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P-^HBIBPflPlliij.Jv.,, «M>. vWVr^ i"-ii.>i«ti^>Hffs%mfi!^m^' '»'J'"vi» ' •^"■PiP^WWP ARTICLES OF A TREATY Mado and concluded this twenty-second day of September, in thoyear of Our Lord, 6no thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, between ^r Most Gracious Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, by Her Commissionoi^, the Honorahlo Pavid Laii-d, Lieutenant-Governor and Indian Superintendent of the North- West Territories, and James Farquharson MacLeod, O.M.G., Commissioner of the North-Wost Mounted Police, of the one part, and the Blackfeet, Blood, Piegan, Sarcee, Stony and other Indians, inhabitants of the Territory north of the United States Boundary Line, oast of the central range of the Rocky Moun- tains, and south and west of Treaties numbers six and four, by their Head Chiefs and Minor Chiefs or Counoillors,chosen as hereinafter mentioned, of the other part. WHEREAS the Indians inhabiting the said Territory, have, pursuant to an appoint- ment mado by the said Commissioners, been convened at a meotinpr at the *' Blaokfoot Crossing " of the Bow River, to deliberate upon certain matters of interest to Her Most Gracious Majesty, of the one part, and the said Indians of the qther; And whereas the said Indians have oeen informed by Her Majesty's Ck>mmis- sioners that it is the desire of Her Majesty to open up for settlement, and such other purposes as to Hor Majesty may seem meet, a tract of country, bounded and described as hereinafter mentioned, and to obtain the consent thereto of Her Indian subjects inhabiting the said tract, and to make a Treaty, and arrange with them, so that there may bo poace and good will between them and Her Majesty, and between them and Her Majesty's other subj-Hits ; and that Her Indian people may know and feel assured of what allowance they arc to count upon and receive from Her Majesty's bounty and benevolence ; And whereas the Indians of the said tract, duly convened in Council, and being requested by Her Majesty's Commissioners to present their Head Chiefs and Minor Chieft, or CounciUora, who shall be authorized, on their behalf, to conduct such n^o- tiations and sign any Treaty to be founded thei'eon, and to become responsible to Her Majesty for the faithful performance, by their respective Bands of such obligations as should be assumed by them, the said Blackfeet, Blood, Piegan and Sarcee Indians have thereforo acknowledged for that purpose, the several Head and Minor Chiefs, and the said Stony Indians, the Chiefs and Councillors who have subscribed hereto, that thereupon in open Council the said Commissioners received and acknowledged the Head and Minor Chiefs and the Chiefs and Councillors presented for the purpose afoi'esaid; ' And whereas the said Commissioners have proceeded to negotiate a 1 -jH^j with tho said Indians ; and the same has boeu finally agreed upon andconcludod a.*^ follows, that is to say: the Blackfeet, Blood, Piegan, Sarcee, Stony and other Indians inhabiting the District hereinafter more fully described and denned, do hereby cede, release, surrender, and yield up to the (Government of Canada for Her Majesty tho Queen and her successors for ever, all their rights, titles, and privileges whatsoever to the lands included within tho following limits, that is to say : Commencing at a point on the International Boundary due south of tho western extremity ot the Cvpress Hills, thence west along the said boundary to the central range of the Rocky Mountains, or to the boundary of the Province of British Columbia, thence north westerly along tho said boundary to a point due west of tho source of the main branch of the Red Deer River, thence south>westerly and southerly following on the boundaries of the Tracts ceded by the Treaties numbered six and four to the place of commencement ; And also all their rights, titles and privileges whatsoever, to all other lands wherever situated in tho North-West Territories, or in any other portion of the Dominion of Canada : To have and to hold tho same to Her Majesty the Queen and hor successors for ever : — And Her Majesty tho Qneon hereby agrees with her said Indians, that they ahall have right to pursue their vocations of hunting throughout the Tract surrendered a,i heretofore described, subject to such regulations as may, from time to time, be made by the Gotcrnment of the country, acting under thonutliorityof Her Majefcty and saving and excepting such Tracts as may bo required or taken up from time to time for settlement, mining, trading or other purposes by Her Government of Canada ; or by any of Her Majesty's subjects duly authorized therefor by tho said Government. It is also agreed between Her Majesty and Her said Indians that Resoi'ves shall bo assigned them of sufficient orea to allow one square mile for each lajnily of five persons, or in that proportion for larger and smaller families, and that said Reserves shall be located as follows, that is to say: First. — The Reserves of the Blackfeet, Blood, and Sarcce Bands of Indians, shall consist of a belt of land on tho north side of the Bow and South Saskatchewan Rivers, of an average width of four miles along said rivers, down stream, commencing at a point on the Bow River twenty miles north-westerly of the Blackfoot Crossing thereof, and extending to the Red Deer River at its junction with the South Saskatchewan ; also for tho term often years,and no longer, from tho dale of tho concluding of this Treaty, when it shall cease to be a portion of said Indian Reserves, as fully to all intents and purposes as if it had not at any tinio boon included therein, and without any compensation to individual Indians for improvements, of a similar belt of land on the south side of the Bow and Saskatchewan Rivers of an average width of one mile along said rivers, down stream ; commencing at tho aforesaid point on the Bow Rivei', and extending to a point one milo west of the coal i«oam on said river, about five miles below tho said Blackfoot Crossing; beginning again one milo oast of the said coal seam and extending to the mouth of Maple Creek at its junction with tb'^ South Saskatchewan ; and beginning again at the junction of tho Bow River with the latter river, and extending on both sides of the South Saskatchewan in an average width on each side thereof of one mile, along said river against tho stream, to tho junction of the Little Bow River with tho latter river, reserving to Her Majesty, as may now or hereafter be required by Her for the use of Her Indian and other sulljects, from all the Reserves hereinbefore described,tho i-ight to navigate tho above mentioned rivers, to land and receive fuel and cargoes on tho shores and banks thereof, to build bridges and establish ferries thereon, to uso the fords thereof and all tho trails leading thereto, and to open such other roads through tho said Reserves as may appear to Her Majesty's Government of Canada, necessary for the ordinary travel ofhorlnlian and other subjects, duo compensation being paid to individual Indians for 'mprovc- ments, when tho same may bo in any manner encroached upon by such road. . . Secondly — That the Reserve of the Piegan Band of Indians shall bo on the Old Man's River, near the foot' of tho Porcupine Hills, at a place called " Crow's Creek." And, Thirdly— The Reserve of the Stony Band of Indians shall be in tho vicinity of Morleyville. In view of the satisfaction of Her Majesty with the recent general good conduct oi her said Indians, and in extinguishment of al! their past claims, sho hereby, through her Commissioners, agrees to make them a present ])aym§nt of twelve dollars each in cash to each man, woman, and child of tho families hei'o represented. Her Majesty also agrees that next year, and annually afterwards forever, she will cause to bo paid to tho said Indians, in cash, at suitable places and dates, of which the said Indians shall be duly notified, to each Chief, twenty-five dollars, each minor Chief or Councillor (not exceeding fifteen minor Chiefs to the Blackfeet and Blood Indians, and four to the Piegan and Sarcce Bands, and five Councillors to the Stony Indian Bands), fifteen dollars, and to every other Indian of whatever age, five dollars; the same, unless there be some exceptional reason, to be paid to tho heads of families for those belonging thereto. Further, Her Majesty agrees that the sum of two thousand dollars shall hereafter every year be expended in the purchase of ammunition for distribution among the said Indians; Provided that if at any future time ammunition become comparatively unnecessary for said Indians, Iler Government, Avith tho consent of said Indians, or Hcfi and I hen Sigr it they jndcrod mc, be -ajofcty time to Canada ; rnment. OS shall of five Reserves ns, shall I Rivers, ing at u thereof, •,hewnn ; : of this 7 to all without belt of vidth of t on the d river, lile east ,ion with ver with ; average , to the josty, as subjects, lentioned ■, to build [s leading ippear to er In.lian 'mprove- li... . n the Old s Creek." e vicinity d conduct e hereby, of twelve presented, rover, she 1 dates, of liars, each jkfcet and lors to the ir age, five lO heads of I hereafter among the paratively Indians, or any of the Bands thereof, may expend the pi'oportion due to such Band otherwise for their benefit. Further, Her Majesty agrees that each Head Chief and Minor Chief, and each Chief and Councillor duly recognized as such, shall, once in every three years, during the term of their office, receive a suitable suit of clothing, and each Head Chief and Stony Chief, in recognition of the closing of the Treaty, a suitable medal and flag, and next j'ear, or as soon as convenient, each Head Chief, and Minor Chief, and Stony Chief shall receive a Winchester rifle. Further, HerMajost}' agrees to pay the salary of such teachers to instruct the children of said Indians as to Her Government of Canada may seem advisable, when (•aid Indians are settled on their Reserves and shall desire teachers. Further, Her Majesty agrees to supply each Head and Minor Chief, and each Stony Chief, for the use of their Bands, ten axes, five handsaws, five augers, one grindstone, and the necessary files and whetstones. •. And further, Her Majesty agrees that the said Indians shall be supplied as soon as convenient, after any Band shall make due application therefor, with the following cattle for raising stock, that is to say : for every family of five persons, and under, two cows ; for every family of more than five persons, and less than ten persons, three cows ; for every family of over ten persons, four cows ; and every Head and Minor Chief, and every Stony Chief, for the use of their Bands, one bull ; but if any Band desire to cultivate the soil as well as raise stock, each family of such Band shall receive one cow less than the above mentioned number, and in lieu thereof, when settled on their Reserves and prepared to break up the soil, two hoes, one spade, one scythe, and two hay forks, and for every three families, one plough and one harrow, and for each Band, enough potatoes, barley, oats, and wheat (if such seeds bo suited for the locality of their Reserves) to plant the land actually broken up. All the aforesaid articles to be given, once for all, for the encouragement of the practice of agriculture among the Indians. And the undersigned Blackfeet, Blood, Pieganand Sarceo Head Chiefsand Minor Chiefs, and Stony Chiefs and Councillors on their own behalf and on behalf of all other Indians inhabiting the Tract within coded do hereby solemnly promise and engage to strictly obsei*ve this Treaty, and also to conduct and behave themselves as good and loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen. They jiromise and engage that they will, in all respects, obey and abide by the Law, that they will maintain peace and good order between each other and between themselves and other tribes of Indians, and between themselves and others of Her Majesty's subjects, whether Indians, Half Breeds or Whites, now inhabiting, or hereafter to inhabit, any part of the said ceded tract; and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tract, or the property of Her Majesty the Queen, or inlerfero with or trouble any person, passing or travelling through the said tract or any part thereof, and that they will assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this Treaty, or infringing the laws in force in the country so coded. In Witness Whereof Her Majesty's said Commissioners, and the said Indian Head and Minor Chiefs, and Stony Chiefs and Councillors, have hereunto subscribed and set their hands, at the " Bluckfoot Crossing" of the Bow River, the day and year herein first above written. Signed by the Chiefs and Councillors within named in presence of the follow- ing witnesses, the same having been first explained by .Tamos Riivl, Interpreter. David Lahid, Lieutenant-Governor of Norih-West Territories, and Special Indian Commissioner. \ A. G. Irvinb, Ass't. Com., N.W.M.P. James F. MacLeod. Liout.-Colonol, Com. J. MoDouoALL, Missionary. N.W.M.P., and Special Indian CommiB- Jean L' Heureux. sioner. W. WiNDBE, Inspector. j,ig T. N. F. Crozier, Inspector. Ciiapo-Mexico, or Crowfoot, ^ E. Dalrtmple Clark, Lieut. & Aljutant HoadChief of the South Blackfoet. ^.j^ N.W.M.P. A. Shurtlipf, Sub Inspector. Matosb-Apiw, or Old Sun, his 0. E. Denino, Sub Inspector. Head Chief of the North x - Blackfeot. mark W. D. AuTROBUs, Sub Inspector. Frank Norman, Staff Constable. Mary J. Macleod. Julia Winder. Julia Shurtlipf. E. Hardisty. A. McDoUQALL. B. A. Barrett. OoNSTANTiNB ScoLLEN, Priest, wltness to signatures of Stonixosak and those fol lowing. Charles E. Conrad. Thos. J. BOGO. his X mai'k his X mark. his Natose-Onistors, or Medicine Calf x mark. Stamiscotocar, or Bull Head, Head Chief of Iho Sarccei?. Mekasto, or Eed Crow Head Chief of the South Bloods. his X mark, his X mark, his X mark, his X mark. his Attistah-macan, or Eunning Eabit. x Pokapiw-otoian, or Bad Head. SotBNAH, or Eainy Chief, Head Chief of the North Bloods. Takoye-Stamix, or Fiend Bull. * Akka-Kitcipimiw-otas, or many spotted horses Pitah-pekis, or Eagle Bib. mark, his X marl'. Sakoye-aotan, or Heavy Shield, his Head Chief of the Middle • x Blackfeet. mark. ZoATZE-TAPiTAPiw, or Setting on an his Eagle Tail. x Head Chief of the North Piegans. mark. his Akka-makkoye, or Many Swans x mark, his Apenako-sapop, or Morning Plume x mark. > Mas-gwa-ah-Sid, his ^ or Bear's Paw. X >._^ mark. 1 Che-ne-ka, his 1 or John, X m mark. P Kl-CHI-PWOT, his ^•^fc or Jacob, X * mark. 5? Stamix-osok, bis or Bull Bacfat, X mark. Ehitah-Apiskinne, his or White StripoU Dog, X mark. Matapi-Komotziw, his or the Captive or Stolen X Person, mark. Apawawakosow, his or White Antelope, X mark. Makoyekin, his or Wolf Collar, X / mark. Aye-Stipis^simat, his or Heavily Whipped, X -^^ ; ., mark. K188OUM, • his or Day Light, Si? X mark. ^ PiTAH-OTOOAN, his or Eagle Head, ' X mark. ^ Apaw-stamix, his . or Weasel Bull, X mark. Onistah-pokah, his or White Calf; X ■ '■' " ■ -"■> mark. Netah-kitbi-pi-mew, his or Only Spot, X mark. Akak-otos, his or Many Horses, X mark. Stokimatis, his or The Dram, X mark PiTAH-ANNES, his or Eagle Bobe, X mark. PlTAH-OTBIKIN, ^ his ^ or Eagle Shoo, X .; :'.'V " mark. Stamixo-ta-ka-piw, his .7''.."''""' or Bull Tui-n Bound, X """''■ mark, •>r. -':',"-■» Maste-Pitah, his or Crow Eagle, X mark. his JlMEs Dixon, ' X T*, . • ■ ■ mark. his Aburauam Kechepwot, X mark. his Patbick Kechepwot, X ■ ■■'■ ,■■ •■ ■-. mark. his George Moy-any-men, X mark. > his George Crawlor, X , mark. Ekas-kine, his or Low Horn, a mark. Kato-okosis, his or Boar Shield, ~'Z mark. PONOKAH-STAMIX, his or Bull Elk, H , , mark. Ohakri Sapop, his or Big Plume, X mark. Onistah, his or Calf Eobo, X mark. PiTAII-SIKSINUM, his or White Eagle, X mark. Apaw-onistaw, his or Weasel Calf, X mark. Attistahaes, his or Ilabit Carrier, X mark. PiTAIl, his or Eagle, X mark. PiTAH-ONISTAll, his or Kagle White Calf, X mark. Kavetapo, his or Going to Bear, X mark. s: P Wf the members of the Blackfoot tribe of Indians having had explained to us the terms ol'the Treaty mwlo and concluded at the Blackfoot Crossing ot the Bow River, on tlio Iwonty-second day of September, in the year of our liOixi one tliousand eight hundred and fleventy-Hoven ; Between Her Majesty the Queen, by Her Commissioners duly appointed to nego- tiate the said Treaty and the Blackfeof, Blood, Piegan, Sarcoe, Stony and other Indian inhabitants of tho country within the limits defined in the said Treaty, but not having boon present at tho Councils at which the articles of the said Treaty wore agreed upon, do now hereby, for ourselves aud the Bands which wo represent, in con- sideration of the provisions of tho said Treaty being extended to us and the Bands which wc represent, transfer, surrender and relinquish to Her Majesty the Queen, llor lioirs and successors, to and for the use of Her Government of the Dominion of Canada, all our right, title, and interest whatsoever which we and the said Bands which wo represent have held or. enjoyed of in and to the territory describe^, and fully sot out in the said Treaty ; also, all our right, title, and interest whatsoever to all other lards wherever situated, whether within the limits of any other Treaty heretofore made or hereafter to be made with Indians, or elsewhere in Her Majesty's territories, to have and to hold the same unto and for the use of Her Majesty tho Queen, Her heirs and successors forever; And we hereby agree to accept the several benefits, payments, and Eesorves promised to the Indians under the Chiefs adhering to the said Treaty at the Blackfoot Crossing of the Bow River, and wo solemnly engage to abide by, carry out and fulfil all the stipulations, obligations and conditions therein contained on tho part of the Chiefs and Indians therein named, to be observed and performed and in nil things to conform to tho articles of the said Treaty, as if we ourselves and tho Bands which we represent had been originallv contracting parties thereto and had been present at the Councils held at the Blackfoot Crossing of tho Bow River, and had there attached our signatures to the said Treaty. In witness whereof, James Farquharson MacLeod, C.M.G., one of Her Mojesty's Commissioners appointed to negotiate the said Treaty, and the Chief of the Band, hereby giving their adhpsion to iho said Treaty, have hereunto subscribed and set their hands at Fort MacLeod, this fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Signed by the parties hereto in tho presence of the undersigned witnesses, the same having been explained to the Indians by the said James Farquharson MacLeod, \ one of the Commissioners appoint- od to negotiate the said Treaty, | through tho interpreter, Jerry | Potts, in the presence of J James F. MacLeod, LieutCol., Special Indian Conmisaiontr, Meanxkistomach, • his or TIneo Bulls. x mark. A. G. Irvine, Assistant Commissioner. E. Dalrmtmle Clark, Lieutenant and Adjutant N.W.M.P. Charles E.Conrad, W. Winder, Inspector.