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 R. W Errstt Esq., Peterborough, Pretident. 
 W.J. Mcintosh Esq., London, ist. Vice Prssident. 
 W. G. Fraser Esq., Petrolia, and. Vice President. 
 H'y Jennings, Penetanguishene, Sec'y-Treas. 
 DEAB SIR :— Secretary's Office, Penetanguishene, Oct 6th. 1880. 
 No doubt you have ^vondered at the delay in receiving some report of oar meeting of September 14th It 
 dation'L r " T.'^'l ' "" ""*"^ '°' ^''^''*'*^ arrangements to be completed of intere^tTo our Asso 
 that the me . " "' "" '" '*^'''" ^^^^ ''*°'" ""^ *'>««« "'^ ^^^ -* P-^-t I am happy to report 
 not here deta^r^b''" ' "'/ "Tf ' ""''' ""' "'" "'^ ''''"''' '« *^^"g'^* ''''"^ 8'-* benefit to ourseWe . I shal 
 wi 1 rZh K P'^°^^^'^'"g« ''^ *^>« "«°*i"g ^« y«» will find them in the number of the Law Journal which 
 will reach you by concurrent mail. The reason for sending you this copy is that, as you will see by the 1^ 
 hshed mmutes of the meeting. Mr. O'Brien, the EcUtor of the paper, gavJa sh, -t addLs at our m^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 made a suggestion as to placing the Journal within reach of the Division Court Clerks and affordfug us space 
 for discussion etc. This offer was afterwards referred to E. H. Duagan Esq Clerk 10th n r Yn^w * 
 with Mr O'Brien in the matter, the outcome of which is that Mr. Sien^s mirth^M^^^^^^^ 
 I 100 Clerks subscribe the terms will be »4.00 per annum. If 200, »8.60 per annum, and if 800 $3 00 2 an 
 num, and It is m order to set before you a copy of the Journal that it is sent you I have no doubt thrt 
 there may be some confusion as to what amount is to be sent, but I think that can be obviCd, by each C eS 
 who receives this circular at once advising me of his intention to take the Journal or not. IsLll then wi hit 
 aiSth thaT; "; K ^f • T'^"" ' '"' ^' *^"^° '''""''^'"" *'^«''- -*--^- "^ subscribing, and nal or" 
 anM^rith that list will be the subscription price asked by Mr. O'Brien. T. is is really the most practical wav 
 u Xch we can secure the use of an organ cf the press, of weight with the public, wLh ^ra greltd slraT 
 urn to such an Association as ours. You will see, oy the minutes that His Honor Judge Sinclairdid n"t care 
 to rep y fully to many questions submitted to him. as he was taken somewhat by surprise, but made a'^erat 
 offer to reply to questions submitted to him through our Association. Since that time Le has made as m 
 rnore liberal offer which is this: He is about to publish his work on the D. C. Act of 1880, and hcLs offe ed 
 through our 1st Vice President, to give one chapter in tliat work, entirely to replies to enquiries marbyThe 
 Clerks as to matters touching the tariff and procedure, and in accordance wit£ this I would ask any clrk 
 who has enquiries to make in reference to these subjects, to a. once formulate them to me and I shLl S 
 ZkstoTolr't, " H- Hon- Judge Sinclair. In sending these enquiries, I would request my brothel 
 Sof^ . . 7''f '^ to questions pertaining t, the application of the present Tariff, and to 
 procedure under the existing Act, as it is only on such subjec^.s that we can expect any reply. I w;uTd ask 
 that any such queries should reach me not later than the last day of this month ^ ^ ^ ^ ^°""» ^^^ 
 I regret to say that there are yet a large number of Clerks who have not responded to our calls on them 
 to become members. To such I would again appeal to at once become members. We are not trying to push 
 the interests of any one individual Clerk, but we are working for the general benefit of the whole of tlie Clerk 
 of the Province, and it is hardly fair that a small portion of them should bear the brunt of the work, both fi 
 nancially and physically. If we cannot have your attendance at our meetings (and to many it is almost an 
 iinpossibihty to attend) we can at least have the encouragement of your support and the knowledge that the 
 taTn of v« ; I Z7 "^^f'Z^' *."•>'**"' ^^ly- there are many changes and improvements that we cL ob 
 tarn, of vast benefit to us all. Trnsting we may have a hearty response from all. 
 I remain, 
 P. S.— I beg to hand you herewith copy of Constitu 
 Yours truly, 
 and By-Laws as adopted.