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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Circular. OTommrtnal l^anfe of (iTanatia, Notice is ht'rebj jriven tliat a SpocMul Cleiiei'ul Mcetiiifj; oftlie Sluirdioldt'i'B ttt'tlie Coininerciul JBuuk of Carmda will he held at tin- Hank in Kin;;ston, on Wednesday the Sixth ent8 to the Act of Incorporati')n. By order of the B(»ard, C. S. ROSS, CAtiHiKR. The following Report Avas submitted this day, received, adopted, and ordered to be, transmitted to the Shareholders:— ■ '■ ' " ■ ' r^ ' «;...' . ' •■• ^ '";'■ "-f-i' "" KiN(;AVoNM7THi8MVT«liik!f;i^<;V. " "" niThe undtiiwgiied having, at the Annual Meeting' in Ju*te l&8t,"befetifeI«Jtie(liii!» DSrecKttii'iSf WtJCf^^nVftt^clill^l^lftkk with a special view to cmusideVing its position and the value of it«'asSdt*,'Mva Hjfi-d^rf tWltln^ foli'o\WWg' rte'fVotP':-^''' "' ! ' ' ' ' '■ i Tliej' have icarefully examined the various iteniH forming the aKsetn of the Bank, and have wen rigid in their ■ tima- tion ,0l their- value. ■■■''1 ■■' '■ '■ '■I'^i vp-. H''*''- •..'■■ " ■'>>'. • ■ • >■!>' ■ Little difficulty has been experienced in arriving at a cOnclUHioii with i^e^sitd' ito anyitieift 'fci'fc'e^t that of the amount owing by the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad. Thei-e is no iJeaSoit to drttibt 'thiit ifhi.s Iliiilrrtad' tft •dbi'iig' a; prbftperous tilid an annually increasing bn,siness. It is well and substantially built and e(iuipped, it passes through a fertile countrv, and connects with large and important termini. Tlie payment of this del)t. which amounts to about $1.^00,(K)(). is spread over nineteen years (though it may be paid at an earlier date), and it is payable in American curi'Sncy. Owing to this the uu- fteraigried have felt at a loss to put a value on it, as the Bonds are not at present mai-ketable, but. though no payments have yet been made, either of prmcipal or interest, there seems but little reason to doubt that the whole will ultimately be realized. This debt carries seven per cent interest, but does not at present afford an available capital on which the Bawk (lan transact its business. The amount of ascertained losses incurred by the Bank to this date is about |l,l(M),(KHt, and the undersigned do not ap- prehend any mate'rial additional loss from the discounted paper now running. The Bank is doijig a prosperous and profitable businew. Its connections are of great value, and under proper manage- ment there is no reason why it should not attain as good results as any simihir institution in the Province. In view, however, of the losses already made, and the possibility of a loss resulting from the large debt above alluded to, the undersigned recommend a reduction oi' the value of tlie capital shares from $100 to $(1() each. This reduction would, in their opinion, cover the whole amount of the losses of the Bank, and in the event of a full realizatiim of the Detroit and Milwaukee debt leave a considerable contingent fund. It would ensure regular dividend.s, and enable the Bank to carry on its business with security. HU«H ALLAN, L. H. HOLTON, ALEX. 3IUR1IIS. To TiiK Pkksiok.nt (II- Tin: \ CoMMKin lAi. Bank ok C.\n.\i).\. )