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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la m^thode. errata to pelure, >n A D 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. DRAFT OF A COMMISSION passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, appointing Anthony Musgrave, Esquire, to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of British Columbia and its Depen- dencies. :• i: ■'*^.- DtcittdUth OetOer, 1869. Appointment of Governor Sey- mour. TJiazf > -A-..'-' lis,:' VICtQRlA, by the Grace of God of th(b UhM Kingdom of Great Britain and Ir«4«id, Queen, Xtefender of the Fai(b> to Oar Tnuity and T^MI- betbved AnthoYiy Mnsgirave, Esquire, Grerting : I. Whereas We did by certain Letters-Patent under the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at West- minster, the eleventh day of January, One thoasand eight hundred and sixty-four, in the Twenty-seventh Year of Our Reign, Constitute and Appoint Our Trusty and Well-beloved Frederick Seymour, Esquire, to be during Our Pleasure Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Colony of British Columbia and its Dependencies, as by the isaid recited Letters-Patent, relation being thereunto had, jujj more fully and at large appear: And Whereas by an Order in Council bearing date on the Eleventh day of June, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. We did Authorize the Officer Administering the Government of Our said Colony, with the advice of the Legislative Council therein mentioned, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and good Government of Our said Colony : [30P ^ B K\Wp Gns6 WNl\3'' 2 And Whereas by an Act passed in the Session Iiolden in the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Years of Our Reign, intituled "An Act for the Union of the Colony of Vancouver Island with the Colony of British Columbia," it was enacted that the Colony of British Columbia should after the said Union comprise all such Territories within the Dominions of Her Majesty as are bounded to the South by the Territories of the United States of America, to the West by the Pacific Ocean and the Frontier of the Russian Territories in North America (now belonging to the United States of Ameiica), to the North by the Sixtieth Parallel of North Liititude, and to the East from the boundary of the United States, northwards by the Rocky Mountains and the One hundred and twentieth meridian of West Longitude, and should include Queen Charlotte's Island and all other Islands adjacent to the said Territories, and VancouTcr Island and the Islands adjacent thereto : And Whereas such Union has been duly effected under the Provisions of the said Act : Now know you that We have Revoked and Deter- mined, and do by these Presents Revoke and Deter- mine the said recited Letters-Patent and every Clause, Article, and Thing therein contained, «3Xce£t_8oJai" aB the sajne^ repeal certain Instructions addressed by Us to James Doiyjlas, Esquire, under Our Sign- Manual and Signet beari ng date the S econd day of September, One thousand eig ht hund red and thirty -eight : And further know you that We, reposing especial Trust and Confidence in the Prudence, Courage, and Loyalty of you the said Anthony Musgrave, of Our special Grace, certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, have thought fit to Constitute and Appoint, and do by these Presents Constitute and Appoint you to be during Our Will and Pleasure Our Governor and Commander-in- Chief in and over Our Colony of British Columbia and its Dependencies, and in and over all Forts and Garrisons erected and established, or to be erected and established, in Our said Colony : And We do hereby Authorize and Command you to do and execute all things in due manner that shall belong to your said Command and the Trust We have reposed in you, according to the several Powers and Directions gianted or appointed you by this Uoundaries. Kevokes the appointment Governor Seymour. of ^yi'x-jxr' Appointment of Mr. Musgrave. .4 ?n 'J. Our present Commission, and the Instructions herewith given to you, and by such further Instruc- tions as may hereafter be given by Us under Our Sign-Manual and Signet, or by Our Order in Our Privy Council, or through One of Our Principal Secretaries of State, and according to such Laws and Ordinances as are now or shall hereafter be in force in Our said Colony. Appointment of Executive Council. II. And We do hereby Declare Our Pleasure to be that, for the purpose of Advising you, there shall be for Our said Colony an Executive Council, which shall be Constituted in such manner as may be Directed by the Instructions accompanying this Our Commission, or by any other Instructions which may from time to time be addressed to you by Us, under Our Sign-Manual and Signet. Public Seal. Grants of Lands. J^-euT I III. And We do hereby Authorize and Empower you to keep and use the Public Seal of Our said Colony for Sealing all things whatsoever that shall pass the said Seal. IV. And We do hereby Authorize and Empower you to make and execute in Our Name and on Our Behalf, under the said Public Seal, Grants and Dispositions of any Lands within Our said Colony which may be lawfully granted or disposed of by Us, either in conformity with Instructions under /Our Sign-Manual and Signet, or in conformity with such Regulations as are now in force or may be ^ made by you in that behalf with the Advice of Our said Executive Council, and duly Published in Our said Colony. V. And We do hereby Authorize and Empower Appointment of Judges and other yo" to Constitute and Appoint all such Judges, Officers. Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, Justices of f;^.rr^^!t.,pca^-ctiU^^rr,..;^r^^^^^^^^^^^> and Other necessary Officers and .^^ Ministers as may lawfully be Appointed by Us, all e u^i'"*-:'^- - : . ^ of^io m shall lidT~their~Office8^~durin s"~Oui- .4 ?n 'j; Grant of Pardons and Remission of Fines. VI. And We do hereby Authorize and Empower you, as you shall see occasion, in Our Name and on Our Behalf, to grant to any Offender convicted of [301] B 2 ^^8f;780 ■ .p,4ak.jmii i i -/- t-rr I l^i^t-trrrT, Siispt'ni'on of Officers. any crime in any Court, or before any Jiulj^e, Justice, or Mai^istntte within Our said Colony, and its Dependencies, a ]' ''do' , either free or subji :t to lawful conditions, or any Respite of tlie Execution of the Sentence of any such Offender, for such -^ Jtt.^ ,it,, ^^i^^ ^ ^ .'^ //<«ee <^ -o period as to you may seem fit, and to Remit anyV ,.n<<^<i cZ«^ « ^>^ //Ct t^. Fines, Penalties, oi Forfeitures which may bccomel i Due and Payable to Us. VII. And Whereas by tlie said Order in Council you are empowered in Writing under your Hand and Seal to Suspend from the exercise of his Office any Mend)er of the aforesaid Legislative Council, We do hereby further Authorize and Em|)oweryou, upon sufficient cause to you appearin<,% to Suspend from the exercise of his Office within Our said Colony any Person exercisina; any Office or Place other than that of Legislative Councillor under or by virtue of any Commission or Warrant granted or to be f,Manted by Us, in Our Name, or undi-r Our Authority, which Suspension shall continue and have effect only until Our Pleasure therein sha'l be made known and signiiied to you. And We do hereby strictly Require and Enjoin you, in proceed- ing to any such Suspension, to observe the Direc- tions in that Behalf given to you by Our Instruc- tions accompanying this Our Commission. VIII. And We do hereby Declare Our Pleasure to be, that in tlie event of the Death, Incapacity, or Absen ce of you the said Anthony Afusgrave out of Our said Colony, all and every the Powers and Authorities herein granted to yon shall be, and the same are hereby vested in such Person as may be Appointed by Us by Warrant underOur Sign-Manual and Signet, to be Our Lieutenant-Governor of Our said Colony, or if tliere shall be no such Lieutenant- Governor then in such Person or Persons as may be Appointed by Us under Our Sign-Manual and Signet to Administer the Government of the same. And in case there shall l)e no Person or Persons within Our said Colony so Appointed by Us, then in th e Senior Member of Our said Executive Council who shall be resident in Our said Colony. -/- Succpssion to till' {j()v?rtiniwit. IX. And W'c do hereby Retjuire and Command all Our Officers, Civil and Military, and all other Officers and others to obey the Governor. Inhabitants of Our said Colony, to he 01)U(licut, Aiding and Assistinjj to you the said Anthony Musgrave, or in the event of your Doatli, Incapiiuity, or Absence to such Person or Persons as may under the Provision!! of this Our Comuiissiou Administer the Government of Our said Colony. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Sixteenth day of October, in the Thirty-tliird year of Our Reign. By Warrant under tlie Queen's Sign Manual. C. ROMILI.Y. PBIXTID AT THK ruKEIO.V OVVICB BV T. HAHRKOK. — 23/lO/(iB ^8*>V(iO w p g ? > 3-2 c « "^ OF A Great grave, [inande sh Coll CO 3 Commissi Seal, app Esq., to ir-in-Chief iimbia and 55 H COL R.- O X ° ° a s MM passed unt ting Antho Governor a the Colony Dependenci S o g.^ S -■ .'I