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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mtthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 ! 6 ''^^^ ^^.J FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA SECOND SERIES— 1896-97 VOLUME II SECTION II ENGLISH HISTORY, LITERATURE, ARCH/EOLOGY, ETC. LAST YR. RS OF Charles de Biencourt By DR. PATTERSON FOR SALE BY JOHN DURIE & SON, OTTAWA; THE COPP-CLARK CO., TORONTO BERNARD QUARITCH, LONDON, ENGLAND 1896 i ;/• ., f^ Sex:tios II., ISStii. [127 J Thans. U. S. C-. \'I. — 7/(^s^ iicdrs of (Imrhs dr Ihfurourf. H\' Dr. I'attkrson. UK (Read May 19, IWHJ.) AVo recently irccived from M. Pufosso, llic wfll known liooksellcr in Pariis, a doouniont of Home intei-ost with reference to the tii-st atlemi)t at Kuro|)ean settlement within the bounils of our Doiiiiiiion. The ()rit!;inal (loeument has been reproduced by lithography and the fc)llowing is a TUAXSr.ATION. We, Charles de Eiencourt. Sieur de Poutrincourl. in charge of the King's Academy, acknowledge receipt in cash from Messire iJaynion JMielypeaux, Sieur de llerbault, Counsellor of His Majesty in the Council of State and Treasurer of the King's Trei* -iry, t/ir .iuiii of three thotimud lirrcs, to us ordered for the pay and salary which His ^Majest}- is i>leaseil to give us during the present year, with which sum of three thousand livres we hold oui-selves satisfied and well ])aid and whereof we give (|uittance to the aforesaid Sieur de Herbault. Treasurer of the Kings Treasury for all claims in full. Witness our sign manual hereunto affixed on the last day of December. X\'P' twenty-one. C. 1)K BlKNColHT. Potitn'ni'oKrf. At hottoiii in a different luiml. Having charge of the Academy of our Lord the King with the pay of three thousand livres. On bdc/;. XVII'' LXVi (No. I7<i(i.) Vov receipt voucher for the Treasurer of the King's Treasury, Messiro Phelypeaux, of the sum of three thousand livres, as salary it is the pleasure of His Majesty to grant me on account of the office' of Director of the King's Academy during the present year. The above document is intrinsically of little or no value. H might be prized by the collector of antiques for its age and its calligraphy. U is only a receipt for liis yearly salary of one of the thousands of persons holding olflces of emolument under the French King. Still it is of some 128 ROYAL SIK.'IETY OF CANADA iinporlanci' as si-ttliim; a (jUi stioii as to the c-onclndiiiy years of'oiio. wlnv lioi'c a part, ot' somk' iiitiTost in tlio tirst atti'm)itt'(l si'tticnu'iit on tin.- slioi'cs ol'tlui nortlicrn parts of America, and thus tlirowiiiu' a little li<.(lit on part of the history itself. That is Charles dc iiicneoiirt. lie was the second son of the Sii'ur di' I'out rincourt who had come in the HrHt ex- pedition nndi'r I>e .Moiits for the si-ttlement of Acadia in IflO."), and who Mil)sc(|iu'ntly oltt;Mned a seiii'ncury at J'ort Royal and took un active part in the estal)lishin,i>; ami advancing the infant colony there. The eldest son must have died youni;,-, for we tind Charles assuming his father's title afti'i- the hitter's death, and he it in the ahove document. Jle is genei'ally said to have come to Port Royal in llMO. but Champlain writ- ing in l(i"24. says he had been eighteen years in Acadia, a<'cording to which li(> must have rumv with the Hrst colony in KK).'). At all events the father returned to France in Hill, leaving (.'harles in command at Port Royal. M. .Suite (Ti-ansactions of Poyal Society. II (1) :V.\) asserts that the former was nuirrieil in l.'iim. >o that his .second .son could not at this tinu' iiave been more than eighteen years of age. Hut another docuiuent to be ret'erreil to presently, described him as boi'u in \7)S'.'i. \vhi( h would make him at this lime about twenty-eight. This we deem more likely. At all events his father never returned, having been killed in l(i(T), in the service of the King of France at the ■iege of .^^e!•y•sur- Seine, and the settlers were left to maintain them.selves as best tlu-y might, in the year l(ili! came the I'aid of Argall, by whi(di it was suppost'd that the settlement was wiped out of existence. Hieiicourt and a i'vw Frenidimen howevi-r continued to occupy the gi'ouud, and on the 1st September, Pils. he writes to the authorities of the City of i'aris. a patriotic and earnest letter urging them to send out colonists and to ado|)t other measures for the advancement of Fremdi colonization and the Christian religion in tlic-^e regions. This is the last detiuite inl'or- mation we have hitherto had of him. It has been supposed that he eontinued at J'oi'l Poyal till his death and this is asserted by !-evcral writers. .M. Suite in the article already (pioted, says that be die(| at Port Royal in lliliH. posionetl according to rcjiort. This is now [)roved to be incorn-ct. \Ve have here a receipt signed by him and dated December, hiiil. for three thousand livres, being his salaiy as director of the Royal Academy of Paris. Cliami)lain indeed speaks of him in Kl^-t as having lived in Acadia for eighteen years, as if he were .still there. Hut as he had been away from that province for years he might naturally be unaware of his having left. At all events, this shows him to have left Port Royal for good as early as the year 1()21. and to have sett led down in Pai'is, where he bad intiuence enough to obtain an ot!ice of respectability and emolument. This he seems to have held for about seventeei\ years or till his death, about UiJJS. At all events according to another manuscript document dated April of that year^ ( [lATTKUsoN] LAST YEARS OF ( HARLE8 DE BIENCOURT 129 offered for sale by M. Dufosse. boing • I'ower granti'd to S'r de Vaux to administor cortaiii of bis projaTties '" it appears that his (U^atb must luivu taken place sliortiy befo'c that date. Jn regard to Acadia, this contirms the statement of Sir Wm. Ale.x- ander, that the few French settlers remaining at Port Royal, neglected and unrecogni/A'd by the French authorities and depending upon tran- sitMit traders for supplies, agreed under Latour to submit to Sir William and the English King. Sec. II., 189(5. 9. / 1 •\ V. L 3 J • .^ 7b ^' ■ '^^l ^ 1<^ I'l ^c^ H5^ ^ ^ OS ^ 5? 5 \ xi r I M ^H -*. ■i /I $ ! /;