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SAINT JOHN: PRIITTSD BT HENRT CHUBB, AND SOLD AT THE C^.VBIEB OFFICE, MABKBT*Sq,VABe. .i@L ■If \. ! ':'l i!!l \\\ ■■Ml '■m . ■Mt m ,M , 1 /. :*' i. hi I •/■;■] ■>i M I ■■•■; ' ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 184^. There will be five Eclipses this year— three of the Sun and two of the Moon, in the following order :— The first will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 11th of January, at llh. I9n). in the morning, which will be invisible iu all North Amer- ica, hut visible and annular in the Soiuih Pacific Ocean. The second will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon on the 26ih of Jan- uary, at Oh. 54m. in the afternoon, and consequently invisible m the North American Provinces. The third will be a total Eclipse of the Sun on the 8th of July, at 2h. 5m. in the morning, and of course invisible in New Brunswick.— The path of total phase passes through part of Spain, the South of France, North of Italy, Austria, Russia, Tartary, Chinese Tartary, and China, to the Pacific Ocean. In the North West part of this Continent a partial Eclipse will be visible. The fourth will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon, on the morniiig of the 22d July, at 6h. im.an the morning, invisible in the North East part of the United Stafes and iu this Province, but visible in the Southern States. The fifth Eclipse will be an annular one of the Sun, on the 31st of December, at 2h. 6m. in the afternoon, invisible in North America. It will be visible throughout South America, and in the neighbouring Seas, including most of the South Pacific Ocean, and a great part of the Southern Ocean, extending to upwards of 70 degrees of south latitude. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. The Planet Venus will be Morning Star fjrom the beginning of the year to its superior conjunction with the Sun, March 5. From this, to its inferior conjunction, December 18, it will be Evening Star} and from this, to the end of the year, it will be Morning Star. Jupiter will be Morning Star from the beginning of the year, to its opposition, July 10; and thence Evening Star, to the end of the year. Mars will be Evening Star from the beginning of the year to iis conjunction, June 25 ; and from thence to the cod of the year, Morn- ing Star. Solar V>cle, Lunar Cycle, Epact, COMMON NOTES FOR 1842. .3 Dominical Letter, 19 Roman Indiction, 18 Julian Period, . EaUINOXES AND SOLSTICES. I). Vernal Equinox March 20 Summer Solstice June 21 Autumnal Equinox September 23 Winter Solstice December 21 H. 7 4 6 11 B. 6556 M. 17 Evening. 26 Evening. 30 Morning. 59 Evening. MOVEABLE FESTIVALS OP THE CHURCH IN 1842. Septuagcsiina Sundny-, Sexagetsima Sunday, Quinquage&tma, or ) Shrove Sunday, J Ash Wednesday, . . Mid- Lent Sunday, . I*alm Sunday, . . Oo©d Friday, . . . 2 Jan. 23. . •' 30. i Feb, 6. . " 9. March 6. " 20. . " 25. Ea«ter Dey, . . . March 27. Low Sunday, . . . April 3. Rogation Siinday, . ,. 31ay 1. Ascension Day, Holy > „ ,, Thursday, $ ''' Whit Suind. or Pentecost, " 13. Trinity Sunday, . . . *• 22. Advent Sunday, . ^ Nov, 27. Januar March April May June June June Sept. nt-^ ^"i^^ , aiiitfellj ^ . HOLIDAYS AT THE PUBLIC OFFICES. January 1, March 17, April 23, May '24, June 20, June 24, June 28, Sept. 29, New Year's Day. Saint Patiick. Saint George. Queen's Birth Day. Queen's Accession. Saint John, Queen's Coronation. Michaelmas. Nov. 30, Saint Andrew. Dec. 25, Christmas Day. Ash Wednesday. Good Friday. Easter Monday. ' Easter Tuesday. SIGNS OP THE ZODIAC. V Aiies, Ham, y Taurus, Bull, U Gemini, Twins, 25 Cancer, Crab, SI Leo, Lian, TiU Virgo, Virgin, iiead. neck. arms. breast. heart. belly. :G: Libra, Balance, reins. TTJ Scorpio, Scorpion^ secrets 4^ Sagittarius, Archer, thighs. b=> Capricornus, Goat, knees. mm Aquarius, Waterman, legs. K Pisces, Fishes, feet. THE PLANETS. © The Sun. O D O 2 Saturn. ^ Herscheil. OLD AND NEW STYLE. The Julian Year, introduced by Julius Caesar, 45 years lefore the Birth of Christ, made every fourth year, without exception, a Leap Year. This, however, was an over correction ; for it supposed the length of the tropical year to be 635^ day^i, which is too great, and in- duces an error of 7 days in 900 years. Accordingly, as early as the year 1414, it was perceived that the equinoxes were gradually mov- ing from the 21st of March and September, where they ought always to have falleu, had the Julian Year been exact. A new reform of the Calendar was thus required ; and it took place und^r the popedom of Gregory XIII., by the omission of ten nominal days after the 4th of October, 1582, so that the next day was called the ISth, and not the 5th. This change was immediately adopted in all Roman Catholic countries, but tardily in the countries of Protestantism. In England, the change qf_ Stylet as it was called, took place after the 2d day of September, 1752, eleven nominal days being then struck out ; so that the last day of Old Style being the 2d, the 1st •f New Style (the next day,) was called the 14tb, instead of the 3d. The same legislative enactment which established the Gregorian Year in England in 1752, shortened the preceding year (1761.) by a full quar- ter. Previous to that time, the year was held to begin with the 25ih of March, and the year 1751 accordingly did so; but that year was not suffered to run out, being supplanted, on the 1st of January, by the year 1752, which it was enacted should commence on that day. Russia is now the only country, in Europei, in which the Old Style is still adhered to, and tne difference between other European and Russian dates amounts, at present, to alout two weeks.— ilmmcan Almanack, •II ;i I'll // i I / / / w. SIGNALS 3[ade at Partridge Island on the approach of Vessels to the Harbour oj" Saint John. One Rail close, for one square-rigged vessel. One Ball, half hoisted, for two square-rigged vessels. 'Vwo Balis, close, for three square-rigged vessels. Two Balls, separated, for four square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, of any colour, for five square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, under a Ball, for six square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, over a Ball, half hoisted, for seven square-rigged vdftseTs. A Pendant under two Balls, close, for eight square-rigged vessels. A Pendant between two Balls, separate, for nine square-rigged vessels. A Flag, of any colour, for ten or more vessels. |.The above are hoisted at the East or West yard-arm, according to the quarter tlie vessels first appear in, and when their rig cau he made ont, the following descriptive colours wi(t be hoisted at the mast head :] A Union Jack for a Flag Ship, with or without a squadron. „ with a red pendant over, for a two decker. „ with a blue pendant over, for a frigate. „ with a white ditto, for a small aimed vessel. A blue pendant, for a merchant ship or barque. A red ditto, for a merchant brig or origantiue. A white and blue ditto, for a foreign square-rigged vessel. A while ditto, without a ball, for a topsail schooner or sloop. A flag, blue and white horizontally, a neutral fleet. A ][»eudant, white and blite, a nefntral man-of-war. A lilue flag, a neutral merchant ship. A red, white and blue flag, an enemy's fleet. A red, white and blue pendant, an enemy's man-of-war. A Union Jack over neutral or enemy's signals, the vessel is detained or a prize. A while flag, over any signal, the vessel bears a flag of trace. A red ^ag, pierced white, for a steamboat from Dis^by. A blue flag, pierced white, for a steamboat froia SaiiH Andrews or Eastport. \ red fia;;, with a white square, for a steaihboat from Boston. A Bail at the mast head, vessel is on shore or in distress ; — should in>mcdiate aid be necessary, guns to be fired. ]n thick weather a gun will be fired at Partridge Island, in answer to each gun heard at sea. There is a Fog Bell on the Island, which M rung in fogyy weather, to warn vessels of their approach to the shore. W>;cn a vessel requires a Pilot, her descriptive pendant will be Jm\ SliprjlSi shewn at the yard-arm, instead of a ball. ^m^ . > i ^^ TiMK FOR GOING THROUGH THE PALLS, NIAR THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN. The FsHs are level or still water, at about three and a half hours on iMJiood, and ahont two and a balf on the ebb, so that they are passa- ble foiir times in twenty-four hours, about ten or fifteen minutes each lime. If o other rule can be given, as much depends on the floods in .the River Saint John, and the time of high water or full sea, which is ^fic.T haMened by high winds, aud in proportion to the height of them. 4 'he Ihrbvur ^ed vMseFs. resscls. ged vessels. according to lau he made nasi bead :] Iron. )l iel. iloop. I \^ 1 is detained truce. Andrews or Sotton. BS ;— should d, in answer land, vhich oach to the ant will be LS, air bovrs on y are passa- linutes each he floods in ea, which is jhtof them. lit Month. MNUARY. 184.2. I come ! I come ! fresh from the hardy north, My hoar beard bright with cems whic*)) drink the rays Of the enfeebled sun. LoT on my brow » I wear a diadem of diamonds seefi And silvery frost ; and, as I sweep along, I scatter from my bonv hands bright drops Of frozen dew, while irom my jewelled wings The virgin down falls noiseless on the sea. moon's phases. Last doarter, 3d, 5h. 12m. even. I First Quarter, ISth, 4h. 4m. eve. New Moon, nth, llh. 19m. mor. I Full Moon, 26th, Oh. 43in. even. 1 Sat SU 3 Mo Ta We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu We Tb Fri Sat SU Mo Tu We 5 6 7 is 9 10 11 n 13 14 15 16 17 !8 19 CALENDAR, &c. 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 2a 22 Si 34 S5 S6 36 87 3S 38 Circumcision. Clear 7 id Sun aft Christmali 7 Ed. Conf. d. 1605 Epiphany. Siuslering and cold. Moon runs low. 1st Sun after Epiph. Changeable, 7 21 ,d 39 Royal Exch*gc t>urrrt,J7 20 4 40 with snow [1838.7 20 4 40 Chas J. Foxb. i749.|7 19 4 41 GtfireinSt.John/37.17 13 4 42 abottt this tinte.'J IS 4 42 2dS.aftEp.Bat.Cor.'7 17 4 43 Sir J. Maorek. 1809,7 16 4 44 Prisca. Very cold. \l 15 4 45 Cuidad Rodrigo ti^.j^ 14 4 46 Ris. & Sett h. m. h. m. SUN*S ^ec.S d. in. 20;Th Fabian, [kea, lSl7^|7' 14 4 48 SUrSeptnagesim^t Sundi Mo Stormt/. Tu Conv, •f St. Paul. We Moon perigee. Th Fri Sat' DukeofSussexb. '78. Sir F. Drake d. 1596. Geo. III. died, 1820. SU.Sexagesima Sunday. S>ijMo Sain or snow. .p. 7 7 7 7 7 7 17 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 8 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 1 23 56 22 50 22 4i 22 38 22 31 22 23 22 15 22 7 21 58 21 49 21 40 2] 30 21 19 21 8 20 57 20 45 20 33 20 31 20 8 19 55 19 41 19 23 19 18 18 59 18 44 13 28 54|]8 13 5617 57 O R. & S. h. m. 10 24 11 32 Morn 41 0|Hiah water PI 55 8 15 19 54 6 65 Sets. 5 43 6 49 7 52 8 50 fe e be re re se se th th tb kn kn le le ie 49 50 ^1 62 58 57 58 17 40 17 24 9 52 10 53 11 56 he Morn fe he 1 2 3 4 5 C 15 28 37 43 6 83 Rises 6 40 S 1 15 10 26 11 43 hel ne ne ar ar br br ha ha tie be re re h. 2 3 4 5 6 7 in, 25 16 5 2 13 39 8 52 9 48 10 89 11 17 n 67 Q l> leven 1 9 1 3,7 2 9 2 41 3 15 3 52 4 29 5 41 7 9 841 9 55 10 56 11 41 Morn 24 1 11 1 S5 2 10 ^S.i.M \' . m y\l I ./ 2d Month. FEBRUARY. 1842. i f ' I, ? '^i i I. I breathe upon the earth's last lingering flower; As to the sunny south 1 pass^and lo 1 It gathers up the tender leaves and dies. I touch the monarch forest tree, and down From its wide branches fall the yellow leaves, Like showers of gold on nature's carpeting, Where'er I rest my iron foot, bright sheets Of crystal shine— th,e brooks, the lakcs^ the seas, Hush their sad murmurings, for on their waves 1 fix my icy signet— and tliey're mute. ***** Gather around your blazing hearths and tell Dread stories of my power. * * * * sioon'b phases. Last Quarter, 2d, 5h. 30an. mom. } Firstduarter, I8th,ll(i.44m. mo. New Moon, 9th, 6h. 53m. morn. } Full Moon, 24th, lib. 19m. ev«3. /^^fdll 1 1 3 Tu , Changaahl^ We Candlemas. Mild^for STh 4Tri 4 5!Sat e'su 7|Mo I 8Tu 9 We lOTh ^ , JllFri ;wi^^i,. 18SU 14 Mo 5Tu 6,We ITiTh ISFri 19Sat 20 SU f^r •rir* «- V -v-^ " 2» 24 Sb «7 98' Mo Mo Tu We Th Fri Sat CALBNDAR, &c. Ris. & Set! h. in, h, in. Mo«o ruDs low. Quinquagesiroa Sun. I^rocyon lo. lOh 20m Blustering Ash Wednesday. Queen Victoria mar. to Prince Albert, 1S40 and cold, Ist Sunday in Lent. Valentine. A thaw X way he looked for 6 1 59 59 1 ^„ 5 some days. IB 58 5 ^ - "- 5 '^ 5 SUN*8 dec.S d, m. O R. & S. h. m. 57 56 54 53 52 51 6 50 6 49 6 47 6 46 17 16 16 16 3|15 6 6 Sun enters Pisces. Moon runs high. 2d Sunday in Lent. Mercury Stat. Snow^ at hand. perigee. St. Matthias. Moon BatttofOrtbes, 1814 More settled SU 3d Sun. in Lent. and fine, 6 45 44 48 41 4d 39 37 6 36 6 34 6 33 6 33 6 80 6 39 6 33 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 16 ^17 5. 19 15 15 15 14 914 1014 1113 1313 1413 1512 13 12 11 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 2011 31 10 23*10 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 24 26 37 28 30 31 32 7 50 33 14 56 38 19 1 41 32 3 43 40 2 43 31 89 Id 56 35 13 51 29 7 44 23 Morn 3 4 O PI se se 7!se 9th 55th 35 kn 11 kn 34le Sets,' le 5 441e 44fe 48re 23 fe 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 46 51 Morn 3 L 14 34 27 19 10 2 3 4 5 5 6 Rises. S 4 9 13 he be ne ne ar ar ar br br 59U0 32 46!ha 7 be be te re High water h, m. 3 43 3 35 4 30 5 41 7 3 8 27 9 28 10 15 10 56 11 29 4 36 1 6 1 37 2 10 2 45 3 23 4 9 5 10 6 40 8 30 9 87 10 39 11 26 Morn 3 39 1 14 U\^' ■ »f*i 1842. 3(1 Month. MARCH. 1843. SONNET TO SPRING... Spring is again on oarth : tliat glorious season, When Beauty, Life, and Jov,— mysterior ■ Three !— Work silently in man, and bird and tree, Wooing all nature to divincat mirth. Now from her wintry sleep th' awakened Earth Rises and revels in aelicious gladness ! MOON'S PHASES. .44m. mo. I9m. evu. .o LHigh •Pl • water k. m. •e 2 4S Ue 3S5 nte 4 30 )th 5 41 >lth 7 3 »kn 8 27 kn 9 38 ile 10 15 le 10 56 •ile 11 28 Ife 4 fe 36 fe 1 6 he 1 37 he 2 10 ne 2 45 ne 3 23 .ar 4 9 ar 5 10 ar 6 40 br 8 SO br 9 87 jha 10 89 ha 11 ae be Morn be 3 le 39 re 1 14 Last Quarter, 3d, Bh. 26m. even. New Moon, 12ih, Ih. 32in. morn. Fir»t Quarter, 19th, 6h. 45m. evo. Pull Moon, 2Ctb, 9h. Om. morn. oi o ssN ^2 CALENDAR, &c. Tu St. David. 2|WeJ.WM^ydied. 1791. S.Th Stormy weather. 4 Fri Moon runs low. Ris.&Sets h, TO. h, TO. SUN*8| O R.iO dec. S& sets' 5'Sat ejsu 7|Mo 8,Tu 9, We lOTh ilFri 12'Sat j3;su H,Mo 16 We 17 Th 18 Fri 19 20 SU 91 Sat Fine and mildJi 4th S. in L. M. L. S. 6 Skowers^Q Regulus so. lOh 40m 6 Moon in apogee. about thit time. < Martyr Gregory. 5th Sund. in Lent. Fair and pleatani} for the seMon}^ •^ ^6 St. Patrick. Change-^ Rieg. south lOh 50ai6 Mo 22 Tu We Th Fri Sat SU S3 24 25 2fi 27 23 29 Mo Tu 5 5 5 » 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 5 6 St. Benedict.' ahU. 5 59 6 Failing weather }i 5S 6 Earl of Lancaster be*{5 56 headed, 1322 5 55 Good Frid. Annun. Fine for Easter Sunday. s^me days. Catholic eman. 1829. Moon runs high. Palm Sunday. 80 We SljTblMoon runs loir. 11 be Rises, re 8 8re 9 26'se 10 38*86 11 4S;th Mornth 7 # ! I , V< > !:i !:i ' tr; 1842. APRIL. 4th Month The unchain'd rivers and the laughing rilli Bound wildly forth, and fVom the throned hilli Leap down nke living streams of lioht and glory ! The ancient skies look young : the Tresh>born air Is all alive with sound and frasranco rare } And e'en the moss-clad ruins look loss hoary ! I know not how it is, but at this season 1 feel an overpowering sense of sadness, aiOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter, 2d, Ih. 33m. even. I First Quarter, 18th, Ih. 86n>. mo. N,ew Moon, lOlh, Ih. 35m. even. | Full Moon, 24ih, 6b. 31m. even. ■m iv !, IFri SS»t ssu 4 Mo 5Tu eWc 7;Th S^Fri 9 Sat io;sy iiImo 12Tu 13 We 14Th ISFri 16 Sat CALENDAR, &c. ® ISun's Ri8.&Sct8dec.N h, m, h. VI, ^ n IS 19. m 23 •HA •25 26 S7 su Mo Tu We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu We Clear and fine. 5 lit S.af East. Low S. 5 5 5 St. Ambroie. Moon in apogee. Sleet or snow, 5 Reg. BO. 8 56 Colfl and stormy. b 2cl Sund. after Easter 5 Pleasant^ 5 5 5 5 Arcturus so. 4S for the season. Moon runs high. Changeable and 5 ■ - - 5 5 5 Warm about 6 Moon in perigee. 5 [West. ar.N.Y.'38 5 2STh 29Fri 90lSat 3d Sund after Easter. rainy $,t. Geo. SiriuRS&Gt.5 4th Sun. after Easter. 5 St, Mark. » 5 this time. 5 5 Moon runs low. 5 Arcturus so. 11 37 5 Pleasant Ihowfrs. 5 8 33 30 29 d, til. 44 6 16 43 C 17 41 6 19 40 G 90 39 6 21 37 6 23 36 6 24 35 6 25 S3 6 27 6 28 6 C 23 6 32 2t 6 33 25 6 35 24 6 S6 23 a 37 6 G G 30 81 22 21 ]9 SS O R. &ieti h, m. o PI 1 23 th 2 Sikn 2 47jkn 3 Jile 31 le 49le lOfe 2;fe 5 53;he'i0 2G Set*, he'll 7 41ne'll 3& 8 54ne'An0 3 3 4 5 HifiH water h. m* 8 3 48 4 36 5 54 6 5g 8 16 9 7 94s 10 9 21 It 8 9 431 Morn 10 4.; IS 2oe ar brt Olbr 40 ha 16 ha he be re 10 25 1 10 46| 1 S9'll 7j 2 41 11 28 2 44 18 C 42:11 48; S 8 17 6 43 12 9, 3 SS 16 6 44 12 29 4 22 14 6 4C'l2 49Rise8. 13 6 47,j3 8: 8 13 12 6 48 13 23; 9 24 «e 11 6 49']5 47;10 26th 10 6 5014 611 22 th 8 6 52 14 25'Morn kn ? 6 53:1443' Ckn 48 1 27 2 6 9 50 •3 3& 4 4i 6 S 7 3f- 8 4> 9 4> ••e'lO 3> «f J] 20 sen 57 Morii • 3r 1 35 1 5$^ 2 4i 5tli Month. MAY. 1842. And walk opprcsu'd beneath a wcicht of care : Yet, such is the o'erinastcring inigTit of Beauty, And BO divinely loyal every creature, That I, a mourner, dare not breathe my treason Before the gentle Mujcstv of Nature; Mut tune my accents to the song of duty, And snv, while tears flow from me while 1 sing, •' The beauty and the blessedness of Spring ! '" * " —■ ■ "" ■ " I ■ ■■■■ m il 11 ■■ I ■■.^M I. ■ . !■■ ,1, 11.^ ■■■■■Il-- — ■ I I ■ ■ .1 I ■! ■!■ I M002(^S PHASES. Last Quarter, 9d, 7h. 60m. mo. I Fir&t Quarter, 17th, 7h. 14m. mo. New Moon lOih, 6h. 42m. mo. | Full Moon, 2! V^'^ Fair Summer comes again ! " The little hills rejoice on every side "■— The valleys gladden in the grateful rain, By genial showers supplied. Gay voices fill the air ! The Blue- bird's carol, and the Robin's song, And mirthful sounds are springing here and there, Where streamlets glide along. H ^11 IWIMI I I^P^M^—^— —^H— — ^— — ^M— IM^^^^^^^— — l^ii— — m ail I ^i— 1^ ^ moon's PHASES.^ Last Quarter, 1st, Ih. 55m. morn. New Moon, 8th, 5h. 17m. even. First Quarter, ISih, llh. 65m. mo. Full Moon, 24th, 4h. 25m. even. Last Quarter, 30th, 6h. 44m. even. 19 1i4Fir 26 SU S7Mo 28Tu 59, We 80|Th CALENDAR, &c. Ris.&Sets hmiK, h.m. Sun's dec.N d. m. ^7icomede. Jupiter South 5 S3 Warm* Geo. IIT. born, 1738. 2dS.BfT. D.Cumb. [born, 1771. Arcturus south, 9 4 Moon runs high. Changeable, mih rain, St. Barnabas. 3d Sun. after Trin. Hot and suUrif. Magna Charta, 1815. Grotvittg showers. St. Albans. Bat. Waterloo, 1315. 4th Sund. after Trin. Q. Victoria proc.lSS7. Bat. ofVittoria, 1815 Very warm for the season. Nat. St. John Bap. Showers. 5th Sunday aft Trin. [Geo. IV. d. 1830. Q. Victoria crowned, St.Pctcr^ [1888. Fine and fair. 38 3S 4 37 4 37 4 4 4 4 4 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 4 34 4 34 4 33 4 33 4 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 S3 33 33 33 34 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 57 27 27 23 28 28 28 23 27 27 2? 27 27 27 26 22 22 22 22 22 2^ 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 2 10 18 25 32 33 45 50 56 5 9 13 16 19 21 23 25 26 27 27 27 27 26 24 23 21 18 15 12 41 2 54 Rites. 9 33 9 58 10 18 10 39 11 23 High water h, m. New Firs I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 S 9JS 10 11 12 1 16! 171 18] 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 31 ^ontb. a. even. \m. even. ^1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High water A, m. 21 4 8 15 U 4 10 55 11 35 2T 1 7/ 1 47 2 29 3 10 3 57 4 56 6 9 7 81 8 46 9 60 10 38 U 25 11 54 Morn b 42 } 19 1 64 2 28 3 2 7th Month. JULY. 1842. Wild flowers are peeping out From their rude hidiDg^places 'mid the rocks ; And o'er the. fields and mountains round about, Exult the gamboling flocks. Insects awake from death, And leave their coflSn-s hells, on wings to rove ; While soft and balmy comes the south- wind 's breath, Storming the vernal grove. moon's phases. New Moon, 8th, 2h. 4m. morn. I Full Moon, 22d, 6h. lih. morning. First Quarter, 14ib, 5h. 9m. eve. | Last Quarter, 30th, 9h. 4lm. mu. >Ks CALENDAR, &c. Cloudy weather. Visitat. B. V. Mary. 6th Sund. after Trin. U.S.Ind. 1776. Very fine. Moon runs high. Changeable^ Passamaquodd} sur. [to G.B. 1814. 7th S. after Trinity. rCoKirabus b. 1447. /^CZ with tJmnder. Ris.&Sets k. m. h, 7». VoQua sets 9 19 4 French rev, com. '89. 4 St. Swithln. 4 Charming 4 8tli Stin. after Trin. 4 BatLundy*»Lane,*l3 xceather.\4 Margaret. Rain,^4 Burns died, 1796. 4 Magdalen. Sultry A 46 Union af Eng. & Sept. 4 47 9th S. after Tr. [1706.4 48 tit. James. High 4 48 St. Anne. winds.\4 49 Continues warm. 4 34 34 34 35 So 36 36 37 37 38 38 89 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 4^ Wiiberforce d. 1833. French rev, 1830. W.Penn died, 1718. lOlh Sun. after Trin. 60 51 52 5» 54 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 26 26 SlTN'b dec.N d, m. 23 23 2G22 25 22 25 24 34 23 ^3 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 13 17 17 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 O R. & S. h. I 16 20 15|20 1420 1320 12*19 1219 Jl|l9 1019 9:19 8,18 718 618 8 4 69 54 49 43 37 31 24 16 9 1 63 43 34 25 15 4 54 43 31 20 8 55 43 30 16 3 49 84 20 in. U 45 Morn 10 51 1 27 2 22 Sets. 8 16 8 9 10 lo 11 11 O PI he he ne ne ar ar br br ha ha be be re re se se se th 58 20 46 13 42 9 37 Morn 9 48 1 40|th 2 36 kn 3 38 Rises. 8 4 28 47 '6 27 49 15 SO SI 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 kn l« le le fe re he be be ne ne U High water h. m. 4 16 5 7 6 5 721 8 35 9 44 10 42 U 31 20 64 1 31 2 8 2 50 3 32 4 27 5 36 6 58 8 23 9 81 10 21 11 7 11 44 morn 021 52 1 24 1^5 2 67 3 3 3d 4 20 tr 1 !r' fl:- \i If "** 11 if ? ft 1842. AUGUST. 8th Month. Now groan the wheels beneath their load of hay, The farmer mowed ere yet the morning ray, With thirsty touch, had«ipped the pearly dew From the ripe grass, dry leaves and drooping yew. At eve the scythe resumes its death-like race ; Each mower strives to have the swiftest pace; Hark ! how the whetters instantaneous ring The gladsome field— d*w hear the damsels sing ! ■ I .. . ■ -< > moon's phases. New Moon, 6th, 9h. 49m. morn. First (Quarter, 13th, Oh. 25m. mo. Full Moon, 20th, 9h. 17m. eve. Last Quarter, 2dth, 10b. 53m. ev. 1 iT 3 4 5 G 7 10 n 12 13 14 55 3G 17 J8 a • Mo Tu We Th Fri Sat SU CALENDAR, &c. Mo dTu Laromas. Batt. Nile. Moon runs high. Abd. Chas. X. 1830. Fine seaionabte Lord North died, '92. Transfig. weather. llth Sun. after. Trin. Sliowery, Saturn south 9 25 St. Lawrence. Ver^fine Geo. IV. born. 1762 Q. Adelaide b. 1792. 12th Sun after Trin. Changeabtey [ld.39. Great fire in St John, ani elouiy. RoyalGeo. sunk, 1786 Bat. Saragossa, 1710. llStb Sun. after Trin. -^iMoMoon in apogee. Dry and trarm. St. Bartholomew. Rii.&Satt h.m. h, m. ?0 ?1 We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu We Th lolFfi Sat SU -•^tiu 24We 2SjTh «6;Fn 27;Sai i^S|SU !29Mo 30|Tu 3llWe Vert/ hot. [St. Augn»tine. Hth Sun. after Trin. St. John Bap. behead. Moon runs high. Perhaps rain. I ' V >. m Mi Month. SEPTEMBER. 1842. AUTUMN. Tis sweet, yet sad, upon an autumn mom To wander in the quiet fields, and see, Like Ruth, the village-maidens in their glee^ Among the reapers and the bending com. Or can we mark, from yonder hoary thorn The leaves that spring hung there, drop silently, And sink to rest beneath their parent tree. Without a thought that we must die forlorn ? moon's phases. New Moon, 4th, 5h. 10m. even. Full Moon, 19ih, Ih. 37m. even. First Quarter, lUb, lib. 2m. mo. Last Quarter, 27ib, lOh. 9m. mo. P M © Sun's O R-iO High • CALENDAR, &c. Ri8.& Sets dec. N & S. PI water • • k, m h. ffi. d, m. A. in. h, m. I Th St. Giles. Fine. S/Ste 6 28 8 21 1 3 br 743 '^Fri Lend burnt 1666 o.s. 5 33 6 27 7 59 2 22 ha 911 3^ Sat Changeable. 5 35 6 25 7 37 3 46 ha 10 IS 4!SU I5th Sun. after Trio. 5 36 6 24 7 15 SftTS be 11 2 5,Mo Malta surren. 1800. 6 37 6 23 6 53 6 43 be 1144- G Tu Copenhagen, turren. 5 33 6 22 6 30 7 9 re OlD 7 We [1807. 5 89 6 2*1 6 8 7 39 re 55 S Th Nat. ofB. V. M. 5 41 6 19 5 45 8 11 se 120 9 Fri \Vm. Conq. d. ie07. 5 42 6 18 5 83 8 38 se 211 10 Sat Bat. Champlain, 1813 5 43 6 17 5 9 35 th 2 57 11 SU 16th Sunday aft Trin. 5 44 6 16 4 37 10 25 th 350 12 Mo • 5 46 6 14 4 14 11 24 kn 4 53 U Tu Bait. Quebec— Wolfe 5 47 6 13 3 57 Morn kn 6 9 14 We & Mohtcalra killed, 5 48 6 12 3 28 17 kn 7 48 15 Th [1759. 5 50 6 10 3 5 1 29 le 8 36 16 Fri Moscow burned, 1812. 6 51 6 9 2 4t 2 31 Ic 923 17 Sat Lambert. 6 52 6 8 2 19 3 31 fe 10 18 SU 17th Sun. aft Trinity. 5 54 6 6 156 4 3? fe 10 45 19 Mo Fine loeather. 5 55 6 5 133 Rises fe 11 20 50 Tu '[DenMrara sur. 1803. 5 56 6 4 1 9 5 59 he 11 57 21 We St. Matthew. 5 57 6 S 4f 6 24 he morn 22 Th Prs. Augusta d. 1840. 5 59 6 1 22 6 46 ne 2* 2S Fri [ivar, 1828. 6 6 S, 7 19 ne 51 24 Sal. Coospiipicy ag. Bol- 6 1 5 ^9 23 7 54 ae 130 25 SU I8th Sun. after Trin. 6 2 5 5S 47 8 43 ar 2 6 26 Mo Moon runs high. 6 4 5 56 1 10 9 39 ar 2 47 irj Tu [St. Cyprian. 6 5 5 55 134 10 45 br 8 34 28 We BacofBuiaco, 1610. 6 7 5 53 157 Morn br 4 23 &9 Th Michaelmas Day. 6 8 5 52 2 20 4 ha 5 45 30 Fri St. Jerome. 6 10 5 50 244 1 18 J ha 3 7 IS i '.i 1842. OCTOBER. 10th Month Time flies like the eagle that soars to the suo, Time flies like the ball that is fired from the gun, Time flies like the shadows that vanish away, As the seconds which make up the hours of the day. Time flies, the small sands of the hour-glass express, Time flies, the warm pulses of life all confess, It flies swiftly by, as the visions of youth, '* Time flies ! " ever sounds in the clear voice of Truth. M00K*S PHASES. New Moon, 4th, Ih. 27m. morn. I Full Moon, 19th, 6b. 16m. morn. First i^uarter, nth, ih. 44m. mo. | Last Quarter, 26th, 7h. 44m. eve. 1 2 3 4 ^ CALENDAR, &c. Riii&Sets h» m, h, in. Higli water h, in. Sat Reroigius. Bat. Nile;|6 SU 19th Sun af Trinity. 16 Mo Tu wd ejTh 7Fri ^Sat »SU 10 Mo 11 12 IS 14 la 16 17 IS <»1 22 24 Tu We Th Fri Sst SU Mo Tu 19 We 20 Th Fri Sat 2»SU Moon in perigee. |6 0ear and cool..^ Brainard died, 1747. |6 Dr. Mask-jlyhb 1732.6 Zimmerman d. 1795.|6 Jisgh winds 6 20th Sun. after Trin. and rain. Duncan's vict. 1797. Batt. of Queenston— Gen. Brock killed, 1812. 21st Sun. after Trin. St. Luke. H.K.Whited 1806.6 Lima destroyed, 16S7 6 Batt. Trafalgar, 1S05. 6 Fair and fine. 22d Sund. after Trin. Mo 25 Tu 26 WelCapt. Cook b. 1728. 27 28 29 SO 31 Th Fri Sat[ SU Mo St. Crispin. Hojrarth died, 1764. St. Simdn & St. Jude. Changeable asd Sun. after Trin. atfout this time. 14 1 H ' 8 4 5 6 7 S 9 26 27 21^' 29 80 w 1 1th Month. NOVEMBER. 1842. " Time flies ! " says tbe tempest that rushes aloog^, " I leave desolation to echo my song ; " " Time flies ! " spea!' the lightnings that blaze in tbe sky, And roar the loud thunders which break from on high. " Time flies ! " say the blossoms that laugh in the spring, *' Time flies I " answers autumn, its labor I bring; " Time flies ! " &aith the lily that blends with the rose, On the cheek of the fair one who dreams in repose. moon's phases. New Moon, 2d, lib. 11m. mo. 1 Pull Moon, i7lh, lOh. 30m. even. First Quarter, 9lh, 8h. I6m. eve. | Last Quarter, 25tb, 4h. 3m. mo. • j,., , water P P © jl Sun's! R. O High h, m. ^ CALENDAR, &c. [lis. & Sets|dec. sic & S. PI water 8 42 9 47 • ^ h, m, h, m,. d, m. h, m. k, m. 1 Tu All Saints. 6 52 5 8 14 24 5 17 re 10 12 10 87 j; We All Souls. Fair 6 53 5 7 14 43 Sets. 90 10 57 11 21 3 Th Prs. Sophia born. 6 54 5 6 15 2 5 14 se 11 39 1164 4 Fri andjine. 6 55 5 5 15 21 6 4 th 22 36 5 Sat Moon runs low. 6 56 5 4 15 39 6 57 th 1 3 1 16 , 6 SU 24lh S. after Trin. 6 57 5 8 15 57 7 58 kn 144 1 58 7 Mo Batt. Cryiler*s Farm» 6 59 5 1 16 15 9 5 kn 2 26 9 4S 8 Tu [1813. 7 5 16 33 10 7 le 3 11 3 34 9 We W. Camden d. 1623 7 I 4 69 16 50 11 9 le 3 58 4S9 10 Th Milton died, 1674. 7 2 4 58 17 7 Morn le 4 48 5 33 1] Fri St. Martin. Raiti, 7 3 4 57 17 24 15 fe 5 52 61t hi Sat Moon in apogee. 7 4 4 56 17 40 1 15 re 6 42 7 50 13 SU 25th Sund. af. Trin. 7 5 4 55 17 57 2 llhe 7 43 8 46 14 Mo Snowl 6 4 54 18 12 3 14 he 8 40 9 31 15 Tu Witherspoon died,f 7 7 4 58 18 28 4 16he 9 31 10 10 16 We [1791.17 8 4 52 18 43 5 22 ne 10 16 10 47 17 Th Lord Erskined. 1823 7 9 4 51 18 58 6 80'ne 10 59 1122 18 Fri St. Luke Evan. 7 10 4 50 19 1^ Rises. 'ar 11 38 II 57 19 Sat Insur.inPoiand, 1830,7 11 4 49 19 27 5 34 ar Morn. morn ) \ 30 SU 26tb Sun. af. Trin. 7 12 4 48 19 41 6 30 ar 20 36 21 Mo Pr. Royal bo. 1840. 7 IS 4 47 19 54 7 40 br 1 1 5 «2 To about this time. 7 14 4 46 20 7 3 47 br 1 39 151 We Reb. routed at St.De-i7 15 4 45 20 20 10 43 ha 2 22 2,35 V Th nii&St.Chas.,1837|7 16 4 44 20 32 11 20ha S 5 3 21 Fri — I^apineau escapes 7 16 4 44 20 54 Morn be 8 50 4 It 2« SM hBatt, Varoux,«1799. 7 17 4 43 20 46 36 be 4 48 5 16 21 SU Advent Sunday. 7 13 4 42 21 7 1 41 re 5 50 6 37 2h Mfl » Settled and fim y7 19 4 41 21 IS 2 57 re 7 24 3 5 2S tu for some days J St. Anurew. . 7 19 4 41 2128 4 lOse 8 42 9 16 9C W€ 7 20 4 4(5 |21 3^ 5 32 15 9 46 V h'i ;a ?- 1 842. DECEMBER. 12th Month " Time flies ! " say the breathings of fond ardent love, Like the angels who flf from their mansions above, As the blushes that flash in the lace of delieht, When true heart beats with heart, and eyes burn with light. Time flies, as the fashions of earth pass away, And puts on all nature the weeds of decay, ^lew splendors arise from the tomb of the past And shadow the glories forever to last. tm M l. moon's phases. New Moon, 1st, lib. 13m. even. First Quarter, 9th, 5h. 2Sm. eve. Full Moon, 17th, Ih. 50m. even. Last Quarter, 24tb, lib. 49m. mo. New Moon, 31st, 2h. 6m. even. 2^ ^ I SJFri Sat S 4 5i SU Mo 7 S' 341 15 17 19 21 28 94 264 28 Th We gpri Ms 11 Ig Sat SU Mo CALENDAR, &c. Changeable. Peace with the U. S. High and [\S\A 2d Sunday in Advent. cool winds, [Toronto, U.C. '37 Defeat of the rebels at Cone, B. V. Mary. Chilltf rains. Moon in apogee. 3d Sunday in Advent. Frost and tnow, Lucy. Fair and fine for some time, 16Fri Gt.fireinN.Y. 1885. ISlTu We R,i8.&Sets h. m, h, m. Th Sat|B6iivar died, 1830. 18«SU:4thSund. in Advent. Mb 20 Tu Falling weather. 22 Th We St. Thomas. Fri Sat Moon per. Frosty. Trea. of Ghent, 1814. 25J8 U.Christmas Day. ~~ Mo St. Stephen. 2&Th SOitri 81 Tu St. John. Stormy. 7 We Innoeents. 7 Moon runs low. 7 Fine 7 SatlSilves. /or tke8eason.\7 16 ^ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 21 4 22 4 22 4 23 23 24 4 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 2S 28 28 23 28 23 29 27 27 27 27 27 26 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 39 3S 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 d4 34 33 33 33 Sun's dec. s d, m. 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3423 23 23 23 23 33i23 3323 3223 3223 3223 3223 3923 3223 3223 3223 3323 8823 8823 3328 8323 3428 48 57 6 14 22 30 37 43 49 55 5 9 13 17 19 22 24 25 26 27 27 27 26 2S 23 2lt 18 15 1) 7 Sets 43 32 47 50 8 53 9 58 11 1 morn. 2 59 2 1 8 5 4 10 5 18 6 21 Rises. 5 28 6 38 7 45 9 9 iO 24 11 82 morn. 45 2 3 3 19 4 29 5 46 6 84 7 22 o Pi th th kn kn kn le le fe fe fe he he ne oe ne ar ar br br ha ha be be re re se se le th th kn High water h^ m, 10.38 11 25 8 47 1 26 2 4 2 45 3 23 4 8 4 47 5 39 6 89 7 44 8 51 9 45 10 87 1127 Morn 5 050 127 2 8 2 45 3 27 4 16 5 IS 6 40 S 12 9 24 10 20 U 9 y Alfred ionth ight. 49in. mo. 3. even. OHigb p, water th 10 38 th n 25 kn 8 kn 47 kn 1 26 le 3 4f le 2 45 fe 8 23 fe 4 8 fe 447 le 5 39 le 6 89 le 7 44 le 8 51 le 9 45 If 10 37 ir 1127 >r Morn »r 5 ift 50 la 1 27 >e 2 3 te 2 45 e 3 27 e 4 16 e 5 18 e 6 40 e S 12 h 9 24 k) 10 20 dU 9 Province of fVew Brunswick. HIS EXCELUBNCY, LIEUTENANT COLONEL Sia WILLIAM MACBEAN GEORGE COLEBROOKE, K. H. Lieutenant Govetaor of the Province of New- Brunswick, &c. &c. &c* Alfred Reade, Esquire, Private Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Honorable William Black, », George Shore, Frederick P. Robinson, William P. Odell, John S. Saunders, it >> Honorable Charles Simonds, „ Hugh Johnston, „ William Crane, Joseph Cunard, John W. WeWon. >i LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Honorable The Chief Jostice, President. Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Honorable William Black, George Shore, Thomas Baillie, Harry Peters, Joseph Cunard, James AUanshaw, Wm. H. Robinson, John Simcoe Saunders, >* it II )l Honorable Amos E. Botsford. „ The Attorney General, „ Thomas C. Lee, „ Edward B. Chandler, George F. Street, John Robertson, rhomas Wyer, Harris Hatch, -Wm. B. Kinnear. It »H HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. The Honorable Charles Sijhonds, Speaker. County of York. Lemuel A. Wilmot, \ Jajnes Taylor, f Esquires. John Allen, 1 ^ Charles Fisher, J County of Saint John, Hon. Charles Simonds, ) John R. Partelow, I pgnu- John M. Wilmot, i '^'**^^' John Jordan, ^ County of Charlotte. V George S. Hill, ) James Brown, jun. I psniiirpe W. F. W. Owen, I ^squires. James Boyd, ^ County of Westnwrland. William Wilson, 1 Daniel Hanington, C p,n,„ Hon. William Crane, C ^'^'l "• Philip Palmer, ^ County of Northumberland, Alexander Rankin, ) bi„„,.:,o- John A. S. Street, J Esquires. ires. County ofSunbury. George Hayward, ) «-„,, Henry T. Partelow, \ E''^" King's County. Samuel Freeze, } t.^„„:,„ William M'Leod, \ Esquires. Queen's County. Honorable Hugh Johnston, and Thomas Gilbert, Esquire. County of Kent. Honorable John W. Weldon, and David M'Almon, Esquire. County of Gloucester. William End, ) v„„„:,„„ Peter Slewart^f J Esquires. County of Carlelon. Jeremiah M. Connell, ) p-_,,_ Bartho. C. Beardsley, $ *^*T "* County of Restigofuchs. Andrew Barherie, Esquire. City of Saint John. Isaac Woo ,, James Carter, October, 1334. J „ Robert Parker, October, 1834. John Ambrose Street, Esquire, Clerk of the Crown. Honorable George Shore, Clerk of the Pleas. William Tyng Peters, Esquire, Clerk of the Circuits, and Clerk of the Crown on the Circuits. Terms— The first Tuesday in February, and the second Tuesdays in June and October. Nisi Prius Sittings in the County of York :— Third Tuesday in February, fourth Tuesday in June, and, fourth Tuesday in October. CIRCUIT COURTS. St. JoAn— Second Tuesday in January, and first Tuesday in August ; C^or/otte— Fourth Tuesday 'in April, and the Tuesday after the fourtK .1 19 Tuesday in October ; KiM^a—Second Tuesday in July ; Queen's— First Tuesday in March ; Aen<— Last Tuesday in August '/watmor- iand— First Tuesday in September ; 6/ouce«/er— f^irst Tuesday in September ; Northumberland— Second Tuesday in September ; Carle- tan.— Lut Tuesday in September ; Sunbury—utiMt Tuesday in Febru- ary ; Restigouche— hut Tuesday in August. COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY. Honorable William B. Kinnear, Judge and Commissary. Honorable John Simcoe Saunders, Advocate General. William VVri^ht, Esquire, Advocate General , ad interim. John M. Robmson, Esquire, Registrar and Scribe. John Humbert, Esquire, Marshal. COURTS FOR THE PROBATE OF WILLS, AND GRAKTIIfO ADMINISTKATIOlfS. ';- >Us Honourable George F. Street, Surrogate, John C. Allan, Esquire, Registrar, Henry Swymmer, Esquire, Surrogate, Charles Drurr, Esquire, Registrar, Hon. Edward B. Cfhandler, Surrogate, Thomas S. Sayre, Esquire, Registrar, Hon. Harris Hatch, Surrogate, George D. Street, Esquire, Registrar, Edward B. Smith, Esquire, Surrogate, William Simpson, Esquire, Registrar, N. H. Deveber, Esquire, Surrogate, Henry S. Peters, Esquire, Registrar, John Hazen, Esquire, Surrogate, Ni Hubbard, Esquire, Registrar, Thomas H. Peters, Esquire, Surrogate, George Kerr, Esquire, Registrar, William Chandler, Esquire, Surrogate, Hon. John W. Weldon, Registrar, Henry Williams Baldwin, Esquire, Surrogate, John Fraser, Esquire, Registrar, B. Crannell Beardsley, Esquire, Surrogate, A. K. Smedes Wetniore, Esquire, Registrar, James Paul, Esquire, Surrogate, Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Registrar, '^^ The Surrogate Courts are held every third dajr, (Sunday except- ed,) in their respective Cou.Hies, but letters of Administration may be had, and Wills proven, &c. at any tinie by application to the Sunogate of the County. COURT OF GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, For Hearing' and Determining Causes relative to Marriage and Divorce. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, President. Honorable Judge Botsford, Vice President. The Honorable Her Majesty's Executive Council, Members. John C. Allen, Esquire, Registrar and Clerk. TsBMs—The second Tuesday in Febrqary, and the thir^ Tuesdays m June and October. York County, Saint John. Westmorland. Charlotte. King's. Queen's. Sunbury. Northumberland. Kent. Gloucester, Carleton. Restigouche. (i .11 20 "V COURT FOR THE TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT OF PIRACV ANU OTHER UTFENCES COMMITTED ON THE HIGH SEAS. The QoTcrnor; the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supremo ^ Court; The Members of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty; the Publto Secretary; Public Treasurer ; Commander- in-Chief, Flas Officers and Captains and Commanders of Ships of War on this Station for the time being. fiegiatrar and 5!cn6«— William Tyn^ Peters, Esquire. /V/arsAa/— Edward W. Miller, Esquire. The Court sits at any place wtihiirthe Province to be appointed by nny three of the members, the Governor, Chief Justice, or one of the .fudges of the Supremo Court, or Jirdge of the Admiralty being one. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. NAMES. Admitted. Charles Jeffrey Peters, - Harth. Crannell Beardsley, William Franklin Odell, Thomas Horsfield Peters, '■= Harris Hatch, William Tyng Peters, James Shannon Morse, • .John Simcoc Saunders, - John Ambrose Sbarman Street, .George Frederick Street, *Heury Swymmer, * William lioyd Kinnear, Alfred Lock Street, . "'Daniel Ludlow Robinson, Edward Barron Chandler, George Stilman Hill, "-^.Tnmes Peters, junior, -Mexander Stewart, George William Clcary, * William End, Charles Peters Wetmore, Abraham K. Smedes Wetmore . '^'G/2orge Jarvis Dibblee, - "^Francis Andrew Kinnear, William Wiley, '"Robert Eraser Hazen, - John Wesley Weldon, - '^ William Wright, - William Carman, junior, Peter Stubs, - - • . -' Horatio Nelson Hicks Lugrin, William Simpsofi, - .faiues Stewart, ^'Jobh Morris Robinson, - * Moses Henry Perley, - , '^Timothy Rdbert Wetmore, - Edward Betts Smith, -*= Andrew Barberie, - - William Cbandier, 16th July 4ih October 18th .Tuly 8th October 2d February 17th February 19th February 18lh February 22d February l5thJuly * 15th July 18th May nth October nth October nth October nth October nth October 2()th February 10th October 20th February nth July I8th October 18th October 18th October 17lh Julv 16th October 2 1 St May 1 6th July 15th October asth February 2oth February 20th May 21ih February 10th May 12th July i4th July 18th October 18th October 13lh OctobcF Residence. 1794 Frederic ton. 1796 Woodstock. 1304Fredericton. 1806'Miramichi. 1803 Saint Andrews, 1814;Fredericton, 1814| Nova-Scotia, 1817Fredericton, 1817Miramichi. ISlSFredericton. 1818 Saint John. 1819 Ditto. 1820 Ditto. 1821 Fredericton. • 1 821 j Dorchester. 1321 Saint Stephen. 1821 Saint John. 1832 Nova-Scotia. 1822 Woodstock. 1823'Saint John. 1323: Fredericton. ' 1823 Woodstock. 1823 Fredericton. 1823 Saint John. 1324 River de Chute, 1824iSaint John. 1825 Rjchibucto. 1825 Saint John. 1825 Miramichi. 1826 Saint John. 1826 Saint John. 1826 Kingston. 1827 Nova-Scotia- 1828 Saint John. 1828Samt Joltfl. 1828Gagelown. 1828 Kingston. . 1823 Dalbousie. lS28'Richibuelo. ftl ROLL OP BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES, CONTINUED. NAMES. .Samuel Hallett Whitlock, James Watson Chandler, (ieorge Kerr, . - - . Jlobert Leonard Hazen, ilichard Sands, junior, - Lemuel Allen Wilmot, - Samuel George Andrews, Ilichard Carman, - •Tolin Johnston, Charles Fisher, ••'James William Boyd, > TJiomas Smith Sayie, '^George Wheeler, - Charles Augustus Harding, Richard Miiloa Andrews, •William Hazen Necdham, William Jack, Alexander Campl»cll, .George Ferdinand H. Minchin Abraham Nelson Garden, ■■^Judah Hammond Hartt, James Horsfickl Peters, George Dixon Street, John Clarke Hall, ^''Chipman Uotsford, Samuel Gay Morse, Ilichard Marshall Clark, ^Roliort Barry Dickey, ■"Duncan Robertson, Charles Johnston, - •''VVilliam Samuel Sands, ■••* William Hunter Odell, - I.Stephen Miller, Stephsa H. Hitchings, - iVewton Ward Wallop, - ""Thomas Burton Abbott, ■-•'Cbrisiopher Milner, ♦David Shank Kerr, Eiward Willistoa, ■ - Duvid Lewis Dibble?, William Minns Hoffinan, =^John Hamilton Gray, - James White Peters, Uliss fJotslbrd, '<= Robertson Bayard, , "^Henry Simpson Peters, -HViliiam Johnston Ritchie, Wellington Hatch, Kdward Allison Clowes, William Thomas Wilmot, • ^George Botsford, Charles Edward Miliidge, Admitted. ISth 16th I7lh I7th 17th 17th irih 16th 5th 5th 16th l{3th 15th nth 5th 8th 13th lath 13th fth nth 1 3th 12th 10th 18th 18th 18th 7th 7th Oih ()th ISth -,l3th -'iSth .il7lh -|17th -'l7th -!l7th Cth 6th 6ih Gth nth 18th 18th I8th -|l3ih -15th -ilsth -iloth -jllth •jnth July October October October July July .Tuly October February February July October October February May May October October October February May July October July October October October February February May May July July July October October Octohter October February February February. February February June June Juno June October Octol»er October February February 1829 1829 1829 1829 1830 1830 Residence. i: Saint AmlrcwN. Ditto. Miramiohj. Saint John. Saint Johu. Frederi\;totj. 1830«aint George. 1830 Bnthurst. 1831 Saint Joliii. 1831 Fredericicn. 1631 Saint John. 18311 Dorchester. 1831 Saint Johu. 1832JMiramichj. lS32jSaint Andrews. 1832|Frederictoti. 1S32 Saint Jnhii. 1832 Saint Stephen. 1832 Fredenclon. 1833 Woodstock. 1833 Saint John. 1833P. Edvvardlslnnd. 1833 Sai:it Aadrews. 1631 Nova-kJcOiift. 1834 Resvi^ojiche. 1834JHopewci). 1834Mirannc!n. , 1835 Nova-Scot la. 183olSaint Johu. 163jj Ditto. 1S3.J Saint John. 1335 Frederictoti. 1S35 Dillo. 1S35 Saint Steplien. ■ . lS33|Saint John. 1835;Sainl Stepiien.- 1835jDorch'est,er. . 1835 Fredericloii. .; 1830'Miramicr>, 1836|\Voodstock. 1836; Novr. -Scotia. 1830, Saint Johu. 18361 Diltn. !(ii:5c. 1836 Bend of Poiitco- 1836' Saint Jo'.in. 1836 Gagetowi;. 1830 Saint Jolui. 1830 Saiot Andrew's. 1836 Oromocio. . I S3el Woodstock.' i837 L^redericton. 18871 ••Ditlc. • 4 '•i i !•' ■ 1. • J : 1 1 1 m 22 I ROLL Of BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES, OONTINUED. '\m , (. ( NAMU. "^Patrick Coughlan, Gcoree James Thompson, William Botsford Chandler, "^Thomas Burton Wilson, ^Charles Edward Beardsley, FMat Tapper, - : William Henry Lee, Charles Inplis Haliburton, John D. Kmnear. • Jonathan M^Cmley, John M'Mahon, Charles Waller Wardlavr» Martin Bent Palmer, 'Francis A. H. Stratton, • John Campbell Allen, - *John M. Johnson, Junior, George Lee, Junior, ♦Samuel J. Scoril, James Stanley Morse, - *Th'eophilus DesBrisay, • William M. Greenwood, William R. M. Burtis, - .. William Watts, .Broke Hammondi • .George Segee, '''Edward Baker Peters, - , James Fraser Berton, Robert Keech Gilbert, - * Charles Duf, *C/iarle3 Ansley, WUliam Tariff PeterB, Junior^ Andrew C. Slack, - * James A. Hardin ff, fVUliam C. Hare, - Allan Davidson, James Peters Wetmore, - Thomas Wyer, Junior, - Gustamii R. Jartis, James J. Kaye, Edgar W heeler, > - WUliam E. Twynham, - Peter Clinch, - Andrew R. Wetmore, - Edward H. Wilmot,A.B. George Connell, ' - Admitted. Residence. 11th February 1837 17th June 1837 17th Juno 1837 17th June 1837 17th June 1837 17th June 1837 14th October 1837 14th October 1 -V 14th October 1837 14th October 1837 14th October 1837 ioth February 1838 10th February 1833 13th October 1838 13th October 1838 13th October 1838 July 1839 July 1839 February 1839 February 1839 July 1839 October 1839 October 1839 October 1839 October 1839 February 1840 February 1840 February 1840 February 1840 February 1840 13th June 1840 17th October 1840 17th October 1840 17th October 1840 17th October 1840 17th October 1S40 17th October 1840 February 1841 February 1841 June 1841 June 1841 October 1641 October 1841 October 1841 October 1841 Restigoucho. Saint Stephen. Saint George. Saint Andrews. Woodstock. Nora-Scotia. Saint John. Nova-Scotia. Ditto. Ditto. Fredericton. Saint Andrews. Westmorland. Fredericton. Ditto. Miramichi. Fredericlou. Saint John. Restigoucbe. Ditto. Saint John. Ditto. Fredericton. Fredericton. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. Westmorland. Saint John. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Saint John. Miramichi. Woodstock Saint Andrews^ Sain I John. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Sahit George. Fredericton. Ditto. Woodstock. Note.— 'The names of the Attornies are printed in Italics. * Those marked with an asterisk are Public Notaries in the Pro- vince ; in addition to whom, Charles R. Hatheway, William M'Leat^ vqA George A. GarrisoD, Esquires, are also Public fiolacies. 23 €1TY OF SA1I%*T JOnjV. Ilonoralile Willuh Black, Mayor. HoDorable William B. Kinkbar, Recorder. ALDERMCX. Henry Porter, "j Benjamin L. Peters, I t>3 Thomas Harding, ! ^ John Sandall, [ q. Rotten Salter, George Bond ABSISTANTI. WARDS, Mr. Charles M'Laacblan,...- King's. Robert Ray Qut en's. William Hagarty, Du i-f e's Edward W.Greenwood,... -Sidney. James Olive, Sen or, .Guy's. Joseph Beatteay, Brook's, John R. Partolow, Esquire, Treasurer or Chamberlain. James Peters, Junior, Esquire, Common Clerk. Jaroes William Boyd, Esquire, Deputy Common Clerk. Joshua Bunting, HikI) Constable; Levi Lock hart, James StockFord, Thomas M'Gaghey, William Hanley, James M'Donald, and Isaac C. Perkins, Marshals. Levi Lockhart, William Fearerhy, George StockforJ, James Pea. cockj Tbomns M'Gaghey, Ebenezer Herrinqton, Matthew Morrison, Patrick Kelly, James Stockford, Isaac C. Pfirkins. Richard Shew- liridge, John M'Arthur, William M'Lauchlan, Alexander Downs, VVilliam Henley, John H. Funjoy, and John Nixon, Constables. Levi Lockhart, James Peacock, Patrick Kelly, George Stocftford, Thomas M*Gfl(;hey, James Howe, Matthew MorrisoD, and John Goldin^, Hog Reeves on the Enstern side of the Harbour. William Cronk, Richard Irving, and Henry Hasson, Hog Reeves at Carleton. Lewis Burns, William D. Faulke, William Leavitt, Robert Ray, Joseph Hamm, Thomas M. Smith, David Cronk, Thomas Leavitt, Isaac Woodward, James U. Thomas, William P. Scott, Gilbert T. Ray, and Isaac L. Bedell, Port Wardens. Thomas Reed, Harbour Master. Daniel Jordan, Daniel Ansley, Henry Chubb, and Joseph B. Whip- ple, Assessors of Taxes and Statute Labour. Henry Chubb, Daniel Ansley, and Daniel Jordan, Assessors of Nii^htly Watch and Scavenger Tax. Thomas Baldwin, Collector of Taxes. Samuel Clark, Collector of Taxes at Carleton. Thomas Baldwin, Collector of Statute Labour Fines. Samuel Clark, Collector of Statute Labour Fines at Carleton. •• William H. Bowyer, Warehouse Keeper. James T. Hanford. Looker after Corporation Property. Robert James, Inspector of Cord Wood and Bark in the Market Slip ; John Paul, ditto ditto at Lower Cove Slip ; Stephen Gerow, ditto ditto at North Slip; Lynas Seely, ditto ditto at Carleton. Jeremiah Collins, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at the Mar- ket Slip. John Thomson, Collector of Slippage at Union street. Stephen Gerow, ditto at the North Slip. Thomas Booth, ditto at the Lower Cove. Samuel Clark, Collector of Slippage at the Public Slips in Guy'g Ward. John Kirk, Collector of Wharfage at the Breakwater. Joseph Be&tteay, Collectpr of Anchorage. !;, 'u \m 24 i1 I hi ', 11' ^!^ ri Stefiheo Gerow, Weight Master attbe' Nbrth Slip ; George Scribner, initio at Union street ; Ewen Cameron, at Lower Cove ; and James Olive, at Carlelon. Jacob Wilson, WilHam M'Auley, Edward Bennison, Francis Wil. son, Edward Hippitley, and William Scott, M«a6itTers of Coals. Jacob Wilson, William M'Auley, Edward Bennison, and Edward Hippistey, Measurers of Salt. David S. Marshal and Charles P. Betts, Inspectors of Lime. Benjamin C. Chajqner, Guager of Wines and other Liquors. A. G. Lordly, ai^d Samuel Gillespie, Guagers and Searchers of Oil. ^ John Knpilin, Deputy Clerk of the Market ; John Bowyer, ditto ditto in King's Square. John knollin, Fence Viewer ; Samuel Clark, ditto at Carleton. Robert C. Minnette, City Surveyor. George A. Lockhart, Henry Hawkins, W D. W; Hubbard, James Bowes, John V. Thurgar, T. L. Nicholson, J. & H. Kinnear, J. Kerr & Co., J. Lordly, San<:ton & Crookshank, T. Hanford, and Edward Spui:r, L'ceaced A.uciioneers. John Boyd, M. D. and G. J. Harding, M. D. Visitmg Physicians. John Reed, George Thomas, John Murray, John Woodley, Daniel Hatfield, Alexander Mills, Abraham Beait'eay, William Seely, Ed- ward Murray, James Reed, Jolni Spears, James P. Thomas, John Mills, Thomas Vaughan, William Spears, John Scott, John W. Seely, and Donald M'Dougall, Branch Pilots. Alexander Reed, Keeper of the Partridge Island Light House. George Lane, Keeper of the Beacon Light House. Samuel Jordan, Alexander M'Groity, John M. Campbell, John G. To'iin, David M. Whiting, John Jordan, George Cassie, James H. Fairweather, Joseph Sherwood, Thomas Fair weather, G. W. G Fair- weather, Thomas Leach, John Gallivan, Richard Langlry, Jeremiah Gove, Thomas Nixon, Alexander M'Groity, junior, George H. Robert- Non, William Shives, R. S. Dixon, .lames Stewart, John Sherrarti, John Gtuinton, Joseph Wetmore, Jr. Zechariah Adams, John O'Neil, Joseph Ball, Oliver B. Cougle, Hiram Edmeu, William H. A. Keans, and Alfred Quinton, Surveyors of Lumber. William Barlow, James' Peacock, Samuel Gillespie, Andrew G. Lordly, Samuel White, and Fraijcis Gallagher, Inspectors of Ijaih- v/ood, Staves, Hoop Poles, &c. Andrew G. Lordly and Samuel Gillespie, Cullers of Dried Fish. William Dunham, Henry Nice, Joseph Wilson, John Dunn, John Christopher, junior, Samuel White, Samuol Gillespie, Andrew G. Lordly, John Kinney, Francis Gallagher, William Colwell and Jas. Hancock, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. , » Levi Lockhart, Superintendent of the Fish Market. Charles Davies and Nathaniel Clinton, Inspectors of Flour. ! William Hagarly and David S. Marshal, Fire Inspectors. . Fvler Dibblee, Superintendent of Carts, Hand Carls and Hacks- Robert S. Bennison, City Inspector. • : Levi Lockhart, Looker after Nuisances. . Samuel Buls'ca. Looker alter Nuisances at Carleton, John Golding, Pound Keeper. William Crouk, Richard Irvine, and Henry Hasson, Pound Keep- ers at Cnrleton. Geo. Mattlipw, Gilbert T. Ray, and Jas. Oiive, Overseers of the Poor, ' Matthew Thomas, Keeper of the Alms House. Rev. William Scovil, A. M. and George Bond, and Robert Salter^ I squires, Trustees of Schools. 25 • Daniel Ansley, John Ward, junior, Thomas Hardini?, John R. Par-^ telow, Gieeory Vanhorne, Henry Porter, James Xirk, George A, Lockhart, John Sandall, A. S. Perkins, Greorge Harding, Thomas Barlow, James T. Hanford, George Bond, Isaac Woodward, William) MuUin, John V. Tburgar, Thomas Leavitt, George D. Robinson, Wil- liam Mackay, John Paul, William Olive^ Joseph Deatteav, Jobu Hooper, Elisha DeW. Ratchford, Thomas L. Nicholson, William Wright, John Moyes, Charles C. Stewart, Thomas M. Smilh< Bar- nabas Tilton, John KnoUin, Robert Ray, William Hagariy, Ezekiel Barlow, Ewen Cameron, Robert Salter, Thomas Coram, John Robert- son, Eklward L. Jarvis, Gilbert T. Ray, William Barlow, David Wa- lerbery, Samuel Jordan, James E. M'Donald, John M'Alpine, George i L. Camber, Richard Duff, John Robinson, and William Olive, Fire- wardens. Thomas M. Smith, Chief Engineer. William Barlow, David Waierbery, Samuel Jordan, James E. M'- Donald, John M'Alpine, George L. Camber, Richard Duff, John Ro- binson and William Olive. Engineers. .loshua Mercer, Captain or head of the Company of Hoscmen. John Wilson, Captain or head of ibe Company of Axemen. John Patterson, Captain or head of the Company of Hook and JiOdder Men. City of SAiN-i* John Savings' Bank.— His Excellency the Lieu- tenant Governor, Patron ; Hon Ward Chipman, LL. D., President ; Hon. Hugh Johnston, John R. Partelow, Thomas Barlov/, John Ward, junior, Roherl W. Crookshank, and Rol)ert F. Hazen, Esquires, Trustees ; The Bank of New Brunswick, Treasurer ; Daniel Jordan, Esquire, Cashier and Registrar. Chamber of Commerce.— L. Donaldson, Esquire, President; E. DeW. Ratchford and Wm. Walker, Esquires, Vice Presidents; Isaac Woodward, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer; Charles Ward, John Wishart, John Duncan, S. L. Lu^rin, John Pollok, W. H. Sircet, James Whitney, F. A. Wiggins, Robert D. Wilmot, William Mac- kay, Esquires ; together with the Members of the House of Assem- ?>ly for the City and County, (being the non-elective part.) compose the Committee. Marine Hospital.— (For the Relief of Skk and Disabled Seamen —Saint Jo/tn. )—Commisvipners-tThe' Honrrahic William Black, R M. Jarvis, John Ward, Junior, Thomas Barlow, R. W. Crookshank, and Daniel Leavitt^ Esquires. Secretary— L. Donaldson, Enquire. Treasurer— The Bank of New-Brunswick. Physician and Surgeon- John Boyd, M. D. ' Mechanics' Institute.— John Duncan, Esquire, President ; Dr. Gesner nnd Wm. Jack, Esq, Vice Presidents ; Alexander Lawrence, Edwin Fairweather, George Younger, Thomas Barlow, James M'Gre- q;or, George Flemming, Thomas Rankinc, Jr. James Harris, Thomas Daniel, Charles M'Lauchlan, Richard Duff, John Gray, Directors.— Henry J. Chubb, Recording Secretary ; Robertson Bayard, Esq. Cor- responding Secretary; J. G. Sharp, Treasurer. Saint John Athesjeum.— Kon. Ward Chipman. Chief Justice, President; Hon. William Black. 1 si Vice-President; Hon..luclge.Par- ]pondi;iG; Secretary ; W. Wright, Esq. Treasurer. Council -Dr. Botsford, VV. Jack, James Cu41ip, M. H. Perley, Esquires, Dr, S, Bayard, and Rev. W. Scovil. 1 f H i n V \ ii k^ 'M 26 .i'^3 \i ■!« Saint John Agricultural and Horticultural SociETr.—- The Hon. Judge Parker, Patron ; Kon. Charles Sitnonds, President; BiSlph M. Jarvis, Walker Tisdale, Archibald Menzies, and James Brown, Esquires, Vice Presidents ; John Duncan, Esauire, Treasurer ; George Younger, Recording Secretary ; Robertson Bayard, Esquire, Corresponding Secretary ; Geo. G. Gilbert, James Dunn, Charles Drury, W. O. Cody, J. Seniill, James Cother, G. C, Carman, John Kerr, Henry Cook,'Robert Bayard, M. D., Alexander Wedderburn, Peter Dewar, M. H. Perley, John Gillis, W. J. Ritchie, T. L. Nichol- son, Thomas Trafton, J^imes W. Peters, Isaac Clark, Richard Cal- vert, James Travis, George Bond, George Brown, Thomas Bean, Directors. Saint John Emigration Society.— Hon. W. Black, President ; Hon. Charles Simoods, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Vice Presidents ; A. Wedderburn, Esquire, Secretary ; J. V. Thurgar, Esquire, Treasur- er; John R. Partelow, William Wright, P. Besnard, Isaac Wood- ward, A. Gesner, R. Payne, George Youager, R. Bayard, M. D. Directors. Public Grammar School in rar. City op Saikt John.— The Re- verend the Rector of Saint John, Pvesident; the Mayor, the Recorder, the Hon. Ward Chipman, LL. D., the Hon. Judge Parker, the Rev. Robert Wilson, A. M., and Robert F. Hazen, and William Wright, Esquires, Directors; John H. Gray, Esq., Treasurer and Clerk ; Mr. James Paterson, Principal; Mr. John M'Givern, English Assistant. — The branches taught in this seminary are Latin, Greek, Mathe* matics. Geography, the Use of the Globes, Writing, Arithmetic, and Elocution. The pupils of the senior classes have, besides, daily ex- ercises in Composition, to initiate them into a knowledge of English Grammar, and a correct and elegant use of their native tongue. Saint John District Committee op the Society for Promot- ing Christian Knowledge. — The Rev. the Rector of Saint John, President ; Hon. William Black, and William Scovil, Esauire, Vice Presidents ; Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. Terms of admission to the Parent Society, One Guinea donation, and One Guinea >.nnually. Terms of admission to the District Committee, Half a Guinea per annum. The Depository of Books and Tracts is at Mr. W. D. W. Hubbard's. Saint John Religious Tract Society.— The Rev. RobertWilson, A. M., President; John Kinnear, Esquire, Secretary. Committee :— the Ministers of the different denominations, with Messrs. W. B. Kin- near, N. S. Demill, G. T. Ray, J. Wishart, S. Hoyghue, A. Smithers, John Duncan, Richard W. Thome, and S. L. Tilley. Saint John Church of England Sunday School.— The Rector of Saint John, Prc^sident ; Samuel Huyghue, Esquire, Superintendent of the Male School; Miss Deblois, Superintendent of the Female School. Saint John Society Library.— The Hon. Judge Parker, Presi- dent ; Robert F. Hazen, Esquire, Vice President ; Rev. F. Coster and Judah H. Hartt, Esquire, Committee; James W. Peters, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer; William McDougall, Librarian. Library hours from 3 o'clock ip 5, p. m. Sacred Music Society..— Alexander Lawrence, President; Zebu- Ion Estey, Vice President ; George Whittekir, jr., Treasurer ; Levi H. Waterhouse, Secretary; S. K. Fester, Conductor; Charles J. MeJick, J. W. M'Leod, T. P. Williams, Stephen Wbiitekir, and Samuel Bus- tin, Committee. -^ and 27 St. John and Portlaku Ladies' Benevolent Society.— Qwn- miitee of Manasrement—ilrs. Simonds, Secretary; Miss Kinnear, Treasurer; Mrs. W. B. Kinnear, Mrs. Hamilton Snnith, Mrs. Ste- phen, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. R. W. Crookshank, junior, Mrs. E. Sears, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Harrison, and Mrs. William Lawton, Visitors. Saint George's Society.— John V. Thnrgar, Esquire, President ; John Rhqdfes, Vice Presideat; Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, Treasurer; L. W. Durant, Secretary. Saint Andrew's Society.— The Hon. John Robertson, President; Thomas Nisbei, Esquire, Vice President; John Wisharl, Esquire, Treasurer; James Robertson, Secretary. Saint Patrick's Society.— M. H. Perley, Esquire, President; .John W. Smith, Esouire, Vice President; William Hutchinson, Es- quire, Treasurer; William Mills, Secretary; John B. Pattison, As- sistant Secretary. Albion Union Society.— Henry Buxton, President; William H. A. Keans, Vice President; J. W. Roberts, Treasurer ; John WoodiH, Secretary. Friendly Sons or Erik.— John Gallivan, President; Fergus M'Carihy, Vice President ; James Gilday, Treasurer ; James White, Secretary. Orphan Benevolent Society.— Robert Ray, Esquire, President ; James Gallagher, Esquire, Vice President; John Dougherty, Treasu- rer ; John Humbert, Esquire, Secretary. Shipmasters' Society.— John Brown, President ; W. D. Faulke, Treasurer; Thomas Reed, Esquire, Secretary. Coopers' Society.- William Barlow, President; William Dun- ham, Vice President; James M'Connell, Treasurer; John Ward, Secretary. Chamber of Trades.— John M'Lardy, President ; Thomas Barlow, Jun. and John Purves, Vice-Presidents; W. F. Smith, Treasurer; John Hooper, Secretary. Directors— John M'Lardy, John Purves, Thomas Barlow, Junior, W^iHiam P. Smith, John Hooper, Robert Allan, James G. Lester, William Cross, M. Fitzgerald, William W. Emslie, Michael Thompson, Wm. Causey, Richard Wright, Joseph Sulis. Temperance Society.— The Rev. B. G. Gray, D. D., President ; the Hon. Judge Parker, and the Hon. Wm. B. Kinnear, Vice Presi- dents ; F. A. Kinnear, Esquire, Secretary, &c. Saint John Auxiliary to the New British and Foreign Tem- perance Society — (on the principle of Total Abstinence.)— N. S. De- mill, President ; George Matthew, and John Smith, Vice Presidents; Z. Estey, Secretary and Treasurer. Saint John Catholic Total Abstinence Society.— The Rev. .Tames Dunphy, President ; Francis Gallagher, Senior Vice President ; Thomas M'Grath, Junior Vice President ; Bernard Reynolds, Trea- surer ; John G. Campbell, Secretary. Friendly Fire Club.— R. W. Crookshank, Esquire, President; T. L. Nicholson, Esquire, Secretary, &c. Union Fire Club.— Daniel Leavitt, Esquire, President ; Leveret H. DeVeber, Esquire, Vice President ; John Wishart, Esquire, Trea- surer ; Daniel Jordan, Esquire, Secretary. pROTBCTioK Fire Club.— George Thomas, President : Thomas Nisbet, junior, Vice President ; , Secretary. . I Mil 2d RATES OP CARTAGE IN SAINT JOHN. ARTICLES AND QUANTITIES. a. d. For a load of Wood, (quarter of a cord,) For a load of Coals, (half a chaldron,) - For a load containing 16 bushels Grain, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measur- I'd at loading or unloading, except Coals, For a pipe of Wine, Gin, or brandy, and housing within ttie door of the first floor, - For a puncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Su- gar, from 7 to 10 cwt. and housing, - - - For a pnuclieon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogs- head of Tobacco, and housing, * , - - - li'or a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a }oad qT dried Fish of 15 cwt., or a common load of household go«ds, and storing, • - For a load of Shingles, Hoop-poles, Head- jag. Staves, Treenails, smoked Fish in box- es, Salmon in Kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any other articles not herein mentioned, or a hogshead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Earthen- ware, a hogshead Dried Fish, 2 tierces Cof-. fee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load containing C brls. Flour, or 5 J>rls Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, or Cider, or iialf a ton of Iron, or the same ts/ric/ comprises all that part of the City, between the south line of Pond-street, and north Imc of Duke-streel, which lies to the westward of the east line of Mill-street, Dock-street,'and that part of Prince- William-Street, between the north line of the briok i»uildjng jielonging to Mr. James K. M'Kee, (northward of the Market Square,) and the north line of Duke-street, and including King-street, to the westward of the west line of Germain-street. Second Districl comprises all that part of the City between the norlfi line of Union street, and south line of St. James'sslreet, which lies I^. uh: d. 7i 3 4i 10 5th. «. d. 1 li 1 ,0 i 4i 3 6 a 4i2 6 7i I 9 6 3 2 5 () 4 «9 ^vithout or boyond the first district, to the westward of the east line of Charlotte-street. . Third District comprises all that part of the City which lies without or beyond the second district, to the Westward of 'the east line of Sid- ney-street. Fourth /?/s/n'c/ comprises all. that part of the City lying without or beyond the said third district, to the westward of the east line of Car- marthen-street. Fifth District comprises all that part of the City lying without or beyond the said fourth district. PUBLIC PORTBBS AND HAND-CART MEN. For loading, carrying and housinp; any ?oods, or any other articles ou any hand-cart, from the Market Slip in King's ami Queen's Wards, or from any other place within the limits of the first district, to any other place Within the said several fire districts, the rates of prices are a.-t follow :— For the first district, three-pence ; second district, three-pence half-penny ; third district, four-pence ; fourth district, four-pence halt- penny ; fifth district, five- pence. HACKNB7-C0ACH FARES. For conveying not exceeding Four persons from any public stand to any other part of ihe City, or from any one part of the City to any other part thereof, one ahiiUng; and for every passenger over four,s/.r- pence additional : if carriage be detained, to pay additional, at the rate of V ?5J! do RATES OF WEIGHING AT THE PUBLIC WEIGHING MACHINES IV SAINT JOHN. Every load, not exceeding 1000 lbs. weight, one shilling! and one penny for every additional cwt. ; payable, half by the seller, and half hy the purchaser. . 3s. 9d. . 5s. Od% 6s. 3d. . 7S. 6d. . 8s. 9d. . 10s. Od. RATES OP ANCHORAGE. For every decked vessel not exceeding 60 tons, . Vessels from 50 to 100 tons, inclusive, . " 100 to 150 " " . . " 150 to 200 " " . . " 200 to 250 " *' • . " 250 10 300 '» " . . And all Vessels of greater burthen in like proportion with the above scale ; and that for all decked British Vessels, whether owned and re< gistered at this Port or otherwise, trading within the Bay of Fundy, and arriving from Ports Northward and Eastward of Cape Sable and West Quoddy Light, within the said Bay of Fundy, there shall be paid m Ifke manner for each and every year, on the first arrival after the first dav of April in each year, according to the tonnage and amounts settled by the aforesaid scale. RATES OF WHARFAGE, Established by A » 2s. 6d. 3s. 9d. 5s. Os. 6s. 3d. 78. 6d. 10s. Od. 12s. 6d. 158. Od. „ and upwards,. ' Decked vessels under 100 tons, owned and registered at Saint John. %nd all British vessels under that tonnage tradmg within the Bay of Fundy, or arriving from ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, or the Westward of Cape Canso/ or from any port in Nova Scotia, to pay an- nually as follows* — Under 30 tons, 3s.'9d. ; over 30 and under 50 tons, 5s. ; over 60 and nuder 75 tons, 7s. 6d. j over 75 and under 100 tons, 10s» r; ceml ditio In and shall sels, in a( C< Briti feet are ' 31 RATES OF PILOTAGE— £« Boyd, Esquire, Assistant Clerk of the Peace, &c. William Bayard, Esquire, M.D., Coroner. John R. Partelow, Esquire, County Treasurer. ' Charles Drury, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. y^ Benjamin L. Peters, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Hon. W. B. Kinnear, James Peters, junior, Henry Symmer, Alfred L. Street, Francis A. Kinnear, Robert F. Hazen, William Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H. Lugrin, John M. Robinson, M. H. Perley, Rp- liert L. Hazen. Richard Sands, junior, John Johnston, James Wiliiara Boyd, George Wheeler, William Jack, Judah H. Hartt, Chas. John- ston, Wn. S. Sands, Duncan Robertson, Newton W. Wallop, James W. Peters, John H. Gray, Robertson Bayard, W. J. Ritchie, Charles Edward Millidge, Charles W. Wnrdlaw, Wra. M. Greenwood, Samuel J. Scovil, William R. M. Burtis, Charles Duff, Charles Ansley, Ed- ward B. Peters, William Tj'ng Peters, junior, James A. Harding, Andrew C. Black, William C. Hare, James J. Kaye, Edgar Wheeler, 4 ! ', 1 '•'^'•♦•*",. 32 k.^l ^fi Oustavus R. Jarvis, and William E Twynam, Etqiiires, Comimast^ oners fur taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. Gehardus C. Carman, John Jordan, and James Monn, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Charles Drury, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Robert F. Hazen, George D. Robinson, Htory Porter, Robert Payne, and ^oah Disbrow, Esquires, (Jommissioners fur the House of Correction. John M'Grcgor, Thomas Trafton, and Jeremiah Drake, Commissi- oners of Sewers. Board of Education.— The Mayor, the Recorder, Rct. F. Coster, Re7. William iScovil, and James Peters, junior, Esquire. DoARD OF Hralth.— Hon. William Black, Mayor, (Chairman,) Hon. W. B. Kinnear, William H. Street, Benjatniu Stanton, Daniel Ansley, Thomas Harding, Gregory Van Home, George Bond, Thomas Barlow, John R. Partelow, (Secretary,) Henry Gilbert, Allan Oity, Robert Payne, Benjamin L. Peters, William Olive, Rev. Dr. Gray, Rev. R. Wilson, Rev. James Dunphy, Charles Ward, Isaac Wood- ward, M. H. Perley, Hon. Charles Simonds, Henry Porter, George A. Lockhart, and William Y. Theal, Esquires. Surveyors or Lumber in the County.— Robert Stevens, Michael Fisher, James Flewelling Gilbert Jordan, junior, Moses Tuck, Joseph Lingley, Alexander M'L. Seely, William W. Jordan, Francis Jordan, John F. Godard, James Scott, Charles SorreM, Edward D. Gore, Stephen H. Shaw, Thomas F. Langen, T. B. Vincent, John Morri- son, Robert Ewing, David Tapley, James Slemons, William Purdy, James Clark, John Robertson, George Cassie, and William Quint. James Stockford, James Peacock, and Joseph C. Littlebale, Over- seers of the Fisheries. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas— Third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in June, September, and December. PARIS ; OF PORTLAND. Robert Payne, Israel Merritt, and Rev. W. Harrison, Trustees of Schools. Ptolemy Lombard, Solomon Hersey, and James Flewelling, Com- missioners of Highways. Thomas Allan, William Ruddock, and John M'Cready, Overseers of the Poor. Jas. Travis, Sol. Hersey, and Hugh Sharkey, Aslessors of Taxes. Andrew Miles, Collector of Taxes. Ptolemy Lombard, Maurice Delaney, and Patrick Harrigan, Fence Viewers. John O'Keefe, Richard Reardon, Thomas W.} Easty, Jeremiah Leonard, William White, Matthew S. Manks, Stephen E. Daniels, Jacob Pidgeoii, George M' Donald, J. Carrig Hill, and James Dixon, Constables. Michael Campbell, Griffith Morrison, Peter Snider and James Mo- ran, pound Keepers. Richard Reardon, Plolemv Lombard, Peter Snider, Thos. W. Eas- ty, and Jeremiah Leonard, Hog Reeves. William Eagles, Patrick Harrigan, Charles Sharkey, Patrick M*- Gouldrick, Eugine Golding, Surveyors of Highways. ' John Butler, Inspector of Fish. Jttjdrew Tierney and James Joyce, Overseers of the Fisheries. Barnes Travis, Superintendent of the Ferry Landing. JifnesScou; Superintendent of the Portland Slip. HogK 33 ^^ James Reynolds, Ferjryman. Hugh Sharkey, Town Clerk and Clerk of the M«rket. John.Pollok, James P. Payne, John Duncan, and James Travkr, Firewardens. , PARJSH OP LANCASTER. John GilHs, O. C. Carman, and Isaac Clarke, Trustees of Schools. George Anderson, Archibald Menzies, and John Stevens, Commis- sioners of Highways. Charles Lord, John Scott, and Lawrence Gallagher, Overseers of the Poor. Isaae Clarke, John Gillis, and John Scott, Assessors of Taxes. John Harding, Collector of Taxes. John Vaughan, John Harding, and Wm. Scott, Fence Vieweis. John Dunham, John Harding, J. M'Aaley, and Isaac Finnemore, Constables. Morris Tiiton and John Harding, Pound Keepers. John Scott and George Howe, Hog Reeves. John Harding, William Quinton, John Dunham, John Vaughan, Isaac Clarke, Daniel Morris, John Donnelly, James M'Auley, Joseph Belmour, and George MuUin, Surveyors of Highways. Daniel Morris and John Cunnable, Overseers of the Fisheries. William Quinton, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. William M'Afee, James Burten, and William Fowns, jun. Trustees of Schools. William Fowns, jun., James Sbanklin, and Isaac Bradshaw, Com- missioners of Highways. George Marsters, William M'Afee, and Alexander Lockhart^ Over- seers of the Poor. Thomas Brown, Wm. Vail, and George Marr, Assessors of Taxes. Daniel Brown, Collector of Taxes. Philip Black, Edward Brown, James S. Smith, and James Scott, Fence Viewers. - Patrick Maloney, James Shanklin, and James Fowns, Constables. Henry Britain and Michael M'Dade, Pound Keepers. James Slianklin, Patrick Maloney, James Berry, and John Curry, Hog Reeves. David Bradshaw, Henry Britain, John Walker, William Nettle, John Keeff, John Brown,' Benjamin Griffin, Robert Floyd, Dennis Crow, Robert Evans, James Love, Andrew Smith, William M'Afee. Hezekiah Delong, James Brickley, Daniel Young, John Gordon, and James Smith, Surveyors of Highways. Thomas H. Black, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. PARISH OP SIMONDS. Peter Dewar, George Ball, and William M: Jordan, Trustees of Schools. Peter Dewar, Nugent Cieighton, and Samuel Skinner, Surveyors of High way I!. James O. Cody, Ephraim Sentill, and Francis Hannah, Overseers of the Poor. J. O. Sentill, Wm. Dixon, and Henry Anthony, Assessors of Taxes.. John Johnston, Collector of Taxes. C. M. Whootcn, Thomas Garneit, Thomas Bean, Winthrop Robia- C ,i'-i ! ft /f — — • I 34 SOD, Thomas Long, William Bean, senior, Jolin Morrison, William D.iley, Hugh liyati^ Samuel Skinser, and William Wood, Fencu Viewer?. John Johnston, James Hurley. William Bowes, William M'Geoch, William Blair, William Dalzell, Richard Daley, Alexander Love, Ceorgc Lawton, and William Whelpley, Conslahies. Robert Bowes, David Gallagher, Hugh Dunn, John Morrison, Philip r<^irlong, John Campbell, John Johasion, and John Wallace, Pound Keepers. Francis Hannah, James Burley, and Richard Daley, Hng Recve«. Winihrop Robinson, James Hughes, Robert Bowes, Samuel Blair, Philip Furlong, William Anthony, Joseph Stanton. James Dalzell, James Keleher, Edward M'Bride, William Bean, Robert Power, John Dixon, John Dowd, George Mormon, William Daley, John Russell, Simon Fraser, Michael M'Carlhy, Thomas Long, Daniel Robertson, Ephraim Sentill, Thomas Garneit, George Doherty, William Tippin, John Morrison, Corhyn M. Whooten, Charles Euslice, James Bowes, Thomas M'Garry, John Buckley, James Hunter, and James Stack- house, Surveyors of Highways. Daniel Gallagher and William Bean, Overseers of the Fisheries. Robert Bowes, Town Clerk and Clerk ot the Market. Board Chairma Thomas Bedell, Esquires son, Geo Alma Wilmot, Murray, iog, Kee PirevBi Mark N Wolhauj Asa C Joseph G TVmw day in Js Tliird T It COUNTY OF YORK. Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, John Allen, Hon. Thomas C Lee, .Tohn Rohineon, and Georse Mmchin, Esquires, Justices of the Infe- rior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders, John Allen, Hon. Thomas C. Lee, John Robinson, George Minchin, Jacob El lesood, James A. Maclauchlan, Thomas Emerson, Thomas Jones, James Harrison, William David- son, Patrick Campbell, James Miles, Ross Currie, {of ike Quorum,) Adam D. Allan, George Garden, Lawrence Bradshaw Rainsford, Hugh J. Hansard, Henry Morehouse, Solomon Parent, David B. Shelion, George Cheyne, William J. Bedell, Benjamin Wolhoonter, Thomas Gill, Thomas Earle, Richard Hayne, Georgo Clements^ Ja:;. Taylor, Allan M'Lean, Thomas Pickard, Thomas R. Robertson, William Dell Hartt, John T. Smith, Asa Coy, and Isaac Kilburn, Esquires, JuM ices of the Peace. Edward W. Miller, E33quire, High Sheriff; Mr. Joseph Myshrall, Deputy Sheriff. . George J. Dibblee, Esquire,' Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Tftferior Court of Common Pleas. Joseph Beek, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. The Barristers and Aliornies practising in the County, Commis- sioners for taking Affidavits io the Supreme Court. Hon. John S. Saunders, and William Tyng Peters, Esquire, Com- missioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. William Woodford, Henry Jones, and Henry Fisher, Esquires, Coroners. Mark Needham, Esquire, County Treasurer. James A. Maclauchlan, John Allan, Jacob Ellegood, John Robin- son, and J. Harrison, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Mar- riage. Board <^f BduoaHlon.-^iohn Robinson, G. J. Dibblee. D. L. Robin- son, George Lee, junipr. Esquires, Very Reverend William Dollard, V. G , and the Reverend J. M. SteiHng, A. M.' n, William ood, Fenctt n M'GeocI), lader Love, isnn, Philip ace, Pound )g Reeved, niuel Blair, les Daizell, 'ower, John hn Kussell, Rohertsoii, lain Tippin, mes Bowes, mes Stack- 'isheries. las C. Lee, )f the liife- L^e, John laclauchlan, iiam David- 2 Quorwin,) Rainsford, , David R. Volhoonler, ments^ Jasi. Robertson, ac Kilburn, h Myshrall, !Ierk of tho , Commis- |uire, Com- , Esquires^ ohn Uohiii- nizing Mar- ». L. Robin- m Dollard, 35 Board (if Health.— John Allen and William TynjjPetcrf, Esqaires, Chairmen ; Hon. T. C. Lee, John Robinson, James A. Maclaucblan, Tbomat Emerson, James Taylor, Junior, H. J. Hansard. William J. Bedell, Charles Lee. L. A. Wilmot, Thomas Pickard, Wm. Eraser, Esquires, Yen. Archdeacon Coster, George Minchin, D. L. Robin- son, Georffe E. Ketchum, and Jarvis Ring, Esquires. Alma House and K^orAr^TouAe.— Benjamin Wolhaupter, Lemuel A. Wilmot, William J. Bedell, Thomas Gill, Moses Pickard, Thomas Murray, and John Simpson, Esquires, Commissioners; Joseph Flem- ing, Keeper. ' Fireward* in m-edericton.— Hon. Thomas Baillie, George Minchin, Mark Needham, William D. Hartt, John A. Beckwith, Benjamin Wolhaupter, L. A. Wilmot, and John T. Smith, Esquires. Asa Coy, F. E. Beckwith, Mark Needham, F. W. Hatheway, Joseph Gaynor, H. Fisher, and S. A. Ackerley, Licensed Auctioneers. Terms of the Gener(d Sessions and Common Pleas.— Firtt Tues- day in January and June. Addiiional Terms of the Common Pleas— Tliird Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in October. Frederidon Ladies* Benevolent Society.— htidY Colebrooke, Presi- dent; Mrs. Odell, Treasurer ; Mrs. F. Putnam, Secretary; Miss C. Colebrooke, Assistant Secretary. Committee— Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Coster, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Shore, Mrs. Street, Mrs. Jacob. Mrs. L. A. Wilmot, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Berton, Mrs. Bill, Mrs. Bus- bv, Mrs. Gaynor, Mrs. Wolhaupter, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs. Head, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Woodrord, Mrs. Akerley, Mrs. Coyi . Miss Colebrooke, Miss Odell, Miss Coster. / York County Emigrant Society.— Hoa. Thomas Baillie, President ; Hon. O. P. Street, 1st Vice President; the SurveyorGeneral, ex officio^ 2d Vice President; James Taylor, Esquire, Treiasurer; Robert Gowan, Esquire, Secretary ; Lieut. -Colonel liayne, L. A. Wilmot, Charles Fisher, the Rev. Mr. Dollard, Venerable Archdeacon Coster, the Rev. Dr. Birkmyre, B. Wolhaupter, Isaac Kilburn, Henry Jones, James A. Miles, Allan M'Lean, and Lewis Huestis, Esquires, Committee. Frederidon Society of Saint Andrew.— Yf . Eraser, M. D., Presi- dent; John Gregory, Esquire, 1st, Vice President; Robert Fulton, 2d ditto; Joha.F. Taylor, Treasurer; William M'Beath, Secretary ; Rev. John Birkmyre, D. D., Chaplaia. Frederidon Society of Saint Patrick.— Ylon. Thomas Baillie, Pre- sident; L. A. Wilmot, Esq. Vice President; Jea^i B ss lit Bi > q i- T >< u » s wP M t M l B i a ii m i t B e oMinw , Cte p h eB Whi ts i A saie l a nt S ss Ht a fyt Fredericton Society of Saint George.— Hon. George Shore, Presi- dent ; J. E. Woolforde, and the Hon. G. F. Street, vice Presidents ; Venerable Archdeacon Coster, Chaplain ; , Treasurer and " Secretary. Frederidon Library.— 3. E. Woolforde, Esquire, President ; P. E. Beckwith, Esquire, Vice President ; R. Gowan, Esquire, Treasurer and Secretary ; W. H. Shore, and G. S. Flood, Committee; Michael White, Librarian. Terma—£3 on admission, and FiAeen Shillings annually. Frederidon News and Reading Room.—'R. Gowan, Honorary Manager ; A. Inches, G. Botsford, and J. Wilkinson, Committee. Floral and HorticuUur'al Society of New Brunswick, {at Frederic- ton.)— 3. E. Woolford, Esquire, President; Hon. Neville Parker, and L. A. Wilmot, Esquire, Vice Presidents; who, with Messrs. Oliver Smith and S. Flemming, constitute the Committee of Management and Decision.— George Lee, jr., Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. 80 H Vi n COUNTY OP CHARLOTTE. Hagh Mackay, Hon. Thomas Wjrer, Hon. James Allanithaw, James KaU, William FitzVVilliam Owen, and John Wilson, Esqgircs, Jus' iic«s of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hugh Macknjr, Hon. Thomas Wyer, Hon. James Allanshaw, James Rait, W. F. W. Owen, John Wilson, Hon. Wm. B. Kinnear, Peter M'Callum, Thos. Armstrong, Wm.Frankland, Tristram Muore, Pa- trick Clinch, Charles R. Hatheway, David Mowatt, Samuel Abhoti, Williaih Ker, Georgo Porter, Wil ford Fisher, Joshna Knightj William Oarnett, Nehemiah Marks, John M'Lanchlan, James Frmk, Johu 8nell, Robert Lindsay, John Porter, James Albee, Josenbus Moore, Abraham J. Wetmore, John M'Neil, (of the. QuorufJi,) Thos. Moses, Cockran Craig, Wm. Babcock, George M'Kay, David A. Rose, John Robinson, Wm. M'Inlosh, and Church Meigs, Esquires, Justices oi the Peace. Wellington Hatch, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Thomas Jones, Esq^uire, High SborifT. David Mowatt, Patrick Clinch, and David A. Rose, Blsq'rs, Coroners, David W. Jaqk» Esquire, County Treasurer. Hon. Harris Hatch, Registrar of Deeds and Wills, The Justices of the Pleas, together with Patrick Clinch, Wm. Ker, "Wilford Fisher, Esquires, and the Barristers and Attorneys practising \x\ the County, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. Hugh Mackay, Hon. Thos. Wyer, Samuel Abbott, Joseph N. darker Rev. Dr. Alley, Hon. H. Hatch, Colin Campbell, Hon. Thos. Wyer, Dr. S.^ Thompson, Rev. Mr. M'Lean, Rev. Mr. duinn, David W. Jack, Esq. and Dr. S. Frye. Master: Mr. Morrison. Marine tfospUalt Saint Anrfrews.— Commissioners : Hon. Harris Hatch^ Williain Ker, and D. W. Jack, Esquires. Surgeon— Samuel Frye, Esquire. Commissit)oers( for Wrecked" Property Jn the Cotjntyof Charlolle- Hnn. Thomas Wyer, and. Peter Smith, St. Andrews; Michael Dog- pet t, Grand Manan. George M. Porter and James Frink, Esquires, Commissioners for Buoy« and Beacons for the Ilnner Bay of Passamaquoddy. Ghas.H. HUheway, J. H. Whjilock, Wm. Garnett, James Boyd, %ouel Abbott, William M'LeaD» Edward Wilson,, John M'Kean, F. Loriman, J. M'Don Tkrm* (lay in K} ilw Comn Chariot Hon. Hai lington E Campbell J. M'Cun Chariot James B( Treasurei Rev. A. I Turner, 1 Hon. Ji Nathan ie! Inferior C Hon. J niel Hubl James Ti ^William J f George P Justices < John E Charle! the Peaci Nathan James Coroners H. T. taking Al Henry Supreme Thotna for Solem Board lam, He and Ckai Sunbw Thomas John Ha: Terms diy in Ja —Fourth Samuc Esquire, Clerk of the 37 Loriman, T. P. Sbtw, Daniel Sallivan, WiUitm T. lUtt, aad If. & J. M'DoDoell. Licensed Auctioneers. TBrmt qfthe Qeneral SeBaiona and Cbmmon Pleaa— Second Toes- day in April and third Tuesday in Septcniber. Additional Terms cf tlw Common P/eot-^Seeond Tuesday in July and December. Charlotte County AgrieuUural Society.— Dr. S. Frye, President ; Hon. Harris Hatch, and Hon. Thomas Wyer, Vice Presidents ; Wel- lington Hatch, Esquire, Treasurer; D. D. Morrison, Secretary; C Oamphell. Jas. Walton, T. Sime, II. O'Neil, J. Lochary, J. Turner, J. M'Curdy, M. M'Lean, and S. Getty, Committee. Charlotte County Emif^rant Society.— Hon. H. Hatch, President} James Boyd, Esauire, Vice President Darid W. Jack. Csquire, Treasurer^ J. M'Kean, Secretary ; Rev. Dr. Alley, Rev. Mr. Quidn, Rev. A. M'Lean, Thos. Jones, Dr. S. Frye, R. M. Andrews, Tbos. Turner, Thos. Sime, and W. F. W. Owen, Directors. issioners for GOUNTF OF SUNBURY. Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, Thomas O. Miles, Stephen Peahody, Nathaniel Hubbard, and John M. Wiimot, Esquires, J^usticea of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders, Thos. O. Miles, Stephen Peabody, Natha- niel Hubbard, John M. Wiimot, Ciapman Smith, Charles F. Street, .Tames Tiliey, George Hayward, Charles Hazen, (of the Qiforum,) ^William Hoyt, Henry T. Partelow, Thos. Harrison, John Peabody, fOeorge Priestly, Thomas N. Gilbert, and William Uurpe, Esquirecf^ Justices of the Peace. John Hazen, Esquire, High Sheriff*. Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wilis. James Hazen, George B. Covert, and Enoch Barker, Esquires, Coroners. H. T. Partelow, and E. A. Clowes, Esquires, Commisssioners (br taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court.v Henry T. Partelow, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Thomas O. Miles, and Stephen Peabody, Esquires, Commissloders for Solemnizing Marriage. Board qf Edxtcation.—Bxv. Rapet Milner, P' v. Archibald M'Cal- lum, Henry T. Partelow, Calvin L. Hatheway, Thomas O. Miles, and Charles P. Wetmore, Esquires. Sunbunf Emigrant Society.—Jolm M. Wiimot, Esquire, President , Thomas 6. Miles, Esquire, Vice President ; D. W. Parley, Seeretary ; John Hazeq, Esquire, Treasi^rer. Terms of the General Seasians and Common Pleas.— Third Tuos.. diy in January and June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. —Fourth Tuesday in March and third Tuesday in Octuber. QUEEN'S GOUNTT. Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Hon. Harry Peters, and William Foshay,' Esqaire, Justices of the Inferior Coiitt of Common Pleas. i ' ]i f' i n 38 "1 - * '. %'- I :: h r If K y Samuel ScoviU Esquire, Hod. Harry Peters, William Foshay, Ste* piten Golding, Thomas T. Hewlett, John Earle, John Humphries, Charles Harrison, {of the Quorum,) Peters Yeamans, John McAllis- ter, Lewis M'Donaid, John M'Lean, Joseph B. Perkins, Reuben Hobin, junior, Thomas Murray, Robert Gqldiug, and William Murray, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Nfuhaniel Hubbard Deveber, Esquire, High Sherifi*. Timotiiy R. Wetmore, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Henry S. Peters, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. John'Earle and Thomas T. Hewlett, Esquires, Coroners. Hon. Harry Peters, Samuel Scovil, Timothy R. Wetmore, and H. S. Peters, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Su- preme Court. Hon. Harry Peters and Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Hon. Harry Peters, Stephen (folding, Wil- liam Foshay, Thomas T. Hewlett, John Earle, and John Humphries, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Timothy R. Wetmore, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Samuel Mayes, Licensed Auctioneer. Hon. Harry Peters, Samuel Scovi! Esquire, Rev. Abraham Wood, Thomas T. Hewlett, Timothy R. Wetmore, and N. H. Deveber, Es- quires, Trustees of the Grammar School. Board of Education. — Hon. Harry Peters, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Samuel Scovil, N. H. Deveber, T. R. Wetmore, and Henry S. Pe- ters, Esquires. Terms of the General Sessions and Common PZeas.— Fourth Tues- day in January and June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. —Fourth Tuesday in April and October. KING'S COUNTY. David B. Wetmore, Esquire, Justice of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas. David B. Wetmore, Thomas Ketchum, John Smith, Henry A. Sco- vil, John C. Vail, A. C. Evonson, William M'Leod, John Barbarie, Ebenezer Smith, Azor Hoyt, Isaac Havilcnd, {of the Quorum,) Saniuel Foster, John Wightman, John Brittain, Jonn Henderson, James Brittain, Philip Nase, and John Ryan, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Asa Davidson, Esquire, High Sheriff; Ezrahiah Wetmore, Deputy Sheriff. Edward Belts Smith, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. William Simpson, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. David B. Wetmore, George N. Arnold, William Frost, and Isaac Haviland, Esquires, CoroneVs. David B. Wetmore, John C. Vail, and A. C. Evanson, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. William Simpson, Edward B. Smith, John C. Vail, and A. C. Evanson, Esquires, Corrmissioners fur taking Affidavits in the Su- preme Court. David B. Wetmore, William M'Leod, Henry A. Scovil, and Johi^ C. Vail, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Edward B. Smith, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ♦w " 1 Poshay, Ste- Mumphries, ohD M, Commis- sioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Board of Eklucation. '-Kafus Smith, Esquirei Hi>ki. A. E. Botsford, Hon. E. B. Chandler, the Rey. John Black, and the Rev. Joseph Crandall. Thomas Trenholm, Andrew Weldon, junior, George Pitfield, G. Woodworth, and Thomas E. Oultoo, junior, Esquires, Licensed Auc- tioneers. Westmorland Immigration Siooe^y.— Joseph Avard, jua.' Esquire, President; !Elish Peck, jun. and John Chapman, Esquire, Vice Pre- sidents; Christopher Milner, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer; Hon. W. Crane, Hon. E. B. Chandler, Thompson Trueman , George OuUon, Thomac Keilor, Philip Palmer, Bliss Botsford, S. G. Morse ■i h:4 I 9 ■t,^ ii ■ ■/';' ! i, ■ ■'> ! t M - ■; ■ i> ti 40 - W. Smith, Alexander Wright, John {Smith, Philip Chapman, J. Lewis; and J. Wallace, Esquires, Committee. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — Third Tues- day in June and November. Additional Terms of the Commx)n Pteas.— First Tuesday in April and second Tuesday in September. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. , Alexander Dt^vidsen, John Fraser, William Abrams, Hon. Joseph Cuoard, John Nesmith, and Henry B. Allison, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Fleas. . Alexander Davidson, John Fraser, William Ahrams, Hon. Joseph Cunard, John Nesmub. Henry E. Allison, John T.Williston, William Joplin, Alexander Goodfellow. Dudley Perley, Donald M'Kay, James D. W. Fraser, John Wright, Robert Doak, James Gilmour, Abraham Moore, Robert Leslie, John J. ponald, Thomas C. Allan, Alexander M'Lagi^an, Thomas N. Underbill, David Crocker, Henry C. D. Car- man, William Letson, Phineas Williston, James Hierlihy, Benjamin Siymist, junior, John M'Donald, John Cuppage, Jared Tozer, John Porter, John M. Johnson, {of the Quorum,) Peter Morrison, Alexan- der Davidson, junior, Thomas Wilioufirhbsr, Roderick M'Leod, John Leslie, and James L. Price, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. John M. Johnson, Esquire, High Sheriff. Thomas H. Peters, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. James Wright, and Martin Cranny, Esquires, Coroners. J. A. Street, Esquire, Registrar of Deeas and Wills. William Loch, John Nesmith, Alexander Davidson, Hon. Joseph Cunard, Robert Doak, and John J. Donald, Esquires, Commissioners lor takins: Ball in the Supreme Court. John Nesmith, Thomas H. Peters, J. A. Street, William Carman, junior, George Kerr. C.A.Harding, Hon. Joseph Cunard, Robert Doak, JohnJ. Donald, James H. Peters, Edward Williston^ John M. Johnson, junior, and James L. Price, Esquires, Commissioners fur taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. . William Abrams, Alexander Goodfellow, Donald M'Kajr, and Ro- bert Doak, £Isquires, Commissioners for Solemnizingf Marriage. Thomas H. Peters. Esquire, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Li Hawbolt, Commissioner of Buoys and Beacons in Miramichi. William Jpplin, Esquire, Harbour Master. Alexander Key, Esquire, Health Officer for the Port of Miramichi. James Gilmour, H. Cunard, William Carman, and J. Wright. Es- quires, and Rev. R. Archibald, Trustees of Northumberland Gram- juar School. Board ofEducation.—Uon- Joseph Cunard, J. A. Street, J. Wright, T. H. Peters, Esquires, and the Rev. Jamos Souter, (Secretary.^ Miramichi Immigration Societrj.—3. A. Street, Esquire, President ; H. Cunard, and Alexander Rankin, Esquires, Vice Presidents; Rev. James Souter, Corresponding Secretary; Edward WiHiston, and J. M. Johnson, junior, Becording Secretaries ; George Kerr, Esquire, Treasurer j Rev. Jas. Hudson, John T. Williston, Hon. Jos. Cunard, John Wright, Wm. Carman, John Fraser, Jas. A. Pierce, Henry B. Allison, and John Porter, E8(}uires, Committee. Term3 of the Oeneral Seesums and Common P/eas.— Second Tues- . day in Januarv and July. Additional Terms qf the Common Pleait. •^First Tuesday in May and October, 41 I ■ * , * COUNTY OF KENT. '■'" '• John Wheten, and George Pagan, Esquires, Justices of tlie Itifo- rior Coon of Common Pleas. John WheUn, George Pagan, John Jardine, John Bowser, William Hanington, Thomas Powell, John P. Ford, William M'Leod, {of the Quorum,) and James Long, Esquires, Jusiices of the Peace. Le Baron Drury, Esquire, High Sheriff.— Joseph Wetmore, Dcpuly Sheriff. « r J Honorable John W. Weldon, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. George Pagan, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and WiUs. James Long, Esquire, Coroner. ' William Chandler, Esquire, County Treasurer. John Wheten, George Pagan, Honorable John W. Weldon, and William Chandler, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits lo he read in the Supreme Court :— and John Wheten, and George Pa- gan, Esquires, Commissioners for taking^ Bail in the Supreme Court. Hon. John W. Weldon, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. John Wheton, John Jardine, William Hanington, and J. Bowser, Lsauires, Commissioners for Solemuiziug Marriage. William J, Layton and John G. Layton, Deputy Surveyors of Crown Lands, and Seizing Officers. Board of Health.— 3obnWheten, George Pagan, John Jardine, John Bowser, William Hanington, Thomas Powell, Hon. John W. Wel- tlon, William M'Leod, and William Chandler, Enquires. Board of Education.— 3ohu Wheten, George Pagan, John Jardine, Esquires, and Hon. J. W. Weldon. Trustees of the Grammar School.— Hon. John W. Weldon, George Pagan, Esquire, and the Rev. James Hannav. Master of the Oram- mar ScJiool— Mr. Thomas W. Wood. Kent Agricultural Sociel\,.— George Pagan, Esquire, Presiderft ; ibe Rev. James Hannay, Hon. J. W. Weldon, Thomas Powell, William Hanington, William M'Leod, and Albert B. Smith, Esquires^ Vice Presidents ; David Wark, Secretary and Treasurer ; James Long, John Clark, LeBaron^Drory, 'Thomas Johnson, James Hutchinson, Joseph Doherty, WilHam Doherty, Robert Dysart, John Carruthers, James Thurrat, and David Gifford, Committee. Aunual Meeting—second Thursday in January. Kent County Emigrant Society.— Hon. J. W. Weldon, President ;; George Pagan, and LeBaron Drury, Esquires. ViCie Presidents ; Wm, J. Layton, Esquire, Secretary ; David Wark, Esquire, Treasurer; John Wheten, Wm. M'Leod, John Jardine, Wm. Chandler, John P. Ford, Jaraes Long, Rev. James Hannay, D. Gifford, L. DesBrisay, und Wm. Caie, Directors; Thomas Johnston, John Clark, John Thor- ratt, Geo. Holder, Isaac Sowerby, David Kenrick, Wm. Beck, John Carruthers, John Stephenson, John Kenrick, and Albert B. Smith, Assistants. 7'erms of the General Scs''ons and Common P/eas— Second Tues- day in January and fourth Tuesday in June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas— L^si Tuesday in April and Septembori i i I it COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. • Joseph Read, John Miller, William Napier, and John Eraser, Es- quires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. I 4(2 i •; •! 5', 4 Joseph Read, John Miller, William Napier, James Blackhall, Ben- jamin Dawson, John Young, Henry W. Baldwin, P. J. N. Dumaresq, John Richev, John Dorau, Robert Robinson, Thos. M. Dablois, Wm. Stephens, John Fraser, and Thomas Palle, (of the Quorum,) and George Severet, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Henry Williams Baldwin, Esquire, Hiqh Sheriff. William End, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Henry Williams Baldwin, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. ; Thomas M. Deblois, Esquire, County Treasurer. Robert Gordon, Esquire, Coroner. ' Joseph Read and Beojamin Dawson, Esouires, Commissioners for ' taking Bail and Affidavits in the Supreme Court. William End, Richard Carman, Joseph Read, and Benjamin Daw- son, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. John Young, James Blackhall, William Napier, and Benjamin Dawson, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. William End, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. William Napier, Benjamin Dawson, and William Deacon, Licensed Auctioneers. William End, William Napier, William Stevens, Thomas M. De- blois, Esquires, and Rev. A. C. Soinerville, Trustees of the Gram- mar School. Teacher— Mr. James $^miih. William Napier, Henry W. Baldwin, William End, Robert Gordon, Esquires, and Rev. George M'Donald, Board of Education. Thomas M. Deblois, Joseph Read, and William Napier, Esquires, 'Commissioners of Buoys and Beacons. Joseph Read, Henry W. Baldwin, and Francis Ferguson, Esquires, Commissioners of Sick and Disabled Seamen's Fund. Henry W. Baldwin, Esquire, Commissioner for Wrecks and Dere- lict Vessels. — John Fra«er, Esquire, Agent for Lloyds. William Wilson, William M'Leod, George Kerr, and William End, Esquires, Commissioners for Stages between Dorchester and Batburst. GfUyuceater County Agricultural Society.— WxiUviTn End, Esquire, President ; John Fraser and William Stevens, Esquires, Vice-Presi- dents, Henry W. Baldwin, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. 4jrloweBte.r Emigrant Society. —Fr^wcx^ Ferguson, Esquire, Presi- dent ; William Stevens, Esquire, and Mr. Richard Dawson, Vice- Presidents; Henry W. Baldwin, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. Terms of the General Sessions ana Common Pfcaa.— Second Tucs- rlay in January and last Tuesdajr in July. Additional Terms qf the €!ommon Fleas.— First Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in October. COUNTY OP CARLETON. B. C. Beardsley, Richard Ketchum, and John Dibblee, Esquires, Justices of thfi Inferior Court of Common Pleas. B. C. Beard&ley, Richard Ketchum, James Upham, J. A. Maclauch- Ian, Josiab Brown, John Dibblee, Adam Sharpe, Francis Rice, Leo* nard R. Coombes, James Ketchum, John Bedell, jr. Abraham N. Gar den, Rufus S. Demill, Saml. Nevers, C. A. Hammond, Henry Baird,' Asa Upton, Paul M. Bedell, William Hallett, {of the Quorum^) Am- hrose S. Carman, Jeremiah M. Connell, Charles Perley, Benjamin Noble, Ralph D. Beardsl^, Samuel Estabrooks, Charles Connell, and Frederick Morehouse, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. 43 V John F. W. Winslow, Esquire, High Sheriff. . John S. M*Beath and John Craven, Deputy Sheriffs. A. K. Smedes Welmore, Esc|uire,Keei)er of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court or Common Pleas. George A. Bedell, Esauire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills. John Bedell and Charles Connell, Esquires, Coroners. F. B. Dibblee, Esquire, County Treasurer. The Barristers mid Attorneys practising in the County, Commissi- oners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. Richard Ketchum, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Bail and Affi- davits in the Supreme Court. Richard Ketchum, John Dibblee, John Bedell, Josiah Brown, and L. R. Coombes, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Richard English, Jeremiah M. Connell, and John S. M'Beath, Li- censed Auctioneers. Board of Education.— Richard Ketchum, John Dibblee, Esqui/es, Rev. Samuel D. L. Street, A. K. Smedes Wetmore, John Bedell, Da- vid L. Dibblee, and William T. Wilmot, Esquires. Firewards in Woodstock.— Chiles Perley, Stephen Tracey, R. S. Demill, John Bedell, Charles Connell, R. English, A. B. Sharpe, A. S. Carman, and A. N. Garden, Esquires. Carleton County Agricultural tSocie/y.—Richard Ketchum, Esquire, President ; John Dibblee and E. A. Cunliffe, Esquires, Vice Presidents ; Charles Perley, Esq. Secretary ; Richard English, Esq. Treasurer. Carleton County Emigrant /Sbcie^y.— Richard Ketchum, Esquire, President; John Dibblee, J. M. Connell, E. A. Cunliffe, Asa Upton, James Ketchum, and James Sharp, Vice Presidents ; Richard Eng- lish, Treasurer ; Charles Perley, Corresponding- Secretary ; George F. Williams, Recording Secretary; Geo. Clowes, S. Hayden, J. C. Squires, Wm. Hallett, J. Hutctiinson, Charles Emery, and Charles Hammond, Committee. Terms of the General Sessions and Common PZcas.— Fourth Tues- day in January and June. Additional Terms of tke Common Pleas, —First Tuesday in March and October. COUNTY OP RESTIGOUCHE. Robert Ferguson, John Montgomery, and Dugald Stewart, Esquires Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Robert Ferguson, John Montgomery, Dugald Stewart, Adam Fer- fusoR, William Flemming, Peter Stewart, Arthur Ritchie^ Archibald lamsay, James Paul, Peter Sutherland, and Joseph Hunter ,~Esquires, Justices of the Peace. ^^ James Paul, Esquire, High Sheriff. Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. Donald Stewart, Esquire, County Treasurer. Hugh Montgomery and Robert Ritchie, Esquires, Coroners. Robert Ferguson, Dugald Stewart, Peter Stewart, and James Paul, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Bail and Affidavits ia the Su- preme Court. Andrew Barberie, Robert Ferguson, Peter Stewart, Dugald Stewart, James Paul, Chipman Botsford, Patrick Coughlan, James S. Morse, and Theophilus DesBrisay, Esquires, Commissioners for taking A^« davits in the Supreme Court. lil 44 Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Issuer of Marriaofe Licenses. • Kobert Ferguson, John Montgomery, and William jEMemrtiing, Es- cftiires. Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. John Montgomery, Donald Stewart, and Adam Ferguson, Esquires,' Commissioners for Buoys and Beacons for the Port of Dalhounie. John Montgomery and Arthur Ritchie, Esquires, Commissiorters for the Sick and Disabled Seaman's FCind. Charles M'Donald, Harbour Master, Dalhousie. Donald M'Leod, Harbour Master, Gampbelton. John U. Campbell, Robert W. Kelly, and Alexander Campbell, Li* censed Auctioneers. Board o/HeaUk.—Ro\)eri Ferguson, John Montgomery, Peter Stew- act, Dueald Stewart, Arthur Ritchie, Joseph Hunter, William Fleni- itritig, Archibald Ramsay, Adam Ferguson, Robert Ritchie, and An- drew Barberie, Esquires. TrttstceiS of the Hestlgotiehe Grammar School. — John Montgomery, Dueald Stewart, Ghipman Botsford, and Andrew Barberie, Esquires. —Teacher, Mr. Charles Lloyd. Board ofEducation.-^Rev. James Steven, John Montgomery, An- drew Barberie, Chipman Botsford, Joseph Hunter, and Donald'Stew- uTi, Esquires. ^ JRestigouche Agricultural Society ^ established 9th January , 1840. — Robeit Fcrqu&on, Esquire, President; Hugh Montgomery and Andrew Barberie, Esquires, Vice-Presidents ; Dugald Stewart, Esquire, Secre- tary and Treasurer ; Arthur Ritchie, Joseph Hunter, William Flem- ining, David M'Intosh, and Thotnas Barclay, Committee. Annual Meeting— First Tuesday i« January. Terms of the Genei al Sessions and Common Pleas.— First Tuesday in January and Second Tuesday id July. Additional Terms of ike Common Pleas.— Second Tuesday in October and Second Tuesda; in April. UEll MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. PonT OF Satnt Johw. — Henry Bowyer Smith, Esquire, ColJector ; Oeorge Hamilton Smith, Esquire, Landing Surveyor; James W'alker, Esquire, Waiter and Searcher; James D. Lewin, Esquire, Waiter afid Searcher; John Longmaid, Tide Surveyor ; Williani Whiteside, ]st Clerk; 2d'Clerlc, (pacanO; George Harrison, 3d ditto; William F. Huyghue, extra Clerk. Charles Drury, Esquire, Admeasurer of Ships and Vessels. Warehouse Department.'--yfi\lmn Stringer, Esquire, Warehouse- Keeper at Saint John;. Thomas P. Marter, Esquire, and B. Marter, £ockers at ditto. »Su&.CoKcctor«:— James Sayre, Esquire, Dorchester; John Macke- rlic. Esquire, Dalhousie ; David Swayne, Esquire, Richibucto; Henry E. Dibblee, Esquire, Woodstock ; Thomas M. Deblois, Esquire, Ba- thurst; J. Blactchall, Acting, Caraquet ;— under the principal Officers of Her Majesty's Customs at the Port of Saint John. PoBT OF MiRAMicAi.— John Wright, Esquire, Collector; Joseph Dean, Esquire, Principal Waiter and Searcher ; Mr. Richard Hockin, Clerk ; under the princifal Officers of Her Majesty's Customs at.lh« P«f> of Saint John. V Pout of Smvt ANonEws.— Alexander Grant, Esqutre, Collector : C. V. Forsler, Esquire, Landing Surveyor ; R. Ker, Esquire, Acting Waiter and Searcher ; Williaih Eilman, Esquire, 1st Clerk and Ware- house Keeper. ^b-CoUeetors ;— D. Bennett, Esquire, Campobello ; T. Armstroner, Esquire, Saint Stephen ; Cochran Craig, Esquire, Grand Manao ; A. J. Welmore, Esquire, Saint Qeorse. PROVINCIAIi RUVENUJB. Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Province Treasurer. Deputy Treasurers.— Joseph Beek, Esquire, Fredericton ; David W. Jack, Esquire, Saint Andrews; A. J. Wetmore, Esquire, Saint George ; Thomas Moses, Esquire, West Isles : Robert Watson, Esq. Saint Stephen ; Thomas H. Peters, Esquire, Miramichi ; Hon. John W. Weldon, Richibucto; Daniel Haningtou, Esquire, Shediac ; John M'Almon, Esquire, Hopewell ; Edward Wood, Esquire, Westmoiland ; George Miner, Esquire, Sackville ; William Carter, Esquire, Dorches- ter; Dugald Stewart, Esquire, Restigauche; John Milter, Esquire, Bathurst; Bill Chappel, Esquire, Bay Verte ; H. E. Dibblee, Esquire, Woodstock; Cochran Craig, Esquire, Grand Munau. Mr. Henry Whiteside, Treasury Clerk. Tide Surveyors at Saint JoAn. ^Benjamin C. Chaloner and J. E. Carmichael. Guager and Weigher 0/ Dutiable Articles at Saint John.— Ben jumia C. Chaloner. David W. Jack, Esquire, ditto ditto at Saint Andrews. William Joplin, ditto ditto at Miramichi. Tide Waiters.— Stephen Humbert, John Abrams, Thomas Griffiths, H. Coffey, R. Coffey, Thomas Robson, D. Corrigan, J. Fitzpairick, Jamie^ StepllebSoti, Tiftiorhy Mitchell, and Georse J. Thomson, Saint John; William Payne, Fredericton ; Edmund Walsh. Saint Stephen ; Charles M'Donald, Resiigoache ; Henry Johnson and William Stoop, Saint Andrews ; R. Sutherland, Saint George ; Alexander Andersen, Bathurst ; E. J. Stewart, Diilhottsi^ ; George Siveret, senior, Shippegau and Caraquet ; Gilbert T. Morris, and J. Craven, County of Carieton. George D. Robinson, and Isaac Woodward, Esquires, Appraisers of Dutiable Articles at Saint John. Appraisers of Dutiable Goods in the County of Charlotte— Hon. Thomas Wyeri James W. Street, James Douglas, and Wm. Garnett, St. Andrews ; B. Fitzgerald, Robert Kerr, and Williatn Calkin, Campo Bella; Justus Wetmore, Gideon Knight, and Hugh M'CttUom, Ma- gaguadavic. Appraisers of Dutiable Articles in the County of Caileton— Charles Perley, and Rufus S. Demiil. OFFIOE OP AUDIT. Honorable Firederick P. Robinson, Auditor General. PROVINCIAL VACCINE ESTABLISHMENT. Centrai StaHon— Saint John. His Excellency the Lieutensnt Governor, and Her Majesty's Coun- cil, Patrons of the Institution; Hon. Wiliiam Black, Director of the i ■ i !■ . i.' T hi it 46 tnstitulion. CommtV/cc— Predericton— Hon. William F.Odell; Saint Andrews— Rev. Jerome Alley, D. D. Vaccinatingc Surgeon*.— Saint John— George P. Peters, Esquire, M. D. ; Predericton— the Medical Officer in charge of the Troops. UNIVERSITY OF KING'S COLLEGE-Fredbricton. Patron, the Queen; Visitor on l|er Majesty's behalf, the Bishop ; Cbancelltr, the Administrator of the Government ; President, the Arch- deacon ; Council— the Lieutenant Governor, Venerable Archdeacon Cos- ter, Rev. Dr. Jacob, Flon. W. Botsford, Hon. Ward Chipman, L. L. D., Hon. J. S. Saunders, Hon. William Black, D. C. L., Honorable Neville Parker ; Hon. G. P. Street, Registrar. COLLEGE.— Vico President and Principal— the Rev. Edwm Jacob, D. D. ; Professors- Classical Literature, History, and Moral Philosophy- Reverend Dr. Jacob ; Metaphysics and Divinity— Rev. Dr. Jacob ; Mathematics and Natural Philosophy— W. Bryden Jack, A. M. ; Chemistry and Natu- tal History— James Robb, M. D. Collegiate School.— Masters— Mr. George Roberts, and Mr. James Holbrook ; French Tutor, — . MADRAS SCHOOL. The Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New Brunswick. --The Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being ; the Lord Bishop of the Diocese ; the Chief Justice ; the Members of Her Majesty's Council ; the Judge of the Admiralty; the Speaker of the House of Assembly ; the ^Iayor and Recorder of Saint John ; the Ecclesiastical Commissary of the Pro- vince; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church in Saint John ; together with the Hon. Edward J. Jarvis, the Reverend George Burns, D. D., and William Scovil, Esquire. Robert P. Hazen, Esq. Treasurer; J. W. Boyd, Esquire, Cleric. -■,,■■' ■ ' ' Bank op New Bbunsi^ick.— (/n Saint JbAn.)— Capital £100,000. —President, Thomas Lea vitt, Esquire; Directors— John Boyd, M. D., L. H. Deveher, Robert F, Ha/en, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Nehemiah Merritt, Charles C. Stewart, Creorge Swinney, and Wm. P. Ranney, Esquires ; Cnshier, Richard Whitesidet Esquire ; Solicitor and Nota- ry, James William Boyd, Esquire. Commercial Bank op New Brunswick.- (In Saint Jo/m.)— In- corporated byRoyalCharter.— Capital £150.000, with power to increase to £300,000. PresidcKt, Lewis Burns, Esquire ; Directors — llcbi. L. Hazen, Ralph M. Jarvis, Thos. Merritt, Daniel J. M'Laughlin, Am- brose S. P'>rkin.?, Gilbert T. Ray, Wm. O. Smith, Charley Ward, Sie- phen Wig^'ins, and Johii Wishart, Esquires ; Cashier, Geo. C. Parte- low. Esquire; Solicitor, Robert L> Hazen, Esquire. Commercial Branch Bank.— (4< Miramichi.) — Committee ©f Management— Wm. Locti and Alexander Rankin, Esquires ; Cashier Thomas C. Allan, Esquire. Commercial Bank Aqbncy at Woodstock.— Committee of Ma^! nagenient— Charles Perley, Charles Connell, Richard English and A, |J. Sharp, Esquires ; Cashier, G. F. Williams, Esquire, Esq. .47 CenthalBank op Nkw Brunswick.— (//I iJVtft/^ridon.)— Capi- tal i;3'^,000, with power to increase to £30,000. -President, William J. Bedell, Esquire; Directors— George J. Dibblee, Charles M'Pher- son, Thomas R. Robertson, John F. Taylor, Charles P. Wetmore, Thomas Pickard, R.Wothaupter, and John Harding, Esquires ; Cash- ier, Samuel W. Babbitt, Esquire; Solicitor, George J. Dibblee, Esq. Cbntbal Bank Agency. — (At Wonchtock. )—Commhlee of Ma nagenient— Richard Keichum, James Robertson, and A. B. Sbarpe, Esquires; Agent, A. B, Sharpe, Esquire. Charlotte Gocsty Bank— (In St. Andrews)— Capital, £15,000. Prsstident— Hon. Harris Hatch ; Directors— Hon. James AUanshaw, Hon. Thomas Wyer, John Wilson, Edward Wilson, William Bab- cock, James W. Street, and John M'AUister, Esquires; Cashier- John Rodgers, Esquire. Saint Stephen's Bank.— Capital, £25,000. President— William Porter, Est^uire; Directors- Robert Lindsay, John Marks, George S. Hill, George M. Porter, Gilman D. Kin<;, John M'Alister, junior, and Heorj: Eastman, Esquires; Cashier— David Upton, Esquire; Solici- tor— Gleorge S. Hill, Esquire. Bank op British North America.— (Esta&/ts^«c£m London.)— Capital £1,000,000 sterling,iin 20,000 shares of £50; three-fourths of which have been subscribed inEngiand,andthe remainder in theNorth American Colonies,) with power to increase the Capital. — Manager of the Branch at Saint John, Alfred Smithers, Esquire ; Local Direc- tors at Saint John— James Kirk, Hon. John Robertson, W. H. Street, and Willmm Walker, Esquires ; Siandins; Counsel, Hon. George F. Street, Solicitor General ; Solicitor and Notary, George Wheeler, Es- quire. Fredericton Branch.— Manager, George Taylor, Esquire ; Direc-. tors— S. J. Barker, John Simpson, and James Taylor, Esquires. INSURANCE COMPANIES, New-Brunswick- Fire Insurance Company.— (/u Saint John.) —Capital £50,000.— President— John Boyd, Esq. M. D. ; Directors-^ Mark Dole, John Hammond, Roht. F. Hazen, Ralph M, Jarvis, Wil. liam Jarvis, Robert Keltie, John Kiunear, Nehemiah Merrilt, Ambrose S. Perkins, Gilbert T. Ray, and D. J. M'Laughlin, Esquires; Secre- tary—Daniel Jordan, Esqui;e; Solicitor— Robert F. Hazen, Esquire. Central Fire Insurance Company.— (/n i^«d^ic/on.)— Capi- tal £50,000.— President— Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquiie ; Directors- Charles M'Pherson, T. T. Smith, Charles Fisher, John S. Gov, W. D. Hartt, W. A. M'Lean, F. E. Beck with, and Thomas Stewart, Esquires; Secretary— William M'Beath, Esquire. Agencies.— Saint Andrews, George D. Street, Agent : Hon. Harris Hatch and James Boyd, Esquire, Committee of Reference.— Newcas- tle, (Miramichi.) Charles A. Harding, Esquire, Agent; Chatham, George Kerr, Esquire, Agtint.- Rathurst, Wm. Stephens, Esquire, Agent; Richibucto, Hon. John W. Weldon, Agent; Dalhousie, Du- gfild Stewart, Esquire, Agent; Woodstock, Messrs. Jeremiah M. and Charles Connell, Agents ; Saint Stephens, Robert Watson, Esquire, Agent. New Brunswick Marine Assurance CoMPANY.-Capital £50,000, with power id incrfease to £100,000..— President— Jas. Kirk, Esquire ; M m 48 If; i 'ii:: IV IW I Directors— WilHatn LcaYilf. William Walker, John V. Tburgar, John Wishart, F. A. Wiggins, William H. Scovit, and John Duncan. E^ quires ;— Secretary— Adam Jack, £squire ; Solicitor—George Wneel- er, Esquire. Saint Andrews Marinb Association.— Directors : Hon. James Allanshaw, Ilou. H. Hatch James W. Street, F. A. Babcock, Wil- liam Qarnett, Kichard M. Andrews, and Peter Smith. Secretarj— John M'Kean. Saint Stephen's Marine Mutual In'wuhancb AssoriATinif.— Directors— James Frink, Rohert Watson, R. M. Todd, Robert Lind- say, F. M. Pingrec, F. H. Todd, George M. Porter. Secretary and Broker— W. T. Rose. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Saint JohnWaier Com;)any.— Capital :£20,000.— Lauehlan Donald- son, Esquire, President ; Directors— Hon. John Robertson, Isaac L. Bedell, W. H. Street, Thomas Barlow, R. W. Crookshank, Rohert h\ Hazen, John Kerr, Robert ^Celtie, William Mackay, H. G. Kin- near, Charles Ward, and Edward L. Jarvis, Esquires ; Duncan Ro- bertsoD, Esquire, Secretary. Saint John Bridge Cotnpany.— Capital £20,000.— President : W. H. Street, Esquire; Directors: Ralph M. Jarvis, Hugh Mackav, John Walker, Edward L. Jarvis, Charles Hazen, George D. Robinson, William Hammond, and John Kerr, Esquires, Hun. John Robertson, Rot. F. Coster, P. Besnard, and Thomas L. Nicholson, Esquires.— Duncan Robertson, Esquire, Secretary. Saint John Mechanics* Whale Fishing Compan;/.— Capital £50,- 000.— Thomas Nisbet, Esquire, President ; Directors— John Duncan , C. D. Everitt, William Lawton, Daniel J. M'Laugblin, John Wishart, and Gilbert T. Ray ; John Kirby, Secretary. Saint John Hotel Company.— Tbotma Nisbet, Esquire, President ; Directors— Thomas E. Millidge, John Rhodes, James Malcolm, and William Wright, Esquires ; Mr. John Kirby, Secretary ; Messrs. W. & J, Scammell, Managers. Saint John Mills and Canal Company. -^Paid up Capital £40,250. — Mark Healy, Esquire, President; Directors— John B. Jones, S«tU Bryant, John Preston, and Benjamin D. Whitney, Esauires ; J. D. Emery, Esquire, Agent and Treasurer ; Moses H. Periey, Esquire, Solicitor and Secretary. ScUnt John Mills and Manufacturing Company.— Capital £20,000. — T. C. Eferitt, President; Directors— C. D. Everitt, H. Blakslee, John Smith, and George L. Camber ; D. J. Esley, Secretary. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. John Howe, EJsquire, Depnty Post Master General for Nova Scotia ana New Brunswick. Po8t Masters in Neuf Brunswick.— John Howe, junior, Esquire, Saint John; William B. Phair, Esouire, Fredericton; William F. Bonnell, junior, Esquire, Gagetown ; George F. Campbf'Il, Esquire, 8aint Andrews ; David A. Rose, Esquire, St. Stephen ; Gideon Kiiight, Require, Saint George ; Christopher Milner^ Esquire^ Dorchester ; ,V i V i SM far, John rtcan, Es^ Wheel- >n. James Bck, Wil- icreiarjr— ATION.— tert Liod- 3tary and n Donald - Isaac L. :, Rohert . G. Kin- incan Ro- len t : W. kav, John [lopinson, Robertson , iquires.— tal £50,- Duncan, Wishart, resident ; :elm, and issrs. W. £40,250. lies, Seth s ; J. D. Esquire, £20,000. 31akslee, a Scots^ Esquire, liam F. Eisquire, Ktiight, ibesl^r i 4t ■ ■ - James Caie, Bsquirej Chatham, (Miramichi) ; Hugh Morrell, Esquire, Newcastle. (Miramichih John W. Weidon, Esquire, Richibucto ; Thomas M. De Blo(s, F#q*)ire, Bathurst; Richard Eniilish, Etquire, >* WoodstociC; Asa Davidson, ElsQuire, Kinff'ton; John C. Vail, Esq.,. l Sussex Vale; Dugalrf Stewart, Esquire, Resii^oucho j John H. Ryan, I Esquire, Grand Falls; P. C. Ameroaux, Esquire, Madawaska; Alex- ander Lockhart, Esquire, Quaco. SUPERVISORS OF GREAT ROADS. \ ,v v. George Haysrard, Esquire— from Fr^dericton to Saint John via Nere- pis ; and from Gagetown ttH the Nerepis Road. George Anderson, Esquire— Suint John to Saint Andrews. David Crocker, Esquire— Richjliucto to Chatham, and between New- castle and Bathurst, ami from Bathurst to Campbelltown. Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire— Fredericton to the Finger Board. John Jordiln, Esquire— Saint John to bead of Belleisle and from Stini. John to Hay ward's Mills. Laurence B, Rainsfurd and James Bro>rii, Jr., Esquires— Frederictoii to Saint Andrews. Charles Perley, Esquire— Woodstock to Honlton. ; George Hayward and James Ketcbum, Esquires'— FVedericton to Woodstock. Alexander Goodfellow, Esquire— Fredericton to Newcastle. Hon. Amos E. Botsfnrd— Hayward-s Mills to the Nova-Scotia Line. Daniel Haningtbn, Esquire— Dorchester to Shediac and from Sbediac to tho Bend of Petticodiac. William Chandler, Esquire— Shediac to Richibucto. James Wallace, Jr. Esquire- Salisbury to Hopewell. James A. Maclauchlan, Esquire, and Hon. W. H. Robinson— frotn the Grand Falls to the Littlv Falls of the Madawaska, and for the Bridge at the Grand Falls. James Ketchum,^squire-^from Woodstock to the Aroostook, and be- tween the Aroostook and the Grand Falls. PUBLIC functionaries: Thomas Leavitt, Esquire, Consul of the United States, at St. John. >> Henry C. D. Carman, Esquire, United States' Consul, at Miiramiehi. William P. Ranney, Esquire, Agent for Lloyds, at St. John. .• Thomas Leavitt, Esquire, Agent for the Mantle Insurance Companies of New York, and Underwriters of Liverpool. Abraham Gesner, Esquire, Provincial Geologist. (at St. John. Alexander Wedderburn, Esquire, Government Agent for Emigrants, Edmund Ward, Esquire, A:$sistant Emigrant Agent, Fredericton. Edward A. Grattan, j^squtre, Emigrant Agent tot New Brunswick, at Boston, U. S. Hon. Thbs. C. Lee, Jas. A. Maclanehlan, Wnj. Tvng Petfers, and M. H. Perley, Esquires, Commissioners lor Iniitian AiTairs. L. A. Wilmdt, JameS Taylor, Benjamin Wolhaapter, and Charles P. Weimore, Esquires, Commissioners of Governroenl House. Thomas Bartow and Isaac Woodward, Esquires, Comihissidoers Ibr the Provincial Dredging Machine. Joba Duncan, Esquire, Commissidner-for examtnin« andrepotii^ vpon Steam-boats. / M k . A / 4'.'5i IK +.1^ 50 LIGHT HOUSED. C»mmti»ioncro foi' Light Hoiuei in the Bay qf I'\ndi/.— 3oUn Wurd, senior, llohert W. Crookshank, Thotnat Bartow, John Ward, iuaior, Lauchlau Donaldson, W. P. W. Owen, and baac Woodward, : Enquires. Ormmiaaipnera for PartrUige liland and the Beacon Light Uau»€$. •^Juliri Ward, senior, and Lauchlan Donaldson, Esquires. Cqniinissioncrs of Machias Seal Inland. Campo Detio, and Sainl AndrcxBs L'ghL //rj: dannct Rock Ljg'A/.— This Light bears from the Light on Brier Islaud, N. W. i WT 21 miles. It is intehd«d to warn siiB»^h uf iheir jipproach to a very dangerous range of shoals ond ledgei.which extend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal Islands off Machias, a distance of uboat 30 miles. Bearings from the Gannet Rock Light House— To the Old Proprietor/which dries at 5 ebb, (very daii^jerous ) E. by N. i N. 7 miles. " Black RoQk, (always above water 2G fuel.) off White Head, N. E ;t E. South West Head of Qrand Manan, N. W. ^ N. Noriherumnst of the Wurr Ledges, (dry at f ebb,) N. W. . by.W. 4 W. "- Southernmusluf ditto, called Saint Mary's Ledge, (always out of water,) S. W. by W. i W. " Machias Seal Island Li£hts, (distant* about thirteen nvles.) W. by N. 4N. PToTE.— BoUveen tlic NortberDmoSt and Southernmost of the Murr Ledges, there is a r^jinge of dangerous rocks and shoals, many of them always above water, and which extend Westward fiom the Light House about four uiites ; from this range, farther Westerly, atout fight miUi, Ties a dangerous l^reaker, called the Roaring Bull. This may bo nvoided by keeping three remarkable headlands near the S. W^. end of Cxaud ?{Ia*Ba», opes. The Hd g!«:i having been rmored from the ^i V fo L dy.— JoUn •lin Ward, iToodward, hi Ifou»ct. ivd Saint vi Allan- Honie* iti I of thoftv Province. proachioi; . This i)i iter mark, ot of ihe which the iS.SAV. d I he lul- llout, and I thein. t Light ii ic N. W. ra iScotiu, ind Noriti Light is, -A lo/iUe on Brier s uflhcir h extend 8tun;:e oi » ) E. by t« Head, N. VV. vays out niiles,) he Murr of them e Light »ut right bii9 may W. end rom the ■ ► Ltnlern, there is now • flash light— whitb— twenty seconds dark and forty li^ht in each minute. The Light House is painted in stripes, Tertical, block and white. Machiaa Seal Islands LigMa.—Thtrt are two Qxed whiti Lights • upon th« Machias Seal Islands, elevated ahout forty-five feet above high water, and bear from each other E,. S. E. and Vv. N. W. distaut about 200 feet, by which circumstance of. two Light Houses at th»^ same station, they will be itnmediately distinguished from all otbor Lights upon the Coast, (British or American.)— Both the buildings are painted white. The following are the bearings f'om them, viz. : To the Southernmost Murr Ledge, (St. Mary's,) E. S. E. easterly. ' " Qannet Rock Light, E. by S. 4 S, 13 miles. " Southern Head of Grand Manan, E. by N. i N. " Northern Head of Grand Manan, N. E. I E, " N. E. Rock, distant 2 miles, N. E. by N. " Little River Head, N. by W. " Libby Island Light House, (American,) N. W. by W. Vessels standing in to the Northward, between those Lights and the Gannet Rock, should tack nr haul off the moment I hey bring theve Litfhts into one, as they will then not be more than three-fonrths of a mifo from the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the east of the Lights. Head Harbour Light.— Next in order after passing Grand Manan and the plain white Li^ht (American,) on West Quoddy Point, i^ Head Harbour Light. This is placed on the North East extremity of Campo Rello, and is a guide lo vessels entering the main Channel to >i West Isles, Moose Island, and the inner Bay of Passamaquoddy ;— it f enables vessels also at all times to enter Head Harbour.— It is a fixetl WHITE Light. The building is painted white, with a red cross on it. point LsPrean Lights.— Vf^m this projecting bead land two Lights are placed, one above the other in tho same House, and distant twenty - eight feet.— Both. Lights can be seen from every point of the compass, where they may bo useful— both are fixad and white. The Light Ifouse is painted red and while, in stripes of five feet broad each, ho- rizontally. Partridge Island Light.— This Light at the entrance of the River and Harbour of Saint John, having been estalilished about fifty yearf^, requires no particular notice, further than it is a fixed whitk Light, and lli^t the Light House is painted red and white, in vertical stripes. Beacon LiglU.— WiXhin Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or Sar, which extends about half a mile S. S. E. ofC Sand Point, and which dries at two<-thirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. Upon this Tower ") a Light is established, which is eminently useful to the Coasting ■^ Trade of Saint John , and to all other Vessels having Pilots on board , as it enables them to euter the Harbour at all hours of the night.— A fixed WHITE Light.— The House is painted white and black, ia stripes, vertically. Quoco Light.— X revolving whitb Light is placed on a small rock, off Quaco Head, showing twice full and twice aark in a minute. This Light can be seen from any q.uarl€r where a vessel can approach.— The Light House is painted white and red, in horizontal stripes. Cape Enrage Light— Oa the Point of that name, in Westmorland, nearlyr opposite Apple River Harbour, (N. S.) The House is about 120 feet above the tide mi^rk^ and is painted white. •-.\ plain wMcrs Light.. . , . ,'1 1' I sa I I i I'-il ESTAKLISHEP CHURCH OF ENGtAND. 1'hc Ri^ht Keverend and ilonorsMeJOHi^, Lord Bishop df Nova Sdofm, exerciHng,ljy, Her Majesty's Let(erf Pat^i^t, %U.c6j)8it JurisdictibA, o7er tho Prorince. . . w ^... ' VeQcra^le George Coster, A. Mi, Archd/eacon. Referend Beajamin G. Gray, D> D., Missionary of the Society for thd Propagation of the Gospel in, Foreign Pacts. Revewmd I. \y. D. Gray»A«M>Reotornf Trinity Cbitrebt St. Joha^ lieverend Wm. Scoiril, A. M., Curate of Trinity Cbiircb, Saint Johh. lleverend A. St^wfirt, secpnd, Curate of Trinity Church) Saini;John. Reverend Willlain Harrispui Rector of Pojrllaod, and offiiciatiiis Mis- sionary at LpcliLprnond, Reverend Frederick Coster, Recio!r/of Carletpn. I'evereiul, Ueprge Coster, A. M,,.HectQr of ^rediwrctOQ. Kererend John Maine Sterling, A. jVL, Curate of Frederictpn. Reverei^d Jerome Alley, t>. D., Rector of Saint Andrews. Ketcrend Skefiingtpn Thompson, L. L. D., Rector ,pf Saint Stephen^ Revc^eAil. W. E, ScpylJ, A. Jil. , Hector of Kingston. ! Rcrereiul , Rector of Gagetown. Reverend Alex.. CstmpheiJi..A9§istant to the Missionary at GagetowOv Reverieiid Sainiiel Bacpi3», A. B , Rector of Miramic^i. Reverend Rap«3lr MiWri lE^clor of MaugerviHe, Reverend Chrisi tophet Milner, Rector of Westfield . Reverend Samuel Thpi»psoo,. A. . M. , Rectpr pf Saint George. Reverend Alexander C. Soinervjile,. Reqtpt of Ba.tt^iirsl. Reverend rf. N. Arnold , Rector of Sussex. . Reverend Abraham Wood, Reqtor of Waierborough. Reverend- John Dunn, A. B., RMtor of Grand Manah. Reverend William Walker, A. Bi, Rector of Hampton; Reverend George S. JMrvis, D. D;, Rector of Shediac. Reverend Samuel D. L. Street, A. B., Risctor of Woodstock. " Pvevcrend '————, ReetoT of Douglas. Reverend J. W. Disbrow, A. M., Rector of Prince William. Reverend John Black, A. M.; Rector of Sackville/ lleverend George Townsbend* ofSeiating at Westmorland. Reverend James Hudson, Visiting Missionary. Reverend Sedge A6ld ThompBou, A. B. Visiting Missionary. ESTABI^ISHED CHURiCH or SCOTLAND. SI^NOBl OF Jf^W'BimNgWICK. A/arftf».atorr-Rev(wend Robert Wilaoi), A. Mm Saint Johh* CVcr-^V Reverend John Bifkmyre, CD., Fredericlou. . Preabyterfj of Saint John* < City of Sti John— iS«. Artdrew^s C/tMrcAi—Rov. Rph't Wilson, A. M*J St. Stephen's CAurc/i— Reverend W. T. Wishart. FredcrictoA— Reverend Johh BirkiriyreVU. D. Saint Andrews— Reverend Alexander M*Leati. Saint PJitrleM^Revefeji(V.TohnCaSBilis. .Saint.J»mtij~R*vefend Jhhn Rcid. J>5ii9sex Val^iinfi SjJ.rjtttfipld — Jteverend A. Stevens, MoHcton, Saliifihury and Shediac-^ Reverend Wm. Henderson, A. Mv Richmond, (Vacanl.) .St. George^ {Vacant.) Liconlk'e of the Charch^ resident in St. John— Rev. J, G, Macgregov. » / I i K Sj F S Si ,_.-Aj — _._ UctioA. I ot tho Johh. fohn. Mis- I ' .V •' pben^ lOWQv t - ' t art. M. 0*. < S3 ^ . • Presbytery of Miramichu ^ewcBstle-rRe^read Jame» Sptiter, A. M. iJhathain— R^trerend Robert Arebibatd. HieMbiioto-rReTeretid Jatnes Hanoaf, iSouth West Miramichi— Reverend John Tarabull. -jLlesti£ouche-~Revercnd James Steven. JNew Richinond^Reveretid John M. Brooke. ]3alhurst— jR«ver«nd <5eorge M'Donnell. Taliisiatac— R«v. J. MacBean. GJenelg— Rev. Simon Fiafc-«r. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Saint Jeba-'ReTerendAlexBrtder'M'Leod Stavelj'. ^ > Reverend John M'Curdy, Minister at Chatiiaito, (Mitamicbi,) of the Presbyterian Church ofNova-Scotiajia ebhnexion with the Unit- ed Associate Synod, Scotland. &I CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN y Inthe'Dhceee of Charlotte To^n, {P. E.'I.) 'ami yiw-Bturtsipkli. Right Rev. Bernard D.M'Dohiid, D. D., Biihop dfObarlotre Tcrt\'». Very Jleverend WlUiam DoUard, V. G. Fredericron, N. .B. . Rev. Mr. Barron, Assistant. > Rev. Jam«s Dunpby, Saint Joho^ , . ■■■.':. Rev. William Moran aoil Rev. Mr. La France, Assisttf))t«.: . Rev. Jame^ Q,uinn, Suiiit Andrews. . ' Rev. John Cummins, Saiat Stephen. Rev. Micbeel Es;ut>, Miramiehi. . • • - Rev. Richard Vcreker, Assistaia. Very Rev. Anthony Gagoon, V. G., ShedJac. llev. Joseph M. Paqiiet, R>ch»bucto. M' Rev. Mr: Riou, As>isU'irtt. Rev. Ferdinund Gauvreau, MemramccrOk. • Rev. Xi M. Madrau, Petit Rocber. , ' . Rev. Hector Drolet, Caraq^iiet. Rev. Authony Langevin, Mada waska. . . Rev. Anthony Goiisilin, Madawasica. Rev. John M'Donaid, East Point, Prince Edward Island. Rev. James Bready, Saint Andrews. Rev. Mr. Reynolds, Charlotte Town. , .^ Rev. Sylvan E. Perry, Belle Alliance. , ' Rev. O'Livier Dcligny and Rev. John M'Dcmald, Rust^o.r , Rev. Mr. Noel, Magdalen Islands. m STATIONS OF THE WESLEYAl^i MISSIONARIES In the NeiB-Brunswick District fn- 1 S42-43. Reverend WilHam Temple, Chairman of the District. Saint John, Soufh. (Germain-street, &c.)— Rev. XVm. T^mvle, Enoch Wood^Rev. Humphrev Pick«rd.— North i( Portia nt».) Geo. Miller, Rev. S. D. Rice, llev.W. Allen, Assistant Missu FrederictoQ— Snjnpson Busby and Rev. George M; Barrett.' Sheffield and Gagetown— Rev. Miqhael Pickles. Saint Andrews— Rev. George Jphnstoa. Saint Stephen's and Saint David's— Rev. Vy illiam Smilh-sob nrwi Wesfley C. Beols. WillTowii^Rev. Henry Dauwi. Rev. Rev. «arv. Krv 54 Westmorland. —Sackville— Rev. Richard Shepherd ;JPoint de BqU-^ Rev. Albert Desbrisay ; Petitcodiac— Rev. Samiiel M'Mastefi. Bridgetown— Rev. Jas. G. Hennigar. Aylesford— Rev. Jos. F. Bent. Annapolis and Digby— Rev. Richardson Douglas ; Rev. Stephen Bam-' ford, Supernumerary. [Missionary. Miramichi— Rev. Arthur M'Nutt ; Rev.- David Jennings, Assistant Sussex Vale— Rev. Peter Sleep. Richibucto— Rev. P. Small wood. Woodstock and Wakefield— Rev. William M. Leggett. Island of Grand Manan— To be visited bv the four brethren in the West- ern Circuits during the year. Bathurst— One wanted. BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW-BRUNSWICK. Predericton— Rev. J. Ingram Bill. Ist St. John— Rev. S. Robinson. 2d St.John— Rev.W.H.Beckwitb. Canning- Rev. E. Harris. Miramiehi, &e.— Rev. J. Tozer. Prince William and Keswick— Rev. Thomas W. Saunders. jVorton, Greenwich and 2d Spring- fieli— Rev. James Blakeuey. ^t. George— Rev. John Dickey. St. Davids— Rev. Thos. Magee. ist Springfield and Hampton — Rev. David Crandail and Rev. Peter Spra^ue. Wickham— Rev. J. C. Skinner. St. Martins— Rev. Benjamin 6oy. Sussex Vale— Rev. Titos Stone. 1st and 2d Salisbury- Rev.Josepb Crandail. Hillsborough and Dorchester- Rev. William Sears, [son. St. Andrews— Rev. A. D.Tbomp- Grand Lake— Rev. M. Doyle. Waterborough— Rev. D.J.Chace. Maugerville— Rev. John Magee. Grand Falls— Rev. L. Hammond. Johnston— Rev. Charles Thorn. Rev. Samuel Bancroft, Mission- ary, St. John. Hampton— Rev. John Masters. Reverend James B. Ambler, Independent or Gongresational Minister of the Tabernacle, St. John, N. B., Colonial JVlissionary in cob- i^exion with the Congregational Union of England and Wales. MINISTERS LICENSED TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGE UNDER THE PBOVINCIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY. ^mpson Busby, Thomas Magee. Samuel Bancroft, Joseph Crandail, Albek't Diesbrisay, Michael Doyle, Henry Daniel, George Johnston, JohaMasters, John M' Curdy, Archibald M'Caliam> Michael Pickles, Samuel Robinson, Richard Shepherdj Gilbert Spurr, William Sears, James Stevens s A. D. Thompson, Enoch Wood, Richard Williams, Christopher Atkinson, Richard E. Burpe, David Crandail, Frederick W. Miles, Thne. W, Sbunders, Lotrip Hammond, George M. Barrett, Wm. H. Beckwith, David J. Cbace, Richardson Douglas, William M. Leggett,, George Miller, Arthur M'Nutt, Daniel M'Curdy, William Smithson, Frederick Small wood, Joseph C. Skinner, William Temple, James Tozer, Charles Tupper, James Walter. James B. Ambler. CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE ARCHDEACONRY Off NEW-BRUNSWICK. Patron— His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. President— The Hon< and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. Viee-Presideats- The Venerable the Archdeacon; the Honorable the Chief Justice ; the Members of Her Majesty's Legislative Council ; the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council ; the Speaker of the 55 de Batf-^ ffasteft. (. P. Bent, then Bam-' issionary. Assistant nail wood. theWcst- id. C. imin 6oy. as Stone. er.Josepb rchester— [son. >.Thomp- Doyle. J.Ohacc. t Magee. aoimond. t Thorn. Mission* [asterS' Minister 7 in coa- Yales. RIAGE :e, Dugtas, eggetit, y, ison, illwood^, iner, tie, r. ier. Oi'^ D.iocese. onorable ISouncil; er of the V I !'•• House of Assemhiy ; the Judges of the-6npreme Court ; Her Majesty's Altoriley and'SoHcit6r Generals— being Members of the S^ety ; with William Scovil, and W. E. W. Owen, E^uires. TreasuTcr— Wil- liam J. Bedell, &qutreb Secretary— The Rct. Frederick Coster. Assistant Secretary—The Rev^ John M. Stirling. i NEW-BRUNSWICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Reverend Joseph Crandall, President; Revered John MasAers, and John Mt Wilniot, Esquire, Vice-Presidents; Asa Coy, JSsquire, Trea- surer; John T. Smith and Samuel W. Babbitt, ijiAquiresf-Secretaries. CoMMiTTBK or MAVA'SB^lENT.-'Rev. F. W. Miles, llev. S. Robin- son, Hon. W. B. Kinnear ; Jarvis Ring, Aaron Hartt, John T. Smith aad W. D. Hartt, Esquires. Teachers in TitE Male Department. — Mr. C. D; Randall, Prin- cipal; Mr. W. H. M'Addaro, Tutor. In the Female DsPAaTMENT.— Mrs. W. H. Needhami Principal. NEW-BRUNSWICK AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. Pation—Hts Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Macbean George Colebbooke, K. II. President—Konorable Judge Parker. "• ^- n- -J-.- < Hon. Charles J. Peters, Hon. Wra. B, Kinnear, Vice-Presidents- J ^,„„ jj^^jup p„,.„^ Treasurer— John M. Robinson, Esquire. *' Secretary— Mr. James Paterson, Rector of the Grammar School. t)epository— Store of Mr. L. H. Deveber, Prince Wm. street, St. John. branch aociSTXBS— in «.' •* K TON WITH THE NEW-BBUNSWICK a lARY. Saint John LadU** BiMe .'...^ciatUm.—Mra, William B. Kinnesr, President , Mrs. Ferguson, Treasurer ; Mrs. Capt. Waiker, Secretary. Riehibudo LadieB* Bible AssocitUion.'-Mn. Jardine, President { Mrs. Piatt, Mrs. Weldon, and Mrs. Wood, Vice-Presidents ; Mrs. Weldon,Tre»surer; Mrs. Wood, Secretary. „...„. „ . Frederietoti Ladies' Bible Associaiion.^Mrs. Neville Parker, Presi- dent; Mrs Scott, Treasurer ; Mrs. Wilkinson, Secretary. SpringJield.^Rer. David Crandall, President; Mr. James Craw- fordand Rev. Mr. Flanders, Vice-Presidents; John Davis, Esq. Trea- surer; Mr.«. Fairweaiher, Secretary ; Mr. Caleb Davis, Depositary. IFasfcadeOTOflc.— Elder Richard Wills, President ; Mr. John Siarkey, Vice-President; Mr. Isaac Worden, Treasurer; Mr. William Day, Secretary ; Mr. James Vincent, Depositary. „ „. ^ Orand Lake.—^ix. John Robertson. President; Mr. Thomas Cox, Vice-President; Mr. JoshuaCalkin.Treasurer and Depositary ; Mr. Dawid Palmer, Secretary. u • u J A/t/fcisA.— John Wigbtman, Esquire, President ; Elder Richard Wells, Vice-President; Mr. Isaac Harrison, Treasurer; Mr. James GiflTord, Secretary. ^ . , „ • »-. u Sussex rate.— Mr. William Coates, President; Mr. Isaac Foshay, Vice-President ; Samuel Freeze, Esquire, Treasurer; Mr. C. Stociou, ^&S5'5i«rfreie».-Hon. H. Hatch, President; Hon. T.Wyer. Vice- President; Mr. F.A. Babcock, Treasurer ; Mr. A. W. SmUh, Seewisry • Si. Afor/iiw.w.Mr. James Busiin, Prflsident; Mr. Simon Vaughan^ Treasurer; Mr. T. H. Black, Secretary. li'lU:!' 'S \) Its 56 Lan^ iZeocfe.— Mr. William Parrett, President; Mr. Robert French, Treasjufer^:Mr. J)avid Oram, Secretary. - |R»^§^n.— -^ — n,-r— , President ; Mr. George Raymond, Treasur- er; E: 0.3i?nUh, Esquire, Se'cretarv. . "■ Jiaoiptonand A/brton.— David B. Weimore, £lsquire, President; aj[r. Oliver Hatleti, Treasurer^, Pr. Z. S, ^rie, Secretary. Lotcer Johtuton.—'Mr. Morris Cory, Presideiit ; Mr. Charles Robin- son, Treasurer VlWr. Amos Cory: Setrsiaryr" Mampst6ad.-^MT.T.' 1. Hewlett, President; Mr. William Slip, Treasurer ; Mr. I3enjamia M«rritt, Secretary. yeriMo/em.— 'Rev. A. Campbell, Pre^irient; Mr. William Gurpe, Treasurer ; Messrs. Thos. Harrison and Tiios. Grabain, Secretaries. Gaeetowh.-— - — — -^, President; W-..F. Bonnell, Esq. Treasurer ; Jtey.*A;Cjampbell, Secretary. ;, ' Jfewiiff>.— Skinuel Scovil.'Esq. President; Mr. John Slip, Tceasur- er ; Mr., i?arht flates, Secretary. ybwni-'s dot>«.— Rev. A. Wood, President; Mr. John Gale, Trea- surer ; Mr. T. M'Clintock, Secretary. WifJthani.—a^v. Joseph C. Skinner, President ;Mr. William Mur- ray^ Yice-Presiflent ; Mr. Alex. C. M'Donatd, Secretary and Treasurer. (»r«tentwc4.— -Rev. James Cookson, President; Mr. Tiionias Con.- sor, Vice-President ; Mr. John Riissell, Treasurer; Mr. Moses Brun- dage, S. w'retary. ^ St. •S/cpAcns.-'Samifel Abbott, Esquire, President; William Todd, Jiu and Ge(?rge.$.> Hill, Esquires, Vice-Presidents; Robert Lindsay , Esquire, Treasurer ; Stephen H. Hilchings and Alexi Campbell, Es- quires, Secretaries ; Mr. William T. Rose, Depositary. iJ/; GMTg^e.—Rev. R.' B. Dickie, President ;. Mr. Isaac Knight, Treasurer ;.l4r. Tbomas M'Henry, Secretary. Westmorland County.— Hon. William Crane, President ; Hon. E. B. Chandler, Edward Dixon, Gharies F. Allison^ .and Joseph Avard, Esquires, Vice-Presidents; Mr. Robert B. Chapman, Treasurer; Mr. James .^ojs,Secteiary;'} tjr. Robert God ff by, Depositary. ^Ii^ury,—B*>iv. Joseph Gr^ndall, Pr.eisidcnt ; Hes^srs. James Cran- ila^i arvd Joseph JEJleakney, Vice-Presidents; Mr. Young Sherman, Treasurer an,4cD«P*^»fy ; Mr. James Becki Secretary. Hforicton.'-^lr. VVilliam Chipman, President ; Rev. Joseph C ran - ilail and Rey^Wesley C. Beals, Vice-Presidents ; Mr. Michael Harris, Treasurer; Bliss Botsford, Esq. Secretary; Mr. T. Prince, Depositary; »Vdci;Biii/(5.->-Edward Dixon, Esquire, Presideqt ; J..F. Allison, Esq. Tro^surer J C.JR. Allison, Esquire, Secretary. (Puniberlandi N.^.—l^ahetl M'Gowan Dickey, Esquire, J. C. P., Pr^sideni; Rev. Charles Tapper, Vic«-President and Librarian ; Mr. WiOiatm Mpflat, Secretary. AUXILIARIES TO THE BniTISH AND. FOREIGN BIBLE SOOIETVl V 3/ir(jmic4'l!— William Abrams, Esquirie, President ; James Gilmdur, Dudley Parley, and Robert Morrow, Esquires, Vice-Prisidenls; Geo. Kerr, Esquire. Treasurer: Rev. John M'Curdv, Secrelarj-. \^Ji4irdmithi£tadie'a\-^},lts. Abrams, Presicfeni; Mrs. Blackstocjt, TreKSurer;- Mts: 'Thomson, Secretary. Gloucester Coun/y.— William Stevens, Esquire, President; John K|ft5er,'H«Fnir]^ W. Baldwin and William Napier, Esquires, Vice-Pre-. slants; Bl^ajamin Dawson, Esquire, Trensurer ; Rev. Geo. McDon- nell. Secretary.;, William Napier and John Fraser, Esq'rs,P(jpo.sltaries. i^ Her Majesty's Troops ir New Brunswick ; Town M^jor Gallagher, (H. P. 39ih Regiment); Uev. BenjamiB G. Gray, D. p. Chaplain. . * EREOERICTON. Lieutenant-Colonel Monins, (69th Regiment,) Commandant ; Venerable Archdeacon Coster, A.M. Ohaplam. ' SAINT ANDBEWe. J^ieutenant Butler, (36th Regiment), CommaDdant ; Rev. Jerome Alley, J>. D. Chaplain. ' - ., ^ COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. Saint John.— Oliver Goldsmith, Esquire, Assistant Commissary Gefleral, in charge df the Province ; Richard Inglii, Esquire, Deputy Assistant Comniiissary General ; Robert Baker, Commissariat Clerk. FitEDEBicTON.—Cbarles Williama, Esquire, Assistant Commissa- ry General; James P. Wiilan, Commissariat Clerk. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Saint John.— Frederick C. Frith, Esquire, Deputy Ordnance Stor* Keeper; Lieutenant Samuel H«y?hue, Isi Clerk ;.^ohert Pickibtll. yd Clerk; WiljiamBond, Storehouseman ; Fred. Harrison, Armour- x'r ; James Emison, Office Keeper. BARRACK DEPARTMENT. Saint John.— Captain T. W. French, Barrack Master; A. Wh''*. Barrack Sergeant. Fbedbbicton.- J. E. Woolford, Esquire, Barrack Master ; Wm. Fairbairu, Barrack Sergeant. ROYAL ENGINEER DEPARTiMENT. Saint John.— Captain T. Boltersbee; Lionel Anderson, Clera; Henry Hennigar, Over?eer of Works. "^ FiiBDERicTON.— Lieutenant C. E. Ford. BOARD OF RESPECTIVE OFFICERS. Major W. E. Lock, R. A.j Captain Batter?,b, H. B. Tudor, Wm. Walker, Gharles Dutton '^ Lieutenants D. K. O'- Reilly, H. K. Gore, W. Mtgnay, P. Fenwick (Adj.), G. Sawers; Ensiffns Thomas George Lord Glamis, J. B. Qardiner ; Surgeon F. O'Brien ; Assistant Surjjreon J. Irwin { Pajptuuter F. H. Dalgety-, Quarter Master J. Hollis. PROTIIVCIAL miLlTIA. STAFF. His Excellency Lieutenant Golonel Sir WilTiaro Macbean George Colo- brooke, K.' H., Commander in Obief. The Honorable Lieutenant Colonel George Shore, Adjutant General— 2tst March, 1831. The Honorable Lieutenant Colonel William H. Robinson, Assistant Adjutant G^neral-rl 1th March, 18^. Lieut. Colonel John Allen, Quarter Master General— 4th May, 1839. Lieutenaat Colonel Richard Hayne, (New- Brunswick Artillery,) Pro- yincial Aid de Camp— 7th May, 1641. Captain Charles Drury, (Saint John City Light IhfaUtryO 2d Provin- cial Aid de Camp— 26th July, 1841. Major Lemuel Allen Wjlmot, Jud^e Advocate General— 6th Aug. 183 1. Major Creorge Priestley, Staff Adjutant— 9ih May, 1839. NEW-BRUNSWICK REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. /:«t0U<. Cb/onet... Richard Hayne, Major r. George F. Strefit, Thos. L. Nicholson, Captain ..,..W. Whillock, William Rose, ^ A. K. S. Wetmore, Robert Robertson, William Huehson, Stephen K. Fosner, James F. Berton, John C. Allen, t4e\denani..,....T. Berry, J. PoUok, Charters Simonds, William Ross, "J. Campbell, K.W. Wallop, MUUia Rank. 28 Feb. 1838 10 Sept. 1838 30 Mar. 1841 4 Feb. 1829 8 April. 1834 17 Sept. 1833 9 Mar. 1839 30 Mar. 1841 31 Mar. 1841 28 July, 1841 24 July, 1841 4 Feb. 1829 8 Octi 1833 9 Oct. 1833 10 Oct. 1633 9 April, 1834 26 April, 1834 Begtn Rank. 28 Feb, 1838 8 May, 183S 30 Mar. 1841 28 Feb. 183S ditto, 8 Mar. iS39 9 Mar. 1839 30 Mar. 1S41 31 Mar. 184 1 23 July, 1841 24Julv, 1841 28lFeJli. 183S ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto iMi Pay Ad} Suri Qua Capi Firs Seco Cori Supi Qua lA «.M Mattli D.l. W.M' P. Fi J.F. O.E. •«— Wm r«Di Geo ; Majtir Geo. lothe; Lieu- Arthur Kin- Warwick Har- i Cha. Scott, Wm. Black- . L. Paxton> i/» D. K. O'. C. Sawers ; Swffeon F. H. Dalgety, ^rge Colo- It General— n, Assistant May, 1839. illery,) Pro- I 2d Provin- I Aug. IS31. ERY. '^Vl Rank. Peb, 1838 May, 1838 Mar. 1841 Feb. I83S ditto. Mar. iS39 Mar. 1839 Mar. 1841 Mar. 1841 July, 1841 July, 1841 Pelb. 1838 ditto ditto ditto • ditto ditto I'i . 59 iMuienant Frederick A. Wiggins, J. Maxwell, C.J.Melick, (1«1 9 Au'utant Surreon, B. A. Hsril, 19M«r. 'Sa P. Fisher, Hth Sept. do J.F.Taylor, 16th do do Ci.E.Kelchum,22Aiig'3l J.ABeekwilh,17S»p'S3 T. QardinerXAf:) I Aug '85 Asa Coy, 20 Jun»8 Robert FuUoD, I4 0el41 lAe% Ue nmu t . F.E.Beckwith,Cr.)Sl Au'30 W.N.Akerley,(r.)lSepdo 4Mrohn Gregory, 13 Mar. 32 V ^ W; S. E«tey, 17 8ep«. 'S3 ' W. D.Hartf, 6 do '4 O.W.M»r»h,(A0lA«g '6 ^^^btSpafferd Barker, 1» do '6 W. Sefoi*, Jun. 20 do do T.Bowdea, 2 It r. 11 Oc do John Simpson, 19 June,'88 Bernard Carroll, 21 do do f . D. M^Pberson, 14 Ocl4l Second Baltalioo. Lieutenant'Celonel. John All«n, 21 May *21 Major. W. Davidson, 8 flfpt. %4 Abrah. Yerxa, lOSvp. *i»8 Captaim. George Long, 2 Feb. *29 W. C. Jostin, 3 do do Jas. Hartley, 4 do do James Miles, 2 April '32 B. Burn, 21 Sept *36 George Fox, 24 do do K. E. Barker, t Sept *3'4 Henry Jones, t do do Tho*. Parfnt, 9 do Ac» D. Yenvi'^on. iOSep. 'SS JsaesCfllflr, 11 do fha JacebM 20 do do W.Davidson, 7 do do g. .A. H . Btraton, 21 do do D.Phillips, 8 do do James's. Beek^ 25 do do John Ycria, 10 Sep. '38 Geo. 8. Flood, 1 Mar. '38 Enoch Dow, |l do do Wm. Jones, T. Parent, 8. Cronkite, P. Walson, B. Huettis, Ch. Long, 6 July '29 8 do do It do do 14 do do 7 do '34 15 Feb *i& J. 8. Elligood, 16 do do T. B. Wheoler, 18 do do B. Alherton, 19 do do J. W. Rainsford, 19 do do Jimes Parent, 20 do do M«tth«w Phillips, 21 do do Thoatu Fraser, 29 d« do ■!,! w 60 i^ Wm. Kilburn, 13 Apr. ^41 . Anil. Uunuijod, 14 do Klviiih Milei, 15 4* , Jo4(L{ght Inf'y.) Lieutenant CoJamtl. ■ John Kobin«on, 1 Jan '32 Majoi t, A. S^'Lean, b June '35 VVui. Dayton, 19 'do Captttini. IluM Ciurir, 13 Dec. *X «j). Hiiliett, 13 'A«t do Geo. Clci»en|i)l4 do do L. Cartpbcll, 15 do do J. M'Gihbon, l2Jun«'S0 P. Oaniubull, 8 do H O. Ncvtri, 19 Se|»S»87 John St«-phen«, 20 do Ho Arch. M'Lean, 10 do '39 AK-x. RoMfUlV. 15 July M8 John M'Dean, 18 lusy, '40 LiiuUnants. Won. Stirling, 8 June 'U5 Jacob Brown, 19 do 'ti Jaa. Carman, 10 Sept. '8 Thoi. Cain{)bell, 12 do do Rotiert Paldier, 13 do cK> Geo. Nevcri, 18 mify, '40 JwhnK'Lean, 20 do Als.OaiDpbcli jr. 21 lib Ensigns. Wjrii. William*, 12 tep 'SI Thos.Wi ight, jr. 13 do do Il.Gopperlhwaile, 14 dod« II. D. Robinion, 8 Mn '3» John Kiirpp, 17 may, '40 Pel fn, 27 do do Cafitvu. K. L. Jarvis, 30 Jan '33 C. l>rury, Jr. 31 do do T. M-Mackin, 1 Feb do H. N H Lufrio, 30 May do ' W. Hatchinton, 81 do do liarzillai Asiley, (Afr.) 1 ISeiJ. '36 WDWHulilnrd,lPAp88 <1. (lutcluiHon, 17 da do T. W.r»^ler*, At. 29 Jan '39 W. 0. Smith, ,27 /umi '40 Alex. Hobcrlton, 23 Jul '41 Win.Hagarty, 21 do K. L.Titorixe, .35 do First lAtuUnants. Dou^laa pjarke, dO ins/ '33 W. H.Scovil, iJuna do E. KotrltHiDjAf.lSep'SS SimoiiW.e<»ck, 18 Ap '33 Thns. S. Era;e Whri;ler,25 d*^ do J. W. M'Leo.i; (Rifle.) 27.Iun«'40 Wm.Ro'iertaon, m do. '41 Edmund Kaye, 24' do G«oif:e ThoHiai, 23 .do Ge>. Hucchiiiiion, jr. 26 do Second hL'Mttnants. JohnW.Cu'Jlip, At. 1 Sep. I ' 35 E. A. Prlcii, Af.^1 Aug '36 Wn). E. Moore, 21 do do William Howard, 22 do do Wm. F. Rinith, 10 Sep do Saml. L. Tilloy, 11 do do D. M. RobrrUaii, 23 Ap ^$'J T. W. RohferKdn, 8^4 do d'. R. S. Ilutcbiaoiij 25 do do T. A. Paddock, 86 «»P '39 Jawci Robertson, 30 do^dn Ttioi. M'Aviiy, r. 23 jtil.Ml GuMavui Jarvis, 2 aug. do Win. H. Adnnx, ?< do Cb. M^Le.in Uaidne^, 4 da Paymaster. Jat. Kirk, eapt. 22 Aug. '30 Adjutant, T.W:P'.'teri,c.29J«B. '39 Swrgeon. J. B«yd,M. D. Sep. '2y Quarterma.'ittr. E.J.Uudd.capt. 29M«y'33 JohM Widiarl, 8 do do T. R. MilM^e, 9 Jan. '38 K. W.Green woo J»21 Fc'39 <;(U>. Jpbn4lnh,28ynly '4L Unit on P. WaMo^', 2d ,\^t John Vj. Ward, '30 do ThoiHiiWHlI^t*, 31 do Jampi Nctkery, 1 au;; do Fi-tl tiieuttnanis. ^JieorgiMerritt,!! Nov.'dS David M»Miliaii, 21 Ftb'33 Thoj. A Sincio.i,287ul.'4l TliQ*. G. Tiidrtle, 29 do George F.Wilaiot.SO do J«iue« \V. Peleis, SI .do ■Dun. B^b^tt^on, 1 nii^. do George F.SffiitJi, 2 do John H. Gray, S. do Jimc.'t Ma tohtt R( Win. J.J (ieo. L. I Gtorge W., Brail .r. Slackl N. Vail,, W. Jordl T. Ruddl John Ov Kdwnrd I. W. Ml JubuMi Cifo. •W ean, 20 Ho 'bciljr.2l A> Stuigni. lianii, 12 lep 'SI ght, jr. 13 do do thwaile, ]4dodK }iiitf, 17 may, '40 ''ailane, 19 dn f'ey, 21 do liilan. 22 do tea, jr. 23 d«t ctp.eOMav'ST wrgeon. b, 8March,'»J!» fr, Gjul}, '40 'rUaii,93Ap'49 fcrKdn, £^4 do d'l liiroiii 25 do do ock, 3(<^p'*^9 ?risnn, 30ao>:ilo iiy, r. 23j.»|.'4J >rv», 2 aug. do I^nii, ^ do I Uaidneif, 4 d* ■ k I aw ma«fsr. ^ . T ipl. 22 Aug. '^ lUanf. , c. 29Jni. '39 peon. D. G Sep. '2a pt. 29M!i)'.«J Iff O/^oer. ,cap. 21 Jul. '32 Igerg, ) aug4h 2 d« S do 20 Sftp. '2T 25 Sep. '327 nnffer, . il Sep.»2l on. 2QAAg.*2T •% UM 1838.) 21 122 21 jif\. ni .lohn R<(d, 17Aug« Wm. l,»y>ion, 18 da (ieu. L. Lovp|(,23 Dec. fitor^e Eaglei, 10 Sep LietUenants. W., I>rake< 20 Mir* J. Slackhouie, do N. Vail, 2S Mar. \f. Jordan, 2^ do T. Kuddtclr, 27 do John P\v«m, 20 Jany. Kdwnnl Kagles, 21 do .». W. M. Iriih-, 22 do John Murray, 23 do '3C do '17 '38 '25 dr> '33 do do "Jl do do et Wiii< Mi Kay, 24 d» do Jamei Olive, 2d do do Wm. Clarke, 3d do do Abner Uanipton, 27 dw do Johii Straoyf, 23 do do Gilbfrt Jordnik SO do do WWtitLtn Ball, 31 dq do Edward Lane, 1 Feb Ho John Brown,' 2 do do R. O. Moran, 3 do tl) S. Frj»er, 4 do do John Richardson, 17 Au'36 W. D. Fauike, 18 do do «eo. Stnnlon, 26 Dec. '3T do Bii\|3inin Peel, 27 do do Andrew C.Otly, 23 dttd/» John Haw*, 10 Sep '94 Jnmei Biiegi, 11 do da Gha*. Eafeieir, 12 do do VVai; Wrirlit, IS do io AtUtitnnt. T. M. Smiih, c. 2:i ftb. *M Paymatttr. Benjp. Sianion, (capt SO Mv. '33,) 26 Dec. '37 Quhrtermatte)*. Wm. Leavitt, Mp. 22 Feb. Surgtt'A. J. Pafldock, 20 do i» SAINT JOHN COUNTY REGIAUNT. . Lieutanaat Colonel Obarlea Simon;!}, Commanding— 2g(h March, Ities!,^ First OalUlioB. Ensigni. Stephen Mosier^ S do . — - G. Vaufhan, S5 0(t. '28 JohnB.PAltiion,28tepi'lt Lieutenant Colonel. J. Bcatteay, af. 5 July, '30 Li«u(enan: I(. QuinMr), 31 do do A. Bradshaw, 1 July, d« AWcJJerburn,lJune,'26 J. Lingley, IS April, '33 Tboaiaf Fowne»,17 cfo d* Captaif^. John Andey, 8 Oct. do Wm. M'Naiighl, 8 Apr.'Sl uly, '40 C!h. Tbcal, 29 do do SecoRii BaHalioa. Edward Seatill, 7 ifc> J. Ketchiun, 30 d« do — — Robcri Lone, 9 i. Stet>h«nf, 27 Oc». do Lkutenant Colonel. Simon Vaughia, 9 .Tai Uarileiri SOAui;. '30 Jamea-Moran, 3 Sept. '38 Wn*. Fownes, 10 W. n. Travhi, 25 Oct do Major. George Fow6e9i ' ' T. CuniwrJ, l5April,'33 0. L. Hathewiy, 3 do do Wm. BaH, 4 Dec. '40 W.Cran, 1 It. rir. 1 1 Oc do Captatw. J.G.Cr(N>k«hank, 28 1#. '41 W. Parks, 2d do. 12 do do J. Cutvningham^ 25 Oc. '30 Adfutant^ T. Qiiiiit*n,2d4l'«. ISdodo Johi^Fownef; l6A«ntta«'iierBfurp*, 11 j^»d«!^ T. O. Mile*, 25 Oct. 1828 Major. Cf 0. Ilnywaid, 6 Apr. '31 Capldins. F. A Drreher, 11 Sep. '27 Jerem. Smith, ""ll" do K. A. Milei, 26 Oft, '29 Cbai. Cl«^we», I sep Licvtenamis. ' N. Hubbard, llSepf. '31^ C. Hazen, 24 Au«. '2!)t T. ^a«on, jun. 26 doj.dot Mk Oobiirn, ' 30A«|„!pO. John Glaz(cr, 10Se|.^'S8 ):^S^' 6d m ."nD '1m ' ''^Jn tlr' ••f M !; ^ H ', ' -y i ^ i) Tlh>». H. South, 12 do do Ort. IVev«rt, jttn. 1 icp'40 H»t»kiali H»>t, 2 do John UrowD, 3 da Enilgnt. W. X»i4«rbreoki, 12«*pn J. TilUy, jua. 2K0cl. '28 £. Barker, 30 Aug. *S0 Baniucl Smith, lOSrp. *98 Pai/mtuUr. R.Oauprrthwillt, 1 ie|».'40 Geo. Prlcilipv, 8 8f. *9i Qto. T. Harding, 2 do Jiihn J. Bailffjr, 3 do Hiel Otmp, 4 do Aaron Hartt, 5 do Adjutmnt. J. Hu«n, aap. 25 Aug. '28 [mn/or 22 Marth, '41 QuurterNuutrr. Z. B. Drown, 20Mtr. *36 Surgton. J. W. Darkar, 90 Aug. '30 CHARLOTTE COUPfTY MILITIA. Fir«4 Battalion. Calvnet. Il«ffk M>Kaj, 1 Not. 1703 Lieutenant Colonel. C.Campball,24M II'yFrye,2dlt.». f. 12 do O eorga Sim pion, 1 3 do Steond Lieutenants. 6.F(CampbeH,r.5D«.'24 K.VlTili^ihrir. l9May,'2$ K. Walton, ril*. do do D.Towniead,ji.f. 3 Fel'. '29 1). TJionpfon,28 June, '30 J. Campbel), I if. 6 Ap. '32 G.W.Wardl»w, 7 Dec. '37 Entifni. C. Bartlelt, 6 Dee. '24 T. Connjck, 1 April, '27 R. Hutchiiitop, 2 do do J. Coanick, it) May, 23 S. Shearman, jr. 4 Feb. '29 W.Walton, 28 June, '30 O. Frje, 6 April, '32 John Pat^Mon, (i'bee '37 Awilf HitHiingf, 7 do do Tho<. tjime, jr. 8 do do C ''•'nil"', jr. ("•?.) 27 John Bradford, 13 May, 41 Alei. Oilwour, 14 do Patpnatttr. J. WilioD, cup. 2 Sept. '25 AJjntant, J.H.Whi'lock,c25Sep'32 Quarttrmasttr. Jai. Uai', (It ) 17 Mar. '40 SurgtOH, 8. Frye. Anistant Surgeon. S.Go»c, M.p. 7 Mty, '41 Sacond B«t(alion. LUutenant Culonel. Tboi. Wypc, 22 Jant, '24 Major. Hugh Flaherty, 1 Jan. 'J2 Captitina. M.M21 Jed. CalitT, 1 June, '20 H. Soel;^, 27 May, '22 Ja<. Pralt, 22 July, '2S S. M*Fu'i»)#, 6 Drc. '24 J. Mowatt, art. 2 Jul?, '29 S. Wallaer, 10 July, '32 Joiiah Knight, II <>o do H. Matth««Bon, l9Mar.'39 Arch. M Gidlum, 20 do do Dun. M'F«rlane, 21 do do Pbilip Juitlion, 30 Sep, do L^cvtenantK J.MUaiuelt, 2 July, '29 J. Juitnon, 11 do '32 P. M'Qiarmjd, 31 July, '38 Samuel Califl', ^ ^US* ^'^ J. Waimore, 19 Mar. '39 David Turner, 20 do do Geo. M'Kay, 21 do do Daniel Gilmort*, 22 do do John BuckslaflT, 23 do do Rub»rl Vardon, 24 do do 0. H^wkini, SdSepdo Ensigns, f ; W.W.Tj8f»kiti»,l3Jnly32 John Mann, jr. 20 June '38 P«lar Clinch, 21 do do Thoj. DaVi«, 19 Mar. '39 Wm. Smartt, 20 do do Roht Ateheion, '21 do do D.M^Farfaae, 3d, 22 dodo John Turner, jr. 23 do do Alex. M'Ka/.jr. 24 do do HiishWKay, SO Sept do Ohaa. MKIee, 26>ly,'#l PMjtauMtar. . T.T.Wyfr,ll.ttMar.'»8 At{futant. Riab. M'Cee, «a. ie;ttr.'40 Surgeon. Edw. Dewotle, 25 May, 'SO Quarterm«uter. JoiMefiioclt,lt.l9Jua '3« Third BatlaKoo. Lieutenant Colone/. Haiiii Ualrh, 13 Juno IK. Major. U.il.ir»Miew Jamei Brown, 3 Jan 'SI Philip Newton, 5 do do J. A^tpleby, 11 Sept 'ST T.Ciinningbam, 28 May '38 H. H. Halch. 15 Feb. 'i> LieutenanO. E. WiUo-!, 11 Sfpt. '37 Stml. OriCney, 27 Mar, '8 Daniel Oatnomb, SB do d<* Wm. Chaffev, 15 Feb. '.-W B. Filz|erafa, 18 do d* T. DataoM, 19 do do Jolm Galdrr, SO do do E.O.flathcway, 18 i>«b.'40 Ensi'gns. ■ Aug. Bancroft, 18 Sept '3? Charlei Hatch, 29 May 'Sn War. Ingcrael 1, 19 June do John M^lntojh, 28 M^y d» C. A. Babcock, 18 Feb.MO Jann Chufley, 19 do Thoi. Lord, 20 do Adjutant. T. Mo>G«, «ap. 11 Aug '^4 garter Mastm. Geo. Kay, 18 F*b. '41 Joiias Wtncbetter, 18 do 5arg"con. W. 0. M'Slay, 18 May '50 Fourth Battalion. Zrientrnan^ Col<)>ne/. N. Uarka, I9>ly, '40. Major*. Aaron Upton, 23 j'ulv '4 1 Jamci.BrowD, 2d m. 34 do ■■*»-.«— ..>-4-lle,25Maj,'S0 BattalMo. nnt Cvlvntf. rh, IS Jun« "36. tfo;»r. ewiiy, 6Mar*2tf aa, 13 June '2K wn, 3 Jan *Sl rton, 5 do do , nScpt'Sr lam, 28 May '38 h. 15 KeK 'i^ II 8fpf. '37 iey,27Mar, '« otnb, 23 do dw !V, 15 Feb. 'Stf io, 18 d* d* 19 do do 20 4odo iray, 18i>irb.'40 >rt, 18 Sept *37 ch, 29 Majr '38 lolt, 19 June do Mh, 28 AUv do »c!(, 18 Feb.MO /, 19 do 20 do ap. U Aug *:4 rj|fa«frtv. 18 Ffb. '10 letter, )8 do 'gcon. »r, »8 M«y '50 BaUalion. 13>Ijr, '40. jOTi. I, asyuU '41 e, 2d m. 24 do Ca/>< (ittu. J. Yeuog, (n.) 29 Mar '27 J. OotinMi, 2 Feb '29 AIax. til ant, 1 March 'S2 W. Thomptoo, 9 April '34 David Upton, 4U do do Tlio<. MUcbell. 4I do do Jh». Matwell, 15 Feb. '39 Win. Libhy, 16 do dq Win, M'Leod, 17dede D.V.Otvndeaiiini;, 18 do do John Oi iinioar, 23Juty '41 John Niftbett, 24 do Jiinei M'DenncH, 25 do Tboi. U. Abbott. 36 do Virtt LUuienantt. II. M'AllMier, 37 Mar '28 A. GlenJenning, r. 6 lS9 Danl. M'Alliite.', 17 do do Jacob lloppt^ 18 de do Enngni. Har.Thoinpton, 17 Feb. '39 Harris 8 coti, 18 do do John M'Lrod, 19 do dti Jutlin Moor-, 2(f do do Samuel Tbfuiat, 21 do do John M*Ki'ii(if, 23>l. '41 Stephen Amet, 24 do Samuel Hamilton, 25 do Jt*hn Mitrhell, 36 do Daniel Sullivan, 27 dt* Geo. J. Thointon, 28 do Rifit Company, Alci. Uuchauan, dipt. 2Sd ./uly, '41 JohnMarkf, jr. 1>t |). d<* John Caiupbel), 2d tt. do A. Campbell, cap 2 Ap. V Pnynaiter. J. Mat III, cap. 1 Merck 'de Quartc/moffer. R. Waly,|'40 WESTMORLAND COUNTY MILITIA. Colonel William Detsford, OooiBianding. Fiist DaUaliea. m Mnfor. 11. Scott, Jun. 31 July '32 Caftains. T.E. Smith, 11 June '26 Wm. diuiih, 12 do do Jw. Ue*tly, 19 May, >23 E. StiU.1, 16 ttiiiy, 29 S. UudcrWood, 23 July '32 J. Crandall, 29 do do .<). Babinet, 30 do do I). Hanuington, 22 do du Aler. Cain, 23 do do Dliis Bouford, 2.5 Feb. *39 J. N. Chapman, 16 Nov.' 10 Wu>. Milii)*, 17 do J«/hu StuHr., 18 do Joha Scott, 19 do Ricbarditeil, 20 do LietUenanti J. Getner, 12 June '20 '- S. Wildon, 8 May '28 J. Welliag, SO July '32 I*. Canstniiline, 1 Aug tio J. llanni'ni>tuu, 22 Mar, 33 JohnBnyd, . 23 do' do R. Dobion, 24 do do (.f. tldnniagton,' 2.9 du du K. S. Wiliiiot, 16 Not. '40 Tho... Wellia?, 17 do H. D. £hipatau, 18 d^t Sam. Mills 19 do Jaiaea WeliMg, 20 do Jacob Tritci, SI d^> €>!». Lackbar^ 22 d;> RuTui Smith, 23 do Emignt. J. Neifon, 19 May '28 Z. Lulz, 17 May 23 F. Thibidean, 3 Auj; 32 Q*o. Cochran, 21 May '3 Ch»i. lio'ilcd, 22 du do Oliver PtlfielJ, 23 May do Gayttilbeil, 16 Nov. '40 Huraiio Smith, 17 do John Welling, jr. I 8 do Benjamin Welling, 1 9 do George Harper, 20 do Adjutant. J. Kelly, cap. 23 July '23 Pttymaster. J. Robinion, captain, 12 ' July '26 Quarter Master. J. Chart«ri, cap 20 Nov '22 Surs^on. C.S.The*l,M.D a6No.'40 Aaauitaut Surgeon. Thof. 0. Sbarpr, do do Second Battalion. LietUenant Colonel. £. A. Boltfurd, 1 Jan 32 Major. D. Chapman, 13 June '3 Cnptaim. G. Oulton, 5 April '26 M^Cornewall, 6 do do James Evans, 17Jiui '28 Je&n'Chapipao, 18 io U. Boulkiihouif, 9 do Licutenantf. Jos. We lis, 5 April 'fH T. Ayre, Itl Jane *2n J. Cullt-r, 30 July 'SO U. BeUfoid, 31 do do T. Trenholm, 26 Sep. 'il2 Tho«. Sayre, 22 June '3.> Geo. Scoa liar, 23 do do Wm. Brown, 19 June '.16 Wm.Ohapnian, 2 Apiii,'40 T. T. Cbxpmaii, 4 do Win. Bo I 't )■ » n e4 Jo ilu (1*1 do do n. Rnb)ob»uif,'2l a do W.D.Wrldort,3 April, MO Criinc Cktrleri, 5 do Thot.Wel4«n, 6 Oidflon Mix\fcll, 7 J.vnotCtuiij, 8 J«ii, 26 May '34 Captains. John Soiili), 27 April 22 D. OaincroM, 12 J una '33 T. U. Moorr, 22 Oct do J. Orewtter, I Ani; '85 Q. Calkiua, 2 d^ do E. Prclr, 17 Aur'M W. KirhpttrirkiSaAp'SS DiiiicI S(c»vfff, 24 do d't0 JnhnRodgcii, ijaly 'U Bcnjn, Muriiiioi*, 2 Au{. do T. Fii7,5«rnld, 23 Apl. »39 Luke Brtwsicr, 2t do do Mrahael Duffy, 25 do do Win. M'Kay, 26 do do Joahun Bishopp, 28 do do Jii. Ilamilion, I July '41 Jdjutant. J. StaiTiit, Cap 27 Apl. '24 Quartc}' Master, Jar. Rod|err,(lieut.)6yuly '40 Paynfftei'. D.M.CUrke, //. i Joly '4» Surgton, W. WihiMi, 25 Oet *43 Fourth Battalion. Lieutenant Co/one/. ' H'j. Ohapanan, 8 June, tf Major. Philip Chapman, do d« do Cfq>Htin». J. And»non, 31 May, *>< John Avard, 1 Juaa aU John Trtnhoiro, 2 do 40 Captains. W. Mamitoh, 10 /una '22 n. Pi-rley, S April »2i; A. Ooodtellow, 6 do do W. (Irar, 2i June >30 M.CtariDT* 29 do do Tho«. Ullock, 10 Aug '31 J. Hendera<(ti, 1 Juno '38 f,. Robichaud, 20 do do J. M. Johnston, 21 do do Al*». Ki-y, rJf. 16 Ap. '38 Alex. M'Beath, 8 Mar. 'O It. M^Dort^Id, 28ApKdo Fiahy Morrison, 24 do do Rich, t'futehinson, 26 do do Jwih. Rnsatll, laAoir. '40 I>. KHth, 18 do C. MfCulley, 17 dtf Win. Joplin, 7 ^lo do i^mdre^T n«y» 5April'2i! J. T., Willistou, 6 do do W!nf. Carman, do do D, Jahnkton, 29 do d< J. M'Lcan, 1 Juir du P. IHoni^on, J. M*Kenzie, Jamo Caie, 1 July 13 June 19 do 21 do 'all do do J. U. Peteri, (1 It. rif.) 16 April, 38 CIro. Lflspn, (2 It. r.) do do D. Al*Nau«h(OH, 8 Mar. '19 Alex. Daridaon, 23 Apl. do D. M'Lpod, 24 do do Geo. Willialon, 25 do do Don. M'Donald, Asa Perlry, John Mttckie, Aiex.Carnpron, 15 Aug.'40 John Sinclair, 16 do Jaiuei Miller, 17 do Ensign*. J. 8tewar>, 9 April '96 J. Porter, 29 June M. Clarke, 18 June J. Oarrulkeri, 20 ' do J. Lobbsn, 22 do J. M'Leoal, 21 do 0. Cvrwao, 21 do 26 do d(> 28 do do 29 do do. W. Johnston, 25 do do Par. Brophy, 6 Mirch, '39 Jainei Johuitnn, 25 Ap. do Allan Gilioour, 20 do do Peter Gray, 27 do do William Ruaaell, S8 dc do James Ooorlie, SO do do Ja^. Cameron, 15 Aug. '40 Peter M'Oougal, lA dn Otten M'Ewen, 17 do Adjutant. D. M'Donald, rap 9 Jun <2i Quarter Matter. J. Davidion, 9 June do Sufgtion. Alex. Key, 28 June '30 '30 '36 do do do do Second Battalion. Lie^itenant CohntL. A. Davidson, 2 July '20 Major, W. Sailer, 18 June *m CaptOi'ns. O.M'DonaUl, 2aAug'2i! J. B«t), 32 do do E. J. Ab^ W» D J. W.I A. A. II. T. R» Vim I ■ "uri'irTfrii 05 ttef, . I Jnlj '4% ►n, Italleo. Colont/. 8 June, *t» ■ • iii do dft da M. II Mnr, *81 1 JuB« 4* , 2 do ii» 2 do inta. 30 May do 1 Juno dA 2 do do a May 'Je I >u/y 41 jr\. 2 du I. 13 May 32 20 do d» f July Mk 2 drv 3 do nt. !3 July '30 later. May '81 i do ill* Aarcb, '39 25 Ap. do 26 do do 27 do do 28 d« Auz. '10 lA do 17 do 9iun'23 ftfr. Juno tio Juno '30 ion. imtl.. July >30 run«>3l> Aug'SQ do do E. Fowlfer, 23 Au|, 23 J. Fraitr, 1 Junt 23 AbtlPoad, lOMay*24 WiQ. I.»cll, S3 April '2« D M*K«y, 88 do do J. M^Doaald, 12 Juno '27 W. Fiddti, l«May'a9 A. Diiacan, 1 9 do do A. MoorH, 6 April 'Se 11. D. Afliton, 6 do do T. Undorhill, ft do do 1U Jardiflo, 9 do do Ooori;* Kerr, 15 Feb. *9 Jartd Toier, 16 do «lo Tho.Willouj(hby, 17 do do H. Haaamill, 20 1'unr, M« Joho Flion, 21 do UnUtnanti. T. Smirk, II M«ty 24 A.Horty, 13 dd do J. llovey, 18 do '30 T. Cou|hlan, 23 Ho do R. Wamor, 5 April '36 L. Attle, 6 tlo do J. Fillcniore, 8 do do J. ILrioy, 10 do rfto R. C'rocker, II do lio J. Munro, 12 do do John Arbor, 13 do do C. A. Uardiog, 1« F«b. '9 JamoaStvwari, 17 do do J>ua. M'Tavbb, 30>une*40 Edml. WUiittoo, 21 de Williaa Leddra, 22 do Al«i. FtrguioR, S3 do Ktbt. Fonyth^ SI de Sanutl Ptabody, 25 do Etuiriit. M. Hovry, it May ^4 P. OavidiOB. 30 do do A.Oainpbell, 19 do 30 OhaKM'Itew, 8 April >W Jii. lIolniM, 11 do ilu W.SmaR, 12 do d« R. IhiBfto, 13 do do John Pond, 14 do do D. Bi'Taviib, 15 do do T. DfiDriasr, iSFtb. *Q Jimiii Redoy, 19 do do Richd Pattenon, SO do do Robt. M'Kxy, 20^uiie, *40 John J. Heiinith, 21 d* MeilM'Lcan, 23 do RoblRion Orocker, 23 do Edwurd M«Ka>, 24 do Willinn WaUb, S5 do O. J.Woolbaup(er,2S au«;. Ul Richard Sulbor, 24 do Johu A. Bell, 23 do jidjutant. D.Crocktr,(cRpll VUy^ 11 May,^3A. Quarterma$ter. Allan DavidiON, 16 Feb. *• JobuTkMaptoR, SO JOB '40 Third Battalion. LlMtMiMNU foltm^i. Jai. Qilmour, 87AprfB'40 Ellltft FowUr, 23 ang. 28 A»>«IPond, 10 may 31 John Donwld. 1 2 jooo 27 Tboa. Undecllill. f apr. 9K John Muaroe, S2 loarcb 41^ Alex. McLa|g«n, 23 do LicuUHUnti. Jacob Bovey, 18 ayir- 30 T. Couchlao, 33 d« Robert WaaaoB, 5 ft^ 36 JohiiArbo, tS do John Poiid, S2 aai . J. L. Pricr, 23 d* Alpx.OMipbellJ 9 Bi«r. SO <3hn$. N«Riw, 8 opr. 96 Jaroei Roddy, If Fab. 39 WiD. Otfak, 23 «ar. 4i- John OecantinoD, 23 do Jane* McLaggan, 24 da Dai. SmaZ/f 25 do A^Uuimnt. AllMiGnmour, H. 27^Ma 40 ^nmrttrtiuater. Jit. Fowler, (eaa.) do do RE8TIG0U0HE COUNTY MILITIA. Lituttnnnt Ctlonil. R. FerguMii, 1 Jaa. '32 Afrt;or. Ad. Farguion, 10 Mar. '39 Captains. ■ J. Dou^Ihi, 26 Dor. '25 D. Mantoth, 27 do do D. Stewart, 9 March '37 A. M'Phersoa. 10 do do R. Fcrgiuon, jr. 11 do do J. MoHigoBiory, )3 do do Alex. Ferfiuion, 19 Mar '9 JAeutetumtt. W. Oraig, IS July '23 Wm. F lemming, 14 do do A. Fraaer, 23 May '31 W. M'Phcrion. 9 Mat '.37 Andrew Barbarie, 11 do do Jamea Paul, 12 do do John M'Ftirlane, 13 do do Eruigns. D. M'Nair, 9 Mar '37 R. Montfoflaory, 18 ^lo do K. Jariliuo, 11 dodo M. FergoMR, 13 do do Jai. M*7licr»Mn, e. U OcSe •Surjecu. D. R. Carlvi, M. p., 10 Mircb, '39 Quartemast.r. Joseph Hunier, (It.) I'o d* GLOUCESTER COUNTY MILITIA; FirU Battalion. A v Major. J olio Miller,' 9 March '37 Captains. .l»meaLee, 12 July '24 J,.hn Frn.««r, 16 May '29 Benj. Da««on, 23 Dei'. 'S» Fran. FiTRU«oii, 13M»r '7 Hichard Carman, 14 ilo do Win. Blanrhard, 15 do do p. A. Dumarcaii, 9 Apr. '9 Alex. M'Ncil, 9 Nov. '40 Lieutcntints. Wm. Cray, 13 July, '24 Cha«. Cotnmoau, 15 do do Jaa. Robertson, 24 Miy '31 Antuine Degrace, 25 do do Doo. FergiHoii, 14 Mar '7 Michael O^Brien, 15 do do Saiiiuol Napier, 9Api. '9 .TjDieii JuliDsioD, 10 do du Joiiii Chnmhcra, 9 Nov. 40 William B i 1 1 'I K. Bison, 1 M»l«t> '32 tAi IlMgJt A. Caie, ,^ 16 do do , ' Lie1fi,w■af^ti. ■ J. Gennie, iS.tuly, '23 A. Campbell, 28 Jan, ^21 I>.,Cai9p,be]4^ 29 do dn. do do do,, do do t A. I^ouispf, . 2|Ii|r..:'32 Jitinpf Dwiq, . 7 do . do A. Landfy, 9 Nan !40.' A. H9Pi*-l**iid, lOido.do Uap|i,ael^j(ific.r, li doido, Uichard DavfswB, 12 do do rDuoraii Haj,/r. ISdotlo. W.ui. Tajlor,. M do do v^hn K,err, ' 1 5 do do ^dwin l.a,i|t«n, 1 6 do j^o Ro^(. VMun|,^r. I7dai do Tt^. Af/chitr^ 18 do do DaviJJ V«rgv?pn, 19 4«».do. AM-Wlkoit, 5Var.'&2 Rfn«0)|i«seD, 6 - do d« ^Fun. JLeGrelej,9 Nov. 40 ,>Ioiopb Coomb*, 10 do do , JLuke DuotfU,' .1 1 do do VV;m. Lou isi«r, 1 2 do do J»f. BUckall.jr. lidoriv >Wm. Diy*d.ite, Udoii* Jam es VVaUh, 1 6 do do Adjutant^ J.M'Io^O^i, ca|424]>ec. 31 n.W.DUldwin, c. 1 Uu'32 Quarferm LieUtennntti Donald Rankitt, 1 !J Feb. '26 J.A.CJir3,[r]ajM-.y,!a3 Wni. Girvan, 27 do do A. M'Mitbael, 1 July, '4 Jo!)n Miller, 2 d* du Audlew DixoDy 16 Apr. *8 Julin IMuiue/ 17 I'o do Ptti'k. Donelly, IS do do JoskD. Wel>!uit, 19 do do Atch. F. M'lC.»v,23dodo Jan. Gallighui , 2 April,'40 Bobl. Itf'Almon, J do Eiitigna, J'aviJ Wiighi, 24 May *33 ohn Clare, [i-.] 26 do do Jiph.Wheton, 16 Apr. '38 J. M. Watheii, id du Win. Doherty. 19 do W. M'Williains, 2 Ap. '40 John Jlaakiii, ,. 3 du Dav|d Fa«ler, 4 uo ,F«ter Miizeioli, 5 do y AdjutHjU^ . D.S>»ayi|e,|c8pl 20 Juu'37 Thya. Wi«(e9jljuI.'4f Survs^n. R. Mastera«l^ 13 Fejb ?2S Second Battalion. UcvteiktaU CofoneL Jt do do ChM. R. Smith, > 4 Oct. 41 Aniii'y ISimpion, (5 do do Jobo M^iMilia*, IGdudu tiicattnaixis. Chas. Surretl,2t) Nov. *26 T. Buthea, 24 May, iil L. Seaqiondt, 27 do do r. Kobichiud, :^ Oct. '3 JobaStieridsn, lQMar.'37 J a«.M'i)f:rntot, 11 do dn Michael Harru, 1 4 Oct. 41 Jit, S. L«i)g» 1 6 do d» Gideon Soiith,^ 16dod» W«i. Coalos, 17 do do Ensignt. FIacidPorrier,2S M»y, "Jl J.Thibideau, 25 do do Ira Hicks, jr. 27 do du P. A. Purdy, 10 Aug. do Greg. (;orinier,22d Oct '3 John BuCkc, jr. 28d do Co Marriner flicks, 10Mar.*87 OlirOrWard, 11 do di» Ang. M'Intosb, 14 Oct. 4t Jti. MTberion, 15 do do Adj\i,tain.t. A.B. Smith, c. 23 Maj, '31 f^uartermaster, E, Chapman, It. 12Mjr.'o7 KING'S COUNTY MILITIA. First Battalion. Lieutenant Co'onel. W*i.M'Ltol, 2yMa^,'33 Major. Philip Dann, 23 May, do Captains. J.S.VVetiiiore, 27 May, '25 Philip Nase; 29 Apr, '27 T. Botsvvick, 2-5 Oct. '28 Aud. (laium, rir29 Jul. 32 Jcr. Mabee, 29 May, '3 Jc4eph A.Lyuni, iJuae cto J.tvrk Oji'vo!!. " slo do John Wricjht, 6 Nov. do S iiiil. Guvum, 10 Sept, '38 G.iif. Woiden, 2 April '40 Tlioj. A. Flewcllin;;, 3 do Geo. Hardin;;. 30 Mar. '41 J^kutinantt. B. Harrington, 30 July,'32 J D. ViTilliMms, 13 May, '3 Benj. Cole, 4 do do N. Wairrcn, 5 Nov. do Jos. Fiewoljing, 4Ap. '6 John Piers, 21 May, '7 W.M^K;eel,2ait. rit.24.io J. ^, 5";t«;r. 30 Scj-t. ":« W.O.Sffiill»,Clt. rif. lJd« Isaac Vanwarl, 2 April, '•10 Joiin L. Forrtsier, 3 d» W.G.»ardi»s,27 Mar. '4t Jiimcs M'Leod, 2U do ( do da 69^ ' .!♦ Sr. M; FUwellinjf SApV 40 Sml. K^^fiuii; '6 ire|it. '\ t ti.L.R}ehifd*,2»»ii»y. 41 J?iuiJ»if._^ .„ ?• ^t.IM^a/, 14 Sep. ri ■^4Mki B: LTon, 29 do do J.eob WrirtI, 19 Mar. '38 T. Djf ob^ ' 12 Juiit , JO Adjiuai^t, W.E. Twyiih.«r, 14 do d* J. 8«di«jhr«*V IS do do D. Watwore, capt. 1 May, ^. Mortoiu , tO Maj^ do W. Deboir, 25 0««. '.JO ^, , r27 D.Oaraiitbatl, SJuqaSS. JiWaoamakar.jr. 12J1. ui Pajfmuter. Jeif • Alt* obd, 4 ten. do Oalcb ilavia, jr. 12 do do D. rickftt, 31 Julj, '32 Tb^a. Cbapmaa, 8 Apr. 4 Z. Davia, \% June. 38 , . i^J^'f »■«"{*»• . laaacTeakle., 9 4» da Rebl.Wamce, 22 0.t. u^ Jobn Price, II. 25 Nor. '39 Joifpb pebaon, 20 da do Calab ^pracat, 6/ulv Nu . ' ThoBiaaJPearian,21(lo do Jamica BealyCt 7 du Jacob HalL ^9ept. 4i laaac Rii^mond, 6 do . taUoa, Kiac'a. " Jdjuldni. *" "' - " ' ~~ , J. GidofT, cap. 25 Oct. S2 Coptom^ PaTpnmttr, John Nailer, 21 Aug. '38 L Foihaj,c«p.22 Jan. '5 Fint Lieut* , ^u^rlermdi/er, ^•vid LjroD, 21 do da /ancaHovl, ' 11 Oct; 2S John Cair . SewndljUui. Surgton. E„w^n,. Wm. Pywell. 21 do da SditraA-VaU, 19 June, 98 J. M. Fowler, 14 Sea. '^t J. F. Sherwood, 25 Oc I de ISMav, 32 T. W. H. Malowncy, 2d If. , J. Palmer, I at U r. » 6 Juno. '41. 6le. Fowler, 2d do. 1 5 da iLntigiu. le d9J« Thoa. Cornet. a. Nutter, 30 mar. '41 Cavalry attacbed to 2d Baf Jeaa^ Qillii, fs Mav, QuartaniMf^er lalioo, KinK'a Henry Dcforeal, 21 u^ Walter Lydn, 21 aug. '" ' » .k *„_:.. « « Second ballalioot l Contains. O. Barbarir, 24 Nor "28 O. B. Gousie, 30 May, '31 DankSheck, ^13 Mar '2 Abui. Johnaton, 14 do do S. SI^'Kultj,. 18 May, do .ramea Price, 2 Sept. H O. Stockton, 8 April, Isaac Parlee, 9 June, MorpiiFrazee, 20 do John Burgeis, 6 Sept J^tutenants, R. M'Konagle, 25 Aug '23 J. KictH, 1 Sept. 30 Ah. Deaiill, '2 Sept. ..., Jaa. Alexander, 22d Oct do Richard RoMh, 8 Apr. 34 SI"" ^^"^V ^."'l"", '" lAeutenant. Wm. Tteichum, C ^ulj-, '4(» Wni.M'Leod,do do do "'""O" "»/». ' do »i.> Cornet. . ,. ^djutant: Wai. M'Monacle, do do do -^ hnz\uh, cap. 25 Ag. :* Quartermaster. „ Q&arlann«/fr H.M»Monagle,r»Jane^ S"a"V*" '* ''<' *^ Paytnaitar '4 '8 do 41 THifd Battalion. ^Lieutenant Colonel CalebWetmore, 12 Mar.Si Ma^or. A. C. Evanioo, 18 May do Captain*. S. Fairwaatbar, 14 Jun. 26 J.Upbam, 14 Sep 29 J.Welinore, 13 Jun 80 R.S.MatlheMt,c,2JiiBc \iii' Surgeon. C. Wilion, 12 Jaa-, 'Jb Cavalry altaakad to Ci i IS ji ;• . taliou, Kiag'i. -. , , W. Qanter, 25 0etdo John Pearson, 14 Alur '32 T. S, DraiMI, 12JMly, 31 Geo. Morton, 19 May, '2 S. Sprajiue, . 18 May, 32 X. Cougic, rif. 20 uV do Wui^Goatei, 8 April, »4 Wm. Teakiea, 9 do do O.ArnoM,2U.r.22J(ia 5 Jainci Secard, 19 do '8 r. p. Vail, 20 do do Captain. Jauca Paten, 6 June >S« . L^nitenant. , Daniel Hatfield, ^u do 4<> Second Lieutenant. 3. Falrwaather, 21 do 33 j„|,„ qu,;,, ,,j j„ Jat. Scbpaici, 22 Qct. do Cvvnet John^llayi, 2 June, '35 j Northriip, 27 Jan, Oalebbatia, rif, l9do'3« ,. ' (i. Sprague, 6 fuly '40 Quarlerm«.««. . ■Robt. Sprdgg, 15 Juaa, 41 E. S. Wetnern, ao a> do r> **i D. Vaawart, ■ 21 da do J H. 0.i>'cbrr, 31 dj a> 5 Oct. '35 Oao. Graham, 22 do d<> I. > T. Hewlel, C /unr, '25 John Ourrie, — H.Golding,adj.25n;i>y'24 Jm. Oolwell, 10 aep. 38 Jaq^ea tilnn, 11 Afff, Ki\ T. R.WctooT«, II iep.'24 John J. Millidg'e, 1 do. 40 Tboe Qolding, 'iQ •nJ/»We>•. W. *' U(.i.M(.«|l,6. 31 Aug. 36 oitJ'.feon. 11, :•. Sinrh, 24 Aug. '29 68 StcMdBtltitloa.-- Major. '■ ■ ■ Peter Ymihios, 23 Mcj '31 John Earlr, adj. 7 Jun. 'S3 J. M'Lctii, 3 do du J.Saacoid, 20 Aug. '27 J. jVl'Aliiiter, 21 do do ti. VyiutH, Jo . do '30 8. Huinphreyfj 31 do do A. Braitfcomb, 20 July, 'I Jamas Dutle)-, 27 do do N. Bulyoa, 12 Aug. M Kten. U(ig$i, 3 July, '41 Jobif Pdar^Au, 6 lU ^U^ Wui. Shearer, 7 do do Lientsnanis. J.'GfttkiMs, 10 June, L« Al['L«.r.'4i IiaaeOlarke, 6 do /« JohitM'Gregor, 7 d« do Jamti Alton, 8 do do Ensigns. T. Coray, 7 Juna, *9S £. Store, 9 do do A. Coray, 20 Aug.' 27 J. Shearar, 21 \lo dv CteorgaCurrie,3l do d<* J. MOtonald, 28 July, *Qt E' Brirgs, 27 Tho«. Wajsen, 9 do d.* Danl. Few lei, 9 Aug. do* AdjtUant. * John Eaile, (cap 7Jen. Sa'- 17 Aug, '.its ^uttrttrmatter. D. Palmer, 30 Aug, •« Sur^ton. Win. B. Little, 3 Oct. *ii OARLETON COUNTY MIIITIA. Wm. Aikiaaoo,I8 Feb.'SO Sny^eon. Samuel Porter, 20 do do d). Rite, " 26 Au" »34 W-illiam C.obhcII, 21 do do Quartertnaattr."' William Shaw, 17 iMAi.'40 0. Peabody it. 23 Sep. '2d Woi. Kelchuin, 1 lii'ut. rif. — — « u. ..«.*? ^^r-JI' Cavalry attached to Pint Hen.-Ha]8ali,Sd It. r. 13 do Batl. Carleiou. Enaigiui. — - T. Borloclf, M Aug. '29 Captain. CWoIhaiipter, II M*y '32 F. Morehoiue, 25 Sov. '?;> 'Vkoa. Upbam,' ^,'4 Sept. do ' Itieutenants. lien. Churchil, 2J do do G. A. Bedoil, 29 Sept. 37 Gcu.'MMCen2ie, 26 do do Ricti.R.Kctcbua),3d II. fT Wio. M»iin.ib, 2(>Aue;. '4 Api. 41 A. Bail, ' 27 do do Come!. .. .,..,„ . Wm. D. Sm!lh,I3 8ep. '7 W.F. Dibblee, I2apr.'4l H. L.Bibblte, 1- Jo do r.T.BeaWlsley, 15 Fell. '9 QuarUtmaster. A. B. Sluirpe, «J,\.is-'4 Thoinn Ciirrie, 16 do do John M'Beatli, 17 mar.'lO K. h.'Den.Ul, ril. |!*l.e.'9 AiUhwny Blaikie, 17 do do Vk*t Balta'ion. IJtutiituttit. Cotnntl, llialt. ELe'tMtuni, I Jao '32 JoHn PibSlcit", 3 M*y, do Captditu. T. tt. C.»nlWe,bAprll, 19 ^A'ln. 'Dn.Uta, 4 do-S5 J. K.i!l iiisha Sfiaw, 17 m:\rcn,' 10 .^. Ou.hhii, 2n Ai.;. 'I Alien Kitnlirooks, iS do lu.>..vt..li|.>«k'*, J? do d.. J,,, Lackwiiod, ,19 An P. M. Iied.fll, 1 1 S. vt '7 U. A. Ilay, 8 Oct. '10 ' ■' 9 J A.- Sr Adjutant. i;»r. ;)^>fd>Jf«. 15 Kfi. 'b *• R»)'»»«n.l,t. 28 .Tul. '211 J.^-*t-^fj>*\\t-'^fi, 11 A} An I'a^imaittr. Major. Cuptains. A. ^r^c^•^Jol^ 2^ juiy, '2s B. 'I'ibbeti, M do d>* K. Tuiuer, ;»1 do do CMLauclilan, II May tJJ R.Woodward, a.t. 29 8e.'7 KiiihaSioon, 23 Feb. '* Wa Job Ua« jA do d<» do /« ' (to d<* do do iina, •« du do ^"«{- •37 U» d» do d* . ulr, •8/ ^ - tlo du da dir - •ft. •s ivg. M I.l,v, Ml do dc, • do » Leon BellefleMr, 29 do. ^7 Joseph Heberi, 30 do do Siman Hebort, jr. I Of do Johi 8uUon, a ilo. '8 Joseph Oere, 2 Aprit, HQ Tboi. Nueeal, 9 *>• RvptMoI M>itio, 4 do A. n. HamiBOMd, 5 do Vaial Tftibidoau, 8 do Mtcbl. lloi-cara^ 7 da LieutfnanH. Josh. Gero, 7 8«^t >30 J. B. DainU, 9 do d« B. Litoito, 10 do do M. Farreil, . 13 do do John Ooonbwr, 8 do '7 Rom. ViolotI, 3 Ajprtl, '40 Aboi. DofoOf. 3 (»(> Joseph Michaudf 4 d«> > F. ThiKido*ii, A do Kegit Terrio, • do Paul Ctre, T •« £iiat|pM. J* Bttrgnine, 10 Sep. '39 F. Martin, IS d« Abn. Cttoinboa, 3 Apr. '40 Frat. Godioe, » Jane* VLt^mty 8 'do Janoi Soiiih, t Ca|)i. Alen. Milne.— Fair Rosamond, 2, Lieut. Com. A. 0. Buluau,— l^r«- fly, steam vessel, Lieut. Com. W. Winnietl.— Flamer, 8, steam vea- f sel, Lieut. Com. W. Robson.— Gleaner, 1, steam vessel, r.iHoi. Coai. y .?o!in Jeayes.— Griffon, 3, Lieut. Com. J. G. D'Urlian.— Hecia, sisaio vessel, [jieut. Com. John B. Cra;;g[.— Ilornel, C, iiri^ntine, Liaui. Cyotn. R. B. Miller.— Hydra, ste:im vetrtel. Com. Alex. Murray.^ Lark, 4, Lieut. Com. G. B. Liwrenoa ; Mairsra, steam vessel, Lltrsi. H. C. Goldsmith.— Pickle, 5, Com. F. H. Monlres^or.- Pilot, l«i, (yom. G. Rimwy; Pique, 36, Captain Richard A. Yate^.— P.vramuJi, 42, receiving ship, Halifax. —Rucohorse, 18, Coin. J. C. Filz-^eraM.— , Racer, IC, Com. Thn^. Harvey.— Ringdove, IS, Com. Hod. Koilk Htewitrt.— Rover, 18, Com. Ciias. £«ele.— Sappho, 10, Conn. Thoa. Fra-ter.— Skipjack, 5, Lieut. Com. A. C, May.— Tarlarus, steam vessel, Lieut. Com. G. W. Smith.— Thunder, «, Com. Edward Bar* nett.— Tweed, 2a, Com. Hugh D. O. Don^ras; Vestal,, 2^ Ca puis T4US. W. C«rler.— Victor, 10, Com. VYiiUam Dawsoa.' ^ m .TfiUB UKIXBOnKINGJOOM. •:!d .a ii 1 1 lo (/tL^xAMDRiNA) VICTORIA 1. Qoeeii of the VnUed King(|om of ^al BKtaln anil Ireland, (daughter ertbe4ate Diike qf fifAit-^\iqtve NiDy. 2, 1767 ; di^d Jan. 23, 1820,T-t)y Victoria J!^(iria L<(uJifiat fUiier drihf Duke of Saxe.Cobi^r|^Gotba, and of I^eepold, King of. the BeU {tians; boroAiiff. 17, 1799 ;)^— born Mav 94, 1819 ; snoceeded her uncle, William lY.,* June 20, 1837 ;— n^arried, Feb. 10, l84o; to Pbinob Al* hhut;;' pf Said^Cqfiiurg-Gotha,. born, Aug. 26, 1819. /»«««— Victoria Acfelafdo Mary L^iM,.borii aist J(pt. 1840, (Heiress pre^un^ptive tlie Ipfownl) ' , aVIBM DOWAOBH. Adtlaide, consort of the late William IV., and sister of the Dulie of ^nxe-Metpibgen, born Aug. 13, 1792;. " < ' tM&^ES i^ND^AUMTS OF T^S.UVEBN. !, £rnat Aus^tia, (^ijig.of ^lanoYerO t>ukb of Cumberland ; born .Idiie r,. J^77l -^married. May 29,,J815, ^ederica.Sapfiia Carojl^a^M- ,i4r jg)(;tfie Duke,of;|iI«ckleAburgTSlreUtz, born March 120, 1778 ; Issue : UrtorjreJTrederuik. born May .27, A819. ' , Dulf^e of Sussex ^ born Jan. 37, 1773. ,. , Duke of .Gaa^ridee ; born Feb. 24, 1774 v rnarrie^f.^my 8, iBlQjiugHitaWUhetmind Louua^ aeice of tbel^nd- l!;1-arc ef Hes^e, ftofn July 6,'l79t ;-*'IS8Ue: 1. Uewrge Wittiam, born. ^Y(>rct^6, 4819 : 2. Augusta Caroline, bpra July 19, 1822 ; >i.Jifyry AdeTatOe, both Nor. 27, 1833. 4. Afor-y, Duchess of pR^cefter; Jtofn^AAril 25, 1776:— married, July 22, 181 C, to her cousin, WUlUmlyedertck, Dukeof GloQcsster, who died Nov. 30, 1834. iJ.JIfepAMi, bqm.NpT. 3,.l,»7.7i-T«njwwie4. i^ii-/ Rj. ; r ', t i HER M A JEST, Y';S MINISTERS Lord«oQt|e Tfqa ^|k,e1t ; ' Jooainan Pee »rd?^Q(Uie Q4Br-^ecre ^. _ , iijCser Pryigle, p. baling, J. \oung, ^J. ., . ,^ hM^'^Wy* SirQ. Cpckbur/i, Admiral ;. ,$?Vni(yir^Ion.,G^pt., Gprdpn, Hon JI. L. Cor- the^P^i(nM9e, J.,|^.J^nham, E^. ;, CJerk.of tbtt .M<»r4fi«?» J^WWT gmral of tjie ,C)rcIa^qice,.C*l. 4 Wl botn- ^ I m w 4 V $irW. FoUettr/ttihtf Adfoeate, Dr. NieUll; Lord Aar&eit6 of Scot- land, Sir W. Rae: Solicit'ir General for Scotland, Dqiicfm M'Neil. Irblahd.— Lor^ Lieaterfant, Ekr\ De Grey ; Lord CMncellor, Sir E. Sngrfen; Chief S^ciuiary, Ldrd Eliot; Attorney Oeneral, BlaekbBrne, Q. C; Solicitor GWferal, Mr. Peunefalhcr. QtTBEN's HovsEHOLD.— Lord t)hambet!iiti. Earl Dol2iwarr: Lord gl^^ard, Earl of Liverpool ;inf the RobM, Dnchtes' of BUeas, beans, corn, cucumbers, &f. to be picked for eating, and save *' what is left," or the latest and refuse, fojr.seed ; then they will com- plain that they degenerate. The finest and earliest of every kind of Tegetable should be saved for seed ; by this method, instead of degene- rating, they may be improved. Every ctillivator should attend to this subject, for it is very much neglected, and great loss is occasioned for want of a little time and attention^ Cows.— ICeep no more cows than you can keep well. One cow well fad will give as much ml\]i as two treated indiperentl v, and produce more butter. If a cow be wintered badly, she will rarely recover ditr- iug the summer, so as to become profitable to the owner. Cows should by all means be kept 'jrider a shelter in extreme weather; particular- ly those 'which give milk, or a failure in the quantity of milk will be experienced. Near London, it is the custom to sow Iarg« quantities of oats, to be cut green forjitfill-feeding the milk cows; these are always sown on Jaod most highly manured for the purpose, with four and sometimes five bushels of seed per acre; the 3fiela is prodigious, and is found to be one of the most valuab*e crops that can be grown, coming off* the land intimftfbra full crop of turnips for the winter.oref late potatoes. Shbep Shiabino.— Dr. Deane says, that thd larsest lambs should be sheared at the time of the new moon in Julr. Their fleeces will yield as much the n^xt year, and tbv wool will be better ; and, as cold storms rai-ely happen at that time of the year, the lambs will do belter without their fleeces than with them. 4 78 , CtfRIOUa EXPERIMBNT IK THE MAMAflEMBNT OP P1G8.— Tbo fo). lovniig experiment has been made by a genileniao of NorfolU :— ^ix piga of nearly equal weight, ware piit tu keepiug at the aame Ukic. and treated tne same as to food and lilter for seven weeks. Tiiree of them were left to shift for themseUes, as to cleanliness ; the otiier three were kept.as clean as possible by n man employed fur the pur- pose, with a curry-comb and brush. The last consumed, in seven weeks, fewer |ieas by five bushels than the oiher three, yet weighed more, when killed, by two stone and four pounds upon the average. Preservaiutn of Butter.— \t a late Council of the Royal Agricultur- al Society of England, a jar of butter was received from Henry Wood, Esq. as a specimen of the successful mode adopted for its preserva- tion when that article is intended for export to foreign climates. Mr. Wood informed the council that this butter had been prepared on the 19lhof June, according to the process adopted in eastern countriev, where it was used for culinary purposes instead of hog's lard, which the Mahometan law prohibited, and would keep for any length of time in a perfect state of preservation, although it contained no salt, or other additional substance. This preservative stale of the butter was induced by the renroval of sctmi, and ttie'dissipat ion of the watery par- ticles of fresh butter, effected by the gentlest possible application of sufficient heat to produce the result. Mr. Wood stated that in Asitk this gentle heat was obtained by the natives by filling a large open earthenware pan with powdered and well dried cow dung, and then setting (ire to it, intronucing into the midst of the burning cow dunt? an earthen vessel containing the butter, which thus bees me melted ; . and when the scum, as it ra'ie, had been successfully removed, and the ^ watery particles driven off by the hvat, it was poured into a jnr and ' preserved for use. Mr. Wood suggested that a rand-bath, propi'rly regulated, might answer the same purpose a^ the dried cow dang, a nd , as the process was so very simple, there could be no difficulty in pre- paring it ; and that, when once prepared, the butter never berame tainted. Mr. Wood stated that he carried with him to the Cape of Good Hope some butter prepared in the same way, a year previously, and which was there pronoonced to be superior to the salted butter of the colony, and for culinary pnrposes far superior to lard. GATERPiLLABif. — Dcstroy utterljr every caterpillar;— leave no nest undemolished on your fruit trees. This may be done by burning brim- stone under their nests— by sprinkling ashes or fine sand on them and the limbs where they are, wl»en wet by the dews or shew nrs ; or by Cutting a mop or wisp of tow on a pole and brushing their nests with rine. ■ Pbsces.— While repairing your fences, remember that a fence well made will stand e dozen times as long as that which is poorly made. While you drive your business before you, and do your work wcjl, all will be easy ; but suffer it to bg. or slug and slight it, and soon it be- comes a grievous burden. Set the top end of the |i»>sts in the ground. . Clearing Lands. —For ine good of land, and for the ease of clear- ing, 1 would prefer to have the chopping done in the months of June ' and July, and lake a f priug burn the next season. I prefer this coursp, first, beca[use there will be no sprouts iti the land ; and second, becauve the sturobs will cotre out three or four years sooner than they would if chopped ia the winterer spring months, as then they are sure t'» sprout, and thus bmg detain some vitality. To clear land slow and easy, I always girdle; and that work should be done in Juih', when seen the leaves withered "~^ ^ ' ' sign r?i ill one week. I always cliyose to let beach auii maple limber stajidu' '74 I- ! -fjl r . 4 ti) atMat half the top snd branches fiill toliia grounJ, «rliich'#{ITtak(r jfAwe in somtf five or ms yeafs. Wh«n T wish to elear the |N hand- in the time of accidents, and when the ^4ent oeaiiiflrances are aertaio to be aiiMing,i8 tobeirand in the iiat whiebmay require, while ext<*iiding an arm over each balloon, which by their buoyancy, so nearly sustain his weight that he can bound twenty or thirty feet at each step, or occasionally scale across a river or ra>- vine like a. flying jsqutrrel.. Fifteen miles per hour is mentioned in an^ ticipation, as a walkins; speed. — lb. To drive nails into hard iCQod.— -It is said thatby dipping the point!^ nt* nails into lard, they may be driven home in hnrii wood without dif- ticuUy. The New Gimesee Farmer says that carpenters who are eo-> Kittled in repairing Md bnildiogs, sometimes carry a lump of lard for thin purpose, on on «of their hoots or shoes. To revlm ojd HVt7wi^.— fmmerse the writing in water in which copporns has been disiolvcd ; if the writing is suffered to dry, the cop- peras will make it re-appear with as much freshness as if it were new. Bails for caLpluna^ /^is/i.— Fish are wonderfully att-racted by stron? smailin^ substances, ns camphor, nssafstida, &c. Arttfioial insects arc much used in catching fi»n, especially trout ; iiiey arc nmde of diC- iVrent colours, according to the hours oi the day, in order that they Rtny imitate the natural objects which appear at these diflferent peri* i^r,Jiath dedicated Ajax to the sun."— Theelepbaatjaras found ..witEihts inscription 350 years after. Pigs bate been unawn to live to the age of 30 years: the rhinoceros to 60. A horse has been known to lite to the age of 62, but aterages 23 to 30. Camels sometimes lite to the age of 100 ; sheep seldom exceed the age of 10. Cows Vive attout 15 years. Cuvier considers it probable thai whales sometimvs fite lOQO y^ars. The dolphin.and -porporse attain the age of 30. An f agle died at Vienna at the age of 30. Ravens frequently reach the a^e of 100. Swans have been known to lite 300 years.— Mr. Mailer- ton .has the skeleton of aswan that sttnined the age of ZOOyears. Pel- icana are len^ liTcd. A tortoise has been known to lite to the age of l or. SifESP AND Danpies.— Th^/ollowihg is from a^ report made by the conr^miltfo on sheep, at tlie Worcester cattle show :—*' A sheep should be judgf»doCIike a dandy , by the. fineness of his coat. We heg par- don .of the sheep for the comparison— but it is so apt I (n both cnse» the coat is the most taluable,part«,of ihe.animal. What is the sheep 8Pod.for without tbe-fleece'^ «|pa .what is a dandy good for without u ooal?" ., . Cautifm3'-^T}w protisions a ud*er, whea the cat andihemoiise ]iv9 on good ^i;ms. And whea thiere are niany csiptaius, the ship sink<^. t( yqtir friend ha hquey, do not eat him aUogeijier. i OVA co^vaxav ano oca avsay. Hurrah ! hurrah for Rngland I Her woo(|s,and valleys green ; Hurrah for good old Eotrland ! Hurri^h for England's Qu'eeo ! Strong abips be on her waters. Firm friends be on her shores, Peace, p^ace within her borders, Aod plenty in her stores. Rijrht jqyously we*re singing. We're glad to make it known, Thni we, love the land we live io, And our Q^ucen upon the throne. Then hurrah for merry England, Tteid i^ay wo still be seen, True to mur oiyti dear country, And l^yal to our Ciucen ! A SIMILE, On the breast of the bitiov/ The silver moon lay, Unrufiied the mirror, Unbroken the ray ; 'Till the zephyr's light piulo!! Swept over the stream. And broke the repose Of the wave and the beum. Like the beam on the biilo'v .Lote'4 spirit will rest, Pure, peaceful and holy, la fami woman's Jtre^st ; 'Till passion's wild iireathias-s Hate fann'd into^arae, To illumine her pathway, Or perish ip shame 7« ■1,1 I 1) :, WrMm &8. a 19 CO 00 o > lo •- lo u lo 10 I U OK I* ^^ •^ iH — MM^Ol — .. -- HOOMC. f^ ^ ^ 19 I (o «fc N- •-• 13 ' ^.A to QO op I O fO M g IP I Ok lo So o iS Families. Ot lO »^ t»k b> M «0 10 1^ Nl > -^ ^ M4Lc0MOt0b(AO»3'^2> Males. Females. to rr tj c> 09 o 10 ^^ cj •>* . tk o ••> CO M Males. ^ K9 M .A^'^So-SS Pemalea oi ^De « "io "ic ">fk "Vo "m "to •~i tt^ a* e> to ^» e» csi - » w & o» oi >— »~ "^ c o> o i(k «o'co to o) (n 00 (It Total (ijf Periona. u CtW>-'W^0<>>W^IO o» •-lo) e ooiOM>-^iotUi^ o «0 <0 00 e> O to M ibb i». «9 to I re 0>C>aCBM6UMO} I o CO CO 00 >- 10 e. ilk' 10 w »x icog>*^'-'C>»>-«^>(^lfk ct jnj— o jn te *o v> V'to'fc)'k»"<5"iU'^"'^%» C0*^0Ci>-j5etaDOi bl,Ch •-> cno'-'eocotoiootOtS'tooD t > Bstimmted quantity cleared Land. t of CO •io ro H- ►- cj _ ^ K) coro^'OBitkiowiSto M »0 lO oc ui o _ to •>« CO 0» CO o ^ Horses. o to o »o ^ >-■ CO CO O P CO 00 5" I flo^^9wo•>«$coa I lo >— '- •'I o en o w •> _ .. .. 1 cooo«oMOocn 8q2 Neat Cattle. »> I i-< 'is ^.r* • ** * "•«» "o To o* 00 en o» en to U CO CO CI 00 jr'*5*» 3*^5* Siieep. <0 00 0> *fc I Q to <» O I ^ O 00 •'I i w -^ ^ -o tU •-• Cd lU 0> . 10 CO 9 — ' 00 jo >u. e> VI u •UO>f^)OMk.t9wOOO tO^ttt WOti^StOi^ wcncn>~«og(>»«i^b-i Swine. 7J o o 525 s 9f n H • » M O O •»! H w K en r=g V, o It c g ^ o • td C COI O H ► r g Januj ► 5 ^2! ^ Fsastr AlAici Ahhil.. < Mav... JVNC... % ■ J.;,:; e«oco ceo -■« « o .OO' oopot ooe poo Poo 91 71 > n o o o H O w w w n s Hi P3 i o r g c r o a; n • O o < o pi c c! a: n . ► ^ COUNTINQ-HOUSE CALENDAR ] FOR 1818. * 1 1 1 1 9 % f 1 • • • 1 • c • • 1 s -1 f Januaby 3 4 r> 6 7 1 S Jt'LV 3 1 i T 1 8 ?• 4; 5{ 6 fi» r e 10 11 12 13 M n ^ 10 n|i2|i3 14 16 16 16 17 18 I'j 20 21 22 17 i8;i9 30 '21 22 2;» 23 24 25 2C 27 2S 29 2>l:23.'25 27:28 29 30 30 31 ' 311 -I' 1 1 FgnxirAaY... .1 2 3 4 6 Avoi'»T 1 1 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ir 12 7.1 Sl 9i 10 11,12 Ki ' 13 14 15 IC 17 18 19. - 14|l5ll6 17.|l819 20 ao 21 22 23 21 25 26 21,22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29|30 31 MAftCH , • 1 a 3 4 C SaprcMBKR.. 1 2 5 G 7 B 9 10 11 12 4 6 6 7 8 9 !0 13 14 10 16 17 Id 19 ' ■ 11 1213 14 10 16 17 t 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 18 19(20 21 22 23 2-1 ■ * 27 28 29 3p 31 , 252627 28 29 30 At>&IL 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 2 9 October 2 3 4 5 7 1 9 \ 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG , 9\io\n 12 13:14 KV DxcxHBr.R... 4 5 6 7 1 8 2 9 ;? 10 12 13 14 15 16 ^7 13* 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 / 19 20 21 22 23! 2; ?5. ■ '^^ •■ 1 18 19 20 31 22 23 24 , 36 27 23 29 Sol 1 26' 96 37 2SI ■^o. 30i 31 rTT-sr V 5g hd IM >M M> »• ,»« •000009Q ooeeeoooooooooAiik m o te oc lU m »^ •-< o ^«^ 5-=^ 1^ I-II.-IX o 0000000000000000 0000 o«3l»k»ii•ODVlee^900•aeftMlOloto•^•-•krfM«ooooo

MCO0>h9tOOfietO-^t>i ^o*-u.iutaeotot>itof^r^'* OO 000000000 o o ^QO9iiUMo!ir(X)b09)OiifeMO«oco«ie>i»>ao td >^ 00 o eodcoe>oooQOOo 10 m ««i 00 0> So f-s. 1 a /^ k>^ - -rnitf^... W BOADS Afri> DISTANCES. [,rjJ»'i\:i-^i»U ,'j » Tut" , 'llHt-n .'v ^1. '4 1. Iq n.* w.JoU ,1 • .'1 ?i.'u'. •'1' ,. 'J. » . -^I ' ' <*nnA ?i'lguoCi) ,8'i i in to Predericioni by i Nerepit. Miles. I— , (Yorkthire lav.) 4 {{O'd. 10 jr's, (Douglas Arms,) 4 dy's. la % 1' en xiV /fc /9u I' t- .1 e (• -PI (*'0». ,t*ii<.lli{) ydiiu , yurhy (Jrillaii's, riijiaia V. JVV. Smith's, 3) ,ti "o«*Ti(i?''Worri8oi»*8, (Oromocto,) noJ. i;thon''irrcdericion, I. IbH i!')«JBia o'l ,]iiio*l olobno; * XMibriB) ,^'> .IJi I r xoIijM // oiW 10 7 7 11-63 O/i the East tide of the River. To Black'8 Farm, 7 izondolo Point, Kingston, 4 JleudofBelleisle, 14 ^V ashademoDc, 19 lemseg Ferrv, tf Tilley'a, (Sheffield,) 13 Widow Perley's, .s HVedericton, 12-3C I 111 I ill ' fi V. • ( U |3(ii;f"-iino'' '.qBtDi.f^n- 11/ e ,3ivi;bBii5fiSBi/I .»'> Of ,!'oi7ifi. 7;-v ' i r oiuiT R'biKuan 1 I I J ,8'Xbo.) ot- To Cody's j.iji. bliommuvJ Less by the Nerepis road, 21 ^iuft< John to Saint Andrcios. h\^ Byrne's, Lakefield, Vi [ton's. Musquash, M'Lanchlan's. i I ray's, y\. Gowan's, (half-way,) Watter's, Shaw's, Matraguadavic, C Hums', Si. Piiirick, Saint Andrews, & 6 64 H 10 12 TolaJ 67 St. John to Mur tin's Head. 11 9 11 6 3 4 iicatty's, i^uaeo, Melvin or FuUer's Beach, Big Salmon River, J^itlle Salinoti River jyiartin's Head, Total, 4ai Saint John to Shepody. Tij < 'eboue's, Frendi Village, 30 O.UT imoud's, IB i.riVIanus's, 12 Dormad's, 12 Meeting Housej Shtpody, 18 - St. John lo Amhertt, {N. S.) vi Suaacje Vale, Dorchester, i|'c. Miles To Robinson's, Hennigar's, Campbell's, ivletcnum's, Hampton Ferry, Hay's, Bftzter's, (Finger Duart* ) Roache'v, M'Monaglo's, 4 3 A I n •» K Tdlfcl, 79" To Sussex Vale, 'C To M'Leod's, (Portage,) id Piitfield'8, '1 Nixon's, li Lewis', " - To BendofPetilcoaiac, Q'i Charter's, Memramcook, n Hickman's, Dorchester, S To Dorchester, in Evfns', Wc8tco9k, ' Wells^ Tantamar, H Ferjirton's, Amberstt Total, 14 [From Dorchester to Amherst,! the new road, (mail mute,) W distance is only 19 miles.] Tantamar to P. Edward IsUn Wells to G. Cbapell's, Chapell's to .Tohn Wall's, Allen's. (Capo Tunneniine,) Cape Traverse, P. E. L {h^ water,) Totalj Amherst to Halifax. To Stewart's, HewsoD's, River Philip, Purdy's, (mountain,) Sutherland's, Yewill's, (Londont'erry,) Blnnchard's, Truro, Hill's, Si«wiacke, Miller's, Guy's River, Keyes', ShuUz's, Haltias, Total, II T^^ STANCES. John to Amhent, {N. S.) via- lascje Vale, Uorchealcr, it'c. M lies. tlobinson's, A mi^jar's, 4 ipbell't, 3 :num'«, 4 nptoD Ferry, 7 r's, . .-'* ter's, (Finger Duard ) 4| chs'», It lonagle's, 3 To Sussex Vale, 'C M'Leod'a, (Poriage,) JO field's, 'T ion's, \i , ris', '< To Bend of PetilcoJiac, 01 irter's, Menorantcook, 16 , kman't, Dorchester, 3 To DorcMster, 117 ins', Wc8tco9k, 7 lis^ Tantamar, 10 giiion's, Amberitt 9 Tola!, 144 om Dorchester to Amherst, l»y lie new road, (mail route,) the istanre i« only 19 mi1f&.] i/anvar to P. Edward hUni. ills to G. cUpell's, t» apell's to John Wall's, H an'.s, (Capo Tonneniine,) 1 1 pc Traverse, P. E. I. (by water,) W Total Amherst to Halifax. Stewart's, wson's, River Philip, rdy's, (mountain,) iherlaud's, will's, (Londont'erry,) mchard's, Truro, il's, Siewiacke, llcr'a, Goy'a River, yes'. uiitz's, dKas, 49 in 10 tr .17 9 10 ► Total, 117 J 8 '■■ "' ' ^" «- '■■ ji" Btni o/ PeHtcodiaclo Richibueto. Miles. To Smith's, Sbedtac, j.j J Chatham, 6 Ika's, i Total, 40 CaUiam to UithHrat {Bay ds Ckalaar.) ■<. ■ ToGoodfelluw's, 6 Ourry's, 8] Amiii's, (half-way house,) 15 ' Ccart House, Total, 4i Bithwat to Restijoudie. ToDumaresn'.s, (Rockville,) lo Clalmer's, (Heldowne,) II Uirv»!y's, (Nash's Greek,) 14^ MKcnzii'a, 9^ Mwming's, (Dalhousie,) 10 ll«id'a 7 Wdow Hardy's, Campbelton, Total, 71 ^ Preder.icton. to Miranvichi. I'l Brown's, 11 Viurig's, 10 MLcod's, 1 Macs', iO Hinler's, 14 DcCautline's, , lO Cocbruue's, M Parker's, U W,;i«on's Point, 7 Newcastle, :j Tolttl, 108 Frederidon to Qdcbec. Miles. To Burffoyne's Ferry, |6 Muiiroe's, in Guion's, i Jones', 17 Woodstock Ferry, 7 Woodstock Post 0/Bc«, b— 64 Ooart Hodse, 2 Victoria, 8 Applesley's, 13 Baird's, li Tibbett's lo Restook , 3 Grand Falls, 18— 7i Coumbe's, 18 Vital Thibideau's, IS Mddawaska Chapel, 7 Hebert's, 3 Entrance of Madawaska, l Do. of LakeTomiscouata, 24 Do, of the Portage, l\ River St. Lawrence, 36 Kamouraska, is St. Ann, 22i Riviereot)blie, 22^ Saint Thomas, 16 Saint Joseph, I8 Poiul Levi, Quebee, 12— SJi Total, 3o« From Digbtj to IJuUfax. To Annapolis, ]9 Kentville, i3issiboo, 18 Tucker's, Monlagaii Cove, 21 Richan's, Yarmouth, 28 Kendrick's, Barriagton, 4i. M'Intosh's, Shelbur^e, 32 Total, 133 < .... _ / ^v- . «...i_ 'V -.-ytfr.. *. y ' i / V m m j M m ■ 'J 1 AgricuUttrai, 73 „ Societies, tee Oounlie*. Army~8iaff, &c. S7 Banks, i 44 Baptist Education Soeitty, 66 Barristers aod Attomies, 20 Bible Society, and Branchet, 63 Oaleadar Paf;ea, 6 Ciiamber of Commerce, 36 Chaplains, 67 Chareii Society, 64 City of Saint John,. 93 City and County of St. John, 31 Clergy, 62 Comtnissariat, 87 ^Corrections, 71 Counting • House Calendar, 77 County of York, . 34 OharJoite, 36 Sunbory, 37 dueeii's, S7 King's, 3S Westmorland, 39 Northumbcrlaiid,, 40 Kent, 41 Gloucester, 41 Carleton, 48 Restigouche, 43 Court— Chancery, 18 " Supreme, IB " Vice Admiralty, 19 '* Surrogate, 19 " Marriage and Divorce, 19 *' Piraei', 20 " Qr. -Sessions, see OauntUe. Eclipses, , t Er.gmeer Department, , ^ 67 Rxecutire OfNincil, '> 17 I'^in^m; ion Societies, soeCowrtiiB^. FegtiTBls of the Church, a GarriaDDS, ,67 J-Iarhoiir Master's Fees, 30 Hor Maj^sty'd Miniitecs, 70 Holidays, 3 House of Assembly, 17 Insuraace Companies, 47 i( « « II II II II 48 46 17 60 46 2u 25 68 54 72 69 71 22 18 19 18 IS Intareat Tabic, Joint Stoek Companies, King's College, LegulatiVtt Coancil, Light HoiMM Madras ScbooV Marine Hospital, Mechanics' tastUutc, Militia, Ministers lieenoed to Solem- nise Marriage, Miscellaneous information, Navy, North American ProTiocei, Noihries, Public Officers of the Ofown, " Exeeutive Comieil, Legislative ConticU, House of Assembly, Her MJijesty's Customs, 44 ProviiMual Reveyne, Office of Audit, Parish of Portland , " Lancaster, " Saint Martin's, " Simonds, Postmasters, Pilots, Port of Saint John, Public Functionaries.— U. S. Copsnls^ Lloyd's dc Bmigrmt Agents, Ct)nii.fdit,Go.Terna)ent . House{8team*ti6atB, i&c.) Pro- > vincial Geologist, aei 49 Poetry, 73 Queenaod; Roral Family, 70 RattM of Weighing in St. J<^n, 3» " Gartagc(init1ltiD, 28 '*, Anch'age.Wba'tgo&SHp'ge 30 •^PilpiagS, • *^* 3t Roads-and Distances, 8av««gs' Bank, Signals, Superyilors of Great Roads, Siirrogates and Registrars, 7H 3 ,. 19! Time lur going thro' the Falls, 3 Vsccine Establishment 41 4S, *ia\ ^ Fairs or MarkeU foiU bt held at SoringJUld, (Head Bellistt Bay^) Kinff*8 County, on the third Tuesday in Jkfarch, andfrsi 7> t, &0. 49 75 Family, 70 ffinSt.JnliD, Z» lib, 2M I'tjie&SHp'geSO .' ,'■ '■ 31 tees, 7tt 2R 3 / , ' «iit Roads, 49 jlI »gistrars, itf ^ iro' the Falls, bmen* 4 Head BeUisle I, andfrsi 7>