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JESSE JOSEPH. JACOB SAMUEL. ISRAEL RUBENSTEIN, LOUIS DAVIS, J. H. BLUMENTHAL. M. RUBENSTEIN. I w MINISTER REV. A. D. MELDOLA DE SOLA, I A. BY-LAWS OP THE OF MONTBEAL. BEVIBKD AKD PASSED THE 12TH DAY OP APRIL, 1886, (27TH NISSAN, 5645.) PREAMBLE. Whereas the Synagogue of this congregation was specially endowed as a Portuguese Synagogue ; and whereas by the Act of the 2nd Session 2nd Parlia- ment 9th Yict., Chap. 96, it is enacted that Persons of the Jewish faith, calling themselves Portuguese Jews, being inscribed and registered in the manner provided by the Act 9th and 10th Geo. IV., Chap. 75^ and being members of this Synagogue, shall elect from among their number a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three Trustees, to remain in office for one year, and be known and designated under the name, style and title of "The Corporation of the PoRTuauESE Jews op Montreal." — That in con- formity with the said several Acts, and to eflfect a right understanding among the several members of the said Synagogue, and to promote the peace, good ^rder, and welfare of the general body, the following Code of Laws is hereby made and passed for that purpoBO, with the hope that each member of the said Synagogue will comply with its dictates, so far as he is individually concerned, thereby contributing to further its sole object and intention, namely, the preservation of the peace, prosperity and weal of the said Congregation, of which he forms a part. ARTICLE I. Clause 1. The oflScers composing the Board of the Corporation shall be voted for, from among those members only who shall have in all respects complied with the following by-laws : The said officers shall be voted for by ballot separ- ately, viz: — The President, the Treasurer, the Secre- tary and the three Trustees, in the above order ; and such candidate having a majority of votes shall be declared elected. 2. Should there be more than one candidate pro- posed, and the result be a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. 3. The same Officers, or any one of them, may be re-elected. 4. The Officers and Trustees so elected shall pro- vide the said Congregation with a Hazan, Shochet, Shamas and Mohel to perform the services required of them in their several departments hereinafter des- cribed, and shall have exclusive control over them in relation to their duties and salaries; it being enacted, however, that the appointment of a Hazan shall be submitted to the members of the congrega- tion for approval and ratification. 6. After the ©lection of the Officers above stated, the said members only as aforesaid shall elect, in a similar manner, a member to act as Parnas (who may be a Trustee or other Officer) and he shall have the management of the whole internal affairs of the Synagogue, and attend ail meetings of the Board, but shall have no vote thereat. - 6. The Parnas shall have a superintending power over the Hazan and Shamas in the Synagogue, and see that they faithfully perform the duties of their respective offices. 7. Should either of them appear deficient in the discharge of their duties, he shall report the same to the President, in writing, who shall immediately take cognizance of the same by laying the said communi- cation before the Board of Trustees. 8. All the Mitsvoth shall be in the gift of the Par- nas; and, in the case of his absence, of the President, who shall officiate for him. 9. Should both the Parnas and President be absent, the Senior Trustee shall officiate for the occasion. 10. The said Members only, as aforesaid, shall select a Superintendent,; or Gabai Beth-Haim,. whose duties are laid down in the by-law relating to the cemetery. ARTICLE II. OF THE PRESIDENT. Clause 1. It shall be the duty of the President to convene, through the Secretary, all meetings of the Board, and also all public meetings (at the latter of 6 which ten Hhall form a quorum), at loth of which he shall preside, and fn all cases have the casting vote. In his absence the Treasurer shall preside in his stead. 2. He shall issue all orders to the Hazan, in writing, permitting him to perform the ceremony of Marriage for all persons belonging to this Congregation ; and also for any person or persona not being members thero 3. He shall also issue all orders to the Mohel permit- ting him lo operate for all persons belonging to this Congregation, and also for any person or persons not being members thereof. 4. All and every application for the services of the Hazan, Shochet or Mohel, of this said Congregation, shall be made to the President, who shall grant such permission, after having first obtained the consent of the Board, and ascertained that the party so apply- ing for such services be not in arrears. 5. He shall certify all claims against the Congre- gation, (save and except the salaries of the Ofl&cials,) and keep in his possession, during his term of office, the Seal of this Corporate Body, which he shall affix to all documents when necessary. 6. He shall, through the Secretary, summon special meetings of the Congregation at the request of five members, delivered to him in writing, stating the object and purpose of such meeting, and shall, at the written request of any two members of the Board of Trutees call a meeting of the said Board, provided such request states the object and purpose of such meeting. AKTICLE III. OF THE TREA8UEER. Clause 1. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the Congregation, liquidate all claims certified by the President, and also liquidate all claims certi- fied by theGabai Beth Haim, and deposit all amounts over the sum of one hundred dollars currency, in one of the banks of this city, in the name of the Corpor- ation of the Portuguese Jews of Montreal. 2. He shall in the absence of the President pro- side at any meeting either of the Board, or of the general body. 3. All applications for seats in the Synagogue shall be made to the Treasurer, whose duty shall be the letting of the same, according to the terms and rates fixed by the Board of lYustees. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to see that the Eeal Estate and other effects belonging to this Congregation be properly insured against Fire. AETICLE IV. OP THE SECRETARY. Clause 1. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the transactions both of the Board of Trustees and of all meetings of the congregation, both of which he shall summon, when requested by the President so to do. 2. The Secretary shall give to each member at least one week's notice of all meetings of the congre- gation, and such notice shall mention the object of 8 I Hi the meeting ; save and except for Annual Meetings^ ard for introduction and alteration of By-Laws, for which he shall give three weeks' notice, which notice shall also mention the object of such meeting and proposed alteration. AKTICLE V. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Clause 1. All the meetings of the Board of Trustee* shall be called by the Secretary by direction of tha^ President, but, (except in cases of emergency), at least two days previous notice thereof shall be given. 2o Any two members of the Board shall have tho power to call a meeting of the said Board by address- ing the President in writing, requesting him to call such meeting, and stating its objects, 3. It shall be the duty of the Board to make and renew all contracts withiu its cognizance in such a manner as may be deemed proper and conducive ta the interest of the Congi^egation. 4. It shall be the duty of the said Board to enforce either by law or otherwise the payment of all monies due this congregation arising in any manner whatso- ever ; and it is hereby expressly understood that all fines fi'om members refusing to accept ofl&ce, accord- ing to the By-Laws hereinafter described, are includ- ed in this clause. 5. The General Meeting for the election of Officers shall take place during the month of April, at which time the newly-elected Board and Parnas shall assumet their duties. ft 6. Any member elected to fill the office of President^ and refusing to accept the same, shall pay a fine of ten dollars. 7. Any member elected to fill the office of Trea» surer, refusing to accept the same, shall pay a fine of five dollars. 8. Any member elected to fill the office of Secre- tary, refusing to accept the same, shall pay a fine of five dollars. 9. Any member elected to fill the office of Parnas^ refusing to accept the same, shall pay a fine of te» dollars. 10. Any member refusing, when elected, to act m Trustee shall pay a fine of four dollars. 11. Should any member who has filled any of the^ above offices for one year be elected to any of th& offices or Trusteeship, and decline to serve, he shall not be subject to be fined for one year ; and any mem«^ ber paying any of the above-mentioned fines shall also be exempt for one yoar. 12. The President, Treasurer and Secretary shalli be members of the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE VI. OF MEMBERS. Claiise 1. Bisfore any person shall be eligible to* becomo a member of this congregation, he must have been a seat-holder for at least three years at not less^ than ten dollars per annum. 2. All members of this congregation must conforui ID to the act of incorporation as laid down in the Pre- ^amble. 3. Any person having been a seat-holder of this congregation for at least three years, as aforesaid, and ^eing desirous of becoming a member, must make iipplication in writing to the President, stating such his desire, which application shall be laid by the President before the Board of Trustees without delay for their action thereon. 4. Upon being admitted a member (and registered as aforesaid) he shall be entitled to vote on all ques- tions brought before the general body of the congre- gation at all general meetings. 5. All payments shall be due and payable three months in advance, and no member shall be entitled to vote &D any question, or interfere at any meeting, ^ho is in arrears six months ; and, if required, the Treasurer shall produce a list of such defaulters. 6. Every member not in arrears shall be eligible to hid elected an Oflacer of the congregation, and also ^eligible to be elected Hatan Torah and Hatan Beres- hith, the two latter appointments to be in the gift of the Parnas. 7. Members shall have the right to officiate as ^egan on the occasion of the confirmation of any of their children, (by fir t obtaining the permission of the Parnas, and not being in an*ears). They shall :also be called to the law in rotation, and at the dis- <}retion of the Parnas. They shall also have the right to the attendance of the Hasan, Shochet or Mohel, on ^^11 trvvwoiv/iio vTuoii i/iiuir survious may oe required,