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V .,1 1\ :S^OM X878- •* 'ft r •/ '^r' ■;a- t ' '.' n h%, lit . ''^« "•1>;V <■ J878. It ; »iitiJ |H i M »i l ' " i W >^> " ' "" »* "" * "" "''' "'** i l Mli mi iWi m irtM M W WMmUm yimwMwmwimi nH wi f i ww iiiiii ?* "I? ■'Ml 52 ^^1 ^ •« •V»H mm ■ -■'■■•■■A^'.^ ■•-■■(«•, ■^; ,".-.A*'.'^'' •■-■>:?*^^f■ '■■i'd .^.^ !l5i^:ii|J^P'v- - >.l ,'. "' ' i ''"-t^ V, '•^,^?A.^ ',^. *^i h^^ :' r - ik'C * V' v: ?» ,' ^ '^v^.!" ! ^ ! ? . . «"»-^^V .'!■ .- ^^' -K^ Wf. •''■'.., .r V"' '' h ! , - <:' j\ "^ , .V ' \ <^ tf 1 "i^';^';-^ i e ' ' . >• t r, ^7^' Z,;;^' ^' '"• ; v^ I M <*^r.^f'' ' *, >^ {' V"' t^ ' ■ <-. -'.f * 1 / ^v. ' .* fc > - i' ;v ■ VOTERS' LIST For In TOfflSHlP of DELAffABE FO:Ei 3-878. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. !. Comprising all lands in the Township of Delaware lying east of 2nd Con. Itoarl and no.-th of Lot 8. Part I. — Persons entitled to vote at lioru Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative As&einbly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . o NAME. 261 181 190 384 253! 254! 180 314: 314! 206' 266 176 170 182 312 312 200 309 Anderson, John L. Aldwell, Lee .... Bain, John Barney, John. . . . Barney, Mark. . . . Banghart, Jesse . . Benkhe, Charles Best, John Best, Henry Blashall, Henry . . Blashall, Tyndall Bradt, Aaron .... Bradt, James CON. or STREET. Christian, William. College, VVm. W.. College, Andrew . . . Colvin, Andrew ... Cornell, Charles 309 Cornell, Joseph. 405 178 414 403 248 378 321 320 319 170 168 167 Cocks, Frederick. Cornell, Simon . . . Comfort, Albert. . Cooke, Jeffrey . . . . Crawford, Dennis. Culver, Alfred . . . Deadman, A. G . Deadman, F. W . , Deadman, W. H . Dowling, Samuel. Doyle, William . . . Doyle, Benjamin. 3 2 2 (Jore 3 3 2 4 4 3 S •) 2 4 4 3 4 4 King 2 S. King Gore 3 Gore 4 4 4 2 2 2 LOT. PtO Pt5 PtO PtB Pt 3 Pt4 Pt 4 3 3 Pt 7& Pt 7 & SE3 SE3 NE5 N E2 NE2 WA 5 N|l NA 1 PtB'CD Pt 4 BKC PtC SE 1 Pt A S E 5 S W5 N E5 N W3- N W 1 S \V 1 Son IJL.J4 . U». .—.: ■i' tlflii ' f /■ r i.:J*-. ■y-'A'r.- 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 191 191 393 394 399 189 185 377 197 264 171 381 413 413 177 181 181 316 317 51375 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 184 245 245 388 396 392 392 395 401 401 402 250 93 188 173 322 322 322 257 257 252 398 398 318 385 251 311 311 NAME. Elliott, Richard Elliott, John Elson, John Elson, Warren Elson, Charles Elviege, Edward Eichenburgher, Samuel Fonger, William Fostlett, John Gilbert, Abraham Gowanlock, John Grantham, George Harris, Thomas Harris, William Heatley, William .... Hotham, Abraham Hotham, John Ireland, George Ireland, Walter Ireland, John *^ennedy, Thomas Kjlbourne, John R Kilbourne, Byrjn Kilbourne, Kobt. jun.. Kilbourne, Burley Kilbourne, Harvey . . . . Kilbourne, Saml Kilbourne, Timothy . . . . Kilbourne, .J as. E Kilbourne, llobt., sen . Kilbourne, Benjamin . . Knox, Thomas Leslie, Ephraim Leslie, William Luce, Asa McLellan, Nelson McLellan, Edward . . . . McLellan, Harvey McKay, Phillip McKay, Eli Munce, John Myers, Andrew . Myers, William Nichols, S. F Nichols, David Noxel, August Ormond, George Ormond, Stephen CON. or LOT. - STREET. Ei7 2 F 2 EA7 F Gore PtD F Gore PtD F Gore PtD F 2 ft 7 F 2 Pt6 F Gore PtAE F 2 Pt7 T 3 Ei7 F 2 Pt2 F Gore Pt A T King BK A T King BKA F 2 NE4 F 2 Pt5 «u7 2 Pt5 ^ 4 Pt4 F 4 Pt5 (iore PtAE 2 Pt5 F 3 NEl T 3 NEl T (iore PtC F Gore PtC F Gore Pt D F (iore Pt D T Gore Pt D T Gore Pt D Gore Pt D F Gore PtC F 3 Pt2 F 2 EPt6 F 2 E Pt 6 F 3 Pt3 F 4 Pt6 F 4 PtG F. Son 4 Pt6 F. Son 3 3, 4, 5 F 3 3,4,5 F 3 Pt3 T Gore Pt D F Gore Pt D F 4 Pt4 F Gore PtB F 3 SE2 F M 4 Si 1 F 4 Sil F. Son JA- t, (''' , y ' 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5S 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ■A 113 112 99 99 65 110 110 71 78 79 79 104 52 7 55 17 115 115 108 100 88 89 116 4 129 129 48 130 130 103 70 28 42 51 416 56 106 106 141 141 62 18 NAME. 88 63 89 11 90 107 91 77 92 73 93 82 94 53 95 96 96 1 97 38 98 21 99 35 Hay, Wa'ter Hacker, William.. . Harris, Gi bert. . . . Harris, William . . Hammond, 11. C. . Hammond, George. Hammond, Henry. Hill, George Harker, Joseph. . . . Heatley, John Heatley, George . . . . Hall, William Hill, lohn Harker, William . . . Hacker, Edward . . . Harris, James Johnstone, Wallace. Johnstone. Henry.. Jell, Horatio JefFry, James Johnstone, John . . . . Johnstone, David ... Johnstone, H. , sen.. Jarvis, Frances . . . . .Janes, William Janes, Henry Jennings, John Kelley, William, sen. Kelley, William, jun. Kennedy, Henry Karl, Leonard Knowles, J. W Lawson, David. . . . Larkins, H. J Jjockwond, Henry. Link, George Merrill, Jeremiah .... Merrill, Sylvester . . . . McEwing, John McEwing, Thomas . . . Mahler, George Moore,, Jatues Montgomery. Robert. McPherson, William.. Pearce, George ... Parkins, Abraham. Parkins, John Patton, Lewis Paine, Benjamin . . . Parfitt, Albion.... Portsmouth, Peter. Peacock, Charles. . Pincombe, Samuel. ' Potter, George CON. or STREET, 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 D D D D 1 D. Young W . York W York s. King 1 1 1 1 D D D s. Bridge D D N. King D D 1 H. Road N. King E. Main D S. Bridge S. Young 1 1 1 1 E. Pr. Albt S. King N. Pleasant 1 D D D D S. King S. Bridge W. Main N. Pleasant B. York LOT. Wi 9 Si 8 Pt 5 Pt5 PK7, 8 Ni8 Ni8 Pt6 Pt9 Pt 10 Pt 10 Pt5 2.3 21,25 19 6 Wi 11 Will Ei7 Pt5 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 1,7 Pt5 Pt5 15 4 4 Pt5 12 7 12 Pt5 9 ■ 75,76,77 6 6 Nil Nil 3,4,5 8 PK6 Wi7 Pfc9 Pt 10 Pt 11 PK3 2 5,6 5 1,2,3 22,23 Son Son F F F F. F T T F F F F. F F F F F T T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F T Income F T F T F F F F F F -"'••"'rtftujiliii 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 126 127 128 31 49 20 22 NAME. Rattray, Alexander. Robertson, Charles.., Rogers, W. S Rawlings, Henry . . . . 376 Smith, Cumberford. 146 Scott, Thomas. 145 Scott, Hugh, sen . 102 Scott, Hugh, jun. 16 Scott Matthew. 16 Scott, James. 92 Seabrook, Arthur, 75 Sutherland, Samuel . 75 Sutherland, John 84|Shore, John. 43JStewart, James 9 Sparkman, Edward. 133|Simmons, Charles.. 135 Stewart, Archibald. , 135 Stewart Alexander. . 138Tnrnbull, Robert... 136 Tiffany, Albert 417jThompaon, J. I 26 Thrower, Stephen. . Thrower, Charles ... 25 101 29 23 419 144 Vail, Lewis . , Vail, Aaron. Waggoner, Simon . Weld, Joaeph Weylor, Christian. CON. or STREET. W. York W. York E. John D Gore 1 1 1 S. King S. King D I) I) I) E. Main S. King D I) D D& 1 N. Main N. King W. Main 1 E. York N. Mill 1 1 LOT. 18 21,22 1,2 PK 19 Pt A E Pt 12 Pt 12 PtS 6 Ei7 Wi 9 \\h 9 \\h 12 lo m, 3 Pt 2, 3 Pt 2, 3 Pt 2, 3 Pt 1&2 2 To 10 3,4 Pt5 33,34 86, 87 16 in 4 Pt 11 Part II. — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 1 3 2 12 3 69 4 3 5 93 6 37 7 8 39 67 9 10 19 203 Adams, Wm. H Dardin, St. Leger Forsythe. Israel ..I S. H. Rd Irwin, Greorge... Leslie, Ephraim. McKay, Phillip Peacock, George . . Pincombe, John . . . Whitehead, Daniel. Weylor, Martin . . . S. Bridge 3 S. King Si 2 S. H. Rd 8 S. Bridge 3 / pt4^ W. Main 1.2 N. King B. Pr. Albt 13 S. King 9 Pt 11 iVA' ' ; / .' Str>^aiMUimtH».ir.>u-<. ., ,ir*4ii* *»l»jas«««»««».i'Cj»**«"i«<«0(»»:v%Ji*/T«*(»»«V»- : .'•■.iY. •:''■• .. .V'.' y. ■;.-#.■■ .'A'.',. ?/? POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3. Comprising all lands in the Township of Delawui-o between Wards 1 and 2 on the north, and lino l)etween l^ots 17 and 18 on south. Part I. — Persons entitled to vote at hotu Municipal Elections and Election* to the Legislative Assembly. • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 200 354 352 352 211 208 118 209 351 285 285 342 342 291 220 282 216 210 210 '210 205 205 149 149 147 148 339 338 337 334 271 2e8 268 NAME. Adams, Hamuel.. . Allen, Henry ... Allen, .Tosephus. . Adams, William . Adams, Thomas . , Anderson, Alex . . Bidner, .Joseph Bell, William Hell, Alexander Hell, William iBodkin, William . . . . Bodkin J. L Surges, William Belton, Henry Hod kin, Alex liigoall, Thomas. . . Beach, Jonas Beach, (George. .... Beach, Earnest Bignall, W^illiam .... Bignall, George Babbington, Edward. Babbington, Thomas. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 340 192 269 333 332 193 193 269 196 358 355 279 Craig, David Craig, Joseph Calcott, G. W.. . Campbell, Donald. Cooper, Stephen . . ( 'arey, Edward . . Caray, .lohn Carley, Lafayette . Carley, John. . . . Carle \ Alonzo ... Duke, Thomas. Dundas, John . Element, William. Field, William... li'ostlett, James . . . Fortuer, Andrew. Fortner, Wesley. Greer, Samuel. Goldie, John . . Henderson, James, sen. Hopkins, G. W Uowlett, Joseph CON. or LOT. .STREET. 4 N E 16 F 4 N W 16 F 4 N W 16 F. Son 2 Pt 13 F 2 S E 12 F D Pt 14 F 2 Pt 12 F 4 Pt 16 F 3 Pt 15 F 3 Pt 15 F. Son 4 Pt 13 F 4 Pt 13 F 3 Ni 17 O 2 Si 16 T 3 WPtl4 F 2 W Pt 14 T 2 Pt 13 F 2 Pt 13 F. Son 2 Pt 13 F. Son 2 Pt 11 F 2 Pt 11 F 1 Eil4 T 1 Ei 14 F 1 Pt 13 F 1 Si 13 F 4 Pt 13 F 4 12 F 4 Ei 11 T 4 Pt 11 F 3 Ei 10 F 3 Wi 9 F 3 Wi 9 F. Son '> NE9 O 4 Pt 13 F 2 NE8 F 3 NE9 F 4 WilO F 4 Pt 10 T 2 SE 8 F 2 SE 8 F. Son 3 NE9 T 2 Pt8 F 4 S4 17 F 4 NU7 F 3 Pt 13 F ! 8 4(i 47 48 49 50 ni 52 r)3 ."M 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 280 280 274 274 267 225 225 219 219 202 204 201 198 198 198 327 214 121 126 126 343 346 345 283 150 353 332 292 350 350 348 348 291 291 290 289 289 287 222 222 217 220 CON. or STREET. Johnstone, John. . . . John" Lone, Henry.. Johnstone, Thomas. 88 212 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 275 276 274 328 331 270 227 227 Hammond, Andrew. Hammond, James. . , Hobbs, CSeorge Hobbs, \tilliam , . . Hull, Francis Hammond, J( hn. . . Hammond, Thomas . Hall, Austin Hall, Tom Howlett, John Howlett, Ephraim . , Harris, Charles Hughson, W. D . . . . Hughson, Benson . . . Hughson, Oscar. . . . Ireland, John . Ireland, David. Kelly, Wm. Kelley, Andrew. . Kelley, .lames. . . . Kaiser, John Kennedy, Daniel. Kelley, James. . . , Leaker, William. . . Laughlon, Thomas. McFarlane, Alex . . . McFarlane, Geo. . . . Monteith, John. . . . Monteith, George . . . .McMechan, John. . . McMechan, John H . Monteith, Arch'd . . . Monteith, A. C Monteith, Ilobt Monteith, Henry . . . McAuley, Henry. . . McAuleyJ Neil McAuley, Daniel . . . Mills, Abraham North, James. Oliver, George. Oliver, Henry. Peace, John Pow, Peter Fetch, A. W . . Fetch, William Powell, Charles, jun Powell, Richard 3 3 3 8 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 1 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 o 2 •) 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 o W417 Ft 16. 17 Ft 16, 17 Ft 14 Ft 14 Ft 14 E 14 N E 16 S E 16 NEIO Si 17 S W 15 S W 15 S E15 SE15 17 17 Ft 16 Ft 16 Ft 16 Ft 16 Nil6 NU6 Ft 15 H Hi Ft 13 Ei 12 WA 12 Ei 12 S E 9 SVV9 S E9 Eil7 Ei 17 F T T F F O T T P F F O F O F F F T F F T F F F F T F F F F F F F If tS J Ena ^^^Ff^^^^^m e , 97 98 99 100 n 330 273 271 195 NAME. Ryckman, David. Keid, Christian . . Russell, Hugh... . Ralph, Edward. . IShapland, ilil ii ■iiii1..^r<.tf^^^ Siftnn. .Tnhn A** «— r ^*' 101 195; 102 3.35JSifton, John 103 33G Sifton, Charles. 104 33C,Sifton,Crozier. 105 278>cott, Joseph. 106 278 Scott, William. 107 207Sherk, Isaac. 108 90!Summer, Daniel. 109 120iScott, Nelson. 1101 120|Scott, Thomas Ill 202|Scoyn6s, Samuel, sen. 112i202 Scoynes, Samuel, jun. CON. or STREET. 113 223 Thirca, James 114 346Wil8ie, Elvin 115.347 Wilsie, Asa 11(1 284 Weylor, Jacob 117 281Winter, William 118 272 Winnacott, Emmanuel. 119 213 Wightman, James 120 203 Weylor, Martin 121 122 Weld, Stephen 122 122 Weld, William 123 127 Weld, Joseph 124 28(i Wilson, Richard 125 215: Wilson, Little 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 &D 3 3 LOT. ^W 9 Pt 11 EilO NW8 N W8 Pt 10 Pt 10 Pt 10 SA 13 Pt 15 Pt 14 Pt 14 T /^/?. W 10 10 S W 17 N E 15 Pt 14 Ei 15 E 14 Will W 13 N WU Pt 15 Pt 15 Pt 15 NW 16 Eil4 F F O F F F F F. Son F. Son T T F F F F F F T F- O F F F T JE^. Part II. — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections osly. 1 266 Blashall, Henry, 2" ~ ' 10 11 266 275 201 126 146 102 325 326 337 329 Blashall, TyndaU Godfrey, George Harris, Gilbert Johnstone, Henry, sen. Scott, Thomas Scott, Hugh, jun. — ail Scott, William Scott, WiUiam. Tiffany, Albert. Tye, Samuel . . . 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 W 7 & 8 W7&8 EJ12 Pt 10 Pt 15, 16 Pt 13 W 14 E7, 8 W7, 8 Ei 11 Pt7, 8 F F F P F F F F F F F r«>«Mi*M«a*f 10 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4. Comprising all lands in the Township o^' Delaware lying south of Lot 17. Part I. — Persons entitled to vote at hoth Municipal Elections and Klections to the Legislative Assembly. 5« NAME. 1 2 3 4 5 G I 81 J)| 10! 11 12i 13 14 15 l(i 17| 3()4i Baker, Edward 3()4: Baker, William.. . , 373 Baker, \Vm. Henry. 372 Baker, Kobt. H 372, Baker, Samuel .3()2 Baker, William 158iiirowii, William.... 30") 303, 301 302 232 228 154, I 370 230 IGUi ( 'ampbcU, (!oIiu. . . Campbell, William. Cowling, .lohn. . .. Campbell, Nathan. Campbell, Wni. .1 . . Cimpbell, Samuel. Campbell, Henry . . CON. or STREET. 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 3 o Do res, James Dark, .Tames Daugharty, Henry. 18 .36(5 Elwood, .b^hu. lit 238 Ferguson, Francis. 20 103 Fisher, .John 21 102 ( Jordon, .John . 22.371 Hunt. .b)hu N 23 .3011 Hicks ( 'harles 24 ,3.')(! Henderson, Alex., sen. 5 357 Henderson, .lames (i 304 Henderson, ^Villiam , . . 27 242IHarshaw, li. .1. 28 304i Henderson, Alex., jun. 29'23_l|.Iones, William. 30 153 .Tones, Henry . . 31 151 32 165 33 165 34 128 35 128 36 128 37 240 383G6 391363 40!2.38 41238 423G0 Kennedy, Thos. Lewis, William . . . . Lewis, Andrew . . Leach, George, sen. Leach, .Tohn Leach, William .... Leach, Geo., jun. . . Mann, G. A. W McCully, Samuel McCuUy, James McCully, John McFarlane, John, sen. 4 2 1 2 1 D X 4 4 4 3 o 2 1 1 1 D D D 2 4 4 2 2 4 LOT. Pt, 22 23lF y IPt, 22 23 F^ ^ j I't 22 O W.'. 21 F W.121 F. Son 1 Si 20 F 22 T J2^, N.', 24 \\'.', 22 \Xl 21 Ei 21 E 10 N', 18 S !•: 18 N.', ^4 Pt' is \\\ 24 F :F P F F F i^^ F F F Pt 22 F E 21 I't 24 !•: 24 S.'. 24 S !■: 23 N W 1!) s w i;» I't 21 V.h 24 I't 21 N W lil NA 1!) N E 18 S E24 S E 24 19 19 19 Pt 22 Pt 22 N E 21 E 21 E 21 Si 18 IF iF - ( / /KA F F F F. Son F. Son T F F T T F * u JR/?. /fA 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5*2 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 (50 Gl ()2 s . . o NAME, 360 360 296; 297 294: 294 243 241 239 235 234 161 159 155 150 298 McFarlane, John, jun. . McFarlane, Alexander., Malone, George Malone, James MeCully, Henry McCully, Thompson . . , McPherson, Donald ... Mcdiigan, John McPherson, Donald. . . McNichol, Neil McPherson, Hugh. . . . McArthur, Peter McCallinn, James McPherson, Duncan. . McPherson, Hector. . . May, James 306 Orr, John. 359|Piirsons, Thomas. . . 293' l^arsons, EInathan . . . 233 Powell, Charles, sen. 63'367>'tanton, James 64 367 Stanton, J. T . . . 65 3(57 Stanton, Edgar (56 300, Scott, Wm, Simpson. (17: 299 Scott, Robert 68| 152 Scott, Job G9!229IScott, Charles 70|368!Thom, James 7ri57lThompsou, Archd 72 361 73 361 Weekes, Thomas. Weekes, William. CON. or STREET. 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 ■2 2 1 1 I 1 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 1 4 4 LOT. 23 S.V 18 SA 18 N E 19 If \\\ 19 :f W! 18 WA 18 Wl 24 N E 23 SJ. 22 W 21 20 Ei 23 Wl 23 E.f 21 SA 20 I't 20 F. Son F. Son F If jF IF ,F F F ;f F :F If !F F NA 18 F Ei 18 F S W 19 F i;«23 NA23 Ni 23 N W 20 I't 20 SA 18 Pt 18 S E 23 NA20 F F. Son F. Son F iF F F JF iT Pt, 19 20 F Pt, 19 20 F Paut II.— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 158 2 122 Kennedy, Henry. Weld, Stephen. 3ll22iWeld, Wniiam. Pt 18 T Pt 18 F ^*miii$i^:iuimtu w (hill WW I igiiiMMiiBn ^3 , 12 f}'t:. I, R. Bodkin, Clerk of the Municipality of Delaware, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that part one of the within list constitutes a correct list for the year 1878 of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly ; and that parts one and two con- stitute a correct list for said year of all persons appearing by the said roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality ; and I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this awh day of June, 1878. Vli t I.. ?-•; Ir'S;.;" R. BODKIN, Clerk of Delaware, Delaware P. 1/7 r / v:/ ^ '0 ,S' .3,',AV^ ^ ■^M' ^ ,■■■ ■ . '''■ ' ■%3p!r^X ■<■ ' \ -> .'r vi- ' 'd"^' ft 'Vs., ( •" » ■^ n \' %■ "- MX ' ■ r * ^. i/- i^* I -i^ r', ■h r \^•>■i.y "V ' ^*^ ,-f u f t .i;'^ ' '/* 1 - 1, I I / > '■R. » " * vjy ' J" T *, » v< t4 '/ 1. vc **^ . y " ,v''T''^ *■ »• - * ».* r""w ^ 4 ; ^ s " t i. >■ u* ^ . i .^ ^ -^ \^ \ t ■ 'V'^ 1 ' H ^>-^■•■V/-■■ .''''■' ■'';.".>■''■ -, r V