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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f' J 4.^/ -■ — . > GENERAL REGULATIONS ANh FOR TIIK ^^^^^^^M AND ,^^^^^^ K^^^ EXHIBITION, ^^ TO 15V: IIKLI) A'|- TKUIIO, T^. S., ON Jloiiday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tliiirsda> and Friday, September 30th, October 1st, 2nd, 3r(J and 4th, Total Amount or Prizes opfehed, $6,183.25. HkLU UV AuTHuRITV of TJli; PrOVINCIVL IjKG1&1,ATIIUE, and l/iiUKK THK AUSPICES OK THK (.^KXTllAJ- HoARl» OF AcatK^ULTUKi:, UND1:R THK IMMEDIATE DIRECTION AM) MAN'A(;EMENT OP Tin: OoLCHESTKu KxuiiJiTioN' Committee. W. D. DIMOCK, .y, ,:nUt)'if Exhibition ComiiiiUf:. €OMP»:TlTIOi\ OPE» TO WHOLE PROVINCE. \0 CHARGE tOR ENTRY OF EXHIBITS. TRUllO, N. 8.: PRINTRD UY W. H. ALLEY, JJOOK /ND JOB PltlNTKH. SUi3iMttBtaiittHltlMllbdiMHtfi T Coii. W. M. Blaik, C/uunuau; W. N. DicKHOx, Esq:, J. 1». Calkix, Esq., A. M., Allex Lou(JUKvr), Esq., Jso. Waodeli,, Esq., M. i).. C. r. Ulanchakd, Esq., OARDiNEn Ci-isii, Esq., D. McGiLL Johnston, Esq., Gkoim.e a. LaytoN, Esq., JamEvS K. Blaik, Esq., Treasurer, W. D. UiMOCK, Jilrfy., A. fJ., l^ccrdary, With the Trcsidcnts aii'i Secretaries of all the Agricultural Societies iu the Countv. Spediil Coir\ir(ittee^ ioi Cot\intt\T(i i<3d\ifeitiox^. Cla«8 I, II, III, IV, v.— Allen Ix>ughe»d, Esq., W. N. Dickson, Esq., W. M. Blair, Escj. Class VI, VII, VIII.— W. N. DickHon, Eaq., C. P. Blancliard, EBq., Jamc'ri K. Blair, E^(|. CLA.srf IX, X, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI.— George A, Layton, Esq., Dr. WuddcU, Gardiner Clish, E3»(., D. MoGill JohuHton, Esq. «.'i,AS8 XI, XII. —J. B. Calkin, Esq., Hugh McKenzic, Esq. JuiKiHS. — W. M, Blair, Esq., J. B. Calkin, Esq., W. D. Dimock, Esq. TicKK'1'8 AND Advertisino. — W. 1), Diniock, Esq., W. M. Blair, Esq., Jauies K. Blair, Esq. Pi:otip.AM.\iK ANi> Cekemonies. — \V. M. Blair, Esq., J. B. Calkin, Esq., \)T. \V;uldoU. FoDi>i;n AM» IlEntKsu.MKNT.- -( ;, p. Blanoimrd, Esq., W, M. Blair, Esq., Allen L«(Uv;head, Esq., George A. J.ayton, Esq. Rail -vnd Boat Aruanoemi:nt,s. — L. B. Archibald, Esq., W. M. Blair, Esq.. W. D. Dimock, Esq. PoLKJE AXi) Bands.— George A. Ljiytou, Ksq., W. M. Blair, Esq., II. T. Laurence, Esq. LoDGixi;, —-Tames D. Ross, Esq., George P. Nelson, Esq., Kichard Craig, Vi Esq., A. A. An^hiliald, Esq., W. B. Alloy, Esq., James Longhead, Esq., Wm \' Faulkner, jr., Esq., Janice Birrell, Esq., George Rcss, Esq. y. D. — AU coinmvnicaiions -relathuf to matters connected with the j^xhibi- fion iiuiM he addressed to W. D. DIMOCK, Scc'y Exhibition Committee : (.11-4 mm '^•w I . GENERAI. REGlTLA'r rONS. 1. 'I'ho Exhibition grounds and buildings will be opened on IVlonday, Scptembei" 30th., at 9 o'clock a. m., and continue open durijig tho >hy till sunset, for the reception and arrangement of Kxhibiti* in articles und animals. Exhibitoix on arrival will immediately lojiort themsolvcH at the Secretary's office, who. with assistance of Oomriiitteo of jVlana^r- raent, will allot appropnato pens or space for their exhibits. 'I'Iuk d;iy none but morabers of the General Comraittee, officials, oxhibirors iirul necessary attendants will be admitted. 2. Live animals, flowers and perishable articles will he received on Tuesday moi'ning from sunrise up to 9 o'clock, unavoidable delays to be dealt with, at the dLsoi'etion of the C'ommittoc. ^- The Exhibition will be open to the public on Tuesday, October o. Ist, at 2 o'clock j). m„ when an opening address will bo given. The Grounds and Building will bo open each succeeding day to visitors from 9. a. m., to (>, p. m. Admission 25 cents. Oliildrf^n 10 cents. P.nnu.s of music will be in attendance daily. 4. The J udges will meet at the Secretary's office on Tuesday, October 1st, at 9 a. m., obtain entry books and jn'occed to award premiums. On completing their work, which must be finished by Wednesday noon, they will personally show their hooks to the Secretary and w ill be furnished with the requisite Prize Tickets ; which it will be their duty to place carefully, and as soon ns iKtssiblo, upon the various articles, before giving up their books and report. 5. ]']xhibits may be removed from the Grounds on Friday afternoon the 4th, at 3 o'clock, immediately after tlie closing address has been delivered. The Treasurer will commence to pay premiums on the Grounds at 9 a. m., on Friday. Prizes not claimed within three months from the close of the Exhibition will be forfeited. 0. Every intending comi)etitor must transmit to the Secretary, not later than the dates mentioned below, an entry paper, containing a ^correct list of the animals or articles which ho intends to exhibit, together nth certificate of pedigree in the case of thorough-bred stock, or else a [reference to the registry numbers of the Nova Scotia Stock llegister. Any competitor failing to transmit his entry certificate at the pi'opcr time will be excluded from comj)etition. No fee is charged for the entry of Jinimals or articles. [For the convenience of exhibitors and judges, a list cf all cattle recorded in the Nova Scotia Stock Eegistor, with their registry numbers, and the numbere of their sires and dams, will be published in the Journal of Agriculture, about the Iflt day of August.] ■■s- • OtNKltAI- KKHL'LaTION;*. i ^ 7. Hoivsos, cattle, slicep, .swinf) and poultry, must Up entered on or] bftfore Saturda}', 7th. Sept. three weeks preceding the show, and tlieaf of each animal should l»e stated in year.s and months, at dato of exLibitioa the precise date of birth to be given when necessary. 8. Plants and Flowers, Fruit, Grain, Koots, Vegetables, and otki field and Garden products. Agricultural Implemcuts, and manufactures of all kinds, articles not elsewhere enumerated, may Ijo entered up to Saturday, 21st September, one clear week ju'eceding the show. 0. Kxhibitor.s of bulky articles, requiring extensive or unusual accommodation, .should communicjito with the Secret;! rv on or beforf '• Monday, 0th Scpterab(?r, in oitlor that there may !»(» tim(> for the corn . niittec to make the I'cquisito arrangements. Id. All articles for exhibition must bo on the grounds on -Mondav, )>Oth. September, after v.hich day none will be i-eoeived, except livestock fruit, flowers, and other perishable articles, which will be received up t< a. m., on Tuesday, October 1st. All necessary erections, and bulky articles requiring to be put together on the gi'ounds or in the buildings, must bo Mnished, and all waste material and rubbish removed, uui later tho-n 12 o'clock, on Saturday, 28th Se]>teinber as no such work Ciii: be ]ierniitted during the show week. 11. i'jxhibitors wrll in every case give the uecessaiy per.sonal atttn tion to svhatever they exhibit. Necessary attendants upon live stock and workmen a'^tually required to attend to machinery, will "bo funushod with adinisfsion tickets free with their names written ufion thcra, which tickets will l>e good at the Ux/iihif(»''s Gate only during the show : sucL ti<.ikets to be obtained from the Secretary by persoxul application. 12. All articles for competition shall be the production or manufac- ture of the Esihibitor; field produce must bo tlio growth of 1878; and all live stock must have been owned and kept by Exhibitor in the Province not les.s than three months prior to the Exhibition. 13. Articles from other countries, and especially from other Pro vincesof the Dominion, are solicited, but not lor competition. Tiie| Committee will have the [wwer of granting a liunted number of honor- ary certificates for such articles. Id. All expenses incurred in the conveyjiuco of articles or animals, to and from Truro, placing them in the exl ibition, and maintaining them while there, shall be borne by the exhibitors, who must likewise undertake all risk of loss or damage. Articles must in every ease be delivered and unpacked free of expcnf,c to the committee. In Class IX, and for all miscellaneous exhibits, similar to those embraced in this class, " Delivery Checks " will be furnished, when such articles are given in charge of Exhibition officials, and no such exhibits can be removed from the building, unless these " Delivery Checks " are presented to those in charge of the Department. 15. Each exhibitor will receive from the Secretary an entry ticket uns [th. Bh, trt re 'iM' T oeNCIUi4HBiCUX* I ION S. I every article to be exhibited by hira, and he is required to atfix Huoh Cet upon the article or animal which ho oxhibita or on the stalls. 16. When fewer than three eomi)etitord H|)i)ei\r for any pv'ue, anpoiiiteti by them for that purpose. auctioneer will be allowed to sell ;'.ninuii!s or articles on the grounds ; in the building without the wrir.Mi |wrmi«sion of tho I'residont or Brctary of the Committee, and the liuic and place of sale rtpecifiod in uh permission must ho strictly iwihdied to. fwl. Articles sent for comp(4it,iou or exhibition .shall not- be removed )tu tlic t.'xhibition i-ooms or grounds, till the time appuintcd. undei- trfeituro of anv jtrizes or award.s tliat mjiv luive been m:id«' to the spective exiii'oitorb. 22, Any person who shall attempt t;0 interfere with the .juiJgtis wliile the discharge of their duties, or who shall attomiit to inllueiiee their Ijcisions by his presence or remarks, or who s-h.-jll afterwards, within the litsof the show grounds, use any conteuiptuous or abusive language, consequence ef ,'iny award made, sluill forfeit his right to any smiums to >\ hich he might otherwise Ixi entitled, and be otherwise lit with iiB the (!ommitt<'e niav determine. *w'3. Any exhibitor who uiay fciil aggrieved iu consequence of any ?gularity, is requested simply to draw the attention of the Committee |the Department, or of some member of the General Committee to ph, without entering into any discussion apt to cause hindrance or traction. Should ho not receive what he may consider sufficient ress on tho spot, he must nevertheless abide by the decision given, ^7- (iKNfiRlI. ItltOUl^'UONt*. tint hA maj, at the clo8u of tlic Kxhibition, bring the matter before tbj Committee by written atatoment, with a view to full enquiry. 21. No animal can be admitted within the enclosure that has notl been previouHly entered in accordiinco with Regulations 6 and 7, andl auimak of an inferior character, unwortliy of a place in the Kxhibitiocr will not be admitted under any circumstjinccs, 23* Space will l>e provided for uuy article tha't may be forwarded fori exhibition, subject to approval of Committer, apart from uuch aa aiel montiouodia the Prize lAtit. Award-s of merit will ho given for nuchf all of which cxbibits must \k'. cntt^red eu the Secretary's Book in tlicl manner prescribed for tbotse that come within the Prize List. 2D. Kxhibitora must supply tLemschoH \*-ith proper faHtcniugs foi^ h;).fely secu iug tho iinimulH in 1 heir Htalls. All bulls over nine moutliv must have nosc-riilgH. h B 2 2. B % 9. B 2k ' 3r 3r 'j5, Be A f an efore tbel t has notl ntl7, aadl xhibitiflti r PRIZE LIST. ardcd fori ch as atcM^Ku iwanliug tli« Prizes for Horses, tlio Judges are requested to take dixuB fo^^^lSi'''^*®"'^* ^^* ^^^'^' tniiiiing, style and aoundnobs, as well as breed, i raontl ■'^C***'* *® award any prize unless they oonsider the aniuial worthy of it. '!• exhibited with their dams in sections 9, 10 and 11, arc eligible to ^ oomjpetein sections 20 and 21 ; but no other animal will bo allowed to oompste in more t Iimu one section, J- ■ V li' Best thoroughbred .stallion, 1 years old and upwards.... if 30 00 2nd '* '* " •• 25 00 2. Best thorough-bred stallion under 4 years 25 00 2nd " " "' 15 00 3« Best stallion to breed hor.HOs for agi'ieultural and draft purposes, 1 years old and upwards 30 00 2tad " ' " " " 20 00 . Jlid " " " " 12 00 4. Best stallion to breed horses for trotting, carriage or road, 4 years old and upwards, to hv shown in carriage. . . 30 00 2|ld " " " " '♦' 20 00 3id " " " ** 12 00 .j6. Bttst stallion to breed horses for agricultural and draft I purposes, 3 years and under 4 *J0 00 2nd '• ' « ♦♦ " 15 00 .^fd *' " " "' s 00 Jjf^ * il^^t stallion to breed horses for trotting, carriage, or road t iCn, 3 vears and under 4 20 00 ^Skkm,A u a a it ,<{ 00 3 ••. Best pair draft horses, J <*lttgbTlox. 2nd " " i; ^ ■ 1. B 3rd " •'■ I; , , , ■ J^ 16. Best aingle draft horso, itAllli''' -''3* 2nd ■PR jl k 3rd " " Wm0^ ■ ■■ 'is^ COI.TS FOR CARRIAGE PURPORES. 1|^;M';» f (7o/^s «() 6t! ^^own in halter. J ' ' ^ a ? 17. Bteit colt (not a stallion) 3 yenrs old. i: H^/p^^l^ 2nd " " .< ::■ :m 3rd " • " <« 18. Best '• . 2 years old, . li^^^Hi 2nd ♦' " u 1^- ?es^ " *'• 1 year old,. 2nd <' «' u 2.0. Best sucking colt, 2nd 3rd « '/ff rea/red. ( OJ.TS FOll PKAF^ PUIirosKS. Bbst colt (not a stallion) .1 years oM, 12 00 3|d « " « 8 00 it '• « l! years old 10 00 1 « « i4 H 00 3td '• •' " «5 00 Best " •■• 1 ywtr old H 00 2^ " " " «'. 00 Beit Huckin^ colt, 00 2iid 1 00 3rd " :i 00 SPECIAI. I'HIZFS OFI'KIU!n HV ./. <'. MAHON, KS(^, TRl'HO : Sucking Colt for o.u'rirtge fturposes sirod by " PVank AUiaon" JB15 00 ' '' « " 10 00 'Flunk Allison" colt if it takos th»^ first Provincial Prize, 5 0(» CluHK '^.-Cattle. TJiornxigh hrr , t, cow>. P ' '^ncl 13. liGHt tborough-brefl Avrshiro cow 2® 3rd r^iul " ' " ift^i'^Bes .W " " *»^'2nd 1 1. Best thorougli-brf-il Avrshiro heifer, l' years old Ir' 3rd 'Jmi ^. • » .* : 27. ^ee 3rd '' " " ,: 2l. in. Bosl thorough-bved Ayrshire heifer, 1 year old 1 .', ' '3rd 2iui *< ' i< u • ^Q^ B^ ;5rd '' " " 2a( l(j. Rest thoroughbred Ayrshire heifer (.-alf 3iK 2nd " * '• " . . "rd " ft u '' 39w Be DEVONS. , ,;.2a BULT,S. ^i 8' 17. Best thoroagh-bred Devon bull, 3 years old and upwards i **^ t' "S! 3rd " " - - : >V,| 18. Best thorough-bred De\-on bull, 2 years old ; ^*'-^^^'x^ 19. Best thorough-bred Devon bull, 1 year old ! ^ * 2nd " " ■ « 3rd « H «( ^^, I'lazE J.1S1'. 11 Uvd it tLorougU-brod JJuvou bull calf 10 00 « 8 00 G 00 cows. !i0 00 I T) 00 10 00 "^2* slJBeat tLoron''li-br':d Do\oix lnjifcr, 2 wutti old 12 00 Boat thorougli-breU Dcvou oca- 2nd •' '• 3rd : ">wards 2nd • '• *' 3H ' " " 'U22).: V Best thorough-bred l>«v'ou licifer, 1 voar old, Snd , < 8rd t( ii. u 24. Best thorougL-bred Devon holier caif , 2nd 3rd <( 10 00 8 00 10 00 y GO 6 00 8 00 6 00 1 00 ALDERNKYS OR JKKSKYH. ards ' ' ' 2nd 3rd HULLS. 2|^i I Best thorough-] n-od Alilurncy ]nill, .'5 youis old and vq>- wards ilk a k( >. ti (( <; i, 2f6; Best thorough-bred Aldornov bull, i warn old , ' 2nd 3rd 27. BeSu thorough-bred Alderuoy bull, I year old 3rd '' « " 28; Beet thoiough-l>red Alderney bull cjilf 2nd " '• •' 3rd " " ,, cow«. ^9* k Best thovougu-ljrod Aldorury eow ■11 A (!) ^d iS 3rd 5Jc* L Best thorough-ltrtid Aldoruti\- heitei', 2 vcary old . '4 3ik*'^*(Mt thorough-bred Aldernov Jieit'er. 1 vear old. . «. thorough-bred Aldenu^y heifer calf. 2» CO 15 oo !o CO ir» oo lo oo s oo 12 oo 8 00 G oo « oo oo •1 oo 2o oo 15 oo lo oo 12 oo lo oo 8 oo lo oo 8 oo () oo 8 oo G oo i oo mmm ! HEKDS. _„ .. ^*v..v. vw cousist of out' bull and live temaleK, two of which iuus'ffi?5^**^ »;owB. Ko person to be allosved to enter more than one herd under sai^' ' section, but animals exhibited in a herd may compete for single prizftj 3,3. Best thorough-bred Short Hornb j^P" 3 4. -Bc«t thorough-bred IJevous Joj -nd .. u J 35. Bast thurough-brt'd Ayr^hires 5o| iind " •• ^W 47. 3G. Best thorough-bred Alderneys ooj 2nd " " 45 te (;rade cattle. 48. cows. 37. Best grade cow, 5 yeai-s ol I and upwards Ij 2nd '' ^« *' 12 .49.' 3rd *•' .< i< . ^ ith *• " *< ^ oth •' " '' ^ 38. Best grade cow 3 yeai-s old aud undt-r b 15 6^. ind '' " '< " " 111 ♦ 3rd '' '< <« 10 4th " i< « , oth *' <' " : . 'j^e 39. Best grade cow under 3 vears i' natrra. ^ : : ' ' li ^ mm •Jrd *' '' . tionfo 4th " " r Kl 40. Jiest grade J)eiter, li yoaiii old . . . lol 3rd « ipBfifv 'Ith 4^H'59." 41. Best grade heifer, 1 vear old. 3rd - - .^^' :|;^,t 4th '' u \ l^|/r 42. Best grade heifer calf ■ - .>^i 2nd '< ! 3rd " 4-3. Best fat cow or heifer isl 2nd « ; 3rd » '^' t:/r {I ■,■■ ruizE LIST. • K: IV OXEN. (1 under ^ *!^' "^*' P^"' *'^' '^'^^"j largest and fattost •JO oo 46. !^tat single u\ or steer, largest and fattest *2o oo JO^ 2|»1 " " 1"> 00 ^m k 4ff., BtBt pair of steers \ yeans old, largest and fattCHt ,'}0 oo ^Hl 3rd IT) 00 ••.. 5o^Bv 4Ui 10 00 ^Hffi47. Best pair steers .'"i yeans old, largest and tatl:.';=»t 20 oo 5o^Pl'' . 2nd •* ' '* 15 oo ^Bf 3rd •' « 10 00 4th • « <. 8 oo 48. Best pair stf- er.s, 2 yours old 1 tl oo 2iid " * 12 oo 3rd " S 00 15^' . 4th " f) oo 12 49. Best pair bteers. one v(;ar «ild 1 "J oo 10 2nd " lo CM) I 3rd *• (i oo \ :' 4th " 4 oo 15 8v. ^est pair ntcer calvoH 10 oo 12 » >2nd '^ So<. 10 ^rd '• 6 oo ^ 4th •' 1 00 J TEe following I'riy.OH are oilenMi for Gradea ol)tairied I'lV ero,s;^ing our .. 11 natrra., cattle with tliorou^yij-lired animals of |)artieu!ar l)rei)ds ; )tul any lo aui^raite of Sliort IIovu «M' T»ur)iaru Mood will dinrpialify from eonipoti %. tion for these prizes : - - '^!v '61. Best grade l>i'V'on oow. 'S years old or upwardj< 12 oo .. lo:'- ' ■',■■ 2nd •' ' '' S oo S: 5f ♦ ' Best grade Devon cow. under .'5 years -8 oo D -■ 2nd i, a ' g jjp ■t :^3i"" Best graJ'' Devon liuifer, 2 years old 1 cxf .. .^ ,>■* 2nd '- '* " "> oo ''i' 'i^'^' Best gra'le IVvoii Iit-jif* r, 1 year oU tj oo y ','^(1/ 2nd ' '' '" ' 4 oo- ii/^ tSi^ 'Best gravlo De\<)]i heifer oalf! ."» oo , . iW^' ' M^ 2nd. ■ " ^ 2 oo ,i| ^w^^ that grade A vrslare eow, 5 vfiars old or upwards 12 oo 4 -'^'^"^ ^ '" . ', " ' •^'''' ;]*' STvyJtest grade A.vrsbire o'ifv,- under three yeai-s S oo , . ]'"• ' '''i^'^^ '",,." " . »■> oo \' " J^^ 'ife^* grade iVvrshire hqifer, 2 v^ar.=» old 7 ot) lis Hi !iV it. i! i 14 PRIZE LMT. t Sbction 09. IJeat grjulo Ayrshire heifer I year old 6 oo 2nd " " 4oo CO. Kest grade Ayrahire heifer calf 5 oo 2nd " 2 00 6 1 . Best grade A Iderney or J ersey cow 3 years old or upwards 1 2 oo 2nd '* " " 8 00 62. Best .givide Aldui-noy or Jersey cow under thre<} yeais ... 8 oo 2nd ' " ' •' ** 6 00 63. Best grudn .ilderney or Jersey heiler, 2 yeaifi old 7oo 2nd ' " ' *' 5 00 O't. Best gradf A.ldornoy or J orsey heifer, 1 year old 6 oo 2nd " " ' '\^ ^ 4 00 6"). B(!St yviid*'! Aldcrnev or .!erso\ heifer oalf 5 oo 2ud " ' ''* 2 00 1 Clajss $.~ Sheep. SHORT WOOI^- -TiioRouuH Bred. 1. Best Ram, 2 shears and over $8 00 *' 2iid " " 6 00 2. Best Bam shearling , 7 00 2nd •' 5 OO ■ i^. Best Ram I^amh 6 00 2nd *' 4 00 4. Best 2 Ewea, 2 sheai's and over 8 00 2nd " ,600 6. Best 2 Ewos, slicarlings 7 00 2nd " ,6 00 6. Best 2 Ewe Iiiiml).s 6 OO 2nd « 4 00 LONG WOOL'-'ruoROUGH Bred. 7. Best Ram, 2 shears and over 8 00 2nd " 6 00 8. Beat Ram shearling 7 00 2nd " 6 00 9. Best Ram Ijamb .... 6 00 2nd « 4O0 10. Best 2 Kwes, 2 sliearaand over 3 00 2nd " • 600 11. Best 2 Kwca, shoarliugs ... .^qO 2nd " 6 00 12. Best 2 Kwe Lamba , 6 00 2nd " 400 The judges will be guided by purity oi blood in awarding tho above prizes. ^ V rr- ::, is' .A 800 6 00 7 00 5 00 600 400 8 00 6O0 7 00 6 00 600 4 00 PKIZli LIST. 15 Wteii Southdowns are competing with SliropHhire oi* Ham|)ehire Jfcwns, and Lcicosters with Cotswold or TJucolnK, each is to be judged fty itt merits as a specimen of its own breed, and not bj its relative size ■isoomf red with other breeds. GRADES, CROSSES, &c. Skotion ' 13. Best Rum, 2 aheura :ind over .i$7 00 2nd « 5 00 3rd « 4 00 4th « 3 00 14. Best Ram Hhoarliug t) 00 2nd « 4 00 3rd « 3 00 4th ■ « 2 00 15. Best Ram Lamb ' 6 00 2nd '< 4 00 3rd « 3 00 4th *f 2 00 16. Best 2 Ewes, 2 shears and ovtr 7 00 2nd " 5 00 3rd « 4 00 4th " 3 00 17. Best 2 Ewos, 3}iearlings 6 00 2nd " 4 00* 3rd '•' • 3 00 4th '« 2 CO 18. Best 2 Ewe Lambs 6 oo 2nd " 4 oo 3rd *' 3 oo 4th -' 2 oo 11). Best 2 Wethei'S not over .'» shears 8 oo 2nd " • 6 oo 3rd « i 00 Class 4.— Swine. Thorou«h Bked— BERKSHIRE. 1. Best Boar, 2 years and over $8 oo 2nd " G oo 2. Be^t Boar, 1 year and under 2 7 oo 2nd " '" " r)oo . Best Boar under 1 year 6 oo 2nd " " 4 oo Beat sow, 2 years and over -. . . 8 oo 2nd " 6oo Best Sow under 2 years 7 oo 2nd " 5 oo mMMU oo 17. Best Boar, under 1 year ^) oo 2ud ' " ' 4 00 18. Best Sow, 2 years and over 8 oo 2nd " 00 19. r>e8t Sow, under 2 yeai-s 7 oo 2ud •' r)oy 20. l-Jest Sow, under 1 year , G oo 2nd *' 1 00 21. Best breeding Sow and litter (not lc>?s than 5 pigs) 12 oo SUFFOLK AND SMALL YORKSIIIRli;. 22. Best Boar, 2 years and over $S o<3 2nd " () 00 23. Best Boar, 1 year and under 2 7 oo 2nd *♦' 5 00 24. Bfist Boar, under 1 year 6 oo 2Bd " 4 00 25. Beat Sow, 2 ye.ir3 aud over 8 oo 2nd ' « . G 00 26. Best Sow, under 2 vears 7 oc» 2nd " * 5 00 27. Best Sow under 1 rear f, oo 2nd «* ' 4.00 28. Best breeding Sow and lilit^r (not loss than 5 pigs) 12 oo .■U..iL..\i-t'\-.\ f: / 600 4oo 12 00 Jf^S 00 6 00 7 00 5oo . G 00 4 00 800 6 00 7 00 5 00 ruiZE MST 17 ALL OTHER BREEDS AND CROSSES. IBCTIOX • 29. Best Boar, 2 years and over 7 00 2nd " 5 on 30. Best Boiir, 1 year and under 2, 6 00 2nd " 4 00 3L Best Boar, under 1 year, 5 00 2nd " 3 00 32. Beat Sow, 2 years and over 7 00 2nd '' 5 00 33. Best Sow, 1 year and under 2, 6 00 2nd " 1 00 34. Best Sow, under 1 year t5 00 2nd " 3 00 35. Best fat Hog lo 00 2nd '' 800 3rd " G 00 86. Best breeding Sow and litter (not less than 5 pigs) 1 2 00 .- 12. Best Trtir of Dorkings 2nd «' " 13. Best Pail of Haniburgs 2nd '' 1 4. Best "jiii- of Spanish 2nd " " 1"». Best Pair of Bantams 2nd " '■' 16. Best Pair of White Leghorns 2nd " " 1 7. Best Pair of Brown f.cgliorns 2nd " " 15. Best Pair of Plymouth Bock 2nd " 19. Best Pair of Barn door fowl 2nd " " 20. Best Pair of Fowls, new and imported kind, not enumerated 21. Best lialf-dozon Chickens, — Brahmas and Ijurge Breeds. . . 2nd " " " " 00 , Hamburxfi. 2nd 3 Spanish. . 2nd " " 24 Leffhorns . 20. 2nd 2nd Plymouth I locks, 26 (lame., 2nd " " 27 Bantams , 2nd " «' 28, Best any Breed, not enumerated . . . 2nd " 2'.i. y,cst Pair of Ouineu Fowls 30. Best Peat^odv and Matt^ 3 00 ^^mm^- 200 ^^^^'4* aoo 2n(i ^^H|>'1 6. 3 (iii WMl 200 3 00 2 00 ^^^^^^^^^VHf^ * 3 00 wF^ 2 00 3oo ^^F--' ' ° 2 00 Ik' 3 00 hP' 1^- 2 00 f:'-' '- 3oo 2oo 3 00 16. 2oo » loo . 2oo I^Hlto loo ^^^^H' 2oo ^HpHi. Ui pfftao! 2oo R.,,:. '^'a 21. loo Sot';.'.; !^;. 22. 2oo 1 00 Hp^^W' 2oo BAill*!:! ■''%•'' - i;'. a'^v 1 00 i '§7 2oo %■ ■ '■ 1 00 ■fc' '■^^■'S 2oo ■K-': .' '31 1 00 ^M' '' '^ 2oo ^^K; *J 2o« Class <;. Roots and Vegetables. lioots must be cleaned and topped and surplus roots and fibres removed before y)eing taken into the grounds or building. Potatoes must be exhibited in half bushel baskets which will be furnished by the Committee. Judges must take into consideration the perfection of the growth of Roots and not size alone. Section ^ , „ . 1. Best half buBhel of Early Rose .$1^ faS 1« ' ^f rWZE LIST. 1» !«. («• •^ 12. 13. 14. 1^. 16. 3rd 'ION 1st Boat half bushel of any other early potato, 1 60 Heat half bushel Breezes Proliiic 1 50 Best half BusheKiaruet Chili 1 50 Best half bushel Jenny Lind, 1 25 Beat Imlf bushel Trinco Albert, 1 25 Best half bushel Snow Flake 1 50 Best half bushel Sutton's Red Flower liall, 12:) Beat half bushel White Calico 1 25 Best half bushel Black Calico 1 25 Best half bushel Jackson Whites 1 25 Best half bushel of Table Potatoes, not cnumeratrd 1 25 Best half bushel of Feeding Potatoes, not enumerated,. . . 1 25 To be awarded by the Judges at their discretion for other soi-ts not named in the f oreyoiug list 4 00 Ist 2nd Best four kinds of Potatoes, half busliel of each sort, for table and stock use, varieties to be nameil, from a field of same, not less than three acres. Size ot field to be certified by a member of the Board of Agriculture, or a Justice of the Pcaco, 4 00 3 00 Best collection roots, other than potatoes, G of each sort, from a field of t»ame, not leas than one acre size of held to be certified by a member of the Board of Agriculture or a Ju.stiec of the Peace, 4 00 JH 00 Ist Best six Swecdish Turnips, green lop, . . , 1 50 Best six Sweedish Turnips, purple top, 1 50 liest six turnip-rooted NIangold Wurt/el 1 50 Best six long red Mangold Wurtzel, 1 50 Best brace of Seed Cucumbers 1 00 Best two Turban Squash 1 50 Best two Butman Squash, 1 50 Best two I>08ton Marrow Squash 1 50 Best two Hubbard Squash, 1 50 Best two Marble Head Squash, 1 50 Largest Squash, 2 00 Beet two Pumpkins I 00 Largest Pumpkin 1 50 Best dozen Danvers Onions 1 50 Best dozen White Onions 1 50 Best dozen Hod Onions I 50 Best dozen Potato Onions 1 50 Best dozen Onions other varieties, grown from the seed. . ..1 50 Best df zen Eschallots 1 00 Best dozen Altringham Carrots, 1 50 Best dozen long orange Carrots 1 50 Beat dozen early horn Carrots I 50 Best dozen James' Intermediate Carrot I 50 Best dozen White Belgian Carrots 1 50 Best dozen Carrots of any variety not enumerated 1 50 Best dozen Egyptian Beet 1 50 Best dozen long Blood Beet (true) 1 60 Best dozen Turnip rooted Blood Beet,. 1 60 Best dozen Sugar Beet 1 50 Best dozen other sort of Beets 1 50 Best dozen Hollow Crown Parsnips 1 50 Best dozen table Parsnips .* 1 50 2 00 2nd ] 00 1 00 1 00 100 50 100 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 .W 50 1 25 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 100 1 00 100 1 GO 100 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 100 3rd 100 100 100 I 00 2ud 1 26 1 25 1 2.0 1 00 100 1 26 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3rd 4tU 200 10& 1 00 3rd 50 50 50 {50 5© .50 60 50 100 100 20 TRIZB LIST. Section " /"t l>n.l 3ij| 49. Best ilo/.fcii Fcediiii,' Paranips 1 oO 1 00 50. bfst flix heaiU whi to solid Ct-lery 1 riO I 00 51. UcHt six hoa«l8 ten solid Celery ' W I 00 52. Tiest Miru 5 heads (j.iulillowfsr - W) I 60 o3. Boiit three hBads drum head I'abbago 1 HO 1 00 54. BeHt three heads Savoy 1 •'"'0 '00 55. Best thiee headsi Red Cabhaye 1 50 1 00 5G. Best throe hcadf-' of otlier sort 1 50 1 00 WJ. B^st half (lo/.u!i winter l^adishfu 1 00 50 ,'>8. BeMt collection of Tomatoea, (six of each .sort) i^rown by exhibitor 3 00 2 00 51). Beat dozen Toioatocs 100 75 S|| 60. Best brace of Water Melons 1 50 1 00 61. Bi'st brace of <'itrona 1 00 75 62. Hesit brace of MubI; Melons 1 00 76 NoTK. -All Toninloijs, .Squashes and Cucumbers must have boon j^jrown in tlul open air, without any j)rotc*!cion after the 20th .liinoj 11. ^R >|6. U'l^ 89. 40. 41. • -Skct a. I. \ 'J. Cla^s T.--€iraiii and Field Seeds, (ilraiii illaiiu- faetiu'eH, Ac. Ae, In Sections 1,2, 3, 4, 5, G the vai'iety must be named bytkl Exhibitor. Section let 2nd 3rd 4tli| 1. Beat bushel Winter Wheat S3 00 2 50 1 50 10(l| 2. Best bushel Spring Wheat 3 00 2 50 1 50 1 3. Bent bushel White Oats 2 00 150 100 4. Best bushel Black Oats 2 00 1 50 1 00 5. Best bushel Yellow Oats 2 00 1 .'K) 1 00 6. Best bushel of any new or improved sorts 3 00 2 00 1 00 7. Beat bushel Barley 2 50 1 50 1 00 8. Best Bushel .Sicilian Barley 2 ,50 1 50 1 00 9. Best bushel Annat liarley 200 150 1(K) 10. Beat bushel Winter Rye 2 00 1 00 11. Best bushel Spring Rye 2 00 1 00 12. Be^t bushel Buckwheat (rough) 1 50 1 00 13. Best bushel Buckv/heat (Shepody ) 150 100 14. Beet 12 ears of Indian Corn 150 100 15. Best 12 ears of Sweet Corn ] . . l qq 75 16. Best h bushel Field Peas, white 2 00 I 50 1 00 17. Best i bushel Grey Field Peas 2 00 1 60 I 00 18. Best peck colored Beans 2 00 1 50 1 00 19. Best peck ^hite Beans 2 00 150 100 20. Beat peck Horse Beans 3 qO 2 00 1 00 22. Best 10 lbs. Clover Seed 2 00 100 23. Best 5 lbs Swedish Tur».:p Seed 2 0(» 1 nn 24. Best 5 lbs. blood Beet S^d 2OO 100 25. Best 2 lbs Carrot Seed, field, heavy Seed," carefully cleaned qr^ 1 f^ 26. Best 5 lbs Mangold Wurtzel Seed .■.■.■.;.■ 2*'oo 100 27. Best 1 dozen heads Broom Corn ino 28. Best peck Flax Seed n^ , «« 29. Best Jlour, certified to have been made of Nova ^ "" ^ "" m^iiJS^ir ^^^'' 8'°'»°'1 i" Nova Scotia "*"'^^^^«-- • .• 400 300 4. A »^-' ■■ ■ 4l*iCT ^ f fM^- rUI/K MST. 21 ION iHt, •Jtul yr.l BcHt Hour DP Meal of Novii «cotia Oatrt, lOO ll.a 4 00 2 00 Beat Flour of N. S. liiickwheat HJO lbs H 00 *J 00 liest Plo\ir or Meal of N. S. Barley, 100 lbs 3 00 *J 00 Bc3t I'oarl Barley not leas tlian '20 lbs L' 00 1 0<» Ifeat Pot Barley, not leas than 20 lbs 2 00 I 00 KcHt Houey in comb, not Icsh than 10 lbs 200 100 Bent Clear Honey in j ir, not leas I (juart 2 00 I .'lO I 00 Best .'• lbs. Bees Wax 2 00 i 00 BcMt Maph) Sugar, not less than 10 lbs 2 00 I 00 Beat Scut'jhctl Flax, not leas than Ti Iba :{ 00 2 00 I < K) Best bundlo Flax, in raw atato 2 (K) 1 (;0 tiass 8. -Dairy l*i*o(luc4'. ,S«CTlov. iHt. 2n(l. \\\-y\. nil. r.ili. ♦itli. 1. Best crock ot' Butttir, waited, not los^ than 15 lbs .■?(;. 00 5.00 4.0(1 ;{.00 2.00 i.OO 2, Bent Butter in rolls, prints or boxes, » not leas than 5 lbs 4.00 3.(K> 2.00 1.00 8. Bejit Cheese, factory niarlo, not los.s than 40 ll)s. nor mor<; tlian SO Ibn., and one wf a regular day's work, D.OO 8.00 7.U0 tJ.OO 5.00 4.00 i,4. Best dairy (home made) ('hcos;o, wA, losH than 15 lb« 5.00 4.00 .'{.00 2.i>0 1.00 Bests IbK. l'.i'*Ur, hi glada crock,.,.. 4.00 :<.Oo 2.00 1,00 v!^ V Class 11. W4»olleii, Flax and Stra\i liioods. W Manufactured hji Mr/ubUor. ' All articles of Wtjollon and Flax manufactui-o sliall be the growth aufl ,;|»roduotion or m;mufac1;urc of tlio. yo.-ir 1877 or 187S. ION. 1st 2nd 3rd Beat 5 yarda, all wool, dressed and luUcd, no^^crloom G 00 4 00 2 0O Beat 5 yarda, all wool, grey twilled, dressed, power loom . . 6 00 4 00 2 iW Beat asaortod lot Twoeda, all wool, power loom 12 00 10 00 8 00 Best 5 yarda, all wool, grey twilled, undressed, power loom 6 00 4 00 2 00 Best 5 yards, all wool, dressed and fidled, hand loom G 00 4 00 2 00 Best 5 yards, all wool, grey twiled, tmdressed, hand loom . . 5 00 4 00 3 00 Best 8 yards. Women's wear, plain, hand loom 500 4 00 300 Best 8 yards, Women's wear, Fancy Tattern, cotton & wool, hand loom, . . 4 00 3 ©0 2 «0 Best 5 yards White Flannel, all wool, power loom 4 00 3 00 2 00 Best 5 yarda White Flannel, all wool, hand loom 4 00 3 00 S| 00 Best 5 yards White Flannel, cotton and wool, hand loom... 4 00 3 00 2 00 Best pair Blankets, all wool, power loom 400 3 00 200 Best pair Blankets, all wool, hand loom 400 300 200 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Best Hearth Rug, all native wool 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 OC^ Beat Hearth Rug, rag, 400 300 200 Best Carpet, all wool 9 00 7 00 5 00 Best Carpet, rag 8 00 G 00 4 00 Best 2 pairs men's woollen socks , 1 50 I 00 75 Best 2 pairs woollen Stockings 1 50 1 00 75 Best 2 pairs woollen Mits, (jSain) 1 00 75 50 Beftt 2 pairs men's woollen Mits, hinged 1 00 75 50 Beat 2 pairs men's woollen Gloves. 1 00 75 50 I'W/X Mi^T. Skctiov •23. ikHt •24. liest 2ri. Best 2«. Bent 27. Bent 28. Best 29. BcHt :jo. l'.eRt 31. it«st ;«. Best 33. Best 3-L Best 35. HeHl 36. BfHt 37. Best 38. Best ut 1 lb MooUen knittiiig Yarn, K'rty 1 00 1 ttj woollen knitting Yarn, white. J W pair iucn'» knitted wtioUen i;mlenjhirt.s •» 00 pair men's knitted NvooUen Drawerw 3 00 women".') Shawls ** ^ MenV Plaid jj 00 « yards I'lnx Towelling, •» 00 •2 \Vomen'.>i Straw Bonnets, '00 •2 Woiiun's Straw HaU » 00 2 Men's Straw Hata > 00 Hct (i Straw Table Mats, ^ 7^' tlecce :.a h 76 J 76 s 200 H 2 00 1« 200 It 3 00 n 2 00 14 75 ii 75 it 75 S 50 3 160 1« 100 00 00 00 200 i tlas^s 10— Agricultural Iniplcmeiits. Sbction lat 1. Best Iron I'loiigh 7 00 2. liept WcMxlcn Plough iron moulds 6 00 3. B«;8t Wood, a Blow 5 00 4. Best double mould Blow 6 00 5. ]i«J8t Plough. Iron moulds 6 00 6. Best sub soil Plough f» 00 7. Best Double Harrow 5 00 8. Best n heel Harrow 4 00 9. Best Horse Cultivator 5 00 10. Best Seed Sower 4 00 11. Piest Seed sower Hroad Cast 2 00 12. Best Hay .(• Straw Cutter 4 00 13. Best wheel Horse Rake GOO 14. Ox Yoke 2 00 15. Best PvootCutter * .. . . 4 00 16. Best I' anning Mill 6 00 17. Best ( Jrain Seperator G 00 18. Best Hand Bakes, not less tiiaii half dc/cn 3 00 19. Best Hay Fork.s, not less than 3 2 00 e(». Best Manure Forks, not less than 3 2 00 21. Best DykeSpades, not lesa than 3 , 2 00 22. Best set Draining Tools for tile draining 6 00 23. Best Hoes, not less than 3 2 00 24. Best Potato Forks, not less than 3 2 00 2r). Best Potato Haeks, not less than 3. 2 00 26. Best Field Roller ".".".'.".".'.'.'.".".".".".'. 5 00 27. Beat Pitching Machine or horse Hay Fork 5 00 28. Best Potato Digging Machine if eftectivo . . . 10 00 29. Best Box Cart 2 wheels '. . goO 30. Best Hay Waggon, 4 wheels. . . ......... jq OO 31. Best Wheel Barrow o nn 32. Best Farm Gate g JJ S v^^l Ti'^^'^.^S ^^f^^ine small, 2 horses,' complete'. '. .' .' .' ." .' .' .' .' .' ." .* 20 00 34. Best rhreshmg Machine large with cleaner, complete 23 00 2ai 50(1 m m m 40 m 2f» 4N 100 200 400 m >.'0» lot lot IN 4I» 100 100 100 300 300 201 VHi/.r. uhi. . 2:i '^* . ,. 1st 2nd Host l>ruiii TilcK, I dozen 2 00 i qo Best Mowing Machine 20 00 15 00 Jit'Bt (Jrain C'rii»*lier ;5 00 HeHt Wind Mill .'.'.'.'.. 10 00 €\UHH II. -Fruits. A1*I'LK.S. lut 2nd 3td 4th ION. lioBt collbction o. .^)[>Uiti ^o«n in the I'rovinoo of N. 8. by tho exhibitor, not iiioio than ',\0 Hort«, 5 of each sort, niimo iind liibelled .*!I0 0<» 7 00 5 00 lient collection of Autumn Apities grown by the exhibitor, 6 sorts, 5 .spo'jiinens of eacli, named and labelled « 00 I 00 2 00 Best collection of early Winter Apples, (» soitn, r» of each sort, grown by the exliibtor, named and labelled S 00 (> 00 1 00 '2 (Mi Best collection of long keeping Apples, <> sorts, ft of each sort, grown by exhibitor, nnmed and labelled G 0() 4 00 '2 W Best general collection (»f- Apples, not necessarily groMii by the exhib- itor, and not more than thirty sorts, six of each sort, named and labelled, from the County of Halifax Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Bebt Best Best from King's Co. from Annapolis Co. . . from 1 >igby Co from Lunenburg Co fnnn Queen's Co from Shelburne Co. . . . from Yarmouth Co. . . . fiom Hants Co from Colchester Co. . . . from Cumberland Co. . from Pictou ( 'o from Antigonitih Co. . from C uysborough Co. from Cape Breton (V». , from IJicliiiiond Co. . . . from Inverness Co. . , , from Victoria Co sixglp: vaiueties. Grown by the Exhibitor. let 2nd Best dozen Gravenstein §^1 50 1 25 Best dozen Yellow Bellelleur 1 50 1 25 Best dozen Nonpareil 1 50 1 25 Best dozen King of Tompkins Co 1 50 1 25 Best dozen Blenheim Pippin 1 50 1 25 Best dozen Northern Spy 1 5C 1 25 Best dozen Ribston Pippin 1 50 1 25 Best dozen Baldwin 1 50 1 25 Best dozen Pthode ta'd Greening 1 50 * 25 Best dozen Hubbardston's Nonsuch 1 50 1 25 »rd 1 00 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 1 00 1 GO 100 SHOO GOO GOO 600 GOO 6 00 600 GOO GOO GOO GOO GOO GOO 6 00 GOO GOO GOO 6 00 4th 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 ^Jii , ' ! \\ Jt§ PRIZE LIST. Sectio.v Ist 33. Best dozen blue Pearniain 100 34. liest dozen Ilnipcror Alexander 1 00 35. Best dozen Esopus Spitzenlmrc; 1 00 36. Best dozen Calkin's Pippin I 00 37. Best dozen (.'henango Strawberry 1 00 38. Best dozen Duchess of Oldenburg 1 00 39. Best dozen Chebucto Beauty 1 00 40. Beat dozen Fall Jennetting 1 00 41. Beat dozen Cabashea or 20 o/. Pippin I 00 42. Bost dozen Canada J leinette I 00 43. Best dozen Ponime (;irise 1 00 44. Best dozen Kaniuse or Snow 1 OO 4.5. Best dozen (lolden Russet of western N. York 1 00 46. Best dozen Drap d'Or To 47. Best dozen Pound Sweet 75 48. iJest dozen Gloria Mundi 75 ~>0. Best dozen Talman Sweet 75 51. Best dozen Calkin's Early 75 52. Best dozen Mother 75 53. Best dozen Early Bough 75 54. Best dozen William's Favorite 75 55. Best dozen Rhymer Pippin 75 CRAB APPLES. Best collection (G of each sort) 1 50 Red Siberian, best dish i oo Transeendeut, best dish of i oO Hyslop, best dish of 1 oO Other sorts at discretion of .fudges >> 50 PFARS. Best Collection, six of each sort Bartlett best dozen. ........'. Clapp's Favorite do Beurre Rose do Louise Bonne de Jersey do ...,!.!. i "" * ] * Ouches? de Angouleme do. .....'. Suckel Jo ' Winter ^Selis ...... . .' Great Britain do Flemish Beauty .do. Sheldon j^ Other sorts at discretion of Judges 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 3 00 1 50 150 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 PLUMS. Best Collection (] of each sort 75. Best dozen. QUINCES. GRAPES, (open air.) Isabella 1 ' ■/ ,," i " ' ' \ Hartford Prolific "''^ " >"'^'"« Diana ^^ Concord J" •iiid 75 75 li) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 75 75 75 2 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 1«| 1 50 1 50 600 200 800 150 125 1« 4 00 300 m 75 50 !S 75 50 !S 75 50 2} 75 50 '& I'Bi/B usr. 25 St •-'nd O'J 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 )0 75 00 75 K) 75 K) 75 7o .'JO 5 50 i) 50 o .50 5 .)0 i> m > 50 ) 50 J 50 ) 100 1 75 75 i 2 00 lo 100 i 100 •i 100 •i 100 iOO : 100 i 100 -i 100 i 100 •i 100 » 150 m 125 m 3 00 m 50 SSI 50 n 50 n 50 ^1 Ist Delaware do 75 Black Cluster do 75 Sweet Water do 75 Koyal Muscadine do 75 Salem do 75 Agwan or Rogers do 75 Other sorts at discretion of Judges H 00 HOT HOUSE GRAPES. Grown by ExhllUvr. Best 2 bunches hot house (i rapes 4 00 Best 2 bunches grown in cold grapery 3 00 2ud yrd 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 3 00 2 00 2 00 J OU Class 13 -Ornamental Plants and Flowers. ION 1st 2n(i Best Collection of Plants and Flo^\ ers in Pots and Tubs not less than 25 varieties §15 OCJ 8 0{> [Best Boufiuet for Table 2 00 1 00 Best Bouquet for hand 2 00 1 0<» Best .six Foliage and ^■ariegated Plants 2 00 1 00 Bfist Hanging Baskets 1 00 50 'Best Stand Kati\e ?'erns 1 00 50 ; Beat G Fuchsias in Pot 1 00 5^> ; Best 6 Double Geraniums 1 0r> 50 Best 6 Single Oeraniunis 1 00 50 '. Best tJ Lantauaa 1 00 5(> ! Best 3 Helitropcs 1 00 50 j Best 3 Ba]sa!n.s 1 00 50 ^Bcst.'iKoses 1 00 50 Best 6 Asters 1 00 50 fBest 6 Stocks 1 00 50 Best C Phlox Drummondii 1 00 50 Best i)ozei> Pansios 1 00 5(« Best () Verbeixas 1 t'O '50 Best G Zinr.iap 1 0C> 50 I Best G Dahlia • (large) 1 00 50 ' Best G Dahlias, Bou-niot, 1 00 5M i Best Collection of Gladioli 1 00 50 Best G llollyh.'x-ki; 1 00 50 SPECIAL PRIZES. Jame.s Vick, Esi}., Rochester N. Y. [Best collection of Out Flowers 20 00 L2nd do do 10 OO 3rd do do : 5 00 1 4th do do Floral Chromr f flowers not to be made up in Bouquets, but exhibited separata and named. jject being to award the premiums to the flowers and not for tasteful Bment. [Best Ornamental Floral Work, (either bouquet or floral ornament) . . 5 00 exhibitor of these flowers must be an amateur, one who grows flowors for 3, and not proflt. Judges are strictly enjoined to a^ward those Prizes t»> uti, and not to professional Gardeners, or Clardoners at Gentloinen's Kstab- See Vick's Floral Guide 187^. Page 4. *lv j^- % \X,,ii^^' n,,:::,' ..^''1 •26 I'BIZK LIST; Class 13.~-)Iaunfactiires in Metal. dEcnoN. 1. Best Ci)Uoction of Stoves $--iO GO 2. Best Collection Rej^ister (Irates 12 00 3. Best Base Pnirncr for 8oft Coal 4 00 4. Best Tarlor Stove 4 00 5. Best Cooking llange (complete) 8 00 6. Best Collection Ship's Castings 10 00 7. Best Collection of Brass Work 7 00 S. Best C'ollection of I'inw arc ' tJ 00 <». Best Iron Pump 3 00 10. Best Assortment of Skates 4 00 CARKIAGES. 1 1. Best Buggy (covered) 14 00 12. Beat Buggy (open) 10 00 1.3. Best Phicton 10 00 14. Best Double-Seated (Carriage, any build 9 00 lo. Best Concord Wagon 7 00 16. TJestDogCart 7 00 17. Best Double Sleigh 7 00 18. Best Single Sleigh G 00 19. Best Express Wagon 6 00 Ist '2115 mm. n 6r ■ ■' 18 18 U 16 ^'«iL' \i wm^ IT 4(|H 1 2«H 1 w H lift) m 50) 40) U Section. 1. Best 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. It <« <( (I (( i< <( ti t( • < Vood. I 'oUticfcion of Furniture .* Suit of Drawing Room Furniture (at least b' pieces) . Suit of Bedroom Furniture Side-Board Centre Table Sofa A dozen Chairs Collection of Tubs and Pails Turnings in Wood Collection of Doors, Sanhea and BUnds . Chum Wringer " Mangle l dozen Ladders School Desk ".'.".".".'.'.'.".".', Collection of Lasts !.'..*. Assortment of Pega ......'. \ dozen .^Vse Handles J>EC'nON 1. <) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Class IR. lllanufacturcs iu I;carli«^r. 1st 20 00 10 00 700 5 00 3 00 300 400 400 3 00 2 00 7 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3(X) 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 IK) Ist 2Dd 10(10 800 Beat ColIe(!tion of Boots and Shoes Ap"> 00 '' .-Vssortmeut; of Ladies' Boots (sewed) '.'..'. G 00 ^^ /is&ortmont of Mens' Boots (sewed) 7 00 .. « P^"'^ J^ 'l''"'"-^ ^°"<^«' -^If. ^'^^^fl Weliinit»Ai.'.V. V. V. 3 00 epairBl-ishermen'sBoots 2 00 " Assortment of I'eggcd Ttoots . o m ' 2 Pairs Miner's Boots oVi 'I Collection of Travelling Tnuiks '.". g OO 2 Sidofl of Solo Leather (Blanghterod hideB)V.V.' _" ' " ; " ' ' " .i qo 50) 200 200 300 100 •»ni 800 400 500 200 too 1(M 100 300 100 ^Si. I"!;' X.- rf fRIZE LIST: 2? Ist .S2UGC 1200 4 00 400 800 10 00 700 ()00 .3 00 4 00 «0i 401 •Id; 14 00 10 00 10 00 9 00 700 700 700 00 ()'0(} 9(1. m u m 40J 49) *'• 1st 00 00 7 00 fiOO iOO 00 00 00 00 00 m 00 00 00 00 m oo )0 vm 81)0 50) 11)0 300 lOO ^X St [) ) ) 800 4 00 fiOO 200 100 103 100 300 100 II. 11 18. IS. 1& l&t Btet 2 Sides Grained Neat's Ivcather 2 Of) "■ 2 Sides Waxed Uather 2 00 •' Harness Single Set 7 00 " Harneaa, Farm, Double Set <> 00 " Harness Truck 5 0<) " Saddle and Bridle 4 00 " Collection of Collars :U10 2nd 1 00 I 00 ;i 00 4 00 •J Of) Class 10.--Mis<>eHaneoiis. •91CCT10N. Ist 'Jud 3rd 1. Beat Colleotion of Indian Work ?J2 00 2. Best Collection of Native Woods 2 00 3. Best CoUectiou of Stuffed Birds Native «> <.K"> 4 00 4,N Best (iroup of Wax Flowers (under glaas) U^M) 1 00 H. Beat Piece of Berlin Wool Work :UM) 2 00 1 00 6. Best Specimen of Crochet Work 2 00 1 Oft 7. Best Specimen Lace Work 2 00 1 00 %. Best Specimen Embroidery 2 00 1 00 9. Best Water Color Painting 2 00 1 00 10. Beat Painting in Oil S 00 2 00 11. Beat Specimen of Pencil Drawing 2 (X) 1 W 12. Best Collection of Photographs (work of Exhibitor) 3 00 13. Best Collection of Hair Work 2 0«) I (K) 14. Beat Specimen of Leather Work 2 00 1 00 16. Best Collection of Fret Work 3 00 2 00 I iX! 16, Beet Collection of Soap 3 00 17. Best Collection of Hats 4 (X» 18. Beat Collection of Caps 3 00 MINERALS. Lst 2n.i 19, " CoUttction of Nativ.^ Minerals 10 00 aO. " Collection of RootinR Slates 3 0() 21. " ( yollection of Building Stonca, (dressed in cubes of 6 inches) .' G 00 ' POTTERY, •2S1 Best Collection of Pottery 7 00 5 00 MARBLE. 23. Best Collection of Marble 20 00 10 «» SPECL^L PPJZKS OFFERED BY JAS. LITTLE, l^SQ. S