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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 / ^^:^(,u^C^^L^ <s^ To Subscripiionto BANNER / year from ^ '^'jdytXS^ \m -f '^: v.i-^r o;!// .-Ji^irn o-fuf); Banned Office, ^: n-'Hw f.j ;:^ Dear Sir: I take the liberty of annexing the above Account for the Banner newspaper, and of soliciting an immediate remittance of the amount. The enormotis expense which has been found, by experience, to attend the sending of Collectors through the countiy, and the indiffer- ent success which too often attends their exertions, has con&trained me to try the effect of direct application to our friends by Mail. The unceasing labour, both of body and mind, which attends the publication of a Newspaper, renders it absolutely necessary that pecu- iHary anxiety should not be superadded. The disbursements of a paper are almost all paid in advance, and the stock of materials requires a large sum of sunk capital. Newspaper subscriptions should properly all be faid in advance, but unfortunately the credit system of the country makes it almost impossible to carry this out — and Publishers are driven to give more or less credit, which the profits of the business will really not afford. The terms of credit are generally extended to the utmost limit of his means, and unless the subscriber keeps time with him he is certain to be incommoded by it. The consequence of this very generally has been, that the publisher (thrown into difficulty by the inconsideratencss of his subscribers) is forced to seek assistance from friends or through the banks, and becomes fettered by obligations to individuals — and to this process we may trace much of the time-serv- ing too often found in Canadian Journals. Every reader of a paper who dot's not pay up promptly, may depend upon it, that he helps to enfeeble the honest and bold tone of the Public Press. I speak feelingly on this subject — for the fearless manner in which Tlic Banner discusses every subject which comes up, makes it necessary to depend entirely on our own resources— and i appeal to all our ►Subscribers that it is their dutp to be prompt. To give six months credit Pa^. on the large number of Papers which issue from this Office requires a heavy amount of capital ; — longer credit cannot be afTorded ; and the benefit gained from those Subscribers who take advantage of the cash price (15s.) is heavily over-balanced by those who greatly exceed the limited credit. This Circular will be sent to all our Subscribers ; but there are many among them to whom it is not applicable. There are numbers who pay promptly and freely, and they are cordially thanked for it ; I trust they will not be offended at receiving a copy of this Circular, as it would have been invidious to make selectioas. I remain^ Dear Sir, , , , . ,. .^^ Your most obedient servant, GEORGE BROWN. N. B.— It is net necessary to send the exact amount ; any numbei of dollars can be placed to the credit of the party. Letters containing remittances should be marked on the cover " Money Letter," and be handed to the Post Master. All Letters sent in this way will be at the risk of this office, and be acknow- ledged weekly through the Paper. ii \ \ •N