CATALOGUE OF (D:EtX(3rXl<T A^Tj ^M . B^ T. MOWER MARTIN, R-GA-, TO BE h: Previous to liis departure from Canada, A.T THE O.S,A. ART ROOMS, 14 KINQ ST. WEST, ON SATVESAY, OGTOBEE %m, im\ AT 2 P.M. CHAS. M. MENDEHSON & C0«, AUCTIONEEKS. I'ovouto : MORTON & CO., PRINTERS, a »t 5 ADELAIDE STREfiET K^ST'. « ,1883. ,.i'^v£ tr >i (gonbitions of (Sale, 1. The highest bfdder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the- Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase money to be absolutely tjaid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction § of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. f C. M. HENDERSON & CO., Auctioneers. These pictures are all original works, produced by Mr. Martin during the last eight years ; the great majoi ity of them were painted from nature on the spot. There is no doubt that their value will increase from year to year, and they will prove a good in vestment to purchasers. 1 Rocks at Niagara, from under the 16 Old Yonge St. at York nulls. cliff Canadian side. 2 Early Spring. 17 On Peabody River, New Hampshire. 3 An old Birch Stump, an outdoor 13 Wet Day in Muskoka sunaner study. 4 On the Restigouche N. B. ^^ CHff near Mabou, Cape Breton, 6 Indian Summer on .he Upper Mus- 20 A Street Musician, koka. 6 Old Mill, Watordown. 7 An old Watercourse. 8 Repose, studied from nature. 9 The Duck Pond, South river, Mus- koka. 10 Flat Lands on the Restigouche. 11 Webster's Mills, Dundas. 12 The old Bridge, on Mt. Pleasant creek; 13 The Bear's Cave, Muskoka, 26 Toronto Bay. 1 27 Above Windham Falls, Muskoka. 28 At Todraorden. , 29 Pair of Ducks, * 14 Peonies. » 21 Lumber Camps on Nay's lako. ^j i 22 Old Church Road, Waterdown. 23 Rocks at Dundas. ) 24 Near Fairy Falls, Muskoka. 25 Cattle at Rest. f^. ^ • -•- ■ .. 30 The Five Sisters, Rosedale. 15 Horse Shea Falls, Niagara, from i^S the hill. 31 In October, after a Shower. '■ 32 Cushing's Island ofT Portland, Me 56 Dead Widgeon. 33 Retriever and Ducks. 34 Mallard Ducks. 3f "Working for the County. 36 Silver Falb. 57 On Muskoka Ri.or. 58 Medad -Lake. 59 Wood Duck. • 60 Left out in the Cold. 37 Near Baysville, Muskoka R. 38 A Bad piece of Road, from nature. ' 39 On Mather's Creek. 40 York Mills. 41 Retriever Head. 42 Phloxes. 43 Horse and Sheep. 44 Straits of Canso. 45 Saguenay Salmon. 46 Red Head Duck. 47 Inglis' Falls. 48 Near Gotham, threatening rain. 49 Blue Jays. m In The Pantry. ^.- 'i 61 A wild Swan. ' 62 At the Rosedale Bridge. 63 Ferguson'.^ Cove, Nova Scotia. 64 Horsehoe Falls, Niagara, painted on the spot. 65 Red head .id blue bill 'Ducks. 66 Gathering Mushrooms. m 67 Rocks at Point Levi. 68 Retriever and Ducks. • 69 Oaks at Dundas. < 70 A Widgeon. 71 A Stone Stable, Rosedale. 72 Summer Noon. 73 Sunset on Oxtongue Lake. , 74 Shot on the Run. 51 Baysville Bay, Muskoka.^, - ^g Muskoka Road, near Stoneleigh. .;..-' 62 Looking for Snipe. 76 Gladiolus 77 Bank of Niagara River. 58 Nelson's FalU. -' r- 64 Sunrise in a Mist. c . -^g The "Nihilist. 65 Tretheway's Falls", Muskoka River. 79 October River Scene. 89 Apples. 90 The Do;i Meadows. 80 Summer Afternoon. 107 81 On the Ferry Road, Niagara. 108 82 Cottage near York ville. 109 83 Behind the Mill, Todmorden. 110 84 Helping to move House. Ill 8.5 In the' Forest, •112 86 Roger's No. 4 Grapes. 113 87 Nightingale's Rapids. ii4 88 Coast of Nova Scotia painted on the i ] 5 spot. 116 U7 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 91 Near Ro8edale,preparing for Howard Street Bridge. 92 Birch Trees. 93 Near Meaford. 94 Toronto Bay. 95 Bugle, a portrait from life. ■96 A Settler's Road 97 Street in Ferguson's Cove. 98 Trout Stream near Metapedia. 99 The Clearing. 100 After Sunset on Tea 101 Nerth Porcupine Rocks. ,- 102 Nepigon Bay. 103 Old Mill Waterdown. 104 Trilliums. 105 Working for the County. 106 Bank of the Lake. Scarborough Cliffs in a Storm. Waterfall at Bic. Howland's Mill, Waterdown. I'orcupine Rocks. (.^uiet enjoyment. Lime Kiln, Dundas. Lilac. Cottage at Rosedale. Flowers. A Study. Mallard Ducks. Riverside. Trilliums. At Rosedale. In *;.he Kitchen. November. On Rosedale Creek. Street in Ferguson's Cove. Horse Shoe Falls. Romeo, from life. Fruit. Fish. At York Mills. Cemetery Creek. ^ A Widgeon. In the Stable. -,. ' Buy a Paper.' At Halifax Harbor.