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Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est fiimA d partir de I'engle supArieur gauche, de geuche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 i CilATHAM, July 0, 1870 MV DlOAU SlK, I hin"i' just vcceivc'd llu' lu'iowilh iMulosod, rrom Jl. Littlk, listi. His ht'Oin.s to be a very hiii'd case, and I Jo trust ihat thi> Govoni- mriit will act promptly in the preiiiist's. Without a shadow of doiil)t, iho spot Nvhcri' Mr. Little's jStcaiu liargn and Wood Scow wi^ii' seized, was vvithiii the (.'anadian lioiuii'ary l,ine : ,Sec Commissioners Porter and Barclay's Tteport, made \^i'J.. The I'eeliui;- here, in eoiiuexion with this ijtitvs'^c v}i our shipping', is iiUen.n:. !)'■ so kiud as io advise lue oi iho Govoriiment's action, as soon as couvenieni. I have, &c.. IIUFU^ STEPHENSON. Hon. .1 ('. AiKi.N'.-, Secretary ol State. Otiawa Of Facts,— with lolcrouc./ fo thu Siizuro ol' the Slonm I!a.i,n> 1vi:imh:ki; 111 Wallaccburu-, al the. ;St. Clair Flats, also I lie Woutl ]{ar<ri- ('.v.Mi'i!Kl,li. Ul. 'I'lio B-Md BiU'gi-s urn nwiifl liv llirim l.iltlo. "I \\'iill:ieeliui!;, in llic I'oiiuiv "I Ki'iit .iii'l I'roviiu'o of UuUuio. Lliiil. Till' iiiut Steiini Bill-go is twonty-lliroo tuns liiiii|p;i, ]iriii.oll«(l lj_v .-i riopcllc":' Stoiiiu ICngiiio, I- of tUe v.iluo of j!L'..'iOi), tlip sa'uI W'oml B.iiTo is of thi' vulueof j'Jin. .'inl. Tlml ill? s li.l SU'iim iiiut Wood B;ii-^('3 took on :i I'lrgo of conlvv ,Oi|. :,t. tin- liivor Syli'iiliiim, ill till' Coiinly of Kent, to lie (lisi'li.u-gi>il iit the SI. i luir l"fit<, nl llie Woiks. or I '.mill now ill cuuiKe of oou^tiui-tioii, l.y .loliii r'niwii. for ami on iii'foiuil of Ui'j .Aiiicrifiin 'ioveinnient. ^lli. 'I liiit on Mon<t:vy, llio tueiity siMli day of .liin« In-,! pi.^l, llie snid two Biii'jj.'s urrived lit tlio f'anal or I'liannel now in rovusP of I'on.'slnKjiion, lui I on the wosti'vly .-idn tliorei.'f di>- cliirj-'cd tli(!ii' cugo of con.lwood, which wooil was for tlio said Brown, and to ho usod for and in thiM'onsti'Uction of :,ai(i Cannl, the wiid two oargoe.s amounting to lifty eight ooids. ,1th. riiat, whih^ the said liirges wore in the aot oi'discliai-ging tli. ii' cargo, thieo Kcvcnuo (Mli.',or.s from tlio City of Detroit, in the Stito of .Michigan, soi/od the .'?ai<l two IJargos ;nid their caigo. and on thi twentyseveiitli day of .iiiiir, I.eing the ni'xl day after tlio aei/.nre, the Miid Iliium Little jiroceodid from Wallarelinrg to wluire t.'io wiid iiirgos were soi/.ed. mid, u|ioii arriving then', was arrested hy the .said otiieial.s : .md he. ar 1 tin: .said li.irge.s. and the men ill his (Little's) emidoy, were taken to tliu I'ity of Uotioit imder tlio I'h irge of Mimggliiig u<.o.|. lilli. I'll It iiiioii arriving al iJolroit. ,i Shi]i Ke.'|ioi' wis jiut in rliarge hj .Mr. .haoinr, the i.'olU'clor of i;iistom». 7tli. I'hal the said (,'oUeclorof the. I'Ort of Detroit. .<ngg«<ted lli.it BoiicU should he givrii to the amount of ji.'j,(iiKi,— ifj.'xii) heing lor the Barges and *.")i«l for cosis. .-Xfter eoiisidnrahlH dilli -ulty, I procured the necessary Bondsmen, :ni I leloised m\ ■■ n I Bilges, and as to my-elf — 1 was released without hail. .sit!;. Thai I .Tii; a hist' 1 .md Imlieve, I'pan ,.|ip i,i>;t niioriiiaiion liiat I can olii.uii iiom t hart" used fv mariners navigating the liivers and Lakes, and on reference to the h'eport ol the joint (.'(immission of Messrs. Barcliiy and Porter, hearing ilale in the year 1**:22, that iny sai 1 Ji'.irges were discharging their c.irgoes,— and were seized -within I'ain.dian Territory: and in order the Letter to undei-stanil theiiosilionofthe said (.'aiiiil ortJIinnU' 1. and the iio.sllionof naid Jjarge-s when seized, 1 have caused a Diiigrani thereof to bo made and iume>.'d hereto. yth. 'I'hat the .said I anal or I'haiuiel is not completed, and is only used L.y craftR supplying material used in the construction thereol ; and that the principal part or portion of the mate rial used in the construction of sairl I'aiial has heen pro.nirud in Caniuln, and until the occur- I'eiico aforesaid no duty his hocn demai'dad thereon. Dated at Wallace!, urg this Ith day of .luly, .\. D., IH70. IIIKA.M LIITLK. i;i'Ki:s siEriiiiNM/.N, i;.,,., m. i' , I, luM-f*(vi1]i, .-^iiml yiii :i |il'iiti Si;itoiD(MiL "f I'acl: rrllivu to tht^ unjust ^oi/.uii'Ol lliv ttt'i fl-iigps I'V llio Ainei'ionii ntlu'ials iit llie St. (.'V.dr Kluls, ami I lie;; tliaL jou will, at. Ilif I'lrliost tiioji^'iit i.fis.-iMi', lay tlie. uiiltPr lel'ore tlii; Uovoriiijifiil of lliu Lioiniiitoii, ami souk liji' lue tlio r^ ilross which 1 llmik inyclf jubtly eiuill>!<l. 1 aiu, ,Str, \0Mv null, '^pivant, 11. l.riTl.E. I iTTVvn, l,.i August, l>-7ii. Sin. Ill coinivlaiiiif null yi>iir iiislniiMiiins ot liitli nil.. I iM-ii«i.'(Mlfl witlicnil delay, u) ni |\iire mill till- circiiiiistinicos of tho alli-gi'il .-ciziire "I ilii> steam b.ar^is " Upimlour" ami wooil I'arge ■•t'aiii|ibeU"— with ilji'ir ua.i-goos of wand, tliu proj.n-.rty oC Mr. lliraiu Little, orWiUaw- I'urgh, hy thp United States Customs authorities at LV'tioil, --and il.sn to a.sa'rtain, .<o I'ar as 1 might bi' able, tho nc'ii.inicy oi' tho boiimuiiT lino >ui dtJUc I between Can ida and the Cnitod Suites at tho place of seizure, iiiid whether the soizuro was made in .Vmeiican or (.Janadian waters, \c. Willi the Gxceinioii of the error of iiaminji! Mond.iy, the lifith of .tunc, im the <liiti -f si'iziiie--iiist(;aJ of Holiday, the liTtli, as it wius— Mr. Littles " stateiiieiit uf facts in relation to tho sei/.tire*' of date 'Uh .lulyla.st, m ly be aeeirine.! as corieol. and in cii:i'<ib<ir;Uioii of .same 1 lei; to submit. — Isi.. Stateiiieni ol' Win. A. .Moore, '.'oiinsellor ai I-a'.v at Detroit, as Ibllows : — UuTuiiiT, .Inly :itith, Is7u. (i. MeiUCKUX, I'H.. |||.;.Mi Sii.', Ill rel'.'rence to ym iii.iuiry of yesi,.rd.iy rel itivi> lo tlu' seizure of ilie sicam barge ■' lii'indeer." vvitii 'J(i oonls wooi' .iiid the b.irge ■' t..'ainiib.dl," wi'li 'M fnwU wood. 1 respect. fully state as fnllnws :— libels wore tileil aitainsl s lid vessids .anl iv I mi the 'JOth of .luno, U<7ll, by A. li. ilayiiavd. Es^i , Alt .iiiey of the I'mted Slates lor tho Eastern I'l.trict of Mi- ehigin, for and on ladrilf of the Iniled Stiles, lUcginj; tint on v.oioiis .lays ill the year I Mi'.', anl "11 lb" -"til '.>f ,biiie, IM"(i, ami on various days [irior to tho said 2Tth ot June, l.')0 cords of wood, of the value of .*4lKl, weie imported into the rnited I'^tales upon said barge " Campbell'' f'"m Ihe i'loiinee ol i intinn. inid were nnlailen without imriint or wit!ioiit )iaynu-nt of limy, and contrary to liie SUUiiie. I'lnton the 27tli day of .liine, l^vTU, and on various otiier days dining the yo.o' is7o. an<l on various days during th ■ y,. u Isfi9, 1,')0 cofils of wooil, of the value of J'UH). wpi" imported on the steam barge ■' keiiideei' from the rrovinc'' of i Intario without a permit bom the Collector, without payment of duty, and con- tmry to the. Statutes, 'lint, in both cii.^es, the libel all ,;".• 'hat the ve.« el ami wood are for leiled to the riiited Stateir. Doth vessels .and wood, were bond" I iiy ^[r. Ialth\ of WilLaceljurgh. No answer his yei been liled, liii probably will be by Tuesday next The principal i|Uestioii seem- to be whether the newly drodged channel aeioss the St. Clair Klalii is in American nr ' an idiaii iv iters. Any further iiii|uiry 1 shall be plea.«ed to nspoml to. Kespeetfully vouis, tSigned) W. A. Mi>MRU, .\nd 2nil. The stateim'iil il Mr. ''. 11. rennet, ''leik for Jlr. Ih'owii, the contractor for the I'lUial acrosu Ihe St. Cluir flats, and obtained on tho spot. J T? Iri.T llird, b7(i. I :ini licHik kcoi'iT li'i' Mr. .loliii Jiniwii- rniitracliir fri' llic ooiisliiu'linn I the St. CI.mij' I- lius ^lilllf'.lllnl. I'll Moiiiliiy, tlio 'JTIli <)( June liiat, fiiiiacl Suites li. vciiiic < Mlicers. Mrssr». lilovH anil l.iil'evri', ol' lirtrciU. Micliigiiii, c.iiio to tln' ofllce and inlonni'd mn tliiil llii> liii'l seized the barge ■• lieindeer" andsenw "Canii'lioU." iirojiorty of >[r. Iljrain Little, of Wall.ue burgh, Ontario, tojietlier witli their cargoes of wood, which llif y w.'ve unloidin;' on lln- west pior of this Cfinill, nlso stati'd that thoy had been infoii'ied lliat ,Mr. Wftwu laid been luuvliaBing his wood ;ind snjiidics in Canada, and demand, 'd a .,t d.eineiit of all the wood .ind sujiplies and other articles u.sed jii ibe lon.-trnriion I'f tliis work received lire from i ' imda. t."i Tiiesdav laornini; Mi. l.illle arrived bore from \V,illaiel,iirf.'li; I wi'iit with him t- the Light House, and had an nilervirw with the lii'vonuo I Mlicers wli.i made the seizure. >Ir, bittlc i.niu.'ited a).'aiiist tb,' sei/iiie of lii» boats ill tlie waters of this i 'anal, I'or ihc le.vson that he had ahviiys understood tlial. to the K.a.st of the Old .sliip I 'li.imifl was on the Cinadiaii -ide of the lioiiudary line, .aud lint be u.'is debM-r- ing liis wood bore in gooil faith :-tbat be bad a ri/tlit !od.. n. I i-onli.iitui willi Mr, I ililr. for the ile.livery of this wood, and h.ive iHireha.scd woo.| fmni Iiim oi'cn seasor .siiue this work I'onimeneid. flie .jtiesliuii wbelber wooil coming here from ('(tnada was liable for duty has never been s|iokiii of between us, neither lias theio been any Wevenue o'licer bei. to ask .my ■|Uestioii» about it l>efore the seizure almve rclerred I... .Mr. Hrowii b.is paid duties on all scows, maebiiieiy and nil articles used for Iho construction of this work bniUfiht hero I'rom Canada. Ibe work has been in ])rogres.s throe years. Mr. I.iltic projiosed to take the beats to Ali;oii:e., .Miohigni, and h.' would bond thcni uiuil lln' iinestiou wiw settled: (beoili.eis replied (bat they had no authority to bond them, and that tbey must i.iko them to Detroit. .\t Ibe leqii. st "f the Iteveniie Dilicers, Mr. Little's men took the boats to Detroit - with .Mr. 1 ittle and the i lilicers on board. (.Signod,j C. v.. liENNiCTT. 'i'lic .. „;ur.' Ii.iviut; tbcicf ac 1. uii iiiad>i, tb, :i.io.st.ioi. i.f the iigbl ul the I'lii od llVi.^ s CuKloinsdlHoerstomakeit, turns upon the iiiiOBtion— as .stated by Mr. Moore—" whether tliO newly dredged ch.iiinid MCro^s tho SI. ''liir 11, its is in (\iueric,in or (.,'iuadiiin Waters." A pi I limiiiiry examination of this kind, hiving bir its chief ol.jert to .'iscert-iin whether there arc satisfactory reasons I'or interfpimgoii behalf of the claimant, and early aelion In iii;_' necessary for his needed r.lief. time is iiit ailorded I'oroblaimng full and precise data for absolutely determining a boundary lino between two countries; but ,so far as moans and op- liortunity were atVbnled me, I uive c.i.tiined su.h inform ition m lead> to ,i tlioroii;;li convic- tion that the new < :aiial now being constructed across the .•>t, CI air Flit- liy the i .overnmeiil, of the I'nited Ptate.s, and where the seizure of the boats and wood of .Mr. Little was made, is wholly and umuistake.ibly w;thiii (.'an idiaii w iters. The tub ,\rticle of the I'reatyof Peace and .Amity between i.ireiit Rrilaiii and the i'mted Suites ol ;Vmerici, concluded at Ijbenton -Hh Ijecember 181 1, re.ids thus; — "Wbere.xs, by the former I leaty of Peace that portion of the boun-laryof the I'niteil .*>tateH from the point where the forty-iil'tli decree of N.irtb latitii le strikes the Kiv.-r Iro |iiois or CaUiraguy to the Lake I's^ipei'i.ir, w.i> d'ecl ired to be •aloii;^ ibe noidillo of said Uivei iiilo Likeliiitario tbrou^'b the mid lie ol s.iid l,d;e until it stiikesilie r imaiimicUi^in by wat-u' between that Like and Lake Erie, thence afnig the middle of .said oommiiniealion into Like Krie, through the middle of said I/ike until it ai rives at the watei conimuirU alion inio the Lake Huron, thence tliDUgb Ibe mi Idle ol said Lake to the wvter eonuiiiinic ilioii L.tweRii that Lake and Lake .'^upeiior, ' • And whereas, doubts have arisen whit wius the middle of the said Kiver, Lakes and water communications and whether certain islands lying in th" same were within the ilomir. ions uf His Kritannie MaJ sty or of tiie Kniled .stales: In order, Iher. fore, lin illy to decide these doiilits, Uicy shall' bo" referred to two I .iinmissionei's, to be appointed, sworn. :ind authori/ed to act'e.vacily in tin' m inma' diieited witli respect to iliose m.-iitioned m tlio nei.vt piaceding Article iiiiles« otherwise specibed in tlii,» present .Viticlc Tlie Slid l''inimi,ssioiieis .-hall, by a re.p.irt or dcclar:itioii under their hand-i and se:iis. desij/niite ihe boinid-uv through the said Kiver. Lake-' and waler commimi c,!ition,<. iind decide to ivUich of the two eoutiMctiiig parlies the sever.il i-buids lying within tlies;iid Kivers, Lakes an 1 waler eianiTiiinic:itions do respeciively belong, in conforinily with the true intent ot the said froaty ol i hie tlious:ind seven hundred and eiglity tbrec ; and biitli parties :igreo to consider such designation and decision as liiial :ind conclUBive., And in the event of the said tw . i 'oiiiiiii,.ionei ■• didi'i ing, or both or either of tbeiii rel'iipiiig, de dining or wilbilly oniitling to act. -U'h reiiorts, declaiitions or statements, shall be m.i lo I y them or either ot tliein. and such releien ,e to a friendly .Sover'ign or .Suue sli ,11 be made in all respects as in the laltci part ol the fourth Article is cent lined and in as lull a manner as if the same wic; herein lepeated." iMIIII In uiconlaiu'o Willi llio Ai't'ilw Mbove (iiiotml, two Coiumisaioncrs wpr« ninjointml— Pfltw ]'.. I'mlor iiiwl Aiitlinny Jilari'liy, rrspMctlvoly, on l.uhiiH' ul' tlio L'nUwl Sinteu ,imi 'iriHl ]3iiti»iM. I In tlip Istli'l.iy of .luiio iN^iU, tlio »aLcl('()mmiai<ionfM iiulili>iieil their clecimoii which, in so f;ir :i^ it iill'wts thi" point iit issue, reii'is thus: — " riicni'p tfi the niiilillc o( tho mouth of th" Pptioit Kivei- in a direction to onter the chimii I wliic'h ihviJus H'lis-bl.inc unci Sugar i^shuuls; thenw uj. tli« -^uiil chiinnfl to thi! Went (if I!('i3lil;uu! M^intl anil to tlie Kist of Sinar, Kox and Sumy islu\il<, until it appro.iohcs I'Mjihtinj; 111- <iieat 'I'urkfy Ishiml : thi'n'.'n iilong lh« \Vc:,i.'ni .^iilc and nc .!• ihc .-June of siiid list nionlioiied Islnml to" tho iniddl. 'if Uio Itivor nliovi- Iho sanic. ''"lu^n.•l■ iilniM' l' i' m '.i'-^ of -iriiil liivpr. k(!ipini,' to the Sontliemt t'f and no-ir Hog Island, and to the, Niinnw.'Kl of and no 11 tlin l-iand callHd Ish' a h". l'''''li(' lo Latc-J St. <'l dr; thi-m-r llirifi<Ji tin mi'l,llt' 1/ said hike irt-n tHrfi-Ji''ii to fnlpr that nfinth <>r ritnm^l of tht Un r N^ (V.i/V, irhii-n (.v H.^iio'hi d iioiiilitatfi'l the Dill S'liji C/iaitiiil : thence aloiifi; I lin middle, of oidd channel iji'twien Si|uirrel Island «n the Soiitliuast and Union's [aland on the Northwest, to Iho u]ipci' end of the Ki.-.t menti.nod Island, Ac, iic." The aai I doci.sion, having lueii duly nignivl iUid se.dcd l.y the two I'ommissioiierson the (lute mentioned, hecanie final, and the line of boundary so ik-lined hy them must govern thii? inijuiry. The only point upcii ivluoh (a.- it fi).|a'ar.- to nifi; a question could possil.ly he raised, is us to where the point do.-ignated is ■• the inuuth of th.- <lld Ship Channel" is. If, as -onio would say, it is in deep water on the upper side of the Flats, then the line woulil lun up through the Ijuke into the Kiver very nearlv uj.on the line of the new (,'anal and Canada would have no deep channel of water coiumuniGitiou with the Itiver St. Clair from the hake of that natuo. i'he only ground, no far ns 1 have been able to ascertain, that exists favoring tliif. view, is the fict tint on the " (.;!mrt of St. Cliir Fl.ds. re<lii.'ed from the original survey.- ofCapLun (ieo. C. Meade, T, E, under the direction (d'l.ii'Ut. Col. J. Knai'riey. T. K., ,Su)ierintcndent of l/iko Surveys, shewing also the iniproTenient at the mouth of the .South Pass, now being ell'ected by the Ignited States Bureau of Topographiad Engineer.s, IS.')?," the bound.ary line is 1 lid down runmiig directly JU-rusa '.1: J Flats I'.trt the deep wat«r of i.ue L;ikc. and very nearly upon the line of the new Canal ; but so far as I can judge, somewhit Westward of it still. This lino is lilout two miles to the £,i3tward of the mouth of the channel at present used as the entrance to ihe .South I'ass, and which I Hiid has generally been known and accepted as the Old .Ship Channel. From i.'aptain .lames llackett 1 iibiainod the following Hatement: — '• I. the undersiL'iied .laines llack.'tt. i'ollowed tjio occupation of a Mariner on the Lakes for many years. I commenced sailing in the year 1817, and continued in thai line of life until 1 tookciiarge of tlu; la.:,'htliouse on H.n.-.bl.aio [aland in ls;i6, 1 remetnh.M the ch.umel which was used to p.iss betw.^.-ii the Hiver and th.i bake St. < 'lair over the Fl.ils very w.jll. We used to comedown a !e I. 'h of aboui a ip.i.u'ter .if .1 mile through about tin. « fathoms water to the Klb'iw Stikc; th n we lurned sii.irt to the left in about two fithoins w.Uei foi ab.ait halt a mile to the Bar Stake, where we h nl .iliout ten to twelve feot w.iter. We then pro- ceiid.'.l on ;wo or three .litlerent courses tlirongli the slalies and m about two fathoms, more or less, until we readied .lec|i water— say a!>.)ut three fatnoms .uul upw.iids There was no eh.iiuiel but this one. nii either side of it liie water was only from four to five loet deep. The .Unci'- ins u-ed to keep the chmnel -1 ik.'d out -this was our guide in tho-e .lays, :i8 wf. had II.) lu.ijis or charts. The channel I hive doacriboil was known as the UKl Ship ( hannel." (Signe.l.) ,1amks IUckett. This was ma.le to me at Bois blanc Island, on iith ,Tuly, 1870. There are several persons known to me, whcise evideir.-o can be obtained, if neeiltd, which will lie ,(uite as clear an.l pointed ;«< .apUain Uackett's. It maybe remarked als.i, that in many instances since the .late of the seizure, several .Viiieri .an uewspaiiers have admitteil, sfime the fact, ami some the po.-sibility, of the (/unl having b,3en constriiotei.l in error within Canadi.m waters. Th.- following is an c.vtract from the Detroit Trih iiic, ft paper not nn- Iriendly to the present Oovcrniuoiit of the i;nited States ; — "The charp.'S of the (.'an. i.liinjoninals respecting the alleged illegil arrest of certain men "and f'ssels by the .Vm.'ric.in ,iutii.)Mties. at the new Ship Canal being built on the St. Clair " Flat--, seem to hive .some roundil.on hi fact; ami it is not unlikely that not only arc the the seizures, but lli.it the Canal itself may be entirely in Ameiiein authorites wrong in the seizures, but lli.it the Canal itself may be entirely in ladiau waters, i.nd a grand .lead loss to the Ameriain people, after a great amount of ' Cana " money has been o.xpeu.lot upon it.' A iiiiro rdi.'Hit \-\in <•( thfl Cli.rt of iIik SI. ( liiiv Kl«t«, nl' wlml ,\:tlf I .miiI'I u"I ft'i'.'rt;iin, /;(// ■I'llii «iwir .mri''7/. ani pr^nl'd t'lKiit tli( mini: idale, ilneg not show lli(< lioimdaiv liim con- timiv'l f>v>^r till- I'luU.- winanliri); the inreimce lli.it tlin oirur in l^i^in^ ilil<<»ii in tliti liiht, i.*«ue, li.id I'seii iliicovi'ied, mkI tlie con di- thin ui«il« liy exi.uiiging it lioui tli* ~iil.!-e.|iiiiit i^Miie. It ray lio remiirke'l Ivre, iliat nil veisol- lniilt > n, or pii(rigc.l in niivifintirin llie l.kci. "I the WdHt, lire entilleil tu reiv'vc I'lOiu thit otUoe of the '• I.uko .*<urvpy," obiiln of the liaki-n mill Hiieis, uy^H iiiii'lii'tttiuii. T Vi'.v '.i.'i^v.viyv .■/ iiie siiiim pn/wi- iJiOf-i Aift. tho (.'hivit, roivU Ihuii; — :t.i I.-, .•<•' it«.^ to M<= r!is,;gf BMvM /.T "<iii tiic cM iiiMiin ill til" l..'ik(i Survfy i illj.o l.i>re. tli.' rlottc'l l.oiiml.iry lin^ 'Iop? iitil run " tlii'iu)ili tlii» 1 liiiiiiiel entirely, I'lit, i'omiii|i down, lir.iniilief oll'fiom the ehiiiiiu'l. wlieie ihn •' lalter lii:il;ps i (;re:it dol'inr, iimi piucei' Is in -.ilnicst il direct coui'sc. Colli'Win^' the line which " tin.- lU'W oaiMl now pui.-iio.i. lliil on llii^ inon,' recoiil niips. th' dctted line, siiikmi; 'ti •' from ilio cii'imel. i* not l. und id nil. ;ind it nTUinly l.nks hb ilicm^di wh.n lliv^e wcro (iro. '■ li;ire<l it hid I ecnnio known ihii', Ihii line on the old nmii!' did noltinly rejirefent thn '• l"und '.ry, und it w.is Iplt ii(!!iin to the curving cbnmiel, uncording to tho lernii' of tlie " trenly. ' 111 thii ye.ir IS.'i'i the UovenniKiit of Cuiiivd.v fippiopri.itc!!! |20,0I)0 (twenty thoU8and doll n>), to :i.i\ in dec |Hning the Hats of i/ike St. (,'lidr. Ill l!S.5S the money ivii.! oxpcnded, nnJ in the Keport of the Chief Coninilssionor of Public Work.s iiid the .\^•il.t;ult(.'olnmissioner, Lettor II. dal^sd 17th April, l.S.'iS. I tind tho.^o words : — " The undersigned prosime th.it the chnnn«l proposed to be improved, and aillcd in tho " letter of the llo:ird oj Trade 'The Sout'i i,'hanii«l,' is thit known in this I'rov.nco :ia tho " ' Middle or \V;dpolrt i;hiitinel'. the npper poi-tioii of which i.s th.' I.onnd.ny lino hetwoc^n "the I'nitel St»te< imd I'l.nadi. and tho lower purt is thro.ijth I'm.idiiii toriilory solely." This clearly 3liow> thul then the t'iiief and Assi.-.l.int. Commisaioii.r ol Pulilic Works oiilti. toned no doabl wliUevor thul oven a portion of th-j chinnel iiavig.iti^d, and about two laiLs west of the ciinal now hniin? oonstruitel, w.ts m O'aua-li.m w.aur.i. I obtioned a ehart of the moio recent i-ku«>. which I beg to submit herewith. Ou it, is luid down tile ehinnel now used in navigation. I have ill licated a? nearly as powsiMo. by a red dotted line, where the boundary ran, aa laid down on the lir.-l ini-ue; Mnd by a peri^'il line the position ol the new oun.il. This latter is not given .is e.\.u:t, but suUieiently so to indi;ite its position. Again, referring to the dcoijion of the Bound.oy Commissioners, I lind these wo^l»: — •' d ,• deci le and declare that the following described lino (which is more clearly indicated on '• a series of maps accompanying this Uopon, exhibiting correct surveys nnd delineations of " .all the riviN, lakes, w.iter coinniiiiiications and islands enibr.iced l^y tli'> 6th Article of tho " Tre.tty of Uheiit, by .i black line, .-iri-led on the British ^!do with rod, .and on tho Amenoin " s:(lo witli blue; and e.ich sheet o!' which series of maps is i lontifiod by a cortilicato, sub- " scribed by the Commissioners, anl by the two principal Surveyors eniployad by them), is •• tho true boundary intended by the two before luenlionud treaties, that ifc to s..y," .to. Now a roference to that portion of the, series of maps reloned to by the 1 onnd.iry ''om- niLSfiionei's shewing the line throngii b.iko .'^t. ')lair. to the mouth of the Old .Ship Channel a.s- tlien understood and accej.ted by tiie said i 'oninils.>ionors, should readily detormiiie tho ([uos- tion at issue. I have not had opportunity of examinaig these m-iiw: thoiigli doubtles.i they are etujily to bo hid aee.'ss to at \Va.shington and I.onilon, if at any t;me roiuirod. 1 have obtained, how- ever, .ind heiowith submit a tracing purporting to be a copy of the map of the said Boundary- lino Conuiii.vionoi's, >liewing the line as they l.iid it down through I.iike St. Clair, ;uid into " the mouth of the did Shiji Channel," the tracing, ot nhich this is a copy, was furnished by the Secretary of the r.a.ird of Ti-mle of liulDdo (or by Watson A. Foi, Esip, Chairman of tho Iiredgiiig Coni.iiittcej in January. 1856., and previous to the lirst issue of the Chart* by Capt. Mi'ade's surveys. Assuming. Ib'ii, this tracing to be ii coriecl copy of the map of the Iloundaiy Comminsioii- ers, — iind there Sfcms to be no reason to doubt itsncur icy ; itappearsiiuiieovidentthat, a.s 1 have already slated, the whole if the I'nnal now lieing constructed, is within Cuindian waters. This being the cate, JIi. I.iiileis clearly entitled to tho interference of the Goveniment in hi* behalf. 1 limy I ■■ pciiiiiliHfl, In .■onrlii'.ion, to any I hit tlio tiimliiko in tlie location of the new! 'anal niroriiiig, ii« i( (l,n',, i1;b i3()ntii'l ol' tlin nmin irtiiy of thn iiivigition of the Wn«tarn l.iikM, in ono eiiiinunlly loiiuiriiiy pnnnjit ntlention. in oulor tlna liiondly intwicoiirso m ly bo maintjiin- 6(1,— the runtmvl intorostii ot tho two (wniitnos sulworved nnJ swcuieii, and fiui h diffimiltiis ai tlio future might (Hissilly gii'o rise to avoidod. I hare the honor lo he, S,r, Vour ino^t obedient ilumble aerrnnt, (I. MoMICKRN. ir. Bkknaiid, Esy., Deputy of the Minuter of Justice, ^-'tlHWIl. COI'Y «l a i;rii,i,i oj (t Comniillcr "f /If HoiKU-fihlc llir /'/.'/I'V COl Xt'lL, upiirovnl hfi Jlh KirrlhiK 1/ the duri'mor dimral in I'mimil i>n Ihc -Wlh TIp' Coimnillfc ol' Coiuici! luivi' h;i(l umlor (■<>iisi<lcnitii>ii tlu' iiiiiifxt'd IJriM.vi iha.'.! Jilih Anu'usl, ls70, IVimi tlif l>rputy ol tlw' MiiiistiT (O' Jus- \\w, (•(.n.\irre(l in l.v tl..' Hon. Sir (i.'..r-r.' Kt, CmvIut, m'liiii;' l<.r tli.' Hum. till' Minislor of Juslici', on an npplication on hihulf ol' Ilinmi I.iitl.', rcs- nc'lin"- iho sci/.nr.' of two vctiscls h.'ionLrin<? to him, iiml his own arrcsf at l)rtroirt)v the I'nitod Stiitos nnthoriti.-s. lor iin iilh'-v.l nltcmpl to cvii.l.' ihi' Ki'Vi'iinp laws of that c.uulrv; and thoy n'.sixM'IfuUy advis,. that thi> ^■.■(.nnn^'ndation.s (•onlainoi in th.> said luiuoxril l{i'i>oits he approved and adopUid. [CcrtiiuHl,] Ch'i-li Viifl Ciiiniril. DkPAUTMKXT UK .TfHTlCK, OUaica, Aiigiisl Iblh, IS70. Tht' undcrsii^ni'd lias th(< honor to rc-port that a complaint has hcen niatlf liy Mr. K. f;toi)hcnsini, M. 1'., on behalf of Ilirain Littl.', of Wallace- l.uryh. in the County of Kenl. ui ihe ['rovince, of ^miario, oi an outnitre .•ommitted upon the latter, and seizure of his property by the Customs authorities at Detroit, Frojn the allegation, it would appear that Little carried eerlain (Mnd- wood to works at the f<t. Clair Flats, now in course of (;onstrue.tioi> ' a Contractor on account of the CTOvernment of the United States, without at- ieutii>n to lUe Customs' Uei;rnlatious of the United States. Mr l.iille alleaes that tii.> pliicp at which he delivered the oordwood, i^with.u thi' boundaries ot the Dmuinion of Canada, and therefore not Hubjet.-t to ihe laws of the United States ; and ihal the seizure has bei'U wv'or.irful, and te. his y;veat dotriiacut. The petition of >[r. Uiitle was referred to Mr. McMieken, Commis- sioner of i'olice, who proieetb'd to make empdry into the circumstances of the case, and a full rej)ort on the subject is submitted by him herewith. Tl. L'ts appear to be as follows ; Hiram Little, bein<r the owner of the Steam Barpe "lieindeor" and wood IJurcre "Campbell," was proceedin;.'- with the same with cord-wood taken on at the Kiver Sydeidnun, in the County of Ivent, to be discharirod at the St. Clair Flats at ihe works or Canal now in course of construction by one John lirown, lor the (io\ ernment of the United States. The Steam Bnvfe, Ueiim- i2:{ tons burden proiielled by a propeller Steam F^ntriue, is of the value of §2,300 00, and the wood Barije, of the value of $200.00. Tliiit on th.' JTth .liiiu' laM, tli.' ISiiruvs avnvcd at the Chaiuu'l and disiliiiv'vd llu'iv cavuo lor thr Contractor Brown, lb r usi' in thi' construc- tion oC liis work ; iind that whilst so doinii', tlirce Wcvcmic OlHct'Vfs Irom Detroit, seized the two l^aru'cs and tlieir caiiro, nnd the t()llowini>' day sci/od Hiram Lilt!. ■ tiiniM-U ; and he and the Harucs and the men in his employ were taken to Petroit I'cr smne-;i'lini? wood ; a)id a .^hip-kcepcr was put in ehar!,'e hy tlie Collector ofCn^^lonis at Detroit. Tli;it the C(plleetor suiii-csled thai lloiids ^^honld !ic irivcn to thp ainoiuit ol'$:l,i'ii(>, heme- Ali, ')<><> for ihe Jlnuesand $-iiMi I'or costs, npon 'rivin:;' which the lla''u-es were rclca.sed. l.uuc: laniseii" \\ as reieased withovil liail. Tl appear.'; further, that libels have hecn liled au'iiinst the vessels and wood by the U. S. Disirici Attorney of Michigan, which allege that the same arc Ibrl'eit. d to the I'niicd Slates. Thi' iM)int which i-^ ur-'cd o)i behall' of Mr. Little is. in I'act, whether the newK drcdued Channel a.'Voss ihe r<t. Chur Flats is in American or Canadian walers, I'pon this point. Mr. McMicken stales that he has ol)lained such intbrnialion as leads i.o a ihcn'ouyh conviction that the new Channel now beini;' eonstructcil by the Covevnnient of the United States, and where the seizure of ihi' boat's and wood was made, is wholly and unmistakcably wiihin Canadian waters. He refers to the lith artich- of the Treaty <d' Ghent, of Ihe •J4lh December 1^14, and the reference thereunder to two Commissioners to .settle ihe boundaries alluded t(j in that article and \\hie.h would govern this (piesiion. Messrs. Porter and IVir.'lav Wi>re aecordinirly appninti'd for the Tnited Slates and lin-at liiitain respectivelv. and on Ihe iMh .lune. lS-_'2, they publi.sh<'d iheir (h'cision.and it is .submit I e'd that the hue ol boundary the'ii established by Ihein, ami whi.'h is set out in Mr. McMicken's Keport, is that by which this (juestion slioukl lie troveriie<l. It will be seen that Mr. McMicUon says tliai some question may po.ssibly be raised as to the iioiiii .b'sieiiated liv 'the Commis.sion.Ts as "the inouth of the old Ship Chaiimd," but thai such view eouhl only bo supported by Vi-leiviRe to a I'hari, to which he make.- .illiLsioii. and the division line <if the Flats inarki'd lhere,,ii, and which Mr. McMickeii believes must have l)een mad.' after the award o| the Commissioners in IN^-J. As to the view of the boundarv line which has been taken by Canada hitherto, the same is referred to in" the Rep.nl of tile Chief Commi.ssioiier of Publie Works of l>'r>S. under which certain money to be expended by the Uoveniineiit of Canada was, the C.nnmi-siinn'r presumed, to be for the channel " proposed to be improved, and called m th,' letter of the Hoard ot Trade. ' The South t'hannel,' or that known in ihis I'rovini.'e .as the ■ Middle or Walpole Channel,' the upper portion of which is the boundary line b.'tween the I'liited St.ites and Canada, and the lower part is through Canailian territory sol.'ly." No d')nbl, 1 wever. should exist on this point, inasmuch as the decision of Ihe Boumlar. ('(unmissioners is given in precLse wm-ds. and in wdiich Ihev speak of a series of maps exhibitiiiii- surveys of all the riv^u's. lakes imd water commiiiiicaiions. ,Vc.. embia.'od by the (jth article of the Treaty oiChenI bv a b,'a. k Inie .dia.bd i;; ihe Br^li-h side with K'ed. and on the Ami'riean side with lUiie. sub.scribed by th,' Coiiiiuissionei's and piin.'ipal Survevors; and .Mich is spoken of by them as the true boundary intended. It a)ip".'ars'iinp is.sible at this uiouu'ilt to obtain a cop_\ ol that U'eport or of the plans atlae!ie,l llo'relo D will be ,ib,s,rvi.,l thai .Mr. M, .\liekeii .'oni'liidcs his report tiy stating "that the mistake bv the C,overnmeiil of llu' Inite.l Slal.s in t!ie location of Ihe new Canal, alh'itine', as it d.ies, the control of Ihe main arter\ ol the Western Ijakes, is <me einiiieiitlv rcjiiiring promi)i atti'iilion, in >)rd,'r that fni'iidlv intercourse mav be mamtaiiu'd ihi' miiiual iiit.'resis of the hvo countries subs.'rved aiii'l si'cnred, and such diilicullies as the future might pos.,ibly give rise to, avoided." The undersigned lias Ihciefore the liouor to sltggest that the Co- 10 v,.vnor (lonoval should he requested to communicato, throu-h Ilcr Maifsty's \ , ist.M- at Washiunion, with th.' Tni....! Stah-s (loy.-rumeul ivpresentint-- h . >a<'ts ronn.M.t.-,! u'ith the sei/t.iv of the st.uitu l.av-^^e and wood baruo, .1 a with the pergonal avre.s. of the owner Uivam L.tt e , and h.rther s alu...- that, to save his property, he entered i.tto l.onds on account o the saiTie; and cUvimin- that as the seizure was mad., and the at . .-t Hi'oeted on Canadian Territory, the Untied Slates (.ove._nn.ent shmiid is- e an order lor the, cancellation of the honds eo uuven l.y Mr. l.tttle attd h ; release irotn any liahility there-under. to hi^tase i an.l h.s stiro tes . a, d that due compensation shonUl he ,.warded to htm lu respeel, ol the seizure or the Uarires and of his r "sonal arrest. The undevsion.Ml lakes the liheitv of suu-restinsx that it is inexpo- dient to enter into a.tv detail upon the h..undary line quosttoii, or to !u., otherwise, m communi.attnu' tlie '•■- -^ "- <l™"cnt ol the Imi- led States, than upim the fac'ts o (Jaiiadiau Territory. ol ■^ h.... ..J 1- , . :iicts to the Croverniuent of the Uni- Ihe seizure having' heen made on (Signed) 11. UERNARD, D M. .1 1 concur in this report (Signed) (Ua). ET CARTIEK. Actin"' for the Minister or.Tusti( WiSDiou, Ontario, Novoralior 22ml, 1870. UII.BEUr ik'MICKKN. Eskj., Vulitc C*//A/rtia3ii/rtcy, /^c, Jtluwa, Om,. Sii:, I have to report that in acoonliiiic^o with ymu- insli-uctions 1 proceeded on tlie ISth inst,, ill t]ic <to,im yacht "nndine," ~A' Detioil, to the Kluts of 1/ilce .St. Clair, and made the Riiivey ot the luc-ition of the Caiiil lately constructed l.y the (lovemment ol the United .States in the vicinity of the boundary line between the United .States ;:nd Caniulii. I oomiiienoed by uscerta.iiing the position and bearings of the North Westerly side of the ohiinuel called the •South Pa.s»" at, and a short distance on each side of the mouth. By this means I defined a point in the channel bank of the mouth of the "Pass," which I could rejulily locate on the chart issued by the liuieau of Topographical Engineers of the I'nitod .'^lates. I then nrociedcd to lay down a meridian line by an observation of the North .Star on its Eastern Elongilion, which I look on tii.' I',lth msi., from the North Westerly .sidoof the Canal ; and from this liiij, in coniioclinn wiili abase hue mea-sured along tho side of the Canal, formed a seriesortriiuijiles,— from whichlsuliseiiuemlycjd.'ulated the distance and astronomical bear- ing ol Ak- point at the mouth of the "I'ass' hi relation to the seve ' oints on the sides of the Canal. 1 also checked the position of the Canal by iisoert lining the true bearing of a line passing over the Channel b,ank on the Canadian ^ide of the '-Vam" at the extreme Northwesterly t!iigo of iiie iir.;i! car ra tii it. And on siib.«o.iiio.-itly plotting tlies.j lines on thi Chart aliO^ru mentionwl, 1 found them to agree with the survey. 'Pile Topography on the Triieings which accompany this report is taken from the Chart Just inentioned , and the direction find position of theboumlivry lino between the United .States and ( 'Muad I, from a tracing pinporlhig to b,. a true copy of pari of the original map iletining the boundary line l.otweou the two countries, signed by Messi-s. Barclay anil Porter, and referred to in their report. l!y reference to the accompanying Tracings, it will bese.n that the International Boundary l.iiie passes through a coiner of the Canal at its North Easterly end. Ihe portion of the t'anal in British waters, consists of a uinicuUir pieo containing an area of 4l,2.')li ■-.luare feet, ol which the Kast.-ily pier of the ( anal occupies i;.').<l«"l s.iuaro feel. In other wonls tlic ontermnsl side of the I'leco lies in British waters for a distance of about 750 feet, and the inner side.-a distance of .''iijij feel. In .arriving at these re Hilts I )iavo assumed— in accordance with your instructions- the International Boinu! n y lane to be truly laid down on Messrs. Barclay 'Uid Purler's Map, and the Topography au' I Soundings to lie correctly represented on the United States Chart fur- iiishod ly you. 1 have 1 ho honor In be. .Sir, Your obedient servant, FRED. 1'. FO.STEK, Provincial Land Surveyor. 13 Ottawa. 3()th November, 1870. S,, , „.v.. ...B honour to report that, i„ o.,e,liouc« U> your in,truclion» I ^^^^'f^'yif ,s,,,-U..v. II. ,..,vi,.esor ft Boocl ioi.l reli.l.le Surveyor to locte the new :''^::: :i;:::~ .: ne.r,y ..o,„,tte,., .. ..« aov.rn,v,ent or tUo mU.! St>te« tiotuil Houndary Line as accurately ns poBsiMe. I wns fortunate in ...nuing th' -ervU-.e. of Kre.lerick 1. Foster, Es, , of Windsor, Provinehl , ,. :„ vivor .. «.n,lo.n. , enuuent in his p,.f...on f irreprcchal^.e characWr and haUt, una enjoying the contidence and esteem of idl who kn, » hun. llehapvened tobemBoBtonvvh.nIc.dledupon him, l.ut,-reHpondin«tomytele;.^^^^^^ ,,,„,":.; ilediately to Canada, and agreeing to undertake the w.k, we proceeded ..thout lo)>B of time t.acromiilish it. , ,„ ,he 16t.. instant 1 -ngnged a sm.U stean. yacht to conv. y the S>.veyo. n^K »• ■ , , ,» ,o .he r.nd and early on the 17th we left Detroit m her. After geltms a h" miles ::l::Z ;!::;<e'r were o„uid to .otum, owing to the »evere .torm then prevailing, and .he ho it proving quite nn-feaworthy. We procured another «m^ll .teMn yach^-tlie •Undine." of somewhat greater h-ngthot Ueel'lLving a. otter engine. >" -- ^™.ta,.ed ane. in th<, cou.ec. t^ n^^^^^^^ «ix hour, of a stormy au,Uomewhatd.,ngerous p.vssag.-, arrived at Ihecmal on the M.as, morning of the 18th. Kor what was aocompli.shed there, to give effect to your instructions, I hog leave to refer you to the Report of the t-urveyor herewith sulmi.lted. rl,,r,outoppor.unityof changing ^t" m^n^; ..g o, the \' th, the dcuds, which during the ni.ht 1 obscured the PoUr .tar, dis3ip:iled, and Mr. foster obtained an excellent observation. , ,,u.t what Ins l,een ,loi,e will be found .atislactory, and the expense (a Statement of .vliich I submit herewith) be considered in Keeping with the closest econon^. t have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble .Servant, G. MoMICKEN. Ijooumonts submitted herewith :— 1st. Ueijort of Surveyor K. L. Foster, Esq. Und. rian shewing the position and location of the Canal. 3rd. Chart having locdion of Canal laid down tliercon. 4th. Chart of lal.T date from i»me plate but having the boun- ttiry line wroxe tin l-iau oiiiiteii. y y. X 5 r c r 33 > r H r > CO m C I