^y.. \^^T.% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 111 I.I iM 3.2 I I, _ ||M IM 1.8 1 1.25 1.4 1.6 ■< ; 6" — ► p^ '> m 4 Photographic Sciences Corporation ■^ S iV ^ A \ ^>.\ -,v^ ' uf the Secretary, who, witn the asoi,'?' -ncA^ of the Committee of manag Leit, v]': allot iippror riate pens Oi space i'.'ir their exhibits. Tlii;; day none b:^*- raeuibcu of the General Com- mitti^e, Ciftcials, eidiiuJtioa and ir^.'sery ■"■,ti;3n(^'nt': A-'iil be a'lmitted. 2. Lvire animals, cut fl'«wers, and per- ishable articles, will be received on Tues- day morning from sunrise up to 9 o'clock a. m. Unavoidable delays to be dealt with at the discretion of the Committee. o. The Exhibition will be open to the public on Tuesday the . lIi., at 2 o'clock, p. m., when an opening address will be given. The grounds and buildings will be open each succeeding day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Admission 25 cents. Chi'- dren 10 cents, Music may be expected. 4. The Judges will meet at the Secre- tary's otfice, on Tuesday the 8th inst., at a. m., obtain Entry Books, and proceed to award premiums. On completing their w^ork (which, it practicable, should be finished by 5 p. m. of the same day,) they will hand over their books and reports to the Secretary, who will furnish the re- (luiaite prize tickets, which it will be their duty to place carefully, and as soon as possible, upon the various articles. 5. Exhibits may be removed from the grounds on Friday the 11th Oct. at any re- P- corn- time after sunrise. Stock may be moved Wednesday the 9'Ji at 5 ra., if desired. The Treasurer will mence to pay premiums on the ground, at 9 a.m., on Friday. Prizes not claimed within three months from the close of the Exhibition will be forfeited. 6. Every intending competitor must transmit to the Secretary, not later than the dace mentioned below, an entry paper containing a correct list of the animals or articles which he intends to exhibit, to- gether with certificate of pedigree, in the case of thorough-bied stock, or else a re- ference to registry number of the Nova Scotia Stock Eegister. Any competitor failing to transmit his entry certificate at the proper time will be excluded from competition. A fee of 50 cents for entry of horses, all other animals and articles free. 7. Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry, nmst be entered on or before Saturday, September 1st., 1878, and the a<'e of each animal should be stated in years and months at the date of exhibi- tion ; the precise date of birth to be given when necessary. 8. Plants, fruits, flowers, grains, roots, vegetables and other field and garden pro- ducts, agricultural implements, and manu- factures of all kinds, and articles not else- where enumerated, may be entered up to Saturday, September 28th., proceeding the show. 9. Exhibitors of bulky articles, requir- ing extensive or unusual accommodation, shall communicate with the Secretary on or before the 9tli of September, in order that there may be time for the Committee to make the requisite arrangements. rwsi^H \ 10. All articles for exhibition must be on the grounds on Monday, October 7th., after which day none A'ill be received, except live stock, fruit, flowers and other perishable articles, which will be received up to 9 o'clock a. ni., on Tuesday the 8th inst. All necessary erections and bulky articles requiring to be put together on the grounds or in the buildings must be finished, and waste material and rub- bish removed, not later than 12 o'clock on Friday, 5th October, as no such work will be permitted during the Exhibition week. 11. Exhibitorii will in every case give the necessary personal attention to what- ever they exhibit. ; necessary attendants upon stock, and workmen actually re- quired to attend to machinery, will be furnished \vith admission tickets at 25 cents, with tlieir names written upon them, such tickets to be obtained from the Secretary by personal application. 12. All articles for competition shall be the production or manufacture of the Province, except where otherwise men- tioned ; field produce and Uianufactures therefrom, must be the growth or produc- tion or manufacture of 1878, except when otherwise specified, and all live stock must have been owned by the competitor and kept in the Province for a period not less than six months immediately prior to the Exhibition. 1 3. Articles from other countries, and especially from other provinces of the Dominion, are solicited, but not for com- petition. The Comnuttee will have the power of granting a limited number of honorary prize tickets for such articles. 14. All expenses incurred in the con- veyance of articles or animals to and from Kentville, placing them in the Exhibi- tion, and maintaining them while there, shall be borne by the exhibitor, who must also undertake all risk of loss or damage. Articles must in every case be delivered and impacked free of expense to the Commit- tee. 1.5. Each exhibitor will receive from the Secretary an entry ticket for every article to be exhibited by him, and he is required to affix such ticket upon the article or upon the stall or pen of the animal which he exhibits. « IG. When the articles exhibited are of inferior merit, the Judges shall have the discretionary power of awarding or with- holding prizes or reducing their values. Xo article can take two prizes or be ex- hibited in two collections unless the con* trarv is distinctly expressed in the Prize List. In estimating the merit of live stock the Judges are requested to take age into consideration where animals of different ages are competing against each other. 17. The Committee may reject all articles which they shall consider un- worthy or unfit for exhibition. 18. No person shall be allowed to en- ter for exhibition more than one speci- men (or required quantity) in any one section or class. This rule is not to ap- ply to animals, but to all kinds of grain vegetable products, plants and flowers, fruits, implements, home manufactures, &c. 19. During the Exhibition, all vei^e- table products and manufactured ai-ticles shall be under the control of the Exhi- bition Committee, and all live stock shall be taken charge of by their owners,— the Committee or superintendents appointed by them giving all practicable assistance in providing the necessary accommodation and water, and affording facilitieo for the purchase of bay, stra\y, outs and roots. 20. Articles sent for competition or ex* hibition shall not be removed from the Exhibition rooms or grounds till the time appointed, without special permission of the Exhibition Committee or auperin- tendent». 21. Any person who shall attempt to interfere with the Judges while in the dis .harge of their duties, or who shall at- tempt to influence their decisions by their ^ s h 5)Tescnce oT remavks, or wlio afterwards, Vithin the limits of the show grounds, shall use any contemptuous or abusive language in consequence of any award made, shall forfeit his right to any pre- Jiiiums to which he mi^ht otherwise be entitled, and be otherwise dealt with as the Committee may determine. 22. Any exhibitor who may feel ag- grieved in consequence of any irregularity, is requested to draw the attention of the Committee of that department to the mat- ter, without entering into any discussion to cause hindrance or distraction. ^ Shoidd he not receive what he may consider suf- ficient redress on the spot, he must, never- theless, abide by the decision given, but he may, at the close of the Exhibition, bring the matter before the General Com- mittee by written 'jtatements with a view to full enquiry. 23. No animal can be admitted within the enclosure that has nO: been previously entered in accordance with regulations G and 7, and animals of an inferior char- acter only by permission of the General Committee. 24. Space will be provided for any article that may be forwarded for exhibi- tion, subject to approval of Committee, apart from such as are mentioned in the Prize List. Awards of merit will be given by the Committee for such, all which ex- hibits mufct be entered in the Secretary's books in the manner prescribed for those within the Prize List. 25. Exhibitors must supply them^elyes with proper fastenings for safely securing the animals in their stalls. All bulls (not , under a year old) must have nose rings. FA.IR DAY. 26. Thursday, the 10th., will be a general Fair, under the control and man- agement of the Committee. As on the two previous days, the admission at the gate will be at the same rate and on the same conditions. All animals and articles intended for sale on this day Avill be admitted free, but must occupy th-e positions assigned them by the Committee, the owners giv- ing all necessary care and attention, and running all risks. All persons will be at liberty to make private sales at all hours of the day, but auction sales shall be con- fined to the appointed auctioneer at the stand fixed for that purpose. To facili- tate bv^siness, selling at auction will com- mence promptly at 1 o'clock, p. m. The auctioneer to sell and collect all bills at tw« and one-half pei- cent. Every person intending to sell at the Fair is requested to forward to our Secre- tary, Henry Lovett, Esq., at Kentvilie, before the '31st day of August, 1878, a statement of what he intends to offer for sale, so that public notice may b^^ given of the same by posters and other ise. The Committee will use every effort to make the Fair convenient and profit- able, and hope that the people of the County will strive to make it a success, ^^ \ PEIZE LIST, 18T8. Class 1— Horsss. 1. In awarding the Prizes for Stallions, the Judges are requested to take into account the soundness and progeny, as well as the size and build of the an' naif. 2. A preference ehall be given to such Brood Mares as shall have the beat exhibit of their stock on the grounds. 3. The best Saddle Horse is the one that carries his rider most easily, is the best trained, and sound and well made, and must be exhibited with saddle on the course, and to be ridden by Judges. 4. Draft Horses must be tested as to their draw- ing powers and training, and no horse shall be allowed to take the draft horse prize that refuses to work, but soundness and build must not be overlooked. No horse over 14 yea/a old shall be eligible ior a pri:.d. SInlllons. (Section. 1. Beit Stallion t o breed horses for agri- cultural and draft purposes, 4 years old to 10 $10 00 2. Best Stallion, 2 years old and under 4. 8 00 3. Best Stallion to breed horses for trot- ting, 4 years old to 10 10 00 4. Best Stallion 2 years old and under 4. 8 00 5. Best Stallion to breed horses for every purpose, 4 years old to 10 10 00 6. Best Stallion 2 years old and under 4. 8 00 niares. 7. Best Brood Mare and Foal, for draft purposes 8 00 2nd do do 6 00 8. Best Brood Mare and Foal, ror trotting 8 00 2nd do do 6 00 9. Best Brood Mfire and Foal, every pur- pose 8 00 2nd do do 6 00 Saddle, Cnrrtage, ftraft Horses, Ae. 10. Best Saddle Horse, mare or gelding... 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 11. Best pair matched Carriage Horses 10 00 2rd do do 6 00 12. Best pair matched Draft Horses 10 00 2nd do do 6 00 13. Best Carriage Horse driven in carriage 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 14. Best Draft Horse 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 15. Best Hors« for general purposes 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 Colts. Section. 16. Best QeTding for draft, 3 yiars old - ' Mare Gelding for trotting, Mare Gelding for draft, 2 Mare ** Gelding for trotting. Mare Geld'ng for draft, 1 Mare Gelding for trotting, Mare " 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 23. 20. 27. <« rs old. .8 5 0O .. 5 00 .. 5 00 .. 5 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 ,. 3 00 .. 3 00 3 00 3 00 Clas3 S—Cfittle. In awarding prizes for Grade Cattle, the Judges wiU be guided by the following remarks. The best Milch Cow must be a cow giving milk and having the most points of » good milker both as respects quantity and quality. The age of the cow, the time she last calved, together with a statement of what milk she Ijs given per day and butte,- per week, must be also considered, which statement must be certified by the exhibi- tor. The best Cow is a cow of the short horn breed, and has the most points of a good milker and breeder combined, Working Oxen n-.iist be tested as to their draw- ing power and training, but perfection of build and degree of flesh must not be totally overlooked. The exhibitor m ast testify that the cattle have been used as w orking oxen for the six months previous to exhibiting. THOKOUGH-BRED STOCK. Certified Pedigree. Sbort Horn^f BULLS. 1. Best Bull, 3 years old and upwards... 810 CO 2ad do do 8 00 3rd do do 6 00 2. Best Bull, 2 years old and upwards .. 8 00 2nd do do 6 00 3ii do do 4 00 ?! Sectio 3. B 2 3 4. £ 2 3 5. I •6. I 7. I S 8. 1 9. i 10. ] 11. ] I 12. i 13. i 14. ] 15. ] 16. ] 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. J •. 9 Section. 3. Best Bull, 1 year old and upwards. ..$ 7 00 2nd do do 5 00 3ri do do 3 00 4. Best Bull Calf 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 3rd do do 2 00 cows. 5. Best Cow, 4 years old and upwards... 10 00 2iul do do 3 0» •6. Beat Cow, 3 years old and upwari'e... S 00 2nd do do 7 00 7. Best Heifer, 2 y«?ar8 old and upwards. 8 00 2nd do do 6 00 8. Best Heifer, 1 vear old 6 00 2r;.1 do' do 4 00 9. Best Heifer Calf 4 00 2nd do do 2 00 Grade Cattle< C0W8. 10. Best Cow, 4 years old and upwards...*) 8 00 2:kI do do 7 00 Si'l do do 6 00 4th do do 5 00 11. Best Cow, 3 years old 6 00 2nd do do , 4 00 3rd do do 3 CO 12. Best Cow, under 3 years 5 00 2nd do do 3 00 13. Best Heifer, 2 years old 4 00 2nd do do 3 CO 14. Best Heifer, 1 year old 4 00 2nd do do 2 00 15. Best Calf 4 00 2nd do do 2 00 16. Best Milch Cow of any br^ed, 4 years old and upwards 8 00 2nd do do 7 00 3rd do do 6 00 4th do do 6 00 Oxrn« 17. Best pair working Oxen in yoke, 5 years old to 7 10 00 2nd do do 9 00 3rd do do 8 00 4th do do 7 00 18. Best pair working Oxen in yoke, 4 years old 8 00 2nd do do 7 00 3rd do do 6 00 19. Best pair working Steers, 3 years old, in yoke 6 00 2nd do do 5 00 3rd do no 4 00 20. Best pair Steers, 2 yeara old 5 00 2nd do do 4 00 3rd do do 3 00 21. Best pair Steers, 1 year old 4 00 2nd do do 3 00 3rd do do 2 00 82. Best pair Steer Calves 4.00 0_ J J -V Art Q /\A 3rd do do 2 00 Vat Cattle. Section. 23. Best p drss C— Sheop. 1 Ho ROUGH-BRED STOCK. ShoH y%ool. 1. best ■ uth Down Bam, 2 shears and over $ 3 CO 2nd do do 2 00 3rd do do 1 00 2. Best South Down Earn, 1 shear 2 50 2nd do do 1 bO 3. Best Ram Lamb 2 00 2nd - do do 1 00 4. Best South Down Ewe, 2 shears and over 3 00 2nd do do 2 00 3rd do do 1 00 5. Beat S-^uth Down Ewe, 1 shear 2 50 2nd do do 1 50 6. Best Ewe Lamb 2 .^ 2nd do 1 Ou long Wool. 7. Best Ram, 2 sheais ard over 3 Oo 2nd do do 2 00 8rd do do 1 00 8. Best Ram, 1 shear 2 50 2nd do do 1 50 9. Best Ram Lamb ,.. 2 00 2nd do clj 1 CO 10. Best Ewe, 2 shears and over 3 00 'A 1 do do 2 CO 3rd do do 1 OO 11. Best Ewe, 1 shear. . 3 00 2nd do 2 CD 3rd do X CO 12. Best Ew6 Lamb... 2 00 2nd do 1 00 Class 1— Swine. Berkshire. 1. Best Boar, 1 year old and upwards 8 3 00 2nd do do 2 00 2. Best Sow, 1 year old pad upwaids 3 00 2nd do do 2 09 3. Best Pig under 1 year old 2 00 2nd do ^0 ^ ^ 00 Mt'l^ ii^iWff ^ 10 5. 4. Best Yorkshire or Enesmcre Boar, 1 year oli and upwards « 2nd do do ...•■• Best Yorkshire or Ellesmere Sow, 1 year old or upwards v. 2nd do do Best Pig under 1 year old. ......>. .>>..— 2nd do do Best Boar, any other breed 2nd do do Best Sow, any other breed 2nd do ^ do Best Pig, any other breed 2nd do do •••••• Best Sow and Litter, not leS8 than five 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 Section, 5. Best do Jenfty Lind >•• 2nd do ••■ •; 6 Best collection of other ne w of approved Sorts at discretion of Judges $1 00 50 Turnips. 7. Best six Swedish 2nd do Best six, any other sort. 2nd do Hnnglc ITurtSEcl. 10. pigs. 2ud do do 5 00 3 00 Class 3-Poultry, A "trio" Means cne male and two females. | 1 Tlie exhibitor must attend to feeding, Watering ».H cleaning as in the case of other live stock. and cleaning, as 1. Best trio of Turkeys « J 4. 6. 7. 8. of of of 00 00 00 00 00 00 Best 2nd Best trio 2nd Best trio 2nd Best trio 2nd Best trio of 2nd do Best trio of Game Best trio of Leghorns ^ 2nd do j. ^ Best trio of Hamburgs ^^ Best trio of Spanish ■ ^ 2nd do . . i do Geese 'f do I Ducks........ >"' ^ do . ' i nn Cochin China fowls i »» do do 100 Brahmas 2 ou 2 00 00 00 9. Best six, Long Red..... • 2nd do 10. Best six, yellow Turnip Rooted 2nd do do n. Best six, any other sort... >. 2nd do SqiiuHhciit 12. Best two, Boston Marrow 2nd do Best two Hubbard.... 2"*! do , 14. Best two Marble Heatt 2nd do 15. Best two, any other sort ........ 16. Best one large Mammoth ........ 2nd do 5 00 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 .^O 75 50 75 50 . 00 50 10. Best h-alf dozen Spring Chickens 2 11. Best pair Guinea Fowls ^ 12. Best Peacock ftnd mate ....■■•• ^ 00 00 00 00 00 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Punipbins. Best two.. 2nd do OnlouA. Best doiten Yellow 2nd do dozen White do doien Red do Potato do Best 2nd Best 2nd Best 2nd doten GsrIinlottSi 22. Class 6— Soots and VegetaUes^ All Roots must be washed, and surplus roots, fibres and leaves removed, before being taken into the grounds or building. Potatoes must be exhibited in good clean hali-bushel boskets, each exhibitor tinding his own. All Tomatoes, SquRshcs. Melons, kc, mvst have been grown ir open air Without any proteo- tion after tlie 20th of June. l»otato<^s. Best half bushel Early Rose « 1 00 2nd do ,. do &« Best do Breese's Prolific * Vx 2nd '^" , .,. Best do Garnet Chih — 2nd do Best do Snowllake •• 2nd do Best 2nd 3rd dozen clusters do do «'arroM» 1. 2. 3. 23. 24. 25. 26. 37. 28. Best dozen Early Horn 2nd do Best doeen Jamei's Intermedinto. 2nd do do Best dozen Long Orange 2nd do Best dozen Alttingham ..■• 2nd do Best uoBen White Belgian.. 2nd do ReetB. 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 Best dozen Egyptian 2nd do ^ , a\ A 29 Best dozen Turnip rooted Blood. ■ 2nd do do 30. Best dozen Long Bleed 2nd dvy •jl, Best dozen any other sort and do 75 50 75 50 75 50 73 !>0 75 50 78 50 25 75 50 75 50 75 50 73 50 75 50 75 50 78 50 75 50 75 60 75 50 75 50 73 50 75 50 75 50 25 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 11 I'arBiiip** Section^ 32. Best dozen., 2ncl do 3rd do 83. Best three, 2nd do 3id do Cnnllflowert. tul»bagCR. 84 Best three Drum Head or Smooth 2nd do do 35. Best three Savoy or Curled 2nd do do 86. Best three Red or Fielding 2nd do do 37. Best three, any other sort 2nd do do^ Celery. 38. Best three heads,...-.... ■ 2nd do 3rd do TomMocst 39. Best collection (not less than six soits) six euch, named and labelled 2nd do do 3id do do 40. Best dozen, any named sort 2nd do do 8rd do do Section. 10. Best 12 cars Indian Corn 2nd do 3rd do 11. i bushel Field Peas 2nd do 3rd do 12. i bushel Coloured Beans.... 2nd do 3.d do 13. :J bushel White Beans 2nd do 3id ^ do 14. Best peck Horse Beiths 2nd do 3rd do , ^ J 15. Best i bushel Timothy Seed 2nd do do 3rd do do 16 Best 20 lbs. Clover Seed .... 100 75 50 1 00 79 50 Melons. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 Ibi 2nd 3rd Bost 3 2nd 3rd Best 3 lbs. 2nd 3rd 41. 42. 43. Best two Mupk..., 2nd do Best two Water . 2nd do Best two Citr. n 2nd do Class 7-Grftin and Field Seeds. do do Swedish Turnip do do do do Blood Beet Seed, do do oru do do Best 3 lbs Mangold Wnrtzel 2nd do do. 3rd do do Best 2 lbs. Carrot Seed 2nd dd 3rd do Best peck Flax Seed 2nd do 3rd 0 4. Best Side-Board 2 00 2nd do 1 00 5. Best Hat Rack 2 00 2nd do 100 6. Best collection Fret Work 2 00 2nd do ^- 00 7. Best Bedroom Suite, native wood i» 00 2nd do do 3 00 Agrl«'oiltiirnl Implement-*. 8. Best Plough (long handled) 2 00 9. Best Wooden Plough 2 00 2nd do 1 00 10. Best double mould board Plough 2 00 2nd do do 1 00 Section, 11. Best Harrow, double $ 2 00 2nd do 1 00 Best Cultivator 2 00 2nd do 1 00 Best Fanning Mill 2 00 2nd do 1 00 Best 3 Hay Forks 1 00 Best 3 Manure Forks 1 00 " 3 Dyke Spades 100 '* Set of Tile Draining Tools 2 00 2nd do do 1 00 Best3 Hoes 1 00 " 3PotatoFork3 100 " 3 Chopping Ax«s 100 " 3B,oicl " 100 " Roller 3 00 " Pitching Machine or Horse Hay Fork 2 00 " Threshing Machine (complete)... 8 00 " WoodenPump 2 00 " Iron " 2 00 " Family Carriage (any kmJ) 6 00 2nd do do 4 00 Best covered Buggy 5 00 2nd do 3 00 Best open Buggy...., 5 00 2nd do 3 00 Best Phaeton 5 00 2nd do 3 00 Best Express Waggon 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Best Double Sleigh 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Best Single Sleigh 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Best Horse Cart 4 UO 2ud do 2 00 Best Ox Cart 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Best Hay Waggon 8 00 2nd do 4 00 Best Ox Sled 2 00 •' Horse Sled 2 00 " Wheelbarrow 1 00 •' Ox Yoke 100 " Single Buggy harness 5 00 2nd do 3 00 Best Single Team harness 2 00 2nd do do 1 00 Best Double Team harness 3 00 2nd do 2 00 Best collection of Collars 3 00 2na do J^OO Best Riding Saddle, Bridle, and Mar- tingale 2 00 2nd do do 1 00 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 33. 37. 38. 39. 40. 34. 36. 37. 38. 1 I Section. 1. Bes t I 2n( 3r( 4t] 5tl 2. Be 2r 3i 41 3. B 2: 3 4. E 2 3 5. I 6. 1 7. ] 8. ; 9. 10. 11. iMmL 13 Class 11— Fruits. Apples. Best Collection of Apples, grown by tne exhibitor, not more than twelve sorts, one doz. each, correctly named and labelled. 2nd do 3rd do 4th do 5th do do do do do 8 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 12. Best dozen King of Tompkins Co $ I 13. 2nd .Srd 4 th Best 2nd :ird 4th do do do do do do dozen Blenheim Pippin, do do do 3o do do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 UO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i [ I I L L 5 i 2 I 00 3 2 3 Best and largest Collection of Apples grown in any County in the Pro- vince, except Hants, King's, and Anvapolit), one doz. each sort named and labelled. The fruit must be grown in the County exhibiting ; but may be the produce of several Orcha,!d8, credit being given to the sereral f/moers. Only one prize to be awarded to any one County 2nd do do 3rd do do 4th do do ... 3. Best collection of Autumn Apples, six sorts, one dozen each, named and labelled 2nd do do Srd do do ...••• 4. Best collection of Early Winter Ap- ples, six sorts, one dozen each, named and labelled 2nd do do Srd do ctiMS ♦ f the Coiiunittee, at tbe Court House, Kentvllle, Feb. 13, 1878, the following Kesolution ^vas passed : 1. ♦« That the iorthconiing Exhibition be held upon the basis of « being seU-sustaining,-Prizes to be paid in proportion as funds " are raised,-lir8t deducting all necessary exi>ense8.'»