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'- , ■ ' \ ' •• ■■ ■ : . ■ ■ .%. ■ ■ ■* ■ . ./'-.. ■ * ■ ■» r. . ' ■ . ... • ■ ' ■ " " " 1. ■ ■■.'''■ . ^■ ■* .*■''.'.' ■'..■." ■ . . " ■ .* \'- '■ V .' • - ■ ■ y^ . 1- ■ .' ■ ■'■■■■■■;■-. ' ■ - ■ ' -.* '.■■.■•"■'■- ■ ■; " ■ ' ' » ., \ •■ :- ■ - ;■■,...- - ".. 4 , ■ . ■ ■^ ' ' - ■s ■ '/.: i. : ■■, " '* ■ " ■ ■ ■ * , • ' . ■ ", '■ : ■'* . A 1 1 • ■ '»*■'■ . r • . 1 ^^. • ^7^^F%»" ? F' f^-i'^^ '-r * *T"f/^'^y/ ■ tr •'■#4 \^ W^^"^^ \ I . *■'-., r^ V7'> MA^ \V- 1^; W' TORONTO, I at! >u. H. II. 1>. -^. -ju,- 1^ \. ^'4 1 iV '\t ff* % »^3^i^*wi .<* ^ « -" >- *r^\ \ J A ').*'" f ,. ANE sweetly soleiuit tliought Comes to me o'er Jirul o'er ; I'm nearer iivjr licMTic to-day Tlian I've owr boon before I Nearer my Father's house, Where the many mansions bo ; Nearer the great whito throne,. iV(?ar?ws'" fT \f * ' ^F^'^ t I'i'iiiii (III- (irriiiiin ls, Triiiisliilnl l>v I'. Ki.v t*.i\, In 1 1. \ KTEUNITY. fe f l^TEHNJTY! Eternity ! ■ How lon<5 art tlioii, Etcniity I Yet omvard still, to tliee wo speed, As to the fi^ht tli' impatient steed. As ship to port, or shaft from how. Or swift ax couriers ho||»[ard •^o, Mark well, man, Hlernity ! :''*"■>' Eternity ! Eternity I • llow lung art thou. Eternity I As in a haJl's (Concentric round ' Nor starting point nor end is fqiind. So thou, Eternity so vast, No entrance and no exit hast. Mark well, man. Eternity I Eternity! Eternity I , llow long art thou^ Eternity I A ring whose orbit still extends. And ]ie'er beginning, never ends, .l/»>-'« .T-'r- "^ .■^li^. rt :.t- Ktcrnity ! Eternity! How long art tliou, Eternity ! Ciune thoro ii bird oacli thouHan^.- A. \ 4^' ^-■^\) * .,!#: .■•:■ & Eternity ! Eternity ! HoSv long art thou, Eternity ! Who hero HvcmI poor iind Horc distressed Now truly rich with God doth rest, With Joys consoled for all his ill lie lives to pniisc (rod's ;»oodness still, Mark well, () man. Eternity ! Eternity! Eterttity ! How lonp art thou. Eternity ! A nioiucnt's pleasure siniuu's know '' Throu«»h which they pass t<> ejulless woe, A moment's woe the ri^^htcous tastv;. -' Through which to endless joy they haste, Mark well, man. Eternity ! ^ Eternity ! Eternity I IIow long art thou, Eternity I Who looks to thee alone, is wise * Sins pleasures all, ho can despise The world attracts him now no more His love for vain . ir.:{:{ WIIOSO liim hethol't inwanlly ana.ol't, Wow Kard it were to Hit fVoni hc»l unto the pitt, Kroni ititt unto )Kjyne, that nere shalj <'ease eerteyne, lie w()lilt. iv liaVo I. w Jiby* I. TIIK i»RApil OK MAUY^UKEN 01^ 8C<0T8. y DOMINE Dt^us, sporavi in To, caro mi Jobu, nunc libera mo, In dura catono, ' In migcra poena, Posidoro To, \ Languondo, " , Gemcndo, Oenuflectcndo, * Adoro, Implore, . . Ut libfircs mo. \ Ti'amlation. ^if M / A Lord God ! I've trustod in Thoo, Jc8us belovod ! npw liberate me : In fetters so galling. In tortures appalling, I long after Thoo. , In moaning, •^. In groaning. On bent knee atoning, '^^^■- I adore Thoe, I implore Thee, ' ' To lib e rat e me. -^ — ■ ■ : — — ' . r' ' -V" /■ r- 4> V". '*>' " -vr:- • .^ , >•^ .v""»r" ■'•■•; ."»*'(*• ' >,^^ ■ ■•^»^«^: 10 WHAT IS LIFE? -'^-^ --#- ^ IITHAT is life ?— a rapid stream, ^v '' ]lolling onward to the ocean. What is life ?— a troubled dream, Full of incident and motion. What is life ?— tho arrow's flight, That mocks the keenest gazer's eye. <. What is life ?— a gleam of light, . Darting through a stormy sky. What is life ?^a varied, tale, Dpeply moving, quickly told, What is life ?— a vision pale. Vanishing while we behold. " What is life ? — a smoke, a vapour, Swiftly mingling with the air. Whatislife^? — a dying taper. The spark that glows to disappear. What is life ?— a flower that blows. Nipped by the frost, and quickly dead. What is life?— the full-blown rose, ^ That's scorched at noon and withered. Such is life, — a breath, a span, V A moment quickly gone from thee- ^ What is death"?— Oh! mortal man! ^ Thy entrance on eternity.. S.iiii^; . . •» r f* Tfti^i*^ * ■£.• ;r 11 ^ WHAT IS TIME ? ■*^'^ T ASKED an aged man, ag^nan of cares, ; -*- Wrinkled, and curved, and white Avith hoary hairs ; " ^^c is the warp of life," he said, " O tell The yoUng, the fair, the j*ay, to weave it well !" I aske■»■ •^y.-^^f"j 9-* 12 J Of things inanimate, my dial I Consulted, and it made me this reply, " Time is the season fair of living well, The path to glory, or the path to hell." I asked, my Bible, and methinks it said, " Thine is the present hour, the past is fled'; Live! live to-day! to-morrow Tne\cr yet. On any human being, rose or set !" I asked old father Time himself at last ; But in a moment he flew swiftly past ; ' Ilis chariot was a cloud,' the viewless Avind His noiseless steeds, that left no tra^e behind. I asked the mighty angel, who shall stand, One foot on sea, and one on solid land : ^ " By heaven's great King, I swear the mystery's o'er Time ««»a»," he cried,— "but Time shall be no more!" ^1 I ■y<%»«' riMIIS world is but the rugged road -^ Which leads us to the bright abode Of peace above ; So let us choose that narrow way, Which leads no traveller's foot astray^ From realms of love. ^'j^^.^y^ .^^^^-^^^^ , ^^X, i^di%< 18 jr! ; I- I THE AVORLI). IIV TIIK rUlNTKSS AMKI.I.V. TTNTHINKING, idle, wild, and young, I laugli'd, .and talk'd, and danc'd, and snng ; And proud of health, of freedom vain, Dream'd not of sorrow, care, or pain ; Concluding, in these hours of glee, That all the world was made for mo. But when the days of trial came. When sickness shook this trembling frame ; When folly's gay fursuits were o'er, And I could dance and sing no more ; It then occurr'd, how sad 'twould be, Were this world, only, made for me ! /* . ' , V • ■-> .,» - ■■;. ^ ■.8 '■",-.■■ " : ".„. ' _ V . _ ■ • . i\ ■: . . ■ ■ . ' - ^ ■ : ■. t ■i " fc ■ ; ■ - •.-■' "■■"■■ ; -„ ■ ■ . * ' ' - ■ \ ■1 . 1 imit^^l^^uC .1^- \ V,' y-':J\y ' - "1 ilK \ .. \ \ ■ .. .\ ■ '. 1t' f 14 V ■\:\ \ HEAVEN t tv \\TE speak of -the realms of tlie'blest," » '^ Of that country so briglit and so fair, AVclN^ft arc its glories confess'tl — But'^lijat must it bo to be there / We \speak\f its pathways of gold, 0^ its \^abvs deck'd with jewels so rare, Of its wori\derS\and pleasures untold— But what musUt be to be there ! \Vc speak of its frecHom from sin, From sorrow, tcmptadon and care ; From ti'iaiis, without and Nnthin — But whit must it be to beihere ! We spealc ot\its service of love. Of the rob6s which the glorified Vear, Of the churchW the first-born above- But what must it be to be there ! V \ ■, ,-■■... Do thdu, Lbrd, *rtadst sorrow and woe, , Still for heaven W spirit prepare ; And shortly Falso kail know And feel Avhat it isVo be there ! *•- y. 15 THE BIBLK. ■■■)■:■ . V .;"1ki) TJOLY Bible ! Book (livino ! Precious treasure! thou art mine ! Mine to tell me whence I came ; Mine to tell me what I am ; ,^ ... ' ' . Mine to chide mo -when I rove ; Mine to show a Saviour's love ; Mine thou art to guide and guard ; Mine to punish or rcAvard ; Mine to comfort in distress, . If the Holy Spirit bless ; ' Mine to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death ; Mine tp tell of joys to come, And the rebel-sinner's doom : Oh, thou holy Book divine ! - Precious treasure, thou art mine ! I ' ^1 V J> ■■ *■ -t^i ,., "V -■ 10 I > ■ PSALM VI. "t> L(ir.l rcliiikf me not in tliiiu- iiuli«,'i>iiti(»n. " r\ ENTLY, gently lay Tl»y rod ^ Oil iny sinful head, God ! Stay Thy "wrath — in mercy stay. Lest I .sink bctbrc its sway 1 Heal me, for my llcsh is weak ; Ileal me, for Thy grace I seek : This, my only plea, I make, Heal me for Thy mercy's sake. Who Within the silent grave " Shall proclaim TKy power to save? Lord, my trembling soul reprieve i Speak \ and I shall rise and live. Lo ! He comes ; He heeds my plea ; Lo ! lie comes ; the shadows flee ; Olory round me dawns once more,— Rise, my spirit, and adore ! "r" "■ \ -4 . ,vC, .'■r-r-'f- , 17 -^ .P0ALM xvm. "I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength." "M change of time shall ever shock My firm affection, Lord, to Thee ; . For Thou hast always hecn my rock, A fortress and defence to me. r Thou my deliverer art, my God ; My trust is in Thy mighty power ; Thou art my shield fronUfoes abroad. At home my safeguard and my tower. To Thee I will address my prayer. To whom all praise we justly owe ; 5o shall I, by Thy watchful care, Be guarded safe from every foe. "#1 N.. :,^&: . f^"^"-' -^ -.?'-' Jxi'Cg'T-*^; „ I • ,-t •( ■ffv^g '•r* IS PSALM XXIII. ♦ - The Lord U my Sl»ei»^'*''"**" .. rpHE Lord is my Shepbetd, no ».nt ehall I know : v ^ i I feed in green Futures, -safe folded I reBt ; He leadeth my aoul where the etiU waters flow ; ^ Re,toresn.;whenwandering,redeem»when oppressed.^ Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since Thou art my, guardian, no evil I fear ; Thy rod shall defend me. Thy staff be my stay. No harm can befall with my Comforter near. In the midst of affliction my table is spread ; With blessing unmeasured my cup runneth « er , With perfume and oil Thou anointest my head ; what shall I ask of Thy proTidence more ( Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God Still follow my steps, till I meet Thee above ; I seek, by the path which my forefathers trod Through the land of their sojourn. Thy kingdom of ■. ^ : ' love.^ i-:. W ■n|t«ip*-js '/, * "F- *'fl fcn f' 19 PSALM XXXIV. " I will alwayo glvo thankft iinlo the Lord." /PHROUGH all the changing jconcs ot* life, * In trouble and in joy, Tho praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. Of His deliverance I will boast. Till all that arc distress'd From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest, magnify the Lord with'.rae, With me exalt His namiif When in distress to Him I call'd He to my rescue came. The Angel of tho Lord encamps Around the good and just ; . Deliverance he affords to all Who on his succour trust. f # make but trial of His love, Experience will debfde, How blest they are, and only they. Who in llfcvtruth confide. fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear ; Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care. "^ *^*?W*7^'®^ cV^ ' T *■ ^'*Tf»«T 'im^^,'\^ , f *t" 10 1 // , 1 -,<• ' 1 '^^■' ' I -^^- - . .:- : \» PSALM LXXll. " .. mve the King Thy judgment-. God, «nd Thy rlghteousne.. unto th« KlDg'8 Son." HAIL to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ; ^ • Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, •' To take away transgression, Apd rule in equity. „ He comes with succour speedy. To those who suffer wrong, To help the poor and needy. And bid the weak be strong ;; ..J To give them sonj^s for sighing, Their darkness tiirn to light, '-' ^ Whose souls, condemn'd and dying. Were precious in His sight. He shall descend like showers Upon the fruitful earth ; And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in His path to birth : ■m-i,--- " f < m Before Him, on the mountains, Shall peace, the herald^ go ; Iknd rightcousncBs, in fountainH, From hill to valley flow. To Him shall prayer unceasing, And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, , A kingdom without end : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His Name shall stand for ever : That name to us is Love. ■ • s I rfi" "f TN this dark world of sin and pain, We only meet to part again ; But when we reach the heavenly sho^-e. We then shall meet to part no more. The hope that we shall see that day, Should chase our present grief? away ; When these few ytars of pain are past. We'll meet around the throne at last. '>"/ ■- , * ■ 1/ • ■' J ■ • • ■ -' f." ■ .-■ ' 1 ... - ' • ■ TtP . ' >■ ■ *'•■ ■ ■ .;:'. ft ^'d i. \ ", • •-;- l-': :.:^;.:;/ li ■*' 1";' l.'-'^^ %jA#^ ••■■ ^■*""' "'"V' M'* ^>v» •^-^y^fiv ,24 ■''■■ ■;!■ »>«?%• t^'' • ,«■' 6?^;-»a**-, LIGHT m\m^,^'P^. ^|f ^:^N wk y - -.-.. ■->■•,: , . ; -f- ja.uw .-': . ■■" '' / :- ' •^K '• '• * ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ' ' — „ i» i ., ' • \ A:. - \ " - ■■ V • 1 1 • <■'-.' 1 ". ' ■';■ ■■••i.; : .'S: '"'-:■ ■■■.■■■■ . '■ iftv' ' '^ '"■■ . - ■■ ■ * ■ • '", V . \ 111 > ■. -' /■" ;: '\--^g|py-- » ^»^ '^)^•V''■^''■ 1 iJji^W' ,j-^'- ;,;,,;.^aa# -/■' "**:^- ■■■-■ .^-y^e-- M -'rf«St?. -■■■■■-..-!•■ - .'■'-■'■- , ■■- ^ . ■, f- ^^^ VTA. ■ '^ *;■•.' :-f~^,[ f .* ■Wx. il,"'^-- ALL-GLORIOUS GOD A I^L-glorious God, what hyinns of praise Shall our transported voices raise ; What ardent zeal aril love are due, ■" " .. While Heaven stands open to our view. Once we were fallen, and how low ! Jusf- tfri the brink of endless woe : When Jesus, from the realms above, Bohife'on the wings of boundless love, ■■ ■,: - ■ ''^t\<^' i ■ ■ * '"-'■,-» ^'- - ■ ' * • Scattered the shadl^Svof death and night, And spread around His heavenly light : By Him what wondrous love is shown , To souls impoverish'd and undone. •He shows, beyond those mortal shores, A bright inheritan'ce as ours ; ' Where saints in light our coming wait To share their holy, happy state. X 'w vp ',-. -fT ,• '■ ^. '"^i 26 • SING MY SOUL. J QING, my soul, His wondrbual^ove, ^ Who, from yon bright tlir()ne above, Eyer watchful o^er o«r race, V ' Still to man extends His gr^ce. Heaven and earth by Him were made, All is by His sceptre swayed ; What are we that He should shoyr So much love to us below I Sod, the merciful and. good ought us with the Saviour's blood And, to make our safety sure. Guides us by His Spirit pure. ^ Sing, my soul, adore His name. Let Hisglory be thy theme : Praise Him till He calls thee home Trust His love for all to come. 'm ---^^ ■ "V 4 . r- 27 . THOUGH I SHOULD SEEK TO WASH ME CLEAN. K •* n THOUGH I should seek to wash me clean In water of the driven snow, My soul would yet its spot retain, And sink in conscious guilt and woe ; , - ^ . * * - The Spirit, in His pdwer divine, Would cast my vaunting soul to earth, Expose the foulness of its sin, w And show the vileness of its .worth. Ah, not like erring man is God, That men to answer Him should dare ; Condemn'd and into silence awed. They helpless stand before His bar. There, must a Mediator plead, Who, God and man, may both embrace ; With God, for man to intercede. And offer man the purchased grace. And lo ! the Son of God is slain To be this Mediator crown'd : In Him, my soul, be cleansed from stain. In Him, thy righteousness be found ! M. .£J\ -f ~s ' ''i . m^ ( ^'~ t irv -« '»v > y:'. .^ ^"^ i - -^" . /T 28 THE STAR IN THE EAST. t> RIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morning, ^ Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine, aid 1 Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining ; Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall :^ j Angels adore Him, in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch, and SiiYiour of ^all ! Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion. Odours of Eden, and off'rings divine?' Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? Vainly we offer each ample oblation. Vainly with gold would His favours secure : Richer, by far, is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning. Dawn on our darkness, and len(^us thine aid I Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. o. \ 1 n - . ' ., ' •■'''^. ■ -• ' . f-j-r: ,\ :■■.;■ , -• ,.■ . .'. >■ ^- ...._. .■ ..,:\ , ' ■ '■" ■ ■ ■ ■ . . '- 1 wk • • ■ ■ ■ -. ■ X.. ■ . ■ " -» 1 H - -1 H. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ' > ' ^» rf «'' * \ i" ' t "''^ '" * ■^ *■* • t/ <■* ^ ^4 " ' f^ T m " {■ i^^- ' ♦ -i /*^* ^ " t '"^'^ ' •?jj -f ■■J^^ j-^*"*;^ (-'' ^v- • ■ >f 2d ">., WATCHMAN, WHAT OF THE NIGHT f TTTATCHMAN ! tell us of thenight,^ What its signs of promise are? Traveller ! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-heaming star ! Watchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? Triiveller ! yes : it brings the day — Promised day of Israel ! — Watchman ! tell us of the night ; Higher yet that star ascends : Triiveller ! blessedness and light, PeHce and truth, its course portends* Watchman ! will its beams alone ' Gild th0\spot that gave them birth ? Travieller! t%es are its own, See t it burstXo'er all the earth ! Watchman ! tell us of the night, \ For the morning seehis to dawn : Traveller! darkness take^ts flight, Doubt and terrol are witmlrawn. Watchman ! let thy wanderingsNjease ; Hie thee to thy quiet )iome : Traveller! Lo ! the Princfe of Peace,^ Lo ! the Son of God is come ! *', ST,¥Sf»"^'^^ '^ A^r^ '^'j^^0 ' '^'-■C''''-.* 80 3f- :.k- '.■■ „ ADVENT, '■ T ' * ■ ■ HAIL ! Thou long cxpedtetl Jesus, Born to set Thy people free ; From our sins "and fears release ua, Let us find ^lir rest in Thee. Israel's Strength and consolation, Hope of ^11 the saint's Thou art ; ; Long desired of every nation, ^ Joy of every waiting heart. Born Thy people to deliv9r, Born a child, yet God our King Born to reign in us for ^er, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; Bv Thine all-sufficient merit. Raise us to Thy glorious throne. v/ 'J. ^ ijt, V* -■i'f w, ij '^^' # ♦ 4:t,\ ..»«• ii. ai \ . CHRISTMAS. TTARK ! the herald-angels sing, Glory to the new-born King ; Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled. Joyful, all ye nations rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With th' angelic host proclaim ^ Christ is born in Bethlehem ! Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of a Virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see : Hail th' incarnate Deity, Pleased, as man, with man to dwell ; Jesus, our Emmanuel. ' Risen with healing in his wings, Light and lif^ to all he brings ; Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace ! A 4 m- r» ^•\' '" «• '(•'''•f " 82 Mild He lays His glory by Born that man no more may dio Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth. Sing wo then, with angels sing : / Glory to the new-born King ! Glory in the highest heaven, Peaces on earth, and man forgiven. I HAVE a child, a beauteous child, His ago I cannot tell For they reckon not by days or years Where ho haa gone to dwell. HERE in this body pent ^•^aent from heaven I roam Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer h^me. ■: ^ •€^-' 88 LITANY. O AVIOUR, when in dust, to Tlioe, ^ Lo wo bow the adoring knoe ; When, repentant, to the skieH Scarce we lift our streaming eyes ; 0, by all Tliy pjiins ^nd woe, Suffered once for man below, Bending from Thy throne on high, ^ Hear our solemn litany. By Thy birth and early years, By Thy human griefs and fears, ^ By Thy fasting and distress, In the -lonely wilderness, S By Thy victory in the hour Of the subtle tempter's power ; Jesus, look~with pitying eye ; Hear our solemn litany. By Thine hour of dark despair, By Thine agony of prayer, By Thy purple robe of scorn. By Thy wounds. Thy crown of thorn. By Thy cross. Thy pangs and cries, By Thy perfect sacrifice ; *" • Jesus, look with pitying eye ; Hear our solemn litany. 4 4 F t • 84 BjfaThy deep expiring groan, By the sealed eepulchtal stone, By Thy triumph o'ej>|)io grave, By Tiiy power froirf (^tyath to snve ; Mighty God, asccndod'Lorfl, To Thy tlirono in heaven i-estored, Prince and Saviour, hear our cry, ■ p. ' i, ' Hear oviwjsolettin litany. -^ '^ % ?ffl ^r .inFW-^?Y^ ^. ■% '^ ■■. |: y ■\. • \ - EASTER. pHRIST the Lord !» risen to-aay, Sons of mer^ an\i angels say : Raise your joys iKiid hiumphs high Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the victory won ; Jesus' agony is o'er, Darkness veils the cftrth no more. ' Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ has burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids him rise, Christ has opened paradise. ■ ■ ■'■ ■■ / i ■ . Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. » '■ h .•'.';■_ '■ , '■■■,_ - -^--:~-^-,~^^-^-- -- ; • - ■ ■ ■ r / ' - -■ . ■' .■ .: '' . . ■. '■■■--■■■ ': ■ ' '■■ V ,• ' ,. ■?;- -ft. "r '^.'WJP" "fga^vii .' ■■■ ' t 87 7 VE FAITHFUL SOULa 1 "Y^E faithful eoulfl who J^us know, ^ If risen indeed with Him yo are, Superior to the jojB below, / His r«purreotion'8 power declaire. / Your faith by holy tempers prove, By actions show your sins forgiven, And seek the glorious things above, • And follow Christ, your Head, to heaven. , '^ There your exalted Saviour^fe, i Seated at God's right hand agftin, In all His Father's miyesty, i _ f . In everlasting powier to reign. * To Him continually aspire, ■ v Contending for your destined place, * And emulate the angel choir, And only live to love s^nd praise. 1^ .,(5 , X til^ftfl*;. '^'■\^*lk>-V 'At.' % • ;■■ ■*, 3K 7r 88 PRAYER. V . / 7 / 'A >> ^■*c?. Jl'f-^- ^ rj.0, when the morning shinetb, Go, when the noon is bright, , Go, when the eve declineth. Go, in the hush of night ; Go, with pure mind and feeling Cast every feaf away, ^ And in thy chamber kneeling. Do thpu in secret pray. Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee, -^ Pray too for those who hate thee. If any such there be ; Then for thyself in meekness ^ A blessing h«mbly claim , And link with each petition Thy great Redeemer's name. But ^ 'tis e'er denied thee In solitude to pray, — Should holy thoughts come o'er thee When friends are round thy way .; E'en then the silent breathing, The spirit raised above, . i ■ • .■ ^ Will reach the throne of glory, Of mercy, truth and love. -^ HI '■•'\'«(W!r*«»»e«S(Mp»v»w»...-> - •■'^-,.: ■ U1 m itf THE Heritor NEED *,,JI- A Thou God ! who hearest prayer Every hour, and every where, Listen to my feeble breath When I touch the gates of death, '.„JFor His sake, whoke blood I plead, ' Savelfife^in^he hour of need 10 Hear and save me, gracious Lord, For my trttst is in Thy word. Wash me from the stain of gipi That Thy peace may rule within ; May I know myself Thy child. Ransomed, pardoned, reconciled. i-i- " ;.* AH, ask not thou how shall I bear The burden of to-morrow ? Suffipient for to-day its care, Its evil and its sorrow ; #. God imparteth by the-way Strength sufficient for the day. ■* . 40 ^ SWEET SPIRIT COMFORT MB. , „ 7; " . _ ■ '■" ^ TN the hour of my distress, , - When temptations me oppress^ ; And when I my sins confess, Sweet Spirit oomfprt me. When I lie upon my bed, Sick in heart, and sick in head, And witli doubts disquieted Sweet Spirit comfort me. When the house doth sigh and weep, And the world is drown'd in sleep, 'Yet liiine eyes the watch do^eep ; Sweet Spirit comfort me. When, God knows, I'm tost about. Either with despair or doubt, Yet before the glass be out. Sweet Spirit copfott me. When the judgment is reveal'd. And that open'd which was sea^'d. When to Thee I have appeaFd, . Sweet Spirit comfort me. •]^j^^.f^; 41 REPENTANCE. QTHOU, to whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart ; Slooks to Thee, hurst its honds and set it free. Wash' out its stains, remove its dross, Bind my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought, let all within Be clean, as Thou, tny Lord, art clean. If in this darksome wild I stray. Be Thou my light, he Thou my way ; No foes, no violence i fear, No harm, while Thou, my God art near. When rising floods my soul o'erflow. When sinks my heart in waves of woe, Jesus, Thy timely aid impart. And raise my head, and cheer my heart. Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I follow Thee : let Thy hand support me still, And lead me to Thy holy hill. 1 a > 42 STAY^HOU INSULTED SPIRIT. .V' ^ ¥ -««. OTAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I have done Thee such despite ; . Kor cadt the sinner quite i^way, Nor take Thine everlasting flight, ■' "'■■■'■. ■,*'■,■• ^ . ■ ' .■".■■■"*. ■' .♦', ' '■ Though I have most unfaithful heen, ' ' And long in vajn Thy grace received ; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness griefved ; Yet, oh, the mourning sinner spare, * ;^ In honour of my great High-iPrieSt ;" ' Nor in Thy, righteous anger swear ^^ . To'exclude me from Thy people's rest. ''"-■.■ *. ' ■ * My weary soul, God, release ; Uphold me with Thy gracious hand; ^ Guide mk into Thy perfect peace, Andl)ring me to the promised land; ' f ■ i ^ /■•/ le gate . -JBii 48 r- x THE gONTRITE HEART. 'PHE Lord will happiness divine ^ On contrite hearte bestow : Then tell mo, gracious God, is mine A contrite heart, or lio ? I hear, but seem to hear in vain, Insensible as steel ; ;-. ■■. ■ ' ■ If aught is felt, 'tis only pain, To findsj^annot feel. I sometimes think myself inolin'd . To love Thee, if I could; ^ But often feel another mind, •Averse to all that's good. My best desires are faint and few, ,. I fain would strive for more : W But when I cry, "My strength rehew," ;Seen\ weaker than before; * Thy saints are comforted, I know, And love Thy. house, of prayer ; I,therefore go where others go, . But find no comfort there . ' - , ^ ' make this heart rejoice or ache ; Decide this doubt for me ; •' And if it be not broketn, break, ' ^ Apd heal itj^if it be. . r ^ ■■■fe .s ■ „. * V W V ■ m '"ff\*'" ■• ~ *tr-i^v^fm^ ^ '^^'s- 1**"-'*,"'- T' * f'^'ip'*^ / ► *' ^•' *•» #^ '^ ■'■W^lw'^Wi."-*^ «?% 44 ■',- K ' FAITH. -) / 'TTOW firm a foundation, yc saints jpf the Lord • Is laid for your faith in His excellent Worc^ ; What more can He say than to you Ho hath .said, You who unto Jesus for refuge havd fled : > Fear not, J. q,m with thee, be not dismayed, ^ I, I an) thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and Cause thee to stand/ Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand. When thro' the deep waters I call thee ^ go The rivers of woe shall not thee overnow ; For I wi)l be with thee thy troubles to bless. And sajictify to th^e thy deepest distress. Whei) through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply ; >, Theflame shall not hurt thee, I only design ^ Thy dross to cohsume, and thy gold tp4"efine. . The soul that to Jesus hath fled for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; - " That soul, though all Hell shall endeavoiir to shake, XU never— no, never — ^no, never forS^ake. if^^ittwr- a if ' ^"Ht *** 1 •|Sf; 45 ROCK OP AGES. ■ X: ■p OCK of Ages, cleft for me, , *' Let me hide myself in Thee ; ^^^^ Let 'the water and the Iblood, ♦ From Thy side, a healing flood,> Be of sin the double cure, .|g Save from wrath, and make me pure. Should my tears for ever flow, ' Should my zeal no languor know, This for sin could not atone,- Thou must save, and ThoU alone ; In my hand no price I bring, ;. : , . ^ ■■;■" Simply to Thy cross I cling. iV While I draw thia Meeting breath. ■ ;■' " V;l ■: .■ ..■ . ■'■ ■ ,When my eyelids plose in death. When I rise .to worlds unknown, ■ ■.-■ ' ■ ' <", '■ . '• ■■'". And behold Thefe on»S»Thy throng, * • ■ Jtt- Rock of Ages, cleft for me, .■' * '■. ■ . ■ : .. ' ^ 1 Xet me hide' myself in Thee. / >* * i ' ■■ '■' r ■•■■■: .• •.: ■•:"■■■%• '"'^ ■•■:.■:-■•>•■-- ~T^--- ■:>.,-■-.-.' .-- * * ■- . ■' .",.'■■' .^'-■■- ' _ ■ ■.'''■ '■^^:.^:^.:.:^ ■"■ ■ - ' '^ . ■ ■ ' ■ . ' '■ , * 'i .," ' '" V . - t ■ ^ ' ■' > - ' f - ■ ^ -.;, ; ■ ■;;■ ■ • *'^^BW«^i^'' ♦••• , ." -e '1- .>■ J, f„'.- ■ . '', ■,'■'■■' 1 ■■.• '. ''*-■ :■■ -, ■ ■.' ■■ ■••■,■■■' ■''■•:'■■: ■• . , ■i'ii ■ ■ ' ■ _ Jt / "'-■"■- j * " * ■ ■ ■ ■■-t ■ . ■■ :; ••»« , ■■■^^ '• t'j. s ,-■,""•«. ,: ' .. 1 ■ < ' - ...,■, 'M ..'•-■-■'■•■-'•■ ''^ •■'■■■■'•■■••■••. ..^A..-.-'/^ '■'■■ '■:. '*■ ■ ^ ■ . ■^ ' - THE LOiir) WILL PROVIDK. *■'■■ "■>'■'■■ '1 •'PHOUGH troubloig assail, and dangers affright, Though friends 'should all fail, and foes all unite !; '. Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, \ ,> ■■■' The Scripture assures us, "the Lord will provide." > ^ •>, .- '■ When Satan appears to stop up our path, p And fill us with fears, we triumph by faith ; \ ' ;- . ■ ■ . , ■ 0* He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried • ■ ■ .■..'-■■■■■:<: This heart-cheering promise, " the Lbrii will provide." • * :; ' ■ ■ "■'-■" No strength of our own or goodness we claim ; Yet, since we have known the Saviour's great name, , In this our strong tower for safety we hide. The Lord is our power, " the Lord will provide." • k'4 When life sinks apace, and death is in view. *r ■ - » This word of His grace shall comfort us through : [-^ '\' No fearing or doubting with Christ on our side, \ - r- -■ -:7-. -■- .^■• We hope to die shouting, "the Lord will provide." ■ . ■'■-■■'.■ , " ■ ■ ■' • » ' . " , ■ • ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ '-■■.''.' -■-•" ■. . ' . ■'■'"■'■■ ■ ' "■■"■.« . ■ " . ';■'.'.". . ■' ■ '. T ■'. - /• '■-' . _. ■ . / . .-> . _., -.' -V' V ■ '. ■ ■ .'^ ■^■- \ ■ ■ . -.-■".•. ■ _ ■ -. . . .\ , ■■ _ '.. ,_.*...; '-■■■■' :-^^^y-- / >C\ I' CIlRl!^ OUll KBFUGE. TESUS; Saviour of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom, fly, While the waves of trouble roll, While tlie tempest still is high : Hide me, my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is, past j Safe into the hftven guide j. 0*receive my sout at last. ' Other jefugo have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee : Leave, ah, leave me not alone. Still support and comfort me : All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my hope from Thee I bring ; Cover my defencele^ head/ With the shadow o^TThy wing. ■./■ 1%^ ■v\ "f ■%. • • J / "'V ■\ . - 7- .■■'I -■f4 'I ■ r ■ f / ■ ■ ■*'.f',i" \- r.y"f- - ' .- .-a^'p-^--' 48 RISE MY SOUL. "St T> ISB, my 6oul, and stretch thy wings, ^ Thy better portion trace ; ^ Rise, from transitory things, Towards Heaven, thy destined place ; ^ Sun, and moon, and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove ; Ri8e,*iny soul, and haste aw^y To seats prepared above. Cease, my soul, cease to mourn, " Press onward to the prize ; . * Soon thy Saviour will return, To take thee to the skies ; There, is everlasting peace, Rest, enduring rest in Heaven ; There, will sorrow ever cease. And crowns of joy be given. K I •*!► ■ ■•-? f» 40 ( f . / CHILDREN OP THE HEAVENLY KING. .pHILDREN of the heavenly King, As wo journey let ns sing ; Sing tho Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious id His workifand ways. ^ We are travelling homrf to God, . ' In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we ■ Soon their hat)piness shall see. Banish'd once, bjr siii betrayed, Christ our Advocate was/made ; Pardon'doiow, no niore/re roam, Christ conducts us to our home- Lord, obediently we'll go. Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our leader be. And we still will follow Thee. / * . * t • . I ■,^ *•> I 1 • • > ^r \ « 4 "% ■ f?«ii*; 60 4 -'#* GOD 19 LOVE. /"I OD is love I His moroy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss He wakes and woe Ho lightens ; Qod is wisdom, God is love. Death and change are busy ever| Man decays, and ages move|>- > , But His mercy waneth never ; 7 God is wisdom, God is love. Even the hour that darkest scemeth Will His changeless goodness prove ; 'From the' mist His brightness streameth; God is wisdom, God is love. He -with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from abovet Every where His glory shineth ; God is wisdom, God is Jove. A * > ""^F W^' V ' ! I I . V\ W: *)■', V /•' 51 I WOU^T) LOVK TIIKK QOD AND FATUEU. J WOULD h)vo Thoei God and Father ! My Redeemer, and my King !^ ^ ^iT**"^"^ ^^^° T*»eo ; for witho ut Th^ \ Life is but a bittor thing. #* ^ I would love Thee • every blessing Flows to me from out Thy throne : I would love Thee-he who loves Theo Never feels himself alone* I would love Thee j look upon me, Ever guide me with Thine eye : I would love Thee ; if not nourished By Thy^ve^ my soul would die. I would love Thee ; may Thy brightness Dazzle my rejoicing eyes ! I would love Theo ; may Thy good4s Watc% from heaven o'er all I prize. I would love Theo, I have vowed it ; On Thy loVe my heart is set : While I love Thee. I will never ^ My Redeemer's blood forget, r-^^^^ r'-" \ m %■.- -v.. 52 LOVE TO CHRIST. WILL love Thee, all my Treasure ! ■win love Th^e, all my strength ! 1 S^ love Thee -without measure, Anlhwcjill love Thee right at length. Oh*! I wifr love Thee," Light Divine, Till I die and fiffalJ^hee mineL^.^^^ ^ T WIL 4 I m\ Alas ! that I so lately knew Thee— Thee 80 worthy of the host : Nor had sooner turned to view Thee "; - Truest Good, and only Rest ! The more I love, I mourn the more ^ That I did not love before I Far Iran, and wander'd blindly. Seeking some created light ; Then I sought, but could not find Thee— I had wandered from Thee quite ; Until at last Thau art made known Through Thy seeking, not my own! I will praise Thee, Sun of Glory! For Thy beams have gladness brought. I will praise Thee, will adore Thee, For the light I vainly sought ^^; ^ Will praise Thee that Thy words so blest •^Spake iny sin-sick soul to rest | -— %:- In Thy footsteps now uphold me; >^ That I stumble not nor stray. When the narrow way is told me, Never let me ling'ring stay. But eome my weary soul to cheer, Shine, Eternal Sunbeam, here ! Be my heart more warmly glowing ; Sweet and calm the tears I shed ; And its love, its ardor s.howing, : : Let my Spirit onward tread. Still near to Thee, and nearer still, Draw this heart, this mind, this will.- I will love, in joy and sorrow ! Crowning joy ! will love Thee well, I will love to-day, to-inorrow, While I in this body dwell ! *' Oh ! I will love Thee, Light Divine,. -Till I die aittl find ThefT^e ! ^7 ■0^. # % i\ • ■-s; 64 I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED. ^ Sir. 1li"Y Saviour ! can it ever be,""^ ■^'^ And wilt Thou deign to smile on me ? Yes ! Thou Vilt own me on that day, — Thou wilt not cast ray soul away ; I know in Whom I have believed ; I know by Whom I am received* r^"-----;^- 'Tis even so, my dying Lord ! Cleansed by Thine all-atoning bloody. I venture to believe, that day. When heaven and earth shall pass away, Will bring mp bliss without alloy, And consummate and crown my joy. ^ t VTEARER, my God, to Thee, ■'■^ Nearer to Thee ! lE'en though it be a cross h That raiseth mej* Still all my song" shall be- Nearer, my God, to Thee, , Nearer to Thee. V -i-^fj. ^'^fg^'^y. -' '*■ Jt g f r 66 \ f--., PUT ON THE WHOLE AUMOUR OF GOD. ■t? '(B- C^OLDIERS Of Christ, arise; And put your armour ^n. Strong in the strength which God supplies Through His eternal Son. Strong in the Lord of Hosts,- And in His mighty power, \ Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. Stand the» in His great might With all His strength endued P And take to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God : ^ That having all things done. And all your conflicts past, Ye ^ay behold your victory won. And stand complete at last. * ■#^ / 1%.^ .1* ■■;■ "•^jfW'i: H» IN THE FIELD. it- •\ . ■ ( .»•,.■ ./.- ■niaHTING the battle of m ! ■*- With a weary heart and headj For in the midst of the strife < . The banners of joy are fled.* . . Fighting thf. whole day long-^ -i. n Witli a very tired hand ; ' .. * With only my armpur strong, - " .^ ' . * The sbelter in.which I stand. There is nothing left of me \ ' . If all my strength were shewn, . ' * So smallthe amount would be, Its progence would scarc^ely be known. Fighting alone to-nigk t— With'ndt even a-stander-by i . To- cheer me^n in the fight, Or to hear me when I cry. Only the Lord can hear, '. Only the Lord can- see The struggle within, how dark and drear Though quiet the outside be. Lord I would fain be still r ■M " ^rV s. *> . Nothing but perfect trust, ^' And love of Thy perfect will, .Can raise me out|)f the^du^t, ; And bid my fiears be still. \ v ' Even as now my hands ^ So dotirmy*fplded;will ^^ ; ■ Lie waiting jfhy ooftimands . . ; "^ Without one anxious thrill. . '?*' Lor(^,' fix my §yes Upon Thee, ; iiiid fill?my;'heart wilth Th^^oye y And ieeep my soul tUl l^_e shadows fljeo,- . Arid the . light Bfeak^^forth above. ■■■. » ,;7r» i t .ii.*i iJ.- ^ ;^- sv , r *; The baby wept ;. - . Themother'tookit from the nurse*'a arms • • And |oothed its grief, and ^tilled its vain alarms ; J > ; ' ■ Arid' baby slept. • • , d ♦• « . f .'■''■ * ■ ■ ^. ^ " ,' Again: it weeps ; " . And God.doth take it llim the mother's arnls. From present pain '^nd futurg unknown harms ; } ' , 'An^ baby sleeps^, " ; A ..'■♦ ^i ■■ i- \ '' •*■ 'm \ ■ ."'*;- "". • , . ■-■flfe'-:''-^ %. _ - ;^- •;/ .. .■«#■■ •:lsc.oi':' vat ■ t^'^^^U^^-W^ ■ '/?Wtr^; / 58 \ v •■ A; , / ■ X < /. FAJJJt NOT CHRISTIAN. Tj^AlNT not, Qhristian f though the road, Leading lo thy blest abode Darksome be, and dangerous, too : \ Christ, thy Guide, will bring thee through. Faint not. Christian I though iii rage Satan would thy soul engage; Gird on faith's anointed, 'shield,-;^ Bear it to the battle-field. * Faint hot. Christian ! though the wdrld Hath its hostile flag unfurled : _ « Hold the cross of Jesus fast ; '■.■•■'■- ''% Thou sh^ilt overcome at last. ' •, ^ Faint not. Christian 1 though within There's a heart so pron^ to sin ; Christ, the Lord, is ovp alf ; He'll not suffer thee to fall. Faint not. Christian ! Jesus near Soon in gloiry will appear ; And His love will then bestow Power to conquer every foe. Faint not. Christian ! look on high; See the harpers in the sky : *» Patient wait, and thou Vilt join — , Chant with them of love divine. ivine. " ■■\: X V «<■ ■ .■ . « '\ : \ ' I » - i • I'^^J ^.'S-'S^ \ -:.,'•■ * ■ * ■ ■''E 69 . .r *■ PRESS FORWARD. P^ '(' RESS forward and fear not ; the billows may roll, But thiff po\i^lr of Jcaus their rage can control ; w«vc8 rise in anger, their tumults shall cease, .One word ofl^is bidding shall hush them to peace. - Press forward and f^ar not ; though trial be near, ; The Lord is'pur refuge— whom then shall we fear? His staff is our comfort, our safe-guard His rod ; Then let us be steadfast and tirust in our God. ■. ■■ ■ * , . ' V ' ' . ■• Pr^ss forward and'fcai- not ; be strong in the Lord, ■ In the power of His p^mfe^o truth of His word ; Throujgh the sea Jind the desert "our pathway m^y tend, But He who hath saved us jMl save to the, end. X Press forward and fear not ; ^jre'll speej on oar way V A Why Bhould we e'er shrink from our path in dismay ? . We tread but the road which our Leader has trod ; Theri let us press foryrard, and trust in our God, ,v* #. / V ^, \ i \ at' Ai. r' J- % 60 ,/ *■ ^ -f ■«•', ..-■A,- . " \ ONWARD GO. AFT in sorrow, -oft in woe, ^ Onward, Christian, onward, go ! Fight the fight, maintain the strife, . . , ' Strengthened with the bread of life, ' Onward, Ohi^stian, onward g<^ ! Join the wat and face the foe: .' Will you ,flee in danger's hour ? Know jpVL not your Captain's power? ■ / -'■ ' ■■ ' ■ '. Let y6ur drooping heart be glad ; Ma^ih, in heayenly armour clad ; ,y- Fij^ht ! nor think the battle long ; Soon shall vict'ry tune your song. Let not sorrOT^ .dim ybur eye ; Soon shall every tear be dry : Let not fears your course impede ; Great your strength, if great your need. Onward then to battle move ! More than conqu'ror you shall proVjB ; f Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldier, onward go 1 •V ♦ "'. T'? f^^VZ' \* 61 \* -'is. nnf- ...0 «'. BREAST THE WAVE, CHRISTIAN. gREA&T the wave, Gliris^yui, when it is strongest ; Wateh for- day, Christian, when night is longest ; Onward and onward still b^hine endej^vour ; ' JThfi rest that remainethjendiiroth-ifcover.^ 1 1 . Fight the fight, s^iristian; Jesus is o'er thee • Run the racb. Christian ; heaven is before thee ; •" He who hath promised faltereth never ; Oh, trust in the iove that" endureth forever. ' • ' - ""■ ' ■ - ■ . ■' -i '.■ ' ' ' ■ Liff the eye. Christian, just as it closeth ; Rais(8 the heart. Christian, ere it reposcth : . Nothing th^ soul frojj^hb Saviour shall sever ; Soon Shalt thou moupt upward to {raise Him "forev.or. ,TJEreac?y--many%ll around— ■ Our loved ones disappear; .We know not wjien our call niay come, \ .Nor should we wait in fear t ^ready, we can calmly rest ^ Livinff ov dying, we are blest ! ■ a« % -v-Pv '-:W' "t j'f*'-^'» -^ '^'■^ * -A' w # -,^ 62 "f ■* ' ". * NOT ASHAMED OF CHRIST. i ■ "TBSUS, and shall it ever bo, » ^ A mortal man ashamed of ThejD ; Ashamed of Thee, whom angola praise, Whoso glories shine through endless- dajrs ? Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far 'Let night disown each radiant star 5 , 'Tis midnight with my soul, till Ho Bright Morning Star, bid darkless flee. Ashamed of Jesus ! 0, as soon « Let morning blush to own tho sun ; Ho sheds tho beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend : No ; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere His name. M Ashained of Jesus ! empty pride ; -I'll boast a Saviour crucified; And, 0, may this my portion be My Saviour not ashamed of me A -' T'J' »--^- f-^ I ^^s. '^^gnffiH^ 'F=*^|F^^»% >■ w^'mfs^fe^^ 68 ' ""^P " *,/. ' ♦ GUIDE MB, THOU GREAT JEIiOVAH. n.UIDE mo, Thou great Jehovah, ^ vPilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty ; Hold mo with Thy powerful hand. : Open now the crystal fountains , Whence the living wafers flow ; _ Let the fiery, cloudy pillar, ^ ^ Lead me all my journey through. Feed mo with the heavenly manna In this barren wilderness ; Bo my sword, and shield, and banner, 'P-- J^e the Lord my Righteousness. |, When I tread tho verge of Jordan, : Bid my anxious fears subside ; ' ,^' . Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's sid«. ■»' -'0^ f V I * ' ^ • ■ f rf^ ^ -" FOLLO^O CHBISrS EXAMPL TTTHENE'ER the angry paBsions rise,, ^ ' ^ And tempt our thoughts or toii|^ea to itrife, To Jesus lot us lift our eyes, .^.^J- / ^^^^ Bright pattern of the Christian lif«, * ^(P^ JA^ how benevolent and kind, How mild, how ready to forgive i Be this the temper of our mind, ' An4 these the rules by which we live* T?o do His heavenly Father's will Was His employment and delight ; : llumility and holy zeal • Shone through His life divihely btightr * Dispensing good where'er He came, The labours of His life were love, Then, if we bear the Saviour's name, By His example lot us move/ • But, ah, how blind, how weak we are, How frail, how apt to turn aside ; Lord, we depiend upon Thy care ; We aak Thy Spirit for our guide.* Thy fair example may we trace, To teach us what we ought to be; Make ns by Thy transforming -grace, Sayiour, daily more like Thee. T iStt f -d 1^^^ ' # ■ vf 1 . '"T » * ■■■■%•■ ■.* '• . ^' r. ■■ ^ i • 'I ■ ./■* ."» - ' . ' « ■ a .*#- ., ^i--' ^'• / . lOT A STBANGER TO GOD. ■* (I rod permit mo not to bo A stranger to myself and Thee |»; '" Amidst a thousand thoughts I rovo, Forgetful of my highest Love. , ■'•' - Why ghotttd my passions mix with earth, ,^ And thus debase my heavenly birth ? Why should I cleave to things below, "t&Il me away ^IMIJlesh and sense, . Tky grace, JSB^ can draw me hence : I would obey the Voice Bivinq, And all inferior joys resign. ' ^. '¥^ Mill I V 'JUii ^ T . ■ r A BIDE with me from morn till eve, . - - -^ For without Thee I cannot live ; " Abide with me when night is nigh. For without Theo^ I dare not die. * • 1 % ' ■■ ' ^ 1 "^~ CuossEtf are ladders to Heiven. t • : ■■ / . . . ■■-. ' V " *■<• "t^j *"' _1. ^ • « S ^ -^ *f • 4 "^ 06 r <*! I- LET ME GO ! f. LET me go ! let me go ! for the dayis breaking, The skies have a streak of oripnt light j The shadow of darkness tlje earth is forsaking, AJhd the sunbeains are chasing the mists of the night ! Let me go ! let me go ! for I may not tarry, Hinder me not; ^or my homo is there, Where angels are waiting my spirit to carry, 'And the pure, white raiment is ready to wear ! ' .. - . :■ -■-.■■. ^ ""•*■..'■■....■■-■■. ■ Let me go ! let mq,go ! for the purple dawning Is mantling the dull, dark tomh^^of Time; And thete stealeth the rays of a blissful morning. That blushes and burns in a deathless clime ! "I have dose with sin, I have done with sorrow ; I fly to the spotless realms of liJLt, ■ Where the day that is breaking. sh^^U have no morrow, And the smi that is rising, shall have i&o night !" >■.. ■ a / 'V; '■:j/^' '.V 4. »/ 67 I WOULD NOT LIVE ALWAY. :/ T WOULi) not live alway : I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ; The few. lurid mornings that dawn on us here, . Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. I would not live alway^ thus fetter'd hy sin, ^ ^ Temptation withput, and eorruption within : E'en the rapture of pardon is 'mingled with fears. And the cup of thanksgiving \j^h penitent tears. I would not live alway ; no, welcome the tomh; ^ Since Jesus hath lain there I dread not its gloom ; There, sweet be my rest, till He bid me arise To hail Him in triumph descending the skies. ■ ■ . ('■ *" . ' ■ ' ■' ■ - . ^ Who, who would live alw^y, away from his God ; , Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, " Where the*rivers of pleasure flow o'er^ the bright plains, And the noontid^ of glory eternally reigns : Where the saints of .all , ages in harmony meet. ; - Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; . While the anthems of » rapture unceasingly roll, ; ' And the snjile of the Lord ia the feast o^ihe soifl. " ' 17 '^ • -•""■i, '" ''^ ■:<>:>■' ,^ I'n'.'r «': " '■•• , , v ';'»■ A . .'f , /; ■'«iryT'^-f^ 7 '*'^»??5''l' 68 ' i '>• «c ■5* «* THE COVENANpR'S SCAFFOLD SONG. QING with mo ! sing with mel "^ Weeping brethren sing with me For now an open heaven I see, And a crown of glory laid for me. How my soul this earth despises J How my heart arid spiruwises ! Bounding from the flesh I sever } World of sin. farewell MSs'er ! '■'■ itf^. Sing with me ! sittg with me ! Friends in Jesus, sing with me I AH my sufferings, all my woe. All my griefs I here forego. Farewell terrors, sighing, grieving, Braying, hearing, and believing; Earthly trust and all its wrongings,' Earthly love— and all its longings ! Sing with me! sing with me ! Blespd spirits sing with me ! ^ To the Lamb our song shall jbe-, \ TlEhough a glad eternity ! 'Farewell earthly morn and even, Sun and m6on, and stars of heaven Heavenly portals ope befweme, Welcome, Christ, in all Thy glory ! / 4r «s: 69 V^ <^ / ■ 'kj»: ■■ . - ■ ■'■■• , . ■ '■ . ■ ■■ HAStEN*SINNER TO BE WISE. " tJASTEN, sinner, to be wise ; ■ 'Stay not for the morrow's sun ; ■v!#Wisdom, if you »still despise, -Harder is it to be won. Hasten, mercy to imploire j v Stay not for the morrow's sun ; • Le^ thy season should be o'er. Ere this evening's stage be run. Ci, /"% fasten, sinner, to rjeturn ; Stay not |p^e morrow's siin ; Lest*thy lamp should cease to burn, Ere salvj^on's work is done. ,r., ... ■' . ■ ,: " * Hasten, sinner, to be blest ; Stay not for the morirow's sun ; Lest perdition thee arrest, Bre the morrow is begun. ' « \» t «:fj JT-- -Mi-. jgcWf K^ > / 70 % ,jfS... SINNERS, TURN, WHY WILL^YE DIB, , "■ ► ■ ■ aiNNERS;turn, gto^ will ye die? •^ God, your^Makcr, asks you why : God who did your heing give, Made ydu with himself to live : ^ He the ftttal catfse demands, Asks the work of His own hands : Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love and die V Sinners, turn, why will ye die ?' ^ God, your Saviour, asks you why : . He, who did your souls retrieve, Died himself that ye might live. . Will you let Him die in vain ? ■ ■ Crucify your Lord again ? , Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, the Spirit, asks you why : . He who all your lives hath strove, 3Voo'd you to jembrace His love. \^ill ye not His grace receive ? • Will ye §till refuse to live? 0,"ye dying sinners, why. Why will ye for ever die? \ iv fm * v Vo^ • • /'■ m f^ •N x'v \a ■^ . '^m ^^^^ r ^'" .(• • «^; . .•*■■ f.r. i*- n "'■x:' Vv sAvj), l6rd, or WEl perisil 'W TITHEl^ thro* tho torn sail the wild tempest is Weam- When o'er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming, • Nor hopi^- lends a jay the poor seaman to cherish, We fly to bur Maker: "Save, Lord, or we perish." * (^ Jesus, once rock'd on the breast of the billow, ^ Aroused by the shriek of despair, from Thy pillow, Now seatedin glory, the mariner cherislj^ Who crielinjiis anguish, " Save, Lord, or we perish." '** And I when the whirlwind of passion is raging, When §in in our hearts its w||^w.arfare is waging, - * % ^li send down Thy Spirit f^ ransom'd to cherish, Rebuke the destroyer ; " Save, Lord, or we perish." « • s- in UIDB our hark among the waves ; Through the rocks j)ur passage smoOthe ; , Whete the whirlpool frets and raves, » Let Thy love its anger soothe; . .,, All our hopo is placed in ^^e ^ ' Miserere Domine ! ' ■* '''^ 1 A. 6 I M ^' i'Mk' % '4. ■X'-- .. ^ y ! i '^ w. m4 V f#^■• fr' ■.' ii*» ; fill iKr",' %WM/-.*i Istih/Thy cup with l#e p'erfloV? 1^ all Thy children iM - :: -'^^ j'^^lpSW '#ef^t«them^allThy,8wee^g^ know^ ik ^%^/u .. ^:#'Bjdl:!;.saci*ed feast, wiiic^i J^s^pmakes, ■■■ • "^^ ■--■■' :'^!BicJi liairtiufet of His' flesh; a^Wpod : •■• ,1 1 p : , um :%% r^Wftr- ?:'^i ■'^-/^.'v ■i''., ■!'■•<.,'. ; JPhrice^hftopy he who here pfirtitj \ lithilisHi^ed stream, that h^ \frliy di'e liiibouuties ^11 in vain; ? (Jbefbrfe trilling hearts 'display'd? Wai not for you the Yi6tim slamt^^^^^ Are you forbid the children'a i)jf,ftad : ■•'■■■ . ■■■ ■ ■. -'^ '^-^ ■■MiK;'-' ' .. le| Th^ tal)ie hbnour'd he, i I', i; And furnish'd well with joyful guests r 'And may each soul slilvation see, • That h^ ilfc9,,lfioly pjpdges t j Drawn by Thjr qui6kenin| jountless number! gather from their bread that lives V Nor let Thy spreading Qspsp p-' ■', ■■ . '- •■■'> ;■ Till through the Vroyld Th Till with tjiis bread all men Who see the light or fe^ ^ '•■^ ' m 3n \ ■ '•;■ '.*■-. ■!■ '. ■ .>•■-" :r m. ... .(•: ^» ft-, ••■f jH^' ^1^^.' 1 f f^; i '•.T'^"^'.' H ■■.:■.-: fx-'-' :.»fx \ y}'3- ■'.\\ f if / ■■■ ^ J 78 JMORNINi&. \ A WAKE, iny soul, and with the sun Thj daily course of duty run ; Shako off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy inprning sacrifice. - Redeem thy mis-spent time that's past ; Live this day, as if 'twere thy last ; To improve thy talents take duo care • 'Gainst theWreat day thyself prepare. Let all thy con^rse he sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear ; Think how the all-seeing God, thy ways And all thy secret thoughts surveys. Wake jind lift up thyself, my heart, And with, the angels hear thy part ; - _% all night long unwearied sing, **!^»ry to Thee, Eternal King." I ^ate, l^wake, ^e*hegenty ojioi* ; May your devoMdn'me inspire ; u That^3;iike y^^ age may spend, Like you may on my God attend. -May llave Perform like fou my Maker's will :, Oh, jnay I never more do ill. 'V •r ■»' ff w%V' % i*r «i' •.■■■■ »' /» r — j- I JJjf IW' ' T4 ,; Glory to Th«e, if ho iafe hafl kept, And hast refresh'd^mo while I slept : i Grant, Lord, when I from death shall Wake, • I liiay of endless life partake. Lord, I my vow»4o Thee renew ; Scatter my sins as morning dew ; . Guard my first spring of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit fill. - . "■ . ;' ' ■ - . m" ■' ".''■■■•.■■ '.'.■', .< ■. - ' ' Direct, control, suggest this day, All I design, or do, or say. That all my powers, with all their rjight In Thy sole glory may ui^ite. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, angelic host ; . Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 'i^ 'A 'I. HE who God's will has borne and'doiic. And his own restless longings stilled ; What else he does or has foreggne His mission he hath well fulfilled. 'i f i t-: 76 t v,^- . EVi;NING. ; n LORY to Thee, my Gad, this night, ^ For all the .blessings of the light ; Keep mo, O keep me. King of kings, ~ Beneath Thine own Almighty wings. r Forgive riie. Lord/ for Thy dear Son, ' The ill that I t^is day have don4k - - That with th itU angels sing,' , k % #■' "^nr; . ♦.»■ >9,' 8? ■ir'it $. P- f <#.. Praiso God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Ilini, all creatures hero bolov^s Praise Him above, angelic host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I \ ■'m ^ ^<^ # ♦ rvUlVhcf^ts are fastened to tho worla — J^^ Bj strops. and var|ou8 ties; * j^ Sfcut <^ery sorrow cuts a, string, ^ ^ '^ -aAP d urges us to tise. * * k .;i^- A .LITTLE while, through grief and care, ^ . Thy servants, Lor4, their cross Still let this thought our hearts begr ■S '% :T bear I ")'.. ' f" t' ■■f '**.. 'i . 4 w- ■'€ %\ . ,-. ■ „ .■■•^ m '<■ %' *€ 4X. '», '^ ^P t EVENlNa. O OFTLY n6w the light of day Fades ujJbn my sight away; Free from care, from labour free, Lord, I would commune with Theer Thou, whose all-peryading eye Nought esci^pes, without, within, Pardon each infirmity, I Open fault, and secret Soon, for me, the ligipiTSay Shall for ever pass away ; Then, from sin and sorrow free. Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee : Thou Who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity; j| Then, from Thine eternal Throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. 3'* '♦ #, J •.•■'■'■I I /^^ '■^1^ff'»i ■^ s;-,;;'$^.>i 78 '^v*', •:i- '*• » '•*^' if/ EVENING.' \ ■ -■ __^^^_ * "•' ^ INSPIRER and. Hearer of prayer, Thou Shepherd and Guardian ,of Thine, |fy all to Thy covenant caro, I, sleeping or waiting, resign. If Thoii arl my Shield and my San, . The night w no darlcncss to mc ; And, fast, as my minutes toll on, . . They hriug mo l?ut nearer to Thee. A sovereign Protector I have, ' Unseen, yet for ever at Tiand ; Unchangeably jJAithful tp BfiYBt ^ Almighty to rule and command. ' ' . ' His smiles and His comforts abound, Hii» grace, as the dew, shall descend, - And walla of salvation surround ThjB Boul He delights to defend* ^ # -^ ■■£ w A \ # \ ■u r u ■M% «5>^*§ff «k V- W. '# 70 J' ''"■• . ■•<<, ▲ PSALM OVUSSL .^;_ "WhatHoeTor thy liftAd flndflth to do, do It ivUh thy mlf^ltt; IW thdro is no work, nor (ftvlcii, nor knowledge, nor witdoni, in tho grnvc, whithor thou goflnt. Kccfrn. Ix. 10." :f:' fe tMl ELli mo^not) in mournful numbers, \ ^* Life is 1^11 aft empty droam/*^" ~ ^ jPoir th|9 soul iii Send that sltfmbcrs, ,;^ Andi things atcr^i^ what they se^iQ. f Xifo is real, life is earnest, " ' ' And the grave is not its goal ; ^* post thou art, t<» dust returnest/' ' Wai^not Ipokeii of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, . j.,^ Is our destined end of way ; •^^^™t to act; that each to-morrow ' ^ \^ Find us farther than to-Say. ' - • ^■":r ■>.»■■/■■■. i _ I ■.■■'-- ■ ^- \ Art is long, and Time is fleeting. And our heafts, thpugh stout and braire^ ; Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave. <»• «!■ ' Lives of good men all remincl us '*'. We can make our lives sublime* And, departingi leaye' behind us Footprints on the sands of Time : 4Hi^ * ^■*. o \ €' I # [ 80 Footprints, that perhaps anothctr, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, '. A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeingy shall take heart Again. ^Let us, then, bjB up and doiogj ^or our onward course abate •„ Still achieving, stiU pursuing, Learn to labour and to Wait. ' ^ My sufferings, my comfortings, Alternate at Thy wi#, _ ' . - I trust Thee, my Fajtlj^r^.^^ ,* ^ I trust Thee, and ampGIb . -' ' '^'' ■•#►■• ^ ^' r ' \ I I. A ; f .*: « 81 ID & SONGS pF PimiSE, -/1 1 ^ .* ■- .' \ Jfi .. OONGS of praise the angels sang ; *^ / ^/ Heaven irith hallelujahs rang, When Jehovnh's work begun, f When He spake and it was done. Song*s. of praise awoke the morn. When the Prince of Peace was b3rn ; ' . So^gs of jJraise arose, when He- \^ . Captive led captivity. ,. ' - ^ ' . Heaven and e^rth must pass away j ■J^ .9.1 P V ^ rjk J^ ' ^ .'#«*«^/ 4. • ft: \ • 82 GOB CALLING YET. I >* * GOD calling yet '.—shall I,noff hear ? Earth's pleasures sliall I still hold dear? Shall life's'sWift passing yb'ars all fly, ^J Ai>flBtHl,«ax;Bovilmslumherslie^-. .. ' * God cftiling yet !-> shall I not rise ? ^ • - -Can I His lovittg voice despise, ,_I_- __ And hasely His kind care repay V ' He c>lls me still: can I delay? ' • ^. .. ,;»God calling yet !-and shall He knock, ' And I my heart the closer/lock ?. ' I|e still is waiting to teceive, ♦, . And shall I dare His Spirit grieve ? God calling yet !— and shall I give ■ No heed, but still in bondage \ive V • I.wair, but Hb does not forsake ; -: -; " ' He« calls me still !— my heart, awake ! God calling yet !~I,^annot stay ; ^ ^ My heart I yield -i^ithout dejay : Vain world, farewell ! from thee I part ; • ' The voice of God l^^jj^eached my heart! ^ ^i^ /3^ Ct \ » ' 1 (. \ '-Y. * ^,. ** 83 TIjlS IS NOT OlJll KE8T. U v, -ytp ct w E-VE no ;ibi(lrn<» city here V It 1" , Tliia jaay diBtross tli« worklling'i!i mind; •But should not cost .tli6 saint a tear, ^ Who hopes a better rest to find. . " We'vQ no abiding city here :" Sad truth, were this to bo our home ; But let this thought our spirits cheer, ■ " We seek a city yet -to come.'' -t.-^-^--^ >*■ We've no abiding city here:" ; '* ' Then let us ll/e as pilgrims do ; "Let not the ^y(AM our^rest appear, But let us ha^te^^m all below. " We've? no^aMdifiig city hcrcv:'^ ' V We. »Gck a city 6ut of sight ; YAofi i^ mimc-^hc Lord is there, ' If shines with cyerlastifig light. Ml' -'''■■ ' ■■■.'■<: V -'■■•; ' ■ ■ ■■ - ■'' '■',•:' '■ '"' '^ -.': •■'•'v. ■, ■ ■.-,:'■ ■-."■- ■«*.-■ ■"*#»■ ;. ■''.-■ -r ' if . * ■ *' " ■■ 1 1 • f 1 "« Ik L * ,' 'Oh ! -sweet abode q^ peace and love, Where pilgrims, freed from toiL are blest I . t Had I the pinions of a dove, / ^ , * , ' I'd fly to Thce,'*a^d be at rest. • ' • , • i" " . But hush, my soul,' nor. dare repine ; ■ '• " ■ ' " * ^^.. The 'hme liiy God appoints is best. ' .. ,, " ' VVMIeJicre, to do His yfA^ha iiiiije; . ''y ; , .' And il^to fix my tijnc'iuf rcitr •*, -.- * » . . , . 'j:^'yM'y'yyy'.\rV n « ■.. " ■"*„-. ■ ■ '.; V ■ ■'■■■ ^ ^ *' "■" ' ". ■'■■■ 4- ..% ■; ■" '■ ' '; . v^ „ „i"?r!:.; z-:'^; _«"■'.:- ■■■■■■ ■ :: "•■;'." yi % t, -^-"^ •* h /^ i iff) i. -t r I. ' '.,'", / < "sit 84 H . PASSING AWAY. "^i" I T is written on the rose, In its bright array; Read then what those buds disdlose— % "jPassing away." It is written on the skies j^f the soft blue summer day l it is trajced a siiri^et's dyes— V "Passing' away." It is wri);ten.on the trees, As their youag leaves pJi^v f, ^ ^ iV> .And on brighter things th^n tiieff*^ ■ .' -^' .Passing: a\f ay.". -/:' - .^,%^_,:i^fS^'.^-^^ v.: Jt is written on the heart ; . Ah ! that oven there Docavi/ - ,i^^ E'er s%uld claim from Love- a. f«r«*** * ! . . - >^\ a away." v -:r ' J -!v^ fj^iiiMb !— cfe ! shall wc i^t ^ > ' Wlli«e tfce 8|)6ilw finds \no |>reyr V ^JOn^ sM lovely things and l^eft |^, ; \> ' ~~^ — Pass'npt away^ ? ■^-■;^ 'v^- --^i^-i--;:- ■,- ''- . •■'-V,' * ■ a •■■\--- *v f if ^18, if tl4s 1)6 so, i . , r ; '^ ./ ,, ' l^ from earth's vaifi show '' _ .,. /' jfivustogaasawai^Jv' " /^ 1 . \' 4:' » N v.- \ ■1 -■;,.: ■ wt™ • ■r.k I*:', --(./:• :0' 85 \ *i SEEK THE NAKROW GATE. ■.■■-.■ 1 •> O EEK, my soul, the narrow gate, EntorJerait bo too late ;< Many ask to enter there ; When too ]ftc to oifcr prayer.. God from mercy's seat slijtll rise, And for ever bar the skicis : Then, though sinners cry Without, lie will say, " Iknow you not." # Mournfully will they exclaim ; " Lord, we have profcssM Thy namb ; We have ate with Thee, and heard Heavenly teaching in Thy wonl." Vain, alas, will be their plea,^ " . Worker's of iniquity ; • ,, * Sad their everlasting lot ; Christ will say, " 1 know you not/' -&^ \'--- s *- '.4! ^*-. ' \<. "*',. W 4 ■,%-" .i^. jcr - ^ '9» ♦ r ij»r 1 i 'T )i Ti i ia il "'i ' " ■ in j in .j i n i ..i i ui' i ," '"rr v.. . V • V. ■-1 80 /■ '■'X ■\: SOOI^ AND ¥0]U|^KU. ./«i qopN, and fbrevdr^ ' ^^ "W ^^ The brcaldng oOay .^ 'V Shall drive all thcviifght-cl^uds ' Of sorrow away. , Sooii, and forever, | We'll sec as we're secn^ ^f lind learn the deep meaning Of things that have Wn. When fightings without ^is, : And fears from witlun, Shall weary no more J In the warfare of sin. . ^ . Where tears and where fears, And where death shall be— ivovov ' Okristians with Christ shall l>o "Soon, and forever. Soon, and foi-ever, The work shall be tlono. The warfare .accompiishod, The victory won. < .,- ^ Soon, and forever, ■J, .<^: i ■*H-:'i •■V'-;?i' j'^-w':- n'l,, i.iW^' ■-!. .^ yy Then d^oop not in sorrow, If J Despond not in fear,v 'a glorious to-morrow \ is brightening and near ; When, — blessed reward OnDacli faithful endeavour, Cin-istians with CJM'ist shull be Soon, and forever. 'i WIIATEVliIR passes as a cloud between The mental eye of faith und tilings unseen Causing that brighter world to disappear, Or secijli less lovely, or its hope less dear : This is our world, o%tr idol, though it bear Aifectipn's impress, or devotion's. air ! -■'WHt*' -•*• 1 8S / ' CHRIST IS COMING. CHRIST is coming ! lot creation Bid her groans and travail cease : Let the glorious proclamation ^ ^ IIopo restore, and faith increase :— Maranatha ! Come Thoii blessed Prince of Peace ! Earth can now but tell the story Of Thy bitter cross and pain ; " Blic shall yet behold Thy glory, When Thou comest back to rei^rn :— Maranatha ! - Let each heart repeat the strain ! Though once cradled in a manger, .^ pft no pillow but the sod, Here an alien and a stranger, . Mocked of men, disowned of God ,— All creation Yet shall own Thy kingly rod. Long Thy exiles have been pining. Far, and home, and Thee ; But in heavenly vesture shining, '' Soon they shall Thy glory see :— ' Maranatha! : Haste the joyous jubilee ! — / f^ ^ /■;. k . 't ■S^".i^E¥-..-f»>»~**-a,'^ / f^ m With that *' bloMHcil l(ot)o" before iw, Let no harp reiim^n un.Htiuii<^ ; . liet the mighty iulvcint-cljorus Onward roll froiiii tongue to toiigue.- ManiiiatUa ! \ Coiuo, Lord JesUjM, uuickly i?ornc ! '^ # .f^^.- ■M'. ' ,L^AINT uotFilgrim ! one brief day ; / ^ .Hold oil thy Aviiy : Let not^iings tfiat perish all Thy soul enthrall. sliort^Mp|||flsent ; to thy home ' *^^ i^ : ' , Soon shalt thou come ; With tlf F^yjLthou shalt find All to thy mind. Xj ^ t. ■ #;:-iMi: " ■ ■»" :r '^^ ^ m ^ » JUIHJMKNT IS NKAll rrilK w<»ilil in i^Vuwii ohl, and lu>r plcaHUii-H are puHt ; X 'I lu' world is grown old, uiid lier form may not luHt ; Thii world is -rowu old, and trcinbles lor Fear,— " " 10W8 abound, and judgment U near ! ., [m in tlio licavcns i« languid and pale, ~-^- ISteoblo and few arc the iruitd of the vale, And the hearts of the nations fail them for fear,- • For the worhl is grown ohl, and JUDOMBNT I« nbak! The king on his throne, the bride in her bower, Xhc cliiMvcn of gcasure, all feel Uio Had hour ; The roses are laded^ and tasteless the cheer,— The Avorkivis groAvn old, and JUDaMKNT IS NKAH \ A J^ '•• JU-hoia I strti'«l i^t tlu' «l<'or ami knock. Kw. iii. 'it".' ■ \ ' ND, oh ! how often to that voice of sorrow, ^ ^'To-morrow ayg will open," I replied, And when the morrow came I answered still, "To-raorrow/' : / ^^^ <(%'■ r.IlKAT (;()|) WHAT DO r m\'] AND IIKAK n.UKAT (;o(l, wluit do I Hco iiiul Jicur ! The c'lul of things ci'oate«l : Tho JiulftQ of nmn I bco iijipear. On cIoikIh of glory 80ftre«T7 Tlio tniini»ct sounds, tlio giuvcH ie,storc» TIkj dead which thoy eontainod ht-foiv ; rreparc, my soul, to meet lliin. Tho dead in Christ shall lirgt arise At tho last truropot's sounding, Caught up to meet Ilim in the skies, With joy their Jiord surroundin.--; No gloomy fears tht^Mr souls dismay, ' ' His presence sheds olernal day On those prepared to meet Ilim. iiut sinners, fillM with guilty fears, Behold Ilia wrath prevailing ; '. . For they shall rise, and find their tears And sighs are unavailing. Tho day of grace is past and gone ; Trembling they stand before the throne* All unprepared to meet Him. 13 Aaaoeiatieii for Infonnatien and lma«« Mana««in«ni ,7 llOOWayne Avenue. Suite 1100 < Silver 5pring, Maryland 20910 ■■ '■' 301/5^7-e202 , : ^ /<-■./ ■■".■-.■■■■" ^ :. •■ ,1 ' m . ■ '/< "*- . , *» '/ A ^/ .* ^ ^ A I* "te«l \n-' Centimeter, / T' 2 3 4 5 6 7^^ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm ' ■■■ liMilMiliMlu..l..iilimlMnlMMlniilm.liM|lMi|lim m Inches f4* 1 ^ i |il|i|i | |i l| i y l|ii | l|ii | l | i i | l |ii|l y i|l|i i |l^i|l^i| lj i|ii|i | ii|i|ii|if^^ 1.0 I.I ■iilM 12.5 K4 13:2 lU u 18 1^ 140 1^ 11.25 yi|l.4 I 1.6 1 N <$>> / M^^^ Wj^ ^ .1^ MRNUFRCTURED TO QIIM STRNDRRDS 7 BY APPLIED IMRGE, ' INC. ^m^ 'T- 4 *M. i-WT'*'*.^' I Great God, what do I see aud^hear I The end of things created ;„ The Judge bf man I sec appear, On clouds of glory seated : Beneath His cross I view the day When heaven and carthjhall pass uway. And thus prepare to meet Him. I .■ *:■' \ OTHOU who mourncst'on thy way, With longings for the close of day, He waljcs with thee, that Saviour kind, ' And gently whispers, "Be resign'd ; Bear up— bear on— the end shall tell Thy Lord doth order all things well." ■■^Sr- ♦ - QUFFER not our feet to stumble, ^ Suffer not our steps to slide. Keep us lowly, keep us humble, And be Thou Thyself our Guide. Tif* ■ V^«- 4 ./' 93 DIES IViM. From the Lntin pf Tlioinas do Cclano, 13th cent. ,x. TV AY of anger, day of wonder, ,a . When the world shair roll asunder, Quenched in fire and smoke and thunder vasiK^terror, wildlieart-rending Of /hat hour when earth is endinff, . /. ' " " And her jealous Judge descending ; hen the trumpet's voice astoundeth* Through-eartirs sepulchres reboundeth, ' Summons universal soundeth ! ' ''^^^ Death astonied, nature shaken, '^^^ ■ " ■•■■" ■ • '.' See all creatures, as they wakcn^ To thfft dire triburlal taken. Lo ! the Book, where all is hoarded Not a secret unrecorded : ' . Every doom is thence awarded. So' the Judge, when He arraigneth, Every hidden thing explaineth : Nothing unavenged remaineth. , « In that fiery revelation Where shall I make supplication. When the just hath scarce salvation? t- ,■/■■•■• > ^...aM.i'w^.^j.^itflit ihfi>tt,^iaSim rSpwa^g^^^i^ ..„ ^ ,, . Fount of Love, dread King supernal, Freely giving life eternal, Save me from the pains infernal ! This forget not, sweet Life-giver, f Mc Thou earnest to deliver : Cast me not away^fo;i<^cvcr ! Seeking Aie Thy sad fife lasted^ On the cross death's pains were tfisted ; Let not toil like this be Wasted ! \ •V Gtfd of righteous retribution-,";^ Grant my sins full absolution Ere Thy wrath's last execution ! Lo, I stand with face sufFusef^ Groaning, in my guilt accused ; '-) Spare my soul, with sorrow bruiskl ! ^ ■' ', ■• ■ / ■■■"■ ' By the Magdalene foi'givcn, By the dying robber shriven, I too cherish hope of heaven. Though my prayers are fnll of failing ^ Save me, of Thy grace availing, From the pit of endless wailing I ■ » " . ■ ■ On Thy right a place provide me, ; With Thy chosen sheep beside me: i?- From the goats, good Lord, divide me [ -<*«.■ '/ t When to penal firo arc driven Tlioso who would not bo forgiven, ! Call me with Thy saints to heaven ! . Kneeling, crushed in heart, before Thee, Sad and suppliant I adore Thee : Hear me, save me, I implore Thee ! *■ f a. ■ ■■■'«[§ lyrY lifted,(vye, without bne^tear,. The gathering ntorni RlialT^oe ; My trembling heart shall own no fear While it can trust in Thee. ^: % MOW to Him, who loved us, gave us Every pledge that love could give. Freely shed His Blood to save" us. Gave His life that we might live : Bo the kingdom, and dominion, ■, And the glory, evermore ! » . „ , .:. _.J- •.^. A. 1. -v v^ m WHO ARE THESE IN BRIGHT ARRAY. ■«i \ \ iJ /. WHO aro these in bright array ? This innumerable throng, Round the altar, night and day, Tuning their triumphant song V Worthy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, honour, glory, power, ■ Wisdom, riches, to obtain ; ' New dominion every hour. ^ These through, fiery trials trod ; These from great affliction came ; Now before the throne of God, Seal'd with His eternal I^ame : Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand, , - .Through their great Redeemer's might More than conquerors they stand. Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, ' } On immortal fruits they feed ; Them the Lamb amixlat the throne Shall to living fountains lead : Jo^a^d gladti^s banish sighs ; PerfeH loivi/ dispels their fears ; And, fo^^v^from their eyes vOod shall wll^away their tears T ^«L. f».^ Uw-i-^ !■*'''"* /^ . \. <4Ai,^'* Vii-ti^*' 'ysff^f^^w^^' IT- '*"-*r^ * '►'' >^,# fc. •»« 97 THE DYING HOUK. f r *'^\. n^HE liom- of my departure's conie ; I hear the voice tliat calls nio home Now, O my God, let troubles cease, And let Thy servant die in peace. ^^ The race appointed I have run ; The combat's o'er, the prize is won ; And now my witness is on high, And now my record's in the sky. Notirn mine innocence I trust ; I bow before Tiijpe in the dust ; And through my Saviour's blood ulono I look for mercy at Thy throne. I leave the world without a tear. Save for the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend. And to the friendless prove a friend. I come, I come, at Thy command, I give my spirit to Thy hand. Stretch forth Thine everlasting arms, ' And shield me in the last alarms. The hour of my departure's come, I hear the voice tl|it calls me home; Now, my God, let troubles cease. Now let Thy servant die in peace. ■It: ■it-. >v . «■ ■.■•V, >K %fr,"^ vWi' wwm&m^ '\ ^• ^^.}.-r ^ , ■i^B|«^5^«WTfi9ipi,!j4^ «. *e7'r*pT' 08 IT IS TOLD MB I MUST DIE. 'in ■•s X ' TT is tol(\ mo I must ilio ; A happy news! Be glad, my soul, \ And rejoice in Jesus, thy Saviour. It' Uc intended' thy. perdition, Would Ho have laid down His lite tor thee? Would He have called tliee with so nmcli love. And i'lluminatcd thee with the light of the Spirit 'i Would He have given thee Ilis cross. And given thee shoulders to bear it with patience? It is told mo I must die ; happy news ! * Come on, my dearest soul ; Jieholcl thy Jesus calls thee ! He prayed for thee upon His cross ; There He extended His arms to receive thee ; There He bowed down His head to kisS thee ; There Ho opened His heart to give thee entrance ; There He gave up His life to purchase life for thee. It is toid me I must die ; - what happiness ! 1 am going To the place of my rest ; To the land of the living ; To the haven of security j \ ._ _: \ *»w wr v^» 5^S»'*^p' ^ .-13^'^. ^ *^# !«"^f/-'W*1 \ ._ _: \ To the kingdom of peuce ; To tlio palaco of my Go* k- # ■■ ; ." 1 %* Kichartl Laiighorne. a lawyci', who wrote tlic abovo iuKt be-to... « ,♦.; ■ ■-■■■- ' 1 * ■ .■ ■ ■• .'■■■■:■. ■■■.•■: ■ ■ ":' &im.- -:■ J '■,.•"■■ : :-.^ ■....:-/--.■.■;• ^ . •■.. • ■ fjf. . - V ->. ■- : ■ 101 ♦■s (JOI). THK FATrrKK KVKIll.ASTINd. ttV MT. Aint'STIXF. \ *' Groat ni't Tliou, Lord, and greatly to bo praised ; great is Tliy power, and Thy Avisdoii) infinitd." And Thee would man praise ; man— but a 'particle o£ Thy creation ; '"'^"-j^|t-*»clu-8 about him his mortality, the witness of his sipiio witiiess that " Thou resistest thr proud." Yet would man praise" Thee ; he/but a par- ticlo of Thy creation. Thou uwakest us to delight in Thy praise; for Thou madest us for Thyself, and .uir heart-is restless, until it repose in Thee. Behold, "heaven and earth, and all that therein is," on every side they bid me love Thee, nor cease to say so unto all, that they may be without excuse. But what do Hove, when I love Thee? I asked the earth, and it answered mo, "I am not Ho;" amUvliatsocvcr are in it confessed, the'samc.' J asked the sea and the deeps, and the living creeping things, and they answered, ''Wo are not thy God; seek above us." I asked the moving air ; and the whole air •1- f %■ -tf fvt ' j-^IST' k'.- 102 ■.,*f^ •t.y with its InhttbitantB answered, "Anaximoncs was do- oeivcd, I am not God." I asked the heavens, sun, moon, stars, "Nor (say tlicy) are wo the God whom thou seekost." And I replied unto all the things which encompaHH the door of niy flesh, " Yoiiav^ told me of my God, that ye are not Ho; tell mo something of • Him." And they qried out with a loud voice, " Hts, losiing nothing. And what have I now said, my (lod, my Life, i/iy Hojy Joy, or what saith any man when ho speaks of Thclb^ Yet woo to liim that speaketh not, since mute are oven the mosf eloquent.! . Thou, fairest of all. Creator of all, Thou good.. God, God tho sovereign g^ood and our true good, Thou alone art God exalted over all. / Ambition, what seeks it, but honours ?ind /glory ? ?■ ^e^i*- /^ \. *?4 ■'•;■■. .104. - . whereas, Thou atdne art to bo hondtirod above all, and glorious for qvcrmorc The' cruelty of the great would fain be feared ; but who is to be feared but God alone, but of Whoso power wlyit'can be wrested or with- . drawn? when, or where, or whither, or by whom V - Curiosity makes semblance of a desire of knowledge ; whereas Thou supremely knowcst all. Sloth would fnin bo at rest; but w^t stable rest besides the Lord? Luxury affects to bo called plenty and abundance ; but ._ Thou art the fulness and never-failing plenteousnoSH of incorruptible pleasures. Prodigality presents a shadow . of .liberality ; but thou art the most overflowing Giver of all good. Covetousncas Avould possess many things ; and Thou possess^'cst all things. ■ Envy disputes (or ex- cellency ; what more cxcellQnt than Thou? Anger ^ seeks revenge ; who revenges more justly than Thou V Fear startles at things unwonted and sudden, which cn- ,hm|pr things beloved ; .and takes forethought f-M- their . safety : but, to Thee wliat unwonted or sudden, or who ,bparateth from Thee what Thou lovest? or where ])ut with Thee is unshaken safety? Grief pines away for ■ things lost,' the delight of i^s desires; because it would , havrnothing taken from it, as nothing eau from Thee. ^ Blessed tlien whoso loveth Thee, and his friend in ^ Thee, and his enemy for Thee. For he alone loses none ' dear to him, to whom all ar* dear in llimWho cannot be lost. And who is tills but our God,, the 'VGod that made heaven and earth," and "fiUeth them," because r 105 hy filling them Ho created them. Theo nono losctli but whoso loavcth. And who loavcth Thee, whither goeth or whither fieetii lie, Imt from Theo wcll-plcaspd to Thee di8pleasy begin US it were to be; they grow that they maybe perfected ; and perfected they wax old and wither ; and all grqw iVot pld, 'but all wither. So then when they rise ami ' tend to be, the more quickly they grow tfhat they way be, so much the more they haste not to be. In these things is no place, of repose; they abide not, they flee ; and who can follow them with the senses. of the flesh V For in the Word by Avhich they are created thcfy hear their decree, "hence and hitherto," Bo not foolish, my soul ! nor become deaf in the ear of thine heart with the tumult, of thy folly. Hearken thou too. The Word itself calleth thee to re- turn; and there is the place of rest imperturbable, where love is not forsaken, if itself forsaketh not. Be- hold ! these things pass away^ tliat others may rephice them, and so this lower universe be complete by. all its parts. But do I depart any whither ? saith the Word of God. There fix thy dwelling, trust there whatsoever thou hast therein* :-:f ' j^n\:'>t^ 'S'; ^' .■■ ^ F ;. ''~' 'i ". 3 *' . * • , ■ ■$ \J^- "»"*.., s. 106 If bodies please t]^c,prai8o"Go~dt»ft^c^a»ion of them, aniVtwrn back tl/love upon their Maker ; & rtvU^oHe things which vfcasc! thcc, thou displease. ^ If soulsyeaso thee, bo thoy loved in God : for they too are in^ble, but in Him arc they firmly established ; else wo^d they pass, and pass away. In llim then be they/belovcd ; and carry unto llim along with thee wU souls thou-canst, and say to them, " Him let us \y,e, llim let us love:" Ho made these, nor is Ho far Tff. ' For He did not make them, and so depart; but they arc of Him, and in Him. Too late have I loved Thee, O Thou-Ueauty o^ ancient days, yet ever new, too late have I loved Th^e ! ^or when I shall with my whole self cleave to ^lee, r shall nowhere have sorrow or labour ; and my life shall wholly live, as wholly full of Thee. But now, ^ because I am not full of Thee, I am a burden to my- self. Lamftitable joys strive with joyous sorrows ; and on which side is the victory, I know not. Is not the life of man upon earth all trial ? In ad- versity, I long for prosperity^ in prosperity, I fear ad- versity. What middle place is there betwixt these tw^o, where " the life of man is" not " all trial ?" Woe to the prosperities of the world, once and again, through fear of adversity and corruption of joy Woe to the adversities of the world, once and agam, and the third time, fro Ji the longing for prosperity, and because adversity itself is a hard thing, and lest it shat- A ..4 .^^•w 4^^.. ^v.- 'Vt" t . \ A ..4 ^ ' ' ..;■ ," 107 '^^ ■-^.^^'' ter endurance. l» not the *')ifu of innn u})on cijrth nil trial," without any interval 'i But that I might repose on Thee ! O that Thou wouldst enter into my heart, that I may forget my ills, and .embrace Thee, my aole Good ! V'or behold. Thou art? tliere, in the heart of those that confess to Thee, and cast themselves upon Thee, and weep in Thy bosom, after all their rugged ways. Then dost Thou gently > wipe away their teara, and they weep the more, nnil joy in weeping ; ev^n for that Thou, Lord, not man of rtesh and blood, but Thou, Lord, who madest them, rc- makest and comfortest them. ' . / Therefore siiffer me to speak unto Thy moi'cy ; me, "dust and ashes," suffer mc to speak, since I speak to Thy mercy, and not to scornful man. Thou too per- Jiaps despisest me, yet wilt Thou " return and have compassion on me." Accept the sacrifice of my con- fessions from the ministry of my tongue, which Thou hast formed and stirred up to confess unto Thy Name. Narrow is ^the mansion of my soul ;/bnlllrgo Thou it, that Thou mayest enter in. It is ruinous ; repair Thou it. It has that within which must offend Thine Eye ; I confess and know it. But who shall cleanse it, or to whom "shaU I cry^ save unto TheCv'' "Lord, dea«Is^me from" my secret faults, and spare Thy servant from the p^wer of the enemy." Heal Thou all my bones, and let them say, " Lord, who is, like unto Thee?" and let my soul praise Thee that it may ..1 1 -ki w^ifm^fi^ \y lovo thee, and let it confess Thy own mercies to Thoe that it may pnii!M> Thee. '' 0' Lord out- God, under the shadow of Tliy wings let me hope; protect me and carry me." . . ' ■■- A ■ ■ ■ : . ■ • ■ ■ ''. " } ■ ■ '■! ■;**'f'. -.v ■__.:\:: ■:-\. SERYANT of God ! well done ; - Rest from thy loved employ ; lUie battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy 1 ^ \, POST SCRTITIIS. ;.■#•■ ;_\iL \, Many of the precodliiK hymns nvo orntoos, or nt. lonst, vnrintionM I'roin tho ori^iiiiilH. It. is porlmpw not {jonornlly known (o wliiit. cxtont llio Hltorntion of liynins is cnrriotl. I linvc ho\y ht'forc nic \v» coiiii-s of Wcrtloy's snblinu^ " Ilm-k tlio tiornld angels si ntjj," nil of vvliich viipy Miop(M»r loss from the oritjinnl. Th« stump on the front C'ovci' is a Grci'k luonojvrimi — XV " "jCiikist tuv. bkoixnino amp tiik knp,'* • '^'tiikffn from tlio niins of Ifyflra, lh<> jincjcnt <'asa Niy;r)i, in Afvim. . On the hack eovor is n froi>y of the old snii dial of I/moohrH Inn. London, with its Latin niolto—' • "OS THIS JIOMKNT HANOS IvrKU.NITV I" U II. J>. ■mi, ■•'ft. |;t- J'-r*' ' ■*!» ■\ , ^ ■ 4- C J> \ x I 7 ,-sto- ^•' %iH^,. .»._~';»^v' ' '/ \ ^^,_— INDKX OF FIRST LINKS. Ahido with m« from riil)rn till ovo A littlo wliilo, thrpnsh jjfvivf i»n«l cnn* AIl-Rlorious CJod. wlint liymnrt of jtraiHO. And, oh.! how oftun'to that voIcp of sorrow . Awrtkc, ruy bouI, nnd with the huh ., H« roftdy — mnny fall iiroimd. Hrenat the wnvo, fhristian, when it w HtrongOHt. Brightest nnd best of the hoii8 of the morning . (Jhildren of the heavenly King ........ • » • • • • • Christ ip coming ! let creation Christ thC^ j^ord is risen to-day ( VosHOfl nro ladders to Heaven ............... I Jay of anger/ «h»y <>f wonder Kternity ! Eternity ! • • Faint not, Christian! though th<^ road. ........ Knint not, Pilgrim ! one bri«f day Fighting the battle of life .,..,.. ...... (tently, gently lay Thy rod ........,.....'.•• (;lory to Thee, my God, this night . ...... . • . . . (}od calling yet ! shall I not hear? .... • • • GocJ is love : His mercy brightens. ........... ( Jod moves in a mysterious way (}od shall chairgc His angel legions ..> • Cto, when the mining shincth • • • .PAOR fift ' 7ft 25 90 7» ftl ftl 2H 4» 88 ."iC. n .. ft 5H. m in 82 60 24 22 38 ■ :'4 •.a .;l^l :'3#' :^^m>; i> 111 \,r. :f- Oront 0(h1. wlmt do I «oo nivHionr ! r.v In this dark world of sin and pain •" . . • -' It is told me I must die <• '•*** It Is written on tho rose • ^ • I will love The(i, all my Treasure ! • ■ . • '"»- I would love Thee, God and Father ! . -"^ I I would not live alway ; I ask not to stay <'7 .Tesup, and shall it ever be. /, •....*. tl-i .lesHs, Saviour of my soul, , • "? Let me (?(> ! let mo ^o ! for the day is broakint; . . . . . <»•; \j.vt al that cro I spent sonitym had I . , ^ U)rd, forever at Thy .side : -'^ My God, and Is Thy table sprewl 7- My God, my Father, while I stray "* My God, permit '^c not to be. , • .... ♦*''• My lifted eye, without one tear '••'• My Saviour ! can it ever be, .....: r»4 Nearer, my Goil, 1o Thee, 54 New mercies each returning day •••••• • • • • ^* :4!«Hs '^%^• ■■■' ' -..'.y-yi- '■% J un X« vlmuK»' of xhull fVi-r ^ li.M-k ....PA«r. ly ' Uft tH"t ill HOITIIW, <»lt III W<»f Oil, iiHk iiul llitm how hIiiiII I l»«1 «>f lIoHtMl I tiii«i*'< Olio iiniyov I Iiavu— nil jutiyt th In <»iit- #thi(' HWHi'tly *w>l<'iiili IlioilUilit i>Tiioii (1<» w horti) ttU-Bi'mthlii;; nl^lit O tli«»u wliy iiiouriiCitt on tliy way, ... \hii* lii'iirttt nre fu«ti!iu'il t"> tlio wt»rKl I'rt'Hrt forwiiiil niul fi'iu- not; tlu' billowH iimy roll. UIhc, my Houl, nml uti-otoh thy wiiiK«,. Kook of rt«oK, tloft lor uw . :tl •II VJ mi ■in Ih Saviour, when in iUihI, to Tluf, Seek, iny 8oui, tlio narrow jjfiU*' Ming, my mouI, His woiulrous Sill}? wiU» mo ! Sin<^ with mo ! rtinuorn, turn, why will yo tlicV lovf ..,% iirt rtH '.,. ',..., 7<» 77 .. ttt* -. 81 M 42 Softly now the light of day • • • ■ • • Holiliert) of Christ, ari«c' Songs of prairic the angcltt aifflg ; • •". Soon, and forever ■ • ' ■ Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, Htiiy, . ; . ■■■^ ; Suffer not our feet to stumble •. • "- Tell mc not in mournful numbers 7U The baby wept ; , • • • • ^» • • • The hour of my deporture's come ; The Lord is my Sheph«JM|b)o want shall I know ; ... ... 'Che Lord will happiuesl^Wino IWv*^ The world is grown old, audjier pleasures are past ; , This world is but the ru^ed road Thou art with mc, O my Father Though I Bhould seek to wash me clean 57 t>7 IM i:< W 12 27 I ■^ .._^,,.., -■Ml- 114 •0: TIiuukU trouMvM Mrtttll mwl apualt of thu fuHliiiH of th« bfeMt, N W*'v(j no obUllnj? cUy h«'r« .^^ • •••** WliatKVur \mtuvt$ttn a cloud botwiu'ii '♦7 What U Hfe Y— « rapid Btmiiu I«> Wheiie'i'i* the luigry pnnhUiiw rUe, •*•! When thro* tlio torn will tli« wild t«'MHKHt U ittruiunlng JU Who aro thotiu hi bright army 1... ^ WhoMO him bethoft Inwardly nnd «)ft ^ llnthluklnn, idle, wild nnd yonng. '. . , 1=' Ye faithful souls, who Jvm* ku')W , !«7 i^ // ■ i ^' ^ ■ TiMK l»V4.V. 14 I'Afit; TlUir « AN'sT not it HKCAl.l, : ToiK Av, Tiioi' iiawt; iMi'HuyK nii: i-oution n.\i.\i.i. TiMK ntvHt: IS not} am» mav yEVKu uk; TiMK rith:si\r \- riir. «>m,v twiF. foh rrrrF * ^' t \ \ ^ f r.% t» ' \ * '^' ■ 4^ • > t .L 4 / f ^. <• I ■ ittrtfrf. tfhtttirtt * Co., flTiittrrl. t; k } ^. ^^s^ SF *^^"' X :i,':|n^ ' f St f r\ is I *'^- 4 I « . \ * f (. ^ « \ V t ^ *' e % ;. 'ir, I-.' s' I ■■ " {'i J^"" ^, ' ^t%^ (I i " / ( HiCii