 7 a Dec. following May 6. Deficiency of Grants laft year Mr. Harding's Widow, as a recompence for his painft and fervices in preparing ; Copies of the Journals, and managing and directing the Printing thereof Jeremiah Dyfon , toward* Printing Journals and In-_, dexes Pay and cloathing of Unembo- died Militia, for the year ending Lady-day, 176^ 420,120 - ,^J - \ w v-" C ti ■■? 3,00Q *- — t 2,000 — -^ 80,000 — — »^^^i»ii.i>< » .a wBifc*» i^fi^aWWri ^ lKt li yi *\ Carried over ;f.i3»475>6i4 12 (y\ A & ,•__*! r •; May [ ^11 ] May % ■t \i A /. ' il^L-jlit- ■;» XXX XX w I I III N i'76( M wm. r »?8 ] Kxxxxxx'vxxxxxxxyxxxxvxxxxxxvx u^ I. '. I l-l. ' i 1.1 ': ', ;1: • I ;-J ! ' n*-^-f » f •| :';?!fBl 1760. jji George IIL /. /. 4 • ■«. . •«;**'-■ 01 Nov. 27. 'nr^ O his Majefty, during >. X , life, a clear yearly Re- venue, to commence fiom fj.| the late King's death, and to be charged and made payable out of the Aggre- gate Fund 70,000 Seamen, for 1761, «^t ^including 18,355 Marines 3 ^9. 64,971 Land Forces, includ- ^t o^ ing 4,008 Invalid'i i Forces in the Plantations, Zee. 3 Regiments, on Irifh Eftab- Ufhment, fcrving in North- America General and General Staff- Officers, and Officers of - 19 4 16 10 Kov. [ 139 ] _,^,,;^ Brought over 7,096,1761610 Kov. 29. rfoatKing of Embodied Mi» r ^ litia 56,568 15 « pec. 2. Ordnance for Land Servk« 302,267 9 ^ Extra Expence of ditto not provided for . 426,449 4 9 9. Ordinary of the Navy 258,624 7 10 Compleating the Hofpital ncarGofport 7»i30 — — ^ Carrying on the Hofpital near Plymouth to,oco — -• Ti;anfport Service, from i Oa. 1759, to Sept. 30^ Towards difcharg^o of the i. .>.' Navy Debt 1,000,600 — — Building and repaii of Ships 200,000 —• II. Difcharging the fuin railed ' ■ / -, laft feffion upvi-x the firll Aids of this 1, 000,000 — — Widening Loi'don Bridge 15,000 -~ — 15. Difchiv.ging Exchequer bills made out, before the 1 1 th '' cf Dec. 1760 1,232,000 •— — . 16. 39,773 Troops of Hanover, &CC. from Chriftmas, 1760, - to Chriftraas^ 1761 463,874 ip ij — '* '■>: :,*,'W^O:'f Carriedover ^f. 12,547,127 12 —a Dec. f \ "Hill t ■! 1 m i'iif tt il 'to i ■I I ■■; 'r |H ^ ! < 111 ) . ; )■! '*::«* 268,360 8 S Hf>ojt 5 3 [ 140 3 ^ /, s» is Brought over 1 2,547^1 27 ^2 —j, pec. i6« 2,120 Heflian Horfe, and 9,900 Foot, from Chrift- mas, 1760, to Chriftmas, 1761 ^ Additional Corps of 1,5:76 Heffian Horfe, and 8,808 Foot, Avith Officers, &c» w^;^^ from I Jan. 1761 1,205 Brunfwick Cavalry, *.. and 2,208 Infantry, from Chriftmas, I76o>toChriit- mas, 1761 ,«; |- Deficiency of Charge of Brunf- : wiCiC Troops; to'Chriftmas, 1760 ^*'- Chargeof 5 Battalions, with Artillery, ferving in Ger- // V many, from Chrlft. 1760, %-.* to Ch rift. 1761 :t^i *:^ Extra ex'pence of Land Forces ;•"--. and other Services, to 9 ' Nov. 1760, not provided >*" for 1,167,903 12 6 Forage, Bread, &c. and other Expences and Contingen- j* t\% cies of Army under Prince •- '^ Ferdinand 1,000, coo •— — 57,798 16 -^ 2,5.69 10 -• 25,504 6 Sj ^rriedover i?. 15*216,335 11 -J Dec % ■■* ■ .69 10 — *^ iH 6 S 1 >^-.. \ .. 01 ^r t HI ] Brought over 15,216,335 n — | I Dec. 23. To make good Engagements with Pruffia 670,000 — — • Jan. 15. To replace finking Fund, the Deficiency on the 5 th of Ju- ly, 1760, of feveral Dnties on Malt To ditto. Deficiency of Du- ties on Windows, by 31 George II. to ditto Ditto, Deficiency on 5 Jan. 1760, of Subfidy on Pound- age, by 32 George 11. 20. Compenfation to the< Pro- vinces in North-America Eaft-India- Company, to main- tain a Force in their Settle- ments Officers Ditto Widows as before Reduced Oificers of Horfe Guards and Horfe Chelfea Hofpital Nova Scotia Georgia, from Midfummer, 1760, to Midfumin(er, 1761 'i ■:!. 49.424 IM^ "^ 72,011 6 11 Sf9^9 12 9l 200,000 .r V - — 20,000 34.854 1,922 9 2 2.973 18,360 19 2 2 II '^>595 12 9 4..0S7 10 — 1. I i '■" r 'k-J if --Jt i • 4 r ft iM« Gaaiedover ^.16,306,504 4 2} :.: r: ill .';t Mi i^-\": 99h^H 4 4? 268^000 — — r I5,,000 — — r 44,197 10 -^ /. f, tK Brernghtover 16,306,504 4 8| Jan. 22. Extra Expenccs of Land Forces and other Services, from • r rio Nov. to Chriftmas fol- lowing, not provided for 29. To pay off Exchequer bills made out fince the loth of Dec.Iaft To the Mint for 7 year* pr ann, , Feb. 9. Foundling Hofpital Supporting the Fort of An- namabo, and other Britlfh Forts and Settlements in Africa 17. For extra expences of BreadjifC, furnifhed by theChancery at War of Hanover, totheHef. fian and Prufllan Forces in Germany,in 1757 and 1758 ** 18. Difference of pay of Anftru- ther's Regiment of Foot, from Iriih to Britifh, eftab- lilhment,' from Chrift. 1 760,. to Chriftmas, 1761^ and augmentations to the Forces fince the eftimate, for 1 761 , was prefented from the commencement of their ef- tablifhment, to Chrift. 1761. 13,000 — '^ ^ii-ifv i zi^>m H »l t :■ %\ CU^ 01 1- 22,361 II 8 ■^f'f •-£ Carried over £, i7>999r3^7 4 ^^ . ^~'- Feb.' I, ! tH3 3 !-rirt 2^8,668 9 !• \ Carried over I7»999>387 4 it, I f eb. 1 8. Addition to 1 40, 3 5 8/. 1 9/. 4^ already gran ted for the Em- bodied Militia, Argyle- ihire,Menjand Sutherland's Highlanders, fiom Chrill- ' mas, 1760, to Chriilmas, 1761 319. J^ifchargin^ of Debts, and Wadfett Sums * fuftained on the forfeited Eftates of Si- mon, late Lord Lovat, ac- cording to the decrees noiade V. in Scotland, and by 25 of George n. 53. Deficiency of laft year's Grants ^ Pay of Militia when unem* bodied and cloathing, from Lady-day iaft, for i year Mar. 7. Vote of Credit for the War 1,000,000 — — For a reafonable Succour, in money, to Heffe CaiTel, by Treaty , 120,000 — — 38,553 12 ij 89,510 12 II 70,000 — — b^«->; '-iF*** A-^'-* •P-4*** Total /^. 1 9,6 1 6, 1 19 i^gl '■;, '•.■'■ ! ■ ?;-ji ;. I' ■■ 1,1 Vh >(i m '!'■ nil ,. * Nea 1) the fame as Mortgages or Judgments in England. '^■m 1/5 1. I ft 15' ' 1': 1 |i'- ; -i- :ihi :!-''!' : ; '1 ■'J 111- . ) ■■ *!' '' . ■ iy6i, I »4+ 3 2d George III. /. /. y. t^ov. 21. 70,000 Seamea, for 1762, in* eluding 19,661 Marines 3,6404000 -— -^ 26. 67, 676 L«nd^ Forces, includ- ing 4,008 Invalids 1,629,320 18 I Forces in Planuitions, &c. 873^780 18 7 / 4 Regiments ©f Fobt^n Irifh X eftablifliment in North . ^ America Ordnance for Land SertTce Augmentation to the .Fore::.:; of 9,370-Men, from Chriit- mas, 1 76 1, to Chrifhnas, i\ 4f3,284 — 6 343»7S4 17 »» \ Nov. 2 Dec. 1762 . 163,711 12 6 I Pay of General and Gene- 1 ral Staff Officers, and Of- ' 1 ficers of Hofpitals for Land 1 Service 72,896 H ' 1 Extra exfence of Ordnance 1 for Land Service 299,161 4 * 1 ..^ 28. Ordinary of the Navy 272,226 9 . 1 •f.'T Compleating the Chapel of P. the Hofpital near Gofport 1,000 — — *i Compleating works of the •:.. -* Hofpital near Plymouth 6,000 — Building and repair of Ships 200,000 •"^ ■"^ < f. Carried over £. 7»52S»»36 »5 2 •»*■- ., „.)»/.. ••«•■■ Nov. » ./■ C 145 1. irfl'i' /. y. — -• 18 I 3 18 7 f — 6 ^ 17 II • /. f. d. Brought ever 7,525,136 15 z Nov. 28. Towaiils Jifcharging the Na- vy Debt • 1,000,000 — -• Dec. 7. Tranfport Service between I 0£l. 1760, and 30 Sept. 1761 835,025 3 8 To pay off Exchequer bills made out laft feffions, and T charged upon the firft Aids of this 1,500,000 — — 10. 39,773 Troops of Hanover, &c. as laA year, from Chrift. 1761, to Chriftmas, 1762 465,638 16 2f 2, 1 20 Heffian Horfe, and 9,900 Foot, from Chrift- mas, 1 76 1, to Chriftmas, 1762 vi Additional Corps, of 1,576 Heifian Horfe, and 8,800 Foot, from 1 Jan. 1762, to 3 1 Dec. following i',444Brunfwick Cavalry, and # 2^ rV 2, 3 3c Infantry, from Chrift- mas, 1761, to Chriftmas, ^ 1762, with the Subiidy -" iA-^ 5 Battalions with Artillery, fcrving in Germany, from Chriftmas, 1761, to Chrift- ^^^.mas, 1762 ,,vo:-l^.i'rt^:> 268,360 i 8 H7»07i S ^ '"V €i ^f^, t, ■ imt^f^ 63,oo8 9 i 25,504 6 8 M^ a w ^p yrt B.1. »*^!>*y;^f;jw np » n » il l ^i Carried over jf. 11,834,745 4 7?- f ,; ,11 13. 1; ^. '1! I 'i tec. 10. Embodied Militia, Argyle- fliire Men, and Suther' land's Highlanders, from Chriilmas, 1761, toChrift. :? 1762 Cloathing of Embodied Militia To pay off the Sum raifed laft year, and charged upon the iirftAids Forage, Bread, &c. and other expences of the Army un- ^^ der Prince Ferdinand 14. Extra expences of Land B'orces, to Nov. 24, 1761, not pro- vided for C 22. Reduced Officers, &c. of Horfe Guards and Horfe Half-pay Officers Ditto Widows as before (. London Bridge Jan. 26. Compenfations to the Pro- vinces in North- America Eaft - India - Company, for a 1 ;^ 55 C'FoKe in their Settlement Chelfea Hofpital Nova Scotia /. J. J, 1*834,745 4 7l 443,952 10 10 60,70^ 4 I 1,000,000 — — 1,000,000 — — 1,353,662 4 1 2,952 13 4 34,383 1,838 15,000 — — • 133.333 6 8 20,000 — -— I3»749 10 5 5,684 I 10 Cwriedovcr ^f. 15, 920,006 15 io| ■•i^-t k -^ .ii^f-y •• ■ » y i j l' i.' r '■ , \ . Jan. lu: E H7] I. s. /. Brought over 15,920,006 15 io| Jan. 26, Georgia ' Fortof Annamaboo, and Set- tlements in Africa To finking Fund, Deficiency of Duties on Offices on 5 July, i76i,by3lGeorgfeII. Ditto, Deficiency on Malt- Duty, by 33 George II. ■ ' ©itto, of additional duties on Malt and Ale, by 1 George III. 28. Extraexpences of Land Forces Ceb. I. Foundling Hofpital Mar. 23. Britifli MufsBura ^^ -' Paving the Streets of Weft- minfter 29 Pay of the Militia, when un- embodied, and cloathing «!«•**,», r To build a Bridge over the Tweed, near Coldftream Apr. I, A reafonable Succour, in mo- ney, to Hefle Caffel, by — : - . Treaty Deficiency of Grants laft year 112,613 5 S\ May 13. Vote of Credit for the War 1,000,000 — — To Jeremiah Dyfon, towards : ._ his Printing the Journals 1,500 .' •■""-; -. Total jf. 1 8,299,153 18 iif- ■ ^ . _ O 2 1762* 4,057 10 — .13,000 '-' 10,540 103,906 — •— 958,384 — i« 41,752 10 — 2,00«1— — 5,000 — — 20,000 — — 4,000 — — 50,000 — — . ^ . .- J.- (, »•. t- .1 Is..:! J s r I ;::i !' 'i i; m i\ '.mm ;'! ■»!• m ;!"';' ,' , [ 148 ) \ . 1762. 3 J George III. /. /. 4 Dec. 2. 30,000 Seamen , including 4,287 Marines, for 1763 1,560,000 — — • 7. Extra expences of Land Forces, from 25 Dec. 1 761, 1031061.1762 1,588,756 15 5 Feb. 3. Ordinary of the Navy 380,661 3 11 Completing the Hofpital, near Plymouth 3>ooo — — Greenwich Hofpital 10,000 — — To fatisfy all the Navy, Viilu- alling, and Tranfports bills, payable in courfe, and made out before 31 Dec. lafl: 3»075»3i6— 3 14. To fatisfy all the Ordnance ^-^^ ,^^ Debentures, dated on or be-' difcharged 595*4*3 * 5 1 7. To paving the Streets of Weft* minfter 5,000 — — * ^4. To difcharge the like fum, raifed laft feffions upon the ^*m^*. j . i • . ^ « firflAids 1,006,000—^ — Building and repair of Ships 100,000 — — 38. ExtraexpenceofLandForces and other Services, from "e • 1 Nov. 1762, to 9 Feb. •^ 6<.i 1763 ,'| tJiw g .i,'* ^ J 1, 249 — 6 •*■ H*, Carded over £, 9,269,406 2 6 March /. 4 )0 — — 6 »5 f? 3 II 50 —. -^ ?0 ... .-^ 16- 3^ !3 a 5 )0 — -• )0 — — 9- 6 )6 2 6 March 85,158 14 8 87,690 1 8 6^ /. s, /. Brought over 9, 269)406 2 6 Mar. I. 2,120 Hcflian Horfc, and 9,900 Foot, from Chrift- mas, 1762, to Lady-day, 1763 Additional Corps, of 920 HeiTian Horfe, and 6,072 Foot, from i Jan. 1763, to 24 Nov. following 65 6 HefGan Horfe, 2,7 36 Foot, .AS augmentation to the Troops, from 25 Dec. 1 762, V -^ to 24 Nov. 1763 ^'45,42^ 16 6| 1,444 Brunfwick Cavalry, 2,330 Infantry, from 25 ' . ', Dec. 1762, to 20 March, 1763 49,3oB 1 ii?j Deficiency of pay to augmen- tation of BrunfwickTroops, voted laft feffions 4*328 8 5 Ordnance for Land Service 204,329 — • — 7. To pay off Exchequer bills made out lail feffions 1,500,000 •— <— 56, 360 Land Forces, fori 2 1 days, from a; Dec. 1762, to 24 Aj)ril, 1763, and for IJIJ xedttcing their numbers 4851317 2 ic /i a ^~r*~^ •^,^^0 1^^-^ ~ ♦"^■*-rt* *^i*»-MB»M *,«**, Carried over ^f. 11,730,959 4 ^^f O 3 ' March ;! J. 1^ 'i«. ■[ 150 ] I A J. d. Brought over 11,730,959 47'* 27S>893 II — 7i»38l 16 8 Mar. 7. Forces in the Piantations,&c. for the above time 4 Regiments of Foof in the Eall-Indics, from Chrift- . mas, 1762, to Chrillmas, 1763 2 Regimen ts of Horfe in Ger- many, and 4 Regiments of V / Foot, in North -America, / onIri(heftabli(hment,from ^ Chrift. 1762, to 34 April, 1763 pay of General and General- Staff Officers in Great Britain 17,5^15 Land Forces, includ- ing^ 2,743 Invalids, for Great Britain, Guernfey and Jerfey, from April 5, 176J to 2^ Dec.^ follow- ing Forces in the Plantations, &c. for the above time 10. Pay and cloathing Militia for f , V one year, from 25 March, . \ ' - _^«^ -'''-^Carried over jf. i2,949;n8 4 %-^-v^ 16,438 7 11^291 8 t\ \ 408,372 13 4 ,..'81,781 J 6 I'W - ■ < , ^. ^}Ii;..I March [L:i 50,000 — -^ 49,558 1 6 [ 15O /. /. /. Brought over 12,949,118 4 9^W Mar. 1 5 . To complete the payment of 220,000/. to HcfTe Cailel by Treaty Deficiency of half Subfidy of Tonage and Poundage To fmking Fund, the Defici- ency of duties on Offices, &c. 31 George U. to 5 July, 1762 To ditto of adcitional duty ««— ' on Beer, by i George III. Foundling Hofpita: V Expences of Nova-Scotia, in 1760 Nova-Scotia, for 1763 Georgia, from Midfummer, i762,toMidlu2.jmer, 176^ 17. Compenfation to the pro- V , vinces in America ^ Deficiency of Grants laft year African Forts and Settle- ments Half-pay Officers ;» Ditto Widows as before Carried over j^, 13.367,306 10 i|^ March 48,891 H II 1 26,710 — 40,050 •^ — 4'589 »3 "J 1 10 t' r' 5*674 1 4,136 — if A 133.333 6 ■ill.. 8 ' 7»»5i 9 ■J 13,000 — . -—.'•'. 33.35» J7 6 3,742 — r- : ' ! M Li . 1- Kf ■ [ 152 ] ' /• s. a. Brought over 13,367,306 10 i^ jM^ar. 17. Reduced Officers of Land • Forces already difbanded, amd fuch as are to be dif- banded Reduced Officers, &c. of Horfe Guards and Horfe To John Harrifon, upon a proper difcovery (for the life of the publick) of the princlplesofhislnftrument for meafuring time at Sea in. To his Majefty for the like \ fum ifTued in purfuance of Addrcfs Chelfea Hofpital h- 88,704 3 4 2,910 I 8 5,000 — — 6,410 10 ; 51,708 13 4 Total j^;. 1 3,5 22,040 18 6}^ & ;{ ' t 9£ %S iQ ftB sap ft. I i; I' ! Id! ^ [I. f ii! ^:i:f^ t-'WHt I ! < ! l; IHlii ! E *i:H ] Brought ^ over, £, 2 Dec. 6. The Seamen at Greenwich HoTpital not provided for in the Houfe io>ooo '— — Ordnance for Laad Service 173,0^0 8 6 Ordnance for Land Service in 1763, not provided for S^*SS9 ^ ' Jan. 19. For Building and Repair of Ships 200,000 ■»— — Britifh Mufaeum 2,000 -* — Feb. 2. Paving the Streets of V/eft- miniler, whereof 5,000/. to be paid on or before the 5 of April 1764, re- mainder on or before the 5 of April, 1 765 .9. 'For paying off Exchequer bills 1,800,000 — Mar. I . To replace to the finking Fund thelikefumiffued thereout for the half year's Payment due 29 Sept. 1763, on the Annuities granted in re- fpeil of certain Navy bills deli ered in and cancelled . according to the A£l of » lafl Seflion v , C^fGyi i *il I Mi 10,000 — — ' ^♦, y •Carried over, £, 4,834,632 10 7^ Man I. o 8 6 9 9 I I 12 l^ I ii^ar, 1. To replace to the finking Fund the like fum ifTued there- out to make good deficien- cies of the Rates and Duties upon Offices and Penfions and upon Houfts and Win- dows or Lights being the , , ' Fund for paying Annuities on 5, 000, coo/, borrowed - ;• for thefupply of 1758 ;> , ToreplacetothefinkingFund the like fum paid Out of the fame to make geod the deficiency on Odob. 10, „ 1763 of additional Duty on Wine and duty on Cy- der and Perry, being the Fund for paying Annuities on 3,500,000/. borrowed for Supply of 1763 Advanced on Addreflea Extra expences of Land Forces a^d other fervices ", incurred between 20 Feb^ and 25 Dec. 1763 [ *'55 J • Brought over, /.4,834,63a 10 7fJ . V 'i )0 >0 I I 2 12 10 7ii Man I. 41,223 I 36,699-15 7,330 . 4 s 823,876 It 2 I ■:^f^ 'j,.i». Carried over, ;f. 5,743,781 19 9|| Mar. I. 9 ''I ' III J T^ Ul \4i I ''56 ] Brought over, £. 5,743,781 19 expences Mar. I. Extra expences of Land Forces and other fcrvices from 20 Feb. to 25. Dec; X763 (out of the Monies and Savings of the grant in laft SefTion for the, pay of the Brunfwick troops and iubfidies, andout of grants- in former Seffions for charge of 5 Battalions and Artillery in Germany Extra expences of Land Forces and other fervices from 20 Feb. to 25 Dec.- 1765 (out of Savings of public Monies, and Monies arifen hy fale of Stores in Germany and Portugal! which would have been paid to the Pay Mailer , General Chelfea Hofpital Peiiciency of laft years Grant for Chelfea Hofpital Half pay Officers Widows married before 25 Dec. 1716 . Civil Eftablifhraent of Nova Scotia 91 n 102,469 19 3|- 61^0^8 >03»79+ 4 2 i8,.33i 17 Hi 1,696 — . — 5'703 f 14 ir Carried over, £. 6,036,865 17 lol, Mar. I. L «9 915 '9 3h I 4 — 2 — 17 It 14 II< 17 I0|| Mar. I. Mar. 1. Ditto of Georgia « Ditto of Eaft Florida Ditto of Weft Florida Expence of taking general furveys of North America To encourage and enable John Blake, Efq^ furjiey to carry into execution the Plan for better fupplying London and Weilminfter with Fiih Mar. 13. Towards difcharging the Navy Debt 19. For Deficiency of Grants „ laft year Bounty to Sea Chaplains 82. To his Majeffy upon account for pay and cloathing of the Militia To the Commiflioners for ereding Forts and Batteries for Defence of the coaft in Kent, Suffex, and South- . ampton, to purchafe Lands and make good damages Apr. 2. For Intereft of ditto 5. To the Foundling' Hofpital African Forts Brought over, ;f. 6,056,965 17 ic{J 4»o3 > 8 6 5,700 5,700 I>8i8 9 — m 2,500 "^ ■it 1, 11; 650,000 — i 129,489 — ■3 ] 1,232 J? 6 89,000 — 4 • . i ' i 545 15 """ K " 103 13 9 1 '!i ■ 38*347 10 — jj' 20,000 m« » 976,334 12 III f;'':^: A • • 'r i' 1:1 m 1 ^ ■i 7^000 •— — £ *i58 I Braught over, /. 6,976,334 12 i|f Apr. 1* To Samuel Touchet, Eiq; of London, Merchant, for expences incurred in the expedition to Senegal and to fatisfy him for all claims and demands whalfoever 7. Towards difcharging unfa- tisfied claims and der mands for expencesincur- , w' red during the late War in Germany Towards ditto the farther fom of. To the Landgrave of Hefle CafTel purfuant to Treaty 5O1OCO — • — To Thomas Tyrwhit towards defraying the printing of ; the Journals from the end of laft SeiSon to the end of this fr 329,093 1-7 4 400 — — Total jC- 7>Sih734- 12 lii S 1688 1. ; . I f. ::>:■! » lil "t H3 1 WAY S AND MEANS !i r 11 For RAISING the 17 i 2. 8. 2 III SUPPLIES. A z688. lONTINUANCEof the Revenues (except Hearth i. 900,000 — -^ c > Money,) from Lady-day, to Chrjflmas, 1689 By Aftforprefent Aidof68,82o/, 19/, i^. per month, which ». brought in clear of all charges 400,875 4 5f By a third Aft of 12^. Poll, be- befides quality, and a Tax upon Offices and Eftates in > money , . /. By Land Tax, \s per. pound By Additional Excife for 3 years, from 24 July, 1689, which with branches of the old Re- venues were mortgaged for 286,662 16 I if 495,604 4 9 ♦■C;!'-* 660,000 — • — . Total ^. 2,743,142 6 2 16 19. m ■ -.'M 1 till I 1'' . I ;;. ' I III :.51 i:K % % 4: III ^f!^ Si: B.< h'l'- ! r 5 C 154 ] \ 16I9. By Land Tax of 3/. for 1690 2,100,000 — ^ -*. By a mortgage or Excife 500,000 . By dittoonTonage and Poundage 500,000 — — By Hereditary Excife and other fmall branches of the Reve- nue, computed at 468,191 10 — By Poll-Tax 200,000 — — Total £. 3,768,191 10 — ' 1690. By a monthly Aid of 137,641/. «^^ -^- K 18/. 2d. for 12 months, for i6ci 1,651,70^*18 — . By a Mortgage on the Additio- j(,k ,nal Duty on Beer, Ale, &c, i,cco,ooo — — ^■■■i ^'»>' Total ^. 2,651,702 18 4 ' M -4'V> AU0 -"' |I 10 —« >0 — — I lO [ ^55 ] /. jr. /r IJ691, Frcm the Revenue of Ireland 165,000 — —- By Ad for a monthly Aid to their Majeftics as in the formeryear 1,651,702 18 — • Total £. 1,816,702 18 — \lf.B. The further Ways and Means for raifing the Supplies, was by continuing the additional Impofitions on Beer, Ale, &c. fcr another year, and a Poll-Tax , Wii Y^n inw^^^iMm^^^^^^^^^mmmmm^mmm^mwM 'j< '■-» ^xHlQ I S, d, ' I1692, By Excife Upon Beer, Ale, &c. 1,000,000 — — - . By additional Duties on Goods and Merchandife 500,000 — • -*« By continuance of the Duties on Wine, Tobacco, &c. and a T «v si^^i New-Tax on India, African, 5ind Hudfon's Bay Stock 500,000 — — Total £. 2,000,000 — iSi 1 (Jlfl 111 il!" ;| ill |A'. B. The further Ways and Means were, an /V£l for an A.'d of 4;. /fr pound Land-Tax, and a Poll-Tax. r-*rt ■■-■:■ 1693, jiii; ■;' i-l. I I'iJ;; If lily lirjil > I i; 156 ] • , r I. s, //. 1693. L^nd-Tax, at 4/. for 1694 2,000,000 PoU-Tax 606,000 — •— Pttty on Hackney and Stage Coachci 40,000 — — • By the Aft to fupply the Defici- ency of the Money, granted laftfeffion 118,506 5 10 By A61 for granting Duty on Salt, Beer, Ale, &c. i,ooo,oco — — By Aft forDuty onTonage 1,500,000 — — By Aft for Duties on Vellum, i^i-i**. &c. for ^ years 330,000 — — .V £. 5,588,506 5 10 /. s, d, 1694. Land-Tax, for i695,"at4/. 2,000,000 Tonage and Poundage 1,250,000 By Aft for purchafing Annuities 618,240— 6 ^^* .'J By Aft for Duties on Marriages, &c. 650,000 — — • By Aft forDuties on Coffee, &c. 330,769 10 7 By Aft for Duties on Glafs Wares 564,700 Total £. 5>4J3»709 n 1 '* . ( \m J. 14 '■ '^m 'Z--< \::'' 1695. C ^57 3 s. d, X) 30 — — DO — — • /. /. /• o6 S lO ►CO — — )00 — — " )00 — — jo6 5 ID t^*Atfe*^^ prs. 1695. Land Tax, at 4/. for 1796 2,000,000 — — Aft for enlarging the time for purchafing Annuities and con- tinuing Duties on Low Wines 382,469 — • — Aft for continuing Duties on Wine and Vinegar, and To- bacco, &c. imported 1,500,000 •— — Aftfor Duties on Houfes 1,200,000 —■ •— Ad\ for an additional Duty on all ^ French Goods • 515,000 — — • Aft for continuing certain Duties > •• on Salt, &c. 2,564,000 — — Total £. 8,161,469 s. (if )00 )00 540 — 6 )00 — ■ — I769 10 7 I700 — — I709 1 1 1 1695, I1696. Land Tax, at 3^. and other Sub- fidies and Duties, for 1697 3,000,000 — — Malt Tax 1,400,000 — • --• Additional Land Tax, of i/. and further Subfidies of Ton- "^ age for 2 years I 1,200,000 — < — ;*:r Total £. 5,600,000 — — 1697. f 1 ';M1 I f ('■J' i:» § ^ '■■ i 158 ] J 697. LandTax, atj/.for 1698 1,484,015 i nj Coal Duty 500,000 Poll Tax 500,000 — -« Subfidy on Tonagc and Poun- dage 700,000 — — - A£t for Duties on Vellum, &c. 2,000,000 ^- '-. Total jf. 5,184,015 I III l> A /\ A /S A A A /\ /S .'X A .'\ . •• \ A / \ /\ / \ .-y A A A . -S /\ A x\ A x\ A A /. J. s I Mi oo — — oo — — oo ii.. i.. oo .„_ ^. 15 I III I ■ \/\AAAA >I5 9P — Tt- /. ir'. 30O mmm ■^ 500 1 — )oo — - DOO mmm — " 1 702. ."• 1701. Malt Tax, for 1702 875,000 — — • A&. for the Civil Lift Revenues 700,000 — -^ Land Tax, at 4/. 3,000,000 — — A£l for making good Deficncies 2,338,628 15 5!- Total jr. 6,9^3,628 15 5^ V '• '• ^« 1702, Land Tax, at 4;. for 1703 2,oco,ooo — — Malt Tax 700,000 - Aft for continuing Dui:y on ,, Coals, &iC, 500,000 — -~- h&, forfale of Annuities 87,630 — — Adt for granting fundrySubfidies 600,000 — — • *.. ■ ■«t* Total £, 3,887,630 'rr..■^, 1703. Land Tax, at 4/. and Malt, for 1704 2,700,000 — — Adl for felling Annuities 1,200,000 — —. ' " Aft for an additional Subfidy of Tonage, for 3 years 300,000 — — - .UotM' («*^' Total £. 4,200,000 — — pa '704< II t. ilM '>! .ir i: H.' m (- , III!' - [ '^o] /. X. d. 1704. Land Tax, at 4^. and Malt, for 1705N 2,700,000 — — A£t for fale of Annuities ^77>930 '9 3 A(Pcs for continuing Duties on Malt, &c. and Low Wines>&e. 700,000 — ■— Aft for farther Subiidy on Wines, &c. imported ^3^>9S7 4 "~l" Total ^.4.914,888 3 3I m^^mui^^^g^^gj&mgi&a^gf&giim iv.;. /• M^ 1705. Land Tax, at 4^;. and Malt, for 1706 2,700,000- — «-• '* t *' A£l for additional Subfidy of Tonage, &c. for payment of *• ' Annuities to be fold ^>S7S*7^^ '^ * A£^for faleof thecffedsofWil- . . liam Kidd, a notorious Py rate 6,472 i — -'•. V-; Total /. 5,282,233 17 2 * > / ■t 1705. / -'^ 1« o 19 3 7 4-1 8 3 3l |l 16 2 1 — 17 2 i r. 161 ] 1706. Land Tax, at 4/. and Malt, for By Exchequer bills, on Aft for the Duties on /. /« 2,700,000 — — * continuing Houfes 1,500,000 — — • By Annuities on Aft for con- tinuing the Duties on Lonv Wines, &c. 1,120,000 •— — » By Aft for continuing feveral ^^■ Subiidies, &c. 822,381 15 6^ ir ■■•I'' i Total ^.6,142,381 15 6J Y-^ ^-i.^N^ tai- .->. ^ Af'* j'r \ /. /. ^. 1707. Land Tax, at 4^» and Malt, for 1708 . *• • 2,700,000 - Aft for Tale of Annuities, &c. 540,000 — ■ — . Aft for continuing one ha! f- part If of the Tonage and Poundage, v^ . by 1 2 Char. JI. l,020,ooo — — . Aft for infuring to the Eaft-In- dia- Company a longer time 1,200,000 — — Aft foe continuing the half Sub- ii4ies, &c, ^^ _ 7^9>'^^7 15 ^l 1706. ;•. Total jT, 6,189,06/ 15 6| f Ml |]«l ■ ■■■ V y J708. %' r [ I«i •] / I L 170?. Land Tax, at 4;. and- Malt, for 1709 2,703,000 — . A61 for enlarging the Capital Stockof the Bank of England 2,900,000 — Adl for continuing feveral Im- pofitions and Duties, &c. ^>'^S7*719 "" At\ for continuing former Ads, for the encouragement of coin- Jige, &c. 11,100 -^ s, d. f'71 •*> f Total ^.6,868,839 (V» • *; .kT ri P ; «■* »-i. ?■'. •"'■ X709. Land Tax, at 4J. and Mah, for " * y/" 1710 :' , 2,700,000 — —< A»Sl for continuing part of the -":'' -;'"-* . > i- *** Duties on Coals, andgranting .'""*'**■ new Duties on Houfes •• * 1,500,000 — — Aft for granting new Dulles of ''ii.rv • ' Excife, and on feveral im- ported Commodities '•' • 9'X),coo — — Act for laying certain Duties \ ■^^ upcn Candles, &-C. 500,000 — — A£lfor coniinuing fundry Duties ■ -* '^ '<' ^^. upon Goods, &c. -1,296,552 9 III ( -^ •> ^ Total /. 6,8(^6,^52 9 ii| 17.0. [ i53 1 /. S. 00 45,000 — 180,000 — J 7 10. Land "^ X, at 4/r and Malt, for 171 1 2,700,000 — Ah for reviving Duties upon fe- veral Commodities to be ex- . , . ported 1,500,000 — A£l for the Bank of England to exchange Exchequer bills A£t for Duty upon Hops A£t for making goodDcficiencJes, and fadsfying the public Debt, and erefting a Corporation to carry on Trade to the South- * Seas 9,471,325 — A61 for Duties upon Coals 350,000 — I Aft for General Pofl Office, . , ditto for Duty upon Hydes, - . • ditto for Hackney - Coaches and Chairs 2,000,000 — — •^'' V.Jt jlft-^£fc> Total £. 16,7,46,325 ■iiriU:| "i'ii ■!f % ' ill ili jii 1711, Land Tax, at 41. for 17x2 2,000,000 — — Malt Tax - 704,615 16 9^ Aft for Duties upon Soap and Paper, &c. 1,800,000 — — Aft for additional DutitJ upon . _ . Hydes, liQ. ' ^ 1,800,000 — — Total /. 6,30^ 615 16 9i 1712. 1'! 1 Mi 1 .it :1 t >6+] 1712. Land Tax, at 2/0 and Malt, for 17 13 1,700,000 — -* Aft for circulating Exchequer bills 1,700,000 — — • Total j^.3,400,000 . I. '. -i-'i ii. iiH 1713. Land Tax, at 2j. and Malt, for 171.4 '; ; . 1,706-000 — — Aft foradditionaIi)uty upon Soap 1,400,00a — — Total j^. 3,100,000 — — "si i i' , . V - ■».'*.-*.# MM000Of#D#M0M0§9 Q0^ 6 0<«BOo^( a> o c oooc»ct»aooe66ao» j» t » I7»4» and 1715. 49 '•■^ /* X. ^. Two Land Taxes, the firll at 2 J. the other at 4/. 3,016,719 10 10^ Two Malt Taxes 1,400,000 — — Aft for fale of Annuities 910,000 — — Aft for enlarging the Capital ^- Stock of the South-Sea-Com- * panjr, and fale of Annuities 1,991,032 4 8^ *>i«'ff • » jf. 7'3i7'7SJ ^5 ^\ ^ y Ii. i,- 1716, 1 ■ i /. A >o — — >o — — • 30 -— — [X65J 1716. Lan(i'Tax, at 3/. for 1717 >»S30»i75 19 4I Malt Tax: 700,000 — -• A€t for redeeming tHe 4 Lotteries of the 9th, and lothofQ^een. Anne, &c. 977*^37 ^ 7f Aft for redeeming feveral Fund» of tlie Bank, &:z»^er ann, 4,000 — — ' Total £, 3,211,313 I — MoooeoMoemsMw I A, » yt i * >^«VVV^>'VV*..'VVVVVVS*'V\'V\-'VV'>-.'**--'VVVVV*v' DO *I7I7« LandTajf, it 3 f. for 1718 1,529,514 3 2| Male Tax 700,000 DO — BeeoecMsseeeeoM Total j^. 2,229,514 3 2| «W^*«^M«il>*« r. ^. >K)e()^::<(K<^.):(5e(j:(>i(>:^>:^^ /. 4 9l mMi mmA. Total £. 2,742,000 17 loj ^ iii j|^ IT 1^ ii^ i|i 1^ 1^ in ^ iP' 'i*'!^ ifi^'iV'n'i^^ipjpin'P'P^'n 1720. Land Tax, at 3/. for 1721 1>S^9>^3S ^7 *i .^ .Malt Tax 700,000— — i^ « AtSt for raiiing Money upon th« \1 1 avilLift 5.00,00a— — From the finking Fund 191,028 16 6| Total £. 2,920,264 13 8 ,7 I721. Land Tax, at 2 J. for 1724 1,019,412 10 9 ., ^ Malt Tax 700,000 — — Aft for cancelling Exchequer bills ' . ' ,000,000 ■JH^Mt hf: l! • ' V . il If' !■ .♦ ' . Mh' ■**- •• !l.Mii»Mitl,t ■■J .; .;«*.'V. r t lii. . Total £. 2,719,412 10 9 1722. S, if. I 3 >i ' «4 9i i 17 I0| ir wwwfifc* /. -/. 5 ^7 »i — "" lO — «« 8 16 6| >4 13 8 12 10 9 30 — — • 30 12 10 9 1722, 1722. La|id Tax, at 2/.. and Malt, for 1723 i»737»799 8 ti Aft for Tax upon Papifts 100,000 — — Total £, 1,837,799 8 2| /. s, d, JJ723. Land Tax, at 2/. for 1724 1,030,744 19 5f 700,000 — — Malt Tax ^otal ^. 1,730,744 19 5^ ^ ^ •$• ^4^ •$>4^«$*4^«$*'$'«$><$*HS^<4t *$><^4^ ^ '4^'$* 4^ JI724. Land Tax, at zu for 1725 Malt Tax , 1^032,212 — i| 750,000 — — Total jf. 1,782,212 /. /. d. »725. Land Tax, at 2-c. for 1726 1,026,248 6 7^ Malt Tax 750,000 — — A(ft for a Lottery 1,000,000 — — • Aft for a Dutv on Vlftuallers within the Bills of Mortality 500,000 — — Aft tor Duty upon Ale and Beer in Glafcoy 6,080 — -— \^\ Total {^. 3,282,328 6 7t 1723, I .ill t i68] .»\ I726. Land Tax, at 4/. for 1727. • 2,053,287 12 — i Malt Tax 750,000 Aft for Duty on Coal 370,000 Total I, 3,i73»287 12 — « u ' m- ^1 *it - > /. J. ^^l^^^-^g^lg l!« 1 ,;i! 17^0. Land Tax, at 2J. for 17^1 2 z% J. ^. 10 4^ 10 4 1729. 73 Malt Tax 1,051,627 14 i^ 550,669 9 10^ Aft for Annuities and Lottery i ,200,000 Sinking Fund ■ ' " Aft for Duty on compound Li- quors Aft for Duties on Coinage 1 ,000,000 ■— ->-•, ' 9,528 3 I . 15,000 — — ..» . i|. Total ^, 3,826,825 7 — 1. /. s. d, 1731. Land Tax, at is. for 1732 509,600 — — Malt Tax 750,000 — — Aft for reviving the Duties on Salt 500,000 — — Sinking Fund for the South-Sea- Company 1,000,000" — — Aft for the further application of the finking Fund 123,580 2 5^ Total £^. 2,883,180 2 5i .' "^ ..." % 1732^ i I I„, ■ ( 1? I 170 ] 1732. Land Tax, at u. for 1733 Malt Tax Sinking Fund Sale of Land in St. Kitt*s Fund for Churches 542,743 6 il 750,000 1,500,000 — — 90,000 — — 5,200 — — Total I, 2,887,943 6 i[. /. J". . ■■'i « ' ' ' [ »7« ] 1, 1 /. wv A /. d. ! 6 i| T735. Land Tax, at 2{; for 1736 1,019,080 25 1 A Malt Tax 750,000 — —1 | MB ""«• Sinking Fund i,ooo,coo — — waa ^aa Borrowed on ditto 600,000 — — i h Ad for Duty on Vellum 11,485 4 5 1 6 il Total /. 3,380,565 6 10 |i i i i ;' ll ! 1! ; ' ;'. ^ ■ i; s. d. 1 Ji loj- 1736. Land Tax, at 2/. for 1737- 1,019,000 ■ ( — — MM* : Malt Tax - • 750,000 — — ^'| > — — 'i Sinking Fund 1,000,000 — -— ji 3 * Duty on Sweets 500,000 j il T 1 II 10^- t > Tota! /". 3,260,000 — — i i ^#®^ '#*4*4*4***'i ^4'^'^*^^^.'^ 444^<^4'fy4 ^'^^ f /. d* ■.;•■'■ '^ / i: : ■■.■■ :'■ ■ ^ ■' • > "■ ' ;/' " • . i ■ — I737. Land Tax, 2/. for 1738 ,019,000 — — /*\ ■ ^__^ Malt Tax. 750,000 — — - o •— — Sinkix)g Fund 1,500,000 — — i'ilfj Borrowed on ditto 500,000 — — | ^ II 1 liiil i i Totol jf . 5,7 n,ooo — — 1 . * 1 '- 17j4' 73« il M H i ■' 1 % V %> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V.A 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ |28 12.5 it Bii ^ lift 2.0 1.8 U IIIIII.6 III ^ 0% >> %^^" •^ '/ Phol Sdences CorpoiBtion 23 WeST MAIN STRUT WE»STIR,N.Y. 14.160 (71u) 173-4503 ?s^-,. & ^ :\ \ ^v"c^ "^.^ i\ 1 17^ 1 /. s. a, I738. Land Tax, at 2/. for 3739 1,019,054 12 — Malt Tax 750,000 — — Sinking Fund 1,119,451 17 9 A£l for providing a Reward to Mrs. Stephens 5,000 — — Aft for coinage of Money . 15,000 — — Total £. 2,908,506 9 9 ^&^c<%<^d^«)s^<^>^^£^^^;&tSg^ t*l^^i 1739. Land Lax> 314;. for J740 2,038,109 4 — Malt Tax . 750,000 — — Sinking Fund « i>309»7a8 7 10^ Total jf. 4,097,831 II loj «s@®®®«j®®vi?©©®®gf@®®®*«^«®^ ■^ /. s* d* 1740. Land Tax, at 4s. for 1741 2,038,080 3 5 Malt Tax ' - 750,000 — — Salt Duty for further term of 7 years 1,200,000 — — SinkingFund " 1,051,022 14 io| Total C. 5,039,102 18 3I '74'' ! I. C »73l 1741. LanlTax, at 4/. for 1742 2,038,065 11 5 Malt Tax 750,000 Sinking Fund i ,000,000 — — From the Bank 1,600,000— — ■ Annuities 800,000 — — Total £. 6,188,065 II 5 XXXX^<>C<;>0C>CK>C^^^ /• /• am 1742. Land Tax, at 4J. for 1743 2,038,065 11 5 Malt Tax 750,000 A6t to repeal the Pot A61, ard for Duties on Licences 518,600 — — Annuities, and a Lottery 1,800,000 — — Sinking Fund 1,012,492 2 5I Total jf. 6,119,157 13 io| xxxxxx>ooc /. /. ^. 1743. Land Tax, at 4/. and Malt, for 1744 2,788,065 II 5 Aft for Surplus of Duties on Spirituous Liquors 1,000,000 — — • Annuities, and a Lottery 1,800,000 — — Sinking Fund, and remainder of Coinage Duty 1,036,000 — — Total £. 6,624,065 1 1 5 I Q.3 »74*. ""■ f. '! IK. t ; pi !'■* : . I \ ■ J:" [■174] 1744. Land Tax, at 4^. and Malt, for 1745 • 2>788,o65 II 5 Puties on Salt for fix years moire i ,000,000 — -^ Additional Duties on Wines im- ported 2,000,'000 — — • Sinking Fund, and Surplus of Malt Tax 821,244. 13 8| Total £. 6,609,310 5 1 1 1745, Land Tax, at 4/. and Malt, for 1746 2,788,065 II 5 Duties on Glafs and Spirituous Liquors 3,000,000 — — Sinking Fund 1,000,000 — —• Exchequer bills 500,000 — — Coinage Duties 1 5 ,000 — — Total £. 7,303,065 iT 5 /. /. d. 1746. Land Tax, at 4/. for 1747 2,038,065 11 5 Malt Tax, and remainder of additional Duties on Spiritu- ous Liquors 862,508 19 2 Window Tax 4,000,000 — — • Coach Tax 1,000,000 — — Sinking Fund and Exchequer biils 1,500,000 — — Total £. 9,400,574 10 7 >747» 5 " S o 5 i| 5s II 5 00 — — 00 — ^ 00 — — CO — — 3s 1 1" S ^*«^««{ /. ^. >S II S .8 19 2 )0 — — }0 _. .-• 4 »o 7 i747» /. /. ,/. 1747. Land Tax, at 4/. and Malt,, for 1748 2,788,065 IX 5- Subfidy on poundage upon all Goods and Merchandize im- ported , 6,300,000 — -^ Sinking Fund 1,000,000 Total £, 10,088,065 II 5 /. /. d, 1748. Land Tax, at 4f. for 1749 2,038,007 4 4 Malt Tax 750,000 — • — A&. to cnarge Sinking Fund, with payment of Annuities in difcharge of Navy, Vidlu- alling and Tranfport Bills, and Ordnance Debentures 3,230,000 •— -^ Sinking Fund, and Exchequer bills 2,ooo,co'9 — ■-«• Total £. 8,018,007 4 4 I, St d» 1749. LandTax, at3j.fori750 1,528,505 8 3 Malt Tax 750,000 — •— Annuities at 'i^ per cent, 1,000,000 — — Sinking Fund, and Surplus in the Exchequer 1,018,526 10 3^ By Aft for making good the defi- ciency of the Office of Keeper oftheHanaper 13,698 i 11 Pitto^^r ann, 3,000 — — Total ;C .4>3»3»73o — 5t [ i7« J /• /. d. % 1750. Land Tax, 213/. for 1751 1,500,000 — — Malt Tax 750,000 — — Sinking Fund 600,000 — — « Annuities at 3 /^r rr/;/. and Lot- tery 2,100,000 — — Borrowed at 3 fer cent, to be charged on the Sinking Fund zi^t^i^ 117 Total ;C.5,i75»023 " 7 X)«(XX):(X)OKX5sC):0fliD!(XX)c(XXX)^^ /. /. A' 1751. Land Tax, at 3/. for 175a Malt Tax By the Bank Sinking Fund . 1,528,459 18 1 1 750,000 — — 1,400,000 — — . 500,000 — — Total I. 4»i78»459 >8 i^ J7P' DO — — 00 — — 00 — — 00 — — 23 u 7 >23 " 7 ^59 18 i| 000 — — 000 — — 0O3 — — • hS9 >8 »* 1752. t 177 1 1752. Land Tax at 2/. and Malt, for 1753 1,750,000 — -< By Surplas in the Exchequer, by the Excife of the AA of the 5th and 6th of William and Mary 100,482 14 3I Ditto Surplus of *the Funds for Lottery, 17 14 79»8i2 10 — • Ditto additional Duties on Low Wines 54»58o 9 — Surplus ofGrants for the lall year 18,035 9 — J Sinking Fund 420,000 — — Total ;f. 2,422,911 8 4J 1753. XandTax, at 2/. and Malt, for 1754 1,768,949 14 7; Duty for Wines, &c. imported, continued for 7 years from laft year , Sinking Fund From overplus of Grants laft year From furplus of Duties on Coals From furplus of Duties on Li- cences for Spirituous Liquors Ditto of the funds, for Lottery, I7H ' To difcharge Exchequer bills from the Sinking F;.nd 15.000 — — 700,000 — — 7,937 H 2} 23,562 7 9J 32,652 15 7 30,19s 3 6J 499,600 — — . Total ^. 3>o77>^97 15 ^\ C »78 1 1,018,946 15 7 750,000 *- — 3»34> 19 2l 16,494 17 lof J754, Land Tax, at zs. for 1755 Malt Tax , Overplus of Grants laft year Surplus of Duties on Coals Ditto of Duties on Spirituous Liquors I9>92y 12 9 Ditto of Lottery, 1 7 14 a8,aoi 19 8 Lottery l,coo,ooo — — . From furplus of finking Fund 1,420,000 — -^ Total /.• 4,256,909 5 —J ikt^i^^i^i^i^i^^^i^^^iiiii^iiiii^i^iit^iititi^iiit^i^^^i^ t 1755. Land Tax, at4^. for 1756 2,037,893 11 2 M^lt Tax 750,000- — •— ' By AnnuiiJcs and Lottery 2,000,000 — — ' Remainder of the Receipt of the Exchequer difpofable by Par- liament ^3,412 2 5I income of the finking Fund for one quarter, ending 5 April, 1756 25S»9SS " Ji| From the Revenues of- the fink- ing Fund 1,300,000 — — Exchequer bills 1,000,000 — — . Total £' 7,427,261 5 7 1756* I m ] 946 15 7 000 «- -— 341 ig 2l 494 17 "Of 923-12 9 zoi 19 8 000 — - — 000 — — 909 5 ^.i r t% lift f 893 II 2 OGO' — ' — r 000 — — ' fi2 2 si 955 II ii| 000 — — • coo — — g6i 5 7 1756, 1756. Land Tax, at 4/. for 1757 Malt Tax By Lottery 3y Annjiities on Lives By Ditto From ftnking Fund Savings out of Grants for pay of Hanoverians .Surplus of Duties on Licences Overplus of Grants, for 1756 By Exchequer bills Overplus of finking Fund in ' Exchequer , for the quarter / ending, 5 April, 1757 I jSurplus of the finking Fund /. >. i.^ 2>«>37»874 i 10 750,000 ^— — 525,002 13 6 ^,500,000 — — 500,000 — — 300,000 — — I9,4Ij6 14 9\ 16,190 5 } 140,568 5 ^k I., 000,000 •— ■"" 50,491 17 8i 849,508 2 3h Total £, 8,689,051 19 7 i757' •' ' " I i t i 'I,.' I: t' I ' *;, '■' J. l;*57. Land Tax, at 4;. for 1758 2,037,874 i 10 750,000 — — i 93»37i " 7| 492,400 8 3 Malt Tax Overplus of finking Fund in Ex- chequer, for the quarter, end- ing ioO£t. 1757 I>itto for the quarter, ending 5 April, 1758 From the furplus of the finking Fund 300,000 '— — - Annuities, at 3/. los. percent* 4,^00,000 — — . > Lottery « 500,000 — — More from the furplus of the finking Fund 1,606,076 5 it By Exchequer bills ' 800,000 — — ^ 'I Total /. 11,079,722 6 10 ^ - h . s, a* 1758* Lind Tax, at 4 J. for 1759 2,037,854 19 11 Malt Tax 750,000 — — Transferable Annuities ^t 3 per cent. 6,600,000 — — • Produce of finking Fund in the Exchequer, for the quarter ending 5 April, 1759 180,076 17 — J Overplus of Grants laft year 73>3o8 3 105 From the Exchequer, the fum granted in 1755, for RulTia 10c, 000 — — ^ Surplus of the finking Fund 2,250,000 — — By Exchequer bills 1,000,000 Total £, 12,991,240 — 10 1759. ! ■ tP /. /. ^4 I 10 00 "" "• 71 II 7l )0 8 3 >0 -. .^ 50 — — i 30 — — '6 )0 5 3 .2 6 77^ tss:^'^^) i. 922 9 n ^ '761. I ' 1 1 1 1 i: J I J] I ■ : 1:; [ xfo I A 750,000 — — . . 13,000,000 Ai- — i,5«o;ooo — *- 115,000 »- — Xand T axiat 4/. for 176* Malt Ta;c ; By Annuities at 3 fit cent, EK^^hoqwsr feiills kTOBL the : Sum granted,' Q iieorgf IE for' thi' arrears of hifc late MajellyV.CJvilLid fm of eke 1 00,000/, granted in X759, for the Militia . K^maioder ^of the Sum iji the Kxcht^uer, granted in 1760, . juneiDbbdied for the Militia JRema^nder of the Sum granted lafifeffion^ for ditto, I^fmainder of feveral duties on Malt granted in 1760 Surplus of the finking Fund 1,009,217 Hy Loans charged Qi) tja.e firft Aids next feffion i,coo,ooo — — 20,OCO — •— • Sorobo — — • ^ \ 70,000 — r^M^ 73,678 2 8| Total £. 18,655,750 2 7k A. WL .**■ 1762. i ^1 tH i -I V- 4 19 i» o "^ — o J^ — ^\^ 10 ^ — .i O — r^M^ W^* 8 — — 7 2 SI . .1 - — — 3 2 7f 1762. 1762. Land Tax, at 4/. for 1763 2,037,854 19 11 Malt Tax 750,000 — — By Annuities at 4 pir cent, on Navy and Victualling bills 3»468>977 4 * By ditto upon Ordnance De- bentures 59!)*423 2 5 By Annuities and two Lotteries 3,500,000 — •— Surplus on finking Fund 2,000,000 — —> Surplus of federal Duties on Beer and Ale, i George III. 47»I20 9 6 Exchequer bills charged upon the firft Aids i, 800,000 •— — Total ;£. i4»»99»375 »6 — 1763. Land Tax, at 4X. for 1764 2,000,000 — — • Malt Tax 750,000 — — By Exchequer bills taken at the Bank 1,000,000 « — New Exchequer bills to be iiTued 800,000 — •— Renewal of the Bank contra^ 1 10,000 — — • Savings 163,558 3 — Militia money Annuity Fund Savings of the non-e/Feftive Men Produce of the French prizes taken before the declaration of War, a bounty given by his Majefty to the public 661,038 I I By Surplus of the finking Fund 2,000,000 -— — Total £. 7,778,113 13 iQ ^ F I N I S. 150,000 — • — 3>497 9 9 140,000 — — »