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Jinok or the '5^ nion I'ur juactically a(:(}uiring tlic 4.. lish LaiiL^uat'cs. 30 cents. ^^ t'CH l^rntii;nises^ a Seieciion \__ Writers of 1<" ranee, e(>ntaining many Aulliors of the present day, with ulary. 75 cents 494356 >. 'raniiualrc Franimise ; A lar witli Exercises and l''.xamples. K. DUVAJ-, Ji.A.. vrx of thi* Freuch Lan^na't! in the School.' ^ cf the Jf rote till. t Com misxiotins of Jidiicatiou forth': City cf Alotit real. An JSleniPuffrrf/ IPrenrh Gramrnnr ; von- taining a Selection of (lenerai Rules from the most approved French Grammars, wilh exercises in French and Knglish, illustrating ihe Rules given. 25 cents Juvenile l^rench Course ; first yeir. 10 cents. Juvenile French Course : second year. 10 cents. Leetures Choi si es pour Ui Jeunesse ; con tenant une foule d'.vnecdotes aniusantcs, d'His- loirettes, de Contes et de I'ables, etc., avec un Dictionnaire des mots Fran^ais traduits en Anglais. * . ■• 30 cents. Jiullion*s School Grammar: with Practical Lessons and Exercises in (.'omi)osition and Analysis. 35 cents. DAWSON BROTHERS, Publishers. -m >y jf-' <7 i Q *!^— > zr\ ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, Containing a Selection of GENERAL RULES FUOM TIIK MOST AITKOVED FRENCH GRAMMARS. WITH HXERCISES JN FEENCH AND ENGLISH Jllustuatlvo the Rules given. BY ?:' \ ..N. BUV'A.U .B. A. — — >O^Ov-..^ M. MONTREAL WII^IvIAM V. DA>VSON, Piibli«lner CV i A 37^3 J- Entered accordini? to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the y(!ar 1870, by Dawson Buothers, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. V «l « a ■ 1 • > » • « I » » « O A t il ■) o p «* " »,• 4 U 49 4 |WT»SWB f^~"^^gSLl^ iSk miBui PREFACE. The study of the French language, in this country, is bccomiog every year more general and popular. The want of an elementary and easy Grammar adapted to the mind and culture of the ^oung, has been felt for many years past. It is to supply, in some measure, this want, that this little book is prepared. The rules of grammar are given in a cleur and simple manner; and as it is desirable that the student should be able to translate readily from the one language into the other, numerous exercises in both lan- guages are added. These are necessary to help the learner to acqiyre the habit of writing and speaking with ease and fluency. The rules of every lesson should be committed to memory, and every exercise thoroughly prepared and tran- slated several times, before proceeding to the next lesson. The object of this little work is to prepare the student for the study of a more complete grammar, which will be found easier after the use of this one. ' N. D. ^' I if Montreal, 1873. iU/A. . ,„i^^ *— rrTr-T**^' CONTENTS. Page. Preface 3 INTRODUCTION. The Alphabet. — SouikIk of Letters — Pronunciation of Vowels Pronunciation of Consonants 10 Dipthongs and Combined Vowels . . : . . 11 TIh! Nasal Sounds 11 Of Accents and other Marks. — Number . . . . 12 Gender. — Parts of Speech 13 CHAPTER I. ON T H K ARTICLE. Le, la, 1', les, the 14 Un, unc, one, a, or an . . . . . , . .15 Continuation of the Article, au, a la, k V, aux, to the . . 16 Du, de, de 1', des, of the . .17 Place of the name of the i)08se8sor in a phrase. — The name of the material 18 Some or any. translated . 19 Summary of the above observations 20 CHAPTKR II. ON THE NOUN. Definition. — Proper and Common Nouns. — Masculine and Feminine Terminations . . . , .22 Place of the subject, if a noun, in a question ... 23 Remarks 1 and 2 on the Negation, Plural of Nouns . . 24 Nouns ending in s, r, or z ; in au, eu ; in al ; in ou ; in ail. 25 m 5 ■ ' VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER TTI. OM TIIK ADJECTIVE. Variations of tlu' Adjective — liow tluiir feminine is fornieil. 27 Iir(!gnlur Adjectives 28 Place of the Adjective 29 Plural of French Adjectives 30 PoRseHsive Adjectives. — Corrciponding Pronouns . . 32 CoHiparison of Adjectives 33 Corresponding Adverbs 34 Numeral Adjectives 35 Remarks on mm, ««<*, vincjl and rent^ mille .... 38 The Days, ;MonthK, Seasons 38 Demonstrative Adji.'ctives ..... .39 Indefinite Adjectives 41 CHAPTER IV. ON THE PUONOUN. Three persons. — Cases adopted by French Grammarians. — Five sorts of Pronouns 42 Personal Pronouns, — direct and indirect regimens . . 43 Table of the Personal Pronouns 43 Remarks on the Personal Pronouns 45 Place of the Personal Pronouns used as regimens of the verbs • . . , .49 Possessive Pronouns 62 Demonstrative Pronouns 54 Relative Pronouns 65 Indefinite Pronouns 59 CHAPTER V. N T II E V E 11 B . Subject and Regimen. — Four conjugations of Verbs . . 62 Different sorts of Verbs — Active, Passive, Neuter, Reflective, and Impersonal Verbs ...... C3 m CONTENTS. VI 1 Moorrs nn sjirak ..... Remarks on the reculiarity of some Verl)^ > f tlu; First Con- jugation ......... Second Conjugation, Finir, to finish ..... Third Conjugation, liecevoir, to receive .... Fourth Conjugation, Vondre, to se.ll Conjugation of a Passive Verb : f]tre aime, to lie loved. Conjugation of a Kellective Verb : Se i)ronie)u'r, to ivalk. Conjugation of SVn Alb-r, to t/o awn;/ ..... Table of French Ver])S — reguhir conjugations. Impersonal Verbs, Y avoir, there to V- ; and I'leuvoir, to ntin. Formation of TenKcs ........ Alphabetical Table oflrregubir, Pe. uliarand Defet tive Verbs. Present Tense of the In(U(}iti Mof d — tin'' ways of tran- lating this tense in Imperfect Tense — used to express a<»niary action . The (Preterite) Definite The Past Indefinite — expresses an ;u tion entirely coniplet( d but in a time of which some puit is not yet elapsed. The Past Anterior — definition of it The Pluperfect " The Future Absolute " The Future Anterior " The Conditional Present' The Conditional Pa^ " The Imperative Moon " The Subjunctive Mood.- — Wlien jtriceded by an impersonal Verb, &c., &c., &c Tenses of the Subjunctive Mood. — When the Present and Imperfect are used . The Infinitive Mood The Present Participle The Past Participle (. «;.•) (57 Wit 09 ^B 71 ^B 7:1 1 75 1 7G ^B 78 ^B «0 Hf 82 88 88 ■ 90 1 90 92 1 ■ 1 :- 104 1 :f 107 ; ■ 108 :■ no 112 t 114 H« 115 i 117 n ;vy 118 '.y '. 120 121 i| 123 '1 If 125 . 'V 127 ^ '1 128 129 ■'\ VUl CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. ON THE ADVERB. Page. Place of the Adverb 132 Classification of Adverbs — Adverbs of Aff'nnation, Doubt . 132 Adverbs of comparison — Interrogation, and Quantity — Order — Place and Negation . . . . . . .133 CHAPTEPt VII. ON THE I' U K I' O ,S I T I O N • Prepositions compounded with tie — \\'\i\\ d . Repetition of <), de, en. — Prepositions omitted CHAPTER VIII. ON T II K CONJUNCTION Single words or Conjunctive Phrases 137 IP.9 \\\ List of the most simple Conjunctions and Conjunctive Phrases. .141 CTIAPTER IX. ON THE I N T E U J E C T I N List of the most common Interjections . ■0 ' . i4n ry'f-' ;.; ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. INTRODUCTION. French Grammmar is the art which teaches to speak and write the French language correctly. It points out the rules established by reason and sanctioned by usage. To speak and to write words are used ; and words are composed of letters. The French alphabet contains twenty-five letters : A B C D E F G H 1 ah bay nay day a eff jay ash ee J K L M N p Q R jee kah oil cmm on II o pay kn air S T U V X Y z. • est* zed. tay u vay eeks ogroc The W IS used in French only in words borrowed from other languages. Letters are divided into vowels and consonants: A, E, I, 0, U, Y, are vowels; the rest of the letters are consonants. PRONUNCIATION OP CONSONANTS AND VOWELS. a, near like a in hat. Ex. ami, friend. d, nearly like a in hark. Ex. pate, paste. c, nearly e in hatter. Ex. tenir, to hold. The e, not accented in the middle and at the end of words of more than one syllable, is not sounded. Ex. aimahle is pronounced aimabl ; mlnera^ menra. *■ 10 EIEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR ^, like a in paper. Ex. 4U, sammer, cafi, coffee. ^, nearly like e in met. Ex. modele^ model. ^, nearly like e in there. Ex. like the letter a in the English words /a/e, table. ai eai ei ay ey J ai ) followed by s, d, t, x, like ai in the English word eai j pair. au eau eu oeu oi, nearly like wa in ivas. ou, like 00 in the English words cool and mood. ia, nearly like ia in the English word medial. ie, like ee in the English word bee. ua ) the II is pronounced lightly, though distinctly, the uo ) a or more strongly. ui uy V nearly like o in the English word ch. ho I nearly like u in the English word mvff I have no equivalent in English. THE NASAL SOUNDS. The nasal sounds are : am "^ ' an ) , .' " ' I can [ pronounced ntail}' like an in want anil j)ant nrA I en j en, after t, afctho "v*\ O'^woid, is i/io«iO'i'?ced nearly like an in sank, crank. aim ain ein im in ym y nearly like an in sank, crank. H'. 12 eon om on 1 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. nearly like on in song^ wrong. OP ACCENTS AND OTHER MARKS. Certain orthographic signs are used in the Freuch language such as the 1. Accents. 4. Hyphen. 2. Apostrophe. 5. DiaBresis. 3. Cedilla. 6. Parenthesis. 1. Accents (accents) are small marks placed over vowels to show their exact pronuncintion, and to distinguish words, which although spelt alike, have not the same meaning. — Ex. la, there ; and la, the. There are three accents, — the acute (accent aigu) (') which IP used only over the vowel e, as in cafe, coffee ; iha grave (accent grave) (' ) is used over the vowels a, e, w, as i to or at ; perQ,/athe7'; oii, where ; the circumflex (accent circonflexe) ( * ) is used over any of the vowels to lengthen its sound, as age, age. 2. The aposp^e (apostrophe)(') shows the elision or leaving out of e in words of one syllable ; of a in la before a vowel or silent h ; and of i in si before il and us, written s'i7. 3. The cedilla (c^dille) is a small mark put under the c, to indicate that it is to be pronounced like s^ before the letters a^ Of w, as in garden, bo^ Fvat^cahy French. 4. The hyphen (tra't d'union) is used to connect compound words, or tq join the pronoun to the verb, ii intej rogative sentences. 5. The dicierests (trdma) is put over a vowel to separate it in pronunciation froin a preceding vowel ' *- 6. The parenthesis (pai-cnthoso) rnd the signs of punctua- tion are the same in French as in English. NUMBER. There arc two numbers in French : the singular and the plural. The singular denotes only one person or thing, the plural denotes more than one. ^TW ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. GENDER. 13 The French language has only two genders : the masculine and the feminine. The gender of living beings presents no difficulty, as it is the same as in English, the names of males belong to the masculine gender, and those of females to the feminine gender ; but it is only by practice that one can learn the gender of inanimate objects. It may be of some help, however, to know that nearly all nouns ending in e mute are feminine. PARTS OP SPEECH. Grammarians distinguish nine sorts of words, commonly called parts of speech, namely the Article. Pronoun. Preposition. Substantive or Noun. Verb. Conjunction. Adjective. Adverb. Interjection. 41 14 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. CHAPTER I. ON THE ARTICLE. 1* The article is a word prefixed to nouns to denote the sense in which tbey are taken, and to point them out. 2* The article has in French a diflferent form for each gender. Masculine, Le, the. Lc frcre, the brother. Feminine, La, the. La sceur, the sister. •^» Before a masculine or feminine noun, commencing with a vowel or a silent h, the article is /'. Les is the form used before a plural noun. L'ami, the friend. L'homme, the man. Les livres, the books. Les enfuiits, the children. glg^The words commencing with an h aspirate will have *n asterisk placed before them in the vocabularies of this book. Vocabulary, m. indicates a masculine noun ; f . a feminine one. Cousin, m. cousin. Cousine, f. cousin. Enfant, m. f. child. ^poux, m. husband. Spouse, f. wife. Femme, f. loife, woman. Fille, f. daughter, girl. Frfjre, m. brother. Garden, m. boy. Homme, m, man. Lion, m. lion. Mari, m husband. Mere, f. mother. Oncle, ni uncle. Orf6vre, ni. goldsmith. Orphelin, ni. orphan-boy. Orphelme, f. orphan-girl. Parent, m. relation. l^arente, f relation Perc, m. father. Plume, f. pen. Seour, f. sister. Veuf, m. widower. Veuve^ f. widow. Exercise 1. ' Le cousm, 2 La soeur. 3 L'orphelin, 4 Le frere. 5 Le lion, 6 La parento, 7 Les p6res. 8 La cousine. 9 L'epoux. 10 L'epouse, 11 L'homme. 12 L'orfevre, 13 L'enfant. 14 La femme. 15 La fille 16 Les gar^ons. 17 Le gargon. 18 Le veuf. 19 La veuye. 20 Le parent. 21 Le mari. 22 La m6re. 23 L'oncle. ELEMENTARY FltENCll GRAMMAll, 16 Exercise 2. 1. The imcle. 2. The father. 3. The mother. 4. The sifter. 5. The brother. G. The (laughter. 7. The husband. 8. Tlie wife. 9. The boys. 10. The girls. 11. The goldsmith. 12. The orphan- boy 13. The uri)han-girl. 14. The widow. 15. Tlic widower. 16. The cousin, (in.) 17. The cousin, '/.) 18. The relation, (»*.; 19. The relation (/.) GENDER-UN, UNE; A, AN, ONE. 4. There is in French no neuter or third gender ; the uavnes of things are either masculine or feminine. MASCULINE. Lc papier, the paper. L'arbri', the tree. Le livre, the hook. FEMININE. La plume, the pen. La branehe, the branch. L'aiguille, the needle. IS* Un before a masculine noun, une before a femiome noun, answer to the English a, aw, one. MASCULINE. Un tailleur, a tailor. Un crayon, a pencil. FEMININE. Une modiste, a milliner. Une ardoise, one slate. Vocabulary. Fourchette, f.fork. Jardin, m. garden. Lion, m. lion. Mouton, m. mutton. Pain, m. bread. Poulet, m. chicken. Plat, m. dish. Table, f. table. Veau, m. veal. Verre, m. glass. Viande, f. meat. Volaille, f. poultry. Before translating the exercise, the pupil will give the nouns in the vocabulary with le, la, 1', the, or un, une, a or an before them. '$S^ The pupil should learn with the lesson, the tense indicated in it ; this he needs to know before he prepares the exercises. Learn the Indicative mood, present tense of to have for this lesson. Arbre, m. tree. Assiette, f. plate. Palai, m. broom. Beurre, m. butter. liojuf, m. beef. Cafe, m. cofee. Chocolat, m. chocolate. Coutcau, m. knife. ,Cuiller, f. spoon. Eau, f. water. Elle, she, it. Et, and. m j^ui J: 16 KliKMKNTAHV FKENCll (JUAMMAR. KxRlirisK l\. I r/(»nfftnt n W pain. 2 I/oipliclin a In cafr, :\ Noiih avonH lo Janlin. t Lt^ lion a la viando. T) La fiilo a la vulaillc. (i Voim n\i^f, \v papitM-. 7 Kile a Ic rluHolat. H Voiih avcz la vio a I'onu. 12 .I'ai l(> IxMU'it'. i:t li'lioinnic a la laMc It MIIch ont In plat. 15 ]In ont Io vcan. 10 l,v gallon a K> luilai. 17 II a lo coutvau. 18. Lo pCyro a It' thocolat. ID La mO'icMi raibiu. 20 La cousinc a Ic plat. EXEROrSK [. 1 The boy luvs the bn a«l. 2 Von bavc tlio meat. :\ T\w fatlicr has the oort'co. 4 Tho niothfr lias tli»' spoon. 5 Wo bavc tlu; pen. fi Tbo obi Id bas tbo bnttor. 7 Ho bas Ibo gob I. H Yon bavo ib(5 fork, y Sbo lias tbo nuitton. 10 Tlu! nnolo bas (bo watov. 11 Tbo goldsniitb bas (bo spoon. 12 Yon bavo (bo plato. 13 Wo havo tbo disb. li Tboy bavo (bo obiokon. IT) Tbo girl bas th<} coffoo. 10 Tbo boy bas tbo voal. 17 1 bavo (bo disb 18 Tflt orpban-boy bas (bo book. 10 Tbo orpban.-girl bas tbo tnblo. THE SKVKllAL FORMS OF TO TIIH O. The article must agree in gender and number with th'» noun t(> which it refers. T* When the prejwsition A (to or at) precedes the artishj le it ia then contracted into au before u noun masculine singu- lar, beginning with a consonant or an h aspirate. Ex. Au (i\ le) chien, to the dog. A la ((o (he) is used before a femi- nine noun, a la fennne, to the iroman. A 1' f to the) is the form used before a word beginning with a vowel or a silent A, ;\ I'enfant, to the child ; a rhomnie, to the man, Aux a con- traction of a les is used before a plural noun masculine or feminine ; aux garyons et aux fiUes, to the boys and girls. 7.h the gives then the following forms au, a la, a l\ aux. V OCABULARY. Acier, m. steel. Argent, m. money, silver. Baguo, f. ring. Batiste, f, cambric. Blauchisseuse, f. wa^her-< woman. Bois, m. wood. Brique, f. brick. Cauif, m. penknife. Cravato, f. cravat. Domoisolle, f. i/ounff lady. Dontelle, f. lace. Drap, m. cloth. Gilet, m. vest. WY KLEAIEI^TAUV IHKNl'lI (UtAMMAlt. 17 Imlinmi', f. /irivt, cahcn I voire, f. ii'dif/. MiiiHon. r. liitUHv, Monsimr, in. sir, f/rnf/niion. Moiitlinir, in. huwlhvrrlni/. Non, no. Uui, ijcs. Or, in. //"/'/. I'Imnc, f. /tcu. Soic, f. Hilk. TnMiri, in. apron. 'riiillnii, in liiilnr. VcloniK, iM. rrfvct. A'uilc, m. veit. EXKIK'ISK 5. 1 An l>nis. 2 An cnnif. :i A In l)ri<|u<'. 4 A rurp:<>nt. f» A la ilentcllc. «; An (Imp. 7 A In pliitnr. h Aii.k incHu lioiiH 1) An\ niiiisoiiK. 10 Anx (Mili)iiiH li A hi huli.slt'. IJ A I'm icr KJ A la Im^iif 11 A la (IciiKtiKclli!, 15 Anx hricpu-s. IfJ Anx (ablitiiH, 17 An v<»il.'. IH A I'ivoin;. I'J Au gih-'t 20 A la baguo. 21 An mun.sicnr EXKIK^ISK G. 1 To tli(< penknife. 2 To the ^ohi :\ To Iho aprfm. 4 To the IiaiKlkerchiels r» To the liii( ks. (; T«> the honses. 7 To tho sister. H To the K'*' !> To tlu; boys 10 To the Hpootis, 11 To the lions. I 2 To the water 1 :', To tin «lish. 14 To the moat. 15 'I'o the veal. I «> To tluj money. 17 I speak (parle) to the man. la He gives rdonne) the money to the girl. THE SEVERAL FORMS OF OF Till': AND FROM THE ,S. The pnipositioii d<' is RciioriiUy translated by of .'ukI //■om, and whenever it precedes tlie article Ir. placed before a noun masculine sinj^ular, beiijinniiif;; wi'li a consonant or h aspirate, do U> is contracted into */// , dv, ht, dv f are not clianged, and dv hs is contracted into dcs. JJe le and de Its are never used before nouns. 1>. The article is placed in French before nouns used in the widest sense ; in English it is commonly omitted. Les hommes sont inortels. Les livres sont utiles. IMeii ar(! mortal Books are nseful. 10« The article and the preposition a and de, contracted or not according to the fbllowingnoun,must ber'ipeated in Frencli before each one of the nouns, aMiough often omitted in English. Je pailc au garron et i\ la fille. T speak to the boy and girl 18 ELEMENTAHY FRENCH OKAMMAR. ll.« The name of the possessor must, in French, follow the name of the object possessed ; they are joined together by du, de la, de V and des, L'habit du gar^on. The hoi/s coat. Le livre do rccolior. The acholar'a book. 13« The indefinite article a or an is rendered by un before a masculine noun and before a feminine by une. 0/ a or of an by d^un or d^une. 13* The name of the material of which an object is composed follows the name of the object, the two nouns are connected by the preposition de. Lc fusil de fer. The iron gun. Uno maison de brique. A brick house. U'fur to the Interrogative form of to have, Indicative Mof M, Present Tense. Vocabulary. Anglais, m. Englishman. Aubergigte, m, innkeeper. Boulanger, m. baker. Bien, very. Bon, m. bonne, f. good. Cafe, m. coffee. Cliapeau, m. hat, bonnet. Cheval, m. horse. Chocolat, m. chocolate. Coupe, cut. Cuisini^re, f. cook. Demoiselle, f young lady. De bois, toooden. ficorce, f. bark. ficossais. m. Scotchman. Envoye, sent. Blventail, m./an. Farine, i.Jlour. Ferrai6re, f. farmer's wife. Fusil, m. gun. Gant, m. glove. Habit, m. coat. Librairc, m. bookseller. Livre, m. book. Madame, f. madam. Marechai, m. blacksmith. Moutre, f. watch. Neige, f. snow. Orfiivre, m. goldsmith. Ou, or. Oil, where. Parle, spoken. Perdu, lost. Prete, lent. Porte, f. door, Pommier, m. apph'tree. Pupitre, m. desk. Prunier, m. plum-tree. Serrurier, m. locksmith, Soldat, m. soldier, Trouve, found. Vent, m. ivind Exercise 7. 1 La table du tailleur, 2 Le couteau du gargon. 3 La filllc a-t-elle de la dentelle 7 4 Non, monsieur, elle a do la sole. 5 Jia vowl EliEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 19 porte de la maison. 6 A-t-il parI6 du drap? 7 Non, madamc, il a parlo de rindU-nno 8 Le crayon de I'enfant. La dt'iuoist'llo a le canif et le cout<'au 10 La fourchetto du gaf(;()U 11 Li' gant de rhomme. 12 J'ai parle dn marcchal h la daiue. 13 Le soldat a des couteaux. 14 Le tailleur a une maison de brique. 15 Vous avez une maison de bois. 16 Avez-vous uno l)aj;uo d'argent? 1 7 Nous avons de la dentellc de soie. 18 Avou8-uou8 la maisoQ de fK>is7 19 Youg avez la maison de brique. Exercise 8. 1 Have you the steel ring ? 2 No, sir, I Imve the gold ring. 3 The young lady has the silver rin^-. 4 Has she the cambric handker- chief? 5 No, sir, she has tlie silk handkerchief. 6 The tailor lias the brick house. 7 Have ycu a wooden house ? 8 No, sir,^ we have a brick house. 9 You have an ivory knife. 10 fie has a silk cravat. 11 Has she a gold pen ? 12 No, sir, she has a steel pen. 1:^ Have they the silk lace ? 14 They have the silk lace and the velvet coat. 15 The washerwoman has found a silk apron. 16 The tailor has the cloth coat and the cambric handkerchief. i:' illQ J. a SOME OR ANY; DU, DE LA, DE L\ DES AND DE 14* Before a masculine noun in the bingular, not com- Miencing with a vowel or a silent h, du is always used for i>f the, some or any. Des is used for some or any iu the plural. 1 Du pain, Some bread. Des jardins, Some gardens. IS. Before a femiDine noun, in the singular, beginning with a consonant, or a pronounced h, de la, is used for of the, some or any. De la crSme, De 1ft toile, De la honte, Some cream. Some linen. Some shame. 10« Before a noun of either gender, commencing with a vowel or a silent h, de V is equivalent to of the, some or any. De I'argent, De rhonneur §ome money. Some honor. ^^ 20 ELEMENTARY FIIENCH OUAMMAR But de (or cT before a vowel or silent h) alone is used when the noun following is preceded by an adjective, or in » negative sentence: in those two cases the nouu is tuken in f partitive sense. A noun preceded by some or nvy, expressed or understooci is said to be used in the partitive sense. Donnez-moi de bon pain. Give me good bread. Je l>oi8 d'l'xcellunte biire. / drink excellent beer. II p()8Kedo de belles maisons. He owns beautiful house*. Je u'ai pas d' argent. 1 have no money, IT* Often the word some or any is not expressed before a noun in English, but when it may be put without changing the meaning of the sentence, du, de la, de l\ des^ must alwu ys be used in French. Vou8 avez du papier. Avez-vou8 de la cire? lis ont de Targent. You have (^some) paper. Have you (any) wax ? They have (some) money. !<*• SUMMARY OF THE ABOVE OBSERVATIONS. le, before a masculine word, la, before a feminine word, ftjommencing with \ a consonant or h I aspirate. |^,^^ r, before a word of either (commencing with gender, (a vowel or h muto. les, for the plural, in all cases. du, before a masculine word, l^ „^„„„f ^„ i. J , , - !• • • J •( a consonant or ft de la, before a feminine word, ! „. „_*_ [ aspiraie. de r, before a word of eitherjcommencing with gender. "j^a vowel or h mute. des, for the plural, in all cases, , e 1-1 r commencing with au, before a masculine word, ° . V / , - r • • 1 -^ a consonant or n a la, before a feminine word, ! . (^ aspirate. k r, before a word of eitherjcommencing witb gender, i a vowel or h mute. | aux, for the plural, in all cases. J un, before a masculine noun, une, before a feminine noun, d'un, before a masculine noun, d'une, before a feminine noun, JL un, before a masculine noun, ik une, before a feminine noun. of the. from the, some. any. '.at or to Iht an, one. y of or from a, an, on$ >at or to, a, an, one ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 21 Vocabulary. Atheti', bought. MaciemoiHcllo, Mif9. Apporte, brought. Marchand, m. merchant. ]i\iinchis8eusc,{. washerwoman. Medccin, m. phyaictan. lilo, m. wheat. HoiH'luT, m. butcher. Cluilcur, f heat. ('ill', f. wax. ConfistMir, m. confectioner. CuiKinier. m. cook. Drap, m. cloth. Fi'rmier, m farmer. Gar(;on, m boy, waiter. Habit, m. coat. Huile, f. oil. Madame, Madam, Mrs. Morcoau, m. piece. Orge, f. barley. Parle, spoken. Pluie, f rain. Sarrasin, m. buckwheat. St'igle, m. rye. Sucre, m. sugar. Toile, f linen. Verro, m. glass. Viande, f. meat. Vinaigre, m. vinegar. Vu, seen. Exercise 9. Nous avons parle du verre. 2 Vouc avez parle de la chaleur 3 Lit' medecin a achete du drap. 4 Le garden a parle de la pluie. 5 Avcz-vou8 de I'eau? 6 Non, monsieur, j'ai de Thuile. 7 La cuisinierc a du vinaigre. 8 Le fermier a du ble. 9 Avons-nous du seiigle ? 10 Non, mademoiselle, nous avons du sarrasin. 11 Le bftulanger a du pain de 8«tigle. 12 Le confiseur a du sucre d'orge. 1 3 A vez-vous achete da la toile ? 14 Non, madame, j'ai apporte un verre d'eau. 15 Le garcjon a prete un morceau de cire. 16 Le fermier a apporte un morceau de bois. 17 Le boucher a un morceau de viande. 18 L' Anglais a parle du medecin 19 Le taillcur a-t-il apporte I'habit de drap? 20 Qui, monsieur, il a apporte rbabit et le gilet. Exercise 10. 1 Have you vinegar, sir? 2 No, sir, we have oil. 3 The mer- chant has cloth. 4 Has the baker rye-bread 5 No, madam, he has wheat-bread. 6 The confectioner has barley sugar. 7 The merchant has silk lace. 8 Have you spoken of the lady ? 9 We have spoken of the man. 10 Yon hare seen the physician. 11 Tb<« farmer has brought buck-wheat. 1 2 The waiter has brought a glass of water 13 Have you bought cloth ? 14 I have bought linen. 15 The cook has bought a piece of meat. 16 She has bought poultry. 17 The cook has brought the oil 18 You have brought oil. 19 The young lady has spoken of the silk lace. 20 The gentleman has bought silk lace. 21 Have you brought meat? 22 I have brought a piece of meat. 23 1 have spoken of the rain. 24 I have wax. 25 The physician has money. '^mmw^^mr^ 22 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR CHAPTER IT. ON THE NOUN. lO. A noun is the name of any person or thing having an existence or of which we have any conception ; as Milton, Milton ; maison, house ; vertu, virtue. 30* Nouns are either proper or common. The proper noun is the one which belongs only to one person or thing, as Londres, London ; Pierre, Peter. The comnvm noun is the one which belongs to persons or things of the same kind; as livre, hooJc; maison, Jiousej which name can be given to all books or houses. Sl« The collective nouns, are common nouns, which although used in the singular, present to the mind the idea of plurality ; as arm<5e, armi/. They are divided into general and partitive according as they express a whole body or only a partial number. 22m There is no neuter gender in French ; and as there are only two genders, inanimate objects must be either mascu- line or feminine. The gender has to be learned, for every wprd of this class. Tiie ending or termination of a ..'ird may guide the scholar in ascertaining the gender of nouns, and he may find it of some help to remember the following classification : MASCULINE TERMINATIONS. er, o, «) it, un verger, un opera, un pre, un pli, un echo, un chapcau, un habit. an orchard, an opera, a meadow, a fold, an echo, a hat. a coat. FEMININE TERMINATIONS. 6e, une arm^e, an army. ion, la nation, the nation. son, (after a vowel ) la raaison, the house. t6, la verit6, the truth. m ■,:^«Wj ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR 23 ance, ence, clle, ette, I'abondance, la pati(ince, la chandnlh;, line allumette, plenty, patience, the candle, a natch. i6re. I'envie, la pri6re. envy. the prayer. In a question, tlie subject ;actor or doer) if a noun, is generally placed at the l>;ginning of the sentence, the verb follows, and after the verb comes a pronoun having the same gender and number as the suttject. Le taillcur a-t-il une aiguille ? Has the tailor a needle? La modiste a-t-elle un chapeau ? ITan the milliner a bonnet ? Les enfants n'out-ils pasle papier? Ifave not the children the paper? V o A n u L A R y . A, to. A qui, to whom. Apporto, brought. Ble, m ivhent. Bon, m (food. Bonne, f. yood. Casse, broken. Couteati, m. knife. Cuivro, m. brass. Dentiste, m. dentist. Donne, ffiven. ficolier, m. scholar. Korit, written. Encre, f. ink. fipee, f. sword. Farine, f. Jloiir. Fourchette, {.fork. Goiit, m. taste. Meunier, m. miller. Monnaie, f. change. Peohe, f peach. Peintre, m. painter. Pomme, f apple. Portrait, m. portrait. President, m. president. Professeur, m. professor. Qui, who, whom. Roi, m.. king. Reine, f. queen. Sabre, m. broadstcord. Sarrasin, ni, buclivhcat, Tabatiure, f. snuf-box. Tableau, va. picture. Vu, seen. Exercise 11. 1 La dame a-t-elle du gout ? 2 Oui, monsieur, la dame a du gout. 3 Le soldat a-t-il un sabre de cuivre? 4 Non, madame, il a un sabre d'acier. 5 Avez-vous apportc de r^^nore ? 6 .J'ai apporto de I'encre et du papier. 7 Avez-vous une tabadtlire d'argent ? 8 Non, monsieur, j'ai une tabatiiire d'or. 9 Le meunier a-t-il de la farine ? 10 II a de la farine do ble. 11 A qui avez-vous donne la peche? 12 J'ai donne la peche au professeur. 1 3 Avez-vou& vu le dentiste ? 1 4 J'aivu le dentiste et le m6decin. 15 Le peintre a-t-il un tableau? 16 Oui, monsieur, le peintre a le portrait du roi. 1 7 Avez-vous ecrit au president ? 18 J'ai ecrit ii I'ecolier. 1 9 Le cuisinier a-t-il achete des pommes ? 20 II a achete dcs pommes ct des pfiches. f> 'i i 'i M *■ wmi iriHMM 9.^ KLKMENTARV FUENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 12, 1 Has the lady change ? 2 VCs, madam, the lady has change. 3 Has the gentleman gold and silver? 4 The gentleman has gold, silver, and steel. 5 Has the miller buckwheat flour? G The miller has buckwheat flour and wheat flour. 7 To whom have you given the good apple ? 8 We have given the apple to the lady 9 Have you given the pc.ich to the professor? 10 Have you brought the knife and tork ? 1 1 1 have broken the knife and fork. 12 Has the soldier a steel sword? 13 The soldier has a steel broadsword. 14 Has the gentleman a gold snufl'-box? 15 The gentleman has a silver snuflf-box. 16 To whom have you written? 17 I have written to the painter. 18 Has the painter the king picture? 19 He has the king and queen's portrait. 20 Have yon seen the professoi ? 21 1 have seen the professor and the physician Remark I, — The negation in French is commonly composed -of two words : Ne — pas, Not^no ^e — ricn, Nothing^ not anything. Ne — jamaAs, Never. Ne — point, not, no, is a stronger negation than ne — pas Remark 2. — The first word, ne, is put before the verb, and tibc second, /)a«, rien, ox jamais, after it, when the verb, is only one; wckI, and between the first word and the second when it is composed of two words When the verb is not expressed, ne is not used Je n'ai pas votre chapeau, Vous navez jamais vuma soeur, Qu'avez-vous "^ Rien 1 have not your hat. You have never seen my sister What have yon ? Nothing. Learn the negative form of to have, avoir. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS. S3* The plural of nouns, in French ns in Enj^Ush \i formed generally by adding s to the singular as . rr.uRAL Les livres, the tooica. SINGULAR. Le livre, the book. S4« Isouns ending with s, x, or z, are not changed for the plura' SINGULAR, Lc has, the stocking. Les has, Les voix, La voix. the voice. Lc nez, the nose. Les nez, PHTRAL. the stockings, the voices, the noses. ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. or. SS« Nouns eudiDg with au and eu, take x for plural. their Le marteau, the hammer Le feu, the fire. Los martcaux, the haiuoters Les foux, the fires 36* Nouns ending in al generally form their plural in uux^ un animal, an animal, des animaux, some animals ; un cheval, a horse, deux chevaux, two horses. But bal, hall ; carnaval, carnival ; r6{^a\, feast, and chacal, jackal, take an s to form tlieir plural. gl^" Learn the Indicative mood of utre, to be. Note — The French use the verh to have instead of the verb to be with thi' following words : faim, hiinyer ; soif^ thirst ; chaud, icarmth ; froid, cold; \)(t\xx,fear ; horite, «/mwe ; sommeil, sleep; raison, riyht ; tort, wrong. I have hunger, He has thirst, You have warmth^ We have cold. They have fear, I have shame. J'ai faim. for / am hungry. " lie is thirsty. You are warm. We are cold. They are afraid. I am ashamed. You are sleepy. lie is right. She is wrong. u u tl (( (( u II a soif, . Vousavez chaud, Nous avons froid, lis ont peur, J'ai honte, Vous avez sommeil, You have sleep, II a raison. He hai reason, Elie a tort, She has wrong, 2T« Nouns ending in ou take an s to form their plural j-^^C" but h'l^ou, jewel ; caillou, pebble ; chou, cabbage ; genou, knee ; ^ '^^ hibou, owl; }on}0\x, plaything, take x to form their plural. Le bijou, the jewel. Les bijoux, the jewels. Le joujou, the plaything. Les joujoux, the playthings 28« del makes deux, and wil, yeux for the plural. Le ciel, the heaven, Les cieux, the heavens. L'oeil, the eye. Les yeux, the eyes. 20« Nouns in ail form their plural regularly, by adding s to the singular. OJ^ '^^^-'^^^-^'^-^Ax^. L^ "^ * •^''^ vvXf"^«-i„iL.j But the following seven nouns in au form their plural by changing ail into aux; bail,^?ease; ^mail, vcnameZ ; corail, \ coral ; soupirail, air-hole ; \travail, work \^ vantail; leaf of a folding door ; ventail,%a hoU in thf helmet; vitrail, » ^r^ss- window. ■■.»iv,::^»ffco 'V-^'.ifc.j'., -JW 2G ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Vocabulary. Bean, m., belle, f. fine. Bibli()th6qiU', f. library. Chambre, f. room. Champ, m. field. Ce, this, that. Cet, m., cette, f. this, that. Dans, in, into. Fermier. m. farmer. Fil, m. thread. Gouvernant(i, f. governess. Habit, m. coat. Marcband, m. merchant. Messieurs, m. gentlemen. Mis, put. Modiste, f. milliner. Mousseline, f. muslin. Noir, black. OuhUe, forgotten. Ouvrier, m. workman. Que, qu', what. Taillenr, m. tailor, velvet. Ici, here. Lettrc, f. letter. ,J^agasin, m. store. Velours, m. Vert, green. Voici, here is. Voil^, there is. Exercise 13. 1 Les onvriers du taillenr sont-ils ici? 2 Hs ont onblie les joujoux de mon frerc. 3 Les modistes sont-elles dans les magasinx? 4 Elles sont d.ans les magasins. 5 Cette dame a-t-nUe les livres de notre bibliotheque ? 6 Elle a les livres dc votre sceur. 7 Oil ave«- vous mis les lettres ? 8 Dans la cbambro de votre cousine. 9 Les soeurs de ce monsieur sont-elles ici ? 10 Non, monsieur, elles no sont pas ici, 1 1 Oil sont-elles ? 12 Elles sont dans la cbambre . ^ Exercise 14. ,y 1 Have the ladie.*? good velvet? 2 The tailor's workmen have '^ good velvet. 3 Have you seen the tailor's sisters ? 4 1 have seen the lady's sisters, where are they ? 5 They are in my brother's fields. 6 Have the ladies black silk ? 7 They have no black silk, they have green silk. 8 Arc the ladies cold ? 9 The ladies are not cold, they are warmX 10 Are the farmers right or wrong? 1 1 The farmers are right, they are not wrong. 12 Where are the young ladies ? 13 Are they not in their mother's room ? 14 No, madam, they are not in her room. 15 Have the merchants handsome muslin.^^ 16 They have no muslin. 17 What have they? 18 They have no muslin. 19 Have you a handsome library V 20 No, sir, we have no library. 21 The books of your library are here. 22 Are the gentlemen cold? 23 No, sir, the gentlemen are not cold, they are warm. 24 Where are our hammers? 25 She ha« lost the jewels. 26 The child has some pebbles. 2 7 The cook has bought fine cabbages. ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 27 ON CHAPTER III. THE ADJECTIVE. 30« The adjective is a word which expresses some quality or distinction ascribed to a noun. 31* In French the adjective varies, in gender and num- ber, according to the noun that it qualifies, to show the close relation which exists between the adjective and the noun. In English the gender and number of the noun do not change the form of the adjective. 33* An adjective belonging to a feminine noun, takes an e mute to form its feminine. Le petit garcjon, The little hoy. La petite fille, The little girl. Le garijon est petit, The hoy is small. La fille est petite, The girl is small. 33* An adjective ending in e without an accent, is not ciianged for the feminine. Le pauvre homme, Tlie poor man. La pauvre femme, The poor woman. 34» Adjectives ending in /, change / into ve for the feminine ; those ending in x change x into se; those ending in er take besides the e a grave accent over the e preceding the r, as premier, premiere, ^rSi'. Le gar« There are some adjectives whose meaning is changed, according as they are placed before or after of the noun, as : Un grand homme, A great man^ Un homme grand, A tall man. VOCABULARLY. ning Attentif, attentive. Neuf, new. lam, Blanchisseusc, f. washer- Nouvellt', f. news. !omo woman. Parossenx, idle, lazy Uiey Botte, f. boot. Pensif, thoughtful. •, we Dans, in Peur, {.fear. 5 the Douteux, doubtful. Petit, small. yr are IScoIier, m. scholar. Viiumxx, fearful. ?. 2G Ecoli^re, f scholar. Rencontre, met. iges. Spouse, f wife. Kobe, f. dress. ^■ ^'!i mm^^m^:^m 28 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. » • J' «»■ Grand, larffe. Industrieux, industrious. Joune, young. Mali, m. husband. Mauvais, bad. Nappe, f. table-cloth. Son, m. sa, f. fiis, her. Soulier, m. shoe. Sur, sure, certain. Table, f. table. Timidc, timid. Vache, f. cow. Exercise 15. 1 Avez-vouB une grandc table ? 2 Nous avons une petite table ct uno grande nappe. 3 Avez-vous rencontre le jeune ecolier? 4 Nous avons rencontre la jeune ecoliere. 5 Votre petite fille est-elle attentive ? 6 Mon petit garqon est tres attentif. 7 Ma petite fille n'est pas attentive. 8 La blancbis- seuse est-elle industrieuse ? 9 EUe est tres industrieuse, mais son mari est paresseux. 10 Cette nouvelle est-elle sure? 11 Non, monsieur, elle est douteuse. 12 Votre cousin est-il pensif? 13 Mon cousin n'est pas pensif, mais son epouse est pensive. 14 Votre Soulier est-il neuf? 15 Mon souli«T n'est pas neuf, mais ma botte est neuvo. 16 Avez-vous peur de cette petite vacbe? 17 La vache n'est pas pLtitc, monsieur. 18 L' ecoliere n'est-elle pas peureuse ? 19 Elle est peureuse et elle a tort. 20 EUe a tort d'avoir peur de la Exercise 16. 1 Is your little girl timid? 2 My little girl is not timid, but my little boy is very timid. 3 Is the young scholar heie? 4 The young scholar is here, and his sister is in her room, 5 Is your little girl industrious ? 6 My little girl is very industrious. 7 Is your mother's washerwoman idle ? 8 She is not idle, she is very industrious. 9 Is she net right ? 1^ Yes, sir, she is right. 1 1 Is your brother's boot new ? 12 My brother's shoe is new, but his boot is not new. 13 My sister's dress is new. 14 Has your brother a very large table ? 15 My brother has a very large table. 16 Is not that news certain? 17 No, sir, that nciws is not certain, it is very doubtful. 18 Is your scholar (/.) fearful ? 19 No, sir, she is not fearful. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES. 30« Adjectives having the following termination, double the last consonant and add e for the feminine : Mascidine. Feminine. ■L, KIL, ■N, ■T, ON, Tel, Pareil, Chretien, Muet, Bon, Telle, such. Pareillc, like. Chretienne, christian. Muette, mute. Bonne, good. J^l^l^'; ELEMENT AUY FRENCH ORAMMAK. 29 e petite le jeune 5 Votre est tres )lanchis- ge, mais ire ? 11 I pensif ? pensive, las neiif, te petite i'ecolidre 3 a tort. mid, ])ut ir hej e ? n. 5 Is ustrious. idle, she , she is r's shoe is new. ler has a sir, that olar (/.) , double AS, OS, OT, Gras, Gros, Sot, Grasse, Grosse, Sotte, lurge, big. silly. 37. The feminine form of the following adjectives is more irreguliir still : Blanc, white, Doux, sweety softy ^aux, fahe, Frais, freaky Franc, frank, ^ong, tonff, ^ Koux, ruddy, Sec, dry, , Secret, secret^ makes in the feminine, u u li u n It V u ( (( (( « t( (I (( <• it Blanche. Douce. Faiisse. Fraiclie. Franche. Longue. lloiisse. S(khc. Secrdte. SH» The following adjectives have three termiDations Masculim Before a consonant. Before a vowel, or silent h. Beau, Bel, Fou, Fol, Mou, Mol. Nouveau, Nouvel, Vieux, Vieil, B'jlle, Folle, Molh', Nouvelle, Vieille, handsome, beautiful foolish. \ soft, netu. old. 39. The adjective, m French, commonly follows the noun : adjectives of colors are always placed after the noun as also those expressing the physical properties of objects. Un chapeau noir, A black hat. De I'eau fraiche, Fresh water. Bois dur, bois mou. Bard wood, soft wood. 40. The following adjectives, however, are generally put before the noun : > Beau, fine, handsome. Joxine, young. Bon, good. Joli, pretty. Brave, worthy. Mauvais, bad. Cher, m. chere, f dear. , Meilleur, better. Grand, large, great. " Petit, small, Gros, large, big. Vieux, old. Vocabulary. Ahricot, m. apricot. Jaune, yellow, B'au, fine. Mange, eaten. Bleu, bleu. Mort, dead. i-'- ;e rules, but are comi)ared in this wise: Hon, tjnod; mcillour, better; Vvt'ii, Itflle ; moindio, y^the les.lus [)etit I or smalL'vt le uire. \v plus ) ,, ' . ' V the ivo niauvais j '■^. THE COUllESrONDING ADVERBS. Bien, well ; Pell, little ; Mai, badly ; mieux, better ; le niinix, the best. moins, less; le inoins, (he least. pis, or plus mal, worse ; le i)is, le plusmal, thewoftt VOOAJJULAUY. Lis, m. lilt/. Mais, but. Mouelioir, m handkerchiej, Oeillet, m. jmk. Oublie, fort/otten. Parterre, ni. flcioer-garden. Perruquier, \n. hair-dresser. Pommier, iii. apple-trcf. Prunier, m. plum-tree. Quel, m. quelle, f. tchich, what. Sale, soiled, dirty. Simple, sinffle. Aiguise, sharpened. Beaueoup, much, Bougie, f. tvax-candle. Brave, brave. Carte, f. map. Cc'isse, broken. Cerisier, m. cherry-tree Chandelle, f. candle. (Jomniode, f. bureau. Cuisinier, m. cook. Double, double. Spicier, m. grocer. T"! KI.KMKNTAltV FKKNCH (IKAMMAIt 35 Fr<»nin<,'c, in. cheese. Gall*, in ///o(v. Olacr, f /<)()kiiii/-f/lii«s. Oirotlrc, f. (/i//i/.jlower. Ilaltit, III. cuat •Hunt, //////« Lc'von, Lesson. Scivit'ttf, f. iliuiirr nii/iktn. SulHat, III. Kiihlirr. Siiif, III. I allow. Sur, »/y/o», un. Tiioir, in. drawer. Tiop, /'"), i(,i» much. Tuliix', f. (tilip. ExEurisE 23. I KtcR-vons aussi Inavc (jue votic fiin? 2 Jc suis nuKsi bravo que votro \w\x\ :i Votif pore n-t-il aiitaiit d'assicttcs quf de jdatH*' 4 11 a nioiiis <1«' plats que irassitltcs. n A-t-il auhiiit dc pain que d(! fn'iiia^^' 6 II rn a pins. 7 N'avtz-Vdtis pas fioid ? 8 J'ai jilns tliaud (juo mon frcir. 9 Navcz-voiis pas plus do vcrrcs (pK' d'assicttcs. 10 Nous en nvons davanta^o (more). 1 1 Ont-ils nn Iton c iiisiiiicr ? 12 Liur cnisinitr 2<) 27 28 21) 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 31) 40 41 42 43 44 4'> 4(J 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5G 67 The Nul'bers. Nnmhrea Ordivol Ordinaux. Numbfrx Premier, vmic.. Premiere. /em. 1st Deuxioinc, second, secondo . 2d Troisii'iiio Quatrioino Oinqnieino Sixi^rnc ■ Scptifiino . Huitidmc • Neuvi^ino Dixi^ine . Onziinie . Doiiziome Treizi^mo Quatorzit^Mie . Qiiinzidme Soizi(inio Dix-«eitti&'no . Dix-huitit'ine . Dix-neuviemo . Vingtiiiino Vingt et uni<"'Mi;o Vingt-deuxie 110 Vingt-troisi^iiio Vingt-quJitii(^mo Vingt-cinquionio Vingt-sixi(iinc Vingt- septic^'nic Vingt-huiticuie V'ngt-neuviume Trentit'ine Tronte et uni<^n)e Trente-deuxiyino Trente-troisirnH- Trente-quatririii ! Trente-cinji^uioiuo Trente-sixionie Trente-septitMno Trente-huitioino Trente-nouviome (Jiuarantiemo . ^ Quarante et unionio Quarante-deuxi^iiio Quarante-trolsiotnc Quarante-quatrirmo Quarante-cinquionio Quarante-sixieme . Quarante-septienio . Quarante-huitiomo Quarante- neuviemo Cinquantiiime . Cinquante et uniemo Cinquanto-deuxicuio Cin(|uante-troisioni(3 C>nquante-quatririi c Cinquanto-cinquiomo Cin(iuanto-sixi<^nie • Oiuquante-septiemo 31 4 h 5tli 0th 7fh 8tli 9th 10 h 11th 12t'i 13th litii 15th Kith nth I8lh l!)th 2(»ich 21/it 2f?A 23d 24l,h 2.5th 26th 27 th 28th 2!)th 30th 31st 32d 33d 3^tth 3'.)th akh 3?th 3Sth 3nth 40th 4l8t 42d 43d 44th 45th 4(Jth 47th 4Sth 49th 50th 51 ?t 52d 53d 54 th 5"»tli 5cux cents . l)oux oent-un I)»Mix cent-deux iV.ille . Deux inillo . Mil huit cent soixante I'n million dix Cardinal Numbers. m (!1 <;") 0) CT OS m 70 71 71 r^ 74 7-') 7(i i I 78 7!> HO HI Hl> H3; H") hi; H7 HS s;» : 1)1 > ••1 1 ;i7 : !« 'Jit i(.i 102 lo;{ 110 111 120 200 201 :'('2 l(MH) 20(10 1S70 . l.OOO.OOC) JVnnihrei Ordinal Ordinaux. Nu ntOem. Cinqiiante-huiti»''niP. . 68th CinquantK-ncuvit'iuo 5'.tth Siiixantii'mc (Mh Soixante et unioino . , Cist Soixante-deuxii'uio (i2d Soixante-troisiorno . aid Soixante-quatri^ine . . nio «t7th Quatre-vingt (lix-hiiit'onie <»8th Quarc-vingt-dix-neuvionio Contieiro .... . «>i»th lOOth Cent-uni("'tno . 101 -t Ccnt-deuxiriiic . . 102d Ccnt-troisiome . . lo;id Cent-dixii'^nio . lloth Cent-oiizit'tiio . . Illth Cent-vingtioMic . I20th Deux contirino . , 23« Vingt and cent are the only cardinal numbers which take an s in the plural. They take an s when they aro preceded by a number which multiplies them, and when there is no number after them. Whenever they are followed by another number and when used in dates they do not take an s. Deux cents soldats, Two hundred soldiers. Deux cent-vingt enfants, Tico hundred and twenty children. Quatrc-vinji:ts livres, -f^'i/fit!/ hooks. Vingt crayons, Twenty pencils. •>•$• Mille, meaning a thousand^ never takes an s in the plural. In dates, mil, one thousand^ is used instead of mille. 54. The cardinal numbers are used in mentioning all the days of the month, except the first, which is always premier. As — le deux Juillet, the second of July \ le premier Aout, the first of August. The article might also be dropped, viz : ler Ddcembre, \st December, and the prepo- sition de be placed or not before the month. Ex. le douzc de Mai or le douze Mai, the twelfth of May. 55- In speaking of kings the cardinal instead of th»- ordinal numbers are used : as, Henri deux, Henry the Second. The first is, however, premier, in speaking of tho titles of sovereigns : as, Guillaume premier, William the first. Les Jours. The Days. Dimanche, Sunday. Luudi, ....... Monday. Mardi, Tuesday. Mercredi, Wt'diusday, • Jtiudi, Thursday. Vendri'di, Friday. Sauudi, Saturdnj. msmms^ .'tws* ■«.»•,.■■ ELEMENTARY FREiXCH GRAMMAR. J^!) ES Mois. /ai-Tvicr, <:!'evrier, . vril, .^la\, . Juin, Juillet. Aout, Septembre, . Octobre, . Novembre, . Decembre, Les Satsons. Le printemps, L'ete, L'automne, : L'hiver, . The Months. January. Fi'bniaiy. Marcli, April. IMay. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. The Seasons. > Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. ■/ Note. — For the time of the day the word heurf, s., heures, pi., answer to o clock or time ; and midi is used for twelve o'clock at noni, and minuit for midnight. Quelle heure est-il .' 11 est six heures. Est-il raidi ? II est neuf heures et demi. 11 est dix heures moins un quart. What odock ifi U ? It is SIX () clock. Is it noon '? It is li(tlf-p(tst nine. It is a quarter to ten. II THE DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES. »SO« The Demonstrative adjectives precede the noun which they point out. They are : Ce, this or tliat, before a masculine noun in the singular, be<;inning with a consonant, or h aspirate. Oct, this or thnt, before a masculine noun in the sin- gular, beginning with a vowel, or h mute. Cette, this or that, before any feminine noun. (jes. these or those^ before any noun in the plural. Remark. — CI, here^ and lt\, there^ are placed after the noun when- ever it is desiraldc to express the distinction which is made in English by the words thi>* and that, these and those ; cl denoting tha nearest objiiet ; a»il li\ the most \ ^»\ote j as co livrc-ci, this ho >k ; CO livre-lii, that hook. ' m ■' \ J . :i, A 40 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GKAMMAR. gatiuii. i^M'ii ^ earn the tenses of the Indicative mood of the first conjiv Vocabulary. Avoino, f. oats. Chaise, f. c/utir. Cherclier, (n look for. Cheval, m. horse. Cuisiniere, f. cook. Dcmander, to ask for. Do?ii stique, m. servant. Donner, to give. Franc, m. franc. France, f. France. Foin, m. hai/. Histoire, f. historif. Henri, IJejiry. Mois, m. month. Panier, m. basket. Pai)ier, \n. paper. Parapluie, m. umhrella. Parasol, m. parasol. Pauvrc, poor. Preter, to lend. Piastre, f. dollar. Plume, {.pen. Scmaine, f. week. Sole, f. silk. Taate, f aunt. Thr, m. tea. Velours, m. velvet. Volaille, f. poultry. Exercise 25. 1 Jo prete ce parapluie. 2 Ma soeur prete viugt-cinq piastre,?. 3 Nous demandons notre argent. 4 Nous douiions cette chaise j\ la i)auvre femme. 5 Vous donnez une histoire de Frances G Nous cherchons I'histoire de Henri quatre. 7 Nous deman- dons ce bon the. 8 Ma steur demandu mille francs. 9 La cuisi- niere demande de bonne volaille. 10 Elle demande mon cousin 11 Je donne ce grand panier au garc;on. 12 Vous donnez un petit panier i\ cetto demoiselle. 13 Vous cherchez mon frere et ma sasui. 14 Vous demandez mes oncles et mes tantes. 15 Je donne de I'argent aux marechaux. IG Le domcstique donne wf 42 KliEMENTARY FUENOII OKAMMAH. I'liir. 12 Julio a-t-ollc troiive lo collier? 13 Julio no Ta pas trouve, mais Edouard I'a apporte. 14 II a rt-pandu chaque jour M)n the sur le tapis. Exercise 28. 1 What birds has the hunter killed (tues) ? 2 He has killed all the pigeons. 3 He has not so(!n the hunter's garden. 4 Have you not the dog's leather collar ? 5 We have the dog's brass collar. G What collar has the cat ? 1 The cat has a pretty clolh collar. 8 Has the lady torn her dress ? 9 The lady has not torn her dress 10 What have you torn? Ill have torn nothing. 1 2 Has not the servant seen my relation ? 1 3 She has not seen your relation. 14 What dog has the hunter killed ? 15 He ha? killed your brother's. 16 You have not spilt my tea, you havo spilt my sister's chocolate. CTIAPTEIl IV. ON THE PRONOUN V" 5^. Th'. pn liuun is a word which is used to represent a noun, in order to prevent the too frequent repetition of the names of persons or things. 50- The pronouns serve also to designate the parts which each person or thing takes in speech. This part is callc? j)erson. 00« There are three persons ; the first, or that which speaks, as ; Jc parle, 1 speak ; Tu manges, thou eafcst. II boit, he drinks. Remark. — The cases adopted by French grammarians arc : (1.) The nomindtif ox mjcl ; answ<'ri!ig to the nominative or subject of the English, and to tluj noniinutivi; of the Latin. (2.) The n'lfimc direct, or direct object of the English, accusative of tfie Latin. ( 3.) The regime indirect, or indirect ol^Joct of the English, answers to the oblique cases of the Latin, the genitive, dative .and ablative. Ol* There are five sorts of pronouns : The personal ; The pos.sessive The demonstrative ; The relative ; The indefinite. KLKMENTAUV FUEXCH OUAMMAR 43 II or THE PEUSOXAL TUONOUNS. 03* Tlie personal pronouns are so called because they seem to designate the tliree persons more especially than the other pronouns. Table of Personal ruoNOUNS. iu:i-()iii'; TiiK VKiia | Ooviriuiif; tho Vorb. Uovcriiud by tlio Verb. Govcrmcl by tht; Verb. SoiiHtiutire. - Ihtt (■('. Amiitntiee. jo / me to me 1 nii; me tu thou te to thee , to //i^'t il he, It lui J thim. IK VKUH. AITEK Ti IXDIRKCT RKGIMKN. UKI'LKCTIVK. Govenied by n Prtiio-i tiuii. Gnvcrnod by a I'rupoiiition. moi me moi-nieuio myself toi thee toi-iueinc thyself lui him lui-nieme himself elle Acr elle-nieme herself nous us nous-memes ourselves VOUS yoa vous-niL'mes yourselves eux them, n . cux-Mi'incs themselves elles //it'/«, /. ellcs-nicnics themselves soi oneself soi-meme oneself 6«5» (!■.) Me, te, se, nous, vous, &c., may be used with verbs requiring a, as well as with those which do not require any preposition. They are also used with reflective verbs. (2.) Lui and leur are used for the masculine and feminine, a?\d with verbs requiring the proposition u or the dative. (3) Y is used when speaking of things, and sometimes of persons with verbs requiring a, as : j'y verrai, / will see to it. h means also there, as : j'y vais, / go there. <; .4 nm 44 KLKMENTAUY KUKNCU UUAMMAU. (4) En is used when spcakinj]; of things, .ind sometimes of persons with verbs requirin<^ tlio preposition t/e ; asj'en parle, / speak of it. It means also souie of it, some of than, from there. (5) The direct or the indirect object of a verb, if a pro noun, is placed before the verb in all the personal tenses. II mi! conniiit. JJe knows me. Ello te voit. She .seen thee. Jc Iiii parlo. 1 fjjcak to hnn. Vtms kur parlcz. You siica.'c to them. The following two forms arc often used after the verb * Singular. moi, t\ moi, toi, i\ toi , . f i\ lui, *"•' 1 >\ dl' Plural. \ ^', i to me ; to thee : to him ; to her; nous vous ;\ nous, ii vous, to us ; to you ; 1 f ti eux, ni. 1 ,, L'in\ ■< V ,, f Wo (hem. These are always placed after the verb : Singular. Plural. do moi, of ox from me ; do nous, c/, ov from us ; do toi, " thee; de vous, " you; do lui, d'olle. (I *( him; d'cux, " (hem,in, her; d'ollcs, " them, f. The verbs, Avhic are irregular or peculiar, and eann(| readily be conjugated by the student, will be found in the Tab^< of Irregular Verbs on pag*; 02 and tlic following, and marked I j the Vocabularies with a dagger, (f) V U A B U L A II Y . Ebcniste, m. cabinet-maker. En, «y, of it. Entendre, to hear. Fauteuil, ni, arm-chair. Fermi er, m. farmer. Flatt«-r, toJlattcT. Acajou, m. mahogany. Acheter, to buy. A Her, f to go. Annee, f. year. Argent, m. money. Attendre, to icait, to expect. Aujourd'hui, to-day. Blamer, to blame. Car, for, because. Casser, to break. Chaise, f. chair. Demain, to-morrow. Demander, to ask for. Donner, to give. Dollar, m. dollar. Loner, to praise. Matiti, m. morning. I'arler, to speak. Piastre, f. dollar. rounjuoi, ivhy. Ivecevoir, to receive. V^endre, to sell. Venir, \ to come. Voir, f to see. KLKMKNTAUY FRENT^Il GRAMMAR. 4.5 ExKRcisK 29. ] fl vicnt mo. parlrr. 2 Lc; lil>niirc va vons donnor dii papi'T. ? Ni. (1< inaiidt /,-v()iis pas nion cousin ? 4 Jo Ic (Icinandc. h Nous lie lu (Icinaiidons pas. Nous vcnons vons voir. 7 Alh'z-vons voir le fcrnjitT anjonnl'lini ? H Nons allons lo voir. (jncl l>ca:i livri nons nnt/-vons ? 10 Jo no vons donnii pas dt; iivro, jo n'oii ai pas 11 Mo donnoz-vons lo dnip? 12 J(! no vous ventls pas dr. drap 13 Jo n'( n vends pas, car jo n'on ai pas. 14 Nt? nons ontcndoz-vons pas? 1') Nons no vons ontondons pas. 16 Nc; los attcridoz vons pas ccttc aniu'o? 17 Nons nv, los attondons pas ( ctto annoo 18 Votro fivro no r(!(;oit-il pas tout son arpont? It) II ne le re(;oit pas. 20 Vous les blumez, nous Ics loiions, ct lo monnisior los flatto Exercise 30. 1 Do you broak the arm-cluiir? 2 I do not l)roak it. 3 Door the cahinot-niakor give you the mahogany chair? 4 H(! does not give it, he sells it to the joiner 5 Does the; cahinot-maker come to sixak to yon? G Ho isgoingto spoak to my father. 7 Do you (expect mo ? 8 I do not expect you this morning. 9 Do you not hear me? 10 1 do not hear you. 11. Do you not receive your ni<»ney ? 12 1 do not receive it. 13 Do you not praise him to-day? 14 No, sir, I do not prais(! him, I blame him. 15 Why {\o yon not sell us the cloth ? IG Have you the money this njorning ? 17 Yes, sir, wo have it. 18 Hftve you any money to-day ? 19 Y<'s, sir, y,\'o have some, we have twenty dollars. 20 Does till! cabinet-maker give you all his mont^y ? 21 He does not give it. 22 Do you expect me to-day ? 23 We do not expect yon to-day, wo (;xpect you to-morrow. 24 Do you not sell me the uiidiogany chair ? 25 I do not R«dl it. 2G The cabinet-maker sells it 27 We sell the chaiiiF, we do not give them. 04- REMARKS ON THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. (1.) When the French personal pronouns are proceeded by a preposition, (in English, by a preposition other than to), they come after the verb, and assume the following forms : De moi, Avec moi, Apres moi, &c. of or from me, with mo, after me. De toi, Avec toi, Avant toi, of thee, with thee, before thee. De lui, Avec lui, Apres lui, of him, with him, after him. D'elle, Avec olio, Apres clle, of her, with her, after her. De nous, Avec nons, Avant nous, of us, with us, before us. Do vons, Avec vons, Aprus vous, oj you, with you, after you. D'eux, Avec eux, Apres eux, oJ them, with them, after them. D'elles, AprCiS elles, Avec elles, of them, ajter them, tvith them Pour Ini, Pour ellc, Pour nous, for htm, for her, for ua. ■ i. KliKMKNTA K Y KKKNC Ml ( J IJ A M M A II. Voire fivrc imrlc dc luo!, Your hrot/icr .yi(ronuiiit In tilt! H<'iiH(! of .vc//, ndvcs. U: roi lui-uihnr^ tin', kin;/ fiiin.trff, III r ilK! eiti-iiu'ine. t/if i/mrn htrsrlf, Ics prince;; cnj-mniifs. t/tr /ni/irr.'i ihi nixi iven. Ics princcsKCK tllix-nn'mrs, the fu-inrfisMrH thnimvlveH, (ft ) TIm! jnonounK, vireceded by a pron(nin in the pimal, representing in ont; word all the preceding.? subjects. Votre poro et ;ho?, nous avons Your /other an I ' ioere a lonj ('•te longtemps ennt mis I'un do time enemies, Tautre. ' - (12.) The recapitulating pronoun and the verb sometimes come first in the sentence. Nou^ avons, vous et moi, bcsoin You and J have need of toleV' de tolerance. ance. -A .-. .. : i.m. 48 ELEMENTARY FUENril (UtAMMAll. (13.) The rcflnrtivo pronoun ho, hnni^elf, etc., is nscd for both genders, and for lK)tli nunil)cr8 ; for i)orson8 and for thingK ; and jUwiiys a<( ompanicK a verb. Les yeiix de I'amitiu hc trom- The eyes of fricnrhhip arc ncldom l)ent rar(;nient. deceived (deceirr thi'iiisrlnii). (14.) Tli(! samo pronoun has Konietinies a r. cipiocal and Komcn times a ruliectivc meaning, according to the context : lis se flattont, They flatter one another, each "'T. lis sc flattent, They flatter themselves. (15.) Soi, himself, itself, etc., is of both genfhrs and numbers, an. EXERCFSE .'^2. 1 For whom do you const iiut tluit honso, for liim or for m<^ ? 2 I construct it for vou. '.i W'r constnirf it for lur. 4 Docs he not paint with you ? f) No, sir, lu' paiuts with lur »> Arc: not the travellers at your father's with liini ? 7 No, sir, they an; at my intimate friend's. 8 Do you e.vpect a note froui nu; ? 9 I expect a letter from lur. 10 For wliom does the mason construct that hot-house ? 11 He constructs it for me. 12 Do you ^'o out before him? 1.3 I p^o out of the room hefore him. 14 Do you offer me that hook ? 15 1 olfer the hook to him. 10 Do you roL'cive letters from her? 17 I receive letters from them. 18 Do you live at their house? 19 I live at my brother's house. 20 Do you know them ? 211 do not know them. 22 Do you know the officers who live at my house ? 23 I know them. 24 Where do you expect mc ? 25 I expect you at your brother's or at your sister's. Place of the Personal J^roxouns used as Recjimens of the Verbs. 0»5« The personal pronouns used as regime direct (direct ■object) or regime indirect (indirect object) must be placed in French before the verb. Je voiis vols, / see you. Je voiiii parle, / Ki»to them. La leur, her or if. / {some, any, of it. On le lui donncra, Vous le lui preterez, Noils ne le leur preterons pas, Vous le leur ucrirejs, Remark. — The reflective pronoun se, used as an indirect regKy; men, forms an exception to the ahove rules, as it tiikes prccedenctj of the direct regimen. lis sc le racontent, They tell it to each other. GO» When the imperative mood used affirmately has two regimens, the pronoun regime direct precedes the regime indirect in all the persons ; that is, le, la, les are placed after the verb ; Ivi, leur, moi, nous, vous, come after le, la, les , y is placed before moi, toi, le la, but follows nous, vous, and les. En comes last. These pronouns are joined to the verb by means of the hyphen. Envoyez-//-;rto?, Env()ycz-m'yi"/.-h'-luij D()Uiu'z-m'e;i, Voitvz-leur-et), Tl* The relative pronoun?/ is used in French iu relation to things, /)»• the indirect retjimen. expressed in English by at or to (dative). It nieans at or to it ; or to them ; thereto, etc. J'?/ sonjj^rrui, / will think of it. Faites-//-atti'ntion, Pay attention to it. II nous y (.'uvoya, lie sent xis there. /Appli(iuei5-vous-y. Apply yourself to it. J / Vocabulary. / Amener, to bring, to briny up. Expres, on purpose. Apportir, to briny. Aussi, (iho. Banquier, m. banker. Beaucoup, much, many. Certainenicnt, certainly. Cherchcr, to seek, to look for. Coiifiuir, m. hair-dresser. Cueilli, picked, yathered. Cueillir, f to gather, to pick. Devoir, to owo. Emraener, to take axoay. Encore, yet, ayain. Encrier, m. inkstand. Eutrer, to go in, to come in. Fautf, t fault. Fleur, i.Jiower. Mener, to lead. Oflfrir, t to offer. Ouvrier, m. workman. Ouvrir, f to open. Pardonner, to forgive. Porte, f door. Pourquoi, why. Porter, to carry. Rapporter, to bring back. Rendre, to return. Trouver, to find. Venir, f to come. Exercise 33. 1 Rendez-vous I'argent i\ votre banquier ? 2 Je le lui rends toujours. 3 Ne nit; rai)portez-vou8 pas h' mien? 4 Je ne v(»us le rapporte i)as encore. 5 Pourquoi ne \v lui offrez-vous pas? C Je le cherche et je ne le trouve pas. 7 Pourquoi ne lui ouvrez- vous pas la porte ? 8 Je la Jui ouvre, mais il n'entre pas. 9 fcTr»w»».??>5w*s.xv.- ■ -.i^me 52 ELEMENTARY FKENCII GRAMMAR. Avez-vons cueilli cctto belle fleur pour moi ? 10 J'ai cueilli la fleur pour vous ou pour votre amie. 11 Ne me devez-vous i)a8 cot argent? 12 Je rous le dois certainement. 13 Votre ouvrier ne lui doit-il pas de I'arj^^ent? 14 Oui, monsieur, il lui en doit beaucoup. 15 Ne m'en devez-vous pas aussi ? IG Je ne vous en dois pas, monsieur, 17 M'apportez-vou.s Tar^ent que v(nis me devez ? 18 Je vous I'apporte, monsieur, je viens exi)res. 19 Ne leur pardonnez-vous pas ieurs fautes ? 20 Je les leur pardonne volonticrs (willingly), / EXERCIBE 34. 1 Do you bring us the money ? 2 We bring it to you, sir. 3 Why do you not bring them money ? 4 We have not any, sir. 5 Why do you not return to me my inkstand ? 6 I return it to you, sir. 7 My sister brings it back to you. 8 Do 'u not for- give those (d ces) poor childrtn? 9 I forgive thei f^letir) their fault willingly. 10 Do you not owe me that money? 11 I owe it to you, sir. 12 Our workmen do not owe it to you. 13 Do you not bring it to me? 14 I bring it to you, I owe it to you. 15 Do you not pick ^y flowers for your brother? 10 No, lur we pick them for our 'friend. 17 Do you bring them to me on purpose? 18 We do not bring them to you on purpose. 19 Do you not open the door to him? 20 I op;'n it to him, 21 Yonr workman owes me the money. 22 He owes it to me certainly. 23 Do you not return money to the banker? 24 I return h>m some. 25 I do not find them THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. T2« These pronouns convey the idea of possession and agircc in gender and number with the person or tiling which they represent. The article is always prefixed to them. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Masculine. Femixine. Masculine. Feminine. le mien, la mienne, les miens. les miennes. mine : le tien. la tienne, les tiens. les tiennes, thine ; le sien. la sienne, les siens, les siennes. hisy her; le notre, la notre, les notres, les notres. ours ; le votre. la votre, les vutres. les Votres, 1/ours ; le leur, If. leur. les K'urs, les Ieurs, theirs. When wii'hc, thine, his, &c., are used with the verb to be and express property, Mine is translated by ....<) moi. Thine " " . . . . ^> (oi. His " " . . , . r> lui. H€r a elle^ &c. • <4.;. .S>I4'*| '','0|!lf"! KLEMENTARV FRENCH GRAMMAR. 53 I V C A H U L A R Y Bit'li, well. Biscuit, m. biscuit. IJIancho, ivhite, elcan. Bougie, f. tcax-candle. Biavi', brave, Binrau, m. office. Carte, f. map. Ccux-ci, these. Cfux-1:\, those. C<:l/. thtae colui de, cello do....^/«a< of coux de, cellos de.. .those of celui qui.../te who ceux c^ui... .they wh/> cello ({ui... she who colles ^m..thcy who colui que. ..Ac whom cou.x .{ue, they whovi cello quo....«Ae whom celle:) que, they wh'>ni'\ J'ai moil livre et celui de votrc I have my book and your brother^^ fivn;. Celui qui paile. lie tvho speaks. Cellos qui chantent. Those who sing. T-l- Tlie demonstrative pronouns cdnl, ceUe^eic,, assume? the gender and number of the nouns wliich they represent Celui qui, he icho. Celui que, he whom, Cclle qui, she who. Celle que, she whom. Ceux qui, they ivho. Ceu.x que, they whom. Cclles qui, they who. Cclles (juc, they whom. T»5« Celni'Ci, celle-ci, etc., cdui-/a, alla-la, are used when it is desirable to denote the comparative proximity or remo- teness expressed in English by the words this and that. Celui-ci, this one. Celui-h^, that one. Ce livre-ci et celui-lj\. This book and that. Ces hommes-ci et ceux-ls\. These men and those. TO- C'clulci, cclul-Ui, etc., are ot'tcn used to express con- trast or comparison. They are then equivalent to tho English expressions the former^ the hitter ; this onCf that one. ^«#%«pPRi»^"V« ELEMEVTAKY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 55 Tel est ravantagc ordinaire Such is the orditmnj adiHintat/e Qii'ontsur la beaute k'S talents, which (ah'titK jiosscffs over beauty; Ceux-ci plaisent dans tons les the former please at all times; temps, Celle-lil n'a qu'un temps pour the latter has hut one time to please. plaire. TT« Cccl, cell, have no plural, and are used only in speakinfj of things. They do not refer to a word expressed before, but serve to point out objects : Prenez ceci, take this. Donnez-moi cela, give me that. T8- Cc, a pronoun must not be confounded with the demonstrative adjective cc. The pronoun ce is often used without an antecedent, as the nominative of the verb etre in the same manner as the English pronoun it : C'est moi, it is f. C'est vous, it is you. Est-ce lui ? is it he ? Est-ce nous ? is it us? THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS. TO. These pronouns are so named on account of the inti- mate relation which they have to a noun or ^ onoun which precedes, and of which they recall the idea. The noun or pronoun preceding the relative pronoun is called the ante- cedent. Table of the Relative Pronouns. qui, ivho^ ivhich ; (sujet, nominat.) d<' qui, o/", or from whom. que, ivhom, which ; (reg. din-ct, ace.) dont, o/j ox from tvhich ; h qui, to tchom ; Icquel, who, which; composed of the article Ic and quel. lequel, laqutlle, les(iu(!ls, lesquelles, who, which. duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelies, of from tvhich. auquil, ;\ la(|uell(', auxquels, auxfiuelles, to which. y, to it, of if, etc. en, (f it, of them, etc, quoi, lohat, which, etc. SO. Qui, who, ichirh, is generally the subject or nomi- native. It is used for both genders and numbers, fo; persons and for things. (1) It is used absolutely when it has no antecedent expressed. It then oifers to the mind a vague and indcter- i >i 5G ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. niinate idea. It is rendered in English by he icJiOj she who, ihcy irho. Lilchc, f/ui voiit mourir, coura- ITif toho wishes to die is a coward; Rcnx qui ix'ut vivrc, he who can support life has couraijc. Qui nu fait dos heureux, n'est ]fe who does not render others pas digno do I'utre, hapinj^ is not tvorthy to be so. (2) Qifi is also used absolutely when it is interrogative. It may tiien be noniinatif or r(5ginie : Qui parlo ? icho sjteaks ? Qui voyez-vous? whom do you sac? (3) Que, whom, tvhat, vhlch, stands generally for the regime direct. This pronoun is used for persons and thini^s, and is of both \: ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Un plaisir Jow< on est assure A peasurc of u'Mch we are sure (le so repcntir, nu pent jamiiis to recent, can never he a peaceful etro traiMiuilh', one. Dont is preferable to de qui, of whom, and duquel, of irhich. When, however, the pronoun has the sense of from whom, i. e., when us<»€l to denote a transfer, de qui is better : Lt' librairo de qui j'ai ro^u ccs The bookseller from whom I have livrcs, received these books. 82. Lequel, laquelle, lesquelw, lesquelles, who, which y should only be used in the nominative, and in the direct regimen, in order to avoid ambiguity. They may relate to persons or things : Cost un effct do la ('.ivino It is an act of divine Providence, Providcnco, lequel attire I'admi- ivhich attracts the admiration of ration de tout le niondc, every one. HSm Lrqud. preceded by a preposition — that is, duqud, (luqitd, dans hqnd, kc, must always be used for things in the indirect regimen. Tlie word qui, as has been mentioned above, cannot relate to things in the oblique cases: Un livre curieux scrait celui IViat would be a curious book dans lequel on ne trouvcrait pas in ivhich not a falsehood were un mensonge, found. H4- Lequel, in all its modifications may be used absolu- tely or interrogatively : Lequel ? ivhich one ? Duquel ? of which one f Lequel voyez-vous? Which one do you see ? Sf5« En, of it, tf them. This pronoun is of both genders and numbers, and relates almost always to animals and things. It is often used for the English words, some, any, when employed absolutely, or even when understood. It is also used as an indirect regimen in relation to things, and some- times, but not often, in relation to persons instead of the personal pronouns hd, die, cux, elles. And it must be expressed in French when left out to be understood in English. Vous en parlcz, you speak of it. II en vicnt tons Ics iours. Combicn de montres a-t-il ? II en a deux. JV'/j ai, l have some of it. There are some coming every day. How many watches has he? He has two. -«i»f«^'i*nkr: :.■:.-.; 58 ELKMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. HO. Y, to if, to them, thereto, of it, etc. Tliis relative pronoun, of both genders and numbers, is used-instead of a lui, a elle, en lid, etc. It h used of things, and also adver- bially in the sense of there, J'y pcnse, / think of it. J'/y donnc mes soins, / {levote my care to it. J'y vais, I go there. J'y rutouine, 1 go back. Vocabulary. Liii;^'t', m. linen. Apprcndre, to learn. Anivcr, to arrive. KWv.v, to (JO. Avcf, with. Avoir bt'soin, to want. Conunandtr, to order. Connaitre, to know, to he acquainted. Duns, in, into. Diri', to say. py'ossais, Scotchman. Fairc, to do. Hiibillemont, m. dress, clothes. Uullandais, Dutchman. Malic, f, trunk. Mcttrc, f to put. Nora, m. name. IVrsonne, notjody. Plcasun', ni. pleasure. rrcK(lU(', almost. Qu('I(jii'uii, soine one, any otie, Ricn, nothiuy. Kecommandt'iyo recommend. Savoir, f to know. Soulier, m. shoe. Vrai, true. Y, there, to it. Exercise 37. 1 Qui connaissez-vous ? 2 Nous connaissons Ics Hollandfeoi>le, t/iti/. \ the .sitinc. several. others. each. J each one, evert/ \ one. somr/ioili/. everything, all. Tout le monde, Tout ee qui, nam Tout ce (pie, ace Qiiii oiupie, Quelconquo, L'nn I'autre, L'un et I'autre, li'un ou I'autre, Ni l'un ni ^ I'autre, / Aucun, Peisonne, Qui que ce soit, every body. I whatever. zchoi'irr. any, whatever, one another, both, either. neither. none, not any. iiohody. whosoever. HiS. On {one, piople, //icy.) is always in the nominative ; and although always constiued with a verh in the third per- son singular, it conveys more generally the idea of plurality. It is commonly used in indefinite sentences. On dit. People say, they say, it is said. On parle, Somebody .speaks, etc. Que (lit-t»n de lui ? What do people say of him 9 ?^0. On, coming immediately after the words vt, si, nu, and qui, is generally preceded by the article /', used for euphony. Ce que Pan con(;oit bi<'n, s'cx- That whieh ice understand icell, plique clairement, tvc express clearly. OO. AuTRES, AuTRt'i, otJirrs. This pronoun is applied only to pcpons. It has no change of form for gender or number, and is used only as an indirect regimen. •»M»'**.'i*iii.'' (10 KLiafKNTAKV KUENCH (UlAMMAH. Nf (li\H point ') (lUtnii cc «|U() Po not unfn niht rs th'it irluifi til \\v. volldiiliH pas «iu'«>li ti' tlum inmlilst iid lila to /»■ Jnur fit. inilo tlicf. D'liutns lo foraiciit, Others icotifil tin it. 111. (yilAcUN, lien/ one, each one. WIicii tliis pronotin is absolute, and moans nun/ ()in\ rm n/ht>ifi/^ it is invarial'lo. Lc sens ('onni)iMl u'rst j)as chosi; Cotinuon xntsr is no coimnon ooniniunc, c/i(inin, pourtant, tfiini/, f/mnt/h tirri/ one fn lines croit vn avoir assi'z, he has vnouyh o/ it. 1>!J« QliKLQli'lTN, somehoili/, someone, any one, unt/ ftodij, used absolutely, is invariablo. Knvicr quclqiHun c'est a'avouor To envji (ini/ one is ('on/essih(/ son infoiirur, ones .vr//7//.s' in/t rior. 1I!{. Qnelquun, used relatively, cliani:;es for irender and number. It lias tlien tbc sense of i^ome oj\ some ime of. Connaissi'Z-voiis quelqihtnc de Do you know (ini/ of thyjiK*', \\\. journey. Voir, f to see. 1 VouR apporto-t-on dc J'ari^t'nt tons los Jours? 2 On m'apportn (lew habits tons los niois. 3 Quchiu'mi tst-il iiiuladt; i\ la inais(»n? 4 PVrsoiHU! n'cst nialadc clicz nous. 5 ('iiacim vtMit K; voir. Voiis fournit-oii do boniio viandc ? 7 On mo fuiuriit dt; boniio viaiidr ot do Vrnw pain. 8 Oil troiivo-t-oii dv Tor? D On on trouvo boauconp on Califuruio. 10 L'un es enfants, to abandon ones children. The 'participle^ while retaining the power of the verb, at the same time partakes of the nature of an adjective : abandoimant ses parents, abandoning his relatives^ aban- donne de ses enfants, abandoned by his children. |@r Tho tenses of the above moods will be found after the tab!«' of the Irregular Verbs. 104* Tensch are simple or compound. Simple, when they are expressed in a single word: jo parle, I speak , I do speak, or 1 am speaking. Compound, when they require the assistance of the verb avoir or 6tre: j'ai parl6, I have spoken ; je suis arrive do bonne heure, / arrived early. J ELEMENTARY FKEiSCH tHUMMAK. (55 II. — The Auxiliary Verbs. AVOIR, TO HAVE: AFFIRMATELY. Indicative Mood. SIMPLB TENSES. COMPOUND TKNSES. PBESEKT. PAST INDEFINITE. J'ai, Tuas, II a, Ehe a, Nous avons, Vous avea, lis ont, Elles ont, I have thou haul he hn» 8 e h(ia we have pou have they have they I. have J'ai ou, Til as ou, II a eu. Kilo a cu, Nous avons ou, Vous avcz cu, lis ont eu, Elles ont eu, / have had thoH h(lHt luid he hnn find she hdn hud we have had you have hf;d they have had they f. have had IMPERFECT. J'avais, I had, was having, or Iwijd to hare Tu avaif*, thou hadnt II t>u olle avaft, he or nhe hud Nous avions, we had Vous avioz, you had Us ou elles avaient, they had PLUPERFECT. J'avais eu, I had had Tu avais eu, thnti hadnt had A ou olle avait eu, he or Hhe hod had Nous avions cu, we had had Vous aviez eu, j/ou had had Us ou elles avaient eu, they had had PAST DEFINITE. PAST ANTERIOR. J'ous, Tu CU8, II ou ellc out, Nous eAines, Vous efitos. Us ou dies eurent, 1 had, or did have thou hadxt, etc. he or ahe had we had you had they had FUTURE. J'aurai, Tu auras, II ou elle aura, / thall or will have thou wilt have he or she will have Nous aurons, Vous aurez, lis ou elles auront, we shall have you wi/f have they will have J'eus eu, Tu eus ou, U ou olio cut ou, Nous efuiics cu, Vous eCitos ou, I had had thou hadst had he or she had had we had halt pou had had lis OU oUes curcnt eu, they had had FUTlltE ANTERIOR. J'aurai ou, / shall or will have had Tu auras eu, thuu shaft have had U OU olio auraeu, he or she will have had Nous aurons eu, we will have had V «; hare I might ^ Que vous eussiez, that you might Que vous eusaiez eu, that you have : might Qu'ils ou qu'elles eussent, that they ; Qu'ils ou qu'elles eusf ent eu, might have i that they might J PRESENT. Avoir, Infinitive Mood. to have I Avoir eu, PAST. to have had Ayant, Participle, present. compound. having I Ayant eu, having had PAST. Eu, m. euo, f. had EliEMENTAUT FRENCH GRAMMAR. 67 AVOm, TO HAVE: CONJUGATED NEGATIVELY. iNDioATiviB Mood. filXPLB TENSUS. PRESENT. Je n*ai pas, Tu n*as pas, II n'a pas, Nous n'avons pas, Vous n'avez pas, lis n'ont pas. I have not thou host not fie lia» not we have not po'A have not the If have not OOKPOXJKD TBNSBS. PAST INDEITNITK. Je n'al pas cu, I have Tu n'as prw eu, thou haat Iln'apa.seu, he hae Nous n'avons pas eu, we have Vous n'rvez pjis eu, you have lis n'oni, pas eu, th^ Aave . 1 IMPKRP5CT. Je n'avais pas, Tu n'avals pas, II n'avait pas, Nous n'avious pas, Vous n'aviez pas. Us n'avaient pas, I had not thou hadat not he had not we had not you had not they had %Mt PLUPERFECT. Je n'avais pas eu, I had Tu n'avals pas eu, thou hadat II n'avait pius cu, he had Nous n'avlons pas eu, we had Vous n'avicz pas eu, you had lis n'avaient pas cu, they had PAST DEFINITE. Je n'eus pas, Tu n'eus pas, II n'eut pas. Nous n'eamGS pas, Vous n'e&tes pas, lis n'eurent pas, / hud not thou hadat not he had not we had not you had not they had not PAST ANTERIOR. Je n'eus pas eu, I had Tu n'eus pas eu, thou hadat II n'eut pas cu, he had Nous n'ednies pas eu, we had Vous n'efttes pas eu, \ou had lis n'eurent pas eu, they had n I FUTl'KE. Je n'aural pas, / ahatl not have Tu n'auras pas, thou wilt not have Iln'aurapas, he to ill not have Nous n'aurons pas, we ahall not have Vous n'aurez pas, you will r t have lis n'auront pas, thev will i. h have rUTimB ANTERIOR. Je n'aural pas eu, lahaU Tu n'auras pas eu, thou ahalt II n'mva pas eu, he will Nouy n'aurons pas eu, we will Vous n'aurez pas eu, you will Us n'auront pas eu, they w^ ^0 I S Conditional MooDi 8ixplb tbnsssl ooxpound txnbss. PRESENT. Je n'anrals pas, 7 ahouli Tu n'aurals pas, thouteouldat 11 n'aurait piis, he would Nous n'aurions pas, tre wotUd Vous n'aurlcz pas, you would Us n'auraient pas, they would « PASff. Je n'aurals pas en, lehouid Tu n'aurals pas eu, thou ahouldat 11 n'aurait pas eu, he would Nous n'aurions pas ou, we would Vous n'aurlcz pas cu^ you would Us n'auraient paseu, thev would 1 I 68 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Im^EKATiVE Mood. N'aie pas. (lu'll n'all pas, N'ayons pas, N'ayez pas, Q,u'ils n'aient pas. have not let him not have let ua not have have not ye or you let them not have BuBjUNcnvK Mood. pREsmrr. Quejen'alepas, Hue tu D'ales pas, that I may that thou mai/est (iu*!l n'alt pas, that lie may (•iue nous n'ayons pas, that we may C^ne vous n'ayez pas, that you may Q,a*ll8 n'alent pas, that they may PAST. Que, je n*aio pas eu, that I may Uue tu n'uies pas eu, that thou mayeat Qu'il n'alt pas eu, that he may Q,uo nous n'ayons pa« eu, that tee may Que vous n'ayez pas eu, that you may Quils n'alent pas eu, that they may -I « I IICPEBFBCT. Que Je n'eusse pas, that /might Que tu n'eusses pas, that thou mightest Qu'Ji n*o(it pju^, that he minht Que nous n'eufesions pas, that we might Que vous n'eussiez pas, that you might Quils n*eussent pas, that they might PLTJPEKFECT, Que je n'eusse pas eu, that I might Que tu n'eusses pas eu, that thou mtohtest (iu'll n'eftt pas eu. that he might (.lae nous n'eusslons pas eu, that tee minht Que vous n'eussiez pas eu, that you might Qu'ils n'eussent pas eu, thai they might I INFINITIVB MOOOw PBK8ENT. PAST. Ne pas avoir, not to have \ N'avolr pea eu, not to have, had Participle, present. compound. N'ayant pas, imI having \ N'ayant pas en, iMf having had PAST. Pas en. fMlJUltf I jf s ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 69 AVOIR: INTERROQATIVELT. Indioxtivk Mook BUfPIA TKSSBS. PRESENT. Al-JeT As-tuT A"t-il T Avons-nous T Avez-voufl ? OntrilB? have If hcut thou f haa het have we i have you t have theyt COMPOUND TKssaa, PAST INDEFINITE. Al-Je eu ? As-tu eu ? A-t-il cu ? Avons-nous en? Avoz-vous eu ? Uutrilseu? have Ihadf haat thou had f haa he had t have toe had t have j/ou had 1 have they had t IMPKKFECT. PLUPERFECT. Avais-jo ? Avais-tu? Avaltril? AvionR-nou8 T Avlez-voas ? Avaicutrils? had If hadat thou f had he t had we f had you f had tlw.y f Avals Jo cu ? Avais-tu eu ? Avaitril cu ? Avloris-nous eu? Aviez-vous eu ? Avaient-ilseu? had Ihadf hadat thou had f had he had f had we had f had you had f had they had f III PAST DEFINITE. PAST ANTBKIOIt. Eus-Je ? Eus-tu? Eutril 7 E(iiues-nous 7 EGtes-vous 7 Eurentrils 7 had If hadat thouf had he I had we f had you t had they f Eus-je eu 7 J<]us-tu cu ? Eut-il cu 7 lOdmcs nous eu 7 Efttcs-vous eu 7 Eureut-ils eu 7 had I had t hadat thou had f had he ImA f had we had f had you liad f had they had f FUTURE. FUTURE ANTSBIOB. AuraUJe 7 Auras-tu 7 Aura-t-il 7 Aurons-nous 7 Aurez-vous 7 Auroutrilu 7 ahall Ihavef ahtdt thou liave f will he have f ahall tee have f will you have f aluM tluty have f Aurai-jo eu 7 Auras- tu eu 7 Aura»t-il eu 7 Aurons-uous eu ? Aiurez-vous eu 7 AuronMlseu? ahall I ahalt thou ahall he ahall toe ahall you akalithey ■« Ck>NDiTioNAii Mood. SIMPLE TENSES. COMPOUND TENSES. PRESENT. PAST. Aurais-Je f Aurals-tu ? Aurait-11 f Aurions-nous P Aurloz-vuius t AuraieuUils t should I have f ahouldat thou have f ahould he have f would we have f ahould you have f Aurals-Je eu } Aiu ais-tu eu ? Aurait-11 cu? Aurions-noua eu f Auriez-voua eu ? ahould tkey have f Auroient-ils euf ahould I wotUdat thou would he ahould we ahould you would they 1 I fi 70 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. AVOIR: NEGATIVELY AND INTERROQATIVELY. Indicativb Mood. SDfPLS TKRSBSi COHPOUND TKSSES, PRBSEN'T. N'al-Je pas f N'as-tu pas P N'a-t-il pas P N'avons nous pas P N'avez-vous pasP N'onUlla pas P have I not ? hast thou not ? haa he not ? have we not ? hare you not ? have the^i not P PAST INDEFINITE. N'al-Je pas en P have I N'as-tu pas on P haat thou N'a-t-il pas cu ? hna he N'avons-nouspasou? have we N'avcz-vous pas eu? have you N'ontrils pas cu 7 have they r IMPERFECT. N'avais-Je pas f Imd I not P N'avais-tu pas 7 hadat thou not P N'avalt-il pas 7 had he not P N'avions-nous pas 7 had we not ? N'avlez-vous pas ? had you not ? N'avalent-lls pas 7 had they not ? PLUPERFECT. N'avals-Je pas en 7 had I N'avais-tu pas eu 7 hadet thou N'avait-il pas eu 7 had he N'avions-nous pas eu 7 had we N'avicz-vous pjis cu 7 had you N'avaient-ils pfis eu 7 had they PAST DEFINITE. N'eu8-Je pas P N*eu8-tu pas p N'eutrll pas P N'eftmes-nous pasP N'efttes-vous psis p N*eurentrils pas i had I not ? hadat thou not ? had he not ? had we not ? had you not ? had they not P PAST ANTERIOR. N'euR-Je pas eu 7 had I ' N'eus-tu pas ou 7 hadbt thou N'cut-il pas cu 7 had he N'eftme.s-nous pas eu 7 had we N'cQtes-vous pas ou 7 had you N'oiu-ent-ils uas eu 7 hcd they PITTUKB. i£ N'anral'Je pas ? N'auras-tu pas 7 N'aura-t-ll pas 7 N'aurons-nous pas 7 N'aurez-vous pas 7 N'auront-lls pas 7 ahaar ehalt thou ahall he ahall we ahall you ahall they « FUTURE ANTERIOR. N'aural-Je pas eu 7 ahaU I N'auras-tu pas eu 7 ahalt thou N'aura-t-il pas eu 7 ahall he N'aurons-nous pas cu? ahall we N'aurcz-vous pas eu 7 ahall you N'aurontrils pas eu 7 ahall they cs «> o o CONDITIONAL MOOD. t' ! SnCPLB TENSE& PRESENT. N'aurais-Je pas 7 ahould 1 N'aurals-tu pas 7 ahouliat thou N'auralt-il pas 7 ahovld Jie N'aurions-uous pas 7 ahould we N'auiiez-vouspas? ahovld you N*iuiraienMl8 pas 7 should they COMPOUND TENSES. PAST. N'aurais-Je pas eu 7 ahould 1 N'aurais-tu pas eu7 ahouldst thou N'aurait-il pas eu 7 ahould he N'aurions-nous pas eu 7 Mou/d we N'auriez-vous pas eu 7 ahould you N'auralcnt-lls pas eu7 ahould thiv "9 C -ft L ^ ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 71 AtRE, to BE: AF ?mMATIVELY. INDICATIVB M00]>. SIMPr^ TENSES. PREUENT. Jesuls, Tnes, II est; Nous sommes, Vous Ates, Ilnsont» COMPOmn> TENSES. PAST INDEFINITE. lam tJiou art hex" we are ve or you are they are J'al 6i6, Tu aa 6i6t II a 6i6, Nous avons ^t<5, Vous avez 616, lis ont 6i6, I have been thou hast been he has been we have been you have been thev have been IMPERFECT. PLUPERFECT. J'itais. Tii^tals, It litAlt Mrius ^tlons, y\iUB4Uez, lU «taient, Iwarle, Ta paries, II parle, Nccus parlio?!, i 9 parlalcntf thou wast apeakinrj he \ca» speakinn we were sjieaking you were a])eaking they were speaking PAST DEFINITKi J< parlal I apoke or did apeak IS parla6, thou spokest it parla, he apoke f I JUS pari dm es, we apoke Vous parlfttcs, youapolce Ibi i)arldrcut, they apohe FUTURE. .Te porleral, / shall or will apeak Tu parleras, thou wilt apeak 11 i)arlera, Ae will speak Nous parlerons, xoe shall speak vous parJerez, you will speak Us parleront, they will apeak COMPOUm) TENSES. PAST IlfDEFINITE. J'al parld, Tu as purld, 11 a pari 6, Nous avons parl£, Vous avez parl£, Il» out parld, I have apoken thou hast apoken he haa apoken we have apoken you have apoken they have apoken PLUPERFECT. J'avals parley Tu avals parl<5, 11 avail parl^, Nous avlons pari 6, Vous aviez parl^, lis avaient parl£, /had thou hadst he had we had you had they had PAST ANTERIOR. J'eus parl6. Tu eus parl^, II eut purl£, Nous eftmes parle, Vous efttos pari 6, lis eurent pari^, J had thou hadst he had we had you had they had FUTURE ANTERIOR. Taural parld, Tu auras pari^, 11 au.a parl<<, Nous aurons parl^i Vous aurcz putl^ lis aiu'ont pail^, I will thou shalt he will we shall you will they aliall m- ■% I I CoNDiTioNAii Mood. SIMPLE TENSE& COMPOUND TENSES. PRESENT. f e parlerals, lahouldf would apeak Tu parleraLs, thou ahouldat speak 11 ) Mirlerai t, he should aprnk ^. iMirlerait, Nous parlerions, Voas parleriez, Ita parleraientt we would speak you wotdd speak they would speak PAST. J'aurais parl6, I should Tu aurais parle, thou wouldst 1 1 aurait parl^, he would Nous aurions parld, 100 would Vous auriez parl^ you would lis auraient parltf, they would T T4 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. IHPERATIVB Mood. Parle, Qu'll parle, ParloEM, Parlezy Q,a*ll8 parlenti Speak thim let Mm Hptak let M.» xpe.nk speak ye or j/mt let them apeak BuBjuNcrriyB Moon. PRKSENT. Que Je porle, that I may tpeak Que tu paries, that thoumavattpmik Qu'll parle, that he may •peak Que nous parllons, that tr« may apeak Que vous parliez, that you may tpeak Quils parlent, that they may apeak PAST. ( J uf J*nle parU, that I may (.|uo tu ales parl^, that thou mayest Qu'il ait parl^, that he may Que nous ayons parl<;, that we may Que vous ayez parU, that you may Qu'lls alcnt parl^ that they may i IHPERFECT. Que Je parlasse, f Ant / might apeak Que tu parlasses, that thou mlghteat Qu'il parlit, that he mipht apeak Que nous parlossions, tlutt ice minhl Que vous parlassiez, that you minht apeak that they miaht apeak Qnlls parlassent, PLUPERFECT, Quo J'eusse parl^, thid fuhht Que tu eusses ptirU, ihA t/iou CiuMl e(it parl<{, t\ nt he uiifiht Que nous eussions >)ju1<5, that ire miitht Que vous eussiez pa^I^, that you might Qu'ils eussent par' £, that they might PRESEKfT. Parler, Infinitive Mood. to apeak Avolr parlc, PAST. tohiKme^P9k> :e» ' 1 ' Participle. PRESENT. couTormn, Parlant, apeaktng | Ayant parl6, having ej^be* PAST. Parl^ apohm. -^-^ir^CTi KLEME\TAi:V KKENCH (ilfAMMAlJ, 75 \0*im Kkmauks (H' thk Pkculiakitiks of some VeRUS of TIIK FlIlST CoNJI'liATlON. (1.) In verbs cndinir in (jt, in order to retain the soft sound of the g the r is retained before a and o. Nous manf,'cons, r chan;,'fllable preceded by e, (c nmte,) as Arr/-, mcncr, change this e mute into c (c open) bef'^rc a mute syllable, Mrner, menej tucneraL (6.) In verbs ending in cler, eter, the e before the I or / being unaccented, (as appckr,') the / is doubled before a n?ute e. Appelcr^ appcllc ; jcicr, Jifte. lyvi^^j-'^' cxA Ux^^-if" (7.) Verbs ending in the present participle by innfj as jo) 7 er, the present participle of which is ^y/v'(/y/^, double the i in the first and second persons plural of the imperfect of the indicative, and present of the subjunctive ; as, nous priions, vous priicz, que nous priionSf que vous priiez, (8.) Verbs ending in the present participle, by yant^ as P'lyer, the present participle of which la paijdnty take y and I in the first and second persons plural of the imperfect of tlH indicative, and present of the subjunctive ; as, nous pnt/ionSy vous pay ie::, que nous ptay ions, que vousjiayies. ^r 76 ELEMENTAllY PRENOII GRAMMAR Smomd Conjugation : Ending in IU. PINIR, TO FINISH. iNDioAiTVE Mood. BIMPT^S TENSBS. PRESEKT. Je flnis, Tuflnia, II flnlt, Nous tinlSHons, Vous flnissoz, lis Iluissout, Ifiniah thoufmuiheat hefininhes %ce finish you finish they finish COMPOUND TENSES. PAST INDEFINITE. J'al flnl, Tu as flnl, II a flnl, NouH uvons fini, Vous avrz fliii, Il8ontlinl, I have finished thou hdst finished he has finished ire have finished yoH have finished they have finished IMPERFECT, Je flnlssols, Tu flnlssals, II flnlssuit, Nous flnlNsions, VouH flnlsslcz, lis tlnlssaient, I was finishing or used to finish thou least finishing he was fininhing we were finishing you were finishing they were finishing PLUPERPErr. J*avnl8 fjni, J had finished Tu avals finI, thou h ■i^^^-'r-Oi-:'-:. V. ^','. ELKMKNTAIIY FRENCH UUAAIMAB 77 iMi'KKATiVE Mood. FlnlK, FlnissouH, Finlssi'z, Qu'ils iiiilssent, finith than let himfinuh let u» finish Sith ye or j/tm thtmfinith ScrBJUWCTRYK MOODw PRESENT. Quo Jo flnlHso, Uue tu llnlsscs, PAST. nm, that ImnufinxHh \ Uuo J'alo flnl, that thou tmiueat I C^uo tU uiOH Ji)iiiih I (iu'll flnl.sHC, that he vi(iujlni«fi Qu'li Alt flnl, Quo noua flulsslons, that ve may i-liw noua ayons finith Quo VOU8 flnlRSio/, that you may Jinixh Qu'ilS finlssent, (hat they may finish ilub VOU8 i\yez Qu'lls alent flnl, that I may that thou mayett that he may flni, that loe may flnl, that you may that they may 3 •S I. « iMPrnFECT. Quo Jo flnlsse, that I might finish Quo tu llnlsscs, that thou inxfihtmt Jininh (iu'll fliitt, that he might Jininh (iuo nous flnlsslons, ,hat no ini'tht fininh Quo vous flilJssIez, that you might Jiniah Qu'ils flnissent, that they might finiak PLUPERFECT. Quo J'eusso flnl, that Imiaht Quo tu eussea flnl, that thou mightcfit Qu'll cftt flnl, that he might\o nous eusslons flnl, that we might Quo vous eusslcz fiul, that you might C^uUls eussent flni, that they might "2 •3 . e i: :■ (• iNFiNTrxvE Mood. 4 I «> B PRESENT. PAST. Finlr, to finish \ Avoir flni. to have finished Participle, present. compound. Fini«8ant> finishing | Ayant flni, having finished PAST. Flnl, JInished I ■4: h 78 EIEMENTABT FRENCH GBAMMAH. l*HiBD Con^jgation: Emoino in OIR, KECEVOIR, TO RECEIVE, IiTDioATivB Mood. mi SIMPIiS TKNSBS. PBESEMT. Jo recols, Tu rcQols, li rcQuit, Nous recovons, Vows rocGVez, I la resolvent* /receive thou receiveat he receives we receive you receive they receive IMPEUFECT. Je reoevalB, Iwat receiving or I tued to receive thou tca«t receiving he woe receiving we toerc receiving you were receiving they were receiving Tu recevais, 11 rocevalt, Noiu reccvions, Vous recoviez, Ila r&ccvoieutf PAST DEFINITE. Je rOQUS, / received or did receive Tu rcgus, thou receivednt II rcQUt, he received Nous rcQtlmos, we received Vous rcQQtes, you received lis regurenty they received FUTUnB. Je recevral, Tu recevras, II rccevra, Nous recovrons, Vous recevrez, Ila recevront, Tehall receive thou wiH receive he shall receive we shall receive you will receive tliey will receive COMPOUKD TENSES. PAST INDEFINITE. J'al recu, Tu a.s rcgU, II a regu, Nous uvons rccu, Voas avcz rcQii, lis out rcyu, / have received thou ha8t received he has received we have received you have recei\^ they have receit^ PLUPERFECT. J»avais recu, Tu avals regu, II avait rcyii, Noua avioiis rcv'U, Vou. uvio/i royu, lis avaient reyu, J had thou hadat he hnU tee had you hiiJ they had PAST ANTEllIOR. J 'PUS repn, Ikadreceixid Tu eus regu, thou hndvt receit «i 1 1 cut rcvii, he hud rece\ s ti Nous eftmes rcyu, ue had receio «(| Vous efitos ro^u, you had recev\ ti lis eurent rcyu, they had recev u i FUTURE ANTERIOR. J'aurai rcyu, I shall have Tu auras rcyu, thou wilt have II aura ro(;u, Ac will have Nous aureus reyu, tee shall have Vous aiu'cz rcyu, j/ou tcill have lis aurout reyu, they shall have GONDITIONAL MOOD. SDCPLB TBNSE& COMPOUND TENSES. PRESENT. PAST. I should receive thou tcotUdst receive he should receive Nous recnvrlons, we should receive Vous reccNTiez, you might receive lis recevralont, they should receive Je recevrais, Tu reeovrals, 11 recevralt, J'aurals recu, Tu 'uirais re^u, II aiiralt regu, Nous aurlons rcQU, Vous aurlez regu, lis auralent regu. T should thou tcouldst he might we should you might they should s M •i:i"*»i^pWj*y» , ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 79 Imperative Mood. Recols, Uu'il recoive, Recovous, Ilecovez, Q,u'lls resolvent) receive thou let him receive let u» receive receive ye or you let them reeeiv* BUBJITNCnVB MOODi PRESENT. Quo Jo recoive, that I may receive Cj,uo tu resolves, that thou mayeat rective Qu'll roQOlve, that he ma y receive il\M* noiuj rccevions, that we may receive Que vooa Moeriez, that you may receive Quite recolTMt, that they may receive PAST Quo J'aie regu, that I may Q,ue tu aies rc^Uf that thou mayest Qu'll ait regu, that he may Que nous uyons royii, that we may Que vous ayez re^u, that you may Qu'ils alent re^u, that they may 4 nCPERFBOT. Que Jo recussc, that I might rticeive Quo tu rc^usses, that thou miahteat receive Qu'il rn(;(it, that he mifiht receive Quo uuus rcyussioiis, that tee might receive Quo VOU8 re(;usslez, that yon might receive Qu'ils rc^usscut, that they might receive PLUPERFECT. Que J'eusse rogu, that I might tiue tu eusscs regn, that thou mi'ihtcut Qu'il cftt recu, that he minht Quo nous citbsions rcgu, that we mi'iht Que vous oussicz rc^u, that you might Qu'ils eussent regu, that they might •? e s iNvnoTivx Mood. PRESENT. Recevolr, PAST. to receive \ Aroir n^tu, to have received Recevaiil. PABT1C1PI.K. PRESENT. GOlll'OUND. receiving | Ayant recu, having received H! PAST. Ragoi received w 80 ELEMENT AHY FREISCU QRAMMAB. ^OUBTH CONJOUATION : ENDING IN RE. VENDUE, TO SELL. Indicative Mood. H* SIMPLK TRNSBS. COMPOUND TKNSKI. PRESENT. PAST INDEFINITE. Je vends, Tu vends, II vend, Nous vcndons, Vous vendez, lis vcndent. Isell thou sellcst he sells we sell you sell they sell J'ai vcndu. Tu as vondii, lift vcndu. Nous avoiis vpndu, Vous avcz vciicV.i, lis ont vcndu. Ihmtveaold thou Aeist scld he has sold ice have sold you have sold they have sold naPRRPECT. PLUPERFECT. Jovendals, Twos Tu vendais, II vondiilt. Nous vcndloHS, Vous vcndlcz, lis vendaient, sdling or tued to sell thou wast selling} he was selling we were sellinrj you were scllinj they were selling J'avals vcndu, / ho Tu avals vcndu, II av.'vit vcndn, Nous avions vcndu, Vous avloz vcndu, llT avaient vcndu, d sold or aril in J thou hndst a n'd he hadet'd ire had a >Ut you hadaotd they hadaUd PAST 'i>EPINITE. PAST ANTERIOR. Jo vcndls, Tu vcndis, 11 vondlt, Nous vcndlmes, Vous vendltes, lis vendlreu^ I sold or did sell thou soldeat he sold we sold you sold they sold .reus vendu, Tu cus vondu, n cut vcndu, Nous eftmes vcndu, Vous elites vcndu, lis eurent vendu, Ihnds) (i thon hadnt s > d he hads )d we had Slid ymi had Si id they had S' id FUTURE ANTERIOR. Je vendral Tu vendras, 11 vcndra, Nous vcndrons, V^ous vendre;^ lis vendront. rshvHsell thou wilt sell he irill sell we shall sell you will sell they will sell J'aural vendu. Tu auras vendu, 11 aura vcndu. Nous aurons vcndu, Vous aurcz vcndu, lis auront vendu, Ishall thou wilt he shall \<'e shall you will they shall , ft B CoNDiTi'isf AXi Mood, aUCPLB TENSES. PRESENT. Jo vendrais, Tu vendrais, 11 vcndrfiit. Nous vendrlons, Vous vundric?:, (la vendraloiit, I should sell thou woutdst sell hemii/ht sell we should sell you mifjht sell tkcff would adl COMPOUND TENSES. PAST. J'aurals vcndu- l should Tu aurals vcndu, thov tcouldat 1 1 auralt vcndu, // e niipht Nous aurions vcndu, ire should Vous aiulcz veiHlu, you should lis auredent vendu, they ahouid "-V ii ii li ii' :ii^: ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR/ ^1 iMi'KRATivB Mood. Vends, 'JjU'U vonde, Veudons, Vendez, Qu'lls veudent, tell thou let him sell let ua ttU tell ye or you let tlum aell SuBJUNcrrvB Mood. PRESKMT. Qiie Je vende, that I may tdl (|l^e lu vendcs, that thou maj/eat aett Q^'il vcnde, that he may adl (J'*e noiu* vendlons, that ice may aell Qrte voiiu voiidlc/, that you v\a^ aell (ji I'lls vendbut, that they may aell PAST. (iue J'ale vendii, that I may (|ue tu uics vcndii, that thou mayeat Qu'll alt vcndi\, that he may Uue noiiB ayoiis vcndii, that we may Que voua aycz vendu, that you may QuMlH aicnt vendu, that they may IMFEKrBCT. PLUFEKFECT. C)tie Je vondlssc, that /might sell Cjjio tu vendlsses, that thou mig/iteat Hcll Qi ril vendit, that he might ndl Que nous vendiKsious,/Au( xcemitiht aell Qt«e vous veudissiez, thai you miaht aell Qii'llB veudissent, thai they might QueJ'ouss© vendu, that /might (|ue tu eusscs voiidu, that thou mighicNt Qu'il eat vendu, that he might Que nous eutisions vendu, that we might Que vous cussiez vendu, that you might Qulls euss?nt vendu, that they might iNFunxrvK Mood. p&saGi>rr. past. Vendre, to aell | Avour vendu, tr have sold Participlk. PBSaiCNT. COMPOlLS'/i. Vendant, a^iny | Ayont vendu, haviitg sold Vendu, past. ffoM ■ i. 6 82 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. § IV. — CONJUQATION OP A PASSIVE VeBB. firriE AIMfi, TO UE LOVED. bfOicATiVB. Mood. PRBaKNT. Jo BUls alm6, m. alm(}e,/. Tu C8 aimd or ulm(^e, II ustaim6, EUe cHt nim(k;, Nous KoramcB alro(^s or almCeb, Vous 6tcs almC'S or aimCcs, Il8 sent almc'B, m. Eiles BOut oLmdeSy/. / nm loved than art loved he ia loved (the M loved we are loved you are loved they are loved they are loved IMPERFECT. J'<^tAls aimd, m. alm6c, /. Tu C^tnis nimd or aim6e, 11 C'tAituim<}, Nous (^tions ulnK^s or niuK^cs, Voas Cticz alm^'S or aixa6cSf lis 6talcnt olmC'S, m. /u>a« loved, wat being loved thou icatt loved, wnft being loved he tcaa lorcd, teas beinij loved ice were loved, tcere hcing loved you were loved, wer e being loved they were loved, were being loved. n PAST DEFINITE. Je fus aim6, m. aiin<;c,/. Tu tuB aimd or almCc, II Alt i\lm6. Nous f limes almC'S or almr almCes, (^li'lls soldi t almfis, 1.1. be thou loved let him be loved let us be loved be ye or you loved /ef them he loted 84 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Subjunctive Mood. I'UliSENT, Que |e sols alm<^ m. ainK^e,/. Que tu Bols almo or alin6e, Qu'il Bolt aimO, Que nous 8oyonsaim6s or aioKJcs, Que vous Boyez ulmOs or aimges, Qul^s soient aiiu6s, m. that I may be loved that thou majient he loved that he may be loved that i(?e tnau be loved that you may he loved that they may be loved I , li ; IMPERFECT. Que Je fUsso aim6, m. alnK^e, /. that I might he loved Que tu fusHC» aiiu6 or aim6e» that thou minhtest be loved Qu'il fdt aim6, that he might be loved Que nous fussions aimCs or aim6cs, that we mwht be loved Quo vous Aissiez aim<;s or alm6es, that you might be loved Qu'Uu fussent aim6s, m. that they might be loved PAST. Que J'alo 616 aimd m, almr>: ■^smmi'- ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 85 g V. — Conjugation op a Reflective Verb. 8E PROMENER, TO WALK. IvBxoATiVK Mood PRESENT. Je me prom&ne, Tn to promenes, II Ko promi^ne, Nous nouH promonons, Vous vous promencz, lis 86 prominent. / walk, do icaik or am walking thou icalkest, dost intlk or art tcalking \e tf'Cilktf doea tmlk or is wnlkinp w« t. '*!'/.•, do Kulk or are walking yn't valkf do tralk or are walking the" *calk, do walk or are walking IMPKBFEOT. Je me promenals, Tu to promenals, II 80 promenalt, Nous nous promenlons, Vous vous promenlez, Ila BO promeualeut, 7 wa$ walkini} or used to walk thou wast walking or nuist wont to walk he was walking or twcd to walk we were walking or uaed to walk you were walking or used to walk they were walking or vstd to wcdk PAST DEFINITE. Je me promenal, Tu te promeuas, II so promcna. Nous nous promenftmes, VouH vous promcn&tes, II so promendrenty /walked or did walk thou walkedst or dicht walk he icalkcd or did walk we walked or did walk you walked or did walk they walked or did walk VAST IKDEFINITE. Je me suls promend, Tu t'oa promcnC, II s'ost proraon<^. Nous nous Bomraes promea^s, Vt)us vous 6tcs promcngs, lis 80 sont promen(^8, I have walked thou hast walked he has walked we have icatked you have walked they have walked PLUPERFECT. Jo m'etals promene, Tu tVtais promene, II R'C;talt promcnfi, Nous nous etions promenfis, Vous vous C'tiez promenfis, Us s'^talent pramen^B, I had walked thou hadst walked ho had %c(ilkcd we had walked you had walked ihey had walked 7 86 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. PAST AVrKUIOR. Jo me ftis promen^ Tu to fUs promen<>, II BO fut promcnr', Nous nous fflmes promen45s. Vous vous rates promen^s, Us so flirent promen^^s. Thad walked thou hmlnt valked he had walked tr« had walked you hud walked they had walked FUTUHR. Jo mo promdnoroli Tu to promencroA, 1 1 Kc promoucra, NouH nous prom&nerons Vous vous prom6nerez, II BO proradneroDtf / $haU or will walk ihou ahalt or wUt wali be shall or xoill walk we shall or wUl walk you shall or will walk they thall or wUl walk rUTVM ANTKRIOR. Je me serai promone, Tu to Bcras promenfi, 11 60 Bcni promenC, Nous nous Borons promon6s, Vous vous sercz promengs, ib) Be serout promenfis, iehall or will have tealked thuu shnlt or ynlt have walked he shall or tcill hare walked wc nhnll or will have "Stalked you shall or will have walked they shall or will have walked CoNDinoNAij Mood. PRESENT. Il I ; Je me promdnoralfli Tu te prom&nemla, lis BO promenerait* Nous nous prom^nerlonay Vous VOUS prom^uerlezy Us se promdneralent» I should or would walk thou cniUdnt or would walk he would or should walk we would or should walk you could or should walk they shotUd or would walk TABl\ te me serais promen^ Tu te serais promen6, 11 se seralt promcD6» Nous nous Borions promen(^s, Vous vous Bcrlcz promengs. Us se seralent promen^s, I should or could have walked thou wouldst or couldst have walked he could or should have walked we would or should have walked you would or could have xcalked they should or could have walked Promene-tol, Qu'U BO promftne, PromoDons-nous, Prom enez- vous, (^u'lls se promOnent, IMPERATIYE MOOO. walk thou let htm walk let us walk walk (tie or jmu) let them wul/c mmt i0 gi i w *it fe » »H Mry -^giK^S: MA',-*\.^/-a:f KI.FMENTAEY FRKNCH GRAMMAR 87 Subjunctive Mood. I'RESENT. Que Je me promene, Que tu te prom Ones, Qu'll 80 promf^nc, Quo nous nou8 promenions, Quo vous vous promenlez. Qu'llH se prominent, that I may \Jalk that thou mauent walk that ho mny iralk that we may walk that you may toatk :hcU they may toalk IMPERFECT. Queje me promcnoflsc, Que tu te promcnosses, Qu'Il 80 promciiAt, Ciue nous nous promenosHlons, Que vous vous promenasslez, Qu'lls se promenosaent, that T might walk that thou tKiyhtest waik that he might walk that we might walk that you mipht walk that they might walk PAST. QueJe mo sols promcnC*, Quo tu to sois promcue, Qu'il 80 soil promenC', Quo nous nous soyons promcnCiS Quo vous vous soyez promeuC'S, Qu'lls so solcnt proincuCs, that Fmay have walked that thou mayest have walked that he may have walked that ire may have walked that you may have walked that they may have walked PLUPERFECT. Que Jc mo fUssu promcn6, that I might have walked Que tu to fusses promcnC, that thnu miahtcfit have walked Qu'll 80 flit proiuenC', that he might have walked Que nous nous fussions promcnC-s, that we mipht have walked Quo vous vous fussiez promenfis that you miqht have ^calked Qu'lls se fUSbent promcnC'S, that they might have tcaiked Infinitive Moon, PRESENT. Se promener, PAST. ."*ARTICIPLK. PRESENT. COMPOUlip. PART. Promen art, MKNT- Ir '/'(» Himll, T . i:HA-lnilni. Tofiiir. JO— lllilrn. TV) ;■(»/»». COSN-nUro. 7<< k'wiii'. INHTK-iiln-. '/'(» KW^ i«7. VKN-(lr.'. Ti, I. //. HKI'OK-ro. 7(» (iiuiw<-r. I'lirtiri- -niiU r, -I -ant. -I. •••nnnt. -< II 11. -I'vatil. -gu. -HOIlt. -t. -iirnont. -int. •nlHHiint. -II. ■ iiiHunt. -nil. -daiit. I'ri'M'nt TtitHf, -i.riN, (';t, . iHM-OnH, I'/., Hi'll-H, ■llllH, -iclIK, -ili-'iriH, ri'-y-iiiM, -cv-iix, -'■ii-uIh, -I'll-ic/UH, -•■v-ui«, -I'v-innM, -h-ii1h, -H-iiinH, nix, 1./., ain, 1 1'/., i>ii«, icz, uiM, i./.. nix, li/., uIh, Icz, all. all nt. ail. aicnt. ait. aii'iit. ait. ao'iit ail ail nt. ait. aiirit. ■iirn-a'H, aId, nit. llfn-ionH, iuz, niiiit. ■iilHK-alM, nl", ■in--ii>nH, ic«, uIh-iiIh, aiH, Illh-iunH, luz. <1-:iiii, aIh, •Qt. -UM, UK, 11 rillK'M, flliH, I I'.nt. -uif.i-<, in, it -iilMiiiica, iicH, ir*.it. - IIh, in, it -ilinicH, ItcH, Ifnt. S'KN ALLKH, 7V> (Uf A WAV. Inkimtivk Mi)()[). I'lJKSKNT SNmi allor, PUKHKNT S'un nllunt rAUTICll'LE. yoinny Jo in 'en vai«, Til ton va8, II s'on va, Jo mVin allaiii, Tu I'cii alliti.«, U s'en allait. Jo m'on allai, Tu t'un allaa, II s'un alia, Nuii8 nitiiH on al- lA.incs. Itdicativk Mood. I'UKHKNT. 7 fin awni/. Nous nouB on al- th'tu iincKt auuiy. Ions, hi; govH away. Voii.'^ vous on alloz. Il.s s'en vont, IMPEUFKCT. / wrnf niPni/. Nona nous en al- thou wnitrxtdwn]/. linns, he went axcay. Voiis vmi.i on allioz lis s'en allaicnt. PRETKlllT. I went atrnu. Voua vous on al- thiiu in »tt:nfawn)/, lAtcs, he irriit airoif. Ilfl s'on allerout. we went a wail. we ffo nway. V<>U It" inrnii, ffie// I/O ilivai/. wfi went awn p. imu frrut ntni)/, they wt-nt innij/. }/nu went nway, they went away. Jo m'on irai, Tu t'on ira», II H'en ira, Nous nous on irons, Vous vou.«< on ire/,, lis s'en iront, PUTDRR. / nhnJl or I'uV/ fin nway, thini nhnlt or wUt fin nway, he shall or >iu// f/n nn'oy. i/'f nh(i// or will an uinty. y•<#»• ■ •-r>l. rw, r«. B«-roni, rtiiMmt- mn\, rM, r*. W-'^M, rMffODi* W *• rM, n. ■4-n.j* rtt,roBt, iMMdr*!, rM, n, .(pn(?-rvi,n/,r((nt. ., v-nu, rao.rii. MV-r"M8i rc«!,n>iit f.-nii, rnH.rii- fv-ruiiB, rw,r«iit ind-rai, nw.ra. iii'l-rMiii, rc»,roiit «it-rnl, nw.rn. dit-riiiiB, n'/,nint ui-rni, rftH.r.i. ■ui-r(iii«, ru/.ront. Kimi, rM.rn 'iii<, re>, runl. FJ.EMKNTAUY FUENCII (JUAMMAH. VT:UBS.— /?r^j//'ir Conjuffatious. Fnturc, ('iiiiililiimtit. loiixnitire Mmxl, <^9 Sulfjunrlivf I'ntent. • rait, «-rioiu, i rata, ■l-riont, -I rail, •l-rlont, Ud4 rata, rala, rait, riat, ralaat rati ,ralk rtai, ralcnt. rait, rait, rtaa, ralank rala, rait, •OM, aa, aat. li, Itaa. -Iaa-n«,riiiiii'iit v-rulH, ralx.nkit. -cv-riiiUB, rlc/.niii lit. iiniiH, n»iH,riii'. tcriuna, rlc'z,niii'iit. inil-rnl*, iiitl-rlona, rlcz,r»i('iit. ntt-raU, lii-rinna, iii riklM, ul-rioiiB, ■(l-riiU, ■d-riuna. rftiK,rnit. rl"z,nii-iit rnifi.niit . rie/,rikit'iit. ralH.rait. rlcz, raicnt V-oIh, <;-iiiVf, cvonB.cviz, iiivi'iit. -o, od, -ionii, U-a, -ii»«i-lon»,lllii,lr/, |<;-. I'ttt. Ii'imcnt, <'. olvont. *■'• fcaoiu,fAlti«,fitHHont fnK-«iuni,lo^ out* Iminrjict. ina, lirne. -ft-PdO, -a-NHitma, -l-HHO, -UNHiona, -inH«', -l-iviiina, lii-HHiona, V-U-HHC, -U HHidlW, ll-HKO, llfii-o, oa, o. l(,'it-loiu,luc, cut* alu, ftlxKC. [-al«-«o, CK, o. -aiaaf>ns,iiii<«('2:,-^M'iit.i-HiHfi-iunH,lt'7.,ciit> iiIh, ulm;. 'Uia-oii8,uc, ont. lU, d-o. -d-onii, cz, cnt. -Uil4-«(, I'd, 0. uih-lu»B,iCZ, cut* (1-0, ea, 0. -nt, autw, it. aitil'Z,MM>llt. aMf>4, int. RNlcz.Nhent. HdOH, Al. aali'a.KMcnU aHM, \U aHlux,itMt'iit. l(m-l->*<^, •Kca, tt I • i|fu-i-aitiuua,B«lcz,Mcnt. ( -u-HHO, aara, flt. u-HHiona, ailec.NHc'iit. iiIhI'khi), a»ofl, iU uiiil-Miona, Balt'Z,MMi'nt. d-lHBO, 1aao» tt. -d-i-BBtona, bbIcs, taunt i Jo m*on irais, lu t'un irais, [U'imlraitt Conditional Mood. — Present. Inhoufd fjn nway. Nous nous en irinnSi thou MhouliUt, Vitus voua on iriezi gnnwnjf. lis s'en iraioati Ke »hould go atony. Imperative Mood. we thoidd go away. 1/ott nhould (fo away, they ahoutU go aioay* Va-t'on, AUons-nous-en, AUoz-vous-en, let {thou) ateav u« go arcay go (i/ott) away Subjunctive Mood.— Present. that I viay go away Quo jo m'cn aillo. Quo tu t'on nilles, Qu'il s'on aillb) Ouo nouH nous en allionSi Que voiis vou.s en alliez, Qu'ils &'ou uillent, .IMPERFECT. (^ue jo m'on allasso, lie tu t'on allasses, u'il s'on allilt, uo noufl nous on allas^ions, Quo vous vous en allassioz, Qu'ils s'en ollossent, COMPOUND TENSES OV S'EN ALLER, S'enitraaB^ ^'^ ^^f*ve gone away S'en Ctaatadik having gone away Je m'en rataMlL ^ ^^^^ Of>ne away Tn m'en ^tetoafli^ / had gone away Je m'on fus alld, I had gone away Jo m'en serai a.\U. { »h"it have gone away Jo ni'cn serais allc. ' fihnuld have gone away (iuo jo m'cn sois a\\6, that I mag have gone away (Juo jo m't'n fii.«so all<^, $ that I might have gune atoaf that thou viayent go awav that he may go away that we mag go away that you may go away that they may go away that I might go away that thou mightC9t go awatf that he mi^iht go away that we might go aicay that you might go away that they might go away Inf. Past, Part Onm., Pret. Imi., luperfrrt, Pnt. Ant., P(i»t FuturCf Cond, I'ant, Hull)- Pant, Suhj. Plu., IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // {■/ V. ^ V .s m< M il^r I/a (/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 '" IIIM 1 2.5 :■- ill IIM 140 II 2.2 1 2.0 ill— 1.4 111.6 V] '"'■' / /A Photographic Sciences Corporation V 4. % V -e might nor'le to rain, raining. « ra ined. it rains, it was raining. it rained. it will rain. it Kould rain. that it man rain. that it might rain. verb are formed with The Compound Tense Avoir : as, Past indefinite, ^( a plu, it has rained, 106. JoRMATioN OP Tenses. (1.) Tenses are simple or compound. 1. We call simple tenses, those which do not borrow one of the tenses of the auxiliaries avoir and ctre. 2. We call compound tenses, those which are composed of the tenses of avoir and etrej and the past partiplc of a verb. (2.) Among the simple tenses, five are caWed 2)rimitiv\% because they serve to form the other tenses. They are : 1. The present of the indicative ; 2. The past definite ; 3. The present of the infinitive ; 4. The present participle ; 6. The ^Jist participle. w io wl i ^ i < »w iyMiB i : >y; 'v<>'^»>t'.e ELEMENTARY FIJENCII (IRAMMAR. 91 r3.) The otlicr .simple tenses, called derived tenses, are formed from the primitive. (4.) 1. The present of the indicative forms the impera- tive, by suppressing the pronouns : as, je chante, chante ; nous cliantons, vous chantez, cJiantons, chantez. It will be seen that the third person of the singular and plural of the imperative, is properly the third person of the singular and plural of the subjunctive, used imperatively. (5.) The past definite forms the imperfect of the sub- junctive, by changing i into sse for the first conjugation ; as, je chantai, que je chanfas>ie, and by adding se for the other conjugations : as, je finis, que Je finisse ; je re(;us, que jt re(;u^:iie ; je vendis, que je vcndisse. (6.) The present of the infinitive forms : 1. The future, by adding ai for the first and second con- jugations: as, chanter, y^^ c/iiintcrai ; fimr, je. finirai ; and by chtmging oir and re into rai for the other two conjuga- tions; as, rccevoir, ]e reeevrai ; rendre, ^e rendrai. 2, Tne conditional present is formed from the present of the infinitive by changing r, re, or oir into ?riis : as, chanter, /c chantcrais ; finir, je finirais ; recevoir, je rece- vrais ;vendre. je vendrais* (7.) The present participle forms: 1. Die plural of the present of the Indicative by the cliange of ant into ons, ez, ent ; as, 2>ortant, nous portons, vous portez, ils portent. 2. Tlie imperfect of the indicative, by changing ant into ais: as, chantaut, je chantais ; finissant, je Jinissais; rece- vant, 76' rceevais ; vendant, ,yV' rendais* 3. The present of the subjunctive, by changing ant into e ; as, chantant, que je cJainte ; finissant, que je finisse ; vend ant, que je vende. Exception : In verbs of the third conjugation the termin- ation eivmt is changed into oire: as, recevant, que je regoive. (8.) The past participle forms all the compound tenses of the verbs by prefixing to it one of the auxiliaries avoir or etre* ^.-^jnw^i^e'.vv-v- 9S ELEMENTARY FRENCJH GRAMMAR. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF IRREGULAR, PE( INFINITITE. PARTICIPLES. INDICATIVE. DiPERPEOT. PAST DEPIKITE. FU Abattre, abattant j'abatB j'abattaiB j*abattis j'abatt iopulldoxcn. abatto,/. e. see BATfRB aux. avoir. Absoudre, abBoIvant j'abBona j'absolvais j'iibsoi to absolve. absooa tu absous regular tu abs aux. avoir. abiont il absout n. abaolvons V. absolvez ila absolvent il absi n. abs( V. ab8< i. abso AOQUfiBIR, acqu6rant j'acquiers j'acqu^rais j'acquis j'acqu« to acquire. aoqvii,/. e. tu aaiuiers tu acqueraia tUacqma tu acq atuL avoir. il acquiert il acqu6rait il acquit il acqi n. acquerouB u. ac(iu6iionB n. acquimei n acqi V. acqu6rez V. acqu6riez V. acquites V, acqi iisM ; to 0O» L acquifirent I. acqu^raient ils acquirev « i. vcqu \m aUant je vais j'aUais j'allai j'Irai i ^Tuj aU6,/. e. tu vas tu allais tu alias U' irae ^ aitx.dtre. ilva U allait il alia i) ira n. allons n. allions n. allames a. iron V. allez V. aUiez V. allutes T irez ilB vont ila allaient i. alldrent i'hiroi ASSAILLIR, asBaillant j'aesaiUe j'aBsaLUais j'aBsaillia j'assai: to assault. assailli,/. e. tu as sallies tu assaillais tu assaiUia luassi aiuc avoir. il assaille il assaillait il assailUt ilassai n. assaillons n. assailliona n. assaillini t.^ H asaa V. assaiUez v. assaijiiez V. assailliten V. asaa ils assaillent i. assaiUaient i. assaillire>t' ' i. asHai ASSEOIR, . to asBeyant j'assieds j'aBseyaia j'assia j'a«8i6i aetaomethma asBii,/. e. see S' ASSEOIR doiorif to tieat ASSEOIR, (8') a'asBeyant j. m^assieds je m'asseyaia j. m^assis jo m'aa to sit doicn asBlB,/. e. t. Vassieds t. t'asscyais t. Vassis t. t'asB aux. 3tre 1. s'assicd i. B'asscyait t. s'assit i. B'aas irregular and n. n. asscyona n. n.asscyion" n. n. asslmoi u. n. a i reflective. V. V. aaseyez v. V. asscyiea V. V. as sites V. V. at ■i .1 i. B'asBeient i. B'asseyaier' i. B'assircut i. B'ass f i Battrr, battant je batB je battaia je baicis je batt .) to beat. battu,/ e. tu bati tu battais tu battia tu batj aux. avoir. Ubat 11 battait il battit U batti n. battens n. battions n. battimes n. batt V. battez V. batticz V. battites r, batt ils battent 1. battaicnt i. battirent ils bat Bodillir, booillant Je bouB je bouillais jo bouillia je boui to boil. bonilli,/. e. tubouB tu bouillais tu bouillis tu bou aux. avoir. ilbout il bouillait il bouiUit ilboui h n. bouillons n. bouillions n. bouillimei u. bou; V. bouillez V. bouilliez V. bouillitea V. bou; t" Ub bouillent i. bouillaieni L bomllirent i. boui !, BOIRR, buvant je bois jo buvais je bus je boir, 1 to drink. bu,y. e. tu bois tu buvais tu bus tu boir !^ WXK. avoir. aboit il buvait il but il boirs li n. Inrvons n. buvions n. Imines n. boir 1 fi /J lib V. buvcz v. bnvipz V. bfttes V. boir ^ L boivont {. buvaicnt ils bureut ilf» boii »-*»s«»lMw««w»»i{a«fi«li>»# J"' ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 93 PECULIAR AND DEFECTIVE VERBS. FDTURK. CONDITIONAL. niPEBATIVK. SUBJUNCTIVE. IMPERFECT. j'abattrai J'abattnis abata j'abatte j'abattiaae j'abaouclral J'abBoudrais j'abaolve til absoudraa tu abaoudrais absous tu abBolvea 11 absoudra ilabaoudrait q. abaolvo il absolve n. absoudrons n.absoudrions abaolvoua n. absolviona V. abaoudrez V. abaoudrioz abaolvcz V. abaolvicz i. absoudront i. abaoudraient q. absolvent L abaolvent j'acquerrai j'acquorrais j'acquifire j'acqulBse tu acquerras tu acquerrais tu acquidrca tu acquissea il acquerra il acquerrait acquiers 11 acqui^ro U acquit n acquerrons n. acqucrriona acqu6rons n. acqu6riona n. acquissioni T, acqucrrcz V. acqu rriez acquire? V. acqu6riGz V. acquissicz L Acquerront 1. acquei talent 1. acqultoent 1. acqulBsent j'irai j'iraia j'allle j'allaaso U' iras tu irais tu alllea tu allaasea U ira U irait va UalUe U all&t a irons n. irions allona n. allicna n. allassiona ? irez V. iriez allez y. alllez V. allaaslez i?iiiront ils iraient i. anient L allaaaent j'assaillirai j'aaaaillirais j'aaaaiUe J'aaaailliaoe 1i> assailliras t. asaaillirais tu asaaillea tu aasaillissea ilussaillira 11 assaillirait aasaille 11 aasaille U assailllt n assaillirons n. asaaillirions aaaaillona n. aBBailiions n.aasailllBsiona V. assaillirez V. aasailUriez aasaillez V. aaaailliez V. asaaillissiez i. assaillirout 1. aaaaiUiraient 1. aBBaillent i. aaaaiUlsseat j'a«8i6rai j'asBl^raia asaleda j'asseie j'aBsisse jo ra'assifirai je m'asaiSrais Je m^asBeie J. m'assisse t. t'assidras t. t'aaaidrais aaaiedfl-toi t. t'asseies t. t^aasiases i. B'assi^a i. B'a8si6rait q. s'asaeie 1. s^asaeie t. s'aaait n. n. aasidrons n. n. asaidriona aaaeyons-n. n. n. asaeyions n. n. assissions V. V. aaaidrez T. T. aaalSrioz aaseyez-v. V. V. asseylez y. v. asslBslez i. B'aasiSront i. B'aaaidraieut q. B'aaaeient i. s'asseient i. s'asBlssent je battrai Je battrais Je batte je battlsso tu battras tu battrais tu battea tu battlsses ilbattra 11 battrait bats il batte il battit u. battrons n. battrions battona u. battions n. battisslons r. battrez V. battrlea battez y. battlez v. battiBsiez lis battront Us battruient i. battcnt i. battiasent jo bouiilirai jo bouillirais Je bouille Je boulllisae tu bouilliras tu bouillirais tu bouilles tu bouUUBseB il bouillira 11 bouilliralt bous 11 bouille 11 boulUit n. bouillirona n. bouUlirions bouillons n. bouiliions ^ n. bouilllsBior.a V. bouillirez V. bouilliriez boulllez y. bouilUez y. boullllsBiez i. bouilliront i bouilliraient i. bouillent i boulllisseut je boirai je boirals Je boive Je buase tu boiras tu bciralM tu bolves tu busses il boira U boiralt boia 11 bolve ilbat u, boirons n, bolrions buvona n. buvions n. bussions V. boirez V. boirieB burez y. buviez y. buaaioz ilf boirout Ulboiraient L boiyeut i busseut f 94 ELEMENTARY FBENOH GEAMMAB. lEftEQULAR, Peculiar and INFINITIVK. PABTIOIFLEa. INDIOATTVK. niPERPECT. PAST DEFINITEi CONCLUBK> concluant jo conolui je concluais je conclus to conclude. csnclu,/. e. tu conclua tu concluais tu conclua auz. aroir. il oonclut il concluait il conclut n. concluons n. concluious n. concltunes Y. concluei V. concluicz V. conciates i concluent i. concluaient i. conclurent COMDUIRK, oondaisant jo conduis jo conduisais je conduiaja to coHituet. conduit,/, a tu conduis tu conduisais tu condmaii SOX. avoir. il conduit 11 conduisait il conduiait irregular. n. conduiRons n. conduiaions n. concluia'.mes V. couduiesz V. conduisiez V. conduiaitcs ils conduisent L couduiaaient i. conduiairent CONFIBR, confiaant jeconfis je confiaais je confis to preserve. confit,/. e. tuconfis tu confiaais tuconfis wax. avoir. il confit il confiaait il confit n. oonfisoni n. confiaions n. confimcs y. confisez V. confiaiez V, confitea ils confisent i. coufiaaicnt ils confiront CONNAiTRE, jo connais je connaissaia je connus to know. connu,/. e. tu connais tu connaissais tu connus aus. avoir. ilconnatt ilcoonaissait il conniit n. counaisBons n. conuaiaaions n. connOnics y. oonuaissez V. connaissicz V. connate B L oonnaissent Lcoiinaiaaaient i. connurent CONSTBUIRE, oonBtruisant je construia je conatrulsaiB je couatruli 'a to conitruct. conatruit,/. e. see CONDUIRB COUOBE, cousant je couds je cousais je coaais to eeio. couBU, /. e. tu couds tu couaais tu cousia aux. aroir. ilcoud 11 oouaait 11 couait n. couaouB n. cousions u. couaimes y. couscz V. cousiez y. couaitcs ils cousent ils cousaient i. couairent CODBIB, courant je coura jo couraia je courus to run. oouru, tu coura tu couraia tu courus mL\. aroir. il court il courait il courut n. courons n. courions n. courCUues y. courez V. couriez V. courdtea ils courent ils couraient i coururcnt Cbaini>be, craignant je crains je craignais je craignis to fear. craint,/, e. &c. &c. -^^ t-«#,**(s; ..TBr-lT'* -••»;.'««.'- IWl ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 9& J)epective Verbs — Continued. FUTUBK. CONDITIONAL. IMPBBATITR. SUBJUNOTITK. DIPBBFBCT. je conclurai je conoluraig jo conclue je ooncIuBse tu concluraB t. concluraig tu conclueg tu concluggeg 11 conclura L conclurait concIuB 11 conclue 11 conciat n. conclurons n. concluriong coDcluong n. concluiong n. conclugaionv V. conclurez V. concluriez couclues T. conclulcz y. concluaaiez i. ooncluront i. conclurai ent L concluent i. concluBBont je conduirai je conduiraia je conduiae je coaduiaiaBO tu conduiraB tu conduiraig conduig tu ronduiseg tu conduialaaer i\ conduira 11 conduirait q. couduige 11 conduiae U oondulalt n. oouduirons n. conduiriong conduiaong n. conduisiona conduiaiaaionr V. conduirez V. couduirier oonduiaez V. conduiaiez Y.conduiaiBBier ilN''M)nduiront 1. conduirai*. It q. oonduigent Ub conduisent i. conduislaseiit j« t onfirai je confiraig jo confice je confiaae tii ionQr&a tu confiraia tu confiaeg tu coufiggeg i\ confira il confirait coufig llconfiae U conf It n.confirong n. confirioug ooufigong n. confiaiong n. confiaaioug 1. -confirez ▼. confiriei configez V. confiBiez y. confiaaiez [}» confiront 1. confiraient 1. coufiaent ila confiasent ji) connaltrai jo comiaitraig je connalgae je connuase l\\ connaitraa t. connaltraig tu connaisaea tu connuBgeg 11 Vrouuaitra U connaltrai t conoaia U connaisae U conntlt 11. connaitrong n. connaltriong connaiaaong n. connaiaaiona n. connuaaiona V. comiaitrez V. connaitriez connalBgez V. connaiaaiez y. connuaaicz 1. connaitrout i. connaitraient i. conn,' iaaent 1. connuaeent j« construirai Je congtmlraig congtruig je conatmlge je conatruialBBC je condrai je coudraig je couae je cougiBBo tu coudrag tu coudraig tu couseg tu couBisgeg il uoudra 11 coudrait coudg 11 COUBO U COUBtt n. coudrong n. coudriong cougong n. couBiona n. couaiaaiont V. wudrez V. coudriez couges y. cousioz y. couaiaalei ilk couJront ila coudraient i. couaent i. oouaiasent jo wouriai jo courraig jecoure je couruase tucourrag tu courraia tu courea tu couruaaeg il courra U courrait courg ilcoure Ucourat a courrong n. courriong courong n. courioua n. couruggion* V. courrez V. courriez oourez V. couricz y. ccurugaiez il8 courront ila courraicnt llgcourent i. couruaaent jo craindrai je craindraia crafnt je ciaigne je cralgnlgge &c. &c iia &c. &0. jo croirai jo croiralg je croie jo cruaae tu croirag tu croiralg tu croica tu cruaaei U croira 11 croirait croig il croie ilcrtit n. croirong n n. croiriona croyong n. croyions n. cruaaiona V. croiroz V. croiriez croyez y. croyicz V. cruaaioz ila croirout ila croiralent ila croicnt i. cruaaent jo croitrai je croitraig je croisso jo crCisse tu crottras tu croitraig tu croissea tu crdaBeg il croitra llcroltrait crolg il CToiaae 11 crfit n. croitrons n. croltrlong croiggong n. crolasiona n. crtUgiong V. croitrez V. cToitriez crolaaez y. crolBslez r. crOagiez ils croltront Ug croltraient Um croiggent L crAggent -. — ..-;.-rii'S&*- .^-^ -C!^ 9a ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Irregular, Peculiar anu t : 3! iNFuomnb PARTICIPLES. INDICATIVE. IMPERFECT. PAST DRFINITIk ^CUEILLIB, cuoillant Je cueilla Je cueillais Je cueillis to gat/ier. cueilli,/. e. tu cueillea tu cueillais tu cueillis aux. avoir. il cueille il cucillait il cucillit D. cueilloni n. cueillions n. cueillimcs T. cueiilez V. cueilliez V. cuoiUitca ill cuaUlent L cueillaient i. cu3ilHreQt DiBR, disant Jedli je disais jodis to tail. dit,/. e. tu dii tu diaais tu dis aux. avoir. Udit il disait ildit n.dlKma n. diaions n. dimes V. ditet V. diaiez V. dltos ils disent ils disaient ils diront OORMIR, dormant je don je dormais jo dormis to sleep. dormi,/. e. tu dors tu dormais tu dormis aux. avoir. Udort il dormait il dormit n. donnons n. dormions n. dormlmes V. dormez \. doriniez V. dormites ils dormcnt ils dormaient i. dormirent E!ORIRB» 6crivant j'6cri» j'dcrivais j'terivis to write. 6crit,/. e. tu £criB tu 6crivals tu 6crivis aux. avoir. U6crit 11 6crivait il 6crivit n. fecrivons n. ficrivious n. 6crivimes V. 6crivcz V. 6crivicz V. 6crivite» y Envoteb, ils £crivont ils*crivaient L ficrivire envoyant j'envcio j'envoyais j'envoyai to send. envoy6,/. e. tu envoiea tu envoyals tu envoyas aux. avoir. il envoio 11 enToyaiC 11 envoya n. envoyons D. envoylona D. eovoyAmes V. envoyez ils envoient y.enyoylcs 11a enyortf ont V. envoydtes ils envoydrent Fairjs, to faisant Jefais je faiaais Jefis do, i make. fait,/, e. tufais tu faiaais tufis aux. i.voir. ilfait ilfaiaait ilfit n. faisoiiB n. faisiona n.flme8 V. faites V. faisiez* ' V. fites ilB font ils faittaient ils firent FUIB, ftivant jefuis je fuyais je fuis to flee. tu fuia tu fuyais tu fills anx. avoir. ilfuit il fuyait ilfuit n. fuyoDs n. fuyions n. fuimes T. fuyez T. fuyiez V. fuites ils fuient ils f uyaient ils fuireot HaYr, halisant jahais je ha'issais je baYs to hate. haX,/. ©. tu hais tu ha'issais tuba'ls aux. avoir. ilbait il haissait Uhaoit n. hajssons n. haiaaions n. haiimcs V. haissez V. haXsaicz V. haiftes Us haissent ils Iiaiaaaient ila ht^ent JOINDRE, Joignant je joins je joignais je joignis to join. joint,/, e. &0, &.C. &0. LiRB, ligant jelis je lisais Jolut to read. lu,/. e. tuUi tu liaais tulus aux. avoir. uut lulisons T. lisex niiMtft ilIMmm IiLmm « UaliMBi UaltealMi imlVMH ^^m'iii m^ tiim ^ ^mfLimrt is A*' iyy •'ri ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. OT K AND Depeotiye Verbs — Continued. iRFINITb His illia Uit llimca Ultcs lireut I snt nis mis [lit nimei nites lircnt IB vii It rimed riteit iro ai >yas >ydmes yates >yerent 8 It ea B 9Dt B int is FUTUBK. CONDITIONAL. niPERATIVR. 8UBJUN0TIVK. Ull'KRFRCT. je cueillerai je cueilleraia Je cneiljo jo cueillisse tu caeillerai tu cueilJeiaia tu cuoillca tu cucillisacB il cueillera il cuoillerait cueilie il cucille il cucillit u. cueilloroni n. cueillerionB cueillonB n. cueilliona n. cucillisaions V. cueillerez V. cuellleviez cueillex ▼. cueilliez V. cuellliBsicz L cuoilleront L cueilleraient ila cueillout i. cuciilisaout Je dirai je diroia jo disc je disBo tudiras tu diraiB tu diaoB tu disBca ildira U dirait dia U dise il dit n. diroDB n. diriouB diaon* n. disiona n. dissiona ▼. direz V. diriez ditcB T. diaiez V. (lissioz ilB dirout ilB (Uraient ila disent ila dissent Je dormirai jo dormirais Je dormo je dorniiase tu dorniiras tu dorrairaia tu dormea tu dormiaacB il dormira il dormirait (lor a il dorme il dormit n. dormironB n. (lormiriona dormouB n. donniona n. donnisaiona T. dormirez V. donniriez dormez V. dormicz V. dormissiez i. dormiront ila dormiraiont ila dorraont ila (lormisscnt j'6crirai j'6crirai8 j'6crive j'6ciivi88C tu 6criras tu 6criraia tu 6crive8 tu ^crivisacB il 6crira il 6crirait 6cria il 6crive il 6crivit n. terironB n. fecririona Scrivons n. 6criviona n. 6crivi88ion8 V. 6crirez V. fecririez ficrirez V. 6criviez V. 6crivi88iez ils 6criront ila 6ci3jraiont ila ^crivont ila ^-riviBaont j'enverrai j'euverraia J'enToie j'envoyasao tu envorraa tm enverraia tu onvoicB tu envoyaaaoB il enverra il envcrrait enroie il envoi e il envoy&t n. enverrona n. enverrionB envoyouB n. envoyions n.envoya8Bii>ns V. enverrez V. enverriez euToyec V. envoyioz V. euvoyassicz ilB enverront lis enverraient ila envoient ils envoyaaaent je forai je feraia je faaao jo fisse tu feras tu feraia tu faaaes tu fisses ilfera U ferait faifl ilfaaso Ufit n. ferons nuferiouB faiaons u. fassiona n. fiasiona V. fercz T. fericz faitea v. faesiez V. fiasiez ils feront Ua feraient lis fasaent i. fiasent Je foirai je fuiraia je fuie je fuisae tufuiras tu fuiraia tu fuiea tu fuiaaea ilfuira ilfuirait fulB ilfuie ilfult lufuironi n. fulriona fuyons n. fuyions n. fuissiona ▼. fuiroz V. fuiricz fuyez V. fuyiez V fuisBicz ilB fniiont ila fniraiont ila fuiont ila fuiaaent Jeh&Kral je hairaia je haisse jo haisBe tnlu^aB tu hairaia tu ha'issea tu liaiaaes ilhafra Uhalrait halB il hal'Bse U hait n. haSronB u. liairions halBBOUB n. ha'iBsions n. haissiona ▼. lia!(rez V. haliriez halBsez V. haisaiez V. haissloz ils hairont ila hai'raiont ila baissent ila haissent jejoindrai je joindraia joins je joigne je juignisse &c &.O. &c «&c. Ac. leUrai je liraia je lise jo liisse tu liraa tu liraia tu liaca tu lUBBOa Ulira U lirait lis ilUse iiiat n. lirona n. lirioDB lisons n. lisiona n. lussiona T.Iirea T.liries Usei ▼. liaiez V. luBsiez ttilixomt ill Uraient llslisent lis luvsent # ,^-...W-i|3IW«J^-^fS* OS ELEMENTARY FBENCH QBAMMAK. Irbeqular, Peouliar and INFINITIVE. PARTIOIPLEB. INDICATIVE. IMPERFECT. PAST DEFINITE. LUTRR, . hiisant Je luiB je luiaaia none to shine. lui &C. &c. Mkntib, mcntant jo mena Jo mentaia jo mentis tn lit;. monti &c Ac. d'C. MKrruK, muttant Jo mcts Je mettaia jomia to init. mis, /. e. tu mctB tn mettaia tumia aux. avoir. ilmet il mettait ilmit n. mcttonB n. nicttiona n. mimra V. mcttca V. mctticz v. mitca ilB mottcnt ila mcttaicnt ils mircnt MoimiiK, moulant jo mouda jo monlaia jo nioulua to iirinil. moulu,/. e. tu nionJa tu moulais tu nioulua aux. avoir. il moud il nioulait il moulut u. moulonR n. mouHona n. moulQmea V. moulez V. moulioz V. moulfttca ila moulent ila moulaicnt ils mouluront MniTRIR, mourant jo menrB jo mourais jo mourua to die. mort,/. e. tu meura tu mouraia tu mourua aux. 6tro. il mcurt il mourait il mourut n. mouroHB n. mouriona n. mourttoea V. mourez V. mouricz V. racurfttea ila mcurcnt ila mouraicnt ila moumreiU MouvoiR, mouvant jo meua Jo raouvaia jo mua to move.^ mu,y. 0. tu moua tu mouvaia tumua aux. avoir. ilmeut il mouvait ilmut n. mouvona n. mouviona n. mCtmea V. mouvez V. mcuviez V. mfttca ila meuvent i. mouvaicut i. murent NaItbk, to be born. naissant jonaia jo naissaia Jo naquia n6, /. e. , tu naia tu naissaia tu naquia auz.6tre. Unait il naissait il naquit n. naiaaoni n. naissiona n. naqulmea V. naiaaez V. naisaiez V. naqultea ila naiaaent i. naissaicnt i. naquirent Offrir, offrant j'offro j'offraia J'offria lo offer. offert,/. e. ace OUYBIF &c. <&c. OUVRIR, ouvrant j'ouvro j'ouvraia J'ouvria to oi)en. ouvert; /. a tu ouvroa tu ouvraia tu ouvria aux. avoir. ilOUVTO il ouvrait il ouvrit n. onvrona n. ouvriona n. ouvrtmea V. ouvrez V. ouvriez V. ouvrltea ila ouvrout i. ouvraient ila ouvrirent PaItre, paiBsant jo pala jo paissaia to graze. Pft tupaia tu jpaisaaia none aux. avoir. defective. ilpait n. paisaona T. paisaez ila paisaent il paissait n. paiasiona V. paissioz i. paissaicnt PARTIR, partant je para Jo partaia Je partia to depart. parti,/, e. see SENTIR pEINDRfi, poignant je pcina Je peignaia je peiguid to pain/t. point,/, e. &0. <&c. &c. Plaire, plaisant je plaia Je plaisais Je plus to pleaae. plu tuplaia tu plaisais tu plua 9xaL avoir. il plall^ Ac il plaiaait, <&c. il plat, &0, li jUaW. wx ' jiw wi jw m i Ki i ^i*'!'*^ : >»-■- vOrt-WL.ji ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 09 AND Defective Verbs — Continutd. INITE. FUTURK. t 3 a tnes tea irent a 18 t jnei tea ircnt lea B8 snt ea 38 ent jo luirai Ac. Je mcntirai &G. jo mettrai tu mottraa il mcttra n. mottrona V. nicttrcz lla incttront jo nioudrai tn moudraa 11 moudra n moudrona V moudrez ilflinoudront jo mourrai tu mourraa il mourra n. mourroua V. mourrcz ila niourront je mouvrai tu mouvraa il mouvra n. mouTrona V. mouvrez L mouvront je naltrai tu naltras il naltra n. naltrona ▼. naitrez ila naitront j'offrirai <&o. j'ouvrirai tu ouvriraa il ouvrira n. ouvrirona V. ouvrirez ila ouvriront Je paitrai tu paltras il paitra n. paitrona y. paitrez ila paitront jo partirai je peindrai &c je plairai tu plairaa ilplaira, <&a CONDITIONAL. je luiiaia jo mentirais jo mcttraia tu mottraia il mcttrait n. mottrions V. mcttrioz ila mcttraicnt jo moudraia tu moudraia il mdudrait n. moudrlona V. moudricz ila moudraicnt jo mourraia tu mourraia il mourrait D. mourriona V. mourricz ila mourralont je mourraia tu mouTToia il mouvrait n. mouvrioua V. mouvriez i. mouyraicut je naltraia tu naltraia il naltrait n. naitriona y. naitriez ila naitraiout j'offriraia <&c. j'ouyriraia tu ouyriraia il ouvrirait n. ouyririona V. ouvririez ila ouyriraient jo paitraia tu paitraia il paitrait n. pattriona y. paitriez L paltraient je partiraia je peindraia jeplairaia tuplairais Upl«init,do. IMPRRATIVR. none mena meta mettona mottoz mouda moulona moulez meurs mouroni mourez meua mourona mouycz nais naiaaona oaiaaea ofEre ouyre ouvrona ouyrez pais paiaaona paiaaea para peina plats, &a. .SUBJUNCTIVE. j« luiae &c. je nieute Ac. je motto ta mcttca il motto n. mcttiona y. metticz ila mcttcnt jo nioulo tu monlca il moulo D. mouliona y. moulioz lla moiilout Je moure tu meurea ilmeure u. mouriona y. mouricz ila mcurent Je meuTO tu mouyea il meuye n. mouviona y. mouyiez i. meuyent Jo naiaae ta oaiaaea il naiaae n. naiaaiona y. naisaiez ila naiaaent j'oCfre <&c. J'ouyre tu ouyrea il ouyre n. oayriona y. ouyriez i. ouvrent Je paisse tu paiaaea il paisse n. paissiona y. paissiez i. paissent je parte je pcigne Ac. je plaiae tti plaisea il plaiae, &9% IMPKRKRCT. none je meutlsse Ac. jo misso tu miaaea limit n. missiona V. missicz ila misscnt jo niouluaac tu mouluasca 11 moulCkt n. mouiussiona y. mouluaaicz ils moulusseut jo liiouruBse tu mouruaaca il mourfkt n. mouruaaiona y. mouruaaiez ila monruaaent je muaae ta muaaea ilmftt n. muaaioni y. mnaaicB ila maaaent je naquiaae tu naquiaaes il miqult n. naqmaaiona V. tiaquiaaiez i. naquiaaent j'offriaao j^ouyriaae tu ouyriaaea il ouvrit n. ouvriaaiona y. ouvriaaiez ila ouyrisacnt non« je partiaaa je peigniaae je plaaae tu pluaaea il plot, do. ^P ■•"^'-^rtv-w^^SW-f".- 100 ELEMENTARY FRENCH QRAMMAB. iRBEQULAa, Peculiar and IXriNITIVR. PAB'nOIFLEB. INDICATIVB. imperfect. PAST DEFINITE. PUURVOIR^ pouTToyant Jo pourvoil jo pourvoyalB jo pourvuB to jn-ovtde. pourvu,/. e. tu pourvoiB t. pourvoyalB tu pourvuB aux. avoir. ii poarvoit i. pourvoyait 11 pourvut n. pourvoyoni n. pourvoyionB n. pourvftmcs T. pourvDyez V. pourvoyicz V. pourvfttCB 1. pourvoieut 1. pourvoyaiont Uh pourvurcnt POURVOIR, (86) 10 pourroyant Jo mo pourrois j.m.pourvoyais jo mo PC -rvus to jirovidt' pourvu,/. 0. «xo. &G. &.C Prendre, pronant Je prond* jo prenaiB jopris to take* pris,/. e. tu pronda tu prenaiB tu pris max. avoir. 11 proud il prcnait il prit n. prcnoni n. prenioiiB n. prinieB T. prcncz V, prenioz V. pritoB lis preimont i. pronaient lis prlrcnt pRfelBE, to predict. prfidisant jo pr6ili8 jo pr5di8ai8 jo pi6di8 pr&lit,y. 0. vouB pr6<1iBcs like DiuK &.C. pRiVAI.OIR, pr6va1aut Je pr6vaux Jo ]>r6valai8 je pr6valu8 to prevail* pr6valu see VAKom &c. &C. Pr4voir, pr6voyaiit jo pr6voi8 jo prdvoyaiB jo prfivls to foresee. pr6vu like VOIR like VOIR like VOIR BeconnaItre, reconnaisRant je roconnai8 J. recoanaiBBcia jo reconnus *o recognize. reconnu,/. e. see ConnaItre SfeOUIRR, rfiduiaant je r6dui8 Jo rddnlBalB jo rfidulsis to reduce. rfiduit, /. e. «S:c etc Ac RifeSOUDRE, rfetfolvant Je r{;80ui Je r^BoIvais je r^Bolus to resolve. r68oln, r6totti &c Ac Ac RlRE. to laugh. riant Jeris Je rialB jeris ri turia tu rials turls anz. aToir. ilrit U riait ilrit n. rioni n. riions n. rimes T. riea T. riiez V. rites il8 rlenl Us rialent Ub rirent ROUPRB, rompant je rompi je rompais jo rompls to break. rompa, /. e. tu romps tu rompais tu rompls aoz. aToir. il rompt 11 rompoit il rompit n. rompons n. rompions n. rompimes ▼. rompez V. romplez V. rompltes il8 rompeot Ub rompaient fls rompirent Bavoir, ■achant Jesaia je BavaiB je BUS to know. •u,/. e. ta sais tu savais tusus auz. aToir. ilsait 11 savait Usut n. Bavoni n. BavionB n. BfOnes v. savez v. Baviez V. B&tes ilB savent Ub Bavaient Us Buront Servir, servant jo Ber8 je servais jo Bervia to serve. ■erri, /. e. tu BcrB tu Borvais tu BOrvlB aux. aToir. 11 Bort 11 seryait U Bcrvit n. Bcrvons n. Bervions n. Borvlmea V. Borvoz V. Borviez V. Borvitea lis Borvent Us servaient ila Borvirent SoRint, ■ortant Je Bors je Bortais je Bortis loaooMt ■orti, /. e. '-^Hi^tt'm.Mmm*!«>Mmii«*tm4yt-:,_ 'isaii ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR 101 Dbpeotive Verbs — Continued. lies 3S (cnt KUTUU1'« oorDinoNAL. IMPERATIVF- SU3JUNCTIVK. IMPKRFKCT. Je pourvoiral Jo pourvofrais jo pnurvoio jo pourvuuse t. pourvoiral tu pourvoirais tu pourvoica tu ix)urvu8BeB i\ pourvoira il pnurvoirait pouryois II pnurvoio il lourvOt n. pourvoirons n. iiourvolrioDB pourvoyons n. ponrvoyions n.iraurvuBsions V. pourvoirez r. pourvoiricz pourroyoz y. pourvoyicz V. pourvussicx i. pourvoiront i pourvoiriiicut i. pourvoicnt ilspuurvuHBOiit je mo pourroi- j.m. pourvoirais je mo pourvoie pourvuBBO [rai «kc pourvoiB^voi Ac Ao. tic dc Je premlral jo prondrais je prenne jo iirisse tu prendras tu prondrais tu pronnca tu priaaeB ilprcrdra 11 prcudrait prendB il prenne il prit n. prenilrona n. iirendrionB prenont n. preniona n. priasionB T. prendrez V. iirondriez pronoz v. prcnicz V. prisaiez ils prendront i. prcndraicnt ila prcnnont ila prisaent le prAdiral jo rr6dirai8 pr6(U8 Jo prgdiae je prSdiaae &.C. &.C. «S:c. &c &.C. je prgTftudrai je prfiraudrais pr6vaux Je prfivale je prSvaluBse &.C &c &0, &o. &.O. lo prCToiral Jo prfivoirais prfivoia Jo prdvcle je pr^visse iiX-e pouBvom like I'DUUVOIR pr6ylenB like VOIR like VOIR je rcconnaltrai J. recoimaltrais reconnaiB T6dul8 Je reconnaisBe jr reoonnuaae je rfidniralB Je rdduirais Je rddulao jo r&IulBisae «S:c. Ac. &c. &c. dec. jo rSsoudrai Je r6soudrais rdsouB Je r^aolve Je r^soluase Ac &c Ac &0. do. jerirai je rirais Jerie Je risso tu riras tu rirais turicB tu risses il rira U rirait rlB ilrie il rlt n. rirona n. ririons rionB n. riions n. risitouB V. rirez T. ririez riez V. riiez v. rissicz ila riront ila riraiont ils ricnt ila rissent jo romprai je romprais jo rompe je rompisse tu rompras tu romprais tu rompcB tu rompissea il rompra il romprait romps il rompo 11 rompit n. romprons n. romprionB rompons n. rompions n. rompiaaions V. romprez T. rompriez rompez v. romiiicz v. rompiBsicz i. rompront ils rompraient ils rompent i. rompissent je saurai je Banrnis Je sacho jo suBse tu sauras tu eaurais tu Baches tu anases ilsaura 11 eaurait sache ilaacha ilstit lu saurons u. saurions sachoni n. aachiona ru sussiona V. saiirez V. sauriez aaohoz V. sachiez y. Bussic^ ils sauront ils sauraient ils Bachcnt lis Busscnt je serviral jo serviruis jo serve Jo Bcrvisse tu Berriras tu servirais tu serves tu Bervissea il Bcrvira il servirait sers il serve il servlt n. BervironB n. servirions Bervons n. servlons n. servisBiona T. Berrirez V. Borviricz servez V. aervioz T. servisBiez L Bervlront ils Bcrviraient i. servent lis aeryiaaent je Bortirai je Bortirais Bora JoBorte je BortiBBe -■**«•>**< -'k-m&ir^- 102 ELEMENTAFY FTIENCH GRAMMAR. Irregular, Peculiar and I'asiHt i 'i i"i' INFINmVR. PARnCIPLES. INniCATIVK. IMPERFECT. PAST DEPINITK SuivnR, suivaut je Buis Jo Buivaia je au^'via to follow. snivi,/. e. tu Buis tu Bulvais tu Bu' na aux. avoir. 11 Buit il Buivait il Buivit n. Buivong n. Buivions n. Buivimea v. Buivez V. Buiviez V. Biiivltes ila Buivent 1)8 Buivaient i. Buivirent Taire, (ae) 86 iaiaant jo me tais je me taisaia jo me tu8 to be silent tu,/. 0. sec I'LAmii Ac. Ac. Vaincre, vainquant je vaiucB je vainqnaia je vainquiB to vanquish vaincu,/. e. tu vaincB tu vainciuaia tu va-nquiB aiix. avoir. il vaiiic il vaiuquait il vainquit n. vaiuquons n. vaiiiquions n. vainqulme* V. vainquea V. vaiiiquiez V. vainqultBB ila vainquent i. vainquaieut ila vainquirer* Valoir, valant je vaux je valaia jo valua to be worth valu tu vaux tu valais tu valua aux. aroir. il vaut 11 valait il valut n. valona n. valiona n. valOraea v. valez V. valicz V. valOtea ilB valent ila vaiaient i. valurent Venir, venant je vieni je venaia je Vina to come. Venn,/, e. see TENIR dtc &0. aux. £tre. VftTIR, vfitant je v^ta je vfetaia Je vfitia to clothe. v6tu,/. e. tu vCta tu v£taia tu v£ti8 aux. avoir. Uvfet il v6tait il v6tit n. v?>ton8 n. votlona n. vfitlmea V. v^tez V. v6tiez V. vfititca ila vctent ila vfitaient ila vStirent ViVRE, vivant je via je vivaia je v6cua to live v6cu, tu via tu vivaiB tu V6CU8 aux. avoir. ilvit il vivait il v6cut n. vivona n. viviona n. v6cftinc8 v. vivez V. viriez V. v6cOte8 ila vivcnt ila yivaient ila v6curent Voir, voyant je voia je voyaia je vis to see. vu,/. e. tu >^oi8 tu voyaia tu via aux. avoir. il voit il voyait ilvit n. voyona n. voyiona n. vlmoB V. voycz V. voyicz V. vltes ila voient ila voyaicnt ilB virent VouiiOiR, voulant je veus jo voulaia jo voulus to be willing voulu tu veux tu voulaia til VOUlUB aux. avoir. il vcut il voulait il voulut n. voulona n. voulioua u. vonlftmee V. voulez V. voulicz V. voulOteB ilB veulent ila voulaient i. voulurc«t "*^-i< '%::^.s^m^^mi^' R AND JKFINITK Hs na it linicB V^ltCB 'irent tus iquiB nquis iquit iqulrae* iquites nqiiirer* 18 us it kraes ites rent I i8 Is r tics tea rent mcs tea irent ax IS IS imee ies rcttt ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 103 Defective Verbs — Continued. FUTUUR CONDITIONAL. IMPERATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. niPERPECT. Je Buivrai jo Buivra'B je inive jo BUiviBSO tu Buivras tu auivraia tu Buivea tu Buivissea il Buivra il Bui', rait aula il Buive il Buivlt n. Buivions n. Buivrions Buivons n. BuiviouB n. suiviBBiona T. Buivrcz ▼. Buivricz Buivoz v. Buivicz V. Biiivisaicz ils 3uivi-ont ila Buivraient ils Buivent i. Buivisscnt je mo tairai je me talrais tais-toi je mo taise je mo tusse &c. &c «S:c Ac, &c. Je vaincrai je vaincrai a je vainquo jo vainquisse tu vaincras tu vaincraia tu vainqucs tu vainquisses 11 vaiiicra 11 vaincrait vaincs il vainquo il vainquit n. vaincrons n. Taincriona vainquong n. vamquiona vain([ui88iona ▼. vaincrcz V. vaincrioz vainquez V. vainfinicz y. vainquissioa L vaincrout i. vaincraient i. vainquent it vainquisscnt Je vaudrai je vaudraia jo vaillo jo valusse tu vaudras tu vaudraia tu vaillca tu valussoa U Taulra il vaudrait vaux il vaillo il valftt o. vaudrona n. vaudriona valona n. valiona n. valusaiez ▼. vaudrez V. vaudricz valez v. valicz V. valussicz Ub vaudront ila vaudraient ils vail lent i. valussont J« viendrai je viendraia viena je vienne je vinsao &c. &c. «S:c &c. &a ft> vfitirai jo vetirais je veto je vdtlsse t>i votiras tu votiraia tu vCtea tu v^tisaea 11 vc'tira il vfitirait v6ta ilveto il votit jtu vctirona n. vCtiriona vctonB n. vfitiona n. vfitissiona ▼. votirez V. v6tiricz vfitez V. vcticz V. vfitissiez Ua votiront ils votiraient ila vetent ila vCtisaent Jo viviai jo vivraiB jo vivo jo v^usso tu ir.vraB tu vivraia tu vivos tu Vf'cusses il vivra il vivrait via il vivo il vfidit n. vivrona n. vivriont vivona n. viviona n. vdcussions V. vivrez V. vivrioz vivez V. vivicz V. V^CUBSiCZ lis vivront ila vivraicnt ils vivent ils v£cuB8ent jo verrai jo vnrraia je voio jo vIbbo tu verraa tu vorrais tu voioB tu vissca il verra il verrait voia il voio 11 vit n. verrona n. vcrrions voycna n. voyions n. viBsiona V. verrez V. vcrricz voyez V. voyiez V. vissicz ila vcrront ila vcrraicnt ils voicnt ila viBscnt je voudrai je voudraia je vouillo jo VOUlUBBO tu voudraa tu voudraia tu vcuilloa tu vouluBsca 11 voudra il voudrait il veuillo il voulClt n. voudroj.a n. voudriouB n. ^ouliona u. vouluBBiona V. voudrcz V. voudriez yenillca V. touliez v. vouluBBiez lis TOudroQt ila Youdraient ill veaillent i. Toulusaeut ^ c':.Mrr..^^f^.^'?iMA»J»- J^sM* 104 ELEMENTARY EtlENClH OlUMMAfl. TENSES OF THE INDICATIVE MOOD. Present T ense. 107* This tciise expresses something taking place or existing at the present time ; as je chante, / nm singing ; je suis, I am. lOM* The Frencli have only one form for expressing the present, whilst the English have three ways slightly differing from each other, of expressing the sam'? tense; Je parle, 1 sjKcik, I do spcah and I am spcahing. lOO* In conversation, the French use est-cc que before the tirst person of the verb when asking a question. Est-ce que jo clciuande votre f Am f asking for your brother ? frc'io ? \ Do I ask for your brother ? Est-co quo jo chercho men livre ? S Do I look for my book ? dm I looking for my book 9 Literally : Is it that I ask for your brother ■^ '.. it that I am lookina "or my book ? liO. Est-cc quo. may also be used with the oyther persons*. t, . ,., », ,. ^^ Is he lending a book? J^iSt-c'o qu il prete uii livfc ?< ,, i i i r i oj ^ * \ Does he lend a book f ifist-ce que nous doiinons ile f Do tve give money ? Targent ? \ Are ive giving money ? VOCAUULARY. ArmoirC) f. cupboard. iJotte, f. boot. Louilli, m. boiled meal, Canif, m. penknife. (Janne, f. cane. Chorcher, to look for. (Mof, f. key. CuisiniiTc, f. cook. Demander, to ask for. Dejeuner, m. breakfast. Diner, m. dinner, Doiuu'i", to give. (Saiit, ni. glove. (}ai(,'on, m. boy. Jaml>on, m. ham, Lampe, f. lajiip. Legume, m. vegetable. Miel, m. honey. Paraplui(!, m. umbrella Plume, f. pen. Poissoii, tn.fsh. Que, qu', what. Qui, whom. Roti, m. ront meat Salade, f. salad. Salon, m. parlor. Soupe, f. soup. Teutln'j tender. : jf. ^Jiw.'*!*. ELEMENTARY F^RENClt GRAMMAR. 106 Exercise 41. Of the ing 1 Qu'cst-cc que vous chcrchcz ? 2 Jo chorche votre plume et la miennc. 3 Que domandcz-vous mon .'uni ? 4 Je demando mon frero ; cst-il ici ? 5 Pietez-vous voire livn? ? 6 Je prete mon livro et cc^lui do mon cousin. 7 Est-co que vous prctc^ voa gants ? 8 Jo prete ccux dc ma inoro. 9 Chorchez-vous Ir, clof do Tarmoire ? 10 Nous cherclions celle du salon. II Que demandoz-vouH ? 12 Nous demandons notre lampe. 13 Votro Mro domando-t-il sa canno? 14 II di.'mande sa canne et soo bottes. 15 La cuisini^re chercho-t-elle du poisson? 16 Ello chorche du poisson pour le dejounor. 17 Demandez-vous du miel ? 18 Nous no dcmandons pas do miel. li> Donnez-vous du bouilli ou du jambon ^ I'enfant? 20 Je donne du roti ^ I'enfant et do la soupe au petit gar^on. Exercise 42. 'citia I Whom are you asking for? 2 1 ask for my cousin. 3 Do38 Jrour brother ask for his penknife ? 4 He asks for his penknife ftnd his pen. 5 Why dc you lend your umbrella ? 6 My cousin has no umbrella. 7 Are you looking for your gloves? 8 We are looking for our gloves and my brother's. 9 Do you give honey to the little child? 10 We give boiled meat and roast meat to the little boy. 11 What do you ask for (pour) your breakfast? 12 We ask for fish. *13. Does the cook look for fish? 14 She is looking for fish. 15 Your sister looks for salad. 16. Do you lend your penknife to the little boy ? 17 Your brother is asking foi- liis books. 18 Wo are asking for our boots. 19 Are we a.>-king for honey ? 20 To whom do you lend money? PRESENT TICNSE CONTINUED. NEGATIVE, AND NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE FORM. 111. After tho word comment, how, and in some other cases, the French use the verb trouver, instead of aimer j to like : Comment trouvez-vous ce f How do you like (find) this mouton ? \ mutton ^ f / like it very much. \ I find it excellent, 7 Je le trouvo excellent. ■:rf'-\^*>^.^'* -^i^ J? "^liEMENTARV ITRENCH GRAMMAU. VOOABULART. Aimer, to love. Allemand, m. German. Anp:lais, m English. Bouif, ni. hecf. Chc'vrc-fcuillo, m. honey' suckle. Cou[)or, to cut. Desiror, to desire. Done, then. l^rable, m. maple-tree. Espagnol, m. Spanish. Flour, {.flower. Franqais, m. French. Italicn, m. Italian. Jardin, m. garden. Jardini(!r, m. gardener. Maiivais, bad. Mondo (tout lo) everybody Montrcr, to shoiv. l^fouton, m. mutton. (Eillot, Ormo, m, elm-tree. Parlor, to speak. Parent, relation. Porsonno, nobody. Planter, to plant. Pom mi or, m, apple-tree. Porter, to carry, Tulipe, f. tulip. Trouver, to find^ to like. Exercise 43. 1 Ne desirez-vous pas des flours ? 2 Nous dcsirons du «h6vre- feuille. 3 Que montrez-vous au jardinier ? 4 Nous montronS au jardinier de belles tulipcs et do beaux adllets. 5 Airnez-voufl la saladc ? 6 J'aime la saladc. 7 Trouvczrvous ccttc saladd bonne ? 8 Nous no la trouvons pas bonne. 9 No la trouvez vous p:.s bien tondre V 10 Nous la tronvons tres mauvaise. 11 Ne plantez-vous pas des ormcs ? 12 Nous no plantons pas d'ormes. 13 Qu(^ plantoz-vous done? 14 Jo plante dos erables et de beaux pommiers, 15. A qui parlez-vous ? 16 Jo no parlc i\ porsonno. 17 Est-ee quo jo n'aime pas mes parents ? 18 Vous aimcz tout le mondo. 19 Nous aimons les grands jardins et les belles flours. 20 Notre cousiue parle anglais, fran^ais, allemand, cRpagnol et italien. Exercise 44. 1 Do you speak French, my child ? 2 No, sir, I do not speak French. 3 Do. s that young lady speak English ? 4 She; does not speak English, but she speaks German. 5 Does not your relation speak German ? 6 l\Iy relation does not speak German. 7 Ww««><(<»i..'»»«i«*i«"^w-»j» r ^■ttea-^^t,*^;;,,^^^^;-^ RLEMKNTAllV FRENCH GUAMMAR. 107 / do you like this mutton? 15 I like it very much. (I find it very (jood.) 16 What do you find ? 17 Wo find tlowers and tntes. 18 Do you like those poaches ? (/>o you find those peaches yood ?) 19 I like these peaches very much, 20 Are we not looking for the gardener ? Imperb'ect Tense. 11!3. Tliis tense re presents the state or the situation which it describes as impn/cct and not conipleted. Tiio beginning, duration, and end of the action is left undeter- mined: as J'ecrivais ce matin, quand / tvas writing this morning when vous etes entre. you came in. vre* rond k'oua ladfl vez aiso. pas hies )arlc /"ous i les and, peak does your nan. you ) Do ! Do How 113* It is used also to express an action which is custo- mary or often repeated. It may be rendered in English by the words used to placed before the verb. L'annee derniere j'ullais tous Last year 1 went (iised to go) ies jours h. I't'cole. every day to school. 4 Vocabulary. Acheter, to buy. Beaucoup, much, ma/>^ Beau, fine Bien, ivell. Bouilli, m. boiled meat. Campagne, f. country. Cher, dear. Combien, how much. Cordonnier, m. shoemaker, Dechirer, to tear. Envers, toward)--. Gant, m. glow. Heure, f. hour. Mattre de musique, music teacher. Manger, to eat. Marehand, m. merchant. Marcjliundise, f. goods. Maro<]uin, m. morocco. Nettoyer, to clean. Noisette, f. hazel-nut Orange, f. orange. Peintre, m. painter, Quatre, four. Quel, u-hat, which. lUen, nothing. Talilcau, m. picture. Travailler, to work. Veau, m. calf-skin. Vendre, to sell. Venir, to come Viande, f meat. ,n>?%*s!*-^'"-Oi# 108 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 45. I Combicn d'argent donniez-vous h co piitit gargon ? 2 Jc ne lui donnaiH vicn. 3 Cette doiiioisello no travaillait-clle pas bien ? 4 Ellu travaillait tiX'S bicn. 5 Lo inintre vcndait-il iin tableau ? 6 Lo petit garvon decbir:iit scs gaiits. 1 Que vcndicz- VOU8 au cordonnicr ? 8 Je lui vondais du maroquin. 9 Lo marchand reccvait-i) do b©n drap? 10 II iCM^cvait do bou drap, mais il le vcndait tr6scbcr. 1 1 Acbcticz-vous do belles oranges? 12 J'achetais des oranges et drs noisette s. 13 Quo mangi(;z-vou8 CO matin? 14 Nous mangions du r6ti et du bouilli. 15 Jo no mangeais pas do viando, 16 A [i?i] la eampagno je mangeais beaucoup, 17 A quelle heure veniez-vous ? 18 Je venais t\ quatrc heures 1 9 Ne dechiriez-vous pas vos gants ? 20 NoDi monsieur, je les nettoyais. \ Exercise 46 1 How manj-^ books were you giving liiin ? 2 T was giving him no books. 3 How were they selling their goods ? 4 They sold [were selling] their goods very dear. 5 What were you giving them? 6 I was giving them letters. 7 Did the mer- chant receive much cloth ? 8 He received much. 9 What were you buying? 10 We were buying good cloth. 11 The shoemaker was buying fine c.ilf and good morocco. 12 Did the merchant sell you good cloth? 13 He did not sell me cloth, but he sold leather to the shoemaker. 14 At what hour did your merchant use to receive his letters ? 15 He used to receive them at four o'clock. 16 What vere you selling him? 17 I was selling him good books. 18 What were you eating thia morning ? 19 1 was eating boiled moat. 20 At what hour did you use to come ? 211 used to come at ten o'clock. The Past (Preterite) Definite. 114* This tense may be called the historical tense of the French language. It is used to express an action entirely past, definite, and complete, and separated from the present by at least one day. Men Paris. p6re partit hier pour My father left yesterday for Paris. l'^im:t*i&:i -^c:^'.mm^ ELEMENTAIIV FUENCII GRAMMAR. 100 Vocabulary. Anii6o, f. year. Absent, absent. Agir, to act, to behave. Ancion, old. Aprt'S, after. Aiissi, also. Avec, with. Cinq, Jive. Combien, how much, how many. Commis, m. clerk. Conduire, to conduct, to take. Connaissance, f. acquaintance. Dernier, last. ^cole, f. school. Hoiire, f, hour, o^clock. Hier, yesterday. Interossant, interestiny. Londres, London Mai, badly. Mutiu, m. mornifiy. Ni6ce, f, niece. Novell, m. nephew Officier, m. officer, Offrir,! to offer. Parti r,t to set out, Perdre, to lose. Plusieurs, several. Pour, /or. Punir, toj)unish. Revolto, f. revolt. Samcdi, m. Saturday. Sevcrement, severely. Soir, ni cveniny. Soldat, m. soldier. Sortir,t to go out. Tacbe, f. task. Temps, m. time. Tout-u-fait, quite. Vendro, to sell. Verge, f. yard. Voir, to see. £X£UCIS£« 47. 1 Les olBRciers punirent-ils les Boldats apr^s la r6volte ? 2 lis Ics punirent sev the verb preceded by did^ or by the preterite alone. Avez-voiis vu mon frOrc hicr ? Did you see my brother yestet" day ? Jt I'ai VII la scmainc dfrnierc, T saio him last week V O f! A H U T. A R Y AcJietcr, to buy. AptMTt'voir, to perceive Apportcr, to tiring (Jliaud, loarm. C'hcval, m. horse. Chez, at or to the house of. Conduit, takcji^ conducted. Demoisi'lK', f. young lady. Doniicv, to give. Encoio, yet, again Foin, m. hay. Yl\v\\ yesterday. Mango r, to eat. Marchandises, f. pi. goods Matin, ni. morning Pain, ni. bread. I'anicr, m. basket. Parapluii!, m. umbrella. Parcti (juc, because. Pt'ignr, ni comb. Ptadre, to lose. Porter, to carry. Portrait, ni. portrait Ponrquoi, ivhy. Quand, when. llecevoir, to receive. Re Venn, m. income. Tasse, f. cup. Vend re, to sell. Vu, setn. Exercise 49. 1 Jo vous ai donne Ic parapliiic. 2 Vous in'avez vendu des marchandises. 3 Oil avez-vous porte la tasse ? 4 N'avez-vous pab [)erdu le peigue ? 5 Je no I'ai pas perthi, jo I'ai apporto. G N'avez-vous pas lini mon portrait ? 7 Jo no I'ai pas fini. 8 Avoz-vous mango lo pain ^ 9 Nous no I'avons pas mange. 10 N'avez-vous pas mango du pain ohaud ? 1 1 Nous en avons mango. (Lit.; We have eaten some of it.) 12 Ma soor. None, tied. Oiivert, opened. Persienne, f. Hind. E\>rte, f. door, Senti,/t'/<. Soulier, m. shoe. The, m. tea. Tiioir, ni. drawer. Tout, all. Vendu, sold. KLEAIENTAUV FUENCll (JKAMMAR. 115 EXBRCISE 53. 1 N'ftvloz-vous pas ouvcrt In portc ? 2 .rjivais ouvert la porte ct la fi'iuHro. 3 Nous iravions pus fciino Ics poiHii'imcs. 4 N'avicz-voiiH pus fciinc'! h; tiiDir? 5 Ji! lU! ravais \mn firiiu'). (5 N'avait-ull(! pas hablllo Vciifant ? 7 Kilo lie I'avait pas ciicoro Iia1)ill6. 8 La boiino avait (K'shaMllc la petite lillc N'aviez- vous pii 3 ]ju bcaucotip d'eau? 10 Nous avions bu boaiicoiip do tho et do cafe. 11 Avlez-vous nian^e dii pain? 12 Nous avions inanfjfo d'excellont pain et do niaiivais Kiit<'i". 1'^ Avitjz-vons none les laeets do vos soulieis? 14 Nous avions casse nos laeets. 15 Mon fii'io avait decbiio son p^Uvt. 10 Nous avions senti lo froid. 17 Ciitto pauvre feninie avait biiiueoup siiti la < liabnir 18 lii! marehand n'avait j)a^ bcaucoup vendu. I'J II n'avait pas veudu touto Ha marchandisu. EXERCISK 54. 1 Ifad you unlaced your shot / 2 1 had not unlaced my shoo, I had bi<»ken my laeo. '^ Had y(»u not li< urtira domain. Your brother will ijo to-morrow. 13$i« The future is used in French, after an adverb of time, in cases where the English use the present of the indi- cative mood. Quand vous viendroz, vous When i/ou come you will apporterez u»ou livio. brin<^ my book. ■.^-g«5:5rjfyr- IIG KLEMEIs'TAUY FivElsCll GKAMMAK. VOCAB ULARY. Af,arj to act, to behave, Aller, to yo. Ami. m./rined. An, m. year. Apporter, to bring. Assiotto, f, plate. Aujourd'liui, to-day Bagtie, f. ri7}y. Bel, fiamhomc. Bonne lu'inc (de), early. Casser, to brrak. Cufillir, to^ick Dans, in. Domain, to-morrow Envoycr, f to send. Flenr, i.Jtower. Fruit, ni./na't. Ileure, f o'clock^ hour* Jardin, m. garden. Londres, London. Moillt'ur, bcllcr, best. Om-ir.t to ofrr. Oiseaii, m. bird. l'arl«M', to speak. I'artir, to go^ to set out. I'eclie, f. peach, Qiiand, when. Quatre, /oar. QiU'llc, ichatj u'hichf Quitter, to leave. Hester, to remain. Surtir, f to go out. Tard, late. Temps, (i\), en time. Venir, f to come. Voiturc, f. carriage Exercise 55. fi V J Jii quitterai Paris dans im an, 2 Jo no resterai qn'un an h Londres. 3 Nous irons ;\ Boston deniain. 4 Notre ami nous cnverra sa voiturc, 5 A quelle Inure I'enverra-t-il ? 6 II nous IVnverra de lutuno Injure. 7 Je surtirai deniain i\ six lie'"es. 8 Je partirai a (piatre heurcs. 9 Nous ne jjartirons i)as tard. 10 Quand nous viendrons nous hii parlerons ? 11 Nous vous donnerons 7o i)lus bel oiscau. 12 Nous vous apporterons une belle baguo. 13 Elles casseront nos mcilUures assicttes, 14 Nous Vous offrirons les plus belles fleins do notre jardin. 15 Nous sortirons quand vous viendrez. 10 Nous agirons mieux aujourd'hui. 17 Nous viendrons (juand nous sortirons. 18 Nous parlerons mieux dans quelque temps. Exercise 56. a 1 1 phali speak to the boy. 2 You will not give me a bird 3 He will go to London to-day. 4 Slu; will nut l)reak my plate. 5 You will offer me a i)late.-^ We will olVcr a plate to our friend. 7 I shall finish my lesson early. 8 Shall I sumd you my best ring ? 9 When you eome you will bring your gold ring. 10 To morrow I will send you a beautiful llowir. 11 You wiU uoujo to-vftojTow morning at four o'elyek. 12 Wo will ccwo KLF.MENTAKV KUKNCll GUAMMAIt. 117 early. 13 At what hour shall wo como ? 14 Will you offer me iHuiitifnl flowers? 15 Wo will give you the most beautiful flowers. IG Yim will go out when I eonie. (Lit shall come.) 17 Your sisters will tipeak better after (. sheep. Ofl'ensc, offended. Or, ni. i/old. Org(!, f. barley. Orgneil, m. pride. Plaisir, m. plea.^urc Plus, 7nore. Page, f. page. Qnitto, left. Seigle, m. rye. Sentir, to feel. Tenir, to hold. ThO'mc, m. exercise. Tondu, shorn Tout, all. Trop, ton much Vendu, sold. Vorite, f. truth Exercise 57. 1 Aurai-jo attcndu trop longtomps? 2 Vous n'auroz pas at- tondu le itorger uno demi-heure. 3 Aurons-nous entendu tout Ic discours ? 4 Vou8 on amoz entendu la moitie. 5 V(»U8 n'amc/ pas dit toute la vorito. 6 Aurons-nous autant do bio quo do Keiglo cotto annoo ? 7 Vous aurez plus d'orgo qun do $miftf^^'mmm^:^*m J. 18 KtiEMENTARV FRENCIt GRAMMAU. mai'R. 8 Nous aurons on hoauronp moins do chagrin quo de plaisir. 9 Ccs (hsmoisollos auront inontro plus d'oigucil quo do modcstie. 10 Auront-cllcs parlc micux fpio lours amies? II Elles auront parlc beaucoup mi-ux qu'tllcs. 12 Lo berger n'auratil pas tondu tons scs nioutons ? 13 11 aura tondu sos moutons ct vcndu sa laine. 14 Dcnuiin matin j'aurai quitto votro maison. 15 N'aurai-jo pas (crit i)h^s dc tlitmes quo vous ? IG VoTis on auroz oorit moins. 17 Nous n'aurons pas lu uno J^lcmi-pago. 18 II aura apporto' moins d'or quo d'argt-nt. 19 Est-«(! quo j'aurai offense votro pore? 20 Aurai-jc offense nion meinour ami ? Exercise 58. 1 Wo shall have had more wlioat than barley. 2 You shall have had loss ryo than wheat. 3 Wo shall havi- shorn onr sheep. 4 ]\Iy sisters have shown more pride than modesty. 5 You will have read more than your friend. G His friend will have written more exercises. 7 Wo shall have sold all our corn. 8 They will have hear« The conditional present denotes wluit would take place under a certain condition. Nous irions j\ la cliasse, si nous avions lo temps. We would go hunting if we had lime. 136* The two conditionals should not be used after tho conjunction si (if), neither shouV the two futures be used after it. But in such a case the present and tho imperfect of tho indicative should be used. S'il pouvait quitter son pero, If he ennld leave his father, 11 viendrait. he would cinnc. ■■f "■ (Vifc* v'>*"***iL '.^•. ■ . «-■&•* »-'^««4k . ^ffrjs**'***ip'''"^»*»^ ■■'*^'•^^**^O^l^■■■B^c■; ELEMENTAKV VUEXCII GUAMMAll Vocabulary. Acier, m. steel. Aujourd'liui, (o-daji. Co que, tluu vhivh, what. Chez, at or to the hoaw of. Coniinodo, f. bureau^ drawers. Eiivcrs towards. FenCtre, f. icindow. For, in. iro?i. Fruit, m. fruit. Gazotto, f. jMtjter, newspaper. Logomcnt, m. lnd(jin(j. Maiiitonir, to maintain. Mioux, hotter. Monsiour, m. gentleman. Om-c, f. ofer. Opinion, f. opinion. Ouvrir, f to open. Poinc, f. trouble. Polir, to polish. Voni\ /or. Voi\uinv]li:mei\t, punctually. Porte, f. door. Refuser, to r(]fnse. Serrurier, in, locksmith. Talile, f. table, board. Temps, m. time. Tenir, f to hold. Tiroir, m. drawer. Tort, in. icrong. Toujoiirs, always. Tout, all. Viando, f. meat. Exercise 59. 1 Jo lui pailerais, si j'avais lo temps. 2 Lc serrurier polirait lo fer et I'acier. 3 Vous ouvririez ies ])ortes ot los fenotres. 4 Nous vieiulrions ponctuellement. 5 lis no viendrai(ait pas clicz nous. G Vous vieiidriez cliez co monsiour. 7 lis nous envorraient la gazette d'aujourd'hui. 8 Vous no cuoilloriez pus tout mon fruit. 9 Nous no tiendrions pas co liyro. 10 Vous no lui oifririez rion pour sa peine. 11 No lui oftririez-vous pas la table ot lo logemeiit ? 12 Nous n'ouvririons paa tons los tirolrs do cetto commode. 13 Est-co quo jo tiendrais lo ehoval do mon cousin? 14 Vous no sentiriez pas tous vos tortrf Olivers lui. 15 Vous no maintiendriez paa toujours votro oi)inion. IG Nous vous offririons toujours, tout co que nous avons. 17 Est-ce quo jo parlorais bcaucouj) mieux? IS Nous lour offririons du \yMn et de la viand'\ 19 Nous rofusorions lours offros, Exercise GO. 1 Would you speak to liim ? 2 Wc; would not speak to liim. 3 I would not give liim the fruit. 4 The locksmith would not polish the iron, ho would i)oliKh the steel. 5 We would o(fer you bread and meat. G Wo would not open that drawer. 7 Your locksmith would open all the drawers. 8 Ho would give 1110 board and lodging, 9 1 should hold my cousin's horse. 10 We shoidd open the dof)r ; we should not open the window. 11 I would not maintain my oi)inion. 12 Wo should fool our wrong •■"''^-'^'^'mmmm 120 KLEMENTABY FKENCII (IUAMMAU. towards you. ]'.i T slioiiM speak nnuli iHtter. 14 Thoy would not coino to our liousi; to-day. 15 1 sliould send yoi! to-tiay's newspaper. IG The j^^entlenwm would eonie punctually. IT Sho would oiler us all (tliat) sho has. 18 We would oft'er you all wo have. 19 You would give lino fruit 20 AVe should not refuse your oftor. The Conditional Past. 1I2T» Tlic conditional past denotes what would have taken place at a time pnst, if the condition on which it de- pended, liad Ixjen fulfilled. Jl serait alio {\ la canipagne, lie would have gone into th^ si lo temps lo lui avait i)erniis. country if the ivcathcr had allouh^ I'd him. V C A H !■ T. A R Y . AfTain^, f. aJToir. Aise, (/lad. Apporte, brought. Arrivee, f. arrival. Assoc! e, m. partner. Beignei, m./ritter. Bois, m. wood. Conduite, f. conduct. C/ontent, r/lad. Crayon, m. pencil. Cueilli, picked. Cuisinier(>, f. cook. Dans, in. l^ejeune, hreak fasted. Doiit, (>/ which. Etc, been. Eu, had. Fait, viade. Flcin-, f. flower. *ironte, f. Hhame. •Iluit, ri;lht. .Tanihou, ni. ham. Jardin, \n. i/anien. Lout r, to praise. ]\laiige, eaten. ]\Iur, ripe. Ouvcrt, opened. Parasol, ni. parosol I'lU'te, f. door. Vonv^/or. Plus, more. Pupitre, ni desk. Rien, not/dni/, not any thing. Taille, mended^ cut. Exercise G1. 1 Lc parasol que nous vous aurions donne est beau. 2 Nous no I'aurions pas loue. 3 11 nous am-ait parlo do nos affaires 4 l)e (pioi vous auraiUello parlo? 5 EUo no m'aurait parlo do rion. G Nous aiuions et'O bion aises do lour aniveo 7 Nous aurions re<;u plus (jm^ notro associo. 8 Nous n'auiions pas uu tort, \) EUes auraient cu honte de lour conduito. 10 Lo bois KKt.MENTARY FRENCH (tUA.MMEn. 121 iloiit vous nous parlt'/i n'auiait pas tUc bon pour nous, 11 Nous n'aurions pas cnoilli cettc flour, 12 Vous n'auriez pas ouvt-rt la porto du jardin. 13 Nous n'aurions pas nianjj;6 Ic jambon quo vous avoz api)ort«''. 14 La cuisinioro nous aurait fait do bons boignets. 15 Nous auvions dojcuno co matin i\ liuit heuros. IG Lc fruit quo vous amioz apporte n'aurait jias etc mur. 17 II n'aurait pas taillo co crayon. 18 Lo crayon dont vous parloz ost dans mon pupitrc. 19 i)o (jui I'avoz-vous re<;u ? Exercise G2. 1 Woubl you luivo mondod my pencil ? 2 T would have mondod your pencil. 3 \ou would liavo given us a lino parasol. 4 Wo sliould liavo praised your conduct. 5 What would you have brought? G Wo would have brought good wood. 7 Would you have been glad of their arrival. 8 Wo should have been very glad of their arrival. 9 We shouhl not have be<'n ashamed of our conduct. 10. Wo should not have' eaten the ripe fruit. Ill would have eaten the fritters. 12 Would you not have rt'ceivod mor(> than your partner ? 13 My partner would have opened th(! giirden door. 14 They would have eaten Iho friiit which you have brought. 15 The ham of wliicli y()rtii'r tiirdo h rcnti-Li? 4 Jo crois (ju'il lu; tartUra pas, 5 Dewinz- vous (pK; noiis nstions deboiit? G Je desire an contrnirt! (on tho contrary) que vous voiis asscyiiz. 7 (.'roycz-vous (pie cts gar(;onK piiisstmt appnndrc! ciiKj i)a,L(«s, par coiiir, en deux Inures ? 8 .lo crois que cV'st impossil)le (ini[tossibl( ). 9 Voudriez-vous tpio j'achetiisse un li;ibit ji deini-use? 10 Jo voudrais (pie vous en achetasKiez un neuf. 11 Vouluit-on que co soldat 'inalado (sick) 80 rendit i\ son post(! ? 12 On le voulait. 13 Nt; ponsez-vous pas quo cot enfant res8enil)lo i\ sa nuro ? 14 Jo no penst; pas (ju'il' lui H'ssenible. 15 No voulez-vous pas tirer sur co lievre ? IG Jo tirerais sur tetter perdrix, si nion fusil etait cliar^e. 17 Com- bien do coups d*; fusil voudriez-vous quo jo tirasso? 18 Si vous aviez un fusil, j(! voudrais (pie vous tirassiez sur cet oiseati. 19 Quo voudriez-vous (juo jo fisso ? 20 Jo voudrais (^uo vous fissiez attention a vos etudes. Exercise G6. 1 Wliat would you havo mo do ? (quo jo fisse). 2 I would have you cast a glance upon tliis letter. 3 Do you think tliat your brotlier resembles your father ? 4 I do not think he re- sembles my father. 5 Whom do you think that ho resembles ? 6 I think ho resembles my mother. 7 How many sh(»ts have you fired ? 8 1 havo fired five shots at that |)artridg(!. 9 Do you believo that ho will come? 10 I believe that he will como soon. 11 Will tho porter soon como in again? 12 I believe that he will como in soon 13 Does my brother remain stand- ing? 14 He does not wish to sit down. 15 Do you wish m Honfc pliiH i\ rruiiidp! ([Uv Ics iiiorr (n hv t anil tlvtn ojun iittil huincH oHvertva tt dn-lnrh's. declared Imircd. IfSI* Tlio past participle accompanied by the auxiliary etrv, ai^recs in «i;ender and number with tiie 8u])jeet of the verb, whether the subject be ]»laeed before or after it. Lc fur est emoHs.v' ; Ics buchcrs T/w sword is blanffd ; the pile's KOUt t'Iritils. are ex/iiiri>«''''. ^,vH i\r{'VH iiiuvni ftersiiades*{\\ii The (hecks were persuaded i'tune est iuitnortt'llo. Oiat the soul is immortal. 1«S3« The past participle having]; avoir as its auxiliary, tiever agrees with the nominative or subject of the verb. Vous rioz ? Ecrivez qu'olh; a Vou lauf/h 9 Put down that yi. she tauf/hcd. Mos amis ont parlc ; lours couurs Afi/ friends hare spoken ; their 8ont uttcudris. hearts are moved. Mes cousinos ont lit. My cousins have read. 1^«{« The past participle, liavinp; avoir for an auxiliary, agrees with its direct regimen when that regimen precedes the piirticiple : La lottre que vous avcz icrite. The letter v)hich you have written. Pedro, qu'as-tu fait de nos J*edro, what hast you done niontiucs? Sii.nnt'ur, je les ai ivith our horses? My lord, 1 attachees h la grille. tied them to the railiny. Les racillcuros harangues sent The best addresses are those eel les que Ic eoeur a dictees. which the heart has dictated. Jc les ai cherches dans tons Ics / have sought them in every coins, ct je ne les ai pas Irouves. corner but have nut/ound them. 180 E^iEMKNTAroT I'^BBNOlt n^ATIMAR. In ■-■ ti^: t'A -.■ .iK', f=" 1fS4« But, if the direct object is placed after the par- ticiple, or if there is no direct object, this participle remains invariable : J'ai rer^u votro l(^ttrc. Nous arons cliauto. / have received your letter. We have sunt/. !*%•%• The past participle never agrees with its regime intJirect (indirect object). IjCS homines u (jui nous avous The men to lohom we have parle. spoken. lf>0« The participle, preceded by the pronoun en, re- mains invariable, unless there is another pronoun placed before the verb which is its direct object and with which it agrees. Avoz-vous apportc no les ai lonnees ri personne, je les ai gardees pour vous. 12 Avez-vous bien examine ces gra- vurcs ? 13 Jo les ai bien examinees. 14 Les avez-vous ache- tees ? 15 Je ne les ai pas achetees. IG A quelle heure votre socur cst-elle venue ? 17 Elle est venue i\ midi (noon). 18 Elle n'a pas encore sorti. 19 Votre niece a-t-elle 6te voir son fr6re ? 20 Elle a etc le voir hier. Exercise 68. 1 Have you seen my cups ? 2 I have not seen them. 3 Have you brought me the books ? 4 I have not forgotten them, I have left them at my brother's. 5 Has not your brother called your sisters? G He has called them often. 7 Have you bought the new books? 8 I have not bought them 9 Have they given you flowers? 10 They have given mo some, 11 Have they examined the house? 12 Tluy did not examine it. 13 What have you done this morning? 14 We have done nothing. 15 What has your brothel said ? IG Ho has said nothing. 17 Has the little girl broken the engravings ? 18 She has broken them on purpose. 19 What have you heard yesterday ? 20 I heard that they were all examined. 21 Tlio income which he has re- vcivod. 22 We have often examined it. m^y^mmmm 132 ELEMENTARY FREr<.JH GRAMMAR. CHAPTER VI. ON THE ADVERB. 1^^. The adverb is an invariable word which inodifiefe the mcaninj; of verbs, al^cctives and other adverbs; as il parle bicn, hR, after. Socondement, otc.,«econ(/^y, etc. Ensnitc, afterwards. D'abord, at first, first. Aiijiaravant, before. lOO. Adverrs op Place. Ailleurs, elsewhere. Ici, here. Lii, there. Loin,/rtr. Partoiit, everywhere. Y, there. ITO. A number of adverbs arc formed from adjectives by annexing ment. This termination in ment corresponds to the h/ of the English. Poll, polite. Poliment, politeh/. Sage, wise. Sagement, loisely. Adverbs of Negation. 1T1« In negative sentences nc precedes the verb, and^as or point follows the rules given on page 24, but in the in- finitive mood both precede the verb. Votre th«!!me n'ost pas bicn Your exercise is not well fait. done. II me conseillo do n'y pas He advises me not to go allor. there. 1T2» Nc point is more emphatic than nc pas, the latter meaning mtt a stfp, the former 7iot a point. Je n'ai point de livres. / fiave no books. 17»i« We use ne without pas when the following words occur to express the negative idea : Au(!un, no one, not any. Aiuunemcnt, not at all. GutTo, but little. Jamais, never. Ni, neither. Niil, not any. Aiicun do ses amis no I'a fait. lis ne le foront aucunemont. 11 n'en a gu6re. Nullement, by no means. Porsonno, i,o one, nobody. Plus, more, (wlu^i not a comparative). Que, but, only. Rien, nothing. Kot one of his friends has done it. They will not do it at all. He has but few. -'-^-tj-'iii iif linrti'ii'-y a iter SLEMENTAUV FKENCII GRA.MMAll. I'^f) IT-i* After comparisons of superiority or inferiority, also after expressions of fear and hinderance, when we fonr or expect the thinj::; will happen, we use iiC without ^ not .tpcak to him. Vous ne «'('sst'z dc me gronder. i'mi do not erase scolding me Jc ne saurais le faire. I cannot do it. ITT- After (If puis que, since, ?7 // a, there is, there are, denoting duration of time, pas and ^>o. » Abri( ot, m. apricot. Ananas, ni. piiu apple. Arrivcr, to arrive. lieurre, m. buffer. Dcrnierenient, lately. Ki)icier, ni. y rover. Etranger, m. stranycr. Poire, f, ])ear. Poninie, f. apple. Ponmu! :LKMKNtAllY FRENCH GUAMMAH. )^3* The following^ propositions govern directly the word coming after them, without the aid of an intervening preposition : A, at, to. Ai)r«!!8, after. Avant, he/ore. Avcc, with. Chez, at the house of Conlre, against. Dans, in. ^^1 affront. Depuis, since. Dcrriiro, behind. DiiSjfrom. Dessoiis, under, below. DesKUR, above. Devant, before (of place.) Durant, during. En, in Entrc, betxoeen. Excepts, except. Ilors, except. Non<)l)stnnt, notivitstanding. Outre, besides. Par, bij. Pendant, during. Pour, /or. Sans, without. Selon, according to. Sous, under. Suivant, according to. Sur, upon. A travors, through. Vers, towards. Voici, here is, Voilu, there is. Vu, considering. 1^4- The following are the principal prepositions com- pounded with de : A cause dt^, oji account of A cote de, bg the side of. A force de, bg dint of A I'abri de, under shelter of. A la faveur de, bg means of. A la mode de, according to the fashion of A I'egard de, with regard to. A I'exception de, excepting. A I'insu de, unknown to. A I'opposite dc, contrary to. A moins de, unless. A raison de, by reason q/J at the rate of Au de(;i\ de, this wag from. All dedans de, within. Au dehors de, without. Au d(']i\ de, begond. Au dessous de, under. An dessua de, above. Au devant de, before, to meet, into the presence of Au lieu de, instead of Au milieu de, in the midst of. Au moyen de, by means of. Auprfjs de, near. Au prix de, at the price of. Au rez de, on a level tvith. Autour de, aroutid. Au travers de, through. Ensuite de, ajftcr. Faute de,/or icant qf. Hors d(^, out of Le long d(>, along Loin do, far from. Pres de, near. Proche de, near. Vis-;Vvis do, opposite. MliMMHibLdii* ELEMENTARY FRENCH URAMMAR. 130 Aupres du fen, An (l('li\ (111 llliin, A rinsn dv nous, A I'lxccption il'i'll((, Le loiif^ (III tliLiiiin, A l'('gard (IViix, Near (lie fire. Jii'i/ttiid the lihine. Vnkinnrn to iin. h'xreftlinf/ her. AlotHi the road. With rctjard to them. 1H»>« The following propositions arc compounded with h : Attcnaiit h,joininff. Pur rapport h, tcith retjard tr). Jus(jn'i'i, (tafar ait. Quant i\, ux/or. Jiisqn'i\ Paris, o.i far tis Paris. Quant i\ moi, an/or inc. l^G* The prepositions ii, de, r», and sans are regularly repeated bel'ore cacli word which tliey govern. Je vi(!ns dc France, d'Ttalio, ot / come from France^ Ttahjy and d'Espagnc. Spain. 1ST* The other prepositions arc usually repeated, unless they govern words of siriiiiiu- nieaiiing : Dans la paix (it dans la guerro. In pence and war. Par la force et li;, violence. By force and violence. %HH» No preposition is used in French before the day of the week or month, pointed out as the time of an event. II viendra jeudi. lie will come on Thursday. lis Tent fait le quinze mai. They did it on the fifteenth of May, IHO* The preposition is in like manner omitted before a word indicating a portion of the day, pointed out as the time of a customary event. II revient ;\ I'lKok^ I'aprilss- He returns to school in the midi. afternoon. lOO* The preposition is regularly omitted before words indicating price. Le beurre se vend dix sous la Butter is sold for ten cents a livre. pound. 140 ELEMENTAUY FKENCH GUAMMAlt. V O C A H U L A R Y , Allumor, to light. Cliaise, f. chair. (!onge, ni. holiday. CorhoilK;, f. ha.tket. Cultivcr, to cultivate. Dans, in. Doute, m. doubt. lOtonncment, in. astonish. mcnt. Fairo, to do. Familh', i. family. Fete, i. festival. J(;i", tjoy. Jour-dc-fetf, ni, holiday. Main, f. hanil. Mouclioir, m. handkerchief Pindant, dnriny. Plaisir, m. pleasure. Port<;, f. door. Pour, /or. Sans, without. Tabac, m. tobacco. Tracer, to trace. Voiturc, f. carriage. Exercise 71. 1 11 cultivc un jardin pour son plaisir. 2 II va on voituro avcc clle. 3 Oil dtmeure-t-il ? 4 11 demenn; h Paris. 5 Qu'a- t-il apporte dans sa voituro ? 6 11 a apporte d( s fruits dans nnu corbeille. 7 Que fait-il pendant Ic: jour ? 8 11 nc^ fait ricn pen- dant le jour, il travaillo (works) la nuit. 9 Voici sa famille. 10 Voilt\ tons ses livres. 11 Vicnt-il par ici? 12 Non, mon- sieur, il va vers la porte. Exercise 72. 1 I see them with flowers in their hands. 2 They are for you and your brother. 3 They were cultivating the garden for them. 4 1 have lost it with my handkerchief. 5 He trac(;d them on the door with his pencil. G He sat down upon his chair. 7 He has gone with his father. 8 She has come in her carriage. 9 He was reading for his mother. 10 My father has come with her. 11 Go with him. 12 Let us go with them. KLKMKNTAUY FKKNC'II (JIJAMMAH. 141 CIIAJ^TKR VIII ON THE CO^TJUNCTION. lOl. The conjunction is an invariable part of speech, used to connect words or sentences, 1W2. Conjunctions, in French, are single words or some- times conjunctive phrases. II lit, mats 11 n'ocrit pas. Jfe rea,h, h„l he dou not torile. I03. The following arc some of the most common simple conjunctions : Ainsi, ihm. Ni— ni, ndlhtr—mr. Car, for. Qu, or. Copondant, yet. On— on, cither—or Cornm.', as. Piiisqiu", mace. Done, therefore. Qiiand, tvh'ii. l^^j '"^'i' Que, that. Et—et, both— and. Quoiquo, thoujjh. J.orsquc, lohcn. Savoir, namelt/ Mais, hut. Si, if. iii, neither, nor. Sinon, if not, or else. 104. The following are some junctive phrases : A cause quo, because. A condition que, on condition that. Afin do, in order to. Afin que, in order that. A moins que, unless, /Vpres que, after. Ainsi que, as well as. Apres tout, after all, never- thelcKS. Au restcj besides. Aussi l)ion qlie, as well as. Aussitot que, as soon as. Avant qne, soorrer than. Bien que, although. C'est-ii-dire, that is to say. of the most common con- O'est ;\ savoir, that is. De crainte que, for fear that. Do maniero i\\\v, so that. De memo que, in the as. Do sorte que, .w that. En cas que, in case. En ofTet, in /act. Jusqu'i\ CL' que, until. Ou bien, or else. Outre que, besides beitig. Parcc t. Soit que, be it that, wether. Tandis que, ivhile. 142 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAK. V O C A H U li A R y . Ardour, f. anlor, zeal. Asio, f. Asia. Atttndrc, to iciit. (Janipn^iir, f. counlry (Jraindrc, tofmr. Europe, f. Europe. Kxt'CutiT, to execute. Faire, to do. Nccrssairf, necessary. Ordro, in. orp}i T nm ! Oh ! how unhappy he is I O I my father. 11IO« Interjections constitute no part of a sentence in analysis, but arc used as entire propositions of themselves. ]07« The following are some of the most common in- terjections : Ah I ah ! V,i\\\ 1 hah ! Chut I silence, hist I Ell ! nrll ! Eh bion I urll then I 'i I Jie I ■ done I Jie then ! xia ! ha I Helas ! alas I Hoi a ! holloa 1 Ho 1 ho! 10/ Oh ! oh ! Paix ! silence t Si ! hist ! Silence I silence I Vocabulary. Ambition, f. ambition. Bruit, m. noise. Evc'iller, to tvaken. Libre, free. Matelot, m. sailor. Malheureux, unhappy. Mensonge, m. falsehood. Pays, m. country. Rt'petcr, to repeat. S'ecrier, cry out. Exercise 75. 1 Helas ! quo je suis malheureux ! 2 0! quelle ambition* 3 Chut I les voici qui viennent. 4 Silence I ou vous allez reveiller. 5 Silence! mes enfants. 6 Fi done! c'est un men. songe. 7 Ah ! ne dites pas cela ! 8 Eh ! que vou8,a-t-il,dit ? 9 Silence 1 quel bruit vous faites-lli. 10 Ho \ que me dites-vous •f'^ :>^^m^^^ ^ Wimmrwmm 144 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 7(>. I " Ah ! a great deal of pleasure," repeated his hmther. 2 All ! do not Bay that. 3 Fie, then ! fie, then ! sir, sit down. 4 Hist I tliey are coming, over there. 5 " Ah I if I were free, sir," cried Hinry. 6 Well, then, why do you desire that, my poor child ? 7 " Holloah !" cried the sailors. 8 Alas I my poor wife 1 9 Silence 1 my children. 10 «0! what vanity 1 " 11 "Ho! cousin," cried he, " shut our door." 12 Silence I you will wako the sick child. '^^''^U'J^ A ^( 'jA-^ n .'K' JO. Xm. nl ^mm- ^^|/(>! f K ^ ■^■p i^l mm "'% 144 ELEMEI^ -n .^ Bv THOMAS RICHARD jOHNSOX. iH !r<^r^ iiooh on Booh-'heeping ; Double «"Kntry made easy. 8vo., cloth. $1.25 i The tieatist is based upon an experience of twenty-nide ^^e.irs as a book keeper, accountant and auditor, and is intended "^ "'^.to enable any person of ordinary intelligence to overcome the mysteries of book-keeping by double entrv. The first twentv pages of the volume are devoted to explanations and rules, and the vest is ])rincipally occupied with a specimen set of books from which the student may make anew set for himself, changing names of persons and goods to suit his own views. The SfH'itf'Prffin Spvies of Copt/ JionUs; \ System of Penmanship, very extensively used in the United States and in the Dominion of Canadn. The System, which is comprised in twelve Numbers, is divided into f(Kir distinct Series, viz. : — Common School Series - - - Nos, i, 2, 3. 4 e?^ 5. business Series Nos. 6, (Sr' 7. 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