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EBRATED MONDAY, 23rd. 4- . ft' Public I led bv * CONNOLLY & KELLY, i.' .ykselUi'fl and Stationev», Goorge Street, Halifax. rniKTKD BY blackadah nnos. .2>lbii ;" A ''^- Mount Allison University Memorial Library 11 i THE WINTHROP PICKARD BELL COLLECTION OF ACADIANA ■T • i^^^^^^ ■ S Quires Cream laid Note, ruled, !or 25ets,, at Connolly ft Kelly's, | mum m9on Memorial Ubrary. I 148296 .-V«.'^ Initial N^te Paper anJ Euvelopes, only 25c. Bo\, at Connolly k Kelly's, E. BOREHAM, OiFers for sale At Lowest Cash Prices ENGLISH and DOMESTIC Ms, M —ALSO— ^^ 9 A CALL IS SOLICITED. CASH BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 196 Argyle Street, Three doors north Colonial Market. ROOM PAPER at CennoUy & Kelly's. 148293 I \ r i«. b. 9 At ih. ^^j,Vf ^tP''T^7' *^^. l^^gatta will take place from the Halifax Royal Yaclit Club Ground, Richmond, und cr the following Regulations which will be strictly adhered to. Cour$€ for Sailing Boats. From R. H. Y. C. Piers to and urouPcl a Flag Boat off the Liuiatir Asvlnm We"Sn!".ho;-e.' '"*'' ''^ """'"« '^'™" '"" Committee', StaMoC,iTl,e Courses for Howing Boats. NoTJC.— The rear boats are to cive room for f ho io.iH?r,n, i^™*' "S:^^. "-^^«^Boats,andiat!n^cSr\c^J^4w!S^tei;^fX;^ 1!; Judges.— Aid. L. G. Power and D. M. Story. Stakter.—R. F. Armstrong. RACES, PRIZES, «EGULATIOXS. 1. Four-Oared Gigs, open to all. Prize— ,t20.00. Course No. 1. Starting Signal, Red Burgee. Xo. Xame of Boat. Ent'd by Distiiigui.hii.g Flag. PURSES IN GREAT VARIETY at Connolly .% Kelly's 6 JOHN HERBIN WATCHMAKEK AND 191 Hollis Street, H ALIFAX, N. S. Importer of and Dealer in all kinds of Jewellry of every description kept constantly on hand. Manufacturing and Repairing done at shortest notice, and warranted to give general satistaction. i pr;^j^.ERriSlNDS~^^ & Kelly's. 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Xo. 1. 2. 1, 2. Animal Scull liace, for Championship of Halifax liar - boi*. rnze— Belt and $21. CourBc from Anderson's Point to Boat off Lmubcr Yard Slaritnf/ Signal, White Pennant with Red Ball, (Letter C ) 1. nambow. Francis Bcazlcy. et, pt tice, and :elly's. IK. 2. 2nd 3. Hrd 4. 1st 5. 2nd G. 3rd it (( IC 12 '• 8 10 " 10 •' 8 ^ n.xM.S. Dorit;; ^^'L^^^*""''*""^^''''^'"^^^'^- i^'»r«fc i*rizo 1^20, second Prize Course No. 1. Sfarthu/ Si(,ncil, Blue Pennant with Afhite ball, (Letter D). 1. l^t (utter 12 oars II M.S. Royal AHVed Blue & White [Diagonal. St. George's [Cross. Red tV White ("Diagonal. P. and 0. Blue. 4. Wherries—Two pair paddles. Prize $20. Course No. 2. «^i/v/n<7 Signal, red pennant with white ball, (Letter F.) No. Name of Boat Eut'd by Distincnishiuir Flii. 1. ^ Maid Marian, David Parker, lilue and Rnf ' 5. Merchant's Ships Jolly Boats. Prize f^'^lO Course No. 2. StarHmi Signal, Yellow and Blue Pennant (Letter (J. ^o. Name of Bout EntVlby 1. Bermie, James Hefler, Blue and wliite 2. Paragon G. McAndrew Red. Prangs' Celebrated Chromos for sale at Connolly & Kelly g. WnHAM SVT roN, Dealer in _ BOOTS, SHOES, A, RUBBERS. The best place to purchase your Boots and Shoes is at the Commercial House, «@4 & im mWMB WMii STiiiT* Where you will receive value for yovir money. ALSO — To have your 00t0 & ^Im MUt t« mux, And of the best Material, Good Fit, und in the most Fashionable Style. COMMERCIAL HOUSE, 104 & 106 Upper Water St. A few doors north of H.M. Ordnance. POCKET BOOKS at Connolly & Kelly's. I 9 0. Flnta— Two pair paddles, lat Pri^u $15, second Prize $0.00. Course No. -J. Slariiny Signal, White and red vortical, (Utter II.) No. Namr of noiit lOiit'd by Distinguishing Fla^j. 1. Pete Lee, W. JScott, Blue and white 7. Government boats, pulled by .soldiers, 1st Prize $12.00, 2nd Prize 1^6.00. Course No. 2* Starling Signal^ Yellow and blue flag, verti- cal, (Letter K.) No./ Nnnie'jfBoat KntVl by Distinguuning Klajj. 1. 'J'orpedo, Royal Engineers, Blue A white star. 2. Fort Clarence, W. Grant, R. A., " *' stripes 3. George's Island, Geo. Lambert, K. A., White, red and grcon 8. Whaler— Four Oars, open to all. 1st Prize MO, 'Jnd Prize li^20. Course No. 1. Starling Signal, Yellow and blue tlag squares (Letter L. Xo. Naino of IJoiit Eut'd hy Distinguishing FI;ig. 1. Linnet, George Ritchie, Red. 2. Swan, John Young, Red and yellow. 3. Lady Dufterin, Dan Kennedy, Blue and white. 4. Mayflower, John Peday, Blue. 5. Greenhorn, Joseph Morrison, Red. 0. Diigeys— pulled by boys of the Royal Navy under IS. Prize $56.00. Course No. o. Start hui Siqnal —Bine Flasc, crossed White ' (letter M.) Xo. Name ol' Boat, Entered by. Distingiii>hing PiHg. 1 Dinp;ey II, M. S. Royal Alfred White 2 " '* ' Doris <♦ Crown & name 3 " Capt. Datham, R. N. Black white bottom Orders for all Styles of Letter Press Prlutinij takiiitr at mmi\ k KELLl'S. 10 SUTOLIFFIS'S yM!j/\> ^ TEAH. Just Arrived Direct from China. CONGOUS, SOUCHONGS, OOLONGS, PEKOES, AND GREEN TEAS. AL«0 — A Choice lot of various kinds of Superior COFFEES. The only special Tti & C^Q)f^@© E.stablish- ment ia the Province. THE BEST & CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR TEAS AND COFFEES, IS AT E. W. SUTCLIFFE'S, foruer Barriiigton and Buckingliam Streets, HALIFAX. P. S.— -All kinds of Groceries, GOOD QUAIiTY k LOW PRICES, to be had at Siitcliffe'g, Wholesrle and Retail, Brun swick Street. ^ '^v^^^^oWlf & Kelly's, People's Pen». 11 4 Despatch H. M. S. Royal Alfred Black 5 Water Tauk's Dingey ■' Slate colored Pyramus *' Black white bottom 10., Tub Race. Trice $10.00. Course to be fixed by the Coinmitteo on day of Race. Start- ing Signal — White and Blue checkerod Flag (letter N.) Xo. Ifame of Tnl>. 1 Tub O u 3 Tubular 4 Tubercle Entered b}'. G. Taylor W. Godden W. Odgers G. Lindsay Distiiifiuishing ^lug Red white and yellow Green and white Red black and white Black and white check 11. Canoe Race. Course to be fixed by Committee. Startinq Sif/iml — Yellow Flag (letter N.) V?.. Sailing Race for boats [not Man-of-War boats] not exceeding 22 feet keel. Prize $30. A second Prize $ib, will be given to the first boat of 20 feet keel or under, not , taking the first prize. Course No. as per card. Starlinr/ Siqnal — Red Flag crossed Yellow (letter R.) Xo. Entered by. DIstlngiiishing Flag 1 Evadne Sloop W. W. Powell, Blue and white Star 2 Circe " J. E. Butler Red and white burgee 3 Katie '* i\ Ncal Blue Courier Bags and Satchels, at Connolly and Kelly's, 12 Confectionery^ MANUFACTURED BY STEAM PROCESS. HALIFAX, N.S. Owing to the recent decline in Sugars we are now offering Confectionery, to Cash pur- chasers, by the Single box, at • „ . . . . 16 cts . Five boxes 155 Ten boxes 15 J Fifteen boxes 15i Twenty boxes 15 Twenty-five boxes 145 Each box contains Ten Different Kinds and weighs 25 lbs. Higher priced Goods ean he had if desireel, SYRUPS Of m/rereni Flavors •fllway son nami. Orders from ^.he Country promptly filled particular- ly when accompanied with Cash. Special attention given to Pulverizing Fine Lozenge and frosting Sugars. Guaranteed to be pure k made from the very best Stock ALLEN BROS. Bibles and Prayer Books at Connolly & Kelly's. IB i Little Annie " J. Siteman 5 Bonita '* James Marshall y Minnie " C.Smith Blue burgee Blue White 13. Sailing Race fov Man-of-War boats. Ist Prize $15, 2nd PrJEe #5. Course as per card, ^larting Signal — White Flag blue square (letter N.) No. N"ame of Boat. Entered by. Distinguishing Flag* 1 Launch H. JM. S. Royal Alfred Red & white diagon- 2 Ist Cutter « Blue & white [nel 3 2nd Cutter « Whi^e red St. G. C'ss 4 Gig « Yellow and blue 5 1st Launch H. M. S. Doris White 6 2nd Launch •* Blue 7 1st Cutter « Red 8 2nd Cutter '« P. and O. There will be no prize given in any case where less than two boats start, and no second prize where less than three start. The entrance feejof one dollar, must be paid, except for Dingeys, Canoes and Tubs ; and the name, color, names of Crew and distinguishing flags, given at the time of entering. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AT CONNOLLY & KELLY'S. 14 DRY OOODS. •^*<»*t f> i JOHN W. WALli^GE, ^1% ajM|* 'J^^s- l»o {(^^i^mlU Right liirrk^t,) KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANDj A FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT % / OF STIIPLE & FRNC! OR! GOODS, MILLINERY, & OTHER FANCY GOODS ALSO Gents, Furnishing Goods. THE PATEXT LETTEiTbOOK, SOLD BV (M^m .V KELLY. A 15 ORATION. At 11.50 Precisely the ORATION will be delivered at Temperance Hall, BY EX-MAYOR RICHEY. The Children of the Public Schools will occupy the ^ QDY OF THE HALL, mi> SING THIE^ CELEBRATED PQEM WRITTEN BY THE LATE " HAIL TO THE DAY," &c., &c. A limited number of free tickets will be issued from Sta- tioners Hall, Iloliis street, on Friday and Saturday, 20th and 21st, and not la.o . The Gallery of the Hall and under the Gallery, will be the only available space for the public. Carriages may be ordered at 12.45. All ttic famous PE.\S of tliifcrcnl makers at i'ounolly & Kelly's. IS IMPORTANT ^ ••«» wmiwrnm ^ F@EMmM i Specially request an Inspection of their Large and Varied Stock. COLONIAL STORE, 218 & 222 ARGYLE ST. UselDoHnoiTy & KeUyTOfficeTead PencTls 17 I W& WME MiiFt k. I p leir i! i ! Words by Hon. Joeeph Howe. M.u3ic by J. B. Xorton cils tAW hail to the day when the Britons came over, And planted their standard with sea foam atill wet ; Around and above us their spirits will hover, Rejoiciog to mark how we honor it yet. Beneath it the emblems they cherished are waviug, The rose of old England the roadside perfumes, The shamrock and thistle the north winds are braving, Securely the mayflower blushes and blooms. CllOllUS. Hail to the day when tlie Britourf came ov«r, - And planted their standard with sea foam still wet. xVround and above us their spirits will hover, Rejoicing to mark how we honor it yet, Will honor it yet, will honor it yet, The flag of old England, The flag of old England, The flag of old England, We'll honor it yet. Then hail to the day ! 'tis with memories crowded, Delightful to trace thro' the mists of the past, Like features of beauty, bewitchingly shrouded, They shine thro' the shadows time o'er them has cast. As travellers track, to its source in the n^ountains, The stream, which far swelling, expands o'er the plains, Our hearts, on this day, fondly turn to the fountains \ T II w iI-wV iiV TT V- t I • • • ,s xM ... ,,.„■,; V -i — - - -1. vein??. Hail to the day, etc. 18 IJ IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS IN Ki k Fiin Dn GOODS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. ' h 1 1 fext ension, HALIFAX, N.S. Wrapping Papers at Connolly & Kelly's. 19 MY COUNTRY'S PLEASANT STREAMS. "Words by Hon. Juoi:rir Howr.. Mu^ifby J. n. XonKKv. J m n. s. In joy and gladness on yc go 1 My countiy's pleawnt streaniH, And oft through 8 1500 LADIES' AND CfilLDRENS' ite®w Mali mi W ^tmli* 1500 yds fast colored Cambrins at 10 cents per yard. 275 PARASOLS at 50 cents. 95 LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS at $1.50. W.Ukl^U ('ANKS iu mWm varifty at Cmolly k Kelly's, 21 TiWi. Words by J. A. Bell, Esq. Tune—" IfOJy f^yn^,'" The Old Flag waves on tower and Htoep, Above th' embrasured wall, In every land, or on the deep, Still prompt at duty's call. Time-honored Flag ! beneath thy folds, We fain would long repose, The tie that loyal subjects holds, With years but stronger grows. We glory in Old Knglund's fame, The theme of poet's lays, Her deeds of arms— her arts that clami A world's emphatic prrdse : With all her faults we'll love her yet, Great mistress of the main, Pray we her sun may never set. Its splendour never wane ! 'II J^he blust'ring airs from Ocean blown A healthful clime ensure, The British laws that mould our own Our liberties secure. Then letus join— Long live the Queen ! May Britain flourish still, — And may her banner long be seen To wave above the Hill ! Feather Unstei s at Connolly & Kelly's. 22 hi O . -1 CLOTHING ! PS O I— I r ;^ o H ;^ << Vv ish to call attention to a splendid stock of Clothing, which they are offering at REMARKABLY LOW RATES. Also — To their magnificent stock of TWEEDS, DOESKINS, BROADCLOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, &c. All our Goods are thoroughly SHRUNK before cutting. We can Guarantee to our Customers FIRST-CLASS Workmanship, and a GOOD FIT in every instance. We are noted for supplying a Good Article at a moderate price. ( LAYTON & SONS, Tailors & Clothiers, Nesii' Colon irtl Market. (-5 H O (ST > Tiy a pair if (lur peiobrated Tnor.^Er??-, mIiIcIi we make to order at $1.75. Good Jiiaterial, well made, and thoroughly shrunk. TOT BOOKS IX iJVlSItr BTVLJi AT COJ^XOLLV & KELLVH, 23 » God save oar gracious queen, Long live our noble queon, God save the Queen, Send her Victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign ovjr us, God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be i)leaaed to pour Long may she reigh. May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. Lord, our God arise, Scatter her enemies, And make them fall. Bid strife and discord cease, I J Commerce and arta increase, Crown all our joys with peace, God save us all. 24 Colonial Grocery Mart ArMrHUBLY f DEALER IN Country Produce J 10 JACOB STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE AllGYLE STREET. Halifax. N. S. N. B. — All oivlers puuetnnlly attended lo. (\ooih delivered by Express. Try a {^aniplc of fouu«lly aiitl Kelly's Foreign hk Paper, or. Sports on the Common. At 2 o'clock precisely the SPORTS ON THE COMMON will commence under the following regulations, which will ho strictly observed : ^^^^^^^^^ Col. T.uard, Military Secy. Alderman Vau^- Capt. Nagle, Town Major. " M.J.Power. ^y W. Wallace, 60th Rifles. *' Sullivan. Lieut. W. Humphrey, 87th " J^^'^T'n ^ I Y Andrew Kmg, hsq., Lieut. ' Cockcraft, K. N. iMr. L. A. Barnaby. JUDGE-COL. LUAKD. Starters-Lieut. Humphrey, 87th Eeg. ^}^- ^^^1^^^"' ^• King, Esq., Clerk of the Course. Mr. x.. A. Barnaby. Races—X^Virfies and Regrulations. One mile dash over four hurdles, for horses owned or nomi- nated, and to be ridden by the officers of the Army or Navy. Purse of 10 sovereigns and entrance added. 2nd RACE, One mile heat, best 2 in 3, for Provincial bred horses. Prize-$80 for 1st, and $20 for 2nd horse. i» O'RrJpn b m Jesp ^^^6 jacket M:nddyri^m. - Lightfoot ^ White Jachet T. RobinsonVeh g Southerner Magenta Jacket P. Woods, b. g. Kingcraft Green Jacket MoToaKAfk ALiiliifc) Ail CV^,^VJLLx' k mi^n Mount Allison Memorial 36 t§S Metlfe Street, Hlt^Bfix, M.S. W. G. ROSS ? XK J. J ill And Dealer in Of every description. REPAIRING Promjptly Attended To, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS. The cheapest place to buy watches, clocks, and jewehy, is at 159 HOLLIS STREET. Opposite Telegraph Office. '~ST£PH£Hb' OELSBRATSD UTK AT CONNOLLY A S£LLI'B 2T Mile heats, best 2 in3,'for bona Me Cab horses, previous to 1st June I'ri.e-P0 1st ; ^H of harness .'nd^^^^ ^^^^^^ P H02an°b e"' Faugh-a-Ballaugl. Green Jacket T.KoSon,|.g. "Hamlet Magenta Jacket Jifh RACE. T» • dt-on Half-mile heats, best 2 in 3, for truck horse. Prize-$20 1st ; and cart harness 2nd. t i * IN Deal b cr Bill Green Jacket. o W Ettev " . . ..Tigus Blue Jacket. JoLCore?b!g; Chamfagne Charlie Y't.l^"cl^ W. Parsons, b'g^^ Jbn Green Jacket Black C^^ T Robron I' i: N^d White Jacket U^^mI Blue Bird White Cap 6th RACE. ^,^^, . <.ino 1 For Ponies, under 13 hands. Prize--S20 1st ; SIO 2nd. r;po Mont b ir Billy Red Cap, Blue Jacket. A M Hubk 1. ' Jack Blue Cap, White Jacket W.\ers G^^^^^^ b.m... .Dolly .Red Cap, White Jacket. . T Robinson b. m Minnie. . . . Green Cap, Blue JacK^et. j'^aSrdc^oo, rm. m. Who W It ^e? & ^Mte Cap John Stewart, b. m. Fair and Easy White & Blue Cap 6th RACE. , ^ , Trottino- match, only to Provincial bred horses. Irize— 180 1st ; $25 2nd. ^ P. Conlon, b. g. ^^mce i^i no Jacket T? n'Rri'pii hlk h Bob ^iue jacset R Baker b g Moose White Jacket T ■ .c.^!^?f V, ^ rnnn mare " Green Jacket James omitn, roan maie ivi.u^ I B 1 O 1 EO a ■^ S e >-4 S sa 1 =« ■ CO ^ 22 1 «? cs es: c« ;» ■73 '^m ^!! «> !l .xa . . ^,i InL > City. OIL KELLY'8 P>1 , , l A- Monday Evening; Jji|ae Ji3rd, 1873. ii^- IPBdllB '^'if^-O VERTURKi ; . . . "Giovauna D'Arco *'.!* »* r. .Verdi . ' :; >. ,..4-' ' ; BAND 60th K. RIFLES. ^-r 2.— SutECTiox. . . . ." La Sonnainbtila "... ^^»,j^* . .Belliui. 4.3. — PoiiKA'f ..." Fortune Teller ". . . .*. . .1. . . Eckuer. k V tOonieV Solo) BAND tOtH'^R-RIFL^rS. i|#^.i5fLANCEii8: .;4''liiKj?iibtsof Sti Patrick %,,,, .Godfrey. 5.— SBW0yfo^P. .^i*^ SlliP<^ . . iM . i Verdi. i«' CB 'I.^.^,.. . . .. Strauss. -n 7.— Qa lo pV V . . . r ;¥.w^iJ|ail wa >^lrrOvERTURE. ;3BP rMa5jfe,niell»»?v. .. Huber. "^ ■"■'■. *^K|BAND\^7th B.i#:*V.■■■ 2.— CaVATINA. .^'JTC. ,*iJjm^iMK,4^.<^ . . . , . Appotoni. ^^>^.— Quadrille .,^'The CampbeH%l^coming"."'.i . . :. VJiillieii. 4.— Variation s . . , . on ". rris^" ^"^ - . * .-t^ -^ ~ ..*- * ^ X'. \ "»?' iBS. Jasquet;^ 5.-— Fantasia . ; . . . ; . . .C" ' BANBlfeytliaW^^ 6. — Waltz ;. ." Ben Lorn on(y*i^'^^y?T?. ^M6sca. ■ -, BAND eotli R: "RII%E1SK ^, ^ ' ^ T.—Galop. .... . .« Three 0'Clock''iJ;. :«..-. ; .Haymeir. ■ •; BAND 87th -BiiitP.'^^'- " -^^^Jtegii^sMNrii^-. . GOD SAVE -THE QUEE^?^'" ' MEMORlNDyM~BO^