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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmAs an commandant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la darniire page qui comporte una telle empreinte. Un des symbolea suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ♦• signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les canes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre raproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'imagris nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 il ■J il O. H. M. 8. I^L^^JLO Deputy Minister. LABORATORY OF THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTATV^A, CAISTADA BULLETIN" JS^o. 117. CATTLE MEDICmES ll LABOUATORV INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BULLET [N No. 117. C A TT L E M E D I (J 1 N ES. Ottawa, March, 28, 1906. I I I m !i ti W. J. Gerald, Esq., Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue. Mir, — I recently had the honour of reporting to you the results of examining samples of the cattle feeds and stock foods which are offered for sale to the agricultural public of Canaf'ia. At the time these were collecteowder8 so calle.. ^'o-v, ders 24 samples. Regulatxn's 3 Pheno-chloro 1 Cattle medicine 1 Hog powder 1 Worm powders , 3 Cholic cure 1 Heave cure 1 35 It will be seen that only 5 out of the 35 samples are cattle medicines intended for use in cases of specified disease, while the other thirty are supposed to be applicable to all the ills that cattle flesh is heir .'x). Tliis supposition is sustained by the claims actually made on Iwhalf of about two-thirds of these samples on their labels or wrappers, and noted in the column headed ' Inspectors' report.' Others, such as serial Nos. 5, 7, 8, 9, 18, &c., were sold in bulk and without any claim having been made. Some of the claims tvj irded (Hee Herial nuiubera 4, 10 and 20) would really Im> comical oo regardn the uiiivemal applicabilitv of the iiKHlicincH if it were not too wrious a matte adiiiinii4t«>red. The condition powdern coiiisiHt largely of linxeed niekl, oil cake meal, or bran in which are diHtributed more or Icnn of other substances whitth are iii|il>*. N»nH< ami AdilroM of ViTiulor. l)r. Illalpv'a Tonic Cui- ■lition I'uwdrrik 8 Ckttle MedicinH 2 Evangeiint Condition Powdern. 6 Barker'a ITnivernal Con- 24136 dition Powdrra !or the cure of horwa, cattle, ■heep and awine. 7 Conditiun Powder Nov. 27 Dr. Soitt'a Condition' 2!K)48 ; Powder. ! ! M 29 Poiidrv de Condition ... 29063 ItHtlriel of Horn Scotia -&. I J. Watigk, /tuptetor. 27116J. r).CUrk,Kentville,N.S., reuil dru([K<«t and ««mit for nmnuracturfr. ] 27119 Crowe BnM., ratail dnig- giata, Truro, N.S. Diitrirl iif Nrw Sninnfick J.C, Firguton, Irufmtur. 24124 1'lm Canadian DniK Co., Ltd., 29-33 MiU St., St. John, N.B. T. B. Barker k Sona, 57-89 DiK!kSt.,Ht.John, N.B., wholeaale dru,'{giata. District Iff P-inre Edtmrd I$(and—T. Moort,lntpec tor. C. D. Rankin, Charlotte town. DiUrictofQyubtc—C. K. Soy, Ijitpeetor. Langloia u, Paradia, (Quebec Coat. Nanie and Addreaa of Manufacturer or Kumiaher. 3|>k|pi.,7nc. 1 lb., fiOo. B. R. Illaloj . Knitville, N..S. Dairy Aaaoniattoo, Lyndonville, Vt. 28255 29 Dr. Hervay'a Condition Powdera for horaea and cattle. Dee. 5 Camafac Worm Powder Nuv. 28 Pratt 'a Animal Regulator 2il Maud 'H.' Condition Pow- der for the diaeaaea of horaea, cattle, &c. Drouin ft FrAre, Quebec . . . 29064 DiUrir.t of St. Hiiaeinlhr— J. C. SotUiau, Intprctor. 24792 Cookahire Flour Milla Co., Cookahire. Diitrict of MontniU—J. J. Cottiyan, Impector. 3 pkgx. , 76c. I V«ndon 8 u 75c. 1 pkg., 23c. Idot- 300. 28c. 20c. 1 pkg., &0c. Hirtlea Acma Man'f'g. Co., Lunenburg, N.8. Henri Jonaa ft Cie, Montreal. Joa. Jiiiien, Pont Rouge, Que. The Dr. Hervay'i Chemical Co., at. Baaile, Que. Camafac Stock Fo K«|iort. Rkhi'LTii nr Analtiii ht A. McOill. MioroMXipio*! K»miio- tiun by A. Lcmoine. J AqUMHM Kitrket. 0«iMtal RxftDiination. KwuinmrndcH fiir thacuraof l(j« l|S*lt vrjritali, linwed tU ; of appetite, ituppage of watvr, sue kM other vcoetablo wormii, n>ughn*w> of hftir, ito. I iidlMtjinoeii iinantt*r* I mint-d. 8iniplea lold M gUKfft cure 9 Bait cryntalr, milphur, iM)ine V(^(*tAbl(> Nul •tancM yndetormined. P.O. US 6B KecomnipndHl for impun* blood, n»iKh hair, loot ap|i«tit<-, awcll inipi, thick waK-r, wurnui, uoiigh, hunw ail, hidebuuiid, heavn), flU»p;t.iffe of wat«'r and boweln. Kecuiniiiended fur lotta of appe- tite, roughneMof the huir, stop- iwge of Iwwela or water, or thick water, all ccmgha and culda, swelling of the glanda of the thrtiat, worms, hortw ail, hideliound, thick wind and heaves. 21 80 Package labelled, ' this (owde' gives apivtite, c«ii"*i a (in>- coat, acts on the uri puhtier the hlood, destroy)* >rnis,' IViiight as a condition powder . Claims that it n^giilates the b ,.il|>hur, a' 34 '40 little 1 tii> le, starch I lies, &c. 8 |I,iii»"ed t. e, salt crys-! 16 70 u''. sMiithar, Ac. 47 80 P.C. 17 75 19 40 10 DO Licorice and linacari. Ch loridM and nitrates largely present. Free sulphur, magne- sium siilphati' and potassium nitrate. Chlorides :uid nitratea i no sulphates. Linseed and free snl- phur. Charcoal, no chloride* nor nitrate; constitu- enta chiefly vegetaUe. 30 70 30' 4S Charcoal, nitre, chlor- ides, sulphatet, tind I antimony present. i&'OO; 10 00 Sulphates, chlorides and nitrates. 21 00 « Lin* 10 11 lies, t)ther stanci- Fetiugrf*t*k, maize, H ules, &c. ' '«•'■ ' a!i aoi ;«' 50 ib-l .1, ' rystala,! gran ! 9 16 Linseed, sa ; other vegftal. stance*. 'als,, ■b- 36 85 4 26 Linseed and free su!- j phur. 27 00 Chlorides, nitrates, sul- phates and at mony present. 14 10 Chlorides >. ^.-nt and nitrates in small arooimts present, alio som« sulphate of iron and gentian. Nitrates and chloride* are absent, sulphate*, altmiina and iron abundant, heavy metal* in trace* anly. UESULTH OF EXAMINING 35 SAMPLES 'I ! i if ;{ Nature ii( Htinplc. liNXV NuiiH ami AdilniM of V#*nflor. Okwt. biririd «/ Unnlrmi. - Cimcludwl. N«nw knd Addn-m of Manufiuitun-r ur KiirniKhM". !)«•. Jfurina Omrtitiim I'.w 28Hfl2(i. IjiMle, 2 IkitchMiter' t uck, AOc. Manii(aitur<' Pratt* Animal Regulator 3M73 K. Bljrth, 89 William 8t. rt Myer« Koyal FIc« Pow 2H474 1 H. N. Bate & Honi, whole. deo>. I lalv. Ipkg., 30c. Pratt, niladolphia, U.8.A. 1 .. 3lr.jMyer\ Niagara Falli, «Har..ld'» Improveii Con-, 2M75;S. ,1. .Major, wholiwalr.j 1 „ ite. ComiMignie ?..11«, I dition Puwden.. I York St. |' Canadienn. eSt. ' '• iiiH, Mod Nov. 6 Telmott«#''a Condition Puwdem. 6 Wade'a Condition and Worm Powders. 6 Maud 'S."Condition Pow- ders for homea, cattle, •heep and poultry 28471: 28477 28478 I Pkg., 1."'. Or. A ;. Telmo«»e'8, •l.lll, I'iM. 8o W.mIv, Hamilton, Ont. 1 M 9c. Davie ft IvawrenceCo., iLtd., Montreal. OF CATTLE i;LJICINEM-6'l» 11 12 Lin«««d meal, wheat,: >t l>I(K>d puntier, anH for nMiir nnil probably >«t 4 of apiietit*-, cunatiiiatiiiii.l atarch ([ranulm. (ith**r cotiiplainta. t ; Kctailvledr(>me- IB Linseed tiaaue, aalt rry«- 4052 dy for hruvet, hick and broken ,' tala, ruain, &0. wind, cougha, coldi*, inflamma- tion uf the lun^a, and all diu- ea'pa which afTect the wind of lioniea.' Alao good for yellow water, butta, worma, &c. < Said to lie advantweoua vhen /WjRoain, aalt cryataU, en- tile animal la affected with wonna,f Ium of appetite, rough- neHH o the hair or coat, atop- paK^ of the water or bciwela, ciiuKha and colcia, inflammation of lunga and bowela, recent foundera, awelling of theglanda and throat, honw diatproper,| hi aeed tiaaue, Ac. I 46'8&i 48 06 8-8S C h i •' H y herbaceona, w heat aurch and bran in large ijuantitiea, aulpliatea in tracea. Charcoal, linaeed and free aulphur. Chloridea ud aulphatea largely preaent, alao iron and alumina, no other heavy metala ; bran. Chloridea abaent, ni- tratea preaentinamall amounta, much aul- phate of iron, con- taina gentian. Chloridea ahaent, char- coal and free aulphur preaent, alao aul- phatea, nitrate* and arsepio. Linaeed, nitrate* and and aulptuitea. Bean, armenian bole; but ia chiefly Epainn salt* and carbonate of Boda. Soluble aah =33-04 p.c. Wheat bran; antimony preaent. Soluble aah amounta to 36-3 p.c. 4 00 Nitrate* and chloride* are absent. SulphatM, alumina and iron abundant. Heavy metala in trace* only . RESULTS OF EXAMINING 35 SAMPLES 4 ■§ Nkture of Samplp. 3 j 1 1 'A Name and Addreu of Vendor. NaniB and Addresx of Manufacturer or Fumi»her. 1905. j Nov. 6 Camafac Womi Powder . I Vittrirt of Ottaica— Con. I 28479 D. Martin, 1«9 Kideau St. . 1 25c. W. G. Douglaa, Win niix-g. if i 6 International Colic Cure. 6 International I' li e n o- I Chloro. 6 Worm Curf 2*480 H. N. Hate & Sons, whole- 1 , aale. 28482 28483 .A. Blvth, Bit William St. . 33c.jIntemational Stock Food Co., Minne- ajMilia. 17c. 50c 6 Heave Cure 28484 ■S ' 50c. 11 22Kentueky Condition i Powders. 27 Karlin^ter'n Universal. Condition Powders for horscB, cattle, slieej) and pigH, 28 Condition Powder JJhtrict of Kiiiffnton—J. Hot/an, Inupcctor. 28538 H. Skinner Co., Princensl 3 lb«., 75c. St., KingHttin. i 28549 .J. A. Farlinger, Morris-j ]J „ 7.'x!. burg. 1 H. Skinner Co., Kingx ton. .1. A. Farlinger, Mor risburg, Ont. I 28.562 F. W. Conklin, Brockville.| 3 Itittrirl of ManiMjn -W. ] M. Conklni, InxperUtr. ; 35c F. W. Conklin, Brock - ville. Dec. list. John's Condition Powders. 22^Cordition Powder 22'St. John's Condition Powders for horses, horni-lesale. 46c. jThe Bole Drug Co. i Winnipeg. OF CATTLE MEDICINES— Conlinwerf. Iiu|iector'« Kepurt. Micraacopical Examiiui- tiun by A. Lemoine. Said to b« a quick and aura care for Bpasmuuic oolic, jas colic, flatulent colic, kidney colic, bloat, acute indigei;tioD, grain, founder and stoppage of water. ' Sold aa ' the greatest known dis- infectant, antiHeptic and ^rm- icide. 121 (iuaranteed . 23 24 26 26 Kecomniended for giving tone to the Htomach, increaaing the ap- lietite and purifying the blood. Said to prevent lung troubleN, 27 purify the blood, destroy woims, and tone up generally. 28^SaIt crystals, fenugreek, linseed tissue, &c. Linseed tissue, small ber- riea, salt crystals, &c. RnuLTS or Analybu bt A. McGiix. 4 < I Brown coloured liquid. Thick brown liquid.smel]' ing of tar. Salt cryitalx, some aro- matic powder, a little linseed tissue, charcoal, wheat starch, &c. Salt crystals, wheat starch granules, bran, gum asafcetida; other vegetable subetances undetermined. Fenu^rreek, linseed tissue, rosin, &C. Linseed tissue, salt Ciya- tals, charcoal, rosin, ftc. 29 Fenugreek, salt crystals, linseed, rosin ; other vegetable substances undetermined. Kecoinmended * for horses in low condition, hidebound, bad ap- petite, low spirita, shaggy coat, broken wind, kidney troubles and inflammation.' Recommended for hones as giv- ing a gixid appetite, a glossy cout, a loose hide, a healthy appexranoe and purifying the blood. I 30 Salt crystals, rosin, lin seed, charcoal or anti mony, starch granules imdetermined. 31 Salt crystals, linseed, rosin, Ac Fenugreek, linseed tissue, sulphur, salt crystals, to. p.c. 46 4 8 52 19 00 1500 17 66 16 06 13 50 Aqueous Extract. I p.c. 33 40 60-20 21 35 34 76 27 00 1 1 p. c. General Examination. Wheat bran, chlorides, sulphates and iron. The fineoxide present amounts to 2 4 p.c. Soluble ash = 18-6 p.c. Liquid. Contains much Glauber's salt in solu- tion. Is essentially crude car- bolic acid. 43 '95: Ash is chiefly common . salt. Bran, arnienian bole, gentian and sulphates. Soluble ash=l-36 p.c 16 76 10-50 Linseed. Much chlor- ide and sulphates . Contains iron and arsenic. Contains linseed and licorice ; also sul- phates, nitrates and antimony. Much chloride and some sulphate; also licorice and linseed. No chlorides ornitrates, but sulphates in large quantity. Chlorides ; much sul- liate and iron. Nochlorides or nitrates, but sulphates in large quantity. Contains free sulphur ; also sulphates, iron and alumina. 10 RESULTS OF EXAMINING 35 SAMPLES I 1 • I i Date of Collection. Nature of Sample. i 1 d Name and Address uf Vendor. Cost. Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher. 190S. DittrutofBrithk Columbia —E. JS. Pa rkinson, liufHctor. Dec. 12 Reavor KHerbaK*"'"" Con- dition Powdert. 2S(i62 Fred. Allen, wholesale and retail merchant, Vancou- ver. 4 lbs., 60e. The Beaver Mfg. Co., (iait, (hit. „ 13 Nelson's Condition Pow- der». 380)3 The Nelson Drug Stores Co , Ltd., Vancouver. 3 pkgs., 75c Nelson Drug Stoi'es Co., Ltd., Vancouver. „ 13 Day's EnKliah 'Tonic' Powders. 2H0.55 Walworth, Ralston Ca, far- mer's implement dealers, Vancouver. 3 .. $1.00 The Days Stock Food Co., London, Eng., and Toronto, Can. 11 OF CATTLE MEDICINES— Concitwfod. Innpector'i Report. MicroiKopical Rxamina- tion by A. Ijemoine. 33 Large amount of linan'd tiiiRue, salt crystals, fenugreek, &c. .Said to lie a remedy for couKhii,'34'LaiKe amount of linseed inflamed lunKs, diatrniper, tissue ; other vegetable kidney and bladder truubles,| I substances undeter heaveii, thick and broken wind,, { mined, roughness of skin, &c. I I .Said to be beneficial for cattle 35 Salt crystaK linseed tis out of condition, increases di gestion, regulates the bowels and fattens cattle. sue, wheat titarch, &c. RnOLTH or Analysir by A. Mc(tiLL. I P.C. 14 66 19 90 17 60 Aqueous Extract. I p.e. 1 p.c 25 60 325 17 25 (ieneral Examination. Li nfceed, fenugreek, A common Halt and nitrates. Chlorides, sulphates, iron and ammonia present ; also arsenic ; nitrates a>>sent. Much chlorides, sul- fyhates and iron ; a ittle nitrate ; Arme- nian bole and bran.