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 >i?¥ 4 
 CroH-bi I yepriing wethors. 
 Tsnnn— 1 
 A«tt. Commit 
 ■/illiiiilin, l')l-'>. 
 T. UK(i. AKKKI.l. im.\ NOli.MAX .STAX.sFlKLD. 
 One proiiiiiu'iit writer im iinriniltiirnl topit-s lias I'liiiriU'lcrlzcd tlic fiiiluro to 
 fiistrntf iiiiili' limilis iis " tlie (.n-c:it iicsjlcct " in slicrp liiislmniliy. 'riicri' is im dimht thut 
 tliis iic)rlif«'n<i' luis liccn ii (Iccidcil tlrnwluK k t" tin- projrriss of tin- -hirii imliistry in 
 ('nnndii. Fiirnu'i-s who are i'iic;iKi<l in rni-in}; liorscs dd not for one monic^nt itcin- 
 pliitt" li'ilvinK ill! nndc otTsprin-r entire. N'or do ciittlenien for>ret to cantrute Indl ealvcs, 
 unless they are intended for hretdini; i.iiri)oses. IIoj; raiser- have realized that it is 
 neeessary to inisex their grade hoars and some even deprive the fenndes (I their 
 ovaries, iu order to insure the lu-t gains in weight. There is no justitiahle reason why 
 sheep raisers shouhl he so eare'.ess in this regard. Xi-vertheless. eohl faets demon- 
 strate that, unfortunately, eniasculation of grade rams is not practised to the extent 
 it should he. Why castration slmnhl he neglected in this class of live stock is diffi- 
 cult to iniderstand. Proliahly the greater docility of the rnm compared with the bidl 
 or stallion nniy afford an explanation. The ram will not hreal< down fences ns will 
 the stallion, nor gore nttendants to death as the hull. Dire calamities always impress 
 people. It sho\dd not he necessary-, however, for deaths to occur hefore warnings are 
 heedeil. Fortuinitely for mankind, rams are not so fcrocioiis as hulls. Tf they were, 
 imagine the continual danger which would be the result of the number of entire 
 rams which are to ho found in every district where sheep are raised. 
 Docking is also neglected to fully as prreat a degree ns castration. Both sexes 
 should be docked. The main nrgument against the docking of horses is that the 
 natural means of fly protection is destroyed. In the case of sheep, this argument 
 cannot be raised, because the tail is so heavy as to prevent switchinff and, tnoTeover, 
 72953—2 3 
the lu'iiv.v .•.iNvrin;: ..f «.m,|. wliirl. tlir llir. . iiimnt |M.n. tr:.t.'. in.iki- it uiiiiiTi.«iiry. 
 On llu- ..tli.T linii.l, ll.r |.r.»vii.'f ..I u tiiil imliici- tlir .nll.'.'lii.ii "I' inmiiir.'. in wiii'-h 
 mumoti* limy il<'vi'li>|i. 
 UKAsoxs van casthation. 
 1. I"ii..*cx«m1 Imnli- ill! iiiorr I'lKily mriil fur tliiiii rmii* in th ■ tirl.l. «ii ili''y 
 on- iii«t »!' n^tlc'"!' 11. kI. i(.ii-i<|iniilly. >\ > not r«K|uiri' ii> *\r»\iu ffiw i -. 
 '>. \Villu!»« ttrxvf iinil liiltiii iii'Ti- (|iiirkly tlinii rniiw. I.niiili^ Inr liic full iii^nU't 
 nw <I1^|i<w<mI of sii .rt'y niter w.Mi.ina mi.l ^lirmW 1..- in «-"l .nii.liti.m iit tlint tiin.-. 
 WliiTO .•inn«ciilnti..ii in- Ikmii iirirlr.-t.-.l ll.y itii.y, }...«.v..r. in t In- tit f..r thr •^li.iinl.l.*. 
 At iilK.iit tlin,. . r iiimitlis M the Lnnl. r.n!i/is lii* niiisrulinily mi-I \>r.>,-<'o,\* to 
 L'a.-4ti'atiii); luiiit"* '•>' lui'unjj of llit* eiiKincululttr. 
 worry tliu fiiiiiilfs in liis < i|iiiiiy iind. when sepii rated fniiu tluiii. tlic i!iiilcs will 
 jump iiIH'ii "lie iiimtlier, piiyiiij,' very Utile nlteiiticm to feetlinsr. These luiiilw <lioiilil 
 be fntteiiiii^'. hut reality shows that the reverse is the ease and what is known as 
 the buhy fat is lost. A check in jirowlh takes phu-e and it is impossible to hasien 
 the fatteiiiiitf process or obtain tlie ilcsirisl state of blnoni. unless heavy prain feedinji 
 is practised. This means a financial loss either owiiiy: to the jrrenter amount of nr-.un 
 which must he fed or to the reduction in price which results from an unfinished 
 condition. Kxperiinent has shown that wethers make 11 per cent more (tains in 
 weijtht under similar conditions than do ram himba. The nenliKt-nt sheep raiser does, 
 therefore, pay a severe penalty. 
 3. Drovers will not pay as much for ram lambs as for wetliers. Some markets 
 will accept rams only at a rcliiceil price. The re<]neiion made in this Tespeet by 
 the Live Stock Exchanire of Toronto is seventy-five cents iier head npon all males 
 not eastrntinl. 
4, I iiMi-riliiM'*! limil« niii.v uil iiilu tin I'Wf llm-k. S.iimtimi'i iiiuliinr tnk«Mi 
 |,|i , wliiill lllll.V lie llllllr-inililr lintl prmlurlivf nl' ili'ilV.V tilllllirilll 1..—1-'. 
 .-,. r,..triili"ii of iiiitlt» iiitni.lnl f..r ilu' i- ,i v.rv ii|.|.iir(iil -itfii <>f (PhmI 
 ^ln|>li. iiliiitf mill liiml.- frmii n llnrk HikI ;i rcmlv iimrki't. ivrii ill 
 liiiii • of 11 fi'iii|>oriir.v iiiiirkrt ilo|irr^T.ioii. 
 •; VhitiT fi'i'iliiiir f.r iiHilloii |nir|»o»i':' CiUi Ikj iimUTtulMii liloro -iirn-ssfully 
 willi \.il' 1 '•» tiiiiii Willi niiii-. 
 MI:TIH)I>S ol ( ASTU.MKiN. 
 Liiiliilily to injury or ilinlli i« lli.' liimi- .ncii-o wliiili «oiiu' iiii'ii pn; fiTwiml 
 wlifii ii"k»U «li> tlic-y do not .-icriliitu tlnir iiuili- ImiiU. Tlurc i^ vi»'.v litllf ri«l*. 
 S.vtriiiK t!if «ii>tiim iiii 1 l.-r-lUlts iiuiir llif Ui 'y witli llie iina«iiti.*or. 
 howevei. if tlu' o|H'n.ti..M is piTformoil »t tli.. proper time iiii.i ^ittcntion i- p..i<l to 
 the •.niiintiMian.-f of Miiiitnry .■oiuiitions. (Mstnitioa <hii Itcst Ik- |H'rfornu>(l when 
 tla. Imnl. i* .il>out t.,, ,i..ys or tw., woks ol.l. At tl.i> tin... .. um.i.nun. i.n.ount of 
 pain is \t!r<\ ran.s. .-v.... Uv or six yi' ol.l. ...:iy 1... .Icpriv.^l ,.f t.-s- 
 ti.-ios with safety, if the ..piTation is iM.rf.>ni..Ml in a ••an^fiil manner. An .•■T.'.-tivo 
 disinfectant .sho.ild l.e used in all cases. The hands an.l knile shoul.i be .teriliTied 
,„d « little «nti«-pli«- P>""-'> <"' "'<• «••"""'• ""•"•''>■ I"-"^""""" ""• I>-;''" ">■ "^ 
 |«fi.-ti»n. Clean ihm.^ with rnHMtra r.n.-w:.U of fr.-h -tn.w nr. r..,«.r.'.. II -...• 
 tnition tnVc« pl.u-o wl..n l.low-tli... ..r- nl.M.wL.nt. |.r..,...ution- ^Ihm.M U tuk.M. t,. 
 prevent intrrfrr.n.o ,.ith tlu- «oun.l. Tl i- ...ny 1,.. .1 wih .r.-n.f-.-tn«t or 
 . little eoverin« of t«r. Many* ..1nv.,v- ..un.r tlu- n,H.niM« of fl... -rrotum 
 with an »in.nM„t of Inr.l .nwl tnr,H.nfi.... n.ix.Ml to tl.r .■on.i-.t,....-,v of .. «>ft i-n-t... 
 Any DK-thod wl.ieh will prohibit th. ruvug... of the ll.v and h.uten hcdmir .. ->.tH.-..„t. 
 Ci'ltin , i.T the Iowlt end of the »jrutuiii a knife 
 One of the n.u>t .■, onuou and un.loul.t.-Jl.v tl.o old...t for.,, of c^trntion i. 
 one-third of the scrotum U cut off m.d the tc.ti.lo. drawn out by the- of ti.o 
 operator. In this w..y the op».n.tio„ is porfornu.d qui.-kly Some ol,..H t,, tin. 
 method. l.......u,so tlu,- dc.e,n it filthy, yot n,„„y ..f tho.n nndouhtedly kmW 
 fry" There n,>,y ho. on the oth. r hand, son.e .^rounds for objection throuph the 
 Lnce fro. the n.outh of baeteri.. into the wonnd. Ren.ovul of the te.t.ele. n,ny 
 be effectcl by .' i.. them with the and tbun.b. but. there .. n,o.e d.n.e 
 of bur.ti„. the tes.ielo in this pro..edure tbun where the ren.oval .s ,nade w th the 
 teeth. A small pair of pineers can aUo be used for tb,. purpose. It ib be. er o 
 ^,,,, „,t the =r-rn,.tie eord which is attached to the testicle rather than cut >t 
 n knife. 
 III .•.i.trntinir "I'l mm-, tl... cnfir.- -.•mtMin 1 if '-..-MruU r..M...v.^.l l.y 
 «.vi.rinw it .u...r tho l-Kly. l-t j.iiai-r. whi-l. «ar tl... -x. n-,1 .rt.ri. - .....1 ti...- pr.- 
 v.-..t l,l,., ..r.- u«..l ill .•««•.. Tlu-n. ..n- ...m..> wI... ii-.' tl.i.' ... .•,.- 
 tr.tiiiK l..inW A.I ,MN-i..ll.v .l.-itf.u.t.'l f'-r -l.rill/in«. kn..«.. ... .... 
 ..,„.i«.ul..t..r. i- .•.I.I.I...V...1 f..r tl.i. iM.ri...... In „-i.,ir it. .1... t.-ti-l.- an- |.r.--.l 
 ,.., ...Ki tl..' I..w..r ,H.rti..|i ..f tli.-, .,t -tl. Tl... .-..r.!- i.. .1.., ..i..r,.ti..u 
 ,.ru f...i.|.l.t..l.v «v,.r.,l. Sx. UlnK imiy f-H.-w I'.-t n.ny I... 1 t.y l,„ti,...u with 
 II warm ili-iiifi'<'tii.'.f will. tin... _ 
 s:,u«- .I1....I.I l."v,. ., f.ill '" ..r ..•r..t..m. If tl... .ntr...... .. ii....!- 
 from tl... -i.l.. the .m- -f tl... ..r-.tu... i- .w.t .li...i.ii.l.-.l. ^..r.. i.....t In- t,.k.>. 
 tl.e utK..|.i..K is i.nir tl.o low.T t-i.-l *• u. t« pruvile K0...I dr..i .....1 pr-v-nt tlu- 
 Met . ' of .1'ickiaglaii.lM with pincen. 
 ....n.vtion of PUH n... l.-li.l. ,n,. .-. .....v.mI ly tl... ..M- of ,.n....*c-uli.t,.r* whi.'h mt 
 tlip.iitsh tho slK-r. ■ cord. 
 ..Linure .-H'-t* <-.. " l">i« tail v.Ty fn-lily ,,,..1 ...ay U'-nnu- „ |.....r,li,. l, 
 l.luco for inatifiMts. In small la...l.s wla..e diw-tivi, tracts arc ni.xttl.d mai.uiv 
 8,m.ctimo« n.k.-s to such an ixtc.t ..round tl.e tails that .lefm.tion i- i.n,.(.ssll,lo an.l 
 death resulta. 
 ■2. Tla- tail is ..i.d the Mood wl.irh promot.-s its (irowlh .an Im- l-ctt-T 
 utilized fls.'vvhtre. 
 3. Doiki.ijf is a.i evid.....-e of earefi.l shephenli..;;. Buyers leav the ne^'l.'-tf 
 flocks untouched i.ntil the li- . 
 4. In the case ,.f ewes u long tail is sometimes an ohstri.<-tion in the a.'t 
 of copulation. 
 5. Dockillli adds greatly t., th<- appcnravce of a sheep. 
 Docking, carefully performed. Ib seldom followed by bad result. True, n littla 
 •blee.n.1, mS occur when a kuife is used, but it does not usually atta.u dan«ero.. 
 or scr - .. ro,«rtions. Ciencn.lly a lamb ^vheu releu^.d after dock.nK w.ll run to Us 
 1 . ,. I '..nnK.u..e sucUin.. This show, th.t the oper„tu.n .s by ,u. n.aus 
 e Bleclin. nu,y b.- by searing the end of the ta.l or. where the kn.fe 
 u ed 1 V .vi„! twine, v-.i-h n.y be ren.ove.1 or ten hours after the operat.on. 
 lu tui.l the tail above the w.,und. The favourable «.e for dock, „« .. 
 ..aneo of ewes, at ten to fourteen days old and. with rams, five to seven 
 y f,er eaMra.ion. Castration and doekin. may be done at the same but .t 
 • be ter in the case of small flocks to have an interval between the two o.K.rat.on. 
 Piwition of the piiicerH in docking li»inl>». 
 The tail should be severed at the third joint of the vertebrae. Docking sho.dd be 
 ,.rforn.ed in the morning, so that excessive bleeding will be detected and ren.ed.ed 
 *'*"*"Tb"rf are two methods of docking, firstly, by using a knife, and secondly, by 
 the aid ,.f pincers. The first u.efhod consists of placing the lamb between the opera- 
 ., -s legs, its rear en<l in front of him. and of simply cutting through , he ta.l from 
 he unde side at the desired joint with an ordinary heavy jack-kn.fe. ll-^.-J-t > 
 . found by feeling . n the undersi.le of the tail. The skin on the of the 
 il Id Jdra^'. up toward the body of the lamb, so that when the tail is severed 
 it comes ,lowi. over tin- eii.l of tlie joint. «l.i<-h indi.o,.s ,..,apiilati..n of the 
 und facilitates huulii.K. A little- disii.leotai.t on the wound assists the healintt nn.l 
 prevents infection. The tail may be pla.-ed on a hoard and s.-vered hy means of a 
 chisel and mallet, hut the knife is more ae.-urate an.l is not «o lial.le to hruisc th.- 
 tail hones. In the second method, the operator requires an and a pair of 
 iron pincers are i.s.mI. They are heated in a fire and the operation is performed 
 while they are hot. thereby searinp the wound which prevents hlecdinpf. TTowcvcr. 
 in.s not infrequently collects underneath the scab which forms, and the suppuration 
 which ensues may cause an aftermath of greater pain to the lamb than the sharp. 
 clean cut of a knife. Of course, danpter of infection is more liable from a knif.' 
 wound, yet when .'lean beddin-r and strict sanitary measures are employed this will. 
 to a very great extent, be obviated. 
 Mithocl ot duckinK lamlM »i<li t'"' 1^"''"^ 
 Kven a woman con perform the oinration of 
 ducking 6uccfa»fully. 
 \ few extracts fnmi letters follow. These will serve to illustrate the view- 
 point of packers, drovers and live stock commission agents with respect to the c„>- 
 tration of ram lambs sold for slaughter. 
 "We believe that one-third of our total receipts of lambs are n.,t dockcl iinr .M-t- 
 ratcd and these practically all come from the northern part of Alberta. Mifrht s.y 
 that a large percentage of the lambs from the southern part of the provmcc are 
 docked and castrated. On account of the above we figure on deducting about ,c. per 
 pound on all the buck lambs after they get pretty well grown." i. ji- , 
 " Might state that the percentage of lambs not tnmmed that I ani handling 
 would be about 30 per cent; the reduction in price runs about $1 per cwt.. due to 
 omission of castration. j . , . <i; <.„ 
 " The percentage of lambs coming to market here not castrated is about 15 to 
 20 per cent. Good ewe and wether lambs weighing from SO to 90 jx.unds each are 
 se"^n^ here now at 8 cents per pound. Heavy buck lambs sell at 6| cents a pound, 
 ni'd there is also the reduction in price made by the buyers. 
 "Thi. .c-«.on-s hm.bB oiTored f.r sal. v,,. t,, October 1 ^l.nwcl Tr. per eent 
 bucks; since October 1 about 25 per cent bucks. ,1,.. f.,<-t that on 
 "Tbis pronounced variation in i>erioJs is undoubtedly due to the l..t t a .n 
 October 1, l'.n:i. there was a ruling n.a.le at the Sto-'k KNclu,n^:e. I'-"'" "> » 
 deduct 75 cents' per head on all buck In the early 1-' '";>-- j;,;': 
 inspection ^vas discontinued and has not been re-establ.shcd. Our ..,^un.ptIon is 
 Poaitian of the knife in docking lambs. 
 thnt the shippers generallv understood it would be established October 1, which i. 
 Ira '..for shipping buck lambs prior to October 1. The f,,- . that t >e ruhn. was 
 established last yc" undoubtedly has been the means of u.ereasinK castration by the 
 "'"'^N^^XraCt one-third of .,ur early native lambs which arrive at this market 
 during .Tuiv, August nnd September have not been castrated nor docked. However. 
 Z balance of the vear the native lambs are practically all castrated. 
 " u rei to'our western ranpe lambs will add that it is very seldom that a 
 lamb is found which has been neKle<.ted in either regard and we find them much more 
 Erable from not only a killer's standpoint, but for feeding purposes as well. 
 .'Your campaign along these lines should receive the approval and eo-operat.on 
 of every farmer throughout Canada, as it will mean dollars to every man who raises 
 "Wc think thnt iiboitt 2.". ikt <-fi,t ..f tin- Inml.s ci.iiiiiDf li.Te tiro in.t .locketl. Of 
 ,rsu this is ..nly a jji i^ss, us wf Imve lu.t taken tla- n.v.ssary pains t» know 
 •• lU-KurdinK tlic- mhu-tiun in price (hii- to the omission of .astration wc w.nil.J 
 sav that after the- Hrst of Sopt.iulHT. huvers of lan.hs w.Mil.l isWv h- \»-r paind an.l 
 upwards nioro for ewe and welher hun.-lu.s of lambs than they would lor hiMiehes of 
 l.nek lan.lH. We are jiettinR a hijrpT iH-reentase of eastrat.,1 laml.> this >.ar than 
 we were hist year, hut there are still a larfre numher of lamhs eoniin^f here whieli 
 should have heen enstnited." , , . i . 
 "We find that praetieally 40 per .-ent of the lamhs eomiufi to our uiavU.^t are 
 not doeked nor enstrated. On an avera^re they sell at from 50 to 75 e.nts per .'wt. 
 less than ewes and wethers. i .i i i ,>„ 
 "At the present time there is a niarke.l d.fferen.'e. l-.w,.s ,M.d wethers lune l.e, n 
 l.rimrinK this week fmir. .*V.!»(t to ^-.W per ewt., while ram lamhs have been bniiu'iiis 
 from $<>.75 to $T per cwt." 
 ■ fiLWA"'