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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cMch«. 11 est film6 A partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^• /.»■ 1 / PROSPECTUS GOLD NINING CO.. LIMITED. #V' m^p^ OM» MINES and OFFICES : Rgssland. British Columbia. 1896. R E LEE Gold Mining Co*, Ltd. Registered under the laws of British Ci.himbia. OPRRATINr. THE TwO CLAIMS R^ E. Lee and Maid of Erin. The Combined area of the Claims being about 80 acres. Capital, $2,000,000, In Shares of One Dollar Each, issued as Fully Paid and Non-Assessable, of which 500,000 have been set aside for development. BOARD OF DIRF ORS : The Hon. JUDGE SPINKS, /ernon, B.C., President. S. F. McKINNOX, Toronto, Vice-President. W. G. JOHNSOX, London, Enj.^ W. T. STUA^IT. M.D.. Toronto. . K. HAMILTON, Barrister, Rossland, B.C. H. WALLBRIDGE, Barrister, Toronto. Secretary- Treasurer : D. M. LINXARD, Rossland, B.C. \V k« \t SITUATION OF THE HINES. The mines which now surround the Town of Rossland, in British Columbia, are situ- ated on two zones known as the South Belt and the North Belt, which run a parallel course east and west. The North Belt is the best known, as there has been more develop- ment on it than on the South Belt, but the latter has come into active prominence during- the present year on account o^ the richness of the finds having demonstrated its great mineral value. The'*R. E.Lee "and'' Maidof Erin "claims are on the South Belt, and are two of the best known claims in the district. They were originally located on account of the strencrth of the vein which runs througfh them, and which can be traced to the Homestake in the one direction and to the Crown Point in the other. Besides this vein, which is well de- fined and runs through both oronertiVs. fhpre 3 IS another parallel vein which also passes through the claims. The early prospectors preferred the South Belt to the North Belt, the first claim staked out was on the former, and opinion is rapidly forming that it is merely a question of in- creased development to make it fully equal in value to the latter. /■I DEVELOPMENT. The work on the " R. E. Lee" comprises a shaft about 40 feet down on the south vein carrying from ten inches to two feet of a high grade of ore. There is an open cut on this vein of about twenty-five feet in length which shows the vein to be at least that width with ore intermingled through it. When the Kootenay & Western Railway was being constructed, this vein was cut by the track showing ledge matter for over 40 feet with seams of ore. On the main vein there is a surface cross cut of 35 feet and about 15 feet deep, all of which is f* I in ledge and vein matter and ore. A drift run on the ledge from the deepest part of this cut for 35 feet shows a continuous body of ore all the way. An experimental shipment of ore although taken from a position close to the surface, nevertheless paid more than all the expenses of mining, transportation and treatment. At this point the vein has been uncovered on the surface for about loo feet, showing a strong well- defined out-crop of good ore and ledge matter. The same vein has been uncovered and proved about 800 feet east of these workings. On the ''Maid of Erin " there has been a working Miaft sunk 63 feet, which is in ore all the way to the bottom. The shaft is about five feet by seven and the clear of the ledge is wider. At the bottom of this shaft there is two feet of clean ore. At the 50 foot level in this shaft a drift was run on the vein to the east which shows ore all the way. At one point three feet of clean ore can be seen. This vein can be traced to the extreme east end of the claim. The work done is still insufticient to disclose the full size of the main vein as the hanging wall only has been found. This is also the case on the R. K. I^ee. These two claims have always been held in hi^Hi esteem, and were in fact ori^nnally bonded for a lar^^er sum than any claim on the South Belt. Both claims are mentioned with approval on paj^-e 30 of the Report on the Rossland District by Mr. William A. Carlyle, Mineralogist to the Government of British Columbia, and in every review of the camp made by minint( experts the two claims have been spoken of in high terms. Many quotations might be given from the local press noting the approval of those qualified by experience to give an opinion on the great value ot the two claims. HACHINERY. The necessary machinery has been ordered to commence the active development of the mines which amongst other things in- cludes a five drill compressor plant, hoistinjf and pumping machinery, with engine and boiler of sufficient size to supply ample power. The houses are already erected for its reception and it is expected that the work- ings will be in active operation within the next few weeks. I , TRANSPORTATION. The Columbia & Western Railroad from Rossland to Trail passes over the claims, and the Red Mountain Railroad from Ross- land to Northport will be open for traffic within a few weeks, which will ensure com- munication with all the railroad systems of the United States. SHARES. The Company enters into possession of the property free from any debt or liability of any kind. The Bonds were paid off on the loth October. ^ Complete surveys have been made of the claims and application for a Certificate was made to the Government at Victoria, B. C, on the 7th September last which will shortly be received, when the properties will be held and operated under a Crown Grant from the Government. The proceeds of the shares now offered for sale will be applied to the development of the mine. The rest of the shares are pooled, and will not be offered for sale until the de- velopment fund has become ample to place the mine on a shipping basis. 34 8535^^8(1^ 8 PROSPECTUS OP. THE R. L- JLaEC GOLD niNiNG CO., LIMITED. 1 I MINES and &3 :i^ 1896. •I, ).,