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Las diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. pmr'. ..:§/ • L »: : I ^ 3 f ?->-4:--^ r ^ 6 il64*< Tit ^ 7A '•r- , /..HSTl 111' st\i y'^HttiiatiL- 'j)i jDtitt^Mjf^ '^ ^ *r "" ^^K'*^' SApsi. il *! ,'>«•»■ -)1«.>V' "ilABlSDlplth Februaiy> l^tv oW^BflW RdadB, or ft)!* thjd akeiriiH^s bf'olcl 6^^, Be it t)H)rQA>r0 e(^5& Wthe M ■(adpal€oaiMsil of the iiliif l^iatrict of BathUrtI, constituM and a^aembled at Perth, 'T #°^l"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" Act ffasaed during the first Semonbi* the first ^*'ii%'^f'* ^<'°*^'» '^Nl^» '*An Act to provide for thel>etter Inieniai eovem- T ih^tr MTt df this PrtVfhcJB Which formerly constituted th« fjeomtffi^ of tTmoer i;%1h^:eMihlishiilentof local or Municipal aiithoriti^ t^er^ip," 4Mdr«I«o •tid hy Vutue of anodier Act patfsed dudng the aetopn^ Si^M^ <>( he Padiament of Canada, in the ^Hjmr^ih^Beiun^fitw i, ehatiter 40tb; ia«ied in the fiftieth ye^r of the It^gn of Hit late Blajesty King Oei^ce Ibe Third, fntituliefd, " An Act to provide for the toying out, aibending, and '^-eeiMng in repair the public Highways aM Bbadp in thiii jfrov^e, and to r^p(^ the Uwif'lMivirinfbr6efi>rlbatpui)k>s6.**,''' '' '-''f:^ * ' '' " ''['^[ -"^ "^^'^ ''' ■".'' Wlueb said Oath shall be taken and subiicHbed before airy ;lu8tieiB of ^e Peiceact- VHiK mJuld fi>x 0ie said Oiistnet of Bathorat, and which said«at|h any su^h Judicd of the I J^!' iii^if hvi^bby authi^ssed and required io admirtitter; and tiie said Sutv^yorsof iFHoUfy ri&dloepoit the same In the office of the Disbict Clerk i and iifk^t having been h Sg»:fei'r!:;S'"<5*;-;ii onc« pworn in this manner, they may continue to diaehaite their duty Irom year year during their continuance in office. 2d. And be it enacted by the authority aforeraii^lhatif any complaint ikould at any time be made, by any peraen or penoni, againit any of men Road Surveyora, (hat any of «uch Road Surveyom are incompetent *o thediacliarge of their duty, pr negligent in the perTormanee thereof, itthalland may be lawful for U19 aaid Municipal, Count " of the said Diatriot of Bathunst in Council aasembled> to remove such Road Survey or Road Survevon, and appoint some other peraon or persona in his or their stead. 3J. And be it enacted by the authority aforebaid, that upon application being made in writing to any such Surveyor by twelve freehddeni in the said Oistrict, stating tiiat any public Highway or Road in this neighbdrhood of the said freeholders, now in use, is inconvenient, and may be altered, so as better to accommodate Hot Majesty's Subjects, and others travelling thereon, or that it is necessary to open a new Highway ur Road for the better convenience and accommodation of such travellers, it shall and ihay be lawful for such Surveyor, and he is hereby required to esamineth^ said altera- tion, or new line of Road, and report thereon in writing to the said Municipal Council iif the said District of Bathurst, in the form hereinafter prescribed, at their next fitting nfter such exanunation, describing particularly the alteration intended to be made, or new Highway or R^d to be opened, in which Report the width of the alteration of the Road, or the width of the new Road, shall be truly set forth. 4tb. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no new Road, or alteratioti (>f any old one, shall be passed by the said Municipal Council, unless at least eight dayd previous notice id writing shall be given by the Road Surveyor who may have exam> ined and surveved the same, to the District Clerk of the said District, which said nvtiet it shall be the duty of the District Clerk to lay before the said Council on the first day of theit sitting next after such notice shall have been received. 5th. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, thot it shall not be lawful f( any such Road Surveyor in examining any alteriition of a Road, or new line of Roai required by twelve freeholders as aforesaid to be surveyed, to lay out the same to lead the Road through any orchard or garden, or to remove any building without tTi? conk^ent of the owner thereof first had and obtained. 6th. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it adiall be the duty of ev* ery such.Road Surveyor, and he is hereby required, to affix a notice in writing in tw^ of the Inoat public places adjacent to any new Road, or alteration of any old Road, he may survey, which notice shall bean exact copy of the Report which he intends to submit to the Council, and he shall also leave a notice in writing at the dweQing house pf every person through whose land the Road may pass, describing the course of the said new Road, or alteration of (he old one, and setting forth the time when an ap pli- cation will be made to the Councillor the passing and the establishing thereof. 7tbt And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every such Road Surveyor ahaH icar^foUy enter in his said Report the RequiaUon of Uie freeholders ve^-^tim, and act stricdy in Accordance with it in making the Survey and Examination of the Road required, and shall see that it is in accordance with the Statute, accoi'ding to the words of which ihe TUq¥-Uiiion is to state "that any public Highway or Road in the neigh boriiood of tlie said freeholders now in use, is inconvenient, and may be altered, so rf. betterto accommodate His (Her) Majesty's subjects and others travelUng thereon, pUeanl8 for such oompensaUon shall give notice to the Surveyor in the form hereinaftier proscribeil, of their intention to naake sucb claim, and shall appear on the lirst dlty of the Session of (he Council n^xt after that at wbi«k tbo Report of the Road Surveyor shall be submiited for the. consideration thereof, to support their claim, on its beingneported'fMibythe Surveyoirol Highways in the form hereinafter prescribed; «td iOt tfk4er that the Council may know who tike parties are that support any applica- * tioa or Report soconfirmed by the Council aa albresaid, the sai4 Rted Surveyors are re- qiiifttdin tneir Reports, when copying the requintion ^w the Survey of an alteration of an old BkMd, or the laying out of a new one, to enter the names of the Requisitionista therein, and^ tdgive said requisitionista notice in the form hereinafter prescribed, that a compeoaation is claimed, so, that they may also attend on the finrt.dar <)( the sitting of the Coufloil next after.that at which toe Report of the Survey shall be submij^^ to give their evidence reispecting the value of tbe land ao taken for such Road. iStb. And be it enactea by the authority aforesaid, that an claims for compensa- tion foe lands taken for Roads established by the Council, shall when lawfully reported: on by tike Surveyor of Highways, be^ in the discretion of the Council, referred to th» Committee on Rbads, who, after investigating tbe same, shall report to the Council what suflH if any, shaill be allowed to the claimant, and whether the j^o*d is of a public ora private noluretaDd in ca^they shall find that it is of a private natfire, and benefi-' k ciatlonly ^ the Rbqu^tiookita or appticenta therefor, ho order shall issue to open tl)e<^ \ M sante, until theanounl awardetl by the Council as compensation shall be paid, by tbe- )Nud Requisitiooistifi or applicants to the claimiknt i a«d in case they sh>ll 4nd that the Roadi so established is of a puUic naturey and offleoeral utility, then the amount soawardedi. by the Council as sucacon^enhation, shell be paid outoTthe general funds of the Dis- trict and it flihall be the duty of the 1tr!(«Burer of the IMstrieit» nn^ be. is hereby author- ised and rMjiired to-pay ^ same on th&ocderof the Cottn«l»Qirwhlch an extract shall begiven, aUly certified by. ibel^stnctCleik; Proviiied always iiejii^rtiketess, that the aaid Committee on Roads shall not proceed to^ eetioiate the value ofsiieh I*o^ ^ taken for any Road' without having satisfactory evideDfe that the appliciaii|tf for tkt»,!|»Vl Road hiave had rea^onal^le hatice that sui^ enqnify would, at siidh a tfBfte,t»kW place: «M>r shall th«f proceed to an enquiry regarding sucb estinfte of ti^ value of the land ao taken for any roadi unljsss in uie presence ot the olaimiant for epaipftnwtion x and Pro« vided itlsot^inolhii^ hefein contained shfdl prevent or be eonatrvM (p pieventthe Requisitionisttfor vie Survcqr of the said Road fromitenidennt tatite elaimant snch an aifioui^ of ippqey foroompiehmtion as they may agree upoiit w betng the value of such land so takeh^ fof the said. Rk>ad*^aild; I'rovided alspt tbat in^^ase the i^iiin^nt ahould bo i\m^Mfi^ with the sum awaroed him by the Couitjul aa vich compensation he may ap|>iy'tathe8aidCouncirait^iMa.t ensuingMttiosthiereof for Vk i:ecQff |U(l^ra,t^o of the fMOf which iiNH>i^iHderhtiHi^ ^rcoa»pen^ ai|ti«» for I4n4 taS^en for a l|;M4shallbi^aote^.«Niiw^ Sassibn o^ibil VO^M f^, mstX\9^ at wMoli ibe Ro^d was passed ^i^l established,, r\ 'any new, or B Highway or land through cil assembled, pen the wmA t aaet in which y the Council, »r in the ifonn appear on the rtofthe Road ir ciaio), on its r prescribed ; rt any applica* | ryevorsare re- ft alteration of I RequiHtionists icrioed, that a fthe sitting of subinittedrto ad. for conapensa- fully reported: eferred to the^ } the Council 1 is of a public^ re, and beneii- k B to open iUe^ \ If Spai4 by the that the Road nt so awarded), ids of the Dis- ereby authbr- n extract shall MBless, that the taikl 8(» taken tfeu».q»yi Road e,takWpfaM;e: ..of the land lon;andPnH pievent tho naaqt snch an value of such Hint should be ktion he may pi;?^^»ofthe ibr G Toi&e MuniciptU Couhcil of »aid Distrid, in Bathjurs^. Btof> r\ Council MsetH- bUdr-' I ,« ,. »one of the Survejorai of Highway* in, and Ibrthe said Dis- trict of Bath ursf^, beg leave to Report : That on apppo«tionin in writing made U> me by twelve fre^old^cs of the said Diatriot of B^thurat, bearing date the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and , setUng-ferth as follows; (here insert the Rec^iisition verbatim with the noQie* of the freeholdera) I proceeded to examine the same, which 1 have surveyed and laid oiit as follows, that is to say, (here insert the desciiption of the Road as sur- veyed,) and I frave mode the said Road feet in ividth^and have planted stakesi or posts in the open ground at the termiriatitin er chfinge of each course thereof: I have further to Keport that I have given due public notice of this Survey according Xo the requirements of law, and of the By-law ofthe Municipal Council of thesaid District t»f Bjat^MP^t, by a£^ng an exact copy of this Report in ofthe most {>til>lic places ndxt adjacent to the place where the aforesaid Survey has been nrade} and I lave likewise ieit at the> bouse <^ every peivon throiigh whoso land the said Road pas- ses, a notice containing a description of the course qf the aforesaid Survey. , Dated at this day of in the year one thousand eigth hundred ^ "^ Swveyoraf HigAways, Baihurst District. Pirovidiea always nevertheless,, that the refusal .fm thepfirt of the Council to pay such claim to the Surveyor ao jnade by him, sbalJi notpreelude him from receiving the same from the requisitionista for the said Survey. , „ j v, . • > ; 2Qth. AiM be it enacted by the authority aforeaaid, that the fidlowingibrins shall be iised in Ali,8i)rvey|9 ~^f^ daima^ ^mnpeosatiiNi for land taken £er Bpadai that >a, to say:— ' , ■",,„!.' ,•,.-;•! h?-..' ■MMMWiMMI** («) NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO THE SURVEY. To Mr. Surveyor of Hlghw«y». Take notice that I oppoae the Sorrey ofthe Roeii maJeby yo« over my land, being loi (or part of lot, as the cane may be,) No. in ihe Conceision of the t^wniihip of and that I aliall appear beibro Ihe Diatriet Cooncil at ita next meeting, for the purpoae of making nurh oppeaition. DsleU at thia day of 184 C. D. NOTICE TO REQUISITI0NI8TS OF OPPOSITION TO SURVEY. To TttkeTiotiee that Mr. • "^ • has thia day given me notice that he in- tends to oppose the Survey of the Road made on your application to me, over his land, being lot (or part of lot, as the ease may be,) No. m the Concession of the townithip of and that he will appear before the District Council at its next meeting for the pttri>ose of making auch opposition. Dated this day of 184 A. B. • Surveyor of Highwn/i, Baikurst Ditirici, NOTICE OF COMPENSATION CLAIMED. To Mr. Surveyor of Highways. Take notice that I shall apply to the District Council at iu next meeting for compensation for the ground taken for the Road laid out, by you over my land, being lot (or part of lot, as the case may be,) No. in the Concession of the township of ,andthat I claim thesum of jB for the land taken for said Road, of which you are required to give notice to the Requisitionists and report this mv claim to the said Council at its Aid meeting. Dated this day of 184 CD. NOTICE TO REQUISITIONISTS OF CLAIM FOR COMPENSATION HA- VING BEEN MADE. To ' ■■■ ■ ^ ' Take notice that Mr. has this dav given me notice that ho intends to'apply at the next meetingof the District Council ibr compensation for the l^round token forthe Road laid out by me on your requisitibh over his land, being lot, (or part of lot, as the case may be) No. in tho Concee^on of the township of acopyof which notice is hereunto annexed. ,n;»«ji?.j« jjt uh* ■ Datedthis dayof 184 ''' '■' A. B. '-''■ \ Surveyor of Highvoays, BatAurst District. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF CLAIM FQR COMPENSATION. To the Municipal Council of tAe Diitrict of BatAut*ii, in Council tUHtnbled. I , one oi the Stirveyors of Hi^w^y^'in and for the District of Bathurst, beg leave to Report, that Mr. 'clainiv the ium of JC as compenirotion for the land taken for the Rdad surveyed by rrrei on his lot, (or part of lot, as the case may be.) which I hhve reported atthis SeksSoh of the Council, and which Road has beec established by you: copies of the notices of compensation claimed, f»v* ■ en to me by the aaid Mr. unto annexed. Dated thia day of 0') , and of mine to the Requiaitioniiti» are here* 184 A. B. Survejfor of Highwajftf Dittrict o/MAurtt. FORM OF NOTICE TO PERSONS THROUGH WHOSE LAND A ROAD MAY PASS. To C D. Take notice that I have surveyed and laid out a line of Road to which Road iMMeii through the (front or rear, as the cose may be,^ uf your land in a (N.E. or S. W., as the case may be) direction, which I intend to lay before the Distriot Council at itii next sitting« so that the said line of Road may be establisheii A. B. Road Surveyor, Baihurtt Distrid. 21st. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every Surveyor nf Highways (or the time being shall be allowed the sum of seven shillings and six pence for every day in which he shall lie necessarily employed, which sum shall be paid as as is herein before provided for by this By-law. R. BELL Warden, Baihurtt Distrid, f I /• 7* ■ fHli I U> C. Rice, Printer. M .4 it