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M imMrtjint|U»:JI|«lsate. i«iba Crati of tb« )c^t^ QroTJnaial Ltg^h^xn ifl (PM^inbairJaait«, ' . 1 '' ' FiniL U rnMet to tba^moantthMi* t(>b«|rranVv •il by tbaljif^Matiire, your Lordabrp ^Ul pefMure by rto tha Difpatcb from hit Excelltncy Sir Ai*ebiM< qM|A>all, of tb*25(ifa NoTamV^r lact, that tha praNtKeMlrgaa OM tb« CImI Liit of tba Prdfiac* ■aMwuklit iCurrbiiey to i(l4,e4S, to pay whheb and -givA ir Hia Iliijeity'a Oowarnaicirt «ba ati^plAl 'of .4SMAa»H«r,:(ci|«aUojei6B I ermrreiMy.lnDbl. ]aaa,l»,4a.'4d^r«r. to. £6Xt'lt fir «t tba m'aal rata of ^s«Mwa,).i'«4*>i''<;Aivrant, froinUw. li«gifiw «^ JB Q/tfXMpf of i^lHa^iOr jeid>S|7J Mr Mnnnii •M|»rdipg ^ tba WMa ol, )&"*)»« ft KW W»M'* Iklila fi^y ba.e«)eiMald t an4 it iaJBlan«^,o«it of t_^at WiWi fiirar ■* -' *-"' ; aa' iBj Miar aolinlaa »ftWfc«rti3«.-«'- "«■ - '•" •Jl-ia. li*W4b«» %-' ttrf) Wilpail Ik «r' tM'fMtMt' filailaw^l.tBI faaWotrli^ fa MM inaiit qpon w« adbaranaa to it. I| tberifftre i» yf, ,fcf eat impoftaosf that thi* •bowld ba ,fiiw woderi^Qod by all partiei before tba Bill pMijia. ^ It wijilia t<^o late after warda to raiia •rWe qacetion. I^ as I am led to' buliave from ^rhat pK<&M ip tbe Hit4i^*lew I bad with yoiir Lordfhip, \n il iiot'tiontamplated by HI* Maje^Vdafarnmeat to abaadbh' tbia «!i6adiri;8i»y ap9H|fra.tlH>>ili»y b«iid«yM>«« tWi,»u}aect,^ MimfiM.t(»9 Cr9W.«i*l'>nMn each a «Bi^ of iahunat for tha OSdetai (nrtha Oiail Lhlaa tbeyi;«iay,thaiaaei!*aa.diff«t0,(iBit»bicii Icaab iha Oo- aerAroeyt: migb^ meeti wit|i' t|ha name diiBcaliy m Near :Bfifiii;ifi«k, of^, tt»a^ bM' ** ha».«H!t»>w«il'to JUwaar ,Can>nW ,flJff>«l »*W (ar UM, yet if |»ny,nf«raVK(« «IW!t» lt«n"«w re- Srf to the appr^ , ing from wliat iQO of, any pafjMc!W|Ntifai|tl.,dif- Sen tbaeaUhV^ " ^—.■.- ,yj»i1iairnai>t,i_ __ _, . do** I prawma b;y ISWa'f jirliamMlahr aoactii)i^^ r^to tbaappi , rfng from wlw, tional L««r rpd ai nn itKBoit^a , 4ifk to Hfa M^Mty for al&rllii'g any relief oi^ taiiitaaea to aaeb oM and ai|^it»fiaiimt ciipaMiitiiik<(ad (ervantt of tbat Colaay«e may bereafiar (Witbeot iqeh aid) fram aeebiant or ettter eaatea be left in the deelhie of life daelitata ( aitbonfib tbeir IbngaMl faithful esrvi- Yi>a might pre them aftoag aUimt to Ibe conaideratioA af OoverBmeat. Tb» fuade BOW, abpBt ^ ba conandered up to the PnviBcial LegialBtate by Hia Mqerty, are aa fol> low :— AmooBtdepo«iUdintbeProvinciat? at 3^ par cant. Intartal, payable ;! asy time on eia month's notice, , i . . AmaoBt on loan to tba Saint John Bridge Company, at 6 per «a^t. Jptereit, paya- ble iU January, 1836. if required, . . Amount already paid by ibe I^and Com- paay la part of their purchase, with the •ceamulalion of |nt*re*t, aboat . . Amooat of unpaid Inttalroenti on other Laada told in the Proviaca, part of whirb are now due, aad the remainder will baeeme due oa the Sl»t December, lata 44,»05 AaiouBt of ditto and ditto, which will ba- «ama daa oa tba dlit December, I838t 86,4S9 £20,000 6^ ir. n 1.1 M.Mb ')a Til rt £171.224 \ Baeidaa the balance doe on the porcbaM of the Land Compaay, tha amount of wh\rb I have no correct in- formation, but the above amouat alone your Lordihip wilt aerfeiva i« lufficirnt in iUelf to pay a Granl of £tfi,S&5 for ten year*, leaving an overplui of £18,274 batidai the Annual Reveauet accruing in thn mean time; I cannot therefore tuppote tliat after Hi* Ma- jaety*! Oorenmientbai(oliberallyconienledtn mrren- der ap tba whole of theee larga faadt, tba Hoaie of Aaeembly will on a review of tba oaettioa, olrfect to the graatiBir la lioB thereof eaok a liberal pravitioa ae rill anabia Hie Mt|eety. after peymeat at the Civil ^ial, ta meal may caitiagaal aaiargoncy tbat may reafiar aritOk i tadlr. Tba DetMtabee from Ibt Ueuttaaat raor Wore alladad ta, blva alrasdy yai*^*' •*>* Sen tb« Mteb^ithad Coneiitur !p||Wiam||]it, itctM^dooly b« , , , . ia'riirliamihlai'jiioactmiiittpr HMt'pBrt)^,' iAhI Ife^aaetnity tabmit Ibr yokr L«rlAlp^ coiseidaMtiitii t^t if tim'Maa rata i Ja- leiaial t*«|Mlafd vpsmf &fmt fNM Mw»^ batf^ beaa iw ««tMli<|faf iiaa(mrmitk*h*»qi'khrir«iodaofapiieap«lMioiiof»Um»»falimm uas 'an««tiBapi;%-ib9ir «p iMVfe4 to man atfraatiieiif b«hed utage in regard to the other ReveAiiet of the Province. Thirdly. I beg to call your Lordihip't attention to the que*tioo whether any Act of th!t nature made by a Colonial LeKltlature, even with the King'i attent, rtn be binding lor any period beyond Hi* Majetty'e life. The impreition upon my mind it, that in Law it cannot ; and if I am right in thit Law, thii Act and Iht provitioB intended to ba thereby made for the Civil Lift of the Province, might be at an end very •bortly afu the large amount af Crown moaiet now in band may bava bean paid over to, and perbapt ac- tually ditpotad of by the Coionbil Le|i*lature, aad it would thea be equally optioaal with that Body at it woeld be with the Mlaiitart of the Crown uf that day, whether or not they would rMa# the Act agaia upoB the tame tarmt. Thit dllcalty, if it it oaa, data BOt appaar to bara haea ilolfoed either ia the Houea of Attambly «r Legiillitira Coaactl in their 4ita«teiaM •» tha BUI, bat 1 nepaetfally aabaiit for Mf longer period i^ 1^ RTeaaVf I^|n> rat tba Bil^ might lie to frfimad a* to mjiibii iWa Cmip.t tq the CMwa'M'.far p'armanaoii at to be di^peU^ent iippq Hie Mtq^iMV^ mfri-ahd 19^«Wt HOI. >e*<^<>>|t >«• Roy4l Hi^ht to tH^ Ba*«Miifc^^tf qtiotMbai titiTot'io loag « pHrioi* aa they 'thboll ratpietivVly'idlfitirtBO to eurraBdM) tb*tatM to the dtaj^Mkl of'tba ii«gUi«l«re of'tbp Provtaea.1' . '< ■ ■'■ '■:■>'' '' '-■■' Id tf I ^r I^M'B»w>t•Mil jObr.LoratBipVBtlaitiaWM aania d«M«imt> H>lk$' *^ « wtiairaaPfrotwt>a» ^i^rtM)^l^^^«ii*|} lmate«Mtatr -' ^ "■ ' ■ — -Tjrt^yijm^njrjis ^Rt; tWfc Hw oftb^««qW. Pro# _ tba money by tba thirfl i^acdtm ofl^ lAeVtWlittk W tooehMi bbM *ii^r«priiite(i Uy Act df mmmtti'Ai. eMibly. But y oar Lordtbip perbripW la ^ Hot' <#*aro that tbe different Aecoaato d^ tba v a r iaw aid .p«M«, «K lite foirM* ambuntt aieertained until Iom mvfi tVff , p^rpbaw money op Toanaga pa. the Timber W bftmrecaiiicd, and tbota expentet eanpot be paid out ol; tha nct^a SroMf^t until tbe Accoiintt are eMiiilne^ 'aiiS MtMad J the proper autboritlet. I woqld (h«ral|M Wi|{^*l> that an aiheridmeat tbould ba mada ia tnie t«maii direeiiog tbat tba Acconote ehonld*ba made i^ t^i.tka end of every qnarter by tha Reeaiver OaaerBl ar otbir proper OScer appointed for that purppea, af all m». niet then in hand, and alto of all expentee thatfaava been properly incurred duriag tbe quarter air a«y preceding period, aad that the net bafatnta in hand after tl>e paymaat of tuck expentet, be than .pai4 9«Mr to the PrpvincUl Treaturar. Tbif afrangemtqt would compel the Oficert to be ruular ia renoariaf their Aceoanit at Qxtd perlodt, and praraatmittakiia in the amount to b^ ptid over. Itv^ill a1»obe p«r6eiTed tbat the Bill m'^ now atanda mnkea nd provision for any Mrplua that ntav remain of tbe Revenue* at tb* expir- ation of*^ the Act if niade only for a liiiiiMd plfh riod, and as lands are sold geatTaliy 6f»>rf jrefktr _-sahiebyln there may lie at the expiration bf the A«t i(^ tn*(alhieau|. on terms of paying fbr tbe i there may be at the expir itnlments coming due at a aiibseqilient period for lands sold white the Act i^a* iit force, In which oBse the Mouse of Assembly tnfffateuilt^ (hose sums when received to b« paid over ii part of the proeeeds of salit* made nnaet am diPMstien* ofthe Ast, althoitsh thiW {rt^itrt IW tb* Civil Li*« had emJMd to Be piVaiM.* 4 M tbe other band very lirge ram* njighrMMM be paid over to the Treaaoter at tM eiid ortli Quarter preeediog the wpiratie* •t the Aei, ^tv- // r ill* I II •nd a Urge •ariilu* undiipoud of may %« in port of the Civii Govern* meut shall be pahl^by the Treasurer, by War-) rant from the Lieutenant Governor, in four quarterly payments, that is at the end of each quarter in the year, but there is no direction as to the person in whose fnvor such Warrant is ,to be .drawn, or where this quarterly payment, when an drawn, is to be deposited, tor the jiur- pose of answering the demands of the Civil Go- vernment; It is true that this can be regulated by His Majesty's Governttient withont being inserted in the Act, but Toiir Lordship may think it wdrtlry of consideration, whether |t would It At be better that ihe. Ac^ should direct that^hete,qi!|arterly paymerito should be made to the. t^eoeiver Creueral or other proper Officer appointed . for ' that purpose, on a Warrant drawn in his favtor by the lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief fofr the time being,, to he applied in the first place so fur as may be necessary t» the support of the Civil Govern- ment of ^he Province, and any surplus that re- liMiin's to be expended in the Province in such waves the.Lords'Cittmihisaioneni of Hia Ma- Jieety's Trehsury may flireiiJl. ' I npW cuitie t6 the {iflh SectiQiy, upop, which . m> much hiis already boeit said in the Despatch- es qiF ihe,Ifieutei}ant (xoverqor to Your Lord- ship, aa imht eviLefiectsats operation would ^avftinthe Provinc«,.if aliowfld to pass into a Law. As it now stands, it is unnecessary for ti^ t9 trouUe Your Lordship with any further re^^r^B,oa that bead ; but t cannot but think the (i|«^. adopted by the House At Assembly foB providJDg againat aueh evil> by passing ano- ther. AUl .(wlioli is only to bare eneat for two yeurw,) 19. reairaio the provisions of thi«,.in- •t«»d,«f <«t once making, the .neoesaary altera r*M>f||] i« thia before it mssea into a 0? thf^t'l^ead,. which, 1 think, Youf Loid siijp«(ulrequ(re: to b« materially altered in sc ver4 reapieciii before i| can go into effea. . .ftut, at ail events, if it ia admitted,, tluA4he operation of the 6th Section of the Ci Til List BtU, Bs it now stands, should be ro' •trained, it surely would be better to have that Seoiion' altered and modiffed accordingly be- ibre it pAaiteehito a Law, than to trust to other enaotment* to jBbrrect it. I thei^fbre l^g leave re^ei^tfully to lUggefat jn^eM.of declaring as the seciiun noW^oes, all drniits, Sifi. nulTand void, unless made up-, on. sttle, (lte,;at PMblie auction, the euuctment be )hat io jfiiturst nil Crown Lands, &c,, to be •old or Iffaaed in tJw Province (except na there inafter axeepM) •'>»)l' ^ ■<>'*' ""^ leased at FubKo anctK-n; aAbr public notice given in the Hoya^ Gazette and other jiapers for sueh lencth ar lime as the Act may direct, and in whieh iiAtice the upset price shall be stated, leaving it to the Governor and Executive Coiincil, to fik what that phall be, and let the pfbvlso for' the exceplions in the Act, to be ihfreiqaAersetQUii pruyidcin addition to what ta now excepted tjierein, that nothing in tlii Act sliall extfiqd to (Usable Hie Majesty,. His Heirs aiid sucpeiisars, froju innKing any Grant or Leases of Lfand, &c- by private sale or othern^isei for the endowmciu of Churches, BohnplSt or qthpr pMblio Institutions, in the Province, not exceeding number of ueros,. to any oiia Much 1nstituiiba> andifisp the snine exception i.o extend to •ny person or p6r«oiis •ettlud,{fi,,tha proyince, woo msy in the opinio on of ° );W, Obvernor. and £xoc.uiivu; Council, baVe feja.eq^)table clain^ or preffisupe,. arising frtftn. pHbr ocoupia^cy or improvement |o auy ptrtiipiiVi-itnipt of wngraaied laiM|« ao Utjlt tha ¥ith. n Kfi jww*,. ^w\m 9(. »o.wi, »« any oae peraoa, upon luek person or persona payinf for tfa«-Bapi;fi tuch price or aun* '^ot less twih ahilliafffl per acre, oa ma^ be agreed on by this Governor ond' Executive Council, and ali^o the same exception to ex- tend to any Military, Naval or other Officer under the Crown, who may Im entitled to a commuted allowance in Land for faisserviceb, according to the ^aduated scale, and upon the terms and conditions now, on which may hereafter be established for such grants. A provision in substance to the above effect, in lieu of the present 5th sectiun of the Bill, would, I humbly conceive/ afford all the secu- rity that is requisite for the Province, that the lands will not be improvidently granted, and would at the «ame time, relieve the Bill (Vom the present objectionable clause. I have new to apolqgji«. for thui treipaMing so long upon your Lordthip's valuable time, but as I feel very aasioui that thi* matter ibould be *a ar> ritnged m both to iBiiiify. tfae Houic of Aiiem'jiy and to preteet the jutt claimt of individual!, •« al- io at the moie time to aifttrd the requitite tecurity t»th« Crown, f have ventured thoi at length lo bring all the point* that haveOccurred to themindt of tiia Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and the Executive Council under your Lordthip't na-> t^ceat onevieW( trutiing tpittourliordihip't indul- gence for to dojog. And I have only to add, that if the Membert of the HouM of Aiieoably could have diveuedthsic miadiof the prejudicethey have imbibed egainn the Bxvcaiive ot' the Province from an erranaoui im|)rc»>'ion that we are opposed to the surrender of th«i6 Revenuel, and have rait- ed dlfBrultiet only tb throw obtiaclea in the Way of the ineaitire being carried into effrct ; many of them, and I think a hiajority would coincide in opi- liloti ylrjih me as to the propriety of roost ifoot all of the alteratiiant I have here suggested ;, and al- though licaanot but think it would be better after your Lordship hat determined what provisioaaibe 0i|t aiutticoatain for the security («i' the Govern- meat, lo leave the rest baoadly ofken for tf s Legist iatUrw of the Provhiee (uMhackled by any fixed ^___ ,, , . foTM of a draft sent fVonj thit Goiintrr,} to prepare dnpaitiMucMlnry' 'im* BHrt^e; a*d tft«l*»o*h-pro»Moto«»f a l*^. "■ **• *•"""» cat nature, at they iua| think the i.ije'rMy of. the Previ|ite require, op at they do not in effect i*eak-. eii th'etecnrKyto VeproviiJedifontbe Crown, and 10 pa^ ihp. Bill, with a tut|i«ndii)g claute. Yet ifypur Lerdthipprefert that the dcaft thouldbe nettled here, at Meiart. Crane and W.ilmot arenow in London, I ahal! l>e reedy if they are to dispos- ed, la assist' them in making such alterations in the present Oraft, at yuur Lordship miy, on fur- ther consideration decid'B upon ; for tarn guided tblely by a with to get the itoaiter letllrd in a way, that will be the mott coodusive to the bcti intcrettt of the Province, and I am qiiiie sure, that the tanie ol)jert alone has directed the pro- ceeding* ol His Exosllency Sir A. Campbell, and my Brother Membert of the Executive Council, ia ^tety ttep they have taknn on this important snbiect. I have, kc. (Signed) GEO^ F. STREET. The Right Honorable * ■ i. . •' ' Lord Glgnelg, &c. &c. ««...M(.AtMM!».tv m -«> ■ — •'} (Copt.) Douning Slrett, 6M Jlpril, IB37. Sib,— I have to ackoowledse the receipt of Sir Ar- chibald Campbell's Despatch of the 98th Ja- nuary last. No. 4, on the subject of the proceed- ings of the Legislative Council and Assembly of^ew Brunswick in regard to the Civil List Bill. Mr. Street, the Solicitor General of the Provinee, having been deputed by Sir A Campbell to proceed to this country in order to< utrord the benefit of hla orni explanations regarding the quoations in dispute between the House of Assembly nnd the Lieutenant Qover- nor, I have discussed the vhole subject with that Oenttoman, and have received from him a Letter dated the 39d ult. of which I enclose a copy ibr your inforiiiatian., .l^ho House of As- sembly also haying deputed two of their Maw- bera, JMeasrs. OfaMO and >Wilmat to. this Coun- ry for the purpMHi,nf oomnHNiioa(i«g wiib lli\ MiU««f jr'f QovvraiMMif m ihffaM* tutiiMt, I hava received ft-om those GentlemoQ an Ai' dress from the Assem! ly, to the King» 'Which t have laid before His Majesty. I have also had interviews with Messrs. Crane and Wilmnt, and have given due attention to every atata- inent and suggestion which they have thought it necessary to bring under my notice. 1 proceed to state to you the result of a deli- bernte considerati'jn of the various aspects in which the matters controverted between vour Predecessor and the House of Assembly, have thus been presented to His MajestyV Govern- ment. On referring to my Dispatch of the 2d M 'ch. No. 109, which was written befurk> tfae ai.lval of Sir A. Campbell's last C|ispatcbes,. you will find that I have anticipated many of tb* auestinns which have mqre recently come un- er discussion. In order to avoid as far aa possible the risk of any misconce|)tion on ao' occasion of so much importance, 1 aball disre-* gard the minor inconvenience of repeating some of my former statementr and explana- tions. / , First. — Sir A. Campbell did not 'conitde^ himself ns in possession of adequate authori'T for assenting, on His Mnjesty's behalf, to the. Civil List Bill. His objection to act uppn the Instructions which 1 oonveyed tohiin, may, as I now understand it, be stated aa follows; The 14th clause of those Instrucliona con>- tained the following passage:—" You nre not " to Pass or give your Assent to any Bill or " Bills of an unusual and extraordinary nature " and importance., until- you shall have first " transmitted to us, through one of oui' Priii- "cipal Secretaries of State, nnd to the Com- " mittee of Privy Council for Trnd6 and Plan- " tations,. for tbeii" information, the Drafts of '.' sUch Bill or Bills, and shall have received "our pleasure ther<)upon,.unlBssyou take core '' that there be a clause inserted therein alts— Mpetidingand deferring the execution thereof, " until our pleasure shall be known cencem- " ingthe same.'* But Sir A. Campbell argnea that in the present case neither of these condi^ Aions had;beqp fulfilled jjj^b»4rafl^i)f' List Bill had not been trShllilnittil the signifieation of His Majesty's plfeiisura, did it contain a, suspendliig clKuse. It was, in- dtsed, true that the DralV.Uf^I betn transmitted to^ the Lieu'epant Q^overnor, for hi|i guidance, by the express command of His Majesty, sig- nified thruvfth me as one of bis PriBcipal Se- cretaries of State. But it was mainlvined that this was neither a formal nor a substantial ful- filment of the 14th article of the General In- struutloiiftt Thedifference het\v«en the form litei-ally prescribed and' that whtitrh was actuallv observed, requires no explaniition. The dif- ference of substance is stated by Sir A. Gamp- boll to be, tlMit a Draft transiiiitted from the Province to this Country mu^t be oCennipanied by a Ileport from the' Lieutenant Gbfernor, which Koport must of (bourse be wanting when that order of proceeding is reversed. It is no lojiger necessary, with a view to any practical measure,, to discuss the distinc- tion which was thus drawn, bernute 1 have, now hud thaadvantage of receiving the Draft from Sir A Campbell, acrumpanied by the cointiionts which it appeared to him to require; yet I oannot pass fron: this question without recording my opinion that 'he Draft of t BW transmitted by His- Mnjesty's '^omninnds to thfe Lieutenant Governor, with Instructions, that if adopted by the other branches of the Legisla- ture, it should lie assented to by him, is pre- cisely of the same authority nxif thnt Draft had Iwen drawn uii and originoMy recommended to . the King by the Oflicer adtiiini^tcribg the Go- vernment of the Province. It it true that ia , sbch n course of proceeding the benefit of the previous suggestions of that Officer is not ob- . taiued. But I cannot admit that not com- petent to His Miijesty to dispense with that ns- ' sistance on any occasion on which he ma^ be i so advised by the Cuu&lentinI Ministers of tfae Crown. The oonlrary supposition- might, on occusiious of the utiriMt urgency, and Import- anco, involve the nccesAity of a dehiy fittBt t» th» tnteesa not merely of meaaiirefefoandad ioa •i <» :*. — ,-v »rn r '■h\ / 'b loeal and jwrt{cnlnr policy, bat of sneb aa tiiajr have reference to (he generulinterests of thaTEihptre The purpnge qf tho I4tb 6eiioral |bMmcti6.i wos tu place a check on the authp- rit/ of thr^ (lovembr, not t6 fetter the diacre- yHl pleiisure should be signified not thiotigh His Majesty's Secreta- ry of Statet but either in the form of an .Order In Council or in that of Instructions under the Koyul Sign Muniini. I jiave not succeeded in my attempts to 88ce"tain the precise grounds oit- which this opinion rests, and I am therefore nnable to sontrovert them : but un referring to the Commission under which the Government of New-Brunswick is administered, you will perceive, that it required the Governor, " to " 0Xts6ute his commnnds Hccording to the se- " vera! powers end niiibcfHties granted to or " appointed him by that Conimispion, and the '* iDBtriictiotiB'therewith given to him ; and by *> such further powers, instruetions and autho- " riiies as shall at any time thereafter begrant- '''ed to OP appointed bim under'the King's Sign '■ Mannal and Signet, or by His Majesty's Or- " derin His Privy Council, or 6y Hit Jitajetty " through one of Hi* Principal Srerttaiiet of " Stalt." I am not aware of the grounds on which Sir A. Campbell concluded that' the last of these metlioils of signifying tbe Hoyal plea- sure was insufficient or inapplicable in tbe present case: tho opinion seems to me at vari- anee with tbe established practice and univer- sal understanding of all the Colonial Possessions of the Crown. Thirdly— Sir A. Campbell objected to the Ci- vil List fiill, because it involved an error in tbe ealculation of the rate at which Dollars are is- sued from the Receiver General's OfHce in the phymont of Salaries. 1 have explained the sources of that mistake in my despatch of the td March. If it were necessary to insist on the correction of it, the Assembly have relieved ou tue subject, for on the 7th January they re- solved that " in the event of its being thought " necessary or proper by me, that there should " be a clear surplus of £666 sterling, as stated " in my Despatch of the 5th September, the " House, upon being made acquainted with « that fact, should immediately place by a per- " manent vote, or during the continuance of •' the Civil List Bill, such additional grant at " the disposal of the Crown us would amount " to the surplus above stated." They curry ■till further their frniik and liberal confidence in His Majesty's Government, fur no stipula- tion having been made in the Civil List Bill, for tbe expense of tho Judges' Circuits, they re- solved to provide for that service also during the continuance of that Act. His Majesty accepts these Resolutions as a fresh and gnitifying proof, that his solicitude for the welfare of his Subjects in New-Bruns- wick has been justly appreciated by tbe Repre- ■nntntives of the people in that Province. I have His Majesty's commands to state that as far as respects the oxpencesofthe Circuits, the King duos not hesitate to ask the fulfilment of this pledge, because every measure which strengthens the security lor the Independence of tho Judges, must contribute to the stability of nil the social rights of whicL tbey are the guardinns. But with regard to tbe furthe:- grant which ia offered to rectify the misc«lculu- tion ill the Civil List Bill, His Majesty will not .tvuil hiiiisulf of the offer of the Assembly. In my Dispatch of tbe Ed March, I pointed out the resource which might be fuuml for supplying tho deficiency, by a reduction of Ofiicial Eiiio- luinetits, and Sir A, Campbell's resignation, by rsducing to the extent of JCAOO per annum the ctitrge upon the Civil List, renders it unnocos- •ary to accept the further aid proffered by the AsMQihly with so much cordiality and in so atriciend honorable an adherence to the spirit rather ibun the letter of tbe pledges given on .aair boiitlf bur Meiurji. Craa« ud Wiliiiot Fonrtbly — A further qmenlinn. of sroat imports anee ha vine been nniiceii iii Mr., Street's letter ofibe 39d Inarch, must not oe passed o.Vjep:, in silence. That Gentletnao auggests that it is not competent to :he King, with the ifdvice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assem- bly of New-Brunswick, to alienate the Heredjr tary Revenues of the Crown, in such a manner as to bind His Majesty'ii^nyal Successors.-^- On this topic,. I limit myself to a g^prui ifitMt^ ment, declining. AS unnecessiary and therer fore as uhadvisable, tbe dis<;||saioa of t.b^ wide constitu'ioaal principles iny()lyed in this enquiry. On ci^retVI reflection, I am con* vii'iced that Mr. Street's ppinio^ is not.wel^ founded. I do not think that the cession which dunng the taut century, it bus been customary to make to Piirliainent of tbe, Hereditary H^- venuu of ihje Crown for the life of the reigning Sovei'eign only is to be uudierstp'o|d as^au a^riu- ation of^he maxim, that the Kingl.t^^s and Commons of Great Britain and .IroM'Mt^ ^"'^ IP* competent to conclude a permanent se^tliqmci}^ of tbe nuestion. That tne existing practice; is founded on the highest grounds of expe(lic|ncy is indeed indisputable, l^ut I dp ..not ;p«r?^iv.e that the motives which so urgeptly^rqid a per- manent alienation of the Heredi{^rjr Ri^venues of the Crown in tliis kingdom, , apply to the case of a British Province on the Nor^b Ame- rican Continent. That such a cession ^ay. be, rendered valid b^ an Act of .GenerAJ. Asse;in|>ly asj^nted to by His Majesty,, apd ]t^(|f tbe ei^actt ment of such a Colonial Law, m'a'y^'uhder some circumstances, be judicious and expedient, miffhtreadily be shewn from a reference to our Colonial History. I allude especially to the caseof the Island of Jamaica. The objection, if well founded, would of course apply to a settlement for ten years as distinctly as if it should be made in perpetuity. Understanding that Messrs. Crane and Wilniot and Mr. Street concur in thinking that it would be expedient that the Civil List should be permanently set- tled, I have His Majesty's commands to ac- quaint you that if such sboulu be the opinion of the House of Assembly, you are at liberty to to f xofciMt cirantloiiKlf tbM.p«fe«t of origiMtinK money grsntN whMhj«rtpr«4MtJdM|rw4teii«'d^ rcctly.; I,(|^r«foi».hav«j»,jaiirfiet.ya«)no(to ia> MitMn9iV.thi*«anditi#it;. f ;., <" .. 8i>ihl3ri»-Mr..SlrMt!hN)ol>jceted fbtt ally m*. plus .ftmdf which at th»i«iip(f«tioa of the terra of |«D years: mayrclmafai'in Ute f^Mte Trenury, miiy St that period lirclt)med> by iKe AMembfy, aU ihough they wouli} hive ^M el theif diipo^al all the surpkit whMl hesbeeii atpretrnt eccamu- Isted. I uo not p«r£«!»e'tbe'fa^;e of this obiee- liofl. • Th«exiitin|( ttcceeittHiiioni are surrender^ ed to the-^MioiiM chteifuHy,- ebt merely with con.' tentmswi but>wilh saiitlltctieK. tiii Mtjeity csh have no s«h«r inttt«M M the Matter tbdn that the fundi ihould be expended io whatever mender may be(t edrwsee thSwel^^f of the Provihc^; ini uw (het'^q (Neuron' Ht< MeiM»:''ctiiiceivet'tb'at refi-. ancalmsy ^#ith fer^ ^(iwiij^r' tKfcty be placed on the judgment oif this'I^i-esehiBt^veiiof the People, thait on any other BifvipBi The Mtiou bf the ex. itribg fund ii, thereferv, not rMe^^dhy the Ktng, in the light of a licriftte. bat rather in that o?^; direct advantage.-' :ifdfMntthb next ten yes^ (lUpfioiieg the CiviF-Bftt'linittejl to that time) ariy,' new accum^lRiieg ahpirf^fritite' place, ir will c^rh- • itiire a ettvhif «efli!e^e4l K^ thi frugality ef the- Home of Ameitibly, "fo tNe benefi:t of vbieh tber will have the; desfrttftftH!.' , *'^ Sevepthiy-^Mpj,^treetQlu9CU that if* the grmi proceieds of thiB.Cj'o^n AeyeoMe sboiildlu pai4 not ivfc heretctfaUBj^o fife Receiver QTeneraU but to the Public Treasiirer, the law would render it impossible for the Lieutenant Gover- nor in Council to withdraw from the hands of the Treasurer except in pursuanee of an Act of Appropriation, that part of the money, which would be indiapeneable for defraying the expenses of collection and Management, It does not appear to me that this objection is well founded. The first section of the Bill directs the payment to the Treasury of the pro- ceeds of the Revenues " except the monies " which shall be expended in the collection " and the protection thereof, as specially au- " thorizedand provided for by th#4thBeotion.'> .^JLthen hy .the 1th — "tinn mnmitti^ f ^hiDt thfl -. ./'. Fifthly — The next in order of the objection! made to the Civil Liit Bill, is that it doei not le- cure to the Crown the right of initiating all 'otei of public money. Sir Archibald Campbell tK>n- cludei that the neceiiary enactment for thii pur- pole wai omitted in the Draft by an overiight, be^ caute my Ditpatchei on the tuhject had dittinctly adverted to such an arrangement a> having been agreed upon with Mewri. Crane and Wilmot The (uppoiition of an .overtight it not, however, well founded. I thought originally, and itill retain the opinion that the great principles by which the mutual right! and obligsiiuni of the different Mem- hers of the Conititutiun are regulated, do not form the proper subject of a Statutory Law. It is the felicity of our farm of government, that it reiti on cuftotn* and tradition!, far more than on written charter! and potitiveenacimenti. But after a ve- ry attentive coniiderntion of the whole ludject, I am convinced, that it U not practicable, and if practicable would not be wite, to iniiit upon the obtarvance in New-Bruniwick of the Rule! of the Houfe of Common!, respecting the initiation of grant! of money: io the first place thii would be a departure from the uiagc of every other Colony, poaieiting a RcpireientHtive Aticintily. In thu next place it would be a diiturbance of s custom to which the inliabitanti of New-Bruniwick are fu- milivrixed and attached. It would engender eon- tinued itrile beta eeo the Executive Governmrnt and the Aiteoibly. In the third place, even. the rule! of the Houie of Common! in thli reipect, unlrif luitained by thr judgmrnl of that House, aiid by the opinion jf the public at large, would afford no effectual lecurity fur reierving to the Crown that initiation of money grant!, which the Crewn hsbituRJIy exerciiei. There are forms of proceeding in Parliament, by which on expenditure may be sttggcited to the Crown by the Repreien- tstivesofthe People. The e«tabli»iiment of the propoted Rule in New-Bruniwick, in the present itato of public opinion on the lubject, could have DO other effect thao that of leaving tbe Aiiembly V- " Lieutenant Governor with the advice of the " Executive Council may expend out of tbe " gross proceeds, such sums of money as they " may deem requisite for the prudent manage- " ment, protection and collection of the said " Revenues. " Therefore although it be true that the Treasurer can issue no money except under an Act of Appropriation, yet it is also true, that he will receive not the gross but tbe net income. Besides the unequivocal inten- tion of tbe whole arrangement, the spirit in which it has been conducted on beholf of the Assembly, and the manifest interest of the Province in enabling tbe local Government to meet every necessary charge of collection and management may be considered an ample guarantee against any endeavour on the part of the House to create the apprehended em- barrassments. Eighthly. Sir A. Campbell and Mr Street con« cur m objecting to tbe enactment in the same Session of the 5tn clause of the Civil List Bill and of tho Act passed to restrain the provi;jion8 of that clause. It is certainly not to be desired that there is 'an apparent, if not a real iucon- gruity andcontrudiction between the two Sta- tutes, and that it is desirable to avoid such a departure from the ordinary mode of Legisla- tion. But this is rather u queatiou of style and composition than h substantial dilBcuUy. The meaning is perfectly simple. The second statute qualifies the general rule laid down in tbe first. But tbe first Bill contains no words anticipating tho subsequent restriction. This objection may be removed either by transfer- ring the fiflh clause to the second Bill, of which it might form the commencement, or by adding to that clause in the present Bill a few words declaring that it is to be subject to suoh quulificution as may thereafter be enacted. Ninthly. Sir A. Campbell objected to the Bill for restraining tbe Mb clause of the Civil List Act, Iwcause " it assumes to the House a right to take the whole control and management of \ veruic««nil|bitM«i«»C«ttlMit, m^ t»'ireg» l«t« tb* |»nMi<4**B*'(i«<''' "^ ttrtttMrtioita t» Military Officera, and aU tMottnr BfiinralitolM the,diffOf«t tli«r«ef >lv lilMiiifauili^ •nMunMoi, tbaraHy.ju^ioc IViM» iha 'Kia||all bia ilAjriil PreroJiikiivpiiRigbla in thri 'owen wbicb, b/ th|B, CUrU tym.Bill, aroJMaonred: lo t^e Ez«eui|v,q Gov«SlunMli nari do. I ycnoive any,,tnajfr«Tifi9M ,wbieb it oodx taill|. , ., , , I , ,1 ir lr)i. ■■ : . ') • , ;|^eQthiy, It i|rm,4bll!n(«4t«tbaM0oiidBi]l» tb>it if WM i;ra||d4>iW mi^^ y«iw. I i"*Bow- IM^ the jujitiQf qfj;bt>\5nj«(>tifin„and ahall b« bai^py .iff^n^rfvlaw oiiT tbir;>ubi«9t, tba Aa- <9m%;«|^«j|l Wdfapoai»4.,to, trandef tbe tmi ~ f«r,tb«yabiJl , pariodioftwa an «4: 9bjacti- grouodfor tb« i«jl(ittoaoftb.4m<(Mim)., '; .,,....,,( : M « apwAr^ t^»^J«t| .tli,^,MW b*V9 baeo lOMt by tivB c|o^q| pnte Saiwoi Hitboat tbft Ooirbhibra KM«hl bar^g .b0«a|^y«i|> jut tbe«i* it will be vour fint duty on ^if HPniQf ^* M- iniaittftiMpb'of thB''OoViBirDitiaiit;:.t9^^^^^ tba L^iltttilte, aiiciydti ^i)V tWiJMniit toi tba ' — ■■■ •-' • ■^- ""■■ ■(•'BtottftofAsi Lej^atiVo Caubdl, Wi ' tbi 1 rAaiain- Att«bi% tbkt I bMva MeelMHi^ Mlijes>»,bta t9 If V^tvMrVqf Ibf Jxw^'tfleffl Itomttianaii td'add^inti'td'tbeiiJ^'tMp eomtnuqi- |[ «aPfi^ i*!>>>^|f fbl* ptfpuob.' wfwoi cfaAoH, ni eompHtibl;' the ttliiiwar wbich Hla ' pfntltig in totem fhjfi ISb A. Cwpbiul il|pw|<, , Blajaaty hai'peIsM erabinuil^'plealMd to return ' at iba'cleit or hi* eonnaiion witb (be ,^toyi^^ dItHAl wbitib adviertii fo the contpoaitton of thq Exeeative'Counelt latai tb offer in rajily the foN lowing obilMViitidfaf . lb my Qiipatcb, K6t 3A, of tbi^ 5th of last September', Sir A. Ciiiopbell waadi^-ected, with rdftreneeto the dMlrt of the Aaaembly for tba i^tlrbaaii'df thbf,lR^,' to report to ifae, wiihdut Ibaabftini^ t^ibnamiaof such Qentleiiien aa abould apjMay' to bim nioii eligible ibr aaata in Hi* B^aJeAy^^ExeeuflVe (ibahml. The inathic Ubn* tud« ibould ba«« failfd fp obtain ihair fpprab** tioo. I,^ouldyat)odul|«tbabap«tbjitt ibw wifift fiod It coiicUtant with ib^ Mate of, ppMie diitty.i by tb^ a4op(|on of jmek farther aefuura* a* aay babatt^aplfd for tb# parpoM, to rallara ^bat gilllaat a^:<«timablf Ofltcar from rpprpafbff ■« paiatiiltf :aa banmr^bleiniad, I aaa Mnvinayd? ibey will aoneur «iMi, Hl» M^*ty'« OefereiMat in tbialMogtbat, wbatfvar diCiranpet of aaiaio* may uwfoKtnnataly bavaaritaa bctf ean tb* Hbtiw and tb* lot* Liaotavaot Govamor. (h« eondnet of Sir A> Cnapballbaa b«e» inAoanocdby no motirea other than n ttriat wam of duty< niid an aaraaat coal for tb* good of Hk Mainiy'a aar? ica and tba walfaraof ibo Peapl* of Naw. Brtnmkk. . . I have tha.bMior to b*( Iw. -. ^*HMo ^%iad)' GLENBLO. » ToH4orGM«r.4 Sir JoM IIa«vivi kt* iMtfto^"* dii J.' -.( '2)iny.^ ^:i» i"oiJ-."'.!!f>i % %■ !»;;'l ffifttfl - ■<»'> .'iiim ''HW 'fii fi*r!-iH,;!y 1 ;>•! V.i'i*^ ■.:?^!(!"f ' ' .-if, .,)( ftn'cvtuiuf? i'^fe'i.iii'M. yi*,.»«»tw ' tl.c:-i ?«; !* "• ■■■ a\\\m^ at, t»»fi,W<»i(f)' uili' Wirt <>«) 1 •'ifaiiJT' ii fiflj-iji!* iM' "li^l ,Ti. 'H'm «'fi(i) *.' fllV. . ,1'^'-^ 5W.I i^'tvl ,*ia,)n' i*t*«f4.,/I'X(Kt lll'MOrt,- •iU «»i?J' T'i 'hiMi l^l'1ll»'<. -'.''"i ^ v«♦^.■■^^t"*''•' V '"'*' *■■'' ?-.tt5 1»14>/ii«jf *t Jl :(.t;* ti<«i ;.'>itp'' -*hju!' r>,. s;^Hi( v-s.utvin'jfl'M^HtWt'wuiiftifh).' .'(i>^i««f*^loi5v<''^i^u.;^^f■>■^W'|■'•" W ^^'«' T'J! sua .JMit.'..- »i-.j.,-;v'' Ww-tt '>»• ■•■ ■■■• •■I- «f it-,! , j»')!> j^jj; t!f,f«i ( «rf,'j<'.|M,«:/li «> I ,;,.li■^;^^;''♦• ■ •.. Mi. \K .••■!,r-i'fifi •4» i i I'f ij»i$\}-4f "^ Iff 1 ,ii jt f): r.> 3iit ' ( u fj i.-tj ....... «!7 ... '