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D Additional comments:/ Commentaires suppldmentaires; This item is filmed at th'^ reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filmd au taux de reduction indiqud ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26X 30X J 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32X The copy fiimad hara haa baan raproducad thanks to tha ganarosity of: Must* du Chflteau Ramezay, Montrtol L'axamplaira fiimA fut raproduit grica i la g^nirosit* da: Musie du ChSteau Ramezay, Montr{>3l Tha imagaa appaaring hara ara tha baat quality posaibia considaring tha condition and lagibiiity of tha original copy and ON THE MAY 27 1902 ^ M-) < QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, 1SS9 !> AT THE Ceteujoug of I|i«)dliu0 of t\\t $k\u OF THE REV. EGERTON RYERSON, D.D, LLD, FOUNDER OF THK SCHOOL SYSTEM OF ONTARIO lS44-1S7(i. CEREMONY TO COMMENCE AT 2 O'CLOCK P.M. '^" *^ CHAIRMAN FOR THF DAY: THE HON. (JE()l{(;i<] W. ROSS, LL.I)., Miii'ider of J^dnrnflim for Onfiirin. Dedicatory Hymn. — {Old lhni All ]»en|)ki on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord witli dieerfid voice ; Him serve witli fear. His pniise fortli ti-ll. Come ye 1)efore Him iuid rejoice. Tlie Lord, ye know, is Ood indeed : Without our aid He did lis make ; We are His Hock, He doth us feed ; And for His sheep He dotli us take. O enter then His gates witli praise, Ap})roacli with jo^^ His courts unto : I'raise, kiud, and Mess His name alway,* ; For it is seemly so to do. For why i Tlie Lord our («od is good ; His mercy is fortAer sure ; His truth at all times .'irmly st.'od ; Ami shall fi'om age to age eiuhirc. Selection of Scripture. To be read by the Rev. .John Potts, D.D., Secretary (if Education of tlie Methodist (General Conference. Dedicatory Prayer, iiy ihe Uev. (J. M. Mii,ij(iA.\. B.A., Minister of Old St. Andrew's Churcli. e; 3 Opening Address. Hon. (JKoiKiK W. lioss, LL.D., C;iiiinn.iii of the Day. UNVEILING OF THE STATUE. By the Hun. Sir Alexanhkk 0.vmpuki,l, K.C.M.G., Lieuteujuit-Citoveruor of Ontario. Patriotic School S:ng by the City School Child.en. To be Led by MR. PERRIN, Mn^ii: Teacher, Citu Schools. " HI uu.vH, iiiKiiAii. I'oi; canaha'"! Majestically. zH-.y. ,-A- A>— i-i ^- -g^ —2 — « — *i- -| 1 — * ' — I — I — * -•— « 1— ' Hurrah! hurrah 1 for Can-a da, Her wooda and val - leya green ; d: Hurrah I hurrah ! for Cauadi, Hur woods and valleys )ueen I Ciood ,s]iii;s lie on her waters, Firm friends upon her shores, IVaee, peace within her borders, And plenty in her stores. Then, hurrah I huri-ah I for Canada,, Her woods and valleys green, Hurrah for dear old England, Hun'ali for England's Queen 1 Right/ loyally we're singing. To all nations maki- it known, That wo love the land we live in. And our Queen upon the throne ! Long may the sons of Canada Continue as they've been. True to their native eountry, Anil faithful to their (^Hieen 1 Then hurrah 1 hurrah ! for Canada, ete. Historical Paper on Education in Ontario. [Abstract only.) To be read by .1. (iKOH*iE HoiMiiNs, M.A., LL.D., Deputy Minister of Edneation for Ontario. Address on behalf of the Ontario Teachers' Association. By Mr. McQueen, President of the .Vssociation, 18S9. i Address on behalf of the Citizens of Toronto. By His Worship tl>o Mayor, E. K. Clarkk, Es.|., M.P.I*. Patriotic Song by the City School Children. "THK MAl'I.K I.KAI- i'oKKVKIt Con Spirito. — > » Alrx. Mint. In days of yore, from Britain's shore,Wo!fothedauntle8S hero came, Jii (liiy.s of yovc, from Hrituins shore. Wolfe the (Luiiitloss hero c.uiu'. And pbmtcd tirm Hrittunia's Hug. On Caiiii(hi's fair (loiiwiiu ; Hurc may it wave our boast, our priclu, And joined in love together, The 'I'histle, SJianirock, J{ose, entwine, The Maple Leaf forever ! The Maple Leaf our eud)leni dear, tlie Maple Leaf forever I On merry England's far-famed land. May l!///(" Ldilirs' CoUi'ilC Colin Macdougall, Es.C. OxIutHHi Ladiea' ColU'iji'. Rev. A. B. Demill. Oidnrh) Teachers Association. Public School Skction — Mr. William Alexander. Lnspectors' Section - Mr. David Fothenngliam. High School Section— Mr. Archibald McMurchy, M.A. 6 Inscription on the Pedestal of the Bronze Statue of Rev. Dr Ryerson, as approved by the General Committee, November. 1887. TO UK I'l.ACEl) 0\ THK KitONT Of Till': I'KDKSTVI,, I'ACFN'fJ MOND ST. EGEUTON JIYEI{80N. iFOTJIsriDEI^ OK tic; SCHOOL swsTiiM or ontakio, TO \',K l'L.VCi:i) ON THK RKAI! OV THK I'EDKSTAK |Jovn IN CHAllUHTKYILLE, COTNTV OF N()RI'Y)LK, ONTARIO, MARCH 24, J80;{. gtcd AT TORONTO, FEBRUARY 19, 1882. as Record of Rev, Dr. Ryerson s services, as approved by the General Committee. November, 1887, and intended to have been engraved on the Pedestal It was afterwards decided not to do so, but to insert the name onl/. as Founder of the Ontario School System. THIS STAT V K k \H KRKCTKl) A S A M K M C) II I A L lH' TIIK Citl.AT IMMI.IC s r;i! \ K' i; s ok tiik REV, ECERTON RYERSON, D,D, LL.D,, ,S(>N OI' COI.ONEI. .roSKI'll KVKIiSON, .\ i!i!rri>ii orncKii who sKitVKi) ui'iunc; tiik .vmkiiic.w iikvoi.i tion, AND WHO WAS ONH OF THK UNITKI) KMPIRK L O Y^\ LT STS. WHO HKI'TI.KIi IN THIS |>KOVIN('i:. A l>I.STIN(;iriSllKD MINISTEH OF THE MErirODIST (!|finj('II, 1825—1882, IlK Oi!rA!Ni",l) Foil Tll\l' ClIURl'll A KOV.VL CM AllTKK IX KN(iLAN'l) FOR THK KSTAIiLIHllMKNT OF UPPER CAN ADA ACADEMY AT COP.OdRC, 1828 1841. AFTERWARDS THE (INrVERSITY OF VICTORIA COLLE(}E, OK WHIl'II 11 F, WA.S TIIF FIRST rRKSIDKXT. IN FOUNDING THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF HLS NATIVE PROVf.VOE, AN II IN I'ROMOTINd THE E8TA15LLSHMENT OF FREE SCHOOLS, HE DISPI.AYKI) THK RAUK GIFTS OK A FAR-SEEENG AND ENLIGHTENED STATESMAN, AND FOR THIRTY-TWO YEARS WAS THE ABLE ADMINISTRATOR OF THAT SYSTEM. 1844— 187C. ERHL'TKD RV CONrRIBUTIONS FROM HOtlOOl. TRlSTKli^, LV.SPPX'TORS, TKACHMRS, 1'4J1'ILS AND OTHERS; AIDKD l!Y A (JRANT FROM THE CITY OF TORONTO AND THE LEfUSLATI'RE OF ONTARIO. t Ryhrson Memorial Statuk CommittcIE, Uo\. Principal Crtvoii. I). i>. : iUiv. Dr. Pi.tts ; llmi, (J. W. Huhh ; lluv. Di. Diivic's; Hon. SiMiiifur Miiodun.ild ; Pii?ici|»iil Kirl 00 88,072 00 NoTK. \ few proniist'd subscriptions are yet to Ix' vi'crivi'd. The granite of the Pedestal is from a (piarry at St. (foorge, in New lirunswick - ii Province which was the lirst early home oF Dr. Kyerson's Fathei- and Mother, after the close of the .Ameri(!an Kevohitionary War. Dr. Ilyerson's Mother was a native of New Brunswick.