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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 32 X Huron College^ Hn appeal. LONDON, ONT. 1893. Bii){ gi IJthoi;nl|>hilit; Co. / ill MMi I I I I I HBS im. ■SJr^ ' .^as*---. r" ^' \5i\i i*i " '. -^ 1 '-i^' '•■'''■^>'^^^>"^'^vi mr^ \ 11 1 * i i M ii iVHi i i* « t i 1ii i iil ii iiaayatoMJMy<Wr ^ ^ ^ »^,TM».Mi»m^.»..ny^ ..,;;, 1 Huron College. Hn Hppcal. y\ LONDON, ONT. 1893 holitlon I'rintini; & Lilli,ii;r.nphini; Co. LE3 HURON COLLEGE. OFFICERS, ETC. THE COUNCIL. The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Huron, President. The Reverend The Principal of the College. The Right Reverend Isaac Hellmuth. The Very Reverend Dean Innes. The Venerable Archdeacon Sandys. The Reverend Canon J. W. P. Smith. The Reverend Canon Evans Davis. The Reverend Canon A. C. Hill. The Reverend Canon J. B. Richardson. The Reverend J, H. Moorehouse. The Reverend H. A. Thomas. The Reverend R. McCosh. Richard Bayly, Esq., Q. C, Matthew Wilson, Esq., Q. C. I. F. Hellmuth, Esq. G. F. Jewell, Esq. V. Cronyn, Esq. PRINCIPAL AND DIVINITY PROFESSOR. The Reverend H. G. Miller, M. A. Late Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS AND MATHEMATICS (Elect). The Reverend Charges Henry Andras, M. A. St. John's College, Cambridge (Senior Optinie). PROFESSOR OF HEBREW. The Reverend S. E. G. Edelstein. LECTURER. 1'he Reverend Arthur Hugh Rhodes. SECRETARY AND BURSAR. v. Cronyn, Esq. APPEAL. I sident. " How shall they hear without a preacher ?"—AVwa«j A'., 14. Nearly thirty years ago, daring the episcopate of the first Bishop of Huron, the Right Rev, Dr. Cronyn, an effort was made to enlist the sympathies of the friends of evangelical truth, as set forth in the Protest- ant principles of the Articles of the Church of England, in the establish- ment of a Divinity College in the new Diocese, for the purpose of inculcating these principles, and supplying ^he already pressing need of clergy to occupy its parishes, and an urgent appeal was made in England, the Ven. Archdeacon Hellmuth (afterwards the first Principal of Huron College and later the second Bishop of the Diocese) being deputed to solicit aid in that quarter, and meeting with such success, both in the way of general subscriptions and in the very liberal and munificent gift by the Rev. Alfred Peache, M.A., Incumbent of Downend, near Bristol, for the endowment of a Divinity Chair, that in 1863 Huron College was incorporated, the purchase of a suitable site made, college buildings erected, and on the 2nd December in that year the College was formally opened. The work then so auspiciously commenced has since been steadily carried on, and a large number of the present clergy of the Diocese have received their divinity training within the walls of Huron College, and are now laboring in the faithful and exemplary exposition of tb" truth as it is in Jesus, which was there their chief study ; many of these \,' • men, thus educated to church work in our midst, would otherwise, in all proba- bility, have beefl lost to the Diocese. "The Peache Fund," already alluded to, has, by the judicious invest- ment of its moneys, a present capital value far exceeding that at which it left the hands of its kindly donor, and notwithstanding the decline in rates of interest, fully provides the annual sum required for the mainten- ance of the Chair of Divinity 5 its investments, which are held in accordance with the original deed of trust, being kept strictly apart from the funds of the College, and its accounts in separate books. Other special funds, such as the " Scholarship " Endowment, $5,000, and the " Boomer Scholar- ship" Endowment, $3,636.05, are specially invested, and the income derived from them applied to the purposes for which they were designed. >. I The other general funds of the College, derived ])rinci|)ally from the liberality of its friends in the Mother Country and supplemented by donations of considerable amount collected in tiie Diocese, have been necessarily, to a large extent, expended in the maintenance, repair, and extension of the College buildings, so that at the present time not more than $5,000 remains as revenue-producing ; the property i.;, however, in excellent condition, substantial additions of a character conducive to its increased efficiency having been made during the past year^ while a con- siderable increase in tlie number of the students is assured, and indeed is very necessary, to keep pace in any degree with the requirements of the growing Diocese. The College property, consisting of nearly 14 acres of land, with suit- able buildings, unencumbered, and the various funds, including the Peache Trust Fund, Boomer Scholarship Fund, and Scholarship Endowment Fund, are worth from $So,ooo to $90,000, forming a very substantial basis upon which to work. It will be seen that no money is required to pay off debt, but that it is desirable that the current income shall be so increased as to admit of such activity in the operations of the College, that the property and the existing trust funds may be utilized to the fullest extent. The College Council recognize therefore, first — that it is their bounden duty to bring the claims of the College at this present juncture before tiie members of the Church of England in the Diocese of Huron, believing that it is only necessary to make its requirements sufficiently known, to have them liberally provided for. To carry on the work of the College effectively will require about $1,500 per annum above their present resources, and it is proposed to institute a personal canvass of the Diocese for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions of definite sums to be contri- buted annually during the pleasure of the subscribers, the aggregate amount being but a light burden upon a prosperous and wealthy commu- nity, but of inestimable importance to the success of the work in hand. The experience of kindred institutions has shown that such an appeal as this is not only never made in vain, but that the response is frequently so hearty and bountiful as to convey a reproach that it was not sooner made, while the interest elicited by the enlistment of so many benefactors is in itself of incalculable value. The Council consider that, in the second place, it is their further duty to endeavor, by laying the present circumstances of the College before its friends in England, to obtain donations for the establishment of ,1 1 an Endowment Fund, such as is recognized as necessary in connection with any institution of this i<ind, in order to the i)ermanent maintenance of additional i)rofossorships, and tlie increased effective force of the whole foundation. I'hey have been induced to believe that such an appeal will be favorably regarded and will meet with a liberal response ; but in order that it may be made with more confidence, they desire to be in a position to show not only the fact that the College is and has been s'nce its incor- poration doing effective work, the scope and character of which may be widened and perfected, but that it has the warm sympathy and ])ractical support of the churchmen of the Diocese ; and may also feel that the fund for the general pur])oses of the College will be so well provided for, that the purpose of such special endowments shall not be defeated, nor their benefits minimized by an insufficient general support. The Council ask of each member of the Church of England in this important Diocese a careful consideration of the whole matter, and a liberal response in proportion to his ability, and tliey are the more con- fident in their appeal, not only from a knowledge of the general welfare of the Diocese and the condition of substantial wealth and prosperity which generally obtains, but that they also believe that the responsibility incident upon such condition is becoming more widely and practically acknowledged. I'hey embrace this opportunity of appending a list of those who kindly subscribed towards the erection of the recent additions to the College IJuildings, and of thankfully acknowledging the timely assistance. Subscriptions towards the current expenses of the College, addressed to the Bursar, Mr. V. Cronyn, London, Ont., vill be thankfully received and their receipt duly acknowledged by mail and in the Church or College journals-; SUBSCRIPTIONS roWAKUS HHCEM- EXTENSIONS TO COLUOH HUU.niNCS AND FURNISHINC; SAME. John I abatt ... * , '!"• '•■• KiMRsmill ^ ^°° °° Jyv. I'nnc.pal Miller \^ ^ Dr. Moorehouse ?? °° W.J. kei.l °°oo Geo. F. Jewell...;;;; '??°° <;eo. C. (;il,|«n.s... 7 5 oo J. W. Little . . '• • S° °° Mrs. Hoomer ^o oo W. I. Carrie 50°° E. Clegliorn ^o oo Mrs. Thos. ik-..ttie;;;;; i°°° <ev. rrof. Williams . . . . ; ^o oo Kt-'v. K. N. Knglish 1° ^ Samuel .Stewart 1° °° Jno. .S. I'earce..;; ^o oo Mrs. Welti . 50 oo Dr. w. w.-,„gh';;;; 5000 O. W. Howard.... ^o oo J. Triddis... 5000 25 00 A. McCormick. . . 4. Dr. Knglish * ''S 00 Miss Weld ^5 00 Mrs H.arryJJecher;;; J? "° M. Lewis .... '5 00 Geo. Taylor '° 00 ■^'rs. .Miller 'o 00 W. T. .Stronc.'; '° °o Mrs. .Shore 'O 00 Jno. K. lirooke ; '° °° Mi:nr;i!^S.;'"'"''^""-' l^^ Mrs liiinn". ... S So H. I'liddicomhe. S 00 Mrs. I'ennington 5 00 Mrss Kreeinan. . . 5 00 Anderson.. S 00 .Meredith S 00 An..ny„,ous(perMr.Sherwood) I ^ rtnapal Miller for pictur^,..^ SCO ". «N.' C. Colerick ^ °o Mrs. Dela Hooke. S 00 5 00 SUB.SCRIPTION.S OUTAINED BV MR IN WARasVILLE. H. A. Wil.son .... W. R. J. Blott Thos Haywood Carson K. Adair Mrs. O'Malley VV. Newson W. II, Henderson D. A. .Simpson R. W. Orton VV. J. Ravenscrofi Mr. .Staples .$ 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 4 00 I 75 : 1 CK) I 50 I 1 00 ' I I 00 ; I GO E. LEE. I.\ NEWHURV. I J. Deacon Jno. Armstrong * ' °° Mrs. Smith.. o 25 Geo. H.iy. , . o 25 ■''team f. Balh' ° 25 Mrs. Fennell . '00 J. Archer O 50 10 00 IN <5I.ENCOK. Geo. M Harrison... 4. , W. J. French. » 5 00 W. Swaisland. ^ 00 Mrs. Blackburn ^ °° J- S. Walker , ' 00 2 00 as 00 2S oo IS oo IS oo 10 oo 10 oo 10 00 10 oo 10 oo S oo S 00 5 50 S oo oo oo oo oo 00 oo oo S 00 5 00 Mnrk Walker * , ,,, Mrs. Ilillman * °^ C. Simpson °° S. Rogers "" W. C. lAiniley..., , fj Kichar.) (:„a,l '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ' ^ '■eo, N'oiinj; ... K McKcllar Mr. Cnail, Sr [',[] Mrs. Whyte ..'.'..'. Mrs (;ill)erl ('■J. Peachy : W. Rogers .'.'.'.'.■,■,'." Hy. .Simpson '.'. . . . 2 CO I oo I oo 1 oo 2 oo 1 oo 2 oo I oo o 50 IN IIOIIIUKI.I,. T. Hiirnside Rev. \V. |{. Rally . Jas. Dads well R. A. Macpherson J. W. Oibsori • ■ • • johnCrookshank Jno. Wealherill*.; °° Ily. Lipscomhe... X° Mrs. Lester °« Miss Meredith. .: ' ?° jno. I'ields .... ° 50 Mrs. Iturritt..........; ? 5° Mr. lionnsall ' \V. J. (Irani , ., . ' .S. W'odehoiise . . . Ily. I.inley '.'..' '.''..' $ 2 00 2 00 2 (X3 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 Jno llarnier F.J. Mayhew . J. Kerr J A Mayhew. IIIAMKSVILI.K. $ S 00 2 00 I 00 $ 3 00 3 00 I 00 Rev: wirni;,;!,' :::::::: '^ IN' UAI.KKRVIl.l.K. W Rohin ~,„ \y. II. Kiiioit ■.■..;■...■.■.■.•* ?2? C. R. Kmery !''• H. I.ainc, ... J. M. lieers. (!eo. Howard. Thos, Wood . . . N'. If. I louden. IN WAIKORt) $ S 00 I 00 I 00 Cha IN WARWICK. s J. Kingstone jje 00 5 00 4 00 5 CO 3 00 IN <lll. .SI'KINci.s, R. Whitlaker •M. M. (;oldl)crg. ..'.','.'..■,.'. (Jeo. Harper .... R. Wealherill ....'. $5 00 S 00 2 00 5 00 I 00 00 ■V. Ludlow. . ^L Creighton ^V. H. jary. . A. J. Brown Jas. Kerr. . . , C. W. Sche.e J. J. Jones, I.V CCMBER, $ 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 bavid Inneson '.'.'.'.'.'..[ I °° Chas Faer}' I 00 I 00 IN CIIARINC CROSS. Jos. Lancaster. . * , Thos. Rusel '...■.■.■,■.■. * ' °° Andrew Koves 5° A. Walker ...■::.::: ^ "" Frank Drury. . D. Walker......'.'.;.. f Mrs. Hope . . . IN SARNIA. T. Kennv *.„ „ Ran.lal Kenny ^5° Oo F. C.Cnl)itt... A. C Clark , ^ St George's Clumh '■.'.•:::.•■ l^ K. S. (lurd Miss Orris Mrs. Koljinson ..' ' W. Johnston R T. Geary Tho.s. H. Cook, ...'.'!.'.■.'." ' H, M. Richardson .\nonymous .Mrs. I'ardee S 00 S 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 o SO IN I'AliKim.I.. T. L Rogers CoL K. (ioodnian Geo. Hayes Jas. F. Rol)erts Thos. Watson $ 5 00 10 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 IN KI.ENHEI.M. J. B. Coalcs Mrs John.ston. F. E. Arkell Jno. Thompson 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 IN CLINTON. Mr. Tisdalu. . . M. W Farran. R. Rowland. . . J. H. Comlie. . A. li Evans. . . J. W. Irwin . . . J. Rattenbury. . .$ I 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 iJ^SlL. IN I.Ul'AN. Rev. R. II. Shaw $ S oo L. Fox 2 00 Jno. Fox • 2 00 Jas. .Sadlier 2 oo IN AYLMER. D. Marshall $ S do Mr. Voiiell 2 00 IN SIMCOE. Jas. Robb $Io oo }. II. An.sley lo oo Alex. McCall to oo J. Curtis lo 00 W. Corboukt lo CO Ur. McGill I oo Mr. Tisdale, jr i co T. Townley I oo IN MllCllKI.I,. Mrs. Awty $ 5 oo A Friend i oo Mr. Griffin I oo Mr. lirilton I 00 Mr. Robson I oo Mrs. Jones I oo Mrs. Elty o 75 W. W. Hicks 1 oo F W. Thompson I oo W. W. \\'aterbury 2 00 Mr. Byers i oo VV. G. Murphy i oo IN ST. THOMAS. Rev. Canon Hill $io oo Mrs. II. M Claris 50 oo M. A. Gilbert 5 0° F. E. Ermatinger 5 00 F. A. I lusher $ 5 00 J. \\. Griffin 2 00 R Miller 2 00 Mrs. H. Laycock 2 00 Mrs M. A. Caulfield I 00 Mrs. (Jeo Raines i 00 Mr. ( 'irahani I co K J. Ritchen o 50 .Mr. Belcher o 50 IN CIIATIIAM — CHRI.ST CHURCH. Rev. X. H Martin $5 00 C Dunlop 2 00 .S S. .Stephenson 2 00 Win. Richards 4 co A P'riend 2 00 A. R Mc( '.regor 2 00 Mrs. Sheriff 2 00 Mr. I'.ogart I 00 Mr. Dunlop, jr i 00 IKINITY CHl'KCH. Mr. Bogg $5 00 J. C. Butler 2 00 Mr. Mcintosh 2 00 D. R. VanAUen i 00 N. H Stevens i 00 Frank McReough i 00 R O. Knig'n I 00 J. L McConnell I 00 W. T. Moore I 00 T. R. Harris I 00 C. I'oile o 50 Mrs. Bartlilt o 50 Rev A. Murphy 5 00 Fred. Wood I 00 COLLECTED BV PRINCIPAL MILLER IX ENGLAND. £ From sundry sources 7 " " 3 Mrs. Eleanor Weld 20 .Mrs. Harris 4 Miss Wishart 2 Babington o Mrs. Langford i Mrs, and .Miss Ilawkshaw I Miss Roberts I B. Fox Watkins 4 Miss Edwards 5 B. Fox Watkins 3 Miss .SIroflon o Miss Ilawkshaw 10 Mrs. Dodson i 12 6 3 6 c 8 19 2 6 10 6 £ s. d. Mrs. Wragt;e 5 o o J. G. Langham 2 o o St. Mary's, Eastbourne (collec- tion 23 10 6 Town Hall (meeting) 7 7 1 .Mrs. Barker 5 o O Miss E. Pitman 5 5 o J. C. Ci (Eastbourne) 2 o o Col. Carleton o 5 o R. Griffith o 10 o Mrs Robert Miller o 10 o Mrs. and Miss Edwards 2 o o Collected by Mrs. .Swayne, of Clifton,' Bristol 9 o 2 00 2 00 I oo I oo I oo 50 so •V3 2 oo . 2 00 • 4 oo . 2 00 2 oo . 2 oo I 00 . I 00 . 2 oo 00 oo oo oo oo 00 oo . 50 . 50 s 00 . I 00 S. rl. 5 z 1 10 6 7 7 I 5 5 5 2 5 10 ") 10 2 o