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HARDY, Photographer, KKNTVIM.E, N. s., From whom Uditional copie, of the book or single phoiog„ph, of • nyoftheillu.trationj can be obtained. I-ongtelloWs conception of Evangeline, TI^E JAMES BAYNE COMP ANY Photographers, Eng A. L. Hardy. ravers, Printers • GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAn" U. S. A. N5 . A«- t ■ I Camps at Aldershot, <«ie nile Irom I Ic.U I k 4» . #^ imps •t Aldershot. (tie HMe Irom Kentville. J % « * • steamship Prince Qeorge. for Yariiiouth, Nova Scotia. There are lie iiiorn comenient or com- fortable than "the abovV, ■e;peci;Vi;"for"Vhe'people"of'New Knyland or Southern States. "This'conrpany now owns six steamships r,|ual in comf.,rt, and eleKance of interior finish to any of the trans-Atlantic liners. Another v.. . ,^:.u.,.,, :, „„„ „r»f»r Mont'real or < Miebec, then by Intercolonial Railway to St. Johns, New Brunswick, and steamer Rupert '° Disby; or f you prefer - - ncton via Intercolonial Railway to Halifax and from there to Yarmouth via Dominion Atlantic Railway. One of the Dominion Atlantic Railway Company's maunilircnt steamers ready to leave Hoston. Mass .for Y"'""" Bral desirable routes by which the Annapolis Valley can be reached from the United Stages and t-a>^ad_a^west^ biit.m, able than the above, especially for the people of New Kngland or Soutr - safety, speed and eleifance of interior finish to any of the trans-Atlantic liners Montreal or (Juebec, th * " tinue on from Moncton Another very desirable route is by way of the Grand Trunk Railway to ' an all-rail route con- *^ a A Panorama V of Yarmouth Harbor from Markland Height*. liivc yuii a 1 Panorama View J Yarmouth from Bay View Park. .r„n-X'i''T'^?L''' ^i""V de'irable re.ori foi all claHes of peup.e, more especially for tlie American from New Kniiland and the Ea.tern States The scenery ,, varied and interesting. It is a siirression ..? hills and doles, lakes and rivers, islands and bavs. Nature has affordedVliintani^^^^^^^^^ nZ, ?„"s1i'lT'?'Tl,' "■'"■"'' "k"°' ^f. '"'^''"'^''- '■■'"' f """"" '' " ".(■^•^""^ '"' h»y f«ver. The hotel accSnunod^iZ are all that cohr.esire^^^^ most fastidious. There is no better hotel east of Quebec than the 'Grand;' the Oueen i* not ver, much hehird besides these'Lre are les *' etent o us VarmoMlh Llglit at t'lt BntraiiM ta tli« Omar HarKw. Yarmouth from Bay View Park. &.'rlod""ThL7;,rdlr;s';rr''^^^^^ -'- °? -^'""ns .hrcv open .l.rir honsrsfor ,he .cco,„„.„da.ion of .ourUu for . UrZ^ K 'l'"'t^''"i!'* *!«°B'^ are very similar to it af ihe people of New Fnalana Tn S i. Jr ''.' ^ V' ' ""•."".• "'"^^^ "' "^'"'' ""•l "">"»•' "' J«My b, ,ha New Kn,l,nd Loyali,... and .,uU. u Amaric, f^.e, .1"^^^™^^^^^^.^^^^^ "'"^'^ >/# riain Street, Yarmouth. Residential Street in Yarmoutli. m 4 i Entrance to Hountain Cemetery. The Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, N. S. Farmers is gone throueh Sheep WashlnK. :^^^\^^^::Z^^^l^^:^^ ^'- '' " "— " --"'- -^^ -en .et U drv on .he sheep's back before shearing. This process BuildInK a Railroad. Oxen are still used extensively in doing heavy work on farms and railroads'in Nova Scotia. I A nudern Conception of the Maid Evangeline. • Homewaru serenely she walked with Gwl', benediction upon her.' Annapolis Basin, from Little Jogglns. The D. A. R Hridge in the foreKroiind, the town of Digby on the hillside in the distance. D^gby is a beautiful town of 1500 inhabitants sitn ted on a hillside overlooking the Annapolis Hasin. It is one of the gateways to Evanseline land, tht S. S, Prinre Rupert .iiakes daily trips between St. Johns. N. B. and Diuby, ronnertiuy th** Interrolonia! Kailwav with hotel acconnnodations are eood and prices verv reasonable. the D. A. R. for !!a!ifa.\ and Vs ,i!;ir resort town. The AnnapollA River through Lawrencetown. Bea.- River Bridges. tef^ttrta ^:^ ""^*' ■'■)'*' ■;// . wi^su^ Uk: Annapolis Royal [o"a.l°." ^\^:^ .r cll^;^f^cL'/J,r«r.'^..'^l^/^ir,?,'i!«„'".r S!?.i''l-"'/"-' -r*- 1 S^ *"",-'-- ^ha. has been said of Di,bv wn. ,p„„ ISnglaiiU ..urt»i. coiiiimiaiiy inakinK raids upon their territorv'to"'Dinndpr and H.^il'io'^L'i;!! :i ^°'°"''=='- " PiuVed lu be a ihorn in the Hesh o' the New from Massachusetts Bay, until ,7,0. when English rule b^ame supreme and the name^ There are no restrictions on H.hin. ., you --..S^r/^'^.ra^^lllj-l^^^^r v^^ti^ll^ ^'^il^ aJ^^.Kre^fsSyl^l^elf ^t'J^ s ^ s H 5all> Port or Bntranco to tho Port. The Old Bomb-Proof Stone Magailne. countrT°'hwashire'lh«^','h^?r'Jnr'^f^ls^^^^^^^^ fort are still more attractive features than the natural and physical charms of the surrounding country, it was nere that their forefathers fought bravely to wrest this stroniihold from French rule. InapectliiB the troups at Aldershut. line mile from Ki ilville. Cold Brook Fish Pond. m ^^ ■ ..*' \ Mr ] ii - QatheriuK WaUr Llllea. Port Williams, High and Low Tide. The cause of the ebb ami flow of the tide twice in twenty-four hours witli almost perfect reuuiarity has always been a mystery. It is claimed by scientists that in some way it is caused by the motion of the sun and moon, but in what way they are at a loss to linow how to explain. Newton was the first to write on the subject, since then .Amy, Hansen. Newconib, Laplace, Adams and others, but they do not auree. Why the rise and fall should varv sn ninrh Pt diffprpnt norfi; nr fhp parth I rnnnnt iinHprstanH cntnp rilQrpc it i« h-jt-Hl*- r^pr^ Partridge Island and Pie i Pier and Beach, from Partridge Island Two Views of Baxter's ff-.rbor. Main Street, Canning. Old Popiar Trees at Qaspereaux. Harold Borden Monument. Calldonia Lake, Queen's County. Kingsport Pier. 1 1 g Low Tide, Kingsport Pier. 1 Bluff at Kingsport, Low Tide. I Cape Split. Main Bluff, Cape Split. Little Cape Split. Bridge at Port Williams. Hinh and low tide, h variation c>' forty fett. From Cape Blumldun Looking South. Cape Blomidon. " Away to the northward Blomldun i Blomidon is the highest prominence in that locality. It is co have .^?:^^--s i^^-^^:^^^^^::j-ji^ ^;^^r a^ t^i,^t!^i^!^^^ ^^ih^r.l^^^t'^.i^is^T^ seemed to mysterious Two Views of Blomidon: One from the Land, the Other from the W.ter . -..-, >.iE uiucr irom ine Water. Qathering the Fruit. I Hillcrest Orchards, Kentville, N. S. t^!^;l^^^^ cH.ate is so weM adapted to NVehaveonly room to illustrate a few views of this orchard taken at different se^ons of the yeLr!' " ' "'''"''"'"• '"'"'=°'"' '^'"='"*^-^ ^"^ ''"ince. South End of Acartia Seminary. ■ White Rock Mill*, aa«pereaux River. Qaspereaux River. One of the Best Salmon Trout Streams in Canada I I Old House and Poplar Trees at Qrand Pre. noore'* Falls near Kentvllle. Black River Palls near White Rock. a Kentville Mill Brook Brldg*. nain Street. The Royal Oaks. SCENES AT KENTVILLE. From Academy, LookinK East. Post Olllce, Kentvllle A Winter Scene at Kentvllle. Two Views of the Depot, Kentville. mil Brook, Kentvllle. Court House, Kentvllle. Nova Scotia Carriage Co. ii Aberdeen Motel, Kentville. Davison's Lake near Qaspereaux. I I Qaspereaux Valley and Village. Hortonvllle Railway Bridge. Qaspereaux' River. 1 Horton BluH Light House. i II i Cornwallis River at Watervllle. i Oaspereaux River. (Ia5pereaux Lake. Qaspereaux Valley from South Mountain. Wollville, Irom Starr's Point. olfville is located in the lewion known as Grand Pie, on tlie basin o if Minas. It was liere tliat scenes in tlie lives of the Aca.lians, the earliest inhabi; ■ t' w. uacte his.-.ic dykes d that formed the has for Lonufellow's i loeni "EvanKelint ,f the Aradians. nearly two hundred and hft> years o Id, in The town is beautifnlly situated on a sloopint! hill overlooking the basin with .he tions, historic interest, pu re sprinK water, tine roa are annually attracting an im school of horticulture. reased number of tourists ids for driviim, wheelinn o plain view. The natu- al attractions .r walking, clean cool and well shailcil streets of the iilace, the excellent hotels, its sanitary c ;li- neat and artistically painted huildinKS and snfmner home-seekers to the place. It is a college town. The Acadia colleges are located here; also : ■ ts h .he oiidi- iliiiKS : also Wolivllle from Chlpman Hall, looking north, showinK Cornwallis River. Cornwallis River, Minai Basin and Blomidon. troi r, Minas Ba^in and Blomldon. from Wolfviile. Front ol Acadia Seminary Hotel. WoKville at Sunrise. Chipman Wall, Wolfvllie. Acadian Home rianual Training School, Wolfvllie. The Village of Qrand Pre. ■On the shorts i.f tlie Hasill of Minas." " IJistanl, seclniled. still, the little villase of Grand I're.' "Where is the thatcheil-roofed villa^je, the home of Araiiia!i farmers''" "Nnught hut tradition remains of the heautiful villaKe of I'.r v. I're." Cnrnwalllx. from Look OH. Qagpereaux from the Hill. ' J;?y. '" ""f friiitfu! valley. \ast iiieadnivs stretched to tlie I'.astwiird, tjivinj; tlie village its name, and pasture to flcicks witlmut nuuilier " Bvang-^llne Beach. New Windsor, from Hill. Windsor Irom Parry Hill. I Park Road at Halifax. Bridg* acroM th« Avon RIvar at Wlndcar. Sam Slick'* House, Windsor, N. S. King's College, Wlndeor.