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IKANCOIS XAVIRK STKKF.T, i-p A- 5 r. ' S. /g-/4 Caie. IBictoria -^SS Montreal/' and nnrler the said name may arquiTe for thomselvea and tli(3ir successors, under any l«'j;al title wliatever, such real estate in the City of Montreal as they may require for the actual occupation of such skating cluh, and the Directors thereof foi- tlie time heing may sell and alienate any real (jslute, held or to he held by the said CUuh, and for such price or prices, and on such terms and conditions as they may see fit, grant valid discharges for such price, and should they see fit, ac(]uire other instead tliereof for the purposes of this Act, and the said Directors may borrow money on ^the hypothecary security of the immovable proporty of the corporation, for such time, and on such terms, and at sucli rates of interest as they shall see fit. 2. The capital of the C(^nipany shall be Twelve Thousand Dollars, currency, divided into Two Hundred and Forty shares of Fifty Dollars each, with power to increase the same to Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, such increase to be authorized V)y a vote of the shareholders, at any meeting of the shareholders specially convened for the purpose, or at any meeting, in the notice convening whicli it shall be stated that it is i:)roposed to increase the capital. ». The said James Torrance, John (ireenshields, J(jhn T.e^^ is, George M. Millar, Alfred Brown, John J. Jones, and Thomas Morland shall be the Directors of the Coui[)any until a choice of Directors by election of the shareholders shall take place in the manner hereinafter prescribed, and they shall have power to f open books for the siiliHiiription of sliiiics, mid to luiike and collect calls thereon. 4. The Directors, or a majority of them, may open a auhHcription hook and receive tin* subscription of persons desirous of becuminj^ shareholders in the Company, and may allot t(j such persons the number of shares that each or any of them shall have in the capital of the Com])any. 5. The shares in the capital of the Company shall be transferable in such manner as shall from time to time be prescribed by the by-laws, but no share shall be transferable until all the calls previously made thereon shall have been paid, or until such share siiall have been declared forfeited for non-payment of calls. tt. The Company may administer their affairs by any number of Directors, to be elected annually from among the shareholders at their annual meeting, their number and qualification being declared in the rulea of such society, and by such other officers, and under such restrictions touching their powers and duties, aa by by-law in that behalf they may from time to time ordain, and they may assign to any of such officers such renmueration as they may deem requisite, and such Directors shall always hold office till their successors are elected. 7. An annual meeting of the Company shall be held for the transaction of the general business of the Company, and the election of Directors, at such time and place, and under such regulations with Tom<\ U, not.c, ns tl... I,v-lnw.s „t' tho (.'nrnpany sh.lI.Uenuin... ,„.! nnli! It shall he ..Mletennined the first mnun.1 „uM,ti.i^' simll bo hold on the first Saturday ..f Xovemhur, ;nu\ In case of a vacanoy occurnn^r HnH.n,^- th. Dinu^tors by death, resi^mation "r othorw.He, „t any tinio previous K, the annual ineet.nK, the same shall be filled up for the ren.ainder «t the unocc3u,Med term by the Directors, if by them ' a. I^oard of Manage- ment), of whom two shall he (,'husen President and Vice-President, respectively, as hereafter provided, and a Secretary-Treasurer ; and it shall be the duty of such Directors to attend to the general manage- ment of the Eink and all matters connected there- with, the engagement of Rink-keepers, and such other incidental business as may from time to time arise. The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the Directors from among tliemselves, as soon as may be, in each year after the annual general meeting hereinafter provided for. The President shall pre- side at the meetings of the P.oard, and in his absence the Vice-President ; and, in the abse-nce of both, some one of the Directors present shall be named to till the chair. Four Directors sliall constitute a quorum, and in case of a tie, the (Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote, in addition to his ordinary vote. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Directors, who may award him such remunera- tion as they may see fit. The President (and, in hia absence, the Vice-President), and the Secretai-y- '% i ! li 10 Treasurer shall together have power to draw cheques, to sign deeds, and to represent and sign for the' Chili in all matters of special import. II. The Directors shaU be elected at the annual general meeting of the shareholders to be held, foi- the year 1862, on the first Saturday in November as provided by the Act of Incorporation, and in subse- quent years, on the last Wednesday of September, at which meetings the Shareholders shall be notified to attend, by circular or by^advertisement, in two or more of the city newspapers, signed by the Secretary- Treasurer. Three of the Directors whose names shaU be selected by the Board, by lot, or otherwise, and reported to the annual meeting, shall not be eligible for re-election till after the expiration of one year, nor shall any shareholder be elected Director for more than three consecutive years from this time. III. At all general meetings fifteen shall constitute a quorum. Every shareholder shaU be eligible to office (under the restrictions of the 2nd and 4th sec- tions), and each shareholder shall have one Vote for every share, but- no shareholder to have more than three votes. IV. No shareholder shall be aUowed to vote on any occasion whatever, until he shall have paid all calls upon his shares. V. At the annual general meeting, the Directors ShaU present a report and abstract of the accounts ^d general concerns of the Club, and, if practicable. 11 a (iivideiul of so much per cent, on the (capital Stock shall be dechived out of tlie profits* of the Club, unless the nieetinj^f determine otherwise. VI. Tlie President may of his own accord, and shall on tlie written requisition of any twenty-five, shareholders, call a general meeting for any purpose whatever ; and the officer calling such meeting shall cause notification of the same to l)e made to the shareholders by circular, or by advertisement, stating the oliject of the meeting, signed by the Secretary-Treasurer ; and the President, or iu his absence, the Vice-President, shall have power to call special meetings of the Directors when- ever necessary, and it shall be his duty to do so, when any three of the Directors shall request him in writing to do so, stating the object of the meeting. YII. Tlie Directors shall not devote the funds of the Corporation to the acquisition of any other build- ings or real estate, nor shall tl^ey sell, alienate, mort- gage, or hypothecate any real estate belonging to the Club, without the siinction of a general meeting, of which thirty days' notice shall be given by circular, and by advertisement, signed by the Secretary-Treas- urer, stating the object of such meeting. VIII. Any shareholder may transfer his share or shares subject to the provisions of the oth sec. of the Act of Incorporation, by causing an entry of such transfer to be made in tlie books of the Club to be kept for the registry and transfer of shares, but uo 12 transfer shall be valid without the express consent of the Directors. The form of transfer shall be as fol- lows : — 1, of , do hereby assigiii transfer, and make o^'er to , of for value received, share of fifty dollars each held by me in the Victoria Skating Club of Montreal, on which have been paid dollars per share. Montreal, 187 . " 1 accept the above transfer. IX. Should any shareholder be in default to the Club for any calls upon his stock, the Directors may, if they see fit, after due notice of three months has been given to such shareholder, proceed at law to recover the amount due, or may, at their option, declare such share or shares forfeited by a resolution of the Board, and such shareliolder shall then be con- sidered to have withdrawn from the Corporation, and to have forfeited all interest in such share or shares, which the Directors may sell and dispose of for the benefit of the Corporation. X. All applications for admission, as subscribers only, to the use of the Rink of the Club during the skating season, shall be made to and determined by the Directors. 18 XI. The rates of admission to the Rink shall he as follows : Shareholders and members of their families, as spectators tree. Shareholders' family skating tickets $10.00 Non-shareholders' family skating tickets 1 2.00 Gentlemen's single tickets 5.00 Ladies' " " 3.00 Boys under 18 years 4.00 Girls " 15 " 2.00 A family season ticket will admit the subscriber and all members of his family residing under his roof. Children under 14 years of age will not be allowed to skate after seven o'clock in the even- ing. The word subscriber, used in these By-laws, shall include shareholders subscribing to the Rink, a« well as ordinary subscribers, not shareholders. XII. Any subscriber may introduce a gentleman (who is not a resident of the city) to skate, without charge, for ten days, upon entering his own name and that of his friend in a book to be kept at the Rink ; and after that time such non-resident may be admit- ted to skate, on payment of $2.50 per month for each gentleman. Ladies, not resident in the city, are admitted to skate free, when introduced by a sub- scriber. X III. Every person wishing to become a subscriber, sua J make application to the Directors annually, giv- ing his name and address. IJ^o tickets shall be granted 14 to others than shareholders before the first Wednes- day in November in each year. Skating tickets shall not be transferable, and must be renewed each year. XIV. Every shareholder, who is not a subscriber, shall be admitted as a spectator, and on every Mon- day shall have the privilege of skating, free of charge. XV. The Rink shall be open every day (Sundays excepted) during skating season from 8 A. m. till 10 p. M., and any deviation from these hours must be with the special sanction of the Directors. ■ XVI. Smoking shall not be allowed in any part of the building, nor shall refreshments in any case be introduced within the building without the special sanction of the Directors. XVII. The Directors shall have a general power to make rules and regulations for the internal man- agement of the Eink, and for the admittance of the public as spectators, with or without charge. XVIII. Any subscriber wilfully infringing the By- laws or any of the Regulations of the Eink, shall be ' liable to be struck off the list of subscribers and be excluded from the use of the Eink, by a vote of three- fourths of the Directors present at a meeting specially convened for that purpose, one week's notice in writ- ing having been previously given to such subscriber, signed by the Secretary-Treasurer, and such sub- scriber may, if he please, appear before such meeting of Directors to offer his defence, Hmi 15 XIX Any By-law of the Club may be altered or annulled, or new By-laws passed, with the consent of two-thirds of the shareholders present at any general meeting, notice thereof having been given to the Secretary, who shall cause such amendment to be notified to the shareholders by circular or advertise- ment. XX All complimentary tickets shaUbe suspended on special niohts at discretion of the Directors. XXI On the occasion of fancy dress, or other entertainments, special tickets of admission shall be issued to each subscriber, or member of his family subscribed for, and all others than subscribers shall be charged for admission at least fifty cents. I L^ -A^HIL I i VICTORIA SKATING CLUB. -♦—♦—♦- List of jShaf^eholders. ?)Otii Ski'Tkmuki!, 1874. -♦•♦- Q 1 7 7 Alexander, Cliarles Allan, Alex Allan, Andrew Allan, Sir Ilugli Allen, 11. N Arnton, J. J Arnton, W. G Archanibault, V. X... Atwatcr, Edwin, late . At water, H. W 2 Betournay, Louis. 1 Betts, II. A 1 Bb.ok, Rev. W. M 4 Blaeknian, C 2 Bond, Edwd. L 1 Bond, Frank 1 Boutliillier, T 1 Bowker, H. M 1 Boyer, A 1 Brewster, C 1 Burrows, J. (5 1 Buntin, Alex 1 Baker, J. C 1 Barnston, Geo 2 Beard, S. W 1 Beattie, G. W 1 Beaudry, 0. L 1 Beaufleld, R 2 Bethunc, Mer. B 1 BcthunOj Stracl».an 1 Campbell, G.W.,M.D. 1 Carter, Edward 1 Cartier,SirG.E., the late 1 Clare, W. II 1 Glouston,J. S 6 18 r Cochrnno, M. H '2 Court, .las. J 1 Cowan, Mrs. Wm 1 Crune, C. L . I Craiu}), (i. 13 3 Cramp, Tlios 1 Crane, T. A 2 Crai^, J. L ^ Crathern, James 1 Kadie, Geo. W Evans, Samuol H Kvans, T. A Bakers, James ])arey, P. J Davidson , A — Davidson, C. P Davidson, D Dawson, John T Day, E. T Day, J. J Dorion, Hon. A. A Doucct, T Doucet,Theod,rep.of late Dow, Wm., rep. ol'late. Drummond, 0. A Dyde, eTolm b'airbairn, John 4 Fairbuirn, W. F 2 Faikiner, J. G 1 Ferrier, G. D 1 Fcrricr, Jas , jun 1 Fisher, 11. C 1 Forbes, A M 1 Foulds, J 3 Foulds, J. L 1 Frascr,\Y.,M.l).,tlielate 1 10 (ialt, Sir A.T.... (iaiilt, M. II (lault, K. Ji ... . (JuddcH, (J (jihb, n .^ (iilmour, ,i. Y (;o.ltVuy, 11 T., >].!)... (lOUgh, Alfifil (lou-h. K. II OouM, CluiH. II <;oul(!, Ivii, the hitv (jioulJ, Josfpli (joLild, (3. M Grui t, John (liuLii^liioMs, D. J (jrrceiislueUls, John, if p. GrecMishu'lJs, F,. l> I s llciishiw, b'roilorick 0. 1 Hall, J. S I Hill, Fivodom 1 Hin-.^ton, \V. U , M.l). i Ilodjisoii, Jonathan I Ho;;!\ii, Henry. I llolnu'S Alex ). Holton.K I Holtnn, Hon. L. H ... . 1 ITopo, John 1 HopldiH, Kdwanl .\l.... Ti Howard, J. \V I Howard, K. IV, M.D.... 1 Hu'4hos, Nicholas H. ... 1 Hutclnns, 15 1 Hutton. ^V)M. H I Johnston, Janic? I Jono>:, John M. 1. Joseph, d. H 1^ .judah, F. T.« '• Hagar, (v\ H 1 Hagar, G. F 1 riaiiar, George S llcbert, Hector '-i llen.^haw; F. \V .= 1 20 Kay, W.Fred., ... Koir, Will. H I LalVeDaye, P. R ^ Lconiing, John I Lewis, David 1 Lewis, John •- Lockie, R -^ Lovell, John 1 liynian, Bcnjaiiiin. 1 Lyiuiin, Henry 1 MacdutV, Kev, A. I! I Macduir, Thus.. 1 Mact'arhmc, Jas. F Muc'arhmc, IVter >Licrarlano, W. S Macintohli, John Macrao, George Macrae, J. , and Mrs. Macrae, iu tru t Macdoufrall, H. S I Major, James K Masson, Adolphe Mapson, Jr., 1> Mathewson.J.L., rep. late Matthews, F. B Matthews, Geo., C!- 1 ate of May,S. H McDou«i;all, Geo McDoujiall, James McKenzie, J. G jMcLcnnan, J McNauj^hton, Wm Meiker, C. J Millar, John, estate late. 'lillor, Mrs. V >hl]er,. Miss C A ,\] itch*. 11, Alexander.... Mitrhull James MolVatt, Goo Molson, Ahx Mol^on, J. T jMorgan, J V Morland, Thos., the late (> Morris, John L 1 21 Mo.s,U. W I <>!^'«'^,^^ Mu(li:o, H..T I O^ilvy, John. Mutl-c MiH. C i Muir, (1. B I Muir, H(»boit 3 Mulholliind, H I MuUioUand, JoH I Murray, H. K ^ Murray, \V., cxocutnra of f) 2 :i 12 I 1 1 1 2 I \ 1 I 2 1 1 I , 1 I I 1 1 . 1 1 . I . 1 e (^ Nelson, noratio A '-> Nelson, A. D I Nowcoinb,VV.(r(>pof late) 2 Nivin, Wni I Noble, Oapt. \V. H 2 Patterson, Alex. T I Piiterson, J * Paton, Thos 1 Peck, Thos.^ I Penny, E. U 1 PhillipH, VV. E 2 Plinisoll, A. IT 1 Poniinvillc, F. P I Prentice, E. A I Rae, Jackson 4 Rankin, John 1 Raynes, R. T 6 Redpath, F. R } Redpath, Peter ^ -22 llC'fkiL', James Uiiimier, Tliu.-'., the Lite Uitchie, Tlios. W Mubertson, Andrew Llobei'ti-oii, I'eter Robertson, II. W Roe, A. E Roe, Edward. Rone, Wni RoLith, II. L Routh, J. If •i Stuart, Erne,-;t, 1 1 Sutlierhmd, Wi.i., M.H. 1 S i hw;ui.-ton, Juhii 2 Sache, W iliiui. Scott, Juiues Shepher.i, R. W Shepherd, J. G Shupson, Thos, M.I).... Simpson, Wui Sippell, J. G Sniitli, Geo Smith, G. F. C. Smith, xMaithind Smith, Samuel G., rep. of Snowdon, H. L. Stephen, George Stephens, H., jun Stephens, Romeo II Stephen, W. (rep. ot late) Taylor, J. W 2 Tenipleton, Geo 1 'I'honias, Henry.. J Thompt^on, S. il... Thompson, W. II. TilHn, Joseph, senr Tiffin, Joseph, jun. Torrance, A. II... Torrance, C. E Torrauee, David... Torrauee, i-'. \V. .. Torrance, G. W Torrance, James Torrance, -John, estate ol' Torrance, Jolni, jun.... Tuiiiicy, Chas. II Urquhart, Alex o niY|nli;)vt, Ji,s. K 1 Vass, A. II,, fl.olntr. Waddcll, Saiiiufl 1 Walker, Alex 2 Walker, Joseph. . ., ] Warner, G. W Warner, Jas. M Watson, C. S Watt, D. A. P '.'.■■. Wheeler, Mrs. Dr.. .. Whitehead, E. A Whitney, If. II Whitney, N. S AVilliani.s, Miles, jun... Wilson, Andrew.' Winks, George \ Winn, J. H.. *].* \ Workman, Wni., jun., the late ' j Younu', John M \