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Ail jottwf original coplaa ara fllmad baginning on tha firat paga with a Printad or llluatratad impraa- alon. and anding o^ ■ ■■• -■ Hatropolttan Toronto Rofaronco Library • Baldwin Room ^ Laa Imagas auivantaa ont 4t« raprodult^ avac lo plus grand aoin. conitpta tahu da la corjdltipn at^^ da la nattat* da raxamplalra film*, at dn eonformit* avao laa oohtfltlona du conteat da fllmaga. : ' ■ .; ■..-, ; /-.[..r . ■ Liaa aMamplairas originauK dont la cduvortura •n papiar ast ImprimAa aont fUmte an oomman9ant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant aoit par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una aniprainta d'impraasion ou drilluatratlo|n. aoit par la aacohd'; plat, salon la oaa. Toua laa autrab axamplalraa originauM sont^filmAa an coAimanvant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'lmprassion ou d'illuatratlon at an'tfrmlnai^/par la darni4ra pagt qui oomporto una ttfNa ampralnta. ^ t'.i das symbolaa aulvanta apparattra s||f darniira imaga da chaqua microficha. t cas: la symbbia -*^ algnifia "A SUIVR fymbola y signifia "FIN". Laa cartas, planbhaa, tablaaux. ate. JilmAs A daa taux da reduction Loraqua la documant aat trap grai raproduit af^H||^t«ul cllbh*. II aat da I'angla igp^aur galicha, d« at da haut ii^ bas^ an prahant la d'imagas hAcassaira. Las dlagranumi illustrant la mAthoda. JL 4 6 32X w c. ■ /' / . v*\ *■■ .■,- ■ M , X -^ V- A:v »■ ._/• ;--**■ J«. ./■■■ .' -V CATECHETICAL INSTRUCTIONS ■ ON fOMB Of ti«..: /. ;' ■■ ■i»-.'" ■ ■ H;: FRINOIFAI. FAfrrt y- t#»V„. .,;,- .- ,|/»**-»^' 1 ■" »■ ...• v» y ' ACCOBOIMO'^ TBS FORMS f:-^:-.:OF TU f ' li/ MM«a J .* < < * • . VRiPAlID VOE TBB OHOflOB OF Cir0Mk1t6 Wmd'aV jMti^l^n ^, . lOCIBtT OV TM DIOCMB bV QUBBIC* , ''^^f^^^ ■p*fi«^(»*' « • *» Pbiiivbd BT T. Cf ^V ft Co. % "o • »»', ' * * » i »' * » . , » » * » •. 1 *. - « • \ ■ . ■^f »• r^ ;r^- «)• "i? .o''•-.^^■^i. L^_ •^^p^1^p^~:i^^Br ■ #"* .j"^ .? * ,♦ '■■• )■■■ : f '■ ' " ■ . *■ .". '< ■ \:-- ,?j« m t;£ li^ ^r^- ■ [ V v ai\ < ' I *-. i ' >>\< t,*»- . ^ t 1 1 ^' ■ " ; .-. ;• ; • ' '" ■ -■ ■ \ '^ '*/'■■ - :■■■ ■ I*. J^^-^'-^^f ' ■ '5 jt. ..^;»,i<^..'^.ay.8r... ... rfihh 1 1 iiilur iii>jM 3=^ • *, SSSSmESSSm I 1 ■'■ ■♦.*.'*+Rk i . t --V- •«T' ii^ATECUETtCAL 1MSTRUCTI0N& :i I ■ V Om Poiuc and I'rxtatk WoBlHIf . O; What W Public Woriliip ? Ai. Worshipping Odd at Chnrob; A igj, Whirt U Priiata AVofihlp } ^ ^ .. A. Wofihlpplng God at home. " Q. Where ihould PaWlc Worihlp be offered I A. In a place consecrated for that purpose* Q. What is meant by being consecrated ? A. Sotemnlj set apart tor a sacred ttse. ^, ' • ■ ■"■''■■. y" '.■'■,' " ' • "1 Om THE ADTAMTAGES Of SIT FoBUS 01 PEATTW^p C). Why diDes the ChmcV of Ingland think it requisite to have a Litargy or Common FormuoC Prayer? A. In order that the P^ple maynnito ibwoi- shippiog God irlth one heiit and one Toice. / Q. What other ad vantagea'afe there in a Utnrgy ^ A« It pre? ents the Minister from saying fnything impropefr la Pablic Wdrship ; it prevenU (he peo^ pie from watching for something new instead pf minding their prayers to God, and by enabiiog fte people to k|pw what is to be piM|d for, it/pm- pares them to joinin prayer for it. ^ ^ ^Q. li tli«iijw^^tb#i,i4w^ t^v^ ^0 « - ■ }M n] -/ni .J'; •i ^ • 4 rt^':f .\> « *- ■ ■-,4ll"-t^ -A «. A* Ttt ; ft Litnrgy lielpt to preMr? e loiud doo» trioe.in the Church. ..% Hhftt mm ii ii» poitures in thW Public Wcvihip of the Church of pogUnd? - / - ^ V '. A. To kneel in prayer and cpnfe88ion» to stand in prahe and profesiion of faith| and to sii in^ ,receif^ ing ioitiuutfou. Q. Whatistheu^^ormeiMua^oC thesa Rulei? A. These poitiurei aM pUini(f suilabki ia the dif- ferent acts in whicl^ the woMhipi^ect are:en0^pd^ft■d *ther are agreeable toieJKafloijples and pi;ecei^lAln the Old fm^ New Teataw^. Q. Qii||ltQot the Ifjileifor kneellog to be ap much obsenred aa otbei^r '^''^ A. Yea 1^ at Least as niuch, because kjieeling; 18 (ikT^ only posture which particolariy marks devotion to ^ctM4 h«imhleQe8S>oCmiBdv §mi.: How ii the serf icQ of the Church of England oldetedi 10 %i» pBffertted ? - - A. Partftj^ by «be Minfertet : partfy* by th^ people, and partly by the Minister and people together. O^Whai Is. mewit by ft Minister ? A, A Cleriyman, ft person rightly ordained or cbwtfliilid 10 the service of G'od^ % 9»w»aa»y Otderedoev the Christen FH|it- hood ' ^ ■ A^'^nree* ■':/■'•':' .A-•^v^• ■■■"■/ ik^^iMm^iBM^, Priest^ il^^<^ "^ ma| n#ll>' i li^^ip lf liw t» oHllt^ thit M» . / ■ . • . , ■..•> ■ -■• .. • .■ ■■.■•■-■■■■■ A. tk\ lirh v----*^-"- iriiMfi^adMaiaiattMtaiMM'Mi liilUliTlliiil BiflMfa^Borl^Mit Order from Prieiti.] . ^ Bim l»ag hiM A. From the days of the Apottlei. Q. WhQ . kuft ^^AoOtf m mMtL PrieiU Mid Deaicom ? .;, ;■■ ">/'■ -v/ - A. ■ Bfahopt only. "^' ' ' * - .-^- ^'^^ • V'^- •; CK Were there soy more fbin tftera three Or- ^kf» of the Clergy in the firfftageffoffheCherdtP A. These three, •B<^ these oiil| were efwy whetre eirteDinoetfi , t ,t» ji- • > .' »'^ * ' :x- A, Nq. We koow that tliit *^* ^<^'* *'*^^ tAd profitable i bnt we most caitffiiVy Iceepr theold K. ,t3^.- J . a. IMd Christ set St. Peter aftete the rest ef the A]^tler, and orAihi any succession' of IVpev after him to be Of er all the Bishops Cbroogh fhewhflle world ?■■■■. ■•■'■: ■■'^••■■. ;:■: -■-■^-■.r*^:.:-' ^■.'-"./ ■■:•:;; A.JWe. Christ pfainTf decfcres the twelve Aptm^ tleei^ be eqwYy and the ApostfeSf 9t. ¥^0t himsdyf as well as others^ phioly hold the same fangnage m their writings. V ^ :* ■ . Q. Hhen did the preteteiibneof fhe'Pdpes of Rome to rule the whole Christie Chnreh first he-' ' A, Abbet dWte^ ywrttf ifcer CSirlsf ; Q, Did the ppwerof the Fo]^ then ite atehcr to its fuU height ? , A. No. It rose by dcgrceti ^ .^ ^ Q. Arewe to tMnk tfastGodneferUeslfetinr Ministry of ffaoie who ajre not ord^rflped J^ BishdpiT' ,'"T"" • V .J" I oiAir ef'^ OAffdi^tfMlvci; aod hope for k Hae wbaa ill othen mar 1^ brought to do the tamo. TkiOB^iB liwBieHiBBLmrROT is tq ■■RbJii'* r -liiMlnicliUifyof the Teacher. The Children ere td open their Prayer Book^ at ^he ph^se where the jlntiructioii from the Litoigy; commeDcet for thatdaji aod whererer a Rabrio occon^ they iwlo/feadlt alood. The Teacher malt carefnlly habltikate the Children to find the proper CoUeet^ BptojUe and Goipel, and the Lestooi for the day Ikom the Tible of proper Leuoni, and the Caiendir with Ta^lef Q. What li the RoMc r , A^/Thoie parts printep in Italics which glf e d)- ^ mannerof performing the serf ice.' >mmon Prayer begin ? :riptare. Q. What are they (^iled ? A. Sentences* Q. Whatis said afler the sentences ? A* The exhortation to oonfeis our sins, when We assemble for prayc^r and praise ? Q. What follows tl^e exhortation ? ^ A* A general confi 8. Why to it coll . BecMsethewl fSeising their sins to Qi WMt follows next? rectlons about the #Q. How does the A* With texts of 1 a lion* a general confesi$on ? le Congregation join In con- Sod? A k *'* .. wi>^ . ir. * ir*ili»% ^ fi ^ ^ ■Rbai»« look! at Lituigy, \ Rabrio Teacher find the LesioDi Di, and glf e df- sertice^ ? ii when 1 -V I ? I in con- ' ■* ■ . IIHiopronoaneeithe AbMiotian^-^,'i,i g >/^ ... of tfns . What dof I Abfolntlon of hp' »'».■' ■'•■<, * !>;-. ('•■ O .«j r ( ^ Ja. Paidkmdftinf* Q. Doei the Miniiier pronounce f^ardon ki hb own name? » : ^ | ; A. No. lo God*i nanie, who for ChriiTi . lake piardons Uioie who troly repent aad beliete. ^^^ ^ Q. Hai the Prieit power to fo^f e ibt ? . A. No. Not of himielfi— he ca^ opljr, 4«ciaio par* don from God. " -^^^ > QL What immediately follows Uie ahiolatiqn ? aI llie Rubric, dirfctipg that the people ehall aniwerhere, and at the en^of i^| otljef pn^yeri, Q. Why are tliey to say ^mefi Ar To,|%|i|fy#9irheartir aaseipto what the Mi^ idster lias been saying, and their joii|ii)i in it If Ith ihe spirit and the nnderstanding. ^ | * Q, WluU prayer comes a%r thi^ Al^iQUitbn: I 4^ A. TheXxirtfs Prayer. ^^^^^^^^^ I > 7i^^^" Q. Whit la the Inteotioaof ttie sebteoces which . A. To prepare ns for praying and thanking God. 'fi"^;*i;'^v;!ii>.r. 4 A. 9r the I>oiology. , . ^ ^ Q. What do yon mean br fhe.Iloiology r , ^, ^^# w^ '^'^ ^^'^ m ■■M '» , mi-iAt ' ' '■"ir'i»ii». ' ' ■ -4i- ■iii*««"w- «K ^. ■*' % ■^ Q. Why to-nrnt »W» tSawsff*"*"^ '^^'.^ ^4^* Jk. BecauM it htgiot wiUl n iiMtMbk \t Mm Q. When ii ibb PMlm to be omitted Keri I ^V ^ A. On Eaiter-dajy and on tlio lOtb iky 6f ^ry Q. What followt next ? V . - »t^ y»^ • an. -Ills pMm 9t Mm da^- ^^h -^/H; ,-'■■; ^' • ^ ■ tJQ. Howwtl»f«|Fprti«rf1olif WW? ^^ •* A. A tmtalo fortteti «fwy Hiomog fUid *f«olDg i^: ■J a^. What ii taid at the end of ereiy ftlM! . -A. t1« fhtJihO' H ^-k'''" :S;w-^- ':*i^'' *'l '' ' \ Q. Where ii it Uken firom I , -? Vv * A. The Old Tert«ient. ' ^^ :^ ^ V ^m. W%«tHy t 1 ** . 1 5„ • s^ 1 i= ■> ' ' . ■' ./ ;•' ■ , • • \ ^ ■'"'"'- ' 1 i» ^ I - -. /^ i"^ m'^ *' ^ _3-r , ^ ■ ::.''- * AJbtiLM ^jiisMi '■'■-■ • ■ It, p, .■,«•, ,■ . ' ■ ^ ftiL.^^kmd btih«LfOc^God^*' Kikei^mSti Q. W|iit comet next ? *^ i^ TIm Apotlki* Cff«ed or BtUal. . ' Q* Whit do jroa meaa by a Cfeod? . f ^ A lototMi piofMiionof faitlb: [. Why it thli called ih« Apottlet* Cfecd ? Beowite tl cootaiM tha tan of thota doctrloei „ It hf tiM ApotClati and bacaoto It wu compoa* 0d 1^ or very near, the time in wbicbtbey Ured. ^ ^^ What afa.theCoUecU which tocoeed ? lint Collect it that for the day, the %d and the 3d for Grace<^ - U a Collect ? V v» ^ J A. A prayer, In a brief formi '^M* li there any good authority for the uhI of iaeh brief fonnt? ^ ^ . 4«f The aalhorUy andetavi)^ of oUr Saiioar, andf tttjpraatlaa of the Priinitlfe Chrlttianti ^Q, What da yoa i^eao by tBaColteet for tha day I A. The Collect appointed for that particular day^ with which «Ni0 or ta^4Khaf; GaUeoti aia^apou tome oeoatiaat Joined* Q» Whatdoet tljie Rabrie direct tetpecting tha following pratert ? A* Thai Aeya^to be ffad except when -tha Utafif il ttitd, and then only the two but. .t/v^ a What does tlia wbrd Utany iitptl-^^ ;,^^^ 'Ab A^iBtfatal|«pplljeation. r. >4,j > .r a Qi How It iiio be taid I ^ . .^« Q. Whairit the I4tany to ba Iliad ? ii r ..; -^ --■*i j^^^^i^ •:.?■ t^. > , «.* •i» '. ■ ' . X. On 8ond«y mowtofv •n^«*^«'""»*^ S: Why do we pny fe tW «rtirfor » ««y ^. BecaoM tlw Ucrll^uw brntua^y to i^jr IJia Ktajwd oth^ In .tkdpn «»d .nthority, ^ liwiberwftr «ll the me«^w jhwrtd ^wfcr ^ • w^ «tt ciwinwuded te^pwjr. to the '*5?Wh* do we i»W «w *«» eneiBifif- ^ • ^•etflKwM«*m the e»o«i ftw thoM who enibl. «JLiw^«r^ pf»y«*iie»r fteendeC the LUny, "i^lriS?.* top-ter Wth«.«^fcr,o«r«n itiojr? , x^i. ^. llVltii M blfMiaf fitKH the Minister takf n out of the writings of St. PanK i/j^^H'v*-- / Q4 How does that part of Commnnion Service. be<^ ^ J{n which is/alwaji added to tbo Morning Senrlcet; 'onSondaysf ••■.,■''. -?* 5^ . --.'••.)>"' a. / A. 'Wiiktbe Lord^s FA;|^er, and a Collect in Vhi^li we prey God to cleanse the thooghts of oqr heaiti byWfloly^irrt* ^ ' ^ • , . . r»^ w;ud Q. The Collect ended-^what follows ? ,,^\, A. The Minister fehearses distinotly all theTeiik Commafidments. r^ ^ . , . \^. ;• *. t ?.. I Q. Whutresponsesdo the people inake after ead|^ ConKnendnient f V >>.,,.,.' ^ A. Tliey ask Gbd*s mercy (brtheir sin in hav?,. Ing broken th^, and His grace that they inay keep^ them* ■•■■-...•' .- • , Q. Doeii Christ release ns Trom-the moral Law, r :A^ No« He makes it more solemnly bin^ng i^n ">f. ■K ■. v^ Q. Whut It the dltoi^iif0^betwec^.rti» wa ^ne iipottlet*Creed ? , • i. A. It it toiler opoo tome poioft ; paiticnlarly tbe^ ^TioHy or Godheadyjfetttt Christ. . . ^, Q. What Croed, of a much later dtfte^ altOlakjeQ «. m itaoiis^ .III f fifth, i^ <«f JKf^ ^^'^'' A. The^reed of Pope Piat IV,. . , A, It Wit drawb up: at the Council of Treiitj^ l^pwaidt of IWO y«M» after the Nlcene.Croed. fi% / % >^t- / / *t»- '■>' » ^ ;"- •SKj^fK^^- ^ a; lies I it ttMl^iiit iffilii^im with «« My w4 «lok«S|«tt^ 7 Q. Am Hfe fa wonbtjp ^nv^fjtmtv^mf ".4 A. N»: weare to-«onk^„< ^^''♦fiEJBIfiii'^'''' ii'^-V#---;W;n*^ ' ' ' *4'? '5i,!| f"^, ■-' ,^ '*( ^ . •; /!^« mi X I --^ iV ■^ :i ■ - ■■■ ..^ . ■ \ 4 ■ -'■■ -■'; ■■' ■ .'■'■■ ^ % ■ ■■■ ■ ':. \ ■■' ■- ■-■ •■. 1 1 ■ ■ - " . ■B- ■■ *■ ■'. " " \ 1 :. ^■../■■. ■ ". ".':.■ ' . :^r~< ■ ■ . * ■ '■'''■ ■■.■> ■'-- ■■ •:' ^' ' i ■;;.. >" ■'. ■'"-■-■■ . ' ■-;'\..VT- :'V " .■ v- / ■:■•;:■;;;;; ;• ■ .'■■'■■*■ *. " - . / ■ ' S;^